Avodart and steroid injections

35F w back pain the last 20 yrs… is surgery next?

2024.05.16 22:13 Brilliant-Kick3531 35F w back pain the last 20 yrs… is surgery next?

I did competitive gymnastics as a child to level 9 (lots of flipping, twisting, arching, high impact). I stopped because of a back injury 20 years ago and have had back pain ever since. My doctor says I likely fractured my back as a child and it didn’t heal properly. I only got an xray and MRI in the last year.
I have been in PT the last 6+ months and am consequentially in the best shape of my adult life. My core is extremely strong from PT, reformer Pilates, and yoga. However, I have plateaued in therapy and am not seeing much improvement in my back pain. My pain ranges from stiffness that prevents me from twisting or arching my back — to nerve issues that cause numbness in my legs and feet, radiating pain that feels like spasms on steroids (ha).
I did two rounds of facet joint steroid injections that increased my pain immensely for 1-2 weeks each time, with little to no relief following. I also did a diagnostic procedure for nerve ablation that provided minimal relief.
I have seen others post with grade 1 spondylosis that saw great relief from surgery. At this point my PT says surgery is my best option and I’m starting to feel the same.
Also my psychotherapist recommended finding a support group or looking into Reddit and this community has been really validating and helpful so far. I’m open to any and all advice as it feels nice to be seen and understood by folks experiencing varying levels of the same thing. Back pain sucks! I want to be able to live a healthy, normal life and not constantly be in pain.
Sending lots of love to y’all 🫶
submitted by Brilliant-Kick3531 to Spondylolisthesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:21 twisted-glass It's getting really hard to stay optimistic about the future of my eyesight.

(Long post incoming) I (28 F) was diagnosed with glaucoma in my right eye about a year ago. Some background of how things were beforehand:
I was born 3 months premature and had retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) that made me lose sight in my left eye in infancy. I developed glaucoma in that blind eye in childhood, and eventually had to have it removed when I was 16 due to how high the IOP was. I remember sitting in a classroom taking the PSAT's sophomore year and feeling the first signs of intense pain, and had the enucleation surgery just a few months later. I now wear a prosthetic and things have been pretty normal for the past 12 years since then, especially because I never had sight in that eye to begin with so it wasn't a huge adjustment to make.
Fast forward to last year, my biggest fear comes true. Glaucoma in the right eye.
It seems like I am eyedrop resistant. I've tried 5 different drops, steroids, all of it, and the pressure is still not under 20 after trying all of that. It even creeps up to 30 sometimes, which I went to the ER for where they gave me acetazolamide in IV form which really helped for a few days.
My specialist wants to schedule me for the laser surgery, and also said we can do the injection next if laser doesn't work, and then finally the putting-me-under surgery if those first 2 options fail. Surgery doesn't scare me, I've had plenty of eye surgeries as a kid (including a cataract removal in my seeing eye when I was only 12 years old), I'm just absolutely terrified that after all this work, it will still be to no avail.
The biggest issue is I don't have insurance right now, so surgery is out of the question, but every day it's being put off is another day I'm losing visual capacity. (Insert rant about fighting to receive benefits from Medicaid here) I have the floaters daily, pain that is leaving me unable to work now, I can't go outside without sunglasses cuz of light sensitivity, and I'm just simply feeling like a burden to my loved ones.
Anyway, long post over, I just was super happy to find this sub to connect with others who know what it's like. Thanks for reading :)
submitted by twisted-glass to Glaucoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:48 First-Independence59 Lump after lower blepharoplasty

I had my lower bleph about 2.5 months ago and healed well however about 2 weeks ago a lump formed under one of my eyes. It has not gone away and is firm to the touch. I went to my Dr and he was not quite sure what it could be but injected a steroid. Has anyone experienced this? There is no pain associated with it
submitted by First-Independence59 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:37 jenn1058 Insomnia after a steroid injection?

I slept one hour last night despite taking meds to sleep and wonder if that’s normal after a steroid injection for you?
submitted by jenn1058 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:08 NinjaClockx Why aren't there more people exposing these "Vegans on Roids" influencers?

Getting real sick of these assholes pumping Tren in their veins and saying you can look like the incredible Hulk at the same time. Someone needs to expose these assholes. Bryan Turner Hench Herbivore (Former steroid user, but looks like shit, has sleep deprivation symptoms, and makes angry misanthropic videos all the time)
Last.. Nimai Delgado.
Yeah if I injected my body with supernatural hormones, and ate broccoli, of course I would get buff. I hate these assholes.
submitted by NinjaClockx to AntiVegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:29 Splootato Update from a few days ago

Update from a few days ago
I think this is regrowth? running my finger over it feels mainly fuzzy with just a small completely bald spot in the centre. Haven't gone for steroid injections yes but am using minoxidil and eating healthy. Slightly concerned because ive heard that regrowth normally starts in the centre. Maybe I'm just coping and there is no regrowth yet?
I want my hair back :(
submitted by Splootato to alopecia_areata [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 Fun_Row_4844 Is surgery next?

Hi all! I’m new to this subreddit. Backstory: I started having pain along my lower back and right leg probably a bit over a year ago now. After months of trying PT and X-rays and finally an MRI I got a diagnosis of Bilateral spondylolysis at L5-S1 with secondary grade 1 anterolisthesis. I had epidural steroid injections in mid march, and for the first 3 weeks I had very minimal pain. Very manageable. However, the pain is back, and much more severe in my right leg than it ever was. It goes numb, tingly and then comes almost unbearable pain. It’s to the point that it’s affecting my moods and quality of life. I stand all day at work and it’s the worst 8 hours of my life, every day. I do have an appointment on Monday, is there anything that I could ask for? Should I try the injections again? Thanks for any advice!
submitted by Fun_Row_4844 to Spondylolisthesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:46 anonyrats Cat having intermittent diarrhea with mucus and blood (we have seen vets!)

Hello! Firstly: we have seen several veterinarians for this issue and are currently under the care of one and I understand this is not a substitute for care, just seeing if the larger vet community might have some additional insight for this vague/persistent issue.
• Species: Cat\ • Age: 13ish\ • Sex Neuter status: Female, spayed\ • Breed: Domestic shorthair (calico)\ • Body weight: 12ish lbs\ • History: Intermittent diarrhea outside of litterbox, sometimes with mucus and/or blood (has solid poops in litterbox in between episodes for weeks at a time)\ • Clinical signs: Acts fine otherwise: eats/drinks great, is playful and social. Is physically examined by vet each time there is blood in stool, vet always says she looks great.\ • Duration: About 3 years\ • Your general location: Southeast Texas\ • Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc: I have no links but the vet has done a couple of stool sample tests, which have come back normal. Has done bloodwork which was fine. Have not done any X-rays or imaging.
Additional info:
• Vets agree that it is allergies, definite chicken/poultry allergy and maybe something else\ • We have changed diet to chicken/poultry free with minimal ingredients and give probiotic powder daily, both of which seem to help (have tried prescription hydrolized protein diets which seemed to make it worse)\ • She currently gets regular steroid injections about every 8 weeks and has done a couple rounds of antibiotics, which seem to help but are maybe decreasing in efficacy (steroids especially)\ • Was born with about half a tail, kind of like a long bobtail. Read once a while ago (on the internet) that cats with tail mutations can have lower GI issues, not sure how true that is (because internet)\ • Cat tax available upon request (she is very cute)
Mostly posting just to see if there might be something else at play here, or if anyone has suggestions to decrease the number of episodes she has. I hate to think that her stomach is hurting and want to be sure we’re doing everything we can and are chasing the right issue.
Thank you in advance, and thank you all for being veterinarians/techs and doing what you do every day!!
Edited for formatting
submitted by anonyrats to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:27 Gibbles00 Lump from steroid shot over 1 month ago.

My cat had a steroid shot over one month ago and he still has a lump at the injection site. It feels a little larger than a pea. He is a sphynx so much more noticeable than a cat with fur. I wanted to see if I should wait a week or two longer to see if goes down before calling. I had something like this happen to my other cats years ago with vaccines and they did go away. Seems like they went away sooner though. Injection site is left hind leg area. No pic cause can’t get him to hold still, sorry.
submitted by Gibbles00 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:18 CaityCait3113 Refractory SCNSL with LMD involvement

Please advice next stepsMy dad is 74 years old and was diagnosed with secondary CNS lymphoma with LMD involvement over the past month (weeks for LMD). His original diagnosis dating back to last Sept was for DLBCL which he was treated for with Pola-R-CHP and responded great. He was told he was NED at the beginning of March then two weeks later presented with stroke like symptoms that led to MRIs and the secondary CNS diagnosis. He has since completed 3 rounds of MRT (high dose MTX, riTUXimab, and temozolomide) via port in his chest and unfortunately things are progressing. Over the weekend they started him on steroids which have given him relief and stamina. Today he will complete his 4th round of WBRT...My questions is whats best next steps? Drs have mentioned cytarabine via lumbar injection (how often and many should we do? or are there othebetter options?) and oral ibrutinib. Please advice. I have access to all his records via MyChart and can provide more info if needed. I've attached the results from his most recent MRI. If pain management if advised, please do not hesitate to say but he is willing to fight and so are we. Also, since the lesion is affecting his eye, should we have an ocular oncologist come??
submitted by CaityCait3113 to Lymphoma_MD_Answers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:04 Comfortable_Put4558 Is the vet ashan lanka hewagama good? Seems like a very famous vet on fb but also Heard that he injects steroids and doesn't tell what injections are given?

submitted by Comfortable_Put4558 to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:28 TrickyMud1873 Anterior uveitis turned into pan uveitis / need advice

So I was diagnosed with anterior uveitis in one eye at first after having irritation from contacts. My doctor believes it could also be my immune system in overdrive since I also have Multiple Sclerosis.
I had bad light sensitivity, pain, and a red eye. I had a few cells at the front of my eye that went away after a few days of prednisolone eye drops every hour, atropine 3x a day, and ointment at night. I did this for 3 weeks after seeing a specialist.
Yesterday I went to my follow up and I haven't had any pain or a red eye for two weeks. My doctor said while my eye looked good and I feel good I still have some inflammation at the front of my eye but I'm good to start tapering off the steroid eye drops for 5 weeks with no follow up. What scares me is that he did say it reached the rest of my eye and I have a few white cells in the back which is now panuveitis.
He offered an injection in my eye which he said may or may not help so it was optional. He also said when I go to my regular eye doctor for a check up next week she can correct my prescription for that eye since the white cells are probably what is making it a little blurry. The blurriness is not that bad and I'm still taking the drops just not the atropine or ointment anymore. My eye is still very much dialed.
I'm wondering if I still have those cells in the back of my eye, will it get worse??? He didn't give me straight answers. Will I literally go blind if I don't get that injection? Is it the drops/dilation contributing to the blurriness?? I am going crazy. This on top of having MS is truly a disaster and I'm only 24 (f). Will it ever subside or is this going to be my life forever...
submitted by TrickyMud1873 to Uveitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:25 GroundbreakingSlip26 Eccentric exercises for severe RSI?

Hi all,
(TL;Dr at end, sorry this is a long post!)
Last autumn I started getting intermittent pains in my arms from typing but these typically went away when I adapted my technique took more breaks etc. I then did a whole load of DIY in January and in the space of a couple of hours caused a massive flare up with swelling of my hands etc.
It's now about 4 months that I've been off work fully and completely resting my arms (to the extent that, living at home, my mum literally has to cut up my food for me).
The swelling and muscle pain has subsided but I have a lot of pain still in the tendons in my wrist and their insertions at my elbow. It also flares up really easily - if I try to move some clothes around in my room to clear up a bit for example this can then lead to pain increasing over the next couple of days and it can take a couple of weeks to return to its previous level.
I've been doing stretches and massaging the muscles in my forearms religiously. I also take anti-inflammatories. I had a steroid injection in one wrist which seemed to help temporarily but the pain is returning.
I'm trying to start eccentric exercises as I'm aware at this point it's probably not an acute inflammatory problem. However, currently I am literally only doing about six body weight reps of an eccentric wrist curl twice daily with my right wrist and this is enough I think to cause a slight increase in pain over the next couple of days.
I plan to start reading some of the books recommended in this forum as there may be a slight psychosomatic component to this stage. However there is definite swelling at my wrists when I overdo things so I'm not convinced it is only this. I have also had blood tests and an MRI that have shown nothing.
TL;Dr - my question is this: how much pain is acceptable after doing eccentric exercises? Clearly with the level I'm at rest isn't resolving things on its own but it's difficult for me to do any kind of eccentric exercises without a slight increase in pain. Does this mean I do just have to be strict and carry on resting it for longer? Or is a bit of pain acceptable? How soon would you expect to see any improvement?
submitted by GroundbreakingSlip26 to RSI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 No_Occasion_2920 Joint Pain Specialists in Delhi NCR 8010931122

Joint Pain Specialists in Delhi NCR 8010931122
Joint pain can significantly impact your life, making even simple daily activities a challenge. Management of joint pain is an important step. At Dr. Monga Clinic, we pride ourselves on having the Best Doctors for Joint Pain Treatment in Delhi, who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care.
What are the risk factors for joint pain?
Joint pain can be caused by a variety of factors, and identifying these can help with prevention and management. Major risk factors include:
  1. Age: As we age, wear and stress on the joints can lead to diseases like osteoarthritis.
  2. Injury: Previous injuries can cause chronic pain or arthritis in the joints.
  3. Obesity: Excess weight puts extra stress on weight-bearing joints, causing pain and inflammation.
  4. Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle or repetitive stress from certain activities can contribute to joint pain.
  5. Chronic diseases: Conditions like diabetes and autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of joint pain.
Which symptoms of joint pain are cause for concern?
While occasional joint pain can be common, some symptoms warrant a visit to a specialist:
  • Persistent pain: Pain that persists for several weeks or longer without improvement.
  • Swelling: Noticeable swelling or redness around the joint.
  • Stiffness: Difficulty moving the joint, especially after a period of inactivity.
  • Heat: A joint that feels hot when touched indicates inflammation or infection.
  • Deformity: Any visible change in the shape of a joint.
  • Decreased mobility: Loss of range of motion or difficulty performing daily tasks.
Treatment methods at Dr. Monga's clinic
At Dr. Monga's clinic we treat joint pain using a comprehensive approach to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care. We offer the following state-of-the-art treatment options:
  • Physical therapy: Customized exercise programs to improve strength, flexibility, and joint function.
  • Minimally invasive procedures: Techniques such as steroid injections, viscosupplementation, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy to reduce pain and enhance healing.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Guidance on weight management, dietary changes, and ergonomic adjustments to reduce joint stress.
  • Alternative treatments: Include acupuncture, chiropractic care, and yoga for holistic pain management.
  • Surgical Interventions: When necessary, our expert orthopedic surgeons perform procedures such as arthroscopy, joint replacement, or reconstructive surgery to restore function.
Why choose Dr. Monga Clinic?
Choosing the right healthcare provider is important for effective management of joint pain. Here's why Dr. Monga's Clinic is unique:
Expert Team: Our team comprises of some of the best doctors for joint pain treatment in Delhi, who have wide experience and expertise in various aspects of joint health.
Patient-Centered Care: We believe in personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs and lifestyle.
Joint pain doesn't have to control your life. With the right treatment and care from the Best Doctors for Joint Pain Treatment in Delhi at Dr. Monga Clinic, you can regain mobility and remain pain free. Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step toward a healthier, more active life.
Original Source
submitted by No_Occasion_2920 to u/No_Occasion_2920 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:06 dr_aditya_raj What makes Dr. Aditya Raj a preferred choice for spine care in Mumbai?

Spine Specialist Doctor in Mumbai: Dr. Aditya Raj

Expertise in Spine Care
Dr. Aditya Raj is a renowned spine specialist in Mumbai, known for his comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating various spinal conditions. With extensive experience, he combines advanced medical knowledge with personalized care to address patients' concerns effectively.
Conditions Treated by Dr. Aditya Raj
Treatment Philosophy
Dr. Raj emphasizes exploring conservative treatment options before considering surgery. His approach includes:
If non-surgical methods prove insufficient, Dr. Raj is proficient in minimally invasive spine surgeries, prioritizing techniques that facilitate faster recovery and reduce post-surgical discomfort.
Why Choose Dr. Aditya Raj for Your Spine Care?
You can call us today at 93726 71858 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aditya Raj, spine specialist in Mumbai and start your journey towards a healthier spine.
submitted by dr_aditya_raj to u/dr_aditya_raj [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:38 Keloidspecialistpune Keloid Specialist in Gulbarga

Keloids are enlargements of the skin generated by the skin overproducing collagen to fix a wound. Keloids can occur anywhere on the body, however, they are more frequent on the chest and upper chest. If left untreated, keloid can spread. They can be bothersome at times, particularly at night.
Dr. Niteen Dhepe from Skin City has years of experience in keloid treatment and keloid removal for patients who seek keloid treatment. Keloids are treated in a customized way for each patient with keloid scar development. We usually recommend non-invasive treatment in the majority of keloid cases which include steroids, laser therapy, pressure therapy, and injections.
Our Keloid Specialist in Gulbarga, team is committed to providing our patients with the specialized medical treatment they require to properly remove their keloids and improve the appearance of scars at our cutting-edge facility. If you have keloid scars, Dr. Niteen Dhepe, a renowned keloid treatment specialist, can help you have them eliminated. Please call our office right away to schedule a consultation for keloid removal therapy!
#keloids #keloid #keloidremoval #keloidscar #keloidtreatment #scars #keloidscars #scar #skin #keloidawareness #skincare #scarremoval #plasticsurgery #dermatology #keloidskin #queloide #keloidsurgery #bodypositive #keloidhelp #hypertrophicscar #tatuaje #dermatologist #scaring #surgery #keloidsupport
submitted by Keloidspecialistpune to u/Keloidspecialistpune [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:14 bugmultiverse Putting The plot of Arkham Origins put through google translate a ton of times. Makes it rated M now

On Christmas Eve, Batman intervenes in a jailbreak at Blackgate Agents led by Black Mask killed the political teacher and fled. Batman loses the battle to Killer Crocker, but Crocker, leader of the Worldwide Eight, convinces Gotham City to demand $50 million from Black Mask in exchange for Batman.
Batman takes Penguin aboard the ship in hopes of finding Black Mask. He defeated two assassins DeathStroke and Electrocutor and learned from Penguin that Black Mask was killed in his house. Batman investigates and discovers that the attacker is not Black Mask but an ordinary man named Joker, who has a history of killing people. Batman panics and reports the crime to the police. Along the way, he meets Batman's archenemy, Captain James Gordon, as well as heroes who wish him luck. At the request of Gordon's daughter Barbara, Batman investigates the GCPD, gathers intelligence, and discovers a bomb planted by Black Mask. Batman learns through the bank that the Joker's black mask has been stolen and breaks into the Gotham Commercial Bank.
Black Mask takes off his Batman costume on the bed and transforms into the Joker. A few days ago, the leader of the evil empire, the clown Black Mask, started taking revenge on Batman. Batman follows the Joker to Zion Steel Works, frees Black Mask, and defeats the murderous Copperhead. When the Joker arrives at Gotham's Royal Hotel, he discovers that Batman and his henchmen have loaded explosives into the hotel, killing the staff and robbing the guests. Joker scolds Batman for not killing the killer and throws him out the window with a stick, killing him as Batman grabs his gun. The villains begin attacking Batman, but Bane wants Batman to go after the Joker. When Batman entered the building, he found the Joker on the roof and fought Bane. Batman surrounds Alfred and asks the police for help. Bane escapes in a helicopter and shoots the Joker, who is forced to flee to a hotel. Batman saves Joker, but Joker doesn't understand why he saved someone like that.
Joker is taken care of by a doctor and captured. Harley Quinn's black portal shook her. He tells Quinzel about his encounter with Batman. In the Batman cave, Alfred begs Batman not to threaten or kill him, but Batman refuses. Batman also knows that he thinks he is Bruce Wayne. When the Fireflies enter Pioneer Bridge, Batman and Gordon must work together to destroy them and stop the shooting. Meanwhile, Bane enters the dungeon and attacks Alfred. When the cave collapsed, Batman found Alfred dead but revived him with the help of lightning. Alfred says Gotham needs Batman to stop people like Ben.
Elsewhere, Blackgate joins the fight and attacks the Joker. Batman and Gordon realize they need friends and team up with the police to rebuild the prison. Batman can kill Ben while the Joker is sitting in the electric chair, or find a way to kill the Joker to revive the electric chair and slow Ben's heart rate. Batman seals Ben's heart with an electric seal. Joker wants to destroy the city. Batman also learns that Ben was injected with the steroid TH-1, which turned him into a mole. In the following battle, he defeated Batman, but contracted an illness that he hid from Batman. With Gordon's help, Batman captured the Joker. Joker is surprised to see that Ben is still alive and tries to kill Batman but Ben refuses. Gordon believes that Batman can help the city so he decides not to pursue Batman.
Quincy Sharp was last seen in Arkham Alsume to house the city's worst criminals. In the post-credits scene, an imprisoned DeathStroke is welcomed by Amanda wall to join her Suicidal Force
submitted by bugmultiverse to arkham [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Allysworld1971 Had L4-L5 ESI with local only today - experience

Summary: I read alot of posts where people have been sedated for this procedure. And I am here to say, for me, It was very tolerable without it.
I am a 52 year old female who never had a single back problem until Jan 2024. I had issues on my right side with burning hip and inner thigh pain with no lower back pan (but it was determined to be a lumbar issue). That got alot better with oral steroid pack(still numb spot inner thigh, I only notice it when I shower), then a couple months later, my left side stated to hurt with all sciatica pain described in this channel (I won't bore you with details - you all have read about it and lived it)
Because of my profound closterphobia, I had had a CT Myleogram in place of an MRI about 6 weeks ago. That sucker hurt because it creates pressure on your spine with the amount of contrast they put in. It took 24 hours for that pain to wear off. There was no offer of sedation for that procedure. Summary of findings:
FINDINGS: Morphology: There is lucency along the adjacent L5 and S1 endplates. There is mild multilevel endplate spondylosis. There is multilevel facet arthrosis.
Alignment: Mild scoliotic curvature of the lumbar spine apex to the left. Mild rightward lateral listhesis of L2 on L3.
L3-L4: There is disc height loss with diffuse disc bulge and endplate spondylosis. There is bilateral facet arthrosis. There is mild right foraminal narrowing. There is no significant spinal canal or left foraminal narrowing.
L4-L5: There is diffuse disc bulge with endplate spondylosis. There is bilateral facet arthrosis. There is mild spinal canal narrowing. There is mild right greater than left foraminal stenosis.
I was told as a kid I had mild scoliosis and i remember the Dr telling my mom it was so mild no need for treatment (while sitting in his office, he was smoking and making light of the finding the school nurse told my mom). Gotta love the 70s. It's amazing how Gen X survived the early years.
Since April 15th my siatica pain has been an 8 to a 10 daily. I finally gave in and bought a cane so I could safely navigate walking without falling. I had a NCS/EMG that was normal. Then finally I was referred to pain management. Since January no doctor gave me anything more than Advil for the pain. I found lidocaine patches and they helped me sleep. I saw pain MGMT Dr. On Friday (may 10), he prescribed Diclofenac and cyclobenzaprine. That resolved the lower back pain and got my sciatica pain down to a 6-7 as of today (may 15) when I had the esi injection.
Anyhow, I provide all this information above so you can compare yourself to me and my situation to better determine if no sedation might work for you.
I decided no sedation b/c I was told it was much less pain than CT Myleogram and I could drive home after if I didn't get sedation. I thought what the heck, I survived the Myleogram, this should be cake.
It was cake. The lidocaine (local anesthesia) they injected hurt just like the CT Myleogram except this Dr. did it faster so it hurt a bit more. The needle once in place did cause a sudden pain down leg that was just a split second. Then the steroid going in was another sharp pain for 10 seconds.... And that was it. So glad I didn't do sedation.
With sedation, you are still awake when they do it, you still feel the same pain, but you are all loopy. They give you a med so you don't remember what happened during the process. To me that sounds miserable.
I was in there for a total of 1 hr and 11 minutes. I was in my bed settling in for a nap 10 minutes later (I live less than a mile from the surgery center). It was a nice nap. No pain for the first time in a month.
I am a big baby when it comes to medical procedures. I have had a lot of medical trama in the past, I usually jump on being knocked out if they will really do it. But twilight sedation, where I still am awake but won't remember, and the hangover from the meds that do that... Almost seems worse than just sucking it up and powering through it.
Tonight my pain is way less than when the day started. They told me to expect it to get worse before it gets better and in 3 days the steroids should kick in. I am praying this gives me enough relief to walk without a cane and to be able to start PT. I will post updates if anyone is interested.
Best wishes to all of you suffering from siatica, it's been the most painful and disabling health issue I have ever experienced. I don't wish this pain on my worst enemy. I pray you find pain relief sooner than later and back to your normal soon.
UPDATE day 1: woke up with injection site a little sore. Thighs and buttocks ache, but not sciatica pain, more the ache you get when you are running a fever. Pain scale 4 out of 10. Also have a mild headache and face flushing (which I was told were possible side effects). Gonna take it easy today. God willing, the lack of sciatica pain i normally feel this time of day, is a good sign this injection will give some relief!
submitted by Allysworld1971 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:32 Massive_Ad_9898 Sciatica causing other back related issues?

Hi all, this is speculative at best and based purely on my experience, wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience. Not trying to be medical expert.
I had acute sciatica caused by herniated disc in L5 S1. After couple months of excruciating pain and failed PT, steroid injection helped me. Right PT, correct posture and walking led to better health. There are couple days of bad pain followed by stiff back every now and then, but managable.
However, I started having upper back stiffness shortly after I started moving around after the injection. My shoulder stiffened quickly and right hand mobility went for a toss. The ortho diagnosed it as frozen shoulder and ruled out any connection with disc/ changed posture. However, because I changed my posture ( I had terrible posture before in pretty much all activities ) significantly, I still feel that that had an impact. My right hand mobility is back to almost 90% now. But the stiffness of upper back still sometimes bugs me. My left shoulder also aches sometime, I do the shoulder excercises fairly regularly to avoid any further complication.
Anyway, point is, anyone else has experience of back related complications arising after sciatica / disc episode?
submitted by Massive_Ad_9898 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:02 Unicornllamamama_jrb Prednisone shot and incontinence

Prednisone shot and incontinence
Took my almost 4 year old boy to the dogtor yesterday for his yearly. While there he got a prednisone injection to help with his ears. He Is housebroken, but after that shot, he has peed by the back door twice and once in his kennel. I hear this can happen with steroids, but does anybody have experience with how long to expect this?
submitted by Unicornllamamama_jrb to greatdanes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:58 Academic-Ad-770 Herniated disk treatment plan

Hi I’ve been having a L5/S1 herniation of the disk and from what I understand the general current (scientific) treatment plan for something like this is
NSAIDs —-> PT —-> Steroid Injection —-> Microdisectomy
From the first thing to last thing to do, based on if the prior didn’t work. Am I missing something? Is this remotely correct? I have currently arrived at the steroid stage and this is what you’d get recommended for at a MD from my experience so far here in Canada. I had my first injection and feel no different, and am just worried that if the injections keep not working, I have no option left than surgery? I’m not sure if I want to start experimenting alternative conservative treaments like osteo or stuff like that. I feel stuck.
submitted by Academic-Ad-770 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 sigmmakappa Did I make the right decision keeping her? Please give me your advice.

I had never had a cat in my life (54M) and one year ago my son rescued this beautiful 2yo female calico cat, and named her Ellie. She's the light of my life, and everyone in my home adores her. However, in this first year with her sometimes I felt like she was bored, and many articles and videos recommended having a second cat to accompany each other.
That's why, in the first anniversary with my lovely girl Ellie, I decided to stop by the shelter "just to look".
And there she was, this sweet and adorable 4yo calico female. I asked to meet her and she came to me without fear or hesitations, and allowed me to lift her and pet her. I immediately fell in love with and adopted her. I named her Abby.
While checking Abby's history in the paperwork from the shelter, I found out she was brought in by her previous owner to be euthanized because she was too "bitey and scratchy". The vet at the shelter determined she didn't show any bad behaviors, and on the contrary she was so sweet and demanding of attention, that denied putting her to sleep. And 3 days later I found her.
I brought her home and Ellie didn’t approve Abby at all, hissing and growling to her, but never physically attacking her. Abby hid under the sofa and I laid down next to her to confort her, and that first night she came out from hiding and slept in my bed.
Things started to look promising with Ellie, who despite still growling and hissing, allowed Abby to get closer.
But on the third day, a Saturday, Abby started sneezing sporadically. On Sunday the sneezing became more frequent and violent, specially every time she moved.
Comes Monday and I took her to the vet clinic. They ran blood analysis, x-rays and a PCR test. Abby had fever so they put her on IV hydration and gave her pain medicine. The blood analysis and the x-rays didn’t show anything bad, but they told me the PCR test's results would take 2 days. They injected her antibiotics and steroids, and released her for me to take home. This visit to the vet ended up costing me over $800. They told to keep an eye on her and check her temp.
She's been having outbursts of sneezing at all times, and the poor thing rubs her legs on her nose, like if it's itching. I've done all my best to keep her as comfortable as possible, without forgetting Ellie.
Then today I got a call from the vet's office telling me that the PCR test threw out that Abby had a Feline Herpevirus infection. They told me I had to keep both cats separated for 2 weeks, and stop by tomorrow to get a medicine to give her. Now I fear for Ellie, because I googled it and FHV is highly contagious and, not knowing it, I've been a bit careless in keeping Ellie and Abby separated. In fact, we had made great progress because Ellie is no longer hissing and growling and now lets Abby to get closer, within a 2 feet distance.
A friend told me that I should return Abby to the shelter, but I love her and I don't have the heart to do it. When they finally gave her to me at the shelter, I promised her that she'll be at her forever home, that I'd love her, and I'd never give up on her.
I feel guilt because Ellie may get infected and sick too, but I can't break my promise to Abby of loving and caring her for the rest of her life.
I've read a lot about FHV, and it's said that it is incurable. Cats with the virus can have sporadic flare-ups, but it's said that by managing stressors, and remaining current on vaccines, a pet infected with feline herpes can live a normal lifespan.
So that's why I'm asking you my fellow cat parent, did I make the right decision of keeping Abby despite she could make Ellie sick?
Please give me your advice. As I said above, these two are the first pets I have ever had in my life, and I don't know what to do.
Tl;dr;: rescued a second cat as companion to my first rescued cat, but a few days later she was diagnosed FHV and now I fear for the health of my first. Did I make the right decision by keeping her regarless?
submitted by sigmmakappa to cats [link] [comments]
