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2024.06.09 19:31 swiftstyles Moved up to .50 new nausea symptom

I was on .25 for 6 weeks. Moved up to .5 last Monday. On .25 my nausea was coming from my stomach areas. After dosing up my nausea feels like it's in my neck area especially when looking down. Anyone else get nausea from looking down is this normal? I'm starting to feel like the OZ is messing with me mentally. I might just drop back to .25 to see if that's the cause.
submitted by swiftstyles to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: New Test Leper
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be taking a closer look/listen at “New Test Leper” which is the third track from the “Hi Side” of the band’s 1996 album New Adventures in Hi-Fi.
This song was actually one of the four songs from the album that was recorded in Seattle, Washington at the Bad Animal Studios. Even though this song wasn’t recorded on the road during the Monster tour like most of the album’s tracks, it was written and played during one of the band’s soundchecks. Peter said “And for some reason, we just forgot about it and never really played it. I don’t know why. Michael just happened to luckily enough have it on tape.” Peter also stated that this is the most “R.E.M.” sounding song on the album.
And I can see why Peter made that comment because the song starts off with Michael’s vocals right away, acoustic guitar, a shaker and some organs from Mike. With that acoustic guitar and that 6/8 time signature it’s definitely giving me Automatic for the People vibes, especially with a song like “Try Not to Breathe.” Now lyrically, here’s another quote from Peter in discussing the inspiration for the song;
“Michael was watching one of those talk shows and I think the subject was ‘People judge me by the way I look’ or something.” Whereas I, when I have the misfortune to look for two minutes at one of those Oprah, Geraldo things, I just get revolted at everyone concerned: the audience, me. Michael actually looked at it and felt like, ‘Gosh, what if someone’s actually trying to communicate something to these people and this person who’s in this awful, tacky, degrading situation?’”
The song starts off with the memorable lyric “I can't say that I love Jesus, that would be a hollow claim.” With this lyric in particular Peter said “It’s written from the perspective of a character that Michael saw on TV on a talk show. But are people going to think Michael’s talking about himself not liking Jesus? I don’t think that people will take us that seriously.”
The next lyric “he did make some observations and I'm quoting them today” seems to be Michael referencing the host of this religious talk show. The quote he uses is “judge not lest ye be judged” which, as Michael says, is a beautiful refrain. But the studio audience of the talk show don’t agree as they ask “have his lambs all gone astray?” It appears that there’s a guest on this talk show who is a “leper” which could mean an outcast of sorts. And in the chorus they say “call me leper.” I think the point that Michael is trying to make is how ironic it is that people of religious stature are judging someone else for not following teachings of the Bible when they are doing that themselves. As the title of this song deals with the New Testament and lepers played in a role in the different stories.
Now before we get into the rest of the song we gotta talk about the music up to this point. As I mentioned earlier, the song starts off with acoustic guitar, organs, vocals and a shaker. Despite it starting off as an acoustic number, the song has an upbeat tempo to it that makes it far from the slowest song on this album. And halfway through the first verse we get the bass and drums entering the mix. The song itself is fairly simple, but Mike’s bassline is far from it! Instead of playing a normal bassline, Mike is playing a lead melody that might as well be played on guitar. He’s what he had to say about this specific bassline just last year;
“I try to keep my bass lines a certain way, but for some reason with 'New Test Leper' I decided to basically play a bass solo all the way through the verses. You don't want the bass by itself, but in terms of free-forming and playing a lot of notes and having a lot of fun with it, I think 'New Test Leper' is the one where I took the guardrails off of it and had a good time."
I also love the electric guitar part during the chorus. Not only is the melody catchy but I love the tone to it. I can’t tell what effects it has on it but it sounds like a tiny bit of tremolo and it gives me strong surf vibe. It’s perfect because it fits alongside Michael’s simple delivery of “call me leper.” Which is also fitting because during the verses Michael’s vocal delivery is soft and warm and has a ton of great dynamics to it.
In the second verse we have Michael calling out the talk show after the host says “you are lost and disillusioned.” Michael understands how awful this show and crowd are and was hoping they’d be able to understand. But when the subtitle on the show say “I am not an animal” he realizes how ugly the whole event is. It should be noted that the quote “I am not an animal” comes from Michael’s favorite movie The Elephant Man which also inspired other R.E.M. songs like “Carnival of Sorts.”
After another melodic chorus we get an instrumental bridge with a gorgeous guitar solo from Peter over some mournful chords. It has that western Glen Campbell sound to it that Peter would return to in a couple albums with Reveal. The tone of that guitar shimmers and shines and the organs feel perfect backing the whole bridge. By far my favorite bridge on this album.
When the band goes back into that last verse we get this eerie sounding guitar feedback from Peter. I feel like this is suppose to be to leave a bad taste in your mouth the same way that this tv show has left a bad taste in this “leper’s” mouth. Michael sings from the perspective of the leper and how they finally understand the show was just a way to shock and awe people. Before they can tell their story, the show cuts to a commercial break. And as they are sitting through five commercials, the host is just staring blankly into his pre organized index cards. He explains how the guests were “scared and hardened” and ends the verse with the lyric “what a sad parade” which Michael admits he borrowed from his fellow songwriter and friend Vic Chestnutt.
The last chorus of the song starts off without any drums which is a nice way to slow the song down before one final chorus with all the instrumentation. Peter continues with that bouncy guitar riff until the band ends on a minor chord which is very appropriate.
Despite this song having a music video directed by Lance Bangs, and despite it being one of Michael’s favorite songs from the band, it was never an official single. It was only used a promotional single in Germany. Yet I feel that’s not a bad thing as this song and its profound meaning might have gone over some non fan’s heads after hearing that opening line. Yes, Michael used a real religious tv evangelism for the background of this song, but it’s not to hate on a specific religion. But more so to show the hypocrisy of preaching kindness and telling people to treating others how you want to be treated, to just then turn around and judge someone for being different. This message is wrapped up in this jaunty acoustic number that features all the great element throughout this album while remaining fresh. Plus it’s one of Mikes best basslines.
But what do you think of this song? Should it have been a single? What do you think the song is about? Favorite musical or lyrical moments? And did you ever see it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to rem [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 s0reL053R Just a Placeholder

I typically avoid posting too much personal crud, but I really needed to vent today and I don’t have anyone I feel comfortable venting to directly.
Backstory - I’ve been going through a divorce for the last few years, and stayed single for the first year of separation. Last year, I started trying to get back out in the dating scene. Despite getting matches, I only managed 3 different dates in about a years time. First one was a catfish, second one was just not a good date. No chemistry. Third one turned into a few dates and a “sorry, you’re such a great guy, you’re nice, your fun, and your funny, but I just wanted a FWB situation. At that point, I gave up on the dating apps and in dating in general. What’s the point right?
I ended up hanging out with someone I’ve known for a few years, things happened, and i thought we were dating. She ended up correcting me later, saying that we were only ever FWB, and she could never be my romantic partner. She cares about me, I’m a great guy, I’m nice, I’m fun, but she just can’t see a future with me.
Kept things going for a little while, and then she started pulling away. Then boom. “We’re just friends for now”.
Which hey, definitely appreciated the communication.
Still man, I’m feeling pretty hopeless, like I’m nothing more than a placeholder for women. Someone they use for attention until something better comes along.
This last one, that was enough. It taught me that love aint in my cards. So rather than keep whining and feeling sorry for myself, I think I’ll just embrace it. Stop wasting my time and energy on dating, and pour it into my fitness and hobbies.
I may not be worthy of love from others, but I can love myself.
That Dax song is too damn true. It’s not about how you feel, but what you can provide.
submitted by s0reL053R to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 Ok-Dream8019 Hershey Concerts

Hi! I’m going to a concert at Hersheypark Stadium in a few weeks. Is there a recommended area near the stadium for someone to do a drop off/pick up? I don’t really want to mess with a $50 Uber to travel 5 miles after it’s over and parking is always a mess getting out of there it seems. TIA!!
submitted by Ok-Dream8019 to Harrisburg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Different-Log-2308 I am confused (rant on the apparent holy status of material count in this sub)

Decided to summarize all my thoughts in a post because I'm getting tired of arguing about this in another thread. Feel free to disagree with my logic in favor of yours.
It seems like the overwhelming majority on this sub is firmly against encouraging newer players to attempt to play piece sacrifices.
Some of you might say that this is bad because... are willfully going down on the material count. When 95% of beginner games are decided by blunders, so if anything material count should be less decisive in the lower rating ranges. This seems like a very one-POV type of argument. (can't you just be happy that they are not UNintentionally giving up material /s) are likely just making it harder for yourself, and are more likely to misplay the position. Which I again see as a one-POV type of argument. There's also an opponent you're playing, right? If you can make it more likely that THEY mess up, why not just go for it? can simplify the game by exchanging pieces and go into an endgame where you're winning. This is definitely not as simple for beginners as it's made out to be, let alone the fact that the majority of lower rated players don't know how to convert endgames where they're only winning by a small margin. are not getting something back immediately, like a checkmate or winning back material. Then it's not a sacrifice, it's just a tactic. (by the way, do your puzzles lads)
...the engine doesn't approve. I can't tell you how many games I've played where the engine would've thought both me and my opponent were drunk. The right kind of sacrifices complicate the game for both players, but because you are the one who plays it you've already put more thought into it than your opponent. Again, beginners are not likely to stay ahead if your sacrifice has a clear motif.
...the engine does approve and says it's equal or better, but I'd still like to refer to any of the above points. Just no.
I don't understand why it's apparently such a no go to encourage the players on the aggressive half of the playing style spectrum to try and develop an eye and intuition for when a sacrifice does look threatening and when it doesn't. Not even discussing the perception that playing a move where you tempt your opponent to go ahead in material is perhaps one of the most smug things you can do on a chess board and for many players it can make the game a lot more enjoyable.
submitted by Different-Log-2308 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 jaykayel Audio recording and description of my encounter from 2018

Listen to Unknown Animal Sound Recording by hopshead on #SoundCloud
You can also hear the full story on Sasquatch Chronicles it's episode 940 "Unknown Animal on the Pipeline Site"
Hey all, just wanted to share this with the community to get some feedback. I'm curious to see what people think of this audio. I'll share the story here:
In 2018 I got a super easy job as a security guard for a natural gas pipeline construction project in rural Ohio. This was a ways outside of Minerva, home of the locally famous "Minerva monster" story from the 70s or 80s. My job was to just sit at the entrance to this construction site to make sure no one sabotaged or stole construction equipment, which never happened so I mostly did literally nothing from 7pm to 7am. There were 2 houses within a mile of where I was and most nights their dogs would bark all night in some kind of yelling match with the coyotes. It was just a constant that you could rely on. Dogs barking, coyotes yipping, and occasionally a cow or two mooing in between with a Neverending chorus of crickets and Frogs in the background. One night in August around 2am, EVERYTHING went quiet. It was the weirdest most eerie abrupt silence it gave me goosebumps. I genuinely thought there might be an earthquake or something about to happen. And it stayed silent for about an hour and I was anxious the entire time. Then, the roaring started. It started far off to my right side. So far, I could barely hear it. I thought it was a person messing with me from like a mile or two away. But it got closer SO QUICKLY. You'll hear in the recording, this thing was vocalizing every couple seconds and at some points it sounds pretty pissed at something. The sound quickly crossed my field of hearing in about 5.5 minutes it went from out of earshot on my right, crossed in front of me, and then was out of earshot on my left. I cannot describe how FAST this thing had to be moving to cover that kind of distance in that short of a time. At its closest, the sound reverberated in my chest and literally rattled the windows of my car. I've spent much of my life fishing, hunting, camping and hiking in Ohio. I know every kind of sound of every kind of animal Ohio has to offer. The ONLY animal explanation I will accept of this recording is MAYBE a beagle or some kind of hound Baying but even then I don't believe it I could just kind of see it could be that possibly. People have tried to tell me this is a deer and I laugh at them. Some people think it sounds like a rusty gate or machinery but I don't really hear that and the way it reverberated is not how squeaky rusty sounds carry through the woods.
If you find the episode on Sasquatch Chronicles you can hear some of the weird things that happened the nights before the recording was taken which I don't feel like typing up in detail but in short we found a muddy handprint on top of a shipping container, and then a whole ass rock was thrown THROUGH the side of a shipping container. I do not have pictures of those however :-(
Please feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think of the recording!
submitted by jaykayel to bigfoot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Dangerous-Draft-3552 I just don’t know what to do about our break up.

My bf cheated on me and I made it worse. Idk what to do
I (16f) found my boyfriend (17m) looking at girls tiktoks who he used to like and has tried to get with before. Ik we are young and I feel immature to even being upset about it but there is a lot more to it. Around a year ago when we first started dating I had a groups of friends I hung out with, I became friends with them after I had broken up with my ex of 2 years who had cheated on me to many times to count, I was alone with no friends during this time because I wasn’t allowed to have any my ex didn’t like any of my friends who I had and I wasn’t very good at making new friends as I liked to stick to my circle. With this group of friends I had I didn’t want to lose they were all I had and we were all so close and got along. While I had a situationship with one of the boys in the group and another had liked me I still wanted be friends with this group while getting with my now bf (17m). I wasn’t allowed friends in my last relationship and I told myself I couldn’t go into that place I was again were I was alone with a guy I didn’t know if I could trust yet, so I continued hanging out with them for about 2-3 months before I eventually cut ties with no drama for my now bf. Fast forward everything goes perfect for months until about a month ago I had a gut feeling and decided to look on his phone, I ended up finding videos of women on TikTok wearing very little clothing ( I wasn’t really mad about that because I didn’t know them there could be no way he would know them in real life or cheat on me with them) AND one of my friends tiktoks and another girls that goes to our schools account, he had looked threw everyone one of their videos at around 12 at night after I had to go home at 11. He had also screenshots my friends account name so he could look it up on his other account. I felt sick so I played it off as I just didn’t feel good and asked for him to take me home and once I walked through the door I sent all the screenshots and proof of the videos the account name being copied all the other girls and said I didn’t want to hear from him. He then at first lied and said it came up on the people you may know slide on TikTok how it comes up and just showed people who you might know, then after arguing a bit more and me saying how he looked her up and screenshotted her account name doesn’t line up with he just stumbled along her account and the other girls account. a few days go by we’re not on the best of terms but we end up going on a trip with a few of his buddies to see another of his friends graduation, a few days after that I ask him to come up to my job on my break to talk and for me to tell him I’m moving (he is also moving to a different town 11 hours away for college in July and I’m moving to a town around a hour away from our home town) and talk about everything that has happened. During our talk he brings up me hanging out with my friends and the guys who liked me in the beginning of our relationship. I explain to him why I still did that and why I needed my friends (he knew about my past with my exs, and how I was kinda sa’d by one of them) he knew I wanted my friends there for me so I knew I wasn’t going to be trapped and felt alone again. At first he let me see them at our town hang out spot while he was there and I was perfectly fine with that then eventually it grew to I couldn’t see them at all. Im upset but I understand. Back to when we were talking , I end up storming out of the break room where we were talking to grab my friend who works with me to talk to her, I explained everything that happens, and I decided to break up with him. A few more days go on and we argue some more and I end up going with my friend who I had the situationship with before my bf to lunch that next school day, and start seeing my old friends again. We end up going to the lake one day and my friend (16f) tells me to f her brother (19m) we end up just lying and saying we did when we did not to get back at my bf for hurting me and doing what he did (I KNOW THAT WAS MESSED UP, that should have never happened for a number of reasons) Everyone hears about it and eventually my bf does too and he says it’s a case and eventually tells my mom about us drinking and about me and my friends brother and I get told to come home to exchange clothing and stuff. I end up getting grounded for the whole summer and I tell them both that we lied about it all and it was just to get back at my bf for hurting me , this almost gets my friends brother in trouble with the cops but my mom believed me when I said we didn’t so she didn’t press charges. Then my bf (now ex) and my friends brother get into a fist fight over something not involving me. And friends brother gets arrested and released.
I apologize this is not well formatted, and apologize for it being a little confusing as it is for me too. I do not know how to handle the situation further, I’m hurt, he knew about what I’ve delt with with guys and he told me I could trust him then he turns around and stalks my friends who are exactly his time, we are all blonds with blue eyes, but they are so much prettier then me and have better bodies, he says I’m the pretties girl in the world but how do I believe that when hes been looking at other girls who are obviously his type, it just makes me feel I’m not good enough for him and he just settled for me.
I just want opinions on what I should do, he treated me perfectly those months in between and we were happy I don’t want to lose that but I know I’ll never be able to trust him again, he probably won’t either. Im aware I messed up and made the whole situation worse and brought more drama into it but it helped me feel better at the time.
submitted by Dangerous-Draft-3552 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 ThatOneRedThing My wife of 10+ years has chronic pain and we're miserable. We've grown apart and I don't know if I can fix it.

This is going to be long, but it's the most condensed I could make it.
I just don't know what to do and who to turn to.
My wife has had a rough life since her childhood. She was largely neglected in every sense and had chronic, debilitating migraines and pain since she was a child. Despite this she grew up to be a smart, driven, capable, compassionate woman.
When we first started dating, I knew she had some health issues, but it didn't bother me as I wanted to take care of her. She always hated feeling like she was a burden and was always trying to figure out new treatments and supplements to address her health issues. Despite that, we enjoyed our time together trying new restaurants and snuggling up on the couch or in bed.
When we got married we wanted to do a destination wedding in Mexico, but my family made a big stink about it and manipulated me to have us compromise for a domestic wedding and a symbolic one in Mexico. In hindsight I should have told them to pound sand, but I was a different person back then.
Then when it came to kids, I wanted us to try and she wanted to adopt. I wasn't opposed to adopting, but I wanted us to try first while we were younger. We went back and forth, but eventually she agreed and we had our daughter. It was a tough time as she gave up on her career to take care of our daughter as I had the better paying job. She had some post partum. But she wanted to have another, so we had my son a few years later.
The pregnancies really seemed to exacerbate her pain and health issues, and over the years it's gotten worse. I will fully admit that I can't truly understand her pain and it took me a while to realize how to adjust to be a spouse of a chronic pain sufferer.
Over the years, as life became more complicated, we drifted further and further apart. My career had afforded us a comfortable living with a house, two cars, a nice neighborhood, and nice things. But date nights became fewer. Instead of her ushering me off to bed when she was getting ready so we could snuggle, we went to bed at separate times. Intimacy waned. It started bothering me a few years ago. So I tried to open a dialogue on it.
What I was told was that she was resentful of being made into a housewife in a suburb while her health made her feel trapped and overwhelmed. She needed me to be more accommodating to her bad days and more involved in housework and child care. I tried to take it to heart and make efforts to do so and things would be good for a while. But then it would fall apart again. I became depressed.
Meanwhile we discovered her health was caused by a genetic condition that had no clear form of treatment. She had already tried the bulk of them to no avail. We'd go through numerous alternative treatment options over the years, but nothing TRULY addressed her pain or other symptoms. Each attempt hurting more and more, removing hope.
She would tell me that I needed therapy for my depression and I would spend a couple of years trying every antidepressant and seeing a therapist. And while it was nice to have someone validate my feelings, my wife didn't think my therapist was using the right tools to get me where she thought I needed to be. So I stopped going since the major driver was to address whatever was driving a wedge between us. My depression was getting worse as I felt more and more defeated. She'd suggest numerous supplements which helped in some regards, but never really made a significant dent in this dread I felt as my marriage seemed to be crumbling.
I would try more unconventional treatments like happy lights, meditation, gratitude journals, micro dosing certain fungal elements, even spending a month getting electromagnetic shocks from a dome that a clinician put over my head (her recommendation). It might give a boost via the placebo effect, but it would never last. My wife still didn't seem to think it was enough and we were growing further and further apart.
Now I'm sure some of you reading this might be screaming at me that just treating myself for depression and trying to modify my behaviors to address my wife's concerns is only my part of it. That she needs to make efforts too. And to her credit she has tried things, but it rarely lasts more than a few weeks. The worst part is she doesn't seek to understand what she can do better and she doesn't take my critiques well. If I come out and tell her something that she's doing is bothering me, if it isn't blatantly obvious she's in the wrong, she gets mad and shuts down on me. So I avoid bringing it up, but eventually when we're connecting I inevitably bring it up and it makes us not talk for several days. Oftentimes it ends up judo flipped on me and she reminds me about how hard her life is already and that she can't just be super lovey dovey and focus on me. She's touched out from our kids and the dogs. She just wants to be left alone and not have to validate or reassure me. She's convinced that our house makes her more sick and that she wants to move to another country and have land.
I know she needs to address some of her issues stemming from her childhood trauma and chronic health issues. To mourn the life she thought she would have. But she is CERTAIN that she's got the mental fortitude to be objective and see past her biases. That our issue is my expectations are too high.
It's bogus if course. I don't think expecting that we make our marriage a priority and making it a point to connect more meaningfully and work on our communication is unreasonable. She's just redirecting. In my opinion she's so sensitive to feeling responsible to not being as capable as she feels that she should be that whenever I shine a mirror on her she just uses her rage and resentment to deflect it and put me in the defensive. Then, maybe if I love her enough, I'll change into some sort of person that can enable her to do all the things she feels like she needs to do. At this point it is an extremely handy man who's focused on exactly what she wants, who never asks her to compromise, is always present, anticipates her needs, and never really asks for much in return. So... A fantasy.
Since she was focused on making it about my expectations and inability to understand her, I took it as a challenge to read all sorts of books on how to navigate marriage and be a better partner. And for a while, that helped. But then when I would try to share what I learned that could apply to her, again, it would just devolve into us it talking for a few days.
If you're still reading, you probably are suggesting that I give her an ultimatum to get counseling, single or couples. Otherwise, divorce. And I have tried in the past, but I can't seem to bring myself to actually pushing for divorce. I still truly love my wife and yearn for her to want to be the best spouse for me. I know my wife loves me, but not in a way you hope your spouse would. Every now and again, there is this glimmer of hope that keeps me hanging on. And I am trying to view her actions through the lens of someone who is suffering and needs my help. After all, I do feel responsible for some of her increased pain due to my insistence to have kids. And since she was a stay at home Mom for 8 years, her professional career has definitely limited her earning potential, so starting out on her own after a divorce is going to be hard. And I also recognize that I'm not a saint in this whole thing and I have things I need to work on too.
But I feel like divorce is inevitable at this point. It keeps getting harder and harder to deny how I'm feeling. I try to keep our unhappiness contained so no one knows, but I now know it's becoming more and more obvious. My daughter told my sister that the guest room is where daddy sleeps most of the time. My parents can tell I'm suffering and recognize how much I'm straining myself to accommodate my wife.
I have begged and pleaded for her to see this as I do. Cried until I'm a blubbering mess explaining how I want to salvage our marriage. How I'm trying to meet her, but she's not meeting me. Sometimes it helps and we have a few good days, but it gets shorter and shorter before it goes right back to what it used to be. Oftentimes the moment I imply she's not being as good of a partner as she could be, she gets mad and ends the conversation. I want to get therapy, but our insurance sucks and would require me to travel 45 min out of my way to the nearest provider. I know I'm not being a good role model for my kids. I know my health is declining from this all too. I feel buried under this life and having a harder and harder time recognizing myself as I look in the mirror. I just need her to see how she's hurting me and want to do what she can to fix it. To let me know that she recognizes that we're better together and need to be able to clearly, honestly, and openly communicate with each other. That she respects me. I'm sick of doubting myself and trying to mold and shift and strain to feel truly understood only to be disappointed.
But every time it seems just in reach, she just uses her chronic health issues and dissatisfaction with our current life as a means to justify her mistreatment. I truly, TRULY want to have us together. But I can't do it on my own and I feel like I'm being forced to end our marriage and be labeled as the guy who ditched his chronically ill wife because she wasn't enough for him. I know my kids would likely feel like I'm the bad guy. I know our lives our so intertwined that the idea of separating seems impossible.
I just... I just feel so stuck and hopeless.
Thank you for reading this all of you made it this far.
submitted by ThatOneRedThing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Sorry_Geologist8037 ### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!

### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!
If you are an ardent fan of card games and are looking for an exciting new way to experience the classic Indian card game Teen Patti, then the Teen Patti Munda APK is your perfect match! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this app brings the exhilarating world of Teen Patti right to your fingertips.

#### What is Teen Patti Munda?

Teen Patti, often referred to as Indian Poker, is a popular card game that originated in India. It is traditionally played in a group of 3 to 6 players and uses a 52-card deck without jokers. The goal is to have the best three-card hand and to maximize the pot before the showdown.
Teen Patti Munda is a mobile application that offers a digital version of this beloved game, providing a user-friendly interface, engaging gameplay, and various features to enhance your gaming experience. Available for Android devices, Teen Patti Munda brings the thrill and excitement of the game to your smartphone, allowing you to play anytime, anywhere.

#### Key Features of Teen Patti Munda APK

  1. **User-Friendly Interface**: The app is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you'll find the interface intuitive and straightforward.
  2. **Multiple Game Modes**: Teen Patti Munda offers a variety of game modes to keep things fresh and exciting. From Classic Mode to Variations like Joker, Muflis, AK47, and more, there's something for every Teen Patti enthusiast.
  3. **Real-Time Multiplayer**: Play with your friends or compete against players from around the world in real-time. The multiplayer functionality ensures that you always have an opponent ready to challenge your skills.
  4. **Daily Bonuses and Rewards**: Enjoy daily bonuses, rewards, and free chips to keep the game exciting and give you more chances to play and win.
  5. **Secure and Fair Gameplay**: The app uses advanced algorithms and security measures to ensure that the game is fair and secure. You can play with confidence, knowing that your information and chips are safe.
  6. **In-App Chat and Emojis**: Enhance your gaming experience with in-app chat and a wide range of emojis to communicate and interact with your fellow players.

#### How to Download and Install Teen Patti Munda APK

Downloading and installing the Teen Patti Munda APK is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started:
  1. **Download the APK**: Visit the official website or a trusted APK download site to download the Teen Patti Munda APK file.
  2. **Enable Unknown Sources**: Before installing the APK, ensure that your device allows installations from unknown sources. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. **Install the APK**: Locate the downloaded APK file in your device’s file manager and tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. **Launch the App**: Once installed, open the app, sign up or log in, and start enjoying the thrilling world of Teen Patti Munda!

#### Tips for Winning at Teen Patti Munda

  1. **Understand the Rules**: Make sure you have a good grasp of the rules and different hand rankings in Teen Patti. This will give you a strategic advantage.
  2. **Start Small**: Begin with lower stakes to get a feel for the game and gradually increase your bets as you become more confident.
  3. **Pay Attention to Opponents**: Observe your opponents’ playing styles and patterns. This can help you make better decisions and anticipate their moves.
  4. **Bluff Wisely**: Bluffing is a key part of Teen Patti, but it should be used judiciously. Know when to bluff and when to fold.
  5. **Manage Your Bankroll**: Set a budget for your gameplay and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses and play responsibly.
submitted by Sorry_Geologist8037 to u/Sorry_Geologist8037 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Infamous-Stress5311 [XBX][M24] Selling Coins From $20/M 1,000s Of Deals 100% No Bans Legend & Moderator 917-697-6254 24/7 Available EXPERIENCED

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submitted by Infamous-Stress5311 to MCSXbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 mnparke Sign up with Monzo bank and spend just $10 with your debit card or digital wallet and you will get $20 added to your account. Just use my referral and you will get $20 free.
submitted by mnparke to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 EmuAffectionate6864 I am done with my family, I am walking away and never coming back.

I would just like to clarify that I am not a parent, nor in a relationship, if kids were involved I wouldn't walk away like this.
I am a second-year college student, I have two more years until I graduate and leave. I grew up poor, its a struggle to afford college, I have a part-time job which helps make ends meet. My part-time job includes working with children, I have to do safeguarding training. My mother was a single parent, my dad wasn't in the picture. Although my dad weren't in the picture, I realised they were bad as each other. As I went through the training, there were lots of types of abuse and examples of abuse mentioned, I soon realised almost all abuse that were listed (Apart from the one including s and ends in l) I experienced.
My mother was a neglectful parent, for example, she didn't get us to wash or teach us about personal hygiene, when I was 13, my teacher took me aside to speak about personal hygiene, I thought I was normal. My siblings have always denied that my mother was abusive, since accepting I was abused I started therapy and I am still coming to terms with it. My family are a dysfunctional family, full of gambling, drug and alcohol addicts. Every single day there was always shouting and arguing between my siblings, me and my mother. we never acted like a normal family, if we did it was only an act to showcase that "we're doing okay", as soon as CPS left, it went back to normal.
Why am I done with my family? Why am I walking and away from my family and never forget? It's to do with the latest drama. My family and I had an argument over politics, they disagree with me massively. My family kept threatening to disown me, my own sister was threatening to not let me see my nephew anymore. A day later there was another argument, my sister said I am really my father's daughter, it seemed to me she was saying we're not related and i'm an abusive prick like him.
I am done with my family, I am done with constantly coming back to them after they say the most hurtful things. I am done enabling them and helping them when they treat me like this. My mental health has been spiralling down for years. When I'm not around them I feel relaxed. It doesn't help the fact that I'm living with my other sister who doesn't work, doesn't have any money and relies on me to put a roof of her head and feed her.
Unfortantely, because of college and being scared for my safety, I won't be moving until after I graduated. I have planned it, I bought a refurbished phone, I ordered a sim card, I am slowly deleting social media accounts one by one, this is a new reddit account which I may no longer use, I have picked the location I want to move to, it's 8+ hours away from where my family and I live. I've created a new "secret" bank account, I won't be sending the bank details to anyone. I already have a placed organised, my friend is allowing me to purchase a property their family owns, it's rundown, it's needs some repairs but it's affordable and most of the repairs I can do.
I hate the fact I have to wait two years, but its happening, I am done with my family, I also hate the fact I have to be around them for two more years. I have planned my escape route, when to escape.
submitted by EmuAffectionate6864 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 SleeplessInSoul 22F Europe/Online - Looking to make ace friends

I’m here because I’d love to make some ace (meaning asexual, I'm asexual myself) friends—and I ask you to please only message me if you’re interested in keeping it friendly. That being said I will do my best to hype you up if you’re ever in need of a little TLC (tender loving clown, that’s me ✌)
Some stuff about me: I like long-distance running, strength training, anime, video games (PC/Switch), language learning, writing fiction and doing content creation related stuff. I also used to play a lot of different trading card games but quit when I had to move away for school. Oh and I like pets, especially spontaneous pics of them (👀 also I don’t have any sadly).
My best friend qualities is that I always try my best to make you laugh, listen to you and make you feel comfortable. My worst friend quality is that I tend to get lost in my projects and emerge from my dark cave a zombie, having neglected to respond to texts for a week... it's up to you if that's a good deal lol.
And now to some things I’m asking of you:
• I’d like to talk with someone in a European time zone
• I’d like to talk to people ages 20-30 years old only
• I’d love to chill on a voice call together at some point so I’d like you to be open to that, but of course we’d text for the most part. I only use Discord for talking.
That's all for now, please send me a message as responding to comments gets a bit wonky. I can't wait to meet you 😄
submitted by SleeplessInSoul to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 nogga_rebby Why can’t Mojang fix more bugs before adding more new stuff, or at least along the way?

Yes this is a rant, but it’s probably how most long-term Bedrock players feel. The information is relevant as I have been dealing with these issues on Xbox both next gen and old since I have both. My gf plays on the newer one since she’s the host of our 4 year survival world. I can’t explain all the bugs as I usually have a list of bugs I keep for games I play, but never expected I’d need one for Minecraft til now since I’m just starting to notice a lot of persistent bugs that range from slightly-annoying to game-breaking. Here’s my spiel. Yeah I wrote it when I was angry but it’s filtered.
For PC users, I don’t know why it’s turning my text into a code block despite me retyping it.
 Unpopular request I bet among the devs, but how about, now this might sound wild, the devs actually fix some heavy bugs before adding more new stuff that’s not gonna work right half the time. The shulker box dupe glitch is STILL a thing. Entities with name tags that randomly disappear, and almost EVERY arthropod getting stuck on fences, glass panes, and bamboo; like why devs? How in the world are PANDAS getting stuck on bamboo, and why do most entities(including pandas) have to path-find around bamboo like it’s a whole block wide? More importantly they always get stuck on it, and with it happening to fences too is beyond me because there are mobs that have been in the game from the start that I notice are getting stuck on these thin-type blocks. They definitely messed something up because they fixed it and now it’s back. Minecraft is statistically losing more and more long-term players on Bedrock edition(don’t know how bad Java has gotten, but with how lazy the devs have been, seemingly, I bet it’s bad). I know they need to bring in new players but now vanilla Minecraft is becoming comparable to games like Geometry Dash. Beat it once, done, and never come back. Or make a new world to do it all again but tbh most people don’t do that if their intent is to have one major survival world. For older gen players, they have to deal with stuff like broken chunks or chunks not even loading in, more commonly when using an Elytra. I’ve seen videos of people running and flying into invisible walls making fast ways of travel non-applicable. Would really love to see some improvement to the game, especially since I took a THREE YEAR BREAK and came back to see I could still abuse the s**t out of shulker boxes😂🤦C’mon devs, put that money to some actual good use. It’s like they don’t even have testers. Not only do we the players have to deal with the actual game mechanics, we gotta deal with bs like literal game-breaking bugs. This post is in terms of pure vanilla survival. I don’t even wanna know what add-ons be doing to the game through all of this. Anyways I’d love to hear some opinions on this, or more so, please educate me on why after three years, there are still these half-baked updates? Not even looking forward to new updates now. 
submitted by nogga_rebby to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 binsap 20 Clever Tricks to Save Big on Amazon

Shopping on Amazon is incredibly convenient, but all those Prime purchases can really add up. While Amazon's prices are already competitive, there are lots of easy ways to save even more money when buying online from the e-commerce giant.
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submitted by binsap to shareyourview [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 Silent_Cabinet_8954 Ender bed won’t stay hot.

Ender bed won’t stay hot.
Running an ender 3 when I start a print everything gets up to temperature bed 70 hot end 210 once it starts printing the bed temperature begins to drop and when it reaches 65 the printer makes a clicking sound cancels the print. I have re formatted the sd card Did an auto bed and hot end PID tune Re sliced files double checking all temperatures were correct Left it unplugged over night to kill capacitors inside it. Pushed all wiring connections I could find on it Thanks in advance for any help.
submitted by Silent_Cabinet_8954 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 isScreaming New to hsv1

Hey, group! I just got my ghsv1 diagnosis a couple days ago, my symptoms were mild and I thought hormonal related (fissuring around the vaginal entrance). Turns out they weren’t and my igg blood test was high/positive for hsv1. I was swabbed and am waiting on that follow up with my gyn. This is a huge shock for me because I never had symptoms before. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for the past 20+ years and we’ve been faithful. He has no symptoms of anything at all. I know he should probably get tested, so I will encourage that for him. I’ve been a mess, crying, depressed, afraid to touch him or kiss him, terrified at the idea of having sex with him. Don’t even want to share a drink with him. I know I need a lot of education but my head hasn’t been in the best of space, and the internet has been kind of confusing (things like the virus can live for up to 4 hrs on surfaces but is only spread thru skin to skin…). My f/u isn’t until the 21st, so I figured I could come here and speak with real people dealing with this, because I need help. I’m spiraling and I want to get a handle on this. We live together, so I’m really struggling with how to keep him safe. Can we share a bar of soap? A glass of water? Should I go on meds like valtrex for the rest of my life? Can I kiss him goodbye? I feel dirty even hugging him. His father is coming up to visit this summer, too, so I am also freaking out over that….i just don’t know what to do and wish this wasn’t happening to me. I am sorry this is long and winded and I thank you all in advance for any replies.
submitted by isScreaming to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:15 proletariat_liberty Ufos, human mutilations, and everything under my unified theory of the UAP phenomenon

Let’s begin:
The United States of America Isint a singular centralized government or entity, but rather a diverse set of special interest groups with different abilities. For example, there exists countless special access programs, rich guys with money, and a diverse set of special interests. Neither is the whole monolith that certain people make the USA out to be. Including the CIA, For there remains several factionalized groups within the United States government that operate under their own leaderships and objectives. Each groups containing their own diverse set of special interests.
For example, JSOC conducts international operations in places like South America and Europe where human and cattle mutilations occur. These are the black vehicles and soldiers that clean up the mess caused by negative NHI. They posses electromagnetic weaponry that are capable of effectively shutting down NHI craft. They are not gods so Stop idolizing them, advanced tech or not, it still needs to apply to the laws of physics. These are not friendly NHI, Mutilations of corpses and human body parts have been found inside some craft. Some of the ETs carrying that out, are described look similar to the ones from the varghinia incident in Brazil. (Devilish, can run really fast). There’s also the Mage Brazil incident that was covered up in real time as it happened, where black military soldiers shot down a spacecraft utilizing a directed energy weapon before tracking it down to execute the living NHI on the ground.
Speaking of the negative NHI, abduction stories (and just rumors) suggest that hybrids are engineered to feel a connection to their creators and are often put into positions of power, to sow division within a government if it fails to centralize itself in efforts to fight against that. Agents of the CIA, bought over by rich people, would start coups of South America against democratically elected socialist leaders as an effort from negative NHI to prevent any capable nation of developing near their main base of operation. That, and to prevent the ruling class from loosing profits in South American businesses they owned.
This is the full nature of what western imperialism was at the time. It consists of individuals manipulated and consumed by the highest form of greed, devoid of respect for human life.
The negative NHI are interested in causing conflict within humanity so we fail to understand the real nature of what is occurring on our planet. Human body parts have been found inside human craft and I believe there was a rumor about a living human nervous system inside a tank of liquid being kept alive. Imagine the simulations or experiments that can be done with that, it is the highest form of horror imaginable.
However, With industrial technology we can fight back. Especially if we control the means of how that technology is produced.
“Beware of the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises”
Take the lady of Fatima apparition for example, how the children ended up with extreme thirst and a saucer being spotted above the clouds. The same phenomenon of thirst happens when you get into deep meditation.
there was no reason for aliens to land in Zimbabwe during the ariel school encounter except for when they came down to warn against technology. When they are in fact the ones creating loyal hybrids to mess up our planet so we focus on fixing our problems than what the negative NHIs are doing They are gaslighters of ultimate deception this negative group shall not be trusted.
The lady of Fatima apparition (not a real Angel) warned the Shepard children that the Christian nations of the earth had to rise up against the Soviet Union for their “atheistic communist revolution”. An example of the phenomenon breeding further antagonism.
There’s no war but class war. Humanity versus those who wish to rule over us (the anti humans).
No matter the race, sex or nation. Humanity must remain unified under the proletariat.
A crop circle depicting three dots and a tall gray had a message encoded that said:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE GIFTS & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING."
Our politicians are so dysfunctional that sometimes I feel like they’re not even mostly humans to begin with; in addition to willfully or subconsciously trying to dismantle our civilization for the worse.
It’s like they’re just evil, anti humans.
Humans good. But the current economic system that is Capitalism, as anyone who’s actually studied it, will understand how it strips our humanity. The pursuit of money means everyone is forced to fuck over the next person they meet. Its very hard to remain a nice person when other people are constantly trying to screw you over for cash.
Sources and documentaries for human and animal mutilations:
Ross coulthart and the dark side:
NATO, DOE, and DOE connections:
submitted by proletariat_liberty to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:15 ThrowRA_838383 My [36F] veteran brother [39M] is an alcoholic. How do I help him?

I now see that my [36F] veteran brother [39M] is an alcoholic. How do I help him?
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan, did 3 tours in the infantry and as a sniper. He's seen some shit. He was pretty messed up when he came home around 2007ish and my parents got him therapy and EMDR, which helped. We've never been close and I wouldn't say either of us are close with our parents. Emotions weren't really "allowed" and we grew up to be closed off people. With therapy in my marriage, I've certainly come a long way and am more open and communicative now, but my brother has only become more closed off. I'm really concerned for him and I think he has a pretty serious addiction to alcohol. I don't want to intrude on his life but I also don't want him to drink himself to death, and I worry that's what he's doing.
He goes to a local bar nearly every day. Our family has an app where we can all share our location. This is how I know. He has a good job as a firefighter. He's married with a teen son. On the rare occasion I do see him, he brings a cooler with his drinks. He never gets obviously drunk or obnoxious. He's always been able to remain collected even when he was pretty smashed. But now, it seems like a daily habit. I tried calling him to see if I could meet him for a drink just to start establishing some time together because I saw he was at his bar. But he didn't answer my call. He's known to be a flake when anyone tries to make plans with him and he just mostly avoids everyone.
I know you can't help people when they don't want help. I don't want to pressure, lecture, or chastise him. But I can't sit idly by while my brother slowly kills himself. My family is oblivious to his problem and I doubt any of them will intervene even if they knew. My brother has been through a lot. My heart hurts and he's all I think about lately. Reddit, where do I even begin to help him?
submitted by ThrowRA_838383 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 New-Scholar392 Earn $150- One Time Gig

Join a tech assessment and receive $150 for your participation. I'm recruiting for a study conducted by uTest at an in-person location in Midtown Manhattan. You'll evaluate a wrist device while performing straightforward tasks.
*** All individuals are eligible, provided they haven't previously participated in this study. The study lasts up to 3 hours, and you'll be compensated $150 for your time, with payments made through virtual Visa gift card. To get more details or sign up, kindly complete this brief form.
submitted by New-Scholar392 to NYCjobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 derptruckk My best friend (28F) has been acting jealous and competitive with me (28F) and excluded me from plans with my other friend (26F) this weekend

So I ‘28F’ have these two close friends: one is my best friend, ‘28F’ and the other is also a close friend, ‘26F’ ad I have been individually friends with them both for 3+ years. I recently introduced them to eachother, and I started a group chat with the three of us, and recently they’ve started texting and hanging out without me and stopped texting our group chat.
The most recent occurrence happened this weekend that really hurt my feelings.
Me and my best friend live in the city, and the other friend lives in the area where I work, which is about 30 mins away from the city. On Friday, they went to dinner together down the street from where i work and didn’t invite me.
It’s common for me to hang out with them individually, especially my best friend, because we live close to eachother and they were both my friends individually outside of this group.
I introduced them to eachother, and they’ve only known eachother for a few months, and to be honest, this dinner felt targeted towards me.
Some context: my best friend and I have had some issues lately that I’ve needed to confront her on. She responded well and apologized, but the dynamic has definitely changed between us the last couple months. I recently started dating someone new, and I feel like she’s become jealous and started acting competitive with me ever since I started dating him. She’s come on to my boyfriend and acted very inappropriate and I had to confront her and tell her her behavior was disrespectful and she was not acting like a girl’s girl. She has also been changing narratives and been messing around in my circles behind my back, talking shit about my people to my face: including this friend she went out with in Friday, as almost a way to bait me into saying something negative about them. She told me this friend was annoying and self absorbed, and she hated talking to her and she has to mentally prepare herself to respond to her texts. But then she is talking to them all individually and trying to hang out with them etc. behind my back. She’s been trying to poach the people in my life, including my boyfriend. I’ve been making a point to hang out with her a lot, because I don’t want her to feel like my new relationship will get in the way of hers and my friendship, I still see her more than I see my boyfriend. But I feel she’s taking the fact that found someone great who really likes me and she’s still single, as a direct hit to her ego. It’s almost like she doesn’t understand how someone could like me more than her and so she’s trying to steal my friends and flirt with my boyfriend to prove something to herself. She responded well every time I confronted the issues and apologized, and played dumb like she didn’t know what she was doing. And even though on the surface, we’re still friends and hang out and have made up, she’s been doing a lot of things behind my back still and I don’t trust her anymore, and the dinner Friday felt like a direct hit at me.
I tried to open up a little about some of the issues to my other friend, who went to dinner with my best friend on Friday, and she kinda plead the 5th and said she didn’t want to gossip. Which first of all, I understand, but I’ve always talked to her about drama in my life and she’s never had an issue with it and loves the tea. And second of all, I was approaching the topic like I was hurt by my best friends actions and wanted advice. This girl has been my friend for years before I introduced her to my best friend and she didn’t care to hear it and I felt like she was choosing someone she just met over me.
I don’t have an issue with them hanging out in circumstances where it doesn’t make sense for me to join, but in this case, it was literally down the street from where I work everyday and this was a Friday, so I would’ve been in the area, and the invite was not extended. With everything else that’s been going on the last couple months, it felt targeted and I feel hurt that my best friend is acting like this, and frankly I also feel hurt by my other friend who joined in on excluding me.
I’ve kinda distanced myself from them the last couple days to work through my emotions and understand why it hurt me so much, and make sure I’m not overreacting and say something I’ll regret to them. But I’d love advice on the best way to deal with this and see other people’s opinions?
submitted by derptruckk to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]