Survival kit new job

Space Engineers (Video Game)

2013.09.09 17:51 radonthetyrant Space Engineers (Video Game)

This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, wheeled vehicles, space stations and planetary outposts, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive, or build with no limits in creative mode.

2013.04.01 08:29 neonoodle learnanimation: articles and critiques for amateur, student, and professional animators

A subreddit for animators, amateur and professional alike, to post articles about animation principles, in-progress animations for critique, and other things that aid in learning and improving your animation abilities.

2014.05.02 19:15 Spartans of Crimson


2024.05.14 17:10 Beautiful-Emu1269 Need a new job so bad. Kw

I live in Kitchener, close to fairview mall. I’m looking for a new job that will actually give me the hours I need 😭I’ve been working at a grocery store here in Kitchener (not gunna name it cause i’m paranoid) since August 2022. I used to work 15-30 hours a week when i first started, even during highschool (grade 12, currently gap year). Now on my gap year I get like ZERO hours. 1 shift a week, 6.5hrs a week. I just don’t get it at all and other coworkers get more and they’re all new and I’ve been working here longer then them and basically trained them too😔 anyways i need help finding a job. I’ve had a couple interviews from indeed but they all didn’t go well so 😆anyways i’m trying to save for a car and save for school coming up in september and i have no idea how imma get the money. I will work at any fast food restaurants (except mcdonald’s cause i worked there before), retail, yardwork (i have experience in landscaping!), warehouse jobs, etc. I will work as many jobs as i need to!
I also make art and want to sell some of my pieces so if anyone know where i can put out my art in Kitchener?!
submitted by Beautiful-Emu1269 to kitchener [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:09 the_LikeButton Table in conga word template not visible

I inherited this conga template in a new job. I see a table in the final generated document but when I look at the word template, I do not see that table. There is nothing at that location in the document. I need to format the data shown in the table but how can I do that if I don't even see the table. Has anyone else faced this kind of issue before? Any tips for debugging would be appreciated.
submitted by the_LikeButton to salesforce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 Explosive_Biscut Went Airsofting at Futureball (in Michigan) Bad Blood event!

Went Airsofting at Futureball (in Michigan) Bad Blood event!
I really love how this camo performs in outdoor areas. Especially with the teammates wearing all black kits, it really buys you some time when others are so much easier to spot. This was also my first time with my new scope and boy it did not disappoint!
submitted by Explosive_Biscut to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 Ill-Policy-1536 My 15 year history with Sublime with Rome

2007, I was 10 and would turn 11 later in the year. My sister’s boyfriend was over the house a lot. He was a skater, Bam Margera type of guy who lived at the beach (albeit on the east coast) and would drive up on the weekends to see my sister. They used to listen to music on my sister’s stereo a lot. They would listen to a variety of music ranging from Grateful Dead to Staind to The Doors. However one CD would play a lot more than the others, the 1996 Sublime self titled album. She would listen to it with and without him and I would constantly hear “Wrong Way” and “Santeria” despite not knowing the title of the song or the artist. Fast forward to Summer of 2008, I was up way later than I should have been trying to remember the lyrics to “Santeria”. All I knew was “what I really wanna know, ah baby”. So I plugged that into Google and got a YouTube video for “Santeria”. From there I downloaded “Wrong Way”, “What I Got”, “Santeria”, and “Doin’ Time” onto my iPod and they were a good portion what I listened to for the rest of the summer. When my sister went to college I immediately ransacked her CD collection and downloaded 40oz, Robbin the Hood, and the Self titled.
Fast forward to early 2009, I’m still listening to Sublime almost daily. One day I’m online and I notice an article about Sublime reforming with an 18 year old named Rome Ramirez. I was very excited to see this band that I just discovered was coming back. Of course I was just excited when they changed the name to Sublime with Rome. Even as a kid I knew it was a good way of separating the two. A couple years pass and I’m not following the news on SWR until 2011 when I see they’re releasing new music on an album called “Yours Truly”. Here’s where SWR would have a knack for releasing music that coincided with major events in my life. I graduated grade school in 2011 and the soundtrack of that summer was “Yours Truly”, I would listen to every track on that album constantly. For Christmas that year I had my parents get me the physical CD. From 2011-2015 I made new friends in high school and was able to introduce a lot of them to both Sublime and Sublime with Rome.
“Sirens” came out the summer I graduated high school and almost everybody in my friend group was listening to it. I have very good memories of hearing “Wherever You Go” at the beach, driving at night with friends, and at parties. That same summer me and 3 others went to see SWR live (my first of 4 times) and it was a great experience to be able to hear the music I love played live.
“Blessings” came out the summer I graduated college and the lyrics to that album resonated with me more than the previous albums. Especially “Light On”. It was yet another summer that I was going through a life change while having new SWR music to accompany it.
Fast forward to 2023-2024, I’m now 27. The past year saw a bad breakup and a departure from a job that I really began to hate. I have not been in too many dark spots in my life, but this one required a little spiritual and emotional recovery. I can confidently say I am truly happy again. I’ve got another summer to look forward and yet again new SWR music to accompany me. This is the main reason I stick up for SWR and Rome as an individual. Their music is connected to major parts of my life. If you don’t like the music itself you’re free to bash it but I will never see the group as “hacks” as some people like to call them.
submitted by Ill-Policy-1536 to sublimewithrome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 Trigger015 I'm tired of myself

CW suicidal ideation
Hey everyone,
I've been suffering with depression for most of my life and I always end up coming back to it. I've been in and out of work constantly for the last decade, missed out on my dream job because of my mental health, lost friendships and I'm losing the motivation to carry on. I tell everyone I'm getting better, but I'm getting less and less tolerant when things do go wrong.
My jobs usually end in me calling in sick repeatedly or getting tired and nauseous when I arrive. This is usually followed by sitting around feeling sorry for myself for a few weeks.
I recently started a decent job that I feel I can actually do, with really good hours and work-life balance, and I lost it because I forgot to attend a mandatory meeting. I'm sick of having to deal with my own mistakes, I can barely function as an adult and I manage to fuck up everything good in my life. Before I got this job I was actively suicidal; I had everything planned out and I was just waiting to have my application rejected. I got it, fit in well with everyone, felt like I was good at it.
Then I fucking ruined everything again.
It's been like 8 hours since I found out and I'm spiralling. This was genuinely the best job I've ever had and I'm worried I'll never get an opportunity like it again. I have medication I have to pay for (privately in the UK) than I'm on a 2 year waiting list for on the NHS and unemployment pay over here doesn't even cover that.
I'm at my wits end and I don't know what to do. I don't want to die. Things finally felt like they were getting better; I've made new friends, got plenty to keep me busy after work, I finally have a healthy social life. I'm just so fucking tired of ruining everything for myself again and again.
I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.
submitted by Trigger015 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 Slutty_Spinach What’s a good first crochet project?

I’m totally new and I ideally would like to crochet those little mushroom patterns but I was thinking of buying a starter kit instead on Amazon.
But any idea of where to start with minimal costs?
submitted by Slutty_Spinach to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 Clean-Car-9112 My room mate/best friend is moving out on short notice and leaving me with all the responsibility

I (25F) have been best friends with my (26F) roommate for years, we have worked together and lived together for two years. We knew eachother pre work and living together, I actually got her the job as we get along so well I didn’t see it being an issue to spend so much time together. We never fight and there’s been no tensity or conflict since living together.
She has been very stressed lately and has quit the job she had with me because she got into a course that is also very high stress and needs to commit to that fully. It doesn’t start for several months and she wants to travel all summer before beginning this. I was so excited for and we planned for me to join this trip near the end so we can spend the end of summer together. We had dates set out and discussed flights and budgets, as far as I knew this was 100%
She told me out of the blue yesterday she wants to move out. Our lease isn’t up for another 2 years and the only reason she gave is because she feels when she’s stressed she takes it out on people around her and doesn’t want to do that to me, she feels she takes on others emotions and doesn’t want to be worried about mine when so stressed out and anxious herself about this course. She wants to live with strangers and focus on our friendship from a distance. I respected that, I’m obviously upset but if she’s prioritising her mental health and our friendship (in her opinion) I said ok. The issue is I won’t live with a stranger and none of our friends need a place right now meaning I now have to live by myself. I know this is a personal choice not her fault but she did know this would be my case which would mean I have to move out of our two bed and find a new place. She is also leaving in a month for her travels and because we are breaking the lease we need to pay fees and replace the tenants. I need to do this by myself as she’ll be away and I can’t move out before she leaves as it isn’t enough time to find new people, find somewhere else and move all my things. I have to find new tenants, pack everything up, sort out the deep clean, the moving truck, the property inspection, file for deposit all alone while she’s away all summer. I asked her if she’d maybe stay until end of September so we can do it together when she’s back but she says no she wants it sorted before she comes back. I now can’t join the trip as I’ll need to be doing this during the time I was going to be joining. Her quitting when her contract wasn’t up for another three months also leaves me with a lot of additional responsibilities in work so my job will be very intense during this as well.
I feel really blind sided and that she’s being quite inconsiderate with this? She said she’ll pay rent while she’s travelling for some summer but I think the issue is more she’s not here to help with anything and that she never even hinted at not wanting to live with me we only recently discussed how much we love living together. I don’t feel her reason for moving (prioritising our friendship) is very valid as I always try to organise things and she’s often out with mutual friends and doesn’t invite me. All our friends are mutual and I feel bad complaining about it as she’s very stressed with everything and I don’t want to add to her stress but she’s told me she’ll only pay 10 more weeks rent from June and this is a very competitive time to try find somewhere in the city we live.
I didnt expect to have to be stuck with this and moving all our things alone and also being excluded from a trip we planned to take together to do this. Am I the asshole for being upset about this or should I just let it go and respect she’s overwhelmed and given me just over two months to figure it out?
submitted by Clean-Car-9112 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 Direct_Cookie5498 Hoodman

Majority of ladies in Toronto, New York, Miami They like hood guys, toting guns, running from the law, everybody scared/respects him.
Thats what makes their coochie wet, Not your IT job at Microsoft.
That makes their walllet wet, they know they can wring you for money, a ring and a child. But she still rubs one out to her ex bf that used to crack that in half. You think you in your khakis and dress shoes listening to some dude named Lawrence makes her wet?
Even if you own your own business it wouldn’t make her as wet, as if you were a huge time trapper.
Just cuz these women settle down with nerds doesn’t mean they pussy gets wet for nerds.
Like you always gone love your wife but at the end of the day sometimes u think about a diff type of bitch that you would never cuff.
submitted by Direct_Cookie5498 to Torontology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 Usernameinotherpantz How do you know the value of your position in terms of compensation?

Around 8 months ago I started a new position at a plumbing company owned by a family member, I started working in the office as a scheduler dispatcher and advisor. We also do excavation and I started looking after that department fully which has six employees soon it will be 9.
My role has changed to project manager, I did get a raise after about 4 months which was 20%, I went from $42k to $52k. The issue I'm having right now is as I take on more responsibility and more projects I feel as though my compensation package is low for what someone in this role would do if they were hired completely outside the company.
Essentially my role is very wide in scope, I am the only point of contact for our clients for the excavation department I do the scheduling I do the project planning for the jobs, I do customer feedbacks as well as site visits, I meet with potential clients and build relationships with property managers, realtors, and other trades adjacent what we do. I basically run a side company adjacent to our main one with the assistance of the owner. I have a supervisor on my crew who has a company vehicle and I know is being paid at least 10 to 15,000 more a year than I am.
Recently I started also going out in the field and estimating jobs that are more complicated, we are looking to expand into the commercial space from where we are doing only residential.
I drive my own vehicle to site and clients houses, as far as covering vehicle expenses we only get what amounts to 450 km worth of gas in my vehicle.
submitted by Usernameinotherpantz to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 Party-Highlight3447 AITAH

When I was 16 years old, my mom kicked me out. Recently I found out she told everyone I ran away. At the time I was a straight a student, did my chores, held down a full-time job, ran track cross country and played volleyball. I wasn’t a bad kid. I’m 20 years old now. And I’m currently housing my 17-year-old brother. Just for reference, my brother had a car accident at 90 mph and received a major concussion and a broken shoulder. A week after the accident. My mom’s boyfriend of two years got into a physical altercation with him resulting in my brother is already concussed head getting hit on the door frame. He reacted and screamed. Your boyfriend just assaulted me. In the end, a span of a span of 20 minutes not even 20 minutes my mother chose her boyfriend over her 17 year old son. For context, I haven’t talk to my mother in years. Recently, my grandmother, who lives with my mom had a heart attack. Due to feelings of guilt because of her condition, I begin contact with my family again. For the past 11 years, my mother has been an alcoholic, who is also prescribed Xanax. Other than the obvious reason you’re not supposed to mix the two, she never has to deal with the pain she causes, because simply she doesn’t remember it. She is consistently chose alcohol over her family and her friends and her children. Which is why I remain no contact. Recently, my 17-year-old brother has been suffering from severe vomiting since the incident with Mom’s boyfriend. I had to beg her to take him to the hospital. It was my finals week, he’s a minor, and my name was not on the insurance card. She decided to convince the doctor that my brother was addicted to marijuana, and that was the cause for his symptoms. She brought him a folder “proving her case“. End result, my brother was discharged, and she felt validated for kicking out her 17-year-old son. Over the next few days, she spammed mine and my brother’s phone trying to prove to me that that was the problem and that he is manipulative and playing me. It was so severe. He had to block her number, and which she just made a new one to contact him. Resulting in him, making a new number to get away. Just recently she reached out to me looking for sympathy. Just recently she got diagnosed with sub ventricle tachycardia. Originally I ignored her, but then she sent the text again. I did do my own research on the topic, and while it is a health condition, you could be born with. It is triggered by alcohol, caffeine, and stress. This was our conversation AITAH?
submitted by Party-Highlight3447 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 ElleVB1990 AITA for cutting ties with my Aunt (more like a mother to me) due to religious differences?

Trigger warning - religious differences
I always bragged about how awesome my extended family was. NO family is perfect, but I heard horror stories and always counted my blessings that I had strong ties with my Aunt and uncles since I was raised an only child. That was until a few months ago when my last living Aunt, whom I considered a second mom, shattered me.
Ok, some backstory here. My aunt is a Jehovah’s Witness. Now before you get all judgy, I have always loved her, my uncle and her son with all of my heart. I still do. I respect that they have found faith and live by this code on the daily. I have met many people from their congregation and loved them all (ok, a couple of exceptions). I also appreciate the community they have and love they all show each other. If it weren’t for the religion itself, I would have converted.
I, however, am pagan and have always been since I was about 5 (even the first book I signed out from the school’s library was about witchcraft). Not raised that way, but always found spiritual comfort in nature and the natural world. I have a very strong connection and dedication to my Powers That Be and work every day to help the world be a better place. My Aunt did not know my religion until about 7 years ago. That being said, she and I would have very philosophical conversations when we hung out together. Even at the age of 8, I would listen to her preach to me and ask questions to which she never had answers. I remember her telling me how only 144,000 people would be allowed in heaven and didn’t I think that would be wonderful knowing that our whole family could be together again after we died. We’d all be in heaven if we were all Jehova;s witnesses. I had gone with her many times to do field service (door to door) and asked her why they do that if there’s only a certain number of people allowed. Didn’t that lessen her chances of getting in because I’m sure there were many people more deserving than myself. How did she know for sure she’d be one of the ones to get in and was that fair to keep bringing people into the religion when all the spaces were probably already filled up?
At 8 years old, I had many questions and was just trying to figure these things out. Since she was an adult, I figured she had the answers. My questions were not with malice, just for a want of better understanding. When she didn’t have the answers, I'd ask my mother and grandmother. While they were extremely amused, they said they never understood either. They never said anything bad about her or her attempts to get them to convert, just allowed me to explore religion and spirituality as I wished so I could make my own decision of what was right for me.
Once I was an adult, I avoided talking to her about religion, but found that if I didn’t ask questions and just let her talk, it made her happy. I know she’s a good person at heart and that’s all that matters. After my Mom passed, my aunt and I talked almost every week. I loved talking to her and she became even more like a mom to me. She gave me encouragement and we supported each other through health and emotional crises. I’d make it a point to try and visit at least once a year for a few days so she could visit with my daughter and I. We’d always do lunch with her friends and I loved it. I fell in love with some of the people in her congregation and wished we could live closer to hang out more. I, however, never wavered on my spiritual beliefs, but I have never cared about the religion, race, or sexuality of anyone. If we got along, we were friends and that was that.
My aunt and I had come to an understanding that I would not convert and that we would love and respect each other regardless. Religious talk was off the table for the most part until both of my uncles (my aunt’s two brothers) passed and she had a very hard time dealing with it. She was the last surviving sibling and she was sinking into a depression. I’d talk to her at length and listen to her as she mourned the fact that she would never have contact with them (and my mom) in heaven because they never converted. When she asked me what I believed, I told her that I believed that the soul lived on after the body died and that I believed in reincarnation. I explained my beliefs were closer to hindu and buddhism than christianity (so she had context). We had very long talks and she expressed that she respected my views and actually found comfort in talking with me.
That was until my daughter and I opened our store about 3 years ago. It’s a metaphysical shop and we have crystals, teas, gifts, jewelry, candles and more (about 10% strict;y pagan). My aunt was happy for us until it dawned on her that we might sell pagan stuff. I told her what we sold and she asked me if I was a witch. I replied that I suppose that was one way to describe me, but, again, I considered myself spiritual and that I followed a path closer to buddhism, hinduism, native american. I sent a couple of pictures of the jewelry that we made and she said when we came down, we should bring the jewelry making.
We did, I brought down our best crystals to wrap and bracelet materials and my daughter and I made her a necklace with a very expensive stone (A $200 piece). She brought her friends over and they picked out crystals that they wanted, made bracelets and such. We had fun and I was happy to do it, though I wasn’t expecting people that I had never met before. Still, we had fun. My daughter and I also brought her a basket with local items from our hometown, (Raw honey, handmade stoneware mugs, cutting board, herbal tea and some other items made by us as well) She was thrilled. My aunt and uncle had taken a couple of bad falls a few months before and so my daughter and I made them hand carved cedar walking sticks as well because we knew they went for regular walks and thought it would help their balance. It felt amazing to lavish expensive and heartfelt gifts on them as I has struggled so long with money. I was finally in a place that I could do it. To say the gifts probably totalled in excess of 1K is on the low side, but I was still happy to do it.
Besides the fact that they tried converting my daughter when I wasn’t around, it was a lovely visit. The only problem I had was with a new person my aunt introduced us to. This woman, we’ll call her Dee, ignored me and only talked to my daughter. She was my age if not older, but conversed with my daughter, 17, like I wasn’t there. They traded contact info and Dee insisted that they keep in touch while my daughter was in college. Dee said she was going to keep an eye on her. I thought that was odd, but I did enjoy the feeling of having an extended family sort of since I actually had no family besides my Aunt.
Let’s jump forward to the following year and we were struggling financially. Not horrible, but unable to lavish the gifts that we did the year before. Instead, I created a beautiful aromatherapy candle, some delicious herbal teas and we found a couple of very rare antique tea cups that had amazing value to them (about $100 a piece). We made a basket for her and I decided we would cook for them. (gluten free, soy free, dairy free etc). Our visit went so well, it was great to see them. We just enjoyed hanging out with them and talking. They loved the meal we made for them and the dairy free organic chocolate I made. Everything was great until the day we were leaving. Dee showed up and again ignored me, talked to my daughter and chastised her for getting a pet snake as that was an animal associated with the devil. My daughter is one to push the envelope a bit and said how she wanted to get a tattoo as well, one of a snake. Both my aunt and Dee were shocked and said she should never get a tattoo.. Again related to the devil, I went to the bathroom as I was not involved in the conversation and knew my daughter could hold her own. Little do they know that my daughter is also trans. I told her not to say anything to them just yet. I came back to them talking about how college was going and I thought my aunt and Dee would faint when she said her college roommate was male. She quickly explained that it was fine because he was gay and how awesome he was (he is btw). She quickly realized what I meant when she saw their reaction to him being gay. It wasn’t that she was living with a boy, it was that he was gay and “why did he choose to be gay.” I tried redirecting the conversation a couple of times, but they ignored me.
They finally let it go, but just after Dee left, we were getting ready to depart as well. My aunt returned the basket I made for her (minus the expensive tea cups). She said she could not accept them as they were touched by the devil. Shocked, I asked what she meant. She said that because they came from my store, they carried Satan's influence and she could not have them in our home. Truthfully, I explained that I made those items for her and that the only things that came from the store were the teacups. She was confused why I had gotten upset. When I explained that I gave her a gift and if she didn’t want it, she could regift it or throw it away. That gift came from my heart with all the love I have for her and that I didn't need to know her opinions about the gifts because It insinuated I, myself, was evil and it was extremely hurtful. She basically continued on insisting that I was just not aware of how much Satan had a hold of me. All I could do was tell her how much I loved her and leave.
I didn’t take her calls and cried about this for over a month. I finally felt strong enough to talk to her and again she insisted that because those items touched my hands, they were influenced by satan and she wished I could understand how they just can’t have that influence in their home. Frustrated, I asked how she could shop at grocery stores or buy anything from department stores because she can’t guarantee that those items didn’t touch hands that were influenced by satan. Also , I asked her how they could have eaten the food I prepared for them and why did they even invite me into their home to begin with if that’s the way she felt about me. She suddenly needed to go.
We talked a few times since then but it always came back to religion. At one point I asked her again why she would even invite us to her home if she felt that way. Her response was to save my daughter. The pain and heartache she has inflicted is immense, but I cannot bring myself to argue the point because I’m afraid if I make my point to her, it will break her. She’s in her 80’s and I believe has the beginnings of dementia. Her religion brings her comfort and I don’t want to say anything that might make her doubt her religion at her advanced age.
I’ve decided it is probably best for both of our mental health to stop all contact with her( with the exception of sending cards telling them how much I love them) even though I’ve always seen her as a second mom. AITA for making this decision and not trying to work things out with her or allow her to believe that I still might convert?
*** Please understand this is not a bash on any religion. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever religion they wish. That includes me, so if you feel the need to bash them or me for our spiritual choices, you can move along ***
I have never felt like I needed to hide any part of me from my friends, family, and the public in general. Not until now. Buckle up, this is a bumpy ride.
I've always been kind hearted, almost to a flaw. I took care of my grandmother, my step-dad, my mom and helped with a family friend during long term and terminal illnesses. I had my daughter and, without her father's help, raised her on my own with very little to no support. I helped friends with their farm who left me homeless in the end because I want interested in an extramarital affair. I lost my home and all that I loved including my husband because he lied to me and never paid it mortgage while I was recovering from an illness. In short, I have had a tough life, but it has never made me turn my back on anyone who needed help or in difficult family when they were ignored by the others. That's just some background before I tell you this situation.
Three years ago, after a bout of covid, my daughter was suicidal. She had been in the top three of her HS class and yet at that point almost failed her junior year. Not knowing if she would have the emotional strength to face college and adulting in general, I set up a plan B for her. I started a store in her name and that way she'd have something at least to fall back on if she was unable to function in the m-f 9 to 5 world. We started slow by doing craft fairs, seeking crystals, candles, jewelry, and gifts. We were kicked out of one because the person running it assumed we were witches. She was not wrong exactly as we identified as pagan, but we lived our life closest to the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, not traditional wicca. These were people who knew us for years and were considered acquaintances if not friends.
Our business flourished and we ended up opening our brick and mortar that fall after remodeling our garage/ barn and turning it into a store front. Even though I run it for my daughter, it is hers and we work together to keep it going.
In the past few years I've lost my mom, and two uncles. I have no family besides my mother's sister and her husband which we were pretty close. My aunt knew that I was pagan and had tried recruiting me into her religion since I was 5. Even at that tender age her religion never made sense and I would ask her questions to which she never had answers. I accepted her and respected her and her religion even though I didn't agree. I loved the people she introduced me to that were in her church and I always got along with them. That is until we visited the year after we started our store. My aunt was thrilled about us bringing crystals down and making jewelry with her. We met a new friend of hers (middle aged woman) who ignored me completely and oozed affection on my daughter. She got my daughter's contact info and contacted her frequently. Trying to convert and ”save” her. My daughter wasn't having it as even though she was in a delicate state, she is very level headed and strong willed.
This year we visited and we brought herbal tea, candies, and rare vintage tea cups for my aunt. The day we were leaving, she handed back everything but the vintage tea cups and told me she couldn't accept them because they were touched by Satan (aka made by my hands). To say I was devastated is an understatement. This woman was always like a second mom to me and we had grown closer after my mom passed away. It was a 20 hour drive home and I cried most of the way. I cried for weeks after a well. Thinking of it now still brings me tears. As she was telling me that Satan had a hold on me and that she was trying to save me, all I did was remind her how much I loved her and my uncle. Every time since then that we have talked, she says the same thing, but now she told me I was a lost cause. I feel like trying to stay in touch is detrimental to her mental health ( and my own). I don't want to give up or abandon the last of my family, but I can't talk to her and endure the endless insinuations that I'm evil because I don't believe in her religion. She took a bad fall and broke her arm. The last time we spoke, she talked as if it was my fault for bringing the devil into her home.
While I could usually brush this off as delusional ranting, it hits hard because the same day she fell, my dad died. I know the Powers That Be only give as much as we can handle, I just wish they didn't have so much faith in me.
They are in their 80s. I know in all the pieces of my broken heart that they'll never be able to accept my daughter and I unless we change religions and it has crossed my mind just to say we have to put her at ease, but I can't lie like that to them and we cannot betray ourselves like that either. By
submitted by ElleVB1990 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 SenseiLeSeif Oak Park, IL

Oak Park, IL
I received a confidential job offer for cca in Oak Park, IL (photo included). Can anyone tell me if this is a safe area to work as a cca? What exactly does “career job” mean? What is the starting pay also? (I see different things online, if I click accept and go to the next page, will it show the starting pay offer?) I just recently moved to Chicago and I’m still looking to land a new career. Thanks.
submitted by SenseiLeSeif to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 herms_past97 New colleague doesn't respect us or our time schedule...

So guys i need help and your advice on how to deal with this new colleague at work...
I work at a marketing agency for 6 months now,because workload has heavy the company hired two more people one to work remotely and the other one in the office with me
The one that works with me was hired two months ago and is younger than all of us ,around 25, I tried to train her the best i can but two months in she is unable to do anything on her own she asks even for the minor task a million questions a day and as a result i can't finish my work on time and always end up leaving last because i help her...
Also she is completely ungrateful of that & has an attitude, i recently started to tell her that i don't have time to help her and that we have done this before and immediately gets defensive and lies to my face that we haven't showed her that before and she can't do doesn't help that the manager always assigns task to both of us and i am.the only one that does the job and she gets the credit with me...
Last but not least our work schedule is 9-5 and she comes at the office around 10 and she is one of the first to leave ....the icing on the cake is that out manager knows about this and does nothing
There were millions times that the manager arrived at the office and found me only there and she arrived like a half hour later
I literally asked the manager if she is related with anyone in the company and said no. I really don't want to create any more drama at the office but i am over the edge...i feel like an idiot that i wake up at 7 in the morning every day to be there one time and it really bothers me, also it bothers me that leaves early and doesn't do anything in the office and it really gets on my nerves
Should i talk with the manager again and tell her that i need a breather from her and that i can't work with her ?or should i completely ignore her and don't help her ever again?
submitted by herms_past97 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 faxfinn At what point is a new map required?

Hey all!
Just got myself a 2023 Grom SP, and like all the other bikes I've had I'm looking to swap to a k&n filter (for convenience, not removing the airbox) and a full exhaust (save a bit of weight, better sound).
Running the stock ECU - will these mods have me at risk of running it dangerously lean, or will it be fine? At what point does a new map become a requirement?
Speaking of new maps... I've had difficulties finding them at all for the newer models. Found stores that can sell replacement preflashed ecu's, but they said it wouldn't work on EU models. Are there no plug and play kits for it like I had on my 1st gen some years back, like the powercommander?
submitted by faxfinn to hondagrom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 Sorceress_Sinead Any ideas to make $4000 in 24 hours to save us from homelessness? Any contribution helps.

Any contributions or ideas in any way are appreciated.
I've posted in here before and it didn't go anywhere but I have nowhere else to try. I'm sure you can look at my post history and get a pretty good idea of what my life is like. But to make a long story short, we ran away from an abusive family member in December and were staying in hotels and airbnbs. We finally secured a place Mar 1st, but moved in and got sick from mold. I'm disabled but my fiance works, and his boss at the same time ghosted him and stopped paying him. We've since sorted that out and those checks are on the way, but they won't be here in time to keep us in our rental. We had an unlawful retainer case last week, and we appealed it because of issues in the apartment, but we can't afford the appeal bond of what we owe, which is $4176. If we can post the bond by tomorrow, we get a court date against our landlord and will be getting money back from the months we paid full price and got sick from mold. The money that we have coming in will not be here for another 3 weeks, and his paychecks from his new job will cover rent here but won't catch us up fast enough. If we cannot post our appeal bond, we automatically lose and the VA court will refuse to hear our arguments for why we couldn't pay rent and deserve assistance.
We have no car to get a lien put against for a loan, and not enough credit history to get approved for a loan without a cosigner. We've tried asking people we know, nobody around us has any extra to even help with food. I've even been trying loans on Reddit but have only gotten scammed.
I highly doubt anybody on here would be willing or able to pay the court for us, but if somebody were to be able to they can pay the court directly, instead of us. The other option is a hotel which will cost about $2000 for a month, the same as our rent.
I guess I'm just really hopeful the right person will see this and will be able to help us.
submitted by Sorceress_Sinead to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 italeteller Caliban buff/tweak/rework idea

Throwing my hat into the Caliban improvement wishlist, because I really like him and I think he already has all that he needs to be great, just gotta give him a few tweaks to really let him shine
Passive: now works as an Adaptation mod for Caliban, giving him up to 90% DR on all elements he's hit with, but allies still get up to 50% DR max. The DR still stacks by 5% and degenerates by 2% after 5 seconds of not receiving damage. It now partially stacks up with other DR sources, up until 90%. So if your adaptation gives you 60% DR and an ally gives you 70%, you get a maximum of 90% DR
Lethal Progeny: becomes Caliban’s first ability, and the core of his moveset. Costs 25 energy to summon each sentient, to a max of 3. Having 1 active sentient will give you shield recharge and overshields. Having 2 active sentients will give you increased max shield capacity. Having 3 active sentients will give you increased shield regen speed. Each active sentient will make the other abilities 5% cheaper to cast, but cannot go beyond 75% efficiency. Added efficiency isn't affected by mods
Sentient Wrath: causes 10% more damage vulnerability per sentient summoned by Lethal Progeny
Razor Gyre renamed to Vombalyst Blast: instead of Caliban spinning, he spends 75 energy to send forth a vombalyst which will explode on contact with an enemy or can be manually detonated by pressing 3 again, healing Caliban and the squad members in range according to the damage dealt, affected by power strength. It heals 10% more for each sentient summoned by Lethal Progeny, and another extra 10% if it detonates inside Fusion Strike's fallout zone
Fusion Strike: increased range and duration of the fallout zone for each active sentient summoned by Lethal Progeny
And that's it. Sentient Wrath and Fusion Strike are good abilities that don't really need buffs but I still wanted to give them more synergy with the rest of the kit. Lethal Progeny being the cornerstone of Caliban's kit felt appropriate for the sentient frame, and turning Razor Gyre from an ability that locks you into animation into something that allows to keep engaging in the game is something I've wanted since I first used the ability. I know I coulda gone with a same route as Inaros' reworked Sandstorm but I just didn't want to
I know some people might think I didn't do enough with the passive and that we have more busted DR sources, but with all the other buffs, and the cheapening of Lethal Progeny which also give survivability it felt like it was in a good place
submitted by italeteller to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 Ayo12345z advice?

today was my last day of highschool and i’m about to graduate. I turn 18 in the beginning of june. I have absolutely no idea what i wanna do really. im accepted into my local community college, but i don’t know what careedegree i wanna pursue. i don’t even know if i really want to keep doing school. I’d like to work and build my account up to get a new car. I’m having trouble finding jobs that will give me a living wage that aren’t super far. i just need help figuring out what to do and how to decide what to do.
submitted by Ayo12345z to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 sanity_inn Advice on applying for a new job?

Was planning on just printing out a bunch of resumes and going to a few different places around a slow time and handing them directly to the manager.
I been out the biz for a few years though and just a little nervous, any tips/ should I do anything differently (like fill out apps instead of resumes?)
Also anything that can help me stand out?
submitted by sanity_inn to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 Safe_Fondant_9703 Work Commuting Question

So I (25 F) have never had a car and have always used carpooling/walking to get to and from work in the past. I just moved to a new town and the only job offer I received is pretty far out for a walk in my opinion (5.1 miles). I don’t have a bike at the moment but if I take this offer I will be getting one due to the distance. A problem I thought of though was where do most people put their bike at work/ what’s a good way to inform my employer of my bike situation. I know most employers won’t care as long as you get to work on time but with my age I feel awkward explaining I don’t drive. Any tips?
submitted by Safe_Fondant_9703 to bikecommuting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 SimonShugarAuthor Your One Job Is To SURVIVE! - Book Launch!

Your One Job Is To SURVIVE! - Book Launch!
Happy to announce the launch of my new stand alone survival fantasy novel!
Ewan's life is a mess—his dreams shattered, bridges burnt, and everything he once knew, gone. So he flees into the wilderness, craving an escape from the torment, from the constant buzz of despair. But when he tries to end it all? He can't even do that right! Instead, he finds himself barely alive, scraping by in the wilds with just his will to keep him going. As he battles the elements and the beasts that roam the untamed lands, he discovers peace in the silent moments between life and death.
Amidst the relentless struggle for survival, he learns to build shelters, master fire, and hunt for his supper, each new skill, a lifeline. In the vast expanse of nature, where every breath is a victory and every heartbeat a defiance, Ewan learns to cherish the newfound sense of purpose that comes with simply living.
His only job now? To survive!

survival #survivalskills #booktok #bookstagram #fantasybooks #newbook #NewBookAlert #bookworm
submitted by SimonShugarAuthor to u/SimonShugarAuthor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 shortys7777 2016 explorer rubbing control arm.

2016 explorer rubbing control arm.
I got a rear toe link recall done and did the front tie rods before I went for the alignment. The car was rubbing the control are and inner wheel well. Ok my toe is out of wack. I bring it in and its still rubbing just less than before. These are the numbers. I feel like it was a half ass job and they didn't touch the rears ( guessing the tech didn't know they are adjustable) it was done at town fair tire which are all over new England. Any input before going back?
submitted by shortys7777 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 Nice_Reflection7691 Udio R&B Slow Jams Playlist

I'm fairly new to udio and am loving it as creative outlet in between jobs, I recently made a slow jam I'm pretty proud of, but would love to hear what the community has/is working on, feel free to post any similar track below.
submitted by Nice_Reflection7691 to udiomusic [link] [comments]