What to say to someone joining facebook

Little humans falling over, for your joy

2013.10.02 02:41 Antrikshy Little humans falling over, for your joy

it's hilarious to see little humans topple over. What more can we say?

2016.09.01 05:05 iSluff Once in a blue moon...

Once in a blue moon redditors almost transform into self aware creatures. Almost. Submit posts (from anywhere) where people unknowingly describe themselves. ("what did they say about someone else that really applied to them?") NB: Memes aren't people, they can't be Selfawarewolves.

2013.07.09 17:28 le_velocirapetor What to Say

Ever received a text that you had no clue how to respond? Not sure how to behave in an awkward situation? Not great at answering generic questions? Well this is the subreddit for you! At whattosay, we work as a community to try and help you find an answer to your everyday conundrums!

2024.06.02 09:13 fleur_depeau He went cold, should I still reach out?

I (21F) met someone (21M) while volunteering at a hostel during my travels. We got along fairly quick and spent a lot of time together on my off-days. Nothing physical happened and that was totally okay with me. We bonded emotionally and got the feeling that we mutually liked each other.
Eventually he left to continue with his travels and we stayed in touch from time to time. We called here and there and sent photos from our day. Then I started noticing a trend where I was mostly the one initiating the interactions. I wouldn't say it was overly-frequent either. I texted him/sent him photos a few times a week. His responses then became uninspired and a little distant until we stopped communicating altogether.
I know that meeting someone on your travels in most cases don't go anywhere but it was really disappointing. I really resonated with this person. I don't know if reaching out again is a good idea or if I should leave it behind. I've been thinking about him every day for the past few months and it's a little irritating. What should I do?
submitted by fleur_depeau to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 Conscious_Taro_6663 I feel like I figured it out!

I’m in union with my twin flame after 3 years of brutal separation and I finally understand what’s been going on!!
In all your relationships with anyone you never really relate to a person or entity directly, you relate to the relationship you have with them. This includes God. Each relationship is made up of the synergy you have both co-created. So think of the relationship as a living being on its own. However, the experience you have of the relationship is your own contribution to it. You have different relationships because you have different contributions to each relationship. Eg. In any given relationship your contribution may be feelings of being a spiritual teacher or a disempowered being or an attentive daughter or a playful friend etc
The day I met my twin flame, I was so in love with myself and that love contributed to a synergy that was beyond this world or anything I’d ever experienced before. We were floating on clouds. Of course, not long after I was in separation from my self love. I fell for the illusion of unworthiness. To be fair, the experiences with him were so divine it felt like God Himself was loving me through him and I definitely didn’t have a stable childhood then to accept that with ease. The result of being separated from something so beautiful turned me into a pretty intense chaser. It turns out my real Self has incredible amounts of self-love and so feeling the opposite of that was rather intense.
Anyway, the grace within twin flame dynamics is that chasing them is actually chasing your own self love. And so the journey leads you on a path of learning to choose yourself, love yourself and honor yourself and it leads you to step into your own divinity. It was a pretty intense 3 year period with more tears than I ever imagined a human could cry in one lifetime. But now I think it’s probably one of the most beautiful journeys my soul could have ever undertaken.
When ppl say ‘focus on your self love’ they are absolutely right. You should!! But if they are really your twin flame even the chase is an act of self love because loving them and wanting them is loving yourself and wanting yourself. So get over the shame, guilt and fear involved in wanting someone so desperately and love yourself enough to simply say ‘I felt something beautifully divine and I’m giving it to myself. That’s all that this is.” Don’t condemn yourself at any point in time. Let all your actions stem from your love for yourself.
All the best and my love goes out to you all!
submitted by Conscious_Taro_6663 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 WoodpeckerOk160 Should I do anything further about this situation?

2 years ago I reached out to a guy on Facebook who was advertising a place to rent. It didn't fit and that was the end of that conversation.
Later he reaches out after seeing me join a Facebook Dating Group for this area. He sees a d reached out asking me on a date to his house BUT adds "and possibly hook up" at the end. That line completely left me in disgust, so I declined.
He kept sending me messages for a few months and I ignored all them.
Tonight at 1am he sends "come over," which made me mad. I texted back
"I'm not interested in hooking up."
He says what if we continued or did FaceTime to get comfortable or if I took control over him and ends it with "try me."
I send back because at this point I'm in disbelief over this man's massages and say:
"I am not driving to a Facebook strangers' house at 1am"
He says I can "come there to vibe me out then leave no harm no foul"
I send back "you are a Facebook stranger." Talking to this grown man with kids like he a toddler.
He says he is normal and "aren't you curious? I'm interested in unleashing you with your possible inexperience" 🤢
I send back "No I contacted you 2 years ago about a place to rent not for sex"
And he says "I understand" finally.
I then blocked him.
Do I need to do anything else? Is that exchange a reporting offense?
submitted by WoodpeckerOk160 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 Important_Ad_8077 AITA for not wanting to bring a 3rd person into my relationship permanently?

This is a long post that should have a predecessor story before, so I apologize if it’s confusing but this is the issue I’m looking for advice on. This is also a throw away as I hope and pray no one recognizes the situation.
I (24f) have been with my “fiance”(24m) for almost 6yrs now. I won’t lie, we have had our fair amount of issues. I’m pretty insecure because he had cheated on me in the past, and I’ve had to get on him about virtually flirting with other females (we moved out of state and he feels pretty isolated and says he just wants attention). We have a 4yr child and I’m pregnant with our 2nd now, we’ve always talked about having kids, getting married, etc. when we lived in the state we met, everything seemed fine (besides the cheating) but after we moved he seemed to have turn into a whole new person.
Anyways, fast forward past all of our bumps, challenges, and good times - to 2 years ago. He proposed to me and I said yes, it was great. We were on a trip when this happened, and he started drinking a lot. I never saw him be an angry drunk, but he was drinking so much everyday and he began to get angry while drunk every night. He confided some very personal matters and feelings to me, and I empathized with him and comforted him. It brought us much closer and I never judged him. Later on, he would agree he felt much closer but then other times he would express that he regrets telling me. One of the things he mentioned during this time was wanting a 3rd partner in our relationship. A she-male he said exactly. This conversation was 2 years ago and I was drinking as well (not as drunk as him) but I don’t remember everything the best, but he knows I’m not really fond of that idea. I get jealous pretty easily, especially after what he did and certain things that he sometimes says (when he gets mad he’ll say he doesn’t want to be around me, calls me names/other mean things, says I don’t get sexy or try to be seductive). Mind you, we have a child who I take care of primarily and I get off work later than him. He goes to the gym after work or does whatever he wants like video games, tv, relax - while I do child care, cook or clean. He’ll help cook sometimes, but NEVER does dishes or laundry. He even said laundry is my responsibility (he tried to imply it’s because I’m a woman but without saying that), because he works on our vehicles (ONLY when there is an issue with them, and that’s maybe 1-2 times a year and I always help him in any way I can!) He’s the type that’s so lazy and constantly asking me to get up and get him stuff right after I sit down (I always do) but the few times I try to ask him to get something for me, it’s a problem or inconvenience. Anyways, when you don’t have a moment to sit down and breathe/relax for your own self until 9-9:30pm, after working a full time job & then family crap on your own basically, of course you’re gonna be tired and not feel like trying to be sexy for someone.
Sorry for the long side rant, back to the main issue.
He expressed wanting a 3rd, specifically, someone who is trans or a “she-male”. This was related to the information he confided into me, and like I said - I empathized with him because he’s been living with this secret for a long time. His family can be close minded with things like this. I personally, wouldn’t mind have a female-on-female type experience, but the situation he wants is not something that’s necessarily piquing my interest. I feel like I can probably get down in an experimentation, although the thought of another penis does not interest me, but nothing long term.
Anyways, he knew I wasn’t really feeling the permanent option he wanted, but I did say I would be okay with random 3somes but he said he didn’t want that. Fast forward 2 years to now and we haven’t really talked about it since other than random arguments when he brings it up.
I caught him talking to another girl on his phone and he suggested she come out to our city this summer. I caught him recently, like a few weeks ago but the messages took place about a month and a half earlier when we were both in our hometown, staying with his mom. We recently just found out I was pregnant again, and told his mom who was super happy.
Anyways, This was a female he was trying to see when he went back to our home state for a little while. We were going through a rough patch and he moved out but we remained in constant contact and were still communicating saying we missed each other. I thought we were actively working on stuff with some space but he says he left me. Anyways, he left his Apple Watch at our house so I read his messages with that girl while he was back home. Mind you, a week or so after he moved out - he tried to fuck a random girl from our hometown who is not even cute or worth it at all. He apologized for being a piece of shit and said he would cut contact with her when I called him out. He may have cried too but don’t remember, he’ll cry when he gets caught/called out sometimes.
Anyways, when I caught him talking to her again, after he had moved back in and everything seemed to be going better, he really didn’t have any excuse other than the missing who he used to be and craving attention and he was saying he just loves people, money and sex and brought up the wanting a 3rd partner. This time he brought it up like, it has to happen and he’s done “putting his feelings aside for everyone else”. Idk what he’s talking about other than suppressing these feelings because I do everything for him and bend over backwards and constantly put my emotions aside since his are so explosive and volatile. His family sees it too and feels bad, but never want to step in (they just talk to me afterwards and apologize and call me strong). He said he wants to do it with me, but if I can’t he’ll have to do it alone. I ask what he means, and if we would be broken up and he says he doesn’t want that or think it’s necessary, but he also expressed how it would basically be cheating to go out and do it without me.
Again, I tried to empathize, because he says he doesn’t know if he’s gay, bi, etc or what to call it, but he really wants a feminine she male and that he’s fine and open to whatever (penis, post penis-removal surgery, even naturally born female). I was supportive, while still expressing discomfort because I’ve always pictured our family to be just US TWO, until he said the post-surgery or natural vagina thing. To me, that is not exploring (a word he used) because he’s had sex with plenty of females and that would automatically make me feel like it’s a competition and I’m not enough. I get wanting to feel a penis since that I something I can’t provide, but 2 vaginas?? Am I crazy for being less understanding/supportive of that?
It’s not even the physical aspect or it being public that really bother me (they do slightly, but not as much as the emotional aspect) 1. I feel like I’ll look weak suddenly allowing a 3rd who is clearly there to sexually please my man more than me. 2. I’m worried he’l treat them better than me, we have pretty bad communication and he has severe anger issues. I cannot imagine him getting mad at the new person for asking questions, not hearing him, bringing a fork when he wanted a spoon, etc. before we moved out of state he never got mad at me. But after we moved he just acts like everything I do is targeted against him when in reality, I’m slowly killing myself to try and make this man happy.
He tried to reassure me and answer questions for how nice it would be. Me and him would work while they take care of the kids ( I don’t want my kids looking at this 3rd person as a parent or thinking a 3 way relationship is normal and standard. I also, don’t want to fucking work, and what makes him think they would want to take care of our kids?) He’s gotten mad at me for walking in on him before, I suggested he may get upset if I walk in on him and the new person doing it( I also expressed fear of him developing a preference and me feeling left out) he said I would just join if I wanted to. I then expressed fear of him getting closer to them on an emotional level, bc of our arguments he says he hates talking to me and stuff. I can barely get a word in normally because he’s yelling and says whatever I’m saying is stupid or doesn’t make sense. He then said we would all 3 talk about things tgether.
When I brought up how we should resolve our issues with each other before bringing a 3rd in, he seemed annoyed and said sure. When I pressed and tried to see if he agreed or how he really felt, he just said it seems like a personal problem (me feeling that way). This really upset me because it’s not a personal problem and I feel like all my concerns are valid. He apologized for feeling how he does because he knows it’s a shock to me and not what we planned to do when talking about building our lives together. Mind you, I’m 20 weeks pregnant with our 2nd kid as he tells me all this and basically it’s now. Or never, but not actually never because he will do it. He asked if I have a solution , but there is none. We did a 3some months ago but it was kinda weird and we never finished our talk about it. I am not the biggest fan seeing my partner fuck or lust over someone else. He was kinda upset I didn’t have a solution and when I asked if we need to split up he said I was giving him an ultimatum but I feel like he’s doing that to me. We are about to turn 25 and have 2 kids and all of this feels like it came out of nowhere, I know he will resent me if he cannot have this. He says he just wants to be his old self again (which is apparently flirty, promiscuous, and not monogamous). When he gets too drunk/high he literally flirts with other women in front of me and has even mentioned a 3some about a woman who just left the room to his friends in front of me. Then got mad when I got mad and made me feel like I was kink shaming him.
Edit: our sex live is overall pretty good, I’ve had sex with other men before him but he was the first and only man to make me “complete”. He is a little more experienced and adventurous than me, but I have tried and done everything he’s ever wanted to do in bedroom. I’m still shy sexually at times and there’s some things I’m not the biggest fan of or never suggest because it hurts and that upsets him sometimes , but I still always do whatever he wants when he asks unless I don’t feel good.
He has expressed anger and that our sex life is boring at times, and it can get repetitive and it can, but like I said - I AM SO TIRED AND EXHAUSTED. But there are also plenty of times we’re it is AMAZING for both of us and we both just know each others bodies very well.
So AITA for not wanting a 3rd partner and for leaning towards us splitting up amicably so he can pursue this?
Edit: I was depressed and cried for days when he just brought this up again this last time. I’m very emotional with the pregnancy but I still feel like I’m losing my best friend and the love of my life. Despite our issues, I’ve always had hope we would get back on our connection level of getting along that we used to have. Obviously it would be ideal for me if he NEVER HAD these feelings and urges but I feel like an asshole if I’m not supportive since it was kind of a closeted issue.
submitted by Important_Ad_8077 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 Ready_Plastic1737 How should i go about negotiating my salary?

Context: my company gives new grads to rotate through different departments for our first year then we get to choose which department we want to be a part of. I wrapped up my first yr with them and I got my letter + they included my annual bonus. First, I will say, if I negotiate and it goes poorly i have no plan b in terms of a second job and it will take MONTHS to find a new one given the current market.
Now why negotiate? Well, to put it simply to *you" all, I have yet to meet someone at my company that matches my skill sets. They are taking on projects that revolve around my field of expertise and they have no one to back them up to triple check that are not getting ripped off by a hired partner.
I recently reviewed a report on a project and there were so many gaps to it that I was astonished, i sent feedback to my boss clearly stating the gaps our hired client needs to fill. I was thinking - if i wasn't here - it would have slipped under their noses.
So my question, is this a good idea to negotiate? I will properly and formally write up my thoughts and have it ready if i decide to ask listing examples of what gaps I helped fill and state the new projects coming that they will need my help in.
skillset: computer vision - small niche that i acquired from doing my masters and its a difficult subject to understand and grasp.
submitted by Ready_Plastic1737 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 drew_ravenwood0408 Recruiter became passive aggressive about competing offer at 32LPA

I'm a Fronted dev with 4.5 years of experience and since I'm in the early stage of interviewing, I agree to start the interview process for any company, regardless of the location/salary/company size so that I get good practice before I apply to my target companies.
Last week, I received an offer of 32LPA from a startup (company A) for the same role but since this company was in a different city, and I don't want to relocate. So I called the recruiter and made up a reason to reject the offer. So I told her I received a higher offer from a different company (company B) and I'm leaning towards joining the company B. She immediately became passive aggressive and starting saying things like "I knew something was gonna happen when you said you need 24 hours to accept the offer." and "Why are you only considering money as a deciding factor?". She further tried to get the other company's name out of me several times but I told her I can't reveal the name. Additionally, she started pointing out how working in a startup is better because of ESOPs and she's seen people mint money at startups. -_-
I clearly told her that I'm interested in fixed salary at the moment and not ESOPs. She goes on to mention that her recruiting agency has around 450 companies as their client, hinting that I'd potentially be blacklisted by all of them.
Should I be concerned about this? What do you think I should do? I thought this is what everyone does during the process of interviewing until they find an offer and company they like. I'm I at wrong here? Please let me know.
submitted by drew_ravenwood0408 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 NotDupog Use bleach or not?

So I keep seeing people saying not to use bleach when washing a house or a roof. That it ruins roof shingles and even some insurance companies not like it. Although It seems like EVERYONE uses bleach to wash the exterior.
I even read on pressure washer directs website, it says to never run bleach through your machine because it causes damage to the machine.
My question is, who is wrong or right? Also what do you use instead of bleach to clean a home/roof? Like what if someone has a koi pond next to their home, what cleaning solutions would you use then? I’m very confused because I see so much back and forth and would like to know the truth
submitted by NotDupog to pressurewashing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 G0ATzzz In shambles

In shambles submitted by G0ATzzz to indiadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 Various-Artichoke726 I'm fucked up on molly and wondering why I won't ever be loved

Hello everyone sorry if this post is really all over the place and weird, I'm currently messed up on ecstasy so my head is all messed up. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been through it where like all you want in life is to be loved by someone and to love someone and no matter hard you work for it it never comes? My parents abused and abandoned me as a kid, every guardian figure I had absconded me for drugs, I've been in therapy since I was 6 years old and currently see two therapists a week. I know you need to love yourself before someone can love you but I've been trying so hard all my life to do that and it never changes. I try to find someone to share my life with and build a genuine connection of love and trust with and it always falls apart one way or another. My therapists tell me it's not what I'm doing and that it's just the current state of the world and dating but when you've been thrown away by everyone you've ever loved, it's hard to believe. People tell me to have hope and not guard my heart, but everytime I give my heart to someone they shatter it. All my life I've only ever wanted someone to love who loves me and won't leave me, that's it. I don't care about money or wealth or any of that shit, we could be on the side of the road naked and starving and I would feel blessed to be with the love of my life. I've never wanted anything but someone who won't abandon me and who will love me and it never comes and I feel like I'm just so broken and messed up that it will never come. People say there's someone out there for everybody but if that were true then no body would die alone right?
Sorry I'm not even sure where this is going. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same, been tossed aside all their life and desperately just wants one person to love- yet it never comes. "Find yourself" "Find other hobbies", i know myself, I know my hobbies, I know what I want out of life. I just want one person JUST ONE PERSON who will choose me , that's all, that's all I want, why can't that happen? What have I done so wrong that I can't find the only thing I've ever wanted my entire life?.
submitted by Various-Artichoke726 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Real-Blackberry2215 I dont think my therapist is helping

I have diagnosed on paper by many professionals and psychs: bpd, PTSD, c-ptsd, adhd, GAD, insomnia and probably something else I might be forgetting.
I've done 4 years of debt therapy including group therapy at one clinic, took a break, a lot of bad stuff happened, realised I started having anger issues and then saw a new therapist who was awesome.
She only does dbt skill training and didnt focus on anything other than dbt and managing my bpd symptoms. Her therapy was great but it felt very surface level and shallow like I was making rather than resolving. I saw her for about a year and a half. She had to go on maternity leave and she referred me on to someone who used to be her colleague to do trauma work/therapy. Specifically emdr and schema.
I've seen this new lady weekly since November and I feel like she isn't helping. We haven't done any schema or emdr because there's always a really big incident or issue in my life happening and she doesnt want to retraumatise me.
The thing is I deferred uni this semester hoping I would be at least a little better, that the edge would be taken off. My previous therapist made a huge difference, like the fog was lifted but here I feel so stagnant like I'm getting worse.
She has the view that I will probably always need therapy and things aren't quick fixes which I do get but every day i feel so sad or stressed or aimless. I asked her what I should do to get through the day and she said my dbt skills. But then she also said dbt skills aren't super effective and are gaslighty.
I dont really know am I the issue for not just getting better? Shes a good therapist she has helped people but I just feel like she doesnt really get me. Last session was telehealth. I was in bed with endometriosis pain and I mentioned that I really struggled with my birthday the day before because I missed a lot of my old friends. She kind of acknowledged that then brushed it off(not the first time shes done this), recommended me a doctor for the endo pain then asked me what I wanted the session to focus on. I felt really stressed out and embarrassed about repeating the friend thing so I tried to deep breath and work my way up. She started asking if I was in a lot of pain, how were other things in my life, am I sure I was a session. This really freaked me, my head started to spin, I felt panicky and eventually through tears I told her I felt dismissed. She apologised and when I worked up the courage to say the friend thing again she instead started saying I need to put myself out there and recommended me groups to join yadda yadda.
I told her I wasnt sure if i was getting better and she said that unfortunately with adhd they struggle to find friendships and people and that's how it is and she wished she had more friends too.
That made me upset again because i felt doomed and i kinda just started agreeing with everything she was saying because I felt nervous expressing myself. She ended up leaving the session 10 minutes early saying she thought I was in too much pain to continue when really I was just stressed. This whole week I've felt depressed and stagnant like nothing is getting better and it sucks.
Sorry for the rant I just feel so lost.
submitted by Real-Blackberry2215 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Various-Artichoke726 How do you find happiness when you know you can't have what makes you happy?

Hello everyone sorry if this post is really all over the place and weird, I'm currently messed up on molly so my head is all messed up. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been through it where like all you want in life is to be loved by someone and to love someone and no matter hard you work for it it never comes? My parents abused and abandoned me as a kid, every guardian figure I had absconded me for drugs, I've been in therapy since I was 6 years old and currently see two therapists a week. I know you need to love yourself before someone can love you but I've been trying so hard all my life to do that and it never changes. I try to find someone to share my life with and build a genuine connection of love and trust with and it always falls apart one way or another. My therapists tell me it's not what I'm doing and that it's just the current state of the world and dating but when you've been thrown away by everyone you've ever loved, it's hard to believe. People tell me to have hope and not guard my heart, but everytime I give my heart to someone they shatter it. All my life I've only ever wanted someone to love who loves me and won't leave me, that's it. I don't care about money or wealth or any of that shit, we could be on the side of the road naked and starving and I would feel blessed to be with the love of my life. I've never wanted anything but someone who won't abandon me and who will love me and it never comes and I feel like I'm just so broken and messed up that it will never come. People say there's someone out there for everybody but if that were true then no body would die alone right?
Sorry I'm not even sure where this is going. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same, been tossed aside all their life and desperately just wants one person to love- yet it never comes. "Find yourself" "Find other hobbies", i know myself, I know my hobbies, I know what I want out of life. I just want one person JUST ONE PERSON who will choose me , that's all, that's all I want, why can't that happen? What have I done so wrong that I can't find the only thing I've ever wanted my entire life?.
submitted by Various-Artichoke726 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 mordiki1452 PLS HELP

Hello so whenever I try to load in a cs2 match it says "compiling shaders" it always takes really long to load so a tactical timeout starts before I even join. My ping is also a lot worse than it used to be. Does someone know a fix?
submitted by mordiki1452 to cs2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 StunningWeekend Long-Time iPhone User After 72 hours With Android (Pixel 8 then Samsung S24 Ultra) - My Reflections So Far

(Note: I posted this on Android but I wasn't sure if I did something incorrect because it was removed by the bot immediately, and I don't know how to get it approved. So... if you see it there too, then it must have gotten approved at some point and that's why. Just trying to find a home for this discussion and I promise I'm not trying to spam!)
After a decade with iPhone, curiosity finally got the better of me and I made the switch to Android. My trusty iPhone 13 Mini is still there just in case, but I really do hope to sell it soon. I wanted to document my journey over the last 72 hours with Android in case it helps someone else sitting on the margin just looking to dive in.
These 10 things are simply my opinions and reflections! I'm sure my feelings will continue to evolve, but here's where I'm at after 3 days. As I started typing, I did not expect this to be so long, but I had so many things floating through my head. Sorry for the long read and I'd love to hear others who have made similar changes.
1. Sloppy first impressions: I started with a Pixel 8. Got it for $390, in like new condition during eBay's memorial day sale, and just couldn't pass up that deal. The look of the phone never really attracted me before, but after a few hours it really grew on me. However, I really started to get annoyed at the experience and polish. For example, I had a lot of screens where the text was cut off or folders where the text was cut off. There were system pop-ups where I was expected to approve something that disappeared within a second before I could even read it - was it approved or was it declined?! But what really was upsetting was that there's no way to sort notifications by time. The phone would beep and then I'd have to spend a few seconds trying to figure out what the heck the notification was amidst the long list. Half the time, the time stamp doesn't even show and I'm left wondering if I missed something. This was exacerbated when I started not receiving notifications I would expect, because my iPhone (which was still on WiFi only mode) was getting notifications for new Gmail messages for example, and the Pixel just stayed quiet. That was unacceptable and I decided to return the phone.
However, my significant other has a Samsung, and she mentioned never having these issues so I stuck it out and tried again. This time, I figured - go big or go home - and I got the Samsung S24 Ultra.
2. Much better second try: I read a lot of bad experiences about the UI of Samsung coming into this, but frankly it's a lot more polished than the Pixel. It's like there's a nice coat of paint over all the underlying workings and as an iPhone user, I appreciate that. Everything looks great and while I've been toying with some of the themes in the Galaxy store, I have gone back to the normal One UI each time.
3. Smart Switch works great. It took about an hour to transfer all my settings and applications over to the Samsung. The only thing that took a little bit of figuring out was how to get 25K+ iCloud backed up photos onto this phone. Fortunately, there's an official Apple method for transferring iCloud files to Google Photos, and I initiated that. It's still not done but assuming this goes to plan, the transfer process wasn't that bad at all. I pretty much plopped my iPhone sim card into the Android, spent an hour waiting, and then all my old applications, wallpapers, and even placement of icons was there. Then, I just spent about half an hour signing into everything that I needed to (1Password is hugely helpful!) and I'm off to the races.
4. Settings galore: I am not used to this many settings! It seems I am approving or declining permissions all day long. I have multiple Gmail accounts setup, and I have to go in and adjust each account's notification setting when I just want all of my Gmail messages to have the same setting. I thought I would like this level of customization but it's been a little frustrating finding everything, or trying to figure out what I'm even approving. I find myself on YouTube looking for videos for how to change things such as the lock screen shortcuts. I am hoping that once I get through this initial difficulty, then I'll be cruising. And the biggest thing - Samsung lets me sort notifications in chronological order! That's huge (for me).
5. Navigation bars on top. Why?: I had a small iPhone Mini so one-handed navigation was never a real challenge but I still appreciated how all the menu bars (Facebook, Safari, etc.) were on the bottom of the phone. It made navigation really easy. With all the customization I mentioned in #3, I just assumed this would be an easy fix on Android and I'd be able to change this for any app. I was wrong! Other than Firefox, I have not figured out how to do this in Chrome or Facebook (as an example). I really do not understand why the iPhone version of Facebook would have this on the bottom but the Android version would have it on the top! For a phone as big as the S24U, that would've been a really nice option.
6. PhoneLink is pretty good: I had gotten rid of my Macbook a long time ago. I basically live on my Phone and also have an iPad for when I need a bigger screen and a Windows desktop for professional work. Integration b/w devices was never a big deal to me but I put I setup Phone Link and it's been pretty good. I don't have any real complaints so far - I can transfer files and get all my notifications and respond directly from my computer.
7. Dex is really cool but also buggy: The dream of having only to carry around my phone and never having to open up a laptop, tablet or desktop would be amazing. This phone is definitely powerful enough for the applications I use for work - Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. But Dex has some weird quirks that make it a little unreliable. For example, every time I open up an image in Gallery on Dex, the screen goes black for a few seconds before coming back on. Close the picture? Same thing! The cursor scroll just isn't as smooth as on my Desktop machine where I can customize the DPI settings exactly on the Logitech app. These are small things but build up into a less than perfect experience. But when it works, it works great and it's so close to a dream realized.
8. Face unlock is pretty bad, and the fingerprint reader can be hit or miss: FaceID on iPhone was a pleasure to use, except when it's not - i.e., I'm lying in bed. But for most situations, it works pretty good. For those moments I do wish I had a fingerprint reader so it's really nice to have that on the Samsung. But with that said, the Face unlock is horrendously bad. It works about 3/4 of the time in good light and then never in low light. I think the fingerprint reader is 80% successful on the first try for me but that's still lower than I think it should be. Perhaps I should re-register my finger. (Also, what's up with the super bright fingerprint reader on the Pixel 8? I feel like I was staring at the sun every time went to activate it! That said, it does feel like the Pixel's face unlock is better than Samsung). And on the topic of security, I think one of the biggest things I miss is Apple Pay. Some of my favorite go-to restaurants locally let me order online and pay directly using Apple Pay. Now I have to memorize my credit card number....
9. This thing is super powerful. I think people who choose Android chose it for two primary reasons: customization (which I mention in #2 and #3) and power to be productive. It has been very cool to be able to export files from one app directly into another app, edit it there, and save it as a file and then transfer it to my desktop. On iPhone, it was never a certainty which applications I'd be able to import files directly into but on Samsung it seems everything is available. There's always a workaround or solution or a method to doing something and that's been pretty cool. The Snapdragon processor is quick and the screen is beautiful. It's a great media consumption device and I hope it continues to be as snappy as it is now, because 7 years of updates is a very long time!
10. But the size of this phone is kinda insane. Especially coming from an iPhone mini, this thing is so big! It literally does even fit in my pockets when I am sitting and I've had it slide out a couple times onto the floor already because so much physically hangs out of my pants when seated. If Samsung made a smaller Ultra version of the phone in the same size as the S24, then that would be perfect (kinda like how Apple has the Pro and Pro Max). I think if there's a reason I end up going back to iPhone, it's because of the size of this thing. I want something as powerful as the Ultra but in a smaller package, and I haven't found another company that makes something like that. I don't have a case yet and maybe a more textured case will resolve this.
I'll keep this experiment going as I want to make a real effort to switch. Looking forward to continued learning!
submitted by StunningWeekend to samsung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 Stage-Piercing727 Best Adidas Military Boots

Best Adidas Military Boots

Get ready to dive into the world of Adidas Military Boots as we bring you the ultimate guide to these versatile, rugged footwear! Explore a variety of styles, materials, and features that make these boots stand out in the market. Discover the perfect pair for your outdoor adventures or everyday wear.

The Top 15 Best Adidas Military Boots

  1. Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts - For tactical professionals needing traction, waterproof protection, and superior breathability, the Upgraded UA Tactical Stellar with a slip-resistant outsole is the ultimate choice.
  2. Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant - Experience unparalleled comfort and performance with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots, featuring lightweight leather and advanced features designed for durability and enhanced grip on all surfaces.
  3. Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men - Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN Tactical Shoes offer superior cushioning, shock attenuation, moisture-wicking comfort, and exceptional grip for unparalleled performance on tactical terrain.
  4. Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable - Brace your feet for freezing temperatures with the genuine U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse boots, sourced from Coleman's Military Surplus, offering unbeatable warmth and insulation at unrivaled affordable prices!
  5. Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear - Experience ultimate comfort and support with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots, featuring durable construction and a lightweight design for optimal performance in various terrains.
  6. Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant - Experience a secure and comfortable fit along with outstanding durability, weather resistance, and traction for unbeatable performance in the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots.
  7. Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes - Step out in style with the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft hiking boots, featuring waterproof protection, PrimaLoft insulation, and Stealth rubber outsole for ultimate comfort, weather resistance, durability, and traction.
  8. Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour - Experience ultimate durability and unmatched comfort with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots in Coyote Brown, designed for athletes who face the toughest challenges.
  9. Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable - Experience the perfect blend of durability, comfort, and visual appeal with the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN.RDY Hiking Shoes - Unisex, designed to conquer every challenging trail you encounter.
  10. Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole - Experience unmatched comfort and performance with the Adidas Tactical ADV Snowboard Boot - Core Black/Core Black/White, featuring a revolutionary Responsive Boost midsole design that ensures ultimate cushioning and energy return.
  11. High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style - Introducing the Oakley Field Assault Boot, a perfect blend of durability and comfort, offering unrivaled traction and performance for those who require exceptional footwear in any terrain or environment.
  12. Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability - The Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black - 48 offers a classic last, lace-up fastening, waterproof mesh upper, and recycled content, providing all-day comfort and wear resistance for outdoor adventures.
  13. Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - the perfect choice for all-day support on any mission.
  14. Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction - Experience unmatched comfort and durability in the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots with a lightweight, breathable upper and responsive cushioning.
  15. Adidas Terrex Free Hiker 2: Warm and Waterproof Cold Weather Hiking Boots - Embrace the cold in ultimate comfort with the Adidas Men's Terrex Free Hiker 2.0 COLD.RDY - featuring a warm insulation, durable construction, and advanced traction for year-round hiking adventures.
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🔗Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts

Imagine slogging through a muddy construction site or trekking through a wet forest without feeling a single drop of water on your feet. That's the promise of the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots. I've tried these babies myself and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer.
First things first, the outer material is 100% leather, giving these boots a rugged, durable feel that can withstand any challenge I throw at them. But the real standout feature? The waterproofing. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but these boots kept my feet dry in the dampest conditions, making them a reliable companion on any outdoor excursion.
Now, I did notice a little issue with the traction on these bad boys. They tend to slip on some surfaces, which can be a bit of a hazard in certain situations. But that's a small price to pay for the overall comfort and protection these boots provide. Speaking of comfort, the die-cut EVA footbed and molded EVA, TPU shank make for a cushioned, supportive experience, even during long shifts.
As for the aesthetics, these boots are no slouch. The sleek, black design exudes an air of professionalism, which is always a bonus when you're working on a job site. But remember, always prioritize function over form.
In conclusion, the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for reliable, waterproof footwear. Just remember to keep an eye on the traction and you're good to go.

🔗Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant

I recently got a pair of Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots and they exceeded my expectations in terms of comfort and design. The light and breathable textile upper with full-grain polishable leather forefoot provided a great balance of durability and flexibility. I loved the molded Contoura Support anti-odor footbed with shock-absorbing foam as it made long walks a breeze, even without insoles. The molded EVA midsole cushioning with reinforced TPU shank gave me excellent protection and support, keeping my feet comfortable all day. Moreover, the oil- and slip-resistant high-traction rubber lug outsole offered a solid grip on various surfaces.
However, there were a few aspects that I found disappointing. Firstly, the front and back pull loops made the on/off process a bit difficult for me. Secondly, my previous pair of tactical boots felt more comfortable due to their thickness and weather resistance. Lastly, the size of the boots was somewhat small, so I had to go up one size.
Despite the minor drawbacks, I'd definitely recommend these boots to anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish pair of tactical boots.

🔗Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men

The quest for the perfect tactical shoe has led me to the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN. With a sleek design and plenty of features to make my treks more comfortable, I've been putting these boots through the paces.
One of the most noticeable features in this shoe is its dual-density midsole, which provides superior cushioning, stability, and motion control. The EVA foam in these boots is high-performance, offering excellent shock attenuation as I hike through various terrains. The nonreflective materials make these shoes perfect for tactical use, as they're always discrete and blended in with the environment.
The soft, breathable lining of this shoe has been a game-changer in terms of moisture-wicking foot comfort. The gusseted tongue design prevented debris from entering the shoe, keeping the tongue centered and eliminating the need for constant adjustments. It's a great feature to have, especially when I'm trudging through mud or over uneven ground.
In terms of fit, the molded OrthoLite sockliner matched the contours of my foot, providing a snug and comfortable fit. The ISO 20344:2011 puncture-resistant sole also made me feel more secure when navigating through rough terrain.
While I love the ventilation, ankle support, water resistance, and other features of these boots, there are some minor downsides. The traction, although solid, could be better in some situations. Also, the regular lacing system can be a bit tedious, especially when I need to quickly tie and untie the boots.
Overall, the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN has been a great addition to my outdoor gear collection. It provides comfort and support during my hikes and tactical missions, making it a reliable tool for the job. While there are some minor issues, the benefits of these boots far outweigh the drawbacks.

🔗Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable

When I first heard about these Mickey Mouse boots, I was intrigued by their distinctive design paired with their military origins. So, I decided to give them a shot while embarking on a snowmobiling adventure. As I strapped them on, I was initially surprised by how heavy they were.
But once I stepped into the deep snow, I immediately comprehended the weight's significance - it signified the durability and robustness of these boots. The wool and waterproof exterior managed to keep my feet warm and dry even in the harsh subzero temperatures.
However, their unique design did catch quite a few stares, but hey, it's not every day someone's feet are decked out like a set of Mickey Mouse ears. Overall, these boots delivered the expected functionality, even though they made me look like a walking Disney attraction.

🔗Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear

When I first tried on the Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots from Under Armour, I was impressed by the lightweight feel and the durable leather forefoot. The high traction rubber lug outsole definitely came in handy during my daily walks in different surfaces, providing me with a firm grip.
However, after a few weeks of regular use, I noticed that the zipper started to malfunction, making it difficult to take the boots off or put them on. Despite this inconvenience, the style of the boots and their overall comfort were definitely attractive features.

🔗Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant

Recently, I had the chance to try out the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD. RDY hiking boots, and I must say, I was impressed. The leather upper has a stylish and long-lasting appeal, while the insulated and water-repellent COLD. RDY technology kept my feet warm and dry in any weather.
One feature I particularly enjoyed was the textile innersole that added extra comfort to my feet. The hiking boots also offered great support and traction, making them perfect for my outdoor adventures. However, I did notice that the rubber outsole was a bit tricky to clean. Overall, I highly recommend these boots for fellow outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for a reliable and comfortable pair.

🔗Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes

Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots in my daily life. These boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection from the elements. One of the standout features is the waterproof and climaproof construction, keeping my feet dry even in the wettest conditions. The PrimaLoft insulation material is another highlight, providing extra warmth in colder temperatures.
One aspect that I found impressive is the Stealth rubber outsole, which offers unbeatable grip on slippery or icy ground. This feature, combined with the mid-height cuff, ensures that I'm always stable on any trail I encounter.
However, there were also some downsides to my experience. The boots seem to run a bit large, which may cause some unwanted bulk for people with narrow or standard-width feet. Additionally, the lacing system can be a bit finicky, requiring a bit more effort to get the fit just right.
In conclusion, the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection. The waterproof and insulated features are especially noteworthy, but potential buyers should be aware of the sizing issues and the need for a snug fit.

🔗Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour

Experience the ultimate blend of comfort and durability with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots. These boots are crafted with 100% synthetic materials, boasting a rubber sole that provides unbeatable traction on any surface. Under Armour's mission to innovate extends to these boots, as they feature ultralight Micro G EVA inner midsoles for all-day comfort and quick-dry materials to keep your feet dry throughout the day.
Designed for various environments and challenges, the Tac Loadout Boots are equipped with durable uppers made from roughout leather and Cordura nylon, ensuring they withstand rough use day after day. The Vibram outsole with MegaGrip rubber provides excellent grip, while the heel tabs make it easy to slide in and out of the boots.
I had the chance to test these boots, and I couldn't be more impressed. The lightweight and supportive design is perfect for long marches, and the breathable material keeps my feet from getting overheated. Although the soles may take time to break in, their comfort and durability make them well worth the effort. One small concern is that the boots could use better toe protection, especially for those in demanding environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots are an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable, comfortable, and versatile pair of boots. With their innovative design and superior performance, these boots are perfect for tackling any challenge that comes your way.

🔗Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN. RDY hiking shoes, and I must say, I was impressed. The nubuck leather upper felt sturdy and durable, while the lugged outsole provided excellent grip on various surfaces.
Despite being marketed as water-repellent, the shoes didn't seem to get wet easily during my outdoor adventures. The EVA midsole was comfortable, especially for those long hikes. However, I did find the lace closure a bit fiddly at times.
Overall, the Adidas Terrex hiking shoes were a solid choice for those looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable pair of shoes for their outdoor excursions.

🔗Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole

Over the past few weeks, I've been putting the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots through their paces in the slopes near my home. Let me tell you, these boots have been a game-changer in my snowboarding adventures. They're incredibly comfortable, and I appreciate how the textile upper and heat-moldable Ultralon foam liner work together to make these boots feel like an extension of my feet.
One of my favorite features is the boot lacing system; it's so user-friendly that I can easily adjust the fit on the go. The rubber outsole provides great traction on those icy slopes, while the responsive Boost midsole ensures a cushioned ride that keeps my feet feeling fresh even after a long day on the mountain.
That being said, there are a few minor drawbacks. While I love the boot's versatility, I found the sizing to be a bit on the larger side. I'd recommend going down a half-size for a better fit. Additionally, the boots tend to wear out faster than I'd like, but I suppose that's the price we pay for such comfortable and responsive footwear.
Overall, the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots are a worthy investment for snowboarding enthusiasts. They offer a perfect balance of comfort, performance, and style that's hard to beat in the world of snowboarding footwear.

🔗High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style


My experience with the Oakley Field Assault Boot (Coyote) has been a positive one. The durability of this boot is top-notch, thanks to the 1000-denier Cordura and suede upper. This lightweight and breathable material also adds to the overall comfort of the boot. The Vibram rubber lug outsole is a standout feature, providing impressive traction and stability, even in the harshest conditions. The molded EVA insert and injection polyurethane midsole ensure comfort for long periods and even absorb shock effectively. The braided nylon laces are sturdy and provide a secure fit, but they could use some reinforcement to last longer.
In terms of pros, the Oakley Field Assault Boot offers unparalleled durability, comfort, and traction. Cons include the thinness of the laces and the stiffness around the ankle. Overall, this military-style boot stands out for its performance and sleek design.

🔗Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability

I have been using the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes in my daily adventures, and I must say it has been quite an experience up until now. When it comes to the aesthetics, the shoes have a unique and edgy design, especially in the green color I ordered. The size 48 fits me perfectly, and I'm glad Adidas gave me the option to select the right size for myself.
One thing that stood out to me right off the bat is the lace-up fastening. It wasn't difficult at all to tie the shoes, and they stayed securely on my feet throughout the day. The mesh upper and synthetic reinforcements made by recycled material have proven to be quite durable, even during rainy days.
On the negative side, the EVA midsole felt a little bit uncomfortable after prolonged usage. It seemed to me like my feet wouldn't dry quickly during the rainy seasons, which I guess could be due to the material they're made from.
Overall, I would say the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes are a decent choice for those looking for waterproof hiking boots with a modern edge. While there are a couple of cons that I've personally experienced, I'm willing to give them another shot and see if they hold up in various weather conditions.

🔗Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable

The Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots have been a game-changer for me. The first thing I noticed was how lightweight they were – a real plus when you're on your feet for long periods. The synthetic leather and nylon upper felt not only soft but also breathable, which was a major plus during those sweltering summer days.
One of the key features that stood out for me was the oil- and slip-resistant rubber lug outsole. I work in an environment where there's a lot of dirt and wet surfaces, and these boots really helped me stay grounded, literally. The full-length Micro G foam midsole added a level of cushioning that made my long hours on the job much more comfortable.
However, there was one downside – one that I couldn't help but notice after a while. The boots wore down more quickly than I expected, given their price point. But that's a minor issue when you consider the overall level of comfort and support these boots offer.
In the end, the Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots earned a spot in my everyday rotation. They're like a reliable companion on those long, challenging days at work. Highly recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet.

🔗Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction

The Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are an excellent addition to any tactical gear collection. With their lightweight synthetic leather and textile upper, these boots are both durable and breathable, making them the perfect choice for those long days on the job. The welded forefoot overlay and molded TPU toe cap provide added protection, ensuring your feet are secure and well-protected at all times.
The easy on/off features of these boots, with pull loops on the heel and tongue, make them a breeze to slip on and off, even after a long day on your feet. The anti-fatigue and anti-microbial molded Contoura Support footbed provides all-day comfort, absorbing shock and keeping your feet feeling great even after hours of use.
The upgraded outsole, with its durable oil and slip-resistant rubber compound, ensures that you have the traction you need to stay on your feet, even in the most challenging of environments. The full-length Micro G foam midsole provides the ultimate in responsive cushioning, making these boots a standout choice for those who spend their days on their feet.
While the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots have many positives, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Some users have experienced issues with the laces, which can loosen and come untied easily, requiring frequent adjustments. Additionally, the boots are not waterproof, so they may not be the best choice for those working in wet environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are a strong choice for anyone looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and protective work boot. With their durable construction, breathable materials, and excellent traction, these boots are well worth considering as part of your tactical gear collection.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas military boots are designed to provide comfort, durability, and style in various outdoor conditions. This guide will help you understand the essential features and considerations before purchasing a pair of Adidas military boots.


Material and Construction

Adidas military boots come in various materials such as leather, synthetic materials, and canvas. The choice of material depends on the level of water resistance, breathability, and strength required for the intended use.

Water Resistance

Water resistance is essential for military boots, especially if they are meant for outdoor activities in wet or muddy conditions. Look for boots with a water-resistant coating or membrane that will keep your feet dry.


Comfort and Fit

Adidas military boots should provide adequate support and comfort, especially for prolonged use. Check the boot's interior for cushioning, arch support, and breathability. The fit should be snug, but not too tight, allowing for some wiggle room in the toe area and enough room around the ankle.

Traction and Grip

Traction and grip are essential for outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping. Look for Adidas military boots with a non-slip sole and good grip, especially if you plan to use them on wet or uneven terrains.


Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance

Military boots need to be durable and easy to clean, especially when used in muddy or dirty conditions. Look for Adidas boots with features like a removable footbed for easy cleaning and waterproof materials that can quickly dry after getting wet.

Brand Reputation

Adidas is a well-renowned brand known for its durable and high-quality products. When considering purchasing Adidas military boots, always choose a reputable dealer to ensure you get an authentic and high-quality product.
Adidas military boots are a great option for those seeking comfort, durability, and style in their outdoor gear. To ensure you're getting the best fit and features for your intended use, always consider the material, water resistance, comfort, traction, ease of cleaning, and brand reputation before making a purchase.



Are Adidas Military Boots suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots are designed for outdoor activities. They feature water-resistant materials, reinforced stitching, and a durable sole that provides excellent grip on various terrains. Their design allows for comfortable wear during long walks and hikes.

What are the primary features of Adidas Military Boots?

The primary features of Adidas Military Boots include:
  • Water-resistant materials for protection against wet conditions
  • Reinforced stitching for added durability
  • High-grip sole for traction on various surfaces
  • Padded ankle support for comfort and stability
  • Adjustable lacing system for a customized fit

What sizes do Adidas Military Boots come in?

Adidas Military Boots are available in various sizes, from men's and women's EU sizes 36-48, to ensure a proper fit for a wide range of customers.

How do I care for Adidas Military Boots to prolong their lifespan?

To prolong the lifespan of Adidas Military Boots, follow these care instructions:
  • Clean the boots regularly using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and debris.
  • Apply a waterproofing treatment to the leather or synthetic materials to protect against moisture.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold, as this can damage the materials and reduce the boots' water resistance.
  • Store the boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold growth and maintain the quality of the materials.

Can I wear Adidas Military Boots for more than just outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots can also be worn as fashion statement footwear. They make a great addition to casual outfits, offering both durability and style.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 InternetDry5424 Rude partner

I’m at a loss for words to describe an interaction I had with a former partner from a store I transferred out of . So to begin ,I was in drive AND IT WAS POURINGGGGG rain I mean it was literally impossible to hear someone’s full order with clarity. So my former partner went to my store and did her little order . Since I’m hard of hearing and it was loud I was asking the Partner if the screen was right. AND SHE YELLED AT ME SAYING “ARE YOU DEAF?!” And yk I had my costumer service voice politely saying “ I’m sorry I’m hard of hearing and the rain is a little loud. So it’s difficult to hear you . To which she responded “ well it’s not my problem you can’t hear me you should probably go somewhere else. I don’t understand why they hire people like you. “ 😭 i didn’t even know what to say after that everyone on the floor was stunned. As soon as she went to the window to pay She yelled at me again for asking what’s her form of paying . Like I would think that bc she’s a partner she would understand not to talk to another partner like that? Especially when you worked with them???
submitted by InternetDry5424 to starbucksbaristas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 Plus-Possibility-421 Atlas Black - Page 1 [Fantasy/Mystery - 508 words] Would you keep reading??

Hello, just want to see if you read this page, does it pique your interest enough that you'd keep reading. Trying to test some different intros. Thanks!

It was the third village this year. Barely any signs of struggle, houses intact, nothing valuable stolen. Nothing out of the ordinary except for one thing: all the people were gone.
Warden Hyukos stood in the village square, the only signs of movement coming from his men who patrolled the empty streets. The sun was beginning to set and the quiet wood houses cast long shifting shadows on the road, the sound of cicadas buzzing softly in the trees. Though it was a quite pleasant summer evening, making sweat run down his neck into his tunic, he shivered. He didn’t like this one bit.
Someone tapped his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin.
“By the stars, Kyurias, nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry, sir.”
“Well, what have you to report? Have you found anyone?”
“No, sir.”
“Then what is it?”
“We just received a message from the magistrate.”
“It looks like the capital is sending someone to assist in the investigation.”
Damn it, Warden Hyukos thought. The bleeding capital? He’d been investigating these disappearances for nearly a year now, with absolutely nothing to show for it. Not only did it look bad on him, it embarrassed the magistrate, and he wasn’t a man to embarrass. He ran a hand through his hair, which was acquiring more white strands everyday it seemed. He sighed slowly.
“Alright. Who are they sending?”
“Uhm. Well, according to the message, if it can be believed–”
“Just spit it out, who is it? Some minor lord’s hireling?”
“Eo Akami, sir.”
Some spit caught in the warden’s throat and he hacked a cough into his elbow.
“What, the bleeding archmage?”
“Er, according to the messenger, yes.”
“You’re telling me that Eo Akami, the war hero, the bleeding Red Mage, is coming all the way from the capital to the backwoods of the Wild North to help us look for some missing peasants?”
“That’s what he said. Like I was saying, the messenger in question, Junias, has been known to embellish or otherwise exaggerate the importance of his charges, just last week he ran a message from the magistrate’s cook to the local butcher, regarding the procurement of venison, and naturally–”
“Alright, alright, Kyruias, I get the point, don’t need every bleeding detail, do I? Just take me to Junias and I’ll question him myself.”
Kyurias led him down the darkening dirt road, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword. Hyukos pulled a rolled up parchment from his pouch, unraveled it, and placed his left hand on the complex pattern of ink inscribed. The pattern glowed gold and illuminated a 10 foot radius around them. He fastened the glowing parchment to his belt. The messenger was clearly exaggerating. Nobody of import had any interest in the coming and goings of the Wild North, much less an archmage to the king. He was under enough stress lately as it was, and he was in the mind to take it out on this Junias for adding to his increasing supply of white hairs.
submitted by Plus-Possibility-421 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 Ho11ow08 Overnight Patrol Officer

I do not know who else to talk to so I’ve come to you reddit. Roughly a year ago I graduated from police academy and started my first employment in Scottsdale, AZ. I stayed there for about 6 months and then I was transferred to a station in Pima County, where I has practically the same hours as my previous station. About a week ago is was moved to night shift witch wasn’t too hard to adjust to because I live alone. Most of the time I was parked outside of a waste management facility running plates and doing the occasional speeding ticket. I never really talk to anyone much at the station, I like to clock in get my hours in and go home.
One night I was requested to aid in a car-chase, I was pretty stoked because this had never happened before and felt like I was in an action scene from one in 60 seconds. One of my colleagues set out a spike strip to blow his tires, here’s a link to more info on that: https://www.kold.com/2024/01/19/homicide-suspect-caught-tucson-area/. When I went home later that day I found 2 gunshot wounds to my sternum. I was very confused because I did not feel any injury at all.
I must have had too much to drink before work because I kept seeing really weird things that I still can’t quite put together and no cars on the road. But as soon as I go home I’m just fine. It’s almost as if I leave a part of me behind every time I clock in and pick up a new one. Now every time I leave for work and go to my usual station, alone made you, about halfway through my workday, suddenly I have a partner in my passenger seat. Ive never seen this guy at the office and now he is just randomly cracking jokes in my car. His name tag said Erik Hite, I know that name from somewhere but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Same thing happened every day I went into work, you get used to it after awhile. One distinct feature I connect to him is he is not up to date on most things. He said that he was exited for the release of Iron Man 2 which confused and put me off quite a bit.
I asked around at the office if anyone has seen him around before and all of them ignored me and not even acknowledge me, I don’t know if this is some kind of prank or something and if it is its not a good one. The next day when I went into work I noticed he too, had apparent gunshot wounds. When I asked him about them he was confused at the question and said “what do you mean gunshot wounds? I’m as healthy as I’ve ever been!” I knew that he wasn’t messing with me by the way that he said it. Is he in the same situation as I am but just doesn’t realize the gunshot wounds? Or is he in denial of the whole situation?
Earlier this month is got in contact with someone who claimed to be the wife of Erik, Nohemy Hite. I started talking with her over Facebook about her husband, one thing that really weirded me out was that she always used past tense while talking about her husband. This is all the info I have for people guys right now, I will post an update once I find out more. It would be much appreciated if you good people could do more research on the mysterious people I have cited, since I still have an actual life so and I don’t have much spare time for research. All help is appreciated, until next time and you’re never out of the fight.
submitted by Ho11ow08 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:03 Georgiobs What are the potential issues when you run out of things to say to someone?

It happened with the majority of us I guess. What do you think are the major causes of this situation ? Is it a lack of stories to tell? Is it awkwardness?
submitted by Georgiobs to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:03 Maggielove22 How do I ask my friend to change their behavior?

This is going to sound douchy. I am ok with that.
I have a super annoying friend. She lives and breathes Anime. She's admitted to being "feral" (idk what that means) about anime men. She talks like a Reddit nice guy. Think "Heh...I guess I deserve it." The other day, she patted me on the head and called me a "lil' bean." She's somehow millennial and tragically online at the same time. I dread being in the same room with her sometimes. But other times, she's amazing. The life of the party. Kind, compassionate, smart, resourceful, and hard-working. She's admirable. Sometimes.
I need her to change her behavior. She consistently texts my friend GC about hating herself, wanting to d1e, wanting other people to suffer, etc. I know that sounds bad, but I comfort her every time. I am there for her when she needs it, and I lift her when she hits rock bottom. I try to be her rock. I know what it's like to be trapped in a cycle of being depressed and being happy. It's rough, and I don't want anyone else to experience that. But I can't deal with it anymore. It triggers my bad/intrusive thoughts and my depression, and it makes me genuinely uncomfortable. Some of the things she says about other people, or what she wants to do to other people, are genuinely horrifying, and I don't know how to deal with them. Whenever someone brings up that it makes them uncomfortable, she spirals back down into thinking she's a horrible person, that she deserves to d1e, and that other people around her deserve to d1e and suffer. I don't want to make her feel like that, I love her too much. I want to tell her as gently as possible, but I don't want to hurt her.
She also makes hurtful comments about Autism. I have Autism. She probably has Autism. On my birthday last year, I mentioned her being Autistic. She immediately got defensive, and eventually ended up saying "If I was autistic, I would hate myself". Ever since then, she's gotten comfortable saying she "doesn't want to be autistic", that she would "intentionally change her test answers on a test to avoid being diagnosed", and that "being diagnosed as autistic would be a curse." I don't care if she feels that way. But I used to feel that way. And it triggers something in me when she says stuff like that. But, again, if I tell her those comments make me very uncomfortable, she would spiral.
TLDR: I don't know how to address any issue I have with my 18F friend, because she spirals into depression and self-hatred whenever someone tries to tell her that she's making them uncomfortable.
Someone, please help, I'm not sure what to do
submitted by Maggielove22 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:02 Crimson_X_Shadow789 Wanting someone

Honestly i just want to find my other half… how does everyone make it work? I hear people say that relationships are not all sunshine’s and rainbows yet those same people are in one and are very happy. It’s frustrating when dealing with all of these feelings and emotions. I think all I’m missing is just someone who’s genuinely interested in me as a person and that’s what i want to be for someone else. How do you find that person? How do you get to that type of relationship
submitted by Crimson_X_Shadow789 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:01 Mbcrawford123 Is someone who prioritizes things because someone else prioritizes them unappealing/sustainable in a relationship?

I'm a man (26) and my girlfriend (25) recently broke up with me about a day ago.
The jist of it was that she felt that we were different people and I was only doing things because she wanted me to, I didn't do them automatically. She felt that her priority in life was being very out going and social. I can be extremely extroverted but it takes time for me warm up to people. I am not against that at all and don't mind doing it, but the issue from her perspective is that it's only a priority because of her, it wasn't a priority of mine originally. Because of that, she feels like she's changing me and we aren't compatible. I tell her it's no sweat off my brow but she says its a lot which makes no sense; only i can decide what's too much for me to compromise, not her.
Church. We're both Christian but thanks to my job the last two years or so I haven't gone to church since I can never get Sundays off and I started to just get used to it. She did not mention this til we started getting into the breakup phase but this is another priority in her life that she wants her man to also share. I went with her a few times but the church service and everyone there primarily only speaks Japanese which I can't speak so I felt awkward going. She offered going to a whole different church but she's been there for two years and i didn't want to just uproot her from her community, ya know? Anyway, just like before, the issue is that church is only a priority because I'm prioritizing her and trying to make her happy, it simply just doesn't come natural
One last thing is I was thinking about buying a house very soon but she said she wants to move around a bit a travel and that means our life goals are so different and we aren't compatible. I say that's fine, I can hold off a bit and probably save more and get something better or just keep the money for something else. This sounded like I was simply shaping my life around her and that's not a good thing to her. We're still young and I feel I can be flexible about buying a house. I guess not...
She is not a good communicator and did not lay out all of these things I was doing wrong until about a few weeks ago as the break up was ramping up and we both finally exploded on each other for not understanding the expectations we had in mind for each other. I then tell her that we now know the issues and we can work on it: I will be more active in making sure I'm more social and willing to tag along in her social activities and we can go to a new church or her current one. All she needs to do is just let me, she has to do very little.
She tells me no and it's too late now. I had two years to catch on to this and I'm only doing this because she wants to, not because it's something I naturally do. So all in all, she feels she's changing me because of how flexible I am with compromising and matching her priorities when she thinks they aren't mine originally. I don't think priorities are that black and white but she does apparently. Things can and will change as time goes on.
Probably because I'm just a man, I don't know, but I thought it was a very good thing to have a partner who is extremely willing to see if they can coincide with your priorities and life and try to find compromises. She thinks the fact i have to compromise is bad and I should find someone who will love me for who i am. We finally communicated after all this time and found steps to work things out. We agreed, her friend spent a few days at her house and 3 days later she says she changed her mind and wants to break up. She suddenly thinks our solution will only prolong the inevitable and she wont even budge on trying. We wont know until we try and she suddenly just refuses to try. I'm her first relationship and I feel like she doesn't fully understand what compromise really means and that it does not mean your changing someone when they do, so im trying to convince her to give us another try. Might be for nothing though.
Is it not appealing to have a partner who wants to try and compromise some things for you? Or is it better to simply coincide with you because it comes naturally? Is it better for somethings to simply be done and not asked for? I'm wondering what the general consensus on this could be.
tl;dr: Gf doesn't like that I don't seem to share the same priorities as her naturally, they've only become priorities because of her influence. Is something like this generally not a good dynamic in relationships??
submitted by Mbcrawford123 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:01 Count-Daring243 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

Introducing the ultimate solution for your storage and transportation needs, our roundup of adjustable bungee cords is perfect for keeping your items secure while on the move. Don't settle for a less flexible option; explore the best choices in today's market and discover the perfect bungee cord for your needs.

The Top 19 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

  1. Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack) - Secure heavy objects with ease using the adjustable, long-lasting premium rubber bungee cords from Houseables, perfect for stress-free handling and smooth transportation.
  2. Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding - Experience the durability and reliability of the 24-inch Keeper Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord by Hampton Products, with professional-grade hooks, superior rubber construction, and a design that adapts to your cargo needs.
  3. Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook - Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cord - Innovative, simple, and incredibly durable, this bungee might just become your trusted companion for all adventures and projects!
  4. Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack - Experience unparalleled durability and versatility with this 12-piece assorted bungee cord variety pack, featuring premium long-lasting rubber and corrosion-resistant hooks for your most demanding tasks.
  5. Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories - Take the risk out of securing your cargo with the Loop Rope bungee cord tie down system - the safe, adjustable, and versatile solution for all your storage needs.
  6. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection - The Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord is a versatile, eco-friendly option made in the USA, offering a secure grip for various outdoor activities with a 6"-48" unstretched length range and UV protection.
  7. National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution - National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee Cords with interchangeable carabiners and innovative slip-resistant securing system provide the perfect solution for all your cargo securing and organization needs.
  8. Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions - Experience the ultimate flexibility and durability with The Perfect Bungee's Adjustable Flex-Web Cargo Net, crafted from UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistant FlexaPURE material, perfect for any weather and load.
  9. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection - SmartStraps SmartStraps 508 is a versatile and super strong premium 2-2/3 ft adjustable bungee cord that simplifies tensioning and is UV and weather resistant, eliminating the hassle of multiple lengths and offering ultimate protection without scratching.
  10. 25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords - Secure and transport your cargo safely and easily with Haul-Master's 25 ft. Round Stretch Cords featuring adjustable hooks for optimal tension and length.
  11. High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold - Keeper Super Heavy Duty Bungee Cords provide 2x tension and professional-grade durability for all demanding situations, with weather-resistant hooks.
  12. Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use - Experience versatility and durability with the Axemax Bungee Cords Heavy Duty 32 Pcs assorted sizes, offering color-coded straps and a reusable storage bag for convenience.
  13. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support - MOLADRI's Adjustable Bungee Cords, featuring a 60% increase in pulling force, exceptional rebound force, and 2 metal hooks for durability, offer limitless uses for camping, picnicking, and securing luggage, making them a versatile and essential accessory.
  14. High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks - Marine-grade Monkey Fingers bungee cords offer unparalleled durability, strength, and versatility, making them the perfect choice for any outdoor or home use.
  15. Heavy-Duty Assorted Sized Flat Bungee Cords - LuckyStraps' heavy-duty, UV-protected assorted flat bungee cords offer easy adjustment and unparalleled max break strength for all your outdoor needs.
  16. Adjustable Black and White Bungee Cords with Hooks - Experience the versatility and durability of the Joyeyou Bungee Cords with Adjustable Hooks, featuring heavy-duty construction and secure connections for a variety of outdoor and indoor uses.
  17. Extra Stretchy Bungee Cord for Versatile Storage Solutions - Upgrade your bungee cord game with Micagos' 48-inch blue/black adjustable bungee cord, featuring extra wide steel hooks and premium quality rubber for superior strength and elasticity.
  18. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Net with Durable Straps - Experience unmatched versatility and durability with the fully adjustable FW36-6NG Bungee Net, designed for all weather conditions and versatile applications.
  19. Multi-Purpose Adjustable 6-Arm Bungee with Nylon Hooks - Experience the ultimate versatility and durability with the FlexWeb Adjustable Web Cargo Net - a perfect, all-weather solution for avid outdoor enthusiasts!
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🔗Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack)

The Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks have become a trusty companion in my daily life. Their 48-inch length ensures that I can secure even the heftiest objects without having to worry about them slipping away. The premium-grade rubber construction adds durability and resistance to stretching, guaranteeing these cords will stay strong for a long time.
The most impressive feature is the stretch capacity of these bungee cords, which can extend from 4 feet to a remarkable 10 feet. I've found that the extra length allows for better shock absorption, making it easier to manage heavy loads and maintain a smooth and safe transfer.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the adjustability of these cords. They can be easily manipulated and tightened to hold large items in place, while also being simple to release when needed. The flat hooks are a game-changer, as they lie better and create a more reliable attachment point compared to traditional round ones.
However, there is one minor drawback to these cords - the bright yellow color may not be to everyone's taste. Some may prefer a more subdued hue. Despite this, the overall performance and convenience of the Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks make them a great choice for anyone in need of reliable and versatile straps for securing heavy items.

🔗Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding

The Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a versatile and dependable product that truly stands out in the market. With its premium rubber lining on the inside, it has an impressive 10% more rubber content than conventional cords, ensuring optimal performance and long-lasting durability.
One of the most prominent features of this bungee cord is its professional-grade construction. The dichromate steel hooks at each end provide outstanding resistance against bending under pressure and are resistant to corrosion. Moreover, the material is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and UV rays, making it perfect for outdoor use.
Another excellent aspect of this bungee cord is its expansive adjustability. It stretches excellently for your cargo needs, making it a versatile and convenient choice for securing various items. The durable design ensures that the cord stretches perfectly over your cargo without compromising its strength.
However, like any product, there are a couple of cons. While the bungee cord is well-constructed, it can be a bit tricky to adjust, which might cause some inconvenience during use. Additionally, the steel hooks can be a bit sharp, which might require some extra care while handling.
Overall, this Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a remarkable product that is perfect for securing cargo and making your life easier. Its premium-quality construction, durability, and versatility make it a standout choice in the market. So, if you're in the market for a reliable and robust bungee cord, look no further than this exceptional product.

🔗Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook

The Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord has been an absolute game-changer in my daily life. As an avid adventurer, I've had to deal with various tie-down situations, and this adjustable bungee cord has made my life so much easier. The unique, patented adjustable hook is not only practical but also makes it the last bungee cord I'll ever need to buy.
One of my favorite features is the ease of use and adjustability. Whether I'm working on a DIY project or going on a boating trip, this bungee cord can be quickly adjusted to fit my needs. Its length can be adjusted from 6 inches to 60 inches, and the marine-grade rubber core ensures it's strong and durable enough to handle any task.
However, there is one downside - it only comes in one size. I wish they offered a longer size for even more versatility. Overall, the Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord is a reliable, easy-to-use, and adaptable tool that has become an essential part of my outdoor adventures.

🔗Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack

I recently tried out the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack, and I must say, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. This pack of 12 different bungee cords offers a wide range of options, ensuring you have the perfect cord for any situation. The 25cm, 46cm, 60cm, 80cm, and 90cm cords make it versatile and useful for various tasks.
But what really stood out for me is the premium quality of the cords. They are made from top-tier, long-lasting rubber that ensures they won't snap or lose their strength over time. The protective coating is a thoughtful feature that resists corrosion and won't chip my paint. Plus, the heavy gauge steel hooks are dependable and easy to use.
However, one downside I faced was with the mini cords. They were a bit too small for my needs, so I had to use them sparingly. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack was an excellent investment, providing me with a range of high-quality cords that have made my life easier.

🔗Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories

As an avid camper, I found the Loop Rope Campers Pack to be a game-changer. Say goodbye to those pesky bungee cords that always seem to wear themselves out and end up with an unsightly mess. This Loop Rope system is not only safer, but also incredibly easy to use. The loops evenly placed on the rope eliminate the need for complex knots, while the double sided stainless steel clips secure your cargo perfectly.
I appreciate the versatility of this product. No matter what you're trying to secure, whether it's a boat, a mattress, camping gear, or even drying clothes, this Loop Rope system does the job with ease. The different lengths of clips make it even more suitable for various applications.
However, as with all products, it's not without its small drawbacks. The clips can be a bit difficult to attach at times, and it might take a bit of force to stretch the rope to the desired tension. Despite this, the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making the Loop Rope Campers Pack an indispensable addition to any camper's gear.

🔗Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection

Using the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord has been a game-changer in my outdoor adventures. The adjustability feature allows you to set the length to your preferred range, from 6" to 48" unstretched. Its durability is evident with the UV-protected hooks and bungee, ensuring longevity and protection against the harsh elements.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the versatility of this product. It can be used in various settings, such as boating or camping, without any hassle. The option to swap out Bungee cords for 5/32" - 3/8" diameter ropes or parachute cord makes it even more adaptable to your needs.
Despite its great features, there's one downside: the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord can be a bit challenging to tighten the bungee cord and adjust the length. However, once you get the hang of it, it becomes a smooth process.
Overall, this Made in the USA adjustable bungee cord has made my outdoor experiences more convenient, and I highly recommend it for those seeking a strong, customizable, and adjustable bungee cord for their adventures.

🔗National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution

When I'm out exploring, I like to have a bungee that can handle anything thrown my way – and that's exactly what National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee offers. With carabiner hooks that can be used as tie-down straps or in place of ratchet straps, it's the only bungee I'll ever need.
The adjustable length from 9-in to 60-in allows me to secure my cargo without worrying about it shifting or being tossed around. The slip-resistant securing system and easy-to-use mounting feature also make it a reliable option for garage organization and securing sports balls on shelves.
One of my favorite features is the interchangeable carabiners – I can swap them out for S-hooks or quick-links depending on what I need to secure. Plus, the product comes with two adjustable bungees, which is double the amount of security for my adventures.
Overall, this bungee is a must-have for any explorer. It's easy to use, secure, and versatile, making it the perfect addition to any vehicle or outdoor excursion.

🔗Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions

I recently got my hands on the Flex-Web Adjustable Cargo Net, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This 72-inch net ensures I can safely secure my gear while on the go.
The unique feature of this net is its six adjustable arms, secured to a central powder-coated ring. It allows for a full adjustable net, perfect for those unpredictable cargo changes. The ABS plastic hook ends are a fantastic addition, as they prevent scratching surfaces and stay secure during transportation.
One of the things I appreciate most is the ability of each arm to stretch twice their length, making it easy to accommodate various cargo sizes. And with its UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistance along with waterproof properties, this net is built to withstand all kinds of weather conditions.
While it's made in the USA since 2008, it's designed to be versatile, suitable for ATVs, motorcycles, UTVs, trucks, trailers - basically, anything you'd need a secure cargo net for. It's truly a fantastic product, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and reliable bungee cord.

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection

I've been using the SmartStraps Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for a while now, and they've served my needs pretty well. The super strong cord is definitely more durable than the standard bungee cords I've used in the past. The adjustable feature is a game-changer, eliminating the need for multiple length cords. All you need is one bungee cord that can adapt to various situations.
However, I did notice that the cord's elasticity might degrade over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Also, the steel hooks are not the best when it comes to scratch-resistance on delicate surfaces. But overall, these bungee cords are pretty convenient and useful for various situations.

🔗25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords

The Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks has become quite the life saver in my day-to-day activities. It's like having a superhero sidekick who's always there to help you secure and manage your cargo. Whether it's tying down a floppy hot tub tarp or securing a trailer cover through the winter, this bungee cord is the perfect tool for the job.
One of the most impressive features of this product is its adjustable length. It's like having a chameleon that can change its size on command. With the simple twist of a hook, I can easily adjust the cord to reach any length I need. This flexibility has turned what could be a cumbersome task into a breeze.
However, there's one downside I've noticed with this bungee cord. Despite its durability and easy-to-use design, the outer jacket seems to have a slight tendency to fade over time. Sure, it's not a major issue, but I would love to see a product that can withstand all the elements, not just some.
Overall, the Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks is a fantastic product. Its adaptability and strength make it a versatile tool in my arsenal, and I'm sure it will continue to come in handy for many projects to come. Despite the minor flaw, I would highly recommend this bungee cord to anyone in need of a reliable tie-down solution.

🔗High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold

As someone who's had the pleasure of using a set of Keeper Bungee Cords, I must say, they're a game changer. The vibrant orange color sure catches the eye and makes it easy to spot in any environment. And boy, do they live up to the "durable outer jacket" claim. I've left them out in the sun for days, and not once have they shown any signs of wear.
The industrial-strength design is quite impressive too. The hooks are definitely larger than your average bungee cord, which means fewer scratches on my belongings. I particularly appreciate that they're corrosion-resistant, ensuring they'll last a lifetime.
However, there's one thing I wish was different - the thickness. At 0.374 inches, it can sometimes be a bit too thick for certain tasks, making it a bit cumbersome to use. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cords are a fantastic investment for those who need a reliable and sturdy solution for securing their goods.

🔗Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use

I recently gave Axemax's Heavy Duty Bungee Cords a try and have to say, they impressed me. The color-coding feature made it a breeze to organize my belongings, and I loved the variety of sizes they offer. The durable rubber and cross-woven latex material held up to some rough use, and the UV resistance means these cords will keep their color even after spending time outside.
On the downside, I found the hook design could be a bit more robust. A couple of times, I had issues with the hooks breaking or loosening under pressure. However, this issue was outweighed by the convenience of having a carry bag for easy storage and retrieval of the cords.
All in all, these adjustable bungee cords make a useful addition to any outdoor adventure or work situation, providing flexibility and durability. I'd definitely recommend them to my friends!

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support

I recently tried out the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set, and I have to say, they've become a lifesaver in my daily life. These bungee cords are incredibly versatile, offering multiple uses such as securing luggage to the roof of my car or holding down a picnic tablecloth during a windy outdoor meal.
One striking feature that stood out to me is their adjustability. The length of these cords can be easily adapted to fit a wide range of situations, making them an essential item for anyone on the go. The flat, heavy-duty design also impressed me, as it not only absorbed shock from bumps and turns but also evenly distributed the load, improving the safety of my cargo.
However, while the flat design is a plus for securing heavy objects, it does make it difficult to use these bungee cords for less substantial items. Additionally, the metal hooks at the ends of the cords add extra durability, but they can be a bit tricky to untangle when storing them.
Overall, the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, thanks to their versatility and durability. Despite the occasional struggles with untangling the hooks, the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences, making this set a wise purchase for anyone in need of a reliable and adaptable bungee cord.

🔗High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks

I recently tried out the Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cords, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer for anyone who needs to keep their cargo secure. The bright red color definitely stands out, making it easy to see even in low-light situations. The 2-pack is perfect for keeping one in the car and one on your boat or ATV.
The adjustability of the bungee cords is truly a lifesaver, letting me quickly switch between lengths depending on the load at hand. The hooks are sturdy, making it easy to secure even the heaviest loads, and the bungee cords themselves are incredibly durable, withstanding harsh sun and salt water without any issues. My only complaint is that the hooks could use a slightly larger size for securing cargo on ATVs.
Overall, these are the best bungee cords I've ever tried, and I highly recommend them! .

Buyer's Guide

Adjustable bungee cords are versatile and practical tools that can be used for a wide range of purposes. They come in various widths, lengths, and capacities, making them suitable for different applications.

Important Features

1. Stretch Capacity

The stretch capacity of an adjustable bungee cord is the maximum distance it can stretch without breaking. This is an important consideration when choosing the right bungee cord for your needs. For smaller loads, a lower stretch capacity will suffice, while for heavier loads, a higher stretch capacity is required.

2. Diameter

The diameter of an adjustable bungee cord affects its strength and flexibility. A wider cord is generally stronger, but more inflexible, while a narrower cord is more flexible but less strong. Choose a bungee cord's diameter based on the load it will be supporting and the angles it will need to stretch at.

3. Coated or Uncoated

Adjustable bungee cords can either be coated or uncoated. Coated cords are more resistant to wear and tear, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications, while uncoated cords are more flexible and lightweight, making them suitable for light-duty applications.

4. Quality and Durability

To ensure the longevity of your adjustable bungee cord, choose one made from high-quality materials and built for durability. Look for reinforced end fittings and sturdy construction.


Considerations Before Buying

1. How You Will Use the Bungee Cord

Consider the specific application for your adjustable bungee cord. Will it be used to secure a load to a vehicle, to hold two objects together, or for stretching exercises? Understanding how you will use the bungee cord will help you choose the right one with the appropriate stretch capacity and diameter.

2. Budget

Adjustable bungee cords come in a wide range of prices, depending on their size, strength, and quality. Determine your budget before making a purchase, and consider the bungee cord's expected lifespan and suitability for your applications. Remember, cheaper options might not always be the best value.

3. Brand Reputation

Some brands have better quality control and produce more durable adjustable bungee cords than others. Research the brand's reputation before making a purchase, and look for positive reviews and experiences from other users.

General Advice and Precautions

1. Always Read the Instructions

Before using an adjustable bungee cord, always read the manufacturer's instructions for proper handling and usage. This can help you avoid accidents and damage to your load or the bungee cord itself.

2. Avoid Overstretching

Do not overstretch your adjustable bungee cord, as this can cause it to snap and potentially cause injury. Make sure to secure the bungee cord appropriately and only stretch it as far as it is designed to stretch.


3. Keep the Cord Organized and Tangled-Free

A tangled or knotted bungee cord can be difficult to deal with and can even damage the cord. Make sure to keep your adjustable bungee cord organized and untangled to extend its lifespan and maintain its strength and flexibility.

4. Choose the Right Bungee Cord for the Job

Using the wrong bungee cord for the job can lead to accidents, damage to your load, and even personal injury. Always choose the appropriate bungee cord based on your load's weight, the distance it needs to stretch, and the angles involved in the stretching.


What are adjustable bungee cords?

Adjustable bungee cords are elastic ropes that can be adjusted in length, making them ideal for various purposes. They are often made of durable materials like polyester or rubber and typically come with hooks or loops for easy attachment.

What are some common uses for adjustable bungee cords?

  • Securing items to vehicles or trailers
  • Organizing cables and wires
  • Holding up tents or canopies
  • Attaching signs or banners to surfaces
  • Stretching across gaps that need to be covered

How do I choose the right adjustable bungee cord for my needs?

Consider factors like the length of the cord, the weight it needs to hold, and the material it's made from. Look for adjustable bungee cords with strong hooks or loops for secure attachment. Additionally, high-quality materials will result in longer-lasting products.

What are some tips for using adjustable bungee cords?

  • Check the maximum load capacity before applying tension to ensure safety
  • Properly attach the bungee cord to prevent slipping or detachment
  • Inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use
  • Store bungee cords in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth

How long should adjustable bungee cords last?

The lifespan of adjustable bungee cords depends on the quality of the materials and how they are used and maintained. High-quality bungee cords made from durable materials like polyester or rubber can last several years if taken care of properly.

Are there any safety concerns when using adjustable bungee cords?

Yes, it is essential to use adjustable bungee cords safely. Always check the maximum load capacity before applying tension, properly attach the cord to prevent slipping, and inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use. Proper storage (in a dry place) can also help prolong the life of the bungee cord and ensure safe use.
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