Side affects of imdur


2014.05.05 12:40 LadyAbraxus Lexapro

A community for those prescribed Lexapro or Cipralex, also known as Escitalopram. Please be positive and supportive. [> If you are feeling suicidal call 1-800-273-8255. If you need emergency medical attention call 911. [> Read all the rules before posting the first time, and please do not ask for medical advice, contact your doctor or psychiatrist.

2014.02.17 06:29 jmk4422 Michael Connelly's Bosch-verse

Michael Connelly's Bosch-verse: Bosch, Haller, Ballard, McAvoy, McCaleb. Discussions on the tv series, novels, movies, podcasts, and more!

2009.04.11 09:58 jorel314 Videography

/videography is a community for both amateurs and professionals working in video, cinema, and television production.

2024.05.16 16:57 Doomdrummer Predictions for 261

If that ghost is actually Gojo, in the flesh and mind (not Kenny), then we might see the return of one of the biggest copium suppliers in JJK, Arata Nitta. The one who "saved" Nobara by stopping her Jimmy Neutron brain blast from getting worse.
If Gojo is indeed back, and Gege doesn't want him to neg-diff the battle, then some combination of binding vows, RCT, and Arata's CT could make Gojo a side-player in this battle, good for one thing: clashing Domains with any Domain Expansions that Sukuna pulls. Since this is Binding Vow x Domain Kaisen now, Gojo will sacrifice the sure-hit of UV and narrow it down to only affect Sukuna, so he's basically only able to use his Domain in an anti-Domain capacity.
Even more copium: he narrows the "infinite information" brought by Unlimited Void to only pertain to information related to Domain Expansion, and will deliberately catch Todo and Yuji within his Domain. Sukuna is already a master of Domain Expansion, but imbuing Yuji and Todo with intricate knowledge of Domain Expansion now grants them an increased possibility of unlocking their own Domains. Which presents an opportunity for a truly beautiful finale to the fight: Todo and Yuji Dual-Merged Domain Expansion. Rather than clashing, the strength of their brotherhood and compatible combat intelligences allow their Domains to overlap, allowing their effects to combine/occur concurrently as they fuck the Fraud to death.
submitted by Doomdrummer to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:55 StillIDie The recent changes to LoL are made by the people in suits. Not the people who create games as a passion.

League has been one of the biggest games in the world for well over a decade. Each and everyone one of you reading this have a favorite time in league where the game was just perfect for you. If you are a jungle fan, you loved season 6. An ADC fan loved Season 7, ADC haters loved season 8 etc..
But the changes recently to me seem a bit disconnected. I will try to not speak like the "devs" are the ones behind it, because you code whatever the boss tells you to code, and the boss has their own boss telling them we need more profit, more turn over, better statistics etc..
It has come to a point where you as the player are not even seen as important, and you have been edited out of this relationship you have with the game. You are no longer a SUMMONER because that has been edited out with LORE changes.
You are no longer a player anymore, you are just a statistic.
Every change that is made outside of the actual in game stuff, like the Mastery Changes, the Ranked Split changes, demotion, LP delta between wins and losses are made by the people in suits.
They need you to be in that chair playing league every hour of the day. They don't care about you. You are no longer important.
They ask for feedback around any change they are planning, just to give you the illusion that you somehow matter, and then even if you heavily dislike something, they will add it either way.
Even the cosmetics are affected. When I started to play league, I would happily drop 10$ every now and then to get myself a 975 high quality skin that looked fun. Special Forces Gangplank, Pool Party Renekton, High Noon Yasuo. Really cool Unique skins. It would leave me with some left over RP to get skins on sale, or just save for the next skin to buy. Now every skin is 1350 RP and there are reused assets everywhere with a different color and slightly different VFX. Skins are not made with passion anymore. They are not fun anymore. They are designed only with $$$ in mind.
Even the BattlePass nerfs over the years. Every time they make a change they see complaints about it on forums. Do they take that into consideration for the next change they plan? Nope. Keep nerfing it. Then add some stupid comment like "We thought players would like it better".
With regards to the battlepass, here is something I dont see talked about. Why is the battlepass exactly 1680 RP? Because the 10$ RP Purchase is not enough. You would need to buy RP twice for 10$ and 5$ or just give them the extra money to buy 20$ worth of RP for the inconvenience . Its a small thing but its designed that way to force you to spend more money unless you want to click more through the client.
You made Diamond with 4 kids and basically no free time, enjoy the decay my friend. We dont give you an award for the highest rank you got to, we give you awards based on where you finish. Don't care about your kids, come play league. Your time and personal life means nothing to us.
Even the "devs" themselves are getting fired and replaced by third party companies for their own jobs. More profit. More turnover.
The esports side has taken a massive step back in terms of production. More profit. More turnover.
All in all, I don't hate the "devs". I understand what is happening. Its the people in suits and its going to continue to get worse.
Maybe if we stop buying stuff, you might actually be seen as a human again, instead of a statistic. But knowing this playerbase, you will continue to buy stuff, you will continue to grind 10.000 hours for some mastery points and you will try to act happy with it, when you know it makes you miserable.
submitted by StillIDie to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:54 Guilty_Injury5371 3rd dose

I just did my third .25 injection. I feel like I did it too high on my stomach.. idk if feels different and I’m slightly freaking out. It all went in No side affects and I’m still kind of hungry
submitted by Guilty_Injury5371 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:38 Skvky How can I convince my husband to go to couples therapy?

My (24f) husband (26m) gets uncomfortable when I bring up couples therapy. Our relationship is incredible! We communicate thoroughly, we have both worked on ourselves individually, and we are super comfortable setting boundaries.
There are a few reason I want couples therapy. Even though we can communicate our feelings to each other, we still have issues with resolutions to our problems. We can both give our side, and understand the other person but that’s where it stops.
My husband has medical issues that aren’t a problem now, but will potentially be in the future. I want to feel prepared to support him, and take care of him before the situation arises. He has a form of cancer that’s basically dormant at the moment, but could spiral out of control at a moments notice.
We both have had extremely toxic partners in the past, and as much as I wish it didn’t still affect us, I’m sure there are still triggers and traumas that we need to be aware of.
Our sex life has been a huge point of contention in the past. I have a higher libido, he’s on antidepressants, and often can’t finish, or isn’t in the mood. We have talked about this extensively, but I’ve never been in the position of the person who wants it more, so that comes with its own feelings of guilt, and shame.
We rarely argue, but whenever we do I never feel satisfied with the outcome. I often times compromise and just end up apologizing even if I feel like I am in the right. I have an anxious attachment style, and he has an avoidant one.
I think my husband has a bad view of couples therapy. He’s convinced that you only need it if you’re at your wits end. I’ve tried to explain that it would be better to be proactive and address these problems before they come up. How can I address it with him without making him feel anxious, or attacked?
submitted by Skvky to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:35 Atkena2578 Experience of scar tissue removal around the knee area

A bit of background, my son (almost 13M) was diagnosed in 2020 with begign soft tissue hemangioma in the knee area. He had 2, one was right above the knee/lower thigh and the second was intra articular (synovial area).
After biopsy to clear any possibility of cancer (thankfully it wasn't) he had the lower thigh one surgically removed in December 2020. He was fine for a bit over a year and the other one started to give him pain too. The surgeon did not want to go into the synovial area surgically due to him being young and all the nerves in that area, for a tumor that wasn't a cancer wasn't worth the ordeal. So he referred us to his colleague, a radiology interventionist who successfully managed to get rid of it and all the vessels bundle by injecting ethanol in it under a scanner (december 2022). An angiogram performed before revealed the tumors weren't arterial but veinous and by removing the first one the blood went into the other one explaining why the pain came back, getting rid of one without the other one wasn't a long term solution even if we were hoping to never have to deal with it to begin with.
He has now been free from those tumors for over a year and a half and pain is a thing of the past. He had physical therapy after both removal procedures. You'd think we d be done with all of this. Alas after a year and a half there is still a considerable difference in ROM between both legs which we noticed after both procedures (the first time we blamed it on the intra articular tumor still in there). While his affected leg isn't bad per say (130 degrees bend) he is still young and growing so we wanted to see what we could do to fix that. He also does martial arts (wrestling with school and jiu jitsu in a private club) so this affects his abilities to do some moves successfully. During class when listening to instructions he cannot fully sit on his heels because the one leg keeps him from doing so and I fear he could be taking bad habits that could affect his hips (he puts his weight on the other leg by leaning on this side)
We went back to his surgeon and after examination he thinks that scar tissues formed as a result of his procedures is what is causing the limitations in range. We are going to confirm that with an MRI in 3 weeks and go from there.
Now this is a surgeon so he sees a nail and wants to fix it with a hammer. However I was wondering if any of you who had experience with surgical removal of scar tissue were satisfied with the outcome and if you had any resurgence (or lack thereof). Is there a possibility to try something less invasive knowing that the internal scar tissue is between 18 months to almost 4 years old. Even if the idea of invasive surgery is not the best, after each procedure where we chose the most agressive treatment always led to improvement in outcomes (for the intra articular tumor, we chose to have ethanol injected which successfully got rid of everything rather than the embolic agent which could have resulted in the tumor not being fully gone). He is young so his recovery time is faster than if he chose to do so as an adult.
What are your opinions?
Edit to add: the surgeon mentioned the possibility of getting it done by arthroscopic procedure which his colleague does, depending on what the MRI shows. However for us this is still surgery and since he is a minor he ll get the full package of general anesthesia and outpatient hospital stay so if doing so surgically leads to better outcomes we may as well do this way.
submitted by Atkena2578 to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 Gautam-j Screen Flickering Issue in 14.5

Updated my 2020 M1 MBA to MacOS 14.5 (23F79), and have been noticing this screen flickering issue. Only the right side of the screen is affected, and it does not happen all the time. From my experimentation, it happens only when displaying a particular range of colours. It even disappears when I try to switch another fullscreen app as shown in the video. I guess this is a software issue. I have already tried restarting my MBA multiple times. The issue still persists. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or an issue with my device.
Screen Flickering based on what is being rendered
submitted by Gautam-j to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:23 vVerce98 Vorkath skin/transmog concept - Ghost & Retro (osrs)

Vorkath skin/transmog concept - Ghost & Retro (osrs)
Questions + answers :
Why? : because it doesn’t hurt or affect anything in a bad way.
Why? : for people who like fashion, want an extra challenge, fun way to obtain a skin/transmog for pets.
Where did the idea come from for a ghost? : no spoiler, but Vorkath is now in the City of Um.
Where did the idea come from for a Retro skin? : people like nostalgia or retro in general, giving the option for a retro Vorki can be a nice addition.
Issues? : knowing the change to Raptor, his rigging & animation, his flail. Also Vorkath’s 4th leg instead of a wing like in osrs, I believe due the limit and so possibility for rigging his one wing to walk on. So maybe retro won’t be something for soon.
Possible way(s) to obtain those? :
Ghost : catch rats or ghost rats via hunter, hell cat, rat pole, .. and give x amount to Vorkath in Um. Could be rng, just like the bananas to the monkey.
Retro : Runescape bday event (also every year like osrs has). ‘Back to Classic’ could be the theme.
Upcoming wardrobe & pet concepts/QoL :
Zammo the Rak : transmog in to Zamorak bobblehead (like Sliske, Death, War, Zemouregal, ..)
Miso : transmog in to Rasial
Herman (skin) : no armour
Ava & Nylessa : ‘transmog’ in to walking side by side
Lilwyr (Hunllef - Beast) : Transmog in to Helwyr (Elf)
Corporeal Puppy : Transmog in to Dark Core
submitted by vVerce98 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:21 MischievousHex I'm officially done with dating

My ex came back and said that he was officially fine with how things ended because he realized I am an idealist and a perfectionist. He basically went on to explain that my expectations are too high and the pressure I put him under made everything unachievable.
I broke things off because he cheated. We tried couples therapy to rebuild trust and he repeatedly breached my trust over and over instead and I realized that while I forgived him, I was losing my ability to trust him in any significant way. As a side issue, he was diagnosed with an addiction to pornography and I expected him to seek treatment and make progress in treating this addiction because it was affecting our relationship. He continued therapy and his overall health and mental health improved but there was no progress with his addiction or his ability to build anything resembling something I could use as a foundation of trust with him. So yeah, after almost a year of couples counseling and him doing individual therapy, I broke it off and he was very hurt by it because he felt he was putting in "as much effort as possible" to fix our relationship
He even went so far as to declare that now that we are over he finally feels better and has made some of the progress I wanted to see with his addiction. I'm like wowee, that's great but it's been like two months so that doesn't really mean much when it comes to the larger picture that is fighting an addiction. Funnily enough, he also complained that his life is too stressful and overwhelming, exactly the way he complained about his life before.
Overall, I just can't deal with this anymore. He cheated. His addiction harmed our relationship. I spent about a year trying to go above and beyond with patience, encouraging and supporting him hoping for change and received nothing to help with the pain he caused me besides acquiring more pain from him. Yet I AM the problem? I am an idealist and perfectionist? Which, frankly, being an idealist and a perfectionist can be a good thing as long as it's not taken too far so... WTF is he even saying?
My previous long term relationship before this was abusive, involving physical, sexual, financial, and emotional/mental abuse. So overall, I'm concluding that either my taste in men is atrocious or a lot of the men in the dating market expect me to lower my standards, which I am unwilling to do.
I don't care if anyone hates me for it. I am NOT dating again. If I find myself in a relationship again it will be with someone who bothered to befriend me and be satisfied getting to know me as a friend first with no ulterior motive besides the two of us supportive each other and being positive.
How many of you other women feel similarly? I knows it's not just me experiencing insanity like this
submitted by MischievousHex to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:19 Delicious-Rock1083 Car will not sit level even after new springs.

I noticed my 2007 4Runner was sitting lopsided where the rear driver side was very close to the wheel and the rear passenger side is very high off the wheel. I took it to my mechanic and after jacking it up and inspecting everything he told me not only does everything look good but on top of that when he put it down it leveled out.
Sure enough I pick it up and it leveled out, not that much later it's back to slanted. I took it in and we looked at it and the only thing that he could think would cause that it is that my springs were just "tired" over time and that if I want to replace them go for it. I would rather have them fixed so I told him to do it, got the part in got it all put together and it looked and drove level.
Now here I am again, the same slant. It's about an 1.5" different between the driver wheel well gap and the passenger wheel well gap with the trunk line noticeably slanted. I am at a loss
Edit: Also it has bilstein b8 5100 shocks that have maybe 10,000 miles on them. I know that shouldn't affect anything but worth noting.
submitted by Delicious-Rock1083 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:13 DaedricGod Have to decide on an orthodontic treatment.

So I was born with a missing adult lower first premolar (#45), and I recently (I am 21) got the baby tooth that was still there extracted after retaining it for all my life (was causing a lot of complications).
I now have 2 options to fix the gap. Either:
  1. Upper and lower Invisalign combined with a fixed protraction mesial slider attached to micro-implants (TADs).
This is to move all the molars (including wisdom tooth) and premolar behind forward to fill the gap and with no further extractions. The 2 wisdom teeth on the other side will remain as is and functional, with the top premolar on the side of this case remaining but not functional anymore. This procedure is also much longer than the 2nd option and more complicated.
  1. Fixed braces to upright the 2 crooked teeth surrounding the gap and open space for a dental implant.
This is the simpler of the two; however, I am concerned with the long-term longevity of these artificial appliances and it seems like it could be more trouble than it is worth due to the need to keep the implant in excellent condition as the risks of failure increase over time (which can cause bone loss due to peri-implantitis, etc.)
What do you guys think? Will the first option still be good enough to maintain my jawbone density and avoid affecting my facial shape? I doubt extracting the baby tooth would have affected my bone density negatively as there was actually significant bone loss under it which caused it to sink (hence why I got it removed).
Edit: I would also like to note that I am not really concerned with the cost/procedure time. I am mainly concerned with the long term longevity of the results and health that any of these treatments provide.
submitted by DaedricGod to orthotropics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:02 commissarroach Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #117 - The UX of Sphere of Influence

Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #117 - The UX of Sphere of Influence
For all of you out there that still use Old Reddit here is a link to this Dev Diary on our forum.
Hi, Aron here. I’m one of the User Experience (UX) designers on Vicky 3 and I would like to give you an overview of our UX focus we have had in the Sphere of Influence expansion and the accompanying free update. I will start with the UX focus for our new features followed by the more general improvements.

Subject Improvements

In this feature we have broadened the agency you have over your Subjects as an Overlord significantly. You can read more in-depth about the feature here. Naturally, we have put the majority of the interactions under the Diplomacy panel to have a clear central place to look for them, but also to make this panel more interactable. Previously, it has been more of an informational panel than a place where you interact, but that we are here to change!
However, many of these actions are things you want to be able to do on the go which led us to work a lot with our context menus such as our right-click menus. One of the most used right-click menus in the game is the Country & State right-click menu, but it is also one of the largest. Unsurprisingly enough, it is the right-click menu we wanted to put even more things into now as we have added ways for you to interact with your Subject and your Overlord. This sparked some rethinking of how we can make the right-click menus more compact while still retaining the intuitivity.
End result,
  • The common actions such as “Go-to country”, “Pin country to Outliner”, and “Zoom-to country” have been moved to the headers with simple icon buttons, following the standard we already have set up for them in other panels.
  • Actions that go under the same category such as Diplomatic Actions, Subject Actions, Overlord Actions, and Bloc Member Actions get to live under their own drop-down menu.
Before:The current chonky Country right-click menu in 1.6.
After: Right-clicking Hannover as Great Britain now gives a heavily compacted right-click menu with your Overlord Actions and Diplomatic Actions neatly grouped under their respective drop-down menu.
Opening the Overlord Actions drop-down gives you the full list of potential actions.
Similarly, right-clicking one of your own States neatly stores all Decrees under its own drop-down menu. Also notice the smaller round buttons for go-to, zoom-to and pin/unpin next to the Country and State headers.
This might be more of a technical improvement on the development side of things, but it definitely benefits us all in the end. The Subject, Overlord, and Bloc Member Actions all fall under the same umbrella as Diplomatic Actions and it was clear early on during development of this expansion that we were in dire need to get their tooltips sorted out with a clear pattern with all of these new actions coming in. Both to make it easier to work with them and to benefit the end result for us players. We have two versions of tooltips, fancy custom tooltips (Cooltips) and regular tooltips, that might not be obvious to you as a player, but if you are implementing them, there is a very clear difference in what you can do with them. The regular tooltip gives us very little flexibility to what you can do since it is basically only a long text string that we build with line breaks while the Cooltip essentially is another UI panel where we have full flexibility to do whatever the GUI system can do (everything!). In other words, me as a UX designer can do a lot of cool changes directly in a Cooltip without much of a hassle while it is much more of a struggle editing regular tooltips, generally speaking. You would mainly see the difference in-game by looking at the tooltip headers and the structure of the tooltip. Most of the time, a Cooltip has an icon in the top left corner with a larger header and a type concept in the top right corner, while the regular tooltip has no icon and only a regular text header. If the tooltip feels a bit nicer and a bit more structured, it is most likely a Cooltip, even though we do have some nice regular tooltips out there as well of course.
We took the time to move all of the above Diplomatic Actions over to a Cooltip, meaning we (especially I) get more direct agency over these tooltips, what they contain and how they are structured. The Diplomatic Actions are still very text heavy tooltips, but I will bring this up again later when we talk about Power Blocs and you will see more of the neat power of Cooltips.
The “Guarantee Independence” Diplomatic Action as a typical regular tooltip with a normal header, a breaking line followed by the rest of the tooltip content. In this case, most of it is coming from code making it difficult for me as a UX designer to change anything on the go.
The same action as a typical Cooltip with an icon and a larger header that easily can be made contextual. In this case, we are hovering the button for an ongoing “Guaranteeing Independence” action and it gives us the action prompt of “Stop doing this” rather than just the name of the action. In the Cooltip, I can be the one adding this contextual header, while in a regular tooltip I could not and I would have to steal precious time from one of our programmers. This goes for all you modders out there as well, go crazy!
In a similar fashion, we have worked on the confirmation popups for the Diplomatic Actions to be consistent with the tooltips and clearly show the difference of starting and stopping an action.
The confirmation popup for “Stop Guarantee Independence”.


Political Lobbies are a quite straightforward feature from a UX perspective (read more about Lobbies here).
While you probably will encounter Lobbies more often in Events and Journal entries, or by seeing their reactions to various diplomatic actions, they also have an info panel when selected.
The new Lobby info panel..
In the Lobby info panel, you can see each Interest Group that supports the Lobby along with their Approval (since it is directly impacted by the Lobby’s overall Appeasement).
Most importantly, you can also see all actions that would affect this Lobby’s Appeasement. While the Lobbies that are in the game currently are somewhat straightforward (Pro-Lobbies encourage you to do friendly actions towards their favored Country). This is something we have the potential to greatly expand upon in the future and make it more involved.
An Interest Groups’ support of this Lobby.
You can also see why a certain Interest Group is supporting this Lobby. While it might be unlikely that you can force an Interest Group out of a Lobby due to their reasons, it does mean it is easier to tell why Lobbies form in the first place.
We also wanted players to be able to see Lobbies outside their own Country. While this may not affect your decisions as often as your own Lobbies, it is still nice to see the people of other Countries reacting to your benevolent power projection. As such we use the map mode in the Political Lens to show your Lobbies, along with any Lobbies from other Countries that concern your Country.
Map markers for your Lobbies targeting other countries and other countries Lobbies targeting you in either a pro or anti way.
Lobbies in Foreign Countries appear in their respective Countries’ Info Panel.

Building Ownership Revision & Foreign Investment

When we started development of the Building Ownership Revision & Foreign investment (read more about the feature specifics here), we had to create several early prototypes to see if this is feasible to communicate in a good and intuitive way before giving this feature the green light. Buildings are such a fundamental piece of our game and making any major changes to them must be made with care. The prototypes showed that the struggle will definitely be to illustrate who owns what of a specific building and how much, but also the opposite perspective, when looking at a Financial District for example, which buildings the Financial District owns and how much of each building, from which country, and so on. This is also where we have spent the most time to ensure it is properly communicated to the player.
We ended up with a combination of ways of illustrating this division of a building’s ownership. Some more clear than others, but our hope is that the combination of all of them will make it intuitive.
To visually represent the combination of ownership of a specific building, we used a horizontal bar divided by ownership:
  • The icon on the bar will represent one of the following:
    • Owning Country
    • Owning Pop Type
    • Owning Building
  • The color of the bar represents where the ownership is:
    • Orange: Your government
    • Light Blue: Your pops
    • Gray/white: Local population or government
    • Yellow: Foreign investors that are not you
    • We have tried using colors that work best for most color blindnesses.
If you look at the horizontal bar in the middle, you can see the representation of different ownership based on the instructions above. Also note that you can filter this whole list on “Owner” in the filters to the left. Filters being: All Nationally Owned Privately Owned Foreignly Owned.
Similarly, we use the same kind of horizontal bar for Financial Districts and Manor Houses that owns other buildings, but then it is divided by the buildings it owns:
  • The icon on the bar will represent the building it owns.
  • The color is from the country of the building it owns.
Note the Manor Houses with their red horizontal bars indicating that all buildings they own are buildings in Great Britain as Great Britain's map color is red.
These specific patterns might not be intuitive to start with when you do not know them and have no one explaining them to you, but the intention is for it to become a subconscious thing that you learn as you play. In the end, you will probably not notice when and how this helps you see the different ownerships since you have been exposed to them through the whole game and gradually learnt them, all the while you now only glance at the bar and instantly know what owns what (insert Praying Patrick meme here).
We have also experimented with putting some visualization of ownership on the map, working with arrows pointing from the owned building to the owning building. While doing so, we ended up adding visualization to input and output of Goods to a building as well. It all resulted in a big mix of arrows pointing and animating in all kinds of directions on the map. It felt a tad bit overwhelming at first, so we tweaked and toned it down slightly, and after playing with it for a while many of us felt we could not play without it.
In the example of looking at the Tooling Workshop in Burgundy above you can see all of the following on the map:
  • Ownership arrows are yellow and they go from the building’s State to the owning Building (Manor House or Financial District).
  • Ownership arrows are red if the owning building is a Government building and the arrows then go from your Capital State to the building instead.
  • Input Goods arrows are orange.
  • Output Goods arrows are green.
  • Arrows are thick if in the same state, a bit thinner if in a neighboring state, and very thin and transparent if further away.
For Financial Districts, you get a visual representation on the map of where in the world it has invested its money by looking at the animating yellow arrows.
Arrows for Input and Output of Goods animating to or out from the selected building, and oh yes, you can cycle through the associated buildings more easily now as all buildings that have anything to do with the selected building show up as map markers on the map and you can click them.
This Financial District owns a whole bunch of stuff for sure! Indicated by all the animated arrows going to this Financial District. The specific number of building levels owned by this Financial District are shown as a number on each of the owned buildings on the map with the accumulated total being the total level of the Financial District (25 in this case).

Power Blocs

One new left side menu button, a whole new panel, several new popups, and several new large scale visualizations on the map. This feature is grand. Trying to tie it all together UX wise has been a lovely challenge. You can read the specifics about Power Blocs here, but also a shout out to the awesome Art we have seen from the Art team especially for this feature as Max is telling you all about in the Art of Sphere of Influence.
Being in a Power Bloc is a grand thing. We want you to experience that and clearly feel how it is affecting you in all its pros and cons (mostly pros). Since Power Blocs are such grand things, we have worked a lot with the visual representation of them on the map, giving you full customizability of your Power Bloc if you happen to form one or be the leader of one, to give each Power Bloc its true unique feeling and look. This is of course mirrored in the mechanics as the different Central Identity Pillars are profoundly different from each other in what they do and unlock. Add the Principles to the mix and the options are quite varied, and I need to make tooltips that fits all this variation! As you may imagine, all the possible versions of a Power Bloc have been a challenge to present in a way that does not mean custom solutions for each version. One way we have tackled this is early structuring of game concepts and being consistent in the use of them. An example of this is the way we have structured the Central Identity Pillar’s cooltip into segments based on the game concepts of: Power Bloc, All Bloc Members, Bloc Leader, and Non-leader Bloc Members. This structure is then reused in all other identities’ cooltips with a segment potentially being removed if there are no effects for that specific game concept / group in that Identity.
The cooltip for the Central Identity Pillar “Military Treaty”.

This Dev Dairy had so many great showcases of the UX improvements and changes coming to Sphere of Influence that we ran into the reddit limit for images in a single post! check out the rest on our forum post here!
submitted by commissarroach to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:58 These_Fan7447 Troubleshooting Deep Sleep Tracker on SE22

Disclaimer: I am aware that the gold standard is EEG and although they say these devices are highly accurate, I truly don't think you could compare the two because one uses brainwaves and the other uses heart rate.
With that out of the way, I find it hard to believe my SE22, which is supports to be the second best on the market for sleep, is registering 0 minutes deep sleep every single night. Here's some of the troubleshooting I've done. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  1. Checked for sleep apnea one month ago. I do not even remotely have it, and I even set up my sleep that night to try and trigger it (i.e. no side sleeping, little bit of heartburn, slept totally flat). Tested for snoring and if I do, it's very very mild.
  2. I take magnesium, L-theanine and glycine before bed every night. Does not make a difference. Cannot take melatonin as it causes me to keep waking up.
  3. I wear total blue light blocking glasses every night from 8pm onwards.
  4. I lift weights 5 days per week, and stop eating at the point where I am still "slightly hungry." I generally eat dinner at 8pm, and go to bed at midnight. I eat a 10% caloric deficit (about 250 calories under maintenance).
  5. I sleep in pitch black, alone, with white noise. I put black electrical tape over any lights in my room like the LED light on my surge protector, for example.
  6. I know the iWatch uses heart rate and breathing patterns, and my resting heartrate while awake from being fairly fit is about 50 bpm. Wondering if that's why? I can't imagine my heartrate is dropping that much lower from that while I'm asleep, and most people are in the 70's. so maybe that's confusing my watch since it's likely reading my heartrate as 50 while I'm still awake?
  7. The ONLY thing I do that you could consider "bad" I suppose, is I have one and only one alcoholic drink a night, at 9pm, 3 hours before I try to sleep. Now I understand alcohol affects sleep, but it would blow my mind if ONE drink, 3 hours before bed, is the difference between no deep sleep at all and "normal deep sleep." I am 39 years old, for reference.
  8. I've tried not having that drink, and when I check the watch in the morning, there's really no difference. MAYBE it will go from 0 mins to 1 min, but that's it.
  9. I have GERD, but I have it managed with PPIs and I sleep with my bed elevated 12 inches. I take my PPI right before bed (magnesium and glycine about 30 mins before hand so it gets absorbed). I take Lexapro primarily for esophageal sensitivity, but I take it first thing in the morning.
submitted by These_Fan7447 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:54 como365 Projects at MU's Francis Quadrangle will affect foot traffic

Projects at MU's Francis Quadrangle will affect foot traffic
Two facilities updates began on the University of Missouri’s Francis Quadrangle this week. The construction projects include replacement of an underground steam tunnel on the southern end of the quad as well as grading and returfing the grass.
The construction will likely result in closing some sidewalks on the quad, specifically those between the MU Columns and Jesse Hall.
MU spokesperson Christian Basi said the goal is to complete the grading project before the beginning of the fall semester. Replacing the steam tunnel is set to be done by early November.
Basi said the decision to begin construction during the summer was made so that it didn’t conflict with commencement photos and activities. Construction may affect foot traffic during the fall semester.
Basi said replacing the steam tunnel is not related to demolishing Pickard Hall, which is on the east side of the quad.
Pickard Hall has been closed since 2013 due to radioactive contamination. The building is set for demolition beginning as early as 2025, and Pickard’s steam tunnels have already been isolated from neighboring systems.
submitted by como365 to mizzou [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:54 GroundbreakingFix793 Lamotrigine, phototoxicity and retinopathy

Ophthalmologist here. I just discovered a relatively recent review of antiepileptic drugs and eye disorders that found a strong association between lamotrigine and toxicities to the retina, as well as several other conditions.
Citing: "Our results demonstrated that strong positive signals [for lamotrigine] emerged in the context of retinal phototoxicity and retinal pigment epitheliopathy, thus suggesting potential toxicity to the retinal pigment epithelium and retinal photoreceptor."
There has also been indications of lamotrigine induced phototoxicity in other studies. A patient presented with small choroid nevus in left eye, scheduled for follow up. The patient self-reported initiating lamotrigine six months ago. I know the etiology of choroid nevus is not well understood, but I wonder if lamotrigine could play a part even if it was initiated as recent as six months ago, and what part it could possibly play in its development?
In any case I was not aware of lamotrigine's association with so many ocular side affects. It might mean this patient group should be followed up more closely. Thoughts?
submitted by GroundbreakingFix793 to Ophthalmology [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:51 avaani Hypoglycemic episodes but not quite

Editing because I can’t fix title: episodes that mimic Hypoglycemic episodes but sugar levels are normal—what questions can I ask?
I’m 23F, AFAB I have atypical Cystic Fibrosis, I’m pancreatic sufficient, and no CFRD. for the past 2-3 years I’ve been having episodes that seem to mimic postprandial hypoglycemia but my levels are always above 70. I’ve had a few fasting readings that are 67-69 but I don’t have any symptoms then. The symptoms start within an hour or so of eating and my levels will be 70-80 but get to 100ish 3-4 hours after eating, which does make me nervous that something insulin related is going on. My blood pressure is normal but tends to be on the low side as well.
The episodes mostly correspond with the 7-12 days before my period but it’s not uncommon for them to happen outside of that range. The symptoms are: - high heart rate (130-150) even if at rest (resting heart rate when I’m not having an episode is 60-70 range - shaking - sweating - confusion (including slurring/stammering and switching words around) - weird tingly rising feeling inside - mouth tastes like sand/ash regardless of food or drink - pallor - certain edges blur in my vision; like where the walls meet the ceiling or floors - more frequent urination with lower output - chills
There are a few things that don’t happen every time I have an episode but have happened more than once: - Pain behind eyes - intense headache that disappears quickly
I’ve tried adjusting my diet in every way I can think of (and GI and nutrition have suggested) and nothing really seems to have an impact. Drinking sugar during/after an episode does help a bit but not by much.
My CF team seems to kind of be at a loss. All of my bloodwork is normal, weight and PFTs are fine. They’re sending me to a gynecologist because of how the episodes tend to correspond with my period. I am also seeing my PCP to get my heart checked soon.
Meds: Bupropion 450 (had been on this for about 2 years before any of these symptoms started) Levalbuterol (10+ years) Trikafta (3 years ish) Mirena iud, placed fall 2019
Vitamins Women’s one a day 2000 iu d3
Other diagnoses: PTSD/CPTSD (incest/rape trauma related, not sure how relevant that it is but I’m trying to be more detailed than not ) Major depression General anxiety Insomnia (PTSD related)
Psych meds I’ve tried a while ago but didn’t help: - Zoloft (brain fog was way worse) - lexapro (would not stay in my system, to put it politely) - latuda (didn’t do anything)
I edited my post on cysticfibrosis after someone recommended I post here,so this part isn’t over there but —one of the things that’s getting truly untenable for me is brain fog/confusion. Since fall 2020 I’ve struggled a lot with brain fog and since it started with PTSD related events my doctors and I have been assuming it to be a mental health thing but I’m not that sure anymore.
The confusion is definitely worse during the episodes I described (and affects stuff like where I walk around and what I put down where, for example, putting my phone in a fridge or not being able to find my car) But day to day—I’m forgetting words and sentences almost immediately after thinking them. My mental health has improved a lot on Wellbutrin but I can’t tell if it’s improved the brain fog at all or just improved the other symptoms like low energy and the can’t get out of bed heaviness.
My major involves a lot of writing and the same assignments that would take me a few several hour sessions, if that, I haven’t been able to complete. I’ve spent 12 hours on essays (with only meal breaks and things like that) with about a paragraph to show for it — but what I can get out never quite matches what I’m thinking. I almost constantly have the feeling of having a word on the tip of my tongue, especially when trying to write. The things I think of seem to float away before I can keep them in my head long enough to write them down. I was supposed to graduate 3 years ago and I’ve been one full time semester’s worth of classes for these past three years because I just can’t get it done. The majority of my depression symptoms that remain have to do with the stress and feelings behind not having finished school despite being so close. On the whole though, my mental health is in the best place it’s been in pretty much my entire life And the other symptoms have improved drastically.
Last note on the day to day brain fog/confusion: I don’t switch words around when I’m not having an episode—but I have been noticing that 0-5 times a day (I can’t say for sure that it happens daily without fail but it definitely happens several times a week) that I do slur sometimes when talking? The beginnings and ends of words will just sort of smush together . This is a relatively recent development (in the last 8 months maybe?) don’t know if that’s normal person stuttering kind of thing but combined with the writing stuff it irks me more than it normally would)
I feel like a lot of these symptoms could be literally anything so I don’t know how to go about narrowing it down.
I have a check up appointment soon and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions for other questions or specific testing requests that I can ask my doctors for to help figure this out.
Thank you!
submitted by avaani to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:44 Low-Economist5300 Tingling

Can people who have had it explain the tingling sensation? I sometimes have what I would say is a tingling in my upper lip and bridge of my nose on the affected side that is slightly cold tingling. It’s not a burning tingling. It’s sort of subtle not overwhelming. Any thoughts?
submitted by Low-Economist5300 to BellsPalsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:42 Small-Road-1776 Hello! I need help in typing myself.

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I'm 17 years old about to be 18 this year. I'm a female, about to enter college in a few months but still unsure of the path I want to take. I don have a lot of hobbies a side from reading and dancing.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
I was diagnosed with GAD. These past month I have been having a lot of panics attacks and now, depression. One of the effects of how I cope with depression is Maladative daydreaming.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I grew up in a well-off household, but was taken care of by a caretaker instead of my parents. I never took my parents as religious nor did I felt our household was religious. I remember my grandmother praying every night with the rosary but she's not very imposive of religious practices. That's why I was at awe when I told my mother I don't really belive there's a god and she got really angry at me. I'm agnostic now, I don't really care if there's a god or not, I have more important things to focus on than that.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I'm currently in my final year of high school (or in my country, SHS). I'm thinking of getting in the field of biomedical engineering. I've always knew I wanted to be in the field of medicine, but I have realized that I was not meant for the "service" part of it, rather more of the research and how to apply biology in medicine.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
I would feel refreshed. Maybe, a bit used to it? Though, there would probably be points where I feel lonely or scared, but then I'll realize that I enjoy more being alone when people are constantly around me. Especially, when I'm focusing on something.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I'm not very good at sports, the only sport I play was golf and I was okay at it. I definitely enjoy indoor activities for the most part, but I do love eating outside and exploring new restaurants.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I feel like in a horror movie, once you leave me alone and I hear a sound, I'll definitely check it lol.
I think I like bringing my ideas to life. In a practical sense of having an idea to go somewhere to having a crazy idea on "what will happen if I do this and this?", and you'll definitely see me do it.
Well, my ideas ranges to anything that I find interesting really. I do have a huge interest biology and most specifically, medical biology and health physics.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
I avoid leadership as much as possible, or all the time basically. Even though I probably should lead the group I usually just stay quiet and support the one leading the group if they need help.
I don't think I would be good at it, I'm not a decisive person at all, and on top of that I get easily anxious and think that I'm doing is wrong. Unless, I'm very confident of my ideas.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I'm very clumsy, and I often feel a bit detached from what is happening around me. I do enjoy working with my hands, currently, I'm making an arts and craft object for my friend for her upcoming graduation and a gift. And I just feel at peace I guess when at some point I'm doing the same thing over and over again and I can space out for a bit.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
That's the one thing I am absolutely sure I am not. I do enjoy theater and music. I grew up with the influence of ballet when I was younger and everyone's dream around me is to be in theater. I guess, being surrounded by those influence and made me appreciate the little technicalities I see in those shows.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
My past is a mess, present is fine, and future is scary.
I always deeply regret that I could have done something more in the past, but present me is surviving and I consider that as fine. On the subject of the future, I'm scared of it, I'm scared of failing.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I'll definitely help them ASAP, I feel a bit responsible as someone they confided in for help.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
I'd say, I definitely do.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
I do get satisfaction when something is done. Efficiency is of course very important for me, especially, in the things I need to do. Productivity is something that I feel good about, but there are days where I don't mind that it's not there.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
At some point, yes? I feel like I do control them in a sense if that something affects me and if I don't want to do something or for them do to something, I do meddle in.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
Reading, it feels like an escape from everything that's going on around me. While dancing is the same thing although more frustrating.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I struggle the most with creativity, I feel like aside from I'm not a creative person, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I do like logic and the application of it's theories, and memorization too.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I'd say I'm okay at it? Not an expert at it. I like to do things as I go. So, if I feel like this is a task I should do, everything else follows.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
To finish my degree, get a scholarship from an another country for my masters, work in a lab, and make a good living.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
I hate the dark, I hate what's in them. I'm also scared to fail, I don't want other people to pity me.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Doing well academically, socially active, organized, and contented.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
Escaping reality, trying to off myself, and withdrawing from everyone.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
When I daydream often, for me, it's a sign that things aren't doing well mentally. I try not to pay attention to the people around me, almost like it's intentional that I do that.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
What will happen to me in this room? And I need to figure out why I am here.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I am an indecisive person, but I do often change my mind on something if the other decisions start making sense for me.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
It does take a while, I usually brush my feelings until I realize that it's on it's final leg. I do think emotion is needed, but too much is a burden.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
It really depends on the topic. If it's just a non-serious or trivial topics, I just nod and don't bother replying at all to them, but if it's a serious one, I try to set my opinions and facts straight.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
At some point you're going to break rules in an institution. I don't actively or seek to break rules, but if the time comes and it's for the better, I will. Also, if the rules don't make sense, I don't even even try to follow it. I think authority should be challenged if there are people suffering or having a hard time under those rules.
submitted by Small-Road-1776 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 relationshipguy254 What Motivates Someone to Become A "Flying Monkey" For Someone Else Instead of Standing Up For Themselves Or Their Loved Ones?

A flying monkey is someone who is enlisted, whether knowingly or unknowingly, by the abuser to carry out their manipulative actions or agendas. Rather than offering support you the abused, these people—whether they're parents, friends, or others close to you—choose to align themselves with the abuser, sometimes even continuing the abuse on their behalf. It's particularly challenging when people whom you've trusted for a long time, possibly even before encountering the abuser, begin siding with someone who has made your life unbearable, especially when you're trying to move forward. You might have hoped or expected that these friends or loved ones would stand by you, offering support as you heal from the abuse. However, when those who were once supportive transition into becoming flying monkeys, it can leave you feeling confused and questioning why they've turned against you. So, what motivates flying monkeys to do a narcissist's bidding?
The first reason is manipulation. When someone becomes a flying monkey, it's often because they're also being manipulated. Manipulative people are skilled at tactics like guilt-tripping and gaslighting. They might use these same methods on the flying monkey, making them feel like they have to go along with their plans. Just like they manipulated you, they might use similar tactics to control the flying monkey and get them to do their bidding. The flying monkeys may not be aware that they’re being manipulated or under the spell of the abuser.
Sense of Loyalty
Another reason is loyalty, or rather, misguided loyalty. In many cases, flying monkeys believe they're acting in the best interest of either the abuser or even you. They may genuinely think that by siding with the abuser, they're showing support. For instance, if the flying monkey happens to be the abuser's sibling, they might feel obligated to support their family member no matter what. Loyalty to family or close relationships can blind them to the abuse, causing them to ignore it or even participate in it. This sense of loyalty may stem from shared past experiences or simply long-standing friendships.
Low Self-Esteem
Another aspect to consider is that flying monkeys may have low self-esteem. When someone lacks confidence in themselves, they find it challenging to stand up for themselves or assert their own opinions. They easily succumb to persuasive words, especially from someone with a dominant personality like an abuser. Feeling intimidated by conflict, they prefer to keep the peace and avoid confrontation. They don't trust in their own abilities or voice, leading them to believe they're better off going along with the abuser's demands for the sake of maintaining a false sense of harmony.
Desire for Approval or Belonging
Another aspect to consider is the desire for approval or a sense of belonging. Flying monkeys may seek the approval of the abuser, believing that by aligning themselves with them, they can avoid becoming a victim of their abuse. This is especially true if the abuser holds a positive public reputation or a position of power. The flying monkey may believe that the only way to gain favor from the abuser is to support them, as they crave and prioritize their approval. This desire for approval can stem from various aspects, including personal values, support, or even their own well-being.
There are various motivations behind someone becoming a flying monkey. However, understanding these reasons doesn't mean you should sympathize with or tolerate their behavior. Whether it's a flying monkey or an abuser, if someone is causing you harm, it's essential to take action to protect yourself. This might involve cutting them off or distancing yourself from them. Remember, both flying monkeys and abusers are harmful, and you don't owe them your sympathy or compassion. Focus on your own well-being and growth first. Eventually, you may come to realize that manipulation affects us all in different ways.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 Quirkyasfok Falling Asleep Standing Up and Shocking Awakenings

So, a few months ago I started having issues of falling asleep while doing things. Like, one incident I was trying to cook and cutting with a knife. I get in these episodes where I just keep nodding off, and sure enough one second I'm mid cut and the next I'm jerking back awake with the knife handle slipping from my grasp.
Another episode I actually hit the ground. I was trying to organize my pills for the next day. I was standing up with my pill bag on my bed. I was determined to finish as it's hard to move in the morning (I'll explain in a second). I kept begging myself to stay awake and finish, but I kept having to redo my pills because I kept messing up. For the most part I startle awake right as I begin to fall. Other times I'd startle awake as I hit the bed, one time I slammed headfirst into my pill bag. And then it happened. After months of always startling awake I finally slammed into the ground. The good news is, though it hurt, I fell on my butt. The bad news is I have a spinal cord stimulator and was terrified I messed it up as it's in my right butt cheek (it was supppose to go in my back but thebsurgeon said I had more meat down there 😅🤣). The scary news is one more inch back and I would have slammed into my shelves, which would have very likely knocked my max melter over and poured hot wax on myself.
Lastly, when I startle awake it always hurts. Like, it could be spasms, but I have condition where my hands shock me (espically when I'm tired and it feels like one of those joke shocking pins) and my sleep shocks feel very siniliar but full body. I'm honestly not sure and I wonder if anyone can clear that up a bit.
Oh, and I also shake my head a lot involuntary, or I feel it is. My vision will start to blur and then blacks and I'm shaking my head rapidly side to side. Or I'll start to feel the sleepy sensation beginning to come over me, and then I'm shaking my head.
So a few things to note about me:
  1. I suffer from Severe Fibromyalgia . I say severe as that it's what one of my pain doctors said when after two years we got to their last treatment option. Four years of constantly seeing health professionals, and it just feels like I've only gotten worse. Fibromyalgia for those who don't know is a neurological condition where your brain is no longer interrupting certian signals right anymore. It's locked in fight flight mode and thinks the body is hurt. Fibromyalgia also affects the way a person sleeps, as we don't get as much deep sleep. I think the average person gets like two hours. We get five minutes... on a good day 😑. Deep sleep is where the brain heals.
  2. I do have untreated anxiety and have been diagnosed. We started treating it in hope it would help the Fibromyalgia as anxiety fuels fibro, but we tried a different type of med right after our first attempt had failed and I had a bad reaction so we're now trying to fix that
  3. I also do have diagnosed insomnia. We went to some sleep professionals about my falling asleep standing thing and they just told me I have insomnia and that they only treat sleep apnea.
  4. I've had a bad sleep schedule going on for like 17 years now. I explained it to my eye doctor as we were discussing my migraine issues and he brought up the studies about how if one person was not allowed food and the other person sleep the sleep person would die first. And how lack of sleep was a type of torture, and I am infact torturing myself 😅
So, yea. That's pretty much the main gist of it. If anybody could help, or give any sort of anything I'd appreciate it. Like, what could be going on, or something to do. Anything, because this scares me more than any of my other health issues (and I didn't even mention them all 😅🥲), and I just want some sort of help, or just someone who gets it (i actually perfer you not get it, cuz this sucks, but it's also nice to not be alone.
P.s. I am actively trying to fix my sleep schedule. My eye doctor said to think of it like an addiction. I've been this way for years, so it will take time to fix it. Also, to be easy on my self. Mistakes will happen. There's always another night.
Thank you!!
submitted by Quirkyasfok to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:22 happy-little-puppy Some Progress, but not as much as I'd hoped. Six months of changed diet, light exercise.

Welp, first, here's my previous post, but you can see my old numbers in the attached lab report to this update post.
My l biggest problems (although there are others) are LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin resistance. I improved all of those numbers (and some other baddies), but not as much as I'd hoped, given my diet changes.
In November of 2023, I learned I have terrible LDL cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. I immediately changed what I eat. I stopped butter; I cook with olive oil now. I stopped eating candy, pastries, etc. I have eaten four pieces of bacon (a favorite) in the last six months. I stopped eating fried food.
I do enjoy a gourmet dessert at a restaurant on occasion; if I'm going to have it, it better be super special. I was eating so much candy before. Not only is it bad for triglycerides, but once I started checking labels, I saw the tremendous amount of saturated fat in even one Lindt milk chocolate candy. I stopped drinking Coke or any other soda. I drink smoothies sometimes, and I add ground flax seed. Otherwise, I drink only water and some coffee in the morning. I do include a splash of 2% milk and a teaspoon of sugar.
I eat red meat once a week at most. My protein is coming from chicken, fish, and beans. Every weekday, I eat a giant salad with tons of fresh vegetables or I do a stir fry of vegetables with brown rice and add grilled chicken. It's usually the salad, though. I only use Newman's Own Family Italian dressing and use it sparingly. I roast vegetables after coating in olive oil and seasoning. I feel I'm not eating enough protein overall.
I have added long walks twice a week, but I am still not getting the kind of exercise I need. Working on that.
I've lost about 25 pounds in the last 6 months, and am now just barely at a normal BMI (from 28.2 down to 24.8). Yes, BMI is flawed, but I don't have an amount of muscle mass that would make it extremely off. I have not remeasured my waist-to-hip ratio; however, I have gone down several sizes in clothing based on decreased waist size.
My insulin resistance score and triglycerides are the best improvements, I think. Triglycerides went from 176 down to 99. In my first test, the insulin resistance score was off the chart at 65; it is now 43, which is just kind of in the middle of insulin sensitive versus insulin resistant.
I'm still very high with the LDL-P number. It should be under 1000. Previously, I had 2507, but it is now 1622. I understand that might be a test that is not very helpful in assessing my health. I'm an overachiever, though, so I want all these numbers in normal range.
In my original post, folks said I'd probably get put on a statin. I will discuss with my doctor. They are not super keen on statins, but back in November, they said they would prescribe something if I want them to. I believe they mentioned Repatha; it was something with an R. In November, I chose to avoid the med and see what I can do with changes in eating and slightly increased exercise alone. These are the results after five/six months.
Things I think I could do to improve: I started out eating oats a lot, but fell off. I could get back in that daily habit.
I did not stop drinking alcohol. I could cut back. I don't want to, though. 🤷‍♀️ I drink alcohol twice a week, and I do have about 4 drinks each time, which is not ideal and can be considered binge drinking. This may be my weakest spot. My understanding is that alcohol will affect triglycerides the most. Is that understanding accurate to your knowledge?
I still enjoy a delicious meal at a restaurant twice a week. I could cut back, but I truly enjoy dining like that. I choose a fish or chicken option now, instead of pasta, beef, or pork.
I could take a statin or other suitable med.
I could exercise more.
I have a bad heart-health history on my dad's side. Dad had a heart attack and a quadruple bypass in his 50s. His own father died of a heart attack at 42. I am in my mid 40s.
Any other changes you think could help? Am I doing a little better now? I could use some encouragement, because I thought I'd see more improvement. I do not plan on ever going back to my old way of eating, the new way makes my body feel nourished. But I am kind of wondering if this is as good as it'll get without a med.
I appreciate any suggestions, comments, or encouragement. I am feeling down about the level of improvement, so please try to be kind. I have fpund that this sub is usually kind, though. Thanks!
submitted by happy-little-puppy to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:22 thedragonwolf55 facial pain and throat inflammation.

Hello, I would like to describe my current health issue to you, including my hypotheses about what might be causing it. I would like to hear your opinions on what it might be and how I should proceed. Keep in mind that I am already undergoing medical consultations and will have more, but so far, I have not reached a conclusion, so I would like as many opinions as possible.
If you need more information, feel free to ask.
For about two years, I have been experiencing facial pain and throat inflammation. I have never had these issues before. They started occurring after I had COVID-19, and I'm not sure if this is coincidental or a consequence of the virus. Initially, these pains were infrequent and mild, but in the past few months, they have become much more frequent and intense, significantly affecting my productivity, energy, and concentration. The pain is mostly noticeable upon waking, but sometimes it persists throughout the day. When the pain is less intense, it almost completely disappears after breakfast or lunch. However, when it is more severe, it doesn't go away at all, forcing me to rest in bed. Sometimes, even taking Tylenol does not relieve the pain.
The facial pain is located under my cheekbones, along my jaw, behind my eyes, and when it's very intense, at the center of my head just above my nose. The pain is continuous on both sides of my face and does not worsen with touch.
As for my throat, it feels like there's a constant lump at the lower part, as if it were scratched. It hurts continuously, not just when I swallow.
These pains occur year-round, regardless of the season.
Regarding medical checks and existing conditions, here are the details:
These issues also cause poor sleep quality. Despite sleeping for 7-8 hours, I wake up feeling tired and as if I need more rest, even if I did not exert myself physically or mentally the previous day.
From the beginning of May onwards, I experienced two weeks where every day I had a sore throat, headaches, and excessive tiredness, despite having taken antihistamines and cortisone spray for more than 20 days in April. I had a flu in early May and felt very ill; all symptoms (sore throat, cold, headache) were amplified and kept me in bed for several days, as if I had COVID. Even after the flu passed, I continued to experience throat lumps and headaches, along with excessive tiredness that rest did not alleviate.
I maintain a fairly balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity. I am physically at a normal weight.
My hypotheses:
Thank you to anyone who provides suggestions.
submitted by thedragonwolf55 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:20 thedragonwolf55 facial pain and throat inflammation.

Hello, I would like to describe my current health issue to you, including my hypotheses about what might be causing it. I would like to hear your opinions on what it might be and how I should proceed. Keep in mind that I am already undergoing medical consultations and will have more, but so far, I have not reached a conclusion, so I would like as many opinions as possible.
If you need more information, feel free to ask.
For about two years, I have been experiencing facial pain and throat inflammation. I have never had these issues before. They started occurring after I had COVID-19, and I'm not sure if this is coincidental or a consequence of the virus. Initially, these pains were infrequent and mild, but in the past few months, they have become much more frequent and intense, significantly affecting my productivity, energy, and concentration. The pain is mostly noticeable upon waking, but sometimes it persists throughout the day. When the pain is less intense, it almost completely disappears after breakfast or lunch. However, when it is more severe, it doesn't go away at all, forcing me to rest in bed. Sometimes, even taking Tylenol does not relieve the pain.
The facial pain is located under my cheekbones, along my jaw, behind my eyes, and when it's very intense, at the center of my head just above my nose. The pain is continuous on both sides of my face and does not worsen with touch.
As for my throat, it feels like there's a constant lump at the lower part, as if it were scratched. It hurts continuously, not just when I swallow.
These pains occur year-round, regardless of the season.
Regarding medical checks and existing conditions, here are the details:
These issues also cause poor sleep quality. Despite sleeping for 7-8 hours, I wake up feeling tired and as if I need more rest, even if I did not exert myself physically or mentally the previous day.
From the beginning of May onwards, I experienced two weeks where every day I had a sore throat, headaches, and excessive tiredness, despite having taken antihistamines and cortisone spray for more than 20 days in April. I had a flu in early May and felt very ill; all symptoms (sore throat, cold, headache) were amplified and kept me in bed for several days, as if I had COVID. Even after the flu passed, I continued to experience throat lumps and headaches, along with excessive tiredness that rest did not alleviate.
I maintain a fairly balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity. I am physically at a normal weight.
My hypotheses:
Thank you to anyone who provides suggestions.
submitted by thedragonwolf55 to AskDocs [link] [comments]