Ecigarette store waldorf md

I am 25 (26 on Tuesday!), make $80,000 in New York City, and spent $1955.99 in my first six months of cat ownership

2024.05.19 04:53 shoshana20 I am 25 (26 on Tuesday!), make $80,000 in New York City, and spent $1955.99 in my first six months of cat ownership

We haven’t had a lot of reddit money diaries lately and I was curious about how much I spent on her in the first 6 months, so I did this to tally up! I’ve done MD before so I’m just going to do a very quick summary here: I have a masters degree, in workforce last 2 years, I was making $100,000 til a layoff in late April. I have roughly $12k in retirement, $16k in checking, and $27k in savings. No debt. I adopted Cordelia 11/11/2023 and the bulk of expenses, though not all of them, are split with my sisteroommate. If not otherwise noted, assume the total was split 50/50 between us. In the interest of tracking full costs, I will only be noting the totals.
Upfront Costs/Adoption Story
I came in knowing I wanted an adult cat and that special needs wasn’t a dealbreaker, and it was truly love at first sight when I met Cordelia (nee Socks). She was 6 years old and recently re-surrendered to the shelter after her owner, an elderly Eastern European woman, moved back to her home country. She had a rough backstory, grew up in a hoarder home and was found and brought to the shelter when the home caught fire and firefighters found literally over a hundred cats in cages. In addition to being less appealing to potential adopters because of age, she was suffering from dandruff mostly due to being overweight and was/is on a prescription diet for proteinuria. Nevertheless, she is a gentle, loving, total couch potato of a cat who adores being brushed and touched by humans.
The shelter is pay what you wish, and I made a $100 donation to the shelter (not split). Additionally, I had no cat supplies, so before I brought her home I went to my local pet store. I had a $100 gift card that I won in a raffle to benefit a pitbull rescue, but still paid $44.99 out of pocket for a haul that included a litter box, 20 lb bag of litter, a cat condo (that she never even touched, naturally), Litter Genie, and a bag of Litter Genie refills. I did not need to pay for a carrier at this point because the shelter provided one.
Category Total: $144.99
Pet Insurance
$25/month, through Healthy Paws, not much to say.
Category Total: $150
Toys and Accessories
Other than the cat condo previously noted, I spent $51 at PetSmart (not split) on a harness and some random toys. As usual, she does not like any of these toys and only wants to play with my dirty socks. This purchase also included a slicker brush because she loves the brushie. For $2 at TJ Maxx I got her a scratch pad that she loved and scratched to death and I replaced for another $2 later on. At one point she scratched my doorframe so I got a scratching post with a built-in brush at the base and also got more Litter Genie bags for a $50 pet store visit. In January I returned to the pet store yet again and bought a water fountain for $30, which was another dud. Last month I bought her a set of raised food/water bowls for $20 and pleased to say they actually increased her water intake! I also bought a Furminator for $20 as the season change has made her quite scrunkly. Finally, I’ve spent $110 on alternative carriers because the one from the shelter is pretty awkward and heavy. I got a backpack carrier for vet visits and today I ordered a rolling carrier to try and bring her on public transit to my parents’ house.
This total does not include things my parents bought for their grandkitty, such as a cat bed that looks like a present box, or random small toys that I paid for in cash. This stuff is also not split because it was all me being silly and extra.
Category Total: $258
This is also sort of a recurring cost, but as I mentioned, she is on prescription urinary food. Though maybe not for much longer because she had a bladder test Friday! Every 48 days, I pay $122 for two 24 packs of her wet food. She eats a can a day and also gets a tiny bit of prescription dry food so she doesn’t spend all night bugging me. The shelter did send me home with what they had of her prescription. The total spent on her food thus far is slightly higher than the recurring cost because I had to replace the dry food once.
Category Total: $545
Vet Visits
As part of her pet insurance coverage, I needed to bring her in for a comprehensive physical exam within 30 days of adoption. I brought her to a local vet and paid $217 for a physical exam. The vet found that she had ear mites, presumably from the shelter environment, so this total includes an ear cleaning and preventative mite treatment. This also includes a fecal analysis. Two weeks later, we decided to get Cordelia microchipped, which was $295 including the actual procedure and the registration fee with Pettrac.
This past Friday, Cordelia had another vet visit. This was primarily because she’s due for a rabies vaccine in May, but we also opted to do her annual physical so both those appointments would be on the same schedule and she won’t need to go in every 6 months for routine stuff. The total here was $346, of which $125 was the urinalysis. In addition to the urinalysis, physical, and rabies shot, I also got her a gabapentin prescription to hopefully avoid peeing/pooping/vomiting on car rides.
Category Total: $858
Grand Total: $1955.99
Sorry not sorry for being a crazy cat lady. I have some photos in my post history of Cordelia, she truly lights up my life and my/my sister’s apartment. There’s a new coziness and warmth that wasn’t there before she came home. As I type this MD, she’s next to me on my bed making biscuits. Also, she's down nearly 1.5 lbs since I brought her home! She still has a bit to go to get to a healthy weight but she's noticeably improved at grooming herself.
submitted by shoshana20 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:48 number1sandwicher fuck customers bruh

fuck customers bruh submitted by number1sandwicher to QuikTrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:06 The_Forsaken_Cookie This is my collection after roughly 2 months of collecting

This is my collection after roughly 2 months of collecting
I got each for 10 cents up to 2 dollars each. Im a fairly new collector and i’m addicted
submitted by The_Forsaken_Cookie to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:30 TallgeeseIV Just Some Suggestions & Feedback for the Developers

I'm about 330 hours in, day 560, clearly I LOVE this game. It's everything I wanted Medieval Dynasty to be, but with a much better execution (Sorry MD). With that in mind, it's in Early Access and that of course means it's not done, and we who purchased it in EA have a responsibility to provide kind, constructive feedback in order to ensure the game is allowed to flourish as much as it deserves. To that end, I have a few notes and ideas that I think could further improve this already stellar game.
I'm sorry it's so long, I've been accumulating this over the course of my playtime.

Stealth Mechanics

So, maybe this is something planned for a future update, or intentionally omitted, but I find it kind of odd that an archer wearing all dark clothes in the dead of night can't sneak around and pick off a team of brightly colored Brigands one by one without engaging the whole squad. Seriously, the screen is pitch black, I can barely see myself, but somehow all the Brigands know exactly where I am and B-Line towards me the second an arrow lands in the woods behind them?
Maybe this is just an AI problem, but I would love it if there were some sort of stealth mechanics in the game. I'm not saying add a "sneak mode", but things like being able to confuse enemies by breaking line-of-sight, maybe hiding in bushes, getting closer without alerting by moving slowly, using cloth and leather armor instead of plate to make less noise, maybe even throwing rocks to distract enemies. Traps would be nice as well. Things like caltrops, bear-traps, etc.

Dual Wielding & Combat

Probably an obvious one, maybe even something already being worked on, like I assume more polearms are, but dual-wielding your slot 1 and 2 weapons would be nice. Even if you couldn't attack with the weapon in Slot 2, it would be nice if you could pull it out and block with it, allowing for faster swings after blocking.
Melee combat needs some TLC too. I think we're all heavily relying on bows to get us through this game, and I think part of the reason for that is that melee combat is too limited to fight more than 1-2 people, 3 at most, and only if you're really good at it, and you routinely have to face groups of 5-8. More options in melee combat might be able to mitigate this a bit. A dodge roll might be a step too far, but a quick side-step, back-step, forward-step, etc. would be nice. Counters and parry's would also be nice. Maybe disarming mechanics as well.

Army Management

So obviously, as I'm sure the devs are already aware, this system needs many QoL changes. Don't get me wrong, the latest update adding the tool slot was a brilliant change, 10/10 update, and the current system is surprisingly robust in its current state, but it's still got some major pain-points, major enough that I, and from the threads that I've read, many others, ended up soloing most of the game.
Firstly, there needs to be some sort of system to save your army configuration. Having to identify your archers, your heavies, your grunts, and other variants by their stats every time you recruit them to a squad is a major PITA. It would be nice if you could save an army configuration and recall it at a later time. Amend it by recruiting others, moving people around, if needed, then save again.
Second, being able to assign people to a specific weapon, or weapon class. Assigning your archers to bows for example, would mean that they would automatically grab the highest level bow, quiver, and arrows that they can when recruited to a squad. Similarly if you assigned one-handed sword, two-handed sword, sword and shield, polearm, one-handed axe, two-handed axe, one-handed hammer, two-handed hammer, etc.
And third, food management... Holy crap, I've seen this mentioned a lot, and I've been trying to think of ways to mitigate the issues. Yes, your villagers need to eat, but maybe we don't need total realism in this area... One option, what if your soldiers just got weaker if they haven't eaten, instead of leaving formation? If we were going for total realism here, then deserters would probably be executed. So if we're not going that far, maybe don't bother with that system in general?
Alternatively, what if there were additional roles for non-combatants in the army. Apprentice Innkeepers could be set as Quartermasters, who can store stacks of food and arrows and soldiers would go to automatically when they get hungry or run out of ammo.
Other roles might include drummers and banner carriers, whose job is to play war drums and/or carry the army's banner, increasing combat effectiveness of other soldiers within range.
Apprentice Healers could be assigned as field medics, and could be equipped with bandages and medicinal salves and would automatically patch up your army during and after a fight.
For that matter, at the moment the healer's kind of unnecessary. If it were me, I'd change the Healer to Herbalist, and make that a requirement for the T3 forager hut, medicinal salve, and a third structure for manually converting fruits, vegetables, and plants into seeds.
Additionally, maybe your herbalists could revive fallen villagers in a shorter amount of time, having them respawn at some kind of hospital that could only be researched by them as well.

Villager Housing & Job-Specific Equipment

Can anyone tell me what villager housing storage is even for? As far as I can tell, they don't store anything in it, and it doesn't seem to do much of anything at the moment.
What if, instead of keeping your worker villagers in combat gear all the time, we could craft job-specific clothes at the weaver, that granted bonuses such as +2 harvesting, +1 agility, +3 laborer, etc, of course at the expense of armor. What if each villager assigned to a house had their own storage box at their house. Then, armor and clothing could be stored in their housing storage, and when you recruit, or call them to arms, they run home and equip any armor set in their housing storage before reporting for duty. Being dismissed would cause them to run back and re-equip their job specific clothing.
Eventually you could unlock an Armory at T2, or maybe T3, where every soldier set as a guard reservist can store their armor and weapons, allowing for faster equipment changes.

Building & Structure Placement

Devs, you've got to increase the tolerance on placing larger buildings. I can see that they have foundations, but they don't auto-level correctly. Maybe just give us a manual raise/lower option? Placing large buildings is a nightmare on 90% of the map, and most buildings end up having to be placed in the 1x1 pixel area they can be, instead of where you actually want them to be.
Additionally, many structures have the "center point" used for calculating placement/height set to either a corner, one side, or somewhere else, resulting in some really awkward placement. Fences for example, have a center point at one end instead of the actual center, so if you place a fence on a slope on one side of a road, it's half-sunken into the ground, while after rotating it 180 degrees for the other side of the road, half of it is floating in mid air.
Several structures featuring a fenced area allow you to build other things such as chests and torches within them, while others such as the Tavern and Blacksmith do not. The inconsistency is odd, and to be honest, I think it's fair to say that most players would prefer more relaxed building collision requirements in general. I see complaints about construction clipping being too harsh in almost every survival crafting game, and trust me, I play A LOT of them. A certain amount of overlap/clipping really shouldn't be an issue.
The food cellar is particularly picky about where it can be placed and requires predominantly level ground, which makes NO SENSE because it's literally just a mound of dirt. Why can't I place it 80% buried into the side of a hill, it's already just a dirt hill...
Some decorations would also be nice. Kegs, benches, street lamps, etc. At the moment we can only place streetlamps in neutral villages, but we can't for our own village? For that matter, why can't we just build neutral village buildings wherever we want? The Belltower could be a quick call to arms option. Training grounds could slowly boost your own villager stats instead of only books, etc.
Bigger fences, and eventually gates would be amazing as well. I'm sure there are already plans to expand on all of this, but just putting it out there.
There's a few building-related bugs I'd like to report as well:
Not sure how others feel, but I personally think it would be better if structures such as the Inn and the Foraging Hut did NOT have built-in smoking/drying racks. In the case of the drying racks, these should be a separate structure, and in the case of the smoking rack, it already is.
The reason for this is that NPC's will automatically start smoking/drying food, food that you may have wanted to reserve to create higher-end products, and there's no management system in place for them to forbid this. Alternatively, adding a management system to them would also mitigate this issue.
I would also add a separate "Tool Rack" that only accepts tools, and make the current Weapon Rack only accept weapons and shields, and for that matter, I would remove the attack capabilities from all tools in general. It was a novel idea, and might be moderately helpful in the early game, but it kind of makes a mess of things and I don't think it's worth it. The dedicated tool slot goes a long way, but still.
Lastly, removing structures without losing their materials. I know, I get it, it's part of the game to lose the materials when you just click demolish on it, but hear me out. What if only apprentice carpenter's could slowly deconstruct existing buildings, essentially in the reverse of the process in which it was built, returning all materials over time?

Storage Management, Farming, & Cooking

The "Top Up" command for individual workstations is nice, but I think also being able to set this at the settlement-level would improve things dramatically. I'd love to be able to set a global limit for certain items that would supersede workstations.
Farming is a particular pain-point in this regard, because you can't set any production limits, presumably because you don't know the yield in advance. The only mitigation I can think of for this would be adding a "Silo" building that has no storage limit, but can only store seeds and farmable products, researchable by the Apprentice Farmer.
Deliveries also need a "Top Up" command. Instead of setting a specific amount, it would be nice to be able to tell it to only send enough to keep x amount in storage at the destination.
As far as cooking goes, I think the Campfire with Cauldron is good as is, but I would increase the yield on cooked items for the version at the tavern, and I would replace the smoking racks with cauldrons, with even further increased yields for the Inn. For example, the Tavern should make 3x yield for 3x recipe cost, while the inn should make 5x yield for 5x recipe cost, both for the same cooking time and no increase in required wood.
I don't believe it would be uncommon in medieval times for an inn to have a huge pot of stew constantly cooking for any patrons or travelers, and this would give much more of an incentive to use the buildings for more than just temporary housing as the population of your village, and the amount of food required to sustain them grows.
The Bakery also has this problem. Professional bakers don't just bake two loaves of bread, or a single pie at a time. They bake multiple racks of them at once. As it stands, the bakery appears to be more about giving the player access to small amounts of difficult to make foods with additional perks, but I think it should be overhauled to be able to essentially upgrade your entire town's diet when it's fully fueled and operational. Wheat is soooo easy to obtain in large quantities, that I think you should be able to make at least 36-48 loaves of bread at once with this structure, and at least 10-20 of the other baked goods.

Sign Posts & Fast Travel

Good system, I really like it. The only change I'd make is to make the sign posts that are already around the map also become fixed fast travel points once you interact with them. I know it's minor, but I built my village in an area that has one and it would be nice if I didn't have to have a second one right next to it, haha.
Another oddity is that you can build full-on houses, training grounds, etc. in neutral villages, but oh no, if I want to build a sign post to fast travel back, that HAS to be outside the city limits, so I have to run into and out of town a ways every time I visit. This doesn't make a lot of sense, and I think that at the very least, you should be able to build them inside the town once you get to the Friend or Protector status.

Skill Books

I think the current skill book system is a little odd. You start reading a book, which applies a status effect, that grants the exp when it completes. If you die, you lose the effect, leading to the player avoiding doing anything dangerous while reading a skill book, especially higher tier books. This isn't the end of the world or anything, but I do think it could be improved to not potentially halt the momentum of the gameplay.
Alternatively, what if, upon sleeping, the attribute menu popped up and asked you which book from your settlement's storage you wanted to "read before bed", and you woke up with the additional exp? Similar to how in older Elder Scrolls games, you would level up and apply stat points after sleeping.
Similarly, when you select skill books to apply to your villagers, they would receive the exp the next morning as well.
Another option would be to make skill books provide the exp buff over the course of the buff duration, meaning that if you or a villager do die, at least you got some of the bonus exp and it's not a total loss.

Horses & Carts

This one's pretty obvious, probably don't need to elaborate, and I believe we've already heard that mounts are coming. Carts with extra storage would be nice as well.

Rare Encounters & Traveling Caravans

The world is already pretty beautiful, but does feel a bit empty. Yes, there are bandit camps and thousands upon thousands of roaming bandits, but other than that, you never see any villagers just travelling the roads. It would be nice to see more liveliness, things like brigand caravans that you can attack and steal from. Travelling merchants with rare goods who occasionally get attacked by bandits, random quest-giving npc's, etc.

Liberated Village Trade

It would be nice to be able to schedule certain items to just buy all automatically every day, or buy up to a specified amount, and select certain goods that you overproduce as automatically tradeable in return.

Hunter's Camp/Lodge

Why do hunters grab the best possible arrows just for hunting? We need a way to limit them to a specific arrow type. Any time my Hunters Lodges are turned on, they grab all of my iron arrows, iron arrows that I desperately need, when simple arrows will do the job for them just fine. Yes, I mitigated this by making hunting outposts instead and delivering a few stacks of simple arrows a day, but c'mon, that shouldn't be necessary.

Wood, Logs, & Trees

The fact that trees don't regrow is... kind of ridiculous. There's nothing in my settlement that I have to constantly micro-manage more than logging outposts. I'm positive the devs have already gotten the memo that we want trees to regrow, but just stating it again here as well, for the record.
Well, that's it, those are my thoughts. I might edit this and add to it over time if I think of anything else, but to all three of you who actually read all that, what are your thoughts? Any of these a bad idea? And if so, please elaborate, and I'd love to hear your ideas as well!
submitted by TallgeeseIV to Bellwright [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:48 ellieee101 In store find!! 🤩😍 went into my local store & stumbled upon this cotton French terry hoodie! the educator scanned it & nothing showed up then another educator was like we were shocked it came in our shipment from the distribution center it’s a rare find turns out it was MD 89 ! Lucky score🍀

In store find!! 🤩😍 went into my local store & stumbled upon this cotton French terry hoodie! the educator scanned it & nothing showed up then another educator was like we were shocked it came in our shipment from the distribution center it’s a rare find turns out it was MD 89 ! Lucky score🍀 submitted by ellieee101 to lululemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:42 Mediocre-Peanut982 Hacking An Asecam IP Camera PART 2

Hacking An Asecam IP Camera PART 2
This is a continual to the post I wrote. Part 1.

Writing The Modified Firmware To SPI Flash
Now, that we loaded the firmware to RAM. Now it's time to load it to SPI flash. Here, we don't have to write the entire firmware to spi flash, we only need to write the squashfs file system back to the spi flash. So, I ran binwalk on the original file which showed the start(0x2D0000) and end address(0x6D0000) of the squashfs file system. By that I was able to calculate the size(0x6D0000-0x2D0000 = 0x400000) of the FS. Now I used "sf write 0xa12d0000 0x2d0000 0x400000". Here 0xa12d0000(0xa1000000 + 0x2d0000) is the start address of the fs which is stored in RAM and 0x2d0000 is the address of the spi flash where the fs should be written to and the 0x400000 is the size that we calculated earlier.

Checking The SPI Flash
As you can see, "sf read 0xa1000000 0x2d0000 10" this command copies 16 bytes from the spi flash starting from address 0x2d0000 to the RAM at 0xa1000000. Then "md.b 0xa1000000 10" prints out the the first 16bytes starting from 0xa1000000 in RAM. I know that beforehand it went like hsqs....... now the new modified squash file system contains hsqs....KrGf by that I can verify that it's a success.

Letting The Device Boot Up
Now you can see our modification in real time. The script prints out the existing hash and modifies it to our new hash.

Now you can see that I can get a shell over UART as well as Telnet.


  • When you are doing hardware hacking which involves connecting to a wifi network or through lan, be sure to run an nmap scan. Specifically run "nmap theipaddress -p 0-65535", this command will scan through all open ports instead of just the common 1000 ports
  • When you have an unlocked uboot you can use it to modify or even dump the firmware mostly. So no need to physically do anything like soldering and desoldering. Be sure to learn more about uboot.


I hack, U-BOOT
submitted by Mediocre-Peanut982 to hardwarehacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:54 const_in Travel guide Moldova / Ghid turistic Moldova

Here is a guide of the places and activities recommended by other redditors here.
Touristic attractions
Wine bars
Parks and outdoor locations
Use Revolut where possible.
Can find really cheap (2$) sim cards (Orange or Moldcell).
Taxi app: Letz (Android, iOS)
To be added..
submitted by const_in to moldova [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:55 Commercial-Cover-325 Does this look authentic?

Does this look authentic?
Somebody selling for very cheap, wanted to get opinions?
submitted by Commercial-Cover-325 to PrideAndPinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:26 cooingoppositi Frutiger aero.

Frutiger aero. submitted by cooingoppositi to FrutigerAero [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:52 strongdawgzxx Left a little surprise at Costco

Left a little surprise at Costco submitted by strongdawgzxx to LegacyJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:24 Sniper32135 Cedar Point Build A Bear Closed??

Cedar Point Build A Bear Closed??
I saw a post from someone that said they went to the Build A Bear in Cedar Point recently but Google says it’s permanently closed. I looked it up a few months ago because my mom, dad and I were thinking about going to Cedar Point. Is it closed for good or did they just move to a different spot in the park??
submitted by Sniper32135 to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:58 LiteraryHedgehog MEGATHREAD: Pirate’s Plunder Event, May 17-20

With thanks to all who helped create this guide!
This event will run from Friday, May 17 until 19:00 GMT on Monday, May 20; to participate you will need version 11.3.0 or higher, at least 100 dragon power, and a high quality, stable internet connection.
Please keep all event related questions and strategy discussions in this thread while the event is live; good luck and happy merging!


Event Notes:
Elsewhere in the Game


Tap the link above to open the Image Guide as a Google Slides document; it can be saved as a pdf for viewing elsewhere.
  1. Cloud Key Map
  2. Cloud Key Chart
  3. Tile Healing Map
  4. Infinite Harvestables Map
  5. Event Quests Chart
  6. Event Rewards Chart


Tap a key item to go to its wiki page for more info and hi-def images



  • 1.1 Merge 5 of Anything — 150 times
  • 1.2 Creat a Level 7 Point Item (Captain’s Map) — 5 times
  • 1.3 Harvest from a Level 3 Consumable Harvestable (Island of Riches — 75 times
  • 2.1 Harvest from a Twin Life Flower — 200 times
  • 2.2 Harvest from Dead Plants — 75 times
  • 2.3 Create a Life Orb of the Heavens — 3 times
  • 3.1 Heal Land — 35 tiles
  • 3.2 Have Healed Land — 350 tiles
  • 3.3 Have Healed Land — 675 tiles
  • 3.4 Heal All the Land — 876 tiles


  • Prize 1: 3 pts (3 total)
  • Prize 2: 22 (25)
  • Prize 3: 235 (260)
  • Prize 4: 420 (680)
  • Prize 5: 640 (1,320)
  • Prize 6: 960 (2,280)
  • Prize 7: 4,470 (6,750)
  • Prize 8: 5,400 (12,150)
  • Prize 9: 6,570 (18,720)
  • Prize 10: 11,230 (29,950)


A = featured in Arcadia; S = Shiny capable; N = New


Note: Rewards shown are for Event Portal Level 16
  • Legend (under 12 hours)
    • Main Breed: 20x nests, 5x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3, 3x L4
    • Secondary Breed: 20x nests, 5x L3, 3x L4
    • Tertiary Breed: 7x L2
    • 3x L4 Fruit Trees
  • Champion (under 24 hours)
    • Main Breed 1: 11x nests, 6x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 9x nests, 2x L3, 1x L4
    • Tertiary Breed 3: 12x L2
    • 2x L4 Fruit Trees, 1x Super Egg Fragment
  • Hero (under 36 hours)
    • Main Breed: 5x nests, 4x L1, 3x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 5x nests, 3x L3
    • 1x L4 Fruit Tree, 1x L2 Hill, 1x Super Egg Fragment


  • The Event Shop and Capsules appear after you’ve healed 30-70 tiles; after that a free Bronze Capsule can be collected every 3 hours.
  • It takes 5 or 6 level 9 Life Orb of the Heavens to clear all the 5k+ land, depending on how much you heal by merging items off dead land.
  • To collect both the full set of Points Prizes and any level of Rush Rewards, you will need to earn 29,950 points.
    • Reaching this amount requires 1x Level 9 points item, 1x L8 item, 2x L7 items, and 2x L6 items (or just aim for 2x L9 points items).
  • There’s always enough material to merge by 3s when making Key items.
  • Caves must be tapped to spawn a Zomblin; only one event Zomblin lives in each cave, and it turns into Stinky Cheese when killed.
  • The Gold Capsule, Fallen Star, and Tanzanite Nest are hiding near the far edge of the map, on tiles requiring 50k energy to heal.
  • Infinite Harvestables:
    • There are usually 9x Level 1, 3x L2, 1x L3, 2x L4, and 2x L5 ITEM Infinite Harvestables on the map; you can delete one level 1 and one level 2 and still have enough to make a level 6, as long as you 5-merge whenever possible.
    • NOTE: Both the L3 and L6 Infinite Harvestables are used as keys in this event, but neither contains any dead land or required items behind and can safely be skipped.
  • Consumable/Limited Harvestables:
    • Each 1x2 Island of Riches can be harvested 25 times; 75 total harvests are needed to complete Quest 1.3.
    • Each harvest of the big 2x2 Pirate Haven at the back of the map yields a 10% chance of spawning an extra Island of Riches.
    • Once all available Islands of Riches and the Pirate Haven are gone, there is no way to get more.
  • Strategy advice:
    • Spending money or gems is NEVER required to complete an event, nor is using an auto-clicker or other exploits.
    • The number and level of possible Point and Rush reward items is determined by your Event Portal level; working to raise that to its maximum of L16 is one of the best ways to boost your overall progress in the game.
    • A good basic introduction to events is available here on the Fandom Wiki; there’s also some Wiki event guides and tips articles here and here, and a whole collection of general guides and tutorials here
    • Additional general event strategy advice (active vs passive or idle play, etc) can be found in the Community FAQ and in these threads: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, and Link 4.
    • For active players wanting more dragons, the Prism Flower method is a good option: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3. Note: this technique is only for active play; since only 2 dragons at a time will harvest when left on their own, having more will actually slow down idle harvesting.
    • A recently shared strategy using the Hills chain here can greatly increase Life Flower production, but it usually takes a few gems (maximum of 80, but less if you get some in capsules)
  • Pirate’s Plunder event theme’s main wiki page.
  • Similar previous events:


If the event is not showing up correctly or if glitches are affecting your play:
  1. Check that you meet the version and dragon power requirements.
  2. Try hard-closing and then relaunching your game.
  3. Try rebooting your device (ie, turn it completely off, then back on and allow it to fully boot up before relaunching the game). If you are on wifi and have access to the router, try rebooting that, too.
  4. Try switching to a completely different internet source.
  5. Try clearing your game’s cache (google for instructions for your specific phone type).
  6. If you’re suddenly experiencing multiple issues like lagging or error messages (or if the event vanishes completely), close the game and try again after 2-3 hours. Events are internet-based, and sometimes issues with the servers can cause temporary problems — all we can do for that is to wait it out.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact Gram Games Support through the in-game link or the Support Web Portal for help figuring out what’s wrong.
  • NOTE: Cloud Save is still unreliable: according to the developer, it is not safe to be used and should be left turned off.
  • NOTE: Saving your Progress: Make sure to save your progress by traveling to the World Map screen (and waiting there until everything’s fully loaded) regularly, and especially before closing your game.
  • Glitch: Missing sell/delete option If your task bar is missing the option to delete dimension jars or other items, you can start with the standard troubleshooting methods; if those don’t trigger a fix, replaying a few levels or working in your camp for a while have reportedly helped.
  • Glitch: Event level only shows clouds If your event screen shows only clouds instead of the map, check that you are zoomed all the way out. If you are and it still won’t show, try collecting one of the free Bronze Capsules (you may need to wait for the timer to count down).
  • Glitch: Missing rewards/Game crashes after collecting rewards Exiting directly from the event level to your Camp can trigger a crash and loss of items; always exit to the World Map screen first — and pause there until everything’s fully loaded — to trigger the game to save your progress, then enter your Camp.
edits are on-going
submitted by LiteraryHedgehog to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:59 starsmotel Reminiscing the Odds

Just wanted to share an experience I was recently thinking about:
It was a few years ago, when I was starting to look for a job fresh out of undergrad - and the pandemic. I remember getting an interview at a CityMD that was in the perfect location; the commute was wonderful, and the location was awesome in terms of the culture/vibe.
I had gone into the interview pretty early, maybe one or two hours early. But that was not an issue for me, I feel more comfortable being there as early as possible to avoid the anxiety and was willing to wait. Got seen right away by the hiring manager. Now, the interview went pretty well. I had answered all the required questions, was polite/professional and had a good conversation with them. But one of the very topic we had discussed was the primary role of being a medical scribe at CityMD.
Now, they started off saying the usual roles of a scribe - I chart patient notes, pend medications/orders, etc. All the usual, with the added rooming/discharging patients. But it was nothing out of the ordinary, it was all patient focused. But then, they started saying how they wanted someone who really good in sales and started interchanging patients with customers. That kind of threw me off a little, because SALES? I think that was the time I was dumbfounded, but quickly recovered because I did have sales experience, since I worked in a retail store before.
But now that I think about it, years later. Why did they ask me that? Was that a trick question, and I was suppose to instead question them on it? This was my first "real world" job outside of college, and I was told to never really question the interviewer, so I went along with it. But now that I am older and have had multiple jobs within healthcare - that question was very odd.
I did not really hear back from them - but I am curious if this is common in all CityMDs, because I do not know what they are trying to sell (lol).
submitted by starsmotel to medicalscribe [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:31 CreepingDeath828 Be critical of my resume, I’m finding it difficult to find jobs that aren’t customer service related

For a bit of context, I’m 25 years off. Also I didn’t graduate from that college, I merely attended 2 semesters
submitted by CreepingDeath828 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:24 Secret_Ad_7974 i think my GM just dipped

honestly i don’t know what’s going on. i’m the MD at my store, usually the main closer. so usually nobody really calls/talks to me until afternoon bc they know i’m sleeping. anyways, woke up today to my DO calling me asking if i left my keys on the desk.
i didnt leave any keys when i closed last night, but apparently my GM had our mid-shift manager come in at 9am instead of 2pm, put his keys on the desk, and then just left. he’s not responding to any calls or texts. he seemed fine last night when we did shift change and when we spoke before he left. i have no idea what could’ve happened between now and then.
i feel like we are absolutely screwed though. he just fired our best employee/shift lead in training, and now all we have is just me and one other manager that has proven to be little more than incompetent.
idk what the higher ups’ plan is going to be but i hope to hell they don’t try to force me to be the new GM cuz it’s not happening😭
UPDATE: apparently, my GM was waiting in the parking lot for me to leave after close, came in, packed all his shit up, and left. he apparently thought my DO was going to fire him (she wasn’t, she had no inkling of this) and he decided he’d quit before she could. but realistically he just severely fucked himself over if he ever wants to work at another papa johns, corporate or franchise.
my DO and another GM are going to be helping me out, but they did ask if i wanted to be a GM. i said that i would need a LOT of changes to be made, including my pay, for me to even consider it. idk what we’re going to do but i am panicking
submitted by Secret_Ad_7974 to PapaJohns [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:42 suvhotta How to migrate vault with folder notes?

I'm using obsidian app on my mac and have recently started using the folder note plugin. In the UI it doesn't show any additional files being created for the notes attached to the folder. But if we go to the directory we can find there are md files which store the folder notes. In case I choose to migrate this vault from my current device on to a new device. How will this syncup happen? I mean how will the plugin when installed in the new device know which md file to attach which folder as a note? Also how will it impact the links I've set to this folder note in case I ever choose to setup this vault on a new machine?
submitted by suvhotta to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:08 glevil [Audio Plugin Deals] LARGO v1 by Waldorf $25.00 (85% OFF)

If you would like to support , at no cost to you, please use our affiliate link.
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For only $25 (instead of $174), get LARGO v1 – a synthesizer VST plugin by Waldorf!
Largo offers three fat oscillators, two of them with sub oscillators. These oscillators include models of classic analog waveforms as well as a selection of waves from the PPG and Waldorf Wave stored in two Wavetables.
Largo contains a flexible arpeggiator with 16 freely programmable steps as known from the exclusive Q synthesizer line plus an array of high quality effects such as Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Overdrive, Delay and Reverb.
This farewell sale ends when we run out of serials or when the timer runs out, whichever occurs first. Don’t miss out on this final chance to add a synth legend to your collection.
submitted by glevil to audioware [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:28 newfrontier58 CGPDFServices and mds_stores are sucking up CPU and heating MacBook, how to fix?

So I have a 2019 MacBook Pro, a few days ago I updated to Sonoma 14.5, but since then I've noticed that it has really gotten hot every time I turn it on or out of sleep. I have Activity monitor on, and I notice that there's suddenly a lot more processes like CGPDFServices, mds_stores, and md_write just taking up a ton of CPU, like mds_Stores had 389 percent CPU usage at one point. I do not know what to do, Spotlight still consult says it is indexing, I tried rebuilding the index, disabling Pdfs in Siri and Spotlight, testing in safe mode, etc. I am not sure what else to do.
submitted by newfrontier58 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:51 dwij-bhatia Help with reducing polycoount

Help with reducing polycoount
Hey I am very new to MD I downloaded it with only purpose of simulating existing garments on my characters,
I downloaded one garment from the official store, it was a file but the polycount on mesh is WAYYYY TOO HIGH for my pc to handle. I cant simulate or do anything even my characters are very small when imported. Please tell me solutions for the poly count thing, here is the link to fthe product
submitted by dwij-bhatia to MarvelousDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:31 Alarmed-Major-9477 Obsidian for the web with VSCode

Obsidian for the web with VSCode

What is it for?

Hi, I'm making this VSCode extension to add Obsidian features in VSCode.
The goal is to use this extension on or, to achieve a browser-based Obsidian experience (Obsidian for the web).
I see some people requesting Obsidian Browser on obsidian forum, it's lots of work porting to the web. I believe many people use Git url and stores notes on Github repo, so by using to open notes repo, combine with this extension, it gonna works.
Processing img 8zpzpxpd7r0d1...


# Project maintenance

This project can currently render local graphs + global graphs, forward links only. I'd appreciate a lot if someone can join and collaborate with me (especially frontend part). Currently, some of the problems are:
- Performance: parsing markdowns, tracking links to rendering Graph is very slow. Since parsing process starts when using run command, we may need other strategy: parse when app startup,...
- Backlinks: currently, only forward links is supported. I recommend we have a parsing strategy first, before tackling this.
- Path resolving for nodes: It's doable now, but due to performance issues, I disable this part at the moment.
- Frontend: I'm not really good at GUI, but adding colors, text sizes, search nodes,... is totally possible now. Currently it using VSCode Webview + Vanilla JS + Neo4jd3.js, we may need a frontend framework.
P/S: I reupload this for post image.
submitted by Alarmed-Major-9477 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:06 Intelligent-Iron7063 Planning a Roadtrip from WY to MD

Google Maps view of an approximated journey from Gillette, WY to Baltimore, MD.
Hello! 😄
I'm working on an itinerary for a long roadtrip from northeast WY to MD (a cross-3/4th country trip) in mid-June. Currently, I'm looking to go through the states in this order: WY > SD > MN > WI >IL > IN > OH > PA/WV > VA/MD. I'm thinking about getting the National Park pass so that I can go to many of the attractions along this trip. Other interests include breweries and good eats!
Below is a list of places I've found either through Google Maps or on this subreddit. I'd appreciate any advice for sights to see (or not see) through any of the states! Of course, I won't be able to hit all of these (I'm thinking maybe 1-2 weeks on the road?) but I like having a prepared list just in case! I've never had to plan such a large/eventful trip before so I'd love for any feedback!
South Dakota:
Pennsylvania/West Virginia/Virginia/Maryland:
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Intelligent-Iron7063 to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:37 Creative_Calendar646 Stuck on domain not reachable in New AIO instance

Stuck on domain not reachable in New AIO instance
I'm completely stuck on the message "Domain is not reachable on Port 443 from within this container. I've watched videos, searched everywhere in forums and video's but to no avail. As you can see in the picture I'm clearly able to connect to the domain I want to use otherwise I would not get the Nextcloud New AIO instance screen.
I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I used the yml-file as shown below.
The weird thing is that I tried it on Windows 11 and that works, so something is just off.
Is there someone who has had this issue in the past and knows a solution? I'm stuck on this issue for almost a week now and am almost to the point of just giving up on Ubuntu and install it on Windows...
version: '3.8' # sample compose for a nextcloud all in one container, running behind a nginx proxy manager # (optionally) uses portainer to give a better overview of the docker environment and the running containers # # the network here is using fixed ip addesses for some hosts, as the nextcloud setting # NC_TRUSTED_PROXIES needs an ip address to relate to. # # Note: the data of npm and portainer container are stored in local folder instead of volumes. # you need to create these folders or comment these lines # # questions? post to # # 4lexRed services: npm: container_name: npm image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' restart: 'always' ports: # These ports are in format : - both MUST be open - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port - [I myself disable port 80 after the setting up the ssl certificates - as most traffic is https nowadays] - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port # Admin Web Port - disable as soon as the NPM is running and you set up a route on localhost and port 81 # see here # - '81:81' # enable if you want to access the npm service via [your.server.ip.address:81] # Add any other Stream port you want to expose # - '21:21' # FTP volumes: # These volumes are in format : - '/docker_data/npm_data:/data' - '/docker_data/npm_letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt' # - '/opt/npm_logs/etc:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro' # for ip ban # - '/opt/npm_logs/logs:/valog/nginx:rw' # for ip-ban environment: # Uncomment this if you want to change the location of the SQLite DB file within the container # DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite # changing the user id may lead to PORT 80 not being reachable # PUID: 1000 # PGID: 1000 # DISABLE_IPV6: 'true' # Uncomment this if IPv6 is not enabled on your host (WAN interface) TZ: "Europe/Berlin" # the timezone of the server healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "/usbin/check-health"] interval: 10s timeout: 3s # Either use netmorke mode or networks. # Both at the same time is not possible. # Nextcloud AIO recommends in their guide to set it to network_mode: host. # # But I dislike to do this and instead have all traffic going through the npm using the networks approach. # network_mode: host # for details in the docs see networks: # Is needed when you want to create the nextcloud-aio network with ipv6-support using this file, see the network config at the bottom of the file nextcloud-aio: aliases: - npm ipv4_address: '' # # # # # # # # # # # # # portainer usage is optional. you can delete these lines if you are fine with monitoring the state via the cli. portainer: container_name: portainer image: portaineportainer-ce:latest restart: always security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true ports: # when uncommented, these ports are publicly accessable [bypassing the npm] by calling [your.server.ip.address:9000] # so disable them when the npm is set up to forward the port 9443 when calling (or whichever your subdomain for the portainer is) - 9000:9000 - 9443:9443 volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /varun/docker.sock:/varun/docker.sock:ro - '/docker_data/portainer_data:/data' # the data folder of the portainer networks: nextcloud-aio: aliases: - portainer ipv4_address: '' # # # # # # # # # # # # # The nextcloud All in one container # see nextcloud: image: nextcloud/all-in-one:latest init: true restart: always container_name: nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer # This line is not allowed to be changed as otherwise AIO will not work correctly volumes: - nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config # This line is not allowed to be changed as otherwise the built-in backup solution will not work - /varun/docker.sock:/varun/docker.sock:ro # May be changed on macOS, Windows or docker rootless. See the applicable documentation. If adjusting, don't forget to also set 'WATCHTOWER_DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH'! ports: - 8080:8080 # this is the port of the admin interface used for the setup of NC-AIO # - 5080:80 # Can be removed when running behind a web server or reverse proxy (like Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Tunnel and else). See # - 8443:8443 # Can be removed when running behind a web server or reverse proxy (like Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Tunnel and else). See environment: - NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS = # the dns name under which your nextcloud should be accessable - APACHE_PORT=11000 # Is needed when running behind a web server or reverse proxy (like Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Tunnel and else). # See - APACHE_IP_BINDING= # Should be set to '' when running behind a web server or reverse proxy (like Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Tunnel and else) that is running on the same host. # See # If set to the apache will listen to all http requests, no matter what their target ip address is - NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=100G # Can be adjusted if you need more. See - NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=/mnt/nfs-storage/my_foldenextcloud_data # Allows to set the host directory for Nextcloud's datadir. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning: do not set or adjust this value after the initial Nextcloud installation is done! See - NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=/mnt/nfs-storage/my_foldenextcloud_data2 # Allows the Nextcloud container to access the chosen directory on the host. See # settings overwriting the config.php parameters - NC_TRUSTED_PROXIES="" # this is the NPM proxy ip address in the docker network ! # - AIO_DISABLE_BACKUP_SECTION=false # Setting this to true allows to hide the backup section in the AIO interface. See # - BORG_RETENTION_POLICY=--keep-within=7d --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6 # Allows to adjust borgs retention policy. See # - COLLABORA_SECCOMP_DISABLED=false # Setting this to true allows to disable Collabora's Seccomp feature. See # - NEXTCLOUD_MAX_TIME=3600 # Can be adjusted if you need more. See # - NEXTCLOUD_MEMORY_LIMIT=512M # Can be adjusted if you need more. See # - NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_DIR=/path/to/my/cacerts # CA certificates in this directory will be trusted by the OS of the nexcloud container (Useful e.g. for LDAPS) See See # - NEXTCLOUD_STARTUP_APPS=deck twofactor_totp tasks calendar contacts notes # Allows to modify the Nextcloud apps that are installed on starting AIO the first time. See # - NEXTCLOUD_ADDITIONAL_APKS=imagemagick # This allows to add additional packages to the Nextcloud container permanently. Default is imagemagick but can be overwritten by modifying this value. See # - NEXTCLOUD_ADDITIONAL_PHP_EXTENSIONS=imagick # This allows to add additional php extensions to the Nextcloud container permanently. Default is imagick but can be overwritten by modifying this value. See # - NEXTCLOUD_ENABLE_DRI_DEVICE=true # This allows to enable the /dev/dri device in the Nextcloud container. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning: this only works if the '/dev/dri' device is present on the host! If it should not exist on your host, don't set this to true as otherwise the Nextcloud container will fail to start! See # - NEXTCLOUD_KEEP_DISABLED_APPS=false # Setting this to true will keep Nextcloud apps that are disabled in the AIO interface and not uninstall them if they should be installed. See # - TALK_PORT=3478 # This allows to adjust the port that the talk container is using. See # - WATCHTOWER_DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH=/varun/docker.sock # Needs to be specified if the docker socket on the host is not located in the default '/varun/docker.sock'. Otherwise mastercontainer updates will fail. For macos it needs to be '/varun/docker.sock' networks: # Is needed when you want to create the nextcloud-aio network with ipv6-support using this file, see the network config at the bottom of the file nextcloud-aio: aliases: - nextcloud ipv4_address: '' volumes: # If you want to store the data on a different drive, see nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer: name: nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer # This line is not allowed to be changed as otherwise the built-in backup solution will not work networks: nextcloud-aio: ipam: driver: default config: - subnet:
submitted by Creative_Calendar646 to NextCloud [link] [comments]