Pleasure bon bon issue 1 downloads

Like when the food hella good, you say bone apple tea, it's like french or some shit.

2016.09.09 08:24 TheNekkedNinja Like when the food hella good, you say bone apple tea, it's like french or some shit.

*Like when the food hella good, you say bone apple tea, it's like french or some shit.* A Bone Apple Tea is the mistaken use of a **real, dictionary-defined word or phrase** in place of another **real, dictionary-defined word or phrase** that sounds similar, resulting in a nonsensical, sometimes humorous utterance.

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2024.05.14 19:59 ArtFraga One by Metallica Chords - Guitar Tabs - I Hate Sex by I Hate Sex

One by Metallica guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Elufson
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Stock-Pomegranate181 Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, told watch another hour, on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers got money for promoting this. Site policy said wait 24 hours, not work? Day 1 Launch Looks Like MassHacks. Nvidia fix inside🔥

My Story, below covers account activation after winning and a nvidia fix and I implore everyone to write there problem below as one hot thread with drama make change happpen quicker than anything. so we raise mass awareness to the issue and Developers are either forced to fix it or Day 1 Launch Game Tanks.

Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, had all accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, brought to a page telling me to watch another hour, and on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers that got views n money for promoting this. Fix this or
Day 1 will be mass-cheats Day 1. Their own on site policy reads
"The Non-Steam Key, like the Steam keys, serves as a voucher for beta
access eligibility. Please note that keys obtained from Twitch Drops
cannot be activated by the user. Once you obtain a Steam or Non-Steam
key from the Twitch Drops event, your linked Level Infinite Pass account
will be activated automatically within one business day. No further
action is required on your part; simply be patient and wait for us to
grant your beta access."

Someone who is not me can easily recode an older version of Unreal 4, and why the hell yous wrapped your mobile port into Unreal 4 instead of 5? Faking the amount of accounts to be in the beta. Day 1 and the playerbase is gonna be rageful rants about people 360 spinning, headshotting and pre-aiming through walls.
Diplomacy for the keys is over as of now, waited 24 hours exactly - but if that fails the public can decide. Also your banned new cards etc is because its a mobile port still in its base-code, ported to Unreal 4 which will already have conflicts with newer graphics cards past its era, but they probably expect Nvidia to retrofit their little high advertised but poorly executed marketed F2P title.
FIXING FPS DROPS, STUTTERING ETC THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE UNLESS NVIDIA RETRO PATCH A GAME THATS FREE 2 PLAY UNLIKELY, ESPECIALLY ONE THATS ARCHITECTURE IS BASED IN MOBILE SOFTWARE AND THEN A WRAPPER IS USED TO RUN IT THROUGH UNREAL 4 - a cheap way of porting. My only clue for using Unreal 4 is maybe theyd have to pay royalties to Unreal 5. But combine the OG mobile architecture + UE some new cards will conflict with old tech, below is my solution:
It's this or by their own site I've screenshots for all this - they lied, community needs to stand together on this cause its bullpoop 🔥
Nvidia Fixs & Mouse Poll Rate:
Stuttering Fix for Nvidia cards
Win + R
Paste the following: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache
Delete everything in the folder or sort by date and only delete the ones after the game was installed & ake your polling rate on your mouse 1000hz
It's still gonna be janky on the newer cards running on an old UE4 engine. Its cause they ported a mobile game which clearly is still fundmentally running mobile graphic software, and got retrofitted with Unreal 4 (NOT 5 FOR NO REASON AS A WRAPPER ON THE GAME WOULD OF SOLVED IT FOR EVERYONE)
So the newer cards dont run well with a combination of mobile port into Unreal 4. They need nvidia to be bothered to patch the new cards to word with UE40.

Everyone post your own description of events and raise awareness, this is bullsh!t Larry!

submitted by Stock-Pomegranate181 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 Tremoubouda Kitty blues: comment gérer ?

J'écris ce (long) post parce que je pense que j'ai surtout besoin de me confier et de soutien. Je suis un homme de 29 ans et depuis maintenant 48h j'ai deux chatons d'environs 10 semaines à la maison.
Pour bien situer ma position: j'ai toujours eu un chat depuis assez jeune chez moi, que ce soit chez mes parents ou plus tard quand je me suis installé avec mon ex copine qui avait un chat qui a emménagé avec nous (d'ailleurs on avait fait exprès de chercher un appartement en rez-de-jardin dans un quartier adapté pour qu'il puisse sortir, c'était non négociable). J'ai toujours aimé les chats avec lesquels j'ai vécu, j'ai pris soin d'eux comme d'un membre de la famille.
Cela fait maintenant plus d'un an que je vis seul et depuis peu j'ai emménagé dans un nouveau logement. Depuis ma séparation avec mon ex copine j'ai toujours su que j'allais reprendre un chat lorsque je serais dans une situation stable. J'attendais le bon moment et cela faisait déjà 2-3 mois que j'avais mis les alertes sur le site de la SPA et que je me renseignait sur les différentes associations proches de chez moi jusqu'à il y a 1 mois. (pé <- un des châtons vient d'écrire ça en passant sur le clavier ahah)
Une amie a sauvée 2 chatons proche de son travail, ils avaient été abandonnés par leur mère et elle les as pris sous son aile. À ce moment, je me suis dis que vraiment les étoiles s'étaient alignés, je regardais sérieusement pour adopter un chat, (é"i_çj9k*,7 <- encore le chaton) mais je m'étais aussi dit qu'une portée avec 2 chatons serait idéal pour qu'ils ne se sentent pas seuls, et là, cette connaissance qui se retrouvent dans cette situation, je me suis dit que c'était un signe. Je me suis donc intéressé pour les adopter une fois sevrés.
Avec l'aide d'une association, mon amie les a sevré et s'est merveilleusement bien occupées d'eux (soins vétérinaire, suivis, vaccins, sevrage, etc.) je suis partie à leurs rencontres et je me suis finalement engagé à les prendre après que l'association ait validée mon dossier. J'ai adapté tout mon logement et acheter tout le nécessaire: arbre à chat, carton bricolé avec un plaid, jouets, litières, nourriture de qualités sèche et humide, gamelles, etc.
On arrive à dimanche, jour J pour aller les récupérer, je suis serein, excité mais pas trop parce que je me rend compte que je m'engage quand même dans quelque chose d'important, mon but était avant tout d'offrir un beau foyer à ces 2 loustiques. Le trajet fut stressant pour eux, ils ont miaulés tout du long dans la voiture mais une fois arrivés chez moi, j'ai ouvert le sac de transport et ils ont tout de suite fait les curieux, ils n'ont pas étaient trop craintifs, la soirée s'est très bien passée, ils ont mangés, joués et dormis dans leur arbre à chat. Pour l'instant, afin de me laisser un espace "safe", ils ne sont pas autorisés à venir dans la chambre ce qui me laisse aussi des nuits tranquilles.
On arrive à Lundi et là, c'est l'hécatombe au niveau du moral: je me réveille très fatigué, le moral complétement à plat, une boule au ventre et hyper anxieux. Je n'ai même pas ce plaisir de me dire que je vais ouvrir ma porte de chambre et retrouver ces 2 petits êtres mais au contraire, ça me stresse énormément. J'en pleure carrément parce que je ne comprend pas ce qui m'arrive. Je finis par ouvrir, il m'accueille, heureux de me retrouver, je leur fait des calîns et joue un peu avec eux, je les laisse ensuite faire un peu leur vie puisqu'il s'occupe énormément entre eux deux, je porte tout de même une attention particulière à leur éducation et ne les laisse pas faire ce qu'ils veulent (je leur apprend à faire leurs griffes sur l'arbre à chat et pas sur le canapé, interdiction de monter à certains endroits, etc). Je finis par déjeuner mais ça ne passe pas, moi gros mangeur, je n'ai plus faim, j'ai même des crampes d'estomac et je suis totalement vidé alors que je viens de me lever. Je finis ma journée avec des intervalles de siestes et à chercher à comprendre ce qui m'arrive, et la seule chose qui a véritablement changée dans ma vie, c'est l'arrivée de ces 2 petits êtres, je commence à m'en vouloir énormément et à me poser beaucoup de questions: est-ce que j'ai fais le bon choix ? Étais-je réellement prêt à accueillir ces 2 chats ? Dois-je les rendre ? Est-ce que j'ai réellement envie de bouleverser mon quotidien assez tranquille seul chez moi avec ces 2 chats ? Est-ce que je n'ai pas essayé de palier à quelque chose en prenant ces chats et je me rend compte que finalement ce n'est pas la solution ? Les remords et tout un tas de questions me rongent, un sentiment d'échec et de honte m'envahit à l'idée de vouloir les rendre après à peine 24h... Je finis finalement le soir par retrouver un peu d'appétit après être sortie 1h pour faire des courses, cette heure fut une véritable bouffée d'air frais et m'a redonné de l'énergie, je me dis que je verrais demain comment ça ira.
Ce matin, je me réveille et c'est un peu mieux mais je passe tout de même 10 minutes à pleurer sans raison, je finis par chercher sur internet si un état dépressif (car pour l'avoir déjà vécu, je sais très clairement que c'est ce que je vis de nouveau à ce moment) peut être lié à l'adoption d'animaux et je tombe finalement sur ce terme "puppy/kitty blues" et en lisant les différents articles et témoignages sur les différents forums que je trouve, je me sens moins seul et compris, je déculpabilise en sachant que je ne suis pas le seul à vivre ça.
Cependant, j'avais déjà un peu de mal à vivre certaines choses personnelles dans ma vie avant d'avoir ces chatons et je ne sais pas si aujourd'hui j'aurais la force de tenir le coup très longtemps si je ne vois pas rapidement de l'amélioration de mon état mental. J'ai pleinement conscience qu'il s'agit d'une question de temps, sachant qu'ils sont jeunes et très actifs actuellement ce qui demande beaucoup d'énergie pour les éduquer et les supporter.
Si certains d'entre vous ont vécu la même chose, je suis preneur de toute aide, soutien, conseils svp
Je pense qu'actuellement, n'ayant pas encore signé les papiers d'adoptions (ce qui doit se faire dans la semaine), je vais essayer de voir pour demander un délai d'une semaine pour m'assurer que ça aille mieux dans les jours qui viennent (j'ai pu lire que pour certains ça allait mieux au bout d'une à deux semaines, et sachant que ça allait déjà un petit peu mieux aujourd'hui je préfère attendre avant de prendre une décision rapidement que je pourrais regretter).
Merci pour votre lecture et votre compréhension, svp soyez indulgent avec moi, c'est déjà assez dur à vivre.
submitted by Tremoubouda to chats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:20 bennytomp18 Advanced Adobe Audition Issue

Looking for an Adobe Audition expert that can hopefully save me from buying an entirely new MacBook Pro... I've got over 10 years experience with the software but this is stumping me and multiple Adobe Support reps who I've spoken with on the phone to no avail...
The equipment isn't as important because it seems to be an Adobe issue, but here it is just in case: I use a Scarlett 2i2 Focusrite, two MXL mics, and run them through the focusrite into my MacBook Pro.
For some reason, something is glitching or going wrong in my Adobe Audition that is causing mic 1 to record as both tracks in muliti-track, causing a duplicate track in 1 and 2.
Yes, I know how to designate mics in multi-track settings -- I do it all the time for interviews, literally never had this issue before.
Despite being designated in settings, both tracks record mic 1/input 1 and it just duplicates the same track. Mic 2 is rendered useless.
I've tried downloading earlier versions, I've bought another focusrite, used different mics, I've spent hours on the phone with Adobe Support reps... none of us can figure it out.
I'm beginning to think there's either a malfunction in my MacBook that's causing the app to fail, or it's the app on this computer causing it to fail. Either way, it's fucked.
Furthermore, I know this is only an issue on this single MacBook/Adobe Audition software, because I successfully recorded separate tracks using all the same equipment on my girlfriend's MacBook Air.
So I know that it is native to this Macbook/adobe audition downloads to this computer.
Really throwing up a Hail Mary here, please help me avoid buying a new MacBook.
submitted by bennytomp18 to podcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:15 toobsock2 Rolling back from 14.5 to 14.4.1 is a serious pain...

I upgraded to MacOS 14.5 yesterday as soon as it was available. I've been lucky over the years and never had any issues with point releases that affected me. Going back to System 7. Anyway, when I upgraded, my Elgato 4K X stopped feeding video. Not a big deal, it's not something I do as a living. But it was very annoying to say the least. I even thought at one point that maybe the device (a week old) was to blame. So last night, I hooked the capture device up to my MiniPC and it worked fine in Windows 11 on there.
Then I thought, maybe while I'm sleeping, something will be found or something along those lines. I had already contacted Elgato support earlier in the day and told them what was happening and what a lame piece of hardware it was, etc, etc. (I was frustrated)
Anyway, this morning, nothing from anyone about it. So I downloaded 14.4.1 and installed it onto my external SSD, booted up, installed the software I needed for my capture device and everything worked wonderfully (as it should). So, I then created a new TM backup on my fast (40Gbps) external SSD, deleted the internal SSD, installed 14.4.1 and migrated everything back. It wanted me to go to 14.5 when I was in the setup.
It used to be so easy to roll back... now with all of the security locks and everything, they make it quite painful and I'm glad I'm not an Apple Tech any longer as my main job. If I hadn't done my regular TM backup on Monday afternoon (was already on 14.5 by the afternoon), I could have rolled back from my normal TM, but instead I did it from the external SSD at a much faster rate.
I don't rely on the capture device for anything.. right now, I'm just playing around with it and having fun.. but when something isn't working, it annoys me. I'm sure it would have been fixed in a few days or a week, but that's just too long for me.
So to sum it up, rolling back OS's is a pain the ass and if you rely on any hardware that's not Apple (for the most part) think twice of what you would do without that piece functioning. Or even software for that matter. There is no prize to be one upgrading to the latest *OS.
What's also funny is I had just got an Anker Powered USB hub for my Studio cause I needed a couple more ports.. and I thought that maybe it had done something to the internal USB hub on the machine. Anyway, glad to know that isn't the problem either.
Need more coffee.
submitted by toobsock2 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 tuliodshiroi Montando um estúdio caseiro pra me especializar em retrato. Usei meu cachorro como modelo.

Montando um estúdio caseiro pra me especializar em retrato. Usei meu cachorro como modelo.
Foto 1 editada no Lightroom Mobile, foto 2 direto da câmera. Comprei alguns fundos fotográficos e estou estudando posicionamento e potência do flash. Minha sala não tem móveis, então estou montando um estúdio caseiro pra memorizar bons posicionamentos para os speedlights. A luz da esquerda está num box difusor e a da direita tem só um difusor de silicone par a iluminar o tecido.
submitted by tuliodshiroi to fotografiaBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:59 britanny_56 WPEA: 0.75% frais transaction (Bourso)

Bonjour à toute la communauté, J'ai ouvert un PEA Boursorama et souhaite ouvrir une position MSCI World.
Montant targeté ~€100k (sûrement lissé sur 1-2 ans).
J'ai lu un bon nombre de poste mais je n'arrive pas à trouver ma réponse car comme beaucoup j'hésite entre CW8 et WPEA.
Les frais du WPEA sortent à 1% au total. Cela comprend les 0.25% de frais de gestion (ça pas de soucis), mais aussi 0.75% de frais de transaction.
Mon interrogation porte sur ces frais de transaction (0.75%) que je ne comprend pas:
  1. Je pensais que les iShares sur Bourso étaient à 0€ de frais de transaction ?
  2. Ces frais de transaction sont uniquement appliqué lors d'un apport ? (j'entend que si je fais 10 apport j'aurais 10 fois ces frais). Mais que par la suite s'applique uniquement les 0.25% de fees ?
Merci d'avance pour vos éclairages !
submitted by britanny_56 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 jhonmark8502 QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors for Windows & MAC

QuickBooks Desktop stands as a hallmark in business accounting software, facilitating streamlined financial management for countless enterprises. However, the journey to harnessing its capabilities can be hindered by installation errors, especially on Windows and MAC platforms. This comprehensive guide delves into the common QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors encountered on both systems and provides step-by-step solutions to ensure a seamless setup process.
Understanding QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors:
QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors encompass a spectrum of issues that impede the smooth installation of the software on Windows and MAC platforms. These errors can stem from various factors, including system compatibility, software conflicts, incomplete installations, and corrupted files. Understanding the root causes of these errors is crucial for effectively troubleshooting and resolving them.
Common QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors on Windows:
  1. Compatibility Issues: QuickBooks Desktop may encounter compatibility issues with certain versions of Windows OS or other software installed on the system.
  2. System Requirements Not Met: Installation errors can occur if the system fails to meet the minimum requirements specified by QuickBooks Desktop.
  3. Antivirus Interference: Antivirus programs running in the background can interfere with the installation process, causing errors or preventing certain components from being installed.
  4. Incomplete Installation: Errors may arise if the installation process is interrupted or terminated prematurely, leaving behind incomplete or corrupted files.
  5. Corrupted Installation Files: Corrupted installation files downloaded from unreliable sources or due to network issues can lead to installation errors.
Common QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors on MAC:
  1. Compatibility Issues: QuickBooks Desktop may not be compatible with certain versions of macOS or other software installed on the MAC.
  2. Software Update Discrepancies: Outdated macOS versions or missing software updates can cause installation errors or hinder the software's performance.
  3. Permission Restrictions: Installation errors may occur due to permission restrictions preventing QuickBooks Desktop from accessing certain system resources.
  4. Corrupted Installation Files: Similar to Windows, corrupted installation files downloaded on MAC systems can result in installation errors.
Troubleshooting QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors on Windows:
  1. Ensure Compatibility: Verify that the system meets the minimum requirements specified by QuickBooks Desktop. Update Windows to the latest version if necessary.
  2. Disable Antivirus: Temporarily disable any antivirus software running on the system during the installation process to prevent interference.
  3. Run QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool: Use the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool to identify and resolve common installation issues automatically.
  4. Clean Install: Uninstall any existing QuickBooks Desktop installations and perform a clean install to ensure all components are installed correctly.
  5. Check Firewall Settings: Adjust firewall settings to allow QuickBooks Desktop to communicate over the network and download necessary updates.
Troubleshooting QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors on MAC:
  1. Verify Compatibility: Ensure that the MAC system meets the compatibility requirements specified by QuickBooks Desktop.
  2. Update macOS: Install the latest macOS updates to ensure compatibility and resolve any known issues that may affect installation.
  3. Utilize QuickBooks Mac Diagnostic Tool: If available, use the QuickBooks Mac Diagnostic Tool to diagnose and repair installation errors specific to MAC systems.
  4. Check Permission Settings: Adjust permission settings to grant QuickBooks Desktop the necessary access to system resources during the installation process.
  5. Re-download Installation Files: If installation errors persist, download a fresh copy of the QuickBooks Desktop installation files to rule out any issues with corrupted files.
Best Practices for Resolving QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors:
  1. Backup Data: Before making any changes to the system or reinstalling QuickBooks Desktop, ensure to backup important data to prevent loss during the troubleshooting process.
  2. Follow Official Guidelines: Refer to official documentation provided by Intuit for detailed troubleshooting steps and solutions tailored to specific installation errors.
  3. Seek Support: If unable to resolve installation errors independently, reach out to QuickBooks Desktop support for assistance. Provide detailed information about the encountered errors for efficient troubleshooting.
  4. Perform Clean Installs: When troubleshooting persistent installation errors, opt for a clean install of QuickBooks Desktop to ensure a fresh and error-free setup.
  5. Stay Updated: Keep QuickBooks Desktop, as well as the underlying operating system, up to date with the latest patches and updates to prevent potential compatibility issues.
QuickBooks Desktop Installation Errors can be daunting, but with the right approach and troubleshooting techniques, they can be effectively resolved on both Windows and MAC platforms. By understanding the common causes of these errors and following step-by-step solutions outlined in this guide, users can overcome installation hurdles and unleash the full potential of QuickBooks Desktop for streamlined financial management. Remember, patience and thoroughness are key to achieving a smooth and successful installation process.
submitted by jhonmark8502 to u/jhonmark8502 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 Lordcorvin1 PSA: Fortinet to enforce Two-Factor Authentication – June 14, 2024

Just got an email about Fortinet enforcing Two-Factor Authentication on June 14, 2024 on the support accounts.
One huge issue, you must use their fortitoken, no way to use OTP if you use a Password Manager. Anyone got any ideas?
email copy bellow:
Dear Customer, Please read the email carefully and take necessary action(s) immediately.
The security of Fortinet customers and partners is paramount to our mission. To that end, Fortinet will gradually start enforcing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all accounts after June 14th, 2024. Customers and Partners are encouraged to set up 2FA on their accounts by following the below-mentioned process. If 2FA is not configured by June 14th, they may not be able to access Fortinet systems.
We strongly recommend acting promptly to avoid the inconvenience of not being able to access Fortinet systems after June 14th.
The following step-by-step instructions will help you set up 2FA on your accounts.
1) Download the FortiToken Application
2) If you are a Master Account Admin looking to enforce for 2FA for your sub users
Once 2FA is enforced, all the sub users will get an option to select FortiToken Mobile or EMAIL to get one time code to login. When they try to login to their IAM account, the website will not allow them to proceed until they configure 2FA.
3) If Master Account Admin doesn’t enforce 2FA, sub-users should enable 2FA by following these steps
4) Enforce 2FA via Organizational Units Master Account Admin or the Sub user IAM account who has ADMIN access to Organizations can enforce 2FA in Organizational Units
submitted by Lordcorvin1 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 F0rFr33 IRS - Anexo J

Boa tarde a todos, como é época de dúvidas aqui vão umas, espero que sirvam para mais pessoas à procura. Até à data sempre utilizei o anexo G para registar as minhas compras e vendas já que utilizava apenas a XTB e vem pré-preenchido o anexo G no IRS. Este ano que passou utilizei a Trading 212 que me deixou com dúvidas. A título de ser o mais compreensivo e útil para todos que necessitem no futuro, faço questões um pouco genéricas para que sirvam como paralelo.
  1. No caso de compra e venda de ações, em que cenários é que estes pertencem ao anexo G e ao anexo J?
  2. Nos casos em que se tem que preencher o anexo J, o que é o país fonte e o que é o país contraparte? Por exemplo, compra e venda de uma ação americana (EUA) numa corretora sediada não em Portugal (por exemplo Trading 212).
  3. É diferente a venda de um ETF de uma ação?
  4. Tanto quanto sei, os dividendos, são preenchidos no anexo J, categoria E (ponto 8), isto para dividendos estrangeiros. Existem outras opções de declaração para dividendos estrangeiros? 5 Como devem ser declarados os dividendos nacionais?
Desde já obrigado a todos. Como quando andei à procura encontrei vários pareceres diferentes, se tiverem fontes agradecia. Bons IRS!
submitted by F0rFr33 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 debofav Alguém sabe como suportar um curso pesado mesmo tendo TDAH? (Aviso de texto longo)

Já começa errado pois por falta de atenção fiz vestibular para arquitetura em uma universidade do outro lado da cidade (1:30 para ir e 2:00 pra voltar, vou de ônibus) e sem notar que era integral... Nesse momento estou no terceiro período mas as coisas estão complicadas, logo no início larguei uma disciplina muito importante por pura frustração de não conseguir aprender, deixei para cursar depois e foi tudo no ímpeto da hiperatividade.
Faço acompanhamento com psiquiatra e psicólogo tem uns bons quatro anos pois tenho TAB e TDAH, passei toda a minha vida acadêmica sem conseguir aprender nada. Eu era muito hiperativa quando pequena e de tanto ouvir professor reclamar larguei de mão de procurar para resolver minhas dúvidas e fui só deixando disciplina acumular, principalmente exatas, não sei absolutamente nada.
Eu não consegui fazer algumas das matérias do segundo e terceiro período já que larguei aquela importante pela metade e o pior é que em arquitetura você precisa de acompanhar tudo ao mesmo tempo para entregar os projetos, pois um complementa o outro. Eu tinha muitaaaa dificuldade e pra completar cai na turma de uma professora que tava tendo problemas familiares e não conseguia ensinar nada. Com o tempo fui só acumulando frustrações, eu gastava o dia todo lá, parei de comer bem, fazer exercício, não conseguia dormir, crise de ansiedade uma atrás da outra e minha imunidade foi lá embaixo. Boa parte do que eu precisava fazer tinha que ficar perguntando como para minhas amigas, não conseguia fazer NADA sozinha e isso me incomodava muito já que elas também estavam atoladas de coisa para fazer. Resultado: minha nota em projeto foi lá no chão.
A férias chegou e eu me afundei em tudo que gerava dopamina rápido, passava mais de 10 horas no tiktok procurando fugir da realidade, dormia pouquíssimo de noite pois ficava lendo de madrugada para ver se esquecia dos problemas. Voltei para faculdade do mesmo jeito que saí no semestre passado, só que mil vezes mais depressiva e descrente, já fazia um bom tempo que tava pensando em mudar de curso já que pelo jeito ia demorar muito para terminar a faculdade e com uma rotina cansativa dessa não ia conseguir ficar viva para me formar no final, certeza que se eu caísse em uma crise depressiva eu ia com Deus. 
No geral, chegou o terceiro período e eu comecei ter aula de estrutura e precisava de física (lembrando que eu larguei de mão no ensino médio), eu não entendia ABSOLUTAMENTE nada e na disciplina de projeto caí na turma de um professor cavalo MUITO grosso. Tive a falta de sorte de pegar dengue e ficar dez dias afastada, quando voltei tava muito, mas muito atrasada e na próxima semana teria a entrega e eu só tinha uma orientação. No dia foi absolutamente horrível, ele me esculachou na frente da turma toda e na minha cabeça foi só passando todos os momentos em que tive professor me humilhando na vida e eu desabei chorar, nem era a situação mas eu comecei a pensar "será que eu deveria desperdiçar mais de cinco anos da minha vida passando o dia todo estudando algo que eu aprendi a odiar com tantas forças?"
No mesmo dia eu decidi largar, voltei para casa e fiquei praticamente morta na cama pensando o dia todo. O resultado foi que eu notei que eu era inteligente, existem várias outras áreas que eu me destaco e tenho talento (como tudo relacionado a artes) o problema de verdade foi ter deixado acumular tanta coisa e negligenciar o TDAH. Na manhã seguinte já comecei a mudança: desinstalei Instagram e tiktok, parei de ler de madrugada, comecei a dormir cedo, comer melhor e fazer exercício. Isso já faz um mês e eu estou bem melhor.
Li bastante sobre TDAH e organizei uma rotina que vem sendo maravilhosa na minha vida, voltei a estudar tudo do início com calma e também tô bem mais confiante vendo que não sou tão ruim quanto eu achava, era só que não me adaptava bem a forma que a escola ensinava. Moro quatro quadras de uma universidade particular, meu pai já disse que paga para mim voltar a estudar e que se eu quiser posso trocar de curso também, mas sinceramente tô tão descrente que não sei se vou aguentar. No momento não sei muito o que fazer da vida.
Desculpe os erros de português, essa foi outra disciplina que ignorei bastante kkkkkkk
submitted by debofav to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 hackintosh-expert [SUCCESS] Sonoma 14.4.1 on Gigabyte GA-H270M-DS3H with i7-7700K and RX 6650 XT, Opencore 0.9.9

[SUCCESS] Sonoma 14.4.1 on Gigabyte GA-H270M-DS3H with i7-7700K and RX 6650 XT, Opencore 0.9.9
OpenCore: 0.9.9 macOS: Sonoma 14.4.1
Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-H270M-DS3H Processor: i7-7700K Graphics: RX 6650 XT Network: RTL8111 Audio: ALC887
Known issues: Our customer has reported zero issues with this setup.
This installation was done using OpenCore 0.9.9 as the bootloader, running macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
The SMBIOS our technician chose was MacPro 7,1. We recommend using MacPro 7,1 when generating your own SMBIOS.
Geekbench 5 Scores:
Single-core: 1048 Multi-core: 4226
Download this EFI folder here or check out our other tested prebuilt EFI folders for Desktops, Laptops EFI, and Workstations.
If you want to know if your PC or laptop is compatible with Hackintosh, you can get a free Hackintosh compatibility check from me. I usually reply within a few hours ;)
submitted by hackintosh-expert to Hackintosh_Expert [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 OkFox5149 Got new quest and lost a save profile in Saints and Sinners

I'm hoping anyone can help me with this issue because googling didn't really get me anywhere :(
I just got a new Quest 3, upgraded from Quest 1. when I set it up, all my previous purchases were there and i downloaded all my games. But when I opened Saints and Sinners, my latest profile was gone. Not the other older profiles, those are still there. Just my newest file that i played on my Quest 1. The profile is still on my quest 1, but not the newer quest.
Did cloud save just not count my latest profile? Did it never cloud save in the first place?
Will I be able to somehow transfer the game again or is it too late and do I have to start my profile over?
If I need to ask in a different subreddit please let me know.
submitted by OkFox5149 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 ultrasuperman1001 LPT: If you have a Windows computer that has error messages, corruption, etc, you can reinstall Windows without loosing your files and programs

Microsoft allows you to download an ISO image of Windows 10 and Windows 11. Once the ISO is downloaded you can open the file and run the setup.exe. During the install just make sure at the end you have it selected to "keep files and settings", it will take 1-2 hours to install but if you are getting error messages or just Windows is running weird this should fix your computer.
NOTE: this won't speed up your computer or fix hardware issues
submitted by ultrasuperman1001 to LifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:44 ArtFraga Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 OST 05 Naruhodou Ryuutarou Objection Chords - Guitar Tabs - Zukelk by Zukelk

Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 OST 05 Naruhodou Ryuutarou Objection guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 7 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @GPTabs
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 Drewinskey Setting up new pc

Hello everyone! Recently I finished my first pc build and am currently in the process of trying to install windows. I downloaded the operating system from my laptop onto a usb already. I currently face 2 problems. 1: The keyboard I use is Bluetooth and I cannot connect it to the pc. 2: system fan (90b) is apparently not working and I don’t know what to plug in. The only option I can think of for the keyboard issue is to use my laptops keyboard and access the pc with that but im not sure what to do right now. Thoughts anyone? (Also using tv as a monitor cus I don’t have one lol)
submitted by Drewinskey to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 ArtFraga Mirror of Night Chords - Guitar Tabs - Delain by Delain

Mirror of Night guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 92 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Max_Molodtsov
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 DragonChowhound v1.50 - Special Transport missions, invisible barrier en route to Geneva?

Just downloaded the 1.50 update and randomly picked to do a Special Transport mission from Dijon to Geneva. a few minutes into it, I literally hit an invisible wall in the road and my truck jackknifed (no damage strangely?). Could not get past whatever spot that was and aborted.
Known issue?
submitted by DragonChowhound to EuroTruck2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 RadiantAnswer1234 Msc editor problems. Please help

I have been using msc editor for 2 years now but only today has it completely stopped working, only a pop up text appearing whit the word 'help' before closing, and its version 1.12 and i re-download it but still the issue continues
submitted by RadiantAnswer1234 to MySummerCar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 MangiBoi Has anyone tried to use lazy.nvim on Nixvim?

Hello, I'm trying to optimize my nixvim setup but am having some problems setting up.
So I already have my plugins enabled/downloaded the "normal" nixvim way, so I don't need the lazy plugin to re-download them, I just need the configuration options like event, ft, etc. I've looked at the repoif I'm reading it correctly (English isn't my first language) it seems like it is possible to do exactly that.
So looking at the lazy.nix file it looks like I can set the plugin like so:
programs.nixvim.plugins.lazy = { enable = true; plugins = [ { name = "gitsigns" dev = true; event = ["BufReadPre", "BufReadNew"\]; } ... ]; }; 
However, doing home-manager switch --flake . gave me this error:
error: The option `programs.nixvim.plugins.lazy.plugins."[definition 1-entry 1]".pkg' is used but not defined. 
I tried to look for answers, but I couldn't find issues regarging the lazy.nvim plugin nor do I see other's nixvim configuration with lazy.nvim. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
On a side note, The reason I started thinking about using lazy.nvim in the first place is because it felt like my neovim was getting sort of slow, and by slow I mean around 340 ms of load time. I'm new to neovim but I've heard it has really fast load time if configured correctly. So to me 300+ms feels like a lot but idk if it is actually considered slow. If not I guess I can live without lazy but if not I think it's definitely worth trying to figure this out.
submitted by MangiBoi to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:15 Alon3Wol4 Dificuldade no Ensino Superior

Sempre fui um aluno mediano na escola e tinha algum tato para ciências humanas mas resolvi cursar Ciências Contábeis numa federal por questões de grana e não ter oratória muito boa pra virar professor. O problema é que entrando na faculdade descobri o quão deficitário meu ensino em matemática básica é, não cumpri Cálculo 1 que é dada no primeiro semestre no meu curso e fui me virando nas matérias que não tem Cálculo como pré-requisito (matérias teóricas que só saber conceitos e como registrar transações comerciais é suficiente). Só que agora no final do curso matemática/administração financeira é muito cobrada/importante e eu tenho dificuldade mesmo em assuntos básicos como juros simples e compostos. Tento estudar mas pareço não progredir, isso gera frustração e vontade de desistir.
Tô meio preso numa bola de neve de conteúdos que nunca aprendi e parece que pra recuperar o tempo perdido vai dar tanto trabalho que é melhor desistir do curso e tentar entrar em alguma outra coisa. Me sinto completamente deslocado e desmotivado no meu curso, acho que é comum dada as taxas de desistência e troca de curso na graduação. Se alguém passou por algo similar e tiver alguma palavra pra dar agradeço e bons estudos.
submitted by Alon3Wol4 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 FistofDavid New to Python - Not understanding passing something to an argument

Hello! I just started dabbling with Python and came across a script on Github that I want to try. The issue is it requires me to pass the location of a source file as well as a location to place downloaded files and I'm not quite sure how to do this. I've tried different things like attempting to define variables in different ways, but no luck as I'm consistently getting syntax errors or what I've done is not defining it properly. The script is the following and the Github states to pass the source file as the first argument and the download location as the second argument. Would someone be able to help me understand where this should be defined and how to do so? Again, very new and inexperienced with Python and I get that this is probably advance for a beginner. Edit - Formatting
#!/usbin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 """ Download podcast files based on your Overcast export. If you have an Overcast account, you can download an OPML file with a list of every episode you've played from This tool can read that OPML file, and save a local copy of the audio files for every episode you've listened to. """ import argparse import datetime import errno import filecmp import functools import glob import itertools import json import os import sqlite3 import sys from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import build_opener, install_opener, urlretrieve import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def parse_args(argv): """Parse command-line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "OPML_PATH", help="Path to an OPML file downloaded from", ) parser.add_argument( "--download_dir", default="audiofiles", help="directory to save podcast information to to", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return { "opml_path": os.path.abspath(args.OPML_PATH), "download_dir": os.path.abspath(args.download_dir), } def get_episodes(xml_string): """ Given the XML string of the Overcast OPML, generate a sequence of entries that represent a single, played podcast episode. """ root = ET.fromstring(xml_string) # The Overcast OPML has the following form: # #  #  # Overcast Podcast Subscriptions #  # ... # ... #  #  # # Within the  block of XML, there's a list of feeds # with the following structure (some attributes omitted): # #  #  # ... #  # # We use an XPath expression to find the  entries # (so we get the podcast metadata), and then find the individual # "podcast-episode" entries in that feed. for feed in root.findall("./body/outline[@text='feeds']/outline[@type='rss']"): podcast = { "title": feed.get("title"), "text": feed.get("text"), "xml_url": feed.get("xmlUrl"), } for episode_xml in feed.findall("./outline[@type='podcast-episode']"): episode = { "published_date": episode_xml.get("pubDate"), "title": episode_xml.get("title"), "url": episode_xml.get("url"), "overcast_id": episode_xml.get("overcastId"), "overcast_url": episode_xml.get("overcastUrl"), "enclosure_url": episode_xml.get("enclosureUrl"), } yield { "podcast": podcast, "episode": episode, } def has_episode_been_downloaded_already(episode, download_dir): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(download_dir, "overcast.db")) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if err.args[0] == "unable to open database file": return False else: raise c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute( "SELECT * FROM downloaded_episodes WHERE overcast_id=?", (episode["episode"]["overcast_id"],), ) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if err.args[0] == "no such table: downloaded_episodes": return False else: raise return c.fetchone() is not None def mark_episode_as_downloaded(episode, download_dir): conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(download_dir, "overcast.db")) c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute("CREATE TABLE downloaded_episodes (overcast_id text PRIMARY KEY)") except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if err.args[0] == "table downloaded_episodes already exists": pass else: raise c.execute( "INSERT INTO downloaded_episodes VALUES (?)", (episode["episode"]["overcast_id"],), ) conn.commit() conn.close() def _escape(s): return s.replace(":", "-").replace("/", "-") def get_filename(*, download_url, title): url_path = urlparse(download_url).path extension = os.path.splitext(url_path)[-1] base_name = _escape(title) return base_name + extension def download_url(*, url, path, description): # Some sites block the default urllib User-Agent headers, so we can customise # it to something else if necessary. opener = build_opener() opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", "Mozilla/5.0")] install_opener(opener) try: tmp_path, _ = urlretrieve(url) except Exception as err: print(f"Error downloading {description}: {err}") else: print(f"Downloading {description} successful!") os.rename(tmp_path, path) def download_episode(episode, download_dir): """ Given a blob of episode data from get_episodes, download the MP3 file and save the metadata to ``download_dir``. """ if has_episode_been_downloaded_already(episode=episode, download_dir=download_dir): return # If the MP3 URL is and the # title is "Episode 1: My Great Podcast", the filename is # ``Episode 1- My Great Podcast.mp3``. audio_url = episode["episode"]["enclosure_url"] filename = get_filename(download_url=audio_url, title=episode["episode"]["title"]) # Within the download_dir, put the episodes for each podcast in the # same folder. podcast_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, _escape(episode["podcast"]["title"])) os.makedirs(podcast_dir, exist_ok=True) # Download the podcast audio file if it hasn't already been downloaded. download_path = os.path.join(podcast_dir, filename) base_name = _escape(episode["episode"]["title"]) json_path = os.path.join(podcast_dir, base_name + ".json") # If the MP3 file already exists, check to see if it's the same episode, # or if this podcast isn't using unique filenames. # # If a podcast has multiple episodes with the same filename in its feed, # append the Overcast ID to disambiguate. if os.path.exists(download_path): try: cached_metadata = json.load(open(json_path, "r")) except Exception as err: print(err, json_path) raise cached_overcast_id = cached_metadata["episode"]["overcast_id"] this_overcast_id = episode["episode"]["overcast_id"] if cached_overcast_id != this_overcast_id: filename = filename.replace(".mp3", "_%s.mp3" % this_overcast_id) old_download_path = download_path download_path = os.path.join(podcast_dir, filename) json_path = download_path + ".json" print( "Downloading %s: %s to %s" % (episode["podcast"]["title"], audio_url, filename) ) download_url(url=audio_url, path=download_path, description=audio_url) try: if filecmp.cmp(download_path, old_download_path, shallow=False): print("Duplicates detected! %s" % download_path) os.unlink(download_path) download_path = old_download_path except FileNotFoundError: # This can occur if the download fails -- say, the episode is # in the Overcast catalogue, but no longer available from source. pass else: # Already downloaded and it's the same episode. pass # This episode has never been downloaded before, so we definitely have # to download it fresh. else: print( "Downloading %s: %s to %s" % (episode["podcast"]["title"], audio_url, filename) ) download_url(url=audio_url, path=download_path, description=audio_url) # Save a blob of JSON with some episode metadata episode["filename"] = filename json_string = json.dumps(episode, indent=2, sort_keys=True) with open(json_path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json_string) save_rss_feed(episode=episode, download_dir=download_dir) mark_episode_as_downloaded(episode=episode, download_dir=download_dir) def save_rss_feed(*, episode, download_dir): _save_rss_feed( title=episode["podcast"]["title"], xml_url=episode["podcast"]["xml_url"], download_dir=download_dir ) # Use caching so we only have to download this RSS feed once. @functools.lru_cache() def _save_rss_feed(*, title, xml_url, download_dir): podcast_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, _escape(title)) today ="%Y-%m-%d") rss_path = os.path.join(podcast_dir, f"feed.{today}.xml") if not os.path.exists(rss_path): print("Downloading RSS feed for %s" % title) download_url( url=xml_url, path=rss_path, description="RSS feed for %s" % title, ) matching_feeds = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(podcast_dir, "feed.*.xml"))) while ( len(matching_feeds) >= 2 and filecmp.cmp(matching_feeds[-2], matching_feeds[-1], shallow=False) ): os.unlink(matching_feeds[-1]) matching_feeds.remove(matching_feeds[-1]) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args(argv=sys.argv[1:]) opml_path = args["opml_path"] download_dir = args["download_dir"] try: with open(opml_path) as infile: xml_string = except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.ENOENT: sys.exit("Could not find an OPML file at %s" % opml_path) else: raise for episode in get_episodes(xml_string): download_episode(episode, download_dir=download_dir) 
submitted by FistofDavid to learnpython [link] [comments]