Labeled diagram of blood cell


2014.06.21 20:29 critters TarantinoGifs

A subreddit for gifs, Tarantino style Is there excessive blood and violence? Submit it here!!

2018.07.08 04:58 DigitalizedOrange Cells At Work - Hataraku Saibou - はたらく細胞

Cells At Work - Hataraku Saibou - Hataraku Saibo - Bacteria At Work - Hataraku Saikin - Cells At Work: Code Black - Hatarakanai Saibou - Cells That Don't Work - Hataraku Kesshouban-chan - Platelets at Work - Cells at Work: Platelets! - Cells NOT at Work! - Cells that don't work - Cells at Work! Lady - Cells at Work! Baby - Working Cells - Cells at Work and Friends - Hataraku Saibou Friend

2019.04.16 16:22 When they have one brain cell

If you got a photo/video with someone that has one brain cell, then post it here!

2024.05.15 00:37 Global_Research_9335 Sick Dog. - questions for vet

My baby is a chocolate lab, 16 months male intact. he started having vomiting on Thursday last week, other than that he’s his usual crazy self. Took him to the vet she took his temperature (no fever) and palates his stomach and felt nothing and he had no adverse reaction so determined not in pain. he was given sulcrete and some other meds, and has his blood taken. He had dropped from 86lb to 77lb in a matter of days (he was in the vets the week before for a dew claw surgery because he nearly ripped it off and was weighed then) Results were elevated white blood cells, no pancreas issues and a bunch of other stuff tested nonissues. . He was still being sick and then started diarrhea so he had a fecal panel and that came back with no parasites or issues. Tonight he committed around 6pm, drank water and hasn’t been able to keep it down and has thrown the water up a bunch of times. He is obviously feeling very down and looks very sorry for himself.
I’ve got him booked back to the vet for tomorrow. I’m posting here to ask for any advice in questions I can ask or other tests I can ask for.
submitted by Global_Research_9335 to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:13 LuckyHornet1179 Is healthy eating the path of least resistance for me?

Hey everyone,
So I’ve posted here before about getting diagnosed with prediabetes. I know diabetes runs in my family, I’m South Asian so the genetic risk is very high. I also know that I need to watch my diet and exercise to avoid getting diabetes. I’m only 22 and am now terrified of getting diabetes. Even if I eat healthy, if I’m so predisposed to blood sugar issues this young, it kind of seems inevitable that I’m gonna get it when I’m older anyway. Today I had a mental breakdown because I’m tired of reading food labels to check the sugar content in everything, I’m tired of all the stress and anxiety of constantly watching my diet. I need another blood test to check my sugar levels but I’m too scared to go to the doctor because my symptoms have gotten worse. What if I have diabetes already?
My question is, I want to be able to create a reality where I don’t have to worry about diabetes at all. Not now or in the future. Ideally I want a reality where I don’t have the stress and anxiety of constantly watching my diet to prevent or delay it. But I’m not new to this subreddit, I know that it will take a LOT of subconscious reprogramming until I get to a stage where I can eat all foods and not experience an effect on my blood sugar. I’ve started doing a health self hypnosis, and one of my scenes is imagining myself eating what I want and staying healthy. Should I carry on this way until it becomes my reality? Or is it better to create a scene where a healthy, albeit very strict, diet has worked?
Sorry this was very long, I’m just having a super rough time with my health and want to know the best kind of approach/self-hypnosis scene to use.
submitted by LuckyHornet1179 to JosephMurphy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:01 transthepsycopath will monster gladiator fights be a thing in the future?

with bio printing moving forward in its efforts to be refined and the first synthetic cells created just recenty i was wandering the obvios question will we create a future where a person can make a remote control meat puppet made from 3d printed organs and synthetic cells an have it fight other monsters in gladiatory blood sport. kinda like the monster fights in the sonnys edge episode of love death robots
submitted by transthepsycopath to transhumanism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:44 blazieeo_o Help with grief of my dad

Well, I think i should've put this in offmychest because this post is pretty much a vent but a little advice is appreciated.
For context, I'm in my late teens. I just graduated highschool and will be starting college later this year. I have a sister who's a few years younger than me.
Growing up, I was pretty much "daddy's little princess". He spoilt both my sister and me rotten ffs. We were a really happy family. He taught me everything he could and was ALWAYS there for us kids, no matter what. He always encouraged us to take up any hobby we wanted, drove us himself to and from classes, and I can't even talk about the books, toys and other things he got for us without it being an understatement. He was literally my superhero. When i was a kid, i seriously thought that my dad was the strongest and smartest person in the whole wide world. Not to mention, he was a really really good human being too. Even if a person totally unrelated to him reached out for help, he'd do his best to help them in a heartbeat. I love him so much, and could love no one else as much as him because he's literally the best dad ever.
Exactly a month ago, he had a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage unexpectedly. It was a huge shock seeing my dad unconscious on the floor with his head in a puddle of blood when we woke up in the morning. It was the last thing i expected to say the very least. My sister's birthday was on the previous day, so I put together a small party for her even if she refused and dad thanked me for taking care of my sister and told me that it was the best birthday he had ever witnessed in his life (it wasn't extravagant or anything, literally a small family gathering with cake and some snacks). The thing is, he didn't have high blood pressure, nor did he hurt his head (we didn't hear anything if he supposedly hit his head and fell down and he had no external injuries other than a black eye). We traveled and he drove a few hours on the day before my sister's birthday. Everything was completely normal and we actually had a great time together. He was in a coma for nearly two weeks and then was on life support for around another week after being diagnosed brain dead, because my mom and I needed time to process everything that was going on. We tried everything out there to try and get some response, from the regular medical things to sound therapy, accupressure, homeopathy and anything anyone suggested would work. But unfortunately, he didn't make it and faced a natural death a week or so ago (as in we didn't have to decide when to take him off life support)
They're doing funeral stuff and i don't want to be a part of anything because I'm being delusional and thinking that he's gonna come back. We have a golden retriever, who i take care of to keep me busy during the day and also because dad let me keep it as an emotional support animal, without which i would've committed again. At other times of the day, i just can't get myself to get out of bed. I feel really nauseous, my legs always feel tingly and almost like they're burning and I'm shaky sometimes. I've been on continuous medication and therapy for over a year now. My psychiatrist didn't want to diagnose me since he didn't want me to live with a label of a mental illness but a family doctor informally told us that I had BPD. I've gotten so much better with all the support I've gotten because at one point I used to attempt every other day to try to escape reality. At this point of time, both my parents were with me most of the time trying to provide as much support as they physically could, leaving my sister out a lot. I have some horrible things i don't remember doing as a child from my own memory that my sister told me about. My parents have endured so much and when things finally got better, this happened.
My dad worked with online security and stuff in the past so he was really scared of me getting into trouble. For context, I sent nudes to my bf (both of us were minors) two years ago and got caught because my phone was hacked. I didn't get to have a phone for nearly two years and though it seems like a bad thing, I did pretty well in school. Yeah well he was probably really stressed when I told him I'd still be talking to my bf once I finished school. I was originally supposed to study abroad, that might've caused him a lot of stress, knowing I'd be alone. He wasn't really okay with me dating either cuz he was paranoid guys would hurt me and ruin my life and he was also a little conservative too. Knowing that stress can be a cause of a SAH, I'm pretty sure I'm the cause for his death (I have this gruesome feeling that i physically feel when i mentioned that he died or anything like that). My little sister hates me for it, since she feels it was me who stressed him out with my mental issues. My mom's being as supportive as she can buy she's devastated too. I still take meds, and therapy. I have a LOT of family support, which I'm very grateful for, and also my bf who's been very patient with me. Everyone's literally taking time out of their day to tend to us and help us out. I've seen so many people who I'd never heard of or even seen in my life bawl their eyes when they visited dad at the hospital. That's just how much everyone loves him. I've been trying my best to stay strong but i just can't believe I lost him. I try telling myself to stop being delusional and that he isn't out on a work trip, but inside I'm just hoping my superhero fighter dad will be back all safe and sound. I visited him at the hospital a few times a day everyday and i always told him positive things and how much i loved him even if he could probably not hear anything, but when I saw him lifeless, I almost passed out. I couldn't believe that he was gone. I mean the doctors had told us that he'd only push until his heart could so it wasn't unexpected. He also had complications with blood clotting that added to the problem. I really have no idea what to do because the last thing he'd want is me laying in bed most of the day.
Tl;Dr : I lost my dad around a week ago and even with the help from medication, therapy and family and friends support I'm not able to get out of bed or accept that he's gone. Any advice on how I can get better is much appreciated
Sorry guys this post is all over the place, I'm sleep deprived even if I'm in bed most of the day and i have no idea what I'm saying, and i have no idea how to put my emotions in words
submitted by blazieeo_o to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:32 Otherwise-Cap-9796 I had an texting affair with a coworker. Please help me.

I (30M) had a (s)texting based affair with a co-worker that my wife (31F) discovered about a month ago. I deeply regret what I did. I signed us up for marriage counseling. I installed our cell phone providers parental app on my phone giving her full access to essentially anything I do. I have answered her questions and begged her for forgiveness and to stay with me. We have an 8 year old and 1 year old.
When she found out, as I was holding our 1 year old, she walked up and punched me as hard she could right in my nose/mouth. Broken nose, blood pouring down my face, front teeth shifted out of place. I put her up in a $500 hotel room for Mother’s Day last weekend to give her some time away, and she thanked me by reaching out to my parents and telling them that I har been having an affair with a coworker. Oh, and she told them that I use marijuana (I make well over 6 figures, fully employed, own a home, 2 cars, all in my name as she is a SAHM w/ no income. I like to indulge in the evenings before bed and relax. I hand my business, I don’t see a problem with this. Better yet, my wife also doesn’t have a problem with it- she simply told them in an effort to diminish my reputation or perception of me. (Which was great, prior to last weekend.)
Today, I left work at 11am after a 2 hour conversation with my boss about having to leave work too often to help my wife with some type of issue. My wife rented a u haul as we are picking up a dryer from my sister and brother in law 20 minutes away. She can’t do things like this alone; so she demands I leave the office to help her (abusing the flexibility I used to enjoy with my boss, which is gone now.) Naturally, we get in a huge fight because she had originally told me she only told my parents that I smoked weed. However today, she told me she exposed my texting affair to them as we pulling up to their home to pickup a couch as well. So we started to argue. I have always had no issues with emotional stability, am a naturally happy and optimistic person, and come from a loving family. (She does not) Sure, I get angry and sometimes yell- but I’ve never physically harmed her intentionally tried to cause damage or inflict pain on her life in any way. I love her and of course at times get upset with her, but I process this as any normal person might.
I shut down, stopped talking and tried to walk away from the situation to deescalate. She folllows, screaming insults, and is becoming increasingly frustrated that I’m not responding to her. In an effort to gain leverage over me and force me to her will, she decides to threaten me with the thing that motivated me to come and make this post seeking help.
When she found the texts, she had screenshotted them and sent them to her phone. Today, she pulls out her phone and said I am going to send these screenshots to your boss and your entire team. (Normal for everyone’s direct contact info to be public knowledge in my line of work.)
At this point; I started to lose it and said something to the effect of you’re threatening every aspect of my life because you want me to be forced to endure you berate me and humiliate me to everyone around us.
If what I did warrants this type of treatment- then please tell me. So be it. I can live with that. What I can’t live with (or is starting to feel like it) is feeling that I’m being emotionally abused and tortured with her justifying it because of my selfish and poor decision.
submitted by Otherwise-Cap-9796 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 PhantomFuck [WRITE-UP]: Experience with Dream Body Clinic (DBC) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Last Week

I am 29-year-old American male and I recently visited DBC last week to receive 300M mesenchymal stem cells administered via IV. I also received a NAD+ and Vitamin C infusion after the stem cells.
My liver and I are trying to become friends again.
For the sake of brevity, I will be keeping this write-up short and segmented into different categories for easy reading.
TRANPSORTATION: I arrived in Puerto Vallarta on Southwest Airlines and landed at PVR on Tuesday, May 07. When you land at PVR, collect your bags, and go through Customs you will be swarmed by local taxi cab drivers/companies trying to give you a ride. Ernesto from DBC was already in contact with me via WhatsApp and told me he would be at the Information Desk. Sure enough I found him, and he hailed a cab for me. Ernesto also provided me with a folder containing my transportation schedule and who my drivers would be. The drivers were nothing short of excellent and arrived at the all-inclusive I was staying at on time for days of treatment and transportation back to the airport.
BLOODWORK/PAYMENT: I was picked up at 8AM on Thursday, May 09 for my bloodwork and payment appointments. I received instructions not to take any pain medications or drink alcohol within 24 hours of my bloodwork and to fast eight hours beforehand. I arrived at the Clinic and was taken to the third floor where I underwent a typical triage exam by a nurse. My blood was taken (three vials), barcodes containing my information were attached, and I had to complete a sign-out form basically indicating that my blood would be taken for analysis. Next, I was led to the rooftop of the clinic where I was offered complimentary coffee/tea and snacks. I snapped some photos of the view and then completed my payment via credit card. The price for my treatment was $10,890 USD (exactly as advertised).
RESULTS/DOC CONSULTATION: I was picked up at 10AM on Friday, May 10 for treatment. I met with Dr. Liz for my bloodwork consultation where she went over five pages of bloodwork with me (extremely detailed). We also discussed what supplements I am currently taking, my medical history, and she explained that I should get repeat labs done in six to eight months to see how things have improved. My bloodwork was interesting because she made note that my TSH levels were high and she recommended that I see an endocrinologist when I got home (unbeknownst to me—add it to the payroll, I guess! Lol). I also received the Certificate of Analysis for the batch of stem cells that I would be receiving. The cells were prepared the day before and had a bioavailability of 99.80%. The sources of the MSCs were placenta and umbilical cord. She also explained that I might experience some tiredness or fatigue later in the day and that this was normal.
TREATMENT: I was asked if I needed to use the restroom and was then taken to the treatment area. The treatment area was very clean and sterile, exactly like something you would expect in a hospital in the United States. I sat in a reclining leather lounger that was quite comfortable. A blanket was also offered just in case I got cold. I met the nurse, Rebecca, who took my vitals and then prepared my IV site. Dr. Liz then came into the room and unsealed three vials of stem cells (each containing 100M). I asked if I could see the stem cells and she had no problem showing me the vials and the gelatinous looking goo inside them. She explained that what I was looking at was the colonies. She said the IV would take about two hours, the nurse came by with a QR code for the WIFI, and two hours later the cells were done. Josh, the owner, came into the treatment area for about an hour and sat in the lounger beside me. We had an interesting conversation and I came to learn his brother lives in the same city as I do. Dr. Liz came back with the supplements vials and administered those. This process took exactly 28 minutes. The nurse came back, removed the IV site, and applied a band-aid. My driver was waiting and took me back to my hotel.
POST TREATMENT: This is my third time getting stem cells via IV (first time at DBC), so this isn’t my first rodeo. I didn’t have any adverse reactions; however, I did get hit with a wave of substantial tiredness about five hours after treatment. I was getting ready for dinner and got so tired that I decided it was best that I lay down and rest for a bit. I had an hour and a half nap which fixed the problem. No other remarkable side effects. A driver picked me up on Sunday, May 12 and took me to PVR for departure.
All in all, it was a smooth and efficient treatment process. I can’t remark on treatment outcomes yet, but I will be sure to follow up later after my next set of labs. The one thing I will make note about is that the facility is multiple stories so if you have trouble with stairs, you might have a rough time. I had a complete hip replacement done last November and I would have had difficulty navigating the facility if I had gone a few months earlier.
As an aside, I stayed at Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort since I am a World of Hyatt member. Absolutely a first-class resort through and through. I also visited Sayulita, Mexico and did a RZR tour which was fun as hell. I treated my guest to Rhythms of the Night on Saturday evening and had a great experience too.
submitted by PhantomFuck to stemcells [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:59 constanticed What is going on with my body?

Hello, M19, rn my groin is acting weird, like weird pains and itching, even though ive been on antibiotics
On Feb 9th, i received oral and fingered a girl (idk if this info is important)(i also had ripped of dead skin or had cuts on my fingers if thats important)
about like a week later my crotch started itching and i had pain in my urethra, i got tasted a week later after all that and got all negative (except hep a)
i also had pus come out of my penis once
after the pus appeared, I’ve been talking to my urologist like ever since i tested negative, but he consistently says there is nothing to worry about, the urine test he runs says there are no antibodies in my urine or special blood cells fighting off a disease.
he thinks its prostatitis, and the pus that came could have been a uti, but idk if i should believe that and continue working with him, get a second opinion, try new antibiotics, or get another std blood test.
what could be happening? do i have an std? or is it something else that is unrelated?
EDIT: i currently still have pain in urethra mostly, and occasionally itchy
submitted by constanticed to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:41 Melodic_Rub_5656 Human bones are made up of several layers and components, each with a specific function that contributes to the overall strength and structure of the bone.

Human bones are made up of several layers and components, each with a specific function that contributes to the overall strength and structure of the bone.
The outermost layer of a bone is called the periosteum. This layer is a tough, fibrous membrane that covers the entire bone, except for the areas where it articulates with other bones. It contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels that supply nutrients to the bone tissue.
Beneath the periosteum lies compact bone, which is the hard, dense outer layer of the bone. This layer provides the bone with strength and protection. Compact bone is composed of a matrix of calcium salts and collagen fibers arranged in a pattern called the Haversian system. This system consists of small, cylindrical units called osteons or Haversian canals, which contain blood vessels and nerves.
Inside the compact bone lies the spongy or cancellous bone. Spongy bone is composed of a lattice-like network of thin, needle-like pieces of bone called trabeculae. These trabeculae are arranged in a way that provides maximum strength with minimum weight. Spongy bone is found mainly in the ends of long bones, such as the femur (thigh bone) and humerus (upper arm bone), and in the vertebrae of the spine.
At the very center of the bone lies the bone marrow, which is a soft, spongy tissue that produces blood cells and stores fat.
There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow, which produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, and yellow marrow, which mainly stores fat.
submitted by Melodic_Rub_5656 to Massimo_Community [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:23 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.'
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:12 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a natural formula that supports healthy weight loss using 100% plant-based ingredients. It works by addressing the root cause of stubborn weight gain which is found to be blue light exposure and lack of N-REM sleep.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made with eight natural ingredients that are 100% non-GMO. The supplement can be consumed in easy-to-mix powder form and each bottle is sufficient for a month’s consumption.
Each bottle of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made inside state-of-the-art facilities that comply with the highest standards of safety and quality ensured by FDA and GMP guidelines. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can also work as a digestion support formula and improve your gut health. It also enhances your sleep quality and reduces inflammation in your body.

How Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Works?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic operates on the premise that certain natural ingredients can stimulate weight loss by targeting key areas such as metabolism, fat oxidation, and appetite control. The formulation is purported to kickstart the body's fat-burning mechanisms, particularly focusing on the abdominal region.
The tonic claims to accelerate metabolism, leading to increased calorie expenditure. Additionally, it alleges to enhance the body's ability to break down fats, converting them into energy. The combination of these effects is said to contribute to a slimmer waistline.

Benefits of Using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

When it comes to holistic well-being, the Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic emerges as a beacon of hope, promising a plethora of benefits that transcend mere weight loss. This potent tonic is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about ushering in a wave of positive change, enhancing various facets of your life. Let’s explore the incredible impact this elixir can have on your journey to optimal health.
Here are the key benefits of using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Ingredients

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic features eight natural ingredients to boost your fat loss results. This supplement is entirely safe, with all manufacturing done in a cGMP FDA-approved facility in the United States.
Third parties test all ingredients for purity; the formula has no fillers, GMOs, or synthetic ingredients. You get a clean, safe supplement you can trust to deliver results.
Here’s what you’ll find in every Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic scoop:
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:11 ChordStrike Love Bites

So this was removed from nosleep due to an "incomplete story" but I really like it the way I wrote it originally so here it is. Currently working on editing it to fit nosleep properly but we'll see.
*** “She left me.” Muffled sobs dampen my shoulder as I hold my best friend close. “I’ll never see her again.”
I’m sorry, sweetie,” I try to soothe, but she’s inconsolable. It’s a pity, too…her last girlfriend was such a nice girl. I hate to think of where she is now.
“Dani, will you stay with me?” I can’t say no to those wide, pleading eyes, the crystalline tears streaming down her cheeks. I can never say no to her.
Lila and I (both mid-20s F) have been best friends for as long as I can remember. My first memories as a child include her, and according to my parents we’ve been inseparable from day one. I don’t really remember her parents, though, but she’s always been an independent girl. An independent girl who depends on others for validation, which is something she refuses to admit. But I know that. I know her.
I’ve been in love with her since we were teens, and that was also when she started dating around, falling in love with girl after girl. I resigned myself to the best friend role, telling myself that someday I would be the one to take center stage, but I was content with being the shoulder to cry on, the comforting voice accompanied by back rubs.
She would inevitably break up with her girlfriends, or they would break up with her, which was more surprising considering how starstruck each one would look. Each one was smitten with her, so why would they simply leave her? And why, after every single break up, would they leave the state and basically drop off the grid? I didn’t know why until very recently.
And now I no longer want to confess. I don’t know if I even want to remain friends, but I’m more afraid of running away from her without a word. And it’s hard to pretend I don’t still have feelings for her, regardless.
Even now, as Lila clings onto me for comfort, I can’t deny that I’m happy to be there for her.
“I want to be in love again.” Lila stares off into the distance with a wistful expression, tear tracks still smeared over her cheeks. “I want to feel that passion, that spark that turns into a fire…until it consumes us in flames.”
She looks to me, desperate for understanding that only I can give her. And I do, smiling sympathetically, squeezing her hands. No one can understand her like I do, even if we can’t be a couple. Even if I hold my breath every time I’m around her, afraid to so much as breathe wrong.
After a while, she calms down, gratefully accepting tissues to wipe away her tears. She sniffles a little, dabbing at bloodshot eyes, as I put on a movie for some background noise. I know her place like the back of my hand, so I know where everything is. Unfortunately that means I also know some things I really shouldn’t.
Settling back down on the couch, I pull her into my side, letting her snuggle up to me like always.
“I wish I could just date a girl like you,” Lila sighs. “Maybe I should just start dating you.”
I force myself to crack a smile. “Nah, you wouldn’t like dating me. Besides, I like having you as a friend and not a girlfriend.”
She giggles. “Me too, Dani, me too.”
I don’t tell her about how once I’d come over to her house randomly, just to surprise her, and didn’t realize she was out. I don’t say a word about how I found a photo album she’d never shown me before–odd, because doesn’t she show me everything?–and couldn’t resist opening it.
I don’t mention my stunned horror upon seeing picture after picture of past girlfriends, bodies broken and mangled beyond recognition, but always with their faces intact. One of them still had her hands, and another girl still had her collarbone. Those pictures were labeled “Saving the best for last <3” and that caption nearly made me drop the album. But I kept looking. So many pictures of the bodies littered with inhuman teeth marks next to handwritten declarations of love for each girl. All their lovely qualities accompanied by how wonderful their flesh tasted.
I don’t tell her about how I slammed the album shut and placed back where it was. I don’t tell her that when she got home that day and saw me chilling on her couch as usual, I was actually steeling my resolve to never confess my love to her. Ever.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very much in love with her. “But you saw all those pictures,” you might say…well, yes. But there’s something about that angelic face and perfect skin drenched with blood that just does it for me. And she’s still so beautiful, both inside and out. Can I help being drawn to her like a moth to a tantalizing flame? Looking at those pictures made me realize–there’s no way a normal human could have torn into flesh like that with their bare hands. I won’t bring that up, though.
What I will bring up is that there’s a girl at work that I think Lila would absolutely adore. She’s pretty but deep down, so ugly. Ugly enough to try and sabotage me at work, badmouthing me to other coworkers and even taking a promotion from me. Surely Lila would just love her, and love to love her, and love to have her.
But still…am I wrong for keeping my feelings to myself?
submitted by ChordStrike to u/ChordStrike [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 Gothicshawtyy My doctor is finally listening to me. Now to pee in jugs for the next few days 😆

My doctor is finally listening to me. Now to pee in jugs for the next few days 😆
My doctor is finally taking me seriously, after showing up to multiple appointments in a row with flushed face and 125 heart rate. I’m so happy to finally be getting some answers (HOPEFULLY!). I’m so glad I started scheduling my appointments when my flares are the worst (in the morning).
I’m doing three 24 hour urine tests for multiple different things. One is mast cell, one is a for something called a pheochromocytoma, and carcinoid tumor. Also had a bunch of blood tests done.
I hope this is the first step to feeling better.
submitted by Gothicshawtyy to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 Loirinha80 Anaemia and leucocytopenia of my senior (13)- anybody any idea?🥺

Anaemia and leucocytopenia of my senior (13)- anybody any idea?🥺
My beloved senior kitty (13y) has had no major health issues all her life. She has had an issue of puking a lot for several years, so she was checked several times (and has had a yearly senior bloodwork), Pancreas and kidney blood levels have always been very good as have almost all of the other levels, but she has had a leucocytopenia (level rd about 3.000) since we started to do bloodwork in 2020. As it has stayed on a stable low level and cortisone therapy (like once a year) helped with her puking for some times, she was diagnosed a chronical gastritis and nothing to do for us on a regular basis.
Last year she got a big senior teeth cleaning (no major issues) and home came a new cat. She seemed so much happier, more active and she brought lots of mice and birds (which she had barely done for several years). So she lost weight and got down from 4.4 to 4.0 kg during summer. This had been her „young age weight“ and I thought it was because she was so active again. So winter came, she got lazy again (nothing unusual), but she didn’t gain weight (unusual), but lost even more to 3,8-3,9 right now. She also seems to have less appetite, but acts normal (lazy) besides from that.
Yesterday we did senior bloodwork again and they found - besides the leucocytopenia - that she is anemic (23,5% haematocrit)😩 all organ levels are good though. Ever since I got the call from the vet I am worrying SO much. I love her almost like a 3rd child🥰
Of course we will do more diagnostics, but does any of you have any idea, why one had both - too few white AND too few red blood cells (so, what is left in her liquids, if she has neither nor😅??)? i feel so guilty that I haven’t dewormed her for one year, but don’t dare to hope that it could be just that?🫤
submitted by Loirinha80 to seniorkitties [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 uwu_torii_chan Vet extremely negligent, lead to death of dog hours later.

I’m seeking legal advice on what we should do after our pet was given negligent care and died just hours later. After days of my dog refusing food, waiting on our vet to see us, our vet told us that they couldn’t get us in any sooner and recommended us to try another place. This new vet was able to get us seen that day. The visit included blood work, xrays, ultrasounds, etc. and they determined it was a pyometra. All of her bloodwork was perfect, other than her blood glucose was low (of course, she hadn’t been eating), and they said her uterus was inflamed in the ultra sound. They scheduled her for immediate surgery the next morning. The following morning we were informed her blood glucose was up into normal range, and everything looked good and they were ready for surgery. Post surgery, they said everything was fine. That it was indeed not a pyometra, but a mucometra. And to just keep giving her honey on her gums to help keep her sugar up. We followed these instructions, but woke up to her completely limp. She couldn’t lift her head, wouldn’t respond to stimuli, couldn’t stand on her own. We force fed her honey until the vet opened, and then rushed her back in. They told us this was normal. That she was still coming out of anesthesia. And that her sugar was just low. They gave her 2 dollops of honey. She started to come around, but we were still very worried about her. We didn’t want to leave until she at least got an IV. They told us not to worry, that she just needs honey. They said to take her home and to try and syringe feed her food and honey and water. Her exact words were “good thing you didn’t take her to an emergency vet, that would’ve been a waste of another $400, she just needs to get her sugar up”. We took her home and followed these instructions to a T, but around 1am she began vomiting and became limp and unresponsive. We rushed her to the emergency vet, but by then it was too late. We were told she was septic and she lost all brain activity. She went into respiratory arrest and was given drugs for euthanasia all within minutes of arriving. We were shocked. We took her to the vet just that morning, and they said she was fine. To just monitor her and give her honey. And now she was septic and dead within hours. If she was acting so severe this morning, why did they not do more tests to find out what could be wrong? Why did they only check her blood sugar and deem that was the issue? This all seemed so very wrong. So this morning, I reached out to get her complete profile with all of the doctor’s notes. This surgery happened on the 9th and we went back the next morning, the 10th, after she became unresponsive after surgery, but her patient history is labeled as today’s date 5/14/24 (meaning it was just updated) minutes after I called. She is also labeled as deceased, which I never told them. I simply requested files when I called. And in the notes, they have lied to cover for themselves. The notes state that both the vet and the tech told us that they needed to keep my dog there for the day to receive IVs and monitoring, but we refused and took her home instead. Which is absolutely not true, and was definitely added in today to cover for their negligence. Do we have a case here? Should we report this to our state’s veterinary board? What is the next best step? Thank you so much for any advice.
submitted by uwu_torii_chan to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 Kissxoland_ Anyone can interpret my us and blood test results? Doctor will follow up in a month but getting impatient , haven’t had my period in 3 months ::(

US PELVIS TRANSVAGINAL - (Zaf) - Telecon once blood test done REPORT 12-May-2024
Exam: US Pelvis Transvaginal Indication: Amenorrhea, ?cause Ultrasound pelvis was performed transvaginally. Normal sized anteverted uterus is demonstrated. The endometrium appears smooth and uniform with the thickness of 4mm (LMP: December 2023). No focal lesion demonstrated in myometrium or endometrium. Right ovary = 20ml which is enlarged. Left ovary = 12ml Both contain multiple immature follicles distribution peripherally, particularly in the right ovary. Ultrasound features are consistent with, not diagnostic with PCOs. No pelvic free fluid. Conclusion: PCOs. Scanned and reported by Noel Lee, sonographer, RA 37873 Reported by: NTN12884
US PELVIS TRANSABDOMINAL - (Zaf) - Telecon once blood test done REPORT
Exam: US pelvis Indication: Amenorrhea, ?cause Ultrasound pelvis was performed transvaginally. Normal sized anteverted uterus is demonstrated. The endometrium appears smooth and uniform with the thickness of 4mm (LMP: December 2023). No focal lesion demonstrated in myometrium or endometrium. Right ovary = 20ml which is enlarged. Left ovary = 12ml Both contain multiple immature follicles distribution peripherally, particularly on the right ovary. Ultrasound features are consistent with, not diagnostic with PCOs. No pelvic free fluid. Conclusion: PCOs. Scanned and reported by Noel Lee, sonographer, RA 37873 Reported by: NTN12884
11-May-2024 ! FREE ANDROGEN INDEX - (Zaf) - phone call with GP ! TESTOSTERONE 2 nmol/L Results may be consistent with PCOS. Suggest consider ultrasound assessment unless diagnosis clear. Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis are two out of three of: oligo/anovulation (i.e. oligo / amenorrhea), hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical evidence) polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. Other rarer causes of hyperandrogenism not excluded. Note biochemical hyperandrogenism cannot be reliably assessed within 3 months of using hormonal contraception.
Printed 1:50pm 14-May-2024 Page 1 of 2 0.50 - 1.90nmol/L
11-May-2024 Follicular Mid-cycle Luteal <921 139-2382 <1145 Post-menopausal (No HRT) <103 Serum LH level - (Zaf) - Normal - no action Follicular Mid-cycle Luteal 1.8-11.8 7.6-89.1 0.6-14.0 5.2-62.0
Printed 1:50pm 14-May-2024 Page 2 of 2 hormonal contraception. Serum sex hormone binding glob 13.1 nmol/L ! FREE ANDROGEN INDEX 15.3 % OESTRADIOL - (Zaf) - Normal - no action 91 pmol/L 11.70 - 137.20nmol/L 0.70 - 8.70% Serum FSH level - (Zaf) - Normal - no action Follicular Mid-cycle Luteal 3.0-8.1 2.6-16.7 1.4-5.5 NOTE: Menopausal ranges are for guidance only.
FULL BLOOD COUNT - (Zaf) - Normal - no action Total white cell count 8.7 10*9/L Haemoglobin estimation 135 g/L
submitted by Kissxoland_ to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 vector_detector Is there anything that would survive in whole blood after being frozen at -80C?

Hello, med lab professionals!
I am running a longitudinal study in which we sample animals at regular intervals, and test for disease in series. The first test I do is a serum ELISA looking for antibodies to the virus I am interested in, and the second test is a qPCR run to confirm the result of the ELISA and to quantify proviral load.
The samples for the qPCR consist of whole blood collected into EDTA vacutainers, then aliquotted into A and B samples, and stored at -80. This means I spend a lot of time aliquotting blood for individuals that don't end up requiring the PCR test at all (prevalence of the disease appears to be between 20-60%). What I want to know is, is there anything that could be done with this blood later? I realize the cells will lyse and a lot of blood components will be damaged, but I am hopeful. I would love to genotype them, but I think that is too expensive for this measly PhD student budget.
Let me know what you think! Thank you in advance!
submitted by vector_detector to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 lunchboxultimate01 Stem cell study reveals distinct population of ‘troublemaker’ platelet cells that appear with aging and lead to blood clotting, disease

Stem cell study reveals distinct population of ‘troublemaker’ platelet cells that appear with aging and lead to blood clotting, disease submitted by lunchboxultimate01 to longevity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 PaleoWorldExplorer My Idea for the New Sequel's Plot: GxK: Pandemonium

My idea for the GxK sequel plot would begin with Godzilla waking up from his sleep in the Colosseum and returning to Tiamat's former layer to complete his evolution. Fast forward a few months later, and Godzilla emerges from the lair, completing his evolution and starting to look a little bit more like Tiamat.
Fast forward a few years, and Monarch detects two previously unknown Titans emerge from the Hollow Earth, Titanus Qalupalik, an ugly serpent-like fish or amphibian emerging from the Arctic Circle, and Titanus Dakuwaqa, a shark Titan emerging from a portal in the sea near Kadavu Island. Monarch figures they are here to take over the niches left by Scylla and Tiamat. Godzilla encounters Qalupalik first, who is combative, and they get into a quick one-sided fight which forces Qalupalik to submit. Godzilla gives her a pass and accepts her to take Tiamat's place. Then Godzilla meets up with Dakuwaqa, who begins a ritualistic dance of sorts to gain Godzilla's approval. After Godzilla inspects him and his demeanor, he accepts Dakuwaqa to take his new territory. Then, Godzilla moves to Madagascar to rest.
On the human side of the story, public outrage over the incompetence of both Monarch and world governments to prepare for these Titan attacks is at an all-time high. Governments are now arguing over how to deal with them. Some leaders want to eliminate Godzilla because they believe Godzilla is going to attack them anyway regardless of whether they provoke him or not and that he is too powerful to let alive. Others want to focus more on a Hollow Earth takeover and declare war on the Kongs because they fear that they can plan another attack on the surface world. Monarch tries to assure them that such an event would not happen again because of their change in leadership, but many are still unconvinced. The American government, along with other NATO countries, begin investing in developing a new type of military weapon to deal with Godzilla, the Super X. They also are trying to seal up the holes left in Hong Kong, Cairo, and Rio de Janeiro to ensure nothing from the Hollow Earth can use those portals to invade the surface world again. Monarch gets into heated conflicts over world governments over the portals, as they want to keep a few open for research purposes among other things. The governments relent and allow the portal in Barbados to remain open but require them to invest in extra security in case of an emergency.
Returning to Godzilla, he is suffering from irritating skin parasites (these parasites would be Shockirus, Endoswarmers, or an original kaiju). To deal with them, he begins trying to scrape them off by rubbing himself against the seafloor near the coast of Madagascar. He also tries reaching for some with his jaws and claws. The people on the beach are witnessing this as it is happening, and once Godzilla gets rid of most of the parasites, the beachgoers realize that some of them haven't been killed yet, and as they are aggressive and still larger than humans, they emerge from the shore to attack humans. But this terror is short lived as Godzilla quickly comes in to finish them off. Godzilla then returns back to the water but stays close enough to the island where people can clearly see him. He floats in the water, similarly to a crocodile, with his head and eyes above the water. He is staring at the people and the coasts intensely, which makes the beachgoers feel uncomfortable. Then, it transitions to some flashbacks where we see Madagascar 5 million years ago. These flashbacks would likely be of Godzilla's memories of his youth, from his birth to the other megafauna that used to exist on the island back in the day. Then, it would transition to another flashback where Godzilla encounters some indigenous people on Madagascar as a more mature individual. He curiously stares at the people and the chieftain looks back with great reverence. The people bow and begin to worship him, and Godzilla continues to look at them tenderly. Returning back to the present day, Godzilla lets out a deep low bellow, which gives off the impression of sadness. In reality, Godzilla is upset that he has become more disconnected to the world he protects and now feels like his life has become nothing but fighting to protect it without being able to take pleasure in its wonders.
Switching the attention to Kong, a fight sequence occurs between Kong and another Great Ape wielding a heavy machete. They are fighting in the battle arena as some apes watch the fight while others are busy doing other things. Kong prevails and the Great Ape falls to the ground. After the fight, Kong helps the Great Ape back up. It turns out the fight was nothing more than training; one of the things Kong has begun to do since his rise to power is to teach his people self-defense. As the audience gets a better look of what life is now like in their layer, it is revealed that Kong has recruited a group of Great Apes to assist him in pushing forward his policies. For example, there is a group of Great Apes that are tasked with keeping track of their inventory and rationing their food and water for the tribe. Another group was tasked to build a safe bridge replacing the giant skeleton, which was at this point completed. Others are taking care of the children and so on. Then there are apes that are farming fields of crops, which Mothra periodically visits to pollinate. Shimo, meanwhile, is just chilling with the apes and is not confined to her pit anymore. Kong has no generals or anyone with military roles as he has no interest in conquest and does not see the need for an army at the moment. Kong also does not allow anyone to gather food or water on their own except for him, because he does not want to put anyone else in danger. He meets up with Suko after his duel and is approached by Boots, who is also now a trusted advisor to him, and is alerting him of an approaching Titan. It turns out to be a squadron of Monarch HEAVs and Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper. After the fight in Rio, Monarch sent expedition crews to visit the Kong lair, and were horrified by the living conditions that Skar King created. So, they planned an initiative to deliver humanitarian aid to the apes, providing them with food or water, and also trying to make diplomatic measures with them and the Iwi tribe. They have developed a new type of bioengineered crop made from various Hollow Earth flora and Titan cells to feed the apes (which can be a set-up for Biollante in a future installment) and a new type of HEAV that can carry a heavier load to transport these resources. They also created a humanoid mech named Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper, which serves as both a diplomat and a vet, fully equipped with veterinary tools that allow it to treat pathologies for Titans, including the Great Apes. In addition, Monarch has rebuilt the Titan Hunter with some improvements as NATO voted to force them to reconstruct it as a self-defense weapon in case of another Titan attack. Since that has not happened yet since the Rio attack, the Titan Hunter has not yet been used. Jet Jaguar and the HEAVs are arriving at the lair with another shipment of resources, including more tools for the apes to plant their own crops. While the Great Apes begin to collect the shipments from the HEAVs, Kong greets Jet Jaguar, who is here to treat a Great Ape with severe physical ailments. This ape has torn tendons and ligaments from slave labor and requires casts for all of his limbs. The challenge with treating the apes is that they are still cautious of foreigners, so Monarch has had to learn patience when working with them. They also have only one mech to perform surgeries with, so they can only treat one ape at a time. Kong and Jet Jaguar meet up with the patient, an as they perform surgery, Kong has to be with the ape to soothe and comfort him as Jet Jaguar begins surgery. After a successful surgery is completed and the Monarch team departs, Kong sits back and looks at his tribe. He begins to have feelings of self-doubt, that he is not up for the task, despite trying his best. He also still feels Skar King's presence, as the pain and damage he has caused still greatly lingers even after death. Kong begins to suffer from insomnia and nightmares from Skar King, showing his presence is still strong and relentless even after death.
Then, the Monarch team visits the Iwi city and delivers the rest of their resources which were designated for them. Here, in this scene, while the audience gets a better glimpse of what life for the Iwi is like, they also get to see Phosphera, another guardian Titan (The best explanation I can come up for why Phosphera did not show up to fight Skar King in the previous movie here would be that she was in a metamorphosing stage during the events of GxK and was too immature to safely break out of her cocoon until after the events of the movie.)
Back on the surface world, in a lab somewhere in the U.S, scientists are experimenting with a genetically modified colony of Shinomura, which would be the main antagonist(s) of the first half. These scientists work closely with the federal government. They believe that it would be more effective to genetically engineer a kaiju superbug that can quickly evolve, spread and annihilate the Hollow Earth ecosystem at much lower costs than constructing mechs which take much longer to do and a lot more money. The cells are dormant and can only be activated by exposure to radiation, which is why Godzilla does not detect them or see them as a threat. The cells are transported by a ship to North Carolina where another portal to the Hollow Earth has been opened. The military plans to release them into the Hollow Earth and then quickly seal it, but it is backfired by a group of mercenaries who attack the ship and want to take the cells for themselves. Unfortunately, the cells are released, and they are not far from a nuclear power plant which also happens to be using the pink super charged radiation gathered from the Hollow Earth, so the cells multiply and grow, turning into a swarm. The cells combine into arthropod like monsters that are too small to be Titans but large enough to attack humans. They begin attacking nuclear plants and surrounding cities while others retreat into the Hollow Earth, which catches Godzilla's attention. Mothra gains wind of it too and emerges onto the surface world to aid Godzilla. By the time Godzilla gets to North Carolina, the swarm has absorbed enough energy to combine into a singular, massive, supercharged form that rivals Godzilla in size. They begin to fight, while the military decides to resort to Plan B and send the Super X against Godzilla. The first battle is fairly even until the Super X begins to attack both Shinomura and Godzilla, blasting chunks of Shinomura away. It becomes a three-way battle until Shinomura escapes and retreats into the ocean while Godzilla is distracted fighting the Super X. Mothra eventually arrives and Godzilla and Mothra destroy the Super X. Then Godzilla pursues the main Shinomura heading for Japan while a few other smaller colonies move to other locations.
Back in the Hollow Earth, the Shinomuras that escaped there quickly grow and begin running amok on the planet. Kong is travelling with Shimo and Suko. They are gathering more food and water to bring back to the tribe, but their trip is quickly interrupted by a squadron of Shinomuras that have combined into their arthropod like forms but now rival Kong in size. Kong leaves Suko with Shimo and takes them on himself. He has no problem ripping the Shinomuras apart with his axe and bare hands. He overpowers them individually, but as the Shinomuras recombine and reshape themselves, they begin to overwhelm him. He notices Shimo and Suko are prompted to do something about it, even though he doesn't want them to, but eventually relents and retreats into a nearby body of water to shake them off of him. Kong quickly jumps out of the water and Shimo freezes and traps the Shinomuras in the water. The trio realize that even more Shinomuras are on the way and transforming into something deadlier. The three immediately turn back and run straight for the lair. As they are running, Kong gets flashbacks of being pursued by Skar King's goons; the Shinomuras remind him of the destruction and chaos that was left behind in Skar King's advance. Kong calls out to the apes farming as he makes it back to the lair and motions them to get inside immediately. He closes up the entrance and warns everyone of the emergency. He has everyone gather all of the resources they have and take refuge in Shimo's former lair, which they now use as an emergency bunker. Boots signs Kong what are they going to do next, and Kong admits he doesn't know, but he intends to be the one to check when it is safe to leave again. Meanwhile, the Iwi are in a similar predicament and Phosphera swoops in to defend the barrier against the invading Shinomuras.
In response to all of this, Monarch sends militaristic HEAVs to neutralize the Shinomuras and has Trapper (or some other character) tasked to pilot Titan Hunter to pursue the main Shinomura on the surface and kill it. Kashiwazaki is evacuated before Shinomura arrives on the scene. Shinomura begins to attack the Kashiwazaki nuclear plant when Godzilla and Mothra arrive to fight it once again. As this is happening, the other colonies arrive to other regions of the world, gaining more strength and attacking other major cities. Godzilla notices this and is conflicted on how to deal with the threats as he is fighting, but Jet Jaguar arrives in Kashiwazaki to fight Shinomura. Godzilla charges up to attack Titan Hunter, thinking he is a threat to him just like the Super X, but Trapper notices this and bows to Godzilla before he can attack. Godzilla accepts this surrender, but quickly shifts his attention back to the Shinomura. Eventually, Titan Hunter, Godzilla, and Mothra defeat the Shinomura, but soon after, several Shinomura supercolonies that supercharged themselves on Hollow Earth energy have reemerged on the surface world to the point where there is at least one attacking each continent of the world. The largest and most powerful colony is in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear West Repository in Nevada. Godzilla is forced to send his alpha call and awaken all of the surface Titans to attack the Shinomuras, so battles begin breaking out across the world. But Godzilla realizes it is not enough and ventures into the Hollow Earth to get more help. Mothra and the Titan Hunter stay behind to hold the line while Godzilla is away and Mothra moves on to Nevada to tackle the Shinomura there, and the Titan Hunter follows her.
Most of the Titans appear to be holding their ground for the most part, but not outright winning either. However, they start to have more problems as some Titans take advantage of the chaos to pursue ulterior motives. Amhuluk wants to fight to claim his desired territory in the Amazon again and travels to the Amazon to fight Behemoth over it and causing a three-way fight between them and the Shinomura colony attacking the region. Meanwhile, in the Hollow Earth, Camazotz reemerges and sends his minions out to devour everything in their path, including the smaller Shinomuras. So Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main antagonists during the second half. Some of the hell swarm attacks the ape lair, and Kong leaves to confront them before they break through. He is able to kill a large number of them, but there are too many for him to handle, forcing him to retreat back into the lair. Several escape into the lair, which Kong is able to kill. When he reunites with his people, he gets more flashbacks of his memories of both Camazotz and Skar King. The attack of the hell swarm reminds him of the invasion Skar King launched against the Hollow Earth and surface world a few years back.
Godzilla travels through oceanic Hollow Earth portals and passes through various ruins of extinct Hollow Earth civilizations along the way. He detects Amhuluk's movements and realizes what he is doing. Godzilla gets really mad, but reluctantly continues on his current path as going back to confront Amhuluk would take up too much time and energy. He makes it into the Hollow Earth and heads over to the ape lair and finishes off the rest of the hell swarm that was still attacking the lair. Afterwards, he charges up his breath and blasts the entrance open again, startling all of the apes. Kong grabs his axe and gets in a defensive position, but after hearing a roar realizes it is Godzilla. He calmly walks into the ape lair, but the other great apes become angry and leave the bunker to mob, surround and harass Godzilla. Godzilla does his best not to escalate tensions, but snaps his jaws, hisses, and sometimes pushes the apes away. Kong roars at the apes and directs them to move away from him. The apes follow his orders and Kong approaches Godzilla. He realizes that he has called on him for help against the Shinomuras. Kong decides to go with Godzilla but does not want to bring Shimo or any of the apes with him. The apes beg for him not to go, and even Shimo seems to cry out for Kong to stay, but he rejects allowing any of his people to put themselves in danger, and he puts Boots in charge while he is away. He says one final goodbye to Suko and leaves with Godzilla.
They have to fight off many smaller Shinomuras while travelling to the surface world while heading for Nevada. Meanwhile, Mothra and the Titan Hunter are already there fighting with the super Shinomura colony. The fight is rather even, but Trapper feels like the fight is going to quicky turn against their favor if they do not get backup soon. Some drones and fighter jets arrive to strike the Shinomura. Eventually, Godzilla and Kong arrive to fight the Shinomura, but Kong notices the Titan Hunter, and has a vision of Skar King, seeing both the Titan Hunter and Skar King as the embodiment of cruelty, destruction, and conquest. Kong attacks the Titan Hunter out of anger, forcing Godzilla to be the one to shove Kong away and break it up. Kong takes a closer look at the Titan Hunter and realizes that it is not the same pilot as the one that hunted Hollow Earth fauna. The Titan Hunter bows to Kong to show he is on the same side and they resume fighting the Shinomura. So, a large portion of the movie would be showing scenes of the Titans fighting the Shinomuras at random intervals, giving a glimpse of what is going on in all of the areas where fights are happening.
Shifting back to Godzilla and Kong's fight, things begin to look grim as more Shinomuras arrive from the Hollow Earth and combine with the supercolony, and Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter begin to struggle against it. Godzilla is still capable of holding some of his ground, while Kong and Mothra are forced to step back as close-range combat is no longer viable. The Titan Hunter gets beaten up really bad and seems to be done for until an ice blast hits the Shinomura. It is Boots, who is riding Shimo, and has gathered the strongest and physically capable apes to help their leader (A fairly large number of fit apes were left behind to care for the elderly and the children). Kong does not know whether to feel happy that his people have his back or mad that they disobeyed his orders but regroups with them regardless and regain their edge against the Shinomura. Then we see more scenes of the other fights going on around the world before Kong's army, Shimo, Godzilla, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter defeat the super Shinomura. While the organic Titans return to the Hollow Earth to finish off the Shinomuras still running around in there, the Titan Hunter lags behind from all of the damage it has sustained, but the pilot persists with helping the Titans.
Back in the Hollow Earth, Godzilla, Mothra, Kong's army, and Shimo run through the Hollow Earth, assisting the local fauna in fighting off the Shinomuras. The Titan Hunter tries its best to follow them and fight off the Shinomuras, but they eventually overwhelm them, forcing the pilot to eject himself. Luckily, a HEAV is nearby and is able to rescue him. Then, a good chunk of the plot would then focus on shifting back between the Hollow Earth fight and the rest of the fights happening on the surface. Kong directs a portion of his army to join Phosphera in defending the Iwi city, which is now under attack by both Shinomuras and Camazotz's minions. Phosphera is close to dying (and eventually does), but the apes are able to kill most of the enemies while the rest retreat. Godzilla and Kong split up, with Kong pursuing Camazotz and Godzilla returning to the surface to confront Amhuluk. Kong leaves Boots in charge of his army and takes a few other trusted friends of his to confront Camazotz, but Shimo follows them, wanting to accompany them. Kong gets more flashbacks of Skar King when he used Shimo to try to execute him, and Kong was unwilling to let Shimo go with them since he did not want to use her for fighting his enemies. Shimo persists and eventually Kong reluctantly lets her join them.
Back on the surface world, Behemoth is not faring well against Amhuluk. The Shinomura colonies in the eastern hemisphere begin to lose the fight and as some of them are killed, the victor Titans travel to regions of the world where they still persist. In South America, however, the Shinomura colonies are still giving the defending Titans a hard time. Behemoth and Amhuluk killed the Shinomura colony, but to Behemoth's dismay, Amhuluk absorbs the remains of the Shinomura colony. It is close to killing Behemoth until Rodan shows up to fight Amhuluk. Rodan quickly gets the upper hand over Amhuluk with his airborne abilities and greater agility. But Amhuluk is not affected that much by Rodan's fiery attacks, as he reinforced his body with fire resistant plants like redwoods. The tables turn on Rodan until Godzilla emerges to fight Amhuluk. So Rodan and Godzilla tag team Amhuluk while Behemoth tries to get the strength to get back up.
Meanwhile, back in the Hollow Earth, Kong, his few trustees, and Shimo are looking for Camazotz and travel through a dark, stormy stretch of rough, mountainous terrain. They find Camazotz in a plateau surrounded by a supercell. They see that Camazotz's minions are feeding him, and he is gaining strength from the radiation that his minions got from hunting Shinomuras. So, Kong, his trustees, and Shimo fight the hell swarm and Camazotz. At this point, the Shinomuras are losing out on the fight with a few large colonies remaining, and Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main threats now. The plot then moves on to showcase some of the final remaining fights between defending Titans and the last Shinomura colonies and see the fights end with the Shinomuras killed. So, the main focus turns to Godzilla's fight, Kong's fight, the fight at the Iwi city barrier, and Boots' crusade to kill the last Shinomuras, which is coming to an end. The fight between Kong and his allies and Camazotz eventually breaks through onto the surface in Canada. Camazotz creates a supercell storm and begins getting an upper hand against Kong and his allies with his new power up. Back in Brazil, Godzilla eventually kills Amhuluk and Rodan and Godzilla both head to Canada. Behemoth gets the strength to get back up.
Back in Canada, Kong and the apes come up with a new strategy to cover their ears with dirt as protection against Camazotz's sonic screams. Kong then tries to do the same with Shimo, but when he does, Shimo does not like the sensation and pushes Kong away. He does not bother trying again and tries to kill all of the minions which are biting him and the apes and causing too much blood loss. Shimo does not fare well against Camazotz despite her size as his cyclone and sonic scream overwhelm her ice breath. Eventually, Mothra emerges to fight him after dealing with the last of the Shinomuras and blasts him with her god rays. Highly stunned and weakened, Kong grabs ahold of Camazotz and notices Rodan approaching to help. He throws him at Rodan's direction, who grabs him with his talons and starts burning him. He holds him in place for Mothra to shoot Camazotz with her webbing. Then Rodan drops Camazotz and Kong finishes him off.
Godzilla arrives onto the scene not long after and shoots his atomic breath to eliminate Camazotz's storm. With all of the hostile Titans dead, Godzilla almost sends the Titans back to sleep, but Mothra approaches him and begins to communicate. The plot then ends with Godzilla returning to Madagascar to take a rest at the coast and watch life as it happens on the island. Kong returns to his people in victory, and they are finally able to leave their lair safely. And Mothra takes over Godzilla's role of balancer, allowing Godzilla to take his well-deserved vacation. This idea of a plotline would mean the movie would be 2 hr 30 min or even 3 hrs so we get the most fighting sequences out of it. I know I glossed over a lot of the human aspects and that I left a lot of the specifics of how a lot of the fights between most of the unseen KOTM Titans would look like, so let me know what your thoughts on this are.
submitted by PaleoWorldExplorer to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:16 PuzzleheadedGoal8234 Erosive Gastritis and Intestinal inflammation

It just keeps getting better.
I had IBS type symptoms for years and managed ok.
After a long bout of covid in 2021 I have now recurring blood and mucous in my stool. Chronic anemia and B12 deficiencies have shown up.
We did a colonoscopy where they found chronic and slight active inflammation with architectural changes, 6+ large inflammatory polyps, and extensive paneth cell metaplasia. GI still haven't given a definitive diagnosis on that after the path report came in and is waiting another 3 months to retest inflammatory markers.
Then we do the EGD and find Erosive Gastritis. I've already tested negative for H Pylori (breath test) and Celiac (serum testing) a month prior. No NSAID use (due to other inflammatory condition), no alcohol, smoking, or current bacterial infection. Only noticeable symptom was heavy pain trying to digest animal proteins.
I'm on 5 different meds to treat symptoms and we still don't know the definitive underlying causes of any of it. My whole GI system seems inclined to get in on the action over time.
submitted by PuzzleheadedGoal8234 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 SmoothPath4540 Most optimal internet setup help

Most optimal internet setup help
Good Morning fellow hobbyists!
I've been trying to expand my knowledge and I think i'm at the point to take action but want to run it by some professionals first. Here is some background info that may or may not be important:
-Just moved here and got spectrum internet ($58/mo for up to 500mbps speed).
-Laptop internet speed test shows 193.5 download speed and 22.9 upload speed (using google browser)
-cell phone shows 258.3 download speed and 20.6 upload speed (using google browser)
-internet speed test using spectrum app shows 577mbps download/ 20mbps upload speed to spectrum router and 398mbps download/ 22mbps upload to my phone (using spectrum app)
-modem and router are located upstairs in the north east corner while speed tests were done downstairs in the southwest corner.
-sqft of townhome is less than 2000 and I have anywhere between 25-29 devices connected depending on what is on and who is home. Out of those devices, 3 are connected directly via ethernet (Xbox Series X, Home Assistant Green, and Kasa Camera Hub)
Ok so if you take a look at the pics, you'll see that my spectrum modem is receiving internet via a coax cable from the wall and then connected to the router via ethernet. (all of which is located on the second floor of the northeast corner). Another pic shows that every room on the 1st and 2nd floor have an outlet with both a coax and ethernet 5e port. I know that wired is always better than wi-fi and I want to utilize these if possible. My question is IF and WHY and HOW can I utilize this thing I just found in my closet which is located in the southeast corner of the second floor. IDK what its called but there are a bunch of coax and ethernet cat 5e cables labeled with different rooms. What would be the most optimal setup for internet speed/connectivity/coverage/reliability?
Here is what I'm thinking:
  1. The white coax cable in my closet is labeled 'feed' and is currently connected to the black coax cable labeled 'Loft.' The loft is where my modem and router and series x and home assistant are located. What if I moved my spectrum modem to the closet and connected the 'feed' white coax cable to the modem, ethernet from modem to router and then one of the ethernet cables in my closet to the router....? Idk, could I somehow possibly use the black box Telephone Input Module that has all the ethernet cords? Or is that completely useless and only for telephones therefore I can't use the ethernet ports located in each of my rooms? If so, maybe I'll have to use a Coax to Ethernet adapter like MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance)? I think I'll also need maybe some kind of splitter?
  2. Similar to above, probably also needing a coax or ethernet splitter but instead of using the spectrum router and possibly supplying internet via the usb ports in each room to one device in the room (i.e. TV), maybe i get a mesh wifi system and use the ethernet ports in each room to plug directly into a node which then supplies wife to that area. Probably only need one node for downstairs since my place isn't all that big.
Additionally, there is also a black coax cable labeled 'feed' and a blue ethernet cable labeled 'feed' which isn't plugged into anything. Maybe i can use that? There is also a green ethernet plugged into 'service in' that I'm not sure what is for.
So as you can see, I have some ideas but I don't know if it's possible with current setup and if it is, don't necessarily know exactly how to go about it step-by-step, or even what products I may need to buy. Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by SmoothPath4540 to Internet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:56 VitaminGuyinfo N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): Your Body's Champion Against Damage and Disease

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): Your Body's Champion Against Damage and Disease

Imagine your body as a battlefield. Every day, free radicals, unstable molecules, roam around trying to damage your cells.This constant barrage is called oxidative stress, and it's linked to a variety of chronic diseases. But fear not, for there's a valiant warrior in your corner: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).
NAC: The Mastermind of Glutathione Production
NAC is a modified version of the amino acid L-cysteine. Its most crucial role? Boosting your body's production of glutathione, the "master antioxidant." A study by the University of Arizona highlights how NAC effectively increases glutathione levels in human lung cells [1]. Glutathione acts like a cellular janitor, mopping up free radicals and protecting your cells from harm.
Beyond Detoxification: A Multifaceted Defender
But NAC's benefits extend far beyond detoxification. Here's how this superhero supplement can support your health:
Important Note: While NAC offers a range of potential benefits, it's crucial to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement. They can advise you on the appropriate dosage and identify any potential interactions with medications you're already taking.
Embrace the Power of NAC
NAC is a fascinating supplement with a diverse range of health benefits. From boosting your body's natural defenses to potentially aiding with specific health concerns, NAC is a powerful tool to optimize your well-being. Remember, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet is essential, and NAC can act as a valuable ally in your fight for a healthier you.
  1. University of Arizona College of Medicine - “Pubmed Glutathione Elevation by N Acetylcysteine in Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells
  2. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine - “Pubmed Oral N Acetylcysteine Reduces Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  3. International Journal of Molecular Sciences - “Pubmed N Acetylcysteine (NAC) for Depression: Current Evidence and Future Directions [invalid URL removed]”
  4. Journal Andrologia - “Pubmed The Combined Effects of L Carnitine and N Acetylcysteine on Seminal Parameters and Hormonal Levels in Idiopathic Oligoasthenospermia
submitted by VitaminGuyinfo to TheVitaminGuyInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:36 soanni89 Confused!

Had EC on Saturday, was due to have fresh but high risk OHSS because of blood result so freeze all. This is the first time doing IVF so beginner, I’m trying understand progression.
Saturday: 13 retrieved Sunday: 11 mature, 10 fertilised Today (day 3) 11 fertilised 1 with 10 cells- they had frozen this one 9 with 6-8 cells- progressing to day 5 1 with 3 cell and fragmentation
Why did they freeze one on day 3? How do I now have 11?
submitted by soanni89 to IVF [link] [comments]