Cuban party decor table

23 m I am self made millionaire but I have no one to share my success with

2024.05.15 00:48 punjabigamer169 23 m I am self made millionaire but I have no one to share my success with

I have reached my financial goals and have achieved the milestone of becoming a millionaire. I have made most of the money through my business selling home decor products and textiles on Amazon and eBay which were sourced from china in bulk. I have diversified my wealth into crypto, real estate and stocks.
I don't know what's the next step going forward, I have achieved financial success at a very young age when most of my friends are now graduating from universities and are looking for jobs in their fields. On the other hand I spent my teenage years working on my goals whilst everyone else wasted their precious years partying.
I don't have a lot of hobbies aside working but I promise I'm not a boring person. You may learn a thing or two from my experience.
I am originally Pakistani and can fluently speak Urdu and Punjabi.
submitted by punjabigamer169 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Temporary-Driver-772 Devil's Bargain Counter

Reflecting on 2021, truly marked the zenith of my young career. The pandemic was coming to an end, I was fresh from the hallowed halls of a prestigious but unheralded college, thrust into the corporate labyrinth where, as a mere sidekick to the big shots, I contributed to a deal of record-breaking magnitude. My modest corporate minion life was exaggerated into legend by my professors during an alumni reunion, leading to a rather embarrassing episode where I was paraded around as the poster child of their education career’s success. My parents, not ones to shy away from a bit of pomp, lauded my achievements to anyone within earshot.
But as 2022 unfurled its chaos with the epidemic, my professional life spiralled downwards as swiftly as it had risen. I was laid off, and replaced by a nepotistic hire—my boss's new mistress's nephew. During my dismal final days, my colleagues, once comrades became corporate sharks, whispers of them scheming to claim my last efforts as their own filled the empty office spaces.
Compelled by financial duress to abandon my central city dwelling, I relocated to the outskirts with two college mates, Jaz and Kath, who had similarly found themselves victims of the economic downturn. We settled into apartment 606, a unit with dubious charm, suspiciously affordable on the 13th floor of a dreary building, its corridor haunted by a flickering sensor light that was only designed to function on rare occasions. Yet, the apartment itself was surprisingly very well furnished, almost like something that jumped out from a design mag, out beating sample rooms in Ikea, boasting a spacious balcony, a living room ready for an impromptu soirée, a dining table that’s good enough to hold a banquet(became our co-working space) and a kitchen isle that became our sanctuary and curse.
When we first settled into our new abode, we discovered a trove of fine kitchen utensils, perfect for whipping up sophisticated cuisine and crafting cocktails worthy of a swanky soirée. Tucked away in the fridge, among the remnants of the previous tenants' life, was a quaint note: “The three of us really enjoyed our stay here, especially our meals and nights spent by the kitchen island. We hope you find as much joy in it as we did. Use it well.” With a casual flick of my wrist, I dismissed the note into the garbage can, oblivious to the depth of its seemingly innocuous message. Little did I know, that piece of paper was more a passing of the torch than a simple goodbye.
Our initial days in apartment 606 brimmed with camaraderie and impromptu celebrations: movie nights sprawled on the living room sofas, barbeque dinners under the stars on our balcony, and co-working sessions at the dining table, peppered with resume tweaks and contemplative conversations over cocktails. We even scored a second-hand karaoke machine, allowing me to channel my inner diva—a throwback to my musical theatre days in college and my stint as the voice of corporate presentations and negotiations at my previous job, where I was known for my resonant yet finely tuned voice.
Yet, as the months wore on and the job market remained unyielding, our early merriment slowly surrendered to a creeping anxiety. The kitchen island, once the heart of our home where laughter and shared meals flowed freely, gradually morphed into the epicenter of our collective unease, bearing silent witness to the quiet desperation settling over us.
One evening, in the suspiciously affordable yet stylish apartment, I sank into the sofa, my spirits dampened by my favorite team's disheartening loss. The mood was grim, mirroring my fears of my beloved player's potential retirement at season's end. Later, as we congregated around the kitchen island for dinner, I transformed into an impromptu sports commentator, passionately preaching about the game’s disappointing details that led to failure and my favorite player’s fine qualities. Meanwhile, Jaz updated us on a friend's melodramatic breakup, with guesses that something ugly must have happened behind the scenes. Kath, ever the culinary enthusiast, not only served up her delicious pasta but also dished out the latest celebrity gossip, each tidbit as spicy as her sauce.
The next day, during a late breakfast at the same kitchen island—our unwitting oracle—we were hit by a triple whammy of reality checks. The news of my favorite player's retirement broke, echoing my gloomy predictions from the night before. Jaz chimed in with an update that our friend had uncovered a cheating scandal worthy of its own reality TV special. And Kath, never one to be left out of the drama: her favorite celebrity was now the star of a scandal.
By the third morning, as we sipped our coffee, the newspaper slapped me with another bizarre twist. I was going through the devastating economics and politics sections, then I saw the sports section——featured an irate coach, hell-bent on convincing my favorite player to dismiss retirement plans and keep his jersey on a little longer. Meanwhile, Jaz had good news for a change: it turned out our friend's love story might have a second act after all, as misunderstandings were being cleared up. Amidst these revelations, Kath, who had been grumbling about the nearby supermarket’s inability to stock anything remotely gourmet, and hadn’t had a taste of her favorite Blue Mountain coffee since the beginning of that year, triumphantly found a can of Blue Mountain coffee, and it was on sale and therefore affordable—proof that miracles happen, and sometimes they even go on discount.
As I sat there, absorbing the serendipity of our discussions manifesting into real-world events, I couldn't help but marvel at the mysterious knack of our kitchen island. Was it merely a coincidence, or had this stylish piece of decor become the unlikely conductor of our lives symphony? One thing was certain: life in apartment 606 was never dull, and our kitchen island seemed to be more than just a place to eat—it was a place where, apparently, you could stir the pot of fate.
I decided to conduct a whimsical experiment with our now seemingly magical kitchen island. Clearing my throat theatrically, I declared, "I should be interviewed for a director position." To my sheer astonishment, the next day a headhunter rang me up, claiming I was the ideal candidate for a directorial role at a prestigious corporation in my field. Despite the other candidates possessing decades more experience which defeated me with no effort, and my own lingering self-doubt from months of unemployment, I sailed to the final interview round with the company's executives.
Upon returning to our apartment, I found Kath flaunting a chic dress from a designer brand brand she’d snagged on clearance—a little luxury courtesy of our wish-granting island. Inspired, I approached the island and cheekily requested, "Get us jobs. Something fun." Lo and behold, the following day was spent lounging and binge-watching Netflix, only to be interrupted by a call from a former bigwig at my old job. He was venturing into a more illustrious company and wanted me onboard. The informal chat that followed was a breeze, and just like that, I was back in the game with a fancier title and a fatter paycheck.
The subsequent week was a flurry of celebrations. Jaz secured a senior-level position, and Kath landed her dream job at an influencer management agency. Feeling triumphant, we decided to indulge in a night of fine dining—our first in months. That Friday evening when I went from office to restaurant, on a whim, stopped at a convenience store to grab snacks and cigarettes for our post-dinner revelry. Outside, I encountered a homeless person. After offering him a sandwich (which he traded for a cigarette instead), he took a drag, peered into my eyes, and ominously muttered, “Look, young lady, this isn’t my business, but be wary of what you wish for; everything comes with a price. Good luck and god bless you.”
His words barely registered until later that evening when a mishap occurred that seemed to underline his warning. As we enjoyed syphon coffee post-dinner, a barista accidentally tripped over Kath’s flowing dress. The resulting spill left her with first-degree burns, abruptly ending our night as we rushed to the emergency room. Though it was "just" a first-degree burn, the pain was significant enough to require several days off for Kath’s recovery. Amid the drama, I couldn't help but wonder about the cryptic caution from the man outside the store—had our fortunate streak come with a hidden cost?
We chalked up the coffee calamity to bad luck. The next month flowed smoothly: Kath's fingers healed, she returned to work, and I quickly found my groove at the new job. With all of us gainfully employed, our communal meals at the kitchen island became rare. My mornings were a whirlwind of grabbing breakfast and coffee on the go, followed by an hour's commute to a job that had me scarfing down instant noodles by nightfall, just in time for a quick shower.
As the busy season kicked in, my workload ballooned—not just from the seasonal uptick, but because I was hell-bent on proving my mettle. I quickly outshone most of my peers, and my employer, recognizing a budding overachiever, piled on major tasks, which I eagerly accepted. What started as the occasional hour of overtime soon devoured my weekends. Unpaid overtime, as the fine print in my contract gleefully noted, became my new norm. Driven by a mix of ambition and expectation, I had become the go-to young hotshot, the erstwhile record-breaker now expected to continually outdo myself.
Mentally, I was too swamped to entertain thoughts of anything beyond work, which, in a twisted way, felt like a break. Physically, however, the strain began to show. A bout of flu caught on a business trip escalated into a fever. Sick as I was, deadlines waited for no one, and I soldiered on medicated and miserable. By the time I made it home, my voice had abandoned me. Unable to utter a word the next morning, I resorted to emailing my manager about my sorry state.
That week, robbed of my voice, I mused that it was perhaps a well-deserved hiatus for my overworked vocal cords—a silent retreat if you will. But when my voice did return, it was as a raspy whisper, a shadow of its former crisp and melodious timbre. My doctor offered a grim prognosis: slight improvement might come, but the golden tones were gone for good—scarred by the relentless grind. Ah, the price of ambition—a scratchy throat as a permanent reminder of my corporate conquests.
It seemed I had unwittingly exchanged the clarity of my voice for the tumult of career success. In the midst of our domestic enchantment with the possibly mystical kitchen island, Kath unearthed the contact of a reputed psychic, hailed as the finest in the land. However, the consultation fee was nothing short of princely, and with Jaz vehemently dismissing anything that couldn't be explained by cold, hard science, she promptly opted out of splitting the bill. Kath and I, unwilling to drain our wallets on what could be mere phantasmagoria, reluctantly let the opportunity pass.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but notice a curious change in Jaz’s routine. She had ceased dining at the kitchen island, avoiding it as if it were cursed—or perhaps, in her view, simply out of style. The Saturday morning brought a particularly harsh twist: a murder of crows took to spiralling above our balcony, their cries as sharp as the plot of a Poe novel. We found ourselves drawn to the infamous kitchen island, lined up like the cast of a macabre play, silently praying for the birds to disperse. Kath, ever trying to restore some semblance of normalcy, offered up cups of Blue Mountain coffee. She absentmindedly inquired if I wanted cream or sugar in mine—a blunder that made me realize just how long it had been since our last coffee klatch at this very spot. My inner monologue couldn't resist a dark wish for the crows to scatter, perhaps too dark, for they began to dive bomb our balcony in a feathery kamikaze. The spectacle was enough to knock Jaz off her feet—literally—as her mug met its end on the floor. Kath, meanwhile, made a hasty retreat to worship the porcelain god, and I sat frozen, my brain offline, pondering the twisted power of our kitchen island's apparent wish-granting.
After the unnerving spectacle of crows turning our balcony into a scene straight out of a Hitchcock film, our first rational step—post-collective fainting, of course—was to summon cleaners to manage the feathery carnage. Then, still rattled but increasingly curious, we visited a psychic, who, contrary to the crystal-ball-gazer image, operated out of a posh boutique in a high-end mall and dressed more like she was headed to a fashion show than a séance. We laid bare our saga of the seemingly cursed kitchen island, complete with photographic evidence of where domestic bliss meets eerie phenomena.
The psychic introduced a term that chilled the air around us: “limbo,” the threshold between our world and the otherworldly, and she dubbed our kitchen island the "Devil’s Bargain Counter." According to her, our wishes came with a heavy and unpredictable price, because we have accidentally started trades with beings from the netherworld. Her advice was disarmingly simple: cease all trades on the island. To address the repercussions of past wishes, she advised us the first line of defence, which was an eclectic mix of offerings laid out on our cursed countertop: raw meat(rooster works the best), a cocktail of spices(coca and cinnamon preferably), liberal splashes of spirits(whiskey and rum ideally), and an eerie bouquet of black flowers(luckily I found some black roses at a flower shop of the mall). In a grander gesture of appeasement, Kath relinquished her shiny new diamond bracelet, Jaz her absurdly expensive headphones, and I parted with cash—— a hefty slice of my bonus in hopes of placating whatever capricious spirits we'd angered.
Our return to normalcy was brief but sweet, prompting us to plan a getaway, eager to forget about our nefarious kitchen island. Yet, the respite was merely a tease. Jaz, in a stroke of spectacular misfortune, narrowly dodged disaster twice in one day—first nearly becoming subway track fodder on her way back after work, and then almost getting knocked out by a rogue plant at our apartment building’s doorstep. Clearly, our previous offerings were mere appetizers to whatever forces we'd stirred. The psychic, summoned once again to our now-dubious sanctuary, decreed that the spirits had developed rather expensive tastes, unsatisfied by our initial gestures.
In a desperate bid for closure, we had the psychic over for a nighttime ritual, timed perfectly with Earth's closest approach to the netherworld, according to her. Our living room turned into a ritual chamber, with windows blacked out for days, to keep the otherworldly dealings strictly nocturnal. That night, we arranged ourselves around the island, now less a kitchen fixture and more an altar of last resort.
The psychic, amidst a chorus of Latin incantations, directed us through a chilling séance that included a mirror that reflected nothing but darkness and a burning black candle, the three of us sat in a row, joined hands, eyes closed. When the black candle was flickering at its last, the first eerie scratches heard prompted our eyes to open prematurely, we saw a command appear on the island, written by invisible hand and pen, in blood-red script, urging us to find the next "succeeder" before our lease on otherworldly disturbances could be terminated.
With bated breath, we agreed, and as if by magic, our signatures materialized on the countertop, then faded as the candle sputtered out. We tore off the black cardboard taped on the windows at dawn, the sunrise revealed a final message etched into the surface: "Debt cleared." As the daylight grew, the ominous inscription dissolved into nothingness, signalling the end of our spectral saga.
The ordeal, now officially behind us, left us enjoying a semblance of normalcy: life in 606 returned to its mundane rhythm, with dinners and movie nights back on our social calendar. Though not without its scars—literal and figurative.
It’s been two years since then, Jaz, in the throes of romantic bliss, is now gearing up for a new chapter waiting to be written alongside her soon-to-be spouse; Kath, her career finally taking a lucrative turn, was poised to upgrade her living situation, she secured a lease on a lavish serviced apartment in the city center—a place that matched her newfound financial swagger.
I’m not without my own leaps forward. With a modest boost from my parents, I took the plunge into homeownership, snagging a property within the city’s vibrant confines. The process was a whirlwind of paperwork and decorating decisions, culminating in a space I could truly call my own.
As we are packing up now, my last act is to type out our story, at the infamous island, and of course, I left a note in the fridge for the next tenants:
"Welcome to 606. We had a wonderful time here, especially at the kitchen island, filled with joy and unforgettable moments. We hope you find as much happiness as we did. Use the isle well. Warm wishes, the previous tenants."
submitted by Temporary-Driver-772 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:12 United-Tonight-6925 Vultures 1 Is A Masterpiece And I’m Tired Of Acting Like It’s Not

This album does not “ruin” “lessen” or “de-elevate” Ye’s discography, it only makes it better, and people who truly think the album is mid - bad are lying to themselves to make other people like them. The album holds a crisp 52 min runtime and it holds your attention throughout it all. Every song is dynamic in a way that makes each song sound like it could only come from a project of this magnitude.
Starting with the first track; Stars brings you into this masterful narrative told my Ye & Ty Dolla $ign. As the drums kick in and the choir sings in the background, Ye raps about his life like he never has. Keys To My Life has one of my favorite low key beats of Ye’s latter catalog with India Love singing a very melodic outro. Paid is one of the most fun and replayable Ye songs ever with a very danceable beat and an amazing ending. Talking is Ye’s first song with his daughter, North West, as they have fun together, showcasing their chemistry as father & daughter. The beat switch and second half is also really enjoyable, and when accompanied with the music video, you can feel holy vibes that feel magical. Back To Me is one of the best off the album, with a stellar Ty verse, a very funny Ye verse that makes me laugh all the time, and a legendary Freddie Gibbs verse. The beat is also super smooth and relaxing. Hoodrat, while being hated by smooth-brained individuals, has some of Ye’s best singing ever, the lyrics come over many fans heads but the top 0.5% usually enjoy the track like they should. Similar to Paid, Do It is a party banger with a great verses from everyone including Nipsey and YG who make an appearance on the song. The beat switch is also welcome as the second beat is one of the best beats of the album. Paperwork sounds like it could come from Yeezus, from the experimental Instrumental, to the impressive and iconic chorus, paperwork brings a lot to the table. Burn brings back Late Registration Ye with a soulful sample, a relatable and iconic verse, and an overall amazing vibe. Fuk Sumn, has one of the most recognizable beats of the Vultures era with an amazing Carti verse, and revolutionary bridge towards Ye’s verse. Ty does his thing with his gifted voice and Travis proves why he is one of the great in the game right now. Vultures has a melodic beat with the greatest verse of Vultures 1, performed by Bump J. This is one of the greatest singles Ye has ever released as it perfectly sets the tone for what the Vultures era is. Carnival brings back Off The Grid Ye with an imaginative hype song that features Rich The Kid & Playboi Carti who both have some of the greatest verses of their careers. Beg Forgiveness shows Ye’s vulnerability about his family and when the beg forgiveness chant start, one of the greatest moments of Ye’s career starts. Ty sings his greatest verse ever and you will be changed after a first listen. Good (Don’t Die) shows that Ye can still make a song that sounds like someit off 808s & Heartbreak with the same quality. Problematic is Ye at his best, immaculate production, absurd verses, and a great time. King is the final song, as Ye states he is still the king whilst being criticized at every turn. The final verse & flow are very great and the beat is a hard hitting banger.
For The Reasons I Have Mentioned, I believe Vultures 1 is an amazing album and you’re objectively wrong if you don’t like or think it’s bad. I hope to destroy all arguments against Vultures 1. Deuces ✌️
submitted by United-Tonight-6925 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:01 ji-gm I came up with a way to announce my next campaign I’m super proud of!

So my big campaign is winding down (it’s been ongoing for about 3 years!), and last session I gave the party an urn. It is 3 feet tall, with a 1 foot diameter opening and is completely indestructible. Things that fit through the opening can be placed into the urn, but nothing can be taken out. Within the urn is a primordial universe. Basically, it is a Minecraft flat world floating in total darkness and pumped full of wild magic. Each day in the campaign world is a relative 10000 years in the universe within the urn. Every three days each PC can choose to place a single thing into the urn which the wild magic will incorporate into the universe. Additionally, once per week the four children NPCs that the party has adopted will roll on a table of 500 things I made to sneak 4 random things into the universe until the campaign ends. This universe in an Urn will be the setting of the next campaign. I’m SO stoked 🤣 I wonder those of you who play with or DM for a regular group, how did you announce a new campaign at the end of an old one?
submitted by ji-gm to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:50 plusoneissues AITA for leaving a wedding early?

I (25F) and my partner Alex (24M) went to his brother Luke’s (30M) wedding this past weekend, and I left early which has caused a lot of drama with his family.
I have been dating Alex for 3 years and we’ve been living together for 2. I think I’m pretty close with his family; I go to every holiday, we visit his parents very often, his mum often takes me out for lunch & we run errands together, I talk to Luke & their sister both almost every day, we house/dog sit for Luke & Tanya (30F, Luke’s now wife) often, etc. I talk to Tanya all the time, we go out for coffee dates, etc. We were pretty close, I think!
Anyway, the wedding. I’m Alex’s plus one, he’s a groomsman. I am not invited to the ceremony, but that’s alright, I figure there’s limited space. I arrive to the reception and the plan was that I was sitting with Alex & Luke’s & also Tanya’s parents, since I know them both well. Change of plans last minute, I’m actually moved to a table in the corner with the DJ & whichever cooks & servers were taking their break at that time. I will admit I was hurt and feeling anxious since the reception was huge & I wasn’t around anyone I knew (I am pretty socially anxious in crowds & with strangers), but I sucked it up & made small talk & was pleasant in general, because it’s not MY day.
After dinner, parents’ table was only about 3/4 full because some couldn’t make it, so they invite me over. I go to sit with them, but Tanya pulled me aside and said I can’t sit at the family table because photographers will be taking photos. Alex tries to come dance with me but Tanya tells him that he should stay at the wedding party table so that it isn’t empty for photos. Luke, the groom, eventually asks if I wanna dance with him since I’ve been sitting alone & he considers me his bonus little sister & he wants a dance with all of his family members at his wedding, but Tanya rushed in after about 30 seconds of dancing and pulled him away for something important.
I was getting the hint at this point, it was pretty clear I wasn’t very welcome here, but I still don’t know why. I caught Alex quick to say I wasn’t feeling well and I’d see him at home, I made my goodbyes, congratulated Luke and Tanya for their wedding, and ducked out.
Well… Alex is pissed at Tanya, because I told him everything after a cooling down period. Tanya is pissed at me for leaving early. Parents seem to be mad at me for “refusing to socialize;” I haven’t told them anything. Luke apologized to me but is otherwise staying out of it. The whole family is kind of in a fight now, I feel like it’s my fault because I left early, but I don’t even know how anyone noticed with how many people were there, I honestly figured I wouldn’t be missed.
I was just honestly really uncomfortable and really didn’t want to be there anymore, but I guess it was a wedding and maybe I should have just sucked it up. AITA?
submitted by plusoneissues to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:41 charlestonmale1 What are some other things to do in Charleston SC?

Here is a short list:
Boat Charter Theme party - hire a decorator Isle of Palms Folly Beach Rainbow Row take photos Eat at Rooptop Uptown Social (Best Bar in Town) Carriage Tour King Street walk at night Friday-Saturday Hire Michael at your place Male Stripper Market Marion Square every Saturday Morning Hire a Chef Book a party Bus
Just a few ideas for you and your Charleston Bachelorette Party to work with.
submitted by charlestonmale1 to charlestonhenparty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:32 excelnoooob Epoxy over Uneven Surfaces

Epoxy over Uneven Surfaces
Hello Reddit!
I'm working on a custom 8x4 table for my wedding and could use some advice. I plan to decorate the sides with bottle caps and leave about 2 feet of space in the middle open for guests to sign during the wedding. After the event, I want to seal the entire tabletop with epoxy.
Here's my challenge: the middle section, where the signatures will be, will be lower than the sides lined with bottle caps. I'm concerned about how to ensure the epoxy application is even and looks good without the middle part looking sunken compared to the sides.
Has anyone done a similar project? I'm looking for tips on creating a level surface across the different heights, and any other advice you might have for handling this type of project. I'm attaching a photo for reference.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by excelnoooob to epoxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 bvanevery digital tabletop gaming

digital tabletop gaming
Because I have some time on my hands lol, I went looking for board game venues in Asheville NC. There are a variety of foci and business models to them. I came across a photo, which I will leave unattributed, that reminds me of an old idea.

something clunky this way comes
I'm not sure what this giant wooden box they're all sitting around is? Is it static? Is it reconfigurable? Does it have blinkin' doo dads in it? Does it attach to other digital devices in some way? Yes I could ask at the game store I saw the photo, but they're closed today and that would be too easy.
I mean it looks like they drink coffee off of it. Maybe it just holds all their junk, like miniatures and dice and stuff? If so, I would call that a complete waste of space, but maybe others differ.
The old idea, is of an interactive tablet the size of a table, that can be moved around from venue to venue, and people can interact with. I don't know how easy it is to homebrew / cobble together / stitch such a display. Frankly one of my last attempts at 3d graphics consulting in the early 2000s, I lost a gig about such display architectures. I suggested a software rendering approach in an era that was moving into shader language programming. Oh well.
There used to be papers about large scale "printable" paper-like displays, with entrepreneurial possibilities like putting the damn things on cereal boxes as ads. God I hope not. Don't know where that stuff ever went.
There have been various laser projection devices for use with VR, some that would go right into your retina. Others, perhaps you could scan on a table. That would make it some kind of fancy projector. Maybe in the vector graphics display category.
I once saw a US Civil War exhibit in a small museum somewhere, possibly in Kentucky, that did a laser projection onto a physical topographical map. The cost of the project was listed, I'm remembering something like $90k at the time. It was pretty cool with an overhead laser projector pointing downwards. Units with the usual sorts of X's and oval shapes would move around and you could see how the fighting went. I'm thinking the battlefield was Wildcat Mountain? Yeah, the Battle of Camp Wildcat and I wasn't wrong about the alternate name.
I thought I even remembered some commercial attempts to sell some kind of tabletop display. But it's been a long time, like at least a decade.
Meanwhile as I attempt to find players for some kind of "old school, complex, time intensive" board game, I'm finding scheduling to be a primary constraint among adults. Difficult to find people who can set aside 8 to 12 hours to play such games.
Tabletop displays also don't solve problems of limited information or fog of war. You could of course change the display for a single player's available knowledge, but then everyone else would have to look away and not peek. Tractable, but not ideal. One obvious solution is to have people jack in their own laptops, but then the question is, what's the common shared display for?
A tabletop display would make sense for a collaborative game. For instance, you're the party going through a dungeon. Or you're the bridge crew of a starship.

submitted by bvanevery to GamedesignLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:04 rebatwa2 Looking for a guest for upcoming Hearthstone podcast

Hello Everyone,
My name is Rebatwa2 for and I used to be a frequent streamer to twitch as well as with youtube doing a ton of Yugioh Duel Links content. Albeit my numbers were quite small, I still enjoyed streaming and the positives it can bring. I kind of got burnt out around covid, but I had another project in my back pocket that I wanted to bring to light. That project was called "Competitive Cards United".
CCU is meant to be a unifying grounds for all card games that have the ability to have a competitive background. From physical cards games like Yugioh, Vanguard, Pokemon to CCG's like Hearthstone, Shadowverse, and Artifact (ha) and even potentially spanning to those board game-esque card games like 7 wonders or the Villainous series. This has been a project I put on the backburner for a couple years as it was always something I wanted to create, but never really had the motivation to move forward.
The first step I put into motion is creating a podcast / talk show that I named "The Card Table". I have so far streamed and recorded 2 episodes for this podcast that dove deep into the competitive Yugioh Scene and the competitive Lorcana scene. Currently I am narrowing down the podcast card game topics to those games I am most familiar with which would be Yugioh, Hearthstone, and Lorcana. I am looking for a guest for my next episode the (or lack of) Hearthstone competitive scene where we could do a deep dive into a bunch of various topics. Since this is based off of the competitive scene, I would be looking for someone who has any top achievements (multiple legend ranking) or won some 3rd party tournaments.
I will say, I am not the most knowledgeable Hearthstone player. I hit legend for the first time last set playing Drilly Rogue after not playing since knights of the frozen throne. I played a lot of hearthstone during Standard up until The Grand Tournament. I then came back to compete in some smaller tournaments during mean streets. I will do the research I need to be able to talk the talk for the episode, so don't worry on that front. There may also be some talks regarding Battlegrounds as I do play a lot of that game mode.
The Topics that would be discussed on this episode would be the following:
If anyone would be interested in being my guest for this episode, swing me a DM. The only requirements other than having the top achievements would be using discord with a workable webcam and microphone. I can be pretty flexible for Mondays - Wednesday around 8-9pm EST.
submitted by rebatwa2 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:04 smcadam Undermountain Session Log 11- Floor 2, Dead Gaze

Tracking down the Xanathar Guild Outposts and the traitors of Halleth through Floor 2, this week the party had Goba, the Dwarven fighter barbarian, Archimedes, the Gnome artificer, Freyja, the half Elf paladin, and Nazar, the Goliath paladin.
Alongside them came Nanaz, Goba’s grouchy duergar uncle and manservant, and Halleth Garke, revenant adventurer currently dead in their portable hole.
Faced with an undead Beholder, the party at first found the Xanathar Guild Outpost to be quite tame. Archimedes shot it well with his magical gauntlets, but Nazar, Goba and Freyja have only basic ranged weapons. In turn, the two paladins protective auras prevented the vile magic from taking effect.
Up until doors slammed open, and a cohort of mobsters and orcs poured in, having heard the ruckus. The humans, led by a barbaric greataxe wielding woman, Nadia the Unbent, seemed to be in competition with garotter orcs led by a well armoured Boss Grox, with the orcs wearing symbols of an upside down tree.
Too little melee turned into too much melee very quickly. Goba heroically engaged in a barbarian duel with Nadia, Freyja battled an orc strangler, and Nazar unleashed a divine spiritual weapon upon the undead beholder. Who looked over them and unleashed a black bolt of energy directly at Archimedes. The gnome shook with deadly energy, quaking him to the very core, and was unsettled to realise he had almost been disintegrated.
It was a very close battle, swung by Goba slaying Nadia and the paladins slaying the orcs. They intimidated the human mobsters into standing down, while the Beholder was finally smited by Freyja, and Boss Grox retreated, ranting of traitorous Guildmen.
Said treacherous Xanathar Guild men immediately legged it into the tunnels- the orc had another squad of orc mercs exploring nearby, and they didn’t fancy sticking around to face them all. The party was beaten and battered already so they hotfooted it back to the Goblin Bazaar, taking note of where the mobsters ran as another likely outpost.
After returning to the Rustbones Goblin Bazaar, they had the safe territory to rest up and heal up, reflecting on a wild day- on their first excursion through floor two, they’d allied with Queen Yenk, encountered Torbrand, slain the Stormskull, killed two targets of Halleth’s vengeance, defeated the Nothics, Demons, and Nadia the Unbent. Now quite bent.
Which is code for, boom, several of the party levelled up to level 7 quite early on in the floor, being Nazar and Goba who make sessions most regularly.
Over the night, Freyja dreamt of her father, an elven paladin named Jan. With him she had sworn before the shrine of Mielekee, Goddess of the Forest, to always be brave, strong, just. And she had seen him die, choked out on poison from a Green Dragon, Bullfang.
The dragon who lurks deeper down in the dungeon.
Come morning, with some encouragement from Queen Yenk, they ventured out once more.
They discovered Boss Grox along with another six orc mercenaries, eating breakfast with full packs back at the outpost. The orc debated if they wanted to attack him and die- or if they wanted to hire him. He and his crew were mercenaries, not truly loyal to Xanathar, up from the orcish tribe of the Hanging Tree that dwells on Floor Three.
The party elected to not fight or hire them, and poked around the rooms to find the orcs had thoroughly looted them, including of a magical dwarven hammer. But since the orcs are leaving and noone is loyal to Xanathar here, the outpost is wiped! Success! They also discovered another of Halastur’s Gateway portals here, marked with dwarven statues, grindstones, and a symbol for Floor Six.
Heading off to scout elsewhere, Halleth was revived and arose, delighted and furious that he had missed the chance to kill Rex the Hammer himself, so much so that he was bleeding from the eyes. He again croaked angrily that none had even attempted to give him funeral rites, and was hungry to search for his final target, Midna, somewhere nearby.
In the farthest north of the dungeon, they discovered a corridor trapped with dart shooters, and two Xanathar Guild Bugbear Guards. On Goba remembering a pass phrase from earlier, but saying it at the wrong time, they got a brief, stand off meeting with the outposts leader- a spider faced Drow named Shun.
Shun was impressed they’d taken down Nadia, a rival of his, and offered a simple challenge- they bring back a stone key from ratfolk stole from him, and he’ll put in a good word for them to join the guild. Otherwise, he’ll call on his men and start shooting them down a trapped corridor if they want to fight.
Another quest acquired? Maybe?
The party decided not to fight him for now, avoided some tunnels that stank of slime, and followed Halleth’s vengeance sense eastwards. There, beyond some grand old double doors, they found an oddly plush comfortable shrine with a fully laden feast table, bright magical fires illuminating the place, and a statue of Shar, Goddess of Night, Loss and Darkness.
Tending to the black-and-gold stonework was a woman clad in dark robes, smiling features and scarred flesh. Midna invited them to turn on Halleth, simply claiming that he was too troublesome to be kept alive. When they refused, Midna quietly elected to offer them to Shar, and the chamber plunged into darkness as long shadows sp
submitted by smcadam to DungeonoftheMadMage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 Trevorlahey1 Trip Report - 13 days Panama

I wanted to give back a bit after receiving some great information from folks on this sub before a (very short notice and sparsely planned) solo trip to Panama in late April/early May of 2024. I'm subtitling this post "I did a lot in Panama so you don't (necessarily) have to". Truth be told, I started the trip with 4 nights and one in-country flight booked and built the rest of my itinerary on the fly. I definitely could have used an extra week or so before the trip to do some itinerary planning, deeper research on where I chose to stay, etc. but I really enjoyed most of the trip and would absolutely recommend Panama as a solo trip destination.
Rough pre-departure itinerary:
I arrived in Panama City on time and took an Uber straight to Selina (cost $28). The Selina there is in a decent location, kind of on the edge of Casco Viejo but walkable to everything. I checked in and was told there was a welcome happy hour with a free drink and a free walking tour every day at 10. The 6-person dorm had a dedicated bathroom, but wasn't much for the price ($30/night) and I'm just now realizing I booked a 4-person dorm then was put in the wrong lodging... There is a bar and allegedly a pool on the roof of the property, but the pool was not open when I was there. The welcome drink was an underwhelming event, though I did meet a few cool people I ended up doing more with later. There really isn't much in the way of common space at Selina Casco Viejo and I found it to be overpriced, underwhelming, and not a great place to meet people. I ended up booking the canal tour ($60ish) with them (which was via the personal vehicle of the guide, a small sedan cramming 4 of us in plus the driver), but I did a different free walking tour after hearing poor reviews of the one provided by Selina. While Selina felt like a huge waste (would not recommend this location), I really liked Casco Viejo. The food was surprisingly good, especially ceviche at Marea and a nice stop for middle eastern at Estambul Casco . I also made a quick stop with some people from the hostel at La Fabrica which had a decent tap list and cool vibe and the Pedro Mandinga Rum bar (highly recommend) for some beers and a rum flight . I also, as a cigar smoker, made a stop at the official La Casa del Habano store where the staff was chill and the cigarum selection was good. I finished out my cigar and partook in a bit of happy hour across the street at Finca del Mar which had a decent outdoor area for a drink but the food was not recommended so I didn't try it.
I was up early to get to David on Sunday morning, so I figured I'd just grab food and coffee at the airport lounge (mistake). It turns out the Copa flight to David departs from the "domestic" gate, which is a standalone area on the ground floor of the airport. There are no amenities, just a single vending machine, and you get bussed to the plane. Do not go early for a David flight, security was very easy and I ended up waiting in the small seating area for way too long. The flight was fine, but don't expect to access a lounge or coffee shop after security.
I got to David pretty early and hadn't done my research on transit, but knew there was public bus service to Boquete. I was trying to figure out how to get to the bus terminal when a taxi offered to drive me all the way to Boquete for $40 which seemed like a decent deal so I went for it. Boquete is pretty small, a little mountain town with a relaxed vibe. I spent quite a bit of time at the brewery which, if you know craft beer pretty well, wasn't the best on beer quality but had good live music and a fun atmosphere . I worked from here a little bit too, definitely where I spent the most time. I got a delicious dinner at RetroGusto which was really reasonable and a good lunch at Donde Giselle which was a little more expensive, but also delicious . I did a coffee finca tour through Bambuda ($35) at Don Pepe. It was pretty cool, not a lot of walking but the guide was knowledgeable and we got to see the full operation in a small footprint. I bought one bag and was happy I did, they were 3 times the price in the airport on the way home. The Tres Cascadas (three waterfall) trail was a must, it does have a steep section that has ropes affixed to help but was otherwise a pretty straightforward trail. It did cost a few dollars to hike as it's on private property. I took a taxi there ($20) but took the bus back ($2.25). The bus comes by every 30-40 minutes and they generally wait a bit at the entrance to the trail from the road to see if people come down. We did end up picking up a whole bunch of kids leaving school, but it was pretty funny and we managed to fit everyone. I did do the Volcan Baru hike, which cost $18 for a taxi to the trailhead but was otherwise free. It is a grueling hike, it took a little over 5 hours for me to get to the top and I was not having fun. I was very lucky to encounter a couple who was dropped off at the same time at the trailhead and, while we did not hike together, we did take a few breaks together and it was nice to be within sight of their headlamps. It was COLD at the top and I was happy I had a light down jacket and a fleece. I did a good job of timing up my climb with the sunrise, only needing to wait at the top for maybe 30 minutes before the sun came up. You can go up in a jeep, and I was very lucky to beat the offroad vehicles up as they were very loud coming up the mountain. It did get pretty crowded at the top by the time all of the jeeps had emptied out and their clients climbed the last bit to the summit. The view was phenomenal, you can see both the Caribbean and the Pacific on a clear day and the sunrise was beautiful. It was a little annoying that the 6 of us who climbed it had to share with the 25 or so who rode up in cars, but worth it. One spot I wish I had visited, but it just didn't work out, was a wood fire pizza spot that came recommended by our coffee guide and by several travelers . I got lucky at the Bambuda Castle as I booked a 3 bed room but had it to myself. It had a nice restaurant and common space within the castle itself that was a good working space and had a fantastic view. The food was pretty good, with a few vegetarian options and smoothies. It's a pretty decent walk from the center of town, and about $4-5 taxi ride from the Boquete center. If I went again, I would probably look to stay somewhere in the center of town but I don't regret giving the Castle a shot.
I traveled out of Boquete to Bocas del Toro the same day I did the Baru hike, leaving via shuttle at 1 PM ($37) which I arranged through Bambuda. I ended up using a discount QR code at Bambuda Castle to book their Bocas town Hostel for three nights. The shuttle was fine, but it's a quick trip through winding mountain roads so be prepared if you get carsick. A big bonus, that I would recommend you ask about, was that this shuttle did not go all the way to Almirante, but instead stopped at Chiriqui Grande and proceeded via small boat (lancha) from there. The longer boat trip was fantastic, much better than the long/boring road which runs the rest of the way. I got stopped right off the boat in by several people trying to sell tours and got one person's number for a potential $35 Cayo Zapatilla tour but didn't commit, choosing to get to Bambuda Bocas Town first and settle in before making decisions. While I wish I had spent some more time at either red frog beach or another island, with only 3 nights and having booked late my options were limited. For Bocas Town, Bambuda was great. The front desk folks were pretty helpful and the restaurant was good for breakfast (the vegetarian burrito option is better than the sandwich). The hostel deck goes right out to the lagoon, and it's always busy with people hanging out in the sun or jumping into the lagoon. It was a great spot to do some work over coffee and, frankly, I wish I had spent more time here or at the Bambuda Lodge. I ended up doing the Caya Zapatilla tour (highly recommend, if only for the stop at Caya Zapatilla) for $35 with the operator I met right off the boat. This included pick up and drop off from Bambuda, and they had a cooler that I threw a few Balboas of my own in for the trip. We did stop mid-way for lunch which was not included and was a little expensive. This was the only actual tour I did during my time there, I spent my other full day just kind of hanging out and went to Starfish Beach (not as nice as Caya Zapatilla, but worth an afternoon) with a group from the hostel. I also did salsa night at Selina (fun, but a bad instructor) and karaoke at Aqua Lounge (get there in time to get a round of the happy hour special, the screen is behind the stage so not ideal for karaoke but it's easy to get on the list). I did not do Filthy Friday, I ended up departing Bocas that day but I would have been on the fence about it anyway. I guess it's a "when in Bocas" thing, so I probably would have gone for it. I really wish I had spent another night in Bocas, I regretted not having another day out there as soon as I left. It turned out to be the best place on my trip to meet people, it's definitely a general party vibe, and actually the best place to get work done of the hostels I stayed at. I did dinner at Pier 19 which was pretty nice, if not a little expensive and probably not a good solo traveler vibe . I did brunch one day away from Bambuda at Casa Papaya, their typical Panamanian breakfast and it was a great deal/meal . I did hear from some people that the bird island was a fun tour, and worth the day/cost. I did some bonus late night, unofficial stuff like swimming after midnight at Selina and an impromptu midnight trip out to see the bioluminescence and the stars with a random lancha taxi from the Selina dock. Not sure how I'd direct someone to arrange that, but say yes if it's an option.
I took off from Bocas via shuttle for the Lost and Found Hostel on Friday around noon ($20) which I arranged at the main lancha dock. This shuttle did not include a boat all the way to Chiriqui Grande, it was the short boat with the long road segment. A few people did get car sick during the first leg of the trip, the road is in pretty rough shape so lots of speeding up, slowing down, and swerving potholes. Lost and Found really caught my eye because of how much I enjoyed Secret Garden Cotopaxi in Ecuador. In the end, it didn't live up to that lofty expectation and I should not have squeezed it in. The allure is that it's isolated in the jungle, you have to walk about 15 minutes up the trail from the road to reach the hostel property. There are several buildings, with one primary common area with a few tables and hammocks. A big downside is that everything is outdoors, under cover of roofs but open still, which wasn't ideal in the evening during the season I went where it rained in the afternoons. There is a community kitchen if you bring your own food along, or there is an option to get breakfast/lunch/dinner from the hostel. I had a few meals there: the smoothie bowl was good, the lentil curry was a little on the salty side. The hiking is pretty cool and I ended up going up over the mountain to the big tree, the lookout, and the river. I didn't bring water, but definitely should have brought a liter along. In the end, with only about half a dozen other people staying there and 2/3 of the staff being pretty insular and not really socializing with the guests, it just wasn't a great addition to my trip. It might be a better option for a group or during a different season, but it provided a logistical challenge to make my flight back from David to Panama City and it wasn't really worth the risk of making it work, so I hired a car ($30) to take me to David and just ate the price of my second night at Lost and Found. It was beautiful, but it just wasn't on the same level as Secret Garden Cotopaxi which inspired me to give this a shot. I think, all in, my stop at Lost and Found cost me about $76.
The combination of having scheduled a flight on election day (oops) and the lack of help from lost and found staff meant that my best bet was a night in David. I used Hilton points to book a night at the Hampton and had myself a recovery night. I got a hot and ready pizza from the Little Caesar's next door and two Sam Adam's Boston Lagers from the bar. Fantastic recovery night, vey nice Hampton, and a pretty nice little breakfast. It refreshed me at a point where I was not really enjoying the trip and pushed me to go for one more stop rather than laying low in Panama City.
After my flight back to Panama City, I took the metro all the way to the Avenida Terminal (less than $1 total, it is very easy to purchase a card and load it at the station) to grab the bus to Valle de Anton. It was fairly easy to find the window to buy the bus ticket ($4.25). It's important to buy for El Valle and not just Anton, a town which is not where you want to end up. There was a confusing bit of business related to a transit card (not the same transit card as the metro. I couldn't seem to find a machine to buy one from, and eventually the guy at the turnstile took pity and just used his own to let me in. I paid him back, but it was very confusing that you needed to buy the ticket then a card with which to pay an additional 10 cents to get to the bus at Gate 53. I can't really offer advice other than you should try to figure out how to get this card, or if you can just pay with a dime, right when you buy your ticket. I let the bus (not a very big bus, somewhere between a van and a bus) driver know where I was headed on the way and they dropped me right at Bohdi in Valle de Anton. The whole trip is about 3 hours, with lots of local stops the whole way. Bohdi was a pretty cool spot, with a great yoga space with a guided lesson on a TV every morning. It has a kitchen if you want to cook for yourself and free coffee plus breakfast every day from 7:30-10:00. Both breakfasts were pancakes, but it was free and they were pretty good. There are some cool lounge spots out back, a few cafe tables out front, and a loft space as well. It was a decent, but not perfect spot, to do work if that's what you're looking for. The dorm does have 3 levels of beds, and they aren't all that comfy, but I'd recommend Bohdi. The first night I was in town I went to the Golden Frog Inn on a recommendation and it turned out to be a great spot to watch the sunset and have some pretty good (although a small) vegetarian tacos . One afternoon I chose to do the India Dormida hike, I left and walked all the way back to Bohdi, it was a few hours total. It's a quick climb up to the top and you can walk the whole ridge that forms the edge of the caldera. It was a beautiful view and you can really see the old crater rim formations from the top. It's clear up there, no trees and wide open, and the breeze was very refreshing. I ended up coming down about halfway across the ridge, starting from the north. I grabbed a vegetarian dinner at El Rincon Colombiano which I'd recommend and some guacamole and a beer at La Ranita which was pretty good . Overall, I really liked Valle de Anton and I'm happy I made it happen. It's a little drier and warmer than Boquete, with a lot less coffee influence, but I liked the vibe and wish I had done more hiking around the area.
For my last evening in Panama, I grabbed a room just to have a place to put bags and clean up before my flight at Hotel Caracas, a recommendation from someone I met in my first stop in Casco Viejo. I did not plan to work from here, nor did I spend a night, but for $35 it was a perfect spot to leave things as I went to knock out a few more items before my flight home. I popped into Tantalo for a quick bite to eat which I don't know if I'd recommend for food, but the view was good. I think I meant to go to CasaCasco, which was recommended for ceviche and sushi, but ended up in the wrong spot. I then went over to Element to get some cocktails . Element has an interesting vibe, kind of a steampunk theme to the décor. The two guys behind the bar, who I believe own it, were fantastic. They don't have a set menu but instead try to match a drink to what you're feeling at the time. I had a classic daquiri and an old fashioned, which both came with a little bit of a twist on the classic recipe. They also pulled down a few different spirits which we tasted together, overall I'd highly recommend a stop and it was especially fun as the only patron there. After two cocktails, I cleaned up and called an Uber and headed to the airport. Just a heads up, the Copa Club is pretty nice, has limited food, but tragically closes at 9 PM. I had a flight that left at nearly 11 PM, so this was a little disappointing.
Overall, I loved Panama. The people were friendly, even if the service in many places was pretty lackluster. It's more expensive than Colombia or Ecuador, but several people told me it's slightly cheaper than Costa Rica. It's a good stop if you're not sure about central or south America as it's extremely safe, if you use common sense, and it's not too hard to get around using shuttles/taxis/ubers if you don't want to brave public transit. It offers very good food options in Panama City, and it's easy to find a Hampton Inn/Hooters/McDonald's/Little Caesar's/Wendy's if you need a break from being adventurous. The Spanish isn't difficult, and most people speak at least some English. I would have dropped lost and found hostel from my itinerary if I planned it again, but did not regret any of the other stops. I do kind of wish I had focused on Bocas and Boquete, saving Valle de Anton and maybe San Blas together for a future trip, but I had already painted myself into a bit of a corner with my David-Panama flights by the time I realized this. I hope this helps someone as they plan their Panama trip, or helps them decide Panama is a worthwhile visit! Please do not make as many changes as I did, I absolutely did at least one to many stops and wish I had spent more time in Bocas and probably Valle de Anton. Anyway, feel free to ask questions in the comments and I'll try to address them as they come in!
Final Itinerary:
submitted by Trevorlahey1 to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 BeestMann Can we place individual items in our bases?

Asking here cuz idk how to word it for Google/Search lol but like... can I place random crap that I found (such as a beer bottle) anywhere in my base? or does it have to be in one of those decoration boxes etc. Like what if I wanted to place a bottle on a table. Can I do that? I'm on PS5 btw if that helps
submitted by BeestMann to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:50 MrEngineer404 [OC] [Table Tool] Feedback on My Non-Definitive General Rating System for Class / Party Composition (Ext. Description in Comments)

submitted by MrEngineer404 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:48 VashxShanks [JRPGs on Sale - Weekly Breakdown & Recommendations] For 15 May - 2024 - Playstation/Switch/Xbox/Steam (+Steam Deck)

Important Notes:

[~ PSN ~]

(On Mobile please Swipe left to see the prices and tags)

Game Price/Link Tags
Persona 4 Golden $11.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Modern Japan setting/Highschool life simulatoMystery/Monster collectoSocial link system/Great soundtrack
The Persona Collection (P3P/Persona 4/Persona 5) $49.49 $89.99 Turn-based/Modern Japan setting/Highschool life simulatoMystery/Monster collectoSocial link system/Great soundtrack
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth PS4 & PS5 $48.99 $69.99 Turn-based/Contemporary Hawaii setting/Yakuza life/Open World/Heavy on Drama and Comedy/Heavy on Mini-games/Class Changing Mechanics
Star Ocean The Second Story R $39.99 $49.99 Action/Sci-fi mixed with Fantasy setting/Choose 1 of 2 main characters/Expansive crafting system/Affection mechanic for Party members/Choices matteRemake of the original PS1 title
Tales of Arise PS4 & PS5 $14.79 $59.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Anime style/Revolution Story/anime trope heavy/Social links mechanic between party members
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition $9.99 $49.99 Tactical Turn-based/World War Militar setting/Tactical mixed with real-time elements/Sketch or "Canvas" art style/Build your Army with character customization/Mission based story progression/Army management
DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS $14.99 $49.99 Farming Simulator/Mini-games/Social Links system
Rainbow Moon $2.99 $14.99 Tactical Turn-based/Character customization/Fantasy setting/Dungeon Crawler
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters $19.99 $49.99 [PS4 version] Turn-based/Female Protagonist/Comedy/fan-service/Parody
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling $14.99 $24.99 Turn-based/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Adventure
Monster Sanctuary $4.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Monster CollectoMetroidvania/Pixel Graphics
Relayer $11.99 $59.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/Space travel/Piloted Mecha/Female Protagonist/Anime art style
Death end reQuest $7.99 $39.99 Turn-based/Female protagonist/Cyber World setting/Psychological HorroNudity
Death end re;Quest 2 $11.99 $49.99 Turn-based/Cyber world setting/Female Protagonist/Dark Fantasy/Gore/Fan-service
Shining Resonance Refrain $5.99 $29.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Dragon transformation/Musical theme/Anime visual style/Social link mechanic
Mary Skelter Finale $14.99 $49.99 Turn-based/First-Person View Dungeon CrawleDeep & Full party customization/Female Protagonist/Multiple Endings/HorroFan-service
Born of Bread $14.99 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT $14.99 $59.99 Action Fantasy/Semi-Open World (zones)/Anime story adaptation/Beautiful animations
South Park™: The Fractured but Whole™ $8.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Modern Day setting/Comedy/Mature/Dark HumoNudity/Fart Jokes

[~ Switch ~]

Game Price/Link Tags
Star Ocean The Second Story R $39.99 $49.99 Action/Sci-fi mixed with Fantasy setting/Choose 1 of 2 main characters/Expansive crafting system/Affection mechanic for Party members/Choices matteRemake of the original PS1 title
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style
Born of Bread $14.99 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe $6.99 $19.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Cooking battles/Female Protagonist/Side ScrolleBeat'em up/Hand-drawn
Fuga: Melodies of Steel $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading
Front Mission 1st: Remake $17.49 $34.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/War & Politics/Mecha/Customization
FRONT MISSION 2: Remake $27.99 $34.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/War & Politics/Mecha/Customization
Dusk Diver $8.74 $34.99 Action/Modern Taipei Ximending setting/Female Protagonist/Beat'em up/Anime visual style
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Infinite Guitars $11.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Sci-fi setting/Rock Music/Hand-drawn/Robots/Rhythm/Timed button presses
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition OST Combo $7.49 $24.99 Tactical turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/Social link system/Politics/Comedy
Potato Flowers in Full Bloom $13.31 $17.99 Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/First-person Dungeon CrawleCustom Party creation/Class Mechanics
Rainbow Moon + Rainbow Skies Strategy RPG Bundle $23.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Character customization/Fantasy setting/Dungeon Crawler

[~ Xbox ~]

Game Price/Link Tags
Blue Dragon $6.59 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Class changing mechanics/great soundtrack
Lost Odyssey $8.24 $24.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting
Costume Quest 1 $4.49 $14.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Choices Matter
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition $5.99 $14.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Pixel Graphics
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling $12.49 $24.99 Turn-based/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Adventure

~ Steam ~

If you want to check the games yourself:

~ Link to the JRPGs on Sale list ~

Steam Deck Icons (As explained by Steam itself):

🟦 Verified: Means that the game is fully compatible and works with built-in controls and display.
🟧 Playable: Means the game is Functional, but requires extra effort to interact with and configure .
"--" Unknown: Basically unconfirmed or still under-review.
Game Price/Link Tags Steam Deck
Chrono Ark $18.74 $24.99 Turn-based/Modern day setting/Roguelike DeckbuildeFemale Protagonist/Anime visuals/Card Battler 🟦 Playable
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night $9.99 $39.99 Action/Medieval Gothic Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/PlatformeSide ScrolleMetroidvania 🟦 Verified
In Stars And Time $15.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Monochrome art style/LGBTQ+/Comedy/Time Travel/Hand-drawn Cartoon style 🟦 Verified
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom PRINCE'S EDITION $11.99 $79.98 Action/Fantasy setting/Isekai/Base BuildeArmy Battle/Character CollectoBeautiful art style 🟦 Verified
Born of Bread $12.49 $24.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat 🟧Playable
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting 🟧Playable
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading 🟦 Verified
Fae Tactics $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Beautiful Pixel Graphics/Unique Battle system/Monster Collector 🟦 Verified
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style 🟧Playable
Sword and Fairy 7 $14.99 29.99 Action/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Female Protagonist/Great visuals and Music/Rich Story and Lore/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro 🟦 Verified
Astria Ascending $8.74 $39.99 Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/PlatformeFemale Protagonist/Class system 🟦Verified
Haven $14.99 $24.99 Active time combat/Sci-fi setting/Heavy on Romance/LGBTQ/Local Co-op support/Exploration/Resource Gathering 🟦 Verified
Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner $14.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/Class system/War & Politics/Dragons/ --
Jack Move $9.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Cyberpunk setting/Female Protagonist/Pixel Graphics/Hacking 🟦Verified
Earthlock $4.49 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting 🟧Playable
Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament $4.49 $14.99 Real Time/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Rich Story and Lore/Monster collection/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament $4.49 $14.99 Real Time/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Rich Story and Lore/Monster collection/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Children of Zodiarcs $5.39 $17.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Card Based/Deck Building 🟦Verified

~ General Recommendations (All Consoles) For Anyone Who Can't Decide ~

First off, I won't recommend big or famous games like Final Fantasy or Persona, this is more for lesser know, hidden gems, or just games where it's hard to find someone talking about them.

[Valkyria Chronicles]

[Valkyria Chronicles 4]

This one is really hard to explain through words alone, but just in case, the VC series is a World War 2 military setting story, where you act as the lead of a squad and take mission to drive back the enemy. The story is drama heavy and the gameplay is tactical turn-based, but it's mixed with real-time third person shooter.
You can also make your own army by recruiting different types of solders, training them and upgrading their gear. From rifles to tanks, this is a game you have to experience to understand.

[Fuga: Melodies of Steel 1 & 2]

Great game, great art style, and really well made and balanced turn-based combat. That alone is enough to get the game. Then you add the time-management part of the game, where you spend time upgrading the different tank rooms, cooking, exploring ruins, spending time to bond with other characters, and so on. It's also great if you want a game that you can play for an hour or 2 and then put down for later. As the game is played through stages, and once you're done with a stage, you get an intermission to do what you want and come back to it later.
It's not a long game (compared to the usual JRPG), as you mentioned, it's about 20 hours. Story-wise I think it was a bit too short. Gameplay wise it was great fit, because it didn't outstay it's welcome, and it ends when you feel you have mastered the gameplay and want to face the final challenge.
The story is good, but isn't the focus. Gameplay is the main focus. In fact you'll feel that a lot of context isn't told in the story, but instead left for you to either read about in the in-game wiki or just figure out through obvious clues in the story.
There is a big mechanic that this meant to put a lot of pressure on your playthrough (don't worry about it being spoiled because it's literally explained in the first hour of the game). The thing is though, if you have experience in JRPGs or just play in a really well thought out and relaxed manner, then that mechanic might not be as big a deal as they make it seem to be. Yet it's still fun nonetheless.
Fuga 2 is even better. It fixes a lot of the minor issues the first game had, and what's really great, is it improved the "big pressure" mechanic I talked about, and now it actually is a big deal. Then add to that so much little new mechanics added that just makes for a much more fun and challenging game. The 2nd game also continues the same story.

[Ni no Kuni] Series

If you're looking for that great Isekai fantasy adventure feel, then these two games are where it's at. Fantastic visuals and great music, coupled with a great art style, a combo that is perfect for a chill and relaxed gaming experience. Especially when talking about the first game, with the help ofStudio Ghibli, they managed to make a truly whimsical world with that Studio Ghibli classic touch.
- Important Note: The games aren't connected story-wise, so you can start with any of them -

[Wrath of the White Witch]

For a the best fantasy adventure feel, while the combat is a hit or miss depending on your taste, don't let that stop you from actually diving into a true fairy tale world, this is the one with the better story in my opinion, so if you want more story than game, this is for you. Still it has a good share of gameplay, from raising and collecting Pokemon-like monsters, to learning and using different spells, not just in combat but for the overworld too.

[Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom]

This one focuses more on gameplay, with a Kingdom builder, Army battles, Heavy loot focus, and even character collector, this is the one to go with if you want more game than story. Still has the great music and he fantastical art style and setting. Add to that a lot of side activities like beating rare monsters, collecting cute creatures to help you in battle, and even going around the world to gather people to help you build your kingdom. You'll never be short on things to do.
Finally, both of them have beautifully draw world that is just a pleasure to walkthrough, made even better with the amazing orchestral soundtrack.

[Star Ocean The Second Story R]

The original PS1 game was already an amazing JRPG and a classic. But this remake takes it to go even further beyond SSJ3. It should be the standard on how to make a faithful remake on of a classic title.
I don't want to overhype it more than I already did. So to keep this short, this remake does so much:
  • All major story events are now fully voice acted. This includes a lot of the private actions too.
  • Fully redone and better translation of the game.
  • New Character to recruit to the party.
  • New Private Actions and 13 new Endings.
  • New character portraits, not just for the main cast, but also for many other characters.
  • A complete rework for the battle system to be up to modern standards.
  • So many QoL features:
    • Auto-saving
    • Fast-forward cut-scenes or skip them.
    • Text log
    • All difficulties can be accessed from the start
    • Fast travel
    • 3 different voice dubbing options to choose from (New English, Original Japanese, New Japanese)
    • Your choice of different art styles
    • Choose between original OST and new rearranged OST.
    • No random battles anymore, as enemies can be seen and avoided
And believe me when I say I still haven't touched half of the amazing work that has gone into this remake.

[Sword and Fairy 7: Together Forever]

They did a great job with the presentation of the game. Great voice acting (Chinese), great graphics, amazing music, and an impressive attention to details of the world and it's lore, especially the engineering of the buildings and their decor. Then you have the really beautiful design of each piece of gear, and even just normal attire of each NPC and the disciples of each sect or soldiers of each of the different of each plane (gods, humans, demons).
Then we go to how great looking the monsters and local flora and fauna of each realm. You can feel the intense work that has gone into making and animating each of them. It really is a joy to watch them, as much as it is to watch each environment you see them in. There really isn't enough time to talk about how good the presentation is.
As for the story. First off, I am not an expert in Chinese novels mythology, but I am a big fan of Xianxia and Wuxia novels. So when I say that the story is...good but nothing great, I am saying this as more than just a JRPG fan, but also someone who is very into this type of world and Chinese martial arts fantasy setting. it's nothing that will stick in your mind, apart from the events that take place in some of the beautiful set pieces in the game, or the cut-scenes with beautiful action cheoragphy.
The gameplay is also about average. The side-quests are fun and are worth doing if nothing more than for learning more about the lore and the world. But the actual battles and action gameplay isn't as good as the best ones out there, but it's not bad. I have ran into some bugs, some small, some big, but that was when the game just came out, and it did receive a lot of patches since then. You can tell that they aimed to make a huge triple A production, but didn't have the time or manpower to test a game of this size. It's still fun to play and experience, but the level of gameplay is nowhere near the level of the presentation that the game gives the impression of having just from watching the gameplay or trailers.
If you enjoy walking through magical and fantastic looking JRPG worlds, or if you enjoy Xianxia/Wuxia fiction, then this is an easy choice. Hell even if you don't, it's still worth a go at this price.

[Blue Dragon] & [Lost Odyssey]

These two are classic titles that will probably won't be ported to or remade to modern consoles. That's why this might be the last way you'll ever get to experience 2 classic titles of the genre. Lost Odyssey has great story writing and unique character settings, and Blue Dragon has great exploration and a really fun character class customization system, and one hell of a boss theme.

[Monster Sanctuary]

This is a solid game, everything in is polished and balanced to make sure you are having fun collecting new monsters and customizing your team through evolution/skill trees/gear and making the best in-sync party you can. I only wish it was longer, it's not short by any means, but it's not long either. I would say depending on if you're trying to "catch them all" and explore everything and fight all bosses, this could easily be a 30+ hours game, but if you focus on the story, then it's about 20 to 30 hours. Now even longer with the 2 new free DLC expansion added.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining that it's short, but that I was having so much fun, that I wish it didn't end.

As always, please do add your own recommendations, and let me know if there is mistake or if something was missing, and have a nice day.

submitted by VashxShanks to JRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 ConfidentLeg7645 Japan (Honshu) 3 Week Spring Trip Report. A perfect trip (almost)!.

Hello everyone,
My partner (24F) and I (25M) returned home from our 3-week Japan trip last week and due to us using this sub a lot during our planning I thought it would be helpful for other current planners to upload a trip report.
Our main interests are Japanese traditions and history, street style/culture, and food so keep reading if these interests are mutual. Read to the bottom to see how much we spent plus some tips and disappointments.
We were caught up in the madness at Dubai airport during our layover. Long story short; Airport (and the rest of Dubai) flooded and caused all the flights to be cancelled. What was meant to be a 5-hour layover turned into a torturous 36 hour wait. No staff to be seen, crowds of people arguing, fighting, and crying. We queued for 12 hours to get a new boarding pass for the next flight to Japan. We were meant to fly to Haneda but settled for Narita as we needed to get out of that place as soon as possible but still ended up missing our first day in Tokyo (should have had 5 days). We can’t complain too much as some of the people I spoke to on emirates were in the airport for up to 5 days before getting a flight back to their departure destination. Oh, and our baggage was missing with us only receiving our checked in bags on day 19. Cheers Emirates.
Day 1
Arrived in Shinjuku around midnight. We went straight to Don Quiojte to buy some replacement cosmetics and clothes. The combination of no good-quality sleep for 48 hours and the stimulating nature of the store was very intense! We then started to walk back towards the hostel and passed a Ichiran, so dropped in for some 2am ramen. Not the best ramen I’ve ever had but was still very good for the price.
Steps: 21,643 (includes some airport steps)
Day 2
Woke up and ate the free breakfast at the hostel (this turned out to be a really good money saver for the whole trip as we are not huge eaters in the morning anyway, but it was good to get something light in us before a long day walking). We then walked through the Shinjuku Gyoen Garden – saw some late blooming cheery blossoms and overall, it was a really beautiful botanical garden.
The next stop was Meji Shrine and a walk through Yoyogi park. The shrine was cool to see, especially as it was our first one in Japan. Saw a middle-aged man wearing denim hotpants so short that his balls were hanging out?!?!
Walked to Shibuya to see the scramble. This was cool but also felt it was a bit underwhelming at ground level but the view from Shibuya station walkway was wicked. Lunch was at a conveyor belt sushi place on the top floor of this department store right next to the scramble. This would be higher than average quality sushi in Europe, so it blew our minds that it was available on the top floor of a department store and for so cheap.
Shimokitazawa – We picked up some bargains at 2nd street and I treated myself some Japanese jeans from a small Demin shop called Bears. The guy in the shop was super helpful and friendly and even tailored the trousers to exactly my size.
In the evening, we first had a poke around Golden Gai and then headed towards Shibuya and stopped in a cool bar where the owner was mixing vinyl while he mixed your drinks (think it was called Q Bar).
We had previously bought tickets to a gig at Circus for one of my fav rappers who I’d been wanting to see for a while. Also really enjoyed seeing the local Japanese warm up acts. Stayed until 5am and then go the train straight to the Tsukiji outer fish market. Was there way too early and had to wait roughly an hour for thing to open. Went to chill by a bench for a bit and by the time we went back to the market it was rammed! Went to bed around 8:30am.
Steps: 32,159
Day 3
We woke up at 2:30pm, got ready, and headed to the Bunkyo civic centre for the free observation deck. We heard it wasn’t meant to be the best Tokyo skyline view but for a free attraction we thought it was very good! Jimbocho book town was also very cool to see. We had a peak into a couple adult movie/magazine stores where I don’t think the owner appreciated our presence as western tourists.
In the evening, we first went for Ramen at Motenashi Kuraki in Asakusa Bashi. Honestly probably the best Ramen I’ve had to date. I ordered the Black Pepper Shio special, and it blew my mind. Even though the staff didn’t speak English they were very accommodating for my partner who doesn’t eat meat (pescetarian but will brave a meaty broth).
We then had a stroll around Akihabara and played some dance mat games in the arcades before heading back for an earlyish night.
Steps: 28,680
Day 4
I couldn’t sleep so got up around 3am and did some admin stuff to try and get our bags back to us ASAP. Chatted to people in the hostel for a few hours.
We arrived at Senso-ji for around 8am. Wasn’t too busy at this time and the temple was impressive. Went for a coffee down the road and had a chill for about an hour before heading into Asakusa. Got admission to the Drum museum which was wicked. Only 400 yen each and had the whole place to ourselves to smack some big fucking drums and make as much noise as we wanted.
We then started to head towards Ueno but made a slight detour to Kappabashi Dougu street to peruse the Japanese chef knives and other cookware. Grabbed lunch from a 7/11 and went and sat in Ueno park which was super busy. There was some food market event on which loads of food stalls had set up. There was also a stage with some J-pop performers and people dressed as ninjas dancing in the crowd. Weird to say the least. By mid-afternoon we were pretty tired so headed back to the hostel for a nap.
In the evening, we headed down to Harajuku and stopped by Big Love records. My partner is really into vinyl, so this was definitely a highlight for her. She picked up Wu Tang 36 chambers in case you were wondering. We then went for food at Afuri as my partner wanted to try the Vegan ramen to which she said it was ok but nothing special. My cold dipping noodle dish was very tasty, however. We then stumbled across this vinyl listening bar called Bar Music on the 5th floor of this pokey building on the outskirts of Shibuya for a few drinks before bed. There was such a good vibe in there and the cocktails were super good for the price. If you’re looking for a romantic spot, then this is the place to go.
Steps: 31,818
Day 5
Today we headed to Kyoto on the shinkansen around midday after a slow morning chilling in and around the hostel and catching up on some sleep. Checked in to the hostel and had a walk around downtown Kyoto, stopping at 2nd Street to buy some more clothes.
In the evening, we headed to Kodai-Ji to see the shrine lit up at night. We couldn’t believe how few people were there as it was stunning and truly magical place to be at night. It also has a bamboo grove (much better than Arashiyama, see below). The bar for Kyoto shrines/temples had been set very high.
Walked down Pontocho alley and stopped at a yakitori restaurant which was just ok. We knew it was going to be average when we looked around the restaurant and it was just western tourists dining.
Steps: 25,255
Day 6
First thing in the morning we rented bikes and cycled across the city to Arashiyama. Parked the bikes at the train station and walked up through Arashiyama. We were expecting it to be busy but there were so many people it was almost impossible to move. Had a look around the bamboo grove and was slightly underwhelmed after our visit to Kodai-Ji so we took the tram and then bus up to Kosan-Ji. This was very much worth the 45-minute journey as there was only one other group there and the temple nestled between the trees overlooking the river was breath-taking. On the whole, Arashiyama was way too packed during peak times to enjoy and with everything else Kyoto has to offer we wouldn’t say it was a must see.
We then picked up the bikes from the train station and cycled back across Kyoto taking the long route to explore and get lost. Once we dropped off the bikes, we went for another explore and this time went into WeGo for more clothes shopping. At this point we’d pretty much matched the amount of clothing that we had packed in our checked-in luggage that was still stuck in Dubai.
After a nap we walked towards the metro and stopped at a Katsu restaurant as we wanted to try something different, and it was pretty good. For the price of 1300 yen each we got so much food/sake and left stuffed.
Fushimi Inari in the evening. Like Kodai-Ji, we would recommend visiting Fushimi Inari at night. Firstly, to help avoid the crowds (we got there around 9pm and there was hardly anybody there) and secondly as seeing it lit up at night is a nice change. It was however slightly creepy at night, especially as it was lightly raining. My partner started to get a bit scared once we saw the signs to be careful of the wild boar and monkeys haha. We didn’t make it to the top of Mt Inari as the rain started to get heavy but still very much enjoyed walking through the hundreds of tori gates, stopping off at the shrines and soaking up the history.
Steps: 23,686
Day 7
Today was a late start as even after 8 hours sleep the 25k plus steps a day was starting to catch up with us.
We took the metro to Shimogamo Shrine in north Kyoto. It was very peaceful and quiet however temple fatigue had definitely set in at this point. We then walked through Kyoto to the beginning of Philosophers path. We had seen on this sub that people recommend skipping it unless its Sakura season however we disagree. The path along the river is so pretty and atmospheric, along with the fish gently swimming along in the river.
Kyoto Hand Crafts Centre – if you have the money then this is a great place to pick up souvenirs.
Pre-booked Sushi Iwa for a 15 course Omakase. The food was amazing, but it came to an eye watering 28k yen each. The difference for our western palettes between mid-range sushi and exceptional sushi is negligible. Nonetheless it was a good experience and I’m glad that we did it.
Steps: 23,751
Day 8
Today was an empty day in terms of things we wanted to do, so used it to walk the city and explore.
We checked out the Nishiki market and ate various fried foods on sticks which were all pretty tasty. We then walked northwards, stopping for coffee before reaching the imperial palace. By this point we were very much bored of temples and structures of similar architecture, but we actually ended up enjoying walking the palace grounds and seeing the buildings more than we thought and would recommend it to those who find themselves in north Kyoto.
A leisurely walk back down towards downtown Kyoto, stopping off at a wicked standing soba joint. Forgotten the name but their curry soba was delicious.
Chao Chao gyozas (only veggie gyoza place we could find) for our evening meal before a night cap at the bar across the road before bed.
Steps: 23,304
Day 9
Shinkansen to Hiroshima arriving around 11am.
Checked into hostel and then went straight to the A-dome, peace memorial and museum. We thought the museum was very moving and captured the horror of the events that unfolded very well. A must see for sure.
Okonomiyaki at Okonomimura and then some vintage clothes shopping in Hondori.
Went back out for food in the evening and ended up getting Okonomiyaki again. This time it we enjoyed it a lot more than we did at lunch (probably because we got it covered in cheese). There are a few streets by Hiroshima station with lots of bars and restaurants on top of each other, much like Golden Gai in Shinjuku, however they are not super touristy and has a more laid-back feel to them.
We then went to some bars in the city centre. The best one we stumbled across was called Tropical Bar Revolucion. It was on the 8th floor and the smoking balcony overlooked the city. Plus, the beers in there tasted so good and I’m not sure why.
Steps: 23,299
Day 10
A hungover morning. Headed to the Hiroshima National Gardens. Going to some gardens is my go-to hangover activity as its low effort, relaxing, and feels productive. These gardens in particular were great and we really appreciated the signs explaining the history behind the space. Overall, we enjoyed this more than the national gardens in Shinjuku.
Public baths near Dobashi in the afternoon. If you’re feeling brave enough to get your kit off in front of 10s of strangers, then this is a good experience. Male and female baths are separate. Can’t go wrong for 400 yen.
Went for a drink at Bar Pretty and then realised the effect of golden week on trying to get a table walking into a restaurant. Walked around for about an hour with no success so settled for food from a department store food court. Sounds miserable but the food was pretty good for the price, and it was busy in there, so it still had an atmosphere.
Steps: 29,487
Day 11
Miyajima Day. Took the ferry to the island arriving at 10:30am. The Ryokan staff met us at the port and collected our bags to take back to the hotel.
Had a mooch around the port area before doing the hike up Mt Misen. The climb to the top on a hot day is not to be underestimated. Sweating buckets, but the route and the view from the top was amazing and one of the standout highlights of the whole trip.
After descending Mt Misen, we bought some beers, oysters and, ice cream and sat along the beach wall and chilled in the sun for a couple hours. The hotel staff then picked us up from the ferry terminal, we checked in and went straight to the Onsen for a couple hours before dinner. Dinner was a traditional kaiseki meal (with more courses than I can remember) served in the banquet hall with the other guests.
While the staff converted our retro ryokan room and set up the futons we had a few more beers before bed.
Steps: 20,803
Day 12
Today we had a chilled morning on the island, having a stroll and stopping for some coffees. We then took the ferry back to Hiroshima, stopping for Okonomiyaki one more time, before taking the shinkansen to Osaka.
Checked into our hostel near Namba and went out for a walk around 8pm. When looking for somewhere to eat we walked past a sign for a vegetarian Indian restaurant called Shama. After nearly two weeks of pure Japanese food we were craving some variety so decided to head in. Located on the basement floor of a particularly run down looking building the restaurant was not the most glamorous. Barely enough space for 10 people, it was hot in there. A constant stream of people was coming in and out of the restaurant and we were lucky enough to walk in when there were two spaces available. From sitting down at the table to receiving our food we waited just under an hour. This would be enough to put most people off but fuck me the food was good when it did finally arrive. We got a selection of 4 different curries, naan breads and samosa. We left stuffed. If you’re in the area this is definitely a place worth checking out.
Steps: 25,502
Day 13
Our first stop of the day was the Umeda Sky Building. Not suitable if you are scared of heights as the glass elevator made our stomachs drop slightly. The views were impressive but we thought the price was a bit steep at 1500 yen each.
We then spent the afternoon wondering about near Namba and Shinsujibashi dropping into shops and picking up some food.
For dinner we made a reservation for a Mexican restaurant near Dotonbori. Massive margheritas, nachos and enchiladas. The food was great, and it shows by how busy the place was still at 10pm. It had been open since the late 70’s with the décor to match and it had a great atmosphere.
Steps: 27,290
Day 14
Checked out Tsuruhashi and Korea Town. Loved the market – dimly lit maze of numerous food and clothing vendors. Stopped to have some Korean stew and pancakes and it was delicious. One of the best meals of the trip.
Shinsekai in the evening. What I can describe as the armpit of Osaka. We loved it. Dirty? Yes. Rowdy? Yes. Rough around the edges with a red light district to top it all off. We had Kushikatsu to finish the evening off. Fried stuff on a stick – of course it going to be tasty but it wasn’t exactly flavour town.
Steps: 23,777
Day 15
Took the train to Minoh and hiked up the trail to see the waterfall. Hike was easy in comparison to Mt Misen and the waterfall was very cool to see. Had a wonder around Minoh stopping for some lunch at a Ramen bar.
We went to the Team lab botanical gardens in the evening. It was very awe inspiring seeing all the installations lit up.
After sampling Japanese McDonalds (I had a burger where the buns were made out of rice) we went for some drinks at Zerro. We liked this bar a lot, the guys working there were very friendly and it had a good vibe.
We then sat and watched the skaters at triangle park with some beers from the konbini before going to see Dj Masda at Circus until around 4am. This area of Osaka was such a vibe and came back here a few times over our 6 days here. Overall, a very fun evening.
Steps: 26,130
Day 16
Woke up chronically hungover but powered on and went to see a baseball game. You’re allowed to bring food and drink into the stadium (as long as alcohol is in plastic/paper cups) so we grabbed some beers and snacks from family mart. We had no idea what was happening but the atmosphere was electric and we enjoyed getting pissed and cheering.
Had a nap and then went to Hafez for middle eastern food. The food was good but not amazing, nothing in comparison to my local middle eastern restaurant back home. Chilled around the Namba park/Big step area. Loved this area so much, we are big into street fashion and culture so this place really ticked some boxes. Lots of skaters and street wear stores concentrated around here. Got an early night watching Battle Royale back at the hostel.
Steps: 22,065
Day 17
Today we went to the Umeda area. Popped into some shopping centres and had Omurice for lunch. It was tasty but not something I will crave when back home. Good experience trying it though. We then walked through Yodoyobashi along the rivers and got gelato and sat in the rose garden. The sun was beating down and we enjoyed just chilling in the sun eating our ice cream.
Compufunk Records were holding a party in their store. Decent gaff with some very welcoming and kind people to party with until the early hours.
Steps: 21,267
Day 18
We reluctantly left Osaka for Hakone today. Very sad to go but onwards to the next adventure. Took the shinkansen to Odawara and then the Hakone Tozan Train to Gora. Checked into our Ryokan and relaxed in the Onsen for a few hours.
Went for a walk around Gora and had dinner at the Ryokan before watching Predator in bed.
Steps: 16,926
Day 19
Today we did the Hakone Loop, starting early in Gora.
Started with the Open-air museum and it was great. We loved the installation and ended up spending 3 hours slowly making our way round. Got some cool photos as well for the gram.
Ropeway to Lake Ashi. This was absolutely terrifying. You have to swap cable cars 3 times on the way over and the warnings of the service being suspended due to the wind was announced at each stop. I’m not going to ruin the surprise, but one section made me literally freeze in terror due to the winds outside so try to do it on a calm weather day.
We then took the pirate boat (bit underwhelming) across the Lake and stopped for some soba noodles and a wander around. Unfortunately it was way too cloudy to even get a chance at seeing Mt Fuji.
Train to Kamakura and checked into our super cute traditional hostel near the beach.
Dinner at an Izakaya from the hostel owners recommendation. Food great and beers slipped down a treat. First time I tried Yuzu Kosho as well – I’m now addicted to the stuff and literally cover all my food with it.
Steps: 19,512
Day 20
A slow start to the morning. Weather was pretty bad but we still managed to hit all the main sights in Kamakura. Big Buddha was a refreshing sight from the temples. Did some shopping up Komachi Dori. Highlight of the day was Hukokaji temple. It was so peaceful and zen in the rain with its very own matcha tea ceremony backdropped by bamboo forest. This turned out to be our second favourite temple/shrine we visited, just being beaten by Kodaji.
In the evening we went for Sushi at a conveyor belt place. Figured this would probably be my last Japanese sushi of the trip so devoured 7000 yen worth of sushi and beer. Went back to the hostel and invited some of the other guests to drink with us. The owner of the hostel had some bayberry homebrew, so we got stuck into that.
Steps: 20,494
Day 21
Enoshima Island is just a 25 min train from Kamakura. Started off the day by walking to the top of the island to get French toast and a beer with a lovely view across the bay. We then headed up the Sea candle to check out the observation deck, still the illusive Mt Fuji hides behind the clouds.
We then bought admission to the caves beneath the island which was pretty cool. I won’t ruin the surprise but there’s something waiting for you at the end of one of the caves.
Had an explore around the rockpools near the caves and took some cool photos. We then had a pizza with fish on which was pretty crazy. Walked around the island a little bit more and I picked up some more Japanese denim which wasn’t the cheapest but the quality of the trousers are great and will last me a lifetime.
Back to Tokyo in the evening.
Went for Izakaya around Asakusa and popped into a couple bars. One was called Not Suspicious and the whole bar was covered in handwritten notes by patrons. Very touristy but quite cool at the same time. Our favourite was a drawing of Mario saying It’s a Me Muthafucka.
Steps: 25,903
Day 22
First stop was Don Quiojte to pick up some Yuzu Kosho (if you know you know) and weird flavoured KitKats.
Kappabashi Dougu street to purchase a fine Japanese carbon stell Santoku. Honestly in love with this knife so much. The people at the store were very happy to hear exactly what I was looking for and even let me try before you buy on some daikon radish.
While in Asakusa I had to return to the place where I put the best thing in my mouth in Japan. Motenashi Kuroki. Switched it up this time and had their classic Shio ramen plus the duck rice as a side. Honestly this place is amazing, and you have to go there if you have time. They aren’t veggie/pescy friendly so my partner went for one last round of sushi round the corner. We met up at a massage chair parlour and spent 30 mins relaxing in the chairs.
We had a bright idea to watch the sunset one last time so headed over to the rooftop park on a department store in Shibuya. Sipping on an ice cold Kirin, the sun slowly dropped behind the distant mountains and we knew our trip had come to an end. How symbolic.
Flight at 11pm from Haneda.
Steps: 23,187
On reflection:
I honestly think this trip was almost perfect in terms of hitting our interests and travel style. There was a good balance of doing the typical first time visit to Japan sights and activities while still exploring and seeing what we came across in the moment.
It hard to pinpoint exact highlights of the trip as everywhere we visited had so much going for it in different ways. We loved the rugged and trendy vibe to Osaka, and I think this would be the city I would most want to live in for a considerable amount of time (If I had to choose). Miyajima was also stunning and a great overnight trip with the Ryokan experience. We also underestimated how much we would enjoy Kamakura with its laid-back surfer vibe and access to Enoshima Island.
One random memorable moment that has stuck with me was when we landed at Narita airport, we took the limo bus to Shinjuku. As the driver pulled away, all the staff at the station turned and bowed in unison. It felt so special to first observe a culture totally opposite to the one I grew up with and was at this point I knew I had embarked on the trip of a lifetime.
If I could go back and change something I would probably miss out Hakone and do an extra day in one of the major cities. This isn’t because we didn’t enjoy Hakone, but we feel like it’s a place that needs more time to soak in what’s going on around you (plus the weather was bad when we were there). This being said the Open-Air Museum was amazing and we enjoyed it more than the Teamlab botanical gardens so the trip up the mountains was worth it just for that.
So, how much did we spend per person (not inc flights)?
Accommodation - £765pp
Given that we spent a couple nights in Ryokans raising the average price slightly, we were pretty happy with the accommodation costs. We stayed in a mix of private room and shared dorm hostels and pretty much all of them were spot on. Travelling as a couple meant that anywhere with a private room split the price between 2. The only hostel we didn’t like was the one in Hiroshima, there wasn’t anything in particularly wrong with it, there was just a really bad vibe from the owner and other guests.
Transport - £344pp
This includes shinkansen to and from all the major cities as well as our suica top ups for metros and buses. Unless your itinerary is something like 3 days Tokyo, 2 days Osaka 2 days Kyoto then there really isn’t any point getting the JR pass now that the price has increased.
Activities – £280pp
It is hard to give an exact amount for activities and food as 1) I didn’t track what we spent our cash on and 2) my partner and I would take in turns paying for things like temple admission. That being said I’ve allocated 25% of the cash we spent to activities such as temple admission. Activities includes our baseball tickets plus club entries as well as temple and museum admissions etc.
Food – £962pp
As above, its hard to give an exact amount for food. On the whole we tried to eat cheap with possible, especially at the start of our trip. There were a few expensive meals peppered in plus we ate out twice a day towards the end of our trip as we realised we were under budget.
The total is a bit skewed as this includes all the alcohol we bought in bars as well as the konbini trips for beers and cigarettes. I estimate that booze accounts for around a third of the total per person. If you would like to do Japan on a budget, reducing the booze will make a big difference.
Shopping/Souvenirs/Gifts – £607 (just me)
We went hard with the shopping. We didn’t actually receive our checked in luggage until day 19 so we had to buy all new clothes and cosmetics. If this wasn’t the case, then I don’t think I would have spent so much (airline is comping us for the additional clothing bought anyway). I also bought a fairly expensive chef knife and Japanese denim pieces, plus lots of gifts for friends and family. Obviously, this number could theoretically 0 if you are on a serious budget and did no shopping but I really underestimated Japanese shopping, especially thrifting. Also, given our cheap choices when it came to accommodation we could afford to splurge. However just to note my partner spent less than half than I did on shopping.
Total: £2958 (582,628 yen at time of writing)
I kept within my budget of £3000. I definitely got a bit frivolous with the cash in the last few days or so, if being as careful as I was towards the start of the trip, I think the total would be closer to £2500.
Takoyaki. We thought it was going to be all about the octopus but were disappointed with our balls of sloppy goo surrounding tiny chewy pieces of octopus. We tried it twice and couldn’t get behind it. Sorry Takoyaki fans.
Arashiyama. Way too busy, especially around the main station and bamboo grove. If it’s the bamboo you are going to see, then Kodaji is a much better spot.
Dotonburi. Albeit we were there in golden week, and it was pretty busy. However, I get the feeling this area has fallen to the past its golden days title and has become a bit of a cash cow for places selling spiralised potatoes on a stick. The area around Namba park was a better option for us.
Konbini. Absolute life saver for snacks and drinks on the go. The food quality for a convenience store is higher than most other countries so we had no problem with grabbing a meal from one to help keep within our budget.
Don’t over pack – even though we didn’t get our checked in bags, I still packed light so had plenty of space to bring stuff back. Emirates give you your allowance by weight rather than number of baggage so we could check in additional bags on the way back.
Don’t be scared of hostels. If you don’t want to brave the shared dorms, then most hostels offer private rooms with just the shower and toilet shared. Obviously, it’s cheaper if there are two people sharing a room.
Don’t stress about cash. Most places take debit/credit card and if they don’t, you’re never more than 5 minutes from a konbini ATM.
For us, golden week didn’t seem that big of an issue. No problems booking shinkansen around GW. We spent most of GW in Osaka, as such it was going to be busy anyway so maybe we didn’t see much of a difference from normal numbers in the spring.
submitted by ConfidentLeg7645 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:39 Sleeptokencubanfan Sleep Token fans in AZ

Hi guys!!!! So I am late to the party but I found the band when I needed it the most. I am Cuban, so none of my friends or family members are into this type of music, so it would be great to find someone in Arizona I could relate to lol
submitted by Sleeptokencubanfan to SleepToken [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:14 Prudent_Bug_1350 How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.

How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.
Our Vote Socialist 2024 campaign has an industrialization strategy, focusing on a few key areas, that will catalyze the creation of tens of millions of jobs and take manufacturing employment to the highest level since the 1979 peak.
➡️Read our plan to make it happen:
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] How will socialism create 20 million blue-color jobs?
[Bold Uppercase] Read full statement:
[Bottom left corner: Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
Image 2
[Uppercase] Collect ballot signatures for [Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
[Uppercase] Put a candidate on the Virginia ballot that says free Palestine!
[Photo of volunteers petitioning]
[Bold Uppercase] May 18 [Uppercase] 10am-2pm Meet at Corner Bakery 11000 W Broad Street, Glen Allan, Virginia
[Uppercase] Join the ballot access team
[Bottom right corner: a silhouette of Virginia with the presidential campaign logo of Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia]
Image Source: - -
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new war and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:12 Prudent_Bug_1350 How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.

How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.
Our Vote Socialist 2024 campaign has an industrialization strategy, focusing on a few key areas, that will catalyze the creation of tens of millions of jobs and take manufacturing employment to the highest level since the 1979 peak.
➡️Read our plan to make it happen:
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] How will socialism create 20 million blue-color jobs?
[Bold Uppercase] Read full statement:
[Bottom left corner: Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
Image 2
[Uppercase] Collect ballot signatures for [Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
[Uppercase] Put a candidate on the Virginia ballot that says free Palestine!
[Photo of volunteers petitioning]
[Bold Uppercase] May 18 [Uppercase] 10am-2pm Meet at Corner Bakery 11000 W Broad Street, Glen Allan, Virginia
[Uppercase] Join the ballot access team
[Bottom right corner: a silhouette of Virginia with the presidential campaign logo of Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia]
Image Source: - -
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new war and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to InformedTankie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:10 Prudent_Bug_1350 How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.

How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.
Our Vote Socialist 2024 campaign has an industrialization strategy, focusing on a few key areas, that will catalyze the creation of tens of millions of jobs and take manufacturing employment to the highest level since the 1979 peak.
➡️Read our plan to make it happen:
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] How will socialism create 20 million blue-color jobs?
[Bold Uppercase] Read full statement:
[Bottom left corner: Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
Image 2
[Uppercase] Collect ballot signatures for [Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
[Uppercase] Put a candidate on the Virginia ballot that says free Palestine!
[Photo of volunteers petitioning]
[Bold Uppercase] May 18 [Uppercase] 10am-2pm Meet at Corner Bakery 11000 W Broad Street, Glen Allan, Virginia
[Uppercase] Join the ballot access team
[Bottom right corner: a silhouette of Virginia with the presidential campaign logo of Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia]
Image Source: - -
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new war and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:07 Prudent_Bug_1350 How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.

How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.
Our Vote Socialist 2024 campaign has an industrialization strategy, focusing on a few key areas, that will catalyze the creation of tens of millions of jobs and take manufacturing employment to the highest level since the 1979 peak.
➡️Read our plan to make it happen:
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] How will socialism create 20 million blue-color jobs?
[Bold Uppercase] Read full statement:
[Bottom left corner: Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
Image 2
[Uppercase] Collect ballot signatures for [Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
[Uppercase] Put a candidate on the Virginia ballot that says free Palestine!
[Photo of volunteers petitioning]
[Bold Uppercase] May 18 [Uppercase] 10am-2pm Meet at Corner Bakery 11000 W Broad Street, Glen Allan, Virginia
[Uppercase] Join the ballot access team
[Bottom right corner: a silhouette of Virginia with the presidential campaign logo of Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia]
Image Source: - -
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new war and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to WorkersStrikeBack [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:04 Legendary_gloves Any "basic" city modules that can help me inflate a campaign?

Hi everyone!
so im doing a city chapter on my campaign, where the party is set to investigate the root cause of a terrorist insurgency against the government. I've set a main hook, that directly relates to the above, and a few npc's have approach them with a few requests that are important to them and to the pc's. I did all of this with hopes that one or 2 would be picked up, making the city feel alive. they...haven't picked up on this. additionally, sessions where things are a bit slower, aka, 6-8 encounters per long rest, party seems to get frustrated that things arent moving along as fast as they wished, to the point where they keep trying to dodge encounters in order to get where they want.
this puts a bit of pressure on me to keep producing lore rich, deep content that seems to run a bit deeper than what i had envisioned for this chapter, given that they just refuse to interact with anything else.
So im looking for any kind of module that i can just paste into my campaign. doesnt necessarily have to be story reach, in fact i would prefer if it could be just simple bits that i can pick and choose in order to make things feel bigger than what i have prepared
due to some players being dm's as well, golden vault and waterdeep are off the table, as they know whats up
any ideas?
submitted by Legendary_gloves to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Nicky2327 Should I confront a church about their ridiculous photography restrictions?

I just shot a wedding recently and was completely blown away by the restrictions they implemented for ceremonies. Before I explain, I should state that I'm Catholic, and a majority of my weddings are Catholic or in a Catholic church, so I know how to be respectful of the mass while capturing it. I've shot in small churches, cathedrals, and basilicas, and have never run into anything like this.
Anyway, I arrive after shooting the morning activities and am met by who I can assume is the event coordinator for the church. She's an older woman who was polite enough (to begin with) but she explains to me that I can stand no further than the 5th pew from the back for the procession, and must move to the back of the church and stay there for the remainder of the ceremony. I can move along the sides, but no further than the 5th row. To me, this is ridiculous, as the space is fairly large. My business is small, I shoot weddings with my wife, and we have one long lens capable of shooting a wedding from the back of a damn church between the two of us. This has worked just fine for us for the last 7 years of doing this since I generally have the freedom to move around. I bring up to her that this is going to be a problem for me since I won't be able to capture the photos that my client is expecting based on my prior work. She says "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. The priest makes the rules." She mentions that a big part of the reasoning is that I would be in the way of their live stream of the ceremony. I find this hard to believe since they have several cameras in the back, all of which are at least 10-12ft above seating space, and a professional technician in a booth managing the stream (this is a church in a very wealthy city in case you couldn't tell).
I know the bride and groom quite well, so I was comfortable talking with them about the matter, asking the bride if she knew about these restrictions beforehand. She is shocked and tells me to just do whatever I need to do to do my job, stating that she cares way more about her pictures than she does a livestream. She also sends her attendants to talk to the priest about it, whom they know really well. The priest later finds me and says as long as I'm respectful and not distracting I can move further up as needed, which I of course would do anyway. I'm not sure if this was mentioned to the coordinator, but she was definitely with the priest when the attendants brought up the issue.
Cut to the ceremony and I do what I was told by the event coordinator as best I can. I'm kind of boy scout with rules and don't want to make enemies with anyone, so I just tried to make the best of it. However, it didn't take long to realize that this was going to be an issue. My second shooter (my wife) is basically useless for the entire ceremony. We can't get any photos of the bride and groom's parents or family since they're in the front row. I can barely get shots of the musicians because of the layout of the church. The way the decor and seating are arranged, we can't even get photos of the bridal party, even if we had longer lenses. By the time we get to the Marian Devotion portion of their mass, I have had enough. After struggling to get a shot that the bride and groom explicitly said they wanted, I send my second discretely up the front to capture it, but we were too late in the end.
Upon heading to the back of the church, the event coordinator walks up to my wife and sternly tells her that she's being disruptive and can't go up that far for photos, which drives me over the edge. I confront her (quietly of course) saying that their rules are hindering our ability to do the job that we were paid to do. She reiterates that she doesn't make the rules, to which I respond that I received permission from the person who does, as well as the bride. Her response is, and I quote, "Well that's just not cool." She then tells us that we're moving around too much and too quickly and being distracting. Apparently, casually and quietly walking around the edges of the church, as instructed, qualifies as such. Never mind the two dozen small children that are making noise and running around, or the crying babies being taken from their pews to the back of the church. We are the distraction. She spends the rest of the mass talking behind our backs to her little henchman helping her with the ceremony, both of whom stare daggers at us the rest of the ceremony.
I've never had to deal with something like this before. Sure I've worked with restrictions, but never anything this rigid. I fully understand that it's their facility and they can make the rules however they please, and I'm sure they're there for a reason. However, when you are permitted by the person who makes said rules to bend them a bit, I don't think there's an excuse to be made. To me, this was very clearly someone who was given a small amount of power and takes it to a level of seriousness that is completely unnecessary. Likely because she can't do so anywhere else in her life.
I also get that there's an argument to the made that if I'm going to shoot weddings then I should have all the necessary equipment to do so, which I believe that I do. Does it help that I have to share that equipment with my second? No, but again, it's worked out just fine for the entirety of my career. This is my side gig, and we all know how expensive equipment can be.
So, my question is whether I should reach out to the church with my experience in hopes of inspiring some sort of change for future photographers. Again, I know there are plenty of places that operate like this (if not worse) and at the end of the day, we all have to make do. This particular set of circumstances, and how it was managed on their end, just don't sit well with me though. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
submitted by Nicky2327 to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]