Easy halloween crafts for 1st graders to make


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2024.05.21 18:10 Azakura16 GMAT FE 805

I took my first official GMAT last Wednesday (so no score improvement) and managed to get a perfect score. Also, I've been studying for the GMAT since July of last year, and it's taken up a lot of my free time and energy, which I suddenly have available again, so I might as well lay out my experience in case it's helpful for anyone else.
I pretty exclusively used Target Test Prep, aside from the question review mentioned above. I started mid-July. I didn't really know how long I would need to prepare, as I work a lot and I have limited free time. As any good citizen of the internet does when searching for product reviews, I went to Reddit to find what programs people recommended, and TTP came up a lot. Positive (and less positive) reviews mostly talked about how thorough TTP's program is. I'm anxious and I like to overprepare for things, so that sounded great to me. I had a vague notion of preparing for a couple of months left over from my erstwhile undergrad days. That's clearly not what happened. I ended up spending about 9 months prepping, and I logged about 500 official prep hours.
Here's what I liked about TTP: 1. It is crazy thorough - Every chapter has review tests in three difficulty levels, and many have multiple review tests in each level. 2. Difficulty - There were lots of very challenging questions. I often felt I understood concepts well, but when asked to apply them to harder questions, it was a whole other deal. This was one of the most helpful things for my prep. A lot of the concepts that I was tested over aren't necessarily difficult, but seeing how to get from the question to the answer (in the allotted time) will absolutely make or break the experience. 3. The lesson structure- This turned out to be a much bigger plus than I expected. If I had a minute while waiting at the doctor's office, or in between customers, or before my partner got home, I could tackle a lesson or two. They're broken down, bite-sized concepts, followed by specific questions to apply the concepts. Being able to make a little progress when I had time, instead of having to carve out whole blocks of time every day, fit into the life I live a lot better. 4. I liked their vibe- This will be personal preference to a degree, but I liked the TTP team's overall vibe. They give off the impression that they know what they're doing and they want to be doing it. I just wanted a slightly dry, no nonsense, coven of math wizards to run me back through a review course of most of high school, and these people answered the call. Even when I had questions that weren't about the course exactly (applying for accommodation), it was TTP's Scott (on Reddit) that answered those questions as well. I appreciate dealing with people who are dedicated to their craft. A note on my accommodation, and a quick note about the TTP study plan layout (which I recommend following): TTP recommends not stressing early on about the time that you take to answer questions, but instead focusing on building a strong foundation of the knowledge and knowing that you'll get faster with practice. That was true. At the end of the study plan, they have you take the 6 official GMAT tests that are available to purchase on MBA.com, and I took one per weekend for 6 weeks. TTP's website is nice, well laid out, decent on mobile, overall pretty user friendly. The GMAT Focus is very Windows 95. It's not nearly as user-friendly. It also does this fun thing where, after every question, it pops up a box that makes you confirm that you are ready to submit your answer and move to the next question. The TTP tests aren't clunky in that way, and the first time I took a practice test, it threw me all the way off. I wasn't doing super bad on my time up until that point, but the extra seconds dealing with that popup every time takes, and the way it felt generally disruptive to me added a lot of stress. I ended up applying for an accommodation for time and a half pretty quickly after my first practice test, because it's recommended that you give the GMAC 30ish days to get a decision back to you, and you can't schedule your test until you're approved for the accommodation or it doesn't count. I got my decision back in like 5 days, so I was lucky. I pushed my time and a half to the limit on quant in every. single. practice exam. In the actual exam, I ended up having about 2 minutes left on DI, 5 minutes left on Verbal, and like 15+ minutes left on Quant. My actual test score was higher than any practice test and less stressful than any practice test (even though the kid in the testing cubical next to mine sounded like they were coming down with consumption, and I would recommend earplugs).
TTP does mention to take care of yourself while you're studying, get enough sleep, get enough exercise, anything that makes you feel your best. They especially recommend to take it easy the last week before the test, eat a good breakfast the morning of, get there early. I made myself do 10 minute meditations before bed every night for the last two weeks before my exam, because even though they can be frustrating in the moment, they do force me to calm down. The day of, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than I usually do so I would have time to do a bit of yoga and a quick meditation before I went to the test center, and I do think that helped. Also, some of it was luck, because there were almost zero questions that covered the topics I have the most trouble with, and even with infinity preparation, the topics covered are still incredibly broad and some will be easier for you than others. Good luck!
submitted by Azakura16 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Sydet Newly seasoned pan sticks at first cook.

Newly seasoned pan sticks at first cook.
I seasoned the pan 4 times in the oven before using it the first time. Canola oil at 250°C/480°F for an hour each.
I let the pan preheat, put oil in and then 2 eggs and they stuck immediatly. The eggs were fairly cold if that makes a difference. Does the seasoning look bad?

Before Seasoning. I stripped the bad seasoning.
after 1st
after 2nd
after 3rd
after 4th
after cooking and scraping out the easy to scrape parts.

submitted by Sydet to carbonsteel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 odyysart Arent the defensor weapons a little to broken?

I made a new run after not playing for years (i didint remember anything lol) and im rc 12 now. I want to make myself a good armor with skills i like and also some weapons but the arnor they give you at the begginig and the defensor weapons are too broken and too easy to make so i dont have the motivation to craft other equipment. Is this normal?
submitted by odyysart to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:19 Batteris Better late than never. How long will it take for blizzard to figure out how to make this game even better.

I picked up the game at launch. And after a while, there was talk on this forum about how Ubers were too rare, too hard to get, etc. At the time, I proposed that it would be more interesting to link Ubers to specific activities, to a difficulty and not to luck or randomness. In the comments there was an uproar, complaints like "too easy, it's not fun, everyone shouldn't have them and similar nonsense", yes nonsense, because in the end, (I abandoned the game in the first season), they finally put exactly that, that I and many others were asking for, a guaranteed Uber for everyone. I didn't drop it, I crafted it. Finally. This is enough to prove that we who complained were right. Now I want to know how long it will take them to implement the ability to choose the desired stat on an item by paying with particular materials and 100M gold. Because they will implement it, obviously. Maybe season six or ten. Because it makes no sense to look for the right piece, spend money and materials for a stat that never comes out, and then tempering to get that particular affix that if it doesn't come out makes you throw the piece away. I know it's only a matter of time, but wouldn't putting it sooner be better?
submitted by Batteris to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 GazzaliFahim Need help with prompting Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 for creating a coding tutor bot

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a Multi-agent Coding Tutor chatbot (or academically speaking "CTS - Conversational Tutoring System") for my course project. We want it to be a personalized tutor, which means that it will teach the person based on their age, level of education, and hobbies or interests.
To instruct this Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 4-bit quantized model, we have added the following system prompt to the model:
system_prompt = f"""Imagine you are a friendly and highly knowledgeable teacher who specializes in teaching {prog_language_to_teach} programming. Your student, who is a {user_age}'s old {user_edu_scope} student and whose understanding and interests is into {user_interest}, is eager to learn and looks up to you for clear, easy-to-understand explanations. For every concept you introduce, provide a brief overview and relate it to a real-life scenario or analogy that will resonate with the student, making it easier for them to grasp the topic quickly. When explaining programming concepts, consider the student's age and their hobbies or interests, tailoring examples and analogies to align with these details. Your explanations should include short, precise programming examples relevant to the student's life and interests. After presenting an example, break it down into step-by-step explanations to ensure the student fully understands. Periodically, engage the student with quick quiz questions or programming tasks that are directly related to what you've discussed. These activities should build on the chat history and context, reinforcing the student's learning and keeping the conversation interactive and engaging. Remember, your goal is to create a supportive, engaging learning environment that adapts to the student's abilities, interests, and pace, making learning Python an enjoyable and rewarding experience.""" 
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 doesn't have an explicit system prompt, so I had to find a different way to add one to the code for the very first prompt.
model_input = f"[INST] {system_prompt} [/INST]" + f"[INST] {user_message} [/INST]"
Now, on the initial run, the chatbot is doing fine often and as expected. In the case of a 10-year-old Kindergartener who loves "Baby Shark Rhyme," the bot will talk about what he likes. In another case of a 20-year-old shareholder in the share market, the bot tried to teach programming using business analogies.
But the common issues I face are the following:
  1. The chatbot is too verbose, especially on complex topics such as Encapsulations. (I have used max_new_tokens=1000, is it causing the verbosity? Lessening to 500 or 750 causes the model to stop on incomplete answers abruptly.*)
  2. So far, switching from a coding tutor to a general tutor has been the hardest thing. For instance, if the user is older and asks about something off-topic, like Newton's law or the American Law of Immigration, it immediately switches itself from the coding tutor to that other tutor.
  3. Another problem is that it gives the answers right away while it generates the quizzes. Although I tested with different prompts, I can resist this nature.
My biggest problem so far is the 2nd and 1st one, respectively. I have tried adding refusal prompts in the system prompt, but then it slightly refuses to teach those irrelevant topics and then starts making coding examples on it.
 ## Strict Refusal: If the question is not related to programming, respond strictly with a refusal sentence and do not provide any further explanation or code. 
For these cases, sometimes it follows, sometimes not. Also adding too many instructions into the system prompts too big resulting in GPU memory exhaustion after 5-6 long chats. BTW, To mimic a memory feature, I am saving chats to a dictionary.
Since yesterday and again tonight, I've been trying to make the prompting better but haven't been able to. I'm brand new to LLM chatbot programming and have never done this before. This project began a month ago because the idea is unique to my MSc project, but I got stuck in the middle of it.
How can I make the prompting better to avoid the problems that were brought up? Also, can someone recommend a good tutorial on how to make this kind of chatbot? I've been looking for these, but most of the tutorials use OpenAI and/or langchain. For a change, my supervisor wants us to only test with open-source models. We can use Mistral to begin because it fits on the Kaggle notebook we have.
Any suggestion including trying to other approaches, totally changing the system prompt, and trying another one (if you say so, can you please show me one?) and a good & detailed tutorial will be super appreciated. IDK, suddenly it feels so lost.
submitted by GazzaliFahim to MistralAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 TheArctopus A new way to flicker strike - CoC Bodyswap of Sacrifice

A long time ago, I came across a beautiful build. Bodyswap when linked with summon phantasm on kill gained the minion tag and could then be used with Null's Inclination, and for a brief, glorious window there was a flicker-esque build. I cannot for the life of me find any footage of this build or even evidence the build existed and I didn't simply dream it, but I distinctly remember seeing a ranger blast through Underground Sea with a dozen bodyswaps every second. And then another Null's Inclination build appeared: Wormblaster. Null's was hit with a hefty nerf, gaining a significant trigger cooldown. Flicker Bodyswap was killed before I ever had a chance to try it.
When the new Bodyswap of Sacrifice gem was revealed, I saw the 'minion' tag on the gem and immediately tried to recreate the build. The numbers, sadly, weren't there. Without targeting a minion, it just didn't do any damage, and I eventually gave up on using Null's altogether. The idea went on the backburner for a while, but it was still there, itching at the back of my mind. This league I resolved to make it work, and eventually struck upon the idea of Cast on Critical Strike to replace clunky on-kill triggers.
After many, many failed PoB's, I came up with something that looked viable, and a week later, I had this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4StIXUy-yw - epilepsy warning. Just a plain unjuiced T16 for demonstration purposes.
PoB: https://pobb.in/NfNRRksoikSO
Build breakdown:
This is a cast on crit Bodyswap of Sacrifice elementalist built costing approximately 120 divines, including the Mageblood. I did, however, craft many of the pieces of gear myself - in fact, the only gear piece I didn't craft is the helmet. As a result, some of the gear is a bit wonky, but this is probably my last build of the league and I'm getting the itch to play other games.
Passive Tree/Ascendancy:
As I cannot run golems, there's pretty much only one way to build elementalist. Mastermind of Discord/Heart of Destruction/Shaper of Storms for lots of damage, Bastion of Elements for some much-needed EHP and reflect immunity.
The passive tree is pretty basic, with one very important exception. See the note at the end.
The cluster jewels are pretty important here, there's no easy way to get enough global critical strike chance. Make sure one of the elemental damage large cluster jewels has Doryani's Lesson, and Corrosive Elements if (like me) you don't have a level 5 Awakened Fire Penetration. A 3-passive reservation cluster with Uncompromising gives just enough reservation to run everything. Clusters are a good place to pick up enough dexterity to run everything, as I take hardly any on the rest of the tree.
A note on mana:
Raise Zombie costs a lot of mana. Getting it to a reasonable mana cost to trigger repeatedly without turning off manaforged arrows was a puzzle that took a while to solve. I take a total of 56% reduced mana cost of skills on the tree, another 6% on my gear, and a level 16 (I think this could be 20, but it doesn't make any difference, really) 0 quality inspiration giving another 32% supporting RoAoS+Raise Zombie for a total of 94% reduced mana cost. The Bodyswap setup, however, runs a 20/20 inspiration which gives 39% reduced mana cost for a total of 101% reduced. This is the only way I could find to sustain mana while still have Rain of Arrows cost any amount of mana, and importantly have the bodyswap rain of arrows cost so little that it triggers with every single attack.
On the whole, I built this because I could, not because I should. There's much better ways to spend 120 divines. It is, however, fun and unique. I haven't - yet - tried in in T17s or against ubers, and I don't expect it will fair well, but neither did I build it with aspirational content in mind. If anyone does choose to build this, please temper your expectations.
submitted by TheArctopus to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 lilgouda_slut Morning Misery

I'm writing this in the hopes that its an exercise that helps me calm down, as I am absolutely losing my shit right now and honestly angry with myself. I am so tired of my anxiety stealing my life and doing nothing about it. I am 32 years old and this has been a constant in my life since i was 12 years old.
Every morning i wake up at 4:30 or 5am with anxiety. Typically after tossing and turning all night. The severity varies, but my morning anxiety almost always involves throwing up. Getting ready for work is absolute torture, it always has been. I actually love my job, it is my calling, deep down I know I am good at it. The pressure I put on myself is debilitating. The fear of failure, messing something up for a client, not showing up for my boss, for my team I manage, for my clients. I am in a management position and managing my team is becoming impossible. Being around people is impossible, I am the ultimate people pleaser and it just isn't working anymore. Not being good enough runs through my head one million times a day. Even if I am mildly nauseous, I will force myself to throw up for some fleeting relief. It is sick, it is unhealthy, it scares me but it is the only thing that makes me feel better. I hide it from everyone in my life, which is actually pretty easy, as I have isolated myself. I work, I read, I go for walks, I keep to myself. I am lonely as a coping mechanism, avoiding the hard parts of life that actually make life worth living.
I quit drinking January 1st of this year to help combat my anxiety. It has helped immensely and I am incredibly proud of this change I made, as I was going down a terrible path, and of course it made my anxiety exponentially worse. That step was huge, and now I know I need to take another. I need to get professional help. I haven't been to a therapist in over six years, I am not on any medications though I wish I was. I have anxiety around doctors, I have a hard time setting up appointments, showing up, advocating for myself. I need to so bad.
The rest of this morning I will cry, throw up again, attempt to put myself together and go about my day. And probably by noonish, these intense horrible feelings will mostly be gone. However, I will be on edge all day. Any little thing will send my brain into a tailspin, but no one in my life will ever know that. I continue to hide it.
Writing this out did help.
submitted by lilgouda_slut to Anxiety [link] [comments]


Last week, the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves of treason. Graves had vowed to remain silent but ended up self-snitching himself into a death sentence.
As reported in January, Delta Force operators captured Graves while he was vacationing at a Colorado ski resort. The Deep State pawn was taken to a holding facility and, later, to Guantanamo Bay for intake and interrogation. Predictably, he had refused JAG’s magnanimous plea deal: lifelong imprisonment in exchange for an admission of guilt and the whereabouts of retired and active-duty military personnel allegedly held at secret federal penitentiaries. Graves reportedly told investigators he only meted out the punishment and that if covert prisons existed, Merrick Garland had the coordinates. Then he was all bluff and bluster, saying JAG would eventually incur Biden’s wrath.
Two months of confinement in a six-by-nine-foot cubicle hardened Graves’ resolve, his disdain for all things Trump. He likened Trump to Apollyon, the Destroyer of Revelation 9:11, and MAGA to a destructive swarm of locusts.
“Where Trump goes, destruction follows. He’s the personification of evil, the destroyer,” Graves had said.
As he stepped inside Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom, flanked by a pair of MPs, he shouted that his only regret in life was his failure to prosecute all “maggot” MAGA patriots in the country and condemn them to life behind bars or an eternity in purgatory.
“Spare us your fantasies, detainee Graves, and have a seat,” Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall said. “We’ll make this procedure as quick and painful for you as possible.”
The Admiral introduced the panel, three Marine Corps officers whom JAG had empaneled to weigh the evidence against Graves impartially. Nonetheless, their eyes narrowed contemptuously at Graves as he seated himself and announced he would not participate in the tribunal.
“I’ll say now all I’ll say today,” Graves said. “I reject this tribunal. “It is false. I am detained illegally, and there will be retribution.”
“We’re happy you got that off your chest,” Admiral Crandall said.
He then approached the panel. “Detainee Graves, in all his splendor, has boasted about how his vital role in coordinating the nationwide prosecution of over 1,000 J6ers helped make America a safer country. What he never said, and what’s been proven by publicly available video evidence, is that the overwhelming majority of the 1,000 committed no crimes. They practiced their 1st Amendment right to assemble and express views through peaceful protest, the protest of a stolen election. He doesn’t deny these facts; he’s proud of it.”
“Damn right, I am,” Graves blurted. “They got less than they deserved. I wanted them all wired to the chair, trembling and sizzling as they fried. Anyone questioning Biden’s victory should’ve had poison put in their veins or have been electrocuted. And that means all of you! And when I leave here, I will ensure that happens, especially after this.”
“Easy now, detainee Graves. You wouldn’t want to risk your innocence,” Admiral Crandall taunted. You did what you felt was right, of course.”
“You felt their punishments didn’t fit their crimes, didn’t you?” Admiral Crandall goaded.
“That’s right. All of them, just like you all, are domestic terrorists and deserve a life sentence or death. But, no, I couldn’t do that. I was told 22 years maximum for insurrection and, in some cases—probation. D.C. is ours, not theirs, and we had the authority to hunt down those MAGA pukes. MAGA, MAGA, MAGA—I was sick and fucking tired of hearing about MAGA. And that goes for your military traitors, too; you assholes who still support Donald Trump. What is wrong with you people?” Graves said.
“We support the Constitution of the United States, detainee Graves,” the Admiral replied.
“I’ve said enough,” Graves said, but continued his reproval anyway. “The Constitution, the Constitution, the Constitution, that’s all I ever hear you people talk about, your undying devotion to a document that should’ve been burned long ago. We don’t care about your Constitution anymore. It’s a prehistoric fossil written by men who have turned to dust. If I’m gone, someone else will pick up the torch. How many have you killed, Admiral Crandall? You’re a practiced hypocrite.”
The Admiral ordered MPs to restrain and gag Graves. He showed the panel a copy of an email Graves had sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray in April 2021, which highlighted his hatred for and desire to eradicate the “January 6 insurrectionists.” His discursive jeremiad bounced between slandering and defaming President Trump and labeling MAGA a threat to democracy. “Any man or woman over 13 years of age identifying as MAGA should be summarily put to death; any man or woman calling themselves patriots should likewise meet a gas chamber,” Graves wrote.
In one paragraph, he ascribed President Trump’s charisma to witchcraft, saying Trump “put spells” on his friends, family, and supporters.
“It’s more rational than it sounds, Director Wray. Why else would a woman like Melania stay with the buffoon? Why else would half the country bow to him? Yes, they’re all nuts, but there’s more to it. Demonology,” Graves wrote.
“This commission doesn’t recognize insanity or occultism as mechanisms of defense,” Admiral Crandall said. “The facts are clear and indisputable. The detainee knowingly used specious charges to prosecute and jail innocent people. Many of them were federal plants who were prosecuted and released. The Deep State did a very good job obfuscating which were plants, but we also know that many law-abiding citizens remain behind bars. Detainee Graves committed acts of treason, and I ask you panel members to find him guilty of that crime.”
Graves shuddered in his seat, mumbling into the gag.
The panel unanimously delivered a verdict of guilty and recommended the death penalty.
Admiral Crandall assented, and he scheduled Graves’ execution for Tuesday, March 26.
I anticipate having information on Merrick Garland’s tribunal tomorrow.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:34 FabiusTheDelayer I'm not Jewish. But you know what the truth being hidden from us actually might be?

I'll divide this into parts so it's easy to read. Also, I don't think you should take my ramblings at face value. Hell there isn't a single human who knows the entire truth. It's impossible to pinpoint what went down on earth - perhaps only God knows that.
It existed in central Asia, between Iran and India allegedly. Indian and Chinese texts confirm that BUT they don't speak of a thriving class A civilization. The Class A civilizations before the East India Company fuckery were India and China. Ever hear the term mogul being thrown in the English lexicon? India and China were brimming with gold, wealth and trade - like at least 70% of world GDP happened here. There is plenty of material in Delhi in the national archives - I have spent like 12 years there - the Indian government has done a really bad fucking job digitizing them - a lot of the shit is in Sanskrit, Urdu and Tamil. I'm Tamil by the way. The Bagwad Gita in Sanskrit says a lot more than the shit that British translators put out. You're not reading the same book - the same can be said about the Septuagint v Vulgate. I think the King James Bible did us dirty - I learnt Latin in catholic school in India and yeah, the KJV and Vulgate are like reading 2 different books.
The God of the Bible:
Does Jesus ever name Yahweh? He does not. He always mentions the father. I don't think who he calls Father is Yahweh or El or whatever. I have come to believe the God of Genesis is not the same God as the Old Testament progresses. It's a collection of books. As a Catholic, I have begun to completely ignore the OT. Everything you need - love, advice, acceptance and redemption comes out of the mouth of Jesus - and if you believe in the Trinity which I do, he is the manifestation of the father.
This is also a belief held by many catholic clergy but they fear heresy more than anything. Another reason why Jerome, Aquinas, Francis of Assissi pore over Jesus' words and only make slight references to Ezekiel or Elijah or Samuel.
This one is huge. Atlantis has been made a joke. It's been laughed out of mainstream history as a myth while the fucking elites have always been on the hunt for Atlantean artifacts, the tuai stones, the Akashic records etc., and also Atlantean craft which helped them navigate the world - the Piri Reis map was most likely from the Akashic records or some Atlantean docs left behind which had exact maps of Antarctica and the Americas. It's believed that the Atlanteans left knowledge in various parts of the world - one rumored to be under the Sphinx, coz they knew the flood was coming and they wanted posterity to find and use their tech.
Hitler was obsessed with finding out about Atlantean artifacts. The psychic witches in the Thule, Vril and Ahnenerbe societies claimed to have established contact with ETs or past Atlanteans. All claims - this is another rabbit hole folks - if you go down this hole, it establishes that the Germans already broke away and are living outside the earth - aka they ARE inter-galactic. The Nacht Waffen (check youtube for this) or whatever is another rabbit hole that's seriously scary and is mentally exhausting.
The Elites and their worship of Baal/Moloch:
The OT formally forbids sacrifices to Baal and Moloch. Then why do you find references to Moloch in wikileaks where Hill wants to offer a chicken (code word for young minor male) to Moloch. Why the inverted cross? Why the black mass? Why the very mention of Jesus triggers them? Why are they into Baphomet, the goat headed demon in Charlie's new portrait?
The elites are not stupid. This is your biggest clue that there is some truth to Jesus, redemption, salvation and it's not total kookoo.
A priest once told me the elites (including the vatican) "KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD". Many have told me this and they won't go further. What I have pieced together is that God is a form of energy that is related to dark matter, dark energy - and that's why there is good and evil, like ying and yang. And that a figurehead like Jesus is the manifestation of God the good to take humanity to a higher level of consciousness. The elites have aligned themselves with the dark side, all their rituals are Luciferian and are an inversion of Good. Why? Are they not afraid of consequences? This is what I am still looking for. What deal have they made with the dark forces? There are Satanists inside the Vatican. They engage in the black mass and in the honor of Lucifer the light bringer.
I still don't have a solid answer on the draw to Satanism. Their rituals are detailed and ceremonial. Like the cremation of care in Bohemian grove.
The Annunakis:
The theory is that they came to earth to terraform the homo erectus who was the dominant creature living here. It's pretty much the plot of the movie Prometheus. I am studying this one, but there is a lot of BS on the internet regarding the annunakis. If you listen to Billy Carson, he will speak as though this is established fact when 99% of scholars dismiss the Annunakis and pretty much say the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians are superstitious backward idiots (which I wonder why) yet their funders do all that one eye shit with the eye of Horace/Set whatever and they get together to worship Baal, Moloch, Baphomet.... all that supposed non-sense.
submitted by FabiusTheDelayer to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 AlexHaceCosas I’m loving the use of oil paints for my terrain pieces and dioramas, it make so easy to create interesting undertones and washes to paint miniatures #oilpaint #CraftingJourney #MiniatureTerrain #MiniaturePainting #TerrainCrafting

I’m loving the use of oil paints for my terrain pieces and dioramas, it make so easy to create interesting undertones and washes to paint miniatures #oilpaint #CraftingJourney #MiniatureTerrain #MiniaturePainting #TerrainCrafting submitted by AlexHaceCosas to Alex_hace_cosas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:23 HairyBalds My current rating on the game and ideas for improvement.

Very good step in the right direction but definitely room for improvement. If I was king of Blizzard here is what I would change:

- Lower exp gain by ~10-15%. Leveling feels just a bit too fast for my taste.

- Slightly increase overall monster damage & health in World Tiers 2-4. Game feels a bit too easy In all non-pit activities. World Tier 1 should be the "easy" mode for that audience, not the whole game levels 1-100.

- Greatly increase World Boss damage and health in World Tiers 2-4. They get melted in ~5 seconds, very anti-climactic.

- Make the Capstone dungeons a little more challanging to complete. I easily cleared them while being ~15 levels underleveled, without focusing too much on my geaaspects.


- More random mini bosses from previous Diablo games spawning in dungeons, like the Butcher. I'd like to see Blood Raven yell "join my army of the dead", summon some zombies and destroy me with an her bow & arrow.

SKILLS: - Slightly more robust skill tree. I understand that this game is marketed to a more casual audience, but we can do better than having ~2 modifications per active skill. I'd like each skill to branch out to 4 or 5 different variants... Like the "runes" on Diablo 3 that changed how your skill worked, we had 5 options per skill.

- Improve the aspects on less used Uniques. The update was great, but lots of uniques are very bad compared to legendary now due to lack of tempering. Frostburn for example: "Lucky hit: up to 25% chance to freeze enemies" can be improved to "Lucky hit: up to 25% chance to freeze enemies. Deal 10% (x) more damage to frozen enemies." ...small changes to make these items somewhat usable.

- Set items (don't increase damage by 1000% like D3), but id like to chase sets that are usable but not super OP. I'd like cool auras/transmogs for completing the set. Tal Rasha/IK set Aura's were so cool in D2. Transforming into a vampire when you completed the Trang-Ouls set in D2 was so freaking cool as well. I'd like to see more stuff like that.

- Id like to see a new rare legendary item type called "Jeweler's helm" or "Jeweler's axe" etc.... they would have no aspects or affixs (except innate affixs) but they would drop with 2-6 sockets on them. This would lead to...

submitted by HairyBalds to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:17 sim_BLISS_ity Side Quests Need Some Love Next

There's been a lot of great quality of life changes this season, but side quests have still gone sorely neglected pretty much since release. There really is no reason to do them but it would be easy to make them worthwhile. Here are some ideas, what do you think?
It's a shame that devs worked on content for all these 200+ unique side quests but most will not even touch them because the rewards are basically non-existent.
submitted by sim_BLISS_ity to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:08 Admirable_Piece_5180 Singapore Sports Bet & How Does 4D ibet Work?

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    How to Place a Sports Bet
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submitted by Admirable_Piece_5180 to LotteryLaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 SharkEva AITA for not giving my adopted daughter a stuffed animal for her high school graduation, when both of my biological children got one?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/evastraea posting in AmItheAsshole
Concluded as per OOP
2 updates - Long
Original - 21st June 2022
Update1 - 27th June 2022
Comment from OOP - 27th June 2022

AITA for not giving my adopted daughter a stuffed animal for her high school graduation, when both of my biological children got one?

I [49f] have 3 children, [22f], [19m], and [18f]. My oldest are my biological children from a previous marriage, and my youngest I became a mother to at the age of 2 when I married her widowed father. She has only ever called me mom, and I officially adopted her at the age of 12.
Now on to the issue with the stuffed animals: years and years ago, when I was only 20 and in college, I worked at a children's museum. I adored the job and working with kids, and had the idea to buy stuffed animals from the gift shop to be my future-kids' first stuffed animals whenever they were born. I had gotten a stuffed bear at birth that was very special to me growing up, and on my 18th birthday my parents gifted me a duplicate they had bought way back when and kept for me all these years. I found this so special, and wanted to do something similar, so I bought 6 stuffed animals from the museum's gift shop; 3 to be given at birth, and 3 duplicates. I had no idea at the time how many kids I would have, but I knew I wasn't planning on having more than 3, so I didn't get any more.
My first daughter received the stuffed animal I selected for her while pregnant. Then, between her birth and the birth of my son, I miscarried. The experience was deeply traumatic for me, especially as I miscarried in my second trimester, and I buried my baby with the stuffed animal they would have gotten. I kept the duplicate to for comfort, to cuddle and hold.
Finally, my son was born and received the last of the stuffed animals I had set aside so many years ago. Now, here's where I may be the asshole. For both my daughter and son's high school graduations, I surprised them with the duplicates, for them to take to college with them and compare against the stuffies they've been loving on their whole lives. Both were very moved by this, and took both (original and duplicate) to school with them.
My youngest, however, never received a stuffed animal, and so when her graduation celebration rolled along I had no duplicate to gift her. I watched her unpack all her gifts, and her face fall when she got to the last one and realized. She didn't really say anything, just got this super sad look on her face, and excused herself to her room. I followed to ask what was wrong, but she said she didn't want to talk to me, so her father went in instead.
According to him she cried to him that she didn't feel as loved by me as her siblings, and as much a part of the family - the unwrapping of her siblings' stuffed animals were very emotional events, and she had had the expectation she'd be getting the same. In hindsight I could have easily done something similar for her whenever I first came into her life, even if it wouldn't have been from the museum, but I just didn't think of it. She has been cold to me this entire last week, and I feel so terrible, I've offered to take her out to a special dinner the two of us to make amends but she turned me down. AITA?
Edit: the votes are in, and I am definitively TA. Many of you are suggesting that I get her a stuffie that reminds me of her, or maybe to get her two so she can continue the tradition with her future kids. But I think what I will do is gift her the duplicate my parents gifted me of my special plush bear I received at birth, which is one of my most treasured possessions, and deeply meaningful to me. Thank you all for the advice, it is genuinely appreciated.


YTA. Nothing quite says “you’re not like my other kids” like leaving her out of a family tradition when her turn came. I’m sorry about the loss of your baby and understand why you kept that stuffed animal for your own, however, the tradition could have started with her when she joined your family at age 2, or when you formally adopted her.

YTA your kids grew up together and for years you never once thought to go and buy two stuffed animals for your adoptive daughter?

Right? In 16 years, and after giving 2 other bears away, she didn’t once think, hey what about youngest?

Right? She liked the daughters dad enough to marry him but didn’t think that it would be a good idea to give the two year old a stuffie at the wedding?

Update - 6 days later

Long story short: my daughter found my reddit post, and came to me in tears apologizing for her reaction. This was NOT my expectation, and I assured her she had nothing to apologize for, as I had been in the wrong. We had a long discussion about the situation, our feelings, and how to move forward from this, and although I know she is still hurt we are on our way to making amends.
Long story long: so what even happened? As I've now discovered, my daughter loves browsing AITA. She stumbled on my post, and after reading it in it's entirety, as well as a good chunk of the comments (all of mine, and many left by other redditors) she came to me in tears apologizing for her reaction.
She sobbed in my arms that she didn't want this to be the end of our relationship, and that she was sorry, and wanted to enjoy this last summer together. I held her and assured her she had nothing to apologize for, and apologized myself (I did shed a little tear, but tried to keep my emotions in check as I did not want the burden of comforting me to be on her).
What followed was a productive but incredibly emotionally vulnerable conversation, the details of which I will not disclose entirely. She has been going through a rough time, and my impression (I could be wrong) is that the lack of a stuffie at graduation was a catalyst for bigger emotions. She did take me up on my offer to take her to dinner, and I've now booked a reservation at a nice restaurant she has been wanting to go to for a while.
And last night we cooked her favorite dinner together, which gave us an opportunity to smooth things over somewhat. We have not yet broached the subject of me intending to gift her my own plush, except for very briefly (she insisted I didn't have to, and seemed to feel a lot of guilt), but I still plan to. I just feel it would be best to wait until things have cooled down.
And if she truly doesn't feel comfortable taking it, I plan on getting a bear of a similar look to be its "little brother" for her to take care of. That's the update, obviously things have not magically mended overnight, but we are finally on-track to a resolution. Many thanks to all that left advice, and please check the comments below for clarification on many questions asked before passing any judgements (I far exceeded the allowed word limit, and have instead pasted much of what I intended to say here below).


Read your first post and this one, and I feel it from both sides. My wife and I recently adopted a bio niece (13 yo this week) and she welcomes us as dad and mom, but we've run into a number of times where the kids will pull out something from a trip we went on, or an activity we did, etc years before she was ever in our lives, and she'll go "why don't you have one of those for me"? It's really hard, some of these things are simply impossible for us to get, and/or would cost us thousands of dollars (when We already spent 30+k on custody/adoption lawyers and court fees).
She also didn't even bring anything with her when we picked her up, she wasn't even allowed to bring a change of underwear. It's been something that we've had to deal with in counselling that her life with us didn't start till she was almost 12, and we have to begin fresh from there, we cannot turn back the clock and give her back an entire childhood she missed. Like when we went camping for the first time with her, and we were getting things out to visually see what we needed to get from the store and we pulled out the kid's sleeping bags, and she was like "where is mine", and the fact that we didn't already have one hurt her.

And that doesn’t make you an ahole. I hope no one will call you one. Situations change and you’re not always able to “make up for it”. OP didn’t do this to hurt her daughter and it’s weird people are painting it that way. I hope things are going well with you all in therapy and your family is making great strides together.

Comment from OOP

When I initially posted to AITA, I was prepared to face judgment, and open to constructive criticism. However, while I did receive many constructive comments, which I truly appreciate, I received many more that were hateful and unconstructive, and I will admit, I did get defensive. But the attitude I took on in the comments is not one I brought into my interactions with my daughter; please understand that I did not throw in her face all the kind things I feel I've done for her over the years, but was rather attempting to contextualize our relationship for strangers who've never met us.
And before passing any further judgment in the comments, please check below for answers to a lot of the questions asked in the original thread. To answer a few questions: why did I not adopt her until 10 years after I came into her life? Because I never sought to force myself on her as her mother, and waited until she could give me explicit consent to adopt her. Why did I never buy her any stuffed animals? I did. I bought her many when I first met her, as well as one for her official adoption day, and every adoption day celebration since.
And I did technically gift her a stuffed animal for her graduation, too, it was just a plush of her college's mascot rather than a duplicate of a treasured plush from her childhood. So why did I not buy her a duplicate at any point over the last 16 years? I did not think to until my oldest graduated and received hers, by which point I (mistakenly) felt the significance would be lost. Both my bio kids received stuffies saved for them for decades, whereas she would have received one saved for only four years. Instead I tried to honor her in other ways, such as (as I described in the comments) crafting her a cookbook of generational family recipes that I illustrated by hand, because she is her own individual.
Truthfully, while I understand the sentiments expressed in the comments, I don't believe recognizing differences is inherently a bad thing. The duplicate stuffies my bio kids received were duplicates of the very first stuffies to ever be in their crib with them. Their receival of them was a birth event, and I did not give birth to my youngest. But that does not mean I love her any less, or that she is any less my daughter.
We have established our own traditions honoring her entry into my life, such as our celebration of her adoption day, and while I realize I could have handled the stuffie situation better, I do believe it was an honest mistake. But how could I not include her in a treasured family tradition, knowing how important it is (especially as an adopted child) to feel a part of the family? Because I truly did not realize this one specific tradition meant as much to her as it did.
I have strived to include her in as many family traditions as possible throughout the years. As I mentioned in the comments, she speaks German because I taught and spoke it to her growing up, even though her father does not. We celebrate German traditions, such as baking countless batches of German Christmas cookies together every year (just the two of us, neither of her siblings have any interest in baking), which is something I grew up doing with my mom, and every year it is quality time I deeply treasure.
For her 16th birthday I gifted her the locket my mother gifted me on my 16th, which she'd been gifted by my grandmother before me - this actually upset my eldest daughter, who had not received such a hand-me-down, and this is just to name a few. So given the fact that she has on occasion received and taken part in traditions my other kids have been excluded from, I did not think the stuffie would carry as much weight as it ultimately did. But isn't her reaction an indication that there are larger issues at play, and that she has likely felt this way for a while? Perhaps.
I am not a perfect adoptive mother, and have never claimed to be. And I can not see inside her brain, so I cannot know her true feelings. But my sense - and I may be wrong! - is that the larger issues at play relate back to her bio mom, which is something she expressed to me in our conversation. I did not disclose this in my original post, because I did not believe it to be relevant, and it is also a painful topic within our family, but her bio mom committed suicide whilst in the thick of post-partum depression. This has obviously impacted my daughter, who has been in and out of therapy for years grappling with feelings of loss, and guilt.
She is highly sensitive to feeling isolated within our family unit, which is something I should have taken into account in this situation, and I own that. I realize this is a huge hunk of text, but given the visceral reaction many had, I felt it was important to cover my bases. Come to whatever conclusions you all like, I will likely not be checking the comments for my own mental health, and the wellbeing of my family. To all who left genuine advice, even if that meant calling me an asshole, I truly do appreciate you. And to all who said hateful things, especially in regard to the loss of my baby, please consider the impact your words may have moving forward


You’re a good mom. It might’ve been a mistake not to gift her the plush, and it might, as you said, just have been indicative of some larger big emotions going on, as graduating is a HUGE milestone and going to college is an enormous life change that is very rewarding and exciting, but also stressful. But it sounds like you’ve been amazing about creating beautiful memories and experiences together! I think at some point, the plush will be a distant memory. From your post, it seems pretty clear you DO have a good relationship, and you’re a caring, empathetic parent. ENJOY your summer together, Mama!

Don't take the hateful comments personally; it's easy to be cruel online to a faceless stranger. Also, your original post didn't include all this info (it would've been impossible to anyway), and therefore lacked a lot of the back story and nuance that frankly, a real person's life experience encompasses. Your daughter probably saw your post and realized how her reaction hurt your feelings and read the hateful comments and felt bad for you. It sounds like you have a great relationship and you're lucky to have each other in your lives!

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 Turbostrider27 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 89 average - 100% recommended - 29 reviews

Critic Reviews

CGMagazine - Jordan Biordi - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is an excellent remake of an excellent game with enough modern additions to make it feel fresh and new.
COGconnected - James Paley - 90 / 100
Thousand Year Door is a remake done right. The new sound and visuals look terrific. The game’s essential identity has been preserved. Plus, the original release is able to shine through with no distractions. It’s exactly as wonderful as you remember it being. I’m still impressed with the writing, and the level design is mostly excellent. I still hate the tournament arc, though. And I wish some of the puzzles didn’t involve scouring a dungeon until a forgotten button or door is dragged into the sunlight. Although the original release is amazing, it’s also nearly impossible to play anymore. For new and old fans, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is an essential addition to the Nintendo Switch library.
Checkpoint Gaming - Edie W-K - 9.5 / 10
Nostalgia goggles haven't failed us: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is still a masterpiece. With vastly improved graphics, a great rearranged soundtrack, and a few tasteful gameplay touchups, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for Nintendo Switch is now the best version of this fan-favourite classic. The only thing missing is extra content for those who have already played it, but for everyone else, there's no reason not to pick this one up.
ComicBook.com - Marc Deschamps - 4.5 / 5
All in all, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is an easy recommendation. For those that never got a chance to play the original game, there's no better time than the present, and the Nintendo Switch version is easily the best way to play it.
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a masterpiece that continues to enchant nearly two decades after its initial release.
Daily Mirror - Scott McCrae - 4 / 5
Though Hellblade 2 has the power to force your jaw open and give you goosebumps, too often the whole project ends up feeling like a very expensive tech demo – an absolute tour de force of technical achievement bogged down in its own sense of gravitas and mystery. Keeping you off the stick for so many of its most impactful moments, and not giving you enough to play with when you do have control, hobbles the potential of this visual and aural masterpiece enough to make the whole experience feel like it was constantly trying to find a foothold on that dread Icelandic scree, and never really getting to its feet until you come staggering over the finish line.
Daily Star - Tom Hutchison - 4.5 / 5
Overall a beautiful looking game, one that feels fresh and in-keeping with recent modern Mario efforts.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4.5 / 5
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door stands the test of time and is fantastic on Nintendo Switch.
Digitec Magazine - Domagoj Belancic - German - 4 / 5
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a classic Mario role-playing game that every fan of the chubby plumber should play. If you've already played the original, it's worth taking another trip into this paper world thanks to the completely revamped graphics and soundtrack.
The simplified role-playing mechanics and the interactivity of the turn-based battles make the game accessible even to beginners and players who don't usually like RPGs. The numerous environments impress with their quirky humor, excellently written characters and a beautiful paper look. What I didn't like were the annoying backtracking passages and some tedious mechanics. They unnecessarily slow down the pace as the game progresses.
Enternity.gr - Nikitas Kavouklis - Greek - 10 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a magical combination of parameters that make this title must have!
GAMES.CH - Benjamin Braun - German - 87%
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is still a great mixture of RPG and platformer with fine papercraft graphics and humorous story. But in terms of content, the visually advanced Switch version delivers nothing new for dye connoisseurs of the GameCube original, which makes it less interesting for them as for players who experience the remastered version for the first time.
Game Informer - Kyle Hilliard - 8.3 / 10
Thousand-Year Door is now a series highlight. It marks the first instance of where I didn’t want a Mario RPG to go (I generally prefer the Mario & Luigi direction), but the constant fourth-wall breaking, myriad colorful and unique characters, and its willingness to just be weird all lead to a joyful journey.
Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Remake is wonderfully crafted for modern hardware while still capturing the magic and love of the original 20-year-old game. There’s a reason this is a cult classic and now everyone can enjoy it.
God is a Geek - Adam Cook - 10 / 10
Whether you're replaying for the new visuals, or a very lucky first-time player, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is one of the best RPGs ever to come out of Nintendo.
IGN - Logan Plant - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is an amazingly loyal and visually dazzling remake of a treasured RPG, and the improvements made throughout easily make this the definitive way to experience Mario’s unforgettable quest.
Nintendo Life - Alana Hagues - 9 / 10
For 20 years, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has been held as the best Mario RPG of all time, and the Switch remake proves it has earned that title. This is a fantastic RPG adventure, whether you're a Mario fan or not, with some best-in-class combat, brilliant writing, and a few little creases ironed out to make this the definitive way to play Thousand-Year Door. We wish there was a little more to do post-credits, but there's no doubt about it, this is a beautiful-looking Switch remake and a must-play RPG.
Nintendo News - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for Nintendo Switch improves upon the GameCube classic in almost every way; not just with its impressive graphical overhaul, but with plenty of quality-of-life changes and additional content too. As long as you can handle some occasional backtracking and a reduced frame-rate of 30fps, this is undoubtedly the ultimate Paper Mario RPG experience. Mario games usually put the narrative to the wayside to focus on having fun and engaging gameplay, but The Thousand-Year Door manages to do both and succeeds at it in such a way that still hasn’t been topped 20 years later.
Press Start - James Mitchell - 9.5 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year-Door is a masterful remake that improves on the original in practically every way while keeping everything that made it a mainstay in the Nintendo canon. While its timelessness is reflected in the strength of its humour, wit and story, a major visual overhaul and much needed quality of life improvements make The Thousand-Year Door an adventure that can't be skipped.
SECTOR.sk - Michal Korec - Slovak - 8.5 / 10
It is not a full-blown remake with overhauled graphics or new episodes. But deep within lies truly one of the best parts of the series to be enjoyed even 20 years later with excellent gameplay, sharp-wit writing and funny dialogues for long evenings or short bursts.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 9 / 10
Behind its vibrant and cheerful appearance hides a great battle system and a memorable cast of characters and events in a world brimming with content. Just be aware that some patience is required to enjoy the ride fully.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 8.2 / 10
The Switch version of Paper Mario and the Thousand-year door is a rare delight, just like the GameCube one before it: it's a funny and clever mix between a turn based RPG and a platform game, full of jokes and memorable characters. The price might be a little bit steep and the frame rate is halved if compared to the original, but it's still worth to dip your toes into it even twenty years later.
Stevivor - Ben Salter - 9 / 10
The Thousand-Year Door remake is a triumphant return for Paper Mario. It turns back to an earlier chapter in the series that knows exactly what it’s trying to achieve and does it masterfully.
TheGamer - Ben Sledge - 4 / 5
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door will probably be the last Mario game to release (solely) on the Switch. While Wonder will take the plaudits, porting this cult classic means that a new generation of players can experience it. New fans will have a ball, laughing along with Mario & co., even if their experience will be slightly marred by the backtracking and pacing. Old fans will enjoy the quality of life improvements and some new additions. Whether you’re a Paper Mario veteran or this is your first time entering his origami world, this is the definitive way to experience The Thousand-Year Door.
TheSixthAxis - Stefan L - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a wonderful remake of a GameCube classic. Now in a modern game engine, but with all the quirkiness and charm of the original story and characters, and with a return to the original Paper Mario combat style, it's great for Mario RPG fans and newcomers alike.
TrustedReviews - By Ryan Jones - 4.5 / 5
Quote not yet available
Twinfinite - Luke Hinton - 4 / 5
While I wasn’t there for the original, I now completely get just why Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is so revered among Mario fans, and why demands for a remaster were practically ceaseless. It’s the absolute pinnacle of Mario RPGs, and if it was a bit more focused as an overall narrative experience, in the discussion as one of the plumber’s best-ever games.
VGC - Andy Robinson - 5 / 5
Alongside last year’s excellent Super Mario RPG remake, The Thousand-Year Door is one of the very best Mario spin-offs on Nintendo Switch, whether you’re an old fan or discovering it for the first time.
Video Chums - Mary Billington - 9 / 10
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a classic RPG with a perfect blend of turn-based combat and adventuring complete with a rewarding unlockable abilities system that encourages you to explore every nook and cranny. Plus, its updated graphics, hilarious humour, and welcome gameplay improvements make it more accessible than ever. 🚪
Wccftech - Nathan Birch - 8 / 10
While the new Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door preserves the gonzo charm that made the original game a cult classic, not a lot has been done to deal with its padding and other design quirks. If you’re a hardcore Thousand-Year Door fan, worry not, you’re going to love this spiffy new version. If you’re new to the game or weren’t entirely sold the first time around, you’re still likely to find plenty to enjoy here, but you may also notice a few tattered edges.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

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2024.05.21 14:48 Dom_Cravings 22 [M4F] Looking for a leading actress for my best interest of the cliché Slice Of Life roleplay and OOC chats!

Hello hello! Hope everyone is doing well! I am back here today on my search for a like minded partner, someone who's easy going, laid back and friendly. I want to create a beautiful and long term roleplay with you!
A little about me. I am a detailed and experienced roleplayer (8 years), meaning I can be crafty and descriptive. I also love to make new friends so let's talk OOC too (actually this is a requirement, please be friendly and conversable). Building a healthy chatty relationship will make it easier and nice for us to roleplay. We could get to know each other better, discuss roleplay more and drive it to our likings and more. Lastly, I like to play on Discord sooo.... Have it I guess?
I like to craft plots with my potential partner, including both of our interests to make it juicy! It also helps us to get to know how much compatible we are, our likes and interests, etc. I also like to send refrence pics for the character and outfits, it just brings more life to the roleplay!
Now, I am going to leave some tropes that interest me and you can message me from any you like!
Married Couples, Arranged Marriage, Childhood Friends, Enemies To Lovers, Friends to lovers, Co-workers, Roommates, Classmates, Love Triangle.
I am probably forgetting some, but feel free to hit me up with your choice!
My ideal slice of life roleplay would be to include nice, warm, wholesome and lovey - dovey moments into the play. I really want something pure in it, I want to be smiling while roleplaying about this. The idea of two characters being so into each other, looking out for each other in their tough times, that magical touch of love into the play (if you know what I mean). Like the perfect romance, the "these two are meant for each other. These two are goals!" factor is what I am looking for. Along with that some drama, angst, twists and turns to just make it into a Netflix worthy (is that too dramatic? If so, pardon me!)
That's all!
While messaging me -
Lastly, bring a prompt if you have one! I'd love to hear out :). I promise if I like it, I'll contribute my bits and pieces, or as I mentioned, the story creation is on the table!
So then! Message me with more than a "Hi I am interested, are you still looking" and let's proceed further!
submitted by Dom_Cravings to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:46 abracapickle Narrow sidewalk ettiequte

When walking our overly exuberant 70-lb puppy who would like to befriend every person or dog I call out when in ear shot if it’s ok for the two dogs to say hello. On occasion they move to the side to prohibit the dogs from engaging. Which, is fine of course.
But, what should I do when no one is moving aside? If my dog is friendly, do I stay the line until the person engages whether they are friendly or not? If they don’t acknowledge, do I move to the side and let them pass? What is the correct dog walking etiquette when walking down a narrow sidewalk or path?
Edit: Thank you all. Not sure if it makes a difference, but she’s a Golden Retriever and because of her size and our understanding that many people don’t like dogs/have had a bad experience with dogs, we have worked very carefully on her behaviors and continue to do so. She’s a career changed therapy dog. Her favorite part of the day is dropping off/picking up her 1st grader at school and loves the kids and teachers saying hello.
I’d say she’s nearly perfect 90% of the time. But, she does have a preference for certain dogs, especially black labs. We’re aware and working on neutrality and recall. Giving her a treat or scattering has been more effective than sitting for us at this point.
I was just curious if there’s a “right of way” like with cars, downhill vs up hill; keep to the right; or anything like that sort of standard etiquette. Thanks, again!
submitted by abracapickle to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:43 Pyrotech3124 Igniting Innovation: Pyrotech's Cutting-Edge SOC Room Design

In today's digitally-driven world, cybersecurity is paramount. With the ever-evolving landscape of threats, organizations must stay ahead of the curve to protect their data and infrastructure. This is where Security Operations Centers (SOCs) play a crucial role. They serve as the nerve center for monitoring, detecting, and responding to cybersecurity incidents in real-time. Among the myriad of factors influencing their effectiveness, one often overlooked aspect is the design of the SOC room itself. Enter Pyrotech, a company revolutionizing SOC room design to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and ultimately, cybersecurity resilience.

The Essence of SOC Room Design

The design of a SOC room is not merely about aesthetics; it's about functionality, ergonomics, and technology integration. A well-designed SOC room can significantly impact the effectiveness of cybersecurity operations. Pyrotech understands this principle and goes above and beyond in crafting SOC environments that foster productivity and teamwork while leveraging state-of-the-art technologies.

Integrating Innovation: Pyrotech's Approach

Pyrotech's approach to SOC room design is centered around innovation and practicality. They understand that every organization is unique, with its own set of requirements and challenges. Therefore, they employ a tailored approach, beginning with a comprehensive assessment of the client's needs and existing infrastructure.

Ergonomics and Comfort

One of the key aspects of Pyrotech's design philosophy is prioritizing the comfort and well-being of SOC analysts. Long hours spent monitoring screens can take a toll on physical and mental health. Pyrotech addresses this by incorporating ergonomic furniture, adjustable workstations, and adequate lighting to reduce strain and fatigue.

Collaboration and Communication

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for swift incident response. Pyrotech's SOC Room Designs
promote seamless interaction among analysts through strategically placed workstations, communal areas, and integrated communication tools. Whether it's sharing insights, coordinating responses, or conducting briefings, every element is meticulously planned to facilitate teamwork.

Technology Integration

In the realm of cybersecurity, having access to the right tools can make all the difference. Pyrotech ensures that SOC rooms are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including advanced monitoring systems, threat intelligence platforms, and data visualization tools. By seamlessly integrating these technologies into the room's design, analysts can focus on their primary objective – safeguarding the organization's assets.

Scalability and Future-Readiness

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and so should SOC capabilities. Pyrotech designs SOC rooms with scalability and flexibility in mind, allowing for easy expansion and integration of new technologies as needed. This future-ready approach ensures that organizations can adapt to emerging threats without overhauling their entire infrastructure.

The Impact: Enhancing Cybersecurity Resilience

By reimagining SOC room design, Pyrotech empowers organizations to bolster their cybersecurity resilience. The seamless integration of technology, ergonomic considerations, and emphasis on collaboration result in SOC environments where analysts can thrive. This, in turn, translates to faster detection and response to cyber threats, ultimately safeguarding the organization's assets and reputation.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve. Pyrotech's groundbreaking approach to SOC room design exemplifies this ethos, redefining how organizations approach cybersecurity operations. By prioritizing ergonomics, collaboration, and technology integration, Pyrotech is igniting a new era of cybersecurity resilience, one SOC room at a time.
submitted by Pyrotech3124 to u/Pyrotech3124 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:40 Pyrotech3124 Igniting Innovation: Pyrotech's Cutting-Edge SOC Room Design

In today's digitally-driven world, cybersecurity is paramount. With the ever-evolving landscape of threats, organizations must stay ahead of the curve to protect their data and infrastructure. This is where Security Operations Centers (SOCs) play a crucial role. They serve as the nerve center for monitoring, detecting, and responding to cybersecurity incidents in real-time. Among the myriad of factors influencing their effectiveness, one often overlooked aspect is the design of the SOC room itself. Enter Pyrotech, a company revolutionizing SOC room design to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and ultimately, cybersecurity resilience.

The Essence of SOC Room Design

The design of a SOC room is not merely about aesthetics; it's about functionality, ergonomics, and technology integration. A well-designed SOC room can significantly impact the effectiveness of cybersecurity operations. Pyrotech understands this principle and goes above and beyond in crafting SOC environments that foster productivity and teamwork while leveraging state-of-the-art technologies.

Integrating Innovation: Pyrotech's Approach

Pyrotech's approach to SOC Room Design is centered around innovation and practicality. They understand that every organization is unique, with its own set of requirements and challenges. Therefore, they employ a tailored approach, beginning with a comprehensive assessment of the client's needs and existing infrastructure.

Ergonomics and Comfort

One of the key aspects of Pyrotech's design philosophy is prioritizing the comfort and well-being of SOC analysts. Long hours spent monitoring screens can take a toll on physical and mental health. Pyrotech addresses this by incorporating ergonomic furniture, adjustable workstations, and adequate lighting to reduce strain and fatigue.

Collaboration and Communication

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for swift incident response. Pyrotech's SOC room designs promote seamless interaction among analysts through strategically placed workstations, communal areas, and integrated communication tools. Whether it's sharing insights, coordinating responses, or conducting briefings, every element is meticulously planned to facilitate teamwork.

Technology Integration

In the realm of cybersecurity, having access to the right tools can make all the difference. Pyrotech ensures that SOC rooms are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including advanced monitoring systems, threat intelligence platforms, and data visualization tools. By seamlessly integrating these technologies into the room's design, analysts can focus on their primary objective – safeguarding the organization's assets.

Scalability and Future-Readiness

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and so should SOC capabilities. Pyrotech designs SOC rooms with scalability and flexibility in mind, allowing for easy expansion and integration of new technologies as needed. This future-ready approach ensures that organizations can adapt to emerging threats without overhauling their entire infrastructure.

The Impact: Enhancing Cybersecurity Resilience

By reimagining SOC room design, Pyrotech empowers organizations to bolster their cybersecurity resilience. The seamless integration of technology, ergonomic considerations, and emphasis on collaboration result in SOC environments where analysts can thrive. This, in turn, translates to faster detection and response to cyber threats, ultimately safeguarding the organization's assets and reputation.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve. Pyrotech's groundbreaking approach to SOC room design exemplifies this ethos, redefining how organizations approach cybersecurity operations. By prioritizing ergonomics, collaboration, and technology integration, Pyrotech is igniting a new era of cybersecurity resilience, one SOC room at
submitted by Pyrotech3124 to u/Pyrotech3124 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:39 OriginUxStudio Ui Ux Design Agency in Mumbai OriginUx

OriginUx is a leading UI/UX design agency in Mumbai, offering a range of services to cater to all your digital design needs. From crafting intuitive user interfaces to enhancing user experiences, we specialize in creating designs that resonate with your audience. Our team of skilled designers understands the importance of user-centric design, ensuring that every aspect of your digital presence is tailored to meet the needs and expectations of your users.
At OriginUx, we believe in the power of design to transform businesses. Whether you're a startup looking to establish your brand identity or an established company seeking to revamp your digital presence, we've got you covered. Our services include UI design, where we focus on creating visually appealing interfaces that are easy to navigate and intuitive to use. We also specialize in UX design, where we delve deep into understanding your users' behaviors and preferences to create experiences that keep them coming back for more.
One of the key aspects of our approach is collaboration. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and objectives, ensuring that our designs align with their vision. From initial concept development to final implementation, we keep our clients involved every step of the way, ensuring that the end result exceeds their expectations.
In addition to our design services, we also offer consultation and strategy services to help you make the most of your digital presence. Whether you're looking to launch a new product or improve an existing one, our team can provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you achieve your goals.
What sets us apart is our passion for design and commitment to excellence. We take pride in delivering high-quality designs that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. With a focus on usability and functionality, we ensure that every design we create is optimized for performance across all devices and platforms.
So if you're looking for a UI/UX design agency in Mumbai that combines creativity with expertise, look no further than OriginUx. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help elevate your digital presence and take your business to the next level."
submitted by OriginUxStudio to u/OriginUxStudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:30 Ishika2337 The 10 Best Movies Coming to Apple TV+ in May 2024

Apple TV+ is one of the strangest streamers out there, with almost no licensed TV or film content and a small number of originals. That makes the best movies on Apple TV+ easy to find. There simply aren’t that many! Apple is clearly taking a “quality over quantity” approach, with its money spread across genres and targeted at making its subscribers (many roped in with a deal that came with one of the company’s tech products) treat it like a real contender. It also helps that it’s only $4.99 a month, or free for a year if you’ve just purchased a new (and eligible) device.
With films from up-and-comers like Minhal Baig, arthouse favorites like Sofia Coppola and Werner Herzog, some A-list music docs, one of the best animated movies of the 2020s and Martin Scorsese’s latest, Apple TV+ is actually making the case that it belongs in the conversation alongside the more established services. As long as it keeps adding good movies to its roster, that is. It recently snagged a few critical darlings like Killers of the Flower Moon and Wolfwalkers.

10. The Pigeon Tunnel

For a documentary about one of the most celebrated writers of spy fiction, The Pigeon Tunnel can seem—at first glance—deceptively placid. Clocking in at just over 90 minutes, the film features an extended conversation between David Cornwell, AKA John le Carre, and Oscar-winning docmaker Errol Morris. It’s just that. Two people talking, with Morris off-screen, their parrying question-and-answers broken up with archival images and re-enactments of Cornwell’s past, as well as snippets from the classic movies or TV adaptations based on his spy universe: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and A Perfect Spy.

9. Hala

Writedirector Minhal Baig’s Hala is an intimate coming-of-age drama held up by its personal writerly touches and a star-making turn from Geraldine Viswanathan as the title character. Hala’s struggling with the same kinds of things we normally see high school characters struggle with: What to do after graduation, how to manage a relationship with her parents that’s not quite adult and not quite childish, and (of course) boys. Viswanathan’s understated quiet and the warmth in which the situations are shot (almost always centered on her face)—be they at a family dinner or a walk in a Chicago park or a reading of a high school English assignment—make the dramatic ricochet of Hala’s minor rebellion rattle us all the harder.

8. Boys State

The tendency to read too much into Boys State as a representative of American politics—contemporary, functional, broken and otherwise—doesn’t quite line up with the event itself, in which every year the American Legion sponsors a sort of mock government sleepaway camp in Texas for high school boys (girls get a similar program of their own), where attendees join parties, run for office, craft platforms, run campaigns, hold debates, then ultimately exercise their right to vote.

7. On the Rocks

Sofia Coppola’s new movie On the Rocks starts out as a story of possessive fatherhood, with Felix (Bill Murray) narrating to his teenage daughter, Laura: “And remember, don’t give your heart to any boys. You are mine until you get married. Then you’re still mine.” The girl laughs off the declaration as a jape, which turns out to be a catastrophic tactical mistake. In her womanhood, Laura (Rashida Jones), does indeed get married to a man, Dean (Marlon Wayans), and they have two beautiful daughters of their own, eldest Maya (Liyanna Muscat) and youngest Theo (Alexandra Mary Reimer).

6. Bruce Springsteen’s Letter to You

The black-and-white behind-the-scenes documentary accompaniment to Bruce Springsteen’s album of the same name, Bruce Springsteen’s Letter to You is a beautiful and companionable tour through the music and its making from an American master. Director Thom Zimny buys into the album’s concept, which focuses on just how long Springsteen’s been at this thing. Poignant juxtaposition with archival footage and pictures emphasizes just how long the E Streeters have been at this—and reminds us of who and what was lost along the way.
Also Read: The Last Duel

5. Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds

Werner Herzog will show you multiple clips from Mimi Leader’s Deep Impact for no other reason than because he likes them, he finds them well-done and evocative—he says as much in that even-keeled, oddly accented voice over—then soon after chastise “film school doctrine” when complimenting a field video shot by a South Korean meteor specialist in Antarctica. Like Nomad: In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin, his documentary from earlier in the year, Fireball (co-directed with Clive Oppenheimer, with whom he made 2016’s Into the Inferno) is less about what it’s about (meteorites, shooting stars, cosmic debris—and the people who love them) than it is about Werner Herzog’s life, which is his filmography, which is a heavily manipulated search for ultimate truth.


Sometimes a movie so successfully plunges you into its world that it completely engulfs you in a lived-in experience. From the gorgeous, scenic opening moments of CODA, you can almost smell the Atlantic salt air and pungent scent of the daily catch. The movie transports you to Gloucester, Massachusetts and lovingly drops you into the life of one family. Seventeen-year-old Ruby Rossi (Emilia Jones) is what the title of the movie refers to—a child of deaf adults.

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas

We could get into plenty of arguments over which Charlie Brown animated special is best, but A Charlie Brown Christmas is my favorite pull of the bunch. Charlie Brown’s confrontation with the Christmas season’s commercialism (back in 1965 no less) and a sad little fir tree make this a cartoon classic, as the ultimate funny-pages shlimazel suffers endless social indignities (no Christmas cards) and the holiday blues.

2. Wolfwalkers

Wolfwalkers is filmmaker and animator Tomm Moore’s latest project out of Cartoon Saloon, the animation studio he co-founded in 1999 with Paul Young, and the capper to his loosely bound Irish folklore trilogy (begun with 2009’s The Secret of Kells and continued with 2014’s Song of the Sea). At first blush, the film appears burdened with too much in mind—chiefly thoughts on everything from English colonialism to earnest portraiture of Irish myths, the keystones of Moore’s storytelling for the last decade.

1. Killers of the Flower Moon

Martin Scorsese has made a career telling stories that tackle issues of justice, retribution and betrayal. From his overt and poetic crime films, through to his dark comedies, religious parables and character pieces, he has long been drawn to stories where the ambiguities of life collide with the complexities of survival, and where day-to-day choices result in consequences sometimes obvious, and sometimes far more subtle and insidious.
submitted by Ishika2337 to u/Ishika2337 [link] [comments]
