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2013.11.20 20:37 achilleshightops DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is an industry-standard tool for post-production, including video editing, visual effects, color correction, and sound design, all in a single application! All creators, hobbyists to professionals, are welcome here. Any topics related to Resolve are welcome here. Not officially affiliated with Blackmagic Design.

2018.07.21 09:08 sgevorg ML EVN Jobs

Job Announcement Board for ML EVN - machine learning community in Yerevan mlevn.org

2024.05.14 05:37 dontknowwhereiamgoin AITA for making a thing with these old trainers

So I've been going to this gym for years and I'm friends with some of the trainers there too. Around early this year, the gym hired two new trainers - one in his 40s and the other in her 50s possibly. And just last week, I was lifting as usual and this new trainer guy comes to me and tells me I can't wear a jean I have to leave. And here's the funniest part - I wasn't even wearing a jean. I was wearing one of those Zara Jogger Pants. I could've had an altercation with the guy at that moment but I was almost done with my workout I just left without any scene.
And today after work, I headed to the gym as usual, and I see the guy on the floor. So I confronted him this isn't a jean that I'm wearing. this is jogger pants. I honestly thought he would apologize for what happened last week and accept he was wrong, but this guy insists this is a jean and tells me he's just doing his job. he goes on how this isn't personal and he's just following an order from his boss. As someone who's worked in retail back in college, I tried my best to understand the guy. I was like okay let's forget about it and focus on my work out.
But it was hard... I still felt like he should've apologized or at least accept that he was wrong. So I went to the front desk and asked the female boomer trainer if she thinks the pants I'm wearing looks like a jean and of course she tells me "no you are good" because well..this isn't a jean. So I explained what happened with the guy and tell her I think he owes me an apology. She then tells me she wants to see my pants again which baffled me because I told her this pants is literally called "Zara Jogger Pants." I tried to stay calm and told her this is called Zara Jogger Pants and she raises her voice that she doesn't care what this is called. I was so mad I told her how could you not care?!!(okay maybe she didn't raise her voice like I felt like she did but the tone was definitely hostile). she starts explaining she needs to see if the pants has back pockets or belt buckles like a jean. I again tell her this is called Zara "Jogger" pants!! she again goes "I don't care!!" I was like what the fuck lmao okay let's just move past this and talk with the guy first. So I waited for him to finish his lesson on the floor and asked him if he has a minute to talk.
I once again explained this isn't a jean and I feel like he owes me an apology. As expected the guy again says "nope" and gives me "I'm just doing my job and this isn't personal". I again tried telling him my point is because you did your job wrong I had to leave last time and I paid my good money to be here. I wanted to tell him whether you think this is a jean or not isn't important, my point is because you were wrong I had to leave last time and you owe me an apology. I tried my best to be not rude ... I mean they are like in my mom's age. And I did work in retail so I know how rude some customers can be. Am I being a snow flake?
submitted by dontknowwhereiamgoin to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:37 Anxious-Blacksheep Should I leave a 200k/year job to go back to school? Mental health struggles.

Hey everyone,
I'm using a throwaway because my main account is easily identifiable. I know I should seek therapy, but after a bad experience where my therapist shared private information with my narcissistic family, I'm struggling to trust again.
I've always had issues with school. I was diagnosed with ADHD in high school and managed to get by without doing much work. Even though my family paid for me to attend a top high school, I ended up being expelled. College brought even more challenges; I struggled with anxiety and depression, leading to me withdrawing from classes and eventually dropping out with a dismal GPA.
After leaving college, I worked for my family's business but faced criticism from my dad for various reasons, including my sleep issues and video game addiction. Despite putting effort in, I felt undervalued. Over time, I managed to land a decent sales job and increased my income significantly, but I've always felt like I'm just barely getting by and never meeting sales expectations.
Fast forward to now, I'm in a high-paying job but feel like I'm faking it. Honestly I am. My career path up until this point has been paved with last minute lucky jumps to new companies when the walls were closing in on me. My wife, who has a background in diagnosing mental disorders, helped me realize the impact of my family's behavior on my mental health. I've been on SSRI's to manage anxiety but never addressed the underlying issues.
I'm not sure if I should continue down this path or pursue therapy and possibly go back to school. Leaving a 200k/year job feels daunting, but I know I need help. Any advice or insights would be appreciated.
I’m sorry for the vagueness here. I’m terrified my family will see this. I am almost 30 for context.
I wish that I could find a high paying job that uses my skills, whatever those are… I seem to be very good at selling myself to companies. I talk a good talk. The problem is, I can’t back it up with actual sales and the walls start to close in at every company. Each time I’ve been able to talk myself into a better offer at a different company, but my resume is starting to raise questions and this can’t go on forever. I’m very good at building quick relationships with people and basically being the office entertainment. If there were a role that paid over 200k to wine and dine clients and build those personal relationships I’d kill it.
To clarify, I’m very good at the selling/talking part of sales, i’m just really bad/lazy when it comes to the work/paperwork part.
Hopefully this makes some sort of sense. Thank you for reading, I’ll clarify as much as I can in the comments.
submitted by Anxious-Blacksheep to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:35 WayneEnterpriseX I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies. What should I do?

I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies.
I'm extremely devasted and my mind is clouded as I write this, but I have caught my girlfriend (23F), with which we have been dating for 6 years in a web-of-lies 3 Times in our dating period.
She has left me in my lowest point.
In the beginning of our releationship I caught her deleting a messages on her Iphone. I then confronted her and she told me that she deleted those messages because I would get the wrong impression of them and would end the releationship. She told me that she was scared to lose me, as I'm jealous of other males, which in fact is true, but I think my feelings were right all along.
I forgot the content of the message.
I let it slide, since we were in the beginning of our releationship (Maybe 1-2 years into it) and I also wasn't faithful at that time. I have even shared this with her at some points of the releationship, as I'm honest. The thing is that she said that she loves me so much that she would never do such a thing to me.
Slowly - I let my guard down, as she was with me during very hard moments in my life, where she could have easily left. As I let my guard down - I started adoring her and the thought of other girls started to dissappear.
She was extremely sweet, innocent and loving. No matter what I did - she was always there for me to support me and was always on my side.
I started focusing more on work, we were seeing each other everyday and everything was flourishing, but I never stopped being envious when she came with me at a disco/bar with friends or where there were other males.
I always felt as she had an eye out for some of them and always felt like I didn't satisfy her completely, as she had previously made remarks about our sexual encounters, which were above regular.
I slowly started to trust her more, as she continiously gained my trust by her action. Meanwhile I was 100% focused on my businesses and success.
She was working in a kid's playground and selling cakes. I was always there and supporting her.
As my success progressed - we started to go out on world trips on the most beautiful places and fell deeply in love (or so I thought)
4 years had passed by. She was still good an innocent (or so I thought).
On the 4th year - I made a project that made me life-changing money. I took her in Dubai with my whole family and spent a fortune to please them. Unfortunately - she was not happy there, I felt like she didn't support me at that moment. She didn't care what I did, she didn't care about my success. She tells me 'This is your success, not mine' 'This is your money, not mine' I told her I want to buy a house for us and she said 'This will be your house'
I then fell into an emotional pit, because everything I do is to support my family and create one wit her.
I got extremely mad, this feeling didn't fade away. I wanted to end it with her, because she didn't acknowledge anything.
The summer was approaching, we got into a fight over something (I Think I caught her again) - We separated for a month, she started crying and was working the whole month. - I went on a vacation with friends, where I cheated on her (Only kissing) and started approaching other girls. But while doing all this - My girlfriend never left my mind, I was extremely sad that I ended it with her.
I opened up her Instagram Account and saw on her story how she is on vacation with two good girls from her work and one baby (She was lonely by the looks of it and extremely sad)
I got back from the vacation and started working things out with her, I took her on a vaction, we had a bonding there, but something didn't feel right... She seemed sad.
I started gambling on crypto futures... I lost 20% of my networth... I got extremely mad.
We went back in our country and then I took her on another trip. I bought her everything she wanted, I took her everywhere she wanted, I did everything to please her. My focus at that time was entirely on her.
She wanted to go in the casino - we went. I lost money, but gave her, since she wanted to stack an amount for a nose operation.
(Not because the nose was broken or something, but because she wanted to look better)
Business started getting bad, my income vanished.....
I started trading more in order to get back to my previous amounts...
I lost it almost all.. I had 1 reserve fund which was locked and I waited a couple of months to take the funds out. She was there with me even when I lost.
She finished her operation.
I got the reserve fund. I started trading, I made half the amount back. She wanted me to buy her a car - I did. I bought a land as well, on which I wanted to start building our house.
After all that - I lost all my funds again...
She had been constantly in a fight with her parents and wanted to move out.
I had one small income left - with all the funds I had, I rented an apartment for 6 months.
During those 6 months - I focused on working, but was losing due to my gambling habbit.
She got a new job. She started going out with friends. Sexual intercourse decreased by a lot.
I told her that I don't like her going out till 6 AM in the morning. This just isn't right with me, so I got suspicious.
I hacked her laptop... she saw a notification and rushed to the house... I was able to see a lot of things, but it appears - she was deleting evidence, so I asked her to give her phone. - She gave it to me.
Unfortunately - I knew how to see deleted messages on an Iphone. I saw only one message, the content was:
'Don't message me anywhere again.'
I got filled with rage and we had a fight. She was fighting with me to get her phone back. I gave it and told her I want to end it.
As he was a famous greek singer - I was able to analyze when he had concerts and saw that on those dates - she had been visitng those concerts...
3 Days later - we talked and worked it out.... I was madly in love with her at this point. She told me that she arranges stages for him. (It's related to her new job)
My gambling habits were in full force. I lost a lot of money and couldn't afford a rent of a high-cost, so I told her - Let's move out to my mother's place and in the next 1 year I will make sure that I succeed again. (My mother isn't living inside the house, but my brother is)
She agreed roughly. So we moved and I started working, but unfortunately - The money I felt I was making was not enough, not nearly enough to buy an aparatament or build our house. She was acting kind, innocent.
I went out on a birthday party and my friend created a circumstance, where I would sleep with a girl next to me. I knew she really liked me and hooked up. We were going to have intercourse, but as I did anything - my girlfriend was on my mind and I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than kisses... I just couldn't.
She started going out with friends again. She was going nightclubbing with them, but assurred me - she was doing it for her own fun.
She was meanwhile stacking money to get a boob-job done. - She did it, made her boobs bigger. She assurred me that she was doing it for her own fun.
6 months have passed. - I stopped gambling, but she told me that she doesn't like my house, doesn't like that I'm living with my brother and she doesn't see a future with me.
She told me she would leave and go in her cousin's apartament, but he doesn't want me there.
I told her that I want to break up with her, because she doesn't want to be with me at my lowest point. I told her that she probably wants to leave the house to go out nightclubbing and find someone better than me. She felt offended (Or so It seemed), but I think that was the truth. She told me that she wants to have kids with me, she loves me, etc.
The next day: She goes out of city without telling me anything about her location. At night: she goes in a nightclub with her friends + other males.
I ask her in 2 AM - 'Where are you right now'? She comes in and out of 'Online' status. and at 4 AM I notice a follower increase on her Instagram, she follows him back - I send her a video and ask who the f is that? She responds 'What do you want', 'This is an old friend', 'Stop being envious'
I get extremely angry and stop responding. The next day I check the live photos of the nightclub and pray to god to give me a sign that I'm not delusional and exactly the next photo - She is on the same table, with the same guy, with her friends and other males. She told me she was sleeping.
1 Day passes - she starts messaging me and sending me photos with the quote 'Let's promise we will never leave each other and fix everything when things go wrong.' 2 Day passes - she starts messaging me, so I show her that I don't want to talk with her. 3 Day passes - no one messages. 4th day she messages me: "Are we breaking up?" and I told her "Do you think I want to be with someone, who constantly lies to me, goes out nightclubbing and adds some r*tards in Instagram?" She told me - "First of all - I'm not lying about anyhing" Then I ask her - "Why have you added this person in 4 AM in the morning"? She replies: "I have had him for some time now, he is an old friend" I told her that I monitor her followers and know if he is old or new" I told her that she looks like trash in my eyes at this point and she got angry She told me she isn't obligated to tell me anything and she hasn't added him in 4 AM, she will not be repeating her self.
I ask her: - Can you tell me where were you at that time (The night that this happened) ? She tells me: - Like every night - at home. I sent her a photo of the live nightclub photo where she is with him, her friends and other male friends. I tell her 'I hope this is gives you an answer for everything' 'My girlfriend died a long time ago' She starts sending laughing emojis and says: "It's good, right?" "You killed her more likely and made her what she is today" I tell her "It's possible" She responds "As you can see - he is with his girlfriend, DON'T THINK WRONG THINGS OF ME" I told her: "Don't explain yourself" "This was my last question." She is now telling: "This is a driver of... and some time ago my friend hooked up with him, this is from where I added him, I haven't added him now" I told her: "I don't think anything of you." She responds "The last two years you have not thought of me anyway" WHICH IS NOT TRUE. I tell her "I wish you all the best, I hope you find what you are looking for" She responds "Me too, be happy" I respond "I have only one question left" "When did my girl die?" She reponds "You can always contact me if you need any help" I respond: "Thank you, but I don't think of searching for contacting you anymore" She asks: "Which is your girl?" I respond "The good girl that loved me and was always with me or was this just a product of my imagination? Be honest" She said: "Whatever you feel like" I respond "Okay, good night" Then I forward the message "You can always contact me for help" and I say: "I really loved you and will miss you" She reponds: "I will never stop loving you. There is no way to stop loving a person with which you have been in a releationship for 6 years" "Good night, I will not upset myself anymore" I ask her "Why would you do this to me?" She ask "What did I do to you?" I told her "It's pointless to say, I have a lot more information that on the photo" She says "We were in this town for a doctor checkup, after that we went to a nightclub and accidentially met them (The person and his male friends)" I ask her "Will you stop with the lying?" She says "I'm telling you" I respond "Good night"
Now my question is:
I'm a sucker for her love. Maybe I'm just in love with the old her. I have never loved any girl as much as I love her. I feel absolutely terrible. Maybe part of this was my fault. Maybe it was my fault that she became like this..
What do I do from here? I don't think I will ever love a person this way.. I wanted her to carry my children and raise a family with her.
submitted by WayneEnterpriseX to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:35 Classic_Broccoli_555 Both me and my mom dislike my sister's bf

So I'll preface this by saying my mom raised my sis(32f) and I(28f) by herself. My sister has a thing where she always needs to help, I've told her she has a thing for down on their luck men but she doesn't see it. I have my issues but this is not about me rn. So although we are religious we aren't crazy religious, but my mom was clear about being a parent before she is a friend growing up. As adults she's much more a friend and as such, although she does tell us her opinions she lets us make our mistakes even if she has to say I told you so while helping clean the mess up. When I finished school I moved down to where my mom was taking care of her grand mother my great grand to help out. While I knew my sis was sneaking around about something I didn't really think much of it. This would have been about two or three years ago, it didn't become obvious until after I moved and she was left alone. I'd visit here and there and realize she was spending much more time away from home until she said she was dating a guy who livednot far away. My mom dislike him what seemed immediately but I tried giving him a chance and convinced my mom as such. After a while my sister's actions became more obvious, I would still pop in by the house and spend the night or a couple days and I toiced she started spending the night out even when she said she'd be home later. She didn't ask me to lie but there was a distinct 'don't let mom know' vibe.again religious household, we weren't allowed to sleep over at men's homes like that. We could spend a night by a male family friend but often sleeping there is a big no no. So I'd deflect when I was visiting and our mom called and asked about her and why she wasn't answering her phone. As time passed I slowly began disliking her bf and his family and the fact that I noticed on my visits that the house felt less lived in. Her bf and his family is all about public opinion and just shy of showing off. Everything has to be big and grand and a spectacle, I noticed her bf would at times be flippant about her opinions and belongings. He'd even makes insensitive remark, ill also mention here that my sister has her degree and a well paying job while I don't think he has his and he is self employed with irregular work. My sister would often jump in to help him organize his business but to him the business is his and she has nothing to do with it. So even if she handles the admin stuff and organize his money records and makes calls, all profit is his and she has nothing to get from it. Gradually she began staying at his house that his parents live in along with his siblings, it's a large enough house that they could all live there in comfort since his parents had nice jobs and they built a house to match. My sister eventually got pregnant for him, which wasn't surprising because she'd been sleeping in his room more than her own bed at home, a male family friend called it even before she was pregnant that they were banging. Muchless my mom wasn't happy but there wasn't much you can do after the fact. My mom and I did our best supporting her and she practically moved in with him. Our house needs repairs and while she was pregnant I tried encouraging her to fix what she could before the baby came, like the best part of the house. She didn't, and even while pregnant she did stuff he should have been doing like picking up heavy objects and taking care of his animals.muchless he Lost points in my eyes, I threw her a babyshower which my mom funded and his family brought the drinks and he tried getting us to hold it by his home even though we planned it. The baby came via c-section and she came home to us to recover, and while his mom and one sister visited he jokingly mentioned how my sister has to lose weight. Eventually he kept bugging her to come to his house that was and hour away and she kept telling him she couldn't make the journey just yet because of her stitches. Eventually she gave in to his nagging and I drove her up, when it came to the christening because he is a different denomination of Christian he insisted their child be dedicated under his, all of this was after he announced the child's name without getting her approval and fussing about the one name she wanted to give while he gave two names. Only his Godparents were able to stand up because my sister's picks were not of the denomination the christening was taking place under. The brunch they(the guy) instead on was cooked by my mom and me and the after party food was done by his side, although my sister did tell him to order a certain amount of a type of dish that he didn't do because his mom said not to, they later ran out of the item. He told my sister his mom knew better because she had more kids than our mom when my sister asked him to tell his mother not to do some stuff to their kid after she had already asked her and she disregarded her. His mother and sister looks after their kid while my sister goes to work and his mother bundles the baby up and leaves it in a hot room. Both his mother and sister began treating my sister badly and his mother has a diagnosis of early signs of memory loss which my sister has began attributing her bad treatment to which i called bull on. He doesn't allow her to take the kid to funerals and once said something insensitive about the death of my sister's friend's mom, this rules does not apply to his family funerals. When my sister told him to let his sister travel because shed be late to pick me and my mom up after he'd made us late previously for something similar for a pre planned and paid church brunch he told her that we should learn to travel although my mom and I both travel 90% of the time and it wasn't the first time he had made them/heUS late. Later my sister and his mom and sister han a falling out one I told her was going to happen and she didnt listen to after his mom began acting like her kids was her own after she had it and he was carrying their kid for his mom while she was left alone and was asked to send/provide the milk, they made her postpartum worst than it should have been. Both my mom and I told her to move back to the house which she did for a couple days before she was right back sleeping at his place. He regularly makes in my opinion insensitive remarks and everything must be his way from what I've noticed. I've also noticed it's difficult for her to move back home, the first time he stayed the house with strong pesticide so she couldn't stay, attempt Number 2 her car was hit(not really his fault) but he was park badly,and the most recent attempt at organizing to go home, her car was stolen and scrapped (he had nothing to do with the stealing) aitah if I get feup with her and his bull and the fact that I've secretly begun hoping they breakup and encourage it in small ways? Are both my mom and I wrong for disliking him as much as we do? There are other things he's has done that makes me dislike them being together no to mention he keeps his family stuff away from her and has flat out practically told her his family business has nothing to do with her.
submitted by Classic_Broccoli_555 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:34 AccomplishedRough949 Question about breaking a lease in Minnesota

For context, I just graduated and signed the lease for an apartment. However, my mental health has since declined and I’m debating finding a job back home and moving out. My lease states I can break it with two months notice and pay two months rent to break it as long as it’s not during the winter months, as they don’t allow winter move out. I’m going to try and stick it out but if I don’t feel better by August I’m considering breaking the lease to go back home. However, I was wondering if this would leave a bad mark on my renters history as I haven’t had a previous history. Additionally, I don’t think I’d be entitled to pay the entire years rent but I’ve read somewhere else that it might be implied. I’ll be able to save up enough money to pay for the entire year by the end of August if worse comes to worse though and I have to or I might just so that I don’t have a mark on my renters history and have a friend check in on the place. Does anyone have experience with breaking a lease and what to expect?
submitted by AccomplishedRough949 to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:32 kyebug Where to go next?

Vent / Advice post
Im officially burned out and I wanna cry even thinking about leaving because I did absolutely LOVE my job and I hate to say it but the people I work with and management + pay is making me lose my mind. I feel even worse because I’ve dedicated so much time and money to get my degree in ECE and have been studying and working in the field for five years. But - I’m starting to plan my leave after one last straw with work drama. I know I want to take a break from daycare, but I still want to do something useful with my degree. So, where did you guys go after leaving the field / while taking a break from the field? How were you able to market your skills and what other jobs did you get with your degree in ECE? I just wanna know just to know there is somewhere else to go im so burned out but its not even the kids so working with kids is not off the table😭
submitted by kyebug to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:31 Relinquish_Caedo New Salary Offer - Are these Benefits Worth it?

Just received an offer for a new job as a senior graphic designer WFH at a tech firm.
90K yearly salary and these are the benefits:
1) QSEHRA: participate in the QSEHRA and be reimbursed by it for their premiums (up to $200/mth), and certain medical costs not paid by their MEC.
2) IRA - Company match up to 3% of an employee’s contribution to their IRA.
3) PTO plan: 40 hours PTO in the first year.
4) Paid Holidays
5) Parental Leave is available after 1 year of employment. Up to 12 weeks of Parental leave is allowed for eligible employees.
6) Personal Time. 24 hours each calendar year.
Is there anything I should also bring up to sweeten the benefits package?
submitted by Relinquish_Caedo to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:31 tacticalpepe420 BPD and work.

(27M) So I have been holding a chat support job for the last 6 months and counting, the longest I have ever manage to with any job I've ever had. This company is actually quite okay with their pay (15USD/8-hour shift, 5 days a week,which is just okay for the COL here in Southeast Asia), the people here and the environment are decent.
However due to the nature of my work, dealing with many times, unruly customers, and due to the unpredictable nature of customer service work, I always get intense anxiety before going to work, and I have used up many of my paid leaves on just random days where I don't feel like going to work. I was trained to not take it personal in this line of work, but my BPD just makes it so hard for me.
Today is one of those days, and even though I have used up all my leaves, I just can't muster the strength to go to work, and I have asked my team lead for a day off even if it is marked as absent and unpaid.
Maybe I just want some postlitive affirmation that I am not in anyway wrong for doing this. Am I wrong? Because I do feel guilty for taking so many days off already.
Sometimes I wonder, how can people do this, working a job for a mediocre pay and just keep going for half a century until retirement. I sometimes just wish I have enough to retire immediately because I just don't have the strength or energy to deal with this anymore. But alas, I need to feed myself in this struggling economy. 😔
submitted by tacticalpepe420 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:31 skylanicolemarie I(33f) is debating to quit job

I (33f) have been with this company for 6 years. When I first started everything was great. We were literally like a little family. I actually looked forward going to work,it’s a stressful job but we all made the best of it. We laughed,joked,just everyone was so happy. We all loved coming we had a great time together. However everyone started moving out of state due to the cost of living here. We almost have an entire new staff. Only a few of the originals are still left.The entire atmosphere has changed.Everyone is miserable,mad or complaining about something. It’s extremely clicky,you can’t trust anyone because everyone is looking to throw peole under the bus to advance themselves which there is nothing to advanced to. Some people think they are in charge, walking around watching people,writting things (I might add this women isn’t in charge of anything,just being a sneak).So much gossip,and rumors,it feels like highschool again. I have expressed myself to the owneboss and they tend to agree.The answer I got was she’s being doing this for years eventually they bad seeds leave.Well that doesn’t help me. And I don’t have an answer for this solution unless you clean house,which they would never do. I feel bad because I developed bonds and relationships with the owners/bosses. They would be screwed without me.However it isn’t a happy place,anymore everyone is miserable and it’s toxic,or would you give it some time like my boss is saying and see how it goes?
submitted by skylanicolemarie to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:29 Bright-Expression950 「WCW 」"BOARD PAPERS" June - August 2001

Week 1, June 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] The Championship Committee make Flair an offer
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,586
Overall Rating 58
Kevin Nash and Booker T exchanged words to end the show
Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair beat Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome
Gene Okerlund spoke with Vampire and Goldberg
Dustin Rhodes beat Curt Hennig
Buff Bagwell beat Bam Bam Bagwell
Yoshihiro Tajiri & Sting beat Kanyon and Lex Luger
Sabu beat Jim Duggan
A confrontation between Sting, DDP, Lance Storm, Rena Mero and Mike Awesome
Sabu and Rob Van Dam were with their manager Bill Alfonso and Gene Okerlund
Bobby Henan and Kanyon addressed Lex Luger ahead of their match at Great American Bash
Vampire & Goldberg beat 3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Shane Helms, Lizmark Jr, Rey Misterio Jr, Super Crazy, Volador Jr beat Chavo Guerrero Jr, Damien 666, La Parka, Vilano V and Masato Tanaka
Lance Storm beat Hugh Morrus
The Championship Committee (Arn Anderson, Steamboat, Piper, Funk) and WCW President offer Ric Flair a spot on the Championship Committee. He turns it down to focus on his and Dustin Rhodes WCW Tag Title match at Great American Bash
[DARK] The Mamalukes beat Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
◆Show Notes
Cash, Jamie Knoble, Big Vito and Johnny Ace were fined due to behavioural incidents.
Curt Hennig was injured in his match (out 16 days)
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was rated 0.11 with 82,885 viewers with 1,316,070 views overall.
◆Roster Changes
Jim Duggan was released from his contract, a cost of $103,200 to the 2001 budget
Johnny Ace was released from his contract at no cost to the budget
Jimmy Hart was released from his contract at no cost to the budget
Miss Jones was released from his contract at no cost to the budget
Ernest Miller was released from his contract, a cost of $78,600 to the 2001 budget
Don Callis has agreed a one year per show handshake deal with no downside.
Dory Funk Jr has agreed an ongoing per show handshake deal with no downside.
Harley Race has a greed an ongoing per show handshake deal with no downside.
Fit Finlay has agreed a one year per show handshake deal with no downside.
Larry Zbyszko has agreed an ongoing per show handshake deal with no downside.
Scott Hudson was released from his contract at no cost to the budget
Week 2, June 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] The final stop before the Bash
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,601
Overall Rating 61
Goldberg beat Masato Tanaka
Kevin Nash and Booker T discussed their World Title match at Great American Bash
Diamond Dallas Page and Sting Jeff Jarrett and Shane Douglas
La Park and Rey Misterio trash talked each other
Booker T, KroniK (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark), Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Kanyon, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell and The Steiner Brothers
Vampiro beat Big Vito
A video promoted Legacy (Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes)
Fit Finlay beat Hugh Morrus
Jamie Noble beat Elix Skipper
Bobby Henan and his client Kanyon confronted Lex Luger
Kevin Nash beat EZ Money
Director of Talent Acquisition spoke with Stacey Keibler and her client Vilano V, Don Callis and his client Damien 666
Konnan, Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio Jr, Silver King and Tajiri beat Vilano V, Damien 666, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome
There was an confrontation between Goldberg and Vampire and Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett.
Gene Okerlund is joined by Tajiri, James Mitchell and Buff Bagwell to discuss their Great American Bash match.
Goldberg is getting ready backstage
The show opened with Sabu/RVD and the Steiner Brothers fighting backstage.
[DARK] Alex Wright, Bam Bam Bigelow, Norman Smiley and Lash Leroux beat Mike Jindrak, Mike Sanders, Evan Karagais and Shannon Moore
[DARK] Super Crazy beat Sean O’Haire
◆Show Notes
Stevie Ray was fined for a behavioural incident.
Booker T v Kevin Nash - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Diamond Dallas Page v Lance Storm
Sting v Mike Awesome
Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas v Goldberg & Vampiro
Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair v Rob Van Dam & Sabu v Scott & Rick Steiner v Kronik - WCW Tag Team Titles
Buff Bagwell v Tajiri
Lex Luger v Kanyon
Shane Helms v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Billy Kidman v Super Crazy- WCW Cruiserweight Title
Rey Misterio Jr v La Parka
TV Title Battle Royal
◆Show Notes
WCW Nitro’s TV rating was 0.11 with 86,294 viewers with 1,377,515 viewers overall.
◆Roster Changes
Jeremy Borash was released from his contract at a cost of $33,600 to the 2001 budget.
Billy Gunn has agreed a six month per show agreement with no downside.
Steve Corino has agreed a one more handshake per show agreement with no downside.
[13.6 A NEW!] “WCW Great American Bash Live On Pay Per View”
[Oasis Hall, CA] Turn Up The Heat
◆”Big Bang” Pay Per View
Oasis Hall, CA with 8,633 in attendance
Overall Rating 63
Post Match Booker T and Nash shook hands.
Booker T beat Kevin Nash to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title
Steiner Brothers beat Legacy (Flair and Dustin Rhodes), Rob Van Dam & Sabu and Kronik to become the new WCW World Tag Team Champions (fall at second defence)
Diamond Dallas Page beat Lance Storm
Gene Okerlund interviewed Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes about the WCW Tag Team Title match tonight
Rey Misterio Jr and Kevin Nash bumped into each other backstage
Sting and Mike Awesome went to a double DQ
Sting was getting ready backstage
Vampiro & Goldberg beat Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett
DDP ran into Lance Storm backstage
Yoshiro Tajiri beat Buff Bagwell
Kevin Nash spoke about Booker T ahead of the main event
James Mitchell and his client Tajiri confronted Buff Bagwell ahead of their match
Rey Misterio Jr beat La Parka
Mike Tenay caught up with Booker T ahead of the Main Event.
Super Crazy beat Shane Helms, Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero Jr to become WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Kanyon beat Lex Luger
The Championship Committee (Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk and Roddy Piper) with WCW President Eric Bischoff present Fit Finlay the Championship belt
30 Man Battle Royal for the TV Title: Fit Finlay wins, Masato Tanaka made the most eliminations with the final four being the debuting Steve Corino and Billy Gun alongside Konnan.
[DARK] Lash Leroux beat Kid Romeo
◆Show Notes
Yang and Hugh Morrus were fined due to behavioural incidents.
◆Business Notes
WCW Great American Bash had a buy rate of 0.10 (54,714 buys)
WCW Great American Bash was shown internationally with a TV rating of 0.11 (86,151 views) with 150,637 viewers overall.
Week 3, June 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] Tag Main Event
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,791
Overall Rating 60
Kevin Nash and Goldberg carried on their disagreement
Steve Corino and Jeff Jarrett beat Goldberg and Kevin Nash after a miscommunication from Goldberg and Nash
Bobby Heenan with Kanyon confronted WCW World Champion Booker T.
Booker T, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Vampiro beat Kanyon, Shane Douglas, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome by DQ
Billy Gunn beat Bryan Clark
Rey Misterio beat Rick Steiner
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger
Fit Finlay beat Alex Wright to retain the WCW World TV Title (first defence)
Team Canada (Mike Awesome & Lance Storm) and Sting, Diamond Dallas Page have an in ring confrontation.
Goldberg is walking backstage
Vampiro cuts a promo on Curt Hennig
Ric Flair beat Vilano V
Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Terry Funk
Ric Flair discusses his match with Vilano V
Championship Committee members Terry Funk and Roddy Piper are confronted by Tajiri and his manager James Mitchell
[DARK] Scott Steiner beat Dustin Rhodes
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro’s TV rating was 0.11 (87,155 viewers) with 1,375,028 overall.
◆Bash at the Beach ~CARD SO FAR
Booker T v Kanyon - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Goldberg v Kevin Nash
Vampiro v Curt Hennig
Lance Storm v Sting
Diamond Dallas Page v Mike Awesome
Week 4, June 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] More matches are made for the Bash at the Beach
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,761
Overal Rating 60
Scott Steiner beat Dustin Rhodes
Diamond Dallas Page beat Booker T and Masato Tanaka for the WCW United States Heavyweight Title, with Kanyon watching on
Goldberg beat Lex Luger
Cash, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Damien 666 and La Parka beat Jamie Knoble, Great Sasuke, Yang and Kaz Hayashi
Champion Committee members Arn Anderson & Roddy Piper were in the Control Centre hyping up Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr v Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas and Tajiri v Super Crazy matches set for Bash at the Beach
A confrontation between Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) and Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger)
Steve Corino, Billy Gunn, Curt Hennig and Fit Finlay beat Hugh Morrus, Bam Bam Bigelow, Air Paris and Sean O’Haire
Kevin Nash and Goldberg then brawled in the back
Yoshihiro Tajiri & Kevin Nash beat Super Crazy & Vampiro
Bobby Hennan and Kanyon talked trash of WCW World Champion Booker T
Rick Flair & Dustin Rhodes come face to face with Steve Corino & Billy Gunn
Rey Misterio Jr beats Mark Jindrak
A video recaps the feud between DDP/Sting and Lance Storm/Mike Awesome
Kronik beat Big Vito & Johnny The Bull
Video plays showcasing Rob Van Dam & Sabu
[Dark] Kanyon beats Norman Smiley
◆Show Notes
Jamie Knoble suffered a grade 1 groin strain, he will be out for 2 days
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro rating 0.11 with 86,167 viewers with 1,379,409 viewers overall.
◆Roster Changes
Sean O’Haire requested and was granted his release, he departs at no cost to the budget.
◆Company Info
Size Small, second in the world
Next Event Bash at the Beach (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue $2,2m ⬇️ $300k
Wages ($2,68m) ⬇️ 220k
Of Which Are Terminations (215k) ⬇️ $172k
Loss ($3.5m) ⬇️200k
Performance ($1.3m) ⬇️ 100k
Reserves $7,4m
◆Active Roster
Alex Wright
Bam Bam Bigelow
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T - WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
Hugh Morris
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Kevin Nash
Konnan w/Tygress
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso
Shane Helms - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Silver King
Super Crazy
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) - WCW World Tag Team Champions
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
The Mamalukes (Big Vito & Johnny the Bull)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Chris Harris
Christopher Daniels
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay
James Storm
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Masato Tanaka
Mike Sanders
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner w/Midajah
Shane Douglas
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Tag Teams
Team Canada (Lance Storm w/Rena Mero & Mike Awesome)
3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 10 Months
Ultimo Dragon - Broken Arm - 56 days
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Stevie Ray
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
Don Callis
Dory Funk Jr
Harley Race
Fit Finlay
Larry Zbyszko
Jim Duggan
Johnny Ace
Jimmy Hart
Miss Jones
Ernest Miller
Scott Hudson
Jeremy Borash
Sean O’Haire
5 signings and 8 departures
Week 1, July 2001
Booker T v Kanyon - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Goldberg v Kevin Nash
Vampiro v Curt Hennig
Lance Storm v Sting
Diamond Dallas Page v Mike Awesome
Flair & Rhodes v Billy Gunn & Steve Corino
Super Crazy v Tajiri - WCW Cruiserweight
Konnan & Rey Jr v Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas
Totally Buff & Kronik
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] Huge one on one matches scheduled
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,782
Overal Rating 54
Booker T and Kanyon w/Bobby Henenan closed the show in the ring.
Rob Van Dam beat Steve Corino
Mike Tenay interviewed DDP, Sting, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Reno Mero.
Kanyon beat Dustin Rhodes
Yoshihiro Taijiri, Sting and Super Crazy beat Billy Gunn, Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett
Control Center segment promoted Steiner Brothers v Rob Van Dam & Sabu, Vampiro & Curt Hennig, Super Crazy v Yoshihiro Taijir and Vilano V v Bam Bam Bigelow for Bash at the Beach
Ric Flair beat Mike Sanders
Diamond Dallas Page beat Curt Hennig
Rey Misterio Jr & Konnan beat Totally Buff (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell)
Goldberg and Kevin Nash bumped into each other backstage
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) tussled on the microphone with Steve Corino & Billy Gunn
Goldberg beat Vilano V
Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas went face to face with Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr
Rick Steiner beat Sabu
[DARK] AJ Styles beat Volador Jr
[DARK] Vampiro beat Chris Harris
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown to a rating of 0.10 with 80,029 viewers with 1,252,174 viewers overall.
◆Talent Relations
Norman Smiley's current contract is set to expire at the end of July. He has now agreed a per show handshake agreement with no downside.
◆Roster Changes
TAKA Michinoku has agreed a three month per show handshake agreement with no downside. His WWF contract is set to expire at the end of the month.
Big Vito has been released from his contract at a cost of $45,600 to the 2001 budget
Johnny the Bull has been released from his contract at a cost of $30,000 to the 2001 budget
Chris Harris has been released from his contract at a cost of $16,200 to the 2001 budget
Week 2, July 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] Plus... Flair v Booker T
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,748
Overall Rating 58
Goldberg beat Lance Storm, Goldberg and Rob Van Dam in a non-title match
Scott Steiner beat Dustin Rhodes
Promo with Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Rena Mero, Diamond Dallas Page and Mike Awesome
Booker T beat Ric Flair in a non-title match
Bam Bam Bigelow, Vampiro and Kevin Nash beat Curt Henning, Vilano V and Fit Finlay
Goldberg is getting ready backstage
Rey Misterio Jr beats EZ Money
Vampiro confronts Curt Hennig
Shane Douglas & Jeff Jarrett beat Yang and Kaz Hayashi
Mike Awesome beat Masato Tanaka
Control Centre segment with Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Goldberg, Steve Corino, Vilano V and Bam Bam Bigelow
Goldberg and Kevin Nash come face to face
Rey Misterio Jr & Konnan confront Jeff Jarrett and Shane Douglas
Rick Flair v Kanyon v Sting ends in a no contest with interference from Mike Awesome and Sabu
Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner fight with Sabu & Rob Van Dam
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) fight with Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger backstage
Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam open the show with promos in the ring
[DARK] Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Chavo Guerrero Jr
[DARK] Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger) beat Norman Smiley and Hugh Morrus
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was rated 0.11 with 83,270 viewers with 1,321,854 views overall.
Roster Changes
Brazo de Platino has agreed a per show agreement with no downside.
Week 3, July 2001
WCW will once again go on the road from August, no longer taping Nitro exclusively at the Hard Rock Cafe & Casino in Las Vegas.
Alex Wright & Hugh Morrus are set to debut as a new heel team 'Futurewave'
Essia Rios turned down an approach from WCW and extended his WWF contract
Masato Tanaka has one month remaining on his per show handshake contract, he has indicated he wishes to leave
◆Roster Changes
Tommy Dreamer has agreed a one year per show handshake agreement with no no downside.
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] Two huge main events
◆”Bash At The Beach” Pay Per View
Toyota Sports Centre, CA in front of 8,418 people
Overall Rating 66
Goldberg beat Kevin Nash
Booker T beat Kanyon to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title (third defence)
A video hypes up the Goldberg v Kevin Nash main event
Kevin Nash is seen getting ready backstage
Golderbg is seen getting ready backstage
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat The Steiner Brothers to become the WCW World Tag Team Champions (fall at first defence)
WCW President Eric Bischoff and Championship Committee Member Terry Funk meet with Bobby Heenan and his client Kanyon ahead of his World Title challenge
Diamond Dallas Page beat Mike Awesome to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight Title (first defence)
Sting beat Lance Storm
Kevin Nash speaks to Gene Okerlund about his match with Goldberg
Yoshirio Tajiri beat Super Crazy in a match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title by count out, Crazy retains the title
Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Rob Van Dam meet with WCW President Eric Bischoff and members of the Championship Committee Terry Funk, Arn Anderson and Roddy Piper ahead of their WCW Tag Team match
Vampiro beats Curt Hennig
We see a promo video on Sting
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) beat Billy Gunn & Fit Finlay
Bam Bam Bigelow beats Vilano V
Head of Talent Acquisition Dusty Rhodes announces Steve Corino will not perform tonight, Billy Gunn will now team with Fit Finlay to take on Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes
Curt Henning and Vampiro ran into each other backstage
Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger) beat Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
WCW World Champion Booker T was seen backstage
Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr beat Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas
[DARK]Futurewave (Hugh Morrus & Alex Wright) beat Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
[DARK] Billy Kidman beats Chavo Guerrero Jr
◆Show Notes
Arn Anderson was reprimanded for a behavioural incident.
◆Show Notes
Steve Corino's contract expired the morning of the show, no agreement could be made.
◆Roster Changes
Steve Corino's contract has expired and has departed WCW.
◆Business Notes
WCW Bash At The Beach received a pay per view buy rate of 0.12 with 61,931 buys
WCW Bash At The Beach was shown internationally with a rating of 0.12 with 90,010 views with 162,518 viewers overall.
Week 3, July 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] The fall out from Bash at the Beach
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,762
Overall Rating 59
To close the show DDP, Sting, Booker T, RVD and Sabu challenged The Steiners, Team Canada and Fit Finlay to an Elimination Tag match at Fall Brawl.
Diamond Dallas Page & Sting beat Curt Henning & Billy Gunn
Sting and DDP were seen backstage walking to the ring
Goldberg beat Jeff Jarrett and Konnan in a triple threat match
Goldberg and Nash went nose to nose backstage
Fit Finlay beat Shane Helmes to retain his WCW World Television Title (second defence)
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) crossed paths with Don Callis and his client Damien 666 and La Parka
La Parka, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Damien 666, Vilano V bear Lizamark Jr, Brazo de Platino, Jamie Knoble and Great Sasuke
Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes cut a backstage promo
Dustin Rhodes beat Masato Tanaka
Sting/DDP and Team Canada (Lance Storm/Mike Awesome), Booker T, The Steiner Brothers and Rob Van Dam went at it in the ring
Scott Steiner beat Bam Bam Bigelow
Rey Misterio Jr beat Sabu
Rob Van Dam beat Cash
Futurewave (Hugh Morrus & Alex Wright) beat Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Booker T and Fit Finlay crossed paths backstage
Vampiro bumped into Vilano V and his manager Stacey Keibler backstage
[DARK] Lance Storm beat Yoshihiro Tajiri
◆Show Notes
WCW Nitro's TV rating was 0.11 with 85,945 viewers with 1,327,423 viewers overall.
Week 3, July 2001
[Hard Rock Cafe & Casino] The fall out from Bash at the Beach
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in front of 1,771
Overall Rating 59
A video plays confirming the Goldberg v Kevin Nash rematch is set for Fall Brawl
Booker T beats Jeff Jarrett to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title (defence four)
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) beat Kanyon & Billy Gunn
Booker T is getting ready backstage
Kevin Nash beats Shane Douglas
Sabu & Rob Van Dam are attacked by The Steiner Brothers
Booker T and Fit Finlay talk to WCW President Eric Bischoff
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Futurewave (Hugh Morrus & Alex Wright)
A highlight reel of Diamond Dallas Page and Sabu was shown...they'll meet next week!
Goldberg beat James Storm
Funk, Rhodes, Flair, Vampire and Dustin Rhodes challenge Totally Buff, La Parka, Vilano V and Damien 666 to an Elimination match at Fall Brawl
Goldberg is seen backstage
Fit Finlay beat Konnan to retain the WCW Television Title (third defence)
Vampiro and Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) beat Curt Hennig & Totally Buff (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell)
Jeff Jarrett and Shane Douglas talked backstage
Bam Bam Bigelow beat Mark Jindrak
Diamond Dallas Page beat Scott Steiner, La Parka and Tommy Dreamer to retain the WCW Unites States Title
WCW President Eric Bischoff and Championship Committee Members Terry Funk & Arn Anderson confirm Super Crazy will defend his WCW Cruiserweight title at Fall Brawl against Yoshihiro Tajiri and one other!
[DARK] Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo beat Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was broadcast with a rating of 0.11 with 86,713 views with 1,328,284 viewers overall.
Goldberg v Kevin Nash
ELIMINATION TAG: Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Fit Finlay v Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Sabu, Rob Van Dam and Booker T
ELIMINATION TAG: Dustin Rhodes, Ric Flair Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk and Vampiro v Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger, Damien 666, La Parka, Vilano V
Super Crazy v Yoshihiro Tajiri v ???
◆Company Info
Size Small, second in the world
Next Event Fall Brawl (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue 1.9m ⬇️ $300k
Wages ($2,47m) ⬇️ 203k
Of Which Are Terminations (91,8k) ⬇️ $123k
Loss ($3.3m) ⬇️200k
Performance ($1.4m) ⬇️ 100k
Reserves $6m
◆Active Roster
Alex Wright
Bam Bam Bigelow
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T - WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Brazo de Platino
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
Hugh Morris
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Kevin Nash
Konnan w/Tygress
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Shane Helms -
Silver King
Super Crazy - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Tommy Dreamer
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Christopher Daniels
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay - WCW World Television Champion
James Storm
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Masato Tanaka
Mike Sanders
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner w/Midajah
Shane Douglas
TAKA Michinoku
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Tag Teams
Team Canada (Lance Storm w/Rena Mero & Mike Awesome)
3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 9 Months
Ultimo Dragon - Broken Arm - 25 days
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Stevie Ray
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
TAKA Michinoku
Brazo de Platino
Tommy Dreamer
Big Vito
Johnny The Bull
Chris Harris
Steve Corino
3 signings and four departures
Week 1, August 2001
[Greenwood Civic Center, SC] Icons collide in the main event
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Greenwood Civic Center, SC in front of 2,188 people
Overall Rating 63
Kevin Nash and Sting go to a non-contest when Goldberg runs in
Ric Flair beat Curt Hennig
Gene Okerlund interviews Rob Van Dam & Sabu and The Steiner Brothers
Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Vampiro, Dusty Rhodes all out Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell.
Diamond Dallas Page beats Sabu to retain the WCW United States title in his third defence
A hype video plays promoting Goldberg v Kevin Nash at Fall Brawl
TAKA Michinoku is confirmed as the third person in the WCW World Cruiserweight Title match at Fall Brawl
Goldberg, Booker T and Vampire beat Fit Finlay, Lance Storm & Mike Awesome
Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Jarrett
WCW President Eric Bischoff meets Mike Awesome, Lance Storm and his manager Rena Mero
Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Billy Kidman
Championship Committee member Terry Funk deals with The Filthy Animals, Jeff Jarrett, Shane Douglas and Kanyon. A 3 v 3 Match is set for Fall Brawl.
Bam Bam Bigelow, Jamie Knoble and Kronik (Bryan Clark & Bryan Adams) beat Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Shannon Moore and Evan Karagais
Rey Misterio Jr beats Shane Douglas
Nash arrives at the building
Sting is backstage
Kevin Nash v Sting is set for tonight's main event
[DARK] TAKA Michinoku beat Chavo Guerrero Jr
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro's TV rating was 0.11 with 86,806 viewers and 1,377,944 viewers overall.
◆Roster Changes
Mr Aquila has agreed a three month per show handshake agreement with no downside.
Week 1, August 2001
[Ceenter Stage, Atlanta] Icons collide in the main event
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Center Stage, Atlanta in front of 1,050
Overall Rating 65
Goldberg beats Buff Bagwell
Goldberg is heading to the ring
Booker T , Diamond Dallas Page & Sting celebrate in the ring before Mike Awesome, Lance Storm and Fit Finally interrupt
Booker T , Diamond Dallas Page & Sting beat Fit Finlay, Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dusin Rhodes) beat Chavo Guerrero Jr & Cash
Kevin Nash beat EZ Money
Tommy Dreamer beats Masato Tanaka
A video plays hyping Rob Van Dam & Sabu v The Steiner Brothers
Lex Luger beats Lash Leroux
The Steiner brothers cut a promo on Rob Van Dam & Sabu
Control Center segment promoting Super Crazy v Tajiri v TAKA Michonoku, Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr v Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas at Fall Brawl
Rob Van Dam and Sabu beats Kevin Karagias and Shannon Moore
Kevin Nash hypes his upcoming match with Goldberg
TKA Michinoku, Mr Aquila and La Parka Damien 666, Lizmark Jr and Yoshihiro Tajiri
Ric Flair is joined by Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes before La Parka, Damien 666 and Don Callis interrupt.
Curt Hennig beat Norman Smiley
Bam Bam Bigelow beat James Storm
Vampire beat Mark Jindrak
Announcers confirm Ric Flair will be speaking later in the show
[DARK]Scott Steiner beat Billy Kidman
◆Show Notes
Volador Jr was fined for poor backstage behaviour.
Lex Luger suffered a Olecrannon Fracture and is out for 24 days.
◆Business News
WCW Nitro received a 0.12 TV rating with 90,880 viewers with 1,447,334 viewers overall. The most watched Nitro since the reboot.
◆Roster Changes
Franklin Foley has signed a two year contract with a cost to the 2001 budget of $8,800
Franlin Foley has joined M-Pro on a 12 month excursion at a cost of $13,2000
Masato Tanaka's contract has expired and he has departed WCW.
[Norfolk, Virginia] Teams collide
◆”Fall Brawl” Pay Per View
Norfolk Scope Arena, Virginia in front of 10,859
Overall Rating 65
Kevin Nash beat Goldberg
Goldberg left his locker room to head to the ring
Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Sabu, Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso celebrated backstage
A video played hyping the main event
Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Sabu defeated Fit Finlay, Team Canada and Steiner Brothers in an elimination tag match.
Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated TAKA Michinoku and Super Crazy to win the WCW Cruiserweight title (
Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk had a heated debate backstage
The Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman, Konnan and Rey Misterio Jr) defeated Jeff Jarrett, Kanyon and Shane Douglas in an elimination tag match
Kevin Nash was getting ready backstage
Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes and Terry Funk beat Buff Bagwell, Billy Gunn, Vilano V, Damien 666 and La Parka in an elimination tag match. Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk had a miscommunication in the match.
The team of Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, Vampire and Terry Funk hung out backstage
Gene Okerlund interviewed Yoshihiro Tajiri and his manager James Mitchell
Bam Bam Bigelow beat Curt Hennig, Tommy Dreamer and Chavo Guerrero Jr
Futurewave (Hugh Morrus & Alex Wright) & Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) beat Elix Skipper, Kid Romeo, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias in an elimination tag match
The announcers put over the main event of Goldberg v Kevin Nash
The team of Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Scott Steiner, Ric Steiner, spoke to Gene Okerlund
Silver King, Air Raid (AJ Styles/Air Pairs) beat Cash, EZ Money and Christopher Daniels
◆Business Notes
WCW Fall Brawl's buy rate was 0.12 with 61,932 buys
WCW Fall Brawl was shown and received a 0.12 TV rating to international audiences, 90,378 viewers with 163,339 viewers overall.
Week 3, August 2001
[8.20 WCW NITRO!] “No.1 Contenders Tournament”
[Punta Gorda, Florida] Who will face Booker T, next?
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Charlotte Harbour Center, Florda in front of 2,000 (SUPER NO VACANCY!)
Overall Rating 65
Show closed with a promo video hyping Booker T v Fit Finlay
Kevin Nash challenged Goldberg to a third match.
Fit Finlay beat Rob Van Dam to become the new World Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contender
Booker T & Goldberg beat Curt Hennig and Billy Fun
Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes have unfinished business with La Parka and Damien 666
Fit Finlay beat Jeff Jarrett in a semi final match of the No.1 Contenders Tournament
Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) beat Yoshihiro Tajiri & Vampiro
Gene Okerlund interviewed new WCW Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri and his manager James Mitchell who spoke about their win over Super Crazy
Championship Committee Members Terry Funk and Roddy Piper tried to cool things over with Director of Talent Acquisition Dusty Rhodes.
Jeff Jarrett beat Diamond Dallas Page in a No 1 Contenders Tournament Match
Fit Finlay beat Ric Flair in a No 1 Contenders Tournament Match
Rob Van Dam defeated Scott Steiner in the No.1 Contenders Tournament
Kevin Nash and Goldberg are backstage; an argument breaks out
Sting and Kevin Nash went to a no contest when Goldberg, Lance Storm and Goldberg all interfered, both men are eliminated from the No.1 Contenders Tournament
Goldberg arrives at the building, he's not happy
◆Show Notes
Volador Jr was fined for poor behaviour backstage.
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro's TV rating was 0.11 with 86,481 viewers with 1,375,613 viewers overall.
[8.20 WCW NITRO!] “No.1 Contenders Tournament”
[Omaha, Nebraska] Who will face Booker T, next?
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Omaha Civic Aud Mancuso, NE in front of 1,541
Overall Rating 65
Goldberg & Fit Finlay beat Booker T & Yoshihiro Tajiri and Kevin Nash & Super Crazy
Mike Awesome beat Brian Adams
Goldberg was getting ready backstage
Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk crossed paths
Diamond Dallas Page beat Mike Sanders
Scott Steiner beat Dustin Rhodes
Kanyon beat Konnan
Billy Kidman & Rey Misterio Jr beat Cash & EZ Money
Rob Van Dam beat Rick Steiner
Sting and Reno Mero were backstage
Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes crossed paths with La Parka and Damien 666
Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam went face to face
Vampiro beat Tommy Dreamer
◆Show Notes
Konnan was fined for poor backstage behaviour
Booker T suffered compound frontal bone fracture and was initially set to be out for a year. Surgery was unable to produce a significant improvement and he'll now be out for over a year.
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown to a TV rating of 0.12 with 91,046 viewers with 1,484,015 viewers overall.
◆Breaking News
WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T will be out for over a year. This news comes as the company is rumoured to have made a seven a fourth month of $1m+ losses.
◆Company Info
Size Small, second in the world
Next Event Wrestle War (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue 1.8m ⬇️ $100k
Wages ($2,2m) ⬇️ 100k.
Of Which Are Terminations (13k) ⬇️ $78,8k
Loss ($3.2m) ⬇️100k
Performance ($1.3m) ⬇️ 100k
Reserves $4.6m
◆Active Roster
Alex Wright
Bam Bam Bigelow
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T - WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Brazo de Platino
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
Hugh Morris
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Kevin Nash
Konnan w/Tygress
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Shane Helms -
Silver King
Super Crazy - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Tommy Dreamer
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Christopher Daniels
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay - WCW World Television Champion
James Storm
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Mike Sanders
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner w/Midajah
Shane Douglas
TAKA Michinoku
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Tag Teams
Team Canada (Lance Storm w/Rena Mero & Mike Awesome)
3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 8 Months, 2 weeks
Booker T - Frontal Bone Fracture - 1 year, 2 weeks
Great Sasuke - 6 days
Lex Luger - 4 days
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Stevie Ray
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
Franklin Foley
Franklin Foley (Excursion)
Masato Tanaka
1 signing and 2 departures
submitted by Bright-Expression950 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:28 PrimalScreams AITA for planning to announce my (f31) pregnancy without my mum(f62) knowing.

Let me start by saying that my mum and I are not that close. We don't have anything in common, we are very different personalities but she would like people to think we are practically best friends. I am an only child.
Growing up, my mum always wanted me to be a ballerina, she put me in dancing 4 nights a week and 2 classes on weekends. I was good but as soon as I could quit I was out of there so fast. My real passion was horses, and I understood that mum was not ever interested in horses and we probably couldn't afford one on her single parent income (up until I was 11). That never bothered me, I just hung out on fences watching them or rode neighbors horses any chance I got.
Fast forward to now, I have my own horse that I am very proud of, and we were finally entered in our first competition. This was terrifying for me as I still get PTSD from stage fright from dancing. I asked if mum would come to watch.... know I'm a grown adult but the important thing here is that I found out I was pregnant right before it, and I was super excited to do my competition- the first, and last for a while- and then I would announce the pregnancy to her.
I had told her months prior that I would be doing the comp and she agreed to come. The week prior she told me that coming for both days wouldn't be possible due to the drive (that's fine, at least if she came for the second day she would see 2/3 events).
She arrived 5 mins before my showjumping, which was a HUGE accomplishment.. and as I got off my horse she said 'I'm leaving now.'
I was shocked. It meant so much that she would be there and my husband knew it meant alot to me too. I said "that's fine. See ya" and walked away as my husband grabbed my shoulders while I was crying.
I really thought it was going to be a 'healing my inner child's moment where she finally showed an interest in my passion, but she couldnt have stayed for the extra hour? She was only there for 30mins and it was an hour drive.
I messaged her to let her know I was hurt and she ignored me.
I wrote a lengthier message to detail why I felt hurt, how much it meant to me that she would be there and that I was honestly quite upset with her now giving me the silent treatment. I wrote that it is important that she acknowledged that I was hurt and that I won't be chasing her for contact.
She said 'I respect your choice'.
The last message I sent was "I need to clarify that you've heard I feel hurt, and you don't see any reason to apologise?" And she blocked me.
As a kid, when she'd give me a silent treatment I would apologies even if I thought I was in the right. I didn't like being ignored.
It has been 4 and a half weeks and I haven't heard a word from her.
I want to announce my pregnancy, and I also don't want her to think she can hurt me and get away with it.
Would I be the asshole for announcing it without her?
I know it will hurt her, and that's not my intention, but I don't like the way she digs her heels in to prove her point that she is never in the wrong. I want to prove my point- she hurt me.
MORE INFO; I just want to clarify that the reason she needed to leave after the first event was that the night prior she had driven 2 hours north of where she lives which is 3 hours north of where I live, to watch a dance show... So she was very tired.
I also want to clarify that I'm more upset that she was giving me the silent treatment and that how she is handled me being hurt has resulted in no communication. Not just because she left early.
submitted by PrimalScreams to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:27 Many_Weekend_5868 TAFE enrol requirements

I've decided to enrol in TAFE for the first time (for some reason it's a bit more intimidating than enrolling to uni based on experience) and I've hit a roadblock with my application. I'm applying to do a Certificate IV in Business (Administration) for everyone interested because I'm worried it is in fact course based.
There's a whole section in the job history portion of the application process that says 'Work history may include paid work, unpaid work, voluntary activities or work placements completed through school or as a part of other studies.' and then also says 'If you leave any of the required fields blank it may affect your application. Please enter all requested information.'
I obviously have paid employment history but I haven't done any unpaid work, voluntary activities or work placements through schooling, the most I did was a Cert 2 and 3 in a language in high school and I've worked in retail ever since. If I leave the section that says course-based work placement empty am I screwed?
also if I do get into said course are the dresscode requirements super enforced in business courses?
submitted by Many_Weekend_5868 to perth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:25 Noel_Ann I was beaten. Had all my savings stolen from me, and left for dead on a sidewalk. How the heck do I heal?

Sooo. For one, I'm transgender. (Mtf), and I was with my abusive ex (cis woman), since literally high-school. We were together for a long time, I told her I would ".Wear women's clothes, and fantasize about being a woman. And for some reason dressing as one in private helped me cope sometimes." I also had expressed that sometimes it would cause me to get turned on (what the trans community later described as 'euphoria erections'). She didn't mind, atleast she said she didn't, she said she thought it was sexy, she liked a 'guy in touch with his feminine side' ,and she was bisexual anyways. I had coped with my gender issues (which i didn't fully realize were gender issues due to upbringing) , by just having these private escapes, often with her as an audience. She turned it more and more sexual though. Often whenever I was just relaxing in fem clothes she ALWAYS progressed it to sex. Now I had a bit of a 'being dominated' fetish I'm not gonna lie. But often she wanted me to do things I thought were really.gross. like making me sit in our sex juices, or sit with my own ejaculate on myself. She had a weird and honestly sick fetish for stuff like that. Specific to males in panties. And I kinda just coped with life with the mentality of " well I get to have the family the 'good Christian kid' and his high-school sweetheart. And my mother will one day look at grand babies and love the hell out of em, and that'll make all this worth it. Also I want to clarify, Post transition (so as a woman) I would be a lesbian. I've never been attracted to men. Another reason why my gender issues confused me so much. I also ALWAYS was just as honest with my partner (my abuser), as I was with myself at any given time in regards to this issue. So its not like I was a total closet case to my at the time gf. Sadly my mother got really sick. And no. She didn't make it. She went rather fast. It was devastating, tbh we had a more matriarchal system in our household, despite our father being a religious zealot. She ran the home, and he normally caved to what she wanted. I became so deeply depressed I was going to genuinely kill myself. Eventually one day I just told my partner, " I need to explore my fem side and figure out what this gender issue is, and I need to fully explore it, to see if my feminine side is just latent desires I couldn't act on when younger or if I was actually trans. " she VERY reluctantly , and angrily one day took me to get some clothes of my own. A padded bra, multiple women's underwear, and some thigh highs, and agreed to let me continue to borrow some of her stuff, until I got more items. We began exploring. Well I did, she kept trying to fetishize it, and when I told her no, or when I stayed dressed even after sex. She would get beyond huffy with me. She started getting more and more mean to me as I continued to explore in a non sexualized way. I eventually one night extremely scared and sobbing, told her I was trans and there was nothing anyone could do to fix it. So I braced for impact, expecting her to break up with me. I was astounded she said " There is nothing wrong with you, its the 2020s, and people are becoming more accepting now." I was terrified, knowing my dad was never gonna accept it, and my brothers were a coin toss, though I knew my.younger one most likely wouldn't care. And I didn't think my older one really would either but still. Hiwever as I continued in my path to coming out as a transwoman. She got more and more verbally and maliciously abusive, she sabotaged things I was beginning to try, she berated me constantly and even tried to delay my coming out. I eventually started dressing as a woman full time, except at work. And around my bio family. I started hrt in private, except my partner and her parents knew. (She was my abuser not my partner). She turned from a sweet borderline feminist, and fairly sensible liberal gal, to an irl reddit cringelord for lack of a better term. She started taking these really jacked up takes, that she never espoused before, and calling me names like " gender retard". I kept pleading with her to stop, that if she wanted to break up we just could, I'd need some time to find a place, but everything could be amicable (btw I was clear that this option always was on the table), and It was ok if she didn't wanna stay alot of couples split after a transition and that doesn't make you a bigot. But if you want to keep trying, please stop mistreating me. Several of my friends had wanted me to dump her for how she was acting. But I foolishly believed she loved me and was just having a hard time. But eventually she dumped me and at the worst time, I had lost a job , got a new job, and had to leave it for safety reasons and was basically financially dependent on her, despite wanting to leave but needing an exit strategy. She turned our new apartment (after we fled her parents house) into a horror house. I still to this day have nightmares of waking up on the couch with her about to walk through the door. The abuse was horrible. At one point comongntoca head with her brutally beating me black and blue. I didnt fight back. Within a few weeks I was on sidewalks. We had a savings account that I had helped build for over SEVEN years. And it was in her name. And she kept all of it. I was homeless and still technically am. But am housed. I don't know how to have peace. I see her when I close my eyes. I hear her insults in my head. And I'm STILL recovering from her financial abuse. What do I do? Please...
submitted by Noel_Ann to RealLifeHorrors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:25 Upset_Emu582 [OH] Job Application Asks about Prior Disciplinary Action

My Spouse is currently looking for a new job. They recently received a written repremand. While this repremand was the result of an extreme over-reaction, and really the result of a personal vendetta against my partner, it is in their employment file.
The job application that they are filling out asks if they have ever been subject to any prior disciplinary hearing or disciplinary action. How should they answer this question?
Is it better to give more details, or leave it more vague and state that they are happy to answer any questions?
They desire to answer the questions honestly. They are in a job where their employment records would be available through public records requests.
submitted by Upset_Emu582 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:23 lsrevan0 [REQ] ($250) (#Montreal, Quebec, Canada) (Repay on 06/21/2024) (Interac, PayPal)

(Preferably interac) I'm moving out soon and I will only have money once I start working at my new job in the city which isn't exactly right now, I am still in need of some money for preparation before I leave
submitted by lsrevan0 to borrow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:23 fintech07 News: AI Could Be the Key to Making the Smartwatches We Already Own Better

News: AI Could Be the Key to Making the Smartwatches We Already Own Better
Ever since ChatGPT made a splash in late 2022, the tech industry has been racing to integrate souped-up AI algorithms into all sorts of devices. New AI software tools were the centerpiece of Samsung's Galaxy S24 announcement in January and Google's Pixel 8 launch last October. Tech giants including Asus, Intel and AMD are even starting to frame upcoming computers as "AI PCs."
But there's one place in particular where large language models would feel particularly at home: on the wrist. The purpose of a smartwatch, other than logging a workout and measuring health metrics, is to keep us from reaching from our phones as often. But those tiny screens aren't ideal for long interactions like tapping, typing and swiping for extended periods of time, leaving plenty of opportunity for AI to help.
That answer may still be up for debate, but in the meantime, there's a lot of potential for AI to level up the wearables we already own. And with Google's I/O developers conference fast approaching, followed by Apple's WWDC event in June, there's a chance we'll hear more about how AI could improve smartwatches soon enough.
Dedicated AI gadgets have gotten off to a rocky start. The highly anticipated Humane AI Pin received negative reviews because of its inconsistent performance, tendency to overheat and high price. Shortly afterwards, startup Rabbit Inc. released the R1, a handheld voice-first AI assistant that was also panned by critics for its performance and limited functionality. Both episodes raised skepticism about the future of new AI-fueled consumer electronics, and prompted questions about whether new types of hardware are necessary.
submitted by fintech07 to AIToolsTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:22 RockPaperSawzall Internal xfer into department: last minute leave request

Really bummed. This Person is someone I recruited into my growing department from another team. Not poached, just "you'd have a good fit here, pls keep us in mind". And sure enough the opportunity arose maybe a year later where I have an opening and Person was wrapping up a big project in his current role. All good except current manager makes us wait about 8 weeks before he'll let Person go, so he can backfill. Fine, fair enough, and we manage since March despite being shortstaffed. So now we're at present day. The other mgr has finally released Person, and Person is set to start today. This morning Person announces that they need a shoulder surgery due to a recent injury, so will go out on leave for like 3 months.
Literally yesterday, Person and I were chatting about the transition plan, and he said he couldn't wait to get started. WTF, he totally lied to my face. Going to be hard to recover any trust from here forward. I get people get injured alal the time. Byt JFC talk to me. Is this how you're gonna deal with thorny business problems? Hide & quit??
Totally trying to keep a positive attitude but my spidey sense says Person is going to milk leave for every second he can milk, and then when I roll him back into the squad, he's gonna quit.
submitted by RockPaperSawzall to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:22 RockPaperSawzall Internal xfer into department: last minute leave request

Really bummed. This Person is someone I recruited into my growing department from another team. Not poached, just "you'd have a good fit here, pls keep us in mind". And sure enough the opportunity arose maybe a year later where I have an opening and Person was wrapping up a big project in his current role. All good except current manager makes us wait about 8 weeks before he'll let Person go, so he can backfill. Fine, fair enough, and we manage since March despite being shortstaffed. So now we're at present day. The other mgr has finally released Person, and Person is set to start today. This morning Person announces that they need a shoulder surgery due to a recent injury, so will go out on leave for like 3 months.
Literally yesterday, Person and I were chatting about the transition plan, and he said he couldn't wait to get started. WTF, he totally lied to my face. Going to be hard to recover any trust from here forward. I get people get injured alal the time. Byt JFC talk to me. Is this how you're gonna deal with thorny business problems? Hide & quit??
Totally trying to keep a positive attitude but my spidey sense says Person is going to milk leave for every second he can milk, and then when I roll him back into the squad, he's gonna quit.
submitted by RockPaperSawzall to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 SousVideButt I’ve realized today how much I truly dislike everyone in my wife’s family.

I’m currently on day 2 of a week long vacation with my wife, wife’s mom and dad, sister, sister’s husband and their two kids.
My wife and I are going through a bit of a rough patch financially, so we’ve been trying to be smart about our spending on this trip, and we’ve been doing a good job too. But everyone else in the family has or had very high paying jobs, and our jobs just don’t pay as well. They have, at every possible chance, thrown it in our faces that we didn’t pay for the house we’re staying in.
We got back from the beach today, and my wife and I wanted to go drive the golf cart around town a bit. We get about 5 minutes down the road, and her dad calls her telling her we need to come back because her sister wanted to go to town now that the kids were down for a nap. She was like “we told you guys we were leaving, they should have told us to wait for them.” Of course that set her sister off. She started bitching about how we didn’t pay for the house so we shouldn’t have control over the golf cart.
So we stop at one store, get a drink and head back to the house. When we get there, no one was ready to go anywhere, they were in the pool. So my wife makes a joke about how her and I are going to go rent bikes so we don’t have to hear anyone bitch about us anymore. Her mom FREAKED out on her. “You two aren’t paying for anything this week so I don’t want to hear anything else about it.” Then she said “you’re just a bitch.” To my wife.
So she stormed off, I followed her, and we both just kind of sat inside for a while occasionally being like wtf is wrong this these assholes?
FOURTY FIVE minutes later, her sister comes in and asks if we wanted to go to town with them. We both laughed at her and said no, obviously. So her and her husband left. They came back in ten fucking minutes.
There are so many other issues too. My mother in law and sister in law are the biggest assholes I’ve literally ever met. The way they both talk to their husbands like they’re the stupidest people on the planet makes my blood boil. And you know what? They just let them. They don’t say anything back to them except complying to whatever ridiculous demand they have at the moment.
We went to dinner with her mom and dad, and her mom dropped the cherry from her cocktail on her dress. She made a big scene about it, and then yelled at my father in law to stop sitting there and go get her a napkin. So of course he gets up immediately and goes to look for one. He was gone a while, and she muttered “how long does it take to get a fucking napkin.” Then said I’m just going to go to the bathroom. Like that couldn’t have been her first move instead of making a fucking scene? Then when the check came they wouldn’t let us pay for ourselves, so I can’t wait to have that held over my head tomorrow.
I’ve told my wife if she ever speaks to me like they do to their husbands I will walk out of her life immediately without a second thought. I don’t put up with that shit, and she knows it.
Why don’t these men have a spine and stand up for themselves? It’s not hard to tell your significant other they are crossing a line.
We’re going on a trip with my family later this year, and you know what I’m not going to hear? A single word about how poor we are. They’re going to be happy that we are able to be there and spend time with them instead of bitching at us because of our situation.
I’m never going on a trip with these assholes again. They’ll be lucky if I ever even go to their house anymore.
I’m so lucky I grew up in a family that knows what actual love is, and I’m glad my wife has an example of what a good mother is instead of the crazy witch she’s had to put up with.
I just really needed to vent to someone and I don’t want to burden my mother with it because she would be worried about me. Lol.
submitted by SousVideButt to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:19 lieutenantfoureyes When to let current employer know I'm quitting

I currently work for an environmental consulting company and have recently accepted a job offer for a new position a different firm. I am still in the pre-employment process where the new company is conducting background and reference checks and I am uncertain on how to proceed with letting my current employer know I am leaving and when to notify them. I have enjoyed working with my current team and want to facilitate this transition as seamlessly as possible so I asked the new employer for a start date in July to give me time to transition my current work. My current employer is paying for me to attend a conference in June, however now I am unsure if I should let them know soon that I am leaving sin case they would want to send someone in my place to the conference instead. Should I let them know now or wait until after the conference. Would it be seen as shady if i let them know after attending the conference? Will also gladly accept advice on how to approach letting my boss know I'm leaving. Thanks in advance!!
submitted by lieutenantfoureyes to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:18 Additional_Squash781 Leaving it all behind?

How do you/did you deal with the fact that in order to close the gap, you would have to leave everything behind? Your established life, family, friends, job, familiarity, etc? Especially for those moving to a new country that’s far away.
submitted by Additional_Squash781 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:12 pastaispunk 18 year old stuck in abusive parent situation. At my limit and don’t know what to do

I’m F18 and currently stuck in a very difficult relationship with my parents. The problem is mostly my mother, who tries to control everything I do. Some people I’ve talked to about this situation have said she’s a narcissist. My mother has never been physically abusive but regularly verbally abuses me (since I was 11) and my father. Once I started getting into my teenage years and becoming my own person, things got worse with me in my mom as she slowly lost more and more control over me.
The types of things she’s done to me include isolating me from all of my friends by taking my phone and I wasn’t even allowed to go to sleepovers, parties, or any of my friends homes. This has led me to develop problems with substance abuse and self harming as well as other mental health problems.
When I turned 18, I started to say no to her more and pushed for more freedom which let me have my phone in my room because I was not even allowed access to my phone on school days until this March.
But it’s not getting any better. I’m still constantly cursed out and verbally berated for literally no reason. My mother has tried opening credit card accounts in my name for her use only to “build my credit” only to call me a bitch when I told her to stop. She still has the password for my bank account which she took over $600 from for repairs on my car which my father had already paid for. She constantly violates my boundaries, using the ‘my house my rules’ logic even though she’s been unemployed since I was 10. I get yelled at whenever I buy something for myself with the money that I worked for. Not like crazy expensive things, I’m talking $40 on two Tshirts and toiletries from target (shampoo, acne care, deodorant)
I have had a stable job since I was 16 and have picked up a second job for the summer. I have never been in any major trouble at school or with the law. But there’s something so wrong about me that all my mother does when she sees me is yell.
My dad gets the same treatment too. As long as I can remember. He will not divorce her for religious reasons. He tells me that if I ignore her or don’t take it personally, things will be fine but it’s kind of hard not to take it personally when your mother tells you too kill yourself because i refused to tell her the name of a coworker. He’s never done anything to call out her behavior. He just lets it go. He hasn’t done anything to truly help me.
I’m tired of living like this but I feel like I can’t leave . I don’t have a credit card, I don’t have my own car insurance. I can get my own car insurance in September and I’ve considered going against my mom telling me to not get a credit card and apply for Chime. But I can’t take that step for some reason and I hear my mom telling me that I can’t survive on my own. I don’t know what to do any advice helps. I feel hopeless
submitted by pastaispunk to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]
