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2015.01.29 22:08 TyrickEU World of Warcraft Rogues

Everything related to this awesome class. Videos, streams, tips, tactics, PvE, PvP. Everything!

2014.07.07 23:20 Logitech_Inc Together We Game

This is a crowdsource game development project, where redditors will discuss each and every aspect of this game, and then vote. Do more than get a behind-the-scenes look, be a part of the process.

2024.06.11 10:31 hifenlmt Warm and Gentle: Scottish Socks Designed for Ladies with Diabetes

Warm and Gentle: Scottish Socks Designed for Ladies with Diabetes
When it comes to diabetic care, every detail matters, and one often overlooked but critical aspect is proper foot care. For ladies with diabetes, the choice of socks can significantly impact their overall comfort and health. Enter Scottish socks designed specifically for ladies with diabetes—an epitome of warmth, gentleness, and meticulous craftsmanship.
Understanding Diabetic Foot Care
Diabetes can lead to various complications, particularly affecting the feet. High blood sugar levels can damage nerves (a condition known as diabetic neuropathy) and impair blood circulation, leading to slower healing and a higher risk of infections. Therefore, proper foot care becomes essential, with a significant focus on the type of socks worn.
Traditional socks often fall short of providing the necessary support and protection for diabetic feet. They might have seams that can cause friction, tight bands that impede circulation, or materials that do not wick moisture away, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Diabetic socks, on the other hand, are specially designed to address these issues, providing an extra layer of protection and comfort.
The Scottish Heritage of Sock-Making
Scotland, with its rich history of textile production, has long been renowned for producing high-quality socks. The country’s sock-making tradition dates back centuries, with Scottish manufacturers known for their expertise, craftsmanship, and use of premium materials. This heritage is now being harnessed to create socks that cater to the specific needs of diabetic women.
Scottish socks for diabetic ladies combine traditional techniques with modern innovations. They are crafted to be soft, warm, and gentle, ensuring that they provide maximum comfort without compromising on style.
Key Features of Scottish Diabetic Socks for Ladies
Seamless Construction
One of the primary concerns for diabetic socks is avoiding any source of irritation or pressure points. Scottish diabetic socks are often made with seamless construction, ensuring that there are no rough seams that can rub against the skin and cause blisters or sores. This seamless design significantly reduces the risk of developing foot injuries, which can be particularly problematic for diabetics.
Non-Binding Tops
Circulation issues are a common problem for people with diabetes. Tight elastic bands at the top of socks can constrict blood flow, exacerbating these issues. Scottish diabetic socks typically feature non-binding tops, which fit comfortably without restricting circulation. This ensures that the blood can flow freely, reducing the risk of complications.
Moisture-Wicking Materials
Keeping feet dry is crucial for preventing infections and maintaining overall foot health. Scottish ladies diabetic socks are often made from high-quality, moisture-wicking materials that draw sweat away from the skin. This helps keep the feet dry and reduces the likelihood of fungal and bacterial infections, which are common problems for diabetics.
Extra Cushioning
Diabetic feet are often more susceptible to injuries due to reduced sensitivity and poor circulation. Scottish socks designed for diabetic ladies often include extra cushioning in critical areas, such as the soles and heels, to provide additional protection. This cushioning helps absorb shock, reduce pressure, and prevent foot ulcers.
Antimicrobial Properties
To further safeguard diabetic feet, many Scottish diabetic socks are treated with antimicrobial agents. These agents help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi, keeping feet healthier and reducing the risk of infections. This treatment is particularly beneficial for ladies with diabetes, who are more prone to such issues.
The Aesthetic Appeal
While functionality is paramount, style and aesthetics are not overlooked in the design of Scottish diabetic socks for ladies. These socks come in various colors and patterns, ensuring that they can be a stylish addition to any wardrobe. The blend of traditional Scottish designs with contemporary patterns makes these socks not only practical but also fashionable.
The Benefits of Investing in Quality
Investing in high-quality Scottish diabetic socks can have numerous benefits. They offer superior comfort, better protection
for sensitive feet, and help maintain foot health, all while adding a touch of elegance to everyday wear. Here are some reasons why these socks are worth the investment:
Enhanced Comfort
The seamless construction, non-binding tops, and extra cushioning all contribute to an exceptionally comfortable wearing experience. For ladies with diabetes, this comfort can make a significant difference in daily activities, allowing for longer periods of walking or standing without discomfort.
Improved Foot Health
By addressing common issues such as poor circulation, moisture retention, and susceptibility to infections, Scottish diabetic socks actively contribute to better foot health. The combination of moisture-wicking materials and antimicrobial properties ensures that feet remain dry and free from harmful microbes.
Scottish textile craftsmanship is renowned for its durability. High-quality materials and meticulous manufacturing processes ensure that these socks are long-lasting, providing excellent value for money. Investing in durable socks means fewer replacements and a longer-lasting solution for diabetic foot care.
Stylish and Versatile
Gone are the days when diabetic socks were purely functional and unattractive. Scottish diabetic socks offer a range of stylish options that can be worn with various outfits. Whether dressing up for a special occasion or keeping it casual, these socks add a touch of elegance and sophistication.
Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Many ladies with diabetes have shared their positive experiences with Scottish diabetic socks, highlighting the comfort, style, and health benefits they provide.
Jane M., Edinburgh: "I've struggled with finding comfortable socks for years due to my diabetes. These Scottish diabetic socks are a game-changer. They are incredibly soft, don't squeeze my legs, and look so stylish. My feet have never felt better!"
Sarah K., Glasgow: "I love the seamless design and extra cushioning. I can walk for longer periods without pain or discomfort. Plus, the antimicrobial treatment keeps my feet feeling fresh all day. Highly recommend these socks to anyone with diabetes."
Emily R., Inverness: "Finding socks that are both functional and stylish has always been a challenge. These Scottish socks tick both boxes. They keep my feet warm and dry, and I love the traditional Scottish patterns. They've become a staple in my wardrobe."
Where to Buy Scottish Diabetic Socks
Scottish diabetic socks for ladies are available from various retailers, both online and in-store. Some well-known Scottish brands and retailers specialize in diabetic-friendly socks, ensuring that customers receive the highest quality products. When purchasing, look for socks that explicitly mention features like seamless construction, non-binding tops, moisture-wicking materials, extra cushioning, and antimicrobial treatment.
Online Retailers
Many online platforms offer a wide selection of Scottish diabetic socks. Websites such as Amazon, specialty diabetic stores, and the official websites of Scottish sock manufacturers are great places to start. Online shopping allows for easy comparison of different styles, prices, and features.
Local Stores
For those who prefer to shop in person, many local stores and pharmacies carry diabetic socks. Specialty stores focusing on diabetic care products are also likely to stock a range of Scottish diabetic socks. Shopping locally allows for the opportunity to feel the materials and see the designs up close before making a purchase.
Scottish socks designed for ladies with diabetes represent a perfect blend of tradition, innovation, and style. These socks address the specific needs of diabetic foot care, providing enhanced comfort, protection, and durability. By investing in high-quality Scottish diabetic socks, ladies can enjoy better foot health and a touch of elegance in their daily attire.
Whether shopping online or in-store, it's important to choose socks that offer the key features essential for diabetic foot care. Seamless construction, non-binding tops, moisture-wicking materials, extra cushioning, and antimicrobial properties are all crucial elements that make these socks an excellent choice.
Ultimately, Scottish diabetic socks are more than just a practical necessity—they are a testament to the rich heritage of Scottish textile craftsmanship and a stylish addition to any wardrobe. For ladies with diabetes, these socks are a warm and gentle embrace for their feet, ensuring comfort and health with every step. Learn more information: Hifen
submitted by hifenlmt to u/hifenlmt [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:30 carljungkook For those confused about their career, higher education, or general future in Psychology

Long post so putting TL;DR first:
I've written in much more depth about all this at https://www.anushkakumar.com/resources
When confused, I tell people to do things that would open maximum doors for them in the future.
For example, I tell psych undergrads to do research internships, because they help them develop important transferable, demonstrable, and marketable skills that are useful for higher education as well as jobs.
Beyond that, only way to figure out what to do is to explore and eliminate (or in other words, F around and find out.)
Start with the least risky role (one that would close minimum doors for you in the future).
I'd also recommend exploring the field of Behavioral Science/Behavioral Design. I've written posts about this. You'll find them if you scroll down to the 'Careers' section at https://www.anushkakumar.com/resources.


With a psych major, you can do most things that people do with most degrees. IMO, skills matter more than degrees.
Might sound cringe but ask yourself questions like:
And explore a bunch of careers.
I've seen Psych majors successfully go into a huge variety of roles depending on their skills:
📜 Policy 🔨 Product 📈 Marketing 🏥 Healthtech ✍️ Copywriting 🏛️ Government 📱 Social Media 📊 Data Science 🎨 UX/UI Design 🩺 Public Health ♻️ Sustainability 🔍 User Research 🖌️ Graphic Design 📢 Communications 💡 Decision Science 👥 Human Resources 🗳️ Political Consulting 📅 Project Management 🧩 Behavioral Economics 💼 Business Development 🧠 Management Consulting 📚 Curriculum Development 🛠️ Human Factors Engineering 🤖 Human-Computer Interaction
I myself used to work with a firm applying psych/behavioral science to product design, user research, marketing, etc, and it paid very well.

Research Internships

Not sure how helpful it'll be but I'll share the approach I used to land a research internship at Cambridge during my psych undergrad in India. Here's my process:
1. Explore labs and researchers
For example, I was interested in social psychology and behavioral economics, so I looked through a lot of universities' lists of professors and labs to identify those who researched the disciplines of my interest.
You could use the Times Higher Education ranking.
2. Make a Lab Application Tracker Spreadsheet
Get my template at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aN-ABzxU0zwqLKpwVdyQ5NnOOnj9p7F4
3. Make a cold email template for emailing labs
Here's my template:
  1. It begins with a brief introduction (Who are you?)
  2. Then you proceed to describe your interest in the organization (Which projects of the organization interest you?)
  3. Further, you write about your experience and skills (How would you be able to help the organization and how does your previous work experience relate to the organization's work?)
  4. Lastly, you mention a Call to Action (What further steps do you want the organization to take with regards to a collaboration with you?)
If you want to make this easy and save hours of time, you could get my exact cold email at https://www.anushkakumar.com/resources/ebookguide
4. Email the professolab managegraduate student you want to work with
Sometimes, professors and graduate students are too busy to respond. In such cases, email the lab manager and follow up accordingly.
I've written a lot about research internships, career, and higher education. Feel free to have a look at https://www.anushkakumar.com/resources
submitted by carljungkook to psychologystudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:29 Infinite-Barracuda97 Razor Power Core E90 Review: The BEST Electric Scooter for Your Kid?

Razor Power Core E90 Review: The BEST Electric Scooter for Your Kid?
The Razor Power Core E90 electric scooter screams fun with its glowing wheels, a thrilling 10 mph top speed, and a promise of up to 60 minutes of continuous use. It's the kind of thing that makes kids foam at the mouth with excitement (and, if we're being honest, adults secretly crave a turn too).
But like a scorpion hiding under a rock, there's a sting in this scooter's tail. So, let's dive into the gritty details, dissect this bad boy piece by piece, and see if it's worth your hard-earned cash.


BEST PRICE on the Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter here:

First Impressions

Now, I'm no stranger to the intoxicating allure of a good thrill. And let me tell you, the first time I saw this neon-lit beast, I was ready to call in sick at work for a chance to ride it. The sleek design, the futuristic glow – it's like something out of a cyberpunk fever dream.
But, as the great philosopher Jagger once crooned, "You can't always get what you want." And while the Power Core E90 delivers on some fronts, it falls flat on its face on others.
Let's break this thing down like a frog in a high school biology class and examine its vital organs, shall we?

Key Features

Hub Motor Heaven: This scooter's got a 90-watt hub motor that delivers surprisingly smooth acceleration. No clunky chains or gears to worry about, just pure, unadulterated speed.
Glow-in-the-Dark Delight: The electroluminescent deck and six under-deck LEDs aren't just for show. They're bright enough to turn heads and keep your kid visible at dusk. Plus, they're just plain cool.
No Maintenance Mayhem: Razor claims this thing is maintenance-free. And so far, they haven't lied. No oiling, no adjusting – just charge and ride. This thing is as low-maintenance as a cactus.

Real-World Riding

I took this scooter for a test drive (purely for research purposes, of course), and here's what I found:
Thrill Ride: The 10 mph top speed is a legitimate thrill. It's enough to make your kid feel like they're flying without actually launching them into orbit.
Smooth Sailing: The ride is surprisingly smooth, even on cracked sidewalks and bumpy roads. It's like floating on air, if air could glow and leave streaks of neon light.
Hillside Agony: Hills are the bane of this scooter's existence. It wheezes and struggles like a smoker climbing Mount Everest.

The Final Verdict: A Love-Hate Relationship

So, after all the ups and downs, twists and turns, is the Razor Power Core E90 worth the investment? It's complicated.
It's a Hell Yes IF:
  • Your kid is 8-12 years old.
  • They weigh less than 120 pounds.
  • They mostly stick to flat surfaces.
  • They love all things that glow.
It's a Hell No IF:
  • Your kid is under 8 or a particularly adventurous rider.
  • They're over the weight limit.
  • They plan on conquering steep hills.

Alternatives to Consider

If the Power Core E90 isn't quite right, here are a couple of alternatives worth checking out:
Gotrax GKS: A bit pricier, but offers a longer range and better hill-climbing ability.
Razor E100: A simpler model without the glowing lights, but it's more affordable and easier for younger kids to handle.

Best Price On Razor Power Core E90

I've found you the current best deal on the Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter, so be sure to follow the link below so you don't get gouged paying full retail:
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any scraped knees or parental migraines that may result from this scooter's use.
submitted by Infinite-Barracuda97 to carverscave [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:27 futurepointindia Unveil the Cosmic Mysteries with Leostar-I: The Best Free Astrology Software

Unveil the Cosmic Mysteries with Leostar-I: The Best Free Astrology Software
Are you an astrology enthusiast seeking a powerful tool to delve into the intricate realms of celestial predictions? Look no further than Leostar-I, the best free astrology software available for download in its full version. This revolutionary program empowers you to explore the universe's secrets with unparalleled accuracy and ease.
Designed with both beginners and seasoned astrologers in mind, Leostar-I offers a comprehensive suite of features that elevates your astrological experience to new heights. From generating detailed birth charts to analyzing planetary transits and compatibility, this software is your ultimate companion on the journey of self-discovery.
Unravel the Intricacies of Astrological Calculations
At the core of Leostar-I lies a sophisticated algorithm that seamlessly combines ancient astrological principles with modern computational power. With just a few clicks, you can generate precise birth charts (kundalis) based on an individual's date, time, and place of birth. These charts serve as the foundation for in-depth astrological interpretations and predictions.
Explore Transits and Their Profound Impact
One of the most powerful features of Leostar-I is its ability to analyze planetary transits. By tracking the movements of celestial bodies and their intricate dance across the sky, you can gain profound insights into how these transits may influence various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, and personal growth.
Unlock Compatibility Secrets with Astrological Synergy
Relationships are a crucial part of the human experience, and Leostar-I provides invaluable guidance in this realm. Through its advanced compatibility analysis tools, you can explore the astrological synergy between two individuals by comparing their birth charts. This understanding can help strengthen existing bonds or shed light on potential challenges and areas for growth in new connections.
Discover Auspicious Moments with Muhurta Selection
Planning significant events and occasions is a breeze with Leostar-I's Muhurta selection feature. By leveraging ancient astrological principles, this tool helps you identify the most favorable dates and times for auspicious events, ensuring your endeavors align with celestial harmony.
Embrace Holistic Wellbeing with Astrological Remedies
In addition to its powerful astrological calculations, Leostar-I offers a comprehensive database of remedies to address astrological challenges or enhance positive influences. From gemstones and mantras to rituals and practices, this software provides a holistic approach to harmonizing your life with the cosmic energies.
User-Friendly Interface and Compatibility
Leostar-I is designed with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that both novice and experienced astrologers can navigate its features with ease. The intuitive interface and clear navigation make it a joy to explore the depths of astrological wisdom.
Moreover, this software is compatible with various versions of Windows, ensuring seamless integration and usability across multiple platforms. Whether you're using the latest Windows release or an older version, Leostar-I will run smoothly, providing a consistent and reliable experience.
Free to Download and Explore
One of the most remarkable aspects of Leostar-I is that it is entirely free to download and use in its full version. Unlike many other astrology software options that require paid subscriptions or offer limited functionality in their free versions, Leostar-I provides unrestricted access to its wealth of features without any hidden costs or limitations.
Embark on a Cosmic Adventure Today
If you've been seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly astrology software solution that doesn't compromise on features or accuracy, Leostar-I is the answer. By downloading this free full version, you'll unlock a world of astrological insights, empowering you to navigate life's journey with greater clarity and purpose.
Don't wait any longer to unveil the cosmic mysteries that await. Download Leostar-I today and embark on an extraordinary astrological adventure that will illuminate your path with the wisdom of the stars.
submitted by futurepointindia to u/futurepointindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:27 errorstar Mermaid Monogram SVG Free Cut Files

Mermaid Monogram SVG Free Cut Files
Mermaid Monogram SVG Free Cut Files

Enchant Your Crafts with Free Mermaid Monogram SVGs

Ahoy, crafters and sea lovers! Dive into the mystical world of ocean-inspired art with our latest treasure trove at FreeSVGDownload.com – the Mermaid Monogram SVG collection. For all who are charmed by the lore of the deep blue and the allure of mermaids, these free SVG files are a siren call to your crafting heart. Our collection is imbued with magic and oceanic grace, perfect for adding a splash of fantasy to your creations.
The mermaid’s tale is spun into each monogram, blending elegance with a whisper of mythical beauty. These designs are a love letter to the sea, promising to lift your crafts from the mundane to the extraordinary.

The Mermaid Monogram SVG Collection

Within our collection, you’ll discover 8 enchanting Mermaid Monogram SVG cut files, each free and ready to weave the ocean’s story into your projects. These designs feature mesmerizing mermaid tails, delicate sea shells, playful starfish, and other sea-inspired motifs, meticulously crafted to harmonize with your initials or chosen text.
  • Mermaid Tail Split Monogram: A classic silhouette of a mermaid’s tail that beautifully frames your personalized text.
  • Mermaid Split Monogram: Perfect for those who want a touch of whimsy, this design combines the elegance of a mermaid with the personalized charm of a monogram.
  • Mermaid Tail Monogram: A more subtle nod to nautical themes, offering a sleek mermaid tail that cradles your monogram.
  • Mermaid Seashell Monogram: Shells and starfish dance around your initials, reminiscent of a mermaid’s treasured collection.
  • Mermaid Monogram: A straightforward, yet enchanting design that brings the magic of mermaids to any craft.
  • Mermaid Silhouette Monogram: A bold statement of ocean love, blending a mermaid’s grace with your unique monogram.
  • And more within the collection that promise to bring the wonders of the ocean into your crafting adventures.
Our Mermaid Monogram SVGs are a passport to an underwater kingdom, where every creation is a reflection of the mysteries of the sea. They are perfect for personalizing belongings, gifting something memorable, or bringing a touch of ocean magic to your home.

Deep Dive into Featured Designs

Immerse yourself in the captivating details of our Featured Mermaid Monogram SVGs, where each cut file is a tribute to the enchanting beauty of the sea and its mythical inhabitants.

Mermaid Tail Split Monogram

The “Mermaid Tail Split Monogram” stands out with its graceful curves and an invitation for personalization. Its split design is ideal for adding names, initials, or special dates, making it perfect for wedding decor, anniversary gifts, or personalizing a young mermaid fan’s bedroom. The tail’s intricate scales and thoughtful composition ensure it becomes a focal point in any crafting project.

Mermaid Silhouette Monogram

Bold and beautiful, the “Mermaid Silhouette Monogram” captures the serene elegance of a mermaid in profile, encircled by your chosen monogram. This design can transform a simple tote bag into a statement piece or elevate a beach towel to mythical status. It’s also suited for vinyl decals that adorn laptops, car windows, or water bottles.
Each design from our collection offers a unique way to bring a bit of ocean magic to your crafting. Whether you’re creating apparel, party invitations, or home accents, these SVGs provide a mermaid’s touch that’s as versatile as it is whimsical.

The Art of Personalizing with Monograms

Monograms have a timeless appeal, and when merged with the allure of mermaid motifs, they offer an unparalleled opportunity to personalize a myriad of items.
  • Apparel: Add a personalized mermaid twist to clothing such as beach cover-ups, tank tops, and hats. Our SVG files can adorn fabric with a bespoke touch that’s both stylish and uniquely yours.
  • Accessories: Monogrammed jewelry, keychains, and bags gain a new level of enchantment when they feature a mermaid-inspired design. They make for thoughtful gifts or distinctive personal accessories.
  • Home Decor: Envision a set of monogrammed throw pillows featuring our mermaid designs or a wall art series that brings personalized sophistication to seaside-inspired decor.
The versatility of these designs ensures that whether you’re selling crafted goods, gifting something special, or treating yourself, the result is both professional and heartfelt. Dive into our collection, and let each SVG file guide you in creating pieces that resonate with the mermaid song of the sea.
Continuing with the content, let’s delve into crafting with mermaid silhouettes, inspiring sea-themed projects, and inviting crafters to join the community:

Crafting Magic with Mermaid Silhouettes

The “Mermaid Silhouette SVG” is a versatile piece that lends itself to countless creative projects. Here’s how you can incorporate this enchanting figure into your crafts:
  • Wall Art: Enlarge the mermaid silhouette to create a stunning piece of wall art. Experiment with different backgrounds — a painted seascape, a reclaimed wood setting, or even a canvas of glitter to resemble the glistening sea.
  • Unique Gifts: Personalize items like journals, wine glasses, or coasters with the mermaid silhouette. These make for charming and thoughtful gifts, especially when paired with a mermaid quote or the recipient’s name.
  • Color Palettes and Materials: The mermaid silhouette pairs beautifully with a range of colors. From the serene blues and greens of the ocean to the vibrant hues of a coral reef, you can adapt the palette to fit the mood of your project. It’s equally stunning in a variety of materials, including vinyl, fabric, and paper.

Inspiring Your Next Under-the-Sea Project

Let the sea inspire your next crafting adventure with projects that bring the calm and mystery of oceanic depths to life:
  • Themed Parties: Use the “Mermaid Seashell Monogram” to create unique invitations, decorations, or favor bags for a mermaid-themed birthday party or a beach-side celebration.
  • Bedroom Makeovers: Transform a bedroom into a mermaid’s grotto with monogrammed pillows, bedspreads, and curtains featuring our sea-inspired designs.
  • Beach Events: Equip your beach day or seaside event with personalized towels, umbrellas, and swimwear adorned with mermaid and seashell monograms to stand out on the sand.

Join Our Community of Mermaid Enthusiasts

Step into the FreeSVGDownload.com community and share the maritime magic you’ve created with our Mermaid Monogram SVG files. We’d love to see how you’ve brought the ocean’s charm to life and how our designs have inspired you. Join us on social media, where we regularly feature outstanding crafts from our sea of talented creators.


Our Mermaid Monogram SVG collection is your portal to a world where creativity swims freely in the ocean’s depths. These designs are more than just images; they are keys to unlocking a treasure chest of crafting potential. Download your favorite SVGs today and let the siren call of mermaid crafting lead you to a sea of wonders. Embrace the waves of creativity — the ocean of inspiration is just a click away at FreeSVGDownload.com.
submitted by errorstar to freesvgdownload [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:25 Impossible-Egg4595 Breaking from family

The issues I’ve got breaking free from enmeshment are complex - and Asian. I’m already far, far away from my parents, living in my own space. I have many siblings and even though I don’t live there, I’d say my primary socialisation at the moment is family.
Living my own life is the main cause of my psychosomatic symptoms. Every summer since I finally made the move in 2019, they want me to come back to visit with everyone else. I get episodes building up to it, and my life crashes and I end up not going back. Last year I was in hospital from vomiting.
This year the stress is palpable. I don’t have good excuses. But my uncle died, so I changed my dates to attend the memorial - that’s ok, because there’s meaning in that. But just to go and spend time? Makes my skin crawl.
It wrecks the rest of my year, this stress. I have been having flashbacks to my last year in uni, knowing I was moving home, and just how damning it was that they had me believe I was to come home no matter what, even if I had my own dreams. And how strong the power of that is, because I’m not the only one in this family trapped and fighting this web of dependency they designed - this web of illness and finances.
It’s complex because I have one mentally ill parent, who I have distanced from. I have one parent who enabled her and provided everything, and allowed me access to resources, which I used to heal. Like my home, access to treatments. He is the one who wants me there. Yet if he really wanted to talk to me, as he claims, he could call. I feel as if I am biting the hand that fed me, by not going back - and my golden child sister who lives there, who emotionally supports me. We are close, so I feel the guilt from her, too.
Next year I will not have this on my calendar at all. I’ll say no, I won’t come back. Simply because I don’t want to. Because that is valid. Until I am free on the inside.
submitted by Impossible-Egg4595 to CPTSD_NSCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:23 E10Cat Make An Elimination Order! (Comment below! 🤠🙏)

Make An Elimination Order! (Comment below! 🤠🙏)
I'm looking to see what your elimination orders would be based on designs alone, (mostly since Thaven't written their personalities in a proper way but have their themes planned out. Here are some things to note 1. There is a player who comebacks at the beginning of the merge 2. There is a double elimination during the pre merge 3. Someone has to leave due to medical reasons in the pre merge (since they leave there is no voting elimination 4. There is a purge in the merge where 2 players are out 5. Merge is after 9 players eliminated. 6. Finale is a final 2 7. each of the finalists during the finale choose 2 helpers each. These helpers have large connections to the finalists 8. there will also be a "after math " show called "The isles After Dark" where the first 2 boots will host it along with the one of the hosts of the main show! 9. Please feel free to drop head canons !
submitted by E10Cat to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:22 errorstar Summer SVG Free Cut Files

Summer SVG Free Cut Files
Summer SVG Free Cut Files
Celebrate Summer with Our Free SVG Collection
Welcome to the radiant world of summer crafting at FreeSVGDownload.com! As the sun climbs higher and the days stretch longer, there’s no better way to celebrate the season than by infusing your projects with the spirit of summer. Our freshly unveiled Summer SVG collection is here to ignite your creativity with an array of free SVG cut files, perfect for any summer-themed project you can imagine.
This year, we’ve gone above and beyond to bring you designs that capture the essence of summer fun. Featuring playful popsicles, juicy watermelons, bright sunshine, cheerful smiley faces, and stylish typographic statements, each SVG file is crafted to add a splash of joy and a dash of sunshine to your crafts. Whether you’re looking to jazz up your beach gear, add some seasonal flair to your home decor, or create memorable gifts, our Summer SVG collection is your perfect crafting companion.

Discover Our Summer SVG Collection

Dive into our delightful Summer SVG collection at FreeSVGDownload.com, where each design is infused with the essence of summer vibes and joy. Our collection this year features seven unique SVG cut files, each free to download and bursting with the potential to elevate your summer crafting projects.
Here’s a closer look at our specially curated designs:
  • Popsicle SVG: Cool down your designs with this frosty treat SVG, ideal for party invitations, fun children’s apparel, or decorative kitchen art.
  • Watermelon SVG: Nothing says summer quite like watermelon. This SVG is perfect for picnic blankets, vibrant summer totes, or refreshing home decor.
  • Sunshine SVG: Bring a little light into any project with this radiant sunshine design. It’s great for beach towels, sunny greeting cards, or cheerful wall hangings.
  • Smiley Face SVG: Spread happiness with our smiley face SVG, a wonderful addition to casual wear, fun accessories, or playful room decorations for kids and adults alike.
  • Beach Bum Smiley Face SVG: Merge beach vibes with a touch of whimsy. Use this design on beach cover-ups, casual summer tees, or to add a funky twist to beach bags.
  • Here Comes The Sun SVG: A stylish typographic design that captures the warmth and endless possibilities of summer days. Ideal for decorative plaques, summer event banners, and more.
  • Hello Summer SVG: Greet the season in style with this welcoming design, perfect for seasonal decor, custom vacation gear, or as a sunny addition to newsletters and blogs.
Each file in our Summer SVG collection not only stands out for its eye-catching aesthetics but also for its versatility across a wide range of materials and mediums. Whether you’re working with fabric, vinyl, or paper, these SVG files are designed to be easy to use and incredibly effective in adding that special summer touch to your creations.
Let’s delve into the featured designs from the collection and their potential impact on summer crafting projects:

Featured Designs

Our Summer SVG collection showcases a variety of designs that bring the essence of summer right to your crafting table. Each design not only stands out for its unique charm but also for its ability to infuse a playful and vibrant touch into a range of crafts. Here’s a closer look at some standout designs:

Beach Bum Smiley Face

This fun and quirky design combines the laid-back vibe of a beach bum with the universal appeal of a smiley face. It’s perfect for creating beach towels that stand out, fun t-shirts for beach outings, or even quirky beach bags. Imagine a line of beach accessories featuring this smiley, bringing smiles to many faces!

Here Comes The Sun

This stylish typographic SVG resonates with the optimism of sunny days ahead. It’s ideal for summer-themed home decor, such as framed art or cushions, to brighten up any space. Additionally, it can be used in creating banners for summer parties or events, setting a hopeful and joyful tone.

Hello Summer

Greet the warmest season with this vibrant and welcoming SVG. “Hello Summer” is perfect for seasonal decorations that add a splash of cheer to any setting. Use it on garden flags, welcome mats, or as part of a summer wreath to warmly welcome guests to your home during the summer months.

Sunshine Sunburn Sunset Repeat

This playful design captures the full cycle of a perfect summer day and is great for personal apparel like caps and tees worn on summer trips or beach outings. It’s also a fun addition to vacation photo albums or travel journals, adding a narrative of enduring summer fun.
Each of these designs is not only a great way to add a touch of summer to your projects but also a way to bring creativity and joy to the everyday items you create. They are designed to be easy to work with across different crafting mediums, ensuring that your summer projects are not only beautiful but also fun to make.

Dive Deeper into Design Details

Our Summer SVG collection not only brings vibrant aesthetics to your projects but also embeds deep artistic inspirations that resonate with the spirit of summer. Let’s take a closer look at the thematic elements and creative potential of some of our most popular designs:


The “Summer” SVG cut file features elegant, flowing typography that captures the ease and relaxation of the season. Its smooth lines and casual style make it perfect for beach apparel like sundresses or casual tees that scream summer. Crafters can also use this design on summer party invitations or as part of seasonal banners to add a touch of elegance and simplicity to any summer gathering.

Sunshine Sunburn Sunset Repeat

This design encapsulates the quintessential summer day from dawn till dusk. The cyclic nature of the phrase paired with playful typography makes it ideal for creating a range of products, from beach towels and flip flops to sun hats and canvas beach bags. It’s also perfect for end-of-summer gifts or as a theme for beach parties, providing a rhythmic nod to the day’s activities.

Explore Artistic Inspirations

Each SVG file in our collection draws from a rich palette of summer visuals and experiences, translating them into designs that evoke warmth, light, and fun. For instance, the Popsicle SVG taps into childhood memories of summer vacations, perfect for designing kids’ summer camp gear or birthday party decorations. The Watermelon SVG, with its bright colors and juicy appearance, brings a refreshing vibe to kitchenware or picnic accessories.

Thematic Integration in Projects

Crafters can integrate these designs into their projects to create thematic continuity. For example, combining the “Hello Summer” and “Sunshine Sunburn Sunset Repeat” designs on a set of custom beach gear creates a narrative of welcoming and enjoying the summer. Alternatively, the “Beach Bum Smiley Face” can be paired with the “Summer” design for a quirky and relaxed line of beachwear or accessories.
By understanding the inspirations and potential applications of each design, crafters can unleash their creativity and develop unique projects that truly capture the essence of summer.

Creative Uses for Summer SVG Files

Our Summer SVG collection offers endless possibilities to brighten your summer projects and enhance your vacation experiences. Here’s how you can utilize these versatile designs to make your summer truly unforgettable:

Custom Apparel

Transform plain t-shirts, tank tops, or beach cover-ups into vibrant declarations of summer fun. Use the “Here Comes The Sun” SVG to create sun-worshiping tops, or apply the “Beach Bum Smiley Face” design to children’s swimwear for a playful touch. The lightweight, airy nature of summer fabrics makes them perfect canvases for our colorful SVG designs.

Beach Bags and Accessories

Elevate your beach-going gear by customizing beach bags, hats, and even sandals with SVG files like the “Summer” or “Hello Summer” designs. These can add a personalized touch to your accessories, making them both functional and stylish. For example, a tote bag with the “Sunshine Sunburn Sunset Repeat” SVG can become a staple for your beach outings, holding everything from sunscreen to your favorite summer novel.

Party Decorations

Planning a summer barbecue or a pool party? Decorate your venue with banners, tablecloths, and placemats featuring our sunshine or watermelon SVGs. These elements can create a cohesive theme and add a splash of color and joy to your gatherings.

Customizing Travel Gear

Prepare for your summer travels with personalized travel gear. Use the “Vacation Calories Don’t Count” SVG on a custom passport holder or travel wallet. Luggage tags customized with the “Aloha Summer” SVG can help your bags stand out on the baggage carousel, adding a touch of fun and identification.

Fun Holiday Keepsakes

Create lasting memories by using SVGs to make holiday keepsakes such as custom photo frames decorated with the “Summer” SVG or scrapbook pages adorned with elements like popsicles and smiley faces. These keepsakes can capture the essence of your summer adventures and serve as beautiful reminders of the season.

DIY Home Decor

Brighten up your home with DIY summer decor. Cushions, wall hangings, or window decals featuring designs like “Sunshine on My Mind” or the cheerful “Hello Summer” can refresh your living space and bring the vibrant energy of summer indoors.
By integrating these SVG files into your summer crafts, you can add a personal touch to everything from your wardrobe to your home, making each creation uniquely yours. Let your creativity run wild and transform ordinary items into fun, summery masterpieces!

Why Choose Our Free SVG Files?

Quality and Versatility

At FreeSVGDownload.com, we pride ourselves on offering top-quality SVG files that are as versatile as they are vibrant. Each design is carefully crafted to ensure clean, sharp lines for flawless cutting, making them perfect for a wide range of materials from fabric to vinyl. Whether you’re embellishing a beach tote or customizing home decor, our SVG files provide the flexibility needed for both simple applications and complex layered projects.

Compatibility with Cutting Machines

Our SVG files are designed to be compatible with various cutting machines, including Cricut, Silhouette, and Brother. This compatibility makes our designs accessible to crafters of all skill levels, from beginners who are just getting started to seasoned professionals looking for high-quality designs for their complex projects.

Join Our Crafting Community

We are more than just a website; we are a community of passionate crafters who love to share and inspire each other. We encourage you to use our Summer SVG files in your projects and share your creations with us. Whether through our website, on social media, or via email, submitting your projects gives you the chance to be featured and inspire others in the community. Seeing how each person brings their touch to our designs is truly inspiring and fosters a vibrant community of creativity.


Our free Summer SVG collection is here to brighten your projects and help you enjoy the season to its fullest. With designs that capture the essence of summer fun and a user-friendly format, there’s no reason not to dive into your next crafting adventure. Download your favorite designs today at FreeSVGDownload.com and start creating personalized crafts that celebrate the joy of summer. Whether you’re making party decorations, customizing your vacation gear, or simply adding a summer touch to your home, our SVG files are the perfect tool for any summer-themed project.
Embrace the season with creativity—your next great project begins with a simple download!
submitted by errorstar to freesvgdownload [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:18 gepa21 RabbitMQ vs Kaleidoscope: New .NET 8.0 broker achieves 12x message throughput (1100% speedup)

RabbitMQ vs Kaleidoscope: New .NET 8.0 broker achieves 12x message throughput (1100% speedup)
In this post, we'll delve into a comparison between RabbitMQ, a well-established message broker, and Kaleidoscope, a new high-performance broker from the Phoesion Glow framework. We'll take a close look at their benchmark results to see how they perform in real-world scenarios.

Overview of RabbitMQ and Kaleidoscope

RabbitMQ is one of the most popular message brokers available. It implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and is renowned for its reliability, robustness, and extensive feature set, making it a staple in many production environments.
Kaleidoscope, is a new AMQP-like message broker, written entirely in .NET 8.0. It is engineered to deliver high performance as it was designed to be the backbone of Phoesion Glow, a cloud backend service development and cluster management solution. In peer-to-peer (P2P) mode, the Kaleidoscope broker acts as the routing authority, sending peerouting updates to the clients, while the clients form a P2P mesh and can send data directly to each other, thus removing significant resource overhead (cpu/memory/networking) overhead from the broker and improving throughput and latency for the clients.

Benchmark Setup

To provide a fair comparison, both RabbitMQ and Kaleidoscope were tested under the same conditions:
  • Hosting: Both broker service and benchmark client run on the same machine, using the loopback interface ( to ensure networking consistency.
  • Hardware: The same hardware setup and machine were used for both tests to ensure consistency.
  • Metrics: The primary metric was message throughput, measured in messages per second. The latency of the first message was also measured as a secondary metric.
  • Scope: The scope of the benchmark includes both broker and client libraries (as they would be used in a real-world application). For RabbitMQ the "RabbitMQ.Client" library is used.
Machine specifications:
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz
  • Memory: 32.0 GB @ 2133 MHz
  • OS: Windows 10 (22H2)
Benchmark design:
  • OS Processes: We have one broker process and one benchmark-app process.
  • Benchmark-app: will have 2 connections to the broker, one for the producer and one for the consumer.
  • Producer: spawns 40 concurrent C# Tasks that will flood-send messages to the broker.
  • Consumer: counts the received messages and once all messages are received the benchmark is completed.
  • Payload: 250 byte-array (pre-serialized) message.
Broker setup:
  • The brokers will have one exchange, with a binding to one queue. The queue must NOT be exclusive since in a real-world scenario there will be multiple consumers (future benchmark).
  • For RabbitMQ, both 'Topic' and 'Direct' exchange types were tested, while Kaleidoscope uses only a 'Topic'-like exchange.
  • No messages are allowed to be lost, so Acknowledgments must be enabled in both brokers.
  • No duplicate messages are allowed.

Benchmark Results

The benchmark tests yielded the following results:
RabbitMQ - Topic exchange:
  • Message Throughput: 40,000 messages/second
  • Latency: 80ms for the first message to arrive
RabbitMQ - Direct exchange:
  • Message Throughput: 60,000 messages/second
  • Latency: 80ms for the first message to arrive
Kaleidoscope - Normal mode:
  • Message Throughput: 140,000 messages/second
  • Latency: 0ms for the first message to arrive
Kaleidoscope - P2P Mode:
  • Message Throughput: 710,000 messages/second
  • Latency: 0ms for the first message to arrive
These results highlight a significant performance advantage for Kaleidoscope, especially in P2P mode.
All components
Another chart with-out Kaleidoscope P2P mode comparing the performance using same topology

Performance Analysis

P2P mode
  • Kaleidoscope: Achieving an impressive 710,000 messages/second, making it highly suitable for applications requiring rapid, low-latency communication between endpoints.
  • RabbitMQ: P2P mode is not supported.
Normal mode
  • Kaleidoscope: Even in normal mode, Kaleidoscope's throughput of 140,000 messages/second more than doubles RabbitMQ's performance, indicating its efficiency in handling standard messaging tasks.
  • RabbitMQ: Handles 60,000 messages/second, which, while solid, is outpaced by Kaleidoscope.
Exchange type
  • Kaleidoscope: Only supports 'Topic' exchange
  • RabbitMQ: The 'Direct' exchange type, with its reduced overhead, offers better performance than the 'Topic' exchange but is suited for more specific scenarios


While both brokers can be used in a similar manner, each was designed differently, offering special features to serve their use cases.
RabbitMQ: Better queuing features like persistence, dead-man-letter handling, and job-scheduling
Kaleidoscope: Faster messaging/RPC throughput with low latency, orchestrating clients in p2p to reduce (CPU/network) overhead, tunneling and streaming as a service-bus for cloud backend.


These diagrams show how data move in different setups:
  • RabbitMQ using Topic/Direct exchanges.
  • Kaleidoscope in Normal mode.
  • Kaleidoscope in P2P mode.


These benchmarks suggest that while RabbitMQ remains a reliable and feature-rich option, Kaleidoscope offers substantial performance benefits, particularly for high-throughput applications. The higher message throughput can lead to more responsive systems and better utilization of resources, which is crucial for modern, data-intensive applications.
Kaleidoscope is not available (or at least documented or supported) as a standalone product, but instead, it serves as the backbone of the Phoesion Glow framework by interconnecting all cloud components/services, providing significant performance benefits with its high message throughput and low latency.
As always, it's important to consider your specific requirements and test in your environment to determine the best fit for your needs. If you have any questions or insights based on your experiences with these message brokers, feel free to share them in the comments below!
More benchmarks are needed to get the full picture. Some benchmarks planned for the future include:
  • Test on Linux OS
  • Test using multiple machines with producer, broker and consumer each running on a separate machine
  • Test using multiple consumers.
  • Test clustering
Stay tuned!

Source Code

Source code is available at https://github.com/gepa21/broker_benchmark
submitted by gepa21 to phoesion [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:14 Particular-Cat-7158 How to Draw on a PDF

Whether you're a student annotating academic papers or a professional collaborating on design plans drawing on PDFs is required to highlight the key points.
In this post, you'll discover the best free tool-PDFgear for drawing on PDFs across various devices, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, and Android, all at no cost.
submitted by Particular-Cat-7158 to PDFgear [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:13 Ok-Fee1422 10 Genius Hacks to Help Your Kids Sleep All Night! 🌙 Parenting Tips for Restful Nights

Hey everyone!
As parents, we all know how challenging bedtime can be. If you're struggling to get your kids to sleep through the night, I've got some life-changing tips for you! 🌟
Check out my latest video on Dreamland Adventures: "10 Genius Hacks to Help Your Kids Sleep All Night!" From warm baths to bedtime stories and even the magic of aromatherapy, these methods are designed to transform bedtime into a serene and peaceful experience.

Premiere Time: 2024.06.11 20:45

In the video, you'll discover:
  1. Warm Bath 🛁
  2. Comfortable Bedding 🛏️
  3. Dimming the Lights 💡
  4. Special Sleep-Inducing Foods 🍎
  5. White Noise Machine 🎶
  6. Consistent Bedtime Routine 🕒
  7. Bedtime Yoga 🧘‍♀️
  8. Lullabies 🎵
  9. Bedtime Stories 📖
  10. Aromatherapy 🌿
These tips are not only backed by research but also tested by parents like you. They can significantly improve your child's sleep quality and make your nights stress-free. Plus, they're easy to implement, so even dads can do it easily too! 😉
Watch the full video here: [https://youtu.be/z9TmCVJmevI\]
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more amazing parenting insights and bedtime solutions. Let's make bedtime a breeze!
Keywords: kids sleep through the night, parenting tips, bedtime hacks, sleep quality improvement, Dreamland Adventures, restful nights, bedtime routine
Feel free to share your own bedtime tips or ask any questions in the comments. Let's help each other out!

Parenting #BedtimeTips #SleepBetter #DreamlandAdventures

submitted by Ok-Fee1422 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:12 Dramatic_Earth_7334 Rajat Aagaman: Where Real Estate Dreams Come True

Aagaman, a premier residential project by the esteemed Rajat Group, is set to redefine luxury living in the heart of South Kolkata. Strategically positioned on Motilal Gupta Road in Tollygunge, Aagaman offers a meticulously planned development that promises an elevated lifestyle amidst the vibrant cityscape.
Aagaman is currently in an under-construction phase, with 70% of its units already sold, reflecting its popularity on high demand. The project spans across a sprawling 11.7-acre land area, featuring 10 elegantly designed towers. These towers offer a total of 930 units, providing a variety of 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments. Each tower boasts a sophisticated architectural design, with configurations of B+G+14, B+G+16, and B+G+18 floors. The super built-up areas range from 890 to 1,576 sq. ft., catering to diverse space requirements of modern homebuyers. Aagaman offers a range of apartment options, with prices starting at Rs 83 Lakh onwards. This investment promises not only luxurious living but also substantial value appreciation given the project's prime location and exceptional amenities. The possession date is slated for December 2025, making it an ideal choice for those looking to secure a future-ready home.
One of Aagaman’s standout features is its expansive open spaces, covering 82% of the ground area. These areas are expertly designed with lush gardens and serene water bodies, creating a tranquil and picturesque setting for residents. The thoughtfully landscaped gardens provide a perfect backdrop for relaxation and leisurely strolls, enhancing the overall living experience. The apartments at Aagaman are crafted to blend modern aesthetics with functional design. Spacious and well-planned, these units cater to contemporary lifestyles, offering a seamless mix of comfort and style. The intelligent floor planning maximizes space utilization, ensuring that every square foot contributes to the resident's living experience. Residents can enjoy various lifestyle amenities such as a well-equipped gym, a luxurious clubhouse, and a serene yoga and meditation area. Healthcare facilities, including a wellness center, are also available within the estate, providing convenience and peace of mind. For those who enjoy an active lifestyle, Aagaman offers extensive sports facilities, including a swimming pool, badminton courts, and jogging tracks. These amenities are designed to promote fitness and well-being, ensuring that residents can maintain a healthy lifestyle without leaving the premises.
Aagaman is more than just a residential project; it’s a community designed to celebrate family and togetherness. The thoughtfully planned common areas and amenities encourage social interaction and community bonding, making it a perfect place for families to thrive. Aagaman is meticulously designed to provide the perfect setting for relaxation, entertainment, and rejuvenation. The lush green spaces and recreational areas are ideal for unwinding after a long day, while state-of-the-art fitness centers cater to health and wellness needs. Whether you're looking to socialize, stay active, or simply relax, Aagaman offers it all.
In summary, Aagaman represents the epitome of luxury living in South Kolkata. With its prime location, exceptional architectural design, and comprehensive range of amenities, Aagaman is the perfect place to call home. It offers an unparalleled living experience, blending modern conveniences with serene living spaces. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this extraordinary residential community, where every detail is crafted to provide a superior lifestyle. Experience the best of urban living at Aagaman, where your dream home awaits.
submitted by Dramatic_Earth_7334 to u/Dramatic_Earth_7334 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:10 Chomusuke08_ What other things can I learn or do as a beginner UI/UX Designer in my free time?

I got hired a few months ago and I want to learn things other than Figma since that's all we use.
Currently looking to learn Framer since that's the only option I found with a good free plan. Might also consider doing the Coursera UI/UX Google certificate in the future since 2.5k/month is too much for now.
Might even consider trying out freelancing - any tips to get clients preferably international?
submitted by Chomusuke08_ to PinoyProgrammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:07 errorstar Beach SVG Free Cut Files

Beach SVG Free Cut Files
Beach SVG Free Cut Files

Enjoy the Summer with Our Free Beach SVG Collection

Welcome to the ultimate summer crafting destination at FreeSVGDownload.com! As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, there’s no better time to dive into a new DIY project, especially one that captures the essence of summer. Our newly released Beach SVG collection is perfectly crafted to bring the joy of sunny days and sandy beaches right into your home and projects. Featuring an array of free SVG cut files, from stylish sunglasses to intricate sea shells, playful turtles, and sturdy anchors, these designs are ideal for enhancing your summer gear, creating festive home decor, or gifting something special to a fellow beach lover.

Explore Our Beach SVG Collection

Dive deeper into our Beach SVG collection, where each of the 16 free cut files awaits to spark your creativity and brighten your projects. These designs are not just beautiful—they’re also imbued with the carefree spirit of summer and designed to be as versatile as they are vibrant. Here are some highlights from our collection:
  • Sunglasses SVG: Perfect for customizing beach totes or creating funky wall art.
  • Sea Shell SVG: Ideal for adding a touch of ocean mystery to bathroom decor or as part of a beach-themed scrapbook page.
  • Turtle SVG: Great for children’s apparel or educational crafts that bring a bit of marine life closer to home.
  • Anchor SVG: A classic symbol of stability, perfect for nautical-themed projects.
Our quotes add even more personality to your creations, with cheerful sayings like “Vacation calories don’t count,” “Sunshine on my mind,” and “Aloha summer.” Each quote is ready to use and easy to integrate into various crafts, whether you’re looking to add some fun to a summer party invitation or make a statement piece for your living room.

Featured Beach SVG Designs and Quotes

Our Beach SVG collection is rich with unique designs that evoke the essence of a carefree summer day by the ocean. Here are some featured designs and how they can bring a unique touch to your crafts:
  • Mandala Turtle SVG: This intricately designed turtle is not just a symbol of the ocean but also of peace and longevity. Its detailed mandala pattern makes it ideal for sophisticated projects like meditation room art, stylish tote bags, or even as a beautiful print on a yoga mat.
  • “Here Comes the Sun” SVG: This optimistic quote is a reminder of bright days and fun times ahead. Use it to create sunny wall decor, cheerful greeting cards, or even summer party banners. Its positive vibe is perfect for adding a ray of sunshine to any item.
  • “Shell Yeah Beaches” SVG: Perfect for those with a playful attitude towards life and vacation. This cheeky quote can be used on beach apparel, casual coasters, or as a fun addition to a beach tote.
  • “Sea You Soon” SVG: Ideal for farewell or reunion gifts, this pun-filled design can add a thoughtful touch to going-away presents, welcome signs, or even holiday cards for friends you wish to vacation with.
Each design is crafted not only to look great but to be versatile, allowing you to customize colors, sizes, and layers to perfectly match your creative vision.

Extend Your Vacation with Beach-Themed Crafts

Crafting Ideas for Every Occasion
Our Beach SVG files are perfect for injecting a bit of summer into every occasion. Here’s how you can use these versatile designs:
  • For Beach Parties: Create custom invitations, party favors, or decorative banners with our sunny quotes and beach-themed elements. They’re sure to set the right tone for a fun-filled day by the water.
  • Quiet Crafting at Home: Use the sea shell or sunshine SVGs to make decorative pieces for your living space or to create personalized gifts that bring the essence of summer indoors.
Seasonal Projects
Extend the summer vibe throughout the year with projects that celebrate the warmth and fun of the season:
  • Summer Holidays: Gear up for Fourth of July or Labor Day with custom shirts featuring our “Sunshine Sunburn Sunset” design, or decorate your home with the “Aloha Summer” SVG for a tropical flair.
  • Creating Gifts: Use the “Tan and Tipsy” SVG to personalize a set of cocktail glasses for a summer housewarming gift, or the mandala turtle design for a thoughtful present that symbolizes protection and longevity.

Trends in Beach and Summer Designs

Latest Trends in Summer Crafts
The sunny season brings with it a surge of vibrant and refreshing crafting ideas, and our Beach SVG collection is perfectly in tune with these trends. Designs featuring natural elements like sea shells and animal motifs, such as our mandala turtle, are increasingly popular, representing both an appreciation for nature and a nod to sustainability. The minimalist chic of our “Sunshine on My Mind” and “Here Comes the Sun” quotes aligns with the trend towards simple yet impactful design in home decor and personal accessories.
Mixing and Matching Designs
One of the joys of crafting is the ability to create something unique, and our SVG files are designed for just that purpose. Try combining our “Aloha Summer” SVG with the anchor or sunglasses designs to craft a custom beach tote that’s both functional and stylish. Or pair the “Sunshine Sunburn Sunset” SVG with the palm trees for a vibrant, tropical-themed party decor set. Mixing and matching these designs allows you to cater to personal tastes or seasonal themes, making each project distinctively yours.

Showcase of Community Creations

Community Spotlight
Our crafting community is teeming with creativity, and we love showcasing your incredible projects. From custom beach towels featuring our “Shell Yeah Beaches” SVG to elegant wall art using the “Mandala Turtle,” the versatility and creativity of our users never cease to amaze. These projects not only reflect personal style but also inspire others to think outside the box and see the potential in each SVG file.
Get Involved
We’re always eager to see how you bring your crafts to life using our SVG designs. Share your creations with us by submitting them on our website or by tagging us on social media. Your projects could be featured in our next community spotlight, inspiring crafters around the world and bringing more visibility to your craftsmanship.


Our Beach SVG collection offers an endless summer of possibilities, from enhancing your vacation gear to adding a touch of the ocean to your everyday life. With designs that cater to all crafting levels and styles, we invite you to download your favorites and start creating today. Whether you’re mixing designs for a unique project or using a single piece for a simple task, there’s something in our collection for everyone.
Enjoy crafting with our free SVG files at FreeSVGDownload.com and keep your summer spirits high all year round. Let your creativity soar and share your joy of crafting with us and the community. Happy crafting!
submitted by errorstar to freesvgdownload [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:05 Usual-Measurement456 LF Roommate Green Res 2

Hello! I’m looking for 3 female roommates! PLS PM ME UR FB ACC HEHE
Info about the unit:
tower 3 with BALCONY 8th floor city view Fully Furnish free wifi free condo dues free use of amenities 4pax sa unit. - 6k per pax
payment 1 mo advance 2 mos deposit
inclusion Refrigerator Aircon Rangehood Microwave Kettle induction cooker Rice cooker Heater bidet Electric fan kitchen utensils complete cooking pan
submitted by Usual-Measurement456 to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:05 Special_Guarantee_51 Pre Primary School in Indore

Pre Primary School in Indore submitted by Special_Guarantee_51 to u/Special_Guarantee_51 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:05 Competitive-Jello924 Revolutionize Your Web Design Workflow with These Essential Tailwind CSS Tips and Tricks

Hey webdev! I've been working with Tailwind CSS quite a bit lately, and I thought I'd share some tips and tricks that might help you out. If you’ve been wanting to streamline your design process, Tailwind CSS is a fantastic utility-first framework to make your life easier. Let’s jump in:
Tip #1: Use the JIT (Just In Time) Mode - Jetting (pun intended) is crucial. By enabling JIT mode in your Tailwind config, you can drastically reduce your CSS file size and compile super fast. This way, you only generate the CSS you are actually using.
javascript // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { mode: 'jit', purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'], // Adjust paths accordingly … }
Tip #2: Customizing Design System - Tailwind makes it ridiculously easy to customize your design system. Adjust your theme in tailwind.config.js to match your brand’s specific color palette, typography, spacing, and more.
javascript // tailwind.config.js theme: { extend: { colors: { primary: '#1E3A8A', secondary: '#CBD5E0', customGray: '#EDF2F7' }, spacing: { '18': '4.5rem', }, }, }
Tip #3: Optimizing for Dark Mode - Want dark mode support? Effortlessly done with Tailwind's dark mode feature. Toggle it using the dark class.
Your content here...

Tip #4: Responsive Design with Ease - Tailwind’s responsive design features allow for seamless scaling. Use breakpoint prefixes like sm:, md:, lg: to control your layout on different screen sizes.
Adaptive padding

Trick #1: Leveraging @apply Directive - @apply can simplify styles and reuse common utilities within your CSS files. Perfect for complex or repeating patterns.
css /* styles.css */ .btn-primary { @apply bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded; }
Exploring Plugins and Addons - Make your toolset even more powerful by using Tailwind CSS plugins. Implementing tailwindcss-aspect-ratio, forms, or typography can extend functionality without bloating your CSS file.
bash npm install @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio
javascript // tailwind.config.js plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio'), ],
A Real-life Example - I customized a client’s site with an entirely bespoke look in just hours by leveraging Tailwind CSS. Managing colors, typography, and spacing directly through theme configurations saved a ton of time. JIT mode kept the build lightning fast, and responsive classes kept everything tight across devices.
That’s it for now! Dive into your projects and give Tailwind CSS a try. Feel free to comment with questions or share your own experiences and tips! Happy coding!
submitted by Competitive-Jello924 to CodeCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:03 nsportwatchface Free 100 coupons N-SPORT 373 Watch Face #WearOS For Samsung Galaxy Watch 4,5,6

🎁Hello friends. Receive 100 Free N-SPORT 373 Watch Face coupon codes right away 🤗
🌐 Get Coupons: https://nsportwatchface.com/free-100-coupons-n-sport-373-watch-face-wearos-for-samsusng-galaxy-watch-4-5-6/
🖋I will also be happy to receive any feedback in the Play Store🥰🤗.
✨If you like this design, you should definitely check out my other creations. Just check out:



TizenOS: https://galaxy.store/nsports

📨If you need help, don't worry, contact me now: admin@nsportwatchface.com
Best regards!

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submitted by nsportwatchface to u/nsportwatchface [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:03 GumdropGlimmer Althusser's concept of cultural hegemony, Turkish soap operas & P2025

I’ve mentioned in this sub a few times that GQP uses the same playbook as another party I’m unfortunately awfully familiar with. Y’all, I present to you, 🇹🇷’s💡 jUstIcE & dEvEloPmEnT pArTy (AQP) and how they use Turkish TV shows (as one of the devices) to establish their cultural hegemony in Turkey. I hope that some of the mechanisms from their playbook and examples of success will provide insights as we work to defeat P2025. Like many Turks (or others that share similar fates) this is why I knew Trump (& MAGA) would be dangerous when I first watched his 2015 speeches. That’s why I also knew, it wouldn’t be easy to get rid of the virus that infected the hearts and minds of so many powered by expert operatives with endless pockets. At the end of the day, this isn’t a movement that began with Trump, and sadly, it won’t end with him either. Assuming the subject matter might be unfamiliar to some, I provided background and contextual details. If you just want to learn about Althusser’s cultural hegemony concept and its mechanics, scroll down.
Tonight, I watched a YouTube commentary video about a Turkish show I recently watched and AKP’s cultural hegemony through TV shows. Since the video is in Turkish, I’m sharing what I picked up on and additional information I gathered on the concept as it relates to P2025. Kızılcık Şerbeti, a soap opera that tells the story of a conservative religious family and friends and their relationship with a secular family and their friends. These two groups first meet and engage with one another when the conservative family son knocks up his secular girlfriend — both 20-22 (other than the “elite” “modern”secular group being depicted as virtue signaling and callously insulting those who wear a headscarf or practice any form of religious ritual). When the secular girlfriend, a college student majoring in dentistry, tells her strong independent working (divorced) mother and grandmother, who she lives with, the pregnancy, the mother loses her shit, yells and screams and tries to trick her daughter to get an abortion, all acting hysterical through the scene. Managing to escape the abortion appointment, rescued by his extremely wealthy boyfriend, she moves in with his very conservative religious Muslim family and is welcome there to live happily ever after while raising her kid and being a wife so long as she abides by the religious and cultural norms of the household. The girlfriend is never forced to turn to Allah or to practice Islamic rituals. On the contrary, told numerous times that she isn’t required to cover her head with a scarf. As a matter of fact, the other DIL who also lives in the same mansion doesn’t wear a headscarf (unlike the boyfriend’s mother and sister). See, the secular girlfriend is told, everyone is free to act how they see fit. What a contrast from her family, who essentially forced her to runaway because they’re so unaccepting, irrational, and don’t value even having a proper sit down with their daughter about a life altering decision and just forced her into an abortion like it’s nothing. While the plot doesn’t ever touch on views on abortion, the subtext is clear. As the girlfriend becomes part of this household, after an Islamic marriage followed by a shotgun legal wedding, her every move is watched and commented on, she is very frequently encouraged to practice Islam and taught about their cultural norms, while having to live within the bounds of the very patriarchal family structure. She can’t go out in the evenings, by herself, without accompanied by men that is either her husband or husband’s family. Soon after, her pregnancy is weaponized to control her even more and more, including being asked to pause her college classes “until the baby gets here.”
Ironically, the secular mother of the newly wed is the head principal of a top ranked private high school that is designed with Atatürk’s ideology (the founder of the Republic of Turkey). TL; DR it likely aligns with many of you who are mobilizing to prevent a fascist presidential takeover in November. (Note: the Republican party in Turkey corresponds to the Dems in the U.S.)

How does this contrast to the situation after a 20+ years of AKP ruling the nation?

Let’s look at this 2017 example: “When children in Turkey head back to school this fall, something will be missing from their textbooks: any mention of evolution. The Turkish government is phasing in what it calls a values-based curriculum. Critics accuse Turkey's president of pushing a more conservative, religious ideology — at the expense of young people's education.”

How does this relate to P2025 and the GQP agenda?

Well, let’s see what was happening in Louisiana around the same time. (Questioning Evolution: The Push to Change Science Class) “A growing skepticism of science has seeped into the classroom, and it’s revived attacks on one of the most established principles of biology – evolution.” reported Clyde Haberman of the NYT in 2017.
Below is my conversation with an AI to learn and better understand cultural hegemony and AKP’s successful execution of its mechanics over the last two decades. If you catch erroneous information, let me know.

How does Althusser define cultural hegemony?

“Louis Althusser, a prominent Marxist philosopher, defines cultural hegemony as the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class through the manipulation of cultural norms, values, and beliefs. He argues that the ruling class maintains power not only through economic and political means but also by controlling the dominant ideology, which shapes the way people perceive and interpret the world around them.
According to Althusser, the ruling class uses cultural institutions such as education, media, and religion to disseminate its ideology and maintain its hegemony. These institutions function as "ideological state apparatuses" that inculcate individuals with the values and beliefs of the ruling class, thereby ensuring their complicity in maintaining the status quo.
Althusser's concept of cultural hegemony emphasizes the role of ideology in reproducing social inequalities and maintaining the dominance of the ruling class. His ideas have had a profound impact on Marxist theory and have influenced various fields of study, including cultural studies, critical theory, and post-structuralism.”

According to experts, how does Turkey’s AKP execute their cultural hegemony through Turkish tv shows like Kızılcık Şerbeti and Kızıl Goncalar?

“Several experts argue that Turkey's AKP (Justice and Development Party) executes its cultural hegemony through popular TV shows like "Kızılcık Şerbeti" and "Kızıl Goncalar" by promoting a specific set of values and beliefs that align with their political agenda. These shows often depict traditional family structures, religious values, and a strong sense of national identity, which resonate with the AKP's conservative and nationalist voter base.
Moreover, the portrayal of these values in a positive light can be seen as an attempt to normalize and legitimize the AKP's cultural hegemony. By creating and popularizing media content that reflects their ideology, the AKP aims to shape public opinion and maintain their grip on power. This approach can also be seen as an effort to counteract the influence of Western media and promote a distinctly Turkish cultural identity.
Critics argue that this use of popular culture for political purposes limits the diversity of perspectives represented in Turkish media and reinforces social divisions. However, supporters of the AKP contend that these shows merely reflect the values and beliefs of a significant portion of Turkish society and contribute to the preservation of traditional Turkish culture.”

How has AKP used education and religion to create cultural hegemony?

“Since coming to power in 2002, the AKP has utilized education and religion as key tools to create cultural hegemony in Turkey. Here are some examples of how they've done this:
  • Expansion of religious schools: The AKP has significantly increased the number of religious schools (known as Imam Hatip schools) across Turkey, with the goal of raising a more religious generation and promoting conservative Islamic values.
  • Influence over higher education: The AKP has implemented strategies to gain greater control over Turkish universities, which are important sites for knowledge production and shaping social norms. This has included changes to university governance structures and the appointment of administrators aligned with the party's ideology.
  • Emphasis on religious and nationalistic values: Through education, the AKP has promoted a blend of religious and nationalistic values, emphasizing the importance of Turkish and Islamic identity. This has often been accompanied by an emphasis on traditional gender roles and conservative social norms.
  • Targeted youth organizations: The AKP has also supported the formation of youth organizations that promote the party's ideology and encourage young people to adopt its values.”

What are some of the mechanisms that they used to execute this successfully without significant backlash?

“The AKP has employed several mechanisms to execute its cultural hegemony in education and religion without significant backlash. Here are some key strategies they've used:
  • Gradual implementation: Rather than introducing sweeping changes all at once, the AKP has implemented its policies gradually over time. This approach has allowed the party to consolidate its power and normalize its policies without triggering widespread resistance.
  • Popular support: The AKP has maintained a significant base of popular support throughout its time in power, particularly among conservative and religious segments of Turkish society. By catering to this base, the party has been able to legitimize its policies and mitigate backlash from other sectors of society.
  • Control over media and information: The AKP has exerted considerable influence over Turkish media, which has enabled the party to shape public narratives and limit criticism of its policies. This control has helped the AKP maintain support for its initiatives and limit organized opposition.
  • Targeting key institutions: By focusing on strategic institutions like schools, universities, and religious organizations, the AKP has been able to influence the values and beliefs of the next generation of Turkish citizens, ensuring the continuation of its cultural hegemony in the long term.
  • Coupling religious and nationalistic rhetoric: The AKP has effectively combined religious and nationalistic values in its messaging, appealing to a broad range of citizens who may not otherwise support its policies. By framing its initiatives as part of a larger effort to protect and promote Turkish identity, the party has been able to build a diverse base of support.
These strategies have allowed the AKP to implement its policies with relatively limited backlash, while also ensuring the party's continued dominance in Turkish politics.”
submitted by GumdropGlimmer to conservativeterrorism [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:02 dutchermart12 Backyard Revolution Review – An Affordable DIY Solar System

Take a moment to read my comprehensive Backyard Revolution review, and you might reconsider your current power source.Renewable energy is a trending topic. More environmentally friendly alternatives are increasingly recommended, and there's a shift toward generating sustainable electricity. However, this transition is expensive, and in areas with older infrastructure, power grids are not being redesigned to accommodate renewable energy sources.
Would you take the risk if you could cut your power bill in half with a bit of ingenuity in your own backyard? What about the possibility of free electricity? The Backyard Revolution offers a homemade solar panel system that ensures you never pay more for energy than necessary.
The Backyard Revolution system generates long-lasting electricity while saving money, offering tips on conserving energy and taking a step towards a sustainable future.The high cost of electricity is a common complaint, leading millions to seek ways to save money. If you’re among them, the Backyard Revolution is worth exploring. It’s an intriguing product gaining global attention.
~Backyard Revolution:Reduce your electricity bill by 40%.Buy now to get maximum discount~
What is Backyard Revolution?
The Backyard Revolution solar system reduces traditional energy costs by 65 percent. Originating from a backyard discovery, this program aims to help those dependent on conventional energy sources, like windmills. It involves optimizing panels to generate substantial electricity from ordinary solar panels in a backyard setting.
The method uses a zig-zag arrangement of solar panels to maximize sunlight absorption, significantly improving efficiency and output compared to traditional flat-panel setups. This design reduces the physical space required for installation, making it suitable for homes with limited outdoor areas.
Backyard Revolution 3D Solar Panel
Instead of providing ready-made panels, Backyard Revolution offers plans and instructions for building and installing them. The DIY approach not only saves money but also empowers individuals to create their own renewable energy solutions.
Key Features
· 3D Design: The zig-zag arrangement enhances sunlight capture and efficiency.
· Compact Size: Requires only 10 square feet of space.
· Scalability: Build as many panels as needed to meet your household energy requirements.
· Cost-Effective: Estimated cost to build the system is under $200, making it accessible to most budgets.
Zack Bennett, The Backyard Revolution Creator
Zack Bennett, an engineer and carpenter, created the Backyard Revolution after a storm-induced power outage in Orlando, Florida, led him to seek more economical and accessible electricity sources. Utilizing MIT research and his carpentry skills, he designed solar panels that anyone can construct, regardless of their technical knowledge.
· Inspiration: A storm and subsequent power outage prompted Bennett to find a better solution.
· MIT Influence: Research from MIT on solar panel efficiency and the zig-zag method formed the basis of his design.
· DIY Ethos: Bennett's goal was to create a system that anyone could build and install with minimal tools and expertise.
How Does It Work?
The Backyard Revolution system can be built and set up within 4 hours following step-by-step video instructions. It features a 3D design combining towers, tubes, and mini-towers with solar cells, capable of generating renewable energy 20 times more efficiently than traditional panels.
Technical Details
· Construction Time: Approximately 4 hours for a single panel.
· Placement: Panels must be placed outdoors to capture direct sunlight.
· Efficiency: The 3D design and zig-zag arrangement allow for higher energy output in a smaller footprint.
· Materials: Commonly available materials and tools are used, keeping costs low.
What Do You Get When You Buy The Backyard Revolution System?
Purchasing Backyard Revolution includes several resources.
· Backyard Revolution eBook: A detailed 117-page guide with instructions for building a 3D mobile solar unit for under $200.
· Alternative Electric Energy Sources for Your Homestead: A special report on creating an off-grid power source for emergencies.
· How to Build Your Energy Stockpile: Tips on storing excess power generated by the system.
· How to Protect Your Homestead in case of an EMP: Guidance on scaling your solar panel system into a complete off-grid power system during outages.
Pros and Cons of The Backyard Revolution
· Easy to Install: Any individual can install the program without professional help, making it accessible regardless of expertise.
· Independent: Provides energy independence from unreliable national grids, reducing monthly electric bills.
· Portable: Easily transported for use at home, on camping trips, road trips, and other outdoor activities.
· Cost Savings: Potential to save 50% on utility bills, with solar panels that are cost-effective and reliable.
· Space-Efficient: Requires only 10 square feet, compared to traditional systems needing much more space.
· Low Maintenance: Designed for zero to minimal maintenance, ideal for long-term use.
· Weather Resistant: Functions in various weather conditions, ensuring a reliable power source even during cloudy or stormy days.
· Support System: It should not be the sole power source, as relying on one system can be risky if it fails.
· No Charging Options: The system does not come with built-in battery charging options.
· Sunlight Requirement: Must be placed in direct sunlight for optimal performance, which can be a limitation in shaded areas.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 Is The Backyard Revolution Worth It?
Ans-Yes, for those looking for a cost-effective, DIY renewable energy solution.
Q2 Is The Backyard Revolution A Scam Or Legit?
Ans- It is a legitimate system based on MIT research, designed to be easy to construct and use.
Q3 Does The Backyard Revolution Really Work?
Ans- Yes, it can significantly reduce electricity bills by up to 65% when properly installed and maintained.
Q4 How Much Does The Backyard Revolution Solar System Cost?
Ans- The estimated cost to build the system is under $200.
Q5 Is The Backyard Revolution For Real?
Ans- Yes, it is based on credible research and practical engineering principles.
Q6 How Many Watts Does A Backyard Revolution Make?
Ans- The output varies based on the number of panels built and installed, but it is designed to be highly efficient.
Final Thoughts
Green energy sources are in high demand, but the expense of installing solar panels can be a barrier. The Backyard Revolution allows people to design their own solar panel system at home without professional assistance. It's an effective way to reduce electricity costs with a minimal initial investment.
The Backyard Revolution stands out for its innovative design, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness. It provides a practical solution for those seeking to lower their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint. If you’re looking for a way to harness solar energy without the high costs and complexities of traditional systems, the Backyard Revolution is a compelling option.I hope this Backyard Revolution review helps you make an informed decision about the product.

submitted by dutchermart12 to u/dutchermart12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:02 NaughtyToady Can I get some opinions of my current build before I start ordering?

I don't want AMD, I need Intel because I'll be doing a lot of video editing and multitasking. RAM is cheap so I'm going all out on it. and I need 4tb of SSD to install my whole steam library on it. I mostly need help with the motherboard, would that bother be enough to handle all the other hardware on my list? please help. Thank you.
submitted by NaughtyToady to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:01 Strong_Quote Becca Luna - Passive Passion Project (Download)

Becca Luna - Passive Passion Project (Download)
Becca Luna - Passive Passion Project

Becca Luna - Passive Passion Project Reviews: Is it worth it?

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submitted by Strong_Quote to DioStudying [link] [comments]
