Moultrie deer feeders

Mice are nice!

2011.04.29 01:15 Tabziex Mice are nice!

Welcome to /PetMice, for anything and everything related to pet mice and the people who love them!

2024.05.07 01:44 EpsilonAnder Sue me!

Why do SO many boomer men resort to "Sue me." instead of handling things that are their fault? And we are talking PEAK boomer. Has "No parking" signs on the public allotment next to the main road. Feeds the deer even though he lives at the intersection of two roads, one a main road, and it's illegal here to do that. COVERS his yard and house in political signs every election season. Makes service and delivery people park in the road instead of his huge driveway because he resurfaced it a couple years ago and doesn't want them to mess it up with their tires. So on the issue at hand. A couple of days ago the boomer on the corner lot rode his mower over gravel with his blades down and spinning his as we passed, pelting our car and causing damage. We talked with our insurance and they said that if we filed on the guy's homeowner's insurance, it would be covered by his homeowners insurance. No problem. Or so we thought. We go talk to him and all he says is "Have your lawyer sue me." and closes the door. Like dude... You did the damage. You know you did. It wasn't intentional, but you caused it. All we did was ask you to fix it. Now you want to be sued instead? Okay boomer. Deal. We have a dashcam and video proof.
Update In regards to the deegame warden update. When we drove past his house yesterday, there was a lid on the deer feeder with a brick on the lid. Today however, lid and the brick were off. We're going to keep watch, and if deer appear again, take pictures and send it to the warden again. In regards to the vehicle update. We did a recorded conversation with our insurance adjuster today. They're going to submit it for reimbursement. And then go after his homeowners insurance, and handle all the legalities on their side.
submitted by EpsilonAnder to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 15:06 Wildling2018 Advice on the best tool for the job

I recently moved to a place with a large (1+ acre) front lawn. I placed a bird feeder about 3ish metres from the windows, and also see birds further down the lawn (every bird has its preferred resource). We also have deer visiting.
My photography skills are limited to my iPhone 14pro which has always been more than enough. However, I cant get a decent shot of either the birds nor the deer. My partner bought me Nikon PROSTAFF 7S 8x42 binoculars; which are okay for the deer but still leaving the bird watching experience very frustrating. We're in a cool area that get a lot of migratory sightings and I cant get a close up look of some really cool birds that land on my lawn.I recently bought a Canon EOS r50 with a 75-300mm lens, and expected a lot more but feeling disapointed. I'm sure part of it is my lack of experience with a professional camera, but the zoom still isn't great and I cant get a clear shot at full zoom. I know a tripod would help but also a bit surprised at how difficult it would be to get a clear shot without a tripod, if I were to take it on a hike for example. I can't afford a 600mm lens. Should I return the camera and wait until I CAN afford 600mm?
I'm not necessarily looking for professional quality photos.. I just really want to see the details of the creatures in my environment. Would I be better off getting better binoculars? a telescope? I like the idea of capturing an image, but it's primarily for my own viewing. My hands have always been somewhat shaky (I could never be a surgeon lol).
I remember reading about a type of zoom camera that would be a decent alternative to a professional one, that would be a lot simpler to use but I struggle to understand what kind of zoom amounts to what, if that makes sense. Thought I'd ask the experts if anyone has an idea of what might be the best option to get a better look at the birds.
Thank you!
submitted by Wildling2018 to photography [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 13:59 Wildling2018 Advice on the best tool for the job

I recently moved to a place with a large (1+ acre) front lawn. I placed a bird feeder about 3ish metres from the windows, and also see birds further down the lawn (every bird has its preferred resource). We also have deer visiting. My photography skills are limited to my iPhone 14pro which has always been more than enough. However, I cant get a decent shot of either the birds nor the deer. My partner bought me Nikon PROSTAFF 7S 8x42 binoculars; which are okay for the deer but still leaving the bird watching experience very frustrating. We're in a cool area that get a lot of migratory sightings and I cant get a close up look of some really cool birds that land on my lawn. I recently bought a Canon EOS r50 with a 75-300mm lens, and expected a lot more but feeling disapointed. I'm sure part of it is my lack of experience with a professional camera, but the zoom still isn't great and I cant get a clear shot at full zoom. I know a tripod would help but also a bit surprised at how difficult it would be to get a clear shot without a tripod, if I were to take it on a hike for example. I can't afford a 600mm lens. Should I return the camera and wait until I CAN afford 600mm?
I'm not necessarily looking for professional quality photos.. I just really want to see the details of the creatures in my environment. Would I be better off getting better binoculars? a telescope? I like the idea of capturing an image, but it's primarily for my own viewing. My hands have always been somewhat shaky (I could never be a surgeon lol).
I remember reading about a type of zoom camera that would be a decent alternative to a professional one, that would be a lot simpler to use but I struggle to understand what kind of zoom amounts to what, if that makes sense. Thought I'd ask the experts if anyone has an idea of what might be the best option to get a better look at the birds.
Thank you!
submitted by Wildling2018 to BirdPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:36 bloominheck Bird feeder bandit (Western WI)

Bird feeders in my backyard (western WI) have been getting drained very quickly lately.
Figured I would put up a trail camera to see if it’s just very hungry birds/squirrels or something else. We live in the city, but it’s small and has enough woods/trails throughout and near us that we get deer. But I found these two piece of scat near the feeders this morning.
As you can see, AirPods for scale next to the larger chunk. Smaller chunk has coarse white hair sticking out.
The only tracks around that I could identify were deer. Any ideas?
submitted by bloominheck to animalid [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 20:23 Spiritual-Mechanic-4 electric fence

I need a little bit of electric fence (8x8, so 32 linear feet, 3 or 4 wire) for bee hives in an area with very active black bear populations (one came and destroyed our bird feeders last week). I also have some garden areas I'd like to exclude deer from.
I'm trying to navigate all the charging options, and not sure what's best. None of the places we want fence are more than 200 feet from the house, so we could run something back there. But I also have a woodshed with 400w of panels and 200 AHs of 12V battery. It would be a little easier to run wire from the woodshed, since I don't need to worry about drilling new penetrations in the house.
I could also just do a small (been told at least 1 joule for bears) independent solar+battery charger just for the bees, so I don't need to run wires anywhere, and buy another whole system for the garden area.

submitted by Spiritual-Mechanic-4 to homestead [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 22:08 B-Roc- Deer at feeder, mineral lick and with raccoons

submitted by B-Roc- to trailcam [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:10 Agitated-Lettuce5278 Somehow, unwillingly, I turned into Snow White.

But instead of the seven dwarfs I have squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, rabbits, hella species of birds including a hawk, a neighborhood cat, and deer.
The birds munch all my berries (blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries) and eat any kind of seeds I plant. Then they make their nest in my pots so I can’t plant because I don’t want to hurt their children…
The chipmunks dig up all of my bulbs and munch on those.
The raccoon takes down my hummingbird feeder and steals my chipmunk trap(s).
The rabbits munch my lilies to nubs.
The squirrels dig in my vegetable garden and dig anywhere I plant anything so it’s just thrown all over the yard.
The cat does nothing about any of this and just poops in my flower bed from time to time. We call him Tom. He’s a real asshole.
The deer and rabbits mow over my hosta and lily of the valley-which I thought the lily of the valley would make them sick but they don’t give one literal shit.
I feel like I’m going insane haha.
I have tried cayenne on everything. I have purchased commercial deterrent. I have set traps. I have put out other things like fake snakes, noise repellent, etc.
I have cleared any and all debris and have a fence around my yard. I stopped composting because things got worse with that.
I have about a 70-80% loss when I plant things. All I want to do is garden and have a little cut flower garden. But noooo. Haha idk if I have a real question. I just wanted someone to empathize but I am open to suggestions if you have them!
I would love if we could all get our shit together and live in harmony-I am willing to share but they are greedy AF.
UPDATE 4/21/24
You all have made me laugh, renewed my faith in the process, and have given some great suggestions. I have enjoyed reading all of these comments haha I am going to channel this inner Disney princess energy and call upon a fox and owl friend haha. We have dogs surrounding our fenced yard so it’s like my yard is the safe zone for a lot of these creatures. This community is awesome and I appreciate each of you. Thank you for humoring me! I do have arches the cover my seedlings- surprisingly the vegetable garden is the least bothered of everything. I transitioned last year to native planting so I am putting more things in and building more and more gardens of native plants. I currently have 4 different area where I have put some milkweed, cone flower, etc. someone suggested hyssop and I am trying to find seed to start as well! Thanks again!
submitted by Agitated-Lettuce5278 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 02:24 DragonStryk72 Incremental Improvement (Part 35)

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I should've stayed at the cabin. The weekend went really well, and now... Sigh.
The first night, we finished getting the cabin together, and Mr. Bethel had me working on breaking down, cleaning, and reassembling my guns. I did the same with the bow, and did so enough to make sure I could keep doing it in the future without help. While I was working, Bethel asked me questions about the care and safety of each weapon, identify each part of the assembly, and so on. Much as folks generally fall under the assumption that "Oh, you do the thing, so you get the badge", a lot of merit badges have you talking about the thing, making lists and whatnot. It's not just about skill, it's about making certain you have the knowledge pertaining to the subject as much as technical skill in the area.
I did do an experiment with Reaver on having it turn into a bow... but the entire apparatus was solid steel, including the bowstring. I mean, in a pinch, I could just have it turn into the bow and attach a bowstring myself. It ran into similar issues with guns, and any sort of chain weapon, really, anything that required independent moving parts. As long as its form was complete, it could do it, but otherwise, it would be like trying to detach your fingers so you could more efficiently hold a gamepad. I mean, theoretically possible, but I don't think they'll really be much use to you, and you may have created more problems for yourself than you're solving there.
We did a similar run with the various fishing tackle, making sure everything was properly ready for the morning, and talking about the individual bits about different hooks, bait, and whatnot. We had tackle for both regular fishing, as well as fly fishing, since I wanted to get both badges. Fly fishing I had seen done before, it got shown in movies, I think because it looks cooler than regular fishing. I did sort of a dry run for the fly fishing, making sure I had the motion down. the idea was to mimic aquatic and flying insects, luring in predator fish that were hunting for their next meal, with the line generally staying above water. There was an art to it.
All that said, it went pretty well. I got my first deer, and Mr. Bethel got his first just before dawn. I would've had it shortly thereafter, but I totally fucked up my first couple of shots. We had four tags in total, two for antlerless deer- does- and two for buck, since there were more deer than people in Eastern Oregon. Shooting range and shooting to hunt were different things, and while both called on accuracy, one of those things is firing at a living thing at range with trees, bushes, and such in the way, and doing so before dawn and caffeine have fully hit. The second deer, an eight-pointer, took two shots, but I got it. We found our does in the afternoon, and I'll confess, I did use my scent ability for the hunt. Mr. Bethel got pictures, then took me through field-dressing them, and securing our new meat in a freezer at the cabin, we got on with fishing.
I got my fish. I'd been fishing before, so it wasn't as new to me as hunting, and the fish we made up for lunch. During lunch, Mr. Bethel had me write out menus for like a week for my family for Cooking badge, there was a lot of stuff. Hiking and Backpacking would wait for the time-being, since I really needed to work on those with the Troop as we prepared for Philmont. It was a good weekend.
...And then, Monday happened. I awoke Monday morning to reporters camping my house, my office, they were everywhere. Initially, I was doing my best to be good natured about the thing, answering questions as they asked them, but there's a limit, and mine was when one of the guys tried to follow me into the bathroom, "OKAY, no! I draw the line at following a minor into the bathroom!"
All the reporters were a bit chagrinned at that one, having sort of forgotten the age of the person they were dealing with, "Here's how its going to work going forward: I will do updates later today, when we've finished getting things done for the day. I will work out a rotation for individual interviews. I get it, you all have deadlines and whatnot, but you're starting to get in the way. I will answer questions, just not right now. Until then, stay out of folks' way, and don't be bothering my people while they're working. Now, I am going to go take a shit, if you don't mind!"
The next stage I was unprepared for. I had figured for being coming to complain at me. I mean, I was doing a lot, and yes, those groups were present, but I walked into my office to find a pissed off Crimson waiting. Only... She didn't wait, "You need to explain yourself!"
The fuck?! What's she got to be pissed at me about? "Hi Crimson, I'm Marcus. Nice to meet you. What are you doing here?"
Yeah, that did not calm her down, "You should damn well know why I'm here! Why was I left out?!"
I rolled me eyes. Of all the-, "Why would I call you in? You're still in the academy."
She stepped in on me, "And do you have any idea how many credits disaster relief is worth to academy students?!"
Huh, "You know what? That's fair, I didn't know about that aspect, and I should have considered it, but..."
"But what? Afraid of being shown up by a girl?" She jutted out her chin this time, with a self-satisfied grin.
Which left her face as I started laughing, "Let's go over it: I've got a sister that'll fight me to the death on a regular basis, and a girlfriend who still keeps trying to play me in one-on-one despite the fact that my powers mean they'll never win. I've gotten a whole mess of women in my life that tell me what to do on a regular basis, powers or no.
"Truth? I just don't have anything for you to do."
Crimson launched in a full rant now, "Nothing?! I am top of my class! I am the most powerful caster in the history of the country! In the history of most countries! And you have nothing for me to do?! Meanwhile, you'll take every D and E-lister on the-"
I slammed my backpack on the desk, "And there it is! You wanna know why I have nothing for you? First, let's go over your casting. Tell me one spell you have that isn't almost purely combat-casting?"
She took a step back, and her head shot off to the side, folding her arms, "And even if I had something, I still wouldn't want you here."
Crimson snapped back to glare at me, "And why is that?"
"You're an elitist. You just said it: 'D and E-lister'. I don't have the spare time to deal with the problems you would cause me, and you have the nerve to question me? You called legitimate heroes, who are out doing the shit you're training for some sort of bottom feeders, and you wonder why I don't marvel at your sheer awesome? Get the fuck out of my to office," I was quite done, and despite her protests, physically shoved her into the hallway, looking down the line, "NEXT!"
Upside of the whole debacle: If people see you shove an A-Tier hero out the door, no one really wants to find out what happens to them if they piss you off, so the rest of my line opted for the path of respect. Reps from the Landlords' Association were there, and the complexes were complying. I'll be honest here, I was hoping they wouldn't, but the corporate overlords weren't going to go to war over the letterhead. My guess is, they saw the financials for fighting me, and decided it was just a hell of a lot cheaper to just go with me on it. They did, however, demand to know what my plans were for the apartment situation in Portland. So, I explained, "My hope is to get the rental prices down to a point that is more manageable for people as a whole, to take stress off the system, and establish rent controls for the city."
Oh, they did not like the term 'rent control'. Portland had some laws on this already, but all it did was limit how much rental increases could be per year, 7-10%. Thing is, though, that's still a problem, because if you raise the rent by around 10% every year for a decade, guess where the rent prices are at? They were scared I was going to take their money away... okay, I kinda am, but I'm not looking to break them, just get them to start acting right, "Look, let's go over how it works right now, shall we? You end up evicting people, and then, since they can't pay, which is how they ended up there in the first place, they can't pay the debt either, not if they want a place to live, or you know, eat. And because eviction takes a few months going through the Tenant Courts system, you end up not collecting even more rent. So what happens? You guys end up selling the debts to collections agencies for a pittance, and you'll never see that money again, right?"
This, they understood. Tenant court at City Hall was busy every day, it was hard to miss it, "Right, so this whole idiocy isn't really working out for you, or your employers. It certainly isn't working out for the average citizen of Portland, either.
"Here's how it's going to work: There are going to be percentages on new complexes, to stop any future imbalances. We're going to create a tiered system of apartments, starting from the bottom: Low-Income housing. Pretty obvious, we're going to increase the number of low-income available apartments for rent. Next, we're going to work on what I'm referring to right now as Mid-core properties. Rents are a bit higher, but you should still be able to hold down a studio or one-bedroom on a regular full-time job. For both low and Mid-Core, we're going to establish maximum incomes for both, so that we don't get a bunch of higher income folks crowding out people who really need it. And let's be clear, this whole thing is more secure for you guys as well.
"Then we set up brackets for High-income, and Luxury. These won't have the maximum restriction, since the numbers won't be too much of a problem. Now, I don't want to cut landlords out, but you got ridiculous with this, and yeah, some of that is the Portland government. They should have acted as soon as the population boom started, back in 2010 or before, but they didn't, and now we're here."
I had them at least somewhat mollified... for the moment. The system I was approaching was still essentially capitalistic, the idea was just to block off the worst impulses of those involved. Some NIMBYs complained, but not really a lot to be done there. It simply wasn't feasible to run things by every neighborhood in Portland on who was okay with getting the homeless together. A bunch of H.O.A. managers wanted to know what was going to happen to their property values, to which I didn't have any answer, but said I'd look into it. It was getting on toward lunch when I poked my head out the door, "Susan, any more complaints?"
"We need better coffee for the office," she didn't even miss a beat on that one.
Susan had started out barely talking outside of direct need. Recently, however, she'd been starting to pop off and make jokes. It was a good sign that she was moving forward, "Noted. Anyone else that wants to complain at me?"
She didn't even look away from her computer and phone, "Just the people who think you're helping wrong, and the ones who're angry about getting told to go fuck themselves, OH, and Siren's in the city."
So I told the angry ones the polite version of 'fuck off', and now the next batch.... fuck it, we'll take them all on at the same time. I brought the groups into the main conference room, and we spent lunch hashing things out. We had people from California, Texas, and in one truly bizarre moment, one guy from Miami. All had been working with the homeless and the poor in a variety of contexts, so you would think that we immediately got along, but oh no. The hardest fight of the week was with the people who ostensibly were on my side. They all passionately believed in a cause, and now it was a religious war.
In studying religion, I hadn't gotten how so many wars had been fought across the globe by groups whose religious beliefs varied in only minor pieces, but oh my God, I got it now. Tell a diehard Trekkie that you don't like Star Trek, and they'll maybe ask why, but more likely they'll just shrug it off. Tell that same Trekkie how Star Trek: Enterprise is the superior Trek, and you've declared a holy war.
Quite literally, dealing with the people who wanted me stopped was easier than this. We were on opposite sides, that was just the baseline, and we would hold our respective grounds. Both sides knew we were fighting, and there was a silent agreement on the way these conflicts are done. Here, noooo..... Oh God, they were going to tear each other apart. We got to the point of bitter dispute, and I slammed both hands on the conference table, rising to full height, "NO! We're not doing this! You know, this is my big problem with the left! We can't do all this stuff, and we can't spend the whole ninety days yelling at each other about it. It's how so much nothing ends up getting done, and I've got enough of that crap coming up with the Portland City Council. So here it is: Submit your ideas through Susan, and she'll relay them to me. I'll consider them, and I'll implement what I can that I feel works. Until then, I've got a ton of other things I have to get to this afternoon."
Most shuffled on out of the room, save one woman. I hadn't gotten her name, but she'd stayed mostly quiet during the 'discussion', and while she was packing up, she was doing it more slowly, waiting for everyone to head off before she addressed me, "I know you're busy, but you need to hear me out. I'm Cho Yun Hee, and you're gonna want to hear this."
I may have slightly lied about my afternoon. Mostly, I was tired, and yeah, there was stuff to do, but until supplies and personnel were physically on location, I was stuck doing various checks on multiple areas, "Alright, I'll see if I can clear some time, but I need out of the office for a bit."
Ms. Cho nodded, and we both got packed up, and went out. I decided to head down to the Alberta Art District. It had a bunch of places to eat, and we could just walk along and talk for a bit. Once we had some good walking food, she opened up, "There's a problem with your plan."
I took a bite, and after swallowing quick, looked over, "Only one? I'm doing better than I thought at this."
She smiled, but there was determination there, "That's minor stuff. The problem is the homeless. You can't bring them back into Portland."
"Um, where the hell are they gonna go?"
She withdrew a binder from her bag, and passed it to me, "Do you know the population of Portland?"
I took the binder, but I would read it in a bit, "Depending on how you measure it? 4.2 million people."
Cho nodded, "Right, and what's the population of Oregon."
I shrugged, "Don't know it off the top of my head."
"4.24 million, and most of those forty thousand people are in places like Albany and Wasco. Those cities are practically neighbors to Portland, all along the same strip of interstate. Albany along the 205, and Wasco along the 84."
I stopped in my tracks, "Are you telling me that only 1% of the state lives outside of Portland? That seems insane."
Cho shook her head, and took a bite of her food, a giant soft pretzel, "It's correct according to my research, and that's why the plan I've given you is so important. We don't bring them back to Portland, we spread them out in smaller communities, and build up some small industries and commercial enterprises that can support them there. I mean, you almost hit it dead on with putting them up in dead towns, you just viewed the situation as temporary, rather than a long-term solution. I've run the numbers, this way is easier, has a better success rate, and it can improve things across Oregon, not just Portland."
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submitted by DragonStryk72 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 23:02 No_Independence_3765 How do I explain to my stepdad that he's toxic/ how do we leave a toxic environment?

My stepdad just threw a hissy fit because my mom was(is?) going to a relatives house to play uno and smoke zaza, he basically told her that he didn't want her to go for whatever reason (I only caught the tail end of the argument) and honestly I'm pretty pissed at him, she only goes once a week (which I guess is pretty frequent) but he goes out to our garage and drinks with his buddies till he's blackout drunk roughly 3 times a week, she's "not allowed" to go anywhere without informing him (even to go to the store) and if she takes to long he'll call her and ask why she isn't home yet. She is hardly, if ever, allowed to hang out with her friends. He checks her phone (which I mean, I guess can be normal), and he complained when he realized she bought me and my brother's stuff off of Amazon and "he never gets anything" (she bought him a deer feeder hardly over 2 months ago). It's not his money, it's my mother's CHILD support money, so I'd say that she's allowed to use it to buy stuff for her kids with it. He "disapproves" of my mom's friends, hes controlling and threatened to divorce her because we had a pride flag on the inside of our door. Thing is, I'm scared to confront him because if he kicks us out we have no where to go, our family had a huge falling out with our mother, and while it's relatively mended, a few family members are still distant and we've relied on them to heavily in the past, and my mother's friend is staying in our camper, so we can't stay with her. Our mother doesn't have a bank account besides for the one the child support is payed into, which we can't access because her car was broken into and that card was stolen (it's still connected to the Amazon account, hence her still being able to buy stuff off of Amazon), we can't live in her car, (it's too small for four people to sleep in), so then getting divorced right now isn't an option, our mother doesn't love our stepdad, it sounds awful but the only reason why she's still with him is because of us kids. She can't work right now because we live to far from our school to ride the bus and my stepdad constantly has her running around doing errands, so saving up to leave isn't an option, not to mention that we have 2 dogs and 4 cats (probably should have mentioned that earlier), so the only option we really have is to try to get him to be a better husband (and stepfather) but he won't listen, every time we have tried to talk to him about it he acts like we just told him that hes a insane super bat shit crazy homicidal manic because our feelings got a little hurt that he called us stupid or something, I know I sound entitled and like an ungrateful brat because he provides for us and pays the bills, but honestly im getting so fucking sick of how he treats my mother, my brothers, and me. He's not as awful as me and my younger brothers dad, and he's not a sick fuck like my eldest brothers dad, but he's still not a good person. Im upset, so sorry if this is kind of all over the place, if this doesn't belong in this sub let me know and I'll delete it.
submitted by No_Independence_3765 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 04:43 PeanutButterPants19 Finally pulled my deer trail cam out of the woods and thought I'd hang it by my bird feeder to see what came along. These are the highlights. Charleston, SC

Finally pulled my deer trail cam out of the woods and thought I'd hang it by my bird feeder to see what came along. These are the highlights. Charleston, SC
Sorry about the quality. It's a $30 trail cam from Amazon but it took some interesting pics! My personal favorite is the "Feed me peasant!" look the one fledgling bluebird keeps giving his mother.
submitted by PeanutButterPants19 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 19:46 pinetree64 Advice: Experiences with bad bird feed.

In the past, I have had bad experiences with "Audubon" suit cakes and seed mix from Walmart. Since then I have mostly stuck with Pennington Black Sunflower seed (Home Depot). Latest bag had a lot more trash in it, stalk and seed head residue. I have a tubular feeder and usually the birds and deer will clean me out every couple days. This time, it has been over 10 days and still almost full. I fear I wasted $$$ on a 20# bag. Maybe being spring there are a lot of alternatives...
Anybody have a similar experience?

submitted by pinetree64 to birdfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 13:28 BuffaloMarathoner91 Was this a sign from my mom?

My mom (62F) passed away in hospice last Monday. I spent most of the day with her, holding her hand and talking to her even though she wasn’t coherent. My husband mentioned this park near the facility that he disc golfs at and said he passes the hospice all the time and always sees deer.
I was sitting beside my mom in the afternoon and saw a bunch of deer outside the window eating from the bird feeders, but one in particular stood out to me. It had a big black spot on the inside of its hind leg. I described the deer to my mom and said they were so cute. She passed just shy of midnight, but before she took her last breath I felt this wave of anxiety and nervousness suddenly come over me for no reason at all. My brother and his girlfriend came to stay with me as this was happening and his girlfriend said she felt the exact same way at the exact same time. My husband also complained of a sudden bad headache that lasted for a few seconds, then it stopped and he was overcome with a feeling of peace.
After my brother and his girlfriend left, my husband and I went for a walk around the facility while we waited for the nurse to get the paperwork started. We walked past a window to the courtyard and there was nothing there. About 10 minutes later after everything was signed and I said my final goodbye to my mom, we walked past the same window and outside was the deer with the large black spot.
A few days later, my aunt (dad’s sister) made a post on Facebook that she was on vacation and watching Easter mass from the porch of wherever she was staying and that she had silently prayed for a sign from my mom. A second later a doe walked out of the forest and across the lawn.
I want to believe these signs are from my mom, I love and miss her so much and I wasn’t ready for her to go. I’ll never feel ready. But I just want her to let me know wherever she is, that she’s happy and safe. can anyone explain to me why my husband, brother’s girlfriend and I had that weird experience right before she passed? And do deer symbolize anything special when it comes to spirits or deceased loved ones? Or am I searching for signs and answers that I’ll never find?
submitted by BuffaloMarathoner91 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 22:38 stlatos A Call for Investigation of Messapic

In historical times, Messapic was spoken in southern Italy. However, there was a tradition that speakers of Messapic came from Crete (Whalen, 2023a). If this was based on their tradition, or clear similarity to people from Crete observable at the time, this could be true. Currently, it is seen as close to Albanian. Though the only contact with Greek, under the Albanian theory, would be with Greek colonists in Italy, after an unknown period in which their only neighbors would be speakers of Italic and Etruscan, there are many, many obviously Greek words in Messapic, that are said to be loans, and very little Italic. G. árguros ‘silver’, Ms. acc. argorian; Ms. (e)ipigrave ‘he wrote’, G. epigráphō; and all native names of gods are Greek. Why would this people who supposedly came from Illyrian territory to Italy have so many Greek loans, even replacing their entire pantheon? Greek Aphrodī́tē : Aprodita, Zeús : Zis, Dēmḗtēr : Damatura / Damatira, *Athānā > Thana. In hupo- : hipa-, there is *u > i, so Zeús : Zis is also likely a loan.

Even their names were Greek:

G. Hippikós, Híppakos, Ms. Hipaka / Ipaka / Hopaka

G. streblós / strabós / strábōn ‘bent / twisted / squinting’, Strábōn, Ms. Staboos (tr vs. t also in Látrōn, Phoc. Latōnós; like str- > *tsr- > *dzR > NG zabós )

G. Plátōn : Ms. Platoor / Platur / Prátur shows n / r, like *perk^-sk^-tlo- > U. persklu ‘public prayer’, Ms. pensklen ‘chapel’ (acc). This matches Cretan l / r and G. dia. l > n (eluth- > Att. eltheîn, Dor. entheîn; phíltatos / phíntatos ‘dearest’; L. merda, TB melte ‘dung’, G. mínthos ‘human ordure’ (also with e > i, d > th, as in Crete)

G. Andréās, gen. *Andréwāho > Andréou, Ms. gen. Andiraho

G. Mātréās / Mētrâs, fem. Mētrṓ, Ms. Marta

G. Makháōn, Cretan Mágōs, Ms. Mahehos

Plato and Strabo would not ignore such evidence. The analogical gen. -ho added to masc. a-stems is a feature of Greek, along with all others here. Nothing is like Albanian, except those features that Greek already is known to share with it. That *Andréwāho > Andiraho is true is seen in cognates:

G. teúktōr ‘maker’, ánthrōpos ‘man / human’, Ms. Taotor Andirabas ‘Maker of Man’ (*eu > *öü > ao in *k^leu-si > Ms. klaohi, Skt. śróṣi ‘hear (impv)’)

The change of names in -ōn > -ōs is not a theory that just concerns Ms., but a fact seen in Crete, from where they came:

G. Púrōn, Cr. Púrōs / Púrōos

G. Túrōn, Cr. Turṓs

G. Brótōn, Cr. Brṓtōs

G. Makháōn, Cr. Mágōs

*Látlōn > Phoca. Látrōn, Phoc. Latōnós, Cr. Látōs

G. fem. Tharsṓ, masc. Thrásōn, Cr. Thárōs < *Thárrōs < *Thársōs

Since *-ōn > -ōs / -ōos makes little sense, this shows that IE n-stems with nom. in *-o:n / *-o: remained in Greek. Just as some names alternated -ōn / -ōnos (G. Tēlephôn / Tēléphōnos, Kórōn / Kórōnos, Látrōn ~ Latōnós, god Seilēnós from *selwḗn (*serwḗm > Linear B se-re-mo-ka-ra-o-re ‘(decorated with) siren heads’), Tīthōnós from *tīthōn ‘cicada’), the older nom. *-ō added -s or -os by analogy with o-stems.

Understanding the basic sound changes allows less obvious names to be related by the same. Many seem related to Macedonian changes, such as kh > g:

*Megaklewe:s > G. Megaklês, *Mögaklöwö:s > Ms. Mooklioos (with rounding by P like *eu > *öü > ao in *k^leu-si > Ms. klaohi; for palatal *l^, see below)

G. oínē ‘vine / wine’, Ms. Vina, Vunia < *wuyna \ *wunya

G. Oinádēs, Ms. Vinnadeus (proving the equation above; *ny > nn as in Marchesini)

G. Kórinthos, Cr. Karaíthōs, Ms. gen. Kortheihi (metathesis of *Koreith-, *i > ai as in Mac.)

G. Euphaínetos, Ms. Vaanetos

For the long -aa- in Vaanetos, Macadeonian had *ai > a(:) in *H2aidhriyā > G. aithría ‘clear weather’, Mac. adraía. Though G. did not mark the length of letters like A, most languages with length distinctions change diphthongs into long vowels. This would show eu- was pronounced ev- in dialects early, as late, and *vf > v / f (also explaining loss of -u- in *davfnā > Greek dáphnē / daukhnā- ‘laurel’). This is found in Ms. Daxtassi Vaanetos ‘Vaanetos, son of Dazet’.

In Mooklioos, only an origin in a word of at least 4 syllables makes sense, and the match with Greek can’t be ignored. A sequence of -ioo- representing 3 successive V’s is unlikely (except maybe in Greek); if -li- represented *l^ (palatalized before *e, then *ew > *öw), it would make sense of another group:

A palatal *t becoming th is known in Ms. (*kWe > *k^e > *t^e > G. te, *t^i > Ms. ti / thi ‘and’); thus, Simona Marchesini (1995) derived Ms. Blatthes < *Blatyos, but also did not consider dissimilation of *y-y or *y > l. Ms. Blatthes, Cr. Bíaththos are cognate, and the missing link is provided by the presence of the name P Blattius Creticus (found on an offering in the Alps). Hitchman in “Some Personal Names from Western Crete” shows that Cr. Bíaththos and G. Talthúbios (from thaléthō ‘bloom/thrive’ and *gWiH3wo- ‘alive’, with loss of *H in many compounds) were names alternately passed down to father and son, which made him question if G. bio- gave Bíaththos (such names are often related in one out of two elements). Indeed it did, with *y-y or *y > l (or *y > *l^ > l as in Arm. *yugo-m ‘yoke’ > luc; *ye(:)kWrt ‘liver’ > leard ):

*gWiH3oto- ‘life’ > G. bíotos / bíos, *biotios > Cr. Bíaththos, *by- > bl- in P Blattius Creticus, Ms. Blatthes / Blathes

*yaH2- > Skt. yā- ‘go’, H. ya- ‘go / march’; *yaH2won- > G. Iéōnes > ‘Ionians’

*yaH2wo- > H. lahha- ‘*march > campaign’, G. lāós ‘men / soldiers / people’

Seeing that both Ms. names and those from Crete that do not look immediately Greek are derived from sound changes in unknown or little known dialects of Greek helps in proving their connection. If each group shows the same changes, legend says they came from Crete, and these names are found in both places, etc., there is no reason to doubt this any more than any piece of evidence from stories.

It is not just names; all words are Greek, showing few differences from known dialects. PIE *wetes- > G. auto-etḗs ‘in/of the same year’, Ms. atavetes with au > a, o > a. This auto- as ‘same’ is not normal in IE words with *wet(os)- of the same meaning, it’s unique to G. Changes like Ms. *o > a are seen in Macedonian, and I will give many more. PIE *bher- ‘carry’ > G. phérō, Ms. 3pl. subj. beran; G. phílos ‘one’s own/friend/deaworthy’, Ms. biles, gen. bilihi, ‘son’, show ph > b like Mac. Changes of e > i like G. dia. (*kWetwor- ‘4’ > Hom. písures / Les. pés(s)ures ), and since *-yo > -i matches that seen in G. sílphion ‘silphium / laser(wort)’, *sirphio- > *sirphi- > Latin sirpe; PIE *gWlhinyo-s > *koleniyo-s > Cr. *koleni-s > NG Cr. kolénēs ‘oak-grove’. Change of ph > p by r in sirpe matches G. Aphrodī́tē : Ms. Aprodita, probably only when in different syllables (if regular).

How would *upo- become hipa- without Greek *u- > hu-, Greek *u > ü, and dialect Greek ü > i? None of this appears in Alb., and this is the simplest of all examples. Why *s > h in exactly the environments for G., not Alb.? Why would Messapia be ‘between the waters’ (known to be a word for ‘peninsula’, based on their location), from *medhyo- ‘middle’ when *dh > d in Alb.? This requires *dh > *th, *thy > ss, remaining *th > d. This is the sequence in Mac., not Alb., and there is no way to avoid this.

In G. theóphoros ‘possessed by a god / (divinely) inspired’, Ms. t(h)abara- ‘priest’, they come from PIE *dh(e)H1so-, so Alb. would have d-. Though Mac. changed *th > d later, when the V created by vocalization of *H1 formed, it was different from *e, maybe *H1 > *E or *ǝ (open or reduced V). Then, unstressed *ǝ > 0 (or all *ǝ > 0 unless it would create a monosyllable). Loss of *H1 by *s ( > *h ) might also be responsible. For *H becoming *ǝ that could be deleted, see *H1isH2ro- > *HihHro- = *HihHǝro- > *Hihǝro- > G. hierós \ hiarós \ iarós \ îros \ ros ‘mighty/supernatural’), with -a- expected in all, not -a- vs. -e- / -0-.

Even *n disappeared before *Ch, showing that it was a fricative, and a devoiced *d became t / th (just as G. dáptēs ‘eater / bloodsucker (of gnats)’, Cretan thápta ‘gnat’, more below), which only works if *d was *ð. The 3rd sng. -s must be G. -si < -ti, the opt. 3rd pl. -ain is like G. -oint-, which is not an allowed cluster in any IE but Greek. All this points to a language very similar to Macedonian, in which almost every word was seen in Ionic G., only differing due to sound changes.

In Ms. kos kraapati argorian ‘whoever should steal the money’, kraap- would have a long V from a diphthong, *au or *ai. This obviously is from *kraup-, which matches G. kalúptō / krúptō ‘cover / hide / conceal’ (with meaning as in kléptō ‘steal / conceal’). It shows that r vs. l is part of a sound change, and other IE do not have kl- > kal- or obvious cognates of these forms. It is pointless to continue looking elsewhere when all matches are in Greek.

If ph > p in loans (Aprodita), why ph > v in (e)ipigrave? Ms. had native words with -p-. This suggests it was older, which makes no sense, or that phr > pr but VpV > VvV. This is impossible due to -p- in hipa-, etc. Only a stage with -ph- > -f- > -v- (like Arm.) would work, which prevents these from being loans. Words with VCi > ViCi like *-osyo > -aihi; Ms. (e)ipigrave, G. epigráphō; also might show an Arm.-type change. If ei- / i- is just spelling, the *sy > *hy > ih resembles G. *ny > in, and intermediate *-oiho is possible, too. Even deiva / diva ‘goddess’ is from *thewos < *theos < *thehos, G. theós, with new glide (as in *bhiliyos > G. phílios ‘friendly/beloved’, *biliwos >> Ms. biliva ‘beloved (fem)’), with dialect eo > io, among many examples of *e > i.

Early loans from Greek to Ms. to Latin are much more extensive than expected if Ms. merely contacted Greek at much the same time as the rest of Italy, and often show alternation of l / r or l / d, both seen in dialects on Crete (Cr. thápta ‘gnat’, Polyrrhenian látta ‘fly’), and other such changes. No historical Greeks who came to Italy are specifically known to speak a dialect with l > r.

G. Odusseús / Olutteus / Ōlixēs, L. Ulixēs

G. Poludeúkēs, *Poluleúkēs ‘very bright’ >> L. Pollux (like Sanskrit Purūrávas- ‘*very hot’)

G. númphē, L. lumpa ‘nymph, (spring) water’, Oscan *dümpa > diumpa- (with dissimilation of nasals n-m > l-m)

G. phál(l)aina ‘whale’, L. balaena

G. kārabís / kā́rabos ‘ horned beetle / crayfish’, sḗrambos ‘kind of dung beetle’, L. scarabaeus

G. thṓrāx, Ion. thṓrēx ‘corslet / coat of mail’, L. lōrīca ‘coat of mail / breastplate’

G. lógkhē ‘spear’, L. lancea

G. parṓn ‘light ship’, L. parō

G. pálmē ‘light shield’, L. palma / parma ‘small round shield’

G. sílphion ‘silphium / laser(wort)’, *sirphi > Latin sirpe

G. eléphās ‘elephant / ivory’, *erefōs > *erebor > L. ebur ‘ivory’

G. mū́rioi ‘great number / 10,000’, *mū́lyi > L. mīlle ‘thousand’, plural mīlia

G. tûkon / sûkon, *thü:kos > L fīcus ‘fig’

G. látron ‘payment’, *látlōn > L. latrō ‘mercenary / bandit’

G. pháskō ‘say/believe’, báskō; báskanos ‘invoking/imploring / casting a spell’; baskaínō >> L. fascīnō ‘enchant/bewitch/envy’

G. atāburī́tēs ártos ‘a kind of loaf’ >> L. Atābulus ‘burning wind blowing in Apulia / sirocco’

G. sḗrambos ‘kind of dung beetle’ is the source of the name Cr. Sḗrambos. Also kēraphís ‘kind of locust’. That G. broûkos / breûkos ‘grasshopper’ is also >> Cr. Breûkos shows a tendency in naming. That a Cretan form like *ska:rabos existed and gave L. scarabaeus seems clear. Knowing that this path existed shows a clear connection among Crete, Greek words in Latin and Ms., and Ms. as from Crete. These words are likely << ‘horn’, *k^(e)rsro- > ON hjarsi ‘crown (of the head)’, G. kórsē ‘head / temple’, showing these are native G. words. A similar path in TB karse ‘deer?’.

For tûkon / sûkon > *θü:kos > L fīcus (Italic change of *θ > f), palatal *t also becoming th is known in Ms. (*kWe > *t^i > ti / thi ‘and’; Blatthes, Blattius); *tu > *t^ü is needed in dia. with sûkon, so putting these together leaves Ms as the only choice. This ü > i is needed for others (mū́rioi > mīlia). Why would Ms. have borrowed a supposedly foreign Greek word, changed it by its own standard in a few years, then been the source of another loan into Latin when Greeks presumably were plentiful in the area? The only idea that makes sense is that *thü:kos is a native Ms. word, that they loaned into Latin in the centuries before any (other) Greeks arrived.

For *látlōn > L. latrō, compare the names *Látlōn > Phoca. Látrōn, Phoc. Latōnós, Cr. Látōs. Since Phoc. Látropos also exists, these are clearly related (Phoc. Greeks founded Phocaea; these rare names being seen there makes 2 separate derivatives very unlikely). If native L., it would have *l-l > l-r after *tl > kl (*lutlom > lucrum).

Why would phálaina > balaena? Standard theory says a Mac. form was responsible, but Italians weren’t in contact with Macedonians, but Messapians. Mac. *o > a in lógkhē > lancea is equally unlikely, but Ms. had *o > a (not PIE *o > a, but G. *o > a ). Ōlixēs, L. Ulixēs shows ō > u like Ms. Platoor / Platur. If eléphās > *erefōs > *erebor > L. ebur, it would show a > o by P, like G. ablábeia : Cr. ablopia; likely also phṓgō ‘roast/toast/parch’ < *be\a(H2)g- (OE bacan, E. bake, Slavic *bagati ‘ignite’, Ph. bekós \ békos ‘bread’, Arm. bokeł ‘kind of round soft bread’).

Why would Messapians name their winds with a foreign Greek name? G. atāburī́tēs is likely from *artā *burg- ‘bake bread’, G. phrū́gō ‘roast/toast/parch’, Latin frīg- ‘roast’, Skt. bhrajj-. Since the ultimate source of these words and the path it took to G. are unknown, the loss of -g- likely comes from *rug > *urg, with *rg > *r like *rd > r in Crete (G. krádē ‘fig-tree’, *kárda > Cr. kára; G. pérdix ‘partridge’, Cr. pḗrix), since some g > d there (hagnós, Cr. adnós ‘holy’). Not all these need have passed through Ms. to L., but most certainly are not standard G., and no makeup of the G. colonists to Italy seems to explain it. Most of these have been seen as Ms. (intermediary) before. Almost all these required changes are seen in Crete. We have much less ability now to determine where the Messapians lived immediately before coming to Italy than they did then. Why attempt to get the better of the ancients when there is no way to prove that they did not come from Crete?

The many, many Cretan names in Task- and Dask-, like C. Táskos, Táskus, Táskis, Taskádas, Taskúdas, Taskiádas, Dasskádas, Daskádas, Taskainnádas, Taskannádas, Taskoménēs are matched by many, many names in Daz- for Messapic, like M. Dazimas / Dazomas, Dazos, Dazet, gen. dazohonnihi, dazinnihi, dastidda. These would likely be from G. Ktasadas, Ktēsiádēs, etc. These are from ktḗsios ‘belonging to (one’s) property/home’, ktáomai ‘get / obtain’. Most attested names from G. dialects that changed *a: > *e:, but many named Ktasadas in Lycia (the sons of Ktēsiklês, Kallikrátēs, Diogénēs, etc., so certainly Greek).

In Cr., T- vs. D- must come from optional kt- / gd- (G. (k)túpos / (g)doûpos ‘crash / din /knocking / thud’), then Ktēsiádēs : *Kta:siáda:s > Taskiádas. Ms. would then show only the voiced variants, with *Dags- > *Dagz- > Daz-. Its nature as from *gz can be seen when loss of -V- puts it by -t-, with *-gzt- > *-kst- > *-xst- > -xt- in *Dagzet-s > Dazet, gen. *Dagzet-os > *Dagzt-os > Daxtas.

The Ms. letter X must have been pronounced like velar fricative /x/ (which is the simplest choice if a Greek dialect using Greek-based letters) but has been written Š by scholars with no evidence. It provides etymology for words with Š- really being X-, like Staboos Xonedonas ‘Xonedonas, son of Stabo’. Greek onínēmi ‘be of use / help / please / delight’ came from PIE *H3onH1-, so its derivative Onḗtōr would have been *Honḗtōr in the past. With *r > n, *Honḗtōr >> Xonedonas.

It is not unreasonable to think that some dialects retained PIE *H2- as x- or h- later than others. Compare *H- > h- in:
*H2aps- > G. hápsos ‘joint’, TA āpsā ‘(minor) limbs’, Skt. ápsas- ‘front side’, H. happeššar- ‘limb / part of body’
*H1ek^wos > G. híppos, Ion. íkkos ‘horse’, L. equus

Related names (in both G. and Ms.) from the same root: *Hone:tis > *Hone:t^is > *Hone:t^s^is > G. ónēsis ‘use/profit/advantage/delight’, names Onēsís and many more in Onēs-, Ms. gen. Xonetthihi from Xonetthi-. As in other words, palatal *t^ and *t^s^ to Ms. t / th / tth (also Cr. thth ).

Sound changes in Ms. are seen in other G. dia., and there’s nothing unique to Alb., shown in:

*upo- > G. hupo-, Ms. hipa- with Greek *u- > hu-, Greek *u > ü, and dialect Greek ü > i

s > h in exactly the environments for G., not Alb.

e > i like G. dia. (*kWetwor- ‘4’ > Hom. písures / Les. pés(s)ures )

*-yo > -i
*-osyo > *-ohyö > *-ahie > -aihi
seen in G. sílphion ‘silphium / laser(wort)’, *sirphio- > *sirphi- > Latin sirpe; PIE *gWlhinyo-s > *koleniyo-s > Cr. *koleni-s > NG Cr. kolénēs ‘oak-grove’

Change of ph > p by r in sirpe matches G. Aphrodī́tē : Ms. Aprodita.

*-osyo > -aihi with VCi > ViCi

Ms. (e)ipigrave ‘he wrote’, G. epigráphō with VCi > ViCi

G. árguros ‘silver’, Ms. acc. argorian

Messapia ‘between the waters’ (maybe a word for ‘peninsula’) requires *dh > *th, *thy > ss, remaining *th > d. This is the sequence in Mac., not Alb.

*n disappeared before *Ch, showing that it was a fricative

devoiced *d became t / th (just as G. dáptēs ‘eater / bloodsucker (of gnats)’, Cretan thápta ‘gnat’), which only works if *d was *ð

3rd sng. -s must be G. -si < -ti

opt. 3rd pl. -ain is like G. -oint-, which is not an allowed cluster in any IE but Greek

G. Plátōn : Ms. Platoor / Platur shows n / r

*perk^-sk^-tlo- > U. persklu ‘public prayer’, Ms. pensklen ‘chapel’ (acc) shows n / r

Aphrodī́tē : Aprodita

Zeús : Zis

Dēmḗtēr : Damatura / Damatira, LA i-da-ma-te / da-ma-te

Theānṓ : Thana < *θhānā < *ðǝhānā (*Athana > Thana is possible, but not all a- > 0- (Aprodita ), though there could be conditions)

Ms. diva ‘god’ < *the(w)os, G. theós

G. teúktōr ‘maker’, ánthrōpos ‘man / human’, Ms. Taotor Andirabas ‘Maker of Men’

G. theóphoros ‘possessed by a god / (divinely) inspired’, Ms. t(h)abara- ‘priest’

*bhiliyos > G. phílios ‘friendly/beloved’, *bilios > *biliwos >> Ms. biliva ‘beloved (fem)’

G. phílos ‘one’s own/friend/deaworthy’, Ms. biles, gen. bilihi, ‘son’, show ph > b like Mac.; *o > e

*bher- ‘carry’ > G. phérō, Ms. 3pl. subj. beran

*kWe > *k^e > *t^e > G. te, *t^i > Ms. ti / thi ‘and’

*gWiH3oto- ‘life’ > G. bíotos / bíos, *biotios > Cr. Bíaththos, *by- > bl- in P Blattius Creticus, Ms. Blatthes \ Blathes

*k^leu-si > Ms. klaohi, Skt. śróṣi ‘hear (impv)’

*wetes- > G. auto-etḗs ‘in/of the same year’, Ms. atavetes with au > a, o > a

*kWe > Ms. ti / thi
*penkWe > Ms. penke-, G. pénte

No regularity here, like G. dia. (*kWetwor- ‘4’ > G. Dor. tétores / Att. téttares / Hom. písures / Les. pés(s)ures / etc.). Irregular outcomes of KW are a hallmark of G., and if Ms. was regular the G. changes by dissim. of *p/kW-kW>k, etc. would explain it (no K > K^ ) (as in *kWolpo- > OE hwealf ‘vault/arch’, G. kólpos ‘bosom/lap / hollow space’; *pokWo- > G. Artopópos, artokópos, LB a-to-po-qo ‘baker’; *hikWkWo-phorgWo- ‘horse-feeder / ostler’ > Ion. ikkophorbó-, hippophorbó-, LB i-po-po-qo-i-, i-qo-po-qo-i; *gWerH3-gWo- > *bhH3ergWo- > phérbō ‘feed / pasture / graze’).

PIE *westu- appears as G. ástu / wastu ‘town’; other IE don’t have the same meaning or -a-, yet Ms. basti has both (in daranthoa vasti ‘in the city of D’). This neuter -u > -i shows *ü > i, as in hupo- : hipa-. The dat. *wastewi > *wastöü > *vastao > basta could match Taotor, klaohi, showing that it was an u-stem, or maybe some dia. u- > a-stem?

PIE *g^en(H1)os- > L. genus, G. génos, pl. genéā, Cr. zenia, shows that Ms. zenaides does not prove non-G. origin. Cretan had many z for standard g, and it’s possible they all came from PIE *g^(h). For other ex., see woizeus and more in Viredaz (2003) and G. agathós vs. Cypriot azathós.

*kWoiw- > G. poi(w)éō ‘make/cause/celebrate/put’, apo-poi(w)éō ‘unmake / (mid) put away from onself / reject’, Ms. au-pave ‘put forth? / set up? / dedicated?’

This shows o > u between P_P (as *megWno- ‘naked’ > Arm. merk, *mogWno- > *mugno- > G. gumnós), then dissim. p-p > 0-p, oi > ai, ai > a (Mac. adraía, G. aithríā ‘clear weather’). All seen in G., not Alb.

Ms. would show irregular outcomes of *e: > i / e / a (if following Weiss), but in his “best” example:

*meH ‘don’t’ > G. mḗ, El. mā́, Ms. ma

The same shift already is known from G. dia. If I’m right about many “hyper-Doric” words really showing rounding by P / KW (*me: > *mö: > *mä: > *ma: ), this could also apply (Whalen, 2024e).

The Ms. cities daranthoa & deranthoa greatly resemble G. city names: Therápnē ‘a Lac. city’, therápnē ‘dwelling’, with ther- vs. thar- seen in related therápaina, Boe. tharápēna ‘handmaid’, tharapeúō / therapeúō ‘serve’. Since *dh > d : th is already known, this is far, far, too big a coincidence. These words are all only found in G., with ‘dwelling’ and its use for place names certainly secondary, tertiary, etc. Since -ph- > *-f- > -v-, the -o- here likely for -u- / -w-, with Therápnē : *Therapnā > *Derafnā > *Derawnā > daranthoa

Weiss says Ms. no appears in contexts where 1sng. would be expected, so *emesyo ‘my’ > G. emeîo, *mio > *ñyo > no. It is possible that G. -eîo is analogy, so *mino > *mno might fit as well. Only G. had *my > *ny > *yn (*somyo- > ksunós \ koinós ‘common/public’).

L. front(i)- ‘brow/forehead/front’, G. phrontís ‘thought / care’, Ms. acc. bréndon ‘deer’ (related to bréntion ‘stag’s head’, Th. Brentopara )

The meaning ‘forehead/front’ > ‘horn / antler’ likely. These show *o > e as in G. phílos, Ms. biles. It is possible i-o > i-ö and o-i > ö-i. If *-osyo > -aihi shows *-yö > *-ye > -i, it would also resemble Theban LB changes of *yo > *yö / *yü > yo / yu, which together explain LA -u / -e for LB -o in otherwise identical names of odd shape (Whalen, 2024f).

*swiHp-, *swipt- > Ms. sípta, G. G. siōpḗ / siṓpa ‘silence’, OHG gi-swiftón

If *s- > h-, *sw- > v-, why s- here? Greek shows a similar oddity, why would Ms. and G. be irregular in exactly the same way?

G. teúktōr ‘maker’, the god Ms. Taotor, Thōtor, likely *Theotor based on name theotoridda thaotora-s

These show *eu > *öü > *äü / *ö: / etc., unlike Alb. *eu > e. Zeús : Zis likely shows specific change after *y. Supposedly, *dy > dd in Ms. (-idda : -idíā ), but *dy- might be different, or already *dy > *dz in Greek, this -dd- from later *iV > *yV (as in G. dia.).

3rd sng. -s must be G. -si < -ti, palatalization of *t^i can also merge with *k^e > *t^e, etc. Only G. turned both groups into *t^ at a time when they might merge (as in *ky / *ty > tt / ss ) :

*hupó-thē-si : hipa-de-s < *upo-dheH1-ti

hupo-kau- : hipa-ka-thi < *upo-kau-ti

G. hupó-thēma ‘stand/base’, *upo-dheH1-ti > Ms. hipa-de-s ‘he erected / he set up’

G. hupo-kaíō ‘burn by applying fire below / light sacrificial fires’, *upo-kau-ti > Ms. hipa-ka-thi ‘she made (this) sacrifice’

MLM 22 Cae
ana aprodita lahona theotoridda hipakathi theotoridda thaotoras keošorrihi biliva
O Lady Aphrodite: lahona theotoridda made (this) sacrifice for her beloved sister, theotoridda thaotora

*kmti- > G. kasígnētos ‘brother’

*swesor- > G. éor ‘daughtecousin’ (*kmti- might be added for changing ‘female relative’ > ‘sister’, or specifying meaning after word shifted)

*kõsi-hwehor- > *kosyeorh- > *košyeorr- > keošorrihi

hupo-kau- : hipa-ka-thi < *upo-kau-ti

Aphrodī́tē : Aprodita

If r was *R, it might turn ph > p as *θh > *θh / *th > th / t (G. theóphoros’, *ðǝho- > *θha- > Ms. t(h)abara-); same in G. sílphion > Latin sirpe. It might also be part of dia. ph > p:

seen in G. sílphion ‘silphium / laser(wort)’, *sirphio- > *sirphi- > Latin sirpe; PIE *gWlhinyo-s > *koleniyo-s > Cr. *koleni-s > NG Cr. kolénēs ‘oak-grove’

Change of ph > p by r in sirpe matches G. Aphrodī́tē : Ms. Aprodita.

G. phōnéō \ pōníō ‘produce a sound

*bhoro- > G. phóros ‘tribute/payment’, Skt. bhārá- ‘burden/load/weight’
*burdened > G. pōrós ‘miserable’, talaí-pōros ‘suffering’

Dēmḗtēr : Damatura / Damatira, LA i-da-ma-te / da-ma-te

Since Ms. Platoor / Platur shows o: / u:, Damatura could come from *Dāmātōr. Greek had -ēr > -ōr in compounds ( apátōr ‘fatherless’, a-krátōr \ a-kratḗs ‘powerless / invalid [in law]’ ) and IE does not use this to change the meaning, even when used of gods, like Gmc. *-fadōr > ON Al-föðr ‘fathelord of all’. This is not seen in any attested G., and I highly doubt Ms. happened to get a loan of such an archaic nature when it is seen nowhere else, or anything like it.

*H1leng^h-? > OHG ant-lingen ‘answer’, H. likzi ‘swear’, G. elégkhō ‘disgrace/question/test’, *yelenx- > *lilix- > Ms. (ni)ligaves ‘he swore?’

l > n like n / r above, or l-l dissim.; e- > ye- like dia. o- > wo- (Cr. ophḗlō, Arc. ophéllō ‘owe’, Arc. perf. wophlēk-), also in Arm.

G. metá ‘in the midst of / among/between / into the middle of / aftebehind’, Ms. ma ‘to’ (in phrases of the form “PN(gen) DN(acc) ma” for ‘from PN to DN’)

Mac. deleted -t- between V’s (G. thánatos, *thanaos > *thanos > Mac. dános; *Udra-mãta ‘(place) having water’ > Húdrama (like Skt. udanimá(n)t- ‘abounding in water’) ), so *mea > ma fits Greek evidence. Alb. and other languages in the area did not. Other G. dia. with -d- > 0 make this likely.

IE *epi-dheH1- ‘put on (covering/lid) / cover > imprison/lock’ > G. epitíthēmi ‘put on (covering/lid) / impose a penalty / grant/give’; *epi-theto > *pideo > Ms. pido ‘she gave’

this -o as a past impf. marker matches my analysis of the Phaistos Disk (Whalen, 2023c):

PELJAAKO < *peljakao < *pelekato, G. pelekáō ‘hew with an ax’ (e-a > ja-a ; CaV > aCV ; Mac. -t- > 0 between V)
pass. subj., so *-to

DOKOR ‘it is decreed’ < *dokeor < *doketor, G. dokéō ‘seem (good)’, dógma ‘opinion / decree’

It is very unlikely a people said to come from Crete would happen to be mistaken, yet have this unusual verb ending be found in both places.

*woino- ‘wine’ > G. oînos, Ms. gen. vinaihi / vunaihi

Specific after *w-, other *oi > ai. This matches LA as G., see the word u-na-a on a pithos (likely for wine), showing *ui > wi / u. Mosenkis compared this to the word wi-na-du, which is next to the symbol for ‘wine’. To support this, he adds oinádes ‘place rich in vines’ : wi-na-du ‘vineyard’. This is one of several words that might once have had *woinad- in G., so I wouldn’t be sure of the exact definition. Chiapello (2023) has written that LA a-pa-ki u-na-a on the pithoid jar (which he gives evidence was used religiously) contains a-pa-ki as aparkhaí ‘beginning of a sacrifice / first-fruits (for sacrifice)’ and u-na-a as a name. If only 2 words are found on jar, it would be unlikely 1 would be ‘sacrifice / offering’ and the other a name, unless the name of a god(dess). I think it would improve this derivation to see u-na-a as *uināC (maybe showing that *-ā > *-a, or that long V’s were not always spelled out), as in ‘offering of wine (from this jar for wine)’, which fits the context. Otherwise, *oinawyos > G. Oineús, Oinaîos, *-awyoi contracted > *-aai ? (so ‘to Bacchus’?).

As further evidence, see the context of LA libation formula on the ladle TL Za 1 (given in Younger) with U-NA-KA-NA-SI as uinā-kransin from *oinā-krantim ‘mixing/blending (of wine & water)’:

G. kígkrēmi / keránnūmi ‘mix / mingle / blend / dilute wine with water’

kígkrēmi >> krêsis ‘mixing/blending (of wine & water)’

keránnūmi >> *krantis > kransi-

with each stem (with or without nasal infix) creating its own derivative.

noun/verb endings:

-ais : -ois
-aihi : -oio < *-ohyö
-ain : -ointo
-idda : -idíā

*-idyos > *-idyös > *-ides before dy > ddy was probably optional:

*gWiH3oto- ‘life’ > G. bíotos / bíos, *biotios > Cr. Bíaththos, *by- > bl- in P Blattius Creticus, Ms. Blatthes / Blathes

The presence of names ending in -a(m)bos on Crete, like Sḗrambos, sḗrambos ‘kind of dung beetle’, could be seen as the source of words with unknown etymology in -bos. There are several Greek words of similar meaning ending in -ambos or -umbos:

íambos ‘2-syllable metrical foot / iambic verse’
thríambos ‘hymn to Dionysus / name of D.’
dīthúrambos ‘hymn to D. / name of D. / bombastic speech’
íthumbos ‘song and dance for followers of D.’

All of these might originally been names for songs/dances used in festivals and the worship of Dionysus (and thus all likely loanwords). The association of íambos with 2 and its similarity to thríambos which could be from *tri- ‘3’ makes a connection between dīthúrambos and *kWetur- ‘4’ seem possible. Though dīthúr- is not immediately obvious as < *kWetwor-, G. tetráki ‘four times’ is the source of Greek tetrakínē / thidrakínē ‘lettuce’, and *thidwur-aki-k-s ? > *thwidraks > thrúdax \ thrídax \ thídrax \ thródax. This shows that *thidwur- > thidra- meant ‘four’ (from the form of the flowers, arranged into groups of 4 petals). Ms. is known to have changed *kWe ‘and’ > thi, so this fits.

They all resemble IE numbers, so in í- ‘2-syllable…’, thrí-, dīthúr- it seems unlikely to be chance. Some might have been formed like Latin tripudium ‘kind of religious dance’ from Indo-European numbers: two-step, three-step, etc. (describing the timing of the rhythm, the number of steps in each section, or any similar feature). I’m sure I’ve seen these speculations before, but I don’t know the exact source. If these came from a form of Greek similar to LA it would confirm several sound changes. Adding in data from Ms., most of these changes are confirmed.

2 *dwi- > *dwy- > *wy- > *yy- > *iy- > íambos ‘2-syllable metrical foot / iambic verse’ (*dwiH2pyugo- >> Iāpugía )

3 *tri- > *thri- > thríambos (alternation of Chr / Cr likely from *R, G. Aphrodī́tē : Ms. Aprodita, G. sílphion ‘silphium / laser(wort)’, *sirphio- > *sirphi- > Latin sirpe )

4 *kWetwor- > *k^idwur- > *t^iwdur- > *thiwdur- > dīthúrambos (*kWe > ti / thi, *-t- > -d-, also met.; maybe dissim. of *kwiw- > *kwi:- if the stages for *kWe > ti / thi were *kwe > *kw^e > *k^we, etc.)

10 *dekmt-ulos > *dekãt-ulos > dáktulos ‘finger, toe’ (maybe this is also related to loss of *ǝ from syllabic C (if *m > *ǝm > *õ / *ã, etc.), G. theóphoros’, *ðǝho- > *θha- > Ms. t(h)abara-.

That leaves íthumbos the only problem. If from PIE ‘5’, it would require a lot of changes. However, when I saw that the path of change for signs from CH > LA / LB (Ferrara et al.) included

I *28 < CH 008 hand with 5 fingers

Since neither ‘5’ nor ‘hand’ begins with i-, I might have been in trouble if I hadn’t been saying for years that íthumbos was ‘5’ in this sequence. I considered the fact that some languages lose the old word for ‘5’ and replace it with ‘hand’ or ‘all’. If ‘five’ was replaced in LA, then there’s a solution. Since G. has

*wik^wo- > *wiswo- > wiswos, Att. ísos ‘equal/same/even’, Skt. víśva-, Av. vīspa- ‘whole/every/all’ (WI-SI-PE = WISPE ‘all’ on the Phaistos Disk, Whalen, 2023d)

which was ‘all’ in other IE, a path *wiswo > *yithwo > ithu- would work. Either w-w > y-w or some w > y before front (with dissim. of *w-w or the same changes as in *wes- > *w^es- > *yes- > G. hésperos ‘evening’, L. vesper ). That an old theory of mine requires i- for ‘5’ in a language that loaned words into G., and the CH for ‘hand’ has been shown to be the source for I *28 by another researcher who had no knowledge of this (or mentioned the consequences for Greek / LA for any sound values it would produce) seems like independent evidence.

Though I say *wik^wo- > *wiswo-, most would see this as impossible for an apparent Centum language. Phrygian has the same optionality. For opt. K^ > T^ in G. :
*bhak^- > G. phakós ‘lentil’, phásēlos ‘bean’, Alb. bathë ‘broadbean’
*dheH1k(^)o- > Skt. dhāká- ‘container’, G. thḗkē ‘box/chest/grave/tomb’, thēsaurós ‘treasure/store-room/safe/casket/cavern/subterranean dungeon’
*g^en(H1)os- > L. genus, G. génos, pl. genéā, Cr. zenia, Ms. zenaides

This has greater consequences than you might think. Hitchman noted that these Cretan names varied in their endings, with -os / -us / -is (Táskos, Táskus, Táskis, Ms. Daszes), which matches Linear A names in -e / -u corresponding to LB ones in -o. He compared Cr. Bíaththos to LB qi-ja-to (a shepherd from Knossos), LA qi-ja-du. For -th- : -d-, see Mac., Cr., above. Knowing this name is Greek and comes from *gWi(H)wo- ‘alive’ proves that (at least some) Greek names were written in LA. Ms. biles, gen. bilihi, ‘son’, show ph > b like Mac.; -es matches LA names in -e corresponding to LB ones in -o, providing every step in the process. He did not follow it through to this conclusion because he thought these Cretan names were not Greek, and did not attempt to consider the sound changes that would exist if so.

I say that Messapic is as Greek as Macedonian (take that however you like). In the interest of parsimony I would say that having a group of Greeks on Crete who speak a very divergent form of Greek makes Chiapello’s claims that LA was Greek very clear. I have tirelessly worked on finding all implications of this, using known sound changes from Crete to explain why LA was not deciphered until now. Almost every change in Ms. is seen in LA. Just as several very odd words, very odd changes, many dialects existed on Crete, I see no reason why one of them could not come to Italy when Minoan society began to crumble. G. te matches Ms. ti with e > i, as in many LA words, and these changes also include Pa > Po (*panto- > *ponto- in the LA accounting terms ku-ro ‘(sub-)total’, po-to-ku-ro ‘grand total’), o: / u:, o / u (LA has few signs for Co used), th > d (especially on the Phaistos Disk).

Please see the obvious equations here. If you could send this to as many people as you know, mention it to students, friends, anyone, it could help immensely. Don’t let a mistake continue unchecked for so long.
submitted by stlatos to language [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 08:16 Dmoney4322 New hunter

I’m a very experienced duck and deer hunter. So I’m not new to hunting, just to turkey hunting. Since I’ve gotten so into duck hunting over the last few years and I live on a few thousand acres and see turkeys at my feeder behind the house frequently I figured I might as well try. I need an ammo recommendation first of all, I shoot a franchi 3.5 for ducks so it’ll handle a 3.5 inch shell if necessary. I also only deer hunt with a bow so that’s an option as well. I have some calls I inherited but have absolutely no idea how to use them. I know in duck hunting no calling is better than bad calling so is it even worth trying. Point is I have no idea where to even start but I know the area they roost is because I heard them every morning in one my deer stands. Please help me for opening day Saturday, I’ve got a bird wall in my living room with about 20 different species of duck mounted I’d love to add a turkey but I don’t know the first thing about it
submitted by Dmoney4322 to turkeyhunting [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 22:56 JurassicRanger93 A compilation of every idea, update, DLC we (friends and I) have typed up for this posted.

Idea for Lagoons and other Things
Idk how difficult it would be to implement, but the way I'd see it working is this:
-Natural Lagoons come with a natural rocky border or slanted sandy edge
-Natural Lagoons allow all dinosaurs to drink from the waters edge but cannot walk upto a certain depth
-Each Lagoons comes with the choice of being empty or Pre-Decorated to fit the Era of the the species or within the current biome of choice in sandbox
-Placeable Ship/Dock Decoration
-Social animations that allow Lagoon species (as well as land species) to show interest (curiosity) to outside influences (Guests in viewing attractions, vehicles,)
-Empathy Trait: Dinosaurs follow Rangers and Guests and interact as such (ex. Raptors show an empathic Animation with Staff and Guests if genetically modified with the Docile and Empathy Genome)
Vehicle Skins for Jurassic Tour
Skins I'd recommend:
•Red Jeep Wranglers
•The Lost World Research RV amd Mercedes Model Jeep
As much as these are suggestions, I haven't found any mods with these Vehicles selections. Lmk if these already exist with a link, please.
What I found to be the next best ideas for a future update
Ideas 1: We could have Maintenance Shed/Warehouse Depots that supplies the Park with Maintenance Workers to keep an eye on fences that are accessible to them from Park Pathways. This would free up tasks for Park Rangers to deal with problems that are further away out of the Maintenance Crews range. The things that they can fix/tend to are all things capable of being damaged by Weather and Dinosaurs.
Idea 2: In the same way dinosaurs have fighting animations, I'd love to see dinosaurs have the same thing with Tour Vehicle and Guests. When a dinosaur is behind a fence, it could perform a variety or certain set of interactions with inquisitive guests looking to get a closer look. The reaction of the dinosaur could be curious or threatening by either leaning in for a closer look or trying to attack through the fence. A similar concept could be utilized for Tour Vehicles, especially for Dinosaurs finishing attacks like in JP1 when the vehicle is low on health and circles into the attacking animation.
Idea 3: - Dirt walking paths that blend into the environment. - Remove the inability to construct buildings close together or mash them together to create unique structures with multiple purposes (Credit to BestInSlot for his Malta City Jungle Build Video. I think its called Building Collison 🤔). -Allow us to have a function to turn fence snapping on and off for the benefit of having fences as close as possible to Tour Vehicle Paths for those that would like that option.
Idea 4: When a Dinosaur builds a territory in a stable environment that fits it's needs and comforts, it needs to stay within that territory unless one of its needs or comforts is not met and needs to search or expand for new territory that meets their criteria. This would benefit immensely for both large enclosure builders or Sanctuary Builders.
Idea 5:
Please bring back the ability for Ranger Vehicles (and now Vet Vehicles) to pass through Park Tour gates. And also gives us the Red Jeep Skin for JP1 Tour Vehicles. That would be nice since we saw something similar in the Return to Jurassic Park DLC Trailer for Jurassic World Evolution 1 🥲
I think the Watchtower could use some updates...
The Watchtower could function as a Ranger Outpost for smaller enclosures where a Jeep wouldn't be necessary. It would have somewhat similar upgrades to the Ranger Station that would help with Range and Accuracy when needed to care for the Dinosaurs as well as save fuel and food costs for the Jeeps. Storms can damage it which would then require maintenance from the Ranger Station. As well as maybe serve as a way to have hanging food for Dinosaurs kinda like the shark is for the mosasaurus or the Indominus feeder seen in Jurassic World. Same could probably be applied for the Biosyn Viewing Platforms.
we need more audio for dinosaurs from the films
Always bugs Me that I never hear most of the roars for dinosaurs from the films. Especially ones unique to certain Dinosaurs and Dinosaur skins. I wish we had the roars for the Tyrannosaurus that we hear from the Buck and Doe from TLW
-More variety of animations for all dinosaurs •Social, Attack, Defense, hunting, eating, and sleep animations are shared between Species of similar size and structure to give them more life to their actions.
-Attack and Defense animations for Sauropods
-Natural enclosuresand Feeders. Utilizing the surrounding environment to make secure and natural looking habitats and feeders for Land, Air and Sea creatures. (Ex. Building deep lakes or rivers for Aquatic species and Sauropods.)
-Toys and QoL items for animals to use for comfort, play or hygiene purposes
-Lost World RV and Jeep skins for Tour Rides and Operations Vehicles
-The Lost World DLC with a big Square Map of Isla Sorna with a Prebuilt and Flatten Option. •Comes with Lost World style Ingen Buildings with Clean and Overgrowth style choices. •Placeable corpses and skeletal dinosaur remains •Dirt and Hiking trail paths for Visitors and Tours •Film accurate Models/Skins/audio for the Buck and Doe TLW T-Rex skins
-Aquatics Update/DLC
-Coral/kelp brush -Above Ground Glass Wall Enclosures -More smaller Aquatic species (I can't name any at this moment) -Aquatic submarine/boat tour or an underwater viewing tunnel for vehicle tours or walking visitors -Toys and QoL items for Aquatic species to interact with. -Natural Enclosures for Conservation/Sanctuary builds
We also meed:
We need a Lost World Era build Set
Staff Center will be called the Barracks and look like tents with bunks
Dirt Trail for Tour Vehicles and guest paths
Guests models after The Lost World survivors
Overgrown (overgrowth?) Building variants with similar purposes but different names. The food and drink amenities would be mess halls and the gift shop would be a supply depot.
Paleo Vet Vehicles are modeled after the Research RV
Viewing Platforms would take the form of a the High Hide and provide viewpoints for guests.
Decorations based on assets from the film
"Natural" Carnivore feeders (piles of meat, wild deer)
Carnivores initiate fights with Vehicles, ending in animations based on the films.
"Wild" Hatcheries with population regulators to keep the population at minimum/maximum
Film based environments to build around would be nice. Like the Ingen Base where Ian, Sarah and Kelly encounter the Raptors in The Lost World or the Aviarly/River (to act as a Lagoon and can build land bridges over that the Aquatic life swim under) from Jurassic Park 3. I wouldn't mind this game having blueprints of the Original Jurassic Park that You can place on the Square Maps and then build bit by bit as the income starts flowing.
submitted by JurassicRanger93 to jurassicworldevo [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 23:51 Fabulous-Routine2087 Raccoon “proof” feeder

Raccoon “proof” feeder
We have a predator safe coop but our run is open and the hens free range during the day. We keep both food and water outside the coop and the raccoons have gotten a little too greedy at helping themselves. Any suggestions for feeders that would deter raccoons (and deer) from gorging themselves?
submitted by Fabulous-Routine2087 to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 06:29 Jackfish2800 Best food for wild turkey Alabama

I used to use crack corn in feeders for them but deer and everything else eats them too. Local guy uses wheat seed or something like that.
What do they like best for this last week before hunting. Hopefully a last meal for some of them.
Should I just put out cheap bird food etc? Any tricks to keep other animals from eating it etc?
Any help appreciated
submitted by Jackfish2800 to turkeyhunting [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 14:15 ktbugers Land dispute. Help neighbors are trying to steal my cows!

(TLDR: we are land sharing with our neighbor and he is upset about some drama and locked us out of the land leaving us unable to access the personal property on his land, cows, farming equipment, etc.)
So about five years ago our neighbor and my family decided to land share. Our neighbor is an older gentleman and he could not take care of his farm by himself. My father-in-law and husband are basically like farm managers in exchange for him letting us use the land for our cows and for hunting. He has about 30 acres and my father-in-law has meticulously helped him maintain the land through clearing, putting miles of fencing in, and overall maintenance of the land and the farm and animals all for free so to speak. Our neighbor bought two female cows and my father-in-law bought two bulls. Obviously they had babies. My father-in-law added four more cows to the herd. And we have had a lot of babies since. We have about 20 cows now. There was never any written agreement on the arrangement or the cows.
So onto the problem we are facing. Due to some drama our neighbor told us to pick a side on where we stand with the drama. His daughter got a divorce and they were trying to tell us that we had to go completely no contact with her ex-husband.
(Backstory to that is my father-in-law has known her ex-husband since he was in high school and has been around the family for at least 15 years. Basically we said not our family, we’re not involved, we are neutral. We’re not going to cut contact with either of them.)
Cut to last week my father-in-law is not doing well. He’s having a lot of heart problems and he has a big job that needs to get finished up. He reached out to her ex-husband to help him finish a job. They discuss the job over fishing. Well this got back to the daughter and she lost her fucking mind. She messaged my father and mother-in-law tons of times stressing my father-in-law out and causing him to go into the ER because his heart was so weak. He just had his emergency open heart surgery Wednesday.
Right before he went into surgery he sent a text to my father-in-law saying you picked the wrong side. Now he has locked all of the gates with new codes and will not return our phone calls. We have a lot of personal property on the farm not to mention the cows as well. Tractors, four wheelers, farming equipment, deer stands, feeders, cow equipment, etc. my question is do we have any legal standing and getting our stuff back if he takes us to court? A lot of this stuff doesn’t have receipts. It’s things my father-in-law has owned for years and years. My mother-in-law may have the original bill of sale for the first few cows but we don’t have any documentation on the babies accept hand written notes. My father-in-law is in no shape to do anything at the farm so we are considering offering him to buy the cows off of us.
Do we have any legal standing in getting our stuff back?
What actions should we take to try to resolve this without too much conflict?
If we go onto his land without permission to get our stuff back can we get in legal trouble?
Do we have to have receipts/bill of sales for all of the items that we are trying to get back?
Thank you! Feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by ktbugers to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 15:06 Strict_Primary_4263 Melb,Brissy and Adl gangs

Yo your missing alot in melb Also feel free to update the map as I can provide about more about melb and abit about Adelaide and brizzy
9ners/9side/09z/based in Tarneit Notable members:M6,Zinomulla,Twobizz,SY,Herbo,JP,M1 Beefs:H-town,OGK,STG,OTK,003z,051,SBG,BDK,Cali Allies:M19 By far the most hated gang in melb,they have been involved in a murder of a Civ and have 5 fallen member, only 1 was killed by an opp tho the other 4 died in a car crash
Eastside Drillas/ESD based mainly in Ringwood Notable members: Beefs:SSO,BDKSTG Allies:3977/77,710
003z based out in Hallam Notable members: JP, Double K,P1,Nuski, RSavage Beefs:02z,06,9ners Allies:77,38
02z who are based in Endeavour hills Notable members:None Beefs:003z,38,77 Allies:06
97z/23z who are based in deer park Notable members:None Beefs:BH28 Allies:None
Real deal skeng who are based in North Cranbourne Notable members:YDK Tha Faceless,77 Dippa and 2Trappy,RK Beefs:HP Boyz Allies:710,3977/77
Blood Drill Killers(BDK) based in Kings Park Notable members: Allies:051,OGK,051,SSO Beefs:KBS,710 Description:Made up of mostly South Sudo youths,had up to 100 member at one point, have been linked to a murder over in ADL of a KBS member aswell as a murder in Vic, believed to of been formed by Ex Apex members often rep 400 Could be Inactive
Stain Gang who are based in St Albans (Stain gang are BDK's younger's) Notable members:LilK Beefs:KBS,710,9ners Allies:BDK,OGK,051 Much like BDK STG rep 400 aswell
Asian Boyz 36/ABZ-36 Notable members: Beefs: Allies:BBZ,BH28
Noble Park called 74/NPBZ(Noble Park Boys) Notable members:Sav-e,Locs Beefs:M37,EBK Allies:
Next Generation Shoots/710 in Cranbourne and Pakenham Notable Members:Double K,Jimmy Carter Beefs:Stain Gang,BDK,BBG 45,HP Boyz Allies:RDS,GMG Description: Mostly made up of teens of African Heritage from Cranbourne,Pakenham and Dandenong. The reason why they call themselves 710 is due too the 7 coming from Cranbourne postcode and 10 from Pakenhams postcode.
Black Belly Gang/BBG 45 based in the Collingwood flats Notable:BBG Smokey,Double M,TK45,Baby T Beefs:BDK,710,GMG,BH28 Allies: Description: Used to rep Menace To Society, changed to BBG at sometime, made up of boys from the Collingwood flats mostly African youths
BrotherHood28/BH based in Werribee south Notable members:28 Reaper Beefs:HP Boyz,97z,SVB,BBG,06 Allies: ABZ-36,BBZ
N×N/3076 Notable Members:Mr C, Lanks Beefs:9ners Allies:HTB(H-Town Brothers)
Original Gangster Killers/OGK based in Taylor's Lake Notable Members: Beefs:9ners Allies:BDK,STG,SBG Based mainly around Taylor's Lake with afew members coming frm St Albans, were involved in a fatal clash at St Kilda beach which left 18 yr old Hashim Mohammed dead, he was a member of the 9ners. Often rep the number 300
Squad Shit Only/SSO based in Tarneit Notable members: Beefs:Eastside Drillas(ESD) Allies:BDK,STG
3977/77 based in Cranbourne Notable members:Double G,Flaccø Beefs:02z,06,BDK,STG Allies:38,710,RDS Description: Mainly Africans youths, with some while,afagan and few other races. Have a very serious beef with STG and have been linked too numerous assaults and bashings
In sunshine theres 3020 Also in Preston there a clique called 72
OTK based in Heidelberg West Notable members:None Beefs:47,9ners Allies: OGK,STG,BDK
Everybody Killers based in Dandenong(mainly the housing commission units Notable members:Kush Mink Beefs:74 Allies:None
47 Based in Broad medeows
44 based in Coiro in Geelong Notable members:None Beefs:BDK,STG Allies:None A member was killed awhile ago at Corio shopping centre by some Melbourne members(Not sure who tho)
Inactive gangs in melb Wezza Bloods(Werribee) Footscray Boys(Footscray) Sunshine Boys(Sunshine) Sunshine Crips(Sunshine) HCB/Hoppers crossing Boys(Hoppers crossing) KPC/Kings Park Crew(Kings Park) D-Block(Deer Park) Laverton Boys(Laverton) YRB/Young Richmond Boys(Richmond) H2K/Hard 2 Kill(Richmond) AVB/Ascot Vale Boys(Ascot Vale) Flemington Boys(Flemington) NMB/North Melb Boys(North Melb) C-Town Soldiers(Cranbourne) Reservoir Bloods(Reservoir) Braybrook Boys(Braybrook) Tottenham Crew(Tottenham) Altown Boys(Altona)
As for prison gangs there a few G-Fam(Port Phillip Prison and HMP Barwon) Prisoners Of WaPOW(Port Phillip Prison and HMP Barwon) 187(Parkville YDC and HMP Barwon 62(Parkville YDC) Detention Warriors(Parkville YDC and Cherry Creek YDC)
Killa Block Squad/KBS based in Kilburn Notable members:KBS Choppa,Skux,Trexdamenace,KBS Stevo,Mthang Beefs:051,BDK/STG,SBG, Allies:9ners,GMG,Finesse Gang
051 based in Andrews Farm and Elizabeth Notable members:Fivi,Gheenine, Beefs:092,KBS,GMG,NMG Allies:STG,SBG,St Mary’s,BDK,046
092 based in Modbury Notable members:Trilla Beefs:051 Allies:
046 based in Oaklands park Don't know much about them other then there linked with 051
KTM/K12/K-Town in Kuraby Notable members:KTM Henny Beefs:34z,DBK,Southside Allies:SBG
Swish Bound Gorrilas/SBG/430 based in Goodna Notable members:Nooki,Banksy,GG Stretch,Sosa,Drip Margiela Beefs:34z,SSD/77,BNE Allies:BDK,STG,051,NS
Southside Drillas/77 based in Logan Central Notable members:GS Capone,KingbeaDrillaBoy,Ksoo,Dr sauce Beefs:SBG,NS Allies:34z
You already have southside and Northside so I won't bother listing them
Dub C/4178 based in Wynnum Central They don't have any real beef but are just known cos they often post vids of bashing ppl and taking there shit
13 Kingz based in Capalaba Don't know much about them other than there a feeder group too Bikie gangs and were involved in the stabbing death of a Comanchero associate
34z based in Zillmere Beefs:SBG Allies:SSD
Apparently there's 2 gang called DBK and BNE but I couldn't figure out where there based or just couldn't find any information on them
submitted by Strict_Primary_4263 to DRILLINGAU [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 09:40 Responsible-Yam-4187 Would making a creature that is extremely tiny like this seem scary or dangerous be possible based on this description

So in my fictional story these are some forest critters that you would probably have a big chance of encountering. The thing about these is that they are extremely small and seem completely unimportant at first glance but they're actually very bloodthirsty and aggressive. Based on the following description do you think these sound capable at all of mildly startling anyone:
Rackelins are tiny but very bloodthirsty and violent forest creatures that are known for their recklessly violent temperament and willingness to fight with animals larger than them. They are known for letting out a bloodcurdling high pitched shriek at night which superstitious locals view as a bad omen.
The rackelin is an extremely small mammal. It measures only around 2.5 - 3.5 feet (76 - 107 cm) long excluding the relatively short tail,15 - 24 inches (38 - 61 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh on average 30 - 70 lbs (14 - 32 kg). Females average around 30 - 50 lbs (14 - 23 kg) and males are significantly larger at 45 - 70 lbs (20 - 32 kg). The biggest specimen ever recorded measured just over 4 feet (1.2 meters) long,and weighed close to 110 lbs (50 kg),however specimens reaching these sizes tend to be rare and ones exceeding 80 lbs (36 kg) are usually considered above average.
They resemble vague amalgamations of features of a dog,rat,bear,bat and fox (the last two because of their long pointy ears). They have dark brownish to black fur,short legs,and very loose skin that prevents significant injury. The rackelin is sometimes informally nicknamed 'the ratbear' because,well,it basically looks like a giant rat and bear mated with some anger issues added in. They have claws up to 2 in (5 cm) long and an extremely large head/skull in relation to body size as well as an unusually prominent mouth,which gives them a very strong bite force of 400 PSI which is the highest in relation to body size of any mammal.
Rackelins don't seem like they could pose any threat at all since they average only around 3 feet long and 50 pounds,but they are almost comically aggressive:across the three continents they inhabit,they've been known to fight other predators up to 4 times their body weight to try and steal kills and even sometimes try to prey on the cubs of said larger predators when the adults aren't nearby. They're literally too dumb and violent to comprehend when they're outmatched and do not care. They also have been known to take down prey larger than themselves:a 60-lb (27 kg) male rackelin has been documented taking down a deer that weighed around 130 lbs (59 kg).
Male rackelins are solitary outside breeding season,since they just fuck and then run away to do whatever,while females stay in burrows and raise pups. The species tends to live around 10 - 15 years.
In terms of diet,they are primarily hypercarnivorous as up to 80% of their diet consists of meat,but on rare occasions they will feed on insects, fruits or wild berries if no meat is available. They typically prey on small mammals such as rabbits and beavers,as well as birds like geese,wild turkeys,ducks and pheasants. As aforementioned,some larger specimens can feed on small deer. They occasionally feed on carrion and fish as well. Male rackelins have more in common in terms of behavior to a downsized bear than to other animals in their size range,accumulating fat reserves (which can cause them to gain up to 50% of their body weight,e.g. a 50-lb specimen might weigh as much as 75 lbs in winter) during winter and hibernating throughout the season.
Although they are solitary hunters,rackelins are occasionally communal feeders,and are known to gather around carcasses in small groups and frantically rip apart flesh in feeding frenzies like some kind of land piranha. They sometimes even fall asleep inside a carcass so they can keep eating for several days. These feeding frenzies are so chaotic that they often end up accidentally biting each other which causes fights and,well,shrieking matches (will explain that later) and this will continue until the carcass is reduced to bone. Their mating ritual is also expectedly brutal and violent,as females have had to evolve particularly thick fur around the neck,because the much larger males bite the neck during mating to prevent females from escaping and the thick fur basically prevents their neck from getting snapped. Fittingly they're sometimes nicknamed simply 'snarlers' because of their aggressive and unpredictable reactions when approached by humans.
Primarily nocturnal,a male rackelin will let out a high pitched,almost demonic sounding shriek at night to assert dominance over its territory. Superstitious locals that live near their habitats often consider these sounds a bad omen/sign of bad luck. They're also often considered pests by farmers due to their tendency to attack poultry.
Fellow writers,particularly those who have made their own fictional animal species at some point or another:is it possible at all for '2.5 - 3.5 ft 30 - 70 lbs' to seem like something capable of being a legit threat or generally something a person would be scared of being near,or do you think the size makes it insignificant? The intention here was to make it a twist as in they're extremely tiny and seem like they couldn't pose any threat but are actually bloodthirsty and unpredictably violent. So in your opinion have I done a half-decent job of conveying this described twist? Thx.
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submitted by Responsible-Yam-4187 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 18:19 DocGerbil256 Cayenne pepper or dried chili peppers in my black oil sunflower seeds to detract deer? How much?

My Wife and I have been having a problem with deer clearing out our black oil sunflower seeds in our backyard bird feeders. Even the feeder that is high up behind some bushes they are climbing over and cleaning them out. Would you recommend cayenne pepper or dried chili peppers (I would grind them up in my spice grinder until they become a fine powder). For anyone who has tried both, which was the most effective? What ratio did you find best?
submitted by DocGerbil256 to Ornithology [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 01:45 remaincobain How to deter cats but not birds or other wildlife

Hello, I recently moved apartments and have a new balcony/porch. I only moved 1/2 mile away from my old place, and it faces the same large green area. I have more trees and can hear soooo many birds, more than my old place. I’ve had all my normal feeders with my normal food (that was extremely successful before, always allowing 5-15 birds at my balcony at all times) up for 3 weeks now and nothing. I noticed 3 stray cats roaming around and I worry this is the reason. My porch now is on the ground and no longer up like a balcony and I think birds aren’t coming bc they are threatened by the cats. Is there a way to deter these cats from coming to my porch but keep the birds, deer, and rabbits from coming?
submitted by remaincobain to birdfeeding [link] [comments]