Volly ball

Disturbing Bigfoot Road Crossing Encounter

2024.04.26 23:35 Lord_Long_Rod Disturbing Bigfoot Road Crossing Encounter

“Well, sir, it be back in the summer a couple years ago, I reckon, when I wuz jest a’toolin’ around out on them thar cuntry roads up in here in Dogman County in my new car. Now, yer old uncle Roy here ain’t usually one fer gettin’ in them thar new fangled motor cars, but ever then and now I gits me one of them thar wild hares up’n my ass.”
“Ya, see, I wuz down thar in the big city of Atlanta to see that fancy-ass federal probation officer of mine, Mr. Pedro Rodriguez. The trip wuz cut a might short when the motherfucker threw me outa his cubicle office cuz he done sed he wuz offended by my MAGA hat. I shot that swarthy w#tback the one fanger salute and sed to him ‘Love it er leave it, leaf blower!’, then left.”
“I had dun borrowed me an old truck from my buddy, Hog Balls, fer the trip. After leaving the PO’s office, I saddled up fer the drive home. Then I seen me a liquor store and figured the drive home would go better with some hooch, so I pulled in and bought me a half gallon of Jack Black to sip on the way home.”
“Now, right next to that old liquor store wuz a Burger King. That’s when I saw the beauty: a late model, jet black GT-R! She wuz parked in the BK parking lot. I popped open my bottle and took the head off it, then I walked over to the GT-R fer a closer look. Boy, it wuz one damn fine machine! I wuz jest admiring the car and sipping my whiskey when the owner came out of the burger joint.”
“The owner wuz a big old negro boy. In a thundering voice with a lot of attitude, he sed ‘What your cracker ass doing around my car?’ I looked the boy over, shrugged, and replied ‘Well, son, I wuz jest admiring your fine ass ride here.’ He made a grunting sound then fumbled with his keys like he wuz gonna ride off.”
“I asked ‘How much?’ The boy looked at me and asked ‘wat?’. I then repeated myself, ‘How much fer that thar car?’ Well, sir, that old boy looked at me funny and sed ‘Boy, you must be trippin’. You ain’t got enough money fo me to sell ya this car. Even if ya did, I’m not interested in selling.’”
“Of course, I knew this sweet ride could be had fer around $60k, which I jest happen to be carrying in my old overalls, in cash money. Ya see, I always carry bribe money with me to go see my probation officer. It keeps me outa the federal pokey.”
“By this point that boy had got into his car and wuz strapping hisself In. I knocked on his winder. With a grumpy look on his face he lowered his winder and sed ‘What the hell you want, you honky motherfucker?!?’ He seemed agitated. I sed ‘Look, Holmes, I aims to buy yer car. I got $60 grand on me right now that I will give you fer that ride.’ Well, this got the boy’s attention.”
“The boy got outa his car and walked right up to me, a little too Into my personal space, in fact. Then he sed ‘show me the money’. I flashed him a wad of cash and his eyes grew as wide as saucers. We hem-hawed around fer a couple minutes. Then the negro sed ‘I is gonna give ya one shot here. Now this here is the deal: you give me yo money, I keep the car, and I won’t cap yo white ass. How’s that sound? Motherfucker!’ The negotiation had taken an unfortunate turn.”
“So I up and sed ‘No sir, that ain’t no deal I’m interested in. I guess I wuz jest a’wasting my time on yer dumb ass’, then I turned to leave. The negro sed ‘You ain’t going nowhere, cracker boy. You take one more step and I is gonna put a bullet in your head.’ I slowly turned around to find the negro boy standing there with a pistol pointed at my face.”
“Upon inspection of his piece I busted out laughing. I wuz bent double, slapping my knee. The old boy must have got pissed cuz he jammed his pistol into my face and sed I had 10 seconds to live. That made me laugh even harder!!”
“The negro demanded to know what I found so funny. Once I had myself under control I sed ‘Son, that old shootin’ iron you is holding is a High Point!!’ I did not think people actually bought those pieces of shit. Then I started laughing again. Upset, the boy raised his voice and yelled in what I assumed was his best badass voice ‘This here gun will kill you just like any other. Dead! Right here in the parking lot. In fact, let me show you right fucking now!”
“It was at that point that I upholstered my FNX .45 Tac, flipped off the safety, and shot his pathetic pea shooter right out of his hand. Then I stood in front of him and sed ‘Son, don’t carry a High Point to a gun fight. You jest embarrass yerself and everbody else.’ Then I pointed my FN right at his face and sed ‘Gimme yer car keys, n*gger. That’s my car now.’ He backed up and started trying to talk his way out of this here predicament.”
“I sed ‘You ain’t talking yer dumb ass out of this shit, asshole.’ Then I shot his right knee, shattering his knee cap. The motherfucker hit the ground hard. I pointed my pistol at his head and sed one more time that I wanted his keys. This time he obliged. Then he curled up on the ground in a ball holding his knee and crying. ‘What a pussy’, I thought. But I had his keys, and now I had me a new car!!”
“I got inta that hot assed ride, backed clean over the ballin negro with a THUD, then stomped the gas pedal. That GT-R was as nimble as a Philippines whore working yer nut sack with her pierced tongue! I found the interstate and headed north. By the time I finished off half of the Jack I was crossing the North Carolina state line at 125 mph.”
“I got almost home before I saw blue lights in my rear view mirror. ‘Sheeyit!’, I thought. This was all I needed. I pulled over to see what the problem was. As I was rolling down my winder I heard the cop saying ‘Get the hell outa the car! You are under arrest for reckless driving.’ I stepped outa my new car and turned to look at the angry cop.”
“Well blow me down... It wuz jest old Sheriff! He’s the top law enforcement officer in my home town. I hadn’t even realized I was back in Dogman County jurisdiction. I sed ‘Well howdy, Sheriff.’ He sed ‘Roy?!? What in tarnation are you doin in that fancy-pants car?’ Ya see, me an old Sheriff go back a’ways. We are local boys. So out of respect I cain’t lie to the man. I sed ‘Well, Sheriff, I stole this here car from a n*gger down in Atlanta.’”
“Old Sheriff took off his hat and rubbed his hed. Then he sed ‘Well, hell, Roy, you can’t be goin and doin stuff like that! You gonna get yerself inta trouble.’ I made a dismissive hand gesture and sed ‘Aww, I wouldn’t worry about it none. That guy’s dead. He can’t drive it no more.’ Sheriff’s face turned red.”
“Sheriff raised his voice at me, saying ‘Goddamnit, Roy!! I am an officer sworn to uphold the law!! Are you confessing a crime to me?? Cuz if you are then I will have to run you in. So think real hard before you answer my next question, because it is going to decide yer fate here, Roy!’ Then Sheriff paused fer dramatic effect.”
“Sheriff pointed his fanger at me. At first It appeared he was wagging his fat fanger at me. Then I realized he wuzn’t waggling it; he wuz shaking. He apparently got hisself all worked up over this here story I relayed to him. Then Sheriff asked, ‘Roy, did you kill the owner of that fancy car?’ Looking Sheriff in the eye I replied ‘yep’.”
“Sheriff ripped the hat off’n his head and threw it on the ground. ‘Goddamnit, Roy! Why would you go and do a fool thing like THAT?!? Now I am gonna hafta take you inta custody!’”
“I like old Sheriff, but only in small doses. By this point in the conversation I wuz gettin plum bored. So I balled up my right fist and viscously punched Sheriff in his throat. He went down like a sack of taters, rolling around on the ground, grasping his throat, and gasping fer breath.”
“I told Sheriff that I wuz gonna fix this here incident. I told Sheriff to get his fat ass up and follow me in my car over to Sasquatch River. I told him I would dump the car in the river, then he could give me a lift home. Old Sheriff got up, still rubbing his throat, and asked me ‘Gee, Roy, do ya think that will work?’ I sed ‘Fuck yeah it will work. Old Sasquatch River is over 15 ft deep at the bridge. If I dump it in thar, then it will be covered up in that old muddy water and nobody will know it’s there.’ Old Sheriff got a little grin on his face. He knew old Roy had bailed his ass out again. I then sed ‘Now git in yer car and follow me, ya incompetent fuck-head.’ Sheriff followed orders.”
“So I headed west, toward Sasquatch River, with Sheriff following. I wuz jest a tooling along, which is where this here story dun did start. Then, as I rounded a tight turn, I seen a goddamn Bigfoot a’crossing the road right in front of me. BAMMMMM!!!!! I hit the sumbitch!!”
“I got plum scratched up and rattled pretty bad. That Bigfoot was a big one. It was like hitting a concrete wall. My car was destroyed. Sheriff wuz jest pulling up as I was climbing outa my mangled car. Sheriff asked me what happened and I told him I hit a motherfucking Sasquatch. Looking at the car, the damage wuz far worse than I thought.”
“We walked around to the front of the car to look at the beast. It wuz a Bigfoot alright. It stood around 10’ tall and wuz solid black. Both its legs were broke and it wuz bleeding from its head. Clearly, it wuz dead. Sheriff asked ‘What are we going to do with it, Roy? Should we call someone?’ I looked over at Sheriff and sed ‘You fucking dumbass’, then I slapped the shit outa him. WHAPPPP!!!”
“I told Sheriff I wuz taking the Bigfoot home so I could butcher it and put the meat in my smoker. I told Sheriff to grab the ass end of the beast while I got the front, cuz we were a’gonna put it in the back of Sheriff’s patrol car. Sheriff complied, cuz what the hell else wuz he gonna do?”
“Next damn thang we dun did was hook up my sports car to the hitch on Sheriff’s patrol car with a chain. The plan wuz to drag the wreck off down to Sasquatch River, dump it, then drive to the trail head leading up to my cabin in Sasquatch Hollar, whar Sheriff and I would drag it home.”
“Well, Sir, we started out. Sheriff was a’drivin’. The bitching began almost immediately. Sheriff sed ‘Uh, Roy, them wheels on your car ain’t turning.’ To which I replied, ‘Well no fucking shit. It’s wrecked, dumbass. I dun told ya we havta drag it. Hit the fucking gas!!’”
“So we started off down the road in Sheriff’s squad car, dragging along my car. The scraping metal wuz a might loud, and we wuz shooting up a rooster tail of sparks behind us! Sheriff had a worried look on his face. I sed ‘Goddamn it, Sheriff. If’n it’s worrying ya so much, then floor it and we will get thar sooner.’ Reluctantly, Sheriff did as I had asked. In a moment er two we wuz cruising down the road at 55 mph, dragging my once cool ride behind us in an orgy of tangled steel and fiery sparks.”
“We wuz about 10 minutes from the river when I heard old Sheriff make a low grumbling sound. I thought ‘Jesus Christ... here it comes.’ Wanting to head off Sheriff’s whining, I told him how much I appreciated his help and that after we drag that dead Bigfoot to my cabin, he wuz welcome to stay fer a dinner of fried squirrel and gravy, along with a few nips of shine. Sheriff seemed pleased and sed he would take me up on it”
“Then, not a minute later I heard Sheriff make an even louder groaning sound. Flustered, I sed ‘Damn, Sheriff, what the fuck is wrong with ya now?!?’ Sheriff looked at me and asked ‘What do you mean, Roy? Ain’t nuthin wrong.’ I told him that I heard him groan. Sheriff jest looked at me and sed ‘I wasn’t groaning, Roy.’ Then came the third raspy sounding groan. Sheriff and I looked at each other. The sound was coming from the back seat!”
“That goddamn Sasquatch was coming back to life!! I turned to look at it in the back seat. It wuz sittin up and looking at me. It seemed still kind of dazed. But it wuz also grimacing and showing me its teeth. Then it let loose with a deafening roar. RRRRRRROOOOAAARRRRR!!!!!”
“Old Sheriff lost his shit and slammed on the brakes, sending us skidding off the damn road and into a tree. I had me an old M4 hanging round my neck from a single-point sling. So I whipped it up and sent a volly of fire into the backseat, machine gun style. Knowing that we wuz in a critical situation, I dumped 30 rounds right into that beast’s groin. When my mag wuz empty, that thar Bigfoot had been transgendered into a bitch-squatch!”
“Well, Sir, that thar Bigfoot looked down at whar his man-junk used to be. Then he raised its head and looked me plumb eye to eye. With its eye brows raised he gave me a look like ‘WHY?’ I raised my middle fanger to it and sed ‘Fuck you, Sasquatch!’ It closed its eyes and slept eternal.
“Old Sheriff wuz still all shook up. I back-handed that prick with my left hand, then I pointed down the road and sed ‘GIT!!’ Sheriff obliged, cuz he knowed I wuz gonna whoop his no-good ass if’n he didn’t.”
“But jest then, before we even started moving, there wuz a mighty WHUMP! on the back of the car. I spun around in my seat and looked out the back winder. It wuz another goddamn Bigfoot! And this one had titties the size of tater sacks! And it were pissed as hell!”
“It quickly dawned on me that this she-squatch was the mate of the dead one in the back seat. She was out fer revenge! I turned to Old Sheriff and sed ‘Give me yer gun, shit-head!’ He unholstered his pistol and handed it to me. It felt a might tiny in my hand.”
“I looked down at the pistol Sheriff handed me. It were a puny .22 revolver. I looked at Sheriff and asked ‘What in the hell is THIS?!?’ Sheriff sed ‘Well, Roy, those big guns make my ears ring something awful.’ I shook my head and looked down at my feet as I mumbled ‘You no-good pussy sumbitch.’ Jest as Sheriff finished saying ‘I’m sorry, Roy’, I punched him violently in the throat.”
“That Old Angry bitch-squatch suddenly ripped my door off the car, exposing me. I tossed that little pea-shooter on the floor. It weren’t a’gonna do me no good. So I pulled out my old Ka-bar knife from the sheath strapped on my leg, lunged at the Bigfoot, and drove it deep into that beast’s pussy. She let out an unholy scream! Then I turned the knife, and forced it in deeper. The monster swung its arm and knocked me clean across the road!”
“That sumbitch squatch was screaming out in pain, jumping around, and hopping from foot to foot as it looked down at my knife sticking out of its snatch. I got to my feet, looking around fer a weapon. Then I suddenly remembered ... I had me a stick of dynamite in my back pocket! I wuz gonna use it on that goddamn PO in Atlanta, then thought better of it when I got thirsty fer a sip of whiskey.”
“I found my old Zippo, lit the fuse, and tossed the lit stick of dynamite over toward the raging Bigfoot. It landed at its feet, then I hit the deck. At that moment I heard a door close on Sheriff’s squad car. I look up to see that fat old fucker, Sheriff, running full tilt at the beast. He wuz waiving his baton over his hed and making a battle cry, like ‘AYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!’ He obviously did not see me toss the stick of dinymite at the monster’s feet.”
“BOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! The dynamite exploded and blew the beast to pieces!! It also blew the sheriff backwards. He did not manage to git close to the Sasquatch because he is such a slow fat-fuck. He wuz only winged. I walked over to inspect what wuz left of the wood booger.”
“All there wuz left were some fur, bones, and a lot of bloody goo. ‘That’s a damn shame’, I sed. ‘That sumbitch would have grilled up mighty fine’, I thought. Then Sheriff caught my attention. He wuz layin’ on the road on his back, all bloody, and yelling ‘ROY?!? ROY?!? I can’t see!!! What happened?!?! I’M BLIND!!!’”
“I walked over to Sheriff and sed ‘Shut the fuck up, you fat-fuck!’ Then I kicked him in the balls. I proceeded to explain to Old Sheriff that if he wuz carrying a real gun, like a grown man, then I could have murdered that Sasquatch and he would be able to see right now. I sed ‘Who fucking carries a .22? What is you, a woman?!? Ya can’t carry a real gun AND yer box of Tampons at the same time??’ Sheriff jest continued to writhe around and moan.”
“By this point, I wuz tired and ready to go home. I carved me off the tenderloin from the dead bigfoot in the backseat, then dumped the corpse out on the side of the road. Next, I unhooked my wrecked jigger-jive-buggy. Finally, I stole Sheriff’s car and headed home, leaving that sumbitch Sheriff wallowing around in the road. ‘Fuck that sorry shit. Somebody will come around and sort it out’, I thought to myself.”
submitted by Lord_Long_Rod to Sasquatch_Jihad [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:28 CoolBlu3Boy173 any tips for side volly ditribution because everytime i make contact with the ball it goes sky high i want it to fly far and close to the ground i need help

submitted by CoolBlu3Boy173 to GoalKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 09:52 LongDongSSilver Rules interpretation

Players A1 and A2 are competing against players B1 and B2.
As a point is being played, A1 hits a volley. Her momentum has her teetering on the edge of the non volley zone. Meanwhile her volley goes into the other side of the court and then is returned back to her partner. All the while she has still been teetering on the edge and finally puts three fingers into the court to catch her balance as the point is being played around her.
Is the point over because she touched the non volley zone, or did the statue of limitations expire because the ball landed on the other side and was actually returned to her side before she finally touched the no volley zone?
I consulted the formal rules of pickleball and it's not perfectly clear as to the answer. It seems to say that the "act of vollying" had concluded before she touched the non volley zone. ???
submitted by LongDongSSilver to Pickleball [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 00:07 DarthGerico Needing advice

Hello, I’m a Volly at a combination department in a major city for 5 months now. Iv been training and getting back in shape to go paid, and our call volume is high (10-20 calls in our only station per a usual day). We deal mostly with people who are subsistence abusers and those in rural areas as well.
Recently, Iv been noticing myself having a sort of duality of mind. Iv seen death afew times, one gruesome and the other not so much. I won’t go into details but most cardiac arrest calls do not turn out, with a positive outcome. My commute to my full time job is an hour, so typically I listen to music and think. Lately iv been thinking about our most recent cardiac arrest call, I was assisting with. I think about his loved ones crying, and I feel like I’m fighting back tears when it randomly pops into my head. Then a voice in the back of my mind just says “Hey man, we just held a flash light and assisted with moving.” But then another part feels totally helpless and that I should have been able to do more. But then I just tell myself, that everyone else is fine and I’m just being dramatic, what’s the big deal?
Normally on calls I’m usually all business, I’m very eager to lean more and I have the mindset “I’m going to do what I can, to be a great firefighter.” Typically I don’t consider myself a one, just “support”. But sometimes I feel like asking for advice or to talk about how I feel, seems like I am just a trainee who can’t handle, what to them maybe a normal call. I want to earn respect and approval, so I keep to myself and maintain my desire to learn and improve. But lately my roommates and co-workers say iv been moody, and more forgetful, though I don’t see it. I feel more confident, due to some of my achievements! But I still feel like
  1. I’m not good enough
  2. That I can do more
  1. That if I tried harder, or trained harder I could be more of an asset.
My first house fire, I ran around giving people water, bottle changes, and holding ladders and hoses. But even then, I feel like maybe I could have been faster. I could have done more.
Now I think I’m dropping the ball by thinking that I’m failing myself by being dramatic with this recent death, and that I should just get over it.
Any advice? Just also wanted to say, no one has told me or given me an impression that I can’t say anything. But compared to them, my problems seem small. And I don’t want to be a bother or a liability.
submitted by DarthGerico to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 10:04 Read-lyFamished247 Volly ball khelna h guys!!

Are there any good sports complex or grounds to play volleyball in Noida near sec 75?
submitted by Read-lyFamished247 to noida [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 23:01 NotoriousRage Are there any volly ball clubs in Ely for women?

My girlfriend wanted me to ask if there are any volleyball clubs in Ely. Thanks.
submitted by NotoriousRage to Ely [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 12:17 RepulsCanon what multiplayer solotion should i use?

(sorry bad english)
i have done some research on multiplayer solotions for unity by watching videos and reading online but every website/video just sais the same thing.
i just want to know what you guys would recomend. what is the easyest. free or not.
so pls let me know if you have any recomendations and for if you need to know the game that i want to make is going to be a multiplayer volly ball game so a lot of fast paced moving stuff.
submitted by RepulsCanon to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 16:21 cardeez 2024 Tennessee Baseball Pitchers Preview

The 2024 campaign is almost upon us! I've been adding to this preview over the fall and into the preseason, and I'm just so excited that it's here.
I'll start out with the TL;DR: baseball recruiting is often a years-long process and investment, more so than football and basketball. Throw in Covid and almost half the team getting drafted in '22, and we're just now seeing the returns on Tony's approach to roster building. As a result, this is Tony Vitello's deepest Tennessee team to date. I hesitate to say it's the most talented as the '22 team was just silly, but it's more talented up and down and throughout the bullpen. If there is a weakness, it's a lack of experience from the pitchers, but I don't think that'll be an issue.
There are only two known fixtures in the arms department to start the season, which is why most polls have us in the back of the top 10. That's fair, but I'm not worried. We had some good transfers and some really good freshman make it in.
Drew Beam, RHP - Tony all but confirmed that Beam would be a Friday or Saturday guy to start the season. I'm intrigued to see if his velocity has gone up, and he's talked all fall about perfecting his cutter. D1 baseball picked his cutter as the best in college baseball. It's evergreen, but his QB mentality should pace this entire squad.
AJ Russell, RHP - the only other confirmed starter, Russell has insane numbers from last year (105 batters faced, 47 strikeouts, only 9 hits allowed, a .527 WHIP). He got better in conference play and Tony turned to him in the CWS. I think the kid is poised to have a monster year. He's huge, his release is intimidating. Can't wait to see him.
Beyond those two, it's anyone's guess who the third starter will be. Both are righties, so a lefty would be favorable. They may roll with Zander Sechrist to start the season. I really want Wyatt Evans to click - 6'6, 240 LHP throwing mid to high 90s? It'd be an awesome counterpunch to seeing Russell the day before. Transfers Nate Snead and AJ Causey are rumored to be in the mix. Both are righties. Snead is a hard thrower, apparently can touch 102, and Causey's hand is like six centimeters above the grass when he throws. Seriously, Samford's players had zero clue how to hit him in the fall. He seems better suited to a relief role, but I don't know as much as Frank Anderson. Snead had a meh fall, but multiple outlets are reporting that he's locked in since returning to campus. Three other names to watch closely: Marcus Phillips, a late blooming JUCO add. He's massive, and he throws it like he's trying to drill a hole in the backstop. Every interview from players and coaches mentions him. He also finished runner-up in a homerun derby back in the fall, so he could find some DH work if needed. He was super under-the-radar, just a relationship that Tony had maintained for years and made it happen. Derek Schaefer is a freshman righty that came in with little fanfare, but folks are raving about him. And then there's Matthew Dallas. Getting him to campus was somewhat of a miracle, but he was shut down all fall with shoulder soreness. No one is worried, and he's back throwing, but he'll need to ramp up. It wouldn't shock me if he was elevated to a starter later on in the season. His stuff is wicked.
Others to watch for:
Kirby Connell, LHP - Vollie Fingers jokes aside, I think Kirby plays a pivotal role on this team. He's really good at getting ground balls (and buying time for someone else to warm up).
Aaron Combs, RHP - I'm kinda surprised he didn't get drafted. Scouts love his spin rate. He was a good situation guy last season, and I hope he gets extended work this year.
Chris Stamos, LHP - he was a late add from Cal, big dude. His numbers were not good, but he gets mentioned in several interviews with coaches and players, so he may have a role.
Andrew Behnke, LHP - I'm intrigued by Behnke - smaller framed pitcher with a really compact delivery. I imagine he'll get some early season relief work.
Jerry Garcia, RHP - another intriguing guy - 6'6 with a weird arm slot for that size, he had a good summer league
Hunter Sloop, RHP - 6'7! Seriously, Tony and Rick Barnes mixed up recruiting cards. Sloop was shut down last year for soreness. Maybe we see him in action.
Austin Hunley, RHP - don't know much about him, but I hope he can be as good as Sean was for us
Cole Eaton, RHP - Two-way player that leans more pitcher than CF. I think they're migrating him to mainly pitching, so I reckon he shows promise there
Dylan Loy, LHP - freshman from Sevierville. I think he has it in him to be a deadly reliever early on. I talked to some high school coaches that have faced him and said he's just all business, works quickly on the mound, and pitches with a lot of movement.
Brayden Sharp, LHP - a two-way guy that apparently can fly in the field. I haven't heard much about him this fall, but he's super talented
submitted by cardeez to ockytop [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 15:24 taylordunkle Dreamed about a guy I like at work!

I had a dream about this guy I work with but he on duty supervisor on Sundays and he works in a dorm at my work but across campus! I had a dream about us dating and kissing and then doing it in his car in the parking lot at work! And I have caught him looking at me at work, one day in the gym he walked in we had all the dorms playing volly ball and he walks in and I caught wind of him and then he was over there talking with coworkers then I looked over and he was looking at me and he kept looking at me and I told my client watch him to see if he looks over here and and one time I turned around I believe he was looking at me and smiled but I’m not a hundred percent cause he was across the gym! And my client said he kept looking over our way! Then on Christmas Day they went to play kick ball in the field and he was watching me bring my kids over I caught him! And he was in my dorm the Christmas morning and he keep looking on my side of the dorm and every time I walked up the hall I seen him looking at me! I’m just confused and looking for guidance!! Thank you
submitted by taylordunkle to Dreams [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 14:14 hustler-snake 442 for newbies

442 for newbies
If not all basic players are unlocked
Use any till you unlock them, and stop using infiltrators/engine
You can have Menace instead of Prowler
Here beating 352 volly with basic players .. main thing you focus, dont lose the ball and dont rush your defenders (played 6 matches against 433 and 352 won all and lost 1)
If u like pls subscribe and check channel for many goals and edits
submitted by hustler-snake to ScoreMatch [link] [comments]

2023.11.19 22:05 Da_Cyclone Ayo anybody wanna play my maps I made I will put the map ids below somewhere

Woodlands Park ~ Beginner / ZMLXHPS Thankful Turkey ~ BeginneZMLSCVY Stranded At Sea ~ Intermediate / ZMLATKA Spiral Squares ~ Intermediate / ZMLAMMY Tax Collectors ~ Intermediate/ ZMLDCUP Pool Table ~ Advanced / ZMLSWOO Volly Ball ~ Expert / ZMLEHUA
If you have any map ideas put it in the comments and I might make it.
(btw if any of these codes don’t work tell me in comments and I will put in the right code in the comments)
submitted by Da_Cyclone to btd6 [link] [comments]

2023.11.02 16:11 ashpaladins The best compliment that a relatively new player can get...

Is the question....How long have you've been playing tennis for again? I was hitting damaging, consistent pace shots mixed in with touch and feel, multiple serve styles, chipping and charging, returning touch angle shots and low drop shots, having multiple types of serves with some net play and doing one handed backhand vollies that were high....priceless look I got from a new member in my tennis club after I reminded him, I've only been playing for 15 months. I won 80% of the points with him. I told him split stepping and getting around the ball was key for me. Confidence is key! Best part were like 3 returns that I smacked back at him with high pace, inside out cross court damaging shot. Know you why I'm VP of the club. One can play for 10 years and be stuck as a 3.5 if they don't progress with their fundamentals.
submitted by ashpaladins to 10s [link] [comments]

2023.09.25 22:08 Bulji What quests can't you complete in your playthrough so far?

A Bit of a rant maybe, but I'm 130 hours in and starting to get really frustrated by quests I can't complete because of bugs...
Here's the list of what's broken in my playthrough, obviously minor to mid spoilers ahead (it's mostly sidequests) :
There's probably a few more I forgot by now but man, it's really annoying to spend time trying to get involved in these quests only to get blue balled at the end.
I'm interested to know what's your experience too. What are the quests that bugged in your playthrough and that you can't complete?
Who knows, maybe it can help Bethesda get a log of what needs fixing
submitted by Bulji to Starfield [link] [comments]

2023.09.05 21:07 burningh3rmit Homesteading 101 - an outpost thread for newcomers and discussion

I saw a lot of questions about outposts and not a lot of answers so I thought I'd throw in what I found and create a thread for discussions to help those interested in building outposts or that were left with questions.
The most common resources you will need for for building outposts and therefore what resources you should consider prioritizing from your first outposts are (in no particular order):
W - tungsten, Al - aluminum, Fe - Iron, Be - beryllium, Cu - copper, He3 - Helium and less common but still you sometimes need: Pb - Lead, Ni - nickel.
This is the main reason I made the post, if you do not plan correctly you will waste a lot of time like I did.
From my experience when planning, you should base your planning around how you'll link them. This is because you will typically only get 1 - 3 desired resources from any given outpost space so if you don't want to keep moving things manually, you need to setup cargo links to move resources from one outpost to another. The 'problem' to get around is that you can only have 3 cargo links per outpost, and each link can only be linked to one place at a time which in turn means you need to "daisy chain" your cargo links. For example, with the following links between the three outposts:
Outpost A (Al, Be) -> Outpost B (Ni, Cu) -> Outpost C (Fe, He3)
Now outpost C could actually contain Al, Be, Ni, Cu, Fe, and He3, and you still have one cargo link available for each outpost in case you need them in the future (you will need two cargo links per outpost for the chaining). Also it is important to note that the last outpost in the link has He3 which is relevant because of the two types of cargo links.
You have "Cargo Link" and "Cargo Link - Inter System". The difference is that the inter system link can carry resources from one star system to another BUT it requires He3, hence why we want the last outpost in the daisy chain to have He3 so it can carry ALL of your resources from one system to another system.
If you do not see "Cargo Link - Inter System" on your list right next to "Cargo Link" you may have to research it real fast, sorry I don't remember if I had to or not, but if so it didn't require any perks. Also because I actually got stuck on this part, I couldn't find how to power the Inter System link: the He3 input is part of the Cargo Link - Inter System module, it's on the opposite side of the incoming and outgoing crates.
Now you can probably see why the He3 is required, so that it can power the inter-system link from which you can ship that entire system's worth of resources to any other link with ease. I should note you can have He3 at any other point in the chain as long as it gets carried over and used to feed the final link but it can be weird limiting what gas goes where if you have any other gas-type resources coming across in the chain. It's overall much easier to create a path from an He3 extractor to the "Cargo Link - Inter System".
Picking a system/planet
Look for a system with multiple non-extreme planets that have multiple resources on them, and do not forget to look at moons. At least one of the planets should have He3, that will be the end of the aforementioned "daisy chain".
You can tell if a planet is extreme because when you scan it from the space it will say extreme. Most planets with a ton of different resources are extreme from what I can tell. If you have the planetary habitation perks this is not as big of a deal as it will let you make outposts on the extreme environments but if you do not have that perk look for temperate and/or cold planets. I am sure there are more planet types people can add to this list but that is what I have been using.
Also since you can USUALLY only get two or three resources in one outpost location, you do not need to restrict yourself to only planets with a ton of different resources on them, and most of these are extreme anyways.
Building a new outpost
When you land on a planet do not just drop an outpost, but open the scanner, hit the outpost button and then look in the top left corner before you place it. It will show you what resources are in that outpost area. If it's only one or two try and move it around the area until you get two, sometimes you will only get two different resources, but I would not accept just one resource at a given outpost. My advice is to try for three.
Right after you drop your outpost, NAME IT, you can rename it by going up to the outpost because and hitting the rename button. If you hold it down that is how you remove the outpost completely. Name it the system and the resources there like "Volli Gamma - Fe He3" for instance. This will save you torture in the future.
The FIRST thing you should build is a landing pad for your ship. It is well worth it. Once you start building things at your outpost, any subsequent landings at the outpost will not include your ship. As in your ship will not nearby the landing and you will not be able to access the ship's cargo.
To circumvent this, when you are scouting outposts, bring the materials to build a landing pad with you.
For a large ship landing pad (over 40m long) you should need
30 Fe, 2 beryllium, 18 adaptive frames, 2 zero wire
For a smaller ship landing pad ( ship under 40m long ) you should need
20 Fe, 8 Al
You will probably eventually get a larger ship to carry cargo so you may want to consider just building the large one anyway. You can also change/upgrade and buy ships from the large landing pad so that is a bonus.
After the landing pad you will probably want power, extractors, storage, and a cargo link, but that's up to you. Definitely build the landing pad though.
I would not bother with mining my first materials manually, just go buy your starting resources from UC Distribution in the commercial district of New Atlantis or traders from other cities.
When you delete something you get all the resources back so go crazy.
Be really careful how you link objects on your outpost, it is a one way link from source to target. I made a lot of mistakes wondering why X did not work.
Unfortunately I do not have a high enough outpost engineering perk to really see how to make money from it yet, but maybe someone can throw those tips it in a comment and I will add it here. I assume you need to upgrade your fabricator to make something good, but again, not there yet with my perks.
Newly Added: Money Making with Outposts
So since I originally wrote this post I have been playing around with making money using outposts. I have had some pretty good success with what little I have tried.
The primary money makers are using a rank 3 fabricator (multiplexer) or the pharmacology station. My preference is definitely making the "Analgesic Poultice", this creates two very lightweight items that have a set price of 450 each (900 combined obviously), which with my current commerce rank (2) sells for around 67 per to a vendor.
The perks is that this only requires rank 2 chemical perk in science and the following reagents which can ALL be farmed.
antimicrobial, fiber, sealant, membrane, analgesic. That's all. If you setup a couple of outposts to farm these materials you can make over 6k credits per 100 of them. If you have the chemical rank 4 perk which has a chance on tripling the yield you can obviously... well.. triple that. Though I am still trying to determine the percent chance that it triples the yield. So far it's between 1 and 10% which is not very good. This procs per-craft, if you craft 100 items then it has a 1-10% chance of giving you 300, but the chance is so low you will have to reload and craft a LOT it seems. Alternatively you can just craft one item at a time by spamming the craft button which gives each individual craft a chance of tripling but if you have the patience you'll get the highest yield from constantly attempting to get a jackpot on the bulk craft by reloading any time you craft and don't get a triple. Even without that perk though, the money is not bad at all. I should also note that to farm the materials you will also need rank 1 zoology and rank 1 botany.
The second option I am seeing is by crafting the vytinium fuel rod which has a set price of around 850-ish credits which is the highest value item you can craft from a fabricator, at least as far as I know.
From what I could tell making these require that you farm the following items:
plutonium, solvent, indicite, caesium, vytinium, silver, copper, gold, antimony, uranium.
The only material from above that I am unsure about whether or not you can farm is the solvent. I have not personally found anywhere that you can farm solvent from animals or plants but reportedly this post says you can get it from Codos: https://www.reddit.com/Starfield/comments/16e8esideal_outposts_locationsrare_resources_location/.
That link will also tell you where to go for the pharmacology ingredients mentioned above.
Regardless I cannot speak to the success or even the actual sell price of the vytinium fuel rod since I saw the pharmacology route as the better option, but if I were to guess, they would probably each sell for about 120 credits.

EDIT - Additions
To assign crew to an outpost you need to add a "Crew Station" this will also make your outpost appear on your list of crew assignments under the outpost tab. If you do not drop a "Crew Station" you will have the outpost but it will not appear on the list. The list is just useful for keeping track of the outposts.
Once you build an outpost in a particular system, you will see a little white bunker icon next to that system's star on the star map.
In outpost build mode be sure to hit the "View" button on the bottom to switch to the overhead view, it makes it a lot easiefaster to line things up and deploy things.
from logicbox_ and BallsEleven
To increase your chances of getting multiple resources in one outpost location you can look to place your outpost near where different types of terrain meet, such as mountains meeting next to craters. The terrain type can be seen from the planet map when selecting a landing location on the planet.

That's All! I hope this helps people, if I think of something I left out or see good stuff in comments I will add it later.
submitted by burningh3rmit to Starfield [link] [comments]

2023.09.02 19:38 Atlas0038 Found these 50p coins, are they valuable or just normal?

Hello all, I hope you are well and having a good day, found my old collection of 50p coins and was wondering if any of them wear worth something and if so what would be a ruff estimate or wear they just their face value + think the last one is a frank? Not sure, but any help would be appreciated.
My phone is not great at taking photos so I have written them out for you following each of the photos.
Their are 8 2012 Olympic ones, basketball, fencing, 2 show jumping, volly ball, hockey, something I have no idea, and ribbon.
Along with, two scouts (both 2007), two military (both 2006), two Benjamin bunny ones (both 2017), two girl guiding ones (both 2010), two battle of Hastings ones (2016), a WWF (2011), a ballwick of Jursey (2012), and a frank? (1982)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you and best wishes,
submitted by Atlas0038 to UKcoins [link] [comments]

2023.07.20 20:18 localfyi Local Events Happening in the Triangle this Weekend!



Any other cool events that we missed? Share them below or click here so we can add them to our list. Not enough events here for you? Browse and search for more on our site by clicking here.

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We're working on making a Facebook group for everyone to jump in and share more event ideas and connect with each other. If that sounds awesome to you, jump on in and join here. Its brand new so we're still working on finding friends to join. We'd love to have you!
Any other cool events that we missed? Share them below or click here so we can add them to our list. Not enough events here for you? Browse and search for more on our site by clicking here.
submitted by localfyi to triangle [link] [comments]

2023.06.19 22:25 iluvbabybelcheese i lost my best friend

i lost my best friend. she didn’t die or anything though. we became friends in 7th grade because we liked the same boy, which brought us together for some reason. you would think that would make us hate each other lol. but ever since then we were like a duo and we couldn’t be broken apart. we know everything about each-other from our grandparents names to our favorite drink. now, the problems started at the end of this school year. a false rumor was started about me and she just kinda stopped talking to me. she stopped hanging out with me and it was as if i wasn’t even there anymore. like how can that big of a friendship just end? we went through everything together and we were the two best friends that everyone knew they were best-friends iykwim. the problem with me, i need a best friend. my whole life, i’ve had a best friend. the 1 person who i’m closer with than anyone else. having no best friend really sucks. i can’t go and tell her about my new hamster, and i can’t go tell her about my new boyfriend. and it really sucks, i want my best friend back. i miss when we hang out and eat snacks and just do whatever we did! we had so much fun together so what stopped it all? i noticed she made new friends during the year too, which i also did but why did she totally “dump” me for her new friends. like i’m sorry I’m not a lulu lemon volly ball girl. after she changed, i tried really hard to understand her, but that’s not who we were, we were NOT like that. we got into a really big argument over text a few nights ago and i guess i’m kinda relieved i don’t have to deal with all of that anymore but i miss who she used to me. she’s still here but she’s gone. my best friend left me ☹️
submitted by iluvbabybelcheese to Vent [link] [comments]

2023.04.12 17:55 Adorable_Ad_3403 Hardest transition....

I first started tennis in my teenaged years and was more of a flat hitter with a little top spin. It was during the early Agassi era. After over 3 decades, I got back into tennis. The first major transition was learning the footwork. My old footwork didn't age well and I learned the modern style of footwork. That wasn't too bad. My hardest transition was changing over to a modern forehand. I feel like I'm finally getting it. For anyone else that is in the same boat, I highly suggest doing a one stroke swing rather then doing a 3 point swing and just hit it. What helped me is do it like a pitcher. Swing through the ball in one full swing and rotate my leg over like what a pitcher does in the follow through. Don't over think it too much and let it come naturally. Now if I can just work on my vollys. Lol
submitted by Adorable_Ad_3403 to 10s [link] [comments]

2023.03.15 03:42 purplerules44 aita for endangering my friend to being sexually assulted

 It was early March in 2022 when my parents sat me down to talk with me and my sister. They said that they were getting a divorce. This shocked me and my sister it was very sudden. We talked about it for a while but then my dad left the room to go make dinner. My mom then said "from now on girls I want you to only have friends over at my house" we then proceeded to ask why? "Her response was "I don't want your father being around little girls that are sleeping over" may I remind you I have a best friend that I have had sience I was 3 months old we did everything together and she ceartinly was at my house alot when we grew up. She was practicly family to all of us. My Dad and my mom did think of her as a second daughter. I didn't really think of it until a couple months ago. It was my dads week and me and that bestfriend (let's call her L) L and I had a volly ball turnament the next morning and my mom is away on a buisness meeting. My Dad let's L sleep over and her parents do too. We have so much fun and my dad didn't even make eye contact with her let alone touch her inopropriatly. We go to the volly ball turnament and apparently L's parents put a photo of us on face book. When I get home I see my moms car in my dads driveway standing outside. She screamed in me and my dads face. She was saying "HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE" my dad calmly stated the situation but she was still arguing with him. I finally get the nerve to say "whats wrong with me hanging out with my best friend! She then angrilly says "BECAUSE YOUR DAD CANT HANDLE BEING IN A ROOM WITH A LITTLE GIRL" my dad got so angry he flipped her off slamed the door and went inside. She looked at me and said "be greatful I'm looking out for your friends well being" I wanted to say so many things in that moment but I calmly walked back into my house. It just got worst from there my relationship with my mom but to this day she still says I was a brat for letting my friend sleep over . Am I in the wrong for endangering my friend?? 
submitted by purplerules44 to stories [link] [comments]

2023.02.26 23:36 xtreme381 Is it a compliment to be accused of hacking?

I was running a HG PVP and my opponent accused me of using an aimbot because I one-balled him off of the bowsprit as he tried to ram and board. After a few cannon vollies he got on my ship but I killed him with a sword and again accused me of hacking. I eventually lost the match because he spammed my ship with firebombs that I spent so much time trying to put out that I sailed OOB. I guess the practice is paying off even in a loss 😂😂 Dude won the match but was salty AF. I don't record or stream but now I wish I did so I had a video of that cannon snipe.
submitted by xtreme381 to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2023.02.16 20:57 Porchie12 A bow is not a better weapon than a musket

I’ve seen this claim repeated countless times
“Actually, bow is a superior weapon compared to a smoothbore musket. It easily outperforms musket in every aspect. The reason the bow was abandoned was due to the ease of training of musketeers compared to archers. But when you put trained archers against trained musketeers, the archers will have the advantage”
This view is actually very common across the internet, not just in the battleboarding community. People will go on about the flaws of the musket, its poor accuracy, short range, low rate of fire, heavy weight etc, and then compare it to the bow, which is clearly superior in all of these aspects. They will then conclude that an archer is obviously superior to a musketeer in a battle/fight, and the only reason the musket prevailed is because it is easier to train musketeers than archers.
But the truth is, this is all completely false. We could start arguing about the theoretical performance of either weapon, how they compare in specific categories, and theorize which one is better based on their weaknesses and strength. But the fact is that we have actual real life historical records of archers fighting soldiers armed with muskets and other early firearms. And they overwhelmingly show arquebusiers/musketeers dominating their bow using enemies.
Here’s a 1544 record of a French soldier Blaise de Monluc describing English archers:
I would discover to him the mystery of the English, and wherefore they were reputed so hardy: which was, that they all carried arms of little reach, and therefore were necessitated to come up close to us to loose their arrows,* which otherwise would do no execution; whereas we who were accustomed to fire our Harquebuzes at a great distance, seeing the Enemy use another manner of sight, thought these near approaches of theirs very strange, imputing their running on at this confident rate to absolute bravery:
"The commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc, mareschal of France" by Blaize de Montluc (1500-1577) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A51199.0001.001?rgn=main;view=fulltext
As you can see, a soldier that has actually seen archers and early guns face each other in battle clearly views bows as a worse weapon, with shorter reach and less killing power.
And it’s not just the French side that had these views. Here’s a former English archer, who later on became an arquebusier, talking about archers:
"I did never see or hear, of any thing by them don with their long bowes, to any great effect. But many have I seene lye dead in divers skirmishes and incounters [from harquebus and pistol bullets]"
Source: "A breefe discourse, concerning the force and effect of all manuall weapons of fire and the disability of the long bowe or archery, in respect of others of greater force now in vse. With sundrye probable reasons for the verrifying therof: the which I haue doone of dutye towards my soueraigne and country, and for the better satisfaction of all such as are doubtfull of the same." Written by Humfrey Barwick https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=eebo;idno=A05277.0001.001
He clearly says that archers armed with long bows are very ineffective compared to soldiers armed with guns (arquebuses and pistols), as the latter are more likely to actually kill their enemies.
Note that not too long after this period the English would start to abandon archery in favor of firearms. By 1590 the longbow was retired from use in army. This is despite England clearly having an ample supply of archers, and even enacting laws like Unlawful Games Act 1541 that was supposed to ensure people would keep practicing archery.
So the change seems to be motivated by the inferior performance of the archers compared to arquebusiers, and not by any supposed problems with lack of trained archers.
The debate about the merits of bows compared to firearms was a very important topic in 16th century England
Here’ a quote of The Theory and Practice of Modern War by Robert Barnet, written in 1600:
“Sir, then was then, and now is now; the wars are much altered since the fierie weapons first came vp: the Cannon, the Musket, the Caliuer and Pistoll. Although some haue attempted stifly to maintaine the sufficiencie of Bowes, yet daily experience doth and will shew vs the contrarie. And for that their reasons haue bene answered by others, I leaue at this instant to speake thereof.”
This is a response to claims that bows are superior to firearms. He states that although many people keep claiming that bows are superior to firearms, the actual daily experience of warfare shows that it’s not true.
Here’s his reasoning as to why 1,000 archers would lose against 1,000 equally skilled arquebusiers/musketeers
First, you must confesse that one of your best Archers can hardly shoot any good sheffe arrow aboue twelue score off, to performe any great executiō, ex∣cept vpon a naked mā,* or horse. A good Calliuer charged with good powder and bullet, and discharged at point blanck by any reasonable shot, will, at that distance, performe afar better execution, yea, to passe any armour, except it be of prooffe, & much more neare the marke thē your Archer shal: And the said Calliuer at ran∣don will reach & performe twentie, or foure and twentie score off, whereunto you haue few archers will come neare. And if you reply, that a good archer will shoot many shots to one;* Truly no, your archer shall hardly get one in fiue of a ready shot, nay happely scarce one; besides, considering the execution of the one and the other, there is great oddes, and no comparison at all.
In short, he claims that an arquebusier can accurately fire at a longer range than an archer, and that at the same range arquebusier’s fire will be more deadly. He also points out the lack of effectiveness of arrows against armored opponents, compared to firearms.
He continues with regards to a higher rate of fire of archers:
They may shoot thicke, but to small performance, except (as I said) vpon naked men or horse. But should there be led but eight hundred perfect hargubu∣ziers, or sixe hundred good musketiers against your thousand bowmen, I thinke your bowmen would be forced to forsake their ground, all premisses considered: and moreouer a vollie of musket or hargubuze goeth with more terrour, fury, and execution, then doth your vollie of arrowes.
Source: "The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres discoursed in dialogue vvise." VVritten by Robert Barret. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A04863.0001.001/1:8.1?rgn=div2;view=fulltext
So here we have a military theory text from the year 1600, which strongly argues against archers, repeatedly highlighting the superiority of firearms. Note that the ease of training or the logistics are not the main argument for firearms, it’s their efficiency on the battlefield that is used as a point against bows. In fact the last fragment specifically says that a much smaller number of arquebusiers/musketeers can defeat a larger force of archers.
This does not corroborate the popular idea that the ability to field more musketeers than archers was the main reason behind abandoning archery.
Now let’s go to the other side of the world, Japan and Korea. Between 1592 and 1598 Japan invaded Korea. At the time Japanese have already adopted European matchlock muskets, while Koreans were still using bows and arrows.
Here’s a quote from a Korean official named Yu Song-nyong on the topic of Japanese invasion of Korea:
In the 1592 invasion, everything was swept away. Within a fortnight or a month the cities and fortresses were lost, and everything in the eight directions had crumbled. Although it was [partly] due to there having been a century of peace and the people not being familiar with warfare that this happened, it was really because the Japanese had the use of muskets that could reach beyond several hundred paces, that always pierced what they struck, that came like the wind and the hail, and with which bows and arrows could not compare.
Source: “Firearms: A Global History to 1700” by Kenneth Chase
Here we can see an actual person from the 16th century saying that an army equipped with bows and arrows could not compare to an army armed with muskets. He specifically points out their longer range and the ability to better pierce armor.
Another quote from the same official on Japanese musketeers attacking fortifications:
Today, the Japanese exclusively use muskets to attack fortifications. They can reach [the target] from several hundred paces away. Our country's bows and arrows cannot reach them. At any flat spot outside the walls, the Japanese will build earthen mounds and "flying towers." They look down into the fortifications and fire their bullets so that the people inside the fortifications cannot conceal themselves. In the end the fortifications are taken. One cannot blame[the defenders] for their situation.
Here I want to talk about something.
One of the main and most popular arguments in favor of bows is their efficiency at long range. The ability of bowmen to just “fire from outside of musket’s range” is a big talking point whenever this topic is mentioned.
When I started researching this topic, I repeatedly kept seeing claims that bows can outrange muskets. Even outside of the musket vs bow discussions, I’ve seen repeated claims that bows are can be effective at a range much longer than the maximum range of any musket. A quick google search says that a longbow has at least twice the effective range of a 18th century musket.
So it was quite surprising that longer effective range was one of the main argument FOR early firearms. Really, arquebuses and muskets having longer range is mentioned in pretty much all records from that period. Archers being forced to go deep into musketeers firing range is a standard feature of all “bows vs muskets” battles I’ve read about. And remember, so far we’ve been only talking about 16th century muskets. A lot of people claim that bows are superior to 18th and even early 19th century muskets, which were much more sophisticated.
So yeah, it’s very clear that the effective range and accuracy of archers is heavily exaggerated. My theory is that people take the maximum range reached by modern professional archers in perfect conditions, and apply them as the effective range of a random medieval archer shooting in battlefield conditions.
Or they are just pulling numbers out of their ass. Both are very likely.
Okay, let’s go into the future this time, or rather the more recent past. 18th century North America. In recent years the trade with Europeans has resulted in the introduction of firearms into the warfare between native tribes.
It’s a perfect situation for our discussion.
The tribes couldn’t mass manufacture firearms and train large armies of conscript musketeers, so this argument of “spamming musketeers” is non-applicable. Archery was a widely practiced skill and bows were abundant, while muskets and gunpowder were scarce and not many people knew how to use them. A dead musketeer is actually much harder to replace than a dead archer in this situation.
They also didn’t have heavy metal armor, they couldn’t field large conscript armies, and most of their battles were small scale skirmishes. Small scale unarmored and skirmishes of this kind should heavily favor archers over musketeers, at least if we take the claims of pro-bow side at face value.
But the truth is completely different. The balance of power in that time period was determined by who had better access to European firearms. Tribes armed with muskets dominated their neighbors in warfare.
Here’s a quote from Saukamappee, a Native American man who fought against the Shoshone in 1730s. The Shoshone were armed with bows, his side had 10 musketeers.
Once the Shoshones closed to within firing range in preparation for making a charge, the allied gunmen stepped to the fore, "and each of us [had] two balls in his mouth, and a load of powder in his hand to reload." Then just as the Shoshones rose up from behind their shields to string their arrows, the musketeers unleashed a volley, killing and wounding several of the enemy, and filling the rest with "consternation and dismay." In their retreat the Shoshones acknowledged that their rivals had obtained a technological advantage just as formidable as the horse. "The terror of that battle and our guns has prevented any more general battles, and our wars have since been carried by ambuscade and surprise of small camps, in which we have greatly the advantage, from the guns, arrow shards of iron, long knives, flat bayonets, and axes from the Traders."
Source: Thundersticks: Firearms and the Violent Transformation of Native America - David J. Silverman
This is another account from a person who has personally experienced a battle between bowmen and musketeers. And once again, we can see musketeers being very effective at fighting off archers. In fact, one volley was enough to break the enemy morale.
No mention of training, logistics or anything, just another example of muskets being a more effective weapon in a fight.
So, here we have accounts from 3 continents where armies armed with bows and arrows faced armies armed with firearms. Memoirs of soldiers, military theory texts, reports from civilian officials. In all of them, firearms are noted as being superior to bows. Not just due to the ease of training or any logistical concerns, but due to their efficiency on the battlefield.
We can argue about the specifics all we want, but it’s clear that real people who actually had to choose between muskets and bows as their weapon of choice have chosen muskets.For them it was not about winning an online argument, it was about survival.
If archers really were better than musketeers, then they would remain in use on the battlefield. Yes, it is harder to train an archer than a musketeer, but it’s not some impossible ordeal. Countries were training archers for millennia, if there was a reason to continue doing it they would. You could always just give your most skilled soldiers bows and your less skilled soldiers muskets.
But they didn’t. Every society that had access to muskets preferred them over bows. The moment muskets entered the picture, archers were either completely abandoned or relegated to a minor role.Bows weren’t used by the elite troops that would obliterate any musketeers they faced, they were used by poor levies and militia that couldn’t afford to arm themselves with muskets. Never again were they used as a major and crucial part of the military.
To conclude I want to ask you one question:
Would you rather be shot by an archer with a longbow or by a musketeer with a smoothbore musket?
We all know what the answer is, and it honestly sums up the whole debate better than the rest of my post.
Have a good day
submitted by Porchie12 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2023.02.14 04:30 Rabbit538 Dealing with slice and drop shot return of serve

I have a pretty powerful first serve, often ace with it.
Something I've been having issue with is people will block my serve with back spin and drop the ball pretty close to the net, I really struggle to attack the ball that far up and tend to find myself out of position and then either get lobbed or hit past.
Is the solution to start serve vollying? I've been avoiding that because the returner occasionally will just smack my serve back with pace. Also serve vollying every point gets tiring fast.
I often try to counter drop shot but my drop shot on the run success rate is like 4% and I should just stop doing that tbh.
submitted by Rabbit538 to 10s [link] [comments]
