Condo en floride a louer

Location et Propriété dans la région de MTL Renting and Owning in the Greater MTL Area

2012.03.04 21:24 IBoris Location et Propriété dans la région de MTL Renting and Owning in the Greater MTL Area

Une communauté pour discuter de l'immobilier à Montréal et ses environs. Mais les soumissions concernant des logements en région sont aussi acceptées. Vous pouvez parler des lois, de problèmes locatifs ou soumettre/trouver un logement ou une maison. -⚜️- A subreddit to discuss housing in the greater Montreal area. Quebec region is also accepted. You can ask about laws, tenancy issues or find/offer housing.

2012.01.03 11:53 AbsolutTBomb Gatlinburg

A subreddit for Gatlinburg, Tennessee

2018.09.05 00:24 AbsolutTBomb Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

A subreddit for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

2024.06.07 13:40 Wild-Seaweed-8849 Construction de logements avec vue sur mon jardin

Ayant acheté une maison neuve en février 2024, celle-ci est terminée depuis juillet 2023 et possède un jardin. C'est le vendeur qui a fait les démarches de permis de construire et de construction, j'ai donc acheté la maison considérée comme "occasion". Il a tout d'abord construit 3 maisons avec le même permis de construire. Le vendeur, en même temps que déposer le permis de construire pour les 3 maisons dont la mienne, a déposé le permis de construire d'une construction qu'il va garder pour lui et louer. Le soucis est que cette construction, bien que non collée à ma bordure de terrain ou clôture (et même non collée à aucune des 3 maisons), va faire 3 étages. Celle construction est à plus de 20m au moins de ma bordure de terrain. Ma maison est une maison à 1 étage (RDC+étage) alors que sa construction en fait 2 (RDC+ 2 étages), avec des balcons, qui malgré la distance, 2 de ces balcons vont avoir vue sur une partie de mon jardin, l'autre partie étant cachée par ma propre maison. Entre ma clôture et la construction, se trouvent respectivement une maison voisine construite en même temps que la mienne (avec le même permis de construire donc), ainsi qu'une zone de passage en voiture permettant de desservir les 3 maisons. Voilà pour la situation.
Lorsque j'ai acheté, on m'a informé de la création de la construction à venir, mais sans m'informer véritablement de la hauteur, du nombre d'étages, de la disposition des balcons ou encore de la localisation précise. Le permis de construire n'a jamais été affiché.
Le problème est que la vue des 2 balcons sur mon jardin n'a pas été porté à ma connaissance (alors que le permis de construire étant prévu depuis le début), et je me retrouve avec une partie de mon jardin (environ 1/3) gâché par cette vue que les gens auront de mon jardin. De plus, si j'avais su véritablement les choses vis à vis de cette construction, j'aurais fait une offre moins importante à cause de la perte d'intimité dont j'allais être victime.
Ma question est donc la suivante : puis-je attaquer le constructeur de cette construction à venir et ainsi réclamer soit la destruction du dernier étage (cas un peu extrême je l'avoue), ou soit le règlement de dommage et intérêts liée à la dépréciation de ma maison et liée au préjudice de la vue quelque peu invase ?
Je peux fournir des documents (photos ou plans) pour bien comprendre mon problème. J'ai également fait des recherches sur les zones du PLU et sur les hauteurs maximum admissibles pour les futures constructions.
Je m'excuse par avance si mon post est quelque peu long à lire. Je vous remercie.
submitted by Wild-Seaweed-8849 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:05 Citoahc recommendation avocat

Bonjour, pour faire une histoire courte. Qqun a volé mon identité et louer un appartement en mon nom. Il n'a jamais payé. Il y a eu un jugement et mainteant une compagnie de collection me cours après
J'aurais besoin de poser des questions urgente a un avocat. Quelqu'un peut m'en référé?
Someone stole my identity, they rented an appartement and never paid. TAL had a jugement against me and now collection agency is after me. I need to talk to a lawyer quickly and I cant find one. Do you have anyone you can recommand.
(i am not asking for legal advice here, juste recommandation)
submitted by Citoahc to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:13 FrequentCookie8658 Qu’est-ce qui a motivé l’idée du cloud mining ?

Même si les difficultés liées au minage augmentent, l’enthousiasme pour le minage de cryptomonnaies reste fort. Il se peut que certains mineurs préfèrent héberger du matériel minier plutôt que de le posséder. Pourtant, de nombreuses raisons ont donné naissance à l’idée du cloud mining.
Voici quelques raisons possibles :
  1. Le besoin de puissance de hachage du réseau
La difficulté des algorithmes de cryptomonnaie a augmenté tandis que les récompenses sont devenues plus petites (par exemple, 6,25 Bitcoins sont désormais extraits par bloc contre 50 Bitcoins extraits par bloc début 2009). Les opérateurs miniers se rendent compte qu’ils ont besoin de plus de puissance de calcul pour rester compétitifs. Cela a conduit à l’idée des pools miniers, qui combinent le pouvoir de hachage de tous les participants impliqués dans les opérations minières.
L’offre de pièces minières est limitée
Seul un nombre prédéterminé de pièces d’une cryptomonnaie spécifique entrera sur le marché (dans le cas du Bitcoin, 21 millions de pièces). Associé à la perspective d’une hausse de son taux de change, cela a conduit à une série d’innovations dans le domaine du minage de cryptomonnaies. Le cloud mining est en fait l’évolution des pools miniers.
  1. Des rendements miniers attractifs
Une autre raison de l’essor du cloud mining est que les mineurs peuvent avoir la possibilité de gagner des récompenses attractives en participant au minage. Les sociétés de cloud mining ont tendance à offrir des paiements généreux pour inciter les clients/investisseurs à participer.
Une révolution dans les équipements miniers
Au début du minage de crypto-monnaie, l’ensemble du processus se déroulait sur un PC domestique ordinaire. Plus tard, les mineurs ont commencé à construire des « plates-formes » minières en combinant des cartes GPU, qui se sont révélées plus efficaces pour résoudre des équations mathématiques complexes (telles que l'algorithme de hachage sécurisé 256 de Bitcoin) que les processeurs classiques. Les GPU améliorent la puissance de hachage du réseau Bitcoin, mais rendent également l’algorithme SHA-256 plus difficile à résoudre.
Plus tard, des plates-formes minières à circuits intégrés spécifiques à une application (ASIC) ont été introduites sur le marché et les GPU sont rapidement devenus obsolètes. Cependant, le coût de ces puces spécialisées hautes performances est hors de portée des mineurs ordinaires. La puissance de hachage du réseau Bitcoin a encore augmenté, tout comme la difficulté de l’algorithme SHA-256. Avec la flambée des factures d’électricité, il est presque impossible pour les utilisateurs d’exploiter un processeur classique.
  1. Les plates-formes ASIC ont transformé l’industrie minière de crypto-monnaie en un lieu principalement réservé aux principaux acteurs. Et c’est là qu’interviennent les pools de minage : leur objectif est de permettre à chacun de participer aux opérations minières au mieux de ses capacités et en échange de récompenses régulières. Ces récompenses sont généralement proportionnelles à la puissance de hachage donnée par chaque participant du pool.
Bientôt, les opérateurs de centres de données se sont rendu compte que de nombreuses personnes ne participaient pas aux pools miniers parce qu’elles ne disposaient pas de leurs propres plates-formes minières. En conséquence, ils ont commencé à louer la puissance de calcul du pool minier, donnant ainsi naissance au concept de cloud mining.
  1. Cloud mining et matériel minier
Dans le cloud mining, les mineurs sont en fait des investisseurs dans l’exploitation minière, et la seule chose qu’ils garantissent est l’argent. La société de cloud mining exploite une ferme minière de machines minières et permet aux mineurs d’acheter ou de louer une partie de la puissance de hachage de la ferme minière.
Dans de nombreux cas, les fournisseurs ont investi dans du matériel haut de gamme pour construire des fermes minières dans des endroits où l’électricité est moins chère et où les climats sont plus frais. De cette façon, le coût total d’exploitation d’une ferme peut être contrôlé. Les mineurs n'ont à se soucier de rien pendant tout le processus, ils veulent juste obtenir une part des bénéfices de la mine.
Dans le minage de matériel, les mineurs disposent de leurs propres machines de minage et doivent décider s'ils souhaitent exploiter seuls ou rejoindre un pool de minage et apporter leur puissance de calcul en échange d'une part des revenus. Ils sont responsables de tous les coûts associés à la maintenance et à la mise à niveau du matériel ainsi qu’au maintien d’une connexion Internet fiable à tout moment.
C'est la différence entre le minage traditionnel et le cloud mining
submitted by FrequentCookie8658 to u/FrequentCookie8658 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 07:20 ar_david_hh Armenia in 2100: Climate change \\ Education & preschool reforms; Budget & procurement \\ Narco-barons and $6 bribe-B-Q from Գագուլիկ \\ Nuclear plant strategy \\ Moscow mad; Armenia backs Georgia \\ Papikyan's tour \\ Yerevan programs; bus-bike lanes \\ Nikol on bike again \\ Turkish bath \\ more

19 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

Education Minister Andreasyan about 2023:

• The budget performance was 94%. The Minister called it good considering the 38% YoY increase in the education budget.
• Last year they spent ֏9B more on education infrastructure.
• The ministry has become more stringent while approving science grants. The applicants must meet additional quality standards. The focus has shifted from "spending the budget" to "research that's important for the state".
• Fewer sole-source purchases during the procurement process. In 2022 around 72% of bids were competitive, and in 2023 it reached 93%. The emergency purchases from a single source have gone from 3.4% in 2022 to 0.5% in 2023.
• 190 preschools switched to new state education standards as part of reforms. 1,500 tutors were retrained. If in the past preschool education strategy was fragmented, decided by various agencies and international organizations, then starting in 2022 the state has adopted a strategy of retraining preschool employees and introducing new standards. The tutors who receive tarakarg got a 30%-50% salary raise.
• The number of provincial children with special needs attending preschool rose by 5x YoY after inclusivity efforts. Work was done with parents to enable the increase.
• The ministry has financed the preschool education for soldiers' children starting September 2023. The low-income families will qualify beginning September 2024.
• Every village must have access to preschool. This is why the government is building 500 preschools across the country.
• Reforms are underway in public schools. Several grades are being taught under new state standards now. Over the last 2 years, independent analysts have recorded a 6-month progress in Armenia [meaning the students learn the material by wasting 6 months less; there is still a significant gap]. This is twice the progress recorded in other countries undergoing a similar reform process.
• The ministry is currently testing new standards for final exams in Tavush; the preliminary feedback is positive.
• Armenia has a high rate of functional illiteracy. That means the person has information but cannot or does not know how to use it, or reads something but cannot understand it. Around 20% of 10-year-olds have a math problem and cannot understand what the task is; they can't analyze and understand what to do. This rate has gone from 30% in 2015 to 20% in 2019. The new state standards and the more recent "6-month progress" have further improved the situation; the latest statistics will be reflected in this year's international assessment.
• The ministry invited teachers to receive their feedback on the implementation of the new state education standards. Teachers said they feel that the students have become more motivated to study.
• New textbooks and new printing process. The ministry failed to deliver the new textbooks in a timely manner last September; there was a brief delay. The Minister says it won't happen again. The new printing process is cheaper by 30% thanks to putting an end to the print monopoly. Multiple companies have submitted bids to print the books this year. Multiple teams, around 4-5 expert groups, will compete to write textbooks. The ministry does not write textbooks.
• 3,830 teachers have received a wage increase since 2021 thanks to the new attestation exam process that allows them to prove their skills in exchange for a higher wage. Thousands of teachers failed to score high enough.
• 220 teachers earn ֏400,000 ($1,030) or more per month.
• In village schools with fewer than 100 students, the ministry gives the part-time teachers enough bonus to bring their salary on par with մեկ դրույք: This impacts 3,000 teachers.
• 8,400 teachers in STEM add IT received a 25% wage increase starting September 2023. The Minister says these wage increases have led to more people applying to work as teachers. People with no teaching background or those who were absent from the field for a prolonged period are showing interest in pedagogy. The ministry will release specific numbers soon.
• A new pilot program introduces the concept of transferrable credit from high schools to universities.
• Armenia is one of the first countries to teach AI in schools.
• The government is paying $130/mo to students who choose to major in agriculture, construction, and industry fields to revive interest in these areas. The Minister reports a significant increase in interest. Similar incentives exist for a few other majors.
• Last year they financed the acquisition of 95 units of equipment valued at ֏7.1B through a procurement process, for scientific institutions. That's more than the amount spent in 2013-2022 combined (֏5.9B).
• An experimental model for the financing of theatrical-musical organizations was introduced. As a result, the budget of the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet has increased by 17%, and so did the wages. New theaters are joining the system this year.
• A record 450 medals were won by Armenian athletes. There are athletes who earn ֏1 million per month, allowing them to focus on their physical training.
• Many refugee teachers have found employment in provinces. They receive a 30% wage bonus plus a ֏50,000/mo bonus.
• The ministry's new education standards and policy aim to make students more independent upon graduation so the country can have citizens capable of making informed decisions while facing hard choices, said the Minister. The ministry is drafting a youth strategy and as part of it, the age to be considered a youth will be 13, in line with international standards [whatever that means].
• [Snoop Dogg's concert was supposed to attract thousands of Russian techies from Georgia, advertise Armenia as a tech hub, boost tourism, etc., but it was canceled due to the invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh.] The Minister said they are waiting for the organizer to offer 3 dates this year so the ministry can decide when to hold the concert. It might be in August.
• The government is negotiating with an Italian company to design the railway station that will connect the Academic City to Yerevan.
full, source,

diaspora office and agriculture report

• The Diaspora Office complains about ARF's diasporan structures sabotaging their efforts to rally Armenians to support and invest in Armenia. "They are urging people not to attend meetings."
• Armenian farmers need to start planting different crops and not get stuck on the same product for years if they want high yield, said Economy Minister Papoyan. If you plant the same seed and use the same fertilizer, eventually the soil won't give you the same amount of product. This is apparently a major problem in Armenia.
• Armenians consume 30,000 tons of potatoes per month. Recently farmers were forced to sell it for ֏40/kg ($0.05/lb) because of overproduction.
• Armenia's relatively new agricultural insurance industry is on the brink of collapse because of dishonest farmers. Swiss Re international firm was providing re-insurance to Armenian insurance firms, which insured the Armenian farmers. The farmers insured 7,000 hectares of land (as an example) and filed claims for almost 7,000 hectares of land, which the ministry finds very suspicious. The Swiss Re reportedly stopped insuring the Armenian firms. The Armenian government is negotiating with the Central Bank and will seek to bring another re-insurance firm, but only after revising the agricultural damage assessment system. The insurance system is functioning at a limited scope right now because the government doesn't want it to collapse.
full, source,

Yerevan Mayor Avinyan was in Parliament to discuss the 2023 budget and programs

• Last year the city had ֏115B in budget revenues. ֏51B of it was collected by the city itself.
• Unprecedented level of capital expenditures.
• The city renovated backyards of 180 condos, renovated 29 kindergartens, etc.
• Replaced 510 elevators with another 500 scheduled for this year. Every old elevator will be replaced by 2028.
• 70 families were given apartments to move out of dangerously unstable buildings.
• Imported 87 12-meter buses, 150 8.5-meter buses, and 15 trolleybuses; rebuilt the public transport control center. Another 171 8.5-meter buses and 15 trolleybuses are coming this year. Unified payment system for transport.
• 5 medical centers were rebuilt. All city polyclinics will be renovated by 2028. The city and international partners are discussing the construction of a hospital.
• Abandoned vehicles can be found on many streets, causing clutter and making the area look trashy. An MP urged the Mayor to tow them away. The Mayor, in turn, urged the Parliament to adopt a newly drafted major law that will grant the cities more powers and cut a lot of bureaucracy. Today it takes ծիպillion years to remove a single illegal garage, so the new law aims to streamline some processes.
• There will be more buses to serve more people, fewer but better-designed bus routes, and a lot more bus lanes on the streets. The bus lanes will also serve as bicycle and scooter lanes.
• Yerevan has asked the government to allow Veolia Water to keep the money it's supposed to pay as a tax, so it can invest it in the improvement of the city's water and drainage networks.
• Bad weather late last year and this year has prevented the city from repairing the roads in time, hence the ծիպillion potholes on the roads. This will be a thing of the past in the next 2 months, said Avinyan. ON MY MAMA.

reporters asked the Infrastructure Minister about the new $230,000 house in Yerevan that's being built for his mother

THANOSYAN: My brothers are building it for my parents, who plan to move from Martuni. My brothers have asphalt businesses in Russia; they make a lot of money. Had you checked their annual turnover you wouldn't wonder how they got that $230,000. //
The journalists finally exposed the minister as an agent of Erdogan: There are rumors that the house has a Turkish bath.
REPORTER: "But why Turkish, Mr. Sanosyan?"
THANOSYAN: Ask your journalist colleague why. Have you seen "Turkish" anywhere in the building's plan? Are you concerned about the conveniences?
REPORTER: It says there is a hammam, which is a Turkish bath.
THANOSYAN: I don't care.

from an interview with MIT nuclear physicist Areg Danagulyan

REPORTER: Choosing between Russian and American tech is a matter of security, not just energy. What's your estimation of both models from the economic and political perspective?
DANAGOULIAN: The US and Russia are some of the countries willing to sell civilian nuclear technology. Others are France and South Korea. The US reactor would be manufactured by a private company, while the one built by France, Russia, or South Korea would be a state-controlled entity. This significantly affects the economics of nuclear reactors and their cost. One of the problems nuclear power has suffered over the last 30-40 years is the economic aspect; they are seen as too expensive. They are not as attractive as natural gas. Gas has been cheap. Now that is changing with the prices of gas increasing.
There is also a large capital cost associated with building a nuclear plant. The new reactor designs are trying to reduce that cost. The small modular reactors (SMR) that everyone is talking about are attempting to reduce the scale of investments necessary.
Russians have an old and well-tested technology - the VVER-1200. They've been building one in several countries including Turkey.
Americans have built a few reactors - the AP-1000 by Westinghouse.
None of these are appropriate for Armenia because of their large size. They won't fit in Armenia's grid. Armenia needs smaller reactors. Not necessarily modular, but it has to be small. Most of the small "modular" reactors everyone is talking about are actually just small reactors. Most of their designs are the improved versions from the 70s and 80s when reactors used to be small.
REPORTER: The supporters of the Russian reactor say it will produce more energy and allow Armenia to become a regional hub of nuclear power.
DANAGOULIAN: The Russian model is attractive for a few reasons. (1) Russia comes with a build-own-operate policy. They build the reactor and they operate it until they own it. They sell you electricity at a predetermined price. That takes off the burden of the cost of construction from the host country. That's how they did the deal with Turkey and Egypt.
Regarding Armenia becoming a hub of nuclear electricity. Will Armenia be able to sell that electricity? Who is going to buy that electricity? Those who support a large reactor must explain to whom, at what amount, and at what price. Prove that it will be beneficial for Armenia.
If I'm not mistaken, Armenia currently exports 10% of its electricity to Georgia and Iran and there is limited demand.
If you sign a deal with Russia, it translates to a very long-term dependency on Russia. Your energy grid will depend on it. This dependency will last almost a century. Under the current political circumstances, what are the dangers associated with that? The dangers are significant.
REPORTER: Kazakhstan is negotiating with a US company to build a nuclear plant. Is this a matter of energy diversification or sovereignty from the perspective of political expediency?
DANAGOULIAN: The two concepts are connected to each other. Nuclear power can give you significant independence, but not full, because you still need to buy nuclear fuel. However, when it comes to nuclear fuel, you only buy it once every 2 years. Second, there is a bigger diversity of nuclear fuel sellers. That really reduces your dependency from the source of the fuel, unlike with natural gas.
A number of countries are exploring options with building American NPPs. It has to do with maintaining their independence and ending dependency on Russia.
REPORTER: What about the South Korean version? How would that affect Armenia's national security? It's still the American model, am I right?
DANAGOULIAN: The South Korean model is called SMART. It's a smaller-scale NPP. I don't know about its economics and how much it would cost. The price of electricity for Armenia is inevitably going to rise, but the question by how much. Modern nuclear technologies are not really about the technology per se; it's really about how much it's going to cost. Most of the R&D in nuclear engineering is how to reduce the cost of nuclear reactors because they know cost is ultimately what has in the past made nuclear unattractive.
With that said, South Koreans have a good experience. They recently completed the construction of 4 reactors in the UAE. These are APR-1400 reactors and they managed to build them on time and on budget, which is quite impressive. By comparison, the American Westinghouse built 2 plants in Georgia that lasted twice as long and costed three times as high as the original estimate. So South Koreans could be good partners.
REPORTER: What would your advice be to the government of Armenia?
DANAGOULIAN: They need advice and input from international experts. Building an NPP is not like building a house. It's an unpredictable process, especially since some of the reactors under consideration have never been built. They need an independent team to look at the offers. There are such people. You don't want to make a $5 billion mistake.
REPORTER: Who should the Armenian-Americans vote for in November?
DANAGOULIAN: [FUCK Donald Trump. Is that clear enough?]

the Armenian Apostolic Church owns 200 apartments, 4 movie theater buildings, a municipality building in a province, pools, etc.: QP MP Ghazaryan


Karkop has a new pedestrian bridge to connect to a district isolated after the floods


Lithuania to provide €100,000 in humanitarian aid to flood-affected Armenia


Switzerland provides 500,000 francs and a group of specialists to help Armenia recover from floods

A group of civil engineers and technical specialists were sent to Lori and Tavush.

how many houses were flooded in Lori?

200 houses and apartments, affecting 850 residents. Hundreds have since returned.

climate change and land ecosystem degradation contributed to floods because the nearby soil was unable to absorb the additional water brought by the cyclone, causing it to flow into the river


number of forest fires in Armenia

77% of Armenia is under threat of desertification. Temperatures are expected to rise and the precipitation to decline gradually until 2100.
Forest fires:
2001-2009: avg 8 per year
2010-2018: avg 47 per year

... Armenia's lands are:

69% agricultural
12% special protected territories
11% forests
5% settlements

... by 2100

Soil moisture -20%
Irrigation water -28%
Soil productivity -24%
Agro-climate zones will move 300 meters higher.
Ararat Valley crops will require 40% more water.
Rivers will carry 39% less water.
The Arzni spring that feeds Yerevan has lost 20% of its flow since 2018, going from 900 lites to 650.
90% of young Armenians said they are ready to learn more about climate change, preferably in school. Only half of them have received information from their teachers on how to ease the impact of climate change.
read more,

anti-corruption: authorities arrest another person accused of bribing people to attend the ongoing anti-Pashinyan protests led by the former regime. Complaints about not getting paid enough.

2200 դրամ են տվել, որ կյանքումս 40 հազարից պակասի համար գնացած չկամ
AUTHORITIES: The suspects were recorded while discussing the distribution of money to participants of the protest rallies. During the raids, the agents discovered lists containing names and amounts of money written next to them. //
RULING PARTY MP: We hope the bribe money didn't come from candle sales. //
Phone call transcript:
  • Ալո, նոր տղաների հետ խոսեցի, Գագուլիկը կարողանում ա գալ: Ես էլ, ընդհանուր առմամբ, կարողանում եմ գալ, ուղղակի իմ գործն ա էլի, էնպես ա, որ 10-ին դուրս գամ, էնպես պետք ա անեմ, որ հասցնեմ: Տես, Գագուլիկի հետ էլ խոսեցի:
  • Հա
  • Դե Հայկը հյուրանոցում ա:
  • Հա:
  • Բրատ, Գագուլիկն ասում ա՝ կարա՞ն հարցներս նորմալ լուծեն:
  • Ախպեր, չէ, հլը, վոպշեմ, մինչև, բան… հարցը տանք՝ կա՛մ էս կողմ, կա՛մ էն կողմ:
  • Ախպեր, քեզ անկեղծ ասեմ, որ ասում ես՝ նվիրվում ենք, անկեղծ ա եղել լրիվ: Դու հեն ա մեջն ես: Տեսնում ես, չէ՞, որ ամսի 26-ից գալիս ենք: Ինչքան դուք եք գնում, էնքան էլ՝ մենք: Ժամը 5-ին Գագուլիկին զանգել եմ, էն մեր մեծ ախպորն էլ եմ զանգել, անունը չեմ տալիս:
  • Հա:
  • 5 հատ բրինձ ա տվել: Մարդա՝ 5:
  • Հա:
  • Օբշի 20 բրինձ ա տվել: Ես, Էդոն, Հայկը, Գագուլիկը:
  • Հա, հասկանալի ա:
  • Էդ բրինձները, Գագուլն ասում ա, ասում ա՝ բրատ, գալիս ենք, մենք շատ ենք վիզ դնում, ինչ ասում են, անում ենք: Ասում ա, բայց դե, բրատ… ասում եմ՝ ախպեր, մենք հո ցիգա՞ն չենք, որ գնանք, ամեն օր 5 մանեթ, 10 մանեթ վերցնենք ու տուն գնանք: Ո՛չ սիգարետ են տալիս, ո՛չ բան: Ասում ա՝ հա, դե օրվա վերջում տալիս ենք: Հա բայց դե մինչև օրվա վերջ գնում ենք նոր հաց ենք ուտում, նոր հաց են բերում: Դե հիմա մենք հո գուշա՞կ չենք, չգիտենք, թե ինչ են:
  • Ախպեր… ամսի 26-ից, իմ արև, անկեղծ եմ ասում, մենք էլ ամսի…: Հասկացի հեսա հասնում ենք ու հարց դնենք, կա՛մ էս կողմ, կա՛մ էն կողմ: Մենք հո բո՞մժ չենք: Իրանք տենց չպիտի վարվեն:
  • Իմ ու քո արև, ես գալիս եմ, ձեռքս մի լումա էլ չկա: Գագուլիկին ասում եմ՝ կքշե՞ս, ասում ա…:
  • Երեկ, պատկերացնո՞ւմ ես, 2200 դրամ են տվել, որ կյանքումս 40 հազարից պակասի համար գնացած չկամ:
  • Ախպեր, ինչի՞ չեմ հավատում, մի տնից չենք, մի հալի ենք: Ես ասում եմ էլի, ես ուղիղ Նարեկին չեմ կարողանում զանգել, ես Նարեկի հետ … զրույց ունեմ, ասեմ՝ ախպեր, էդ 5 բրինձը 2 ժամվա փոխհատուցում ա, նենց չի, որ դա մի օրվա ա: Արա, մարդիկ, բրատ, օրը 20-30 բրինձ են վերցնում, մեզ 5 են վերցնում, 5 են տալիս:
  • Էսօր էդ բոլոր հարցերը պիտի որ լավ լինի, բրատ:
  • Ախպեր կանխավճարը նստելու ա, վերցնեն, նոր ասեմ մինչև … տղեքը գան:
  • Էսօր էդ հարցերը պիտի որ լուծվի:
  • Լավ…
video, source, source, source,

77 CE 777

Bagrat Galstanyan and his followers organized a car caravan to Gegharkunik where they met a group of supporters.

Arthur Brothers - Who are the new friends of protest co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan?

On June 3, Galstanyan presented two men standing near him: "Our very dear friends from Kenya. You might have heard of them - Arthur Brothers. They are very interesting sons of our nation. Anyway, I won't go into details... They are devoted with their soul, heart, and life."
Arthur Margaryan and Arthur Sargsyan are known for giga-massive shenanigans in Kenya in the mid-2000s.
Nation Africa outlet rote in 2005 that the Brothers arrived in Kenya as investors and quickly acquired passports and enjoyed the protection of Kenyan authorities. They had access to Nairobi's VIP airport section and a luxury district.
In 2006 the Brothers allegedly attacked a local newspaper to prevent it from publishing information that would damage the Kenyan president. The newspapers burned down, while the police refused to arrest them. Reuters wrote about it at the time.
Wikileaks writes that the Brothers got in trouble in June 2006 at an airport while attempting to use fake documents that presented them as deputy leaders of Kenyan police. They were armed and violated airport rules, according to the report. The documents were reportedly stolen by a janitor from the Migration Ministry building and ended up in the hands of the Arthur Brothers.
In 2007, the daughter of a Kenyan opposition leader announced that she was in love with Arthur Margaryan and that they were going to marry if it wasn't for his deportation [after the airport scandal]. Their romance and business ties date back to 2005 in Dubai. It was later revealed that she, being a foreign ministry employee, was using her position to influence the airport to treat Arthur favorably.
Kenyans launched an investigation in 2010 and accused Arthur Brothers of narco-trafficking and machinations.
In 2020 the Kenyan press tied Arthur Brothers to a 1-ton narcotic bust.
Arthurs were also spotted meeting public officials in Maldives. The opposition leader of Maldives at the time expressed concerns, given the shady record of the Arthur Brothers.
In 2023, Arthur Brothers were seen next to Yerevan mayoral candidate Suren Petrosyan (Ժողովրդավարական համախմբում party). Suren Petrosyan is a co-leader of the ongoing protests and one of the most active figures who regularly gives interviews to the press with demands for PM Pashinyan's resignation.
In 2024 Arthur Brothers were seen next to Bagrat Galstanyan and Suren Petrosyan.
source, source, source, [source,](https://[REDACTED].org/plusd/cables/06NAIROBI2782_a.html) source, source, source, source, source,

anti-corruption: ex-Deputy Minister of Economy and several others confess, express regret, and cooperate with authorities in the recent case involving alleged procurement fraud to declare Synergy winner

The charges were dropped against ex-Deputy Minister Ani Ispiryan, Ani Gevorgyan (Alen Simonyan's sister-in-law), and several others for fully confessing and cooperating with authorities. One more employee had her case dropped after authorities determined she was innocent.
Ex-Economy Minister Vahan Kerobyan remains a suspect.
source, source, source,

Arabkir's new dog park and playgrounds: VIDEO

In place of illegal garages.

Defense Minister Papikyan on a working trip to Bulgaria

He attended the HEMUS 2024 international exhibition and held a talk with various manufacturers before meeting his Bulgarian counterpart. The two spoke about military-technical cooperation and cooperation as part of NATO and the EU.
source, source, source, photo,

Armenia will be represented for the first time at Eurosatory, the No. 1 world exhibition for defense and security on the ground and in the air

It will be held this month in Paris. Some 98,000 visitors are expected to arrive.
The Armenia pavilion will host a delegation of member companies of the CCI France Armenia and an integral part of the Armenian military-industrial complex.
This will be the first opportunity for these Armenian companies to exhibit their technologies and solutions at an international trade fair in Europe, with the aim of signing contracts.

Parliament leader Alen Simonyan and the President of Slovenia discussed the need to return the remaining Armenian POWs held in Azerbaijan


Russia unhappy with Armenia's cold shoulder policy

A senior Russian diplomat claimed Yerevan’s “reckless decisions” to move away from its defense arrangements with Moscow may make future cooperation impossible.
MOSCOW: Armenia is no longer interested in cooperating with Russia’s Foreign and Defense Ministries due to pressure from the West. The Foreign Ministers haven't met since November 2023. Our Armenian partners showed no interest in our suggestion to work out a schedule of consultations between the Foreign Ministries. Contacts between the Defense Ministries have become much more rare through no fault of ours either. Our defense tech cooperation also stumbled. This happens because the West puts pressure upon Armenia, trying to keep Yerevan’s cooperation with us to a minimum. However, we hope that the promises made by the Armenian authorities to resolve all issues and irritating factors between us will turn out to be true. We are ready for this. //
source, source,

for the first time, Armenia votes in favor of a pro-Georgia and anti-Russia UN resolution on displaced persons in Georgia

The resolution recognizes the right of internally displaced persons and those displaced from the occupied territories of Georgia to return to their homes in the occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
For: 103 (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, West,)
Against: 9 (Russia, Belarus, Burundi, Cuba, North Korea, Mali, Nicaragua, Syria, Zimbabwe)
Abstain: 52 (China, India, Iran)
GEORGIAN EMBASSY: Another big leap forward in the Georgian-Armenian Strategic Partnership. Grateful for the Armenian support on the UN GA Resolution. Շնորհակալ ենք: //
REPORTER: Is Armenia ready to recognize Abkhazia and Ossetia as occupied territories?
PASHINYAN (November): Armenia fully supports and unequivocally defends the territorial integrity of Georgia.
source, source, source,

Pashinyan riding a bicycle on the public roads of Yerevan: VIDEO

A car stops at a red light: "Barev. Vonc eq?"
He was testing the convenience of Yerevan streets for cycling and found that the city is flat enough for cycling if you have gears. He proceeded to switch to granny gear to climb the smallest hill imaginable. The giga-massive oligarchic belly fat was seen being burned in real-time.
The PM invited Yerevan residents to join him. Here are the conditions:
(1) Bring your own bike.
(2) Pashinyan will choose the route. You won't know in advance.
(3) Don't politicize. Enjoy.
(4) Be back by 7 am because he has to work. [he better do]
The PM included his Gmail address for applications. You need to send your photo with a bicycle, full name, and phone number. [he is probably creating a list of people to bribe in the future]
video, source,

Armenia and Georgia will submit a joint bid to host the 2029 FIFA U20 World Cup

The President of Georgia's soccer federation visited Yerevan where he met his Armenian counterpart. The two made a joint announcement.
source, video,

հայը, ռուսը, պարսիկը

As you know from yesterday's report, Yerevan could soon ban live music from Northern Avenue and Republic Square because of complaints from "get off my lawn" residents and businesses. During a street investigation by the press, one Armenian musician accused Russian and Persian musicians (his competitors) of using loudspeakers and microphones and causing this problem for the rest.

tourism budget has almost doubled

PM Pashinyan hosted a meeting to discuss the Tourism Committee's 2023 activities. The budget has gone from ֏7.5B last year to ֏13.2B in 2024; they plan infrastructure improvements.
The number of tourists in 2023 was 2.316 million, a +40% vs 2022 and +22% vs 2019.
This year the number of Russian tourists has decreased (the new chairman of TC disputes this) but there is a certain increase in the number of tourists from other countries (France, Germany, UAE).

... how much does the average tourist spend and how long do they stay?

2013: $798 (17 days)
Now: $1,000 (16 days)
If we don't count diasporan Armenians, the average stay by "classical" tourists is 6-7 days.
The number of non-Armenian nationals arriving in Armenia has increased in recent years.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:56 spectator2112 Garder le reste de son hypothèque pour mettre sur une nouvelle propriété

Question un peu newbie, mais on vend un condo il reste 140k d’hypothèque à 3.4% jusqu’en 2028; on reste avec la même institution financière (Desjardins) pour notre nouveau condo. Est ce possible / facile de garder l’hypothèque exactement pareille (terme restant de 18 ans) pour le prochain achat qui nécessitera une hypothèque du même montant? Y’a des pénalités? C’est compliqué? Merci!
submitted by spectator2112 to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:12 scmlex19 Dog with chronic pancreatitis conditions are not improving

Hi vets of Reddit. My dog has been having GI issues for several months and his condition has not improved, so I'm hoping some of you might have insights. I have visited my vet several times in the last six months to figure out what the issue might be, but we haven't reached any conclusions that would explain his condition's persistence. The only diagnosis he has received is chronic pancreatitis, but he has symptoms several times a week and they seem to be worsening. It's left me on pins and needles. It has made leaving town or even the house for a few hours very stressful and oftentimes nearly impossible, worrying about if he'll get sick while I'm gone.
My vet has been incredible and is trying everything they can to diagnose the issue, but I would appreciate other opinions on the matter if it helps reach a better diagnosis. I'm worried the pancreatitis is only a symptom of something life-threatening as it continues to worsen each week. I've included as much detail as I can below, but if there is anything else that would be helpful please let me know. I deeply appreciate insights and recommendations you may have. Thank you.
Species: Dog
Age: 6 years
Sex/Neuter status: Male, Neutered
Breed: Weimaraner
Body weight: 70 lb
He was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis early this year, but his symptoms occur several times each week. I'm seeing his condition worsen and it's taken a toll on us. Starting in November 2023, he began having GI issues. This was mainly mucus and the occasional bloody stool. In the months since then, he has recurring episodes. These happen about 3 times each week. On these days, he has gurgling noises coming from his gut in the morning. He will refuse to go on walks and is generally lethargic around the house. He will only walk slowly around the grounds of my condo complex while trying to eat grass to alleviate his discomfort. On these days he will not eat his food (he usually has a very strong appetite) and will only eat it later in the morning. He'll usually regain his hunger by the afternoon. These episodes always include bloody/mucus stools. Half of the episodes include vomiting as well but only once per day. His stools and system reset to normal the next day, with the exception of the first half of his stool usually being redder in color, and the back half looking normal. The vomit is usually clear with small brownish-red flecks in them, but can sometimes be a dark brown liquid. The fleck and brown liquid are not ferrous or tarry, just goopy droplets. The day after his episode he regains his normal appetite, goes on walks, and regains his usual energy.
Historically he has had table scraps, but limited to small pieces of chicken, yogurt, peanut butter, blueberries, and sweet potatoes. These have always been small amounts. Since his diagnosis he has not had table scraps except on rare occasions.
Clinical signs:
Duration: 7 months
Your general location: Washington, DC
Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc.
submitted by scmlex19 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:23 Japap_ Renting in Lausanne and in surrounding areas (Version française ci-dessous)

Dear Lausanners,
I got admitted to EPFL for master degree and I am a bit worried about the possibility and pricing of the place I could rent. I am looking for something as cheap as possible with up to 1h to get from to EPFL campus. I have already applied to FMEL but I might not get a place given by them, henceforth this post. Do you know anyone willing to rent/ any tips for looking for places to rent? I do not smoke and due to EPFL I won't be partying in the place I rent. I can speak in English, Polish and French.
Version française ci-dessous :
Chers Lausannois
J'ai été admis à l'EPFL pour un master et je suis un peu inquiet quant à la possibilité et au prix de l'appartement que je pourrais louer. Je cherche un logement aussi bon marché que possible, avec un trajet d'une heure maximum jusqu'au campus de l'EPFL. J'ai déjà postulé à la FMEL mais il est possible que je n'obtienne pas de place, d'où ce post. Est-ce que vous connaissez quelqu'un qui est prêt à louedes conseils pour chercher des endroits à louer ? Je ne fume pas et en raison de l'EPFL, je ne ferai pas la fête dans l'appartement que je louerai. Je peux parler anglais, polonais et français.
submitted by Japap_ to Lausanne [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:57 SeptemberSan Idées de destination

Bonjour tous le monde,
Je voudrais partir 7j, la semaine prochaine (je sais que je m'y prends tard, mais c'est à cause de mon boulot). Mais je sais pas trop où, du coup je prends vos idées?
J'aimerais que ce soit : pas trop cher, pas trop loin de paris (en avion, train, .. .pas 10h de vol quoi), de préférence mer mais je suis ouverte, safe car je suis une femme seule, et je compte pas louer de voiture. De plus, j'aime faire des photos (rues, paysages, gens,...)
J'avais pensé à la Crête (Heraklion plus précisément, soleil, bonne nourriture), et le pays de galles (y a l'air d'y avoir des point de vue sympa et c'est pas commun mais où aller? ).
Donner moi des idées, svp
submitted by SeptemberSan to voyageons [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:25 FrequentCookie8658 La différence entre le minage traditionnel et le cloud mining

Le cloud mining est une forme de minage de cryptomonnaies qui permet aux individus de louer de la puissance de calcul à partir de centres de données distants. Ce faisant, les utilisateurs n’ont pas besoin d’investir dans des équipements miniers coûteux ni d’effectuer des opérations de maintenance.
1.Le cloud mining est un processus d'extraction de cryptomonnaie qui permet aux particuliers de louer de la puissance de calcul à partir de centres de données distants. Dans ce processus, les utilisateurs n’ont pas besoin d’investir dans des équipements miniers coûteux ni d’effectuer de maintenance.
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining prennent en charge les coûts d’équipement, d’électricité et de maintenance, et les utilisateurs peuvent gagner de la crypto-monnaie en louant cette puissance de calcul. Les fournisseurs de cloud mining proposent différents plans de minage avec différentes puissances de hachage et récompenses, et les utilisateurs peuvent choisir le plan qui convient à leurs besoins et à leur budget.
2.Le cloud mining fonctionne en permettant aux utilisateurs de louer de la puissance de calcul à partir de centres de données distants détenus et exploités par des fournisseurs de cloud mining. Ces centres de données sont équipés de matériel minier spécialisé conçu pour extraire des crypto-monnaies telles que Bitcoin et Ethereum.
Pour démarrer le cloud mining, les utilisateurs doivent généralement créer un compte auprès d'un fournisseur de cloud mining, choisir un plan de minage adapté à leurs besoins et payer pour louer la puissance de calcul. Une fois le contrat signé et les frais payés, l’opération de minage de l’utilisateur sera activée et celui-ci pourra commencer à miner de la cryptomonnaie.
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining sont responsables du matériel de minage, de l’électricité et des coûts de maintenance. Les utilisateurs n'ont pas à se soucier des détails techniques du minage, tels que la configuration du matériel ou l'installation des logiciels. Les récompenses minières gagnées grâce aux opérations sont généralement distribuées régulièrement sur les comptes des utilisateurs conformément aux termes du contrat.
Le cloud mining offre un moyen simple et pratique d’exploiter des cryptomonnaies sans investir dans du matériel coûteux ni les configurer et les entretenir. Cependant, avant de décider d’investir dans le cloud mining, il est important de considérer ses avantages et ses inconvénients.
3.Avantages du cloud mining
Le cloud mining offre plusieurs avantages qui en font une option attrayante pour les mineurs de cryptomonnaie. Voici quelques-uns des principaux avantages du cloud mining :
  1. Réduisez les coûts initiaux
  2. Aucun matériel spécial requis
  3. Aucune connaissance technique nécessaire
  4. Réduisez les coûts d’électricité
  5. Flexibilité et évolutivité
  6. Il existe plusieurs options de minage parmi lesquelles choisir
4.1.Réduisez les coûts initiaux
Avec le cloud mining, les utilisateurs n’ont pas besoin d’acheter du matériel de minage coûteux, ce qui peut représenter un coût initial important. Au lieu de cela, ils peuvent louer de la puissance de calcul auprès de fournisseurs de cloud mining, ce qui est souvent beaucoup moins cher.
  1. Aucun matériel spécial requis
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining proposent du matériel de minage spécialisé conçu pour extraire efficacement les crypto-monnaies. Les utilisateurs n’ont pas à se soucier de l’achat ou de la maintenance de ce matériel puisque le fournisseur de cloud mining s’en charge.
  1. Aucune connaissance technique nécessaire
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining gèrent tous les détails techniques du minage, tels que la configuration du matériel et des logiciels. Les utilisateurs n'ont pas besoin d'avoir des connaissances techniques pour démarrer le cloud mining.
  1. Réduisez les coûts d’électricité
Le minage de crypto-monnaie nécessite beaucoup d’électricité et peut coûter cher. Avec le cloud mining, le coût de l’électricité est généralement inclus dans les frais de location, ce qui peut réduire le coût global du minage.
  1. Flexibilité et évolutivité
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining proposent différents plans de minage avec différentes puissances de hachage et récompenses. Les utilisateurs peuvent choisir un forfait adapté à leurs besoins et à leur budget, et peuvent facilement changer de forfait ou ajouter plus de puissance de calcul selon leurs besoins.
  1. Il existe plusieurs options de minage parmi lesquelles choisir
Les fournisseurs de cloud mining proposent des options de minage pour une variété de crypto-monnaies, notamment Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de diversifier leur portefeuille minier et potentiellement de gagner plus de récompenses.
Le cloud mining offre un moyen pratique et rentable d’exploiter des cryptomonnaies, en particulier pour ceux qui n’ont pas les connaissances techniques ou les ressources nécessaires pour configurer et entretenir leur propre matériel de minage.
Étude de cas : Cloud Mining vs Mining traditionnel
Utilisons une étude de cas pour comparer le cloud mining et le mining traditionnel et déterminer lequel est le plus rentable et adapté aux mineurs individuels.
Nous comparerons le minage de Bitcoin à l'aide de la plate-forme minière populaire Antminer S19 Pro au minage dans le cloud à l'aide du fournisseur de minage dans le cloud réputé HashFlare.
Le prix du Bitcoin est de 50 000 dollars et la difficulté de minage est de 20 000 milliards.
L'électricité coûte 0,12 $ le kilowattheure.
L'Antminer S19 Pro a un taux de hachage de 110 TH/s et la plate-forme minière coûte 9 500 $.
HashFlare propose un contrat de cloud mining de 2 ans avec des vitesses de 110 TH/s pour 7 650 $.
  1. Exploitation minière traditionnelle :
L'Antminer S19 Pro consomme 3 250 watts d'énergie et peut générer 0,006202 BTC par jour, soit environ 310 USD. Si vous déduisez le coût de l’électricité (environ 10 $/jour), le bénéfice net est d’environ 300 $ par jour.
En supposant que le mineur fonctionne 24 heures sur 24, les bénéfices mensuels sont d'environ 9 000 $. Mais il faut aussi considérer le coût de la plateforme minière, qui s’élève à 9 500 $. Par conséquent, il faut environ 13 mois pour récupérer le coût de la plate-forme minière et devenir ensuite rentable.
  1. Minage en nuage :
Le contrat de cloud mining HashFlare coûte 110 TH/s, coûte 7 650 $ et peut générer des revenus de 0,004444 BTC par jour, soit environ 222 $. L'électricité est incluse dans le loyer. En supposant que l'opération de cloud mining fonctionne 24 heures sur 24, le bénéfice mensuel est d'environ 6 660 $.
Le coût total du contrat de cloud mining est de 7 650 $ pour 2 ans. Par conséquent, le chiffre d'affaires total sur 2 ans est d'environ 160 320 $ et le bénéfice net est d'environ 152 670 $.
Je crois que cette comparaison rendra les choses plus claires pour tout le monde. Le seul point est que nous devons mener une enquête approfondie lorsque nous effectuons des investissements.
Si vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez également me contacter directement en utilisant les coordonnées que j'ai laissées.
submitted by FrequentCookie8658 to u/FrequentCookie8658 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:39 Hendere_ Achat de voiture : neuf ou d'occasion ?

Bonjour à tous,
Je me permets de vous demander votre avis sur une question qui me tracasse depuis un petit bout de temps.
Ma situation : Alternant en DCG, j'ai estimé que j'aurai une épargne à la fin de mon contrat entre 18K€-22K€ (selon si je me fais plaisir pour des petites vacances). En sachant que je dissocie cette épargne de mes autres fonds tels que mon PEA et Livret A. Je pourrais être embauché directement par mon entreprise si je ne souhaite pas continuer mes études, sinon partir sur un DSCG en alternance. J'habite chez mes parents et ma mère refusera catégoriquement que je parte sans avoir terminé mes études ou sans un emploi qui me permet de vivre décemment (et une marmite pleine de lentilles xD).
Mon tracas : La voiture que j'utilise a 15 ans et a passé difficilement le contrôle technique. Elle est donc bonne pour 2 ans (en espérant par pitié qu'il n'y aura pas de frais entre-temps). À la fin de son contrôle technique, je me pose cette question : soit j'achète un véhicule neuf, donc avec toute la technologie et les options de mon choix, soit je prends un véhicule d'occasion qui est largement moins cher.
Je compte utiliser la voiture neuve jusqu'à sa mort donc, en soi, la perte de valeur m'importe peu. Est-ce une bonne idée ou est-il plus intelligent de prendre une voiture d'occasion et d'investir la différence ou de la placer en vue d'un PEL pour plus tard ou d'avoir un peu de fonds pour louer ?
Selon vous, qu'est-ce qui serait le plus judicieux/intelligent ?
Je vous remercie de m'avoir lu et bonne journée à vous !
submitted by Hendere_ to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:43 Hot_Distribution_344 STB de demander à mon meilleur ami et "coloc" de déménager parce qu'il ne veut pas d'une relation avec moi ?

Il y a un peu plus d'un an il s'est séparé de sa femme et s'est retrouvé sans logement. Moi j'ai une grande maison seule avec mes enfants. Je lui ai proposé de louer une chambre et il a emménager. A noter qu'à partir de la, il est entré en depression et n'en est jamais sorti.
On avait des atomes crochus, ça faisait 4 ans qu'on étaient des amis très proches, donc ce qui devait arriver arriva (très vite d'ailleurs), on s'est mis a coucher ensemble.
Puis c'est installé une dynamique presque familiale, ses affaires se sont retrouvées dans mes étagères, on s'est mis a dîner tous les soirs ensemble avec les enfants, a sortir voir nos amis ensemble, on a même fait des travaux pour qu'il monte un atelier dans mon garage pour son travail.
A côté de ça, amoureusement ça a assez vite coincé. On s'était déclarés nos sentiments, c'était pas que du sexe mais la relation a vite stagné (pour même reculer parfois), il voulait pas passer certaines étapes importantes pour moi.
Il est juste pas prêt a une nouvelle histoire, dans le contexte grosse rupture+depression j'ai été compréhensive et j'ai voulu être patiente. Sauf que c'est dur, je devais cacher mes sentiments a mes enfants, a nos amis, sacrifier beaucoup de mes besoins affectifs.
Mais romantique et conne je me suis entêtée, j'ai donné donné donné, alors que lui ne me renvoyait que des signaux confus et me sortait a chaque fois des raisons différentes de ne pas former un couple. Pour lui c'était trop de pression pour qqun qui essaye juste de sortir de sa depression, il m'a demandé d'arrêter de l'attendre. Espérer construire quelque chose avec lui c'était ce qui me maintenait, ce qui me rendait a peu près heureuse...
Ça a pris du temps pour faire son chemin dans ma tête mais finalement j'ai arrêté d'espérer, j'ai pas arrêté de l'aimer pour autant et ça a été une vraie descente aux enfers émotionnelle.
Aujourd'hui je suis vidée, au bord du craquage nerveux, mes amis me voient dépérir a vue d'œil, je n'arrive plus a penser a autre chose.
Je dois passer a autre chose mais je ne peux pas car il vit avec moi.
je vis au quotidien avec un homme dont je suis profondément amoureuse, et que je dois maintenant oublier !
Je lui demande de plus en plus souvent d'envisager de partir de chez moi, mais il ne comprends pas. Tout ce qu'il voit c'est qu'on s'est beaucoup apportés l'un a l'autre cette dernière année, ce qui est vrai. Dans les moments passés ensemble j'étais vraiment heureuse donc il ne comprends pas quand je lui dit que je suis a bout.
Moi je me sens coupable d'en arriver là, mes enfants tiennent vachement a lui aussi, mais je ne vois pas d'autre solution, je veux faire mon deuil de notre relation qui n'a même pas vraiment existé.
Il me dit qu'il a besoin de moi, que je suis sa raison de se lever tous les matins, que notre famille c'est tout ce qu'il lui reste de positif dans sa vie.
Mais moi j'ai besoin d'un homme qui m'aime vraiment, qui me choisisse, qui n'ai pas honte de me présenter comme sa copine, qui dorme avec moi. La Je dois me contenter d'une relation très forte mais platonique au quotidien et de miettes d'affection quand mes enfants sont chez leur père.
Je m'inquiète toujours pour lui, dans l'histoire il va perdre beaucoup, sa piaule, son atelier, sa "famille", ses soutiens moraux, sa meilleure amie,...
Je précise, ce n'est pas un ultimatum que je lui impose, je ne lui demande pas de changer d'avis sur se mettre en couple avec moi, ça c'est cuit et je me suis suffisamment fait rejetée dans cette histoire, c'est juste que je ne vois aucune autre alternative que son départ.
Suis je un trou de balle de mettre mon meilleur ami a la rue juste parce qu'il a pas voulu de moi ?
submitted by Hot_Distribution_344 to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 Own-Report3411 STB de ne pas vouloir que mon mec habitera avec son ex?

Bonjour à tous,
Depuis 6 mois je (29F) sors avec Arnaud (32H). Arnaud est incroyable: gentil, drole, intelligent...
Arnaud a toujours été clair par rapport à sa situation: Il est separé de sa femme depuis 2 ans, mais il n'est pas encore officiellement divorcé suite au fait qu'ils ont enormement de choses divisier entre eux.
Arnaud et sa femme sont encore amis. Ils ont des magasins ensemble donc ils sont toujours en contact. Sa femme est polyamoureuse et a plusieurs partenaires. Arnaud et moi sont un couple monogame.
Arnaud vivait dans une maison qu'il louait de son beau-frere. Ce beau-frere a decidé il y a 1 mois qu'il souhaite louer la maison a un pote qui en a besoin. Depuis, Arnaud cherche une nouvelle habitation.
Arnaud et sa femme ont une maison (très grande) ensemble. Sa femme y habite. Sa femme a proposé qu'Arnaud revient vivre dans la maison. Selon elle 'la maison est assez grande pour ne pas devoir se croiser' et ça ne posera aucun probleme pour ses partenaires.
Arnaud m'a demandé ce que moi j'en pense. Je me suis toujours dit que j'acceptait le fait qu'il soit encore officiellement marié uniquement sur la condition qu'ils ne vivent plus ensemble. Je me vois pas passer la nuit chez lui dans cette maison.
Je me sens le trou de balle car visiblement personne comprend pourquoi ça me pose probleme, et que je suis en train de lui compliquer sa situation.
Suis-je le trou de balle?
submitted by Own-Report3411 to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:27 Eiah Fin de mon bail locatif et pas de logement en vue, comment ça se passe ?

Bonjour, Il y a quelque temps, mon propriétaire m'a demandé de déménager car il voulait faire des travaus pour transformer l'appartement en AirBnB.
Je me suis mis à chercher un logement, mais en étant au RSA plus personne ne veut me louer, or j'arrive à la fin de mon bail le 1er Juillet et je voulais savoir ce que je peux faire car sa demande à été seulement au téléphone et je n'ai pas reçut de lettre recommandée me demandant de quitter mon logement ni de notification de fin de bail.
Quelles sont mes possibilités ici ? Ma mère m'a dit qu'elle ne me laisserait pas à la rue mais ça reste angoissant
Merci par avance pour les réponses
submitted by Eiah to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:26 AverageRedditor101 Fissures balcon

Bonjour Reddit!
Je cherche actuellement à louer mon premier appartement. J'ai eu l'occasion de visiter un appart qui coche toutes mes cases aujourd'hui. Seul hic : de belles fissures au niveau du balcon (situé au 5ème), à la fois au niveau du sol (parallèles à la jonction entre balcon et immeuble), et au niveau de l'un des murs qui entoure l'entrée du balcon, plusieurs fissures verticales >10cm, l'une d'entre-elle suffisamment profonde pour voir l'armature métallique du béton.
L'agent qui m'a fait visiter m'a assuré qu'un rapport d'expert avait conclu a une intégrité structurelle du bâtiment (construction récente), et qu'une injection de résine allait être réalisée.
N'y connaissant absolument rien en immobilier et en construction, j'aurais aimé avoir votre avis? En dehors de demander à avoir accès au rapport d'experts et de noter scrupuleusement la dimension des fissures lors de la signature du bail, y-a-t-il quelque chose d'autre que je puisse faire? Est-ce une idée suicidaire d'essayer de louer ce bien?
Merci d'avance !
submitted by AverageRedditor101 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:18 cnovel Décathlon Location fait du refus de vente

Pour Noël, on a offert à ma mère une location de vélo électrique Décathlon, spécifiquement un Riverside 500 électrique taille S. Elle avait déjà essayé de louer l'année dernière, mais dans l'impossibilité de tester le vélo en magasin, elle avait baissé les bras. Du coup, on lui paye l'essai comme ça elle n'aura rien à regretter.
Comme je vis le plus près, charge à moi de faire la location. Début mai, je me rends sur le site https://location-sports.decathlon.f, je sélectionne le vélo, le magasin le plus proche, et je me connecte avec mon compte Décathlon existant. Premier problème : je me mange une popup qui me dit que le site ne peut pas donner une suite favorable à ma demande, et me demande de bien vérifier mon numéro de téléphone (qui est ok) et mon adresse email personnelle (qui est ok aussi, mais sous la forme Je contacte le service client, d'abord via email et puisque la réponse n'est pas concluante (réponse générique) par téléphone. Je la fais courte : comme j'utilise mon nom de domaine, le système de scoring flag l'adresse comme étant frauduleuse et bloque tout. Peu importe si le compte Décathlon existe depuis 5 ans et compte plusieurs commandes. Impossible de débloquer le système manuellement. Déjà ça m'énerve, je fais un premier signalement à la DGCCRF sur ce point pour refus de vente.
En parallèle, j'appelle le magasin qui reçoit les vélos de location. Là encore je vous épargne les détails mais il est impossible qu'ils commandent quoique ce soit par eux-mêmes. Tout passe par le site web, ils ne peuvent absolument rien faire.
Bref, je finis par faire un nouveau compte Décathlon en utilisant une vieille adresse GMail (moins de 20 mails envoyés en 5 ans). Deuxième problème : on ne peut pas avoir 2 comptes avec le même numéro de téléphone. Tant pis, j'utilise le numéro de ma femme. Désormais, le système de scoring d'email est content. Il vaut maintenant vérifier ma situation financière pour être sûr que je ne me surendette pas. Nouvelle popup avec choix de banques : aucune de mes 2 banques (CCF et Fortuneo) ne sont disponibles. CCF (ex HSBC) n'est pas la plus grosse banque de France mais c'est quand même 250 agences. Fortuneo ça doit être dans le top 2 des banques en ligne françaises. Nouvel appel au service client, email pour récapituler tous les soucis.
Le signalement DGCCRF réveille un Customer Risk Manager qui s'empresse de me dire que "C'est dans les CGV donc on est dans notre bon droit" sauf que a/ je respecte les CGV et b/ les CGV ne sont pas la loi. Je réponds, et depuis malgré mes appels au service client, c'est silence radio. Donc aujourd'hui, quasi un mois après le début de ma démarche, deuxième signalement DGCCRF.
Je pense que les signalements ne donneront rien, Décathlon Location est incapable de produire autre chose que des excuses. Mais au moins Reddit sera au courant.
TL;PL : Décathlon Location fait du refus de vente si vous utilisez un email sortant du commun ou si votre banque n'est pas supportée par leur système. Deux signalements DGCCRF faits, pour le moment aucune solution.
submitted by cnovel to france [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:12 ar_david_hh West urged Armenia not to withdraw from Russia's CSTO & EAEU blocs prematurely: ex-PM Aram Sargsyan \\ Demographics Strategy formed \\ Jihad vs. Cyclist \\ Peace talks & neighbors \\ Flood zone \\ Lemkin \\ Yerevan & Ukraine \\ and more stories

22 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates. (long headlines and magnificent thumbnails are back with popular demand)

transparency and anti-corruption reforms: NGOs' oversight over public procurement to become easier

Last week Pashinyan cabinet greenlighted an amendment to the public procurement process to allow journalists and NGOs to more easily observe the execution of the procurement process. Details in May 23 news.
FINANCE MINISTRY: The law was amended 2 years ago to grant this ability but not many NGOs and journalists have been using it because the process was cumbersome and required them to submit information, receive authorization, and contact the finance ministry. This reform will allow NGOs to submit paperwork and register with the ministry only once.
NGO INFORMED CITIZENS: This change allows us, without a warning, to go and observe the construction project in progress. If the construction is financed with public funds, with the exception of secret objects (e.g. army), it's possible for us to visit the site and even verify the width of the metal being used to ensure it meets the standards. In reality, this goes beyond improving transparency because it will serve as a preventative measure to discourage dishonest conduct by companies. //
FINANCE MINISTRY: We do not always have the capacity to properly oversee every construction project in its entirety, especially the large ones. Often the state's main role in these contracts is to be an intermediary between the construction company and the public. With this reform, we are allowing the public to join the supervision process. We expect this change to expose many problems and there is no culture of hiding the problems; the government regularly discusses them at the highest levels. //
NGO INFORMED CITIZENS: For example, students' parents can register an NGO and audit the quality of food served to their children in school.
REPORTER: Could this change discourage the participation of companies in public tenders?
NGO INFORMED CITIZENS: It won't discourage honest companies.
FINANCE MINISTRY: If a company is nervous about the increased public oversight, that means they have serious problems. This is a positive change for honest companies. Imagine you hire a construction worker to remodel your home and he doesn't want you to see what he is doing in your home. Would you trust that worker? The journalists and NGOs can get involved in an oversight process with up to 10 members each.

the share of sole-source contracts has decreased during public procurement processes: government

REPORTER: The procurement volumes and the competition are both on the rise. Last year the state agencies (without counting state companies) signed contracts worth ֏307B. That's +11B vs 2022 and +66B vs 2021.
OFFICIAL: Of that ֏307B, ֏123B was spent on healthcare services and other natural monopolies where there is only one option. If we deduct those, we signed contracts worth ֏184B.
֏11B were signed under the condition of absence of competition and ֏11B under emergency.
As of May 1, the share of sole-source purchases:
2023: 12%
2024: 6%
National Center of Public Policy Research: If we count the state companies as well, the volume of contracts reaches ֏439B. Most of the Infrastructure Ministry contracts were competitive. The same cannot be said about the Healthcare Ministry and Interior Ministry; a significant share of those were non-competitive.
BUSINESSMAN (medical field): I'd say up to 90% of the time it's highly competitive and there are tens of companies competing. But then the hospital next to it, which uses almost the same products, announces a similar tender and only 2 are bidding. This is because there are loopholes that allow them to legally write the characteristics of the product in a way to allow only a specific company to win the bid.
OFFICIAL: Of the 125,000 submissions, only 109 were challenged. That is a very low number. Moreover, as for the complaints that the product description is sometimes intentionally meant to prevent the participation of other companies, we know this to be true, and we plan to address this with the ongoing legal reforms and the introduction of a new electronic procurement platform. The new platform will have standardized characteristics and the complaint that sometimes the characteristics are discriminatory will be addressed by the requirement for submitters to use a sample characteristic. The system will be automated and it will become impossible to deviate from the standards.

Armenia's Public Services Regulatory Commission chief urges utility operators to trade at least part of their shares in local stock exchange

CHIEF: We held discussions with the Justice Ministry. The only issue in this case is related to Gazprom Armenia. It is necessary to understand whether this proposal would contradict the 2013 Armenian-Russian agreement on natural gas supplies, as it was ratified by both parliaments and is equal to a law by its status. //
The Armenian government has been subsidizing companies since 2023 for listing their shares on the local stock exchange to create an opportunity for them to raise financing from banks, shares and bonds.
PASHINYAN (February): We should apply favorable regimes for public companies that trade their shares on stock markets. The tax regimes will be less favorable for companies that do not go public. [The context was transparency and oversight in utility companies and telecom operators.]

northern floods have dealt damage to Armenia's mining industry

MINISTER: Most of the mining concentrates are exported via rail, and if the consequences of the natural disaster are not remedied quickly, the mining industry will have massive problems. This is why we spare no effort to restore traffic ASAP with the partners from the South Caucasus Railway. //
Teghut's copper-molybdenum mine and combine have suspended their operations because the pumping station is damaged by the flood and so is the road leading to the site. Efforts are underway to fix both problems, said the company.
source, source, source,

drone video shows construction crews using soil and rocks to link two sections of the M6 highway that were split in multiple locations during the floods

video, barricades,

compilation of cleanup and restoration activities in northern Armenia: VIDEO


disaster zone and Holy Struggle: Sunday's weekly review by H1's Petros Ghazaryan and Tigran Hakobyan

GHAZARYAN: I spent the last two days in the disaster zone. The situation is truly serious there, and we - in Yerevan - do not adequately see the seriousness of the damage. The first floors of the buildings in the Alaverdi region do not exist anymore. I don't see how they could become livable anymore, in addition to the seismic issue of entire buildings. [2.5 kilometers of] the railway has collapsed - one of the main forms of cargo transportation in Armenia. Almost all the bridges in the region have collapsed. Small businesses are hit hard.
HAKOBYAN: ... the orchards and household items.
GHAZARYAN: A 70-year-old man showed me water and said that's where his orchard once was; his retirement is gone. I think the damages are worth a few hundred million dollars. Parts of the M6 highway were simply washed away. From Dlijan to the border with Georgia in Bagratashen. When they say 1959 was the last time we experienced this, in reality, the water levels were high but there was no damage like this.
HAKOBYAN: Climate change is a contributing factor.
GHAZARYAN: We've seen floods in Russia lately but they aren't mountainous, their rivers gradually increase and engulf everything before gradually receding. In the case of mountainous rivers, they bring a massive flow at once and destroy everything before receding just as fast. What I liked in the disaster zone was the attitude of residents; they weren't disheartened, they were determined to rebuild. I visited many locations and in many of them, there was already a process of creating the inventory of lost items to receive compensation from the state. From refrigerators and TVs to pianos and furniture. The same about businesses.
But we have a parallel reality in Armenia - the Holy Struggle.
HAKOBYAN: We had a disastrous earthquake in 1988 during the early stages of the Karabakh [reunification] Movement. On the following day, the Karabakh Movement Committee declared the suspension of its activities against the government and urged its followers and everyone to support the restoration of the disaster zone. The same happened during the 4-day and 44-day wars when all political parties set aside their differences to address the most pressing issues.
This Holy Struggle is an exception. They don't speak about the disaster zone and haven't provided support. Bagrat Galstanyan mentioned once that he met Gagik Tsarukyan to ask him to support the disaster zone, but I think Tsarukyan would have done that even without having a tea party with Galstanyan.
I feel Spanish shame for the conduct of our journalists. When I worked as a young journalist in 1988, I spent a month in the disaster zone to cover the situation. Today, none of our so-called "patriotic media" has a presence in the disaster zone. We have TV channels where 100%, not even 99% but 100%, of the videos are propaganda coverage of the Holy Struggle.
Russians have an excellent saying that whatever you name your movement, that's what it turns into. The idea of holy struggle has historically been used by Christians and Muslims to fight against external enemies. I can't think of any other instances of a holy war being waged within Armenia against the segment of your own population that disagrees with you and your values. They similarly call this a National Liberation Movement, which again implies that a segment of the Armenian population is enemies because historically that term has been used against foreign adversaries. And what do you normally do to your enemy? You destroy them. The culmination of this rhetoric was the clash between Galstanyan and police in front of the foreign ministry building on Friday. This is headed to bloodshed and the state must do everything possible to prevent it.
GHAZARYAN: This movement is being aided 24/7 by media outlets created by Kocharyan and Serj. They don't go to the disaster zone or elsewhere, they are tasked with the holy mission of covering the holy struggle all day long.
HAKOBYAN: It's a PR campaign.
GHAZARYAN: Yes. They create beautiful montage clips of Galstanyan and his words, with music. They are serving Galstanyan as his media outlets. Are Kocharyan and Serj using their massive media apparatus, this pyramid of falsifications, for that purpose without an underlying reason?
Second. The Russian Sputnik media agency, whose official policy is to promote the interests of the Russian state, is engaged in a similar PR campaign for Galstanyan.
Russia's Channel One (ORT) does not sing without the approval of the Kremlin. They present a 20,000 rally as 100,000. Russian political experts describe this movement as their only hope and announce that if it fails, they will have no choice but to find a common language with Pashinyan and accept him. Some Russian figures complain about sending large sums to Armenian opposition forces who have failed to create a functioning movement.
The movement leaders don't talk a lot about foreign policy but they have announced a need to "restore" relations with Russia. What does "restoring" mean? It sounds benign but in order to restore the relations,
(1) Armenia must agree to allow Russian forces to stand on a Zangezur Corridor for Azerbaijan. That's what Russia demands.
(2) Armenia must kick out the EU border observers and replace them with Belarusian, Russian, or CIS observers. The same Belarus that congratulated Aliyev for capturing Karabakh with their joint efforts. Bring the Belarusian forces to Armenia.
(3) Cancel Armenia's weapons and army reform contracts with France.
(4) Do not diversify Armenia's economy. Do not implement the April 5 agreements and the massive aid from the US and EU.
(5) The institute of democratic elections is finally functioning in Armenia, so there is a need to "appoint" a governor of Armenian Gubernia to restore relations with Russia.
HAKOBYAN: Galstanyan doesn't understand anything about foreign policy and introduces a very dangerous thesis because of that. For example, he criticized the Armenian government for not responding to Aliyev's claims about Khojalu "genocide". In reality, the Armenian government has adopted the correct approach of denying the claims and dismissing and not aiding the false agenda pushed by the Aliyev regime. The case of Khojalu was closed but Galstanyan wants to revive it.
During the protests, Galstanyan also disclosed his skills for dealing with Armenia's centuries-old enemies. Aliyev, խելոք մնա behave. He thinks he can swing his finger at Azerbaijan and resolve Armenia's issues.
GHAZARYAN: He is tapping into the basic emotions of the Armenian population.
HAKOBYAN: But people need to understand that there can always be a government worse than a bad one. Everyone who has died since 1999 is a victim of a war that could have been avoided in 1997-98. The number of deaths must not increase because of the actions of one person. Galstanyan is prepared to sacrifice thousands of Armenians with his arrogancy.
GHAZARYAN: But there is a limit beyond which holding a rational discussion is impossible. When a person implies that the Lori-Tavush floods could have been casued by the government to disrupt the protests, it's impossible to hold a rational conversation, it's shameful.
HAKOBYAN: When they told him that several police officers were wounded during the Friday clashes, he suggested that the officers might have harmed themselves. The Friday incidnet was a watershed moment for me. This person is a danger to Armenia's statehood.
GHAZARYAN: He organized rallies without a result. He announced an impeachment against Pashinyan, which doesn't appear to have worked out since Ishkhan Zakaryan hasn't joined. He announced mass strikes and road closures across Armenia, but nothing worked out. Now, in order to prevent the protest from dying down, they have to cause provocations. He went in front of the foreign ministry and announced that he had received information that Turkey plans to send elite forces to Armenia to arrest him; he needed to discuss that with FM Mirzoyan. Unless you are totally blinded by your hatred towards Pahsinyan, you understand how absurd that is. //
Galstanyan described Petros Ghazaryan as a scoundrel "who has served every administration."

Children's Day was celebrated in Armenia on June 1, not without drama 🍿

On May 31, protest co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan announced plans to hold a protest rally in Gyumri. On June 1, a concert in Gyumri dedicated to children was rescheduled and held an hour sooner, presumably before Galstanyan's caravan of cars reached the concert area. Galstanyan, who claimed they were visiting the concert "just to enjoy it", criticized the deputy education minister for rescheduling it, calling him "illiterate" and threatening his fate: "Հալտ կերևա։"
The deputy minister said the concert was held an hour sooner because of "scorching sunlight" and that children were already suffering from the heat because of hourslong rehearsal and preparatory work, and that rain was predicated 30 minutes into the original concert schedule. The deputy minister criticized Galstanyan for "politicizing" the children's event and for allegedly not allowing the church-affiliated group to perform.
DEPUTY MINISTER: We offered 3 groups to perform at 1 pm instead of 2 pm and they agreed. We made the same offer to the Tavush group [affiliated with the Church] as well. They connected me with their producer, who categorically rejected it. I met the producer and asked again but received a rejection the second time; they said they were waiting for a delegation from Yerevan. Since The children from Tavush were scheduled to give a short performance at the beginning of the show, they were unfortunately excluded from the concert. //
Despite Galstanyan's announcement that they didn't intend to politicize or disrupt the Gyumri concert, the church-affiliated musical group was reportedly seen chanting Galstanyan's protest slogans after his arrival.
The protest organizers held their rally in Gyumri as planned. Co-organizer ARF MP Garnik Danielyan urged the followers "not to back down" and "to go until the end".
GARNIK: Նահանջի տեղ չունենք, բոլորով գնալու ենք մինչև վերջ, մեր Շարժումը նոր հաջողություններ է գրանցում: // video
Police officers were seen distributing ice cream to children on June 1. Children read the audio announcements in the Yerevan subway. Mayor Avinyan read stories for children in English Park. A concert was organized in Yerevan.
video, source, source, source, source, video, source, cops, Avinyan, source, source,

the final jihad is near, my friends

Bagrat Galstanyan will hold the next massive rally in Republic Square on June 9. The previous ones attracted 130,000 and 100,000 people, according to Galstanyan and Russian media outlets.
On Sunday evening, while listing the actions for Monday, Galstanyan said they would march towards the investigative committee building and demand answers about the detention of protesters, and if they don't receive the answers, Galstanyan said "we will be free to act."
The detained protesters were released without charges on Monday after being held for 72 hours after the Friday clashes with police in front of the foreign ministry building.
source, source, source,

Pashinyan administration will treat the Armenian Apostolic Church as a political party because of its politicization, says Pashinyan's Chief of Staff

HARUTYUNYAN: In 2018, PM Pashinyan offered to hold discussions between the Church and the Government to improve the Church's transparency in the areas of customs and contributions. Unfortunately, this dialogue did not take place because of the Church leadership. I won't rule out that it could become a topic of discussion again but today, when the Church leadership takes control of political processes, the ruling party and the government have to use political tools to engage with that organization [Church], and the response to Church is the same as to any other political group or political party engaged in a political process.

court verdict: Serj-era deputy police chief Levon Yeranosyan is found guilty and sentenced to 4 years for misusing flashbang grenades against Pashinyan-led protesters in 2018

Yeranosyan's use of Zarya grenades caused injuries among 60 protesters and police officers, including now Parliament President Alen Simonyan and ruling QP MP Armen Mkrtchyan.
Yeranosyan won't have to serve the prison term because he qualifies for Pashinyan's mass amnesty. This is because the judge sentenced him under charges that entail 4 years and not the 8 years that the prosecutors sought. Prosecutors will appeal to get a stricter verdict.
source, source, source, source,

Prime Minister held a meeting with Archbishop: VIDEO

Սպաասի, սպաասի․ Ըհն․ Հընն․

Pashinyan and his wife dined at a restaurant in Sevan: PHOTO


Pashinyan rode a bicycle on the streets over the weekened, greeting passersby and promoting the "eco-friendly method of transportation": VIDEO

The PM said he was surprised to see a traffic jam consisting of bicycles during his recent trip to Copenhagen. "It was inspiring and beautiful," he said while praising the popularity of cycling in other countries.

amateur cycling tournament was held in Yerevan on World Bicycle Day: VIDEO

Hundreds of cyclists, including public officials and diplomats, took part in the event organized by Yerevan Municipality and the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Armenia.
video, photo, source,

proposed bipartisan amendments to US National Defense Authorization Act seek closer US-Armenia security cooperation, end to US assistance to Azerbaijan, investigation of Azerbaijan's energy ties to Russia and Iran

1) Repeals waiver authority that allows the U.S. to send military assistance and other forms of aid to Azerbaijan while the Azeri government continues to target, abuse, and displace Armenians.
2) Calling on Azerbaijan to immediately return all Armenian Prisoners of War and captured civilians.
3) Directing the Defense Department to develop a strategy to strengthen U.S.-Armenia security cooperation and deter further Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia.
4) Commissioning a report on the energy partnership Azerbaijan has had with Russian and Iranian companies under international sanctions.
5) Prohibiting any new export licenses for offensive security equipment for Azerbaijan.
6) Requiring the Government Accountability Office to review and confirm Department of Defense and Department of State contingency plans for the repositioning of sensitive U.S. data and weapons systems that are in Turkey, including nuclear weapons and information related to the F-35 program.
These amendments will be considered by the Rules Committee as early as the week of June 10th.

ex-PM Aram Sargsyan says the West is cautious and urged Armenia not to rush with the exit from Russia-led organizations

REPORTER: Russia has been critical of the Tavush delimitation process. In the past, they claimed the maps were in Moscow and they were ready to provide advisory assistance to parties.
SARGSYAN: Russia maintains its influence around the world by keeping the conflicts active and selling weapons to parties. The West, on the other hand, wants peace and open borders so there can be trade and investments; the West benefits from investments and raises its influence by promoting democracy.
REPORTER: Yerevan is talking about CSTO's "treason" at the highest levels today, and how at least 2 of the CSTO members took part in the preparatory phase of the 2020 war [to help Azerbaijan]. Have you ever advised Pashinyan to withdraw from CSTO?
SARGSYAN: I have, starting in November 2020, after the end of the war. The CSTO has been a topic during every meeting. Pashinyan always presented various arguments, sometimes objective ones, on why not to exit it, but here is the thing: Armenia has partners [West] that provide help during difficult times. These partners' [West's] conduct regarding the withdrawal from CSTO and EAEU, in terms of timeframes... they see it necessary in the long-term plan. During certain phases, there were cautious approaches, to be cautious and not provoke Russia. The thing is, no matter how much they [West] say don't do it [don't provoke Russia by withdrawing too early], you must be the one to do it; I think it will be welcomed [by the West]. Those who have always helped you, to say "no" to them must have serious justification, so Armenia must consult with Western partners regarding regional developments and bilateral processes, which is what's being done today, and if there is a need to say "no" for certain things, it must be strongly substantiated. I think Armenia must say "no" [to the West's cautious approach] and leave the CSTO. I'm confident that the U.S. and Macron won't get upset from that; that will be our own decision. I believe the risks are greater if Armenia remains part of CSTO and EAEU.
full, source,

Armenian officials visited the Ukrainian city of Bucha where the Russian army committed a massacre of civilians and POWs in 2022

Armenia's Ambassador Vladimir Karapetyan and the leader of Yerevan's Nor Nork district Tigran Ter-Margaryan visited Bucha.
DISTRICT CHIEF: We are proud of the courage of the Ukrainian people defending their freedom and independence on the battlefield. //
According to the Ukrainian press, the head of Nor Nork District said they will always support Bucha and other communities affected by Russian aggression.
The Armenian delegation donated medication to local medical centers as an act of solidarity.
source, source,

Chambers of Commerce of Armenia and Ukraine discussed the strengthening of business ties


Yerevan Mayor Avinyan has invited Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko to visit the Armenian capital


Iran's Red Crescent sent several trucks with humanitarian aid to northern Armenia affected by floods


Australian lawmakers unanimously slam Azerbaijan, call for pro-Armenian measures

[source,](Australian lawmakers unanimously slam Azerbaijan, call for pro-Armenian measures)

what is the connection between the Lemkin Institute and ARF?

The Lemkin Institute recently made comments regarding the internal political processes in Armenia and observes have noticed similarities with ARF's language and agenda. The Lemkin Institute apparently did not see a need to respond to Pashinyan's April 24 statement, and only several weeks later, after the ARF-ed anti-Pashinyan protests began, the Institute released a statement accusing Pashinyan of "victim blaming" in his April 24 statement, a charge dismissed by the ruling party MPs as politically-motivated.
Armenian-American political analyst Nerses Kopalyan credited Lemkin Institute for the genocide-related work but accused it of political bias and being influenced by ARF to meddle in Armenia's internal affairs. The Lemkin Institute's director's husband is reportedly an ARF figure.
more in the video,

U.S. Envoy Louis Bono visited Azerbaijan to discuss the AM-AZ peace process and US-AZ relations

Bono said the recent delimitation processes inspire hope and that the US is ready to support the negotiation process.

Turkish officials call for Azerbaijan-Armenia peace treaty; Russia decries West's efforts to be a "mediator" and to increase its influence in Central Asia

MOD of TURKEY: Türkiye supports the genuine efforts of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the peace process. A comprehensive peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia is essential for achieving lasting peace and security in the South Caucasus. President Erdogan has highlighted the importance of seizing this historic opportunity for peace. I also welcome the recent statements by Prime Minister Pashinyan, who has shown the realistic approach needed for the future of Armenia and its people.
MOD of RUSSIA: Armenia and Azerbaijan are proposed to sign a peace treaty exclusively on Western platforms, and "mediator" services are imposed on them. NATO seeks to strengthen its positions in the Caucasus, to have access to the resources of the Caspian Sea, and direct access to Central Asia.
source, [redacted,]

Armenian authorities, EU, and NGOs teamed up to inform the public on how to avoid harming Lake Sevan: VIDEO

The education component for farmers, students, and residents of nearby communities is part of efforts to prevent the dumping of harmful materials into the lake.
The working groups traveled to various communities near the shores to meet the locals and investigate the reasons behind the pollution of River Gavaraget.
Additional nature protection materials will be introduced for 3rd, 8th, and 10th grade students in the province.

music composer for Armenian television shows was found dead in Lake Sevan

The father of composer Anahit Mnatsakanyan called the police to report that his 24 y/o daughter visited a Sevan resort the previous night and that they hadn't been able to get in touch with her the following day. Her mother said the trip was a gift from them on her 25th birthday which was coming up on June 15.
The Water Patrol, divers, and VOMA sent multiple teams equipped with high-tech to locate her. The lifeless body was discovered 70 meters from the shore. An autopsy is underway.
video, source, source, source, source,

first truck arrives from Shanghai to Yerevan as part of Crossroads of Peace route: VIDEO

The cargo was loaded into a truck in China's Shanghai, transferred into another truck in Kazakhstan, and driven through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran, undergoing all necessary customs procedures.
TRANSPORT COMPANY (Gold Way): There were some issues that we managed to resolve quickly, so it took the cargo around 20 days to travel from Shanghai to Yerevan.
DRIVER: My name is Kayrat. I'm from Kazakhstan. I drove the cargo from China to Armenia. This is my first trip to Armenia. The road was of course very long. There were good and bad roads. Armenian roads travel through very high hills. It took me 20 days to reach Armenia.
video, source, source,

Mayor Tigran Avinyan discussed sex trafficking during the Monday session

Yerevan Zoo's Bunka the elephant needs to have sex so the city has been discussing various options to organize his dating life.
On Monday a city official reported that animal rights activists have suggested flying Bunka to Cambodia for some action, or enlarging the enclosure and bringing a female to Yerevan. The city has settled for the second option.
The enlargement process began last year but not a single company submitted a bid. The second procurement attempt will launch next week and there appears to be an interested party. The city hopes to launch the construction this year.
Mayor Avinyan instructed city officials to keep the topic of Bunka the elephant at the center of attention.

other Yerevan news

• Air quality sensors will feed data to Yerevan's new GIS system, allowing residents to check the PM2.5 levels in various districts.
• 500 disability ramps will be built this year. The standards were updated to make them comfortable.
• 9 special elevators will be installed in public places for persons with disabilities. This includes underground passages.
• 1,700 cameras will be installed in kindergartens to detect and prevent abuse.
• The Municipality will soon discuss a possible ban on musicians who perform on the street in Republic Square, Northern Avenue, and Opera areas. Reasons: residents of condo buildings and businesses complain about disturbed peace and "damage to tourism".
source, source, video,

40,500 people became citizens of Armenia in 2022-2023


the Government and the ruling party discussed a strategy to improve demographic numbers

RULING MP: What is being done to improve the demographics, increase the population, reduce the boy-to-girl birth ratio, or maybe even invite and assimilate foreigners to address the gap with the help of immigration?
LABOR & SOCIAL MINISTER: We've been developing a demographics strategy for the last 2 years. It was disrupted twice: in 2022 because of the Ukraine war, and in 2023 because of the flow of forcibly displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh. We took a short break to analyze the new data and create various models.
The strategy was developed after comprehensive discussions. As an adviser, we chose the Wittgenstein Centre in Vienna, one of the best in the world. At least 2 of the 5 best international experts in this field participated in the process of developing this strategy. The Charles University of Prague ran the models.
During one of the discussions, 3 directions were presented for the improvement of demographics. The birth rates will continue to decline globally in developed and developing countries. These days the term "strategy of demography" is being replaced with "population strategy" because the issue isn't just with birth rate.
So there were 3 directions for growth:
(1) The states must use their potential to encourage people to decide to have more children. This can happen by balancing the population, and through various methods, decided by each country.
(2) Migration. This is inevitable in any country and it must be controlled. We need to understand what types of migrants we want and how to integrate them as Armenian citizens.
(3) The population is aging in rich and poor countries. Armenia must have programs for active aging so people can continue to create value as they age, to maintain their role in the economy. For example, we recently amended the labor code to remove a barrier for senior workers.
But we added another factor during those discussions:
(4) Early mortality. We added this to ensure our strategy is as comprehensive as possible.
We have meticulously discussed and prepared 170 different programs that will be adopted by August.
For example, since today's topic is migration, one of the issues is the language barrier. We've studied the European practice. If they expect to organize the reception of the migrant workforce from a specific country, they have a language institution in that country. This can be done with Cervantes Institution, Goethe Institut, etc. Future migrants study the language and culture of those countries. That program is also on the agenda.
Another topic is the gender disbalance at birth. The 2022 ratio was better than the 2023, in part because in 2021-2022 there was a widespread public awareness campaign. We should return to that practice.
The comprehensive Demographics Strategy will require one more session before it's submitted for approval. We recently discussed the financial component during a Government meeting, which will approve it by July.

1,100 families are building new houses in communities near the borders as part of a state subsidy program

The government's ֏16 million subsidy program is meant to discourage emigration from border villages. Families are able to upsize their living space and expand their families.
video, source,

Nikol Pashinyan chairs consultations on Academic City master plan

The German architects presented the changes implemented in the master plan based on the observations and recommendations of the previous discussion and noted that the final conceptual master plan will be presented in the near future.
video, source,

army's special forces units held exercises in the presence of army leadership, High-Tech Minister, and Defense Minister: VIDEO

The video shows the use of a domestic suicide drone to destroy a dummy tank. Several military industry companies presented their products that are already in use in the army.
Which forces took part? Special forces, artillery and mortar, anti-tank, aviation, air defense, drone and radio-electronic warfare. They played various scenarios for defense and counter-attack.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:35 No-Cell4299 comment déménager à toulouse

J’ai envie de me poser à toulouse car j’ai eu un coup de coeur pour cette ville, apres ma L2 j’ai eu une année sabatique où j’ai du retourner vivre chez mes parents… j’ai eu quelques problèmes perso en gros
probleme : comment je fais pour me réinstaller à toulouse ? y’a t-il des propriétaires qui accepteraient de louer un appartement tant qu’on a la possibilité de payer des mois de loyers en avance, même si on a pas de travail sur le moment présent? Je suis ouvert à absolument toutes les solutions
submitted by No-Cell4299 to toulouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:14 Big_Presentation8649 Avis sur l'achat d'un appartement vs location pour notre résidence principale

Avis sur l'achat d'un appartement vs location pour notre résidence principale
Après plusieurs mois de recherches, nous avons décidé d'acheter un appartement avec mon copain. Actuellement, nous vivons à Montreuil (près de Robespierre) et notre loyer pour 43 m² s'élève à environ 965 euros par mois. Personnellement, je pense que l'argent dépensé en loyer est du gâchis, mais mon copain a la même opinion concernant le crédit immobilier (ainsi que tous les impôts, les frais de notaire, les frais de dossier à la banque, les rénovations à effectuer, etc.).
J'aimerais bien avoir votre avis sur le sujet "acheter vs louer". Tous les frais liés à l'achat me font douter de ce projet, sachant que nous venons de signer une promesse de vente pour un appartement à Vincennes. L'appartement fait 50 m², il se trouve à 3 minutes de la Mairie et à 10 minutes du RER A / ligne 1
Honnêtement, je pense que nous avons fait un bon choix, mais comme c'est notre premier achat, nous nous posons des questions sur TOUT. Nous avons réussi à négocier l'appartement à 380 000 €, soit 7 600 € par m², ce qui est assez raisonnable pour Vincennes. Nous avons prévu quelques rénovations, notamment pour la salle d'eau qui mesure seulement 1,87 m² (ce qui m'inquiète un peu). Le DPE est classé F (1 étage), donc nous avons prévu des travaux d'isolation. Le devis total pour les travaux s'élève à environ 30 000 € pour la rénovation, le rafraîchissement, l'isolation et l'abattage du mur porteur entre le séjour et la cuisine (les frais supplémentaires pour l'étude sont également prévus).
Avec notre budget, nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas acheter à Vincennes sans effectuer ces travaux. Nous avons aujourd'hui un apport de 100 000 € et nous gagnons tous les deux assez bien (2 800 € + 3 300 € nets imposables). D'ailleurs, je ne pense pas que nous soyons éligibles pour les aides comme le PTZ ni le prêt patronal, etc.
Merci pour votre retour :)

submitted by Big_Presentation8649 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:41 Oversliders Les expats qui sont rentré en France après des années à l’étranger, comment ça c’est passé?

Je suis français (37h) expat vivant en Floride depuis 2006. Depuis un ans ou deux je me tâte à revenir m’installer en France avec ma femme et ma fille (americaine). Ceux qui l’ont fait, quel a été votre expérience. Est-ce qu’il y’a des anecdotes à partager pour me préparer?
submitted by Oversliders to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 14:37 ottawaagent The Ottawa Real Estate Market: Week In Review

Good morning and happy Monday. If you're new here, my name is Nick and I've been an active real estate broker in Ottawa for nearly a decade. I have experience in re-sale/pre-construction sales, international relocations, leasing, syndications and everything in between. I am also a past member of the Professional Standards & Ethics Committee for the Ottawa Real Estate Board. This is where I share weekly real estate statistics and local RE news. If you have any questions outside of the information shared here, please message me directly. The average information is still being tracked but will only be under the archived weekly updates for the sake of brevity.
Your resources
Below you'll find stats for both freehold, condominium and rental properties over the past several days in Ottawa. I have access to this information through MLS as a real estate broker. The average/median list price is for the sold/rented properties and all of these numbers reflect stats within Ottawa proper and do not cover areas such as Perth, Arnprior, Smith Falls, Brockville etc.
What defines an active listing: Properties that have been uploaded to MLS within the last several days or were conditionally sold and are now back on market (these properties are available for purchase).
What defines a conditional sale? Properties that have accepted a conditional offer within the last several days. At this stage, the property will either move to sold or back to active at the end of the conditional period. The conditionally accepted sold price is not yet known.
What defines a sold property? Properties that either accepted an unconditional offer or a conditional sale completed their conditional period in the last several days. The sold price is now a matter of public record.
What is DOM (Days On Market)? This is how long a property has been on the market at its current price.
What is CDOM (Cumulative Days On Market)? This is the total amount of time a property has been on the market and includes listing suspensions and cancelations provided that either does not exceed 45 days.
If you don't want to miss my updates, please follow my account. Have a wonderful week and remember I'm always available to answer any and all questions you may have privately.
submitted by ottawaagent to ottawa [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:46 Overall-Shoulder-175 Buying a flat in Barcelona (or Sitges or vilanova i getru) what to know?

Hi, i am thinking of buying a flat in barcelona or close to barcelona. When you own a flat in this area, what are the common fees?
-Do you have a council tax (like a municipality tax), what is an average amount per year?
-Maintenance fee (condo / housing fee), what is an average amount per year?
-Any other fees (outside electricity, gas, water) ?
Hola, estoy pensando en comprar un piso en barcelona o cerca de barcelona. cuáles son las tarifas comunes? -¿Tiene un impuesto municipal, cuál es el monto promedio por año? -tarifa de condominio/vivienda, ¿cuál es un monto promedio por año? -¿Alguna otra tarifa (q no sea de electricidad, gas, agua)? Gracias 
Thank you
submitted by Overall-Shoulder-175 to AskBarcelona [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:59 MarianaTrenchBlue Trip report from a solo traveler

I just got back from 10 days in Tulum as a solo woman traveler and wanted to share my experiences.
Accomodations: I booked a condo thru Airbnb and stayed halfway between town and the beach. I wanted something quieter than town and didn't want the resort vibe and expense of the beach zone. Loved the peace and quiet and pool onsite. The location wasn't convenient but worked out. I'm so glad I stayed away from the beach hotel zone: it was touristy, insanely expensive and didn't seem fun IMO. Next time I might choose town.
Transportation: I normally avoid driving on vacation and didn't want to rent a car. I had foolishly thought I could bike/walk/taxi around. I was a fool. You NEED a car or scooter. You really do. The taxis, as often explained on this sub, are unusably expensive. Biking might work because it's flat but it was 95 degrees. The scooter was ideal and let me go anywhere I wanted to - beach, ruins, cenotes, town, even Coba. I rented through Palms and Wheels and they delivered to my hotel within an hour. Super nice affordable experience with them!
Restaurants: I ate once at the beach zone. It was the most expensive and most ordinary of the meals there. The rest of the time, I ate in local cafes, taquerias, and the like. Affordable, delicious, nice people, more authentic food and cheap by US prices. Never got sick and never had a bad meal. A favorite was Dona Tina where a friend and I had margaritas, Conchita pibil, pollo en adobo, dessert for less than 30 USD. Eat where the locals eat! You'll get more amazing meals at better prices, you'll just have less air conditioning.
Cenotes: I can't say enough how much these blew me away. I didn't know what to expect but fell in love with hanging out there. Went to Escondido and Cristal twice. Went to another cave one (Aktil Bej) and swam in the cave!! Blown away. All of them felt safe and clean. Great place to just hang out and chat with fellow travelers and cool off.
Ruins: the Tulum ruins were cool but definitely more pressure from the parking lot to the tour guides. You don't need a guide IMO - the signage was great and in English. Don't buy your wristbands or a 'package' from anyone: Go the official admission booth to make sure you don't get scammed. Note that they do not let you in with plastic bottles!! I didn't see this info anywhere else: you must bring in a reusable bottle or nothing. The ruins were very cool with amazing views. But I thought Coba was cooler to be honest (see below).
Ruins beach: All the beaches by the ruins were closed due to turtle season (cute!). I walked out the far exit of the ruins down to Playa Santa Fe and got a snorkeling trip from a beach vendor there for $20 USD. Note that lots of vendors in the Ruins parking lot were selling admission plus snorkeling for $80 - don't fall for this. Snorkeling was $20 for the boat ride and equipment for an hour. Stellar, amazing experience with stingrays, coral reef, and turtles. Really nice guide and amazing time.
Coba: I scootered up to Coba and it was a long hot drive (I think about a hour and a half?) first thing in the morning. The ruins there were much better preserved and more extensive than Tulum but little to no interpretive signage; I'd probably get a guide next time, but then again, I also like wandering around at my own speed. Foresty and peaceful and uncrowded. I highly recommend getting a bike from the stand inside the grounds:it was $5? And made the trails between sites much more fun in the heat. I ate at a weird tourist gift shop + restaurant on the way back that had a buffet of good unfancy food for 100 pesos.
Sian Kaan: I went there via beach hotel zone then south along the coast on a scooter. No specific agenda or planning. It was outstanding. I stopped at a beach and swam - literally not another human in sight. Saw many cool coatis and birds. Stopped further along at a lagoon and swam again - probably shouldn't have since I heard later they have alligators? Oops. Stopped at Emily's Restaurant for a break on the way back and the family there was so nice - best shrimp tostadas and Coronas of my life, siesta in a hammock, beach time for about $25. Wish I had planned a bit more and had more time in that area - it's a natural stunning paradise that is a welcome contrast the hotel beaches.
Beaches: I didn't do the hotel scenes. I'm cheap and they seemed like... A lot. I went to several public beaches and had a great time. Met some locals, shared some beers, waded and swam. The seaweed didn't bother me at all, but then I'm from the Northwest so maybe I'm used to tolerating seaweed. It wasn't a big deal imo.
Shopping: gotta be honest, I'm not a shopper. The shops seemed ok but touristy and pricey. Skipped most of that scene. Most of the stuff that seemed unique (macrame or pottery?) seemed too unwieldy to get back home: I'm always surprised that vendors don't figure out an angle to make packable, unique items, but maybe that's just me.
Nightlife: I'm also not a nightlife person so I can't speak to which bars are good. As a solo female traveler, I'm nervous about going out drinking alone especially since I was on a scooter and needed to drive back out of town each night. When I did drink, I stuck with can/bottled beers in restaurants.
People: I'm a bit surprised to see a lot of reviewers mentioning that people weren't friendly. That wasn't my experience - everyone was really kind and friendly and patient with me. I don't speak Spanish so stumbled my way through questions and directions and small convos with a translator app and a smile. Everyone seemed nice about it.
Medical: I injured my ear while snorkeling - dove a bit too deep and popped something. I ended up going to urgent care because I was worried about getting on a flight with ear problems. The doctor was incredibly helpful and nice, spoke fluent English, and gave me ear drops to make it back.
I would go back to Tulum anytime. I loved it - 10/10. Nice people, great food, lots of places to explore and things to do. Next time, I'd get a car from day one to go farther afield. And probably plan more adventures in Sian Kaan, like kayaking or snorkeling.
submitted by MarianaTrenchBlue to tulum [link] [comments]