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2018.06.08 16:15 marceloper1971 Celebrity Les Kiss

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2024.05.15 02:03 nutellah0e Complicated loneliness

For reference, I'm only 18, and by loneliness I mean, I'm craving connection, both platonically and romantically. I'm just not used to this feeling. I have never felt loneliness before. I've always been quiet and reserved, with few friends at school, and generally I've always been happy that way. And whilst I still enjoy my autonomy, I've literally been crying almost every night out of loneliness. I really hate it and I just need to vent, I guess.
I'm confused by it. Confused because, I'm comfortable in being alone and I'm genuinely disinterested; I don't actively chase after or talk to acquaintances in order to hang out with them or get closer to them. I don't want them as my friends and I don't want to talk to them. Because I don't feel connected when I speak to them.
When I meet people and talk to them, I don't feel any desire to continue talking or the faintest of a connection. I feel like most people are shallow to me. And sometimes I fear that maybe that makes me the problem; am I just being pretentious? I have two people I'm really good friends with, one of which I hardly get to speak to or see anyways, but I'm grateful for them nonetheless. And so this makes me think I'm not the problem, because I've maintained long-term, healthy friendships with them.
I'm also extremely disinterested in boys my age. I don't "put myself out there" for them. I've never done anything romantically with them. In fact, I don't even want to. I watch and listen to guys, and even some men who are supposed to be mature relative to their age (I'm talking men who are in their 20s, 30s, 40s+), and I just feel disappointment. Like most of them are also incredibly, and terrifyingly, shallow. Disrespectful and ignorant. Oppressive. Disloyal and fickle. And I'm the kind of person who won't let a guy come near me unless he truly and clearly cares about/loves me. Why should I give my heart and my body to someone who doesn't deserve it?
And yet I'm craving affection and love so deeply. But I don't see myself ever experimenting or giving chances any time soon. Maybe not for years. I feel like I've fallen into an involuntary state of crippling cynicism sometimes. I'm both desperate and terrified for affection.
I know I'm still really young. But the feeling of loneliness is still very much there. And it's probably the one thing in my life that actually manages to make me feel shitty at the moment. I've been depressed multiple times before for alternate reasons, and I healed my mental health by changing my thought processes. I've been doing good for a while now. I'm content with my life in almost every other aspect at this moment in time. But now this has popped up, and it's persistent. I don't really know what to do about it.
Thanks for reading the vent. Any advice is welcome šŸ™ƒ
submitted by nutellah0e to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:03 spookmann Summary of my two weeks studying Italian at a language school in Verona.

If you're thinking about making the jump to spend a week (or three) in Italy to give a "turbo boost" to your language schools, maybe there's something you can take of this report to help you make the decision (or maybe help you with planning and preparing expectations).
Background: I live in an English-speaking country and I've been studying Italian for 3 or 4 years through reading, podcasts, and a weekly zoom call with a personal tutor. I was due some annual leave, and I decided to treat myself to two weeks in Italy at a language school.
Choice of City: I chose Verona because I had briefly visited before and it seemed lovely -- and I can now fully confirm that it is lovely. Choosing a smaller city definitely ended up being the right move. The transport and accommodation was much easier compared to my earlier tourist trips to Rome for example. I would definitely recommend a smaller city rather than Milan or Rome.
Choice of Season: I decided on April/May because June-August is hot, crowded, and expensive. SeptembeOctober would also work well, I think. The school said that the second half of the year was much busier for them.
Choice of School: There are four Italian language schools in Verona, although two of them collaborate closely so in practice there are really only three. All of them offer similar products at similar pricing. The group classes are in the morning, for roughly 4 hours (minus a 20 minute coffee break in the middle). Our school had the first two hours of "Grammar", and the second two hours of "Conversation". The afternoon is used for private classes for those really looking to make extra progress. Personally, I found that the 3.5 hours in the morning was plenty sufficient for one day.
The school I chose was InClasse. All of the schools have superb ratings on Google. I settled on InClasse mostly because it seemed to be the most "professional" of the schools, in that it had less focus on entertainment, and more focus on the "learning" part. Although, I have to say that I had a ton of fun in the classes. It wasn't at all "strict" or "dull" at all, I promise! Was this school the best? I don't know. But I can confirm that it was very, very, very good!
Class Levels & Sizes: All levels were catered for, from A0/A1 through to C2. Although, I don't think there were any C2 students during my time there, the B2/C1 class was the most senior class I think. Class size was a hard-cap at 8 students. I believe the beginner class was 6-8 students. My B2 class size was between 3-5 depending on comings and goings, which was a perfect class size for me. 3 or 4 students mean you get a bit of a chance to listen, and to prepare what you're planning to say.
The School Overall: The mood in the school was fantastic. There was an excited buzz every morning as the students turned up, all of us with a common purpose. Students from so many different countries. I had to work hard to try not to make too many friends, because I knew I had to leave and say goodbye (that being the most painful part of the visit). Of course I was a bit nervous on the first day, but by the second morning I felt right at home. And the teaching was great -- they did a great job of adjusting to match each student's capabilities even within the same class. They prompted just the right amount, corrected just the right amount. Spot on. The school can also help you sit your exams, if you want to get accredited officially.
OK. So yeah, the school part turned out absolutely as well as I could have imagined.
So what about logistics?
Accommodation: We found a very reasonably priced AirBnB just around the corner from the school, which was also 2 minutes walk from the arena, and from the restaurants, cafes, and the tourist visit stuff. All of the schools in Verona were on the edge of the "old town". I definitely recommend finding accommodation that is walking distance from the school. The bus network in Verona is excellent, but you really don't want to have to deal with that on your first few days... plus it's very crowded in the morning! Taxi/Uber is not a cheap option. So, yeah, picking the right apartment is going to be key.
Actually, InClasse offers a service where they can arrange Accommodation for you as part of your booking! They have a deal with some apartments. I didn't take them up on that, I just booked a place directly. But if it's your first time in Italy and you're not super-confident, then that's definitely a good option. One less thing to worry about! If you're going to do that, then you definitely want to book sooner rather than later, since they have limited apartments available. You'll also want to confirm your classes a few weeks in advance too, and pay your deposit -- since they really do enforce the maximum class size!
Transport: Verona transport is great. There's a smallish local airport. To get from the airport to town you'll take the 199 bus to the central train/bus station. That's ā‚¬6 or so, you can pay onboard with tap-and-go. Then it's 1km to the big Roman wall that marks the start of the old town. You can walk that, or take a bus if you're very tired. Again, you can tap-and-go for ā‚¬2 onboard, although if you're taking lots of buses, it's cheaper to buy a 10-pack of urban tickets. Using the bus phone app is problematic, it seems you need a +39 Italy country code mobile in order to register for the phone app. So, yeah, just credit card or go buy paper tickets.
Stuff to Do: Verona is an incredible tourist town. There's enough to keep you busy for two weeks easily. If you're staying longer, then you can take the train out to Mantova, or plenty of other little places nearby.
Final Recommendation: Hell yeah. Do it. I'm already thinking about my next trip.
submitted by spookmann to italianlearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:02 ElephantDependent844 Should I start fin

Should I start fin
Is it time guys? First three pics are today the last is from one year ago.
submitted by ElephantDependent844 to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 ApprehensiveCreme222 Iā€™m pretty sure I have dyspraxia but is it worth getting it diagnosed?

My whole life I (20F) have struggled with my coordination and my spatial awareness, it was so bad I had to let people know I was extremely accident prone. There has never been a day where I hadnā€™t hurt myself or broken something.
My short term memory is SO bad, I have notes in my phone for literally anythingā€™s said to me of any slight importance and itā€™s honestly exhausting trying to remember certain things, so bad I feel like a bad sister, daughter and friend.
I got kicked out of swimming classes cause after three years of being stuck in Level 4 because I couldnā€™t swim in a straight line for more than 10-15ft.
I did speech from preschool to 2nd grade but when I went to a new school they kicked me out of that because they said I was just a lazy speaker and now if Iā€™m not putting 100% of my attention into speaking I slur my words and Iā€™ve gotten asked if Iā€™m intoxicated. My mom thought i was autistic at one point but didnā€™t want me to get tested because she didnā€™t want me to have a disadvantage. These are just a couple examples.
Now into young adulthood everything feels like to much, my room is a mess, I couldnā€™t do college without more support than no so I dropped out, Iā€™m so bad at driving I ONLY drive to home and work, I just feel so unable.
I have also always thought that my symptoms where aligned with Autism or adhd but this month I have been reading and reading about dyspraxia and nothing has made more sense. I brought it up with my mom and her response is ā€œthat would make sense me and your aunt have itā€ so now Iā€™m even more convinced.
Iā€™m not in a financial position for any occupational therapy other than what Medicaid would cover even if I did get diagnosed, is it worth it to get tested?? I have severe anxiety and depression that I take so maybe itā€™s just has to do with those??
submitted by ApprehensiveCreme222 to dyspraxia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 Subject_Media_682 How it ended

How It Ended
by Ethan Oā€™Driscoll
A thrilling Post apocalypse story
22 July 2024
Dr Olivia Warren Head of Biotech NARU
This is my latest report on the HRV-1 Virus we were instructed to design by the Russian Government.
The HRV-1 is an incredibly viral and infectious Retrovirus similar to HIV. Changes have been make on a genetic level to provide the request modes of transmission and symptoms.
Those symptoms are:
This all included in a highly infectious package
The infection vectors are:
This is by far the most dangerous diseases weā€™ve ever designed. I pray to god the Russians only want it as a means of deterrent because if they use it I have no doubt it will end the world. The first sample should be ready to ship next week.
Chapter 1
The Outbreak
1 January 2025
Dr Olivia Warren Head of Biotech NARU
I canā€™t believe the bastards used it. The first cases came in from Kiev in December from there it spread like a wild fire through Europe the death toll now sits at 65 millions. The hordes rampage through city after city by the millions. There is no way to stop this. What have I done.
NATO forces have established a quarantine of Europe but I canā€™t help but feel like its too little too late. My estimate is that all infected nations in Europe will be consumed within the next month or two. The Corporation has started the construction of a company safe haven for us higher ups. All we can do is hope the construction is complete before this thing breaks quarantine.
15 February 2025
Dr Olivia Warren
The world is ending. Europe is gone. The quarantine is broken. Weā€™ve got cases in Asia, South America, Here at home in the US, Australia and Africa nowhere is safe. I did this.
Infection number right now:
There is no hope
The safe zone is complete at least we are planning on moving all operations and personal within the week. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to live with myself. Dixie is my only saving grace and at least sheā€™ll be safe. I pray for the soul of all those my creation has killed.
20 March 2025
Dr Olivia Warren
Dixie is at the Safe zone.
I canā€™t live with myself any more. 4 billion people dead
Chapter 2
A New World
My name is Dixie Warren. Daughter of Dr Olivia Warren. Not that Iā€™ve seen her in 15 years. I remember like it was yesterday. She told me to get on that NARU helicopter that sheā€™d meet me at the safe zone. Those were the last words she ever said to me. I was 8 when the world ended.
Its been 15 years since the Outbreak. There isnā€™t really anything left of the old world. NARU still exists and turns out they created the virus and my mom was the head of the department that did it. They sold it to the Russians hoping they wouldnā€™t use it but they did.
It was specifically designed to spread and destroy as fast as possible and it did. I left the safe zone 2 years ago after I learned this information. Now I just spend my time wandering from town to town. My training on the NARU security team helps. At least I know all the best places to shoot a Freaker. That's what we call the infected and for good reason. Most of the time youā€™ll find them wondering around in groups of 5 to 10 if the group gets too big they turn on each other and form a pile of bodies devouring each other. They moan and scream to communicate and once they see you they will hunt you till you kill every last on of them or you get far enough away. They can run and are abnormally strong if there bodies arenā€™t damaged theyā€™re a bitch to kill but Iā€™m pretty good at it.
Right now Iā€™m outside Richmond Iā€™ve been stuck here for a week waiting for a large horde to move through. Iā€™m hoping to hunt some of the stragglers and re-up on some supplies. A big horde like this usually leave a few hundred behind. My new AR has been waiting for some fun, Iā€™ve got a new red dot and laser so I should be able to pop headshot after headshot but for now I should go find something to eat.
Iā€™ve made it to a small department store outside the town. It looks like the horde is almost gone. Tons of freaks roaming around though. I can hear a few in the store. Iā€™m going to try getting in through the back and take them out.
Made it back home and wow that store was a gold mine. I got food, water, bullets and even some whiskey. Iā€™m going to enjoy the night then its time to hunt some stragglers. Then Iā€™m thinking of going further south maybe New Orleans heard there might be a small settlement out there from another traveller, might be able to get another courier job or at least Iā€™ll be able to stock up on supplies properly after all these years there isnā€™t much left in the cities to scavenge.
I better get some rest got a long day of freak killing and walking tomorrow.
Chapter 3
The Road to Home
I left Richmond yesterday. Itā€™s a long road to New Orleans I wished I lived in the days when cars worked. NARU are the only people with working vehicles left and they arenā€™t exactly the sharing type. Its so lonely out here its been weeks since I last saw another living person the only things you see out here in the ruins are freaks by the hundreds. Its hard to believe the whole world was reduced to nothing by something my mom created. I remember her being the kindest most caring person in the world to think that she could create something so destructive is unbelievable. Iā€™ve still got a long way to go the first city I should have to go through is Raleigh.
Iā€™ve been walking for about a day and I can see the ruins from here. Its always so surreal to see the cities now, so desolate so empty. I remember growing up in Seattle, the city lights, the noise it was always so alive and busy. Now theyā€™re all empty husks or mostly empty at least canā€™t forget about the freaks. Mustā€™ve killed a thousand of them on my way here almost got bitten when one jumped me under an overpass about 10 miles back. Luckily my machete seems to be as good as ever at cutting up freaks. I should make it to Raleigh within the day.
Made it to Raleigh and its a mess, thousands of freaks I could hear the moaning and screaming from a mile away. Iā€™m going to try finding my way around the city no point in trying to fight my way through a wall of freaks.
Heard crying coming from a house I walked past I decided to check it out and I found a young boy name Richie hiding in a bathroom with what looked like his infected parents trying to break the door down. I took both of them down with a clean headshot. The look on his face when he saw them dead breaks my heart. He says theyā€™ve been hiding out in this house for a month or two after there homestead was overrun by freaks. Its a sad story but it gives me hope that people are at least trying to survive and rebuilt. Heā€™s only 16 yet heā€™s seen so much and has nowhere else to go so I asked him if he wanted to stick with me and he was elated so I guess Iā€™ve got a sidekick now. Iā€™m not complaining should make the long lonely road more interesting. Heā€™s got no combat experience but he can shoot a pistol so I gave him one of my backups at least I always carry extra. Weā€™ve decided to hunker down for the night and do some scavenging before we leave for Charlotte tomorrow. Iā€™ll be nice to have company for once Iā€™ve been alone for so long.
I woke up to a gunshot and Richie screaming in the other room. When I got there I found Richie pale as snow and a little girl that was clearly infected shot lying on the floor. When I asked Richie who it was he replied in a cold distant voice ā€œMy little sisterā€. It was a heart breaking moment in less than 24 hours Richie had lost everyone. That was a feeling I knew too well my mom was all I had my dad died when I was really young and all I knew after the Outbreak before I left the safe haven was NARU but that wasnā€™t the best place to build personal connections just a bunch of science types that destroyed the world. Not exactly the most social lot and the security forces were just a bunch of military types that didnā€™t like the fact that as a teenager I was doing better than them in every metric except raw physical strength but even in that I was better than a lot of them. Itā€™s almost time for us to get going I should pack up and make sure Richieā€™s okay.
We decided to stop by the old gun store on our way out of Raleigh. Richie mentioned seeing it when him and his dad went out to scavenge one time. He says it looked all locked up meaning thereā€™s a good chance that there might still be something left to take. When we arrived there Richie was right it was locked tight it looked like there might be a way in from the roof so we decided to climb up when I got up there I was jumped by a freak that was just waiting but this one was different smarter in a way it heard me climbing up but instead of screaming and jumping off to get me it decided to hide and wait. In my years of freak killing Iā€™ve never seen one that waits and ambushes. I hope this isnā€™t a sign that the infected are getting smarter. Anyway Richie popped it in the head and we got in to the gun store and what a find it was. I managed to get a brand new Glock 9 with a torch attachment and extended mag to replace the pistol I gave Richie. Speaking of Richie he decided on a 12 gauge pump with a tube extension and a AR-15 with a suppressor, extended mag and front grip. We also found enough ammo to keep us stocked even if we have to shoot our way to Charlotte now that weā€™re locked and loaded its time to leave this shit hole and start walking to the next shit hole at least for once I wonā€™t be alone.
Chapter 4
The Road to Charlotte
Weā€™d been walking for 60 miles before we were jumped by a gang of thugs. I caught a round to the leg before I knew what was happening Richie was more awake than me and managed to put a round through the bastards chest before his friends jumped out from behind two cars in front of us we managed to take cover behind a ruined car and we returned fire. I could see the thugs had no skill they just fired randomly in our direction while we were in cover I waited till they had to reload and tossed a molotov at one of them burning the bastard to a crisp. Richie rushed the other and unloaded some buckshot into his head. My leg hurts like a bitch. Richie bandaged it up for me heā€™s really starting to get used to life on the road. Looking at our map it looks like there is a gas station about 10 miles away so I guess Iā€™ll limp my way there so we can hunker down while me leg heals. I still canā€™t believe I let the bastard catch me lacking but it wonā€™t happen again
We made it too the gas station. The place looks almost perfectly preserved except the group of freaks that were shuffling around outside nothing that we couldnā€™t deal with. There is a lot of food and water here and we should be safe here while my leg heals. I hope we donā€™t run into any more problems till then. I trust Richie but heā€™s still learning and Iā€™m not sure heā€™d be able to deal with any major problem on his own.
Its been 4 weeks since I took that shot to my leg and Iā€™m feeling a lot better. Richie managed to find some painkiller so he was able to get the round out and everything healed nicely. He really is an amazing guy young and naive but he really is a good person. I donā€™t know how I did it without him for so long. It nice not being alone any more. I think Iā€™m ready to get moving again we have about another 100 miles left to go before we get to Charlotte so we better get moving.
Weā€™re about 20 miles from Charlotte, the roads been peaceful we ran into a group of survivors living on a pretty well fortified farm about 25 miles back. They were having issues with some freaks hanging around their water pumping station so we dealt with them for them in exchange for some antibiotics to help with an infection Richie got in his leg where he cut himself jumping a fence while a freak chased him before I could dome it. Only god knows how I didnā€™t get an infection in my leg after getting shot but he did from cutting himself on a rusty fence guess Iā€™m just lucky. After helping them back we continued on our way. Nothing else interesting happened and Richie is looking a lot better and his cut is basically healed. We should get to Charlotte within the day but I want to stop on a hill on the Outskirts to set up base and get a look at the situation in the city because the farmers mentioned that a horde had passed through recently and they usually get held up in cities they should have moved on by now but better safe than sorry
Chapter 5
We made it to the hill outside Charlotte and the place is infested millions of freaks. Iā€™ve never seen so many of them in one place and I think I know why. In the middle of the city is an old NARU emergency treatment centre. A place where all of the cities first infected were sent. A good plan till there were to many of them and quarantine was broken then all it was was a collection of infected right in the middle of the city which lead to the whole thing being infected much faster. Iā€™m guessing this caused most of the freaks to pile and the smell was attracting more. Oh I forgot to mention the smell imagine a pile of thousands of rotting corpses thatā€™s the smell Iā€™m talking about. Thereā€™s no chance weā€™ll be able to get through the city but I need to get to that NARU site. There might be some old documents or something about my mom I need to find out what happened to her. Iā€™ve spoken to Richie and we both agree that we should try and divert the horde away so we can have time to get to the NARU centre.
Richie has volunteered to draw the hordes attention away while I get to the NARU building. The plan is he triggers an explosion at an old gas station on the other side of town while I get to the building and look for information about the virus and what happened to my mom. All I know is that my mom created the virus while working for NARU. I need to find out what happened to her. I hate putting Richie at risk but it needs to be done.
I just heard the explosion and it works thousands of freaks started moving like a tidal wave of flesh towards the sound I hope Richie is on his way to the meeting place at the abandoned NARU checkpoint on the south side of town but I donā€™t have time to think about it now Iā€™m almost at the NARU centre I need to be as fast as possible
I made it to the NARU centre and itā€™s covered in bodies thereā€™s no way I can get in it looks more like a pile of living human corpses than a building Iā€™m guessing the freaks all turned on and consumed each other till they were all stuck and fused together. Iā€™m making my way to the NARU checkpoint I hope Richie is already there and safe.
I made it to the NARU checkpoint and reunited with Richie. He was covered in blood and gore. He had to kill hundreds of freaks to make it here. He says he was almost bitten a few times. I canā€™t believe I risked his life for nothing. Iā€™ll never do it again. While exploring the place I found this.
20 March 2025
Dr Olivia Warren
Dixie is at the Safe zone.
I canā€™t live with myself any more. 4 billion people dead
The final communication between my mom and NARU it turns out she couldnā€™t live with the guilt and decided to kill herself. I canā€™t blame her I would probably do the same if I was the reason the world ended and killed billions of people but it still breaks my heart. I am happy to know sheā€™s dead and not infected lumbering around somewhere.
Richie is exhausted and so am I were going to take a brake here and continue on to Atlanta tomorrow.
Everything is packed up and weā€™re ready to go. Last night was rough I kept watch while Richie slept I hate to admit it but I think Iā€™m falling in love with him. I never really had a first love I live for 13 years at NARU but I was the oldest kid there by far by the time any of the boys were close to my age I was already jaded and thinking about leaving so I didnā€™t pay any attention to them but Richie is different when I found him he was so helpless and lost now heā€™s strong, confident and heā€™s so loyal to me. I donā€™t want to speak to soon by I think he might feel the same way I guess time will tell we still have a long road to walk together. Speaking of walking Atlanta here we come.
Chapter 6
Road to Atlanta
We ran into a group of survivors hiding in a shed on the outskirts of Charlotte on our way home two parents and a little girl they were all bitten and waiting to turn they begged us to put them down before they turned so I did but I think it took a toll on Richie. Heā€™s been almost silent since it mustā€™ve reminded him of his parents and little sister I hope the day never comes that one of us get bitten and the other one has to decide whether or not to do it but if it does I hope Richie has what it takes to put me down if not I hope I get to do it myself before I turn but I shouldnā€™t be thinking about things like that. Thinking about your own death is a pretty sure-fire way to make it happen.
We ran into a pretty large group of infected mustā€™ve been about 20 of them but all of them behaved the same as the one that jumped me on the roof of the gun store back in Raleigh. I guess that confirms that it wasnā€™t a once off thing but I still wonder what causes it maybe Iā€™ll find out one day. We took them all down and continued on I hate to admit it but I really enjoy killing freaks call it therapy I guess. Richie is running low on ammo for his 12 gauge. There should be a gun store in about 30 miles so we should be able to restock there. My ammo supplies are also running a bit low only got about a hundred rounds per gun left. I know that sounds like a lot but with all the freaks on the roads it barely enough after Raleigh I had about a 500 per gun. Lets hope we donā€™t run into any large hordes till we get to the gun store.
We made it to the gun store just to find it controlled by 2 less than friendly guys. They opened fire as soon as they same us. We returned fire and weā€™re about to enter the store. Richie kicked the door down and I rushed in I let of two shots taking down the one guy the other was a second away from filling me with bullets from his Uzi but luckily Richie put a round through his chest and another through his right eye before he could. Thank god. I donā€™t know what I would do without him. Weā€™ve decided to rest tonight and continue tomorrow morning.
Dixie: ā€œHey Richieā€
Richie: ā€œHey Dixieā€
Dixie: ā€How you feeling buddyā€
Richie: ā€Oh you know always OKā€
Dixie: ā€Thatā€™s good buddyā€
Richie: ā€œHey Dixie thank you for everything you really are the best thing that ever happened to meā€
Dixie: ā€Donā€™t mention it buddy I love youā€
Weā€™re almost 20 miles away from Atlanta and Iā€™m not hopeful judging by smell. Iā€™m guessing its going to be a lot worse than Charlotte but weā€™ll have to wait and see.
Weā€™ve made it to the outskirts of Atlanta and its as bad as I thought there are hundreds of body piles almost the size of buildings. The living freaks move around the city streets like blood through the veins of the body. Some of them are engaged in massive fights with other groups ripping each other apart.
Weā€™re going in tomorrow but for now Richieā€™s hunting while I scope out the area. I hope he brings some venison anything but rabbit. Iā€™m sick of rabbit meat. When he comes back I want to try and cuddle up to him and see what happens
Richie and I have eaten and weā€™re getting ready to sleep. I asked Richie if I could sleep in his sleeping bag with him. He looked at me like I was crazy but once I insisted I was serious I could see the joy on his face so we cuddled up for the night and went to sleep
Wow it felt so amazing sleeping in Richieā€™s arms and today everything feels different but in a good way everything just feels more intimate we had an amazing conversation about life this morning and it feels like our bond is on a whole new level. Its time to go explore Atlanta there should be an old NARU field hospital on the North-side of town but weā€™ve got a whole city to get through before that.
Chapter 7
Atlanta is a nightmare right now weā€™re stuck in a pharmacy bunch of freaks trying to get to us. Iā€™m busy wiring up a pipe bomb while Richie holds the door then when Iā€™m done BOOM
Richie Move....
Well thatā€™s one way to deal with freaks. Always hate being covered in gore though. Weā€™re near the city centre now and its as bad as we thought the place is infested with freaks every building, street and alley weā€™ve been fighting for every mile weā€™ve been moving basically carving our way through the city leaving streets flooded in blood but its worth it I can see the NARU hospital and it looks like I might be able to get in this time.
Weā€™re Exploring the NARU hospital and its a goldmine I found a bunch of old documentation on the virus and even some reports of small towns keeping quarantine for years after the Fall. Thereā€™s also apparently an old supply and weapons depot nearby so were going there next.
Richie has been opening up a lot his little sister was out playing when a freak got her. Her parents couldnā€™t put her down so she turned and bit them he hid in the bathroom for 2 days before I got there and put then out of the misery. I wish I could understand how he feels because I never had anyone except my mom and I lost her so young so it never really affected me. I love him so much. This would be so difficult without him.
We made it to the NARU supply depot and it basically empty I mean it make sense Atlanta was one of the first city to fall due to vast number of infected that moved in from the nearby NARU detention camp. That was a bright idea locking up a bunch infected in one place and expecting the place to last. So the city fell to chaos pretty quickly and NARU withdrew most likely taking everything with them that or it was looted after the city fell doesnā€™t matter now its almost night and we should get some rest weā€™re going to camp on a nearby rooftop.
Sitting on the roof with Richie and a fire I canā€™t help but feel like life isnā€™t that bad yeah its not what it used to be but I mean I have food and freedom and someone I love what more could someone want from life. Looking out at the desolate streets full of freaks well except the streets we pushed through I see the death of the old world and the birth of a new one.
I should get to sleep we got a long road to Birmingham tomorrow. Its so warm and cosy pressed up against Richie.
Chapter 8
The Road To Birmingham
On our way out of Atlanta we ran into a huge freak and I mean a huge motherfucker mustā€™ve been at least 10 feet tall and covered in muscle it looked like it was made of at least 5 other freaks. He tossed Richie against a car and knocked him out I managed to chop one of its arms off before it threw me 10 feat in the air and I crashed down on my back and passed out when I woke up Richie was putting round after round in the things chest and it still wouldnā€™t go down to I ran jumped on its back and used my machete to chop the freaks head off and burnt the body with a molotov just to be sure the thing was dead
Richie was pretty beat up and Iā€™m not going to lie so was I my back hurts like a bitch but we keep on going no matter what because we still have each other. Still I wonder how those freaks got combined into that thing. Maybe thatā€™s why they pile the way they do so they can combine into something bigger I remember something in one of the NARU document mentioning the virus being able to cause ā€œcellular recombinationā€ so I wonder if thatā€™s not maybe what happened and if it is it means things are about to get a lot worse and a lot more dangerous.
Weā€™re about 50 miles always from Birmingham now. The road has been pretty quite only the occasional group of freaks and the group of raiders we ran into outside a gas station awhile back but this time we got the drop on them and not the other way round gave all three of them a new hole in the head Richie was worried that they might be survivors till we found Sandra tied up in the gas station bathroom turns out the bastards grabbed her from her family farm during the night a few days ago and have been taking turns on her over and over since then. We agreed to take her home its the least we could do after everything that happened to her. When we got her home we found the place burnt down and her family butchered outside. Iā€™m guessing after they grabbed her the bastards came back to finish the job. Sheā€™s decided to stick with us sheā€™s a lot older than me and Richie. She used to be a nurse before the Outbreak she dealt with some of the first infected until NARU took over the hospitals. When things really started to go bad she moved back to Alabama to her old family farm to live with her parents they managed to set everything up before the Fall and have been living there since well till recently. Sheā€™s pretty shook about the whole situation but she should be okay in a day or two. Weā€™ve all lost something in this new world.
Weā€™ve made it to the outskirts of Birmingham and the place is a fortress looks like remnants of the US military and NARU have fortified the place they have watch towers, auto-turrents and armed patrols. Also looks like they have a lot of military hardware. I know better than to approach the main gate NARU has a shoot on site order for all there quarantine zones no reason to assume this place would be any different. Still I have to get a look inside. Tonight while Richie and Sandra set up camp Iā€™m going to look around and see if I can find a way in. I have to know whatā€™s going on here.
Iā€™ve taken a look around and Iā€™ve found a way in through an old sewer pipe running into an old factory from there I should be able to sneak into the city and have a look around maybe they have some new information on the virus or at least I should be able to find some weapons for Sandra
Chapter 9
Richie and Sandra are waiting for me back at camp while I go explore the city. I left most of my kit behind except my Glock and combat knife. Iā€™m not planning on getting into any fights and if I do I want the finished as quickly as possible. Iā€™ve made it to the sewer pipe it should lead me to the sewer grate I saw on the other side of the fence from there I should have free reign over the city as long as I avoid the NARU patrols and donā€™t draw to much attention to myself.
Iā€™ve made it into the city and it looks like something out of a George Orwell novel. Security cameras on every street, Iā€™ve seen security forces beat a man to death and another group drag a young women kicking and screaming into an abandoned building. I hate to say it but I think life is better outside with the freaks than in here. Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised thereā€™s a reason I left the NARU security forces and the safe zone. Lets just say civilian life and happiness has never been on their priority list. I can see a NARU supply depot I should be able to get a uniform and standard load out last I remember NARU doesnā€™t have a way of removing employees from the database so my security id number should still work.
I was right NARU never changes I just used my id to get a brand new NARU-P-2a NARU's home grown assault rifle basically its everything the AR-15 is but better its literally a gun made for killing freaks and you can feel it. I always wished I stole one when I left but I guess better late than never I also scanned through a few of the latest security reports and it seems like big guys like we fought back in Atlanta are becoming more common as well as a new faster infected with razor sharp claws that hunt and ambush their victims. We havenā€™t ran into one of those yet and I hope we donā€™t any time soon. I hope Richie and Sandra are okay, they should be we have no shortage of fire-power but I still worry. Iā€™m going to keep taking a look around and maybe find out how theyā€™ve maintained quarantine for so long
Well I got my answer and its not a good one. The NARU higher ups here basically outlawed being sick. Anyone with any symptoms that might be HRV-1 are immediately executed and burnt without exception I guess thatā€™s one way to maintain quarantine but I canā€™t help but wonder how many thousands of innocent people have died to maintain it.
I think its about time I get out of here and back to Richie and Sandra.
I made it back to camp. Iā€™m so happy to be back with Richie. He went out hunting and brought back a nice fat wild pig for dinner. Sandra is looking a lot better as well she still has that distant look in her eye but that should go away soon
Next stop Montgomery Alabama.
Chapter 10
The Road to Montgomery
I still canā€™t get it out of my head. The freaks are changing getting more dangerous, if I understand correctly the longer they are infected the more unstable the virus gets leading to mutations. I hope this doesnā€™t mean that the longer we survive the harder its going to get but thereā€™s no point in worrying about whether or not the freaks are going to be stronger in the future as long as we make sure we get stronger too it should work out just fine. Richie and I are doing really well our love kinda makes everything a lot easier. Gives us a reason if that makes sense Sandra on the other hand is kinda dead weight if Iā€™m being honest but its not her fault. Sheā€™s been through a lot Richie and I do our best to look out for her and take care of her. I just wish sheā€™d start to adjust to life out here she still winches every time we take out a group of freaks or thugs and sheā€™s a bleeding heart. Yesterday as we were going past a little abandoned convenience store we heard a little girl crying when we asked what was wrong she said they were trapped and needed help. It was obviously a trap we could see the store was fortified and the little girl looked too happy for a kid whose parents were stuck and dying but Sandra insisted we go in and help and what do you know the kids parents are perfectly healthy and holding us at gun point luckily Iā€™m pretty quick on the draw and managed to put two rounds through the fathers chest and Richie tackled the mom. I walked up to the big dude and put one through the head to make sure the mom learns her lesson. We agreed to let her and her daughter live as long as the promised to stop robbing travellers. Sandra couldnā€™t handle the fact that I finished the dad off even though I think that was better than leaving his family to watch him bleed out because there was no way he would have survive I shot him through both of his lungs they would have filled up with blood and he would have chocked to death I did him a favour by putting him down but she didnā€™t see it that way even threatened to go it on her own until Richie and I told her to go ahead if she really thought it was the best thing for her. She then decided to stick with us
Weā€™re nearly at the outskirts of Montgomery, we just passed the old civil rights monument. The roads been a bit too still I have a bad feeling about what weā€™re going to find when we get there
submitted by Subject_Media_682 to postapocalyptic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 Twodotsknowhy Adaine Abernant and Kalina

So I just finished a rewatch of Sophomore Year, and something struck me: Adaine is the only one in her family who can't see Kalina. Brennan explains that the Kalina Plague spread throughout the High Elves of Fallinel through Landrin Lear, saying that it's extremely common especially in the higher levels of elven society and that's why the rest of the Abernants can see her.
But why can't Adaine? If the curse is so prevalent in Fallinel, shouldn't Arianwen have passed it onto the Adaine at birth like Skondla did to Riz? How did it come to pass that all three of them contracted the plague after Adaine's birth, especially since they moved to Elmville when she was a small child? How did Aelwyn get the infection after birth if she hadn't lived in Fallinel since she was quite young?
Is Adaine not their biological child? Is that why they always treated her so badly?
submitted by Twodotsknowhy to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 CaribouNWT Young women have an inflated self-worth. If you do not have a skill set beyond being pretty, youā€™re just hot trash.

I donā€™t know how to get this across, but mainly I blame us guys for this one. Women hold men accountable to aspire to be better, do better, and reach higher, but men donā€™t hold women to that same standard. Most women under 30 in 2024 have no skills, no ambition, and they just sit around binge watching 90 day fiancĆ© and other B-tier shows. Itā€™s the equivalent to a dude sitting around playing Call of Duty all day. Youā€™re trash and you need to get your shit together.
submitted by CaribouNWT to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 Positive_Ad6135 Advice Needed

So three times now this customer has come to pick up his prescriptions and has given me an issue with the price. The last time he showed up, he sat in drive for 20 minutes to argue with me about how unfair his copays are and refused to call his insurance company or leave til we did something about it. Mind you heā€™s in his 60s. I knew today as soon as I saw him there would be an issue. He comes to pick up one prescription and itā€™s not ready so thankfully we werenā€™t busy at the time and I had time to get it ready for him. After wasting my time doing that, he tells me heā€™s not paying the $15 dollars for it. I said sir.. this is the same price you paid last time. He said forget it Iā€™m cancelling this shit. I honestly donā€™t even know what he was referring to when he said heā€™s cancelling something because weā€™re not a Direct TV subscription. Anyways, at this point I feel me and my coworkers are wasting our fucking time with this guy and Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s something I can do to avoid this from happening anymore. Like putting a note on his profile before we fill anything or straight up asking him to transfer? My manager is on leave so normally Iā€™d ask her but I canā€™t at the moment. Any ideas would be appreciated? I know itā€™s not a major major issueā€¦ but itā€™s becoming a pattern and a waste of time that we barely have as is.
submitted by Positive_Ad6135 to PharmacyTechnician [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:59 SoftwareNorthEast Wow I need better luck itā€™s all dupes I wanted new units

Wow I need better luck itā€™s all dupes I wanted new units
I wanted extreme units and the luck stops after i get three dupes of a character I donā€™t have I just want new units not get one then rainbow him at the same time
submitted by SoftwareNorthEast to DokkanBattleReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:59 Winter_Bee_6661 Will i be refused for speeding fines?

My situation is a bit weird. I received three fines in one day as I was stopped at a random check.
1: Speeding 6km over speed
2: Not having my physical license (was able to produce it at local police station but still fined)
3: Provisional plates not displayed properly (the sun had faded them)
I know, the police officer that day decided to give me for everything.
All paid and non contested. These tickets were two years ago and I am 1000% declaring them but just curious as to peoples opinion on if I will be REFUSED for them.
Yes I have read the grounds for refusal and good character and they state multiple fines in a short amount of time could be grounds for refusal but I'm unsure if this would count.
submitted by Winter_Bee_6661 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:58 dvoskny [TOMT] three men and a little lady movie scene

Was there a scene in the movie three men and a little lady or three men and a little baby where the mom is cooking something and she spills the food all over her face and I think Tom seleck licks the food off her face in a very funny way, any if this is from there?
submitted by dvoskny to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:58 fillydashie Sent me fics where Harry becomes a creature/half-creature hybrid

It is something i find to be a really good story plot. In a world of magic and magical creatures you can not tell me that the only intelligent species are the ones that look close enough to humans that it doesnā€™t really matter. The only half humans we see in the books are half-veela, half-goblin, and half-giant. All three are human-buts. (human but huge)(human but short)(human but supernaturally pretty).
Similarly being able to transform into a creature is such a cool concept but everyone locks the possibilities behind the animagus ability.
I want to read stories that go beyond that. Good examples would be The Beast Within, Harry Potter and the First Nemean Leonthrope, and Harry Potter: Unchained. if anyone has anymore send them my way
submitted by fillydashie to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:58 AlphaBladeYiII I'm kinda tired of the "Shell of his former shelf" trope (e.g Star Wars)

We've all seen it a million times. An old hero has fallen on hard times. He's lost hope and fallen into despair. Then a plucky young hero arrives at the scene with optimism and spunk that bring back the old man's heroism and remind him of what he once fought for. Maybe our old hero will even have an epic last stand, a heroic sacrifice or both.
This isn't a bad trope in the slightest. Like every other trope, it just depends on how you execute it and incorporate it into the story, and I want to say that this post is 100% subjective. But I'm kinda bored that it's the only story that old heroes experiencing tragedies seem to get. A lot has been said about how the Sequel Trilogy has handled Legacy Heroes like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, so I won't open that particular can of worms. Instead, I'll focus on The Negotiator himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Like a lot of fans, I did not care for the Disney+ OWK show for a variety of reasons, and one of them was frankly that I already had a version of that story that I liked better in the form of The Journals of Ben Kenobi.
For those who don't know, when MARVEL got the license for Star Wars comics back, their flagship title was Star Wars (2015)/vol. 2 which was initially written by Jason Aaron. Aaron would show snippets of Obi-Wan's journals detailing his low-key adventures on Tatooine in special issues that served as palate cleansers between arcs. This happened for only 3 issues, but The Journals do come into play in multiple ways later.
Why do I love those three issues? For many reasons, but maybe the impeccable voice for Obi-Wan and his small character arc are the two most important ones. Aaron does a great job getting into Obi-Wan's headspace after RotS, showing everything Kenobi had to deal with: boredom, grief, monotony, survivors guilt, despair and helplessness. Obi-Wan had to sit around without much to do because he couldn't train Luke yet, and he had to watch Jabba oppress and bully the people of Tatooine without being able to render much aid. He had to adjust to a new role and a new mission.
But despite all of this, Obi-Wan isn't broken or passive. The Obi-Wan we saw in the ending of RotS was a man on a mission, and the Journals explore what that meant. Aaron's Obi-Wan throws himself wholeheartedly towards his mission. He looks after Luke from a far and protects the Lars farmstead from Tuskens and Jabba's thugs alike. He helps the local Jawas and aids Tatooine residents by recommending them a source of moisture during the great drought. He constantly meditates and trains to someday be able to train Luke, and he's still a badass when he needs to be one despite some rustiness. He saves the lives of both Luke and Owen, and while he falls into despair, the heroism of little Luke inspires hope in him time and again. The comics also have a lot of other great stuff from Mike Mayhew's beautiful photorealistic art (although that is admittedly polarizing), to the complicated relationship between Obi-Wan and Owen, to even Luke being a little badass adorable.
The show on the other hand goes for the "broken man who ultimately finds his strength again" story, which I (subjectively) just find less interesting than the comics balancing Obi-Wan's vulnerabilities and trauma with his inner strength, nobility and heroism. Show Obi-Wan initially feels very passive. He plans to train Luke, but his own connection to the Force is neglected. He cannot render words of encouragement or aid to a fellow Jedi. He initially refuses Bail's request for help even though Leia is just as important as Luke. He's broken and haunted by diapair.
That does make sense for someone who's been through so muc. And Obi-Wan does eventually agree to go save Leia and he does eventually regain his strength. You can even say that the show leads nicely to the comics, which officially take place after it. Whether or not the show's story was well-done is up for debate, but the comics to me personally were much more believable, interesting and in-line with my interpretation of Obi-Wan and what he was up to between RotS and ANH. I especially love the journals' more meditative tone and inner narration.
Also, I have to give a shout-out to John Jackson Miller's Kenobi novel. While we don't get much Obi-Wan POV in it, he is explored wonderfully through the eyes of others. Like in the comics, Obi-Wan is a very active character who retains his tenacity and heroism, but also expresses all sorts of vulnerabilities and trauma.
submitted by AlphaBladeYiII to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:58 xduwuxd69420 Question

Vraska the unseenā€™s -7 ability creates three 1/1 assassin creature tokens with ā€œwhenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, that player looses the gameā€. If I attack with one of them and it deals damage to a player, can I copy that ability using strionic resonator and choose a different player and have both people loose the game?
submitted by xduwuxd69420 to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 deepdown0281 I hate what you became to me

But that Doesnā€™t meant I donā€™t miss you.
I miss you every day. In ways that I still have to let go of.
The random texts throughout the day when we still used to do that. The waiting for you to come home to give you a hug, one that you never seemed happy to receive in retrospect. The way you would eventually give in to my requests to cuddle or watch something when you had finished up your daily routine or exhausted yourself enough to need a break. The way your lips would pucker out as you exhaled after taking deeps breaths while you were starting to fall asleep. The way your hair smelt, the way the house smelt.
I miss Dex oh so much. I cry everyday over my lil fur baby boy. I know John gave him to you and heā€™s technically your cat but I raised that little bugger. when you were going back to the office and I was home alone writing my mixtape and doing breath work. He supported me and would lay next to me as I worked on rhymes and learned to calm my trigeminal. He would watch me spin in my ā€˜tism circles as I listened to the beat and came up with the words. I guess I just miss him extra now that Iā€™m writing again. Heā€™s not here to give me emotional support and Iā€™m not there for you to come home to even if you did ignore me most of the time.
I would have given you all of my money if you had just paid more attention to me. Letā€™s be honest you donā€™t need my money never did but I donā€™t mind paying my fair share for things. I just couldnā€™t keep shelling out my hard earned money for an empty home. You were never there even when you were. Never present with me; always planning always going always saying how if I wasnā€™t broke I could do things with you. The truth is Lon, Eventually I just kept telling you I was broke because I was saving to leave. My needs, my wants, my concerns, my love languages were never important to you. Lord knows I tried to voice it, tried to make you see that emotionally connecting would only deepen and strengthen our relationship. But you can only meet me as far as youā€™ve met yourself.
Somewhere in between you invalidating my childhood trauma by telling me ā€œyou need to just go get helpā€ and you cheating on me with the exact two people I asked you not to cheat on me with (since you decided my asking for a closure to our open relationship wasnā€™t really a valid request, even though I gave you years to explore) I had come to realize I had no value to you. Not at all. The only thing I was to you was a supplemental income, even if a tiny one. But if you couldnā€™t get that from me I wasnā€™t worth anything to you at all.
So in the end you made your decision for yourself. You are the reason I stopped paying for things, I stopped hanging out with you, your friends, and mine outside of the house (since you turned them all against me anyway with your painted pictures of ā€œusing youā€ and my ā€œemotional instabilityā€). News flash; true abuse and extortion can only come from a place of power downward. Did I say things that hurt your ego and brought to attention your emotional unavailability, yes, but thatā€™s not abuse. How you made over 100,000 a year and still required my money when I was making less than 15,000 freelancing at the time is not only abuse but beyond me in conscious. Add on top of that you making fun of my dreams and telling me Iā€™ll ā€œnever be a writerā€ or a lyricist and how ā€œstupidā€ I am. If you really wanted me gone I wish you had just said so instead of playing mind games until I felt more and more unwelcome.
You want to look at me and say I am to blame and that we just grew apart. No Lon you tore us apart and now I have to stay away. When you chose to tear us apart you ripped certain seems in my core, in my character, in my being. Threads I had woven and sewn from our connection. I once thought I was safe with you, that I was uplifted by you, but as I tried to step into a more unmasked version of myself it became more and more of a hostile avoidant environment. Itā€™s taken me almost three months of constant therapy to bring me back to who I am as a person and away from that scared subservient little boy you created to serve you.
Itā€™s okay though itā€™s all you were demonstrated from your parents; just as all I was demonstrated was how to give all of yourself for someone who sees you as less. Therapy has opened my eyes to so much I know you know that as I tried my hardest to heal our connection. I hope as you continue therapy, if youā€™re even still going, that you start to do the real work of looking at yourself instead of just using our differences to justify our demise as a couple and team.
It hurts so much to write this and to know that even if I did send it to you I wouldnā€™t get a response beyond your defense mechanisms. In the end youā€™re just like my ā€œbest friendā€ of 16 years; if it ainā€™t your way you kick em off on the highway at full speed.
All in all I hate what you became to me, what you are to those who canā€™t benefit you in some way, but for some reason I still love you and Iā€™ll always miss you. Not as much as Dexy boy :p But Iā€™ll always love you enough to hope that you start to look in the mirror. And that when you do itā€™s long enough for you to actually see yourself and in turn that you might truly see the people around you and why they are really there.
With the last of my love, Z
submitted by deepdown0281 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 BillJuniper Confused

Hi guys, Iā€™ve been getting emails fairly regularly from someone called Trevor, sometimes once a week sometimes 3 or 4, for well over a year now.
They are always fairly similar but never duplicated, here are some examples of the full text, (they are always very short) of three recent emails -
[PICTURES] Trevor Page
On Tuesday, May 14, 2024 10:04 AM, Trevor Page wrote: 8 images; May 7th; just thought I should share them with you (web address) ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” 1994 Trevor Page From: Trevor Page9 photos. From March 21 (web address)
ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” provided by Trevor Page I am actually presuming you may remember this couple (web address) ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”
Each email ends with a different http www link which I didnā€™t include. Tonight I turned on my vpn and used a browser on my phone to google the addresses out of sheer and utter curiosity, and each one I tried came back as no website at that address, none found, doesnā€™t exist etc!
My question is, as s/he is implying I guess, they have access to porn Iā€™ve supposedly watched why do they never ask for the usual scammer crypto money or provide a bitcoin address? They only provide a web site address that doesnā€™t actually go to or link to a website.
So I donā€™t get it, why bother, whatā€™s the point, what am I missing here? Why go to the trouble of trying to scam me but never asking for an amount of money, or include a crypto address, or include the usual intimidation or threats of time running out etc etc?
Thank you for any thoughts on the matter, and if Iā€™ve posted this in the wrong place and the mods let me know Iā€™ll move it, thanks again.
submitted by BillJuniper to phishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 Exciting_Switch4095 Looking for love in Cleveland

Let's start here, thought it would be fun to start a page for 40 and over single men and women that are looking for love off the typical dating sites. Feel free to post pictures and interact with one another. Happy hunting. Dating advice, 1st date where to go..........
submitted by Exciting_Switch4095 to Clevelandsingles40 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 ThalitaLeFay Despite the road to the end, OP ending scene would be great if it started with Brook telling the first words of "We Are" ...

That's not a theory post about mysteries and destinies, but a nice poetic ending for One Piece. After all things solved, some random people come to Brook asking things like "hey, could you please tell us the story of Luffy, the king of the pirates?".
Then he clears his throat (oops...he doesn't have it yohohohoh!), change his voice and says:
"Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer, and his dying words drove countless men to the seas ...."
Then, the music "We are" is played one last time, maybe in a more epic rythm, while showing main characters living their new lives: Sanji receiving Zeff on his new Restaurant on All Blue, Kobi training new mariners, Usopp being carried by his countrymen as a hero, Robin teaching about the Void Century, etc.
If you guys want to have an image of this, watch again the ending of SNES Super Mario RPG (one of the best ending sequences that I've ever seen!), but with One Piece Characters.
submitted by ThalitaLeFay to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:56 SonorantPlosive Unintentional work trolling

This flair would be, "amusing ish that gets me through the day."
I work in a public elementary school, large district but amazing SpEd department. There is a student who is SLI with intensive behaviors moving from one of our self contained K rooms to our building resource room next year, so the sending team is setting up a Google Meet during the last week so we can discuss and prepare for this student's needs. The sending psych emailed a group email to the building asking who our behavior specialists and social worker were.
Building principal responded that there was no need to include behavior staff (BIS) as principal will attend the meeting and can delegate the information. Then dictated the people who should be included from our building. These people were already on this email chain and are required members. The sending psych just didn't know who we have as SW and BIS and was asking for those names.
Principal did not notice that elementary sped coordinator was on the email. This is important.
I also replied all and added that I felt the BIS needed to be a part of the meeting so they could ask questions of the sending BIS. They're the first people called when someone is having a meltdown and their office is right next to the 1st grade rooms. Principal is all the way down the hall. I'm in the BIS office at least three times a day supporting my kid's language needs in there, and our BIS staff is amazing at implementing core boards and language strategies for my SLI kids. And they're good at their job so they should be included. I mention all of this in the email.
Principal responds that they value my opinion but as the district rep who will be at the meeting, they have the final say in who should attend and who shouldn't, and BIS time shouldn't be "wasted" in a virtual meeting.
Guess who responded next? YES! The elementary special ed coordinator. Coordinator stated that they would be assuming the role of district rep since both building principals had been invited to the meeting, and the more hands on deck we could have to help this kid prepare for a new school year, the better.
I needed that laugh today. The moral of the story? Always look at who is on the group email before you respond.
submitted by SonorantPlosive to slp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:56 Puterboy1 How the show should open in my opinion

I see three options.
The first focuses on Lily and Jamesā€™ relationship, how they met, going on dates, giving birth to Harry and finally their deaths.
The second one focuses on Voldemortā€™s backstory and rise to power, ending with him giving Harry the iconic scar.
The third one opens just like the book where we get a day in the life of Vernon Dursley.
Which opinion would you pick?
submitted by Puterboy1 to HarryPotteronHBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:54 TheNightManager_89 [V13P1] Prepub Discussion

Here we fucking GO! I even made a meme in case we didn't get a new chapter this week either, but instead I get to write my ramblings.
Based on the short description, they've been sitting on their hands for three months. When there's a homicidal maniac trying to take over the world and is actively toppling countries, that's like a short breather, isn't it? Yeah, I don't think so either. Are they just waiting for the enemy to strike first again?
Still in the short description, the 'student' who's still having some magic problems is Stella, right? So far, Allen asked for help from the old Shooting Star Brigade, devised a spell for her to supppress her magic, and now he's going to the forbidden archives. What I'm expecting to happen is that they link mana at some point and the problem goes away instantly. Like it always does.
That Gardner asshole is still in the palace apparently, which I can't understand. It was his faction who caused all sorts of troubles and even if they purged the parasite nobles, leaving their leader in position feels rather stupid. I hope Cheryl is smarter than that and takes out the trash.
Anyway, let us dive into the new, thirteenth volume of I Can't Believe They're Still not Banging!
Ooookay, little bit of a slow start, it seems they had their truce and the Leinsters are expanding their economy to the territories that lost the war. I don't mind the Niche chapter but he's one of the less interesting characters for me, he's just a male tsundere who really should work on his short fuse, especially now that he's a lord.
It's very much of a background thing but I find it adorable how Atra took a liking to Cindy and Saki. Other than Allen, they are the only ones she shows attachment to. They are also interesting characters with proper backstories and stuff despite getting introduced rather late into the story.
Yeah, Lily's matters to discuss will be about marriage, I'd bet on it. Poor Lydia.
submitted by TheNightManager_89 to koujo_denka [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:54 FullAd2568 Tempering Rerolls - Same Affix on different items

If you have two rings and want to get one specific affix X from the same manual Z on both itemsā€¦ Is this even possible? I bricked two rings because I didnt get the affix X I have on my necklace.
It always rolled the other affixes from the manual Z for both rings. I have tried five times on on ring, didnt get X and then five times I didnt get that oh so sweet affix X on the other ring as well.
I suspect that this was because I already have X on my necklace and that the game because of this always gave me the other three affixes on my rings.
Any ideas of this could be?
submitted by FullAd2568 to diablo4 [link] [comments]