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2021.05.30 21:59 FemManine Antegender

An LGBT+ subreddit. Antegender is defined as "a protean gender which has the potential to be anything, but is formless and motionless, and therefore, does not manifest as any particular gender." To be put simply: “ante-“ prefix means “before,” so individuals might feel aligned with the notion of being a person who is before gender. This subreddit acknowledges and celebrates those who identify as antegender. All are welcome! Please keep it SFW, and obviously keep it Love 💜

2010.09.28 18:56 ChewWork Concealed Carry Weapons

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2012.01.05 21:04 DanManner Trade games & items - Steam, TF2, DOTA 2, CS:GO, Codes, Keys, Cards. Buy & Sell - No limits

Trade games (PC, Mac, Xbox, PSN, Steam), game items (TF2, DotA 2, LoL, Counterstrike, CS:GO etc), game codes and beta keys, trading cards, game accounts, AMD and Nvidia and hardware coupon games. Paypal payments, Bitcoins, Amazon cards, and game-related hardware.

2024.06.07 10:35 maximusaemilius Empyrean Iris: 2-193 Family reunion (by Charlie Star)

FYI, this is a story COLLECTION. Lots of standalones technically. So, you can basically start to read at any chapter, no pre-read of the other chapters needed technically (other than maybe getting better descriptions of characters than: Adam Vir=human, Krill=antlike alien, Sunny=tall alien, Conn=telepathic alien). The numbers are (mostly) only for organization of posts and continuity.
OC Written by Charlie Stastarrfallknightrise,
Typed up and then posted here by me.
Proofreading and language check for some chapters by u/Finbar9800 u/BakeGullible9975 u/Didnotseemecomein and u/medium_jock
Future Lore and fact check done by me.
How Sunny be leaving the gathering.: Less “water tribe” but way more judgy look.
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Adam adjusted his jacket as he stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath to hype himself up before going in. Sunny was standing behind him.
He turned to look at her,
"Before we go in, I just want to say that I am really sorry.”
She tilted her head to the side,
"You know I am under the impression that instantaneous warp drive was probably one of the worst things to ever happen to the human race because it gives me literally no excuse not to come home for family reunions. I mean, if we did long warp like the Tesraki use, then I could be like, “oh no, I will have to miss the reunion by a week”, but now, when I try to use that excuse then they have to point out that short warp is totally a thing."
He sighed and turned back to look at the door,
"To think, yesterday I was in another galaxy."
She crossed both pairs of arms,
"Why are you sorry?”
"That you had to come, that you have to suffer too. Woe on us…"
She rolled her eyes.
"I offered to come with you, Dr. Krill went with Katie to visit her family, Conn decided to stay on the ship to annoy Maverick. Ramirez invited Kanan to his place to meet his Abuela, so I offered to come with you."
"Bad choice in my opinion."
He grumbled.
He turned to look at her with an apologetic expression on his face,
"I... Just so you know... My uncle Ben is a bit... weird, and my grandparents... Well, I am pretty sure they are slightly xenophobic... And they aren't exactly a fan of LFIL affiliates... So..."
Sunny didn't look perturbed and rested a hand on his shoulder,
"Adam you have met my mother haven't you? I think I can handle xenophobic since my mother was... a… a daughter'o'phobic."
He sighed but nodded,
"Alright, alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."
The door they were standing in front of was a much larger door than the one at the Vir family home.
This one was apparently owned by the parents of Vir's mother. The house wasn't a mansion by any means, but it was far bigger than the small house in the suburbs, which is the reason he had been allowed to invite a friend. The Virs, while not without their faults, were a generally welcoming people. Sunny noted the uncommonly well-kept grounds and an apple tree in the backyard. She liked apples, though she could only eat them in small doses.
There were a few flowers in the flowerbed nearby that she eyed rather hungrily as Adam reached up to knock on the door.
She could hear children shouting in the backyard and the murmur of voices from the inside.
"I'll get it!"
Someone called,
She didn't recognize the voice, but Adam made a face.
The door was thrown open a moment later, and a heavy-set blond man opened the door. He was very tall, almost as tall as Adam, though without his neo-spartan physique which he had been religiously maintaining.
"Addie! Back from space. So where are those hot alien babes..."
The man began, stepping forward to embrace Adam in an uncomfortable hug, though he stopped midway, his eyes raising slowly from Sunny’s chest to her face, smile falling into a look of awed shock.
Sunny could hardly blame him, she was pretty magnificent, even without her saint armor.
You called?”
She had been trying positive self-talk recently, more as a joke than anything else, but weirdly enough it was kind of working.
She watched his eyes as they trailed up to her face, necked craned back lips stammering.
"Well uncle Ben…"
Adam said wryly.
"You wanted to know where the hot alien babes were, so I brought one."
The man almost choked on his own spit, and Sunny rumbled a laugh deep in her chest. The man's eyes flicked downward to the breathing holes on her neck, which flexed lightly with her laughter.
"I uh-"
Adam motioned to her as the fat little man continued to open and close his mouth like a fish,
"This is Sunny, my weapons specialist, and Saint of Anin... Which kind of makes her Space Moses… but female."
The man remained speechless as Sunny extended a hand to shake one of his. His handshake was loose and floppy like a dead fish, either out of shock, or just because he had a weak handshake,
"A pleasure to meet you, Ben."
He blinked rapidly as if he had expected to hear an alien language come from her mouth, though her integrated translator was almost seamless. Adam had picked her human voice, which she found she liked very much. It was a female voice for sure, but a powerful one. She couldn't help but think he had probably found the voice attractive, which is why he had picked it.
They stepped past uncle Ben, who still stood with his mouth open and eyes wide, and into a small room before a hallway.
Adam kicked off his boots, though Sunny wore no shoes.
Adam whistled and Waffles hurried off into the house, Jeffery wrapped around her neck. The two of them were almost inseparable these days. They followed the sound of voices into a large main room with floors of polished wood in a rustic sort of theme. “Rustic”, that was an interesting human word they didn't have on her planet.
She had to duck ever so slightly to avoid hitting her head on a hanging light, though the ceilings themselves were high and vaulted, which allowed her to stand at her full seven feet, short for a Drev, but very tall for a human.
As soon as they stepped into the room, everything went very quiet.
All eyes were turned and fixed on her as she stepped into the room.
Sunny was used to such behavior now and decided to take it as a complement.
Hands were raised to mouths though a few hands were raised in greeting, mostly those of Adam's brothers. She was surprised to find Jim Vir and Thomas there, as they usually hide from family gatherings.
Jim was slouched in a seat by the fireplace, squeezed next to his wife who seemed to be holding him in place by sheer force of will. Thomas was sitting on the floor at their feet and raised a fist to them as they entered. He was looking much better than even the last time she had seen him. He was clean shaven with short buzzed blond hair, and the sort of sickly thinness that had been common with him (caused by an addiction that Adam had mentioned to herein confidence) was gone. He looked healthy.
The silence was only broken by a squeal of delight and a small blond tornado came whirling across the room. Sunny's combat instincts were the only thing to save her as the small shape bolted at her front the center of the room, leaping towards her with arms outstretched.
Sunny caught Kimber with her upper arms and hefted the girl into the air. With a shriek of delight Kimber wrapped her arms around Sunny's neck.
The family stared as Kimber began to talk.
"You Came, you CAME! My cousins didn't believe me that I was friends with you, but I am. You are my friend right?"
Sunny rumbled low in her throat,
"How could say no to being your friend?"
The little girl beamed as Sunny held her.
Adam was smiling as he walked them a bit further into the room.
He turned to look at his family, his face a perfect mask of politeness showing no hint of the nerves he was surely feeling. Sunny knew what this was about, very few people knew of their involvement with each other, and it had never come up considering as they had broken up before that conversion had ever been made, but now things had only gotten more complicated.
They had... gone back to doing a lot of the stuff they had done when they were dating, and she wasn't entirely sure if they were just friends... Or something more.
She was ok with it either way, granted she would have liked it if they were back together, but she had recently become happy enough with herself that she would be ok if that didn't happen either.
Either way only Adam's brothers knew about their relationship as it was.
She stepped behind him, still holding Kimber.
Adam motioned to her with one hand as uncle Ben finally unfroze himself from out in the hall and followed them into the room.
"Everyone, this is Sunny, my weapons specialist."
Martha and Jim smiled at her, and she couldn't help but notice another figure lurking in the corner behind Jim and Martha's chair.
Eris was here too, though based on the family reactions around her, no one knew what she was just yet.
His grandparents remained quiet, though Maya, Jeremy, David and Jordan (David's husband), greeted her with proper enthusiasm. Adam took a chair offered to him by his brother Jeremy. Next to him the pretty redhead with grey eyes nudged Jeremy in the ribs. He lit up as soon as she did.
"Adam, guess what!"
Adam raised an eyebrow,
He glanced between Jeremy and his girlfriend who was smiling mischievously.
She held out a hand to display her shiny ring. Humans like that sort of thing, small bits of dangly metal and shiny rocks, it was kind of cute, like watching a bird or a raccoon Sunny thought. Adam's eyes went wide,
"You're engaged!"
The room lightened up then with laughter as he took her hand to examine the ring,
"That's a nice rock."
She shrugged,
"It's one of those lab made ones. I told him that if he spent too much money on a ring, I would skin him and wear him like a coat."
Sunny sat on the floor next to them, her legs crossed. Kimber sat in her lap, happily playing with her handheld video game. Her younger brother, who Krill had had the pleasure of delivering, was now walking and talking, and stumbled over to sit in her lap too, though he hardly knew her. It wasn't long before Sunny was surrounded by a small army of children, hanging around her neck, tugging on her arms and climbing on her back.
Sunny didn't mind in the least though. Human children were rather fun. The small one had dozed off in her lap next to his big sister.
One of the older humans, who Sunny thought was Adams grandma piped up,
"It's so nice…"
She turned to look at Thomas and Adam Very pointedly,
"Just two more grandsons left to go."
Adam and Thomas exchanged a long-suffering look.
"Aren't the two of you dating yet, I know Thomas you were for a while, right?"
Thomas sighed,
"Just been working on myself lately, grandma."
No need to bring up his addiction. The last time Thomas had been involved with a woman she hadn't exactly helped him out. Adam was under the impression she had been a part of what made his addiction so bad the last time around, enabling his habit.
She then turned her eyes to Adam who wilted in his seat,
"And Adam, you seem so focused on your job recently. You really should think about settling down and meeting someone."
He groaned.
"No buts! You're 27 and I haven't heard of you even dating anyone!”
"Maybe that's because it's my business, and I just haven't told you yet."
"Who are you going to date on a spaceship?”
"Bet Ramirez would date me if I asked…"
He mumbled under his breath. Sunny snorted with great amusement.
"Mom, leave the kids alone."
Martha said, as she rested a hand on Thomas's shoulder.
Sunny listened to the conversation for a while and played with the kids who seemed fascinated by the fact she had four arms.
"So Is Sunny your REAL name, or just a nickname?"
She looked up to see one of the older male humans looking at her.
"It is a direct translation. My given name is Chalan."
Adam looked like he was hurting inside.
She repeated,
"But Sunny will do just fine."
"That seems like such an odd name, are all your names so strange?”
"I suppose all names seem strange when looking at them from the outside. Drev names always mean something. To us human names are just a combination of random sounds. My brother is named Kanan, which translates to Noble."
"So, you name your children after, what? Ideas aspects, or just the first word that comes into your head?”
Adam looked ready to intervene, but Sunny shook her head at him.
"No, we name our children after attributes we wish them to possess. My father wanted me to be a light, like the sun, and my parents wanted their son to be a noble warrior."
"Is it true that your religion believes in animism?”
It was a genuine question, but she could tell by the way that Adam tensed that it wasn't said in a polite manner.
"Yes, we do believe that everything has a spirit."
"Even rocks?"
"More like rock as a whole has one spirit. Rock is hard and firm, unyielding, but over time it can be shaped by the wind. Stone itself has qualities which might wish to possess a firmness, but an ability to be shaped by experience."
"But… rocks aren't alive."
"I never said they were."
"But you said they had a spirit?”
"Does something need to be alive to have a spirit?"
"Well of course, what you are talking about is simply the characteristics of rock."
Sunny remained calm and composed. If Naktan had taught her anything, it had been the ability to keep calm even when under the immense pressure of annoyance.
"Then perhaps we define spirit differently? It might not be a direct translation. For us, a spirit is the true definition of a person or object. If you were to define every aspect of me, you would know my spirit, and so you can define every aspect of stone which means you can define its spirit."
The two older humans exchanged a look,
"That seems… like a very primitive sentiment."
She could practically hear Adam grinding his teeth.
If she could simply have smiled, she would have,
"Closed minded people often think that way. Once they have been indoctrinated into a single religion from a low age on, people tend to be so narrow minded that they cant understand other points of view."
The room went silent for a moment before Adam piped up,
"I think the Drev religion makes the most sense out of any of the religions I have experienced personally."
There was awkward silence around the room for a moment, though the conversation soon moved on to wedding planning for Jeremy.
Adam suggested that Sunny and Thomas take the kids outside to play, and then Jim offered to go to, so they managed to escape with the kids.
Jim rested a hand on Sunny's shoulder.
"I'm sorry about Martha's parents, they are a bit... oooold fashioned."
"Xenophobic more like…"
Thomas muttered and Sunny just shrugged,
"If they could bother me that easily, I can hardly consider myself a Drev."
Jim paused and took a seat, watching the kids as they ran around in circles in the backyard.
Jim glanced over at her once and then twice.
He clearly wanted to say something but wasn't sure if he should.
Sunny tilted her head,
"Go on?"
"Are you two still..."
"Well… It's... complicated."
He snorted a laugh,
" I thought that was just a human thing."
She shrugged,
"I guess not."
He shifted again,
"May I ask... How or... It's ok if you don't tell me."
Sunny sighed,
"We broke up a little after the trial. I think he was going through something rough, and... well… we are sort of behaving in the same way we used to, but we haven't talked about it since things started to get better."
The man nodded,
"Adam isn't going to make it easy,"
He paused,
"For what it's worth. I am rooting for you, because I like you and for Adam's sake. I think... Well, I think he needs someone around to mellow him out. I think he thinks too much and that gets in his way."
She hummed softly.
She liked Jim. The man didn't talk much, but when he did, it was always something good.
"Thank you, Jim."
He grunted,
"Make sure that boy figures himself out."
Sunny was in good spirits when they sat down to eat a few hours later. There was a lot of food on the table and as she sat Martha brought over a bowl of flowers lending down and whispering.
"I just picked them from the garden, shhh don't tell my mother."
Adam, sitting on her right had shoved his plate full of potatoes but still grinned at her.
"Black hole."
She muttered.
He muttered back and smiled.
Off to his left Eris was sitting with her hood pulled low over her face. Adam patted her shoulder before shoveling more potatoes onto his plate. Waffles was under the table with her head on his lap, not necessarily begging, but definitely hoping something would drop onto the floor. She soon moved across the table to where the kids were sitting and where she was having more luck. The conversation quickly devolved into many little conversations in varying degrees of exuberance.
It didn't take long for a good portion of the table to hone in on Adam and start asking him more personal questions. Sunny wasn't really paying attention at first as she was speaking with Jordan about something, when she suddenly noticed a good portion of the table had gone quiet while another portion gotten a little louder.
"Why does it matter so much to you? Maybe I just like my job."
"You're going to be old and lonely and miserable one day."
"How do you know that?"
"Because you haven't even tried."
Adam's cheeks were red with anger and most of the food on his plate had been left untouched.
"Maybe, I haven't said anything because I don't want you involved?"
"We are family, Adam."
Sunny felt something snap. It was as if the air itself had shattered slightly.
Adam grew very quiet,
"Sorry, I didn't find it likely that you would accept the fact that Sunny and I were dating. But since you seem to care SOOO MUCH… congratulations, well now you know!"
The entire room went very quiet.
They stared at him, they stared at Sunny.
Then Adam got up early, tipping his chair over and walked out.
Sunny blinked once then twice, then shrugged and continued to eat her flowers. The table continued to stare at her.
"Is that true!?”
Sunny shrugged,
"Do you think he's joking?”
No one answered.
Sunny finished her last flowers, stood and grabbed Adam's plate, before sternly looking at the rest of the table and shaking her head before walking off.
She heard uproar as soon as she stepped out, but ignored it as she went to look for Adam.
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Thanks for reading! As you saw in the title, this is a cross posted story written by starrfallknightrise and I'll just upload some of it here for you guys, if you are interested and want to read ahead, the original story-collection can be found on tumblr or wattpad to read for free. (link above this text under "OC:..." ) It is the Empyrean Iris story collection by starfallknightrise. Also, if you want to know more about the story collection i made an intro post about it, so feel free to check that out to see what other great characters to look forward to! (Link also above this text). I have no affiliations to the author; just thought I’d share some of the great stories you might enjoy a lot!
Obviously, I have Charlie’s permission to post this and for the people already knowing the stories, or starting to read them: If you follow the link and check out the story you will see some differences. I made some small (non-artistic) changes, mainly correcting writing mistakes, pronoun correction and some small additional info here and there of things which were not thought of/forgotten or even were added/changed in later stories (like the “USS->UNSC” prefix of Stabby, Chalar=/->Sunny etc). As well as some "biggemajor" changes in descriptions and info’s for the same stringency/continuity reason. That can be explained by the story collection being, well a story collection at the start with many standalone-stories just starring the same people, but later on it gets more to a stringent storyline with backstories and throwbacks. (For example Adam Vir has some HEAVY scars over his body, following his bones, which were not really talked about up till half the collection, where it says it covers his whole body and you find out via backflash that he had them the whole time and how he got them, they just weren't mentioned before. However, I would think a doctor would at least see these scars before that, especially since he gets analyzed, treated and goes shirtless/in T-shirts in some stories). So TLDR: Writing and some descriptions are slightly changed, with full OK from the author, since he himself did not bother to correct these things before.
submitted by maximusaemilius to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:43 Joeus9 I got a 98 on my ASVAB, and this is how I did it.

98 ASVAB M 95 A 97 G 99 E 97
First of all, I’m not here to brag about my ASVAB score; that is not my intention. I’m simply here to share my strategy and what worked for me. You can read it and adapt what might work for you. I went down the rabbit hole myself when I was researching how to study for the ASVAB and ended up as confused as when I started. I’m writing this post as something I wish I had while searching for study tips for the ASVAB, essentially sharing the experience of someone who studied for the ASVAB and ended up doing really well. Lastly, sorry for the very long post. I just realized how ridiculously lengthy it is, but I want to get all my thoughts out there too, as I think it explains why I did what I did.
I studied for the ASVAB for two months. A little background on me: I’m a green card holder, which means I’m very limited in my job selection in the military—mostly standard, non-specialized roles, no cyber, load master, intel, etc. This led me to focus on desk jobs away from the frontline. After my research, the jobs that suited me most were in the General Aptitude area (also where the majority of available jobs were) and administrative, but those jobs come around once in the blue moon so I don’t really hope for them but I still will put it in my list just in case. You want to focus on one aptitude area because most recruiters will ask you to list ten jobs within one aptitude area. This makes your study much easier. I know listing those ten jobs is hard, and you might want to include jobs from another aptitude area, but that can come later, once you get your actual ASVAB score. Remember, a job is not guaranteed in the Air Force, and if you want to join, you should start getting into the right mindset. Don’t worry about what you can’t control, but focus on what you can, like your ASVAB score. Just focus on getting the highest score possible, ideally high enough so you are qualified for all the jobs. That way, you give yourself the best possible chance when listing those ten jobs; you can actually put down jobs you are willing to do for all of them. Once I knew what aptitude area to focus on, I looked up which subtests made up those composite scores. For General, that is Arithmetic Reasoning, Paragraph Comprehension, and Word Knowledge. Luckily, these three subtests are also part of your AFQT, so it was like hitting two birds with one stone. Even more lucky, Administrative also uses the same subtest scores, just switching Arithmetic Reasoning with Mathematics Knowledge, but these two are pretty much the same thing. In the end, it was like hitting three birds with one stone. Awesome.
Now, this is what I did before I started studying for the ASVAB. Before I decided to join the Air Force, I was actually trying to learn how to code by myself (which didn’t go well, LOL). But what I actually gained from it was learning how to study effectively, which is fundamental and something most people, including myself, don’t really know how to do. I was the type that did well in subjects I liked and failed at any subject I had to try at. I never knew how to study and blamed it on my short attention span. That changed when I came across a Coursera course called “Learning How to Learn for Youth.” It’s designed for high school students, but this course changed my life and taught me how to study effectively, which I thought was impossible for me. This course is free, and most Coursera courses are free—just sign up and select the free option. The content is the same as the paid membership, you just don’t get a certificate after finishing the course. There is a similar course on Coursera called “Learning How to Learn” for adults. I would suggest going for the youth one first, as it’s more visual and the concepts are easier to understand. Also, all the strategies you need for doing well on the ASVAB are in the youth course. The adult course is also very beneficial if you have time for it; I definitely recommend it, but it’s more for someone pursuing college.
Back to the ASVAB, once I learned how to study properly, the study materials I used were two things: the ASVAB for Dummies book and ASVAB for Dummies is really all you need, but the reason I also used will come later. When I took that first full test in the Dummies book, boy, I was bad. I was good at math back in high school, but I had been out for a while (I’m 30) and had forgotten almost all of it, even the most basic stuff. I couldn’t solve 80% of the math problems and couldn’t even finish each subtest in time. I couldn’t even make an educated guess—LOL. It was a rude awakening for sure. But, I chose to prioritize math because it constitutes half of your AFQT score. By focusing on math and getting really good at it, you’re essentially securing 50% of your score. Another saving grace, as I came to realize later, was that I wasn’t so bad at Paragraph Comprehension. Lastly, since English is not my native language, my Word Knowledge was really bad; I usually got 3 out of 18 questions right. The Dummies book suggested learning more words by reading the dictionary and books. Let’s be real, we don’t know which words will be on the ASVAB and two months is nowhere near enough time for me to learn enough new words to make a difference. Sure, there are some strategies like looking at context, prefixes, and suffixes, but they didn’t help much, so I just let it be.
But, let’s look at it this way. Math and Paragraph Comprehension make up 75% of the test. If I did really well on these, I could hopefully score around 70, which is good since most jobs don’t require a high aptitude score; 60-70 is not bad at all.
Now comes the reason I needed After I read all the math sections in the Dummies book and did the end-of-chapter tests, I still couldn’t get it right. Googling each type of math problem wasn’t practical for me. I needed a crash course in math, and presented their courses in a way that worked for me. Each math subject is presented in short 5-10 minute clips, and there’s a test right after each clip, which really helps solidify the concepts you’ve just learned. Now, it’s $49.99 per month. I only needed it for one month, but I consider this an investment in my future. $49.99 for my future? That’s money well spent. taught me how to be good at math. They offer a free trial, so you can check them out.
The nice thing about the Dummies book is that they have a study plan for how much time you have before taking the ASVAB, whether it’s 12 weeks, 6 weeks, or 2 weeks. I went with the 6-week plan. The gist of it is to take the AFQT or full ASVAB test in their book or online at the beginning of each week to assess your progress and determine what areas you need to work on. For the entire two months, I mainly focused on math. I did a little on Paragraph Comprehension, but once you start getting used to how they ask the questions on the test, it becomes pretty straightforward. I took two tests each week, one from the Dummies book and one from other online tests. I mainly did the AFQT tests, meaning I only did tests for Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, and Mathematics Knowledge. I could toggle off the other subtests in online tests for Dummies. I only did three full tests during that entire two-month study session. The full test is really long; the first test took me three hours to complete. The second one, at the end of the first month and two days before I took the PiCAT, I managed to finish in time, which is 2 hours. But the full test just drains all your mental energy—once I’m done, I feel like my brain is done for the day, and I can’t study afterward.
Tips on study time: I use the Pomodoro technique. Essentially, you study for 25 minutes and take a 10-minute break, then repeat. This gives you the most effective study time. You can use a timer for this, but I use an app on my phone. The advantage of the app is it silences my phone notifications while the timer is on, and once the timer is up, you can set the break time right away so you don’t give yourself an excuse to take a longer break. But the most important thing with the app is that you can track your actual study time. Studying does make the time feel longer, so you can easily fool yourself into thinking you’ve studied longer than you have. While you study, you might get up for a quick bathroom break, do some laundry, cook in the background, or take a quick snack break. You look up at the clock, and two hours have passed by, and you think you’ve studied for two hours, but in reality, you’ve only studied for maybe 50 minutes. I set a goal for myself to study at least 4 hours each day. But I could only do it for 2 hours each day. Even on weekends, when I was determined to study for 5-6 hours straight, I only ended up studying for 3-4 hours! So if you don’t have an accurate way to track your study time, you could be fooling yourself, and you’ll wonder why you don’t seem to improve.
Another important thing is to take online tests from places other than your Dummies book because the tests in the book have a pattern to them, and when you do another online test, the wording alone can make you stuck. Only taking the test in the Dummies book is a no-go. I took every online test I could find on the internet. Lastly, I’m telling you, when they say the questions on the actual ASVAB will not be the same or similar as in the book, it’s 100% true, and that also applies to all the online tests out there as well. The actual test will just be different, so just be prepared to really know your subject and not memorize any questions from a practice test.
A.I., yes, A.I. is everywhere, and it’s also here, but in terms of helping you understand math word problems better. ChatGPT is a truly wonderful tool/assistant. Those math word problems are the hardest and confuse the heck out of me. When I look at the solution and think I understand how to do it, I come across another similar problem but with slightly different wording, and I’m stuck again. ChatGPT is your friend. Just type the exact math word problem and tell it to give you a different variation for you to practice. It will give the same problem but with different numbers, and once you’ve really got that down, you can ask it to make the math harder or switch the wording around to really challenge whether you truly understand it. It’s not only for math word problems. Paragraph comprehension, equations, word knowledge—any problem you think you don’t really understand and want to practice with a similar problem, you can with this. You no longer have to waste time searching the internet for similar practice problems again. The future is now! I did hundreds of math word problems on ChatGPT, and it’s the sole reason why word problems are not a problem for me at all on the actual ASVAB. ChatGPT is a wonderful tool, and we are so blessed to have access to it now. If you’ve never tried it, you should now, and your life will never be the same.
Once the two months were up, I was ready to take the actual ASVAB. I chose to take the PiCAT, not because I could cheat. It’s very tempting, but please don’t. Because you still need to take a verification test, and you only get to do it once, and it could really help you to get a better score. First, if you are in the same environment where you studied, using the same computer you used to do those online practice tests, it will literally feel like you are taking another practice test. That helps take the anxiety away and puts you at ease. You can think more clearly, and your brain is in optimal condition to take the test. But what is most beneficial is that there is no time constraint on the PiCAT; you get 24 hours once you start the test to complete it. This helps take so much pressure off, making doing math problems much easier knowing that you don’t have to rush for time. But don’t let this make you think time doesn’t matter because you still need to take the verification test, and that is timed—more on that later. Like I mentioned before, I did three full practice tests, and I was able to finish the last two in time. I actually finished the PiCAT even faster, in one hour and forty-five minutes. Once you finish the test, it doesn’t tell you your score. My recruiter told me my score the following day, but I still didn’t accept it until I took that verification test. Now, you might think if it’s that much of a hassle, why not just take the actual full ASVAB? Two reasons: first, for all the reasons I mentioned above, and second, the actual ASVAB has tryout questions on them, meaning more questions. They give you more time, but with everything going on at MEPS and you are forced to use more of your brain on questions that don’t matter, the PiCAT gives you an edge on the test, and why wouldn’t you take advantage of that?
The verification test consists of 30 questions, and you get 45 minutes to complete them. 15 questions are from your PiCAT and 15 are other questions. If you don’t finish the verification test in time, you get rolled into the full ASVAB. So, like I said, you don’t want to cheat, and also because the verification test wants you to answer exactly the same way as you answered them on your PiCAT. If you cheat and you don’t remember what you put down, you get rolled into the full ASVAB.
This is also why you want to take the verification test as soon as possible so your memory is still fresh. I was able to do it two days later. But don’t worry, if you are legit, you will be fine. I was worried as well because the test is timed, but it only took me 10 minutes. When you try to remember the questions from before on the test, you can’t really recall any of them, but once the same question is presented to you again, your memory just pops right back up. Lastly, there is a 5% chance you are the lucky one that gets rolled into the full ASVAB anyway. I saw one guy who got that when I took my verification test, and boy, he was pissed.
Regarding my score, if you look back, I got a 98 on my ASVAB. M 95 A 97 G 99 E 97. I didn’t mention studying for Mechanical or Electrical at all, but how come my scores are so high? This was a pleasant surprise to me as well. I did not study for them at all, and no, I’m not naturally good at those subjects. The only thing I did solidly was assembling objects. My knowledge in auto shop, mechanical knowledge, and electrical is laughable, as low as my word knowledge. Oh, I think I only got less than half on my word knowledge as well. Once I’m done with my main AFQT subtests, I’m just chilling and guessing for the rest of the tests. It even makes me laugh at how little I know about them. But my scores somehow turned out really good for the other aptitude areas as well. All my recruiter could say is that there are some calculations in the background that involve your AFQT as well, so if you did really well on those, it boosts all your scores across the board. That’s why recruiters like to emphasize focusing on your AFQT score. And it looks like that was indeed the case for me. So that’s how I got a pleasant surprise at the end, and if the job you want is in another aptitude area, you can just try to ace your AFQT like me, and those other areas will come out high as well.
Finally, the end! I can’t believe I actually wrote all of this. I started writing this just from a Reddit post asking how to score more than 60+ on the ASVAB, and it turned out to be an essay. If my wording is confusing, please forgive me as I started writing this at 10 and it’s now almost 2 in the morning. Like I said, my intention is to share my experience on what worked for me and hopefully it helps you guys out there who are studying for the ASVAB. I’m not a smart guy, I’m very average, but I did put a lot of work into studying for my future. Good luck to you all! I hope you get the score you want and the job you want.
submitted by Joeus9 to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 06:46 Silas_Ascher The Therian Enigma

When one should notice the term Therian:
Alas Therian, a great deal and when asked of someone a definition, they are always going to differ because in my view the phenomena is introspective. You can't necessarily teach someone how to feel or tell them what they think they're responding to is a confusion, a lament to themselves as they are, with the wish to be, or extrasensory phenomena. One could feel to term it a mental illness in some cases, and a harmless desire in another, a personality gesture, a rogue soul.
I can't get a proper expression for a one word with so many definitions, and when it so happens I say I am Therian, it will confuse others into thinking I was due inside of the last conversations they had of it with someone such unlike myself. Many I see are asked to consult a blog on the Internet which is but a other opinion.
I decided into an approach to a more scientific name, yet people do not inquire much on prefixes and suffixes, or the Latin and Greek meanings where they're derived, the etymology and philological quests we undertake... to give us proper understanding in a straightforward manner. As such what I have come up with is preliminary, and below is my definition. Take no news or heed of it if you must feel the need to do so, as I know so it will conflict.
In itself, the word Theria, Therian is a major group classification of the marsupial and placental family.
*** Introspection of What Sapience has Become ***
Scientific Term:
Omnimorphegenisologæ Ametanthraporiæ
Syllabification, Suggested Wording:
That in spite of individual feelings of the Human 'Therian' race; there is a singular proposition, which are sensitivities which might range from melancholia to ecstasy; based on one's own countenance to the definition the scientific name implies. (Peoples who may or not be anthropomorphic enthused).
Definition out of the Verbatim:
All things that are within In their form (what may be of flesh, of the mind, heart, and spirit); shall be and are created... However, Without change; the unique Hominid of his own form and fashion, will have constant irreconcilability within himself, a conflict.
The Human Therian, shall do their absolute best to find the homeostasis of themselves, and with that failure of not being allowed to do so, could lead to many types of seeking of harmful effects and outlets, such as drug addiction. Exempli Gratia. So self expression must be a mandatory right, and in an unforgiving society; Id Est: Dangerous creatures who are quick to judge, discriminate, prejudicious, brutalize, bully, exile.. The victims are made to suffer their internal conflict.. so I say, express yourself as you can, and love as you will, and understand some individuals may be hiding their strife for fear of rejection, losing family and friends.
No one should or has the right to take from you the medicine for what cannot be healed by any other means.
I'd like some help, to think of a less complex word, with an metonymic pathway, to express what I am trying to say ..
There is the condition of Omnimorphegenisologæ Ametanthraporiæ.. of the Hominoidea Sapient which, is the ailment of the the afflicted "Therianthropic". The saliency is how you handle the condition, and to be able to self actualize what you really are, acceptance of your status, there is no cure for it. There is a good amount of support and a community, which helps but self actualized individuals I need well stated definition for, that doesn't imply illness.
Opinions, thoughts, questions, concerns? Thank you for reading.
submitted by Silas_Ascher to therianthropy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:37 SuchBarnacle8549 Managed to solve today's daily

Super happy I managed to crack today's question
Only did 2 questions from neetcode 150 on prefix trees months ago, but it was super helpful to gain intuition.
Suspected it was a trie question upon seeing prefix matching and constraints about lowercase alphabets.
Approach was not the most optimal but I inserted the prefixes instead of the words into the trie, then whenever end == True (meaning a derivative-prefix match), i return [True, index], which then the index can be used to truncate the word in the dictionary without having to check which prefix was matched
Wanted to share some success solving new questions with learnings from blind75/neetcode 150 questions lol
submitted by SuchBarnacle8549 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:08 StarriEyedMan Translations of musical lyrics into more information-dense languages?

Some languages are not very dense in terms of the information you can convey in a few syllables. However, there exist languages where information density is very high, often through modifying existing words with prefixes, suffixes, conjugation, and more.
For example, in Spanish, a verb like "to have" is translated to "tener." You can modify that word to "tengo," meaning "I have," or "Tenéis," meaning "you all have" in a casual sense (but only used in Spain). Some tenses- like some types of past tense- also modify the existing word.
In English, we have a present tense and past tense for all verbs, but to achieve future tense, you need to say "I will ___," or some variation there of. Some languages allow modification of verbs to say the same thing. Some tenses are only present in specific dialects of English, such as African American English with the verb "be," which allows you to describe someone's tendencies towards something in as few as three words (You could say a man has a job as "he be working," or Stephen King is an author by saying "he be writing books." Note that be isn't used to describe what someone is currently doing. When someone is at work, it isn't "he be working right now," instead being "he is working.").
Some conlangs (languages made for fun) show this to the extreme, like Ithkuil, with an example being the sentence "Tram-mļöi hhâsmařpţuktôx," which translates to "On the contrary, I think it may turn out that this rugged mountain range trails off at some point."
This idea of information density has me wondering about song translations, particularly in theatre. The ideas music lyrics convey are strongly limited by how much can be said in the given rhythm, while maintaining the rhyme scheme and following natural stress patterns. But if the language is more information-dense, the lyricist could, in theory, give much more information in the same number of syllables as another translation. This information may even free up space for new details to be added to characters.
Does anyone know of any musicals that have been translated into more information-dense languages? If so, what did the translating lyricists add in with the space they freed up, if anything?
submitted by StarriEyedMan to musicals [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:10 ARabbitWithSyphilis I think we all deal with this attitude now

Jodie Foster wishes she had Gen Z's ability to say no earlier in her career Fortune
Where kids these days just say "No. That worksheet is too difficult, and then start to just fuck around on their phones, laptops, iPads, or disrupt everything because they don't think it's fair that they have to write something is ridiculous to me. I really want this trend of "I can do what I want because I don't like what you said" can be over by now with younger teenage students who just see adults who have had struggles all their life come to an end.
and I'm not saying that kids can't have their own struggles by any means. Some have horrible lives - and that is both depressing and completely unjust. However, when they just sit there and then get mad at you because you asked them to write five sentences about something as simple as "What's your favorite movie and why?" it's ridiculous.
submitted by ARabbitWithSyphilis to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:53 IWillShowU [FL} Clarification of "non-medical-medical" support filing and forgery HELP!

EDIT: I am sorry for such a long post I hope mods don't mind. I have a plethora of information on all kinds of things. I am Non-NT (Non-Neural Typical, I don't like that term). But I do rant and I'm sure I have exposed myself if the right person reads this. But most of you won't. I find if it's longer than 144 characters no one cares to read it. Oh she's a Doctor. I talked to my old attorney who is really good but I don't have the money up front and he said she would end up paying.
Edit2: Is there a fathers rights group that can help look into this with me just so I can show the big picture. See what I'm doing hear I even know this is way to long and way to much information but I'm Non-NT and I can't help myself to over explain things. I will trap a person talking about history or tech for hours unless they tell me to stop. And I know it makes me seem "unwell" or "erratic". Sad part is I'm smart and aware enough that I do it to people.
Ok I'm in FL. I'll try and be brief (no pun) and concise. We've had a final Judgement since 2016. This Final Judgement for some reason it didn't have have a "worksheet" in the document filling. There was one but it s wasn't in the same document filing and none of us saw it as it was not the "Final Judgement".
No big deal the Judgement says what support is right? Ours is easy I just got on SSD and at the time she made close to 10k/month. So my son just gets support payments with my SSD which at the time was little over $500/month. So she gets $500 support a month. In the Judgement at the uninsured medical cost dental/etc. It was left blank by the Judge on purpose because he know that the Worksheet would put my Support at $224.57\month(17%) but he'd be getting $497. That puts the worksheet in the Black on my side at $272.43\month. This is obvious how it works right. My son should get the whole benefit payment which is awesome. But because the worksheet says my Share of Support is 17%. Apparently that means the BLANK in the Judgement for " uninsured medical cost dental/etc" being zero means nothing. Asked for Clarification today and was told it's 17% regardless if the worksheet ISN'T part of the Final the Judge left blank on purpose.
So here's the kicker. For some reason wants "non-medical support" and sends me a full PDF of the final Judgement and in the blank spot it now says 50%. WTF I know that's not right so I asked "where is this from?" She says. "from her original records" I know this is BS. So I tell here it's NOT 55% she INSIST that it is and her order is legal. I asked serval times about it. Finally I go down to the Clerks office and get a certified copy of the "Final Judgement". Again there is NO worksheet in this. She still insist it's 50% and demands and threatens Florida Department of revenue action. Which BTW when I go there and look at my case it says NO Support Order and No medical support order. Went down to the Clerks office to file for a "Clarification" hearing. Well that was today. I showed the Judgement that was ALTERED and it came from her via email and plenty of messages about it and how I knew it was wrong. I also showed the Worksheet that had me in the Black for $207\month (Over paying if just using the worksheet) Told him I had NEVER seen it until 7 months ago when she started this BS) I would have asked right off the bat about the Worksheet not being balanced. But the Judge left it blank because my sons needs would never be a worry. I pay for my sons phone, clothes, and all other things that should be paid with the support money. But I asked the Hearing Officer about the altered Judgement and he didn't care. I'm sure who was on the Zoom call but I was in the room. Every Supplemental Judgement or Modified ALWAYS had a worksheet in the JUDGEMENT FILING. You know what she won today? $800 for "non-medical-medical-uninsured" bills the past 8 months. My son had a small surgery.
What she committed was and is wire fraud. You can't alter a court document that has a Judges signature and seal on give it to someone and tell them it's really. I even have emails of her "formal request" to pay %50 portion of the bill. The woman is evil. I teach my son not to hold grudges* or use that word. I'm 45, grudges* is a rock to heavy to carry but a twisting knife can't be ignored(that part I don't say) Even my son is questioning if she's pathological. There is so much more. Once got in an accident while my son was at home put my face through a windshield. Last 5 mins of memory. I was alert talked to the FHP went to hospital no real injures and of course they drug tested me, which yeah I don't blame them. After test nothing was found and they sent me home to follow up with my doctors. Last Dec my right collapsed spontaneously( apparently it's rare had serval doctors ask me about it) Oh and I walked around all day with it because of another issue I'm always in pain so I ignored it. They get me back to health and a week later it happened again. Now my lung is attached to inner chest with Talc powder procedure I asked her if she could come pick him up so he wouldn't miss school. She did it and bitched about it and even trough it in my face as it was a favor for me and called it a "concession". No it's called being a parent and making sure our son is safe and makes it to school .
So please can anyone suggest something I can do? The balief was nice anough to tell me that the DA probably would do nothing and I would contact where she lives first. I waited so long becuase I thought it would have just made her look guilty and it does. I have TONS of prove and a whole lot more lying under oath giving flase information to the court to her way. SHE ENROLLED AT ANOTHER COLLEGE AS A REASON TO MOVE BUT SHE NEVER ATTENDED. It was all lies. Why didn't I say anything when I find these things out? Because no one wants to take the time dig in. And I spent over 40K since his birth. I SUED HER. She wouldn't let me see my son and lied about when to fill out the Birth cert and left it blank!!! I have no money anymore. My son sees what she does and knows her lies. His almost 17 and he doesn't need to be put in the middle. You know how proud I am we he says, "Dad I've learned more from you than I've ever learned from my mom. You thought me to be a good person" I raise adults not children.
Please help!!! TIA
submitted by IWillShowU to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:39 gastjungeT Was the cake thing in the New Donk City video a nod to aces / a*specs?

Basically just the title:
In the Mario SLA hbomb spent a little while arguing “Mario just likes to eat cake! Let the guy have his cake! He doesn’t like sex, shut up!” As an asexual¹ I find this very funny², but it seems just like a coincidence, because the cake thing isn’t really well known outside the community. Does anyone know anything about that? Has anyone ever asked hbomb about that?
¹ Crash course in asexuality:
Asexual (short: ace) is a label of / for people who experience little or no sexual attraction (note that attraction ≠ libido). In the a*-community (and I think many allosexuals (“allo-” = “non a-”) could find it helpful as well) it’s often helpful to distinguish between different types of attraction (like platonic, romantic, sexual, sensual, aethetic). So there is also aromantic, aplatonic, etc.. All of these attractions are not binary (romantic attraction: “yes” or “no”), but it’s more of a spectrum (a big thing is the prefix “demi-” which means that you need a strong emotional connection to another person before the attraction can even occur). To include every person that identifies with any label on any of the ‘A’-spectra you can say “a*spec”.
For many people romantic and sexual orientation align, but a*specs often find that this isn’t the case for them (so you might be asexual homoromantic for example).
² Because people on the asexual spectrum in general do not care for sex, a very big in-joke (and you know it’s funny because it’s an “in-joke” and not a “meme”) of the community is that if you give us a choice to have sex or eat some cake we would always eat cake, because holy s**t have you ever eaten cake? It’s so good!
submitted by gastjungeT to hbomberguy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:25 anderseknert Regal v0.23.0 released!

This is a release adds 3 new linter rules to Regal, greatly improved completion suggestions in the language server, and a number of other improvements and fixes.

New rule: leaked-internal-reference

Category: bugs
Following the recently added style guide recommendation to use underscore prefixes to denote internal rules and functions, this was the first rule to help enforce that convention. The leaked-internal-reference rule will flag any reference to a rule or function with an underscore prefix that is not defined in the same package:
package policy import rego.v1 # this will be flagged, as `_allow` is considered internal to the `authz` package allow if data.authz._allow 
For more information, see the docs on leaked-internal-reference.

New rule: internal-entrypoint

Category: bugs
Rules annotated as entrypoints are public by definition and must not be prefixed with an underscore.
package policy import rego.v1 # METADATA # entrypoint: true _authorize if { # some conditions } 
package policy import rego.v1 # METADATA # entrypoint: true allow if _authorize _authorize if { # some conditions } 
For more information, see the docs on internal-entrypoint.

New rule: ambiguous-scope

Category: idiomatic
The default scope for metadata annotating a rule is the rule scope, which applies to the individual rule statement only. This default is sensible for a rule defined only once, but is somewhat ambiguous for a rule defined incrementally, like the allow rule in the examples below. Was the intention really to annotate that single definition, or the rule as whole? Most likely the latter.
If only a single rule in a group of incremental rule definitions is annotated, it should have it's scope set explicitly to either document or rule. If all incremental definitions are annotated, explicit scope: rule is not required.
# METADATA # description: allow is true if the user is admin, or the requested resource is public allow if user_is_admin allow if public_resource 
# METADATA # description: allow is true if the user is admin, or the requested resource is public # scope: document allow if user_is_admin allow if public_resource 
Or (scope rule implied, but all incremental definitions annotated)
# METADATA # description: allow is true if the user is admin allow if user_is_admin # METADATA # description: allow is true if the requested resource is public allow if public_resource 
Or (scope rule explicit)
# METADATA # description: allow is true if the user is admin # scope: rule allow if user_is_admin allow if public_resource 
For more information, see the docs on ambiguous-scope.
For more information about the scope metadata attribute, see the OPA docs.

Language server: Greatly improved completion suggestions

Last release introduced a minimal implementation of code completion, which means that the language server supports providing completion suggestions while editing Rego in an editor that supports the Regal languge server, such as VS Code using the OPA VS Code extension.
This release provides greatly improved completion suggestions, including:
Using completion suggestions now feels like a total game changer for productivity, and we really recommend trying it out!

Other improvements


Bugs fixed

Breaking changes

These changes do not affect regular users of Regal, but possibly power users that have built their own custom rules relying on these helpers.
Full changelog and downloads here.
submitted by anderseknert to OpenPolicyAgent [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:45 nameisagoldenbell IEP at school

My daughter has an IEP that I fought for years to get her. She would write the whole alphabet and entire sentences in reverse, among any other things. But the school fought me until I hired a special advocate. My daughter has had her IEP for a year now, she gets pull out services focusing on Orton Gillingham, she’s not supposed to be timed, she gets books on audio, etc.
Last year they also awarded me an outside evaluation, which I never used, because it involved 2 fulls days of missing school and then one of the psychiatrist’s evaluators stand in the back of the class for a couple days and watch to make sure the teacher is following the IEP.
I am more worried about self esteem than anything, and I did not want to embarrass my daughter. She knows she is dyslexic. She knows this means she just learns differently. She also knows she has an IEP. The principal changed and the district got in trouble for their IEP numbers being too low, so things are different now.
But I still wonder what to do about her outside evaluation. I know her teacher doesn’t always follow the IEP. For example, daughter told me they had a worksheet that was a “pass to recess.” She mentally shuts down under pressure and her dyslexia amplifies. So she missed recess and cried instead.
Sorry for the long novel. But I am just looking for opinions on this, from those of you who know how my daughter feels
submitted by nameisagoldenbell to Dyslexia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:05 wisketeyefulsj92 Ben Robinson - The Bookkeeper Launch (Download)

Ben Robinson - The Bookkeeper Launch (Download)
Ben Robinson - The Bookkeeper Launch

Ben Robinson - The Bookkeeper Launch Reviews: Is it worth it?

If you're dreaming of starting your own virtual bookkeeping business, you're going to love what Ben Robinson – The Bookkeeper Launch has to offer. This isn't just any course; it's a comprehensive system designed to help you succeed from scratch. Let’s dive in and see what makes this program stand out.

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And if you're looking to build a team, the Bookkeeper Launch Team option is for you. You get everything in Premier plus additional marketing resources, outstanding processes, and people management tools. Plus, you get access for two of your team members to the 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills section. Talk about a comprehensive package!

Ready to Launch Your Bookkeeping Business?

Ben Robinson – The Bookkeeper Launch is more than just a course; it’s a complete system designed to help you build a successful virtual bookkeeping business from the ground up. With all the resources, community support, and expert coaching, you’ll have everything you need to turn your business dreams into reality. So, are you ready to take the leap and join the ranks of successful virtual bookkeepers? Let’s do this!
submitted by wisketeyefulsj92 to TimeHacking [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:55 sombodhi99 Help with two way anova

Help with two way anova
Hi everyone,
I am doing two-way ANOVA in origin for some cell data, I am getting insignificant data. I have 8 drugs that I need to compare with the control and each drug has two groups: Aggregated and non-aggregated cells. However, in the ANOVA results page under the descriptive statistics, I can see that in each group, the software has taken N=2, one for aggregated and another for aggregated, I think the software has averaged out the aggregated and non-aggregated values, is it true and how to rectify it
Raw data
Can anyone help me with this
submitted by sombodhi99 to StatisticsZone [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 shrugir B2B Mobile App Development

B2B Mobile App Development
B2B Mobile App Development
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We believe in doing a lot of research work and competitor analysis before starting up with mobile app development. At Travelopro, the expert team of experienced developers makes sure that every custom mobile app we develop meets world-class standards.

Travelopro offers inclusive B2B mobile apps development services to increase profitability while fulfilling business-specific needs. Our highly- qualified and experienced B2B mobile apps development consultant works closely with our customers and vouch to deliver excellence for catering to their business-critical requirements.

Travelopro has a committed team of B2B & B2C eCommerce developers with expertise in all leading platforms. We focus on customizing, implementing B2B & B2C eCommerce solutions.

From planning to development and launch, we follow the agile project management process to get things done faster and with maximum quality. No matter how unique or complex your business ideas are, our highly skilled team architects are ready to take the challenge.

Our B2B mobility solutions increase the interaction accuracy within an organization, optimize business processes and provide fast customer feedback with better communication. Most of the corporations have B2B mobile apps for data sharing and analysis, supervision, 24x7 support services, communication, and other operations.

We have a dedicated pool of 50+ designers, strategists, and developers in our work centers to deliver perfectly crafted, created, and innovative b2b mobile app development solutions to our clients. We take your business to new heights!

When compared to other b2b mobile app development companies - what makes us unique and stand out from the crowd? We take every project as an opportunity to deliver unique and next-gen solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. At Travelopro, perfection is not just another trait but also a way of life that we have become accustomed to.

We understand how important it is for businesses to build and cultivate customer loyalty, and secure a higher ROI. And that's what Travelopro aims to do through mobile solutions. As a leading eCommerce app development company, we build robust and intuitive apps that drive growth to your business.

We know what exactly your business needs, and on the basis of that we create top-notch mobile applications with cutting-edge technologies. With the latest range of technologies, Travelopro provides extended functionalities, capabilities, and robustness while undertaking mobile enterprise development. We deliver B2B, B2C, and B2E mobility solutions across the globe.

Below-mentioned are the most common types of eCommerce mobile applications. What best matches your business needs?

B2B (Business to Business)

Are most of your B2B sales being mobile? Then maximize growth with B2B eCommerce application development. Let's create mobile-first experiences.

B2C (Business to Customer)

Reach a wider customer base with our eCommerce application development services. Let's build feature-rich apps that your customers love.

B2A (Business to Administration)

We offer B2A eCommerce mobile app development to industries ranging from defense to aerospace. Build an app with a highly skilled team.

C2A (Customer to Administration)

Mobile apps are a great way to increase the flexibility of transactions. Build C2A mobile apps as per your requirements with us.

C2B (Customer to Business)

Have an idea for a C2B mobile app? Hire a team that has both technical and industry expertise for eCommerce application development.

C2C (Customer to Customer)

Launch and scale your C2C business with a marketplace app. Hire expert who can deliver solutions as per your business logic.

Our Powerful Solutions for B2B App Development

Our targeted and customized solutions are tailor-made for specific business models and operations, that empowers you to optimize your ROI and carve a unique niche within the B2B mobile ecosystem.

JOS App Development

We will design and launch efficiently designed and feature-rich IOS business apps for B2B operations and take your business to the next level.

Android App Development

We will develop state-of-the-art Android mobile apps for corporates and enterprises, leveraging the power and reach of the Android ecosystem.

Mobile App Consulting
With our end-to-end development model, we focus on building apps and client relations, which is why we will be there for you at every step of the way.

React Native App Development
Unleash the best of both worlds with B2B mobile apps developed using React Native, which is platform-independent.

Flutter App Development
Attain faster speeds, efficient development cycles and better results with the cross-platform flutter app development for the B2B niche.

Xamarin App Development
Save time with the Xamarin App, one of the fastest methods for cross-platform development for ventures whose ideas cannot wait any longer.

Our B2B Mobile Application Development Process
Our leading b2b mobile app development company follows DevOps and agile processes for offering on-time & error-free solutions to our clients.

Our experienced development team conducts in-depth analysis, understands the project's goals, and ensures validation for delivering comprehensive documentation. We also come up with a dedicated mobile app development plan based on your specific requirements.

· With end-to-end, full-stack mobile application development knowledge & expertise, we help in designing as well as developing customized mobile applications based on the specific requirements of our clients.

· Our advanced development services include full-cycle mobile app development, integration with the ongoing environment, testing, and deployment. We also offer reliable after-deployment support.


· For delivering the assurance of the overall stability after delivering mobile applications successfully, we offer comprehensive mobile app maintenance as well as support services.

· Right from upgrades & the overall improvements to performance monitoring, security audit, server & OS migration-we offer it all.

Mobile App Industries We Cover


· Let your target audience map the health record and fitness with the accuracy of mobile apps. As the structured apps developed by the Mobile App Development Company are intelligently designed to keep one in good health and shape.

· Additionally, by enabling the customized features to improve the user experience, the developed applications are technologically advanced.

· Healthcare apps are developed for the health-conscious individual by suggesting the ways to lose weight to what should be the right diet to choosing the right form of exercise. Further, these mobile apps appropriately offer services to the concerned audience.


· Making learning fun and an easy process for students, e-learning apps developed by our application development company are attractive and interactive because, with the impact of user-friendly graphics and videos in the e-learning apps, an institution gets the opportunity to share a mirage of knowledge. And, with the added test series to worksheets, the apps systematically cover the syllabus of students.

· These e-learning mobile apps are compatible with students of any age. However, e-learning apps are a way to generate success for students who cannot afford the high fees of tuition classes.

Travel & Hospitality

· Get an intensive app built on travel and hospitality, and provide engaging services to your target audience with the modified app. From the bookings of the travel plan to the arrangement of the stay at the resorts, the travel app is the comprehensive portal for tourists.

· Make traveling fun and hassle-free, the travel, and hospitality app lets the tourist find everything concerning their trip on one platform with an organized mobile app. Developed by the Mobile App Development Company.


As an application development company, we develop a user-friendly portal for students and teachers. And with systematic designing of educational classes and forums, we facilitate an educational platform to usher in the growth of the students. However, our inquisitive approach in building the educational app is commendable and noteworthy.

Finance and Insurance

· One can get proficient apps from the Mobile App Development Company in India like ours, we specialize in developing fintech apps with improved features.

· Keeping the track of your finance and payments of insurance premiums with the adequacy of mobile apps, the arranged portals with managed platforms helps one in dealing with finances. helps one in dealing with finances.

· With the constant reminder feature of due dates and alerts, the app assists the consumer in choosing the best plan for the long run and short run. However, the app acts as the virtual guide for the consumers looking forward to making smart investment decisions.

Retail and e-Commerce

· Shopping through mobile apps is comfortable, with added features and multiple diverse categories to browse at the retail and e-commerce apps, a brand name can sweep the market presence with accelerated sales and greater audience reach.

· Thus, let your audience shop online as the diversified mobile apps allow shoppers to browse the diverse categories and proceed with a quick assessment of the payment. The multiple offerings and easy-to-shop alternatives of the retail and e-commerce apps developed by the mobile app Development Company in India Are competent and effective.


· With the streamlined information about each process of the logistics, the mobile app helps in the quick and transparent execution of the logistics. Thus, by giving a holistic development to the apps, we progress towards having a systematic app that helps in quick shipment processing and showcases real-time delivery status.

· Logistics app can bring about the seamless delivery process, the stepwise execution of packaging to delivery and updating of stock, the logistics app designed by the application development company assures to simplify the operations.


The enhanced marketplace apps created by the Mobile App Development Company worldwide take you to the virtual marketplaces.

How to Develop a Successful B2B Mobile App

Business to business (B2B) is becoming popular in the application business area. Instead of reaching customers through mobile apps, businesses focus on reaching other businesses like doctors, restaurants, etc.

However, very few businesses opt for the B2B application; hence, the competition is not yet intense in the market. The slow adoption of B2B in the mobile application development process is due to the small size of the B2B market. It requires better communication and robust sales, which is still difficult. However, the best part of the B2B application is that the user focuses on the conversion rate.

With the evolution of new and innovative technologies, it has become easy to access emails, social accounts, games, music, and other entertainment area on the smartphone device at any time and also including the latest technologies in the business such as wearables, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, etc., these technologies have also made B2B application important.

Various studies have also suggested that more than 85% of mobile phones are spent on smartphone apps. Hence, mobile apps that are useful for existing clients can help the business to grow.

Below are some of the tips on developing a successful B2B application. App development, deployment, and app service and maintenance are important factors for developing successful B2B applications and proper resources and time.

Purpose of B2B App

B2B mobile applications are developed by one business for another business. Thus, the ultimate aim of the app should be to provide useful tools for businesses that can help the business retain new clients and convert new leads into business or clients. Companies are creating new B2B apps with better features by providing the cost to develop a mobile app.

Going with the Flow of Latest Trends

· The key to creating a B2B mobile application is knowing about the customer or client requirement, ongoing trends, and customer interest. It is important to know what customers need before starting with the mobile application development process.

· To understand the user's requirements, the business should look at the already available apps in the market. A business should examine and study these B2B apps and the way they provide value to other businesses.

· Conducting robust research and planning accordingly can help businesses develop the best B2B app for a client and enhance customer experience.

Marketing B2B Mobile App

There are various ways in which the company or business can market B2B mobile apps. Below are some of the most effective B2B app marketing techniques.

Optimizing App Store

· Every store has its own algorithm; hence, it becomes important to comprehend the multiple ins and multiple outs of each store to ensure that the mobile application has maximum exposure.

· In the case of the iOS mobile app, it is important to ensure that the app is optimized for the App Store, and in the case of the Android app, it should be optimized for the Play Store. Regardless of the cost to develop a mobile app, the company should deliver a quality app to the customers and users.

Reviews and Ratings

· Reviews and rating options are some of the most important tools in the B2B application marketing strategy. This means more reviews and ratings, the higher the search credibility in the App Store. Ratings and reviews provided by customers help add to the application's reputation and encourage more app development.

· With an increasing number of apps in the market, it has become important to provide reviews and ratings to customers. Today, it has become essential for businesses to develop mobile apps as most people use smartphones and spend maximum time on the apps. Moreover, by providing B2B apps, businesses can easily achieve their goals.

Social Media
· Social media has become an important part of our lives as it helps people connect and helps businesses achieve their goals. Hence, companies and businesses are focusing on taking full advantage of social media and developing techniques.
· Businesses are developing interesting and attractive social media pages with important information about the business, pictures, videos related to the brands by the company.

· Along with mobile application development processes, companies are also building social media pages to enhance the user experience. Businesses are also focusing on developing campaigns targeting smartphone audiences and encouraging them to install the app.

Benefits of B2B Mobile App Development

B2B applications are a wonderful way for B2B companies and brands to streamline their in-house B2B processes and operations. Right from tracking sales and leads to stock and logistics, B2B applications can be built and used for anything and everything.

Increases Efficiency

B2B applications make managing simple things such as hiring more people, making new teams, creating new departments, etc. easier. With just a couple of clicks, both admin and sub-admin can manage such things and improve the overall efficiency of the teams.


With B2B mobile apps, businesses can take advantage of flexibility. In fact, the mobile platform has made it simpler and easier for businesses to interact with customers, identify leads, and communicate with team members anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Things

From tracking employees' in and out time to sudden sick leaves, a B2B application can cover all the functionalities, letting businesses create effective reports on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis.

Enhances Communicate

To enhance communication between offices and internal teams, tailor-made B2B mobile/web applications are a great alternative to discuss the precise communication requirements of your business, making a huge difference.

Why Choose Travelopro For Your B2B Mobile App Development?

Travelopro is a leading app development company, our team of proficient mobile app developers holds profound exposure and experience gained through continuously working and delivering diverse mobile applications catering to the varied needs of different industries and markets.

Our Mobile app developers are extensively experienced to deal with any challenges faced while building a challenging and innovative mobile application. They enjoy investing their time in learning about your needs in all the details and proceed with coding only after performing an in-depth analysis of the project requirements.

Understanding your app ideas and needs first and then, working to translate these into the most cutting-edge and lively mobile applications, is the philosophy our mobile application team believes in - the very reason why we develop and maintain trusted and long-term relationships with a majority of our clients.

When it comes to the core technical expertise of experimenting to introduce new features to an existing application or bringing about a significant modification in the current features of an application, their vast experience plays a huge role in the successful execution of such projects to meet the immediate business needs without losing sight of the long-term business goals.

Our business motto is to help businesses achieve a competitive advantage by building advanced and feature-rich mobile applications for their companies that comply with the latest mobile trends.

As a professional organization, we make it a point to always meet the industry benchmarks of quality by following the coding standards and the industry-defined protocols. Our rich UI/UX imparts seamless experiences to the end-users.

Our team of mobile application developers is committed to their responsibilities and capable of utilizing their skills to develop expedient mobile applications that correctly address your business needs.

Our team is equipped with the sharp business acumen to understand business logic, apply technical concepts and effectively reap the advantages of the advanced technologies by translating them into business benefits.

Our developers directly interact with you and work closely with you to understand your needs in detail, to provide you with regular progress updates and weekly demos, ensuring you stay on top of the project schedule and the project workflow.

Leveraging their domain expertise, they develop your mobile apps within the defined timelines while covering all the requirements specified as part of the project scope.

For more details, Pls visit our Website:
submitted by shrugir to u/shrugir [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:33 Infinityw8 'ByRef Argument type mismatch' Initializes Collection with Class Module to store info about headers. Passing an array through.

Goal Organizes header information efficiently, for easy access and manipulation within the code, regardless of columns appearing in a different order.
Strategy Using a class module HeaderInfo to store information about each header, such as its name, column letter, and column number. The InitializeHeaders subroutine in the class module initializes this information for each header in an array passed from the main module. The main module calls this subroutine for each worksheet to populate a collection called HeaderInfos. This collection stores instances of the HeaderInfo class for access to header information by name. The GetColumnInfo subroutine within the HeaderInfo class finds the column letter and number for a given header name in a specified worksheet.
  1. Compile Error: ByRef Argument type mismatch
Assistance I'd be extremely appreciative if someone could provide a the working code. Or if that's too much work, guide me in the right direction. (I have little understanding of all this though)
Note I've intentionally forgone parts of the code related to other actions to shorten the code to save everyone time. However, I haven't been able to test this exact redacted version.
Standard Module
'Declarations: Option Explicit 'prevents using unnamed Public HeaderArray As Variant Public HeaderInfos As Collection Dim HeaderInfo As HeaderInfo Dim TargetDirectory As String Dim TargetBook As String Dim TargetFilePath As String Dim targetworkbook As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wb As Workbook Dim LastCol As Long Dim LastCol_L As String Dim FLastCol As Long Dim FlastColLetter As String Dim lastrow As Long Dim AddHeaders As Variant Dim HeaderExists As Boolean Dim ColumnHeader As String Dim Cell As Range Dim y As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim columnnumber As Integer Dim columnletter As String Dim header As Variant Sub Reformat() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set HeaderInfos = New Collection TargetDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path TargetBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name TargetFilePath = TargetDirectory & "\" & TargetBook Set targetworkbook = Workbooks.Open(TargetFilePath) 'Rename sheet to string variable (for date) Dim MonthName As String Dim NewSheetName As String MonthName = Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) - 1, 1), "mmmm yyyy") NewSheetName = "AUA " & MonthName Dim AUASheet As Worksheet Dim sheetExists As Boolean sheetExists = False For Each AUASheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If AUASheet.Name = NewSheetName Then sheetExists = True Exit For End If Next AUASheet If Not sheetExists And ActiveSheet.Name <> NewSheetName Then Dim originalName As String originalName = ActiveSheet.Name On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Name = NewSheetName If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "An error has occured. Name taken" ActiveSheet.Name = originalName End If On Error GoTo 0 End If targetworkbook.Sheets(NewSheetName).Activate Set ws = targetworkbook.Worksheets(NewSheetName) 'Find last column (Before the Addition of extra header columns) LastCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'Add Additional Column Headers after last column AddHeaders = Array("Type of Product", "Prefix", "Category ") LastCol_L = Split(Cells(1, LastCol).Address, "$")(1) For Each header In AddHeaders HeaderExists = False For Each Cell In Range("A1:" & LastCol_L & "1") If Cell.value = header Then HeaderExists = True Exit For End If Next Cell If Not HeaderExists Then Cells(1, LastCol + 1).value = header LastCol = LastCol + 1 End If Next header 'Find new last column after additional header columns included FLastCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column FlastColLetter = Split(ws.Cells(1, FLastCol).Address, "$")(1) HeaderArray = Array("% Header 1", "abc 123", "Product Type", "test") 'demo only Debug.Print TypeName(HeaderArray) 'Call InitializeHeaders Dim HeaderInfoInstance As HeaderInfo Set HeaderInfoInstance = New HeaderInfo HeaderInfoInstance.InitializeHeaders ws, HeaderArray 'This is where my error starts (I think) 'Testing On Error Resume Next Debug.Print "Added: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderName & " ColLetter: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderColLetter & " ColNumber: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderColNumber Debug.Print ws.Range(HeaderInfos("IACode").HeaderColLetter & "2:" & HeaderInfos("IACode").HeaderColLetter & "10").Address Debug.Print ws.Range(HeaderInfos("TotalAssets").HeaderColLetter & "2:" & HeaderInfos("TotalAssets").HeaderColLetter & "10").Address On Error GoTo 0 'Find last row lastrow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, "H").End(xlUp).Row ActiveWorkbook.Save ErrorHandler: MsgBox "An error has occured: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End Sub 
Class Module named: HeaderInfo
Option Explicit Public HeaderName As String Public HeaderColLetter As String Public HeaderColNumber As Long Public Sub Initialize(HeaderName As String) Me.HeaderName = Replace(Replace(HeaderName, " ", ""), "%", "Percent") Me.HeaderColLetter = Me.HeaderName & "_Col" Me.HeaderColNumber = Me.HeaderName & "_ColNum" Debug.Print "HeaderName: " & Me.HeaderName Debug.Print "ColLetter: " & Me.HeaderColLetter Debug.Print "ColNumber: " & Me.HeaderColNumber End Sub Public Sub GetColumnInfo(ColumnHeader As String, ws As Worksheet) Dim ColumnHeaderRange As Range Dim FoundColumnHeader As Range Dim FLastCol As Long FLastCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column Set ColumnHeaderRange = ws.Range("A1:" & ws.Cells(1, FLastCol).Address) Set FoundColumnHeader = ColumnHeaderRange.Find(ColumnHeader, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not FoundColumnHeader Is Nothing Then Me.HeaderColNumber = FoundColumnHeader.Column Me.HeaderColLetter = Split(FoundColumnHeader.Address(True, False), "$")(1) Else Me.HeaderColNumber = -1 Me.HeaderColLetter = "" End If Set ColumnHeaderRange = Nothing Set FoundColumnHeader = Nothing End Sub Sub InitializeHeaders(ws As Worksheet, HeaderArray As Variant) Dim c As Integer If IsArray(HeaderArray) Then For c = LBound(HeaderArray) To UBound(HeaderArray) Me.Initialize HeaderArray(c) Me.GetColumnInfo HeaderArray(c), ws Debug.Print HeaderArray(c) Next c Else MsgBox "HeaderArray is not an array." End If 'Test Debug.Print "Added: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderName & " ColLetter: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderColLetter & " ColNumber: " & HeaderInfo.HeaderColNumber End Sub 
Thank you everyone!
submitted by Infinityw8 to vba [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:34 ChasHodges Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut FULLY WORKING ON STEAM DECK (NO EMULATION)

EDIT: DPFix is a godsend for boosting this game's resolution and improving rendering, BUT it's responsible for some pretty heinous frame rate drops when driving around the open world. Running DPFix even with all modifications turned off still produces serious stuttering in the overworld (we're talking single digit framerates), so I've removed it from this guide for now. If I find an alternative solution I'll update this at a later date. It means the game is locked to 720p which is fine for handheld, but not so hot if you're outputting to an external monitor. C'est la vie, I guess!
For real this time. This has easily taken 30+ hours of tinkering, but I think - think - we're finally up and running.
Would I recommend any of this if you can play the game on the Xbox / PS3 / Switch? Probably not. Even emulation via RPCS3 or Yuzu is a better option as often extolled by u/parabolee. But after realising my previous attempt at a guide was a bust, sunk cost fallacy got the better of me and I just carried on digging until finding what I *think* is a proper solution.
If something doesn't work, I'll do my best to support - there are so many steps here, I hope you forgive me if I've messed something up!
You'll need to be comfortable with using Desktop mode on Steam Deck, have no existing Proton prefix set up for DP (delete the folder Home/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatapps/247660 to start fresh if you've attempted to install before) and have the following apps installed from the Discover store: Protontricks + Flatseal. Links to other tools required are provided in the text of the guide.
Type = DP
Template = StandardGamepad
; Right stick
StickRightX = Axis(RotY)
StickRightY = Axis(RotZ)
ButtonA = Button(1)
ButtonB = Button(2)
ButtonX = Button(3)
ButtonY = Button(4)
ButtonBack = Button(7)
ButtonStart = Button(8)
ButtonLB = Button(5)
ButtonRB = Button(6)
TriggerLT = Axis(Z, +)
TriggerRT = Axis(Z, -)
(Finally, if using the Steam Deck OLED, cap the framerate using the '...' button to 60fps otherwise physics in game will be busted!!)
Tagging a few people who have shown interest in this silly project: u/Famf9983 / u/TheLimeyLemmon / u/deathblade200
submitted by ChasHodges to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:15 maximusaemilius Empyrean Iris: 2-191 Lies (by Charlie Star)

FYI, this is a story COLLECTION. Lots of standalones technically. So, you can basically start to read at any chapter, no pre-read of the other chapters needed technically (other than maybe getting better descriptions of characters than: Adam Vir=human, Krill=antlike alien, Sunny=tall alien, Conn=telepathic alien). The numbers are (mostly) only for organization of posts and continuity.
OC Written by Charlie Stastarrfallknightrise,
Typed up and then posted here by me.
Proofreading and language check for some chapters by u/Finbar9800 u/BakeGullible9975 u/Didnotseemecomein and u/medium_jock
Future Lore and fact check done by me.
Time for some more scientific reports!
Previous First Next
Want to find a specific one, see the whole list or check fanart?
Here is the link to the master-post.
From the Journal of Xenobiology
By Prof. Dr. Dr. Krill
The Commonality of Verbal Deception in humans
There is one truth I think universal when it comes to humans, a truth which cannot be denied, and that I will seek to explain here in the most obvious of terms. This truth is a reality of humans... Its that you are all BIG-FAT-LIARS, and the open committee for the publication of professional literature can suck my ass if they think I won't be using such language, because this fact NEEDS to be known. Humans lie about EVERYTHING, in fact, I am under the distinct opinion that if humans were stop lying to each other out of the blue one day then the whole of society would collapse around them.
Let me first iterate the number of large things that humans lie about, which are common in other species too. Don't make the mistake that I am assuming only humans lie, for that is not true. In fact, the Tesraki and the Rundi are quite accomplished at it, though they tend to deploy these measures in different ways. First of all, humans lie a lot when it comes to politics and diplomatic relations. They lie to those people and aliens of other nations, and they lie to their own people. Humans, in general, tend to have moral philosophies that guide them, so politicians and economists often use tactics of lying to convince the people that they have the moral high ground. If most people knew the sort of duplicitous things politicians and lawmakers do to keep their people in check, it would likely start some sort of revolution. In fact, I believe that in order to run a human society, a nation often has to do things that are morally corrupt in the eyes of its citizens to keep those citizens safe, but the important thing is that the average human does not understand what it takes to play sch a dangerous game with other nations that do not have their moral beliefs, so their collective governments must keep them in the dark about certain situations in order to keep up the pretense of the moral high ground to satisfy the people that it protects.
Now certain groups like the Rundi or the Burg might argue that this seems like a rational and even honorable strategy. Leaders are to bear the weight of horrible actions so as not to allow the common citizen to be soiled by that knowledge.
But let's be honest here, we are talking about politicians, and by nature they are duplicitous greedy and narcissistic. Show me a politician and I will show you someone who is evading taxes, paying for high end escorts with black credit cards on government funding while also paying hush money to the media to keep all of that quiet. The best job in the world is to be a politician, so you can pit the lower factions of humanity against each other and watch them fight in a pitched moral piss fight against each other, knowing all along that all sides are corrupt and the only people who are winning are the politicians. In the end no one has won, and everyone is covered in piss.
No I will not attempt to "remove my biases from this paper” I am right and someone needs to say it, if you have a problem with that you can take it up with the department of “I don't give a shit what you think, I know what I am doing, so back off” and yes that is a very specific department, and no I am not kidding when I say we have that department on the ship. At this point it only seems weird that we should need such a specific department since it seems to happen so often. Now of course I only mention these lies to familiarize you with the sort of fabrications that are common between all species.
Now when it comes to humans, the lying is systemic, common, and required.
As a social species, lying has been incorporated into every aspect of their social and cultural behavior. Humans lie to their coworkers, to strangers, to family, to friends, and even their own partners. If you ask a human how much time they have in a week to do a task, they will definitely lie to you. You see for a human if they give you times, if they are open then they will feel obligated to do you a favor at those times even if they don't want to do it, so in fact, most humans will omit many hours out of those times to still give themselves free time to not do what you want them to do.
You know because it is just too damn hard to look someone in the face and go: “actually I really don't want to do that, you better find someone else who is willing”. Humans have been conditioned to lie about everything to spare the feelings of others. Humans will lie about their opinions on literally anything to avoid disagreeing with other humans. At any point a human could be anywhere on the political spectrum based on the people they are around simply because they are lying to avoid getting into an argument. Humans cannot seem to have differing opinions without it turning into an argument, so to avoid this a lot of them will just straight up lie to your face.
Humans greet each other with lies, if you ask a human how they are, then there are many cultures of humans who feel obligated to respond that they are doing well when in all reality they are dying inside. A human may not show their feelings for fear of upsetting others or making others worry about them, so they will pretend to be ok. A human will even lie to their own detriment. Many humans will lie and pretend to like they like a certain food when they actually don't. A human might eat an entire meal they desperately wish to regurgitate just to avoid hurting someone's feelings especially if that person is older or a family member might be offended by the refusal of food.
The human social system is structured around behaviors that are considered polite and those that are not, and many humans lie to keep inside these social constraints. As seen above, it is considered rude to refuse the offer of food and especially rude to tell someone that their food is not good, so a human might ingest something that is arguably not good in order to save face with the human who has done the bad cooking. In more liberal terms, a human will risk FOOD POISONING in order not to offend someone. A human will literally allow themselves to become physically ill to avoid offending another human. This behavior could potentially get them killed, but no, instead of saying “I am sorry your food is shit and I fear for the safety of my bowels, they will allow themselves to get sick”.
Of course there are ways round this that mitigate the offence. Despite its moral ambiguity, some humans will resort to lying about fabricated illness in order to avoid eating foods they do not wish to eat. For instance, if a human is given food they don't like, they may resort to telling that person that they have an allergy to an ingredient in the meal, this allows for no offence on the part of either party. This is like saying, I promise it isn't your cooking, I am sure your food is good, but my body just can't handle the ingredients you used.
And sure, this may seem fine in the moment, but it is a like that they might have to keep up constantly around that person in order for it to be believed. This always gives the potential hazard of being found out in lie, offending the person even more and dealing with even greater reprehensible social backlash.
It is extremely common for humans to lie and pretend to like people they don't actually enjoy. For some reason it seems common for people with a garbage sese of human to end up as managers over other humans. In order to keep their hierarchy appeased, humans lower on the social totem pole will be forced to laugh at jokes that are arguably very horrible. Humans will fake good relationships with their parents, family members, siblings, and friends for any number of reasons.
In all truth, humans cannot be trusted in social matters to be honest about who they like and dislike. For instance, if you work with humans, there is probably a human coworker of yours who wishes nothing more than to take your head in their hand like a softball and pound your face into the concrete with all the malice and violence that can be attributed to their species. If a human doesn't like you, it will probably take a very strong dislike for them to ever actually admit it to their face. It is perfectly acceptable in human circles to talk about political figures or celebrities rather openly, but close acquaintances or coworkers are off limits. Often humans will congregate with other likeminded humans in order to talk about other people that they all don't like. The only way to know that a human actually wants to spend time with you is if they actively seek you out in order to spend time with you... This is assuming the human doesn't consider you abnormally rich or good looking in which case these rules go out the window.
It is even more common for humans to lie to their potential mates. There is no end of duplicitous ways that humans work to convince other humans that they are attractive, and worth being interested in. Some humans will lie about their jobs or the amount of money they make to attract someone, though these lies are often found out quickly. Humans will even augment tier bodies to appear more attractive through many creative means, which may not be a verbal kind of lie, but can be considered a fabrication.
In general, though humans will, mostly commonly commit small lies, they even have a term for this called a white lie, which supposedly has no real social impact other than to save the feelings of the other person. For instance, if a human partner has asked whether they look like they have gained weight, and they objectively have, a human might lie and say no in order to save the feelings of the human they consider their mate. They may pretend to like things they have no feelings for, profess to liking a new haircut or clothing style that they actually find attractive or may even pretend to be ok with maladaptive behaviors their partner exhibits.
As mentioned earlier a human may shoulder excruciating social pain and lie about it in order to keep the peace between different factions of humans. No human has likely ever gone a day without lying in some way or another.
The very fabric of human society is held together with lies. Lies are what keep the humans from attacking each other for their own honor. Lies keep families together and spouses in love. Lies run the government, and lies support business. Leis can be found in every workplace and every location around the globe. Lies fall from the mouths of innocent children and lies will forever be taken into the stars. Never has there been a moment where a human wasn't somehow lying in some way.
Wherever humans go there will always be lies.
And you know what the worst part is, you know because we are talking about humans and humans always have something worse going on. Humans can never just stop somewhere up to kind of bad or pretty average, they always have to go all the way to the worst part.
The worst part is… the very worst part is that humans lie to THEMSELVES.
Yes, you heard it here folks’ humans are no more proficient at lying as when they are lying to themselves. Despite being in their own head and reading their own minds humans are so good at lying that they can lie to the people they know best in the world. Imagine if I could one day wake up and convince myself I am the most amazing person on the face of the planet. Because humans can just do that. You can have useless people convince themselves that they are amazing, and you can have amazing people convince themselves that they are worthless. You can have people dupe themselves into thinking they are in love and you can have others dupe themselves into thinking that they are not.
And NO I WILL not LIE and promise to FiX mY AcAdEmIc writing. I know for a fact, that my papers are read by MORE people throughout the galaxy than ANYONE else, so statistically I am doing something right, and you can EAT ME if you have a problem.
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Here is the link to the master-post.
Intro post by me
OC-whole collection
Patreon of the author
Thanks for reading! As you saw in the title, this is a cross posted story written by starrfallknightrise and I'll just upload some of it here for you guys, if you are interested and want to read ahead, the original story-collection can be found on tumblr or wattpad to read for free. (link above this text under "OC:..." ) It is the Empyrean Iris story collection by starfallknightrise. Also, if you want to know more about the story collection i made an intro post about it, so feel free to check that out to see what other great characters to look forward to! (Link also above this text). I have no affiliations to the author; just thought I’d share some of the great stories you might enjoy a lot!
Obviously, I have Charlie’s permission to post this and for the people already knowing the stories, or starting to read them: If you follow the link and check out the story you will see some differences. I made some small (non-artistic) changes, mainly correcting writing mistakes, pronoun correction and some small additional info here and there of things which were not thought of/forgotten or even were added/changed in later stories (like the “USS->UNSC” prefix of Stabby, Chalar=/->Sunny etc). As well as some "biggemajor" changes in descriptions and info’s for the same stringency/continuity reason. That can be explained by the story collection being, well a story collection at the start with many standalone-stories just starring the same people, but later on it gets more to a stringent storyline with backstories and throwbacks. (For example Adam Vir has some HEAVY scars over his body, following his bones, which were not really talked about up till half the collection, where it says it covers his whole body and you find out via backflash that he had them the whole time and how he got them, they just weren't mentioned before. However, I would think a doctor would at least see these scars before that, especially since he gets analyzed, treated and goes shirtless/in T-shirts in some stories). So TLDR: Writing and some descriptions are slightly changed, with full OK from the author, since he himself did not bother to correct these things before.
submitted by maximusaemilius to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:01 asa180 How I got 70 on my first try as a very very average bloke.

Hello all you lovely people! I took the GAMSAT in March and landed on a nice score of 70 on my first try. (93-95% percentile I think). I was ecstatic and over the moon! Some background about me:
  1. My English writing is shoddy, like absolutely awful - so bad that I wrote both essays as narrative (like fictional essays) because my argumentative writing is awful - I just go off on terrible tangents).
  2. I do have a science background but I forgot all of my organic chemistry - like all of it, in terms of any reactions, mechanisms etc (not that you need to know that).
Now people will tell you that the GAMSAT is a reasoning test, and they are 10000000% right. Like the GAMSAT is NOT a memory test, or testing how well you can recite formulas, reactions etc - if they are they are probably trying to sell you something. The best way I can describe it, is that it is a reasoning exam in another language (science). It's not a fun exam, it's not easy and unless you are a genius you probably won't find it easy. Guess what though - no one else does so you are not alone!
I'll break down this guide into 2 sections for a science background and non science background.
Science background
  1. If your science background is good - fantastic (like you know what organic compounds in terms of structure - benzenes, hemiacetals, aldehydes, enos etc - and your inorganic) you are in a good starting position. Don't worry too much about your biology background, because 1. The GAMSAT won't test you on your recollection of your biology (ever) 2. The questions will be maths focused 3. There is no way you will have the time or energy to revise all of it. 3. Physics is important to know how to manipulate, go through all the basic formula at A-level, DON'T worry about university physics, they will not test you on that (even if the questions seem that way).
The curriculum to consolidate as a science background is the following
  1. Follow the chemist's guide to the GAMSAT;
  1. For physics buy the CGP A-Level Physics book (it's literally like 2 quid on Ebay) - do the questions, and then more complex ones on medify and Des O'Neil more about that later).
  2. For your maths - assuming your science background is good, go through this - make sure you are wicked fast at them:
Now for your essay writing (applicable to both NSB and SB)
  1. If you NO knowledge about the world, then I'd recommend reading the NEWS asap. Some podcasts are good too - check out the ABC listen app! I tried reading some philosophical books - Meaning of thing ( you have to read this just as a rite of passage) and others such as those about Fascism, War, Slavery etc - and whilst extremely interesting didn't help me in the GAMSAT. And furthermore I just felt too stressed reading them - but reading didn't necessarily help me.
  2. What did help is practicing essays, it helps you prepare for that rabbit in the headlight moment when th timer starts and you can do nothing to stop it. Give yourself NO leeway when practicing, try to do 2 day both under 28 minutes with 2 minutes reading time. Practice your typing, it will help you get so much faster. Personally I was on holiday when I did the s2 and did it in the middle of the Dominican republic, and had a Giardia infection (fun) so I was just paralysed (probably part of reason I did write argumentative essays)
  3. I read a post which was amazing a lot time ago which says read the prompts as news paper titles, and then go from there - for example 'The rich lose in the end' -> Exploring the different ways that wealth can bring despair (I hope that makes sense) - great post btw:
  4. Use Frasers gamsat quote generator (the free one) and generate yourself quotes.
  5. Now I think the advice that saved me the most, - I have always been a shoddy argumentative writer and I am slow - meaning that I will write a poor one sided argument (not great for the gamsat) so instead I shifted strategy and wrote both fictional essays for the GAMSAT - and whilst id dint get 100 (I got 70) I did damn better than 40 which would have got - so don't be afraid to do that if you are like me. Lean into the detail, making it a striking short story!
Now for your section 1 (applicable to both NSB and SB)
It can bring you points where you may not expect. What I would do is read READ READDDDD. Read the short stories by Oscar Wilde, read anything you can get your hands on and don't stop reading - AND ENJOY IT!!!
Now for the NSB
  1. For your science -again follow the curriculum above and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CGP books. Like hugely - they are so cheap (used on Ebay) (like 2-3 pounds each). If you have 0 science knowledge start from GCSE and then do the A level ones. They consolidate and make everything concise - honestly so great. The only thing I used to study for my GCSEs.
Also for chemistry I used a site called Master Organic chemistry and they this worksheet you can buy. amazing I loved it - I can find the link if people are interested. (too deep buried in my email to find it atm)
Practice your maths with the worksheet above - in the exam I found myself multiplying ridiculously ridiculously large numbers, and thats not easy and you will break under pressure if you don't practice.
Now for practice questions.
ACER - useless, honestly useless - I don't understand why they don't produce more but for the SB people they are useless - for non science background maybe a little more because you can practice your science. The online exam maybe a little more representative but still - the real exam is so much harder.
The resources I used were:
  1. Des O neil: 6-7/10 - some good questions - a lot of them fluff but they help you think differently
  2. Jesse Osbourne 9/10 - great questions - he makes a few mistake that can confuse you but overall amazing - try to think like him and his reasoning.
  3. Gold Standard GAMSAT: 0/10 - Useless - shit questions, shit answers, shit explanations and way too expensive.
  4. Medify 10/10 - get it in the last 2 months its relatively inexapveive at like 9 pounds a months or something and their questions are HUGELY representative of the GAMSAT - like hugely. I only used medify for the last month - did all of their mocks (got about 60% as a max). The questions are ridiculously difficult on the surface but if you dig a little you a workout them from first principles. Some of the questions are straight up wrong (so if you have an inlining you were right - then probably you are) but 85% of questions are right. Their mocks are difficult, the time pressure is ridiculous so basically it's exactly like the GAMSAT. They also have s1 practice questions so I REALLY REALLY recommend. (I am no way affiliated to them btw - but I am so thankful to them). Don't worry if you find their practice questions stupidly difficult to do (I honestly got like 13% on some of the physics ones) but UNDERSTAND why you went wrong- did you not recognise where the information was, did you not make the correct inference etc etc?
I hope this help
  1. Master organic chemistry sheet: (AMAZINGGGG) the membership is 9 dollars a month (3 cups of coffee)? and gives you access to everything
  2. Des o neil - I cant give access to them unfortunately but I would highly recommend joining the discord chat! They may be able to help you out! If you dig deep enough you may be able to find you are looking for!
  3. The CGP physics I bought: New A-Level Physics for AQA: Year 2 Student Book with Online Edition By CGP Book and the chemistry one: New A-Level Chemistry: OCR A Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition (3.50 and 3.20 - pounds) - I hope these are available in Australia!
My (pretty poor essays):\_Xml\_
submitted by asa180 to GAMSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:57 SlavicSoul- Challenge : Create a conlang on a single sheet !

Hey Reddit! I like to challenge myself in life, and today I asked myself "am I capable of creating a language on a single A4 sheet?" When I say "create a language" I mean developing the basis of grammar (verbs, adjectives, nouns) of syntax, phonology and creating a small lexicon. So I took a printer sheet and started and this is what I got: what do you think ?
a [a/ɑ] b [b] c [ʃ] d [d] e [ɛ/e] f [f] g [g] h [h] i [ɪ/i] j [j] k [k] l [l] m [m] n [n/ŋ] o [o/ɔ] p [p] r [r] s [s] t [t] u [u/ʊ] v [w/v] x [x] z [z]
Stress is placed on the first syllable of the word, in a compound word it is placed on the first syllable of the two words that compose it. Each vowel has a stressed (left of the slash) and unstressed (right of the slash) form. The v is pronounced [w] as the first letter of the word and n is pronounced [ŋ] as the last letter of the word.
Personal pronouns
i = i
u = you
o = he/she
ci = we
cu = you (plurial)
co = they
To form the possessive pronoun we add -m to the end of the personal pronoun (im, um, om, cim, cum, com).
There are no genders, nouns end in a vowel except a. The plural is made up by doubling the middle syllable of the word or the first syllable if the word is made up of only two syllables. For example: huxogo (a dog) > huxoxogo (dogs), mano (human) > mamano (humans). The order of the sentences is SVO. The definite article is "re" for example: re huxogo (the dog), re mamano (the humans). The suffix -iti is a diminutive, and -omg is an augmentative.
Adjectives all end in a. They are placed before the noun. They are invariable; they do not vary in gender or number. The suffix se- indicates negation and allows new adjectives to be created. The comparative prefix suffixes are: mol- (more, more than) pil- (less, less than) ko- (as much, as much as) examples : molbela (blacker) pilbena (less good) koxara (as bad).
All verbs end with a consonant. The verb is conjugated with the person, to indicate the person you must add the personal pronoun at the end of the infinitive form of the verb as a suffix, example: lakan (to sing) > lakani (I sing) meten (to think) > metenu ( you think) etc. There are three tenses, past present future. The future is created by doubling the first syllable of the verb and the past by doubling the middle syllable of the verb, example : lalakani (I will sing) metetenu (you thought). The conditional is formed with the prefix po- and the imperative with the prefix hi- examples: polakani (I would sing) hilakanu! (sings!)
Prepositions and numbers
List of the most common prepositions:
tos (to/in), nos (on), sos (under), kos (inside), jos (between), do (for), ze (this,) mem (all), taj (after), vaj (before), sec (with), vu (when), os (or), ve (where), ag (in), a (of), zec (from/of), rep (until), nan (by), ses (without), sez (except), ru (to), xu (here), cu (there), kil (who), kol (what), molo (many), polo (little), oto (other), ej (and), ker (how), kon (like).
Ul (1) dul (2) tul (3) kul (4) pul (5) sul (6) cul (7) rul (8) vul (9) al (10) mil (1000) mel (1000). To form a number beyond ten: alul (11) alpul (15) alvul (19), dulal (20) tulal (30) kulal (40) pulal (50) sulal (60) culal (70) rulal (80) vulal (90). Dulmildulalkul (2024).
big - baga, long - laga, wide - bara, end - taca, heavy - olga, small - pila, woman - zina, man - moro, child - nane, human - mano, husband/wife - seceja, mother - mane, father - pane, animal - alaro, fish - perece, bird - ajvelo, dog - huxogo, snake - seseru, worm - bulelu, tree - darava, forest - daratan, stick - satake, fruit - fogo. seed - cededa, root - rodera, flower - varele, grass - garara, skin - kulule, meat - merute, bololu - blood, big - bogoga, egg - oboco, horn - koroko, tail - loderu, feather - salele, hair - fivelu, head - kalabu, ear - vurale, eye - okoco, nose - nosone, mouth - lagene, tooth - danatu, tongue/language - jazeku, nail - kororo, foot - porogo, wing - valane, belly - javane, back - sepeke, breast - beselo, heart - korosu, sit down - siden, stand up - olocan, lie down - cereten, dig - gulul, turns - calan, move - movon, sun - sonano, moon - lune, star - seteru, water - vada, rain - relvada, riviève - rivake, lake - logu, sea ​​- maru, stone - ruku, earth - gaja, cloud - logo, air - aroja, sky - rele, wind - vele, snow - netu, ice - ire, smoke - sogo, fire - eresu, ash - tajeresu, burn - eresan, road - raga, mountain - rukutan, red - rora, green - gula, yellow - jola, white - bela, black - neca, day - daze, year - deda, hot - karaxa, cold - seraxa, new - nova, good - bena, bad - xara, right - pave, left - leve, wet - cuca, dry - secuca, because - karu, noun - anomu, cat - kato, pig - pogo, have - aben, be - esen, walk - takan, love - aman, sleep - senan, drink - galab, eat - kapak, live - javan, read - cetat, write - setat, speak - pokan, say - daran, sing - lakan, play - igeran, draw - xetaten, give - dakef, do - dobef, run - paratan, swim - vopon, see - vekan, feel - noson, taste - lagen, laugh - hararan, hit - kaben, dance - tanesan, return - paran, go out - cezet, ride - lavan, go down - lovon, cross - xeten, fly - valan, bite - macar, breathe - volal, know - sanan, think - meten, hold - tagen, pose - pagen, wash - veref, apple - abolo, house/home - damo
Example sentence
Re pila nane igerarano sec om pila bela katita tos baga damo selaga zec re daratan, om pane sidedeno ej citatato. Taj, co tatakanco tos re deretan vu re relvada se eseno.
[rɛ pilɑ nane igerɑrɑnɔ sɛʃ om pilɑ bɛlɑ katɪtɑ tos bagɑ damɔ sɜlɑgɑ zɛʃ rɛ darɑtɑŋ, om pane sidedenɔ ɛj ʃitɑtɑtɔ. taj ʃo tatɑkɑnʃɔ tos rɛ darɑtɑŋ wu rɛ rɛlvadɑ sɛ ɛsenɔ]
The little girl was playing with her little white kitten in a big house not far from the forest, her father is sitting and reading. Later they will go for a walk in the forest when the rain stops.
submitted by SlavicSoul- to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:42 Late-Comedian-6359 I thought of an idea, and I was wondering if there are any natlangs that have it (or a similar feature)

[EDIT: Thank you for the comments everyone! I think I have enough information to research and find things on my own now, thank you!]
As the title says, I'm mainly just curious if any natural languages actually have this feature because I'm trying to make my conlang seem naturalistic. I honestly just want to know to see languages to potentially take inspiration from (or if there's some linguistic reason why it wouldn't be likely to occur).
I'm not sure if it matters, but for a bit more background on this conlang since the rules say to provide it: I'm mainly just creating this for fun, but I want it to fit in with the worldbuilding for a fictional society because that's who I imagine would hypothetically be the primary speakers of it (and thus, I want it to be naturalistic). This society has been fairly isolated for the majority of their development (they live underground) and they don't write down much (ink is laborious to make). I think that this idea could be really fun, and I honestly might still go with it even if there isn't a precedent for it (my main goal is honestly just to have a good time), but I do want input on whether it has occured or would be likely to in natlangs or why not (or anything else relevant honestly)
Anyways, enough prequel: I'm not sure entirely how to describe it, so forgive me if this is a bit unclear. I've been calling them word parenthesis to myself (I think they might be closer related to prefixes/affixes if they were in the middle instead, but I'm not entirely sure since they can happen with any word not just specific -fixes), but I'll give a few examples to explain what I mean. Basically, when adding certain types of adjectives to a noun, they get added to the middle of it instead of before/after it. Ex. specialty hospital would be something like hos(specialty)ital or an art building would be build(art)ing, if that makes sense? Basically, for any 2+ syllable word where there is an adjective describing it, the word for the overarching category gets split up, and the adjective is put in the middle. If it has an odd number of syllables, the extra syllable goes to whichever side sounds better and avoids confusion better. If the word for the overarching category of thing is just one syllable, whichever part is deemed more important goes in front. I think the orthography for the language would have something to distinguish it (I think? I'm still in the very early stages of fleshing this out).
Sorry if this isn't entirely clear!
submitted by Late-Comedian-6359 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:25 AnthonyMetivier How to Study Using a Memory Palace

The Memory Palace technique is a fantastic tool for remembering the things you study.
The catch is that you need to have multiple Memory Palaces. Ideally, each Memory Palace should be well-formed.
If you build them or develop them as you go, you're trying to do two things at once. So make sure to read this guide in full.
Then create a bunch of Memory Palaces the optimal way before applying them to your studies.
Maximum success in remembering your studies will soon follow.
History and Origin of the Method
No one knows exactly when the Memory Palace technique first arrived on the scene – but some people sure like to argue about it.
Lynne Kelly has good work on the pre-historic origins in The Memory Code, but she'll be the first to tell you that a lot of her ideas are speculative. We just don't know exactly how the ancient people around the world came up with the concept.
When it comes to using the technique for studying in a way that basically matches our current school system, one interesting starting place is Hugh of St. Victor.
His approach to the Memory Palace technique is one of the first places you see number systems applied to historical dates, for example. A good place to red him directly in English is The Medieval Craft of Memory, edited by Mary Carruthers.
In any case, you can spend your entire life studying the history of this technique. The more merrier if you ask me as someone who loves looking at the Memory Palaces' origins.
But I also love to help people who just want learn how Memory Palaces work so you can rapidly apply them to your studies.
Benefits of Using a Memory Palace for Studying
The benefits of this ancient memory method in terms of other study techniques is easy to summarize:
The Memory Palace lets you place a lot of information in your long-term memory through a variety of active learning processes. That way, you can pass exams without stress or spending more time than necessary. More free time opens up and you enjoy a feeling confidence every time you study and sit for your tests.
For many people, there's another clear benefit:
Using the Memory Palace is much more interesting than using spaced repetition software.
But to use it optimally still involves a kind of spaced repetition. Let's look at that next.
Understanding the Memory Palace
The Memory Palace is actually not just one technique. It's at least five:
When you combine all of these processes, brain visualization goes way up (in a manner of speaking) as does information retention.
There's a lot of science into exactly how "mental imagery" should be defined.
If you find it enjoyable and rewarding, look up the science that goes into the Memory Palace. If not, just make sure that you don't mistakenly think of the Memory Palace like Sherlock Holmes.
It's not a technique where you say, "I must go to my Mind Palace."
Far from it.
The point is to use the five systems so that information enters your long-term memory without having to think about your Memory Palaces at all.
In a way, the Memory Palace technique is like training-wheels on a bike. As soon as you're done, the mnemonics fall away. All that remains is the target information.
And that is a very beautiful thing!
Setting Up Your Memory Palace
To create your first Memory palace, choose a familiar location. Many people do better by using a building, like a home, school, church, art gallery, book store, library or the like.
You can practice visualizing the layout in detail purely in your imagination. However, I suggest you draw the location.
I'll give you some Memory Palace drawing examples in the resource section at the end of this guide.
Establishing Clear and Distinctive Locations within the Palace
The key is to make sure that every part of your Memory Palace is clear to you.
To do this, I suggest you avoid inventing locations or adding imaginary elements like pretend couches and bookcases (stunts like that come later).
The reason for this suggestion is that when learning the Memory Palace technique, most people start with very weak visualization skills. And their memory is quite rusty.
So when you use a Memory Palace, use only what you remember of a location. To add anything, even things like flying off balconies or passing ghost-like through walls gives you something you have to remembe.r
That's called a Memorized Palace and places cognitive load on any familiar location.
A true Memory Palace maximizes the power of using distinctive locations exactly the way you remember them, without elaborating anything.
Rest assured, there's plenty of opportunity to elaborate things inside of your Memory Palaces. That's what we'll discuss after going through one of the most important points of them all.
When Exactly Should You Use the Memory Palace Technique While Studying?
There are two different ways to answer this question, depending on your current level of skill and the nature of what you're memorizing.
Let me describe these two ways based on how I use the technique.
The first is to extract the information I want to memorize from books, videos, podcasts, etc. before doing ~any~ memorizing.
This is my preferred approach because it batches a few separate skills into refined activities:
Only after the books have been scoured for the key points and placing these on Zettelkasten cards will I cull out the points worth memorizing and then place them in Memory Palaces.
Due to the "rhizomatic" and "magnetic" effects of the Memory Palace technique, less is usually more. And this approach leaves space for adding additional details when necessary or where desired.
The second approach is a bit more advanced, one that I normally only use when the stakes aren't particularly high. I'm talking about times when I'm reading for personal interest and come across something I want to remember.
For this approach, I'll use a 00-99 PAO to turn the page into a mini-Memory Palace based on the page number. The book in effect becomes a kind of Memory Palace unto itself.
There's more to say on this technique, so stay tuned and follow this space for future posts. The key point is that it's neither better or worse to extract information and memorize it at the same time or to separate the tasks.
But if I'm studying for an exam, I will separate the tasks because it's much more efficient and has reduced the feeling of being overwhelmed because I'm trying to do two things at once. Keep this experience in mind if you try memorizing as you read and feel similarly overwhelmed. Splitting out the activities will undoubtedly allow you to focus on encoding your info with much greater freedom and mental dexterity.
Encoding Information into the Memory Palace
The way you use a Memory Palace involves combining information with associations. Memory scientists call this step elaborative encoding.
A simple example involves how I used my brother's home recently to remember the word, enantiodromia.
I imagined Ant-Man watching Videodrome in his living room.
There's a bit more to the image than that, but the core technique was executed by paying attention to the alphabetical construction of the word and choosing images on that basis.
The sound and spelling associations of Ant-Man and Videodrome were paired with the living room.
Creating Vivid and Memorable Mnemonic Images
To encode information using vivid images, it's actually not really about images.
Instead, you're using the Memory Palace as a logical sequence to link highly multisensory images.
I prefer what I call the KAVE COGS formula.
Rather than seeing Ant-Man as such, I follow this simple formula on each and every station of the Memory Palace.
K = Kinesthetic
A = Auditory
V = Visual
E = Emotional
C = Conceptual
O = Olfactory
G = Gustatory
S = Spatial
Literally feeling what it would be like to watch a movie in the body of Ant-Man creates a physical or kinesthetic sensation. I hear the sound of the movie Videodrome in my ears while remembering it's basic look and the look of the Memory Palace.
Ant-Man has a specific attitude and emotions, so I feel those along with thinking about the concepts involved in the meaning of the target word, enantiodromia.
Finally, I smell and taste (olfactory and gustatory) where necessary. In this case, I did not, but if I needed to, I could imagine my brother bringing in a steak covered in ants to make the image much stronger in memory.
You don't have to use KAVE COGS, but most memory improvement teachers have some version of an elaboration process like this. The trick is to practice in multiple well-formed Memory Palaces.
If the Memory Palaces aren't well-formed, it can be difficult to place enough of your focus on making the associations properly.
Using the Memory Palace for Different Subjects
To use this technique for a variety of subjects, make sure to have multiple Memory Palaces.
The simplest way to set-up for the mental dexterity involved in switching between multiple topics is to have at least one Memory Palace for each letter of the alphabet. From this core Memory Palace Network, you can develop many sub-Memory Palaces.
Only scarcity-based thinking holds people back in this regard. In reality, there is more space around each and everyone of us than any of us could ever hope to use in a lifetime.
Studying for History: Dates and Events
For memorizing dates, you'll want to add a number system. The most popular is the Major System or its "big brother," the 00-99 PAO System.
Teaching this approach is its own lesson, so please see the resources at the end for more.
Studying for Science: Concepts and Theories
The trick to dealing with concepts and theories is simple:
Make sure you aren't hypnotizing yourself into thinking anything that can be worded can't be memorized.
If you can memorize one word, you can memorize thousands. Learn to do that and then, if you need to memorize longer ideas expressed in sentences, simply memorize the definition verbatim.
Often this isn't necessary. I memorized enantiodromia and the exact definition came along "free" based on other aspects I included in the living room with the core imagine. I know the author name and book title where I encountered this term as well, and none of that information needed to be encoded in the Memory Palace.
But please understand that a lot of that additional information that came along with a "less is more" approach involves studying science concepts using these techniques for many years. There is a "compound" effect because the more you study, the more concepts will snap together without any special additional steps.
Thus, it's a best practice to memorize both long verbatim definitions and practice going off of keywords alone. Soon you'll see that often memorizing just one word brings in tons of other information through the deep connection-making you've already been doing along with the power of context that comes from simply summarizing a concept in your own words.
Studying for Languages: Vocabulary and Grammar Rules
Language learning is assisted by Memory Palaces, but not achieved solely by this approach.
One way to approach things is to have your 26 Memory Palaces linked by the alphabet. Then place 10 words in each Memory Palace, i.e. ten words that start with 'A' in your 'A' Memory Palace, etc.
This starter exercise will leave you with 260 words in your target language. You can expand this number substantially by adding a sentence to most or all of the vocabulary you've established later on or during this setup process.
The exact number you'll wind up with could be in the thousands.
Again, this is not the only way to learn a language. But it helps.
To take things further, make sure that you are reading, writing, speaking and listening to the language near-daily. You will need to combine both active learning and passive learning approaches and actually use the language.
Most of my polyglot friends use Memory Palaces to some degree, but each person interprets exactly how they use them in their own way.
Review and Practice Techniques With Your Memory Palaces
The core reason to use the Memory Palace technique for studying at all is for spaced-repetition.
To do it well, you will practice a specific kind of retrieval that will strengthen your memory and usher your target information into long-term memory quickly.
Let's say you have 10 pieces of information in a Memory Palace. You want to apply equal doses of primacy effect and recency effect to each piece of information.
To do that, visit the information:
This process will maximize the serial-positioning effect and help you beat the forgetting curve. These are all principles named by Hermann Ebbinghaus, but they are seen as early as Aristotle's De Memoria.
Adapting and Expanding Your Memory Palace as Needed
It's possible to change Memory Palaces and extend their size.
However, if you develop them optimally in the first place, such measures should not be needed.
If you want to do so anyway, it's basically just an imaginative process. You can add paintings to Memory Palaces and then journey around within them, or connect one Memory Palace to another in ways that don't actually reflect reality.
I would only suggest that you take care around doing this because you are turning a true Memory Palace into a Memorized Palace by engaging in this kind of activity.
Dealing with Overcrowded Palaces
Overpacking your Memory Palaces is bound to happen if you're a serious user.
Having more Memory Palaces is the most direct way to prevent this from becoming an issue. It's also useful to experiment with the advice found in the older Memory Palace instruction manuals:
I usually like to "float" my associations so that they're not physically connected to the walls, the floor or the ceiling. This approach gives each association more breathing room in my experience. Your results may vary, but it's worth exploring all kinds of options.
You can also practice clearing them out if they get too packed – literally imagining a broom sweeping out your associations or something similar. But setting them up optimally in the first place is the ideal.
Keeping Images Clear and Distinct Over Time
Clear images are guaranteed when you use highly familiar figures, like Ant-Man and movies you know, etc.
Some people struggle with this principle because they don't partake in much popular culture or know many people.
The trick is to start wherever you are now and develop associations over time.
For example, if you learn the term enantiodromia, you'll discover that it's connected to Carl Jung. You can then use Carl Jung as one of your images. He is connected to a whole host of characters, and the extension of your associations can just build from there.
I know that it can be hard to feel like you have enough, but the time to get started is now. Soon, you will have an entire "paracosm" of figures to use in your Memory Palace Networks.
Should You Use The Memory Palace Technique For Studying?
The Memory Palace is a powerful mnemonic device. There's nothing quite like it for those who find the approach appealing.
I cannot stress enough that the point of the technique is to enable frequent and easy mental reviewing of your study material.
You want to use familiar locations, and whenever possible, base your Memory Palaces on locations where you study and even where you have to take your exams. I used York University when studying there precisely because that was where I was taking my exams.
This choice creates additional memory boosts based on what scientists call context dependent or state dependent memory. Your brain will feed you more details automatically thanks to this effect – or at least you give it more opportunities to do so when you base Memory Palaces on these kinds of locations.
Above all, each person needs to experiment. Ask question when necessary. Or seek further help.
If you'd like a bit more guidance, I've got four videos that take you deeper into the fundamentals of creating well-formed Memory Palaces with student examples. PDF worksheets are also included for you right here:
Enjoy your studies with well-formed Memory Palaces and shout out if you have questions any time. There's more to explore, and Memory Palaces work in combination with many other accelerated learning techniques.
The trick is to master the fundamentals first so that you enjoy smooth sailing with all the other techniques thereafter.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to MagneticMemoryMethod [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:26 Informal_Patience821 Last response to the "Exposing Exion" dude - Fully obliterated and expose himself several times 🤦‍♂️ (PART 3)

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious.
In this post, I will primarily address his initial response to my first response to him. The discussion will abruptly end after I realized that he doesn't even seem to understand that Hebrew numerals are represented by Hebrew letters🤦‍♂️, or he is just ignorant of how the prepositions in Hebrew look like.
I'm also sharing this last response to prove to you all that he is simply just repeating himself and refusing to accept that he has been refuted. His responses are riddled with errors, but in his mind, he is 100% correct, and everyone else is wrong. Because, well, his "textbook says so."
After this, I will completely ignore him. There's a good reason as to why I blocked him, and I very rarely block people here on reddit or elsewhere. I don't have time to debate with scammers and pretenders. I barely had time to begin with, but out of respect and love for my brothers and sisters on this subreddit, I set other matters aside to focus on this to prove to you that you have been duped by him regarding me and my intentions. He wants to ruin my reputation because I have conclusively proven that the Bible prophesied the coming of Islam and prophet Muhammad, and I have done so by using cartography, geography, history and the Bible itself.
Let's begin.

He writes:

Me: I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude. ____ His response: In his last post before he started addressing my criticisms he made it clear he wouldn’t engage with my criticisms. It’s only after the mods told him to either respond or they’d remove his posts, as can be seen here, that he started responding to me. Given those facts I find it hard to believe his reasons given here for responding to me.
What I meant when I said that some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be misled by you is that some of the moderators have been misled by you into thinking that you might be right about me. I am only dealing with you because I want to regain their trust, the trust my brothers and sisters had for me before you came with your silly erroneous claims and baseless allegations. I only want to make them understand that I am not the one with evil intentions here.
Are you feeling how I am dismantling every point you are raising, to the extent that you are getting caught up on every little tiny thing I write, rEfUtInG it all just so you can have a much longer post and make it seem as if you too are extensively dismantling me lol? You are only proving me right when I claim that you're unable to even accurately interpret basic everyday statements (as is evident here above where I quoted you). This says a lot, it explains why you are criticizing each and every post I make on Reddit. You simply don't understand them!
He writes:
That’s not where I begin. There is some important context before that. The first part of my first post was about showing the general sloppy nature of his posts using examples which he acknowledged his mistake, are things someone who knows Hebrew would be unlikely to make, and which he later copied elsewhere without fixing the mistake. The issue of ישוחח is just one part of this.
By "He begins with..." I meant that you mention it in your introduction, as one of your objections you presented at the start of your article, i.e. its the intro. Stop being a nitpicker, bro. Stop being a hypercritical perfectionist. It's very annoying and tiring to read your posts and comments because of this. They are all full of these trivial objections and criticisms. It makes you appear obsessed and very hateful, and I'm saying this with all due respect, not to offend you.
The "important context" is just you displaying objections that have been fully responded to, yet ignored. Stop making it seem as if you haven't been conclusively refuted.
He writes:
Here is the chapter from my textbook on the construct relationship singular. Take the first example. The first word on Hebrew is סוּס which means horse. The second word is הַמֶּלֶךְ which means the king. The translation given is “the horse of the king”. The second page gives examples of how this is translated into English with a ‘s. Based on that “the horse of the king” would be “the king’s horse”. This example shows us if we accept Exion’s claim אל means God and this is a construct relationship then the translation would actually be “God of stone” or “stone’s God”. Exion has flipped the words in his translation.
Actually, it wasn't me who flipped anything, but rather his forefathers who inserted hyphens between certain words to change the intended message, which initially left me a bit confused about this verse. They add these hyphens to indicate that certain two words should be interpreted as belonging to each other, such as prepositions with verbs or nouns. They do this when they feel it is necessary and when they consider it easy to misinterpret certain verses if these hyphens are not there, or so they claim. I, however, believe they do it not only for that reason but also to cover up prophecies and to change the Word of God when it speaks about Islam, the coming Torah (The Quran) or our prophet Muhammad. For example:
They added a hyphen between these two words "אל" and "אבן" to make it seem as if they belong together, making "El" appear as a preposition for the following word, "אבן" (stone), rendering it as "...stone to a stone" (a very awkward, non-Biblical and non-Hebrew sentence). The phrase "Stone to a stone" is not an idiom either. This manipulation prevents "El" from being considered a noun in the possessive state, possessing the preceding word, also "stone." This entire phrase should be rendered as "...before placing God's stone, the stone of..." the second "stone" being possessed by the "House," and not "before placing a stone towards a stone."
This small distortion effectively changed "El" (God) into "Al" (to), altering the entire verse. As I mentioned earlier, his Christian forefathers might have genuinely interpreted the verse in this way because they never knew of a special stone of God, while I believe the Masoretes did it with an evil intent.
The Hebrew verse in question is Haggai 2:15:
"ועתה שימו נא לבבכם מן היום הזה ומעלה מטרם שום אבן אל אבן בהיכל יהוה,"
First part: מטרם שום אבן אל אבן - "Before placing the stone of God"
מטרם (mitrem): "Before"
שום (sum): "Placing"
אבן (even): "Stone"
אל (el): God" or "towards" (in this context, it implies possession: "God's stone")"
Second part: אבן בהיכל יהוה - "the stone in the temple of the LORD"
אבן (even): (Stone" (repetition for emphasis"
בהיכל (beheikhal): "In the temple"
יהוה (YHWH): "The LORD"

The accurate translation:

"’Now give careful thought to this from this day on —consider how things were before placing God's stone, the stone in the House of the LORD." or "...the stone of God, a stone in the House of the LORD
The phrase: אבן אל (even el): This phrase is interpreted as "God's stone." Here, "אבן" (stone) is possessed by "אל" (God).
This structure: אבן בהיכל (even beheikhal): It indicates "the stone in the temple." Here, "אבן" (stone) is associated with "בהיכל" (in the temple).
The reason why I had it differently in my previous response is because it is fully possible to read that way when dealing with divine names or when there's an awkward sentence if you do otherwise.
The phrase: "before placing a stone towards a stone" is plainly just a ridiculous statement, both in Hebrew and English. If not, then why doesn't he bring us another verse that says "even al even"
He's saying that I've flipped the words, but I actually haven't. I interpreted "El" as being in a possessive state regarding the following word "Even" (stone), while the more correct way is to have it possess the preceding word, which is also "Even" (stone), thus rendering it: "God's stone." However, I still stand by what I wrote earlier, as it is fully possible to read it that way. This rule isn't as strict as he portrays it. It is true that the Hebrew construct state mostly places the possessed noun before the possessor, but there are exceptions, particularly when dealing with divine titles or when avoiding awkward sentences. However, even if we are forced to implement that rule, it would possess the preceding word, which is also stone. He has yet again inadvertently supported my initial argument while trying to "refute" me, as the verse has now become even clearer and works even more in my favor because everything is being grammatically interpreted as it traditionally is.
This is the second time this has happened, that he inadvertently supports my initial arguments in his responses, which I have never experienced before. Someone refuting himself twice in a row consecutively without even realizing it is just amazing and frankly a bit amusing. Very interesting guy, indeed :)! I'm not being condescending or offensive; I genuinely think it's amusing. He shouldn't worry much about it though; everyone makes these minor mistakes. I make them too; we're all human. But I'm emphasizing it just to make him understand how it feels when someone goes out of their way to make sure it is recognized publicly.
I usually remove those hyphens, but I'm not entirely sure why I forgot to do so this time. Either way, all praise is due to God alone. It has become even clearer now; it is most certainly speaking about the stone that was placed in the House of God when Jacob the prophet made it a cornerstone in Bethel (which means "House of God" in Hebrew). He did so in a place that was called "Harran" (which was located in Mecca according to giants such as Pliny and Pomponius Mela of the 1st century CE, and many others).
I love how he ignores this major claim, yet focuses on trivial matters such as me saying "He started with this..." and my reason for engaging with him. Did you guys notice that? He knows that I'm well-prepared on this topic and that I would run over him (i.e., his "rebuttals"), much like I already am doing, if he dared to mention it.
Moving on...
He writes:
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory?” The word former indicates it had that glory in the past but no longer has it. That is because the previous temple was destroyed.
Let's explain to you once again, but a little deeper this time:
The phrase: "אשר ראה את־הבית הזה בכבודו הראשון" translates to:
"who saw this house in its first glory."
The use of "הזה" (ha-zeh, "this") is demonstrative, indicating a specific house that can be pointed to or identified currently.
The phrase: "ומה אתם ראים אתו עתה" translates to:
"and how do you see it now?"
The word "עתה" (atah, "now") refers to the present state of the house, implying its current existence. The questioner is asking about how they view a thing that is there in existence. And not metaphorically how they view a piece of land or air or empty space or whatever. The grammar proves that there is literally something there they currently are able to see and God is calling it a "house."
The phrase: "הלוא כמהו כאין בעיניכם" translates to:
"is it not as nothing in your eyes?"
The phrase "בעיניכם" (b’eineichem, "in your eyes") suggests a present perception of the house, reinforcing that the house is currently being observed and compared to its former glory, and not to its former existence.
In other words, the Hebrew text is not implying that the questioner is asking them about the air they are seeing and imagining to be a house, comparing it to its existence. It is literally asking them about the current state of the house, devoid of the glory it once had.
He writes:
“And as you see it now”. This calls to attention a comparison of the former glory with the current glory.
Yes, current glory of what? The current house. Lol. Incredible! You can't have the glory there yet not the house.
He writes:
“is it not as nothing in your eyes?" This expresses the current glory calling it nothing in their eyes. That’s because the previous temple was destroyed and not yet rebuilt.
Wouldn't it make more sense to then say: "Is it not nothing today?" and not "Is it (i.e. THIS CURRENT HOUSE) not AS nothing in YOUR EYES." Comparing the current house to the former and its glory. If the house didn't even exist, then why is the (lack of) its glory in its current state emphasized in Hebrew?! There would be no house there if it doesn't exist, let alone glory so what is being compared to what here?
The "as" in the phrase corresponds to the Hebrew word "כ" (k’), which is a prefix used to mean "as" or "like" in comparisons. Linguistically, the prefix is known as a comparative particle, functioning similarly to the English word "as" or "like." It indicates that the subject (in this case, "it" referring to the current house) is being compared to "nothingness," and not that it actually is nothingness (i.e. not in existence). I don't think you realize how conclusively I refuted you in my earlier response. You should retract what you said because you're not making any coherent sense with these answers. "This expresses the current glory calling it nothing in their eyes." CALLING GLORY OF WHAT? Comparing it (NOTHING?) with NOTHING? Is nothing being compared to nothing? You are making no sense buddy. It baffles me how far you're willing to take this.
But he's going to respond again and once again deny and try to twist this in a different way. This is why he got blocked in the first place. It never ends.
He writes:
Also check out these verses: ““Thus says the Lord of hosts: These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.
The house is already there in existence, but ruined, and was just waiting to be rebuilt and "reinstated" or established again. Since you quote another verse saying it is in ruins, that means that it still physically exists. You still have to prove that this in Hebrew:
"Even al even"
Is used elsewhere in the Bible to mean "Stone upon stone" and that it is a legitimate idiom that implies building something by setting stones upon stones. Don't you think it's a little funny that you claim that they were told to set "Stones upon stones" while you at the same time quote another verse saying:
"...Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house..."
Don't you think you've misunderstood it? That you're basing your understanding off of lying scholars who tried to cover up this prophecy? Still not? How odd!
As I said, the stone (singular) that is mentioned in Hag 2:15 is the Stone of God (Heb: "Even El"). Stop trying to change the Words of God! You have been utterly refuted and exposed my guy, it's over.
The fact of the matter is that this phrase you claim is an idiom only exists as an idiom in your head, as far as I'm concerned, until you can bring another exact same example. And even if you do, the House at that time was rebuilt/built with wood, and not stones. So not only is your entire premise, yet again, refuted by your own hands, but also is the claim that "even al(El*) even" is a Biblical/Hebrew idiom.
He writes:
But that’s literally what happened in history. The first temple was destroyed and the later rebuilt.
I get it, but I disagree with how they phrased it and added words that are not really there. The verse did not say "[there will rise] Another one" at all. But I understand why they wrote that. I understand the motive behind it, and I believe most of those who read this also now understand. As I mentioned earlier, people are not stupid.
He writes:
Notice in this section of his response he changes his original translation to include the second instance of the word stone that he previously missed. This acknowledges that he was originally wrong and missed that word.
Let's say I did miss that word and was a bit too hasty in my conclusion. So what? Does it really matter if I missed that word? Is it the end of the world? It's not. It still turned out exactly as I initially argued. It would have been significant if you found me missing a word and this led to an interpretation that contradicted my initial claim. But that it actually even confirms it? Man, I'm almost feeling second-hand embarrassment just typing this right now. You have to be more careful in your rebuttals. Don't be so hasty. Be more afraid of committing these blunders, it's the Words of our Lord after all.
He writes:
Jacob lived long before the temple was built. His life is recorded in Genesis. There is a lot of history in between Jacob’s life in Genesis and the building of the temple in 1 Kings/2 Chronicles. Either Exion is completely ignorant of the history he is commenting on or he’s cherry picking which parts he wants to accept.
I never wrote that Jacob "built" the temple. I explicitly stated that he only laid the stone there as a cornerstone and called it "Bethel" (House of God). According to him, I guess he was referring to air as the "House of God"; I don't know.
What he is actually objecting to, I assume, is that I wrote: "...And, of course, the stone Jacob laid in Genesis 28—the same stone that Jesus referred to in Matthew 21."
The House was already built by Abraham while he was in "the Land of Canaan," in a region called "Moreh":
"Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, 'To your offspring I will give this land.' So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him." (Genesis 12:6-7)
The location called "Moreh" was close to Medina and Mecca according to ancient geography. Here's an ancient French map from the year 1619 CE placing Moreh (French rendering: "Mor") right above the city of Medina:
The Biblical location "Shechem" is directly associated with Moreh. Click here to take a peek at how Jews view what the region belonging to "Shem" (Shechem is a region named after "Shem," one of Noah's sons). Shem would become the father of the Jewish people. This is why the Jews are "Semitic." It’s a way of saying they are 'Shemitic,' descendants of Noah’s oldest son Shem. See this post where I also proved from the Bible that Jews actually descended from Yemen. It is where Abram first built an altar to God when he arrived in "Canaan." The region called "Canaan" is a region that belonged to the ancient Meccan tribe called "Kinaana." Its "land" is precisely in what we today call "Mecca."
The reason why I am informing you about all of these locations and showing you explicit proof as to where they were located (according to prominent non-Muslim geographers), is when we have several location's being linked in the Bible, and can also link them in the real world through ancient cartography, then that serves as a 2-way authentication, literally. There is no possible way to deny this no longer, unless you want to end up looking like a complete ignoramus, like those who are "eXpOsInG" me (won't mention any names), who love to sidestep reality and truth.
A more simpler explanation: Because Genesis 33:18-19 and Genesis 12:6 mentions that Shechem is in the land of Canaan, and we know Canaan actually is the Arabic "Kinaana" which was located in Mecca, Arabia, and Genesis 12:6 connects Shechem, Moreh and Canaan, while Exodus 3:1 connects "The mountain of God" (i.e. Mount Sinai) with Midian and Horeb, and we've found all of these locations to be within Arabia in close proximity, then that means that all of these locations are close to each other and conclusively in Arabia according to tangible, authentic, confirmed and undeniable evidence coming from numerous sources and angles. History books also confirm all of this, which I don't deem very necessary to elaborate on, as this already is a hard enough blow he won't be able to respond to anyways.
Brothers and sisters, you have no idea how conclusively I have proven all of this and how effectively I have shut the mouth of every critic. He and his likes were being smashed by me on DebateReligion and he's only doing this to taint my reputation, but he is failing miserably yet again, just as he failed back then.
So to respond to what he wrote here above: Abraham had already built the Kaaba, but not necessarily at the exact same spot. The Kaaba, as we all know, has moved around a little from time to time. This is something we are very aware of. But the point to note is:
1. Abraham built it before Jacob,
2. Jacob placed a stone in it as a cornerstone,
3. The House was already in existence according to Haggai 2, but destroyed, which I have proven in my previous response (which he of course has brought more objections to that make no sense) and now also in this post.
He writes:
Exion takes the lack of the definite article before chemdat as indicating it shouldn’t be translated with a “the” as its indefinite. He then argues taking chemdat the traditional way doesn’t make sense without the definite article so we should instead take it as a name. This again shows he doesn’t know Hebrew. Note Exion translates it as Chemdat of. He interprets it as possession indicating he takes the Hebrew as being in the construct state.
Exion doesn't know Hebrew but yet the majority (almost all) of his own Bible translations do the same thing (except that they are translating "Chemdat"):
"the treasures of all the nations" - NIV
"the treasures of all nations" - ESV
"the desire of all nations" - KJV
"the wealth of all nations" - NASB
"the wealth of all nations# - NASB 1995, 1977
The phrase "Chemdat" is being recognized as a singular word
Heb: חֶמְדַּ֣ת (ḥem·daṯ) Noun - feminine singular construct
It has nothing to do with "They" or "The heathens." This is something you have to learn, because you argued with me for hours on my post about Songs of Solomon 5:15-16 concerning a similar issue.
A more literal translation (considering the grammar, tenses and etc of each word) would be:
"And I shook (first person singular) all (singular, but used in construct form) the heathens (definite, plural), and they will come (plural, third person) Chemdat (SINGULAR, NOT DEFINITE) all (singular, but used in construct form) the heathens (definite, plural)..."
If we hypothetically consider "Chemdat" as "treasure" in singular, and that it is a treasure of all nations, do all nations on earth share a common treasure? How does that make any sense to you? Please explain.
No, but rather; "...and they will come, Chemdat (Ahmad) of all the nations [i.e. will come], and..." The second part of the verse is speaking about a singular entity coming of/to all the heathens. This is super clear, I don't get how you still can't get it if you decide to still go with denial and rejection.
He writes:
When we actually understand the construct relationship we see that while there is no definite article on chemdat it’s still definite since it’s in the construct form with the last noun having the definite article.
You're actually right here, so I'll give you that. But it still doesn't help you because if "Chemdat" is a name, it isn't altered in its form because it isn't a word. It's a name (cognate of Ahmad) for a few reasons, some of these reasons are the following:
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:51 Lawshow Bad Network Interface - Your data may be sent unencrypted over the local network.

Hello! When I connect to some wifi networks I get the following message:
Your local network might be unsafe (the interface 'en0' has the IP and prefix ''). Your data may be sent unencrypted over the local network. Enabling Kill Switch will block this traffic. Connections to local peripherals will be interrupted.
Can someone help me further understands what this mean if I do not enable the kill switch. Does it mean data of the wifi would still be encrypted by any local connections would not be? I am just pretty unfirmliar with local connections.
submitted by Lawshow to ProtonVPN [link] [comments]