Anti alcohol slogans

Say No

2020.06.15 06:23 BinaryDigit_ Say No

Anti-Alcohol. Discuss your philosophical stance on alcohol.

2020.06.21 15:40 AntiDrugsandAlcohol

This is a community where people affected by the pain and devastation caused by drugs and alcohol can share their feelings and thoughts, past experiences, and get weight off their chest about the pain caused by alcohol and drugs. This is not a place for debate.

2012.07.19 17:00 MadamYikes Prohibitionism

/Prohibitionism is a place for all discussion pertaining to the U.S. Prohibition era.

2024.06.09 20:33 Striking_Ad1334 Dad's passed away

I made a post previously about my mum passing away as a kid from alcohol and my dad got really ill and admitted into hospital a month ago, was yellow and really shaky, confused.
My dad was up and down, needed oxygen, somedays could communicate and other times really struggled.
He was admitted to intensive care on Friday and was in a bad way and couldn't open he's eyes, today was the last day he was alive, they took the oxygen away and the anti biotics at about 2pm today as they said they couldn't do nothing for him.
I watched the man struggle with every breath, fighting to live and he had he's eyes partially opened today, I spoke to him and told him I was proud and I loved him but 2 hours later he's breathing started slowing down and I knew he was going to go.
I see him struggle and make noises (probably a death rattle) for the last minute of he's life.
I feel like I've lost a piece of myself, he was a good man, had a good heart and he deserved better than what the world gave him, through trauma and bad relationships he just couldn't kick the drink even though he went rehab and managed to get off for years.
I wish I could of helped him more, I tried, I really did but I can't deal with this, a part of me is gone forever, it's too much for me.
I'm so sorry dad.
I don't know why I've come to reddit to write this but I need a release I can't reply to anyone I know irl right now.
submitted by Striking_Ad1334 to Cirrhosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:29 GriffinFTW Centre Party?

Centre Party? submitted by GriffinFTW to ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 uglydadd Just wanted a little break from life

Just wanted a little break from life submitted by uglydadd to meme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:58 uglydadd Miller time

Miller time submitted by uglydadd to memes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 K_fluffy Pondering Quitting

37M, I have been a casual drinker most of my adult life. Some years more, some years less never really felt like it was a problem for me. I think I have drank about 15 days in 2024 which is probably 15 too many… I feel like growing up alcohol was never really portrayed as the toxic/poison it is. I have never really touched nicotine as it was advertised as exactly that toxic/poison. Why the anti-alcohol lobby is so far behind the anti-tobacco lobby I’m really not sure.
Yesterday we hosted a party for a bunch of my wife’s work friends/colleagues maybe 50 or so adults and 20 kids. Almost all the adults are drinking, some more, some less. Myself I had 5 beers over about 6 hours. Never really drunk but it’s crazy how it tanks my sleep. I use a Garmin that tracks sleep among other things, it’s not a perfect sample but it’s crazy how it picks up toxins in your body, specifically alcohol. Resting Heart Rate up ~5bpm. Average Hrv down ~30ms. Sleep score 33 (regularly score in the 90s). I’m just sitting here this morning wondering why I would put that crap in my body.
I don’t know if I’m totally ready to give it up, but for those of you that have it’s an awesome decision and you certainly aren’t missing out on anything. I read the stories on here and it’s making me more convinced that it’s just a bad drug, and why we as a society but that crap in our bodies i have no idea.
I certainly won’t drink today, and I suspect the more I read here the more days there will be without that toxin.
submitted by K_fluffy to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 soulliving3 Is this a good routine around azelaic acid cream and differin?

Morning routine- Coats gentle hydrating cleanser, cosrx centella water alcohol free toner, azelaic acid skinoren 20 % cream ( prescribed by dermatologist ) then vanicream daily moisturiser and then SPF ( was thinking of trying the cetaphil mineral one just need one that doesn’t block my pores )
Evening routine- The Inkey list cleansing balm, coats gentle hydrating cleanser, cosrx centella water alcohol free toner, vanicream daily moisturiser, differin cream, again vanicream daily moisturiser, if it’s really needed I will apply the ordinary squaline oil before my second lot of vanicream after the differin. I’ve tried to make sure my routine is quite hydrating because before when using differin I was also using anti acne face cleansers/ toners etc and my skin just got too overwhelmed!
Also should I apply moisturiser before and after azelaic acid or just after? And the same with differin? Moisturiser before and after differin or just after? Thanks x
submitted by soulliving3 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:20 FIXI0 My recent sleeping struggles

Hello everyone, I will start off by saying that I'm 20 just so you can understand my issue. I have been a brilliant sleeper over the past three years. I would sleep regularly going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 7. This worked wonders for me, I would always be well rested and we're rarely tired. My sleeping schedule only changed when I went to work, which was waking up at 6am (this does not happen often as I'm in university so I don't regularly work). Over the recent month I have been waking up from around 5am and falling back to sleep until 7am. At the beginning I thought it might be a problem with regards to the morning sun, thus I got a sleeping mask that is very good, however, even with that I am constantly waking up. I wear a Fitbit to bed as I use it as my alarm, and according to the sleeping score, my sleep is good averaging at 78 per night up to 80 (which was the same before I started having my issue). I would like to outline that I feel tired, my immune system got worse over the month and I caught two colds (this has not been previously the case as I have been getting ill only once per year). I am a very active person as I regularly enjoy the outside and go to the gym with a solid routine. My diet is great, as I care about building muscle and I only have a cup of green tea in the morning and that is it for my caffeine intake during the day. I do not consume any alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc (I never did as I am very anti all this stuff). I study everyday, I love books and any literature, I draw a lot and overall tire my brain, I no longer play video games or use any screens before bed time. I have ADHD and use no medication (just to clarify), but I do not think this is the issue as it never has been. My hypothesis is that perhaps the morning sun rays wake my body but not my mind? I don't know, I am probably talking gibberish. Thank you for the help if you were even bothered to read all this
submitted by FIXI0 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:13 Aggravating-Twist414 How can I be comfortable with my SO having frquent girls nights out?

How can I be comfortable with my SO having frquent girls nights out?
I (23m) am very happily engaged to B (23f). I have one problem that keeps me up at night with worry. My SO goes out somewhat frequently with her housemates on girls night out trips. They all usually drink and have a good time. My problem is that I am stuck not knowing if she is safe or not. Knowing that they would never leave each other somewhere helps, but I still feel a gut-wretching concern about it. Tonight she is out celebrating a birthday with her friends while I am in my head about the whole thing. So that leaves me with the question of how do yall get over this feeling?
A few things to note: I am pretty anti alcohol, but I do respect her choice to drink. I think that alcohol leads people to make poor decisions, but I fear others choices and things that could happen, not that B will just make poor choices.
I also recognize I am a little jealous of (upset with?) her willingness do do things with her friends and not with me, like going dancing on this trips while she has never done that with me. (Neither of us are really dancers, but we have talked about it and nothing) This is really a separate issue, but I wanted to add additional context.
I have been invited as a designated driver to a very few events, several of which they did not actually go a drink more than 1 drink and never at any of the places that have anything like the dancing/rave type stuff. Just sit down and have a drink bars.
Tl;dr My SO goes on frequent nights out and I am uncomfortable, largely due to safety concerns.Any advice on growing to be ok with this?
submitted by Aggravating-Twist414 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:31 mthefroggy hi, i need help please. i don’t want to lose my brother

hi. i don’t have anyone in my life who’s been through anything like this, so i came here to reddit to see if someone can give me advise. i’m coming here as the sister of an alcoholic. i can’t take it anymore. he’s already had a dui and cannot stop. it’s gotten to the point where even one beer will affect him. he’s tried aa and does good for maybe 3 weeks and feels good about himself and “rewards” himself with a beer. we (mom and i) live about an hour away from him and due to us working and my health issues, it makes it hard to see him. as stated before he’s had a dui and got into a car accident so he can’t come to us. there’s no way he should’ve survived the crash. i don’t know how he’s alive and we thought it’d be done with that once he saw his car at the impound lot. but he keeps going back. both my mom and said we’d give up something in solidarity (i’d give up coffee and shed give up first coke, both of which we have daily). he just got into another fight with one of his roommates and called my mom and is “taking a walk.” he claims he’s not drunk/hasn’t had a drink but he’s showing very obvious signs. now my mom and him are fighting. we’ve told him both crying hysterically that we need him to stop because we’re scared somethings going to happen. i don’t know what i could do if i lost him. my mom is on antidepressants. i’m in therapy and on anti anxiety meds (i’m saying this because of how badly his actions are affecting us, he knows this info). this is because of the pain he’s causing us. no matter how much we tell him he doesn’t seem to get it. i’m having an anxiety attack while writing this so sorry if i seem to ramble or don’t make sense.
long story short, what else can we do to get through to him? how can we be better help to him? has anyone gone through something like this before, if so what made you stop drinking? please help, any advice is greatly appreciated. thank you reddit.
submitted by mthefroggy to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:01 No_Difference_739 Jasmine tincture

Will alcohol extract medicinal properties or just flavour and scent?
I am especially interested in medicinal qualities like sedation / anti- anxiety and to use as aphrodisiac, but anything Else is also of interest as i am making it anyway :)
submitted by No_Difference_739 to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:53 GuiltlessMaple Best Fenugreek Herbal Supplement

Best Fenugreek Herbal Supplement
Discover the power of nature's remedy with our Fenugreek Herbal Supplement! Our roundup article highlights the best products on the market, helping you improve your health with this potent ingredient. Read on to learn more about how fenugreek can benefit you and find the perfect supplement to suit your needs.
In this article, we explore a variety of fenugreek-based herbal supplements, covering factors such as ingredient quality, potency, and user reviews. We aim to provide you with a comprehensive overview, making it easy for you to select the best fenugreek supplement that aligns with your health goals and preferences.

The Top 8 Best Fenugreek Herbal Supplement

  1. High Strength Concentrated Fenugreek Liquid Extract - Experience the potent benefits of natural fenugreek with HawaiiPharm's highest strength, super concentrated liquid extract, containing only the finest natural ingredients to support your wellness journey.
  2. Natures Way Fenugreek Capsules - Natures Way Fenugreek Seed Capsules provide natural support for digestion, healthy lactation in breastfeeding mothers, and promote overall stomach comfort without artificial additives.
  3. Potent Fenugreek Capsules for Nursing Mothers - Experience the benefits of 2000mg Fenugreek with Carlyle's 300-count, gluten-free, non-GMO capsules, promoting wellness and offering a potent, artificial-free solution for nursing mothers.
  4. Full Spectrum Cayenne & Fenugreek Supplement - Experience the soothing combination of Cayenne and Fenugreek to support your circulatory system, boost blood flow, and promote healthy metabolism with Swanson Full Spectrum Cayenne Fenugreek 60.
  5. Support Healthy Glucose Metabolism with Herb Pharm Mature Seed Fenugreek Liquid Extract - Herb Pharm's certified organic mature seed fenugreek liquid extract promotes healthy glucose and lipid metabolism, rapidly absorbs for maximum potency, and is gluten-free and non-GMO.
  6. Fenugreek Herbal Supplement: 240 Capsules by Nutricost - Nutricost Fenugreek Seed 740mg; 240 Capsules offers 1350mg of high-quality fenugreek in a non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free, and traditionally-used supplement for various health concerns, manufactured in a GMP-compliant, FDA-registered facility.
  7. Fenugreek Herbal Supplement for Women's and Digestive Health - Swanson's Fenugreek Extract Capsules offer potent herbal support for blood sugar regulation, hormone balance, digestive health, and overall metabolic wellness.
  8. Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed Capsules, 610mg, 180 Count - Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed Capsules - 180 Non-GMO, TruID-verified capsules with 610mg fenugreek per capsule, supports healthy lactation and soothes digestion. Vegan, allergen-free, and environmentally responsible packaging.
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🔗High Strength Concentrated Fenugreek Liquid Extract
I recently incorporated HawaiiPharm's Fenugreek Liquid Extract into my daily vitamin routine, and it's been a game-changer for me. The moment I started taking it, I noticed an increase in my overall energy levels. This potent liquid extract is not only incredibly concentrated but also packed with natural ingredients that are gentle on the body.
One aspect of this product that stood out to me was its strong smell. While some may not find it pleasant, I personally didn't mind it - in fact, I actually grew to quite enjoy it! Plus, knowing that my husband is pleased with the effects of this supplement brings me even more satisfaction.
On the downside, this extract does have an expiration date, which means you'll have to keep track of when to replace it. However, given the powerful benefits it provides, I believe the effort is worth it.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a high-quality fenugreek supplement to enhance your well-being, look no further than HawaiiPharm's liquid extract. Its potent formula and natural ingredients make it a standout choice among similar products on the market.

🔗Natures Way Fenugreek Capsules
Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed is a high-quality herbal supplement that offers numerous health benefits. I recently tried these vegetarian capsules, and I've been pleasantly surprised by the results.
Each capsule contains a potent dose of 610 mg of pure fenugreek seed extract, without any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. As a vegan, I appreciate that this supplement aligns with my dietary preferences, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine.
One of the main reasons I decided to use fenugreek seed is its potential to aid digestion. I occasionally suffer from bloating and indigestion, and I was curious to see if this herbal remedy could provide relief. After taking the capsules consistently for a few weeks, I experienced a noticeable improvement in my digestive health. Bloating and discomfort reduced, and I felt less sluggish after meals.
Fenugreek has also been traditionally used to support lactation in nursing mothers. Although I am not a nursing mother, it's worth noting this potential benefit for those who may find it relevant.
Another positive aspect of this product is the brand's commitment to quality. Nature's Way is a reputable name in the supplement industry, and their fenugreek seed capsules are no exception. The packaging is sturdy, and the capsules themselves are easy to swallow with no aftertaste.
The 180-capsule supply per bottle offers good value for money and saves frequent reordering. I appreciate that the recommended dosage is clear and concise, with one capsule to be taken two to three times daily with food. The flexibility in dosing allows me to adjust it according to my needs.
However, it's important to be patient with herbal supplements like fenugreek. Individual results may vary, and it may take some time before experiencing noticeable effects, especially for specific health concerns.
One minor drawback I encountered is the earthy taste of fenugreek, which can be quite strong for some individuals. While the capsules eliminate direct contact with the seed's taste, it's still worth considering for those sensitive to potent herbal flavors.
In conclusion, Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed capsules have proven to be an effective and natural solution for supporting digestion and overall wellness. With its vegan-friendly formulation and reputable brand, it offers a reliable option for individuals seeking natural remedies to address digestive concerns. While it may take time to notice results, the potential benefits make it a worthy addition to any natural health regimen.

🔗Potent Fenugreek Capsules for Nursing Mothers
I've been using Carlyle's Fenugreek Capsules for a few weeks now, and I can definitely see why it's popular among nursing moms. These quick-release capsules pack a powerful punch, delivering the equivalent of 3000 mg of Fenugreek Seed in every serving. The non-GMO and gluten-free formulation has been easy on my tummy, and I love that it's free from artificial flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Carlyle really knows their stuff when it comes to sourcing pure ingredients, and their commitment to transparency is evident in every product. I've definitely noticed a boost in energy since incorporating these capsules into my daily routine.
However, not everyone has had the same positive experience. While some users have seen great results and fast shipping, others have been disappointed with the product's efficacy. It's important to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to supplements, so what works for one person may not work for another. Overall, I think Carlyle's Fenugreek Capsules are a solid choice for those looking to incorporate this traditional herb into their wellness routine, but it may not be the perfect fit for everyone.

🔗Full Spectrum Cayenne & Fenugreek Supplement
As a user of Swanson's Capsule, I was very satisfied with the results. I started using it because it contains two potent herbs - Cayenne and Fenugreek. Cayenne is popular due to its spiciness, but it offers much more than just a spicy sensation. It's a powerful tool for circulatory health support and boosts blood flow to all the primary organs. Fenugreek, on the other hand, features steroidal saponins that promote healthy fat and carbohydrate metabolism, while maintaining a healthy lipid balance in the blood.
I used one veggie capsule twice a day with food and water, following the recommended dosage. I found it incredibly effective. The capsule is easy to swallow and there's no smell from either cayenne or fenugreek. The product is entirely vegan, making it suitable for a wide variety of people and dietary restrictions.
There were no major cons that I encountered while using this product. However, I would advise not taking this on its own as it can be quite potent, due to the strong presence of cayenne.
The product reviews were incredibly positive as well. The users reported various benefits such as reduced food cravings, improved blood circulation, and even weight loss. The potency of the cayenne seems to be quite intense for some users, but overall, the vast majority rated it highly.
In conclusion, Swanson's Capsule is an excellent addition to anyone considering adding a natural boost to their circulatory health. Its combination of Cayenne and Fenugreek offers potent benefits, and given its vegan nature, it's accessible to a wide range of people.

🔗Support Healthy Glucose Metabolism with Herb Pharm Mature Seed Fenugreek Liquid Extract
I recently tried Herb Pharm's Mature Seed Fenugreek liquid extract, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with its potency and efficacy. The extract is made from certified organic fenugreek seeds, which ensures that I am getting a high-quality and pure product. I particularly appreciated the convenient liquid form, as it allowed me to easily mix it into my daily smoothies or use it as a tincture.
One of the highlighting features of this product is its ability to support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism levels already within normal ranges. As someone who practices a holistic approach to wellness, I found this aspect of the fenugreek extract quite appealing.
The Herb Pharm extract is also gluten-free and non-GMO, which aligns with my personal dietary preferences. Additionally, the company uses High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis to guarantee consistency in potency.
However, there is one downside to this product. The extract contains a significantly high amount of alcohol, which may not be ideal for certain individuals or those with specific dietary restrictions. For instance, I would not recommend this extract to someone who is nursing, as it may cause adverse effects on the baby.
Overall, I believe that Herb Pharm's Mature Seed Fenugreek liquid extract is a high-quality and potent supplement. Its ability to support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism levels and its gluten-free and non-GMO status make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to improve their overall wellness.

🔗Fenugreek Herbal Supplement: 240 Capsules by Nutricost
I recently incorporated Nutricost Fenugreek Seed into my daily routine, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with its effects. This product contains high-quality fenugreek, which is traditionally used in ancient Greece, Egypt, India, and China. One standout feature is that it's non-GMO, soy-free, and gluten-free, making it suitable for a variety of dietary preferences. Additionally, it's manufactured in a GMP compliant and FDA-registered facility, ensuring quality control.
From personal experience, I can vouch for its effectiveness in maintaining blood sugar levels and improving digestion. The capsules are easy to swallow and have a pleasant scent, which is a nice touch. However, one drawback I noticed is that it may not be as effective in lowering cholesterol levels for everyone.
All in all, I believe Nutricost Fenugreek Seed is an excellent herbal supplement worth considering if you're looking to enhance your overall health and wellness. Its natural origins and quality manufacturing make it a reliable option, but do keep in mind individual results may vary.

🔗Fenugreek Herbal Supplement for Women's and Digestive Health
I recently came across Swanson's Fenugreek Extract and decided to give it a try. As a health-conscious individual, I was immediately intrigued by its potential benefits for blood sugar regulation, hormone support, and digestive health. It's been about a month now since I started incorporating fenugreek into my daily routine, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with the results.
One of the first things I noticed was an improvement in my digestive system. I've always had a slightly sensitive stomach, so any help in this area is greatly appreciated. Taking one capsule before each meal seemed to make a significant difference in how my body processed food, leading to fewer uncomfortable digestive issues after eating.
Another highlight of using fenugreek extract has been its impact on my energy levels throughout the day. I've noticed that I feel more energized and alert, which has made it easier for me to stay focused and productive during work. Additionally, I've noticed some positive changes in my bedroom routine, with increased vitality and improved performance - much to my partner's delight.
While I have had an overall positive experience using Swanson's Fenugreek Extract, there are a few minor cons worth mentioning. Firstly, the taste can be quite strong and somewhat bitter, which may not appeal to everyone. Secondly, I experienced a mild, temporary headache during the initial few days of use, but this subsided as my body adjusted to the supplement.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I would wholeheartedly recommend Swanson's Fenugreek Extract to anyone looking for a natural way to support their overall health and well-being. Its comprehensive benefits make it a valuable addition to any daily supplement regimen. Plus, with its affordable price and high-quality ingredients, it's definitely worth giving a try.

🔗Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed Capsules, 610mg, 180 Count
I recently started using Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed supplements to boost my milk supply for my little one. As a first-time mom, you could say I've become a bit of an expert on products like this. I love that these capsules are made with non-GMO ingredients and free from any artificial flavors or preservatives. What's more, they're suitable for vegans and allergy sufferers.
One thing that really stood out to me is the size of the capsules. They're quite large but don't worry, they're easy to swallow. Despite the size, they don't cause any discomfort or adverse reactions, at least not for me.
However, I did notice a few cons. First, the product label could be clearer about the recommended dosage and potential side effects. And second, the capsules do not include any flavor, which can be a problem for some users who may not appreciate the taste of the herb.
All in all, I am happy with my choice. Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed has helped me increase my milk supply, and I appreciate the fact that it's an affordable option available at health food stores. If you're a new mom looking for ways to boost your milk supply, this supplement might be worth considering.

Buyer's Guide

Importance of Fenugreek Herbal Supplements
Fenugreek is an incredibly popular herbal supplement that has been used for centuries due to its numerous health benefits. It's known for its ability to improve digestion, balance blood sugar levels, enhance heart health, and stimulate milk production in lactating women. Additionally, fenugreek is rich in fiber and other essential nutrients, making it an excellent choice for overall wellness.

Considerations when Purchasing Fenugreek Supplements

  • Ensure the supplement is made from high-quality fenugreek seeds or extracts.
  • Check the product's expiration date and ensure it's stored properly.
  • Look for supplements that are free from additives, fillers, or artificial ingredients.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications.

Choosing the Right Fenugreek Supplement

When selecting a fenugreek supplement, consider factors such as:
  • The form of the supplement (e. g. , capsules, tablets, powders).
  • The dosage (pay attention to how much fenugreek is contained in each serving).
  • The quality assurance measures taken by the manufacturer (look for third-party certifications like GMP or USP).

General Advice for Using Fenugreek Supplements

To maximize the benefits and minimize potential side effects, follow these general guidelines:
  • Start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it as needed.
  • Take fenugreek supplements with food to minimize potential stomach discomfort.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help with digestion and absorption of the nutrients.
  • Avoid taking fenugreek supplements if you're pregnant or nursing, as there is limited research on its safety for these populations.


What is fenugreek?
Fenugreek is an herbal supplement that comes from the fenugreek plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. It's known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypoglycemic properties, making it popular for various health purposes.

Why use fenugreek herbal supplements?

Fenugreek supplements are often used to support overall health, balance blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, aid digestion, and promote a sense of fullness. Some people also use fenugreek for muscle recovery and improvement in athletic performance.

How do fenugreek supplements work?

Fenugreek works by providing antioxidants, improving blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, stimulating digestive enzymes, and supporting muscle recovery. Its active compounds include soluble fibers and saponins, which contribute to its various benefits.

How should I take fenugreek supplements?

It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for dosing and consumption, as different brands may vary in potency and format. Typically, fenugreek supplements come in capsules or bulk powders and are taken orally with water or added to food.

What are the side effects of fenugreek supplements?

Fenugreek is generally considered safe for most people when used in moderation. However, some side effects might include diarrhea, bloating, gas, and a maple-syrup odor in urine or sweat. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid fenugreek due to a lack of safety evidence.

How do I select the best fenugreek supplement?

When choosing a fenugreek supplement, look for products that are third-party tested for potency and purity, preferably manufactured in facilities following good manufacturing practices (GMP). Also, consider the source of fenugreek; quality sources might include organic, non-GMO, and fair-trade products.

Can fenugreek supplements interfere with medications?

Fenugreek may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, blood sugar lowering drugs, and some cancer treatments. If you are on any medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using fenugreek supplements to ensure there are no negative interactions.

How long does it take to see the results of fenugreek supplements?

Results may vary depending on individual health conditions and dosages. Typically, it may take several weeks to a few months of consistent use to experience the benefits of fenugreek supplementation. However, some people may notice improvements in digestion or feelings of fullness more quickly.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:48 Cherelle_Vanek Shit just happened out of no where it feels like... They're dangerous substances/drugs all of them!. They fuck shit up and/or can lead to more DRUGS. DRUGS DESTROY PEOPLE. Fuck them! FUCK THEM!!!!! Fuck them! I made a list that can potentially help you avoid psychiatry totally.

This is all I know, here you go. I know this looks ridiculous and hypochondriac but it's not. They throw anti-psychotics at people for depression now so, it's best to avoid psychiatry.
  1. Psych meds. (1. Anti-psychotics and then 2. SSRI'S)
    1. Benzodiazepines (mixing that with alcohol can give you permanent brain damage/kill you. Quitting cold turkey can kill you.)
  2. Cipro(Fluoroquinolones) floxies. Fluoroquinolones toxicity is crazy people talking about their muscle exploding and then not being able to walk for months/years.
  1. Lionsmane mushroom lionsmanerecovery. This is what put me on psychiatric meds. It can change you mentally for months. If you don't freak out and just sleep you'll be back to normal. Eventually you come back might take a year or two years u/ciudadvenus ask him how long it took him to be recovered from the negative effects of it. Never mix this with psychoactives or overdose. You'll go crazy 100% .
  2. Meth ( a lot of people say your brain can't recover a lot say, I have my doubts though)
  3. Tick bites can turn into lyme disease which untreated can cause psychiatric disorders.
  4. Minoxdoxil, Finasteride any 5-ar inhibitor they cause post Finasteride syndrome which is terrible. Just search it up.
  5. Abusive family members especially parents (narcissist, bullies) they can lead you to psychiatry so if they ever mention psychiatry just be careful because they most likely will put it in your food so if you feel weird after eating /drinking something just run you only got hit with one dose just get a blood test done to have proof. You have to be vigilant because they will provoke you. Also they usually act immature to provoke you and get on your nerves. They use to get people lobotomized when they were upset with them but now they use psych medication. And all they got to do is tell police some story the cops are going to take you to where they force medication on you. They have power over you/you cannot get away from them. Watch out. Psychiatry is in rehabilitation centers, foster care etc. In nursing homes they give people pills. Make sure to ask any type of group home/rehabilitation center if they're going to force medication on you. A school psychiatrist can diagnose you with a disorder so it's better you don't go to them if they ask you to. They stay on your medical record for life I believe.
  6. K2 /Spice will make you psychotic, synthetic weed will make you psychotic.
  7. Sniffing sharpies, paint, gasoline they can stop oxygen from reaching your brain. (This won't send you to psychiatry but I was I sniffing markers before because it smelled good in elementary school didn't know it can damage your brain)
  8. Whippets can kill braincells allegedly. I've seen someone on Reddit say it made them a little slow due to heavy use of it.
  9. Cannabis induced psychosis from THC vapes / too much edibles ( you recover, it takes time)
  10. Therapists are mandated reporters and can hospitalize you.
  11. Voluntarily going in to the hospital for "help" can turn involuntary hold if the doctor goes to a judge.They side with doctor most of the time.
  12. Also school can stress a child out and cause behavioral problems . A lot of children are emotionally immature and may not respond to stress in a smart way. That can lead to psychiatry too as they can say you're bipolar or something but really it's just a response to stress. In Korea a lot of students commit suicide due to school stress and you can't avoid school. I was one of those people. All school did was just piss me off I should've dropped out. And I didn't have a chance of caring enough to leave because I was immature and didn't take my mental health seriously. Didn't know that I could develop deep hatred for people and a lot of time was wasted. Also school is a dangerous environment 80%(fights, teachers giving too much homework, trying to get an edge that doesn't fucking matter you'll still be fine if you don't go to college) of the time so that's just constant stress 8 hours a day everyday for some of us. School can definitely cause behavioral changes.
More information: Withdrawing from benadryl can cause auditory hallucinations/ psychosis if you taper off it too fast. Benzo withdrawal can cause psychosis too. Too much vitamin B6 can cause peripheral nerve damage too. Supplements can be dangerous too, normal food provide nutrition but don't boost levels of specific things too high usually.
A lot of us are pretty much done from psych meds or recovering. This is what I learned in my life time that I'm sharing with you. Lion's mane is much, much more powerful then people think it is. A potent tincture form is just asking for trouble, never buy that. Don't use it sublingually it bypasses liver enzymes which helps regulate how much of the medicine hits your brain. A pill you're most likely safe from the crazy negative reactions that people have for years. Ask u/ciudadvenus. A pill is the intelligent way to ingest lion's mane. Or if you use a tincture put in food, tincture under your tongue is a big no no. I wouldn't mess with that stupid lion's mane shit frankly, I'm really only saying this because lion's mane is dangerous but I don't want to look crazy and say don't touch it all because it's not widely known to be dangerous and I want to be respectable by looking level headed. I use to wonder why mental hospitals have so many people and are still open, but now I know why. It's because psychiatry is literally everywhere (school, people saying go seek help constantly), having a mental breakdown/reaction to trauma is seen as mental illness, genetics or drug induced. Eh. I see why people say don't do drugs ☹️. Man fuck drugs man. I just had to do that stupid dumbass shit called lionsmane. Man... Oh well. I'm warning others now. That specific fungi is a mothefucker... be careful with lionsmane.
submitted by Cherelle_Vanek to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:24 LGBTQIA_Over50 My married/divorced/coupled female friends have jobs & I don't

This isn't to ask for pity. It's to generate a discussion.
Google singlism
Google matrimania
I never married and stayed childfree. I would have married, but I was always working, going to school, taking a certification, at the gym, home reading.
I've dated. I'm female and dated men. My handle is, because I am an ally.
I was raised in an abusive, alcoholic home, and had a Narcissistic father who controlled with money.
I don't tell people that because they wouldn't get the complete picture, because its complicated.
I worked in conservative industries, banking, mortgage, insurance, etc...back then (my handle didn't exist), and most people traditionally married and had children.
I just never did. I paid the price for that, again, (my generation), because THAT was expected.
I lost friends in my 20s-30s who started their own families, and I went to grad school.
I am not anti-social when you meet me. I'm not a creepy introvert, but I do cherish my alone time, and enjoy reading and learning.
I can't afford to live alone. * gasp * yes, I am in my car. I was denied healthcare access, (pre to post pandemic) and my perimenopause and menopause happened right at that time, as well as skin cancers. That's when I began to experience ageism. Employers pushed me out of jobs pretextually, because as a new employee, they didn't want me to use their medical benefits.
In the USA, they can make up any excuse that they want to terminate employment. I only began to experience the job pushouts when I entered perimenopause, around 48-49, and post whistleblowing (yes, I am a former corporate whistleblower, but that is for another post). I reported fraud, at a major employer, and, that company got fined heavily and no longer exists.
I am facing the consequences of the choices I've made. I've applied to and accepted low wage jobs, only to be pushed out, either because they realized I was overqualified, the younger boss wanted a younger workforce and I was just a "check the box" we hired someone older, (with the intention to push out, once they learned I can't afford to exist on the pay)....
My health declined.
Homeless services don't offer market rate, viable, long-term solutions for singles who don't fit their funding profiles. Once you get caught in that trap of poverty, its impossible to get out.
The women and men who helped me a long, in this very lonely journey of poverty, while existing in my car, covering my storage and car repairs, couldn't understand why a woman with my credentials and multi-industry skills is STILL homeless.
They believe the marketing brochures of nonprofit services. They fail to see that most single adults have more bills, and expenses beyond housing. In fact, when I tell people IF I had a FT job, I would only be able to allocate 20% of my pay towards housing and not the standard 30% (many people pay more), due to car costs, health, dental, vision and bills...they can't process it.
Not everyone is fit to cohabitate. I have experienced adults my age and older to be "controlling," or "needing me as their roommate-friend," so that is why I avoided roommates, since college.
Cosharing space is a big deal, no matter what. But one thing I listen to, is that most (not all) need a partner or spouse (my age and older) to keep a roof over their head.
And because I'm certainly not marketable to approach dating, or spouse searching, (let's be real, I have nothing to offer at this stage, and a man is going to want a woman who can support herself by my age)...I don't know how I can get hired and pay my debts and rebuild (realistically at my age) 50s.
Its just an awareness I have, as a never married, childfree woman.
Last week, I had a Teams interview, arranged by a woman in her 30s, who lacked the discernment about the role I applied to. (I apply to high end and low end to see what is offered and its always only the low end jobs that are live in your car incomes).
I interview, and the first thing out of the man's mouth, is, "Oh I never interviewed anyone from blah, blah, University where you graduated from, but my daughter and her husband went there...."
This man talked more, didn't ask me what I THOUGHT, KNOW, or can OFFER to support two financial advisors (probably because after seeing my age, he would assume I might want to be an advisor to earn more pay), but he made it clear that he wanted the person to STAY in that role for 2-3 years.
So, I asked, what happened to the other person who had this role. He said, "within 6 weeks, they decided they wanted to be a financial advisor instead of spending time sending out letters and making phone calls..."
The pay would have been my year 2000 earnings and for 2024, it would still render me homeless.
Hotels Due to rising homelessness, I am seeing more and more people occupying hotels. People can't afford their mortgages, apt rents are rising etc...
Wages are stagnant. This is all over the USA, not just in Illinois. Other states that have a lower cost of living, have lower pay.
I ask people who do offer me help, "do you know anyone who is hiring for professional office work?" I'm told based on my education and skills that I "should be in management, a director or running a nonprofit which pays $10,000 min a month...."
Great.Fine.Awesome. BUT I don’t have the connections to get those jobs. And the only jobs I am offered are very low wage jobs that won't cover bills, housing, car, healthcare etc...
The married women who covered my car repairs and hotels, many don't have college degrees. They took time off to raise their children, and then, jumped back into the workforce, without penalty and got into high income jobs. They talk about their spouses, their retirement, their money.
I listen. I get it.
But they can't influence anyone to give me a chance.
I'm part of a section of the population that has been impacted by the poverty and homeless industrial complex, and I can't just work my way out.
The news writes stories that pathologizes the homeless, "mentally ill or criminal or addicted."
How many people can stay hopeful, calm, and joyous, while sleeping in their cars, isolated from society? I try to stay sane by reading. I ration whatever money is given to me, for my car and storage. I don't drink, I don't smoke and I have a SNAP card.
The homeless industrial complex is BIG business, just like the prison industrial complex and military industrial complex. Its a business.
Red States that don't have a State income tax monetize off the poor and homeless and use them as a commodity for Federal funding to add to state funding budgets.
Nonprofits will hire volunteers or married women who have subsidized incomes, to start them out at $35k, $45k, and allow them to increase their earnings.
If a spouse dies, the surviving spouse gets their social security check. They can work, and then if they pick up a new partner who had his or her own income, (without marrying), she can live on the former spouse's social security, their current pay, plus new bf or gf's added wages.
I have nothing. I never comingled my income with anyone. Adults who choose to stay single, and work, and advance their knowledge, should be able to live as a single adult...
But other reddit forums often share the financial challenges that makes living in a 1BR attainable if its 30-40% of your pay. For me, due to my bills, and car, I'd have to restrict to 20% or live in my car which is wearing me down.
Women should be able to live independently and not forced to cohabitate if they want to work FT.
Thanks for letting me share my experience.
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:42 Intelligent-Bell5595 You Guys Are Worse Than Scientology

I recently viewed a livestream where an individual referred to as Jay alleged that Pearl Snappy had fabricated details regarding a stolen vehicle, asserting instead that she had consumed alcohol and subsequently caused the crash. While I typically do not watch many anti-Scientology videos or engage in protests, I have observed brief segments where SPTV protester Pearl Snappy exhibited peculiar behavior. Just prior to this incident, I overheard her singing songs about "k*lling" Scientologists, which prompted me to wonder whether Scientology monitors or records such occurrences.
Although I have never personally encountered a Scientologist or visited one of their churches, I maintain a respect for individuals' rights to practice their chosen religion. It troubles me to witness Pearl Snappy and others behaving aggressively towards innocent individuals, including terminally ill elderly individuals, black individuals, and children.
From my perspective, the behavior displayed by individuals such as Pearl Snappy appears more concerning than that attributed to Scientology. A cursory internet search reveals numerous accounts of Scientology's contributions during the pandemic, including efforts to aid and protect individuals. Additionally, I am aware of Scientology's initiatives aimed at combating drug addiction, providing relief during natural disasters, assisting homeless individuals, supporting needy families and veterans, offering educational programs, and facilitating criminal rehabilitation.
In contrast, individuals who propagate anti-Scientology sentiments seem to focus primarily on sensationalism without actively contributing to societal improvement. Their actions appear self-serving, seeking personal recognition and fame rather than genuinely advocating for change. It is my belief that they unfairly vilify Scientology as a means of projecting their own shortcomings onto an external entity.
submitted by Intelligent-Bell5595 to scientology [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:49 Jupiter177 My Simple Brain Fog Treatment Guide 101

Experts say we’re facing a silent pandemic called brain fog. This condition, often overlooked, affects countless people, making daily tasks feel like wading through mud. Brain fog isn’t just about occasional forgetfulness or mental fatigue; it’s a persistent issue that can drastically reduce your quality of life.
Understanding brain fog is crucial. It’s more than a nuisance—it's a symptom of deeper health issues, such as inflammation in the brain. By recognizing and addressing brain fog, you can reclaim your mental clarity and improve your overall well-being.
What is Brain Fog?
Brain fog is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that affect your ability to think clearly. Common symptoms include forgetfulness, lack of focus, confusion, and mental fatigue. It’s like trying to operate your brain with a low battery.
The root cause of brain fog often lies in inflammation in the brain. When your brain is inflamed, it can’t function at its best. This inflammation can result from various factors such as diet, stress, and underlying health conditions.
By identifying and reducing these inflammatory triggers, you can significantly improve your mental clarity and cognitive function. Understanding these mechanisms is the first step towards combating brain fog effectively.

Hidden Factors Causing Brain Fog

Gluten: Impact on Brain Health
Gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains, can trigger brain fog in sensitive individuals. For those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, consuming gluten leads to inflammation that can affect the brain, resulting in cognitive difficulties and mental fatigue.
Dairy: How It Contributes to Inflammation
Dairy products are another common culprit. Many people have sensitivities to lactose or casein, proteins in dairy, which can cause inflammation. This inflammation doesn't just affect the gut; it can also impact the brain, leading to symptoms of brain fog.
Sugar: Effects on Cognitive Function
High sugar intake can wreak havoc on your brain. Sugar spikes and crashes lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels, which can cause mood swings, fatigue, and mental fog. Additionally, excessive sugar can promote inflammation, further impairing cognitive function.
Caffeine (Over-reliance): Disruptions in Sleep and Focus
While caffeine can boost alertness, over-reliance can backfire. Excessive caffeine consumption disrupts your sleep patterns, leading to poor quality sleep. This lack of rest can significantly impact your focus and clarity, creating a cycle of dependency and brain fog.
Alcohol: Negative Effects on Mental Clarity
Alcohol is another factor that can cloud your brain. It disrupts sleep and dehydrates the body, both of which can lead to mental fog. Chronic alcohol consumption can also lead to long-term cognitive decline and memory issues.
Eliminating or reducing these hidden factors from your diet can significantly improve your mental clarity and overall health. By addressing these dietary contributors, you take a crucial step toward clearing the fog and enhancing your cognitive function.

Cutting Out Hidden Factors

Benefits of Eliminating Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol

Eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet can have a profound impact on your health and mental clarity.
Cutting out gluten and dairy can reduce inflammation and improve digestion, leading to clearer thinking and better energy levels. Removing sugar helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing mood swings and fatigue. Reducing caffeine can improve sleep quality, enhancing focus and concentration. Lastly, eliminating alcohol prevents mental fog and supports overall cognitive health.

Tips for a Successful Elimination Diet

  1. Plan Ahead: Prepare meals and snacks that fit your new dietary guidelines.
  2. Read Labels: Be vigilant about checking food labels for hidden ingredients.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help your body adjust and detox.
  4. Find Substitutes: Replace gluten, dairy, and sugar with healthier alternatives like almond milk, gluten-free grains, and natural sweeteners.
  5. Keep a Food Diary: Track what you eat and note any improvements in your symptoms.
By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate these hidden factors and experience significant improvements in your mental clarity and overall well-being.

The 5-Step Brain Fog Recovery Plan

5.1. Sleep: The Foundation

Importance of 7-9 hours of quality sleep
Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep is crucial for mental and physical health. Sleep allows your brain to repair and regenerate, leading to improved cognitive function and reduced brain fog.
Tips for Improving Sleep Quality

5.2. Move More

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Regular physical activity boosts blood flow to the brain, enhances mood, and reduces stress, all of which can help clear brain fog. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters and brain boosters.
Simple Exercises and Routines to Incorporate into Daily Life

5.3. Good Food

Incorporating Anti-inflammatory Foods
Eating anti-inflammatory foods can reduce brain inflammation and improve mental clarity. Focus on a diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
Examples: Dark Leafy Greens, Berries, Turmeric, Ginger
Incorporating these foods into your daily diet can help combat brain fog and boost overall cognitive function.

5.4. Mind Training

Techniques for Training the Mind
Training your mind involves practices like mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive exercises. Mindfulness teaches you to stay present, while meditation can help calm the mind and improve focus.
Cognitive exercises, such as puzzles and memory games, challenge your brain and enhance cognitive function.
Benefits: Conscious Control, Thought Regulation, Emotional Balance
Mind training offers numerous benefits:

5.5. Do What You Love

Importance of Engaging in Activities You Love
Engaging in activities you love is vital for mental well-being. Pursuing your passions can bring joy and satisfaction, making life more fulfilling.
How Flow States Contribute to Mental Clarity and Overall Happiness
When you do what you love, you’re more likely to enter flow states—periods of deep immersion and focus. Flow states enhance mental clarity, boost productivity, and contribute to overall happiness. These states are incredibly restorative and help reduce brain fog, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

More tips

Brain works like muscles. -More you give healthy acute stresses like resistance training in case of muscles the more healthy your brain will be .

Live a Life Mission-Oriented

Living a life mission-oriented provides a sense of purpose and direction, which can enhance motivation and cognitive clarity. This focus can reduce brain fog by creating a structured approach to daily activities and decisions, ensuring mental energy is channeled effectively.

Live a Life Goal-Oriented

A goal-oriented life emphasizes setting and achieving specific objectives, which can improve mental focus and discipline. Regularly working towards goals helps train the brain to stay on task, reducing instances of brain fog and enhancing overall cognitive function.

Share Emotions with Loved Ones

Sharing emotions with loved ones fosters emotional support and reduces stress, which can significantly impact cognitive health. Emotional expression and support networks help clear mental clutter, alleviating symptoms of brain fog by providing psychological relief.

Accept New Tasks and Try to Complete Them

Taking on new tasks and striving to complete them stimulates brain activity and promotes neuroplasticity. This constant mental challenge helps improve problem-solving skills and cognitive resilience, reducing the likelihood of experiencing brain fog.

Long Walks Frequently

Frequent long walks enhance physical fitness and increase blood flow to the brain, promoting better oxygenation and nutrient delivery. This physical activity can improve mental clarity and reduce symptoms of brain fog by boosting overall brain health.

Read Books Even for 10 Minutes Daily

Reading daily, even for just 10 minutes, engages the brain in continuous learning and comprehension activities. This regular cognitive exercise helps improve concentration and mental acuity, which can alleviate brain fog over time.

Talk to More People

Engaging in conversations with others stimulates cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and language skills. Social interactions can reduce feelings of isolation and mental stagnation, helping to clear brain fog and enhance mental sharpness.

Learn a New Hobby

Learning a new hobby stimulates neurogenesis, the process of forming new neurons in the brain. Engaging in novel activities can enhance cognitive flexibility and mental resilience, reducing brain fog by keeping the brain active and adaptable.

Build an Audience on Social Media

Building an audience on social media involves creating content, interacting with followers, and managing online presence. This multifaceted activity can enhance creativity, strategic thinking, and communication skills, helping to combat brain fog by keeping the mind engaged and dynamic.

Learn Public Speaking

Learning public speaking improves cognitive functions such as memory, organization, and verbal communication. The process of preparing and delivering speeches challenges the brain, which can help alleviate brain fog by boosting confidence and mental clarity.

Plant Trees and Take Care of Them Initially

Planting trees and taking care of them involves physical activity, responsibility, and a connection with nature. This process can reduce stress and enhance mental well-being, thereby reducing brain fog by promoting a sense of accomplishment and relaxation.

Saturated Fat and Sunlight

Consuming healthy saturated fats and getting adequate sunlight can improve brain health by providing essential nutrients and promoting the production of vitamin D. These factors contribute to better cognitive function and energy levels, helping to alleviate symptoms of brain fog.
submitted by Jupiter177 to BrainFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:38 stupadbear Chrons? EDS? Something else? Should i seek out evaluation for my bowels too?

I have had huge issues with my bowels for most of my life, i guess. But it is only since i started having blood in my stool now and then the past years that i started trying to look into it.
I've always tops pooped twice a week and usually not even that. As a kid it was constipation that we tried so many things for, but i barely remember. Since then it has kept being one-two times a week unless something is physically off, it was my normal. The past 7 years it has been basically diarrhea at various levels but far between as usual. Sometimes things got quite a bit weird. Which prompted seeking out a doctor
There are suspicions i have EDS (due to other symptoms) which i mention at the end, but i want to know if i should pursue more bowel-focused medical evaluation as well? Or could it possibly be an EDS connected issue?
About me
About two years ago i noticed a lot of blood in my stool and some clotted tissue and went to the doctor. It was bright red and quite a lot. The doctor ruled out hemorrhoids after a Sigmoidoscopy (or whatever the light colonoscopy is called in English) and ordered a Colonoscopy. Their examination said they saw some light signs of inflammation and signs that i had had hemorrhoids in the past but not now.
During the colonoscopy all looked fine, they found a polyp they removed that was all cleared. Since i have some medical trauma around not being taken seriously, and they acted like all was fine, i dropped it there.
But it keeps being absolutely not as it should.
Medications I'm on.
The reasons for my suspicions of EDS and Chrons
submitted by stupadbear to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:27 SeeShawnShout One year post-surgery today!

This sub really helped me last year when I was deciding whether to go ahead with surgery, so sharing my experience.
tl;dr -- A year after a resection of a mass in my left temporal lobe, I've been able to stop taking one of my medications (Vimpat) entirely and was just cleared to start weaning off another (Keppra)! If things keep going well, I'll be off all three anti-seizure meds in the next year.
For background, I first started experiencing simple partial absence seizures about 10 years ago, which was after college. I ignored them for too long because I thought I was schizophrenic. But once I was having multiple per day I finally saw a doctor who immediately diagnosed these as seizures, not hallucinations. It took a few years to find stable dosages — Keppra (1500mg/2x daily), Vimpat (200mg/2x daily), and Trileptal (300mg morning/450mg night) — and nail down my triggers (primarily drinking too much alcohol on too little sleep). Years of testing showed my seizures came from my left temporal lobe, and MRIs consistently showed some sort of mass at that spot. This was generally assumed to be a cavernous malformation.
Grateful as I am not to have daily seizures, I hate my anti-seizure meds. They slowed down my thinking, which *really* showed when I decided to go to law school and was doing consistently worse on the LSAT than I had a couple years earlier.
Still, for a long time I couldn't fathom doing surgery, even though I was reassured I was a textbook case. Once I stabilized, I accepted that this was just how my brain worked now. It took a few more years before I was ready to hear a VERY enthusiastic pitch from a neurosurgeon in May 2022. I did not go with that surgeon, but this conversation made me open to exploring what surgery might take.
Instead, in early 2023 I found a neurologist and neurosurgeon who were very measured and attuned to my goal of getting off at least some of the meds, and then they found a second opinion team that was quite conservative. More tests — MRI, ambulatory EEG, and cognitive testing — confirmed that I was a good candidate for surgery, especially since it seemed possible that the mass was actually a tumor, which could not be verified without a biopsy.
The main decision point was whether to do a pre-surgery implanted EEG study, which would require a hospital stay and inducing seizures to capture in more detail how my seizures move through my brain. The second opinion team was strongly in favor of going the implanted EEG route, and my surgeon and neurologist were both agnostic. Since I was well controlled and it seemed like a good idea to take a possible tumor out either way, this seemed like unnecessary data to get through a daunting procedure. After much discussion, we decided to schedule the surgery for early June 2023.
The surgery experience itself was bizarre since I needed to be awake for part of it to do cognitive tests before they took anything out. But it was such a great decision to do the surgery. I was fully expecting a long recovery and was warned I might need therapy since brains are complex. But I was walking within hours of the surgery and have not noticed any issues with my speech or memory in the past year. The biopsy confirmed the mass was, in fact, a benign tumor, so I'm glad I did it for that reason alone!
Going into surgery, I decided that even if I could just cut back on some of the meds — especially the Vimpat, which is a pain for so many reason — it would be a success. Six months after surgery, I did followup EEGs and an MRI, and my neurologist cleared me to start cutting back on Vimpat. It took about three months to cut Vimpat completely, then we paused for another few weeks to give my system time to recalibrate. Last week I did another followup EEG, which showed no pre-seizure activity even without the Vimpat.
So starting today I'm cleared to start cutting back on Keppra, which I expect will take another few months given my dose. Then we'll tackle the Trileptal.
submitted by SeeShawnShout to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:23 Vegetable-Degree-889 Garnier SPF eye stinging

I had Garnier Anti Dryness spf 50+, and it didn’t sting my eyes at all, even when I applied it directly on my eyelids. I decided to try other spf50+ from Garnier, I purchased the Hyaluronic Acid one, and it is stinging my eyes, even though i don’t apply it on my eyelids, and completely avoid the eye area. Do you know which ingredient might be causing it? And if you had similar experience, which Garnier stung your eyes, and which didn’t?
submitted by Vegetable-Degree-889 to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:32 Nightmare__0 Looks like lpr but does not improve

I'm going to tell my story as a summary:
Until I was 18-20 years old I was a “normal” kid, but the truth is that I had a shitty diet, lots of pizza and processed food, lots of sodas (I could go a week without drinking water).
When I was 20 I had some kind of flu that left me aphonic for 1 week, and from then on, those episodes were repeated every 2 months or so.
The doctor told me that it was an acute laryngitis and gave me an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic, it healed and was perfect until it happened again.
I was like that for many years, but I improved my conditions, healthier diet, drank more water but on weekends I drank soft drinks and alcohol.
That went on for about 10 years, at 31 (now 33), I started to investigate seriously what was happening to me and everything was consistent with LPR, my “outbreaks” were always worse after alcohol or overeating on weekends and I would have an “outbreak” that would leave me destroyed for 3-4 days.
now, I control my diet, I follow an anti-flush diet, I drink alkaline water, 0 alcohol and soft drinks, I sleep on a wedge and have dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed.
my “outbreaks” have definitely improved, but I have a kind of residue that has been building up over the years and it won't go away:
-sensation of balloon in my throat, it goes away when I burp, (I burp about 30-40 times a day) but then it comes back again. -discomfort when speaking, it generates me an effort and the days that I speak too much I feel my throat irritated, it generates me many discomforts to speak. -Mucus in the throat -burping and more burping, which is what gives me the feeling that it does not cure me. even just get up and drink water and I can already have 4 or 5 burping
i have tried ibp for 1-2 months with no improvement, maybe i should try again
it is affecting me because it is limiting my social life a lot.
has anyone gotten any improvement? sounds like lpr?
submitted by Nightmare__0 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:56 Haydensmith877 25 F A shy but caring person looking for friends.

Hello Agent
There isn’t much time for me to give you this mission so you must listen carefully. There is someone that we need you to befriend to get more information on. Down below is what we know about her so far.
Name: Gillian Gender: Female Age: 25 From: Wisconsin Hobbies: writing, baking, and drawing abstract Music: 80's, classical, 2000's and jazz Favorite color: doesn’t have one. Favorite food: tacos Favorite drink: Regular coca cola 
One random fact about the agent: They have a unique self-published book. Rumor has it that the pages are filled with the emotions the agent normally keeps hidden.
To establish contact with the agent you must provide the details below to her. It is a first step in the right direction of gaining trust.
Name: Age: Where you are from: Tell her something you think is interesting about you: 
We know that she is a night owl by choice based on the report from the last agent. She has a list of health issues but continues to push on even with them. Doing such shows the determination and hard-headedness that she has. Although this has helped her through life it means that it is going to be another obstacle for you, take note of that.
She is anti-drug and anti-alcohol by choice. One thing that is a must if you choose to continue is she is quiet and shy. You might ask how I can get the information quicker, you can’t, it will take time and patience. If you do not have that turn around right now because you will just frustrate yourself while she sits there calm and composed.
You get to ask the agent one free question. Meaning no matter what you will get an honest answer.
Follow these instructions carefully. If you don't there is no guarantee that you will get a response. The agency wishes you the best of luck on what is going to be a tough mission.
Transmission terminated
submitted by Haydensmith877 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:08 James_Readme Anti INCs are proud to have this kind of mindset 🤭

Anti INCs are proud to have this kind of mindset 🤭
Some will surely defend their fellow anti INCs and claim it was only posted as a Meme. But obviously, they have been against the INCs slogan of "Obey and Never complain" which is biblical.
The bible says...
"Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God without any fault. But you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like lights in a dark world," Phil 2:14-15
"Remember your leaders. They taught God’s message to you. Remember how they lived and died, and copy their faith." Heb 13:7
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them." Eph 5:6-7
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:21 Shot_Preference1697 I have no idea how to change but I want to. So badly

Completely lost without direction
24 years old. I have made many posts like this throughout the past 5 years. Where I vent and rant about how miserable of an existence I lead yet do nothing valuable to change it. Now I know it's due to severe depression and a childhood of being told I am dumber than everyone else. In short I was diagnosed with aspergers as a kid and singled out constantly by everyone. Then was sent to a special school for middle/high school. It's left a very negative impact on my life. I hate therapy, as a kid I have so many memories of being sat in a room. Telling people my problems and then they go and do something that does nothing but negatively impact me further.
I then got a severe drinking problem. Not going out and partying, sitting alone and drinking. I haven't touched it since early 2023, after my mum got cancer which she's all clear now thankfully. But essentially It was destroying me and the person I become when I drink is all the built up anger and rage I've accumulated coming out full force. I was a piece of shit and pushed everyone who actually did like me away. Now I have replaced alcohol with weed and energy drinks. Weed is easier to keep off but it's definitely helped in some way. I want to quit it however.
1 am very angry and hateful as a person. Not always, and I know I have good qualities. But I can't help but feel bitter when I see happy people my age who don't have the physical imperfections I have. I convince myself that I'll always be this way and stuck in my situation even if I do try and change. I was on anti-depressants from mid 2022 to around may this this year. Decided to get off them as I believed the time was right. Yeah a lot of things after this fell apart but in hindsight it was the right thing to do. All it did was numb my emotions. Nothing else really. 15 So now here I am. I am 24, no relationship since I was 18, no friends to speak of and the only people I talk to are my family. Which thankfully I am close to. One thing about being a loner is that you know yourself. I am so sick to death of being told I need therapy. When I talk. about my problems I get depressed. What helps me is being busy and actually pursuing my passions. I am passionate about music and filmmaking and have played in many bands in my life. That's the only way I as able to be social. I joined one again earlier this year but seeing how far ahead they were in their adult life broke me. One member was also autistic but doing a PHD and had a house and a car. The other owned several businesses. Then there was me, better than both of them musically but lives off unemployment and sits in their parents house rotting away. I quit shortly after but did have fun with it
I needed a reason to look good. So I took to doing squats, light weights and doing 4 rounds on a boxing heavybag. Which at 5 foot 10 and 270lbs was not easy. I've always had hyperextended knees so I kept doing leg exercises until my knees started killing me. I went too hard and after the band broke apart I went back to sitting at my PC getting fat again. I was losing weight slowly and while I'll never be a ripped dude I was beginning to look at myself and not hate what I saw. So now here I am. I have a tiny bit of money, but no more than a couple hundred & to last the month. But today I tried doing a boxing workout without the other stuff. I am back to being really obese and it sucks. I convince myself there's no reason to do it since nothing will change. It's like I expect everything to fall into place if I change one thing. I've learnt since I quit drinking that is not the case. Absolutely fuck all has changed but hey at least I'm not embarrassing myself every week anymore. I don't even know where I'm going with this post. I just want to lose weight. I don't want to be a loser. I have been told from the moment I was born that I have no chance. People wonder why I am the way I am. That's why, I am self aware enough to realize what I'm doing is wrong. I just don't know how to change and talking to somebody paid to listen is not going to change that.
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