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Free Printables: it MUST be free

2016.11.30 02:18 TheHousewifeModern Free Printables: it MUST be free

Free printables/templates. It must be free. Planners, kid's crafts, gift certificates, coloring pages, design, open to all. Also open to free fonts, icons, designs, etc.

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2021.09.12 03:00 HalliburtonErnie Eugene area buy/sell/trade

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2024.05.15 01:20 Neither_Banana5138 Best credit card for a new graduate going to law school

Hi all!
Full disclosure, I do not know much about credit cards. I currently in bankruptcy law, so I have heard a few of the buzz words, but I am a novice. Also, this is one of my first Reddit posts, so if I make an error that professional Redditors frown upon, I apologize.
I am interested to learn what y’all think the best credit card is for someone who just graduated from college (finished my last final today!!) and is going on to law school. I currently have one small credit card that is tied to my parents with a 5k limit for every day use/emergencies. I only really put things like food, shopping, personal care, my gym membership, gas, etc. and pay it off at the end of the month. I nearly never get to even half of the limit.
However, this card has zero benefits to it. There are no rewards, no perks, nothing. It is through the local credit union back home that we do some banking through.
I am interested in getting my own credit card (time to be a man and grow up). However, I figured if I am gong to be borrowing all of this money to go to law school, I might as well make it work for me and get some perks and benefits for it. Essentially, I would use this new card the same way as my credit union card. My goal being to get some sort of benefit from the card. Thoughts?
EDIT: I am a current authorized user on the credit card. It is seen as my credit card. My parents are on it because I was a minor when it was opened.
TEMPLATE Current cards: (list cards, limits, opening date) • Local credit union, $5,000 limit, October 2016
FICO Score: • ~740
Oldest account age: • 7 years, 7 months
Chase 5/24 status: • 0/24
Income: • Internship: 20k (end in August); 21k in grad plus loans to supplement income once law school starts • Gift from parents: 12k ($1000 / mo)
Average monthly spend and categories: • Rent: $1,300 (will start in June) • Utilities/streaming: ~$200 (anticipated) • Gas: $120 • Groceries: $300 • Dining/going out: $250 • Gym: $60 • Shopping: $150
Open to Business Cards: e.g. • No
What's the purpose of your next card? • Cashback, perks
Do you have any cards you've been looking at? • Apple Credit Card - I get the offer emails every month. Looked into it last month. Unsure if it is good. • I have not seriously looked into it or researched any cards
Are you OK with category spending or do you want general spending card? • Ok with a little. Do not want to get too crazy with my first real experience with credit cards
submitted by Neither_Banana5138 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:36 alfooboboao LPT: If you’re a parent, the best Teacher Appreciation Week gift is cash

My partner is a teacher.
Actually, she’s a damn good teacher, and every year on Teacher Appreciation Week we get loaded down with gifts. Which is great!! And first of all, I want to say that any gift — or even a sweet card or note if you can’t afford a gift, she would never in a million years judge someone or EVER want a parent to be stressed by how much money they spent (please, buy your kid food first) — is more than okay, and to be clear she would never ever come home and shit talk anyone who buys her a present lol.
But I know a lot of parents don’t know what to get their kid’s teacher, so:
The answer is cash.
I know what you’re thinking — that’s rude, right? It delegitimizes the profession and makes you look like you didn’t care enough to buy an actual present.
But nope! Cash is king. Cash is the best.
Every year, we have to choose which mugs to throw out, because we literally don’t have space for even one more mug. We also throw out about 15-20 pounds of chocolate and cookies every year because even if we were somehow able to eat all the sweets she takes home we’d each weigh 300 pounds.
One family once gave her a $200 gift certificate to a luxury resort chain, which was very sweet and expensive, but fundamentally misunderstands the financial limitations of teaching lol. It’s nice, and we’d never complain, but getting a gift certificate that covers 20% of a weekend at a resort is basically useless — no teacher is gonna go $800 out of pocket to spend $200 in gift certificate money.
Wine is nice, but if your teacher doesn’t like wine, then it’s like the chocolates — it’ll just sit there until it has to be thrown or given away to make space.
But cash? Oh, man, cash is amazing. With cash, she can choose to go to the salon, or order in some night we don’t feel like cooking, or even help pay off a bill if we need it.
Instead of going out of your way and stressing over a present if you want to get your teacher something, just give cash! Again, any amount (or just a card or note, even) is okay! But given what we all know about the profession of teaching, a cash gift says that you understand the job, and it also shows that you realize how $20 would be better than a $100 present because that’s $20 less in stress!
submitted by alfooboboao to LifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing_PART 3

Most meetings should be an email:
Their “all hands on deck” meetings are early in the morning, even though the first three hours of your workday are your most precious and productive and should be reserved for the most important tasks where focus, attention, high cognitive function, willpower is needed, according to research. Willpower or mental energy regulates your thoughts, emotions, impulses, and performance control.
Top management has recurring meetings but it seems like the topic was determined 5 min beforehand because the meetings are often all over the place, with no clear agenda, and random topics. Often, they feel like a parent lecturing their teenager.
Meetings are mandatory. Most employees do not really have to be there. The meetings do not affect the actual day to day job functions. The main purpose for these meetings seems to be for unity (or the appearance of). They are often not productive. Not useful and not engaging for most employees. Not worth spending company time. Not used for coaching or mentoring. Not used for making decisions. They are not about a complex issue that needs to be talked through ideas and solutions. In actuality, 98% of the meetings should really just be emails. There are three regular weekly meetings: about 80-90% of them include testimonies or personal stories and about 10-20% is someone sharing statistics (about the products they produce) or status updates or the behind the scenes (how the "hotdogs" are made). One out of about four meetings involve a recount of the ministry's history. If one did not attend the meetings, nothing would change. There really would not be any consequences that would affect doing your job.
Finally, Managers or employees who have traveled internationally are the only ones that get to speak and address the entire ministry. Everyone else doesn't get a voice.
Testimonies or personal stories:
Stories and testimonies as a form of encouragement and motivation are not bad or not useful; however, there are other areas in the work culture that are lacking that destroy any built up motivation. Employees are expected to have some kind of emotional response to them. Over the months and years, stories and testimonies become overused. In fact, you will hear so many testimonies that, over time, they will blurr and you will probably become desensitized to them. Stories and testimonies are probably seen as a way of providing support to employees but other supports are also lacking and needed (e.g., better leadership, empowerment, resources, tools, better communication, regular check ins, accountability, empathy, feedback, personal and professional development). Stories, anecdotes, and testimonies seem to be used to deflect from some of the problems in the ministry culture.
Top management pressures employees to feel a certain way. They want them to always feel encouraged and motivated by everything and anything the ministry does:
If you replace "encourage" with Love" and then talk to your wife....
“I took out the trash, that should make you feel loved. I mowed the lawn, that should make you feel loved. I picked up my laundry, that should make you feel loved. I went exercised today, that should make you feel loved. i helped an old lady cross the street.”
This makes it all about YOU, not how your wife actually feels! in fact, you are manipulating her to feel a certain way by what you did!
"If you are not feeling loved by all these things I did, then something is wrong with YOU.”
So management tells employees how they should be feeling about things. Performance is often not rewarded. Many employees do not know how much management cares about them as a person. What would be really encouraging is if management gave employees confidence, listed better, spoke to their needs, and empowered them.
Meetings - introverts vs extroverts:
Meetings are not set up to accommodate the basic differences between introverts and extroverts (e.g., how they best think, work, process information, communicate, learn; introverts typically dislike noise and big group settings) nor of how people need to manage their energy (ultradian rhythms). Management does not use information about individual team members’ personalities and predilections to formulate norms and dynamics that are respectful to everyone. Research indicates that in a typical six-person meeting, two people do more than 60% of the talking. In bigger groups, like the 100+ group at FCBH, the problem is worse. Management allows a certain dominant personality to do all the talking. They are not coached to listen, reflect, and become more open to the perspectives of their more silent peers. Top management does not send the meeting agenda in advance and ask for written feedback to give introverts time to formulate thoughts and summon the courage to share them.
Management’s definition of a “successful” meeting is different from that of other organizations. Top management does not appear to have any training in meeting science. Most meetings do not provide value to all attendees. They are not set up for employees to contribute and add value to them. Also, no opportunities to give feedback on meeting quality when meetings end.
A “Christian” version of CRT:
The opinions and perspectives of international employees are valued over local/american employees. Employees who are international (and especially those who live in persecuted areas) are often prioritized and favored. Their voice, their input, is often considered more important because top management pressures them to share and speak.
If there is a need, entire ministry is notified to pray if the need is from internationals but not if the need is local.
Personal convictions. Money:
Top management tends to have some childhood trauma, that is the root cause of their strong personal convictions, that often comes out during their mandatory meetings. These “preaching” moments usually have to do with money. They grew up poor or had strict parents or been around groups, ministries, and churches that abused money and now they get triggered or feel guilty when they see new things and resist replacing things like whiteboards and chairs: "if we already have something, we don't need to replace it = if it ain't broke, don't fix/replace it. wear your shoes out until your soles poke through the bottom before buying new ones." They seem to get triggered when employees ask them for upgrades/replacements” “if it can still 'technically' work, then it's fine.”
In order to fulfill their deadlines and to keep up appearances with ministry partners and donors, management will often “let things go”. Things such as quality of the recordings or training issues with internationals. They are willing to sacrifice quality control to get the results their supporters want to see.
Employee well-being:
Top management often makes assumptions about the well-being and contentment of employees.
They do not invest time and effort in comprehending genuine emotions and needs to create a supportive and harmonious work environment.
No consideration for managing energy or attention. No discussions on employees’ health and wellness goals. Instead, employees are expected to focus, to look at computer screens for extended periods of time (an 8 hrs shift includes two short breaks) even though editing and processing audio and video requires high mental energy and prolonged focus. Management often ignores telltale singles of burnout and fatigue. No effort is made to increase energy, reduce fatigue, and improve job performance. So, consistency, accuracy, and quality of recordings are affected as well as employees’ well-being.
Moveover, no paid maternity or even work from home options for new parents. Many new moms have left. New parents must be use PTO if they want time with their new baby.
The end result? Low moral, isolation, aloneness. Many employees are overworked and underappreciated. Many are not satisfied with their position. Most work until they burn out. Someone said this and it's true: for every employee that leaves, they have to hire at least two people to replace them. Sure, there are some long-term or for life employees who have been around for 10+ years. Unfortunately, most of these employees have outdated skills and would have a difficult time finding work (there is no continuing education or certifications offered) if they wanted to leave (or were let go). In addition, many of the skills employees learn on the job are non-transferrable. So, many choose to stay and remain loyal to the ministry because the cost of leaving is just too high.
No windows; no natural light:
Most of the building has no windows. Something to note if you struggle with depression.
People are different:
Management seems to lack an understanding of how people are wired, how each person is different, what drives their behavior and what they’re capable of doing with their skills. Not much consideration for each person’s individual goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Management does not create situations that encourage employees to motivate themselves.
So, work areas do not reflect the needs of Gen Z and millennials, the basic differences between introverts and extroverts (e.g., how they think, work, process information, communicate, learn), how personality impacts work preferences and styles. No awareness of how people need to manage their energy (ultradian rhythms). They do not allow people to work the way they want to; extroverts should feel comfortable taking time to socialize, while introverts should have license to work remotely or take breaks from the team.
Top management does not recognize that individuals may not always express their inner concerns or desires openly. They don’t sculpt jobs to enhance individual engagement: they don’t seek to understand the unique motivations of employees or develop each employee’s career. No incentives or rewards are provided. Not much authentic appreciation is shown. Employees have value as people (not just as producers), and management needs to communicate in ways that are meaningful to the recipient (as opposed to just going through the motions). Management must adopt business practices that help employees have a personal life.”
Work family:
Despite current best business practices, management will continually use the phrase “work family”.
All about the numbers:
There is more focus on production than the core values of the ministry. Top management almost idolizes how many bibles are produced. There is a focus on goals and numbers which often comes off as self-righteous and self-promoting and self-important: Numbers of bibles produced, numbers of people who receive those bibles, numbers of testimonies from those that get the bibles. Focus seems to be on the products FCBH produces over the people reached. Focus is on getting bibles to people. Focus is not on discipleship or teaching people how to correctly interpret the Bible they receive so they can become more like Jesus. Top management seems to be more focused on what they have done well rather than on what others have done well. And they often take credit for accomplishments that should be credited to God.
Theology at work:
Management does not want discussions to get “too theological”, they want to keep it “practical”, as though good practice did not require careful thought to direct it. They discourage employees from discussing theology because they want to keep “unity” and avoid division among Christians, however, they will present their own theological positions and convictions but not allow other employees to question or share their own views and opinions especially on controversial topics (e.g., spiritual gifts, hearing from God, fasting, finances, stewardship, prophesy, replacement theology).
Major donors to the ministry are singled out to entire staff and praised. The poor widow with two coins wouldn't get any mention. This makes it seem that the ministry only really cares about the major donors. All donors should be anonymous to employees that are not directly working with the donors.
Employees who are pastors are also favored:
They are often asked to pray or give a word in meetings as if their prayers and words are above employees who are not pastors. As if God will take extra time and attention to hear from them and answer their prayers.
Some “special” employees are allowed to work remotely for some unknown reason. Most employees requesting to WFH are denied. This is never explained and so it creates division, confusion, and envy.
Birthday, thanksgiving, and Christmas parties vary drastically by department: some departments work half day and get together off site to celebrate; some work full day and have no party; some work full day and have a 30min party onsite (during work hours?); some have food only, some have food and games, some have everyone bring in food but some have the ministry? provide the food; some have gift exchange and some don’t….

Some people might say this is all superficial and selfish, all that really matters is getting bibles to people. You be the judge. Many have chosen to ignore these issues and remain loyal to the ministry; some stay and think things will get better; others stay because they have nowhere else to go; some mentally check out; some have spoken out and been labeled as “causing disunity” and then let go, and many others have chosen to leave. Unfortunately, the people most sensitive to a decrease in the quality of the culture are typically those with the most resources, skills, and talents that could be used to effectuate improvement. The people who are the least sensitive to quality usually have fewer resources, skills, and talents.
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 Huge_Peak6142 [UK] I dont know where my son is

The situation:
Me and my ex-fiance broke up a month before she gave birth to our child. Initially we agreed that I was going to be at the birth. However, after we broke up, she did not want me there. I came to terms with this and was okay with it as this was her right/choice. We were still in communication during this time (after we broke up), and we were civil, even flirtatious. Leading up to the birth she got paranoid that I was cheating on her or sleeping with other women as my location was not at my house but on the street behind me, i explained to her that iPhone geolocation isn't always accurate, and i even offered to face time her to prove that I am where I am but she did not respond to my requsts. My ex's phone stopped working so i had no contact with her for 1 weeks straight out of concern i called her mother to see if she was okay as they live together, and her mother started slandering me saying that i got her pregnant and now ive left her a month before she was due, the breakup was mutual and agreed on both sides, and for our child we planned on co parenting effectivly.She started calling me a bitch and slandering my religon (islam) and became racist even though her daughter is half white and half indian, she also threatened me with force and threatend the police on me even though i hadnt done anything. I let the abuse slide as i didnt want to winde up any tension or make the sitatuion/breakup worse. My friends advised me to apologise for the hurt the breakup caused which i did.
1 week later, My ex texted me the night before at like 1am she was induced into labour that she was going to be induced and i asked her if she needs anything or wants me there, she said there isnt anything she needs and she said not to come and said it can take days until our son is born. 4 hours after this text she had given birth, but i had not been told this, and i had missed my sons birth. I recieve a text from bitter mother the next day that "he is here now come and see him". I was the last person to be contacted, her friends and family were all notifed immediatley, but they willingly contacted me late knowing that i wanted to be there (not in delivery room but in the hospital). The friends and family all saw my son before me and i knew this because of social media posts. I travelled from birmingham to london imediatly to see our son. When i arrived at the hospital, I was bitter because i was notifed last so i decided not to speak to her family and friends and see my son as the nurses allowed me. Upon picking up my son, My exs grandmother, my sons great grand mother, said "he will not be raised muslim, this is england not india, we dont do that here", her mother then proceedes to say he will eat what his grandmother feeds him, knowing i want my son to be muslim and eat halal food. She says why werent you here earlier, why are you here hours later making out to seem that i was some neglectful father who didnt care, her grand mother then policed me on how to pick up my child, how to hold him and how to change nappies, and threatend to kick me out, the nurse overheard this and said to her that i have a right to be here and i have 24hrs viewing access. then there was silence.
. They kept sayiing you should have been in london already we told you to book an airbnb in london, but i planned on booking it the day she was going into labour as that is when my paternity leave was due to start, i could not afford to pay a 300-400 so i can be there a week early.
I couldnt speak to my ex when I was at the hospital as they were in seperate wards, my son was in a special care unit and she was in her ward. So i spent a few hours with him. After the day had finished, it was too late and she had gone to sleep so i didnt want to disturb her so i went to my the hotel i booked.
I sent my ex a nice text saying thank you for delivering our son .etc and send gifts and flowers. I told her that my friends and family are coming down the next day from birmingham to see him. I walk into the hospital, and my exs mother started swearing at me saying im so horrible for not speaking to my ex after she had just given birth, and kept portaying me to be a cunt, she said that the messages and gifts dont mean anything even though my intentions in my text were me being grateful and thankful for the delivery of our son. She said your family and friends arent allowed to come, they have no right to be here, and said that she is going to get me banned from seeing my son if they come. I didnt believe or take serious what she said so ignored her and went to see my ex who was now with our son. my ex didnt speak to me once even though i tried to speak. A few hours later i went to grab lunch, and my family had already set of at this time. I told my ex that they are coming down to see him, and she said no, they dont have her permission to our son, eventhough no one from her side asked for my permission to vist and take photos. I couldnt believe what she was saying, she said that I couldnt see him at this point. Her mother overheard this, and said they she will ban them from coming but i laughed saying how and why are they doing this? I then get told that they will raise a safeguarding claim so im not allowed in the hospital. after my lunch i call the the head nurse to see if he is okay and if i can come down, and i am told that there is a safe guarding claim, and i cannot see my son, and they cannot dicuss anything about him to me as i am not on the birth certficate/i am not married. Eventhough this safeguarding claim is absolutely fictiuous. My family arrive and i had to turn them away. Since that day (2nd day of son being born), I have not seen him or heard of him. My ex has gone no contact and is not replying to any of my texts even though has read them. Throughout this entire situation my friends advised me to "bite my tongue and keep a level head" and ignore the abuse as it isnt the time or the place to have such discussions.
In navigating this challenging situation, my main concern is ensuring my son's well-being and maintaining a meaningful presence in his life. Despite my efforts to communicate and explore mediation options, my ex-partner's lack of response has added to the complexity of the situation.
Given the circumstances, I'm seriously considering seeking either full custody of my son, shared custody if that is a thing in the UK. I don't have access to the birth certificate but I know that they have no disclosed me on it. I've gathered compelling evidence regarding my ex-partner's living situation and behaviors, including substance abuse and instability within her household. It's clear that my son's best interests are at stake, and I'm committed to providing him with a safe and nurturing environment.
In terms of my own situation, I'm fortunate to have stable housing, financial stability, and flexibility in my schedule due to being a full-time student with part-time work (1 year left until i am a full time teacher, she isnt working and does not plan to and live on social welfare for the foreseeable future). I'm prepared to provide the stability and support that my son needs.
As I weigh my options, I'm considering pursuing shared custody initially, with the possibility of addressing schooling arrangements in court later on. Alternatively, I'm contemplating seeking full custody from the outset, given the concerns about my ex-partner's ability to provide a suitable environment for our son's upbringing. I do not want to take my child away completely from his mother as this is not right/islamic at all, I want us to coparent effectively so our son is raised with both parents. but this no contact thing makes it seem impossible. she has rejected to showing me the birth certificate and refused medations, (the mediator called her)
Ultimately, my chances of winning full custody will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence I've gathered and the court's assessment of what is in my son's best interests. Seeking guidance from a legal expert who specialises in family law will be crucial as I navigate this process.
My primary focus remains on ensuring that my son receives the love, care, and stability he deserves, regardless of the legal complexities involved.
Update: I have also contacted the police about the abusive behaviours from the my ex's mother. Id like to also mention that my son has a serious heart defect, and my exs mother is a habitual smoker regularly smoking cannabis and cigarettes, which is not ideal and can worsen his heart. he is due for an operation but I don't know when this is but I know its within the coming months. but I do not want him in a household that will hurt his health due to innapproiate care.
submitted by Huge_Peak6142 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 Huge_Peak6142 Help me please my ex has taken my son and gone no contact

The situation:
Me and my ex-fiance broke up a month before she gave birth to our child. Initially we agreed that I was going to be at the birth. However, after we broke up, she did not want me there. I came to terms with this and was okay with it as this was her right/choice. We were still in communication during this time (after we broke up), and we were civil, even flirtatious. Leading up to the birth she got paranoid that I was cheating on her or sleeping with other women as my location was not at my house but on the street behind me, i explained to her that iPhone geolocation isn't always accurate, and i even offered to face time her to prove that I am where I am but she did not respond to my requsts. My ex's phone stopped working so i had no contact with her for 1 weeks straight out of concern i called her mother to see if she was okay as they live together, and her mother started slandering me saying that i got her pregnant and now ive left her a month before she was due, the breakup was mutual and agreed on both sides, and for our child we planned on co parenting effectivly.She started calling me a bitch and slandering my religon (islam) and became racist even though her daughter is half white and half indian, she also threatened me with force and threatend the police on me even though i hadnt done anything. I let the abuse slide as i didnt want to winde up any tension or make the sitatuion/breakup worse. My friends advised me to apologise for the hurt the breakup caused which i did.
1 week later, My ex texted me the night before at like 1am she was induced into labour that she was going to be induced and i asked her if she needs anything or wants me there, she said there isnt anything she needs and she said not to come and said it can take days until our son is born. 4 hours after this text she had given birth, but i had not been told this, and i had missed my sons birth. I recieve a text from bitter mother the next day that "he is here now come and see him". I was the last person to be contacted, her friends and family were all notifed immediatley, but they willingly contacted me late knowing that i wanted to be there (not in delivery room but in the hospital). The friends and family all saw my son before me and i knew this because of social media posts. I travelled from birmingham to london imediatly to see our son. When i arrived at the hospital, I was bitter because i was notifed last so i decided not to speak to her family and friends and see my son as the nurses allowed me. Upon picking up my son, My exs grandmother, my sons great grand mother, said "he will not be raised muslim, this is england not india, we dont do that here", her mother then proceedes to say he will eat what his grandmother feeds him, knowing i want my son to be muslim and eat halal food. She says why werent you here earlier, why are you here hours later making out to seem that i was some neglectful father who didnt care, her grand mother then policed me on how to pick up my child, how to hold him and how to change nappies, and threatend to kick me out, the nurse overheard this and said to her that i have a right to be here and i have 24hrs viewing access. then there was silence.
. They kept sayiing you should have been in london already we told you to book an airbnb in london, but i planned on booking it the day she was going into labour as that is when my paternity leave was due to start, i could not afford to pay a 300-400 so i can be there a week early.
I couldnt speak to my ex when I was at the hospital as they were in seperate wards, my son was in a special care unit and she was in her ward. So i spent a few hours with him. After the day had finished, it was too late and she had gone to sleep so i didnt want to disturb her so i went to my the hotel i booked.
I sent my ex a nice text saying thank you for delivering our son .etc and send gifts and flowers. I told her that my friends and family are coming down the next day from birmingham to see him. I walk into the hospital, and my exs mother started swearing at me saying im so horrible for not speaking to my ex after she had just given birth, and kept portaying me to be a Horrible personnt, she said that the messages and gifts dont mean anything even though my intentions in my text were me being grateful and thankful for the delivery of our son. She said your family and friends arent allowed to come, they have no right to be here, and said that she is going to get me banned from seeing my son if they come. I didnt believe or take serious what she said so ignored her and went to see my ex who was now with our son. my ex didnt speak to me once even though i tried to speak. A few hours later i went to grab lunch, and my family had already set of at this time. I told my ex that they are coming down to see him, and she said no, they dont have her permission to our son, eventhough no one from her side asked for my permission to vist and take photos. I couldnt believe what she was saying, she said that I couldnt see him at this point. Her mother overheard this, and said they she will ban them from coming but i laughed saying how and why are they doing this? I then get told that they will raise a safeguarding claim so im not allowed in the hospital. after my lunch i call the the head nurse to see if he is okay and if i can come down, and i am told that there is a safe guarding claim, and i cannot see my son, and they cannot dicuss anything about him to me as i am not on the birth certficate/i am not married. Eventhough this safeguarding claim is absolutely fictiuous. My family arrive and i had to turn them away. Since that day (2nd day of son being born), I have not seen him or heard of him. My ex has gone no contact and is not replying to any of my texts even though has read them. Throughout this entire situation my friends advised me to "bite my tongue and keep a level head" and ignore the abuse as it isnt the time or the place to have such discussions.
In navigating this challenging situation, my main concern is ensuring my son's well-being and maintaining a meaningful presence in his life. Despite my efforts to communicate and explore mediation options, my ex-partner's lack of response has added to the complexity of the situation.
Given the circumstances, I'm seriously considering seeking either full custody of my son, shared custody if that is a thing in the UK. I don't have access to the birth certificate but I know that they have no disclosed me on it. I've gathered compelling evidence regarding my ex-partner's living situation and behaviors, including substance abuse and instability within her household. It's clear that my son's best interests are at stake, and I'm committed to providing him with a safe and nurturing environment.
In terms of my own situation, I'm fortunate to have stable housing, financial stability, and flexibility in my schedule due to being a full-time student with part-time work (1 year left until i am a full time teacher, she isnt working and does not plan to and live on social welfare for the foreseeable future). I'm prepared to provide the stability and support that my son needs.
As I weigh my options, I'm considering pursuing shared custody initially, with the possibility of addressing schooling arrangements in court later on. Alternatively, I'm contemplating seeking full custody from the outset, given the concerns about my ex-partner's ability to provide a suitable environment for our son's upbringing. I do not want to take my child away completely from his mother as this is not right/islamic at all, I want us to coparent effectively so our son is raised with both parents. but this no contact thing makes it seem impossible. she has rejected to showing me the birth certificate and refused medations, (the mediator called her)
Ultimately, my chances of winning full custody will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence I've gathered and the court's assessment of what is in my son's best interests. Seeking guidance from a legal expert who specialises in family law will be crucial as I navigate this process.
My primary focus remains on ensuring that my son receives the love, care, and stability he deserves, regardless of the legal complexities involved.
Update: I have also contacted the police about the abusive behaviours from the my ex's mother. Id like to also mention that my son has a serious heart defect, and my exs mother is a habitual smoker regularly smoking cannabis and cigarettes, which is not ideal and can worsen his heart. he is due for an operation but I don't know when this is but I know its within the coming months. but I do not want him in a household that will hurt his health due to innapproiate care.
submitted by Huge_Peak6142 to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:16 Huge_Peak6142 Im hurting so much, i have no idea where my son is

The situation:
Me and my ex-fiance broke up a month before she gave birth to our child. Initially we agreed that I was going to be at the birth. However, after we broke up, she did not want me there. I came to terms with this and was okay with it as this was her right/choice. We were still in communication during this time (after we broke up), and we were civil, even flirtatious. Leading up to the birth she got paranoid that I was cheating on her or sleeping with other women as my location was not at my house but on the street behind me, i explained to her that iPhone geolocation isn't always accurate, and i even offered to face time her to prove that I am where I am but she did not respond to my requsts. My ex's phone stopped working so i had no contact with her for 1 weeks straight out of concern i called her mother to see if she was okay as they live together, and her mother started slandering me saying that i got her pregnant and now ive left her a month before she was due, the breakup was mutual and agreed on both sides, and for our child we planned on co parenting effectivly.She started calling me a bitch and slandering my religon (islam) and became racist even though her daughter is half white and half indian, she also threatened me with force and threatend the police on me even though i hadnt done anything. I let the abuse slide as i didnt want to winde up any tension or make the sitatuion/breakup worse. My friends advised me to apologise for the hurt the breakup caused which i did.
1 week later, My ex texted me the night before at like 1am she was induced into labour that she was going to be induced and i asked her if she needs anything or wants me there, she said there isnt anything she needs and she said not to come and said it can take days until our son is born. 4 hours after this text she had given birth, but i had not been told this, and i had missed my sons birth. I recieve a text from bitter mother the next day that "he is here now come and see him". I was the last person to be contacted, her friends and family were all notifed immediatley, but they willingly contacted me late knowing that i wanted to be there (not in delivery room but in the hospital). The friends and family all saw my son before me and i knew this because of social media posts. I travelled from birmingham to london imediatly to see our son. When i arrived at the hospital, I was bitter because i was notifed last so i decided not to speak to her family and friends and see my son as the nurses allowed me. Upon picking up my son, My exs grandmother, my sons great grand mother, said "he will not be raised muslim, this is england not india, we dont do that here", her mother then proceedes to say he will eat what his grandmother feeds him, knowing i want my son to be muslim and eat halal food. She says why werent you here earlier, why are you here hours later making out to seem that i was some neglectful father who didnt care, her grand mother then policed me on how to pick up my child, how to hold him and how to change nappies, and threatend to kick me out, the nurse overheard this and said to her that i have a right to be here and i have 24hrs viewing access. then there was silence.
. They kept sayiing you should have been in london already we told you to book an airbnb in london, but i planned on booking it the day she was going into labour as that is when my paternity leave was due to start, i could not afford to pay a 300-400 so i can be there a week early.
I couldnt speak to my ex when I was at the hospital as they were in seperate wards, my son was in a special care unit and she was in her ward. So i spent a few hours with him. After the day had finished, it was too late and she had gone to sleep so i didnt want to disturb her so i went to my the hotel i booked.
I sent my ex a nice text saying thank you for delivering our son .etc and send gifts and flowers. I told her that my friends and family are coming down the next day from birmingham to see him. I walk into the hospital, and my exs mother started swearing at me saying im so horrible for not speaking to my ex after she had just given birth, and kept portaying me to be a cunt, she said that the messages and gifts dont mean anything even though my intentions in my text were me being grateful and thankful for the delivery of our son. She said your family and friends arent allowed to come, they have no right to be here, and said that she is going to get me banned from seeing my son if they come. I didnt believe or take serious what she said so ignored her and went to see my ex who was now with our son. my ex didnt speak to me once even though i tried to speak. A few hours later i went to grab lunch, and my family had already set of at this time. I told my ex that they are coming down to see him, and she said no, they dont have her permission to our son, eventhough no one from her side asked for my permission to vist and take photos. I couldnt believe what she was saying, she said that I couldnt see him at this point. Her mother overheard this, and said they she will ban them from coming but i laughed saying how and why are they doing this? I then get told that they will raise a safeguarding claim so im not allowed in the hospital. after my lunch i call the the head nurse to see if he is okay and if i can come down, and i am told that there is a safe guarding claim, and i cannot see my son, and they cannot dicuss anything about him to me as i am not on the birth certficate/i am not married. Eventhough this safeguarding claim is absolutely fictiuous. My family arrive and i had to turn them away. Since that day (2nd day of son being born), I have not seen him or heard of him. My ex has gone no contact and is not replying to any of my texts even though has read them. Throughout this entire situation my friends advised me to "bite my tongue and keep a level head" and ignore the abuse as it isnt the time or the place to have such discussions.
In navigating this challenging situation, my main concern is ensuring my son's well-being and maintaining a meaningful presence in his life. Despite my efforts to communicate and explore mediation options, my ex-partner's lack of response has added to the complexity of the situation.
Given the circumstances, I'm seriously considering seeking either full custody of my son, shared custody if that is a thing in the UK. I don't have access to the birth certificate but I know that they have no disclosed me on it. I've gathered compelling evidence regarding my ex-partner's living situation and behaviors, including substance abuse and instability within her household. It's clear that my son's best interests are at stake, and I'm committed to providing him with a safe and nurturing environment.
In terms of my own situation, I'm fortunate to have stable housing, financial stability, and flexibility in my schedule due to being a full-time student with part-time work (1 year left until i am a full time teacher, she isnt working and does not plan to and live on social welfare for the foreseeable future). I'm prepared to provide the stability and support that my son needs.
As I weigh my options, I'm considering pursuing shared custody initially, with the possibility of addressing schooling arrangements in court later on. Alternatively, I'm contemplating seeking full custody from the outset, given the concerns about my ex-partner's ability to provide a suitable environment for our son's upbringing. I do not want to take my child away completely from his mother as this is not right/islamic at all, I want us to coparent effectively so our son is raised with both parents. but this no contact thing makes it seem impossible. she has rejected to showing me the birth certificate and refused medations, (the mediator called her)
Ultimately, my chances of winning full custody will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence I've gathered and the court's assessment of what is in my son's best interests. Seeking guidance from a legal expert who specialises in family law will be crucial as I navigate this process.
My primary focus remains on ensuring that my son receives the love, care, and stability he deserves, regardless of the legal complexities involved.
Update: I have also contacted the police about the abusive behaviours from the my ex's mother. Id like to also mention that my son has a serious heart defect, and my exs mother is a habitual smoker regularly smoking cannabis and cigarettes, which is not ideal and can worsen his heart. he is due for an operation but I don't know when this is but I know its within the coming months. but I do not want him in a household that will hurt his health due to innapproiate care.
submitted by Huge_Peak6142 to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:19 SAHMAITAThrowRA AITA for canceling my sister's mother's day spa treatment after she called me names?

Removed from AmITheAsshole because it contains the same people as a previous post I made.
I 26F gave my 32F sister "Bethy" some candies and a spa treatment for Mother's Day because I see her as the godmother of my children (1f twins). I did the same thing for my twin brother, 26M "Jace," and he was ecstatic and asked if we could do it together, for old time's sake.
Bethy got angry at me. As mentioned in previous posts, Bethy and I are both SAHMs, although my husband is a master plumber (Micheal 30M) and hers is an elementary school teacher (Jackson 35M). She yelled at me for gifting her something she couldn't afford on her own and how would she do it during the summer when her eldest is on summer break and she doesn't have daycare for her younger kids. When I told her I would happily watch them or take them to the park or a movie, she began to yell. Calling my gift tacky and telling me I could "Shove it up my crooked ass". This was hurtful as I have a spinal cord injury and am an ambulatory wheelchair user.
She slammed the door in my face, taking the gift with her, and I left in tears. After I got home and put my girls to bed, my husband and I watched a movie together, ordered my favorite takeout and he rubbed my back for a little, it helps with the pain. I told him what happened and he suggested that if she didn't want to go, that I should cancel it, especially after the insult.
I ended up canceling her spa treatments and bought one and scheduled the appointment on the same day as Jace's appointment for myself so I can spend time with him. My sister called me this morning and confronted me about canceling her spa treatment, she tried to book an appointment and her certificate was declined. I explained that I canceled it and booked one for myself because it seemed like she didn't want it. She freaked out and told me I was a spoiled little asshole and I should try living her life in her shoes and how she needed the spa treatment more than I did.
I'm a people pleaser and was always taught I had to respect her. I have a hard time not giving her what she wants. AITA?
submitted by SAHMAITAThrowRA to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:14 PNWTigerLily Amazon Baby Registry Returns with and without Gift Receipt

Questions regarding gifts from my Amazon baby registry:
submitted by PNWTigerLily to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 T1DPilotguy Unique situation

So as the title says, I am in a bit of a pickle with the amount of debt that I have, but I feel like it is a bit more uncommon than most situations and I am wondering what my options are.
So I went to school to become a pilot and partway through I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, which is an automatic disqualify which is an automatic disqualifier for an FAA commercial for an FAA commercial medical. However, you can jump through a bunch of hoops in hopes to get a special issuance medical certificate.
So I elected to continue my training all the way through a multi engine commercial certificate and partway through my certified flight instructor license before I decided that my health wasn’t going to be good enough to meet standards for a special issuance medical and I changed majors. However, I racked up $180,000 in debt; 140k in private and 40k in government loans.
Currently, I’m using the snowball method to tackle this, but my payments are roughly $1600/mo wondering if there’s any way to help relieve this. I was able to get on the save program for my government loan so I only paid $50 a month for that. I also don’t want to consolidate my loans because my interest rates vary between 3% and 4.6%.
Any advice or programs that I could apply for to help eliminate some of this debt? Is it also possible work around way to apply for bankruptcy? could I potentially sue my school to get some of that money back?
submitted by T1DPilotguy to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 ClasherMatt2000 How do I even start repairing this?

Hi there. I am 23 years old, and just got discharged from a first bankruptcy. I had no choice but to declare bankruptcy last year because I had $14,000 in credit debt and was only working a very part time minimum wage job while in university. Yes I made bad decisions that led to this. I am ready to fix it though. I got discharged with my official certificate May 2nd.
First off, I have only $1500 to my name right now. Very few expenses though as I live with my mom and she said I don't have to pay rent until I graduate from university in one more year. In addition, I will be working for 6 days a week much of this summer. I am hoping to save up some money.
Even though I do not have to pay rent, I want to help my mom with some money if I can later in the summer, because she helped me before when I was in need.
So essentially, where do I start fixing my situation?
And how do I get the bankruptcy marked as resolved on my credit report? So that I can start rebuilding. I know it lasts for 7 years but I was told equifax can mark it as resolved or something like that.
I'm ready to fix this, and don't ever want to repeat the same mistakes. I have one credit card now with only a $300 limit from capital one.
Do I just save as much as humanly possible from my summer job? Because when uni starts on the fall again, I'll have less work.
submitted by ClasherMatt2000 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 andreabaker2 Robert Adams was Robert Spiegel, and there is a huge history.

As many of you may have read, there is a case of two missing adopted kids in North Carolina, where remains have been found. The news has reported that their adoptive “mother” is Avantae Deven.
I’m a curious person and started digging up information on Avantae Deven when I first read the story in my news feed and could not believe what I was reading. It seemed like whomever this woman is must have be using an alias; Avantae Deven is not a name like Kim Jones or Mackenzie Smith.
The more I dug, the weirder it seemed to get. I found a property deed to a place in Sedona, Arizona, and figured out that whomever this Avantae person is, she at one point in time had owned a home together with someone named Nicole Adams. So I dug into who Nicole Adams was, and learned that she was the widow of a spiritual leader named Robert Adams. It appeared to me that there would be no way to identify who Avantae really was, unless I could also identify the true identity of Robert Adams.
I've done investigative work for many years, including skip tracing. I can conclusively state that there was absolutely no person actually named Robert Adams born in New York State on January 21, 1928. This is demonstrated by the New York Birth Index. I have combed the census records for 1930, 1940, and 1950, and cross-checked them against multiple databases, and am confident that nobody with the birth name of Robert Adams was born anywhere in the United States on January 21, 1928.
Moreover, there was absolutely no person with the true name of Robert Adams who died anywhere at all in the United States, let alone Sedona, Arizona, on March 2, 1997. This is demonstrated by the Social Security Death Index.
I began this research largely by performing exhaustive searches on the known addresses that are associated with Robert, his wife Leonie (who used to use the alias Nicole), and Avantae Deven (who turns out to be their daughter Michelle who began using the alias Avantae in the mid-1990’s or so). Most of the addresses are PO boxes. Those that are PO boxes are all *private* PO boxes, not PO boxes that one can rent from the United States Postal Service. To me, that spoke volumes. The family were clearly using aliases.
As I explain further below, I eventually determined that “Robert Adams” was Robert Spiegel, born 21 January 1932 in New York. “Nicole Adams” was actually Aileen Beverly Leonie Maxwell, born February 2, 1929, in Jamaica. “Avantae Deven” is actually their daughter, Michelle K. Spiegel, born on October 1, 1960, in California.
One of Robert’s many false stories about Robert’s life that my research has refuted is Robert’s claim that his mother was Jewish and his father was Catholic. That was a lie. Both of his parents were Jewish. It’s also interesting that he claimed that he was “raised Catholic.” There is absolutely nothing to suggest that. His mother always, in New York, lived in Jewish neighborhoods. Moreover, as will be discussed below, his parents had a Jewish wedding. It’s also downright absurd that he would tell people that he was “half Jewish.” If your mother’s Jewish, you are Jewish, pure and simple. Even if Robert’s father had truly been Catholic (which he wasn’t; his name was Samuel Spiegel and he immigrated to America in 1907, lived with his Jewish, Yiddish-speaking cousins, and spoke Yiddish himself), Robert would have been Jewish because the status of being a Jew comes from the mother. Robert’s mother’s name was Fannie (nee Fleisfeder) Spiegel. Fannie’s parents were Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Libke (nee Rifkin) Fleisfeder. Esther’s parents were Mendel Rifkin and Sarah whose maiden name is lost to time and the disappearance of the shtetls. Robert’s claim to having had a Catholic father was utterly false, but is part and parcel of his ongoing compulsive daily lying about anything and everything.
Here is the story.
Kolomyia, formerly known as Kolomea, is a city currently located in the Western Ukraine.
On January 21, 1892 (the same year that Kolomea tallis1 workers went on strike for better pay and working conditions), Kolomea resident Rachel Katz, wife of Abraham Spiegel, gave birth to a son, who was given the name Schmuel.
On the date that Schmuel Spiegel entered the world, Kolomea was ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and almost half of the city’s residents were Jewish.
In June of 1907, fifteen-year-old Schmuel2 boarded the Zeeland, which sailed from Antwerp, Belgium, arriving at New York Harbor on June 18, 1907. The ship’s manifest states that Schmuel’s father had paid for his transport, and that Schmuel intended to reside with his father, Abe, in Brooklyn. Schmuel was granted entrance, and took up residence with his cousin Charles Fetner, who resided at 353 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, in Apartment A with his wife Jennie and their baby daughter Ettie. The sparse record that exists suggests that although Schmuel’s father was, indeed, named Abraham, Abraham lived and died in Europe, without immigrating to America.
The 1910 census describes Samuel’s cousin Charles as a carpenter, who had been married to housewife Jennie for six years, and a father of three children-- Ettie age four, Nathan age two, and baby Jacob, who was not even a year old. Eighteen-year-old Samuel was identified by profession as a “Foreman Sailmaker” in an industry described as “pocket-books.”
Three and a half years after being granted admission, on a bitterly cold winter day, January 4, 1911, Schmuel (now employed as a pocket-book maker, and having Anglicized his name to Samuel) signed and submitted his declaration to become a United States citizen. He stated, in that declaration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
By 1915, Samuel had left his cousin’s abode and was residing as a lodger in the home of a widow named Rose Hammer, who lived with her two adolescent sons, Meyer and Louis, at 531 E. 5th Avenue; Samuel was now working as a “driver.”
Two years after the 1915 state census was taken, Samuel had moved back to Myrtle Avenue, but this time at building no. 849. On June 15, 2017, Samuel registered for the draft, and described himself as being a pocketbook maker, working for “A. Shoenfeld,” at 101 Crosby Street, New York. He was single. He stated, in his draft registration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
A woman named Fruma Fleisfeder was born in Beltz, Bessarabia, sometime between July 1, 1893, and 1901, to Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Lieba Rifkin. Fruma (not living up to her pious given name) provided different dates and years of birth to different authorities on different occasions, making it impossible at this point in time to know her true position in the birth order of her family. Regardless, Fruma, who began using the name Fanny upon her entrance to the United States, did have three brothers and a sister who also came to America-- Louis Fleisfeder who was born April 10, 1890, Max Irving Fleisfeder who used October 10, 1892 as his birthdate, Hersch (later known as Harry), whose official birthdate was December 15, 1901, and Sylvia who was born in approximately 1906.
On December 1, 1919, Fruma arrived in New York Harbor on the ship La Touraine, declaring her intention, at entry, to become a United States Citizen. The ship’s manifest describes her as five feet five inches tall, with fair hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. The ship’s manifest states that she was, at that time, age 24. If that were correct, she would have been born in 1895.
Fruma (then going by Fanny) took up residence with her cousin Ethel (nee Ruchlin) and Ethel’s husband Samuel Steinberg, on 15th Street, Brooklyn. Soon thereafter, Ethel gave birth to her first child, a daughter named Theresa. The 1920 census states that Fanny was Russian, didn’t speak English but, rather, spoke Hebrew, and worked as a milliner in a millinery store. The 1920 census also states that Fanny was age 25, which lines up with her being age 24 in the prior year’s ship manifest.
Sam and Fanny married in Manhattan on January 24, 1925. Their marriage certificate (signed by each of them) identifies Sam as being age 32 (contradicting, by one year, his immigration records which would have placed him at age 33), and identifies Fanny as age 24, the same age that she had claimed to be six years prior, and also contradicting an immigration petition that she would file two decades in the future, which generally placed her birth year at the mid-point of 1893.
If Fanny’s immigration records (which included a petition with her signature on it) were correct, Fanny would also have been age 32 as of her marriage to Samuel, not age 24.
So did Fanny lie in her marriage certificate? Or did she lie in her immigration petition?
The marriage certificate identifies Sam as having been born in Kolomea, Austria, and his father being Abraham, and his mother being Rachel Katz. It identifies Fanny as having been born in Beltz, Russia, to a father named Isaac, and to a mother named Esther Rifkin.
The marriage certificate does not identify Fanny as having any profession, but identifies Sam as being a pocketbook maker.
Sam and Fannie were married at 125 E. 4th Street, Manhattan, a six-story apartment building with retail units on the ground floor that is now an expensive co-op, with three-bedroom units selling for over $900,000. Present-day real estate advertisements alternatively state that the building was built in 1894, 1903, and 1905.
The first name of the rabbi who officiated was Harry. His surname starts with Reid, but the remaining letters of his signature are illegible. Rabbi Harry identified his residence as 232 Broome Street, which, at the time, was a four-story mixed use building that, among other things, housed Chevrah Ahavath Zedek Anshei Jaskinover.
Witnesses to the marriage were Mayer Budmon and Samuel Steinberg.
Sam and Fanny’s existence was documented next in the 1925 New York State census by census. They were living at 205 S. 2nd Street. Samuel was still working as a “pocketbook maker.” Fanny was identified as a “housewife.”
Fanny was identified as age 25. This was in accordance with her age as stated on her marriage certificate, but not in accordance with her immigration documents or the 1920 census.
Sam was identified as being age 28, which conflicted with all prior records.
In 1930, the couple were again enumerated, this time in the Federal census. The enumerator, whose signature appears to be “Max Krahn” (or something like that) stated that he obtained the information on April 16, 1930.
Sam was identified as a “framer” of pocketbooks. He was identified as being 36 years of age, which conflicts by two years with the age that he provided to immigration authorities. Perhaps the enumerator was simply sloppy; Samuel was also incorrectly identified in the 1930 census as having been born in “Poland,” with parents who were both also born in “Poland,” notwithstanding other governmental records having identified him as being Austrian. The language he spoke? “Jewish,” according to the enumerator. Was that to mean Hebrew? Yiddish? Both?
Fannie was identified as age 30 (directly in conflict with the information she supplied in her immigration petition, which bears her signature) and as being “Russian,” with parents born in “Russia.” The 1930 census enumerator incorrectly wrote that her year of immigration was 1921. Fannie, too, was identified by the enumerator as speaking the “Jewish” language.
Although later records reflected that Sam and Fannie had a son named Irving who was born in 1926, Irving was not recorded in the 1930 census. Was he missed by the enumerator? Or was he a later-adopted son?
The couple also had a boarder, identified by the 1930 enumerator as one Esther “Larson,” age 40, born in Russia, and similarly a speaker of the “Jewish” language.
The New York Birth Index identifies a baby boy, Robert Spiegel, as one of many babies having been born in the city on January 21, 1932.
On May 21, 1936, Samuel committed suicide by hanging in the family residence, a tenement apartment located at 1168 Union Avenue, in the Bronx. Although, based upon the date of birth that Samuel used for official governmental purposes he was age 44, the death certificate stated that he was age 43.
Fannie engaged the Gordon Funeral Home to prepare him for burial.
Strangely, although Samuel’s headstone accurately identified him in Hebrew as Schmuel Spiegel, son of Avraham, it inexplicably incorrectly stated that he died at age 40.
Fannie of course knew her husband’s real age; both of them signed the marriage certificate that had Samuel’s correct age listed. Furthermore, Samuel had petitioned for citizenship in 1911, and stated that his date of birth was January 18, 1892.
Why would Fannie commission a headstone with a false age? Perhaps she, like her son, was a compulsive liar. Maybe that’s where Robert got it from.
The 1940 census has Fannie (identified as age 38), Robert (identified as age 8), and Fannie’s son/Robert’s brother, Irving Spiegel, age 13, as living with Fannie’s 72-year-old mother, Esther Fleisfeder, at 1537 Fulton Avenue, in the Bronx. Fannie and Esther were identified as widows. Esther was identified as “U” (unable to work), while Fannie was identified as engaged in housework. No source of income for the family was identified.
No explanation is obvious regarding where Irving was living in the census taken a decade previously. Was he adopted?
There is no “Irving Spiegel” listed in the New York Birth Index for either 1926 or 1927. There is an “Irving Spiegal” listed, who was born April 29, 1926. But he is not Irving Spiegel.
I initially thought that perhaps Irving might be one of the unnamed Baby Boy Spiegels born in New York in 1926 or 1927, and that he left the hospital unnamed because his parents were waiting for his bris before naming him. However, Robert left the hospital with the name Robert. Why wait until the bris to name one child, but not the other?
Slightly less than two years after she was enumerated in the 1940 census, Fannie’s mother Esther died, at home, at 1537 Fulton Avenue. The causes of death were “Coronary Thrombosis, Pulmonary Oedema Nephritis, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis.” Esther left this world on February 6, 1942, the same day that the W. L. Steed was torpedoed, shelled and sunk less than a hundred nautical miles east of the mouth of Delaware River by a German submarine.
She was buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Fairview, New Jersey, the same cemetery where her son-in-law Samuel was interred.
On November 12, 1943, Fannie, now residing at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, in the Bronx, petitioned for citizenship. She claimed, in that document bearing her signature, to be fifty years of age, meaning that if she was telling the truth, she would have been born in approximately 1893.
On January 19, 1948, Robert (having assumed a false date of birth, that being January 18, 1931), enlisted in the New York National Guard. On paper, he had turned age 17 the day before his enlistment. In reality, he would be turning age 16 two days after his enlistment.
On December 9, 1949, Robert was discharged from the national guard, apparently for having been AWOL.
The discharge document identifies his address as being 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City.
The 1950 census places Robert again at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City. It correctly identifies him as age 18, and states that he worked as a shipping clerk for a newspaper company.
According to the 1950 census, Robert resided at the Bathgate Avenue address with his mother Fannie, who was purportedly still age 50 (seven years after she had previously claimed to immigration authorities to be age 50), and Robert’s brother Irving, age 24.
Irving was listed as unemployed and moreover, according to the census record, had not worked for the prior year. Fannie was employed full-time as a milliner in a hat factory.
Military records reflect that Irving J. Spiegel, born in 1926 and a resident of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, who had completed two years of high school education, had flown bomber planes over Germany during the war. In his military documents, Irving described himself as single, with two dependents.
On February 2, 1929, a baby girl given the name Aileen Beverly Leone Maxwell was born in Lucea, Hanover, Jamaica, to William Maxwell and Daisy (nee Tibbits) Maxwell. Her birth was registered by her parents.
In 1954, Robert Spiegel and Aileen Maxwell were married in New York City. Their marriage license was given License No. 10284.
The following year, the Kingston, Jamaica, Gleaner reported on June 6, 1955:
Miss Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell, was married recently in New York City to Mr. Robert Spiegel of the U.S.A. Both the bride and groom are students at the New York Institute of Dietetics. The bride left the island nearly two years ago for New York. Her wedding gown was chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The bodice was fashioned with a wide, scalloped neckline and elbow-length sleeves. Her three tier skirt of chantilly lace was over pleated nylon tulle. Her fingertip-length veil was adorned with pearls.
If the claim regarding the couple studying at the New York Institute of Dietetics was even true, their studies at this institution didn’t last long. In May of 1956, a number of advertisements bearing Robert’s photograph appeared in the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner. The advertisements described Robert as a psychologist, author, lecturer, and “practitioner in auto suggestion,” and identified him as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.” Readers were invited to come meet Robert on May 21, 1956, at Record Plaza, where he would be autographing his “latest” “world-wide” 33 and 1/3 RPM record, “How to Stop Smoking in 7 days by Auto-Suggestion.”
On May 1, 1959, three residents of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, Bronx, New York, came through customs, having returned from a trip to Jamaica. They identified themselves as “Robert D. Spiegel” born in New York (in addition to giving himself a false middle initial, Robert neglected to complete the I-94-A fully, specifically by leaving his birthdate blank), “Leonie A. Spiegel” born in Jamaica on February 2, 1929, and their minor daughter, and “Sharon S. Spiegel,” born in New York. Someone also neglected to fully complete Sharon’s I-94-A, specifically by leaving her birthdate blank.
Leonie had taken Sharon to Jamaica two years earlier. There are no publicly available records pertaining to their outbound transport from the United States to Jamaica. There is, however, a record pertaining to their return to the United States. That publicly available record does not provide their address, but Sharon is identified as weighing 1 stone 5 pounds (a total of 19 pounds), and Leonie is identified as weighing six stone 5 pounds (89 pounds). Interestingly, Leonie used the name “Aileen Spiegel,” and the records assert that Aileen has no middle initial. Aileen was / is her true legal first name, but it is a lie to say that she has no middle initial.
Almost two years later, on January 5, 1958, the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner reported:
Staying at the Tamarind Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spiegel and daughter Sharon of Miami, Florida. Mrs. Spiegel is the former Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell of Lucea and has been in the United States for several years. A welcome party in their honour was given last Saturday night by Messers. Horrace, Ray, and Dennis Maxwell, brothers of Mrs. Spiegel. It was a very enjoyable affair.
In 1963, roughly five years after their 1958 visit to Jamaica, Leonie petitioned for naturalization, in Louisiana. Although I am in possession of the index showing that she petitioned in 1963, I do not possess the petition itself. However, the fact that she petitioned for naturalization in Louisiana demonstrates that that at least she was residing in Louisiana at the time. Since she stated that she didn’t leave Robert’s side for over 40 years, presumably Robert, young Sharon, and also baby Michelle were living in Louisiana at that time.
People who knew Robert personally relate that he stated that Leonie was a Cayman Island heiress. She wasn’t. Not only was she not born in the Cayman Islands, Leonie’s father’s estate was litigated (with the judge ruling against her) long before Robert started telling people that his wife was a Cayman Islands heiress.
Leonie’s father did leave an estate, but not to her. On November 9, 1967, the Gleaner reported that the Supreme Court had upheld the will of the late William Josiah Maxwell, the father of Horrace, Ray, Dennis, and Leonie, and the husband of Daisy Maxwell, who had contended that William’s signature was a forgery and that the person to whom his estate had been bequeathed had exercised undue influence. The court disagreed. The article reported:
The estate, which one of the executors described as “a sizeable one,” included 112 acres of land at Paradise and three houses at Lucea, Hanover.
Robert apparently wasn’t banking on Leonie’s inheritance in any event. In May of 1966, advertisements appeared in the Houston Chronicle with Robert’s photo on them, selling a record that would purportedly assist people in stopping smoking in seven days. He identified himself as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.”
On page 55 of the November 15, 1969, San Antonio, Texas Express and News, was an advertisement stating:
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel of Houston, director and founder of the Science of the Mind Foundation there, is conducting Sunday evening meetings at 7:30 p.m. in the Sheraton Inn, 1400 Austin Hwy.
On page 4 of the July 10, 1970 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram was a photograph of Robert, with a brief local news blurb:
GUEST – Dr. J Robert Spiegel of Houston, Science of Mind Foundation director, will speak at the 10:45 a.m. service tomorrow in First Church of Religious Science, 2001 6th Ave. His subject is “What Religious Science Teaches.”
On page 8 of the June 18, 1970 edition of the Houston Daily Cougar was this advertisement:
Teaching Aquarian Meditation For The New Age
Meets Every Sunday, 11:00 A.M. At The World Trade Center Auditorium
Houston, Texas
Aquarian Meditation Initiation for the first time offered through correspondence. For those sincere students wishing to bypass evolution and enter the 5th Kingdom. Initiation includes meditation technique, Mantra, how to "live” 24 hours a day, and much more. Write for application today:
P.O. Box 53328 Houston, Texas 052
From the Galveston Daily News, May 02, 1971, Pg. 31:
The 1972 Spiritual Community Guide lists Robert twice, in the San Diego area. First, on page 117, using his alias “J. Robert Spiegel”:
THE TEMPLE OF METAPHYSICAL ABUNDANCE. J. Robert Spiegel, 1118 Torrey Pines Rd., 92037. Teaches yoga, nutrition, ESP, metaphysics, psychology, mind control
Second, on page 124, in which he, as one might have predicted, was masquerading as some sort of medical man or scholar:
"AQUARIAN MEDITATION SOCIETY, U. S. Grant Hotel, Attn: Dr. Robert Spiegel, 453-7588"
Also in 1972, Volume 25 of San Diego Magazine published in November advertised gift certificates for the “Astrology Research Center.” “Give your loved one the gift of love. Only $50” said the advertisement. Where was this entity located? At 1118 Torrey Pines Road, the same address as Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance. The advertisement purported that person identified as “Lil Canaan” was the director. The telephone number was 459-6400.
In 2013, the San Diego Union Tribune published the obituary for Lillian Mulonas, who founded the La Jolla “Astrology Research Center.” At this point in time, unless Robert Adams’ only surviving daughter, Michelle/ Prentiss/ Avantae knows the answer and talks, we will not know what relationship, if any, existed between Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance and Lilian’s Astrology Research Center, both of which were located at 1118 Torrey Pines Road in 1972.
From the July 12, 1973, San Diego Reader:
Teachings of the Cosmic Way” meets Sundays, 11:00 a.m., U.S. Grant Hotel, Crystal Room. Free admission, refreshments served. Call 453-7588 for more information.
On page 51 of the June 29, 1974 edition of Phoenix’s Arizona Republic was the following advertisement:
Speaker from San Diego
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel from San Diego, a traveler and lecturer, will speak at 8 p.m., Friday in Universal Series Center, 4340 N. Seventh Ave., on the topic “Science of Being.”
He is the founder of the “Aquarian Meditation Society” in Jamaica and is founder and publisher of “Equinox,” a philosophical newspaper.
The family (Adams or Spiegel, however one might want to refer to them) have resided in (that I know of) New York, Miami, Jamaica, Louisiana, La Jolla, Los Angeles, Houston, New Mexico, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Sedona, and a number of cities in North Carolina.
In at least the 1990’s, before he left for Sedona, Robert Adams used the address PO Box 7210, Jordan Avenue, D-30, Canoga Park, CA. He used that address on correspondence he wrote, and on at least one published document. Who else used that address? The data aggregators show that this address was also used by a Michelle K. Spiegel, and a person going by the name Leonie Maxwell. Michelle and Leonie also used other addresses associated with Robert, those being 1815 Willis Avenue Panorama City, and 21551 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills.
The California Birth Index shows that Michelle K. Spiegel was born on October 1, 1960, in Los Angeles County, to a mother with the maiden name Maxwell.
In later life, Michelle used the addresses above that are associated with Robert and Leonie, as well as an address of 12004 Vanowen Street #14, North Hollywood. This is the same address at which Denniston Keith Maxwell, one of Leonie’s younger brothers, resided at, after his immigration to the United States. Denniston was one of Michelle’s uncles.
In a recent Facebook posting, Michelle/Avantae stated: “Never knew anything personal about said uncles, etc. Never asked, never cared.” Really? She shared an address with an uncle? Her uncle lived within a few minutes’ drive from her parents, and Michelle/Avantae never knew anything about him?
As an aside, Michelle/Avantae alleged (or admitted) that she “never cared” about anything personal regarding her uncles. If that is true, what does that tell us about Michelle/Avantae’s fundamental character? Antisocial? Psychopathic? Narcissistic in the extreme?
On August 2, 1996, Michelle, going by the name Avantae E. Deven, married Tyson Ruben Alvarez in Las Vegas. The two had addresses in common in Arizona, Nevada, and Montana.
Robert “Adams” died on or about March 2, 1997, in Sedona, Arizona.
Shortly after that, in the spring of 1997, “Nicole Adams” and “Avantae Deven” (both aliases; the correct legal names are Aileen Beverly Leonie Spiegel and Michelle K. Spiegel) purchased a home together in Sedona, on Navahopi Road. Shortly after the purchase, “Nicole” quit-claimed her portion to “Avantae.”
On July 17, 2001, Tyson, still married to “Avantae,” quit-claimed any interest in the Navahopi property to “Avantae,” and had the county recorder send the deed to “Avantae” in care of the Infinity Institute, at that time located at 9101 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 105 C29 (in other words, a private post box), in Las Vegas.
Avantae divorced Tyson in 2006. She had, by then, moved to North Carolina. She “served” Tyson via publication summons, claiming that she was unable to find him, despite his information being on multiple data aggregators.
You can go to various Facebook groups, and other sources, to pull up the documents that people have uncovered showing who is associated with the "Infinity Institute," and in what fashion, and also the addresses that they have used over the years.
In any event, this is the information regarding Robert that I think that people need to be aware of.
Why turn to a known liar and con man for spiritual guidance?
1A tallis is a prayer shawl.
2The ship’s manifest states that he was age 14, which conflicts by one year with what Samuel identified as his date of birth. These errors are not uncommon; his fare could have been purchased when he was age 14 and the records not updated.
submitted by andreabaker2 to RobertAdams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 Best-Attitude3628 Looking for a professional looking laptop for studying and gaming

I’ve had a really bad experience with PCs over the years although I’ve never purchased one myself and only been gifted or inherited hand me downs. The ones I always had seemed slow and had many issues even when they were newer. I’m hoping to get something fast and reliable. I’m using a Lenovo Ideapad 330 for work right now and it’s incredibly slow it’s infuriating.
Max budget is $1500, would like to be closer to $1000 if possible.
I’m looking to start to learn coding and potential getting IT certifications over the coming years. I’m not entirely sure how demanding this will be or what I’d need to look for.
Gaming, I own a ps5 and steam deck so it likely would not be my main vector for gaming but I’d still like to be able to take it on trips for high quality gaming. Games I’m looking for are Siege, Ready or Not, Lethal Company. I’d like the be able to run them on reliably high settings, minumum 60fps.
I’m also looking for something that’s professional looking. Not really interested in the gamer look that I see a lot, no rgb, although back lit keyboard would be nice.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Best-Attitude3628 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 _TheLastFartBender_ Jeweler acting weird: is this normal?

I was recently gifted a ring that I’ve decided to reset. It has a 2.8ct, K, VS1 natural diamond set in a platinum setting.
I was vacationing in India, and I thought why not do it here. Jewelry in general is a big part of the culture, there are many experienced, reputable jewelers, and I’d wanted to add some gemstones (sapphires) to the setting and I could see and pick them out for myself at these stores.
My aunt had a gold necklace that had a broken which she had given one of her trusted jewelers to fix. This was a brand-name place, established in late 1800s, blah blah blah. So she told me to come along, telling me that they are trustworthy and would do a quality job.
Here’s how it went.
We went in, she picked up the fixed necklace, exchanged pleasantries with one of the sales-people (who she had a long-standing relationship with). Then introduced me and I started talking. Showed them the ring, and the guy starts talking.
Him: [examining ring] What kind of stone is this?
Me: it’s a diamond.
Him: how many carats?
Me: uh, it’s 2.8 carats, and K, VS1.
Him: [turns it over in his and, continues to examine] How much was it? 10, 15? (I imagine he was asking in thousands, but I’m not sure)
Me: (mildly shocked but hiding it). I don’t know, it was a gift. (It was given to my mom by my dad, which she gifted to me after my civil wedding ceremony)
Him: [still examining the ring. Then whispemutters to two other sales people nearby] Bring the tester.
At this point I pick up my phone and pretend to be doing something on it. I was a bit taken aback and didn’t know what to do.
Salespeople bring one of those diamond tester things. Three salespeople crowd around the main dude, whos holding the ring. Main dude tests it. And then looks critically at it, not saying anything.
One of the sales people, whispering to main dude: Is it real?
Main dude slightly nods to him.
They continue crowding around him, looking at ring.
At this point I’m just calmly looking around, trying to not be awkward.
Main guy to me: is it certified?
Me: yes.
Him: do you have the certificate?
Me: no, it’s with my mom, but I can get it if you need.
Him: [silent for a while, and then] it should be inscribed on the stone right?
Me: yes I think so.
Him [nods]
At this point the others disperse, and we talk about the new setting I want, etc. I get a reasonable quote but I feel a little taken aback by the whole experience for some reason, so I tell them I’ll let them know, and me and my aunt leave.
After leaving, I don’t know. It felt so off. Like rude? I don’t know. I just remember feeling bad. My aunt could see I was a little quiet and told me that’s just how business is done in India, people are more blunt, and it’s becuase I’ve been away so long that I’m not used to it. But I don’t know. Is this normal?
I just felt kind offended? Or upset?
submitted by _TheLastFartBender_ to jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:54 _TheLastFartBender_ Jeweler acting weird: is this normal?

I was recently gifted a ring that I’ve decided to reset. It has a 2.8ct, K, VS1 natural diamond set in a platinum setting.
I was vacationing in India, and I thought why not do it here. Jewelry in general is a big part of the culture, there are many experienced, reputable jewelers, and I’d wanted to add some gemstones (sapphires) to the setting and I could see and pick them out for myself at these stores.
My aunt had a gold necklace that had a broken which she had given one of her trusted jewelers to fix. This was a brand-name place, established in late 1800s, blah blah blah. So she told me to come along, telling me that they are trustworthy and would do a quality job.
Here’s how it went.
We went in, she picked up the fixed necklace, exchanged pleasantries with one of the sales-people (who she had a long-standing relationship with). Then introduced me and I started talking. Showed them the ring, and the guy starts talking.
Him: [examining ring] What kind of stone is this?
Me: it’s a diamond.
Him: how many carats?
Me: uh, it’s 2.8 carats, and K, VS1.
Him: [turns it over in his and, continues to examine] How much was it? 10, 15? (I imagine he was asking in thousands, but I’m not sure)
Me: (mildly shocked but hiding it). I don’t know, it was a gift. (It was given to my mom by my dad, which she gifted to me after my civil wedding ceremony)
Him: [still examining the ring. Then whispemutters to two other sales people nearby] Bring the tester.
At this point I pick up my phone and pretend to be doing something on it. I was a bit taken aback and didn’t know what to do.
Salespeople bring one of those diamond tester things. Three salespeople crowd around the main dude, whos holding the ring. Main dude tests it. And then looks critically at it, not saying anything.
One of the sales people, whispering to main dude: Is it real?
Main dude slightly nods to him.
They continue crowding around him, looking at ring.
At this point I’m just calmly looking around, trying to not be awkward.
Main guy to me: is it certified?
Me: yes.
Him: do you have the certificate?
Me: no, it’s with my mom, but I can get it if you need.
Him: [silent for a while, and then] it should be inscribed on the stone right?
Me: yes I think so.
Him [nods]
At this point the others disperse, and we talk about the new setting I want, etc. I get a reasonable quote but I feel a little taken aback by the whole experience for some reason, so I tell them I’ll let them know, and me and my aunt leave.
After leaving, I don’t know. It felt so off. Like rude? I don’t know. I just remember feeling bad. My aunt could see I was a little quiet and told me that’s just how business is done in India, people are more blunt, and it’s becuase I’ve been away so long that I’m not used to it. But I don’t know. Is this normal?
I just felt kind offended? Or upset?
submitted by _TheLastFartBender_ to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:53 _TheLastFartBender_ Jeweler acting weird: is this normal?

I was recently gifted a ring that I’ve decided to reset. It has a 2.8ct, K, VS1 natural diamond set in a platinum setting.
I was vacationing in India, and I thought why not do it here. Jewelry in general is a big part of the culture, there are many experienced, reputable jewelers, and I’d wanted to add some gemstones (sapphires) to the setting and I could see and pick them out for myself at these stores.
My aunt had a gold necklace that had a broken which she had given one of her trusted jewelers to fix. This was a brand-name place, established in late 1800s, blah blah blah. So she told me to come along, telling me that they are trustworthy and would do a quality job.
Here’s how it went.
We went in, she picked up the fixed necklace, exchanged pleasantries with one of the sales-people (who she had a long-standing relationship with). Then introduced me and I started talking. Showed them the ring, and the guy starts talking.
Him: [examining ring] What kind of stone is this?
Me: it’s a diamond.
Him: how many carats?
Me: uh, it’s 2.8 carats, and K, VS1.
Him: [turns it over in his and, continues to examine] How much was it? 10, 15? (I imagine he was asking in thousands, but I’m not sure)
Me: (mildly shocked but hiding it). I don’t know, it was a gift. (It was given to my mom by my dad, which she gifted to me after my civil wedding ceremony)
Him: [still examining the ring. Then whispemutters to two other sales people nearby] Bring the tester.
At this point I pick up my phone and pretend to be doing something on it. I was a bit taken aback and didn’t know what to do.
Salespeople bring one of those diamond tester things. Three salespeople crowd around the main dude, whos holding the ring. Main dude tests it. And then looks critically at it, not saying anything.
One of the sales people, whispering to main dude: Is it real?
Main dude slightly nods to him.
They continue crowding around him, looking at ring.
At this point I’m just calmly looking around, trying to not be awkward.
Main guy to me: is it certified?
Me: yes.
Him: do you have the certificate?
Me: no, it’s with my mom, but I can get it if you need.
Him: [silent for a while, and then] it should be inscribed on the stone right?
Me: yes I think so.
Him [nods]
At this point the others disperse, and we talk about the new setting I want, etc. I get a reasonable quote but I feel a little taken aback by the whole experience for some reason, so I tell them I’ll let them know, and me and my aunt leave.
After leaving, I don’t know. It felt so off. Like rude? I don’t know. I just remember feeling bad. My aunt could see I was a little quiet and told me that’s just how business is done in India, people are more blunt, and it’s becuase I’ve been away so long that I’m not used to it. But I don’t know. Is this normal?
I just felt kind offended? Or upset?
submitted by _TheLastFartBender_ to Diamonds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 Team-BurgerWars Burger Wars 2024 - A Complete Success!

Burger Wars 2024 exceeded all expectations!
Throughout April, a staggering 17,000 burgers flew off the grills, marking the second-highest sales figure since the event's inception in 2016 and the highest post-Covid total.
In addition to the burger bonanza, generous donations and swag sales propelled Burger Wars' fundraising efforts to over $18,000 for Campaign for Kids.
Claiming victory this year is Chef Dilly's of Windsor, Nova Scotia.
Not only did they clinch the People's Choice Award, but they also flipped the most burgers — 1161 to be exact! Remarkably, they achieve this feat operating just 2.5 days a week.
Kelly Stevens snags the coveted Burger Buzz Challenge prize pack, packed with goodies like gift certificates to Canning Meat Market, Foodland Grocery Store, delectable condiments, refreshing drinks, trendy swag, and a Sterling 3 Burner BBQ valued at $399!
A colossal shoutout to all who rallied behind Burger Wars 2024:
submitted by Team-BurgerWars to burgerwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 himanshukhatri704 Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with Silver Rakhi A Touch of Elegance and Tradition from

Raksha Bandhan, a festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters, is marked by the ritual of tying a Rakhi around the brother’s wrist. While Rakhis come in various designs and materials, Silver Rakhi holds a special place due to its elegance, durability, and traditional significance. Here’s everything you need to know about Silver Rakhi and why it makes an excellent choice for this auspicious occasion.
The Significance of Silver in Raksha Bandhan
Silver has been valued for centuries not only for its beauty but also for its symbolic meanings and health benefits. Here are a few reasons why Silver Rakhi is a meaningful choice:
  1. Symbol of Purity and Prosperity: Silver is considered a symbol of purity and is believed to bring prosperity and good luck. Tying a Silver Rakhi can be seen as a blessing for a prosperous future.
  2. Durability: Unlike other materials, silver is durable and can be kept as a cherished keepsake. A Silver Rakhi can be a lasting reminder of the bond shared between siblings.
  3. Health Benefits: Silver is known for its antimicrobial properties and is believed to have various health benefits, such as improving blood circulation and boosting immunity. Wearing a Silver Rakhi can thus be beneficial for health.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Silver Rakhis are elegant and timeless. Their shiny and sophisticated look can complement any attire, making them a versatile accessory.
Types of Silver Rakhis
  1. Traditional Silver Rakhi: These Rakhis feature classic designs often inspired by traditional motifs. They might include elements like Om, Swastika, or Ganesh symbols, which add a spiritual touch.
  2. Modern Silver Rakhi: For those who prefer contemporary styles, modern Silver Rakhis come in sleek designs with minimalistic patterns. They can feature geometric shapes, abstract designs, or personalized engravings.
  3. Silver Bracelet Rakhi: Combining the traditional Rakhi with a modern bracelet style, these can be worn even after the festival, serving as a piece of jewelry. They are both stylish and meaningful.
  4. Silver Rakhi with Gemstones: Adding gemstones to a Silver Rakhi enhances its beauty and introduces additional symbolism. Gemstones like emerald, ruby, or sapphire can be chosen based on the wearer’s preferences or astrological significance.
  5. Customized Silver Rakhi: Personalized Silver Rakhis with initials, names, or special messages engraved on them add a unique and sentimental touch. These Rakhis are perfect for creating a lasting memory.
How to Choose the Perfect Silver Rakhi
  1. Consider His Style: Think about your brother’s style and preferences. Does he like traditional designs, or does he prefer modern and sleek accessories? Choose a Silver Rakhi that matches his taste.
  2. Quality of Silver: Ensure that the Rakhi is made from genuine sterling silver (92.5% purity) for durability and quality. Look for hallmarks or certifications that guarantee its authenticity.
  3. Personal Touch: Adding a personal touch can make the Silver Rakhi even more special. Consider customizing it with his initials or a meaningful symbol.
  4. Packaging: Present the Rakhi in elegant packaging. A beautiful box or pouch can enhance the gift’s appeal and make the unwrapping experience more enjoyable.
Making Raksha Bandhan Special with Silver Rakhi
  1. Rituals and Traditions: Begin the Rakhi tying ceremony with traditional rituals. Light a diya, perform an aarti, apply tilak, and then tie the Silver Rakhi on your brother’s wrist, followed by exchanging sweets.
  2. Heartfelt Messages: Accompany the Rakhi with a heartfelt note or card. Express your love, gratitude, and the special bond you share with your brother.
  3. Thoughtful Gifts: Pair the Silver Rakhi with a thoughtful gift. It could be something he has been wanting, a book, a gadget, or a personalized item that holds sentimental value.
  4. Quality Time: Spend quality time together. Whether it’s sharing a meal, watching a movie, or reminiscing about childhood memories, the time spent together makes the celebration memorable.
  5. Virtual Celebration: If you are miles apart, celebrate virtually. Send the Silver Rakhi via post or courier and perform the rituals over a video call to keep the spirit of the festival alive.
Silver Rakhi from is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a symbol of the deep bond and love shared between siblings. Its elegance, durability, and traditional significance make it a perfect choice for Raksha Bandhan. By choosing a Silver Rakhi, you not only honor the festival’s traditions but also create a lasting memory that your brother can cherish forever. This Raksha Bandhan, let the gleam of silver reflect the timeless bond you share with your brother, making the celebration truly special.
submitted by himanshukhatri704 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:29 Explore_Nation18 500$ Gift Certificate From Subaru

After a recent bad experience at a local Subaru dealer for some warranty work, Subaru of America sent me a 500$ gift certificate to use at any dealer. Looking for ideas on what you guys have for extras or what I should maybe toss it towards. My car has a cheaper rear seat cover already, I have splash guards already, cheaper center council cover, I have off brand weather tech floor Mats alright. 2022 2.5L limited Thanks!
submitted by Explore_Nation18 to Subaru_Outback [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:38 Anonymous_positivity The Story Of Baby, Crybaby's Long Lost Twin

The Story Of Baby, Crybaby's Long Lost Twin
(Fan made, alternate storyline)
Guys I created my own alternative storyline because simply can't accept that this is technically the end of Crybabys story and I'm going to ball my eyes out at the end of the trilogy tour so here's my storyline.
Crybaby & Baby are identical twins that were born on August 14th in Lennox House for the Mentally Insane Institute and into a fairly loveless household with an alcoholic mother, stoner brother and unfaithful father. Both of their names came from their brother altering their birth certificates as a cruel joke to give them names he felt fit their personalities. Crybaby was seen as the emotional, vulnerable, dramatic, and sensitive twin regarded as the good twin while Baby is seen as the chaotic, mean, sneaky, and vindictive twin regarded as the bad twin. Baby seen the family dysfunction for what it was and encouraged Crybaby to run away with her to a far away place in which she referred to as Dreamland from the toxicity so they could be happy together, but Crybaby was too naive and doe eyed to realize the severity of their house situation. Because of this, brother, mom and dad have held resentment against Baby because she wont keep her mouth closed about the problems in their family. From a young age they've always been inseparable and are almost always attached to the hip. To distinguish them, Crybaby dyed one side of her head pink and Baby dyed one side of her head blonde. Crybaby also curls her hair while Baby's stays straight. The twins natural hair color is very dark brown (almost jet black) Before the age of 5, the twins were so close and so intelligent they managed to create their own language barrier to communicate to each other which is sacred between them and others can't interpret. Because of their unhealthily codependence to one another and eccentric behavior, their brother viewed them as weird freaks who were better off set up for adoption or auctioned to be kept in mental hospitals and freak shows. Unfortunately being born into a dysfunctional family the twins rarely were given healthy attention and love and this caused many maladaptive behaviors such as isolation from outside contact, Stubborness, aggression, impulsivity, and impaired social relationships. This behavior was apparent to school kids who teased Baby and Crybaby (especially crybaby) for their trauma caused behaviors, teachers, peers, neighbors and their own family called them the Bipolar Twins for their hot and cold dynamic. However due to their contrasting personalities and temperaments Baby would find herself in constant comparison and competition with Crybaby which was fueled and started by their brother who planned to split them apart. (via, adoption) as their parents had enough of "Baby's" bad behavior they ended up giving her to Belham Orphanage an orphanage for the exceptionally "gifted" where she would never see Crybaby or her family ever again. Brother framed Baby for the things he did around the house (breaking dishes, lying, stealing candy, and initiating fights) and because the parents were so disorganized and chaotic they did not pay close attention to who was actually responsible for the bad behavior. Baby was the scapegoat to the family's dysfunction because she saw through it all. As Crybaby grows older she becomes more aware and more suspicious about her family and starts to discover that there is "another" other than her and Brother. Despite her questions her family especially Mom and Brother continue to gaslight her and remind her that it's all just a figment of her "imagination" and she needs to " "relax" with this Mom and Brother continue to drug Crybaby with Librium until any memory of Baby is completely erased and wiped clean out her mind. (Crybaby is around 7-8 at the time)
While Baby is in the orphanage she spiraled becoming depressed, cynical, and detached from those around her and refuses to even go outside. Mom, Dad and Brother dont visit her at all although Mom promised to take her home when she is "well" She often fantasizes and dreams about seeing Crybaby and running away together to "Dreamland" as months and years go on Baby slowly descends into madness and loses herself in the process.
Baby starts to reminisce hallucinate and dissociate regularly and have done for a long time. She dissociated in separate, regular episodes. Between these episodes she doesn't notice changes. She creates a different persona and goes under the alias "Bad Baby" in which she wears a porcelain doll-like mask and ritually dances in sync with her emotions. Baby accepts her insanity and fully embraces it as she sees no way out the orphanage.
Additional info - Baby is the older twin by a minute and 5 seconds making Crybaby younger
  • Baby's hair is commonly black and blonde while Crybaby's is black and baby pink
  • Crybaby is more bubbly and extroverted than Baby
  • Baby is the more aggressive mischievous twin
  • Crybabys pet is Felipe a black and brown tarantula, Baby's pet is Lunar a black bombay cat
  • Crybaby smiles more than Baby
  • when the twins were born Crybaby was named Crybaby because Mom complained about her crying/whining and Brother named her Crybaby while Baby came out silent and scared the nurses, they thought she was dead she wasn't, she simply was silent and was named Baby.
Feel free to ask me questions about it, and give me feedback on the plot, the twin dynamic and "Baby" as a character.
submitted by Anonymous_positivity to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 Bochai127 $25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black

$25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,004 ratings 1K+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the quality, size and ease of use of the charging adapter. For example, they say it's well built, easy to use and accommodates multiple devices without a huge footprint. Customers are also impressed with the charging, saying it charges fast and efficiently. They like the appearance, saying the charging unit is a perfect addition to their bedside table.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • ⚡ 3 In 1 Mag-Safe Charger Stand - Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is a magsafe charger stand for efficient wireless charging of iPhones, Apple Watches and AirPods. With this innovative charging stand, you no longer have to search for multiple chargers or deal with a cluttered desktop. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to convenience!
  • ⚡ Adjustable Viewing Angle - Allows the iphone magsafe charger to swing up to 40° up and down and the iphone to be placed horizontally or vertically, giving you the flexibility to position your iphone for the best visual experience. Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is not only a Mag-Safe charger, but also a convenient iphone stand to keep your device within reach.
  • ⚡ Powerful Magnetic Alignment - Built-in charging magnet is well compatible with MagSafe, making iphone and apple watch alignment easier and ensuring a secure connection so you never have to worry about dropping your phone. NOTE: Magnetic alignment works with iphone 12-15 series (iphone 8-11 must have a magsafe-approved case) and apple watch. The thickness of case needs to be less than 0.02 inch/5 mm.
  • ⚡ Wireless Fast Charging - After testing on thousands of devices and user feedback, Aeinidi has upgraded the 3rd generation smart charging chip and QC3.0 18W/PD 20W adapter to increase the charging efficiency and the compatibility of the mag-safe charger stand by 100%, which can charge an iPhone up to 50% in less than 1 hr, and fully charge an iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch in less than 2-3 hrs! Say hello to efficient charging by ditching your 5W charger!
  • ⚡ Superior Compatibility - Designed for MagSafe, Aeinidi mag-safe charger works well with MagSafe-approved cases and supports the latest iPhone models that iPhone 15 14, 13, 12 series, as well as the Apple Watch Ultra/S1 to S9 and the AirPods 3/2 Pro (the airpods 2 must have a wireless charging case), making it a truly all-in-one charging solution to Apple essentials.
  • ⚡ Multiple Safety Protection - Passed rigorous testing and received FCC and CE certifications, Aeinidi Mag-Safe charger stand upgraded over-current, over-voltage and over-heat protection and foreign object detection ( the indicator light will blink in case of an abnormal state). Just charge your devices with confidence with this high quality and safe 3 in 1 charging station for apple!
  • 🎁 Exquisite Gift - Made of sturdy alloies, this stylish mag-safe charger stand with indicator lights is the perfect charging accessory for desktops and bedsides and a great gift for friends and family! You'll get a 3 in 1 charging station for apple, a 3.3ft/1m charging cable, an adapter, a user guide, a 12-month warranty, and a 10 years wireless charging research and development team as your after-sales support!
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:45 Bochai127 $89.99 -31% GAIALOOP Thick Memory Foam Camping Mattress Sleeping Pad [Car/Tent/Cot] 3 Inch Portable Floor Mat Roll Up for Guests Kids Adult Sleepover

$89.99 -31% GAIALOOP Thick Memory Foam Camping Mattress Sleeping Pad [CaTent/Cot] 3 Inch Portable Floor Mat Roll Up for Guests Kids Adult Sleepover 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 470 ratings 700+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the quality, versatility, and portability of the sleeping mat. For example, they mention it's well-made, works well for car camping, tent camping, and nomad vehicle living. That said, they appreciate the pillow and comfort. That being said, opinions are mixed on thickness, value, and size.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • 【Ultra Comfortable:Soft & Supportive】Gaialoop Thick Memory Foam Sleeping Pad is made of a scientific combination of 30D Support Foam and 40D Memory Foam . The high density poly foam acts as a supportive foundation to prevent you from hitting the ground when you lie on the pad. The memory foam conforms to your body shape, responses to your body heat and pressure, offers you enjoyable comfort and protects your back, spine, and hips when side sleep.
  • 【Safe Material:Holiday Gifts for All】The sleeping pad is OEKO-TEX Certificated with no odor. The memory foam, high density poly foam, and plush fabric cover are all made of safe material. Pregnant women, toddlers, and the elderly can use our products without worry. It would be a great gift idea for holidays, gift for women, gift for men.
  • 【Waterproof & Washable Cover】The velvet like plush fabric cover is removable and washable. The inner side of the top and bottom covers has waterproof coating to protect the foam from rain, dew, and wet ground. Wash the cover at a reasonable frequency can keep the pad clean and increase its lifespan.
  • 【Outdoor Uses: Camping/Road Trips】Outdoor, it can be used as a portable travel mattress, camping bed roll, a temporary bed in tent camping, car camping, and road trips(SUV/RV/Van/Truck/Camper). Way more comfortable and easier to use than air mattresses. It also can be used to soften up a cot or a couch. It comes with a sturdy carrying case with straps, can be rolled up nicely for storage.【Note: Not for long-distance backpacking/hiking.】
  • 【Indoor Uses: Guests/Kids/Sleepovers】Indoor, it can be used as a guest bed, a floor mat, a nap bed, a mattress topper, a futon mattress. It would be a great possession in occasions like indoor stretching, sleepover nights, relative visiting, family gathering, movie nights, kids' indoor camping and more.
  • 【NOTE】The instruction says "usually takes 6 hours to fully expand", but some mattress may rebound more slowly if they remain vacuum packed for more than 1 month. If you find the size is shorter than the size described, please wait 24 hours to see whether the mattress can fully rebound. If no, please contact Amazon for a refund.
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 Medicalhuman If I got my eyebrow done this weekend and have a vacation In 6 weeks at a resort can i swim?

(Unsure what flair to put sorry, lmk if I’m wrong and I’ll edit)
Basically my question, i have a gift certificate to get my eyebrow done and really wanna do it but in about 6 weeks im going to Cancun and will probably swim a lot. Is that too soon ?
submitted by Medicalhuman to piercing [link] [comments]