Thick friendship bracelet pattern

Hexagon Meshes

2024.05.19 17:57 Rasann Hexagon Meshes

Hexagon Meshes
was following a tutorial on how to make a hexagon mesh, I wanted to make a basket to hold tea packets for my wife to print on my 3D printer for her, I've got the simple basket, but I did not know how to make a hexagon pattern to embed/cut out of the existing object.
Just to get an idea I wanted to figure out how to make a mesh, so I found a tutorial on YouTube that showed me how to make a hexagonal mesh, then wrapped around a cylinder (I needed an idea how to make one in the first place) no macro involved or anything.
I got to the point where I had the hexagon array wrapped around the tube/cylinder but when I tried to increase the thickness of the wrapped array (using the Curves Workshop, using Sketch on Surface) the compute fails and tells me:
: list index out of range
along many other messages telling me that there are invalid initial faces and unorientable shapes. I don't know near enough to diagnose, troubleshoot, or figure out where to go to fix these errors.
Photos are included for clarity, as well as the link for the tutorial video (stopping at timestamp 21:45 on the video because of this error) I have been following to figure this out.
Thanks for any and all help that you can impart
FreeCAD: Quick and Easy Hexagon Mesh Wrapped Around Cylinder Tube (
submitted by Rasann to FreeCAD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:56 Zealousideal_Mix6771 Anyone else's school like this with the Taylor mania?

Anyone else's school like this with the Taylor mania?
I honestly never listened to her really until after I took my daughter to see Eras in theaters and I did enjoy it and started listening to her more. But the obsession people have is unreal. Teacher appreciation week was Eras themed this year, which was really wild to me. Teachers got friendship bracelets, there was a Wildest (or Mildest) dreams taco bar for teachers, basically every day was named something to do with Eras. At this point I won't be shocked if "dress up as your favorite Era" becomes a theme for one of the dress up days next year. I'm thinking there's no way every single teacher at that school is a Swiftie.
submitted by Zealousideal_Mix6771 to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:48 aninha1986 AITA for refusing to help my ex-friend with his new book?

(courtesy of chatgpt)
Hi, everyone. I need some outside perspective on a situation with an old friend.
I used to be best friends with a former sitcom star, let’s call him “B.” We had a lot of ups and downs over the years, but ultimately our friendship fell apart because of his constant self-destructive behavior. Despite that, we’ve stayed in touch here and there.
Recently, B reached out to me for help with his new book. He thinks I’m the only one who truly understands him and can help tell his story honestly. Here’s the thing: I’m finally in a good place in my life. I have a stable job, I’m working on my own projects, and I’m in a healthy relationship. Diving back into B’s world feels like it would be a huge step backward for me.
When I told B I couldn’t help, he accused me of abandoning him and said I’m the only person who can do this for him. He even suggested that if his book fails, it would be my fault for not supporting him. I understand that he’s desperate, but I don’t think it’s fair to put that kind of pressure on me.
My friends are divided on the issue. Some think I should help B because it’s a chance for him to turn his life around, while others believe it’s not my responsibility to save him every time he messes up.
So, AITA for refusing to help my ex-friend with his new book?
Edit: Thanks for all the feedback. Just to add some context: 1. I co-wrote B’s first memoir, which was emotionally exhausting and took a significant toll on my mental health. 2. B has a history of manipulating people to get what he wants, and I’m worried about falling back into old patterns. 3. I have my own writing projects that I’m passionate about and that deserve my full attention.
Your insights have been really helpful. Thank you.
submitted by aninha1986 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:26 eclipse0990 How should I push for a mid year pay revision?

In January this year, I switched jobs and joined my current company as L4. This company had lower pay bands compared to my previous company. But since they were essentially promoting me, I took the offer with marginal pay increase.
Thing is, the offer they gave me at the time was about 108% of what they have as average of L4 range(compa ratio) and they said they just could not give me any more because that would put me right away on path to next promotion. By March, they changed the range and now I’m at 95% on the compa ratio. And I did the math, given the company’s hike patterns, it would take me atleast 3 years of very high performance of what my salary would have been if I was at 108% now. I want to ask my manager to atleast put me to 100%.
My 6 months probation period ends in July. I’ve been asking for feedbacks every 1:1 with my manager and he is really happy with the way I’m going about the ramp up and my role as the tech lead. I also am in the thick of things in the company and am a known name for most of the teams my team works with. There is a half yearly review which will kick off right before my probation ends. But this is just a review to see if people are on track, not for hikes or promotions.
I am looking for some advice on how to handle this situation and have positive, result yielding conversations without things turning sour between me and the company.
(Sorry for poor writing. It’s pretty hard to write a post back and forth on Reddit).
submitted by eclipse0990 to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:07 sellehllama Curly/wavy?

My current hair care is literally washing it and going to bed with it wet🫣
The entire under layer of my hair is pin straight, the rest does this. I have no idea how to treat it, style it, care for it, etc.
5 years ago I buzzed my hair and it came back entirely different thickness, texture, frizz, and curl pattern.
Products would be helpful (not looking to break the bank but also not trying to neglect my hair), as well as basic tips. I am literally down for anything.
submitted by sellehllama to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:48 minttu12 I (32F) am dating with (38M). am I wasting my time to be his gf?

I have been dating with a guy (38M) for 7months. We have been seeing each other once a week consistently. When I met him I just broke up from relationship and I told him that I wanted to take it slow. 3 months ago, I asked him if he’s using dating apps and he said “No, the only person I want to see romantically is you”. So we became somewhat “official”, decided not to see other person, but didn’t label us as boyfriend-girlfriend.
In the beginning of our relationships, he was texting often, talking about our future travel plan etc, but I started feeling him distancing himself slowly after we became “official”. It’s hard to describe but I can feel that he is not so interested in my life anymore. But we still kept seeing once a week constantly.
He has his friends group(among 2 of them are his ex-hookups/situationships) and he considers them as a family(although their friendship started less than 2years ago), and he hangs out with them 2-3 times a week and texting every day. They go travel together and he talked about those 2 girls very often in our conversation. I felt jealous that he spent so much time with them and didn’t seem investing in time with me so last month I asked him if he wants to see me more often. I also told him about I’m feeling bit jealous about ex-hookups.
After that conversation everything started feeling off. He is there but not mentally there. He avoid “deeper” conversations, and when we have, he shuts down and needs 1-2 weeks to come back.
He said he has been single for 6 years and he’s looking for a “special one”. Last girl who he dated was the one of his best friend now. He said he suddenly felt “off” out of nowhere after dating few weeks with her, and became best friends after. He said it’s his pattern. He has no idea where those “off” switch comes from. And he told me that “I am lost and I don’t think I can be anyone’s boyfriend ever. I have commitment issue. I can’t promise you anything but I also don’t want to hurt you”.
Few weeks ago, we had a conversation that if I want to see other person I can. And I felt weird and sad so I decided to take some time off from him.
After 3 weeks break, we have been texting what it would be best for us. He suggested that we keep seeing each other like before but it should be casual and open but I said I don’t want “open” relationships. He said he’s not gonna look for new date now but maybe some point he want to. And he kept saying he doesn’t wanna “hurt me” so we should be careful about our “awakening” moment. He said he is completely lost too that he doesn’t know what he wants.
I like him and i want to be his gf someday, but I feel like he’s gonna just lose all interest out of nowhere and leave. Should I just leave him and move on? Or should I stay with him and see where it goes?
submitted by minttu12 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:46 E_Latimer The old lady in the Bodega isn’t what she seems.

I think a lot about signals. Signals that show people what groups they belong to. Signals that hide the truth. Everybody uses signals to blend, entice, or trap.
Grandma Pearl died not long after her stroke, and I've been making bad decisions ever since. Maybe my expectations are too high, or I'm just an idiot. Either way, I ran away from the group home to be with people who called themselves my "family." They were the wrong people. They used the words family, brother, sister, and love like lock picks, stealing trust, and taking self-respect.
The only person I remember using the word family correctly was Grandma Pearl. She was a small woman who toured the US as an actress before settling with Granddad above their theatrical rentals shop. I was three when the car accident took Granddad and Mom, so I don't know if they used the word "family" correctly, but I hope they did.
I was never as outgoing as Grandma, but that didn't bother her; she taught me how to watch people. How to see their signals, and how to listen. When she died. I forgot a lot of those lessons for a while.
They called it a "family". The "family" moved product. That product could be goods, drugs, or people.
The uninitiated, like me, were distracted with food and a dry place to sleep, but it didn't take long to see behind the curtain. Things got too intense with the new "family" and I ran.
I ran back to my old neighborhood. The buildings were familiar even if my home was gone. The old theatrical shop had been turned into a microbrewery.
After an appropriate amount of self-pity, thirty minutes, I wandered the alleys, picking up cans or scavenging for bits and pieces that could be recycled, used, or bartered.
I recognized old faces, but I tried to stay out of sight. It was safer that way.
The only place I allowed myself to be seen was the old Lutheran church on the park's far side. Most people who might have known me had aged out of the congregation or died. It was worth the risk because St. Lazarus had a food pantry in the basement and gave out lunches most days, so I wasn't always hungry, which was nice.
I found a dry spot near the library to sleep, which seemed like a stroke of luck until it wasn't.
I had the contentment that came with being in a familiar place. Little bits of comfort let me believe, for a moment, that I wasn't a screw-up and hadn't trusted the wrong people. That moment scurried away when Stick found me.
Stick was a scary asshole. He technically wasn't in charge of the " family," but he made it work. He got things done. I have no idea how old he was. He was all corded muscle and could clock in between twenty and fifty. He looked half-starved and moved like a stalking predator, even with his limp.
His left leg was stiff. The knee didn't bend, and anytime he sat, his left leg would be splayed to the side like a kickstand on a bike. The leg was why he walked with a cane. The cane and how he used it was why we called him Stick.
I don't know why he took the time to track me down. It's not like I was wanted. Maybe it was that I had become property. Property shouldn't just wander off.
Sometimes, you feel a person before you see them. The air is different. When Stick was around, the air felt dead and motionless. I knew I was being watched before I opened my eyes.
Stick was sitting on a milk crate, his bad leg cocked to the side and his forehead resting on his cane. I pushed myself out from beneath the ductwork of the HVAC unit I had been sleeping under and slapped the dirt off my jeans.
"I thought that was you," Stick said as his sharp grin curved up to his unblinking dark eyes.
Stick wanted my discomfort. I'd seen him play the intimidation game too many times. He'd act too friendly, and then when you were good and worried, quick movements, a hand around the back of your neck, and violence would be next. Then he'd act like the whole mind fuck was a big joke, like you were friends, and isn't it great that you can joke around with someone who "really" cared.
It worked, too. If you were the unfortunate focus of Stick's attention, you would be grateful when he smiled and said, "Just a joke, kid. Don't be so sensitive." I'd seen the pattern enough times to know Stick trained people like dogs with his hot and cold game. I didn't like the game, or the fear, so I changed the pattern.
"Hey, Stick, did you come to help pick up cans?" I asked, making sure my smile reached my eyes. I was trying to be pleasant while ignoring the burning nervousness in my gut.
It was still dark out, but I could see Stick's expressions well enough.
Stick tapped his cane on the sidewalk and squinted at me skeptically before answering. "Just checking on my little brother."
We were not related.
Stick liked to call the uninitiated his little brothers or little sisters. He forced intimacy into his language. I didn't argue the point. Interactions went best with Stick when you agreed with everything he said.
"Thanks, man," I complimented, trying to sound genuine and ignorant as I stepped forward and offered him my hand.
Stick didn't move, but I could see that this conversation wasn't going as planned for him, and I forced myself not to react to his confusion. I couldn't break character, or he would know I was playing him.
Stick tapped his cane on the ground twice, grasped my hand, and stood. He watched me. I held his stare, but in an open, naive, guileless way that I had perfected in front of the mirror as grandma gave acting advice while she put her face on.
I once asked Grandma Perl why anyone would practice acting stupid. She pointed her mascara brush at me and, in her ditsiest Minnesota Nice character, said, "It's easier to be forgiven when people think you're a little dumb, don't ya know?" Like with most things, Grandma was right.
Before I understood what had happened, Stick pulled me into his side and slung an arm around my shoulder.
"You don't have a name yet. Everyone gets a name, but they don't get to pick it." He paused and gave me a Cheshire cat grin. "I have a name for you, little brother. You are going to be called Slide." Then he held my chin and forced eye contact." Your name will be Slide because I have never seen anyone slide out of shit faster than you. I can't tell if you do it on purpose or not, and I've been watching. I watch everybody. You do, too. Hell, this might be the first time I've ever heard you talk. So let's celebrate your name, Slide." Stick's smile slipped as he pulled me out of the alley. "We'll go do something special."
I stayed silent, knowing full well what was coming. Being named meant doing something you could never take back. It was public and would put you in prison if the police ever took the time to look for you. It meant severing yourself from your life before and relying entirely on the "family." I had been absent each time naming seemed to be in the cards, but I couldn't duck out this time.
There was only one place to go at this time of night that would have an impact, the Bodega.
The Bodega was a red hole in the wall with a glass door papered over with grocery ads years outdated. Canned salmon two for one seemed to be the dominant theme. Although there were two large windows, one on either side of the door, you could barely see in. The right window was a tapestry of cigarette promotions. The left window displayed the only swath of uncovered glass with a view of the interior. From the outside, the view was of tobacco, lottery scratchers, and Old Lady Imitari.
Old Lady Imitari owned the store. She was a short, dark-haired woman who always wore a long floral tank top. Grandma Pearl loved the old woman but said Imitari looked like an old man's thumb all the years she had known her, and Grandma moved to the neighborhood with Grandad thirty years ago. Imitari was a local legend even then because the Bodega was open twenty hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, and no one else worked in the store. Grandma used to make an extra strong coffee called Barako and chat with Imitari sometimes when work in the shop was slow.
I would sneak out at night and try to catch Imitari sleeping. No matter the time, I never caught her snoozing, and she always saw me peeking at her through the window. I know she saw me because she would uncross her arms and wave her flyswatter at me.
All these memories flicked through my mind as Stick smiled his too-wide smile and pushed me into the Bodega.
Imitari flicked her fly swatter at me in acknowledgment, and her attention returned to the small TV she had nestled beside the cash register, which seemed to be the old woman's only real tether to the world outside her shop.
The inside of the Bodega was just a long hallway with shelves of convenience foods, drinks, home supplies, candy, and cold meds covering every available surface from floor to ceiling. The only break in the tunnel of products was the glass counter at the back corner of the store; Imitari presided over her mini domain by casually ignoring her shoppers. I tried to make eye contact with the old woman again as Stick pushed me to the back of the shop, but after her initial acknowledgment of our entrance, Imitari's eyes stayed focused on her TV.
As casually confident as possible, I walked to the cooler and grabbed an iced tea. "Want a drink," I asked over my shoulder, my voice unusually steady, given the electric current of anxiety flowing through me.
Stick sneered and tapped his cane twice on the ground. His eyes found all the security cameras in the tiny store, a frown creasing his angular features.
I followed his line of sight and finally realized what had bothered him. The cameras were fake. They looked like security cameras, but they weren't. There were no wires or lenses, just rectangles and circles in a security camera shape.
Stick took a deep breath and tapped his cane on the ground again. " There… is … so… much… here… to… see… but… no… one… is… watching," he said with a singsong. Then his sneer turned into a cruel smile.
I knew Stick wanted an audience for what he would force me to do. The fact that the security cameras were fakes meant that whatever was going to happen would now have to be significant. An event that the neighborhood wouldn't be able to ignore. My stomach twisted with the thought.
Stick waggled his eyebrows at me. He had been watching. He had seen my thoughts, and we both knew he had something terrible in mind.
The cane twirled in Stick's hand and then tapped twice on the shop tile.
"I think I want a little bit of this," Stick said, gesturing wildly with his cane, sending a row of soup cans tumbling to the floor. "And a little bit of that," Stick added as another wild gesture sent cups of ramen spinning and knocking glass bottles of hot sauce to the floor.
I stood paralyzed, unable to run. I was trapped with nowhere to duck away to. I didn't want Stick to hurt Old Lady Imitari, and I didn't want Stick to hurt me, either. The truth was, he would hurt both of us no matter what I did. That was just the way Stick was. I'd seen him. I'd seen him show us who he was every day.
Then I realized Imitari hadn't moved. She was watching her TV and chuckling at the sitcom as if nothing had happened.
Stick glanced at me, confused. I almost felt sorry for the sociopath. His night was not going to plan.
Imitari chuckled at her TV again, and a crease formed in the middle of Stick's forehead, letting me know that he was beyond angry. He was calm, dangerous, and vicious. People had been left for dead when Stick got this way.
Stick raised his cane and flipped it so the handle jutted like a pickax. He was going to attack Imitari.
Somehow, I moved. I didn't do much, but when I slid forward and grabbed the back of Stick's shirt, the cane missed Imitari, and the sharp handle punctured the thick glass top of the counter just above a roll of Lotto scratchers.
Old lady Imitari slowly looked up into Stick's eyes and smiled. Her wide, gentle frown was replaced with a look of joy and something else, something primal, something hungry. Her pupils were blown, and I had the uneasy feeling that I was watching someone be served their absolute favorite meal.
Before Stick could pull his cane from the punctured glass, Imitari casually reached forward, grabbed the cane, and pulled the wirey man forward. Small, old, and wrinkled, Imitari stared into Stick's eyes and overpowered him.
Stick fell forward across the counter. He tried to push himself back, but Imitari's hand clamped down on his wrist like a vice.
Bones ground together as Imitari pulled Stick's hand to her mouth, and with a swift, subtle movement, she bit off the tips of Stick's pinky and ring finger like she was sampling a cookie.
I jumped back next to the cooler as a thin spray of blood arched toward me.
Stick screamed and thrashed, but Imitari's small form was static and immovable. Stick was a fly in a trap. No matter how much he struggled, punched, poked, or kicked, he could not break the old woman's hold. Then, slowly, she took another bite.
It was strangely fascinating watching the frail form of this old woman I had known for years take bite after bite out of Stick. This man, whom I thought of as a predator, a hunter, an enforcer, was crying and begging while an old woman, who looked like a wrinkled thumb in a floral top, quietly devoured him.
I was surprised by the lack of blood after the first spray. I'm sure it was Imitari's crushing grip that stanched the flow of blood. The flesh of Stick's arm looked white from the pressure.
Hand over hand, Imitari pulled Stick forward. Bones cracked as she gripped higher on Stick's arm, clamped down with her long leathery fingers, and fed the flesh and bone, one concise bite at a time, into her open smiling maw. It was rhythmical in its simplicity: chomp, crunch, chew, chew, swallow. Over and over, the pattern continued until the begging stopped.
Stick wasn't dead. He gave up. Not struggling, he laid over the glass counter like a rag doll. He watched me glassily as Imitari took bite after bite, and I knew he wasn't there anymore. Whatever made Stick Stick had either curled up and hidden in a dark corner of his mind or had been devoured with his arm.
The old woman seemed displeased that her meal had stopped struggling. She shook him, but he flopped, and his head lulled from side to side. Imitari frowned, let go of Stick's arm, and pushed down on the limp man's back. Blood gushed from the ragged stump, and Imitari lowered her mouth and drank from the wound like she was sipping from a garden hose.
Stick didn't move. He just grew pail, and eventually, his panicked, shallow breaths ended, and the blood stopped flowing.
Then Imitari stood. With a quick tug, she pulled Stick's body over the counter and let it flop to the floor at her feet. Her eyes closed. A contented smile bloomed on her face as the explosive sound of crunching and cracking bones echoed through the small shop.
The deafening sound of crunching stopped, and only the buzzing of the drinks cooler reverberated through the small space. Imitari opened her eyes and watched me, a broad smile still on her lips. At that moment, I realized I could hear the drinks cooler so well because I had crawled into it, wedged between the glass door and the shelves.
Imitari held me with her gaze as cords of pink flesh lowered from the ceiling and efficiently tidied up Stick's mess, lapping up blood and hot sauce, placing cans on shelves, and scooping up cups of ramen with whip-like tendrils. Then, the cords of flesh nudged me forward, and I stood before Old Lady Imitari.
The thing that I had always thought of as a stern old woman handed me Stick's cane. With the same benign smile I remembered from buying red hots from it as a ten-year-old, it waved me away with its flyswatter, and the cords of flesh pushed me out the door onto the sidewalk.
submitted by E_Latimer to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:12 HopefulBlueberry17 How should I (M30) handle my best friend's (M32) girlfriend (F28) being overtly sexual and flirty?

TLDR: My (M30) best friend's (M32) new girlfriend (F28) is showing me a lot of potentially red flags, and I'm concerned about my friend's well-being in the long run. How do I proceed?
My best friend (M30) and I (M32) have been best friends for the past 8 years. My friend has recently gotten into a relationship with a new lady (F28), and they've been dating for about 6 months. I only officially met her last week (I'd been in the process of moving back home from another city) and I immediately got a really bad gut feeling.
This new girlfriend was very awkward and very overtly sexual right off the bat (she always managed to turn something mundane into something very sexual, completely unprompted) - for the record, I’m fine with talking about sexual things as long as everybody’s on the same page and is comfortable with it, but her comments were completely out of the blue and caught me off guard on numerous occasions. Now for context, all 3 of us struggle with various mental illnesses, so I tried to tell myself that her awkwardness may be due to her mental illness/trauma, and that maybe talking about sexual things was a way to work through her trauma and that I should be patient with her, but my gut feeling persisted.
I decided to give her a second chance a few days ago, as the 3 of us went out for dinner, and things went smoothly without incident, so I just figured this new lady was just nervous to meet me, just as I'd been nervous to meet her, and I thought that maybe things would continue to be fine moving forward.
Last night, the 3 of us spent time at my friend's house, and I learned some very... interesting things about my friend's girlfriend. First off, she is currently filing for divorce from her current ex-husband (M - age unknown). From what she's told me, this ex-husband is quite the character and very abusive, so I can understand her wanting to get out of that marriage. My friend is aware of this divorce and is very supportive of her.
Secondly, there were multiple times throughout the night where she kept making comments implying that she'd be open to having me in a poly relationship with both of them, even though I am not poly and very much uninterested in both of them as romantic partners (I'm a bi guy, but am strictly monogamous). Even my friend had to tell her to stop because of how uncomfortable I was getting.
And lastly, the new girlfriend has tinder and stated that she and my friend have made an agreement that she is allowed to be flirty and verbally/written sexual with others, as long as she is not physically sexual with a third party.
I'm glad my friend and his new girlfriend have talked about her flirty tendencies, but I'm still really concerned about him in the long run. My gut is still screaming at me to do something, but I don't want to lose my friendship with this guy should he choose to take his girlfriend's side. We've been through thick n thin together, and I don't know where I'd be without him, and furthermore, I just don't want to lose him.
What should I do?
submitted by HopefulBlueberry17 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:46 Ok-Mud2642 Are you looking for a unique and special-interest design in a bracelet? Look no further than the Ethnic Style Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet. This exquisite piece combines the beauty of natural gemstones with a special design that is sure to make a statement.

Are you looking for a unique and special-interest design in a bracelet? Look no further than the Ethnic Style Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet. This exquisite piece combines the beauty of natural gemstones with a special design that is sure to make a statement.

What makes the Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet special?

The Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet is crafted using high-quality, natural gemstones that have been carefully selected for their beauty and energy properties. Strawberry Quartz is known for its calming and soothing energy, making it the perfect stone to wear throughout the day.

Why choose an Ethnic Style design?

The Ethnic Style design of this bracelet adds a unique and cultural touch to your accessory collection. The intricate patterns and details in the design showcase the craftsmanship and artistry of the piece, making it a standout accessory for any outfit.

Benefits of wearing the Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet

Not only is the Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet a beautiful accessory, but it also offers a range of benefits for the wearer. Strawberry Quartz is believed to promote love, positivity, and emotional healing, making it a great stone to wear for overall well-being.
Additionally, the special-interest design of the bracelet adds a touch of personality and individuality to your style, allowing you to express yourself through your accessories.

How to style the Ethnic Style Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet

This versatile bracelet can be styled in a variety of ways to suit your personal style. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or adding a unique touch to your everyday look, the Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet is the perfect accessory.
Pair it with other gemstone bracelets for a stacked look, or wear it on its own to let the beauty of the stone and design shine through. The Ethnic Style design of the bracelet makes it a statement piece that can elevate any outfit.
Overall, the Ethnic Style Natural Strawberry Quartz Bracelet is a special and unique accessory that combines the beauty of natural gemstones with a special-interest design. Add this bracelet to your collection for a touch of culture, style, and positive energy.
submitted by Ok-Mud2642 to u/Ok-Mud2642 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:38 dacianfalx42 Technology Currently being developed by the Mage's Guild

  1. Hydration Trackers: Wearables that monitor water intake throughout the day and provide reminders to stay hydrated. They could also analyze hydration levels based on factors like activity level and environmental conditions.
  2. Posture Correctors: Devices that detect and alert users about poor posture habits, such as slouching or hunching over. They could provide gentle vibrations or reminders to encourage proper spinal alignment.
  3. Sun Exposure Sensors: Wearables equipped with UV sensors to monitor sun exposure levels and provide alerts when users are at risk of sunburn or overexposure. They could also recommend appropriate sun protection measures based on skin type and environmental conditions.
  4. Nutrition Trackers: Wearables that track dietary habits, including food intake and nutritional content. They could offer personalized recommendations for balanced meals, dietary adjustments, and portion control to support overall health and wellness goals.
  5. Pain Management Devices: Wearables that utilize technologies such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or heat therapy to alleviate muscle tension, joint pain, and discomfort. They could provide customizable pain relief programs tailored to individual needs.
  6. Mindfulness Bracelets: Wearables designed to promote mindfulness and relaxation through guided breathing exercises, meditation prompts, or calming vibrations. They could also track stress levels and provide feedback on relaxation techniques.
  7. Sleep Enhancers: Wearables that track sleep quality and patterns, offering insights into sleep stages, disturbances, and overall sleep hygiene. They could incorporate features like white noise generators, gentle alarm systems, or sleep coaching programs to improve sleep duration and quality.
  8. Allergy Detectors: Wearables equipped with sensors to detect common allergens in the surrounding environment, such as pollen, dust, or pet dander. They could provide real-time alerts and personalized recommendations for allergy management strategies.
  9. Gait Analysis Devices: Wearables that analyze walking and running patterns to assess gait biomechanics and detect potential issues or imbalances. They could offer feedback on improving stride efficiency, foot placement, and overall gait mechanics.
These wearables, combined with the previously mentioned ones, offer a comprehensive approach to personal health and wellness, addressing various aspects such as physical activity, nutrition, sleep, mental well-being, and environmental factors.
submitted by dacianfalx42 to MagesGuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:12 toleste [QCrit] QUESTIONING, LGBT+ Contemporary Romance, 80k, first attempt

Hey PubTips! Just want to say an upfront thanks to everyone who posts and comments on this subreddit - I've learned so much already!
I'm hoping to submit to a competition in which the prize is feedback from an agent. The competition is being run by Spread The Word and Frog Literary, and you can find it here if you're interested in applying too! (
In the submission guidelines they ask for a cover letter, and I initially took this as more of a standard cover letter but after feedback from an author friend, they suggested they might be looking for a traditional query. My autistic brain struggles with reading between the lines sometimes, so I emailed them to clarify and the standard query is what they're after.
Just for context, my manuscript isn't completely finished but there's nothing in the guidelines to suggest it needs to be finished to apply. If anyone has any feedback or insight they could offer me, I'd be super grateful! Thank you :)
Dear [Agent],
As you represent [LGBT+ romance author], I believe you would be interested in my LGBT+ contemporary romance, QUESTIONING, which will be complete at 80,000 words. It merges the exploration of a newly discovered sexuality as seen in Kate Davies’ In At The Deep End with the wholesome, diverse found-family cast of Casey McQuiston’s One Last Stop.
Lucy is happy to spend the rest of her life in Harrison’s shadow, but she isn’t content to be confined to their kitchen only making meals for him and his fancy friends. She wants to be a real chef. When she gently brings up the idea of culinary school with Harrison, his temper flares and he kicks her out of their shared flat.
Heartbroken and temporarily homeless, she knows that Harrison will eventually calm down like every other time he’s broken up with her. She reconnects with an old friend who gives her a place to stay and introduces her to Manchester’s thriving queer scene. There she meets Aaliyah, the eccentric artist whose confident and flirty nature stirs feelings in Lucy that are much more than friendship. She has to decide whether to stick with the straight-and-narrow life she’s envisioned for herself since she was sixteen, or take a chance on this side of herself that she didn’t even know existed before now.
As a disabled, bisexual woman living in a society where productivity and heteronormativity are the key metrics of success, I’ve always sought out ways to escape. This has inspired me to create narratives that others can escape into, where queer characters all get their happy endings. Queer joy deserves to be given more space within the literary canon and I want to be part of that.
After taking an online writing course and meeting women from similar backgrounds to me, I realised that being an author might be an achievable dream. In the years since I finished that course, I’ve watched hundreds of YouTube videos, listened to hours of podcasts and read any craft book I’ve been able to get my hands on. I also received a mentorship opportunity with the editor Nicky Lovick, who suggested Frog Literary as a good match for my book.
First 300
The smoke alarm cuts through the quiet of the flat like an air raid siren, interrupting my final rehearsal of the speech I’ve been planning for weeks. I rush across the living room, grabbing a tea towel from the neatly folded pile and frantically wave it under the screaming white box. The noise continues to pierce through me, my short arms useless in the face of the high ceilings. I pull a stack of my cookbooks from the counter and lay them on the floor.
‘Sorry,’ I mutter, stepping onto Marco Pierre White’s face with my bare feet.
With the beeping finally silenced, I have to contend with the source of the smoke. A trickle of grey leaks from the top of the oven, and I send a silent prayer to the universe that my bread is salvageable. I need tonight to go well.
Pulling down the silver handle, a thick cloud billows out from inside, fogging up my glasses and filling the space with the scent of scorched sourdough. I haphazardly wrap the tea towel around my hands and grab the searing hot tin from the oven, the thin material barely enough to keep my hands from suffering the same fate as my poor bread with its charcoal-coloured crust.
I throw the whole thing into the sink, tears pricking at the edges of my eyes, though that could just be from the smoke that’s hanging around the kitchen like I’m in Victorian London rather than 21st Century Manchester. Harrison will be pissed off if he comes back to a smog infested flat, so there’s no time to cry over burned bread. Instead, I crack open the windows to the maximum amount possible on the 27th floor without being a suicide risk and head out to buy a replacement loaf.
When I get home, the flat is back to normal, the neat surfaces and sterile black furniture all looking exactly as it should. I close the window, hoping that heat from the rest of the cooking will ward away the March chill that has seeped in.
submitted by toleste to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:37 Street_maomao_5025 The highest version on the market Santos de Cartier Women‘s Chateau Santos de Cartier Watch

The highest version on the market Santos de Cartier Women‘s Chateau Santos de Cartier Watch
The highest version on the market Santos de Cartier Women's Chateau Santos de Cartier Watch 1⃣️case: 316 stainless steel 2⃣️Handle: heptagonal crown Set with a multi-cut sapphire 3⃣️Dial: sunray pattern effect dial/classic white Roman dial 4⃣️Hands: sword-shaped blued steel hands 5⃣️Mirror: sapphire crystal 6⃣️steel bracelet: with "SmartLink" bracelet adjuster 7⃣️Leather strap: with alligator or cowhide strap 8⃣️Buckle: with double folding clasp Straps are equipped with "QuickSwitch" straps. 9⃣️Case size: 35.1 mm Thickness: 8.83 mm Water-resistant to 10 bar (approx. 100 meters)
submitted by Street_maomao_5025 to Repdesignerwatch1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:14 ThrowRA_remaincalm I (22NB) was in a mentally draining relationship with (22M) Advice?

Im a 22NB who dated my 22M boyfriend Wes for a year and a lot of stuff has happened between now and then. I don’t think I can give a play by play as it might make me sick but I’ll try to dwindle down the important bits: we met each other in a discord server for a niche media. We starting dating very soon into our friendship (bad idea). Things went well and I felt so loved and divine but things changed when we went back to aforementioned server. I’ve made a list of things that Wes has done (this is to cut for time, but I also need advice as to what anyone else would’ve done) 1. One of the first things they said to me was “I can’t be your confidant, you need to find your own friends to be your support group” 2. Whenever Wes was upset, he’d isolate and withdrawal, I’d take notice and tries to help, I only succeeded once and things went back to normal, but the pattern continued and he overall stopped being as loving to me verbally 3. After awhile, I noticed that I was the one taking lead (making plans to meetup, starting conversations, planning dates) so I backed off to let Wes take the lead but he never did. We would actually go almost an entire day before Wes would message me. 4. When I started making my own friends, he insisted on being their friend to…. But he told me to make my own friends. Hm. He’d also claim some of my older friends as his. 5. Whenever an artist we both follow would follow me back (making us mutuals), he’d say something very vaguely along the lines of “Oh… I was following them for SO LONG but that’s cool that they’re your mutual now” 6. We never had serious conversation because whenever I would ask the “important but uncomfortable questions” he’d choke up and disengage entirely 7. Whenever I brought up the fact that he did something that hurt me, his default response was “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Followed by repeating the behavior 8. Because I have crippling anxiety, I would get worried whenever he didn’t respond to my DMs, so I would go looking for him, just to find him in a call having fun with our friends. 9. Once my mental health got so bad that I was begging for someone to talk to me, in which Wes replied “We can’t help you, you need therapy” (he was aware that I had trauma with being gaslit in the past where my abusers would say the exact same thing) 10. I suggested we take a break because my mental health was declining, we made rules to abide by, and he promptly broke one 11. His affection for me verbally went down a lot, diaspore him being an “overly affectionate person with love to spare”, he was verbally lovey with friends. But not me. So when we took a break I thought it would be different because I was a friend again and not a partner but it didn’t change. 12. He started being more affectionate to someone I became close to and ignored me during the same call. I snapped because I was at my wits end and ended up hurting the friend. I felt terrible for it. 13. He got really sick and because I physically lacked sympathy, I expressed my sorry and let him sleep (he said he was going to sleep in the call so I left him to it), later on he started berating me with insults and when he finally cooled off a bit he told me that he was upset because I didn’t show him worry while he was sick, he told me that “I was so scared I was going to die that I told myself that I needed to tell you that I loved you every night” (he didn’t say anything to me during his cold at all.) But because I was incapable of sympathy I could only offer logical solutions and rest. His previous actions also conditioned me into never asking him if he was okay because it was clear that he didn’t care if I asked for not so I stopped asking. This breakup was so messy because my feelings and my needs kept getting ignored, my love language is quality time but he never “quality timed with me” 14. When I noticed that I wasn’t being treated like a partner, I asked him to please make time for me and to call me first sometimes, whenever he called he would be scrolling on his phone for the entire time and only spoke when it was to announce he was leaving to hang out with our mutual friends. Planning dates was abysmal. 15. After we broke up he told me that one of the things that he hated is that “I only accept love when it’s on my terms”, we have very different love languages, mine is quality time and his is physical touch. I am touch adverse. I forced myself to accept his touch because I knew that it was the only was I knew for a fact that he loved me. He never let me have quality time. We only did physical touch. Ouch. There’s…. Too many more and I don’t want to type all of them because I’m loosing sleep but please help me understand why it’s me who has to pick up all the pieces that he scattered?
submitted by ThrowRA_remaincalm to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:37 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carpe Deodorant

Best Carpe Deodorant
Sweat no more with Carpe Deodorant, a collection of innovative and effective products designed to keep you fresh all day long. In this roundup, we've compiled the best and most popular options from Carpe, offering you an array of deodorants that cater to various needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a natural formula, a clinical strength solution, or something in between, find the perfect fit for you as we explore the top-rated deodorants from Carpe. Say goodbye to unpleasant odors and hello to confidence with our carefully curated selection of Carpe Deodorants.

The Top 18 Best Carpe Deodorant

  1. Kopari Brightening Aluminum-Free Deodorant for Odor Control - Kopari's Brightening Aluminum-Free Deodorant offers a roll-on, quick-drying, plant-based solution that combines odor protection with skin brightening benefits, all in a refreshing melon scent.
  2. Carpe Antiperspirant Hand and Foot Lotion Package Deal - Experience the power of Carpe Antiperspirant Hand and Foot Lotion Package Deal - clinically proven, non-irritating, and dermatologist-recommended for ultimate sweat and odor control.
  3. Underarm Exfoliation and Odor Control Scrub - Experience 24-hour odor protection with Carpe Exfoliating Underarm Wash, a gentle and energizing scrub infused with natural witch hazel, aloe vera, and chamomile for a clean and refreshed underarm feel.
  4. On-The-Go Sweat-Fighting Wipes - Experience instant sweat-blocking, odor-neutralizing relief with Carpe On-The-Go Antiperspirant Underarm Wipes - compact, individually-wrapped, and perfect for on-the-go use, leaving you feeling clean and fresh anytime, anywhere.
  5. Clinically Proven Antiperspirant Foot Lotion - Plantar Hyperhidrosis Treatment - Stop excessive foot sweat and odor with the dermatologist-recommended Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion, a Paraben, Phthalate, Formaldehyde, and Sulfate-free solution, never tested on animals, and made in the USA for healthy, confident, and fresh feet.
  6. Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion for Hyperhidrosis (Warm Vanilla) - Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion: Derm-recommended, cruelty-free lotion to reduce excessive hand sweat, leaving a pleasant scent and gentle on skin, made proudly in the USA.
  7. Fast-Absorbing Anti-Chafing Thigh Lotion for Sweat Reduction - Carpe Thigh Lotion is a game-changing, natural-ingredient lotion that effortlessly reduces thigh chafing and dryness, providing lightweight, non-greasy hydration with a pleasant scent.
  8. Sweat and Odor-Reducing Groin Powder for Men - Carpe Sweat Absorbing Groin Powder: Maximum sweat absorption, mess and friction-free; perfect for chafing prevention and all-day comfort.
  9. Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm Wipes - Effective Sweat Management Night Wipes - Experience superior sweat control with Carpe's Clinical Grade Underarm Wipes - the ultimate solution to combat excessive sweating and keep you fresh for up to 48 hours.
  10. Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant and Deodorant Pack of 3 with Free On-the-Go Wipes - Unstoppable protection from excessive sweat and odor, made gentle and luxurious by our soft-foam applicator and natural eucalyptus scent.
  11. Advanced Antiperspirant for Excessive Sweating - Carpe Fresh Powder Scent - Experience all-day dryness and odor control with Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant and Deodorant, Fresh Powder Scent. Dermatologist-recommended and hypoallergenic, it suits all skin types, leaving no white residue.
  12. Dermatologist-Recommended Hand Lotion for Sweaty Hands - Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion (Pack of 2) - Dermatologist-recommended, over-the-counter formula that swiftly reduces excessive hand sweat and helps prevent clammy, sweaty palms while being quick-drying, paraben-free, cruelty-free, and made in the USA.
  13. Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion - 1.35 fl oz - Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion is a gentle, paraben-free solution to manage excessive sweating and odor, providing full-day freshness and protection against blisters.
  14. Moisturizing Sweat-Absorbing Face Lotion for All Skin Types - Experience revitalized skin with Carpe Face Lotion, the lightweight, non-greasy moisturizer featuring sweat-absorbing powders and nourishing jojoba esters for a refreshed, matte finish.
  15. Carpe Antiperspirant Wipes and Stick Bundle for Excessive Sweating and Odor Control - Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm Regimen offers the ultimate sweat solution, featuring charcoal linen scented antiperspirants and exfoliating wash to prevent excessive sweat, leaving you confident and clean all day.
  16. Carpe Max Strength Antiperspirant & Scented Deodorant - Experience an effective and guaranteed solution to stop underarm sweat and odor with Carpe Max Strength Antiperspirant & Scented Deodorant, backed by 1,870 positive reviews and a 4.7 rating. Experience the difference and enjoy a drier, fresher you!
  17. Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant & Deodorant, Fresh Powder Scent - Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant and Deodorant: Experience long-lasting protection against sweat and odor, gentle on skin, and hypoallergenic for all skin types.
  18. Carpe Extra Strength Antiperspirant & Deodorant: Vanilla Scent - Carpe Max Strength Antiperspirant & Deodorant: Vanilla - Dermatologist-recommended, clinical-strength solution for excessive sweating, with a rich vanilla scent, that effectively reduces sweat, odor, and provides a non-greasy, non-irritating application.
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🔗Kopari Brightening Aluminum-Free Deodorant for Odor Control
In my journey to discover the best deodorant, Kopari's Brightening Aluminum-Free Roll On Deodorant caught my eye. I'm happy to report that this deodorant has been a game changer for me.
First off, I must say that the fresh melon scent truly transports me to a tropical paradise. It's subtle and not overpowering, which I greatly appreciate. Applying this roll-on is super convenient and mess-free.
One thing that sets this deodorant apart is its unique combination of plant-based actives. These ingredients help provide long-lasting odor protection while simultaneously working to brighten the appearance of my underarms. I didn't experience any serious irritation during the transition, which can be common with natural deodorants.
However, there are a few minor issues that are worth mentioning. Some users have reported a slight stickiness or residue left behind after application. There's also a chance that it may not last all day, especially for individuals with active lifestyles.
Despite these minor cons, Kopari's Brightening Aluminum-Free Roll On Deodorant has truly made a difference in my daily life. Over time, I have noticed that my underarms are visibly brighter and smoother. While it may not be perfect for everyone, I would definitely recommend giving this deodorant a try.

🔗Carpe Antiperspirant Hand and Foot Lotion Package Deal
As someone who has struggled with sweaty hands my entire life, I was excited to try out Carpe Antiperspirant Hand and Foot Lotion. The first thing that struck me was the soothing eucalyptus scent, which quickly faded after application but still left me with comforting tingles on my hands and feet. I applied it every night before bed for the recommended four weeks, and I must say, it made a noticeable difference.
One standout feature of Carpe is its non-irritating nature. Unlike some other antiperspirants I've tried, it did not cause any unpleasant sensations or redness on my skin. The lotion also dries quickly, making it easy to apply throughout the day without leaving any residue on my hands or feet.
However, I did experience one minor issue with the foot lotion. When I applied it in the morning right after my shower, it remained sticky for a while, making it a bit uncomfortable to wear shoes. Nonetheless, I found that applying it at night before bed and sleeping in socks worked much better, ensuring that my feet were dry and comfortable come morning.
In summary, while there may be some room for improvement with the foot lotion, overall, Carpe Antiperspirant Hand and Foot Lotion has been a game-changer for me. Its gentle yet effective formula has helped control my excessive sweating and boosted my confidence in both social and professional situations.
For anyone else dealing with this issue, I would highly recommend giving Carpe a try – it might just change your life too!

🔗Underarm Exfoliation and Odor Control Scrub
I recently discovered Carpe Exfoliating Underarm Wash, and it has quickly become a staple in my shower routine. This gentle scrub effectively cleanses and exfoliates my underarms, leaving them feeling refreshed and ready for the day. The natural oils and witch hazel in the formula help to nourish and soothe my skin, while the exfoliating beads work to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores.
One of the standout features of Carpe Exfoliating Underarm Wash is its ability to reduce odor and improve the performance of my deodorant. I've noticed that even on days when I forget to apply deodorant, my underarms stay fresh and smell great. The energizing minty scent adds an extra layer of freshness, although some users may prefer a more floral or sweet fragrance.
However, some users have reported experiencing mild skin irritation after using the product, so it's essential to perform a patch test before applying it all over your underarms. Overall, I would highly recommend Carpe Exfoliating Underarm Wash to anyone looking for a gentle and effective way to maintain fresh and odor-free underarms.

🔗On-The-Go Sweat-Fighting Wipes
Carpe's On-The-Go Antiperspirant Underarm Wipes have been a game-changer in my daily life, making the fight against sweat so much easier and more manageable. From the convenience of having individually wrapped wipes that are easy to slip into my purse or pocket to the impressive effectiveness of keeping me dry all day long, these wipes have made a significant difference in how I feel and function on a daily basis.
The 7x9" wipes are not only large enough to comfortably cover the entire underarm area, but they're also incredibly versatile, allowing me to use them on wet, damp, or dry skin with equal ease. The no-residue formula is gentle on the skin, while still providing me with the powerful, refreshing sweat relief I've been looking for.
What sets these wipes apart from other antiperspirants on the market is their ability to be used throughout the day when I'm already sweaty and on-the-move. This has been particularly beneficial during long workdays and during travels, where keeping fresh and dry can often seem like an impossible task.
Of course, no product is perfect, and some users may experience a slight inconvenience with the product transferring to your hands during application. However, this issue can easily be resolved with a quick wash afterward.
Overall, Carpe's On-The-Go Antiperspirant Underarm Wipes have truly been a life saver for me, providing me with the reliable sweat relief and freshness I've been searching for. I highly recommend giving these wipes a try, especially considering the convenient single-use packaging and the affordability of subscribing to a regular supply.

🔗Clinically Proven Antiperspirant Foot Lotion - Plantar Hyperhidrosis Treatment
Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion has become a game-changer in my daily life. As someone who suffers from excessive foot sweat and odor, I was always on the hunt for a solution that would help me regain my confidence. This lotion has been a lifesaver, giving me fresh, dry feet and keeping odor at bay.
The first thing that stood out to me about this product was its smooth, non-greasy texture. Unlike other foot creams I've tried, Carpe doesn't leave a sticky or oily residue on my skin, which is especially important when I'm wearing shoes. The lotion applies easily and dries quickly, making it perfect for busy mornings when I don't have time to wait around for my products to absorb.
Another highlight of Carpe is its natural eucalyptus oil and moisturizing ingredients. While the lotion effectively tackles my sweat problem, it also soothes and hydrates my skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth. The gentle scent of eucalyptus is a welcome addition, providing a refreshing aroma that lingers throughout the day.
However, there are a few cons to consider with this product. Firstly, the small tube size may be a concern for some users, especially given the relatively high price point. Additionally, I've noticed that the lotion can leave some residue on socks, which may be unpleasant for some people.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I am extremely satisfied with the results I've seen using Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion. It has greatly improved the quality of my life by eliminating embarrassing sweat and odor issues, and I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling with similar concerns.

🔗Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion for Hyperhidrosis (Warm Vanilla)
Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion has been a game-changer in my daily life. As someone who suffers from hyperhidrosis, I was initially skeptical about its claims to help control hand sweat and make life more comfortable. However, after trying it out for myself, I can confidently say that it works wonders!
The first thing that stood out to me was how quickly the lotion dries on my hands. Unlike other moisturizers that leave a sticky residue, Carpe absorbs quickly and leaves no trace of greasiness behind. Its gentle formula is perfect for those with sensitive skin, as it's paraben-free and cruelty-free.
One major con is the lingering scent of mint, which might not be everyone's cup of tea. While it's not overpowering, it could be off-putting for some users. Another downside is that the product doesn't seem to have a significant moisturizing effect. So, if you're looking for something that also hydrates your skin, this might not be the best choice.
Overall, Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion has made a noticeable difference in my day-to-day life, helping me control my excessive hand sweat and feel more confident in social situations. Its speedy drying time, gentle formula, and effectiveness make it a worthwhile investment for anyone struggling with hyperhidrosis. Just keep in mind that it may not suit everyone's preferences due to its scent and lack of moisturizing properties.

🔗Fast-Absorbing Anti-Chafing Thigh Lotion for Sweat Reduction
Carpe Thigh Lotion has been my daily companion since I started using it a few weeks ago. The lotion is so lightweight and non-greasy that I feel like I'm not wearing anything on my thighs at all. Its natural ingredients, especially aloe vera, shea butter, and vitamin E, make my skin feel soothed and moisturized all day long.
One of the things that I really appreciate about this product is its pleasant, light scent. Unlike other lotions or deodorants I've tried, Carpe Thigh Lotion doesn't have a strong or overpowering smell, which is perfect for those who are sensitive to strong fragrances.
On the downside, I did notice a white residue left behind after application, but it was easy to wash off my hands and didn't leave any stains on my clothes. Another issue for me was the relatively small product size. Given how frequently I apply the lotion, especially during hot summer days, I find myself running out of it quite quickly.
In summary, I'm very happy with the performance of Carpe Thigh Lotion. Its lightweight formula, natural ingredients, and pleasing scent make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to reduce chafing and dryness on their thighs, especially those who spend a lot of time outdoors or engage in physical activities. I would recommend this product to anyone in search of a reliable and effective solution for preventing chafing and keeping their skin smooth and comfortable all day long.

🔗Sweat and Odor-Reducing Groin Powder for Men
I recently tried Carpe Sweat Absorbing Groin Powder and I have to say, it's a game-changer! This product has made my daily life so much more comfortable. It's not just about keeping the sweat at bay; it's about preventing that dreaded chafing that can occur when you're on your feet all day.
The standout feature for me was the quick absorption time. As soon as I applied it, it disappeared into my skin, leaving no trace of residue or visible white powder. I also appreciated how dermatologist-tested and hypoallergenic it is, making it perfect for sensitive skin like mine.
However, there's one thing that could be improved upon. While the powder does an excellent job of reducing sweat, I found that the effect doesn't last quite as long as I'd like. So, if you're planning on being active for a long period, you may need to reapply.
All in all, I highly recommend Carpe Sweat Absorbing Groin Powder for men looking for a reliable solution to stay dry and comfortable all day long. It might not be perfect, but its benefits far outweigh any drawbacks. Give it a try and see for yourself!

🔗Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm Wipes - Effective Sweat Management Night Wipes
I recently incorporated the Carpe Underarm Wipes into my nightly routine and it's been a total game-changer for me. I've struggled with excessive underarm sweating for years and it's finally under control now. After using these every other night along with their exfoliating product and antiperspirant, my underarms stay bone-dry for days. These lavender-scented wipes are such a convenient part of my nightly routine - just rub one on your underarms before bedtime and go to sleep. When you wake up, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how dry and odor-free your underarms remain.
One feature that really stands out is their gentle formula that doesn't cause any itching or irritation, unlike some other antiperspirants. Plus, they're incredibly easy to use and don't require any daily application – just remember to use them every other night.
However, there is one downside to consider: the thickness of the wipes. While they effectively combat underarm sweating, I wish they were a bit thicker so they lasted longer. Despite this minor inconvenience, I'm absolutely thrilled with the results I've experienced since incorporating Carpe Underarm Wipes into my routine.

🔗Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant and Deodorant Pack of 3 with Free On-the-Go Wipes
As someone who struggles with excessive sweating, I was excited to give Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant a try. I was blown away by its ability to effectively manage my hyperhidrosis symptoms. The soft-foam applicator is gentle on my skin and the natural eucalyptus scent keeps me feeling fresh throughout the day. This unobtrusive deodorant doesn't make me feel like I'm wearing a cloud of fragrance, which I appreciate. A definite pro is the inclusion of free on-the-go wipes, perfect for a quick freshen up on those particularly sweaty days. The only downside? It might not last as long as other brands, but it's a small price to pay for relief from excessive sweating.
Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant is truly a game-changer for those looking to manage their hyperhidrosis symptoms. Its gentle formula and subtle scent make it a joy to use, while the free on-the-go wipes are an added bonus. However, you may find that you need to apply it more frequently than some other brands. Overall, I highly recommend Carpe Deodorant for anyone in need of effective antiperspirant protection.

🔗Advanced Antiperspirant for Excessive Sweating - Carpe Fresh Powder Scent
As a product review writer, I must say that the Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant has been a real game-changer for me. It's hard to remember life without it. Before discovering this amazing product, I had tried countless deodorants, only to be left with sweat-stained clothes and a lingering embarrassment. But Carpe changed all that.
One feature that really stands out is its long-lasting protection against sweat and odor. Whether I'm at the gym or walking around town on a hot summer day, I can trust that my underarms won't betray me. Another highlight worth mentioning is how gentle it is on my skin. Unlike other antiperspirants that leave me feeling irritated, this one leaves my skin feeling soft and comfortable.
However, there are some downsides. For instance, the applicator can be a bit tricky to use at first. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it, but once I did, applying the cream became second nature. Additionally, while the scent is quite pleasant, it can be a little overpowering for some people.
Overall, I highly recommend Carpe Underarm Antiperspirant to anyone looking for an effective solution to excessive sweating. It's a well-researched and dermatologist-tested product that truly delivers on its promises. Give it a try - your sweaty days might just be over!

🔗Dermatologist-Recommended Hand Lotion for Sweaty Hands
I've been using Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion for a few weeks now, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for me. As someone who struggles with excessively sweaty hands, I can attest to the effectiveness of this product. This smooth, quick-drying lotion has managed to keep my hands dry and comfortable from morning till night.
One of the things that stands out about Carpe is its unique formula. Unlike other antiperspirants that can be harsh on the skin, Carpe is not only dermatologist-recommended, but it's also paraben-free and cruelty-free. This means that not only does it work effectively to control sweating, but it also takes care of your skin in the process.
On the flip side, I find that applying Carpe can leave a slightly greasy residue on my hands, which can take a few minutes to absorb completely. While this is a minor inconvenience, the benefits of using Carpe certainly outweigh this small con.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable solution to excessive hand sweat, I'd highly recommend giving Carpe Antiperspirant Hand Lotion a try. Its gentle, skin-friendly formula and impressive performance make it a top pick for me.

🔗Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion - 1.35 fl oz
As a reviewer who's had the chance to use Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion, I couldn't be happier with the results. Before trying this product, I struggled daily with sweaty feet, and it impacted not only my comfort but also my self-confidence. However, Carpe has completely transformed my experience. Not only does it offer protection against blisters, but it also ensures my feet remain fresh all day long, thanks to its essential ingredient enriched formula. Its gentle, paraben-free composition on my skin is another stand-out feature.
While this lotion has worked wonders for me, it's worth mentioning that it does leave a somewhat funny film on your feet and can be more expensive than other products. However, if you're tired of trying everything and nothing seems to work, Carpe Antiperspirant Foot Lotion is definitely worth the investment. It's a product I will gladly continue using and recommend to others.

Buyer's Guide

Apply your Carpe Deodorant generously and evenly to clean, dry armpits. Allow it to dry completely before dressing to prevent any potential staining. For optimal results, apply after showering and try not to apply too much, as this may lead to decreased effectiveness. Finally, note that while some consumers report immediate results, others may need to use the product consistently for a few days or weeks to see the desired outcome.


What is Carpe Deodorant?

Carpe Deodorant is a brand specializing in clinical-strength deodorants designed for sensitive skin and those seeking effective odor protection. Their products are made with high-quality ingredients and are suitable for both men and women.

How does Carpe Deodorant work?

Carpe Deodorant uses advanced odor-neutralizing technology to provide long-lasting protection against body odor. Its formula contains potent active ingredients that target and eliminate odor-causing bacteria while soothing and moisturizing the skin.

What types of Carpe Deodorants are available?

Carpe offers a variety of deodorants tailored to specific needs, such as * Original Scent
  • Unscented
  • Cooling Menthol
  • Fresh Scent
  • Sport
  • Charcoal
  • Gardening
These options cater to different preferences and situations, ensuring there's a deodorant suitable for everyone.

Is Carpe Deodorant suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, Carpe Deodorant is formulated with skin-friendly ingredients and is suitable for those with sensitive skin. In fact, it is designed to provide clinical-strength protection while soothing and moisturizing the skin, making it an ideal choice for individuals with sensitive skin.

How often should I apply Carpe Deodorant?

For optimal results, it is recommended to apply Carpe Deodorant once in the morning after showering. However, if you are particularly active or have a more demanding lifestyle, feel free to reapply as needed to maintain protection throughout the day.

Does Carpe Deodorant leave stains on clothing?

No, Carpe Deodorant has a lightweight, clear formula that is less likely to cause staining on clothes. However, it is still a good practice to wait a few minutes after applying before dressing to allow the product to fully absorb into the skin.

Are Carpe Deodorants allergen-free?

Carpe Deodorants are made with high-quality, allergen-free ingredients. However, as with any skincare product, it is always a good idea to perform a patch test on a small area of your skin before using it regularly.

Where can I buy Carpe Deodorant?

Carpe Deodorant can be purchased directly from the brand's website or through various online retailers. Some brick-and-mortar stores also carry Carpe products, so it's worth checking with your local stores to see if they stock the brand.

How long does a tube of Carpe Deodorant last?

The longevity of a tube of Carpe Deodorant depends on individual usage patterns. On average, one tube should last for about 6-8 weeks when applied as directed.

What is Carpe's return policy?

Carpe offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, allowing customers to return their products within 30 days of purchase if they are not completely satisfied. Simply contact their customer service team for assistance with the return process.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
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2024.05.19 12:21 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: May 12-18, 2024

Record temperatures, record migration, record emissions, record displacement, record PFAS……start building an ark.
Last Week in Collapse: May 12-18, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 125th newsletter! You can find the May 5-11 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Flash flooding in northern Afghanistan killed 300+ people and destroyed 1,000+ homes. Hundreds of thousands of others have been affected. Last month, similar floods in the region killed 70+. Four died in Texas storms last week as well.
Venezuela is suffering from record wildfires, which so far this year have burned about 5M acres—almost the size of Sardinia. Some experts think indigenous people started the blaze as an attempt at forest clearance, which quickly got out of hand. “Institutional failures” compounded the disaster when the ailing government responded with an inadequate number of poorly equipped firefighters. Another study from last week examined the impact of wildfires on soil health.
Flooding and “cold lava” killed 50+ in Indonesia, injuring dozens and displacing several thousand. Cold lava is a mixture of water and rocks tumbling down the side of a volcano. Meanwhile, an actual volcano erupted in Indonesia, sending smoke & ash 5000m high; further eruptions are possible soon.
The Swiss Re Institute published a 37-page report last week about natural disasters in 2023—and how much damage, in USD, they caused. The largest catastrophe was the February 7.8 earthquake in Türkiye & Syria, which killed 59,000+ people and caused $163B+ in damage. The report is full of interesting graphics & data about natural disasters.
“Last year, economic losses from natural catastrophes reached USD 280 billion, meaning that 62% of the global losses were uninsured….the insured losses surpassed USD 100 billion for the fourth consecutive year….annual insured losses will grow by 5–7% over the long term…today’s insured losses could double in 10 years….There were 142 insured-loss inducing catastrophes in 2023, a new record. Most were of medium severity, which we define as events resulting in losses of USD 1–5 billion….Over the last 30 years, we estimate that natural catastrophe insured losses have grown by 3 percentage points more annually than the global economy (in inflation adjusted terms)...”
Flooding and heat waves are impacting Brazil’s oranges, responsible for about 70% of the world’s supply. One food analysts declared that the “era of cheap food is over”—in the UK, at least. That may be one reason why UK residents took record food bank packages last year. Madagascar is struggling to adapt to a future with far less rainfall.
France is growing more concerned about a dam on Lake Geneva, controlled exclusively by Switzerland. The Rhône River, which begins in Switzerland and flows south through France, is shrinking in summers as climate change melts Switzerland’s remaining glaciers.
The Tonlé San River has been dammed in Vietnam, lowering the level in Cambodia and sometimes drying the river downstream entirely. Meanwhile, China’s lychee harvest is getting blasted by rain, impacting the world’s largest source of lychee. And, once again, Saudi Arabia is suffering flooding in its inland regions. 7 dead in historic flooding in Iran.
The eminent climate scientist James Hansen posted that, since “human-made aerosols and their cooling effect are in decline,” the cooling effect of La Niña will be counterbalanced by these rising temperatures. He also identifies a “large anomaly of increased absorbed solar radiation at midlatitudes in the Northern Hemisphere” responsible for rising temperatures there. CO2 levels are rising faster today than they have at any point in the previous 50,000 years…and a study of millennia-old trees determined last summer was the hottest worldwide in 2,000+ years…
Record nighttime May temperatures were tied in the Philippines and Vietnam. A couple Indonesian cities broke records for May temperatures. And a number of southern African states saw more records drop. And Toronto saw a record tied for the number of days reaching 14 °C (57 °F). A heat wave has returned to Bangladesh. Flooding in Cali (pop: 2.9M), Colombia.
The University of Washington was ordered to stop a geoengineering project that scientists sere conducting from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier. The experiment ejected aerosolized saltwater in an attempt to reflect solar radiation. A comparative study in Nature Communications of a number of carbon pricing found that, yes, carbon pricing does work to reduce the total CO2 emitted.
It’s that time of the year again. Wildfires in Canada grow, some of which are moving towards the tar sands—forcing thousands to evacuate. 39 of the total nation’s blazes are “out of control,” resulting in air quality alerts in the United States. Meanwhile, across the Caribbean, water shortages have become the new normal, and residents (and tourists) are finding their old consumption habits hard to change. St. Lucia has declared a water emergency. In Myanmar, water shortages worsen, particularly as related to the spiraling conflict.
At least ⅛ of Europeans live in a place at risk of extreme flooding—so says a 175-page report from the European Environment Agency posted on Wednesday. The number of people living in flood-risk coastal areas in the EU & UK is expected to jump 24% by 2050. The graphics-packed report also considers how flooding will impact healthcare facilities, mental health, wastewater treatment plants, the spread of disease, cyanobacteria, permafrost thaw, and much else.
“Europe has seen devastating floods following record rainfall, droughts of magnitudes not experienced in hundreds of years, continuing sea level rise, and increasing lake and sea temperatures….permanent water stress already affects 30% of people in southern Europe….since 2018, more than half of Europe has been impacted by extreme drought conditions….Climate change is expected to increase mercury bioaccumulation in the marine food chain due to rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and permafrost thawing….Depression, anxiety and PTSD may persist for years after a flooding event….Under the changing climate, northern Europe is becoming wetter in general, but drier in summer. Southern Europe is becoming drier, especially in winter. For central-eastern and western Europe, the trend is less clear…” -selections from the report
Milan suffered flooding last week, the worst May flooding in 170 years. Early spring in the UK has disrupted migratory bird species and their usual patterns.
A 74-page working paper which is not yet peer-reviewed claims that earlier estimates for how much GDP would be impacted by another 1 °C temperature rise is way less than it would be in actuality. The paper claims the real cost (in USD) is about 6x greater. They claim “global temperature has much more pronounced impacts on economic activity than local temperature” and that extreme weather is mostly behind the projected decline in productivity.
Epidemiologists are worried about how climate change in Africa may extend the life of disease-bearers like ticks and mosquitoes. Other epidemiologists are worried about how cattle may become a permanent reservoir for H5N1. Growing traced of bird flu have been found in wastewater testing in the U.S., but investigators think it may be runoff from infected dairy farms.
Obesity, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure rates today globally are 50% higher than in 2000—though researchers claim that air pollution still poses a larger threat. Of a study participants in Hawai’i, 75% had respiratory issues, probably from the Maui wildfires last year.
The 2024 World Migration Report is out, and its 384 pages are not as apocalyptic as one might think. However, internally displaced people are at their all-time highest. India, Mexico, Russia, China, and Syria lead the world in emigrants; another document contains the definitions for who exactly constitutes a migrant. Unfortunately much of the data relied upon ends in 2022. Data from this year, not included in the above report, indicates a 40% jump in traffic through the Darien Gap compared to the same time period in 2023.
“The last two years saw major migration and displacement events that have caused great hardship and trauma, as well as loss of life….There have also been large-scale displacements triggered by climate- and weather-related disasters in many parts of the world in 2022 and 2023, including in Pakistan, the Philippines, China, India, Bangladesh, Brazil and Colombia….disinformation tactics are increasingly being used by nefarious actors with negative impacts on public, political and social media discourse on migration….Forced displacement is the highest on record in the modern era…overconsumption and overproduction linked to unsustainable economic growth, resource depletion and biodiversity collapse, as well as ongoing climate change (including global heating) are continuing to grip the world….the risk of further conflict has not been higher in decades, as military spending reached a new record high of USD 2,240 billion in 2022…” -excerpts from the introduction
Another report, focusing on internal displacement, came out last week; its 69 pages show a cross-section of about 47M people displaced by natural disasters (56%) or armed conflict (44%). Most of the disasters were storms & flooding, and most of the conflicts were civil wars of some form. This report also provides detailed region-by-region analyses—with sub-Saharan Africa accounting for 46% of global IDPs.
“Conflict and violence triggered 13.5 million movements, the highest figure for the past 15 years….Disasters and conflict are presented as different triggers, but their impacts can overlap, often leading to repeated and/ or protracted displacement….Drought triggered 331,000 displacements in Somalia….Floods triggered 550,000 displacements in Ethiopia….Conflict and violence triggered 3.8 million displacements in DRC in 2023, a slight fall from the record four million in 2022, but still the second-highest figure globally after Sudan….nearly two-thirds of the internal displacements recorded in 2023 originated from Khartoum state. More than 39 per cent of the state's inhabitants were forced to flee, leaving entire neighbourhoods empty….Criminal and communal violence triggered nearly three-quarters of Nigeria's 291,000 conflict displacements….” -selections from the spotlight on sub-Saharan Africa
Experts are concerned about the mental health impacts that climate change has on our minds. Hotter temperatures reportedly increase depression & aggression. Wildfires and storms can cause PTSD. Workers feel stress and desperation as their usual industries are impacted. And air pollution influences ordinary brain processes in many ways.
Some analysts believe “Peak China” may be over, signaling a period of economic tapering-off, as well as a growing militancy. Increasing U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods are continuing to separate the two economies. The Netherlands finally formed a provisional government, though its proposed immigration & farming policies have set it at odds with the EU.
The Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank, released a 46-page report on potential climate risks to the banking system’s resilience. As far as I understood, most of the risk lies in extreme weather events and the risk to insurance agencies.
Part of southeast England experienced an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, a diarrhea & vomiting illness, highly contagious, which can last weeks. At least 22 cases have been reported. Meanwhile, the CDC is issuing warnings about the more dangerous strain of monkeypox circulating in the DRC, although cases are currently limited to Africa.
North Carolina’s Senate voted to ban mask-wearing last week, under the reasoning that it would make police identification of protestors difficult. An fMRI study found lasting neurological changes in COVID survivors; they “had significantly higher cognitive complaints of mental fatigue and cognitive failure….even two years after recovering.” Experts say a summer rise in COVID cases is coming to the United States.
A study on The Canadian/American Great Lakes found that PFAS levels are increasing in the 3 largest lakes (Superior, Huron, and Michigan), while decreasing in the other two (Erie, Ontario). The study also found that precipitation is the primary means by which the Lakes are accumulating PFAS, since the chemicals are small & stable enough to move through the water cycle. Meanwhile, in England’s Lake District, a telecom failure resulted in raw sewage being pumped into England’s largest and most famous lake, Windermere, on-and-off for 10 hours; and a major British water CEO took a $4M USD pay package last year. And a look into the Chicago River’s health found that microplastics & trash are endangering health & biodiversity.
An assassination attempt by a lone wolf on Slovakia’s PM left him in critical condition, but likely to survive. 11 civilians were slain by cartel fighters in a few battles in Mexico. Violence continues to spiral out of control in Goma, DRC.
In Haiti, everything worsens indefinitely. Guns have reportedly entered from Florida, a phenomenon which officials call an “iron river.” Police have been put on the defensive against the growing might of the gang warlords.
A brawl broke out in Taiwan’s parliament. An Iranian plot was allegedly foiled to smuggle weapons into Jordan to destabilize the pro-U.S. regime.
Dozens more died in Sudan from escalating violence around Darfur. People are warning about “a disaster on top of a disaster” and the possibility of Sudan splitting apart. Others have called it “hell on earth” as 1,000+ refugees cross the Chad border every day. Disease and malnutrition are growing, while famine encroaches upon 9M helpless victims of the conflict—but the world’s attention is elsewhere.
The U.S. Army Engineers completed constructing the pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. Some 600,000 Gazans have been displaced from Rafah already, and fighting has escalated against Hamas militants in northern Gaza.
Taliban forces skirmished with Pakistani soldiers for about 90 minutes last week. Taliban attacks in Pakistan, and counterattacks have resulted in a kind of ambient disruption for the rocky border zone.
Violent protests—and counteroperationsare continuing in New Caledonia (pop: 270,000), a Pacific island part of overseas France. The riots, which have killed 6 people so far, began after metropolitan France proposed a plan to expand voting rights beyond indigenous residents. A state of emergency has been declared amid worries about a spiral of violence taking hold.
As the Sahel dries out, experts are concerned about the links to rising terrorism in the region. The Sahel accounts for over 40% of global terrorism deaths—according to the analysts’ understanding of “terrorism.” Mali in particular has reportedly become home to 41 new, different non-state armed groups (NSAGs) since 2007. A contested election in Chad resulted in the consolidation of the interim leader’s power.
“If governments are continually unable to solve regional issues, the people will be at the whim of any terror group that has a basic organization. It serves these groups’ interests to promote insecurity where they can and create security where they want. A “hearts and minds” campaign in the Sahel could lead to long-term and locally supported insurgencies in a land that is currently rife with civil strife.” -from the article
Some wargamers concluded that a Trump victory in 2020 would spell the end of NATO, or at least the end of its utility. Vladimir Putin replaced his minister of defense with a top economic advisor, just before going to Beijing to reaffirm their friendship with “no limits.” Some say Putin is planning on a forever war. Some say NATO is gearing up for one, too.
Russia made several gains in the suburbs of Kharkiv, seizing several settlements which some analysts doubt they will hold. Putin claims they aren’t really trying to take Kharkiv anyway… Russia also made small progress in the Donbas—although they suffered their largest one-day casualties since the start of the war. The U.S. allocated another $2B to hasten the delivery of weapons to the front lines. The next weeks will be crucial on the front. Switzerland has invited 160+ nations to send delegates to a peace summit intended to design a path to making peace in this War.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-Brazil’s flooding was really, really bad, judging from this post and its accompanying images. Across just one of Brazil’s 26 states, 600,000+ people have been made homeless, 100+ have died, and the storm season isn’t over yet. Some of the flooding isn’t expected to subside for another month.
-How specifically might climate change make humanity extinct? This thread crowdsources a number of plausible ways, from ordinary famines to nuclear war and even a massive deoxygenation process. I tend to think it will be a consequence of an eventual nuclear exchange, followed by extended famine and disease.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, doom prophets to follow, hugelkultur guides, directions to off-grid bunkers, ark schematics, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
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2024.05.19 11:56 Stage-Piercing727 Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets

Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets
Welcome to our Carhartt Hunting Jacket roundup. Whether you're an avid hunter or just starting out, finding the perfect jacket to keep you warm and comfortable during your hunting trips is crucial. Today, we bring to you a selection of top-quality Carhartt Hunting Jackets that are not only stylish but also designed for durability and peak performance. Read on to find the perfect jacket that suits your hunting preferences and style.
In this article, we'll explore the key features, performance benefits, and customer reviews of the best Carhartt Hunting Jackets available in the market today. As you delve deeper into our review, you'll discover the perfect jacket that not only complements your hunting outfits but also enhances your overall hunting experience. Stay tuned to uncover the best Carhartt Hunting Jackets and make the most of your hunting adventures!

The Top 19 Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets

  1. Camo Insulated Rugged Flex Men's Jacket: Comfort, Durability & Mossy Oak Pattern - Stay comfortable and blend effortlessly with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket, featuring excellent water resistance, a high-quality zipper, and superior craftsmanship.
  2. Carhartt Classic Brown Duck Coat with Corduroy Collar - The Carhartt Firm Duck Chore Coat for men strikes a perfect balance between modern design and timeless heritage, offering warmth, weather resistance, and a stylish look that's sure to make a statement.
  3. Carhartt Rain Defender Fleece Shirt Jacket - This Carhartt Men's Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Heavyweight Hooded Shirt Jacket, in black heather, combines comfort, durability, and water resistance into one stylish package, making it a must-have for all your outdoor adventures.
  4. Carhartt Men's Lightweight Hooded Jacket - Carhartt's Men's Super Dux Jacket delivers exceptional performance with its lightweight, wind-resistant design, offering you comfort and flexibility on the go while keeping you protected from the elements.
  5. Carhartt Realtreed Xtra Camo Sherpa Lined Active Jacket - The Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket offers superior warmth, wind resistance, and durability, making it an ideal choice for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.
  6. Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket - Discover the exceptional warmth and durability of Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket in Black - a perfect companion for those cooler days.
  7. Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket for Men - Experience exceptional comfort and warmth in the Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket, equipped with advanced Rain Defender, Wind Fighter, and Rugged Flex technologies for unparalleled protection and flexibility during your most demanding outings.
  8. Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black - Experience comfort, warmth, and protection in the great outdoors with Carhartt's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - the perfect blend of abrasion resistance, insulation, reflective detailing, and multiple pockets.
  9. Carhartt Youth Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket - Mossy Oak Country DNA - Experience exceptional warmth, comfort, and hunting camouflage with the Carhartt Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket, offering excellent durability, insulated pockets, and easy maintenance for your boy's next outdoor adventure.
  10. Carhartt Gilliam Insulated Jacket - Introducing the Carhartt Gilliam Jacket - a reliable and durable work companion, designed with insulated warmth, water-repellent protection, multiple pockets, and a comfortable fit to keep you focused and productive on the job.
  11. Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket in Black - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket - a quilt-lined, CORDURA-reinforced insulated jacket designed to keep you warm, dry, and easy to move in any weather.
  12. Carhartt Men's Super Dux Traditional Insulated Coat (Black) - Relaxed Fit, Machine Wash - Carhartt's Super Dux Relaxed Insulated Traditional Coat delivers exceptional warmth, durability, and protection against harsh weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for both work and play in cold climates.
  13. Black Men's Rough Cut Jacket by Carhartt - TheCarhartt Hooded Rough Cut Jacket, Men's Black, offers exceptional wind protection and comfort with its Wind Fighter technology, Rugged Flex stretch for movement, and thick, warm fleece lining.
  14. Carhartt Durable Fleece-Lined Camo Jacket - Discover the Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Active Jacket, perfect for outdoor excursions. Experience water resistance, warmth from the Sherpa lining, and a stylish fit in this high-quality, well-made hunting jacket.
  15. Carhartt Men's Stormy Woods Waterproof Hunting Jacket - Hunt with confidence in the 100% polyester Carhartt Stormy Woods Jacket, boasting Storm Defender waterproof breathable technology, fully taped seams, and adjustable closure for optimal protection and comfort during wet weather conditions.
  16. Carhartt Men's Water-Repellent Jacket for Casual & On-The-Job Wear - Carhartt men's Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Jacket in black offers excellent water repellency, comfort, and breathability, while maintaining a durable and stylish design, making it ideal for activities in between seasons.
  17. Carhartt Men's Armstrong Jacket in Brown - The Carhartt Men's Full Swing Armstrong Jacket in Brown - a warm, stylish, and highly functional piece designed to keep you comfortable and protected during outdoor activities and work assignments.
  18. Carhartt Duck Detroit Jacket in Brown - Carhartt Duck Detroit Jacket Brown XL: A high-quality, meticulously designed, and well-built hunting jacket that offers exceptional warmth, durability, and comfort, with numerous pockets and adjustable features for a customized fit.
  19. Carhartt Active Quilted Jacket, Warm and Durable for Outdoor Work - The Carhartt J140 Duck Active Jacket is a warm and durable pick for active work, featuring a quilted flannel lining, water-repellent design, and a comfortable, adjustable hood.
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🔗Camo Insulated Rugged Flex Men's Jacket: Comfort, Durability & Mossy Oak Pattern
My Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket has been a game-changer in my hunting adventures. I've been using it for the past three hunting seasons, and it's been nothing short of amazing. The first thing that caught my attention was its durability; it's held up against some harsh weather conditions. The Rugged Flex stretch technology and elbow pleats allow for easy movement, which is crucial when I'm tracking down my prey.
One of the most impressive features is the DWR finish that provides excellent water resistance. It's kept me dry even during unexpected downpours. The Mossy Oak Bottomland camo pattern truly helps me blend in with my surroundings, making it easier to stay hidden from my quarry.
However, there are few things that could use some improvement. The loose fit means I sometimes experience a bit of wind coming up, but it's not too much of an issue. Additionally, while the zipper quality is solid, it could be slightly longer, as suggested by other reviewers.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket has been a reliable companion on my hunts, protecting me from the elements and enabling me to focus on the task at hand. If you're in the market for a well-constructed and comfortable hunting jacket, this one should definitely be on your radar.

🔗Carhartt Classic Brown Duck Coat with Corduroy Collar
A couple of years ago, I purchased the Carhartt Men's Firm Duck Chore Coat for myself when I was gearing up for a cold and windy construction project. The first thing that stood out to me about this coat was its heritage-inspired design, reminiscent of the pocket watch era. As time went on, I had the opportunity to test its claims of being water-repellent and wind-resistant, and I can confirm that it lived up to my expectations, even in harsh conditions.
One significant highlight of the Carhartt Chore Coat is its corduroy collar, which has been in use since the late 1930s and has that classic, timeless look. Additionally, the rugged firm-hand duck fabric not only gives it a sturdy feel but also becomes more comfortable with time, making it a reliable piece of outerwear.
As much as I love this coat, it does have a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the length of the sleeves can be a bit too long for some users, with some having to size down to ensure a comfortable fit. Secondly, the coat's collar could be slightly wider to provide better protection against the wind.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Firm Duck Chore Coat is the perfect choice for those who prioritize comfort, warmth, and durability in their outerwear. Its timeless design and high-quality materials make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking for a reliable coat that will stand the test of time.

🔗Carhartt Rain Defender Fleece Shirt Jacket
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Hooded Shirt Jacket in Black Heather and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. As an avid outdoorsman, I appreciate the flexibility of this jacket - it's suitable for various weather conditions.
One thing that really stood out for me was the adjustable hood, which ensures good visibility even during a downpour. The high collar also provides additional protection against the elements.
Another highlight is its durability. The Windfighter fleece, combined with the Rain Defender finish, makes it wind and water-resistant, while its triple-stitched main seams add extra strength. Notably, there are ample pockets for all my essentials.
However, there's one issue I encountered with the hood design. It can feel awkward if worn with a cap, though a beanie or hard hat doesn't pose the same problem.
In terms of sizing, I found that the medium size fits perfectly, providing enough room for layering without compromising on comfort. The length of this jacket is another praiseworthy feature - it's just right, even without the 'tall' version.
Lastly, while it's not technically a winter jacket, I believe that with some insulation, it could be the perfect companion in winter. Overall, the Carhartt Rain Defender is a reliable go-to for various weather conditions, offering comfort, durability, and functionality.

🔗Carhartt Men's Lightweight Hooded Jacket
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Lightweight Mock-Neck Jacket and I must say, I'm quite impressed. The jacket provides excellent protection against wind and light rain, making it perfect for those chilly days when you're outdoors. It's a great piece to layer up with during mild winters.
One of the standout features of this jacket is its flexibility. Thanks to the Rugged Flex stretch technology, I can move freely without any hindrance - whether I'm running errands or engaging in some physical activity. The wind-resistant fabric ensures that my body stays warm even when there's a chill in the air.
However, there's one drawback that I've noticed - the collar. It feels a bit too large and tends to get in the way while turning my head. It would be great if Carhartt could address this issue in future models.
In terms of pocket storage, this jacket delivers as well. There are several secure zipper pockets both inside and outside, allowing me to safely stow away my essentials like tools or supplies.
Overall, the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Lightweight Mock-Neck Jacket has become a staple in my daily outdoor wear. Its lightweight design, coupled with its wind and water resistance, make it a practical choice for anyone who spends time outdoors. Despite the minor issue with the collar, I'm highly satisfied with this jacket.

🔗Carhartt Realtreed Xtra Camo Sherpa Lined Active Jacket
Carhartt's Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket is a warm and durable piece of outerwear that's perfect for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts alike. I recently purchased one in Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo, and I must say, it has quickly become my go-to jacket for all my outdoor adventures.
The first thing that struck me was the quality of this jacket. The 18.1-ounce, 97% nylon/3% elastane fabric feels sturdy and well-made, offering excellent wind resistance and a sprinkle of light rain protection. The Sherpa lining inside is incredibly soft and cozy, keeping me warm even on the chilliest days.
One aspect I particularly love about this jacket is its spacious interior pocket. It comfortably holds my essentials without weighing me down or restricting my movement. The secure zipper left chest pocket is another useful feature, providing an easy-to-access spot for my phone and keys while I'm out and about.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Carhartt Men's Super Dux Jacket that I think are worth mentioning. Firstly, the adjustable hood with a hidden drawcord and cord lock is a nice touch for safety, but I've found that it can be a bit difficult to adjust while wearing gloves. Secondly, the lack of elbow or armpit gussets means that the jacket doesn't always move with me as smoothly as I'd like, especially when reaching or lifting objects.
Despite these small issues, I'm overall very satisfied with my Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket. Its comfort, durability, and practical features make it a standout choice for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors.

🔗Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket
As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, I have to say that the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket has been a game-changer for me. I've had this jacket for several months now and it has held up incredibly well.
What stands out the most to me about this jacket is the heavyweight cotton duck fabric. It's not only warm and durable, but it also has a nice, broken-in feel to it that makes it super comfortable to wear. The 3M Thinsulate insulation adds an extra layer of warmth without making the jacket too bulky or heavy.
One feature I really appreciate is the attached hood with low profile adjustment. On windy days, this hood helps keep me protected and warm. Plus, the cord locks make it easy to adjust the fit without having to deal with annoying drawstrings.
Another positive aspect of this jacket is the updated lower front pockets. They're now lined with brushed tricot, which makes them feel much softer and more comfortable against my skin. And when I'm out working in the cold, I love how the pen stall in the right, lower front pocket lets me keep all my essentials close at hand.
However, there is one aspect of this jacket that could use some improvement - the side pockets. They could definitely be deeper, as they don't provide enough room for storing larger items like smartphones or wallets when you're on the move.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a reliable, comfortable, and stylish cold weather jacket. The durability and thoughtful design features make it well worth the investment, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

🔗Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket for Men
The Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Jacket was my go-to for those chilly days. On my latest project in the backyard, the wind was relentless and the rain was coming down hard, but this jacket held its own. The 100-gram Thinsulate insulation kept me toasty and the Rain Defender technology ensured I stayed dry.
One of my favorite features was the Rugged Flex technology that allowed for unrestricted movement. The bi-swing shoulders and flexible elbows made reaching up high or bending over a much easier task. I never felt trapped in the jacket, even when I was getting really active. The hood was also a game-changer, able to protect my head not only from the rain but also from the wind. Plus, the detachable feature was super convenient - I could remove it on warmer days or when I needed to interact with someone face-to-face.
However, I noticed that the interior storm cuffs were loose and didn't keep out the draft as well as I'd like. And while the length was perfect for my needs, it might not suit everyone. Despite these issues, the jacket's high-quality construction, impressive warmth, and rugged design made it a reliable addition to my wardrobe for those harsh conditions.

🔗Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black
Recently, I purchased the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket, and I'm quite satisfied with its performance. As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, it's important for me to have a jacket that's not only durable but also well-insulated and wind-resistant. This active jacket did not disappoint.
The first thing that caught my attention when I received the jacket was the 3M Thinsulate insulation, which provides excellent warmth without feeling too bulky. I'm particularly fond of the hood design, featuring a drawcord and reflective Carhartt patch. The hood not only keeps me protected from rain and snow but also ensures visibility during nighttime activities.
However, one area where the jacket could be improved is its zipper quality. While the plastic zipper works fine, I'm more accustomed to metal zippers, which are generally more reliable and durable. In addition, the jacket can be somewhat noisy when walking due to the swishy fabric sound - not ideal for hunting purposes.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I believe the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a reliable and well-insulated winter coat. Its attractive design, variety of pockets, and comfortable fit make it a versatile option for both recreational activities and daily life. Overall, I'm pleased with my purchase and believe many others will be too.

🔗Carhartt Youth Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket - Mossy Oak Country DNA
I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of Carhartt - especially their Camo line. That's why I decided to get this Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket for my son. Let me tell you, it has been a game changer this hunting season!
First off, the quality is top-notch. This jacket is made with heavy-duty canvas and features triple-stitched seams. Even after several washes, it still looks brand new. The quilted flannel lining on the inside also ensures that my boy stays warm and comfortable no matter how cold it is outside.
One of my favorite features of this jacket is the hidden rib-knit cuffs. They keep his wrists toasty and make sure no wind or sleet sneaks in. Plus, the insulated front pockets are perfect for storing his hands or keeping small gear close at hand while he's out in the field.
Now, let's talk about the hood. It's full zip, so it provides ample protection against rain, snow, or even those pesky mosquitoes during summer months. And speaking of zipping, the main zipper is high quality and doesn't get stuck or catch on the fabric.
While the jacket isn't water-resistant, it does dry relatively quickly when hung up, making it easy to clean and maintain. The only downside I've noticed is that the sleeve length could be a bit longer, especially if your child is taller than average.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with this Camo Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket from Carhartt. It has everything a young hunter could want - durability, comfort, and style. If you're looking for a reliable and well-made jacket for your little outdoorsman (or outdoorswoman), look no further than this one.

🔗Carhartt Gilliam Insulated Jacket
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Men's Black Gilliam Jacket and oh boy, it's been a game-changer for my daily life! This insulated jacket is not just about keeping you warm during winter, but also about providing you with some real protection from unwanted dampness. The DWR finish ensures that you stay dry and comfortable even when the weather takes a turn.
One thing I truly appreciate is the zipper closure feature. It's a small detail, yet it does an excellent job of keeping out the cold winds. Speaking of features, it comes with heaps of pockets - some even have protective closures. This means you can carry all your small work essentials without worrying about losing them.
Now, let's talk about the cons. Though I'm not usually bothered by minor issues, I must say the length of the sleeves could be a bit longer. It may not be a problem for everyone, but it did catch my eye.
All in all, the Gilliam Jacket has definitely earned a place in my wardrobe. Its water-repellent capabilities, the myriad of pockets, and the overall comfort it provides make it the perfect companion for these colder days. So if you're looking for a reliable work jacket that doesn't compromise on style or functionality, this one's a solid choice!

🔗Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket in Black
I've been using this Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket for a while now, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion through the colder months. Its 3M Thinsulate insulation keeps me warm and cozy even during the harshest winters, and the DWR finish makes sure I stay dry even when caught in a rainstorm.
One of my favorite features is the detachable hood. It gives me personalized styling options depending on my mood or weather conditions. The jacket's rugged construction is also worth highlighting, as it's made of stretch ripstop for extra flexibility and freedom of movement.
However, I've experienced some issues with the zipper quality. It can sometimes get stuck or hang at every little wrinkle, which can be quite frustrating. Another minor issue is the sizing, as the jacket tends to run on the smaller side, but that's easily fixed by choosing a size larger than usual.
All in all, I'm quite satisfied with the Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket. Its combination of style, comfort, and functionality makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a versatile and reliable winter jacket.

🔗Carhartt Men's Super Dux Traditional Insulated Coat (Black) - Relaxed Fit, Machine Wash
I recently purchased the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Traditional Coat to stay warm during those chilly winter days. The coat's 7.75-ounce nylon fabric is treated with Rain Defender durable water-repellent finish, ensuring that I stay dry even in heavy rain. Additionally, the Wind Fighter technology effectively blocks the wind, keeping me cozy and comfortable.
One of my favorite features of this coat is the quilt-lined insulation with 100g of 3M Thinsulate, providing excellent warmth. The secure hook-and-loop right chest pocket and zipper left chest pocket are perfect for storing my essentials, while the two snap front lower pockets with side entry hand warmers keep my hands toasty. The interior hook-and-look pocket on the wearer's left side offers additional storage space.
I also appreciate the drop-tail hem, which provides extra coverage, and the adjustable hood with chin guard and hidden drawstrings, which protect me from harsh weather conditions. The rib-knit storm cuffs effectively seal out the cold, and the center-front zipper with kissing welt makes it easy for me to put on and take off the coat.
However, there are a few downsides to this coat. The side seam zippers, while providing added movement, can be a bit challenging to use at times. Additionally, the double-stitched main seam, although durable, can feel a bit stiff and may require some breaking in.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Traditional Coat is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and warm coat for winter. Its unique combination of features, such as the 7.75-ounce nylon fabric with Rain Defender technology, Wind Fighter technology, and 100g of 3M Thinsulate insulation, ensures that you stay dry and warm in even the harshest weather conditions.
Although there are a few minor drawbacks, such as the stiffness of the double-stitched main seam and the occasional difficulty in using the side seam zippers, these issues do not significantly detract from the overall quality and performance of the coat. Overall, I am highly satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this coat to anyone looking for a high-quality winter garment.

🔗Black Men's Rough Cut Jacket by Carhartt
Carhartt's men's Rough Cut Jacket, in black, is perfect for those chilly autumn days. This heavyweight flannel piece, with a sherpa fleece lining in its body and a quilted lining on the sleeves, offers both warmth and style. The original-fit shirt-jac features handwarmer pockets and zippered ones ideal for storing your wallet or keys. If you're an outdoor enthusiast, this jacket can withstand the elements, and after years of use, you'd be hard pressed to find any significant wear and tear on it. Although it's designed primarily for breathability and not as a standalone layer for keeping warm, it pairs beautifully with fleece or down mid-layers.
However, despite its high rating, the jacket does have a few minor drawbacks. The first is that the zipper tends to get stuck, particularly near the neck area, often requiring fiddling for a few minutes. Some users also mentioned they found the arms to be slightly short, as well as the jacket being slightly stiff when new. But these issues seem to be more common with the first batch, with newer models appearing to have resolved these concerns.
In conclusion, the Carhartt men's Rough Cut Jacket is a high-quality, stylish option that provides warmth and comfort while maintaining a sleek appearance. Its wind resistance and pairing ability with other layers make it an ideal choice for fall and winter outings. And although the stiffness and the issue with the zipper might be present initially, they seem to resolve with time and use. Therefore, I would recommend this jacket to anyone seeking a reliable, durable option for their outdoor activities.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt Hunting Jackets are designed to provide durability, comfort, and functionality during hunting trips. In this guide, we'll cover important features, considerations, and advice for choosing the right Carhartt Hunting Jacket to suit your specific needs.

Important Features
  1. Durable Materials: Look for jackets made with heavy-duty materials such as cotton duck or polyester, ensuring they can withstand harsh hunting environments and regular wear.
  2. Insulation: Insulation is crucial for maintaining warmth and comfort in cold weather. Consider water-repellent insulation like Thinsulate™ or Quick Dry technology, which dries faster than traditional materials.
  3. Pockets and Storage: Pockets are essential for storing gear and easy access during hunts. Choose a jacket with multiple pockets (including interior and exterior), preferably with zippers or toggle closures to secure items.
  4. Ventilation: Proper ventilation helps regulate body temperature and prevent overheating. Look for jackets with vents, mesh panels, or breathable materials that allow airflow.


  1. Weather Conditions: Consider the typical weather conditions of your hunting location. If it's usually cold and wet, opt for a waterproof and insulated jacket. For milder conditions, a lightweight jacket with good ventilation might be sufficient.
  2. Camouflage Patterns: Choose a camo pattern that blends well with the environment where you'll be hunting. Some popular options include RealTree AP, Mossy Oak, and Carhartt's proprietary camo designs.
  3. Fit and Comfort: Ensure the jacket fits well without restricting movement. Consider adjustable features such as cuffs, waistbands, and collar for added comfort and customizability.
  4. Safety Features: High visibility elements like reflective trims and bright colors can enhance your visibility and safety in low light conditions or near roads and highways.

General Advice

  1. Read Customer Reviews: Read reviews from other hunters to get valuable insights about the performance and reliability of specific Carhartt Hunting Jacket models.
  2. Invest in Quality: Although high-quality Carhartt Hunting Jackets may have a higher price tag, their durability and performance make them a worthwhile investment for serious hunters.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Clean and dry your jacket according to the manufacturer's instructions to maintain its water-repellent properties and extend its lifespan.
By considering important features, weighing relevant considerations, and following general advice, you can make an informed decision when choosing the perfect Carhartt Hunting Jacket for your unique needs and preferences.


Which Carhartt hunting jacket is the most popular?

The Carhartt Quilted Flannel Lined Jacket is one of the most popular and highly-rated hunting jackets due to its comfort, durability, and warmth.

How do I choose the right size for a Carhartt hunting jacket?
To find the perfect fit, consult Carhartt's sizing chart on their website. Measure your chest, waist, and hips, and choose a jacket that matches your measurements. It's also advisable to read customer reviews for specific size recommendations.

What features make Carhartt hunting jackets stand out?

  • Rugged construction for durability
  • Warmth and comfort in harsh weather
  • Several pocket options for ammunition, calls, and other gear
  • Breathable materials to keep you dry

Can I wash my Carhartt hunting jacket in a washing machine?

Yes, most Carhartt hunting jackets are designed for machine washing. Use cold water and mild detergent, then hang to dry or tumble dry low. Be sure to check the care instructions included with your specific jacket for more detailed guidance.

How waterproof are Carhartt hunting jackets?

Many Carhartt hunting jackets are water-resistant, which means they can withstand light rain or snow. If you need a more waterproof option, look for jackets with waterproof membranes or coatings, such as the Carhartt Rain Defender Jacket.

Do Carhartt hunting jackets come with a warranty?

Carhartt offers a one-year limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for most of their products, including hunting jackets. To make a claim, contact their customer service team with the details of your issue and the product's model/Serial Number.

How can I tell if a Carhartt hunting jacket is genuine?

Look for the Carhartt label and logo on the jacket, as well as the product tag with the style number indicating the specific model and color. Be cautious when purchasing second-hand, as counterfeit jackets may be sold online. If in doubt, contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How do I care for my Carhartt hunting jacket to extend its longevity?

  • Follow the care instructions included with your jacket
  • Store it in a cool, dry place when not in use
  • Periodically clean and waterproof the jacket using specialized products
  • Inspect it for damage before each use, and repair or replace damaged parts as needed

Are there specific models of Carhartt hunting jackets suitable for women?

Yes, Carhartt offers hunting jackets designed specifically for women, like the Carhartt Women's Big & Tall Quilted Flannel Lined Jacket. These jackets feature a tailored fit and adjustability options to ensure a comfortable and flattering fit for women wearing these jackets while hunting.

How can I find discounted Carhartt hunting jackets?

Keep an eye on Carhartt's official website and authorized retailers for seasonal sales and promotions. Additionally, you may find discounted hunting jackets on sites like eBay or Amazon, but make sure to verify the authenticity of the product before purchasing.
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2024.05.19 11:48 matmannen Development, changes and crises in leaving mormonism.

We must have all heard the terms exmormon vs postmormon. As I understand it, postmormon describes moving away from morminism in full: leaving it's chackles behind you and becomeing the person you were always meant to be. This ofcourse implies a state of serene perfection, you have healed until there is no more healing to be done, but one can always hope.
A mormon life always begins somwhere. Mine began in a small rural town with a mormon-sized family and the only quirky members in a radius of 12 miles (20km). Non-mormon influences were unwelocme at home, so friendships were very difficult and not encouraged. The only real fellowship was during the odd church funtion and being far away it included alot of work.
I grew up and like in every mormon's life there comes the question of marriage. Afterwards I continues the same pattern I grew up with. I moved cities and and in a marriage of 10 years, I continued the same pattern I learned and made no friends. I only really knew my wife and her family.
My marriage ended, in many ways my wife gave me license to lead the life I always wanted. There was half-hearted attendence during covid, but your spirit always wins. Few months later I asked my name to be revoked, I moved cities, new job: I started a new life.
Living life, I eventually found a girldfriend and we started hitting it off. As things were going, I was about to repeat my old pattern, make no friends and only really socialize with her and her family, until everything changed. I decided to come out as bisexual. We opened our relatioship for some exploration and I eventually got a friend with benifits. As time grew, there was alot more friendship than benifits and I started meeting his friends. Now I consider him my best friend, and we hang on the regular just talking, usually over a bottle of wine.
I have been working on fostering my sociallife. I have invited people I life to join me in just talking and meeting. I want friendship. But I feel like this is coing into conflict with my relationship with my girlfriend. She wanted to move fast, but I always held back, and after two years we are talking about moving in together. On the one had I have her, a life of my usual pattern, and on the other I have freedom and striving onwards.
I really don't know what to do, leaving mormonism, life is spunn into a life of trauma and change and I am lost. How have you dealt with the relationships and crises as you left mormonism in full?
submitted by matmannen to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:36 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Beanies

Best Carhartt Beanies
Discover the perfect headgear for the chilly season with our roundup of Carhartt Beanies! As the temperature drops, having a cozy beanie is essential to stay warm and stylish. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best options in the Carhartt lineup, ensuring you find the perfect beanie to keep your head warm and stylish this season. Stay tuned as we explore the world of Carhartt Beanies in this comprehensive product guide.

The Top 5 Best Carhartt Beanies

  1. John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch - Warm and stylish Carhartt Brown Beanie featuring a John Deere Leather Patch and knit material for comfort and durability.
  2. Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie - Carhartt Glass Blue Mono Patch Beanie - A stylish and comfortable knit beanie made from soft acrylic rib material and adorned with a Carhartt patch, perfect for casual or on-the-job wear in the colder winter months.
  3. Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie - The Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray offers a cozy, stretchable fit, featuring 100% acrylic rib knit fabric and the iconic Carhartt label sewn on the left side.
  4. Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather - Stay cozy and show off your support for the trades with Carhartt's 100% acrylic cuffed beanie, featuring the classic Skills graphic.
  5. Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 - The Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 is a sturdy, functional, and attractive beanie featuring a logo embroidery, perfect for both work and play, ensuring warmth and comfort in any cold-weather environment.
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🔗John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch
I recently got the chance to try out the John Deere Leather Patch beanie, and I must say, it has been an essential part of my wardrobe in these chilly months. The first thing I noticed was the quality of the knit material, it's so soft and warm. The Carhartt Brown color pairs perfectly with my casual outfits, making it my go-to beanie for most days. The John Deere leather patch on the front adds a unique touch that sets it apart from other beanies.
One downside is that it can be a bit tight-fitting around my ears, but that could vary depending on individual head size. Despite this, the beanie has proved itself to be a reliable companion during my daily activities and I appreciate the American craftsmanship that John Deere stands for. Overall, I would highly recommend this beanie for anyone looking for a stylish and warm accessory.

🔗Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie
I recently decided to give the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie a try during these chilly winter months. As a product reviewer, I was excited to see how well this beanie would perform in both comfort and style. The 100% acrylic rib knit fabric is a pleasant surprise as it feels incredibly soft against my skin while doing an excellent job at keeping the cold out. I also appreciate the thick cuff, which ensures that my ears stay toasty and the beanie stays firmly in place even during blustery winds.
One of the highlights of this beanie is the Carhartt label sewn on the front. It adds a touch of sophistication to an otherwise casual look, making it suitable for both work and play. I love how the leather patch complements the beanie's color while adding a subtle edgy vibe.
However, there is one minor cons. I've noticed that during extremely windy days, the wind may make the Carhartt patch flutter a bit, which can be slightly annoying. Nevertheless, the overall quality and design more than make up for this minor inconvenience.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie. Its superior comfort, stylish appearance, and sturdy construction make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable and fashionable beanie during these cold months.

🔗Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion in keeping my head warm during chilly mornings. This beanie is made of 100% acrylic, stretchable rib knit fabric, which ensures a snug fit without feeling tight. The Carhartt label sewn on the left side adds a touch of branding that I absolutely love.
Although it's imported, the quality is top-notch, and I can feel the durability in every stitch. However, the material can be slightly on the warmer side, so it might not be the best choice for those who prefer more breathable headwear. Overall, if you're looking for a cozy and well-built headwarmer that'll stand up to the elements, this Carhartt Factory Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 is definitely worth a try.

🔗Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather
I remember when I first got my Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie, I was skeptical about how much it would enhance my outdoor outfits. But boy, was I in for a treat! . This beanie not only kept me warm, but also added a touch of rugged charm to my winter wardrobe.
Its acrylic, stretchable rib-knit fabric is a dream to wear, and the sewn-on Carhartt label on the front only adds to its distinctive look. Plus, being made in the USA is always a plus point for me.
However, one downside is that it doesn't have any reviews yet, which makes it a bit hard to gauge its popularity. Overall, though, it's a fantastic beanie for any guy who loves the outdoors and wants to support the trades.

🔗Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0
I recently purchased the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 to stay cozy during my morning runs in the freezing temperatures. I've always been a fan of Carhartt's high-quality standards, and this hat didn't disappoint! It's super comfortable, stretchy enough to always have a snug fit, and flexible enough to go over balaclavas, gaiters, and ball caps for even more warmth. But its best feature has got to be the bright lime color that seems to glow in the dark, making me super visible during my night runs. On the downside, it can be a little itchy initially, so remember to wash it before you wear it. Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 for anyone looking for a warm, comfortable, and stylish beanie that keeps your head toasty, even in the harshest of climates.
Now let me tell you about another aspect of this beanie that made me appreciate Carhartt even more. I bought three of these for the men in my family when we were heading to the mountains for Christmas. And guess what? They loved them! The guys felt so protected and warm that they didn't want to take them off, even when it started snowing on us. When it comes to keeping your head warm and comfortable, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 truly delivers.
However, I did come across one issue with sizing in my research. The size seems to vary depending on the country where it's made, which can be a bit frustrating. It's a good idea to keep an eye on that if you're a stickler for consistency in your hats.
All in all, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality and cozy winter beanie.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt beanies are a winter essential that provide both style and functionality. As you begin your search for the perfect beanie, there are several important features and considerations you should keep in mind. Here's a detailed guide to help you make the right choice.


One of the most critical aspects of a Carhartt beanie is the material it's made from. Look for options that feature 100% acrylic knit or fleece linings to ensure maximum warmth and durability throughout the cold months.

Fit and Comfort
The right fit is crucial when choosing a Carhartt beanie. Make sure to pick a size that comfortably rests on your ears without being too tight or loose. Additionally, consider models with adjustable cuffs to help customize your fit further.

Style Variations

  • Cuffed Beanies: Classic choice with an adjustable cuff for a tight or loose fit.
  • Slouch Beanies: Offer a relaxed, laid-back look and can be worn cuffed or pulled down to create a slouchy effect.
  • Earflap Beanies: Keep ears warm with extra flaps designed to provide even more coverage and insulation from the cold.

Washing and Care

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your Carhartt beanie. Wash your beanie inside out using cold water to keep colors vibrant and remove dirt. Air dry your beanie to prevent shrinking or excessive wear on the fabric.

Additional Features

  • Double Layer Construction: Reinforced stitching adds extra warmth and durability to your beanie.
  • Multiple Colors and Patterns: Choose from a wide range of solid colors, stripes, or camo prints to match your personal style.

General Advice

When shopping for Carhartt beanies, always prioritize quality and comfort over price. Investing in a well-made beanie will save you money in the long run as it lasts through multiple winters without losing its appearance or functionality.
Carhartt beanies are an excellent addition to any winter wardrobe, offering style and warmth while protecting you from harsh weather conditions. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect Carhartt beanie that suits your needs and preferences.


What materials are Carhartt beanies made from?

Carhartt beanies are primarily made from acrylic, a synthetic fiber known for its durability and warmth. Some beanies also include blends of other materials such as polyester or spandex for added stretch and comfort.

Do Carhartt beanies come in various styles?
Yes, Carhartt beanies come in a variety of styles to suit different preferences. Options include classic and cuffed styles, as well as visors and ear flaps for added warmth.

How can I tell if a Carhartt beanie will fit well?

Carhartt beanies are designed to fit head sizes varying from small to large. To ensure the right fit, measure the circumference of your head just above your eyebrows and consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the product page.

How do I wash my Carhartt beanie?

It is recommended to wash your Carhartt beanie in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners, and air dry the beanie to maintain its shape and quality.

Where can I buy Carhartt beanies?

Carhartt beanies can be purchased from the official Carhartt website, as well as various online retailers such as Amazon, Zappos, and Dick's Sporting Goods. Some brick-and-mortar stores also carry Carhartt beanies, including sports outfitters and major department stores.

Do Carhartt beanies come with a warranty?

Yes, Carhartt beanies come with a one-year limited warranty that covers any defects in materials or workmanship. If you experience any issues with your beanie within this timeframe, you can contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How much do Carhartt beanies typically cost?

The cost of Carhartt beanies can vary depending on the style and material. Classic acrylic beanies generally retail between $15 and $25, while more premium options (such as those made from wool or featuring detailed embroidery) may be priced up to $50 or more.

Are Carhartt beanies suitable for cold weather?

Yes, Carhartt beanies are designed to provide warmth and protection from the cold. Many beanies also have features such as adjustable cuffs or ear flaps for added insulation and comfort in colder climates.

Do Carhartt beanies run true to size?

Carhartt beanies are designed to run true to size. However, it is helpful to consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the individual product page to ensure the best fit for your head size.

Does Carhartt offer customized beanies?

While Carhartt does not offer customized beanies, they do have a variety of different styles and colors available, allowing customers to choose a beanie that best suits their personal preferences and needs.

How can I care for my Carhartt beanie to extend its longevity?

To care for your Carhartt beanie and extend its longevity, it is recommended to wash it in cold water on a gentle cycle and to avoid using fabric softeners. Additionally, air drying your beanie can help maintain its shape and quality, rather than using a dryer.

Do Carhartt beanies have reflective aspects for safety?

Some Carhartt beanies, such as their reflective strap beanie, include reflective elements to enhance visibility in low-light environments, promoting safety for those who work or engage in outdoor activities during early mornings, late afternoons, or at night.
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2024.05.19 11:31 Significant-Tower146 Best Carhartt Balaclava

Best Carhartt Balaclava
Welcome to our roundup of the best Carhartt Balaclava options available in the market. It's time to get warm and cozy with this versatile piece of outdoor gear. In this roundup, we'll be exploring the top choices for balaclavas to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

The Top 14 Best Carhartt Balaclava

  1. Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black - Stay warm and stylish in Carhartt WIP's jet black Storm chunky-knit Balaclava, featuring a signature box logo and perfect for outdoor activities.
  2. Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket - Experience ultimate breathability and comfort with the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket, an ideal face-protection solution for extreme weather conditions.
  3. Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava - The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask offers ultimate protection against harsh weather, providing a fast-dry, comfortable, and anti-odor solution for your next outdoor adventure.
  4. Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Balaclava, featuring a military-inspired label and coverage for your head, face, and neck amidst the elements.
  5. Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection - Carhartt's Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava offers full facial protection and moisture-wicking comfort with its built-in FastDry technology and NFPA 70E compliance.
  6. Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask - Say goodbye to the harsh winter elements with the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask, providing ultimate comfort and protection from cold winds and dust, all while looking stylish.
  7. Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures - Experience the ultimate warmth and style with Carhartt WIP's Remi Hood Balaclava, featuring 100% Acrylic for insulation, minimalistic design, and a distinct script logo.
  8. Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask - Stay cozy and protected with Carhartt's Black Knit Insulated Face Mask - perfect for winter sports or outdoor activities.
  9. Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons - Stay cozy and stylish this winter with the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask, featuring a comfortable fit and a charming logo for the perfect blend of warmth and fashion.
  10. Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge - Warm up and stand out with the Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava, featuring a 5-gauge acrylic knit and a stylish script logo, perfect for the colder months.
  11. Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection - Experience the ultimate warmth and protection with Carhartt WIP Storm Mask's 100% acrylic, 4-gauge rib-knit fabric in black, perfect for harsh winter conditions.
  12. Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood, featuring quilted-nylon lining, a weather-resistant design, and an adjustable drawcord for the perfect fit.
  13. Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, designed for ultimate warmth and protection with its versatile pull-down face mask and premium FastDry technology.
  14. Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava - Keep your head warm and dry in cold conditions with Carhartt's 2-in-1 Fleece Headwear, featuring a moisture-wicking front mask and one size fits all.
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🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black
Wearing the Carhartt WIP Storm chunky-knit balaclava in black made me feel like a cool-weather, street-smart daredevil. I'd step out into the frost, ready to conquer the biting cold with this stylish companion on my face.
The chunky knit felt soft, keeping me cozy as I braved the winter's icy winds. But what made this balaclava really stand out was the signature box logo on the front. It added a touch of edginess to my everyday look, turning heads wherever I went.
But, there was one minor downside - the face opening was slightly more generous than I would have liked. When the wind picked up, or I took a sharp turn, some cold air still found its way in.
Overall, though, this balaclava kept me toasty while adding a bit of panache to my style, making it worth the investment.

🔗Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket
I've been using the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket for a few weeks now, and I must say, it has been a lifesaver during these pandemic times. As someone who needs to wear a mask at work, I was initially apprehensive about how comfortable the gaiter would be, but boy, was I pleasantly surprised!
First off, the fit is just right. It's adjustable, so it's easy to pull it tighter or looser depending on how you want to wear it. The one size fits most, so it's a great option for those who want a gaiter that can adapt to different head sizes without sacrificing comfort.
But what really stood out to me is the filter pocket. It's designed to accommodate a filter, and I found that it actually works quite well. With just a small piece of filter, the gaiter provides a great level of protection without feeling too claustrophobic or uncomfortable.
However, there were a couple of things that I wasn't particularly fond of. First, the stitching seemed a bit flimsy at times. I had to be extra careful when washing it to avoid any unraveling, which was a bit of a bummer. Overall, though, it held up pretty well despite its slightly weak stitching.
The other downside was that it wasn't as easy to get on and off as some other gaiters I've tried. It took a bit of fumbling around to get the elastic cord to secure itself properly, which was a bit of a hassle.
Despite these minor issues, I still highly recommend the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket. It's comfortable, effective, and a great option for anyone looking for a reliable mask alternative during these challenging times.

🔗Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava
I've been using the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask for a while now, and it has been a game-changer during my outdoor adventures. The full-face protection that extends below the neckline is a fantastic feature, as it shields me from the biting cold and howling winds. I particularly love the face mask, which can be tucked under the chin when not in use.
One of the highlights is the Carhartt Force fabric with Fast Dry technology, which wicks away sweat for added comfort, even during heavy activity. This is perfect for someone like me who tends to sweat a lot during my adventures. The interior of the mask feels incredibly soft and cozy, thanks to the fleeced material.
However, there are a few cons to this product as well. First, the mask can get a bit rank due to my persistent breathing through it. I've ended up washing it a hundred times or more and it still shows very little wear.
Another feature that could be improved is the neckline. If it were two inches longer, it would provide better coverage and feel even more comfortable.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask has been a crucial addition to my wardrobe for those cold outdoor days. It strikes a perfect balance between comfort and functionality, although there is always room for improvement.

🔗Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava
Ever find yourself shivering in the chilly outdoors, needing something to keep your face warm without blocking your view of the world? That's where the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask comes in. Made of 100% polyester with a thickness of 220g/m², this mask effortlessly covers your head, face, and neck. The best part? It lets you see the world around you without obstruction.
Now, let's talk about the pros. The polyester material is durable and comfortable, perfect for a range of activities from hiking to city exploration. The mask itself is a solid black, giving it a sleek and modern look, which can blend in most outdoor settings. The military label adds an element of ruggedness, perfect for those outdoor enthusiasts.
However, there are a few cons to mention. While the mask effectively keeps the chill at bay, the 39 cm height might not be enough for those with a taller stature. Also, some users might find it slightly heavy on the face over extended periods.
Overall, the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask is a reliable and fashionable solution for those looking to withstand the cold without compromising their view. Just remember, it's primarily designed for cooler weather, so you might want to opt for another solution in extreme-cold situations.

🔗Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection
The Carhartt Flame-Resistant Balaclava proved to be a reliable companion on chilly days at work. I loved the full face coverage that extended below the neck. The FastDry technology kept me comfortable throughout the day as the sweat was wicked away, and I felt cool despite the heavy tasks on hand.
I appreciated the force technology that pulled the mask down below my chin when needed. However, the drawback of this balaclava was its thickness - it was not as ample warmth on my face as my expectations.
Despite this, I would recommend it for those who prioritize comfort and functionality while working in risky environments.

🔗Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask
The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask is a reliable companion for those harsh, freezing days. Just like the name suggests, it really does force out the chill. It's a bit like a superhero cape for your neck - you can tuck it into your clothing or wear it loose, and it's always ready to deploy when the winds come howling.
The face mask has a nice feature that pulls down under the chin when not in use. It's a little bit like a superhero who can change shapes - it turns from a full-facial protection into a handy scarf for your winter stroll. When it comes to comfort, it uses technology that's akin to a superhero's invisibility cloak. The material wicks away sweat, keeping you dry and cozy.
The mask is made from a blend of fabric that's more like a superhero's suit than a simple piece of cloth. It's made from 88% polyester and 12% spandex. This strong blend ensures the mask fits snugly without feeling too tight, and it makes it durable enough to last through many winters.
There's a thing about this mask which reminds me of Batman's utility belt - it's full of surprises. It has a full-facial protection that extends below the neckline, which ensures that no icy wind will catch you off guard. And for those times when a little extra chin protection is needed, it has a nifty feature that can pull the front end up, but it still allows enough breathing room.
The material is quite breathable but remember, it’s not designed or medically certified to stop airborne disease or protect from viruses. However, it does a commendable job of keeping out dust during winter, which is a relief when you're working in an environment that's full of dusty snow drifts.
The design of the mask is simple yet effective. Its quick-dry technology, the antimicrobial finish, and its flat-seam construction all make it an excellent choice in a pinch. Just like a trusty sidekick or a sleek racecar, its one size fits most, and it can be easily washed. The face mask will fit perfectly snug under a helmet, providing extra warmth.
The material is quite breathable, but it can get a bit rank from your own breathing, especially after a long workday. But, it shows very little wear after many washes.
However, one thing to note is that you won't be stopping an actual criminal with this mask, it’s not designed or medically rated to provide protection from viruses or airborne disease. So, while it may not be a James Bond-style gadget, it's still a pretty decent investment for a warmer, comfier winter experience.
This Carhartt Balaclava isn’t just a protective gear; it’s like a superhero's secret weapon that you can tuck under your shirt during those cold and harsh winter days. It’s like wearing a little bit of warmth right under your nose while you go about your day.

🔗Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava, and I'm excited to share my experience with all of you. I decided to give it a try as a versatile piece of clothing to keep me warm during those chilly outdoor activities.
The very first thing I noticed when I opened the package was the high-quality materials used to create this hood. At 100% acrylic and 5-gauge, it certainly felt luxurious to the touch. It's a great choice for those cold days and nights out.
In terms of its design, the Remi Hood delivers a minimalist, yet sleek look. I particularly loved the script logo on the hood, which added a touch of elegance without being too overpowering. The soft acrylic backdrop made it incredibly comfortable to wear, and it fit perfectly despite only having one size.
Despite being so comfortable, I couldn't help but notice the occasional itchiness from the acrylic material. However, this trade-off was well worth the overall warmth and comfort the Remi Hood provided.
Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava for anyone looking for a practical, stylish, and comfortable way to stay warm during those chilly outdoor adventures.

🔗Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask
I recently had the chance to try out the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer when it comes to staying warm in cold weather. The highlight of this face mask is its long neck, which provides not only enhanced protection from chilly winds but also a greater sense of comfort and security.
One of the things I appreciated most about this face mask is its acrylic rib-knit fabric. It offers just the right amount of insulation, keeping you cozy during those frigid winter days. The softness of the material also ensures that it's comfortable to wear, even for extended periods.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed while using the mask. Firstly, the overlock stitching, which is designed to resist abrasion, can sometimes be a bit annoying as it tends to catch on clothing and other surfaces. Secondly, the mask can become quite wrinkled after washing, which may affect its overall appearance and effectiveness.
Overall, the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, warm, and comfortable winter accessory. Its unique features and high-quality materials make it a standout option in the market, even if there are a few minor drawbacks to consider.

🔗Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons
I recently gave the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask a try, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me during these chilly months. Made of a cozy, warm acrylic fabric, its comfort is unparalleled. The stretchy rib knit construction makes it fit like a glove, and the Carhartt WIP logo on the cuff gives it that classic touch.
One downside I noticed was the color of the mask appearing more reddish-brown in the picture than what I received, but that didn't affect my overall experience. Overall, it's a great tool to protect against the winter's harshness and make my commutes more enjoyable.

🔗Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge
The Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava was a game-changer for my daily routine. As someone who's always on the go, the height of 36.5 cm was a perfect fit, allowing me to stay comfortable and protected. The 100% acrylic and 5-gauge material proved to be both durable and cozy.
The label with the script logo added a touch of class to the overall design. However, the one downside was the balaclava's trim, which felt somewhat too tight and constricting. Despite that minor hiccup, the Remi Balaclava has undoubtedly become a staple in my wardrobe.

🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection
I recently tried the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask in black - a snug little warm-up you might want to explore this winter. Made of a stretchy, four-gauge rib-knit acrylic fabric, it feels soft and cozy against your skin. The one-size-fits-all approach means it's perfect for all genders and head sizes. Although it covers the entire face, it still has a subtle see-through pattern over the eyes.
If you live in a chilly area, this might be the right piece for you. It's perfect for keeping your face warm, shielding you from the harsh winter cold. However, be aware that it may get a bit itchy after a long time of use. Overall, it's a pretty handy, comfortable and stylish bit of winter attire. So far, so good!

🔗Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining
I recently purchased the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood for my coat, and I must say I am quite impressed. The quilted-nylon lining provides warmth and comfort, while the three-piece hood construction and draw cord adjustable with cord lock allow for a perfect fit. Although I have faced some difficulty with the triple-stitched main seams coming undone after a few months, overall, I am satisfied with my purchase.
The hood has come in handy during those windy days, providing adequate coverage on the sides and top. However, the snaps on the hood may not align perfectly with the coat, causing a minor inconvenience.
In summary, the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood offers a decent fit and warmth, but the snaps may require a little tweaking to work correctly.

🔗Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology
As a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, I recently tried the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear, and I was thoroughly impressed. The headwear not only provides adequate warmth but also offers excellent protection from the elements. The 2 in 1 design, with a pull-down face mask, truly makes this product stand out.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the Carhartt Camo Fleece Headwear is its FastDry technology. This feature really comes in handy when I'm out in the cold for extended periods, as it ensures my face mask dries promptly after use, maintaining its effectiveness. The fact that the mask can be tucked up into the hat when not in use is a simple yet effective design that adds convenience.
The Carhartt leatherette label sewn on the front is a thoughtful touch that adds a certain elegance and authenticity to the headwear. It makes the product stand out from others in the market, giving it a unique identity.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks with this product. While I appreciated the face mask, it could have been slightly longer to ensure better coverage and tuck-in capabilities. Additionally, I found that the fit around the ears could be slightly better, as I experienced some slippage with my current headwear size.
Overall, the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear combines comfort and protection in one convenient package. It's perfect for those who spend time outdoors, hunting, or simply need to keep their face and ears warm in cold weather. With its unique 2 in 1 design and FastDry technology, this headwear is definitely a worthwhile investment.

🔗Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava
When I was using the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, I noticed how versatile it was. With the ear flaps and pull-down face mask, I felt like I had complete control over my level of warmth. As one reviewer mentioned, the hat really delivers warmth during the coldest of winter days, and it's perfect for when you need that extra protection.
However, there were a couple of cons that I came across during my experience. Firstly, the size seemed to be a bit small, especially for those with larger heads or those who wear glasses, as mentioned by some users. While it was a small issue for some, others reported having cold necks when using the headwear.
Lastly, the face mask was not detachable, even though it's very useful in cold weather. This made it a bit inconvenient for wearing while engaged in lighter activities, like working around the house.
Overall, I found this product to be a really useful tool for the unpredictable winter weather. It offers both warmth and comfort, and the moisture-wicking backing helps keep any moisture away from your skin. Despite the minor cons, I would definitely recommend the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear to others looking for all-weather protection.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for Carhartt Balaclavas. In this section, we'll provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision when purchasing one of these versatile headwear pieces. The Carhartt brand is renowned for its durable and high-quality products, and their Balaclavas are no exception. Without further ado, let's dive into the details.

What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a multi-functional head covering that's designed to protect the wearer from cold weather and harsh conditions. Balaclavas are typically made of a warm insulated material, and their unique design allows the wearer to expose only the face or mouth while covering the entire head and neck. Due to their adaptability and versatility, they are a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and workers.

Material and Insulation

The quality of the material and insulation is a crucial factor when considering a Carhartt Balaclava. Make sure to choose a model that made of a durable, moisture-wicking, and insulated material. Common materials used in Carhartt Balaclavas include polyester, fleece, and acrylic knits. Look for proper insulation in the form of fillers or lining to help maintain body heat and prevent cold temperatures from affecting your comfort.

Fit and Comfort

When shopping for a Carhartt Balaclava, ensure that it fits well and is comfortable. A snug, yet not too tight, fit will provide optimal heat retention and protection from wind and snow. The Balaclava should be easy to adjust and wear, with minimal bulkiness around the face.


While styling may not be the first priority when choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, it's still worth considering. Look for designs that match your personal style or the needs of a specific activity or occasion. Some Carhartt Balaclavas come with adjustable necklines and face openings, allowing you to customize the look to your preference.

Brand Reliability and Reputation

Carhartt is a reputable brand known for their high-quality, durable, and practical designs. By choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, you can rest assured that you're investing in a product that's built to last and will provide you with excellent protection from harsh weather conditions.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Before making a purchase, take a look at customer reviews and ratings for the Carhartt Balaclava you're considering. This will help you gain insight into the product's performance, durability, and fit from real-world users.
A Carhartt Balaclava is an essential item for those who love spending time outdoors in cold and windy conditions. By considering the features, materials, fit, and style, you can find the perfect Balaclava to meet your specific needs. Remember to always read product descriptions, reviews, and ratings before making a purchase to ensure satisfaction.


What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a type of face mask designed to provide both warmth and protection from harsh cold weather conditions. It is typically made of durable materials, like Carhartt's signature rugged fabric, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

Why should I choose a Carhartt Balaclava over other brands?

Carhartt is known for its high-quality products that are built to withstand the toughest conditions. When you choose a Carhartt Balaclava, you can expect it to be both comfortable to wear and resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, the brand has a long-standing reputation for crafting reliable and durable workwear, making it a trusted choice for many consumers.

How do I choose the right Carhartt Balaclava for me?

  • Consider the climate you'll be wearing the balaclava in and choose a material that is suitable for the conditions. For extreme cold, a thicker material may be more suitable, while for slightly colder temperatures, a thinner material could be more comfortable.
  • Take note of the balaclava's coverage, some offer full face and neck coverage while others only cover the face, nose, and mouth. Choose one that best suits your needs.
  • Consider the balaclava's features, such as adjustable straps or ventilation ports, which can enhance your comfort while wearing the mask.

Are Carhartt Balaclavas suitable for various activities?

Yes, Carhartt Balaclavas are versatile and suitable for a variety of activities, including outdoor sports, winter hiking, skiing, and snowboarding. The choice of balaclava will depend on the specific activity and weather conditions you expect to encounter.

How do I care for and store my Carhartt Balaclava?

  • Do not wash your Carhartt Balaclava in a washing machine, instead hand wash it using mild detergent and lukewarm water.
  • Air dry your balaclava away from direct sunlight to prevent damage to the material.
  • Store your balaclava in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • To maintain its shape, consider folding it and storing it in a protective pouch or cloth.
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2024.05.19 10:54 PageTurner627 My Dad and I Hunted Down the Dogman that Killed My Sister

I’ve always hated the smell of gun oil. It clings to everything it touches, soaking deep into the fibers of my clothes, the lining of my backpack, the coarse hair on the back of my hands. Yet here I am, kneeling on the cracked linoleum of our mudroom, a Remington .308 laid across my thighs, and the stench of gun oil sharp in my nostrils. The early morning light barely scratches at the edges of the blinds, dim and gray like the belly of a dead fish.
My dad Frank is in the kitchen, clattering around with the coffeepot and mumbling under his breath. Today we’re heading up to the woods of Northern Michigan, same as we did every year before Leah… before we lost her.
I can’t help but feel the old scars throbbing as I load bullets into the magazine. It’s been ten years since that hunting trip, the one that tore my family into before and after. Before, when Leah's laughter was a constant soundtrack to our lives; after, when every silence was filled with her absence.
We were just kids back then. I was ten, Leah was eight. It was supposed to be a typical hunting trip, one of those bonding experiences Dad was always talking about. But things went wrong. We got separated from Dad somehow. One minute we were following him, the next we were lost, the dense woods closing in around us.
Dad says when he found me, I was huddled under a fallen tree, my eyes wide, my body frozen. All I could mutter through chattering teeth was "Dogman."
It was only later, after the search parties had combed through every thicket and hollow, that they found her. What remained of Leah was barely recognizable, the evidence of a brutal mauling undeniable. The authorities concluded it was likely a bear attack, but Dad... he never accepted that explanation. He had seen the tracks, too large and oddly shaped for any bear.
As I load another round, the memory flashes, unbidden and unwelcome. Large, hairy clawed hands reaching out towards us, impossibly big, grotesque in their form. Yet, the rest of the creature eludes me, a shadow just beyond the edge of my recall, leaving me with nothing but fragmented terrors and Leah’s haunting, echoing screams. My mind blocked most of it out, a self-defense mechanism, I guess.
For years after that day, sleep was a battleground. I'd wake up in strange places—kitchen floor, backyard, even at the edge of the nearby creek. My therapist said it was my mind's way of trying to resolve the unresolved, to wander back through the woods searching for Leah. But all I found in those sleepless nights was a deeper sense of loss.
It took time, a lot of therapy, and patience I didn't know I had, but the sleepwalking did eventually stop. I guess I started to find some semblance of peace.
I have mostly moved on with my life. The fragmentary memories of that day are still there, lurking in the corners of my mind, but they don’t dominate my thoughts like they used to. I just finished my sophomore year at Michigan State, majoring in Environmental Science.
As for Dad, the loss of Leah broke him. He became a shell of himself. It destroyed his marriage with Mom. He blamed himself for letting us out of his sight, for not protecting Leah. His life took on a single, consuming focus: finding the creature that killed her. He read every book, every article on cryptids and unexplained phenomena. He mapped sightings, connected dots across blurry photos and shaky testimonies of the Dogman.
But as the tenth anniversary of Leah’s death approaches, Dad's obsession has grown more intense. He’s started staying up late, poring over his maps and notes, muttering to himself about patterns and cycles. He’s convinced that the dogman reappears every ten years, and this is our window of opportunity to finally hunt it down.
I’m not nearly as convinced. The whole dogman thing seems like a coping mechanism, a way for Dad to channel his guilt and grief into something tangible, something he can fight against. But I decided to tag along on this trip, partly to keep an eye on him, partly because a small part of me hopes that maybe, just maybe, we’ll find some kind of closure out there in the woods.
I finish loading the rifle and set it aside, standing up to stretch my legs. I wipe my greasy hands on an old rag, trying to get rid of the smell. The early morning light is starting to seep into the room, casting long shadows across the floor.
Dad comes out of the kitchen with two thermoses of coffee in hand. His eyes are bleary and tired.
“You ready, Ryan?” he asks, handing me a thermos, his voice rough from too many sleepless nights.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” I reply, trying to sound more confident than I felt.
We load our gear into the truck, the weight of our supplies and weapons a physical reminder of the burden we carry. The drive from Lansing across the Lower Peninsula is long and quiet, the silence between us filled with unspoken memories and unresolved grief.

The drive north is a blur of highway lines and the dull hum of the engine. I drift off, the landscape outside blending into a haze. In my sleep, fragments of that day with Leah replay like scattered pieces of a puzzle. I see her smile, the way she tugged at my sleeve, eager to explore. The sunlight filters through the trees in sharp, jagged streaks.
Then, the memory shifts—darker, disjointed. Leah's voice echoes, a playful laugh turning into a scream that pierces the air. The crunch of leaves underfoot as something heavy moves through the underbrush. I see a shadow, large and looming, not quite fitting the shapes of any creature I know.
Then, something darker creeps into the dream, something I’ve never allowed myself to remember clearly.
Before I can see what it is I wake up with a start as the truck jerks slightly on a rough patch of road. Dad glances over. "Bad dream?" he asks. I nod, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the remnants of the dream clinging to me like the cold.
"Yeah, just... thinking about Leah," I manage to say.
As we drive, Dad attempts to bridge the silence with small talk. He asks about my finals, my plans for the summer, anything to keep the conversation going. His voice carries a forced cheerfulness, but it’s clear his heart isn’t in it. I respond when necessary, my answers brief, my gaze fixed on the passing scenery.
The landscape changes as we head further north, from flat expanses to rolling hills dotted with dense patches of forest. It's beautiful country, the kind that reminds you how vast and wild Michigan can be, but today it just feels oppressive, like it’s closing in on us.

We finally arrive at the cabin, nestled deep in the woods, its weathered wood blending seamlessly with the surrounding trees. The place hasn't changed much since the last time I was here—a relic from another time, filled with the echoes of our past. I can still see Leah running around the porch, her laughter ringing out into the forest.
Dad parks the truck, and we step out into the crisp air. The smell of pine and damp earth fills my nostrils. We start unloading our gear, the tension between us palpable.
“Let’s get this inside,” Dad says, his voice gruff as he hefts a duffel bag onto his shoulder.
I nod, grabbing my own bag and following him to the cabin. Inside, it’s a mix of old and new—the same rustic furniture, but with new hunting gear and maps strewn across the table. Dad’s obsession is evident in every corner of the room, a constant reminder of why we’re here.
As we unpack, we exchange strained attempts at normalcy. He talks about the latest cryptid sightings he’s read about, his eyes lighting up with a fervor that both worries and saddens me.
“Did you hear about the sighting up near Alpena?” he asks, laying out his maps on the table.
“Yeah, you mentioned it,” I reply, trying to muster some enthusiasm. “Do you really think there’s something to it?”
Dad’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of doubt. But it’s quickly replaced by grim determination. “I have to believe it, Ryan. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
We finish unpacking, the silence between us growing heavier with each passing minute. I step outside to clear my head, the cool air a welcome relief. The sun is starting to set, casting long shadows across the clearing. I can’t shake the feeling of unease.
"You can take the upstairs room," Dad mutters. His voice is strained, trying to sound normal, but it's clear the weight of the past is heavy on him. I nod, hauling my backpack up the creaking stairs to the small bedroom that I used to share with Leah. The room feels smaller now, or maybe I've just grown too much since those innocent days.
I unpack silently, setting my things aside. The bed is stiff and cold under my touch. As I settle in, I can't help but glance at the corner where Leah and I would huddle together, whispering secrets and making plans for adventures that would never happen. I push the thoughts away, focusing on the practicalities of unpacking.
After settling in, I go back downstairs to find Dad loading up a backpack with supplies for our hunt. The intensity in his eyes is palpable, his hands moving with practiced precision. I know this routine; it's one he's perfected over countless solo trips since that fateful day.
"We'll head out early," he says, not looking up from his task. "Gotta make the most of the daylight."
I nod, though unease curls in my stomach. I'm not just worried about what we might find—or not find—out there. I'm worried about him. Each year, the obsession seems to carve him out a bit more, leaving less of the Dad I knew.

The morning air is sharp with the scent of pine and wet earth as Dad and I head into the deeper parts of the forest. The terrain is rugged, familiar in its untamed beauty, but there’s a tension between us that makes the landscape feel alien. Dad moves with a purposeful stride, his eyes scanning the woods around us. Every snap of a twig, every rustle in the underbrush seems to draw his attention. He’s on edge, and it puts me on edge too.
As we walk, my mind drifts back to that day ten years ago. I can almost hear Leah’s voice echoing through the trees, her high-pitched call as she darted ahead, "Catch me, Ryan!" I remember how the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dancing shadows on the ground. Those memories are so vivid, so tangible, it feels like I could just turn a corner and see her there, waiting for us.
Dad suddenly stops and kneels, examining the ground. He points out a set of tracks that are too large for a deer, with an unusual gait pattern. "It’s been here, Ry. I’m telling you, it’s close," he whispers, a mixture of excitement and something darker in his voice. I nod, though I’m not sure what to believe. Part of me wants to dismiss it all as grief-fueled obsession, but another part, the part that heard Leah's scream and saw something monstrous in the woods that day, isn’t so sure.
As we continue, Dad's comments become increasingly cryptic. "You know, they say the dogman moves in cycles, drawn to certain places, certain times. Like it’s tied to the land itself," he muses, more to himself than to me. His fixation on the creature has always been intense, but now it borders on mania.
We set up a makeshift blind near a clearing where Dad insists the creature will pass. Hours drag by with little to see but the occasional bird or distant deer.
The sun rises higher in the sky, casting long, slender shadows through the dense canopy. I shift uncomfortably in my spot, the forest floor hard and unyielding beneath me. My eyes dart between the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything, to break the monotony. Dad, on the other hand, remains steadfast, his gaze fixed on the treeline as if he can will the dogman into existence by sheer force of will.
A bird chirps nearby, startling me. I sigh and adjust my grip on the rifle. I glance over at Dad.
“Anything?” I ask, more out of boredom than genuine curiosity.
“Not yet,” he replies, his voice tight. “But it’s out there. I know it.”
I nod, even though I’m not sure I believe him. The forest seems too quiet, too still. Maybe we’re chasing ghosts.
As the sun begins its descent, the forest is bathed in a warm, golden light. The air cools, and a breeze rustles the leaves. I shiver, more from anticipation than the cold. The long hours of sitting and waiting are starting to wear on me.
“Let’s call it a day for now,” Dad says finally, his voice heavy with disappointment. “We’ll head back to the cabin, get some rest, and try again tomorrow.”
I stand and stretch, feeling the stiffness in my muscles. We pack up our gear in silence and start the trek back to the cabin. The walk is long and quiet, the only sounds are the crunch of leaves underfoot and the distant calls of birds settling in for the night.

Dinner is a quiet affair, both of us lost in our thoughts. I try to make small talk, asking Dad about his plans for tomorrow, but it feels forced. We clean up in silence.
After dinner, I retreat to the small bedroom. The fatigue from the day's hike has settled into my bones, but sleep still feels like a distant hope. I lie down, staring at the ceiling, the room cloaked in darkness save for the sliver of moonlight creeping through the window. Downstairs, I hear the faint sound of Dad moving around, likely unable to sleep himself.
I drift into sleep, but it's not restful. My dreams pull me back to that fateful day in the woods. Leah's voice is clear and vibrant, her laughter echoing through the trees. She looks just as she did then—bright-eyed and full of life, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she runs ahead of me.
"Come on, Ry! You can't catch me!" she taunts, her voice playful and teasing.
I chase after her, but the scene shifts abruptly. The sky darkens, the woods around us growing dense and foreboding. Leah's laughter fades, replaced by a chilling silence. I see her ahead, standing still, her back to me.
"Leah?" I call out, my voice trembling. She turns slowly, her eyes wide and filled with fear. "Ryan, you have to remember," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "It wasn't what you think. You need to know the truth."
Leah’s words hang in the air, cryptic and unsettling. Before I can respond, she turns and starts running again, her figure becoming a blur among the trees. Panic rises in my chest as I sprint after her, my feet pounding against the forest floor.
“Leah, wait!” I shout, desperation lacing my voice. The forest around me seems to close in, the trees towering and twisted, shadows dancing menacingly in the dim light. I push forward, trying to keep her in sight, but she’s too fast, slipping away like a wisp of smoke.
Suddenly, there’s a rustle, a flash of movement in the corner of my vision. Leah screams, a sound that pierces through the heavy silence. It happens too quickly—I can’t see what it is, only a dark blur that snatches her up.
“Leah!” I scream, my voice breaking. I stumble, falling to my knees as the forest spins around me. My heart races, and the terror is so real, so visceral, that it pulls me back to that awful day, the one that changed everything.
I jolt awake, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I sit up, wiping the cold sweat from my forehead as I try to steady my breathing. The room is still dark, the shadows cast by the moonlight seem to flicker and dance on the walls. My heart is still racing from the nightmare, the echo of Leah's scream lingering in my ears.
As I struggle to calm down, the floorboards outside my room creak. The door opens slowly, and I see the silhouette of my dad in the doorway, a Bowie knife in his hand, his posture tense.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” I whisper, my voice shaking.
“Shh,” he hisses, holding up a hand to silence me. “I heard something. Something moving around in the cabin. Stay quiet.”
I swallow hard, my mouth dry. I glance at the clock on the nightstand—it’s just past three in the morning. The cabin is silent, the kind of deep, oppressive silence that makes every small sound seem louder. I can’t hear anything out of the ordinary, but Dad’s expression is deadly serious.
He motions for me to get up, and I do, moving as quietly as I can. My heart is racing, a mix of lingering fear from the dream and the sudden, sharp anxiety of the present moment. Dad leads the way, stepping cautiously out of the bedroom and into the hallway, the knife held ready in front of him.
We move through the cabin, checking each room in turn. The living room is empty, the furniture casting long shadows in the dim moonlight. The kitchen is just as we left it, the plates from dinner still drying on the counter. Everything seems normal, untouched.
We finish our sweep of the cabin without finding anything amiss. The silence is heavy, punctuated only by our soft footfalls. I can see the tension in Dad’s frame, his grip on the knife unwavering. After checking the last room, we pause in the dimly lit hallway, the air thick with unspoken questions.
“There’s nothing here,” I say, my voice low. “Are you sure you heard something?”
He looks at me, his eyes searching for something in my face. “I heard growling. Deep and close. It was right outside the window.”
“Maybe it was just an animal outside, a raccoon or something?” I suggest, although the certainty in his voice makes me doubt my own reassurance.
“No, it wasn’t like that. It was different,” he insists, his voice tense.
I nod, not wanting to argue, but the seeds of worry are planted deep.
The look in his eyes sends a chill down my spine. It’s not just fear—it’s desperation. The kind of desperation that comes from years of chasing shadows and finding nothing. I can see the toll this hunt has taken on him, the way it’s worn him down, turned him into a man I barely recognize.
We head back to our rooms. As I lie down, my mind races with thoughts of my dad. I can’t help but wonder if he’s losing it, if the years of grief and guilt have finally pushed him over the edge.
Dad wasn’t always like this. Before Leah’s death, he was the kind of father who took us fishing, helped with homework, and told terrible jokes that made us groan and laugh at the same time. He was solid, dependable. But losing Leah changed him. The guilt twisted him into someone I barely recognize, someone driven by a need for answers, for closure, that may never come.
I try to sleep, but my thoughts keep me awake. I can hear Dad moving around downstairs, probably pacing or double-checking the locks. His paranoia has become a constant presence, and I don’t know how to help him. I don’t even know if I can help him.

The next morning, the sunlight filters weakly through the cabin windows, casting a pale light that does little to lift the heavy mood. I drag myself out of bed, feeling the exhaustion of another restless night. Dad is already up, hunched over his maps at the kitchen table, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep.
“Morning,” I mumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I pour myself a cup of coffee. “Did you sleep at all?”
He shakes his head, not looking up from his notes. “Not much. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I heard last night.”
I sip my coffee, trying to shake off the remnants of my nightmare. “Maybe it was just an animal, Dad. We’re deep in the woods, after all.”
He finally looks up, his eyes intense. “Ryan, I know what I heard. It wasn’t just an animal. It was something else.”
I sigh, not wanting to argue. “Okay, fine, Dad. What’s the plan for today?”
“We’re going back out. I found some tracks yesterday, and I want to follow them. See where they lead.”
I nod, feeling a mix of apprehension and resignation. I can see how much this means to him, how desperate he is for any kind of lead. “Alright. Let’s get packed and head out.”
We spend the morning preparing, loading up our gear and double-checking our supplies. Dad is meticulous, going over everything with a fine-toothed comb. I try to match his focus, but my mind keeps drifting back to Leah and the dream I had. Her words echo in my head, cryptic and unsettling: “You need to know the truth.”
We set off into the woods, the air crisp and cool. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, but it all feels distant, like background noise to the tension between us. Dad leads the way, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of the tracks he found yesterday.
As we walk, I can’t help but notice how erratically he’s acting. He mutters to himself, his eyes darting around as if expecting something to jump out at us. His grip on his rifle is tight, his knuckles white.
“Dad, are you okay?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
He glances at me, his expression unreadable. “I’m fine. Just focused.”
He stops frequently to examine the ground or the bark of trees, pointing out marks and signs that seem meaningless to me.
“Look at this,” he says, crouching down to examine a broken branch. “See how it’s snapped? That’s not a deer or a bear. That’s something bigger. Stronger.”
I crouch next to Dad, squinting at the broken branch. To me, it just looks like a regular broken branch, the kind you see all over the forest. "I don't know, Dad. It just looks like a branch to me," I say, trying to keep my voice neutral.
Dad's eyes flicker with frustration. "You're not looking close enough. It's the way it's snapped—too clean, too deliberate. Something did this."
I nod, not wanting to argue. "Okay, sure. But even if you're right, it could be anything. A storm, another hunter..."
His expression hardens. "I know what I'm looking for. This is different."
I sigh, feeling the weight of the past and the tension between us pressing down on me. "Dad, I had a dream last night. About Leah." The words hang in the air between us, heavy and fraught with unspoken emotions.
Dad's eyes widen, and he straightens up, his entire demeanor shifting. "What kind of dream? What did you see?" His voice is urgent, almost desperate.
"It was... strange. We were in the woods, like we are now, but everything felt different. Leah was there, running ahead of me, laughing. Then she stopped and told me I needed to know the truth, that it wasn't what I thought."
Dad grabs my shoulders, his grip tight. "What else did she say? Did she tell you anything specific? Anything about the creature?"
I shake my head, feeling a chill run down my spine. "No, that was it. She just said I needed to know the truth, and then she was gone."
Dad’s grip on my shoulders tightens, and his eyes bore into mine with a mixture of desperation and hope. “Ryan, you have to try to remember. Think hard. What did the creature look like? Did you see anything else?”
I pull back slightly, uneasy with his intensity. “Dad, I told you. I don’t remember. It was just a dream. A nightmare, really. My mind’s probably just mixing things up.”
He lets go of me and runs a hand through his hair, looking frustrated and lost. “Dreams can be important. They can hold memories we’ve buried deep. Please, try to remember. This could be a sign, a clue.”
I rub my temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache. “I’ve tried, okay? I’ve tried for years to piece together what happened that day. But it’s all just fragments, like pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit. The dream… it felt real, but I don’t think it’s telling me anything new.”
Dad’s face falls, and he looks older than I’ve ever seen him. He turns away, staring into the forest as if it holds all the answers.

As we make our way back to the cabin, the sun begins to set, casting long shadows through the trees. The air grows colder, and I shiver, pulling my jacket tighter around me. Dad is silent, lost in his thoughts, his face drawn and haggard.
Back at the cabin, we unload our gear once again in silence. Dad disappears into his room, muttering something about going over his notes. I decide to explore the cabin, hoping to find something that might help me understand what’s going on with him.
In the attic, I find a box of old family photos and documents. As I sift through the contents, I come across a worn journal with Dad’s handwriting on the cover. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I open it, flipping through the pages.
The journal is filled with notes and sketches, detailing his obsession with the dogman. But there’s something else—entries that talk about Leah, about that day in the woods. His handwriting becomes more erratic, the words harder to read. One entry stands out, dated just a few days after Leah’s death:
“June 15, 2013 – It was supposed to be a normal trip. Keep them close, Frank, I kept telling myself. But I failed. Leah is gone, and it’s my fault. I heard her scream, saw the shadows. I tried to get to her, but… the thing, it was there. Too fast. Too strong. My hands… blood everywhere. No one will believe me. I can’t even believe myself. I have to find it. I have to protect Ryan. I have to make it right. God, what have I done?”
Before I can read further, the attic door creaks open, and Dad’s voice slices through the stillness.
“What are you doing up here?” His tone is sharp, almost panicked.
I turn to see him standing in the doorway, his face pale and his eyes wide with something between anger and fear. I clutch the journal to my chest, my mind racing. “I found this… I was just trying to understand…”
In an instant, he crosses the room and snatches the journal from my hands. His grip is tight, his knuckles white. “You had no right,” he growls, his voice trembling.
“Dad, I just wanted to know the truth!” I shout, frustration boiling over. “What really happened to Leah.”
His eyes flash with a mix of rage and anguish, and before I can react, he slaps me across the face. The force of it knocks me off balance, and I stumble backward, my cheek stinging.
For a moment, there’s a stunned silence. We both stand there, breathing hard, the air thick with tension.
“I’m sorry,” Dad says finally, his voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t mean to… I just…” He trails off, clutching the journal to his chest like a lifeline.
I touch my cheek, feeling the heat from the slap, and take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Dad, what aren’t you telling me? What really happened that day?”
“Stay out of it, Ryan,” Dad growls, his eyes dark with anger. “You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
He turns and storms out of the attic. I’m left standing there, my cheek throbbing, my mind racing. What the fuck is going on? What really happened to Leah? And what is Dad so afraid of?

That night, I sleep with my rifle within arm's reach, more afraid of my dad than any dogman. The slap still burns on my cheek, and the look in his eyes—rage, fear, something darker—haunts me. I lie awake, listening to the creaks and groans of the old cabin, every sound amplified in the stillness. Eventually, exhaustion pulls me under, and I fall into a restless sleep.
The dream returns, vivid and unsettling. I'm back in the woods, chasing after Leah. Her laughter echoes through the trees, a haunting reminder of happier times. This time, though, I push myself harder, refusing to let her slip away.
"Ryan, catch me!" she calls, her voice playful.
"I'm coming, Leah!" I shout, my legs pumping, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
The forest around us is a twisted, shadowy maze, the trees seeming to close in on us. Leah's figure becomes clearer, her blonde hair catching the dim light filtering through the canopy. She stops suddenly, turning to face me, her eyes wide with fear.
"Leah, what is it?" I ask, my voice trembling.
"Look behind you," she whispers, her voice barely audible.
I turn slowly, dread creeping up my spine. In the shadows, I see a figure, its form indistinct and shifting. It’s not quite animal, not quite human—something in between. The sight of it sends a jolt of terror through me, and I wake up with a start, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I’m not in my bed. The ground beneath me is cold and hard, the smell of damp earth filling my nostrils. Panic rises as I realize I’ve sleepwalked into the woods. I scramble to my feet, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. The moon casts a pale glow over the surroundings, revealing what looks like a long-abandoned animal lair.
The walls are covered in giant claw marks, deep gouges in the wood and earth. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and a chill runs through me. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched.
Carefully, I start to move, my eyes scanning the ground, desperate for a familiar landmark. That's when I see them—faded scraps of fabric caught on the jagged edges of the underbrush. My steps falter, a sense of dread washing over me as I bend down to examine them. The fabric is torn, weathered by time and the elements, but unmistakably familiar. It's part of Leah's jacket—the bright pink one she wore on the day she disappeared.
As I strain to make sense of it all, a rustling sound behind me snaps my focus. My heart leaps into my throat. I spin around, my hand instinctively reaching for the rifle I don't have—because, of course, I didn't bring it in my unconscious state.
The shadowy figure that emerges from the trees is unsettlingly familiar, mirroring the menacing forms of my nightmares. But as it steps into the moonlight, I recognize the worn jacket, the weary posture. It's Dad.
"Ryan!" he calls out, his voice a mix of relief and stern concern. "I've been looking everywhere for you. What the hell are you doing out here?"
I exhale slowly, the terror ebbing away as reality sets back in. "I—I don't know, Dad. I must've sleepwalked again." My voice is shaky, my earlier dream still clinging to the edges of my consciousness.
Dad stares at me in disbelief. "You haven't sleepwalked since you were a kid, Ry. This... this isn't just a coincidence." His eyes dart around, taking in the surroundings—the eerie, claw-marked den, the unsettling quiet of the woods. "How did you even find this place?"
I shake my head, struggling to find an answer. "I don't know, Dad. I just... I woke up here." The uncertainty in my voice does nothing to ease the tension.
His eyes lock onto the tattered remains of Leah's jacket in my hands, and something inside him snaps. The color drains from his face as he stumbles a few steps backward. "This... this is where it happened," he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper. “This is where we found Leah."
“I thought you said you don’t remember anything from that night,” he says accusingly.
"I swear, Dad, I don't know anything about this place," I insist, my own heart pounding.
“It was you, wasn’t it? You’ve been hiding this from me.” His voice is frantic. “You... last night, the growling, it was you.” His voice rises, tinged with hysteria.
I step back, my pulse racing, feeling the chill of the night and the weight of his accusation. "Dad, I don't know what you're talking ab—”
"No!" he interrupts, his voice breaking as he points a trembling finger at me. "You knew, you always knew. It was you, Ryan. All these years, the evidence was right there, but I refused to see it. You were the dogman. You killed Leah!"
His words hit me like a physical blow, absurd and horrifying in their implications. "Dad, you're not making any sense. You're talking crazy! I was just a little kid! How could I–" I protest, my voice shaky.
He steps closer, his presence looming over me, the outline of his figure distorted by the shadows of the trees. "Think about it! It all makes sense now. You led us here, to this place, because you remember. Because you did it."
"Dad, stop it!" I shout, my heart pounding in my chest. "You're scaring me. You need help, professional help. This isn't you."
But he's beyond reason, his eyes wild with a haunted grief. "I have to end this," he mutters, more to himself than to me, his hand tightening around his rifle.
His finger hovers dangerously over the trigger of his rifle. My instincts kick in, and I know I have to act fast.
I lunge toward him, trying to knock the weapon away, but he's quicker than I expected. We struggle, our breaths heavy in the cold night air, the sounds of our scuffle the only noise in the otherwise silent woods. His strength surprises me, fueled by his frantic emotions. He shoves me back, and I stumble over a root, my balance lost for a crucial second. That's all he needs. He raises his rifle, his intentions clear in his wild, pained eyes.
I dive to the ground just as the shot rings out, a deafening blast that echoes ominously through the trees. The bullet whizzes past, narrowly missing me, embedding itself in the bark of an old pine. I scramble to my feet, my heart pounding in my ears, and I start running. The underbrush claws at my clothes and skin, but I push through, driven by a primal urge to survive.
"Dad, stop! It's me, Ryan!" I shout back as I dodge between the trees. Another shot breaks the silence, closer this time, sending splinters of wood flying from a nearby tree trunk. It's surreal, being hunted by my own father, a man tormented by grief and lost in his delusions.
I don't stop to look back. I can hear him crashing through the forest behind me, his heavy breaths and muttered curses carried on the wind. The terrain is rough, and I'm fueled by adrenaline, but exhaustion is setting in. I need a plan.
Ahead, I see a rocky outcrop and make a split-second decision to head for it. It offers a chance to hide, to catch my breath and maybe reason with him if he catches up. As I reach the rocks, I slip behind the largest one, my body pressed tight against the cold, damp surface. I hear his footsteps approaching, slow and cautious now.
As I press against the rock, trying to calm my racing heart, I can hear Dad's footsteps drawing closer, each step crunching ominously on the forest floor. He's methodical, deliberate, like a hunter stalking his prey.
“Come out, Ryan!” Dad’s voice is ragged, filled with a blend of fury and pain.
My heart pounds against my chest, the cold sweat on my back making me shiver against the rough surface of the rock. I know I can't just sit here; it's only a matter of time before he finds me.
Taking a deep breath, I peek around the edge of the rock, trying to gauge his position. I see him, rifle raised, scanning the area slowly. This might be my only chance to end this madness without further violence. I need to disarm him, to talk some sense into him if I can.
As quietly as I can, I move out from behind the rock, my steps careful to avoid any twigs or leaves that might betray my position. I'm almost upon him when a branch snaps under my foot—a sound so trivial yet so alarmingly loud in the quiet of the woods.
Dad whirls around, looking completely unhinged. "Ryan!" he exclaims, his rifle swinging in my direction. Panic overtakes me, and I lunge forward, my hands reaching for the gun.
We struggle, the rifle between us, our breaths heavy and erratic. "Dad, please, stop!" I plead, trying to wrestle the gun away. But he's strong, stronger than I expected.
In the chaos, the rifle goes off. The sound is deafening, a sharp echo that seems to reverberate off every tree around us. Pain explodes in my abdomen, sharp and burning, like nothing I've ever felt before. I stagger back, my hands instinctively going to the wound. The warmth of my own blood coats my fingers, stark and terrifying.
Dad drops the rifle, his eyes wide with horror. "Oh my God! What have I done?" he gasps, rushing to my side as I collapse onto the forest floor.
As the pain sears through me, a strange, overpowering energy surges within. It's wild, primal, unlike anything I've ever experienced. Looking down in horror, my hands are no longer hands but large, hairy, clawed appendages. The transformation is rapid, consuming—my vision blurs, senses heighten, and a raw, guttural growl builds in my throat.
In that moment, a flood of understanding washes over me, mingling with the horror of realization. These are the hands of the creature from my nightmares, the creature whose face I can never fully recall because, as I now understand, it is me.
What happens next feels detached, as if I'm no longer in control of my own actions, watching from a distance as my body moves on its own. I turn towards my dad, his face a mask of terror. He stumbles back, his eyes wide with the dawning realization of what his son has become.
The forest around us seems to fall silent, holding its breath as the nightmarish scene unfolds. I can hear my own growls, guttural and deep, filling the air with a sound that's both foreign and intimately familiar. The pain in my abdomen fuels a dark, violent urge, an urge that's too strong to resist.
With a ferocity that feels both alien and intrinsic, I move towards him. My dad, paralyzed by fear and shock, doesn't run. Maybe he can't. Maybe he doesn't want to.
The encounter was brutal and swift, a blur of motion and violence. My dad barely puts up a struggle, as though resigned to his fate.
Not that there is anything he can do. The creature that I’ve become is too powerful, too consumed by the wild instincts surging through me. I tear him apart, limb from bloody limb, my hands—no, my claws—rending through fabric and flesh with disgusting ease.
The sound of my dad’s screams, of tearing fabric and flesh is drowned out by the animalistic growls that echo through the trees.
When it’s all over, the red mist that had clouded my vision begins to fade, and the fierce, uncontrollable rage that drove my actions subsides. I'm left standing, my breaths heavy and erratic, in the eerie stillness of the forest. The transformation reverses as quickly as it came on, and I find myself back in my human form. My clothes are ripped to shreds, hanging off my frame in tattered remnants. At my feet lies what’s left of my dad, his body torn and unrecognizable.
I glance down at my abdomen, expecting agony, but instead find my wound miraculously healed. No sign of the gunshot remains, just a faint scar where I expected a bloody mess.
Shock sets in, a numbing disbelief mixed with a gut-wrenching realization of what I've become and what I've done. My hands, now human again, tremble as I look at them, half-expecting to see the claws that had so effortlessly ripped through flesh and bone. But there's only blood, my father's blood against my skin.
I stand there for what feels like an eternity, trapped in a nightmare of my own making.
Eventually, the shock wears thin, and a cold practicality takes hold. I need to get out of here. I need to cover my tracks, to disappear. Because who would believe this? Who would understand that I didn't choose this, that I'm not a monster by choice?
With trembling hands, I do what’s necessary. I bury my dad in a shallow grave, the physical act of digging strangely grounding. I cover him with leaves and branches, a pitiful attempt to hide the brutality of his end. I take a moment, whispering apologies into the wind, knowing full well that nothing I say can change what happened.
I leave the forest behind, my mind a whirl of dark thoughts. As I walk, the first hints of dawn brush against the horizon, the sky bleeding a soft pink. It’s hauntingly beautiful.
submitted by PageTurner627 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 TreeTalesHub The Ultimate Guide to the Cardboard Palm Tree

When you think of a lush, tropical vibe for your home or garden, the Cardboard Palm tree might not be the first plant that comes to mind. However, this resilient and visually striking plant can be a fantastic addition to your green space. In this blog post, we will delve into everything you need to know about the Cardboard Palm tree, from its origin to its care requirements.
The Cardboard Palm (Zamia furfuracea) is a unique, low-maintenance plant known for its thick, cardboard-like leaves and compact size, making it perfect for indoor and outdoor settings. Originating from Mexico, this ancient cycad thrives in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It requires minimal watering and is highly drought-tolerant, making it ideal for busy plant owners. With moderate fertilizing during the growing season and occasional pruning of dead leaves, the Cardboard Palm can flourish, adding a touch of tropical elegance to your space while also purifying the air.

What is a Cardboard Palm Tree?

The Cardboard Palm, scientifically known as Zamia furfuracea, is not a true palm but a cycad. Cycads are ancient plants that have existed since the age of dinosaurs. Originating from Mexico, the Cardboard Palm is renowned for its thick, cardboard-like leaves, which give it a unique texture and appearance.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Cardboard Palm tree stands out with its leathery, stiff, and pinnate leaves. These leaves grow in a rosette pattern, emerging from a short, stout trunk. The leaves are dark green and can grow up to 3 feet long, making the plant an attractive focal point in any setting.

Key Features:

Planting and Care Guide

Ideal Growing Conditions

To keep your Cardboard Palm thriving, mimic its natural habitat. Here's what you need to know:


The Cardboard Palm prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch its leaves. If you're growing it indoors, place it near a window with filtered light.


Well-draining soil is crucial. A cactus or succulent mix works well, as it prevents water from sitting at the roots, which can cause rot.


One of the best things about the Cardboard Palm is its drought tolerance. Water the plant thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can be more harmful than underwatering.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant loves warm temperatures ranging from 65°F to 75°F. It's not frost-tolerant, so if you live in a cooler climate, ensure it's protected during the winter months. Moderate humidity is ideal, but the Cardboard Palm can adapt to lower levels.


Feed your Cardboard Palm with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps maintain its vibrant green color and promotes healthy growth.


The Cardboard Palm requires minimal pruning. Remove any yellow or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to prevent disease.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves can be a sign of overwatering. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


The Cardboard Palm is relatively pest-resistant but can occasionally attract scale insects or mealybugs. To keep pests at bay, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap.

Root Rot

To avoid root rot, ensure your plant is in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. If you notice a foul smell or mushy roots, you may need to repot the plant in fresh soil.


Propagating the Cardboard Palm is relatively straightforward. It can be done by separating offsets, also known as pups, that grow at the base of the plant. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
  1. Remove the pup: Gently remove the pup from the base of the mother plant.
  2. Dry out: Allow the pup to dry for a few days to form a callus.
  3. Planting: Plant the pup in a well-draining soil mix and water sparingly until new growth appears.

Benefits of the Cardboard Palm

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the Cardboard Palm is also known for its air-purifying qualities. It can help remove toxins from the air, making it a great addition to your home for a healthier living environment.

Eco-Friendly Option

The Cardboard Palm is a sustainable choice for gardeners. Its slow growth means it requires less frequent replanting, and its drought tolerance makes it an eco-friendly option in water-scarce regions.

Final Thought

The Cardboard Palm tree is a versatile and hardy plant that can bring a touch of tropical flair to any space. With its unique texture, low maintenance needs, and air-purifying benefits, it's an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. By following the care tips outlined in this guide, you will be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and resilience of this remarkable plant.
Whether you are looking to enhance your indoor greenery or add an exciting element to your garden, the Cardboard Palm is worth considering. Happy planting!
When you think of a lush, tropical vibe for your home or garden, the Cardboard Palm tree might not be the first plant that comes to mind. However, this resilient and visually striking plant can be a fantastic addition to your green space. In this blog post, we will delve into everything you need to know about the Cardboard Palm tree, from its origin to its care requirements.
The Cardboard Palm (Zamia furfuracea) is a unique, low-maintenance plant known for its thick, cardboard-like leaves and compact size, making it perfect for indoor and outdoor settings. Originating from Mexico, this ancient cycad thrives in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It requires minimal watering and is highly drought-tolerant, making it ideal for busy plant owners. With moderate fertilizing during the growing season and occasional pruning of dead leaves, the Cardboard Palm can flourish, adding a touch of tropical elegance to your space while also purifying the air.

What is a Cardboard Palm Tree?

The Cardboard Palm, scientifically known as Zamia furfuracea, is not a true palm but a cycad. Cycads are ancient plants that have existed since the age of dinosaurs. Originating from Mexico, the Cardboard Palm is renowned for its thick, cardboard-like leaves, which give it a unique texture and appearance.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Cardboard Palm tree stands out with its leathery, stiff, and pinnate leaves. These leaves grow in a rosette pattern, emerging from a short, stout trunk. The leaves are dark green and can grow up to 3 feet long, making the plant an attractive focal point in any setting.

Key Features:

Planting and Care Guide

Ideal Growing Conditions

To keep your Cardboard Palm thriving, mimic its natural habitat. Here's what you need to know:


The Cardboard Palm prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch its leaves. If you're growing it indoors, place it near a window with filtered light.


Well-draining soil is crucial. A cactus or succulent mix works well, as it prevents water from sitting at the roots, which can cause rot.


One of the best things about the Cardboard Palm is its drought tolerance. Water the plant thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can be more harmful than underwatering.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant loves warm temperatures ranging from 65°F to 75°F. It's not frost-tolerant, so if you live in a cooler climate, ensure it's protected during the winter months. Moderate humidity is ideal, but the Cardboard Palm can adapt to lower levels.


Feed your Cardboard Palm with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps maintain its vibrant green color and promotes healthy growth.


The Cardboard Palm requires minimal pruning. Remove any yellow or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to prevent disease.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves can be a sign of overwatering. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


The Cardboard Palm is relatively pest-resistant but can occasionally attract scale insects or mealybugs. To keep pests at bay, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap.

Root Rot

To avoid root rot, ensure your plant is in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. If you notice a foul smell or mushy roots, you may need to repot the plant in fresh soil.


Propagating the Cardboard Palm is relatively straightforward. It can be done by separating offsets, also known as pups, that grow at the base of the plant. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
  1. Remove the pup: Gently remove the pup from the base of the mother plant.
  2. Dry out: Allow the pup to dry for a few days to form a callus.
  3. Planting: Plant the pup in a well-draining soil mix and water sparingly until new growth appears.

Benefits of the Cardboard Palm

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the Cardboard Palm is also known for its air-purifying qualities. It can help remove toxins from the air, making it a great addition to your home for a healthier living environment.

Eco-Friendly Option

The Cardboard Palm is a sustainable choice for gardeners. Its slow growth means it requires less frequent replanting, and its drought tolerance makes it an eco-friendly option in water-scarce regions.

Final Thought

The Cardboard Palm tree is a versatile and hardy plant that can bring a touch of tropical flair to any space. With its unique texture, low maintenance needs, and air-purifying benefits, it's an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. By following the care tips outlined in this guide, you will be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and resilience of this remarkable plant.
Whether you are looking to enhance your indoor greenery or add an exciting element to your garden, the Cardboard Palm is worth considering. Happy planting!
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2024.05.19 09:15 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cardboard Picture Frames

Best Cardboard Picture Frames
Looking for a unique and eco-friendly way to display your cherished memories?
Our collection of cardboard picture frames not only adds a playful touch but also offers a sustainable alternative to traditional frames. In this roundup, we'll explore various styles, materials, and designs that will make your photos stand out, all while keeping your environmental impact in check.

The Top 19 Best Cardboard Picture Frames

  1. DIY Cardboard Picture Frames (5 x 7 in, 30 Pack) - Introducing the Juvale 5x7 inch cardboard photo frame. This pack of 30 DIY frames lets you showcase your favorite memories with personalized touches. Perfect for home decor, weddings, and more!
  2. DIY Picture Frame Kit with 50 Frames - Juvale 50-Piece DIY Cardboard Picture Frame Hanging Kit in Black and White provides a versatile and customizable photo display solution for your home, office, classroom, or party decor.
  3. Colorful Vibrant Paper Frames for Art Displays and Photo Props (24 Pieces) - Vibrant & versatile paper frames perfect for showcasing student artwork or creating fun photo booth props, available in two sizes and ideal for classroom decorations and themed parties (2 dozen per unit, 15”x 12 1/2” and 21”x 15” sizes).
  4. 25-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames with Gold Foil Border - Cardboard Picture Frames 8-1/2x11 Black W/Gold Foil Border (25 Pack): A timeless series of 25 professional-quality, black cardboard frames featuring elegant gold foil window borders, ideal for your certificates, photos, and prints.
  5. DIY 5x7in Wall Paper Photo Frames with Flax String and Clips - Jahosin DIY Photo Frames: Add a Touch of Art to Your Lifestyle
  6. DIY 5x7 Photo Frames for Home Decor - Introducing the 5x7in Wall Paper Picture Frames by Jahosin, a DIY photo frame set of 30 stunning frames that provide a unique and personalized touch to your home decor.
  7. DIY 50-Pack Picture Frames for Wall Decor with Clips and Strings - Capture and share your cherished memories with the versatile Juvale 50 Pack DIY Cardboard Picture Frames, complete with clips and strings for a customizable photo hanging display perfect for home, office, classroom, and special events.
  8. Customizable DIY Paper Picture Frames - Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames" – Showcase your cherished memories with unique DIY handcrafted cardboard frames, featuring adjustable flax string and mini clips for stylish display on various occasions.
  9. Customizable Kraft Paper Photo Frames (50 Pack) - Juvale 50 Pack Kraft Paper Picture Frames 4x6: Versatile DIY frames for personalized photo display, wedding decor, and party favors, including 50 cardboard frames with built-in stands and customizable embellishments.
  10. 50-Pack White Cardboard Photo Picture Frames, 4x6 Inches - Perfect for DIY and decor, this 50-pack of white cardboard photo picture frames with easels securely holds 4x6 photos and can be personalized with colors, textures, and designs.
  11. Personalized Eco-Friendly Paper Photo Frames (30pcs 4x6) for Wall Decor - Eco-friendly, 30-piece paper photo frame set with mini wooden clips, perfect for creating a charming photo display or wall decor in homes, offices, and events.
  12. 30 Pcs Kraft Cardboard Photo Frames with Wood Clips and Jute Twine - Enhance your event or home decor with Novelty Bank's 5-star-rated, 30-piece set of DIY kraft paper photo frames, featuring thick art paper, wooden clips, and jute twine for secure display of your favorite 4x6 memories.
  13. DIY Cardboard Easel Photo Frames (50 Pack) 4x6 Inches 10 Colors - Perfect for photo displays and DIY projects, the Juvale 50-piece 4x6 inch cardboard photo picture frame easel set provides a vibrant pop of color and is great for personalizing with embellishments.
  14. DIY Black Paper Picture Frames - 50-Pack - Elevate your memories with Juvale's DIY black paper photo frames - 50-pack, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and more. Enhance your interior decor with a personalized touch that displays up to 10.2 x 15.2 cm photos.
  15. 50-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames for DIY Projects - Transform your cherished memories into captivating art pieces with the Juvale 50 Pack Black Paper Picture Frames 4x6, designed to elevate your DIY projects and personalized crafts for a stunning, customizable display.
  16. White 4x6 Top Loading Cardboard Picture Folder Frame (Pack of 50) - Get the perfect frame for your cherished memories with the Malelo Picture Folder Frame, crafted from robust cardstock material and endorsed by professional photographers.
  17. 50-Pack Customizable Cardboard Picture Frames - Effortlessly revamp your space with Juvale's DIY 50-piece Cardboard Picture Frames, adorned with versatile Kraft brown frames, clothespins, and twine for elegant and personalized photo hanging displays that transcend seasons and celebrations.
  18. Black Gold Foil Cardboard Double Folder Picture Frame Set (5x7) - Collectors Gallery Black Cardboard Double Photo Frame, featuring gold foil border and linen weave finish, effortlessly frames two 5x7 photos side by side for an elegant and professional appearance in various photography settings.
  19. DIY Cardboard Easel Picture Frames for Classrooms - The Cover-It Cardboard Easel Picture Frame Classroom Pack provides endless creative possibilities for framing and decorating student pictures while fostering fun and self-expression in classrooms.
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🔗DIY Cardboard Picture Frames (5 x 7 in, 30 Pack)
I recently got my hands on Juvale's 5x7 inch Cardboard Picture Frames, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my world of DIY home decor. With their bright colors and simple yet sturdy design, these frames are perfect for personalizing with jewels, glitter, and more.
One standout feature for me was their ability to fit 5x7-inch photos perfectly. It's been great for displaying cherished moments around the house, just like snapping photos of our recent birthday party. The attached stand is convenient, making it easy to set up and show off your creations without needing an extra easel!
However, there's a minor downside to these frames: their thickness. While they look sturdy enough, they might not hold heavier items such as thick cards or large paper cut-outs. Despite this, their durability has been impressive so far, even after a few creative paint jobs!
Overall, I can't recommend Juvale's Cardboard Picture Frames enough. Their vibrant colors and simple design make them a perfect addition to any DIY home decor project or special occasion. So go ahead, unleash your creativity and make something amazing!

🔗DIY Picture Frame Kit with 50 Frames
As a creative individual who loves DIY projects, I recently got my hands on the Juvale Cardboard Paper Picture Frame DIY Hanging Kit (50 Pack) 4x6 inch, Black, White. From the moment I unboxed it, I could tell it was going to be a game-changer for my decorating needs. Each of the 50 paper cardboard photo frames comes with a mini clothespin and a piece of hanging twine, making it easy to display various memories and artwork around my home or office.
One of the features that truly stood out during my use of this DIY kit was its versatility. Not only can you create unique framed pieces for any space, but you can also get creative and embellish these frames with different materials, like paints, jewels, rhinestones, glitter, labels, stickers, and more. I especially appreciated the fact that the frames can be displayed both vertically and horizontally, allowing me to experiment with different layouts and compositions.
Another aspect of this DIY kit that I genuinely appreciated was its affordability. Given that I received 50 frames along with clothespins and twine, it gave me ample opportunities to decorate multiple areas in my house without breaking the bank. Additionally, the black and white color options make it easy to blend these frames into any decor style.
However, it's essential to note a few cons that I encountered while using this product. Some of the cardboard frames were slightly thinner and more delicate than others, so extra care must be taken during handling. Additionally, the hanging twine provided could have been slightly longer for easier installation in various locations.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Juvale Cardboard Paper Picture Frame DIY Hanging Kit (50 Pack) 4x6 inch, Black, White for anyone who enjoys DIY projects and wants to create personalized photo displays in their homes or workspaces. Its versatility, color options, and affordability make it a worthwhile investment in your decorating endeavors.

🔗Colorful Vibrant Paper Frames for Art Displays and Photo Props (24 Pieces)
I recently purchased these paper frames for my classroom decorations, and I must say, they have been a game-changer! The vibrant colors and fun designs instantly caught my eye. I particularly appreciated the two versatile sizes that could easily accommodate various photo sizes.
The small frames were incredibly easy to use as they were designed with a photo space that perfectly fit a letter-sized paper, making it a breeze to display student artwork or use them as props for our fun photo booth activities. However, I did find that the larger frames needed some trimming and resizing to fit smaller images, but overall, they were still worth the effort.
One minor drawback was the lack of a smaller size option, as I believe it would be even more versatile and useful in various applications. Nonetheless, these paper frames have significantly enhanced the appearance of my classroom decorations, and I look forward to using them in other creative ways.
To summarize, the paper frames are an excellent investment for anyone looking to add a pop of color and creativity to their space. They are easy to use, have a sturdy cardstock thickness, and are available in a variety of fun designs. Although they may require some trimming for certain applications, the end result is definitely worth the effort.

🔗25-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames with Gold Foil Border
As a cardboard enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of using these elegant 8.5x11 black picture frames with gold foil borders in my DIY home decor project. The moment I took them out of their 25-piece packaging, I was instantly drawn to their timeless quality and that exquisite golden finish.
One thing that truly stood out for me was how easy these frames were to set up. Their side-load design made it incredibly simple to display and switch between my favorite photos, without any hassle. Plus, the linen weave finish added a touch of sophistication to my space.
Moreover, the frames come with a pop-up easel, which allows them to be displayed horizontally or vertically. This versatility made it easy to showcase both horizontal and vertical certificates or prints, in a professional manner.
However, one minor con I experienced was that the window opening wasn't quite precise, and required a little adjustment to fit my 8x10 prints perfectly. Nonetheless, considering their excellent construction and affordability, these cardboard frames are definitely worth the investment.
So, if you're in search of a cost-effective yet elegant solution to frame your memories or certificates, look no further! These cardboard picture frames deliver on both style and functionality, making them an ideal choice for anyone in need of a little DIY touch.

🔗DIY 5x7in Wall Paper Photo Frames with Flax String and Clips
I've been using the Jahosin wall paper picture frames for a month now and I must say, they've significantly upgraded my home décor. The first thing that drew me to them is their unique DIY design with linkage mounted cardboard frames and flax string clips. The 30-frame set is versatile and stylish, perfect for displaying photos, Christmas cards, and artworks at events like weddings or birthdays.
They're incredibly easy to assemble, each frame comes with its own clips and a piece of flax string, making it a fun project that the entire family can participate in. They fit standard 5x7 inch pictures, coming in three attractive colors - black, brown, and white. Their pure handcraft and non-toxic material make them a safe addition to any home, and the brilliant artwork on the fronts is a bonus.
The only downside I've noticed is that the cardboard isn't the sturdiest, so they might need extra care when being hung or moved around. But overall, these picture frames have been a great addition to my home, adding a touch of art and creativity to my living space. So if you're in the market for unique, affordable photo frames, I highly recommend giving the Jahosin 5x7 inch wall paper picture frames a try.

🔗DIY 5x7 Photo Frames for Home Decor
I recently discovered the Jahosin 5x7in Wall Paper Picture Frames and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer for my home decor. As soon as they arrived, I dove right in to create a unique and artistic display on my living room wall. The set of 30 frames comes in three colors and includes flax string and clips for easy mounting.
The first thing that stood out to me was the pure hand craft element of these frames. Made with non-toxic, harmless kraft paper material, they're not only stylish but also safe for the whole family. The quality is evident in the craftsmanship and the vibrant printing patterns that bring life to my space.
One thing I noticed is that these frames are designed specifically to hold 5x7in pictures, which made it difficult to fit some of my larger prints. However, this constraint did force me to be more creative with my photo selections, ultimately resulting in a more cohesive and eclectic display.
Overall, I'm thrilled with my purchase of these DIY Photo Frames from Jahosin. They've added a unique and personal touch to my home decor while also encouraging me to curate a thoughtful collection of cherished memories. If you're looking to transform your living space, I highly recommend giving these picture frames a try!

🔗DIY 50-Pack Picture Frames for Wall Decor with Clips and Strings
I was recently looking for a way to display my favorite memories, and I stumbled upon the Juvale 50 Pack Paper Picture Frames. These paper frames added a personal touch to my home decor and were a hit at our family gatherings.
First off, the variety and versatility of these paper frames blew me away. They come in 50 different colors, which made it easy for me to match them to my existing dcor. The mini clothespins and hanging twine included made it a breeze to create a stunning photo hanging display on my wall. Plus, they're perfect for DIY craft projects. I had a blast embellishing my frames with glitter, stickers, and paint.
However, I found that the actual size of the frames was slightly smaller than I thought. But it wasn't a deal-breaker, as they still worked perfectly for showcasing my favorite photos.
All in all, I'd highly recommend the Juvale 50 Pack Paper Picture Frames for anyone looking for a fun and affordable way to display their cherished memories.

🔗Customizable DIY Paper Picture Frames
When I first tried out the Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames, I was pleasantly surprised by how stylish and creative they were. The handcrafted, non-toxic kraft paper material felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual plastic frames. The set came with 10 frames, 10 mini clips, and a string, making it easy to display photos, Christmas cards, and art works in a casual and artistic way.
One of the key highlights for me was how easy it was to customize these frames. The DIY linkage design allowed me to arrange the frames in various ways, making them perfect for displaying memories during special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and graduations. Plus, they also added a touch of love, happiness, and wild living spirit to my space.
However, I did notice that the frames are quite delicate, so they may not be ideal for families with young children who might accidentally damage them. Additionally, the kraft paper material can absorb moisture, making the frames more susceptible to warping or damage in humid environments.
Overall, I found the Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames to be a comfortable and creative addition to my home decor, adding a touch of warmth to any space they were placed in. I would recommend these frames to anyone looking to display their special memories in a unique and stylish way.

🔗Customizable Kraft Paper Photo Frames (50 Pack)
I recently used the Juvale Kraft Paper Picture Frames to decorate my living room and create personalized gifts for friends. The 50-pack is perfect for batch-making, especially when working on DIY projects. Crafted from cardboard, these frames are lightweight and easy to customize with paints, stickers, and other embellishments.
One feature that truly stood out was the compatibility with 4x6 inch photos, which means I could feature a variety of images from different occasions. Additionally, the kraft paper texture provides a warm, rustic touch to any space. However, I must admit that the cardboard material isn't as sturdy as traditional frames, so they might not hold up well in humid or high-traffic areas.
In conclusion, the Juvale Kraft Paper Picture Frames are perfect for DIY crafts, personalized gifts, and decorations. Their brown color and versatile size make them an ideal choice for various occasions and interior design styles. Despite the flimsy nature of the material, the ease of customization and affordability make these frames a worthwhile addition to your DIY toolkit.

🔗50-Pack White Cardboard Photo Picture Frames, 4x6 Inches
As a frequent user of these 50-pack cardboard photo picture frames, I can attest to their ease of use. They are perfect for displaying your favorite 4x6-inch family photos, artwork, and memories. The attached stands allow for easy setup on surfaces like desks and tables, and you can unleash your creativity by personalizing these frames with markers, crayons, rubber stamps, colored pencils, and various paints.
However, the one thing that left me unimpressed was the size of the easel. Though it held the 4x6-inch photos nicely, I wish it had a thicker and more professional appearance. The attached stand could be more sturdy, especially if you plan on using it for more presentable purposes like selling art cards.
In contrast, I found that the frames were easy to customize, enabling me to express my artistic side while displaying my favorite memories. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to showcase your photos, these cardboard frames are a great choice. Just remember to handle them with care to prevent tearing if you decide to use them for more professional purposes.
Overall, I've had a relatively smooth experience using these frames, but there's definitely room for improvement when it comes to their sturdiness and presentation.

🔗Personalized Eco-Friendly Paper Photo Frames (30pcs 4x6) for Wall Decor
As an avid fan of unique wall decor, I recently stumbled upon the Cardboard Picture Frames 30 Pack. These retro-chic frames have quickly become a staple in my home, adding a touch of whimsy to my otherwise monotonous walls.
Made from high-quality, recyclable paper, these frames are not only eco-friendly but also surprisingly durable. The matching wooden clips and string add a lovely contrast, giving my photos a charming, vintage appearance. The DIY nature of these frames is another highlight - they're incredibly easy to install and hang, making them accessible for everyone, regardless of their experience with DIY projects.
These frames aren't just for personal use, they're perfect for gifting too. They're versatile enough to be used as wedding, engagement, anniversary, or birthday gifts. Their ability to add a touch of elegance and charm to any setting is truly remarkable.
However, one minor drawback is that they're 4x6 inches, which may not accommodate larger photos. But overall, these Cardboard Picture Frames have been a fantastic addition to my home, adding a touch of personalized charm and retro vibe that I absolutely adore.

🔗30 Pcs Kraft Cardboard Photo Frames with Wood Clips and Jute Twine
I recently purchased the Novelty Bank Paper Photo Frame set and it has been a game-changer for displaying my favorite memories. The simple yet elegant design of these 30 kraft paper frames sets off my photos perfectly. The art paper used is thick and flat, and the full back protects my pictures from dust and oxidation. Measuring 6 1/8 INCH tall by 4 1/2 INCH wide, with a window sized 4 INCH by 3 INCH, these frames are the perfect accessory for adding a touch of charm to my rooms and walls.
One feature I particularly love is the adjustable design, which allows me to customize the size of the window to fit different sized photos. The included wooden clips and jute string make it easy to hang these frames wherever I want, creating a visually appealing display that is sure to impress.
However, I did experience a minor issue with the quality of the jute string. It was slightly frayed and snapped after a few uses. Despite this, the overall quality of the product more than compensates for this small flaw, and I highly recommend these DIY Cardboard Photo Frames for anyone looking to enhance their space with personalized memories.

🔗DIY Cardboard Easel Photo Frames (50 Pack) 4x6 Inches 10 Colors
I recently started using the Juvale Cardboard Photo Picture Frames to display some of my favorite memories and I absolutely fell in love with them. These little frames are not only versatile in terms of placement- standing vertically or horizontally- but also offer a variety of bright colors like yellow, light pink, and green, that make your photos pop.
One feature that stood out for me was how easy they are to customize. You can embellish them with paints, rhinestones, glitter, stickers and other decorative elements, making each frame as unique as the person who owns it.
However, there's a minor downside too. When using bigger hands, inserting the photos into the frame can be a bit challenging. But other than that, these photo frames are perfect for displaying your special memories!
I've used these photo frames for displaying my daughter's adorable drawings, my favorite wedding photos, and even used them as party decorations. They really brighten up any space! If you're looking to add a touch of personalization and color to your photos, the Juvale Cardboard Photo Picture Frames won't disappoint you!

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're looking to add a unique touch to your home decor or wanting to gift someone special, cardboard picture frames are an affordable and eco-friendly option. This buyer's guide will take you through the important features, considerations, and general advice about choosing the perfect cardboard picture frame for your needs.

Features to Consider
  • Size: Cardboard picture frames come in various sizes to fit different photo dimensions. Ensure you choose the right size to suit your preferences and available wall space.
  • Shape: Some cardboard frames are simple rectangles or squares, while others come in interesting shapes like hearts or stars. Choose a shape that complements your photo and personal style.
  • Thickness: Cardboard frames vary in thickness. Thinner frames may be more delicate and prone to wear, while thicker frames offer added stability and durability.
  • Color: Cardboard frames come in a range of colors, from natural shades to vibrant hues. Consider which color will best complement your photo and its surrounding decor.


When selecting cardboard picture frames, it's essential to think about how they will be displayed. If you plan to hang them on a wall, ensure they have an integrated hanging mechanism or that you can easily attach one. Additionally, consider the durability of the cardboard material, especially if the frame will be exposed to varying temperatures or humidity levels.

General Advice

  • Purchase from a reputable retailer to ensure quality craftsmanship and materials.
  • Read reviews from previous customers to gain insights on the product's performance and any potential issues.
  • Consider buying in bulk if you need multiple frames, as this can save you money and time in sourcing individual frames.
  • To keep your cardboard picture frames looking fresh, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or damp environments, and handle them gently when cleaning or adjusting them.
By taking the time to evaluate different cardboard picture frames and considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision and enjoy your unique, eco-friendly photo display for years to come.


1. What are cardboard picture frames?

Cardboard picture frames are affordable, lightweight, and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional frames made from wood, metal, or plastic. They are often customizable and can display photos or artwork in various sizes.

2. How do cardboard picture frames compare to other types of frames?
Cardboard frames are generally more affordable and lightweight than other types of frames. However, they may not offer the same level of durability or sturdiness as wood or metal frames. Cardboard frames are also eco-friendly, as they use recycled materials in their construction.

3. Are cardboard picture frames customizable?

Yes, many cardboard picture frames come with the option for customization. This may include choosing between different colors, patterns, or sizes. Some cardboard frames also allow for personalized messages or designs on the frame itself.

4. Can cardboard picture frames display photos and artwork?

Yes, cardboard picture frames can display both photos and artwork, depending on the design of the frame. Some frames come with adjustable stands or hooks, allowing them to be displayed on tables, shelves, or walls.

5. How do I care for my cardboard picture frame?

To care for your cardboard picture frame, handle it gently and avoid exposing it to excessive moisture or heat. Dust the frame regularly with a soft brush or cloth and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.

6. How much do cardboard picture frames cost?

The cost of cardboard picture frames varies depending on the design, size, and customization options. Generally, they are more affordable than traditional frames made from wood, metal, or plastic.

7. Where can I purchase cardboard picture frames?

Cardboard picture frames can be purchased at various stores, both online and offline, that specialize in home decor, stationery, and art supplies. Major retailers and marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy also offer a wide selection of cardboard picture frames.

8. Are cardboard picture frames suitable for outdoor use?

While some cardboard frames may be suitable for indoor use, it is not recommended to use them outdoors, as they are more susceptible to moisture damage and less able to withstand harsh weather conditions compared to traditional frames.

9. Can I recycle a cardboard picture frame?

Yes, cardboard picture frames are generally made from recycled materials and can be recycled again at the end of their useful life. Ensure that you recycle the frame with other paper products, following your local recycling guidelines.

10. How do I assemble a cardboard picture frame?

Assembling a cardboard picture frame usually involves a few simple steps, such as sliding the photo or artwork into the frame, attaching the back panel, and securing any hooks or stands for display.
  • Remove the protective coverings from the front and back panels of the frame.
  • Place the photo or artwork into the cardboard mat that is included with the frame. The mat may have a cut-out area to fit the photo or artwork precisely.
  • Slide the photo or artwork with the mat into the front panel of the frame.
  • Attach the back panel of the frame to the front panel, ensuring that all edges are aligned.
  • If your frame has hooks or stands for display, attach them to the back panel of the frame as instructed in the product manual
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