Free printable worksheets marsha linehan dbt

Willingness Wednesdays

2024.06.05 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:49 HoneyCub_9290 In tears of gratitude for these skills

Iโ€™m part of a Peer DBT Group and after todayโ€™s session Iโ€™m in tears over how powerful these skills are. The blunt, Soviet-style handouts are deceptively simply. From the black and white pages jump massive ideas, or simple ones. Whichever I need in that moment.
Sobriety saved my life and DBT has changed my life. It is the instruction manual for life I always wanted. Thank you to Marsha Linehan her colleagues and patients.
submitted by HoneyCub_9290 to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:42 DrKikiFehling AMA with Dr. Kiki Fehling, clinical psychologist and expert in DBT

Hi everyone!
I'm Dr. Kiki Fehling (they/she), a clinical psychologist and Linehan-Board-certified expert therapist in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; an evidence-based therapy for BPD). I'm also a mental health author, writer, and content creator known as "dbtkiki."
I wanted to post my AMA post now so folks could write questions even if they're not available later. I will be answering questions 1pm-3pm ET!
About me and what questions I can answer
With my education and experiences thus far, I'm an expert in BPD, DBT, trauma/PTSD, LGBTQ+ mental health, and self-injury and suicide. I've got some personal deep interests in neurodiversity, meditation/Zen, embodiment, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. I consider myself a highly sensitive person, and I've struggled with my own mental health difficulties and traumas over the years. DBT has been life-changing for me and my clients, so I'm doing my best to make it more accessible for other people who need it!
For this AMA today, I'm excited to answer any questions about the topics I mention above, of course. But, I'm also ready and willing to help out in any way that I canโ€”so if you have a question that you're not sure I can answer, ask it anyway! I'll answer what I can, maybe others will have thoughts about questions I can't answer, and we can have some interesting conversations
Keep in mind: even though I'm a psychologist and therapist, I won't be able to offer any individualized therapeutic advice through this AMA. All of my comments here should be taken as informational and educational only. Please talk to your own therapist/doctor about any personal difficulties! If you don't have a therapist, check out this document for some potential help.
Beyond this AMA
You can learn more about me or DBT on my website, and there you'll also find a bunch of mental health resources I recommend.
You can also check out my online writing or my DBT skills self-help book.
I answer questions through my social media, too! So if I miss anything today, feel free to connect with me elsewhere (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc).
Looking forward to chatting!
Update 5/29/24 at 2:54pm ET: The official time is almost done, and there are a few more questions here I haven't answered! I have a hard cut-off at 3pm my time, so I'll try to come back later tonight to answer a few more questions, before telling the mods to close the post. Thanks everyone for your questions so far!
Update again: OK, everyone, I have to stop. Thanks for your questions! I'm so sorry if I missed yours. As I said, feel free to connect elsewhere on social media links above. <3
submitted by DrKikiFehling to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:53 AutoModerator AMA TOMORROW with Dr. Kiki Fehling, PhD, DBT-LBC (IG: @dbtkiki)

Hi BPD! Tomorrow (Wednesday, May 29) @ 1-3pm EST, We'll be pinning an AMA post by Dr Kiki Fehling, a clinical psychologist and Linehan Board Certified DBT therapist who creates lots of helpful content about DBT for the BPD community! We love the work they do, and we're thrilled to be able to host them here.
Kiki's AMA will be open from 1-3pm EST, however, we'll keep the post pinned until the end of the month for folks to be able to read it.
For more information about Dr. Kiki, feel free to check out their socials:
We are SO looking forward to this AMA and we hope you are, too!
Cheers, warriors!
submitted by AutoModerator to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 15:46 DeCryingShame Where can I find a free support group using the green workbook?

I've been through Marsha's original worksheets at my local clinic but am now starting on the green workbook. I would love to join a support group. Does anyone know of any free online support groups? TIA
submitted by DeCryingShame to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:53 Aromatic_Patience740 Traumatic Invalidation Info/Worksheets!

Traumatic Invalidation Info/Worksheets!
Hi!! This was a major revelation for me, and I wanted to share it with you all since invalidation is such a common experience for our demographic! I also recently learned that autistic individuals are more prone to PTSD, which has health implications in the future. The book is "Treating Trauma in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: The DBT Prolonged Exposure Protocol," which is free on I recommend buying the book if you have funds since the author put a lot of work into it. I attached some of the info sheets and worksheets below to help you see if this book might be helpful/applicable to you, but the book has so many more great worksheets and figures. It might be good to discuss with your therapist if you have one! I also attached the worksheet appendix so you can see what else is available.
TW: Screenshots discuss invalidation, PTSD symptoms, race-based trauma, and gendesexuality-based trauma
submitted by Aromatic_Patience740 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 06:49 SeparateFix7019 Manual vs workbook?

So today's my birthday (almost over but not quite) and I was thinking about buying myself a DBT book. I'd like to get one of Marsha Linehan's books since alot of people have recommended her but I'm not sure if I should get the manual or the handouts and work sheets.
I assume they're separate but work best together. I was wondering if the manual had worksheets covered in the handouts book or vice versa. I understand the manual is expensive but I have a preference for physical reads. Can anyone recommend which would be best? I am looking for myself, not to start a group so any advice is appreciated!
submitted by SeparateFix7019 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:29 agkking We have a new ESL Worksheets & Printables section at!

Hey everyone!
First of all, I sought approval from the moderators to post this announcement and they gave their consent, so thank you very much for allowing me to share this with you all!
I just wanted to share some exciting news for anyone involved in learning or teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)., a leading resource for English language learners and teachers, has recently launched a brand-new section dedicated to ESL worksheets and printables! ๐ŸŽ‰
You can check it out here:
This new section is packed with printable worksheets that cover all sorts of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and practical English usage. Whether you're teaching beginners or an advanced learners, there's something here for you.
Here's what I think makes this new section so great:
We are excited to launch the ESL Worksheets section. We look forward to it continuing to grow and become an indispensable tool for English language learners and educators worldwide (if you like what you see, please consider helping us by sharing it with interested friends and colleagues).
So, if you're an ESL teacher looking for new materials for your students, head over to and explore this new section. It's live now and ready for you to dive in!
Happy teaching!
submitted by agkking to OnlineESLTeaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:12 peace_maker007 Free Marathi Activity Sheets (for Foreign Spouses & NRI Kids)

In todayโ€™s Digital age, it is easy to find an endless supply of learning material online, but keeping the momentum and enthusiasm going can be tricky. Engaging activities and regular interaction with a native Marathi speaker is essential to strengthen your grasp on the language.
Hereโ€™s where Speak Marathi steps in! Weโ€™ve understood the challenges faced by those new to the language and have developed a treasure trove of FREE downloadable worksheets specifically designed for Marathi language learners.
From Basics to Beyond: A Buffet of Learning Activities
Why Choose Speak Marathi Worksheets?
Courtesy -
submitted by peace_maker007 to marathi [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:38 STRYK2 List of BPD Books

Here's a summary of the books:
  1. "Get Me Out of Here" by Rachel Reiland: A memoir written by a person diagnosed with BPD, focusing on their experiences in therapy sessions.
  2. "The Buddha and the Borderline" by Kiera Van Gelder: Another memoir detailing the author's journey with BPD and how she incorporates Buddhism into her recovery.
  3. "Building a Life Worth Living" by Marsha Linehan: Marsha Linehan's memoir, providing insight into the development of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and how it can be applied to one's life.
  4. "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus: This book combines diagnostic criteria with real-life stories, offering insight into BPD from both emotional and medical perspectives.
  5. "The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing" by Nathan Schwartz-Salant: Written from a Jungian perspective, this book offers understanding and compassion for individuals with BPD.
  6. "The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley: A workbook providing practical exercises and skills for managing emotions and behaviors associated with BPD.
  7. "The Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox": A resource offering practical tools and strategies for coping with BPD symptoms.
  8. "The Mindfulness Solution for Intense Emotions" by Cedar Koons: A guide to using mindfulness practices to manage intense emotions commonly experienced by individuals with BPD.
  9. "Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder": Another resource focusing on mindfulness techniques tailored specifically for individuals with BPD.
  10. "Calming the Emotional Storm" by Sheri Van Dijk: A book offering strategies for managing emotions and reducing emotional reactivity, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with BPD.
These books vary in their approaches, from memoirs to self-help workbooks to resources focusing on specific therapeutic techniques like DBT and mindfulness. Depending on your preferences and needs, you might find one or more of these books helpful in your journey with BPD.
submitted by STRYK2 to Borderline [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:36 STRYK2 List of BPD Books

Here's a summary of the books:
  1. "Get Me Out of Here" by Rachel Reiland: A memoir written by a person diagnosed with BPD, focusing on their experiences in therapy sessions.
  2. "The Buddha and the Borderline" by Kiera Van Gelder: Another memoir detailing the author's journey with BPD and how she incorporates Buddhism into her recovery.
  3. "Building a Life Worth Living" by Marsha Linehan: Marsha Linehan's memoir, providing insight into the development of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and how it can be applied to one's life.
  4. "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus: This book combines diagnostic criteria with real-life stories, offering insight into BPD from both emotional and medical perspectives.
  5. "The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing" by Nathan Schwartz-Salant: Written from a Jungian perspective, this book offers understanding and compassion for individuals with BPD.
  6. "The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley: A workbook providing practical exercises and skills for managing emotions and behaviors associated with BPD.
  7. "The Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox": A resource offering practical tools and strategies for coping with BPD symptoms.
  8. "The Mindfulness Solution for Intense Emotions" by Cedar Koons: A guide to using mindfulness practices to manage intense emotions commonly experienced by individuals with BPD.
  9. "Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder": Another resource focusing on mindfulness techniques tailored specifically for individuals with BPD.
  10. "Calming the Emotional Storm" by Sheri Van Dijk: A book offering strategies for managing emotions and reducing emotional reactivity, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with BPD.
These books vary in their approaches, from memoirs to self-help workbooks to resources focusing on specific therapeutic techniques like DBT and mindfulness. Depending on your preferences and needs, you might find one or more of these books helpful in your journey with BPD.
submitted by STRYK2 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:00 colorbynumberskids Exploring Color by Numbers Kids: A Creative Haven for Young Artists

Exploring Color by Numbers Kids: A Creative Haven for Young Artists
Hey, fellow art enthusiasts! Today, I stumbled upon a gem of a website that I couldn't resist sharing with you all: Color by Numbers Kids. If you're a parent, teacher, or just someone who loves nurturing creativity in children, this site is a goldmine waiting to be discovered.
Let me walk you through what makes Color by Numbers Kids so special.
A Canvas of Creativity:
At first glance, you might think it's just another color-by-number site. But oh, it's so much more. This platform offers a vast array of coloring templates designed to engage and entertain kids of all ages. From simple shapes for toddlers to intricate designs for older children, there's something for everyone.
Educational Value:
What sets Color by Numbers Kids apart is its subtle blend of entertainment and education. While children immerse themselves in the joy of coloring, they're also honing their fine motor skills, improving hand-eye coordination, and learning about colors and numbers. It's a win-win for parents and teachers alike.
User-Friendly Interface:
Navigating the site is a breeze, even for the tech-challenged among us. The interface is clean, intuitive, and ad-free, ensuring a seamless experience for both adults and kids. Plus, the templates are conveniently categorized by theme, making it easy to find the perfect picture for any occasion.
Customization Galore:
But wait, there's more! Color by Numbers Kids goes above and beyond by allowing users to customize their coloring experience. Want to change the colors or adjust the difficulty level? No problem. With just a few clicks, you can tailor the templates to suit your child's preferences and skill level.
Community and Feedback:
One of the best features of Color by Numbers Kids is its vibrant online community. Parents, teachers, and kids from all over the world come together to share their creations, exchange tips, and offer support. It's a safe and supportive space where young artists can showcase their work and receive constructive feedback.
Final Thoughts:
In a world filled with screens and distractions, Color by Numbers Kids offers a much-needed reprieve. It's a place where imagination knows no bounds and creativity flourishes. Whether you're looking for a rainy day activity or a classroom resource, this website has got you covered.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your virtual crayons and let the coloring adventure begin!
submitted by colorbynumberskids to u/colorbynumberskids [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:05 DrivesInCircles Willingness Wednesdays

Willingness is a DBT skill that is taught in the Distress Tolerance Module that helps us tolerate intense emotions by accepting the reality of the present moment and doing what is most effective right now (even when we may not want to be effective).
Marsha Linehan is quoted as saying, "Acceptance is the only way out of Hell".
What is one thing you can do to accept today as it is?
Additional Resources
๐Ÿ”น Reality Acceptance Skills/Radical Acceptance
๐Ÿ”น Distress Tolerance Skills
This post is reoccurring every Wednesday at 12:05AM EST (GMT -5:00)
submitted by DrivesInCircles to dbtselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:49 CatWatt April 28th Special Days - Featuring Superhero Freebies!

April 28th Special Days - Featuring Superhero Freebies!

April 28th is... National Superhero Day
-- Batman, Superman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman, and many more are who we think of when we think about superheroes. Even if fictional, they are great role models for children. Superheroes serve and protect while fighting against evil. Real-life superheroes may not have superpowers or wear capes but are also great role models. Military personnel, healthcare providers, police officers, firefighters, and teachers are just a few of the heroes we meet daily.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Connect the Dots printable worksheets
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Color by Number
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 37+ Coloring Pages Superheroes Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ FREE Online Superhero Comic Books
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 50+ Superhero Crafts
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Free Stencil Gallery
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free Printable Wonder Woman Water Bottle Labels
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superheroes Word Search Printable for Kids - Thrifty Mommas
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Database Superheroes, Villains, Battles, Teams and Superpowers
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Scout Superheroes
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free DC Comic Printables and Worksheets
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free Printables Invitation DC Super Hero Girls
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 18 DC Super Hero Girls Coloring Pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 22 DC Super Hero Girls Coloring Pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Super Heroes coloring pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free Printable DC Super Hero Girls Bingo
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Girl Birthday Party Ideas and Free Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Cubee - Superman Justice League
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Justice League: War - Life-Size Batman Helmet
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free Superhero Clipart Images
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superman Free Printable Original Nuggets Wrappers
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Zen Superhero Party - Craft Page
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Justice League coloring pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Justice League Character Turnarounds
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Justice League coloring pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Justice League logos coloring pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 17 Super Girl and Superhero Parties Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Grant's Superhero Birthday Party Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Free Marvel Superhero online games for kids
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel Avengers coloring page
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel's The Avengers coloring pages Free Coloring Pages
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel: Coloring pages, Free Online Games, Videos for kids
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Coloring Pages Funko Pop Marvel
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Avengers Age of Ultron Coloring Sheets - My Boys and Their Toys
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel Coloring Pages for Adults
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Printables
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ LEGOยฎ Marvelโ„ข Super Heroes - Videos
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel SuperHeroes Free Papercrafts
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Marvel Comics Cubeecraft - Free Papercraft Toys
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superheroes Make for Amazing Class Activities

Superhero Recipes:

๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 35 Superhero Food Ideas To Make You Feel Like Super Mom!
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Simple Superhero Party Food Ideas You Can Make In Minutes
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Spider-Man Superhero Recipes
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 14 Adventurous Superhero Recipes - The Shirley Journey
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ 25 Superhero Food Ideas that Donโ€™t Require Super Powers to Make
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Fun and nutritious kid's recipes inspired by the heroes of the big screen
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superhero Slime Recipe in Two Minutes Flat
More: April 28th Special Days - Featuring Superhero Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 19:28 CatWatt April 26th Special Days - Featuring Bird Freebies!

April 26th Special Days - Featuring Bird Freebies!

April 26th is... John James Audubon's Birthday/Audubon Day/National Bird Day (1785)
-- John James Audubon (Jean-Jacques Audubon) (April 26, 1785 โ€“ January 27, 1851) was a French-American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter. He was notable for his expansive studies documenting all types of American birds and his detailed illustrations depicting them in their natural habitats. His major work, a color-plate book entitled The Birds of North America (1827โ€“1839), is considered one of the finest ornithological works ever completed.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

๐Ÿฆ BirdWatching HQ The Two LIVE Cameras In My Backyard!
๐Ÿฆ Printables and Activities for Bird Lovers
๐Ÿฆ Birds Coloring Pages for Kids
๐Ÿฆ Birds - Fun Learning Printables for Kids
๐Ÿฆ Bird coloring pages and printables
๐Ÿฆ Nature Canada's Guide to Indoor Birding
๐Ÿฆ Bugs and Bird Crafts
๐Ÿฆ Welcome Spring with 6 Printable Vintage Bird Illustrations
๐Ÿฆ Finger Puppet Bird Printables
๐Ÿฆ Bird Coloring Pages
๐Ÿฆ Bird Cams - All About Birds
๐Ÿฆ Bird Papercrafts
๐Ÿฆ Birds Printables
๐Ÿฆ 50 Bird Species and the Sounds They Make
๐Ÿฆ John James Audubon Notebooking Pages
๐Ÿฆ Backyard Birds Lapbook
๐Ÿฆ Top 20 Bird Coloring Pages
๐Ÿฆ Set of Birds Printable Stickers Template
๐Ÿฆ 40 Flashcards of Birds
๐Ÿฆ Birds Dot to Dot printable worksheets
๐Ÿฆ Wild birds - 600+ FREE printable flashcards for bilingual kids
๐Ÿฆ Printable Bird Masks for Kids - SparkleBox
๐Ÿฆ Origami Birds Instructions - Origami-Fun
๐Ÿฆ Birds Printable Bookmarks

Bird Recipes:

๐Ÿฆ Bird and Parrot Recipes
๐Ÿฆ Homemade Bird Snack Recipes
๐Ÿฆ 15 Bird Feeder Crafts
๐Ÿฆ DIY Bird Seed Blends for Feeding Wild Birds (and a Guide to the Best Seeds)
๐Ÿฆ Homemade Bird Seed โ€“ How To Make Nutritious, Low-Cost Feed At Home!
๐Ÿฆ How to Make Homemade Bird Food + Simple Homemade Bird Feeders
๐Ÿฆ How To Make Your Own Customized Bird Seed Blend!

More Free Bird Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

๐Ÿฆ… January 10th Special Days - Featuring Eagles Freebies!
๐Ÿฆ February 18th Special Days - Featuring Bird Counting Freebies!
๐Ÿฆƒ March 15th Special Days - Featuring Buzzard Freebies!
๐Ÿ” March 19th Special Days - Featuring Poultry Freebies!
๐Ÿง April 25th Special Days - Featuring Penguin Freebies!
๐Ÿฃ May 28th Special Days - Featuring Whooping Crane Freebies!
More: April 26th Special Days - Featuring Bird Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 05:57 Sadeky Free Printable Uppercase And Lowercase Letters Worksheets Sadeky

Free Printable Uppercase And Lowercase Letters Worksheets Sadeky
Upper and lower letters printable worksheets from A to z
submitted by Sadeky to Sadeky [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:34 borahae_artist this quote about BPD reminded me a lot of scara

this quote about BPD reminded me a lot of scara
because a lot of people with BPD identify with scara, this quote reminded me a lot of when scara says his skin feels like itโ€™s on fire. ive also seen this analogy for cptsd and other trauma related disorders!! wanted to share as someone with BPD symptoms who identifies a lot with scara
submitted by borahae_artist to ScaramoucheMains [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 01:53 CatWatt April 25th Special Days - Featuring Penguin Freebies!

April 25th Special Days - Featuring Penguin Freebies!

April 25th is... World Penguin Day/National Penguin Day
-- What can you do today to share the love of penguins? Find out more about penguins, explore what others say about penguins, tell your friends about penguins, send a penguin ecard, play penguin games, and share the penguin love! You don't have to wait until World Penguin Day because penguins can be loved all year!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

๐Ÿง Every penguin, ranked: which species are we most at risk of losing?
๐Ÿง Free Penguin Winter Window Clings
๐Ÿง Make a penguin and take him to work or school
๐Ÿง Six free penguin printables, including coloring pages and colored penguin pages, to use for polar or winter-themed crafts and learning activities.
๐Ÿง Free Penguin Printable Pack
๐Ÿง Penguins Theme Free Printables
๐Ÿง Waddling Penguin Winter Craft for Kids
๐Ÿง Penguin Coloring Pages Surfnetkids
๐Ÿง Collection of Tacky The Penguin Coloring Pages (22)
๐Ÿง Penguin Valentine's Day Treats
๐Ÿง Penguin Template, Coloring Pages, Clipart Pictures and Crafts
๐Ÿง Printable Penguin Alphabet Matching
๐Ÿง Penguins at Enchanted Learning Information, Coloring Pages, and Quizzes
๐Ÿง Penguin Cam at the San Diego Zoo
๐Ÿง Penguin Printables for Kids
๐Ÿง Top 20 Penguin Coloring Pages
๐Ÿง Penguin Coloring Page and Craft
๐Ÿง Feed the Penguin Counting Mats
๐Ÿง Printable Penguin Cupcake Toppers
๐Ÿง Penguin felt ornament
๐Ÿง Penguin Printable Pinwheel Craft Woo! Jr. Kids Activities
๐Ÿง 27 Super Cool Penguin Activities for Kids
๐Ÿง 13 Perfect Penguin Crafts
๐Ÿง Penguin Crafts HungryHappenings - Chocolate Pretzel Penguins, Coca-Cola Chocolate Cake Roll Penguins, a Coke Bottle Penguin Craft, Marshmallow Penguins, and more!
๐Ÿง 13 Penguin Activities - Because Who Doesn't Love Penguins?
๐Ÿง Printable Penguin Coloring Pages
๐Ÿง Free Printable Penguin Shape Matching Game
๐Ÿง Penguin Printouts -
๐Ÿง Penguin - Printable Envelope Template
๐Ÿง Penguin Connect The Dots printable worksheets
๐Ÿง Printable Penguin Coloring Sheets and Facts for Kids LoveToKnow
๐Ÿง Penguin Bookmarks - Free Printable Ideas
๐Ÿง Free Penguin Games CrazyGames
๐Ÿง Free Penguin Printables and Worksheets

Penguin Recipes:

๐Ÿง No-Bake Penguin Cookies
๐Ÿง Penguin Appetizers
๐Ÿง Penguin Snack Cakes
๐Ÿง Roly Poly Penguin Snack Creative-Food
๐Ÿง How to Make Perfect Penguin Onigir Rice Balls American Food
๐Ÿง Sweet Penguin Snow Scene PartyPinching
๐Ÿง Ladybirds Penguin Pears CookPad
๐Ÿง End Of The March Penguins Snack CookPad
๐Ÿง Wiener Sausage Penguins for Bento CookPad
๐Ÿง Penguin Meatballs
More: April 25th Special Days - Featuring Penguin Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]