Songs to secretly let someone know you like them

definitely not me irl

2016.01.21 01:27 lapzkauz definitely not me irl


2009.01.01 02:17 /r/depression, because nobody should be alone in a dark place

Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder

2015.05.05 23:55 moby3 Computer Simulated Animations

A subreddit for all things computer generated simulations!

2024.05.14 18:00 IronMaidenXIV Need help identifying my Apple tree problem

Can someone help identify the issue? I am not very knowledgeable in fruit trees and looking for some guidance.
Hoping someone can help identify the problem with the trunks of my apple trees. I’ll link some photos. The problem on both is on the trunks. One is worse than the other. The trees are starting to leaf and look good otherwise. With the research I’ve done I’m not sure if it could possibly be sun scorch from the winter. Or black rot. Let me know what you think. I don’t recall them looking like this in the past years. Just the bark looking a bit older and thicker and split some.
Some other details to note if it helps. I live in Canada so we get pretty cold winters and it’s not uncommon to have -40 degrees Celsius at some points throughout. But average temps are probably -5 to -15 degrees Celsius with some cold snaps getting into the -20’s. I live in an urban setting (town). Surrounding trees are aspens, Saskatoon bushes, raspberry bushes, cherry bushes, rhubarb, and perennials. No other fruit trees than I am aware of/can see in other yards around me.
First three photos are of the tree right side of my yard (the worse one), 4,5 photos are of the tree left of my yard.
submitted by IronMaidenXIV to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:00 Less_Education_6809 Boundaries with elderly parents: balancing expectations and trying to make everyone happy

TL;DR I Need help understanding a healthy balance drawing boundaries with elderly parents (living in adjoined mother-in-law suite) and wife, with differing tolerance levels and peeves.
Parents are late 70s, recently built an attached studio apt into our house due to limited housing options on fixed income.
Wife was very supportive, a saint really. They crashed in our guest room on and off for over a year while it was built.
They have own restroom, kitchen etc, entrance and exit.
I feel like the more than overstayed welcome during transition - using our restroom, being fairly overbearing, loud, you know … just old people.
Now, though, I feel like the snakes things they do (that should not be a big issue in my opinion) are really bothering my wife.
Namely: 1. you can hear their TV pretty loudly through the wall, which is a bit obnoxious but in my opinion … i don’t want to ask them to turn it down to a level where they can’t hear it just to not inconvenience us. It feels…wrong. Like, it’s their space. 2. My mom makes breakfast for the boys every morning, and waits outside all morning to catch us on the way to work/school and give it to them. Sounds sweet, and it is, but it’s a LOT on the morning. She is big manic energy, and it feels like a well-intentioned ambush. When we’re in a hurry in the morning, we don’t want to interact at that level all the time… but, it feels unreasonable to even try to address this. What do I say, “we don’t want to see you in the morning cuz we’re in a hurry, go inside” of course not… 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’ve addressed the bigger issues: don’t just let yourself in our house. Don’t use the common door into our living area unless emergency. Don’t come over to our house with sweets and bs food every day because it undermines how we feed our kids … etc.
Wife and I have had our guest disagreements ever in our relationship lately, around these issues.
I want to wait a while and let the dust settle before stressing more and addressing issues stated above. See how things shakes out, mainly because I feel the inconvenience we are feeling pales in comparison to the hurt feelings / ask I would have if my parents to address it.
Issue is, it’s weighing on my wife, and she feels (I think) like my inaction is placing their needs above ours, or that these are minor issues I shouldn’t have a problem bringing up to them.
What would you do? Am I the asshole?
submitted by Less_Education_6809 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 Bugsbinnie Job from Hell.

[ Warning : Happy Nomad's in Hartford, CT is a scam!! ]
I don't know if anyone here is familiar with any of the marketing firms in hartford, but the one you probably know the most are the people who sell phones. the company I was with was similar, and we sold internet (frontier to be exact).
Do not work for this company! They steal your time and your money, and they will guilt trip you if you don't slave for them 80 hours a week. You stand outside all day and sell internet to people. if you don't make a certain amount of sales a week, they don't pay you but they don't tell you that.
I'm a college student who had to study for my final exams and i told them this before the week started. I had to leave one day at 4pm (they normally want us to leave around 7pm or "until we reach our goal") and the assistant manager i was working alongside with started asking me all these questions as i left. He kept saying "i must've lost my attitude" that day and asked me if i'm a "quitter".
everyone in the office is super secretive about their age, their real names and information. The boss is from liberia, and the 2 people at his side are from columbia and ghana. They all live/grew up in new york, and came to CT to start a scamming marketing business. The "boss" has weekly hangouts at his manhattan high rise apartment, where he makes everyone drink so much that nearly nobody can drive home. He also has had sexual encounters with some staff in the office and it shows in his favoritism.
This company will tell you on the job listing that you're going to be making $750-$950 a week and it's a complete lie. They waited until i nagged them to explain the pay rate to tell me that we really make $250 a week if we "make no sales". They also told me that my first two weeks of training is a guaranteed $500.
As a person whose not into marketing at all (and just looking for some extra cash as a college kid) I thought it would be a decent opportunity to take advantage of. It was hard for me to make sales after my training period, but nevertheless I was still expecting the normal pay range since I lived over an hour away and was spending my money and time commuting and staying there from 7am to 5pm each week.
The first pay week comes around (the week where i'm expecting my $500 from training) and ..nothing. Again, they didn't say anything, they waited until i nagged them about my pay to tell me that they "forgot". I was ignoring countless red flags by this point so i figured i had nothing to lose when i told them okay. I then asked them when should I expect my money. They said the next pay week. They even tried to make me feel bad for asking, passively aggressively writing my name on a white board for a reminder saying "are you happy now?".
Lo and behold, it is now the fourth week and they've only paid me $250. I stopped showing up at this point. Me and my family had to threaten to pursue legal action over and over until they finally gave me the full amount. I am not the only employee they've done this to.
Please, save yourself the time and money from joining this cult. If they've also tried to get you or if you're currently employed, please go find a comfortable job where they pay you correctly the first time and treat you like a valuable employee.
submitted by Bugsbinnie to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 tiptoppenguin Am I overreacting? A bit of a LBS rant.

I am planning on post a google review on my LBS which I have had a bad experience at. Intent isn’t to scold them but to make a public review so others know about my experience and have more information when choosing this LBS over others. However I want to make sure I am not overreacting - perhaps all this is “normal” for a LBS nowadays.
First experience: Had bike fit - seemed to be ok/no issues with this experience. They needed to cut/rebleed new brake line and brake line was not run under handlebar groove to keep flush when I picked it up so had to undo/redo myself
Second experience: Needed seat post clamp and they charged me $20 for a $13 clamp. Also had them take a look at shifting and got charged $30 for hanger alignment and after rinding one block I knew this didn’t solve issue so turned around. They talked to me like I probably had no idea what was going on (explained what a hanger was to me, indexing, etc) and told me to call back and schedule an appt since they were closing for the day.
Longer Version: Bit of background on the shop - they mainly do bike fits but do offer service as well. There main business is getting you in for a bike fit and then helping you order a custom geo bike. I decided to go here for a bike fit last year.
First experience: Bike fit seemed fine (never had one before so can’t compare). It was very basic and took 20min with some measurements but I did feel a lot better. The guy seemed nice / knowledgeable enough. I did decide to swap handlebars for larger size and wanted to upgrade to carbon so we picked one out. The brake line was too short so it needed a new one and re-bleed. I have done this myself but decided to just let them do it as they said it would be done next day. Come back and pick it up and bring it home and notice they didn’t put the brake line into one of the grooves under the handlebar which keeps the line flush with the bar. Just felt a bit messy so I had to undo and redo tape myself. Total for this was $150 bike fit, $350 bar (Enve), and $40 for bleed. I would say 4/5 star as fit was good but the tape job was below average given they missed the flush brake line.
Second experience: Seatpost clamp broke so I go to my local Specialized shop and try to get a new one. The service guy there moves mountains trying to look for an old clamp to give me to get me home but just can’t find it so calls on a local shop to see if they have it. They do. It’s the same shop I went to get my bike fit at. So I head there and the guy says yes we have the clamp and ask if I know my saddle height. I say yes because you gave me a bike fit! He says something like “oh great you don’t need to go to Specialized then you can just come here”. So I am thinking sweet this dude is just going to give me clamp for free. Anyway he finds a clamp, puts it on, and I am saying thank you and he tells me I can take it for a spin to make sure it holds. Before that he also just goes that will be $20. And I honestly think he is joking but go oh ok let me take it for a spin quick and make sure its holding and then I will come back and he goes “why don’t you pay first”. Whatever, so I pay $20, take a lap and it is indeed holding so it’s fine. [I go home and look up this seatpost and it’s a generic Orbea one that is $13 on multiple websites….] Well my shifting was a bit funky all day too and I am taking a three day trip tmrw so I figure what the heck I will have them look at it. So I come back to the shop say clamp is working fine but wondering if you can take a look at my shifting - I can’t seem to dial it in. Now I have been riding bikes for over a decade and been wrenching my own for a lot of that. I know my way around a bike and certainly all the basics - indexing, RD adj, hanger alignment, etc. For whatever reason I could not dial in my old 105 shifting and wanted to see if they could help. So they put it in the stand and tell me my hanger is slightly bent. Then they start explaining to me what a hanger is….and honestly start to mansplain me (I am a male fwiw). I think they were just trying to be nice but not sure if it was old aluminum bike, the stickers on it, or the T shirt I was wearing but they definitely thought I didn’t know anything about bikes which is very frustrating. So they “fix” the hanger and its takes no more than 2min and I am ready to walk out the door and he goes “That will be $30”. Seemed pretty steep but w/e. I pay and start going back. I make it a block and the shifting might actually be worse lol so I immediately turn back around and say yea that didn’t fix anything and they put it in the stand again and then start teaching me about indexing……I am pretty fed up at this point and they try to tweak a few things, oil the chain (which pissed me off cuz I waxed it…), and then say its shifting ok in stand so if its still an issue schedule an appt for next week and we can do a deeper dive. Honestly thought they were going to charge me again…..but they let me walk out this time.
Did all this feel reasonable? The botched tape job, charging $20 for a $13 seat post clamp, and $30 for a quick hanger alignment that did not fix the issue? I was a bit bummed by the amount of money I have spent here and they were not willing to help me out. Seemed they were more interested in the transaction than relationship. Would I be overreacting by writing a say 3 star google review on this? Idk the whole situation was very off putting but don’t want to call out a local business if all this seemed reasonable.
submitted by tiptoppenguin to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:56 Affectionate_You_671 Never signed any papers, what could my employer do if I left?

I have been working part time as a personal trainer for nearly 4 years. The people I work for in that time and that own the business have been some of the nastiest, verbally abusive, and petty people I have ever known. They lie to clients, steal money, and are just down right scum. The only reason I have stayed is because I love my clients. They make the awfulness better and I have personally become friends outside of this job with many of them. But recently the owners went on a business trip and asked me to be on site for over a week (no extra compensation mind you) and make sure there were no issues, and to watch the small retail shop where they sell supplements and other things.
Well they just got back this weekend and since they have been back I have been bombarded with the nastiest messages about stupid things (like there was a spider in the window and someone left a waterbottle in the bathroom. One such message was a threat about inventory because "the stock of supplements better add up or else.") This is just how they are...
So I'm deciding to quit and move on. I have an opportunity to continue my work at my home (it is small and I don't have all the equipment I need, but it would work.) Or our biggest competitor down the street has asked for me to join them for years but I refused because "it would really anger my current employer."
Either way I'm leaving, but I want to have my bases covered. In my time working here I have been the longest tenured employee. I have seen about nine trainers leave (most of them have been rage quitting over the owners and the way they were treated.) But every single one of them has cautioned me that when I leave the owners will try to ruin me. One trainer was accused of stealing and had a police report filed, and they didn't steal anything. The other was threatened that if they did not delete all their clients off of Facebook there would be consequences. These people are sue happy and have about six active lawsuits over the smallest thing while I've been here. Not to mention the say derogatory stuff and spread rumors about the trainers that left with current clients.
I know me leaving will push clients to leave also. Most no doubt will follow me to wherever I end up. And I'm expecting my employers to come after me big time since I've been here so long and have made a big impact on generating business. I have never signed anything for them, no non compete, no paperwork, nothing. But I fear they may try to spin it and forge my signature or say I stole equipment. It is just a mess, but I am done being bullied by them because I very much cared for this business at first and made every effort for them to be successful, but it's time to leave.
What should I do before I quit? Should I have a lawyer on standby? What legally can they do to me? They have nothing from what I can see. All the other former employees got out of the business because they were so scared of them and what they could do.
submitted by Affectionate_You_671 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:54 _TheLastFartBender_ Jeweler acting weird: is this normal?

I was recently gifted a ring that I’ve decided to reset. It has a 2.8ct, K, VS1 natural diamond set in a platinum setting.
I was vacationing in India, and I thought why not do it here. Jewelry in general is a big part of the culture, there are many experienced, reputable jewelers, and I’d wanted to add some gemstones (sapphires) to the setting and I could see and pick them out for myself at these stores.
My aunt had a gold necklace that had a broken which she had given one of her trusted jewelers to fix. This was a brand-name place, established in late 1800s, blah blah blah. So she told me to come along, telling me that they are trustworthy and would do a quality job.
Here’s how it went.
We went in, she picked up the fixed necklace, exchanged pleasantries with one of the sales-people (who she had a long-standing relationship with). Then introduced me and I started talking. Showed them the ring, and the guy starts talking.
Him: [examining ring] What kind of stone is this?
Me: it’s a diamond.
Him: how many carats?
Me: uh, it’s 2.8 carats, and K, VS1.
Him: [turns it over in his and, continues to examine] How much was it? 10, 15? (I imagine he was asking in thousands, but I’m not sure)
Me: (mildly shocked but hiding it). I don’t know, it was a gift. (It was given to my mom by my dad, which she gifted to me after my civil wedding ceremony)
Him: [still examining the ring. Then whispemutters to two other sales people nearby] Bring the tester.
At this point I pick up my phone and pretend to be doing something on it. I was a bit taken aback and didn’t know what to do.
Salespeople bring one of those diamond tester things. Three salespeople crowd around the main dude, whos holding the ring. Main dude tests it. And then looks critically at it, not saying anything.
One of the sales people, whispering to main dude: Is it real?
Main dude slightly nods to him.
They continue crowding around him, looking at ring.
At this point I’m just calmly looking around, trying to not be awkward.
Main guy to me: is it certified?
Me: yes.
Him: do you have the certificate?
Me: no, it’s with my mom, but I can get it if you need.
Him: [silent for a while, and then] it should be inscribed on the stone right?
Me: yes I think so.
Him [nods]
At this point the others disperse, and we talk about the new setting I want, etc. I get a reasonable quote but I feel a little taken aback by the whole experience for some reason, so I tell them I’ll let them know, and me and my aunt leave.
After leaving, I don’t know. It felt so off. Like rude? I don’t know. I just remember feeling bad. My aunt could see I was a little quiet and told me that’s just how business is done in India, people are more blunt, and it’s becuase I’ve been away so long that I’m not used to it. But I don’t know. Is this normal?
I just felt kind offended? Or upset?
submitted by _TheLastFartBender_ to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:54 igreggreene Barron Read-Along 25: “Jaws of Saturn”

Barron, Laird. “Jaws of Saturn.” The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All. Night Shade Books, 2013.


Carol is Franco’s girl, and when he learns a two-bit stage magician is practicing hypnotism on her, Franco goes to pay the old man a visit. But Phil Wary is no mere purveyor of parlor tricks. The line between dreams and waking, between our reality and one of monstrous dimensions, erodes, as Franco and Carol find themselves ground to bits between the “Jaws of Saturn.”



In the lounge of the Broadsword Hotel, Carol tells Franco of a dream she had of her former lover Marvin Cortez. Franco tries to explain it away as mere messages from her subconscious, but he’s also jealous. In her room, they engage in vigorous sex and Franco observes that, for a moment, one of her irises is inhumanly oblong. He doesn’t know what to make of this and presses Carol on her current state of mind, especially her recent weird dreams. She admits she’s been visiting old Phil Wary in his apartment upstairs, paying him for hypnosis sessions to help kick her smoking habit. That’s all Franco needs to know. This old sheister is trying to get into Carol’s pants and he’s screwing with her head. He’ll pay Phil Wary a visit. But first, he falls asleep and dreams of lovely, voluptuous Carol standing frozen in the Broadsword lobby as a shadow of “colossal dimensions” looms over her.
Franco is a bodyguard/enforcer for millionaire Jacob Wilson and is no stranger to intimidation, violence, and murder. He ferrets out Wary’s number and rings him up. Wary dismisses Franco contemptuously over the phone (“You sound like an oaf, a knuckle dragger.”) so Franco breaks into his apartment where he confronts the old man about making moves on Carol under the guise of therapeutic mesmerism. Phil Wary is both sardonically condescending and oddly patient with Franco, giving him more than one opportunity to walk away. But Franco is consumed with (perhaps nurses) his jealousy and strikes Wary across the face with a belt, ordering him to stay away from his girlfriend. Franco’s action does not have the intended effect. Wary shakes off the blows and effortlessly subdues Franco.
Wary stows the bound Franco in a closet, on tiptoes with a belt tightened around his neck, and leaves the door ajar so he can watch as Carol enters for her hypnosis session. Something’s wrong about the closet: he can’t see its ceiling. The dimension of height goes up and up into darkness. Franco struggles to maintain consciousness and can only watch as Wary entrances Carol then guides her to his apartment wall where he pulls back a flap of old wallpaper and has her look through a hole at… Franco doesn’t know what she could possibly be seeing other than the back lot of the Broadsword. Wary releases Carol from the trance and sends her on her way. Now Wary leads Franco to the wall, telling him, “All this flesh is but a projection. We are the dream of something greater and more dreadful than you could imagine. To gaze into the abyss is to recognize the dreamer and in recognition, to wake.” He forces Franco’s eye against the hole in the wall. Franco passes out. When he comes to, he receives a call on Wary’s phone from his boss Jacob Wilson, who fires him on the spot. Wary offers tepid consolation before ejecting Franco into the hall. Franco suddenly wakes in Carol’s bed, screaming.
Franco and Carol’s nightmares intensify as the boundary between dreaming and waking life erodes. Their nightmares increasingly feature familiar locations distended into cyclopean dimensions, and threats from above - at first tendrils descending from the sky, then the hand of a giant. In desperation, Franco returns to the Broadsword, packing his pistol, but the opportunity to kill Phil Wary has passed if it truly ever existed. He has a vision of Carol in the vaulted hotel lobby and, above them, Wary - now a colossus like the titan Saturn in de Goya’s famous painting - towers above them. The giant picks up Franco and raises him to its face - but Franco “had a long, agonizing moment to recognize his own face mirrored by the primordial aspect of the giant.” Franco is devoured.
There’s a brief coda where Franco (?) wakes, a giant in an ancient or future world, and is joined by his titanic lover. Together they loom over “all the tiny houses and all the tiny works of men.”


As I write this, I have just woken from a dream. In the dream, I am asleep and dreaming of looking at a reproduction toy catalog and, sure enough, there are three pages of the old Micronauts toy line with which I am still obsessed. I wonder if these toys will ever be reissued. Then I wake up. There’s a book at the far end of the bed. It’s out of reach and I’m still sleepy and don’t want to stretch to grab it. I wonder, as I so often have: if I focus on that book and believe that waking reality is mine to shape as I do in dreams, can I make that book really leap into my hand? I do, and it does! I double-check to be sure I’m really awake. Yes - yes, I’m awake! This is finally, really happening! I try it again, pulling a rock from the ground through telekinesis. It’s easy. I have come into my own, a demigod among men. Then I wake up, for real this time.
My subconsciousness giggles. Pwned again.
All this to say: it’s disconcerting when the line between dreaming and waking consciousness breaks down, which is what’s happening for Franco and Carol, and at a scale that defies Euclidian geometry.
In fact, Franco’s experience is like stumbling onto the Devil’s Narnia. The closet in Phil Wary’s apartment - like C.S. Lewis’ coat-filled wardrobe - opens onto an impossibly large dimension, one lighted not by a snow-strewn lamppost but a hideous red light. For both Franco and Carol, the gulf between dreams and waking reality is melting away. The dreaminess/nightmarishness doesn’t make their experiences of this other (truer?) world any less real. Again, the occultist tells Franco, “We are the dream of something greater and more dreadful than you could imagine. To gaze into the abyss is to recognize the dreamer and in recognition, to wake.”
In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the Pevensie children’s true identity is revealed as the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve. Franco and Carol’s journey in “Jaws of Saturn” makes them a kind of Adam and Eve, but of a titanic cast. Their early sex scene shows Franco on the verge of an atavistic state, nearly unbridled from the abstraction that is modern human consciousness. The knowledge he seeks - what is Wary doing to Carol? - opens the door on a transformation that grounds him, bringing him closer to the true, perilous state of being alive, an atavistic state that finds its ultimate form as a titan in the post-civilization world of the coda. And herein we see a common journey for the Barronic hero: the search for Cursed Knowledge begins the Unraveling/Unveiling of Reality culminating in a Hideous Fate which leads to one’s Ultimate Form. (Note: Laird has a story titled "Don't Make Me Assume My Ultimate Form.”)
As I write this, my daughter has just called me from DC, upset by terrible dreams of a book that looks like the Bible, but it’s not the Bible, and our cat Izzy who died a few weeks ago has returned, but she keeps fading in and out of view. In her dream, my daughter is scared to get on an elevator because she’s on roller skates and the people in the building say the elevator is really slow, but the doors open, she gets in and the elevator moves so fast she’s floating. When it stops, the doors open onto a garden filled with people who want her to read a passage from the book that’s not the Bible: it’s Zanderthonis, book 2, chapter 3. And she keeps trying to wake up from the dream so she can tell someone about it but she can’t escape the building.
All this to say: Watch out, friends. The dreams, they’re catching.
Connections to other stories:
In part VI, the doctor examining Franco checks his eyes and says “something about coloboma.” notes: “The most recognizable and common colobomas affect your iris (the colored part of your eye) and cause your pupil (the dark center of your eye) to have a keyhole shape.” In other words, what was happening to Carol is now happening to Franco, and the change is the key to unlocking the underlying reality of the world.


  1. What did Franco see through the hole in the wall in Phil Wary’s apartment?
  2. What’s the significance of Saturn, and specifically the de Goya painting of Saturn eating his children?
  3. Did I miss connections to any other Laird Barron story?
  4. Which Broadsword resident has the worse fate? Pershing Dennard (“The Broadsword”) or Franco (“Jaws of Saturn”)?
  5. Which other Barronic heroes undergo the ordeal of Cursed Knowledge > Unveiling Reality > Hideous Fate > Ultimate Form?
submitted by igreggreene to LairdBarron [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:54 sadpotatoes666 Is it possible to find someone who doesn't want kids OR cats?

And doesn't already have either? Sorry if this is off-topic, I just really don't want either. I also don't want to deprive someone of having either if they want them.
I just find that many childfree people have pets, often cats... and cats are just too damn annoying! I can't with them. It's great if they help you, but I've lived with them for a few periods of my life and am confident that I can't deal with it.
Cats have no place in my life. I disagree with them being outdoors for ecological reasons (and they become someone else's problem, using other people's yards as their toilet). I hate living with indoor cats because litter boxes are extremely disgusting. They're very in-your-face and hard to escape. I'm introverted, and find a cat's incessant meowing just as annoying as a baby crying. I can't. It's awful. Plus I'm allergic, and cat people hardly ever take allergies seriously. They WANT you to suffer for their dumb pet.
I'm also convinced they're dumb as hell. Zigzagging slowly in front of you, then having the nerve to whine if you accidentally step on them. Making you feel bad. Bro. Maybe DON'T do that? Ugh.
My roommate's cat also loves to bug me when I'm not feeling well, mostly when I have migraines or when I'm on my period. So. Damn. Annoying. And you know who's expected to alter their behavior? You're right. Me, not the cat.
Yeah. They're too annoying. But I feel like I'll be forever alone. I've actually long ago given up on dating. And I don't want to be seen of as a narcissist or evil or something because I don't like living with cats. Anyone else in a similar boat? Am I just gonna have to suck it up if I ever do decide to date?
submitted by sadpotatoes666 to catfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 IronMaidenXIV Can someone help identify the issue?

Can someone help identify the issue?
Hoping someone can help identify the problem with the trunks of my apple trees. I’ll link some photos. The problem on both is on the trunks. One is worse than the other. The trees are starting to leaf and look good otherwise. With the research I’ve done I’m not sure if it could possibly be sun scorch from the winter. Or black rot. Let me know what you think. I don’t recall them looking like this in the past years. Just the bark looking a bit older and thicker and split some.
Some other details to note if it helps. I live in Canada so we get pretty cold winters and it’s not uncommon to have -40 degrees Celsius at some points throughout. But average temps are probably -5 to -15 degrees Celsius with some cold snaps getting into the -20’s. I live in an urban setting (town). Surrounding trees are aspens, Saskatoon bushes, raspberry bushes, cherry bushes, rhubarb, and perennials. No other fruit trees than I am aware of/can see in other yards around me.
First three photos are of the tree right side of my yard (the worse one), 4,5 photos are of the tree left of my yard.
submitted by IronMaidenXIV to FruitTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 Mission-Avocado-9113 My boyfriend canceled our plans for a last minute boys trip.

So i'm doing this on a throwaway account because I really need advice and I don't know what to do. I don't want my boyfriend potentially finding this and getting in my head, I would really appreciate unbiased opinions. I'm sorry if some of the grammar is wrong, i'm writing this very stressed out.
I 18F have been with my boyfriend 18M for well over a year now. Next week he is supposed to have his schools prom and he invited me to go. I already paid for my ticket and I have a dress. We had plans for what we would do for prom weekend that included going to the beach. We were going to go to the same beach his friends would be at so we could all hangout together.
Yesterday out of nowhere he tells me "So my friends have their own idea for prom weekend and you can't come so is it cool i go?" and he's smiling from ear to ear. I was so confused and i just stayed silent for a bit because we were out. When we got back to my house i asked him what he meant by "you can't come" and he told me his friends said i wasn't allowed but that it's fine because no girlfriends are allowed. I told him we already had plans to go and he said that the plans with his friends seem better and that i can just let it go it's not a big deal. He kept telling me I had nothing to be upset about and that he didn't see anything wrong with what he was saying. I started getting upset and told him he already agreed to spend the weekend with me and i was just telling him how excited I was for this trip and he just responded by saying it wasn't even that deep. I told him he needs to leave because this isn't the first time we have had issues with him not prioritizing me.
He left but eventually came back so we could talk but everytime i tried to say that I was hurt he wanted to cancel our plans for his friends he kept telling me I was overreacting and that we never even had plans. I told him yes we did have plans and even showed him the texts confirming we were going. He told me that those texts don't mean anything and it's not like he's ditching me. I told him he is ditching me because I already took off of work and I was getting money together to buy us what we needed and he said it doesn't count. I asked why we couldn't just go together because we were going to hangout with his friends there regardless and he said I wouldn't understand and that they are getting an Airbnb and he'd rather spend the weekend with them than with me. Hearing him say that really hurt me and i asked him again why we couldn't all just hangout together and he kept saying I wouldn't understand and that he needs this alone time.
I told him I wasn't comfortable with him going for the whole weekend with specific friends of his because they brag all the time about how much they cheat and how fun it is to have so many different girls and if my boyfriend gets intoxicated they could try and influence him to do something. He told me I'm being controlling and abusive not letting him see his friends. I told him that's not what i'm trying to do at all it just hurts me that he's canceling last minute and telling me he wants to just go without me for the whole weekend.
We got nowhere with our argument and he ended up leaving. When I spoke with my parents about it my dad said it sounds really suspicious that he doesn't want me there with him and that his main point of wanting to go is that his friends are getting an airbnb. My dad asked what is it that he wants to do so badly at the airbnb that I can't be there for.
We spoke on the phone later on and everytime i asked him what it was he wanted to do that i couldn't be there for, he just kept telling me how I wouldn't understand. I told him if its really that big a deal to get an airbnb i'll literally buy one for us and he said it's not the same and he needs to be with his friends. He told me i need to stop making it a big deal and that i'm making it something it's not. I asked him why can't he just tell me what it is i "wouldnt understand" and he said no. He started telling me that i'm making stuff up in my head and i'm getting myself upset. He said how I have no reason to be upset and that we never had plans to begin with and the texts i showed him meant nothing and weren't real plans. I told him it felt like he was gaslighting me because he just kept saying over and over how it's all in my head and he was like "then i guess i'm gaslighting you." He told me "fine you know what i'll just cancel the whole thing then." and i asked him if he was really going to cancel an entire trip just because I want to come along and he said yes. He then told me he was done talking to me and he started ignoring me. He knows that being ignored is very triggering for me due to stuff that happened in my childhood so he starts to ignore me whenever we argue because he says it's the only way I'm gonna see that i'm in the wrong because she says i make everything a bigger deal than what it is.
I don't know what to do here and I feel so stuck. I don't understand why it's so important to him I don't go when we already had plans that I would. I don't know what changed between us making plans and then him conversing with his friends. Am i actually in the wrong here and abusing him like he said?? Am i really just getting upset over nothing?? I feel like i'm going crazy because I genuinely don't think i'm wrong for being hurt but he keeps telling me I am and that I need to drop it. Please any advice would help. I really love him but I feel like there's something going on. What should I do?
submitted by Mission-Avocado-9113 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 KanimalZ High School Career Project!

Yellow y’all, I am a Junior in High School currently in a program my public school has where they send us to another school to take a class. I am taking the Veterinary Science Class and we have been working on a project for a bit now. It is a career project were we research a career we are interested in. There are 2 parts to the project. The first part is the research portion. We research what education we need and were we can go to get it to reach our career goal as well as information about the career relating to what it requires, does it involve travel, how laborious is it, what is needed for it, what are the patient relationships like, what is the social aspect like, the requirements for the career, etc. This is the easier portion for me, but the harder portion I have found is the second part. For the second portion is a grade by itself and contributes to the first parts grade. (Both summative grades) What is required for this second portion is we must find someone who works in the field and contact them about interviewing them on their experiences in the field. (What it has been like for them, what I should know about it, and any tips, tricks, or forewarnings I should know) I had ended up finding a farrier in the area that seemed nice and who is exspeinced and licensed. I had emailed them emailed them explaining who I am, the project I was doing this for, and where I go to school with the class the project was for. I covered everything my teacher had told everyone in the class to do. She had given us a template to use and base our emails off of and I did while changing it up a little bit to be friendly, but keeping the main necessary content in it. I singed off at the bottom of the email with my name again, my email that was used to send this email, and my phone number if she would prefer to use that instead. After about 2 - 3 weeks with no response I sent a follow up email that my teacher also gave us a template for. The email templates we had were made in class as a class. It was part of the creative/business aspect in the project. After about 10 days with no response I was ready to tell my teacher about the situation and ask what to do when I finally got my first and, spoiler alert, only response. She explained that she was traveling and didn’t check her email in that amount of time. She said that she was now trying to ketchup on her email now. In her email to me she said and I quote “Are you interested in learning about traditional horse shoeing? I am a natural hoofcare provider with my focus being barefoot trims. I only have a handful of horses in composite type shoes that I strictly glue on. I do not use nails or work with metal shoes so I am not sure I’d be the best fit if you are planning to attend a horseshoeing school. I can recommend other traditional farriers locally to shadow if that is the direction you may want to pursue. However, if you are interested in a natural barefoot approach then I am happy to chat with you and have you join for shadowing.” End quote. I showed my teacher the email the next day looking for advice as to how I should respond. My teacher said to continue to try and make plans for an interview and potential job shadow that she seemed interested in taking on. My teacher also told me to try and get the other recommendations as well. I then replied to her email saying how I would be happy to learn from her and job shadow with her or at the very least do an interview with her. I also then said how my teacher suggested I ask if I could have the other farrier recommendations. After that I mentioned again how much it would mean to me if she gave me the chance and for her to have a wonderful night. That’s was sent march 17th. Still no reply. After a bit of waiting for a response I tried calling her because in her email she left her number. It went to voicemail so I left a voicemail message saying who I am, my number, project information from my first email, and that I am still interested in the interview and at least a job shadow. I haven’t received a return call or any missed calls. In her voicemail she said if she isn’t able to get back to you within a few days to message her through text, so I did. I was then left on read for about a week until I asked my teacher what to do. She suggested I ask if I can at least interview her over the phone or have her just send me a message of answer to my questions. So that is what I asked her sending the same message through both text and email. I also provided her with example questions that I would be asking in the message. I have been since left on read with no reply. I am now turning to searching for someone new on here to help me. I just need someone to answer a few questions on their experience being a farrier. It would mean so much to me if someone could help me here. I understand everyone here has their own lives and must be busy with such, but this assignment is due may 22nd and today is may 14. I only have 8 days left for this second portion and I hope y’all understand. Sorry this came out to be so long. Please, have a wonderful rest of your day and my email is if anyone can help. Thank you.
submitted by KanimalZ to Farriers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 hellliberalizemintea Therapist interaction leaving me confused?

I just wanted to ask some advice, I had reached out to a new therapist one of a few that my partner had actually agreed to see for couples therapy and he is very particular however this is how the conversation over the last month went and I feel so let down and disappointed with these responses.
Potential Therapist: “I'd be happy to meet with you & your partner to see if it's a good fit for you. and perhaps provide some guidance for you. Let me know”
Me: “May I ask your hours? My partner and I both work full time […], so overall it's been a little challenging finding someone in those hours who would work in person.
Potential therapist: “Unfortunately I am not able to accommodate your hours. [names last appointment hours].”
Me “May I ask what your hours are and if you have any Friday or weekday openings overall? I can potentially talk to my partner about leaving work early on certain days.”
Potential Therapist: [names in office days], “I'm in the office on Saturday morning to do paperwork~ I would be willing to meet with you then. If interested let me know within 48 hrs.“
Me: Replies asking what time in the morning and my partner and I could make that work
Potential therapist: “My apologies I won't be able to meet with you on [Saturday] after all. I could meet with you at 5 pm on Tuesday. I will hold it thru tomorrow, so please let me know asap.”
Me: “Hello, is there another day by chance? Unfortunately specifically that day/week I have off vacation time.”
Potential Therapist after several days of no replies: “apologies for the delay..I just got back from being away for several days. After giving it more thought, I don't think our respective schedules are going to allow for consistent couples sessions. I suggest you try and find a couples therapist with more availability.”
Me: “Thank you for the suggestion I'll give them a call. However, my partner and I have been coming across this with scheduling with most therapists reached out too. He and I agreed we would make time for it as it's very important to us both to work through things right now, and happy to take time off/out of our days around it if it's later afternoon even. If it is a possibility to work something out, again we are happy to accommodate. Thanks for the replies,”
Potential Therapist: “Unfortunately l'm not able to accommodate any new clients at this time.”
Maybe I dodged a bullet here with the communication however I am devastated as this is one of only a few therapist. My partner agreed to see so I’m not sure what to do if I should even reply one more time saying that any advice would be great.
submitted by hellliberalizemintea to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:50 trustcircleofjerks If my experience was at all typical, everyone should go to the Westminster Dog Show before they die

Every year when I see the Westminster Dog Show is happening I think about the time I went and checked it out and had a pretty amusing experience.
Before that day the closest I had ever been to a dog show was the 4H barn at my county fair, but by the time I left several hours later I had been entrusted with the supervision of a giant Leonberger, who I casually passed off as my own to the unwitting public.
About 12 years ago I was living in NYC, in Hell's Kitchen, and one morning went for a run that took me down along the Hudson River where I happened to see some signage announcing that the Westminster KC Dog Show was taking place on one of the piers there a few blocks from my apartment. I thought that sounded like an interesting thing to check out, being a dog lover who had never been to a dog show, and not having anything else on the agenda that day. So after my run I checked out the particulars online, failed to round up anyone who wanted to join me, and headed back down to the venue to check it out.
I walked in with no particular expectations. I had caught a few snippets of the best in show rounds over the years, but the only moment I can think of that ever really stuck with me was year Josh the Newfoundland won, and thinking he was the the best dog I'd ever seen. I had, however, seen the documentary 'Best in Show' so I had a pretty good handle on what dog show people were like.
This many years later I can't tell you everything I saw that day. I know I was amazed at the Dobermans, and hugely let down by the Golden Retrievers. My childhood had been greatly informed by two wonderful Goldens who were big, shaggy, had a gregariousness somewhere between a local politician and a door-to-door salesman, and a perpetual residual aroma of low tide. Show Goldens it turns out are way, way, way too pretty.
What I was most surprised by was the fact that, in addition to the formal showing and judging and all, you could also see all the off-duty dogs up close in another area. A 'benched' show I believe they called it. They basically had a warehouse of amazing dogs you could peruse, mostly at arm's length, at your leisure. Certainly lots of dogs were sleeping in crates, with owners engrossed in their books with obvious 'don't pester me' vibes, but lots of people were very willing to chat about dogs who were reassuringly eager to have their ears scratched by total strangers.
I'm pretty sure I gave every dog there at least a cursory once-over, but I just kept coming back to this one Leonberger, whose name, sadly, I do not recall. I had never heard of a Leonberger before that day, and if you haven't either you should google it. He, despite having been eliminated earlier in the breed stage, was an incredibly handsome, friendly, curious, patient, charming animal. His owner was a woman, maybe 60 years old, possibly from upstate NY, and she was equally tolerant of me asking her dozens of questions I know she had answered hundreds of times before.
I probably spent a good 20 minutes with her and that dog. I asked all the obvious stuff about him, and Leonbergers, and then about dog shows, and Westminster, etc, etc. I ended up sitting on the floor with 150+ lbs of shaggy dog parked in my lap while we chatted. Eventually she asked me if I was going to be there for a while longer, I pointed out that at that point it wasn't really up to me but I had nowhere I needed to be, so she asked if I would mind watching her dog while she made the rounds to visit some friends for a bit. Of course I did what anyone would do when asked by a complete stranger if you will look after their prized show dog, and said sure.
So there I was for probably the next half hour, sitting with this amazing dog I had only just met while scores of people wandered up and asked me all the same sorts of questions I had just been asking her. At least a good 90% of them left none the wiser that I had no connection to this dog, and literally everything I knew about him, the breed, the show, and indeed this whole slightly strange world I had learned since lunch that day. The other 10% left probably pretty confused when I answered their simple question with the admission that I had no idea because this wasn't actually my dog and I didn't in fact even know the owner. It was honestly kind of a surreal experience.
Anyway, before long she came back, said she was ready to pack it in for the day, and asked if I'd help her get all her stuff to her car. So I found a cart, loaded it with her folding table, camp chair, giant kennel, bed, food, toys, etc and got it all into her minivan, said goodbye to the epic fuzzball, and she asked if I was going to the finals at Madison Square Garden the next day. I told her I hadn't planned on it, and she asked if I'd like her owner's tickets, since she was going home and wasn't going to use them. I of course said yes, so I got to go to that for free the next day. After that show I happened to stumble into what would become my go-to dive bar, but that's another (several) story(s)...
It's a funny world sometimes.
submitted by trustcircleofjerks to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 TheFreeTimeDriver I did a 3 month AR experiment. Here are the results.

I decided to do a 3 month experiment to try and get my AR above 50% so I could receive high paying offers. I decided to do this after having a slow day and realizing my AR was at 28%. DD displays messages saying if you are above 50%, you will receive priority to get higher paying offers. Some have said AR doesn't matter and others believe it does. I had to put it to the test!
Started on January 27, 2024 with an AR of 28%. I got my AR above 50% on February 11, 2024. My peak AR was 95% on March 24, 2024.
I made a spreadsheet documenting almost everything. The day, date, AR at the beginning of the day, AR at the end of the day, Active time, Dash time, How much made on DD, how much made on other apps, miles driven, Offers, deliveries, Customer tips, DD pay, Gas cost, Gast cost per gallon and how many high paying offers I received.
Screenshots were taken on most of my offers before I took them and after (a couple times I would forget but I got most of them).
Here is the story of my journey.
I DD and use other apps like UE and GH as a side gig for almost two years and work only on Saturday and Sunday (6ish hours Saturday, 8 hours Sunday). Monday-Friday I have another full time job. Since I was cherry picking offers, that tanked my AR below 50% but the pay was still pretty decent as I was still getting good offers. I make most my money on DD because UE and GH isn't doing that well in my market but occasionally I'll get good offers. It's a slow market where I'm at and there's a lot of other drivers. I do live in the biggest city in my state but it's not like NY, Cali or Florida.
One week I noticed it was pretty slow on DD and the following week was also slow. I've had a couple slow days before but not too bad and not two days in a row. It was unusual to have both Saturday and Sundays back to back not getting many offers and the same thing happening the next week. I didn't know if it was because of Winter or the beginning of a new year where people are trying to lose weight.
I kept seeing these messages from DD saying if I get my AR above 50%, I'd get priority over high paying offers and was thinking if I got my AR high enough, I'd start making good money again. On January 27 I took almost every single offer DD sent me and refused to multi-app so I could focus only on DD. There were only a couple offers I didn't take that were like $2.25 to go 14+ miles. Without a doubt I declined those but still took many horrible offers like $5 to go 7 miles, $3 to go 2 miles, $7 to go 12 miles, etc.
I was able to get my AR to 50% in about a month and peaked at 95% in 3 months. I could've raised it sooner if I did this full time instead of two days a week. I was making more money but not by much (I've made more with a very low AR below 50% and cherry picking). Since I was taking most offers, I drove more miles and of course that means more gas I had to pay. DD was sending me more high paying offers, which many were actually good pay for low distance. However, some of those 'high paying offers' were $4 to go 2 miles. Occasionally I would get offers like $7 to go 2 miles and DD didn't flag it as a 'high pay offer'.
I received the most high paying offers when I was at 83-85% AR. Within the 90% AR range I received a good amount of high paying offers but one day I never received a high paying offer. It was a slow day.
The day I received the most high paying offers was when my AR was between 80-85% (11 high pay offers). The day where I received no high paying offers was when my AR was between 88-90% (0 high pay offers but it was a slow day). Here are a couple more days where I didn't receive many high paying offers:
Once I hit my peak at 95% AR, I was starting to get more comfortable declining terrible orders now since I was above 50%. I would still take many crappy offers but they weren't too bad. Even though DD was sending me more high paying offers, I felt like I was receiving more terrible offers at the same time. By terrible I mean like no tip orders to go 12+ miles. I was not going to take them so I declined and my AR would start dropping. I noticed DD kept sending me terrible orders the higher my AR was so with that over time, I had to resort to cherry picking again and my AR dropped below 50% within a few weeks. It was not sustainable for me to stay above 50%.
How am I doing Today? My AR is currently at 23%. I still make pretty good money cherry picking. Not as much as when I was above 50% but psychology wise, I'm mentally healthier. I'm not paranoid and stressing to keep above 50%. Even when I my AR was above 50%, the pay wasn't that much greater and since I was taking a bunch of crappy offers to keep my AR high, I had to buy more gas to travel for low pay. I'm now back to multi-apping.
In my opinion and the type of market I'm in, it's not worth being above 50% AR. Can you make more money? Sure. You will get more high paying offers. Are there drawbacks? Yes. You will still need to take more crappy offers and travel further for low pay to keep the AR from dropping and in return, DD will also send you more high paying offers.
My experience may not reflect the same as others in good markets. This is all coming from someone in a slow market where DD is dominate above UE and GH. I know all these delivery apps are playing a mental game with all of us. They'll do anything to manipulate us into taking offers and punishing us at the same time.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
submitted by TheFreeTimeDriver to DoorDashDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
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submitted by marcoxnt93 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 BillDundee83 My Family.

Hello neighbors.
I wanted to let y'all know I'm safe. My family and I are all safe. You'll forgive me for not revealing where.
I been reading some posts and I'm worried. My cousin isn't picking up their phone. They stayed with that psychopath after we left. They said they were going to strike at The Lake for the glory of Thuul. I tried to convince them to leave but...well suffice to say they didnt leave.
I'm worried. They won't pick up and what i read last night....i'm worried.
Please someone tell me if you see Kenny Dundee or his wife Joanie. I'm worried. I feel like i know what happened to them. But...still.
Thank you. Hopefully we'll see you all soon. May the True Thuul watch over you. Not that abomination. Peace and Love Folks.
submitted by BillDundee83 to OakPeak [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:45 FallyWaffles Rambling about my discovery of metal

Hi! I've been on an odyssey of metal discovery for the last few months. I'm not new to all metal, I got into nu-metal as a teen (showing my age here) and I found a few bands that I fell in love with along the way (Tool, Rammstein, and Volbeat for example) but I never listened to anything older, and I found that I just didn't enjoy the sound of more modern metal bands, so I just assumed I wasn't really a metalhead.
Weirdly, what got me exploring more metal was a random YouTube recommended video by Bradley Hall, where he does what 60 famous bands sound like to those who don't like them (recommended video btw, his impressions of Pink Floyd, the Beatles, and Blink 182 had me in stitches).
But I thought, I only know a handful of these bands, and the ones I was familiar with (like Metallica) I'd never actually listened to. So I set about listening to a lot of the bands he featured in the video, and went from there, learning all about metal subgenres, waves of metal and pioneering bands, and I feel like I discovered this whole new world that was under my nose this whole time.
My favourite subgenres (and bands) so far are heavy metal (Judas Priest - how have I never listened to Judas Priest?! Absolute favourite so far) and thrash, specifically 80s thrash (Slayer are my favourite, but found some amazing Megadeth and Metallica tracks).
My best friend is into black metal, and as soon as she knew I was looking into metal she spammed me with black metal recommendations. I wouldn't say that I'm nuts about black metal but I've learned to appreciate it on a certain level. Mostly, the history and subculture of black metal are what I find fascinating, and I've watched a few documentaries (about THAT band). Then I learned about first wave black metal, and I found I prefer that. (Early) Bathory are amazing, I listened to three albums straight by them the other night. For the later stuff, I found symphonic black metal (Dimmu Borgir) and folk black metal (Moonsorrow) pretty good.
Then, I discovered doom metal, which was pretty good but then I found epic doom metal like Crypt Sermon, which is really amazing stuff. I think I've played Key of Solomon by Crypt Sermon about 30 times in the last month.
So, finding all of this amazing music, both old and modern, made me think about the mainstream metal that I always hear about and tried to get into through the 2000s and 2010s but just couldn't get on with. Bands like Killswitch Engage, Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God, all these kinds of bands, they tend to employ certain techniques, vocal styles, riff patterns etc that don't do much for me and I'm trying to figure out if there's a commonality, like are they the same genre? Or related genres? I keep hearing the terms "metalcore" and "new wave of American heavy metal" but I don't know if either of those apply to the specific trend of sound that puts me off. At first I just thought maybe I'm an old fart that only likes old music, but a lot of the stuff I've got into like Crypt Sermon, Phantom, Traveler, Hellripper, Mastodon (and even Ghost, but let's not open the Ghost can of worms lol) are modern bands. I'm not a fan of death metal style vocals, but I've learned to like the scratchier shrieking vocals of black metal (though some are a bit too high pitched and make me think of Gollum).
Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts, and if any recommendations come to mind, feel free to comment them!
My four best discoveries so far? Judas Priest, Slayer, Crypt Sermon, and Bathory.
submitted by FallyWaffles to Metal101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:43 azurevin State your predictions about this one thing

I think any Em fan here knows of that Kamikaze Interview with Sway, where he said:
"Drake is always going to be in my good graces because he did something for one of my daughters that I will never forget and he will always be in my graces with that, and I like Drake."
With "The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)" on the horizon, I am a little worried. Why?
And further in reference to the beef, as great as Em's diss tracks have been and bah, his whole career really, Kendrick really showed the world that he's not to be played with and, truthfully, to me it feels like Kenny's disses were even better than Em's, now that that whole feud is over.
We know Em liked and praised Kendrick, he's been outspoken about it before and I'm still a die-hard Em fan but DAMN., Kendrick got me vibin' with him more than Em now.
That said, on one hand I'm feeling fucking stupid, because of course how could Em not address that, no matter what Drake did for his daughter and, at the same time, I worry that somehow he might stay silent and gloss over this, which - going by history - really isn't how Em operates, yet I can't get rid of that worry, even if its just the smallest fucking thing, y'know?
And as a last thing, try to disassociate Em, Drake and Rap from all this - if you were in that situation, that one of your good friends (doesn't even have to be the best friend in your life) did something so amazing for one of your kids that you can't ever forget it, and then are faced with this new reality and accusations coming out about this person, putting them in a new light - how would you personally handle that?
I'm thinking I would distance myself from someone like that but, and if that ever happened that they were somehow down on their knees and fucking up in life, say falling to drugs or becoming homeless, you know, something of a life-altering magnitured, and then they'd come to me - yeah sure, I would remember that big thing you did for one of my kids and lend a helping hand - whether it'd be some accomodation, giving them a states-wide drive back to their family or just straight up giving them some cash so that they can "make it" to wherever they are going, but I would be extremely adamant about it that it's going to be the very last time we speak and see eachother, unless of course by some random-ass happenstance.
What do you think? What would you do and how fucking stupid am I to even give these thoughts my time? Whatever you're thinking, I'm down to hear it, so please share it!
submitted by azurevin to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:43 Emotional_Cheetah360 My experience with h.pylori

Thought I’d let people know my experience with h.pylori.
So to start with my symptoms…
upper abdominal pain and discomfort -
sometimes I felt some pain under the ribs on both right and left side and sometimes it was just either one, mostly left side, the pain was sometimes towards my belly button but that wasn’t regular. Other times I felt a discomfort, almost like a trapped wind feeling. Never really felt it there before but I know now it’s normal. I guess it was gastritis. This stopped about a month after treatment.
My experience with h.pylori was met with extreme anxiety, never heard of her.pylori so what did I do?! Search it up and i regret that so much. I’m not sure if the anxiety was caused by reading stuff or whether it caused it to be worse I don’t know. I sometimes felt dizzy and couldn’t concentrate, I had to go home from being out shopping, gatherings with friends etc.. could have been from the medication idk, but I felt like that a few times after treatment. Stopped around a month after treatment.
Stool changes-
For me my stool changed massively, I was going to the toilet 2-4 times a day and only passing small amounts of stool. Sometimes it was mucas there too. I’ve been lucky and not had signs of blood etc but I know people have done. Sometimes stool colour changed too.
My advice for anyone that’s struggling-
Stop worrying, there’s no need. Take a probiotic, they work. Rest as much as you can. Stop reading shit online, although I found Reddit very helpful. The pain is most likely gastritis and the stool issues gastritis. If your symptoms don’t go after treatment don’t worry, let your dr know they’ll probably re-test for h.pylori but it’s likely just the gastritis hanging around like mine did.
Hope this helps someone:)
submitted by Emotional_Cheetah360 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:43 Dismal-Quantity-2013 How to be Better at Socializing? (as an introvert)

I think in this age people have almost forgotten how to have meaningful conversations.
Even if you are an introverted person trying to communicate, you just won't find many people who are genuinely interested in having conversations. It's because no one does it good.
A conversations is about being interested in the other person.
If you are starting a conversation because you are lonely and you need someone then you are going to be awkward.
Now nothing wrong with that but this way you will be stuck in your own head a bit too much and you will end up thinking too much before saying anything.
The key is to develop a genuine curiosity towards the other person.
And say out loud whatever that comes to your mind. Realize that the other person is a story.
They have multiple aspects about them that you can't see right now.
Treat the other person like a webseries. While watching webseries you are never concerned about yourself but the characters and what happens next.
This person is also a character. Now first of all if you don't like a person don't start a conversation with them. Only start conversations with someone who's story you want to know. Just like how you would pick the right show on netflix.
Now I want you to create a character of the person you want to go and talk to in your notebook.
Let's say you saw someone at work that you would want to be friends with.
Go home, write down the things you already know about them.
Their hair color, their dressing sense or whatever and then create some missing pieces.
Their hobbies- ? Their Past- ? Their place- ? Their age- ?
Next time you can go and initiate a conversation just for the sake of coming back and filling this notebook of yours. that's it you are not even there to make friends (assume). And that will make your awkwardness go away.
PS: Come join our community on discord. We might have weekly personal development calls there if we get more members.
submitted by Dismal-Quantity-2013 to HighQualityLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 lukalodu_ I had a long ass dream.

(English isn't my first language) So, this is a dream I had some months ago, and it's one of the longest that I can actually remember since I wrote it down as soon as I got up.
I was riding a bike, I was alone in a farm-like scenario, but the were no trees, no houses, nothing, only grass and a path that I was following. Suddently, another bike surpasses me, but it had no one on it, only what looked like a white dog on its basket (yk that baskets on the fron of the bike), and since I thought to be alone I screamed! After shouting I realize that it wasn't a dog, but a girl... A little girl covered in white furrwith some brown stains and, long white hair and red eyes. She was like an half human half-mouse (on of those mice used for experiments). Obviously she gets scared to, and "rides" off, another bike follows her, this time someone is actually riding it and he's a boy, an half mouse-half human boy, this time completely white, with no stains. He wasn't scared, he looked at me like he was saying "She's just like this, excuse her" and chased her sister (I felt like they were brothers). I'm gonna cut off some things since it's already pretty long as it is.
I eventually managed to reach them, I started to apologise, I felt really bad for her. But then... A look of terror in her eyes, she began to cry and shake, her brother was trying to calm her down. I thought it was my bad, but the... Someone taps my shoulder, I turn and I see a two trolls (it's the only name I have for them), they looked like hillbillies (can I say it or it's like a bad word? In case a apologies), rotten teeth, their eyes buried under their greenish skin. A male and a female, the male was holding a shovel and a black bad, and it loked like there was a body insiede. The man asks where he could "leave the trash" while mimic the gesture of digging with a shovel. I started to panic, I felt like I had to save those mouse-kids, but I was scared that those trolls might kill me... I felt like those children were theirs, and we're obviously being a used by them. I told them that I didn't know where they could "leave the trash", I vaguely remember that I was speaking with a strange voice, trying to be funny and not get killed.
The man then nods, and they walk away with the two children. I still remember the cores of the girl, it hunted me when I woke up, I could still ear the cries for help when I was writing down the dream i must had.
So yea, then I woke up. I talked about it with some friends and they told me that it gave them the creeps, so here I am after some months here.
If you have some explanations I'd be happy to read about it.
submitted by lukalodu_ to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 Mobile-Mulberry-8381 Tree Trouble

We had some really bad storms and one of my trees came down. It damaged my neighbor's shed and the privacy fence between us. I told them that since it was an Act of God, their insurance should cover it. If not, let me know. We'd get some estimates and I would do what I can.
Nothing else was said to me. I hired someone to clean up the mess. The day before my tree guy arrived, someone came to clean their yard and put a tarp over the shed. I assumed their insurance was covering it, so I thought nothing more of it. Since part of his job was already done, I worked it out with my tree guy to cut down a second tree, instead. It was close to their shed and I wanted to give them peace of mind.
Two days ago, they came over with an attitude, asking when I was going to pay them for the repairs. I reminded them, "you were supposed to tell me if your insurance wouldn't cover it." They said they didn't want to pay a deductible. Then I asked if they'd gotten any estimates and they asked if I was going to pay.
I reminded them that I'd contribute as much as I am able. I'm literally unable to pay more than I have. That's why I needed to see the estimates. To my knowledge, I'm not even legally required to cover it. I just feel like I should because it was my tree.
It's been frustrating because each time we speak, they're hostile. They've even demanded I pay them for damage to the fence, but to my knowledge, the fence belongs to me. They insist I should've known the tree was, "dead", but it had leaves last year. The branches that were hauled off had buds on them.
I'm not asking this because I no longer want to contribute. I'm just trying to understand the way they're approaching this. Am I legally required to cover the damage?
submitted by Mobile-Mulberry-8381 to legaladvice [link] [comments]