Suntrust online mortgage payment

About Scholarship

2024.04.29 06:06 Network-Glass About Scholarship

Hello, I passed USTET in AB POLSCI POLSCI has been my dream course to take on college.
The problem is I don't have any money to pay the tuition unless I ask some help from my relatives. My dad has a 768k yearly salary but I haven't gotten any money from my dad because my mom handles the money. They're basically making me independent and wants me to pay for my own tuition fee. I've only gotten through senior highschool because of the voucher. I have been paying my own school fees with the help of my tita. I have stopped working also as I need to focus on my studies especially research. I'm asking if I how can I get scholarship at UST because I really want to be in POLSCI. I'm also going to pay the reservation fee with my own money from my savings from work.
My gen ave for my gr.12 1st sem is 98 and I've been keeping my grades up. I'm wondering what do I need to do and pass to the school to get scholarship?
submitted by Network-Glass to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:05 Dull_Reaction_7127 Charitable Remainder Trust - Big Capital Gains Hit - Low Income Couple

Want to be able to live off the sale of my Commercial building in Oregon for sale at 2 mil. Very low cost basis. I have done a ton of research on CRT, flip NIMCRUT, etc. The tax savings are real, but the tradeoff is extra anxiety in getting it set up and administering it.
I read one post regarding future discounted cash flows that I did not fully understand but seemed to indicate that CRTs are really not beneficial in the long term. Any input is appreciated.
About us: Me 65, wife 45. We were getting income from lease of commercial building which is now empty and for sale. Current Income is from renting part of our main house, a vacation rental, and one Social Security. We are not breaking even at the moment. Neither one of us have a job right now, I have been remodeling and investing. Have about $120k in a mix of taxable and non taxable accounts.
Primary residence 500k equity . Second home 500k equity
Both homes have some rental income. One house has a duplex element, the other house a vacation rental element for income. This covers both mortgage payments but not much more.
Only one SS income stream - about 11k
While waiting for it to sell we have one business opportunity that should bring in about 30k over the next 6 months. I have other skills that I can earn income at, but am out of practice.
No debt, no kids, live pretty modestly (2 vehicles, newest is 2010)
Also supporting mom a bit together with siblings. - only about $300 a month.
In dealing with the 35-38% tax hit on the building and have 3 options:
I’m leaning towards the third option for the following reasons:
• I can take a lifetime + 5 years at 11% payout keeping myself below a 30% bracket. This would front load the payout and the charity might get very little unless I die sooner and/or my investments are stellar. I could save some of this payout (after tax) and re-invest it growing my personal nest egg for if/when the trust payouts grow leaner.
• Tax free growth of principal in the trust that I would manage.
•Tax deduction that I most likely would not fully utilize
• Donation to charity is nice.
Negatives: (most of these are fear of the unknown, irrevocable nature of the beast, what am I getting myself into?)
• UPfront cost is daunting and creates anxiety with my current low-income mode. I have contacted attorney that quoted me around 6k to set up.
• A lot of charities will help with set up and admin, but they restrict the payout percentage and other terms.
• Ongoing administration is a worry. So far I have only found the most expensive accountants willing to do the return.
Clearly most people that utilize CRTs are wealthier than us. Am I crazy to even consider it?
submitted by Dull_Reaction_7127 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:02 lonelyshepherd8 Should I payoff my Auto loan or build back my Emergency Fund 🚨 first?

Hi everyone!
I was wondering what should be my priority, to pay off my car loan which is $22k ($455 monthly payments) or build back my Emergency Fund which I used half.
Here is my situation:
I was a jobless for 4 month and I’ve used half of my emergency fund, also I do have an Savings Account which generates me $455 monthly, but that money I’m planning to use for my mortgage closing and downpayment this year once I find a reasonable apartment.
Thank you! 🙏🏻
submitted by lonelyshepherd8 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:54 crazygrl6 Unpaid parking tickets sent to collections after I tried to dispute them, what now?

A few months ago I received two $100 parking tickets, from the same lot within one weekend. The issue is, I did not do anything wrong. The machine was broken and would not print a receipt, so although I paid, I had no receipt, and there was no online payment option. I left a note on my dash that stated: the machine wouldn’t print a receipt but i paid x amount for x time until x time. I did not park longer than the time I paid for. When I came out to my car in the morning there was a ticket on my dash, the reason was “no parking receipt, clear dash.” The same thing happened the next day.
Right away I tried to call the company to dispute the tickets but there was no answer and I couldn’t find how to dispute them online. Admittedly, I forgot about the tickets for a few weeks until I got a letter in the mail threatening to send my unpaid tickets to a collection agency. So, I immediately figured out how to dispute the tickets. One of them I disputed online because I had a lot of photo evidence (the charge on my bank account, pictures of the note i left, and the error message on the pay machine). The other ticket would need to be disputed over the phone, according to the website (I did not have proof of payment). I tried to call but never reached who I needed, but I did leave a voicemail. I was advised to not reach out again, or else my dispute would be “put at the end of the line.” I never heard back from the company and just received a letter from a debt collection agency about the tickets.
So, what do I do now? The letter says I can dispute the charge, but would my situation qualify? Is there any way I can avoid this impacting my credit score? Should I just pay? I’m sure I could have done more earlier but this is where I’m at now. I’m only 19 so this is all very foreign to me. I am a college student and really can’t pay $200, especially when I did not deserve the parking tickets in the first place.
submitted by crazygrl6 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:44 Xemnas81 Therapist had advised me (31M) to stop reading women's safe spaces so often for a bit, not sure how to process this

Hi all,
Can't remember the last time I posted here. I have had a lot of therapists for different things over the years, but there's always been a lot of shame about my MRA and incel adjacent past. It's still there a little bit despite having been in a long distance relationship for over 2 years now.
I am not sure exactly what feelings trigger it (well, quite often it's Facebook posts and acquaintances) but sometimes I will get a sporadic urge to Google stuff like "are women smarter than men", "do men have too much confidence", "am I treating my women like a therapist", "will women feel better and safer if I think of myself as a weak loser" etc. The algorithm has also fed me a lot of feminist and women's adjacent support groups, stuff from TwitteX, generally viral content. Lastly, my best friend has recently come out as a non-binary person and I came out as bicurious to my dad, which was has been quite a big change and meant that we have been talking a lot about gender, sexism, feminism and stuff. It's been good for our friendship, actually--but also has been very strange, since they lived abroad until 2019, and they only really started to think at length about politics a little before then. So I'd been down playing my engagement in MRA spaces for years, and the few times that my 'redpill rage' had come out had been, let's just say awkward and unpleasant for everyone.
I have always felt a weird mix of a feeling of pain or discomfort reading "ugh men" vents (such that it sets off my anxiety) and an inability to walk away from it unphased. Historically I used to argue with the positions (i.e. I was a debate bro), and eventually as with many guys in my situation, I ended up in the MRA and antifeminist spaces including TRP.
The support I got from men's spaces was, in fairness, mixed, not straightforwardly terrible. There are people who are antifeminist and support feminine men (in fact they are mainly against feminism for, in their mind, not being fully supportive of men's liberation) and there are people (mainly conservatives and traditionalists) who basically hate feminine men or men breaking gender roles *even more* than they hate feminists or women breaking them. In fact, to my surprise misogyny and embrace of queer and GNC men does not always have a strict correlation; some of my friends from this period were gay misogynists who did a self-consciously homoerotic MGTOW praxis. Despite this I was never quite comfortable, especially around the tradcons, and I felt like my egalitarian tendencies were policed so as to fit the political image of a good non-feminist.
At some point a few years ago I turned against the MRM and especially redpill. In my mind this is a famous turn, I know that sounds like Main Character Syndrome and it kind of is, but it feels fairly integral to my personal growth. It was near the end of this period that I started getting close to my now-partner, too. Generally 2020-2022 were painful but strangely remembered as a mostly *good* period of my life, and especially for my social media friendship network. (Yes, the lockdown, I know, it was strange)
The last year or so has felt slightly more stagnant. I've felt a bit better in the last month, but from, like, September-March or something I felt pretty low and frustrated that I wasn't making progress while people were growing and moving on without me.
A lot of people who I was sufficiently close to to not cut off question whether this turn (basically becoming self-conscious about my history and the dormant misogyny) was entirely healthy, as it seemed like at first I was downplaying my grievances with feminism in order to fit in with progressives as part of political organising. Later on it seemed as if my efforts to fit in had resulted in me internalising guilt *for* being a man, which was harmful since fitting in in such spaces failed. (I made more friends outside of activist communities than in)
I couldn't understand how critiques could be made without internalising it? Like, in my mind, if men were causing most of society's problems in virtue of our socialisation, then it would be on me to be less outspoken, more self-doubting, more agreeable and so on. I found myself becoming more of a female/femme supremacist, in fact. This was crazy to people who had known me as MGTOW, etc.
I realised that this interpretation of the vents might be a problem when I had boundary issues with a friend (close and online). He confessed to having a crush on me and asked me out, and it took around 2 months. During this time, he was sending me gay porn or romantic yaoi against my will, saying 'Us' and basically shipping us with the characters. I was advised that I had actually been sexually harassed and was absolutely entitled to be so blunt with him. Instead I felt partially a sense of affinity and pity for his loneliness (as he is lonely), and in part a guilt because he's in the closet irl. It felt like I had a duty as an LGBT ally to give him a space to express himself. We are still friends but the boundary issues are still there and it does frustrate me. Neither of us handled low contact very well.
As to my 'debate bro' tendencies--I shifted away from gender stuff and started studying philosophy for myself. However, this comes with more self-doubt spirals, which I seem prone to. Firstly, I've just lost the same confidence to discuss stuff as I had with men's and gender issues, since I'm painfully aware I'm a noob/student and have soooo much to learn. There aren't a lot of women I encounter into the topic (at least as amateurs--I have met and befriended or sought counsel from some wonderful retired professors) and I am not sure why. I could understand it in academia due to the discrimination, but why not online? Regardless, It's as if more people were interested in giving their take on relationship scenarios and general life stuff than this.
Secondly, I have a strangely *gendered* imposter syndrome. When I am offline I'm more grounded but when I've been reading and talking to myself for a while I start engaging in what I suppose is magical thinking, that the reason they (women) don't engage is because they are ahead of me, they already know it all and now it's boring to them. There is this persistent idea that women in general think I'm an idiotic manchild and I have to figure out how to change that because I feel chronically behind in everything I do. I extrapolate this from how smart and successful a lot of my fb girl friends are.
Sometimes it feels like not everyone has liked the personality changes I've gone through. After around half a year of being somebody I'd be casually DMing about stuff on the reg, one of my friends (again a femme-presenting/socialised non-binary person, they/she) suddenly U-turned. They decided they didn't want to hear my vents anymore and that I needed therapy for OCD and relationship problems (as I had vented to this friend about frustrations with my girlfriend and metamour, this being a poly LDR.) They did not cut me off entirely but they did stop engaging with a lot of my posts then (often ruminating.) This was difficult for me since this friend, she was one of the reasons I got out of the incel headspace in the first place, and I admit I had a crush on her for a while. It particularly hurt that she said that if I persist then she will expect payment as if a therapist, since to my mind this was basically somebody taking away my Normal Guy card and putting me back in incel state. In fairness, they seem to have decided to leave Facebook. But I still have some feeling of abandonment which keeps coming up in therapy. I hadn't really perceived that there had been underlying tensions about sharing stuff, and had thought our conversations were quite balanced and covered a lot of things. Naturally this led me to obsess and ruminate over emotional labour, which were only made worse when I came to this friend for support after being physically assaulted on my way home (they set the boundary before I actually got to share the story.) Fortunately my partner doesn't (as far as I know) feel like I expect too much or at least feels that I reciprocate.
The friend *did* recommend and refer me to an online OCD support group, and I have tried to engage with the recommended support group. It has been useful to some extent, particularly to encourage me to reconsider compulsive reassurance seeking--but it didn't really fully help with my feelings of e.g. assertiveness. I have felt that talk therapy would benefit me even if I would still need to work on reducing my *public* venting
My therapist (who is not primarily an OCD specialist). Her advice so far has been
i) That given what I had shared about my childhood experiences at home and in school, my thought patterns sound more like trauma than misogyny (I feel guilt whenever I feel or express anger at my mom though)
ii) That being disabled and neurodivergent, I technically have my own intersection which should be taken into account when hearing vents about men, patriarchy, male privilege etc.
iii) That social media generally, owing to the negative comparison behaviour, and *particularly* compulsively reading safe spaces, owing to the above points, might not be doing well for my mental health (at least not right now)
iv) That if anything we need to focus on my being MORE selfish and focussed on my own feelings, because I often either rationalise or start justifying how others treat me based upon their own issues and life context, which derails the session by giving e.g. my mum's, friends' life story, placing our conversations in social context of systemic power structures and so on.
I am really not sure how to handle that information, especially the stuff about trauma--i.e. that I might *not* be a closet misogynist even if I feel like it when I have the 'not all men' defensive reaction. I feel like a troll even sharing this. How do I know that the stuff which is exhausting me isn't just basic caregiving stuff women have been expected to do forever? etc.
What I do know is that my rumination is (as the friend who's withdrawn). The most noticeable symptom is just that it fuels social media addiction, which of course means that I either don't get to do my own hobbies (or studies) or that I socialise less. Which is obviously a problem considering you have to be proactive when dating in poly, and I want to build my social skills anyway. The second is that it's made me hypervigilant to doing 'selfish' things. I have not stopped exercising entirely, but I have been unable to keep up with the gym/strength training as it's time consuming to get to the gym. My girlfriend is aware of my people pleasing tendencies, but I still feel like I'm being a bad partner when I'm unavailable for dates because I'm outside. But I also feel ashamed that I'm inconsistent with training; I am not out of shape by general health standards, but I am by instagram fitness culture. This sets off yet another rumination, since I've followed a lot of athletes and influencers, that the fact I don't look like them but instead waste my time on social media debate *is* because I'm stupid, and that my insecurity about this is its own kind of misogyny, etc.
Thanks to everyone who read all of that. Not sure how to tl;dr but the essence is I';m not sure what to make of my therapist's advice, really. It seems to contradict the zeitgeist, and discussing it anywhere except *in* therapy seems to enable sexist trolls and just generally be a shitty thing to do. But...I can't afford this forever, heh

submitted by Xemnas81 to IncelExit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:38 engineerdoinglife Renting vs buying at current rates.

I see so much great advice in this page and I’m hoping you all can tell me if I’m thinking about this the wrong way, or maybe present another option we haven’t considered. I have recently been promoted (yay!) and while I am benefiting from increased salary, my commute has increased as a result. We are looking at moving to decrease my commute, and also to get into more family friendly area as we have a 2yo and another on the way.
My husband and I bought our current house in 2020: $340k at a 2.8% rate with $0 down. This was a VA loan as my husband is a veteran. It’s a single family home and we love the house, dislike the area. Current payment is $2450/month which includes mortgage, property tax, all insurances. We have put in about $15k and home values in the area have increased. A realtor has estimated we could put it on the market for $415k which would net us about $60k in profit to put towards a downpayment on our next home. We could also rent the home out for $3000/monthly.
Houses where we are looking to move are a bit more expensive. (As happens in a nicer area.) We are likely priced out of the single family homes we like and looking at downsizing to a townhouse in the $400k-$500k range. Even if we put the $60k down, our monthly payment at 6.8% is looking like $3500. Or we could rent for $3000 monthly.
My proposal: Rent current house for $3000/months and lease a townhome also for $3000 per month. We can continue to pay our current mortgage to build equity but net $550 per month. This would be put in a HYSA for landlord item like repairs or in the event of a vacancy.
My husbands proposal: sell current house, buy townhome. Most of my raise goes towards the mortgage increase, but we still net positive. He doesn’t like the inherent risks with being a landlord but also wants to continue building equity.
Other option: Suck up my shitty commute for now and hope rates come back down. This seems like wishful thinking but idk.
I’m sure that there is other important items I’m not considering so I will do my best to provide any additional information needed!
ETA: we are expecting this to be a 2-3 year home. In 2026 we have some investments maturing and I will be fully vested in my 401k for current job. At that time we will likely have a windfall for a downpayment and may decide to move locally or interstate depending on how we feel at that time, and if I want to continue at my current job.
submitted by engineerdoinglife to FIREyFemmes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:35 ArmadilloLonely4210 30% OFF

Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now! Are you ready to revolutionize your shopping experience? Say hello to Temu, the online shopping platform that's taking convenience and affordability to the next level. Much like we offer incredible deals for your needs, Temu brings a similar excitement to the world of e-commerce with exclusive offers and discounts.
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submitted by ArmadilloLonely4210 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:34 seikajaxx Pls help my broken brain understand: Jump Navient FFEL graduate-loan ship for direct?

Seeking extra brains and kind help. I have an acquired brain injury, and my former self could handle this stuff, but this new self... not so much. (Searched sub & TISLA. I can't retain nor process info, so I'm struggling to compare options, despite best efforts.)
Thinking we should consolidate my spouse's Navient-held FFEL graduate loan(s?) to direct before deadline. Loan details: - per gov Student Aid site, it's one unsubsidized loan, $21,900 @ 2.88% (which is pretty low, plus we get additional 0.25% rate discount for autopay with Navient) - Navient lists it as 2 consolidation loans (huh?) - Repayment plan: Level, ending 8/1/2032 (I think it's a 30-year term. OUCH.) - Went into forbearance a few times; also period of paying lower monthly min due to lower income - Loan Simulator suggested best plan is SAVE, with monthly payment of $503 (making total paid $23,185)
Things we are considering as factors:
  1. We hate Navient with the fire of a thousand suns.
  2. We could maybe qualify for some forgiveness of some sort later with direct (don't know how)
  3. Spouse's school was under investigation by Dept of Ed and ultimately lost accreditation in super messy scandal, much of which involved mishandling of student loans and loan records. I'm not sure of exact time-overlap, but he graduated 2005(?) and investigation begin in early 2007--or likely sooner.
  4. What is happening with this Mohela takeover of servicing of the Navient loans? Sounds like we are still paying Navient, but just managed by Mohela? I still want to cut and run. Any benefit to waiting for this transition?
  5. Spouse has worked 3 PSLF employers but we estimate it's maybe only 5 years total. Open to it again later, but currently at for-profit company.
  6. I did an online loan paydown calculator to compare SAVE plan vs paying same monthly $ at Navient and it was basically a wash. (Unless I'm doing it wrong...) Sooooo...
Is there any reason to NOT jump ship from this FFEL Navient loan?
(If you got this far and wonder why my spouse isn't helping me grasp this, asking a sea-sponge would be better than asking him for help understanding this.)

submitted by seikajaxx to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:34 ArmadilloLonely4210 30% OFF

Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now! Are you ready to revolutionize your shopping experience? Say hello to Temu, the online shopping platform that's taking convenience and affordability to the next level. Much like we offer incredible deals for your needs, Temu brings a similar excitement to the world of e-commerce with exclusive offers and discounts.
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2024.04.29 05:33 ArmadilloLonely4210 30% OFF !!!

Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now! Are you ready to revolutionize your shopping experience? Say hello to Temu, the online shopping platform that's taking convenience and affordability to the next level. Much like we offer incredible deals for your needs, Temu brings a similar excitement to the world of e-commerce with exclusive offers and discounts.
Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “acr210113 ” for up to 30% OFF!
About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. Lightning Deals Temu’s Lightning Deals are limited-time flash discounts with significant discounts on select items. New offers are added daily and featured directly on the homepage. There will be discounts in several categories, including home goods, sports gear, jewelry, and gifts.
On top of these flash promotions, the Temu lightning deals can help you find 50-90% off items. Promotional banners with links to individual discount pages will be displayed throughout the site.
More Quick Temu Savings Tips Sign up in the app for bonuses, coupons, and offers. Subscribe to Temu's email newsletter for bonus coupons and deals: 1.Visit the site each day to "spin the wheel" for bonus Temu coupons 2.Get free shipping on many items across the site 3.In the app, click "earn credits and gifts" to save 4.Refer a friend via the app to earn gifts 5.New customers get a free Temu coupon bundle worth $100 via the app 6.Enable push notifications on your phone to receive instant access to new discounts and coupons via the app How to Use a Temu Coupon Code 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save!
Temu FAQs How do I get a discount on my first Temu order? Sign up on the Temu site and check the promos within your account, and you will be eligible for a new customer offer. You can take advantage of a signup bundle with $100+ worth of coupons. When are the huge discounts on Temu? Check out Temu on significant shopping holidays such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Halloween, etc. They frequently do special offers around these times and may also offer extra Temu coupon codes to save on your order. Can I buy now and pay later at Temu? Yes, customers can take advantage of several financing methods at Temu. Afterpay or Klarna will spread your total over four installments, while Affirm can provide low monthly payments. Each service has its terms and will not apply fees if you pay on time.
Team up with us, watch the prices go down, and discover why smart shoppers are making Temu their go-to destination for everything they love and need. Your adventure in saving starts now – are you ready to shop smarter, not harder? Join Temu and turn every click into a celebration of savings! Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “acr210113 ”for up to 30% OFF!
submitted by ArmadilloLonely4210 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:31 yaemikitsune LTO Driver's License online duplication

Hello! may nakatry na ba mag duplicate ng driver's license thru LTO's online portal? yung transaction ko kasi always says that the transaction type is not supported by the branch.
Is this a payment method issue? Namomoblema rin akong pumunta ng physical branch since nawala ko rin License ko eh
submitted by yaemikitsune to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:30 digimarketeronline What are things to keep in mind while launching online store?

Launching an online store is an exciting endeavor, but it requires careful planning and execution to ensure success. Here are some important things to keep in mind while launching your online store:
Define Your Niche and Target Audience:
Choose the Right E-Commerce Platform:
Design a User-Friendly Website:
Optimize Your Product Listings for SEO:
Set Up Secure Payment Processing:
Implement Robust Security Measures:
Develop a Marketing Plan:
Provide Excellent Customer Service:
Monitor and Analyze Performance:
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2024.04.29 05:29 SmolAnimol3 I can't figure out how much "rent" to charge my partner

I need a few perspectives on this.
I just bought a house, and my partner who had no involvement in the home purchase will be moving in soon.
We just decided on this a couple days ago, and haven't had the full conversation on finances. He makes around 85k a year and I make around 115k a year, so I made the assumption that he would naturally pay less then me, proportional to income. However during this conversation he made a comment that threw me off a bit - he said "I assume I'll pay less since you are benefitting financially by paying into the mortgage, while I am not."
That sounds true, however after a recent experience I feel that its not as true as it seems. I owned a house with my ex partner, and gave it up to him during the split. After crunching all the numbers for my equity in the house, he ended up paying me out only SLIGHTLY more than my portion of the initial down payment, after 5 years of living there. Basically, I had just paid "rent" during this time, since it was all going towards paying off interest. No returns from that investment.
I am totally comfortable with paying more of the monthly mortgage right now, since it was my decision to buy this house and I make more. I don't expect a 50/50 split in relationship and want to work together. However, he has a big raise coming up and at some point may even make more than me. At that time I would like to split the mortgage and be clear about that, but is that fair logic? I would continue to pay for repairs myself.
The way I see it, houses are not a great investment, at least not in the first 10 years. They are simply housing. I put an incredible amount of money into this, and am paying for insurance, property taxes, and repairs. I am taking on a lot of risk. I also will benefit from the appreciation in value I suppose, but in my experience that pretty much comes out even.
How do I create a situation that is fair for both of us? Any thoughts on this? I don't want either one of us to feel taken advantage of a few years down the line. At the end of the day, we will both be living in the same place, getting equal amounts of space. I don't intend to pull any "rank".
submitted by SmolAnimol3 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:27 Guilty-Designer9554 On selling our family home

Hi! Not sure if this is the right thread. I would appreciate if anyone can direct me to the right one 😅 My parents agreed to sell their home here in the PH. They already moved abroad. I recently passed the broker’s licensure exam and I’m excited to sell it. I had it appraised already. However, after checking the duplicate copy of the title I saw that there’s a mortgage sa encumbrance dated 2002. And it’s a small amount lang. my parents said that was fully paid a long time ago but they forgot to keep the certificate of full payment and have it cancelled sa RD. The rural bank is based sa province nagsarado na. They said din naman hindi nila makukuha yung title if hindi fully paid yung mortgage. They just didn’t know need ipacancel. How do I proceed kaya with cancellation without the certificate and also with a rural bank that already closer down years ago pa? Any input would be much appreciated!
submitted by Guilty-Designer9554 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:24 TheLotStore Is Owner Financing the Right Choice for You? Factors to Consider When Buying a Home

Is Owner Financing the Right Choice for You? Factors to Consider When Buying a Home
Is Owner Financing the Right Choice for You? Factors to Consider When Buying a Home
Is Proprietor Financing the Best Choice for You? Factors to Think about When Purchasing a Home
Buying a home stands as one of the largest financial decisions individuals make in their lifetime. For some, traditional mortgage financing is not viable due to credit problems, income volatility, or lack of a substantial down payment. In these situations, proprietor financing may be a feasible substitute. Proprietor financing, also known as seller financing or seller carryback, happens when the seller of a property offers financing for the buyer to facilitate a sale. In this article, we will investigate the factors to weigh when determining if proprietor financing is the best choice for you.
Understanding Proprietor Financing Proprietor financing is an agreement where the seller and buyer settle on a purchase price and the buyer makes payments directly to the seller over an established period of time, instead of obtaining a traditional mortgage from a bank. In this agreement, the seller essentially serves as the lender, furnishing the funds required to purchase the property. The terms of the loan, including the interest rate, payment schedule, and length of the loan, are negotiated between the buyer and the seller. Usually, proprietor financing agreements have a shorter term than traditional mortgages, often ranging from five to seven years.
Perks of Proprietor Financing Various benefits should be considered when exploring proprietor financing as an option for buying a home. One of the main advantages is that proprietor financing can provide an alternative for buyers who may not qualify for traditional mortgage financing. This can be especially advantageous for individuals with non-traditional income sources, self-employed individuals, or those with blemishes on their credit report.
Furthermore, proprietor financing can offer flexibility in terms of negotiating the loan terms. Buyers and sellers have the opportunity to customize the terms of the loan to suit their individual needs, which may not be possible with traditional lending institutions. This can encompass the interest rate, down payment amount, and payment schedule. In some cases, the seller may also be willing to contemplate a lower down payment, making homeownership more accessible to those with limited funds for a traditional down payment.
Another benefit of proprietor financing is the potential for a faster and more streamlined closing process. Without the necessity of a traditional bank loan, buyers and sellers can often bypass the lengthy and complex underwriting process, which can significantly expedite the closing timeline.
Considerations for Buyers While proprietor financing can offer several advantages, there are also important considerations for buyers to keep in mind when evaluating this option. One of the main factors to consider is the interest rate on the owner-financed loan. Since proprietor financing is typically considered a higher-risk loan for the seller, the interest rates are often higher than those of traditional mortgages. Buyers should carefully assess the interest rate offered by the seller and consider how it will impact the overall cost of the loan.
In addition to the interest rate, buyers should also contemplate the repayment terms of the loan. Proprietor financing agreements may include a balloon payment, which is a large, final payment due at the end of the loan term. Buyers should carefully evaluate their ability to make a balloon payment or explore options for refinancing the loan before the balloon payment becomes due. Additionally, buyers should consider the length of the loan and whether they will be able to meet the payment obligations over the agreed-upon term.
Another important consideration for buyers is the legal and financial protections that come with traditional mortgages. When obtaining financing through a bank, buyers benefit from extensive legal protections and regulations that govern the lending process. In the case of proprietor financing, buyers may have less legal protection and fewer safeguards in place in the event of a default on the loan. It is important for buyers to thoroughly review the terms of the proprietor financing agreement and consider consulting with a real estate attorney to ensure their interests are protected.
Considerations for Sellers Sellers who are considering offering proprietor financing should also carefully assess the benefits and risks associated with this option. One of the main benefits for sellers is the potential to attract a larger pool of buyers. By offering proprietor financing, sellers can appeal to individuals who may not qualify for traditional mortgage financing, expanding the potential market for their property.
Additionally, offering proprietor financing can provide sellers with a steady income stream over the life of the loan, as buyers make regular payments directly to them. This can be particularly appealing for sellers who are seeking a reliable source of income and are willing to defer a portion of the proceeds from the sale.
Nevertheless, sellers should also carefully weigh the potential risks associated with proprietor financing. In the event of default by the buyer, sellers may be required to initiate foreclosure proceedings in order to regain possession of the property. This can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires legal assistance and may result in additional expenses for the seller.
Sellers should also assess the financial implications of providing financing for the buyer. In some cases, sellers may need to obtain financing themselves to facilitate the sale, which can entail its own set of costs and risks. Additionally, sellers should carefully evaluate the creditworthiness and financial stability of potential buyers before entering into a proprietor financing agreement to minimize the risk of default.
Understanding the Role of a Real Estate Attorney For both buyers and sellers, the role of a real estate attorney is essential when considering proprietor financing. Real estate attorneys can offer valuable guidance and legal expertise to ensure that the terms of the proprietor financing agreement are fair and legally sound for both parties. They can assist in drafting the contract, reviewing the terms of the loan, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. Additionally, real estate attorneys can aid in conducting due diligence on the property and performing a title search to identify any potential issues that may impact the sale.
Conclusion Proprietor financing can be a viable alternative for both buyers and sellers when traditional mortgage financing is not feasible. It offers flexibility in terms of the loan terms and can provide access to homeownership for those who may not qualify for traditional lending. Nevertheless, it is important for both parties to carefully assess the benefits and risks associated with proprietor financing and to seek the advice of a real estate attorney to ensure that their interests are protected. Ultimately, proprietor financing can be a valuable tool for facilitating the sale of a property, but it requires a thorough understanding of the legal and financial implications for both the buyer and the seller.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
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2024.04.29 05:24 Vegetable_Alarm1552 Move for a better school district?

My wife and I are considering selling our home. The schools in our town are okay. The elementary school in our neighborhood is better. Kids merge in middle school with kids from another “rougher” neighborhood and we’d like to avoid sending them there. The kids are 1 and 3 now so we have plenty of time.
We owe $220k on our home. 3 beds, 1 bath. It’s worth $550k maybe a bit more. Our monthly payment with taxes and insurance is $2,300.
We’re looking to sell and roll the equity into something in a town with a better school district. 4 beds, 3 baths. Something like that. We’re looking at $1mm plus or minus. We have the equity to get us to a down payment. Income-wise we make $365k before taxes. So we’re there from a monthly payment perspective too for the right house with low taxes. In our area, under $15k/yr. is low.
But even still, it’s so hard to justify knowing that my mortgage payment is going to more than double. We’ll be saving significantly less each month. I see more houses coming on but not necessarily inventory creeping up. Nonetheless I’m apprehensive about valuations. Any advice? Good research to look into?
submitted by Vegetable_Alarm1552 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:17 bkking420 [for hire] Seeking remote/freelance jobs. project-based, or long-term. DM email chat book forhire

I specialize in providing bespoke web development services and custom solutions, leveraging over a decade of experience in remote work environments. (global)

Here are just a few of the services I can provide:
  • Passionate about developing web solutions for any market or target audience
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing project needs
  • Willing to learn and explore
  • Clear and consistent communication
  • Project management, organizational and documentation skills
Please include your project details and budget in your message for a productive discussion. I value quality inquiries and will provide further information upon understanding your needs.

I am available to take on tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as one-time projects of any size. Please ensure that the budget reflects the quality of work you can expect.

Rate no lower than $15/hr, payment terms can be discussed. no free upfront work. no low baller.
Can accept <100usd range depending on the task (may require upfront payment)
MOP (USD) Crypto, Wise, PayPal
Timezone Flexible, availability <30 hours/week (reachable 7days a week)
Portfolio/Contact bkforhire.netlify .app, work & samples (pinned in profile, ongoing update)

For hassle-free transactions & complete project autonomy. Contact me to secure your go-to developer. Inquiries welcome. (discord, telegram contact here - serious offers only)
submitted by bkking420 to gameDevJobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:17 bkking420 [for hire] Seeking remote/freelance jobs. project-based, or long-term. DM email chat book forhire

I specialize in providing bespoke web development services and custom solutions, leveraging over a decade of experience in remote work environments. (global)

Here are just a few of the services I can provide:
  • Passionate about developing web solutions for any market or target audience
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing project needs
  • Willing to learn and explore
  • Clear and consistent communication
  • Project management, organizational and documentation skills
Please include your project details and budget in your message for a productive discussion. I value quality inquiries and will provide further information upon understanding your needs.

I am available to take on tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as one-time projects of any size. Please ensure that the budget reflects the quality of work you can expect.

Rate no lower than $15/hr, payment terms can be discussed. no free upfront work. no low baller.
Can accept <100usd range depending on the task (may require upfront payment)
MOP (USD) Crypto, Wise, PayPal
Timezone Flexible, availability <30 hours/week (reachable 7days a week)
Portfolio/Contact bkforhire.netlify .app, work & samples (pinned in profile, ongoing update)

For hassle-free transactions & complete project autonomy. Contact me to secure your go-to developer. Inquiries welcome. (discord, telegram contact here - serious offers only)
submitted by bkking420 to JobFair [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:16 bkking420 [for hire][remote] Seeking remote/freelance jobs. project-based, or long-term. DM email chat book forhire

I specialize in providing bespoke web development services and custom solutions, leveraging over a decade of experience in remote work environments. (global)

Here are just a few of the services I can provide:
  • Passionate about developing web solutions for any market or target audience
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing project needs
  • Willing to learn and explore
  • Clear and consistent communication
  • Project management, organizational and documentation skills
Please include your project details and budget in your message for a productive discussion. I value quality inquiries and will provide further information upon understanding your needs.

I am available to take on tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as one-time projects of any size. Please ensure that the budget reflects the quality of work you can expect.

Rate no lower than $15/hr, payment terms can be discussed. no free upfront work. no low baller.
Can accept <100usd range depending on the task (may require upfront payment)
MOP (USD) Crypto, Wise, PayPal
Timezone Flexible, availability <30 hours/week (reachable 7days a week)
Portfolio/Contact bkforhire.netlify .app, work & samples (pinned in profile, ongoing update)

For hassle-free transactions & complete project autonomy. Contact me to secure your go-to developer. Inquiries welcome. (discord, telegram contact here - serious offers only)
submitted by bkking420 to remotejs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:16 bkking420 [for hire] Seeking remote/freelance jobs. project-based, or long-term. DM email chat book forhire

I specialize in providing bespoke web development services and custom solutions, leveraging over a decade of experience in remote work environments. (global)

Here are just a few of the services I can provide:
  • Passionate about developing web solutions for any market or target audience
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing project needs
  • Willing to learn and explore
  • Clear and consistent communication
  • Project management, organizational and documentation skills
Please include your project details and budget in your message for a productive discussion. I value quality inquiries and will provide further information upon understanding your needs.

I am available to take on tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as one-time projects of any size. Please ensure that the budget reflects the quality of work you can expect.

Rate no lower than $15/hr, payment terms can be discussed. no free upfront work. no low baller.
Can accept <100usd range depending on the task (may require upfront payment)
MOP (USD) Crypto, Wise, PayPal
Timezone Flexible, availability <30 hours/week (reachable 7days a week)
Portfolio/Contact bkforhire.netlify .app, work & samples (pinned in profile, ongoing update)

For hassle-free transactions & complete project autonomy. Contact me to secure your go-to developer. Inquiries welcome. (discord, telegram contact here - serious offers only)
submitted by bkking420 to techjobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:16 bkking420 [for hire][remote] Seeking remote/freelance jobs. project-based, or long-term. DM email chat book forhire

I specialize in providing bespoke web development services and custom solutions, leveraging over a decade of experience in remote work environments. (global)

Here are just a few of the services I can provide:
  • Passionate about developing web solutions for any market or target audience
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing project needs
  • Willing to learn and explore
  • Clear and consistent communication
  • Project management, organizational and documentation skills
Please include your project details and budget in your message for a productive discussion. I value quality inquiries and will provide further information upon understanding your needs.

I am available to take on tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as one-time projects of any size. Please ensure that the budget reflects the quality of work you can expect.

Rate no lower than $15/hr, payment terms can be discussed. no free upfront work. no low baller.
Can accept <100usd range depending on the task (may require upfront payment)
MOP (USD) Crypto, Wise, PayPal
Timezone Flexible, availability <30 hours/week (reachable 7days a week)
Portfolio/Contact bkforhire.netlify .app, work & samples (pinned in profile, ongoing update)

For hassle-free transactions & complete project autonomy. Contact me to secure your go-to developer. Inquiries welcome. (discord, telegram contact here - serious offers only)
submitted by bkking420 to javascriptjobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:15 AkariGemCollector Hugewin Crypto Casino: Fun for Everyone, from Newbies to Pros

Hugewin Crypto Casino: Fun for Everyone, from Newbies to Pros
Do you like gambling or casino games? If yes, you might like Hugewin Crypto Casino. It's getting popular among enthusiasts like me, with lots of games and bonuses for players of all levels. Whether you're experienced or just want some fun, Hugewin has something for everyone. It is worth checking out.
Hugewin Crypto Casino: Fun for Everyone, from Newbies to Pros
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submitted by AkariGemCollector to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]