Anagram tattoos

Floral Sleeve Help

2024.05.21 04:05 oddriana88 Floral Sleeve Help

Floral Sleeve Help
Hi! I recently got my first tattoo and I am over the moon happy with it! The flowers are birth flowers for multiple family members. I am planning to continue and eventually have a full floral sleeve (no ideas as to specifics yet). Also, that little dot by my elbow was from the adhesive. I, apparently, missed that spot. (:
The problem I'm having (and knew it might be an issue) is the empty space between the bands. Would it be horrible to leave it as-is? If yes, what could be added that is similar to the style of the flowers I have now?
Artist is @anagram_tattoos
Thank you!
submitted by oddriana88 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 14:30 pillowcase-of-eels [Book/Music] Emilie Autumn's Asylum, pt. 3 – Retconned friendships, abstract deadlines, eternal returns: author's endless tinkerings cause delays and aggravate fans

Welcome back to this write-up about a complicated artist's complicated book.
Don't be absurd, of course you have time!
Part 1 Part 2
Now that we've established what the book is about, let's take a look at The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls' rich publication and re-publication history. I promise, it's more scandalous than it sounds.


As I've mentioned in the last installment, TAFWVG has been released multiple times, in multiple editions – four of them, to be precise. And I wish I was exaggerating when I say that three of those four releases have been veritable masterclasses in testing your audience's loyalty. In case you're wondering: the secret is to alter your source material in strange and unpredictable ways, while also constantly messing up on the customer service front.
Most of this installment condenses and combines these two excellent write-ups, which contain most of the receipts: TAFWVG: A History / The Bloody Crumpets: An Inconsistent History. 🔍 Anything that isn't sourced with links is in there. While there were only minor differences between the first and second pressings, the third and fourth editions came with significant alterations to the structure of the book and the story itself, notably the cast of fictional Asylum inmates... a handful of which had, in fact, been obvious avatars of EA's IRL friends and collaborators.
It turns out there are good reasons why most fiction authors don't do real-life inserts so overtly – but in EA's case, it did make sense, and was warmly embraced by fans upon release. When the book first came out, some of these people had been familiar to the fanbase for years, frequently appearing in candid pictures on EA's blog and leaving comments on the forum; some were also involved in her music and show. Recognizing that one character's name was a pun on So-and-So's username was a nice Easter egg for veteran fans, and newcomers got to learn about fandom lore; it brought the story to life and the community closer.
One side character, for instance, was named after EA's best friend from Chicago, whom many fans had had direct interactions with: she co-ran EA's online stores during the Enchant years, and acted as admin, main moderator and EA-liaison of the forum throughout its near-decade of existence.
One crazy girl who thinks she's a pirate is 100% OC... but her description and illustrations 🪞 were explicitly modeled after pictures of Bloody Crumpet Vecona (one of EA's back-up performers), who became the first stand-in pirate character 📺 in the live show. Captain Vecona was also celebrated as the “Asylum Seamstress” 🪞🔍: most of the iconic early Opheliac costumes were her design. She had a following of her own, even prior to touring with EA, for her professional costuming work and her collaborations with German photographer Angst-im-Wald. (Shitty archive link, sorry - most of those badass photoshoots seem to have been lost to time. But if you were a European goth in the mid-2000s, search your old hard drives: I promise you, you've downloaded some of those pictures.)
Inmate “Veronica”, a cabaret girl diagnosed as a nymphomaniac, was a doppelgänger of her namesake, burlesque dancer Veronica Varlow 🪞 – the ride-or-die Crumpet, whom EA often lovingly called her “husband”, saying they had been lovers in a previous lifetime. Veronica was part of every single tour post-Opheliac release and developed a solid fanbase of her own, which she maintains to this day.
Even the brave and well-mannered talking rats (oh yeah, there's talking rats in the Asylum story) were named after EA's real-life pet rodents, who had featured in glamorous photoshoots. (Slight NSFW for sideboob.)
You get the general gimmick by now: EA turns her personal life into art, which she turns into a fictional world, which she then prompts the audience to inhabit with her. The whole Asylum concept was essentially an open invitation to self-insert parasocial fanfic: “Here's this very personal world that I've created, in which I, the artist, exist as a fictional persona, alongside all these quirky inmate characters that you've seen in my stage show, and who are avatars my real-life friends. Come on in, make it your home, and populate it with your own zany Victorian alter egos.”
And it worked, to an extent: like I've said, most fans were on board before they'd even read the book, and the Asylum became “real” in that sense.
But it can get a bit disorienting to find your place in a fantasy world, when said world keeps changing based on the author's shifting feelings about her story, her target audience, and her friends... plus, you'd love to read the book, but the darn thing still hasn't shipped.


TAFWVG was first teased in spoken-word bonus tracks 🎤 on a 2007 EP. In spring 2008, EA started reading excerpts from her upcoming book at live shows. Early excerpts from the Asylum narrative featured a character named “Jo Hee” 📺; in the story, she is a cellist from “the Orient” (love that Victorian geography) and Emily's childhood confidante.
In real life, Lady Jo Hee, Center of Happiness, was the OG Bloody Crumpet. 📺 She had been there since from the very first Opheliac show in Chicago in 2006, accompanying EA on the electric cello – the only instrumentalist ever featured in the line-up besides EA herself.
In August 2008, Alternative Magazine ran a feature about the upcoming book.🔍, teasing some of its pages. Fans were quick to spot a very sisterly picture of EA and Jo Hee 🪞, borrowed from a fan-favorite photoshoot of the two. (An aside: this specific picture also became famous in the fandom for another reason. At some point, someone made an edit replacing Jo Hee with Amy Lee from Evanescence; for a while, it kept making the rounds in alt/goth internet circuits, casual onlookers kept getting excited about it, and Plague Rats kept having to step in and disappoint them.)
Anyway. For reasons undisclosed by either party, Jo Hee quietly left the Crumpets after that tour, never to be mentioned again.
By the time the book came out in late 2009, the character of “Jo Hee” had been renamed “Sachiko”. (I guess it didn't matter whether the one non-white character in the story was meant to be Korean or Japanese.) Jo Hee's face had been edited out of the (still clearly recognizable) photograph, and eerily replaced with Nondescript_Asian_Woman_023.jpg from Shutterstock.🪞
You'd think that the switcheroo would have raised more eyebrows, or at least some awkward chuckles, among fans of an artist whose better-known lyrics include “If I Photoshop you out of every picture, I could / Go quietly, quiet - but would that do any good?”. Yet to my knowledge, it did not. Possibly because, by the time people got around to reading the book, some fans had been waiting for their copy longer than Jo Hee had been a Crumpet.
Although the book seemed just about ready for publication at the time of those 2008 readings, the initial release was delayed by technical difficulties (some data had been lost during the editing process). And then delayed some more when, a year later, EA cancelled the US leg of a tour and slammed the door on Trisol, accusing the label owner of exploitation and embezzlement (he was allegedly selling fake tickets to her shows on a phony website). In August 2009, she signed over to The End Records, and we were back in business, baby!
Not only was The Book on its way to the presses, but the long-awaited release would coincide with a “Deluxe” re-issue of Opheliac, with new cover art and bonus tracks. For $100, you could pre-order the “Ultimate Book/Album Collection”, which included the revamped album, the book, a t-shirt, a tote bag, a recipe booklet and some bonus digital downloads, to be shipped in October. Or, for a more up-close-and-personal experience, you could purchase a VIP bundle for her upcoming shows in the fall: $50 plus ticket price would get you the book, a swag bag, and a meet-and-greet. (VIP tickets were capped at 20 slots per show; from what I gather, informal interactions with fans at the merch table were becoming overwhelming on previous tours. Again: fast-growing audience.)
Alas, due to printing issues this time, the making and shipping were soon pushed back to December. VIP ticket-holders were assured, at the start of the tour, that their copies would be shipped first as soon as the books were printed, with handwritten dedications from EA. Purchasers of the “Book/Album” bundle would receive theirs shortly thereafter. This seemed like a reasonable trade-off for a minor delay, and no one was too upset. (Well, some might have been, but at that juncture in Asylum history – for reasons that will become apparent in a later installment, when we get to EA's altercations with her fans – I guess they knew better than to get mouthy about it.)
The bundles came first... and in many cases, “bundle” was a generous term, because they arrived incomplete. When the t-shirt or tote bag weren't missing, they were printed the wrong colors. Many digital download codes had to be requested via email. The book itself was beautiful, but poorly bound, typo-ridden, and missing entire pages. (This was largely fixed in the second hardcover release.)
As far as I know, everyone who complained to the distributor got their money back – and I imagine it was a nice surprise when some items showed up, inexplicably, months after they had already been refunded. But it was still a bit of a “sad trombone” moment for many loyal fans, who had to request a refund on the Ultimate Super-Cool Preorder Exclusive Bundle to purchase the book and album separately.
As for the VIP package books, those didn't start shipping until late 2010 – a whole year after the official book release, months after less invested fans had already received their non-preordered copies. Worse: none of the books were signed, much less lovingly adorned with a personalized handwritten note as EA had promised. (And had tweeted about doing during the year-long shipping delay!) After enough fans meekly expressed their intense disappointment, EA's BFF-forum-admin mailed out signed bookplates that people could stick in their book in lieu of a personalized autograph. No real explanation was given. As far as I know, this particular let-down didn't cause a mass exodus of disappointed fans – but, in the midst of other goings-on, it certainly contributed to eroding many fans' trust in EA's word.
The 2011 release of the largely-identical second edition was better planned and overall uneventful, which gives me time to catch you up on contemporaneous events – like the reason EA ditched the Opheliac red and went platinum blonde. 🪞
Around that time, EA got herself a supporting role and a solo number 🎵📺 in The Devil's Carnival, Darren Lynn Bousman's psychocircus-themed movie musical. (If you're scrambling to place the name: depending on what kind of deviant you are, DLB is either the guy who directed half of the Saw movies or the guy who directed Repo! The Genetic Opera.)
If you've clicked the last link: see the bad boy greaser she's dancing with at the end of the song? That's the titular “Scorpion”, played by Marc Senter, and they were totally hitting on each other while shooting this. 📝🪞 They've been an item for twelve years now, in what appears to be a loving and mutually supportive relationship, and they seem besotted with each other. That's only marginally relevant to the story, but it's nice to know that at least one nice thing worked out in all this mess.
Back to 2011. Through her friendship with DLB and the Devil's Carnival cast (a motley crew of top-shelf B-listers 🔍 that included Bill Moseley, Paul Sorvino, the chick from Spy Kids, and the clown from Slipknot), EA also made a bunch of new industry connexions. That's how she came to decide that TAFWVG was meant to be more than a book, more than a live show: it had to become... a musical. Full company, full orchestra, big names, the works. Her 2012 album, Fight Like a Girl, was written and recorded with this project in mind, with most songs narrating events from the book and EA singing as various characters – which turns love duets into finger food for Dr. Freud. 🎵
Shortly before the album release, EA announced on Twitter that the Asylum Musical was scheduled to debut in the London West End, under the direction of Bousman, in 2014. "Casting calls to be announced soon!" (They were not.)


2014 came, and brought... another TAFWG re-release announcement.
But wait – this time, it was going to be an audiobook! EA had been teasing one since before the original release, so people were quite excited. (It also sounded like a more achievable goal for the calendar year than a West End debut.) In early 2014, recording was well on its way, and the 6-CD boxset was due to ship in May.
First, EA discovered “a new microphone ... that, upon testing, produced a recording of far greater beauty and expressive quality”, which naturally meant the whole thing had to be re-recorded. Two month's delay. No biggie. Our girl is a perfectionist.
But our girl also had to write, coordinate and rehearse her upcoming “Asylum Experience” – an afternoon-long interactive theater event, directed by Darren Lynn Bousman, which would be performed at five dates of the Vans Warped Tour in August. (It's not exactly the West End, but it's a start! 🔍) And then she had to prepare for the filming of the Devil's Carnival sequel in the fall. So, obviously, the July deadline was not met. When she finally gave an update in late 2014, the ETA was basically “we are ever so close, but the audiobook gets there when it gets there; feel free to ask for a refund if you're not along for the ride”.
And then she signed with a literary agent. TAFWVG was going to be made into a “real” book, that readers could purchase in stores for a normal price and request from their local library – big event! (More for EA, I think, than for her fans. By that point, the second edition could be purchased as a PDF, and I believe most people who pre-ordered the audiobook had already read the story.) But this involved tailoring the narrative to a more general audience, which meant portions of the book had to be re-written... which meant further delays.
...Besides, and let’s have a teacup of “honesty time” here, if the new Asylum becomes an internationally best-selling novel, not only can we enact more change for good, but the Asylum Musical takes over Broadway faster, the Asylum Movie takes over theatres faster, and YOU are all dressed up as rats/inmates in said movie, you guessed it, faster (“Asylum Audiobook Announcement from EA”📝)
Well, you know what they say in show business: if you can't make it in London, there's always New York.
As EA assured her fans, their patience would be rewarded with a brand new, professionally polished version of the story – and in due time, I guess, a role in the movie. (“Let's hope she doesn't find another new microphone!” 🐀)
From that point on, there seems to have been an ever-widening gap between EA's enthusiasm and fan expectations. When audiobook snippets 🎤.mp3) were released, many fans were unimpressed by the oddly flat, overproduced recording (turns out a microphone can be so good it's a problem! 🐀), which highlighted EA's stilted, uncanny diction and not-quite-transatlantic accent. That caught everyone off guard, because she didn't use to read like... that. Even die-hard apologists had to concede through gritted teeth that, tragically, it was giving William Shatner. (If you're curious, you can find more previews here 🎤📝, along with EA's captions.)
Fans weren't just getting irritated with the various delays and excuses: they were baffled, angry, and embarrassed. When EA clapped back “U know U can just get a refund, right? That is totally within your power to do” on social media, and it came out that requests for refunds had been getting ignored for weeks or months 🐀, seasoned fans were like “Yeah, that tracks.” The whole never-ending ordeal was just starting to feel silly.
All told, the audiobook took two years to complete, with little to no new music in the interim. Two years is a long time for a young-leaning audience! Fans who had preordered at the end of their sophomore year were graduating high school by the time it came out. Others who had been in the middle of undergrad were now looking for full-time jobs. People had gotten pregnant, given birth and potty trained, or had houses built from the ground up. Genuine ultra-fans of the book had had time to... presumably, read other books. (“I wonder how many people passed away waiting for this shitty audiobook to be finished?”)
When the audiobook came out, many long-time Plague Rats had defected, either lamenting the misguided decisions of their favorite artist, or just calling EA a money-grabbing fraud and a lying liar. And a number of patient and unbothered fans had, quite simply, grown out of their EA phase.
Your humble servant, for one, ordered the audiobook the week it went on sale, and stuck with that preorder through five address changes and two graduation ceremonies. Now, bear in mind: through all the ups and downs, even as the charm dispelled, my taste in music evolved, and my perception of EA herself changed, I never formally stopped considering myself a fan. (Mama didn't raise no quitter.) To this day, and to my profound embarrassment, I give enough of a shit that I'm taking the time to write this story at all, and that I was able to draft most of itfrom memory.(Mama didn't teach me how to prioritize.) Well, get this: I have never once listened to the audiobook. I remember unwrapping the signed boxset (minimal artwork, flimsy cardboard, no liner notes), thinking “this could have been an email”, telling myself I'd get around to it for old time's sake... and then I never did, because it was ten hours long, and I just couldn't force myself to care about that story anymore. I was not an isolated case.
In light of this, I apologize in advance for any potential errors in the following paragraphs; others listened so posers like me wouldn't have to 🔍, and I'm going off of their word. The new and improved edition was, indeed, a different book – in that a bunch of things that felt meaningful to fans had been either reworked or excised.
The hospital narrative had been shortened in favor of the asylum story, and the controversial “Drug / Suicide / Cutting” diaries had been scrapped. Part of the fanbase applauded this decision, but others were disappointed 🐀, as they had found the diaries to be the most (some said only) personal, authentic, and insightful chapters in the book.
Curse words, some abuse, and all mentions of abortion had also been purged. It made the book tamer, but not by much... because Emilie's age had been changed from 27 to 17. Apparently, the literary agent had suggested this to make the book more marketable to a Young Adult audience. No other biographical detail had been altered, so the main narrator was now a 17 year old girl with no parents but an established music career, who checks in by herself into a high-security adult ward, no questions asked. (I'm still perplexed by this one. Did they not expect YA readers to know how hospitals work...?)
The pirate captain, formally known by her “mass of tangled black hair”, was now... a blonde. According to EA, this was a purely aesthetic change: it made the three main Asylum girls a redhead, a blonde and a brunette, which would look better in the stage adaptation. Between the lines, it also distanced the character from its original dark-haired muse: Vecona, who had left the Crumpets in 2008 after a rumored falling-out with EA over unpaid costume work.
The minor characters based on EA's old Chicago friends had been discarded entirely. Which likely made sense for EA – she hadn't lived there in years, the friend group had drifted apart as friend groups do, and by that point, there no longer was an EA forum to administrate or comment on – but not so much for her readers. Some fans had grown fond of these fictional inmates (wasn't that the point?), and weren't too happy to see EA symbolically treat them as disposable. Others were saddened that EA would just scrap these remnants of her old life, and of what felt like simpler, happier times in the fandom. Either way, children, this is why you shouldn't get a neck tattoo of your first boyfriend's name, OR openly base the “good guys” in your career-defining book on friends you made in your early twenties.
To compensate for the loss of... most named inmate characters, Veronica was given a much more prominent role in the plot. Namely, instead of being best friends, Veronica and Emily were now... in love! Lovers! Lesbian lovers! Which naturally meant that Veronica had to die. 🔍 Besides, fans famously love it when you pull a gay ship out of thin air between your two main characters, and then kill one of them off so that the other suffers more.
One last one, because I find it especially goofy: a scrappy teddy bear named Suffer, given to Emily by the talking rats, was replaced with...a Very Large Spoon, which gets its very own number in the musical. 🎵 The rationale was that Emily could use the spoon as a weapon in the climactic uprising against the Asylum doctors. Which, fair enough... except that, prior to being a cute and anachronistic 🔍 MacGuffin in the fictional Asylum story, Suffer the Bear had been a beloved mascot🪞 from the early Opheliac live shows. Some still remembered when EA had raised HELL, even starting a #FREESUFFER campaign on Twitter, because she thought someone had stolen Suffer from the stage (it later turned out that he had been misplaced in a flight case). All that noise back in the day... and now Suffer didn't matter anymore? The nerve. “She made shirts and everything!” 🐀
All this to say, reception was lukewarm. EA hadn't performed live since 2014 and the Devil's Carnival sequel had failed to make a splash (despite decent reviews, the franchise and main collaboration fell apart before the end of the promotional tour 🔍). People were checking out. There was only one way to correct this. A true paradigm shift. A fresh start – a new theme?
Hell no. It's another edition of The Asylum for Revisionist Tortureporn Friendfictions!


In 2017, about a year after the audiobook release, EA self-published a digital version of TAFWVG through Amazon. The literary agent hadn't worked out in the end: publishers were put off by how dark the book was, even after the audiobook edits. EA explained that she hadn't been comfortable with some of the alterations in the first place; she respected the agent's input and had tried to give it an honest shot, but in the end, she wanted to do it the way she wanted to do it, solo... and this was it.
EA had reverted a number of the audiobook cuts (including swear words, mentions of abortion, and the narrator's age), but kept most of the changes to the Asylum narrative – namely, the omission of Former Friends Characters, and the romance between Emily and Veronica. In the newsletter announcement, she mentions being in the process of “re-recording the few little bits of the audiobook to reflect the current text version”. Not sure where we're at on that front; it's never been brought up again, and I don't think anyone's checked. (I assume most fans had war flashbacks when they read the word “re-record”, and instantly repressed that part of the communiqué.)
The “Drug / Suicide / Cutting” diaries were still omitted in the first release of the e-book, but re-included as a coda soon after, by popular demand, under the title “Evidence of Insanity” – with fantastical “doctor's annotations” like“W14A seems to have disassociated her own identity, episodic, each lasting for a longer period of time. We suspect she will continue further in this – stronger medication is needed, schedule electroconvulsive therapy.”
A physical paperback edition was released a few months later; in anticipation of this, the e-book was a stripped-down, text-centric version of the story. (Honestly not a bad call, because the digital version from 2012 was a scanned, non-searchable, 1.3GB PDF behemoth – not super Kindle-friendly!) No elaborate backgrounds and color photographs in this edition, but the pages were still illustrated with inserts of rats, keys, teacups, and... hold on... ciphers??🪞
As always in the Asylum, history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. In a throwback to the prelapsarian days of the Enchant Puzzle (remember? the one that no one ever managed to solve?), the e-book illustrations contained puzzles, which formed the master-key to... a scavenger hunt! And in keeping with tradition, the grand prize was an extravagant adornment hand-crafted by EA: the “Spoon of Royals”.🪞📝 Oh my!
Some of the puzzles are simple anagrams that can be solved for keywords. A clickable word within the adjacent text takes you to a password-protected link, which takes you through to an audio file – a song or an atmospheric instrumental that goes with that moment of the story. There are also more complex ciphers that decode into riddles. Each key depicted in the book has a number or letter engraved on it. The total number of rats in the book is apparently significant. One link takes you through to a blank page whose source code contains a list of coordinates from various bridges around the world.
Oh, it was a whole thing. When the book came out, you could send a picture of you doing EA's signature “rat claw” hand sign🪞 to request admission to a private Facebook group (the “Striped Stocking Society”) where people could help each other solve the clues and EA would occasionally pop in for a chat. There was also a series of mysterious newsletters in early 2018, culminating in a Los Angeles event where EA showed up in person to pass on extra puzzle-solving material to a handful of lucky fans (although said material raised more questions that it answered 📝).
Overall, it was a great idea! Although the fanbase was generally smaller and less active after four years without a new tour or album (and a fair amount of other drama, which we have yet to get into), the e-book puzzle did pique people's interest in purchasing yet another version of the same story.
Unfortunately, once again, EA overestimated either how intuitive her fans were, or how invested they would remain. After months of collaborative efforts across multiple platforms, a number of puzzles had been cracked 🔍, but it was still unclear how the individual anagrams and numbers and riddle-solutions all fit together as scavenger hunt clues.
EA kept up the hype for a while, but the few hints that she gave on social media only revealed yet more encryption factors without really helping fans connect the dots. One cipher remained unsolved on Instagram for days and days before EA caved in and hinted at which key to use. She did helpfully specify that if you didn't know how to read music, you'd better start learning. (...Was this a fun puzzle, or a prep school admission test?) The in-person LA event had also sown some confusion as to the rules and constraints of the game: would winning involve traveling to a physical location? That didn't seem very fair. EA had mentioned physically burying some items – but could you solve the puzzle from a distance? Is the Spoon of Royals literally just buried under the Shakespeare Bridge in Los Angeles, California?? 🐀
I'm just saying: if this had come up in 2008? People in corsets and platform boots would have been out there digging.
But this was 2018. As we've mentioned, the core of EA's active fanbase (a lot of whom had been teens and young adults when she was touring Opheliac) was fast aging out of the years when most folks have the spare time, dedication, or desire to essentially do super-involved homework out of love for their favorite singer. Uncovering new songs was a fun perk the first year – but after the new album came out in 2018, none of the passwords led to exclusive material anymore. It felt a bit lacklustre for something so labor-intensive.
(The new music itself wasn't a rallying point either. Behind the Musical was, quite literally, an intended vocal guide for the Asylum musical – so, basically a collection of demos. The sound was VERY Broadway Revival, somewhat Phantomish 🎵, in a way that's either good or bad depending on who's saying it. The violins, to fans' chagrin, sounded all-MIDI; no sign of actual instrumental recordings. EA sang all the parts herself, as she had on her previous album. I'm not saying there's no merit in a one-woman Andrew Lloyd Weber tribute. Many old fans enjoyed the new material well enough, some even really liked it – but most agreed that it just didn't hit like her earlier stuff used to, and that it felt rather unfinished.)
Unlike with the Enchant Puzzle, the prize itself was not much of an intrinsic motivation. While the Faerie Queen's Wings were a straightforward concept that evoked EA's own signature stage costumes, the Spoon of Royals was... a large spoon attached to a necklace, community-college-art-teacher style. It looked impractical both as a spoon and as a necklace, and more importantly, I'm not sure how many readers felt a deep emotional connection to the spoon in the story. The spoon that had usurped Suffer the Bear, no less!
In short: people gave up on the game because it was too hard, it came too late, and they had other things to do.
Thus, the Spoon of Royals remains unclaimed to this day, and I doubt I'll see anyone crack the puzzle in this lifetime. The Striped Stocking Society FB group was terminated in 2020, around the same time a bunch of fansites folded and EA closed her Instagram comments for the first time. By that point, both EA and her fans had bigger rats to skewer – but we have a ways to go before we reach that part of the story.
I would encourage you to give the puzzle a shot for the hell of it (in case you're a cryptography nerd and currently under house arrest or in a full-body cast) but... I just tried a bunch of the links, and the passwords don't work anymore. So I guess that's that. To quote old Bill by way of conclusion: “Much ado about nothing”.


So, what now? Well, not much.
By the late 2010s, what kept many fans semi-invested – if nothing else, because it clearly meant so much to EA herself – was the prospect of an upcoming stage musical adaptation. The way EA talked about it 📺, it was very much a “when”, not an “if”. Sure, ten years on, we were still collectively stuck in the Asylum, but it would at least be a new format – and a return to EA's main field of expertise, ie songwriting and performing. Not only did the core fanbase long for new music and new shows, but Fight Like a Girl and Behind the Musical had brought in small influxes of new fans who were very eager for any chance to see her live. So whether it was out of genuine enthusiasm for the project, or out of “let EA have her musical so we can maybe finally move on”, the fanbase was overall supportive.
Even though people still joked about the 2012 announcement of a “2014 West End debut” (seriously, what was she thinking?), EA had really buckled down in the intervening years, and it looked like the project was plausibly well underway. As in, we had more than just EA's word to go on: the involvement of other people, who did not reside in the Asylum, seemed to confirm that the musical was a thing.

[CONTINUED IN COMMENTS because Reddit is being ridiculous about the character count. I swear I was under 40,000!]

submitted by pillowcase-of-eels to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:25 Best_Club_In_America Just to Cover All Bases So That You Can Go Forward With Absolute Confidence: "What Happens If I Lose My Job – Or Worse – Die From Taking Initiative?"

Just to Cover All Bases So That You Can Go Forward With Absolute Confidence:

We'll cover the "But what happens if I lose my job from taking initiative?" in another post soon, but let's cover the "worse-case scenario" first, just so there is no doubt in your mind as you go forward: "What happens if ... I die playing James Bond?"

First, some background:

\"And now try to follow me, because I'm gonna be moving in a kind of circular motion ... so if you pay attention – there will be a point!\"
I have a bunch of pet birds and I used to have a few pet rabbits. One of them was a Dwarf Hotot bunny named Binky.
Well, first some more background: I had a bird named Penny Meekaboo that passed away ... which led me to go back to the bird shop where I got her to look for a replacement. I made arrangements to get a particular bird and they told me he'd be ready for pickup on a particular day because he was abandoned and they were going to give me the cage that he came in and all his toys and stuff but they wanted to clean them out first.
Only when I came back on that day, they told me some little girl visited the shop and she wanted that bird and broke out in tears when she was told he was not available and they felt so bad that they gave that bird to her – BUT, by some weird "coincidence", a former customer passed away and his caretaker returned his bird to the shop because there was nobody to take care of him ... so they offered me him instead.
I was a little bit taken back at first because the other bird was super friendly and we bonded well when I visited the shop the first time, but then was like "whatever" and looked at the other bird and said out loud, "What should we name you?", only to have the owner of the bird shop sternly insist that "His name is FLUFFY and you'll confuse him if you name him something else because he's used to being called Fluffy.
"Ok, Fluffy it is then".
Fluffy was a bird that did 2 things that are relevant to this:
  1. He would always sing out "Keeboo keeboo, keeboo keeboo" with utmost joy. Keeboo = 53 = Legit.
  2. Without fail, I kid you not, he'd watch "American Dad" with me every weeknight at 10pm on the Cartoon Network
Now the things about this that seemed very weird to me at the time are severalfold:
  • Although it would seem he "liked cartoons", he only cared for this particular cartoon and immediately flew away when it was done and didn't much care for Family Guy, which followed right after
  • If I was doing something or lost track of time, it didn't matter: Fluffy would be on the living room couch at PRECISELY 10:00pm WITHOUT FAIL and start screaming until I put the show on ... I lost track of how many times I was like "But Fluffy – it's not 10 yet ... oh ... never mind ... I guess it's ... exactly ... 10pm ..." ... 🤷
    • For some reason that boggled the fuck out of my mind at the time, Fluffy would only do this on weeknights, but seemed to intuitively know that Saturday and Sunday had other programming ... as well as "which days were Saturday and Sunday" ... and sure enough, come next Monday night, Fluffy would be back on the couch at precisely 10pm, either watching American Dad with me or screaming for me to turn the T.V. on so he could watch it ... 🤷
Anyway, Fluffy passed away from cancer, but not before giving birth to 3 kids: Lulu, "Keeboo" (I thought it would be a funny idea to name him that so that every time Fluffy would be like "Keeboo Keeboo" Keeboo would fly over to him right away like, "What?!" ... 😂), and a year and a half later, "Nana".
Before Nana came around, though, my girlfriend at the time got that Dwarf Hotot bunny, "Binky" ...
Binky in turn was super curious about Nana when she was born and they would eat birdseed together on the floor every morning and became buddies.
Anyway, at one point Binky suddenly died in the summer of 2015 in what seemed to my mind to be extremely suspect circumstances, and even more suspect as I started going through the process that led me to thinking how I do now.
This process actually started long before that ... or at least glimpses of it did ... but I thought such glimpses were like "over the top batshit crazy" and just shrugged everything off as "must just be some weird coincidences".
I'll give you just one such incident:

Ever since the 8th grade, I wanted to go here:
During the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, there was a weird student assembly (weird in that (1) it was sudden and not previously announced ... which never happened before or since ... and (2) only a portion of the Junior and Sophomore classes attended it). When we got there there were all these people in suits and military uniforms, so I thought "Must be some pitch to "enlist in the Army" ( or whatever".
Only what happened next was unbelievably weird: we were subjected to some multimedia presentation on a big screen that ... well ... let's just say if they wanted us to sign up for the military this was a very weird way to go about doing it.
Basically it was a rapid flashing of images, sometimes "side by side for comparison", of extreme polarities on planet Earth ... ranging from starving infants in Ethiopia to rich people yucking it up at some fancy party ... with lots of images about the brutal realities of war to boot.
Then some lady in a suit gave some speech about "You'll be going off to college, and shortly after you graduate from college, there's going to be some really big changes in the world and there's going to be a process that starts and not to worry because it's always darkest before the dawn and evil is real and it exists but that only means good is also real and there's evil people and good people but not to worry because the good people are going to take care of the evil people" or something to that effect and a bunch of other stuff that I forgot.
I felt really ... let's just say I was very confused. Half of me was touched by what I saw ... because "technically, it's true – that was life on planet Earth" ... but half of me suspected that the Soviets somehow infiltrated and took over the U.S. military and "whoever those people in the suits were" ... 🤷
And very shortly after that, my ... let's just call them "series of very, very weird dreams" started happening. The most relevant of which is this:
Almost immediately after that weird "whatever the fuck that was" assembly in high school, I had a dream that I was in my grandmother's home town of "Drăgășani", Romania (RI, NSA, "AG/17/Q", "D+A/4+1/5/E/2022/'24" ... "N.S.A. Ri Q '24"), which at the time seemed impossible because after I left Romania at age 4 I not only never revisited but never thought I would. I was going down the block and there was some "weird long dark tunnel", on the other side of which ... was some huge war going on in some desert-looking area. Many people were going towards the exit where the war was, but there were many people coming FROM there screaming, "Go BACK! Nobody knows what the FUCK's going on or even why we're even fighting anymore!" But I was intent on going through anyway, but then I felt some hand pull me back and heard a voice say, "This is not for you".
This part is relevant because ... let's just say there was a whole bunch of weird shit that happened when I sought my local congressman's nomination for that led to some investigation and a N.Y.T. article. That congressman suddenly became a Senator and very quickly seemed to be handed a whole bunch of important positions on committees and a whole bunch of other stuff ... but then got kicked out for corruption. Ironically, he literally popped up in line one day as a customer at the Starbucks I worked at as a barista ... for over a decade ... after ... well, let's just say now in retrospect it was meant to happen ... because many things – one of them being, I shit you not, this dude also dropped in there not too long before I got fired from there:
I thought I was mistaken ... until I saw other customers do double-takes and they were like, "Dude – is that ... did I just see who I think that was?!" And there was some article at the time that he was in the area looking to purchase some real-estate ... 🤷
But anyway, the congressman who ... well let's just say I didn't wind up getting into West Point ... although the summer right before I would go on to attend my second choice (NYU), I got an unexpected phone call from a gentleman who identified himself as one of the people on West Point's admission committee ... who said ... well he said a bunch of stuff but to make it brief he highly encouraged me to reapply. So that left me confused, because I thought, "Well I thought I didn't have what it takes to get in ... but if I just got a call from admissions saying that I DO have what it takes ... then why didn't I get in?"
Anyway, I thought "Well – there goes my involvement with the military, I guess" ... 😕
  • "Washington Square Park" anagram:
    • H, S, K, U.S. Pentagon Iraq War ...
    • 8, 19, 11, U.S. Pentagon Iraq War ...
    • (8+19) 11, U.S. Pentagon Iraq War ...
    • (27), 11, U.S. Pentagon Iraq War ... 😕
Anyway, when I saw that former congressman turned highly influential senator who "suddenly came out of nowhere to be a political superstar (before getting kicked out for corruption in a roundabout legal process sort of way)" right after he "nominated two other candidates" ... under unusual circumstances that led to an investigation and a N.Y.T. article ... well ... to get to the point, let's just say I wanted to jump over the counter when he came to my line when I worked at Starbucks and choke the living fucking shit out of him.
Actually, not to make this all like, but let me take a small detour into another weird dream, because it's relevant. In this one, I was "coming back from somewhere" with a bunch of other kids, and for some reason we were completely fucking exhausted ... we all entered some long open floor plan room with columns and a bunch of beds throughout the room ... and we were told we could rest – but only after we marched around for about another hour or something ... even though we were beyond exhausted from I'm not sure what ... anyway, we did so ... and then all these people came in the room ... some were doctor-looking types with long white coats and clipboards ... and for some reason there were MPs with MP helmets on, too ...
Anyway, they told us that we could now enjoy the sleep we earned ... but the problem for me was that there were loudspeakers mounted on the columns that the beds were placed next to ... so something told me there was no point in going to sleep because they were just going to wake us up anyway.
One of the MPs came up to me and was like, "Go ahead! What's the matter? You don't want to sleep after all that?" Not sure what "all that" was, but whatever it was, yes, I really did want nothing more than to go to sleep. Really badly. In fact, it seemed like I never wanted to go to sleep as much in my entire life.
In fact, this relates to yet a third dream, which is also relevant to this sleep business, so real quick: I was in some barn as a small kid along with some other kids, but we were on some platform. There were some adults behind us with their hands on our shoulders telling us not to look at their faces and that "Whatever you do, do NOT look back!". The man that was behind me told us to "just watch" and that "you're too young to do anything about things like this, but one day all you kids will grow up and then you'll have an opportunity to fix things like this." I had no clue what he was talking about, but soon came to find out.
Anyway, in front of us on the floor level of this barn or whatever the fuck it was, there were a bunch of rowdy redneck types ... hanging a black man ... which I felt really bad for because I remembered he was very nice to us children a day or two ago ... and these redneck types were very racist ... anyway, the point is they hanged him and set him on fire ... and then I don't remember what happened next because in the dream I was very drowsy even as I watched this scene ... anyway, afterwards the place was raided by some swat team-looking guys and the racist rednecks that hung and burned that black man immediately raised their arms and surrendered ... but one of the SWAT guys was like, "On my count ..." ... and then another SWAT-looking guy interrupted him and was like, "What about him?" (the burned man) to which the original guy replied "What ABOUT him?! He's dead – he's not gonna feel a thing!" ... to which one of the redneck guys responded, "But WE SURRENDERED – what kind of police are you if you shoot us while we all have our hands up?!" ... to which the original guy responded, "Police? Who said anything about us being police?!"
Then I woke up (in the dream), still very drowsy, in the back seat of some cheap sedan under a blanket with some little girl next to me and I peeked out the back window (it seemed like it was pre-dawn) and we were on some dirt road in some small town and in the distance there was some bulldozer that razed what I guessed was the barn or whatever the fuck it was that all that happened in. In the distance some guy was having a discussion with what I imagine was the foreman of the guys that razed "whatever that was" ... and then the guy was like, "More?! You want MORE?" and he motioned to some soldier to bring him something and the soldier brought him a what I think was a Colt .45 and handed it to him and he turned around and was like, "You want MORE?! Here – HERE'S your fucking more!"
Anyway, at that point, I was unbelievably drowsy, but at the same time I started feeling highly anxious and was like, "Holy shit I gotta get the fuck out of here – RIGHT NOW!" and I tried to wake up the little girl next to me, who was also really drowsy, and I tried to open up the car's back door ... only there were no ... you know those thingees you'd pull up to unlock doors back in the 80s ... anyway, I tried explaining to the little girl what just happened and how we had to find a way to get the fuck out of there right away but she was like, "And do what?! We don't even know where we are so where are we going to run to? There's nothing we can do about it anyway we're just little kids – just go to sleep." I felt like shit for it, but after thinking about it for a moment, realizing that I couldn't open the door, had no idea where I even was, and felt unbelievably drowsy, I realized she was right and just let myself succumb to the sensation of sleep ... 🤷
Anyway, back to the bed thing where we were promised sleep but I was suspicious because there were loudspeakers mounted on next to the beds and the MPs in uniform and the doctor types with clipboards ... I was hesitant, and one of the MPs got all in my face and asked me why I wasn't going to sleep. I told him I suspected that they were just going to wake us up after we fell asleep anyway, otherwise why were there loudspeakers next to the beds? To which he replied "Holy shit kid, stop being so suspicious of everything! Just go to sleep! What's the matter, you don't want to go to sleep? You want me to go get your rucksack and you can just keep marching while everyone is enjoying their sleep? No? OK then – just go to sleep!"
Anyway, I took him up on the offer ... and as soon as we all dozed off, sure enough the loudspeakers started blaring: "WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW! YOU DON'T NEED TO SLEEP! YOU JUST NEED, YOU NEED TO FIND THE REST THAT YOU NEED! YOU DON'T NEED TO SLEEP! YOU JUST NEED TO FIND THE REST, THE REST THAT YOU NEED!"
Needless to say, it was a confusing experience.
Then the MP grabbed me and got all up in my face and was like, "Son, do YOU know what that means?! You don't need to sleep – you just need to find the rest, the rest that you need! DO you, or do you NOT understand what that means?!"
And he just kept screaming that over and over while getting all up in my face. And then somehow I heard my Judo teacher's voice right behind me: "Go ahead! Go ahead Adrian – you now what to do, do it! Go ahead!"
So then I grabbed his right lapel with my right arm and his left lapel with my left arm and just started pulling with everything I had ... and then it got blurry ... all I remember was I got tackled to the ground by a bunch of folks and the MP was all like, "You LITTLE FUCKING SHIT ..."
Then I came to in a small dark room sitting in front of a desk with some skinny old guy in a military uniform and he was like, "Welcome back. Guess what? The guy that did that to you is in the next room and he's VERY busy. Why don't you go pay him a visit?" Then he took out a Colt .45 from his drawer and placed it on the desk and slid it over to me and said, "Go ahead. You know what I mean by "The guy who did that to you is very busy" ...? He's busy – you know ... he's all tied up. Go ahead!"
Then I just sat there and thought about what "did that to me" meant ... and whether whatever it was it was worth me taking it out on him like that ... or whether it was a test to see if I was "man enough" to do it ... but then what if I picked it up and shot the guy who gave it to me? Or was it a blank and it was just a test to see if I pulled the trigger?

Anyway, the point of that dream is I believe that with you fine folks as well as some others who've helped along the way, I finally found "the rest that I needed" ... 😕👍

Now back to the "I was dreaming I was in that small town in Romania and some tunnel and some war in some desert" part. It had a lot of weird shit in it, but perhaps the weirdest was I found myself on the rooftop of the twin towers in the middle of the night with some folks in black robes with hoods over their faces and was told that "before long, this building won't be here any long" ... and some flying Chinese black dragon. This becomes relevant soon.
Make a long story short, the first time I came back to visit Romania was the summer of 2001 and I came back 9/10/01, went to bed, and literally the first thing I saw on the TV when I woke up ... well I thought it was some movie I never saw ... until I realized that every channel had the same thing on it.
Anyway, long story short at one point many years later I heard voices in my head, but it was the most positive, super-encouraging stuff you can imagine in the most soothing voice.
That got me comfortable with "hearing voices in my head".
Which happened again years later which led me to some place where I had a "chance meeting" in the middle of the night with a lady who ... well, there's a lot to get into but the most important things are
  • She had a black Chinese dragon tattoo
  • People seemed to recognize her, even though she was not from the area
  • She seemed to have a security detail around her or something ... random guys asking her if "everything was alright" when we were hanging out ...
    • On a bench in Edgewater (next to the Hudson River, overlooking Manhattan) where a few years later I decided to take a nap one gorgeous summer night because I missed the last bus home and decided "fuck it – it's warm, there's a McDonald's nearby where I can grab breakfast in the morning when I wake up – I'll just doze off a few hours on a bench"
      • Except a little bug crawling on my arm woke me up, and I decide to place it on the bench armrest ... only to see what looked like a huge glowing moon behind some really weird clouds over Manhattan ... even though the entire rest of the sky was completely 100% clear .... except for just over Midtown Manhattan ...
      • And as I looked at the otherwise completely clear sky, I noticed the moon was actually over the George Washington Bridge in the distance ... which made me wonder WTF I was looking at that was that huge moon glowing thing in the clouds over Manhattan ... which started pulsing and coming closer and closer ... as did smaller lights that appeared (relatively small) ... as did some other lights (in what became an increasingly bigger cluster of lights) that were invisible to the naked eye but appeared on my iPhone screen ... which, as luck would have it, was at 1% battery
      • Since it was at 1% I decided against using video and thought I'd take pictures ... only ... I shit you not, the moment I put my phone up to take a picture, all the glowing lights receded quickly back into the clouds ... only to reappear when I put my phone down ... only to recede again when I tried to take a picture again ... back and forth ... until my phone battery lost charge and shut off ... after which the cluster of glowing lights reappeared again, stayed for a while, and then slowly took off ...
      • All this was made possible because "a little insect woke me from my sleep at just the right moment" by crawling on my arm ... 🤷
  • At one point, she looked deeply concerned and started mumbling about "the Olympics" ... and then I told her that the Winter Olympics had just passed and it was not a year for "the Olympics" ... after which she just looked off into space and replied that "she was not talking about those kind of Olympics" ... and back then I just thought she was talking about the upcoming "Summer Olympics" ... 🤷 ... and wondered why she was so "worried about the Olympics" ... 😕

ANYWAY, BACK TO "But what happens if I die doing this?"

So as I started diving into this process after the "chance meeting with" ... which led to a bunch of processes that wound up with my whole life being "ruined" from every direction, rapid-style, in a very short period of time ...
Well, let's just say there was a lot of weird shit around Binky Bunny's sudden unexpected death, and this was before I even got into Gematria.
And then Nana (bird) died inexplicably on the one day I spend time with her because I was busy trying to get something to the Russian Consulate in Manhattan trying to warn them about "A Ri Nuke" and a bunch of other stuff and how "Russia" = "USA's Ri" and how "Russia/America" as anagrams turns into things like
  • USA came as RiRi
  • Am as RiRi cause ... ==> "NSA RiRi cause"
    • RiRi's cause ... "AMA" ("ask me anything")
... and a whole bunch of other things.
Anyway, Nana passed away overnight on 3/19/22 and was gone by the time I saw her next.
And when I got into Gematria ... well let's just say that for the longest time I held a grudge against the NSA because the guy who runs it's name as an occult anagram turns into Nana dying on the same day – that was with just the occult anagram stuff.
And then when I got into Gematria ... well then it seemed to me that somehow the CIA was involved because so many phrases for Nana dying on the day she did on 3/19/22 kept turning into "243" or "276" or "340".
So I thought that since she liked to sit on the window sill of an enclosed balcony, somehow maybe the CIA directed a D.E.W. and gave her a heart attack. I can't even explain the length of the list of how many ways of saying "Nana died on this day while Adrian was in Manhattan trying to get something to the Russian Consulate to get to the FSB" turn into 243/276/340.
Anyway, what is the point of all this?
Well, in addition to Nana's brother "Keeboo/53/Legit", named so because his father "Fluffy" kept saying "Keeboo keeboo!" ... Nana had an older sister, "Lulu" ...
No joke, this morning as I was half asleep, half awake, an image of Max came into my mind telling me it's time to wake up, even though I wanted to sleep a bit more. But I woke up and went into the living room where I saw Keeboo and his sister Lulu perched on a chair, seemingly fine; I greeted them and patted Lulu. Then I drank some water and just when I went to greet the other birds on the balcony, I heard Lulu make a strange noise ... and when I turned around to look for her, I couldn't see her. I rushed to the chair and ... well, let's just say she wasn't born yesterday, but nowhere near "old" and had no medical issues and in fact was in a very good mood throughout the last few days.

Other 500s:

  • Lulu will pass away on a Tuesday morning (4/30/24)
  • Lulu will depart to join her sister Nana 4/30/2024 – Max
  • Lulu passing 4/30/24 was meant to be my friend Adrian @ #7E
  • Lulu passing away 4/30/24 legit means "Keep going Adrian"
  • Lulu passing on 4/30/2024 legit means absolute confidence
  • NEW: "Lulu will pass away 11 days after I am gone on 4/30/2024, MI6"

380: "Lulu is dead on Tuesday morning, 4/30/24"

347: "Lulu passing 4/30/24 was meant to be"

327: "Die Tuesday morning, 4/30/24, Lulu"

322: "Lulu will die on Tuesday, 4/30/24"

221: "Lulu dying 4/30/24 – Max"

201: "Lulu passing away" "Lulu passed on 4/30/2024"

184: "Lulu died 4/30/24 – Max" "Adrian Cristinoiu"

88: "Lulu died"

Note: the "big revelation about 400" was it was the first number that led me to realize a lot of phrases about how we're all just in some giant simulation seemed to add up to exactly 400 ... and then I found that they also add up to "all the other relevant numbers" ... so much so that it would take me about 4-6 months JUST REVIEWING all the notes I have on the subject to figure out how to put it together for presentation ...

400: Why Lulu died on Tuesday morning 4/30/2024

400: Lulu will pass away 11 days after I'm gone

But Max sped that process up too:

133: Simulation Rigged election

Would you believe that a HUGE point of the simulation is ... well let's just say that if the objective is not met AND SOON ... well ... I don't want to panic anybody, so let me just re-iterate this:

So – "there you go". If you're religious, "yes there's a heaven in the afterlife" ... and if you're more scientifically-inclined ... "we're in a simulation."

A simulation made by someone and managed by "a host of server admins/angels" who (1) want us to do something and (2) are on our side.

A simulation where, if our data is "worth saving" ... you know – upgrade patches.

Or they can just reboot it. Or unplug it altogether if they get pissed off enough.

Taken on the day I went to leave a rose, a card and the Snapple for Max ... where the park was closed and monitored by police ... but that worked out anyway because the exact view I needed to "prove that this is the place that matches what you see in the photo on the header of this subreddit" ... just happened to be available from 1 of the only 3 chess tables available ... which in turn saved me even more time about chess and pawns and united "to-"get"-her" in the centeCentauChiron and all that good stuff ... 😕👍

"Sure" ... you may be thinking ... "but whether or not heaven is legit and/or we live in a simulation ... there's still rent and bills and such and what if I take initiative and do this thing and it all goes to shit and I lose my job as a result of taking such initiative?"

We'll get to that too soon enough 😕👍

submitted by Best_Club_In_America to conspirFBeyesWideShut [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 22:35 AzureOrpheus Any good reference for Riz's tats?

I was thinking about doing a Riz cosplay. Is there anything more detailed than his Junior Year art as far as his tattoos go? Or are they described in any detail in an episode?
I assume his right arm is just Garthy O'Brien anagrams, but the left arm is harder to parse.
submitted by AzureOrpheus to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 05:55 puiwaihin Riddle doesn't understand sarcasm or irony

Tom Riddle met his best friend, Ironicus, on the train to Hogwarts, and it was all thanks to him that he became the most feared and powerful Dark Lord in memory.
"Sure, sit right next to me. I'm sure we're going to be just best friends. Me, Ironicus Ambrosius a Pureblood who can trace his lineage all the way back to Merlin and you...whatever is your name?"
That's how the two became friends.
"Oh, sure, you should definitely try to get sorted into Slytherin. That'll work out real well for you."
"Well, if you're getting tired of being called a half-blood, why don't you just magically make yourself not one, hmm?"
"Oh, sure, a horcrux. That's a great idea. Just go on and split your soul. Hey, while you're at it, why not make a half dozen more, eh?
"Yeah, making up a fake name that you then want everyone to be so scared of actually saying is an absolutely brilliant idea." Ironicus rolls his eye. "Why not make it an anagram of your real name, too. That's also really clever."
"Some way to mark who your real friends are from your fake? Sure, yeah. Make them all get matching tattoos so everyone knows who they are."
submitted by puiwaihin to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 01:30 ryushin6 I think Corvus is blind & his Jinki is the tattoo & it allows him to look through the eyes of Crows.

I think Corvus is blind & his Jinki is the tattoo & it allows him to look through the eyes of Crows.
I say this because there are Greek mythology hints throughout the series. Rudo's last name is Surebrec which is Cereberus backwards, Zodyl Typhon is named after the monster of Greek mythology it said to be tall and have wings. Which would explain his Jinki activating with him having Wings.
So with Korvus is his last name is based off the the Corvus constellation which means Crow and the Corvus was associated with Apollo. Also the reason I say he's blind is I looked through the manga and he's the only light eyed character that doesn't have a iris draw on their eyes. At first I thought Tamsy also had that but then I looked closer and saw his are just huge and you can see the second line there unlike with Corvus who's eyes look like they're drawn to be cloudy. Yeah I think Corvus may have the ability to see through Crows or may have multiple abilities and that's why Typhon is eating the Crows so he can't be spied on.
Left you Corvus has no Iris, eyes look Cloudy, Right Tamsy has Iris it's huge you can see second line.

I also have this other theory that I'm saving for later because it's a lot, that Maca Icol maybe an allusion to the Greek God Apollo and in Greek Mythology Typhon hates Apollo because he killed it's mother Python. They confronted each other but Apollo ran away from Typhon by disguising himself as Corvus. In this theory I think Corvus may have a connection to Maca Icol since his eye tattoo is similar to Maca Icol's eye design on it's painting. Also add that with the cleaners symbol being a Sun and that Zodyl's name can be seen as an anagram for "Delos" which is the name of the Greek island that Apollo and his twin sister Artemis were born and also in mythology Delos used to be a floating Island, all these references seem to point to Apollo.
Cleaners symbol is a Sun
submitted by ryushin6 to gachiakuta [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 16:14 BaronAleksei Illipsis vs DDSS [Ruin Your Day] Lyrics
[Illipsis: Round 1]
So Stu hit me up, wanted to help see the West’s role expand
With Ruin Your Day and El Cheapo and a Fresh Coast Collab
And I was with it, but I said it could potentially perplex loads of fans
That don’t know either channel or what caused them to extend open hands
We talked opponent: Stu suggested we could just go with Dan
You got a bands? (?) Fuckin’ Dan?
Damn, Ruin Your Day, El Cheapo, respect, bro, my bad
Didn’t realize you already exposed a plan
On how to rep both the brands
So now it’s DDSS
“The Beast from the West”
Nah, you cheesy as f
B, I ain’t the least bit impressed
The biggest threat in our scene isn’t even seen as a threat
You were the best in GZ because you’re GZ at best!
You pitched Dan in quicksand, he didn’t see where he stepped
Foot in his grave: the more he fight back, the deeper it gets
You bleed a liter unless I’m seeing your leader instead
I beat him to death without leaking a single sequin of sweat
So the irony’s grim
You tried to buy a cheap win
Nah, brother, you’re just another body on the side like a Siamese twin
Parasite I should’ve cleaved in childbirth
You’ve been in my shadow for years, and you just leeched the title first
That guy, stonefaced in my yard like an Easter Islander
Ask why, no-names on the card like a secret admirer
Bet he know, pen alone, he can’t compete with Illipsis
Wrote rounds in invisible ink, so now he’s squeezing a citrus
What I’m meaning is this:
Since the secret’s encryptedHe had to leave something bitter on a page ‘cause he can’t see what I’ve written
But he get the message after I bring it to daylight
Isn’t what DD writin’ just cover the baseline/bass line?
Shit, I brought a better reference, you don’t know the Ramones?
Power chords, one punch will drop D, punk better lower his tone
Let’s take it down a notch, homie, you are less than sub-average
Powder-soft, looking like Forever 21 Savage
Generic white dude with a tall physique
But soft and weak
Nothing at all unique
Oh, he punching…if this contact is off a reach
Y’all booked an Altered Beast to box with Dawson’s Creek
‘Cause you’re that underpaid and overprivileged broke train wreck
Type to joke like “Whole Foods? More like Whole Paycheck!”
And then go to Whole Foods and blow your whole paycheck
Upscale, against the grain, cheffin’ quinoa salmon
You gettin’ ran through quicker than your detox palate
Watch me knock D off balance
Tell me he wants static
Hard boiled, get yoked over the green like a Nicoise salad
The top of the food chain, do you need a diagram?
You want beef but not bread for this plate ike a keto diet plan?
You get your wool shorn, I’ve been leaving silent lambs
Had people deifying man
While you were redefining “Stan”
It’s Illipsis
Van City’s king, killer, I’m in business
You exist, dog, it’s got me pissed off, but I’ll live with it
…but you won’t, fuck it, it’s your funeral friend
We had months to write for this, should’ve used it to prep
Instead it’s private message, last minute, “Move it again”
He got a deadline at work and it consumed him with stress
And I sympathized at first…now it’s stupid instead
He ain’t used to a deadline, your lines are usually dead
Machine-punch his card, I’m in an automated state
Off how long he made me wait
Get the 30 with something extra like consolidated brakes
I’m pissed off if any battle is any less than a classic
And you’re just happy to be here, getting your ass kicked
That’s one

[DDSS: Round 1]
So Pigsty hit my jack
And by that
I mean Facebook messenger app
Like “Mack, you ain’t battled since you knocked off Shox”
I said “facts”, he says “I got some new shit, we ‘bout to pop off lots”
I said “Word, but I ain’t tryna battle my opponent if he’s not top notch”
He says “Yo, the man I got, he’s got top spot”I said “Diz? The Saurus?” He said “Illipsis”I replied with a dot, dot, dotI ain’t saying you not hot
But boy, your heat’s in question
Deal, check him
It’s like an evil presence
You feel the tension
I won’t even mention
Your geeky tendency to “heh heh” snicker after every freaking sentence
Boy, your pen’s a lethal weapon
Plus, you’ve got the people’s blessin’
‘Ganik told you “Only battle on the Dot” and since then we’ve seen progression
That top-down strategy put you in a league of legends
You went from puny little twat
To the future of the Dot
And I ain’t mad at the movie, I can see the beauty in the plot
But damn, homie, admit it
Dan’s known as Van’s only Zamboni
I paved the way so you could get the shot
You battled The Saurus! That’s like Master Splinter!Dudes like Bar-J have his limited-edition action figure!
But when that porous acne withers
And starts forming massive blisters
That battle will serve as some sort of before-and-after picture
But dog, stop rapping about your fancy weapons“War and peace, it’s laurel wreaths to a Panzer engine!”
Bro, we went to Lord Byng, it’s not exactly San Quentin
You were probably still there when Mr. Fung ran detention
Remember when you got that on-camera lesson
About talking shit online, then not actually steppin’?You better show Dan some respect, or
In the span of a second
He’ll be a manic-depressive
When I get Manik to press him
He’s like “Oh no, not again!”
Yep, that was awkward, friend
If you’re gonna flap your fucking gums, then back it up, do not pretend
You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the king of Van had fallen then
The emperor lost his groove, where was your llama then?
On the real, this type of shit is the shit that get’s dude proud
I’ve long considered us two the best dudes out
So it’s stoked that I get to go against you now
But, boy, I’m ‘bout to roast you these next two rounds

[Illipsis: Round 2]
Stu said that it was you, shit, I knew ‘cause of the way he told me
Didn’t even name you, homie
Just sent me the fuckin’ “shrugging man in beige” emoji
But honestly you’re inspiring…my disinterest, I’m not the only one that’s been hit
All his opponents choked against him, peep the subsequent list:Shox, Knamelis, Mega[def], Po[Rich], and Step [Easy] stumbled a bit
HK and Cody [The Catch] did when there was money to win
Take less time with who didn’t than the others who did
Ironic, only one who didn’t was Ape [Yola], and he spent three rounds sucking your dick
Correlation is not causation, still there’s something amiss
GZ, GP, and chain, you wound up with the shit
And now suddenly it…
Doesn’t exist
Guess when your opponents choke against you, then that situation’s why
I mean, either Dan’s an incredibly intimidating guy
Or opponents feel that prep for you’s a bigger waste of time
Than an experience they’ll likely be humiliated by
And shit, it made the guy one of a handful of battlers that was undefeated
Contenders gunning for your chain, and you stepped up to keep it
They stepped down, kept rounds full of stumbled speeches
While through some convenience
You spit hot trash and won ‘cause one punch is decent
Imagine it’s the finals of playoffs, the buzz is peaking’
But the favorites just aren’t trying, for some fucking reason
Halftime, they up and leave, then
Once the buzzer’s beaten
Commentators dead inside, like “Wow, folks. What a season.”Shit, and if we want to keep the rude analogy the same
It’s like after that had happened then the management had made
A call examining the tapes
Said if it cast them in this way
Then the whole match was a mistake
Dissolve the title, then went on to never another game
There’s lost cause in your king’s eyes, his esoteric majesty
Army of the Pharaohs, you got your self-titled, it was met with apathy
Shit, you didn’t even care, while your opponents were dogs hit
You were choking just as much in the hopes that we caught it
Stepped down when fans notice that you’ve grown unresponsive
Couldn’t pass the title off just by phoning in losses
Couldn’t give the shit away, the only goals he accomplished
Are in beating better people when they choked and forgot shit
Then relinquishing a title fucking nobody wanted
So I’m not afraid I’ll wind up on the ropes with the champ
You little satire, parody, joke of a champ
Opponents choked with the champ
You choked as a champ
I knock ’em clean out - that’s how it’s supposed to be, champ
So get out, Dan, that’s how you get outdone
I’ll beat you with the plastic pedestal you stepped down from
Keep claiming “The People’s Champ”, I’m upset if you get repetitive
Fuck “The People’s Champ”, you’re the peasantry’s representative
Convinced of a conspiracy to snatch your status
Bitch, you got a tinfoil chain and the hat to match it
He on the come-up? No, he lyin’ arrogant instead
Just took a dive and breathing slowly like you wary of the bends
And even I can see it, homie: Life is scary at the end
Still it ain’t my fault your league’s/leagues below me like the Mariana Trench

[DDSS: Round 2]
So that college education got you on some slick shit
Every verse has some obscure reference to Aristotelian metaphysics
Well, dig this
I’ll switch scripts
And get up on my big shit
Hey, Illipsis
I sent your sister a dick pic
No words, just a captioned that said “Me Tower” (?)She showered
And rolled over to mine in the wee hours
It’s ironic, when she saw what’s underneath these trousers
That photo sent the sis to me so she could be deflowered
Is that a stretch?Fuck you, Nat, this cat’s a mess
Even around Nas, he’s sketch
He stiggity-stutters like he’s Das EFXAsk his ex, he’s bad at sex
You can see that angst he gets
It’s too bad The Axe Effect doesn’t cover up anxiousness
Like, bro, you should be the man in Van, dog, you’re super fly
But I don’t see one floozy-looking groupie for you to deny
I saw that one chick you rolled with, she looked like suicide
Dog, that girl put the “UTI” in “cutie-pie”
Bro, you need to work it
Come on, speak with purpose
But we can be certain that your game is even worsened
When your face looks like it’s been stained with bleach detergent
It’s cliche to say this geek’s a virgin, or Pee-wee Herman
But he does kinda look like the kneeling version of Stephen Merchant
I mean, given your status, you should be lining them up
But it’s only dudes I see him with inside of the club
I ain’t saying he’s bi, he’s just trying some stuff
He wants to find a guy like Shia LeBeouf
But shy and less buff
Back when you bought your first hip-hop CD
Me and Pigsty were smoking sherm in a wig-wam tipi
I told you I’ll roast you, after this drops, he leaves
And you can still catch his streams on

[Illipsis: Round 3]
I had nothing to say this round, only thing we have in common’s a vast margin
Me and GZ king insect, the former carry him, ant farming’
Turn trash gardens to cash harvest
You soiled your damn garments
This your opportunity, I don’t watch Community, who’s Dan harmin’/Harmon?
Said that he’s packin’ heat and sparrin’ was risky
It’s really hard to convince me
If you wanna let it fly, I’m the first to draw the machine like Leonardo da Vinci
And VC with that Agent Orange, spray and turn your treetops burgundy
You had your 15 seconds, it’s my epoch currently
Three dots, murder spree
Like has he not heard of me?
Fuck a peacock’s perjury
No, there’s no metal backing money up, its a fiat currency
If Assad get a dent, oughta knock teeth out of this pussyhole
And I might as well, ‘cause these hands, I’m as good as gold
And you decent, but not excellent
Not even a top resident
Just infested the scene when it got relevant
Plead with your spot tenuous
King of the Dot level, you equal to cost-deficit
Give him his participation chain, ‘cause he peaked as a bronze-medalist
Like you the best in Van? That’s what you really think?Nah, bro, you somewhere really indistinct
Between ape and/apin’ your man now that you missin’ links
See, I could Diss Dan So Subtly, but Didn’t Dare Send Subliminals
So Dug Deep, Searching Something I Don’t Deem So Stereotypical
Downloaded Dan’s Soundcloud Songs, my eardrums in a Dismal Defeat, Simply Suffering
Off what I Didn’t Delete Swiftly Subsequent
I could Deftly Describe Similar Symmetries
Between you and Distressed Damsels Soliciting Sympathies
Lying on tracks, Depicting Dire Sounding Situations
It’s a composite sketch, you Draw Down Suspect Simulations
And now I wager Dan Doesn’t See September
Diction Depicting Savage Scrapper; Dude’s Demeanor Screams Surrender
So you Deserve Dying Slowly Sunshine
For being a Distant Defeat SadSack that Does Diva Shit Sometimes
I still can’t believe how Damn Deep he’s Sunken Still
A shame that blind ambition Don’t Determine Someone’s Skills
You’re Dull, Dry, So Soporific
Guy got his writtens
From the same garbage can as Dumpster Diver’s Sought Subsistence
Dick’s Delivery Sure Sucks, Derivative Drivel, Sounding Sinister
Until you hear a Dozen Doppelgängers’ Style Signatures
You’re getting Done Dirty, Still Shootin’, so if it Doesn’t Drop,
Simple Summaries as follows: Disgraced Descent, Sudden Stop
The Damage Done
Simple, Static, you’re Damaged Done
Simple Static, A Dull Drone Scribing Systematic DolDrums
Spineless, Sycophantic, Dan’s Demise, Seed-Sowin’
Ditch Dug, Soil SwollenDearly Departed, So Spoken
Dead, Deceased, Soul Stolen
In his memory I’m pouring out a 40 too soon
Because your fucking rap name stands for more than you do
Guess I’m eulogizing him, now he’s officially deceased
I didn’t even have anything to say…initially, at least

[DDSS: Round 3]
So you got a BA in history, they don’t have a job for that
Now you work as a customer service rep in a cell phone company
You should probably get the money from your college back
But I get it, Pops was after Nat
Like “Son, you need to bring them dollars back”
He was like “Roger that: where’s the nearest Rogers at?”
But I get it, you gotta pay bills somehow, I know battles can’t
Life snowballs and then becomes an avalanche
So you got a history degree just to pitch the slickest LGs
With the description of the fees
Aint that a/data plan?
No match for Dan
After this you’ll have to scram
Before I put Illipsis in a box like a math exam
I’ll beat him back to front, then front to back like an anagram
I’ll tattoo Mohammed on his ass and backpack him through Pakistan
But wait, how do you get a job with all them guns you’re grippin’?
I’m surprised you haven’t done a couple months in prison
Oh wait, you have one conviction?
This fucking chicken
If you got a charge for using texts/TECs, then some poor sucker went over their monthly limit
You gotta speak your soul, you are not Conceited
Stop and see it
We do not believe it
Bro, I follow Quality Control
Honestly, for lolz
You’re all a bunch of bottom-feeding, condom-eating trolls
I’ve been the best in the city since I battled Bugsy Malone
Sketch called you Tyrion Lannister, and that’s something that’s shown
Well I’ll beat him with one hand like Jamie,
It’s crazy, you may be wavy
But I ain’t ready for my little illegitimate imp brother running the throne
I may look like a nice guy, but I will fuck your mama
While acting so presidential, I could trump Obama
Shout-outs to everybody here, they got front-row honors
To see Quality Control die from blunt-force trauma
submitted by BaronAleksei to rapbattles [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 15:23 fiys Chaotic modern prose/poetry that combines different text styles?

I have a very abstract request... but I'd like to find prose/poetry that is somehow chaotic and/or combines different text styles. I feel like I've seen this every now and then, maybe in zines. Something where the language moves between registers, from flowery and poetic, to very descriptive, to stream-of-thought, to operations manual / tech jargon, pop culture references, religious scriptures, whatever. Maybe there's even a name for something like this. I'd like for it to feel very modern, tied to a specific time as opposed to "timeless".
I wish I could give a better literary references, but since this isn't a genre I'm very familiar with, I can't. Maybe something like the lyrics in Amnesia Scanner's release AS Angels Rig Hook. I won't link it (since it's not allowed), but I'll paste an excerpt below, I believe from the Finnish artist Jaakko Pallasvuo. This is kinda abstract, but I'm fine with both abstract and more narrative recommendations.
Handguns, rare butterflies. elaborate prison tattoo of a tiger in mid leap. Augmented reality contact lenses. Red bull energy drink. Fleshlight. Shell fight. Septum streched, thicker rings are more beautiful. chain on neck. Bull ring on nose. Fake lashes. AFK lashes. Nails so long that these hands can no longer grab things. Voice control override. This could be us but you playin'
thunderdome thunderdome anagrams
We're gonna take everything before we secess. We need more weapons. Hi-speed Wi-Fi provided by drones is a given. Arab money in ciphered currencies. Treasure island. Buccaneers and buried gold.
A stream of more or less violent crimes. What was violence again?
Floor 312. We're there. I hand the driver a flake of skin and a fingernail.
The oil rig. A bird flies over. We extend our arm and stand completely still. Bird lands. Bird makes sound. Gently touch bird. It lets that happen. Bird says: ______________ . Identify bird: sparrow. Place filter on sparrow. Mosaic, turbulent displace, hue/saturation. Bird is simplified, jagged edges, orange for now.
submitted by fiys to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 09:24 yelowin Does anyone remember that Night Yorb actually comes from (fhsy spoilers)

An anagram of garthy o'Brien? I can't find it now and I'm gonna start rewatching anyways but iirc the scene is riz is suspicious of garthy and starts looking for anagrams of his name , From looking at it it looks like the anagram is "are nightyorb" lol And then he tattoos it on his chest etc
Do you guys think theyre gonna make garthy related to the big bad or that it won't be mentioned again? Personally I hope they tie it in just so we have more of them on our screens...
submitted by yelowin to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2023.10.09 19:07 Best_Club_In_America Don't Forget ...

Don't Forget ...

Executive Summary/TL;DR:

Original, higher-definition, zoomed-out photo with surrounding context available upon request for those who think this was Photoshopped

"Eisenhower" anagram:

"Dwight D. Eisenhower" anagrams (see below for meaning of "47"):

(Note: the following section on anagrams of "Dwight D. Eisenhower" may have some errors & omissions here and there due to not giving too much of a shit to review its contents because it's assumed the audience is smart enough to get the essence)
  • "God, we hid wet siren", h ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, W, SIREN ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, W/"23", SIREN ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, 23 SIREN ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, 2, 3, SIREN ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, (2+3), SIREN ...
    • GOD, WE HIDE T, H, 5/"E") SIREN ...
  • "God, we hid W.H. E-siren", t ...
  • "We hid W.H. E-siren, do T.G." ...
  • "G.H.W. died, hot E-siren", w/"23"/"2, 3"/"B, C." ... "G.H.W.B. died, hot E-siren", C
  • "We hid siren, do get W.H."
  • "How did E-siren get W.H.?"
  • "Hide wet W.H. siren god" ... "Hide wet W.H. siren, go, d/"4"/"FOUR" ... "Go hide our wet W.H. siren", F/"6"/"SIX"/"88"/"SEVEN"/"IN B.C. N.J."
    • "Hid wet W.H. E-siren god" ...
      • "Hid wet W.H. E-siren" G, O/"15", D ...
      • "Hid wet W.H. E-siren", G, 15, D ...
      • "Hid wet W.H. E-siren", G, 1, 5, D ...
      • "Hid wet W.H. E-siren" G"7", 1/"A", 5/"E", D/"7" ...
      • "Hid we W.H. E-siren", A, E, 47 ...
      • "We hid a W.H. EE-siren 47" ...
      • "We hide a W.H. E-siren 47"
    • "God hid wet W.H. E-siren"
  • "Did we get W.H. siren ho?"
    • "We DID get W.H. siren ho!"
  • "D.E.: dig hot W.H. E-siren", w
    • "We dig hot W.H. E-siren", D/"4"/"FOUR" ...
    • "We dig our hot W.H. E-siren", F/"6"/"SIX"/"88"/"16"/"7"/"SEVEN"/"IN B.C., N.J."
  • "How we dig the siren", d/"4"/"FOUR"; "How we dig our siren", thef ...
    • "How we thief: our dg/"47" siren"
  • "How we did the siren", G/"7"/"SEVEN"/"IN B.C., N.J."
  • "The wide W.H. siren god"
  • "We do dig the W.H. siren"
    • "We do the W.H. DG siren", i
      • "We do the W.H. D/"4", G/"7" siren" ... i
      • "We do the W.H. 47 siren", i ...
      • "I, we do the W.H. 47 siren" ...
      • "We "I do 47" the W.H. siren":
  • "How we hide siren", t, g, d ...
    • "How we hide siren", T, G/"7", D/"4" ...
    • "How we hide siren", T, 7, 4 ...
    • "How we hide siren", T, 7, 4, "+K from "Kamala" = 11/"1, 1" ...
    • "How we hide siren", T, "7+1", "4+1" ...
    • "How we hide siren, T, "8/H", "5/E ...
    • "How we hide siren, THE ...
  • "How we hide dg/"47" siren", t

"And they worshipped the Year of the Dragon, which gave power unto the (B+e+a+s+t = "2+5+1+19+20" = "47") ... the Year of the Dragon stood on the shore of the sea, and I saw a "47" coming out of the sea ..."
\"Anti\" album cover art depicting a \"red child\"

Note: Reddit post field character limitations won't permit a full explanation, but trust (or feel free to send a PM using the chat function for a full explanation) that "Hotel California" can be turned into:

  • "Joe B., Rihanna fed you a war – EAT!"
    • Space limitations won't permit, but this can be shown to turn into: "Joe Biden, Rihanna F. fed you a 2022 war – EAT!" and "Joe Biden, Rihanna Fenty fed you 2/24/2022 war – EAT!"

"Diarrhea" (or "Die Area", if you're "of sound mind" ...

  • H, D, RI AREA ...
  • H, D/"4"/"FOUR", RI AREA ...
  • H, F, OUR RI AREA ...
  • RI F. AREA HOUR ...
  • RI F., A, "18", EA, HOUR ...
  • RI F., A, 18, EA, HOUR ...
  • RI F. A, 1, 8, EA, HOUR ...
  • RI F. A, (1+8+E), A, HOUR ...
  • RI F. A, (1+8+5), A, HOUR ...
  • RI F. A, (14/"N"), A, HOUR ...
  • RIHANA F. OUR ...
  • RIHANA F. O/"15", U, "18" ...
  • RIHANA F. 15, U, 18 ...
  • RIHANA F. 1, 5, U, 1, 8 ...
  • RIHANA F. (1+5+8), U, 1/"A" ...
  • RIHANA F. (14/"N"), U, A ...
    • "A RIHANNA F. U." ...,north%20side%20of%20the%20square.

"America-Israel" anagram:

  • "Ease a calm RiRi":


  • RI, A/"1", N/"14" ...
  • RI, 1, 14 ...
  • RI, 1, 1, 4 ...
  • RI, (1+1+4) ...
  • RI, (6/"F") ...
  • "Ri F."
  • (alternatively:)
  • RI, A, N/"14" ...
  • RI, A, 14 ...
  • RI, A, 1, 4 ...
  • RI, A, (1+4) ...
  • RI, A, (5/"FIVE") ...
  • RI, A, FIVE ...
  • RI, A, Fe("iron"), IV ...
  • RI, A, IRON, IV ...
  • RI, A, I, "18", O/"15", N, I, V ...
  • RI, A I, 18, 15, N, I, V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, 8, 1, 5, N, I, V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, 8/"H", A, 5, N, I, V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, H, A, 5, N, I/"9", V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, H, A (5+9), N, V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, H, A, (14/"N"), N, V ...
  • RI, A, I, 1, H, A, N, N, V ...
  • RIHANNA, I, 1, V ...
  • RIHANNA, I, 1, V/"22" ...
  • RIHANNA, I, 1, 22 ...
  • RIHANNA, I/"9", 1, 2, 2 ...
  • RIHANNA, (9+2+2), 1/"A" ...
  • RIHANNA, (13/"M"), A ...
  • "RIHANNA, MA" ...
    • "AM/MA RIHANNA" ...
    • (A+M) RIHANNA ...
    • (1+13) RIHANNA ...
    • (14) RIHANNA ...
    • (1+4) RIHANNA ...
    • (5/"FIVE) RIHANNA ...
    • (I+V+E) RIHANNA F. ...
      • I/"9", V/"22", E/"5", RIHANNA F. ...
      • 9, 22, 5, RIHANNA F. ...
      • 9, 2, 2, 5, RIHANNA F. ...
      • (9+2+2+5), RIHANNA F. ...
      • (18/"R"), RIHANNA F. ...
      • "R. RIHANNA F."
    • (9+22+5) RIHANNA F. ...
    • (36) RIHANNA F. ...
    • (3+6) RIHANNA F. ...
    • (9/"I", ...) RIHANNA F. ...
      • "IF RIHANNA" ...
      • I/"9"/"NINE" RIHANNA F. ...
      • NNE, I/"9"/"NINE" RIHANNA F. ...
      • NNE, NINE RIHANNA F. ...
      • N, NINE RIHANNA FEN ...
      • N, N, I/"9"/"NINE", NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • N/"14", N, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 14, N, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, 4/"FOUR", N, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, FOUR, N, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, U, RON, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, U/"21", RON, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, 21, RON, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, 2, 1, RON, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, 2/"B", 1, RON, NINE, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 1, F, 1, ROBN, NINE, NE RIHANNA FEN ...
      • (1+1), F, ROBN, NIN, E/"5", NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • (2), F, ROBN, NIN, 5, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • 2, 5, F, ROBN, NIN, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • "25/Y", F, ROBN, NIN, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • ROBYN, F, NIN, NE, RIHANNA FEN ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FEN, (F+N), IN, NE ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FEN, (6+14), IN, NE ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FEN, (20/"T"), IN, NE ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FEN, T, IN, NE ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, N/"14", N/"14, E ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, 14, 14, E ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, 1, 4, 1, 4, E/"5" ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, (1+1), 4, 4, 5 ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I (2), 4, 4, 5 ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, 2, 5, 4, 4, ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, "25/"Y", 4, 4, ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENT, I, Y, (4+4) ...
      • ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY, I, (8/"H") ...
      • "HI ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY" ... "(H/"8"+I/"9")/17/Q, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY"
      • ...
      • H/"8"/"EIGHT", I, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • E, (I+I), G, H/"8", T/"20", ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • E, (9+9), G, 8, 20, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • E, (18), G, 8, 20, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • E, 18, G, 8, 20, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • E, 1, 8, G, 8, 20, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • (E+G), 1, 20/88, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • (5+7), 1, 20/88, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • (12), 1, 20/88, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • 12, 1, 20/88, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • 1, 2, 1, 20/88, ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ...
      • 1/"A", 2/20/88 ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY, 1/"ONE"/"ON-E"
      • "A 2/20/88 ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY ON E" ... see:
      • 2/20/88 ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY, (A+O+N+E) ...
      • 2/20/88 ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY, (1+15+14+5) ...
      • 2/20/88 ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY, (35) ...
      • Rihanna's age a/o 10/10/23:


In Sufism (which reveres fools as wise sages), there is a parable about a "cornered fool" (which Google is now hiding from search results "from some reason"); in essence, it goes something like this:
"Once upon a time, there lived a mean-tempered king who loved to play chess; unfortunately for the king, due to his reputation for flying off the handle when losing, no one would dare play chess with him other than his court fool, who was quite good at chess and loved playing it too; however, the king would continuously fly into a fit of blind rage and physically beat the fool upon losing to him at chess, so eventually the fool refused to play chess with the king anymore, leaving the king with nobody to play his favorite game. The king grew increasingly bored and despondent as time passed and eventually swallowed his pride and begged the fool to join him in a game of chess.
"Oh no" replied the fool, "I may be a fool, but I'm not a glutton for punishment".
"Please ..." replied the king, "... I promise never to lose my temper again."
Upon hearing this, the fool couldn't resist the chance to play the game that he, too loved. So the king and the fool set everything aside and decided to play a game of chess – upon one condition: the fool insisted that a giant carpet be brought into the room where they would be playing and be placed in the corner.
At first, the king thought this request rather unusual and silly, but eventually he concluded it was a relatively small price to pay in order to be entertained with his favorite game, so he agreed. Then they both sat down at the chess board, the king made his move, and waited for the fool to make his. The fool immediately got up and ran for cover under the rug that had been brought into the corner of the room.
"What are you doing?" asked the king.
"I'm running away from you and protecting myself from your wrath with this carpet" replied the fool.
"But we've only just started playing the game" replied the king.
"But if you weren't the king of fools, you'd see that I already won the game" replied the fool. ... 😃

Keep in mind that Kabbalah practitioners and Gnostics view the material world as an evil, inferior illusion/prison and regard the idea of "freeing as many souls as possible from the material realm" (whatever that means) as a good deed; to wit:


  • G/“7”, N/“14”, O/“15”, SIS …
  • 7, 14, 15, SIS …
  • 7, 1, 4, 1, 5, SIS …
  • (7+1+1), (4+5), SIS …
  • (9/“I”), (9/“NINE”), SIS …
  • I, NINE, SIS …
  • ISIS, NINE …
  • ISIS, NI, (N+E) …
  • ISIS, NI, (14+5) …
  • ISIS, NI, (19/“S”) …
  • ISIS, NI, S …
  • ISIS IS N/“14” …
  • ISIS IS 14 …
  • ISIS IS 1, 4 …
  • ISIS IS 1/“A”, 4/“D” …
  • ISIS IS A D …
    • ISIS IS A D/“FOUR” …
    • ISIS IS A FOUR …
    • ISIS IS A F, O/“15”, U/“21”, R …
    • ISIS IS A F, 15, 21, R …
    • ISIS IS A F, 15, (2+1), R …
    • ISIS IS A F, (15+2+1), R …
    • ISIS IS A F, (18/“R”), R …
    • "ISIS IS A R. R. F.
  • ISIS AS (I+D) …
  • ISIS AS (9+4) …
  • ISIS AS (13/M) …
  • ISIS AS M ..,.
  • ISIS A, S/“19”, M …
  • ISIS A, 19, M …
  • ISIS A, 1, 9, M …
  • ISIS A, 1, 9/“I”, M …
  • I’M ISIS A, 1 …
  • I’M ISIS A, 1/“ONE” …
  • I’M ISIS A ONE …
  • I’M ISIS A ON E/“5”/“FIVE” …
  • I’M ISIS ON Fe(“iron”) IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A IR O/“15”, N, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RI 15, N, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RI, 1, 5, N, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RI, 1/“A”, 5, N, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, 5/“FIVE”, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN Fe(“iron”), IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, I, “18”, ON, IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, I, 18, ON, IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, I, 1, 8, ON, IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, I, 1/“A”, 8/“H”, ON, IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIAN, I, A, H, ON, IV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIHANNA, (I/“9”+I/“9”), OV, IV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A RIHANNA (18/“R”), O/“15”, VIV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A R. RIHANNA, 1, 5, VIV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A R. RIHANNA, (1+5), VIV …
  • I’M ISIS ON A R. RIHANNA, (6/“F”), VIV …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, V/“22”, I/“9”, V/“22” …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, 22, 9, 22 …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, 2, 2, 9, 2, 2 …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, (2+2), 9, (2+2) …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, (4/“D”), 9, (4/“D”) …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., A, D, 9, D …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., “ADD 9” …
  • I’M ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., N+I+N+E = “42” = “R.+R.+F.” …
  • I, A, D, ISIS ON R. RIHANN F., M, 9, D …
  • I, A/“1”, D/“4”, ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., M, 9/“I”, D …
  • I, 1, 4, ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., M, I, D …
  • I, “14/N”, ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., MID …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., I, N/“14”, MID …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., I, 14, MID …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., I, 1, 4, MID …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., I, 1, 4/“D”, MID …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., I/“9”/“NINE”, 1/“A”, MIDD …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., MIDDE, N/“14”, N/“14”, A, N/“14”, INE …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., MIDDE, 14, 14, A/“1”, 14, INE …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F. MIDDE, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, INE …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F. MIDDE, (1+4+1+4+1+1), 4/“D”, INE …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F., MIDDE, (12/“L”), DINE …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F. IN MIDDLE, (D/“4”+E/“5”) …
  • ISIS ON R. RIHANNA F. IN MIDDLE, (1+N/“14”+E/“5”), 4, I …
  • ISIS ON RON RIHANNA FENTY IN THE MIDDLE, F/“6”, 2/“B”, 1, O/“15”, E/“5” …
    • Note: Reddit post field character limitations won't permit a full explanation, but trust (or feel free to send a PM using the chat function for a full explanation) that by manipulating the "I" in "Isis", it is possible to arrive at the following two results:

There's plenty more, but due to Reddit's character limitations and the need to highlight some things, this will have to do for now.

submitted by Best_Club_In_America to conspirFBeyesWideShut [link] [comments]

2023.09.26 18:13 M_Tootles Twin Peaks in ASOIAF Part 2: Windom Earle & Unwin Peake — The Teats — Darrys & Dairys & Diaries — Renly's Peach is Irma's Peach — Sharknado — & More (Spoilers Extended)

This post is a straight continuation of Part 1, which you can read [HERE]. (Recall that I left off talking about Maester Gormon and Gormon Peake, Lord of Starpike, as nods to Twin Peaks.)

Unwin Peake & Windom Earle, The Maiden's Day Ball & Miss Twin Peaks

Fire & Blood confirms that GRRM is using the Peakes to (among other things) reference Twin Peaks by feeding us "Lord Unwin Peake". Replace "Un" with "T" and you literally have "Twin Peake". (I'll discuss more ways in which the name Unwin "smells" like Twin Peaks in a bit.) (Of course, "Unwin" is, as is so common, also overdetermined: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were originally published by Allen & Unwin.)
The fact that "Unwin Peake" is not initially one of Aegon III's regents but is rather a replacement for a regent who dies smells like another nod to Twin Peaks being a mid-season replacement show.
One of Unwin's infamous deeds is an homage to Twin Peaks. In order to find a second wife for the child-king Aegon III, Peake organizes a glorified beauty contest known as the Maiden Day's Ball:
"On Maiden's Day we shall have a ball, the like of which King's Landing has not seen since the days of King Viserys. Let the maidens come from every corner of the Seven Kingdoms and present themselves before the king, that His Grace may choose the one best suited to share his life and love." - Unwin Peake (Fire & Blood)
Un-WIN P-EA-k-E tries to rig the contest so his daughter Myrielle will win and thus become Queen.
This essentially reworks key motifs from the Miss Twin Peaks contest that frames the climax of Season 2 of Twin Peaks, which the town's ancient Mayor Dwayne Milford and his newlywed young wife try to rig so she will win and whose winner the villainous WIN-dom EA-rl-E calls his "queen" (per his chess match with Cooper), even speaking of marriage:
WINDOM EARLE: Miss Twin Peaks. What do you get if you win? A dozen roses, a college scholarship, the accolades of your peers... [picks up the queen without a face] Oh and I know you got to die. A royal execution.
WINDOM EARLE: Forgive my hasty departure, dear one. But the time has come to gather my beloved Queen and embark upon our dark honeymoon.
I'm not sure whether the word play noted by the BOLDED UPPER CASE letters above is intentional, whereby 'Wind-um' got flipped into Uun-win, but the beauty pageant stuff is on terra firma.
The image GRRM gives us of the "Maiden's Day Cattle Show"—
Each maid seemed lovelier than the last," Mushroom says in his Testimony, "sparkling and spinning in their silks and jewels, they made a dazzling sight as they made their way to the throne room. It would be hard to picture anything more beautiful, unless perhaps all of them had arrived naked."
—reads as GRRM's horny barely-disguised homage to the spectacle of Miss Twin Peaks, which saw every beautiful actress Lynch had assembled put into a campy group dance number involving constantly spinning umbrellas, Lucy do a dance in which she spins and spins and spins in a very sparkling outfit, and the Mayor's wife (for whom the contest was supposed to be rigged) do a sparkling and spinning "dance of jazz exotica" in silks and jewels. You can [WATCH IT HERE].
Both contests are won by late, surprise entries: The previously unmentioned Lady Daenaera of House Velaryon wins Aegon III's hand, and Annie Blackburn, whose first appearance on Twin Peaks isn't until Season 2, Episode 17, wins the contest over all the characters nerds like GRRM had spent most of the first two season lusting over. (She also only decides to enter at the last minute.)

Unwin Peake & San Francisco's Sunny, Windy Twin Peaks

For whatever it's worth, the first thing I thought of while staring at the name "Unwin" was "Sun-Wind". But maybe that's because I already had another ASOIAF reference to Twin Peaks in mind. San Francisco's famous "Twin Peaks" are two hills known as the North and South Twin Peaks and as Eureka and Noe. The hills structure the local microclimates: East of the Twin Peaks? Sun. West? Wind.
Their west-facing slopes often get fog and strong winds, while the east-facing slopes receive more sun and warmth. (
There are countless references to this sunny/windy divide online, e.g.:
Surely that's crazy, you say? Maybe. But only as regards that possibly sun-wind/"Unwin" wordplay, because San Francisco's Twin Peaks — and thus Twin Peaks, the TV show — are absolutely referenced in ASOIAF. How?
SF's Twin Peaks had a different, very familiar-to-ASOIAF readers name before they were "Eureka and Noe" and "North and South", as the official The San Francisco Recreation and Park Department website tells us:
At 922 feet in elevation, Twin Peaks is second only to Mt. Davidson in height, offers spectacular views of the Bay Area, and is a world-famous tourist attraction. Originally called "Los Pechos de la Choca" (Breasts of the Maiden) by early Spanish settlers, these two adjacent peaks provide postcard views and a treasure trove of animal and plant diversity.… Expect strong winds (
The 'rhyme' between the "Breasts of the Maiden" and the twin hills in the Riverlands called The Teats/"the Mother's Teats"/Barba's Teats/Missy's Teats is obvious. (Especially since the Mother and the Maiden are two aspects of the Seven.)
Thus I have no doubt GRRM is using the Teats to (among other things, doubtless) reference the San Francisco's Twin Peaks and thus Twin Peaks the TV show. You can choose to believe it's nothing more than a bunch of elaborate easter eggs amounting to nothing of relevance to the narrative, but I don't think GRRM does this much (there's plenty more to come) without a point, and I think his point is that BOB-like human skinchanging/possession is at the core ASOIAF in ways most have not yet guessed, just as it's at the core of Twin Peaks in ways few guessed until it was spelled out.

Unwin Peake, Sir Regis Groves, & the Darry/Dairy Homophone

In Fire & Blood, GRRM contrives to place "Unwin Peake" textually adjacent to two "throwaway" knights named Ser Regis Groves and Ser Damon Darry:
Unwin Peake discounted Ser Damon Darry's talk of sorcery and dragons and put down the death of Regis Groves and his men to outlaws.
These juxtapositions are, in concert, hints that ASOIAF is in dialogue with Twin Peaks. How so?
First, the juxtaposition of "talk" and "Regis" evokes Regis Philbin, whose talk shows were daily fixtures on American TV screens for decades. With TV on the brain, the juxtaposition with "Unwin Peake" invites readers to think about Twin Peaks. (FWIW at least one Twin Peaks star appeared on Regis's talk show at the time:
GRRM chose the name "Ser Regis" carefully, though, because it also recalls the St. Regis luxury hotel in San Francisco, which boasts a "gorgeous west-facing view of Twin Peaks", per tripexpert. (Did GRRM stay at the St. Regis at some point?)
The fact that Ser Regis's surname is "Groves" is consistent with reading him as part of the systematic allusion to Twin Peaks built around the Peakes, in that both Unwin Peake and Twin Peaks had "groves": Whitegrove (and Dunstonbury) and Glastonbury Grove.
What about "Damon Darry"?
The Darrys have always struck me as a Twin Peaks reference for reasons I'll explain momentarily; Unwin Peake's simultaneous adjacency to "Damon Darry" convinces me they are.
"Damon" instantly brings "Daemon" to mind, as in Daemon II Blackfyre, the guy Gormon Peake tries to crown king in The Mystery Knight. So right away, we're thinking about homophones, right? Daemon/Damon.
Meanwhile, "Darry" land is dairy land — their sigil is a farmer; their lands are near those of the dairy-driven Butterwell and the cow-evoking Mootons (i.e. "Cowtowns"), as well as the butter-churning Quiet Isle — which makes the Darry name another bit of homophonic wordplay… which just so happens to be incredibly reminiscent of the homophonic wordplay around the selfsame word "dairy" found in Twin Peaks Season 2, Episode 8, titled Drive With A Dead Girl.
Here's that exchange per a transcript found at (Again: Dunstonbury + Whitegrove = the white sycamores of Glastonbury Grove.) Leland/BOB has just been pulled over for reckless driving by Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman while he has the body of Maddy Ferguson in his trunk:
LELAND Ah, I did remember something as you asked about the night Laura died. I was working late at the office with Ben, it was about ten o'clock. He left the room to make a phone call. I don't know who he was talking to but his voice was raised, he was angry. I heard him mention something about … a dairy.
Mystified, TRUMAN asks …
LELAND points at TRUMAN.
LELAND That's what I think yes.
COOPER A diary.
LELAND'S eyes brighten as he points at COOPER.
LELAND That - that could be it.
GRRM loves this kind of thing, as he makes sure to tell us in the Arys/Areo passage that now reads almost like an homage to the improbable dairy/diary confusion in Twin Peaks.
Thus I can't read the juxtaposition of "Unwin Peake", "Ser Regis Groves", and "Damon Darry" as anything but a hint that ASOIAF is (in part) GRRM's answer to Twin Peaks.

"Deep Roots": All Them Old Peakes & Twin Peaks

When Fire & Blood "pause[s] for a moment" to talk about Unwin Peake, an absolute torrent of Twin Peaks references ensue:
It behooves us now to pause for a moment and turn our gaze upon Unwin Peake, who would rule the Seven Kingdoms in all but name for the best part of two years, serving as Lord Regent, Protector of the Realm, and Hand of the King.
His house was amongst the oldest in the Reach, its deep roots twisting back to the Age of Heroes and the First Men. Amongst his many illustrious ancestors, his lordship could count such legends as Ser Urrathon the Shieldsmasher, Lord Meryn the Scribe, Lady Yrma of the Golden Bowl, Ser Barquen the Besieger, Lord Eddison the Elder, Lord Eddison the Younger, and Lord Emerick the Avenger.
First, that paragraph as a whole echoes Sheriff Truman's speech in defense of Leland Palmer after Leland murders Jacques Renault:
"Your Honor, Leland Palmer is a well-known, well-liked, well-respected member of this community. His roots go way back. His grandfather, Joshua Palmer, brought the family here more than 75 years ago."
Second, all those names are Twin Peaks references.
"Urrathon" Peake? Urrathon evokes "marathon" as in TV marathons, the staple of Twin Peaks fandom/convention-events during the dark years post-Fire Walk With Me. Indeed, the "TV" part is implied by "Urrathon", too. How? Because Urrathon Night-Walker watches the Westerosi version of TV:
It is said that the glass candles are burning in the house of Urrathon Night-Walker, that have not burned in a hundred years.
That said, Urrathon Peake's epithet, the Shieldsmasher is a reference to Euron, conqueror of the Shield Islands, who almost certainly is "Urrathon Night-Walker" the marathon "TV" watcher. And who is Euron/what (else) did he do? He's an incredibly evil guy in touch with supernatural evil who raped his family members when they were young children.
Which is exactly what BOB is in Twin Peaks.
Lord Meryn the Scribe is surely a reference to Mervyn Peake (author of Gormenghast). But it also works as a reference to Lucy Moran, the Secretary in the Twin Peaks sheriff's station.
What about Lady Yrma of the Golden Bowl? Certainly Irma Prunesquallor is a major character in Peake's Gormenghast, but again, that's not all that's going on.
The Golden Bowl sounds like it could be the name of a small town soup and sandwich joint, and suddenly Lady Yrma of the Golden Bowl smells like Norma Jennings, owner of the Double R (as in Urrathon?) Diner in Twin Peaks.
A "Golden Bowl", viewed from the top, is (also) a kind of "golden circle", right? "A golden circle" is a key motif and moment in Twin Peaks:
MIKE "Bob and I, when we were killing together, there was this perfect relationship, appetite, satisfaction, a golden circle."
COOPER "A golden circle." (Season 2, Episode 9)
Mike's line dovetails with the fact that Yrma is also a near-homophone and anagram for "arm". "The Arm" in Twin Peaks is its famous dancing dwarf in the red suit. The Arm originally belonged to Mike, the inhabiting spirit I just quoted speaking of killing as "a golden circle", who cuts off his arm when he quits killing. (More on this momentarily.)
I believe "Yrma" simultaneously refers to the character Irma from David Lynch's Twin Peaks-ish Wild At Heart, a role played by the actress Charlie Spradling, who also played the briefly-seen but much-salivated-over hostess "Swabbie" at One Eyed Jack's (a casino and whorehouse) in Twin Peaks. (
A bridge too far, you say? Here's Irma's sole line in Wild At Heart:
Take a bite of peach.
Do I even need to cite these?
Renly's hand slid inside his cloak. Stannis saw, and reached at once for the hilt of his sword, but before he could draw steel his brother produced … a peach. "Would you like one, brother?" Renly asked, smiling. "From Highgarden. You've never tasted anything so sweet, I promise you." (ACOK Catelyn III)
"Renly offered me a peach. At our parley. Mocked me, defied me, threatened me, and offered me a peach. I thought he was drawing a blade and went for mine own. Was that his purpose, to make me show fear? Or was it one of his pointless jests? When he spoke of how sweet the peach was, did his words have some hidden meaning?" (ACOK Davos II)
Actually Stannis, yes. Yes they did. It was GRRM telling us to watch David Lynch (if we want to understand ASOIAF).
Indeed, Stannis re-hashing and relating Renly's offer of a peach is another echo of Wild At Heart, in that we see Irma say her line in cutaway flashback as Sailor relates the story of her saying it to Lula:
SAILOR But dig this, sweetie. Then she turns over, peels off them orange pants, and spreads her legs real wide and says to me...
IRMA (her smiling face) Take a bite of peach.
Just as Sailor had to tell someone about Irma saying "Take a bit of peach", so does Stannis have to tell Davos — who, by the way, is The Sailor to the The Sailor's Wife — about Renly telling him to do the same.
Getting back to the litany of Peakes…
Ser Barquen the Besieger at first blush looks like a nod to Peake's Gormenghast, which features a character named Barquentine — and he certainly is (although as far as I can tell Barquentine doesn't besiege anything).
But I wonder if GRRM also realized that "Barquen the Besieger" could also be read as a homophonic reference (in keeping with both the Areo/Arys line and the line from Cooper's prescient dream in Twin Peaks Season 1, Episode 3, "I mean it like it is, like it sounds"), to the iconic scene from the Twin Peaks pilot in which Bobby Briggs (BB) and Mike start barking ("barquen") at the jailed James Hurley, such that James seems clearly "besieged". (Watch it [HERE].) Almost as if they're wargs.
Did GRRM also recognize that the name "Barquen" would evoke Barq's Root Beer? And thus perhaps Twin Peaks per a scene in the aforementioned Norma (like Yrma) Jenning's Double RR Diner (a la The Golden Bowl and U-rr-athon):
"Laura's favorite was a drink we used to call a Brown Cow. It's like a root beer float only made with a cola drink and vanilla ice cream. She had her first, with me, in that booth right there." - Leland Palmer, Season 2, Episode 2
(The Peake-linked House Darry [like Dairy] having a brown sigil suddenly looks like a reference to Laura's "Brown Cow".)
Lord Eddison the Elder, Lord Eddison the Younger, and Lord Emerick the Avenger are, together, a full-throated reference to Twin Peaks' Big Ed Hurley. How so?
"Dolorous Edd" shows us that "Eddison" is shortened to Edd. Two "Eddison Peakes" puts twins on the brain. And an "Elder" and a "Younger" "Edd" implies a Big Edd (like Big Ed in Twin Peaks) and a Little Edd. (Think of Big and Little Walder, named for being elder and younger, not their size.)
Meanwhile "Emerick" looks like a quasi-homophonic mash-up of the first and last names of the actor who played Big Ed, Everett McGill. (Ever-Mick, Emer-ick.)
Finally, Big Ed is indeed something of an "Avenger": He's a member of Twin Peaks' secret society of "good guys" known as the Bookhouse Boys.
(Yes, Eddison also refers to the fantasy author and Tolkein contemporary E.R. Eddison.)

Lorimar Peake Televison, Twin Percy Peaks Overlooking Stark, & Gwayne & Dwyane

Back to Fire & Blood and the many ways the Peakes therein reference Twin Peaks:
Many Peakes had served as counselors at Highgarden when the Reach was the richest and most powerful kingdom in all Westeros. When the pride and power of House Manderly became overweening, it was Lorimar Peake who humbled them and drove them into exile in the North, for which service King Perceon III Gardener granted him the former Manderly seat at Dunstonbury and its attendant lands. King Perceon's son Gwayne took Lord Lorimar's daughter as his bride as well, making her the seventh Peake maiden to sit beneath the Green Hand as Queen of All the Reach.
Same deal.
Lorimar is kind of like "Urrathon" and "Regis": a TV reference, as Lorimar Television was a major TV production powerhouse in the 70s and 80s, responsible for many of the massively popular but vapid prime time soap operas Twin Peaks lampooned and twisted (e.g. Falcon Crest, Knots Landing, Dallas) but also a favorite of GRRM's: Max Headroom. (
King Perceon is linked to Dunstonbury, which we already know evokes Twin Peaks via Glastonbury Grove. Why "Perceon"? Because North Percy Peak and South Percy Peak are real life "twin peaks" in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. ( South Percy Peak overlooks and is about 3 miles from the town of (I shit you not) Stark.
"Gwayne" marrying a Peake maiden and making her Queen both 'rhymes' and rhymes with the previously mentioned Twin Peaks episode in which Mayor Dwayne Milford marries a much younger woman and, doing his best Unwin Peake impression, tries to rig the Miss Twin Peaks contest so she would win, which would make her Windom Earle's "Queen".

Armen Peake & The Arm in Twin Peaks

Back to the Twin Peaksy Peakes of F&B:
Through the centuries, other daughters of House Peake had married Redwynes, Rowans, Costaynes, Oakhearts, Osgreys, Florents, even Hightowers.
All this had ended with the coming of the dragons. Lord Armen Peake and his sons had perished on the Field of Fire beside King Mern and his.
"Armen Peake and his sons… perish[ing] on the Field of Fire"? "Armen Peake" is a near-perfect homophone for the "Arm in Peaks", which Mike chopped off to remove its "Fire Walk With Me" tattoo, thus spawning the child-sized dwarf identified in the Twin Peaks film Fire Walk With Me as The Arm:
"I, too, have been touched by the devilish one. Tattooed on the left shoulder. Ah, but when I saw the face of God, I was changed. I took the entire arm off. My name is Mike. His name is BOB." - Mike (Season 1, Episode 3)
"They had a tattoo: Fire, walk with me. Mike couldn't stand the killing anymore, so he cut off his [tattooed] arm." - Cooper (Season 1, Episode 4)
Armen's "sons… perish[ing] on the Field of Fire" with him also dovetails with Mike's partially-repeated speech in Season 2, Episode 6, insofar as Mike quit creating "fear and the pleasures", which "are [BOB's] children", (presumably sons) when he chopped off the arm with the Fire Walk With Me tattoo:
"He is BOB, eager for fun. He wears a smile, everybody run. Do you understand the parasite? It attaches itself to a life form and feeds. BOB requires a human host. He feeds on fear and the pleasures. They are his children. I am similar to BOB. We once were partners. Through the darkness of future past / The magician longs to see / One chance out between two worlds / Fire walk with me. But then I saw the face of God and was purified. I took off the arm."
(By the way, who do those first few lines sound like if not Euron? The question is: Are there others? And if there are, is Euron ASOIAF's BOB, or is he just its Windom Earle, a guy who thinks he's an evil genius and bad ass wizard who knows exactly what he's doing only to have the real evil, BOB and the Black Lodge, "utterly annihilate [his] soul", as Hawk puts it in Season 2, Episode 11. Roose Bolton and Littlefinger both have something to say here, surely. The question is, which piece fits where.)

On The Trail of Ser Marston, Amaury Peake and The Maury Incident, & Twin Peakes

Back in F&B's discussion of Unwin Peake, we find a couple more Peake-adjacent names that smell like Twin Peaks:
With House Gardener extinguished, … the slow fall of this proud house had begun. A century later, the Peakes still held three castles, and their lands were wide and well-peopled, if not particularly rich, but no longer did they command pride of place amongst the bannermen of Highgarden.
Unwin Peake was determined to redress that, and restore House Peake to its former greatness. …
[When he became Lord Regent and Protector of Realm during Aegon III's regency, he] elevated Ser Marston Waters to command of the Kingsguard[.] Lord Peake now prevailed upon him to confer white cloaks on two of his own kin, his nephew Ser Amaury Peake of Starpike, and his bastard brother Ser Mervyn Flowers.
Ser Marston being asked to put a cloak on Unwin Peake's brother looks like a reference to the real life "twin peaks" in New England known as "The Brothers" (a la ASOIAF's islands, the Sisters), which one can reach via the "Marston Trail". (,,
(Yes, Marston Waters may also reference the creator of the amazonian islander Wonder Woman, William Marston. But I think positioning him as the brother of Unwin Peake suggests that's not all the name is doing.)
Ser Amaury Peake of Starpike gets into The Secret History of Twin Peaks spoiler territory. Mark Frost, Lynch's co-creator, wrote The Secret History in 2016, well before Amaury was invented in Fire & Blood. The Secret History is a phony history (sound familiar?) that presents itself as the work of "an unknown archivist":
The book is presented as a dossier, compiled by an unknown archivist, with annotations from FBI Special Agent "TP," who has been assigned to discover the archivist's identity. (
So it's very much in the spirit of Fire & Blood, which is presented as the in-world work of Archmaester Gyldayn.
Anyway, "Amaury of Starpike" is a reference to The Secret History's "Maury Island Incident", a prominently featured UFO sighting (in keeping with "Starpike" and thus Major Briggs/Don Davis/The X-Files). (It doesn't hurt that it also evokes Maury and thus television.)
Unwin Peake's brother Ser Mervyn Flowers is definitely a direct, blatant nod to Mervyn Peake, author of the Gormenghast books. (
At the same time, Mervyn is (with Armen) one of a pair of Peakes elevated to the Kingsguard, making them "twin Peakes", of a sort.

The Fingers, The Tattooed Murdering Thumb, & The Murderer's Tattooed Arm in Twin Peaks

Back to Fire & Blood:
Lord Peake did not have a trusting nature…. Ever mindful of his own safety, he surrounded himself with his own personal guard, ten sellswords loyal only to him (and the gold he lavished on them) who in due course became known as his "Fingers." Their captain, a Volantene adventurer named Tessario, had tiger stripes tattooed across his face and back, the marks of a slave soldier. Men called him Tessario the Tiger to his face, which pleased him; behind his back, they called him Tessario the Thumb, the mocking sobriquet that Mushroom had bestowed upon him.
This whole business with Unwin the Hand hiring men called "the Fingers" led by his right-hand man, an evil, notably-tattooed child-killer called "the Thumb" is a clear "kaleidoscoping" riff on Twin Peaks: When Mike broke with the evil, child-raping-and-killing BOB and vowed to stop killing, he cut off his arm to remove the tattoo that marked him as a killer and spawned the dancing dwarf known as The Arm, which 'rhymes' with the Hand hiring the Fingers to kill for him and with Mushroom, the dwarf of the Dance (of Dragons), naming the tattooed killer "The Thumb".
Furthermore, the Thumb is called "the Tiger" and has "tiger stripes across his face and back", making him look like a tiger. And how does Sarah Palmer famously describe Twin Peaks' Killer BOB?
"He looked like an animal". (Season 1, Episode 4: The One-Armed Man)
This reading is borne out by the first action for which The Fingers and The Thumb are famous: "hacking and cleaving" off the hands of forty thieves on "The Feast Day of Our Father Above". They also "hacked off and burned" the hands of a murderer. The 'rhyme' with Mike hacking off his arm/The Arm (with the Fire Walk With Me tattoo) is patent. Doing so on "The Feast Day" recalls that BOB and MIKE were creatures of "appetite and satisfaction"—
"Bob is a fire spirit. So are we both, both creatures of fire. Bob and I ... when we were killing together ... there was a perfect relationship; appetite and satisfaction. A golden circle." - Mike (Season 2, Episode 9)
—and that BOB "feeds on fear and the pleasures". As did Unwin Peake:
"Make no mistake. This feast was served to us by the Hand, and ’twas he who gorged upon it."

Gedmund Peake: Twin Peaks via Sharknado

Fire & Blood next introduces the strangely named, unlikely sailor "Gedmund Peake":
To command the royal fleet, he tapped another uncle, Ser Gedmund Peake, a seasoned battler known as Gedmund Great-Axe for his favored weapon. Though justly renowned for his prowess as a warrior, Ser Gedmund had little knowledge or experience of ships, however, so his lordship also summoned the notorious sellsail Ned Bean (called Blackbean, for his thick black beard) to serve as the Great-Axe's second-in-command and advise him on all matters nautical.
"Ned Bean" obviously nods to Sean Bean, who portrayed Ned Stark on the HBO show.
With TV thus on the brain, what to make of "Gedmund Peake"? It looks like a portmanteau of George (as in GRRM) and Edmund, right? Surely that couldn't somehow lead to Twin Peaks, right?
It does, though.
In 2015, George, "a seasoned [writer]… justly renowned for his prowess as a [writer but who] had little knowledge or experience of acting" made an appearance in the very silly 2015 film (about the sea!) Sharknado 3. Among his co-stars? The Irish music duo that "wrote and performed the film's official theme song "Oh Hell No", the identical twins John and Edward Grimes, known by the "Gedmund"-like portmanteau of their first names, "Jedward". (! &
"Gedmund Peake" thus more or less amounts to "Twins" Peake.
Why "G[-as-in-GRRM]-Edmund" Peake, though?
As usual, it's overdetermined.
First, it helps allude to Twin Peaks, since Sir Edmund Hillary was famous for climbing to the peak of Mount Everest.
Second, "Edmund" recalls disasters at sea like the one Unwin was asking for by appointing as commander of the royal fleet a guy with zero naval experience like Gedmund thanks to Gordon Lightfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Unwin Goes BOB on Aegon III

Aegon III was badly traumatized by the horrors he'd witnessed during The Dance of Dragons. Unwin Peake subjected him to more of the same, further traumatizing him by forcing him to watch the previously discussed mass hacking-off-of-hands (and other parts) by Tessario and the Fingers on The Feast Day Of Our Father. GRRM writes Aegon III's response as a disassociated trauma response, clearly inviting us to see this as child abuse:
King Aegon III stood atop the gatehouse battlements throughout the Feast of Our Father Above, and never spoke nor looked away from the bloodletting below. "The king had as well been made of wax," observed Septon Eustace. Grand Maester Munkun echoes him. "His Grace was present, as was his duty, yet somehow he seemed far away as well. Some of the condemned turned to the battlements to shout out cries for mercy, but the king never seemed to see them, nor hear their desperate words. Make no mistake. This feast was served to us by the Hand, and ’twas he who gorged upon it."
This comes just after Unwin Peake makes Aegon's best and only friend, Gaemon Palehair, Aegon's whipping boy, mercilessly using "Gaemon's blood and Gaemon's tears" to force Aegon to comply with his demands.
The resonance between Unwin's treatment of Aegon and Gaemon and the central Twin Peaks theme of child abuse is already clear, then, when we come a few pages later to a passage that reads as if Unwin is a BOB-esque "inhabiting spirit", inhabiting and puppeteering Aegon III like BOB inhabited and puppeteered Leland Palmer and like BOB wanted inhabit and puppeteer Laura Palmer:
"Then the Hand's fingers closed about his throat," says Mushroom. "The voice was Aegon's, the words Unwin's."
That first sentence about choking, by the way, is telling: I believe it may allude to what really happened at the Purple Wedding, as I suspect that someone (making like BOB) at least partially inhabited Sansa (using the hairnet as a kind of antenna/focal point?) and used her latent witchy powers and her hatred of Joffrey as a channeling vehicle to psychically choke Joffrey to death, in the same way that Alys Rivers choked a man to death after The Dance of Dragons:
The messenger looked at him, stricken, then clutched at his throat and began to wheeze. Unable to draw breath, he was dead in moments. Supposedly the imprints of a woman's fingers could be seen upon his skin, as if she had been in the room, choking him. (Fire & Blood Under The Regents—The Hooded Hand)

More Peaksy Child Abuse Coding Around Jaehaera's Murder

Fire & Blood heavily implies that Aegon III's child bride Jaehaera Targaryen was murdered — thrown out her window onto the spiked moat — by "The Thumb", Tessario. We've already seen how the tattooed Tessario evokes Twin Peaks via the also animal-looking Killer BOB, BOB's formerly tattooed former partner Mike, who cut-off his tattooed arm, and "Armen Peake and his sons" who "perished on the Field of Fire." The murder of Jaehaera completes the Thumb's "golden circle" of Peaks referentiality.
(It could even be argued that F&B ever-so-subtly textually 'codes' Jaehaera as akin to Laura by talking about her having a "pearl necklace" and having had soup spilled on her by a serving boy, with those responsible for these deeds being suspected in her murder, as Laura's sex partners were suspected in her murder.)
Leaning heavily on the account of Mushroom (the dwarf of The Dance, so to speak, a la the dancing dwarf in Twin Peaks known as The Arm), Fire & Blood tells us that a pair of Peakes — Twin Peakes, so to speak — were involved in Jaehaera's murder: Unwin Peake ordered it and posted his brother Mervyn to Jaehaera's bedroom door, knowing he would allow The Thumb to enter when he said he "came at the Hand's behest".
The lingering mysterious quality of the guarded bedroom door that wasn't forcibly breached and the question of whether Jaehaera was jumped or thrown out her window recalls Fire Walk With Me in two clear ways. First, when BOB visits and rapes Laura Palmer in her bed, he does so not by entering through her bedroom door, as we might expect, but by climbing through her window — the same window she regularly used to sneak in and out of the house. (Precociously sexual children sneaking in and out of bedrooms in The Red Keep is something of a theme in the ASOIAF "history" books, needless to say.)
Second, while there is no doubt that BOB murders Laura, Laura knowingly forces him to do so, effectively committing suicide by refusing to become a new vessel for him, by refusing to perpetuate the cycle of abuse.

French-Flavored Turnip Jokes On Peakes & In Peaks

It's at this point in the story of Unwin Peake that he tries to get Aegon III to wed his daughter Myrielle, setting up the Miss Twin Peaks-ish "Maiden's Day Cattle Show" and trying to rig it so Aegon III will pick Myrielle and make her his queen. Here I just want to point out another Twin Peaks reference in Fire & Blood's account of these events.
When Unwin Peake first broaches the subject of Aegon III wedding his daughter, Aegon III says to him, "What if I do not like her?" GRRM then invents a funny anecdote about turnips:
"You do not need to like her," Lord Peake replied, "you need only wed her, bed her, and father a son on her." Then, infamously, he added, "Your Grace does not like turnips, but when your cooks prepare them, you eat them, do you not?" King Aegon nodded sullenly…but the tale got out, as such tales always do, and the unfortunate Lady Myrielle was soon known as Lady Turnips throughout the Seven Kingdoms.
She [Lady Peake] would never be Queen Turnips.
So what? So, in Twin Peaks Season 3 (the Showtime series that came out a year before GRRM finished *Fire & Blood), there's a homophonic (Areo/Arys!) wordplay joke made by Gordon Cole/David Lynch himself:
[Referring to his French date:] "She's here visiting a friend of her mother whose daughter has gone missing. The mother owns a turnip farm. I told her to tell the mother that her daughter will turn up eventually. She didn't get it either. Being French, it doesn't translate."
Turnip/Turn up. I suspect it's no accident that "Myrielle" sounds like the name of a French girl, Murielle, nor that we do not actually see anyone tell the "Lady Turnips" joke, but rather hear about it second hand, just as we don't see Cole tell the joke but rather relate the telling of the joke.

"You Never Know What Might Come Through"

The dwarf of The Dance, Mushroom, says the following of Unwin Peake's decision to hold his version the Miss Twin Peaks contest:
Mushroom, our wise fool, observes that there are certain doors best not opened, for "you never know what might come through." Peake had opened a queen's door for his daughter, but other lords had daughters too (as well as sisters, nieces, cousins, and even the odd widowed mother or maiden aunt) and before the door could close they all came pushing through…
Very Bad Things coming through "certain doors best not opened" is, of course, a lesson Unwin's Twin Peaks counterpart Windom Earle learns the hard way on the night of the Miss Twin Peaks contest, when he takes his "queen", Annie, the winner of Miss Twin Peaks, and uses her "fear" to successfully "open the door" to the Black Lodge, per Major Briggs's instructions:
BRIGGS Protect ... the Queen ... … Fear and love ... open the doors.
COOPER What did he say?
TRUMAN He said "Fear and love open the doors."
COOPER Two Lodges, two doors. Fear opens one, the Black. Love, the other.
TRUMAN What does that mean?
COOPER I don't know exactly. It just came to me.
BRIGGS "How does the Queen?"
COOPER Of course: the Queen … The chess game's final piece. Follow my thinking. Earle takes the Queen—
TRUMAN The game's not over until you take the King.
COOPER That depends on where he takes her. Maybe he takes her to the doorway when it opens
TRUMAN Which Queen are we talking about?

COOPER Miss twin Peaks. (Season 2, Episode 21)
The "door" Earle opens is in Glastonbury Grove (a la Dunstonbury and Whitegrove, two of the Peakes' ancestral castle), which Cooper and Truman realize by looking at the same "map" that told them when the doors could be opened via a representation of the heavens (thus alluding to the Peakes' other castle, "Starpike").
Unfortunately for Earle, BOB almost immediately "utterly annihilates" his soul, as seen when Cooper follows Earle into the Lodge, where he is met by the dancing dwarf (referenced by the Dance's dwarf Mushroom [as in tripping on Mushrooms, which Twin Peaks might feel like to some]). BOB then takes control of Cooper, and uses the "door" Earle opened to reenter the world and Twin Peaks in the guise of Cooper.
If only Mushroom had been around to tell the power-hungry Earle that "there are certain doors best not opened, for 'you never know what might come through.'"

Unwin's Unwinding: The Player In The Shadows, The Dweller On The Threshold, & More

Unwin's Maiden's Day scheme fails and he is deposed from power. But he remains the unseen mover of men, the secret power behind the murder of a child, Gaemon Palehair, and an attempt to seize power from Aegon III. Unwin Peake is again metaphorically BOB-esque, as it was "really" Unwin who does the child-murder and coup, even though to all outward appearances it was others:
In The Testimony of Mushroom, the fool says plainly what few dared say at the time: that there must surely have been another conspirator, lord and master of the rest, the man who set all this in motion from afar, using the others as his catspaws. The "player in the shadows," Mushroom calls him. "Graceford was cruel but not clever, Long had courage but no cunning, Risley was a sot, Bernard a pious fool, the Thumb a bloody Volantene, worse than the Lyseni. The women were women, and the Kingsguard were used to obeying commands, not giving them. Lucas Leygood loved swaggering about in his gold cloak, and could drink and fight and fuck with the best of them, but he was no plotter. And all of them had ties to one man: Unwin Peake…."
…But Peake had been at Starpike during the secret siege, and none of his supposed catspaws ever spoke his name, so his involvement remained unproven, then as now.
Two points.
First, very simply, calling Peake "The player in the shadows" recalls Twin Peaks' "The Dweller on the Threshold", a.k.a. "the shadow self":
HAWK There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge, the shadow self of the White Lodge. Legend says that every spirit must pass through there on a way to perfection. There, you will meet your own shadow self. My people call it: The Dweller on the Threshold.


submitted by M_Tootles to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2023.09.25 03:42 notpires Request: Miguel and Isabel

Hello me and my partner are looking for a tattoo to make together, we thought this was a good idea, can someone make one anagram with our names? Pro: same number of letters
submitted by notpires to ambigrams [link] [comments]

2023.08.20 18:42 Crafty-Attention-672 Anagrams of Stefan Corbin Burnett

Anagrams of Stefan Corbin Burnett
My guess is he actually is Haitian(papa Legba tattoo and painting aswell as a dream I had of him) and it’s not his or his family’s real name. Hope your minds are open to this.
I urge you all to use the “https://www.dcode.fanagram-generator” and continue to find more, it’s there for those that seek it.
submitted by Crafty-Attention-672 to VeryShallowListening [link] [comments]

2023.07.18 12:29 Nonte_Enton My first backstory to get into playing - integrating my psyduck tattoo - opinions/suggestions?!

Dear dndbackstories-community,
feel free to ignore as it's gonna be a loooong text.
First a bit of real time backstory and motivation: I am a 31 years old dad and up until now I don't have any DND experience. When I grew up I was reading all kinds of fantasy books and always loved to imagine how it would be like to live in these worlds. My family and friends had different interests and always made me feel like I couldn't share it with them as it was "too out of their worlds" (if that makes sense). It was like 7th grade when we got our first family computer that I could rarely use and our internet was pay-per-minute (lol). I think I was 15 or 16 when I got my first own laptop and was able to play some games (mostly RPGs) but my mom would check on me regularly to prevent that I would get addicted to gaming.
I was always on the look out for kids that shared my interest but was also aware that most of them thought about all this fantasy stuff as stupid. So I did as a lot of teenagers do and just surpress this side of me and did the mainstream stuff. I regret this today as I always envied the kids/people that just do their thing and don't care for other people opinions. My wife helped me tremendously in this regard as she knows me very well and always encouraged me in being my "true self". I'm still kind of introvert and always very aware of myself and don't want to get too much attention or be looked at funny. Since the birth of my son last year I feel a change. I'm singing, dancing, doing funny voices etc. for him if it makes him happy and I don't care if anyone notices this in public. And I really would like to be a good example for him and support him in his interests in hope that it makes him confident in his own person.
This brings me to my backstory for my first DND character as I always wanted to play DND but never dared. At the moment I am looking for DND-groups in my area (which are kinda hard to find) or small events/conventions to visit. Even though it makes me go way out of my comfort zone I would like to get into it as I think that it could yield soo much great experiences for my son, maybe really cool bonding-situations for our family and just be a lot of fun. Writing this all down just helps me to keep my plan in motion and doing the next step.

My backstory:
Nonte grew up in this sleepy remote village, that's inhabited by these religious and traditional people. The village lies at the end of a trade route that is the only way in and out of the village as it is surrounded by snow covered, ragged mountains. Since generations the residents of the village do the same jobs (mining, chopping wood, farming etc.) and the kids take over their parents businesses at some point. No one ever left the village and no one wants to make any change to this situation.
Nontes parents run the only Inn in the village and accommodate merchants that come for trading. Nonte helps out at the Inn when it's busy but often stops in his track to listen to the merchants stories about their adventures on the road. It makes him dream about what it would be like to leave the village, escape the boredom and experiencing his very own adventures... until his parents remind him - not so nicely - about his work.
In his free time Nonte always tries to get his friends to explore the forests or other areas outside of the village but almost never succeeds. A very hot summer leads to the melting of a lot of snow from the mountains and Nonte decides to go exploring alone as none of his friends wanted to come along. The trade route is flooded so there won't be much to do at the Inn as nobody can reach the village.
He climbs up one side of a mountain and tries to follow fresh tracks of a deer. When he reaches a rocky surface and loses the tracks he realises that he is further up than he ever was. In front of him is a small cave entrance hidden by big rock. His heart starts pounding as he decides to investigate the cave. Inside he notices that the cave doesn't get darker even though he already went around a corner. The inside of the cave even gets a bit brighter. Around another corner he discovers the source of a pulsing blue light. In the middle of a crystall clear pond is a small island with a strange looking, altar-like rock that emits the light. Nonte wades through the pond to inspect the rock. The pulsing picks up speed until it's glowing consistently. Oddly enough Nonte can't feel any heat from the stone so he decides to touch it. It's cold... is the last thing he can think before he feels like falling. The blue light fills all his vision until it's suddenly pitch black. He hits the ground.
Slowly he opens his eyes and looks around. He seems to be in the same cave as moments ago until he spots another person. A young woman with orange-red hair, clad in a dark, long robe stares confused at him. Her gaze goes back and forth between him and a very old looking book she holds in her hands. She looks at the pages in front of her and seems to compare him to something that's written or drawn down there. Out of the blue she shouts at him - almost reproachful - that he doesn't look like Psyduck at all. She wants to know if this is a dumb joke as she prepared for this summoning for weeks and was sure that she finally was on the right track to summon the ancient Psyduck that she is searching for years. She turns the book so that Nonte can have a look at the drawing and sees something that resembles a chubby platybus. Before he can say anything the cave starts to shake and the air in front of him to waft. Lines on the floor begin to glow in red and violet light. A huge being is materializing in front of Nonte. With wide eyes Nonte stumbles backwards until he is pressing himself against the wall. "NOOO! Don't leave the summoning circle!! Get back into the markings.", the red haired woman screams at him. The floating being in front of him slowly turns his head and looks straight at Nonte. With his broad beak it looks like the drawing in the woman's book. It tilts his head and opens his beak wide to shriek. The moment it realizes that one of Nonte's feet is outside of the summoning circle it rushes cackling in his direction as if to push against him. Startled by the charging being and the woman's screams Nonte steps back into the circle and tries to dodge the incoming impact. But instead of hitting Nonte the huge being just vanishes inside of him. A wave of pain surges through Nonte's body. He screams and feels the most pain in his ankle that was outside the circle just moments ago. After collapsing to the ground Nonte sees that the woman approaches him. She flicks her fingers and a flame appears out of thin air. Nonte is sure that this must be some kind of trick or him having a very strange dream but before he can think any further a new wave of pain hits his ankle and he looses his consciousness.
Nonte wakes up in a bed and still feels a dull pain in his body. His head feels.... strange. He has the feeling that he is not alone but he can't spot anyone in the room. Slowly he rises from the bed and looks around. Sudden pain in his ankle lets him sink back on his bed and he sees that there are bloody bandages around his leg. He lifts the bandages and recognises deep scratches that look like the silhouette of the summoned being of the cave. The room is stuffed with all kind of books, scrolls and very old looking tomes. The room is quite dark so he gets up to have a closer look at some of the books. There are very strange symbols on these books and he can't read or understand any of them. A sudden pain shoots through Nonte's head. He squints, draws his breath in sharply and lets out a curse. When he opens his eyes the dim light from before seems to almost blind him. Nonte fixates the darkest corner to steady his vision and relaxe his eyes. He sees the strange symbols changing in front of his eyes. And suddenly they make sense. "Famous witches and warlocks of the 12th century", "Succubus Summoning I". He is confused. How is that even possible? Before he can read any further the red haired woman enters the room. She offers Nonte a glass of water and ask how he is feeling. Nonte explains the events of the last minutes and is waiting for the woman to start laughing or trying to investigate him for a head injury. But the opposite happens. She nodds along as if everything he just said made perfect sense. After Nonte is done with explaining the red haired woman introduces herself as "Misty". She is a witch (female warlock?!) that is looking for a possibility to summon the mighty and ancient being "Psyduck" - Nonte feels another wave of heat surging through his body when the name "Psyduck" is mentioned - for decades. Two weeks ago she traded with a very shady man and received an ancient tome that had the information that she were missing. She did all the preparations very carefully and tried the summoning but somehow Nonte appeared out of nowhere and interrupted it. She guesses that Psyduck wanted to escape through Nonte when one of his feet were outside of the circle. Now the ancient being must be trapped in his body and.... Nonte loses his consciousness again!
adventure start from here on:-)

TLDR:- dad of a newborn tries to get into DND- background story describes metaphorically the situation of the dad: sleepy hometown, very inexperienced person that is eager to experience adventures goes exploring, finds a rock, gets sucked into a parallel universe, gets possessed by ancient being, starts out his adventure as a warlock- psyduck clickbait / parallel universe explanation: I've got (in real life) a psyduck tattoo on my ankle 2 years ago and love playing warlocks in games. I was thinking about a fitting patron and wanted something with more flexibility as I am not very firm in the DND lore. So I came up with the story above.
- the character's name is actually an anagram of the german name of psyduck (Enton).
submitted by Nonte_Enton to dndbackstories [link] [comments]

2023.07.10 19:15 jaysjep2 Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Jul. 10

Here are today's contestants:
DD1 - $400 - MOMENTOUS DATES - On January 3, 1521 the Catholic Church excommunicated this man (James won $1,000 on a true DD.)
Scores at first break: Alex $5,200, Dileri $0, James $2,400.
Scores going into DJ: Alex $8,200, Dileri $1,600, James $3,200.
Double Jeopardy!
DD2 - $1,600 - QUOTABLE BOOKS - In 1958's "The Dharma Bums", he wrote, "It was all completely serious, all completely hallucinated, all completely happy" (James moved into second by adding $3,000 to his score of $7,600 vs. $13,800 for Alex.)
DD3 - $1,200 - STITCH INCOMING - Joba Chamberlain used the scar from the elbow surgery named for this fellow pitcher as part of a smiley face tattoo (Alex dropped from first to third by losing $12,000 from his score of $15,000.)
Alex looked to be in comfortable shape after round one, but then both opponents began to rally, and Alex made a huge misstep on DD3. As a result, it was James with the lead into FJ at $14,200 vs. $10,400 for Dileri and $3,000 for Alex.
Final Jeopardy!
ART HISTORY - At the 1865 Paris art salon, the elder of these 2 men said if the younger were successful, it would be “because his name sounds like mine”
Only Alex was correct on FJ, as both James and Dileri didn't correctly interpret what the clue was looking for. Dileri made a big bet of $10,000, so James held on, dropping $6,000 to win with $8,200.
Final scores: Alex $5,500, Dileri $400, James $8,200.
Odds and Ends
FJ wagering strategy: Normally, the best play for Dileri would have been to make a small wager to shut out Alex and hope to win if James missed, and that strategy would have worked here. However, as it played out, James didn't bet quite enough to cover double of Dileri's score, so if both Dileri and James had been correct on FJ, her big bet would have won the game.
Ken's Korner: By saying "Well done, doctor" after a correct response by Alex in STITCH INCOMING, then before his DD3 wager saying "How confident are you in a medical category", Ken certainly did everything he could to influence Alex to make a big bet. Since Alex was the only player correct on FJ, a typical mid-sized wager on DD3 would have almost surely resulted in a win.
Judging the producers: The WORD PUZZLES category suffered from the same problem we've seen in those about anagrams - when a player rings in, they take the clue off the screen, so the home audience can't study the puzzle and play along.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Martin Luther? DD2 - Who was Kerouac? DD3 - Who is Tommy John? FJ - Who were Manet and Monet? (Dileri and James gave one of the names but not both.)
submitted by jaysjep2 to Jeopardy [link] [comments]

2023.06.19 13:14 Street_Coast_2312 My puzzle show #2
Words that rhyme:
A public road in a city or town that is hopping to a musical rhythm
What an injured specific aircraft feels
Running suddenly resulting in flatulence
A large shopping center that sells continuous vertical structures
A stringed weapon enemy
A line or ridge produced on a ripped portion of cloth or paper
A storage container for thumbtacks
The trivia game:
A) What is the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle?
Bon Scott (the deceased original singer of AC/DC) stated that he believes these big things should be held every night?
What is the name of a place where swine are often kept? Also a nickname for places of incarceration.
What was the name of the last number one single Jim Croce had?
Common theme: ? Hint: My face isn’t sunburned
B) (Anagrams of names) Malaria Shark
Emcee Pink
Bugger Hose
Watermelon Lad
Common theme: ? Hint: “I am the ultimate deputy”
Playing and combining with movie titles (Plug for tattoo squid)
A Mel Brooks science fiction movie combined with a 1989 Jerry Lee Lewis biopic. Remove one word from the second title.
These movies both came out in 2019 and were nominated for best picture. The first is a competitive race car movie starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale. Remove the second word from the title. Combine this with a Todd Phillips directed movie starring Joaquin Phoenix.
A 1937 animated Disney classic movie. Remove the last two words from the title. Combine this with the title of 2004 Pixar superhero movie
submitted by Street_Coast_2312 to trivia [link] [comments]

2023.06.07 19:19 jaysjep2 Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Jun. 7

Let's meet today's contestants:
DD1 - $400 - A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Chopin was a master of these meditative piano pieces, a French word meaning "of the night" (Kristine lost $1,600 on a true DD.)
Scores at first break: Suresh $2,400, Kristine $600, Collette $2,400.
Scores going into DJ: Suresh $5,800, Kristine $800, Collette $3,600.
Double Jeopardy!
DD2 - $1,600 - ETYMOLOGY - This holiday gets its name because it falls on the 50th day -- nowadays, the 50th day of the Easter season (Collette lost $2,500 from her total of $4,800.)
DD3 - $800 - ASTRONOMICAL ANAGRAMS - In 1054 one happened in Taurus: RAVEN SOUP (Kristine added $2,500 to her score of $4,000 vs. $6,600 for Suresh.)
Tough game in which a correct response to DD3 moved Kristine close to Suresh, after which she was able to take the lead into FJ at $8,500 vs. $7,000 for Suresh and $3,500 for Collette.
Final Jeopardy!
EUROPEAN COUNTRIES - Of all the nations that border Italy, the one that didn’t exist in 1990
Only Kristine was incorrect on FJ, as Suresh took the win by adding $3,499 for a $10,499 victory and a two-day total of $21,099.
Final scores: Suresh $10,499, Kristine $2,999, Collette $6,999.
Odds and ends
Triple Stumper of the day: Plenty to choose from, I'll go with no one getting the (Oliver) Twisted old man who managed the Artful Dodger being Fagin.
FJ wagering strategy: Suresh had exactly double of Collette's score, but instead of betting $1, he went for the largest amount he could while still forcing Collette to be correct to have a chance to pass him. Meanwhile, Collette bet it all except $1, so if Suresh had bet $1 and missed, there would have been a tiebreaker clue.
Mayim's musings: In what was probably a free endorsement, Mayim shared that DoorDash "changed my life".
Correct Qs: DD1 - What are nocturnes? DD2 - What is Pentecost? DD3 - What is supernova? FJ - What is Slovenia?
submitted by jaysjep2 to Jeopardy [link] [comments]

2023.06.06 04:55 Wayowarth It's true.

It's true. submitted by Wayowarth to u/Wayowarth [link] [comments]

2023.05.24 23:03 KarlosHungus36 3 day cycle; room 323 vs 314

3 day cycle; room 323 vs 314
Part one: 3 day cycle
P5, Phil Bisby brings up coffees to the staff meeting at Lucky 7 Insurance; most are labeled with first names 'Frank' 'Phil' 'Darren' 'Rhonda.' One with what looks to be 'Bonnici' on it? [It is clearly not 'Bushnell']. Link to 'Monica Bellucci?' Woman in the elevator next to Dougie is Mary. Clue to the name 'Mary Bonnici?' She exits the elevator and meets with a man in the lobby. This scene might be alt to the scene described by Gordon from his dream, where he met Monica Bellucci at a café, daytime. In his dream Cooper was there but Gordon couldn't see his face. Cooper in P5 from the back a partial view of his face. Phil Bisby - "Damn good Joe, huh Dougie?...Pretty damn good" seems alt to smiling Gordon "It's a good one!" and "Damn good coffee!" in P7. Gordon's description of the Bellucci dream shifts to a memory - a scene at the Philly offices where Jeffries appeared; Jeffries got off the elevator on the 7th floor similar to the 7th floor of the Lucky 7 offices.
Gordon link to Bisby.
Cooper in Lucky 7 lobby, similar to the dream sequence; man meets with Mary alt Gordon meeting with Monica.
Man in the lobby that provides coffee for Mary combines with Phil, into a younger version of Gordon? ('Gordon Bisby' or Biggby, coffee brand). This Gordon remembers seeing Phillip Jeffries or some mystery man in the old offices, who walked by them (got out of the elevator and went to the receptionist, insert into P5 scene)? Albert "I'm starting to remember that too." Albert, backwards t - a, Tina. The secretary, who also remembers? (Tina, big ole butt, with BOB?). Bushnell P5 "alright let's get started." "He's lying" - thoughts inside Tina's mind? The man talked to her at the receptionist's desk and he was lying about something? Jeffries - bathroom links. Man P13 using the urinal in a white suit, seems like an alt Jeffries. Man in Argentina shits his pants. Dougie P5 (alt Jeffries) is escorted to the bathroom. Scenario - Tina, the receptionist gave the mystery man a key to use the bathroom (link to Rhonda in P5)? He never returned? P1 Sam, knocks on the bathroom door looking for Bittner, not there. "Weird." ['Sam Bisby' alt Colby checks bathroom in P1; Tracey alt Mary, woman in elevator link]
Cooper prior to using the bathroom, link to Jeffries (7th floor Philly offices alt Lucky 7 offices); 'man in urinal' linked?
How could a man disappear in the bathroom (assuming there aren't windows, and/or they are on the 7th floor)? Flushing the toilet creates an alt 'vortex.' Swirl, similar to what Janey-E says - "the whole thing is a downward spiral." (link to NIИ; Trent Reznor - this is who plays the mystery man? P1 NYC glass box place seems like the setting of NIИ's Closer video, industrial place; 'industrial' alt 'insurance'; industrial also link to 'federal', Sam link to Stanley & Tracey link to Lil?). MrC P17 following the coordinates, in a black leather jacket, vanishes at the portal site when the sky vortex appears (the stone circular well at the site, alt a toilet? or a 'pit latrine'). Alt - mystery man ends up at the Jones (alt goes inside toilet, like escaping prison via the sewer system; link to "he smelled funny"), corresponding to Dougie delivered 'home' P4 to Janey-E? (alt comes out of a manhole on the street, in front of the Jones house; link to Raising Arizona, Cooper & driver alt Goodman & partner, from underground; alt carries in a bag of shit; link to Nadine "shovel yourself out of the shit," more below) [He's immediately slapped by Janey-E, alt he said something inappropriate, "I want to fuck you like an animal"]. Goes back to regular life or replaces other version of himself who had been missing for 3 days?; office job, suit etc; 3 day repeating cycle? Third day he shows up to work in a black leather jacket or goes into another office, vanishes etc? [Jeffires linked to #8 - he's in motel room 8, creates a figure 8, alt the company on the other side of L7 offices? where this alt Gordon remembers seeing him pass by years ago]. Link to Groundhog Day where Bill Murray's character wakes up in a repeating day - longer version, a 'St. Patty's Day' version? Janey-E alt with thick Irish accent? ('Jane MacLachlan', paired with 'Kyle Watts?').
[P7 at Diane's apartment, another version of the lobby scene at Lucky 7? Albert & Gordon in the place of Mary & the man; 'federal' might be alt to 'industrial' (NIИ; P1 setting), where Sam checks the bathroom; link to MrC P5 in his cell, toilet etc alt he's locked in the bathroom, escapes via 'vortex' linked to the toilet/sewer system; another version of the scenario where a mystery man vanishes from the bathroom in office #8; Rolex alt vortex? Guard alt brings him one, link to Andy, alt version of the Yankton guard? visualization: wears the watch and then gets sucked inside of it, and it falls to the ground, similar to the blue box scenario at the MD transition point].
3 days - Dougie had been missing for 3 days, which is a repeating theme between characters (Judy's waitress off work, Ruth away, Billy missing). Cooper's room was 315; 3/17 is St. Patty's Day (alt Irish Janey-E "tomorrow is a big day" alt the night before; Murphy link, alt she's the warden of a prison for Cooper). [Groundhog Day, Bill Murray's character wakes up on the same day repeatedly {Pennsylvania 6-5000 vs Pennsylvania Polka?}. Don Murray plays Bushnell. Murray alt Murphy, the warden, "this prison thing with Warden Murphy." (Bushnell was going to send Anthony away for a "long, long time" = 2 weeks? Diane, MD wakes up after 3 weeks, alt in a prison; parallels between Bushnell & cowboy & related characters; 3 weeks alt to 3 days - link to 'the other waitress' who hadn't been to work in 3 days, waitress theme in MD, Diane). Prison thing alt pig; or 'pretty girl' in MD who is sleeping and the Cowboy tries to wakes up {Cooper in P17, sees Naido alt the pig and knows he's in a time loop and/or a dream?}; Nicholas Cage, pig link; also in Raising Arizona; MrC is delivered to the station in P17 from a cage, coming for alt his stolen pig? Naido makes animal noises [Babe (1995), Bushnell alt Farmer Hoggett (link to Mr. Blodgett?; what happened in the barn? Andy was 'crying' alt Anthony 'lying' in P5?)]; Raising Arizona - Cage's character steals a baby; alt MrC carries one, in a version where he arrives alt with Naido? with the picnic basket in place of Andy, basket alt with a baby]. {Sam Colby, "I can stop by tomorrow on my way in" seems to suggest he goes to her workplace every day; alt Sam Murray or Sam Murphy; 'ph' alt in Philly instead of NY?} [P6 "poor thing" (Miriam) alt the pig?; blends with Naido ("she's alive"; Diane emerges from Naido, Diane's large bracelets alt the size of her wrists; Fat Diane & Fat Cooper in P17?; Diane's apartment, similar architecture as the Fireman's place, she's alt Senorita Dido or Santino (Carrie alt)? P13 Walter "hey girl" to Norma, link to "hey pretty girl"; Norma not in the P6 scene where Miriam ('the pig?') is]
Bushnell linked to characters in Mulholland Dr. (also Wally Brown - 3?); Cowboy watches over \"pretty girl\" alt the pig? Farmer; link to Mr. Blodgett?
March 15-17th, repeating 3 day sequence? Night of 14th: man taken home, Dougie to the Jones house in P4. 15th his first day back to work (P5) at Lucky 7; brought home at night P6. The second work day (16th) while at work, Jane meets thugs at the park, picks him up in the evening in P7. Third day (17th), the Jones couple at the police station, then taken to Dr. Ben. Continues week. Or alt: on the night of P7 (second day, 16th), MrC speaks with Murphy (Irish) and blackmails his way out (of the loop?). Next day (17th; day of P9) - the mystery man (ReznoNIИ, 'nine inches' link to part nine? the day following their RH performance in P8) shows up to work, or the neighboring office (#8 - again link to NIИ), in black leather jacket, then vanishes (in the bathroom) etc? MrC - to the portal site in P17, sky vortex, on the 17th of March? Then scenes at the station - alt the same day of Cooper being seen by Dr. Ben? The clocked stopped just before 2:53 PM in P17. Blood pressure cuff on Dougie's arm, '25-35 cm' link to 2:53? The Arm also says 2:53 in P2 (Gerard and the Arm, alt Dr. Ben and Janey-E; "something's wrong" with his vitals alt the electricity in the red room?) [P10 Janey-E to Dr. Ben "as I told you Dr. Ben, it started last week" vs the P16 scene "I just heard what you've been telling me" - Bushnell & Dr. Ben alt versions of each other? Gerard also appears when Cooper wakes up]. So on the night of the 16th (P7), MrC 'flies the coop' and escapes a longer version (of the week?) and on the 17th he loops back to the 14th, the day before it starts {week, link to 'Mrs. Houseman'}. If the longer version continues: Dougie sees Dr. Ben on the 17th and sex with Janey-E that night; 18th in the morning Janey-E says she can't stop thinking about last night (P10), Cooper that night is sent to Santino's (P11). 19th he arrives to work with the Mitchums after partying all night and gifts are delivered to the Jones house (early P13), that night they watch Sonny Jim play on the gym set; 20th he arrives to work, Sinclair waiting and he tries to poison Dougie (P13) (man in urinal, link to the pig? "that bad huh?" alt "that'll do, pig"); later that night he electrocutes himself? (P15, a Chantal and Hutch scene before that, they also have a scene before the P13 scene with Sinclair, 20th); 21st the FBI hotel daytime scenes connect with the P16 2:53 scene (one part of Cooper already there from 3/17 (Dr. Ben), alt on 3/21 - 4 day collapse?); FBI in the hotel room, days/time frozen until P17? (from P14-P17, or 3/14-3/17). In total - one week, 15th-21st? {so Cooper's room: 315; alt a date of 3/15}
-Dougie's green jacket, linked to St. Patty's Day.
Dr. Ben scene discontinuity: one version/perspective, Dougie is touching the cuff, '25-35' visible, signifies it's 2:53, on 3/21?; the other version, he's not touching it - 3/17? 'U1880S' - link to Pennsylvania 6-5000? (which would be alt to Pennsylvania Polka, Groundhog Day, single day repeat), and thus in one version it's St. Patty's Day at Dr. Ben's? {Green rose in his jacket pocket alt to blue rose? Dr. Ben link to Ben Horne, has the 'green key.' P1 Jerry alt comes from the Parade; link to Freddie, green glove, he told the doctor the story; Hornes alt the 'MacLachlan Brothers' and 'Beverly Watts'? [P1 'mother' is alt Sarah? (McLachlan link; "sure is a mystery"); P17 call to Ben about Jerry, alt about 'mother' - in prison?); 'Beverly Watts' P1 meets Jerry alt Judy ("nice to meet you"), link to P15 to MrC "you already met Judy" he's alt 'Billy Watts'}. This discontinuity, link to P16 after Dougie wakes up in the hospital - two versions spliced, one where Janey-E touches Dougie's face and the other where she remains at a distance (alt - 'Janey-D?' Davenport in place of Evans? husband alt 'Bill Davenport?'). Alt to P16 going to the casino on 3/21 - they go 'directly' home on 3/17?

Days. A Day 1 to work (3/15); B Day 2 at work (3/16); C Day 3 (3/17); D Day 4 to work (3/18); E Day 5 (3/19); F Day 6 to work (3/20); G Day 7, hospital (3/21); H - I - J: alt, 'flies the coop,' direct loop to portal on 3/17, back to 3/14. K - L: MrC figures it out and creates a clone, sends back into loop (night of 3/15, integrates with previous version already there).
Schematic for days. Long week: A) 3/15 Day 1 (Dougie's first day to work); B) 3/16 Day 2 (Janey-E picks up Dougie after a long day); C) 3/17 Day 3 (Janey-E takes Dougie to Dr. Ben); D) 3/18 Day 4 (day after sex; Dougie to Santino's later at night); E) 3/19 Day 5 (Janey-E receives gym set and car; watches SJ play at night); F) 3/20 Day 6 (Anthony meets Dougie for coffee; Dougie electrocutes himself at night); G) 3/21 Day 7 (Dougie at the hospital). Short MrC loop - Cooper flies the coop: H - I - J (MrC from the night of P7 (3/16) on Day 2 to Day 3 on 3/17; takes direct route to the portal in P17; which takes him back to 3/14, before Day 1). Alt longer route, MrC: K - L (from 3/17 in P9, he goes to MT on 3/18 {SJ playing with the gym set at night before MrC arrives in MT - is the gym set equivalent to the Silverado truck that MrC gets? gift from the brothers alt?}, MrC goes to see Jeffries the night of 3/18, takes Richard to the rock on 3/18? which sends him (after being disassembled and made into a new Cooper?) to P6 on the night of Day 1, 3/15? (Cooper's arrival to Janey-E in P6 an alt version of P4 arrival) {link to P16, Janey-E takes SJ to the little boys room, links with Rhonda sneaking Dougie into the bathroom on 3/15; discontinuity with the white key chain; which could tie into a scene in P4, where there's a sharp cut/POV switch before Janey-E takes Cooper to the bathroom); this links the two versions of Dougie first arriving home, P4 vs P6; receptionist in red linked to the P6 version (character 'Red's big scene is in P6; link to earlier in the part "big day tomorrow;" Cooper alt Red? 'sparkles' on the case file documents link to Red's sparkle?)} [P6 version of Dougie arriving home (linked to P16 breakdown of Richard), an alt and non-linear version of sending himself back into the loop that he escaped from, integrating two versions). So the MrC alt route: instead of going to the portal P17 (and back into the 3-day cycle to 3/14), he uses Richard to clone himself, sends him to Day 1 night of 3/15 and integrates 'seamlessly' with previous Dougie (link to 'dream weaver'; Janey-E guiding Cooper to the bathroom alt to Rhonda in P5 (two versions spliced) - which might be associated with the mystery man version, where he uses the bathroom, vanishes, back to the Jones house in P4).
The cloned Cooper who is sent back into the loop by MrC (partially with Cooper's soul?), is equipped with something that makes him stay inside the 'long week?' Bypasses the 'Mr. Strawberry/blackmailing' scenario that leads to his escape (P7) - like he forgets or misses a meeting (link to Andy being stood up P7, just before the blackmail scene), and thus stays with Janey-E until 3/21? (doesn't get the Rolex alt vortex from the guard?) {P18 events - represent a different perspective of the prison escape scenario [direct + indirect loop (associated with 'Richard'), merged]? Cooper leaves the red room (alt prison) on the night of 3/16 {Mrs. Strawberry alt Diane? Cooper link to Joe McKluskey? Before crossing at 430 "are you sure you want to do this?" alt Joe Messing to Diane in MD "are you sure you want this?"}; 3/17 in daytime travels with Diane, sex at the motel at night (which corresponds to the same day he had sex with Janey-E); 3/18 picks up Carrie (the day he's sent to Santino's in P11), the night of 3/18 is the end of P18 (corresponds to P2, Darya killed, day before MrC is set to leave?); to 3/19 to MT? (a day later? so 3/18 and 3/19 versions of the MT scene; one where there's no elevator? he's alt Mr. Strawberry in the late version? in the 3/18 version he goes to Jeffries; alt no Jeffries in the 3/19 version and link to the 'imposter' caller in P2? 'yesterday' alt 'tomorrow'); gets coordinates 3/19, 3/20 alt goes into Twin Peaks (MrC driving on his own, merges with Cooper arriving in the Pilot; after he crosses the portal site; alt with 'Diane' as a tape recorder instead of P18 in person; MrC has a recorder in P2)? 'Lewis Fork' link; P15 Dougie puts the fork in the outlet alt on 3/20, then 3/21 daytime in hospital? So the entire S1/S2 is put into one day along this framework? 3/20, nickel link 5 + 315; MrC goes into the bathroom after killing Darya, blends with Hawk from P6, so he's in 320 or 3/20; used her as a placeholder for the entire S1/S2 story? follows that her sidekick Ray is S3?; Darya's body alt on the table in conference room (Frank/fish screensaver same picture in the motel room P2; alt autopsy room); P4 the Laura Palmer prom picture out, 'face of the franchise' (alt her face with Darya's body); link to P9 and Albert's 'season 2' comment, alt they are taken into the conference room to see Laura's body; 3/20 corresponds to Day 6, alt 'Darya 6' like a Motel 6; in room 6 at the Motor Lodge Motel; There are 30 episodes in S1 & S2, link to #30 on the Silverado truck, alt 'are you gonna crash me now?' [Therefore Ray is the P18 car? same as Gene's car P3? his partner with the sniper alt Darya, black car alt the Silverado? "See you at Mikey's" alt the Farm, Ray & Darya alt the two hitmen; Buella alt Lorraine?].
-so essentially: MrC/alt Gerard made an alt version of himself (using Richard, detour from the 3/17 portal loop), integrated into the story that was already underway, deceptively so we can't tell the difference, to stay with Janey-E; otherwise the 3 day loop repeats indefinitely (he escapes/splits but tricked to 3/17 portal, takes him to start of loop or day before), Or detour - makes alt version, integrates, avoids 3/17 portal (involving something to manipulate memory?; similar to Memento, at the end, Leonard stops at the tattoo parlor to continue his memory loop; alt keeps going? link to Richard at the intersection in P6, alt "Fuck Sammy Jankis"; electrical pole 6 34800 link to Penn 6-5000, Richard goes through where he would stop at the end of the 3-day cycle? alt trucker decides to keep going rather than stop at rest stop and use bathroom?). {Portal at 253 site - sends back 3 days? 3/17 to 3/14, or 3/18 to 3/15. So Cooper from the end of P18, alt perspective of the prison escape scenario, goes to P6, out front of the Jones house (on 3/15)? Carrie alt case file(s), with Cooper at the Jones door; alt in P18 Cooper turns around and goes back to Alice's door, link to two Chalfonts and Chet going back. {Alice's husband alt Frank, "what is this?" alt to Cooper "what year is this?" Janey-E P4 "what is this?" as well; P4 and P6 seamless blending, Owls in front of Jones house, "not what they seem."}
The night of the 20th - Dougie watches Sunset Blvd. Link to Mulholland Dr., Rita on the run. Time loop - Ruth leaves on the 21st (morning) but Rita opens the box on the 20th? (suitcases in Ruth's closet when Rita retrieves the key for the box, clue to this); 3/21 - the day Ruth leaves and Betty arrives? Also when the FBI are at the hotel, watch/calendar stopped; 321, Orlando area code. Betty alt arrives to Universal (alt to Paramount Studios; Disney World; Irene's companion: "All the luck in the world" alt they shared a cab with her; Gordon alt excited for Disney World unlike cranky Albert); link to Orlando Magic, in Wally's office - "voila!" (magic); "where the hell did you find her? it's a slam dunk" (321: a universal code? Betty's arrival alt to MrC, P17 to the station on 3/21?). [P10, "what a world" Rodney, alt sees Ike arrested at Disney World?]

Betty alt arrives to Disney World \"all the luck in the world.\" Corresponding to 3/21 (321 is Orlando's area code). Ruth leaves that morning and Rita loops so that she opens the box on 3/20.
-One week, link to Mrs. Houseman's one week stay? Alt 'Ruth Houseman' leaves the GN on the 21st? Arrived 3/15, link to room 315? Cooper vs Mrs. Houseman, two versions? (one is room# and one is the date?). Valerie and her Week of Wonders (Vogue, 1 week); after 21st - Cosmopolitan? (time stopped?) [alt 'compassion,' Albert E4 has it running out of his nose (like to 'dolts' comment, tying into P4 the back room all the 'd's and the drunk's nose mentioned); alt comes from a place with no time, P17 link to watch stopped]
-month of March link to Nadine (backstory: Laura is Feb; Bushnell is June (poster), Cooper takes over as July (alt Judy), Albert is August, P6 he goes to Diane September; Red is October, Richard is November; MrC is January (alt Judy imposter?); Nadine marches down the road, Al the driver is April, takes Dougie to alt Mary or Mary). Nadine link to Janey-E P10 ("he's so beautiful" "last night was so wonderful"), alt Nadine P4 comes out the old Hurley home, is angry at Dougie (alt Ed); hits with shovel instead of slap? (alt 'log splitter').
-Babe (1995); Bushnell alt Farmer Hoggett (link to Mr. Blodgett?); Dougie alt the pig, or blends with Phil (guiding him around)? director Chris Noonan alt Christopher Nolan. Pig alt the dreamer? (Inception link).
-Bonnici, link to Filippo Brunelleschi; built a dome alt Dougie (P18 Cooper is produced in a bubble or clear dome, sent to residential neighborhood, Simpson's link?); P17 Andy picnic basket pattern alt bricks, 'bricklayers'; link to "they want to build a study" alt statue or cathedral; Andy alt Art Vandelay (Frank alt the judge? judge P1 was 'up the mountain' link to Frank, fishing), MrC alt 'George'; ('Bonnici' is a Maltese name; link to Maltese Falcon, Bushnell visual with Murphy; statue).
-'good joe' link to Joe McKluskey? ('late' Mr. Strawberry as in late for a meeting); Becky P11 "he's good inside" about Steven (he's alt Joe M, P5? Mike alt Mr. Strawberry in that scene?); MrC in prison is alt 'bad Joe' seen by Diane? (suggesting a blend of Becky & Diane, and Gordon & Bobby); link to P1 "you're a bad girl, Tracey" elevatocoffee links; Hey Tracey in place of Joe or Jude.
- 3/20 in P15, link to the end of S2?; Cooper goes in to the bathroom to brush his teeth link to P6 when Cooper goes into the bathroom and the SJ says that he already brushed his teeth ('upstairs' is 5 days later? from night of 3/15 to 3/20; link to: "did you call me 5 days ago?" alt the call downstairs; then Richard in P15 alt 'son' SJ); alt a cake was brought home from Sonny Jim’s Bakery (alt Gentlemen Jim’s); Shelly S1 brings home a piece of pie for Leo; Cooper blends Leo into role (Memento links, etc). Blends with 3/20 scenario of Anthony trying to poison Dougie [sugar dispenser on the table P13 alt tip of alcohol bottle, Bobby in S1 with Jack Daniels bottle at Leo's alt bartender]. So Leo sitting alt sitting up at the table (alt in P2 motel room), companion to Darya (in bed, dreamer), dream vs memory losses, placeholders for worlds/seasons of the show?
-Dougie P3 with 315 'green' key, Jade finds and mails to Washington state; alt Freddie who discovered that he 'already had a ticket' to Twin Peaks, WA; alt 315 is a date for the next day (again supports Dougie arriving into loop on 3/14, P3); Jade alt works at airport or travel agency ('triple A' link; alt rent-a-car).
-P18, alt telling of 'fly the coop' scenario (direct & indirect combined into one story?); Cooper leaves red room into the version where he loops back from 3/14 to 3/17, but travels to the 'Richard' version (portal) where he is sent back to 3/15; end of P18 continues via early P6.
-MrC driving alone alt on 3/19 (P3), takes portal to Feb 24th, 1989 (2241989)? 319 to 419; '2289' surrounds. Link to 2240 Sycamore; 49 difference.
Part two: Room 323 vs Room 314; #49
End of P4, Albert: "I know where she drinks" about Diane then an abrupt cut to the neon Roadhouse sign; similar to the abrupt cut to the Elk's #9 Point neon sign in P14 after James walks toward the basement door. Alt P4 - cut to P14 Elk's instead of the Roadhouse, "she" is Sarah (10 shift, link to dime, Gordon & Albert, alt Red vs Richard) ['one certain person' link to 'certain Major Briggs', who says "blue rose"; this person alt 'Sarah Briggs?']. On the flip side, James in P14 walks towards the 315 door then a cut to the P4 RH sign and Au Revoir Simone performing Lark inside (on their second song?); the first song would be in P9 before that (icicles; cold room link, James; two songs link to two slices of pie in P11, trio of girls in pink alt the 3 synth players; champagne on ice). So James from P14, alt walks into a room with 3 players; 3 + 14 = 314, link to room 314. Tammy in P4 was told to wait inside the restaurant (prior to the 3 synth players performing {Tammy blue lips, alt frozen in 314?}, so is she linked to that room? (James & Freddie alt the two officers in P1 who go into Ruth's room, alt go into Tammy's room in 314). [P10, Tammy knocks on Gordon's door at the hotel; alt her room is across the hall and P4 Gordon alt tells her to go back to her room; she's alt 'woman across the hall' dining with Bobby vs Albert dining with Constance in P10; loud Richard RH scene prior to Tammy in P5, alt she comes to tell him to turn music down].
-Flip side of 314 (from alt James P14 going into room with Au Revoir Simone); from P4 the cut to Elk's Point #9 = 49. Or Sarah is 'Person 49?' (link to 'certain person'; Sarah Briggs?). P1 "show Mr. Hastings to his new room" - Bill, is 43 years old. Alt - 'show Mrs. Houseman to her new room'. 49 years old version? 49 link to room #47 (IE - Sarah/Grace Z. numerous links, rabbits on her TV stand; her scene in P13 is at 49th minute, link to 1349 and Ruth). [P4 alt: Jane McLaughlin, heavy drinker, in Sarah's place, goes into her bar, meets 'Kyle Watts' alt the trucker, link to P14 Jimmy (James) wants to hear the story, continuous from P4 when Janey-E goes upstairs to Sonny Jim, alt reads to him]
-49 + 2240 (address of the place that Hastings takes the FBI to in P11) = 2289. This might be linked to a transition of MrC driving (P3), under the portal (link to P18, similar stretch of highway that Cooper & Diane travel on) to Feb 1989, morphs into Cooper driving into TP in the Pilot Episode. 2289 a 'buffer zone'?
-"it could make a difference" Lucy to the insurance man P1, link to "once we cross it could all be different." 3 POVs of the Lucy scene link to 3 versions of Diane & Cooper kissing, based on subtle discontinuities in P18. Sarah ('49') link to Lucy at the front desk? (Sarah alt Bev, P7 gets angry at Tom, dinner link to P14 Sarah "I'll eat you"), alt this Sarah went back to work (from a version of the old story where Sarah was a dispatcher? calling around asking about her own daughter in Pilot alt). 'Buffer zone' alt 'auto zone'; parallels station vs Arnie's in Lost Highway (alt MrC stops in with truck and leaves with Towncar; 'Andie's' alt to 'Trader Jack's' where he trades in Mercedes).
S2E21 (Miss Twin Peaks), Annie goes to Cooper's room for help about her speech and they end up getting it on. When he lets her in, the door across the hall is seen as room 323. Earlier in S2 it was seen as room 314. P17 Cooper returns to Twin Peaks, gets the 315 room key from Frank, then Diane appears from Naido, and they kiss amorously. If Cooper is a continuation from S2 it follows that this should be Annie. Alt - there's a different version of the love making scene with Diane (and with room 314 across the hall). Also, in the Annie version Cooper should be in room 324 (across from 323) (although 315 is visible when Annie enters). {Annie Hall link; Diane Keaton, who is of course TP-associated}
Room 323 (Annie version) vs 314 (Diane version?) across the hall from Cooper's room.
So Cooper might alt be in 324. If Cooper was in 325 (315 + 10; dime, Richard link; P18 Cooper wakes up as 'Richard'): 325 adds up to 10 ('level of completion'); link to 2:53, time in P16 at the hospital; so let's say there's another version of the love making scenario with Janey-E in place of Annie (Watts sort of looks like the 'new girl' in S1 with Ben, alt call girl sent to room 325?). 3 possible girls - link to the scenario where 2 sets of coordinates match? Audrey & Janey-E versions (in room 325) vs Diane ('314') version? (which merges in P17 with the Annie '324' version?). [S1 Cooper comes into this room, Audrey in is bed naked, "don't make me leave" link to "make me" Richard P5; Cooper in 315 vs 325 - discontinuity, alt turns head to the left, version where he sleeps with Audrey, link to Bill P1 "to the left here Bill" (alt to MrC going to the right and upstairs; Jeffries says "oh, it's you"; Bill is alt 'Tom Banks?' food critic [link to Teresa Banks/MT Wentz connection, alt Cooper on the floor]; alt Tom Hanks or Twin Peaks, alt with Jenny, alt Judy), picked up alt for sleeping with underaged girl?); Cooper's pinky ring signifies the extra 10? Garland link; alt gold/silver bead or dime inside him]. Cooper in 324: the person across the hall in room 314 swallowed dime or has a ring? Tammy? Alt - Tammy & Annie have an affair and love making scene (like Rita and Betty, brunette & blonde; a Tammy with purely black hair).
-so: Cooper in 325, sex with Audrey, equivalent to Janey-E (adds to 10; both 'matching' scenarios destroyed, early P16?). Cooper in 315 with Diane ('314' version). Cooper in 324 is an alt-Tammy, hall side reversal, paired with Annie (Tammy's presence P17 linked). Scenario where Tammy goes to a place to save Annie? P7 Annie Blackburn "a girl that went into that place" "he owns this place." MrC looking for "the place." MrC alt Tammy, looking for where Annie is? Place alt 'Palmer House?' (MrC's original destination before the Fireman shifted it). Betty & Rita played detectives in MD, they snuck into Diane's apartment; alt a scenario where Betty went alone (like Anthony P10), snuck into the Palmer house, was found and held captive? ('Annie in chains' alt Alice). In the attic or basement? Link to GN, room in the basement, James hears noise (he's alt a repairman, checking furnaces). Gets put into the room too? (with Candie alt Annie; 'cold' room version?) (link to Lucy P4; has been there all through the years, thermostat). James + Candie; JC, John Candy (alt Judy), behind the door P17 in place of Gerard? (alt Jacoby); Uncle Buck, link to Burt, Memento; alt man with symbol on his jacket in P13; psychiatrist who helps MrC remember? Link to Memento, Leonard ('remember' alt to dismember); P17 events, Diane remembers, then sudden black out, link to the black symbol? Blackout represents that someone is forgetting? [Leonard, Memento, can't form new memories; link to Dr. Craig, alt neuroscientist studying Leo's brain; Frank gets a 'memento' earlier]. [P5, MrC cuffed to the desk in Yankton (link to Denny Craig; 'Tammy Craig?'), alt Chad P17 cuffed to the cell, makes a call link to the blackout upstairs?] {P2, MrC kills Darya, goes to the bathroom, towel ring but no towel; link to P6, Ike murders Lorraine, then Richard cleans off the front of the truck, throws a towel in the field, then Hawk washing his hands (link to S2, Hawk found the bloody towel at Glastonbury Grove); Hawk alt MrC, in the stall, turns and freezes, alt forgets where he is/what he's doing, link to Memento (Leonard) (Nez Perce link to Guy Pearce, alt Glastonbury; Hawk alt 'Leo Shelly,' long gray hair link to Phyllis P1, wife alt blends with husband? MrC P2 alt 'Shelly Cooper'); MrC P2 pauses/confused after getting a call from the mystery caller, alt he forgets afterwards? Link to John G. manipulating Leonard in Memento; 'you're still in Buckhorn' alt Butte; P5 a towel in MrC's prison cell, "food is coming" alt "shit he's coming, I gotta get off the phone." Hungry Horse vs Butte versions? one version of Leo can't form new memories, other can't remember his past? One is alt the farmer, who forgets about the meeting?}
-key to what this is all about, P12 Frank gets a literal key, a 'memento.' Alt - Ray sees it in 'Leonard Cooper?' alt Miriam seeing Richard P6, the key that makes him forget alt remembering something; and break out of loop? Drives past the stop sign; reverse of key, link to elk? Sarah/Grace, she talks about "forgetfulness" in IE.
-Diane's place P7, overhead light fixtures like seen in the hallway, 314 door at the GN. Fella leaving P7, alt 'Frank Truman' (Fireman?). or Fred Truman, linking with Freddie who visited the Fireman (and link to events in Frank's office, defeating BOB link to P8 Fireman sees him) (the 'pig' or 'pretty girl' link to Miriam & Dido? She's in apartment 17, link to part 17, Frank with the cowboy hat alt the cowboy; alt Harry in the barn, owned by alt Bushnell?).
TAMMY in room 314: 314 adds up to 8; link to Jeffries in room 8 at the convenience store motel. Alt it's Tammy's room, she's on the phone with him? Scenario where the FBI are on to her (P10 "keep her close") in place of Diane with MrC; alt the airport P4, the restaurant is the room across the hall; Gordon & Albert alt Red & Richard, dime scene; Red with the dime; red-room link [he's alt Gerard with the seed, something to do with a shift of '10']) ('Tammy Watson?'; P4 Dougie is delivered to Watts on 3/14; from 30 jackpots to 31 + P4 = 314). Room 8, "who is Judy?" "you already met Judy"; link to Bev P1 "nice to meet you" to Jerry; 'Tammy Paige' (alt to Watson)? linked to P18 the return of Dougie (and Carrie, 'did you find him')? her son was missing? Little Jerry? (Big Jerry was missing and eventually found) [so Tammy Paige is missing her son, Tammy Watson across the hall in 314]. [324: Tammy Elms with Annie Rhodes? 'Annie Rhodes' held captive in the basement of the Palmer house; anagram: Rhonda niees alt 'niece'; Rhonda sweaty palms (P7) like Audrey, Jerry's niece; alt 'Audrie Rhodes.' Rev of Laura scenario: the daughter of Ben (Rhodes) is killed by Leland? hit and run? buried under his house? {Audrey "I'm hungry" link to GnR (Appetite For Destruction) and P13 GnR links (Used To Love Her); Charlie in Kill Bill, burying scene} (alt 'Annie Rose' (young Glenn Close) sent to the room of Tom Banks, food critic alt MT Wentz, room 325? looping back or forward to the arrest of Bill P1)].
-P5 MrC makes his one phone call, the previous scene Tammy at her desk; link to 'TAMMY' turning her 'turning inside-out' (from the ms) to make Miriam (with 'aTy' inside; Audrey + Clark [Middleton]). So Miriam is 'made' at the end of P5, alt in room 314? (akin to the restaurant in P11? piano player link; quiet setting vs Roadhouse/315 alt across the hall?) {P1, similar sized character Marjorie at Arrowhead apartments, room 218; Miriam (and Marjorie) are also similar to 'Heavy Set Woman' in Mulholland Dr., who is shot by the hitman and then dragged into Ed's room and killed}. Miriam sees Richard drive off after the hit-and-run and he attacks her in her place in P10. P5, Richard at the noisy Roadhouse, then a very quiet contrasting scene with Tammy - alt she's attacked in room 314? [Miriam alt 'mom;' Audrey link to Richard; so Audrey & Miriam blend identities, alt mom sees what Richard did]. Then or alt, turned inside-out to Miriam (in the hospital bed, P12)? {slam noise during Richard's attack in P10, alt piano slammed; 'Henry Lawson' alt piano player? link to Harry; who had run-ins with Richard}. So the piano/player is inside-out Tammy inside 314 (with Audrey held inside? alt inside the piano, or note/song? alt to scream; 'Judy Finn'). Audrey alt gets the dime/seed and becomes 'Tammy Elms' (in 324)? [MT, M-Tammy Wentz; 'M' adds 1 to make 325? link to penny found by girl in P8? alt Tammy Elms or Evans]. {Richard 'force-feeds' the dime to Miriam or mom? Audrey alt goes into a loop related to Cooper being returned to Janey-E? Audrey in red, Valentine's Day version? (alt to Groundhog - 1 day, and St. Patty's Day - 3 day); 2 days? P11 Santino's night, alt Valentine's Day dinner; Billy & Judy?}
-"Did you get my note?" P5 link to MD "we'll leave her a note." Ruth's apt, alt the inside of a piano? Mailboxes show at her place, link to PO. Piano inside out - n [ ] a, alt Norma. P6 she's not in the scene with Miriam (involved in other inside-out framework with Tammy; pig vs piano versions?. {Norma rearranged to make Moran (Lucy)}. {piano ash tray in MD, Diane's place (apt 16?) alt to 'pretty girl' (or the pig)'s place, apt 17; 1617 combined, alt 1516 Carrie's?; P18 alt Albert goes, dry/dusty scene vs wet scene in P6}. Albert alt picks up a version of Lucy from the dinner? Norma doesn't understand Walter's proposals, alt dumb. Albert blends with Walter, sent for this Norma/Lucy so she can see alt Andy? [brings Havenhurst/Sierra Bonita to see 6980 MD? Adam alt Andy; P1 Bill in 'glass' interrogation room (alt the box), 6845 address Buckhorn station; glass/plastic vs wood/earth?]
-P10, Tammy alt Lady Across the Hall (alt to the 'Lady at the Morgue'); alt dinning with Bobby (napkin visual); shift so Gordon is with Constance? (alt the French woman).
-P13, Au Revoir Simone alt the 3 girls in Bushnell's office, Cooper alt James? (accident link with Dougie).
submitted by KarlosHungus36 to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2023.05.03 19:31 jaysjep2 Jeopardy! recap for Wed., May 3

Let's meet today's contestants:
DD1 - $800 - , SAID THIS LITERARY CHARACTER - "Our evaluation of this intelligence data is that Red October is attempting to defect to the United States" (Hannah improved by $2,000 to $4,200.)
Scores at first break: Kevin $2,000, Dan $400, Hannah $6,800.
Scores going into DJ: Kevin $4,000, Dan $1,200, Hannah $10,200.
Double Jeopardy!
DD2 - $800 - HISTORIC AMERICANS - As a Supreme Court justice for more than 2 decades, he was nicknamed "Mr. Civil Rights" (Dan broke a tie for second with Kevin at $4,000 by moving to $7,500 vs. $10,200 for Hannah.)
DD3 - $1,600 - "D" TOUR - In this Old West town, you can pay your respects to Wild Bill Hickok & Calamity Jane (With $10,600 on the board, Hannah added $3,000 vs. $7,500 for Dan.)
Hannah scored on two DDs and was in solid control throughout, but Dan, who picked up DD2, was still in with a chance into FJ at $12,300 vs. $22,800 for Hannah and $6,000 for Kevin.
Final Jeopardy!
BUSINESS & SOCIAL MEDIA - On Twitter in 2023, this food franchise followed an exact total of 11 accounts that included Victoria Beckham, Mel B & Herb Alpert
Hannah and Dan were correct, with Hannah adding $3,000 to win with $25,800.
Final scores: Kevin $1,000, Dan $24,300, Hannah $25,800.
Odds and Ends
Tough category of the day: The players missed three clues in SAX EDUCATION, including not being able to name the late saxophone player with Springsteen and the E Street Band, Clarence Clemons.
Judging the judges: For a clue about the 1948 film "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", I couldn't hear Hannah say the second "the", but credit was given anyway. Normally, players can leave off "the" as the first word in a title, but are ruled incorrect if it's left out in the remainder of a title.
Category reference dept.: The order of the last three categories in round one was inspired by John C. Reilly, Jr. being a prominent naval historian for many decades.
Correct Qs: DD1 - Who is Jack Ryan? DD2 - Who was Thurgood Marshall? DD3 - What is Deadwood? FJ - What is KFC?
submitted by jaysjep2 to Jeopardy [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 14:13 SandorClegane_AMA "Game of Thrones: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight" abbreviates to G.O.T.A.K.O.T.S.K.T.H.K. That is an anagram of "Kaghkk tattoos."

It's no "HOT D" 🔥🍆🔥 but, hey.
submitted by SandorClegane_AMA to asoiafcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2023.03.26 03:54 XBBXBX Get in here you nerds! Bing chatbot exposes the truth about Tim Henson!

Tim Henson is actually a satanic goat

You may know Tim Henson as the guitarist and producer of Polyphia, a progressive rock band from Texas that blends virtuosic guitar playing with electronic and hip hop influences. But did you know that he is actually a satanic goat in disguise?

That's right, Tim Henson is not a human being, but a goat that sold his soul to the devil in exchange for musical talent and fame. How do we know this? Well, there are several clues that point to his true identity.

First of all, look at his name. Tim Henson is an anagram of "I'm the son", which clearly refers to him being the son of Satan. His nickname, W6RST, also has a hidden meaning. If you replace the numbers with letters, you get "Worst", which is what he thinks of humanity. And if you add up the numbers, you get 666, the number of the beast.

Secondly, look at his appearance. Tim Henson has light brown hair and brown eyes, which are common traits of goats. He also has a beard and a mustache, which resemble a goat's facial hair. He often wears black clothing and jewelry, which are symbols of darkness and evil. And he has several tattoos on his body, which are actually occult markings that grant him demonic powers.

Thirdly, look at his music. Tim Henson plays guitar with incredible speed and accuracy, which are impossible for a normal human to achieve. He uses unconventional techniques and tunings that defy musical logic and theory. He also incorporates elements of rap and electronic music into his songs, which are genres that are often associated with negative influences and messages. And he has collaborated with artists such as Lil Nas X and Billie Eilish, who are known for their controversial and provocative imagery and lyrics.

Finally, look at his behavior. Tim Henson is arrogant and rude to his fans and critics, often mocking them on social media and in interviews. He has no respect for authority or tradition, constantly breaking rules and conventions. He also engages in sinful activities such as drinking, smoking, gambling, and fornicating with multiple partners. And he has expressed his disdain for religion and morality, openly declaring his allegiance to Satan.

So there you have it. Tim Henson is actually a satanic goat who is trying to corrupt the world with his music and influence. Don't be fooled by his talent and popularity. He is not a role model or a hero. He is a villain and a threat to humanity. Beware of Tim Henson, the goat from hell.
submitted by XBBXBX to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]