Religious graduation craft ideas

Vancouver Screenwriters

2018.07.07 01:57 wemustburncarthage Vancouver Screenwriters

A subreddit for screenwriters in Vancouver, British Columbia

2012.10.01 13:44 cinemachick Give a Card, Get a Card- Cards for everyone, everywhere!

Like getting cards in the mail or in your inbox? Request one! Like making cards? Send one to someone who'd love to get it! It's as easy as that. :D

2024.05.22 02:40 Zestyclose_Buyer1625 Is Princess Carolyn a narcissist?

I saw another post that said the same but they didn't go into any detail. The way she has to go from person to person fixing their life. It's a way to distract herself from the reality of her situation. By her being a miracle worker to everyone around her, it gives her a grandiose sense of self. People need her in their life yadda yadda as I think I remember her freaking out a few times. She is oblivious to a lot of things important to a lot of people and really only cares about what gets the ball rolling or what will save her personal relationships. With narcissists, they need to be fed validation for their social work and power. If they don't, they collapse and fall into a depression. With Scientology, the leader would fall into these pits of sadness when he wasn't doing some tour of message. Princess Carolyn has perfectly crafted the world around her to rely on her. I forget about the relationship with Todd but there might be something there about her needing someone to rely on her at her own home to feel wanted (then translating into a baby and the entire topic of narcissistic parents. Her mom was quite clearly a narcissist even going to create a legend about a necklace for literally no reason.
Even reading the wikipedia on her and her mom which essentially boils down to (for my point needed) about how she developed a workaholic attitude taking care of her mom and all her needs.
I think if you put the lenses on a lot of her relationships and ask: Does she care about this person or does she care about this persons approval. I feel like she is essentially an activist for attention, not for cause.
She broke up with bojack but changed the lenses to being an agent and that perfectly allowed her to take care of him again if I remember correctly
I might edit more onto this later but it was just some ideas I had that I couldn't share anywhere because none of my friends talk about Bojack. I was also kind of
submitted by Zestyclose_Buyer1625 to BoJackHorseman [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:38 dipshit332 Incoming undergrad seeking education and career planning advice

Hi all, as per the title, I'm a high-school senior who's soon to graduate and go to college. I've been interested in both software and hardware since I was little, and I'm lucky enough to have been admitted to one of the best electrical engineering and computer science programs in the world. The program, being very flexible in terms of coursework, got me thinking about possible educational/career pathways. I've since been researching career opportunities, and I'm feeling somewhat lost.
Firstly, I'd ideally love not to limit myself to solely software or hardware roles, at least early in my career. I recognize that my knowledge of either field is very limited, though through some experience with web development, cloud computing, and backend infrastructure, I'm not sure if I'd like to do that sort of thing my whole career. Similarly, I don't think I'd want to do analog design. I do enjoy scripting and low-level programming, embedded systems, computer architecture, and digital electronics, and I'm sure there are more things in EECS that I'll find interesting. As such, I'm not sure what industry roles I could potentially be looking for.
There's also the issue of education beyond undergrad. The consensus seems to be that general software engineering careers don't really need a master's or PhD, but roles like verification and architecture need at least a master's.
Being in the Bay Area, I don't think it'll be impossible to find jobs in either field, though I am concerned about salary in the future, given that the cost of living here is absurdly high. From what I've read, low-level and hardware jobs simply don't pay as well as pure software, unless you have a PhD with 20+ YoE. Looking at it now, it just seems more financially sound to go into software. However, with the inflationary and saturated market, I fear that salaries will decrease, or at the very least, stagnate in the long term.
I say all this because I'd like to get an idea of how to roughly plan my education and time at college from people who know the aforementioned industries better than me. Obviously, no one can predict the future or time the market, but any knowledge and advice would be helpful at this point.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by dipshit332 to ECE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:31 sayxeper Emigreren suggesties/Emigration suggestions?

English below after Dutch.
Over mij: Als een 'Nederlander' met alleen Nederlandse nationaliteit, met migratie achtergrond (1e generatie Afghaan) als kind met een deel van familie politieke gevlucht in 2000. Ik ben hbo afgestuurd, werk bij de overheid in medische wetenschap. Ben bi, non-binair, autistische (kan goed maskeren), dyslectische, niet gelovig.
Reden: Dit land is niet meer een plek waar ik veilig voel. Waarom? Omdat de 23+ jaar van polarisatie en het regeerakkoord voor mij een duidelijke herkenning van een grote negatieve keerpunt. Ik heb geen behoefte om in een politie staat nogmaals te leven of wachten voor tweede Kristallnacht of verzeild te raken in een potentiële burgeroorlog.
Zondoende zoek ik suggesties waar naar toe te emigreren, zolang het nog kan.
EN: About me: As a 'Dutch' with only Dutch nationality, as 1st generation Afghan political refugee (arrived in 2000). I graduated in Bc of health, work for the government in medical science. Further I'm bi, non-binary, autistic (can mask well), dyslexic, not religious.
Reason: I no longer feel safe in this country. Because the 23+ years of polarization and the new coalition agreement plan is a clear recognizeble major turning point for even worse. I have no desire to live in a police state again, or get caught up in a potential civil war.
Request: Therefore, I am looking for suggestions on where to emigrate to, while it is still possible.
submitted by sayxeper to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:24 Extreme-Sock1099 Advice on Graduate Studies

Hello everyone,
I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in Biochemistry and am currently working in a cardiology research lab. I've recently been thinking about getting a PhD in biomedical engineering as I am very interested in the research areas of the field.
However, I don't know if I would have good job prospects with a PhD in BME (I would prefer to go into industry). I know it's common/advised for undergrads to do a bachelor's in some other general engineering since BME is "jack of all trades," but I was wondering if I would still be successful with a PhD in BME considering I did my bachelor's in biochemistry.
As of now, I am interested in regenerative medicine/tissue engineering, biomechanics and medical devices (this is to be more tailored in a couple of years as I plan to work in my current lab for a few years before attending graduate school).
Would you say a PhD in BME for a BS biochemistry guy is a good idea? Or do you recommend a different engineering field (i.e., I've seen some schools have bio-related electrical engineering research areas)?Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Extreme-Sock1099 to BiomedicalEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:22 Relative_Rent_3248 What Masters should I do with a English Major Bachelors?

What Masters should I do with a English Major Bachelors?
Hi! I am very confused and worried for my future, I have freshly graduated from my Bachelors in English Literature and Language and now I want to pursue Masters abroad specifically in Ireland or other EU country. I came across MA/MSc Computational Linguistics also named as Speech and Language Processing and thought it was a very good degree as it combines a Computer aspect and potentially would connect me to AI and Technology. But the Job Aspect isn’t satisfactory and I have no idea if CL have demand in Ireland. Then I thought of doing MBA so I can get into business field but again through reddit/qoura posts found out its not really worth it- but some says it is. Its really confusing and I want to move out of my Asian Country make a career in Ireland (as there is no language requirement compared to other EU countries) and I srsly curse the day I chose this damn degree. Please help a fellow out what should I pursue and what are the career paths? I also researched about Journalism and people say its jobs are nepotism based! God what should I do? LLB/LLM? or CL or MBA? Please help!!
submitted by Relative_Rent_3248 to StudyInIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:22 FlaxbopFleetfoot 29 [M4F] NC/USA - Seeking Fellow Adventurer for a Journey Through D&D Realms, Animal Shelters, and Hockey Stadiums!

Hello there! Welcome to what is likely going to be a long, rambly post. I'm going to structure this as though I were answering job interview questions, because let's face it, dating is a glorified job interview for a relationship/getting laid.
Oh, and to save some of you the time reading this (though I did spend a while writing it mind you), I'm 5'5, and it's perfectly fine if that doesn't work for you. I have preferences too! Anyway...
Tell me About Yourself.
Ah, this one is a classic to start off with, glad you asked (or told me to elaborate? Same idea)!
First and foremost, I am a nerd. My favorite day of the week is Sunday, because that's when my D&D game happens (It's actually Pathfinder, but I say D&D because most people are not into the hobby), and this account is named after the character I play in that very game! Feel free to ask for more details at the risk of an overly excited explanation. I also play video games, usually single-player CRPGs, but lately I've been playing Hades and I like being on voice call when I do that.
Professionally I'm... still in school. Here's a lengthy, detailed discussion as to why that is: anxiety sucks. Phew, that was so lengthy, glad that's over! Anyway, I'm a nuclear engineering major and plan to graduate in 4 semesters. In all seriousness, I don't mind going over the full story once we're talking.
What are Some of Your Hobbies?
Lists are helpful for this one! So here we go:
What do You Want in a Potential Partner?
Someone who's not an asshole, shares some interests with me, willing to do some basic stuff (sharing a picture, voice calling, video calling eventually) and treats me with respect. Honestly, not a long list. Physically, I would prefer someone who's of a thinner-average body type as that is what I am. I've made exceptions to this before though, so if you feel that I'm irresistible and not entirely obnoxious, feel free to reach out.
What I want the most though? Just intimacy. I think that's what we all want at the end.
What do You Look Like?
I'm 5'5 as mentioned before, 125 lbs, white, brown hair, green eyes, and have glasses that might as well be made of aquarium glass. Hopefully that gives you a vivid enough picture for now, but an actual picture is worth 1000 words so once we've exchanged a few messages I can share that.
And that, dear reader, is the end of my hopefully well-formatted and not-at-all-obnoxious wall of text. Hope you enjoyed reading it, and I hope to hear from you! If I don't, have a great whatever time of day it happens to be in your timezone!
submitted by FlaxbopFleetfoot to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:20 Relative_Rent_3248 What Masters should I do with a English Major Bachelors?

Hi! I am very confused and worried for my future, I have freshly graduated from my Bachelors in English Literature and Language and now I want to pursue Masters abroad specifically in Ireland or other EU country. I came across MA/MSc Computational Linguistics also named as Speech and Language Processing and thought it was a very good degree as it combines a Computer aspect and potentially would connect me to AI and Technology. But the Job Aspect isn’t satisfactory and I have no idea if CL have demand in Ireland. Then I thought of doing MBA so I can get into business field but again through reddit/qoura posts found out its not really worth it- but some says it is. Its really confusing and I want to move out of my Asian Country make a career in Ireland (as there is no language requirement compared to other EU countries) and I srsly curse the day I chose this damn degree. Please help a fellow out what should I pursue and what are the career paths? I also researched about Journalism and people say its jobs are nepotism based! God what should I do? LLB/LLM? or CL or MBA? Please help!!
submitted by Relative_Rent_3248 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:18 AutisticTeacherThrow Autistic Burnout and Being a Bad Husband

Hey! So I'm really struggling and could use some advice from other autistic adults. For context, my wife and I have been together for about eight years now (married for one) and she's the best person on the planet. Genuinely my best friend, favorite brain to pick, life partner, and someone who I deeply love. She had ADD and I have AudHD, depression, and anxiety.
I just recently found out that I'm autistic in the past few years. I only found out because I was having frequent shutdowns and ultimately had to do some intensive outpatient therapy to avoid being hospitalized. Finding out that I was autistic was a huge game changer. It contextualized a lot about myself and my relationship. I also found out that a significant portion of my depression is autistic burnout (explaining why depression was medication treatment resistant). My partner has been my biggest supporter. She's spent countless hours researching autism, burnout, and trying to understand the way I work. In addition, she has picked up a considerable amount of slack around the house and is doing virtually all of our combined finances. I left my solid paying job to soul search and find something that would be more compatible with who I am. Unfortunately, truly taking time off was not an economic option.
Ultimately, I decided to follow my passion to become a teacher. It has been great, it's routine oriented, comes in spurts, always has an end date, and gives plenty of time off. I am looking forward to celebrating my first summer break of my adult life (and teaching career) in the coming weeks. The only problem, is that in addition to being a first year teacher I had to go through the certification process. This was extensive. I took a half dozen test, a bunch of undergrad classes in my subject, and 30 graduate credits - all in a little over a year.
This was a crazy schedule and, predictably, left me more burnt out. I have now graduated with my masters, finished the licensure process, and have settled into my role. Over course of this process my wife has been nothing short of amazing. As I mentioned above, she took on the lions share of the work and assured me that it was to help me get to the finish line, get better, and be able to recover over the summer. As time has gone on, doing all of this is starting to, very understandably, leave her burnout. She's made it clear to me that “just because an action has a negative consequence doesn't mean it's wrong.” However, seeing ten stress she has been under and her burnout increase has absolutely ruined my already shaky confidence and ability to feel like an equal partner. To be frank I haven't been one. I simply have not been able to. Everytime I try to add more housework, or even just little things for my wife like making her coffee in the morning, my burnout induced demand avoidance makes my fight or flight kick in. As we get closer to my break, the cracks in her facade of being OK with taking on such an extra burden has begun to appear. To be clear, I do not begrudge her for that. She's doing so much for us, and just for me.
I am really struggling to find things I can do to help her feel valued and to take back on more of the household load. I know summer about to start and things might change then, but the idea of taking on even something as innocuous as the litter box or dishes absolutely terrifies me. I want to do these things, and so much more, to lessen her load and make her feel appreciated but simply fail at being able to turn that will into action. As a result, this has made me very insecure about our relationship which only frustrates her more.
I really don't know if this is a rant or if I'm asking for advice - either way I appreciate you for making it this far. I just really want to be a better partner but feel so limited in the ways I can do so. I feel terrible as my wife will suggest things that aren't household load/management related like planning nice dates but my brain turns even those into demands that need to be avoided. In many ways I feel like I have become like an injured pet she needs to take care of rather than a proper husband. I hate feeling like this. I'm afraid that when summer comes I won't magically have more spoons and it'll continue like this. That will only make us both more frustrated as it's definitely not fair for her to be working, paying our bills, and doing the housework while I, uh, do nothing over the summer. I need to figure out how to step up and be the husband deserves.
Since being diagnosed, I have found so much autistic joy and many strategies to make my life better. This is truly the one area that makes me feel lesser than for being autistic. Even then I feel like I am just autisming wrong somehow and that this is a personal failing.
If you have any advice on how to set myself up for success, recovery, and being a better partner this summer I would love to hear it.
submitted by AutisticTeacherThrow to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:17 SpookyRainbowz Would really like to get into larping, but need some basic advice and idea's of local larps to try

Good day to thee, fine squires of the reddit kingdom!
Ok, in all seriousness. I've been a massive fan of high fantasy and everything in between for as long as I can remember, As well as a diehard theatre kid who loves crafting and roleplay- so everything sort of falls into place for me to fall in love with larping, the problem I'm having is knowing where to even start. I know the sort of setting and characters I'd want to join in with and play as, but who knows if something that meets my ideals would even exist. Just to try to keep this simple-
-I'm coming from a dnd 5e perspective, so I'd be hoping to find a larp with flexible race and class options. (fairies, elves, orcs, dragonborn, Tieflings etc) And something that would include casting classes like wizards and bards + things like alchemists, druids, and other more almost obscure classes
- I'd love for a mix between combat, quests and roleplay / social encounters. Something that feels a bit more open world, though I am aware this might be asking a lot. But in an ideal world I can be decked out as my Eladrin alchemist or fairy bard, and head to the market to browse before joining a group and heading off to battle a rouge gang of bandits in combat. Or something like that XD
- Something that's friendly to new players. There's about a billion things I still have to learn about this awesome sounding hobby and I don't fancy being belittled for being slower to learn or adapt XD
- And lastly something UK based is necessary for me ideally wales or England specific as that's where I'm based- prime locations would be Cardiff or Swansea adjacent but England options are fine as well.
If anyone on here has any idea's please respond with them, I've really been itching to start larping soon. Thank you all!
submitted by SpookyRainbowz to LARP [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 rynmgdlno Could use some advice on changing my target school and/or major...

Some context: I'm a middle aged CC student living in SF for 9 years now and have been working as a self employed software developer for ~8 years cummulatively, ~5 years recently (mostly web but some other stuff). My work has given me extreme flexibility in my schedule so I decided to finally pursue a degree (I was a working musician from about age 14-25 and that took over my life, school was hardly considered and I barely graduated HS). I DO NOT want to move out of the bay so obviously I've been targeting Berkeley and have been following an ed plan to apply to EECS (non IGETC).
Due in part to unexpectedly losing my father this semester but mostly just having a stacked schedule, it's possible I come out of this semester with big enough hit to GPA such that the best possible GPA I will have when applying is a 3.85. Looking at their transfer data the low end of their admit range for EECS generally hovers around 3.9, and to maintain a 3.85 until the time of application would mean nothing less than an A in Calc II/III, and Physics I/II (calc gave me the most trouble this semester), and their transfer admit rate is obviously low at ~11% or so. I suppose I could agument one of these classes for honors and get a GPA boost but have yet to look into that, and taking stacked 18/9 credit semesters alongside working has already been absolutely brutal, my average week is ~85 hours between school and work.
So considering the low odds of being accepted I'm trying to figure out the most viable path forward. IMO at my age any degree I get needs to have a significant impact on income potential, another reason why I've been targeting UCB/EECS, but I also do just want to get it done for the sake of it.
So the options as I see it: 1. Augment current ed plan to get into a less impacted major at UCB. Not sure what major this would be, probably data science, math, or physics, but open to suggestions. This would mean dropping planned math/physics coursed for foreign language etc to meet IGETC requirements. If I manage to attend UCB I'm interested in the 5th year masters program so doing that in CS is possible.
  1. Continue with the EECS based ed plan (probably with some slight modifications) and try to get admitted to another UC with a good program. I despise the idea of moving, particularly to Southern California, so this is difficult. Davis is a shithole (no offense Davis people lol) UCSC is beautiful but not a particularly well regarded program, UCSB has potential. There's always SF State but I'm yet to convince myself it would be worth the time. I'd actually be more interested in moving out of state but tuition becomes an issue.
  2. Carry on and hope my work experience, life experience, and essays get me into EECS (non-traditional and first gen could help too I suppose).
Not looking for anyone to tell me what to do, but other perspectives could be helpful. Cheers
submitted by rynmgdlno to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:13 doory321 21[M4F] Catholic from England searching for my life partner

Hi, I’m Max! I’m a 21 year old computer science graduate from England. I am white, 5’11”, with brown hair, blue eyes, and fairly skinny.
First and foremost, I’m a Catholic, my faith is the most important thing to me in my life and I try to love God in all that I do.
One of my biggest aspirations would be to meet a wonderful girl who I can love and care for, and with whom, I hope, through God’s loving providence, to start a beautiful and holy family with one day.
I believe that the strongest bonds are formed through common values, and so I think it is important that I seek a partner who shares my faith in Christ. So I’m hoping that through this I might find that special someone, God willing.
As for me I love travelling to new places, mountain hiking, nature walks, photography, reading, learning history, science, theology, philosophy, listening to podcasts, computer programming, video games, composing, and playing the piano.
Would prefer meeting someone around the age 18-21 within Europe who is a fellow Catholic, but I am open to all countries and faiths, just as long as you are open or at least slightly interested to learn about Catholicism, because I will definitely talk about it non-stop at times I’m afraid.
Please feel free to send me a message if interested! And if so a quick summary and picture of yourself would be greatly appreciated too if that's all ok, just so I have a good idea of who you are :)
To all out there I hope you have a wonderful day and God bless!
Pics of me:
submitted by doory321 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:10 doory321 21[M4F] Catholic from England searching for my life partner

Hi, I’m Max! I’m a 21 year old computer science graduate from England. I am white, 5’11”, with brown hair, blue eyes, and fairly skinny.
First and foremost, I’m a Catholic, my faith is the most important thing to me in my life and I try to love God in all that I do.
One of my biggest aspirations would be to meet a wonderful girl who I can love and care for, and with whom, I hope, through God’s loving providence, to start a beautiful and holy family with one day.
I believe that the strongest bonds are formed through common values, and so I think it is important that I seek a partner who shares my faith in Christ. So I’m hoping that through this I might find that special someone, God willing.
As for me I love travelling to new places, mountain hiking, nature walks, photography, reading, learning history, science, theology, philosophy, listening to podcasts, computer programming, video games, composing, and playing the piano.
Would prefer meeting someone around the age 18-21 within Europe who is a fellow Catholic, but I am open to all countries and faiths, just as long as you are open or at least slightly interested to learn about Catholicism, because I will definitely talk about it non-stop at times I’m afraid.
Please feel free to send me a message if interested! And if so a quick summary and picture of yourself would be greatly appreciated too if that's all ok, just so I have a good idea of who you are :)
To all out there I hope you have a wonderful day and God bless!
Pic of me
Pic of me
submitted by doory321 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:07 doory321 21M Catholic from the UK

21M Catholic from the UK
Hi, I’m Max! I’m a 21 year old computer science graduate from England. I am white, 5’11”, with brown hair, blue eyes, and fairly skinny.
First and foremost, I’m a Catholic, my faith is the most important thing to me in my life and I try to love God in all that I do.
One of my biggest aspirations would be to meet a wonderful girl who I can love and care for, and with whom, I hope, through God’s loving providence, to start a beautiful and holy family with one day.
I believe that the strongest bonds are formed through common values, and so I think it is important that I seek a partner who shares my faith in Christ. So I’m hoping that through this I might find that special someone, God willing.
As for me I love travelling to new places, mountain hiking, nature walks, photography, reading, learning history, science, theology, philosophy, listening to podcasts, computer programming, video games, composing, and playing the piano.
Would prefer meeting someone around the age 18-21 within Europe who is a fellow Catholic, but I am open to all countries and other Christians who would enjoy discussing faith differences!
Please feel free to send me a message if interested! And if so a quick summary and picture of yourself would be greatly appreciated too if that's all ok, just so I have a good idea of who you are :)
To all out there I hope you have a wonderful day and God bless!
submitted by doory321 to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:04 Jules_Wasnt_Here Graduation Cap Idea

Graduation Cap Idea
I wanted to do my graduation cap Stand By Me themed. I get my graduation cap on June 13, and graduation is June 19. I was thinking of putting Chris, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern on the bottom. Any other ideas? I want a quote on it, too. I don’t know if I want to put a funny quote or a serious quote.
submitted by Jules_Wasnt_Here to Standbyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:02 JAM_Passive Apprentice of the Year

Apprentice of the Year
Before getting to the award, I'd like to talk about my journey from open shop to the UA.
About 2 years or so ago, before I knew about unions, I was working for an open shop plumbing/HVAC company. $15/hr, mostly residential with the occasional commercial. I liked my co-workers, boss was cool, one of my supervisors was cool, the other was a toss up on any given day. Ladies in the office were cool too. Good all around. I was a helper or apprentice, that title changed whenever the boss wanted it to, made no difference in my pay or hours.
I went to a job with one of the guys, and it was to work on a tankless water heater. Long story short, the water heater was piped in backward. That's not important. What is, is the man we did the job for: Mr. Stevens. He was a retired pipefitter of about 30 years from a UA in Chicago. He had a bunch of union stickers from many different locals on the fridge in his garage where we were working. He asked me if I ever thought about joining the UA. I told him no, and I had no idea what that was. While my coworker was on the phone getting approval for the work from a warranty company, Mr. Stevens talked to me about how the UA gave him better wages, the good retirement that he's currently enjoying with his wife, health benefits, and everything he could advertise. I was listening intently because that sounded wonderful to me. He was describing everything I thought my at the time company was supposed to be.
Before we left, Mr. Stevens gave me his number. He told me if I had any more questions to call or text him, he'll be available. He also told me if I was interested in getting in the UA, he'd write me a letter of recommendation for the board members. I thanked him and we went on our way.
Over the next few months, I looked into unions, the UA specifically. I saw pro-union stuff, and anti-union stuff. I'm here, so as you can see, there was too much good for me to care about any of the anti-union stuff, which were mostly lies or exaggerations. Come March of 2023 when applications opened up, I speedran everything I could have. I called Local 43's office, got all the info I needed. Filled out my application, got my HS transcripts, did the Helmets to Hardhats, got with the VA to work out my GI Bill, smoked the ACT WorkKeys test.
My supervisors did eventually find out about me doing all that. One of the board members owned the plumbing company next to my boss's and I guess they're friends and talked to each other, and my boss talked to my supervisors. The cool one made a joke about the dues I'd have to pay (exaggerated the amount) and the other one was visibly not pleased and made a sly remark about it. Fortunately nothing negative came of it for me.
Anyway, finally, the interview. Easily the only thing I was stressed out about. I got a fresh cut, bought a nice (but cheap) blue suit, bought a nice pair of lowkey business casual shoes, bought a cheap black tie, even lightly put on cologne. I walked in to the waiting room and thought I fucked up. The other interviewees had on jeans, those nice dress(?) cowboy boots, and tucked in button-up long sleeve shirts. I make no exaggeration when I tell you, I was the ONLY one in a suit and tie. Internally I'm freaking out wondering "What was I thinking? It's the South, I should have dressed like them! The board is gonna see me an think I'm some prim & proper (derogatory) Yank!" An assumption I made based on the reaction I got when I joined a Fire Department and I told one of the Firefighters I'm from NY. Fortunately, this was not the case.
Nothing to be done about it at that point, I get called into the room. I've been through a board or two in the Army, so I knew I could fake it at least, but I'm still nervous. What I did do immediately that I'm still proud of to this day is I remembered to shake everyone's hand and look at them. Just like I've practiced, a nice firm handshake and eye contact. Sat up straight, hand positioning, made eye contact when answering, answered audibly and clearly, practiced it all beforehand and executed.
They did get Mr. Stevens' letter of recommendation and had me tell them about the work we did for him. And they wanted me to tell them about my time in the Army. That took up a large portion of time thankfully. No matter where you go, men love a good story. Around the last 5 -10 minutes, they had me tell them about my previous company. I didn't badmouth the company, I didn't have much negative to say about it anyway, aside from the hours being wonky occasionally and learning being difficult sometimes if they guy you're with didn't feel like teaching you that day. Sometimes, you really were just a helper. Hand them the tools and move back.
Before I left, one of the men stopped me at the door and told me he was glad I dressed like a professional. He said "Some of these guys come around here and dress like they're about go to the bar and not an interview. I know this is blue collar work, but we're still professionals. Just a blazer goes a long way, and we appreciate that you took this seriously."
All that work (and I'm not gonna lie, there's no doubt in my mind that me being a veteran damn near guaranteed me in) paid off as me and the rest if the 1st years swore in. And starting at $17.60 ain't too bad.
Fast forward to today. Today was the last day of class at my Local. They did awards, congratulations, and all the flair that comes with it. Among the awardees, was me. I haven't earned an academic award since elementary. By the time I got to HS, I realized schooling (at least traditional) isn't something I enjoy or care for, and my effort (or lack of it) reflected that. I stopped doing homework altogether as it was only 15% of our grades, I did well on tests and quizzes, and did classwork depending on length/difficulty and necessity. Graduated HS stress free and got the same diploma as everyone else.
This was not the case during this past school year. I put in the effort for this. I paid attention and asked for help. Especially with math, I asked for a lot of help with math. And I suppose that showed and reflected. I earned Apprentice of the Year for the 1st Year Class. I feel really good about it. I intend to put my ass into and try to earn it for the next 4 years. Joining the UA is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I fucking love the UA, and I love my Local Union 43.
Note: I still talk to Mr. Stevens to this day. I sent him a picture of my award and he's treating me to dinner this weekend.
submitted by JAM_Passive to UnitedAssociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:02 cjmarsh725 Stuck on a game design

I'm currently developing an idea for a game that has two major layers: a space shoot em up layer and a strategy layer.
In the strategy layer the player can harvest/mine raw resources, move them around by managing supply chains, craft intermediate products from recipes, and assemble major spaceship components into a completed drone that launches the shooter layer.
In the shmup layer the player plays a classic top down shoot em up with waves of progressively harder enemies. The player can loot the enemies and other rare resources but has limited inventory available and faces a risk/reward analysis for when to send the loot home and write off the expendable drone before it is destroyed by enemies that are too strong for the player.
As a solo indie dev I have some concerns with scope but I really like the idea of enabling the player to manage the pacing and excitement of the game by building and using the expendable spaceships in spurts of action. My major concern is developing the strategy layer to be an interesting and engaging experience. My main inspirations for it are Factorio and the Anno series which I have found to be amazing in terms of supply chain management but I'm hesitant to copy them too closely and have been hung up on trying to inject some originality into the design.
So my question is, what are some ideas for a supply chain management mechanic that captures the wonderful complexity of the double-sided belts, robotic arms, and train systems in Factorio and/or the exercise in spatial reasoning the Anno series brings to the table. Any tips, tricks, or feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
submitted by cjmarsh725 to gamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:00 sillygoose14456838 existential ocd? help!

i posted this on the ocd forum but just joined here. wanted to get some comfort. i feel so ungrounded because my brain has been saying “no matter what anyone says, you are alone, they are fale, and everything is fake.”
here it goes!! :
Hi! I’m a 21F and have had OCD since about 8th grade. I also have Panic Attacks and Anxiety. I was on Lexapro for about a year, then got off in October. This is important because I’ve heard getting off can make anxiety and everything else 10x worse once you hit that 4-6 month mark. I have had a mix of Harm, Relationship, Religious, Existential, Health, etc OCD, basically my whole life. I also had a weird hyperawareness of being in first person, and everything looking like teeny tiny particles in 8th grade, not sure how it went away. I had a small period of time Freshman-Sophmore year of high school where I somehow managed to forget I had OCD?? Miss that tbh.
Anyways, starting about three months ago my anxiety started to SKY rocket. For context, my bf came back from a 7 month deployment, so that caused some weird stress/ excitement. I also had a VERY social life during, aka I was drinking steadily. It was during this I was getting off meds too, then fully off by December of last year. I had/ now have horrible panic, guilt, OCD, fear of living day to day because I had no idea what was/ is going on. I tried everything, cutting alcohol, confessing, vitamins, working out. The whole shabang. It never really went away. I had about one “normal week” because I had a super stressful situation occur that I think drew my attention away, but anyways, it came back full force and 10x worse. Basically, I have been in a constant state of derealization and hyper aware of my existence for the whole three months but SO powerful the last three weeks. Like WAY too aware. Here are what most of my thoughts are now: •••”Other people experience this too. What if I am the only real person though? So everything people say to help is fake and so are they.” •••’’What if I am truly alone?” •••’’Am I going to feel like this forever because I really don’t want to.” •••”No one else sees in first person and I am the only existing being.”
The first person view reaaalllllyyyy gets me and the thought of being truly alone, and everyone being fake. I get that that is just how it “is” but for some reason my brain isn’t taking that answer. I am so scared of everything now, of existing, of feeling this. I don’t get why it is happening to me. I know DR can come from high anxiety, and when that high anxiety started, I had just hit the four month mark of being off my meds. (Heard that anxiety symptoms after getting off meds can come back 10x worse after a while too) I just want to go back to being happy again. I’m starting back Lexapro soon (within the week) but I want this to go away. I want to love the life I had three months ago. Anyone else feel anything similar? Especially the fear of first person?
To leave this off, a youtuber who has went through something similar said this quote and it is me to a T. “I was so afraid of dying and death, but so unwanting to living like this.”
Also, I am doing ERP, plus starting that medication soon. I have been trying the acceptance of uncertainty and “so what?” thinking. I still hate this. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and existence. I used to love life and love and sadness and adventure and turmoil but it’s like a flip switched.
submitted by sillygoose14456838 to ExistentialOCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:59 Jules_Wasnt_Here Graduation Cap Idea

Graduation Cap Idea
I wanted to do my graduation cap Donnie Darko themed. I was thinking about doing how much time left until we leave. I get my graduation cap on June 13, and graduation is June 19. I wanted to do “00:02:30:26” (just an estimate of how long graduation is going to be). And I was thinking of putting Donnie or Frank on the right side. Any other ideas?
submitted by Jules_Wasnt_Here to donniedarko [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:57 eadancer01 My Experience @ B58 (As an Ex-Staff Member)

First of all, I'm so grateful for each person here who has shared about their experience at Ballet 5:8. I found ex58 after a random TikTok search one night last November, on the off chance anyone on TikTok had a negative experience there like I did. I found a series of videos from one ex-dancer at 5:8 who shared her experiences and mentioned this subreddit, and I debated about making a post for a while. Part of me was terrified that J would see it and figure out who I am and hate me even more for it (which is definitely my people-pleaser tendencies + trauma coming through), but I really don't care anymore. Hi J, if you're there. 👋
I was a staff member at Ballet 5:8 for four-ish months, which is a minuscule amount of time compared to many of you. It's heartbreaking to hear what you endured. I guess my four months there demonstrate how quickly J and the culture she's created can completely shatter a person's self-worth, faith, and beyond.
I was fresh out of college and desperately looking for a job. "Desperately" because I was in the midst of a season of rough mental health and family dynamics, and I needed something to keep me occupied. Up to this point, I had done PMarketing/Advertising for a few agencies as internships and part time, but nothing full time. I stumbled across a LinkedIn job post for an open staff position at Ballet 5:8 that seemed to align with my skills perfectly. It seemed to be some sort of match made in heaven that Ballet 5:8 was also a Christian organization and I was a Christian who had danced for 10+ years. All I needed to do was move across the country to Chicago. What could possibly go wrong?
The First Red Flags
I know those red flags should've been more than enough to make me run for the hills rather than accept the job. Hindsight truly is 20/20. Without my already terrible mental health clouding my judgement, or the love bombing mixed with my people-pleasing tendencies, there is no way in hell I would've ever agreed to work there.
  1. BTN > College Graduation? Beyond the Nutcracker is ridiculous in my opinion, but unfortunately that's not what this is about. This is about the fact that Julianna & my (other) managedirect boss (who has since left 5:8) wouldn't let me go to my own college graduation ceremony because Ballet 5:8 was *far more important,* despite me requesting to attend my graduation 4+ months in advance and already making arrangements for a hotel, flights, and my grandparents to come. For context, I took summer classes and graduated during the summer term, so my university's next commencement was in December. Why did Julianna need me at 5:8 so desperately at that time? None other than to have me help operate the damn BTN ticket booth. I wish I could say I quit then and there when they told me I couldn't attend my graduation, but I stayed. My last day with Ballet 5:8 was working that Beyond the Nutcracker show, which otherwise would've been my graduation day.
  2. Merry Christmas By late Novembeearly December, I was completely broken. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't focus, I couldn't even cry anymore. I could, however, feel the most overwhelming sense of anxiety at the thought of giving my two-weeks notice. I will never forget the night I pressed the send button on that email, going directly to J and my boss. If I thought J's intimidation tactics during the previous 3.5 months had been hell, I hadn't seen anything yet. Unfortunately, the morning after I submitted my two-weeks notice was a work day, so I went in early and tried to prepare myself for J's rage. It came, but through snarky comments under her breath, rushing past me on her way into her office, the silent treatment, and multiple vague and dramatic messages in the all-staff Slack. "Nothing like a good punch to the gut right before Christmas!" Oh please. You've managed to control and/or traumatize an entire organization for years. Don't let me, a barely 20-year-old at the time, intimidate you. There's a grinch or scrooge joke in here somewhere. In brief, she didn't speak a word to me for the last two weeks of my time there.
  3. Chicago (Again) It's been a few years since Ballet 5:8. I moved back home. I'm married now. And I'm moving back to Chicago now. My husband's job is requiring us to move there for at least the next four years, and while I'm excited at the chance to redo my time in Chicago, I'm also terrified that the bad memories will be too much and I'll be living in fear the entire time. That being said, what were/are some of the things you've enjoyed in Chicago? I'm open to any recommendations. 😅
If you managed to make it this far, thanks for reading. I've found so much comfort by reading all of your stories and I'm grateful to have the space to share parts of mine.
submitted by eadancer01 to ex58 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:57 cosmickaylaa 23/F Looking for fellow lonely folks

Hey there, my name is Kayla! I have had far too much free time recently, and the summer is also looking pretty sparse in terms of social interaction. I've been struggling pretty badly with loneliness after the end of a 3 year relationship, so having some new people around to talk with would be pretty exciting! Ideally, you would at least be in the same or similar time zone (EST) to make communication easier, but it is not a necessity. Here's a little to know about me: I enjoy texting throughout the day with the occasional voice chat throughout the week, my favorite food recently is asparagus, I have lots of random trinkets, I will send you LOTS of links (Youtube, Spotify, TikTok), and I'm always down to talk about whatever is interesting to you or I at the moment. I just graduated with my associates degree in human services in December, and will be beginning my bachelors in psychology and neuroscience in the fall, so bonus points if you're interested in those fields. I have compiled a few bullet points including a few of my general interests and music taste below.
Music taste (general)
If you made it this far and think we'll hit it off, go ahead and shoot me a message. We all know that reddit chat sucks, so feel free to ask for my discord or snapchat. Let me know something interesting or send me a song... it's very much appreciated!
submitted by cosmickaylaa to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:55 Adventurous-Sky7646 I wish I could find someone irl who is also Aro Ace.

I just kinda lonely and that on one really understands what it is like being Aro/Ace and I don’t think I can tell my friend group that I’m Aro/Ace. I feel like they might kick me out I have no idea if they support the LGBTQIA+ group I know they are all very religious and are or most is LDS. Sorry for the little rant.
submitted by Adventurous-Sky7646 to AroAce [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:51 No_Extension_2900 I hate where I am in life

I used to be so outgoing. I used to be able to make friends with anyone. I used to be able to get girlfriends. Now I’m about to turn 25, I’m stuck in a rut, and I don’t know how to meet new people. When I go out, I only talk with friends - if there aren’t any friends, I don’t go out.
I used to be used to be so smart. I was a 2 grades ahead when I was a kid, and graduated high school early. I never had to study because learning came easy. Now I’m about to turn 25, I work a dead-end job and have no career. I never finished college because I don’t know what I want to do for a living.
I used to be so hopeful. I used to think I’d be married by now, with a stable job and my own place. Now I’m about to turn 25, too scared to introduce myself to women, too lost to find good work, too poor to move out of my apartment with a roommate I don’t want to live with anymore.
I hate where I am in life, and I have no idea when it’ll ever get better.
submitted by No_Extension_2900 to Vent [link] [comments]