Can a throat infection cause a rash swollen joints and diahria

Fully impacted & horizontally facing wisdom tooth. Risk of nerve damage but also having pain that comes and goes. I don't know what to do.. [X-rays/CBCT attached)

2024.05.14 01:16 Sapphire1878 Fully impacted & horizontally facing wisdom tooth. Risk of nerve damage but also having pain that comes and goes. I don't know what to do.. [X-rays/CBCT attached)

I am 24 years old.
I had both of my wisdom teeth FULLY impacted (not even a bit visible) and horizontally facing (#38 & #48).
I had one removed about three years ago (#48). It was very close to the nerve, thankfully no damage at all.
Now I need to get rid of the other (#38). I have permanent inflammation there and I have been having pain lately. It is very similar to the one I had removed, but I think this one is even close to the nerve.
Here are some pictures attached (these were taken just before I had my other wisdom tooth removed):
CBCT (?): (it's in another language but I guess you can understand what's happening). Orange should should be the nerve. I can't really read it though, I don't know exactly what I am seeing, how close the tooth really is to the nerve etc.
For the record, this is the CBCT for the one I had removed:
I believe the other one was easier? Less closer to the nerve? Or am I wrong?
Of course these are questions I will ask my oral surgeon, but I would like to get as many opinions as possible. I am really scared of possible nerve damage. I have heard cases were their nerve was damaged and they couldn't feel a part of their mouth, their speaking was affected etc. It's horrible. Then at the same time, I have pain here and there, also permanent inflammation above the tooth. I don't know what to do. It feels like a case of:
I do the surgery? High risk of nerve damage = goodbye
I don't do the surgery? Permanent inflammation, pains here and there, potential damage to the other tooth (#37) etc.

I know coronectomy is an option but even for this procedure I have heard not so good things. Since a part of the tooth is left inside, it can cause many issues, infections, this and that.

Based on your experience, what do you suggest me to do? The more opinions I have from professionals/people with knowledge, the better decision I can make. Thank you!
submitted by Sapphire1878 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 Ezbayt Whenever I dream, immediately write the dream down. I do as little editing as possible what is read is as true to my recollection of the dream as possible.

“I want to know your deepest fear. I want to know what floods your mind and causes your neural synapses to fire.”
A pop up advert for an official off earth resort fills the screen with a nauseating array of bright colours juxtaposed by a minimalist design style. The advert boasts of and promises a new life on the colony of Mars. An en-suite apartment that captures the earth in all its distant splendour. A sound plays and endless colourful dots fill the screen followed by a sanitised artificial voice : “ The Mars colony produced around 2 billion tonnes of waste last year.”
This electronic vision is interrupted by an enormous violent outburst. Glass shatters and pops, heavy cybernetic feet pound the floor followed by manic howling. “ Where is Che?!?! where is Che?!? I need Che!?”
One may have mistaken this commotion for a toddler in distress but this was no mere toddler. Indeed, the individual causing this commotion was a young man named Matthew Theron, yes of the Theron family. Somehow I knew this character and knew that his very presence had a serious gravitas.
In this dream I am accompanying Che, the advert for the new life on Mars is projected on a screen which we both grind our teeth at due to its slow speed of progression especially given the circumstances, we need a way out of this place and we needed it now.
Che features are indescribable, what I can confirm is that she is indeed a specimen worthy of the envy of men and woman alike. And I would liken this dream and its atmosphere to that of Helen of Troy who in her passions against her husbands, the rich and powerful Menelaus, brought ruin and tragedy to the city of Troy and those who lived behind its walls.
CRASH! This time a steel door is sent flying through the air followed by more howling
“Che! Che where are you!?! I need Che!”
I cast my eyes down the hall, glass lays strewn about all natural wooden floor and a small crowd begins to gather. My focus turns to Che and I whisper frantically, “We need to get out of here now.”
The sign up for this new life ends and we are greeted by a new announcement by the screen. “ your transport will arrive in 1 minute. Please make your way to the designated area.” Fortunately for us, said designated area was located atop what I can recall being a rather tall and imperious building, the exact building we were trapped in.
“We’ve gotta get outside, go now” I say, grabbing Che by her arm and shoving down the hallway towards the roof top exit. The sound of heavy feet fills the chaotic ambience behind us. Wham! Bam! Bam! Glancing over my shoulder I see Matthew , eyes aglow in manic fury, hair wild, the smashed glass crunching beneath his bare feet as he stalks his way closer.
“Che!” He howls.
“Che! I need you! I want to know your deepest fear! I want to know what floods your mind and causes your neural synapses to fire!”
He takes off running, I shove Che and move to intercept the cyborg. Despite his speed I manage to grab him by the scruff raise him into the air, slam him down and essentially fold him like a piece of paper all in a single motion. I turn and bolt to the door noticing that Che is holding it open for me. Just as I make it there, the cyborg reforms itself. Legs, neck and joints snap and twist back together like a corpse reanimated by a necromancer. At once his assault resumes. I slam the door, locking it but it is immediately blown off its hinges.
“The ship! The ship!” Yells Che.
We sprint, leap and jump into the ship which lifts off and clears the building just as the cyborg comes within reach, just in time its doors close and full throttle is engaged.
Last image I have is of that cyborg madly throwing himself off the buildings roof in rage induced attempt and clearing the distance between the abyss below and our Space Craft. Rage still burning in his eyes.
This commotion is interrupted by a screen similar to that observed earlier which thanks us for choosing this particular brand for our off world adventure and reassured us that we have made the correct decision. This is all followed by an infomercial showing what looked like a river flowing with millions of different pixels on a stark white background, with the announcement once again recalling the 2 billion tonnes of waste that was produced by the Mars colony of last year.
submitted by Ezbayt to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:02 AppropriateArticle40 My therapist diagnosed me with Hypochondriasis and I’m spiraling

I’ve been experiencing a ton of different symptoms for a while, for over two years I’ve had a lot of gastrointestinal distress like constipation and diarrhea, severe stomach cramps, gas and gas pains, nausea, etc. For the past year or so I’ve started to feel really run down and sick, like I have the flu or something. I’m always fatigued and resting doesn’t help, I have muscle pain all the time especially in my back and jaw, aching and cramps in my legs and arms, I’m always overheated and sweating, I get unexplained skin issues like rashes and redness, my lymph nodes feel sore and sometimes swollen, I have tachycardia. Just generally I usually do not feel physically well.
I’ve been seeing a new therapist for probably about a month. I’ve been talking to her about how my health issues have been affecting me and how tiring it can be to deal with doctors and how being fatigued and in pain 24/7 makes it really difficult to go about my regular life. I just checked the billing paperwork from my last session and realized she diagnosed me with Hypochondriasis. And I’m kind of spinning out now, like is she right, am I just making all of this up, what if I’m just crazy and paranoid and delusional??
It’s just that I never used to feel like this, like obviously I’d be tired sometimes and get headaches or stomachaches occasionally like a normal person, but I felt overall physically well. But now I feel like I’m sick or in pain a lot of the time, my muscles and joints are always intensely hurting and aching, I’m constantly having painful GI episodes that derail my plans and I’m stuck on the toilet feeling like I’m going to pass out, and the fatigue is not just tiredness, no amount of rest helps. I just mean that I didn’t used to feel like this, this isn’t my “normal”, my daily life is being disrupted because I don’t feel well.
But based on the diagnosis of hypochondriasis, it says you have a lot of symptoms but tests come back normal, which my blood tests haven’t shown any glaring issues so I guess that means it’s psychosomatic? And there are some symptoms of the disorder, like thinking and researching about your health and seeking out different doctors and tests, that I also have, because I have symptoms that are impacting my life and I want to figure out how I can feel better.
The diagnosis of hypochondriasis also says that you get anxious about minor symptoms like fatigue. But my fatigue is not a minor symptom, when I say fatigue I don’t mean tiredness or sleepiness, it’s like this constant heavy weight on me, it impacts my daily life because I feel too tired to do normal activities like school and work, and I can’t get through the day without sleeping, and even then I never feel rested. I feel so shitty thinking that my chronic fatigue is considered a minor symptom and I’m blowing it out of proportion due to hypochondriasis.
I’m honestly freaking out, my therapist putting that diagnosis on my chart makes me feel like I’m just insane and I’m questioning everything, I don’t know what to do or think. I keep getting told this is all in my head
submitted by AppropriateArticle40 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 Radiant-Tooth8223 My experience with scabies (Canada)

A disclosure: I am in Canada. Doctors are not familiar with this mite here. If you are given permethrin and it seems to help but does not rid of the rash completely (or it returns) do not rule out scabies. This mite has become treatment resistant. Permethrin alone will not do it in most cases, and some doctors are not aware or will not communicate that with you.
Symptoms started after I returned from Europe, where I slept in hostels. I first started becoming itchy 4-6 weeks after coming back. I would wake up in the middle of the night itchy all over, with seemingly no rash.
Then spots started to appear, scattered at first, on my stomach, legs. Some spots would come and stay for months on end. It seemed they were almost infected from the inside. The itching was unbearable. I saw my doctor. She sent me away with some steroid cream. I paid for an online dermatologist who said celiac, I cut out gluten (dermatitis herpetiformis) & got blood tested. I told my doctor I suspected scabies, she prescribed permethrin. Two rounds. I thought yay! I can move on. Not quite.
Rash continued. Got a referral to another doctor who had done a one year specialty. She diagnosed me with allergies. Gave me a compounding cream and antihistamines. These all did nothing. She then took three biopsies of my skin. All said inflammation with one having impetigo (infected from scratching). She was certain it wasn’t scabies. Rash then appeared in someone else in my household, I communicated that with her, and she still did not believe it was scabies but insisted it was eczema. I continuously asked her “But is that contagious?” & “What are the odds two people who have never had eczema before develop the condition simultaneously?” She ignored me for the most part. Doctors will not listen sometimes. You have to be your own biggest advocate and TRUST YOUR GUT.
I saw a naturopath. He thought most definitely autoimmune.
I tried prednisone, & countless topical steroids and antibacterials. I tried antivirals. I did more bloodwork and stool testing for other parasites. The worst part of this condition was really the mental aspect. The confusion. The frustration. The exasperation. I tried to see dermatologists in Canada, both private and public. None available.
Finally, I took matters into my own hands. I stopped waiting for referrals to go through or doctors to call me back. I did as much research as possible and I went with the diagnosis that made the most sense.
Symptoms - itchy 4-6 weeks after Europe - itchy especially at night - contagious - widespread & concentrated in certain areas (groin, hands)
Scabies. I treated with Benzyl benzoate (ordered 100% and diluted with Johnson’s moisturizer). Days 1,2,8,9,15,22,29 and took ivermectin along side on those days as well. Rash disappeared.
Listen to your gut, be proactive and help yourself. People say trust the professionals but doctors in Canada are not educated on this matter. You are not alone if this is something you or someone you know is going through. It is not your fault and there is nothing you could have done to avoid contracting it. No one else from my travel group contracted the mite. Sometimes you get unlucky. Flip the script for yourself by being your own biggest advocate. I learned to be that person for myself. You will get through this.
submitted by Radiant-Tooth8223 to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:57 Interesting-Emu7624 How do y’all respond when you’re young with chronic pain and someone who’s older and relatively healthy is like “oh hunny just wait till you reach my age” type shit like you can be in pain while young?

This is kind of a rant but it annoys the hell outta me when people are all like “oh my god you’re so young you can do anything you’re fine my back aches now cause I’m 60 wait till you get there.”
Like bitch you can work full time and be there with your kids and grandkids while I didn’t even get to see my mom on Mother’s Day cause I was too sick to leave the house and go on disability on and off from work all the time for flare ups 😑😑😑
Like I just wanna tell them how it feels to have every nerve in my body feel like it’s a hot electrical wire on fire, pins and needles everywhere on my skin, joints sore as fuck and unstable cause of EDS, and seriousss muscle spasms not to mention gastroparesis! But then it just looks like I’m complaining.
Like can we not assume younger people with invisible illnesses are fine and downplay it? Ugh it’s annoying. God forbid I use a handicapped parking spot cause I can hardly breathe and get chest pain if I walk too far or fast.
Hey we can make this comment section a rant session about this shit if we want, we’re not alone and it’s cathartic in a way to talk about it.
submitted by Interesting-Emu7624 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:37 roughschematics Making sense of Whispers - the full prophecy of how the Void wins and Midnight begins

Five keys to open our way.
The Pillars of Creation were assembled, resulting in the defeat of the Burning Legion, and Sargeras eventually stabbing Azeroth with his sword. That's one competing cosmic force gone.
Five torches will light our path.
The Sigils of the Eternal Ones within the Shadowlands, used to stop Zovaal, the Jailer, and stop the forces of Death from draining Azeroth's life-essence. Another cosmic force taken out.
Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters' way.
The Oathstones, symbolising how the Dragon Aspect lost their aspectral powers. Their quest to regain their powers on the Dragon Isles has allowed Xal'atath to press ahead with her plans: most importantly by significantly weakening the Titans' grip on Azeroth, as the Aspects are now empowered by the Worldsoul.
With many eyes, they will see again. They will drink, and be uplifted.
Even now, the Harbinger gathers the children of the first flesh to reclaim what was lost. They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty. While they toil in the deep places, we will journey to the shores of dragon lands, to the blessed isle where the Worldbreaker first embraced the whispers. As one storm recedes, another rises. The torches have been lit. The secrets he buried will strike as a dagger into the hearts of his kin!
The Nerubians of Azj-Kahet drink the Black Blood of the Old Gods, evolving them into higher beings with distinctive eyes, similar to the ones seen on the Old God mural in Khaz Algar. This transformation symbolises their return to the fold, serving Xal'atath. Oh, and Deathwing's betrayal.
Deeper, deeper its roots will reach. Welcoming our embrace.
The Roots of Elun'Ahir reach deep into the world's heart. Until recently, it has been kept safe from the corrupting influence of the Void, in no small part thanks to its guardians, the Harronir. But the Void is patient.
Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.
The Worldsoul, Azeroth, sings its Radiant Song beneath the surface of the world. But over aeons, the Void has managed to infiltrate her dreams and cloud her vision. Her song might not be what we think it is.
Rise, rise! Our Queen calls to us from beyond the Umbral Veil. She has transcended the Circle of Stars and basks in her eternal grandeur!
The time we have long awaited is nigh.
Queen Azshara has transcended what she was under N'Zoth's reign. She is more powerful than ever, and her Naga minions await her return.
The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends. A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed. A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.
Iridikron has allied with Xal'atath. He has given her the Dark Heart artifact, infused with the essence of Galakrond.
When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening. Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready. Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.
She will show you the way. Come... come. The hour approaches when all eyes shall be opened.
Xal'atath, the Harbinger of the Void, is about to carry out the awakening within Khaz Algar, at which point Azeroth will be covered in darkness and Queen Azshara will return to rule.
At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming.
When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.
More visions. Possible futures. She saw Xe'ra, the Mother of Light, declaring her a heretic and calling for her death. She saw her blood on Turalyon's sword. She saw Arator calling an army of paladins to hunt her down, only to fall with her arrows in his throat. She saw herself kneeling before the One Who Slumbers beneath Azeroth's waves. She saw herself killing it and taking its place, leading a throng of horrors to consume every nation.
Alleria Windrunner, the Void-Hunter in pursuit of Xal'atath, will inadvertedly cause Midnight. At least if the Void would have its way. As tragedy befalls her family, she won't have any tethers left to keep her mind from going insane. But, this is just one possibility, and one which the Void seeks. If Alleria successfully staves off the Void's influence on her, however, this won't be how Midnight begins.
The lord of ravens will turn the key.
In the end, it is Khadgar or Odyn who will usher in the Void and cause Midnight. If it's Khadgar, it is because he has been imprisoned and turned somehow. If it's Odyn, it's because he is returning in time for the final raid in Uldaz, the Worldsoul-prison.
submitted by roughschematics to warcraftlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:35 Looploudpack17 Dew claw scab won’t heal

About 2 months ago we took our dog to the park where she managed to partly rip one of her back dew claws. We had it removed and went through the healing process and all the antibiotics. About a month after that we noticed that it looked a bit infected but it might not have been. Perhaps we were being overly cautious but when we took her back to the vet we were told the scab had healed over the dewclaw which was causing it to become ingrown. They completely removed the scab and we started the process over again. An even stronger antibiotic and several more weeks of a cone and not going outside. The vet told us not to worry about not giving her exercise because that part of her paw isn’t actually touching the ground when we go for walks. But we had just decided to stop the walks anyways. The scab has mostly gone away since the 2nd visit but on the bottom part of the back right dewclaw nail there’s still just a small scab at the base. It’s been dry and a little thick the entire time. My issue is when we push the walk a little further than just going to the end of the road the scab seems to crack or fall of and it’ll start bleeding slightly from the base all over again. And any time we walk her past the stop sign on our road this seems to happen. So we’ve basically limited all walks since that 2nd visit. Today we tried a bit of a longer walk and came back home to the light bleeding from the scab. I soaked the paw in warm soapy water to moisturize the scab. But after that I really have no clue what else to do. We’ve spent about 1000$ on just this one dew claw since it happened. We basically have no extra money to spend another couple hundred dollars at the vet. I’m really not sure if it’s infected. It doesn’t look like it is but I don’t really know. I just know the scab is not healing like I thought it would. She’s been on two separate time periods of antibiotics. The second we were told was much stronger. Does anyone have a recommendation of what I can do to help this heal? I bought coconut oil which should arrive tomorrow. I will continue to keep the scab moisturized so it doesn’t keep drying out. Outside of that I’m stumped. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Looploudpack17 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:27 CpnDave Lingering after attack

The short version is im curious about how people with gout feel after they've recovered from an attack. Is it just you have the attack, recover and go back 100% to normal until the next attack? Or are there any lingering issues in the joint.
I ask because I was recently diagnosed, and after dealing with the pain for a couple of weeks my foot/ankle still feels a little off. A little tight around the skin, can get a little swollen if I'm sitting around too much etc.
Just wanted to confirm what other people with gout experience, because most information only talks about the attacks and intense pain.
I should also point out it took about a month from the attack to the diagnosis, and I changed my diet after the diagnosis, so my uric acid levels would have been consistently high/increasing during that time
submitted by CpnDave to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:25 DistributionTop2458 Anyone else have an experience like this ?

Hey Fellow Redditors I’m(22yr Old Male) here to talk about my bad experience with a THC Vape in hope that maybe I’m not the only one that’s gone through something like this i’ve never been a true smoker only would take a couple puffs off the homies Joints on rare Occasions & did a couple puffs off friends Carts back in Highschool . So On 4/19th / 2024 I had bought a Stizzy a “type of weed pod” the THC percentage like around 80. Something off a friend I grew up with in Highschool to enjoy for 420 I end up trying it that night I took a puff from it held it for like 5-10 secs and maybe 5 minutes later it’s hitting me hard I watch a movie for like maybe a good hour knock out watching it & wake up perfectly fine the next morning. On 4/20 i started the day doing laundry & after a few hours ate 2 chicken sandwiches with some fries anyway about maybe an hour and a half later I went out to the alleyway & Took two puffs of the pod this time off the first hit I was coughing for maybe a minute & a half so I went in for another hit after the coughing stopped I was Dying from Two puffs I didn’t feel bad instantly but I was just laying on my bed when I got hit with anxiety after walking around for a bit I literally was seeing my life flash before my eyes anxiously walking around I had convinced myself that I was dying so I tell my siblings I didn’t feel well & needed to go to the Emergency Room i told them I felt like I was gonna die , I think my dog started to catch on that I wasn’t feeling well because she would just whine at me following me around this led me to panic even more so we head out I’m not even thinking about how I’m gonna drive there but I just start the car & we head out once we get to the hospital I tell them that I don’t feel well at all & that I would have to wait and sign paperwork before anything . So I sign the paperwork and tell me to sit tight I sit with my younger sister and notice my chest full of sweat and my left hand & leg shaking like crazy after maybe five minutes of waiting like this they do an ECG / EKG and the readings show I’m fine so they tell me to wait outside so they can get me a room , 20 minutes pass my parents are here my mom noticed my lips were dry & I looked pale so I drank some water ,I felt a bit better after drinking water but kept shaking my fingers after another ten minutes of waiting they lead me & my mom to a room give me a gown & say they’ll be right with me shortly well after 8 hours they never came by so by then I felt calm with my mom by my side having drank some more water I asked them to be discharged as I felt better & wasn’t being attended anyway so after 15 minutes they give me a paper with the diagnosis being (Cannabis intoxication without complication / HCC)I should contact my healthcare provider as soon as possible next day so I contact my doctor and she give me an appointment in two days , well within those two days I ended up not being able to sleep well at all because I was having palpitations & anxiety so I go to the Emergency Room again this time at a different hospital & they do a EKG right away it comes out as abnormal so they get me a room & do blood tests they end up coming out fine except for my LDL cholesterol kinda high (116) they tell me it’s a extremely low chance I would have a heart attack so that relieves me a lot , they tell me I should concentrate on breathing & ignoring the palpitations, so the day I go see my doctor she does more blood work ,I tell her I’ve been having anxiety & palpitations she asked if I want to talk to someone about it and I said no as I wasn’t feeling too bad at the moment so she prescribes me Hydroxyzine HCL 10MG for anxiety & sleep which I haven’t taken at all because I seen online sometimes they make palpitations worse so i haven’t touched them as I think they would make me more anxious about my heart so I’ve just been looking up natural things that would help me. Fast forward to now 5/13 it’s been 3 weeks I’ve been toughing it out I’ve changed my diet completely avoiding foods with too much saturated fat like pizza burgers etc , I began drinking a lot more teas & water I still get anxiety from time to time but noticed distracting myself with things to do like Going to work , laughing with friends & family going out for walks with my siblings and my dog playing video games here and there etc I don’t know what exactly the explanation is for what I’m going through is but I haven’t lost hope that I can recover seeing my parents breakdown telling me they believe in me and are with me all the way make me want to push through this even more I’ve gotten closer to god as I’ve been going to church again with my parents I hope this makes my siblings want to get close to god & come along with us to church every Saturday . As of right now I’m still following my diet eating mainly chicken ,turkey vegetables fruits & drinking black teas & peppermint teas to help me sleep I’ve also been taking a (magnesium +malate + Glycinate + Citrate)supplement and have noticed my brain feels a lot less foggy I still feel anxiety & my fingers twitch from time to time but distracting myself with anything else helps so much I also still struggle sleeping I find laying down will make me anxious triggering my palpitations with a tight feeling in my upper left chest causing me to panic sometimes if I’m focused on just my palpitations , box breathing and deep breathing drinking a bit of water seem to help me ignore them . I’m currently waiting on my appointment with a cardiologist next week 5/22 for more reassurance that nothing is wrong with my heart. Prior to this incident I would say I had little to no anxiety at all I’m hoping it’s not any serious condition & maybe just my body dealing with the trauma & if it happens to be anything serious I have hope I can learn to continue living a normal life without much of a learning curve . Anyway I know this is super long but if anyone has gone through or had something like this before leave any tips or comments below of things that could help please & thanks god bless us all .🙏🏽
submitted by DistributionTop2458 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:20 Interesting_Amoeba52 Advice on personal statement?

I am currently writing my personal statement and I remember we had an admissions officer come in and give us advice on them. In his advice he said, "Stay away from being over dramatic/stretching the truth of what happened, saying a dentist changed ur life, stay away from negative things (challenges in life)."
While I can definitely agree with the first two points, the third worries me. In my personal statement, I talk about my first serious exposure to dentistry which was my wisdom tooth surgery in high school. A root fragment was left behind, causing a painful infection and a lot of other problems. Would talking about this as an intro but then tying it into an experience I had shadowing and the importance of honest and open communication with patients work ? or am I being too negative by even bringing it up and should I find a new experience to be the one that sparked my interest in dentistry (even though that would not really be true).
I am trying to make sure I do not spend too much of my essay focused on my negative experience, and more on the positive dentists that helped me along the way.
submitted by Interesting_Amoeba52 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:18 Middle_Throwaway2244 Ex harassing me and my family for 5 years

I dated my ex boyfriend for a year and a half between 2018-2019. He is 17 years my senior and has some diagnosed mental disorders. I was young and truly believe I was groomed by him. During the period we were together, I also worked for him at his small business. Our relationship was unhealthy to say the least.
We had an incident one night (summer 2019) where he grabbed me by the throat, and pushed me against a wall. After that traumatic incident, things about our relationship changed and I wanted it to end. I had told him I didn't want a relationship with him but he insisted on continuing to see me and try to win me back. I continued to see him but less frequently, and officially ended things on January 2020, when I told him I no longer wanted to see him anymore. I was living at my family's house at the time. After that, he started flooding me with text messages and emails begging me to reconsider. He told me he would commit suicide because of our breakup. He also refused to return my things that were left in his apartment. I tried keeping things cordial for 6 months by answering texts, being nice, and assuring him we can keep in touch. By the summer of 2020, I had enough of the daily calls and texts and told him I needed a break from communication. That's when things started getting bad.
He started sending me gifts using my parent's address (he must have gotten the address through an Amazon account). I texted him telling him that I did not want anything sent to my family's house but he never listened. He also would message me on different numbers pretending to be someone else, make up stories about him committing suicide, to see my reaction. At this point, I blocked him and all the numbers he would message me on.
The first police report I opened was on 2022 when he sent me the following message:
"I am moving several explicit photos of you on work laptop because I need space on the USB drive. There isn't a password on the laptop and all of the team can use it but I don't think they'll notice it there. It's not my fault if it gets hacked and released on the internet. That isn't my problem anymore. If you have any objection to this you can message me."
The police said his wording doesn't constitute "revenge porn" since he didn't post it, he just moved it to another device. I also filed a PFA/restraining order against him at that time. He has never been served since he doesn't have a trackable address and regularly leaves the country for work and spends months outside the country at a time.
Things continue to escalate between 2022-now as he sends letters addressed to my father with embarrassing and intimate details about our relationship, packages with lingerie and my things, and pictures of me drinking (my family is very conservative and he knows this). I continue to take these letters and packages to the police station, but I feel like nothing has been done to stop the harassment. He has caused so much torment in my life. I'm paranoid all the time. I feel depressed and isolated. I just want it to stop.
I have a temporary PFA that's valid for another year but I am unsure how to serve him since he continues to leave the country and no one knows when he get's back. Is there a Constable or professional I can hire to serve him papers? What kind of lawyer can I hire to help me? I was thinking of maybe suing his company as well? I'm in the Pennsylvania area. Any advice and recommendation is really appreciated.
submitted by Middle_Throwaway2244 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:09 AdAdorable3782 Recurring dry skin near period

Hi everyone!
For the last few months, right before my period I have been dealing with dry-skin that gets itchy and even quite painful due to how itchy it is. It’s located only on a small part of the labia (TMI IK SORRY). At first I thought the dry skin could be related to my imbalanced hormones and searches on the internet said right before your cycle estrogen drops which can cause dryness and itching. It’s not an STD and I’m pretty sure it’s not some sort of bacterial or viral infection since it only occurs the few days leading up to my period and the rest of the month is fine. From further searches on the internet I think it is cyclic vulvovaginitis….
It’s been happening for a few months now, I am going to speak to my doctor soon.
Has anyone else experienced this?? Is this PCOS related at all? I’m only 23 not sure if this is related to hormones or not but my estrogen is normal, with low progesterone and high DHEAS.
Thanks for your insights!
submitted by AdAdorable3782 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:06 briannafaye01 Has anyone been sick lately that comes in waves and effects you mentally🙃

So I’ve been sick now for a week and a half . Started out with a itchy throat and dry cough then hot flashes and chills and really bad fatigue then came the bad coughing with phlegm & stuffy nose can’t smell or taste . My mental health is getting bad due to this viral infection . Thought I was getting better then the next hour I noticed I’m still sick feeling and really brings me down . Makes me feel like not my self? . Anyone here been experiencing this? Cause like damn .
submitted by briannafaye01 to regina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:05 Mummyto3 To do the surgery or not?

Hi everyone. My 5 year old son has had enlarged tonsils for around 18 months - 2 years. He got tonsillitis 3 times relatively close together, then after the 3rd time, his tonsils stayed enlarged. He hasn’t had tonsillitis in over a year now and doesn’t get sick much at all. His behaviour is good, concentration is good during the day, good energy levels. Sleeps 11 hours per night. His symptoms are that he sounds “stuffed up” when he talks. He can breathe through his nose but he has to try, it doesn’t come naturally, he’s a mouth breather. He has mild sleep apnoea, he can grunt sometimes, he’s wet the bed a couple times, and he’s a loud mouth breather. He doesn’t really snore, just lets out some loud Grunty noises every now and again. The last time he saw an ENT doctor in the hospital, she said the same thing the GP said, that he’s a grade 3 out of 4 but they think because he doesn’t get infections, and doesn’t seem to be causing him severe discomfort or bothering him too much, he will be fine to be left alone and he will probably out grow them. She referred us for a sleep study anyways and referred us on to get a second opinion from the surgeon.
He had his sleep study done but the results came back inconclusive because he must have kicked the machine off after I last checked on him and they didn’t get enough data.
He has the surgeon appointment tomorrow and of course I don’t know what hes going to say, but my question is, has anyone here ever had a child or known someone that’s outgrown the enlarged tonsils? I see so many people saying why risk the complications of the whole procedure, anaesthetic and recovery is the child is generally well. I’d really rather prefer to stay away from surgery as I’m scared and reading all the child death stories. I’d love for him to just get given maybe a nasal spray to help him sleep better at night and try learn to breathe through his nose more.
submitted by Mummyto3 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:01 Unique-Chicken-5763 🪓Understanding the Potential Side Effects of Penis Enlargement Devices

Penis enlargement devices promise size enhancement and better sexual performance, but they pose risks. This content alerts users to potential side effects, enabling informed decisions about sexual health.
🥒Tissue Damage:🥒
Penis enlargement devices can cause tissue damage like bruising, swelling, and tearing with excessive or improper use. Long-term usage may lead to scarring and deformities, impacting appearance and function.
Erectile Dysfunction:
Prolonged use of penis enlargement devices may raise the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by disrupting blood flow and nerve function, making erections difficult to achieve or maintain.
🍌Pain and Discomfort:🍌
Many users report pain and discomfort with penis enlargement devices due to pressure and tension, causing sensations of soreness, numbness, or burning, making device use unpleasant or intolerable
Risk of infection:
Inadequate cleaning of penis enlargement devices can lead to infections as bacteria or fungi thrive in the warm, moist environment, causing urinary tract or genital skin infections.
🌽Natural and Unique Exercise:🌽
Our male enhancement program guarantees a growth of up to 4 inches within a 4-week period, achieved solely through natural exercises. There are no pills or devices involved, ensuring safety and avoiding any risk of injury. Your well-being is our top priority. Watch our video tutorial and learn more.
submitted by Unique-Chicken-5763 to growthmatrixUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:55 EcstaticWelcome7722 My room is next to the bathroom

Okay, so let's get the obvious out of the way. Everyone shits and showers, and I'm totally fine with that. I also acknowledge that when you have roommates, not everyone is going to have the same schedule, and therefore people are going to be doing things at inconvenient times possibly waking me up. I often get woken up by people trampling up the stairs or slamming doors/cupboards when I'm already asleep. I don't complain about these noises because they are "reasonable" sounds that occur when other people exist under the same roof as me.
But, there are two particular noises that I have been dealing with that I find very disturbing coming from the bathroom. Again, I can't complain because I think it would be rude to question someone's bathroom habits. But, I feel like if I understood better what the fuck is happening, maybe I would be less disturbed. The two recurring noises in question are:
1) One roommate makes a throat clearing/cough type of noise repeatedly, and loudly in the bathroom. Picture the noise you make if coughing with your mouth closed. Except its really loud and sometimes rapid-fire. This noise has even woken me up. I've never heard this noise when we are in the kitchen together or anywhere else in the house, so I don't think he's just phlegmy or something. I honestly think this is the sound of him straining so hard on the toilet that he is grunting. Imagine being woken up by that? It is just disturbing and I hate how loud this is. That can't be healthy.
2) Someone in the house showers around 2-3 am. The shower running is not a problem, it's what happens at the end of the shower after turning off the water that is a problem. There is a vigorous squeaky tub noise that makes it feel like my room is having an earthquake. I originally thought people were having sex in the bathroom at night. But, when I realized which roommate it was, I ruled this out. He never has anyone over. I wonder if the noise is something to do with wearing flip flops in the shower? I cant imaging what vigorous movement is even safe to do without falling over in the tub. Hopefully nobody is laying/sitting down in our shared tub. Even though I clean it, that would be gross. And for those with their mind in the gutter, wondering if he is perhaps playing the skin flute, I ask you why would he be doing this after the water is shut off? And why is it causing the whole upstairs to shake? I thought maybe it was a scrubbing sound of cleaning the bathtub, but this guy doesn't clean shit around the house, so scratch that off the list. This bothers me more than anything because I have to just lay in my bed at 3am waiting for the room to stop shaking, whilst disturbing noises come from the bathroom.
Can anyone explain to me wtf is happening in my house so I can come to terms with it??? Obviously I cannot bring it up because these are both personal things that are none of my business, but nonetheless are affecting the comfortable use of my space.
submitted by EcstaticWelcome7722 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:52 Tricky-Bit-1865 Best version I’ve ever found of Umbridge’s arrest and trial

Aurors blasted their way into Umbridge's house and found her hiding in a small, hidden room by using the spell Homenum Revelio.
She was surrounded by dozens of plates featuring cats and had rows of neatly stacked tins of cat food, which she appeared to have been eating for sustenance. In the corner of the room was a litter box. Oddly enough, however, there were no actual cats to be found.
The Aurors quickly disarmed her, magically bound her, and hauled her off to the Ministry of Magic to be placed in a holding cell until she could be arraigned.
Two days later, she was brought before the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shackelbolt, looking slightly unkempt and tired. The entire Wizengamot, which had been noticeably thinned out since Shacklebolt had removed several members for their own crimes and/or bribery, was also in attendance.
She looked around the room and tried to find somebody who could be either an ally or someone to whom she could shift the focus, and therefore, possibly, the blame. Finding no one to fit such a criteria, she fixed her face into a contrite image and looked around at the people who were there and pled for mercy. When it became apparent that mercy was in very short supply for those in her position, she immediately claimed to have been under the Imperius Curse.
In an instant, Minister Shacklebolt's composed disposition shifted from being reserved to completely unfriendly. In a short, clipped tone, completely opposite of his typical warm, soothing, deep voice, he gave her the option to either take Veritaserum right then and there or she could go for a psychological evaluation, which was to be conducted at the Janus Thicky Ward at St. Mungo's.
Umbridge balked at the thought of being stuck in "lunatic land". That was, of course, until the Minister mentioned that being stuck under the Imperius Curse for such a prolonged time, as she was claiming, could have some serious effects on her mind. She quickly decided to keep up her pretenses and immediately agreed that she should "at least be checked out by a professional healer."
Shacklebolt issued a two week recess for the Wizengamot in relation to her case. She began to argue the time frame when he gave her a sharp look and she furiously shut her mouth. He reiterated the two week time frame and continued on to say that when they reconvened, they would hear the Healer's testimony regarding her claims and mental status.
Two Aurors, Savage and Williamson, had taken post on either side of her. Savage held her by her left arm while Williamson pulled out a white handkerchief. He secured her right hand in his and then Savage took hold of the other end of the handkerchief. As soon as he did, the portkey activated and deposited the three of them into a secure room in the Janus Thickey Ward.
After a brief intake, Healer Ashborn entered the room to remove the newest resident's personal clothing and effects and to have her put on hospital issued clothes, which were a drab, dingy grey colour. Umbridge pinched the material between her forefinger and thumb before raising it up to eye level and informing the Healer that she refused to put on something so colorless and disgusting. Healer Ashborn donned a nonchalant smirk and informed her that if it was not done willingly and swiftly that she would have no other choice but to Evanesco her personal belongings to the hospital rubbish bin and charm the hospital clothes on with a sticking spell for good measure.
Less than 2 minutes later, she was dressed and being escorted by the Aurors to her bed, which was surrounded by silver framed dividers with pale blue cloth to block the view of the neighboring beds.
As the Aurors turned their attention to make some notes on their paperwork, Umbridge made a sickly sweet noise as she cleared her throat. "Hem-hem. Am I not being given a private room?" She let out a childish giggle.
The Aurors looked at her incredulously, then at each other. Finally, Auror Savage spoke up, "Private rooms are not given to possible war criminals."
Scowling, Umbridge scoffed loudly and said, "Well, I never! I will be writing a letter to the Minister of Magic about this."
Auror Williamson spoke up then, "You think we don't take our orders from the Minister regarding this? You writing a letter won't change anything."
"How dare you! I am Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister -"
"Not anymore, you're not " Auror Savage said coldly, effectively cutting her off. "You are a person on trial for war crimes and a provisional resident of the Janus Thicky Ward due to your claim of being cursed. Now, you have been magically bound to be within 5 feet of your bed, meals will be brought to you, and a member of the staff will escort you to the lavatory. You are not permitted to have a wand and that cuff on your wrist is a magic binder. Since we have completed our duties, we shall now take our leave. The Chief Healer will see you tomorrow morning. Good day, Ms. Umbridge."
She pointed a finger at them while trying to maintain her calm and hissed "Now see here. You cannot just leave me here with all these crazy people, especially while bound with no magic." Her right eye twitched.
Auror Williamson raised his eyebrow at her while he took out the white handkerchief. He held it out to his partner, and, after Savage had taken hold, he activated the portkey without saying another word and they disappeared.
Umbridge sat down onto the rather thin mattress and listened as the springs shrieked as though in agony.
Well, at least I'll be using a real toilet instead of that litterbox, she thought to herself. This will be like a nice vacation. I can order my favorite meals and have some nice wine while I relax.
At that moment, Gilderoy Lockhart popped his head around the partition. "Hello," he said with a big smile and in his shmooziest of voices. "I see you're new. Nice bracelet...." he trailed off for a moment. Coming back around, he added, "Don't mind the bed. They all shriek a bit. Well, not mine, of course. I just had to smile at it a couple of times, aheh. Now it sings to me."
She narrowed her eyes while feeling even more flustered than before. "Why are you here," she spat.
"What a stupendous question. Eh...," he started but clearly began to mentally wander again.
"Can't you manage a simple straight answer," she snapped.
"Well, you see... I simply can't remember." He let out a light chuckle and pulled his eyebrows slightly together while pasting on his best grin. Why not? After all, it worked for his bed.
"Yes, well, be sure to maintain your distance. I won't have you loitering about my space. Move along." She waved him off.
She promptly learned that her stay was going to be nothing like a vacation; no favorite meals, no wine, and certainly no relaxing.
As the days wore on, Lockhart managed to finagle his way into her area for most of the day - everyday. One day he was particularly on her nerves after having rambled on and on about a dream of a very large snake and falling rocks.
Umbridge, losing control of the situation with such an utter nitwit, suddenly burst out in her annoyance. "Enough, Mr. Lockhart!" Later that day, she ended up scratching herself nearly raw due to a mild case of hives.
As hard as she tried to keep her sanity about her, he just seemed to suck it away from her. It was almost as though the more insane she felt, the saner he seemed. Could it be that he had devised a way to steal her sanity and replace it with his insanity? She became more and more leery of him as the days went by until, at one point, a near frantic paranoia set in. She spent the rest of that day completely sedated.
She begged the staff to be moved, but Cheif Healer Pye said they could not due to the restrictions placed by the Auror Department. She ordered for Lockhart to be switched to a different location. In that instance, Healer Pye said that he would not as it could disrupt Mr. Lockhart's frame of mind and treatment, causing him to relapse. She pulled her hair, stomped her feet like a petulant child, and screamed until she was Silenced and magically bound to the bed to keep her from hurting herself.
At the end of the two weeks, Umbridge found herself magically shackled and standing in front of the Minister and the Wizengamot once more. The Chief Healer was also in attendance and reported to the court that while he found absolutely zero proof of her ever having been under the Imperius Curse, he felt it was best that she remained in custody whether at St. Mungo's or Azkaban, as she was a danger to herself and others due to her mental instability.
Umbridge let out a small giggle as the Cheif Healer finished speaking. Minister Shacklebolt turned his head back to face her, catching her smile before she could mask her face. He narrowed his eyes at her and asked if she had anything to say. She quickly donned her saccharine smile.
"Thank you, Minister. While it may be difficult for some people to understand all the hard work and pressure of working at the Ministry, I, for one, am ready to stay the task to get the job done. I shall be ready to resume my official post as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic in two days time. Of course, I will need to completely redecorate my office as I'm certain that whomever has been occupying it has completely destroyed -"
"Madam." Shacklebolt had cut her off. He was done hearing her rubbish as she tried to take control of the situation. "You will not be reinstated in any sense to any position in the Ministry. You will, however, be able to enjoy your cell at the now dementor-free portion of Azkaban."
"How dare you!" Her fake smile and childish voice dropped away.
Any members of the Wizengamot who were not completely sure of her guilt nearly got whiplash with how fast she changed her demeanor. Many people began to whisper to each other about rumors they had heard that they now believed to be most likely true. She continued to glare at Shacklebolt.
"After everything I have done and sacrificed for the Ministry. After all the lying, magic-stealing mudbloods I sentenced for the sake of our world. How dare you think for one minute that you can just send me off to that dilapidated cesspool; that disgusting hell hole?!" She had began in a directed, hushed yell and finished in an irritated, huffing screech.
As the court witnessed her continued outburst, they whispered even more to each other. Shacklebolt patiently waited as she further unraveled while admitting to more crimes.
She finally cracked and shrieked out to the room. "Quit your whispering about me! I have done nothing but rid these disgusting mudbloods and blood traitors from among us! ORDER! Listen to me! I will have order!" She began pointing at different Wizengamot members who had opposed the corrupt Ministry while it was ran by Voldemort's puppets.
Having heard enough, Shacklebolt banged his gavel on the podium. The Wizengamot became completely silent as Umbridge continued to screech "I will have order! I will have order!"
Shacklebolt then picked up his wand and cast a Silencing charm in her direction. Umbridge's right eye twitched away as she continued screaming her Silenced "I will have order" chant.
The Minister looked to the Chief Healer and asked if Azkaban had a mental ward that was suitable for Ms. Umbridge. He responded to the affirmative. Umbridge was henceforth sentenced and taken to the mental ward of Azkaban.
Within a week, she had lost her privileges to use utensils, as she had used one to draw a rudimentary cat on her wall to which she was often observed speaking.
"Cordelia, you must bathe yourself. I refuse to have you in my presence whilst unkempt. I will have order." Her eyes glassed over and she stared at the wall without really seeing it as she continued to repeat, "I will have order. I will have order. I will... have......order."
submitted by Tricky-Bit-1865 to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:51 Glittering_Ad_5822 Barium Swallow Test results…?

Hey guys. My anxiety if through the roof right now and I’d appreciate any info. Sorry if its a long read.
Im 29M. Asthmatic. In decent health I would have to say. Run abit, do abit of combat sports casually few times a week, working in construction.
I had my annual with my doctor and she sent me to do a bunch of tests. I had mentioned during my annual that I felt like my asthma was worst specially when I was sick. Better overall but weird symptoms when sick.
I had also mentioned I had an issue where sometimes I would swallow food and it would feel stuck and painful but not a choking sensation. Only times it had happened to me was rice or chicken. Its been going on for a little less than a year and I believe it happened mostly when I went through a phase of drinking alot less liquids during my day with a pretty bad diet. Its happened like 2/3 times in the past like 2 months I believe. I was talking when eatting and had a cold I guess making it worst?
She sent me on a test where they inspected my throat with a camera in my nose. They then sent me to fo a barium swallow test. My doctor called me back sounding kind of different, less a happy vibe, asking me if I had a moment to talk. She asked me if I ever had any damage or was hospitalized for esophagus related issues. She mentioned the word scal AND bump multiple times. She said she would arange a gastroscopie and they would most most likely want to do a endoscopy too. She also said she thinks this can be affecting my asthma. She said she also noticed acid reflux on the results
Its been a week I have no news from anyone. Im pretty stressed out for this. I dont know why but I am very scared for the worst. Every little thing is stressing me out.
I also have had also feel bad for waiting almost a year to mention the problem to my doctor. I figured it was happening rarely, then when it was more frequent I was abit concerned. But then it really reduced when I drank more water and abit of time passed so I decided to wait for annual.
I am also wondering, last year around that time I had a pretty bad food poisoning. I puked alot and had insanely tense upper chest pain for days with sore throat. Could that have caused damage to my esophagus?
submitted by Glittering_Ad_5822 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:48 highvoltagecat On the road to dx, but can’t make it thru 3 weeks of gluten!

Hello celiac!
tldr: my doc has referred me to get tested for celiac and I am really struggling to get through the three weeks of gluten eating, after being GF for 15 years.
On day 7 all my joints started to ache. On day 10 I got hives, which worsened each day. Today I’ve stopped eating gluten and it’s still a nightmare. Did anyone go thru this on their way to getting a diagnosis? Is there any other way? Does anyone know from experience whether a dermatologist testing the skin rash for dermatitis herpetiformis can serve as an alternative form of dx?
Has anyone gotten the test shy of the 3 week mark and gotten a dx, is that worth a try?
I have had all the symptoms of auto immune stuff for my whole life and I’d really love to either rule celiac out or know that it’s been this all along. But I don’t know how I can get there if I’m going to break into hives that get worse every day on day 10. My doctor’s advice is to just give up and skip it.
I’m not looking for ~medical~ advice- but I am seeking the advice of celiac people who have had the personal experience and wisdom that comes from that, as well as just words of encouragement or personal anecdotal knowledge and guidance that could inform my conversations with my doctor, going forward. How does anyone with a literal disorder that makes your body freak out when you eat gluten make it thru 6-8 weeks of eating gluten. It just seems batty that this is the only way, although I know from research that it is.
Thank you sincerely for your help.
submitted by highvoltagecat to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:43 DaizisMom Please help me save Daizi

My 4yr old Yorkie, weighing just 2.5lbs. Daizi has been diagnosed with Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Syndrome (CUPS), which has caused severe lesions and infections throughout her mouth, making it difficult for her to eat and drink. To ensure she receives the necessary nutrients, I have been hand-feeding her with liquified food through a syringe. She is in constant pain and running fever. The CUPS has also led to the separation of her bottom jaw, causing her major pain. We have been battling this for three months. Initially, she was misdiagnosed with gingivitis and underwent multiple antibiotic treatments, but the ulcers persisted, leading to the discovery of CUPS. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. The only way to save Daizi's life is through a full mouth extraction and setting her jaw with long-term sutures. I have expended all my resources on vet visits, medications, special foods, and supplements. I am pleading for help to afford the costly surgery and aftercare that Daizi urgently needs. Without the surgery, Daizi's condition will worsen, and she may not survive. To make matters worse, I was recently laid off from my employment. I cannot bear the thought of losing her. Your support, no matter the amount, will bring us closer to the goal of securing her surgery before she turns septic & it's too late. I understand how difficult it is to ask for help, but Daizi's life means everything to me. Your kindness will mean the world to us, and I cannot express enough gratitude for any assistance you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read Daizi's story. With love and appreciation, thank you for being a part of Daizi's journey to recovery
submitted by DaizisMom to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:39 Feeling_Set7857 How bad would it be to just be 100% transparent in a dating bio? Just for fun, I’m curious.

I was recently making a list of EVERY possible thing I wanted. I hope to get someone who fulfills about 40%, but guys how turned off would you be if I just posted the real list of what I want and who I am?
Here was my brainstorm. I was going to take out the majority of it and just write in a simple sentence that I am looking for a serious relationship with a nice man. Be prepared this is definitely going to come off as pretentious and full of myself, but again it’s my dream man not real.
What Id like him to be
◦ A man who is decent looking whom I share a mutual attract for ◦ Someone intellectual 🔥 ◦ Some who has skills I lack, whom I can learn from ◦ Someone ◦ Looking for a serious relationship. Marriage down the line serious ◦ Someone who will take time getting to know me and allowing me to get to know them. To establish if we vibe. ◦ Someone willing to wait for sex ◦ Someone understanding of my intimacy issues ◦ Someone who is 28-50 who is mature, but still fun ◦ Someone religious ◦ Someone who likes to go out ◦ Someone patient ◦ Someone who makes good money and once a financial partner and wants to be a financial partner within a serious relationship down the line ◦ Preferably a dad ◦ Someone who it’s not a must that they have another child because I am still unsure ◦ A caring father, not because I want him to father my children, but because this is a person I may end up living with, and I want a quality home for my children and his ◦ Race does not matter ◦ Someone at least 5’9 and up preferred (not needed tho, cause I accept that I’m a giant and it is what it is)
What I’d like him to do
◦ Be patient with me ◦ Talk to me and support me emotionally and socially ◦ Be 1/2 of the financial pie ◦ Get to know me a little bit on the app, but if he wants to get to know me greatly take me out on a date, a thoughtful date (doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does require effort) ◦ Be helpful and knowledgeable about something anything whatever expertise he has. ◦ Be either educated or in a solid career ◦ Either have or seek out a suburban life with a long-term wife - work on my intimacy with me ◦ Be generous with effort, sometimes gifts and gestures, but always with effort ◦ Someone to be there for me
What I do NOT want
◦ A father for my children ◦ Someone who needs me financially ◦ Someone who is dependent on me for all housework ◦ Any kind of plural or or ethical non-monogamous relationship ◦ A man to treat me like a sugar baby and attempt to purchase sex from me ( but a generous man is ok), but sex has to be based off of commitment And desire not duty ◦ Someone who is looking for a purely BDSM 24 seven relationship - a narcissistic or taker personality - someone more than an hour away ◦ Someone who Is non-religious ◦ A trans, or intersex man
Who I am (good)
◦ 30 ◦ Religious ◦ Intelligent PhD Doctoprofessor ◦ Successful ◦ Caring - attractive (not a 10) ◦ High effort partner ◦ Loving and warm ◦ Career driven and ambitious ◦ Creative ◦ Lady-like ◦ Balanced and calm, good at disagreements
Who I am (bad)
◦ Top heavy, boobs big, but no butt - pretty thick ◦ 5’11 ◦ Single mom of 2 young kids ◦ Not much dating experience ◦ Religious - Nerdy ◦ Sometimes reserved
What I offer
◦ Commitment and loyalty ◦ High effort to make the man I’m in a relationship with happy ◦ Intimacy constantly - appreciation for someone choosing us ◦ Caring and helpful - I’d probably do 70% of cooking/cleaning - fun mom with experience with kids ◦ Financially independent and willing to build with someone ◦ Supportive and understanding ◦ A trust worthy life partner ◦ Someone to cheer you up when your sad ◦ A fun person to explore life with ◦ A feminine and maternal figure whose good with kids ◦ Someone to help with household duties 50/50 ◦ Good at searing steaks and deep throating
submitted by Feeling_Set7857 to match [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:38 Feeling_Set7857 How bad would it be to just be 100% transparent in a dating bio?

I was recently making a list of EVERY possible thing I wanted. I hope to get someone who fulfills about 40%, but guys how turned off would you be if I just posted the real list of what I want and who I am?
Here was my brainstorm. I was going to take out the majority of it and just write in a simple sentence that I am looking for a serious relationship with a nice man. Be prepared this is definitely going to come off as pretentious and full of myself, but again it’s my dream man not real.
What Id like him to be
◦ A man who is decent looking whom I share a mutual attract for ◦ Someone intellectual 🔥 ◦ Some who has skills I lack, whom I can learn from ◦ Someone ◦ Looking for a serious relationship. Marriage down the line serious ◦ Someone who will take time getting to know me and allowing me to get to know them. To establish if we vibe. ◦ Someone willing to wait for sex ◦ Someone understanding of my intimacy issues ◦ Someone who is 28-50 who is mature, but still fun ◦ Someone religious ◦ Someone who likes to go out ◦ Someone patient ◦ Someone who makes good money and once a financial partner and wants to be a financial partner within a serious relationship down the line ◦ Preferably a dad ◦ Someone who it’s not a must that they have another child because I am still unsure ◦ A caring father, not because I want him to father my children, but because this is a person I may end up living with, and I want a quality home for my children and his ◦ Race does not matter ◦ Someone at least 5’9 and up preferred (not needed tho, cause I accept that I’m a giant and it is what it is)
What I’d like him to do
◦ Be patient with me ◦ Talk to me and support me emotionally and socially ◦ Be 1/2 of the financial pie ◦ Get to know me a little bit on the app, but if he wants to get to know me greatly take me out on a date, a thoughtful date (doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does require effort) ◦ Be helpful and knowledgeable about something anything whatever expertise he has. ◦ Be either educated or in a solid career ◦ Either have or seek out a suburban life with a long-term wife - work on my intimacy with me ◦ Be generous with effort, sometimes gifts and gestures, but always with effort ◦ Someone to be there for me
What I do NOT want
◦ A father for my children ◦ Someone who needs me financially ◦ Someone who is dependent on me for all housework ◦ Any kind of plural or or ethical non-monogamous relationship ◦ A man to treat me like a sugar baby and attempt to purchase sex from me ( but a generous man is ok), but sex has to be based off of commitment And desire not duty ◦ Someone who is looking for a purely BDSM 24 seven relationship - a narcissistic or taker personality - someone more than an hour away ◦ Someone who Is non-religious ◦ A trans, or intersex man
Who I am (good)
◦ 30 ◦ Religious ◦ Intelligent PhD Doctoprofessor ◦ Successful ◦ Caring - attractive (not a 10) ◦ High effort partner ◦ Loving and warm ◦ Career driven and ambitious ◦ Creative ◦ Lady-like ◦ Balanced and calm, good at disagreements
Who I am (bad)
◦ Top heavy, boobs big, but no butt - pretty thick ◦ 5’11 ◦ Single mom of 2 young kids ◦ Not much dating experience ◦ Religious - Nerdy ◦ Sometimes reserved
What I offer
◦ Commitment and loyalty ◦ High effort to make the man I’m in a relationship with happy ◦ Intimacy constantly - appreciation for someone choosing us ◦ Caring and helpful - I’d probably do 70% of cooking/cleaning - fun mom with experience with kids ◦ Financially independent and willing to build with someone ◦ Supportive and understanding ◦ A trust worthy life partner ◦ Someone to cheer you up when your sad ◦ A fun person to explore life with ◦ A feminine and maternal figure whose good with kids ◦ Someone to help with household duties 50/50 ◦ Good at searing steaks and deep throating
submitted by Feeling_Set7857 to DatingHelp [link] [comments]