Tylenol 3 and arrythmia

Will i get disqualified from meps? (army)

2024.05.14 04:45 Apprehensive_Low_178 Will i get disqualified from meps? (army)

Hey so I had a cough like 3 weeks ago it went away but with it came rib pain from the all the coughing i was doing. I went to the hospital, they did a xray and found nothing. But doctor prescribed me with tylenol ibuprofen and patches for the rib pain. She didn’t diagnose me with anything exactly. Just put rib pain. Will this disqualify me? (i have meps in 1 week)
submitted by Apprehensive_Low_178 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:21 check_your_attitude Has anybody done shift work while receiving treatment?

I just started a new shift at work where I am working from 2:00pm-3:00am and then get home by 4:00am. I leave at 5:30am to be at the hospital by 5:40am so I can wait in line to get in. It's first come first served for treatment. I'm usually #4 or #5 which means I'm done by 10:30am. By the time I get home and shower I end up sleeping until like 4:00pm.
Has anybody else worked a schedule like this? Did it work out? It seems really tough and I'm not sure how feasible it is to keep while receiving treatment. Despite sleeping and Tylenol I have quite the wicked headache and feel like crap. I'm not sure what to do, whether I should try and find an alternative schedule or quit my job etc.
submitted by check_your_attitude to ect [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 PJnjelly I accidentally gave my sick 2 and half year old Motrin after 4 hours instead of 6 - should I worry?

My 2 and half year old had a 103 fever. Went to the doctor. Said to rotate between Motrin and Tylenol. Gave her Motrin at 3:30pm. Then I accidentally gave her Motrin instead of Tylenol at 8:00pm. Should I be worried? I'm freaking out.
submitted by PJnjelly to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:48 Phroggie7177 IUD insertion with general anesthesia: my experience

Hey guys, I got my IUD a while back and I thought that I would share my experience getting one with anesthesia.
So my nexplanon at the time was giving me 2 heavy periods a month. I decided to get it removed and replace it with an IUD. But I knew that I had a low pain tolerance so I decided to look for a place that would put me under for insertion.
It took 3 calls to find a location that was contracted with my insurance to do insertion. My insurance ended up covering the IUD itself but not the anesthesia so I ended up paying 600 USD for it.
The procedure itself was very smooth. I waited in a room with a bunch of nurses attending to me and then they wheeled me to the operating room. Then they put me under and I just remember waking up. They gave me an apple juice and it smacked.
Recovery went fine but I did have cramping later that night. Fortunately a heating pad and Tylenol did the trick.
I tell this story because if you want to get an IUD but you’re afraid of the pain, don’t be scared to advocate for yourself. It’s still worth getting a consultation to see if this option would be safe for you depending on your health condition. Cost may depend on what your insurance covers though. But IUD insertion does not need to be painful.
I remember trying to find threads about this experience but didn’t see much so feel free to ask me any questions.
submitted by Phroggie7177 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:38 natalielawson Unresolved pain after fistulotomy

I 22F had a fistulotomy last Wednesday 5/8 about 5 days ago and my pain keeps increasing even after taking my prescribed pain medicine. The first 2-3 days postop I had little to no pain because the anesthesia around the site had not yet wore off. After day 3 my pain seems to get worse every day. It is now day 5 or 6 and I decided to take a prescribed oxycodone 5 mg because the Advil and Tylenol I had been taking was not helping my pain. The oxycodone did not help my pain at all and just made me feel very tired and almost like I was hallucinating. I have a follow up appointment in a week and a half to see how I am healing but my open wound seems to be doing better each day. It is not in the sphincter muscle so I did not have to get a seton placed but it is a pretty big open wound. I have been taking sitz baths and taking Advil/Tylenol every 4-6 hours but I am not sure why I am in so much pain. Has anyone experienced pain even after taking there prescribed pain medicine?
submitted by natalielawson to AnalFistula [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 alwaysbanned5150 So here is my situation.

I take xanax some nights ..usually 3 nights in a row and then take 10mg of ambien 2 nights in a row. I just don't want to become physically dependant on Xanax. The problem is my new doctor said xanax has a black box warning about the stupid sleep walking thing and even though ive never had it he knocked my ambein down to 5mg a night It's not working to help me sleep.
Melatonin gives me nightmares. I need something to supplement with the ambein to help me sleep. Any ideas?
I really need help. Any suggestions .
BTW Tylenol PM doesn't knock me out and valerian root has never been helpful.
Any sleep sprays or anything else anyone can recommend?
Anti depressants don't work either.
submitted by alwaysbanned5150 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:15 khajithaswares69 Need help coming up with rough schedule

I'm hoping to come up with a schedule we can lightly implement. My baby is only 13 weeks so I know things are still likely to shift around. I'm pretty sure we're in the midst of the 4 month sleep regression already. See some of my previous posts for history. We think he had night/day confusion we were able to correct with a routine and exposing him to daylight and lots of stimulation and tummy time and stuff.
The last weekish he has been sleeping 10-12 hours a night and barely napping during the day. He gets very distracted during feeds, will rip his head away to look at stuff, wakes extremely easily during naps, won't let me put him down, it can take 30 minutes or more to get him to nap with methods that were tried and true and took maybe 10 minutes tops before (he won't even nap in his carrier, only right next to me after nursing while I'm pretty much holding him with the boppy for support. He's been a lot fussier in general, is starting to spin in circles on the floor and in his crib, rolling onto his side, and during tummy time he's very close to rolling onto his back (I think he's motivated bc he isn't a big fan of tummy time lol). All of this is to say I think developmentally and as far as signs go, even though it's quite early I'm pretty sure he's going through the regression right now. Also, this is almost identical to what the regression looked like with my first (although he was closer to 4 months when it happened for him).
I'm hoping as the dust starts to settle, whenever that may be, that I can implement a rough schedule that aligns with the family schedule.
Here is what our schedule is now
6:45-7am up for the day 7am nurse 7:35 walk big brother to the bus stop 8am home
Then all day in between is pretty much a free for all-I've only been trying to watch his sleep cues and make sure he's eating enough. Though mostly trying not to fall asleep myself while he refuses to nap.
~3:25pm nurse if we haven't in awhile 3:55pm leave to pickup big brother from the bus stop 4:15pm home
Free for all again but there's usually a nap anywhere from 45-90 minutes in there, plus we're making dinner and taking care of random things for the big kid
7-7:15pm begin nighttime routine: bath, jammies, take medicine (gas medicine and Tylenol for teething), read a book, nurse to sleep ~8pm usually asleep
He usually wakes between 1-3 times before we get up the next morning. One magical unicorn day he slept through but that is not the norm.
How much should he be napping during the day? Is his bedtime too early for him to be waking by 6:45/7am? What times should I be aiming to have him nap so we can be up in time to pick up his brother and also make sure he can get another nap at the correct interval before bedtime?
submitted by khajithaswares69 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 Necessary-Wedding676 4 yr old white female fever day 5

4yr old white female ( My daughter is 3 yr 10 months old. Post keeps getting deleted)She is diagnosed autistic level 1 and has some history of digestive issues. Only otc meds are daily ex-lax (prescribed by her GI Dr) ,probiotics and a daily vitamin. She is usually full of energy and ‘normal ‘ kid diet. She will eat all the snacks plus chicken pizza and so on. Starting Thursday she has had a fever ranging from 100.1 to 102.2 ( either non contact ir temp , temporal/in the ear thermometer…. Not sure if it matters). She has had no symptoms other than wanting to lay on the couch , nap and decreased appetite. We did give her Tylenol days 1-3 and it would bring it down but she hasn’t been bothered by how she feels so we didn’t give anymore. Yesterday her temp went down to 98.9 or so and she started to have congestion. she went with me to run errands today. When we got home her temp was 101.5 but mostly same symptoms but her congestion is making her take quick breaths while drinking. Assuming it’s because kids typically breathe through their nose ? Has appointment tomorrow at 1500 with pediatrician, is there any reason I should take her to urgent care/ER now ? Normally I wouldn’t even consider taking her but the length of fever with the symptoms are a little concerning. Thanks in advance
submitted by Necessary-Wedding676 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 milki01000 should I go to a different ER?

22f. 150lbs 5’4 medications: lexapro. the last 3 weeks have been hell to say the least. it started out with joint aches in my lower legs, then went to a back ache and turned into hot flashes and dizziness. I thought i was coming down with something but i went to the er (april 19th) 4 days after it all started and got a flu and covid test. as well as urine and blood tests. everything came back normal including kidneys, wbc, and liver. i got out of the er in two hours and was given tylenol. my aches continued and i went to my doctor the following tuesday. (april 23rd) and i explained everything going on, ive been completely stressed out about something else so maybe thats what caused all of this. i tend to vape more when im stressed out and was told im going through a nicotine overdose. i was then put on lexapro and given anti nausea meds for the dizziness. ever since that day i have not been dizzy. magically disappeared. i started to feel better a couple days after, however the past week ive been having pains in my entire body. i can mostly feel it when im laying down. my left side hurts and my lower back feels like something is pressing on it. ive been having diarrhea, tingling feet and hands, all over body aches, muscle spasms. when i lay down it feels like something is moving around on my sides and they tingle. my body aches are on my shoulders, lower legs, wrists, knees, feet, fingers, breasts occasionally. its mainly when im laying down, if im walking around or standing i feel nothing basically. i have an appetite, im not more tired than normal, not losing weight, no fever. nothing is swollen but i cant tell if its bone or joint pain at this point. i dont know what to do. im convinced i have the c word. im afraid im slowly dying, my anxiety is to the max. do i book a sooner appointment with my doctor? or go to a different er? i have another doctors appt in june and get a blood test a week before. do i wait?
submitted by milki01000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:02 BrilliantBrilliant87 I just had Acessa procedure…

So I’m 3 weeks out from the Acessa procedure for fibroids. I have 5 fibroids, all large (9cm and larger). Guess I wanted to share my experience in case it helps anyone. This has been a long journey for me, and I’m not sure it’s even over. Day of surgery went pretty well, arrived at 6am, surgery was at 11:30am and lasted just over 4 hours. It was supposed to be outpatient but they couldn’t get my blood oxygen over 84 and it would crash when I fell asleep. They said I got too many fluids, which is what caused it. So I had to stay the night. The first day, pain was bad. They kept me pretty well medicated. Overnight it was like fighting them for pain meds aside from tylenol and gabapentin, which did nothing. After I got home the next day I was able to walk around no problem, but I needed help sitting and standing. If I bent too far forward it felt like a knife was stabbing my stomach, it about made me pass out. I ended up with several incisions. To this day I’ve had no superficial problems with them. My doctor glued them really well. The weird side effects have been a strange deathly gray colored discharged every single day. And for the past week I’ve been having excruciating cervix pain. Feels like I’m trying to pass something. I’m due for my post op appointment this week. The size of my stomach has not gone down. My fibroid pain that I was having before has ceased, but it was replaced with a different kind of pain. I still haven’t had a period yet post surgery. Super nervous for when that pops up. As far as cost, my insurance paid for it 100% which was great. I’ve read lots of “reviews” on here about Acessa and they read more like sales pitches. I’m not sure how someone can have huge changes basically overnight with this procedure as others claim. My doctor said it could take quite awhile for my body to either absorb the dead fibroids, pass them, or they do nothing and keep growing. She said realistically there’s a 50% chance I’ll still need a myo or hysterectomy in 6 months. But we wanted to start with something less invasive. Anyway.. that’s my story. :) I’d be happy to help any way I can if someone has questions. I went into this kind of blind, and it would’ve been nice to have someone to ask questions too that’d been through it.
submitted by BrilliantBrilliant87 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 disusedyeti78 Almost Complete list of Baby registry boxes March/April 2024

If you're interested in baby registry boxes but don't know which one to try or how to even sign up for them I have some info for you here! I got boxes/bags from Target, Walmart, Amazon, Hey Milestone, Babylist, and Similac and I'm still waiting for a box from Enfamil. I'm not an influencer or someone paid by these companies I just really like surprise boxes of stuff. I have pictures but I don't know how to add them. Anyway onto the lists.
How to get: This appears to have changed recently. According to target.com you join the Target Circle rewards, create a baby registry, add 10 items, and spend $10 from registry (either yourself of someone else). You have to pick up the bag in store with a barcode they give to you and it can be somewhat difficult to get since supplies are limited. When I did this in March all I had to do was create a registry and then go to the store to pick up the bag.
1 Philips Avent Natural Bottle
1 Dr Browns Anti-Colic Bottle
3 pack sample of Huggies Special Delivery Diapers
2 pack sample of Millie Moon Diapers
16 count sample of Huggies Natural Care wipes
10 count sample of Honest plant based wipes
10 count sample of Water Wipes
2 count sample of Lansinho breastmilk storage bags
2 count sample of Lansinho disposable nursing pads
1 count sample if Boogie Wipes
1 sample of Dreft scent booster for laundry
1 sample of Palmers stretch mark lotion
1 sample of Dapple bottle and dish soap
1 sample of Pedialyte
1 sample of Auqaphor baby ointment
1 sample bottle of Aveno baby wash and shampoo
1 sample tube of Triple Paste diaper rash cream
All coupons are through Target Circle rewards
How to Get: Sign up for a registry at Walmart. Click this link https://walmart.cesampling.com/babybox/soldout and fill out the form and it would be shipped to you for free. Unfortunately these boxes have been sold out since last year but maybe they will restock. I only got one because my OB’s office gave it to me at my first appointment. You’re not missing much by not getting one.
1 Dr Browns Anti-Colic Bottle
3 pack sample of Huggies Special Delivery Diapers
16 count sample pack of Huggies Natural Care Wipes
1 sample of Arm & Hammer baby laundry detergent
1 sample bottle of Johnson’s head to toe wash and shampoo
1 sample bottle of Aveno baby wash and shampoo
1 pack of milestone month cards
Insert cards (not coupons) for Gerber, WaterWipes, Liquid IV, Aquaphor, and Arm & Hammer
How to Get: Have an Amazon prime account. Create a baby registry. Add 10 items to your baby registry. Purchase $10 worth of items from registry (either yourself or someone else). Wait for the items to ship and then add the baby welcome box to your shopping cart. There should be a $35 coupon applied when you go to checkout.
1 Newborn Swaddle size 36in x 36in
1 Amazon Essentials 3-6 month onesie
1 Mam Anti-Colic Bottle and Pacifier set
1 Bessie's Best lactation cookie
2 count sample of Lansinho breastmilk storage bags
2 count sample of Lansinho disposable nursing pads
1 sample of Aquaphor baby ointment
1 sample of Palmers skin therapy oil
1 sample of Palmers stretch mark lotion
50% off coupon for Shutterfly
10% off coupon for Amazon Essentials (items must be from a list compiled by Amazon)
$20 off coupon for Tylenol Smart check digital ear scope
$200 off Factor meal delivery service
Inserts (not coupons) for Palmers, Aquaphor, Baby Breeza, Mam bottles/pacifers
A card booklet with ideas for the registry
Hey Milestone:
How to Get: Hey Milestone is not a registry. They make three different baby boxes you can choose from and you just pay shipping. If you’re considering multiple boxes it’s best to get them all at once because the shipping will be cheaper. Shipping for one was $12.99. I only got one, the pregnancy box, so I can't tell you what you may expect from the other two. Check them out here: https://www.heymilestone.com/
1 full size Boudreaux’s Butt Paste butt barrier
1 Herobility 5 oz bottle
1 sample pack of Bamba peanut butter puffs
1 Kudos diaper with 10% off coupon
1 Dr Browns pacifier
1 Nanobebe hospital go-bag kit (includes pacifier, 2 breastmilk bags, 2 nursing pads, 20% off coupon)
2 count sample of Lansinho breastmilk storage bags
2 count sample of Lansinho disposable nursing pads
1 Preggie Pop
1 Bessie’s Best lactation cookie
10 count sample pack of Zahler prenatal vitamins
1 sample of Bella B nipple butter
1 sample of Bella B cradle cap be gone shampoo
1 sample tube of Eucerin baby sunscreen
1 count sample of Jack n Jill baby gum and tooth wipes
1 nail file with info for Mother’s Milk Bank
10% off coupon for Boudreaux’s Butt Paste butt barrier from Amazon
$130 off good chop meat delivery
16 free meals from Hello Fresh
$1 Bamba snacks
1 insert for Forsite 350 genetic testing
How to Get: This one is by far the most involved process. Create a registry on Babylist. Enter in your baby’s due date, you address, and first and last name. Add three items from the Babylist shop. Add three items from other stores (you can do this by putting a plug-in from the website on Chrome or Firefox. More detailed instructions on the website). Complete 40% of your registry checklist (you can do this by just checking items off yourself). Spend $30 from your registry at the babylist store (either yourself of someone else). The $30 must be spent on items from the babylist store! Once these things are done you can pay $8.95 for shipping or you can chose simple shipping and it’s free.
1 Herobility 5oz bottle
1 Philips Avent Naturel bottle
1 Monica and Andy baby hat
1 Small Story 0-3 month onesie and 20% off coupon
1 Parker bib with 15% off coupon and a chance to win $200 giveaway
1 Nanobebe first pacifier
2 pack sample of Kudos diapers with 10% off coupon
2 pack sample of Healthy Baby diapers
2 pack sample of Parasol diapers
10 count sample of Honest plant based wipes
10 count sample of Water Wipes
10 count pack of motif medial breastmilk bags and 15% off coupon
1 sample tube of Noodle & Boo body wash and shampoo
1 sample tube of Noodle and Boo lotion
1 Bessie’s Best lactation cookie
2 count sample of Lansinho breastmilk storage bags
2 count sample of Lansinho disposable nursing pads
1 sample of Wellements probiotic and $15 off coupon
1 sample tube of Aquaphor baby ointment
1 sample of Desitin
1 sample of Palmers skin therapy oil
1 sample of Palmers stretch mark lotion
1 sample of Bird&Be vitamins and 15% off coupon
1 sample bottle of Vivi & Bloom body wash and shampoo
2 samples of Triple Paste diaper rash ointment and $2 off coupon
Coupon for a free onesie from Oso and Me ($32 value)
Coupon for free 8x8 photo book from Shutterfly
Coupon for a free will from Trust & Will
Coupon for free Swaddle from Little Unicorn
1 insert for babylist health for information on free breast pumps
How to Get: Sign up to my Similac rewards at https://www.similac.com/rewards.html . It’s completely free. I do recommend using an email you rarely use though and don't put in your phone number.
1 7 oz can of Similac 360 Total Care formula
1 7 oz can of Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive formula
1 sample of Pedialyte
Coupon for 1 free session at JC Penny portraits and 1 free 8 x 10 print
Coupons for $50 off Similac formula (They will send more in the mail once you use these)
16 free meals from Hello Fresh
Coupon for 50% off Shutterly
Coupon for $20 off Lovevery play kits
Coupon for $3 off Pedialyte
A collection of 12 gift cards to places I’ve never heard of ranging from $60-$30
How to get:
Sign up for Enfamil Beginnings at https://www.enfamil.com/baby-formula-coupons-samples/ . It’s completely free. I do recommend using an email you rarely use and don’t put in your phone number. I’m still waiting on my Wonder Box to come. They tend to ship close to your due date so I may get it soon.
Overall thoughts: I enjoyed the fun of going through the boxes to see what I got. The Walmart one is no great loss to anyone not able to get one. I was disappointed with the Amazon one because I expected it to be a bit better based on what others had gotten. Plus I didn’t get the Dude Wipes people were getting and I was looking forward to them lol. The Babylist box was the best of the bunch, which is good considering the hoops you have to jump through to get it. Hey Milestone was great for the butt paste and bottle alone. I was also really pleased with the Target bag. These are just the things I got and each box/bag may be different.
submitted by disusedyeti78 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:13 Main_Health_4050 102 fever day 3

My 4 year old child is on day 3 and has spiked a 101-102 fever with Tylenol/ ibphroven.
I called the dr. who performed the surgery and they claimed it’s probably due to dehydration, (my child has been hydrating properly) and told me not to worry unless it gets about 103-104.
The worried mom in me thinks this is crazy and something has to be wrong.
Any thoughts on this? Or am I worrying for nothing
submitted by Main_Health_4050 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:02 ducklemonade11 Sharing in case this helps.

I posted here about a week ago completely desperate in the worst pain of my life. While it still hurts (very badly at times) I took some of your suggestions and I bought a back brace a few days ago. This is day 3 of wearing it while at work (I work at a dog kennel and it’s made my sciatica much worse working here being pulled on all day by large dogs and doing a lot of heavy lifting) and i’m not in agony anymore. Don’t get me wrong it hasn’t solved the issue completely and it gets pretty bad after a full double shift but wow i feel like im getting my life back. I didn’t even take my cocktail of 3 ibuprofen and 2 tylenol (which proved pretty useless anyways) today. I know it’s not good to wear the brace constantly and I don’t plan to but I think it’s going to really help me heal and I just wanted to share. Went from barely being able to move to being able to walk with only mild-moderate pain most of the time.
submitted by ducklemonade11 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:44 kalechipbanana Wisdom teeth

Constipated from my wisdom teeth. Didn’t even take the opiods (in severe pain, got them all 4 removed surgery) just been taking Tylenol and ibuprofen instead and antibiotics.
Starting Miralax tonight 3 days of constipation already was hoping it would just happen I would just go (don’t feel need to but just 3 days none) (got operation done 3 days ago can barely eat)
Just emotional about it. Hello group. Anyone else? Wish me luck? Advice?
submitted by kalechipbanana to Constipation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:54 no1tamesme Liver enzymes rising, no reason given.

41yo female 5'2, 118lbs, diagnosed with IBS-D, depression, anxiety and narcolepsy. Currently taking cholestyramine powder for the IBS and ambien. Moat recent anti-depressant was Pristiq a few months ago that I couldn't tolerate. I do not drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs. 2016 I was in the ER for back pain, turned out to be kidney stones and they noticed gallstones, no big deal, I eventually passed a kidney stone.
Yesterday, I started experiencing extremely similar pains. After 4 hours, I went to the ER. Bloodwork at 9PM showed elevated liver enzymes. AST 431, ALT 216. Alk Phos was 120. CT scan with contrast showed liver had mild intrahepatic billiard ductal dilation. Gallbladder mildly distended. Non obtrusive calculus in left kidney.
They admitted me overnight. Pain subsided around 1AM. MRI at 8AM showed multiple small calculations. Duct wasn't entirely visible because of breathing.
Repeat blood work at 9ish, hepatitis negative, alcohol and Tylenol tests negative. Liver enzymes are more elevated. Total bilirubin 2.5, bilirubin direct 1.7, ALK phos 153, total protein 6.3, globulin 2.4, AST 1,001, ALT 794.
The only other out of range was chloride 109, calcium 8.4.
The doctor is keeping me overnight again because he doesn't know what is causing it. Test scheduled next is ultrasound and something called a HIDA?
I'm getting worried.
submitted by no1tamesme to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:20 Virgomoon91 I have a brain AVM & would greatly appreciate a second opinion on DIHYDROERGOTAMINE (DHE) FOR MIGRAINE TREATMENT. 🥺🥲

32, Female 5’2, 165
I was diagnosed with a brain AVM in 2009 - 3 gamma knife treatments in 2019 to treat it once over & had a “blood brain barrier leak” (I think?) in February 2023.
I have never been prescribed a triptan until my new dr 2 months ago… when I asked if it was safe he asked me how “living in the box” was treating me. - I appreciated his confidence until I took my first dose because I felt like my head was going to explode.
He now wants me to get this “DHE” infusion that works similarly to a triptan with a black box warning of “fatal cerebral ischemia” 😳 when I KINDLY reminded him of my negative reaction to one dose of the triptan & asked him if he still thought it was a good idea he told me that it was good to do my research but that everything has a laundry list of side effects, even Tylenol & not to worry….
Is anyone able to offer a second opinion on this medication & Brain AVMs? I’m nervous 😥
Extensive abnormality in the posterior right temporal lobe, occipital lobe and parietal lobe. This is a combination of abnormal vasculature consistent with patent AVM/angiomatous transformation but also vasogenic edema and ill-defined white matter enhancement that is very likely radiation necrosis.
The FLAIR and T2 abnormality extends to involve the splenium of the corpus callosum. The enhancement is in the posterior most right temporal and inferior parietal/occipital region that is very likely radiation necrosis given appearance with ill-defined irregular primarily subcortical white matter enhancement. An additional similar globular irregular enhancement in the medial right parieto-occipital region medial to the occipital horn and atrium of lateral ventricle is also noted unchanged. In addition, there are enhancing vessels, angiomatous transformation and/or feeding arteries/veins related to the still patent AVM in the right hemisphere. These are most prominent in the high right parietal lobe. There is a single globular prominent cortical venous drainage in the right parietal region that extends to the sagittal sinus which appears patent. The extensive vasogenic edema and nonvascular enhancement likely radiation necrosis is stable.
The AVM is supplied by distal right MCA and PCA branches with dominant cortical venous drainage superiorly to the sagittal sinus. There are areas of substantial T2*hypointensity in the right parieto-occipital region in the deep white matter and in the subcortical region consistent with areas of hemosiderin staining or embolic material/calcification.
Medication: topamax 200mg 2x qulipta10mg , gabapentin 100mg 2x vyvanse 50 clonidine 0.1 vitamin d
submitted by Virgomoon91 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:15 Woodland-hermit Second Reconstructive Surgery!

So I got my second reconstructive foot surgery last Wednesday. It’s the same procedure as last time— double calcaneal osteotomy, midfoot osteotomy with two bone grafts, and a gastrocnemius recession.
This time around has been SO MUCH easier. When I tell you I am able to do things around the house now that took me 3 weeks to do last time! I’m in so much less pain too. I had a different kind of nerve block this time that didn’t fully block all the pain in my foot so I was on heavy duty painkillers from the beginning unlike last time. I also went off of the heavy duty painkillers yesterday and now only take Tylenol every 8 hours.
As for my fixed foot, it’s doing very well. The only issue is I have residual nerve pain on the outside of my foot. However, it’s still a day and night difference in pain reduction. I am so grateful for these surgeries and I plan to gift my surgeon a hand made mug since I do pottery as well.
Hoping a positive story on this Reddit will help qualm some folk’s fears on getting this procedure!
submitted by Woodland-hermit to flatfeet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:43 webdevfe 🛍 Today's Top 10 Deals: May 13 2024

$399 -Super Hot 2022 Apple iPad Air 5th Gen (10.9" 64GB) Go to Amazon.com, add it to your cart. And Free Shipping. with M1 chip, 10.9-inch Liquid Retina Display, 64GB, Wi-Fi 6, 12MP front/12MP Back Camera, Touch ID, All-Day Battery Life
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2024.05.13 15:07 Main-War4860 I had laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery 2 weeks ago..

Hey guys, this is my first post in here so hello. I am 24 female in NYC and had laparoscopic surgery exactly two weeks ago for a left inguinal hernia. Here is my full report by day:
Surgery day: Everything went great, worst thing is just having an afternoon surgery and not being able to eat or drink anything. I went into the surgery around 2:30 and woke up at 4:40. I wasn't in any pain, just extremely nauseous and dehydrated. I was discharged from the hospital probably an hour later. Don't remember much or how I got home I was put on a soft diet for 24 hours so the only thing I ate that day was frozen yogurt.
Day 2: I slept from about 8 pm to 8 am and woke up once in the night to go pee. The worst pain I had by far was in the belly button area. My mom had to help me get up to pee and help me stand up from the toilet. It felt like I was legit pregnant and had been punched in the stomach 500 times by Mike Tyson. That day was probably the worst just because getting up was so difficult and it felt like my stomach was going to pop.
Day 3-5 A little less pain except was still in a lot of pain in the belly button area. The worst pains were laughs, coughs, sneezes and getting up. I became a little more mobile but not really anything crazy. I didn't do much walking and basically laid in bed for 4 days. I also pooped on day 4. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought but I highly recommend taking stool softeners and Miralax and eating fiber one brownies.
Day 6: Started to feel so much better and could finally walk around and laugh without feeling like I was going to die. Was taking some Advil very periodically but no pain killers or extra strength Tylenol.
Day 7: Walked to the park and probably walked a mile or 2. was so nice to get outside and do some walking. My lower back was in serious pain from all the laying and I felt like a hunchback from not standing upright. I still had a little belly button pain but nothing crazy, just sore. Had a follow up with my surgeon and everything looked good.
Day 8 - 11: Belly button pain is completely gone. More walking probably 2-3 miles very slowly. No pain but moving slowly.
11-14: No pain and continuing to walk 2-3 miles a day at a 20 min pace.
That's my surgery story! Overall a pretty easy experience. I will also note I had basically zero appetite the first week of surgery and still have a very limited one. I assume it was from all the Tylenol and Advil but the thought of most food disgusted me and I was basically eating just crackers, rice, and bread.
Let me know if you have any questions and I'll answer :)
submitted by Main-War4860 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:10 CompJobPost Help with Airplane butt pain

I take off in 2 hours. A month ago I had a colonoscopy and had 5 polyps removed. Helped the internal pain a bit and I was told I don’t have hemorrhoids but it hurts so bad to sit down, like a hemorrhoid. I have 11 more flights in the next 2 weeks to take and sitting for the flight is excruciating. I’ve taken tylenol and a naproxen and have been using prep H. anything I can buy/do/get at the airport before I take off to help with the pain? alcohol helps a little but not much. I took a bath last night at the hotel but nothing seems to be working. I have an appointment with my doctor when I get home in 3 weeks, looking for something I can do now to help. Thanks and sorry for the strange post.
submitted by CompJobPost to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:04 CompJobPost Help with pain at the airport?

A month ago I had a colonoscopy and had 5 polyps removed. Helped the internal pain a bit and I was told I don’t have hemorrhoids but it hurts so bad to sit down, like a hemorrhoid. I have 11 more flights in the next 2 weeks to take and sitting for the flight is excruciating. I’ve taken tylenol and a naproxen and have been using prep H. anything I can buy/do/get at the airport before I take off to help with the pain? alcohol helps a little but not much. I took a bath last night at the hotel but nothing seems to be working. I have an appointment with my doctor when I get home in 3 weeks, looking for something I can do now to help. Thanks and sorry for the strange post. I take off in an hour and a half.
submitted by CompJobPost to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:32 honeycolorkook What to do when an ear infection becomes unbearable even when taking hard-core pain meds?

Hi, I (21f) have had chronic ear infections all my life (I sustained severe hearing loss and have hearing aids, but don't wear them because I need to upgrade them) so I am pretty well versed in telling when I'm starting to get one and what to do. But this one that I have right now is confusing me and making me worried and I need a doctor's advice to see if I need to go to the ER for it.
I will say that I have only been on antibiotics for two days and I know it takes time (I'm taking cefdinir 300mg every 12 hours) and the doctor I went to see also gave me strong pain meds because of severity, one of them being hydrocodone (which I take a whole pill which is 10mg) I just took one now and I've been sitting here for a good hour and it's not even touching the pain.
My head is throbbing, the side of my face near my ear is swollen, the inside of my ear is throbbing, the canal is so swollen you can't really push a q-tip in it at the moment, as well as the pain radiating down my neck and jaw and itchyness of the ear canal. The side of my face is also very hot to the touch.
I'm at a loss because I don't know what else to take for pain. Tylenol isn't touching it even at extra strength, my hydrocodone isn't touching it anymore and it's progressively getting worse even though I'm taking the antibiotics like I'm supposed to. I know that you usually take amoxocillan (I'm so sorry, I can't spell it) but my mom had to take it while pregnant with me and now I'm immune to it so it doesn't work on me.
My ear is making it hard to sleep as well. I have severe insomnia so I take medication that I use for my mental health that also makes me sleepy (I take Seroqil) so I'm no stranger to staying up for 3 days straight if I don't take medication if I forget or need to do some extra studying or whatever I need to do that night. It's usually not a problem for me when I'm not in excruciating pain lol.
I physically cannot sleep on the left side of my face and I tend to sleep on my stomach and then end up on my side and usually it's on my left side so I keep waking up. I seriously don't know what to do and I'm literally crying as I'm typing this. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and am trying my best to tough it out, but this is getting so bad that I just can't put on a brave face anymore. I can't think of anything else because it's just that painful.
I would be very thankful for the advice, so I'll say my thanks now. I guess my question is: what should I take to calm the pain down and should I go back to the hospital with the symptoms i'm having now?
submitted by honeycolorkook to AskDocs [link] [comments]
