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How do you handle dysphoria while on dates?

2024.05.16 13:19 kanokiller How do you handle dysphoria while on dates?

I get a lot of attention from guys on dating apps. They’re all local in my city and obviously want to meet. I WANT to meet too, I’ve met a decent amount… but usually I can’t overcome the dysphoria. It’s mostly my damn voice.
It just makes my skin crawl knowing these guys can see (and hear…) the male characteristics I do still have, and they’re still attracted to me. It’s just revolting. I feel so unreal, unattractive and unloveable as a woman (on a romantic level) while I don’t fully pass as one… I can really only stomach meeting up with them in private to smoke weed and, sometimes hooking up. Real dates and intimacy are VERY hard for me. I don’t know that I’ve actually committed to going on one yet. I feel unable.
I feel I can’t fulfill that romantic-social role as a woman, I don’t feel capable until I pass better, but I know I’m attractive now, and capable of most of the sex stuff, now… I’ve had guys tell me I’m totally indistinguishable from a cis female, but it’s not true. I pass well but certainly not fully, indistinguishably. Obviously preop. I’m good looking enough to get all the attention, but I don’t pass in person, face to face, talking. I just don’t. It will get better with time on HRT but there’s no guarantee, especially with voice. I want to believe they see me as/are attracted to me just as a woman despite this, but I can’t. It feels wrong.
I can handle people paying attention to or clocking me in public pretty easy. I just cannot overcome the idea of a guy being attracted to me not just because I look like a woman, but possibly, bc I look like a man…. I know some of them are, too, it’s not totally in my head. I just disclosed to a sweet southern military boy I was trans. He told me he didn’t know I was, had never been w a trans girl, but he had experimented with a bit in high school, he was immediately excited to “suck my titties and girl dick” . The amount of guys that clearly are into my dick, clearly into the idea of fucking a trans woman, some sort of gay-bisexual experiment, is really off putting. This has happened COUNTLESS times.
The fact I look forward to meeting guys who wish I was cis and had different anatomy instead, over guys who are ready to date me now, is crippling. I’m 21 so I get all ages all types haha. It makes it even harder when most guys seem to not realize I’m trans, but then some do and don’t mention it… or they lie about it, bc they want dick. I can never really truly know if they’re attracted to me as a woman, or as a trans woman… or as a man. Like a femboy or a sh**ale or whatever goes through their head.
I just don’t feel ready or able to have the social life that’s expected out of me. People are like “you’re a woman right? What are you waiting for? Isn’t this what you wanted?” My friends want me to go out to bars/be social, boys want to go on dates, family wants to go to events… and I feel unable. With my voice and other traits I feel like all I’m able to do is be a pretty boot call tr****. Sorry if that’s dark. I WANT to go out & live, I WANT to be loved, it just doesn’t feel right. I can’t do it.
Wtf did y’all do, if ever you were in my situation..? Did a few months of vocal feminization therapy with a coach, almost no actual progress. Havin a rough night. Tired of limbo.
submitted by kanokiller to StraightTransGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:19 Sorenota I Wasted Over a Month of My Life Chasing After a Girl

About a month ago(25M) during the first night of April, I decided to club with a close friend of mine in downtown LA. Apparently, there was a gal he knew that he reached out to since she was also attending that same club that night and asked if she wanted to join us. Surprisingly, she did end up making an appearance, after all, and the three of us ended up enjoying each others' company for the next few hours. After a few drinks and time on the dance floor, I got incredibly intoxicated and started flirting with this gal that my friend invited. She was quite receptive and even ended up giving me her Insta and Discord. It seemed like we were into each other and I was hopeful that we would end up possibly becoming something of a pair, so to speak.
A day later, I ask her out over text and she accepts seemingly giddy at the prospect of someone such as myself showing interest in her. Fast forward a week, we ended up speaking over text on Discord every single day, getting to know one another and even entertained the idea of seeing each other soon. Well, come mid April we arrange to meet at the nearby Little Tokyo before heading to that same exact club where we first met; just the two of us this time. However, what ended up taking place was her not only being over 2 hours late, keeping me waiting in Little Tokyo by myself when it was agreed upon that we would meet there but she tells me she just started getting ready when it was already past 7(she was supposed to meet me around then). Naturally, I was upset but did well to keep my composure and be understanding. Fast forward it is almost 9 pm and I proceed to ask her if she is still coming, to which she replies to just meet her at the club. I was at this point contemplating just leaving for home as I felt both disrespected and hurt by the fact she kept me waiting for over 3 hours just because she decided to get ready so late(while also taking hours in the process) but I held my tongue and made my way to the club. I paid for my ticket and then made my way inside, where I continued to wait for about 45 minutes until she finally arrives.
She knew I was upset but I assured her if I was I would not have shown up at all, which is correct. While I was upset, however, I decided to just enjoy myself and assure her it was fine. We had a few drinks, danced, and talked until past 2 am. I decided to wait with her outside until she got picked up by her dad and then I went home. Overall, it was a fun experience but I was concerned by the fact she kept me waiting for so long and made no effort to get ready sooner. I asked her about what happened, and she ended up telling me that she was thinking about not going but knew I was there so she decided to go, anyways. Along with that, she claims that she takes hours to get ready, supposedly.
It is after this event things take a turn for the worst. From here, almost every single attempt I make in asking her out to do anything or even voice call was met with indifference or some excuse such as her not feeling well or being in a call with her other friends. Keep in mind this went on for almost a month until I finally asked her if I should even continue talking to her, which then prompted her to VC me finally. She and I converse for a few hours and clear things up(so it seemed) and I was hopeful for the future. That, naturally, did not last long as any attempts to do anything with her besides chat over text led absolutely no where. I should have added this for context earlier, but: she is stuck living with her family while working a part time retail job that hardly gives her any hours to work. From what I was being told, she spends a very large portion of her time in her room, only interested in activities such as clubbing, concerts, and cosplay conventions. Outside of that, she finds every other activity boring. I suggested we go see a movie, eat somewhere, or even just hang out, but she had no interest in any other of the latter activities I suggested. Even when she would go out, she would always choose her friends over me. She then asks me if I would like to go club with her later in the month and I say 'sure.' That would be fine, only a week later when I ask about that she just tells me 'maybe' depending on the music that will be playing at that particular club and she won't meet up with me if the conditions are not perfect and exactly to her liking, I suppose. It was clear I was less than an afterthought for her and I was little more than a last resort when it came to people she could hang with during an outing.
It also seemed incredibly odd how obsessed she was with her ex boyfriend from a year prior. She would talk about him constantly and her intense desire for revenge against him; what he looks like, what he's into, his address, the girl he's dating. From what I was told, the two of them were together for about a month before he friend zoned her. A month after he did so, he allegedly 'ghosted' her, unfollowing her on all socials and cutting ties with her completely. To this day, she obsessively stalks his social media, his twitch, and even knows his address. In fact, her obsession with him is so severe she would have breakdowns every week whenever she would see that he viewed her Insta stories or he was streaming on Twitch. She would tell me things like "I hope he and his gf die" or "unless you can hire a hitman to end him, I can't let go of my hatred."
I understandably found this concerning and asked her why she cares so much, which in turn made her angry with me as she goes to tell me she does not care about him at all when it is obvious she does. She complains that everyone in her life tells her the same exact thing. I am quick to apologize only for her to respond 12 hours later telling me 'it's fine.' This was a massive red flag on its own but I still pressed on because against my own judgment I thought we could possibly be a couple and because I'm beyond stubborn. I found it strange how it seemed like she was giving this dude more attention than for me, especially because the two of them are no longer talking or on good terms.
Well, as of last week I asked her once more if she would like to VC to which she finally agrees. This is the second time we have VC'ed together in over a month as she would decline almost every other time I would ask unless the situation seemed dire. I wanted to talk to her, game with her, or whatever it may be but all she ended up doing was watching a Twitch stream the entire time not making much in the way of conversation. I will admit I was on the verge of tears because of the fact I spent weeks trying to spend time with this person only to sit quiet in a call with her for about 3 hours. Keep in mind I made attempts to converse with her, offered to game with her, or even just watch something but she would just tell me she isn't in the mood.
Eventually, after being in denial I realized that I have been chasing after a girl who has no interest in me at all or much of anything, truly. I then confront her about it and we argue for about an hour. I tell her she needs to let go of her hatred for her ex and that revenge is almost always a fool's game, as it is ruling her entire life. Both that and not to mention the fact she refuses to do much of anything with me outside of things she wants to do which are far and few between. She then tells me to give up on her, that she's "a nobody, won't listen to anyone, and a narcissist."
I conclude by thanking her for her time, that it was a pleasure getting to know her, and leave off by saying "They say you don't really know someone until you see them at their worst. With that being said, I now know you a whole lot better."
I then completely stop texting her and a few days later she removes me on all socials and off of Discord. I ponder as to the reason why her ex boyfriend ended up ghosting her, but if my time with her is any indication, then it would only make sense she may have had a hand in it.
I wasted 5 weeks of my time trying to get with this girl and have nothing but disappointment and frustration to show for it. I am more upset with myself for putting up with a person who clearly had no respect for me or even for themselves.
submitted by Sorenota to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:19 hotmilfsinurarea69 Trophies and Leagues need a rework. NOW. - A "Rant"

I have been playing CoC on and off for a long time and i think i am safe to say i have never been more discontent with the leagues-system than i am now.
First of all, Legendleague sucks for anyone who isnt participating in it. Why? Similar to how in Chess a 2500 ELO GM can not compete with a 2800 ELO GM, a Player that is more likely to play at a strength of 6000 trophies will, if a 1v1 is repeated enough times, destroy ANYONE who can just about reach 5000.
This means especially in the beginning of each season, a MASSIVE influx of players getting destroyed by the Sweats restarting their Legendsgrind will flod Titanleague for a few days, and while also fighting to catch back up, will inevitably push down the ratings of other players out of Titan 1 in the process. This in itself to the individual player is not really a problem, Titan 1 has a large enough bufferspace of Trophies till you drop a league for you as a player to likely not feel a measurable difference.
What is however is the fact that by capping Trophies, Supercell also effectively created a Bungeerope that noone can run away from. This means the more players escape past the 5000 the harder they tend to crash down on anyone thats 5k. And everyone they crash into will push others similar to how you can push a bunch of blocks by pushing just one.
Higher Townhalls tend to 3-Star lower Townhalls more often than Viceversa so lower Townhalls tend to get pushed down the ranks. And with each new Townhall, all others tend to get pushed downwards even further, each time starting a vicious cycle of cascading pushes.
A few years back, high Mastersleague used to be where TH 9 and 10 would be vibing, now its EXCEEDINGLY RARE to even find a TH11 there any more, instead one would usually find Th12 Mids to Th13 Low there. But the Attackersbonus you get for destroying an enemy base does not reflect that fact. And from what i can tell it doesnt do so for ANY LEAGUE there is currently: When i was Th8 (that was long before Corona - i essentially stopped playing for a few years), the Attackerbonus i would get from playing in Gold 1 or Crystal 3 would regularly be about 30 to 40 percent of my overall loot per attack. Thats a not insignificant portion. These days, most TH8s have a hard time escaping even Silver league and iirc bonusses havent really been increased all that much since back then. So they get a much smaller percentage of Lootbonus compared to a few years ago.
And everyone that is not in high Masters or above has that problem where the Lootbonus is often borderline negligible. So we either need a rework of how Leagues work as in once you have breached a certain treshold you can no longer fall below it (Clash-Royale Style) or we need an adjustment of Leaguebonusses that reflect the current situation. With the former probably being the better solution longterm.
But this is not the only problem i see with the current trophysystem. For that, a little explanation of my current situation in the game: I am currently Townhall 12 fully Maxed and i am trying to push for Titanleague to get the better Ore-Bonuses of my Daily Starbonus (i want to do finish all my equipment before going to TH13 - dont ask me why, its a quirk of mine to always wanting to max EVERYTHING before going up). Í noticed that the maximum amount of Trophies you can get from any given base in this Area seem fundamentally disproportional to its strength. What do i mean by this: In Champ 2 and now Champ 1 I regularly get Th13 Mid to Th14 Low to attack together with the occasional Th12 Max. But how come that i get about 25 or more trophies maximum for the Th12 but often less than 10 MAX for the much stronger Th13s and 14s? If anything i would expect it to be the other way round since beating an Uptier is usually more effort and requires more planning?! This is fundamentally broken and needs adjustment IMMIDEATLY. And btw: many others of my friends in similar league- and trophyranges have mentioned experiencing the same.
What are your thoughts on this?
submitted by hotmilfsinurarea69 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 No_Imagination5513 AITA for ‘being heartless’ and ‘not allowing’ my ex best friend to be comforted by my family during a crisis?

I (21f) have an ex best friend (John-22m) who I’ve known for 15 years. We were incredibly close and my family took him in as his family situation was less than stellar. He went no contact with his remaining family in 2019.
Last year, he started dating his guy (Bob-20m) who immediately made me feel uncomfortable. He was constantly making weird jokes and had no boundaries. He would eat my food and use my stuff instead of buying his own or using John’s. At one point he took one of my t shirts out the dryer to wear because he spilled something on his own. When I told him to take it off because it’s mine, he had a tantrum and went on an hour and a half walk around our city, refused to talk to John and returned with booze and cigarettes as it was the ‘only thing to calm him down’. This behaviour quickly became a pattern. Whenever I said no to him, he’d get in a mood. On top of this, I noticed many red/orange flags in how he treated John which made me concerned. I tried to talk to John about it, but he dismissed it as ‘bob just has mental health issues, you don’t know him like I do’. It became such a point of contention that I began to despise Bob and John for still being with him.
Our friendship ended when I noticed Bob had stolen my cigarettes (he didn’t even try to hide it, my pouch was on the counter next to his bag) and I took them back. When he saw my stuff was missing, he got very angry and started shouting at me and it got physical (on his end).
John, to my surprise, was not on my side. He said I shouldn’t have messed with Bob's stuff and I deserved whatever happened. I ended the friendship then and there and it caused drama in our friend group (luckily, they were all on my side).
It's been 4 months and my family have basically iced out John completely but my mum still has his number as she was essentially a surrogate mother for 10+ years. She got a text from John a few days ago saying he had been fired from his job and couldn't pay his rent and had no where else to go. Him and Bob were also on the rocks. My mum came to me about the situation and asked how I'd feel about John staying for a few days. I said I never wanted to see John again especially as he hasn't apologised.
But now John is making tons of posts trying to find somewhere to live and being passive aggressive to me. And now people who I thought were friends are saying I'm being heartless.
I am admittedly a huge people pleaser so I can't tell if I'm being dramatic here or not. So, AITA for ‘being heartless’ and ‘not allowing’ my ex best friend to be comforted by my family during a crisis?
submitted by No_Imagination5513 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 PDX_LadyDzra Stellaris Dev Diary #344 - The Art of The Machine Age (Part II: Art Blast Edition)

Stellaris Dev Diary #344 - The Art of The Machine Age (Part II: Art Blast Edition)
Read this post on the Paradox forums! Dev replies here!
Strap in to your acceleration couches, this one's a going to be a big one. - E
Hello there!
I’m Anton, the Art Manager & Producer on Stellaris, and I would like to welcome you all to this absolute monster of a Dev Diary we have prepared for you!
I just want to use this opportunity to mention how amazing it is to work with these fantastic artists on a day to day basis and how extremely proud I am of the team. We managed to do a lot for this DLC, more than we’ve done for an expansion or DLC ever before.
In fact the total logged art work time (I just looked at our stats in JIRA) for The Machine Age is over 2 years and 41 weeks.
Truly spectacular. Great job Team!
In the last The Art of The Machine Age dev diary, we showed you (and talked about the process of) a lot of what we had been doing - but far from it all.
So get comfortable, take out your favorite snack and get ready to look at a lot of art. Almost everything we did for The Machine Age will be showcased - but first, some words from our Art Director.
Alright! Here we go! We hope you enjoy this!

Scott Austin - Art Director

As you have heard countless times already, our latest project, The Machine Age, is the largest pack we’ve ever put out for Stellaris. The reason that you’ve heard it countless times is because we think it’s worth repeating. We have well over double the amount of ships and FX, triple the amount of characters and animation, and probably quadruple the amount of 2D/Icon work. As daunting as that might seem, we pulled it off. And not just pulled it off, but did it without losing any quality and with an unbelievably tight schedule. Sure things were busy, but we can proudly say that we didn’t have to burn the midnight oil or resort to overtime or crunch.
While I would love, as the AD, to just take credit for all of that hard work and bask in the amazing light of glorious praise, the real credit goes to our “Little Art Team That Could”. In the boundless expanses and the incomprehensibly infinite universe of game design, our small art team shines like a supernova of talent and efficiency. Though few in number, our art team possesses a galaxy's worth of skill and dedication, crafting the most awe-inspiring sci-fi visuals that breathe life into every pixel, every polygon and every frame of Stellaris. Each artist possesses a bewildering array of talents, with skills so sharp they could slice through space-time, creating shortcuts to other dimensions where deadlines don't exist and cups of caffeinated beverages never run dry. They churn out masterpieces with such alarming speed and regularity that one begins to suspect they've cloned themselves and are operating in shifts spanning multiple parallel universes (Please, do not let HR in on this…).
I am ever thankful for the chance to voyage through the cosmos of Stellaris with such brilliantly unhinged minds. Their talent and relentless dedication are the warp drive to our projects, and their visionary artistry is the very soul of our games. I am ever grateful for their dedication and downright chuffed to navigate the nebulous realms of creativity alongside such splendidly imaginative life forms.
Together, we continue to chart courses that boldly go where no game has gone before. And, as always, to the players, I say: “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
-Scott Austin- Art Director, Paradox Interactive
[Note from your friendly Stellaris Community Ambassador: Reddit will not allow us to include all 150+ images the Art Team has shared in this Dev Diary, so please visit the Paradox forums if you want to see it all!]

Alec Beals - Concept Artist

Synthetic Portraits
The Synthetic Queen
Concept Art, Illustrations and Vis Dev

Lloyd Drake-Brockman - Concept Artist

Super Structures & The Synthetic Queen Ships Concepts

Felix Englund - Concept Artist

Cybernetic Portraits
Synthetic Portraits

Tim Wiberg - 3D Artist

Cybernetics Ship Set
The Synthetic Queen Ship Set
Emma Quer - 3D Artist
Cybernetics Ship Set
Machines ship set

David Strömblad Lindh - 3D Artist

Cybernetics Ship Set

Erik Forsström - VFX Artist

Horizon Needle

Erick Ramirez Mota - Animator

Cassandra Lindquist - UI Artist

Achievements, Technologies, Buildings, Authorities, Traits & Civics
Synthetic Fertility Event Image

Gabrielle Rodrigues - UI Artist

The Machine Age UI Art - The Synaptic Lathe

Ingela Hallberg - UI Artist

Building Icons - Part I

Let’s Talk About AI​

Eladrin here. There has been an ongoing discussion about the responsible use of AI tools in game development.
As mentioned in our Steam AI generated content disclosure, during the development of The Machine Age the Stellaris team used text and image generative AI tools for ideation purposes to inspire creativity in a developer, or to aid in explaining a designer’s intent to other members of the development team. We subscribe to the legal opinion that there is no copyright or ownership attached to the output of generative AI, and our team is disallowed from putting any such generated text or image directly into the game.
Everything you see or read in The Machine Age has been created, developed, or written by our creative staff in the Studio.​
We have used an advanced text-to-speech AI tool to create a voice for Cetana and the Cyberpunk advisor. The scripts and lines for these voices were created by our Content Design team, and the voice actors that created any voice models that are used by this tool receive payment for each line generated, and will continue to receive payments if more lines are generated using their voice models in the future. The use of this tool allowed our Audio team (with quite a bit of effort as described in Dev Diary #340) to fully voice Cetana, and will allow us to keep the advisor voice up-to-date should new mechanics be added to Stellaris over the upcoming years. This will prevent the voice from needing to fall back to the default VIR voice, as many of our other advisors did when Galactic Paragon added Council Agendas.
These technologies are evolving quickly, and personally I have great hopes for further improvements and potential uses of this text-to-speech technology in particular. In the 3.6 “Orion” update we added support for text-to-speech in events as a major accessibility improvement, but currently it is limited to the use of operating system based voice packs. While these audio tools are not yet at a point where we can use this technology to improve that experience, I look forward to a day some years from now where AI-based advanced text-to-speech could replace these relatively crude voices with more thematically appropriate ones, and be able to better handle languages other than English.

Next Week​

Next week we’ll be looking at post-release support, and may have a preliminary list of release notes for the next planned patch.
See you then!

submitted by PDX_LadyDzra to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 Quebecphotobooth A Comprehensive Guide For You To Select Top PhotoBooth Rental Service

A Comprehensive Guide For You To Select Top PhotoBooth Rental Service
People are always renowned for dressing in their best outfits when it comes to attending an event or party. Thus, the importance of clicking good pictures rises as they want to remember the moment alongside family and friends. Photos not only let us see how well we were dressed for the event but also remember and cherish the moments spent together.
Moreover, it is the first thing that people look for when it comes to retracing a special moment. Even though there are photographers and smartphones available to click pictures, there might need to be more. Instead, you could opt for a photo booth Montreal on rent that could help you make the event memorable and entertaining. In this article, we have talked about some tips that could help you find the necessary photo booth rental business.
  • Selecting the type of photobooth
One of the first thing that you need to follow for finding a photo booth rental company would be selecting the right type of photobooth. Not every photo booth that you choose would match with the event that you are looking to invite people for.
For instance, there are traditional photo booths that function in films to capture photos. Meanwhile, there are the latest options called digital photo booths that instantly print your photos on the spot. Compared to the first one, modern photobooths are typically handy and more reliable.
  • Learning about the features
The features of your chosen photo booth will play an essential role in the type of service you will receive. Some of the photo booth companies are known for providing additional services like backdrops and props to make it entertaining.
Moreover, few businesses send technicians or attendants to help people use the photo booth the right way. Nevertheless, ask for the services or features that your 360-photo booth consists of. This would help you get an idea about the photo booth that you have chosen.
  • Checking out the cost
Based on the highly competitive market, there are a plethora of photo booth rental companies available. Each of those companies is known for serving their customers in different ways. Therefore, comparing the costs between different photo booth rental companies would help you get an idea.
Multiple rental companies are known for offering discounts to their customers depending upon the rent you have chosen. Nonetheless, you would also have to take into consideration the additional charges coming with the rent.
  • Refined customer support system
When you are looking to pick a location photo booth, checking out their customer service would be necessary. Without a well-coordinated customer service channel, it would be difficult for customers to use the rental photo booth.
If some problems need urgent repairs, the customer support system comes across as the only bridge between the customer and the photo booth rental company.
Purchasing a photobooth for an event that is going to last for a few hours might not be a significant investment. Instead, renting one from a suitable photo booth rental company could be a wise decision. We at Quebacphotobooth are renowned for offering the best rental services to customers at considerable rates.
submitted by Quebecphotobooth to u/Quebecphotobooth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 GirlyPop-Tart I will probably end up deleting this

Trigger warning- hospital stories I am looking for validation through strangers once again as I think it will help me advocate for myself in real life. I’m talking to my therapist about this soon too no therapy advice please. So as of about a month ago I 21f was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (yes cancer, so sad, so young, let’s not focus on that part for the sake of this post.) This diagnosis comes with a bunch of medical testing and a few procedures to pretty much assess how bad this shit is. I was uneasy knowing this as I have severe trust issues with anyone I am specifically told to trust (parents, teachers, doctors) as a result from trauma.
I had a surgery about two weeks ago to get a lymph node removed on my neck. Looking back I’m pretty upset about how I was treated but I’m being made to feel unreasonable because this is how everyone is treated. I made it clear to my care team that I was nervous and uncomfortable and blatantly asked for reassurance and to have the procedure explained in detail. I made it so clear that I had to understand what was going to be happening to me. A big part was that I did not want to be naked on the table but I didn’t say that specifically because I don’t expect them to accommodate that but I thought I would be able to tell if I would be exposed at any part of the procedure based on what they had to do. I just needed to know to mentally prepare.
As I’m falling asleep I realize they’re pulling down the top part of my gown and my boobs are out in the open. I just remember essentially being like “what the fuck is that for” and then reminding myself that I have cancer and have bigger problems. I wake up laying down and I’m aware of what is going on but I’m very out of it. I open my eyes to look down and see that she once again pulled my gown down to remove the sticky heart monitor things that had been placed there before. There was a curtain next to me so the guy next to me couldn’t see but anyone coming from the front or the right would have been able to see me. The next day I’m examining myself in the mirror and I see tiny cuts around my incision and I ask then I’m told it is from some type of metal clamps used to hold open the part they were operating on. I cried about it off and on for the rest of the day of mostly frustration that I tried so hard to prevent the trigger of not knowing what is happening to me and it was all pointless. Now yesterday I found out they want to knock me out again and do a bunch more stuff all at once one of those being taking some of eggs to freeze them since there’s a 5 percent chance I’ll be infertile after this crap. But the oncologist TOLD me this is what is happening as if I literally have no say in if I’m going to get my fucking ovary cut open. Pretty much saying “might as well since we’re in there”. Like that is my organ dude it’s a big deal whether you try to gaslight me that it is or not it’s a big deal so at least let me think about it.
I’m freaking out because cancer is hard enough for a person with a normal amount of trauma but for me I just don’t know how I am going to survive if this is how I am going to be treated. Especially when I’m being made to feel crazy and inconvenient for having questions or concerns at all. I am trying to work with these people and my way of doing that is by wanting to be aware of what is happening and in general it’s totally fair to want to know if a private area is going to be seen by a group of old men while you’re unconscious or have extra cuts on your neck from a surgery. The people that are supposed to save me are taking the fucking life out of me. Congrats if you read all this I didn’t know what context was important so there ya go.
submitted by GirlyPop-Tart to traumatoolbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:14 starinattheceiling How do I (F/25) deal with my best friend's (M/29) dismissive optimism?

My best friend and I are very different. I've been through some really tough things in my life, stuff that I honestly do not wish on anyone, and he hasn't, which is really cool. I'm glad he hasn't been through anything I have, because I don't want people I love to suffer like I did and I don't need them to in order to have a good and healthy relationship with them.
However, a thing about him is that due to his pretty ok life, his personal emotional pain tolerance is really low (which makes sense), but he's always overly optimistic when it comes to me, to the point of being dismissive of my feelings. Inconveniences in his life make him very unbelievably mad and/or sad, and I take them very seriously and spend time talking to him about them, listening as well as a can and offering advice when I feel legitimate to. But everytime something bad happens to me he's "never worried for me" and "knows I'm going to be fine" because I'm "strong and resilient" no matter what I say, even when it sounds like a cry for help.
The biggest example I can give you is that I recently lost a parent, and the grief process as well as the personal and administrative repercussions are being extremely tough on me. My best friend and I speak every day. He asks how my days are and every time I tell him I've been struggling, he ignores the struggling part to focus on the other things I say, or if I don't say anything else, just says I'm going to be fine, and to just do something positive like going for a walk or playing video games to take my mind off of things. And when I don't feel like talking about the bad, and choose to focus on the nice things that happened during the day, he makes such a big deal out of it (telling me how happy he is for me that I'm finally seeing how good life is, that it makes him emotional that I'm having a good day) and honestly sometimes it feels infantilising and like he thinks of me as chronically sad and pessimistic person. I'm not a bummer. I'm nice and funny and outgoing, but years of therapy have taught me to feel my feelings, even when they're bad, and this past year has been pretty sad, so I've been mostly feeling sad feelings. I know he loves me and just doesn't want me to dwell, but my parent died and I'm left to deal with the consequences. I feel like being traumatised right now is a pretty standard thing to be.
Yesterday my mental health was so bad I considered harming myself, and realised I was scared of talking to him in case he'd dismiss my feelings and I feared that would actually break my heart this time. So I spent most of my day speaking to a suicide hotline instead. I didn't reply to his text asking how I was yesterday and now he's starting to get worried but I honestly cannot get myself to reply. I feel like nothing I can say would be the right thing to say in order to get a response that wouldn't make me sad. I fear that's just how he is as a person due to his past and that nothing I could say or do would change that. I tried talking to him before to tell him that I need him to acknowledge the bad parts but he told me that's just not how he is.
Should I just avoid talking to him about the sad parts of my life?
submitted by starinattheceiling to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:11 digital_wiz How We Scaled a Hair Extension Brand using Facebook Ads and SEO to give $80,000 ROI in 6 Months (Detailed Breakdown)

Hello Redditors,
This is an incredible success story of how we helped a client achieve incredible results in just four months, generating an $80,000 return on investment (ROI) with a combination of SEO and Facebook Ads. We have completed many successful projects and there's a certain satisfaction in seeing our strategies translate to such tangible growth. I have tried to keep this post extremely detailed so that it can be beneficial for experienced marketers and newcomers alike.
The Client: Hair Extension E-commerce Brand
Revenue Split Between SEO and Fb ads: 3:2
Average Order Value: $350
Total Revenue(6 months): $140,000
Expenses(6 months): Product Cost + Delivery cost + Team + Agency Fees + Ads Cost+ Website Optimization + Packaging: $60000
Basic Company Background:
The brand was being run by a Mother-Daughter duo for the past 3 months. They had a shopify website with average structure and were struggling with facebook ads themselves. Although they made few physical sales due to friends and relatives but were unable to utilize the digital potential of their business as such. After trying facebook ads for some time they wanted a reliable digital marketing team to work with and they were recommended to us by one of our other customers who has a service based business. Initially we connected majorly for facebook ads but after the initial discussion when were doing research from our side, we found that there is huge potential in SEO for this niche so we suggested that we should prepare a proper website on wordpress and focus on both SEO and Ads parallelly as, although Ads will give an initial boost to the business but SEO will bring some stability and help in building a sustainable business.
Facebook Ads Campaign Structure:
Ads Creatives and Brand Positioning:
It's important to note that after deep research we could find that a major share our hair extensions customers are females aged between 21-45 so we did not actively position our brand as solving problems of low hair volume, but instead we focused on how the products ads style, gives a much better look and you can try new hairstyles and hair colors daily. Also since almost all the demographics in this age group are working, we tested a professional look angle as well which gave us decent results. In ad creatives as well as on the website we made the daughter as the face of the product as we want to slowly grow her instagram as well which can add another organic and sustainable stream of revenue. She shoots before and after transition videos, general product application videos and other videos for ads according to the target audience and brand positioning strategy we discussed earlier. Instead of making long videos focused on product details a lot, we made short but captivating videos which can appeal to the young audience’s fashion sense.
Key Takeaways from FB Ads:
Mostly Meta Ads or Any other marketing tactic is just a traffic source but conversion will basically happen by how well you are able to communicate your product to the audience through your website. Its is necessary to have a smooth user journey, attractive offers, crisp information and right brand positioning on the website.
It is extremely important to make data driven decisions and track customer journeys meticulously. Always rely on your own tracking or google analytics to avoid the potential unreliability of Facebook Ads Manager.
Seo Strategy
If you don’t already know this, SEO is all about how effectively you can strategize your content and technical efforts keeping a bigger picture in mind. After our initial keyword research we could find that the average Kd of the important keywords was low when it comes to commercial keywords which were directly related to the business.
It's important to note that since the website was being built after our onboarding only so it was easy for us to structure the website according to the SEO strategy that we prepared.
At every stage we had meetings with the developer to ensure that there are no technical issues that will hinder the SEO growth and future and also we structured the website to be SEO friendly. We built separate pages for all the product categories and after through keyword research we added content to those pages so that the pages itself can rank for commercial keywords.
After the website was ready we audited it for technical issues(Like mobile friendliness, H1 tags, canonical tags, etc) we started focusing on the content. We wanted to establish our website as a trusted authority in the hair extensions and hair care industry in general.
Since the website was completely new, initially we created blogs(2-3 times per week) around informational keywords with low KD purely for increasing our website authority and bringing the initial traffic on the website. We have seen that usually people start stressing about approaching big websites for guest postings since the first day itself but if your keyword research and content is solid, that is not required in the beginning. Initially we focused on profile creations, image submissions, pdf submissions, internal linking in the content, web 2.0 backlinks etc and this was more than enough for us to rank for low difficulty keywords and increase our DA to a decent level so that our category pages can rank for low difficulty keywords.
Here I would like to include a tip, many times people are worried that what if the backlink that they have created doesn't get indexed. In the initial phase we work really hard when it comes to what we call as maturing our backlinks as this is the major factor for ranking on low difficulty keywords. So basically what we do is, we make backlinks of our web 2.0 backlinks itself which helps the primary backlink in getting indexed which ultimately helps with our website DA.
Also many people have been asking us in our previous posts how we structure our blog since I talk a lot about content quality, see it's not as hard and it doesn't involve a lot of research at least in the initial phase when you just have to rank on low difficulty keywords. In this phase usually what we do is study the top 5 ranking blogs on the particular keyword and make sure that we include more content and more subheadings then them. Also we try to find opportunities to include tables or charts wherever possible, we include good quality images(original if possible) and at this stage internal linking is very very important so we focus on that as well. In later stages although the basic strategy for framing the blogs remains same, overall content strategy varies a lot from business to business and requires a lot of strategizing depending on the brand positioning goals.
So after we were able to rank for low difficulty informational keywords and our Website DA reached a decent level due to our backlinking efforts, we started writing content around the fashion advice and common problems which people face related to hair in general. But as discussed earlier, we wanted to keep our brand positioning fashion centric, so even while writing about common problems we applied a positive and solution centric approach. We strategically placed internal links to our product pages in the content and tested popups with offers as well. Apart from this, we started guest posting as well at this stage. For finding websites for guest posting we used SEMrush’s backlink gap analysis tool and created a segregated list of blogs that we can reach out to based on their content quality and DA. By this time the store started generating decent revenue from ads and SEO so the client was completely onboard with reaching out to blogs for guest posting. Guest posting and overall strategic SEO application started generating a good amount of traffic for us and in 3-4 months the revenue generated due to SEO surpassed our Ads revenue as well.
Advantages of Combining SEO and Paid Ads
While Facebook Ads played a crucial role in launching the brand and driving initial traffic, SEO has emerged as the primary driver of sustainable growth. This approach allowed us to:
SEO efforts are always ongoing but we are really satisfied with the base that we have built and we are really looking forward to working with keywords with higher KD and generating more revenue with SEO In the upcoming months. Although we will keep running ads in future as well mostly for awareness purposes but the major revenue will be generated from our SEO efforts. Apart from this, as we mentioned earlier, we are looking to actively start the Social Media efforts as well from the next month itself. We will be looking to target Instagram and Tiktok in the initial phase and we believe in 2-3 months social media will contribute towards 25% of our revenue which will grow rapidly.
Thankyou For Reading!
submitted by digital_wiz to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:08 Viral-conclusionz8 whining for what makes sense evolves ridiculousness and spread confusion leading to time and rights wasters for the sake of nothing.

Whining about issues that make sense but doing so in a way that evolves into ridiculousness and spreads confusion can indeed lead to wasted time and effort, ultimately achieving nothing productive. Here’s why this happens and how to address it constructively:

Why Whining Becomes Counterproductive

1. Lack of Constructive Approach

2. Confusion and Miscommunication

3. Time and Resource Wastage

Strategies for Constructive Communication

1. Clarify the Issue

2. Constructive Framing

3. Propose Solutions

4. Effective Communication Channels

Managing Personal Frustration

1. Emotional Regulation

2. Focus on What You Can Control

Encouraging a Culture of Constructive Feedback

1. Model Positive Behavior

2. Training and Development


Whining about issues, even those that make sense, becomes counterproductive when it devolves into confusion and negativity, wasting time and undermining rights. By adopting a more constructive approach, focusing on clear communication, proposing solutions, and managing personal frustration, individuals can raise concerns effectively and contribute to meaningful resolutions. Encouraging a culture of constructive feedback further ensures that issues are addressed efficiently, fostering a more productive and positive environment.
submitted by Viral-conclusionz8 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:06 karaca11 I tried ABI, here are my thoughts

I was pissed off because of BSG trying to make this game P2W and doesn't do sh*t for cheating, then I tried Gray Zone and ABI. It's silly to compare this game to Gray Zone because they are not even in the same genre, I didn't like Gray Zone.
But when it comes to ABI, it's a bit different. They copied the whole game. I don't care if they steal BSG's shit, I hate BSG so much that I wish more games steal their shit and make it better so we can switch from this shithole to their game. But no, not this time.
ABI still feels like a highly-improved mobile game. Character movement, environment, everything. It's not as immersive as tarkov is, nor realistic. It's just... not giving me the feeling which tarkov gives. It's a casual game.
Which I find better in ABI:
Also, it's not a comparison issue, but... cheating. It's the most serious problem the game currently has. If you gave me the right to ban people just by looking at their stats, I would ban 100-200 people per day just by looking at their Flea listings / profiles. It's actually as easy as that. Like... a kid could do it. But BSG doesn't.
Just one hacker ruins more than 1000 players experience. Loots the loot which doesn't belong to them, kills other players, ruins their experiences...
But yes, if they don't play their own game, they can't know that. (:
submitted by karaca11 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:05 zmmiz A Rant with a Wholesome Ending

This is a WALL of text. Read it or ignore it if you'd like to. I like putting opinions out there, and listening to what others have to say.
“Arsenal watching city going 1 up after hate watching”
I feel like I've never seen more fans hate watching while 0 Arsenal supporters do so.Spurs fans consistently hate watching when we got into the champions league.
Arsenal, when they were down to Luton, had so many hate-watchers. So many shitty fans calling us hate watchers, then watching every single city and arsenal game to try and clown us.
But I’ve never really seen Arsenal fans as hate watchers… There may be a couple of examples I haven’t seen, but from what I've seen our “Hate watching” has come down to seeing how interesting games can be. When City goes up 1, I try to keep watching (from NZ, so time zones are a bitch) because I like football and I’m interested. I got to 3-0 city vs Fulham before I fell asleep.
Just funny going onto twitter and reading chelsea fans saying ”CITTTEHHHHHH” n such. A bit of a guilty pleasure is reading idiotic posts on twitter.
The Social Media Fans
Social media fans are rampant and are now seen as “The fans of the club” which is insane, because 90% of them have never been to England, let alone a game. And will look at a scoreline/highlights to determine what they think, And look at a team’s name to determine what the result should be.
Trust, I’ve watched full games back from time to time, and goddamn the picture is soooooooo different, from watching highlights, or reading a timeline.
Not sure about certain supporters who live within England, and It may be “banter” but it gets tiring hearing “We all hate Arsenal fans” when you actively have so many more Chelsea, and United fans screaming in your ears about every little thing, while supporting their rivals…
I hate the “pray for (insert team)” but the more of a meme it becomes the better, it’s just sad that they come with some of the most delusional takes ever, from people who don’t pay attention to how other teams are performing. And that they’re not just “food” for us to eat, it’s a competitive league for a reason.
Supporting the Dominant Team
I also find it insane that such a large group of people would rather see a team, with 115+ charges (who have been constantly avoiding them), while also spending billions to win the league for the 6th time in 7 years, over a team which is having a rise to glory. Just because “It’s arsenal”. While if you look back a couple months, everyone is complaining about city.
Also when did the fact where everyone hates the dominant team, and wants to see others rising not become a thing? F1 had it with Hamilton, now verstappen. NZ rugby has it with the crusaders (absolute cunts btw), and it happened with Golden State in the NBA, and now the nuggets.
Clubs who talk about history to prove they’re better now
It’s so common I see fans talk about trophies as if they mean “We’re the best team in the world”, Chelsea fans are great at this, bringing back a champions league where they only have 3 of those players, and a completely different management and ownership.
I just hope that this is banter, and not actual delulu. Hard for me to tell, or even certain teams talking about european trophies (cough cough west ham *cough cough*), where it is amazing they got it, but bring a top 4 / 5 team, who wants to win that competition, and they’ll win it almost every time.
What defines big clubs to me is, how good is your club now, and how many fans around the world do you have. Man United has the fans, but the team quality due to injuries wouldn’t help them to be the “biggest club”. The reason Barcelona vs Real was so big was because they were the best in the world, with the best players, and the most fans. Barcelona are a smaller club now (still huge), because the names aren’t as big, and they aren’t as competitive as they used to be. But still will have a ton of fans.
Teams Succeeding???
For me, I don’t like spurs, the mentality, the supporters, the scummy tactics. But I do want to see the team succeed in the competition (I Also like Ange and his story). I’m happy Aston Villa is doing well, I’m happy Liverpool had a bounce back season, and I'm happy Newcastle have started to find their footing.
And this is because you want a competitive league. We DON’T want a Bayern situation. Everyone always wanted Dortmund to win it, or at least another team, and look at the celebrations now that Leverkusen has done it. Bundesliga got 5 champions league spots, not only because of what happened in the Champion league, but you have Bayern, Dortmund, Leverkusen, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, RB Leipzig all becoming more and more competitive. (Even though the disparity between 1-8 and 9-18 is big) it’s a step in a good direction.
Winning the League?
I’ve supported Arsenal since I was 7, because playing Fifa 12 with my older brothers, I thought the cannon was cool. I’ve been on and off for a while, but Arteta brought me back (And my degen phase of 4 hours of sleep has kicked in)
These years have taught me to never expect our team to win anything, till the final whistle of the final game. Very fucking sad, but it’s true. I will celebrate every win, Look back at every loss, watch every minute I can despite being sleep deprived, and love every moment, because I fucking love this club. I don’t care if we win the Premier league this season or not, I have no hope, but that could be my bleak outlook. But it was the same last season. I wait for the final whistle of the final game, then having the trophy or not, might give me a little more happiness.
But by far the most important thing for a depressed, mentally ill, sleep deprived, University student. Is when I see posts about the players, the club, the staff and the fans. And it makes me smile. As simple as seeing Gabriel and Saliba partnership being praised and them being “future” of Arsenal, makes me smile now, and gives me the moments of happiness which sadly, fade quickly. But they’re there.
Lastly PLEASE for the love of this club, never stop talking about the small cute things our players do, the celebrities involved, the nicknames we give our players, the new chants created. That character is what makes this club fucking beautiful.
submitted by zmmiz to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:03 redwoodmoon AITAH for giving her shit for wanting me to wear a different bag?

So one of my(20F) best friends (18F) like to go out partying together. She's single and I'm in a relationship with another woman. She wants to talk to guys but I personally get really uncomfortable when guys talk to me, I just want to be left alone to dance and enjoy my night. Of course I don't blame men for talking to me, since I'm here without a partner and for all they know I'm straight.
So to resolve this issue I decided to wear a certain bag. It's the Flying Tiger rainbow tote that I see everywhere. I liked the colours and design, and such a colourful bag looks amazing with the black outfits I often wear. So I got the bag, wore it to some clubs and there was no problem.
Until one day my friend says she has an issue with that bag. She said that she heard people yell "homo" at me. I'm usually one to notice sounds the others I'm with don't hear so I was surprised I never heard that being yelled at me. She's saying she's afraid to get hate crimed because I wear this rainbow flag and that makes her uncomfortable. I said to her "Are you sure it's not just because it ruins your game", cause if that was the case, no issue at all. She goes out to talk to guys and that bag ruins the whole point of going out. She said "I mean yeah that too haha". I let it be for a bit and just brought a black tote. But thinking about it made me feel a bit weird. I know it's not the most subtle rainbow, but she is getting in the way of me expressing my pride and partying comfortably. And it's based on an fear of getting hatecrimed, which is really rare in my country, especially in my city, where crime rates are incredibly low.
So the next day I texted her that I think it's really weird how I should hide my sexuality because she is uncomfortable of living through just a slither of the homophobia I face on a daily basis when I'm with my girlfriend. In response she said something along the lines of "but I'm uncomfortable and scared is that not reason enough" which is kinda fair I guess? Still, I feel like it's either homophobia lite or just what is in her eyes a better reason to not wear that bag to perserve her game.
And of course I could bring my girlfriend but that's not a good idea for two reasons: my girlfriend currently lives abroad for a while with her parents because of financial reasons, and my friend doesn't like my girlfriend (not without a reason might I add)
I'm not gonna wear that bag again because I think it's gonna cause unneeded problems in our friendship if I do, but I also just wanna know if I'm an asshole for giving her shit for not wanting me to wear it.
What do you all think?
submitted by redwoodmoon to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:02 Andy_9394 Retrieving Memories: A Guide to see your Deleted Photos again

Retrieving Memories: A Guide to see your Deleted Photos again
Learn how to see your deleted photos on any device with this comprehensive guide. From Windows PCs to Macs, iPhones to Android devices, and even digital cameras, we'll show you how to retrieve lost memories and prevent future photo loss.
Table of contents
For Windows Users - using free build-in tools
For Windows Users - using Renee Undeleter
For Mac Users - Using Built-in Utilities and third-party apps
For iPhone/iPad users
For Android Devices Efficiently
Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage
Preventive Measures: Tips to Avoid Future Photo Loss and Secure Your Memories
If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate situation of having deleted photos, there’s no need to panic. It’s often possible to recover these images, whether you’re using a Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android phone. This guide will provide you with straightforward instructions on how to utilize built-in system tools as well as reputable third-party software to retrieve your lost pictures. We will take you through each step to ensure you have the best chance of restoring your precious memories. Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the recovery process.

For Windows Users - using free build-in tools

The first method to retrieve recently deleted photos on a Windows PC is by using the built-in tools. These tools are readily available and can be accessed easily on your computer. They include the Recycle Bin, File History, and Windows File Recovery tool. Let’s dive into the detailed steps on how to use each of these tools to recover your precious memories.

Check your Recycle Bin first

In most cases, deleted photos are sent to recycle bin directly. You can easily see your deleted photos in Windows Recycle Bin.
Tips:When you delete photos using theShift + Delcommand, they bypass the Recycle Bin. To recover these files, consider usingdata recovery softwareor check if you have a backup available.
Step 1: Checking the Recycle Bin
If you have recently deleted photos from your computer, the first place to check is the Recycle Bin. This is a temporary storage location where deleted files are kept base on the settings on Windows(users can adjust settings that affect how long items remain in the Recycle Bin). If you have not cleared your Recycle Bin, there’s a high chance your photos are still there.
Windows Recycle Bin Versions
Step 2: Opening the Recycle Bin
To access the Recycle Bin, double-click on the icon on your desktop or open the File Explorer and select “ Recycle Bin ” from the left menu.
Step 3: Restoring the Photos
Once you have opened the Recycle Bin, browse through the files to find the photos you want to recover. You can use the search bar at the top to search for specific photos. Once you have located the photos, right-click on them and select “ Restore ” to bring them back to their original location on your computer.

Using File History(Previous Versions)

If the photos you want to recover were stored on your computer’s hard drive, you can also use the File History feature to retrieve them. Keep in mind that this method only works if you had enabled File History at the time the photos were deleted.
Step 1: Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the deleted photo was located.
Step 2: Right-click on the folder and select “ Properties ” from the drop-down menu.
folder properties
Step 3: In the Properties window, click on the “ Previous Versions ” tab.
Folder Properties
Step 4: If available, you will see a list of previous versions of the folder with their timestamp and size. Select the version you want to restore and click on the “ Open ” button.
This will open a window showing the contents of the selected version. From here, you can copy and paste the deleted photos to a new location on your device.
After the process is complete, you should be able to find your deleted photos in their original location. If you have disabled System Protection or if your device ran out of disk space, there may be no available backups to recover from. You may find out how to enable file history here .
Tips: It’s important to note that the Previous Versions feature is not a guarantee for file recovery. It is only available if System Protection is enabled and if a previous version of the file is available.

Using Windows File Recovery Tool

If the above methods do not work, you can also use the Windows File Recovery tool to retrieve your deleted photos. This tool is available for Windows 10 and allows you to recover deleted files from your hard drive, external storage, and even SD cards.
Tips:This method is only available for Windows 10(ver:2004 or above)/11 users.
Note: Download and install Windows File Recovery from the Microsoft Store . Carefully follow the installation directions provided.
Step 1: To begin using the Windows File Recovery tool, open the File Explorer and navigate to the folder where your deleted file was located. You can also search for the file by name using the search bar at the top of the File Explorer window.
Step 2: Once you have located the folder or file, open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows and R keys on your keyboard, typing “ cmd ” into the Run dialog, and pressing Enter . Alternatively, you can right-click on the Start menu and select “ Command Prompt ” from the list.
Command Prompt
Step 3: In the Command Prompt, type
winfr source: destination
and press Enter . The source refers to the drive where the deleted file was located, while the destination is where you want to recover the file to. For example, if you want to recover a file from drive C and save it to the desktop, you would type
winfr C: C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop
Step 4: The tool will start running in either regular or extensive mode, depending on the size of the file and the current status of the drive. It may take some time for the tool to finish scanning and recovering the file, so be patient.
Now that you have learned how to recover recently deleted photos using the built-in tools on your Windows computer, you can also check out our next chapter on “ For Windows Users – Renee Undeleter “. This tool offers more advanced features and can help you recover lost photos from various storage devices with ease.

For Windows Users - using Renee Undeleter

Those Windows build-in tools does not work for you? Don’t panic, there’s still a way to retrieve them with an advanced tool called Renee Undeleter. This tool offers more features and a higher success rate when it comes to recovering lost photos. Follow the detailed steps below to learn how to use it.
Step 1: Download, install and run Renee Undeleter on your Windows computer.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery Software
Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.
Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.
File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.
Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin , SD card , external disk , etc.
Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.
Free Trial (Win)
Free Trial (Mac)
Step 2: Select the [Fast Partition Scan] option in the main interface.
Please avoid installing the software on the disk containing the data to be recovered in order to prevent data overwriting. Also, refrain from saving new data to the same disk partition after a file is lost to avoid further damage or complete loss of the lost file.
Step 3: Next, select the partition where the lost data is located, and click [Next].
Step 4: Select the [Fast Scan] option and click the [Next] button to scan.
The [Fast Scan] mode scans the initial 30GB of available space on the chosen disk. If desired files are not found, the [Deep Scan] mode can be used for a thorough scan of the hard disk partition, though it will require additional time.
Step 5: Wait for the scan to complete
you can double-click the file to preview, then check the files that need to be recovered, and click the [Recover] button to recover the files to other disks.
Tips:Please select a disk without any important data when installing the software to avoid overwriting it. If the quick scan mode doesn’t find the necessary files, we suggest trying the deep scan mode for a full search.
Now you have successfully recovered your recently deleted photos using Renee Undeleter on your Windows PC. But what if you want to retrieve lost photos on a Mac? Don’t worry, our next chapter will guide you through the process.

For Mac Users - Using Built-in Utilities and third-party apps

Built-in Utilities

Time Machine: The First Line of Defense
For Mac users seeking to retrieve deleted photos, Time Machine stands as the premier built-in utility. To access it, connect the drive where your backups are stored, click on the Time Machine icon in the menu bar, and choose “ Enter Time Machine “. From here, you can navigate back to the date before the photo’s deletion and click “ Restore ” to recover your image. Ensure you have Time Machine set up and running before any data loss occurs.
Retrieving from the Photos App
The Photos application on macOS, replacing older apps like iPhoto and Aperture, also offers a safeguard against accidental deletion. Within the Photos app, deleted pictures are moved to the “ Recently Deleted ” album where they stay for 30 days before permanent removal. To restore, simply select the desired photo(s) and press “ Recover “. The chronological library and the ability to sort into albums make managing and retrieving your photos straightforward.
Utilizing Photo Booth for Recovery
In instances where you’ve used Photo Booth —a camera application that comes standard with macOS—deleted photos might be recoverable if they were recently removed. Check the app’s library for thumbnails of saved images, as they may still be present. Although recovery options within Photo Booth are limited, the thumbnails provide a quick visual reference for recently captured images that may have been deleted elsewhere on your system.

Third-party apps/service

Third-Party Data Recovery Software
When built-in options fall short, Mac users can turn to third-party software such as Undeleter , Disk Drill or PhotoRec for more robust recovery capabilities. These applications perform deep scans and can often recover files that are no longer visible to the user. They operate on the principle of file signatures, allowing them to identify various data types, including photos, and attempt to restore them. Remember to halt all use of the storage device immediately after data loss to prevent overwriting your deleted files.
Professional Data Recovery Services
If all software-based methods fail to yield results, and the photos are irreplaceable, seeking professional data recovery services may be the next step. Despite being more expensive, these services provide specialized recovery techniques, particularly in cases of physical damage to storage media, offering the highest probability of retrieval for your valuable memories.
Tips:Ensure Time Machine is set up and runningbefore any data loss occurs.

For iPhone/iPad users

Understanding the “Recently Deleted” Album
On an iPhone, deleted photos first move to the “Recently Deleted” album within the Photos app. They remain there for 30 days, providing an immediate recovery option without the need for additional software. During this period, you can simply select the photos and tap “Recover” to restore them back to your main library.
Tips:It’s crucial to understand that photos in the“Recently Deleted”album are permanently erased after 30 days or if the album is manually cleared.
Seeking Third-Party Data Recovery Solutions
When the “Recently Deleted” album is no longer an option, specialized software like Renee iPhone Recovery , Dr. Fone, iMyFone Data Recovery, and PhoneRescue can help. These tools attempt to recover lost data from deep within the iPhone’s storage. Although results can vary, many of these programs offer a preview feature to identify recoverable photos before purchase.
Recovering from Other Devices and Cloud Services
If third-party tools fail, check if the lost photos exist on other synced devices such as an iPad or a Mac . Cloud services like iCloud are also worth exploring, as they may have automatically backed up your photos. Additionally, images shared on social platforms may serve as an inadvertent backup.
Tips:Access your account via in a web browser and log in with your Apple ID. Click onPhotos, thenRecently Deleted. This folder, much like theTrashin Google Photos or the Recycle Bin in Microsoft OneDrive, keeps deleted photos for up to30 days. Select the photos you want to recover and click Recover, and they will reappear in your iCloud Photos Library and on all devices with iCloud Photos enabled.
Considering Professional Data Recovery Services
While professional data recovery services can sometimes salvage photos that software cannot, they come at a significant cost and with no success guarantees. Such services should be a last resort, typically for irreplaceable photos, and it’s advisable to inquire about the likelihood of recovery before committing.

For Android Devices Efficiently

In today’s digital age, we use our smartphones to capture and store our precious memories in the form of photos. But what happens when we accidentally delete these photos? Thankfully, there are ways to retrieve them on Android devices efficiently. In this chapter, we will guide you through several methods to recover deleted photos on your Android device.
Step 1: Check Your Google Photos Trash
If you use Google Photos to back up your photos, then your deleted photos may still be in the trash for up to 60 days. To check, open the Google Photos app, tap on the three lines in the top left corner, and select “ Trash ” from the menu. If your photos are in the trash, tap on them and select “ Restore “. This will move the photos back to your main library.
Step 2: Use Your Device’s Gallery App
If you have deleted a photo from Google Photos, but it’s still on your device, then you can use your device’s gallery app to delete it. Simply open the gallery app, find the photo, and delete it. This will permanently remove the photo from your device.
Step 3: Try OneDrive Recycle Bin
If you have OneDrive backup set up on your Android device, then you can try recovering your deleted photos from the recycle bin. To do so, follow these steps:
  1. Open OneDrive on your device.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner and select “ Recycle Bin “.
  3. Find the deleted photo and tap on it.
  4. Tap on “ Restore ” to move the photo back to your main library.
Step 4: Remove SD Card and Connect to a Computer
If you have photos stored on an SD card and they have been deleted, you can try recovering them by removing the SD card from your device and connecting it to a computer. You will need a card reader to do this.
Step 5: Use Data Recovery Software
If all else fails, you can try using data recovery software to retrieve your deleted photos on your Android device. There are many options available, but do thorough research and choose a reputable and reliable software to use.
Tips:Most third-party data recovery software necessitates rooting your Android phone prior to initiating the scan process. It’s important to be aware that rooting can void your manufacturer’s warranty and potentially disqualify your device from official repair services.
By following these techniques, you can efficiently recover deleted photos on your Android device. But what about lost photos on digital cameras or storage devices? Continue to our next chapter to learn about “Method 5: The Strategy of Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage” and the potential reasons why an SD card may lose data.

Recovering Lost Memories from Digital Cameras Storage

Storage media like SD cards are indispensable for digital cameras but can succumb to many forms of data loss, such as accidental deletion or card corruption. Water, heat, and even seemingly innocuous actions like ejecting the card during a write process can compromise the integrity of the data. For instance, exposure to moisture not only risks electronic failure but can also lead to data corruption, affecting the stored images on the SD card .
Immediate Response to Data Loss When data loss is detected, the initial response is critical. Ceasing all operations on the digital camera’s storage device is paramount. Users should avoid capturing new images or attempting to access the card with other devices, which can lead to overwriting the lost data, rendering it irrecoverable, data only appear to be gone but are actually waiting to be overwritten.

Preventive Measures: Tips to Avoid Future Photo Loss and Secure Your Memories

While it’s great to have methods for recovering deleted photos, it’s always better to not lose them in the first place. The recovery process may not always be successful, and it’s time-consuming. To avoid the stress of lost images, here are some preventive measures you can take:
Step 1: Regularly Back Up Your Photos
Protect your memories by regularly backing up photos using built-in utilities, third-party tools, or cloud services. Choose a weekly or monthly schedule and promptly back up new images after events or before system updates. Windows users can use File History, and Mac users can use iCloud for security.
Step 2:Create multiple partitions.
Organize photos into dedicated folders or create separate partitions on your storage device to minimize accidental formatting and allow space for backups, enhancing photo protection.
You can use Disk Utility on Macs to create multiple partitions on your external hard drive.
Step 3:Never write new photos to the same place as lost images.
If you’ve accidentally deleted photos, it’s important to stop using the device or storage media that contained the lost files. This is because the data is still physically on the device until it is overwritten. If you continue to use the device, you risk overwriting or corrupting the lost files, making it difficult to recover them.
If you’ve accidentally deleted photos from your camera’s SD card, remove the card and do not use it until you’ve attempted the recovery process.
Step 4:Auto-upload photos to the cloud.
Many devices have the option to automatically send your photos to the cloud, providing a backup that extends beyond your device. This eliminates the need for manual backups and offers additional storage space through your cloud provider. Popular services like Google Photos and iCloud make it easy to store and access your photos.
You can enable auto-upload for your photos on your iPhone through the iCloud settings.


Photographs are precious memories, and losing them to deletion or technical issues can be devastating. Our guide helps you recover lost photos from various devices, explaining the “recently deleted” folder and providing step-by-step recovery instructions for Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, and digital cameras. We highlight tools like Renee Undeleter for easier recovery and offer tips for backing up and managing files to protect your photos. This guide ensures you can restore and secure your memories for the future.

Relate Links :

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Your Hard Disk
Where Do Deleted Files Go? Exploring the Different Paths
Navigating USB Device Data Deletion: Where Do Deleted Files Go?
Uncovering the Mystery: Where Do Deleted Photos Go?
submitted by Andy_9394 to drfreeware [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:00 FiveFrights CPG × FF: FNaB 3

10 years later, Bingo's Dining and Entertainment re-opened after the now new owners got ahold of the remains of the Buttercup animatronic and it's endoskeleton, but it was re-opened as Buttercup's Grill & Entertainment due to them no having the rights to the original name, as an entertainment and restaurant joint made for literallyw everyone to enjoy. The building was then redesigned, with the lobby doors and windows being barricaded, as a new lobby was built for their redesign of the location...
The other animatronics were all rediscovered during the clean up before the redesign of the location... And they were tidied up and ready to use once again. But there was an incident, apparently Citrus extended his wings while a little girl was hugging him, causing them to puncture through the kid and kill her... This then made people think that the animatronics from Bingo's were dangerous, and they were later ordered by the law to decomission all of the animatronics.. other than Buttercup and Lizzy. The new owners were then forced to destroy the animatronics. To make up for this, they then built Caesar, a very fiesty, yet safe wolf animatronic, with the purpose of him performing alongside Buttercup.
Decommissioned Bingo, Decommissioned Blossom, and Decommissioned Citrus are all locked away in the barricaded lobby......
NIGHT 1 - Hey, are you there? Yes, yes. You were the security guard at.. the old place. The Authorities have deemed you the perfect candidate for the investigation of this place following.. what happened to her. You know, the girl? I need you to just.. write down everything that happens over the next 5 nights, and we will reward you a few thousand dollars for your time. About $5,000. But you will get absolutely nothing if you do not complete this investigation. Listen. Everything should go smoothly, and you should be safe. But if you feel unsafe, you should have a console near you, right? That controls the computer in front of you, on your desk. You can monitor the building's 11 different cameras freely, and you can even mess with the building's ventilation systems.. They have silent ventilation that you can enable at any time, but it will affect your monitor's power. Now, there is a door on your left, a door on your right, and a hallway in front of you, correct? Just checking. I'll leave you alone now, but I will reach out again tomorrow night.
Buttercup and Caesar are now active. If Buttercup is at one of your doors, close it quickly. Caesar is very sensitive to sound. Activating silent ventilation will usually make him leave if he appears in your hallway.
Your monitor is on a very limited power supply. It starts with 100% Power, but it loses 1% every 8.5 seconds. For each usage increasing action, it starts to go down 33% faster.
All usage increasing actions are having your monitor on, having silent ventilation activated, and having the camera's red light on.
The building is very dark, so it is recommended to activate the red light on the camera that you are on in order to see much, much better.
All 11 of the cameras are the Show Stage, Dining Area, Main Lobby, Lobby Office, Left Corridor, Right Corridor, Center Hallway, Kitchen, Dance Floor, Storage, and the Old Lobby (camera disabled until night 3). The red light on the Old Lobby Camera flickers quite frequentlye, but it iss on random patterns.
NIGHT 2 - Hey, I see that your first night of investigation went well. See? I told you it wouldn't be a problem! Anyway.. I heard that they have another animatronic that they recently built being held in the storage room.. I suggest that you monitor that one, as well... We have upgraded your monitor to have more control over the building's ventilation system, allowing for you to now activate Maximum Ventilation. It maximizes the power of the vents, but it can also make quite a lot of noise. And yes, this will affect your monitor's power supply. Anyway, I have to go.... But I will keep in touch. Take care.
Another brand new animatronic, Chuck The Woodchuck, has been activated. If you hear a scratching sound, deactivate Silent Ventilation if it is active, and activate the Maximum Ventilation, which will create a lot of noise, scaring Chuck away and most likely luring Caesar towards you in the process.
NIGHT 3 - Hey! We received your report of nights 1 & 2, and we are.. quite concerned, to say the least. They activated and tried to get into the security office? We might just reward you with all of the money for the risk and pull you out now... But this is important! Here, how about this? Finish your last 3 nights.. and we will double your pay. How does that sound? I hope that you can--
Decommissioned Bingo, Blossom, and Citrus are now active. If you spot Citrus flying into the camera, switch cameras immediately, otherwise he will crash your monitor and keep it turned off for about 6.5 seconds.
If Bingo gets into your office from the hallway, turn off your lights asap.
If Blossom gets into your office from the hallway, turn off your lights asap.
NIGHT 4 - Hey! We did get your report, and... I'm sorry. But how? How are they activated? I thought that they were locked away and decommissioned? We ordered that. By law! I'm pulling you out of there tonight, just survive until then! We ordered a lockdown, so you cannot get out, and nobody can get in.. But we will break in, as we have the authority to, and we should have you out of there by 9 AM. An hour longer than usual, I know, I know. I wish that we could do it any sooner. But truthfully, lockdown does end at 6 AM. Just leave then, to be safe. We are going to have those animatronics completely scrapped by tomorrow. Don't you worry. Good luck. I'll see you soon, okay?
NIGHT 5 - Hi there. You may have heard of me before. I am the owner of this establishment. I do not like what you have been doing.. And now, you know too much. And you will not make it out of there alive tonight. Where is your little officer friend, you may be asking? Well, we took him, too... He is locked away in.. a secret room. If you ever at any point try to leave, I will shoot him.
6 AM PHONE CALL - Hey! Hey! Hey! Can you hear me? Oh, thank goodness! It's me! I escaped! He went to go tweak the animatronics, and to make them.. well, only so much more deadly. You need to get out of there, okay? We will surround the place, and send him to where he belongs, behind bars. But I have to run all the way to the station, and then it takes us time to get there, and we should be there around 8 AM... I'm sorry, okay? You can do this. You have to. If you want yourself to live, of course.
NIGHT 6 - It's safer now, don't freak out. We have him locked up behind bars, and we have completely just dismantled Buttercup, Caesar, and Chuck. However, those older ones might not be happy.. So expect some serious aggression from them tonight. We just need you to collect some data.. Especially after what happened yesterday, you know....?
submitted by FiveFrights to u/FiveFrights [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:59 F-uPayMe ‼Important Message‼ by that Ein Man that Fachs (Mods take a look, you are needed).

Hello apes,
I bring you a sad news.
OG DD writer and appreciated member of the community ( that Ein Man that Fachs ) got perma-suspended from Reddit without a warning or a reason.
I tried to contact him and he asked me to write a post with something he wanted to let you all know - so here I go with accomplishing his desire:
This is Einfachman. Reddit completely suspended me [without notification/warning]. I’m done.
My last post telling Apes to be careful because we weren’t in MOASS yet and that I was seeing indications of a rug pull clearly pissed off SHFs, because around 24 hours after I made that post Reddit completely suspended my account…without any sort of notification, nothing.
This was the post in question I made about 24 hours before Reddit suspended me:
I must’ve cost SHFs a lot of money with that post. It was at the TOP of SuperStonk that day when GME was around $50-$60 heading to $80 and SHFs were having MSM make it look like it was going to squeeze. I saw through the bullshit, and warned the community about how SHFs bought tons of calls conveniently before this rally, had MSM hype it up, and (historically) pushed Apes to buy call option YOLOS on shill controlled subs during runs like in March 2023 and June 2021, so that they could rugpull when euphoria hit its peak and scoop up *at least* hundreds of millions worth of call options premiums.
Hopefully, that warning saved Apes from jumping crazy on calls at the peak before the rugpull happened.
I made a DD in February this year showing what a real short squeeze was looking like. Another stock went from $3 to thousands per share in minutes because the computers bought up everything through ask, and shareholders refused to give their shares cheap. It was about to crash the system, FINRA/SEC freaked out and ordered a U3 Halt on the stock, reversed the trades, which Congress is now looking into a resolution for.
When MOASS actually happens, these guys won’t have the opportunity to play dumb tricks like what we saw this past week. The computers will be ordered to force buy everything through ask.
Anyways, Reddit has given me trouble in the past. I pointed it out in my Burning Cash Part II DD. I made a post on my own profile (not even on any sub) last year exposing a significant person with influence in Reddit that works for Citadel, and Reddit went through the trouble of going to my specific profile and removing that post.
I’ve had to tiptoe around in every post I made because of Reddit. Despite that, they still ended up suspending me without warning, and I am completely and utterly exhausted from it all.
My first account I deleted in 2021 due to threats for encouraging DRS in other subs. My second account now completely suspended by Reddit without warning. I’m not making a third account. Even if I wanted to, I most likely wouldn’t be able to make another account. Either way, I’m done.
Before I go, I want you all to know that it’s important that the Ape community have some solid backup when the day comes. Reddit’s restrictions on SuperStonk have been stronger than most (if not all) other subreddits. If you read the CoinTelPro Techniques, you know that SHFs are only ok with SuperStonk being active because Reddit’s strong restrictions allow them to have a good amount of control over the sub and what info flows through here. One day, when SHFs see that SuperStonk is too much of a threat or they can’t control it, they WILL remove this sub. And at that point, the community has to have some back up set up by then so that it’s not complete chaos.
Still holding my GME shares regardless. This is not how I wanted to go out. I wanted to be with you guys to celebrate the MOASS when the day comes, but I’ll still be with you all in spirit. MOASS will still happen, whether it be via a market crash, DRS, or some other way. SHFs cannot bankrupt GameStop. GameStop has $1 B cash on hand. It’s impossible for them to death spiral it like with other stocks. Hence, they will eventually run into a wall there.
Always love my Ape fam, and I’ll see y’all on the moon. 🦍🚀🌓
If mods can reapprove my old posts, would appreciate it. They disappeared from Reddit along with my account. I saw my last post was reapproved, so was hoping it could happen with my others, especially the Burning Cash Series and my interview with a former Citadel client.
=========== End of Message
Now, this is something I personally want to add: this what happened to him it's the last of many shitty things that happened during this saga. When the time comes, remember all these events, how people got abused and harrassed - and make them pay the RIGHT price (which is a cell and all they own and more). Because I will. Oh, if I will...
submitted by F-uPayMe to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:58 Gloomy-Yak6175 Constant Anger at One Pressing Issue

All right guys I hope I don’t sound pathetic.
Basically growing up, I was raised in a house where my father was domestically abusing my mother, and no one knew. I came to a Western country as an immigrant and soon afterwards, my father’s parents’ died and he became extremely mentally ill and started hitting my mother in front of me and my sister.
During high school, I started self-harming to deal with the stuff going on at home and having to continue living my life as if nothing had happened. Then I admitted myself to the hospital twice because I was suicidal.
Basically, the problem I’m having, is that I’m constantly angry at everyone and everything. And while the focus on this post is not my background, I thought it’d be worthwhile explaining it so you readers can understand where I’m coming from.
What’s actually getting on my nerves is how I wake up everything feeling constantly irritated. For example, one memory that really makes me upset is when I was 12 in high school and a boy said to me ‘suck my d***’ randomly while I was trying to do my schoolwork and his two friends laughed at me. For the rest of the year, I was extremely uncomfortable being in the same classroom as him and most other boys because of them constantly bothering me. I did not tell the teachers because they did not take bullying seriously at my school. From that memory, I’m angry at the boy yes, but the people I’m most angry at are my parents, because they told me they were doing me a favour by sending me to that school (it was the best one where I live) but really they threw me into the lion’s den and made me put up with verbal harassment for 2 years in the name of ‘having a better future’.
Fast forward to now, I’m still dealing with frustration for the pettiest reasons, as there is one colleague who I really don’t like, because I helped her out on a project and she didn’t even acknowledge me during our end of year party and went so far as to try doing some of my job even though it’s not her responsibility. I tried being nice to her and she has behaved so rudely to me.
Overall, I wake up everyday feeling like the world is against me and everyone tells me that they ‘care’ about me, but the way they behave is the complete opposite.
I’m just wondering, how do I deal with these emotions? I see a psychiatrist every half year, but even then I’m walking on a tightrope.
submitted by Gloomy-Yak6175 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 NatureSmooth6734 I’m scared my BF IS GOING TO UNALIVE HIMSELF PLS HELP

Dr. K I desperately need your help. I am pleading if not begging for it. My boyfriend is suffering and so is our relationship. Things have gotten very intense and he is having suicidal ideations daily! I am so scared, confused & concerned. He is really struggling like most 25 year old men. His frontal lobe is closing and there’s been a drastic shift and change in him. With intentions for the better but results don’t yield that same outcome. He watches a lot of your content & like things but bringing awareness to your problems simply doesn’t fix it. His view of me has changed drastically and it’s almost as if im his number one enemy and I can tell he’s blaming a lot of what’s happening both internally and externally on me. I don’t know how to support him and when I ask him it almost frustrates him. He then used emotionally influenced logical reasoning with almost everything. In fact watching your videos recently made him realize that he doesn’t properly process emotions. Me on the other hand I am extremely emotionally intelligent and have been emotionally aware for many years but in his eyes im not. He watches a lot of videos based on higher reasoning and thinking (Jordan Peterson, modern wisdom, conversations with Coleman etc) which I love but I’ve noticed how now because I don’t use the jargon or vocabulary of these guys he is quick to not want to listen to me or discredit my opinions or perspective. We’ve both watched your video about conversations and how it’s really about reflection. I try to practice this when conversing with him by asking him questions like “how can I better support you” “can you give me an example” this sets him off! He replies with things like “this is what I’m talking about. , raise your emotional eq” and more statements about my deficiencies in his eyes. I will try to reply by saying “ I don’t want to assume I know what you’re feeling or what you need” this makes him even more mad. Our relationship has come to a very scary place and I really don’t know what to do. There’s so much more I could share and pray and hope that I can! I’m not sure if you’ve ever done a couple session but I would love to volunteer as tribute. We have one of the best relationships I’ve ever known but we’ve really hit a rock and hard place. I understand hurt people hurt people and I see him inflicting a lot of his past trauma on both himself and me. I watched a video of yours today saying don’t think about solutions when your dad wait until after because it will create more and more problems. I’m almost 100% this is all he does and he does A LOT of thinking. He’s watching things that make sense and trying ti make sense of it amplifying the problem tenfold. I practice this and it helps and I tried to share with him but I was ridiculed even though if he watched you say it he would eat it up! This ship is sinking very very very quickly. Dr K please please help me save my boyfriend and our relationship. He doesn’t have a friend group he feels is “on his level” or anyone he talks to about these things. Therapy is too expensive but he desperately would like help. He has an appointment with someone from you course but he is already skeptical bc it’s not you helping him. I’m watching the sweetest person I know turn into the most jaded person I know. This is my first Reddit post in hopes to reach you. DR K PLEASE HELP ME I DONTKNOW WHERE TO GO. This is a cry a desperate cry for help. Pls
submitted by NatureSmooth6734 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 TreadmillTreats It's all in the way you look at things

It's all the way you look at things
I know that I'm so positive it makes some people sick. Yes, I am “that” person who sees the best in everyone and everything. Yes, I do see the glass half full.
While talking to my best friend recently, I was saying that I was excited about going home for a multi year reunion. I was going to see many of our high school and grade school friends, and what a good time we are going to have. He said, “Ain't no one wants to see them, girl, I could care less about them!’
He doesn't keep in touch with many people besides me. We have very different points of view on the subject of childhood friends. I keep in touch with almost all of my friends and he keeps in touch with me.
He doesn't have friends where he lives. He works from home, and his mother lives with him. He hasn't been on a date in years and hasn't gone out to try to open his circle of life. For him, a vacation once in a while is enough. For me, it could never be. I, on the other hand, have many friends that I am constantly doing something with. I have church and other things that I do that I enjoy to keep me involved and busy.
I don't want to be this old person saying fuck this one or fuck that one. I don't know how much time I have here but I do know I want to live my life large! I want to leave the dishes in the sink to hang out with a friend. It's not an imposition for me to pick up a friend from the airport who flew in to visit me. This is life, these are the memories that I am making that are priceless, with people I love.
I don't want to be that person who is too busy or too self absorbed in their own life to share it with others. Life's for sharing, sharing memories, sharing love and sharing laughter. I want to forever keep doing that. I'm not going to be that miserable old person no one wants to see because they have nothing nice to say about anyone.
So today my friends, remember life goes by too fast. You never know when your time is up. Is it more important to have a clean house than a house full of friends? Is it more important to be rigid, to not let bygones be bygones, than to enrich your life with other people? I guess the question is up to you on how to live your life but for me nothing enriches my life more than to share it with people I love, doing the things I love. As I have told you before, I want to go to my grave screaming what a frigging ride!! “Be the change you want to see”
submitted by TreadmillTreats to inspiration [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 Much-Most-3704 Should I keep going no contact?

I might go into a bit of a rant , but I really need an outsiders opinion on my situation.
For a bit of a background I 21F have been going no contact for almost 2 years with my mother 40F.
Here’s some backstory,
My mother had me quite young, 19 and would later bring up to me how she had a VERY rough childhood and how poorly her parents treated her and her issues with SA at a young age. She never left home and lived rent free UNTILL this day my grandmother had a stroke and my mother took care of her for 1-2 years as her primary caregiver but afterwards my grandfather was the primary caregiver and my mother no longer helped. She claimed to not leave the house because “they needed her” when infact she didn’t provide anything that they “needed” she didn’t pay rent she didn’t help take care she was more of a roommate so to say.
I looked up to my mother very much as a child admired her achievements she was getting promoted at work and travelling to different places for work. When I was 13 she had lied to our family about going on “work trips” when in reality she was hooking up with a very wealthy co-worker . She ended up getting pregnant and lying to my dad and me and my sister saying that she had to go on work trips while she was visiting this rich man and going to baby appointments. She told my dad she cheated on him 1 month before she gave birth and me and my sister 1 week before. Now I should mention I saw my family as a near perfect family everything was very good.My dad forgave her and accepted this new baby like his own child.
My mom lied to her baby daddy (the rich guy) and said that my dad had left her, my sister and I and that my mom lives all by herself in her own home and has no job. This being the opposite of what’s being true. The man agreed to pay her to be a stay at home mom and pay all her “bills” my dad paid all the bills and they she lived rent and bill free. She would go to see the rich man for a 2-3 weeks at a time in a different city than come back to the house me and my sister and dad lived in with our grandparents for 1-2 weeks than repeat the cycle.
She ended up cheating on my dad again a year later with the rich man after promising they had nothing going on to me and my dad. I would beg her not to sleep in the same bed as the man when she would take the kids over to his house. As a 13 year old child.
She truly lived a double life. I never knew when she would come back and I was left to do all her motherly stay at home mom duties and raise me and my sister because my dad worked so many long days and nights.
Our relationship never got better and she expected me to help her out with the new children. She ended up cutting ties with the rich dude and would bring the kids to his house on weekends but return home always.
I had alot of personal trauma involving SA at the age of 14 and a lot of mental health challenges.
She tried to kick me out at 15 and when brining this up to a councillor they almost got me taken from the home. I was in and out of mental wards and picked up a drinking addiction from a young age because of the SA and how the treatment from my mom was.
She decided to take my debit card while I was in a mental hospital and spend 120$ on food for herself. When I came home she let the children break 300$ worth of my makeup and make the most disgusting comments.
She made me miss days of my school so I could watch my youngest sibling while she took my other sibling to school. I fed, washed and the youngest child even needed me to hold his hand while I put him to bed. She expected me to be another parent I even attended every single doctors appointment for the children she had with the rich guy when their own father never attended it was me who did.
There was a time where the baby daddy had cut off her money and she refused to get a job so I ended up paying for dinners gas coffee runs, outings and my younger siblings whole 5th birthday party.
This whole time she would taunt me when I was sad she would get almost excited to see me super sad one time I had overdosed and she kicked my limp body to see if I was dead. Terrible things.
No matter how helpful how supportive I was through her custody battle how much money I spent as a young girl to I was about 17 doing all these things btw, she never showed love to me she threatened to kick me out if I didn’t get a job but I did make very decent money doing online things for money I won’t disclose but it was nothing sexual.
I did whatever she wanted because I was so desperately looking to be loved and wanted.
I finally had enough of her toxic abuse and always blaming me for everything using me as the escape goat and threating that I would be on the streets so I moved out at 19 with nothing but a mattress and a fan no help from my parents at all.
3 months into moving out my grandmother had sadly passed away. My mother invited a women who no one in our family has ever meet before to my grandmas open casket. She was already bringing a friend for support but felt the need to bring a women she’d only known for 2 weeks. I told her how uncomfortable I would be sitting next to a women I never met since this was a private family matter and no outside people that didn’t know my grandma would be coming. She picked bringing this women over my feelings I was heartbroken and sad about my grandma and no one supported me. My dad later on told me if I had a problem with my mom brining the friend I wasn’t allowed to go. After this I cut all ties with my mom and whole family.
A year after I cut all ties and no communication my mother randomly showed up at my doorstep with my two younger siblings both under 8. Saying they wanted to play at the park with me . I hung out with them at the park because I didn’t want this to be a bad memory for them and it’s not the childrens fault. This went awful my sister saying “how many birthdays have you missed now” obviously a line fed to her by my mother. Since she’s to young to come to that conclusion.
I recently after almost 2 years got back in contact with my dad and he’s really wanting me to have communication with my biological sister but I really don’t want a relationship with anyone but my dad and my two younger siblings.
So the question is what should I do my mom is a very toxic person but apart of me just wants a mom and wants to feel loved and wanted by a mom but I don’t think she can do that I’m just so confused and need help. And I’m not interested in a relationship with my sister but my dad really wants one and I have a really goood relationship with him now and don’t wanna make him sad.
If you read this whole thing thank you so much
submitted by Much-Most-3704 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:54 inseekofdodocode Is this a Hot Take? Ariana and Katie

So many people are giving Katie credit for being a great friend. Even after finding out, hey she has some of the same feelings Schena had, how the scandal would effect her business and her life. She has an off the cuff conversation with Lala and here we are.
Katie is fake, she doesn't get hated because she is real, she gets hated because at times ahe goes to hell with her mouth and is wreckless. People call Schwartz a child and blames him for their marriage ending. Tequila Katie has said mean horrible things that honestly I don't know if I would get past them.
Yes Schena is self absorbed, but it makes sense that she will feel abandoned by her friend who was cheated on and got all of these things and did not say take my friends with me. ( In the real world your friends have what you have, I get a job at a great place I am going to try and recommend you.) Schena did that for Ariana, that is how Ariana got on the show and it makes sense that Schena is confused by Ariana acting brand new.
Ariana didn't do anything new. She got cheated on, it just happened to be epically public. But it is fair for people to feel sad over this. When people get divorced losing friendships can be like a death. I am not saying Katie and Ariana are queens for riding for each other because I don't think that is true friendship. Katie attached herself to Ariana because she knew the consensus and was not going to go against Ariana, because news flash the only person on the show she liked was Ariana, she still hates Schena (she has podcast with Dana proving it and she has done podcast pretty much saying everything but)
Finally Ariana is a bad friend, and the minute she stopped seeing herself as a vanderpumper she neglected her friends. Yes she became booked and busy, but she also saw the threats and vitriol towards her "friends" and did nothing, but people love to hate Schena cause she is annoying. I don't fault anyone trying to SAVE THEIR JOBS.
submitted by inseekofdodocode to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:53 ExtremeBoat8656 AITA for telling everyone my (ex) bsf’s dad yells at me

I’ll start this briefly by saying that I (16F) and my ex-bsf (15F) have known eachother since we were 12. We stopped being close friends until i was 15 and she was 14. Around november i started sleeping over at her house almost every weekend. I was there every school break. We did everything together. I did my first zaza with her. We showered while the other was in room. We’ve literally taken a shit together. Yet her dad scared me. And i told her that. From what i heard from other people and could see with my own eyes is that he could be really aggressive. We were napping after school in her bed and he barged in and yelled at us to get up. He could also be really nice, i’m not denying that. We went to her house every lunch break and i always got food from her. I was there almost, if not, daily. I loved her, i would die for her. But sometimes, i felt like she didn’t allow me to be my own person. I had to listen to her, yet she never listened to me. She could be a bit selfish, we were at a festival and i didn’t bring any water or any soda. I was at this festival for her; i didn’t know any of the artists. We were at the front, with no way to get a drink with how busy it was. We were laughing and dancing but after a while, the sun starts getting to you and i really needed some water now. She said no. Her explanation? She apparently asked me in the morning if i wanted to bring a drink and i said no (I have no memory of her asking.) A random lady gave me some water after she noticed i was getting sick because of dehydration. We started getting into more fights like this. And it was almost daily. I felt so hollow when i was with her. Like i had to be a duplicate of her or we couldn’t be friends. We had another nasty argument, but we were okay afterwards. We were gonna hangout, and were on the phone getting ready when she asked me to sleepover. I told her no, i’m not allowed and i don’t want to. I explained that i was genuinely scared of her dad and my family didn’t allow me to stay over anymore because of him. She got mad. Told me i was disrespectful, that he provided me food and allowed me to come to his house daily, just for me to bad mouth him. I told her i didn’t see how it was bad mouthing. That i told her i wasn’t coming over anymore because of his anger issues is shit talking? I get that it may hurt, but still. We cancelled our hangout and i was okay. A bit hurt, but okay. I got a call from one of our mutual friends asking me to hang out, and i was suspicious. I was getting ready to meet him, when he called me again, i picked up. It was her, they were tricking me into coming over, i don’t know why as i didn’t go to them. I wasn’t even angry, i was just hurt. We stopped being friends and i thought this was just another typical teenage friendship breakup that happened. My classmates asked me what happened between us, and i didn’t go into much detail. I explained to them that her dad yells at me and i didn’t like it, and that she didn’t want to accept that. She texted me mid math class with some nasty words that if i didn’t keep my mouth shut she’d do something to me. I told her that if her dad didn’t yell at me every time i came over that i didn’t have to tell people that he did. She’s posting things on her private story now, with things she hears from other people and aren’t true. Am I the asshole? I know this may be a lame story, but i’m not a very social person (I’m autistic) and i genuinely don’t understand why she’s so mad.
submitted by ExtremeBoat8656 to AITAH [link] [comments]