Modern chemistry holt rinehart and winston chapter review answers


2024.06.09 14:01 John_Swift1 PASSED PMP

Hi and thank you to all of you - your posts, comments, insights played a huge part in my success today as I passed my PMP exam with AT in all the domains.
I want to give it back to this community by sharing my own preparation and exam experience. Please do not compare this to your own preparation as I feel everyone has their own perception of 'comfort' and 'confidence' when it comes to exam preparations.
5 years in the construction industry/management consulting - managing capital projects. This helped me a little bit in familiarizing with Traditional concepts of the exam during my preparation. I am currently in a position where I am supporting PMO service to a client, which again helped a little bit. I had little to no knowledge of Agile before preparing for this exam.
Study Resource and Tips:
  1. Andrew Ramdayal's (AR) Udemy Course - Most of my knowledge for the PMP exam content came from this course. I went through the course at 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x depending upon my level of comfort of the topic. I took notes as needed. I do not recommend printing Andrew's resource sheets that he has tagged with his course items/chapters as I felt most of it can be covered using your own hand-written notes (or atleast I know I learn faster that way). His Mindset Videos are EXCELLENT. Highly Recommend.
  2. Andrew Ramdayal's TIA Simualtor - Bought this after I was done with AR's Udemy course to test out my knowledge. In all honestly, these simulators are great for preparations and I would highly recommend taking these mocks tests.
  3. PMI Study Hall - Bought this because of all the reddit posts/comments recommending the Study Hall mock tests. I absolutely recommend this. If there was anything that came close to the real exam it was the Study Hall Mock Test. This prepared me the most for D-Day from a exam question type/length/wording perspective.
  4. 200 Agile Questions PMP Questions and Answers by David McLachlan - Great resource. Once you have finished Agile section on AR's Udemy Course (or any other instructor's course) - I'd recommend watching this video at 1.5x to revise your Agile knowledge and understanding. In all fairness, I only watched upto 170 questions and I believe there are some really really great questions in his videos.
  5. PMBOK VI Edition and Agile Knowledge Book - I read the books once. Did it significantly improve my understanding? - No.
Study Routine and Mock Scores:
I was studying everyday (I planned it out on Excel and tried to stick with it mostly) with a full time job that required anywhere from 40-50 hours/week commitment. On weekends, I studied for over 6 hours easily.
Started watching AR's videos on Oct 12, 2022
Finished watching AR's videos on Oct 21, 2022
Took AR's Course Exam on Oct 22, 2022 - Score 85%
For the next week - Oct 23 - Oct28
TIA Mock 1 - 69%
TIA Mock 2 - 69%
TIA Mock 3 - 77%
TIA Mock 4 - 86%
TIA Mock 5 - 80%
TIA Mock 6 - 75%
Kept revising some key concepts from my handwritten notes.
Oct 29, 2022
Study Hall Mock 1 - 73% (Moderate - All Correct, Difficult - Mostly Correct, Expert - Got only a couple correct)
Didn't take the 2nd mock test.
Took 2 Study Hall Mini Quizzes - Scored 33% and 57%
Oct 30, 2022 - Nov 2, 2022
Was at a client location, so could barely revise anything and only watched David McLachlan's 200 Agile Questions and AR's Mindset Videos whenever I could.
Nov 3, 2022 - D-Day! Woke up with a mild headache as I flew redeye back home to take the exam. [O DO NOT RECOMMEND TRAVELLING OR ANY BIG TIRING ACTIVITY THE DAY BEFORE]
Reached the testing center 40 mins before the exam, they allowed me to start the exam before the time, I just wanted to get it over it at this point. Started the exam, felt like I was taking the Study Hall mock test to be honest. The first 60 questions I dont think I had much difficulty with. The 60-120 is where I struggled and 120-180 was probably the easiest. Finished the exam with 30 mins remaining.
0 questions on SPI/CPI/EV calculation
0 questions on Org Structure
0 questions on Risk Management/Response Type (Avoid, Accept, Transfer, Mitigate)
0 questions on network diagram/float calculations
0 questions on conflict resolutions (smoothing, withdrawing,............)
A ton of questions on Agile Situations (Mindset id the key!)
2 drag and drops - 1 on agile roles and 1 on - parkinson's law, student syndrome (took me by surprise, had no idea and I completely guessed it)
8 - multiple choice questions (choose 2, choose 3)
Exam and General Tips:
  1. Time Management is the key here. I marked on the sheet of paper that they gave, the time I was finishing up the 60 questions mark. This always kept me in check with time remaining and how many questions have I completed/remaining and what my velocity (see what I did there ;]) should look like for the rest of the exam. The timer starts at 230 and countdown till you reach Q60 and then the screen to review your first 60 questions comes on, the timer DOESNT STOP while you are reviewing so manage time accordingly if you have a ton of questions to review (hopefully not). Then you get a break for 10 mins. Your exam starts at Q61 and so does the timer from where you left it. Q120 - same review screen, the timer is still going on while you review and then you get another break for 10 mins. The exam then starts at Q121 and goes upto Q180, you get to review your last section.
  2. Please utilize the breaks during the exam. It really helped me to just step out, drink water, eat a cookie, use the restroom. Do whatever helps you remain calm.
  3. Please hold yourself accountable to a study plan and stick to it. This will help you oriented towards taking the exam in a given timeframe and will set you up for success.
  4. I don't think memorizing the 49 process will do you any good. Understanding the process, its inputs, its tools and the output is way more valuable and important than just remembering the processes. I remember all 49 by heart (I did it just for the sake of it but realized it was redundant as I was getting the grasp of how different process interact anyway) and it didn't really help anywhere today on the exam.
  5. Watch the AR mindset videos. Watch the AR mindset videos. Watch the AR mindset videos.
  6. Review ALL the questions you get incorrect on TIA, Study Hall or whatever mock exam you end up taking. It is essential to understand the WHY? behind the correct answer and almost everytime the correct answer had something to do with mindset. This will help you fill any gaps in your understanding.
Good luck to all of you! I hope each and everyone of you succeed. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
#pmp #projectmanagement #project
submitted by John_Swift1 to pmpcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:10 tempmailgenerator Resolving Timeout Errors in .NET Core with Firebase Authentication

Overcoming Firebase Authentication Hurdles in .NET Core Applications

Firebase authentication presents a robust solution for managing user access and security in modern web and mobile applications. By leveraging email and password-based authentication, developers can implement a secure, scalable, and easy-to-use authentication system. This system not only enhances user experience by simplifying the sign-up and login processes but also provides a layer of security by utilizing Firebase's built-in features. However, integrating Firebase authentication with .NET Core applications can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges. One such issue that developers frequently encounter is the HttpClient.Timeout error, which can disrupt the authentication flow and negatively impact the user experience.
This problem often manifests when the Firebase authentication process exceeds the default timeout period set for HTTP requests in .NET Core applications. Such timeout errors not only hinder the development process but also pose significant challenges in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the application. Understanding the underlying causes of these timeout errors and exploring effective strategies to resolve them is crucial for developers looking to harness the full potential of Firebase authentication within their .NET Core projects. Through careful examination and adjustment of key configuration settings, developers can overcome these obstacles and ensure a seamless authentication experience for users.
Command Description
FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync Creates a new user account with the specified email and password.
GoogleCredential.FromFile Authenticates the Firebase SDK with a service account key file.
FirebaseApp.Create Initializes a Firebase application with the specified options.

Tackling HttpClient.Timeout Errors in .NET Core with Firebase Authentication

Firebase authentication provides a robust framework for securing applications, but integrating it with .NET Core applications can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges, such as the HttpClient.Timeout error. This error typically arises when the time taken to send a request or receive a response from the Firebase server exceeds the configured timeout period of the HttpClient object. This scenario is common in situations where the network is slow, the server is overburdened, or the request processing is complex and time-consuming. It's crucial for developers to understand that this timeout is a protective mechanism to prevent the application from hanging indefinitely due to unresolved requests.
To address this issue, developers need to evaluate several aspects of their application and environment. Firstly, reviewing the Firebase connection configuration and ensuring that the credentials and endpoints are correctly set up is fundamental. Misconfigurations can lead to increased response times or failed connections. Secondly, optimizing the request processing logic within the Firebase service and the .NET application itself can help. This includes checking for any unnecessary data processing or external API calls that might be contributing to the delay. Additionally, increasing the HttpClient.Timeout value might be a temporary solution, but it's more important to identify and solve the underlying cause of the delay to ensure a smooth and efficient authentication process.

Implementing Firebase Email & Password Registration

C# in a .NET Core environment
var userArgs = new UserRecordArgs() { DisplayName = fullName, Email = email, Password = password, EmailVerified = false, Disabled = false }; var firebaseUserRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync(userArgs); return firebaseUserRecord.Uid; 

Configuring Firebase in ASP.NET Core

C# Configuration Setup
private void ConnectFirebaseServiceAccount(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration) { var googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromFile("path/to/service-account-file.json"); FirebaseApp.Create(new AppOptions() { Credential = googleCredential }); } 

Understanding Firebase Authentication Challenges and Solutions in .NET Core

Integrating Firebase Authentication into .NET Core applications is a popular approach for managing user identities and securing access to resources. While Firebase provides a powerful and flexible platform for authentication, developers often face challenges such as the HttpClient.Timeout error, which can impede the authentication process. This issue typically arises when the request to Firebase's servers exceeds the predefined timeout limit set in the HttpClient configuration. It is a symptom of deeper issues like network latency, improper Firebase project setup, or inadequate error handling in the .NET Core application code.
Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of both Firebase and .NET Core frameworks. Developers should ensure their Firebase project is correctly set up and that the API keys and service accounts are properly configured. Additionally, optimizing the HttpClient settings to accommodate the expected network conditions and response times is crucial. It's also important to implement robust error handling and logging mechanisms to diagnose and resolve issues more efficiently. By tackling these aspects, developers can create more resilient and user-friendly authentication workflows in their .NET Core applications with Firebase.

Frequently Asked Questions About Firebase Authentication in .NET Core

  1. Question: What causes the HttpClient.Timeout error in Firebase authentication?
  2. Answer: This error usually occurs when the request to Firebase's servers takes longer than the configured timeout period in HttpClient, often due to network latency, server response time, or misconfiguration.
  3. Question: How can I prevent the HttpClient.Timeout error?
  4. Answer: Adjust the HttpClient.Timeout setting to a higher value, ensure network stability, and optimize your Firebase and .NET Core configuration for better performance.
  5. Question: Is it necessary to use FirebaseAdmin SDK for Firebase authentication in .NET Core?
  6. Answer: Yes, the FirebaseAdmin SDK provides the necessary functionality for integrating Firebase authentication into your .NET Core application effectively.
  7. Question: Can I customize the Firebase authentication process?
  8. Answer: Yes, Firebase allows for extensive customization of the authentication process, including implementing custom authentication providers and managing user sessions.
  9. Question: How do I handle errors and exceptions in Firebase authentication?
  10. Answer: Implement try-catch blocks around your Firebase authentication calls and use logging to capture and analyze errors and exceptions for better troubleshooting and resolution.

Wrapping Up Firebase Authentication Challenges

Concluding our exploration of Firebase authentication within .NET Core applications, it's evident that while this integration offers powerful capabilities for managing user access and ensuring data security, it also comes with its share of challenges, notably the HttpClient.Timeout error. This error, although seemingly daunting, can often be resolved through careful analysis and adjustments in the application's configuration or code. Developers must ensure their Firebase setup is correctly initialized, network requests are optimized, and timeout settings are appropriately configured to match the application's demands. Additionally, embracing asynchronous programming patterns and being mindful of potential network or server-related issues can further mitigate such errors. Ultimately, successfully integrating Firebase authentication not only enhances the security of .NET Core applications but also provides a seamless experience for users, making the effort to troubleshoot and resolve issues like the HttpClient.Timeout error well worth it.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 Pluto_Charon Grimskalle Reimagined (review/experience)

I recently finished running chapter 5 using the Grimskalle Reimagined supplement from DM's Guild; since it's a relatively recent product and I haven't seen any other reviews, I figured I'd share my experiences with it. My party was level 7, and accompanied by Vellynne. I ran the trials using theatre of the mind, with one small exception. Endurance and Cruelty took a session each to get through, while Isolation and Preservation were done in a single session together.
Starting info: each of the trials is paired with one of the Reghed tribes, who are bound by tradition and duty to proctor it in order to keep Auril appeased.


The trial consists of the party being teleported to the base of Kelvin's Cairn with no clothes or gear, and having to make their way up to the peak. It's divided into two basic parts: the forest and the mountain.
This was probably the most mechanically complex trial presented- in the forest, characters had to scramble to make a fire, obtain food, and hunt animals to make clothes from before the cold set in. On the mountain, the characters need to complete a skill challenge to make their way up without guidance or climbing gear, eventually having a scale a sheer cliff to reach the summit. During this ascent, I rolled a wolf encounter as a complication (they failed the first skill challenge, and had to try again). This fight with the wolves was the only part of the trials I needed a battle map for, and I just used a generic snowfield one I had on hand. While at level 7 a pack of wolves would normally be trivial for them, without their weapons, armor, and a bunch of their spells it was actually rather tense for them.
Everyone made it up the cliff in the end and reached the summit, though with exhaustion levels ranging from 2-4 (since most of them failed several times and/or had acquired a few levels of exhaustion during the ascent). My party had only one player with high strength though, so that probably contributed to how much trouble they had with it.
Overall, I really enjoyed running this trial, though it required a lot of pre-reading to make sure I thoroughly understood all the mechanics it was using. The last section also might be trivialized if your party has a character with a flight speed.


I did not use the Grimskalle Reimagined version of this trial; I did not feel comfortable describing the content to my group and/or having them roleplay with it. To sum it up: a woman supernaturally becomes pregnant rapidly, gives birth to a daughter and dies in childbirth, and the child then ages rapidly and is herself afflicted with the same curse. This repeats until the party realizes they have to 'preserve' the woman currently experiencing the curse by taking her outside the tent so that she freezes, thus stopping the curse (and killing her).
Pregnancy/birth horror just isn't my cup of tea, so I instead used the alternate Preservation trial from this post.


In this trial, the party is sent to a labyrinth of mirrored, icy passageways: I had my players separate into different tunnels and have them go through the trials alone, rather than them all being able to see/hear what the others were going through. The characters were confronted with 3 questions: what they feared most about themselves, what shamed them most, and what brought them the most pride.
This part was where my players took the opportunity to really shine when it came to roleplaying, to the point where I kind of regretted having them split up since they didn't get to see how good the others all were. Part of this, I think, came from me telling them in advance to think about these questions in regards to their characters, so they weren't scrambling on the spot to make answers up.
The characters had to make 3 saving throws, one for each mental stat (intelligence, wisdom, and charisma)- a success got a boon, a failure got a bane (a table of these with examples were provided). I like this concept, but I think some of the boons/banes were far too strong, and ended up making some of my own for my players instead of using what was provided.


In this trial, the players are each tasked with killing three people: a stranger (prisoners of the Tiger tribe, who are administering this trial), an enemy, and a friend. This was another one that was almost entirely roleplay- one religious character rolled religion to try and determine if her god would approve of her choice, but that was about the extent of the dice rolls for this trial. This one was definitely the one that was the hardest on the players and the characters- all of them went through with killing the prisoners and the enemies, but it was about a 50/50 split if they could bring themselves to kill the friendly characters or not.
Both the enemies and the friends that the characters were tasked with killing were NPCs that the players had encountered before during the campaign and had formed emotional connections too, both positive and negative. This did make things tricky for one player though- his character had actually died right before they set off for Solstice, so he'd brought in his new character essentially two sessions before they started the trials. That meant his character's secret (Harper Agent) had to do most of the heavy lifting here, since the character hadn't been around long enough to have any connections with NPCs.

General Thoughts

Overall, I think Grimskalle Reimagined is a good supplement, and I think my players enjoyed its trials a lot more than they would've the vanilla ones. It does require a fair bit of reading ahead of time (particularly the Endurance trial with all its details), and will work best I think with groups that enjoy a lot of roleplaying.
submitted by Pluto_Charon to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:53 tempmailgenerator Mastering Email Validation with Regular Expressions in Google Apps Script

Unlocking the Power of Regular Expressions

Email validation is a critical component of modern web applications, ensuring that user input meets specific formatting criteria before processing. Regular expressions (regex) serve as a powerful tool in this validation process, offering a flexible and efficient means to match patterns within text. In the context of Google Apps Script, a platform that extends Google apps and allows for automation and integration, regex plays a pivotal role in parsing and validating email addresses collected from various sources, such as Google Sheets.
However, the transition of regex patterns from testing environments, like Regex101, to implementation in Google Apps Script can sometimes unveil discrepancies. This is often due to differences in the regex engine or the way the script handles string processing and matching. Understanding these nuances is key to effectively using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script, ensuring that valid email addresses are correctly identified and invalid ones are filtered out, thereby enhancing the integrity and reliability of the application.
Command Description
getRange() Retrieves the range of cells from the Google Sheet specified by the A1 notation or by the row and column numbers.
getValues() Returns the values of the selected range as a two-dimensional array.
map() Creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
filter() Creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
new RegExp() Creates a new regular expression object for matching text with a pattern.
test() Executes a search for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true or false.
console.log() Outputs a message to the web console.

Navigating the Challenges of Regex in Email Validation

Implementing email validation through regular expressions (regex) in Google Apps Script poses unique challenges and intricacies. Regular expressions provide a powerful and flexible method for matching strings of text, such as email addresses, against a defined pattern. The essence of using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script lies in its ability to ensure that data entered by users conforms to a standard format, thereby reducing errors and ensuring the reliability of the data collected. However, the transition from testing a regex pattern in an environment like Regex101 to implementing it in a Google Apps Script environment can reveal unexpected discrepancies. These differences often stem from variations in regex engines across platforms and the specific syntax nuances that each environment requires.
Furthermore, the debugging process in Google Apps Script for regex-based validation requires a thorough understanding of the script’s execution context and how it interacts with Google Sheets. The script's ability to read and process data from a sheet, apply a regex pattern, and filter out invalid email addresses hinges on a precise understanding of Google Apps Script’s capabilities and limitations. Developers must also pay close attention to the regular expression itself, ensuring it is both strict enough to validate email addresses effectively and flexible enough to accommodate the wide variety of email formats in use. Addressing these challenges is critical for creating robust and reliable applications that leverage Google Apps Script for email validation and other data processing tasks.

Correcting Regex for Email Validation

Scripting in Google Apps
const recipientList = paramSheet.getRange('C2:C').getValues() .map(cell => cell[0]) .filter(cell => new RegExp('^[\\w.%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$').test(cell)); function test() { console.log(recipientList); } 

Debugging Email Validation

Application Script Debugging
const regexPattern = new RegExp('^[\\w.%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$'); const validateEmail = (email) => regexPattern.test(email); const filteredEmails = recipientList.filter(validateEmail); function logFilteredEmails() { console.log(filteredEmails); } 

Enhancing Data Integrity with Advanced Email Validation Techniques

Email validation is an essential aspect of data integrity and user management in web and application development. The complexity of accurately validating email addresses cannot be understated, as it involves more than just checking for the presence of an "@" symbol and a domain. Advanced email validation techniques, particularly when implemented in Google Apps Script, provide a robust solution for ensuring that user input is not only formatted correctly but also viable. These techniques often involve a combination of regex patterns that are sophisticated enough to catch common errors and edge cases, such as domain typos, forbidden characters, and the overall structure of the email address.
Moreover, the efficacy of these validation techniques directly impacts the user experience and the operational efficiency of applications. By employing comprehensive validation logic, developers can significantly reduce bounce rates associated with invalid email addresses, enhance the security of user data, and streamline communication channels. However, crafting and refining these regex patterns requires a deep understanding of both the theoretical aspects of regular expressions and the practical nuances of their implementation in specific environments like Google Apps Script. As such, developers must continually update their knowledge and techniques to keep pace with evolving email standards and best practices in validation.

FAQs: Email Validation Insights

  1. Question: What is the basic structure of a regex for email validation?
  2. Answer: A basic regex pattern for email validation typically includes characters for the username part, an "@" symbol, and domain parts with a period separator and a domain extension.
  3. Question: Why do regex patterns vary between testing environments and Google Apps Script?
  4. Answer: Regex patterns can vary due to differences in the regex engine or syntax interpretation between the testing environments and Google Apps Script's JavaScript engine.
  5. Question: How can I test my regex pattern for email validation?
  6. Answer: You can test your regex pattern using online tools like Regex101, which provides real-time matching feedback and explanation for regex patterns.
  7. Question: What are the limitations of using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script?
  8. Answer: Limitations include potential discrepancies in regex engine behavior, the complexity of accurately matching all valid email addresses without false positives, and performance considerations for large datasets.
  9. Question: How do I ensure my email validation regex is up to date?
  10. Answer: Regularly review and update your regex patterns in response to changes in email address conventions and standards, and test them against a wide range of email examples.
  11. Question: Can regex validate the existence of an email domain?
  12. Answer: Regex can check the format of the domain in an email address but cannot verify its existence or the ability to receive emails. This requires additional verification steps.
  13. Question: What common mistakes should be avoided in email regex validation?
  14. Answer: Common mistakes include overly strict patterns that reject valid emails, forgetting to escape special characters, and not accounting for new domain extensions.
  15. Question: How does Google Apps Script handle regex differently from other environments?
  16. Answer: Google Apps Script uses JavaScript's regex engine, which may have slight differences in implementation or supported features compared to other environments or languages.
  17. Question: What is the impact of incorrect email validation?
  18. Answer: Incorrect email validation can lead to user frustration, undelivered communications, and potentially, lost customers or users.
  19. Question: How can email validation be integrated into Google Apps Script?
  20. Answer: Email validation can be integrated by using regex within custom functions that process user input or data retrieved from Google Sheets or other sources.

Encapsulating Insights on Regex and Email Validation

Through the lens of Google Apps Script, the journey of mastering email validation using regular expressions unfolds as both a challenge and an opportunity for developers. This exploration has highlighted the nuanced dance between theory and application, where regex serves as the bridge between user input and data integrity. The intricacies of regex patterns demand a keen understanding and a meticulous approach to ensure that validation processes are both inclusive and exclusive in just the right measures. The discussion around common pitfalls, the variability of regex engines, and the importance of testing and updating validation logic underscores a larger narrative about the evolving nature of web standards and developer practices. As we navigate through the complexities of email validation, the lessons learned extend beyond syntax and scripts, touching on the broader themes of user experience, data security, and the relentless pursuit of technological excellence. In essence, the art of email validation through regex within Google Apps Script encapsulates a microcosm of the broader discipline of software development, where attention to detail, continuous learning, and adaptability stand as the pillars of success.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 Unlikely_Ad9514 The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence

The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
In today's world, where electricity costs continue to rise and environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, finding a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution is a priority for many households. The Kinetic Power System, developed by Craig Brooks, promises to be a game-changer in this regard.
This innovative system claims to provide a reliable, eco-friendly, and affordable way to generate electricity using kinetic energy. In this review, we'll dive deep into what the Kinetic Power System is, how it works, its benefits, and whether it lives up to its promises.
What is the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is a DIY guide designed to help users build their energy generator using flywheel technology. The guide provides detailed instructions on how to assemble the generator with commonly available materials such as plywood, bicycle chains, gears, screws, adhesives, and a repaired flywheel. The goal is to create a system that can generate and store kinetic energy to power household appliances.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
According to the creator, Craig Brooks, the system is easy to build and requires no specialized knowledge. The instructions are straightforward and can be completed in about three hours. The entire setup costs under $200, making it an affordable alternative to traditional energy sources.
How Does the Kinetic Power System Work?
At the heart of the Kinetic Power System is flywheel technology. Flywheels have been used for centuries in various applications, from pottery wheels to industrial machinery. The principle behind a flywheel is simple: it stores energy by spinning and releases it as needed.
The Kinetic Power System utilizes this principle to generate electricity. Once the flywheel is set in motion, it continues to spin and produce energy with minimal input. This energy can be used immediately or stored for later use, depending on the household's needs. The system combines traditional flywheel technology with modern hybrid technology to enhance efficiency, resulting in three times more energy output with half the input.
Benefits of the Kinetic Power System
  • Cost Savings
One of the primary benefits of the Kinetic Power System is its potential to significantly reduce electricity bills. According to the creator, the system can cut power costs by up to 62% in the first month. Given that the setup costs less than $200, the return on investment is relatively quick.
  • Eco-Friendly
The Kinetic Power System generates green energy without emitting pollutants. Unlike traditional generators that rely on fossil fuels, this system uses kinetic energy, which is clean and renewable. This makes it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Reliability
The system is designed to be durable and reliable, capable of operating in various weather conditions. Unlike solar and wind energy, which depend on specific environmental conditions, the Kinetic Power System can generate electricity consistently. This reliability makes it a valuable backup during power outages and natural disasters.
  • Low Maintenance
The materials used to build the Kinetic Power System are durable and require minimal maintenance. The system operates quietly due to low friction, and its simple design means that repairs if needed, are easy to perform without professional help.
  • Energy Independence
With the Kinetic Power System, households can achieve a degree of energy independence. By generating their electricity, they are less reliant on external power providers and can avoid the volatility of energy prices. This self-sufficiency is particularly beneficial in areas prone to frequent power outages or where energy costs are high.
What's Included in the Kinetic Power System Guide?
The Kinetic Power System guide is comprehensive and user-friendly. Here's what you can expect to find:
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire process of building the generator.
  • Materials List: A complete list of materials needed to construct the system, most of which are affordable and easily available.
  • Theoretical Background: An explanation of the principles behind the technology, helping users understand how and why the system works.
  • Maintenance Tips: Guidance on how to maintain the system to ensure it operates efficiently over the long term.
  • Customer Support: One year of unlimited customer support to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during the construction or operation of the system.
Who Should Use the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is suitable for a wide range of users:
  • Homeowners: Ideal for those looking to reduce their electricity bills and achieve greater energy independence.
  • DIY Enthusiasts: Perfect for individuals who enjoy building and maintaining their systems.
  • Environmentally Conscious Consumers: A great option for those committed to reducing their carbon footprint and living sustainably.
  • People in Remote Areas: Beneficial for those living in areas with unreliable power supply or high energy costs.
Pros and Cons
  • Substantial reduction in electricity bills.
  • Utilizes affordable and accessible materials.
  • Generates clean, renewable energy.
  • Low maintenance and easy to repair.
  • Provides energy security during power outages.
  • Suitable for anyone, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Initial setup costs might be higher than traditional generator books.
  • May not appeal to individuals with limited crafting or DIY skills.
Pricing and Availability
The Kinetic Power System is available for a one-time payment of $49. This price includes lifetime access to the guide and one year of customer support. Payments can be made via PayPal or major credit cards.
Additionally, the system comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind for users who may be skeptical about the effectiveness of the system.
Final Thoughts: Is the Kinetic Power System Worth It?
The Kinetic Power System offers a practical and affordable solution for generating electricity at home. Its eco-friendly nature, cost-saving potential, and ease of use make it an attractive option for many households. While it may require some initial effort to build, the long-term benefits of reduced energy bills and increased energy independence are substantial.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
For anyone looking to take control of their energy needs and reduce their reliance on traditional power sources, the Kinetic Power System is worth considering. Its user-friendly guide and comprehensive support ensure that even those with no technical background can successfully implement this innovative system.
In conclusion, the Kinetic Power System is a promising solution for sustainable energy generation in 2024. Its blend of affordability, reliability, and environmental benefits make it a standout choice in the realm of DIY energy systems. If you're ready to embrace energy independence and reduce your electricity costs, the Kinetic Power System could be the answer you've been looking for.
submitted by Unlikely_Ad9514 to u/Unlikely_Ad9514 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:40 The_Celestrial David Boey’s Pukul Habis: A Very Long Review and Analysis (With Spoilers)

Pukul Habis: Total Wipeout is a novel by local defence journalist David Boey. Written mostly from the Malaysian perspective, it tells the story of a hypothetical war between Singapore and Malaysia.
A year after first hearing about it, I finally got the book from the library. For fun, I started mapping out the locations in the book, and it started to snowball. A week later, here is my very long review and analysis of the events in the book.
Spoiler Free Review:
I really like this book, but it’s not for everyone. It is very well written and researched, making me feel like I’m fighting in the jungles of Malaysia, onboard a navy ship waiting to storm the beaches or in the skies flying at wavetop height.
The book is also very long (400+ pages) and packed with military jargon and situations. There are many characters, but they mainly serve as viewpoints into the war, not as fully fleshed-out people. If you’re not into this “genre”, then I don’t recommend it.
This book has pretty realistic military situations paired with the unlikeliest of scenarios to make the war happen and for the story to progress. If you don’t mind that, then this book is for you.
The author’s mentor also wrote a review (link in my comment below).
Analysis of events (a lot of spoilers):
Disclaimer: I am not a military analyst or defence journalist, I’m just a guy who recently ORD-ed and has free time. The maps shown are mostly accurate to what was mentioned in the book, but I had to take some “creative liberties” in places, and there were several events I missed.
Based on what military assets were shown, and the mention that the COVID pandemic was over, I guestimate that the book takes place in early 2022. The date 02/01/2034 is shown in one section, but I don’t think that’s the actual date.
Pukul Habis: The Malaysian Defensive Plan
The book’s namesake is the Malaysian defensive plan by Leftenan Jeneral Razali. In an interesting chapter from his POV, the general realises that due to Johor switching from Rubber to Palm Oil plantations, it is easier for SAF vehicles to push into Johor. Taking inspiration from a certain militia against the “Mexicans”, he created Pukul Habis.
The crux of this plan is deception and asymmetric warfare. When the time is right, the ATM will strike where the SAF is weakest. The defensive plan was explained really well in the book. I feel that this plan probably exists in one form or another in real life, being the most logical way to defend Johor from the SAF. General Razali is the closest thing to the main character in this book, and he’s basically the perfect military general.
Around 2021 (my headcanon is after August), the Period of Tension with Malaysia started, worse than any previous diplomatic flare-up between the 2 nations. No reason was given as to what caused it.
So far, everything mentioned in this map seemed pretty realistic to what would happen in real life.
The Period of Tension chapters make up a quarter of the book, with most of the chapters taking place on the Eve of the War.
Although very lengthy, I felt that these chapters were well-written and engaging. The movement of the Astros MLRS into the Johor plantations is the event that kickstarts the rest of the book. We all know a war is going to happen, so these chapters had a buildup of tension and anticipation underlying them.
These chapters also mention some of the hypothetical weapons and equipment that do not exist in real life, such as the fictional Komplexs. I think that such a bunker probably exists in real life, but not as large as the one in the book. The dispersing of assets all over Malaysia sounds pretty realistic, although I am not sure about the serviceability of the 4 Mig-29s that were pulled out from storage. The fictional floating sea base is explained to be a former Petronas oil rig that was secretly converted into a sea base.
However, these chapters have 2 unrealistic aspects: The disabling of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and the grounding of RSAF aircraft. I know that the author needed a way to get rid of US involvement in this war, but disabling the US carrier with a volcano and tsunami felt so out of place that I had forgotten it even happened. As for the grounding of RSAF aircraft for political reasons, I do not know enough about politics to know the likelihood of this happening.
All of the events culminated in Not PM Lee’s addresses to the nation and the Executive Group’s meeting. The PM’s address was written so well, that it seems lifted from a real address. It is followed by the Executive Group’s meeting, which is filled with “characters” that are obviously stand-ins for our politicians circa 2022. The ministers react to the absurdity of the events that transpired, but this is the last time we see such a scene.
After 92 pages of buildup, the war finally begins with a bang. The writing is gripping as we follow the SAF into Johor. The author shows off his knowledge in a very detailed scene on how the M3G rafts are formed and joined together.
One of my favourite POVs in the book is from a poly student living in MacPherson as the air raid sirens wail, all the lights in Singapore go out, and all the aircraft race for Malaysia at full afterburner. If this book is ever adapted for the screen, this is a scene I want to see.
Just like Malaysia, Singapore has some fictional gadgets in this book, which are the Iron Dome and the drone Hunter AFVs.
It’s been rumoured that Singapore does have a Iron Dome battery hiding somewhere, and for this book, it becomes a necessity as hundreds of Astros rockets head for Singapore. The Astros bombardment scene is also one of my favourites as we follow the rockets from launch to impact. Instead of hiding, curious Singaporeans emerge from their homes and into the streets, which sounds pretty realistic. The author pulls no punches as he brutally describes those Singaporeans being shredded by shrapnel (but not in an overly graphic way). In a very “Hollywood” scene, Jewel is destroyed. What are the odds of a warhead landing right down the fountain?
Later on, the drone Hunters appear. Although the Hunter is pretty new and advanced, I do not know enough about it to say if Hunters can be remotely controlled. But I know for sure that they won’t trust NSFs to remotely pilot one like in the book.
My next favourite scene is the Battle of the Lighthouses. It was short, tense and brutal, but ends abruptly when an F-15SG bombs Middle Rocks.
The entire “Flight of the Chinooks” segment was (like the rest of the book) written well, but I have no idea how realistic it was for the Mig-29s to ambush them like that. I know our F-16s are kinda old, but I’m pretty sure they can detect low flying aircraft below them, or at least, behind them.
There’s a POV from a very tired infantry NSmen who had a long day of training, has to hike 6km in the plantations, dig shell scrapes and then gets ambushed by commandos. The author included details like how his goggles got fogged up as he left the Terrex, he used tissues and made it worse, how shitty their noise discipline was and how a cobra caused the first casualty. All of that made it seem so real.
I’m a sucker for naval combat, so the entire submarine segment was my favourite in the entire book. From realising war started, to the aborted attack on the convoy and the great battle off Teluk Mahkota, the entire segment was perfect. I loved all the details, from how the countermeasures worked, how both sides were using equipment from the same company, and how all the Guardsmen started panicking when a torpedo detonated nearby. The amphibious invasion that followed was less exciting but made for some cool visuals.
As written about in other places, the SAF’s objective is to establish the Mersing Line, and just go around Johor Bahru as they don’t want to deal with urban combat. What I did not expect was that the author featured the Sultan of Johor and what the SAF was going to do with him. I also liked the detail on how the people of Johor were resisting and lighting fires.
To me, Operation Sunbird marks the climax of the book. It was such a high-stakes, bold plan that was successfully pulled off. However, while making the map, I realised there were some errors in the writing.
The book said that the Gulfstream detected 22 aircraft (but there were actually 23). Later on, I took some creative liberties and said the 3 vanguards came back, as the book said there were still 22 aircraft. There are also a few possible errors about the distance the planes were from one another, so I shrank the distances between the planes.
No Malaysian planes were shot down in this operation, but I feel that some of them should’ve been. The F-15s were successfully baited away from the fight, but I don’t know how realistic that was. Even if they were baited, the F-15s could’ve still helped later on.
In real life, Malaysia doesn’t have any KS-172 missiles (in fact nobody does), but they do have TALD decoys so that part of the plan is still possible, but sniping the Gulfstreams from that far out is not.
I felt the RSS Tenacious could've totally saved Pedra Branca from all those missiles.
Despite the errors I’ve mentioned previously, the rest of Operation Sunbird seemed pretty credible. Suppress the air bases, take out the Gulfstream, bait the air defences, take out the radars (RIP aerostat), and then spam the cruise missiles. The loss of MINDEF HQ was probably more symbolic than anything for the SAF, but the loss of Jurong and Bukom Islands would definitely have a huge impact on Singapore. I can’t imagine the hellish fires that have broken out there.
After the climax that was Operation Sunbird, I felt that this is the part where the book starts to slow down. After reading 5 different ambushes, I was starting to suffer from “MANPADs and ambush” fatigue. Every time an Apache appears, you know it’s gonna get shot down.
There’s a semi-funny scene where an overzealous scholar CO wants to Rommel his way down Federal Route 5, and then his convoy dies to kamikaze drones. Unlike our current 2024 drones, these drones are specially made Turkish ones. The death of 1 Guards CO to a village elder was kinda dumb (why would the CO personally shoo away the villager), but it does show how the Johoreans are resisting.
Despite the amount of POVs in this book, this segment shows that there are some holes in the story. I do not know if the SAF captured Kota Tinggi or moved up Routes 3 and 5, but it makes sense that they did, which is why I showed it on the map. In this segment, my former NS unit appears and let's just say things don't go well for them.
The Battle of Renggam is where the book picks up again. The battle was written very immersively. This is another scene I would love to see adapted onto the screen.
If you thought the book was unrealistic, this segment is where the book “jumps the shark”. Out of nowhere, a tropical storm is forming east of Singapore and is upgraded to a typhoon. This is not 100% fantasy, it has happened before with Typhoon Vamei, but to have a typhoon form at this very convenient time is too much. To give the author credit, this segment was well-researched, he had his sources.
With the impending typhoon, the RSAF is grounded and the ATM and the SAF rush for a decisive battle at the Pineapple Sea: A massive pineapple plantation near Simpang Renggam. The Battle of the Pineapple Sea was not as riveting as the Battle of Renggam. I felt it was the peak of “ambush fatigue” for me. Columns of Singaporean tanks were ambushed by ATGMs, Astros artillery and disrupted by electronic warfare. Oh, and the obligatory Apache gets shot down as well. Despite the buildup to their appearance, the PT-91 tanks make a short appearance. Just as things are coming to a head, the ATM withdraws due to the typhoon.
Same as the previous map, I had to make some creative liberty with the line that “the SAF has advanced 100km into Johor”, meaning that they probably captured Kluang and pushed further north.
So the typhoon causes the war to pause and finally stop. There is widespread devastation across Johor, but how Singapore is doing is not mentioned. Jewel is probably a fishbowl now.
Funnily enough, as the generals on both sides know each other personally, the ceasefire was proposed on WhatsApp. There is a tense scene where the Singaporean generals and the Malaysian generals stare each other down at the negotiating table. Threats are exchanged, and it doesn’t look like they’ll reach an agreement. However, the story pivots to the outside of the room where it’s revealed the war is over and everyone looks happy, but the terms are unknown and up to the viewer to guess. As abruptly as the war started, it ended.
Ending Remarks:
Why is the book written from the Malaysian perspective and why are there some holes in the story? Well, the author explains it in his blog. That being said, I really wish there were more Singaporean POVs.
I felt that the ATM was portrayed as being more tactically competent than they would be in real life, to make the fight seem more fair. It seemed like the ATM’s only problem was that they had fewer resources compared to the SAF. (Disclaimer, I don't know too much about them).
I don’t know much about the ATM to say how they will fight in real life, which is why I was surprised by the number of women ATM POVs in this book. The author did it intentionally. Another intentional thing the author did was to pepper the book with easter eggs. I’ve mentioned a few above, but there are more that I have not found.
I was a Signaller in NS, and the mention that the soldiers on both sides were using WhatsApp and Telegram made me laugh. When electronic jamming happened during the Battle of the Pineapple Sea, nobody could talk to one another and had to communicate using flags, also got a chuckle out of me. Guess my vocation is useless then /s.
This book was written from 2019 to 2022, and some aspects of warfare have evolved since. If the war happened today, Malaysia would’ve spammed countless FPV (First Person View) drones with bombs strapped onto them or quadcopters with a grenade underslung. The book is big on ambushes and deception, and the use of drones in modern warfare would make it easier for the Malaysians to ambush, but also easier for the SAF to find Malaysian positions.
Unintentionally, I felt that the book emphasises why the F-35 will be so important to the RSAF. With the F-35: The Astros MLRS and their decoys would’ve been found more easily, the Mig-29s would’ve been spotted sooner, and fewer aircraft would’ve been needed to patrol Johor and the South China Sea. The F-35s sensor fusion ability would’ve helped the Gulfstream 550s immensely, and with the F-35’s stealth, would’ve been able to ambush the 22 Malaysian fighters. Even if the Gulfstream were shot down, the F-35 could’ve been a harder-to-kill replacement.
Last, but not least, Former Malaysian PM Mahathir read this book.
If you’re seeing this, thank you so much for reading my incoherent, non-credible review of this book. It took a week and is rambly as hell but I think there’s an audience for that.
You could make an entire DCS or Arma YouTube series just based on the events of the book. Someone, please do it.
submitted by The_Celestrial to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:45 BassForever24601 Question for those who've used Uworld/Roger to study for CPA about Smartpath & Study Plan

So I'm studying for FAR (my first exam) and I've been using Uworld as I was able to get it at a big discount. I've used their study plan and have been hammering away at the MCQS to learn the concept and making flash cards for things I struggle with. What I'm hoping to get insight on is the balance between moving forward with new content vs hitting the chapter you just did to try and get to the smartpath targets for questions answered % of questions answered correctly. Uworlds study plan seems like it's structured around seeing all of the content then aiming for the smartpath targets during review in the final weeks leading up to the exam. However I've seen comments about how you should be reviewing the chapters you've finished along the way (superfast cpa's 75% new 25% old method) which would imply hitting smartpath goals on top of doing the study plan questions.
I'm a bit far into FAR (on chapter 16/22), but it's never too late to improve upon study methods. For those who've had success with UWorld, did you diligently follow the study plan and aim for smart path later? Or did you use the study plan as a template and hammered away at each chapter till mastery?
submitted by BassForever24601 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:10 Certain-Succotash766 cDAT Breakdown (23AA, 21 PAT)

cDAT Breakdown (23AA, 21 PAT)
Test Scores:
Reading and Comprehension: 20 Biology: 24 Chemistry: 24 Science total: 24 Academic Average: 23 Perception: 21
The cDAT gets no love so I thought I’d make a post on my experience writing the DAT as I got my test marks back today.
Timeline: I followed the 8-week study schedule from the DATCrusher website and studied for roughly 10 weeks.
How I studied: I followed the schedule strictly to make sure I did everything which really wasn’t much until you get to taxonomy so roughly 6-10 hours each day, I watched the videos, and I took notes. I didn’t read the chem notes tho lol because I think the guy in the videos does a great job and you can practice all of the same questions in the videos. Every single new fact or question I got wrong I wrote down (sometimes multiple times to make sure I’d remember it after x number of mistakes) on a piece of paper which I pattern folded ;) into a four sided sheet and jotted down simple notes such as (arthropods - tagmata) or (tannins - bitterness in plants - secondary compound) to act as flash cards and review notes for when I got to phase 2 of the study schedule. I didn’t use anki or anything else just this simple notes on paper. This equated to 30 pieces of paper total which can be reviewed passively in 4 days and actively in 1-2 days!
Chem: I made sure to complete however many questions each module had so anywhere from 60 -220 questions and just jotted down simple notes on paper such as equations or statements like the laws of thermodynamics. I also wrote down every question I got wrong even if it was super long or if I already got it wrong before.
Bio: I watched all the videos and took simple notes such as (deforestation - weather changes) or (primer pheromones - long term behavioural changes) and I made sure to write down simple notes for every question I got wrong even if (once again) I got it wrong multiple times. I did as many as 220 each day to make sure I covered everything before my test because it’s crucial as the notes do not have everything and you need to get some questions wrong to get some right in the future by writing them down same with chemistry. So 100% the game and do every question.
Reading Comprehension: watched the vids and chose to read the passage for 5 mins however far I got even if only 3 big paragraphs and did the questions using search and destroy for the rest of the passage. I can’t lie I was too lazy to review when I got questions wrong but don’t be like me so u can score higher :).
PAT: The vids are pretty essential to ur strategy cuz for keyholes and TFE you should be doing process of elimination, angle ranking you should be choosing to analyze the angles based on how u can eliminate the most answer choices. For hole punching u should draw a 4x4 grid, for cube counting u should draw a t table, and for pattern folding process of elimination once again.
DATCrusher Scores: I have all the scores as I took picture but I’m kind of lazy so I’ll just write the range of the score I got for each section.
Bio: 25 - 27. Really surprised after every test but I studied well by reviewing my pattern folded notes. I got 128 for all sciences on my MCAT so I was also pretty confident beforehand.
Chem: 21 - 28. Got 21 on one test but the others averaged 25. I was careful to read the question twice before answering for keywords like rate constant when asked if it will change based on a change of concentration (answer is no/0 effect). When balacing equations I just look for an answer to start with and count instead of doing it from scratch to save time.
PAT: 19-22. what I felt was one of my weakest sections it was super hard to predict angles I was usually scoring 11/15 on keyholes, 8/15 on TFE, 9-12 on angles, 15 on CC and hole punching and 10-14 on pattern folding. For angles I just trusted my gut and honestly did so much better than when I was using suggested angles in the answer choices. For the other sections process of elimination is key and then the test becomes super easy.
RC: 19-23. Was super scared of this section too because western’s cutoffs are a 19 and if I didn’t get high enough I would be screwed. I just read 5 mins of passage and searched and destroyed.
Kaplan and Princeton Dat scores:
I honestly forgot to write these down but I didn’t do to well I think I got a 17 in chemistry on one of them which is very different from what I’ve been getting on DATcrusher so if your scores are low don’t mind it too much. I did these in the final 5 days before my exam. i fekt like pat on both was not representative of the real test and the science sections were a tad too hard.
2007 and 2009 Dat Scores:
Yes, I’m probably one of the few people who actually did them. i did these in the final 3 days before my dat. these felt super easy in terms of the sciences and the pat where process of elimination got me really great marks.
2007 Bio: 22 Chem: 25 PAT: 20 RC: 20
2009 Bio: 22 Chem: 22 Pat: 23 RC: 21
Actual DAT Scores
Drum roll please!
Okay so to preface I thought I was super smart and drank an energy drink the day before my test and 2 on the day of my test. Well guys I hadn’t been drinking caffeine in a while so I stayed up the whole night and got 2 hours of sleep and just took a super cold shower in the morning to activate my reticular activating system location in my brain step (which is the same location that regulates sleep ;) ) and literally chugged my 2 energy drinks and ate a donut the morning of my test. When I got to the test center I felt super confident and felt aura around my body like goku for some reason. Anyways i got there 20 mins early and shoved a wad of toilet paper in my crotch so i could tinkle during my exam (which i did about 3 times and i got no piss on me!) I started my test and on question 5 the screen went black lol. So at first I was kind of panicking but then they told me that time actually stopped when the monitor did so I technically got more time to think about that question I as stuck on. Bio felt hard I had 8 marked questions by the end of my 30 mins and Chem I had 6 questions marked which it felt a bit easier with not too many calculations and more theory based.
I took my break ate a donut and started pat. I hit review and jumped to question 31. I literally was like what the actual fuck when I got to the angles because it was impossible to tell the difference but I had to spend only a certain amount of time on them so I just rushed through lol. The hole punching and cc was easy just had to secure the bag and get em right. Pattern folding felt pretty easy just had to due process of elimination. Keyholes again looked scary as it is not my friend and often commits hate crimes against me just wanted me to solve discrimination and use the process of elimination to discriminate between which ones are good and which ones are bad based on features not present in the image. Same for TFE. When I got to the end, question 30, I accidentally touched the button again and it unclicked my answer! Please don’t do this to yourselves.
Took my break ate some more donut and started reading comp I switched my strategy last second and read it for 5 mins and answered the questions I could and then used the rest of the paragraph to answer the rest using search and destroy. I realized my first passage had 20 questions and i considered seizing to get the invigilator to allow me to reschedule my test cuz at this point I was scared of not meeting westerns cutoffs. Alas I continued this just meant the other two passages have 15 questions so I continued. I used a lot of time but I had to guess randomly on 4 out of 5 of the last 5 questions as I could just barely make it to the end and click on question 50 due to our good old cockblock, the prometric delay. I ate cheetos and waited 20 days until today. Alas:
Biology: 24 I am so shocked because I didn’t do as well on the official tests.
Chemistry: 24 I thought I would have done better.
Pat: 21 I have no idea how cuz angles was hard and again I had to guess on questions during TFE to save time. Process of elimination was key I guess. Just figure out what is not in the image for almost all sections of Pat.
RC: 20 I am so happy even though I think everyone would consider this a below average score because it makes westerns cutoffs! I did not think I would get this score because I calculated that I could get at most 15 q wrong to get a 19 with already 5 questions wrong because i had to guess on 4/5 of them and didn’t get to answer one.
Overall: learn from my mistakes and don’t drink a monster the day before ur test, do not double click an answer or it will disappear, and do put toilet paper on ur crotch to tinkle during your exam ;)
Please find my score report attached below!
submitted by Certain-Succotash766 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:56 ObsidianSnake97 The death of Hashirama Senju

The death of Hashirama Senju
One of the topics that has always been present in the Naruto Fandom since we were told about the abilities of the first Hokage is what is related to his death. Who killed him? Why? How? Well, for the first 2 questions I don't have an answer, but reviewing some chapters of the Naruto manga, I think we were given the answer for the third.
Manga 085: During the fight between Gaara and Rock Lee, Kakashi tells us that with the power of the 8 Gates you can even surpass a Hokage. This is interesting, because Kakashi is not someone who talks for the sake of talking, if he says that with the 8 Gates you can surpass a Hokage, it is because he has evidence that it is so.
By then there had only been 4 Hokages. We know how Minato died, so Kakashi was not referring to him. We know that Tobirama died fighting against the Kinkaku army, 20 Shinobi who surpass the Jonin level and among them were 2 Pseudo jinchuriki, descendants of Rikudo Sennin and who had the tools of the sage (and very possibly there was also Kakuzu, but this is not confirmed). So Kakashi did not speak of him either. And as far as we know, Hiruzen never fought or lost against a user of the 8 gates, so he was not referring to him either. There is only 1 Hokage left, Hashirama.
Now, you might think that Kakashi was referring to the feat of Maito Dai, Maito Gai's father, of having used the 8 Gates to fight alone against the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist, but here is a detail worth highlighting.
Manga 668: We know that Maito Dai faced the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist alone, but he did not finish them all. He took out Jinin Akebino, Kushimaru Kuriarare, and two unnamed guys (one of them I think was Suigetsu's father). He may have also taken out Juuzo Biwa, since his appearance in Akatsuki is not canon, but let's consider him alive just in case. The ones who came out of that fight alive were Juuzo, Raiga Kurozuki, and Fubuki Suikazan.
Matio Dai with the 8 Gates could only take out 4 Shinobi a little above the Jonin level, something that for any Kage would not really be difficult. So Maito Dai with the 8 Gates was not able to "surpass a Hokage" as Kakashi said.
This leads us to a single logical explanation. Hashirama died in a fight against a user of the 8 Inner Gates, who activated the 8th Gate.
Something interesting is that Madara knew too many details about the 8 Gates. He knew about the blue vapor of the 7th Gate, the red vapor of the 8th Gate, and the chakra point where the 8th Gate is activated. This can be explained in two ways (although both could be true). Either the 8 Gates was a fairly popular and well-known technique in the era of war between clans and that's how Madara recognized it when he saw Gai. Or that Madara, while he was hidden, found out that someone had killed the rival he could never overcome, so he sent a white Zetsu to investigate how Hashirama died, he found out that he was killed with the 8 Gates and began to investigate that technique.
Now, to finish, let's remember that Maito Gai with the 8 Gates was able to put Madara on the ropes, who at that time was a jinchuriki of the Juubi, had senjutsu of the 6 paths and Hashirama's cells. Madara was basically the most powerful being and a human almost killed him with pure Taijutsu.
If Maito Gai did that to Madara Rikudo, what wouldn't he do to a Hashirama who was around 54 years old?
submitted by ObsidianSnake97 to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:09 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee

Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Ang Lee's turn.
Lee's father, a respect principal, was hoping that his son would become a professor. But he was disappointed when his son failed his high school exam twice, forcing him to attend a less privileged university. Seeing Ingmar Bergman's film The Virgin Spring was a formative experience for him. After finishing his mandatory military service, he moved to the United States to complete his studies. He wanted to become an actor, but his struggle with English made him move into directing. After finally meeting a few contacts in the industry, he started working as a director.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

Pushing Hands (1991)

His directorial debut. It stars Sihung Lung, Lai Wang, Bo Z. Wang, Deb Snyder and Haan Lee. It follows a Chinese tai chi master living in New York, who struggles to find his place in the world. The film shows the contrast between traditional Chinese ideas of Confucian relationships within a family and the much more informal Western emphasis on the individual.
Lee graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts in 1984, but had failed to find career opportunities since, working almost full-time as a house-father. During the intermediate six years, he became interested in martial arts, specifically tai chi, after reading the wuxia novel Jianghu qixia zhuan. This motivated him to write a screenplay, which brought the attention of Hsu Li-kong, a recently promoted senior manager in a major studio who had a strong interest in Lee's unique style and freshness. He invited Lee to make his directorial debut.
It had a very limited release, and it was reported that it made just $152,322 domestically. But it received acclaim in the United States and Taiwan. And that allowed Lee to finally get a chance to expand his horizon.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $152,322.
  • Worldwide gross: $152,322.

The Wedding Banquet (2023)

"You are cordially invited to a wedding where everybody wants to kiss the bride... except the groom."
His second film. The film stars Gua Ah-leh, Lung Sihung, May Chin, Winston Chao and Mitchell Lichtenstein. The story concerns a bisexual Taiwanese immigrant man who marries a mainland Chinese woman to placate his parents and get her a green card. His plan backfires when his parents arrive in the United States to plan his wedding banquet and he has to hide the truth of his gay partner.
Neil Peng approached Lee with the idea in 1986 by revealing to Lee that one of their mutual friends had moved to the United States and was in a same-sex relationship without the knowledge of the man's parents. Lee and Peng began writing the screenplay two years later and were soon joined by James Schamus. Schamus wrote that the film was "first drafted in Chinese, then translated into English, re-written in English, translated back into Chinese, and eventually subtitled in Chinese and English and a dozen other languages."
The film was critically acclaimed, and became a sleeper hit, earning $23.6 million against a budget of just $1 million. Lee was on the rise.
  • Budget: $1,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $6,933,459.
  • Worldwide gross: $23,633,459.

Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)

"It's hard to tell where sex stops and food begins."
His third film. It stars Sihung Lung, Wang Yu-wen, Wu Chien-lien, and Yang Kuei-mei. It follows four members of the Zhu family as they navigate the challenges of love, life, tradition and family. This film deals with the transition from tradition to modernity. It is Lee's first (and to date, only film) to be shot entirely in his native Taiwan.
Like his previous films, another critical and commercial success. Lee quickly made himself a household name.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $7,294,403.
  • Worldwide gross: $24,294,403.

Sense and Sensibility (1995)

"Lose your heart and come to your senses."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Jane Austen, and it stars Emma Thompson (who also wrote the screenplay), Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. The story follows the Dashwood sisters, members of a wealthy English family of landed gentry, as they must deal with circumstances of sudden destitution. They are forced to seek financial security through marriage.
In 1989, producer Lindsay Doran suggested adapting the novel to her colleagues. She was a lifelong fan of the novel, and vowed to make a film adaptation if she ever made it into the industry. Looking for a writer, Doran read screenplays by English and American writers until she came across a series of comedic skits, often in period settings, that actress Emma Thompson had written and decided that that was the direction she wanted for the film. As they were working on the film Dead Again, Doran hired Thompson to write the film, even though she never wrote a feature-length film before.
Thompson spent five years writing and revising the screenplay, both during and between shooting other films. Believing the novel's language to be "far more arcane than in [Austen's] later books," Thompson sought to simplify the dialogue while retaining the "elegance and wit of the original." Despite Doran's confidence, studios were reluctant to pick up the film, as Thompson never wrote a film. Columbia Pictures executive Amy Pascal supported Thompson's work and agreed to sign as the producer and distributor.
In 1993, Lee was hired to direct, basically for his work in The Wedding Banquet. Even though he was not familiar with Jane Austen, Doran felt that Lee's films, which depicted complex family relationships amidst a social comedy context, were a good fit with Austen's storylines. Viewing it as a "director for hire" job, Lee spent six months in preparing for the film, as it would have his largest budget ($16 million) by that point. Doran and Columbia asked Thompson to play Elinor herself.
The film received widespread critical acclaim, and was included on more than a hundred top-ten of the year lists, as well as one of the best Austen adaptations. It was a huge box office hit, earning $134 million worldwide. It received 7 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Actress. Thompson won Best Adapted Screenplay, making her the only person to have won an Oscar for both her writing and acting (she won Best Actress two years prior). However, Lee was not nominated for Best Director, a decision that was criticized by many as Hollywood's racism against Lee and Chinese cinema in general. Lee sought to avoid turning his omission into a scandal and specifically asked the Taiwan state media not to make it a "national issue", explaining that he endured more pressure when forced to act as his country's representative.
  • Budget: $16,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $43,182,776.
  • Worldwide gross: $134,582,776.

The Ice Storm (1997)

"The American Dream was over. But the hangover was just beginning."
His fifth film. Based on the novel by Rick Moody, it stars Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Elijah Wood, Katie Holmes, Glenn Fitzgerald, Jamey Sheridan and Sigourney Weaver. Set during Thanksgiving 1973, it follows two dysfunctional New Canaan, Connecticut, upper-class families who are trying to deal with tumultuous social changes of the early 1970s, and their escapism through alcohol, adultery and sexual experimentation.
The film ended Lee's winning streak at the box office, but it was still critically acclaimed.
  • Budget: $18,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,038,061.
  • Worldwide gross: $16,011,975.

Ride with the Devil (1999)

"In a no-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the blue or grey, you fought for your friends and your family."
His sixth film. Based on the novel Woe to Live On by Daniel Woodrell, it stars Tobey Maguire, Skeet Ulrich, Jeffrey Wright, Jewel, Simon Baker, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, James Caviezel, Thomas Guiry and Jonathan Brandis. Set during the American Civil War, it follows a group of men who join the First Missouri Irregulars, also known as the Bushwhackers — guerrilla units loyal to pro-Confederacy units of the state — and their war against Northern Jayhawkers allied with the Union army.
Despite commanding a $38 million budget, the film had a very limited three-day run, making less than $1 million. It also received mixed reviews from critics.
  • Budget: $38,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $635,096.
  • Worldwide gross: $635,096.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

"A timeless story of strength, secrets, and two warriors who would never surrender."
His seventh film. Based on the Chinese novel serialized between 1941 and 1942 by Wang Dulu, it stars Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, and Chang Chen. Master Li Mu Bai, a warrior, is about to retire and gives his sword to his lover Yu Shu Lien to keep it safe. However, the sword is stolen and now an embittered Li embarks on a mission to find it.
The stunt work was mostly performed by the actors themselves and Ang Lee stated in an interview that computers were used "only to remove the safety wires that held the actors" aloft. "Most of the time you can see their faces," he added. "That's really them in the trees." The film specifically targeted Western audiences rather than the domestic audiences who were already used to Wuxia films. As a result, high-quality English subtitles were needed. Ang Lee, who was educated in the West, personally edited the subtitles to ensure they were satisfactory for Western audiences.
Whatever were the expectations for this, the film exceeded them by a large margin. After a limited release, it earned $8 million in its first wide domestic opening weekend. But the crazy thing was how insane were its legs; it didn't hit a sub $4 million weekend until its 12th wide weekend, and it even increased from some weekends. It closed with a colossal $128 million domestically, becoming the highest foreign-language film in United States, a record it still keeps, and it's twice as much as the second place, Life Is Beautiful. Worldwide, it earned $213.9 million worldwide, becoming a worldwide phenomenon and Lee's highest grossing film.
The film was widely acclaimed across the world, hailed as one of the greatest films of the century. The film led to a boost in popularity of Chinese wuxia films in the Western world, where they were previously little known, and led to films such as Hero and House of Flying Daggers, both directed by Zhang Yimou, being marketed towards Western audiences. It received 10 Oscar nominations (the most for a foreign film), including Best Picture and Best Director for Lee. It won four: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score, and Best Cinematography. To this day, one of the most iconic foreign titles. Lee made history.
  • Budget: $17,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $128,530,421.
  • Worldwide gross: $213,978,518.

Hulk (2003)

"Unleash the fury."
His eighth film. Based on the Marvel Comics character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, it stars Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte. The film explores Bruce Banner's origins. After a lab accident involving gamma radiation, he transforms into a giant green-skinned humanoid with superhuman strength known as the Hulk whenever stressed or emotionally provoked. The United States military pursues him, and he clashes with his biological father, who has dark plans for his son.
Since 1990, Avi Arad and Gale Ann Hurd were working on a Hulk film, but Universal was struggling in finding the right script. Hurd brought her husband Jonathan Hensleigh as co-producer the following year, and Universal hired Industrial Light & Magic to create the Hulk with computer-generated imagery. Joe Johnston was hired as director, but he eventually left to work on another film, while Zak Penn was brought to rewrite. Hensleigh subsequently rewrote the script with J. J. Abrams. Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski were also brought on board to rewrite, with Hensleigh deciding to direct the film himself despite not having directed before. By 1998, Universal put the film on hiatus due to its escalating $100 million budget and worries of Hensleigh directing his first film. $20 million was already spent on script development, computer animation, and prosthetics work. Hensleigh immediately went to rewrite the script to reduce the budget.
In 2001, Lee and his colleague James Schamus signed for the project, after Lee chose not to direct Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. He was dissatisfied with the script and commissioned Schamus for a rewrite, merging Banner's father with the Absorbing Man. Lee cited influences from King Kong, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Faust, and Greek mythology to interpret the story. Schamus said he had found the storyline that introduced Brian Banner, allowing Lee to write a drama that again explored father-son themes. Schamus admitted to feeling pressure after the release of Spider-Man.
Eric Bana commented that the shoot was "Ridiculously serious... a silent set, morbid in a lot of ways." Lee told him that he was shooting a Greek tragedy, and that he would be making a "whole other movie" about the Hulk at Industrial Light & Magic. An example of Lee's arthouse approach to the film was taking Bana to watch a bare-knuckle boxing match. Bana would later disfavorably reflect on his experience making the film as the majority of the time he was working indoors while the rest of the cast interacted with a CGI recreation of the Hulk, somewhat limiting his screen time.
After the colossal success of Spider-Man, Universal mounted an extensive marketing campaign, which also highlighted Ang Lee's involvement. The film opened with a huge $62.1 million in its first weekend, the biggest June debut and the 16th biggest ever. However, the film had absolutely no legs at the box office. In its second weekend, it dropped a colossal 69.7%, which was the biggest for a film that opened above $20 million. In its third weekend, it fell another steep 56.3% and it kept falling until it left theaters, becoming the largest opener not to earn $150 million. It closed with $132 million domestically and $245 million worldwide. Good enough to be the 15th highest grossing film of the year and Lee's highest grossing film, but not a hit given its $137 million budget.
If Spider-Man was an immediate crowd-pleaser, Hulk was the exact opposite. It received polarizing reviews; while its ambition and style was praised, a lot criticized its CGI and very limited action ("too much talking and not enough smashing"). In subsequent years, some have praised the film as an ambitious film that deviated from the superhero formula, although it's still not widely considered as a beloved film. Lee admitted the challenges of the film, but stood proud of the film and its fans.
  • Budget: $137,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $132,177,234.
  • Worldwide gross: $245,285,165.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

"Love is a force of nature."
His ninth film. Based on the short story by Annie Proulx, it stars Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams and Randy Quaid. Its plot depicts the complex romantic relationship between two American cowboys, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, in the American West from 1963 to 1983.
Screenwriter Diana Ossana discovered Annie Proulx's short story in October 1997, just days after its publication. She convinced writing partner Larry McMurtry to read it, who thought it was a "masterpiece". The pair asked Proulx if they could adapt it into a film screenplay; although she did not think that the story would work as a film, she agreed. The big challenge wasn't the script, it was about getting the film made in the first place.
Gus Van Sant attempted to make the film, hoping to cast Matt Damon and Joaquin Phoenix as Ennis and Jack, respectively. He also considered Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Ryan Phillippe and Josh Hartnett. Damon, who previously worked with Van Sant on Good Will Hunting, told the director, "Gus, I did a gay movie (The Talented Mr. Ripley), then a cowboy movie (All the Pretty Horses). I can't follow it up with a gay-cowboy movie!"
James Schamus, who was now the CEO of Focus Features, optioned the film rights in 2001. Pedro Almodovar was approached, but he felt he couldn't get his artistic freedom respected. At Ossana's request, Schamus showed the story and screenplay to Lee. Lee decided instead to make Hulk, and that film's experience left him exhausted, to the point that he considered retiring. When he was offered Brokeback, he changed his mind and agreed to direct. He was particularly drawn to the authentic rural American life and repression depicted in the story.
Ossana and McMurty suggested Heath Ledger, but the film studio thought he was not masculine enough. Regardless, Ledger got the script, who thought it was "beautiful" and put himself forward. Gyllenhaal reacted to the script positively and signed on for the role; he also did not want to miss the opportunity working with Lee and friend Ledger. Lee met with Mark Wahlberg for a role in the film, but Wahlberg declined as he was "creeped out" by the script. Gyllenhaal admired Ledger and described him as "way beyond his years as a human". Other actors were considered for the leads but Lee said they were too afraid to take on the roles.
You have to consider that while the world progressed a lot in the past years, 2005 was a very different era, so a film like Brokeback Mountain had a tough hill to climb. Some countries refused to play the film, while others censored it. LGBT films weren't big at the time, so it felt like there wouldn't be a big audience here.
And they were proven wrong.
The film debuted with $547,425 in 5 theaters, a huge $109,485 per-theater average. It had fantastic legs, eventually closing with a huge $83 million domestically. But the big surprise is that it was bigger overseas; it made $178 million worldwide, becoming Focus Features' highest grossing film. The film received universal acclaim on its release, touted as one of the greatest films of the century. It received 10 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. It won three: Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Original Score. In a shocking decision, it lost Best Picture to Crash, a decision that has been reviled ever since. We'd like to say it's a polarizing decision... but let's face it, there are no Crash fans nowadays. Or at least, none that prefer that to Brokeback.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter; Brokeback may not have won the Oscar, but it won over the general public.
It wasn't the first LGBT film, not even close. But it might have been the most influential and a huge landmark.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $83,043,761.
  • Worldwide gross: $178,064,141.

Lust, Caution (2007)

"The trap is set."
His tenth film. Based on the novella by Eileen Chang, it stars Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tang Wei, Anupam Kher, Joan Chen, Wang Leehom and Shyam Pathak. The film is set in Hong Kong in 1938 and in Shanghai in 1942, when the city was occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army and ruled by the puppet government led by Wang Jingwei. The film depicts a group of Chinese university students from The University of Hong Kong who plot to assassinate a high-ranking special agent and recruiter working for the puppet government by luring him into a honey trap.
The actors who played university classmates, spent six months of preproduction in Hong Kong just to get into character and understand the period before filming. During this period the group of actors, including Tang Wei and Wang Leehom became very close friends. Both Tang Wei and Tony Leung Chiu-wai were asked whether the sex scenes in the movie were unsimulated. Tang Wei responded, "In the movie, we are just doing what we should do to have a baby." As for Tony Leung, he responded, "When the bodies collide with each other, it is indeed like a fake show!" The film was rated NC-17 in North America for its explicit sex scenes, and Lee made it clear he would not re-cut the film. Despite that, the version released in China was cut by about seven minutes (by Lee himself) to make it suitable for younger audiences, since China has no rating system.
The film won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, where it received critical acclaim. Due to the rating, it only earned $4 million domestically. But it was much bigger overseas, where it earned $67 million worldwide, becoming the highest grossing NC-17 film (a record it still keeps).
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,604,982.
  • Worldwide gross: $67,091,915.

Taking Woodstock (2009)

"Take the trip."
His 11th film. Based on the memoir by Elliot Tiber and Tom Monte, it stars Demetri Martin, Paul Dano, Dan Fogler, Henry Goodman, Jonathan Groff, Emile Hirsch, Eugene Levy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Imelda Staunton and Liev Schreiber. Elliot's parents own a motel in Catskills, New York. To overcome the family's financial crisis, Elliot offers the organisers of the Woodstock music and art festival boarding and lodging in the motel.
The film received mixed reviews, and bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $7,460,204.
  • Worldwide gross: $9,975,737.

Life of Pi (2012)

"Don't lose hope."
His 12th film. Based on the novel by Yann Martel, it stars Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, Gérard Depardieu and Adil Hussain. The storyline revolves around two survivors of a shipwreck who are on a lifeboat stranded in the Pacific Ocean for 227 days. One is a sixteen-year-old Indian boy named Pi Patel and the other is a ferocious Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
Fox 2000 Pictures executive Elizabeth Gabler acquired the film rights in February 2003. M. Night Shyamalan was attached to direct, and he was expected to film it after The Village. But he dropped to instead make Lady in the Water, "I was hesitant [to direct] because the book has kind of a twist ending. And I was concerned that as soon as you put my name on it, everybody would have a different experience." Other directors considered were Alfonso Cuarón and Jean-Pierre Jeunet, both of which declined.
In 2009, Lee was hired, but the film was stuck in development hell when he asked for a $120 million budget. But the revival of 3-D motivated Fox in greenlighting the film under Lee's terms. As Lee started casting, one of the actors involved was Tobey Maguire, who would play a reporter. But it was later reported that Lee chose to cut his scenes, feeling he wanted to emphasize an entirely international cast. His scenes were re-shot with Rafe Spall.
Fox mounted an extensive marketing campaign selling the film as "the next Avatar" in terms of visuals and 3-D. And it fucking killed it at the box office. It earned $124.9 million domestically, which was considered a soft performance. But the real money was in the rest of the world; the film broke records in countries like China, United Kingdom, India and Mexico. It earned a colossal $609 million worldwide, easily becoming Lee's highest grossing film. An absolutely insane performance.
The film also received critical acclaim, praised for its CGI and 3-D. It received 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. And it won four: Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Original Score, and then Lee himself won his second Oscar for Best Director, becoming the first Asian to win the award twice. And just like that, he cemented himself as one of the greatest filmmakers of our era. And here's how he celebrated it; going to In-N-Out.
  • Budget: $120,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $124,987,023.
  • Worldwide gross: $609,016,565.

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016)

"To walk the path of a hero, you have to see how it all began."
His 13th film. Based on the novel by Ben Fountain, it stars Joe Alwyn, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, and Chris Tucker. After a horrifying battle in Iraq, Private Billy Lynn and his fellow comrades are brought home for a victory tour. Soon, he recollects the harsh realities of the war and struggles to cope with life.
The film used an unprecedented shooting and projection frame rate of 120 frames per second in 3D at 4K UHD resolution, which Lee terms the "whole shebang". It is the first feature film ever to be shot in such a high frame rate, over twice the previous record (Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, shot at 48 fps) and five times the standard speed of 24 fps. Lee undertook such a bold step after reading the book since he wanted the film to be an "immersive" and "realistic" experience of the reality and emotional journey of soldiers.
Due to the complexity involved in shooting at a very high frame rate, Lee could not afford to do many takes even for a single scene. Every shot was difficult and at the same time precious. He would rehearse every scene beforehand and would conduct regular morning meetings with the key crew members to highlight things they needed to be alert on. Shooting close-up shots in 3D with such high resolution meant the cast could not wear make-up and could not deliver less-than-authentic performances. Since no make-up was allowed, make-up artist Luisa Abel spent months of preparation on their skin tones. Throughout filming, the production team had to rethink everything, including different approaches to lighting as the camera needed extra lights due to the higher frame rates.
Due to the complexity of the film's unprecedented high frame rate and the cost of installing equipment capable of projecting the film in its intended format, only five theaters globally were equipped to show it at its highest resolution and maximum frame rate: two in the United States (one at a theater in New York City's AMC Lincoln Square where the film had its world premiere and the other in Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood), and one theater each in Taipei, Beijing, and Shanghai.
The film opened in 2 theaters (New York City's AMC Lincoln Square and Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood's Cinerama Dome), which were the only ones in the country to play the film at 120fps and the ticket prices at both locations running $20 or higher. It made a pretty great $114,129, which made for a fantastic $57,064 per-theater average (the third best of the year). But when it hit wide release, the film was dead on arrival. It made just $901,062 in 1,176 theaters, which was one of the worst wide debuts ever. And then, despite having its second weekend fall on Thanksgiving, it collapsed by 77.3%. It closed after just 3 weeks with only $1.7 million domestically. It fared better overseas, where China made colossal $23.7 million. Worldwide, it made just $30.9 million, making it a box office flop. Reviews were mixed, and people were polarized over the high-frame rate; some deemed it immersive and impressive, while others found it distracting and flat.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,738,477.
  • Worldwide gross: $30,930,984.

Gemini Man (2019)

"Who will save you from yourself?"
His 14th film. It stars Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong. The film follows a retiring Force Recon Marine scout sniper who is targeted by a much younger clone of himself while on the run from a corrupt private military company.
In 1997, Darren Lemke sold his pitch for Gemini Man after impressing Don Murphy with an unproduced spec script. Warner Bros. Pictures pursued the project, but Walt Disney Pictures ultimately won out and Tony Scott would become attached to direct. Complications soon arose when the studio were planning how to make the film. The producers toyed with the idea of an actor play both roles through the use of visual effects, but Scott moved on from the film before any progress could be made.
The project was stuck in development hell, and saw many actors considered, such as Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Chris O'Donnell, Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood and Jon Voight. Many directors were also considered, before Lee finally signed in 2017, with Smith also joining. Like his previous film, the film was shot digitally at an extra-high frame rate of 120 frames per second (fps), modified for 3D, this time on modified ARRI Alexa cameras mounted on STEREOTEC 3D Rigs.
Again, due to the requirements needed, only 14 theaters in North America could show the film at a 120fps 2K 3D high-frame rate (two in Los Angeles, two in Chicago, and one each in Miami, Orlando, New Orleans, Denver, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Baltimore and Houston). Even then, the film was shot at 120fps 4K 3D, which means no theater showed its intended vision. Lee said that 120fps 2K 3D felt like the necessary avenue to make “Junior,” Smith’s digital avatar, a soulful character who could also appear to beat the living crap out of a real actor in the film’s many fight sequences.
The film received negative reviews, particularly for its CGI and story. And like his previous film, the high-frame rate received polarizing reactions. Despite the presence of a big star like Will Smith, the film flopped with just $173 million worldwide, against its $138 million budget, and losing an estimated $111 million for Paramount. Lee's attempt at high-frame rate was just not clicking with the public.
  • Budget: $138,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $48,546,770.
  • Worldwide gross: $173,469,516.

The Future

His next film, as confirmed in November 2022, is a Bruce Lee biopic. The lead actor will be Mason Lee, Ang's son. And he suggested he's not done with the 120fps high-frame rate, claiming he would continue using it in his next film for action sequences.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Life of Pi 2012 20th Century Fox $124,987,023 $484,029,542 $609,016,565 $120M
2 Hulk 2003 Universal $132,177,234 $113,107,931 $245,285,165 $137M
3 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 Sony $128,530,421 $85,446,864 $213,978,518 $17M
4 Brokeback Mountain 2005 Focus Features $83,043,761 $95,019,405 $178,064,141 $14M
5 Gemini Man 2019 Paramount $48,546,770 $124,922,746 $173,469,516 $138M
6 Sense and Sensibility 1995 Sony $43,182,776 $91,400,000 $134,582,776 $16M
7 Lust, Caution 2007 Focus Features $4,604,982 $62,486,933 $67,091,915 $15M
8 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk 2016 Sony $1,738,477 $29,192,507 $30,930,984 $30M
9 Eat Drink Man Woman 1994 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $7,294,403 $17,000,000 $24,294,403 N/A
10 The Wedding Banquet 1993 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $6,933,459 $16,700,000 $23,633,459 $1M
11 The Ice Storm 1997 20th Century Fox / Disney $8,038,061 $7,973,914 $16,011,975 $18M
12 Taking Woodstock 2009 Focus Features $7,460,204 $2,515,533 $9,975,737 $30M
13 Ride with the Devil 1999 USA Films $635,096 $0 $635,096 $38M
14 Pushing Hands 1991 Lionsgate $152,322 $0 $152,322 N/A
Across 14 films, he has made $1,727,122,572 worldwide. That's $123,365,898 per film.

The Verdict

Despite his past two films getting two of the worst reviews in his career, Lee has proved himself to be a very reliable director.
Something impressive about him is the versatility in his resume. A comic book film, a survival film, a LGBT film, a wuxia film, a sci-fi film, a post-war film, a Jane Austen film, a noir film, an erotic NC-17 thriller, a Western, and some romantic comedies. Even if some don't fully work, there's still some good and interesting aspects in him. And of course, the first Asian director to win 2 Oscars for Best Director. So if he wants to continue with the controversial 120fps high-frame rate, let him cook. Hopefully in more and more theaters worldwide.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Zack Snyder. Oh boy. This is where the fun begins.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... John McTiernan and Rob Reiner. Whaaaaat? Two posts for the price of one? You're welcome! It was a very tight race, and it was tough to choose one or the other. The former has the dishonor of going to director jail and real jail, while the latter had an incredible run before completely crashing with one of Roger Ebert's most hated films.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
June 17-23 Tony Scott Action films have not been the same ever since his death.
June 24-30 Roland Emmerich The King of disaster films.
July 1-7 John McTiernan & Rob Reiner The rise and fall of two once-great directors.
Who should be next after McTiernan and Reiner? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 BOfficeStats BOT Presale Tracking (June 8). Lord of the Rings Re-Releases aiming for a nice opening. Thursday previews: Inside Out 2 ($11.46M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($4.20M), Deadpool and Wolverine ($27.27M), and Twisters ($3.64M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 7)
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $11.46M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $4.20M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp: $27.27M
Despicable Me 4
Twisters Average Thursday Comp: $3.64M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated June 6):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
June 4
June 6
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:52 AdEducational4541 I have one F on my HS transcript in Honors Precalculus, am I hopeless for college?

Hi! I'm currently a Junior in highschool and I recently received a 59% in my math course for Honors Precalc. The first semester I had a high C in the class as it was very new and difficult for me especially as a math course since math isn't my best skill but I did my best to push through this new challenge. The teacher is very nice and is an amazing person, but even though this class was labeled Honors Precalc, it was taught at an AP level so the curriculum was very fast and highly demanding.
I recently found out near the beginning of this semester I have severe anemia after fainting in my 3rd period biotech class so I had to miss school for multiple doctors visits as I constantly would get very sick to the point where I could barely stand up and would constantly vomit every morning after I tried eating something. Two of my very close family members also have passed away this semester so home life wasn't very great for me at this time either.
Though I really didn't want to use my situation as an excuse, I still really tried my best in all my classes but in the end I still wasn't able get a good grade in precalculus which made me really disappointed in myself. My counselor had mentioned that I could take the course online over the summer and if I get an A it will also be added into my transcript next to the F. I still want to try hard and get an A on this class over the summer so I can understand the material that I didn't get during the school year too. Mainly I have been feeling down because of my grade and I also did some research and a lot of people mentioned that when a college sees an F on your transcript they won't even look at your application and it will be discarded so that really scared me.
(I also wasn't able to stay for tutoring due to my circumstances and my home was also very far from school so it would be around 9:00 by the time I get home from tutoring. The trigonometry unit & graphings was a topic I had really struggled with which I didn't do the best in and my grade dropped from there on) My overall grades over the years aren't the best I'd say, to me they are moderate I would get a few C's here and there but mostly A's and B's.
Junior year I'm currently taking Honors Precalc, AP Lang, AP Chem, Biotech (STARR & EHA Prog Also part of one of my extracurriculars), Honors U.S. History, Theatre, & Counseling 1 (College Course dual enrollment)
College Courses I have taken: (Alg 2 over the summer so I can move up in math) Intermediate Alg 125, grade: A, (for art credit req. got it done over the summer) Intro to ART, grade: A, (Seemed like an interesting class so I took it in the mornings during spring sem) Counseling 1, grade: A
Overall gpa: 3.62
UC Gpa: 3.4
Extracurriculars over the years: (Added lengthy explanations for each sorry for the overwriting)
1. Cross Country 9-10th After school practices weekly from 6th period - 5:30 & running everyday. Every Thursday’s compete with other high school 3 mile races & sometimes invitationals and Saturday practices at Griffith Park 8am-12pm Long Run.
2. International PEN PAL school club 11-12th Founder of an international pen pals club at school with 30 current official members and we connect with students their age internationally ex. Estonia, Morocco, France, Italy, Turkey, Korea, Japan etc. & we do paper letter sending and online letters and we also are planning on a partnership ongoing starting a summer + yearlong program for connecting to students in Spain & Japan for committed students that sign up, we will connect that with Let’s Talk.
3. Let’s Talk -- Pen Pal Partner Org. 11-12th (Founded too) This part of our club is a partner non profit org where its an online organization that focuses on aspects on mental health we will soon launch this as we are taking preparations. Here we have weekly blogs, padlets, and discussion sessions, interviews with multiple people from different schools, podcasts and also plan small in person events with potential guest speakers or have club events/activities like counseling and meeting others just like you creating a safe place to talk about yourself and situations that you can't normally talk about easily so you can share your stories to a supportive non-judgemental groups. (The launch for this will be mid summer possibly if everything works out well).
4. LAPL Library volunteering summer session - 10th Computer work (deleting books/answering calls)Book Shelving/ Book ordering/ Book reviewsHelping out in children's events & General Errands, 50+ hours
5. HOSA & STARR EHA Biotechnology Program - 11th-12th HOSA is a healthcare organization for students to participate in (Our School only open to students in the biotech program to learn more about being a healthcare professional and professions in that field. I got a certificate for active continuous participation in the club and also a certificate for competing in a speech competition and winning regionals going to compete in state. The STARR & EHA Biotechnology Program is a two year program that I'm currently part of in which we have to take the course "Biotech" mentioned above which is a rigorous course where we train for second year in which we will be working in a lab at USC helping with real current research. Three years of training is pushed into a single year of the Biotech course to get us prepared to see if we will be selected to move onto second year. We learned a variety of topics and had modules on them in which we earned certificates if we did well such as Stem Cell CIRM Module from Pasadena city college (earned certificate), Data Science (USC Viterbi), CTSI Clinical Health module etc. so we constantly did work, certifications, projects and more. Recently, I have also been selected to continue onto second year to work in the labs at USC with current researchers (Will also earn a stipend for that to ~$1,000 - $1,200) so I'm really exited for that.
6. USC Viterbi Neuroscience summer Research Program 10th Has one session every week for about one month, Guest Speakers, Lessons, Project Prep. Teaches about neuroscience and has us do a research project and present in front of professors, USC students etc. (Online at that time due to covid restrictions) Earned Certificate of Completion and full participation
7. Theater--Hall of Horrors & Spring Play 11th Play a character - Tom Snout and help with preparation stage design in the Midsummer nights dream play by Shakespeare and will be the first official school wide play at Bravo will be April 25, 2024. Participated in hall of horrors as an actor plus preparation plus hall design. (Used this opportunity to challenge my social anxiety and stage fright and also be part of stage design so I could draw backgrounds and make props along with being part of a live play which has always been a childhood dream of mine even though it sounds silly)
8. BMP@USC - Student to Student Mentorship Program 11th In this program we had to apply through an application and after getting in we are put in groups and assigned to 2-3 mentors that you will meet with every month for sessions regarding medical professions and the healthcare field. We get to meet doctors, professors, and even have guest speakers as well along with hands on practice using medical equipment such as a blood pressure machine, stethoscope, and how to properly give vaccines!
9. PUENTE Summer Career Academy 11th Explored career interests by learning about the ever-shifting workforce, seized opportunities, and cultivate a supportive network, propelling towards success in my next college and career goals. Incentives: At the end of the program, students will receive a $200 stipend for their participation and commitment (Have to prepare a project in those five weeks and present at the end).Four week long summer program in which students learn about various career fields, connect with industry professionals, and begin to prepare for their future.
10. Summer Bridge Leader 11th Student Bridge Leaders (SBLs) are students who undergo training to facilitate team-building activities for our incoming students. They operate under the guidance of a certified staff member. As mentors, student leaders provide support for group projects throughout the program. SBLs can earn volunteer-service hours for their leadership contributions. Applications are open to current 11th-grade students interested in serving as either volunteers or student workers. Both roles carry equal responsibilities as Summer Bridge Leaders. Was recently accepted for being one of the summer bridge leader from a large applicant pool, will start in summer.
11. Chemistry Olympiad 10th grade Spent a lot of time aside schoolwork studying for this official chemistry exam competition. I scored the highest among all first year chemistry students in regionals on that exam so I won a certificate for it.
12. Part Time Job (Not enough info yet since I'm recently starting but will add)
13. Pfizer High School Student Hospital Volunteer (Not enough info yet since I'm recently starting but will add)
These are some of my main extracurriculars, there were a few more but they were not as important and pretty much only hobbies.
I really wanted to give a sort of an idea of my whole academic and extracurricular profile to see what other people would think about this. I feel like from my position currently, even if I don't get into the best college or even any college at all I wouldn't regret anything I did in high school because it really helped me learn and grow as a person and all my extracurriculars I did and am doing are purely only from my own self interests. I will accept any harsh criticism since I'm very aware these days the competition for colleges are very high and there are many bright students out there who do so much more and are more accomplished.
I just wanted to have an idea of where I would lie in terms of college apps and if I stand a chance?
submitted by AdEducational4541 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:42 AdEducational4541 I have one F on my HS transcript in Honors Precalculus, am I hopeless for college?

Hi! I'm currently a Junior in highschool and I recently received a 59% in my math course for Honors Precalc. The first semester I had a high C in the class as it was very new and difficult for me especially as a math course since math isn't my best skill but I did my best to push through this new challenge. The teacher is very nice and is an amazing person, but even though this class was labeled Honors Precalc, it was taught at an AP level so the curriculum was very fast and highly demanding.
I recently found out near the beginning of this semester I have severe anemia after fainting in my 3rd period biotech class so I had to miss school for multiple doctors visits as I constantly would get very sick to the point where I could barely stand up and would constantly vomit every morning after I tried eating something. Two of my very close family members also have passed away this semester so home life wasn't very great for me at this time either.
Though I really didn't want to use my situation as an excuse, I still really tried my best in all my classes but in the end I still wasn't able get a good grade in precalculus which made me really disappointed in myself. My counselor had mentioned that I could take the course online over the summer and if I get an A it will also be added into my transcript next to the F. I still want to try hard and get an A on this class over the summer so I can understand the material that I didn't get during the school year too. Mainly I have been feeling down because of my grade and I also did some research and a lot of people mentioned that when a college sees an F on your transcript they won't even look at your application and it will be discarded so that really scared me.
(I also wasn't able to stay for tutoring due to my circumstances and my home was also very far from school so it would be around 9:00 by the time I get home from tutoring. The trigonometry unit & graphings was a topic I had really struggled with which I didn't do the best in and my grade dropped from there on) My overall grades over the years aren't the best I'd say, to me they are moderate I would get a few C's here and there but mostly A's and B's.
Junior year I'm currently taking Honors Precalc, AP Lang, AP Chem, Biotech (STARR & EHA Prog Also part of one of my extracurriculars), Honors U.S. History, Theatre, & Counseling 1 (College Course dual enrollment)
College Courses I have taken: (Alg 2 over the summer so I can move up in math) Intermediate Alg 125, grade: A, (for art credit req. got it done over the summer) Intro to ART, grade: A, (Seemed like an interesting class so I took it in the mornings during spring sem) Counseling 1, grade: A
Overall gpa: 3.62
UC Gpa: 3.4
Extracurriculars over the years: (Added lengthy explanations for each sorry for the overwriting)
1. Cross Country 9-10th After school practices weekly from 6th period - 5:30 & running everyday. Every Thursday’s compete with other high school 3 mile races & sometimes invitationals and Saturday practices at Griffith Park 8am-12pm Long Run.
2. International PEN PAL school club 11-12th Founder of an international pen pals club at school with 30 current official members and we connect with students their age internationally ex. Estonia, Morocco, France, Italy, Turkey, Korea, Japan etc. & we do paper letter sending and online letters and we also are planning on a partnership ongoing starting a summer + yearlong program for connecting to students in Spain & Japan for committed students that sign up, we will connect that with Let’s Talk.
3. Let’s Talk -- Pen Pal Partner Org. 11-12th (Founded too) This part of our club is a partner non profit org where its an online organization that focuses on aspects on mental health we will soon launch this as we are taking preparations. Here we have weekly blogs, padlets, and discussion sessions, interviews with multiple people from different schools, podcasts and also plan small in person events with potential guest speakers or have club events/activities like counseling and meeting others just like you creating a safe place to talk about yourself and situations that you can't normally talk about easily so you can share your stories to a supportive non-judgemental groups. (The launch for this will be mid summer possibly if everything works out well).
4. LAPL Library volunteering summer session - 10th Computer work (deleting books/answering calls)Book Shelving/ Book ordering/ Book reviewsHelping out in children's events & General Errands, 50+ hours
5. HOSA & STARR EHA Biotechnology Program - 11th-12th HOSA is a healthcare organization for students to participate in (Our School only open to students in the biotech program to learn more about being a healthcare professional and professions in that field. I got a certificate for active continuous participation in the club and also a certificate for competing in a speech competition and winning regionals going to compete in state. The STARR & EHA Biotechnology Program is a two year program that I'm currently part of in which we have to take the course "Biotech" mentioned above which is a rigorous course where we train for second year in which we will be working in a lab at USC helping with real current research. Three years of training is pushed into a single year of the Biotech course to get us prepared to see if we will be selected to move onto second year. We learned a variety of topics and had modules on them in which we earned certificates if we did well such as Stem Cell CIRM Module from Pasadena city college (earned certificate), Data Science (USC Viterbi), CTSI Clinical Health module etc. so we constantly did work, certifications, projects and more. Recently, I have also been selected to continue onto second year to work in the labs at USC with current researchers (Will also earn a stipend for that to ~$1,000 - $1,200) so I'm really exited for that.
6. USC Viterbi Neuroscience summer Research Program 10th Has one session every week for about one month, Guest Speakers, Lessons, Project Prep. Teaches about neuroscience and has us do a research project and present in front of professors, USC students etc. (Online at that time due to covid restrictions) Earned Certificate of Completion and full participation
7. Theater--Hall of Horrors & Spring Play 11th Play a character - Tom Snout and help with preparation stage design in the Midsummer nights dream play by Shakespeare and will be the first official school wide play at Bravo will be April 25, 2024. Participated in hall of horrors as an actor plus preparation plus hall design. (Used this opportunity to challenge my social anxiety and stage fright and also be part of stage design so I could draw backgrounds and make props along with being part of a live play which has always been a childhood dream of mine even though it sounds silly)
8. BMP@USC - Student to Student Mentorship Program 11th In this program we had to apply through an application and after getting in we are put in groups and assigned to 2-3 mentors that you will meet with every month for sessions regarding medical professions and the healthcare field. We get to meet doctors, professors, and even have guest speakers as well along with hands on practice using medical equipment such as a blood pressure machine, stethoscope, and how to properly give vaccines!
9. PUENTE Summer Career Academy 11th Explored career interests by learning about the ever-shifting workforce, seized opportunities, and cultivate a supportive network, propelling towards success in my next college and career goals. Incentives: At the end of the program, students will receive a $200 stipend for their participation and commitment (Have to prepare a project in those five weeks and present at the end).Four week long summer program in which students learn about various career fields, connect with industry professionals, and begin to prepare for their future.
10. Summer Bridge Leader 11th Student Bridge Leaders (SBLs) are students who undergo training to facilitate team-building activities for our incoming students. They operate under the guidance of a certified staff member. As mentors, student leaders provide support for group projects throughout the program. SBLs can earn volunteer-service hours for their leadership contributions. Applications are open to current 11th-grade students interested in serving as either volunteers or student workers. Both roles carry equal responsibilities as Summer Bridge Leaders. Was recently accepted for being one of the summer bridge leader from a large applicant pool, will start in summer.
11. Chemistry Olympiad 10th grade Spent a lot of time aside schoolwork studying for this official chemistry exam competition. I scored the highest among all first year chemistry students in regionals on that exam so I won a certificate for it.
12. Part Time Job (Not enough info yet since I'm recently starting but will add)
13. Pfizer High School Student Hospital Volunteer (Not enough info yet since I'm recently starting but will add)
These are some of my main extracurriculars, there were a few more but they were not as important and pretty much only hobbies.
I really wanted to give a sort of an idea of my whole academic and extracurricular profile to see what other people would think about this. I feel like from my position currently, even if I don't get into the best college or even any college at all I wouldn't regret anything I did in high school because it really helped me learn and grow as a person and all my extracurriculars I did and am doing are purely only from my own self interests. I will accept any harsh criticism since I'm very aware these days the competition for colleges are very high and there are many bright students out there who do so much more and are more accomplished. I'm just right now really freaking out so I wrote way too much.
I just wanted to have an idea of where I would lie in terms of college apps and if I stand a chance?
submitted by AdEducational4541 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:47 Orako302 Bose Model 101 Setup and Questions

The other day my dad dug up a brand new pair of these speakers from the basement. I'm aware (or at least under the impression) that bose as a brand is disliked here, but it's hard to argue with new and free.
The current issue is that there's no hifi setup of any kind in the house. The model 101s are passive and, from what little review info I can find since they were discontinued in the early 90's, lack any bass. So I'd need both an amp & subwoofer, and potentially some kind of audio interface or DAC to take advantage of it all. All in all, it's looking like an initial price of somewhere between $180 - 300 usd to get these up and running.
First question, is that money better spend elsewhere entirely for better quality? Would a $250 soundbar or cheap fb marketplace hifi speaker setup outdo these entirely? I'm brand new to this my knowledge is mostly limited to "sounds good, yes or no", but I can at least notice audible differences between cheap and expensive speakers and compressed vs uncompressed music.
Secondly, assuming that question is a no, what kind of equipment would be recommended to get these working on modern devices like TVs and computers? The speakers list an impedance of 4 ohms and a wrms of 10-60 watts. Absolutely could not make sense of the math I needed to do to interpret those numbers, but my best guess from my interpretation was that a 200w amp would be enough, maybe cutting it close, to power both speakers plus a subwoofer. Amazon probably isn't a good place to go hifi hunting, but all of the amps I saw there have RCA connections, not the black/red loose speaker wire clamps like on the 101s. Cables with RCA on one end and speaker wire on the other do exist, but I don't know if that conversion does anything to the sound quality or signal transfer.
And this is all assuming my price estimate was correct, if equipment would cost more than what I thought, feel free to change your answer to that first question accordingly. The speakers would primarily be used for fairly normal things, tv, movies, and video games. I do own uncompressed music but don't listen to it very much, and while I am interested in music production I can't say these would be used for that just yet, that's definitely a down the line "would be nice" thing. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
submitted by Orako302 to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:16 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 432

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 432

Magic Johnson is a man renowned for his integrity, both in the heat of battle and in society.

His unwavering cheerfulness, a constant even in dire circumstances, is particularly evident in his interactions with me and Mr. Choi.

Behind the scenes, he has discreetly resolved matters concerning the Skeleton King, showcasing his exceptional kindness.

Yet today, as Magic Johnson's eyes met mine, they shimmered with none of their usual mirth.

Today, his gaze was laden with an intricate tapestry of emotions.

「Where does the truth begin and where does it end?」

"From start to finish. Everything you've seen and heard."

I stressed "everything" with deliberate emphasis. Magic Johnson's keen mind was quick to grasp the implications.

「...So you knew this would happen from the beginning.」

"As you know, I'm a bit reckless."

「But you didn't mind that you were followed?」

"I didn't expect you to follow me. But yes, I thought it might not be so bad."

「I was curious. Worried, too. It was obvious you knew something about that mysterious pattern and that you were hiding it.」

Before parting, Magic Johnson had inquired about the arcane symbols, to which I had cryptically remarked it was merely a figment of a dream.

I hadn't meant for him to take it seriously. It was only a subtle suggestion to refrain from probing further at that moment.

「So I followed you, just in case...」

His voice trailed off as his eyes scanned the blood-soaked scene.

「It seems I've done something unnecessary.」

What Magic Johnson had heard was my confession to the murder of two S-rank Hunters and national icons, one of whom was his former ally.

In moments like these, the weight of truth becomes a burdensome revelation, leaving an unsettling chill in its wake.

"Do you regret coming?"

「A little. Maybe it would have been better not to know.」

A wistful sigh escaped Magic Johnson as he fixed his gaze on me.

「Jin. What is your intention in telling me this?」


「The truth was known only to you. You could have kept it hidden if you wanted. The same goes for that guy.」

My gaze drifted to Seok Go-Jun, lying unconscious nearby. I shook my head gently.

"Hiding it wouldn't have kept it hidden. No matter how much I denied it, that guy would never have believed me. Lee Jeong-Ryong and him were like ticking time bombs threatening the people I care about."

「Jin. You were... in this conflictual relationship with them... from long before.」

"Yes. If I can't eliminate an enemy, I must make them fear me so much they dare not look my way again. A bomb with its fuse removed won’t explode."

「Then what about me? Why did you tell me this?」

"You know. In the current situation, there are only two kinds of people."

I paused deliberately, letting the weight of my words sink in before continuing.

"Enemies and friends."


"I thought you would trust me, Johnson. Because you're my friend."

Magic Johnson's gaze was intense and fraught with conflicting emotions.

「Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I believe everything, Jin.」

"But you did trust me. Throughout our conversation, you never once doubted me."


"Please help me. So that I can grow stronger and protect my people."

As I spoke, I sensed a palpable shift in the atmosphere around us.

In Murim, shadows gathered as dark forces convened. Simultaneously, in our world, an unprecedented Named Monster, the Arch Lich, unleashed carnage, slaughtering millions and sowing chaos.

The same enigmatic patterns and symbols surfaced in both realms. Perhaps, this phenomenon could be termed 'dark magic.'

‘Is all this a coincidence?’

I realized that the events unfolding around us were interlinked by unseen forces, a precarious domino effect waiting to happen.

To thwart this chain reaction, the support of one individual was indispensable.


「...Damn it.」

After a brief silence, Magic Johnson exhaled a deep sigh.

「You know...」


「That day. If you hadn't asked me to teleport you to where the monster legion was waiting, I might doubt you now.」

His words tacitly acknowledged our alliance.

Seeing the relief wash over my face, Magic Johnson couldn't suppress a chuckle.

「Damn. Now that it’s come to this, there’s no helping it. Let's clean up the surroundings before the patrol arrives.」

With a mere gesture, the bloodstains that marred the scene dissolved into nothingness.

Employing a spell of purification, Magic Johnson efficiently cleaned the area, then turned his attention to the prone figure of Seok Go-Jun, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

「This guy's a problem... I’d like to erase his memory altogether, but the situation is tricky.」


The suggestion struck me as startlingly bold.

Suddenly, I remembered when Ares Guild's mages had used memory manipulation magic on the Myeongdong Guild members after they were attacked.

"Is it possible?"

「It would be difficult but not impossible. However, the target has a strong will, and the complexity of the memories to be manipulated makes it even harder.」


「This guy seems quite strong; in the worst case, the attempt could fail and leave traces of the manipulation.」

Seok Go-Jun's capabilities rivaled those of an S-rank Hunter.

Unlike Wu Hei-Xing, his mental fortitude was daunting; meddling with his memory could backfire spectacularly.

"It would be problematic if traces were left."

「Yeah. If it gets exposed, there's no escaping punishment, right? Memory manipulation magic is a serious felony.」

Lee Jeong-Ryong and the Ares Guild had executed similar maneuvers without issue.

No one dared to speak up - their authority deterred any would-be questioners.

"But if we try and succeed..."

「Under federal law, that's a minimum of 100 years without parole. Would you go to jail for me?」

I answered without even taking a breath.


「Good boy. Smart thinking.」

A hundred years locked away without parole.

Being caught would mean wasting away behind bars. Even fleeing wouldn't help; I'd become an international fugitive.

It's like something out of an anime; maybe I'd end up with a bounty of ten billion berries on my head and turn pirate on the great sea routes of Somalia. [Note: this would be about double the Pirate King Roger's final bounty, which was about 5.5 billion berries.]

Just thinking about it is terrifying...

"It's a pity. If this were Korea, it might be worth a try."

「Korea? Why?」

"Throwing money around, hiring a former chief prosecutor-turned-lawyer with connections, you'd probably get a light sentence."


"If you say it was done in a drunken state after downing five bottles of soju, you might even get probation."

Magic Johnson burst into laughter as if I'd told the joke of the century.

「Stop talking nonsense, Jin. Such a place doesn't really exist, right?」


「Really? Good heavens.」

Anyway, the option of memory manipulation magic was no longer on the table.

I moved past Seok Go-Jun, leaving him lying on the ground. Nearby, the three A-rank Hunters he had concealed were immobilized, their bodies rigid from my expert targeting of their Paralysis Points with bursts of energy.

"Seen enough?"

Their eyes, wide with terror, met mine.

Sometimes, the act of witnessing carries a horror far greater than direct experience.

Having seen Seok Go-Jun overwhelmed and mercilessly subdued without the ability to react, their resolve was on the verge of shattering.

"I've memorized all your faces, and getting your personal details is a very small task."

Such is the way of the powerful.

If I cannot destroy my adversaries, I must instill a fear so profound they never oppose me again.

"If we meet like this again... I will kill you."


An oppressive wave of murderous intent surged through the air.

Gathering my energy, I deliberately scanned the ashen faces of the three Hunters before me, then abruptly reached out.



"Huk, hoo!"

As I released them from their frozen state, they gasped for breath. Tears mingled with the grime on their faces, and a mix of saliva and vomit dribbled from their mouths.

"I'll give you 10 seconds. Take that bastard and get out."

The directive was clear.

Before I could finish, they were on their feet, hastily gathering their bewildered leader.

With desperate urgency, they vanished from the scene, bearing away their incapacitated superior. As they retreated, I called out a final warning.

"Forget everything that happened today. And think carefully about which ship you need to be on to save your life."




The Ares Guild was a massive and sturdy ship.

Yet, with Cheon Tae-Min, its formidable captain, long gone, and Lee Jeong-Ryong, his successor, now deceased, the once steady ship began to tilt.

A captain is bound to his ship.

But the crew has the liberty to choose their own fate.

They have the freedom to seek a new ship and a new captain if they so choose.

‘They should have understood well enough by now.’

After my words settled in the air, the three hesitated briefly before melting into the shadows.

They departed without any overt reaction, yet I was certain they would not easily dismiss my warning.

They would ponder it repeatedly, perhaps obsessively, and eventually, the ripple effect would spread among their peers. Thus, the once-mighty ship known as the Ares Guild would gradually start to falter.

- Oh, such a cunning human. Ooo.

“This is all part of the strategy.”

- Your mind is bad. How can you be so sinister and cunning?

“...This bastard.”

Admittedly, it's exasperating to hear, yet undeniably true.

Let's just say that my years as a Hunter have endowed me with more than a few lessons learned the hard way.

In our era, magic stones are the cornerstone of advanced civilizations. Their immense value naturally attracts vast capital, and where there is capital, there follows a crowd. And where crowds form, anything can happen.

‘I've thrown them the bait of better and safer conditions... now I wait for a bite.’

Like the sects in Murim, the prestige of a modern guild hinges significantly on the caliber of its Hunters.

And Seok Go-Jun is no substitute for Lee Jeong-Ryong, just as Lee Jeong-Ryong was never quite able to fill the void left by Cheon Tae-Min.

It's merely a matter of time before those eying other tantalizing prospects decide to break away.

「You’re relentless. Are you planning to go to war with the Ares Guild?」

I responded to Magic Johnson’s query with a nonchalant shrug.

“There's nothing stopping me, but it needs to be done gracefully.”

「Gracefully, huh.」

"The Peace Guild is going to grow tremendously. They have me, and Team Leader Choi is also attracting media attention."

「Ah, I've heard about that. Choi is making quite the impression these days.」

As the global media fixates on me, my deliberate avoidance only redirects their focus towards Mr. Choi.

He's not just a member of the Peace Guild; he's one of the few with unrestricted access to my hospital room.

Coupled with his noteworthy exploits during the recent monster incursion and his handsome looks, no wonder people are starting to pay attention.

‘But the biggest secret hasn’t been revealed yet.’

Should it come to light that he is Cheon Tae-Min's grandson, the media frenzy would be unprecedented.

“Anyway. It’s only a matter of time before the Peace Guild takes off. The influence of the Ares Guild will diminish day by day.”

「Hmm. That’s quite possible.」

Magic Johnson nodded thoughtfully and then spoke up.

「But Jin.」


「What exactly do you know about the magic circle...」

"Ah, right. The club!"


"You had plans to go to the club with the Skeleton King, right?"

「Hold on. Jin, wait!」

"Golgol, let's go to the club!"

- Yay! Grab your ribs and scream!

I hurried along, listening to the nonsense from the Skeleton King. Then, pausing under the dim glow of the moonlight, a thought struck me.

‘It's time to head back.’

The moment was approaching. The time to return to another world.

Previous Table of Contents
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:15 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 429

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 429

「Shall we move in that direction now?」

The moment the press conference concluded, Shao Shen, the acting head of security, approached with this query. I nodded in affirmation.

"Let's do that. You know where he is?"

「Yes, I know. Let's go then.」

Guided by Shao Shen, a phalanx of security guards formed a protective circle around me and we commenced a slow march.

Meanwhile, pandemonium erupted outside our orderly formation. A tide of broadcasters armed with cameras and microphones surged towards us.

「Mr. Jin! Is it true that you are friends with His Royal Highness Prince Felix?」

「Jin-san! Jin-san!」

You're the real nuisance, buddy. [Note: the character for "san" in Korean phonetically sounds similar to the word for "nuisance" and "troublemaker".]

Even though we had just had the press conference, journalists from various countries clung on. Luckily, they could not break through the barrier of the Hunter security guards.

Well, there was one particularly tenacious reporter who managed to thrust a microphone in front of me.

"Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung! As a fellow Korean, just one interview please..."

There are always such people wherever you go.

"Ah, yes. Since we're both Korean, please step aside."

I was about to breeze past him when I halted, struck by a wave of recognition. I gestured for Shao Shen to allow the journalist through.

"Just a moment. Are you with DAS Patch?"


"Yeah, you are. You published an article about me, right?"

"No, that's not true."

Right, that fucking guy.

This was the journalist who had once branded me as 'single since birth' in a viral article. Since then, searching my name online invariably brought up 'Jin Tae-Kyung, forever alone' as a related search term.


Bewildered by the Korean exchange, Shao Shen looked puzzled.

「Yes, Hyung.」

"Suppress him."


With a firm nod, Shao Shen seized the DAS Patch journalist's wrist.

「Sir, I will now confiscate your balance.」

"Wait, just a moment!"

The commotion had escalated beyond control. The journalist, caught in a surge of force, was hurled into the air, landing amidst the crowd with a crash that sent cameras splintering across the ground. A cacophony of multilingual expletives rained down like a storm.

Witnessing this babel of curses, I couldn't help but marvel.

"We truly live in a global village."


"No, never mind. Let's keep moving."

As the police intervened, the crowd parted, opening a pathway.

With the crowd's eyes on me and security tight, I made my way to the designated meeting spot — a suite in a five-star hotel reserved for VVIPs.


「Oh, Jin. You arrived sooner than I expected?」

Magic Johnson, who had been intently studying something, rose to greet me with a warm smile.

His giant hand clapped my shoulder as he guided me to a seat.

「So, how did the press conference go?」

He obviously hadn't seen it. Accepting the beer he offered, I shrugged.

"So-so. I just answered the questions the best I could and ended it in 30 minutes."

「Haha. The journalists must not have liked that much.」

"They probably like me much more than they like you, since I at least held a press conference."

Magic Johnson had vanished into his quarters as soon as the conflict concluded.

Unlike other S-rank Hunters like Fei Chen and Prince Felix, he had become a recluse, to the extent that rumors of his death were circulating.

His only recent public interaction had been a cryptic update on his official SNS account.

I am researching something new.

It is as mysterious and magnificent as the victory we have just achieved.

Most people probably didn't understand what that meant and dismissed the message, but I was among the few who understood the depths of his new venture.

"So, how did it turn out?"

Magic Johnson's lips twitched slightly as he replied,


"Oh, you were able to do it."

「Did I say that?」

"You're not hiding your smile very well."

「I'm not? Not at all?」

What do you mean, not at all?

As his eyes brimmed with anticipation, I couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"You didn't even like this task at first."

「How do you know that when you weren't here? Did Choi tell you that?」

"Who else? Right now, it's just me, you, and Mr. Choi who know this secret."

「Oh. Well there's something wrong in what Choi told you.」

"Something wrong?"

「Yes. It wasn't that I disliked this task.」

Magic Johnson, having downed a 500ml can of beer in a single gulp, adopted a more grave demeanor.

「I was trying to destroy it.」


「No joke. Imagine if you were in my shoes back then. I almost blew the room to pieces.」

"If it were me, I would have destroyed the hotel."

Yet, the room and the hotel remained unscathed, a testament to Magic Johnson being a 'Grand Mage.'

Mages, driven by an innate curiosity, delve into the unknown, and a Grand Mage, at the pinnacle of both power and knowledge, embodies this trait profoundly.

He had embraced the proposal concerning this unprecedented venture.

「After hearing Choi's explanation and seeing it myself, I couldn't believe it. This is really...」

His words trailed off as he gazed absently at the other end of the room. Then he abruptly shook his head.

「No. This isn't right. You should check it out yourself.」

"Good thing. I thought I was going to die waiting."

Setting aside my half-empty can, I strode confidently across the expansive suite.

"Is it here?"

Magic Johnson nodded. It’s not surprising for an S-rank Hunter sensitive to the flow of energy to notice something odd in this space.

「That's right. You can really feel it?」

"At this level, it's really hard not to notice."

To an untrained observer, the area appeared ordinary. However, upon entering the room, I had instantly discerned its true nature.

This space was shielded by a spell that obscured all sound and vision.

「Wait a moment. I'll remove the magic...」

Whoosh, screech!

Magic Johnson's words were abruptly cut off, his expression shifting to one of surprise.

My hand, radiating with Protective Qi, swept through the air, effortlessly severing the layers of spells he had woven.

「Jin. What did you...?」

Thanks to opening my middle dantian during the fight with the Arch Lich, I could now see the patterns of Qi.

Such feats had become routine for me, so I offered no further explanation and simply focused forward.

With the spell dissolved, the fabric of space unfolded, revealing a figure concealed behind it.

"Ah, eh, ee, oh, oo. Hello. Thank you. Let's cook some rice. I love kimchi."

A blonde foreigner, meticulously practicing Korean in front of a full-length mirror while clutching an object, spun around at the sight of my reflection.

A brief, practiced smile flickered across his face, reminiscent of a seasoned actor.

"You've finally arrived, wicked human."

Look at this guy, getting the pronunciation exactly right.

For a moment, I contemplated punching him, but I chuckled and responded instead.

"Have you gotten handsomer since we last saw each other?"

The blonde foreigner, the Skeleton King, replied with a smug voice.

"You've gotten uglier since we last saw each other."


"Squid-faced human." [Note: squid is a Korean slang for "ugly guy".]

"...... You damn bastard."

Where on earth did this guy learn Korean?

* * *

「Hmm. Indeed, it's beautiful. There's no evidence of incongruity.」

Magic Johnson chuckled with satisfaction, echoing a top-tier plastic surgeon from Gangnam.

「Even looking at it again, it's a masterpiece of the era. I must be the first mage in human history to carve magic circles onto the bones of a living Named Monster, right?」

It was more than mere self-congratulation; it was the stark reality.

The radiant blonde hair, the eerily luminous golden eyes, and a stature of 190 cm — all meticulously crafted to the finest detail, including just the right amount of body hair.

Beyond that, the defined muscles, visible veins, and every subtle biological response to each breath or gulp.

Only upon intense scrutiny could one detect the abnormality; the Skeleton King appeared utterly human.

"...... Wow, it actually worked."

I had proposed the idea on a whim, thinking, 'What’s the worst that could happen?' but never anticipated such a flawless transformation.

I was just about to touch his blonde hair when...


The Skeleton King stepped back, fixing me with a haughty look.

"Keep your dirty hands off me. You'll ruin my hair."


"Will you take responsibility if I go bald?"

This bastard is totally human now...

Dumbfounded, I couldn't muster a response. The Skeleton King, unfazed by my silence, admired his reflection in the mirror and smiled smugly.

"Hmm. Super handsome."

"......Where did you learn to talk like that?"

"From the internet."

"The internet?"

"Yes. I watched it intensely for a week."

"You don't happen to have a phone, do you?"

"That kind human over there bought me one. Thanks, Johnson."

Magic Johnson, having used a translation spell, grinned, evidently satisfied.

「Here's to a successful new start, Mr. King.」

「Thanks, Johnson.」

When did he learn basic English conversation?

I turned to confront Magic Johnson.

"Did you really buy him a phone?"

「Come on, Jin. What's the problem? My youngest daughter is five and she uses a smartphone.」

"That's your daughter, Johnson, but this is the Skeleton King."

"Wait. Wicked human. Sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I must say this."

The Skeleton King cut in with a serious expression.

"From now on, call me Stone-King." [Note: I'm not sure what reference the author is making here, but Stone-King is a direct translation of the Korean characters, which were even used phonetically to sound like "Stone-King" in English.]

"What bullshit is this? Do you want me to stone you?"

"It's my new name. Stone King. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA..."

I muttered, feeling a headache coming on.

"Should I just kill you now?"

"Are you planning to kill an American citizen?"

"Who's an American citizen, you idiot?"

"Sooner or later, I could acquire American nationality."

"You ought to be writing a web novel on KakaoPage with lines like that. Who says this kind of bullshit?"

Magic Johnson bashfully lifted his hand.

「Jin, with my connections, it's entirely possible...」


The absurdity nearly drove me to madness.

Clutching my throbbing forehead, I turned to Magic Johnson.

"Excuse me, Johnson."


"What I asked for through Mr. Choi was just to make him look like a human."

「Ah, of course. It was his desperate request, wasn't it?」

This whole scenario had unfolded shortly after my awakening, spurred by the Skeleton King’s vehement demands.

He had lamented about the oppressive confines of the Inventory where he’d been held.

Given his crucial role in the battle, his request seemed reasonable from the perspectives of both Mr. Choi and myself.

'He had protected Mr. Choi and Shao Shen during the battle with Lei Fei, and it was also thanks to him that I was able to defeat the Arch Lich.'

It was about time I reciprocated the Skeleton King’s efforts.

Additionally, having him in a human guise would simplify many things.

No longer would we need to conceal his true form, and he could even secure a contract with the Peace Guild.


"The appearance I described was that of an Asian, wasn't it? No matter how many foreigners there are in Korea, they still stand out. Especially with looks like this."

Before Magic Johnson could respond, the Skeleton King spoke up assertively.

"I asked for it to be changed."

"What? Why?"

"I saw it on the internet. Handsome white men are popular everywhere in the world."

"......And why does that matter?"

"I’d like to try dating."

"Oh, my God."

Magic Johnson offered a consoling pat on my shoulder, which was heavy with the weight of exasperated sighs.

「It's okay, Jin.」

"What do you mean, it's okay? Do you know how scary social media is these days? What if netizens find out and say he's not born in Atlanta, Georgia, but is a native of the demon world? Does that even make sense? Why would you agree to such a request, Johnson?"

「I wanted to create a face that I'd enjoy looking at.」


「That face is my ideal type.」

No, fuck...

Just then, a comment that shredded my last thread of patience reached my ears.

"Do you think it's unfair, squid-face?"

"Hey, you damn bastard!"


In an instant, I lunged and landed a solid punch atop his head.

He groaned, blood gushing from his mouth — likely because he had bitten his tongue.

Blood, really? Was this yet another trick of magic? It was impressively executed.

"Die! Die!"

"Ack! Argh!"

The melee escalated as our hefty figures tumbled across the room, plunging it into chaos.

During the scuffle, a desk was upended, its collapse sending a cascade of documents Magic Johnson had been reviewing flying across my face.

"Wait, stop! Wicked human! I can't see anything!"

"You need to correct your manners today..."

But then, I froze.

Among the papers smothering my face, I spotted patterns — strange yet familiar.

'This is...'

I left the Skeleton King floundering as I stood and seized the sheet emblazoned with the pattern.


Without a doubt.

It was indeed the pattern I had seen in Sichuan.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:37 Organic-Manner-2969 Grand World Tour Release Date + What to Expect

Grand World Tour Release Date + What to Expect
A rewrite of Total Drama World Tour featuring 21 members out of 24 of the original Gen 1 cast. Been working on this project since March and have many things and plots planned. Two new contestants join the Total Drama cast for a trip around the world and the chance to win one million dollars! What will be changed? What will end up staying the same? Find out in this all-inclusive retelling of Total Drama Grand World Tour! (Written all by me and my first fanfic)
I can admit I'm not the biggest fan of how World Tour was handled and the seasons elimination order, such as Cody and Sierra both making final four with the former doing nothing, and Tyler getting eliminated unceremoniously. Even eliminations such as Leshawna was just a step down from Duncan and Courtney's humiliation conga from AS. And the less about DJ's "curse", the better.
Interviews: Feel free to leave a comment at the end of every chapter and place a review positive or negative! I'd love to hear some feedback after every chapter. I'll be sure to answer your thoughts in a press conference interview that will take place in the next chapter at the top of the page.
The release date of Chapter one will be June 17, 2024, and expect a chapter weekly/bi-weekly. So far, the first seven chapters have been complete.
Wanna follow along? Here are my fanfic and AO3 usernames.
Fanficnet: OrganicNLAJohnny AO3: OrganicNLAJohnny
Feel free to make guesses and to suggest any plots that you have in mind! Predictions will also be welcome!
Below will be the poster and some images of what will happen with the cast. Yeah, I can admit I did Owen a little dirty here.
Poster of Grand World Tour
TDWT Cast Photo!
Total Drama Grand World Tour with the cast of Heather, Duncan, Courtney, Alejandro, Sierra, Dj, Lindsay, Bridgette, Gwen, Tyler, Owen, Noah, Eva, Sadie, Trent, Justin, Leshawna, Harold, Izzy, Ezekiel, and Cody. Beth, Katie, Blaineley, and Geoff will not be competing initially (possibly return) but will be in the aftermath.
Also shout out to for giving out some wonderful ideas for the love triangle. Also go check out and their series rewrite.
Reboot Season 1 is finally airing in the US, which means that we should all give it all the support we can for another season and show our love towards it. Also, check out and their Reboot season 2 fanfic and also SweetPuckJules own adaptation.
submitted by Organic-Manner-2969 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:00 GoAheadMMDay Government cover-ups... excuses for war... World War 3 nears

They look for excuses to expand their power and influence. And when an excuse does not readily exist, they create one.
The Façade
Recent history confirms this. Let's review several cases over the last 130 years in chronological order.
■ At the end of the 19th century, the US wanted to expand its sphere of influence. In 1898, they sabotaged one of their own battleships, the USS Maine, in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, blaming it on the Spanish. US newspapers built the case for war, which was viewed as a pretext even at that time, as represented in the movie Citizen Kane.
From :
"A declassified CIA document written March 13, 1962, outlines Operation Northwoods, a plan for a U.S. attack on Cuba following its 1959 Revolution: ("
"On page 11, during an outline of false-flag tactics, the CIA directly uses the phrase “a ‘Remember the Maine’ incident”, and follows with plans to intentionally blow up a U.S. ship to start a desired “war on communism”. Our revolutionary comrades in Cuba hold as official history that the 1898 incident was a planned, false-flag operation."
As a result of the sinking of the USS Maine, the US gained the port of Guantanamo in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and control of the Philippines as a foothold in the Orient. Note the theme... a covert act by government used as an excuse for war, and using the media to spread misinformation to gain public support.
■ Next example, WW1. England wanted to draw the US into the war for some badly needed support. So Winston Churchill, who was serving as First Lord of the British Admiralty, created the excuse the US needed to justify joining the war.
The English Channel was swarming with German submarines (U-boats), attacking British shipping. The British implemented shipping by convoy under protection of British warships. But on May 7, 1915, Churchill called-off naval protection for the RMS Lusitania, a British commercial liner with 123 Americans onboard, which was subsequently sunk by the Germans. "A ship sacrificed. Her innocent passengers, pawns in a cruel new era." /
The sinking turned American public opinion against Germany, and contributed to US entry into the war. "Remember the Lusitania" became a rallying cry repeated in the papers.
■ Next example, WW2. On the morning of December 7, 1941, the day Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, a sequence of intelligence and messaging failures sealed the base's fate.
Prior to the attack: "Radio communications intelligence 'lost' the location of Japanese carriers." "Kimmel did not inform Short." "Washington issued 'War Warning' messages." "Anti-aircraft guns to protect Pearl Harbor were not deployed or had their ammunition locked up. No fighters were ready to engage a Japanese attack."
The morning of the attack: Japanese submarine periscope sightings, dismissed. A huge wave of aircraft blips on radar, dismissed. Nervous phone calls from radar operators, dismissed. One desperate message was found "balled-up in a trash can".
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a "false-flag" event; it indeed happened, and Japan was indeed the perpetrator. But such readiness failures despite warnings give me the impression it was made just too easy for them, that the gate was left open.
Was Japan baited and lured into attacking Pearl Harbor by suggestions, whether private or public, that the American public did not want war, and the US government would simply cede territories in the Pacific? This theory has been in circulation since the war.
Whatever the cause, the US government got what it wanted... a reason to join the war.
■ Next example, sabotage proposals: The US Department of Defense proposed "Operation Northwoods" (cited in the 1st example above) to President Kennedy in 1962, outlining a number of "false flag" missions to make it seem the US had been attacked by Cuba. The proposal suggested the US government engage in "acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, ... to justify a war against Cuba." Among the proposed acts of sabotage were shooting down a remote controlled aircraft painted as a US Air Force plane, blowing up an American ship (described above), and orchestrating acts of terrorism in US cities.
Other proposals: "Create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on US facilities in Cuba"; covert attacks on British Commonwealth member states Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago to "incite the people of the United Kingdom into supporting a war against Castro"; and "bribe one of Castro's subordinate commanders to initiate an attack" against US Navy base Guantanamo. All such proposals were flatly rejected by President Kennedy.
■ Next example, Vietnam War. On August 2, 1964, US forces carrying out amphibious operations off the coast of North Vietnam were confronted by North Vietnamese troops. On August 4th, the US claimed it was attacked by North Vietnam. On August 7th, US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave newly installed President Johnson (less than one year after Kennedy was assassinated) legal justification to enter the Vietnam civil war.
But as Wikipedia explains: "Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened." "The National Security Agency, an agency of the US Defense Department, had deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out."
The US weapons industry had been wanting another war since the Korean War ended in 1953. But President Kennedy wasn't cooperating. After Kennedy was conveniently taken out of the way, Johnson got what he always wanted - the Presidency, while US weapons manufacturers got what they wanted - war.
■ Next example, US involvement in Iran-Iraq war 1980-88. In 1978-79, Iran’s religious revolution overthrew Iran’s king, the Shah of Iran. The new religious regime in Iran confiscated the oil fields and facilities of US oil companies operating in Iran.
The US oil barons called on the US government to get their oil fields back, citing US interests in controlling global oil flows. The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, but not directly. Instead, the US backed the forces of Iraq in what became the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88.
■ Next example, 1st Gulf War 1991. By the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, the US had not been able to orchestrate Iran’s downfall, and thus had not been able to retake the oil fields it had lost in Iran. The US decided it needed to put its own troops in the Middle East and finish the job against Iran themselves.
But the US needed an excuse to station US troops in the Middle East close to Iran. So it created another pretext, making Iraq believe the US would not interfere in Iraq’s plans to invade Kuwait.
“On the 24 July [1990], U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Margaret Tutwiler, told journalists, "We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.[10]" On the 25 July, Saddam Hussein held a meeting with American diplomat April Glaspie. During the interview, April said, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait," and, "We should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America.[11]" Some historians believe that these comments represented an unwitting green light of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.”
On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. On January 16, 1991, the US launched Operation Desert Strom against Iraq in what is now called the 1st Gulf War.
■ Next example, 911. I know, I know. People have been refuting a US cover-up since day 1. I'm not going to sidetrack into that debate here. All I will say is... both Trade Center towers and the Pentagon had been recently renovated, the work of which is difficult to ascertain and still secret. Everything else has already been extensively debated on the web; I'll just leave it there.
The main question concerning 911 has always been, "Would US agencies commit acts of terrorism against their own cities as a pretext for war?" Given the scenarios presented in operations Northwoods and Mongoose cited above, the answer to that question is, "Yes."
For more evidence that 911 was a planned American operation, see my other post:
■ Next example, false claim of WMD in Iraq. In late 2002, US intelligence presented grainy satellite images of what appeared to be military trucks and supply depots in Iraq. They claimed the trucks and depots hid weapons of mass destruction. Congress gave the military permission to attack Iraq, which it did in March 2003. And behold... there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
David Kay, Head of Iraq Survey Group, later blamed the false claim on "a lack of human agents inside Iraq in the months before the war", and "analysts being under pressure to draw conclusions".
What did the US get out of 911 and the false WMD claim? Excuses to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... neither country of which ever had any involvement with 911.
The official reason for entering Afghanistan was to capture Osama Bin Laden. Yet after OBL was killed in 2011, the US remained in Afghanistan until 2021. Why did the US remain in Afghanistan for an additional 10 years? Because Afghanistan borders Iran.
■ Iran has always been the principal target of interest. The US oil barons have been eyeing Iran since its religious revolution of 1978-79, which confiscated the properties and facilities of US oil companies operating there.
The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. But the US realized it wasn't going to get Iran without direct US involvement. 911 and the false WMD claim gave the US excuses to plant troops on either side of Iran - in Iraq on the west, and Afghanistan on the east.
After removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in 2003, the US remained there, fighting groups backed by Iran. This was followed by the conflict in Syria starting in 2011 and still ongoing, with the West fighting Iranian-backed groups there as well.
From the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, to post-Hussein Iraq, to Syria from 2011 onward, the US has been engaged in a 40-year proxy war against Iran. What has been only a proxy war until now is poised to turn into a direct conflict soon, as tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate.
The Rehearsal
Preparations for war require more than just fabricating excuses, but also conditioning the population. This includes spreading misinformation, controlling the judiciary, and displaying intimidating force. Trump's presidency worked on all three.
Trump's term in office was a dress rehearsal in spreading misinformation and manipulating the news, principally through Fox News and a large number of conservative talk shows across the country.
"Fox News has been described by academics, media figures, political figures, and watchdog groups as being biased in favor of the Republican Party in its news coverage, as perpetuating conservative bias, and as misleading their audience in relation to science, notably climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic."
Additional charges against Fox News include spreading misinformation regarding the 2020 election results.
The paper "What is Fox News? Partisan Journalism, Misinformation, and the Problem of Classification" - a collaborative work by several university academics - questions "the idea that Fox should be considered a news source in the first place, claiming it should be considered something more akin to propaganda".
Trump's presidency was also a dress rehearsal in influencing the judiciary, filling the courts with loyalists to promote the group's causes, including overthrowing Roe v Wade. This will come in handy when the time comes to suspend other rights and freedoms, including the constitution.
Then came COVID. That was a dress rehearsal to practice locking down entire countries, suspending rights and freedoms en masse.
They also practiced displaying force by mobilizing militias and gun activist groups behind the insurrection of Janurary 6, 2021, intimidating voters at election sites, and shooting at protestors. They even practiced defending their obedient shooters, ie: the shooter who showed up at a protest rally with a full-sized rifle, killed a protestor, and was later exonerated on grounds of self-defense. What a joke.
The Actors
So what's next? They're already working on their excuse for WW3 in the Middle East. Look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine. And now they have a new excuse for US presence in the Persian Gulf - attacks on shipping. Attacks against shipping in the region have been occurring for decades. Why are they reacting so strongly now when they didn't before? Because both these conflicts allow the US to strike at Iranian allies: Hamas in Palestine, and the Houthi in Yemen.
I'm not saying atrocities should be ignored. I am asking why the West focuses on some atrocities and not others. There are plenty of atrocities taking place in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in which the US never gets involved. But when anything happens that gets their troops close to Iran, they're there.
The West has been fighting Iran in one arena after another ever since the Iranian revolution. The recent conflicts in Palestine and the Persian Gulf are just the latest excuses to position forces in the Middle East. They've been there since 1980, and will remain there until they are ready to attack Iran directly. It will be an allied invasion, composed of the US, the UK, Israel and Russia (which borders Iran to the north).
Russia is allied with this "group" we've been talking about here. Recall the glowing accolades Trump showered on Putin. Recall the assistance Russia gave to Trump in the 2016 election.
Trump even asked the Russians to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Why would Trump ask Russia to find US government emails unless he knew they were hacking US government computers? Why ask Russia and not US law enforcement? Why Russia and not another country? Because Trump knew Russia would help him. /
Recall also how Trump kept denouncing NATO, challenging it, threatening to withdraw the US from it, weakening it from within. The intent was to make it easier for Putin to take Ukraine and other former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe. Had Trump won in 2020, Putin would have been free to achieve his ultimate objective of rebuilding the USSR. All handed to Putin in exchange for helping Trump get elected, and for Russia's participation in the up-coming war against Iran. Fathom that. After all the effort Ronald Reagan put into dismantling the Soviet Union, Trump would help Putin rebuild it.
Notice too how Koch Industries, the 2nd largest private company in America with over $125 billion in annual revenue, refuses to observe US sanctions against Russia, and has continued doing business in Russia. The Koch brothers have also refused to denounce Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Koch's ties with Russia go back to the 1930's, where their father, Fred C. Koch, made fortunes building oil refineries.
Today, Koch Industries engages in a range of industrial enterprises. A severe polluter of the environment, Koch Industries finances misinformation denying climate change, buying political influence to fight environmental legislation. The brothers' political influence supporting conservative politicians and conservative think tanks has been described as "overwhelming".
President Eisenhower identified another player pushing the world toward war, which he called "the military-industrial complex", a cluster of industries that benefit from war. They need war to clear-out their inventories so they can produce more weapons. They prosper from armed conflict, and thus influence politicians to pursue war. As Eisenhower warned in his farewell address to his nation, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists."
Another major actor in this drama is big-oil, which benefitted from US control of Iraq and its oil fields, and is salivating over the prospect of regaining control of Iranian oil fields. And big-pharma, which benefitted from government money for COVID vaccines, but then refused "to waive intellectual property rights and share vaccine technology" with developing countries, "fuelling an unprecedented human rights crisis".
And who else belongs to this cast but Elon Musk, who not only defended Putin's invasion, but also cut-off Starlink's satellite service in Ukraine to prevent Ukraine's military from launching satellite-guided missiles to defend themselves against Russian attacks.
Not all conservatives belong to this malicious group; the vast majority do not. The conservative camp has become divided into two broad clans: the “middle-right” and “far-right”. I use “clans” because the two groups do not get along.
The middle-right are reasonable, cooperative, respectful of the law, devoted to the order of government, and committed to building the nation for the benefit of all its citizens.
The far-right, though, are radical in their dealings. They are divisive, they lie profusely, they incite violence, they threaten other members of congress, they are disruptive to orderly government and international cooperation, they do not know the meaning of "compromise" which is essential to keeping the nation united, they are unreasonable.
The “directors” of this drama are from this far-right clan. These directors manipulate the actors from behind the scenes. They put the various actors on stage and in the spotlight to sway and stir the audience, while they themselves hide behind the curtains. The script they follow has been decades in the making, and is about to reach its climax.
The Script
All this until now has been in preparation for what is to come, regardless of who wins the next US election or any election after it. Remember, political leaders are only figureheads. They are just servants providing this group of directors with important services, and to sway the public to support their causes.
When they are ready to launch their plans for World War 3, something will happen (real or faked - perhaps a radioactive "dirty bomb" detonation on US soil) that will prompt another lockdown similar to the one we "practiced" under COVID. Only this time, it will last much, much longer. The freedom of the press will be suspended, and so will the constitution. Our freedoms will be removed again, but this time it may be permanent.
If you throw a piece of wood into the water, it will rise to the surface. But if you sink that wood deep enough under water, it will not rise up anymore. Why? Because the water pressure grows more powerful the deeper you go. The weight of the water prevents the wood from rising up. This is why pieces of shipwrecks stay on the ocean floor.
Civilization as we know it is about to become shipwrecked. Society recovered from COVID because the interruption was brief. It was like a piece of wood that never sank deep enough, and so rose to the surface again.
But this time, they will keep civil liberties suppressed for a very long time; years. Suppress something long enough and it will not rise up again. They are getting ready to shut us down, and it will be a shutdown from which society will never recover. We will forget the press. We will forget elections. We will forget owning property and money. They just have to keep things suppressed long enough for people to forget them. A decade should do it.
Now we know why e-money is so heavily promoted and being so quickly adopted. Anyone protesting the new regime will be erased from society via user-specific digital shutdowns. Barred from transacting, investing, buying or selling. Cards deactivated, crypto seized, bank accounts emptied.
No? Have we forgotten Cyprus 2013? Well, it has been a decade.
The next phase of the plan for World War 3 is ready to come into effect, regardless of who takes power in the US - Republican or Democrat. The US entered existing wars and started wars of its own regardless of who was in power. Remember, a president is not the real power behind government. Actual power lies in the hands of the directors behind the curtains who control the actors they put on stage.
Joseph Cafariello
So how can we endure what is coming? Better still, how can we avoid it?
One word... truth.
All the turmoil and chaos we are experiencing come from deceptions, distortions, and lies. What they build on lies, we can demolish with truth.
Everything built on lies is unstable, since lies shift like sand. Whereas truth is stable and constant, and cannot be destroyed.
Embrace only truth, reject lies. Speak only truth, abandon lies. Receive only those who come to us with truth, dismiss those who deliver lies.
Remove the façade and expose the actors who try to deceive us. Reveal what has been concealed, uncover what has been covered, speak what has been hushed.
Only then will we have a better world, a stable world, a world built on truth, a world of freedom. Because lies enslave those who believe them, whereas truth sets us free.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:59 ConsciousRun6137 DNA Science & the Jewish Bloodline - Texe Mars

DNA Science & the Jewish Bloodline - Texe Mars
Now im not going deep into explaining this next sentence, all i will say is the topic of this thread is at the heart of the conflict within humanity, & its ALL to do with Bloodlines, " DNA " ( whatever that truly is ), & dualism. I have many books on this, anybody want ask. I don't agree with Texe Marrs on everything but from my own reading, he is definitely over the target, of course nobody can be 100% sure anyone holds the full truth about all the important questions, but i digress;
Martin Luther on the Jews
“No one can take away from them their pride concerning their blood and their descent from Israel... All the prophets censored them for it, for it betrays an arrogant, carnal presumption devoid of spirit and faith. Our Lord also calls them a “brood of vipers;” furthermore, in John 8:39, 44 he states: “If ye were Abraham’s children ye would do the works of Abraham... Ye are of your father the devil.” It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham’s but the devil’s children, nor can they bear to hear this today. If they should surrender this boast and argument, their whole system which is built on it would topple and change.”
“And If Ye Be Christ’s, Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed” Definitive DNA studies have now been conducted, and the results are clear and indisputable. The people who today call themselves “Jews” and reside both in the Middle East and around the world are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. They are not the seed of Abraham and have no blood connection to the prophets of ancient Israel. Instead, DNA shows these people to be descendants of the Kingdom of Khazaria, a country that formerly existed in the Caucasus, south of Russia. History records that in the 8th century the King of Khazaria chose Judaism as the preferred religion for his people, who at that time were pagans and nativists. He ordered that Jewish rabbis be brought into Khazaria from Babylon to teach his people of this new religion. The people of Khazaria were conquered over the next two centuries by Russian invaders. Many fled to Eastern Europe, principally to Poland, where they retained their Judaic religion. From there they emigrated throughout Europe and into the United States and, in 1948, the Khazarian Jews established the new nation of Israel. Those people throughout the world who today refer to themselves as “Jews” are actually Khazarians, and of Turkish/Mongol stock. They erroneously believe themselves to be ancient Israelites, but, in fact, are Gentiles. Many practice the religion of Judaism, and their Babylonian Talmud claims that the Jews are a superior, god-like race. Ironically, the Talmud states that the Gentiles are inferior, being no more than cattle (the goyim). The Talmud also speaks of “Israel” as being the eternal homeland for the Jews and of a Jewish Messiah to come and rule the world.
The persistence of the Khazarians to insist they are “Jews” and their Talmudic doctrines have resulted in conflict and division wherever they have resided. This is especially true in Israel, a land where native-born Palestinians, most of whom are Moslems, also have territorial claims. Paul, in the New Testament, told us to beware of those who emphasize race and national origins. He spoke of “foolish genealogies.” God’s children, however, are born again in spirit and in truth (John 3:3). God surely confounds those who are the “children of pride,” who hold that their race and blood is superior to that of their fellow human beings. That is clearly why he has surprised us with His mathematical certainty through DNA science that, in fact, almost all of the “Jews” today in the world are Khazars. They are not the seed of Abraham nor his physical heirs. They have no physical or family ties with Abraham and the prophets. This seems at first glance to be a tragedy for the Jews, whose human pride is damaged at the revelation that they are not “God’s Chosen” and not so special after all. It also sends the whole world a clear signal that the land of Israel does not belong to the “Jews” for they are Khazars and their national homeland is not Israel, but Khazaria, in the Caucasus. But what at first seems bad news, even a disaster for the Khazar Jew, becomes, in fact, a marvellous opportunity. Now the “Jew” is free from the burden to create an Israeli homeland. He can bid farewell to his exclusion from the rest of humanity and thereby rejoin the human race. God’s Word shows the way to life through faith in Jesus Christ. My prayer is that Christians will avail themselves of this opportunity to bless the Khazars and to witness to them of the love of Jesus. For only in this way can the Khazar truly be free and know liberty. As is recorded in the scriptures, in Galatians 3:26-29: “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
" There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the Promise.”
Texe Marrs.
DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline Chapter 1
“And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land...” —Genesis 12:7
There is absolutely no doubt that God made a covenant with Abraham. Under this covenant, Abram and his seed were promised a great swath of land we today call Israel, but also partially encompassing land in the current nations of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. We can call this territory “Greater Israel.” This covenant was confirmed by God when he led the Jews out of the land of Egypt. That is when he again promised them the land of Israel, and He kept His promise. The great controversy, however, involves the question of whether or not this covenant is still operative and in place today. My own view is that it is not. God surely made this covenant and He kept his end of the bargain. Unfortunately, Israel did not. They abrogated—terminated—the covenant by their sin and evil conduct.
A New and Better Covenant, voiding of the old covenant, is recorded in the New Testament’s book of Hebrews in which the Apostle Paul explains that Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant: “But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much he also is mediator of a better covenant, which can be established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then there should no place have been sought for the second.
In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:6-7, 13) The new and better covenant is deposited and is alive in Jesus Christ and it is offered to all the nations through faith (see Hebrews 11). Thus, the people of faith, Jew and Gentile, seek not a Holy City here on earth, but a heavenly one. That is the wonderful promise of God to His chosen people, Christians who have faith: “But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” (Hebrews 11:16) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, all the patriarchs, prophets and saints, having been saved not by the law but by their faith in God and His Son, are now in heaven (Hebrews 12:22-24). That is the glory promised, the heavenly city of Jerusalem, that awaits all people of faith. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith: who for the joy that was set before him endured the set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jews and Gentiles in the New Covenant Therefore, a remnant of Jews shall be saved, we are told, and they shall become one with the saints of God, for Abraham’s seed is one, Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:16), not the many of the physical state of Israel. “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:29) The good news, then, is that it does not matter what your race or national origin. Faith is inclusive—all may come through faith: “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus...There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-28). Thus, God’s kingdom is made up of all races and national origins. He is a God of love. He is not a racist but, instead, loves all and wants people everywhere to believe in His Son and be saved. Christian Zionists Continue to Profess the Old Covenant Yet, there is a contingent in Christianity who reject these clear principles. They have separated one people, one nation from the rest and proclaimed that nation and that only as “God’s Chosen.” Yes, this contingent claims that God never abrogated the old covenant. They say that the Jews remain God’s “eternal people.” Now there are many in this contingent so extreme in their views that the Jews become like “little gods.” The old covenant, they say, still applies and the Jews, they maintain, do not need Jesus for salvation. They need only to obey the 613 laws of Judaism (the Halacha). This “two covenant” belief is today spreading like wildfire, especially among those who proclaim themselves to be “Christian Zionists.” Whatever view the Christian Zionist takes toward Israel, it is for certain that every Christian Zionist essentially believes that: (1) God has separated the Jews and the Christians; God has a separate plan for the Jews; and God desires that every Jew return to Israel. Some Christian Zionists—the Messianics—actually have synagogues. They have men called “rabbis” who lead their assemblies; they observe the festivals of Judaism; and they obey many of the laws of Judaism.
Only Jews Possess the Land? The major, abiding principle of the Christian Zionists (the Bible calls them “Judaizers”) is their insistence that the land of Israel in the Middle East belongs only to the Jews. Since the Abrahamic covenant is still operative in their view, then the seed of Abraham has “title” to the land. This “land principle” is a vital part of the Christian Zionist belief system, and their political power insures that the “Jews” in Israel today not only possess much of the land, but are annually given billions of dollars in foreign aid by the U.S. Over the years, some $2 trillion has been given to the nation of Israel, plus billions of dollars in military armaments. According to the Christian Zionists, this support of Israel and the Jews is a mandatory requirement of God. Those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who do not are cursed. By their firm, even fanatical, support of Israel, the Zionist believes he is doing God’s will. What This Book Covers In this book, we first examine the DNA science which now reveals to all who are the Jews of Israel and the world. Only the descendants of Abraham —bloodline Jews, say the Christian Zionists—are entitled to “Chosen” status and to the land first promised their ancient father, Abraham, some 5,000 years ago. Are the modern-day Jews the descendants of Abraham? Are they his seed? DNA science gives us the answer, and history and archeology provide strong support. We will also examine the scriptural basis of the Christian Zionist contingent and determine the authenticity of their claims. It is true that the Old Testament promised Abraham and his seed the land. But what does the New Testament say? Was God’s promise actually fulfilled?
Finally, we will take a look at Khazaria, that mysterious yet real nation of the Caucasus (southern Russia). Is this once great nation the origin of today’s “Jews?” Are the Jews of Israel and the Diaspora authentic, pure racial Jews, of the bloodline of their Israelite ancestors?
Or, are they imposters?
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2024.06.08 15:34 WorldTrendyVibes The Mystery of Planet X: Unveiling the Shadows of Our Solar System

The Mystery of Planet X: Unveiling the Shadows of Our Solar System
The Mystery of Planet X: Unveiling the Shadows of Our Solar System
Join us on an astronomical journey to uncover the mysteries of "Planet X" in this captivating video. Explore the historical quest that led to the discovery of Pluto and delve into the modern scientific hunt for the elusive "Planet Nine." Learn about the groundbreaking hypotheses, the evidence from the outer reaches of our solar system, and the potential implications of finding this hidden giant. Is there another planet lurking in the darkness beyond Neptune? Discover the fascinating possibilities and ongoing research that aim to answer this cosmic mystery.
Unraveling the History of Planet X
The search for "Planet X" began in the early 20th century when astronomers observed irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. They hypothesized the existence of an unknown planet exerting gravitational influence. This quest led to the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. However, Pluto's small size could not account for the observed anomalies, keeping the mystery of Planet X alive.
Modern Scientific Hunt: The Planet Nine Hypothesis
In 2016, astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown from Caltech proposed the existence of "Planet Nine." Based on mathematical models, they suggested that a massive, distant planet could explain the peculiar orbits of certain trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) in the Kuiper Belt. This hypothetical planet is believed to be approximately 10 times the mass of Earth and located far beyond Neptune.
The Evidence Supporting Planet Nine
The primary evidence for Planet Nine comes from the unusual clustering of TNO orbits. These objects follow elliptical paths that appear to be aligned in a way that suggests the gravitational influence of a large, unseen planet. While direct observation has yet to confirm Planet Nine, the consistency of these orbital patterns with theoretical models makes a compelling case for its existence.
Implications of Discovering Planet Nine
Finding Planet Nine would have profound implications for our understanding of the solar system's formation and evolution. It would challenge existing models and offer new insights into the dynamics of planetary systems. Additionally, the discovery could shed light on the processes governing the outer solar system and the distribution of objects within the Kuiper Belt.
Ongoing Research and Future Prospects
Astronomers continue to search for Planet Nine using powerful telescopes and advanced observational techniques. The potential discovery of this hidden giant remains one of the most exciting frontiers in astronomy. As technology advances, the likelihood of locating Planet Nine increases, bringing us closer to solving one of the greatest mysteries of our solar system.
The search for Planet X, now primarily focused on the hypothesized Planet Nine, represents a fascinating chapter in the history of astronomy. From the initial discovery of Pluto to the ongoing quest to find a distant, unseen planet, the journey reflects humanity's enduring curiosity and drive to explore the unknown. Stay tuned as scientists continue to unveil the shadows of our solar system, potentially revealing the existence of a new planetary neighbor.

Astronomy #PlanetNine #SpaceExploration #planetx

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2024.06.08 12:33 LoveScoutCEO What are the keys to succeeding in international dating? It is not the dating app or the matchmaker.

A lot of guys I coach ask me, "Do I have a chance?"
The simple answer is, "Yes," but there are some things that are almost required for success.
  1. You must be positive - All dating is a process, but international dating is a long, complicated process and if you don't stay positive you will give up.
  2. You must be resilient - You are going to be disappointed. There are a slew of language, cultural, and logistical challenges normal daters don't face. You will have some problems. You have to pull yourself up and keep going.
  3. You must be confident - I am not saying you have to be loud, boastful, or pushy, but at the very least you have to be able to communicate - both verbally and non-verbally - that you are competent, compassionate, and hardworking. If you can get across that you are intelligent and calm too you will do very well.
  4. You must be compassionate - Believe it or not the thing that attracts most foreign women is that Western men - particularly Americans, Canadians, and most Europeans - have a reputation as compassionate men. All of the countries where international dating is common are very patriarchal societies. These ladies can find angry, macho guys without looking more than a block from their own house. They are looking for something more.
  5. You must listen - A woman will tell you what she is looking for. She will tell you what she is afraid of and if what she says and what she does are not congruent she is playing you.
  6. You can't be afraid to walkaway - It is easy to find a foreign woman who says she is interested in meeting you but it is hard to find a true life partner. Again, it is a complicated process.
  7. You must not get too emotionally attached before you meet - Ninety-five percent of the guys who say they are scammed get attached to some photos and chat messages before they ever meet. Maybe the woman was a scam artist or maybe there was just no chemistry. Romance is always hard.
  8. You must be able to take some risks - This is often hard. In the end no one knows if it is going to work out. You just have to look at the situation and have some faith. This is often hardest for the most successful men, because they are outside of their comfort zone.
  9. You have to be willing to get on a plane and meet: I regularly meet guys who have been messaging women for two or three years. That is insane! It is a recipe for failure and disappointment.
If you have these nine traits in the end you will eventually succeed. If you don't it does not matter what app or matchmaker you use. You will probably fail and if you don't fail you will probably have a very short marriage. Which means it will take a while for you to fail.
But this all so sums up why I am such a big fan of AFA. Because they actually will help you meet real women without spending a fortune unless you insist on sending hundreds of messages.

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2024.06.08 10:56 Stage-Piercing727 Best Feyachi Reflex Sights

Best Feyachi Reflex Sights
Get ready to explore the world of Feyachi Reflex Sights as we delve into the latest innovations in this exciting product category. In this comprehensive roundup article, we'll take you on a journey through the top Feyachi Reflex Sights available in the market, highlighting their unique features, benefits, and what sets them apart. From beginner-friendly options to advanced models, we've got you covered, providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on an insightful adventure!

The Top 6 Best Feyachi Reflex Sights

  1. Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle - The Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight ensures fast subject acquisition and tracking, offering a powerful combination of adjustable brightness and position, mounting onto the camera's hot shoe, and built-in ruggedness with its dustproof and splash-proof design.
  2. Accurate Long Range Sight for Pistols with Green Fiber Optics - Experience precision and versatility with the Axcel Accutouch Sight AV-41, featuring an adjustable single pin design and Accu-Click system for seamless distance adjustments.
  3. Explore Scientific ReflexSight: Compact, Versatile Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Stargazing - The Explore Scientific ReflexSight Finder Red Dot ES-REFLECT-00 offers a versatile and high-performance red dot sight, designed for telescope use and featuring a compact size, multi-dot reticle, and compatibility with a variety of base types.
  4. Hebron/Lebanon Limited Quantity Redline RL-Torch Sight for RMR - Upgrade your hunting experience with the Redline Rl-Torch Sight, a versatile RMR sight designed for accuracy and performance in any range or scenario.
  5. High Precision Hunting Sight with Multi-Axis Adjustments and Customizable Peep Sight - Axcel's LANDSLYDE Picatinny Sight offers unparalleled accuracy, adjustability, and durability for the ultimate shotgun sight experience.
  6. Premium 8.6 oz CBE Trek Smart Mount Hunting Bow Sight - Experience flawless accuracy with the CBE Trek Sight 1 Pin .010 LH - a versatile, easy-to-use bow sight with premium features, perfect for any distance and light condition.
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🔗Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle
I recently got my hands on the Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my photography adventures. The EE-1 has made tracking fast-moving subjects much easier, especially during bird photography.
One of the standout features was the Center Aiming Dot. It was incredibly useful in capturing my subjects at the right angle, without losing sight of them. The ability to adjust the brightness and position of the dot was a bonus, as it allowed me to customize the settings according to my shooting environment.
The EE-1 is designed to mount onto a camera's hot shoe, which ensures a snug and secure fit. Plus, its dustproof and splash-proof design has kept it safe from the elements during my outdoor shoots.
However, there were a few cons that I experienced while using this product. The adjustment wheels for the brightness and position of the dot are slightly vulnerable to movement during shooting, which could lead to maladjustment. Another issue I faced was the difficulty in turning off the LED when the sight is collapsed for storage, as it can consume battery power.
Overall, the Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle has been a valuable addition to my photography kit. Its innovative features have greatly improved my ability to capture moving subjects, despite the few minor flaws.

🔗Accurate Long Range Sight for Pistols with Green Fiber Optics
The Axcel Accutouch Sight AV-41 is a versatile 1-pin adjustable sight that stands out for its Accu-Click system, allowing users to set clicks at specific distances for accurate aiming. The sight tape's 45-degree angle ensures easy visibility and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis adjustments can be made without shims.
The micro-adjust windage is locked until the Windage Lock Button is disengaged. The Axcel AV-41 scope comes with a green fiber reticle in either. 010 or. 019 sizes.
With a 4-star rating from 3 reviews, this sight is definitely worth considering for your shooting needs.

🔗Explore Scientific ReflexSight: Compact, Versatile Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Stargazing
Ever since I started using the Explore Scientific ReflexSight, I've been eagerly waiting for my moments of stargazing. The multi-dot reticle design in standard circular patterns has made it easier for me to gaze at the star-filled sky without any blockage. I've also noticed its compatibility with a wide range of devices, all thanks to its 1/4 x 20 threaded adapter.
Despite some minor difficulties like the snug fit in the mount and the slightly challenging parallax adjustment, the smooth body style and accessible battery compartment have made up for it. The adjustable brightness control knob is a favorite of mine, allowing me to adjust visibility even when wearing gloves.
However, one feature that bugged me was the bulky light shield/cover. It sometimes slides over the lens when the telescope is pointed upwards. I hope the designers take this into account for future models.
Nevertheless, the Explore Scientific ReflexSight has enhanced my experience while star-hopping, and its versatility in fitting onto almost any telescope without modification has made it an essential addition to my stargazing journey.

🔗Hebron/Lebanon Limited Quantity Redline RL-Torch Sight for RMR
I was blown away by the Redline Rl-torch Sight 2 Pin Grey RH. The way it handles in every range and scenario truly sets it apart from other sights on the market. I especially loved the two different pin sizes and the fact that it's all green - it made shooting different distances a breeze.
The adjustability this sight offers is impressive - the metal sight tapes and the option to use paper on the wheel provided a smooth shooting experience. The internal rechargeable light was also a game-changer, reducing heavy sight light knobs.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The noise and stiffness of the dial were a bit of a letdown, despite loosening the set screws. I wasn't sure about the sight's durability either - it didn't feel as robust as some other options I've used. Lastly, the lack of a manual for setup and adjustments was a bit of a bummer.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Redline Rl-torch Sight 2 Pin Grey RH still gets a solid 4 stars from me. The features, adjustability, and the fantastic sight picture more than made up for any shortcomings. With its performance and quality at such an affordable price, it's hard to beat!

🔗High Precision Hunting Sight with Multi-Axis Adjustments and Customizable Peep Sight
The AccuStat II 5 Pin sight stood out among its competitors due to its precision and durability. As a shooter, I appreciate how the sight offers true separate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis adjustments, providing unparalleled accuracy. The Picatinny in-line sight mount provides better balance and a strong connection to the bow. Additionally, the rapid adjust knob and quick release feature make fine tuning yardage settings a breeze.
However, some may find the AccuStat II's price point a bit steep. Overall, though, this sight is a worthy investment for those seeking unmatched precision and durability. With its various features, it's an excellent choice for shotgun enthusiasts looking to up their game.

🔗Premium 8.6 oz CBE Trek Smart Mount Hunting Bow Sight
As an avid archery enthusiast, I recently gave the CBE Trek Sight a try during one of my hunting expeditions. The moment I unboxed it, I was immediately drawn to its sleek design and modern features. The CBE Trek Sight is a versatile, yet effortless bow sight to use, making it perfect for any level of archer.
One of the standout features of this sight is its CBE TREK Smart Mount with 3 or 5 pins. This smart mount allows for seamless adjustments at 30 and 60 yards, making it incredibly easy to fine-tune your aim. The 14-laser engraved aluminum sight tapes are another fantastic aspect, as they ensure accuracy at any distance in between, even reaching up to 130 yards.
While I was initially skeptical about the price, I must admit that the product's premium features more than justified the investment. The 0.85 lb weight of the sight is manageable and doesn't hinder my performance. Overall, the CBE Trek Sight is an excellent choice for archers looking for a reliable, user-friendly bow sight that can stand up to any challenge.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right Feyachi Reflex Sight for your rifle can be a daunting task, as there are many factors to consider. To help you make the best decision, we've put together this comprehensive buyer's guide.

Type of Reflex Sight

Reflex sights come in two main types: red dot and holographic. Red dot sights are more affordable and suitable for close to medium range shooting. They provide a clearer picture and require less maintenance than holographic sights. Holographic sights offer better accuracy at further distances owing to their superior magnification feature. They are, however, more expensive and require more maintenance.

Field of View

The field of view of a reflex sight refers to the area through which the sight projects the reticle. A wider field of view allows for easier target acquisition, making it suitable for fast-paced shooting situations. Wider views generally imply lower magnification, but the best reflex sights strike a balance that offers both features.

Reticle Design

The reticle, or crosshair, of a reflex sight can come in various shapes and sizes. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what type of reticle you should use. Some find a simple straight line design sufficient, while others prefer a more complex cross or dot configuration. It's all about what feels comfortable for your shooting style.

Durability and Waterproofing

Your reflex sight needs to withstand harsh conditions and maintain superior performance. Look for models with waterproof and fog-resistant features, which will ensure the sight remains functional in adverse weather conditions. Additionally, consider a reflex sight that is scratch and drop-resistant.

Battery Life

No reflex sight is useful if the battery dies halfway through a shooting session. Check the battery life of the sights you are considering. Opt for one with a longer battery life for extended shooting sessions. Also, consider the type of battery that the sight uses, as some might be more difficult to find in the field.

Size and Weight

When purchasing a reflex sight, consider its size and weight. A bulky sight can obstruct your field of view, while a lightweight sight is easier to carry around. Find a balance between these factors that suits your needs.

Ease of Mounting and Adjustment

Your reflex sight is only as good as how securely it's mounted and adjusted. Check if the sight comes with a mount that's easy to install and adjust. Some reflex sights even come with adjustable reticles, which can be a significant advantage.


Lastly, consider your budget when choosing a reflex sight. There are many high-quality options on the market, each with its own features and price. Determine your budget and then focus on finding a reflex sight that meets your needs without compromising on quality.


What are Feyachi Reflex Sights?

Feyachi Reflex Sights are advanced optical devices designed for aiming and shooting firearms. They use a reflex sight technology that provides a wide field of view and quick target acquisition.

Which firearms can Feyachi Reflex Sights be used on?

Feyachi Reflex Sights can be used on various firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. They are compatible with most standard weapons and can be mounted on a majority of firearms.

How do Feyachi Reflex Sights work?

Feyachi Reflex Sights work by utilizing a partially coated lens that reflects the light from the surrounding environment. This reflection creates a sharp, bright image of the target that can be easily seen.

What are the benefits of using Feyachi Reflex Sights?

  • Faster target acquisition
  • Improved accuracy
  • Enhanced situational awareness
  • Versatility in usage across various firearms

What types ofFeyachi Reflex Sights are available?

Feyachi Reflex Sights come in various types and ranges, such as red dot, holographic, and laser reflex sights. They offer different dot sizes, reticles, and customization options to suit specific user preferences.

Are Feyachi Reflex Sights durable and reliable?

Feyachi Reflex Sights are built with high-quality materials and undergo rigorous testing in order to ensure durability and reliability. They are designed for outdoor use and can withstand harsh environments.

How do I mount and install Feyachi Reflex Sights on my firearm?

Mounting and installation of Feyachi Reflex Sights depend on the specific model and the type of firearm being used. Consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for appropriate mounting instructions.
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