One man one horse actual

One Punch Man

2012.11.22 21:57 One Punch Man

Hello there! Welcome to OnePunchMan, the subreddit for all things related to our caped bald hero. Please read the FAQ before posting! Beware of manga spoilers! Check the sidebar for information.

2023.07.13 04:07 Doombawkz One Punch Man World

The community-run subreddit for the One Punch Man: World ARPG game published by Crunchyroll Games, A PLUS Japan, and Perfect World Games, and developed by T3 Studios, subsidiary of Perfect World Games.

2020.08.08 18:43 MeOnRddt F


2024.05.21 21:03 taytom94 End of my breastfeeding era and depressed.

I tried my best to continue breastfeeding and pumping after I finished my very short 7-week maternity leave. My son is now 12 weeks old and my milk supply is shot. I used to get 6oz at a time. I pumped at 11:30 and 2:30 and both times I got one ounce.
I feel like a total failure, like I could've done more somehow. When I tried venting to a childless friend she said "What's wrong, you could always just pump more?" And that hurt because I can't. I plan on continuing until I legitimately don't get any milk.
How do you cope with losing this ability? We were already supplementing Formula before this so my son won't go hungry, per se. But he definitely prefers the milk and it breaks my heart I can't do it for him anymore..
Feels like I'm due for a total mental breakdown. I'm sitting in my preschool classroom while my students nap trying my best not to cry.
submitted by taytom94 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 vickyjensen11 Shining a Light on Employee Side Jobs: How Businesses Can Deal with This Situation?

Three years after the COVID-19 pandemic, it's clear that work can sometimes be done without an office. Many people work from home or have chosen the hybrid methods of work. But along with this change comes a new issue: more people are taking on extra work outside their primary job.
What is Employee Moonlighting?
Moonlighting refers to having a second job or doing a side job along with a full-time job. However, it can benefit employees; it can pose challenges for employers.
This blog post will examine moonlighting, why people do it, and how it affects businesses. We will discuss its positives and negatives and advise companies on managing it using remote employee monitoring tools. The aim is to help businesses better understand moonlighting and effectively address it in their workplaces.
Reasons for Increasing Employee Moonlighting
Moonlighting, or having a side job, is becoming more common for a few critical reasons. These reasons are the main things pushing this trend and include:
Many people want extra cash to cover their bills as life gets pricier. Moonlighting helps them earn more and feel financially safer.
Moonlighting often means doing something you're good at or love that you don't do in your primary job. People might have hobbies or skills they want to explore outside of work.
Working from home makes having side gigs alongside your main job easier. Fitting other jobs around your main schedule is simpler when you can work from anywhere.
Many people have creative or business dreams they want to pursue outside of their regular jobs. Moonlighting lets them explore these passions without risking their primary income.
Side gigs often offer more flexibility in schedule and workload than regular jobs. This flexibility appeals to people who like having control over their time.
Several income sources can make you feel more secure in an uncertain economy. Moonlighting lets you earn from different places, not just one.
With more and more people dealing with student loans and other debts, having a side gig can help pay off loans faster and get out of debt sooner.
Some people use side jobs to learn new things or meet new people who can help them advance in their careers. Whether freelancing or taking on part-time work in a different field, moonlighting can be a smart career move.
For people who dream of starting their own business, having a side job allows them to test their ideas and see if they will grow without quitting their job. It's a way to measure interest and attract customers while still earning from their regular jobs.
While employee moonlighting offers various benefits, it also challenges employers, including potential conflicts of interest, productivity concerns, and compliance issues. However, remote employee management software can effectively manage these challenges.
Effective Strategies for Managing Moonlighting
Dealing with moonlighting in remote or hybrid work setups can take time and effort. Remote work tracking software like Talygen ensures employees remain focused and engaged in their primary roles. Here are some ways companies can handle it:
Make sure everyone knows the rules about moonlighting. Policies should say when it's okay and when it's not. For example, moonlighting might be allowed if it doesn't interfere with someone's main job.
Encourage people to talk to their bosses about their side jobs and help employers and leaders sort out any problems early on.
Regular check-ins can help managers identify employees struggling to manage their jobs.
Offer flexible schedules so people can balance their time better.
Encourage people to grow within their primary job, making them less likely to seek other work.
Help everyone understand the rules and why they matter, which can stop problems before they start.
Tools that track what people are doing can help spot any issues early on.
Give people support if they are finding it hard to manage their jobs. It could be counseling or flexible hours.
Show that it's okay to have a life outside of work, setting an excellent example for everyone.
Ensure everyone knows what's okay and what's not regarding side jobs, and keep things fair and honest for everyone.
Moonlighting is a growing trend in the workplace today, presenting both opportunities and challenges for companies. Integrating remote work tracking software with live webcam screenshots is crucial to address this phenomenon. This technology offers invaluable benefits, such as boosting productivity. However, organizations must adopt these tools to be better positioned to manage moonlighting effectively and foster a productive and harmonious work environment.
submitted by vickyjensen11 to u/vickyjensen11 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Confident_Trifle_692 Which weapons are worth upgrading

Which weapons are worth upgrading
left the game long time ago and just downloaded it again today after around 2 years or so. I currently have these weapons god rolled and I'm wondering what other weapons are worth upgrading i should be looking forward to. Previously when i used to play i tried to make one kind of a weapon in each element, like my 2 grave diggers are Fire and water with affliction, Pain train Water, Wraith is Nature, candycorn is physical and bundlebuss and mercury LMG are energy. Same for SMGs like Silence Specter is water, Nature Typewriter, energy pepper sprayer, fire hemlock and physical bobcat. This is so i would have every kind of a weapon for every kind of zone with the right build. Need suggestions what other weapons are good to upgrade.
Also in Melees I've got spectral blade, stabsworth, surround pound, killjoy and mythics... Would love your suggestions for thrm too
submitted by Confident_Trifle_692 to FortniteSavetheWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 MindlessServe3918 Will some one trade me?

Will some one trade me? submitted by MindlessServe3918 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 honkygooseyhonk Does anyone know about the lady(’s?) and the baby formula/food scam?

This same lady has been around for a few years asking for baby food or baby formula, there have been others together and they sometimes meet up with their prams. No clue if it’s the lot from brum as others have complained about similar there.
She is well very dressed, clean, fresh makeup, gold jewellery, yet begs for baby food while pushing a pram around. Historically she would just hold a cardboard sign and pretend not to speak English at all. Other times it would be an empty box of aptimil with a post-it note stuck on it. Now she shouts out at you. Not once have I actually seen a baby in the pram. If there is one and she comes back, what’s the best course of action?
Just wondering if others are aware of this. I’m university age, so I’m sure she’s targeting students or other younger people who aren’t sure.
submitted by honkygooseyhonk to coventry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 caladbolg1998 How does freedom planet 2 run on xbox one?

Trying to decide whether I want either freedom planet 2 or spark the electric jester 2(steej2) I know steej runs at 60 fps on xbox one but freedom planet has way way more content and playable characters plus I'm hooked on pixel art games right now because of my sonic marathon/obsession. Its really hard to find gameplay of fp2 on xbox one so does it keep a consistent framerate.
submitted by caladbolg1998 to freedomplanet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 OldIndication8753 Me (29 M) and GF (33 F) having argument over being reminded of Exes in response to online

Some backstory: I am 29M, We have been together for 6 or so months. my girlfriend (34F) is very sensitive to my previous relationships (closest of which was 3-4 years ago.) and the idea of other women in general being associated with me. She has a diagnoses of BPD and/or PTSD (some confusion there). So basically last night, i suggested my girlfriend take an attachment style quiz i took a while back. As she was taking the quiz, she asked me if I thought about any of my exs during taking this quiz. Now i didn’t remember any of the questions, but i was thinking about a lot of subjects in my life because it was an attachment quiz, so naturally they came up in associations with some of the questions. We had somewhat of a miscommunication about this initially as I thought she was referring the relationship questions, and this caused me the change my responses around because i wasn’t sure what the question was anymore. Either way, it evolves into this big fight where I have broken her heart because of having thought of an ex in any capacity during this quiz. I try to remain calm and answer all her questions, but she does not listen to anything I say, continues putting thoughts and motivations behind my actions despite what I say, is very rude and unproductive with messaging (ex: "FINE, don't ever talk to me again. Fuck it."), the accusations, etc.
I don’t feel like I really did anything wrong. I feel like being reminded of past events during a psychology questionnaire is perfectly normal. There are some trust issues in our relationship, and I do have a habit of “changing my answers” as I am very forgetful and sometimes have to update my responses with new information remembered or received. I can understand how she may feel deceived or mistrusting or insecure. I still don’t think what happened warrants the reaction on her part. Am i being minimizing or emotionally invalidating? From my end, i feel like this whole thing is ridiculous and over blown, but i also understand maybe her feelings are just stronger than my own. Just to add, she talks about what she has been through with her exes quite often. I literally never talk about mine unless she wants to talk about them (which is pretty often), and to be honest they are so far gone behind me and out of mind with no feelings attached, I can't begin to imagine why she is so fixated on these previous relationships that have no bearing on our current one. So i also don’t think it makes sense to be so hurt over a passing association when you yourself are talking about your previous relationships often. Seems like a double standard.
Honestly what am I supposed to do? I don't want to give up on this relationship, but it seems like we are constantly having stupid arguments like this over what appears to be nothing through my eyes. Obviously the experience isn't shared and she is acting from a place of hurt, but this hurt seems to come on and be blamed on me so suddenly and over seemingly normal things, I feel like i'm constantly walking on eggshells preparing for her next meltdown.
submitted by OldIndication8753 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Vxsh_X Can you guys please help me find a monitor that is 30+ inches 1440p and has hdmi 2.1. I’ve been looking everywhere and I just can’t find one, Please help.

submitted by Vxsh_X to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 cairopraktor Reserve OCS Quota met?

I have been struggling with my rectuiting department since January. It has been a struggle to say the least. I am getting some things done, but in most ways it feels like I am a can getting kicked down the road. So when something like today happens, I have no idea if what is being said is true or not.
Basically my recruiter told me this text message exactly; "The one thing I do want to let you be aware of is the Army Reserve has met their Quota for OCS Canidates and they're not taking anymore packets right now. Now of course, like anything else in the military, that could change again we just dont know when."
This is after being given 4 different recruiters. After being ignored for weeks on end by said recruiters. I have been very respectful and patient I have not shared animosity with them, only behind closed doors to my friends and family just to keep relations good. But I need to know if this is accurate or not. I have a feeling that I am being shafted but I hope I am wrong. Thank you for your replies in advance.
submitted by cairopraktor to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 cookieraider01 City moments deleted from reddit?

I was just watching the video City put out about the players and manager reacting to the greatest moments during Guardiola's tenure. I tried to find the threads about those moments on soccer to see the reactions at the time, and I can't find some of them.
I'm not sure if thats because reddit search sucks, or whether those threads were taken down by salty fans/mods. Are you guys able to find the threads about these moments? If not, does anyone have these threads saved?
submitted by cookieraider01 to MCFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Boring-Shopping-4870 People just not playing

I know it’s probably not new and for the hyucks but there is just so many people playing custom server games on qp or comp
From my understanding qp is practice that you wanna win but it ain’t a big deal if you don’t
Comp is where you get serious (I guess…)
But leave your ‘super cool YouTuber challenge’ type playing to your group ups
I didn’t feel it this bad not even in OW1
But idk if I’m just getting jaded by how this game is still pretty much the same since launch (+19 characters since 2016 and -2team spots since the switch to ow2)
And not even to mention the role, character, and team reworks to cut and paste abilities from one incarnation of a hero to another or just outright removing feature and maps entirely to make them a one time event so we shut up and never mention it again…
submitted by Boring-Shopping-4870 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 OkWoodpecker6554 Trading 4🌟 for 4 🌟

Trading 4🌟 for 4 🌟
Just looking for the ones I’ve posted for now!
submitted by OkWoodpecker6554 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 MedicIsDEDDED welcome to community

Rules 1. NO NSFW kicked instantly if so
  1. There never should be a reason to be rude (everyone should know this)
  2. Keep it on topic
  3. Be safe dont give random people your personal info NEVER report instantly if someone you dont know asks you
  4. Legal! No illegal stuff
BTW this is not a offical pixel gun 3d community its just one i made because i didnt see a offical one
submitted by MedicIsDEDDED to unofficalPixelGun3d [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Gloriousroyalty ANOTHER MIQUELLA GRIFFITH CONNECTION

The “Prisoner Iron Mask” and its item description have always been seen as a heavy reference and tie to Griffith and his mask in Berserk. Even in the item description
“Iron mask forced on a prisoner convicted of an appalling crime. Thick, heavy, and utterly stifling. A foul creation designed to torment the wearer, either slowly fermenting hatred within their heart, or a spiritual fervor that is near indistinguishable from it”
But now we have something (loosely) tying this set to Miquella as out of ALL sets in game for them to model Miquellas ring emote off of they chose THIS ONE.
I’ve long held that if Miquella is even sort of inspired by Griffith (the bewitching branch item description adding more fuel to this fire) that all the stories of his “kindness” are fables from people who don’t truly know his acts.
Even in the trailer here his “Fall from destiny” seems to mimic Griffith. All this to say…..
Miquella the “Kind” might turn out to be about anything but that…. (First theory kind post sorry for the rambles)
submitted by Gloriousroyalty to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Lesserred Brute forcing and datamining

Were not how any of the puzzles were solved. I know there’s a few of you on here(and a few who have popped in to the datamining part of the discord) who are under this misconception. The >! Wingdings map !< wasn’t solved via bruteforcing, the legitimate puzzle solving community had enough pieces of the puzzle that they could figure it out without the last one. That’s not bruteforcing. On the subject of datamining: Billy didn’t make it so his code was easily readable to an outside observer(commenting was only used sparsely and for messages directed at dataminers), so it took people just as long to figure out what each byte meant as it did for people to figure out what the puzzle answers were(dataminers are STILL trying to label everything in the code so they can figure everything out.) To my knowledge the only things that came from datamining ahead of schedule are >! Things relating to the collectors edition !< and in fact they found >! Potential anti-cheat measures AFTER the puzzles they would prevent you from solving, had been solved !< .
I’m not trying to white knight for data miners/ cheaters/ leakers but I’d really like accuracy in the narrative here. People solved the puzzles without cheating really quick. That’s it. We had a lot of people in the community who were born and raised on ARG’s and cryptic puzzle games, and they tore through it at record pace. No cheats were used.
submitted by Lesserred to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 CodMuted2371 Anybody got these?

Anybody got these?
Kinda desperate to get these so I can finish the partner event - I only have one trade left - so I can send Tycoom hustle then 4x5*s tomorrow 🙏🏻
submitted by CodMuted2371 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 karmaawhoree [FS] [US-NH] HP DL380 GEN 10 24 BAY SFF Dual Xeon Gold 6148 40 Core 256GB 2666Mhz ECC RAM --- Equivalent to Dell R740XD---

I have for sale today one HP DL380 GEN 10 2U server.
This server takes dual LGA 3647 Xeons, 24 x DDR4 ECC Registered Modules, and 24 x 2.5" hard drives in the front 24 bays.
This server comes with a 90 day warranty.
System Specs:
-Dual Xeon Gold 6148 CPUs- Total of 40 Core 80 Threads @ 2.4GHz BASE Clock speed
-256GB DDR4 2666V 2666Mhz ECC Registered Genuine HPe Smart Memory ( 64gb x 4)
-Dual 800 Watt Power Supply
-HP P408i-A Raid controller with cables and battery
-ILO Advanced License -
-1 x PCIe expansion Riser with SAS Expander inside
-SAS expander
-Quad Port RJ45 Copper 1GB HP Network Daughterboard
I am asking for $1000 Shipped, Delivered, All in cost to your door anywhere in the 48 continental USA states. We will use PayPal Goods and Services via Invoice, $1000 is your total cost shipped all in.
If you can pick it up locally in Nashua NH and pay with CASH you can have it for $950. You must pay with CASH to get the CASH discount.
submitted by karmaawhoree to homelabsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 Spacecowgirlwoooa What should I expect for my amendment?!

Ok yall we just found out my husbands w2 didn’t match what the irs had, so after having to verify and wait for a letter, we were told everything is ok. Then come to find out the end of April something told me to call and they told me about the withholding not matching. (Husband is military and was on drill orders assignment and then was selected to become an instructor) they had his drill pay stopped but we continued to receive it because we didn’t end up going there. Quaue the wrong withholdings.
I filed our amendment on the 2nd of May and it was accepted. I was told since we adjusted it to be less it won’t take long. But gosh we haven’t received any money and it’s been MONTHS!
Any insight? We had one amendemnt years and it took four months 😪
This year we filed 2/2 it was accepted 2/3 and we had to verify our identity.
submitted by Spacecowgirlwoooa to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 RockyRoxYoSox Naptime.

It’s a curled toe beans, messy belly bed-fur, one leg in the blankets one leg out, paws stretched, head snuggled … kind of sleep day.
submitted by RockyRoxYoSox to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I went with Spirit Island and Twilight Struggle as my first games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for more games that feel "worth learning" in terms of depth but aren't *crazy* hard to get started, and can be played with one or more people, so that I can run through it alone bef

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 soendless 2 Weeks Post Op Jaw

I had an impacted wisdom tooth at the bottom right side of my mouth and my regular dentist doesn’t do impacted wisdom teeth removal so he referred me to an oral surgeon. It was just one tooth that needed surgical removal because the rest are not impacted and I can have them removed by my dentist.
The thing is 2 weeks have passed since my surgery, I am not swollen or in pain. The hole is still there but the surgeon said it was healing well when I went for the post op check up last Thursday. But when I eat like a sandwich for example, or something that I have to hold and open my mouth more to bite, it feels like my jaw has a hard time opening. Kind of like a hinge that needs oil, basically it feels as if my jaw is rusty and can only open so much. The feeling obviously comes more from the right side since that’s where the tooth was removed from. I just want to know if that’s normal and will it go away?
submitted by soendless to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 the_burber Why does askouija only have one mod?

submitted by the_burber to AskOuija [link] [comments]