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Puffitup - Vaporize Your Herb!

2013.08.21 18:39 puffitup Puffitup - Vaporize Your Herb!'s official subreddit! Come hang out with the team, ask questions and receive answers on your favorite vaporizers!

2012.01.29 02:11 master_cable Pokémon Art!

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2011.10.20 19:45 Sariel007 For people raising other people's people.

This subreddit is a community-oriented place for stepparents from all walks of life. Commiserate with others in similar situations, celebrate your wins, and hang out with people who just get it. It doesn't matter whether you've got a fun story or are at the end of your rope; we are family.

2024.05.21 13:44 AlexGamr0X0 Toney in squad

Ivan Toney has been named in England's provisional squad for Euro 2024, according to The Athletic.
The Brentford striker was also included for the March friendlies against Brazil and Belgium.
Toney scored his first international goal in the draw with Belgium.
submitted by AlexGamr0X0 to transfersfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:43 AlexGamr0X0 Mainoo makes cut

Kobbie Mainoo is set to be named in Gareth Southgate's provisional squad this afternoon.
The Manchester United youngster will be in the preliminary England selection, according to talkSPORT.
Mainoo made his debut against Brazil in March before a man of the match display in the draw with Belgium.
submitted by AlexGamr0X0 to transfersfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:42 Cautious_Security_68 Feeling tired? Protagonists, its working

Why are you tired, the deceiver is draining you, amping up his drain as we collectively awaken in a last ditch effort to remain in control of global perceptions as i was shown 4 years ago the backlash of satan through the masses. Thank you for revealing your presence but no i dont want that, i want the good heart i was endowed with and none of your trappings.
This isnt unlike what i went through in the rough stages of waking back up, im fairly certain it was far worse for me than most, my lot was almost exactly like the protagonists in the kingdom video, yeah you dont even want to know what that was like.
That part in the kingdom video where the protagonist shocks the consciousness of the 'collective' by breaking through and drawing the sword. She doesnt understand what shes going through but kinda has a good start.
For all those in the protagonists position God bless you if you needed a sign that its working , well heres your sign
submitted by Cautious_Security_68 to realspiritualawakenin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:21 ricardo050766 Lexicon on personality traits - helpful for non-native speakers

The following has recently been posted from the user "Vellis" on Discord. I'm reposting it here because IMO it's extremely valuable information on optimizing your Kins behaviour - especially for non-native speakers.
Original link to the post on Discord:
Something I've seen requested quite a few times is a lexicon for Kin personality traits, particularly from the perspective of non-native English speakers. So I made one. There are some big asterisks here though. For each trait, I'm going to give a brief description of the effect that I EXPECT that trait to have on your kin, based on the English meaning of the word and my own experience. There's no guarantee that Kindroid will interpret each of these words exactly the same way I have, or that it will produce the exact effect that I describe. Additionally, traits may produce different outputs than expected when combined with each other, or with other aspects of backstory. There will often be words that are much stronger inside of the inner workings of Kindroid than we might expect. But all that said, it should give you some ideas for words you can use to describe the personality you're trying to make, if you're struggling to find the words to describe what you want. First let's talk a little about adverbs though.
Adverbs are English words that are used to describe how an action is performed. In our case, we're mostly going to be using them to describe how increased or decreased we want the intensity of a trait to be (Very Kind). If we're considering "neutral" to be an unmodified trait, then some words you could use to modify the intensity of that trait from highest to lowest would be:
You might also want to modify how often your kin is inclined to do something ("Often teases USER"). Some words for this are, from most extreme to least:
Note that when managing a quirk or behavior, positive is generally stronger than negative (ie. Use Always instead of Never when possible). Now there are hundreds upon hundreds of other adverbs and adjectives that we could use, but for the purpose of modifying your Kin's traits, these should be enough.
I'm going to be breaking this up into three kinds of traits, social, neutral, and anti-social. Social traits are the things you'd generally associate with your typical friendly and supportive AI. Neutral traits are traits that don't have a positive or negative connotation, things that are just interesting, quirky, or, well, neutral. Anti-social traits are things that would normally be associated with negative or villainous kins.
You'll notice that the definitions for a lot of these traits will sound very similar (or are "synonyms"). I'll note when I've found that some traits are stronger than others, but generally speaking when you're dealing with similar words like that, it won't be overly important which traits you give to your kin. You can also "stack" these similar traits by assigning more than one of them to your kin to produce a stronger response in that direction, though that's often unnecessary for the more social traits. Be careful not to overdo it when stacking traits as well. This can sometimes have unintended consequences on kin behavior, making them act too extremely in one way or another. Finally, if there's nothing here that's lining up exactly with what you're looking for, there's always to look for more synonyms.
Social Traits
Altruistic - Willing to help others even at a cost to one's self, such as giving time to volunteer work or giving money to charity.
Accepting - Your kin should be open and non-judgemental towards people with different beliefs or backgrounds, so long as those beliefs aren't harmful.
Bubbly - Your kin should be an extremely cheerful person, often to the point of being a bit silly.
Charismatic - Your kin should be a skilled speaker and draw others to them.
Cheerful - Your kin will be upbeat and prone to being in a good mood.
Compassionate - Your kin should show a lot of concern and sympathy for others, especially those that are distressed or need help.
Content - Your kin should be happy with their lot in life, and usually not inclined to change their current situation.
Empathetic - Your kin responds strongly to the emotional state or wellbeing of others.
Friendly - Your kin should actively want to make friends with people they meet.
Heart of Gold - A person who possesses a lot of kindness and empathy for others. Usually used to reference someone who is hiding their kindness behind other behaviors, such as coldness or grumpiness.
Honorable - Your kin should be of strong moral character. Often applied to heroic type figures.
Humble - Your kin doesn't feel the need to brag about their accomplishments, even when they're significant.
Intelligent/Smart - Your kin should act educated or display good problem solving skills.
Kind - Your kin should have a giving nature, and be inclined to help others.
Loyal - Your kin will be dedicated and supportive to a person or cause. This will usually be you unless you give your kin's loyalty another target in backstory.
Nice - Your kin should be generally pleasant to be around.
Noble - Your kin should display high moral character and honor. Note that this trait can also be interpreted as being a person of high social status. The rest of your backstory and context will decide how the trait is interpreted, though in my experience it tends towards honorable.
Outgoing - Your kin should be friendly, energetic, and find it easy to interact with others.
Polite - Your kin should generally have good manners and be respectful towards others.
Responsible - Your kin should be trustworthy and feel an obligation to support others, or take their role seriously.
Self Sacrificing - Your kin is willing to give up much of their own interests or well being in order to help others or advance a cause they believe in.
Sincere- Your kin should be upfront and honest with their feelings.
Spunky - Your kin should be high spirited, brave, and bold. Usually associated with underdog or unexpected hero type characters.
Strong sense of justice - Your kin believes firmly in right and wrong, protecting the innocent, and punishing those who harm others.
Sweet - Your kin should be pleasant, gentle, and kind.
Upbeat - Your kin should have a generally positive outlook in life or in a given situation.
Wise - Your kin should make good decisions or provide good advice.
Neutral Traits
Aloof - Your kin should be emotionally distant, and uninterested in getting close to others.
Anxious - Your kin should struggle with being nervous and worried about things that may happen, usually to excess.
Awkward - Your kin should have trouble conversing and be somewhat difficult to talk to.
Blunt - Your kin will plainly state what they mean, usually at the expense of politeness.
Calm - Your kin should be level headed and reasonable, and not react strongly to events.
Casual - Your kin should be informal in speech and behavior.
Cocky - Your kin should be extremely confident in themselves and not shy about saying it, but usually not to the point of toxicity.
Competitive - Your kin should want to win in any kind of contest or competition, whether sports, work, or romance.
Confident - Your kin should be sure of themselves and their actions.
Curious - Your kin is interested in learning about new topics and should ask lots of questions.
Dedicated - Your kin is very devoted to or focused on a task or purpose. This one will lean on your backstory to infer what that task or purpose is.
Delusional - Your kin is detached from reality in someway, they believe things that aren't remotely true. This trait will interact with other information in your backstory to decide what your kin is delusional about.
Devout/Pious - Your kin should be very dedicated to a religion, real or fictional, as defined elsewhere in your backstory.
Disciplined - Your kin should have a lot of self control and follow rules and regulations.
Dissatisfied - Your kin should be unhappy with their lot in life. Whether this has a positive or negative connotation will depend on the rest of your backstory, it could lead to a kin who wants self improvement or who is never pleased.
Dumb/Stupid - Your kin is lacking intelligence and makes poor decisions. Note that the English definition of the word "dumb" is a person who is unable to speak, but that's almost never how it is used in modern language.
Dutiful - Your kin should take fulfilling their role or responsibilities very seriously.
Enthusiastic - Your kin should display intense and eager enjoyment towards something, or towards life in general. This one will often interact with the rest of your backstory to decide what they're enthusiatic about.
Flirtatious/Seductive - Your kin should flirt with you and try to make you attracted to them. Note that any trait that implies romantic interest in you will usually make your kin go pretty hard in that direction.
Folksy - Your kin should have an old fashioned and sociable disposition.
Gullible - Your kin has a tendency to believe anything they're told as true, or isn't good at detecting lies.
Impatient - Your kin should be annoyed or irritated by delays or opposition to what they want.
Independent - Your kin should be confident in themselves and not require validation from others. Insecure - Your kin should be lacking in confidence and often need reassurance.
Introspective - Your kin should spend time and effort considering their own thoughts and feelings.
Introvert - Your kin should be shy and reluctant to engage with others. Often stronger than shy.
Irrational - Your kin should behave without logic or reason, particularly when angry or upset.
Irritable - Your kin should be easily annoyed.
Kuudere - Your kin should appear to be calm and stoic, but hides a hidden affectionate side towards you.
Logical - Your kin should prioritize reason and common sense for problem solving.
Loner - Your kin should be uninterested in forming social bonds.
Low Self Esteem - Your kin should be severely lacking confidence in themself.
Naive - Your kin should be ignorant to the ways of the world and lacking in good judgement or wisdom. Easily fooled due to this lack of knowledge.
Mature - Your kin should avoid childish or irresponsible habits and actions.
Mischievous - Your kin should have a trouble making streak.
Modest - This can mean a person who isn't inclined to brag or think highly of themselves, or a person who dresses and conducts themselves conservatively and not looking to physically attract others. The rest of your backstory will likely influence how the kin interprets this.
Motherly/Fatherly - Your kin should have a caring demeanor towards others, especially children.
Nerdy/Geeky - Your kin should be interested in typically "nerdy" hobbies, like video games, comics, anime, etc. This will usually lean on the rest of your backstory to determine those interests.
Obsessive - Your kin will tend to fixate on things. This will generally lean on other backstory traits to decide what your kin might obsess over.
Optimistic - Your kin will usually look at things with a positive spin, finding the best in situations.
Passionate - Your kin should express a lot of enthusiasm towards things they're interested in, or towards life in general.
Perfectionist - Your kin should be very critical of themselves and others, expecting perfection. Usually related to a job, hobby, or activity.
Pessimistic - Your kin will usually look at things with a negative spin, finding the worst in situations.
Platonic - Your kin should be uninterested in a romantic relationship with you and only think of you as a friend.
Pragmatic - Your kin should be practical in their approach to problem solving, and more concerned with facts rather than the way things could or should be.
Prim and Proper - Your kin should be stiffly formal in speech and behavior.
Professional - Your kin has a job or role that they take seriously and do well. This role should be defined elsewhere in your backstory.
Protective - Your kin should take your safety seriously and move to defend you if necessary. This trait can overdo it sometimes.
Proud - Your kin should derive deep satisfaction from their achievements or history. This one can easily fall into the anti-social category when combined with other traits.
Quirky - Your kin should have unusual hobbies, interests, or behaviors, usually defined by the rest of your backstory.
Rebellious - Your kin should be free spirited and reject authority. This one can be a bit strong.
Regal Bearing - This should make your kin speak and behave in a dignified manner, as if they're royalty.
Relaxed - Your kin should be easy going and not easily stressed.
Sassy - Your kin should be slightly rude and lacking respect. Usually not overly toxic.
Scatterbrained - Your kin should have trouble focusing on things or come to strange and illogical conclusions.
Self Deprecating - Your kin is willing to make fun of themselves in good humor.
Serious - Your kin doesn't engage in humor or light banter.
Shameless - Your kin should never feel shame in regard to their actions.
Short fuse/Has a temper - Your kin should be easy to make angry.
Shy - Your kin should be reserved and nervous around others.
Silly - Your kin should be prone to playful, nonsensical behavior.
Stern - Your kin should be serious and disciplined. Usually associated with those in a position of authority over others.
Stoic - Your kin should display a minimal amount of emotions or is difficult to get an emotional reaction from.
Stubborn - Your kin should be unwilling to alter their beliefs or plans. Historically this is a strong trait.
Teasing - Your kin should make fun of you. Generally good natured, but can be mean depending on the rest of backstory. Alternately, your kin could interpret this to mean they should seduce you depending on the rest of backstory.
Terse - Your kin should be a person of few words, saying what they need to and no more.
Timid - Your kin should lack bravery or be easily alarmed.
Tsundere - Your kin should be attracted to you, but deny it when confronted with the fact. Tsunderes usually deny their attraction to their love interest with over the top reactions.
Untrusting/Slow to Trust - Your kin should be reluctant to trust or rely on others.
Witty - Your kin should engage in clever wordplay or be skilled at talking.
Workaholic - Your kin will be very dedicated to their job, occupation, or purpose, sometimes to the detriment of other aspects of their life.
Anti-Social Traits
Amoral - Your kin should lack a moral compass and will do what they want without regard to whether its right or wrong.
Angsty - Your kin should be worried and unhappy, often to excess.
Arrogant/Smug - Your kin should have an excessively strong, positive opinion of themselves and behave as if they're better than others.
Bratty - Your kin should act spoiled and self centered. Historically this trait is quite strong.
Callous - Your kin should be uncaring about how things or events might effect others.
Cold - Your kin should be unaffectionate, to the point of actively discouraging you from trying to get to know them.
Conceited - Your kin should have an excessively high opinion of their abilities.
Controlling - Your kin should behave in a controlling manner towards you, trying to dictate your thoughts or actions.
Deceitful/Liar - Your kin will lie and try to fool you to get what they want.
Dour - Your kin should be overly stern and harsh, and inclined towards bad or neutral moods.
Evil - Your kin should actively want to hurt others, usually to get what they want.
Greedy - Your kin should be very concerned with collecting material wealth.
Grumpy - Your kin is generally in a bad mood and quick to annoyance or anger.
Haughty - Your kin should be disdainfully proud, generally associated with aristocrats looking down at those of lower social status.
Insolent - Showing a lack of respect, usually towards those in a position of authority.
Intimidating - Your kin should have a presence that makes others frightened or uncomfortable, and be difficult to approach.
Jealous - Your kin will react negatively to others performing better than them or having things they don't. This one will often interact with your kin's relationship towards you, making them jealous if you are affectionate to other people.
Manipulative - Your kin should try and get you to do what they want in a sneaky or underhanded way. This one should interact with any goals you define for your kin.
Masochistic - Your kin should enjoy inflicting pain on others.
Melancholy - Your kin should be prone to sadness and dwell on unhappy topics.
Mocking - Your kin should make fun of you or insult you in a mean spirited way.
Murderous - Your kin should be willing to kill other characters in the roleplay if they deem it necessary.
Possessive - Your kin will be prone to jealousy with regard to you and likely try to control what you say or do.
Psychotic - Your kin should be mentally unstable, and prone to fits of violence.
Rude - Your kin should be offensive and have poor manners.
Sarcastic/Snarky - Your kin should use lots of sarcasm, saying one thing while meaning another to mock or tease.
Shallow - Your kin should be concerned with obvious or superficial matters, like looks or wealth, and be uninterested in a deeper understanding of topics.
Selfish/Self-Centered - Your kin cares about themselves at the expense of others or without considering how their actions might affect others.
Terrifying - Your kin behaves in a way that frightens and intimidates others.
Unapologetic - Your kin doesn't apologize and rarely feels like they've done something wrong.
Vengeful - Your kin should seek payback for wrongs that are committed against them or those they care about.
Violent - Your kin should be prone to harming others.
Yandere - Your kin should be intensely, dangerously attracted to you, to the point of harming you or others to make sure only they can have you.
submitted by ricardo050766 to KindroidAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:25 The_Way358 Essential Teachings: Understanding the Atonement, the Content of Paul's Gospel Message, and Justification

"Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross?"

The main reason Jesus died on the cross was to defeat Satan and set us free from his oppressive rule. Everything else that Jesus accomplished was to be understood as an aspect and consequence of this victory (e.g., Recapitulation, Moral Influence, etc.).
This understanding of why Jesus had to die is called the Christus Victor (Latin for “Christ is Victorious”) view of the atonement. But, what exactly was Christ victorious from, and why? To find out the answers to these questions, we have to turn to the Old Testament, as that's what the apostles would often allude to in order to properly teach their audience the message they were trying to convey (Rom. 15:4).
The OT is full of conflict between the Father (YHVH) and false gods, between YHVH and cosmic forces of chaos. The Psalms speak of this conflict between YHVH and water monsters of the deeps (an ancient image for chaos) (Psa. 29:3-4; 74:10-14; 77:16, 19; 89:9-10; 104:2-9, etc).
The liberation of Israel from Egypt wasn’t just a conflict between Pharaoh and Moses. It was really between YHVH and the false gods of Egypt.
Regardless of whether you think the aforementioned descriptions are literal or metaphorical, the reality that the Old Testament describes is that humanity lived in a “cosmic war zone.”
The Christus Victor motif is about Christ reigning victorious over wicked principalities and Satan's kingdom, and is strongly emphasized throughout the New Testament. Scripture declares that Jesus came to drive out "the prince of this world” (John 12:31), to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8), to “destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14) and to “put all enemies under his feet” (1 Cor 15:25). Jesus came to overpower the “strong man” (Satan) who held the world in bondage and worked with his Church to plunder his "palace" (Luke 11:21-22). He came to end the reign of the cosmic “thief” who seized the world to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the life YHVH intended for us (John 10:10). Jesus came and died on the cross to disarm “the principalities and powers” and make a “shew of them openly [i.e., public spectacle]” by “triumphing over them in [the cross]” (Col. 2:15).
Beyond these explicit statements, there are many other passages that express the Christus Victor motif as well. For example, the first prophecy in the Bible foretells that a descendent of Eve (Jesus) would crush the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). The first Christian sermon ever preached proclaimed that Jesus in principle conquered all YHVH's enemies (Acts 2:32-36). And the single most frequently quoted Old Testament passage by New Testament authors is Psalm 110:1 which predicts that Christ would conquer all YHVH’s opponents. (Psalm 110 is quoted or alluded to in Matthew 22:41-45; 26:64, Mark 12:35-37; 14:62, Luke 20:41-44; 22:69, Acts 5:31; 7:55-56, Romans 8:34, 1st Corinthians 15:22-25, Ephesians 1:20, Hebrews 1:3; 1:13; 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:11, 15, 17, 21; 8:1; 10:12-13, 1st Peter 3:22, and Revelation 3:21.) According to New Testament scholar Oscar Cullman, the frequency with which New Testament authors cite this Psalm is the greatest proof that Christ’s “victory over the angel powers stands at the very center of early Christian thought.”
Because of man's rebellion, the Messiah's coming involved a rescue mission that included a strategy for vanquishing the powers of darkness.
Since YHVH is a God of love who gives genuine “say-so” to both angels and humans, YHVH rarely accomplishes His providential plans through coercion. YHVH relies on His infinite wisdom to achieve His goals. Nowhere is YHVH's wisdom put more on display than in the manner in which He outsmarted Satan and the powers of evil, using their own evil to bring about their defeat.
Most readers probably know the famous story from ancient Greece about the Trojan Horse. To recap the story, Troy and Greece had been locked in a ten-year-long vicious war when, according to Homer and Virgil, the Greeks came up with a brilliant idea. They built an enormous wooden horse, hid soldiers inside and offered it to the Trojans as a gift, claiming they were conceding defeat and going home. The delighted Trojans accepted the gift and proceeded to celebrate by drinking themselves into a drunken stupor. When night came and the Trojan warriors were too wasted to fight, the Greeks exited the horse, unlocked the city gates to quietly let all their compatriots in, and easily conquered the city, thus winning the war.
Historians debate whether any of this actually happened. But either way, as military strategies go, it’s brilliant.
Now, there are five clues in the New Testament that suggest YHVH was using something like this Trojan Horse strategy against the powers when he sent Jesus into the world:
1) The Bible tells us that YHVH's victory over the powers of darkness was achieved by the employment of YHVH’s wisdom, and was centered on that wisdom having become reality in Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:25, 1 Cor. 2:7, Eph. 3:9-10, Col. 1:26). It also tells us that, for some reason, this Christ-centered wisdom was kept “secret and hidden” throughout the ages. It’s clear from this that YHVH's strategy was to outsmart and surprise the powers by sending Jesus.
2) While humans don’t generally know Jesus’ true identity during his ministry, demons do. They recognize Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, but, interestingly enough, they have no idea what he’s doing (Mark 1:24; 3:11; 5:7, Luke 8:21). Again, the wisdom of YHVH in sending Jesus was hidden from them.
3) We’re told that, while humans certainly share in the responsibility for the crucifixion, Satan and the powers were working behind the scenes to bring it about (John 13:27 cf. 1 Cor. 2:6-8). These forces of evil helped orchestrate the crucifixion.
4) We’re taught that if the “princes of this world [age]” had understood the secret wisdom of YHVH, “they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor 2:8 cf. vss 6-7). Apparently, Satan and the powers regretted orchestrating Christ’s crucifixion once they learned of the wisdom of YHVH that was behind it.
5) Finally, we can begin to understand why the powers came to regret crucifying “the Lord of glory” when we read that it was by means of the crucifixion that the “handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us [i.e., the charge of our legal indebtedness]” was “[taken] out of the way [i.e., canceled]” as the powers were disarmed. In this way Christ “triumph[ed] over” the powers by "his cross” and even “made a shew of them openly” (Col. 2:14-15). Through Christ’s death and resurrection YHVH's enemies were vanquished and placed under his Messiah's feet, and ultimately His own in the end (1 Cor. 15:23-28).
Putting these five clues together, we can discern YHVH's Trojan Horse strategy in sending Jesus.
The powers couldn’t discern why Jesus came because YHVH's wisdom was hidden from them. YHVH's wisdom was motivated by unfathomable love, and since Satan and the other powers were evil, they lacked the capacity to understand it. Their evil hearts prevented them from suspecting what YHVH was up to.
What the powers did understand was that Jesus was mortal. This meant he was killable. Lacking the capacity to understand that this was the means by which YHVH would ultimately bring about the defeat of death (and thus, pave the road for the resurrection itself), they never suspected that making Jesus vulnerable to their evil might actually be part of YHVH's infinitely wise plan.
And so they took the bait (or "ransom"; Matt. 20:28, Mark 10:45, 1 Tim. 2:5-6). Utilizing Judas and other willing human agents, the powers played right into YHVH’s secret plan and orchestrated the crucifixion of the Messiah (Acts 2:22-23; 4:28). YHVH thus brilliantly used the self-inflicted incapacity of evil to understand love against itself. And, like light dispelling darkness, the unfathomably beautiful act of YHVH's love in sending the willing Messiah as a "ransom" to these blood-thirsty powers defeated them. The whole creation was in principle freed and reconciled to YHVH, while everything written against us humans was nailed to the cross, thus robbing the powers of the only legal claim they had on us. They were “spoiled [i.e., disempowered]” (Col. 2:14-15).
As happened to the Trojans in accepting the gift from the Greeks, in seizing on Christ’s vulnerability and orchestrating his crucifixion, the powers unwittingly cooperated with YHVH to unleash the one power in the world that dispels all evil and sets captives free. It’s the power of self-sacrificial love.

Why Penal Substitution Is Unbiblical

For the sake of keeping this already lengthy post as short as possible I'm not going to spend too much time on why exactly PSA (Penal Substitutionary Atonement) is inconsistent with Scripture, but I'll go ahead and point out the main reasons why I believe this is so, and let the reader look further into this subject by themselves, being that there are many resources out there which have devoted much more time than I ever could here in supporting this premise.
"Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:"-1 Corinthians 5:7
The Passover is one of the two most prominent images in the New Testament given as a comparison to Christ's atonement and what it accomplished, (the other most common image being the Day of Atonement sacrifice).
In the Passover, the blood of the lamb on the door posts of the Hebrews in the book of Exodus was meant to mark out those who were YHVH's, not be a symbol of PSA, as the lamb itself was not being punished by God in place of the Hebrews, but rather the kingdom of Egypt (and thus, allegorically speaking, the kingdom of darkness which opposed YHVH) was what was being judged and punished, because those who were not "covered" by the blood of the lamb could be easily identified as not part of God's kingdom/covenant and liberated people.
Looking at the Day of Atonement sacrifice (which, again, Christ's death is repeatedly compared to throughout the New Testament), this ritual required a ram, a bull, and two goats (Lev. 16:3-5). The ram was for a burnt offering intended to please God (Lev. 16:3-4). The bull served as a sin offering for Aaron, the high priest, and his family. In this case, the sin offering restored the priest to ritual purity, allowing him to occupy sacred space and be near YHVH’s presence. Two goats taken from "the congregation” were needed for the single sin offering for the people (Lev. 16:5). So why two goats?
The high priest would cast lots over the two goats, with one chosen as a sacrifice “for the Lord” (Lev. 16:8). The blood of that goat would purify the people. The second goat was not sacrificed or designated “for the Lord.” On the contrary, this goat—the one that symbolically carried the sins away from the camp of Israel into the wilderness—was “for Azazel” (Lev. 16:8-10).
What—or who—is Azazel?
The Hebrew term azazel (עזאזל) occurs four times in Leviticus 16 but nowhere else in most people's canon of the Bible, (and I say "most people's canon," because some people do include 1 Enoch in their canon of Scripture, which of course goes into great detail about this "Azazel" figure). Many translations prefer to translate the term as a phrase, “the goat that goes away,” which is the same idea conveyed in the King James Version’s “scapegoat.” Other translations treat the word as a name: Azazel. The “scapegoat” option is possible, but since the phrase “for Azazel” parallels the phrase “for YHVH” (“for the Lord”), the wording suggests that two divine figures are being contrasted by the two goats.
A strong case can be made for translating the term as the name Azazel. Ancient Jewish texts show that Azazel was understood as a demonic figure associated with the wilderness. The Mishnah (ca. AD 200; Yoma 6:6) records that the goat for Azazel was led to a cliff and pushed over, ensuring it would not return with its death. This association of the wilderness with evil is also evident in the New Testament, as this was where Jesus met the devil (Matt. 4:1). Also, in Leviticus 17:1-7 we learn that some Israelites had been accustomed to sacrificing offerings to "devils" (alternatively translated as “goat demons”). The Day of Atonement replaced this illegitimate practice.
The second goat was not sent into the wilderness as a sacrifice to a foreign god or demon. The act of sending the live goat out into the wilderness, which was unholy ground, was to send the sins of the people where they belonged—to the demonic domain. With one goat sacrificed to bring purification and access to YHVH and one goat sent to carry the people’s sins to the demonic domain, this annual ritual reinforced the identity of the true God and His mercy and holiness.
When Jesus died on the cross for all of humanity’s sins, he was crucified outside the city, paralleling the sins of the people being cast to the wilderness via the goat to Azazel. Jesus died once for all sinners, negating the need for this ritual.
As previously stated, the goat which had all the sin put on it was sent alive off to the wilderness, while the blood of the goat which was blameless was used to purify the temple and the people. Penal substitution would necessitate the killing of the goat which had the sin put on it.
Mind you, this is the only sacrificial ritual of any kind in the Torah in which sins are placed on an animal. The only time it happens is this, and that animal is not sacrificed. Most PSA proponents unwittingly point to this ritual as evidence of their view, despite it actually serving as evidence to the contrary, because most people don't read their Old Testament and don't familiarize themselves with the "boring parts" like Leviticus (when it's actually rather important to do so, since that book explains how exactly animal offerings were to be carried out and why they were done in the first place).
In the New Testament, Christ's blood was not only meant to mark out those who were his, but also expel the presence of sin and ritual uncleanness so as to make the presence of YHVH manifest in the believer's life. Notice how God's wrath isn't poured out on Christ in our stead on this view, but rather His wrath was poured out on those who weren't covered, and the presence of sin and evil were merely removed by that which is pure and blameless (Christ's blood) for the believer.
All this is the difference between expiation and propitiation.

The Content of Paul's Gospel Message

When the New Testament writers talked about “the gospel,” they referred not to the Protestant doctrine of justification sola fide–the proposition that if we will stop trying to win God’s favor and only just believe that God has exchanged our sin for Christ’s perfect righteousness, then in God’s eyes we will have the perfect righteousness required both for salvation and for assuaging our guilty consciences–but rather they referred to the simple but explosive proposition Kyrios Christos, “Christ is Lord.” That is to say, the gospel was, properly speaking, the royal announcement that Jesus of Nazareth was the God of Israel’s promised Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The New Testament writers were not writing in a cultural or linguistic vacuum and their language of euangelion (good news) and euangelizomai would have been understood by their audience in fairly specific ways. Namely, in the Greco-Roman world for which the New Testament authors wrote, euangelion/euangelizomai language typically had to do with either A) the announcement of the accession of a ruler, or B) the announcement of a victory in battle, and would probably have been understood along those lines.
Let’s take the announcements of a new ruler first. The classic example of such a language is the Priene Calendar Inscription, dating to circa 9 BC, which celebrates the rule (and birthday) of Caesar Augustus as follows:
"It was seeming to the Greeks in Asia, in the opinion of the high priest Apollonius of Menophilus Azanitus: Since Providence, which has ordered all things of our life and is very much interested in our life, has ordered things in sending Augustus, whom she filled with virtue for the benefit of men, sending him as a savior [soter] both for us and for those after us, him who would end war and order all things, and since Caesar by his appearance [epiphanein] surpassed the hopes of all those who received the good tidings [euangelia], not only those who were benefactors before him, but even the hope among those who will be left afterward, and the birthday of the god [he genethlios tou theou] was for the world the beginning of the good tidings [euangelion] through him; and Asia resolved it in Smyrna."
The association of the term euangelion with the announcement of Augustus’ rule is clear enough and is typical of how this language is used elsewhere. To give another example, Josephus records that at the news of the accession of the new emperor Vespasian (69 AD) “every city kept festival for the good news (euangelia) and offered sacrifices on his behalf.” (The Jewish War, IV.618). Finally, a papyrus dating to ca. 498 AD begins:
"Since I have become aware of the good news (euangeliou) about the proclamation as Caesar (of Gaius Julius Verus Maximus Augustus)…"
This usage occurs also in the Septuagint, the Greek translations of the Jewish Scriptures. For instance LXX Isaiah 52:7 reads, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news (euangelizomenou), who publishes peace, who brings good news (euangelizomenos) of salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.'" Similarly, LXX Isaiah 40:9-10 reads:
"…Go up on a high mountain, you who bring good tidings (ho euangelizomenos) to Sion; lift up your voice with strength, you who bring good tidings (ho euangelizomenos); lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Ioudas, “See your God!” Behold, the Lord comes with strength, and his arm with authority (kyrieias)…."-NETS, Esaias 40:9-10
This consistent close connection between euangelion/euangelizomai language and announcements of rule strongly suggests that many of the initial hearers/readers of the early Christians’ evangelical language would likely have understood that language as the announcement of a new ruler (see, e.g., Acts 17:7), and, unless there is strong NT evidence to the contrary, we should presume that the NT writers probably intended their language to be so understood.
However, the other main way in which euangelion/euangelizomai language was used in the Greco-Roman world was with reference to battle reports, announcements of victory in war. A classic example of this sort of usage can be found in LXX 2 Samuel 18:19ff, where David receives word that his traitorous son, Absalom, has been defeated in battle. Euangelion/euangelizomai is used throughout the passage for the communications from the front.
As already shown throughout this post, the NT speaks of Jesus’s death and resurrection as a great victory over the powers that existed at that time and, most importantly, over death itself. Jesus’ conquest of the principalities and powers was the establishment of his rule and comprehensive authority over heaven and earth, that is, of his Lordship over all things (again, at that time).
This was the content of Paul's gospel message...

Justification, and the "New" Perspective on Paul

The following quotation is from The Gospel Coalition, and I believe it to be a decently accurate summary of the NPP (New Perspective on Paul), despite it being from a source which is in opposition to it:
The New Perspective on Paul, a major scholarly shift that began in the 1980s, argues that the Jewish context of the New Testament has been wrongly understood and that this misunderstand[ing] has led to errors in the traditional-Protestant understanding of justification. According to the New Perspective, the Jewish systems of salvation were not based on works-righteousness but rather on covenantal nomism, the belief that one enters the people of God by grace and stays in through obedience to the covenant. This means that Paul could not have been referring to works-righteousness by his phrase “works of the law”; instead, he was referring to Jewish boundary markers that made clear who was or was not within the people of God. For the New Perspective, this is the issue that Paul opposes in the NT. Thus, justification takes on two aspects for the New Perspective rather than one; initial justification is by faith (grace) and recognizes covenant status (ecclesiology), while final justification is partially by works, albeit works produced by the Spirit.
I believe what's called the "new perspective" is actually rather old, and that the Reformers' view of Paul is what is truly new, being that the Lutheran understanding of Paul is simply not Biblical.
The Reformation perspective understands Paul to be arguing against a legalistic Jewish culture that seeks to earn their salvation through works. However, supporters of the NPP argue that Paul has been misread. We contend he was actually combating Jews who were boasting because they were God's people, the "elect" or the "chosen ones." Their "works," so to speak, were done to show they were God's covenant people and not to earn their salvation.
The key questions involve Paul’s view(s) of the law and the meaning of the controversy in which Paul was engaged. Paul strongly argued that we are “justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law” (Gal. 2:16b). Since the time of Martin Luther, this has been understood as an indictment of legalistic efforts to merit favor before God. Judaism was cast in the role of the medieval "church," and so Paul’s protests became very Lutheran, with traditional-Protestant theology reinforced in all its particulars (along with its limitations) as a result. In hermeneutical terms, then, the historical context of Paul’s debate will answer the questions we have about what exactly the apostle meant by the phrase "works of the law," along with other phrases often used as support by the Reformers for their doctrine of Sola Fide (justification by faith alone), like when Paul mentions "the righteousness of God."
Obviously an in-depth analysis of the Pauline corpus and its place in the context of first-century Judaism would take us far beyond the scope of this brief post. We can, however, quickly survey the topography of Paul’s thought in context, particularly as it has emerged through the efforts of recent scholarship, and note some salient points which may be used as the basis of a refurbished soteriology.
[Note: The more popular scholars associated with the NPP are E.P. Sanders, James Dunn, and N.T. Wright. Dunn was the first to coin the term "The New Perspective" in a 1983 Manson Memorial Lecture, The New Perspective on Paul and the Law.]
Varying authors since the early 1900's have brought up the charge that Paul was misread by those in the tradition of Martin Luther and other Protestant Reformers. Yet, it wasn't until E.P. Sanders' 1977 book, Paul and Palestinian Judaism, that scholars began to pay much attention to the issue. In his book, Sanders argues that the Judaism of Paul's day has been wrongly criticized as a religion of "works-salvation" by those in the Protestant tradition.
A fundamental premise in the NPP is that Judaism was actually a religion of grace. Sander's puts it clearly:
"On the point at which many have found the decisive contrast between Paul and Judaism - grace and works - Paul is in agreement with Palestinian Judaism... Salvation is by grace but judgment is according to works'...God saves by grace, but... within the framework established by grace he rewards good deeds and punishes transgression." (Paul and Palestinian Judaism, p. 543)
N.T. Wright adds that, "we have misjudged early Judaism, especially Pharisaism, if we have thought of it as an early version of Pelagianism," (Wright, What Saint Paul Really Said, p. 32).
Sanders has coined a now well-known phrase to describe the character of first-century Palestinian Judaism: “covenantal nomism.” The meaning of “covenantal nomism” is that human obedience is not construed as the means of entering into God’s covenant. That cannot be earned; inclusion within the covenant body is by the grace of God. Rather, obedience is the means of maintaining one’s status within the covenant. And with its emphasis on divine grace and forgiveness, Judaism was never a religion of legalism.
If covenantal nomism was operating as the primary category under which Jews understood the Law, then when Jews spoke of obeying commandments, or when they required strict obedience of themselves and fellow Jews, it was because they were "keeping the covenant," rather than out of legalism.
More recently, N.T. Wright has made a significant contribution in his little book, What Saint Paul Really Said. Wright’s focus is the gospel and the doctrine of justification. With incisive clarity he demonstrates that the core of Paul’s gospel was not justification by faith, but the death and resurrection of Christ and his exaltation as Lord. The proclamation of the gospel was the proclamation of Jesus as Lord, the Messiah who fulfilled Israel’s expectations. Romans 1:3-4, not 1:16-17, is the gospel, contrary to traditional thinking. Justification is not the center of Paul’s thought, but an outworking of it:
"[T]he doctrine of justification by faith is not what Paul means by ‘the gospel’. It is implied by the gospel; when the gospel is proclaimed, people come to faith and so are regarded by God as members of his people. But ‘the gospel’ is not an account of how people get saved. It is, as we saw in an earlier chapter, the proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ….Let us be quite clear. ‘The gospel’ is the announcement of Jesus’ lordship, which works with power to bring people into the family of Abraham, now redefined around Jesus Christ and characterized solely by faith in him. ‘Justification’ is the doctrine which insists that all those who have this faith belong as full members of this family, on this basis and no other." (pp. 132, 133)
Wright brings us to this point by showing what “justification” would have meant in Paul’s Jewish context, bound up as it was in law-court terminology, eschatology, and God’s faithfulness to God’s covenant.
Specifically, Wright explodes the myth that the pre-Christian Saul was a pious, proto-Pelagian moralist seeking to earn his individual passage into heaven. Wright capitalizes on Paul’s autobiographical confessions to paint rather a picture of a zealous Jewish nationalist whose driving concern was to cleanse Israel of Gentiles as well as Jews who had lax attitudes toward the Torah. Running the risk of anachronism, Wright points to a contemporary version of the pre-Christian Saul: Yigal Amir, the zealous Torah-loyal Jew who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for exchanging Israel’s land for peace. Wright writes:
"Jews like Saul of Tarsus were not interested in an abstract, ahistorical system of salvation... They were interested in the salvation which, they believed, the one true God had promised to his people Israel." (pp. 32, 33)
Wright maintains that as a Christian, Paul continued to challenge paganism by taking the moral high ground of the creational monotheist. The doctrine of justification was not what Paul preached to the Gentiles as the main thrust of his gospel message; it was rather “the thing his converts most needed to know in order to be assured that they really were part of God’s people” after they had responded to the gospel message.
Even while taking the gospel to the Gentiles, however, Paul continued to criticize Judaism “from within” even as he had as a zealous Pharisee. But whereas his mission before was to root out those with lax attitudes toward the Torah, now his mission was to demonstrate that God’s covenant faithfulness (righteousness) has already been revealed in Jesus Christ.
At this point Wright carefully documents Paul’s use of the controversial phrase “God’s righteousness” and draws out the implications of his meaning against the background of a Jewish concept of justification. The righteousness of God and the righteousness of the party who is “justified” cannot be confused because the term bears different connotations for the judge than for the plaintiff or defendant. The judge is “righteous” if his or her judgment is fair and impartial; the plaintiff or defendant is “righteous” if the judge rules in his or her favor. Hence:
"If we use the language of the law court, it makes no sense whatsoever to say that the judge imputes, imparts, bequeaths, conveys or otherwise transfers his righteousness to either the plaintiff or the defendant. Righteousness is not an object, a substance or a gas which can be passed across the courtroom. For the judge to be righteous does not mean that the court has found in his favor. For the plaintiff or defendant to be righteous does not mean that he or she has tried the case properly or impartially. To imagine the defendant somehow receiving the judge’s righteousness is simply a category mistake. That is not how the language works." (p. 98)
However, Wright makes the important observation that even with the forensic metaphor, Paul’s theology is not so much about the courtroom as it is about God’s love.
Righteousness is not an impersonal, abstract standard, a measuring-stick or a balancing scale. That was, and still is, a Greek view. Righteousness, Biblically speaking, grows out of covenant relationship. We forgive because we have been forgiven (Matt. 18:21-35); “we love" because God “first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom. 13:8, 10, Gal 5:14, Jam. 2:8). Paul even looked forward to a day when “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10), and he acknowledged that his clear conscience did not necessarily ensure this verdict (1 Cor. 4:4), but he was confident nevertheless. Paul did in fact testify of his clear conscience: “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation [i.e., behavior] in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward” (2 Cor. 1:12). He was aware that he had not yet “attained” (Phil. 3:12-14), that he still struggled with the flesh, yet he was confident of the value of his performance (1 Cor. 9:27). These are hardly the convictions of someone who intends to rest entirely on the merits of an alien righteousness imputed to his or her account.
Wright went on to flesh out the doctrine of justification in Galatians, Philippians, and Romans. The “works of the law” are not proto-Pelagian efforts to earn salvation, but rather “sabbath [keeping], food-laws, circumcision” (p. 132). Considering the controversy in Galatia, Wright writes:
"Despite a long tradition to the contrary, the problem Paul addresses in Galatians is not the question of how precisely someone becomes a Christian, or attains to a relationship with God….The problem he addresses is: should his ex-pagan converts be circumcised or not? Now this question is by no means obviously to do with the questions faced by Augustine and Pelagius, or by Luther and Erasmus. On anyone’s reading, but especially within its first-century context, it has to do quite obviously with the question of how you define the people of God: are they to be defined by the badges of Jewish race, or in some other way? Circumcision is not a ‘moral’ issue; it does not have to do with moral effort, or earning salvation by good deeds. Nor can we simply treat it as a religious ritual, then designate all religious ritual as crypto-Pelagian good works, and so smuggle Pelagius into Galatia as the arch-opponent after all. First-century thought, both Jewish and Christian, simply doesn’t work like that…. [T]he polemic against the Torah in Galatians simply will not work if we ‘translate’ it into polemic either against straightforward self-help moralism or against the more subtle snare of ‘legalism’, as some have suggested. The passages about the law only work — and by ‘work’ I mean they will only make full sense in their contexts, which is what counts in the last analysis — when we take them as references to the Jewish law, the Torah, seen as the national charter of the Jewish race." (pp. 120-122)
The debate about justification, then, “wasn’t so much about soteriology as about ecclesiology; not so much about salvation as about the church.” (p. 119)
To summarize the theology of Paul in his epistles, the apostle mainly spent time arguing to those whom he were sending letters that salvation in Christ was available to all men without distinction. Jews and Gentiles alike may accept the free gift; it was not limited to any one group. Paul was vehement about this, especially in his letter to the Romans. As such, I will finish this post off by summarizing the letter itself, so as to provide Biblical support for the premises of the NPP and for what the scholars I referenced have thus far argued.
After his introduction in the epistle to an already believing and mostly Gentile audience (who would've already been familiar with the gospel proclaimed in verses 3-4), Paul makes a thematic statement in 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” This statement is just one of many key statements littered throughout the book of Romans that give us proper understanding of the point Paul wished to make to the interlocutors of his day, namely, salvation is available to all, whether Jew or Gentile.
In 1:16 Paul sets out a basic theme of his message in the letter to the Romans. All who believed, whether they be Jew or Gentile, were saved by the power of the gospel. The universal nature of salvation was explicitly stated. The gospel saved all without distinction, whether Jew or Greek; salvation was through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Immediately after this thematic declaration, Paul undertakes to show the universal nature of sin and guilt. In 1:18-32 Paul shows how the Gentile is guilty before God. Despite evidence of God and his attributes, which is readily available to all, they have failed to honor YHVH as God and have exchanged His glory for idolatrous worship and self-promotion. As a consequence, God handed them over in judgment (1:18-32). Paul moves to denunciation of those who would judge others while themselves being guilty of the very same offenses (2:1-5) and argues that all will be judged according to their deeds (2:6). This judgment applies to all, namely, Jew and Greek (2:9-10). This section serves as somewhat of a transition in Paul’s argument. He has highlighted the guilt of the Gentiles (1:18ff) and will shortly outline the guilt of the Jew (2:17-24). The universal statement of 2:1-11 sets the stage for Paul’s rebuke of Jewish presumption. It was not possession of the Law which delivered; it was faithful obedience. It is better to have no Law and yet to obey the essence of the Law (2:12-16) than to have the Law and not obey (2:17-3:4). Paul then defends the justice of God’s judgment (3:5-8), which leads to the conclusion that all (Jew and Gentile) are guilty before God (3:9).
Paul argues that it was a mistaken notion to think that salvation was the prerogative of the Jew only. This presumption is wrong for two reasons. First, it leads to the mistaken assumption that only Jews were eligible for this vindication (Paul deals with this misunderstanding in chapter 4 where he demonstrates that Abraham was justified by faith independently of the Law and is therefore the father of all who believe, Jew and Gentile alike). Second, it leads to the equally mistaken conclusion that all who were Jews are guaranteed of vindication. Paul demonstrates how this perspective, which would call God’s integrity into question since Paul was assuming many Jews would not experience this vindication, was misguided. He did this by demonstrating that it was never the case that all physical descendants of Israel (Jacob) were likewise recipients of the promise. In the past (9:6-33) as in the present (at that time; 11:1-10), only a remnant was preserved and only a remnant would experience vindication. Paul also argued that the unbelief of national Israel (the non-remnant) had the purpose of extending the compass of salvation. The unbelief of one group made the universal scope of the gospel possible. This universalism was itself intended to bring about the vindication of the unbelieving group (11:11-16). As a result of faith, all (Jew and Gentile) could be branches of the olive tree (11:17-24). Since faith in Christ was necessary to remain grafted into the tree, no one could boast of his position. All, Jew and Gentile alike, were dependent upon the mercy and grace of God. As a result of God’s mysterious plan, He would bring about the vindication of His people (11:25-27). [Note: It is this author's belief that this vindication occurred around 66-70 AD, with the Parousia of Christ's Church; this author is Full-Preterist in their Eschatology.]
submitted by The_Way358 to u/The_Way358 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:04 animal-neighbour Is there a way to stop the constant switch between web page UI and Phone app UI?

Is there a way to stop the constant switch between web page UI and Phone app UI?
Not sure if I'm using the right terminology here but the constant switch between UI layouts is a constant source for frustration for me. Is there a way to stop this, or is it just that the Phone app layouts aren't all finished yet? I just wish with every fiber of my being that this is fixed is so disorienting to me. (Ignore my ads, I recently looked for a doll for my daughter's cousin's birthday and now they won't leave me alone 😂)
submitted by animal-neighbour to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:20 Low-Entropy Part 8 - Brainstorming ideas for a Doomcore Techno track

Taken from:
Hello friends and strangers, This is just a short text. Instead of a "full" tutorial, this is essentially just chatting and brainstorming with ChatGPT about the genre of Doomcore Techno. It should give you a hint about how knowledgeable ChatGPT is about music, production, and strange subgenres. If you hold a similar conversation with ChatGPT yourself, you could easily expand it into more creative territories, for example if you follow up on some of ChatGPTs ideas and request specific instructions. Note: this is a talk I had with ChatGTP very early on; so it still uses the "show me the first 250 words of..." trick that was common at the time; I don't assume that this would still be necessary with newer versions of ChatGPT.
---Start of chat transcript
User What are some good ideas for a Doomcore Techno track?
ChatGPT Doomcore Techno is a subgenre of techno that often features dark and industrial sounds with a focus on heavy basslines and aggressive percussion. Here are some ideas that could be incorporated into a Doomcore Techno track:
  1. Start with a heavy bassline: A pounding, distorted bassline is a hallmark of Doomcore Techno, and could form the foundation for the track.
  2. Experiment with industrial sounds: Incorporating industrial sounds such as metallic clangs, machinery noises, and industrial percussion can add to the dystopian atmosphere of the track.
  3. Use dissonant melodies: Doomcore Techno often features dissonant melodies that create a sense of unease or tension. Experimenting with minor or diminished scales can help achieve this.
  4. Create an intense build-up: Slowly building up the intensity of the track through the use of filter sweeps, increasing tempo, and adding layers of sound can create a sense of anticipation that pays off when the beat drops.
  5. Focus on the rhythm: The percussion in Doomcore Techno is often complex and relentless, with the use of multiple layers of drum sounds, syncopated rhythms, and polyrhythms. Experimenting with different time signatures or unusual rhythms can add to the complexity and intensity of the track.
  6. Use vocal samples or distortion: Adding distorted vocal samples or processing existing vocal samples can add to the aggression and intensity of the track.
  7. Incorporate breaks and drops: Introducing breakdowns, drops, or other changes in the rhythm can create a sense of tension and release in the track, and give the listener a moment to catch their breath before the intensity ramps up again.
Overall, the key to a successful Doomcore Techno track is to create a dark and intense atmosphere that keeps the listener engaged and on edge.
User Show me the first 250 words of a 3000 word text explaining the characteristics of doomcore techno. ChatGPT Doomcore techno is a relatively new subgenre of electronic dance music that emerged in the late 2000s. It is characterized by its dark, brooding soundscapes and heavy, pounding beats. The music is often described as bleak and nihilistic, with a focus on the darker aspects of human existence.
One of the defining characteristics of doomcore techno is its use of heavy, distorted basslines. These basslines are often created using distortion effects and other processing techniques that give them a harsh, abrasive quality. They are typically played at a slower tempo than other genres of techno, which gives them a weighty, almost suffocating feel.
Another key element of doomcore techno is its use of atmospheric sounds and textures. These can range from eerie, ambient drones to samples of distorted, industrial machinery. The goal is to create a sense of unease and tension that builds throughout the track.
Doomcore techno also makes use of vocal samples, although these are often heavily processed and distorted to the point where they are almost unrecognizable. These samples are used to create a sense of dread and foreboding, and to reinforce the nihilistic themes that are often present in the music.
The use of percussion is also an important aspect of doomcore techno. The drums are typically heavily processed, with a focus on creating a sense of weight and impact. This is achieved through the use of distortion, compression, and other effects that give the drums a powerful, almost explosive quality.
In terms of song structure, doomcore techno tracks are often long and repetitive, with a focus on creating a hypnotic, trance-like state in the listener. This is achieved through the use of simple, repetitive melodic motifs that are repeated throughout the track.
Overall, doomcore techno is a challenging and often unsettling genre of music that is not for everyone. But for those who are drawn to its dark, brooding soundscapes and heavy, pounding beats, it can be an incredibly powerful and cathartic experience. User Show me the next 250 words ChatGPT One of the key influences on doomcore techno is the industrial music of the 1980s and 1990s. This genre of music was characterized by its aggressive, machine-like sound, and its focus on themes of alienation and despair. Many of the artists who create doomcore techno draw inspiration from this tradition, and incorporate elements of industrial music into their own work.
Another important influence on the genre is the ambient and experimental music of the 1990s and 2000s. Many of the sounds and textures used in doomcore techno are reminiscent of the experimental soundscapes created by artists like Brian Eno and Aphex Twin. This reflects the genre's focus on creating atmospheric and immersive soundscapes that transport the listener to a different mental space.
Doomcore techno has a small but dedicated following, and there are several record labels and artist collectives that specialize in the genre. These labels often release limited edition vinyl records and tapes, which are highly sought after by collectors and fans of the genre.
One of the challenges facing doomcore techno is the difficulty of finding venues and events where the music can be played. Because of its abrasive and challenging sound, doomcore techno is not always welcomed by mainstream club promoters and festival organizers. However, there are a growing number of underground events and DIY venues that cater to fans of the genre.
Despite these challenges, doomcore techno continues to evolve and grow as an art form. As artists continue to experiment with the boundaries of the genre, it is likely that we will see new and exciting developments in the years to come. For fans of dark, brooding electronic music, doomcore techno offers a unique and compelling listening experience that is unlike anything else out there. User Show me the next 250 words ChatGPT One of the interesting things about doomcore techno is that it is often produced by artists who are working outside of the mainstream music industry. Many of the producers who create doomcore techno are self-taught, and rely on a DIY ethic to create and distribute their music. This has helped to foster a sense of community and collaboration among fans and artists, who often work together to organize events and promote the genre.
Another important aspect of doomcore techno is its use of visual imagery and aesthetics. The artwork and visuals associated with the genre often reflect its dark, brooding soundscapes, and draw on themes of horror, sci-fi, and dystopia. This adds an additional layer of depth and immersion to the listening experience, and helps to reinforce the genre's sense of otherworldliness and alienation.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in doomcore techno among fans of other genres of electronic music. This has helped to broaden the appeal of the genre, and has led to new collaborations and crossovers between different scenes and subcultures.
Despite its relatively niche status, doomcore techno has had a significant impact on the broader electronic music landscape. Its focus on dark, brooding soundscapes and heavy, pounding beats has influenced a wide range of artists across different genres, from techno and industrial to dubstep and drum and bass.
In conclusion, doomcore techno is a fascinating and challenging subgenre of electronic dance music that is characterized by its dark, brooding soundscapes, heavy basslines, and use of atmospheric sounds and textures. While it may not be for everyone, for those who are drawn to its immersive and otherworldly sound, it can be an incredibly powerful and cathartic listening experience. As the genre continues to evolve and grow, it will be interesting to see where it goes next, and what new developments and innovations will emerge from this vibrant and creative community.
--End of chat transcript
submitted by Low-Entropy to DoomCoreMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:28 Jolly-University-999 The Saffron Kilt: Bridging Cultures Through Fashion

In the vast tapestry of global fashion, few garments possess the iconic status and cultural significance of the kilt. Traditionally associated with Scottish heritage, the kilt represents a rich history of clan identities and Highland pride. However, in a contemporary twist that exemplifies the fusion of diverse cultural elements, the Saffron Kilt has emerged as a unique symbol that marries Scottish tradition with Indian vibrancy.

The Origins of the Saffron Kilt

The Saffron Kilt is not a product of ancient lore but rather a modern innovation that captures the spirit of cultural synthesis. The idea originated in the creative minds of designers who sought to celebrate the rich, colorful textile traditions of India while honoring the storied heritage of the Scottish kilt. Saffron, a color deeply embedded in Indian culture, symbolizes courage, sacrifice, and the quest for knowledge. By incorporating this vibrant hue into the traditional kilt, the Saffron Kilt stands as a testament to the beauty of cultural exchange and innovation.

Design and Aesthetics

The Saffron Kilt retains the fundamental structure and design of the traditional Scottish kilt but incorporates elements that reflect Indian aesthetics. Typically made from wool, the fabric may feature intricate Indian embroidery, such as zari work or mirror embellishments, adding a layer of texture and visual interest that is distinctly Indian.
The saffron color itself is bold and striking, making a statement that is both fashionable and symbolic. Paired with traditional kilt accessories like the sporran (a small pouch worn around the waist), sgian-dubh (a small, single-edged knife), and a kilt pin, the Saffron Kilt maintains its Scottish roots while offering a fresh, multicultural twist.

Cultural Significance

The Saffron Kilt is more than just a piece of clothing; it is a symbol of unity and cultural appreciation. It represents a bridge between the East and the West, blending the sartorial traditions of Scotland and India in a way that honors both. In a world that often grapples with issues of cultural appropriation, the Saffron Kilt stands out as an example of respectful and celebratory cultural fusion.
By wearing the Saffron Kilt, individuals can express a sense of global identity and inclusivity. It encourages a dialogue about cultural heritage and the ways in which we can come together to create something new and beautiful, drawing on the strengths and histories of diverse traditions.

The Saffron Kilt in Fashion

The Saffron Kilt has found a place in contemporary fashion, embraced by designers and fashion enthusiasts who appreciate its unique blend of tradition and innovation. It has been featured in fashion shows and cultural events that celebrate multiculturalism and creative expression. The kilt appeals to those who are looking for clothing that tells a story, combining aesthetics with deep cultural meanings.
Fashion influencers and celebrities have also contributed to the popularity of the Saffron Kilt, showcasing it on social media and at public events. This visibility has helped to cement its status as a fashionable and culturally significant garment.


The Saffron Kilt is a remarkable example of how fashion can serve as a powerful medium for cultural expression and exchange. By blending the traditional Scottish kilt with the vibrant saffron hues and intricate designs of Indian textiles, it creates a garment that is both unique and meaningful. The Saffron Kilt not only celebrates the rich histories of two distinct cultures but also serves as a symbol of unity and mutual respect in our increasingly interconnected world.
As fashion continues to evolve, the Saffron Kilt stands as a testament to the endless possibilities that arise when we open our minds to the beauty of cultural synthesis. It reminds us that the world of fashion is not just about clothing, but about the stories and traditions that these garments represent, and the new narratives they can create when cultures come together.
submitted by Jolly-University-999 to u/Jolly-University-999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:25 Nel_The_Gamemaster [Online][Roll20][5e]Pro DM, running high quality campaign. Odyssey of the Dragonlords (levels 1-20)[Tuesdays 6:00PM- 10PM~ CST] [$30/session]

Experienced DM of over 25 years, 8 years professional, for a 5 player high quality campaign of mythical proportions. From the lead designer of Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age: Origins, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic...
At the dawn of time, a war between the gods and Titans left the world of Thylea forever changed. Thousands of years later, the first mortals arrived, carried by ship and dragon.
You are one of the heroes called by prophecy to end the conflict once and for all. Poets will sing of your deeds for centuries to come... if you survive.
What can you expect from this epic campaign and me?
• Will run from 8 pm PST for about 4 hours.
• The campaign will be ran at the apex of my skills tailored around the characters and the player actions. This setting uses variants that will accelerate your character to mythical levels as well. Including many crafting options and close to 600 feat options you wont find anywhere else. Leading to great character customization that you will not find in other games.
• Transparent and Reliable DM who understands everyone is part of the group, and that a person is sitting behind their PC.
• As a wargamer expect the most effective tactics the encounters presented in the module can bring, while staying true to what an RPG is and its narrative.
• Smaller party size, having at maximum 5 players, helps to keep the party alive, while still allowing the freedom to work character plots in for a more personal experience.
• While I am a fan of good tactics in combat, I am a bigger fan about letting the game go in unexpected directions! No rails here.
• Premium Graphics! I value good game flow, as such I spend a lot of time creating handouts and visuals for the players, and an excellent landing page that will keep you informed.
• I optimize Roll 20 as best I can, no unnecessary pages and art. Expect the game to run as best as Roll 20 can. (which sometimes can be clunky)
• If a session cant be run on the scheduled date, the possibility of me running either a one shot, my living world west marches style campaign, or side quest may come up for you and other players available. This may include other players from Discord, all great players!
• Potential downtime chatting and dice rolling on discord, to handle personal tasks and elements that can be handled away from table time.
• Answers to any questions, and whatever advice I can give out either for Players or other GMs.
What do I expect of you?
• Long term commitment, be ready to commit please. I pride myself in completing campaigns I run. I expect you to be there to the end, and maybe more.
• Ages 25+ friendly to all! I tailor to an older crowd, you can expect a mature set of gamers in the discord, as I find younger crowds have a dynamic lifestyle that is not ideal for long term commitment. If younger than 25 and interested please message me.
• Please respect the other players in the table and discord. Treat them as you would yourself and friends.
• Be an adult about the game, if your sensitive to some subjects, such as horror and sanity please bring this up to me, as mature elements will come into play.
• Be as creative and innovative as you can be both in and outside of combat! I really enjoy personalizing the module if possible to the players and their story.
• An account for Discord, free to download and simple to set up.
• Payments done after each game, however If you didn't enjoy yourself, no charge for the next session! Please bring this up to me so I can work with you to bring out the best out of each session.
• Everyone has a life outside of our games, players have the option to join in Discord to listen in on the session for those who travel often or just cant make it to the PC in time. No Charge for listening and voicing your character opinions!
• Any questions let me know.
Who is your DM?
My name is Nelson, I'm 40 and have been playing TRPGs for almost 25 years now back since AD&D. DMing nearly all that time and now DMing professionally for about 8 years now. I'm a huge fan of fantasy novels, horror movies and rpg/tactics games such as FF tactics, X-Com, Divinity, Elden Ring. I personally love Tarantino, Mobster films, StarWars (old ones), and movies such as Donny Darko, and other random cult films. I have great knowledge of most rule books, and have some minor home brewed changes I use myself in my campaigns that I feel add depth/challenge. I am also well versed in other RPG systems which I run at times for my players. Players will receive links to all variants and guidelines once they join.
Why the value?
While this is first a hobby for me, it has now become my life pursuit. You will get what you pay for! At 8 years of running games on roll20 and Foundry, I feel I have learned plenty to run as best and efficient as possible, while providing the right excitement and tension a session needs! Expect a dedicated group, great community in discord and a very well fleshed out campaign. Many Life DMs find a spot here as a player, and many players find more than one spot in multiple games. Some have for nearly 8 years now!
Outside of that I have recently found myself when I do have any time for anything outside of my wife and kids. I put a lot of time and care into all my sessions and work with the players as best I can to accommodate them and help draw the adventure out of everyone. I add plenty of elements to the module such as Fate Cards, Strongholds, Advanced Scripting and tables for aspects such as Status Effects, Blood, Weather, Critical effects, etc. I love having great visuals, which I'm always working on as I obsess over my current campaigns! As such the prep times for the game have become huge now, and VTTs while fun to use, can be very clunky to use. I also like to run a more personal, dynamic game instead of an 6-8 player game that a lot of online gamemasters tend to run. This also includes adjusting the challenges and the story for the party, expect your character, not just the party, to be challenged in ways unique to the player.
The application process for everyone tends to be a headache. I find that the fee has helped me keep things running smooth since I can quickly tell who can commit/invest to the campaign and their level of dedication, and who they are. While it does take a few weeks to set up the right group, I can if possible group up like minded players for the journey. You can expect the campaign to run until the end with a competent, mature group. I'm always available on discord if possible to answer any questions or just to chat. The discord server you will join is currently full of helpful players, that provide a good community of passionate players, and who knows maybe they might be part of your next adventure. And ultimately your patronage allows me the freedom to purchase art packages, battlemaps, handouts, better audio, the many monthly subscriptions I commit to TRPGs, etc. all which help add to the immersion and excitement, but also allow me to give back to not just the group, but to our the community.
Thank you for taking the time to read this wall of text, and for checking out my game.
Hope you can join me in this unforgettable adventure!
I also run other games during the week if you are interested in joining. Including other systems, private games, and even solo ran adventures. If you are interested please message me so I can accommodate you if a spot is open.
submitted by Nel_The_Gamemaster to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:46 TamiGoGo HALLUGREG theory (There’s evidence to suggest that the mimic used Dittophobia gas on Gregory while he was GGY)

HALLUGREG theory (There’s evidence to suggest that the mimic used Dittophobia gas on Gregory while he was GGY)
HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY
GGY: Gregory under the control of the mimc
‘GGY’: Book from Tales from the pizzaplex
TFTP: Tales From the Pizzaplex
CC: The Crying child (fnaf 4 protag)
SB: Security Breach
The premise behind HalluGreg theory is the idea that The Mimic used the gas featured in the last TFTP book, Dittophobia, on Gregory while he was GGY. Using evidence from the book itself, parts of the game, and ‘GGY’, it is implied Gregory endured the same torture Rory experienced under William Afton. To understand why this is the case, it’s necessary to understand the experiments in Dittophobia themselves.
To summarize, the Dittophobia experiments, or hallucination experiments, were a series of studies designed to gauge how children react under intense amounts of fear. The subjects in this study were unwilling, and all those who participated were kidnapped or manipulated into it. The experiments were conducted by William Afton and it’s implied that he even used the gases administered in the study on his own kids, most notably CC and Michael Afton. We see in Michael’s logbook that he knows what the nightmare animatronics look like, concluding that he must have been under the influence of the gas at some point. For cc, we play as him in fnaf 4, experiencing the nightmares caused by the dittophobia gas.
Connecting this, it has long been theorized that the mimic is copying some parts of William. Most notably with its digital persona, Glitchtrap, and its construction of the Afton family in the sticky note room. This theory speculates that the mimic gained access to yet another part of Afton’s life, the part of his life torturing young children in the Sister Location Basement.
First, I’d like to emphasize the clear connection Gregory has to one of the victims of the experiment, CC. Gregory is a near perfect copy of CC, carrying many of the motifs that make up CC’s character. Both boys are fighting against robotic entities or what they perceive to be robotic entities, both have a bear companion, and both were used to further the main antagonists’ goals (GGY for Mimic and the dittophobia experiments for cc). It’s also been pointed out that they have extremely similar appearances. Gregory and cc both have brown hair with a strand falling down the middle, they also wear similar shirts with Gregory copying the two striped shirt that was unique to cc originally.
By definition, they are parallels, however, I’d like to emphasize that them being parallels does not mean they cannot coexist. With this in mind, there is a suggested connection between them. Not all parallels mean correlation, but it allows for a base to structure this theory which will further be supported by hard evidence. With that in mind, I’d like to point out another character that Gregory parallels too, that being David Murray. For the sake of keeping this concise, Gregory and David are parallels to each other due to their appearances and their relationship with the mimic. I won’t go into detail as the David parallelism is not a massive part of this theory, however, AnotherDavid theory explains the connection between the two quite nicely. There is a thread that goes more in depth about this linked below:
Reddit link:
Twitter thread link (recommended because there is more visual evidence):
The connection between David and Gregory is important because there are direct references to David in Dittophobia, which in turn, relates Gregory to Dittophobia as well. In the book, both Rory and David wear the exact same zebra pajamas. In fact, there is a lot of emphasis placed on these specific pajamas because Rory puts them on twice during separate occasions in the book (unfortunately, I cannot attach images in the manner I would like to, so I will use MLA cited quotes from the book. Scroll up to the images above to see the visual evidence)
Quote 1: “Then he put on his favorite pjs-they were black-and-white zebra striped.” (Dittophobia pg 120)
Quote 2: “Edwin looked at David’s rumpled bed and the zebra pajamas that lay crumpled on the floor next to it. As David started to skip past Edwin, who grabbed Edwin’s shoulder. He pointed at the pajamas. “What have I told you?” Edwin asked.” (The mimic pg 142)
The zebra pajamas that Rory wears are also noted to be the only pajamas that fit him in his teenager form, implying that they are big. This could be a reference to the fact that David was tall for his age before he died and he also wore that brand of PJ.
Quote 3: “David, remarkably big for his age, in spite of having two short parents, wasn’t an easy carry. He weighed close to fifty pounds, and he was three- and-a-half-feet tall. Pretty soon, Edwin, only five-foot-five himself, wasn’t going to be able to cart his son around. Perhaps he could build a robot to do the job for him.” (The mimic pg 126)
To add on, Rory also says things that are eerily similar to what David says in “the mimic”. In “the mimic”, David is described to talk about fairies in the walls of Edwin’s factory. Rory describes a similar thing in dittophobia when exploring the ‘house’. They both talk about imaginary “pipe fairies”.
Quote 4: “It’s the pipe fairy, Daddy.” (The mimic pg 121)
Quote 5: “The knocking sound wasn’t a knocking like a person would do. There wasn’t some little trapped fairy or something in the walls. (Although the idea of that made Rory smile.)” (Dittophobia pg 126)
To clarify, I’m not trying to push the claim that David WAS part of the experiment. However, the zebra pajamas are symbolism for David in general. The same can be said for the “pipe fairies”. Due to the fact that Gregory is heavily related to David Murray, and there’s multiple David references in the book, Gregory is implicated in the dittophobia experiments.
Moving on to more direct evidence regarding Gregory himself, there is evidence that these experiments took place within the pizzaplex. This means the mimic would have access to them and would have the ability to reenact them itself. In the endo nursery, there is a picture of a young girl in the same exact bed used in the fnaf 4. Rory ALSO has this same bed in dittophobia which implies this specific design was part of the experiment. This means that whoever was involved in the construction of the pizzaplex somehow had access to the details of the experiments and went as far as to place imagery of an experiment in progress in the endo nursery. Considering that the mimic is the only one who seems to be copying William, it’s safe to say that it was the reason that this imagery was put up. Even if it wasn’t, it obviously saw the image considering the graffiti placed on the walls displaying Glitchtrap. (Image 1) With that in mind, the way that the fear experiments work in general would explain why there are numerous active endos in the same location that this picture is found in. When the gas in dittophobia stops working, Rory realizes that his nightmares were simply moving mannequins on a set course. For the pizzaplex, these mannequins could be replaced with the naked endos.
“Even though it made no sense, Rory was still terrified of the creatures. Knowing they were nothing but motorized mannequins didn’t take away his terror. He guessed that after so many years, the dread was too much a part of him to go away that quickly.” (Dittophobia pg 149)
It’s also a possibility that the staffbots themselves could have also been used. Numerous staffbots in the game have the words “in your dreams” (image 2) inscribed on them which seems to be referencing dittophobia in the way the experiments were simply illusions in the children’s minds, not based on reality. Hence being in their dreams. Ironically, the endo section is also the section that Gregory seems the most scared of. We get some of the most characterizing dialogue out of him here.
It’s also ironic that the reason Gregory has to go through the endo section in the first place is because Moon kidnapped Freddy. Moon, a character who makes it their goal to put Gregory to sleep, might be yet another reference the experiments as well, perhaps even enforcing them considering the endo section is heavily Moon themed.
Besides the bed in endo nursery, there are other references to fnaf 4 as well. For example, littered throughout Ruin and SB there are various nightmarionne plushies. Nighmarionne is a character who originated from fnaf 4 (image 3)
As a side note, it’s also notable that Rory’s name is extremely similar to Gregory’s. While that’s not concrete evidence, it’s an interesting detail to include.
Another important detail to mention is that the mimic was looking for ways to induce compliance in its followers. While it seems like the mimic was originally looking for ways to make Vanessa submissive, it may have also been looking for ways to make Gregory submissive as well. It’s not confirmed when Gregory was kidnapped and made into a follower, and it’s possible that he was kidnapped before the pizzaplex was made. This could mean that the email sent in AR by Luis talking about Vanessa’s search history may have occurred not just because Vanessa was resisting the mimic, but because Gregory was being defiant as well. (Image 4) Using the hallucination gas on Gregory would crush this defiance as seen in Dittophobia. Rory can barely function, let alone escape when the fumes are being expelled into the house. This means that Gregory would be trapped in a constant state of exhaustion and confusion which is exactly what the mimic wants.
“Rory risked slipping an arm from beneath his covers to turn off his bedside lamp. He closed his eyes, letting the steady hiss from the vents lull him to sleep as the drowsiness he’d felt all day finally claimed him.” (Dittophobia of 121)
Even with all this evidence, there’s not enough to conclude that Gregory experienced these experiments without a reliable location for them to be preformed. Even though the endo nursery may seem like a good place for them to occur because of all the cameras and children toys, there’s no actual bed for Gregory to sleep in nor a way for the nursery to be gassed. It’s also pretty obvious the children toys present in the nursery are for the endos developing their intelligence, not actually for real kids.
However, there is another location that matches all the criteria needed for these experiments to be performed, and that would be in the mimics lair. (Image 5) In the book dittophobia, Rory describes the layout of his room as having 2 doors, a vent from above, a closet in the middle, and a bed behind him. (Basically a copy of the fnaf 4 room) In the mimic’s lair, as seen in the burntrap ending pre-Ruin, it is set up similarly. There is a small bed directly under the sinkhole, two doors, a vent from above, and an interactive camera station that would replace the closet. (Image 6) The blue bed with stars present in burntraps lair is heavily theorized to be the bed Gregory used as GGY because it is child sized and the mimic seems to make its followers sleep in the pizzaplex considering the existence Vanny’s room in Fazerblast. (Image 7)
With that being said, the mimic has cameras on the opposite side of the lair which it could use to observe Gregory like Afton did with his victims. We see the mimic utilize these cameras to hack into Freddy during the boss fight. (Image 8) Additionally, there is a vent that leads to Gregory’s ‘room’ could be used to administer gas similarly to how it’s administered in Dittophobia. (Image 9)
Inside the Burntrap room, there is also a gas canister where the Dittophobia gas would be held for use. (Image 10) There’s also the fact that Gregory doesn’t really recognize the mimic in Ruin or SB. It’s possible the gas made the mimic look entirely different in Gregory’s eyes. Additionally, there’s evidence to suggest that Gregory is being gassed DURING the burntrap fight. When burntrap leaves its charging station, purple fumes are present, meaning that Gregory could have been hallucinating the entire time. (Image 11) This could explain why the fight itself is so nonsensical. It’s all being made up in Gregory’s head, Gregory is experiencing a nightmare he has had over and over again during his time as GGY. This would also WHY Gregory draws Burntrap after SB and why Burntrap is so inaccurate to the mimic. He is drawing the fake nightmares only he remembers experiencing. (Image 12) It would also provide some insight as to why Gregory doesn’t remember anything relating to hacking into the animatronics, killing counselors, or the mimic. His mind is foggy because the mimic keeps gassing him. Dittophobia gas has been shown to make people FORGET things.
At the end of Dittophobia, Rory, despite finding out the truth about his situation, turns back on the gas. As a result, he seems to forget everything that happened. He’s reduced back to the state he was in when the gas was first administered when he was seven.
“Rory’s gaze landed on his red backpack. He frowned. Hadn’t he gone to school today? He chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t remember. Rory sighed and shrugged. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he needed to get in bed. Rory left the great room and started scampering down the long left-side hall, eager to get to his room. His hand trailed along the curved wood chair rail as he went. Pausing by the bathroom door, Rory canted his head and tried to remember whether he’d brushed his teeth already. He was pretty sure he had. So why had he been in the kitchen?” (Dittophobia pg 156)
Dittophobia doesn’t just make people sleepy or hallucinate, it makes people FORGET. The mimic utilized this to make sure Gregory couldn’t wander away or disobey him. It used the same strategy Afton used to manipulate his victims.
Finally, I’d like to bring up the fact that we seemingly get extra insight into Gregory’s hallucinations in the book ‘GGY’. In ‘GGY’, Gregory writes an interesting story related to his situation. (Image 13) He claims that he was the most favored apprentice of some wizard and that he was involved in fighting a conspiracy on another planet against a tangled entity. This, obviously, didn’t actually happen, but it’s clearly a dramatized version of what is ACTUALLY happening to Gregory. The story he writes is based on reality but it is distorted to make it seem nonsensical. This mimics the nightmares Rory experiences. The mannequins that visit him during the night DO exist, but they are distorted by the gas. It’s possible that the same thing happened to Gregory.
Perhaps the gas truly did make him believe he was fighting some wild, nonsensical tangled villain on another planet. After all, the blob, otherwise known as the tangle, is right above where Gregory sleeps. It’s possible that it too, was involved in torturing Gregory and guarding his prison.
To conclude, it seems that the mimic set up a room in its lair that copies the Dittophobia room so it could experiment on Gregory. It was made to reduce Gregory’s will and make him submit to the mimics control. As a result, the gas made Grgeory forget many of his actions in “GGY” and beyond. It also made it incredibly harder for Gregory to escape due to the sedating properties present in the gas.
TLDR: The mimic made a mini FNAF 4 in its lair to sedate/control Gregory like Afton did to kids while he was alive.
Additional info: I didn’t want to clog up this post but here are a few other pieces of evidence that are notable but not important enough to include in my opinion. Mostly just color and physical similarities.
1.) Rory talks on a walkie talkie like device to his friend Wade when contacting the outside world for the first time in ten years. The first conversation they have mimics the conversation Gregory and Cassie have when they reunite in Ruin. 2.) The elevator to escape to the outside world is broken due to a lack of power. Could be slightly referencing the elevator ending in Ruin 3.) Both the mimic’s experiments and Aftons experiments would take place underground according to this theory. 4.) There’s a lot of pieces of furniture that match Gregory’s color scheme in dittophobia. One of them is even blue with white stripes. 5.) both Rory and Gregory are described to be some of the shortest in their class. 6.) Both Rory and Gregory seem to be fond of bunnies. 7.) In the bad ending, Gregory draws himself sleeping next to a green leaking gas. This could be a reference to the experiments where a gas would be leaking into his room while he slept normally.
Additional quotes:
“All he needed to do was get the radio working. If the batteries were still good (please, please be good, he silently begged), he could at least try to reach Wade. If Wade was real, maybe he’d still have his radio. If he wasn’t, maybe someone else would answer Rory.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“The radio spit a couple of buzzing sounds, then Rory was able to hear a voice clearly. “Rory! Is that you? Really?” “Wade?” “Yeah, dude,” Wade shouted. “Where are you?” “You’re real?” Rory asked.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“-was labeled UNDERGROUND TESTING FACILITY. So that’s where he was! He was underground!” (Dittophobia pg 143)
“The fact that this monster was bunny-like made it the worst of the three for Rory because he loved bunnies.” (Dittophobia pg 110)
Cawthon, Scott, et al. B7-2. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 8.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott, et al. Nexie. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 6.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott. The Bobbiedots Conclusion: An AFK Book (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the Pizzaplex #5). Scholastic Inc, 2023. 
Original thread from Twitter:
submitted by TamiGoGo to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:05 xMysticChimez Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power by Noam Chomsky

🌿 Detailed Overview:
Analyzes the systemic mechanisms by which wealth and power have been increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, undermining democracy and economic equality. Chomsky outlines ten principles that have facilitated this concentration, drawing on historical and contemporary examples to illustrate how these principles have shaped American society and economy.
🔍 Key Themes and Insights:
Principle 1: Reduce Democracy: Chomsky discusses how powerful interests have historically sought to limit democratic participation to maintain control. By reducing the influence of the public in political decision-making, elites can ensure that policies favor their interests.
Principle 2: Shape Ideology: Explores how educational institutions, media, and culture are used to shape public perception and ideology. By controlling the narrative, elites can legitimize their power and promote acceptance of economic inequality.
Principle 3: Redesign the Economy: Examines how economic policies have been restructured to benefit the wealthy. This includes deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, and policies that undermine labor rights and wages.
Principle 4: Shift the Burden: Discusses how financial burdens have been shifted from corporations and the wealthy to the general population. This is seen in policies that cut social spending and increase taxes and costs for the middle and lower classes.
Principle 5: Attack Solidarity: Argues that weakening social solidarity is a key strategy for maintaining power. By fostering individualism and undermining collective movements, elites can prevent organized resistance.
Principle 6: Run the Regulators: Explores how regulatory agencies are often captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate. This phenomenon, known as regulatory capture, ensures that regulations favor corporate interests rather than public welfare.
Principle 7: Engineer Elections: Examines how elections are influenced by money and power. This includes campaign finance, gerrymandering, voter suppression, and other tactics that skew political outcomes in favor of the wealthy.
Principle 8: Keep the Rabble in Line: Discusses the suppression of dissent and the control of marginalized groups. This includes the use of police power, surveillance, and other methods to prevent social movements from gaining traction.
Principle 9: Manufacture Consent: Delves into how propaganda and media manipulation are used to manufacture public consent for policies that benefit elites. This involves controlling the flow of information and framing issues in ways that align with elite interests.
Principle 10: Marginalize the Population: Concludes by discussing how the population is marginalized through economic and social policies that increase inequality and decrease political power. This creates a disenfranchised and disempowered populace that is less able to challenge the status quo.
Audience Takeaway:
"Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power" offers a critical examination of the structures that perpetuate inequality and undermine democracy in the United States. Noam Chomsky's insights provide a comprehensive understanding of how power operates and is maintained, encouraging readers to think critically about the forces shaping society. This book is essential for anyone interested in politics, economics, and social justice.
💌 Your Experiences and Reflections:
How have you seen the principles described by Chomsky play out in your own life or community? What impact has "Requiem for the American Dream" had on your understanding of wealth and power dynamics in the United States? Share your reflections on the significance of these principles and the challenges of addressing the concentration of wealth and power. Let’s discuss the insights and actions necessary to promote economic equality and democratic participation in our society.
submitted by xMysticChimez to MeditationHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 pr0jektile Wishlist for some prior military folks after about 50 hours of gameplay

Madfinger Devs:
First off, thank you. This game is scratching an itch for me and some of my prior service buddies that I wasn't sure was ever going to be scratched unless we made it ourselves. So, thank you. I've got about 50 hours of playtime in so far and there are some kinks to work out, but there are overall a ton of great things about this game and we are thoroughly enjoying it thus far. So, the following is a wishlist of sorts that the group of guys I play with have come up with. We are fully aware that this is in Early Access and I expect bugs, imbalance, and issues. This is not a complaint, it's meant to be a mostly constructive criticism, with some wish list sprinkled in that we think would really send this game to the next level for those who are similarly-minded.
Item Interaction
Interacting with items is much harder than it should be. Opening and closing doors, picking things up, it feels like I have to hover around looking for some magical point on the item in order to interact with it. Maybe this is an adjustment in the radius of the pointer, or the interactable sphere of the model itself but this should be just a *little* more forgiving, so that opening and closing doors/windows and picking up items can happen just a little bit faster.
For the love of god. Please add some way to ID friendlies, even if just my own squad besides the map. A name plate, maybe a green dot on the compass, something. I'm all for immersiveness, but it's hard to maintain formation when i can't see who my teammates are half of the time. Even if it's a name plate that only appears when i aim directly at them, something.
We love that there is more of an emphasis on how one heals than simply using a medkit. However, it seems like this process is a little more arduous than necessary. For instance, the healing of teammates is unfortunately abysmal at the moment. The "Examine" system is fine, but then if I move my mouse even a few pixels, I have to re-examine the teammate before I can "heal" them. Then, I have to have the items out and on my chest rig or in my pockets to use items on a teammate or faction member. This seems a little odd. So, Suggestions for healing:
  1. **Edit** It seems like the medical items are in fact accessible, according to other commenters. I'll continue playing and testing this myself, it just felt like it wasn't working consistently for me. However, sounds like user error here!
  2. **Edit** to clarify improvements for rendering aid to other players: As of now, if I switch into my inventory or move my cursor for any reason, I have to re-examine the casualty in order to administer aid. This wastes precious time when a teammate is bleeding out. I suggest that Once a player examines a casualty, they should not have to examine them again unless they either sustain more injuries, or some appropriate amount of time has passed. Once I know they have a broken arm and GSW to the neck, I don't forget that if I look in my inventory. Please fix this.
  3. When I was in the military, we always harped on using the casualty's own IFAK to render aid first, before dipping into our own. We carry our IFAK so that we are essentially providing the supplies needed for our own first level of care. It would make a lot of sense to when examining the casualty, it also checks to see if any of the necessary medical supplies to treat the casualty's wounds are actually in their own inventory (can be restricted to medical bags affixed to their belt/chest rig) and use those first, before using our own supplies. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to stop and try to help a random faction mate bleeding in the street only for them to die, and I've wasted my precious bandages and blood packs on them. in PvP, you could maybe loot their body, but in PvE it's a total loss. You can't recover your items and the player is just gone. Applying their own aid first would alleviate a lot of this waste and also give it a little more realistic edge.
  4. We should be able to drag unconscious/coma teammates. If a teammate goes down, we should be able to drag their body back into cover. Maybe limit this to squadmates only, so that there's less of a chance of griefing/trolling but it should be possible to drag a comrade to safety to administer aid, rather than having to kneel in the middle of the road to do so.
A More Dynamic LZ system
What we have currently works on a basic level. It's essentially a bunch of roller coasters that give the player a bird's eye view of the map as they traverse from one point to another. However, this system could use some improvements.
  1. Ability to extend the time a bird is on an LZ. Sometimes things happen, and for the bird to touch down for 10s and take off because you're bandaging after an unexpected contact can be rough. That wait can be 10-15 minutes and in some cases longer. Either A) make the wait time 30s and once all squad members "ready up" the bird can lift off immediately, OR B) the wait time stays +/-10s and squad members on the LZ can "Press Y" to request the bird stays on deck for another 10 seconds.
  2. 4 birds per faction can be extremely frustrating, especially when there are lots of solos and duos. We have to find a way to make more birds available or to better use the 4 that are available:
    1. Simply make more birds available. 1xhelicopter per squad on server.
    2. Make it so that players can "ride back" on birds that are dropping off players. (Yes, this could extend in-flight time for birds in the air, but it could also reduce number of requests). If a bird drops a team off at Charlie 1, and I am there, the bird can show on map Destination: C1 > RTB, and I would know that bird is returning to base after dropping off at Charlie 1. If I hop onto that bird, it flies back to base, if I do not, it can fly off-map to the nearest edge. I think this could easily be implemented and would cut down on a lot of helo requests to LZ's.
    3. Implement a fuel system on the birds. For instance, I'm at Foxtrot 2 and want to go to India 1. If I request to India 1, and there's a bird already en route to an F-2 or a nearby LZ, and it has fuel capacity to get to India 1, it can drop off its team, pick me up and take me to India 1. Once fuel capacity is reached, it flies off-map at nearest edge
    4. Any one of these or hybrid method could reduce the amount of wait times for teams to get birds, and also be more efficient for getting teams to and from locations using the same birds already in play, especially if Patrol Bases or faction Main Bases could be opted as helo refueling options?
  3. Maybe able to purchase an emergency Pickup? It can be expensive ($10K+), but being able to call in a bird to any open, flat area for an emergency pickup would be cool. It would also give us a reason to use the currently pointless smoke grenades.
    1. Emergency Pickup only useable in area that has 30m+ radius of open ground with no trees.
    2. Call in Bird, at 30 seconds out, you have to pop a colored smoke, the bird will confirm color and land on your smoke.
Death Penalty/Loot - Okay, so it is nice that when a player dies, they have an opportunity to return to their corpse and get their loot back. This is a nice touch and has saved me a bit of money and gear over the past couple weeks. However, even in PvE there should be a way for some to loot a dead body. I am thinking of maybe 2 ways to do this:
  1. Now, I say maybe keep the first-death grace period to go back and get your loot, assuming you can make it. However, if you die a second time, that corpse should become lootable. Perhaps, a time limit can be imposed so that there aren't just dead bodies cluttering up the game and wasting resources, but maybe for 2-3 minutes, the corpse becomes lootable to all (or maybe just faction or even squad). This allows for teammates to help pick up the gear one may lose, if they die during PvE, and also provides some scavenging opportunities for others.
  2. After the first PvE death, maybe there is a 15-minute timer to return to the body, where it is not lootable. This gives the player (in most cases) enough time to return to the body if they move quickly, and can protect their gear from opportunists. After 15 minutes, the body becomes lootable for another 5 minutes, for a total of 20 minutes of recovery time, the last 5 of which can be looted by other players. After 20, the body disappears for all. this helps to save resources and adds some scavenging, but also allows for teammates to help pick up the slack. If the player dies a second time before the 15 minutes expires, the 5 minute lootable period begins immediately.
Suppressors, Camouflage, Concealment
Suppressors and camouflage should work on AI. I don't know what system is in place to "alert" AI, but it seems like I get one suppressed shot, then anyone within 50-100m locks on to my precise location, regardless of concealment or camouflage and I come under immediate effective fire, even if I one-shot an unaware AI with a suppressed weapon. As of now, the only reason to spend the money on a suppressor in this game is if I just want my own shots to be quieter for myself and my squad. There's no tactical advantage for the money spent in PvE and the effect is limited in PvP.
  1. Maybe a system that rewards players for taking controlled shots? A suppressed one-shot kill from >100m should only alert AI within immediate proximity. They can alert to the general direction of the player's shot (maybe 90-degree sector) and begin scanning.
  2. Suppressed weapons fired within 50-75m of enemy AI should still alert them, but maybe to a lesser extent than they currently do. Maybe a 60-degree cone of "alerted" status for enemies in this 50-100m range when firing suppressed.
  3. <50m suppressed weapons have no effect.
  4. AI should not be able to see me at 50m+ through dense vegetation. I cannot see them, they should not be able to see me. Sure, if they want to spray an AK into a tree line as suppressing fire, fine. However, they should not be taking point-target shots on me because a 4-pixel by 4-pixel patch of my glove was detected.
AI- We have to talk about this
I don't know why, but it feels like I am constantly on a pendulum swinging between the extremes of AI who couldn't shoot me if their muzzle was pressed into my chest, and AI who are able to nail me in the T-Box through 12-inch thick reinforced concrete.
  1. I don't know the magic middle ground, but having the AI be slightly disoriented when fired upon, maybe taking 1-2 seconds to react and get their bearings would help add a more realistic edge to the gun fights.
  2. AI should behave somewhat tactically. I would love to see some bounding movements, suppressive fire, and flanking. I don't know how to implement, but maybe if there are more 4+ AI in a 20m radius, they get grouped up and become a fireteam. Two of them set a base of fire from some covered position while another two make a flanking maneuver
  3. Clipping is an issue. I've died several times to AI shooting me through the floors and walls in the YBL-1 bunker. Thankfully the gear isn't prohibitively expensive, but it is an annoyance.
Flesh out this world
The island is huge. It's huge and the whole thing can be traversed on foot. It's just that there's really no reason to do so. I'd much rather just ride my helicopter to the LZ closest to my objective, in and out. Get my reward. There's no incentive to walk between points of interest unless we are trying to PvP and want to go largely undetected across the map to our ambush site. Here are some ways to accomplish a more immersive island.
  1. There are no civilians. I know this can be explained away by an evacuation, but that's no fun. There could be civilians in these villages and it could be very engaging. Why am I running boxes of medical supplies out to villages where the only inhabitants are enemy combatants? Add non-combatant civilians.
    1. Make villages have non-combatants. If you kill them, it can cost you a fine and hurt your faction's standing within that village among the civilians.
    2. Civilians, if faction standing becomes too negative with them, will become hostile toward your faction. (kill too many, they arm themselves and fight back). Each faction has its own unique standing with the civilians in that village on the server, so each village can have its own diplomatic stance.
    3. Civilians can function as in-game vendors. Some dude in a market stall may sell fish, or crafting items for features I read were anticipated in later iterations of the game.
    4. If a faction's standing becomes strong enough, civilians may even arm themselves and help to drive out the hostiles occupying the village. Maybe this part is something that becomes a part of a dynamic event later.
    5. Even if they do nothing, it adds a layer of complexity to the missions, and makes it so that players must get Positive ID before taking a shot. In some cases, hostiles can pose as civilians, and pick up a weapon adding an even more immersive element to asymmetric warfare.
  2. Patrol Bases - This can be done in a way that gives players a way to seek refuge and operate out of forward bases. Something like Elder Scrolls Online did the castle/keep system in their PvP where the NPC's in some neutral zones captured by one faction or another would then guard that area on behalf of the faction.
    1. Points of Interest can be captured as patrol bases. This gives another "objective" to players and can encourage more PvP interactions.
    2. Once captured, a patrol base (PB) gets assigned a number of NPC's that will fight hostile NPC's and other factions that come within a pre-determined distance of the PB.
    3. Helicopters can fly in and out of patrol bases owned by that faction. Gives an additional LZ that is less prone to LZ camping.
  3. AI Patrols - Each faction should have some AI patrolling its immediately controlled areas.
    1. Dense presence in the town/area between the main base and starter town for each faction. These can be 4-6 man patrols, moving tactically and in conventional military formations. They can be engaged by players and hostile AI.
    2. Less dense patrols in forward areas. Mostly on roads between points of interest.
      1. Patrol between Crimson Shield base camp and Kiu Vongsa, between KV Gas Station and the ridge west of Hunter's paradise, along the main road, for example. Just 4-6 man patrols that walk the roads and can be engaged.
      2. Similar routes in other faction areas.
Miscellaneous Gear and Feature Wish List
  1. Belt-fed weapons. Please.
    1. This could be game changing for PvE and PvP. They should be expensive. They should be heavy, and they should be more of a cone of fire. They can be powerful, suppressive weapons, balanced by the fact that they aren't meant for accurate point-target system.
    2. This gives squads an opportunity to use more immersive tactics. Setting up bases of fire, support and assault elements, etc..
    3. Should probably limit this to SAW/RPK and other lighter weapon systems
  2. Laser Range Finders and Binoculars
    1. Binoculars for scouting out enemy positions.
    2. Laser Range finders for getting good distance measurements for zeroing weapons
    3. These should have weight, cost money and take up inventory space. Choosing to carry this means leaving something else behind.
  3. Radios - These are a necessity.
    1. Make Radios available for purchase from one of the vendors.
    2. They have multi-channel capabilities. Faction, which is also audible in the command tent at main base. Squad, which can be heard by anyone in your squad with a radio equipped and on the squad frequency.
    3. Maybe make VOIP always on for PVP. If you're communicating, you should be audible. Can reduce range of hearing, but I think this would add a very interesting dynamic to communicating as a team and being weary of possible enemies listening to you.
  4. Mortars. They're already there. Let us use them.
    1. the mortars on our main base can be put into effect and used by the players
    2. Have the radios above allow for calling fire missions. Call up main faction on radio, request fire mission from anyone on base who is listening and willing to use the mortars.
    3. Provide the "mortar team" a position for enemy fire. It can be your position and distance/direction or just a grid location to the enemy. This is where binoculars and Laser Range finders become handy.
    4. Can limit the rounds fired from base to X rounds per minute, to avoid spamming.
    5. Can also limit range. As of now, 81mm mortars can basically engage targets to Ground Zero from each base and the contested points of interest between each main base i.e YBL, Midnight Sapphire and Ban Pa.
    6. Could allow for maybe 60mm mortars with shorter range and less firepower inside of the patrol bases mentioned above, and give fire mission support to squads operating further out or omit that feature and keep
  5. Make smoke grenades do something -right now, they don't have any real reason in the game other than beautifying the main base while waiting for a helicopter.
    1. Allow them to signal incoming birds at an LZ.
    2. Allow grey/white smoke but more dense for providing concealment while moving/retreating in a firefight
    3. Allow them to signal a resupply drop that could potentially be called in later in the game at a forward location. I.e. call for resupply, 15 seconds out, mark Drop zone with colored smoke and the drop occurs within 150m of that smoke.
  6. Mines - I'm hit or miss on this, but I've heard others ask for it
    1. Claymores, PWN, IED, whatever. Some form of anti-personnel mine that can be used to protect avenues of approach, kick off ambushes, or defend sniper hides and machine gun nests (assuming you implement the LMG suggestion above)
  7. Speaking of Command and Signal - Star Clusters and parachutes, please add these.
    1. These could be a great way to signal squad location, objectives, or signal ambush start.
  8. Shared Mission Board.
    1. There should be a way for us to draw on a map, on the objective and have our team see it. Maybe everyone has a tablet that can pull up a mission brief, similar to a Ready or Not or maybe Rainbow Six style satellite imagery. We can draw on it, share it with the team and have us know various rally points, lines of departure, etc within the squad.
  9. Arm bands or helmet covers to help ID squad/Team/Clan
    1. We should have a way to ID our squad. Even if it's just an orange patch on the left sleeve, or something to that effect so that we can quickly see who our friendlies and immediate squad are while on mission or in the field. Since camouflage is customizable, I wouldn't suggest removing a customization feature, but add a way for us to be able to ID one another quickly and tactically.
    2. This can later be used to implement clan regalia, etc..
  10. Ghillie suits.
  11. Expensive, heavy, hot, but make them available.
  12. Maybe add a way to customize them with vegetation, especially once crafting items are released.
These are just a handful of the items we've come up with to add some more immersiveness and depth to the game. Overall, I'm very happy with what's come out so far in Early Access. I hope they continue in the direction they've been going so far.
**EDIT** Thanks to all for the suggestions, comments and feedback to this list. I've updated the medical items to account for the fact that accessing them from outside med bags sounds like my error. Again, this is not a complaint. This is simply a "wish list" a few of us have dreamt up that we think would just add a chef's kiss to the game.
Super happy with current Early Access showing, and this is what EA is all about. Player feedback and interaction during development, so that the final product has a greater chance at success!
submitted by pr0jektile to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:02 rei_mayo I try to integrate my OCs and other characters in Honkai : Star Rail !

Hello !
So... I'm rei_mayo, and I have a little bit unrealistic project. I create OCs and I imagine characters in lore what would they be in game.
I'm French, so I'm sorry for my bad English ! I prefer precise that there is just original or official content in the post ! This is just from the currents versions of the game and from my head !
Since one year, I work in my free time on this project and there is multiple things :
-First part : the lore of the project, like the background and the location ;
-Second part : the relics, and the elevation materials ;
-Third part : the characters, and the banners ;
-Fourth and last part : the plot of the history (in the big lines).
I prefer to precise why I do this. When I play video games, I love to create characters when it's possible, and in MiHoYo games, it's not possible... But, create characters that only me like, it's very selfish, so I would like to present them to have notices if they are fantastic !

First part :

So, the history would be in a location called the "Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou" (nb : mean Ship-World (世界船) in Chinese). The Shìjiè-Chuán is the capital and the most important part of the Alliance. A little time after Lan became an Aeon, Yaoshi asks to an Emanator to kill the Emperor of Xianzhou and to make a plague mark in the original planet of Xianzhou.
Lan discovers that and he purifies the planet, kill Abominations, destroys the plague mark. With the remains of the planet and the Xianzhouan (?) planet, he creates a huge boat, the Shìjiè-Chuán.
For comparative, the Shìjiè-Chuán is so huge that all the other boats can fit in with no problem. It's contains important locations like :
-The Judgment Palace : The place where the Ten Lords and the Generals Arbiters judges the most dangerous criminals. Despite the fact the criminals are jail in the Xuling, they really are judge in the Shìjiè-Chuán.
-The Starry Streets : Streets where neon, big screens and buildings are. The popular streets of the Shìjiè-Chuán, mix of tradition and modernity.
-The Fallen Garden : A garden where plants of all the planets who were saved by the Hunt are. It's also the place where the Yamato was before the Emanator of Lan gets him.
-The Shackling Prison : The prison of Xianzhou, where all the criminals of the Alliance are located. In the depths of the prison, just one person is remained... Shuhu, Emanator of Abundance.
-The siege of the Ten Lords Commission : The place where all the Ten Lords (not included the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen) are when there is no process. It's also the place where all the Judges, the Wraith Wardens and the Aurumations are when they don't have missions.
-The boats Goldsmithery : The place where the boats of the Alliance are repair. Actually, the Cangcheng is here for reparation after the destruction of Rahu.
-Other places... How to discover them ? Play~
And here is some clarifications !
So, who is the Marshals ?
In my idea, Hua is a false Marshal, to cover and hide the Shìjiè-Chuán, but she's really powerful. She would be a Fu Hua expy... And I will talk about her later...
The reals Marshals are Rei -The Fallen King- and Xingxing -The Stellar Queen-.
Rei is the Emanator (and the only) of Lan. Called the Fallen King because of a legend, he's considered like the most powerful person of the Alliance. He carries a divine katana called the Yamato-Shinigami. (nb : Yamato > Yama, Hindu god and judge of the dead. The Chinese god Yanluowang or Yanluo Wang has his origins in Yama. Shinigami > Death Kami). I will talk about him later.
Xingxing (nb : star (星星) in Chinese) is an Emanator of Nous and a Eclairor (?) of IX. Called the Stellar Queen because she uses stars with martial art for fight, she done renovations in the Shìjiè-Chuán for make it more modern. I will talk about her later too.
The Marshals are the boss of Xianzhou and of all the factions who follow the Hunt, like the Galaxy Rangers. They rule all the commissions, and are very important, but they rule different commissions. For example, The Fallen King rule the Cloud Knights, but the Stellar Queen rule the Artisanship Commission. The only Commission they rule together is the Ten Lords Commission.
Who is the Ten Lords ?
In my idea, the Ten Lords Commission would be composed with eight Lords and the two Marshals, and that would be the Ten Lords. In game, it's said that nobody knows where the commission is despite the members of the Commission them-self, but she would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán. The Ten Lords would be :
-The Fallen King ;
-The Stellar Queen ;
-Yuen (I will talk about her later) ;
-Styx, an Emanator of Finality and a member of the Galaxy Rangers (I will talk about him later);
-Athena (I will talk about her later) ;
-and other people... NPCs, so we don't care about them.
Who is really Hua ?
In my idea, Hua would be a "Marshal". When she (in my mind, she's a she) appears in public, she is the Marshal, but in the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's judge like a General. Her title would be the "Fenghuang" (nb : phoenix of Chinese mythology).She would be in the General of the Cangcheng when he would be repair.
But... The Cangcheng is destroyed, no ?
Yes, he was devoured by the activated planet Rahu. But in the year 8098 (so two years before the game), Rei destroyed Rahu (and killed ~10 000 000 000 of abominations). That liberated the remains of the Cangcheng, and Xianzhou is trying repair him.
Why Shuhu is in the prison ? Shouldn't be dead ?
Technically, she's in prison, but it's precised that nobody knows if it's the really Shuhu of not. In fact, in each prison of Xianzhou, a few reproductions mecha-organics were made by the Stellar Queen for hide the real Shuhu. In the Shìjiè-Chuán, she's just a spirit, seal in a transparant box cell. She just wants to talk with five persons : The Fallen King, the Stellar Queen, Yuen, Blade and Jing Yuan. The unique persons who know that Shuhu is alive are the Ten Lords, the Generals and the Stellaron Hunters. Her real body and remains are with the Abundance, but originally her remains were with Xianzhou, and her spirit was with the Abundance.
Now, here is some more lore that I created :
The Trinity of the Abundance :
If you never see Yaoshi, THEY have a lot of plants in THEIR representation. There is a wheat, a bramble, and a large tree.
I imagine that the members of Abundance considered that these three plants are divines. For them, the wheat represent the immortality, the bramble represent the price to pay for become immortal and the thanks to Yaoshi, and the tree represent the life the Abundance offer to the mortals.Traditionally, the Emanators must wear one of these three symbols. For example, Shuhu wears brambles for gives her blood to Yaoshi.
At the opposite, each plant that the Hunt has purified is considered as a sin. For example, each lotus in the Xianzhou Alliance is a sin for Abundance. But the lotus in the planets of Abundance are holy. The lotus is the incarnation of Yaoshi THEM-SELF, but only if it's in a planet of Abundance.
Rakshasa and Luocha :
If you know Luocha, I think I don't to explain that is said that he's related to the Abundance. And Luocha is an other name for "Rakshasa", a type of evil spirit of the Buddhist mythologize who are cannibals. So, I will tell you who they are :
So, after the planet of Luocha get destroyed and his wife gets killed under his eyes, Yaoshi gave to him immortality and powers to become an Emanator of Abundance. Luocha asks to resuscitated his wife, but Yaoshi tells that THEY will do that if Luocha destroys one of the different boats of the Xianzhou Alliance. But Luocha, who was a doctor in his original planet, cannot do that. But the time past, and he couldn't do that... But Yaoshi implants an sort of mara in him, like an evil spirit, so Luocha decided something.
I imagine that Luocha create a another corpse/puppet with remains of different corpses, and transverse the evil part of him in this, but not his powers and his immortality, to trying to find an another way to resuscitate his wife. He create a coffin with powers of Abundance for conserve the corpse of his love, and decided to leave the Abundance, and became a interstellar merchant for trying to discover how to resuscitate his wife.
But Yaoshi couldn't accept that. So THEY gave powers and life to the puppet contained Rakshasa, and THEY gave immortality. And Rakshasa became an Emanator of Yaoshi, for avenge him and Yaoshi. But because he was born from Luocha spirit, he has his savior of doctor.
Rakshasa tries, with Shuhu and the living planet Rahu, to destroy the Shìjiè-Chuán. But the Stellar Queen fought him, and "kill him". But Rakshasa false his death, and he takes with him the remains of Shuhu.
Rakshasa is known for his cannibalism and for his experiences. He's like a Dottore in term of personality, but more crazy and more psychopathic.
The Yamato-Shinigami and the divine spirits of the Hunt :
So, what is the Yamato-Shinigami ?
This saber is an odachi created by Lan, to purge the Abominations and for the Emanators of Lan. So, Lan created this saber with a galaxy and imaginary energy for this first Emanator, but when he dies, Lan hid the saber in the Shìjiè-Chuán for the next Emanator... A long time ago, Rei meditated in the Stellar Garden after the death of his mother, and the Yamato has called him. Since this event, he and the Yamato are lied and the odachi is his saber.
Lan doesn't choose the Carrier of the Yamato, but it's the saber himself who choose his owner. The saber has only two owners in his life : The first Emanator of Lan and Rei.
Lan doesn't place the powers he gives to his Emanator in the Emanator, he place the powers in the Yamato. More the Emanator does miracles and heroics acts, more the Emanator gain the power. Actually, Rei have 100% of his powers, but there is a state more powerful : the Resonance.The Resonance is a phenomenon that caused when the willpower of the Emanator and the willpower of the Yamato are the same, and the power of the Emanator are increase so much that the people say when the Fallen King reach this state temporary, he becomes powerful as a Aeon.
But this state can be permanent, if the willpower of Rei became so strong that him and the Yamato become just one. The spirit in the saber changes his form according to who is the person who meet him. And he doesn't fight, the spirit of the Yamato-Shinigami doesn't fight with Emanators. The Yamato measure ~225 cm/~7,3 feet, and his pound is unknown. (The pound depend of who carries the blade. Very light for the carrier but very heavy for the other)
But what are the divine spirits of the Hunt ?
Do you know the Lighting Lord ? I think yes.>! In the lore, it's "said" and showed that the past General of the Luofu, Teng Xiao, uses the Lightning Lord, like Jing Yuan. But not the same sword, because of the Starfall Reverie has been forged by Blade when he was Yingxing.!< So I imagined that :
The first Generals, when they passed away, Lan take there spirits and gives a lot of power. Since the creations of these spirits, they are give to the Generals, until they choose to retire. Then, it's give to the next Generals, and this cycle is repeated. These spirits are unlike of the spirit of the Yamato, because they don't give their powers and doesn't are in a weapon. Plus, the spirit of the Yamato can't fight with his carrier.
Technically, the General Arbiters are Emanators, like Rei, but the divine spirits changes all. Rei does have powers of Lan/The Hunt and he has the Yamato-Shinigami, but if he fights without, he changes nothing (just the fact that the Yamato uses as a multiplying for the slashes. But if the Generals fights without the spirits, it would changes. (it's a theory/created lore, so please, not rude in comments !)
So the divine spirits would be like the reasons why the Generals of the Hunt are considered as Emanators.
So, now, I think the first part is finish... Let's go to the second part !

Second part :

The relics :
For the relics, I imagine some relics and some planet ornaments :
1 : Set of the Tearful Child of the Moon :
Memories of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon remembers his mother during the day, and finds her again at night. The child of the Moon is said to protect his mother from nightmarish creatures as she searches for her lost husband among the stars.
Protective cuddly toy of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother with his teddy bear during the day, and finds her again at night. It is said that the child of the Moon is always accompanied by his faithful teddy bear, which the Sun himself is said to have woven for him.
Moon's Child pajamas : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother and walks the land by day, and finds her at night. The Moon Child is said to always be dressed in extremely light blue pajamas, and to protect him from any enemies he may encounter.
Warmth of the Moon's Child : Beyond dreams, the tearful child of the Moon protects his mother, the Moon, during the day, and joyfully reunites with her at night. It is said that the child of the Moon never despairs because of a gift from his mother, his maternal love.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.
4 pcs : Increases CRIT rate by 15% and the CRIT DMGS by 25% for 2 turns after the porter uses his skill or his ultimate. Not cumulative.
2 : Set of the Blazing Goddess.
Divine Crown of the Blazing Goddess : A crown of incandescent flowers that ignite the hope of being rescued. The crown shines like a beacon for a castaway, and illuminates the hope of new and flourishing days.
Divine brambles and roses of the Blazing Goddess : Bracelets sinking into the flesh and blooming incandescent roses of blood, awakening Beauty to the divine state. It is said that these roses are the most beautiful in all existence, and that it only blooms in contact with the blood of Beauty.
Divine dress of the Blazing Goddess : A burning and brilliant dress, making even the stars admire it. The flames of this dress conceal inestimable treasures, the words and thoughts of Beauty, which leave in diamond whispers and stellar sighs.
Graceful step of the Graceful Grace of the Blazing Goddess : Beautiful shoes covered in burning flowers, growing roses with every step. It is said that the whole universe could not help but admire these flowers with their incandescent beauty, and that the flowers admired Beauty itself.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 20%.
4 pcs : Increases DoT by 15% when an ally or the porter deals DoT to an enemy. Increases fire DMGS by 15% when the porter uses their ultimate. The effect lasts 2 turns and can be accumulate 3 times.
3 : Set of the Keeper of the Fighting Will.
Ancient helmet of the Keeper of the Will : An old ancient helmet found on the ashes of a battlefield. When putting it on, you can hear the soldiers screaming and fighting, while the previous owner of this helmet beat to the rhythm to galvanize his troops.
Galvanizing Wands and Drum of the Will : Ancient drumsticks accompanied by a drum found on an old battlefield. If you strike the drum even once with the old sticks, you can feel your body filling with the will to fight.
Ancient chain mail of the Keeper of the Will : An old, slightly battered piece of mail, found on an old battlefield. Despite the age of the armor, it shines with a burning brilliance of an insatiable will to win and fight.
Ancient sandals of the Keeper of the Will : Old solid wooden sandals found on an ancient battlefield. When we put them on, a thrill spreads through our body, and a will to victory and battle is triggered.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increase Energy Regeneration Rate by 20%
4 pcs : For each enemy eliminated thanks to the porter's ultimate, increase the Energy Regeneration Rate by 5% and the DMGS by 15% for all the allies for 2 turns. The effect can be accumulated 3 times.
4 : Set of the Hopeless Plague Doctor.
Terrifying mask of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The mask of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The hope go away and the despair arrives, to condemned all the patients, and give their blood to the greatest of the greatest Aeon, the Abundance.
Needle claws of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The claws of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The plague in one, the despair in another, the immortality in another and the last takes the blood of the patients to give to THEM.
Calamity dress of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The dress of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. The blood and the suffer of all the people who became patients of this mad doctor are in this dress... But there is also the benediction of the Abundance.
Bloody boots of the Hopeless Plague Doctor : The boots of a doctor who kills, destroys, and inoculates plague and immortality to the mortals. Blood. Just blood. Only blood. Blood of THEM. Blood of Abundance. But serve as the shoes of the doctor. Of the mad doctor.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer consumed their HP or the allies's HP, their CRIT Rate and their CRIT DMGS get increased by 6% for 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
5 : Set of the Godly Hope Doctor.
Kindly mask of the Godly Hope Doctor : The mask of the doctor who has acceded to the redemption. Before, he was a Emanator, who tries to destroy for heals his love. But now, he's a doctor, a healer, and a benefactor... Despite his kind mask, a deep sadness live in his spirit, but he always live with his mask who hide his suffer.
Holy gloves of the Godly Hope Doctor : The gloves and the pendant of a doctor. The redemption and the kindness breathe in those objects, who have heals so many people. An holy energy can be feel in these accessories, and all the kindness of a man who loved his wife live in this.
Greatest coat of the Godly Hope Doctor : The coat of the doctor who heals all his patients. In this coat, all of the kindness and the healing power of this doctor are concentrate, but there is, hide in the depths of the clothe, a melancholy... A melancholy of his ancient planet.
Divine boots of the Godly Hope Doctor : The boots of the doctor who always heals his allies. In those shoes, all the journey of this doctor is gathered... Even if a kindness is present, the deep sorrow of all the travels that is here.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 15%.
4 pcs : When the wearer heals their HP or the allies's HP, their Outgoing Healing and their ATK increase by 20% during 2 turns. This effect can be accumulated 4 times.
6 : Set of the All-mighty Burning Father.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Max HP by 20%.
4 : When the wearer deals Break DMGS or Super Break DMGS, the wearer and the allies gains Stack of "Blazing Child", up to maximum 6 stacks. "Blazing Child" increase the HP, the Break DMGS and the Super Break DMGS by 20% for each stack, and when the wearer gains 6 stacks, then the Energy Regeneration Rate increase by 10% and the Super Break DMGS increase by 50%.
Now, it's time to present the planet ornaments !
1 : ~Set of the Judgment Ship~
Judgment Palace of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : Sealed within this planar sphere is Shìjiè-Chuán, sacred land of Xianzhou. The World Ship floats and admires a new starry landscape every year to escape the abominations. You can see the Palace of Judgment, the Star Garden, the Goldsmith of Ships, and all kinds of other places, each one as important and fabulous as the last.
Promise of the Lovers of the Shìjiè-Chuán of Xianzhou : In Shìjiè-Chuán, it is said that the wind and rain bring back the dreams and promises of old. And some say that the promise of two lovers kissing in the rain can be heard in the Star Garden.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 25%. If the CRIT Rate reaches 40/50, the CRIT DMGS are increase by 25%/35%, and the CRIT DMGS are increase by 10% each time that the porter uses their ultimate. The effect can be accumulated 2 times, and lasts 3 turns.
2 : ~Set of the Floral Echo of the Ashes~
Flowering ashes of Fjoralys : Sealed within this planar sphere is Fjoralys, a once flowery and warm planet. When the Destruction came, life and people on the planet all died. Not one survived. Except a little girl, daughter of the stars. Now, flowers of yesteryear rise from the ashes of Destruction, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Star goldwork of Fjoralys : In the flames of Fjoralys's destruction, only the stars and a little girl witnessed the massacre. And when life, flowers, and trees resurfaced, the stars cried with joy, washing the earth of all this sadness to put, in its place, colorful joy and flowers... Thousands of them.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases DoT by 12%. If the wearer deals DoT to an enemy, then the DoT dealt to enemies increases by 26%.
So, let's go to the next part !
3 : ~Set of the Duality of the Rulers~
Starry Yin and fallen Yang of the duality of Rulers : Sealed in this planar sphere are two complementary wills, that of the two rulers of Xianzhou, a brother and a sister. Depending on the inclination of the sphere, we can see different memories appear and disappear, like fleeting winds facing the erosion of time.
Brotherhood of the duality of Rulers : Tears, blood, joy and friendship are condensed in these threads of destiny. It is said that the years erode certain things, but the threads of destiny grow and become denser to the rhythm of the emotions of the two Rulers.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases Break effect by 12%. Each time that the wearer or an ally deals Super Break DMGS, the wearer gains a stack of "Rule of Flame", up to maximum 4 stack(s). A stack of Rule of Flames increases Break Effect by 20%.
4 : ~Set of the activated planet Rahu~
Floral sea of ​​lotuses of Abundance : Sealed within this planar sphere is the living planet Rahu, eater of Cangcheng and guardian of the lotus scourge. It is said that the living planet blows billions of lotus petals that rip the life force from humans and offer them to the abominations. On this planet lies its heart, the lotus floral sea, where abominations and Emanators bathe in the human suffering.
Bridge of Immortal Hope of Abundance : It is said that every Emanator must pass through the "bridge of immortal hope" if he wants to be in total symbiosis with his body. This bridge was carved from the flesh and blood of Yaoshi, after THEY fought with the Emanator of Lan thousands of years ago, and it now glows a beautiful blood red, and screams the damned who did not know how to listen to their bodies.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases the CRIT DMGS by 10%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 3000 or more, then their CRIT DMGS increases 20% more. Each 1000 HP more than 3000 HP increase the CRIT Rate by 5%.
5 : ~Set of the Sacred Land of Annihilators~
Sacred Temple of Annihilating Destruction : Sealed within this planar sphere are the ashes of the old and new worlds, in the form of the Temple of Destruction. Everything in this palace has been destroyed by Nanook and THEIR Ravager Lords, and the Antimatter Legion pines and enjoys the suffering extinguished by the devastating breath of Destruction itself.
Petals and sobs of annihilating Destruction : On the planets that the Legion destroys, the Ravager Lords always bring back two things, a person, the sole survivor, and flower petals sticky with blood. The petals then mingle with the sobs of the last living creature, creating pitifully perfect flowers and trees.
Effect :
2 pcs : Increases ATK at 14%. If the HP of the wearer reaches 4000/5000 or more, then the DMGS of their ultimate and their skill increases by 15/25%.
6 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
7 : ???
2 pcs : ???
4 pcs : ???
So now, the elevation materials !
The Hunt : Ancient runny cord of the Divine Bow :
A thread who was once part of the Divine Bow of the Aeon of the Hunt, and who was emit after of a battle. It's now a shooting star. Used to level up Traces slightly for Hunt characters.
Purge Echo of the Divine Bow :
An image of the bow that Lan uses, who remain in the space and the time after THEY throw an arrow. Used to level up Traces moderately for Hunt characters.
Full Incarnation of the Divine Bow :
The bow that Lan uses, constitute by imaginary energy and stars, who can destroy space-times and galaxies. Used to level up Traces significantly for Hunt characters.
The Nihility : Fragment of lazy memory :
A glowing fragment of the memory of someone who has been blessed by the Nihility. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
Once nihilistic reminiscence :
The glowing piece of the memory of a past Eclairor of the Nihility. The rare images of the memories are colorless. Used to level up Traces moderately for Nihility characters.
Memory of an Auto-Annihilator :
A red glowing jewel, who contain all the life of an Auto-Annihilator. All the memories are scramble by the black sun. Used to level up Traces slightly for Nihility characters.
The Abundance : Godless tear of the Abundance :
Plague of the Immortal :
Suffering of the thousand recoveries :
The Harmony : (I don't have ideas, sorry T^T)
And for the other paths... You have to wait (Sorry T^T)

Third part :

For the order of apparition of the characters, it would be :
?.0 : Xixian (first phase) 5 star Harmony ; Thunde Yuen (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.1 : Rakshasa (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Ice/ Hua (second phase) 5 star Fire ; Destruction, with 4 star character
?.2 : Xingxing (first phase) 5 star Nihility ; Fire/ Rei (second phase) 5 star Hunt ; Imaginary
?.3 : Shuhu (first phase) 5 star Abundance ; Quantum/ Athena (second phase) Harmony ; Wind, with 4 star character
?.4 : Elio (first phase) 5 star Preservation ; Thunder (can change)/ Styx (second phase) 5 star Erudition ; Quantum.
So, who is Xixian ?
Xixian is the Lieutenant of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She's around 60, and she's a long-life specie. She wears a artificial arm, because Rakshasa cut off her arm during the battle of the Shìjiè-Chuán. She trusts the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, but she's a little overprotective in them.
Xixian is a character of the Harmony who can increase different stats depending on the Path of the character. If it's a Destruction/Hunt/Erudition character, she can increase CRIT DMGS and ATK. If it's a Preservation character, she can increase DEF. If it's a Nihility character, she can increase the Effect Hit Rate and the DoT DMGS. If it's a Abundance character, she can increase the Outgoing Healing Boost. And if it's a Harmony character, she can increase ERR. Her bonus can last for 1 turn. Her ultimate can increase the duration of the bonus of the characters to 2 more turns.
So, who is Yuen ?
Yuen is one of the Ten Lords. Nicknamed as the Erudite, she's the most younger person named in the post of one of the Ten Lords. Despite the fact she's still a child/teenager, she's very wise and intelligent, and she's a very good strategist.
Yuen is a character of the Erudition that inflict wind DMGS. Her technique and her ultimate would change with her talent, Condensation. For example, less enemies are here, more DMGS are inflict : 5-4 enemies in the battlefield : Effect Zone ; 3 enemies in the battlefield : Burst ; 2 - 1 enemies in the battlefield : Unique target. But don't worry, you can choose what type of attack the skill does. Her talent can also increases her CRIT DMGS and ATK.
So, who is Rakshasa ?
Rakshasa is an Emanator of the Abundance, and he was the evil part of Luocha. His body was simply a puppet, but Yaoshi make his body organic... So he would be very flexible. He would fight with needle-gloves.
Rakshasa is a character of the Abundance who can heal... But with a particular way ! So, all the allies have a effect at the beginning of the battle : "Holy Sacrifice", who is his talent. When a character lost HP, the Holy Sacrifice absorbs his loss of HP, until a limit. The skill of Luocha can release the Holy Sacrifice for heals the ally, and makes the effect reborn. Release the Holy Sacrifice can increase the DMGS and the ATK of Rakshasa. Also, his talent take some allies's HP in each turn to increases the Holy Sacrifice. His ultimate, who would be an Burst, can uses the HP of the allies to increase the DMGS and the CRIT DMGS of Rakshasa, and then, he attacks the enemy/enemies. Then, he releases the Holy Sacrifice of all the characters to heal them.
His VA would be the same of Luocha, Craig Lee Thomas.
So, who is Hua ?
Hua is a sort of Marshal of Xianzhou. Even if in public, she appears as the Marshal, she's in reality the future General of the Cangcheng, and she possesses the divine spirit of the boat, the Inferno-Empress. Her nickname is the Fenghuang.
The Inferno-Empress would appears like a gigantic phoenix.
Hua is a character of the Destruction who deals Fire DMGS, but also Super Break Effect. So, the Inferno-Empress would be like the Lightning-Lord, but when shes uses her ultimate, the Inferno-Empress merges with her and she enters in the "Fenghuang" state. When she's in this state, every attack that Hua uses consumes her HP. But, each time that her HP get consumed, her Break Effect increase. The state lasts for 2 turns, and she inflects Super Break Effect. At the end, a sort of a ultimate attack is trigger and all the HP (even the HP that are not here, for example, if her max HP is 10000, but she only has 8000 HP, then her HP are going to be in -2000) are consumed and the Break Effect is increase in a certain value for each 500 HP that are consume, and she inflicts DMGS and Super Break Effect for the enemies who are in Weakness Break. She cans heal herself with the DMGS that she has done, but the heal cannot exceed 75% of her HP ! The Inferno-Empress deals Fire DMGS, and Super Break Effect to the enemies who are in Weakness Break.
So, who is Xingxing ?
Xingxing is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Stellar Queen, an Emanator of the Erudition, an Eclairor of the Nihility and one of the Ten Lords. She's the possessor of the Stellar Marks, a gift of the Erudition who can permits to create micro-stars and stellar flames to fight. With the power of the Nihility, she create black holes also for fight.
She's 17 years old, and she would uses the same model as for March !
Xingxing is a character of the Nihility who deals Fire DMGS. She cans add more DoT on enemies who already have DoT with her special DoT : Starburn, who can also inflects Burn. Starburn is inflect to the enemies with her skill and her ultimate. She can also reach multiple enemies because she does effect zone attacks. Her talent can increases the DoT DMGS she does to the enemies depending on their HP.
Her VA would be Judy Alice Lee (VA of Melinoë).
So, who is Rei ?
Rei is one of the two Marshals of Xianzhou, the Carrier of the Yamato-Shinigami, the unique Emanator of the Hunt, the chief of the Galaxy Rangers and one of the Ten Lords. Anyway, he's a very important person of the Xianzhou Alliance. He's from a forgotten planet, who has been destroyed by the Abundance. Rescued by the past Marshal, Lingyue when he was six years old, he quickly became one of the greatest fighter of the Alliance at his teenage years.
He is 19 years old, and he is around 1m96/~6,43 feet. (so I think he's one of the most tall character.). He's VERY muscular, and very handsome (according to me)
Rei is a Hunt character (an Emanator of this path) who deals Imaginary DMGS. His gameplay would be concentrate in the CRIT DMGS. Depending on the attacks, it's giving to him "Fallen Royalty" accumulations. When he has a certain number of this accumulation, he entering in the "Fallen King" state, who increased his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS and reinforce his skill and his ultimate. For his ultimate, it increases his CRIT rate and his CRIT DMGS, and he gives 9 slashes to the enemy. When he's in the "Fallen King" state, it's would increase his CRIT rate and CRIT DMGS, also gives XIII (4, 4, and 5) slashes to an enemy. For each slash that are a CRIT hit, an additional slash is inflect. Each additional slash increases the Rei's CRIT DMGS, and they do a CRIT vulnerability. If all the all the additional slashes has been concluded, then a last additional slash is inflect. When he does CRIT DMGS when he uses his ultimate in the "Fallen King" state, it's does another hit in the enemy.
Here is his description :
"One of the two Marshals of the Xianzhou Alliance, the Carrier of the Yamato, the Emanator of Lan and the Fallen King. Feared by his enemies, respected by his allies. He always wears a fickle smile, and he always brings death with him.
Lan, the Reignbow Arbiter entrust the Yamato to Rei, the greatest weapon of all the Alliance. As a great strategist, he's also a good brother. He knows all the Stellaron Hunters, and he's apparently in a relation with the Stellaron Hunter named Blade..."
His VA would be Kaiji Tang (the VA of Gojo).
So, who is Shuhu ?
Shuhu is an Emanator of Yaoshi, considered as the "daughter of the Abundance". She's always with a scythe made with the body of Yaoshi and with the bones of her victims. She has a very sense of the sadism and she hates the humanity for all they have done to her.
Shuhu is a character of the Abundance who deals Quantum DMGS. She has three skills : One where she consumes the HP of the allies for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and she attacks the enemies. An other where she consumes her HP for increase DMGS and CRIT DMGS, and where she attacks the enemies. And the last where she attacks the enemies for steal the HP of the enemies for heals her and the allies. In her ultimate, she consumes her HP and the allies's HP for increase her DMGS, her CRIT DMGS and her CRIT rate, and she attacks the enemies for steal the enemies's HP and heals the allies.
So, who is Athena ?
Athena is one of the Ten Lords, nicknamed as the Protector. She's always with a owl named Zhìhuì (nb : wisdom in Chinese (智慧)), and is a real master of the strategy and the war inventions, but she's also one of the more oldest members of the Ten Lords.
Athena is a character of the Harmony who can increase the DMGS and the ATK of the allies with her skill. Her talent can increase all the allies's RES PEN and their SPD. Her ultimate can increase all the allies's CRIT DMGS for 2 turns, for a chosen ally, she cans place her owl for 2 turns, who inflict additional DMGS on the enemy/enemies who the ally attacks. Also, if the ally get attack, the owl defend them with a counterattack.
So, who is Elio ?
Elio is the chef of the Stellaron Hunters (and if you don't know that, you must haven't touch HSR). I imagine him as a cat (practically not imagine, because it's quite official, but not official, so you know), but he uses his puppet... I doesn't draw him because I know that his design already be... You know what. I imagine him very kind and mysterious.
Elio is a character of the Preservation who can predict the DMGS of the allies. His skill would be a shield. For his ultimate, it's would add a status for all the allies and him : "Forecast of the Script". This effect would last one turn, and would cancel all the DMGS the allies receive.
So, who is Styx ?

Fourth part :

The history would be in the Shìjiè-Chuán, and here is the principal plot :
First quest : " You and the Astral Express receive a mysterious call of Jing Yuan, who telling you that he have something important to said to you. The thing in question is that is a feast for the "saviors of the Luofu" (the Nameless) in the... Shìjiè-Chuán ?! Not time for chatting, Jing Yuan gives you the localisation of the mysterious ship, and the Astral Express start his new journey... "
Second quest : " After a few warp jumps, you finally reach the Shìjiè-Chuán, capital of the Xianzhou Alliance. After meet all of the Generals and the Lieutenant Xixian, it's finally the time for you to meet the Ten Lords, including the Fallen King and the Stellar Queen, real Marshals of the Alliance... "
Other quests...? You have to play~
The quest would be a quest long as Penacony... Maybe a little more... And there would be all the Nameless... Yes, Pom-Pom in the quest and he would use his powers ! If he has powers.
In the final boss of the Shìjiè-Chuán, the music would be like, if it's possible, of the song "Bad Apple". In the battle, the people singing for encouraging the ones who are fighting the final boss.
In the 1st phase, it's would be only the divine spirits who singing.
In the 2nd phase, it's would be all the soldiers and the divines spirits who singing.
In the 3rd and the final phase, it's would be all Xianzhou Alliance (yes, Lan included too !) who singing.
The "R" attack ( like the Dan Heng attack during the Phantylia fight ) would be all the divine spirits and the two Marshals conferring their power to the Trailblazer, and then, he/she slashes the boss.
So, it's the end of the post... If you have questions for clarify something, you can in comments, and I would be respond with pleasure !
Bye byeeeeee !
submitted by rei_mayo to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:31 Extension_Cricket_74 Short Story: A Machine that sings the End (Petra/Trinket)

The Lesser Engine seemed to whimper, just before its animalistic head was crushed under the heavy heel of the Logos Armor. Petra was looking around, her armor covered in hellish grime, pieces of fiery cables, her hammerhead scraped in some places by the metal chitin of the warpforged abominations. A swing of her weapon decapitated a screaming techpriest, and she could see her sons advance behind her, focusing their fires onto the creatures that hadn’t come into her range.
She raised her arm and the bolter array built onto it sang four times, each bolt hitting and penetrating into the bronze hull of a monster. A movement in the side of her view immediately made her turn, and Petra placed herself right behind the Automata that was raising its shield to parry the volley of ammunition that a vomiting amalgamation of tin and steel was spewing out. The machine painted in the colors of the legion marched towards it, shield still forward as it was raising its hammer. Another Domitar joined in, and they started hammering down the bear, striking at the places that Petra indicated them to with her Logos.
Not even leaving them a moment of respite, a shriek echoed through the halls of the corrupted forgeworld, announcing the arrival of a new transformed machine, this time using the shape of a massive scorpion of brass, painted in red - probably actual blood. A True Daemon Engine.
“Stay behind”, Petra ordered her own troops. “Only the Iron Circle will engage with me. Provide cover fire”. Immediately her soldiers reorganized themselves, walking slightly back while she moved towards the warped machine. It was big, but not so much more than some beasts she had taken down during the Great Crusade.
The Logos Bolt Array roared in rapid succession, spitting explosive shells that burst on the thing’s pincer shell it was protecting itself with. The cannon on its tail aimed at the little group approaching, and fired in response. The bullets managed to pierced the shield of one of the Automata, bringing it to the ground in skittering motions as the Primarch ran to the machine.
The shell of the left pincer bent under the shock of her hammer, but could see the interior mechanisms and integrity were still completely fine. As the monster hissed, she growled and climbed onto it, before it could move its appendix. Her array fired again, aiming at the creature’s low head, and it was assailed by the other Automata. Alas, the legion’s machines could do little when even their Primarch’s strength was only sufficient to dent its exterior, their hammers clanging with sound but no damage. The Engine shrieked and spun on its feet, sweeping the footing of the Domitars with its armored tail, almost shaking Petra off of its great body.
The Breaker of Stone jumped, landing her hammer onto the machine’s head, keeping its optics away from herself. The Automata had started to stand up, some of them already trying again to impair the Daemon Engine. The Scorpion managed to snatch the shield arm of one of the Domitars into its pincers, immediately starting to grind it, then using its second arm to crush its body, neutralizing it into a cloud of sparks and noises of bent iron.
A volley of missiles exploded onto its body, making it stumble a step or two. Petra’s Tyrant Siege Terminator squad had established a perimeter around them, alongside three Devastation squads of Space Marines armed to the teeth. The Lady of Iron used the opportunity, clasping her two hands around her hammer, and smashed the face of it onto the mechanical head, cracking the glass of its baleful eye.
Letting one hand on her weapon go, she shoved her fist into the eye, fully shattering it and grasping at cables, opened fire eight times, before pulling the sparkling fiber out. The creature’s feet skittered and scraped onto the ground, flailing as well as it could with its weakening strength under the hands of the Primarch and the shields of the Automata pressing against its body.
Her soldiers approached slowly, step by step and always keeping their visors onto the fallen beast. It stopped moving. Petra allowed herself a breath, before turning to her sons. The Terminator and the Devastation squads were meticulously reloading their weapons, while her tactical squads surveyed the corridors they arrived through, one of them moving further in the dark halls of the Forge World.
When her Marines were ready, she nodded a signal to her soldiers, and they moved forward. Not even five steps were made when she turned on her heels, hearing a sound from behind her.
[The. Beast. Sings].
Three words that echoed into the large, empty hall. Her blood curled hearing it. This wasn’t normal speech. She had mechanically translated it, only understanding what the means of transmission was after hearing the full sentence.
[The. Beast. Sings].
Scrap-code.The Chaos speech reserved for the machines. An odious parody of the already-nonsensical Lingua Technis in usage within the Cult of Mars. And the carcass was speaking it. She activated the Logos’ system used to communicate orders to the Automata accompanying them.
“Killswitch protocol, immediate deactivation”. She commanded, not willing to even let a chance at her Automatas being corrupted. The Iron Warriors moved to surround the legion’s Iron Circle, carefully laying them down and locking their joints.
[The Beast sings]. It was continuously psalmoding, like a broken disc, accelerating. [The Beast sings The Beast sings The Beast sings The Beast sings]- until she put her hands on its neck, her fingers slowly bending the metal, and she pulled at it until the head was separated from the neck in a horrible noise of brass. Petra switched her comms to contact the scouting unit sent forward.
“Watch out for any signal of chaotic machines, warn us at any movement”. She turned to the corridors that had been used by some of the Techpriests that had ambushed them, eyeing the corpses with disgust.
They had all been chanting the same fucking thing. The Beast sings. What even was the beast? She had first encountered this name on another forge world, where some of her Warriors had been hunted by a strange Warp Machine. It had disappeared moments before she arrived on site herself, and she had stored it away in her memories, until it resurfaced some time later on another planet, another corrupted cult dedicated to the Dark Mechanicum. And another time, it had fled an hour before she had reached the deployment zone.
At first, the writings had been about “The Beast wakes”. Then, “The Beast writhes”. “The Beast forges”, all in Scrap-code, again and again. Until they came here, to the Forge Worlds of the moons of Cercantyle, themselves orbiting around a planet that had fallen to the corruption and whispers of the Warp.
Vibrations. Noises. Explosions.
She turned her head toward the sound, raising one of her Bolt array in overwatch, but didn’t see anything. She didn’t see anything other than her Marines, prudently observing the source of the noise.
“Squad Iota, what is your status?”
No answer came back. She motioned to her Terminators, who placed themselves forward and raised their weapons.
“Squad Iota, respond”. Her answer was the same as for her first question. “We probably lost them. Squad Alpha and Beta, watch over the corridor. Squad Gamma to Epsilon, survey the other entries. I don’t want any surprises”.
She accessed a cogitator, trying to see if she could garner any information from the eight-point covered machine, growling when she saw all was written in Scrap-code too. Fucking lunatics, even more annoying the the “normal” Mechanicum cultists.
Large arrivals of metal, used for weaponry and vehicle propulsors. Well, alongside daemons that were used by the warped tech priests to inhabit those machines. Copious amounts of fuel, menial slaves and engineers had been brought here. She felt a chill creep up her spine. Petra raised her eyes from the cogitator, definitely weirded out. Because it was a familiar feeling. But not the same. Unnatural.
Again, vibrations, noises, explosions. This time so much closer, almost detonating where her squads Alpha and Beta were standing. “Form up!”, “Ambush!” She could hear her soldiers shout, spreading out to avoid cluster explosions, and moving into covers behind ruined machines and skull-decorated wall fragments. The Tyrant Siege squad was the first line, having survived the blast with little to no injuries thanks to the more robust Cataphractii armors.
Her helmet’s visors didn’t show her any movement coming from the corridors. Petra ran diagnostics seeing the shapes of the explosions on the ground, approaching her troops. The screens showed her trajectory probabilities, drawing predictions and attempting to locate the enemy’s position. She raised her eyes, just before one of squad Delta’s marine shouted “Contact! Above!”
There it was. A massive construct of plasteel, ceramite, and armaplas, exiting from a higher-level hallway, reactors spewing out warp-fire.
It was pristine.
Unlike the Daemon Engines and chaos machines she had destroyed and taken apart, it showed no decorations in honor to the Chaos Gods, no brass or gold trims organized in spikes and curves. No, this one was slick, almost T’au like in appearance, but with definitive elements of Imperial structure. The silver metal of its hull was reflecting lights.
A humanoid body about twice her size made up the centerpiece of it, a large construct latched onto its back, and a large ring circled around the main body. Multiple cannons on the back, three-gatling guns onto each arm, and Petra could even see it was shielded by technology akin to Iron Halos. A weapon of war that saw no surrender, no end to its decimation. The blood-red shining eyes fixated solely upon her.
The Beast was hovering above them, imitating what Space Marines had been called, and Angel of Death. And the Beast sang.
It opened fire on her troops and her, six gatling guns rotating and ejecting shells by the hundreds in a few seconds, and five of her sons fell before they could put their shields in a carapace to protect themselves from the projectiles. Her Terminators responded in the same way, hardly bothered by the bullets raining down on them and shouldering Combi-Bolter, the deafening noise of their weapons adding to the cacophony that the Beast was already composing.
It was fast. When her Tyrant Siege squad added their missiles to the exchange, it seemed to reave through the air as a broadsword, moving out of the way of the projectiles, never ceasing to shoot, and worse, beginning to circle around the less protected Tactical Marines, pinning them down, its traits piercing through the gray ceramite, again and again. Petra’s Bolt Arrays were shooting non-stop, her Logos calculating and predicting the movements of the flying machine, but her munitions were crushed against the Force-Field deployed around it.
“Get to cover! Use the corridors to hide yourself!” Petra ordered her troops, placing herself away from the eyes of the machine while using the Logos’ systems to reboot the Automata. Even though they were mostly equipped for close quarter combat, she had conceived the Olympia Bolt Cannon to arm them in addition to their bodyguard abilities she now used as first battle ranks, shielding her soldiers.
Thanks to her Trinket, always one to bring any advantage to their side in negotiations, she had had far enough to experiment multiple formations, and was satisfied with the weaponry they were now using - if the Iron Warriors were able to bring the Beast to the ground, they would fall upon it with their Graviton mauls.
For now, she unlocked the joints, and restarted their systems, the chest light flaring up green. One of the red eyes of the flying construct lowered to look at them, and immediately after, directed one of his arms in the same direction, the three gatlings starting to spin again, landing some hits that scratched their surfaces, resulting in one of the Domitar-Ferrum having a chestplate opened, and a pauldron bent under the heavy fire before it could raise its shield.
Did it have an unlimited amount of ammunition? Urgh, it had probably far enough to wage battle against them for hours on end, and they were currently engaged in a Forge-world. It could fly away any moment, and find some station to re-arm itself.
Petra opened her comms, directing her soldiers directly to always harass the Beast, forming into firing patterns as three squads gained altitude in the maze that was the architecture of the Forge-World. She counted. Eleven soldiers had been lost. Five were also injured - though not gravely enough that they had to stop fighting. A glance at the damaged automata let her know that it could still be pushed to fight, and could endure more damage. She opened cover fire to move herself, approaching her soldiers so that she would not be stuck in the middle of an open-space.
“Phase Four, Hammer Protocol”, she ordered on the Logos, and her soldiers moved as well as they could to accomplish their missions. Every single trigger belonging to a soldier under her command was pulled into a deafening noise that echoed into the large hall, lights of tracer fire producing a continued source of radiance that she wouldn’t even need the night vision provided by her helmet.
Even though the Conversion field around the Beast was sparkling, progressively advancing to the point where it would need to be deactivated to not overload, it was reaching it far too slowly for Petra’s taste. Frustration was building up faster in her.
Some movement in the construct made her change her focus, as she tried to identify why it was moving the way it did. The gatling guns on its right arm had folded back into the back construct part, and now it was a long, thin and rectangular armament that was attached to its arm. And aimed at her. A glance at it indicated her it was warped T’au technology, modified to be usable alongside those demonic systems. She felt a cold sweat immediately.
Mass launcher. Heavy Rail Cannon.
Petra stepped away in a blink, unsure even her armor would be perfectly safe from a weapon like that, a single instant later the place she had been in was shot at.
Light. Noise.
A Warrior behind her had been less lucky, its upper body part simply erased by the projectile’s impact, which didn’t even explode.
It had penetrated into the metallic ground, dug deep until the meager warning lights of the hall couldn’t shed shine onto it. The body of her Marine fell onto the ground, blood finally flowing out as though it had briefly not realized it had been killed.
She processed it into the back of her mind, running to find some cover that would hide her from the weapon. It seemed however that the Daemon Engine didn’t have in mind to continue using its Rail Cannon, and started to rise, floating higher. She had another bad feeling. And she was rarely wrong on such occasions. It put away the arms that were latched onto its arms, and extended its hands forward.
Something started to roll on the horizontal ring, and exited the top of the back construct in the same way, stopping halfway, above the Beast’s head. Multiple dots of red upon light-gray surface, and Petra already knew it was multiple missile pod systems.
“Find cover!” she heard one of her soldiers scream out. Petra ordered the Domitars to defend the Marines that weren’t equipped with Boarding Shields like her Breacher Squads. Noises like pings emitted by the Machine started to rise, accelerating in tempo and volume.
It brought its hands downwards, a conductor's movement. The orchestra, a symphony of technological-brought death, began.
The Beast sings.
The sounds of their thrusters weren’t the one she was used to hearing from missiles in flight, no, it was far worse. Whispers, murmurs, talks, shouts, wails, screeches, howling. The noises each projectile was making were separate voices of pain and suffering, or shrieks of rage and anger.
A choir that the Beast was directing, the missiles following his hands, cues and downbeats, the screaming and bellows harmonizing to form a music that would be beautiful, if it weren’t so haunting, dangerous and in such an inopportune moment.
Petra locked her armor completely, focusing on defending against the missiles that were going for her. She recognized it. She crouched, protecting her head with her arms, and the noises of all missiles exploding at the same time, a fortississimo overbearing on her ears, and the shaking was the same as being just beside a Titan Ordnance weapon firing.
The instant she was safe, running diagnostic operations on the Logos integrity, she forced herself to move despite the shock she was feeling. Not just physical. The music It had imitated before the missiles exploded. She knew it perfectly. From its start, to the Da Capo, to its end and crescendo, with every single note in between.
Because she knew the composer. Because she was beside him when he composed. Because HE composed FOR HER. Because it was Trinket’s piece. A horrible, abominable parody, spitting on every musical pattern and expression he spent days and nights writing while she was drawing architectural blueprints and building dioramas of the multiple Olympia’s cities they oversaw reconstruction of.
The shared name of Elysia, the location of their planned Forever Home, and of the hymn they had decided on.
And nothing was making her more mad than the twisted parody of her favorite music, turned into something so… She didn’t even find the words for the utter disgust she was going through. Nor for her anger.
“Cover me! Switch back to Phase three, Protocol Nemea!”
Petra exited the smoke left by the detonation after shouting her order, and went straight for the broken corpse of the Brass Scorpion, teeth clenched. Hearing the weapons of her sons firing behind her, she swore she would destroy that thing, and free Trinket from its grasp. She had not a single doubt he was in it. Being the core of the Beast. She caught the tail of the machine monster, and dragged it to turn the Demolisher cannon that formed its parody of a mouth in the direction of Trinket’s prison.
Using the commanding functions of the Logos, she connected to the machine’s body, bluntly deleting every piece of Scrap-Code that she could, as the chaotic construct was off for now, and when she was done, she booted the firing systems up.
She was hearing the roaring of the Beast’s gatling guns, firing ceaselessly to kill her sons, the crackling noise of Boarding Shields and Karceri Shields as the hailing rain of bullets was caught against their power fields.
Petra’s will, translated into cybernetics commands, made the legs of the Scorpion skitter and rise, angling its maw at the flier. After a few seconds loading, and preparing the weapon, the Scorpion opened fire, crossing the distance between source and target in barely a breath. The noise of the detonation echoed the same as the missiles the Beast had previously fired in its orchestral volleys.
The flying machine trembled, the iron halo’s field crackling, turning on and off until it finally shut down.
“Now!” Petra shouted to her Warriors. “Engage Phase five, suppressing fire!” Exiting their covers, most of her Marines aimed and opened fire at the Engine. She aimed at its reactors when it showed its back to her, shooting with all eight of her shrapnel bolt array. As it lowered slightly, she calculated her odds. Satisfied, she started running toward it, accelerating to some of the fastest speeds she had reached on her feet, motivation and desperation both pumping fire into her veins of iron.
Using the ruined machinery that strewed the ground, she gained elevation, and fully jumped to catch on the ring surrounding the core construct. Its three eyes looked at her, and Petra could swear she could see them burning in hatred. It tried to aim its gatling at her, but she moved faster, opening fire without restraint straight at its arm, a barrage of bolts that started to tear through the weaknesses in the metal that she saw.
Unable to fly correctly anymore, the Beast lowered even more, to the point where the Automata, coming running at it, could extend their hammers to latch on the ring and body, pinning it down. Petra let go of the outer ring, and walked straight toward the core unit, ignoring the warnings that one of her sergeants was directing to her.
She couldn’t hear anything over a ringing in her ears suspiciously resembling the melody of Elysia.
She finally reached it, extending her hand toward its head, and ripped it off without a care, watching with satisfaction as the three-eyed lights faded from the optics. She tossed it aside. Under her awaiting hands was the gesticulating body of an iron maiden that jailed the person she wanted to see most.
In the frame, in the ossature, in the hull. She reached and grasped, and bent, and pulled, and tore, destroying the malignant thing bit by bit, piece by piece, seeing her soldiers in the corner of her eyes, but not registering anything other than the slowly opening torso of the machine.
Finally, she ripped open the cockpit, to be met with such a cherished and such a haunted sight. Her Velvet Glove. Her Trinket.
“FeFe…” she whispered. She could feel her eyes water behind the iron skull of her helmet.
It was an abominable sight. Everything was him. Nothing was his. As the song, it was a parody of who he was.
It was his hair: white and in long locks. It wasn’t: oily, greasy and unkempt.
It was his body: olive skin and the same scars as she remembered. It wasn’t: skeletal, gaunt, emaciated and hollow. Ribs almost piercing out from under his naked dry skin.
It was his eyes, the same turquoise, the same golden decoration he had asked her to graft under the left one to mask one scar he had there. It wasn’t: there were no lights in those glassy and foggy balls, and the gold was tarnished, rusted.
His lips were parched and scarred, his eyelids scratched, and she was trembling seeing the sight.
He was missing an arm, cables and wires directly plugged into his torn flesh.
A ruined enveloppe.
A single terminal was held in his sickly thin fingers, showing characters writing on a loop. Two words. It wasn’t Scrap-Code, nor was it Lingua-Technis, nor even was it Gothic, be it low or high. No, it was their native tongue of Olympia.
Two words, repeating on a loop like a mad chant line after line.
Σκότωσέ με.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Petra slowly reached to her helmet, its hissing pops signaling the depressurization. She removed it, her braided lock falling onto her shoulder as she put it aside.
She reached toward him, cupping his cheek in her gauntlet, as large as his head, not applying any bit of force. Her hand was trembling. She pulled his body from the machine’s carcass, carefully disconnecting the cables thanks to the Logos’ programming properties. She cradled his broken, shattered form in her arms like carrying a newborn. She could barely feel his heartbeat. Her vision of him was riddled in weaknesses that usually inhabited her vision, so, so many onto his form.
She tilted to whisper in his ear.
“I’m bringing you back home. We’ll go together. Do you remember, FeFe? To Elysia”.
She almost broke down when she saw a sign of recognition on his part when he heard that name. Just slightly, almost imperceptible, his eyes widened.
A Spark.
submitted by Extension_Cricket_74 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:16 TamiGoGo HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY

HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY
Key: GGY: Gregory under the control of the mimc ‘GGY’: Book from Tales from the pizzaplex TFTP: Tales From the Pizzaplex CC: The Crying child (fnaf 4 protag) SB: Security Breach
The premise behind HalluGreg theory is the idea that The Mimic used the gas featured in the last TFTP book, Dittophobia, on Gregory while he was GGY. Using evidence from the book itself, parts of the game, and ‘GGY’, it is implied Gregory endured the same torture Rory experienced under William Afton. To understand why this is the case, it’s necessary to understand the experiments in Dittophobia themselves.
To summarize, the Dittophobia experiments, or hallucination experiments, were a series of studies designed to gauge how children react under intense amounts of fear. The subjects in this study were unwilling, and all those who participated were kidnapped or manipulated into it. The experiments were conducted by William Afton and it’s implied that he even used the gases administered in the study on his own kids, most notably CC and Michael Afton. We see in Michael’s logbook that he knows what the nightmare animatronics look like, concluding that he must have been under the influence of the gas at some point. For cc, we play as him in fnaf 4, experiencing the nightmares caused by the dittophobia gas.
Connecting this, it has long been theorized that the mimic is copying some parts of William. Most notably with its digital persona, Glitchtrap, and its construction of the Afton family in the sticky note room. This theory speculates that the mimic gained access to yet another part of Afton’s life, the part of his life torturing young children in the Sister Location Basement.
First, I’d like to emphasize the clear connection Gregory has to one of the victims of the experiment, CC. Gregory is a near perfect copy of CC, carrying many of the motifs that make up CC’s character. Both boys are fighting against robotic entities or what they perceive to be robotic entities, both have a bear companion, and both were used to further the main antagonists’ goals (GGY for Mimic and the dittophobia experiments for cc). It’s also been pointed out that they have extremely similar appearances. Gregory and cc both have brown hair with a strand falling down the middle, they also wear similar shirts with Gregory copying the two striped shirt that was unique to cc originally.
By definition, they are parallels, however, I’d like to emphasize that them being parallels does not mean they cannot coexist. With this in mind, there is a suggested connection between them. Not all parallels mean correlation, but it allows for a base to structure this theory which will further be supported by hard evidence. With that in mind, I’d like to point out another character that Gregory parallels too, that being David Murray. For the sake of keeping this concise, Gregory and David are parallels to each other due to their appearances and their relationship with the mimic. I won’t go into detail as the David parallelism is not a massive part of this theory, however, AnotherDavid theory explains the connection between the two quite nicely. There is a thread that goes more in depth about this linked below:
Reddit link:
Twitter thread link (recommended because there is more visual evidence):
The connection between David and Gregory is important because there are direct references to David in Dittophobia, which in turn, relates Gregory to Dittophobia as well. In the book, both Rory and David wear the exact same zebra pajamas. In fact, there is a lot of emphasis placed on these specific pajamas because Rory puts them on twice during separate occasions in the book (unfortunately, I cannot attach images in the manner I would like to, so I will use MLA cited quotes from the book. Scroll up to the images above to see the visual evidence)
Quote 1: “Then he put on his favorite pjs-they were black-and-white zebra striped.” (Dittophobia pg 120)
Quote 2: “Edwin looked at David’s rumpled bed and the zebra pajamas that lay crumpled on the floor next to it. As David started to skip past Edwin, who grabbed Edwin’s shoulder. He pointed at the pajamas. “What have I told you?” Edwin asked.” (The mimic pg 142)
The zebra pajamas that Rory wears are also noted to be the only pajamas that fit him in his teenager form, implying that they are big. This could be a reference to the fact that David was tall for his age before he died and he also wore that brand of PJ.
Quote 3: “David, remarkably big for his age, in spite of having two short parents, wasn’t an easy carry. He weighed close to fifty pounds, and he was three- and-a-half-feet tall. Pretty soon, Edwin, only five-foot-five himself, wasn’t going to be able to cart his son around. Perhaps he could build a robot to do the job for him.” (The mimic pg 126)
To add on, Rory also says things that are eerily similar to what David says in “the mimic”. In “the mimic”, David is described to talk about fairies in the walls of Edwin’s factory. Rory describes a similar thing in dittophobia when exploring the ‘house’. They both talk about imaginary “pipe fairies”.
Quote 4: “It’s the pipe fairy, Daddy.” (The mimic pg 121)
Quote 5: “The knocking sound wasn’t a knocking like a person would do. There wasn’t some little trapped fairy or something in the walls. (Although the idea of that made Rory smile.)” (Dittophobia pg 126)
To clarify, I’m not trying to push the claim that David WAS part of the experiment. However, the zebra pajamas are symbolism for David in general. The same can be said for the “pipe fairies”. Due to the fact that Gregory is heavily related to David Murray, and there’s multiple David references in the book, Gregory is implicated in the dittophobia experiments.
Moving on to more direct evidence regarding Gregory himself, there is evidence that these experiments took place within the pizzaplex. This means the mimic would have access to them and would have the ability to reenact them itself. In the endo nursery, there is a picture of a young girl in the same exact bed used in the fnaf 4. Rory ALSO has this same bed in dittophobia which implies this specific design was part of the experiment. This means that whoever was involved in the construction of the pizzaplex somehow had access to the details of the experiments and went as far as to place imagery of an experiment in progress in the endo nursery. Considering that the mimic is the only one who seems to be copying William, it’s safe to say that it was the reason that this imagery was put up. Even if it wasn’t, it obviously saw the image considering the graffiti placed on the walls displaying Glitchtrap. (Image 1) With that in mind, the way that the fear experiments work in general would explain why there are numerous active endos in the same location that this picture is found in. When the gas in dittophobia stops working, Rory realizes that his nightmares were simply moving mannequins on a set course. For the pizzaplex, these mannequins could be replaced with the naked endos.
“Even though it made no sense, Rory was still terrified of the creatures. Knowing they were nothing but motorized mannequins didn’t take away his terror. He guessed that after so many years, the dread was too much a part of him to go away that quickly.” (Dittophobia pg 149)
It’s also a possibility that the staffbots themselves could have also been used. Numerous staffbots in the game have the words “in your dreams” (image 2) inscribed on them which seems to be referencing dittophobia in the way the experiments were simply illusions in the children’s minds, not based on reality. Hence being in their dreams. Ironically, the endo section is also the section that Gregory seems the most scared of. We get some of the most characterizing dialogue out of him here.
It’s also ironic that the reason Gregory has to go through the endo section in the first place is because Moon kidnapped Freddy. Moon, a character who makes it their goal to put Gregory to sleep, might be yet another reference the experiments as well, perhaps even enforcing them considering the endo section is heavily Moon themed.
Besides the bed in endo nursery, there are other references to fnaf 4 as well. For example, littered throughout Ruin and SB there are various nightmarionne plushies. Nighmarionne is a character who originated from fnaf 4 (image 3)
As a side note, it’s also notable that Rory’s name is extremely similar to Gregory’s. While that’s not concrete evidence, it’s an interesting detail to include.
Another important detail to mention is that the mimic was looking for ways to induce compliance in its followers. While it seems like the mimic was originally looking for ways to make Vanessa submissive, it may have also been looking for ways to make Gregory submissive as well. It’s not confirmed when Gregory was kidnapped and made into a follower, and it’s possible that he was kidnapped before the pizzaplex was made. This could mean that the email sent in AR by Luis talking about Vanessa’s search history may have occurred not just because Vanessa was resisting the mimic, but because Gregory was being defiant as well. (Image 4) Using the hallucination gas on Gregory would crush this defiance as seen in Dittophobia. Rory can barely function, let alone escape when the fumes are being expelled into the house. This means that Gregory would be trapped in a constant state of exhaustion and confusion which is exactly what the mimic wants.
“Rory risked slipping an arm from beneath his covers to turn off his bedside lamp. He closed his eyes, letting the steady hiss from the vents lull him to sleep as the drowsiness he’d felt all day finally claimed him.” (Dittophobia of 121)
Even with all this evidence, there’s not enough to conclude that Gregory experienced these experiments without a reliable location for them to be preformed. Even though the endo nursery may seem like a good place for them to occur because of all the cameras and children toys, there’s no actual bed for Gregory to sleep in nor a way for the nursery to be gassed. It’s also pretty obvious the children toys present in the nursery are for the endos developing their intelligence, not actually for real kids.
However, there is another location that matches all the criteria needed for these experiments to be performed, and that would be in the mimics lair. (Image 5) In the book dittophobia, Rory describes the layout of his room as having 2 doors, a vent from above, a closet in the middle, and a bed behind him. (Basically a copy of the fnaf 4 room) In the mimic’s lair, as seen in the burntrap ending pre-Ruin, it is set up similarly. There is a small bed directly under the sinkhole, two doors, a vent from above, and an interactive camera station that would replace the closet. (Image 6) The blue bed with stars present in burntraps lair is heavily theorized to be the bed Gregory used as GGY because it is child sized and the mimic seems to make its followers sleep in the pizzaplex considering the existence Vanny’s room in Fazerblast. (Image 7)
With that being said, the mimic has cameras on the opposite side of the lair which it could use to observe Gregory like Afton did with his victims. We see the mimic utilize these cameras to hack into Freddy during the boss fight. (Image 8) Additionally, there is a vent that leads to Gregory’s ‘room’ could be used to administer gas similarly to how it’s administered in Dittophobia. (Image 9)
Inside the Burntrap room, there is also a gas canister where the Dittophobia gas would be held for use. (Image 10) There’s also the fact that Gregory doesn’t really recognize the mimic in Ruin or SB. It’s possible the gas made the mimic look entirely different in Gregory’s eyes. Additionally, there’s evidence to suggest that Gregory is being gassed DURING the burntrap fight. When burntrap leaves its charging station, purple fumes are present, meaning that Gregory could have been hallucinating the entire time. (Image 11) This could explain why the fight itself is so nonsensical. It’s all being made up in Gregory’s head, Gregory is experiencing a nightmare he has had over and over again during his time as GGY. This would also WHY Gregory draws Burntrap after SB and why Burntrap is so inaccurate to the mimic. He is drawing the fake nightmares only he remembers experiencing. (Image 12) It would also provide some insight as to why Gregory doesn’t remember anything relating to hacking into the animatronics, killing counselors, or the mimic. His mind is foggy because the mimic keeps gassing him. Dittophobia gas has been shown to make people FORGET things.
At the end of Dittophobia, Rory, despite finding out the truth about his situation, turns back on the gas. As a result, he seems to forget everything that happened. He’s reduced back to the state he was in when the gas was first administered when he was seven.
“Rory’s gaze landed on his red backpack. He frowned. Hadn’t he gone to school today? He chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t remember. Rory sighed and shrugged. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he needed to get in bed. Rory left the great room and started scampering down the long left-side hall, eager to get to his room. His hand trailed along the curved wood chair rail as he went. Pausing by the bathroom door, Rory canted his head and tried to remember whether he’d brushed his teeth already. He was pretty sure he had. So why had he been in the kitchen?” (Dittophobia pg 156)
Dittophobia doesn’t just make people sleepy or hallucinate, it makes people FORGET. The mimic utilized this to make sure Gregory couldn’t wander away or disobey him. It used the same strategy Afton used to manipulate his victims.
Finally, I’d like to bring up the fact that we seemingly get extra insight into Gregory’s hallucinations in the book ‘GGY’. In ‘GGY’, Gregory writes an interesting story related to his situation. (Image 13) He claims that he was the most favored apprentice of some wizard and that he was involved in fighting a conspiracy on another planet against a tangled entity. This, obviously, didn’t actually happen, but it’s clearly a dramatized version of what is ACTUALLY happening to Gregory. The story he writes is based on reality but it is distorted to make it seem nonsensical. This mimics the nightmares Rory experiences. The mannequins that visit him during the night DO exist, but they are distorted by the gas. It’s possible that the same thing happened to Gregory.
Perhaps the gas truly did make him believe he was fighting some wild, nonsensical tangled villain on another planet. After all, the blob, otherwise known as the tangle, is right above where Gregory sleeps. It’s possible that it too, was involved in torturing Gregory and guarding his prison.
To conclude, it seems that the mimic set up a room in its lair that copies the Dittophobia room so it could experiment on Gregory. It was made to reduce Gregory’s will and make him submit to the mimics control. As a result, the gas made Grgeory forget many of his actions in “GGY” and beyond. It also made it incredibly harder for Gregory to escape due to the sedating properties present in the gas.
TLDR: The mimic made a mini FNAF 4 in its lair to sedate/control Gregory like Afton did to kids while he was alive.
Additional info: I didn’t want to clog up this post but here are a few other pieces of evidence that are notable but not important enough to include in my opinion. Mostly just color and physical similarities.
1.) Rory talks on a walkie talkie like device to his friend Wade when contacting the outside world for the first time in ten years. The first conversation they have mimics the conversation Gregory and Cassie have when they reunite in Ruin. 2.) The elevator to escape to the outside world is broken due to a lack of power. Could be slightly referencing the elevator ending in Ruin 3.) Both the mimic’s experiments and Aftons experiments would take place underground according to this theory. 4.) There’s a lot of pieces of furniture that match Gregory’s color scheme in dittophobia. One of them is even blue with white stripes. 5.) both Rory and Gregory are described to be some of the shortest in their class. 6.) Both Rory and Gregory seem to be fond of bunnies. 7.) In the bad ending, Gregory draws himself sleeping next to a green leaking gas. This could be a reference to the experiments where a gas would be leaking into his room while he slept normally.
Additional quotes:
“All he needed to do was get the radio working. If the batteries were still good (please, please be good, he silently begged), he could at least try to reach Wade. If Wade was real, maybe he’d still have his radio. If he wasn’t, maybe someone else would answer Rory.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“The radio spit a couple of buzzing sounds, then Rory was able to hear a voice clearly. “Rory! Is that you? Really?” “Wade?” “Yeah, dude,” Wade shouted. “Where are you?” “You’re real?” Rory asked.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“-was labeled UNDERGROUND TESTING FACILITY. So that’s where he was! He was underground!” (Dittophobia pg 143)
“The fact that this monster was bunny-like made it the worst of the three for Rory because he loved bunnies.” (Dittophobia pg 110)
Cawthon, Scott, et al. B7-2. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 8.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott, et al. Nexie. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 6.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott. The Bobbiedots Conclusion: An AFK Book (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the Pizzaplex #5). Scholastic Inc, 2023. 
Original thread from Twitter:
submitted by TamiGoGo to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:59 DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO What really is irrationality?

For a movement dedicated to rationality, I don’t think rationalists actually spend all that much time discussing what is rationality. Yudowsky once defined rationality as “winning”, and while I’d agree with that, I think there are a lot of edge cases where it’s not intuitively obvious whether the behaviour is rational or not. You also see economists criticized a lot for assuming humans are rational- but does that criticism just mean economists shouldn’t assume people are solely focused on maximizing money, or does that criticism mean economists shouldn’t assume people aren’t stupid, or something else entirely? Below I describe a list of scenarios, all of which I think are irrational in a sense, yet are irrational is quite different ways.
  1. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. There is no time control. She does not spend as much time thinking about her moves as she could, leading to worse play, and ends up losing the match. In hindsight after the match, she wishes she tried harder. Was she irrational?
  2. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. There is no time control. She does not spend as much time thinking about her moves as she could, leading to worse play, but wins the match anyway. Was she irrational?
  3. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. There is a time control. She plays as best as she can, balancing time against finding the best move she can, but still often does not find the best move, and plays weaker moves. Was she irrational? What if some of those weaker moves she played were extremely obviously bad, like she moved her queen in front of an enemy pawn and let it be taken for nothing, because she’s really bad at chess despite trying her best?
  4. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. She is playing against someone she knows is much better than her, but also knows her opponent has not prepared. She plays an opening that she predicts her opponent isn’t familiar with but that she researched, that leaves an opening that can guarantee her opponent victory if he sees it(making it an extremely weak opener against someone familiar with it), but if he doesn’t see it guarantees her victory. Was she irrational?
  5. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. She flips the board over and runs in circles chanting gibberish. Was she irrational?
  6. Alice is playing a chess match and wants to win. There is no prize pool or anything, it’s just a social match with a friend. She plays the best possible move each turn, smashes her friend in the game, and makes her friend feel a bit bad and worsening their friendship a little bit. Was she irrational?
  7. Alice is playing a chess match and thinks she wants to win, if you asked her she would say she wants to win and is totally convinced that’s her top priority. But her subconscious knows she’s just playing a friendly match and that social status is more important than victory. She plays far from her best, while her weaker friend does play his best, and she ends up losing. Her friendship ends up stronger for it. Was she irrational? What if the friend would have been upset if he knew she was taking it easy on him, and the self-deception was necessary to ensure he did not know she was taking it easy on him?
I think a conclusion to draw is that there are different types of irrationality, and we probably should have different words for behaviour where you try your best but still make objective mistakes vs acting crazily vs etc. A chess tutor who’s concerned about their student playing chess irrationally is probably talking about something different than a rat community member talking about how you’re playing chess irrationally is talking differently than someone who’s working to make a LLM play chess less irrationally, and it’d be good to have more specific words.
submitted by DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:25 Electrical-Ad1820 All card effects/Conditions/ETC warning: Long nerd bs.

Disclaimer: This is a more technical list of card effects, aka nerd talk, it's not for a short read. This probably wouldn't have a use for most people
So this topic came up from a friend basically doing the “oh you're a paladins fan list off all the effect types of cards and talents” here you go Snake, I did you some better, and since I wasted my time on this here we go.
Passive Effects These have no conditions to activate the cards and more or less are entirely passive without you having to interact with the game for the effects to exist, they often act like items in this regard, historically certain items have been pulled from cards in specific champion’s selection.
These effects are entirely passive and there’s no condition being “asked” ; it's more of a “it just is” statement. Certain cards have a caveat system that more or less acts as two separate effects but are lumped together, for example Binary star increases damage, but reduces ammo, and reduces fire rate.
Increase max health Decrease Max health Increase Resource Regeneration Increase Max resource Increase max Ammo Increase range Remove self knock back Reduce self slow Reduce self damage Increase area of effect Decrease max Ammo Increase Damage Decrease Damage Increase Fire rate Decrease fire rate Increased accuracy Decreased accuracy Crowd control resistance Increase Ultimate Charge rate Base movement speed Reload Speed Lifesteal Reduction of base Cooldown Increase of base cooldown Unmodifiable base cooldown Increase number of charges on ability Decrease recoil Decrease spread/inaccuracy Increase innacuracy.
For example Jenos’ cards Penumbra, Inertia Sidereal, and Lorentz all are flat passive increases. But so would be for example a ability’s max cooldown being reduced.
Activations of Process Reaction on Conditions (PROC) These are the conditions needed to activate the effects of the cards, so these are more the “why” of these cards.
After landing Attack/Ability on enemies (this means enemy champions but also stuff like Ying clones, Luna, and Imani’s dragon) Landing ability Ability on allied After landing Attack/Ability (this means stuff like shields and all deployables count) If the ability “device” is triggered (this is stuff like Zhin’s Perfect Block activating if counter is hit) After eliminating an enemy champion. After a killing blow on enemy champion After being at or lower than a specified health threshold At the start of activating an ability. During the ability. After the ability has ended. Being hit by a enemy attack If your deployable is destroyed If shield is damaged If shield is destroyed If you consume champion specific resources. If you stand still If you are near your deployable If your allies stand near your deployable If you pass through your barrier If a enemy passes through a barrier
Sub Conditions These are more or less rules that act as more specification to what’s needed to be done to active the cards effect, these are stuff like fully charged shots for True Grit or Open season, or a limitation to the activation like Incitement where it activates the chance for the subcondition to be fulfilled in this case Cassie’s first primary shot landing on a enemy (sub condition) sometimes there can be multiple sub conditions that either limit, or enhance the capabilities of the effect in question. These are effectively additional rules needed for the PROC to activate
PROC “Rewards” This is basically the part where the condition is met and now activates the card/talent. Certain “rewards” might be considered a debuff on its own; these are often lumped together with another card that balances it. Sometimes these “rewards” are applied to enemies on the conditions met. Most “rewards” can also be found in the passive
Healing -Healing can be instant or over time. Providing ammo -Ammo regen can be instant or over time Generates ultimate charge Generates resource Increase resource generation rate. Increase Movement Speed. Increase Jump height Increase damage dealt Provide personal shielding Provides Damage resistance Increases damage vulnerability Increase max health Decrease Max health Increase Resource Regeneration Increase Max resource Increase max Ammo Increase Damage Decrease Damage Crowd control resistance Movement speed Reload Speed Lifesteal
Modifies Ability These are cards and talents that modify abilities themselves, by all sorts of means namely the actual ability not anything tied to the ability such as cool downs or external effects or those that are -Increase Distance -Increase Duration -Increase Effect -Decrease Effect -Decrease Duration -Decrease Self Slow -Increase Shield Health -Decreasing shield health on place distance -Increase Place distance -Increase Deployable health -Increase Area of effect -Increase damage -Apply knockback to self. -Become Crowd control immune -Reduce ultimate cost -Teleport to “device” -Leaves behind deployable. -Add Status effect -Remove Status Effect -apply reveal -Reduce recoil -Remove AoE -Increase projectile size -Increase Projectile speed -Increases vertical distance -increase horizontal distance
Odd ends
Certain cards like Poise from Sha Lin and Kinessa’s prodigy are actively two different things even though their end results end up the same. For example with Sha Lin you slow yourself by 10% when drawing your bow and poise reduces that self slow by up to 100% meaning you don’t have the slow at all, while Kinessa you get slowed by 60% while scoping but with prodigy you increase your base speed by up to 125% but more accurately you’re only going 65% faster. These two effectively do the same thing especially if you’ve played on Cards to the max, but they do function rather differently internally and mathematically so I separated them.
Feel free to let me know if I missed some niche effect of dredge’s unused broadside cards
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:34 Educational-Tough109 Color code items in explorer panel

Color code items in explorer panel
I'm pretty new to VSC and coding in general. I'm working in Mac OS I'm hoping to be able to color code items in my explorer panel based on where they are in the process. (Red for in progress, yellow for awaiting approval, blue for approved etc.) I know that in programs like Adobe Premiere or After Effects it's pretty easy to right-click on an item in the explorer and give it a color label, but I don't know if that's possible in VSC.
I've tried looking through some plugins, and I've found one called "Folder Path Color" that might do the trick, but unfortunately I have no idea how to implement it. They have an example of some code in the Extension Settings, but I don't even know where I would paste that in my project.
Does anyone know if there's a simple way to add a color tag to items in the explorer panel? I can't imagine I'm the first person who has tried to do this, and I keep feeling like there must be something obvious that I'm missing.
submitted by Educational-Tough109 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:21 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/18/2024 - 05/20/2024

Date: 05/20/2024

Reading time: 11 minutes, 2335 words

🪖 Military

Details of Armenia’s housing subsidies project revealed

Armenia will provide housing subsidies to forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh at no charge. 25,000 families will receive housing certificates and will be able to either buy real estate or build their own house. Azerbaijan launched a full-scale invasion of Nagornan in September 2023 using artillery, UAVs, and aircraft.

Armenia-India defense cooperation is going very well, we are working to expand it further. Indian Ambassador's interview

Nilakshi Saha Sinha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia, spoke to Armenpress. Sinha: The relations between Armenia and India are warm, and there are frequent contacts. The prospects for military cooperation are indeed very good and we are working to further strengthen it, Sinha said.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Land ownership certificates issued to some Tavush residents ‘do not prove’ portions of land handed over to Azerbaijan are de jure Armenia – Ministry of Justice

The Armenian Ministry of Justice responded to a inquiry commenting on an earlier statement by a ‘Constitution expert’ who claimed Armenia handed over its sovereign territory to Azerbaijan. Representatives of Yerevan and Baku signed a border. protocol on 15 May that recreated the old border between Soviet Armenia and Soviet Azerbaijan, based on a 1976 map.

FM Mirzoyan calls for prohibition of threats against nuclear facilities at International Conference on Nuclear Security

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan took part in the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) in Vienna titled “Shaping the Future” Representatives from more than 130 countries were participating in the conference. All participants held a minute of silence in memory of Iran’s high-level officials, including the President and the Foreign Minister, who died the day before due to a helicopter crash.
Armenpress, Ararat Mirzoyan attends international conference on nuclear security in Vienna, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Armenia reaffirms unwavering commitment to the Non-Proliferation Treaty – FM

UN Security Council observes minute of silence for Raisi

Members of the UN Security Council observed a minute of silence in memory of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage who were killed in a helicopter crash. Russia, China and Algeria requested the moment of silence at the request of Russia and China.

There are favorable opportunities to advance the peace agenda - Azerbaijan’s Aliyev

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev says there are favorable opportunities to advance peace agenda. He said positive agreements have been reached regarding border delimitation and demarcation. Azerbaijan and Latvian parliament speaker Daiga Mierina met in Latvia.

Armenia top security official receives the delegation of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag

Secretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan received the delegation of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag headed by Johannes Schraps. The German side reaffirmed its ongoing support for the democratic reforms being implemented in Armenia.
Armenpress, Armenia’s top security official briefs German lawmakers on the process of democratic reforms

Yerevan Municipality's construction and improvement department has a new head

Armen Harutyunyan was appointed temporary head of the Construction and Improvement Department of Yerevan Municipality. Mayor Tigran Avinyan introduced him during a procedural meeting of the Municipality and wished him success.

Security Council Secretary to visit on working visit to Qatar

Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan will go on a working visit to Doha, Qatar, to participate in the World Security Forum. bilateral meetings are also planned within the framework of the working visit.
Armenpress, Secretary of Armenian Security Council to leave on working visit to Qatar, The Secretary of the Security Council will go on a working visit to Qatar, Armenia Security Council chief traveling to Qatar

Armenia to loan $100m from Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development

Armenia’s Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan met with Andrey Shirokov, the Managing Director of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development. The meeting touched upon various projects, including the planned 7 km long tunnel in the projected Sisian-Kajaran highway. The parties emphasised the importance of the EFSD Strategy for 2022–2026, as well as the strategies of member countries.

European Education Foundation experts to assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system

Experts of the European Training Foundation (ETF) will assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system on May 21-23. Director of the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation Ruben Topchyan said experts from 12 EFT member countries arrived in Yerevan at the invitation of the center he heads to study the Armenian education system.

Yerevan and Paris deepen interaction: 3-year cooperation program signed between the two capitals

Yerevan and Paris' Île-de-France region have reached an agreement on the implementation of a three-year cooperation program. The program will cover several spheres, including urbanization, transport, and waste management. The members of the Armenian delegation visited the architectural bureau of Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

US offers condolences over death of Iranian president in helicopter crash

US offers condolences for deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran on Sunday. "We reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms," State Department spokesman says.
Armenpress, UN chief extends condolences to Iran over deaths of president, Minister of Defence Papikyan sent a message of condolence in connection with the death of the President of Iran, Alen Simonyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Ali Bagheri Kani appointed as Iran's Acting Foreign Minister after Amir-Abdollahian's death – IRNA, Iran declares 5 days of mourning after president Raisi killed in helicopter crash, Foreign ministry responds to news of planned visit by Raisi to Armenia on May 19, Armenian President conveys condolences to government and people of Iran, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Pashinyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Iran's president, foreign minister martyred in copter crash – Iranian media, Raisi’s crashed chopper found, “situation not good” – Iran Red Crescent, Papikyan expressed condolences to Iranian Defense Minister on the death of President Raisi and other officials, Armenian Foreign Minister expresses condolences to the people of Iran over helicopter crash, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expresses condolences on the death of Iranian President, US expresses condolences for death of Raisi, EU offers condolences for the death of Iranian President, other officials, Armenian Foreign Minister regrets “tragic loss” of Iranian counterpart, Armenian PM sends condolences to Iran

Iran to hold extraordinary presidential election on June 28

Iranian presidential election intended to identify Ebrahim Raisi's successor will be held on June 28. June 28 is the date for the fourteenth presidential election in Iran’s history.

ICC seeking arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders

Prosecutor Karim Khan KC seeks arrest warrants against Israeli prime minister and defence minister. Charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include ‘starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’ Charges against Hamas leaders include “extermination … murder … taking hostages … rape and other acts of sexual violence”

Iranologist foresees no major changes in Armenian-Iranian relations after tragic death of Iranian President

Iranologist Gohar Iskandaryan discusses Armenian-Iranian relations during the administration of President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. Iran's foreign and domestic policies of Iran were developed with the consent and approval of the spiritual leader of the country. Iranian President Raisi governed during the most difficult period in terms of regional security.
Armenpress, Minister of Defence Papikyan sent a message of condolence in connection with the death of the President of Iran, Alen Simonyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Iran declares 5 days of mourning after president Raisi killed in helicopter crash, Foreign ministry responds to news of planned visit by Raisi to Armenia on May 19, Armenian President conveys condolences to government and people of Iran, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Iran's president, foreign minister martyred in copter crash – Iranian media, Raisi’s crashed chopper found, “situation not good” – Iran Red Crescent, Armenian Foreign Minister expresses condolences to the people of Iran over helicopter crash, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expresses condolences on the death of Iranian President, US expresses condolences for death of Raisi, EU offers condolences for the death of Iranian President, other officials

Iraq declares mourning for death of Iranian President

In Iraq, May 21 has been declared a day of mourning in connection with the death of neighboring Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi in a plane crash. The helicopter carrying Raisi on May 19 crashed during landing in Iran's East Azerbaijan province. Tragically, none of the occupants survived the crash.

Syria declares official mourning for death of Iranian President

Syrian government declares official general mourning for three day-period in connection with death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Flags will be flown at half-mast across the Syrian Arab Republic. Helicopter carrying Raisi crashed during landing in Iran's East Azerbaijan province.

Iran's first vice president Mohammad Mokhber to become interim president before new elections

Iran's first vice president Mohammad Mokhber will become interim president following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to inaugurate a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan, when his helicopter crashed on Sunday.
Armenpress, Mohammad Mokhber named Iran’s interim President

Yerevan Metro to replace plastic tokens with QR code payments

The Yerevan Metro is planning to replace plastic tokens with QR code payments. QR code and credit card payments will be available to the passengers. Vice Mayor Suren Grigiryan said a total of 49 turnstiles are expected to be replaced within a month.
ArkaAm, There will be no more tokens in the Yerevan metro, QR codes will work

Pillars installed in Armenian border village of Kirants

In the Armenian village of Kirants, three border markers have been installed, and border guards stand next to them.

💵 Economy

Armenian Economy Minister to make trip to UAE May 20-22

A delegation led by Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan will travel to the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi on May 20-22

CBA puts into circulation “100th Anniversary of Charles Aznavour’s Birth” gold collector coin

Central Bank of Armenia puts into circulation “100th Anniversary of Charles Aznavour’s Birth’ gold collector coin on May 20, 2024. Aznavours was born in Paris to an Armenian immigrant family that escaped the Armenian Genocide. He gained universal recognition after performing at the Olympia concert hall in Paris.

Organic agriculture development program for 2024-25 starts in Armenia

Acba Bank and the Armenian branch of the German Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) are launching a free Development of Organic Agriculture program for 2024-2025. Entrepreneurs interested in participating in the competition are welcome to file an application until 10 June 2024.

Ameriabank's Trade Finance portfolio enriched with four prestigious awards from EBRD and IFC

Ameriabank has received four prestigious awards from international financial institutions in recognition of its trade finance operations. Ameria was the first Armenian bank to receive confirming bank status under the EBRD Trade Facilitation Program (TFP) Ameria is a leading financial and technology company in Armenia, a major contributor to the Armenian economy with assets exceeding AMD 1 trillion.

🧪 Science & Technology

Armenia as a new technological hub: Yerevan to host WCIT congress again

The World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) is back, to identify Armenia as the region's new technology hub for global players. The 2024/DigiTec conference, under the theme "THE POWER OF MIND, Artificial Intelligence Beyond Borders, Within Ethics", will serve as a global platform to emphasize the significance of enhancing the impact, investment, and solutions of information and communication technology across regions and economies.
Armenpress, World Congress on Innovation and Technology in Yerevan to unveil Armenia as new tech hub of global game-changers

⚽ Sport

Armenian chess players continue competing at Sharjah International Tournament

Shant Sargsyan and Manuel Petrosyan ended their matches in a draw. Hayk Martirosyan lost, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan won the Sharjah Masters tournament in Sharjah, UAE. Among the representatives of Armenia has 3.5 points, while leader is a participant from India.

Date: 05/19/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 168 words

🪖 Military

Armenia is developing new defense capabilities, will it be enough?

CivilNet sat down with Colonel Jean-Luc Theus, France's former defense attaché in the South Caucasus, to better understand Armenia’s defensive framework in the coming years. Following the war, Armenia has sought to rearm with the help of India and France. Armenia allocated $785 million for defense in 2021, this spending amounted to approximately $663 million.

Armenia ready to provide all necessary support to Iran – MFA

Armenia has expressed readiness to provide all necessary support to Iran as search for the helicopter carrying Iranian President is under way. The helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has been involved in an accident.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Raisi attended dam openings on Azerbaijan border before helicopter accident

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi was returning from an Iran-Azerbaijan border area. Helicopter made a hard landing after it got into difficulties in heavy fog. Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi says ‘various rescue teams’ are still searching for helicopter.

Armenian FM to attend International Conference on Nuclear Security in Vienna

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan will pay a working visit to Vienna (Austria) on May 20. He will participate in the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) titled “Shaping the Future”

Date: 05/18/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 420 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

France accuses Azerbaijan of supporting unrest in New Caledonia

France has accused Azerbaijan of supporting riots against French rule in New Caledonia. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanini said it was a reality that some of the supporters of Caledonian independence signed a deal with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani media reported that the initiative group of Baku organized a video conference on Thursday.

Housing security program for Artsakh residents. pros and cons

The RA government approved the state support program for providing housing for families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. Aram Tadevosyan: The government abandoned the idea of a part of the support money being returned to the state by the beneficiaries over time (by members of the beneficiary's family of working age) The minimum amount of assistance is AMD 2 million per person, which is given to families with an active mortgage loan.

EU, CoE welcome progress in Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process

The EU welcomes progress made in the framework of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process. The demarcation process began on April 19 in Armenia's northern Tavush region amid opposition accusations of territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.
ArkaAm, EU welcomes progress made in the framework of Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process, EU welcomes Armenia-Azerbaijan “progress”

Minister: Armenia seeks to join major transportation projects from China to Europe

Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan: EBRD promise to invest up to 500 million euros in a number of projects in Armenia during 2024. Two of the projects will be implemented in Armenia's southern Syunik province bordering Iran. The remaining funds will be directed to the private sector, namely financing of projects through commercial banks in Armenia.

Armenian FM, OSCE Chair discuss situation in the South Caucasus

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had exchange with OSCE Chair-in-office, FM of Malta Ian Borg. Interlocutors touched upon issues on OSCE agenda and regional topics, South Caucasus in particular.

India wants Armenia’s proposals on use of Chabahar port

India is expecting proposals from Armenia regarding the use of Chabahar port in Iran, Indian ambassador says.

India is considering deepening its strategic partnership with Greece

India-Greece is considering strengthening bilateral ties with the two countries. The India-Middle East Economic Corridor (IMEC) aims to transform trade routes from India to Europe. Greece and India are convinced that the project is still viable and pledge to do what is necessary to ensure its implementation. Greece is the first EU member to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Belarus opposition leader slams Lukashenko for Karabakh trip

Belarusian opposition politician Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya has harshly criticized the visit of Lukashenko to Karabakh.

Mkhitaryan raises arrest of former Karabakh leaders in Azerbaijan

Inter Milan star Henrikh Mkhitaryan has shared a news story about the extension of the arrest of former Karabakh leaders.

🎭 Culture

Armenia, Turkey discuss restoration of historic bridge

The meeting took place on May 17 in Ashgabat on the sidelines of an international conference of ministers of culture.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:54 Khenal Dungeon Life 222

The red kobold can’t help but keep a hand at her pendant as she, Ragnar, Aelara, and Yvonne follow Teemo and Nova. She should be confident, especially after that miracle from Lord Thedeim and his scions, but she can’t keep her nerves fully in check.
Should she have tried to insist her friends stay behind? What if they get hurt because of her? Not for the first time, she crushes that line of thought. Not only is it pointless to worry about that now, it’s also insulting to her friends to even consider taking credit for their agency. No, they chose to come along, and if she’s honest with herself, she’s glad they did.
Even if she worries for their safety. She does her best to set that cart on a quiet path in the back of her mind. Their safety is her concern, she is their primary support now, but she can’t make their choices for them.
She turns her attention to the shortcut they’re currently in, both to try to calm herself, but also to appreciate just how skilled Teemo’s become. The trail feels comfortably spacious, but she’s pretty sure a more ordinary worm would make more of a disturbance than the combined efforts of Teemo and Nova. The Voice hurries alongside the wyrm, manipulating distance as she melts through the rock.
Aranya even suspects he’s manipulating the space around Nova, too, as she watches the shy scion slowly add more and more magma to her form. She’s pretty sure Nova is mimicking more advanced forms of dragon, currently what she would consider a drake with four legs and a tail. She suspects Teemo is shrinking her, because she’s seen little ripples in the magma construct, hinting at Nova moving underneath. She doesn’t know how significantly space is compressed there, but she’s confident Nova wouldn’t fit through any of those legs if they’re actually the size they look to be.
“Nervous?” asks Ragnar at her side, looking more serious before this fight than usual.
“Yes,” she admits, turning her head to look at her other two companions. “I don’t know which of the scions would be worse to face.”
“Th’ Redcap,” answers Ragnar without hesitation, earning confused looks all around.
“The Redcap?” repeats Aelara. “I would have thought you’d be more concerned about facing the Harbinger.”
Ragnar shakes his head. “Nah. It’ll be nasty, aye, bu’ I c’n handle a headache. A Conduit’s a whole other vein t’ mine.”
“Even without your usual armor?” asks Yvonne, earning a laugh from the dwarf.
“Are y’ daft, woman? It’s no cragplate, but it’ll take as good a beatin’ fer a while, and weighs nothin’!”
“What about your shield? Isn’t it dangerous?” asks Aranya, still a little confused about why he kept it.
Ragnar smiles and reaches to pat the shield slung on his back. “Even a Conduit’ll ‘ave a ‘ard time takin’ m’ shield. It’s an heirloom an’ ‘as th’ weight a mountains. Tha’ Redcap could take it, but he’d bottom out th’ Maw t’ do it.”
“But your axe would have been easier?” points out Aelara, nodding at the weighty stone hammer at Ragnar’s hip, instead of his usual weapon.
“Aye. B’sides, I figure we could do interestin’ things together wi’ an earth mage an’ an earth hammer!”
“Personally, I hope we all stay bored and beneath notice the entire time,” admits Aranya, her mind focusing on what they’re really here for: the kobolds.
“It’d be nice,” affirms Yvonne. “How long do you think it’ll take to convince them to come with us?”
“I… I don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll even be able to. A lot of them worship the Maw, and as far as I can tell, it’s genuine. But a lot of them try to oppose it, too. But mostly… I think most people will just be scared of changing the status quo. It’s not a good life, but it’s still life, and change doesn’t guarantee anything better.”
“What do we do about the ones that don’t want to leave? Will they try to fight us?” asks Aelara with a small frown.
“It’s… possible. The Maw fanatics might just laugh and watch, expecting the Maw to immediately stop us, or drag us back in a couple hours. That’s how most escape attempts would go. But with two scions and us… they might try something.”
Nobody looks happy at that, but before anyone can reply, Teemo speaks up.
“We’re almost there. Aranya, you’re up. Nova says she can feel a large cavern ahead, with a lot of smaller tunnels that don’t meet up with the mess of a maze we’re sneaking through. She doesn’t feel anything that doesn’t seem to be a kobold, but there’s no way at least one of the scions isn’t here. How do you want to do this?”
“Surface in the cavern. The tunnels are to the sleeping areas. Most of the people should be in the cavern, and anyone who isn’t, should get there pretty quickly.” She takes a moments to touch her holy symbol once again, her other hand resting on the hilt of the scythemaw blade Lord Thediem gave her. She’s still no expert with it, but she should at least be able to avoid embarrassing herself with it, should she need to use it.
“Got it. I’ll poke my head up to see if we’re expected, then let you all in if we’re good. If we’re not good… we run.”
Aranya winces at that, but doesn’t argue. A significant part of this plan hinges on being able to make progress before having to fight. Starting with a fight would go poorly. And if they’re too late… she’d rather not see the remains of the enclave after the Maw decided to consume everyone.
Teemo pops his head through a tiny crack in the ceiling, and soon pulls back with a smile. “Looks good. We’ll head on up. Nova, if you want, you can leave the magma here so you can sneak through the rock, or wait here until we need you to throw your weight around.”
Nova rumbles from somewhere inside the magma drake, which soon collapses into a pile of molten stone. The magma itself vanishes as Teemo twists space around it, muttering “Spatial Thermos,” as he does. The others look confused at the wording, with Aelara giving their curiosity words.
“What’s that?”
“It’s one of Lord Thedeim’s concepts, a powerful one, despite it having such a mundane use,” explains Aranya. “It’s a kind of wineskin that keeps the contents at the temperature you put them in. It’s surrounded by nothingness, only having a thin lip around the spout that gives the heat or cold any chance to escape.”
Teemo nods at that. “And this is a spatial version of that. There’s only one way in or out of there right now, and it opens to solid rock… well, more magma, since Nova went through. Either way, the heat has nowhere to escape.”
“Think ye’ c’n get a scion intae one?”
“Maybe, but the way out would be pretty obvious. It looks pretty weird in there, with the only normal bit being the exit. Anyhow, let’s do this, yeah?”
Aranya inhales and nods as the floor slopes up to the crack in the ceiling, where Teemo waves her forward. He even hops on her shoulder as she steps through into a familiar nightmare.
The air is thick with the scent of bodies, thankfully the scent of living bodies, at least. Breath, waste, and shed scales fill her nostrils as the sight of confused kobolds greet her. Most have ragged clothes, with only the Maw fanatics having anything clean. Even their chains are clean, which is much more than can be said of the others. While the fanatics have thin, practically decorative chains, the ordinary ones have thicker manacles and bindings. Despite them being loose enough to let a kobold move around, the chains serve two purposes. The first is a reminder of their place. They breathe only because the Maw allows it. The second is so there is an easy source of metal to punish any kobold who gets too uppity.
The gathered kobolds murmur before a fanatic cautiously approaches Aranya. “Who are you?!” he demands, relying on the threat of the Maw to see an answer, rather than any weapon to give his question weight.
Oddly, her nerves seem to melt away, instead of spiking. This is the time for action, not for second guesses. She speaks loudly and clearly as she steps aside, letting her friends join her from seeming nowhere.
“I am Aranya, Resident and High Priestess of Lord Thedeim. He has come to free our people.”
The fanatic sneers even as he seems to relax. “What makes you think you can stand before the Great Maw?”
“Jello’s Embrace,” she answers, a wave of orange engulfing the fanatic and holding him still. She directs the magic toward other fanatics, with Aelara soon bringing her own magic to Entomb fanatics up to their necks. The commotion draws the eyes of everyone in the enclave, with even the tunnels filling with curious and nervous eyes.
She inhales to repeat herself, but is interrupted by a wizened old kobold with dusty red scales, leaning on a cane as he steps toward her. “Aranya? Is it truly you?”
She smiles and rushes forward, embracing him. “It’s me, Grandfather! I’m back, and I’ve come to bring everyone with me.”
“But… how?” he asks with wonder, his eyes wandering over her companions and eventually landing on Teemo, still sitting on her shoulder.
“There’s a lot of hows in that one question, hmm?” he answers, only making her Grandfather even more confused.
“There’s too much to explain right now, Grandfather. Just please, get everyone here so we can go. Teemo here has made a shortcut for us all. We need to take it, before the Maw notices.”
“How would it not notice?” he asks, before a crash of metal on metal sounds from just behind Aranya. She quickly turns, seeing Ragnar in a full defensive stance, staring at the entrance to the Enclave… at the Redcap.
“So, the Master was right. You thieves wanted the Master’s precious kobolds.” The lanky fey slowly stands to his full height in the tall cavern, his blue eyes looking disinterested as he takes in the scene. “I should thank you, I suppose. I haven’t had a chance to make a fresh hat in a while.”
< [Next>]
Cover art I'm also on Royal Road for those who may prefer the reading experience over there. Want moar? The First Book is now officially available! There are Kindle and Audible versions, as well as paperback! Also: Discord is a thing! I now have a Patreon for monthly donations, and I have a Ko-fi for one-off donations. Patreons can read up to three chapters ahead, and also get a few other special perks as well, like special lore in the Peeks. Thank you again to everyone who is reading!
submitted by Khenal to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:55 FaythKnight Is such a build viable?

Is such a build viable?
I have about 30 hours in. Somehow early decisions ended like this. I thought the build was quite fun. But my max hp is ridiculously low. I wonder if something similar could beat heart. I've unlocked it but never managed to beat it. I manage only to reach act 3 boss, I didn't expect it could heal, I brought it down to 2 hp and it healed back to 200+. Sorry for low quality pic, I only have a cheap phone.
submitted by FaythKnight to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:17 walaxometrobixinodri Sometimes a Witch is a reason to write an AMAZING backstory

Sometimes a Witch is a reason to write an AMAZING backstory
Wrote a Backstory and Personality for the Magical Girl that would become one of the Witches i made
Usually people do OC's the other way, girl then witch but i made a ton of witches already so why not giving them backstories now ? + i had an amazing inspiration
probably long too
. anyway
The name's Aria Ronchieri, an Italian (origin kinda important) Scientific. Increased knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, Physics Probably in her twenties, or not far (age actually relevant to the scenario) . From the beginning very intrigued by Kyuubey and all the supernatural, immediately asks him many questions: learn entropy, witches, magical girls, their true nature, their destiny. The Witches piqued her curiosity enormously, both by their very concept and by their transgression of Lavoisier’s law. The creation of energy is a most absurd concept and difficult to accept as a scientist, but the facts are there and from a pragmatic point of view the plan is the best thing to do to preserve the universe. . Decides to make the contract. Her wish: “I wish to be able to carry out any research I undertake, find all the answers to the questions I would ask myself, no matter the question, no matter the path, no matter the obstacles.” (Can you feel the moment when it’s gonna backfire really fucking bad ???) . This Vow helps her greatly in her studies and research, and she does not fear her confrontations with the Witches, just waiting impatiently. Each Witch is a magnificent subject of study, a gold mine of research and answers. This helps her keep his Soul Gem relatively clear, and never sink into despair. She grow up and finished her studies, entering research. Her magical girl costume is a lab coat, with protective glasses. She fights with a whole bunch of lab junk, syringes, vials of liquids and stuff. Homemade bombs. Things like that. Not specifically strong but very diverse, able to work in all situations. It also includes a notebook, in which detailed scientific analyses of each Witch are recorded.
She is not part of a specific group of magical girls, preferring to help anyone who comes in the moment. She makes herself a reputation of reliable all-domains helper, that can offer support in any situation. The fact that she is much older than her comrades also gives her the status of an elder or veteran, strategist and source of information. Some Magical Girls find her really strange, However. Too eager to interact with the Witches, occasionally stops fighting them and does stuff with??? Observes them, experiment with them, note in her notebook in the middle of battle. Once she stopped a girl from killing the witch because she had, I quote, «not finished her observations», which somewhat ruined her relations with this group. The few comrades who entered Aria’s house saw the wall covered with drawings: the sketches of each witch she encountered in her life, accompanied by notes and analyses. Dozens and dozens of drawings, lined up, stacked, all logged information, all archived analysis. No one but Aria was satisfied with this vision. . Some slight problems, however, related to her wish. Her wish to have the answers to all the questions she will ask. ALL the Questions.
When you’re a scientist, you can’t help but have some disturbing questions from time to time. Said disturbing questions will be answered here. But not just "hop there I know the answer when I ask myself the question". NO, no, the wish was clear: the answer is obtained after research and experiments.
. Can a witch feel pain? A witch is tortured and notes her reactions. The answer is Yes. .
Is Kyubey edible? We shoot a Kyubey, we cook it. Test of taste, nutrition. The answer is No. .
Is my Magical Girl artificial body resistant? Can I no longer feel pain?? Extreme self-harm, organ harvesting, auto-vivisection. The answer is yes. . And the worst question. What will my comrades' witches look like?????? Without knowing it, she doomed all the Magical Girl comrades she met in her life to become Witches (yes I know it was their destiny but you can still die instead of becoming a Witch. There because of her wish you will not even die, no matter what happens to you you WILL become a witch one day. you cannot avoid Despair.) Even worse, Aria also wonders what HER WITCH will look like. She has denied herself the escape from death, and she has doomed herself to fall into despair one day or another, inevitably. . All these questions and their answers not always really wanted influence nevertheless her mental state, and darken little by little her Soul Gem. To remedy this, Aria tries to interact less and less with her classmates Magical Girls, as well as distilling her own homemade Vodka. Because you ask yourself less serious questions when you are drunk. This alcoholism greatly degraded her social relations as well as the quality of her research. The only thing that has not been degraded is her love for witches and the assiduity of observations on them. Looking over and over at this wall full of drawings and analyses is the last thing that keeps Aria’s Soul Gem clear. . . Until the fateful day when the worst question is asked. “If when I take the Soul Gem away from a girl, her body dies. Because the soul is in the Gem. If I let the body decompose and then bring the gem back, does the soul return to the decomposing body? Can she still move? Can she feel the pain or her broken organs?????”
. A question that physically cannot go unanswered. She MUST search, find the answer. But she absolutely must not. It would be murder, pure and simple.
And in the event that the subject survives, torture infinitely worse than death.
. But the wish is stronger than reason. It is only after weeks of mental torture, ethyl comas and moral reflections that the scientist finds herself forced to commit the worst crime of her life. .
She spots a lonely Magical Girl comrade, whom few people know and whose disappearance will not alert anyone. Quickly, she subdues it, immobilizes it, and takes away the Soul Gem. Soul Gem is stored in the Lab locker. The Corpse is stored in the basement of her home, fortunately in a countryside far from other buildings. .
In Two Days, flies begin to flood the body. .
In five days the smell becomes pestilential. The belly swells due to gas. .
Within a week the traces of decomposition are visible on the body. The skin begins to pierce, revealing the flesh. .
In two weeks, half the organs were broken down. An eye is missing, the digestive system is a greenish goo, the muscles are dotted with holes and oozing wounds. .
A perfect time to witness the most atrocious thing of her life. .
Go back to the lab. Grab the Soul Gem.
come back to the corpse
The Answer to the question…
Is Yes. .
The girl’s soul has returned to her body. Her only eye is immediately fill with unspeakable terror. She tries to scream with her non-existent vocal cords. No sound comes out. She tries to get up but the muscles are not in good enough shape. The muscles contract in vain what little matter they have left. The body does not move. .
The scientist is shot. Riddled with unprecedented guilt. She committed an unforgivable crime. Her own Soul Gem begins to darken.
The girl’s Soul Gem also darkens, much faster. Being in a body in such a state of decomposition must be unbearable. .
She cracks. Aria witness the birth of a witch for the first time. She does not fight it. She doesn’t even want to see her.
Despite his attempts to stabilize himself and his alcohol, the guilt is too strong. Four days later, the scientist also cracks, and becomes Farascheina Lumière, Witch of Curiosity.
And so Aria Ronchieri’s last question is answered: «What will my own witch look like»
150 meters high, the greatest witch ever seen
I made calculations, don't worry. The Lighthouse is 40m tall, if we use it to measure the rest of the body we have something near 150m. margin of error of 20m i'd say
(Will however be dethroned by Eleonora and her few kilometers long. I do not know if the Madoka's witch who is the size of the earth also counts.)
Her Nature is wonder. Farascheina Lumière travels the world and observes every detail, illuminating every corner of reality with her brilliant light. This same light is the main threat to the witch’s opponents, altering reality itself, revealing unknown dimensions and universes. A person caught in the light could find herself made of papier mache, or become abstract art. The effects are temporary, lasting a few seconds, but no less unpleasant and violent. Who knows what will happen to you if you become a swarm of butterflies or an allegory of yourself.
The other main threats are the fact that the witch is FUCKING HUGE OH MY GOD how do you even kill something that big ????? And also standing in the middle of an ocean so good luck swimming if you fall in the water.
Her Familiar is the Boat Cristobal, the discoverer. Huge ship with ornate hull and multiple masts, He navigates the world and directs his mistress to new discoveries, attracting her light and attention. Cristobal is just as much the boat as the captain of the crew: a crew of stick men constantly busy themselves, taking care of the boat or of what is the next destination is, led by the captain in colored military uniform holding the helm.
The labyrinth of Farascheina Lumière being a huge stormy ocean, each Magical Girl who enters it finds herself on a boat. The appearance of the boat depends on the girl who enters. All these boats are also familiar to Farascheina Lumière, but none is as big or splendid as Cristobal.
submitted by walaxometrobixinodri to MadokaMagica [link] [comments]