Daughter moving away quotes

TW: Traumatic Birth

2024.05.14 04:04 Unfair_Candle470 TW: Traumatic Birth

It's taken me awhile to process this and I am finally ready to talk about my experience. My due date was originally April 7th with an induction planned on April 2nd. I had been working as a Noc shift nurse most of my pregnancy and March 28th I worked my normal shift per usual and got off work at 6am on the 29th. After work I slept and then my husband and I got the baby room ready. That whole day I had been feeling period like cramps and had brown spotting but the previous day my doctor checked me and said I was only 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced so I chalked the pain and bleeding up to a cervical check he had done during the visit. Hubs and I finished the baby room at 3am on March 30th and went to bed. At 10am I woke up and felt an enormous amount of abdominal pressure. I had been sleeping on an air mattress for a month and thought I probably just hurt myself because it was soo low to the ground and I constantly had to readjust on it. I got out of bed and went to eat breakfast. While drinking my juice I walked over to the TV and felt and enormous gush between my legs. My first thought was "Oh crap my water broke" and looked down to see a pool of bright red blood. I ran to my husband who said my water broke and he went to put his contacts in. The problem is the blood didn't stop. It kept coming out every few seconds. Knowing this wasn't normal I called 911 and told them I was losing my blood volume. They arrived and at that point I had lost over a liter. I had completely soaked the coach, floor was covered, and the porch. The 8 minute ambulance rise was the longest of my life. I figured I was dying and was for sure my baby had died. All of a sudden I felt cold and a calmness wash over me. My dad who had died in September was next to me and in that moment I knew either way I was at peace but wanted my daughter to live. I was given reassurance when she gave me a big kick in that moment. I was rushed into a room and doctors surrounded me. I said I think this is an abruption and they agreed. I was wheeled into emergency surgery and finally heard my baby cry which made me cry. She was beautiful but was having trouble breathing and was whisked away to nicu. My baby had swallowed my blood from the bleed and spent 5 days in nicu. I spent a week in the hospital getting blood and iron transfusions. I am now working through the trauma I endured and still get panic attacks about what happened.
submitted by Unfair_Candle470 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:03 lolzthrowa Best way to help out parents who do not have enough savings?

My parents will not have enough in retirement to sustain them long term. I come from a single income household and I estimate they will have roughly 300k in total savings by the time they retire in the next 5 years. They are not home owners. I’m starting my PCP job this fall (salaried at 240k plus RVU bonus) and have a sibling in tech (making 140k). More established physicians in my practice who have moved to RVU based salaries make >300k, I’ll move to that structure in 2 years. We’ve always known we’ll have to support our parents as they get older, what’s the best way to go about doing so? I was going to put away a certain amount of my salary into a HYSA dedicated to them and let it grow.
Additional details: -Sibling and I have partners who are also high earners. Our partners parents do not need any assistance with retirement. -I have student loans and hoping to PSLF. -We already help them with unexpected expenses and pay for family trips.
submitted by lolzthrowa to whitecoatinvestor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:03 BESTlittleBITCH What's the best comeback when someone tells you to but out?

I've been taking care of my elderly neighbor for many years. Her daughter, has finally layed down the law and told her that she has to sell her house and move in with her. I've had many reservations as to her motives for this decision. And her daughter didn't appreciate me giving her Mom some sound advice as to make sure this is the right decision.
submitted by BESTlittleBITCH to Comebacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 scorpiopusee Twin flame?

seeking advice or maybe just to hear from others in similar positions. i’ve always wondered if this person is my twin flame. there has been way too many coincidences. one of my closest fam friends was actually one of his high school friends but I had no idea. i met him back in 2019, when i got my first job. ironically enough we both started working the same week, and at the same fast food spot that is a couple cities away from where i live. anyways met him at work right? then, one random day while im out on a walk i run into him in front of my house, turns out that he’s practically my neighbor. so FIRST coincidence. lived on the same street all these years but didn’t meet each other until we ironically started working at the same place. so nothing came of it that first year BUT the following year, we began exchanging texts. so one of the things i’ve heard about twin flames is that before the first separation you most likely won’t get physical with them. the times that we did hang out, we could just talk and talk. i remember one night we grabbed icecream after going to the movies and we just stayed in his car talking about conspiracy theories and all that. it felt so special and so intense. on our last hang out we had been previously flirting through text. i just had the feeling that we were probably going to hook up. again, we were hanging out and talking about a shit ton of different things. hours of talking before we started making out (lol) things of course escalated but it didn’t really go down, i guess he wasn’t one to do hookups. and he was in his head about it. so it was a failed hookup. drive back home was awkward and tense. anyways, it wasn’t too many days later when he hit me with a whole explanation of how he doesn’t do hookups and how sex is an energy exchange etc etc. I replied with confusion because he was the one who had initiated the whole thing, even when we were only making out he’s the one who initiated the sex. I tried to be understanding but he quickly just cut me off. we lived near each other so there were unlucky times where i ran into him and he would basically act like i was invisible. not too long after i moved out from my parents house to be more independent, i was away for four years and always thought of him and even tried to look him up but could never find him. at that point i had also deleted his number so i just knew I wasn’t supposed to contact him. i moved back home last year, within a week of being back home, i run into him. but we just walk past each other and don’t make eye contact. a couple days later, he makes an ig account and even though i don’t have his number, insta send me a notification of “your contact _____ is on instagram as @_______” weird? SECOND coincidence, he had been off of insta all these years and I move back and he goes back on & insta suggests his profile. anyways we reconnect, he apologizes for everything. it’s not long before I realize he is still very unhealed. and i’ve done my own self-healing work. i’ve grown a lot. but when it comes to him it’s like the slightest unhealed part of myself comes out. we communicated for a bit before the toxicity came back and now we’ve been on and off blocking each other. i haven’t ran into him (ironically) but i believe we are on different vibrations which is why the universe is doing its job in keeping us apart. anyways, he recently unblocked me but i reached a point where i finally feel done & fed up with his games. in twin flames i know at one point the feminine becomes the runner, i feel i am there. but is this my twin flame? i know twin flames don’t necessarily end up together because for that both parties would have to heal and do a LOT of work. but i feel like our experience is definitely one of twin flames?
submitted by scorpiopusee to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 ThrowRA_popfish420 The fight to end them all

I had been abused since I was 8. I had many moments, years even, in my life that were good very good and many that were bad. I survived it all and I’m still suffering. I officially got away from the abuse at 22 years old and then my life went to shit. It was 2020 I had been living the best life I could. I transferred from community college to a university, made friends, made plans to move out, stable job, and I was hopeful. One summer day I went over to my dads brother’s house. My grown adult cousin pissed me off I said stfu he then went downstairs and started cry. He called his mom and told her she started pacing then took my mom outside. They both came back to get me I was then confronted. It was ridiculous and as i was trying to leaving my aunt grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me while pushing me to the wall. I started to push her off and that’s when she began to hit me and i hit back. I already had ptsd from my parents fighting me growing up. My mom jumped in the middle and I hit her until she gave up and let me go. She got pulled into the house my mom followed and I walked down the long gravel driveway. Half way down I hear ‘hey!’ I turn my head and see my dad running at me full force. He jumps on top of me and begins to punch me and hold me down. Trying to “restrain” me as he says but he won’t stop. I thought he was trying to kill me this time. I manage to break loose and ran towards the garage to hide and think even for a micro second. I lock him out and was planning a way out. All of a sudden him and my uncle come storming in I run to the door but they took me down. Again I am being punched, held down, choked. As I was being choked by uncle he says “this would be way worse if you weren’t a girl”. I get my leg out from under both of them and kick him in the face, get my other leg out, and run. Running down the long gravel driveway they jump me again. I again get out and start throwing rocks at them while digging through my purse to get my keys. I began to punch my dad with my keys in-between my fingers and he backs off. by this time my uncle on the phone with police yelling “she has a knife”. I run towards my car and as I’m trying to leave my dad takes one last lunge at me I pick up my metal water bottle and slam it to the back of his head. I speed to my parents house crying and hurt. I get there and destroy everything I could outside since my brother locked me out. The rest of the night doesn’t matter. Months later my car was t-boned and I got arrested for a warrant for felony domestic violence. I went to jail my father bailed me out just to use it against me. I see my car in their driveway and leave. My dad got me a lawyer so he could be the main line of connection. I go to me hearing and my case ended up going to trial in between then I was ordered to attend court mandated anger management classes. Found out my family was writing letters to the judges urging for me to be locked up. I still had my apartment but lost everything else. In between loosing everything I was tried and during the heart to heart with my lawyer right before I explained how I didn’t want this to affect my career of helping abuse survivors. While sitting outside the courtroom doors my uncle ran up to me saying he was going to fix everything as I was being shuffled threw the doorway. During the trial my lawyer paused and went up to the judge I think he told him about the volunteer work I did. I was let of with the highest misdemeanor you could have and a year of probation. It’s been four years almost and I have been miserable everyday. I’m making strides though. I just needed to type this out and get it off my chest. I will never be abused again.
submitted by ThrowRA_popfish420 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 tommy40 Not really sure who I am?

Medically retired from the army 10 years ago when I was 22, simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened because I lost the only job I ever had planned for, so I moved back to a small town in MI where rent is cheap and the beer cheaper so I drank and whored myself crazy with the lifetime supply of free money I get. A few years ago I almost killed myself so I moved down to VA to be with my dad…I’ve done a lot of ‘growing’ but I still don’t know who I am?
I start school next week for something to do and hopefully that turns into something to help me provide for my 3 yo daughter better…but I don’t have any hobbies, no friends except my discord buds, I’ve got mental issues but it takes forever to see the VA doctor so I don’t actually know what’s wrong with me.
I know what I need to do but it feels like im trapped in a wireless fence…I can get to the edge of the yard and see the good things but Im stuck.
Never mind the fact that im only 32 and im having issues with losing my train of thought mid sentence more than I ever have
submitted by tommy40 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 TVnzld Help - strange behaviour regarding input methods and scrolling

Hi all, Iḿ hoping you can help. I am running a Dell XPS 9320 which came new installed with Ubuntu 22.04.
Symptoms of the issues:
Opening a new browser (doesn´t matter which) and input either does not work, or it jumps from the search box to the URL bar. The issue seems to go away temporarily if I press ALT-Space, which opens up the window manager. I have changed all keyboard input methods, even though I haven´t changed it before. You can see just now when typing ´haven´t' that the apostrophe isn´t correct - thatś one thing that I just noticed, and it doesn´t matter if I use my laptop keyboard or my external. I can also be using google sheets and try typing a number into a cell and it won´t work, I need to press ALT-Space again, or open a new window.
The other thing that is odd is Iĺl be on a page and I will scroll down with my mouse, and then it just scrolls back up to the top. The only thing that stops this is hitting ËSC." I can also try typing ¨1" into the search box but it won´t work. If I press ¨2" (you can see that the quotes aren´t working properly) it will scroll down the page. If I use the number pad though, itś fine.
I also can´t seem to enable scroll lock whatever I do. I tried to enable it to see if it would fix it but I can´t get it to work.
I am not sure what caused the issue, but I have been running it perfectly fine for around a year, with an external keyboard, mouse and Samsung screen. Recently I spent 3 months away and did not use my screen. I got home and plugged the screen back in and itś been fine for a week or so. There was a Dell software update recently, but I can't pinpoint when the issue started happening.
Can anyone help? Do I need to post in another sub? Thanks in advance <3
submitted by TVnzld to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 Reisende8 Relationship help - should I stay?

Dear Reddit community,
I need some relationship life advice.
I (23 female) am currently involved with a 27 (male) partner. I love him and he loves me, but I often wonder if our relationship is worth continuing. Half the time we are each others' best friend and lovers and we get along amazingly... however the other half of the time we argue over the stupidest things and the arguments go round and round in circles for a while (and I'm not joking, we argue SO fucking much). To give an example, just this past weekend I drove up to see him as well as celebrate his friends' family visiting from South America (we are long distance) and on the car ride there, I ask if we are staying in his motorhome he has there. He wouldn't give me a straight answer and I was wanting to know so that 1) we could save money instead of going to a hotel 2) we wouldn't have to worry about checkout times 3) I wanted to know where the hell I was driving to! Instead of giving me a straight answer about why he preferred to stay at a hotel, he went round in circles and got upset that I was asking. We eventually figured that argument out and it turns out he didn't want to stay in the motorhome because he still needed to clean it and he didn't want to welcome me in that kind of environment (the next day we went to his motorhome so I could help him organise).
That same night when we're celebrating his friend and her family, he starts smoking his friend's vape and is attached to it pretty much the whole night. Obviously it is his choice what he does with his body, but it sucks when your partner tells you he quite vaping/smoking and then as soon as he has the opportunity he picks it right back up again and blames his friends for his vaping problem. The group was playing some fun Brazilian music to dance to, and so I go up to my partner to ask him to dance with me and I playfully try to push the vape away from his hand (he was just sitting there vaping). I didn't slap his hand, I didn't forcefully take it away from him, I wasn't disrespectful in anyway - I was just trying to be playful and was hoping he would put it down and dance with me. I allowed my expectations to upset me. I was expecting/hoping that he would put it down and dance with me. Instead, he was like "not now babe" and reaches for another hit of nicotine. I got upset by this because we haven't seen each other in over a month, we only have a few hours together, and first he gets weird/upset about the motorhome thing and then it feels like he chooses spending time with the vape over dancing with the person he calls the love of his life. (and maybe I am overreacting with this particular situation, it just hurts watching him hurt his health like that then blame his friends and it feels like my partner has no self control when it comes to that kind of stuff).
That was Friday. On Sunday morning, his alarm went off at 6 am which of course also woke me up. He started getting up/moving around/making a bunch of noise, and I try asking him what's going on. No response. I ask again and I ask "Do we really need to be awake at 6?" because in my mind his flight back to his state isn't until the afternoon and I was the one taking him to the airport so do I need to start getting ready too?? like why are you up so early? can you please explain what is happening? Like the motorhome situation - in which he would not clearly explain what was going on - he just got mad at me saying I was tripping about the alarm and that I shouldn't ask him questions in that kind of tone of voice (what tone of voice?!?!?). He just started getting so upset that I asked if we needed to be up at that time and I was so confused by his response because it really didn't seem fair to me. When he got back in bed I did not want to be touched by him - I was so sad that I feel like I can't even ask my partner simple questions without him getting upset. He tried to go on explaining why I shouldn't ask questions like that and justifying his response. I get first thing in the morning after not much sleep people can be a little cranky, but dude to tell me I'm tripping and then evading my one question/getting defensive? not cool to me. After it's clear I'm not buying his response, he apologises and asks me to forgive his reaction, which I do and we're back to being fine. That day before dropping him at the airport, we drop off some his clothes we organised at the donation centre and then he realises he can't find his car or motorhome keys. so we spend the whole time before the airport with me driving him around to various locations to find his keys, we search my whole car, he has me search my entire bag... we can't find the fucking keys anywhere. But we were both like, no worries, they will show up somewhere. And we had a good time about it. No arguments, no complaints, he was grateful that I was helping him with his shit.
The next morning I find them in my car and I send him a picture with "omg babe, guess what I just found!" and instead of being relieved/happy that I found them, he BLAMES ME for not having seen the keys before. to be clear, I never once touched his motorhome keys. I had no idea until Sunday morning that we would even be looking for them. He blames ME for HIM losing HIS keys. I wouldn't take that shit from him. Then he went on saying that I need to "centre myself," that he has a right to feel the way he does blah blah, and sure he has a right to feel whatever he desires, but he has no right to blame me for anything! especially after I spent a good amount of time and fuel helping him do things he should've figured out on his own a long time ago and it is so easy to ship him the keys. not a big problem at all. and when I sent the key picture, he had a New York bottle opener on the keychain, and I was like "oh cool! Have you been to New York??" with the intention of getting to know my partner better - I think it's could he potentially took a trip there and I was asking in a light hearted way and his response (over voice message) was a sarcastic "yeah babe, I go there every weekend." Again, I don't understand this response. I don't understand why my question was so bad and why he felt like avoiding it? Maybe he was stressed about the whole key situation/ feeling jet lagged from the flight. But still. it sucked. I basically told him that I wouldn't take this shit from him that he cannot blame me and not take ownership of his own shit.
I just don't understand. I also have such a hard time leaving him. I tried before in the past - I felt pressured to move to Florida with him; he talked a lot about moving into together, having kids, etc etc and it was just moving too fast for me and I felt like I needed to leave because I can't give those things to him right now and it's not fair if that is something he wants and for me to stay in the relationship wanting different things at the moment. He convinces me to stay with him, saying he can wait for those things, but doesn't want to lose me. I stayed.
I'm just sooooo tired of these arguments! I'm tired of feeling like I can't ask basic questions without him getting upset. I'm tired of being made out to be the bad guy when I'm clearly not at fault. I'm tired of feeling like I acquiesce to him. I sometimes feel like he needs me more than I need him and I don't want to be his mother cleaning up after him/keeping track of his shit and then getting blamed when I don't know where HIS things are.
And we have silly arguments like this so much in the past too. I feel like maybe I'm deluding myself thinking that when we are together for longing periods of time that we won't argue so much - that it's the stress of travel that causes us to bicker. or that I'm holding on to the really good parts of the relationship where we make each other laugh so hard and we can meaningful conversations. I worry that if we do someday have kids that they won't be able to come to him without him getting upset/weird/non-communicative. *sigh* what do I do? I know I just talked about the arguments of this past weekend so this post feels a little biased. But I feel stuck. Part of feels like maybe I should leave him, but the other part of me sticks it out. Am I secretly addicted to the drama? Or maybe I don't have a strong enough will
submitted by Reisende8 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 Useful_Wrongdoer6434 I (28f) sleep in the living room with my baby while my partner (27m) has his own room, what do you think about this?

What do you genuinely think about this?
Let’s just start from the beginning...
I (f28) met my baby daddy (m27) 3 years ago, we started off as co-workers, then turned into friends, and then eventually started hooking up. We never defined our relationship mainly for the fact that he is emotionally closed off. That has always been the biggest problem in our ‘’situationship’’. I kinda had a mental breakdown at that time and quit my job (bc of him – we worked together). I was stupid and immature. Almost had to move back home (another state) bc I was out of a job, no money for rent, etc. So he told me I could move in with him for the time being. Fast forward, I got pregnant the first time. Thought everything would work out for us, was hopeful, however my pregnancy was HELL. He was insensitive, just…awful experience. We used to share a bedroom, his dog used to sleep with us, and during pregnancy the dog hair all over the bed really bothered me, so I asked him to stop putting her on the bed bc my pillow was literally black with dog hair, plus the smell. Oh god. She stank and it drove me insane. He didn’t stop though, he continued to put her under the covers, etc. So I ended up moving into my unborn daughter’s room at 6 months pregnant (its a 2 bedroom apt). After she was born I still stayed in her room... we shared her room until my second baby was born. Now, I sleep in the living room with my 2 month old baby, we both sleep on a mattress on the floor. As time has gone on, I’ve completely given up the idea of having any sort of relationship with him. I do plan on getting back on my feet once they're a little older. Neither pregnancies were planned, we weren’t careful the first time around, but the second time we really just got ''lucky'', but I am so thankful for my kiddos. I love them to death and am willing to give up my life and null myself for the time being. I am in this situation bc I want to be a stay at home mom while they're little. He does give me that luxury, but other than that it’s shit. We get along as friends, but we disagree a lot when it comes to the kids. We do argue A LOT, and we have sex, that's the only reason we even still stand each other, besides the fact that we want to raise our baby and toddler together bc it's what's best for them, having both parents present daily.
I don’t know, sometimes I feel spoiled for wanting to have my own room, for wanting him to give up his room so I can have a calm place to sleep wth the baby with no one walking around, going into the kitchen or whatever. What’s your take on this? I really just want to know about the sleeping situation, bc I don't care for the rest.
submitted by Useful_Wrongdoer6434 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 Hour-Reward-2355 FreedomMarketPlace Buildings - Shell Home

FreedomMarketPlace Buildings - Shell Home
**Looking for general guidance/advice/criticism.
Is vendor trust worthy?
Is plan solid?
We have the land but it's not totally developed. It's a sloping hill but is cleared of trees and has concrete driveway access. Rural unincorporated community.
It's in a much better school district vs our current paid-off house. After we complete the new house and move, we can rent/sell the old house. I'm trying to find a way to self-finance a house without needing to sell anything or finance through a bank. A shell house is a solution that I arrived at.
I'm a one man crew so I can't self build an entire house but I can definitely finish out the inside of a dry structure.
Found this vendor on Facebook Marketplace.
Freedom Market Place Custom Built Structures, Portable Buildings, Modular Buildings, or Built on Site, including custom Shell Homes, Lofted Cabins, and more.
I sent price request with floor plan. Possibly $30-40K delivered and vendor estimates $30-40K in material to finish the inside myself. 3-4 month lead time.
No interior or insulation included. Included is LVP wood panel siding, house wrap, 2x6 exterior walls, 2x6 flat framed ceiling, 6x 3x5 windows, 2 steel exterior doors, 1 french door. 10" overhangs and 14/2 metal roof.
I will contract out for the septic installation but can do the foundation work myself. I have access to a nearby transformer pole on the property less than 100ft away and access to city water at the street.
I estimate a total budget of $150K and a further 100K contingency in the bank in case sh*t hits the fan. Hopefully hit close to the 150K mark then this will be a great deal on a house.
I allowed for a future 20x20 addition to the house via a pre-installed exterior door so future expansion is a bit easier.
submitted by Hour-Reward-2355 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 Which-Toe9456 Leaving my hometown for the first time ever

I am a 28 year old guy who is finally making the big move. I currently live in New England in a small town of about 60K. I have lived here since I was 5 years old. I am finally moving and leaving. All my friends and my parents live here. This is a major move for me across the country where I will not know anybody. I've always wanted to leave and have passed up opportunities before due to fear and uncertainty. Now I am moving to Austin, Texas. I will be alone and will not know anyone there. I am quite anxious and worried but deep down inside I know I need to do this to grow as a person. I've wanted to get away from the everyday mundane and familiar, to get away from old friends who seem to be going down their own live paths or not having any paths. I want to flourish and test myself as a man. I'm tired of drinking and smoking weed every weekend and not doing shit with my life. I work In a good industry and made decent money but haven't really dated and I've lived with my parents through college and after. I'm finally going on my own. My question to this group is, how do you meet new people? How do you get over anxiety? How do I put myself out there? I would love to hear guys who were older or even younger and have done this. I figured I should do it while I'm still in my 20s and at least live a little instead of just wasting my youth on mediocrity. Any advice or opinions would be helpful, thanks.
submitted by Which-Toe9456 to AskMenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 Reisende8 Relationship Help - should I stay or go? 23/F with 27/M for one year relationship

Dear Reddit community,
I need some relationship life advice.
I '23/F' am currently involved with a '27/M' partner for a year now. I love him and he loves me, but I often wonder if our relationship is worth continuing. Half the time we are each others' best friend and lovers and we get along amazingly... however the other half of the time we argue over the stupidest things and the arguments go round and round in circles for a while (and I'm not joking, we argue SO fucking much). To give an example, just this past weekend I drove up to see him as well as celebrate his friends' family visiting from South America (we are long distance) and on the car ride there, I ask if we are staying in his motorhome he has there. He wouldn't give me a straight answer and I was wanting to know so that 1) we could save money instead of going to a hotel 2) we wouldn't have to worry about checkout times 3) I wanted to know where the hell I was driving to! Instead of giving me a straight answer about why he preferred to stay at a hotel, he went round in circles and got upset that I was asking. We eventually figured that argument out and it turns out he didn't want to stay in the motorhome because he still needed to clean it and he didn't want to welcome me in that kind of environment (the next day we went to his motorhome so I could help him organise).
That same night when we're celebrating his friend and her family, he starts smoking his friend's vape and is attached to it pretty much the whole night. Obviously it is his choice what he does with his body, but it sucks when your partner tells you he quite vaping/smoking and then as soon as he has the opportunity he picks it right back up again and blames his friends for his vaping problem. The group was playing some fun Brazilian music to dance to, and so I go up to my partner to ask him to dance with me and I playfully try to push the vape away from his hand (he was just sitting there vaping). I didn't slap his hand, I didn't forcefully take it away from him, I wasn't disrespectful in anyway - I was just trying to be playful and was hoping he would put it down and dance with me. I allowed my expectations to upset me. I was expecting/hoping that he would put it down and dance with me. Instead, he was like "not now babe" and reaches for another hit of nicotine. I got upset by this because we haven't seen each other in over a month, we only have a few hours together, and first he gets weird/upset about the motorhome thing and then it feels like he chooses spending time with the vape over dancing with the person he calls the love of his life. (and maybe I am overreacting with this particular situation, it just hurts watching him hurt his health like that then blame his friends and it feels like my partner has no self control when it comes to that kind of stuff).
That was Friday. On Sunday morning, his alarm went off at 6 am which of course also woke me up. He started getting up/moving around/making a bunch of noise, and I try asking him what's going on. No response. I ask again and I ask "Do we really need to be awake at 6?" because in my mind his flight back to his state isn't until the afternoon and I was the one taking him to the airport so do I need to start getting ready too?? like why are you up so early? can you please explain what is happening? Like the motorhome situation - in which he would not clearly explain what was going on - he just got mad at me saying I was tripping about the alarm and that I shouldn't ask him questions in that kind of tone of voice (what tone of voice?!?!?). He just started getting so upset that I asked if we needed to be up at that time and I was so confused by his response because it really didn't seem fair to me. When he got back in bed I did not want to be touched by him - I was so sad that I feel like I can't even ask my partner simple questions without him getting upset. He tried to go on explaining why I shouldn't ask questions like that and justifying his response. I get first thing in the morning after not much sleep people can be a little cranky, but dude to tell me I'm tripping and then evading my one question/getting defensive? not cool to me. After it's clear I'm not buying his response, he apologises and asks me to forgive his reaction, which I do and we're back to being fine. That day before dropping him at the airport, we drop off some his clothes we organised at the donation centre and then he realises he can't find his car or motorhome keys. so we spend the whole time before the airport with me driving him around to various locations to find his keys, we search my whole car, he has me search my entire bag... we can't find the fucking keys anywhere. But we were both like, no worries, they will show up somewhere. And we had a good time about it. No arguments, no complaints, he was grateful that I was helping him with his shit.
The next morning I find them in my car and I send him a picture with "omg babe, guess what I just found!" and instead of being relieved/happy that I found them, he BLAMES ME for not having seen the keys before. to be clear, I never once touched his motorhome keys. I had no idea until Sunday morning that we would even be looking for them. He blames ME for HIM losing HIS keys. I wouldn't take that shit from him. Then he went on saying that I need to "centre myself," that he has a right to feel the way he does blah blah, and sure he has a right to feel whatever he desires, but he has no right to blame me for anything! especially after I spent a good amount of time and fuel helping him do things he should've figured out on his own a long time ago and it is so easy to ship him the keys. not a big problem at all. and when I sent the key picture, he had a New York bottle opener on the keychain, and I was like "oh cool! Have you been to New York??" with the intention of getting to know my partner better - I think it's could he potentially took a trip there and I was asking in a light hearted way and his response (over voice message) was a sarcastic "yeah babe, I go there every weekend." Again, I don't understand this response. I don't understand why my question was so bad and why he felt like avoiding it? Maybe he was stressed about the whole key situation/ feeling jet lagged from the flight. But still. it sucked. I basically told him that I wouldn't take this shit from him that he cannot blame me and not take ownership of his own shit.
I just don't understand. I also have such a hard time leaving him. I tried before in the past - I felt pressured to move to Florida with him; he talked a lot about moving into together, having kids, etc etc and it was just moving too fast for me and I felt like I needed to leave because I can't give those things to him right now and it's not fair if that is something he wants and for me to stay in the relationship wanting different things at the moment. He convinces me to stay with him, saying he can wait for those things, but doesn't want to lose me. I stayed.
I'm just sooooo tired of these arguments! I'm tired of feeling like I can't ask basic questions without him getting upset. I'm tired of being made out to be the bad guy when I'm clearly not at fault. I'm tired of feeling like I acquiesce to him. I sometimes feel like he needs me more than I need him and I don't want to be his mother cleaning up after him/keeping track of his shit and then getting blamed when I don't know where HIS things are.
And we have silly arguments like this so much in the past too. I feel like maybe I'm deluding myself thinking that when we are together for longing periods of time that we won't argue so much - that it's the stress of travel that causes us to bicker. or that I'm holding on to the really good parts of the relationship where we make each other laugh so hard and we can meaningful conversations.
I worry that if we do someday have kids that they won't be able to come to him without him getting upset/weird/non-communicative. *sigh* what do I do? I know I just talked about the arguments of this past weekend so this post feels a little biased. But I feel stuck. Part of feels like maybe I should leave him, but the other part of me sticks it out. Am I secretly addicted to the drama? Or maybe I don't have a strong enough will
submitted by Reisende8 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:00 Available-Title2097 aztec journal assignment help!

so we have this project where we need to write three journal entries in the pov of an aztec or spanish conquistador, i chose aztec. please give me criticism, and tell me if there are any historical inaccuracies!
im 13 btw
initial contact:
november 8, 1519
I was outside, grinding corn, grinding it with the mano, over and over. I couldn't hear the screams of Chimalli, my older brother. He was sprinting, so fast, he tripped over the metate and spilled the corn. “Watch it, you fool!” I shouted, worried that I may get beaten. Nantli didn’t like food waste, and she wouldn’t care that it was foolish Chimalli’s fault. He was gasped for air, his hands on his knees. “Acalan… and I…were hunting…” He stopped and took a deep breath. “We were by the water when we saw this fish, a fish of great size. It wasn’t in the water, it was on top of it! It was brown, and atop it was 10 feet monsters with light skin!” I barked a laugh. “You’d better stop lying, Chimalli.” I decided to put the already ground corn back on the metate and take off the grass left in it. “I swear on the gods I'm not lying! I swear on Huitzilopochtli! Quetzalcoatl! All of them, I swear!”
I rolled my eyes, put the mano on the matate, and got up. “Show me what you’re talking about, fool.” Chimalli grabbed my hand tight and started running as fast as he could. I was whispering prayers to Patecatl, scared that what Chimalli was saying was true. We met up with Acalan and hid behind a bush near the lake. We could see the white-skinned people, and they were covered with weird clothing. They spoke loudly, in a peculiar way. They waved their hands around like birds and marched fiercely like jaguars. My heart was beating so loud, I was scared that Acalan and Chimalli would hear it. “They look so weird,” I whispered. The marched along, with their weird looking animals, amd were headed towards our causeway! Chimalli, Acalan and I exchanged a worried glance. Slowly and carefully, we all left our bush and headed back to the calpolli.
I went inside and saw Nantli sitting down, weaving. When she saw me, her face twisted in rage. “You dare spill the corn, leave the metate and mano unattended, and leave with the boys!? What were you even doing?” I shifted on my feet. Nantli was scary, but hse was understanding. Sometimes. “There are monsters on our land! They have big animals, a big brown fish that can swim ontop of water, and pale skin! The don’t speak Nahuatl, too!” i blurted out everything i saw, even if it didnt make sense. Chimalli was beside me, nodding his head so vigorously that it looked like it was about to fall off. Nantli got even more angry and said, “If you don’t stop lying this instant, i will call your Tahtli!” Chimalli and i both said in unison: NO!
“I swear on Huitzilopochtli! Tepeyollotl too! I even swear on Xolotl!” Chimalli cried as we were bothe getting pulled by the ear by Nantli. We were pulled outside, when we saw Tahtli. His face looked like he’d seen death. “Your foolish, lying children came to me talking nonsense about monsters with pale skin!” Nantli said, but Tahtli wasn’t fased. Tahtli was calmer then Nantli, and he was more wise. That was probably because he was a priest. However he was severe in punsiments. Nantli was all bark and no bite. Tahtli was bite, no bark, and when he did bite, it would last forever. He shook his head. “They're telling the truth. They are like us, but they have come from another land. Spain, they call it.” Nantli’s mouth was open so wide, I was trying my hardest not to laugh. She finally let go of me and Chimalli’s ear, her brows furrowing. “Did Moctezuma talk to them? Did you talk to them? How did they come here?” I side-stepped away from her, rubbing my ear. I exchanged a mischievous glance with Chimalli, and like a tiger, we left as fast and quietly as possible. In front of the door, Acalan was waiting for us impatiently and said, “Let’s go see them again. Maybe we’ll try to talk to them.” Chimalli raised his eyebrows. “Are you nuts!?” He exclaimed. I didn’t think it was a bad idea. Maybe we could understand their intentions. We never got to do that though. We never got to do anything.
Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs
They kidnapped our ruler. The scary, stupid, dumb-looking monsters took our ruler. Foolish Chimalli brought it upon himself to save him. Nothing reasonable ever comes out of that stupid brain of his. He got killed doing it. Atleats he was brave. Braver than me, thats for sure. They have loud, long black tubes that shoot out fire. That killed him. Nantli hasn’t been the same, she doesn’t let me go to school anymore. Tahtli has fallen sick. Why is this happening? Is this a sign? Oh why, oh why? Oh gods, why?
I woke up, the rays of sunlight shining directly into my eyes. I got up, and to my right, was Acalan. He had decided to stay with us since all members of his calpolli had died unfateful deaths. His Nantli got sick, and his Tahtli and all of his other relatives died in the battle with the monsters. Whenever I start to pity myself, I remember Acalan. He’s got it worse. “Good morning,” I said. Acalan nodded, not uttering a word. He was looking outside, and his eyes had this aloof look to them. “Where’s Nantli?” I said, looking around the room. He mumbled something, but I couldn’t hear it. I sensed that he obviously wasn’t okay, so i scooched beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “It's okay, just try not to think too much about it. I know how you feel, the gods will help us out.” I said softly. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder, and moved away from me. He was looking hard at the ground and whispered, “How can you be so sure?”
“I said,” He looked at me square in the eye. “How can you be so sure? That’s what everybody’s been saying, but I'm getting tired of it. Face it, Amoxtli. The gods have done nothing for us. They’re just a bunch of stupid stories to scare us. My calpolli would still be here, alive and well. Those monsters wouldn’t have come here. The gods aren’t real.”
I sat there, stunned. What was he saying? He must be mad, because this isn’t the Acalan I know. The Acalan I know was so devout, more than I was. Maybe the grief got him bad. “And no, you don't know how I feel. You will never know how I feel. You ever think about jabbing a spear into your chest? You ever thought about jumping off the mountains, and drowning yourself underwater? You ever think of that? Huh?” Acalan continued. And before I knew it, he was sobbing. Acalan, the soon-to-be soldier who had never shed a tear, the boy whose heart was made out of stone, was crying. He was saying something in between sobs, but I couldn’t understand it. His face was buried in his hands. The truth is, no, I have never thought about any of those things. I didn’t know that Acalan was this affected by it. Maybe I’m the foolish one.
A few hours later, I told Nantli about what Acalan had been saying, except the blasphemous things. That brought out a side of her that i never knew she had. Her face softened, and she nodded with understanding. She comforted Acalan, giving him words of reassurance. Nantli sent me out to get water, since Chimalli wasn’t here to do it anymore. Every passing day I miss him more and more. As i walked through the village, I heard loud, bone-rattling screams. The monsters were pushing and shoving their way into the houses, and coming out with valuables. I stood there, frozen in place watching it all happen. A tall monster stood in front of me, and all I could do was stand there, looking stupid as we both stared at each other. He scowled and grabbed my bucket, throwing it on the floor. “Hey…!” I said quietly. He kicked my bucket and continued walking.
submitted by Available-Title2097 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:00 froggiefrogfrog My Emom refuses to divorce my Ndad & I don’t know what to do anymore.

Long story short, my (26) nfather (54) cheated on my emother (54) with someone my age, kicked us out of the house, sold it, basically killed our elderly cat with the stress of sudden moving, and then moved away by himself. He also refuses to divorce my mom & tries to tell her that leaving him will just make things worse for her, and that he’ll support her if she stays (total bullshit obviously).
My mom won’t divorce him. She claims it’s money stopping her, but I’ve thrust tons of legal aid services and pro bono lawyers her way, her friends and family have offered financial support, but she just won’t do it. She also thinks she’s incapable of getting anything better than a minimum wage job, and spends all her money on Hallmark/QVC shit. It’s been 2 years now since they separated. She still talks to him daily. Her therapist straight up told her that he’s a narcissist and needs to run, and I finally revealed to her just how badly my dad abused me (including sexually, which she blew off), but that hasn’t hastened her resolve. She’s just totally convinced that there is nothing she can do to help herself.
I cut my father off as soon as he moved out two years ago; I’m honestly reaching the point where I want to do the same to my mom. I’m trying my best to be patient because she is a recovering victim herself and is overall a nice person, but she is still enabling him. Her whole life revolves around him still, so in a sense I never escaped the abuse. I had this fantasy that she’ll leave him forever, heal, and I can finally have a loving healthy relationship with a parent. But I’m losing hope that it will ever happen. I’m so sick of re-living trauma and being surrounded by miserable people who won’t help themselves. I tried cutting her off once before but she sent me a long letter begging me to stay in her life.
(To make matters worse, her best friend told us once that my mother’s greatest fear was having her children stop talking to her. So that makes me feel guilty as fuck. I feel like I’ll kill her if I stop talking to her.)
submitted by froggiefrogfrog to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:58 The_Red_Riot_ AITA for pushing someone away and then wanting them back in my life?

I know this is not the best place to ask for these kinds of things but i need someone ANYONE to help here
Basically me and the guy (we'll call him lex) have known each other since i moved to our street back 2017-2018 and we've been neighbors for a while, we have a 2 year gap (grade wise) and a little under it age wise, we didn't start talking until i was in 6th grade (him in 8th)and we slowly got super close and eventually texted each other everyday for hours consecutively until we started to date. It didn't work out (due to communication and external problems) but our parents never and still haven't figured that out. When we broke up i was in 8th grade and he was in 10th (sophomore year) and we were still really close friends like REALLY close. Even after i dated my (current) girlfriend we still stayed super close, hanging out everyday and still texting.
Time skip to no me in 10th grade and he's in 12th a couple months ago (around February) he did something unimaginable that i still kind of deny to myself but he basically $A'd me, he rubbed his very hard dick into my back while i was occupied with something and at first i brought it up with another guy friend because i truly didn't want to believe what happened, happened... What made this hurt more is because Lex knows about my previous problems and my past experienced with being $A'd by someone else super close. This friend opened to my eyes to the possibility that Lex has groomed me int not noticing his previous red flags and as i was thinking about it the more and more i saw these things that stuck out to me like how he would lay onto my chest and rub his face into my boobs, or how he would comment on thing he shouldn't have. The more and more i noticed the more i slowly put distance between me and Lex and i totally blame myself for the lack of communication on my end.
About a month ago i finally texted him a long and i mean LONG message explaining what's been going on and how and why ive been distant with him hoping we could communicate it thoroughly and i could hope to see his side because i truly considered Lex like my brother and one of if not my CLOSEST friend and i still wanted to be friends with him no matter if it was a bad idea or not but his message he came back with didn't exactly meet any requirements of a serious conversation at all, he didn't even bother spell checking his own message and it really upset me so i did send a second message the same day telling him my frustrations and calling him out on the fact that he didnt even apologize for making me uncomfortable when i apologized for my lack of communication and so i pulled away.
Ever since then he has since blocked me on every social media platform and has promptly ignored me completely and at first i told myself it didnt matter but as of the last month i haven't been able to let anyone get close to me and i dont know if its my brains subconsciously trying to protect myself but even if im with people i truly love and know im safe with my brain restricts the ability to be able to get as close or feel the same amount of happiness that i felt with Lex, ive been absolutely devastated the last month since im someone whos love language is physical touch and not being able to receive the same amount of dopamine i was able to before. I have just been contemplating going to his house and ringing on his doorbell to apologize just so i cant be friends with Lex again because it hurts my heart to its core not being able to hug someone and feel happy.
He has graduated and is leaving for college soon so its really now or never, my friends have told me that im in the right but i cant help that maybe i should've explained something better or heard his side out or just something...
(genuinely give me advice because im at my breaking point here....)
submitted by The_Red_Riot_ to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:57 justmarnewtogaming Remove Thyroid

Has anyone gotten their thyroid removed from their body? I had an ultra sound? scan? done one it about two-three years ago and the doctor told me that my body has essentially attacked and destroyed it. I also was told I have a cyst and nodule on it but because it wasn’t deemed cancerous the doctor said to just leave it and check it again in two years. I asked if it could just be removed as a whole and he said it would cb e considered a cosmetic surgery. I also asked if we could monitor the cyst sooner and he made it seem like I was causing a problem. So I haven’t been back to him since and started seeing my GP for it instead and she has helped me a lot. Unfortunately, I moved 1,000 miles from here and she doesn’t do telehealth in this state.
Before I start seriously looking and spending money on doctor appointments ( because insurance copays and the nearest doctors being an hour away ) I was wondering if anyone has had any luck on getting it removed without it being deemed a cosmetic surgery.
Sorry for the word vomit, I just don’t have anyone in my family or life going through the same things.
submitted by justmarnewtogaming to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:57 Long_Tie_1018 AITA for telling my niece how old she looks?

English is not my first language, so forgive any mistakes. My niece (who is like a daughter to me) and I are going on a roadtrip. She is going to medical school in New York and is moving in early because she got a good deal on the apartment.
I am staying with her for a few weeks to help her move in. I just recently moved to the United States and was excited to spend time with her.
We went to a store and she left something and we had to call back. The women on the phone said, “You came with your boyfriend yes?” She started laughing. She said “no, that’s my dad.”
I thought it was sweet she called me her dad. She hung up the phone and was shocked. She said I was so much older, how could they think that?
My niece is 23. I told her that everyone says I look around 25 even though I’m in my 40’s. She might not notice it because she sees me a lot but people say I look really young.
She said that was great and people tell her that she looks young too. She asked how old do you think I look?
I told her the truth. I said she has a face of someone 23, but besides that she is chubby and her body makes her look 30, maybe.
I just said it because in my country we assume that someone that is chubby is older. Usually, young people aren’t chubby where we are from, only older people. But this is America and a lot of people are fat.
I regretted that I said it immediately because she started crying. She pulled over and refused to drive any longer. I tried to tell her sorry, but she said I ruined her trip and to not talk to her anymore. I said she asked and I answered and she knows English is my 4th language. It could have been miscommunication. I’m not use to being around Americans. I explained that back home we don’t have fat people except for older people and that is why I said that.
She yelled at me to leave her alone. We’ve stopped at hotels and she has not spoken to me.
submitted by Long_Tie_1018 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:57 maltthealt i (20f) am not sure if i wanted to be platonic partners with my friend (20nb) in the first place... any advice on what i should do in this situation? (to most likely end the relationship)

thiss might be rly weird. 😅
so about a year and a half ago my friend who i had been talking to a lot wanted to get into a qpr (queer platonic relationship) with me since they said they felt like an emotional attachment to me in a platonic way. i had no idea what that was when they first asked me out, so i agreed based on their explanation of what it was like. i also was pretty sure i was in the aromatic asexual spectrum, so i thought it would be nice.
the weird thing was even though i claimed to be acearo, i was still messing around on dating apps. and shortly after the qpr started, i was visiting my friend group in my hometown for a bit. we were discussing dating app stuff with our other friend, and i shared some of my own stories as we talked. i mentioned after my stories that i wasn't using dating apps anymore and i only had one friend making app/quote unquote "dating app" left on my phone. my partnefriend got concerned and asked me what it was. i explained to them it was an app i told them about before. but the way they got defensive about it made me realize that they probably considered me being on dating apps of any sort as cheating.
so, i guess i just didn't know what i was getting into? i thought it was like just a stronger friendship or like best friends plus or something lol,, but my friend/partner seemed to want to do more romantic stuff like use pet names and go on dates and stuff. i said i was okay with that, but i didn't really want to do cuddling with them which i told them when we were establishing rules or boundaries or whatever. they were fine with it, but idk the pet names felt unnatural to me and "dates" felt like just hanging out with a good friend. they send couple memes to me saying it's us, but half the time i don't really agree. sometimes it feels like they think of me as their idea of their 'perfect version' of me or something, and not actually me. i do care about this person, but i cannot see myself doing anything remotely romantic with them, the more i inch towards it. after a few months of trying this, i decided i didn't like this, but i didn't know how to bring it up and now we're nearing one and a half years..
i think i went along with it because i cared about this person. and when we hung out together, it felt like just being with a friend and someone i really cared about. i do care about them a lot, and i very much enjoy their company. we've known each other for forever, and our friendship has gone through quite a lot of ups and downs. and recently i keep thinking of the downs and how we'd get into fights and annoy the shit out of each other. we were celebrating our anniversary with them coming up to where i live, and we had a disagreement at a restaurant that reminded me of those times when we were younger teens. and more recently i just feel hurt with some of the stuff they do/say. maybe remembering our past is making me more sensitive to the negatives, idk atp.
i think i am a person who will easy go along with something, and my friend/partner claimed a few things about me that i never even thought of for myself. i believed when they explained why they thought it. they told me i was autistic and deserved to be on disability because i was "disabled". i am able bodied,, just have some mental illness. when i told my dad, he got super mad because before i started this relationship, i was really good about school and making good grades. i dropped out my classes for a bit after the relationship started. my friend/partner has never showed much interest in school beyond high school and they didn't want a job until more recently when they realized yt and their small business weren't getting much money. i stopped school for a couple semesters just to work, but i plan to go back in next semester– when i told them, they said they were worried it would go bad for me again... and i guess i feel like the relationship is stopping me from doing better in school.
i don't want to say they're a bad influence, i think i am more just easily influenced or tend to mimic people around me... my partnefriend should live their life they want, but i think i also might be mimicking what they do kinda and that might be why my family does think they're a bad influence. and i feel more disconnected to my family when i started talking to my friend/partner more. they told me my dad is a manipulative person, but i don't even want to think that... sometimes i wonder if they said it because they consider their own parents (especially dad) manipulative. and i have met their family, they do seem p shitty even to me, but i don't see my own parents like that... my dad is doing his best i think, and he's good enough at least,, my friend/partner also claimed stuff like gender, gender preference, political views of mine when i never really told them that? most was similar to their own identity, and i honestly don't know what my gendegender preference/political views are specifically, ive never firmly said i was a specific label of any of those, but it still felt weird that they were putting me in this box when i felt uncertain about those things.
i also don't know if i'm really aroace. like i see happy romantic couples, and still want something like that. and i don't know if i can go and find someone like that if im platonically partnered with someone. and at this point i feel like "i didn't know what i was getting into" doesn't work if i try to just end things now,, i also am afraid it'll just go down terribly, and i'll never even get to be acquaintances with this person again. and i feel like our mutual friends will all side with them and i will just lose those friends forever as well. i'll feel even shittier if i try romance and see that i really am aroace and then id just be forever alone with no friends.
my partnefriend also bought tickets to go to a convention in a few months and id feel even shittier to end things poorly before that since they really wanted to go there and cosplay with me. the convention famously doesn't give any refunds too so they can't even get their money back for the tickets.
we're even planning to move out together in 2025, but i don't know if it's still something i want. we've been planning since like 2022 to move out together (it started out as just friends before they asked to be partners) but we keep having to push it further down with financial issues and such, so i don't even know if 2025 is a good year either. i am going through the process of switching my college major, and i feel like that's all ill really have time for soon especially when i start working alongside studying too. (im quite literally switching from an arts related major to something stem related lol.) i want to get my bachelor's and establish a good paying job before moving out. (and probably also work towards my master's) i don't even know if my friend/partner has anything going on in their future career and stuff, and i do not want to have to be financially responsible for them at all. i barely like when they ask me for money. they usually pay me back or pay for some of my stuff in return so it probably balances out, id just rather we each pay for our own things i guess,, or maybe im just being a prick abt it lol.
i just feel like an asshole, and im probably wasting their time by pretending to want to be more than just a standard friend and like everything is going ok on my side. i just don't know what to do. this is kinda my first relationship tbh, and definitely a first for qpr so i don't really have experience on how to end things lol, and i don't know what a good method to do so is.
sorry if this makes no sense, im rambling... but i am in need of advice... mainly, i am just looking for a way to end the relationship. but any other advice is fine, i need it. if im a piece of shit or you want to say something else 'negative' you can tell me that too, i just need honesty on my situation.
tldr; i am in a queer platonic relationship with someone who i saw as a friend. they wanted to be romantic. i did not. we are getting into disagreements. We seem to have different lifestyle choices, and it's getting to the point where i just want to end it. how do i break up with them that won't make things terrible between the two of us?
submitted by maltthealt to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 engi-goose Struggling to find a decent digital piano sub $1500 CAD

I'll just get this out of the way, I am very much a beginner, I've been learning on my own from books for about a year and a half now on my acoustic upright piano at home and greatly enjoy it. However I am moving away from home to my own apartment soon and can't really fit or take the piano with me. Last summer I was also away from home for a few months and bought some cheap second hand weighted keyboard from casio and I never really quite vibed with it. They key feel felt sluggish. As a beginner I'm not super concerned with the sound modeling or speakers, I just want a good key feel.
Most of the threads I've seen on here and other piano forums point to the Kawai CA series, specifically the ones with the grand feel 2 mechanisms. However I am having zero luck finding them used around here. The used market does seem to be flooded with Casio Celviano's, Casio Privia's and Yamaha's of various P-xxx models. At this point I'm starting to wonder if I should keep checking around for used pianos or if should opt for the best new one within my price range, and if so, which one (I did look at the recommendations in the FAQ thread already). I went to the local instrument store and tried out a few roland models (these guys seemed to carry mostly roland digital pianos), and all of them from $1000 to $5,000 felt identical (they literally use the same PH-40 mechanism) but I was still underwhelmed. I haven't had a chance to try anything else though.
If anyone has any recommendations for either something to look for on the used market, or a recommendation for something to buy new with a focus specifically on the key feel quality, that would be great! Thanks
submitted by engi-goose to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 l1f3_L1v3d Dear J.L.R.

Dear You,
Love is like a parasite. It latches on to you, infects you, invades you even when you have no idea it's there. It sticks to you when you want it gone, it compromises every part of your life.
I feel like a widow. I think of you, how we don't talk, how it's been almost a year since we broke up, how I should be completely over you, and I feel as though you've died. I feel as though you were my husband who passed away, and who's spirit is embedded into my mind. Even when I love someone else, I think that if you were to come back alive, I'd take you back in an instant.
I don't want to love you that much. I don't want to love you at all. I don't want to feel like I'm trapped, alone with my thoughts and feelings of affection knowing you'll never love me back, and even if you did, I've already moved on with someone new. To get you back, I'd have to hurt my new love.
I'm sick and tired of hurting others. Never intentional, yet unavoidable. I love too hard and I get hurt, or they do. Love is so insane. Why would you give so much of yourself to someone else? Especially someone who feels not an ounce of love towards you. What kind of sane person would do such a thing? Perhaps I'm already hurting him by still loving you. Or maybe I don't even really love you anymore at all. Maybe my mind is just trapped in what has and was supposed to be. Playing tricks on me.
I wish you would block my number. Yell at me and tell me to leave you alone. But you're so confusing. You let me text you, and sometimes you answer back. You unblock me on a single app, knowing we'll stalk each other on it. But then you block me again for a couple more months only to unblock me once more. What is it you feel? What is it you want? For a year of my life, the best year I had, I thought I could read you so well. I thought I knew your every emotion. Turns out I don't know you very well at all. Maybe we've just grown too far apart.
I want to love him more than I love you. I want to not love you at all. I want to never hurt him, to love him forever. Maybe I'm rushing myself.
We both know that "forever" is a cursed word.
submitted by l1f3_L1v3d to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 Jlew14355 I’m at my limit. I need to know there’s no chance it will ever get better.

I already know it won’t but I need some more stories to just keep myself away. She would cut me off and an hour later come back crying and spend the entire day begging me to talk to her and she will do anything for me. Saying literally anything she can to get me back and I caved in thinking “look at how sad she is, surely she will understand that she doesn’t want to lose me right and will not do this again right?” Of course not it just got worse and worse. She’s not conventionally attractive but I grew to be so in love with her and love the way she looked but I still considered myself choosing personality over looks, how crazy is that. She doesn’t get any attention outside of me which is why she probably comes back so quickly. I’m just so drained and angry and I just can’t let myself fall for the “sweet girl” act anymore like I always do. I just feel so lost. I think the worst part is thinking of her moving on and forgetting me and painting me black. I feel like I want to leave her in a way where she realises I was good to her and that she messed up but I feel like that’s not possible. She would always find a way to justify the abuse she put me through, such minor things twisted to make me look bad while I just have to sweep everything she does under the rug.
submitted by Jlew14355 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 Large-Chair-8611 Not sure what to do ab this girl I was seeing

Went on a few dates with a girl that I really liked. It was going really well. We got physical pretty fast, she actually initiated it and I talked about going all the way the next time we hung out. I let her know however that I was not sure I want to be in a relationship yet but maybe some day in the future. She was very offended and said she didn't want to see me anymore. I tried to repair this and said I do really like her but I don't want to get hurt. I've been hurt in the past. We were moving fast and hadn't talked much about our past relationships. She later called me and sounded very intoxicated and told me off for basically using her and leading her on and hurting her and she hung up on me. We haven't spoken since. It feels very awkward. I really liked this girl and I am not sure if I should try to talk to her again or leave it alone. We have mutual friends so we tend to see eachother frequently and this is why it's weird.
I also recently found out that a couple nights after she told me off, her dad passed away. I feel like she is going through a lot and I contributed to it. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Large-Chair-8611 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
