Don cheto y marlene

New to GGN from Mumbai 23M

2024.04.29 09:24 Sea-Foot6045 New to GGN from Mumbai 23M

Hey, I just moved to Gurgaon like a week back, cus my dad got a job here. I don’t really know anyone to hang out with! I live close to DLF Phase 5. Let me know if y’all wanna chill. I’m studying for a professional exam in Finance! I also like hitting Gym and playing football. And the basic Alcohol, Tech music, Smoke, nothing tooooo extreme though etc Also my parents warned me about the stereotypical behaviour of the locals, but honestly it’s been great uptill now! Also any Bar recommendations are welcome, where I can meet new people
submitted by Sea-Foot6045 to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:23 Hefty-Bell3845 I hate my cousins.

I hate my cousins, I (F24) am from a good family, everything is pretty normal and good, except, when i was a kid, i had a bad relationship with food. From when i was a 3 y/o child i had trouble eating food. Not everything, but i mostly did not enjoy eating. But then it slowly graduated into hating and being anxious everytime i need to eat food, specially with people. If i did not eat some veggies i used to be beaten by my Mom, my Dad sat with me till i finish the entire plate, even till 1am or 2, it felt very forced and I used to cry. Slowly, it turned into pretty normal. Whenever i visit my Grandparents’ place sometime during some special occasion, i used to meet my cousins there. I am talking about two women, they were kids as well back then. Both of them were pretty fair and tall (my entire family is tall except for me, i am 5’2”). Everytime i sit with everyone for lunch or dinner, i used to feel very anxious and scared. I was a kid back then, like maybe 3rd standard. And everytime i feel trouble eating, or cannot eat i get scoldings by my parents, and then eventually by every other adult there (they dont scold but poke me). It embarrassed me and my hate towards food grew.
I wasnt a fair looking kid, i was short, tiny and thin. My parents never made me feel ugly. They never cared about looks, also i otherwise am very beautiful (lmao, like my features and all), but one thing which made me feel worse was my body. Going out for shopping with parents is another trauma, since the clothes don’t fit me and they get mad because I dont eat well.
Coming to the main point, because of the constant scrutiny I became a rebel. Not the type of rebel who does whatever they want, but i try to take stands firmly infront of my family if required and hence, my reputation eventually became as someone who isnt obedient and doesn’t respect adults (Again, i rebel but obey them and love them very much, but i dont shy away from taking stands).
These two cousins, now (F21) and (F27) have witnessed everything, right from how i had been shamed because i could not finish my food to me being a rebel. They are two pretentious people who preaches about goodness but actually are worse, they are selfish and one of them is a bully. But they pretend to be saints with family, and i always hated them. One of them has bodyshamed me openly, infront of the family, laughed at my height when we were kids, made fun of how small i am (she is a 6’ tall woman and fat), she laughed at me when i was being scolded, pitied me quietly, sidelined me in many ways, and never even apologised. the other cousin, is more like a quiet bully, b!tched about me within the family, put me in difficult situations, never takes accountability and gaslights me, plays victim cards, and literally needs to be the right one every damn time. They were good academically (basically they flex on their achievements now and then and i dont), whereas i was good academically but i am an introvert so never talked about it, i am a dancer, which was looked down on as well. These cousins of mine has laughed on me, ridiculed me all because they have seen how the entire family has treated me, they always think i'm in the wrong, they weirdly have gotten some kind of entitlement here.
Cut to today, I had a glow up, my relationship with food is way better, love my body and things are better. I have just started working, independent, I have an amazing boyfriend, and things are better. My parents have realised my issues to some level so they are not toxic for food related issues, also that i eat well anyway. My relationship with my cousins I assumed gotten better, until yesterday that I have realised they still look at me in a similar way, quietly body shames and height shames me and even my boyfriend’s (my boyfriend is 5'8" there is nothing to shame anyway lmao). She is overweight and I have never tried to make her feel that way but look at that woman. And she also has b!tched about me and that i am dating, to her Mom which she knows will bring bad consequences. The other cousin, is the most selfish person on earth and weirdly our family worships her to the extent where they try to show her selfishness as a quality. I am not kidding, recently we had a lil argument and i am so proud of myself for handling it so well whereas she was so rude it hurts that you can be so mean to your own cousin.
I’ll cut them off from my life, i am done treating them so well and trying to fit in whereas they only laugh at me for no good reason. They call themselves feminists, but look at how they look does at women since they were kids, and more even now. They casually narrate stories of how they bullied their classmates. I hate them from the deep core of my heart and i from today will not try to mend the relationship anymore. Want to shout FU to them.
If you have read till here, thank you so much, i needed someone to hear me :)
submitted by Hefty-Bell3845 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:16 TranquilScrimmage My Suicide Note

To everybody reading this, I want to apologize. I am so, so sorry for leaving you. That is if you even care about not seeing me again. Just understand that this is NOBODY’S fault but my OWN! You didn’t fail me, I failed myself! I’ve been in so much pain for these past 4 years. I’ve mourned for many people, is losing money for school, delayed my graduation date twice and don’t even know how to file my own taxes without an advisor. All of those times where somebody said that I wasn’t going to be shit were true! If that’s all you’ve heard, what else can you believe? Therapy didn’t help either!
To my parents:
I love you more than anything! It was my own responsibility to be strong and I’m just…not. I hate to say it dad, mom and stepdad….but your son just isn’t as strong as he thought that he was. You did your ABSOLUTE best but he just wasn’t built to last. He’s just not tough, smart, charming or handsome enough. Life and most importantly his own mind, tore him down. The early years of bullying, being doubted, undermined and carrying a chip on my shoulder has broken me. However, it was also the reason why I survived so long.
Every goal that I made was to make my loved ones proud and to prove to my non-believers and myself that they’re wrong about me! It’s just instinctual at this point. That’s why I was so hard on myself. My reason for taking so many failures personally and my desire for perfection! Although, if this is being read…it means that I couldn’t get up anymore. This is going to be hard to hear, but your son doesn’t like himself. What is there to like?
Mom: I’m sorry that I let life win! In my defense, I told you when I was a kid, that I was a loser. For a long-time, many people believed it as well. Or they just didn’t seem to care. Either way, I’ve spent sooo long trying to not be such a thing. But, I just can’t seem to prove myself wrong.
Dad: I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the superstar that you wanted. Even though you said that you didn’t care…I could tell that you did. My effort was NEVER enough! I’m sorry that I didn’t call you enough. It’s my fault for brooding on my flaws and isolating myself. Yesterday, I finally opened up to you about all of this. You said that I was proud of me and that I wasn’t broken. If only I believed you. It’s not your fault, you raised me well. Some kids just come out with issues! I know that it hurts you, hearing that your kids aren’t confident in themselves. At least you don’t have to worry about me feeling this pain anymore. It may be selfish, but being selfless hasn’t got me anywhere.
To my friends:
Listen, I understand that I wasn’t the best friend but know…that I TRULY do love y’all! I NEVER said that in a cavalier way. I wish that I was more personable, reliable and loving to you guys. I felt like there was always a disconnect with most of you. I may joke with all of you but I perceive it as a crutch. In reality, I don’t think that I bring much else to the table. It’s mine for closing myself off from you and putting on a chill facade. I never learned to right time to dig deeper into understanding each other more. I’ve always felt like if I was fully transparent with you all, I would lose you. I don’t want you to worry about me or hold your potential back. Plus, it’s like I’m programmed to be the “last resort” in any situation. Even so, I tried to go against that and take more initiative! Check in with you more and whatnot. Just wished that I had more time with you.
Just know that you’re all strong, intelligent and beautiful spirits with immense potential! I just feel like I hold you all down from reaching that. You’re winners and you shouldn’t be associated with a loser like me. You all carry traits that I wished that I had, but could never wield. However, I’m not going to adopt those attributes. It’ll be selfish to suppress you from your improvement. To the ones that I did open up to, thank you so much for listening! You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I love you, you really don’t have to say it back thought.
submitted by TranquilScrimmage to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:15 Ghengis_Motor Acro P2 radian guardian like cover?

Hey y’all! Just recently scored an Acro p2 for a killer price and am checking out wager machine works for direct milling. I think he only offers to have no BUIS or to move it to the front. I was wondering before pulling the trigger with forward BUIS if there’s anything on the market for the Acro P2s like the radian guardian (built for the RMR) where it’s a front cover protector but also has a small “iron sight” esque doohickey built into the cover. Tango down makes a Acro p2 front lens protector that isn’t a plate but it’d be awesome if they or another company just build in a notch like back up sight system so we don’t have to lose the BUIS. Thoughts?
submitted by Ghengis_Motor to Glocks [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:08 DistributionDry6760 I do understand, but I don’t understand y we can’t just be truthful

For context, I 18M work on an island with limited staff and at a party on Christmas Eve I was lured back to a bedroom of a girl that was my coworker(different department) and we hooked up. I had met her a couple times beforehand outside of work and didn’t think of her that way but I was drunk and on molly so I wanted the physical touch. I went back 2 days later and saw her again just to find out she has a bf off the island.
Well now for the last couple weeks she has been texting me drunk saying she wishes I was there and hinting at me even tho her bf was on the island with her. Now her bf left and we hooked up last night cause she invited me over to hangout. She lives in a building with thin walls and 10 rooms in 1 hallway, doors all beside each other and everyone knows everyone. Nobody knows we hooked up in the past so we needed to be quiet. I left quietly and wasn’t seen in the hall or the parking lot but ofc 1 of our male coworkers who saw us hanging out the night before playing pool, saw my car was still in the parking lot the next morning when I usually go home at the end of the night. The issue was that he texted me that morning asking,
“You get some booty last night lol” Which was referring too me and her hanging out alone after everyone left.
I didn’t answer, I then texted him later to tell him smtg about work and he said,
“You still didn’t answer my question lmao”
I didn’t answer.
“So you got kicked out of her room and sent to Brady’s room”
He made the assumption that after he left us hanging in her room, she wanted to go to bed and I was sent to Brady’s room to sleep since he wasn’t home at the time.
I’m just mad now because now 2 people who are really good friends with both of us, both mentioned my car in the parking lot and me “sleeping in Brady’s room”
I do like the fact I got a good night and no one thinks less of me, but at the same time they think I got no game and I got kicked out of a girls room. Just kinda sucks cause I’m the youngest person working right now and they bug me alittle for it. They like to make jokes like calling me a virgin, saying I haven’t touched a girl, etc. All not true yet they still bug me about it cause I’m like the “little brother”. I almost want to tell them I slept with her those couple times, but ofc I can’t cause she has already made lies about where I was, and they didn’t know I was together those other times cause I successfully snuck in and out
I more just wanted to tell my story and hear what people think. If you need more info or clarification pls ask. When im posting this im currently at a party with her and a couple other people and she’s debating whether or not to come home with me tonight. Hope it goes well and I will make an edit about what happens.
submitted by DistributionDry6760 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:02 Himeep7856 Hii!

so uhm, my older brother has a MEF2c deficiency, i think thats what ots called. But basically i cant find any subreddits on it which isn’t. surprising cuz yk its not a common disease, im pretty sure my moms said this alot to that he is pretty advanced compared to the others. He can’t communicate like either words, only word he understand is no which is funny to me lol. He was born in 2008, i would say his name but i wont for privacy reasons and you wont really find anything ab him lol i’ve tried(curiosity). So he can walk fully, which is also another suprising thing considering his hips like the uh joint i think is an oval and not a circle, the best way to describe it is like a non verbal autistic kid because really that what he is mostly he just has this. He can walk, he’ll grab your hand take to the fridge or cabinet, open the fridge or cabinets which can get annoying if he doesn’t actually want anything and just bored but yk. he’s really smart, he’s turning 16 this year and it kinda feels like he’s advancing like just a tiny bit mentally overtime yk? I love him a lot and we have a bond i don’t think you could like make with him anymore, im two years younger then him he’s watched me grow up and i’ve watched him grow up tbh. i’ve was hospitalized twice last year, and apparently like thats the most moody he’s been, he’s usually smiling laughing rocking and shaking very fast(no its not seizures we know that for sure) and he’s usually a ball of joy, now when he wants something and we don’t know he can get upset because well he cant verbally tell us unless its crying and hitting his head. i do love him a lot tho, and idk does anyone have any tips for communication and also other things to help him? idk, for some reason y’all know those bead necklaces like the ones u usually see at parades being thrown out, well he likes getting colanders like the things u use to drain water or sauce out of food and put other random things and then swing that around, and he also LOVES spinning the wheels on bikes, when were at a playground or somewhere he likes to push the swings too. He love fig bars, im still unsure to why lol, frosted animal crackers, just plain white bread, and bananas, those have been his top snacks for years now at this point lol. idk i just wanted to cone here and share ab my brother bc i loge bragging ab him. anyways if u read this all lol thanks and can i borrow some of that free time??
submitted by Himeep7856 to GeneticDeletions [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:59 AngelenoPrincess91 Does anyone use USPS pickup ?

If yes- do they get annoyed if you click the option for them to knock on door instead of you leaving the package outside ? Have they ever like, not knocked??
Only asking bc I scheduled a pickup for tomorrow morning & made one of my lowest sales I’ve ever made in history bc I’m trying to get rid of my current closet so I don’t feel like driving to the post office for literally a five dollar profit but I’m also kind of scared of leaving my package outside in case gets stolen or something… just trying to avoid issues butttt also value my time & rather list more items but I’ll gladly go if there’s possible issues?? Would love to know y’all experiences / advice! Thank you in advance 💗💗
submitted by AngelenoPrincess91 to BehindTheClosetDoor [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:58 Tea_party0-0 Do you ever think of removing your piercings?

for the last year or so, i’ve been seriously considering taking out my three nose piercings (septum, two nostrils). this feeling comes and goes, but sometimes it weighs really heavy on my mind. i feel like it is a sort of identity issue. i’ve changed my look a lot, from buzzing my hair to weight change, and i just don’t know if they are “me” anymore, or the “me” i’m becoming, appearance wise. i’ve had these piercings for about 8 years and im just worried i will regret it. but when i look back on pictures of me, barely pierced with only a stud in my nose, i like it better. im just absolutely stuck lol. any advice or personal stories that y’all can share, i would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by Tea_party0-0 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:57 No_Brilliant_6365 Why is the Super Nintendo your favorite console?

(EDIT:If it’s not your favorite, don’t comment. Keep scrolling I’m not talking to you then. Simple enough.)
For me I think it perfected the 2D video game concept. I absolutely adore the pixel art and sprites on the Super Nintendo. I actually find that I have more fun with 8 Bit and 16 bit video games than any other game.
I’m big on platformers and ohhhh my gosh does the Super Nintendo have the greatest platformers of all time. With that being said…. The D pad is the apex of all D pads ever made. I absolutely love the Super Nintendo controller. The inclusion of shoulder buttons is wonderful as well as the extra X and Y. Adds so much moving from NES to SNES.
I will always cherish the memory of digging through the used section for SNES games and finding all kinds of gems I’d never heard of.
Nowadays when I get to play Snes games I never had the chance to, or new games come out with snes aesthetics it really satisfies those inner fantasies of little kid me.
I used to have dreams of discovering new street fighter games on SNES. Or other games that simply didn’t exist. I’ve never played a console that brought me as much joy as the SNES
submitted by No_Brilliant_6365 to snes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:53 strawbbeary skinny fat & trying to work out

i’m a 20 y/o college girl and i am skinny fat. i have only done sports as light hobbies my whole life and have never been big on physical exercise, plus have been mostly underweight my whole life too so that led to me not really feeling any need to exercise. i’ve gained weight the past few years & i just feel really unfit. i have relatively normal arms but am more bottom-heavy, i have a large stomach and bigger thighs and calves. i’m a petite asian girl and i’ve heard that skinny fat is most prevalent in asians and it’s unfortunately very true in my case.
so i’ve been trying to work out more at my gym and have been doing cardio/treadmill on incline for around 2 weeks now, and overall reaching 10k steps a day. i have fun with cardio but i see a lot of information telling me to do weights instead for skinny fat people. i’m willing to try but i just feel super unfamiliar with what to do and how to do it whereas the treadmill is simple— any advice? i also know i should look at diet as well but that is a little harder in my case because i eat on my school’s mealplan and it’s not the most healthy nor adjustable.
would appreciate any advice! i think because i’ve been such an inactive person so far cardio will be good for me overall even if it’s not super aligned with getting rid of skinny fat. walking makes me feel good so i like doing it. also, i’m roughly 108lb / 5ft, and bmi 21.1. when i tell people my weight they usually say i don’t need to worry about losing any, but realistically i am just much heavier than i was before and i would like to lose at least 10lbs, because it would make me more comfortable with my body again. i also really want a flat stomach lol. thanks!
submitted by strawbbeary to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:38 jaeminitis man im just glad ive grown and matured sm bc i was so fucking crazy it was bad Y’all don’t even wanna know .

some of y’all may know actually and that’s so embarrassing omggggg
submitted by jaeminitis to adultsnew [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:31 Kingwolf43 What should I do

Ok so if you haven’t seen previous posts I’ve made j have a crush on a girl, we go to a Christian school and they don’t alow dating, she dosent own a phone, and I’ve been crushing on her for like the last 5 months, made a few moves(I.e. asking her out(she said her parents won’t let her) giving her a drawing, going to her church), I haven’t gotten anywhere, I don’t think so atleast, I mean she made some cookies for the class( ok I know it’s a stretch to say she gave them to me but she NEVER makes the ones I like, she said she doesn’t make those, and the other day I mentioned I love oatmeal cookies and she made some, alongside the sugar cookies she makes). It’s hard to talk to her at school since she’s always with her friends, and the teachers always watching. I want to be closer with her but it feels like I’m traped, we used to talk a lot but recently it’s been slowing down, any of y’all have suggestions on what to do, and please something besides the usual “don’t worry man” I need ideas.
submitted by Kingwolf43 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:27 Nerdyy_022 first hm episode?

i’m currently a 14 year old female and potentially just had my first hm episode. the reason i’m creating this post is because i’m not sure if it’s considered hm at all. after scrolling through the subreddit for a while, i realized my symptoms are mild compared to what y’all experience around here. as of last week, i experienced half body numbness and muscle weakness(no lost of movement though), vertigo, and mild headache; i don’t recall losing vision or anything else but my doctor did do an mri on me because he suspected a stroke but it came out clear. currently, i’m living in thailand (doctors that specializes in migraines are pretty scarce around my area) so there is no one to officially diagnose me with hm and the current diagnosis i have is just a plain old migraine (it doesn’t seem like a normal migraine to me). in this week alone, i have experienced the same symptoms thrice and it is severely affecting school (3 days off). can someone maybe confirm my symptoms and/or recommend what i should do?
submitted by Nerdyy_022 to HemiplegicMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:26 punkrockbipolar Single in my 20s

Hey y’all what’s up x I’m in my twenties, I’m currently not working right now, but I’ve been working since I was 16 lol. I decided to go back to college just because I want to have a degree under my name and if I have to in the future I’ll get a job with my degree instead of cash register shit ykno? I have been in love once when I was in highschool to a close friend. It was love at first sight. I never had encountered those emotions before, and yes love at first sight is really a thing. Never had I seen a more beautiful handsome guy in my existence… and he was mine. For two years I was with him everyday until my house got raided by the feds for illegal conduct. It was for drugs nothing crazy sexual chill out! 😅After him I never wanted to love again. I was like those insects 🕷️ after I got what I wanted from a guy I just stopped talking to him & moved on to the next one. (2010s was like the mainstream start of gay guys converting straight guys. Not even converting, but yall know what I’m talking about. It was like a boost to my self esteem knowing that I could make a straight man question himself or not care & still mess w me. It was intoxicating. I’m now a little older and completely had a change of lifestyle these past months & I’m loving every one bit of it. My parents and sometimes siblings ask me when will I start dating or settle down with someone. I honestly don’t even know anymore… most ppl tell me I’m handsome but I have body dysmorphia; after graduating hs a semester early I chose to lose approx 100 lbs before graduation and I did it. I was obese my whole life & now people sometimes say I’m getting too thin but I’m not that thin anymore I don’t even think I’m thin anymore . Hence that’s where the dysmorphia started. Aside from all that, I will cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my man. I’ll always have the house clean bc you never know when friends want to stop by. I’ll support you pxhysicslly and emotionally. I’ll massage you after a hard day of work every day ❤️ I get that sense of needing to be on top of everything kinda like how my mother is. So funny she honestly taught me how to be a good wife without even knowing lol. Of course there’s so much more I would do for my man when he shows up lmao buttttt, Im posting because I want to know what other gay guys think about my situation. Would you go out with someone like me?, or even give a chance?
submitted by punkrockbipolar to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:25 Existing-Trainer4959 Tr6060 or Mt82 for Gen2 swap?

I’ve got an auto v6 new edge that I’m, unfortunately, too deeply invested in 😭. Originally I was gonna do a 5.3 and 4l80e since it’s super cost effective, BUT I don’t really want an ls in a ford yk?? I’m not hating on ls engines they’re good for the price, I personally own a low mile C3. But that’s besides the point. I’ll be doing a 1XXX drag build, so I want the best bang for my buck and I’ve heard the Mt82 is somewhat “quirky”; not that it’s bad or anything, just that it’s frustrating to shift. Would y’all recommend a tr6060 or mt82. Price isn’t a big deal since I plan to daily my Silvia s14 anyways. (2jz swapping once mustang is finished)
submitted by Existing-Trainer4959 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:25 Esteriels Struggling

Hey y’all, just got broken up with after almost 6 years of dating. Really hit the spot and not sure how to deal with knowing he is now gone…
He basically told me that he believed that we wouldn’t work out because he doesn’t want to move away from his family which I get, but they treated me like shit and I just feel like he left me for them which makes no sense, he denies it but he I have a odd gut feeling about it…
I really don’t know how to handle this because he was the love of my life and I was going to marry him in the next two years and get engaged this current year. Things changed and he said he was “mentally ill”
submitted by Esteriels to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:18 wagwanbruv Skip User Research. Go Sell.

Hi all,
I'm aware that this post might make a few people angry, but: I think you should skip classical user research. Hear me out:
I've been helping companies invent new products for about 8 years now. This has resulted in numerous product launches, multiple patents, and lots of (in)validated concepts.
I'm writing this post after reflecting on some of the learnings I've had throughout my career with the hope to provide some help to those looking to land more sales.
Typically, when I've gone about inventing a new product for a company, I've start by going out and talking to users. The process is usually quite linear. Recruit X number of participants from demographic Y, have a 30-45 min call with them, analyze audio/video recording, then synthesize. I've been trained in ethnographic research so a lot of the synthesis is really trying to read between the lines to understand the real "latent" needs of customers.
Latent needs are needs that a customer doesn't explicitly state. To unearth a latent need, you inherently need to use your gut and take a mini leap of faith. If someone is saying they "want a faster horse", you can use your gut to infer that the true underlying need is "to get to where I'm going faster". You might be wrong, but hey, it's a hypothesis.
This is the typical user research process that big companies and agencies use.
But startups aren't big companies. Neither are indie hackers. You don't have the budget to go out to talk to 100 users and give them gift cards, or incentivize them with cash. You need to start selling and you need data now.
Well, it turns out the selling process is VERY similar to the user research process. In a user interview, we might have a discussion guide which is designed to ask key questions that lead to generative insights. In a sales call, we're effectively doing the same, but there is no intent to incentivize the participant (quite the opposite actually). However, the need to follow your gut and infer latent needs is still critical.
As a result, I say: Fellow Indie Hackers, skip the user research and go straight to the sales call! You're still getting out the room to talk to customers, you're still asking generative questions, and you're still learning a lot! The only difference is:
-You're not incentivizing people to talk to you -You're pre-validating the distribution channel because if you can't even find anyone to speak to you, you likely won't find those people later -You get to make mistakes and "get some reps in" before actual high-ticket sales calls -You're testing the latent need hypothesis with the actual market with limited spend
I've found that a lot of founders take the "big company" / agency approach to user research. I think that definitely has its place, and is very useful. However, these companies have resource that Indie Hackers simply don't. I say skip the formalities and get out the room!
It can get a little overwhelming analyzing all those sales calls. After 3 or 4, our memory starts to get a bit fuzzy and I've often found myself wondering "what did that customer last week say about XYZ feature?" or "how many people actually think Z?". It's also easy to start to build confirmation bias after just a few interviews. You start to think you're seeing a trend, but it's just your brain playing tricks on you and getting you to hear what you want to hear.
There's plenty of manual methods you can use to analyze the sales calls, however, it takes a LOT of time to sift through all the conversations and it's hard to stay unbiased. Our team has built a tool called InsightLab ( that can help you analyze not just user interviews, but also sales calls. Simply upload your audio/video recordings, it'll auto-transcribe the files, and you can unlock insights that can help you drive sales. We've set it at a price point that we think is accessible to the IndieHacker community and we'd love to help you build products that people love.
Much love.
submitted by wagwanbruv to indiehackers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:10 Past-Boysenberry6339 Donating shoes for storm relief

I understand they do not need any more money for donations and I don’t believe that. They have enough for whatever they do,
Although I wanna do something. I’d like to order shoes for some people that lost everything , shoes are very important and if anyone here knows anybody or any family that lost all their shoes or need them PM / DM me on here.
And for the record I’d like to drop them off after I get them I don’t want any one scamming me and just receiving a new pair of shoes when they don’t need them.
I won’t be buying 100$ pairs by any means so please just be HONEST please and I’d love to help out. If you have shoes even a normal pair I promise these shoes are just some that’d most likely last until they get back up out of the slump.
Message me someone or people I could possibly contact and give them choices on which shoes they’d prefe sizes. Fr they wouldn’t be worth scamming me for and then if you were to scam me out of shoes that’s just one more person or family that is out of a pair of shoes that they could possibly need really bad.
Trusting y’all will do the right thing and help me help out someone you may know, or yourself if you’ve been through this too.
Praying for every one of our Omaha residents that lost it all
submitted by Past-Boysenberry6339 to Omaha [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:52 EducationalClock1968 Budgeting for 2 people

Hello, my boyfriend and I are going to Disneyland together for our first times with our school in early May as a grad celebration. We already got our tickets and park hopper, but I was wondering how much money each of us should bring. We will be at Disneyland for 1 whole day. Our school isn’t letting us bring snacks on our bus so we will have to buy all our food at Disney. We also want to get some merch(nuimos, the silhouette thing, etc) and eat at the story teller’s cafe for breakfast. We also plan to both buy genie+(mostly for the photopass, because we don’t want to have to pay for each individual picture). I get anxious about money and whether or not we’ll have enough, so I was just wondering how much y’all think we should bring if we want to get the full experience.
submitted by EducationalClock1968 to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:52 robsawn94 Save Data Problems

Edit: for some reason, my stuff just works now. no real idea why, but I'll take it. Thank you everyone for stopping by and either thinking of helping, or helping!
So, I'm new to the community, but not to programming. I'm trying to just save some data (things like player name, route consequences, etc etc), because if I don't, it doesn't save by default.
My current problem is that I can save data, but only the last saved slot, because the last save action, overwrites every other slot. No clue how, really haven't touched that part of the engine.
My common replication of it is:
This is "set up" with this code block, but it's clearly not using it. not sure what to do at this point:
def save_game_data(slot=0): now ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") save_data = { "player_name": player_name, "shiori_name": shiori_name, "greentea": greentea, "americano": americano, "cocoa": cocoa, "sniff": sniff, "booklove": booklove, "bookneutral": bookneutral, "bookhate": bookhate, "route_slice": route_slice, "route_lc": route_lc, "route_fantasy": route_fantasy, "correctstudy": correctstudy, "studycheck": studycheck, "getrest": getrest, "exhaustion": exhaustion, "followcultists": followcultists, "followcats": followcats, "grabcoat": grabcoat, "callpolice": callpolice, "ending": ending, "wep_1_dc": wep_1_dc, "blunder": blunder, "wep_2": wep_2, } json_data = json.dumps(save_data) filename = f"save_{player_name}_{slot}_{now}",json_data) 
(Yes, I have the imports.)
I'd love to use Ren'Py's default stuff, but it won't save any of my values. If I set it up as a config or persistent, those hit the expected problems of retaining data when I don't want to.
So, what am I doing wrong? I've built save systems before and they were simpler than this. I can't even find the definitions for and renpy.load, because "no such definition exists", but it has to, no? how else would saving and loading even work. I can't even find where the default buttons are doing loading.
And, yes, I've checked documentation, it's not particularly helpful in my case. I've also combed for hours through the internet, I've tried to solve this myself, I'm now ready to farm it out.
submitted by robsawn94 to RenPy [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:52 kahareddit Sauce from GME LinkedIn🔥

Sauce from GME LinkedIn🔥
Sup Stonk? Been a minute since I’ve posted, busy with life shit but steady stacking.
Saw this pop in through my LinkedIn feed today. Bee L. Senior Manager, Private Label Quality Management for GameStop. And his notes on the Candy Con controllers has my britches going brrr…
“The Candy Con controller wasn't manufactured, it was sparked by imagination.
The #Gamestop Private Label Team (Alex, Ashlynn, Brandi, and Shirley) envisioned a controller that transcended function. We saw a future where gamers could personalize their controllers, expressing themselves through unique configurations. While we prioritized customization and delivery of a premium, high-quality controller at an accessible price, our vision went deeper. We yearned to reignite the vibrant energy of the gaming community within Gamestop stores. We envisioned Candy Con as the spark that ignites fun and connection at the local level. Imagine gamers customizing their controllers together, sparking conversations, and fostering a sense of community – that's the true achievement. We did it for the #GamingCommunity
Seeing Candy Con hit the market and land in the hands of gamers has been pure magic for the Team. The positive reviews, the online buzz, the marketing exposure are all a testament to the hard work and dedication of the incredible Team.
It's not over yet. The next big thing is around the corner.....”
I don’t know what he’s referring to specifically, but this last sentence “The next big thing is around the corner.....” is bullish as fuck. A change in the wind says I… stay frosty MFs 🫡
Link to source:
submitted by kahareddit to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:48 Jaded_Celery_2050 From a Pacers fan, my sincerest congratulations to every single person in this thread.

What more is there to say? Just bought myself an Ant jersey. 20 years without a series win, and you did it against the team who were one of the favorites to win the chip at the beginning of the series. I don’t think any team/fanbase is more deserving of this than y’all. The first sweep of these playoffs in brutal and commanding fashion. Congrats!! ❤️🙏 (Praying coach Finch makes a full and speedy recovery, that was devastating to watch on TV).
Naz Reid.
submitted by Jaded_Celery_2050 to timberwolves [link] [comments]