Unique nickname generator

OTG: Generate anything!

2017.04.01 17:25 MC_Pitman OTG: Generate anything!

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Open-source (FREE) RPG for any genre. Create unique and original heroes with this classless system, instead of archetypes. http://www.openlegendrpg.com

2016.04.25 03:03 Neveralwaysbelieveme The diary of the world's most interesting redditor.

Tell the world about your day or week.

2024.04.29 00:12 Intelligent-Set-248 The results are in!

The results are in!
Both Wisdom Panel and Embark results attached!
submitted by Intelligent-Set-248 to DoggyDNA [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:04 HorusApl ExeosCraft [SMP] {McMMO} {Friendly} {Economy} {Pets} {1.20.4}

Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP!

Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Got money? Keep it. Any money we generate goes completely to charity.
🌟 Why Choose Us?
🌐 Our Features:
Join us at ExeosCraft, where we promise a lasting, immersive Minecraft journey. You’ll be glad ya did.
Java IP: play.ExeosCraft.com
Bedrock IP: play.ExeosCraft.com:19132
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/exeoscraft
Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHydHG44QpU
submitted by HorusApl to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:04 HorusApl ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4

Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP!

Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Got money? Keep it. Any money we generate goes completely to charity.

🌟 Why Choose Us?

🌐 Our Features:

Join us at ExeosCraft, where we promise a lasting, immersive Minecraft journey. You’ll be glad ya did.
Java IP: play.ExeosCraft.com Bedrock IP: play.ExeosCraft.com:19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/exeoscraft
Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHydHG44QpU
submitted by HorusApl to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:04 HorusApl ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4

Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP!

Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Got money? Keep it. Any money we generate goes completely to charity.

🌟 Why Choose Us?

🌐 Our Features:

Join us at ExeosCraft, where we promise a lasting, immersive Minecraft journey. You’ll be glad ya did.
Java IP: play.ExeosCraft.com Bedrock IP: play.ExeosCraft.com:19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/exeoscraft
Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHydHG44QpU
submitted by HorusApl to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:54 Positive_Tune_5354 I am trying to solve Fokker-Planck equation of 2d duffing oscillator with neural network.

But I got
RuntimeError: One of the differentiated Tensors appears to not have been used in the graph. Set allow_unused=True if this is the desired behavior.
The entire code I have for this problem is as follows:
import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm import torch from torch.utils.data import Dataset from torch.autograd import grad import torch.nn as nn from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm import argparse import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import scipy import pandas as pd # Data generation for domain and boundary def get_domain_data(dt=0.01): x1 = np.arange(-2 + dt, 2, dt) x2 = np.arange(-2 + dt, 2, dt) X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) return np.stack([X1.ravel(), X2.ravel()], axis=-1) def get_boundary_data(): x1 = np.array([-2, 2]) x2 = np.array([-2, 2]) boundary_data = np.array(np.meshgrid(x1, x2)).T.reshape(-1, 2) return np.unique(boundary_data, axis=0) class PdeDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data): self.data = torch.tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32) def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.data[idx] # Neural Network definition class NeuralNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, node_num, output_size): super(NeuralNet, self).__init__() self.layer = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_size, node_num), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(node_num, node_num), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(node_num, node_num), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(node_num, output_size) ) def forward(self, x): return self.layer(x) def grad_net(y, x1, x2, order=1): # Create weights tensor weights = torch.ones_like(y) # Set the all weights to be 1. if order == 1: # Compute first-order derivatives g1_x1 = grad(outputs=y, inputs=x1, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] g1_x2 = grad(outputs=y, inputs=x2, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] return g1_x1, g1_x2 elif order == 2: # Compute second-order derivatives g1_x1 = grad(outputs=y, inputs=x1, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] g1_x2 = grad(outputs=y, inputs=x2, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] g2_x1x1 = grad(outputs=g1_x1, inputs=x1, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] #g2_x1x2 = grad(outputs=g1_x1, inputs=x2, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] g2_x2x2 = grad(outputs=g1_x2, inputs=x2, grad_outputs=weights, create_graph=True)[0] return g2_x1x1, g2_x2x2 else: raise NotImplementedError model_save_path = 'model_save' if not os.path.exists(model_save_path): os.mkdir(model_save_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=3e-2) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--num_epoch', type=int, default=10000) parser.add_argument('--node_num', type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument('--dt', type=float, default=0.01) parser.add_argument('--sigma', type=float, default=0.1) # in fact, sigma squared. parser.add_argument('--alpha', type=float, default=1.0) parser.add_argument('--beta', type=float, default=0.2) parser.add_argument('--eta', type=float, default=0.2) # eta parser.add_argument('--phase', type=str, default='grad_with_adams') parser.add_argument('-f') config, _ = parser.parse_known_args() print(config) domain_data = get_domain_data() boundary_data = get_boundary_data() domain_dataset = PdeDataset(domain_data) boundary_dataset = PdeDataset(boundary_data) domain_loader = DataLoader(dataset=domain_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True) boundary_loader = DataLoader(dataset=boundary_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False) model = NeuralNet(2, config.node_num, 1) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config.lr) # Training setup model = NeuralNet(2, config.node_num, 1) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config.lr) # Function to define the dynamics of the system f_func = lambda x1, x2: - config.eta * x2 - config.alpha * x1 - config.beta * (x1**3) d_f_func_x2 = lambda x2: - config.eta for epoch in tqdm(range(config.num_epoch)): domain_loss = 0.0 boundary_loss = 0.0 for domain_data, boundary_data in zip(domain_loader, boundary_loader): var_domain = domain_data.requires_grad_() var_boundary = boundary_data.requires_grad_() optimizer.zero_grad() out_domain = model(var_domain) out_boundary = model(var_boundary) dx = config.dt f_value = f_func(var_domain[:, 0],var_domain[:, 1]) df_value = d_f_func_x2(var_domain[:, 1]) **** g1_x1, g1_x2 = grad_net(out_domain, var_domain[:, 0], var_domain[:, 1], order=1) g2_x1x1, g2_x2x2 = grad_net(out_domain, var_domain[:, 0], var_domain[:, 1], order=2) ***** The part where the error occurs f_term = var_domain[:, 1] * g1_x1 + df_value*out_domain + g1_x2 * f_value diffusion_term = (config.sigma / 2) * g2_x2x2 e1 = torch.mean((-f_term + diffusion_term) ** 2) e2 = (torch.abs(out_domain * (dx**2).sum() - 1))**2 e3 = ((out_boundary - 1)**2).mean() loss = 400*e1 + 0.1*e2 + e3 loss.backward() optimizer.step() domain_loss += e1.item() boundary_loss += e3.item() if epoch % 100 == 0: print(f'Epoch {epoch}: Loss = {loss.item()}') # Save the model torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'duffing_oscillator_model.pth') 
The result of execution is :
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)  in () 77 df_value = d_f_func_x2(var_domain[:, 1]) 78 - 79 g1_x1, g1_x2 = grad_net(out_domain, var_domain[:, 0], var_domain[:, 1], order=1) 80 g2_x1x1, g2_x2x2 = grad_net(out_domain, var_domain[:, 0], var_domain[:, 1], order=2) 81 1 frames /uslocal/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/autograd/__init__.py in grad(outputs, inputs, grad_outputs, retain_graph, create_graph, only_inputs, allow_unused, is_grads_batched, materialize_grads) 409 ) 410 else: 411 result = Variable._execution_engine.run_backward( # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass 412 t_outputs, 413 grad_outputs_, RuntimeError: One of the differentiated Tensors appears to not have been used in the graph. Set allow_unused=True if this is the desired behavior. 
I have no idea how to troubleshoot. Can anyone help?
submitted by Positive_Tune_5354 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:53 scathacha Regarding the text in the tower...

just finished acceptance, so sorry if i'm late to the party and everyone has already been over this!
i've seen a lot of people say "the words in the tower mean nothing; they're garbled nonsense written for the sake of writing. the crawler could be writing Anything, even nonsense, and it would be a method of processing something imperceptible to humans, not him literally trying to communicate with the words." i agree.
...but i don't think it's completely meaningless at all! it struck me as more of a cipher than randomly generated phrases. i feel a bit like whitby with how obvious this seems to me, so tell me how crazy you think i am.
strangling fruit - words, language (nourishes one's mind while stifling one's experience of the world; there's repeated emphasis that human methods of communication are simply inadequate to manage in area x, but yet humans rely on them because we have no other way)
seeds of the dead - the journals of all the past expeditions, kept in a moldy heap under the trap door at the top of the lighthouse. these are the words of the dead that may well inform the writing of the crawler, or have been influenced by it (seeds grow from fruit, into fruit)
black water - there's a cypress swamp with reflective black water in the area discussed countless times
sun shining at midnight - three whole books about a lighthouse
hand of the sinner - the crawler writes with what remains of the lighthouse keeper, nothing but his disembodied arm. the biologist notes that there are little amber creatures in the lichen that are shaped like hands, is this related? i know saul feels guilt about his role in bringing this about, but i don't know if he classifies himself as The sinner.
the flower that blooms and breaks skulls - the knowledge/presence of area x that hatches out of the lighthouse keeper (and makes it so the crawler's biomass reads as his brain tissue? other people have suggested that the toweinverted lighthouse is his body, and the crawler is just his brain). anyone cracks open under that kind of information being crudely beamed into them. many people besides saul do.
"the revelation" could be anything really, but transformed humans are often described with a kind of insane euphoria, soaring impossibly over the world on wings that they shouldn't have.
all of that i feel very sure of. it's on theme. without it the passage is nonsense, with, it all coheres into a book-of-revelations religious vision of the entire storyline. this would be entirely plausible, considering that saul saw the pile of journals achronistically, with no idea what they were, only knowing that the flower that damned him was somehow growing out of them.
more speculative...
we know that area x is a caerula arbor-style rogue terraforming project for a species that's been extinct for millenia. i wouldn't be shocked if what the biologist became was what every sentient being was supposed to become, and it was only possible for a human either because of her unique nature, or how long she let it ferment (30 years seems a significant number being that it's repeated) or both. more to the point, are the shifting leviathans the forms that never were?
we also know that the humans that get transformed reach a state of blissful peace that no longer relies on traditional language, hence their lack of knowledge of the strangling fruit once all is said and done.
i won't say it's all perfect and there's an answer for everything with this cipher, because i think trying to hammer square pegs into all these round holes would be falling victim to the same trap that makes every character unable to expand their scope to understand what's really going on. but even if i'm completely wrong about my interpretation, this passage is not meaningless, imo. it's just that the text itself doesn't change anything about the tragedies that occurred, no matter what it really says.
submitted by scathacha to SouthernReach [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:41 greybushdown FS/NFT Project 70 Acuna Foils

FS/NFT Project 70 Acuna Foils
I have two foils of Project 70 Ronald Acuna Jr for sale.
Incredible: 18/70 last sold $70 asking $50
Acuna: 53/70 last sold $250 asking $100
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like more pictures
submitted by greybushdown to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:11 Agirlandherbat Character Development Questions

My last attempt, if anyone wants to discuss this or writing I'dI'dd love to talk to other writers.
Basic Information
  1. What is your character's full name and any nicknames?
  2. What is your character's age and date of birth?
  3. What is your character's gender identity and sexual orientation?
  4. What is your character's ethnicity, nationality, and race?
  5. What is your character's occupation or role in the story?
Appearance & Mannerisms
  1. Describe your character's physical appearance in detail.
  2. What are your character's unique gestures, mannerisms, or speech patterns?
  3. What is your character's personal style and fashion sense?
  4. Does your character have any distinguishing features, scars, or tattoos?
  5. How does your character feel about their appearance?
Personality & Emotions
  1. What are your character's dominant personality traits?
  2. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?
  3. What are your character's greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  4. What is your character's biggest fear or phobia?
  5. What is your character's deepest insecurity or self-doubt?
  6. What is your character's love language?
  7. How does your character handle stress and pressure?
  8. What is your character's sense of humor like?
  9. What is your character's temperament and how do they express anger?
  10. What is your character's default emotional state?
Background & Upbringing
  1. Where was your character born and raised?
  2. What was your character's family life like growing up?
  3. What is your character's relationship with their parents and siblings?
  4. What is your character's most vivid childhood memory?
  5. What was your character's education and school experience like?
  6. What was your character's first job or early work experience?
  7. What is your character's religious or spiritual background, if any?
  8. What is your character's socioeconomic background and status?
  9. What cultural traditions or values did your character grow up with?
  10. What historical events has your character lived through?
Relationships & Influences
  1. Who is your character's best friend and what is their relationship like?
  2. Who is your character's love interest or significant other?
  3. Who is your character's mentor, role model, or biggest influence?
  4. Who is your character's rival or nemesis?
  5. Who is your character's biggest ally or supporter?
  6. What is your character's relationship with authority figures?
  7. How does your character interact with strangers or acquaintances?
  8. What is your character's attitude towards romantic relationships?
  9. What is your character's relationship with technology and social media?
  10. What is your character's relationship with nature and the environment?
Lifestyle & Habits
  1. What is your character's daily routine and schedule?
  2. What are your character's hobbies, interests, and leisure activities?
  3. What is your character's diet and exercise regimen?
  4. What is your character's sleep schedule and dream life?
  5. What are your character's vices, bad habits, or guilty pleasures?
  6. What is your character's living situation and home environment?
  7. What is your character's financial situation and spending habits?
  8. What is your character's travel history and dream destinations?
  9. What is your character's relationship with alcohol and drugs?
  10. What is your character's personal hygiene and grooming routine?
Beliefs, Values & Motivations
  1. What are your character's core beliefs and values?
  2. What is your character's moral compass and ethical code?
  3. What are your character's political views and affiliations?
  4. What social issues does your character care about most?
  5. What is your character's life philosophy or mantra?
  6. What is your character's biggest regret or mistake?
  7. What is your character's greatest achievement or proudest moment?
  8. What is your character's idea of success and happiness?
  9. What motivates your character to take action and pursue their goals?
  10. What is your character's purpose or mission in life?
Favorites Section
  1. What is your character's favorite color and what does it represent to them?
  2. What is your character's favorite food and why?
  3. What is your character's favorite music genre and artist?
  4. What is your character's favorite book or literary genre?
  5. What is your character's favorite movie or TV show?
  6. What is your character's favorite hobby or pastime?
  7. What is your character's favorite word or catchphrase?
  8. What is your character's favorite article of clothing or accessory?
  9. What is your character's favorite season and type of weather?
  10. What is your character's favorite holiday or special occasion?
Emotional Wounds & Challenges
  1. What is your character's deepest emotional wound or trauma?
  2. What is your character's biggest challenge or obstacle in life?
  3. What is your character's greatest fear or phobia and how does it hold them back?
  4. What is your character's most toxic or unhealthy relationship?
  5. What is your character's biggest failure or disappointment?
  6. What is your character's most painful loss or grief experience?
  7. What is your character's biggest secret or source of shame?
  8. What is your character's most self-destructive habit or behavior?
  9. What is your character's biggest blind spot or area of ignorance?
  10. What is your character's most challenging personality trait or quirk?
Goals, Dreams & Aspirations
  1. What is your character's biggest dream or aspiration in life?
  2. What is your character's short-term goal or next step?
  3. What is your character's long-term goal or vision for the future?
  4. What is your character's idea of a perfect day or ideal life?
  5. What is your character's wildest fantasy or impossible dream?
  6. What is your character's bucket list or top life experiences to have?
  7. What is your character's legacy or impact they want to leave on the world?
  8. What is your character's idea of a fulfilling career or calling?
  9. What is your character's idea of a healthy and happy relationship?
  10. What is your character's personal definition of success and happiness?
Outside-the-Box Thinking
  1. If your character could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  2. If your character could time travel, what era would they visit and why?
  3. If your character could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?
  4. If your character could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
  5. If your character could learn any skill instantly, what would it be?
  6. If your character could change one thing about their past, what would it be?
  7. If your character could invent anything, what would it be and why?
  8. If your character could start a new life somewhere else, where would they go?
  9. If your character could have any magical or mythical creature as a pet, what would it be?
  10. If your character could solve any world problem or issue, what would it be?
submitted by Agirlandherbat to writing [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:10 bomb2030 10 Strategies to Achieve 100% on Originality.ai (+other detectors)

Getting a 100% score on Originality.ai, involves ensuring your content is as human-like and unique as possible.
Here are some strategies to help you achieve this:
  1. Write Initially Without AI: Begin your drafts manually to establish a unique voice and perspective before integrating AI-generated content.
  2. Use AI for Drafting Only: Employ AI tools primarily for brainstorming and initial drafting. Refine and personalize the content yourself to ensure it reflects a human tone and style.
  3. Edit Extensively: After generating content with AI, edit it thoroughly. Change sentence structures, replace common phrases with creative expressions, and ensure the text flows naturally like human writing.
  4. Incorporate Personal Insights: Add unique insights, personal anecdotes, or specialized knowledge that AI cannot mimic. This personalized content is less likely to be flagged by AI detectors.
  5. Check for Overused Words: Use tools or manual checks to identify and replace words that are commonly overused by AI writers. Join WordsToAvoid to get updated list of words and phrases to avoid in your content.
  6. Diversify Your Vocabulary: Avoid using repetitive vocabulary. Utilize synonyms and vary your language to enhance the originality of your content.
  7. Reference Current and Localized Information: Include up-to-date and location-specific information that AI might not access or prioritize, which can add a layer of authenticity AI-generated content often lacks.
  8. Use Multiple AI Tools: If you use AI, don't rely on a single model. Combine outputs from different AI writing tools to diversify the styles and avoid pattern recognition by detectors.
  9. Manual Review by Others: Have your content reviewed by other people. Fresh eyes can spot AI-like patterns or unnatural phrasing that you might overlook.
  10. Regularly Update Your Methods: As AI detection tools evolve, so should your strategies. Keep abreast of the latest in AI writing and detection technology to continuously refine your approach.
Stay tuned for more tips and tricks.
submitted by bomb2030 to WordsToAvoid [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:52 Dragoflame0 My theory about what type of gun Der Freischütz/Magic Bullet Outis may be using/might have been inspired by

My theory about what type of gun Der Freischütz/Magic Bullet Outis may be using/might have been inspired by
I've been a fan of Der Freischütz for a long time, and as a firearms enthusiast, I have always wondered what kind of gun he uses. For the longest time I simply wrote it off as a gun that wasn't really meant to have a real-world counterpart, and was simply a unique magic rifle, designed specifically to match Der Freischütz himself. However, with the release of Magic Bullet Outis, I think her animations reveal a possible real-world counterpart that it might have been based off of.
I checked out the LobCorp Wiki first, trying to see if they list any type of gun he might use. But, they only list Der Freischütz's weapon as "most likely a musket".
Image taken from the Lobotomy Corporation Fandom Wiki
However, in his encyclopedia portrait, he is shown holding one of his magic bullets in his hand, shaped in the style of a modern bullet instead of a musket ball. So, it seems that it isn't a musket at all, but a rifle of a more "modern" make.
Der Freischütz's Encyclopedia image taken from the Lobotomy Corporation Fandom Wiki
Now, on to Magic Bullet Outis herself. In her Skill 3, "Magic Bullet Fire" she can be seen cocking the gun as if it is a lever action or a breech loading weapon.

Both screenshots taken from the 2nd Walpurgis Night trailer on Project Moon's YouTube channel.
It seems, regardless of the fact that the ammunition is magically generated, she still must load the bullet into the weapon (Even if Der Freischütz doesn't seem to have that limitation).
This seems to mirror the real life Martini Henry rifle, shown below in the process of reloading.
Image taken from the Shoreham Fort website
The look of both weapons also seems to be similar in nature, sharing a similar Breech and overall silhouette. The shape of the breech, the lack of an external firing hammer, and reloading through a lever system, all makes me think that the Magic Bullet weapon was designed with inspiration from the Martini Henry.
Image taken from the Shoreham Fort website

Der Freischütz image taken from the Lobotomy Corporation Fandom Wiki
In conclusion: My theory is that Der Freischütz's weapon (and by extension the weapon of Magic Bullet Outis), may be based off of the Martini Henry Breech loading rifle. Both designs of each firearm as well as the way they load ammunition seemed too similar to me, and I wanted to post my theory about it.
If anyone has their own theories about this, please share them! As far as I know, I'm the only person to make a post on this topic, and I'm curious to hear about what other people think about it!
Links for images used: Lobotomy Corporation Fandom Wiki: https://lobotomycorp.fandom.com/wiki/Der_Freisch%C3%BCtz Shoreham Fort website: https://www.shorehamfort.co.uk/past/the-martini-henry-rifle/ Walpurgis Night trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYPiiiBbP18&t=2s
(This is my first time posting something like this, so please go easy on me with the formatting. Super niche topic that I wanted to share for the fun of it)
submitted by Dragoflame0 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:42 Bakery-Casino-3079 AITA for trying to destroy a family quilt even though it’s technically mine?

Throwaway since I (21M) don’t want my family or anyone I know stumbling across this.
I honestly don’t know if I’m the asshole here.
So to start, when I was ten years old I was babysitting my little sister, we’ll call her Sarah, while my mom was out running errands. I was an idiot kid and got distracted by cartoons on the downstairs TV, leaving Sarah upstairs. I still feel so bad about it even though I know I was only ten at the time.
I’ll spare you the details, but Sarah ended up getting herself tangled up in a quilt and couldn’t free herself. She suffocated and her death has been on my mind every day since. My parents and I have both gone through a ton of therapy since it happened. They say they don’t blame me, and my therapist says I shouldn’t still be blaming myself, but I still think I do. I don’t know, in a way being hard on myself makes me feel better about it.
We still have the quilt. I didn’t know it at the time but it’s apparently been in our family for generations. My mom said she remembers her mother tucking her in at night with it. Both my parents couldn’t bear to bury my sister with it and I’m glad they didn’t. I hate the thought of Sarah being buried with the thing that smothered her.
Actually, the quilt is technically mine. I was the first kid my parents had so I guess I was the one to inherit it. It’s got a unique pattern of vines and pheasants sewn into it that used to make me really nostalgic, but I can’t bring myself to look at it anymore. It sits folded away in the hall closet of my parents house and I only ever glance at it from the corner of my eye if I ever have to grab a towel or a coat or something.
So here’s where I might be the asshole: for my 21st birthday I decided I was going to burn the quilt. My parents strongly objected but not only is the quilt technically mine, I feel it will give me a lot of closure. I thought that maybe if it were gone I could live my life without having to be so hard on myself all the time. It would be this little symbolic ritual just for me to sort of start my life over from the guilt that’s been weighing on me for over a decade.
A few days ago I paid my parents a visit and snuck the quilt out of the house while they were on the back porch. It felt so weird to actually touch it. I had forgotten how it smelled. I was instantly transported back to the bedroom Sarah and I used to share. I remember her crib disassembled and the pieces propped up against the wall by the door. I realized Mom might’ve been out shopping for a big girl bed for her the night she died.
The thought made me tear up, but luckily my parents weren’t around to see. I quickly stuffed the quilt into my backpack and left for my place.
I’m in college right now and share a house with three other guys. Two of them were visiting their families for Christmas but one, we’ll call him “Ben” stayed in town for the holidays since his family lives fairly close by like mine does. One thing you need to know about Ben is that he’s a prankster. All of us sort of are, but Ben is particularly good at it.
Anyway, that night I left my backpack on the floor by the door. I planned to burn the quilt in the early morning and set my alarm for 4am. I figured there was a lesser chance of anyone complaining about the smoke that way. Plus, I wanted to be alone when it went up in flames.
My alarm went off at 4am the next morning. I fumbled around my room a bit for my lighter that’s usually reserved for the house bong. Once I found it on the floor under my desk I swung open my bedroom door and nearly shat myself.
Ben was sitting on the couch facing me with the quilt draped over himself like a cartoon ghost. His lanky form wrapped in musty vines and birds. He nearly gave me a heart attack.
I was surprised that he didn’t start laughing when I yelled “FUCK” and jumped back, but if he wasn’t laughing yet that probably meant that there was more to the prank and we hadn’t reached the final punchline yet.
I was done, though. I wasn’t in the mood for pranks. I called him a piece of shit for going through my backpack. Maybe I’m an asshole for that too.
But Ben didn’t respond. He sat still for a few seconds while I glared at him. I thought maybe I had really hurt his feeling and started to apologize when he slowly lifted himself from the couch and starting walking toward the front door.
I turned the corner to follow him and saw that he had walked out the door and was moving swiftly over the front lawn toward the street. I sprinted out after him and yelled at him to give the quilt back.
Ben started gaining speed so that I could barely keep up. We looked like idiots playing an angry game of tag in the dark street at four in the morning but that was probably all part of Ben’s plan. He probably had someone close by filming the whole thing for TikTok.
I had no idea how he was outrunning me. He was wearing the oldest looking pair of leather shoes I’d ever seen, and I had no idea how he could even see where he was going.
Maybe I’m just monstrously out of shape. In any case, he was absolutely booking it down the dark freezing street, popping in and out of the beams of the street lamps.
I couldn’t keep running after him. The cold night air was tearing my lungs to shreds. I yelled one last “Fuck OFF, dude!” into the night before doubling over to catch my breath. After a minute or two I turned around and pathetically started walking back to the house. I could hear the wet slaps of those gross looking shoes on the pavement getting farther away.
I assumed Ben would turn up at the house shortly after I got back but he didn’t. I waited around for a few hours, checking social media periodically, but he hadn’t messaged me or posted any videos of me flailing after him in the dark.
Just then, I noticed that it was STILL dark. We always kept the curtains drawn but usually you could tell when the sun was up. I got up from the couch and pulled the curtains aside and saw nothing but black. I couldn’t even see the light from the street lamps. I closed the curtains again and flicked the light switch on to make sure the power hadn’t gone out. The harsh light from the one ceiling light that we never used flooded the room. For some reason it was only the street lamps that weren’t getting power.
Curious, I opened the front door and stepped into the freezing night air and immediately walked right into something soft.
I hastily turned on the porch light. I had walked right into the quilt. It had been draped over the low covering of the porch for me to stumble into. I gave it a tug to try and pul it down. I figured Ben had nailed it to the roof and it would probably tear, but that didn’t matter since it was going to burn anyway. After dealing with Ben’s dumb pranks all night I would enjoy seeing it go up in flames just a bit more.
It wouldn’t budge. I pulled as hard as I could and put all my weight into trying to tear it down but whatever was holding it to the roof wasn’t giving way. As I was clinging to it I realized that it seemed a lot bigger than I’d remembered. It actually draped around the whole front porch.
I was going to have to go under it. I lifted the heavy fabric above my head and walked carefully down the front steps.
And, I don’t understand this part at all, but there was just more quilt. I kept walking and the quilt kept going. I made it to the middle of our lawn, almost tripping over a tree root as I got farther away from the light of the front porch, still holding my hands above me supporting the wet musty fabric. It was as if someone had made a thousand ancient family quilts and sewed them all together, only to then drape the across the entire front yard of the house.
I turned back to the house. I could see the porch light still on but it was a faint glow bouncing off a sea of concave fabric. It was getting hard to breathe, probably because I was breathing a lot faster now. I made my way back to the porch light, walking my hands along the fabric above me as I went and trying not to break into a run. Running felt like the first step to panicking.
I got to the house and slammed the front door shut behind me. I drew back the curtains again, this time flicking on the living room light before I did. Pressed against the window was a maze of ruddy vines and ornate birds stitched into a sea of musty yellowing fabric. The birds stared at me with black beady eyes through my own terrified reflection.
I tore through the house. I ripped back the curtains on every window. Same thing. No view of the street outside or the trees in the backyard, just flat lifeless birds trapped in a tangle of vines.
I have a vague memory of being a kid and watching a movie where a house had to be fumigated for pests. The house had been draped in striped fabric like a circus tent. I had never seen that happen in real life and would occasionally wonder if it was a real thing. Anyway, I figured that was what my house must look like from the outside.
I was freaking out at this point. I checked all the windows and doors several more times and left all the curtains open so that I could prove to myself that this was really happening. That somehow the quilt that had strangled Sarah when we were kids had spread out like a giant amoeba and enveloped the shitty house with me inside.
The quilt’s edge had to be somewhere. The house had a large front yard but beyond it was a road.
I grabbed a bread knife from the kitchen and headed back out the front door. Leaving the porch light on I tucked the knife into my belt and started out again, walking my hands along the wet fabric as I went. I passed the tree root I had tripped over on my first excursion. I could only faintly see it as the porch light was growing farther away behind me. Soon it was swallowed up by quilt as I got closer to where I knew the road would be.
The quilt got heavier as I walked. It was soaked and I wondered if maybe it had been snowing. Where was the road? I really felt like I should’ve reached the curb by now.
I dug into my pocket for my phone. Still no messages from either my parents or the other residents of the house. I turned on the phone’s flashlight and then tucked it under my chin so that I could at least see where I was going. The quilt’s vines crisscrossed above me like a net.
The quilt soon got so heavy that I had to crawl on my hands and knees. I decided that I would go just a bit farther before I decided to say “fuck it” and just cut myself out. I held the phone with my left hand and inched myself along the ground with my right as the wet fabric slid across my back.
And then I felt it. Something was tugging at the quilt from all sides. It felt like the quilt was a fitted sheet that someone was trying to stretch over a mattress and I was trapped underneath. It was pressing me into the icy ground. Somehow I managed to flip myself over. I fumbled at my belt for the knife.
When I was a kid, before Sarah died, a commercial for Space Bags would play in between the cartoons we would watch on Saturday mornings. After we lost Sarah I became terrified of that commercial. My imagination turned against me and I would wonder what it would happen if you put a human in one before sucking out the air. The idea would sometimes strike me unexpectedly, and I would see visions of skin and muscle collapsing as quickly and effortlessly as a stack of soft bath towels. My dad would come into my room and comfort me, thinking I had a nightmare. I could never find the words to tell him that I hadn’t been asleep, just lying awake. Thinking.
Those visions snapped back into my mind as I felt the quilt begin to press me into the icy ground. I wrenched the knife free from my belt and flipped over onto my back.
I stabbed wildly above my face. It wasn’t easy. The quilt was so much thicker than I remembered and was rapidly closing in, but by stabbing and slashing downward I finally felt the knife break through to the other side and quickly shoved my head through the small opening.
I took a few huge gasps of fresh air before setting to work freeing the rest of my body. I stuck the blade toward the sky and sawed downward toward my feet until I had made a hole big enough that I could just squirm out of.
I sat panting with my knees to my chest. When I finally stood up I was shaky and tripped over something big and bulky. My hands flew out in front of me and found a smooth hard surface.
It felt like I had stumbled into a wall. Feeling around further, I found a light switch and turned it on.
I was back in the house. Back in the living room. In the middle of the room, in front of the couch was a huge gash in the carpet.
I had come up through the floor.
And I did so again. And again. Violent gashes in the floor now snake across the living room carpet. A few run across the ugly linoleum of the kitchen. A few even run up the walls. It’s getting so hard to breathe, and I don’t remember what air tastes like without the spice of mold and rot. The house lost power a few hours ago, and I can’t stop thinking about Sarah, and nets and trapped birds and Space Bags and how this knife is getting so dull and how I’m getting so cold.
So Reddit, I need your help.
submitted by Bakery-Casino-3079 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:34 Joshh170 Pokemon Fan Gives Mimikyu a Giratina-Themed Makeover

Pokemon Fan Gives Mimikyu a Giratina-Themed Makeover
A Pokemon fan is sharing a creative new design for Mimikyu, re-imagining the Pikachu-themed Pokemon in a form modeled after Sinnoh legendary Giratina. The massively popular monster-catching franchise has long been a source of inspiration for the franchise's most passionate fans, designing brilliant and stunning re-imaginings of the series' creatures. The series' plethora of Pokemon have often seen unusual fan projects as well, like weapons based on Pokemon like Haunter and Dusknoir. Now, a Pokemon fan is sharing their stunning Giratina-themed redesign of one of the franchise's most popular Pokemon.
Mimikyu has often been a creative source for Pokemon fans re-imagining the series' creatures, with the Pokemon itself taking on the appearance of another. Mimikyu is described within the franchise as covering its true appearance with a rag made to look like Pikachu, taking on the haunting likeness of one of Pokemon's most beloved creatures. Mimikyu's unique status as a mimic of another Pokemon has led many fans to re-imagine the creature donning disguises based on Pokemon like Piplup and Togepi. A new re-design, however, gives Mimikyu a design based on one of Pokemon's most imposing legendaries.
Reddit user ReezyEleti shared their stunning re-design of Mimikyu on the Pokemon subreddit, taking on the menacing appearance of Giratina. The Giratina Mimikyu features a pair of buttons sewed on to its face with an X-pattern, featuring visible stitching across its face. The re-imagining also features Giratina's iconic black wings with red spikes emerging from each wing. The Reddit user even shared a shiny version of the Giratina-themed Mimikyu, swapping out its red-and-gold tones for light-blue and silver gilding on its face and claws.
Pokemon Fan Shows Off Giratina-Themed Mimikyu Re-Design
Since the Ghost-Fairy Pokemon first debuted in Pokemon's seventh generation, Mimikyu has stood as one of the most popular of the franchise's new creatures. Mimikyu's unsettling imagery, especially when in its Broken Form, has often served as inspiration for horror-themed Pokemon art. Other fans have given their own takes on expansions of the Pokemon as well, theorizing what an evolution of Mimikyu could look like or how a real-world Mimikyu would appear.
Mimikyu's popularity with fans has not been lost on The Pokemon Company either, with the developers regularly featuring the disguised Pokemon. GameStop and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet debuted a special event Mimikyu last year, boasting the Electric Tera Type as an homage to the Pokemon that inspired its costume. Mimikyu has also been featured in every main-series Pokemon game since its debut in Pokemon Sun and Moon, escaping cuts made to other Pokemon for newer Pokedexes. Pokemon fans' adoration for Mimikyu will surely inspire plenty more unique re-imaginings of the fan-favorite creature.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:03 GreenUserper The One Destined To Become Legendary! The Symphonium Crimson

The One Destined To Become Legendary! The Symphonium Crimson

Review Of The Symphonium Crimson


This may be the first time I am assessing an audio product outside of the Chi-Fi business, but the company and their product, which I have previously been pleased with, are not new to me. Symphonium Audio is a Singaporean company founded in 2016 by three entrepreneurs who want to convey the delight of sonic bliss to the entire globe while also creating something special and unique. Many audiophiles, like myself, have previously praised their efforts and quality in producing such excellent products. I've already tested several of their offerings, including Helios and Meteor, which both astounded me with how easy they sounded. Though I wasn't able to evaluate them, I was fortunate enough to review one of their newest releases, the Symphonium Audio Crimson, but before I go any further, I want to clarify a few points.


*This is a review unit, courtesy of Pritam from Audio Store. All thanks to them for providing. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as “Crimson.”
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the Crimson based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.

The Crimson is equipped with an all-balanced armature driver made up of four BAs and three in-house created technologies. TrueX 4-way crossover is used for driver integration and employs two distinct but complementary technologies: FLAT and PHAT. FLAT ensures low impedance and immunity from impedance mismatch, while PHAT ensures no unnecessary frequency inversions or phase cancellation. The Crimson shell is made of high-grade T6 heat-treated AL6061 aluminium alloy, with a new colour scheme over the faceplate including a premium carbon fibre in the centre that pays homage to the brand's origins and resilience. The shell's design and feel are highly premium and minimalist in appearance, giving it a professional and distinctive vibe. The shape is also not an issue for my ears because they fit and isolate properly; nevertheless, people with small ears should be aware that the shells are on the larger side. The included cable is an Altalune Audio Novaron 26AWG Type 2 Litz copper cable with a modular termination on one end and a spring-loaded 0.78mm two-pin connector on the other. In my perspective, the cable appears substantial but feels light in my palm; it also combines nicely with the Crimson. The cable is also available in two variants: 4-core or 8-core unique offerings. The bundle also includes three different sizes of Azla Sednafit standard eartips, three different sizes of Divinus Velvet eartips, and a 3.5mm and 4.4mm termination plug. According to the technical parameters, the IEM's impedance is 6.05 Ohms and its sensitivity is 106dB. The frequency response spans 10 Hz to 24 kHz. The cable impedance for the 4-core cable is 0.12 Ohms.

I have come across the Crimson IEMs and I have to say that they are a cut above my best-sounding IEM, the Prestige LTD. The Crimson provides an incredibly enjoyable experience, surpassing any other IEMs I have heard, whether they are top-of-the-line or not. The Crimson’s presentation is expressive yet smooth, with a balanced and warm response that accurately reproduces the quality of the notes while providing a playful presentation of the vocals and instruments. The newer BA IEMs can sound less metallic or artificial, but Symphoniom has gone above and beyond in this regard. I have previously thought that the Helios offered better detail retrieval than the Thieaudio Monarch MKII, but I preferred the Monarch MKII’s pleasing tonality, which became my favourite at the time. However, the Crimson has now generously offered everything I wanted and more, including the weight and impact of the bass, and the musicality in the presentation of the vocals and instruments in the upper frequencies while retaining a pleasing tonality. I truly enjoy these IEMs and would like to explore their sound further to find out more about their exceptional quality.


Upon careful consideration, I must admit that the LTD has a more vibrant and lively treble region than the Crimson. While the Crimson's response strikes me as somewhat crazy, its sound is airy and expansive, with both vocals and instruments possessing a comforting, nuanced quality that never compromises their tonal integrity. The passive, cohesive response maintains a mesmerising quality of the presentation. The upper treble offers a hint of zing, allowing cymbal crashes or chimes to stand out in the overall mix, which adds distinction and favourability for the listener. Songs like Kujira Yumemi's "Kenka" showcase the chimes in a stunning, expressive way, without overwhelming the listener and losing fidelity. The lower treble also offers a similar experience, with a direct, forward approach that does sacrifice the lean adequacy and sharpness of the notes yet brings vibrancy to the presentation. The notes have great energy, which is spread evenly over the entire region to bring each note to life for the listener. The separation between vocal notes and instruments is impressive, creating a clear and defined soundstage. Despite this, the soundstage never feels too wide or vast, allowing for a more nuanced, intimate listening experience. Additionally, the 4k dip creates a safer approach for the notes while maintaining a linear response. To sum up, the treble region's overall response is extensive, airy, and detailed, with a pleasing balance between expressiveness and fidelity.

Mid Range
The Symphonion Crimson offers a truly captivating experience when it comes to the mid-range notes of both vocals and instruments. The vocals are rendered with full-bodied emotion and realism, while the instruments stimulate the senses and bring the entire soundscape to life. Listening to Miller’s “Anytime Anywhere” with the Crimson is truly a treat, with multiple vocals coming across close, clear, and full of character. The upper mid-range is well-rounded and tonally balanced, with forward vocals that draw the listener in and playful instruments that make the presentation enjoyable and welcoming. Compared to the Monarch MKII, the Crimson’s response is even better, with superior revelation of both vocals and instruments, albeit at the expense of some openness and spaciousness. The response is still lively, keeping the listener engaged and interested. The impact of the high and low notes is naturally occurring and true to life, with a dense quality that is particularly impressive for a response that relies solely on BAs. While the lower notes can sometimes feel hollow, the lower mid-range maintains a heftiness without becoming muddy or mumbly. Overall, the mid-range presentation of the Crimson is authentic, expressive, and truly captivating.

When it comes to the bass response of this particular IEM, it is truly remarkable. It is the best bass I have heard from an all-BA IEM that falls under this price range. The tuning is such that it follows a neutral with sub-bass boost tuning, which results in an exceptional listening experience. What is particularly impressive is how the BA bass can deliver such quality and flexibility that is on par with what a dynamic driver can produce. However, what sets it apart is the cleanliness and accuracy of the impact of the notes. It is different from the natural decay that a dynamic driver produces but in an admirable way. The impactful notes are truly a delight for my ears, and I enjoy the weight and quality of the sound. The bass response is well-balanced and emphasises the sub-bass region, while also allowing for the mid-bass presence to be sustained. The deep rumble and punch of the bass have a noticeable impact on the response, making it an effective occurrence. The mid-bass presence brings a warmer response to the sound and delivers nice slams and powerful thumps in the mix. The mid-bass does leak into the lower mid-range, but it is not enough to detract from the overall quality of the sound. As you listen, you can feel the air pressure filling up your ears, giving you a sense of thumps and heaviness, while still resolving fast to keep the upper frequencies clean and clear. All in all, this IEM delivers an exceptional bass response that is sure to impress.

Technical Performance
As an avid audiophile, I must say that the technical prowess of the Crimson IEM is truly marvellous in my eyes. However, I must admit that I haven’t given as much time to other IEMs around this price range, which makes it a bit difficult for me to evaluate it fairly. That being said, when it comes to comparisons, I can only truly compare it to the Thieaudio Monarch MKII or Thieaudio Prestige LTD. In terms of sound response, the Crimson IEM is more intimate and better expressed in terms of forwardness and involvement in the mix. To be more specific, the sound quality is simply outstanding and the level of detail and clarity is unmatched.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation
Although the stage gives a more holographic response, it falls short in the closer approach, where the notes sound fuller and more complete. The sharpness and cleanliness of the notes, however, do provide great imaging capabilities. Even with such a response, the separation between the notes is surprisingly distinctive, which helps to better understand the direction of the sound. Nevertheless, when I compare it to the LTD or Monarch MKII, I find it to be a little stepped back. These two bring a more spacious sound while generating strong imaging and better distinction between the notes.

Speed & Resolution
When I listen to LTD, it gives me a clear understanding of what resolution is. The Crimson defines it as having a highly detailed response, whether it’s macro or micro details. The notes’ attack and decay are fast-paced, yet not too fast or slow, creating a natural sound. However, sometimes, it fails to achieve that natural sound.

Sound Impressions

Sony WM1A - While listening to the Crimson with WM1A, I noticed a marked improvement in the vocal expression and note clarity. The notes were crisp and clear, and the overall sound was simply stunning. The treble had an airy quality to it, which allowed the vocals to sound even more expressive and complete. However, this did come at the cost of sounding a little light, which sometimes resulted in a faint sibilance in the lower treble region. Despite this, the tonal balance remained undisturbed. Additionally, the bass had a fuller and richer sound, whether in the sub-bass or mid-bass range. The upper frequencies were kept clean, but the impact of the bass made it sound organic and natural. Overall, listening to the Crimson with WM1A was a truly exceptional experience.


Tempotec V6 - As I was listening to the Crimson with V6, I couldn’t help but notice the forwardness of the vocals in the overall response. The treble was exceptionally smoothed over, and the mid-range vocals were pushed up, resulting in a more vocal-centric sound. However, when it came to the bass, I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though it was well-controlled, it still managed to deliver a powerful punch. The result was a slightly dark, yet energetic response that left me thoroughly impressed.


Simgot DEW4X - As I was listening to music on the Crimson with DEW4X, I couldn't help but notice the transparent response and enhancement over all frequencies. The sound was clearer and more expressive than ever before, with every detail feeling stronger and more potent in the mix. This allowed for better clarity overall, making it easier to hear every note and nuance in the music. However, while the bass and treble did feel a little more linear and clearer, it also made the music sound less organic and natural. The tonality faced a leaner presentation of the notes, which might not be preferable for those who prefer a warmer, more natural sound.


Quloos MUB1 - During my listening experience with the Crimson and MUB1, I couldn’t help but notice how the response of the sound felt soft and rounded. While the detailed aspects of the notes were not as prominent, there was an improved grasp over the tonal quality which made the listening experience quite enjoyable. Another aspect that stood out was the spaciousness of the response, which allowed the vocals to sound open and free. Additionally, the treble felt extensive and airy, while the bass took a backseat in terms of power and impact, resulting in a sound that was warmer and more mellow than before. Overall, the listening experience was quite pleasant.


Comparison Between Symphonium Crimson and Thieaudio Prestige LTD
Despite having similar frequency responses, I found both to be distant in sound, primarily because of the different configuration setups of drivers and synergy across the frequency response spectrum. The Crimson responds in a more fun and lively manner, bringing forth a lot of energy in both the instruments and the vocals. Nonetheless, I do believe that the Prestige LTD generates a sound that is larger and more expansive, with more zing and sparkle in the air and a strong overall contrast in the notes. The Prestige LTD's leaner response sounds a little more mysterious and captivating, but the Crimson does a better job of tonally accurate note depiction than the Prestige LTD. The Prestige has a more U-shaped sound than the Crimson, and as a result, it has a less forgiving and warmer tone with finer details. The Prestige LTD enhances the texture and details more than the Crimson, but the Prestige LTD wins out when it comes to the bass response's natural decay and dynamic physicality. The bass response in the Crimson is more precise and noticeable overall. The energy in the overall mix is more concentrated within Crimson, which accentuates the forwardness and lively response; however, the Prestige LTD produces a well-balanced response that allows for great separation, layering, imaging, and staging in terms of technical sound, resulting in a better perception of depth and width than the Crimson. Overall, I feel the Crimson to be more melodic and delightful to listen to, whilst the Prestige LTD provides an accurate understanding of sound and its features.


Millet - Anytime Anywhere
Anri - I can’t stop the loneliness
Kohana Lam - A Few Sentimental
Kohana Lam - Loving Me, Loving You
Uru - Kimino Shiawasewo
Uru - Kamihitoe
Kujira Yumemi - Kenka
Majiko - Kokoronashi
Anly - Sukinishinayo
Miliyah - Kono Yumega Samerumade
Rokudenashi - The Flame Of Love
Yu-Peng Chen - A New Day with Hope
Yu-Peng Chen - Another Hopeful Tomorrow
Yu-Peng Chen - For Riddles, for Wonders
Valentino Khan - Satellite
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Jawns - Erotica
ISOxo - how2fly
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Weeknd - Popular
YUNGBLUD - When We Die(Can We Still Get High)
Bring to Horizon - Kool-Aid
Middle Kids - Bend
FLETCHER - Leads Me On
Loathe - Aggressive Evolution
The Weeknd - Save Your Tears
Sigrid - Burning Bridges
AURORA - Black Water Lilies
AURORA - Runaway
X Ambassadors - Renegades
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can’t Hold Us
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jay-Z - Run This Town
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Ladytron - Ghost
Travis - Love Will Come Through
LINKIN PARK - Somewhere I Belong
DJ Shadow - Six Days (Remix)
Hoobastank - The Reason
Ricky Martin - I Don’t Care
Tool - 7empest
Tool - Vicarious
A Flock Of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song
Zack Hemsey - Vengeance
Elton John - I’m Still Standing
The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin
Micheal Sembello - Maniac
Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine
A.R. Rahman - Kun Faya Kun

To end this review, What Symphonium Audio strides to achieve and what goals they have set have been validated by Crimson, The precision in quality and redefining the parameters of elegance in sound reproduction is achieved through Crimson. The musical and lively response with robust and cohesive quality across the overall tuning makes it one of the most enjoyable, detailed and engaging IEM. A wonderful and satisfying innovation, to be sure. However, I cannot speak for the audiophile community when it comes to whether the price justifies the overall offering. However, when I compared my beloved PRESTIGE LTD to Crimson, I found the Crimson to be on par with LTD while offering a different taste, so Crimson has my wholehearted recommendation. You won't be able to let them go once you get them on your ears, I promise.

submitted by GreenUserper to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:00 HesWrongShesRight Code in the Streets, Kanye's Kornhole in the Sheets - HWSR Ep 23 airs tomorrow everywhere you get your podcasts!

Code in the Streets, Kanye's Kornhole in the Sheets - HWSR Ep 23 airs tomorrow everywhere you get your podcasts!

Code in the Streets, Kanye's Kornhole in the Sheets
In Code in the Streets, Kanye's Kornhole in the Sheets - HWSR Ep 23 of the He's Wrong, She's Right podcast, hosts Andrew and Nona delve into a variety of topics with their characteristic humor and candidness. The episode kicks off with a lighthearted jest about their audience demographics and quickly transitions into a discussion about internet culture, specifically focusing on the speculation around Kanye West's new venture and the pervasive nature of clickbait. Andrew and Nona effortlessly weave between humor and serious commentary, making for an engaging listen. Their back-and-forth banter showcases their dynamic as co-hosts and sets the tone for the episode's exploratory dialogue on modern digital phenomena.
As the episode progresses, Andrew and Nona touch upon the ethics and implications of AI in relationships, arguing over the concept of AI-generated girlfriends and whether engaging with them constitutes cheating. This segment underscores the podcast's ability to tackle contemporary issues with a mix of skepticism and open-minded inquiry. They also critique the commodification of digital intimacy and the absurdity of paying for such services, advising their audience on smarter, self-hosted tech solutions for privacy and autonomy online.
Further into the episode, discussions pivot to broader societal topics, including the porn industry's influence on technology and vice versa. The co-hosts share personal anecdotes, making for relatable content that resonates on a personal level with their audience. They debate on various aspects of sexual content on the internet, the security risks associated with phishing, and the importance of informed online navigation. The episode concludes with reflections on content regulation and digital freedom, amidst their usual banter and interruptions by their dog, humorously dubbed 'Podcast Dog.' The episode exemplifies the show's unique blend of humor, insightful commentary, and the hosts' unfiltered take on a wide range of topics.
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submitted by HesWrongShesRight to HesWrongShesRight [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:52 SiameseBeauty "The Grand Duke of vampires."

"The Grand Duke of vampires." ••• The Duke, a wise, terrifying giant man with vampirism is highly respected, rightful, fair ruler to his people. However, he's a very stern man and rules with iron fist - his enticing appearance can become a harbinger of ruthless wrath on matter of seconds. He tests men's morality at any chance given and punishments are incredibly cruel - from torture chambers to becoming a inexplicable monster yourself to roam the dungeons of his castle. ••• He loves his wife dearly and ensures her comfort and satisfaction by any means. Even the gardens, dedicated just for her, should not have a single rose plucked out. His immortality is far beyond just avoiding death from age and sickness - Sun does not pierce through his skin as effectively and bullets are mere means to end. Due to these unique traits he is not only considered the strongest vampire to be written about, but as well as given the nickname "The Deathless". ••• No research specified his similarities to vampires such as Upyr - thus, given the name of "Ancient vampire" for the breed type is a guess that vampires of his features were like this before all seperated to their own land. Or that he could be a mixed breed of some sort. ••• Natural born vampires stops aging up physically and can no longer change physical appearence from certain age, just like every other vampire who gets turned from human. There is no other difference - just a different method ( as their body chooses the grown up/developed age when the whole progress stops ) with identical consequenses in the end. The only bonus is that natural born vampires do control their thirst better, eyeballs are black and has no bite marking. ••• There's no undead or bloodsucker who wouldn't be excited for his hosted feasts and festivals. Mead or blood, tons of food, drink well and celebrate! ☆ To raise affection, give him a pryanik, he has a sweet tooth for those!

☆ His only weakness is his heart. Strike it and you'll get him...but for this exact reason he has it ripped out of his chest and hidden somewhere else away. Legends say his heart is twice the size of normal man's, and it spills in gold...those who tried to raise a blade against it, went insane.

All of my characters are set in medieval ages period He originates from Kievan rus, 9th - 10th century His physical age is 45 He's a very tall man - Reaching 9'0 feet tall ( 2 m 74 cm ). Muscular and with some thickness to him. He has quiete pronounced curves Wears heels! Proud papa of MANY hellhounds. And they only obey him and him alone. Even the servants fear those hellish dogs.
submitted by SiameseBeauty to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:48 stevikkrajnik Need advice on monetizing a B2B E-commerce System

Hey guys,
I have developed a B2B e-commerce system for a business I co-own with a friend. Currently operational in two countries within the EU, the system has been performing well. Due to the specific features required, I chose to build it from scratch rather than using an existing e-commerce platform or open-source solution.
I believe that there is a market for this software (app) beyond our business and seek guidance on how to monetize the project effectively.
I am considering two different monetization models and would appreciate advice on which one to pursue:
  1. High price per "license" – targeting a select few clients and providing tailored features based on their unique requirements.
  2. Low price per "license" – offering SaaS to a broader audience, which means there's going to be less customization options.
Also, I am unsure about the pricing strategy. Which of the following do you think would be more suitable?
  1. Fixed price
  2. "Pay as you go" – charging a percentage of the revenue generated through the app
To better illustrate the potential client base, I'll describe how we're using it (I'll use different product but it doesn't matter because it can be used for pretty much anything):
We facilitate connections between producers and retailers. For instance, we engage with manufacturers of furniture like wooden chairs and tables, secure exclusive distribution rights for specific regions, and onboard interior design retailers who make B2B orders through our app.
We earn a percentage commission from each sale made through the platform. Additionally, we have independent sales representatives who promote these products in their regions and earn commissions on orders placed by retailers they bring onto the platform.
I welcome all feedback and suggestions. Feel free to DM me if you are interested in collaborating and have experience in the SaaS industry or if you are a potential client.
Thanks a lot, Stefan
submitted by stevikkrajnik to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:35 DrawCharming6381 I need some help with Aries's design.

The Elemental Alumni, a generational sect of the titular Wayfarers bound together by their mutual connection to the elements, are a set of characters that I have in my narrative back pocket for some time now. Starting off as just alien mentors to Ronnie Raines, the main protagonist of Exodus, they eventually evolved into the body possessing, power heightening spirits we now know them as. When it comes to their designs, I feel as though I've made them as visually interesting as I possibly can, and I feel very assured and proud of their designs.
Well...save for one exception. Out of all the Alumni, I feel that Aries is too plain and uninteresting for being the destructive, brash physical embodiment of fire. I originally designed him to be a parallel to Ronnie in his suit composition given that he was the last alumni before he took up the mantle. But looking back on it, I'd like the cloak to be a design element unique to Ronnie, but I have no idea what to do to replace Aries's current outfit. That's why I turn to you all now.
Please, let me know what I should do to make Aries more visually engaging and seperate him from the current standing Tempest.
submitted by DrawCharming6381 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:24 NAS-SCARRED_4_Life I LOVE the Unofficial/Fan Nicknames you all come up with!

Whenever I see a post of custom New York PizzaRats gear I chuckle and smile and say "that's awesome".
I'm a Boston fan so I'm hoping someone comes up with a funny/unique nickname. The most only one I've thought of is the Boston Iced Dunkin's, but I'm sure someone could think up a better one.
What do you think your favorite teams unofficial nickname should be?
submitted by NAS-SCARRED_4_Life to PWHL [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:22 NarWil Big Ears in the Big City: The Mean Streets Are SO MEAN

TW: humiliation, COVID vaccines
I finally saved up enough to travel outside Sheboygan County for the first time ever! On Friday evening I landed in Newark, overwhelmed by the city's energy. Hailing a cab at the airport was an adventure in itself. I felt like I was in a movie.
After telling the driver my destination, he paused for a moment and had the nerve to ask if I was sure?! Yeah dude, I'm not an idiot! This was strike ONE against NYC. I was staying in the heart of The City!
Stepping out of the cab, the city hit me like a fist in my ass. The air was thick and gritty, carrying a stale smell that made my nose wrinkle. The dilapidated buildings seemed to lean in close, their windows blank eyes staring down. Finding my Airbnb on 125th and Lexington felt like navigating a treacherous maze, every dark corner holding an unknown threat. Figures huddled in doorways, their faces etched with hardship. One offered me a COVID vaccine. (No wonder they looked so unhealthy. Jab free is the way to be!) A few sat on the sidewalk, talking turns administering the vaccines to themselves – a stark reminder of where I was, the indoctrinated left hidden in plain sight. It was a far cry from Sheboygan, and a little more intimidating than I'd bargained for. (But hey, that budget-friendly room was calling my name!)
Aside from that offer, nobody bothered me, but I was uneasy. It was starting to seem like my favorite Canidae-themed news station was right about this city. Strike TWO!
The third strike was the worst of all. My vacation's peak awaited in Brooklyn. I had dinner reservations at a restaurant overlooking the East River, with a view of a majestic bridge (can't remember what it's called.. not the Brooklyn Bridge, but its less impressive neighbor). This wasn't just any meal; I was scheduled to meet a professional escort for a unique and intriguing evening of anal play. Determined to make a good impression, I wanted to look my best for this special night out.
I'll pause the story here to note that confidence was never exactly my strong suit. Growing up, I had a physical quirk that made me a target for teasing – my substantial ears. My heightened sense of hearing, a supposed benefit, turned into a curse in the schoolyard. Every whisper, every cruel nickname, echoed right into my head. Tonight, I would be brave. For this special dinner, I shed my usual hat, channeling the slicked-back power of a Wall Street tycoon. With my hair styled like Gordon Gekko I could finally blend in, feel like everyone else for a night. Or so I thought.
Struggling with the pronunciation of "Cecconi's," I fumbled with the written address while asking a group of men outside for directions. Their response was a wall of indifference. Some blatantly ignored me, eyes glazed over like Dunkin Donuts -- they were sleepwalking. Others shot me dirty looks, annoyed at the interruption. One man seemed receptive. Pointing south, he barked, "Head down there, Dumbo!"
The insult stung, and sent me back to a painful memory. A childhood Halloween spent in an elephant costume suddenly filled my mind's eye. The echoes of "Dumbo" bouncing off the school hallways, fueled by relentless laughter, played on repeat. It resonated with my biggest insecurity, my undeniably large ears. Here I was, facing a similar feeling of ridicule, years later.
Stunned, I stood there, years of teasing bubbling to the surface with that single word. Taking a deep breath, I politely tried again, asking for directions. The man just stared, then repeated the insult. Shame washed over me. Looking around for even a flicker of understanding, I saw only indifference. Then, a man to my North joined in, mimicking the name and pointing at my ears. "DUMBO! D-U-M-B-O!" Like, I know how to spell, dude. He looked past me, then back at me like I was stupid. I'm NOT stupid.
Tears welled in my eyes. Defeated, I retreated back to my Airbnb. The city, with all the promise in the world,, felt cold and alienating. Booking a flight home, a wave of loneliness crashed over me. The only solace I found that night was in a moment of unexpected kindness – a stranger again offering a vaccine in exchange for a small sum of cash, a gesture I readily accepted despite my hometown's views. His generosity (perhaps the vaccine?) filled me with warmth. I felt like I was cuddling with a pool full of puppies as I laid in bed.
When I awakened I felt achey and full of regret. My dream vacation was shattered, replaced by a deep sense of disappointment and shame. Maybe the city just wasn't ready for me, and that's okay.
To say I'll never return is a HUGE understatement. I can't believe I was treated so poorly and pressured into getting the COVID jab. Hopefully I don't shed for a while.
submitted by NarWil to circlejerknyc [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:17 AstralValarAstrology The Nodes, Moon, Venus and Your Relationships

I think a lot of people may be struggling with loneliness and being in relationships where their needs aren’t getting met, or even worse, are being hurt and experiencing a lot of pain. I know I have. In our newest generations, with the internet, in the Age of Aquarius, we’ve become the loneliest of generations yet. I see a lot of people express they are in their 20s or 30s and don’t have any friends, and it makes me really sad. It also makes me wonder, how many of us have at least one person in our lives that we feel truly love us and can count on. I’m sure a lot of people are in friendships and relationships, yet still feel lonely, and my heart goes out to you. Intimacy in general, platonic or romantic is extremely important to a lot of us, and these days can be so difficult to find.
I’m writing this post in hopes to help some of you be able to use astrology to help you find the kinds of connections you’re wanting most, or to help give you some clarity as to why your needs may not be getting met in the relationships you currently have. To go more in depth with this, one can look to the Moon and Venus. The Moon is the deepest part of us, our emotional heart, and is often not what people see at first glance when they met us, but once we truly open up, it can more easily be seen. This is where we can find a big part of our needs in relationships, and how we can be happy and feel fulfilled. Venus is our love language, how we want to give and receive love, how we’d like our relationships to go, and also our value system. You can see how it could be difficult if you had significant relationships with others that had a Moon or Venus placement that clashed with your own, making it harder for you to feel loved, and having your needs met. For example, if your Moon/Venus is in the sign of Taurus or Libra, having low conflict in your relationships would very well be extremely important to you, and could cause a lot of pain and stress when you find yourself constantly having issues with the people closest to you. Everyone has different levels on how well they can manage and deal with conflict, and some do not mind it as much, or are fine with even starting it. In this case, surrounding yourself with likeminded people who also try to avoid conflict, could lead to feeling better fulfillment in your relationships.
It is so important for all of us to truly understand our Moon and Venus, what we need deep down, so we know what to look for in our relationships and can make decisions when we are choosing the people we want to keep around in our life. As for the Nodes, which I’ll only briefly touch on in this post, represent where you came from, and where you are going in this life. Being in relationships with people who have planets conjunct your South Node, may feel comfortable, but eventually can cause conflict due to it being opposite to the sign you’re meant to be pulled towards in this life. While being in relationships with people conjunct your North Node, can also cause some difficultly but they can be people who help you go towards your potential calling, or help you learn more about who you feel you’re meant to be. The North Node is said to be an amplifying energy, when someone has planets conjunct it, the energy of that planet can be amplified overtime, so it’s important you know who those people are and what planets are making that aspect. If it is one of the benefic planets, Venus or the Moon, for example, it can be a great thing and you can find a lot of love and happiness in relationships with this aspect. While having a malefic planet conjunct your North Node can be quite difficult and challenging, amplifying that planet’s energy as well. Conjunctions are a very powerful and easily felt aspect. If you can find others who have the same Moon, Venus, or have a benefic planet conjuncting your North Node, there is potential for finding really special and even long lasting relationships there. I can say that from all the people I’ve met and the relationships I’ve had, platonic or otherwise. The ones that had one or more of these aspects have been my longest/most fulfilling relationships I’ve ever had.
I really hope this is helpful to some of you, or maybe helps to open your eyes a bit, in regards to your current relationships, and the ones you’d like to have. Please keep in mind that everyone’s chart is complex and unique. Depending on other planets and or aspects, it can make it more complicated when trying to find what you need the most out of your relationships, than simply checking what your Moon or Venus sign is. I just thought I’d make this general post as a starting point so that you can go towards creating more meaningful and positive relationships in your life.
submitted by AstralValarAstrology to WorkingonitAstrology [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:16 antekprime GPT4 + Dall-E vs FireFly, per GPT

GPT4 + Dall-E vs FireFly, per GPT submitted by antekprime to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:13 Sp4rkyFu5ion Software/web developer not completely happy with my CV

I'm in the UK looking to find a new job as a developer, any tips would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Sp4rkyFu5ion to resumes [link] [comments]
