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2024.05.22 01:37 HondaAholic Me(26M) Girlfriend(27F) (8months) We got into an argument and I need advice

TL;DR! I feel drained, sad, and unmotivated and I feel like my girlfriend is being insensitive when I told her why I feel this way, what do I do?
I just need advice and opinions from a 3rd person view.
Fyi, she has been unemployed for nearly half a year until yesterday..
So these past couple days I have been feeling drained, sad, unmotivated. Haven't been eating much, not sleeping well, showing up to work late. Maybe I'm dealing with a depression episode? Maybe I'm just overthinking and doing this to myself?
I texted my girlfriend and said we need to talk. I asked if I could tell her what's on my mind without you getting upset. She said yes, and this is what I said.
"I don't know what's going on, like if I'm just being dramatic or something is off with me but I feel like i'm not getting enough love. I feel like im always selfless and don't get the attention I need. I hardly put myself first, I usually think about everyone before me and not getting reciprocation is exhausting. I also feel like there's a lack of romance and excitement. I don't know what I can do."
She then called a few minutes later, asked if there was anything she can do. I said "I don't know, maybe read what I said and see if any of that is contradicting to what you do. Maybe come love on me? That's what I'd do."
She went off to say how she gives me hugs, kisses, scratches my back, says "I love you". I said theres more to love than just that. You do do those things but im talking about right now, not the past.
Her excuse for the no romance or excitement was she has no money. I said you don't need money to have romance or excitement. You could literally take me to a park, throw out a blanket, sit at a picnic table, eat lunch, or watch a movie/videos on our phone, or go late and just lay there and look at the stars. Her response was "Okay well I'll start taking you to the park"
I told her I feel like you're always selfish. She asked in what way. I asked her what do you do for me? When do you ask what I want to do? What I want to eat? If I want or need anything? When have you done something thoughtful for me?
She starts naming things, well last weekend I think I asked you what you wanted to do. Well that one time I made enchiladas, I asked if you wanted that or something else. Then went off about how when she asks me to go fishing, she doesn't want to, she's doing it for me. She said the other day she would've rather stayed home and relaxed in the swimming pool, but came to see me because I wanted to hangout with her.
Now here's how im thinking.. I always put her first. I always ask her what she wants, what she needs. I take care of her however she needs. I pay for all our meals. I randomly zelle her. I fill up her gas tank. I steal her car to go wash and vacuum it as a surprise. I've missed work just to be with her. I went through the hassle of calling ATT to get her phone unlocked so I can put her on my phone plan and pay her phone bill. I replaced her headlight and turn signal bulbs. Ive literally given the last few dollars i had so she could a take a 6hr trip to throw her sister a baby shower and pay for all of it, including her gas and dinner for her family. There's so much I just do, without being asked.
It turned into an argument with her getting all defensive and I feel like she was trying to make my feelings invalid instead of understanding how I feel and why. She went on to say my thought process is childish and she's tired of arguing with me. We said bye and hung up.
I just don't get it. Am I being childish? I genuinely am feeling down and just expressed that. Is she being insensitive?
What should I do?
submitted by HondaAholic to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:37 Alone_Possession_313 My Boyfriend of 2 years is now ordering me to be submissive

My soon to be ex-boyfriend (25m) has been on a “I must submit to him” kick for the past few months. We have been dating for 2 years and this controlling side was not present in the beginning. He constantly tells me (29f) that I must submit to him, always agree with him, and never express my disagreement to him or his decisions, and that I must always obey his wants and needs. For example, he got home from work the other day, I made him a cup of hot tea, made the bed comfy for him, rubbed his back, then I suggested to put a movie on for us. During the movie, I asked him if he could put his hand on my shoulder because I was cold. He got triggered and told me “don’t ever tell me what to do”. On a separate occasion, the very next day actually, I had sent him a text message that required a response. He didn’t reply so I called him. When I called him, I said “hi, I sent you a message can you check it and reply to me”, before he could answer me back, I had hung up the phone already. Immediately after, I received a text from him saying I am “masculine” and “not submissive” for hanging up the phone. He proceeded to make a comment stating “I can’t believe I have to explain this concept to you. A 10 year old would understand”. The most confusing part of this all, is that he is demanding me to submit , yet I am still paying half of all his bills. Additionally, he doesn’t have a car and uses mine. He does not donate a PENNY to help pay for the insurance , the car payment, and doesn’t care about getting my vehicle cleaned for me, or taking it to get an oil change ever, etc. I have been the one who has been taking care of that. I went alone to get my oil changed, I went alone to a tire shop to get a new tire when I got a flat on the road. It seems unfair that he is demanding me to submit, yet still makes me pay half the bills, doesn’t help with the car that he uses , and then has me doing manly things like getting a tire changed by myself ! Not to mention, I’m always the one taking out the garbage , too! Also, I do NOT fall short on other duties as well such as cooking , cleaning , decorating, etc. I am conflicted because when I met this guy, I thought he was the one. Now I am seeing a very dark and controlling side of him. But wait, is this even controlling ? Should I obey and be more submissive ? I would love to close my eyes and let the man in my life lead , but I had to tell his guy how to write out a check , I had to go car shopping alone because he was too afraid that we couldn’t afford a car and just wanted to keep using my mom’s car, I am the one who went apartment searching for us and put down the deposits , so how can I possibly trust him to lead if I am the sole person always making and handling the big decisions… Are all men like this ? Am I the only one who thinks he is in the wrong ? He swears he is right and never takes accountability for his wrong doings. If I were to tell him that, his response would without a doubt be, “what wrong doings”? And proceed to tell me that I “always complain.” Am I complaining ?
TL;DR;: Is it normal in a relationship for your partner to order you to be submissive and agreeable ?
submitted by Alone_Possession_313 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:27 AnachronisticHat333 Ethan and I are colonoscopy sisters.

I just had my colonoscopy today. I’m writing this to detail what happened for Ethan to reference, because I wish I had someone to do that for me. I’d never had a colonoscopy before, but I recently had two endoscopes due to autoimmune / digestion problems.
Yesterday I was instructed to only consume clear liquids and no solid food for the entire day. It definitely sucked. There was heavy emphasis on not consuming anything with red or purple coloring. I was ravenously hungry and couldn’t help but think about every single delicious food I’ve ever enjoyed.
Later in the day, it was time to drink the “solution” prescribed for “bowel prep.” This basically means you gotta drink this stuff that’s supposed to clear out everything that’s in your intestines. I had heard horror stories about this drink and they weren’t wrong. The paperwork I was given recommended that this solution be refrigerated first and it also suggested that it’s easier to drink with a straw. I had to just slam it down and chug it… there was no time for cute little straw games.
Once it’s time to start drinking the solution (for me it was 6pm the night before the colonoscopy), you have to drink a cup every 15 minutes until the jug is half empty. This stuff is the worst tasting thing you’ll probably ever drink. It’s like ocean water, but thicker. It also says to stay close to the bathroom and that the stuff should start working within an hour (once you’re about 4 cups in) and they aren’t wrong. The jug of solution is the size of a gallon, by the way. Somehow every cup tasted more horrible than the one before it. The drink is slightly thicker than water, just enough to feel wrong in your mouth. I can’t sugarcoat this — it’s horrible. Every part of my body wanted to resist drinking this stuff.
Once the “movements” start, it doesn’t really stop. Bring your phone charger, bring whatever you need, and prepare to be in the bathroom for a long time. And for the love of God, get wet wipes. The worst part is that while you’re enduring “the process”, you also have to continue drinking cups every 15 minutes. And that is the last thing you want to do, because you know it’s going to make things escalate and continue. It’s not like taking a normal poop. It’s not even like having normal diarrhea. Nothing about it is normal. Everything just comes out. You will feel exhausted and want to bathe.
For me at least, once you get half the jug down, you at least get to go to sleep… but then I had to wake up super early to start again on the second half of the jug. I had to do this at 4am. Everything was kind of a blur at this point, but you just have to get through it and complete the cursed drink. You either have to finish the entire gallon jug or stop when you’re (pardon my French) shitting nothing but clear water, because that means everything in your body is now flushed and empty. It’s not a nice feeling.
Once you’ve completed the drink part, everything else is a piece of cake. You go to the appointment, wait, get your IV, and go to sleep. They do the rest. I’m totally fine and mostly back to normal now (other than being super tired). But yesterday and this morning leading up to the appointment was rough. That stuff you gotta drink to flush everything out the day before… it’s no joke. God speed, Ethan. Papa bless.
submitted by AnachronisticHat333 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 Square_Substance_522 ECSI turned my paid loan debt into a zombie loan.

I need HELP! So, I fell for ECSI debt collector trap by replying to one of their bills of $0.
When I contacted them in Sept 2023. They asked for proof of payment in full I made 7 years ago and I sent it, only for them to take my information, and claim I didn't pay in full. The took the amount I paid and subtract it from what the lawyer billed me in 2016 to prove that I didn't pay the principal? Which makes no sense because why would I pay almost double the amount in debt all at once only to leave out $200?! I don't have the letter for the payment in full since it was sent to my work email, and I was laid off so no access.
With this, they created a new amount for the debt with the $200+ and added fees and interest on top, restart my loan and claimed it to the Dept of Education. I never got any bills until ECSI decided to trick me with this scummy move. Basically they took Biden's covid deferment law and started sending out bills in hopes that someone answers them in order to zombify their loans, same situation with the zombie mortgages! I put in a complaint to the DoEd only to get my complaint dismissed without explanation which was weird.
They reported me to the credit bureau and claim they have been billing me since Feb. 2023 the so called "$300+ amount" even though I have paper proof I was billed $0 current and past amount in Sept 2023 with the bill stating " THANK YOU FOR KEEPING YOUR LOAN CURRENT. Credit Bureau rating as of the above due date: Current and in Good Standing."
I have asked for paperwork of this 26-year-old loan via mail and phone calls. They claimed they mailed it, I never got anything. I tried a pro bono lawyer, who first wanted to help but now said he got no time since he picked up so many other bigger cases. The lawyer suggested the SAVE program, but I have to wait another 20 years for it be dismissed? I also don't like the fact I have to agreed to take ownership of the new loan amount when I already paid more than enough to be considered paid off and extra all at once.
It's clear ECSI just made everything up. Now they constantly bill me every month since Dec. 2023. I tried everything I can think of, from complaints, to emails to the school the loan originated. By the way its no longer there, but merged into some other school. I emailed the old debt lawyer, too, and they all ignored me. Well, I tried everything other than starting lawsuits which I am highly tempted to do.
I swear they are just hoping this amount of $370+ is small enough that I would pay them off to get them off my back. It's still increasing by $1 every month btw. But I rather fight it if I can since I paid it off in full and should not be coerced to pay more for these scammers.
What do you all think?
submitted by Square_Substance_522 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 WurstofWisdom No more negativity about our fantastic council.

I’m sick of hearing about how our council and city Is performing. Everyday we have people complaining about “council did this/council forgot about this” etc. But there is plenty to be positive about! Just today - here are three stories to make you feel good about the city.
Council is wisely using its funds on painting lines on paths. No one asked for it, knows what it’s for and it’s a little on the piss but other then that pretty happy to see my rates spent on this than silly things like graffiti removal or street cleaning!
In a meeting to hear resident feedback, our wise councillor'sshut down a pesky resident who had the audacity to ask the major (oh great one!!) to stop playing her phone whilst people made submissions. A ridiculous request really. Why should we expect the mayor to pretend to listen to feedback they are going to ignore anyway? And remember being critical of the mayor is sexist & racist - it’s good the chair cut off the person being mean to her.
Lastly,concerned that council would let you decide what to name your private access street? Have no fear, council is on top of that too! Yes, it may delay projects and cost time and money. But that’s not important, you need to look at the bigger picture and ensure that the driveway has a nice unique name.
submitted by WurstofWisdom to Wellington [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 TheChessWar Micheal Afton Moveset

Micheal Afton MOVESET
Lightweight with 2 jumps
Not really a gimmick just wanted to mention this. Micheal will not be referencing enard at any point During the attacks. As michaels moveset is less about micheal specificity and is more meant to be a security guard composet moveset. Which is the same reason that he will use Ucn items. I know that's williams torment and stuff but it works better on michael.
Basic Attacks
Jab: Flash Light (Mike presses on a flashlight which causes it to flash)
Doesn’t do damage but can flinch
(Flashlights in the fnaf series)
Dash: Foxy Scare (Mike dawns a foxy mask and jumps forward)
Pretty strong Knockback but meh damage
(Michael Scaring his brother and Withered Foxy Jump Scare)
Side Tilt: Decomposing (Slowly Punches at an upward angle)
Does mid damage
(Final walking sprites when micheal fully decomposed)
Up tilt: Walking (Micheal does a basic uppercut)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Micheal Walkin down the street)
Down Tilt: Scary Slide (Micheal Wears a foxy mask and slides)
Basic Sliding down tilt. Does minor damage but can cause a stun
(Micheals bed scare)
Side Smash: Faz Coin (Faz Coins start to appear around michael as the move charges)
If you charge for the shortest amount of time you will get a random plushie where he throws the plushie where it acts as a basic gravity affected projectile. Does a lot of knockback and has a 20% chance to freeze but barely any damage. if you charge for a medium amount of time rockstar freddy will punch forward. Does medium knockback and damage. And if you charge the Longest amount of time you get a death coin which Michael will throw forwards. From there it flies into a straight line until it hits a wall or a foe where it will disappear. It does no knockback but tons of damage And if the foes damage was over 80% damage when hit by the death coin, it’s an instant kill.
(Ucn coin purchases)
Up Smash: Wiring Malfunction (Micheal holds a wire that emits flame)
Does decent knockback and has a chance to stun or burn
(fnaf 3 fire)
Down Smash: Music Box (Micheal Spins the handle of a music box)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Music Box general use)
Neutral Air: Music Box (Micheal Spins the handle of a music box)
Does Great Knockback but no damage
(Music Box general use)
F Air: Death Coin (Micheal Throws a death coin)
It flies into a straight line until it hits a wall or a foe where it will disappear. It does no knockback but tons of damage And if the foes damage was over 80% damage when hit by the death coin, it’s an instant kill.
(Death Coin)
B Air: Plushies (Throws Random plushie behind hims)
A basic gravity affected projectile. Does a lot of knockback and has a 20% chance to freeze but barely any damage.
(Plushies in ucn)
Up Air: Wiring Malfunction (Micheal holds a wire that emits flame)
Does decent knockback and has a chance to stun or burn
(fnaf 3 fire)
Down Air: Panic (Micheal shakes the feet below him)
Hits great damage and knockback
(the panic animation shared between afton and CC)
Grab: Flashes opponent with camera stunning them.
(Camera security breach)
Pummel: Uses a fazer blaster
F Throw: A hoard of people crowd surf the opponent
(the events before the bite of 83)
B Throw: A hoard of people crowd surf the opponent
(the events before the bite of 83)
Up Throw: A pedestal with a button appears under the foe that micheal presses shocking the opponent
(sister location controlled shock)
Down Throw: A Fredbear suit appears which micheal puts the opponent into the suits mouth before it crushes them
(Bite of 83)
Neutral Special: Doors
A Door appears in front of michael. Acts like Steve's blocks with bigger hitboxes and major restrictions. First only can be placed on the ground. Second, only 2 doors can be on screen at a time. But in exchange for those hindrances there are some benefits. First the doors will not disappear unless you make them by pressing the b button near a door or if you lose a stocks your doors still disappear. And second micheal is unaffected by the doors hitbox. Meaning he can walk through them or even attack between them. Speaking of which if you use the jab next to a door the flashlight will now instead freeze opponents. And all projectiles including michaels will disappear after touching a door. So overall its a great way to control the outcome of a match in the right hands but if used incorrectly could give your opponents a major leg up.
Side Special: Audio Lure
Micheal will pull up his computer and use an audio lure. From an icon appears that you can move. Press B at your desired location and a sound will play. From there there’s a 50% chance the opponent will move to the location. Note they will stop at ledges and avoid on stage hazards like lava so you can’t move the foe to their death. But it is still a powerful ability. And you can use side b while charging a smash attack or while doing another special.
Up Special: Dee Dee
Dee Dee picks micheal up and flies with their propeller hat before dropping him. Acts exactly like king k rools up b with a key difference. If michael lands on the stage after using up special one out of six random animatronics will appear each lasting 25 seconds. Shadow Bonnie who will fly around the stage trying to get to someone and teleport the person touches to a random part off the stage before disappearing. Micheal can be that person but it cannot go through Michael's doors. plushtrap acts like a slower moving, bigger claptrap who can’t jump and freezes with light attacks also can’t go through doors. Lolbit and the minireenas who serve the same function of blocking the screen. Nightmare chica who acts like a slower Roden who instead of summoning hands just punches you straight up. And bonnet who acts like plushtrap who can jump. The move can only be used twice within 25 seconds as only 2 animatronics can appear at a time. The second time you use the move xor will appear instead fulfilling the same role. Also no minireenas and lolbit can’t appear at the same time
Down Special: Cameras
Mike will pull up his monitor and check his cameras. The screen will then freeze. As little text boxes appear above the screen basically explaining important info like the matchup of the foe compared to michael, Their weight, counters to there specials, recommended strategies, etc. you can exit it by pressing the b button again where you can’t use the move for 20 seconds. Which is the wise move since just like in fnaf the text will only be on screen for 3 seconds before static appears and disappears with michael being stunned and unable to use the move for 40 seconds. So just like in fnaf you need to scan the scene and focus on what's important and plan your next action accordingly.
Final Smash: Connection Terminated
The move starts with micheal charging up a punch. But before he can punch the opponent the screen cuts to black as an altered version of henry's speech plays before cutting back to the match where michael is mysteriously gone as the screen slowly shrinks with fire on the border. Additionally the entire stage is on fire making the ground no longer safe. The torment ends after 15 seconds where it cuts to an animatic of the fnaf 6 pizzaplex in ruin. When it cuts back to the stage michael has mysteriously come back
Security guard outfit
Purple skin (Ennard and purple guy reference)
Gray skin and shirt (Souls reference)
Blue Shirt (Phone Guy)
Striped shirt (Crying Child)
Pink (Pink Slip)
Orange Hair and pink shirt (Elezabith
Orange Skin with a top hat and blue shirt (Glamrock Freddy)
Stage Entrance: Walks out of his house the same way he does in the fnaf 5 cutscenes
Puts On Foxy Mask
Eats pizza
Puts on freddy mask (invincible while in the taunt)
Victory Animations
A Pink slip appears on screen
Fire appears on screen (always happens when winning with final smash)
A Black screen appears Before 6 Am appears on screen (always happens when winning timed match)
submitted by TheChessWar to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 Sandy_Sandy_1233 Capital One Venture X Referral + Review {Highest referral Bonus}

Referral Link:
Join the Capital One Venture X credit card family and discover amazing travel benefits! I’ve been using this card and it’s been great for my travel goals. If you’re looking for a new travel credit card, here’s an exclusive referral so we can both enjoy the rewards!
Check out these fantastic features of the Capital One Venture X credit card:
Welcome bonus: Earn 75,000 miles by spending $4,000 in the first three months. This is a great way to start your travel adventures!
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Your miles never expire, and there’s no cap on how many you can earn.
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No foreign transaction fees: Use your card abroad without worrying about extra fees.
Annual fee: The card has a $395 annual fee, but the benefits (like the $300 travel credit and welcome bonus) outweigh this cost.
Additional benefits include:
If you’re excited to get started with the Capital One Venture X credit card, use my referral link. Let’s explore the world together!
Safe travels and happy adventures! 🌍✈️💳
Referral Link:
submitted by Sandy_Sandy_1233 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 notyourmom1966 Grateful for the FD

This was removed because it was too short. So I’m reposting with additional info.
Just wanted to give a thank you to anyone on the Front Desk today. We were supposed to be heading up to Duluth on Wednesday. My adult stepson unexpectedly passed away yesterday, and I had to cancel. We missed the cutoff (48 hours). I was the one who found him. So while I was dealing with the police and the paramedics and, I had to make the phone call. The person on the desk was very kind, and waived the fee for us.
It’s a very nice property, we were only a couple of hours past the and I am sure they won’t have trouble covering the cancellation. But they didn’t have to make that exception.
It’s very rough and raw for us right now. We don’t know what happened (his father and I were working), and won’t know until we get a medical report. That small kindness was a large blessing during a terrible phone call. I don’t know their name, but I will be emailing the property to thank them.
I know your job is difficult, and you deal with a lot of shit. And yesterday one of you was an angel.
submitted by notyourmom1966 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 NYCNewsNetwork For Parkinson’s Patients - Working Towards a ‘New Normal’

For Parkinson’s Patients - Working Towards a ‘New Normal’
Speech-Language Pathologists use a variety of exercises and techniques to address communication disorders. -Photo by VNS Health
By Charlene Cano, Senior Speech
Language Pathologist, VNS Health
Bronx Voice
May 21, 2024
NEW YORK - Picking up the phone to catch up with an old friend. Eating a special holiday meal with the whole family. Telling “Alexa” to turn the lights off. These are activities so common we start to take them for granted.
However, for many of us, injuries and chronic illnesses can cause us to develop communication disorders, meaning the ability to do things like hear, speak, swallow and even eat become difficult or impossible. Beyond the physical discomfort, it can also impair an individual’s ability to stay independent.
This year, as we reflect on National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, it is a valuable time to look at the ways we can address the prevalence of communication disorders, which impact 5-10% of the population.
Working as a speech-language pathologist with home and community health nonprofit VNS Health, I work daily across Queens with patients in their home to help them address communication disorders. One disease I often see in my patients across the borough is Parkinson’s. A disease that is still woefully under-researched, Parkinson’s impacts nearly 1 million Americans.
For those who have received a recent Parkinson’s diagnosis, or have a loved one with the disease, here are some ways speech language pathologists can work with our patients to address common challenges.
Nothing Wrong With Needing Help!
As a degenerative disease, Parkinson’s might start with only a few symptoms, but will progress over time. Sometimes these changes make some people feel embarrassed, ashamed, or worried that they will lose their independence. Needing help isn’t a sign of weakness though, but rather a commitment to keeping yourself healthy. Speech-language pathologists, alongside our care teams made up of nurses, home health aides, doctors, social workers, and rehab specialists are there right beside you every step of the way. Best of all, we are always ready to help cheer you on when it gets tough!
Speaking Up and Getting Creative
Speaking is such an important part of our identity and sense of well-being, and we all rely on our voice to advocate for ourselves. Many Parkinson’s patients may find that over time their speech has changed by slurred speech, speaking in a monotone, speaking more softly or quickly, or at a lower pitch. Losing the ability to comfortably speak is an especially challenging aspect of this disease.
This is where Speech-Language Pathologists play an especially important role. Beyond exercises and techniques to help maintain or slow down changes, there are also assistive devices that can help bridge communication gaps. In addition, I often work with my Parkinson’s patients find ways to conserve energy and use nonverbal communication as an alternative so you can still speak your mind and share your feelings.
A ”New Normal”
Losing the ability to do something we used to do easily, like eating or taking a sip of a drink can be very jarring for some of my patients. I remind them that while the approaches we work on together might not feel natural at first, they will eventually become your “new normal.” We work together to develop an individualized swallowing program, and make adaptations so they can still accomplish daily activities like eating and drinking.
Physical Health and Mental Health Go Hand in Hand
Beyond the physical impact, communication disorders can also take a toll on one’s mental health. Some patients feel frustration as communication becomes more difficult and they may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Part of my job is closely listening to those concerns from my patients, and helping develop strategies to reduce frustration. However, if a patient starts experiencing more serious mental health issues like anxiety or depression, our team will work together to connect someone with mental health resources.
Parkinson’s is a challenging disease, but I am continuously in awe of the strength and perseverance I see in those battling this illness. It’s a disease that requires everyone, from the patient, to clinicians, to friends and family, to be flexible. And that isn’t an always an easy ask! However, with the support of rehabilitation therapists and clinicians, it is possible to live a life where you stay safe, comfortable and happy at home.
For more information about what home care is, including rehabilitation therapy, visit
submitted by NYCNewsNetwork to BronxNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 adamAlexanderGreen Young Avengers will be a Entanglement Movie

Young Avengers film formed by Kamala Khan & Lead by Kate Bishop, will bring together the Young Avengers via Quantum Entanglement.
First seen in The Marvels, where they are Entangled by thier light based powers. connection to Kree based teleportation devices such as the Bangles and the Infinity Stones themselves. Quantum entanglement key element is transportation. Transportation will be the key to the Film, as it is a theme of the Multiverse Saga in general.
The Movie will see Kamala once again being in an entanglement scenario, where a Time traveling Nathinel Richards arrives in Kate’s Pad and warns the teens about Kang’s invasion onto the multiverse. As he was searching for the Avengers in other timelines, but his Armors Temporal pad malfunction after a Kang Fight and lead him to Kamala & Kate’s timeline.
Ironlad is also a teenager, but feels like Kamala isn’t ready for the responsibilities to help save his world. Ironlad attempts to time jump to another universe but actually transports Kamala and Kate to San Francisco in the same timeline. In need to fix his temp pad, he asks where is Tony Stark. Kamala informs him that he died in Endgame. Kate tells him that her parents own a Security company and both of thier partners are Avengers. The girls reach for thier phones, but they left them back in New York. Kamala goes asking people to borrow thier iPhones so she can call Carol Danvers. But Hawkeye and Carol don’t answer. Kate tells them they can try to go find Scott Lang. IronLad is arrogant and doesn’t need the kids help to find a hero, Kamala grabs him before he can fly off. To test thier power he begins a fight with them in the middle of the city.
Kate quickly hits him with a emp arrow, but IronLad advanced armor reboots itself. Kamala uses her newly improved Embiggen powers to protect civilians and stall IronLad. Kate uses several trick arrows in coordination with Kamala and they manage to remove his helmet. (The actor that played Harley Keener Ironman 3) reveals his face, and stops fighting once Antman intervenes. Kate, Kamala, & Cassie meet for the first time at Scott Lang’s lab as they interrogate Ironlad about the validity to his warnings about Kang.
Scott is traumatized that he didn’t actually defeat Kang, and tells the kids that he will buy them a flight back home and to let the adults handle this situation. Kamala ask Cassie what’s it like to have a superhero dad. Even tho her’s is human, Kamala thinks her family is as much of heroes as the Avengers. Cassie & Kate realize their favorite color is purple. Ironlad gets bored of the bonding, and doesn’t think Antman is up to the challenge of helping him. He begins to start his temp pad, but realizes that high quantum frequencies are being detected by his armor. Ironlad demands Scott use his science to help rebuild his pad. For Quantum is the basis to his tech as well. Antman tries to reason with him, but ironlad describes the eradication on his world. Antman and Ironlad begin to fight for access to the basement of his home. Cassie and Scott shrink, while Kamala & Kate try to fight and reason with him. The team crashes into the basement, where ironlad races to the focal point of quantum in the room. Picking up the device that sent the Pym family into the Quantum realm in Quantumania. Ironlad’s nanotech absorbs the device and the temp pad starts to activate. Scott gets serious and starts to enlarge, but Ironlad blasts him back upstairs. The kids all shift and are transported to Westview New Jersey.
They all start having a screaming match, as Cassie is furious that he shot her dad. Kamala tries to calm the team down, but it’s Kate Bishop who makes everyone shut up with a puzzle arrow. This arrow expand an entire acre of land with Purple lasers. She explains it’s a game, that you have to work together or you’ll burn. Cassie laughs and shrinks, ironlad armor is tough enough to not be phased, Kamala has to actually maneuver around to escape the maze of lasers. Kate shows her reflexes and experience by doing flips and evading the laser beams.They all laugh realizing Cassie and Ironlad cheat. As tension dwindles, ironlad explains why he is so serious. That in his future he is a genius prodigy, and learn about the existence of the multiverse in a dream as a kid. Then a week ago Kang invaded his world and eradicated a majority of human life, and took away knowledge and education rights to the slaves of his world. The teens tell thier experience during the blip and how it took away thier own youth, and that’s why the Avengers are an important symbol of hope for them. Kamala starts to fangirl about Carol, Hawkeye, and Ironman… but is stop by Agatha.
Agatha says she saw the kids in her crystal ball, and is aware of the Kang Situation. Using magic to transport them into her suburban home. IronLad is confused why a witch is helping them. Cassie & Kate both keep thier guards up, but hear her out. Agatha tells them that they are on a children’s Crusade, but she can help them all get back home. Ironlad interjects, he needs heros that are competent and ready for war. Agatha uses magic to upgrade thier outfit, then tells them her step son should be home from school soon. Ironlad is tired of waiting as the girls continue to bond and learn more about their abilities. He doubts Billy/Wiccan is as powerful as Agatha claims, and ask why won’t she just use her magic to fight Kang. Agatha says that’s not her role. Billy enters awkwardly, wondering why all these teens are in his house. Kamala ask just how powerful is he, and he simply says he can do whatever he wants.
IronLad test him, and fires a rocket. Wiccan makes it turn into a headband. Picking it up and wearing it, he repeats he can do whatever he wants. Agatha, ask what exactly is Ironlads plan to stop Kang since his Quantum enhanced temp pad can teleport but still can’t take him home. Ironlad says he just needs more power, and rushes Wiccan. Sending his armor to liquidity and consume the sorcerer. Wiccan force pushes back and as they struggle for control, the temp pad activates and sends the group to a new Location; Kahmer Tajh.
Agatha makes fun of the monastery architecture and compares it to her home. Only Kamala & Agatha know this is the home of the sorcerer supreme. Wiccan and Ironlad argue over the consent of letting him suck his energy. And the girls grow more wary of how much they can trust ironlad. Agatha tells them they can find power in teamwork, and disappears into the castle. Kate & Kamala breaks the team into groups. To find Wong or other sorcerers that can help thier fight against the Kang invasion. Wiccan follow where Agatha went. Kate & Cassie search the for more weapons and gear. Kamala and ironlad find Wong & America Chavez.
The 2nd half of the movie has the group coming to face thier teenage fears, as the castle has a horror hex. Ironlad is too afraid to time jump, as memories from his home being overran by Kang haunts him. Wiccan and Agatha are immune to castles spells, as they are magical in tune, however they can’t use thier magic to its fullest extent due to the runes places around the Thaj that prohibits forbidden spells. Wong meets Kamala and tells the young avengers that he didn’t put the horror hex on. There is a Skrull sorcerer in the castle doing this. Kate finds an Asgardian bow and arrows, and takes it for “emergency”. Cassie tells her she is a criminal too, and jokes she spent a day in Jail. Ironlad finds the skrull sorcerer, under stress from the truama spell he is getting beat in the fight. But Wiccan arrives and they team up to defeat him. With a massive display of science meets magic, the young avengers put thier animosity behind them and regroup with Kamala and Wong. Wong is then impaled by a spear by Agatha. Wong’s skin turns Green and it’s revealed he is a skrull too.
America Chavez is distraught, and prepares to fight all the young avengers as she don’t know who to trust. Kamala relates to her humanity, and proves she is just a kid too. She tells her to help them fight off the other skrulls that may be in the castle. Agatha and Wiccan use thier magic sight to determine who is a skrull and who is a real sorcerer. The young Avengers fight off the skrulls, and learn America Chavez can travel the multiverse freely. IronLad sends his armor around her, but she punches and the star impact sends them to Baltimore, USA. The result sends all the hero’s and the Skrulls they were fighting as well.
Inside the Bradley home, Eli is playing video games when the hero’s instantly appear in his house. This sequence is shot from his perspective, as if it’s a home invasion. He runs for his granfathers room, to get his gun. But the safe is only full of a vials of Serum. A skrull breaks into the room and swings an axe at him. He ducks, and drinks the serum. He takes a diluted version of the serum as a hormone and steroid boost, but he never drank the original source of his grandfather saved juiced. He punches the Skrull so hard that his guts explode. Eli runs into the living room ready to box, but see’s the young avengers beating up the Skrulls. Shrugging his shoulders he jumps in and helps.
The team see’s how Brutal he fights and Ironlad likes him. Kamala says they can’t just recruit every teen they see, but looks closer and realizes she seen him on tv. He is the grandson of the first black super soldier, revealed in Captain America Brave new world where they were wrongfully accused of a terrorist attack at the White House. He explains that he has actually been taking his grandfather’s serum and synthesizing it for a hormone steroid supplement. But today he drank the original source out of fear for his life. Making him 10x stronger than he has ever been on the drug. Agatha has a funny don’t don’t drugs PSA, as the kids formulate a way on how to repay Eli for his housing damages. We learn his grandfather is still on trail, and he lives alone. Kate gets everyon back on focus and tells them maybe they can’t help ironlad. They have destroyed homes & Castles today and she needs to get back home to feed her dog Lucky. Kate makes a PowerPoint presentation on how to get ironlad out of their lives, and get Captain Marvel. Ironlad becomes more interested in Carol after Kamala keeps hyping her up to be the strongest avenger of all. Wiccan & Agatha use magic to fix the house as the hero’s finally contact Fury and the whereabouts of Captain Marvel. Fury asks why the hell didn’t she just call him to begin with. Kamala didn’t want to get in trouble for stealing the intel about all these characters
The final act has Kamala & Kate using each hero’s best quality to get Ironlad back to his world, and deflate the Kang dictator in his timeline. Kamala nicknames them Team Red & Team Blue after Captain America & Ironman and Team Purple after Hawkeye since he Don’t get much love.
Team Red; Ms. Marvel, America Team Blue; Wiccan, Eli, Team Purple; Kate Bishop, Cassie, Agatha
America Chavez punches 2 Star portals, one to ironlads homeworld and another to the location fury tells them Carol is. They all wear a harness rope that Kate gives them so they don’t get lost in the multiverse jump. America isn’t sure she can send so may people at once into a diffrent timeline, but Cassie uses her quantum shrinking disk and ironlad’s tech to help keep them from all turning fall off and turning into spaghetti.
While they are preparing, Kamala meets Carol in a New York park and catches up. Ironlad watches them from behind the portal and says this must be what it’s like to have a true friend. Kamala tells Carol that if she keeps asking her for support then she wouldn’t be a hero. Carol gives her the 2nd Bangel and tells her just let her know if she needs backup. Ironlad is still hesitant that going into the fight against Kang with a bangel isn’t gonna do much. Kamala tells them she isn’t a normal human, she is inhuman.
And the team all suit up as the prepare to Jump into the Star. IronLad suddenly laughs and fires his rockets around the building. Knocking out America and collapsing the roof, and shoves Kamala into the future with him.
It’s assume all the young avengers and Agatha are crushed under debris. The perspective changes to Eli who has to save all the hero’s bleeding out or stuck. Eli saves them By bear crawling and dragging them out of the fires. America uses her last strength to send the heros into the future
Kamala fights IronLad alone in a future hala. Ironlad reveals that he is the Kang variant, and his master plan was to go to a past timeline where both bangles existed. These weapons of mass destruction are his way of fighting off other Kang’s tryin to conquer his conquered timeline, following the events of Loki. Due the branching timelines, not even the tva knew he was a variant of Kang since his biological DNA is that of a Reed Richards. Kamala is losing the fight, as Ironlad has one of the bangles and can temporarily stop time. He continues to toy with Kamala and steals her other bangle. Mocking her for playing hero, he kicks her off a platform and into a pit of terrain crystals. Kamala uses the last of her will to let out a furry of punches, cracking the crystals around her and filling the battlefield with mist. Kamala goes through terrgenises, turning into stone. Ironlad fires a missle at her, but ironlad blocks it with a shield formed by Wiccan
Kate Bishop arrives saying Young Avengers Assemble, all the Young Avngers exit America portal. Kate then says that ones for Kamala, and Cassie grows and begins the final fight. The team hold off the firepower of ironlad while Kamalas scales break off. Ironlad can combat Wiccan’s magic with the bangles, and uses time stop techniques to stay ahead of the gang. Kate shoots Cassie’s shrinking disk onto one of the bangles, crushing ironlads left arm. Wiccan uses kamala’s satchel scarf to drag ironlad like a whip. Eli uses his magic shield to block the repulsor blast, and Kate uses the Asgardian bow to pierce his Armor. Cassie uppercuts and shrinks rapidly as the team closes in to fight close quarters. Ironlad makes an energy shield then blows back them all, Kamala is awake and grabs his wrist from far away. Realizing she don’t have light energy anymore, but can stretch her body like Reed Richards. She slams him like hulk did in the original Avengers. Nathinel monoluges about how there will be more conquerors just like history. Tva agents appears, Mobius enters telling the heros thanks for fixing this slight anomaly they better return home or they will all be prune in seconds. IronLad vaporizes and the timeline is erased as the heros return home
The movie ends with Kamala having a to explain to the khan family the events of the film and who all her new friends are. They all are ready to return to thier respected homes, when fury enters and says he heard there was a secret invasion. A running joke about how fury is now last to know anything
Post credit 1: Jessica jones is taking on a private investigator case when she spots a teen couple in an alleyway. She comments that they must be runaways, she zooms in and it’s Cloak and Dagger. They teleport away
Post credit 2: on another planet the Skrull Queen is talking about the failed relations of Kree following Captain Marvel restarting the Hala Sun. The humans are no longer allies after the declaration of war against all allies the President made. She says maybe it’s time we fight back son; and the camera pans to Hulkling
The Young Avengers will return in Avenger’s Secrt Wars
submitted by adamAlexanderGreen to MCUTheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:11 Appliance7717 Dilemma with Airbnb host treatment - no long showers allowed and dog peed on my suitcase and clothes - how should I respond? [Spain]

Dilemma with Airbnb host treatment - no long showers allowed and dog peed on my suitcase and clothes - how should I respond? [Spain]
Hey folks just wanted to get your thoughts on this situation I had recently.
I booked a last minute Airbnb for 3 nights recently in a big Spanish city (Airbnb was outside city center for €40 per night). It was shared with the host (a boomer Spanish lady and her puppy dog). Nowadays, I filter with Guest Favorites and only look at listings where the host is rated over 4.80. This host had 50 reviews, was a super host and the listing was a guest favorite and had a rating of 4.92
I arrived midnight (prearranged well in advance with the host as check in is only until 23h according to the listing). I immediately go to bed without showering as I had one in the previous stay and was going to exercise the next day anyway. I spend all of next day outside and return at night and take a long shower (20-30 mins) before going to bed. I sleep in the next day and the host requests that I don’t shower so long (we communicate in basic French as she doesn’t know English and I don’t know Spanish)… I say all good, I’ll keep it shorter next time. I go inside and I’m in the bathroom for about 20 mins, brushing my teeth, taking a dump etc. and am careful to only take a shower between 5-10 max minutes. I get a message from the host later that evening (translated):
Hi Appliance7717, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow the departure is at 11 o'clock also because I have to leave, I also wanted to let you know that if you would take another shower I would ask you to keep it shorter, thank you Appliance7717.
I showered for 5 minutes today. You want it to be shorter than that?
I did spend more time in the bathroom using the toilet, brushing my teeth etc.
Or I just can’t use the bathroom for long?
No please, if that's the case it's all right.
It's just that it's a huge expense for me.
I’m in the metro when I read this message and get all flustered and take the wrong train etc. and am a bit frustrated but whatever, I’ll check out sharp 11am tomorrow and get it over with. I’d booked a hostel for the next day anyway. I also missed out on seeing the meteorite (!) whilst all this was happening 😆 but I really think I shouldn’t be sweating about this shit on vacation and walking on eggshells over something so petty…
Anyway, next day rolls up and I scramble to get things packed up and ready so I don’t upset her by checking in after 11am. I’m basically on track to check out by 10:30. Now she has a dog, 🐕 which I didn’t mention - doesn’t seem to be well trained, barked quite a lot and woke me from my sleep earlier in the day but I didn’t make a fuss at all. I’m the 5 mins where I happened to be in the kitchen without closing my room’s door, it went and peed over my suitcase and clothes. It also took a sock, chewed it up and took it somewhere else. Mind you, the host didn’t mention anything about the possibility that the dog would be doing this. I’ve lived with dogs in airbnbs before and never had this issue. Nothing in the listing or house rules about taking long showers or what to do regarding the dog like keeping the door closed etc. She dabbed the pee with paper towels, and said that I should have closed the door but did say “Désole (sorry in French). I had to ask for disinfectant spray. I was upset and was banging my hand on the forehead and expressing regret but nothing more. She saw a pair of any shorts I’m soaked in urine but absolutely no offer to clean it, extend checkout etc. It seemed perfectly acceptable that this happened. It really rubbed me the wrong way. Super hosts are meant to go above and beyond in my view, and here she was struggling to be somewhat décent. We didn’t argue or anything there, if anything I was just a bit terse and we said au revoir and I left to go do the cleaning in my next place (took about 3 hours to get vinegar, bleach, hydrogen peroxide etc.)
Thinking of the Golden Rule, I’d never do this to somebody else if I were her. I’d offer compensation or something….
Anyway, my dilemma is that I wouldn’t have any hesitation going after a hefty compensation were it some young dude or couple as host. This lady doesn’t seem financially well off, seeing as taking a long shower has an impact on her profits. And I just feel kinda bad posturing me screwing over this old lady and her puppy dog for some cash. But I absolutely do not appreciate how I was treated and goes fundamentally against my sense of decency and fairness… I also hate how Airbnb has devolved to classify such hosts as superhosts.
What would you do if you were in my shoes? What do you think I should pursue? Should I ask for compensation? Leave a poor review? I see that she already left me a review on the afternoon that I checkout out. I have a feeling that she left a negative review - I noticed this from a previous guests review as well as what the host wrote about that guest.
Host’s review of Guest plus Guest’s response:
Guest, she is a polite and clean girl, but a great consumption of hot water and electricity, I am personally, these guests are not interested since for €134 I believe that as a host I am not interested , as a host I have not had any problems now, now I have only to wait for my electricity , water and gas bills, I am a person with very few resources, and from now on I do not accept promotions, because for it it is not profitable.
Dear Host, during my stay you didn't tell me anything. Other than that, I've never had any issues with other hosts. I was almost not at the house because I was visiting the city. I was just taking regular showers and was charging my phone and laptop when I needed it. What you wrote about me, I don't think it's true or fair and I'm really sorry to read that because I thought we had a great time the whole time.
Guest’s review of Host:
I had a nice stay at Host's place. It's good for 1-3 days since the room is very small and really suitable only for sleeping (no chair, table, ..). The location is okay, a bit far from the centre, but you can get everywhere by bus or by metro.
submitted by Appliance7717 to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

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submitted by truecelestial to EarningOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

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2024.05.22 01:08 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
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submitted by truecelestial to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

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Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
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submitted by truecelestial to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

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submitted by truecelestial to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
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Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
Worldwide Support Even for countries outside the US, there are many survey opportunities. I, for example, live in Eastern Europe and I'm still able to make some satisfying pocket money considering the little time I spend on the app.
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submitted by truecelestial to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
Short, Interesting Surveys and Instant Rewards Most of the surveys last between 5-10 minutes and offer from a few cents to a few dollars. The money you need to cashout is just $2.5 and you'll get paid very quickly. I cashout through Revolut and the payment is literally instant.
Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
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submitted by truecelestial to promocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
Short, Interesting Surveys and Instant Rewards Most of the surveys last between 5-10 minutes and offer from a few cents to a few dollars. The money you need to cashout is just $2.5 and you'll get paid very quickly. I cashout through Revolut and the payment is literally instant.
Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
Worldwide Support Even for countries outside the US, there are many survey opportunities. I, for example, live in Eastern Europe and I'm still able to make some satisfying pocket money considering the little time I spend on the app.
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submitted by truecelestial to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:06 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
Short, Interesting Surveys and Instant Rewards Most of the surveys last between 5-10 minutes and offer from a few cents to a few dollars. The money you need to cashout is just $2.5 and you'll get paid very quickly. I cashout through Revolut and the payment is literally instant.
Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
Worldwide Support Even for countries outside the US, there are many survey opportunities. I, for example, live in Eastern Europe and I'm still able to make some satisfying pocket money considering the little time I spend on the app.
If interested you can download the app using the link below to start with a bonus:
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submitted by truecelestial to ReferPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:02 Ur_Anemone Why was my face stolen for a dating profile?

Why was my face stolen for a dating profile?
When Mandy Appleyard discovered that her photograph was being used by a stranger online, she began a personal quest to find out how it had happened
…I was annoyed — but first things first. I would need to contact Match, explain the mess and have it investigate then report back: simple. Except that contacting Match as a non-subscriber was a challenge beyond my capabilities. I pored over the website. “Match does not have a customer support phone number … Please be aware that there are fake customer support numbers posted on various websites, none of which are affiliated with Match.” My blood was boiling by the time I read: “Profile checking: all ads and photos are checked individually before they are published.” What? My photos certainly hadn’t been checked or they wouldn’t have been published on a false profile for millions of people to see.
I asked my friend if he could message Clare5432 to tell her we were on to her. He kindly did so, but came back to me within minutes to say she had blocked him. “Would you contact Match then, and complain on my behalf?” I asked him. “Get them to take it down?” He did that, and Match took the profile down within hours. I assumed, naively, that was the end of the story…
Knowing my face had been used to create a bogus dating profile, I was irritated that someone had stolen my picture and at least part of my bio to sell themselves under false pretences. Terrible things happen on the internet, which from some angles looks like a cesspit of fraud, depravity and deception. What had happened to me wasn’t the crime of the century but it felt decidedly icky.
Things were about to get worse. In January another male friend phoned me to say he was on Match and had seen my profile on there. He knew I wasn’t online dating so he was immediately suspicious. I realised we were on familiar territory when he sent me a screenshot of “Wendy, 63, in Wakefield”. It was the image of me that had been used last time, with a profile that described an outdoorsy free spirit. My pal immediately contacted Match on my behalf and straight away it took the profile down.
When this happened for the third time, earlier this month, I was livid. A male friend of a friend said he’d been reading my profile on Match the night before and really liked it. “Great picture of you too,” he messaged. I told him I wasn’t on Match and asked him to send me a screenshot. He hasn’t — and now seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. I can only assume “my” image and profile are still up there for the world to see and exploit.
So I now know that my identity has been stolen by online dating scammers at least three times, although it could be 1,003 times for all I know. I’m made aware of the theft only when someone I know happens to stumble across it and takes the trouble to alert me.
“Don’t you feel just a bit flattered that someone has used your picture? They must think you’re attractive to have bothered!” a friend suggested. The answer is that I don’t. No part of me is flattered, instead I find it deeply creepy. It feels like a trespass on my life, a theft over which I have no control, an invasion of my privacy that makes me feel queasy but which I can’t stop happening again. And again.
I posted on Facebook that I was looking for advice on how to close this fraud down once and for all, hoping someone in my online social media community would have an answer. They did — but not the one I was hoping for. A journalist friend said this probably wasn’t a lone woman using a false profile as romantic bait. Instead, she suggested, it was more likely to be the work of an industrial-scale scam where gangs of people in “fraud factories” (often in north Africa and southeast Asia) create false profiles on dating sites using stolen photos and false information. They then contact potential victims. Over time the conversations become more intimate and personal as the scammer builds trust with their target.
The targets are often vulnerable people in their fifties, sixties and seventies, perhaps new to dating after long marriages that have ended in divorce or bereavement, sometimes lonely, invariably trusting. Low-hanging fruit, in other words, for the wily thieves who groom them, telling them how beautiful and desirable they are, forge a speedy romantic connection then ask for money — a little to begin with, a lot later on…
These scammers commit a fraud, the false profile is reported and shut down, but the con artists immediately set up a new false profile using the same pictures — and on and on it goes.
Sadly there are a thousand iterations of this scenario: coercive controllers who manipulate vulnerable people into believing they have found love. They send photographs, gifs, songs and poems during their “courtship”, telling their victims they are surgeons or spies, Nasa physicists or retired army colonels. They send (stolen) pictures of their children, their luxury home, their fast car, then one day start asking for gift cards, crypto, or money to buy heart surgery or a flight home.
The people perpetuating these cybercrimes are often doing so because they have been trafficked and trapped. Sixty Kenyans were rescued from “fraud factories” after the customer service jobs they applied for in Thailand turned out to be a cover for cybercrime. One woman had been promised a monthly salary of £675 but ended up targeting Americans by creating enticing profiles on Tinder, Instagram and Facebook. “They fall in love with you and you can tell them about cryptocurrency. You start stealing from them,” the 31-year-old woman said, describing in Swahili how she was forced to work in a vast call centre-like hall with hundreds of people of many nationalities…
All of which brings us back to my predicament and how I’m being made to feel complicit in these grubby scams. My face is being used to deceive trusting people who could be fleeced of everything. The victims of a serious and organised crime repeated over and over again but which remains outside the victims’ control. I’m the frontwoman for online activity that may be illegal or dishonest. If it’s neither of those things it’s still plain embarrassing, because I have no idea what the person using my image is saying or doing.
Someone who knows exactly how this feels is Christian Gerhard Boving, a Danish doctor who says scammers have been using photos of him for years to target victims online. “Suddenly all these pictures were stolen by scammers using them to hit on innocent people around the world. They are cruel, sophisticated and evil people doing this.”
Boving has called on companies such as Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, to do more. “There should be verification of every new profile being created, like you have to verify yourself with a passport or driving licence, so you know it’s a real person behind the profile,” he says. Perhaps social media companies could use AI to trawl for photographs they know have been stolen and used before on fraudulent accounts — mine and Boving’s, for starters. Certainly the companies running dating apps should make it easy for non-subscribers such as me to contact them with a complaint.
The problem is getting worse, the latest figures showing that reports of romance fraud have risen by almost 60 per cent over four years. Action Fraud, the UK’s centre for fraud and cybercrime, says dating apps are a common place for scammers to find their victims. The top five platforms they use are Facebook, Plenty of Fish, Instagram, Tinder and Match.
As a journalist I like to think that I’m pretty savvy in the ways of the world, but stealing my credit card is one thing; stealing my face is something else. I’m tempted, next time this happens (and I have no doubt there will be a next time), to join whichever dating app is responsible and strike up a conversation with my alter ego. Let’s see where that takes me. Watch this space — and this face.
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2024.05.22 00:47 KrissyKris10 25 dice 🎲 5/21/24

25 dice 🎲 5/21/24
♡•☆•♡•●•°KRISTEN'S HELPFUL HINTS°•●•♡•☆•♡:
☆●•IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CLAIM THE DICE LINKS•●☆ Depending on what the message says, for example, if it says "already claimed," then it has already been claimed. If you're positive that you haven't claimed it yet (sometimes, the link will look MUCH different even though it's the same), try the following: ●Close out the game completely and then try the link again. This happens frequently, and it is a quick fix. ●If it takes you to the app store to download the MonopolyGO app, you should open up the link by holding your finger down on the link text until options pop up. Choose the "open in Safari," "open in browser," or "open in app" option. This is a way to overcome those iPhone shenanigans (happy Android user right here, lol 😁🙌).
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 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 I hope this helps!!! 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 
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