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2022.09.28 15:36 Smartastic JeffArcuri

A subreddit for exclusive clips & discussion of NYC comedian Jeff Arcuri.

2012.06.13 19:18 Apostolate Prepare For The Part

A place dedicated to giving and finding job-related advice, be it for resumes, job applications or career paths.

2014.01.24 11:58 Chewbacker Tom Clancy's The Division Subreddit

Anything and everything about Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2.

2024.05.21 21:13 FuzzyPresence8531 Taylor’s “supposed” hickey during Sweden show

I don’t know if this has been talked about much on this sub, apologies if there is already a conversation about this topic.
First off I don’t know if I should have made this nsfw but since most people who are not yet adults KNOW about hickeys, I assumed it wasn’t necessary. So take that info and this post with what you will
I am not even that old- fashioned or traditional but did anyone else feel like Taylor’s supposed hickey on full display during one of the Sweden’s shows (or maybe all of them? I only saw the first show’s picture of it) is just childish?
I want to be the first to say I am all for PDA! But not even covering it up for your fans who paid hundreds if not thousands just to see you, just seems to me you, Taylor, decided to NOT cover it so you could get some attention, speculation or just media talk about you, Travis, and your “relationship”.
I’m sure Taylor covers up even the smallest little “problem” or malfunction with her costume and makeup. So the fact she didn’t cover this just seems so kid-like, middle/high school, and I don’t know, maybe it shows lack of concern for the audience to notice this detail. Not trying to sound bitter or trying to influence anyone, but Taylor, you didn’t mind thinking about the young children in the audience who might see this? It’s not like it’s sinful or anything but I am just saying how the kids and parents are expecting the eras tour and see this all throughout the 3-hour show? I just don’t think it’s classy as a 34y/o woman like herself. A 16 y/o teen? Excusable and not shocking.
And you would think Taylor, who tries to protect her image at all cost, would know this too.
submitted by FuzzyPresence8531 to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 ithinkkare Sister demands a relationship with my child

I need some clarity I guess because I feel like I am going insane with this whole situation. Also, on mobile, english is my first language but I still suck at it.
My sister (37) and I have never had a good relationship. She was my worst bully growing up and even into adulthood. My parents never saw it as she convinced them I was just a liar amd exaggerated for attention. While I was in high school, she had a child with her deadbeat drug addict bf(now ex & he is clean). My younger sister and I sacrificed our whole summer to be live in nannies (moreso me) while my sister worked. Her kiddo was like a daughter to me and would cry when she couldn't see us often enough. I love her with every fiber of my being and I have been active in her life still to this day.
Now, I(30) have my own kiddo. Sister has only spent time with LO a handful of times and never alone without my niece or my mom present. After a particularly explosive bday celebration for niece, I refuse to let sister to be around LO. Sister is now shocked Pikachu face that I won't let her see LO at all. She told my mother that she has always been good to LO so she doesn't understand why she can't see LO and she never limited my access to my niece so she has every RIGHT to be in her life.
Unfortunately my own mother doesn't agree with my boundaries to not let sister be around LO. She follows them, but doesn't agree. Every time my LO is with parents for a weekend, my mom lays it on thick that it's hard not to be able to take her to my sister's house and to just "make it easier on [her]"
Am I insane? How should I approach this with my parents/sibling? Am I truly doing right by my kiddo or just being dramatic?
Birthday fiasco:
LO was only grabbing onto the yellow rocks on this play scape, sister told her to grab the other colors. I, in a normal tone, said "It's alright, she's got this." Sister got pissed at this and went off on me, calling me a cunt and said "this is why everyone is dying to get away from you"
My father died and sister blamed me for his death. LO's father died and i already blame myself for it but sister blamed me too. 3 days after he died, my sister got pissed that I refused to move back in with my parents and said that I would become a drug addict and lose custody of my child because I am weak and wouldn't be able to handle ACTUAL life.
submitted by ithinkkare to AskParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 Light-10 AITA for giving up on trying to make up with my best friend who is ignoring me?

My (16M) best friend (16F) has been completely ignoring me for 3 weeks. It began half way through a day, we had spoken before school, and when it got to break time, she was completely blanking me. I tried asking how class was but I had no response. She spoke to our other friends, it was just me she refused to speak to. This has happened 3 times before (November 2023, December 2023 and January 2024), lasting a couple weeks each time - every time I feel like I’m going insane. I begin replaying every conversation we’ve had in the past week to figure out what I did. She still talks to everyone else, if anything she’s even friendlier to them, as if she’s trying to rub in the fact that she’s ignoring me?
Every time I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me that I ruined the friendship and that it’s all my fault. Every time this happens I ask if she’s okay over text, and she leaves me on read, which confirms she’s mad. I ask why she’s mad at me? I say I’m sorry, I plead for forgiveness and I ask how I can fix what I’ve done. I bombard her with messages over a week period and I get nothing back. When I try to mention it in person, she makes eye contact with me as I ask, and then she whips her head 180 degrees so she’s facing away from me? Like an over exaggerated way to show that she is ignoring me?
All the other times this has happened, she got bored after a few weeks and we go back to normal. I was always just grateful that she was talking to me, grateful that she had “forgiven” me. I asked her why she had ignored me once and she said that she wasn’t actually mad at me but was stressed with exams? Idk if that was the truth or if she was just making an excuse to avoid conflict?
I’ve realised I don’t want things to go back to the way they were. Every time she does this it consumes my entire life with anxiety and guilt. It’s constantly on my mind. I know that when she gets bored of ignoring me and comes back that the entire thing would happen again in a couple of months. Originally, I thought ignoring her back was playing into her mind games and stooping to her level but in reality, I’m just saving myself. If she does reach out, I’d respond but the point was that I quit trying to start conversations and stop begging for forgiveness.
if she refuses to elaborate on what I’ve done and refuses to even speak to me then there is no way of me knowing what I have done. I feel like I’m doing the right thing by putting boundaries in place and not jumping at any little bit of attention she gives me, like I have in the past but there’s still a part of me that feels guilty. I find myself thinking that maybe I genuinely hurt her and I’m the one mad at her? But I have given her plenty of opportunities to be honest and come clean about the issue and she continues with the immature silent treatment.
AITA? Is my guilt justified?
submitted by Light-10 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 mysterious_igneous Should I stay home for the summer with my sick mom?

My mother has over 10+ autoimmune diseases and she's always sick and in pain but she still gets through. A few months ago, she suggested that I get a summer job because there will be a car available for me at the house (I just graduated undergrad and I'm starting my master's in the fall) and so I decided to start searching for a job because I don't want to be a bum all summer like I have been my entire life. Every single summer I fall into a depressive episode, don't wake up at good times, barely eat, don't work out, never leave the house, etc. But this summer I wanted something different. So after getting the inspiration to apply for jobs, I scored 3 different ones. I decided not to do the first one because I'd be working 24/7 (literally) and it wouldn't be great for my mental health and the pay sucks. I got a second job offer where I would be out in western America for 3-4 weeks, then I'd be in my home state about two hours ish away for another 4-5 weeks. After wanting to do the second job, I told my mom about it and she suddenly said I don't need to work and that she doesn't want me to go and that it wouldn't help my career. I was so confused because getting a job in the first place was all her idea. Then I got another job offer that was significantly closer to home, would help with my career, and I could stay home for the summer and I thought it would be great because I could use the car, but then she said she's not willing to let me use the family car for a job. Then, when I started considering staying, I had a few requests, (1) that I could use the family car to go to the gym and that I would pay for the membership and gas, and (2) that I can use the kitchen appliances to make my own food (they're new and my parents don't allow me to use the stove for anything and only they're allowed to make food but they work remotely in their offices all day so I don't really have time to get either of them to make me food. I learned this from staying home for a few weeks this winter when we got the new appliances). So after requesting those two things, she said no to both and that I should cope with what we have at home. So then I decided I was going to take the job out west because I need to stay on this upwards slope I'm going with my mental, physical, and emotional health.
This weekend, it was my graduation and a week or so before my mother said she didn't want to go and that she wanted to go on a trip because her anniversary is later in the week of my graduation and that I was basically being selfish for not choosing to take a trip for my graduation. Some context, we were planning on going on a trip to Europe for years but then a year or so ago my mother said it wasn't going to happen and so when she asked if I wanted to go to my undergraduate graduation or go on a trip I chose my graduation because I never got a real high school graduation because I graduated in 2020 during the pandemic. So, this past week, she was upset with me about this and she had gotten sicker and so I told her not to come because (1) she doesn't want to come and (2) she's sick, but she decided to come anyways and I am very grateful she did. Fast forward to today, my mother texted me saying that she's not doing well and she wants me to stay home this summer and not do the jobs I have lined up so she can get a break (from worrying about me and financially, even though she said she'd not paying a dime to get me to my job or to help me with my job). She's been coughing a lot and I think it's because she has a respiratory infection from a medication she started taking that could cause a side effect of a respiratory infection but when she went to the doctors they couldn't determine what was wrong with her.
I'm trying to think of I'm leaving anything out... Well for one, I'll be home for the next 2 weeks and then I'm going out to the job out west for 3-4 weeks and then I'm coming back to our home state to work the second part of the job but I won't be living at home. Also, I can't just drop out of the job because (1) I signed a contract, and (2) the company paid for my flights out west and back and the tickets are non refundable and I may want to work with this company next summer.
All in all, I don't know what to do. I know she's not doing well but if she dies I will truly regret it, and if I don't do this job I will regret it, probably fall into a depressive episode, will lose weight (which has been an issue and I'm finally a healthy weight now), and I won't be able to go anywhere because I'm not allowed to drive the car except to run errands for my parents. Additionally, my sibling just graduated grad school and my mother is wanting them to come home too even though they're in the process of starting their life in another state as well... My sibling coming back to our home state is a whole 'nother story with countless issues that I don't want to get into.
All in all, what should I do? I don't think she's going to die, but I don't want her to get sicker worrying about me. But I need the freedom to workout, work a job to be productive, to not fall into another depressive episode, and to experience life in a state I've been wanting to go to ever since I was a kid. But I also do care about my mother and she's worked so hard to provide for me and my sibling and I don't want to be selfish. But for how long will I be stuck at home during the summer, not having any freedom, before I become a real adult and have to live my own life? I just want to experience things while I'm still young but I also don't want to lose my mother. I may be overreacting with how bad her health is but she never asks me to stay home, but I've always been home for the summer.
Any advice?
submitted by mysterious_igneous to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 Diligent_Divide_4978 It’s not your fault if you’re a lonely man

I just saw a post here every day about a lonely guy and his struggles in dating.
When I read it, the frustration, sadness, and despair are palpable. But since 63% of young men are single, and half of male university students are virgins, I can understand why these posters aren’t happy.
The majority of men are lonely.
While I cannot solve this very real societal phenomenon, I will try to put things into perspective.
After all, trite as it may sound, life is truly about much more than dating. We’ll talk about this later on.
Before we begin, I would like to sincerely dedicate this post to all of those people who carry a void in their hearts every day.
I truly hope that reading the following will bring you at least a little peace of mind.
This is something that you need to tell yourself every single day. Life coaches and toxic PUAs like Andrew Tate are telling you to run game on 5 women every day, but I'm telling you to tell yourself this 5 times a day:
It's not your fault.
This should be said and emphasized a lot more. I want you guys to completely digest this idea. It is important to keep reminding yourself of this truth. Once you truly understand this, you will have a much more peaceful mindset.
The situation you are in was forced upon you.
Genetic determinism is anathema to most people. You will always see the fortunate, the lucky people try to take credit for their living situations, but they won't acknowledge the opportunities they were given.
I want you to understand something: when people tell you "you can do it, you can do anything," they are not saying it for your benefit. They are saying it to gaslight you and feel better about themselves. It implies that if you fail, it was because of something you did wrong.
"You could've done it, but you didn't, so it's your fault."
Don't let people gaslight you.
You look at a guy like Jeremy Meeks, scum of the earth. This guy is the personification of luck. The guy made the wrong choices and decisions at every step of the way, and he still made it as a multimillionaire top model, all because of his looks.
He comes from a broken family, he's a criminal, robber, gangster, beat an underage kid to near death, drug dealer, weapons charges, you fucking name it. Yet, women are worshiping him, literally worshiping him.
I ask you this: how many mistakes is too many? 10? 20? 50?
When you are good-looking, no amount is too many. Anything is forgivable.

"Anything is possible. Never give up. God's got a plan for you." - Jeremy Meeks

Well, when you look like him, yeah, of course anything is gonna be possible.

You look at a guy like Hunter Biden, drug addict and porn actor. Still, he's a board member of a nine-figure international investment firm. All because of his dad. All because he was lucky enough to be born into the Biden family.
You look at Elon Musk, richest guy on earth. He in turn comes from a dirty rich family that makes bank with him off of the backs of literal child slaves. His 80-year-old father made a child with his 30-year-old stepdaughter. Think about it, this guy was fucking 50 years old when he adopted that child.
These are morally bankrupt people, and yet you see the lives they are living.
You look at a guy like Bill Gates, whose classmates' parents literally bought a computer room for his high school during a time when even top U.S. universities didn't have computer rooms. Bill got to spend unlimited time with the latest and greatest computers as a child in the 1960s.
I am not saying Bill is dumb. Of course, you also need brains, but even intelligence is luck.
It's brutal how lucky you have to be in life. Not only do you need the smarts, but you need to be born in the right time and location into the right family. You think a smart kid who was born in a war-torn third-world country stands any chance?
Fucking never.
You gotta be lucky in this life. The most important factor governing success in life is luck. Looks will directly influence how you are treated by others from the day you were born, before you could even remember. Your neurotypicality, face, race, and height are paramount when it comes to how society will treat you. This in turn shapes your personality.
Your intelligence, the opportunities you were born into, your gender; they are all important.
Even in the job market, just your gender influences your chances majorly.
Everything in life comes down to luck.
"Anything is possible, you can do anything."
No, you cannot do anything you want to in life, and it's not your fault. Genetic determinism and luck rule every aspect of your life.
You did nothing wrong.
So don't let anybody gaslight you.
Instead, don't be a free agent in life. Let the blackpill guide you.
submitted by Diligent_Divide_4978 to berkeley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 JPisaBrony 31 [M4F] Minnesota / USA - looking for the love of my life

I am looking for the love of my life. someone who will truly love me for who I am. someone who wants to work through our differences and issues together. someone values commitment, communication, adaptability, loyalty, and honesty as much as I do. someone who wants to put in as much effort as I do. someone I can love back just as much because when I love someone, I really love them.
I don't expect us to have all of the same interests and we should have some different ones so that we can learn from each other. what matters most to me is that we have similar core values and relationship goals. I do still have my preferences and those are:
for a brief overview of myself, I am a typical computer nerd that likes tech a lot. I like to learn about tech-related things such as programming and linux. I also like watching anime / movies / tv shows / youtube / playing video games / 3d printing / playing board games / making art such as vector art / 3d art / pixel art / drawings / paintings / hiking / bike riding / fishing / and snowboarding. I am mostly a homebody but I do a few things outside with other people from time to time.
If this post piqued your interest and you would like to get to know me better, then you should reach out. I am looking forward to meeting you.
submitted by JPisaBrony to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 JPisaBrony 31 [M4F] Minnesota / USA - looking for the love of my life

I am looking for the love of my life. someone who will truly love me for who I am. someone who wants to work through our differences and issues together. someone values commitment, communication, adaptability, loyalty, and honesty as much as I do. someone who wants to put in as much effort as I do. someone I can love back just as much because when I love someone, I really love them.
I don't expect us to have all of the same interests and we should have some different ones so that we can learn from each other. what matters most to me is that we have similar core values and relationship goals. I do still have my preferences and those are:
for a brief overview of myself, I am a typical computer nerd that likes tech a lot. I like to learn about tech-related things such as programming and linux. I also like watching anime / movies / tv shows / youtube / playing video games / 3d printing / playing board games / making art such as vector art / 3d art / pixel art / drawings / paintings / hiking / bike riding / fishing / and snowboarding. I am mostly a homebody but I do a few things outside with other people from time to time.
If this post piqued your interest and you would like to get to know me better, then you should reach out. I am looking forward to meeting you.
submitted by JPisaBrony to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 madwangerissues I ACCIDENTALLY HIT RETURN

To this fine lady that I met on ometv on 05/22/2024 around 2:40 am. I accidentally hit the return button because I was on my phone. I was still surfing ometv in hopes of finding you again but I wasn't successful, I think u logged out already. I also didn't get the chance to get your socials, even your name. I hope u have a safe flight in September to Spain. I will try to find you again because u said u were on that website at night. You're really beautiful and u have such a good heart which is rare nowadays. I hope I find you again. xoxo
submitted by madwangerissues to u/madwangerissues [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Hibernating_pizza Looking for ideas on how to accept that I am in fact sick and am allowed to stay home sick and i am not faking it? Explanation in text below

The last 2 years I'm often getting sick. Doctors can't find the reason(yet).
I work alone(security i watch cameras), and am alone pretty much all day at work, other than the cleaning crew cleaning offices.
Some days I'm not super sick, and am still able to go to work. It's not enjoyable but doable.
Some days I am super sick and I feel guilty when I call work and tell them I'm staying home sick. So I tell them I feel sick, but since no one can take my shift I'm willing to give it a try. Then I try and i feel so crappy all day. Once a while I'm able to put my foot down and say this is too much I'm going home, I'm too sick.
But then I feel guilty, like I'm faking it or something. I don't know why, I've never faked being sick to stay home from school or work.
Does anyone have an idea why this is my way of thinking? And does anyone have tips to stop it?
submitted by Hibernating_pizza to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Bet_Responsible Just another moan and complain...

So, Ive tried 3 times now to pay my taxes on my boats. I cant pay online for reasons or Im too stewpet to figure it out. Anyways, attempt #1 at fairdale, they slow, real slow, like 10 numbers in one hour slow and I had to leave to make a doctors appointment. I got there at 8:25 ish...
Attempt #2, my fault, I showed up after working and was stank so bad the lady next to me moved so i left. LMAO
Attempt #3, dixie location. Slow, im talking they were taking a five minute break to the break room after every transaction, slow, deliberately slow. Waited an hour but wanted to get home before school lets out for reasons...
4th attempt, my fault, I went to the license renewal office... DOHHH...
Anyways, i just felt like complaining and I still dont see why I cant just pay my taxes online...
submitted by Bet_Responsible to Louisville [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 DragonfruitOk8460 How do you fight the insecurity?

I grew up around affluent people from the schools I’ve been to and work I’ve had, that means when I go on social media, there’s an immediate barrage of people who are doing well and documenting it.
And it’s more than just daddy / mommy’s money — some of them are actually successful (syempre with the assistance of daddy / mommy’s connections rin lol)
I know we come from different kickoff points, me probably being the top of the heap in my family but paling in comparison with everyone else.
For a while I really denied I was insecure but calling a spade, a spade — I guess that’s just it. I feel inadequate for the social class I’m accustomed to and alienated at home.
Don’t get me wrong — I’m working hard talaga to reach my own aspirations and be that self-made self-starter but it’s just…difficult no? When you don’t have role models to really look up to in the family.
Anyway, didn’t expect it to be that long. 😂
submitted by DragonfruitOk8460 to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Redlanternoath The Struggle Bus

Like so many of us, I am riding the struggle bus. My wife and I both work full time, my eldest child works part time (mostly to pay their car note and have money to spend on things they want to do,) but we are about 30K away from being able to pay everything on time, every time. We don’t spend frivolously, we don’t go out to eat, we don’t go out to do anything, which, with three kids, one of whom is barely in school, is horrible…
How many others are riding the struggle bus, and what have you tried to do to get off it, or at least get a bit closer to the front?
submitted by Redlanternoath to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 DoctorG00s3 I don’t want to work anymore.

I have been working since I was 7 years old. At the time, I started helping my grandpa run a stand at a local farmers market. Since then, I have maintained steady employment in the food and service industries until the beginning of this year. I’m 27 now, and because I’m back in school, about to start my last year in undergrad, I have extra money coming in from my loans. I’ve used that money to live without working since January, and I’m in a position where I need to start working again, but I just don’t want to. I’ve accumulated pretty much no savings over my first 2 working decades. I’ve contributed nothing to a retirement account. I’m running out of money, but I’d literally rather die than work for another POS restaurant or business owner again. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying really hard to get my foot in the door of any game or tech company, but the industry is in shambles right now for junior artists. I’m extremely jealous of anyone who got to go through college, high school or middle school without having a job because there’s no way they feel as burnt out to the soul as I do. This country 🇺🇸 does not care about poor people, and no matter how hard I work, I struggle. If I’m going to work 6/7 days a week until I die, I’d like death to come soon.
submitted by DoctorG00s3 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 bbnosecret Dear God, I am at a point in my life where I'm unstable right now. Life was not the same as it use to in 2008-2022, 2023 and 2024 were when things got pretty messed up in my brain. I have a severe social anxiety and it is killing me limb to limb. I have also lost a lot of friends in the past, moving

Dear God,I am at a point in my life where I'm unstable right now. Life was not the same as it use to in 2008-2022, 2023 and 2024 were when things got pretty messed up in my brain. I have a severe social anxiety and it is killing me limb to limb. I have also lost a lot of friends in the past, moving to high school, primary school was so easy and the best place in my life. High school sucks, too many people are rude and it's not a good school overall. Everything online, realising the world is just a pathetic place and lots of killings happen and too many wars going on. Chatting to a girl that I have a crush on but she isn't a good person, Idk why i do have a crush on her in the first place, oh wait she is really pretty as i saw her profile on Discord in 2021. moving house i felt like i was dissociated with my body when moving on to a new house. it felt really weird as i wasn't in my own body. as of now i don't know if i dissociated, its hard to tell but i hope i am not. it's not a nice feeling. also i failed all my tests and it's not looking good from here. failed maths, english, and probably more, art i passed, geography failed, rmt passed, RE passed and idk. life is pretty hard for me. im turing 16 on august 8th 2024, wow that's a big number achievement. YouTube is getting boring, roblox is getting boring, life is getting boring everything i admired in 2020-2021 is destroyed. i don't know if ill keep living until my old age, 2025 isn't looking to good. im not happy anymore i miss the times when i was a child, in the summer of 2017 where everything was so peaceful and playing with my real friends. i do have real friends that actually appreciate me and care for me which i love them so much. my favourite game piggy ended in 2022 which made me sad because it was my favourite game and now the game is full of 12 year old kids. roblox making roblox videos is a lost hope because i dont know if i will keep making them in the future. i'm thinking of taking a break because i think it is really needed for me to cope. youtube, ah youtube, i miss the good old days bro i miss when i would watch pokemon videos from mcdonalds toys those good old days i need to go back to them. God, I really want to feel something again, please that's my only wish, nothing else i want, i have a good family i admire them so much they love and care for me. also my 3 budgies they also care for me i care for them so much, as school is in 2 days i just can't be bothered because it is just a bit weird to be in because school is so long and i cannot survive that hell hole it really sucks i don't like the environment it's bad. i just wish that my life would get better because im going to be honest i think im depressed, depressed meaning? depressed meaning depressed(of a person) in a state of unhappiness or despondency." so i am unhappy with my life as you could say. God you're real i know you're real i know that there's an afterlife after we all die. 100% i won't believe on these other beliefs because i know your 100% real i promise all my might. I will never take my life but i just ask you to make it better that's all i want. maybe i won't be happy tomorrow, but i want you to promise me that i will be happy someday. that could be in 3 years 6 years i don't care but i just want to feel as someone that i use to be in my 15 years of my life. i know you will promise i believe you God, i love you, you died for our sins. Thank you for this world, it's really a nice world. So as i leave this message sorry that it's long i just wanted to splatter out all my feelings in to one message as yeah, take care God, i love you so much.
submitted by bbnosecret to u/bbnosecret [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 BackgroundNinja4005 TTRPG Mechanics

Hello everyone, I’ve been trying to make a fantasy, science fiction (like the movie onward) ttrpg based on teen/preteens in the 80s (I wasn’t born in the 80s nor did I live in the 80s so this game is just based on movies I’ve seen like the goonies, never ending story, breakfast club etc.) and I already made some of the games aspects like the school status(classes), the extracurricular (archtypes/subclasses), the name of the town(game name), and the school IDs(character sheets). Now I’m kind of stuck on the stats part of it.I was thinking on having a standard array at first level for new people or just in general and have the option to roll for your own stats. Now I do want to make this game simple for new people to understand and for veterans to have simple fun so if I can get any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by BackgroundNinja4005 to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 CrimsonVirtuoso007 Rant: Calling Out the Extremists & Company Mind Games: The Sorry State of Our Subreddit

I’m fed up with the state of this subreddit, and it’s time someone calls out the narrow-minded extremists for what they are: rabid antis who cherry-pick speculations to fuel harassment campaigns. This sub is supposed to be a place for open-minded discussions, not a headquarters for those spreading half-truths and perpetuating hate. It’s baffling that these trolls haven’t been banned yet. If I were a mod, anyone pushing their biased narratives as gospel truth would be out of here in a heartbeat.
The mods have a tough job trying to keep this place civil, especially with the constant raids from these extremists. But let’s be real—there are only a few genuinely open-minded users left, like The-Toxic-Korgi and No-Weight-8011, who actually consider the full picture instead of just what supports their preconceived notions.
Take this YouTube user I’ve come across multiple times who denies any interaction between Millie and Mata because it doesn’t fit his biased narrative. Dude, if you’re reading this, take a break from the internet. It’s people like you who turn fair discussions into toxic cesspools. Whenever I try to bring some fairness into the conversation on YouTube, I get labeled a Nijisister just because I don’t fit into their narrow-minded view. It’s absurd.
And let’s talk about the real harassment going on here. Those who bullied Enna and others pull the “trolling” card to dodge accountability. It’s harassment, plain and simple. This sub used to be about critiquing the company, but now it’s all wild theories and baseless speculations. It’s sad how divided we’ve become—Twitter’s full of Nijisisters, YouTube’s a playground for rabid antis.
Speaking of harassment, Sayu’s reaction to Kotoka’s stream might seem like she’s fueling drama, but can you blame her? After the mistreatment she’s endured, her response is understandable. The company’s environment has driven even the talents to turn against each other. It’s not just one or two bad apples; it’s a systemic issue.
The company’s refusal to apologize or change shows they’re only interested in looking good for shareholders. We’re all pawns in their game, with the fanbase divided as if Moses himself split the sea. As someone who’s been bullied, I get it. It’s hard to stay fair when you’re constantly mistreated, but I haven’t lost my sense of fairness yet.
This subreddit has spiraled into a witch hunt. Posts like This subreddit is walking further and further into witch hunting. : kurosanji and I know both are a joke but this way of engagement farming is just getting sad now show how far we’ve strayed. Harassment continues unabated, and it’s just plain sad. I hope this post can at least change a few minds.
At the end of the day, we’re all playing into Nijisanji’s hands, acting as if we’re pieces on their chessboard. The talents are backstabbing each other, the fanbase is fractured, and we’re no closer to the truth. Before anyone clowns on this post if new evidence comes to light, remember that all we’ve had so far are vague speculations. Let’s not act like messiahs have arrived with new revelations. We need to stay grounded and stop letting this company’s mind games divide us further.
submitted by CrimsonVirtuoso007 to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 The-Writer-Man Established Copywriter and Strategist Currently Onboarding New Clients!

Hi everyone, TheWriterMan here !👋
I am a copywriter, strategist, and designer working primarily with companies and individuals in retail, tech (SaaS, cybersecurity, Fintech), and business administration.
Some of my recent work highlights include:
🔵 Joining a California-based SaaS as the chief copywriter on short notice to develop business messaging and marketing collateral for their rebranding and expansion efforts. This November, they were acquired for $100 million.
🔵 Working for a Maui-based software agency as their chief staff writer and strategist to guide business messaging and content for numerous clients including multi-million software companies, one of which was acquired for $44 million last year.
🔵 Creating high-quality lead magnets (eBooks and whitepapers) and collateral for one of the largest companies in the supply chain industry (and a subsidiary of a Fortune 50 company).
🔵 Writing more than 100 pages of website copy and product descriptions for the world’s largest eCommerce store in the cannabis market.
🔵 Ghostwriting for a director at one of the Big Four accounting firms of the world and helping him establish himself as a thought leader in the industry. Articles I’ve ghostwritten outrank the likes of CIO, EY, and more.
I've also worked as a narrative designer, developing storylines and writing scripts.
You can read more about the work I have done (and the results I’ve achieved), here:
Pricing: I offer project-based billing and retainers as well as per-word billing at $0.25/word for long-form content.
I have worked extensively in a contract role and you'll find that I am quick to get up to speed. I also have experience managing a team of writers and designers, should that become a requirement in the future.
Let's talk business!
The best way to reach me is through email.
You can also get in touch with me with a simple contact form here.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to discuss my past work in more detail – I'm happy to share my insights and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you!
submitted by The-Writer-Man to HireaWriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 jennyngai Philadelphia Notes: An Mentally Unstable Female Elder Stalking and Creeping Another Male Elder. Does the Adult Daycare Staffs Even Care?

For the past few weeks, my grandparents had been feeling emotionally uncomfortable at the adult daycare center as of lately. Why? Because they are dealing with a stalking-and-creeping and mentally unstable member who always kept creeping around my grandfather. And here is the situation.
So my grandparents have been in the Adult Daycare Center for quite awhile. But there is a psychotic and mental unstable elderly member had been eyeing on my grandpa. Not only that, this crazy lady even said to my grandma that she would be happy to be my grandpa's mistress. There is another time she would say to my grandfather, "I don't care if the staff members yelled or screamed at me, because I'm obsessed with you." I have spoke to the director and staff members, but they kept saying this crazy lady is mentally unstable. But would this consider as "Emotionally Harassment." I do understand that the reason why the director or staff members couldn't say anything because they are afraid of losing their job even though they already acknowledge on this ridiculous situation for at least two years already.
There are several scenarios that my grandfather has trying to avoid this mentally unstable lady who has been stalking him for the past two years. For instance, when my grandfather is going inside the gym and leave the gym the next five minutes. Why? Because this mentally unstable lady would rush inside the gym room and stand close or behind just to watch him workout. In fact, every adult daycare center has a security camera, feel free to ask them.
Another situation is when my grandfather goes to the bingo room or most of all...the bathroom, this mentally unstable lady will either wait for him to come out and stare at him. Like seriously?!! Why would I want my grandparents, going to the adult daycare center, and feeling emotionally uncomfortable? But most importantly, they even got into paranoia with the whole situation. They even spoke to the staffs and employees. But they only make an excuse, "This lady is not normal, she is mentally disabled, so we cannot do anything about it." This is absolutely not an excuse, it is called "emotional harassments." If otherwise, sexual bullying behavior. But seriously, does the staff members EVEN CARE or they find it is funny to watch. This is not normal. This is call stupidity. In fact, some of the insiders even TOLD me about this situation. Some of them are staffs, while some of them are elderly members who have been shaking their head just to watch this ongoing. It also made BOTH of my grandparents emotionally uncomfortable that they do not want to go this adult daycare center anymore. And they even had to deal with them nonsense for at least two years.
As mentioned before, my grandparents have spoken to the staff members in the past. I remember that my grandparents said that the staff did gave a "verbal warning" to the mentally unstable lady to stop following around other my grandfather. But after awhile, this crazy lady done it again.
Here is another horrible situation, and we are talking about placing the mentally unstable lady in the same bus with my grandparents. Even though these staffs and director all know about this situation already. And this is where I did ask the transportation bus driver and told him about this crazy lady. He did say that because this crazy lady also lived in the northeast section, just like my grandparents, so he has to follow the policy to pick this crazy lady up. Here is the truth, there is ANOTHER TRANSPORTATION BUS that goes to the northeast section, but that the bus is full. So, here is my simple question: why not switch a normal elderly member who has no obsession with my grandfather into our bus but put this crazy lady back to the original bus instead. Believe or not, my grandparents did spoke to the staffs. Guess what? The staff members said, "This crazy lady just enjoys sitting the same bus, so we couldn't do anything about it." But I'm sorry, are these staff members had been bribe or been paying for doing this. Because, it is obviously something will get out of hand for sure. Like I said, this is absolutely emotionally uncomfortable because we have a mentally disable who has sexual attention towards another member who already has a wife. I really hope these staffs understand that stopping this crazy lady doesn't make them discriminating an mentally ill or disable person, it is basically stopping this crazy lady to continue to HARASS other fellow member who feels emotional paranoia every day.
This stalking-and-creeping mentally disable lady have cause my grandparents frustrated with this situation almost everyday. Why? Because the staff members couldn't do anything about it, even though they already knew about the situation. Again, if these folks are afraid of losing their job and allow to let this happen without making sure to protect the loved ones at all cost, then what is the point to have my grandparents OR any married retired couples to come into this adult daycare center in the first place. And besides, if you have a loved one who works at an adult daycare center, and some elderly member creeping around and inside the office every day, would that be seriously ignoring? Better yet, emotionally unconfortable?
When it comes to stalkers and creepers who are mentally disabled, I have come across a guy in my days as well. Use my story as an example. So when I was a teenager, I walk to my high school by myself all the time. But there is a stalkecreeper kept following me to at the back of the school building. He even sneaked into the building without being caught, which is why it is terrible. There is even one incident, when my school teacher wasn't available but the substitute teacher did. He would sneak into my class and try to harass me. I remember I left from the classroom, because I knew the substitute teacher doesn't even care at all. To this day, I'm still getting nightmares. In fact, when I'm about to get home, he will wait for me at the school entrance. So I have two options. I can drop out or transfer to a different school instead. But luckily, my third option was to walk to school and get home with a group of trusted friends. The good thing is that everyone that I knew lives very close to where I lived. What a relief, right? But in the adult daycare center, if the staff members couldn't solve this issue for the past two years and allowing an mentally unstable person to sit the same exact bus with my grandparents without solving it, then it is called doing it by intentionally purpose.
So back to my point, when it comes to stalkers and creepers, there is no way to avoid it unless someone in the adult day care center like the staffs, bus driver, coordinator, or even the director would find a way to solve this ongoing problem. They could either remove or switch this mentally unstable person from the SAME bus with my grandparents. Otherwise, in the long run, I don't think it is a good idea if things get out of control. I speak to my grandparents if they want to switch to a different adult daycare center instead. But they do enjoy coming here because of the wonderful gifts and resources at this adult daycare center.
Don't get me wrong. My grandparents and I DO NOT have problems with people with disability or mental problems UNLESS they created an uncomfortable situation due to its mentally unstable behavior. Creeping behind, sexual bullying, or playing cat-and-mouse game at the daycare center is unacceptable. It is not right, it is called stupidity. Keep this in mind, making sure that the elderly members would get home safe-and-sound without feeling "paranoia" or "emotionally uncomfortable" it is better off to solve it than wait until later. In fact, the staff members or even the bus coordinators must take this seriously to solve this situation rather than just ignore it and let the married couple feel some type of way; otherwise things can get out of hand for sure.
Keywords: philadelphia, philly, penn asian senior services, city council, city mayor of philadelphia, penn village adult daycare, philadelphia senior citizens resource center, grace adult day care center, germantown adult daycare center, adult center, philadelphia corporation for aging, pcdc, philadelphia chinatown, northeast adult daycare, investor, business owners, operation coordinator, bus transportation, bus coordinator, mercy fleet, board of directors, stalker, creeper
submitted by jennyngai to u/jennyngai [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 Mysterious_Theory328 Life feels destroyed after this diagnosis.

NOTE: I posted this elsewhere yesterday when I was completely spiraling. I feel a a fraction of a bit better today. I'm leaving this in word-for-word. Even though I say at the end I don't know why I posted this, I guess I do want to hear about other people's experiences. Its felt better to get this out.
The last three years of my life have been pretty tough, but I really thought I had come through the other side. I (M39) decided to go back to school, as I was not very happy in my former field. It was an extremely tough thing to do, as I would be taking a pay cut for the foreseeable future. My ex-girlfriend and I had been together for almost three years at this point and owned a house together. She said she supported my decision and understood my time would become limited considerably while I was in my program. Well that was a fucking lie. Almost immediately she started complaining about me "not taking her out" like I used to, or not doing as many projects around the house. The program I was in was already anxiety-inducing enough. To cut a long story short (because this isn't event what this post is about), I came to see our relationship was transactional, developed severe anxiety, and started to suffer health-related problems like high blood pressure. By the skin of my teeth I passed my program, became licensed, but had lingering issues around everything that had gone down in that span of time.
Over the last six months I have put in a lot of work and truly felt very hopeful for my future. I saw a therapist, got on some medications, lost 20 lbs. and got into great shape. Starting this new field has been a challenge, but also rewarding in the way I was looking for. I met a girl at work which I was very hesitant about d/t setting and some lingering anxiety issues. There was common interest, and I really explained what I had gone through and where I felt like I was. We both agreed to take things VERY SLOW. Hiking, lunch, movies, very casual for the first month. We finally had our first "serious" date - a fancy late night dinner and tickets to a show. We had some wine at her house after, and after some light touching and kissing, we had the conversation of getting tested because we were very much both interested in pursuing more. She had an ex give her chlamydia and had an upcoming OB/GYN appointment and was planning and getting a full workup. I thought "Well I've only slept with two women in the past eight years and have had no issues," but knew I hadn't been tested since 2016, which had shown I was clean.
I got my results back last Friday. HSV II. I'm fucking stunned. I mean I couldn't fucking breath. Full blown panic attack. I have never had any issues with my penis at all. Never any pain urinating, nothing. All the anxiety that I had worked so hard to get rid of came back and crushed me over this last weekend. It was all I could do to to get through my 12-hour shifts. I immediately hit up both of my ex's to figure out who the hell had given me this, as there was no other way. Last ex proceeds to tell me she had been tested about six months ago when she started dating her new boyfriend. I confirm she's clean for HSV II. She proceeds to berate me for being an idiot and a near 40 year-old with a disease now. I'll admit I'm not very proud of this, but she assumed I had caught something after her and I did not tell her that that left only the possibility of my relationship before her passing this to me.
So on to the title and why I'm so devastated. I'm really racking my brain on how I could have this but never see anything wrong with my penis. Then I read something that was my 'getting struck by lightening' moment. It was a post that is very similar to mine. Guy gets tested, guy gets HSV II diagnosis, perplexed at no previous penis symptoms. But he does get pretty bad cold sores from time-to-time. His Dr informs him that it's very possibly to get HSV II on your face. Now I never thought I had a cold sore before, but I remember back in 2017 getting an infected hair follicle in the hair right below my bottom lip after shaving. I went to the Dr, he looks at it and says "Yup, looks like an infection," give me antibiotics, but it doesn't go away for about two weeks. About two years after that, same thing happens: I shave, my follicle gets infected, I get more antibiotics from the Dr, and though it's not anywhere near as bad as the first time it still takes about two weeks to heal. Then almost exactly a year ago the same thing pops about, but this time I haven't shaved. Call my Dr, gives me antibiotics without even looking at it. I start looking at HSV II outbreaks in the same area as I was getting my infected follicle. I find a few pictures that look dead-on from what mine looks like. I at least though "Well, it's on my penis, condoms exist," but I'm not exaggerating in the least when I tell you after my realization I felt like the hopeless protagonist at the end of an HP Lovecraft novel where he realizes there is indeed a fate worse than death.
I'm finally able to get ahold of my ex from back in 2016. She confirms to me that she indeed has HSV II, but didn't think to tell me because we hadn't spoken in years. "I figured if you didn't reach out then we were good." This confirms she cheated on me because we were tested together. I don't even care about that now. Now my focus shifts to the girl I'm currently dating. She knows something is up. So I just started at where we work and on the other hand she's been there for six years. She is like family to most people on the floor. I'm the annoying new guy who barely knows anyone. She has her OB/GYN appointment today and I realize I need to tell her that not only do I have HSV II, that it's on my face and there is possibility she might have it on hers' too. She is very calm about it but I can tell in her voice that she is shook. I hope to beyond all fucking hope that her test comes back all clear. I'm also legitimately contemplating put in my resignation at work, a job I just fucking started. There's no way this doesn't get out at work and I don't become ostracized. I don't know how I'm going to approach this in the future, I don't see any romance in my life anymore. And this is so fucking selfish, but if I gave this to her I am legitimately scared on how this will make ME feel. I'm scarred that that guilt will cripple me and I'll be doomed to live in constant anxiety. I don't feel any better writing this all out, in fact I feel worse. I have no idea why the fuck I'm posting this.
submitted by Mysterious_Theory328 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 Marvin_lee54 Emory vs UNC - Need Advice!

Hi Y'all,
Reposting this to a couple of subs for advice - I am a transfer applicant from CWRU in Cleveland and am choosing between UNC and Emory for the final three years of undergrad. Cost is not an issue.
I am interested in doing Business & Poli Sci (African politics focus), hoping to work internationally in the public/private sector or go to law school for international law. I know both schools are great for both, but I could easily get into the business program at Emory whereas I have read that admission into UNC's Business School is very competitive. I am wondering which program I should choose and if it is worth it to take a chance on not getting into the B School at UNC and having to do Econ - which I am not particularly excited about.
For reference - OOS for UNC, ~3.8 college GPA, a couple of leadership roles in my first year of college, plus two internships.
submitted by Marvin_lee54 to UNC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 HxCxReformer Question about the RR and separate Leg Days (And a Thank You!)

First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone on this sub. I (32M) have two young kids and a busy job. I was really active throughout college (wrestled and lifted), but after I graduated in 2014, I stopped exercising consistently. However, in December I finished graduate school and I decided to make a change. I started doing the recommended routine (and a bit of the Busy Dad program for cardio) and for the first time in a decade I don't feel sad when I see myself in the mirror and I feel great! Strong, energetic, things that did not describe me for a long time. I have improved quite a bit in the time since I started in January; so, thanks everyone for that.
Second, since I have been exercising more regularly, I have been wanting to get back into the gym. I decided to take one of the RR suggestions and do my leg days separately in the gym (two days: squats and RDLs); however, I wanted to know if there were some recommended exercises that I could put in the RR in place of the pistol squats and Nordic negatives that I was doing? In brief, I was thinking of doing the rest of the RR as an 'Upper body' day while doing the leg days separately. I was doing some pike push-ups and super ROM lateral raises (To target more delts); however, I felt that doing the pike push-ups the same day as dips and ring push-ups (or archer push-ups depending on what I have available equipment wise) just fried my triceps and my shoulders/chest weren't getting much stimulus and doing the LRs 3-times a week felt like a bit much. I am really open to suggestions, especially from anyone who has seen great results from doing the RR (or something like it) and weighted leg days separately.
For equipment I have gymnastic rings available at home and at the gym at the hospital I work at I have some KBs, a pull-up bar, dip bar, and a bench with some DBs. My goals are general strength and hypertrophy.
Thanks everyone!
PS - Sorry for the stream-of-though post, I am trying to finish this before my next patient arrives!
submitted by HxCxReformer to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 BleepBlimpBop $RILY DD: Long List of Short Seller Claims --- DEBUNKED with proof!

Ever-shifting Short Seller Claims

The short sellers attacking RILY in 2023-2024 have been relentless (currently 57% of float sold short per FinViz), with an ever-shifting list of wild accusations.
It's sickening to watch them compile a never-ending list of baseless wild theories and claims to support their short positions, which are demonstrably false. But as each is proved false, they pivot to new claims, and/or change the goalposts.
The sheer volume of shifting claims makes it hard to track how despotic they are with their "platform," and how many falsehoods they've spun. Even for someone who watched it in real-time, for almost a year

Compiled & Debunked

Sunlight kills vampires. To that end, I've compiled a list of (i) claimants (ii) claims (iii) reality (iv) definitive source proving reality.

Why Did They Target RILY?

One of the most vocal short sellers, Nate Koppikar (who also introduced Marc Cohodes to the "opportunity") has a fund Orso Partners. Based on their SEC registration document, this is their investment thesis:
"The Account’s investment objectives are to achieve capital appreciation primarily by identifying and selling short marketable equity securities of underfollowed and complex companies with misleading or corrective disclosures through a research-intensive process. The Account employs a short-biased investment strategy with an emphasis on primarily small to mid-cap companies that are underfollowed and complex (i.e., companies with market capitalizations of less than $5 billion which the market does not yet have a wellformed bull and/or bear perspective)."
RILY fits their description. The icing on the cake was the relatively large market cap, and the relatively small float. Given extremely high insider ownership (32.9% of shares per the proxy), and limitations on when and how insiders can trade, the "free float" of the stock (i.e., the shares that regularly trade) is very small for the size of the company. Moreover, the setup would only get better - given insiders have consistently used their free cash to buy additional shares hand-over-fist (further reducing the float).
That meant, with relatively small amounts of capital, the short sellers could shove around the stock price. That ability to move price opens another profit avenue - taking large derivative positions (buying puts, and selling calls), and shoving the price (or allowing it to drift up) to profit all along the way. It looked so good, the stock has been the highest-shorted on the US indices for several months. Even after the release of the 10-K, shares remain "hard to borrow" with elevated borrow fees.

Debunked Claims

The claims made by vocal short sellers could fill a book. Most were outrageous and fanciful when they were proposed. Virtually all have objectively debunked. This isn't a comprehensive list, as their claims are too numerous and varied. But it paints an illuminating picture.
With a track record this poor, one would expect the short sellers to exit - rather than continuing to spin new narratives. Perhaps the continued attacks are their exit strategy to avoid bankruptcy... Well, #Bullish.
With the highest short interest of all US stocks (albeit likely decreased from the highs of ~76% of the float), I think this is more than ripe for a return to fair value - or well above, if a short squeeze occurs.
Note: this sub disallows image posts. There is a similar post in the RILYStock sub which contains virtually all source images for the claim in the comments (too many images to embed in the post). The source images are illuminating.
Note that the list below deliberately excludes three types of posts/claims from the short sellers:
A) Juvenile personal attacks and attempts to character assassinate and dox a long list of people (RILY CEO, RILY new hires, RILY clients, Marcum the auditor, Marcum's lead audit professional, any firm or individual publicly posting a bull thesis on RILY, etc.).
B) Those that make no objective claims, but simply exist as a product of malicious degeneracy (like pictures of roasted pigs in ovens labeled Bryant Riley the CEO, photoshopped pictures of the CEO in prison chains next to convicted felons, video of an obese woman barely able to walk being gored by a bull labeled Mrs. Riley the CEO's wife, etc.).
C) Those that are impossible for short sellers to know, and impossible to objectively verify (e.g., Marc Cohodes claiming a single RILY trader front runs the CEOs personal short trades in front of clients taking following the firm's bullish advice on those stocks, to guarantee profits).
Claimant Claim Reality
1) Wolfpack Wolfpack “RILY will record investment losses of up to ~$700 million in 2023” FALSE 10-K FALSE
2) Wolfpack “new loan to CORZQ will work out just as badly as the last and end in default (again) before June 2023” Repaid in fullFALSE , early, on 1/6/2024.
3) Wolfpack “The coupon rate on RILY’s seven issues of baby bonds ranges from 5% to 6.75%, which we believe to be far too low to compensate investors for the existential risk that accompanies these securities.” Full redemption FALSE of May 2024 came early. Far more than sufficient cash to cover debt payments.
4) Wolfpack “According to our analysis, 4 of RILY’s largest 7 corporate borrowers with outstanding loan balances of $295.3 million are at a high risk of default, or in the case of CORZQ, is already in default.” Core Scientific IncExela Technologies Arena Group Holdings FALSE a. . repaid early and in full ($111MM of the “risk”) b. repaid term loan in full ($55.8MM of the “risk”) c. debt retired in full ($99MM of the “risk”). Publicly disclosed in the most recent 10-K for each company (search for "Riley" in the filing)
5) Wolfpack “RILY’s NAV is Far Below the $1.1 Billion Minimum NAV Requirement That Is Required for the Nomura Credit Agreement Putting RILY at Risk of Collapse in 2023” is in full compliance FALSE RILY with the Nomura credit agreement. Moreover, reflecting the strength of the relationship, Nomura even granted a no-fee extension when the 10-K filing was delayed. Also see 10-K for current status.
6) Wolfpack “Over $200 Million of the Goodwill and Intangible Assets on RILY’s Balance Sheet is Attributable to its Telecom Rollup, which is Centered on Dial-up and DSL Internet:” - criticizing them as dying businesses with no value extremely valuableFALSE Segment is . From just 2020 to 2023, the communications segment has returned over $212.2MM in adjusted EBITDA.
7) Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various RILY committed fraud with loans and closing the FRG acquisition. "The fact $RILY closed the FRG deal while hiding the Kahn loan - an all PIK defaulted loan backed by $FRG shares - is a Hall of Fame worthy act of fraud. I thought after Enron/Sarbox we couldn't have something like this happen in US markets." FALSE A law firm led an internal investigation, and an independent external investigation both found “The review confirmed what the Company previously disclosed: that the Company and its executives, including Bryant Riley, had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Prophecy.” “The results of the independent investigation confirmed that the Company and its executives had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Mr. Kahn or any of his affiliates. This independent investigation was conducted subsequent to the Company's February 22, 2024 disclosure of the internal review performed with the assistance of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP as outside counsel.” Also see 10-K
8) Marc Cohodes (AlderlaneEggs), ParrotCapital, Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various The 10-K will never be filed. They can't produce audited financials. Audited 10-K FALSE was filed. Delay was due to Audit committee fulfilling its responsibilities and proactively conducting investigations (internal and external).
9) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) + Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate) + ParrotCapital Sullivan and Cromwell knew about Massive Fraud, and did a "sham investigation" Sullivan and Cromwell FALSE is one of the most respected law firms, in the US and worldwide. "Sullivan & Cromwell continues to lead all law firm advisers in announced and completed global deals in 2023, according to Bloomberg and LSEG. The Firm advised on global announced deals totaling more than $345 billion, representing a 12.1 percent market share, per Bloomberg, and on completed global deals totaling more than $431 billion, representing a 16.9 percent market share, per LSEG." They're not compromising themselves for a relatively small client.
10) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear), Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Parrot Capital Marcum is enabling Massive Fraud MarcumFALSE is a respected audit firm, and 13th largest by revenue. "Marcum LLP advanced into the Top 15 in the 2023 Vault Accounting list of top-ranked accounting firms. Marcum climbed six levels to the No. 13 ranking overall and earned a ranking of 14 in prestige. The Firm also won Top 20 rankings across all Practice Area, Quality of Life, and Diversity categories, including several new classifications added this year."
11) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) Nomura is enabling Massive Fraud NomuraFALSE is a global financial services company, and the oldest brokerage firm in Japan. They operate in a highly regulated industry. They're not putting themselves on the line for a relatively small client.
12) Parrot Capital "The list of $RILY enablers is massive: Marcum LLP, Sullivan and Cromwell, Seeking Alpha, Holbrook Holdings, $AX Axos Bank, Many, many more." FALSE There's no global conspiracy whereby these companies - all respected law firms, auditors, banks, and media outlets - are collectively colluding to enable RILY to commit fraud. Requires only two brain cells and one functioning synapse to know there's no grand collusion cabal between these disparate companies.
13) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Jonathan Weil at WSJ Franchise Group shares used to secure Kahn loan: "It is unclear whether Kahn pledged the same shares twice—to both Prophecy and B. Riley." stated by the company UCC search FALSE As , Simple disproves this. UCC # 202302295747
14) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) “Bryant Riley is on the Road, telling people the ‘audit partner at Marcum left’ and that ‘I have made mistakes’ “ hit the 5yr SEC ruleFALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had , so he was never working on this year’s audit.
15) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "So it turns out James La Rocca was Fired by MarcumLLP If nothing was wrong with prior $RILY Audits, why is he gone? This will be great in discovery of what exactly went on. hit the 5yr SEC ruleFALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had , so he was never working on this year’s audit.
16) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “So Bryant Riley did disseminate MNPI back in March” in response to Cohodes claim that he told people the Marcum partner left 5 consecutive yearsFALSE Cohodes claimed Bryant Riley was telling people the Marcum auditor left. Koppikar called that disseminating MNPI. Cohodes statement was false (and thus Koppikar's derivate claim is also false). A different auditor worked on RILY, as Marcum follows the SEC rules; the lead auditor can only serve the client for . As such, Koppikar’s derivative claim of disseminating MNPI is false.
17) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “He appears to still not be familiar with the voting interest model of consolidation… why is a life science and tech partner signing an extremely complex investment company / broker dealer audit ???” i.e., auditor is unqualified Marcum is a highly respected auditorFALSE The auditor is fully qualified. ; they don't hire unqualified people, or assign them to clients they're unqualified to audit. RILY is continuing to use Marcum as the 2024 auditor.
18) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "Now that the $RILY dividend is going away, this omission is serious stuff" reduced 24Q1FALSE The dividend did not go away. It was from $1.00/share to $0.50/share, to allow them to opportunistically allocate capital. 23Q4 and
There are too many source images for the claims above to embed in a reddit post, and this sub doesn't allow images in comments. Images can be seen on a version of this posted to a sub that discusses RILY in the comments (~55 images). All claims can be sourced on the various social media venues and websites utilized by the short sellers. Other sources include: and here and and . form ADV. This is not financial advice. All claim summarizations reflect my interpretation of the short seller claims, and should be verified against original sources, along with all counters.
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