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2008.01.25 04:14 Python

The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use LearnPython

2010.03.27 00:47 QR Codes for your entertainment


2012.06.26 07:02 taterbase Open source code editor built with the web for the web

This sub is dedicated to the opensource code-editor Brackets.

2024.05.21 14:15 webby_template 8 Most Important Pages Every E-commerce Website Needs

8 Most Important Pages Every E-commerce Website Needs
E-commerce websites need to keep their audience interested at all times to be successful. If you run an online business, you have to create a great user experience, or you could lose customers after the first visit.
Online stores have to constantly engage their audience to do well. A great user experience is the key to success and returning customers.
If you own an e-commerce store, do you know what pages your customers expect to see on your website?

General Ecommerce Pages

1. Home Page

First impression of your brand. It features promotions, lifestyle images, and highlighted products or categories. Clearly state what makes your brand unique and include any guarantees, such as free shipping. Remember, visitors don't always start here; They can land directly on any page.

2. Category Overview

This is for high-level categories like "Women" or "Electronics". It gives an overview of what's inside rather than listing all the products. If your categories are deep (like Women > Tops > Sweaters), use multiple overview pages. For single-level categories, go directly to the category page.

3. Category Page

A grid view of products in specific categories, with filters to help users find what they want. Unlike the category overview, this page is about browsing multiple products at once.

4. Product Page

Shows complete product details and pricing. The main goal is to get users to add items to their carts. This can be promoted by adding reviews, related products, and user-generated content.

5. Search and Search Results

Essential for sites with many products. The search field is usually in the nav menu. The result page may look like a series page or have a unique design. A 'suggested search' can show products while the user is typing, reducing the need for a separate results page.

6. Login/Create Account

Allows customers to save order history, and payment information and manage wish lists or rewards. This can be a separate page, model, or dropdown. Ensure users can easily switch between login and account creation.

7. Mini Cart

Not a full page, but an important feature. It displays visual feedback when an item is added to the cart, usually as a dropdown or modal. It should recap what was added and update the subtotal.

8. Cart Page

Lists all items added with options to edit. Show estimated shipping costs and promo code fields so users know their final price early. Users may be required to enter their zip code for a shipping estimate.

Want to Create an E-Commerce Website in Seconds: Choose Templates from WebbyTemplate

Many websites and platforms offer to download free e-commerce templates for free, but some free websites do not offer templates. For those who prefer not to build an e-commerce website from scratch, consider using a professional template like:

Clare E-commerce Website Template
Live Demo & Download Link

Starry Heavens Jewelry Next.js Website Template
Live Demo & Download Link
These templates let you create an attractive, functional e-commerce site in seconds, ensuring a professional look and feel.
submitted by webby_template to u/webby_template [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:00 AutoModerator 2024/05/21 [Separation Anxiety Support Group]

Welcome to the fortnightly separation anxiety support group!
The mission of this post is to provide a constructive place to discuss your dog's progress and setbacks in conquering his/her separation anxiety. Feel free to post your fortnightly progress report, as well as any questions or tips you might have! We seek to provide a safe space to vent your frustrations as well, so feel free to express yourself.
We welcome both owners of dogs with separation anxiety and owners whose dogs have gotten better!
New to the subject of separation anxiety? A dog with separation anxiety is one who displays stress when the one or more family members leave. Separation anxiety can vary from light stress to separation panic but at the heart of the matter is distress.
Does this sound familiar? Lucky for you, this is a pretty common problem that many dog owners struggle with. It can feel isolating and frustrating, but we are here to help!

Don't Leave Me! Step-by-Step Help for Your Dog's Separation Anxiety by Nicole Wilde
Be Right Back!: How To Overcome Your Dog's Separation Anxiety And Regain Your Freedom by Julie Naismith
Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Next Generation Treatment Protocols and Practices by Malena DeMartini-Price
Online Articles/Blogs/Sites
Separation Anxiety (archived page from the ASPCA)
Pat Miller summary article on treating separation anxiety
Emily "kikopup" Larlham separation training tips
Using the Treat&Train to Solve Separation Anxiety
introducing an x-pen so the dog likes it (kikopup)
Online DIY courses:

Introduce your dog if you are new, and for those of you who have previously participated, make sure to tell us how your week has been!
submitted by AutoModerator to Dogtraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:00 tHeOctane32 The Best Free Resources for Learning Web Development in 2024

Hey WebDevMauritius community,
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your skills, finding quality learning resources can be a game-changer in your web development journey. I’ve put together a list of some of the best free resources available in 2024 to help you on your path. Feel free to add your favorites in the comments!

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript, React, and even backend development with Node.js. It’s perfect for beginners and offers hands-on projects to build your portfolio.

2. MDN Web Docs

MDN Web Docs is a go-to resource for web developers of all levels. It provides detailed documentation on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, along with tutorials and guides that are invaluable for both learning and reference.

3. The Odin Project

The Odin Project offers a full-stack web development curriculum that is free and open-source. It covers a wide range of topics, including Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and databases, all through a hands-on, project-based approach.

4. Coursera and edX Free Courses

Platforms like Coursera and edX offer free courses from top universities and institutions. While some features are paid, you can audit many courses for free. Look for courses on web development, computer science, and related topics.

5. Codecademy (Free Version)

Codecademy offers interactive lessons on various programming languages and web development skills. While they have a paid Pro version, there are still plenty of free resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

6. YouTube Channels

7. CSS-Tricks

CSS-Tricks is a fantastic resource for learning and mastering CSS. It offers a plethora of tutorials, articles, and a lively community forum where you can get your questions answered.

8. W3Schools

W3Schools is a classic resource that provides tutorials and references on web development languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more. It’s beginner-friendly and provides interactive coding examples.

9. Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers free courses in computer programming and web development. Their interactive tutorials are great for learning the basics and building a strong foundation.

10. Project-Based Learning Sites


These resources are just the tip of the iceberg, and there’s a wealth of knowledge out there waiting to be explored. Remember, the key to learning web development is consistency and practice. Dive into these resources, start building projects, and don’t hesitate to ask questions here in our community.
What are your favorite free resources for learning web development? Share your recommendations and experiences in the comments below!
submitted by tHeOctane32 to WebDevMauritius [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:49 tHeOctane32 Leveraging ChatGPT in Web Development: Enhancing Your WordPress Projects

Hey WebDevMauritius community,
Hope you’re all doing well! Today, I want to dive into an exciting topic: using ChatGPT to enhance web development, specifically for WordPress projects. As an experienced web developer, I've found that integrating AI tools like ChatGPT can significantly streamline workflows and add unique functionality to websites.

How ChatGPT Can Help

  1. Content Creation: Generating engaging and relevant content can be time-consuming. ChatGPT can assist by creating blog posts, product descriptions, FAQs, and more. This can help keep your site fresh and informative without spending hours writing.
  2. Customer Support: Implementing a ChatGPT-powered chatbot on your WordPress site can provide 24/7 customer support. It can handle common queries, provide information, and even guide users through processes, improving user experience and reducing the workload on human support staff.
  3. Code Assistance: Stuck on a piece of code or looking for the best way to implement a feature? ChatGPT can offer coding advice, snippets, and troubleshooting tips. It’s like having a coding buddy available at all times.
  4. SEO Optimization: ChatGPT can help generate SEO-friendly content, suggest keywords, and even rewrite existing content to improve its SEO value. This can boost your site’s visibility and attract more visitors.

Implementing ChatGPT in WordPress

  1. Using Plugins: There are several plugins available that integrate ChatGPT with WordPress. Plugins like “AI Engine” or “WP-Chatbot” make it easy to add AI capabilities to your site without extensive coding knowledge.
  2. Custom API Integrations: For those comfortable with a bit of coding, you can integrate ChatGPT directly using OpenAI’s API. This allows for more customized and powerful implementations tailored to your specific needs.
  3. Interactive Elements: Incorporate ChatGPT into interactive elements like comment sections, forums, or customer feedback forms. This can help keep conversations lively and engaging, providing immediate responses and insights.



Leveraging ChatGPT in WordPress development opens up a world of possibilities. From improving content creation to providing instant customer support, the integration of AI can take your projects to the next level. If you haven’t explored this yet, now is a great time to start experimenting with how ChatGPT can fit into your workflow.
Have any of you tried integrating ChatGPT into your WordPress sites? What has your experience been like? Let’s discuss tips, tricks, and potential pitfalls!
Looking forward to your thoughts!
submitted by tHeOctane32 to WebDevMauritius [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 stevestarr123 Retiring Traditional Linux Man Pages: Embracing Markdown with Command-Line Rendering

We're excited to announce a significant shift in our documentation approach: we're retiring traditional Linux man pages and replacing them with Markdown, which will be rendered directly from the command line. Additionally, we will convert all the man pages for the software included in the next generation of our Linux distributions.

Why Markdown Man Pages?

Pros of Markdown Man Pages:
  1. Readability and Formatting:
    • Markdown is inherently more readable and easier to write than the traditional roff format used in man pages.
    • It supports modern text formatting features like headers, lists, tables, links, and code blocks.
  2. Consistency and Portability:
    • Markdown is a widely-adopted standard used across various platforms and documentation systems, ensuring consistency.
    • Markdown files can be easily converted to other formats (HTML, PDF, etc.) using tools like Pandoc.
  3. Ease of Maintenance:
    • Markdown's simplicity reduces the learning curve for contributors, making it easier to maintain and update documentation.
    • Version control systems like Git work seamlessly with Markdown, facilitating collaborative editing and change tracking.
  4. Enhanced Viewing Options:
    • With a command-line renderer, users can view Markdown man pages in various styles and formats, enhancing the overall user experience.
    • Renderers can provide additional features such as syntax highlighting, clickable links, and even embedded media.
Cons of Traditional Man Pages:
  1. Complex Syntax:
    • The roff format used for traditional man pages is complex and unintuitive, making it harder for new contributors to write and edit documentation.
    • Formatting issues are common and can make man pages difficult to read and maintain.
  2. Limited Features:
    • Traditional man pages are limited in their formatting capabilities, lacking support for modern documentation features.
    • They do not support interactive elements or rich media, which can enhance the usability of documentation.
  3. Inconsistent Formatting:
    • The look and feel of man pages can vary significantly across different systems and viewers, leading to inconsistent user experiences.


Here's a short example of a man page converted to Markdown:
Traditional Man Page:
roff .TH LS 1 "March 2024" "GNU Coreutils 8.32" "User Commands" .SH NAME ls \- list directory contents .SH SYNOPSIS .B ls [\fIOPTION\fR]... [\fIFILE\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION .B ls list information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
Markdown Man Page:

ls - list directory contents


ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...


ls lists information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).


For more information, see the GNU Coreutils documentation. ```


We believe that transitioning to Markdown man pages will significantly enhance the quality and accessibility of our documentation. By embracing a modern, user-friendly format, we aim to provide a better experience for both contributors and end-users.
We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this change! How do you feel about moving away from traditional man pages to Markdown?
Join the discussion below!
submitted by stevestarr123 to linuxnextgen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:18 autogatos Overwhelmed trying to find the ideal “everything” database. Help!

I have ADHD and have increasingly found that my stress levels and ability to get things done are much better the more I offload stuff from my brain into some sort of digital repository.
I'm an iPad power-user (basically live on this thing) so I've been using the iOS Reminders app for most of this stuff. But while reminders has been great for, well, reminders/tasks, I'm finding I'm increasingly trying to use it for stuff it's not really well-suited for (like making lists of thoughts/info that I want to keep, not check off). I tried using Notes to fill in the gaps, but I just don't find it as pleasant and intuitive to use (reminders feels very structured, and color-coding in the sidebar helps keep me focused/find things). Plus there's stuff neither app does that I'd really like to find a good solution for.
Basically I think what I'm looking for is a personal knowledge/document/data management system. I've looked at a whole bunch and am frankly overwhelmed and struggling to figure out which would be best suited for my needs. Ideally the features I want (if possible to do all this in 1 app) are:
Some stuff that would be nice to have but isn't absolutely required:
I don't need tasks or calendar tools, fine using the iOS apps for those. Also a paid app is something I'm willing to consider if it's good enough. Infinite canvas is also not necessary and may be a detriment as I can easily forget about stuff that's drifted off-screen.
Some of the apps I've looked at are:
Thinking about productivity app experiences I’ve enjoyed, Reminders and Trello come to mind. Plus that drag and drop snippit feature in LiquidText…I guess I like modular stuff? My brain likes stuff to be neatly boxed in a visually clear way.
Sorry I know that was a lot! Thank you to anyone who made it through all that. I welcome your recommendations if there are any apps that do what I'm looking for.
submitted by autogatos to PKMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:10 autogatos Solutions for PKM and Drafts alternatives?

I have ADHD and and have increasingly found that my stress levels and ability to get things done are much better the more I offload stuff from my brain into some sort of digital repository.
I'm an iPad power-user (basically live on this thing) so I've been using the iOS Reminders app for most of this stuff. But while reminders has been great for, well, reminders/tasks, I'm finding I'm increasingly trying to use it for stuff it's not really well-suited for (like making lists of thoughts/info that I want to keep, not check off). I tried using Notes to fill in the gaps, but I just don't find it as pleasant and intuitive to use (reminders feels very structured, and color-coding in the sidebar helps keep me focused/find things). Plus there's stuff neither app does that I'd really like to find a good solution for.
Basically I think what I'm looking for is a personal knowledge/document/data management system. I've looked at a whole bunch and am frankly overwhelmed and struggling to figure out which would be best suited for my needs. Ideally the features I want (if possible to do all this in 1 app) are:
Some stuff that would be nice to have but isn't absolutely required:
I don't need tasks or calendar tools, fine using the iOS apps for those. Also a paid app is something I'm willing to consider if it's good enough. Infinite canvas is also not necessary and may be a detriment as I can easily forget about stuff that's drifted off-screen.
Some of the apps I've looked at are:
Sorry I know that was a lot! Thank you to anyone who made it through all that. I welcome your recommendations if there are any apps that do what I'm looking for.
Thinking about productivity app experiences I’ve enjoyed, Reminders and Trello come to mind. Plus that drag and drop snippit feature in LiquidText…I guess I like modular stuff? My brain likes stuff to be neatly boxed in a visually clear way.
Also as a side question: I recently tried Drafts, literally just as a drafts app (for when I'm replying to something and worried about losing my comment, or the web's editor is frustrating to use, like reddit). But is there any way to use rich text in it, or is it markdown only? Is there a similar app as smooth as this for this basic use with basic formatting tools? Just bolding, bulleted lists, stuff like that. I can go back to using Notes for this but just wondering if there's something better.
submitted by autogatos to gtd [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:55 GypsyMarvels In pursuit of the truth

Introducing the "Harmony of Energy" (HoE) model, a novel formalism that posits the universe operates according to a fundamental pattern. This pattern consists of energy, defined as the smallest unit anything can be, existing as a fluid form in space, interacting with its environment through a specific method or structure, and then moving out of that space. Space, in turn, is the dynamic environment that energy occupies and moves through, filling it with positive and negative energy that affects its properties and behavior. According to the HoE model, energy moves into space, reacts to its environment, and then moves out of that space, with no time limit for how long it takes to react. This pattern is universal, applying to all aspects of the universe, and nothing escapes it.
The Origin of the Universe
The HoE model posits that the universe began as a singular entity, containing all forms of energy as one unified energy. This singularity can be represented mathematically as: U = ∫∫∫E(x,y,z)dxdydz, where U is the total energy of the universe, E is the energy density, and x, y, z are the spatial coordinates.
As the singularity expanded, the unified energy converted into distinct positive and negative energies. Positive energy is a high-frequency, high-information-potential state that retains its unique signature and individual form, capable of producing heat and maintaining its distinct properties. Negative energy is a low-frequency, low-information-potential state that loses its unique signature and individual form, characterized by a pulling force and a tendency to condense and simplify.
Initially, the universe moved in a straight line, with energy compact and cold. However, this linear movement resulted in a direct head-on collision with the void, a solid structure that hindered its passage.
This collision led to a limitation and subsequent conversion of energy, transforming it from a linear motion to a wave-like motion. The new wave motion created heat and allowed energy to break the pattern of "follow the leader" and collide with the void at an angle, shattering its edge into pieces.
This process of fragmentation can be described by the equation: F(θ) = Σ[nEn * sin(nθ)], where F is the fragmentation function, θ is the angle of collision, n is an integer, and E is the energy density. For reasons yet unknown, possibly due to the singularity's energy reaching its final place or a transformation driven by cosmic "boredom," this conversion occurred, giving rise to the diverse universe we observe today.
The Void and the Ultimate Negative
Outside of the expanding universe lies the void, a region devoid of energy and matter, existing in a state of complete stillness and stationarity. This void represents the ultimate negative, a state of complete absence and zero energy density, unchanging and unyielding. As a whole, it exerts a compressive force on the expanding universe, potentially leading to contraction and eventual return to the singularity. This dynamic interplay between the universe and the void can be described by the equation: F = -G * (M * m) / r2 where F represents the force, G represents the gravitational constant, M and m represent the masses, and r represents the distance between them. The void's stationary and unchanging nature, lacking any internal rotation or energy, makes it inhospitable to life as we know it.
Magnetism and Attraction: A Shift in Perspective
Initially, I viewed magnetism through the conventional lens, seeing it as a fundamental force of attraction between positive and negative entities. However, as my understanding evolved, I came to realize that magnetism operates under a different principle. Positive and negative entities are not attracted to each other; instead, they represent the intrinsic structure of things. The true nature of attraction is frequency-based, with entities drawn to higher vibrations and shorter wavelengths. This phenomenon can be described by the following equations:
F = ∫∫(μ₁⋅μ₂)/(4πr2) dt dt (1)
where F is the force of attraction, μ₁ and μ₂ are the magnetic moments of the entities, r is the distance between them, and the integral is taken over time.
Additionally, the frequency-based attraction can be represented by:
f = γB (2)
where f is the frequency, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, and B is the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, the smaller wave's faster movement can be expressed as:
v = λf (3)
where v is the velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.
Energy and its Properties
Energy is the fundamental unit of everything. Energy can be thought of as an individual entity with an electrical signature vibrating at a specific frequency, carrying information from its originating source. If we were to dissect a piece of energy, we would find its genetic makeup consists of various parts, similar to binary code. One constant aspect of energy in our universe is the signature of this universe, which is present in all forms of energy, whether positive or negative. This underlying frequency distinguishes energy from our universe versus parallel universes.
Positive Energy (PE): - Oscillates through space with a frequency (f) and wavelength (λ): PE = f × λ - Exhibits wave-like behavior: PE(x,t) = A × sin(kx - ωt)
Negative Energy (NE): - Vibrates at a slower frequency (f'/2): NE = (f'/2) × λ' - Exhibits a slower, more stable behavior: NE(x,t) = B × cos(k'x - ω't)
Energy Interactions and Signature Changes
When positive and negative energies interact, their unique signatures can become altered. As energies combine, their signatures merge, releasing redundant information about the universe signature and creating an opening for new information to be stored. This process enables efficient storage and transmission of energy signatures, allowing for:
This process could be crucial for understanding how energy signatures evolve and adapt, and how they influence the behavior and properties of energy in various contexts.
The Formation and Evolution of the Universe
Initial Energy Interactions
In the beginning, a vast amount of fluid energy quickly interacted with the largest newly created pieces of the void, described by the wave-particle duality equation (E = hf = ℏω).
Star Formation and Signatures
As these interactions occurred, the largest of the solid structures of the universe began to form, stars, governed by the Lane-Emden equation (d2P/dr2 + (2/r)(dP/dr) + (4πG/c2)P = 0). Each new star held with it an old habit divulged from the singularity, a universal frequency (f = 1/T = ω/2π, where T is the period of oscillation and ω is the angular frequency). Old habits die hard, so each new star offered its own diverse and unique signature (S = Σf = ∫ψ(x)2 dx, where ψ(x) is the wave function and x represents the position).
Energy Collisions and Prime Numbers
As structures formed, a group of energy travels through space with an even number of internal parts (E = 2nℏ, where n is an integer and ℏ is the reduced Planck constant). This group collides with another group of energy with an odd amount of internal parts (E = (2n + 1)ℏ), and the total sum of the newly combined group equals a prime number (P = E1 + E2 = 2nℏ + (2m + 1)ℏ, where m is an integer). New Equation: Prime Number Formation (P = E1 + E2 = 2nℏ + (2m + 1)ℏ)
Schrödinger Equation and Physical Reality
The prime number is crucial, as the extra piece gets stuck in the space it is occupying, acting as an anchor, attracting other parts to breach their negative shell and combine as one, described by the Schrödinger equation (iℏ(∂ψ/∂t) = Hψ). This converts the fluid energy to be contained into the space it is in, which is broken pieces of the void that do not have a universal size, and gives us physical reality, forming particles with diverse unique signatures (S = Σf = ∫ψ(x)2 dx).
Refining Space and Transferring Signatures
As energy continued to interact with space, it further refined and shaped that space into a sphere (V = (4/3)πr3, where r is the radius), adding the discarded portions of size to the diverse field that is the universe. During this refinement, energy was transferred to these pieces, and the signature of the star was embedded in them, forming the galaxy clusters and solar systems we know today.
Smooth Surfaces and Celestial Bodies
As any piece of something breaks, its edges are rigid, and the interaction of energy against this rigid surface knocks off the rough edges, providing a smooth surface (E = Δx/Δt = ℏ/Δx, where Δx is the change in position and Δt is the change in time). New Equation: Smooth Surface Formation (E = Δx/Δt = ℏ/Δx)
The pieces that were knocked off still contain a portion of energy that put in the work to knock it off, and this process contributed to the formation of celestial bodies and the transfer of signatures. This, in turn, led to the creation of galaxies, planets, and other celestial bodies, each with their unique characteristics and properties, shaping the diverse and complex universe we observe today.
The Cartwheel Structure and Energy Movement
The cartwheel structure represents the dynamic movement of energy in the universe, with its rotating wheel and radiating arms symbolizing the harmonious interaction of positive and negative energies. When creation occurred, energy learned how to pass through stationary space (the void) by changing its movement pattern from a straight line to a wave (λ = v/f, where λ is wavelength, v is velocity, and f is frequency). This new wave movement allowed energy to create heat (Q = mcΔT, where Q is heat, m is mass, c is specific heat capacity, and ΔT is temperature change), which was the tool that gave energy the ability to "shatter" the void and interact with the broken pieces to perform a new movement, the cartwheel. As energy moves through space, it rarefies and decreases in temperature (T = k-B, where T is temperature, k is Boltzmann's constant, and B is the energy density), causing it to slow down and change frequency (f = ΔE/h, where f is frequency, ΔE is the energy change, and h is Planck's constant).
The Block and Cartwheeling Bar Analogy
The block and cartwheeling bar analogy provides a conceptual framework for understanding the dynamic interaction of energy in the universe. Imagine a box (representing space) containing blocks of varying sizes, each symbolizing a specific energy frequency (f = 1/T, where f is frequency and T is time). The cartwheeling bar, rotating within the box, represents the harmonious movement of energy between its positive (E+) and negative (E-) forms. Each block must be 100% filled, with positive and negative energy proportions varying as the bar rotates. For example, when positive energy occupies 99% of a block and negative energy occupies 1%, the rotation of the bar causes a gradual shift, resulting in a change to 98% positive and 2% negative, and so on. This constant interaction and adjustment maintain the balance of energy in the universe.
Fundamental Forces Explained
Present State of the Universe
The universe currently exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium, with observable patterns and structures perpetually renewing themselves through the interactions of energy (E = hf, where E is energy and h is Planck's constant). This self-sustaining cycle is evident in the formation and evolution of celestial bodies, galaxies, and other cosmic entities, governed by the laws of thermodynamics (ΔE = Q - W, where ΔE is the change in energy, Q is the heat added, and W is the work done). The universe's present state is characterized by the harmonious coexistence of diverse energy frequencies (f = 1/T, where f is frequency and T is time), which govern the behavior and properties of matter at various scales. This balance is maintained through the continuous conversion of energy between its positive (E+) and negative (E-) forms, allowing the universe to adapt and evolve in response to internal and external influences (E+ + E- = 0, representing the conservation of energy)."
Entropy and the Conversion of Positive to Negative
The physical dimensions of positive and negative energy in a block are equal, with 1% negative energy occupying the same space as 99% positive energy. This equality stems from the different speeds of energy and their individual properties. When negative energy is at 1%, it has condensed the equivalent of 99% positive energy into a single, compact form (E = hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency). As the proportions shift, such as 60% positive and 40% negative, the space occupied remains a 50/50 split. This is because positive energy travels at the speed of light (c = λν, where c is the speed of light, λ is wavelength, and ν is frequency), while negative energy moves at a pace relative to terminal velocity (v = √(2gl), where v is velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity, and l is length). Each form dominates at the 50% mark (T = λ/v, where T is time, λ is wavelength, and v is velocity). The percentages represent available positive energy, while the cartwheel symbolizes space or the ultimate negative in motion, influenced by energy's presence. Negative energy, with its depleted charge, occupies space that needs to be filled and recycled into a positive state. At higher percentages, collisions with negative energy slow down the flow, similar to the concept of crab mentality, where negative energy draws down the percentages.
Energy Dynamics and Galactic Harmony
The 50% Threshold
The 50% mark is a critical threshold that distinguishes between positive and negative energy. Above 50%, energy is considered positive and can produce heat beyond its negative shell. Below 50%, energy is considered negative and cannot produce heat past this shell.
Compressed Positive Energy
When the percentage of positive energy drops below 50%, it becomes compressed and can exceed the speed of light (c = λν, where c is the speed of light, λ is wavelength, and ν is frequency). This allows it to navigate through the "cracks" of negative energy:
v > c (where v is velocity and c is the speed of light)
Quantum Mirroring
Alternatively, the positive energy can align with the negative energy, resulting in a quantum mirroring effect. This enables instantaneous information transfer between entangled particles, regardless of distance:
E = hf (where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency)
Retaining Frequency Signatures
In this alignment, the negative energy retains its unique frequency signature to avoid interacting with other signatures:
Δx * Δp >= h/4π (where Δx is position uncertainty, Δp is momentum uncertainty, and h is Planck's constant)
The Cavendish Experiment and Energy Interaction
The Cavendish experiment, a groundbreaking study on gravity, offers an intriguing analogy for understanding energy interaction with space. Imagine the suspended spheres as representative of space itself, devoid of energy. When energy interacts with this motionless space, it's as if the spheres begin to rotate, symbolizing the introduction of energy into the internal area of space.
As energy engages with space, it's gradually consumed, much like the reduction of energy in the Cavendish experiment. This process can be described by the equation:
G = (2πLθ) / (MT)
Where G is the gravitational constant, L is the length of the torsion wire, θ is the twist angle of the wire, M is the mass of the lead spheres, and T is the time period of oscillation.
This equation, derived from the Cavendish experiment, reveals the intricate relationship between energy, space, and gravity. By exploring this analogy, we can deepen our understanding of how energy shapes the very fabric of our universe.
Energy Absorption and Frequency
Energy absorption occurs when energy slows down, allowing it to be perceived and observed. This process involves energy being absorbed by an atom and reflecting what was not absorbed. As energy slows down, it can still be observed as a wave, but just before it becomes a particle. This phenomenon is fascinating, as it reveals the transition from wave-like to particle-like behavior.
The conversion of positive to negative states is due to positives' ability to produce heat and maintain an individual form. Negative energy, on the other hand, does not produce heat and lacks an individual form, instead traveling at a pace relative to terminal velocity. This process can be described by the quantum mechanical formula: ℏω = ΔE = hf, where ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, ω is the angular frequency, ΔE is the change in energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the energy.
Furthermore, the frequency of the energy can be related to the velocity of the particle using the formula: f = (1/2π) * √(k/m), where k is the spring constant and m is the mass of the particle. Additionally, the energy absorption rate can be calculated using the formula: dE/dt = (2π/h) * V_uv2 * δ(E_u - E_v), where V_uv is the transition matrix element, E_u and E_v are the energies of the initial and final states, and δ is the Dirac delta function.
The Conversion of Positive to Negative States and Planetary Motion
The conversion of positive to negative energy states is rooted in their distinct properties. Positive energy produces heat and maintains an individual form, whereas negative energy lacks heat and an individual form, instead traveling at a pace relative to terminal velocity. This process is reversible, as seen in fusion reactions, or can be influenced by external forces like microwave ovens.
In the context of our solar system, the sun's positive energy release generates heat and propels planets into their orbital tracks. Conversely, the incoming energy from the universe, considered negative, is cold and stabilizes planets in their tracks. Initially, I focused solely on the positive push dictating orbital paths. However, I now recognize the significant influence of negative energy and use it as the basis for understanding abnormal tracks.
Here's an added equation to illustrate the relationship between energy and orbital motion:
F = G * (m1 * m2) / r2
Where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.
This equation shows how the force of gravity (F) is influenced by the masses (m1 and m2) and distance (r) between objects, which is relevant to understanding planetary motion and the balance between positive and negative energy.
Gravitation and Time: Frequency's Role
Time is intimately tied to the frequency of the universe, and this relationship is governed by the laws of gravitation. Imagine the cartwheel's bar having notches, each representing a different frequency. Each notch would experience time at a unique pace, described by the formula:
t = 1/f
Where t is time and f is frequency.
If we could halt the cartwheel's motion, time would appear to pause, as described by the relativistic time dilation formula:
t' = γ(t)
Where t' is the time experienced by an observer in motion, t is the time experienced by an observer at rest, and γ is the Lorentz factor.
The passage of time is directly governed by the oscillations in the wave, or simply its frequency. By altering the frequency, we can change the flow of time itself, as described by the gravitational redshift formula:
f' = f * √(1 - 2GM/rc2)
Where f' is the observed frequency, f is the emitted frequency, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the gravitational source, r is the radial distance from the source, and c is the speed of light.
Gravity and Energy Dynamics
Gravity can be understood in various ways through these thoughts. One perspective is that gravity operates similarly to the orbital planets, but with a twist. Instead of orbiting in space, we orbit at a subterranean frequency. This frequency attracts similar energies, leading to bonding and the formation of matter. For instance, atoms bond to form rocks, and separate rocks may bind together due to similar vibrations. However, other frequencies simply pass through, unable to bind due to differences in energy vibrations and the negative fields surrounding our bodies and the ground.
Our bodies are attracted to the Earth's core, with a force described by the equation:
F = G * (m1 * m2) / r2
Where F is the force of attraction, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of our bodies and the Earth, and r is the distance between them.
The vibrations of our energy and the negative field surrounding us can be described by the wave equation:
2E = μ * ∂2E/∂t2
Where E is the energy field, μ is the permeability of the medium, and ∂2E/∂t2 is the second derivative of the energy with respect to time.
The incoming cosmic energy pushes us downward, with a force described by the equation:
F = (E * A) / c
Where F is the force of the incoming energy, E is the energy density of the cosmos, A is the cross-sectional area of our bodies, and c is the speed of light.
The outgoing energy from Earth moves faster than the incoming energy from the cosmos, as observed in the formation of clouds with flat bases and more sporadic tops. This can be described by the equation:
v_out = v_in * (1 + (E_out / E_in))
Where v_out is the velocity of the outgoing energy, v_in is the velocity of the incoming energy, E_out is the energy density of the outgoing energy, and E_in is the energy density of the incoming energy.
Galactic Cycles and Black Holes
The Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center, with a mass described by the equation:
M = (1.989 x 1030) * (G / c2)
Where M is the mass of the black hole, G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.
As the galaxy spirals towards the center, enough mass will be collected to trigger the black hole to become a large star, described by the equation:
M = (4.383 x 1030) * (G / c2)
Where M is the mass of the star, G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.
When this happens, the black hole will shed its outer shell to create the galaxy that spirals around it, and the process begins again. This cycle can be described by the equation:
t = (2 * π * G * M) / c3
Where t is the time period of the cycle, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole or star, and c is the speed of light.
The opposite of a black hole is a white hole, but why hasn't this phenomenon been observed? According to this article, it has been observed but misunderstood. With the theme of balancing the universe, would a large star be surrounded by much smaller black holes? Would these smaller black holes feed the larger star by way of quantum bridge or wormhole, and vice versa for smaller stars and larger black holes? This can be described by the equation:
E = (ℏ * ω) / 2
Where E is the energy transferred between the star and black holes, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and ω is the frequency of the quantum bridge or wormhole.
Energy Flow and Balance
Energy moves in and out of everything, maintaining a delicate balance. It enters as a positive force and exits as a negative force. Our sun emits energy at 99% strength and high frequency, which combines with an equally sized negative force at 1% strength, filling the space completely. This balance is crucial, as positive energy moves faster than negative energy due to entropy's diminishing effects over time and distance.
As positive energy travels, it loses a piece of itself, converting to negative energy. This process is directly related to gravitational forces and time dilation. When positive energy reaches 50%, it has a certain probability of converting to negative energy, which is then attracted back to a positive source with a corresponding probability of being converted back to positive energy.
This cycle of energy flow and balance is the foundation of the universe's harmony, and understanding it can reveal the intricate web of forces that shape our reality.
Information Transmission through Energy and Light
Energy transfer is not just a physical phenomenon but also an exchange of information. Positive energy (Pos) carries a complete signature of universal information, updated through interactions, and represents the pure form. Negative energy (Neg) represents a degraded form of this signature, still carrying the universal signature, but lacking the capacity to transfer information.
Initial Information and Illumination
Initial information travels at a speed potentially faster than light and is invisible to us. As this energy slows down, it interacts with atoms, exciting them to display colors they don't need. This illumination is a manifestation of the information being transmitted.
I = E × S (Initial information is transmitted through energy and carries the universal signature)
Cosmic Scale and Consciousness
The universal information, carried by positive energy, is infused with the celestial signature, shaping the cosmic context. This process potentially gives rise to consciousness in living beings, linking them to the universe and its harmonies.
C ∝ U (Consciousness potentially arises from the universal information carried by positive energy)
U = S × f × P (The universal information is infused with the celestial signature, shaping the cosmic context)
Information Transfer and Energy Forms
The universe relies on a delicate balance of energy forms to facilitate information transfer. Positive energy (Pos) serves as the primary carrier of information, transmitting universal signatures and cosmic context. Negative energy (Neg), on the other hand, carries a degraded or attenuated version of the universal signature, lacking the capacity for information transfer. However, Neg can be transformed back into Pos, restoring its information-carrying ability.
P = S × f (Positive energy carries the complete universal signature at a high frequency f)
N = S × (1 - f) (Negative energy carries a degraded or attenuated version of the universal signature at a lower frequency)
E = P + N (The universe relies on a delicate balance of positive and negative energy forms to facilitate information transfer)
Frequency and Speed of Information Transfer
The frequency and speed of information transfer play a crucial role in the harmony and balance of the universe. Positive energy (Pos) transmits information at a high frequency and speed, allowing for efficient and accurate transfer of universal signatures and cosmic context. Negative energy (Neg), on the other hand, transmits information at a lower frequency and speed, resulting in a degraded or attenuated signal.
v ∝ f (The speed of information transfer is directly proportional to the frequency of the energy form)
P: v = c × f (Positive energy transmits information at a high frequency and speed, potentially approaching the speed of light c)
N: v = c × (1 - f) (Negative energy transmits information at a lower frequency and speed)
Transformation and Balance
Negative energy can be transformed back into positive energy, restoring its information-carrying ability.
N + T → P (Negative energy can be transformed back into positive energy, restoring its information-carrying ability)
This transformation maintains the harmony and balance of the universe, ensuring that information is not lost but rather recycled and rebalanced.
_Conclusion _
"In conclusion, the Harmony of Energy (HoE) model offers a novel perspective on the universe, revealing a intricate web of energy dynamics that underlie all aspects of existence. By exploring the interplay between positive and negative energy, we gain insight into the fundamental forces that shape our reality. From the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the cosmos, energy is the unifying thread that binds everything together.
Through the HoE model, we've seen how energy's harmonious movement gives rise to the patterns and structures we observe in the universe. We've also delved into the fascinating relationships between energy, space, and time, and how these interactions govern the behavior of matter at various scales.
As we continue to refine our understanding of the HoE model, we may uncover new secrets of the universe and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and harmony that underlies all of existence. Ultimately, this knowledge can inspire new perspectives, new technologies, and a new era of human understanding and cooperation, as we work together to harmonize our own energy with the energy of the universe."
Here is the Harmony of Energy Equation (HoEE) with descriptions:
HoEE = (∫[E(x,t) ⊗ S(x,t) ⊕ f(x,t) ∘ P(x,t)]dxdt) + (∑[G × Mi × ri2] ⊕ ∑[ℏ × ωi] ⊕ ∑[c × λi] ⊕ ∑[T × kB] ⊕ ∑[Fi × G × Mi × mi] ⊕ ∑[Qi × mi × ci] ⊕ ∑[Vi × ri3] ⊕ ∑[Pi × ℏ] ⊕ ∑[Ni × S(x,t) ∧ (1 - f(x,t))]) + (∫[I(x,t) ∘ E(x,t) ⊗ S(x,t)]dxdt) + (C × U)
submitted by GypsyMarvels to u/GypsyMarvels [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:51 aarvyedutech How do I become a full-stack developer?

 How do I become a full-stack developer?
A Comprehensive Guide: How to Become a Full-Stack Developer
Became a full stack
With the tech world constantly on the move, full-stack developers are the new rockstars. These programming wizards can craft both the user interface (the part you see) and the inner workings of web apps, making them goldmines for businesses. Because they can speed up development and create amazing user experiences, companies are in a hiring frenzy to snag them.
So, if you're a student dreaming of becoming a full-stack developer, get ready for an adventure! It won't be a breeze, but the potential for career growth is outstanding. This guide will be your map, outlining the strategies and steps you'll need to navigate your way into this exciting and in-demand field.
Understanding the Role of a Full-Stack Developer
Hold on! Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's nail down what a full-stack developer does. These tech pros are like masters of two worlds: the user-facing interfaces you see and interact with (front-end), and the behind-the-scenes logic that makes everything work (back-end). This means they can handle everything from designing how things look to managing databases and keeping the server running smoothly.
Alright, we've got a full picture of what a full-stack developer does. Now, let's break down the key areas they need to master:
Making it Pretty: This is the front end, all about the visual elements users interact with. Think HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with fancy tools like React, Angular, or Vue.js to make it all sing.
Behind the Scenes: This is the back-end, where the server magic happens. Here, full-stack developers build the core functions using technologies like Node.js, Python (with Django or Flask for extra power), Ruby on Rails, or PHP.
Data Doctor: Full-stack developers gotta keep all that user data organised! They'll need to be familiar with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Firebase to store and grab info efficiently.
Version Control Champs: Working with others and keeping track of code changes is essential. That's where Git, a version control system, comes in. Full-stack developers gotta be pros at using it.
## Strategy 1: Master the Fundamentals
Imagine you want to be a web-building ninja, but before you can unleash your skills, you need some serious training. That's where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript come in. These are the basic building blocks for creating the cool interfaces users see and interact with on websites. Think of them as your Legos!
Luckily, there are tons of ways to learn this stuff, like online tutorials, coding boot camps (think summer camp, but for coding!), or even just a good book. Find what works best for you, then dive in and practice like crazy. The best way to learn is by doing, so build some small projects to play around with and get comfortable with these core concepts.
## Strategy 2: Choose Your Stack Wisely
As a full-stack developer, you'll need to choose a technology stack that aligns with your interests and career goals. Research different stacks and consider factors such as industry demand, community support, and scalability.
Some popular technology stacks for full-stack development include:
MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js): Ideal for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications.
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js): Similar to MEAN stack but uses React for front-end development.
LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl): Commonly used for traditional web development projects.
Django Stack (Python, Django, PostgreSQL/SQLite): Great for rapid development of secure and scalable web applications.
Choose a stack that resonates with you and dive deeper into mastering its components.

## Strategy 3: Gain Hands-On Experience

Okay, so we talked about building the knowledge foundation, but being a full-stack developer is all about applying that knowledge in the real world. Here's how to get your hands dirty:
Real World Bootcamp: Look for internships, freelance work, or even just personal projects to test your skills on real problems.
Open Source Hero: Join open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. This lets you collaborate with experienced developers, learn from them, and show off your skills to potential employers all at once!
Project Runway (for Code): Put your knowledge to the test and unleash your creativity by building your projects. This is a fantastic way to showcase your problem-solving skills and build a portfolio that will make you a rockstar applicant.
## Strategy 4: Stay Updated with Emerging Technologies
The world of web development moves fast, with new tools and tricks popping up all the time. To stay on top of your game, you'll need to be a lifelong learner. Here's how to become a web dev news junkie:
Follow the Gurus: Subscribe to industry blogs written by web development experts.
Webinars on Demand: Attend online workshops and presentations to learn about the latest advancements.
Join the Club: Participate in online developer communities to chat with other developers and stay in the loop.
Don't just read about the cool new stuff, try it out! Experiment with new technologies and frameworks to keep your skills sharp and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the industry.
## Strategy 5: Cultivate Soft Skills
Team Player: You'll need to communicate clearly with your teammates and explain technical stuff to people who don't code. Brushing up on your communication skills is key!
Puzzle Master: Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential for tackling those inevitable development roadblocks.
Time Ninja: Staying organised and managing your time well will help you meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work. No more all-nighters for this developer!
## Strategy 6: Continuous Learning and Growth
Keep the Learning Flame Alive: This journey is all about continuous growth. Always be on the hunt for new knowledge! Dive into advanced web development concepts like serverless architecture, microservices, and progressive web apps. Consider certifications or advanced courses to truly master specific areas of full-stack development and become an expert.
Join the Developer Crew: Don't go it alone! Network with other developers and industry professionals. Bounce ideas around, find a mentor for guidance, and stay motivated throughout your journey. Remember, collaboration is a fantastic way to learn and grow as a developer!
## Conclusion
So you want to be a full-stack developer? That's awesome! It's a challenging path, but super rewarding if you're up for it. Just like any adventure, it takes dedication, perseverance, and a genuine love for learning.
Here's the trick: equip yourself with the basics first, like a strong foundation in coding. Then, pick the right tools for the job, kind of like choosing your gear for a hike. To truly level up, get your hands dirty with real projects. It's like learning to ride a bike - you gotta practice! The tech world moves fast, so staying on top of new trends is key.
Don't forget, that communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are your secret weapons - essential for any developer. The most important thing? Never stop learning! Embrace the journey, and keep getting better every day. There will be obstacles, but each one will make you a stronger developer. Stay curious, stay motivated, and keep pushing yourself to be the best. The world of full-stack development is waiting for you, and with the right approach, you can totally crush it!
submitted by aarvyedutech to u/aarvyedutech [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:14 Count-Daring243 Best Coleman Dog Tent

Best Coleman Dog Tent
Get ready to embark on an adventure with your furry friend! In this article, we'll be rounding up the top Coleman dog tents that are perfect for your next camping trip. Designed to keep your pup comfortable and safe, these tents offer the perfect combination of style, durability, and functionality. Whether you're looking for a cozy sleeping space or a spacious lounge area, we've got you covered. So, let's dive in and find the best Coleman dog tent for you and your canine companion!

The Top 7 Best Coleman Dog Tent

  1. Indigo Dog House with Microban - Enhanced Pet Comfort by Coleman - The Petmate Indigo Dog House is a premium pet shelter designed for medium-sized dogs, offering wind and rain resistance, insulation for temperature regulation, and Microban technology to combat stains, odors, and bacteria.
  2. Quick Setup Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent with Annex - Effortlessly set up your Coleman Juniper Lake Instant Dome Tent in about a minute, offering a spacious abode for up to 4 people with an extra annex providing storage or a cozy space for your medium-sized dog.
  3. Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent: Durable and Easy Setup - Experience the ultimate comfort and reliability with the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent, a perfect blend of size, durability, and safety for your next camping adventure.
  4. Coleman WeatherMaster Tent: 10-Person, Patented Hinged Door, Eureka 17' x 9' - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Coleman 2000001598 WeatherMaster 10-Person Tent, featuring a patented hinged door, easy setup, and Coleman's exclusive Weather Tec System for optimal camping experiences.
  5. Coleman 8-Person Evanston Screened Tent with Screen Room - Experience bug-free camping with the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent, featuring a separate screen room, easy setup, and weather-resistant technology.
  6. Powerful, All-In-One Camping Dome Tent with Rainfly and LED Lights - Experience comfortable, hassle-free camping with the Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent, featuring an integrated fan, LED lighting, rechargeable battery system, and weather protection.
  7. Weatherproof 6-Person Dome Tent with Full-Fly Vestibule from Cabela's - Experience ultimate convenience and comfort with the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent, featuring a full-fly vestibule for enhanced weather protection and additional storage space in a spacious, near-vertical dome design.
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🔗Indigo Dog House with Microban - Enhanced Pet Comfort by Coleman
The Petmate Indigo Dog House has been my faithful companion, keeping my furry friend comfortable and cozy in all weather conditions. The offset extended doorway ensures that wind and rain are kept at bay, allowing my pet to enjoy the comfort of their personal space without getting damp or chilled.
The structural foam provides excellent insulation, keeping my pet cool during summer days and warm during the colder months. The roof vent helps maintain proper airflow, allowing for a pleasant environment inside the dog house. The use of Microban is an added bonus, as it actively works against the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew, ensuring a fresh and clean living area for my pet.
Installation was a breeze, with no tools required, and the dog house is specifically designed for medium-sized pets. Although the dimensions are perfect for my pet, I found it interesting that larger dogs can be accommodated in the larger versions of the dog house. My pet loved his new home and took to it immediately, feeling secure and protected from the elements.
However, there have been some minor issues with rain leakage. Although the design of the dog house is meant to keep rain out, I have found that on occasion, water still finds its way inside the dog house. This can lead to damp and unpleasant conditions for my pet and requires extra attention to keep the dog house area dry.
Overall, the Petmate Indigo Dog House is a reliable and comfortable choice for your medium-sized pet. With its insulated design and sturdy construction, your furry friend will be well-protected in all weather conditions. Although it has faced some minor issues, these do not detract from the overall quality and functionality of the dog house.

🔗Quick Setup Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent with Annex
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent, and I must say, it was a mixed experience. On the one hand, setting up this tent was a breeze, thanks to the pre-attached poles that allowed me to pitch it in about a minute. The ventilated annex, complete with a rainfly, was also a great feature for keeping my gear and dog dry and comfortable.
However, there were a few issues I encountered during my time using the tent. Firstly, the poles had a sliding mechanism that broke the very first time I used it. This resulted in a much heavier and bulkier tent, which was quite inconvenient when packing it up. Additionally, the rainfly, while well-ventilated, did restrict some visibility through the windows, making it slightly less than ideal for enjoying the outdoors.
Despite these drawbacks, the Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent still proved to be a functional and capable option for my camping needs. With a few improvements, such as detachable poles and a more durable rainfly, this tent could be an even better choice for those looking for a hassle-free camping experience.

🔗Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent: Durable and Easy Setup
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent in tan/black. This instant tent features an 8' x 7' floor that's spacious enough for a queen airbed, allowing for plenty of room to move around comfortably. Its taped seams and welded floor seam offer strength and durability, while mesh windows improve air circulation. Furthermore, it meets CPAI-84 flammability requirements for safety and has a fully-taped WeatherTec system that withstands harsh outdoor elements, keeping all your items dry.
When it came to setting up the tent, the color-coded poles and easy-to-follow instructions made the process a breeze. I was impressed by the tent's ability to withstand various weather conditions, thanks to its durable materials and strong frame. The design also includes ample airflow through large windows and a ground vent, reducing condensation and keeping the interior fresh and cool.
However, there were a couple of downsides, as well. Firstly, the d-style door was a bit hard to open and close, and the zipper required some effort to work properly. Additionally, the tent didn't seem as sturdy as expected in high winds, with the fabric flapping around a bit.
Overall, the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent was a decent choice for a camping trip. Its ease of setup, spacious interior, and weather resistance made it a comfortable shelter. However, some improvements, such as better zippers and more durable materials, could have made this tent even more impressive.

🔗Coleman WeatherMaster Tent: 10-Person, Patented Hinged Door, Eureka 17' x 9'
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Tent on my camping trip. The tent quickly became a game-changer for me and my large family. When it comes to space, this tent is truly remarkable – it comfortably accommodates ten people, giving us all enough room to spread out and enjoy our camping experience.
The WeatherMaster's separate rooms and dividers provided us with much-needed privacy and organization, making our trip even more enjoyable. Setting up the tent was also a breeze, thanks to the color-coded poles and clear instructions. The tent held up well in various weather conditions, keeping us dry and secure throughout.
One of the standout features was the ventilation system. Despite having a large group, the tent remained well-ventilated, preventing condensation and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. The built-in electrical access port was also a convenient feature that allowed us to stay connected and charge our devices.
However, there were a few drawbacks to the tent. The setup process was a bit slower than I expected, which could be an issue for those looking for a quick set up. Additionally, the rain fly was prone to leaking, which meant I needed to use an extra tarp for added protection. Despite these minor issues, the Coleman WeatherMaster Tent proved to be a valuable addition to our camping trips, delivering on its promises and providing a comfortable and spacious shelter for our family.

🔗Coleman 8-Person Evanston Screened Tent with Screen Room
I recently tested out the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent with Screen Room for a camping trip, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up! The snag-free pole sleeves and Insta-Clip attachments made it a breeze to assemble in less than 15 minutes. As someone who loves the great outdoors, there's nothing more bothersome than having bugs invade your tent. However, the fully screened porch and the four large windows provided maximum ventilation while keeping the bugs at bay.
The tent's 72-inch center height offered plenty of room for my sleeping bag, and the 1442 square feet of floor space was perfect for storing all my gear. The weather-resistant features, such as the taped seams and rainfly, ensured that I remained dry during a sudden rain shower.
The screened-in room was an excellent addition, offering extra space for ventilation or storage. However, one downside was the rainfly, which sometimes made it a bit darker inside the tent even on sunny days. Additionally, the tent was on the heavier side, making it a bit more challenging to transport longer distances.
Overall, the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent with Screen Room was a great choice for my camping trip. It provided a spacious and comfortable environment, while also offering a bug-free experience. Despite a few minor drawbacks, I believe this tent would be an excellent option for anyone planning a camping adventure.

🔗Powerful, All-In-One Camping Dome Tent with Rainfly and LED Lights
The Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent is the perfect companion for outdoor adventures with friends and family. Setting up the tent in my backyard under the sun took only 10 minutes, and the fan feature made sure I stayed cool during that hot summer day. The LED lighting system brightened up the tent, making it an enjoyable place to hang out.
The tent's OneSource Li-Ion rechargeable battery powered not only the integrated fan and LED lighting system but also charged my smartphone, making it a versatile and eco-friendly choice. The included rainfly and weather-resistant features added peace of mind in case of sudden showers.
Although the tent could fit more people, it was cozy enough for my family of four. The ample storage pouches provided a convenient place to store our essentials, while the netting around the tent allowed for enhanced ventilation to keep things fresh inside.
Overall, the Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent offered a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experience for my family, and the easy setup, battery-powered features, and weather-resistance made it a winner in our book.

🔗Weatherproof 6-Person Dome Tent with Full-Fly Vestibule from Cabela's
I recently had the chance to try out the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent at our family camping trip. This tent was quick and easy to set up, taking less than 5 minutes. One feature that stood out to me was the full-fly vestibule, providing extra weather protection and additional storage space. The nearly vertical walls also gave us an extra 20% more headroom compared to a traditional dome tent, making it comfortable for everyone inside.
However, there were a few downsides as well. The front door zipper design seemed problematic at times, causing issues when trying to access the tent. Additionally, there was a small hole that appeared in the floor after our first use, though we're unsure if it was already there or not. The tent was also quite heavy at 20 lbs, making it difficult to transport.
Overall, the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent had its ups and downs. The ease of setup and extra space were definitely pluses, but the zipper design and the tent's weight were drawbacks.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right Coleman dog tent involves considering several important factors to ensure your dog is comfortable and safe during outdoor adventures. In this guide, we'll discuss key features, considerations, and general advice to help you make the best decision.

Selecting the right tent size is crucial for comfortable and spacious accommodation for both your dog and essential items. Consider the size of your dog and the equipment you want to bring along. Additionally, the tent's interior structure, like loops or hooks, influences how well your dog can move around and maneuver within the space.

Weather Resistance

Coleman dog tents are famously known for their robust weather resistance. Factors affecting this include UV protection, waterproof materials, and ventilation. UV protection prevents sun damage while waterproof materials ensure your dog will stay dry even in wet conditions. Proper ventilation is essential, as it allows for air circulation to keep your dog cool and comfortable throughout their stay.

Ease of Set-up and Portability

A Coleman dog tent should be user-friendly and simple to set up. Look for models with pre-attached poles and guylines for easy setup and takedown. Additionally, portability is essential for camping trips, so consider the tent's overall weight and compact design for easy transportation.

Additional Features

Some Coleman dog tents offer additional features such as mesh windows for increased airflow, detachable rainfly for flexible weather protection, and sewn-in floors to prevent leakage and provide extra insulation.

Consider Your Dog's Needs

Ultimately, the most important aspect of selecting a Coleman dog tent is understanding your dog's individual needs and preferences. Consider factors like mobility, comfort, and safety, and choose a tent based on what's best for your furry friend.


What is the purpose of the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent is designed to provide a comfortable and secure space for dogs to sleep, relax, or play while outdoor activities. It can also be used as a temporary shelter for dogs during trips or events where they need to stay close to their human companions.

What is the size of the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent comes in various sizes to accommodate dogs of different breeds and sizes. Generally, they range from 72 inches to 96 inches in diameter, which translates to approximately 6 to 8 feet in length. Some models can accommodate two or more dogs, making them suitable for larger breeds. Be sure to check the specific product specifications to find the one that best suits your pet's needs.

What materials are used to make the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent is made of high-quality, durable materials to ensure long-lasting performance. It typically features a waterproof and UV-resistant polyester top layer to shield against sun and rain, while the bottom layer is usually made of heavy-duty, easy-to-clean fabric. Some models also have mesh panels for proper ventilation, making them comfortable for pets even in warm weather.

Can the Coleman Dog Tent be easily set up and taken down?

Yes, the Coleman Dog Tent is designed to be user-friendly and quick to set up at the campsite or on the go. It often features a simple clip-on design that allows you to attach it to a standard tule pole or any existing tent structure. Once your pet is settled inside, staking it down with provided stakes or clips ensures it remains in place during windy conditions. The take-down process is as straightforward as setting it up.

What are some features that make Coleman Dog Tent stand out from other dog tents?

  • The Coleman Dog Tent is made of high-quality, waterproof, and UV-resistant materials to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for pets.
  • It has mesh panels for proper ventilation, ensuring that pets stay cool and comfortable even in warm weather.
  • It boasts an easy setup and take-down process, with many models utilizing a simple clip-on design.
  • Coleman offers a range of sizes to accommodate dogs of different breeds and sizes, making it suitable for various pets.

Where can I find a Coleman Dog Tent?

You can find Coleman Dog Tents at a variety of outdoor and pet retail stores, both brick-and-mortar and online. Major online retailers such as Amazon and Walmart typically carry the products, and Coleman's official website (coleman. com) also stocks the entire line of Coleman Dog Tents.

What is the warranty period for the Coleman Dog Tent?

Coleman offers a one-year limited warranty for their dog tents. The warranty covers any manufacturing defects that may have occurred during production. Be sure to check the specific product manual for the warranty terms and conditions that apply to your Coleman Dog Tent.

Are Coleman Dog Tents suitable for dogs with long or thick fur?

Yes, Coleman Dog Tents can accommodate dogs with long or thick fur, as their venting system and material are designed to maintain a comfortable temperature for pets even with dense fur. However, it is always a good idea to check the specific product specifications for dimensions and ventilation to ensure your pet has enough space and airflow inside the tent.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:03 Jariiari7 Australians with dementia aren’t currently eligible for voluntary assisted dying. Should they be?

Dementia is the second leading cause of death for Australians aged over 65. More than 421,000 Australians currently live with dementia and this figure is expected to almost double in the next 30 years.
There is ongoing public discussion about whether dementia should be a qualifying illness under Australian voluntary assisted dying laws. Voluntary assisted dying is now lawful in all six states, but is not available for a person living with dementia.
The Australian Capital Territory has begun debating its voluntary assisted dying bill in parliament but the government has ruled out access for dementia. Its view is that a person should retain decision-making capacity throughout the process. But the bill includes a requirement to revisit the issue in three years.
The Northern Territory is also considering reform and has invited views on access to voluntary assisted dying for dementia.
Several public figures have also entered the debate. Most recently, former Australian Chief Scientist, Ian Chubb, called for the law to be widened to allow access.
Others argue permitting voluntary assisted dying for dementia would present unacceptable risks to this vulnerable group.
Current Australian voluntary assisted dying laws exclude access for people who seek to qualify because they have dementia.and this figure is expected to almost double in the next 30 years.
Continued in link People with dementia aren’t currently eligible for voluntary assisted dying. Should they be? (
submitted by Jariiari7 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:53 New_Echidna1007 Some notable food-related scams and fraud cases that occurred in India in recent times.

  1. Misleading Advertisements by Food Business Operators (FBOs):
    • The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) flagged 32 fresh cases where FBOs were found to be in violation of misleading advertisements and claims. These cases cover a range of products, including nutraceuticals, refined oils, pulses, flours, millet products, and ghee. FSSAI has referred the matter to licensing authorities to issue notices for withdrawing misleading claims or scientifically substantiating them. Violations of deceptive claims or advertisements are punishable offenses under the Food Safety and Standards Act⁵.
  2. Counterfeit Food and Beverage Items:
    • Some of the most counterfeited food and beverage items in India include:
      • Cumin Seeds: Adulterated with stone powder and broom bits.
      • Mustard Cooking Oil: Often misrepresented.
      • Ghee: Also subject to fraud.
      • Illegally-Produced Liquor: A common issue.
    • The Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) reported that overall counterfeit incidents in India rose by 24% year-on-year between 2018 and 2019, especially in the food and beverage sectors².
  3. Grains Scam Involving Food Corporation of India (FCI):
    • The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted raids in January 2023 at 50 FCI locations as part of a covert probe code-named ‘Kanak.’ The case involved 74 accused, including 34 serving and three retired officials. Grain merchants allegedly paid bribes to FCI officials for the procurement of low-quality food grains and other malpractices⁴.
  4. Alcohol Poisoning and Edible Oil Fraud:
    • India has been a hotspot for food and beverage adulteration cases. After the COVID-19 pandemic hit the region, alcohol emerged as the most vulnerable sector for counterfeits due to high demand and low enforcement. Cases of edible oil fraud have also increased³.
These incidents highlight the need for vigilance, stringent regulations, and consumer awareness to ensure food safety and authenticity. 🍽️🚫🤢
Source: (1) FSSAI finds 32 new cases of misleading ads, claims by food biz .... (2) India food fraud alarm: Much more needs to be done if ‘Make in India .... (3) CBI raids 50 Food Corporation of India locations over grains scam, two held. (4) Alcohol poisoning and edible oil fraud cases soar in India. (5) 14 Phishing Statistics & Trends [2024] Online Scams: Facts .... (6) 32 fresh cases flagged for misleading claims by food companies: FSSAI.
submitted by New_Echidna1007 to tsfns [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:08 Wisetechwords27 How to add images to metafields in shopify

Adding images to Shopify metafields involves creating a metafield definition and then populating that metafield with the desired image URLs.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
Step 1: Create a Metafield Definition
  1. Navigate to Settings > Metafields.
  2. Select the part of your store where you want to add the metafield (e.g., Products, Variants, Collections, etc.).
  3. Click on 'Add definition.'
  4. Fill out the necessary information:
    • Name: Enter a name for your metafield (e.g., "Custom Image").
    • Namespace and key: Use a namespace and key that makes sense for your store (e.g., "custom_fields.image").
    • Type: Select "File" and then "Image" from the type dropdown menu.
  5. Save

Step 2: Add an Image to the Metafield

  1. Go to the part of your store where you created the metafield definition (e.g., a specific product page).
  2. Scroll down to the Metafields section.
  3. Find your newly created metafield.
  4. Click on the 'Select file' button or drag and drop the image you want to use.
  5. Save the changes on the product or page.

Step 3: Display the Metafield Image in Your Theme

To display the metafield image on your storefront, you'll need to edit your theme's code:
  1. Navigate to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme you are using and click 'Actions' > 'Edit code'.
  3. Locate the appropriate template file (e.g., product.liquid for product pages).
  4. Add the following Liquid code to display the metafield image:

{% if product.metafields.custom_fields.image %} Custom Image {% endif %} 
Replace custom_fields and image with the namespace and key you used.

Example Scenario

Let's say you created a metafield for products to add a custom promotional image. Here's how you'd implement it:
  1. Create the metafield definition with the namespace custom_fields and key promo_image.
  2. Add an image to the metafield for a specific product.
  3. Edit the product.liquid file to include the following code where you want the image to appear:

{% if product.metafields.custom_fields.promo_image %} Promotional Image {% endif %} 
This code checks if the metafield exists and then displays the image using Shopify's img_url filter to generate the appropriate image URL.
By following these steps, you should be able to add and display images using Shopify metafields effectively. If you encounter any specific issues or have further questions, feel free to ask!
submitted by Wisetechwords27 to u/Wisetechwords27 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:50 Yurii_S_Kh “May we be that kind of crazy”. Conversation with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev about Orthodoxy on the Kolyma peninsula

“May we be that kind of crazy”. Conversation with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev about Orthodoxy on the Kolyma peninsula
Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev, a priest in the Protection monastery in Magadan, tells about the spiritual life in his city. He talks about well-worn stereotypes, “ordinary” Christian miracles, and how we should never get tired of trusting the Lord.
Trinity Cathedral in Magadan
The Russian antimension
Before 1989, our city was lacking not only a monastery; we didn’t have a single church. Before the Bolshevik persecutions against religion, there were churches, chapels and veneration crosses at various neighboring villages, on the coast, and in Cossack settlements. It wasn’t till the very end of the twentieth century when the persecution of the Christian faith finally officially stopped, and with the blessing of the Bishop of Khabarovsk, the very first Orthodox community was formed here. The first services were held in a private residence. This is where the Protection Monastery was later founded. Although it’s true that our city never even had a chance to have a church, because it started its life, so to speak, as a local GULAG camp in the early 1930s. That’s why any church was out of the question. We aren’t talking about the times of the Russian Empire, when churches were everywhere, and everyone, including exiles, convicts and other prisoners, always had the opportunity to attend a church service. But on the other hand, even if we didn’t have a physical church, it doesn’t mean that we had no Christians here. We have every reason to call both Solovki and Magadan and their surrounding territories an enormous Russian antimension spread under the open sky. How many new martyrs and confessors suffered here in very recent times!
One of the most revered local saints is the Venerable Confessor Andronik (Lukash), one of the elders of Glinsk Hermitage, whose relics rest in our Holy Trinity Cathedral. But there are many more saints like him—both those we know, and those known only to God. So, the place you stand is holy ground. I think we should know more about the holiness of this land.
Well-worn stereotypes
Fr. Joseph, how can we understand the salvific value of sufferings? How do we benefit from them if viewed from the Christian perspective? After all, not everyone who suffered here at Kolyma suffered for Christ’s sake. If we read the works of Varlam Shalamov1—it gives you jitters and you even can grow despondent.
—I have to say right away that neither I, nor many of the inhabitants of our region, are fans of Varlam Tikhonovich's literary work. You can’t find a glimpse of light in his writing. Besides, the locals say that not everything that he wrote is truthful. But let's leave Shalamov in peace, God rest his soul. As for the meaning and nature of suffering, in my opinion, there were prisoners (and there are still some—I have been conducting prison pastoral care since 1998 in our region, so I can talk to the prisoners) who truly suffered for the truth, for Christ’s sake, and for their loyalty to Him. But there were also some (moreover, many) who endured the hardship of imprisonment because, as many of them admit, they have been beneficial to them. They redeem from “other” sins for which they probably haven’t been “officially” convicted. These people tell me: “It’s better that I suffer here and now instead of later, in the afterlife.” I think this speaks of the humility cultivated in them. I used to meet real Christians behind bars, so we shouldn’t suppose that Kolyma is only for hardened thugs. But cultivating suffering—no, I will not do that. Let’s remember the words of the Apostle Peter: But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters (1 Peter 4:15).
But overall I, and the overwhelming majority of residents of Kolyma region, have already gotten quite tired of this reference, the stereotype regarding our land—that Magadan is all about the prisons, camps, tough guys in padded jackets with an inmate number, barbed wire, and so forth. It still works somehow as a gimmick for tourists, but our land has so much more and it can surprise in a good way by bring joy to someone “from the mainland.” Actually, have you noticed that we even say, “from the mainland”, despite the fact that Magadan is actually also a mainland city, while Yakutsk is only 2000 kilometers away from us?
Aha, right, “just” a mere couple of thousand kilometers—no big deal!
—But it is so beautiful, isn’t it?
The embankment
That's true. The sea knolls, the sea, your сhurches, the embankment, the central streets and museums—it's a pleasure to walk around!
—So, we don't live in the dreary past, nor do we relish the allure of prison life—we have other things to do and something and someone to pray about. We have much to do, and that’s good. Because you can’t, after all, rush around the country “seeking greener pastures”. It is better to get comfortable in your own clean, spacious, well stocked and hospitable home. But you’ll obtain this home only when you, and not some “fairy-tale do-gooder,” take care of it yourself. Besides, that “fairy-tale do-gooder” actually does offer support; we receive sizable support from the federal budget. And no, it’s not our thing to sit here whining and waiting for better times, unwilling to lift a finger to make those better times come.
The fruits of a recent sermon and “birth pangs” of the Apostle Paul
But let us return to the idea of the Russian antimension spread under the open sky. It seems to me that the whole of Russia can serve as such antimension, since persecutions happened all over Russia. So many churches and monasteries were destroyed! I think, we, the Christians of today, can’t come even close to Holy Russia of that time.
In the Protection monastery
And in qualitative terms?
—On the one hand, I can dwell on the problems like an old man—where our young generation (including priests) is heading, that they are the victims of the “upbringing” of the 1990s, that the former generations were “warriors, far better than you,”2 “unlike the current crop of youth,” and to some extent I would probably be right. On the other hand, as a modern-day priest, I see something joyful happening before my own eyes—I wouldn’t’ say holy, I should be careful here—but examples that speak of a worthy and often miraculous Christian life.
Let’s take our Protection Monastery, for example. As I already said, it was founded around a house of worship with the blessing of Bishop Gabriel of Khabarovsk as far back as 1992. There was a community there already, but they were able to obtain their own building, albeit a small and remote one, only in the 1990s. Vladyka used to visit us here several times a year, and this community grew larger over time. Later the Magadan diocese was formed, so when Vladyka Arkady came here together with the monks, they began to travel all over Kolyma as missionaries, visiting every village and hamlet, baptizing, serving, and having conversations. That’s how the life of the Church has gradually settled here. Much later, our monastery was built, and it currently has four elderly nuns headed by Matushka Nadezhda, the abbess.
It turns out that everyone has different gifts. One person is man of prayer, another is a master craftsman, and yet another one is an excellent organizer.
—I think the most difficult thing is to have only just begun the spiritual life—considering those “birth pangs” of the Apostle Paul. But later on, there comes a moment of great joy when you see that your community is growing in Christ. Thanks to Bishop Arkady’s labors, we were able to accomplish very much Above all, he succeeded in changing the attitude of the regional and city authorities towards the Church. And not just of the authorities, but also of our local people. Formerly, believers were called “relics of the past” and “pariahs,” despicable and worthless people with “issues,” who were crazy in the head. Now, largely thanks to missionary work, people have realized that first of all, Christ is risen, and secondly, His Resurrection directly affects each and every one of us. Do you choose to languish in the darkness of eternal complaints and death? Wouldn’t it be better to be joyful and work alongside Christ and His disciples? That’s where our choice is. It is, of course, a serious question—to what extent we sinners are worthy disciples of the Lord. But our failures don’t give us the right to forsake God, right? Judging from my own experience, I know how perplexed people were when we witnessed the faith. I remember how in the 1990s, when I was still working at a mining plant (I am a mine foreman by education), there was a lot of theft. And when someone made me an offer to “steal” at work, I replied that I was a Christian and I would not steal. They stared at me and kept looking at me for a long time as if I were insane. However, at any time, to follow Christ was always seen by the fallen world as a disease—we are not right in the head if we are Christians. God willing, may we be that kind of crazy.
Kolyma paradoxes and the miracles of Magadan
Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev with the patients of residential care facility
—The irony is that the site of the present-day Holy Trinity Cathedral in Magadan formerly housed the 1st administrative office of Dalstroy, the very consortium that brought workers, or rather slaves, to the GULAG. Later on, they decided to build the House of Soviets there, a huge one by local standards, around fourteen stories tall. But they never finished it; the structure cracked and it was impossible to commission it. That unfinished construction site has seen it all: drunken brawls, the stench of beer, teenagers committing suicide… It was horrible. But now it is the site of our magnificent Trinity Cathedral.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our hearts were also transformed?
—That is harder to achieve, of course. Especially now, when the war is going on, and when our boys return after witnessing all that death. What are we to do with them? God willing, some of them will find their way to the church, But what about the rest? After the Great Patriotic War, career military people were sent to work here—straight from active duty in the army, they became the camp guards. They say there was an unheard level of drunkenness here... I don't know what will happen now. We pray that we can overcome the ordeal that befell our military men and their families.
Yes, and more about the sick. Our monastery is on good and friendly terms with the staff at the psychoneurological residential care facility. Many patients and their staff come to us, and we also visit them. We hold services, we meet and talk to people, comforting them to the best of our abilities. Here is what I want to say: According to information from the residential facility’s staff, the vast majority of their patients (and it’s something like ninety percent!) are the children of drug addicts and alcoholics. And there are about four hundred people residing there! This is the sad part.
Now about the miracles so common for Christians. Have you noticed one young man at the service—a kind and caring one, who is smiling and willing to help everyone? This is our Sasha, and he also resides there. He came a long time ago, when the Protection Monastery had just been founded. Well, he sort of came, but he couldn’t say a word—he could only mumble something unintelligibly. Well, he kept mumbling something while we prayed together with him. All churches and communities have such people, so it’s not surprising. But one day we came to the morning service and saw our Sasha standing in front of the icon of the Mother of God, clearly reciting, “Rejoice O Virgin Mother of God.” Not only was he reciting it, but so eloquently that any pious church reader would be jealous! We stood there in amazement. Once he finished praying, we came closer. “Sasha, dearest, how did you learn to read, how do you know the words?” He answered so calmly but matter-of-factly: “This Auntie taught me!” and pointed to the icon of the Mother of God. We could only stand there in silence and continue praying. And that’s what we do! As for Sasha, he continues to come, almost never missing a service. He also helps around the monastery and assists at our meetings in his residential care facility.
So, we do have miracles, we can’t do without them. On the one hand, those miracles are truly our great support on our path to God. On the other hand, they give us a wonderful opportunity to pause and think that Christ does not work miracles without reason or purpose—any real miracle has its own meaning, and we always see God's love in it. We also have to work hard, even if we are spiritual invalids. We can still progress towards Heaven. If we ourselves don’t make an effort, of course there won’t be miracles! So I wish for us all to keeping working. And one more thing: If you ever happen to be in Kolyma, you are cordially invited to visit us!
Peter Davydov spoke with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev
1 Varlam Shalamov (June 18, 1907–January 17, 1982, was a poet and writer who spent much of the period from 1937 to 1951 imprisoned in forced-labor camps in the Arctic region of Kolyma, due in part to his support of Leon Trotsky and praise of writer Ivan Bunin. He is the author of Kolyma Tales, about life in the northern GULAG.—OC.
2 From the poem about the Battle of Borodino, Borodino, by Mikail Lermontov.—OC.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:26 Monicaa1994 30 year old woman looking to make new nudist friends and meet new people in Florida and New York

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing great. I am a 30 year old woman with 2 kids that I love the most in this world. I am a third generation nudist and I am proud I was raised like this. I love nude hiking , going to nude beaches and staying at resorts. I live in Utica NY and Ocala FL. I am looking to make new friends in the nudist world and meet new people I could enjoy doing nudist activities with. I am more interested in real meeting and irl activities than just online talking.
submitted by Monicaa1994 to NudistMeetup [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:17 AggravatingHat6061 CmfyUI - TypeError: Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 3),

Hi to everyone,
I have a problem, and i hope someone can help me to fix it.
I use "ComfyUI" inside"stabilityMatrix".
I did, like alway, the small, daily, ComfyUI's update.
After, i tried to generate an image and this error came:
!!! Exception during processing!!! Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 3), Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 3089, in fromarray
mode, rawmode = _fromarray_typemap[typekey]
KeyError: ((1, 1, 3), ' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 151, in recursive_execute
output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 81, in get_output_data
return_values = map_node_over_list(obj, input_data_all, obj.FUNCTION, allow_interrupt=True)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 74, in map_node_over_list
results.append(getattr(obj, func)(**slice_dict(input_data_all, i)))
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\comfyui-art-venture\modules\fooocus\", line 28, in sample
results = super().sample(*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 1344, in sample
return common_ksampler(model, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, latent_image, denoise=denoise)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 1314, in common_ksampler
samples = comfy.sample.sample(model, noise, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, latent_image,
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Impact-Pack\modules\impact\", line 9, in informative_sample
return original_sample(*args, **kwargs) # This code helps interpret error messages that occur within exceptions but does not have any impact on other operations.
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 37, in sample
samples = sampler.sample(noise, positive, negative, cfg=cfg, latent_image=latent_image, start_step=start_step, last_step=last_step, force_full_denoise=force_full_denoise, denoise_mask=noise_mask, sigmas=sigmas, callback=callback, disable_pbar=disable_pbar, seed=seed)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 761, in sample
return sample(self.model, noise, positive, negative, cfg, self.device, sampler, sigmas, self.model_options, latent_image=latent_image, denoise_mask=denoise_mask, callback=callback, disable_pbar=disable_pbar, seed=seed)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 663, in sample
return cfg_guider.sample(noise, latent_image, sampler, sigmas, denoise_mask, callback, disable_pbar, seed)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 650, in sample
output = self.inner_sample(noise, latent_image, device, sampler, sigmas, denoise_mask, callback, disable_pbar, seed)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 629, in inner_sample
samples = sampler.sample(self, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image, denoise_mask, disable_pbar)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 534, in sample
samples = self.sampler_function(model_k, noise, sigmas, extra_args=extra_args, callback=k_callback, disable=disable_pbar, **self.extra_options)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\", line 115, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\k_diffusion\", line 140, in sample_euler
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\comfy\", line 532, in
k_callback = lambda x: callback(x["i"], x["denoised"], x["x"], total_steps)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 94, in callback
preview_bytes = previewer.decode_latent_to_preview_image(preview_format, x0)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 18, in decode_latent_to_preview_image
preview_image = self.decode_latent_to_preview(x0)
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\", line 48, in decode_latent_to_preview
return Image.fromarray(latents_ubyte.numpy())
File "E:\StabilityMatrix\Packages\ComfyUI\venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 3092, in fromarray
raise TypeError(msg) from e
TypeError: Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 3), I tried to add another webUi, like fooocus, and i have alway the same problme.
Please, help me!!!
Thank you in advance to everyone will try to help me.
submitted by AggravatingHat6061 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:12 IcePopsicleDragon Senua's Saga: Hellblade I Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
  • Xbox Series X/S (May 21, 2024)
  • PC (May 21, 2024)
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 84 average - 86% recommended - 55 reviews
MetaCritic - 81 average - 34 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Few games in recent times have been able to do what Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has done: make me feel so engaged and immersed that I wish the feeling would never stop. It is a game that will keep you in constant awe throughout the playtime with its fantastic and mysterious story, incredible graphic and sound presentation and realistic and brutal combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.
But Why Tho? - Mick Abrahamson - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II won’t be for everyone. But if you are looking for a brutal continuation of a fantastic story that feels like you’re actually playing a movie, you’ll have a great time here.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 starts incredibly strong in the first half, but after certain revelations, the story speeds up to a point where the conclusion feels rushed and half-baked.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 95 / 100
It has been a very long time since I played a game as assured, polished, and emotionally affecting as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2.
Cerealkillerz - Steve Brieller - German - 7.9 / 10
If you expect an immersive but not so interactive “game”, Senua’s Saga Hellblade II delivers a short yet intense experience. Ninja Theory has once again skillfully created an impressive atmosphere, as they did in Senua’s Sacrifice. Unfortunately, the issues remain as well: Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either. So please keep in mind, that this is more a Hellblade 1.5 than a true sequel.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is well worth the wait and is a serious game of the year contender. Senua's follow-up journey is the best exploration of mental health that we've seen in games to date, using incredibly striking visual imagery, metaphors and immersive soundscapes to have you feel right there next to her. In what has to be the most photo-realistic game of all time, you're guaranteed to be constantly taken by the hero's adventure as you take in the beautiful and often haunting Viking Iceland. Through mud and dirt, blood and bones, Senua and Ninja Theory in turn bare all to you, the player. A masterpiece, benchmark and magnum opus, Hellblade II is crucial storytelling you won't soon forget.
Console Creatures - Patrick Tremblay - Recommended
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory shows that video games can be more than simple entertainment: they can be profound artistic and emotional explorations, capable of touching and transforming those who play them. This is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Iceland's darkness, where every step of Senua is a step towards self-discovery.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4 / 5
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a visual stunner for Xbox even if its gameplay isn't too creative.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Essential
Ninja Theory has finally delivered the long-awaited and provocative sequel to Hellblade, with one of the most impressive interactive cinematic experiences of the generation, which makes you question what is real and leaves you dreaming of the graphic potential of future games still on current consoles. - Christos Chatzisavvas - Greek - 9.5 / 10
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, Ninja Theory builds the game it dreamed of, creating a title on a larger scale than any other.
Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 continues Senua's story with grace, confidence, surprising brutality and thundering conviction.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 89%
The game sucks you skin and hair into its fantasy world and creates such an intense bond with the characters and their stories that you want to know at every second how the adventure ends.
Game Informer - Marcus Stewart - 9 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s conclusion ends on another strong note, and despite my initial reservations about continuing Senua’s story, I walked away happy to see her conquer new monsters, both literal and metaphorical.
GameSpot - Jess Cogswell - 6 / 10
Hellblade 2 is perhaps the most visually remarkable Xbox title to date, but is ultimately undermined by its emphasis on fidelity over story and gameplay.
GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 95 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a stunning and immersive storytelling experience that really puts the player into the mind of its titular character. It's even more narratively-focused than the first game (not to its detriment), with a bigger emphasis on how Senua sees and interacts with the world around her. The whole experience from start to finish has been beyond memorable.
Generación Xbox - Pedro del Pozo - Spanish - 9.3 / 10
Ninja Theory manages to place Senua in the Olympus of videogames with the most visually and sonorously powerful game we have seen so far. A spectacular, stunning and awe-inspiring journey.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.
INVEN - Soojin Kim - Korean - 8.5 / 10
The game's high level of immersion makes you want to play it from start to finish in one sitting. With outstanding audiovisual presentation and effects, it gives the feeling that you're playing a movie, not watching it. However, the gameplay elements, such as combat and puzzles, still lack significant meaning, which leads to rather disappoint feelings.
Kakuchopurei - Jonathan Leo - 80 / 100
While the story & gameplay's broad strokes might be familiar, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2's execution, perspective, and overall production values are just stellar and highlights Ninja Theory's strengths in delivering what it does best: story-heavy cinematic gaming. The characters are fleshed out and well-written, with proper focus on your main character and her turmoils that carry over from the first game, the fighting feels weighty and challenging without being completely frustrating, and the HUD-less approach to presentation is welcome.
Kotaku - Claire Jackson - Unscored
A spellbinding meditation on anguish and compassion, Hellblade II delivers one of the most gripping interactive and sensory experiences of 2024
Merlin'in Kazanı - Murat Oktay - Turkish - 89 / 100
The chaotic story of Senua continues. We set out to take revenge on the Viking raiders who have inflicted devastating losses on the people of Orkney.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 5 / 10
A joyless slog of barely interactive entertainment and a muddled portrayal of mental illness… that just so happens to have the best graphics ever on a video game console.
MondoXbox - Giuseppe Genga - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a true masterpiece: a deep and highly immersive narrative experience that manages to make us feel all the protagonist's torment within an impressively realistic world. Ninja Theory reveals itself to be one of the most valuable studios in the Xbox stable here, reaching levels of absolute excellence in graphics, audio, narration, and acting. A must-play.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 70 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II keeps the basics intact, and while a strong lead character, great animations, and simple but enjoyable combat continue to deliver, the poor pacing and performance issues prevent this sequel from breaking free of its past.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is the best-looking game we've ever played - a true visual powerhouse backed by an emotionally charged story and gripping dark fantasy setting, if you can look past some of its shortcomings.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling and impeccable audio design for Ninja Theory. It is an emotionally powerful experience that depicts a sensitive subject that is hardly talked about in the medium.
To achieve this, the game stripped out several features and systems like combat and exploration in favor of a deeper narrative affair. This is not for everyone, but it is something I would encourage everyone to try at least try out.
Oyungezer Online - Onur Kaya - Turkish - 8 / 10
Next gen graphics and presentation is now among us, next gen game design on the other hand, will be running late.
PC Gamer - Robin Valentine - 58 / 100
Despite its greater scale and visual splendour, this sequel fails to escape the shadow of its predecessor with a muddled tale that Senua herself feels out of place in.
PCGamesN - Cheri Faulkner - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is an impeccable story of coming to terms with trauma and making difficult decisions, punctuated by moments of outstanding beauty and strength.
Pixel Arts - Danial Dehghani - Persian - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a stellar example of a sequel done right, building on the elements that made the original a landmark in gaming. It stays true to its roots, prioritizing depth and atmosphere over broad appeal. Fans of the first game will find much to love here, as it remains a unique and compelling experience. However, if the original didn't resonate with you, Hellblade 2 follows a similar path and might not change your mind.
Polygon - Yussef Cole - Unscored
Where the first game felt like a journey of self-discovery, both for Senua and for the player, Hellblade 2 feels more invested in creating the myth of Senua: Senua as legendary giant slayer, as mystical seer touched by the underworld.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is yet another arresting, artful chapter in an adventure now two games long. Though it might approach iteration with a very safe hand, only going so far as to correct the original's shortcomings, Ninja Theory's clear strengths in story craft, audiovisual design, as well as their care for the dark subject matter manage to shine through brighter than ever before.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II emerges as a visual and storytelling masterpiece, and is unquestionably the best-looking game I've witnessed on Xbox Series X since its launch.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Rick Lane - Unscored
A more uncompromising version of the first game, Hellblade 2 offers a well told story and immaculate presentation. But it's also even simpler, to the point where it treats interaction like an inconvenience. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is, at its core, a short game, but an excellent one. But it's not for everyone. It's a bloody and often disgusting experience based on strong emotions and immersion in a character that just won't let you go. It's more of an artistic experience than a traditional game.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10
An exceptionally well realized portrayal of Senua's struggle both real and praying on her fears, with brutal and satisfying combat and puzzles that require you to appreciate the world. It successfully continues what the first game started and improves upon almost every aspect.
Seasoned Gaming - Ainsley Bowden - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga is a journey unlike any other. It's fantastical, evocative, and demonstrative of Ninja Theory being masters of their craft.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 still does incredibly well. The new story is weighty, the audio is exceptional, the scenery is ridiculously dense and rich, and the combat feels intense and impactful in new and interesting ways.
Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 3.5 / 5
The newest chapter in Senua’s story is powerfully told but feels like it’s missing a few pages.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Senua's Saga is as strong as its predecessor, if not more, and delivers both in its storytelling and on the technical side. The gameplay, however, has still a lot of room for improvements and boils down to almost-QTE combat and boring puzzles. An experience more than an actual and so-called video game, but an experience worth living nonetheless.
Stevivor - Jay Ball - 9.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 is a video game only on its surface. Scratch that away and you’ll see that it’s a deep, thought-provoking, interactive experience proving games are an art form that demands skill and talent. Ninja Theory should be very proud.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II features intense audio, beautiful graphics, and wonderful camera work, creating a powerful presentation that’s worth experiencing. However, the narrative doesn’t quite stick the landing.
The Escapist - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

The Outerhaven Productions - Jordan Andow - 5 / 5
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II sets a new bar for performances and presentation. Combined with smart improvements to gameplay, it is arguably the most cinematic, immersive, story-driven experience we’ve ever seen.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - Unscored
Just like its forbear, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an oppressive, powerful and haunting example of the power of video games, and one that sets its own parameters for what a digital experience can be. It is a game that must be experienced, not least because, there’s nothing else quite like it.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 10 / 10
What Ninja Theory has achieved transcends reality, creating a work that is practically perfect for what it aimed to be: an audiovisual adventure with a strong narrative component. Beyond state-of-the-art graphics and sound that will undoubtedly set a standard in the coming years, what truly astonishes is the maturity with which the team has taken an excellent game like the first Hellblade and molded it into something so qualitatively impressive that it becomes difficult to even describe. This elevates the medium to a new communicative level, capable of evoking emotions and surprising players from start to finish. Experiences like Hellblade 2, which leave a lasting impression on the soul, are few and far between in a generation, and we can only rejoice in seeing how the beautiful artistic vision of the Ninja Theory team has become a reality.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 feels like a living, breathing shapeshifter, manipulating its surroundings around the player with precision and consistency, making it one of the most visually stunning video games of this generation. This is an amazing title that carefully balances its artistic and gaming ambitions, a masterpiece that I encourage any gamer to experience.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 9 / 10
Ninja Theory has created an outstanding sequel with Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. An unforgettable narrative adventure that is brought to life through impeccable sound design, fantastic visuals, and a story that will stick with you long after the final credits roll. Hellblade 2 is one of the best games Xbox has to offer.
TrueGaming - عمر العمودي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a technical achievement for the gaming industry, the visuals are impressive and realistic in a way we haven't seen before and the audio design is very impressive. The game itself though, we think it could've offered more as puzzles are repetitive and combat is quite limited. However, the storytelling is strong in this chapter of Senua's journey, though it feels heavy and depressing.
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 9 / 10
Though uncomfortably bleak and distressing, Helldivers 2 is something truly special.
WellPlayed - James Wood - 6 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is an achievement in visual fidelity but fails to define itself amid clumsy retreads and unengaging new ideas.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a beautiful but ultimately hollow game. The fantastic presentation props up a story that is less personal and engaging than in the first game, and the gameplay feels like an afterthought. It was great to see Senua again and to see her outside of the grief-misery she was enveloped in during the first game, but beyond that, there's not much to Hellblade II. It's a short and less memorable experience that shows off Ninja Theory's visual craft to its fullest - but it achieves little else.
Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 90%
While Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 might not set any new standards with its simplistic gameplay mechanics, from an audio-visual experience standpoint, it's frankly quite a stunning experience. Hellblade 2 is as close to playing the leading role in a big budget movie as you’re likely to get, and Ninja Theory’s continued coverage on the complexities of severe mental health issues deserves to be commended once more. Bravo, Ninja Theory. Bravo.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 10 / 10
Despite the backing of a company as large and as well-funded as Microsoft, Ninja Theory have, in my opinion, nurtured their independent spirit and kept it well and truly alive in every facet of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II. It's brutal. It's breath-taking. It's brilliant. If this is “Independent AAA”?
Sign me up for more. - Bartosz Michalik - Polish - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is undoubtedly one of the best games of this year. Not only does it shine in terms of audio-visual setting, but also in terms of story. The only element that could be considered caveat is at the same time its greatest asset, namely cinematography. Sometimes one gets the impression that the developers, in an effort to achieve the best possible effect, had to make a lot of compromises, which significantly limited the gameplay possibilities. Nevertheless, for a great narrative and immersion, this is something to turn a blind eye to.
submitted by IcePopsicleDragon to hellblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 Turbostrider27 Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
  • Xbox Series X/S (May 21, 2024)
  • PC (May 21, 2024)
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 84 average - 86% recommended - 55 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Few games in recent times have been able to do what Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has done: make me feel so engaged and immersed that I wish the feeling would never stop. It is a game that will keep you in constant awe throughout the playtime with its fantastic and mysterious story, incredible graphic and sound presentation and realistic and brutal combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.
But Why Tho? - Mick Abrahamson - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II won’t be for everyone. But if you are looking for a brutal continuation of a fantastic story that feels like you’re actually playing a movie, you’ll have a great time here.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 starts incredibly strong in the first half, but after certain revelations, the story speeds up to a point where the conclusion feels rushed and half-baked.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 95 / 100
It has been a very long time since I played a game as assured, polished, and emotionally affecting as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2.
Cerealkillerz - Steve Brieller - German - 7.9 / 10
If you expect an immersive but not so interactive “game”, Senua’s Saga Hellblade II delivers a short yet intense experience. Ninja Theory has once again skillfully created an impressive atmosphere, as they did in Senua’s Sacrifice. Unfortunately, the issues remain as well: Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either. So please keep in mind, that this is more a Hellblade 1.5 than a true sequel.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is well worth the wait and is a serious game of the year contender. Senua's follow-up journey is the best exploration of mental health that we've seen in games to date, using incredibly striking visual imagery, metaphors and immersive soundscapes to have you feel right there next to her. In what has to be the most photo-realistic game of all time, you're guaranteed to be constantly taken by the hero's adventure as you take in the beautiful and often haunting Viking Iceland. Through mud and dirt, blood and bones, Senua and Ninja Theory in turn bare all to you, the player. A masterpiece, benchmark and magnum opus, Hellblade II is crucial storytelling you won't soon forget.
Console Creatures - Patrick Tremblay - Recommended
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory shows that video games can be more than simple entertainment: they can be profound artistic and emotional explorations, capable of touching and transforming those who play them. This is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Iceland's darkness, where every step of Senua is a step towards self-discovery.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4 / 5
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a visual stunner for Xbox even if its gameplay isn't too creative.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Essential
Ninja Theory has finally delivered the long-awaited and provocative sequel to Hellblade, with one of the most impressive interactive cinematic experiences of the generation, which makes you question what is real and leaves you dreaming of the graphic potential of future games still on current consoles. - Christos Chatzisavvas - Greek - 9.5 / 10
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, Ninja Theory builds the game it dreamed of, creating a title on a larger scale than any other.
Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 continues Senua's story with grace, confidence, surprising brutality and thundering conviction.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 89%
The game sucks you skin and hair into its fantasy world and creates such an intense bond with the characters and their stories that you want to know at every second how the adventure ends.
Game Informer - Marcus Stewart - 9 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s conclusion ends on another strong note, and despite my initial reservations about continuing Senua’s story, I walked away happy to see her conquer new monsters, both literal and metaphorical.
GameSpot - Jess Cogswell - 6 / 10
Hellblade 2 is perhaps the most visually remarkable Xbox title to date, but is ultimately undermined by its emphasis on fidelity over story and gameplay.
GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 95 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a stunning and immersive storytelling experience that really puts the player into the mind of its titular character. It's even more narratively-focused than the first game (not to its detriment), with a bigger emphasis on how Senua sees and interacts with the world around her. The whole experience from start to finish has been beyond memorable.
Generación Xbox - Pedro del Pozo - Spanish - 9.3 / 10
Ninja Theory manages to place Senua in the Olympus of videogames with the most visually and sonorously powerful game we have seen so far. A spectacular, stunning and awe-inspiring journey.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.
INVEN - Soojin Kim - Korean - 8.5 / 10
The game's high level of immersion makes you want to play it from start to finish in one sitting. With outstanding audiovisual presentation and effects, it gives the feeling that you're playing a movie, not watching it. However, the gameplay elements, such as combat and puzzles, still lack significant meaning, which leads to rather disappoint feelings.
Kakuchopurei - Jonathan Leo - 80 / 100
While the story & gameplay's broad strokes might be familiar, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2's execution, perspective, and overall production values are just stellar and highlights Ninja Theory's strengths in delivering what it does best: story-heavy cinematic gaming. The characters are fleshed out and well-written, with proper focus on your main character and her turmoils that carry over from the first game, the fighting feels weighty and challenging without being completely frustrating, and the HUD-less approach to presentation is welcome.
Kotaku - Claire Jackson - Unscored
A spellbinding meditation on anguish and compassion, Hellblade II delivers one of the most gripping interactive and sensory experiences of 2024
Merlin'in Kazanı - Murat Oktay - Turkish - 89 / 100
The chaotic story of Senua continues. We set out to take revenge on the Viking raiders who have inflicted devastating losses on the people of Orkney.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 5 / 10
A joyless slog of barely interactive entertainment and a muddled portrayal of mental illness… that just so happens to have the best graphics ever on a video game console.
MondoXbox - Giuseppe Genga - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a true masterpiece: a deep and highly immersive narrative experience that manages to make us feel all the protagonist's torment within an impressively realistic world. Ninja Theory reveals itself to be one of the most valuable studios in the Xbox stable here, reaching levels of absolute excellence in graphics, audio, narration, and acting. A must-play.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 70 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II keeps the basics intact, and while a strong lead character, great animations, and simple but enjoyable combat continue to deliver, the poor pacing and performance issues prevent this sequel from breaking free of its past.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is the best-looking game we've ever played - a true visual powerhouse backed by an emotionally charged story and gripping dark fantasy setting, if you can look past some of its shortcomings.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling and impeccable audio design for Ninja Theory. It is an emotionally powerful experience that depicts a sensitive subject that is hardly talked about in the medium.
To achieve this, the game stripped out several features and systems like combat and exploration in favor of a deeper narrative affair. This is not for everyone, but it is something I would encourage everyone to try at least try out.
Oyungezer Online - Onur Kaya - Turkish - 8 / 10
Next gen graphics and presentation is now among us, next gen game design on the other hand, will be running late.
PC Gamer - Robin Valentine - 58 / 100
Despite its greater scale and visual splendour, this sequel fails to escape the shadow of its predecessor with a muddled tale that Senua herself feels out of place in.
PCGamesN - Cheri Faulkner - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is an impeccable story of coming to terms with trauma and making difficult decisions, punctuated by moments of outstanding beauty and strength.
Pixel Arts - Danial Dehghani - Persian - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a stellar example of a sequel done right, building on the elements that made the original a landmark in gaming. It stays true to its roots, prioritizing depth and atmosphere over broad appeal. Fans of the first game will find much to love here, as it remains a unique and compelling experience. However, if the original didn't resonate with you, Hellblade 2 follows a similar path and might not change your mind.
Polygon - Yussef Cole - Unscored
Where the first game felt like a journey of self-discovery, both for Senua and for the player, Hellblade 2 feels more invested in creating the myth of Senua: Senua as legendary giant slayer, as mystical seer touched by the underworld.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is yet another arresting, artful chapter in an adventure now two games long. Though it might approach iteration with a very safe hand, only going so far as to correct the original's shortcomings, Ninja Theory's clear strengths in story craft, audiovisual design, as well as their care for the dark subject matter manage to shine through brighter than ever before.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II emerges as a visual and storytelling masterpiece, and is unquestionably the best-looking game I've witnessed on Xbox Series X since its launch.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Rick Lane - Unscored
A more uncompromising version of the first game, Hellblade 2 offers a well told story and immaculate presentation. But it's also even simpler, to the point where it treats interaction like an inconvenience. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is, at its core, a short game, but an excellent one. But it's not for everyone. It's a bloody and often disgusting experience based on strong emotions and immersion in a character that just won't let you go. It's more of an artistic experience than a traditional game.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10
An exceptionally well realized portrayal of Senua's struggle both real and praying on her fears, with brutal and satisfying combat and puzzles that require you to appreciate the world. It successfully continues what the first game started and improves upon almost every aspect.
Seasoned Gaming - Ainsley Bowden - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga is a journey unlike any other. It's fantastical, evocative, and demonstrative of Ninja Theory being masters of their craft.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 still does incredibly well. The new story is weighty, the audio is exceptional, the scenery is ridiculously dense and rich, and the combat feels intense and impactful in new and interesting ways.
Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 3.5 / 5
The newest chapter in Senua’s story is powerfully told but feels like it’s missing a few pages.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Senua's Saga is as strong as its predecessor, if not more, and delivers both in its storytelling and on the technical side. The gameplay, however, has still a lot of room for improvements and boils down to almost-QTE combat and boring puzzles. An experience more than an actual and so-called video game, but an experience worth living nonetheless.
Stevivor - Jay Ball - 9.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 is a video game only on its surface. Scratch that away and you’ll see that it’s a deep, thought-provoking, interactive experience proving games are an art form that demands skill and talent. Ninja Theory should be very proud.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II features intense audio, beautiful graphics, and wonderful camera work, creating a powerful presentation that’s worth experiencing. However, the narrative doesn’t quite stick the landing.
The Escapist - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

The Outerhaven Productions - Jordan Andow - 5 / 5
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II sets a new bar for performances and presentation. Combined with smart improvements to gameplay, it is arguably the most cinematic, immersive, story-driven experience we’ve ever seen.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - Unscored
Just like its forbear, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an oppressive, powerful and haunting example of the power of video games, and one that sets its own parameters for what a digital experience can be. It is a game that must be experienced, not least because, there’s nothing else quite like it.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 10 / 10
What Ninja Theory has achieved transcends reality, creating a work that is practically perfect for what it aimed to be: an audiovisual adventure with a strong narrative component. Beyond state-of-the-art graphics and sound that will undoubtedly set a standard in the coming years, what truly astonishes is the maturity with which the team has taken an excellent game like the first Hellblade and molded it into something so qualitatively impressive that it becomes difficult to even describe. This elevates the medium to a new communicative level, capable of evoking emotions and surprising players from start to finish. Experiences like Hellblade 2, which leave a lasting impression on the soul, are few and far between in a generation, and we can only rejoice in seeing how the beautiful artistic vision of the Ninja Theory team has become a reality.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 feels like a living, breathing shapeshifter, manipulating its surroundings around the player with precision and consistency, making it one of the most visually stunning video games of this generation. This is an amazing title that carefully balances its artistic and gaming ambitions, a masterpiece that I encourage any gamer to experience.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 9 / 10
Ninja Theory has created an outstanding sequel with Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. An unforgettable narrative adventure that is brought to life through impeccable sound design, fantastic visuals, and a story that will stick with you long after the final credits roll. Hellblade 2 is one of the best games Xbox has to offer.
TrueGaming - عمر العمودي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a technical achievement for the gaming industry, the visuals are impressive and realistic in a way we haven't seen before and the audio design is very impressive. The game itself though, we think it could've offered more as puzzles are repetitive and combat is quite limited. However, the storytelling is strong in this chapter of Senua's journey, though it feels heavy and depressing.
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 9 / 10
Though uncomfortably bleak and distressing, Helldivers 2 is something truly special.
WellPlayed - James Wood - 6 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is an achievement in visual fidelity but fails to define itself amid clumsy retreads and unengaging new ideas.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a beautiful but ultimately hollow game. The fantastic presentation props up a story that is less personal and engaging than in the first game, and the gameplay feels like an afterthought. It was great to see Senua again and to see her outside of the grief-misery she was enveloped in during the first game, but beyond that, there's not much to Hellblade II. It's a short and less memorable experience that shows off Ninja Theory's visual craft to its fullest - but it achieves little else.
Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 90%
While Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 might not set any new standards with its simplistic gameplay mechanics, from an audio-visual experience standpoint, it's frankly quite a stunning experience. Hellblade 2 is as close to playing the leading role in a big budget movie as you’re likely to get, and Ninja Theory’s continued coverage on the complexities of severe mental health issues deserves to be commended once more. Bravo, Ninja Theory. Bravo.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 10 / 10
Despite the backing of a company as large and as well-funded as Microsoft, Ninja Theory have, in my opinion, nurtured their independent spirit and kept it well and truly alive in every facet of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II. It's brutal. It's breath-taking. It's brilliant. If this is “Independent AAA”?
Sign me up for more. - Bartosz Michalik - Polish - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is undoubtedly one of the best games of this year. Not only does it shine in terms of audio-visual setting, but also in terms of story. The only element that could be considered caveat is at the same time its greatest asset, namely cinematography. Sometimes one gets the impression that the developers, in an effort to achieve the best possible effect, had to make a lot of compromises, which significantly limited the gameplay possibilities. Nevertheless, for a great narrative and immersion, this is something to turn a blind eye to.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:55 IamPankie I was screwed over. What legal steps to take, if any.

Howzit everyone. I need advise please. I'm in sales doing b2b business development and account management. As COVID was happening and people were losing jobs, I unfortunately was also not spared. The company I worked for at that time lost one of their key contracts and COVID compounded the issue leading to massive revenue losses.
Because of the nature of my work, I decided then that it wouldn't make sense for me to wait in the unemployment line so I went out on my own. I registered a business and offered outsourced lead generation, business development and or account management services to my customers. The first obvious customer was my previous employer. They got the benefit of having an extended sales capacity that they didn't pay for until a deal was closed and I benefitted from being compensated around 30% GP from all sales I generated. It wasn't long until I had a few more customers, all small businesses, some more established than others. It was slow but I managed to get by until one day I received a call from a woman that got my number from my previous employer and she was looking for an independent consultant to help her with sales. She used to be an exec with Vodacom and when she left, she applied to be a reseller of Vodacom Business Solutions through Vodacom Business.
I explained very clearly that I'm only taking on customers as a business and not independent consultant. I explained the nature of my business and how I expect compensation and after a few lengthy discussion, we decided to go into business together. This is where I think I f@#$d up.
I sent her my standard contract and she informed me that she had a template of her own that was more compliant with Vodacoms requirements. She sent it to me, I signed it and was so excited to be selling Vodacom Business Solutions, I didn't mind overlooking a few red flags.
She didn't sign the contract and send it back to me because in a short space of time, we had developed a very "close friendship" and would have very meaningful conversations about our lives and families. My mother had just died a month or so prior so I was also very emotionally vulnerable to be paying attention.
Anyways, time passes, now and again I speak to her about the contract and she has this and that excuse but primarily plays on the trust factors. That we've become so close I shouldn't worry too much about the contract as the work is already underway.
Luckily (I think) there is a lot of online communication between us about this agreement, on WhatsApp and via email that it made me feel somewhat secure that even if she doesn't sign the contract, the terms are discussed and agreed to in someway over text and email.
I brought in a customer very early on and we spent over a year working with this customer on a deal that I structured. We built a very strong relationship with this customer and would often have late night online meetings working to finalize this deal. It was supposed to be the deal that means financial freedom for myself and my partner. I stood to make over 100k per month on the lowest estimates.
Well, we eventually signed the deal and had a good sized media splash and very expensive launch paid for by Vodacom to help us get the ball rolling. And this is where shit went South.
My partner at this stage started treating me like an employee and not a business partner in the deal. When it was time for me to add the capacity I needed to my business in order for us to deliver the numbers we needed, she objected very strongly and said that I had no right to hire anyone without her say so and that anyone I bring in would not be allowed anywhere near this project. She expected that I would carry the workload myself. When I brought up the contract that SHE herself sent, that I signed and we agreed to in multiple conversations, she claimed that her understanding of our deal was different and that I'm a consultant of her business and not a partner. When I requested that we involve a mediator she immediately shut that down and instructed me to stop all contact with the customer that I brought to her. So I did, not wanting to ruin a deal that I had worked so hard for. I thought she and I would have resolve the matter ourselves, even though I was surprised by her actions. It was like dealing with a completely different person.
Soon after our fall out, I had no choice but to go find a paying job. I had spent so much time and effort on this one deal, I had no other prospects and my family was struggling very badly at this point. We were all counting on this deal to set us free.
It's been about 15 months since I last made contact with her. This was my first time trying to legitimately run a business of my own and the journey has humbled me and made me aware just how dishonest people can be where money is concerned. This entire time I've had to funnel every cent I had towards covering some of the massive financial holes I got my family into. Luckily the sales business pays a descent salary so we are almost out of the waters.
I need advise from all you beautiful legal minds on how to proceed. I want to take this woman on. I have a lot of communication between us and there is no denying that the work on my part was done. Her contract is pretty clear too on the nature of our agreement even though she didn't signt it herself. The customer can attest to my work ethic too.
I have never dealt with lawyers before and have never had a single legal issue that required the assistance of a lawyer, so I'm stuck on where to even begin. Please assist.
submitted by IamPankie to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:50 Gaswden Tech market brings important development opportunities, AIGC is firmly top 1 in the current technology field

The year of 2023 has been a unique year for AI which occured countless product launches, power changes within the company, and the race to launch the next major AIGC innovation.
Currently, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been huge success, prompting each major technology company to release its own version. Large technology companies have fully invested in the development of generative AI, and various AI models have emerged, such as Meta LLaMA 2, Google’s Bard chatbot and Gemini
In addition, generative AI allows artificial intelligence technology to develop, bringing a historical turning point in the large-scale adoption of machine learning. The new round of technological revolution initiated by generative AI is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people today, which means that a huge historical opportunity is coming.
From an application point of view, various applications derived from generative AI are gradually trying to land in various industries, including art generation, text generation, music generation, and more complex tasks, such as video generation and virtual reality environment generation. Generative AI-based knowledge base search, text summary, content, or code creation takes productivity to a new stage.
Generative artificial intelligence (AIGC) is firmly top 1 in the current technology field, and AIGC represents a new trend of AI technology development. In the past, traditional AI favored analytical capabilities, but now AI is generating new content, making a leap from perceptual understanding of the world to creating the world. According to the prediction of industry insiders, from 2024, it will enter the era of generative AI applications, and even become the 2.0 era of changing traditional industries.
Generated AI will contribute about $7 trillion to the global economy and increase the overall economic benefits of AI by about 50 percent, according to data released by leading consultancy McKinsey. According to the “Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends of 2024” released by global IT research and consulting firm Gartner, by 2026, more than 80% of enterprises will be connected to generative AI or large models, but the proportion is less than 5% at the beginning of 2023.
Companies began to compete in the AI field
Due to the rise of generative AI, especially the application of large language model, is fundamentally change the operation of technology industry, industry technology is driven by AI into a new era, this will prompt generative AI and industry model technology, no longer limited to the boundary of the industry, become an important strategic development direction of technology giants.
In January, Microsoft released Azure OpenAI services by combining Azure’s enterprise capabilities with OpenAI’s generative AI model capabilities; in March, Google opened the API of the AI big model PaLM and introduced generative AI into Google’s enterprise online collaboration platform Google Workspace.
Amazon entered generative AI a little later than Microsoft and Google, but the company has not followed the two giants, taking a new approach. According to the news, Amazon recently announced the launch of a number of blockbuster releases around the theme of reconstructing cloud infrastructure, computing, storage, and enterprise generated AI, to help cloud customers quickly realize digital transformation and improve the speed of enterprise generated AI innovation.
In addition, Amazon has introduced five new Amazon SageMaker features that make it easier and faster for enterprises to build, train and deploy machine learning models that support a variety of generative AI usage scenarios, enabling customers to easily integrate generative AI into their workflow.
WiMi Hologram Cloud leads to the future of generative AI
With the continuous transition of the base of generated AI, the scenario landing of application innovation in various industries has gradually entered the fast lane. This is a track with huge room for growth. For enterprises seeking business competitiveness, generative AI will undoubtedly provide new opportunities for enterprises to transform and upgrade. Public information shows that the world’s leading AI technology enterprise WiMi Hologram Cloud(NASDAQ: WIMI) coverage from the universe, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, motion capture, 3D real-time rendering innovation technology, at the same time speed up the layout of generative AI in retail electricity, advertising, financial and other industries penetration, accelerate the formation of industry power, drive industrial innovation bring more possible in the future.
According to public information, WiMi Hologram Cloud is committed to cutting-edge research and development in the field of artificial intelligence, and constantly expands its application scope. It has excellent technical strength and rich experience in application scenarios. Now, generative AI is becoming a hot spot in the industry. WiMi Hologram Cloud will use existing AI models and technical strength, and use new AIGC technology to empower various industries, so as to provide more intelligent solutions and help vertical industries complete the development of digital intelligence, so as to achieve comprehensive empowerment.
Obviously, more and more enterprises have found an effective path for business transformation and application innovation, and generative AI has been at the critical point of comprehensive explosion. As one of the leading enterprises in the layout of AIGC, WiMi Hologram Cloud’s strategic choices and action path at historic nodes will help to establish and maintain long-term core competitive advantages in the field of generative artificial intelligence, and set a new benchmark for the evolution of enterprise-level generative AI.
The emergence of AIGC is bringing disruptive changes to every industry, leading all industries to an era of efficiency. It is foreseeable that AIGC is both an important opportunity and an inevitable trend. With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, the capability and quality of AIGC are also constantly improving. In the future, the application scenarios will be more diversified, which will bring more possibilities for all walks of life.
submitted by Gaswden to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:48 justahoustonpervert Megathread 5: The desolation of power.

Report your zip and general location at the beginning of your comments.
If you have a resource you want me to tack on to this post, tag me or send it through chat request.
Additionally, if your church or organization is offering help to the public, I'll post it on this thread, but let's follow the zip code rule.
Also, remember you're not the only one going through this and be thoughtful and empathetic to those around you and the resources you're obtaining.
Don't be a Karen.
Here's the centerpoint outage tracker.
Centerpoint's power alert center.
311 is a resource you can call if you need a question that can't easily be found on reddit or Googled.
988 for stress and suicide prevention if you simply need someone to talk to. Reach out to someone if you're feeling overwhelmed.
For domestic issues, the website is below. Please reach out.
The Houston food bank, if you need a bit of help, or if you're fortunate enough to share, please do so. Cash helps.
Cooling centers
Updated cooling centers:
The Red Cross has resources to help you or provide direction of where to get help.
For scams and price gouging:
FEMA once the area is declared a disaster by the government.
Those that are running generators:
Please check your manuals as to when and how you need to change your oil.
In another thread, it was suggested that a change for every 24 hr run is needed.
Various pet shelters are overwhelmed and can use volunteers and funds. Please help your local one in any way possible.
If you see a pet, especially one with a collar, please take into account it escaped during the storm and their parents are looking for it and see if you can help it get back to its home.
If you need to evacuate your home due to damage, please tack into this thread or start a new one to help others go through the same process.
This should help our collective knowledge of others in the future need to do so.
FEMA is offering $750 for food and other expenses.
Info at the news site:
How to get help from FEMA if you were impacted by last week's destructive storms
I'd like more input on your personal lessons learned from this experience in how to improve your preparations for storms or similar situations.
That's all for now.
submitted by justahoustonpervert to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:35 zrtuhzfdgzdfg What's the Basketball Network to watch 'Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics' live fRee NBA streams?

What's the Basketball Network to watch 'Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics' live fRee NBA streams? Hey fellow NBA viewers. As I’ve been watching Basketball for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty nba playoffs live streams. Is the NBA Basketball 2024 streamed anywhere online or is there anyone who typically puts one up? How to watch the Basketball Final live?
🔴Visit► NBA Streams
🔴Here► NBA Basketball 2024 Live
What app/website are you using to watch the NBA? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the Basketball.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Hockey and haven't found a great way to watch Basketball 2024 for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or NBA Pacers vs Celtics Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by zrtuhzfdgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]