Neck pain going into head

TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

2012.02.24 00:31 TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

A place to share your transgender vocal training related recordings for constructive criticism by the community

2012.04.07 16:47 southern_linguist Vulvodynia

A place for individuals (however they identify) with vulvodynia to share stories, give and receive advice and support. This subreddit is dedicated to providing information and being a supportive space, as well as raising awareness. Please note that this subreddit is not a substitute for a proper diagnosis. If you are experiencing vulval pain, please see a doctor specialising in vulval conditions. You can find advice in the sidebar about diagnosis and treatment.

2016.09.13 16:17 TMJ-Doc TMJ: Physiologic Treatment of TMJ Disorders and Neuromuscular Dentistry Testimonials

TMJ: Neuromuscular Dentistry is the Physiologic Approach to eliminating and/or treating chronic headaches, migraines, jaw pain, TMJoint pain, myofascial pain, ear pain and neck associated with TMJ disorders and postural issues including sleep apnea and snoring. It is the ideal method to approach cosmetic Dentistry and dental reconstruction. This Reddit is primarily a site for Neuromuscular Dentistry Testimonials. #TMJtesttimonial, #Testimonialtmj, #neuromusculardentistrytestimonial

2024.05.15 06:55 Rot10_soul I think finding my dog's body messed me up in the inside.

First time posting here and just here to get it off of my chest.
Last month my dog Cole of 16 years gotten really sick. Despite his age he still moved around like he was still young even running at times and jumping up things. He's been sick before but has been able to bounce back time and time again. He's always been the type to mess with something or run into something by accident but he'd always get right back up and keep going.
When I let him out for his morning bathroom break something was different. Cole could barely stand let alone walk or run. I dreaded this day because my family said it was coming. I basically grew up with this dog I had him since I was 10 years old. He's been with me through middle school, high school college and 4 years after. Instead of doing my original plans for the day I stayed with Cole and held him until I had to go to work. He didn't eat his food or drink his water I set aside and thats when the gravity of the situation really began to dawn on me.
I went to work then came back afterwards and saw her ate some food but not a lot of it. Again I thought maybe he was trying to pull through. Despite this I was still worried about him and planned time visit a vet soon to see if anything could be done to ease the pain for him. After finishing my dishes for the night I told him good night and that I loved him. I didnt realize that was the final time I would say it to him..
The next morning is when. I found him. I came to let him out for his bathroom break at 7 in the morning and he was there. His eyes were wide open laying down in a different position than he usually slept in. Seeing him lifeless like that broke something in me. Like I said despite his age he never let being sick slow him down. He was never the type to dwell on the bad he just kept going. Not many people can say their senior dog would be up for a game of tag. I basically treated him like a brother instead of a pet because we grew up together. Hes been there through my highs and lows. We basically like to mess around with each other like siblings did. But now he's gone.
After telling my family what happened we took his body to the animal shelter where they said they'll cremate him however we could not get his ashes as it was a community cremation. That by itself also added to the pain. Next to nothing is left in the home of him beside the very few pictures we've took and his dog tags.
It took me a while to stop crying over him. But it hasn't even been a month yet and I think about him every day. Just missing him barking, us watching horror movies and toonami together, him chasing my toy car collection. I find myself sometimes going into the basement wanting to pet him or poke him while he's asleep because he would growl in a specific tone as if he was trying to form words to tell me to bug off. But then I remember he's not here anymore and it hurts.
I've vented to my friends and family about it. I try to focus on the good memories we've had but I also can't get the image of his body out of my head. His cage was at the foot of the stairs and every time I pass where it used to be I just get reminded of him. I remember the good days of him coming out of his cage to play, use the bathroom or just sitting in it watching in it watching dbz reruns. But then i also get reminded of that day. Seeing him laid out like that really messed me up. I know I probably should have gotten him help sooner or had him put down. But like I said he's gotten through a lot and always bounce back. I didnt know this would have been his last time.
My manager asked me if I was going to get a new dog and I almost cussed her out for asking something as insensitive as that. How do you replace someone who you basically grew up with in less than a month of their passing? The wound is still fresh.
I'm sorry if this is long. I really needed somewhere to get this off of my chest. I've been on autopilot since his passing and needed an outlet.
submitted by Rot10_soul to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:54 calysperawrites Dear Diary 05/14/2024 - Hello, Aurora!

I finally got oral surgery done on Monday, May 6th, the thing I've waited for years to get done is finally done and I thought for sure this would bring me happiness and that my smile would return, and it did, for a while … but it didn't take long at all for grief and sadness to take over again, or for my smile to fade.
I go back next week to have the sutures removed and to have the implanted prosthesis adjusted. It hasn't been incredibly painful, nearly all of the swelling was gone after 4-5 days and the bruising is all but faded now, fitting to match my smile.
I got to witness the Aurora Borealis Friday night for the first time in my life right here in my backyard and I am still absolutely enthralled by the whole experience. I know some people get to see the Aurora very frequently but I don't and it's been on my bucket list for a very, very long time.
I didn't even know we were expecting such a sight here until just minutes before it began. I was sitting outside, on the front porch of my very good friend's house when I felt a sudden and severe change in energy and pressure. I assumed we were about to get some rain or a storm of some sort so I looked up to the sky and said, “hey, do you see those lights?”
Hello Aurora! It split the sky right above our heads! It started out as lines of bright white light but quickly transformed into brilliant, undulating colors that danced effortlessly among our stars, between the veil and weave. Its maw appeared wide, its voice transferred into light, and its energy and messages were flowing. So much was received, so much was shared.
I wanted so badly to believe in what I was seeing and even more to believe in what I was feeling … but like all things, the moment was fleeting and I soon found myself back in my usual way, alone and crying. I decided to hop on Zillow for no good reason at all, planning to look anywhere but where I currently am but it opened to my last search and … how am I supposed to be expected to not read into everything?
Is it not strange that a little spot in that location would be open just now? Just as I'm considering a change of scenery … Why there? Why now? And why did I find it on the night of the Aurora? I mean for real, what does it mean? Maybe nothing and maybe everything. I'm not sure it matters either way, I'm still paralyzed by grief and feel unable to trust myself to make any decisions or changes.
I spent most of Sunday crying. It was Mother's Day and those tears were for many reasons. I have so many conflicting thoughts and emotions about my mother and about myself as a mother but that's an entry for another day.
It's Tuesday now and I think the surgery really did me some good, I haven't been drinking during the healing phase and I'm really trying to take better care of myself, well, my physical body – at least I know what my body requires to heal, I wish the rest of me could heal so easily.
14 months and nothing has changed. It is not time that heals but love and after all I've lost, I guess I just no longer have enough …
submitted by calysperawrites to deardiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:52 Exciting-Soup-899 I feel like I deserve this

I lost my mom at 17 suddenly to organ failure from alcoholism. My dad died last October after a series of strokes, and I had to put him in a nursing home since I couldn’t care for him while I live paycheck to paycheck across the US. He wanted to leave every time he called me. He begged me to bring him to where I live but I couldn’t afford the prices here. We both never stopped grieving for my mom and never talked about it. He let himself go toward the end, not eating or drinking and went into septic shock. I had no idea it got so bad and flew out just to put him on hospice. We never talked about how the loss of my mom changed us. Made us move apart from each other because the grief was so bad. I have a chronic medical condition and the pain has been unbearable. Physical and mental pain are fucking me up everyday while I work to pay off the costs of keeping my dad alive for the time I did. I feel like I deserve it for not letting him live with dignity and comfort. I was the reason he was so sad in his last days alive because I couldn’t care for him how he cared for me my whole life. I miss them more than I can say and without other family left, I feel like I will never stop mourning the loss of my only family.
submitted by Exciting-Soup-899 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:52 kekersmoke How do you trust love again?

I am at a hopeless rock bottom right now and it isn't making any sense to anyone, so I am going to try here. It is going to be a long one, so please bare with me.
I grew up in a family where love was limited and conditional, for myself and between my parents. I had watched my parents beg each other for the minimal respect, change, and genuine love. I had too begged for those things from them, in which I eventually developed this disorder.
I have struggled with the obsession of love/true love/soulmates my entire life. I have had countless favorite people, in which I would have given ANYTHING to be reciprocated the kind of love I was willing to give.
And in all of these endeavors, I acknowledged I do not love correctly. I realized this when I got out of my first relationship when I was 18. I have dedicated the last few years to unlearning these things. I still struggle with the want to control, the games I want to play, the general pull and push. I have been trying.
I have acknowledged that what I envisioned love in my head is wrong. Love isn't the constant fight for reassurance or the constant proving myself as worthy. It isn't the begging, fighting, or the challenge.
I have told myself for years, love is in the little things. Love is learning a song on the guitar cause they would love it, memorizing their order so you can surprise them, or bringing a jacket cause you know they would forget one. Love is the small laughs over inside jokes, the loud laughs over little fails, and the shared memories that were created on accident.
Love was supposed to be in the little things.
But over the last few months, I have been shown a dark side of it.
I was on a work trip.
One of my supervisors gave long speeches at dinner about his fiancé and how their wedding in June is going to be the best day of his life. That same night, we went out for a few drinks. He proceeded to send a few other girls and I messages about "spending the night with him." He went on the next day like it was a usual occurrence for him.
I was utterly disgusted. My gut sat in my stomach for days.
Another one of my supervisors on this trip did something some what similar. He is "happily" married to his wife of 17 years with young daughters. But as happy as this man is at home, he hit on every waitress, took up countless numbers, and would disappear for days at a time.
Again I was disgusted. I could've easily said this was the work of nasty people, but it got worse...
Once again, on this trip... one of my dear friends/coworker spoke about his plans to propose to his 5 year girlfriend. We were all beyond happy for him. But within the night, he made a closer relationship with another one of our close friends. He started confiding in her of his doubts, how he is not happy, and he doesn't know what else to do, but marry her anyway. He then dedicated the rest of this two week long work trip to his new found interest in his friend. He gave her a sweet little nick name, held her hand, and walked her to and from everywhere they went.
I was very dumbfounded by this information. I was under the impression that they were happy at home and that they had found something people prayed for, but I was wrong.
When I returned home, I received some also unsettling news.
One of my best friends found out she was pregnant by her boyfriend (who is a very very close friend of mine as well). I have known her boyfriend and his family for 10 years, they have been incredible and wonderful people to me and everyone I know. So for the last 7 months, I have watched them prepare for this baby. They are building a house together along with a life and family. She was so excited. But as of last week, she informed me of him entertaining random women online. She said he described it as a thing that didn't happen before and he did not know who she was.
But Saturday, her and I sat down and talked a lot about it. Turns out, he lied again. He had been seeing these women their ENTIRE relationship. They are having a baby and he is out there with "random women" who he has been seeing for years.
I thought I knew him better, but I am incredibly disappointed. This particular event has triggered me beyond belief. I had watched them do my healthier version of love for a long time, only to find out it was one sided.
I began to look at all the long term relationships that have been shown to me in my life. My parents, never have been happy. My aunt and uncle who have been together since they were 14, have one conversation a day about the coffee machine. My friends from high school, who went literal years of break ups and cheating to now hitting 6 years. My friends parents, who have cheated divorced and remarried several times. My other friends parents, who have been on the verge of divorce over small things several times. And now all of these...
I struggle with what is real and what is not. I struggle with trust, intimacy, and connection. But I have been trying to get better with the hope that one day I can be good to someone and they be good to me. I have never cared about money, a nice car, nor a large house. I want to love and be loved and raise a happy family in the healthiest way I can. All in the hopes that i can experience love in the little things, like how I imagined real love to look.
Now I don't know what love looks like. All of my ideas have been disproven. My dreams have been crushed. I am fighting the urge to recluse and regress in all of my efforts in vulnerability, but I am distraught.
I feel like love romantic love is not real anymore.
I am honestly taking this more towards men than women, because of my sexual orientation and just from personal trauma, but I know that I am not supposed to do that.
I am turning away from a connection I have been trying hard to sustain and be healthy in, all because I am triggered by the actions of other men, my fears, and my new found hopelessness in love.
And everyone I talk to says this quote I have heard a million times, "I know love exists because of the love I give." I understand that love is real, logically, but i want to experience it. I want to know what it feels like to love and be loved, equally and truly.
But is the pain and dishonesty truly worth it? Is it something I would have to put up with to experience long term?
How do I even begin to when given this example of modern day "commitment."
What do I do? Before I ruin the connection I am building. How do I let go of the fear of being hurt so I can learn to love?
submitted by kekersmoke to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:51 Daniel529925 I did something bad and need help getting over it

I won’t go into detail but 6 years ago I did something that I feel very guilty about. But, I completely got away with it. Nobody ever found out, and nobody was hurt. But if the person involved did know they would be very hurt and angry. And anyone else that found out would look down on me for it.
I feel guilty for getting away with it. If they knew I could at least ask forgiveness, but as it’s been so long and the person is barely in my life, it feels like telling anyone would cause unnecessary harm.
However, while I save them from the pain of it, it allows me to continue to get away with it, which makes me feel guilty.
I know I should forgive myself and move on, and just be grateful that technically no one was hurt. But I know what I did was wrong. And every time I think I’ve moved on, I get hit with a wave of guilt and like I’m lying to everyone by not admitting it.
What should I do?
submitted by Daniel529925 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:49 Lawndemon Eating Crow re: Knobby

I posted yesterday that Knobby was getting out-coached and today I'm eating crow. He made some tough choices heading into this game and kudos to him for not going down the same road that Woody did in the same situation last year.
Also good job line matching and putting the right people out to gain momentum. Elevating Holloway was a great move too.
Only complaint was Derek Ryan taking that draw... That was a bad call but overall I thought Knobby did great.
The crow tastes surprisingly good too!
submitted by Lawndemon to EdmontonOilers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:49 TackleEither8620 Struggling with my (f22) partner’s social skills (nb22) (1 year)

The context is that my partner is a really sweet, amazing, kind, generous, caring person. They are every kind thing you could say about somebody. They are incredibly book smart and have multiple degrees and are going for their law degree on top of all the degrees and certificates they already have. It’s exceptional. The problem is, and I am trying to say this in the nicest way possible. My partner is seriously bad with social skills and comes off as ‘dumb’, ‘cringeworthy’, ‘childish’ and oblivious at times. They will seriously just blurt out anything that comes to their mind and do anything in public. No matter how embarrassing it is. A small example of this is that one time we walked into a bar and my partner got super excited about the cool decor. There was chains hanging from the ceiling and and coffin shaped tv screen installed in the wall with some cool graphic in it. Upon seeing this as we walked in they got so excited they threw their arms into the air and yelled “AHHHHHHH!” And ran over to the chains and started swinging around on them, knocking into a nearby table that a couple was sitting at. After this, they threw their hands up in the air again and yelled “YIPPIEEEEE” as they ran over to the coffin and banged on it with their fist so hard that it actually flashed black and for a second I thought they had broken it. EVERYONE in the bar was looked at me crazy and the security guard had to pick up the mess with table and the drinks my partner just made. It was like a bad ass toddler has just gone loose in the bar and I imagine people just assumed they were way drunk but they were 100% sober. When they returned to me the first words out of my mouth “sit your ass down what the fuck is your problem?” And they immediately bursted out in tears. Because another problem they have is that they are INCREDIBLY sensitive to criticism. They cannot handle one ounce of even constructive criticism, even if it’s said in the most way gentle possible way they will start to cry.
Honestly, I’m not use to dating people my age. I moved out my house and have been on my own living as an adult since I was 16. Typically you will see me with someone ranging from 24-27. My partner is the first person my age I have been with. But, I understand that becoming a lawful adult at 16 is not a universal experience so that’s why they are a bit immature but they are a good person with a good heart which is not easy to come across nowadays so I am willing to wait and be patient with then until they mature a bit more.
My biggest problem with them though is talking to strangers. My mom taught me at a young age about stranger danger and have admittedly had a pretty traumatic life so I am very cautious about who I trust. It is as if my partner is a toddler who has never once been told not to speak to a stranger. They will tell ANYBODY ANYTHING. No shame or reservations or even the idea that the person might be uncomfortable. They will tell the waiter about the wild sex we just had in DETAIL. They will trap the cashier into a 30 minute conversation when the line is piling up and the poor cashier doesn’t want to know every single detail about whatever. And, it’s not even typically a conversation because it’s just my girlfriend yapping without giving the other person time to say anything. They will treat someone they just met less than 5 minutes like someone they’ve known for years and get into people’s personal space. An example of this would be that one time they stopped a girl in the street to compliment them but then it turned into the usual 30 minute yap sesh. My partner got very excited about whatever they were yapping about and for some reason they decided to suddenly press their forehead to this strangers forehead to express their point. I could see the poor girl get visibly frightened so I yanked my partner back out of instinct to protect not only the girl but my partner to whatever reaction the girl might have. Being completely oblivious to the fact that my partner might’ve just got their shit rocked for triggering this stranger they spun around and said something like “OMG BABE you are SO JEALOUS AND CONTROLLING HAHA SHE IS NOT GOING TO STEAL ME” I wanted to shout “dude, nobody WANTS TO STEAL you. You are EMBARRASSING.” But I didn’t want to embarrass my partner so I threw my hands up and walked away silently.
I’ve tried to talk to them about this. I told them a story my mother use to tell me about a very friendly pretty baby that would wave at everyone until she waved at the wrong stranger and got kidnapped. I explained to them that you can’t just assume everyone has good intentions and you definitely can’t predict what will upset someone so it’s best to keep out of strangers personal space and to never share unnecessary information. They see this as if I am trying to steal their ‘light’ or that I am jealous.
This behavior has not only put us in danger in the past but it is now affecting our living situation. Because the one year mark we decided we wanted to move in together. We found the most gorgeous beautiful lake house that was actually an airbnb but the lady liked us so much she was willing to let us stay long and remove the place from airbnb. It was a godsend. The problem is that on the same land there is 4 other properties just a few feet away from us that the landlord rents as airbnbs so we see all kinds of shady or weird people everyday.
I guess, one day when I wasn’t around my gf told a guest about our living arrangement in detail and the guest tried to ask the landlord for the same thing and when the landlord denied it the guest became aggressive and started bringing my gf’s name the details that they were told into the conversation. The landlord reached out to us and showed us the conversation and the guest was threatening us and her with violence. She asked that we keep the fact that we even live on the property to ourselves. It was a very scary situation and I really thought that my partner learned their lesson about strangers.
But, they didn’t. I’m traveling out of town for work and I guess there was a break in on one of the of the properties. The landlord was reviewing the security cameras when they caught my partner telling another guest about the details of our lease again. They wanted to call my partner and speak to them on the phone to express how serious it is that they do not share details about our lease but I guess when confronted about it, my partner lied and said they didn’t say anything. I guess partner didn’t realize they had been caught in 4K.
The landlord was really upset not only that partner lied but went against her wishes of keeping the agreement to themselves once I calmed the landlord down I phoned my partner but by the time I got ok the phone with my partner I was honestly incredibly irritated. I didn’t raise my voice but I was firm and harsh and told them that the oversharing behavior and it has got to stop. I said “really, how hard is it just to keep your mouth shut when our safety is at risk?” I told them they need to look at going to therapy for this behavior.
They became so agitated they started screaming and crying at me “I AM NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!!” (What? No one even said that!) & “I DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS STUPID HOUSE ILL JUST LEAVE!” (Ez for you to say you haven’t subleased your apartment and moved all your belongings into here yet)
I let them know that we both should take a breather from the convo and now I’m sitting here with my head in my hands, wondering what to do. I know that this is a long read and many people might not make it this far, but if you’ve made it this far, I could really use some advice. I don’t want to talk to my friends and family, because I don’t want them to form a bad opinion about my partner. I feel like I’m dating a child and then I have to correct them like a parent but I don’t want to break up because they are just so good to me outside of this. Please anyone help.
submitted by TackleEither8620 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:49 Comprehensive_Toe_86 I’m lost professionally in life

I’ve never posted here before so I’m sorry if this isn’t allowed.
I’d write a TLDR but I can’t explain it that short sorry
I’m currently 23 years old and straight out of HS I was horrified of college. I have two older siblings who had awful experience with college and the effects it ended up having on them financially. I ended up working odd jobs up until COVID started and then ended up deciding to go to Barber College.
Barber College was fun and when I got out I was happy to find a profession I could do for a while. Starting out was proving to be tough, finding work wasn’t the easiest.
Through a stroke of luck I ended up getting a job in the video games industry working in a leadership role. This was a dream come true and the odds of it happening with the background I have was just insane luck. I pride myself on my skills but I can’t discount the luck that I had getting this job. It paid very well and was exactly what I was looking for in life, so with that I gave up barbering.
After two years working there, this past December right before the holidays I was let told that I was being laid off to start the year over a direct message. Obviously this blows, especially given the state of the job market right now.
The main problem I’m facing right now and what’s absolutely killing me is that whilst I worked for this game development studio I had begun production and released a very small game of my own that had minuscule success. It was just enough to warrant the continued effort but not enough to quit everything else. The head developer for this project, who we will call “John” informed me that they would be looking to quit soon to focus on college. I was disheartened but understood.
Once it was John’s last week to work on this project of ours, they showed me a game they had been working on that was nearly a carbon copy of the game they had been working on with/for me and they had clearly been working on it for a bit.
I was shocked, John had been working with me primarily to expand his portfolio and as a side gig. John and I were continuously discussing making it big and having our game reach the top.
John wanted to get my thoughts on the game, as he knew I understood the core mechanics and design better. He also showcased features that we planned to add to my game that were now in his. I told him I didn’t want to help and I didn’t want in, I felt betrayed. It’s not against the law what they did, but I can’t help but feel like I must suck at everything. This being because while my game maybe had 100 concurrent players on at a time at its peak, John’s new game is getting 100’s nearly thousands of concurrent users.
My game was originally a passion project and it was something I was pouring my heart and soul into. John had told me before he released his game that it was all financial and that he was just looking for commercial success.
I won’t stand here and say that I didn’t want that too, but just knowing his game is getting a load of attention, and my game is barely getting any players just sucks.
I’m sitting now applying for jobs I don’t even want when last year I felt on top of the world. I just feel like a total loser and dumbass.
Thanks to anyone who read all of this.
submitted by Comprehensive_Toe_86 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:48 insil Is my studio teaching inverts in an unsafe way or am I over reacting?

Hi yall!
I got into inverts class\intermediate pole. A pre requisite for this class is a slew of spins and a baseball grip 10 second hold with knees tucked. I’ve been practicing inverts at home and with the help of another pole studio instructor so I was a bit alarmed.
We did warm ups and then went straight into a basic invert into a handstand. Mind you we haven’t done inverts before this in the previous curriculum and there was about 3 new students myself included. No demoing it from the floor and this is a class of 12 students with one instructor.
I only knew how to safely get down from it from my other studio and even then my teacher wasn’t spotting me and no crash mat. I had raised my hand when she asked if anyone was new and tried to flag her to no avail. Eventually we moved onto an outside leg hand which she demod the leg grip on the ground but then we went straight into it again from the basic invert (which was again never taught in the previous curriculum or how to get out of it safely). This time I waited until I could flag her to spot me because I didn’t feel comfortable. My hand got stuck in my leg and she was telling me my unhooked knee needs to point down but I was already struggling with the grip and getting some gnarly pole kisses so I was having trouble processing everything and she ended up walking away shortly after. Shortly after this I heard a girl fall so that did not instil additional confidence
I’m also not sure if I ended up disengaging at some point because my back near my shoulder blade is in a lot of pain and there’s some sharp pains. :(
I know going into a new level always has some anxiety involved but this is the first time I genuinely felt unsafe and kind of just watched for half the class cause I didn’t have a spotter. My experience at my other studio is a lot more intimidate (only 6 students and the instructor takes her time with everyone and spots everyone in order). Not sure if I’m over reacting or if this is an atypical experience.
submitted by insil to poledancing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 Muew22 The good guys run

Heavy Act 1 and 2 Spoilers ahead.
So me and my friends started a 3 man honor mode by saying we will be the good guys this campaign. We only ever reached act 3 before but very barely touched it.
Now we went into it as Dark Urge(me), Astarion and Wyll. Everything is going fine and we decide to knock out Alfira for the robe in act 2. We do that and proceed go goblin camp. We also tried to get Raphael's armor and did everything needed for it but then my friend decided 'let's go to Creche from Goblin Camp so we can take the armor immediately. I tell them no it could fk up the quests but they said 'nah everything will be fine'.
As soon as we exit the loading screen Mizora greets us and says Wyll has failed and turns him into a devil. We figure whatever its just visual and we'd have saved Karlach anyway...oh boy.
We come back to goblin camp and let Minthara find the grove so we can have epic fight defending it, send her on her way and head to save Halsin.
As soon as we enter the room everyone is hostile and we're all like 'wtf who started combat??' and then I relize what actually happened. Halsin is dead in his cage. Apparently choices have consequences.
We head to do rest of the first region and after clearing the gnolls head to the Paladins and Karlach, but they are all dead already and Karlach is missing. Consequences...
Some 2 hours later we cleared all of first region killing rest of the goblin camp and sparing Ethel, and wanted to do the grove raid with Minthara last. We look at the map but the portal isn't working for some reason for grove? We figure we probably missed discovering it which might honestly be the case.
Then the closest friend to the grove is like 'Umm guys, is this normal?' We arrive and the grove is perma closed off and Minthara gets angry and attacks us. Did I mention how choices have consequences?
Next thing we go to underdark and my friend wants to play barbarian bleed build so we sacrifice Laezel to Boal since none of us really like her that much and get a perma party wide buff for bleeds.
Somewhere along the way we get a weird message on screen 'Wizard of Waterdeep' I head back to camp to see if he needs more items as I've already given him 2 items befofehand but for some reason I couldn't find him and in quest log it said he left the party. RIP
Now our camp only has Withers, Shadowheart, Owelbear Cub and Scratch.
Now we are in act 2 we arrived at last light in and all the tieflings are dead and it's basically empty so we decide to side with Marcus this time and see how that turns out, we attack Isobel but don't kill her. We send Jaheira to camp after killing the undead in last light in and go for a long rest.
We long rest and since I didn't interact with Shadowheart at all as Dark Urge my cutscene of fighting the urge triggers and shows Withers sleeping next to the fire as my character approaches him and the cutscene ends there without any dialogue or check or anything.
So yea, this good guys run is going quite smooth. We got both owlbear cub and scratch so no one of importance died anyway... 😅
submitted by Muew22 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 OpeningFuzzy5066 Help what are y’all’s thoughts

Hi so basically Im in a weird situation rn, my weekly schedule consists of being at my trade school from mon-Friday and leave Saturdays most of the time and come back sun nights. So when I’m here my mental health gets WAY better I mean way better, I’m with people who are emotionally and socially healthy and understanding. It’s like when I come home as soon as my narc alcoholic dad comes pick me up in his 2000 something old ass dirty bug infested food and crumbs all over the seat and floor and fucken sauce stains everywhere Honda as soon as I get in the car with him I could just see how fucked in the head he is in so many fucking ways emotionally, socially, psychologically and a whole bunch of other shit. It’s literally like I get in the car and what it feels like all his bs issues become mine for some reason and it’s like I’m carrying all his bs with me. I get miserable because my parents are some of the most sutipid bum lames that have no character whatsoever you’ll come across in ur fucking life. Til this day I haven’t come across anybody like these people. Than my dumbass mom had the nerve to come into my room sat morning saying it was Mothers Day to least say it to my grandma since she knows I’m not gonna tell her shit but she was just tryna make me feel bad and I just told her to close the fucking door cuz my grandma don’t deserve me telling her shit either not even me interacting with her. Idk yesterday I went to the beach cuz I stayed and was kinda bored and had nothing to do. I took the bus and at first it was pretty good but after a while idk if it was cuz I smoked a sig and Im addicted tryna quit and it just put me in a bad mood? But idk, their was this cute girl were I got my pizza from and I could tell in the beginning she liked me a bit and was lowk tryna talk to me but it’s like I wasn’t mentally and emotionally there to even talk to her in any other way than to order my food. But like I said my point is whenever I’m here at my trade school and I don’t leave home to my narc bum ass family, my mental health feels better, but when I leave it’s like I “heal” them in a way and with that comes me draining me completely from all the good energy I have leaving me with nothing which messes me up emotionally and socially. They have nothing going on with their life really their bums who live miserabley day to day with my alc dad drinking every weekend and jacking off in the restroom while drunk. I wish I had a therapist to talk to about my situation, when I’m here I feel so much better but when I get picked up as soon as I’m in the car with that bum ass nigga every second I’m next to him he literally drains me, and within a couple hours of being with them my whole mental health and mentality changes for the worst. I become really insecure I got no energy and and just worse mentally. But at the same time I don’t like staying here in the weekends because it’s boring and you don’t do shit here and the only people I even stay with on the weekends is my parents cuz I haven’t really better my relationship with my other family members from the issues we’ve had in the past, and don’t really have friends anymore in my home town, at least that I don’t talk to so I don’t do nothing but stay in my house with them all day and not do shit. The best example I could give u is around 2 weeks ago I left for the first time in like a month of being here and not physically interacting with these bums, I stayed cuz I would forget to turn in my weekend slip so I could leave. So yea I left and it was good at first but it’s like my presence around them would “heal” them by them giving me all their bullshit issues, luckily I was mentally a little stronger so I dealt with it for a bit than I left, I came back home last week Saturday and I regret it it was way worse, they showed me their genuine bum selfs and drained me from all the good energy I had and put me in a really bad place mentally coming back here. Now ik for sure unless I got back up in my house meaning I’m gonna do something with friends I’m not gonna go back for shit. Cuz that’s the only way if I go back and don’t go out with friends or nothing it’ll just be bad. But yea sorry ik it’s a lot what are your thought? Just wanna know.
submitted by OpeningFuzzy5066 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 dlschindler Honor of the Mech Knights

Injustice is intolerable to the human. By his nature, Prince Regen disobeyed his father, Lord Sard, who was master of exports on Astragoth, second in power only to the planetary minister, the emperor's own nephew Anj Kurim. Perhaps how Prince Regen became son to Anj Kurim is a tale too bold to ever be repeated, for it dares the instinct of man to do right or wrong, the hearts of the young to fall in love from mere eye contact and the honor of the knights who braved the arena on the tournament of Easter. A tale too bold, but I'd go mad to keep it all to myself:
The lords in question were the three barons of slag on Astragoth who commanded the planetary production of mech armor alloys, Astragoth's most valuable export. The types are well known, Bronze-Steel, Silver-Steel and Gold-Steel, although none of those alloys contain any such metals, they are named poetically, rather than literally. Lord Sard grew quite suspicious of them, or perhaps jealous. He had them summoned, stripped, beaten and arrested, accusing them of crimes against his office. His next order of business was to have their estates seized.
Normally such a moment would be conducted honorably through a Trial of Combat, but since these men were severe mech knights, Lord Sard chose caution over honor. His son was not such a coward, and witnessing the atrocity, he fought his way into the holding compound in light armor without markings, but only so the guards would not die withholding their attacks. Regen considered dying honorably to be more important than shielding himself with his identity. When he had rescued the three lords, he did turn himself in, for he took responsibility for his actions.
Lord Sard was furious and had his son exiled. Regen was sent into the frontiers of Astragoth with only his fine robes, a horse, some supplies and a servant named Igor. Igor was quite corrupt, and when they were out in the wilderness he shot Regen in the back of his head when the prince was bathing in a stream, and left him there face down in the water, believing he had killed him. Letting nothing go to waste, Igor took everything, the clothes, supplies, horse and even the prince's identity, managing to assume the prince's identity.
Regen was not dead. By a miracle he'd survived, and the gunshot attracted a retired combat medic who fought in the Scratch Wars and had seen much worse than a naked, drowned man with a gunshot wound in his head. She easily patched him up, rolling the cosmic dice with critical precision. It was not enough for Regen to have his memory intact, as he had severe amnesia.
By instinct he was still very honorable and brave, and pleased with this, he was made apprentice to the one who'd saved his life. She taught him how to care for the kinds of injuries the locals came to her with, and in time he grew wise in the ways of medicine and he worked hard, volunteering to help anyone who needed his strength.
One day he came to the main star port of Astragoth, travelling in the world and seeking his fortune. The daughter of Anj Kurim, Lili, was getting married soon. The whole city was in a state of celebration and three days of games were declared, in which mech knights would duel for the honor of Princess Lili's favor. No mech knight who wasn't willing to risk death would dare step into a close-range combat in the Phoenix Dome, as the impressive arena of Astragoth was called then.
Regen put his only coin into the coffer of the richest man on the planet and bought a ticket to the games. The likelihood that he'd be seated so that Princess Lili could not take her eyes off of him was only the whim of such stars. She'd seen him there and something was different about this man than any she'd ever seen. Some part of her had sailed through the ethers at the dawn of time, and he was her other half, torn from her when she was born as a human on Astragoth. That's how the Princess described the feeling.
Regen glanced across the crowd and met her gaze. He felt like his world began that day, at that moment, as though suddenly every detail of his life became relevant. It was all so he'd be at ~Bed, Bath and Beyond~, right there in the Phoenix Dome as an eight-meter-tall fusion-powered battle armor mech walked out the gates spraying steam at thirteen hundred degrees Celsius from its flamers.
The opposite gate opened but there was no other mech. A weird silence fell over the crowd. It wasn't uncommon for someone to forfeit, anything could go wrong. There was a challenge issued, not as though any unexpected contestants ever answered it. Yet this time a mech in full bronze-alloy armor did enter Phoenix Dome. Nobody knew who it was, and when the newcomer won the battle, they left without claiming the victory.
On the second day, the new husband of the Princess Lili was revealed, and the games would be in his honor as well. He was Prince Regen, except it was really Igor, having assumed Prince Regen's identity. When the combatants were about to fight a third mech entered the arena, this time in silver-alloy armor. He fought both enemies at once and defeated them. Again, before claiming the victory, the mech knight left the arena.
Lord Anj Kurim had a battalion of mech painted in white and decorated with garlands surrounding the arena on the third day. No more intrusions and dishonorable departures. The insults on the first two days by mysterious mech knights could only be surpassed by the games of the final day.
No mech knight had the courage on the third day. Anj Kurim worried this was worse and relayed to the mech commander of the wedding games detail to allow any rogue mech knights in, deciding it couldn't be worse than no games at all.
When the mech knight in the gold-alloy came around the corner and spotted the battalion guarding the arena, he did not know they were ordered to let him past. He charged at them, firing his weapons and they scattered. The holo displays in Phoenix Dome showed this exchange, emphasizing the damage to the government-owned superstructure, cashing in on each chunk of concrete sheared away by laser fire.
The gold-alloy mech stood in the arena alone. Someone had hijacked the holo displays and suddenly they showed the face of just one man in the crowd, and as he looked up he recognized himself. It was all coming back to him in a flood of memories.
The other two mech from the previous games entered, the bronze-alloyed and silver-alloyed. They stood side by side, having found Prince Regen in the crowd and turned their mech to face him.
"Open your cockpits and reveal yourselves." They were ordered by Lord Anj Kurim.
They were the three lords Regen had set free so long ago.
"Honor the Princess!" they were told and they did.
"Now the Prince!' but they saluted the man on the holo display instead of Igor. Lord Anj Kurim saw that Igor was terrified. He drew his sword and beheaded Igor on the spot, his blood spraying all over the booth, and Princess Lili was barely able to escape the gore.
The real Prince Regen was married to the Princess Lili, and the remains of Igor were tossed to the dirt floor of the arena and left there. Soon Regen inherited Lord Anj Kurim's position and had his father's power stripped from him and he gave the three lords back their old homes.
And the armor? What alloys are we even talking about? Some say the bronze is infused with courage, to do what is right even when it is very dangerous and to overcome fear in order to act. Some say silver is imbued with the holiness of love, how it causes miracles, drives us to our destiny and opens the locked doors of fate. And gold? Gold stands for honor, an unyielding adherence to fairness and justice.
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:45 Pickled_Pentagram The Hidden Diary

Hey nosleep,

This might be the most disturbing thing I’ve ever stumbled upon, and I need to share it with someone who might understand. Last weekend, I found a diary hidden inside a secret compartment of an old desk I bought at an estate sale.
The entries inside are horrifyingly detailed, describing gruesome murders that span days. The first entry I read shook me to my core:
“Day one: I captured her just before dusk, the struggle vibrant and intoxicating. Her terror was palpable, the sweat mixing with the tears on her cheeks. She fought bravely, but it was futile. I brought her to my prepared place, an old shed deep in the woods, where no one would hear us. I tied her to an old chair, her arms and legs bound tightly with rough rope that cut into her skin whenever she moved.”
“Day two: I began with small cuts, superficial but numerous, across her arms and legs, the kind that sting sharply but are not life-threatening. Each whimper she made was a symphony to my ears. I used a scalpel, the blade sharp and precise, making sure to clean the wounds to prevent early infection. Hydration was minimal, just enough to keep her conscious, to experience every moment of her slow demise.”
“Day three: I increased the severity of her wounds, cutting deeper, exploring the textures of her muscles and sinews. The smell of iron filled the air, her blood a vibrant contrast against the sterile white of the shed. I documented her fading vitality, noting how her eyes began to lose their shine, her screams turned to whimpers, and eventually, she could only produce a gurgling noise as her body gave up.”
Horrified but needing to know more, I checked the local unsolved cases and there it was—a woman had been found just as described, her body abandoned in a shed in the woods, the case still open and cold.
I couldn’t stop there. I read another entry:
“Day one: He was an easy target, alone at a late showing in an old cinema. I watched him from the shadows, calculating. When he left for the restroom, I followed, injecting him with a sedative I had prepared. He collapsed, unconscious, easy to drag into my waiting van.”
“Day two: In my soundproof basement, I hung him from the ceiling by his wrists. His awakening was met with the harsh reality of his situation. I used a variety of tools, pliers to remove nails, a hammer to break fingers. His cries filled the room, a desperate plea for mercy that would not come.”
“Day three: Exhaustion had set in, his body weak from pain and blood loss. I carved words into his chest, a message to those who would find him, my signature. By nightfall, he was no longer responsive, his life extinguished under the cold glare of my surgical lights.”
Again, the details matched a man found in similar circumstances, his body discovered in an abandoned building downtown, his injuries a mirror of the diary’s descriptions.
Tonight, I’m going to read another entry. I'm terrified of what I’ll find, but I feel compelled to continue.
submitted by Pickled_Pentagram to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 ultmeche The Best Home Office Set Up - 16 Essentials

The Best Home Office Set Up - 16 Essentials
Since a ton of people have been questioning me about the best home office setup, I thought it’d be fair to share what mine was. This is what’s worked for me throughout starting my business and it can also work for you. As both an Engineer and Business Owner, I work long hours and I attribute being able to do so due to some of these high quality products.
These are what I find to be the best products regarding home office set up.

Apple 2023 MacBook Pro Laptop M3 Pro Chip

A Macbook is GOAT’ed. Sleek hardware, a very reputable brand, and a high quality product. MacBooks have lasted me on average 6+ years so although it can be a big initial investment, the ROI can be very positive.
  • Sleek hardware
  • A basic MacBook will be very powerful
  • Will meet everyday needs for students or working professionals
  • Access to Apple customer support
  • High quality webcam
  • Higher price point relative to other laptops
  • Battery life known to get worse over time
Check Price of MacBook Pro on Amazon

Apple USB-C to USB Adapter

Say what you want about Apple, yes, it is a great business move for them as a company to design components that you’ll need to purchase to adapt basic devices such as webcams, microphones, and monitors.
You’ll need to get a pair or two of these Apple USB-C to USB Adapters.
  • Allows integration of many USB devices onto MacBook platform
  • Unnecessary purchase if you are primarily a Windows / Android type user
  • Buying extra dongles or adapters will add more as an expense over a long period of time
Check Price of USB to USB-C Adapter on Amazon

LG 32GN650-B Ultragear Gaming Monitor 32”

I like to use the LG 32GN650B Ultragear as my primary monitor, set up horizontally. Great resolution, refresh rate, and able to be used for gaming purposes, but I like to use it as my everyday monitor.
  • Great refresh rate
  • High resolution
  • Good size to use for day to day computer operations
  • Does not rotate vertically
Check Price of LG 32″ Ultragear on Amazon

SAMSUNG 28” Odyssey G70B Series 4K UHD Gaming Monitor

I just recently added a secondary monitor in a vertical configuration and it is a game changer. Highly recommend to add a second monitor in a vertical configuration if you are able to do so. This makes daily computer usage 10X more efficient. I love to have multiple tabs and windows up when I browse the computer. It’s nice to have a monitor dedicated to one thing such as reading news or emails and using my main monitor for work.
Combine the power of multiple monitors with meetings and it’s a complete game changer. Having one screen dedicated for screen sharing and another for documents or notes makes having Zoom or Teams Meetings at work much easier.
Extremely happy with my purchase of the Samsung 28″ Odyssey G70B – great refresh rate and resolution, looks absolutely beautiful.
  • Rotates 90, 180, 270 degrees
  • Pair-able to Macbook as a second external display
  • Great refresh rate and resolution
  • Higher price point vs a lower quality monitor
  • Refresh rate and resolution will be over the top if looking for something basic
Check Price of Samsung 28″ G70B on Amazon

Logitech Brio 4K Webcam, Ultra 4K HD Video Calling

As a business owner, I truly invest top dollar to for higher quality goods so that I can perform higher quality work. A 4K webcam is a game changer when it comes to sales calls, presentations, demos, or client meetings. If you’re using an older MacBook, chances are the webcam on isn’t that good, and you’ll need to pair it with something like the Logitech Brio if you want higher quality resolution.
It’s 100% worth if you can afford the investment and will have you perform and look more presentable in meetings. So worth.
  • 4K resolution
  • Extremely high quality video for meetings
  • Presents yourself better in corporate meetings
  • Somewhat of an expensive investment
  • Needing to add an additional USB – USB-C adapter to connect to Macbook
  • Extra equipment
Check Price of Logitech Brio 4K on Amazon

Logitech for Creators Blue Yeti USB Microphone

The Logitech Blue Yeti Mic is paramount for Gaming, Streaming, Podcasting, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, and recording for PC and Mac. An excellent microphone to use especially for YouTube Videos, Streaming, Webinars, and sales calls.
  • Outputs high quality stereo like sound
  • Great for podcasts, webinars, sales calls, meetings, demos
  • Relatively in-expensive starter option for high quality sound
  • An extra device needed to be connected onto a MacBook
  • Extra need for a USB – USB C Adapter
  • Need to add a stand for flexible and optimal usage
Check Price of Logitech Blue Yeti Mic on Amazon

Blue Yeti Microphone Stand

A microphone stand is 100% necessary for convenience and ergonomic purposes. The default stand a microphone will come with will have your back hunched or in an awkward position. Invest in a stand that allows you a flexible microphone position.
  • Inexpensive
  • Allows flexible usage of a studio quality mic
  • Best to use for podcasts, meetings, calls, demos
  • You will need to allocate more room on your desk to allow for this stand
  • Extra mechanical components on your desk
  • Takes up space
Check Price of Logitech Blue Yeti Mic Stand on Amazon

Bose QuietComfort 35 Series 2 Gaming Headset – Noise Cancelling Headphones

The Bose QuietComforts are a great pair of noise cancelling headphones to use for working or traveling. I even chose to opt to get the Gaming Headset option because I do like to game from time to time – it’s a great way to unwind and have some fun with friends. This headset can easily be pair to a device such as a Playstation controller and allows for optimal sound. High quality sound is needed when you will need to rely on peripheral hearing in video games.
But all things work related, this is a great headset to use for deep, focused work. Does really great in blocking out ambient noise and helps focus for tasks such as writing emails, documents, and listening to important voice recordings or memos.
  • High quality sound and noise cancellation output
  • Great to use for work, business, travel, or even casual usage
  • Great noise cancellation for flights
  • Ability to use this as a gaming headset for PC or Console games
  • Difficulty when pairing between multiple devices such as iPhone and MacBooks
  • The hardware is not as “sleek” as products such as Apple
Check Price of Bose QuietComfort Gaming Headset on Amazon

Bose Soundlink Revolve

To get some louder and higher quality sound, I pair my MacBook with the Bose Soundlink Revolve. Great to listen to podcasts, videos, and even provides enough sound for house parties. The bass and sound quality of the Bose Soundlink Revolve is amazing and the product has lasted me quite a few years.
  • Compact device that outputs high quality sounds
  • Great for usages such as podcasts, videos, music, parties, and shows
  • Bose produces high quality products that last for years
  • Difficulty at times pairing with multiple devices such as iPhones, MacBooks, Tablets
  • Relatively lower battery life – will need to often charge
Check Price of Bose Soundlink Revolve on Amazon

Logitech MX Master 3S

This is the META when it comes to wireless mouses. The mouse is designed in such a shape that it is extremely comfortable for me to place my hand on it for usage. Almost zero problems from chronic mouse usage, especially with long hours of work per day. The MX3 mouse is bluetooth pair-able with up to 3 devices, has both horizontal and vertical scrolling, and adjustments on scrolling increments.
  • Extremely ergonomic – can use mouse all day with no pain in hand as Engineer and business owner
  • Allow scrolling change – incremental or smooth scrolling
  • Bluetooth pair-able to up to 3 devices
  • Battery life can be limited
  • Need USB-C charging
  • Need to keep mouse clean
Check Price of Logitech MX Master 3S on Amazon

Logitech MX Keys Mini

The Logitech Mini Keyboard is an extremely slim and minimalist keyboard great to use for regular or business computer usage. It is extremely easy to type on, very convenient to carry around, and a great performing device altogether. Just like the Logitech MX3 Mouse, this keyboard allows pairing of up to 3 devices – great if you have multiple devices around the home. I chose to get the Logitech Mini Keyboard without the number pad due to how convenient and flexible it will be able to be carried around. This device does not disappoint, especially if you want to go the digital nomad route.
  • Compact, Bluetooth, USB-C, for Apple macOS, iOS, Windows, Linux, Android
  • Flexible and convenient to use for digital nomads or working at coffee shops
  • Very slim, sleek, and minimal design – easy to fit in a backpack
  • Membrane Keyboard – not as loud / quiet typing
  • Lack of number pad – will be inconvenient if needed for high number typing
  • Does not offer the “clack” that Mechanical Keyboards offer
  • USB-C Charging
  • Need to keep clean
Check Price of Logitech MX Keys Mini on Amazon

VIVO Height Adjustable Standing Desk

I bought into the standing desk craze a few years back, but I personally don’t utilize the standing option very often. Standing desks are a great option if you do not allocate much time towards physical exercise. I personally exercise quite often and find that if I use the standing desk too often, I get tired and can’t focus as much. Results will vary.
The VIVO standing desk is a great and budget friendly option if you are looking for a standing desk, but don’t want to break the bank. The advantage of the VIVO standing desk is that it allows for a hand rotating mechanism to adjust the height of the desk, instead of relying on linear actuators.
What I really enjoy about standing desks is the ability to set the desk at the perfect height relative to where my arm positioning will be. This also allows me to work long hours without getting much pain. If you’re dealing with any type of pain at all regarding working, it’s very likely your office set up.
  • Inexpensive and budget friendly way to get a standing desk
  • Hand rotating mechanism – eliminates the need for power supply and less cords
  • Allows for a desk with proper arm positioning for ergonomics
  • Cheaper and lower quality material
  • Not as nice as desks such as Uplift
  • Will be tiring to rotate the hand crank to adjust the desk up and down
  • Custom height set up not available
Check Price of VIVO Standing Desk on Amazon

Herman Miller Aeron Chair Fully Adjustable

The Herman Miller Aaron Chair is one of the OG GOAT’s when it comes to ergonomic chairs. I love my fully adjustable Herman Miller – I’m able to sit for long hours and deal with zero back pain. The mesh that the chair provides also keeps the chair extremely cool and I don’t need to worry about the seat or the back pad heating up.
  • A pioneer regarding home office ergonomic chair setups
  • Multiple degrees of freedom to allow for varying positions
  • Lumbar support
  • Flexible arm heights
  • High quality mesh design to keep chair cool
  • Able to sit 8+ hrs in a day without pain
  • Lower cost options available through used sellers such as Craigslist and OfferUp
  • Expensive investment as this is a higher quality office chair
  • Will get dusty and dust will accumulate through the meshes
  • Need to keep chair clean
  • No head support (not a big deal to me)
Check Price of Herman Miller Aaron Chair on Amazon

Samsonite Classic Leather Backpack

Sure Samsonite isn’t Gucci, but they do provide decent quality leather backpacks at an affordable cost. I was able to get this at a lower cost during the beginning of the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic as the demand for traveling plummeted. This backpack has held up in decent shape through regular usage such as bringing materials from home to work or to the coffee shop.
Work great for short business trips as there is plenty of room to pack clothes, laptop, toiletries, and other miscellaneous items. The Samson Leather Backpack is a quality item and will last for a long period of time. No issues so far with my backpack.
  • High quality leather backpack suited for business
  • Fits decent amount of items – clothes, toiletries, laptops, notebooks, stationary
  • Durable and will last
  • Good combination of minimalist and functional
  • The classic leather backpack is somewhat large
  • Not a very “slim” design
  • Will feel large if you plan on using this backpack out walking all day
Check Price of Samsonite Classic Leather Backpack on Amazon

Canon PIXMA TR4720 Printer

What good is having the best home office setup without a printer? Even though the world is becoming more digital, you will still need to rely on printing documents out and sending them from time to time. The Canon PIXMA TR4720 is a basic printer that meets the need for printing out some items for work or business.
  • Cheap and budget friendly printer
  • Allows for document scanning
  • Can have issues and difficulty setting up and pairing wirelessly with laptop or internet
  • Needing to download software on your laptop or iPhone
  • Only compatible with 2G broadband frequency internet
  • Will sometimes not show up when using it to computer
Overall, a low quality printer – invest in a higher quality printer if able to and you can afford it. This thing has given me headaches from time to time, and has not been able to print things when I really needed something to be printed and ended up having to go to the local printing shop to print and send something out.
Check Price of Canon PIXMA TR4720 on Amazon

Philipps 3 Outlet Surge Protector Extension Cube

Let’s not forget, with a beauty best home office setup, you will have a ton of cords that you will need to be plugging into. A Phillips Extension cube is a really great option for that. I chose to get the cubed option to avoid the extra cords and what not that an extension cord provides. Keeps things relatively clean and allows the plug in of multiple devices such as your laptop, monitor, chargers, printers, and everything else I covered regarding the best home office setup.
  • Simple yet elegant way to add extension cord without extra wires hanging around
  • The cube design is an efficient use of space
  • Visually appealing to look at a cube vs. extension cord
  • Very inexpensive
  • Limited number of cords available
  • Will not be enough for power users
  • Can be difficult to fit in with other “larger” types of plugs in the same outlet
Check Price of Philipps 3 Outlet Surge Protector on Amazon

Closing Thoughts on the Best Home Office Setup

I work long hours and it’s imperative to have high quality office products that make the best home office setup so that I can perform and deliver optimally. I know some of the items can be expensive, but it definitely is an investment towards long term business output. There are multiple options available for the devices I show, but this is the set up that I currently use to date.
If you can’t afford higher quality products yet, don’t worry, just keep grinding and build skillsets such that you can increase your salary and afford higher quality goods. I’ve come a long way when it comes to being able to afford higher quality goods and I attribute it to the skillsets that I have built over the years.
submitted by ultmeche to ultmeche [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 OriginalGrainbread Are Hatchet runners really the problem?

Let me pose you this question. Have you guys ever spawned into a raid and just felt fucked from the get go? Take for example the forklift spawn on Factory. If you spawn there and there are other players looking to go that way, your basically fucked. Whenever I have general PMC killing quests like stir up, half of my kills basically come from me waiting for people to come down that hallway. So sure I could go in with a bunch of grenades and the best kit, but for what? To kill one or two PMCS, and then roll my way into potentially an exit camper, cheater, aim botting boss, or maybe just someone sitting all raid in a hallway waiting for their required PMC kills because they got the perfect spawn to be there before anyone else. We BARELY have any say in how we start a raid let alone finish one. As such, when I kill a hatchet runner I don't blame them at all or get mad. They are doing the ONE and only thing we as players can actually control, and that is what loot we bring in, and our margin for profit. In the same forklift scenario, if I go in with a hatchet the end result half the time according to my survival rate is going to be the same as going in geared up, with me returning to the menu screen with nothing but a hatchet and the loot in my secure container. The big difference being that now whatever killed me got nothing out of it, and I profit or lose very little. Personally I always go in with at least a Makarov because head eyes is a bitch, and whoever brought in the better gear has two options, waste his ammo and potentially meds/other gear for my 8000 RU worth of gear, or die to a guy with 8000 RU worth of gear. Now if the spawns were completely even it wouldn't matter, but low and behold, spawning and the general dynamic of raids is entirely a dice roll, and learning this game is a fucking mess that better done so through YouTube tutorials and wiki guides, then by actually playing the game itself. So as a new player I could go into a few offline raids and make 0 progress anyways to learn the maps, or I could go in with a hatchet/Makorov make also 0 progress but with the potential of actually bringing back gear to the hideout. In both scenarios I have learned more about the level and the game, but one has the potential to give game progress.
IDK, maybe I'm just an idiot and not a true believer, but the fact of the matter is that no matter how you cut it, Tarkov itself created hatchet runners, and has been an issue even with found in raids and recent wipes. I think that this is because there is genuinely a flaw with Tarkov as a whole that leads to people doing this practice, and if you want it to stop I believe that players need more agency over gameplay as a whole. Take most DayZ servers for example. Yes we spawn on the shore, but we inherently spawn with nothing, as such dying because of a dice roll random spawn is not the biggest end of the world, and in a lot of cases, you can even pick your shoreline spawn. Then you can pick any which way to work your way inland to where the actual map and loot begins. Then you can fight any way to safe zones to trade your loot. Now imagine, it's a fraction the size and everyone has to start on the server at the exact same time. All of your spawns are completely randomized, and you have to go though specific locations and chokepoints because for some reason the only way to extract is by at least crossing half of the crappy corridor map that feels like it would be more suited as a Battlefield map. And on top of all that you don't have any ability to respawn in the same server reset period...That would be fucking awful, and that's in essence what Tarkov feels like most of the time. Maybe not the best comparison with DayZ, but there really aren't many other games to compare tarkov to and it's the closest formula I can think of. I can't help but feel like hatchet running would be gone and dead by now if this was all one interconnected map and we had the time and area to maneuver around the map and work our way into these pvp hotspots, rather than this randomized timed "raid" formula to incentivize using gear, rather than just playing to not loose it.
submitted by OriginalGrainbread to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:41 Tyo_Atrosa The Golden Hall of Memories (Shards of Atrosa Lorepost)

The Golden Hall of Memories (Shards of Atrosa Lorepost)
Jean had left the Maid café in a dissociative depression, seemingly brought on by a painful memory. one moment she was laughing with her friends, experimenting with new types of runic scripts for enchanting, and the next she had just left with naught but an unenthusiastic "cya". She said she was going back to her lab to do some thinking.
The doors to Jean's lab lay open, and a secret passage behind a bookcase leading down into some hidden facilities of Zeroth was left ajar as well. It wasn't like her to leave things out of order like this, especially not something as important as making sure her facilities were secured. Deeper into the facility, the tunnels would begin to change from the usual industrial and purely functional look of most of Zeroths systems to something a bit cleaner, more refined, sometimes even somewhat aesthetic. Eventually, it would come to a doorway, lined with Gold and Lazurite, with a plaque at the top of it in a forgotten language from long before this universe existed, that translates itself in ones mind upon reading it: Hall of Golden Memories.
Inside, Jean could be seen on the floor, crying her eyes out, holding on to herself to keep from falling apart. the walls of this room are lined with hundreds of golden plates, each one engraved with thousands of names glowing a soft blue light, with probably millions of names total in this room. at the far end is a computer with a psychic interface, the purpose of which only Jean knows.
This is the place where she holds the memories of all the friends she has, and all those that she has lost. one plaque in here has several names, those of her current friends in the crimson paragons, illuminated in a warm yellow color instead of the soft blue of the millions of others.
/uw this takes place on Zeroth, and thus is not meant to be interacted with in character unless you are one of the peoplethat can access Zeroth.
submitted by Tyo_Atrosa to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:41 Squishydemon94 My dog saved my life

She didn't run into a burning building, she didn't dive into a river or jump in front of a train; she was just being her perfect self.
About a year ago, the depression and anxiety I've struggled with for years flared up and became worse than I could have imagined. It scared me, and I naively thought I could pull through it by myself. I was wrong.
That day, I learn that your brain wants to protect itself. It wants to protect itself so much that it will sacrifice anything, including it's own body to escape stress. I was far more than stressed, I felt hopeless like nothing I'd ever felt before. I just wanted it to stop.
I was driving down country roads after dropping some things off to my parents' new house. I wasn't even a mile away, going 57 miles per hour on a two lane street. I noticed some trees off the side of the road and they were many decades old. They could certainly cause a lot of damage if I were to just drive into them i thought. Especially if I sped up a bit.
I thought about how it could just end. It could just stop. Every bad thought, all the negative self image, no more stress. All I had to do was turn the steering wheel slightly.
I could picture it: the metal and plastic of my wonderful car would make a ruckus as they crushed and bent. The families enjoying their dinners in near by homes would come running out before phoning an ambulance, but if I did it just right, it wouldn't matter. I would be gone, everything would stop, and I would hurt no more.
But then I stopped and I could clear visualize a small broken mass in the wreckage; my dog who was happily looking out the window and smelling all the wonderful scents the world had to offer. She had her head out the window, the wind billowing in her fur. She would die too.
14 years old and 16 pounds. She would have the same fate I wanted, and she looked so happy with sparkling eyes behind graying fur. I couldn't bear to see her bloody and broken despite how much I wanted to be, and go to the grave knowing my selfishness would be the reason for her demise.
All this flew through my head in only a few seconds as I sharply corrected my course from where I was veering. I drove home stiff and numb, and when I finally put that car in park, I just held my precious puppy and cried.
After a few more months of those dark thoughts, I reached out for help. I am medicated now and in therapy and doing much better than I have in over 7 years. My dog is still alive, but is suffering from dementia and is worsening. She was my 6th birthday present and I hardly remember a time without her. I don't know how I'm gonna go on without her when the time comes. After all, she saved my life. And she'll never know it. I just hope I've given her a good enough life, because the gift she gave me, a second chance, is as priceless as she is.
submitted by Squishydemon94 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:40 breadd0 I'm scared my cat is going to die soon

I don't come to reddit often and I'm probably going to delete this later but if anyone has some advice on hope to cope I would really appreciate it.
My cat is 17 and recently his health seems to have been declining out of nowhere. He's eating less, drinking less, constantly cleaning himself to where he's wet after, responding/walking slowly, and a few hours ago, he was meowing super loudly. At first I thought this was him about to throw up because that's a regular thing he does before throwing up, but he didn't and was wobbling a bit when walking. He's been laying only on the floor (during the day he does jump up onto the beds and couch and was sleeping perfectly fine on my bed earlier today, purring and everything) and hiding under beds. Not purring either and his nose is dry. He seemed so happy and peaceful earlier in the day I don't know what happened. I'm wondering if this is just temporary and he's going to be fine in the morning, or if one of these nights I'm going to go to bed and wake up with him not there.
My mom hasn't been helping either, she's constantly telling me how she thinks he's gonna pass soon and it's stressing me out even more. My last day of school is in 2 days and I'm graduating in a week, I know he's just a cat and doesn't care but I want him to be here when I graduate. Though I fear that's not gonna happen. I just feel like a mess. I love him so unbelievably much, words alone aren't enough to express how much he means to me, and I hope he knows that. I already lost one cat a few years ago and that was probably the most painful experience I've ever been through. I've healed but I don't wanna go through it again, even though I know I will.
I wasn't mentally prepared the first time because one moment I was happily sitting in my room, and the next my parents called me into the living room with the worst news ever. I want to know if there's anything I can do for myself to calm down and for my cat so he isn't hurting physically or emotionally either. Sorry I'm just rambling at this point, my heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest. I love him so much.
submitted by breadd0 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:39 Far-Earth919 AITAH for not talking/meeting my biological mother.

Hello OKOP empire. Thank you for taking time to read this. it will be long but on to my story.
So I'm going to give background of the beginning of my life. It was my determining factor of why I didn't want anything to do with her. Names I use are not their real names.
When I was conceived my Bio mom (we'll call her Sally (17F) ) already had a little girl my bio half sis (call her Chrissy (1F) ) Chrissy would go to our babysitters house ( call her Jenny (34F) ) while Sally went to school. When bio Grandma (Call her Karen, don't know how old she was at that time) found out Sally was Pregnant with me, She was furious, According to my Bio Aunt (Deny (14F) ) Karen almost killed us. Deny said she had to step in and stop Karen from hitting Sally even more after she threw her down the stairs. After her rage subsided she took Sally and Chrissy to an apartment and said you want to be sleuthing around your old enough to live on your own. Sally kept trying to go to school as she dropped off Chrissy at Jenny's, then would go to a job and try to make things work.
Time goes on and I am born, I then started going to Jenny's as well sometimes spending the night with Chrissy as well at times.
Now Jenny was Babysitting in the day, EMT at night and did foster care with her husband Lee (38M). his job was teaching Spanish. Super hero's in my eyes FR.
After that month Jenny said she had not seen me and Chrissy for about 2 weeks. She got a call from social services asking her to go to Sally's apartment to check on her and the children. Jenny wasted no time at all grabbed her bag as her son (Josh (10M) ) asked to go with she said sure.
Jenny went up too the apartment door and knocked, with no answer but as they stood outside she could hear kids crying inside but still no one came to answer the door. She went and got the manager of the apartment complex and asked him to open Sally's door. But she had to call the cops and paramedics to come out before he could open the door. they had to stay outside for about 20 Mins for the emergency services to show. They finally get the door open and see Sally on the couch unresponsive. Jenny went to the bedroom door as one of the police officers had to break it down due to it being locked. I was only around 2 months old and Chrissy at this point was almost two years old and didn't know how to open doors at that time. So Josh went in with Jenny, seeing Chrissy trying to feed me a bottle that was filled with curdled milk. Josh looked at Jenny and said mom she looks dead referencing me. They rushed us to the hospital and found that Sally was alcohol poisoned and I was very dehydrated, underweight, eyes sunken into my sockets. Doctor told Jenny if i were not able to gain weight in 3 days i would be in ICU for failure to thrive ( basically all organs start to shut down and would basically be dying). Chrissy and I were put into Jenny's foster home that night. Jenny took us home and feed me close to 8-8oz bottles. she said it was the most amazing thing as i ate my skin turned back to a pinkish color my eyes came out and my body started filling out, never throwing up a drop.
Time goes on and we were put into the fosteadopt program. Karen wanted Chrissy but did not want me. She ended up taking Chrissy without finalizing papers with the court, taking off to another state.
I was a little over 2 yrs old when Jenny and Lee official adopted me. Now she was my mom and he my dad giving me 5 brothers and 1 sister. Big family I know
I was 6 yrs old when we had ready a weekly reader on adoption in school. A lot of what they were saying in it with how adoptees feel is exactly how I felt, also as my family would be talking about who got what from which parent. I asked who's eyes did I have and my mom would answer you have your mothers eyes. I got very confused about that then we read that weekly reader. So many questions had swirled in my mind. One day as my mom and I are walking into a Wal-Mart crossing the front where the cross walk is as I'm holding her hand, I asked her mom am I adopted? She looked at me with a pause and said well yeah you are in a more concerned voice then any other emotion. I didn't ask anymore questions for a few days, but one night I walked into my parents room and asked why did my family give me up and all my mom said was god meant for us to have you. I then asked if i had any sisters or brothers and she told me about Chrissy. Being so little I couldn't really deal with the thought of someone just threw me away and felt like I did something wrong and that's why my bio family didn't want me.
As I get older with a year or two in between i would keep going to my mom asking more questions. Now you remember my parents also did foster care as well and I would hear and comprehend at around 12 of the children coming to my home for things and they would tell me of there horrifying story of how they ended up in the system. A lot of them were horrible stories and I couldn't understand how a parent do something as bad as they did to their own children.
When I was Fourteen I went to my mom where my brother Josh was talking with her about something and said ok mom I am old enough to know what exactly what happened to me cause I deserve to know my story. I saw my brother and her share this look of like hey its time she should know kinda face. She then proceeded to tell me the whole story minus what i wrote about Karen and Sally bit cause she did not know about that. Deny is the one that filled me in about that. Deny was the one to call in with concerns about us that day my life was saved, to social services.
I spent many days with free time in computer class looking so hard for my half sister after that but since it was still so new at that point I could not find much out about anyone.
More time goes on and I was around 26 yrs old and I do a little google search looking for Sally sue to her being the only way i could possibly find my half sister. I had found a birth certificate that I had a very strong feeling that it was Sally's, A couple months go bye with no other hits and one day i see i have two message requests on FB one from Deny which she began by giving info about me where we lived and just personal info that no one else would of known except for the ones involved. i had another from Chrissy who was saying basically the same thing. I went numb. from the top of my head to the tip of my toes i felt like electricity was vibrating my body. I asked my husband what he thought he said its up to you love what ever you want to do i'm hear for you. so i begin to type and we had gotten to know each other. i went to their state and met them also met Karen. didn't really care for that but was told Sally was telling Chrissy and Deny to find me that was top priority to her for some odd reason. but anyway they asked if i would want to meet her, i answered im not sure im up for that yet.
I get back home after a 2 week visit and I was being asked many times to meet or at least talk with Sally. I finally said no i'd rather not cause i already have a wonderful loving mother and i rather not go down that road with Sally cause i couldn't get over her just leaving. Jenny gave permission for Sally to visit or send me letters as i grew as much as she wanted but she never sent anything or called. my adoption was an open/closed adoption. meaning Sally could contact me anytime and visit me where it was closed for the Bio father who was never in the picture. But Chrissy/Deny and I had a huge fight about it and are no longer in contact. its better cause it was a very toxic family and id rather leave the toxins out of my life.
So guys was I the AH for not wanting to meet/talk to Sally???

submitted by Far-Earth919 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 ButteredPickle Joker Idea: The Inverter

Effect: Inverse the effect of surrounding jokers (immediate left and right)
Below is a list of how this joker would effect other jokers. I have bolded the changes to each effect to make it easier to see what is different.
I have italicized the effects that are only negative effects, I am not sure these effects should be included as a way to make this joker have downsides or not. On one hand its a cool idea because you need to manage the placement of this joker, but on the other hand this may be a very shallow complication to the gameplay of this joker and may not even be worthwhile. I would love to hear your opinions on this.
Also if there are (???) next to the effect I am unsure if this should be the inverted effect or not. The food items in particular I am unsure if they should get better over time instead of getting worse over time (and maybe if they do get better over time they should start as debuffs aka negative modifiers).
I will update this list with your ideas if they seem more cohesive or well thought out.
Also if anyone is interested in helping me turn this into a mod, please reach out. This idea is probably not going to leave my head until it gets implemented in some fashion. I have experience with coding and game development, but have never used love2d or looked into modding balatro)
Compatible Jokers (and new effect):
Thank you for your time lol
submitted by ButteredPickle to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 CooperHChurch427 Can't get a fucking every level job!!! Wtf!

I have my Bachelor of Science in Health Service Administration. I've applied to over 100 jobs, according to a professional recruiter my cover letters look good and so does my resume. So far not a single interview. One job is working front desk at a dentist and they rejected my application instantly. I'm the perfect candidate for the position, I have front desk experience, I was a assistant manager, have a 4.0 GPA, I'm part of the ACHE , HSASA, and part of Upsilon Phi Delta.
Yet no bites. I'm honestly wondering why they say a HSA degree is useful. In my area to get a entry level job you need a nursing degree on top of it. I couldn't get into nursing due to how competitive the area is, and I broke my neck in highschool, so I live with chronic pain.
What do I do? I have my Workforce Scientific prep certification, my BLS certificate and am getting my license to be a sleep study tech.
I can't work a regular job in the service world because I can't lift shit, nor hear for crap. I'm disabled, but not enough to get disability, and I live in the hell hole that is Florida, so I'll be in the coverage gap going into 2027.
submitted by CooperHChurch427 to healthcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 Twerpp2006 Loneliness

I feel so alone.
Sure, I’m surrounded by friends that make me laugh
And truly appreciate my company.
It’s not that kind of loneliness.
It’s the kind of loneliness that leaves me awake at night
Sitting in a dark corner, yearning for someone to hold me
As I shiver there, crying and afraid, I need another
To kiss me on the head
Wrap a blanket around me
And hold me against them as my world falls apart
I need to have my hands interlaced with them
Staring longingly into their eyes as we share sentiments
That kind of love.
But instead, I sit and write my thoughts on a page
Hoping that the dull radiance of my words
Is enough to keep me going until then.
Comment 1 Comment 2
submitted by Twerpp2006 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]