Headache, nausea


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2024.06.09 13:56 dilu_w Sertraline secondary effects, should I stop taking it?

I've been taking half a pill (25mg) for 5 days, and I've been having nausea, headaches and dizziness. Not every day, and always when it's already/almost night, and lasts an hour or so. I've been also yawning a lot and my jaw feels tense and uncomfortable but idk if that's related.
It's my first time taking antidepressants because I have a terrible anxiety but idk if I should stop taking them. Specially because in two days I need to start taking the whole pill (50mg) and i'm scared it might make the symptoms even worse. I know they're supposed to go away after a few weeks but I don't really know what to do.
Should I email my psychiatrist?
submitted by dilu_w to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 One_Rush-930 17m/AMAB • Question: What is going on with me?

So, about around June 5th, I started to feel like crap... It started off as a feeling of someone squeezing my brain with a munch of rubber-bands, then dizziness, then nausea, then I started to have hand numbness & slurred speech yesterday, I've been feeling like I'm about to faint from the dizziness spell, and I've also been noticing a little bit fatigue, knee to feet numbness... But other than that, I've been feeling like crap for the last 4 days, I have tried taking headache medicine (to see if it is headache & it's not a headache, cause it's not going away), allergy pills (to see if it is my allergies & it's not my allergies), and sleep (It's not really helping either, it's like it's making the feeling of someone squeezing my brain with a rubber-band; worse) & nothing is working... I have already looked up my symptoms & there's a lot that comes up, but I don't know what is going on with me. Does anyone know what might be going on with me? If you do, let me know
submitted by One_Rush-930 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:01 mrpooooopy STD that causes stomach pains

It’s easy to assume that STDs only affect the genital region. However, certain STDs can affect many different areas of the body. And it’s possible to experience STDs symptoms in the eyes, mouth, on the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands, and within your abdomen. If left untreated, it’s even possible for STDs to spread to the joints. So what STD causes stomach pain and diarrhea? Though these conditions are common and can result from a number of factors, HIV can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. In addition, chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which is characterized by pain in the lower back and abdomen.
The easiest way to answer this question is to say that stomach pain is not uncommon for people with certain STDs. While individuals with an STD may be more likely to experience other symptoms, it’s entirely possible to develop stomach pains as a result of an STD. In its early stages, HIV bears a strong similarity to influenza. And it’s easy for individuals to confuse the two sets of symptoms. A few of these symptoms include: nausea, fatigue, headaches, fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
As mentioned above, women who have chlamydia or gonorrhea are at risk for developing pelvic inflammatory disease if they remain untreated. Not only is pelvic inflammatory disease painful, but it can also contribute to infertility.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:44 Local_Year_9367 Surgery comes closer and i start doubting myself, please help:(

Hi everyone, I have my surgery consultation tomorrow. As surgery is getting closer and closer I am starting to doubt myself more and more. This is mainly because I have no concrete diagnosis and I have had to put a lot of effort into getting a surgeon consult. I dont want to make a wrong choice now and screw my life up since im 23 years now.
what I doubt the most are my symptoms. I have had a dull pain in my upper right abdomen almost daily for 2 years. In march my billirubin levels began to elevate and my doctor insisted for an ultrasound. This came back clear. A few weeks after I got huge pain in the RUQ which made me do nothing for 2 days and i hesitated to go to the emergency room. A few days after this heavy pain subsided I had an endoscopy ultrasound to look for gallstones but nothing was found. Also my billirubin levels where turned to normal.
At the starts of this journey i have suffered from yellow colored stool and constipation, massive flatulence and my appetite has completely disappeared since the pain started in my upper right abdomen. I also feel like food stays in my stomach and little to no bile comes in. I say this because I have to supplement artichoke and bile salts and consume black coffe to get more normal (color and shape) and easier to pass stools.
I also suffer a lot from a hangover feeling every morning. It feels like like being dehydrated despite eating healthy and drinking a lot (3L) a day. Some other symptoms of mine are burping, nausea, extreme tiredness, weight loss, weak muscles, headaches, derealization.
Am i making the right choice? Does anyone recognize these symptoms? Please let me know it would do me good to be a little more sure that I am making the right choice
Additional info: I have now had 2 ultrasound of the gallbladder, an endoscopy, an endoscopy ultrasound (EUS) and MRCP. These scans all came back good. HIDA scan is not possible in my country (EU) which is very unfortunate. .
submitted by Local_Year_9367 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Gergar12 I asked ChatGPT-4 to list all symptoms of Lyme Disease, and I had nearly all of them either now or in the past.

Given that you are experiencing a wide range of symptoms associated with chronic Lyme disease, including a history of a bullseye rash (erythema migrans) which is a hallmark of Lyme disease, it is important to seek medical attention promptly.
Here's a summary of your reported symptoms:
  1. Fatigue
  2. Joint pain and swelling
  3. Muscle aches
  4. Headaches
  5. Cognitive issues (e.g., memory problems, difficulty concentrating)
  6. Sleep disturbances
  7. Neurological problems (e.g., numbness, tingling, facial palsy)
  8. Heart issues (e.g., palpitations, chest pain)
  9. Mood changes (e.g., anxiety, depression)
  10. Fever and chills (in the past)
  11. Swollen lymph nodes
  12. Eye inflammation or vision changes
  13. Sensitivity to light
  14. Neck stiffness
  15. Digestive problems (e.g., nausea, abdominal pain)
  16. Dizziness or imbalance
  17. Shortness of breath (maybe)
  18. Rash (bullseye in the past)
  19. Flu-like symptoms
These symptoms suggest a possible Lyme disease infection that may have progressed to a chronic state. It is crucial to get a thorough evaluation from a healthcare provider who can perform the necessary tests and provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If Lyme disease is confirmed, early and adequate treatment can help manage symptoms and prevent complications.
submitted by Gergar12 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 No-Personality-5164 Day 3

Day 3 of taking Lexapro, 1.25mg.
I intend to compile all my threads eventually with the aim of giving new users assurance or a timeline to refer to.
Having some headaches and dizziness. Nausea was the worst on 1 day, lessened on day 2. Still present today but barely noticeable. Noticed I've been drinking a lot more water than usual.
It's too early to tell but my agoraphobia seems to have reduced. My heart no longer races at the thought of going out.
submitted by No-Personality-5164 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:42 thrway01010 Weaning off: why do I feel worse after taking a dose?

Five years of taking one 150 mg a day. First I'm taking 37.5 mg three times a day for two weeks, then twice a day for two weeks and finally once daily for two weeks before quitting for good, hopefully.
I expected to feel the worst right before the next dose but I notice I get the strongest nausea and headache right after taking afternoon and evening doses. I feel good in the morning and noon. This kind of makes me want to start skipping the second dose already but I'm scared of getting brain zaps.
Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by thrway01010 to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:36 HimCardReadGood Did I have some kind of encephalitis?

It's been eleven years since it occurred, but I'm led to wonder anyway, given its bizarreness and intensity.
When I was ten, I came down with a bad flu-like illness, with severe headaches, habitual vomiting (routinely occurring every four hours) and nausea. This was diagnosed as typical flu by a local doctor. After five days of illness I seemed to be gradually recovering and the symptoms lessening. On the evening of day five, however, I was lying in bed when I realized that I couldn't move my left leg; it had been completely paralyzed. Within minutes, a mild static-like sensation spread up the left side of my torso and paralyzed my arm, followed by my neck and the left side of my mouth (complete with slurred speech and drooped face). I was obviously terrified and, after several hours of attempting to phone my dad and persuade him to take me to the hospital (he didn't believe that anything was up; my mom later came back and had to intervene on my part), was put in intensive care in a crash victim hospital (everywhere else was full) and blacked out.
I woke up the next morning feeling extremely weak with a severe headache, a stiff neck and a general feeling of disorientation, as if I were stuck in a kind of nightmare; the paralysis had gone and didn't recur that weekend. The medical staff around me had no idea what the illness was, despite MRI scans and spinal taps, although they had discovered three legions on the brainstem and one in the frontal cortex. Despite claiming that I would probably not walk again for years (or possibly the rest of my life), I managed to force myself to slowly walk around the hospital hall two days later (although my left leg felt strangely detached, like it was "less intrinsic" than my right one) and was taken home, although I remained extremely weak and nauseous; the headache was continuous.
I spent most of the next week being driven in and out of hospital wards in an attempt to diagnose the illness; I heard whispers about encephalitis but this was never confirmed; even the guy monitoring the MRI scan said they didn't know. After I was dismissed one day, I had another attack of paralysis and collapsed in the parking lot; the doctor would not see me as their shift had finished, so I was loaded into a different ward, where I was told that my nerves were apparently traumatized from the initial attack and so would recurringly "re-induce" the paralysis. It vanished around four hours later. After a few days of recurring "attacks", this finally subsided, and, only days later, I strangely seemed to recover, the entire ordeal having seemingly lasted only thirteen days, although I felt different emotionally: my brain was much more prone to "fogging" than before (concentration was difficult for around a year afterwards), my short-term memory was hazy for months, bright sunlight was much more difficult to tolerate (I still feel ill and anxious on clear summer days years later) and I felt more anxious and temperamental, as if bodily sensations and fears were much more acute than before; I often "spaced out" in intense ways, with my skin crawling and sweating, and frequently cried for no apparent reason; I sometimes experience these even today. I also began to develop symptoms of OCD, although I'm not sure if this was more from the stress of the situation. My left side was never entirely the same afterwards either - my left leg still has a weird gait where it tends to move in a circle, while my left arm generally doesn't swing when I walk and often feels mildly sore for no apparent reason.
Several months later, I was taken back to the hospital for another MRI test. The legions had completely vanished and I was told it was a "miracle". I then asked what the illness was and none of them knew for certain. Does anyone know what I could have had, and whether it could be encephalitis as was sometimes suggested?
submitted by HimCardReadGood to Encephalitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:03 Waste-Location-6395 Surgery 3 weeks ago

I had a retrosigmoid craniotomy on May 14th. I’ve been recovering very well.
Last night I accidentally rolled over onto my stomach and slept flat - I am not supposed to sleep flat for 4 weeks post-op. When I woke up this morning I went to go to the bathroom and I had the most excruciating headache I’ve ever experienced in my life. A legitimate 9/10, instantaneous crying, photophobia, nausea. I laid down and the headache subsided within about 10 minutes and then I was able to go on with my day. This sounds like a CSF leak headache to me…
I’ve had no fluid dripping from my nose and no recurrence of headache throughout the day. I have a line out to my neurosurgeon but it’s late night on a Saturday and I’m not sure if they will get back to soon. Is this something I should go to the ER for you think?
submitted by Waste-Location-6395 to CSFLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 mrpooooopy STD fatigue

When you’re feeling under the weather, you may assume that you’ve simply caught the latest bug that’s going around. Especially during cold and flu season, symptoms like headaches, nausea, fatigue, or fever are easy to dismiss as a common illness. With any luck, you’ll take a couple days at home to rest and be back on your feet in no time – right? What you may not realize is that your flu-like symptoms may be signs of something far more serious: a sexually-transmitted disease.
STDs: More Common Than You Might Think
According to the American Sexual Health Association, one out of every two sexually active adults will deal with an STD by age 25, and yet less than 15 percent of young adults receive regular STD testing. With undiagnosed STDs potentially leading to severe illness, infertility, and other health issues, consistent, reliable STD testing is critical to your sexual health.
It’s not uncommon to contract an STD without realizing it, especially because many STDs have no detectable symptoms. Furthermore, because so many common STD symptoms are extremely similar to those of the cold or flu, it’s easy to misdiagnose yourself. However, being aware of basic STD symptoms can help you take the proper steps to protect your sexual health.
Possible Signs of an STD
While you may be familiar with the more well-known symptoms of STDs, such as painful urination and visible skin lesions, there are many other signs that are harder to pinpoint. Here are a few of the most commonly missed STD symptoms, most of which mimic the flu or a common cold:
Chronic fatigue is a possible sign of several different STDs, including late-stage gonorrhea, chlamydia, and Hepatitis A, B, and C. You might think you’re feeling extra tired because of a few late nights, but if the fatigue persists even after getting good rest, it’s time to consider an STD test.
A fever is an indication that your body is trying to fight off some type of infection and can easily signal an STD. Syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and Hepatitis A all cause a spike in body temperature.
If you’re experiencing nausea and vomiting, it might not be the stomach flu or something you ate. Instead, it may very well be HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis C, or Hepatitis A. Especially in cases where the symptoms persist past a day or two, it’s important to get tested quickly to allow for proper medical care.
Body aches or a sore throat may signal a range of STD infections, with joint paint often indicating an STD that’s been left untreated for a considerable amount of time.
Even headaches can signal a sexually-transmitted disease, such as herpes, syphilis, or HIV.
Finally, many STDs are asymptomatic, meaning they show no symptoms at all. For this reason, regular STD testing is important for all sexually active individuals, even those that feel perfectly healthy.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:31 Wubby_Dubby9898 Out of nowhere “migraine”

So I’ve had what I think are migraines since I was atleast 12 or 13 (I’m now 18) they use to occur maybe once every few months. I’ve talked with my mom and other family members and they all say they could be from my sinuses but I’m not to sure if they’re actually migraines or if they’re tension headaches (kinda clueless on the difference) but basically about a week ago I got up at night from a nap and decided to drive to town and get some food. As I pull in to get food I notice some “visual snow” which is basically like static in my vision that slowly expands to the outer sides of my vision and when it goes away (20-30 mins) I get a terrible headache that is usually followed by nausea If I can’t get home and take a nap. It caught me off guard because I haven’t had one in over a year and a half I think. Normally when I take a nap I wake up feeling perfectly fine but the next morning I had the worst nausea I’ve ever experienced. We’re thinking I had a stomach bug because I was sick for about 3 days but, I had no head pain the whole time!?!? It was probably the worst experience of my life so far because I got extremely dehydrated and lost about 20 pounds in 5 days cause I’m stupid and didn’t drink water or eat in fear of throwing up (puking is very traumatizing for me). I had to go to the ER to get an IV done to get some electrolytes back in me, the doctor did mention that heat can also be a cause since I live in louisiana and it’s been extremely hot recently. One time I did have what I thought was a “migraine” and took some headache relief medicine my friend had and it helped a lot, like no pain or nausea what so ever. I recently made a trip to the store when I felt better to get some “Excedrin” so I’m hoping that works but I might have trouble taking the pill bc it’s kinda big for me. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if someone could help explain the whole migraine vs tension headache thing.
EDIT: Another thing I forgot to mention is I’m thinking it might’ve been caused by too much caffeine. Normally I don’t drink caffeine but for the past week before I had about 5 energy drinks in total. I don’t know if that could’ve contributed or not but it’s just a thought🤷
submitted by Wubby_Dubby9898 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 Avelion-chan Need help with diagnosis, since my doctor won´t do any tests

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Picture of throat from this morning here.
submitted by Avelion-chan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 Avelion-chan What pathogen might be the cause and do i even need antibiotics?

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Adding ptoho of the throat from this morning.
submitted by Avelion-chan to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:24 flyinglaulee What tests could I suggest to help my daughter

My 10 year old with a history of asthma and extreme fussy eating presents regularly with the exact same pattern of illness. Starts with a headache on the left side of her head, dark rings under her eyes, follows with nausea, asthma, runny nose, diorreha, sometimes a very low grade fever or single vomit. This lasts around 5 days. No one in the house ever catches it, I am convinced it is not a virus. Exactly the same pattern at least 4 times a year. She misses so much school and we have gone to drs then sit on lengthy waiting lists for paediatricians (both public and private) to be told to observe, wait and see. This is impacting her schooling, she gets very low mood from missing out on life. What tests could you recommend that I could ask for before starting the treatment cycle again, I don't want to sit on a paediatrician waiting list for another year to be told wait and see. Thank you.
submitted by flyinglaulee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:02 sunshinerf Experience with AMS?

I'm an avid hiker and play in higher altitudes pretty often when it's accessible. Up to 12k' is definitely my comfort zone, above it I start feeling AMS symptoms.
During the winter I can't hike that high up (not a mountaineer) but I try to at least snowshoe every other weekend around 9k'. Now that the snow is melting I've started acclimatizing again. In the last two weeks I hiked to almost 11k' with zero issues, it felt like home.
Today, however, I went on a hike that goes up to 10k'. I've done the same route many times before and never experienced any issues with altitude. But for some reason around 8,500' everything went to sh!t. I started feeling weak, dizzy, and before I knew it everything got dark and I almost fainted. What is happening?! I sat down for about 10 mins, thought it was gone, and kept going on my familiar trail. But it kept getting worse! Headache, dizzy spells, nausea, pressure in my chest. I was so confused!
At that point in the loop, coming down in this condition would not be safe (steep and slippery) so I had to summit and go down the other side (not as steep nor slippery, but longer). I kept going very slowly with as many breaks as needed. Got to the summit, laid down for a bit and started feeling better, but then it got way worse on the descent! The only time I ever felt this bad was the first time I hiked Mt. Whitney; my first time above 12k'.
Now I'm back at sea level with headache and nausea not going away. I figured it triggered a migraine, but I just can't understand how my body would react so badly to something I've done many times and trained for. It was only about 8,500'! Anyone have similar experiences?
Tl;dr: Experienced bad altitude sickness at an altitude much lower than where I'm used to hiking, where most people won't experience it at all. Anyone else? Is my body just whack?
submitted by sunshinerf to hiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:00 Delicious-Scratch-31 Random onset of extreme side effects after two months on Zoloft? Please help.

I started Zoloft recently due to such extreme health OCD and anxiety that I wouldn’t leave my house or eat. It lasted a year before I went to an outpatient and got prescribed Zoloft. The first few weeks were amazing! I had no noticeable side effects besides a headache and I was feeling great, I got my prescription upped to 50 and was feeling fine for the first few weeks but this past week has been horrible. I’ve been sleeping from 8pm-9am, staying awake for about an hour and sleeping again from 10am-5-6pm. I can barely eat anything as I have absolutely no appetite and the nausea and dizziness is so bad I can see the room spinning. Could this be related to my period? Because I’ve been doing amazing, but now my anxiety is back (definitely more controllable now but still coming at random times) and I’m having these horrible side effects. I haven’t been able to work at all for the past week due to this. Im nervous that it could be something unrelated to the meds, but at the same time wondering if it is just side effects.
submitted by Delicious-Scratch-31 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Morning-Ambitious I've suffered from migraines for years. Now I might have vestibular migraines

Since I was in high school, I've dealt with the more classic type of migraine: Light/noise sensitivity, pain, postdrome.
For two days, I've felt something completely different. Basically no headache -- instead, a feeling of pressure in my head, along with dizziness/vertigo, nausea, neck pain, feels like I'm going to faint, among other symptoms.
So far, the only thing that's helped has been a headache halo ice wrap, not moving/getting up suddenly, and anti dizzy over the counter med.
Anyone else have similar issues and think they're dealing with vestibular migraines? I plan to talk to my PCP ASAP.
submitted by Morning-Ambitious to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:02 Old-Wing7706 Need help understanding..

Sometimes I can feel very good in the morning but, once I eat breakfast let’s say eggs or something else more fast and bland to eat. I feel a bit off. I start to feel nauseous burping a lot my stomach get a little bloating. And the main one that worries me is I get a little light headache? I think? like I can feel myself moving back and forth just a little and it starts to make my anxiety worse I don’t know if it’s my anxiety or something. But it happens when I get heartburn and nausea. It’s hard to explain the feeling. It’s not like dizziness or maybe is? but I don’t see blurry or anything but do feel queasy I think that’s the word? But I hate the feeling so much. I don’t have pain but if I don’t eat I get a little pain on my top right side where my chest is and sometimes a little burning sensation on my right side of my stomach. Been have this for 6 months off and on.
submitted by Old-Wing7706 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:49 Charms666_ You dont need to finish that 4l of peglyte if it makes you sick

PS: I am still feeling a bit dizzy from my sedation so there may be some grammar mistakes. Please try to ignore them.
Before my colonoscopy exam, I have seen a lot of people saying “grow up and do your prep” when my stomach was actually twisting and hurting after taking a sip of peglyte. So I wanted to give a tiny bit of hope to people who are going through this. I had my colonoscopy exam today. As it was my first time ever, I was very anxious. But it was not as bad as I thought - I can’t even remember what happened. The only painful feeling you will feel is the pinching feeling when they will inject an IV. It was like taking a 30 min nap. The nurses and the doctor at the clinic were making this a very pleasant experience. Kudos to them! As a prep, I was prescribed Dulcolax and Peglyte. 2 days before my prep, I avoided vegetables and chose low residual foods. The day before my appointment, I did not eat anything until 1pm, but I had a severe headache and almost blacked out (please eat properly before your liquid diet), so I ate a slice of chocolate cake. Then in the evening, I came home late from work and I could not get myself a broth, so my only option was a beef noodle (not spicy). Even though I was not supposed to eat any solids, I was on the verge of fainting, so I ate the noodle (very irresponsible from my side). And after that I started my Peglyte. Peglyte tasted like a gatorade mixed with a salt water. Since childhood, I never liked the taste of gatorades and would always puke it out, so finishing 4l of Peglyte was a torture for me. I would take a sip and straight up vomit and my stomach would hurt. I had to push myself to at least get through the 1/2. After 1/2, my stool was clear but everyone were saying that you had to finish it. I have tried everything: used straws, put it in the fridge to chill, tried to wash down the aftertaste with a lemon water, taking gravol to help with nausea. But nothing helped me, as I was vomiting a lot. So, because my stool was clear I did not want to physically and mentally hurt myself and went to sleep. On the day of my colonoscopy exam, I didn’t eat or drink. I was scared that I might get sent home because I didn’t finish the peglyte but I wasn’t. The doctor was very happy with my prep and the exam went well. In conclusion, it's important to remember that everyone's experience with colonoscopy prep can be different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle with the prep, and don't hesitate to listen to your body and prioritize your well-being. It's okay to make adjustments as needed, even if it means deviating slightly from the prescribed routine. The most important thing is to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible and to communicate any issues with your healthcare provider. Remember, the goal is to take care of your health, and sometimes that means finding the right balance for you.
submitted by Charms666_ to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Upset-Touch713 Guys is my fever bad? Be honest...

(14f)(5'4)(197.3lbs) My fever is 101.0°F and I feel horrible, what should I take (took 2 Tylenol already) and should I take a cold shower to bring it down? Please help me I feel fatal. I don't even know what I have but I'd rather have covid then whatever tf I have rn 😭. Might have the stomach flu I think, vomited 3 times already and my head is throbbing. I also have diarrhea, water based and horrible indigestion and gas. I feel tired 24/7, my eyes hurt and my body is trembling violently. 😭 what do I do!? Please help! 😭🙏
I Have HS, (Hidradenitis suppurativa), and Anxiety.
I was prescribed propranolol for Anxiety (I don't take it anymore), and nothing for my HS.
It all started with yesterday when I went to a friend's house and started having what I thought was an Anxiety attack because of how overwhelming the place was, I felt sick to my stomach and nausea then asked to use the restroom where I then voluntarily vomited as I couldn't take the nausea anymore and needed relief. It helped me calm down for a bit but the anxiety was still there, later on they drove me home and on the way home, I asked my friends mother to stop the car as I felt nauseous, I then threw up involuntarily outside on the curb. When I got home, I had diarrhea and a throbbing headache, it was around 11 when I hot home. I fell asleep and then woke up around 1:40am throwing up in my sleep. I ran to the restroom and vomited, but a yellow, watery liquid instead of clumps of food like the past two. Mother was alerted, she gave me nausea medication, (I don't know what she gave me) and the. I went back to sleep and woke up with a 100.0°F fever, then it dropped to 99.9°F fever then spiked to 101.0°F and my head throbs in pain.
submitted by Upset-Touch713 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:13 MarkintheDark_888 My situation.

A few days ago I was doing an excerise on the floor where I was moving/rolling my head side to side and I was fearful that I might have sustained a concussion because I began to have nausea, headaches and some memory loss. There had been other times (last evening) where I moved/rolled my head side to side on a closed laptop on my bed but my symptoms went away. But now I'm worried that I might be going through flat affect because lately I've haven't been able to feel any emotions. I've read about people's experiences with flat affect and I read that it is a terrible thing to experience. And the reason why I'm worried for a concussion is because MANY people online stated that a concussion can be worrisome even with a mild ones. I don't know if this has anything to do with me sustaining a possible concussion or not tho.. Please give your thoughts on this.
submitted by MarkintheDark_888 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:01 Merle-Hay Trazodone hangover

Psychiatrist prescribed trazodone for insomnia - took 50mg last night and I have been so sick all day. Can't eat because of nausea, dizzy, tired, and headache. Not taking it again but can anyone tell me if these effects will be gone tomorrow?
submitted by Merle-Hay to insomnia [link] [comments]
