Sewing pattern dinosaur stuffed toy

Free Sewing Patterns

2014.11.04 00:59 canadianvintage Free Sewing Patterns

For sharing free sewing patterns. We love seeing your finished products and hearing your experience in creating it. Only links to completely free patterns or instructions to self draft patterns may be posted. No paid/premium patterns allowed. Pattern requests must go in the weekly thread.

2024.05.14 08:44 Gamma_Mermaid DAE DIY ‘sewing project‘ clothes you like the fabric or pattern but want to change the wearability?

Just over here changing a weird dress into a perfect skirt
submitted by Gamma_Mermaid to DoesAnybodyElse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:39 justramonaaa 23F im bored out of my mind so let’s talk!

Hi, how are you? Im just looking for new friends that i can talk to anytime. doesn't matter where you're from honestly. ive got a few friends from all over the globe and it's working out just fine : )
Ok so about me: - im a singer and i play a few instruments - i have a cute toy poodle - i love pasta haha - i like dinosaurs, space, ocean, reptiles, gardening, and rocks - i enjoy watching films or series and listening to indie music - im empathic : ) - i gym
leave a short intro when u text me!
Just hmu anytime and i'll try my best to answer asap. Also this is platonic so please haha
submitted by justramonaaa to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:33 pearldental12 Teething in Babies: Symptoms and Remedies

Teething in babies is a natural developmental stage where a baby's first teeth start to emerge through the gums. This process can be uncomfortable for babies and challenging for parents. Here's a detailed look at the symptoms and remedies for teething in babies:
Symptoms of Teething
  1. Drooling:
  1. Chewing and Biting:
  1. Irritability and Fussiness:
  1. Swollen or Tender Gums:
  1. **Sleep Disturbances**:
  1. Loss of Appetite:
  1. Ear Pulling and Cheek Rubbing:
  1. Mild Fever:

Remedies for Teething

  1. Teething Toys:
  1. Cold Washcloth:
  1. Gum Massage:
  1. Teething Biscuits:
  1. Cold Foods:
  1. Pain Relief:
  1. Distraction:
  1. Teething Gels:
Additional Tips
By understanding the symptoms and using appropriate remedies, parents can help their babies navigate the teething process more comfortably. If concerns arise, it’s always best to consult with a pediatrician for guidance.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:48 MalachiteMussel Drawstring lengths for Black Snail Patterns #0119 Empire dress

I am currently sewing up the bodice of this dress and I am trying to understand how the drawstring works. Specifically I am trying to understand whether there are two or four pieces of drawstring?
From the instructions I have inserted drawstring through the button hole and channel in the front piece. The instructions read "Insert two narrow cotton tapes through the button-hole, let the tape stick out about 3/8” (1cm) at the sides."
After this, it has you sew the front piece the the bodice lining and in a following direction it reads: "Secure the tapes with some additional stitches."
There is also a channel created on the back piece for a drawstring with an opening to the back of the dress. At this part the instructions read: "At the back piece only, sew a tunnel from the right side with a back or prick stitch parallel to the neckline edge (d). Insert tapes and fix them at the shoulder seam securely."
What I'm failing to understand here is when it says insert tapes does it mean insert the same tapes that are going through the channel in the front piece, or to insert two new tapes?
In either case I'm not really sure how long the tape pieces would be? The pattern provides total yardage but doesn't provide estimated lengths for the specific uses of the tape.
I originally cut two that were a couple inches longer than half the neckline thinking they were going to go from the front to the back. If there are going to be 4 tapes, 2 starting at shoulder seam to the center back and two starting at front seams to the center front then how much longer should they be than the channel they are running through?
I know I can always cut them shorter but I'd rather not have waste if I can avoid it and also still don't feel confident about the two pieces vs. four!
Thank you to anyone who can give me insight! Also I know I tend to use 100 words when 20 could have sufficed :)
submitted by MalachiteMussel to HistoricalCostuming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:21 Maxx_is_kewlX3 Can someone help me find my therio type? (Srry for bad grammar or misspellings)

Can someone help me find my therio type? (Srry for bad grammar or misspellings)
Hello, I need some help figuring out my therio type, I know I'm definitely a therian, I've had shifts before, 2 I remember, 1 was tail wagging when I was in fursuit (I'm a furry) 2 was kneading on a pillow like a cat, I think I may be a shark or cat therian, or both, I could be a polytherian, I've meditated and I saw a little shadow creature with ears and a tail running around, I've also wanted to bite things, small stuffed animals, people, chew toys, plastic, and rubber, and I feel free and more happy when I wear tails and gear and do quads, I also took a lot of therian quizzes.
submitted by Maxx_is_kewlX3 to youngTherian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:45 ladygingechilla ISO Advise - exiting breeding business

ISO Advise - exiting breeding business
Hi Reddit cockatiel peeps! (TL;DR at bottom)
I’m kind of in strange waters in this sub. I live in New England (and raise chickens/turkeys/a couple emus)… but that’s obviously not what brought me to your feathery little corner of Reddit.
My mom is an amazing human. She raised 4 kids who turned out alright IMO. She moved to Florida to care for her mom/dad as lots of “new englanders” tend to do. Well- both of her parents have now passed and she is looking to move back to New England to be amongst her “flock” (see what I did there?)… her kids and grand kids.
How is this related to the cockatiel subreddit you may ask? Valid question my curious peep (who somehow is still reading my post)… mom took up breeding cockatiels as a coping mechanism to her life in Florida. It got her through the difficulties of end-of-life care for her mom & dad and now they are one of the biggest obstacles to moving on to her next phase in life.
She spends all of her time cleaning cages, socializing with the birds and making toys/foods for them. This is way more than 40/hours a week. It’s every day. She is fully retired (disabled veteran) and works more hours than I do just cleaning those cages. It kept her busy when she needed the distraction and it brought her so much joy during the isolation of Covid. These birds have been her life for the past few years. She loves them, but she wants to move on.
At this point she says that she would be happy to sell at a steep loss if she knew they were cared for. I’ve seen her cages- they are ridiculously high quality. She has to have a few grand in cages alone? And she cleans them on a rigorous schedule.
She’s spent years intentionally breeding for beautiful traits (keeping breeding pairs for good genetics and selling the rest to the local pet store)… she finally closed down the egg boxes last year knowing that she needs to transition away. I think there are roughly 50-75 birds.
Selling the birds individually isn’t really ideal for her, it would be more of a handing off of a business to someone interested? A long-drawn out process will leave her trapped.
I’m coming from a totally different (chickeny) background where gifting birds or gently sending to freezer camp is a reasonable “out” (I am so sorry if that offended anyone). I’m just at a loss as to how I can help her transition?
She asked me for advice- so I’m hoping Reddit might have some guidance?
She doesn’t want want to seperate any breeding pairs if possible (I asked her for a photo which is attached and now I can see why 🥹)
This lady is the kindest women I know. She loves these birds but wants to move back home to spend time with her (human) grandbabies (my nieces) … and selfishly enough- to have fun raising my own silly flock of backyard mini dinosaurs
Thanks in advance for any advice. Be gentle if you can. It’s taken a couple years talking about it before she gave me the green light to ask the internets.
TL;DR My amazing mom wants to move after years of breeding cockatiels. What can she do to divest quickly but ethically?
submitted by ladygingechilla to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:33 Chemical-Awareness70 Needing an .obj file!

Needing an .obj file!
I have this dragon I drew that I want to turn into a stuffed animal. I need an .obj file of the model to make the pattern!
submitted by Chemical-Awareness70 to Free3DRequests [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 Chemical-Awareness70 Needing a .obj file!

Needing a .obj file!
I have this dragon that I drew up, its a very rough sketch. But I want to turn it into a stuffed animal. I need a .obj file of the model to make the patterns off of. I can't offer much right now unfortunately.
submitted by Chemical-Awareness70 to 3Drequests [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:22 thewanderingdesigner Low MOQ/one-offs cut and sew manufacturer in USA/Canada?

Hi everyone,
I am a newly graduated fashion & apparel design student hoping to get my brand off the ground within the coming year. I have very good sewing skills myself but have realized I simply won't have the time to sew the items I sell, as well as do marketing, registering my business, social media, e-commerce stuff, shipping, etc. I am interested in finding a manufacturer to help with production and wanted to see if anyone knows a place that could fit the bill.
I mostly make camp shirts and jackets, both of which I have made and trued patterns for. The kicker is I primarily upcycle, so my designs can incorporate many different fabrics into the same piece - think of a button-up shirt where the yoke is one material, the sleeves another, the front pieces another, and the pockets and collar another. I don't usually patchwork together scraps smaller than pattern pieces, but I know some manufacturers may not like the idea of working with such medium pieces of fabric rather than full meterage.
Does anyone know of any low-MOQ manufacturers or one-off manufacturers who would be able to do something like this? In the US/Canada is preferred, but I would also be open to manufacturers abroad so long as they are ethical & sustainable.
Thanks y'all! :-)
submitted by thewanderingdesigner to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 thewanderingdesigner Low-MOQ/one-offs Manufacturer in USA/Canada?

Hi everyone,
I am a newly graduated fashion & apparel design student hoping to get my brand off the ground within the coming year. I have very good sewing skills myself but have realized I simply won't have the time to sew the items I sell, as well as do marketing, registering my business, social media, e-commerce stuff, shipping, etc. I am interested in finding a manufacturer to help with production and wanted to see if anyone knows a place that could fit the bill.
I mostly make camp shirts and jackets, both of which I have made and trued patterns for. The kicker is I primarily upcycle, so my designs can incorporate many different fabrics into the same piece - think of a button-up shirt where the yoke is one material, the sleeves another, the front pieces another, and the pockets and collar another. I don't usually patchwork together scraps smaller than pattern pieces, but I know some manufacturers may not like the idea of working with such medium pieces of fabric rather than full meterage.
Does anyone know of any low-MOQ manufacturers or one-off manufacturers who would be able to do something like this? In the US/Canada is preferred, but I would also be open to manufacturers abroad so long as they are ethical & sustainable.
Thanks y'all! :-)
submitted by thewanderingdesigner to Fashion_Design [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 torniado Trying to save my dog’s favorite toy, any advice is appreciated

It’s his favorite toy and he sleeps with it almost every night. But the fur is ripped, the neck has no stuffing and a lot is exposed after two years with it. He loves it so much so I’d hate to just buy a new one that looks like it, even though I can buy an exact replica. I’ve never done anything like this so any advice is appreciated :)
submitted by torniado to HowToDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:29 isabelle83c Rose Cafe Bustier dress but with straps?

I am going to a black tie ball late July and was thinking this would be perfect as a floor length dress in a winter wonderland themed colour. The only issue I have is my tattoo on my left shoulder I would like to be covered up as it’s for a private school function and a bit more conservative. Any suggestions on how to add straps or even an alternative dress pattern to make. I am intermediate at sewing have made bras before and sew a lot of my daughters party dresses.
submitted by isabelle83c to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:20 Particular_Darling Finished sewing part of the kimono for Kabukimono! I’m going as Kabukimono to a con in Georgia and wanted my scara doll to match me!

Finished sewing part of the kimono for Kabukimono! I’m going as Kabukimono to a con in Georgia and wanted my scara doll to match me!
I couldn’t find a sewing pattern so I made my own!
submitted by Particular_Darling to ScaramoucheMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:49 rancidseahag am I the abused or the abuser?

I'll try to keep this brief but I have a lot to say and I tend to ramble. I (20F but 19 at the time) have been broken up with my ex (20F) for almost a year now. When we first ended things I felt SO MUCH RELIEF I was in almost a euphoric state for the first week or two. I knew she was extremely toxic but didn't care to question it because I was just so happy to never have to see or speak to her again but quickly that wore off and I realized just how terribly she treated me. In the past month or two it's starting to get to me again after a few conversations with close friends where I told the stories of things she did to me, hoping to have a laugh at the absurdity but underneath realizing just how much she put me through. I still can't accept that it was truly mental or emotional or verbal etc. abuse. I guess I just want somebody to tell me if I'm victimizing myself, or if my mental illness is making me delusional if I was the real abuser the whole time, or if we were both toxic (all her words). I just wanna list off some of the things she did, partially for myself to lay it all out and partially to ask everyone here if I'm the problem or if she was just toxic w/o being "abusive". I'm avoiding specific details because I don't want anyone I know to stumble upon this and know it's me so apologies if theres little context but here it is:
i'm sure that when i post this i'll think of a million more things but this is what i could think of off the top of my head sorry its so long. Writing this all out its so clear that this wasnt normal but i still constantly question whether im just erasing my own hand in it, refusing to acknowlege all the harmful things i did or how i somehow forced her to be this way, if i truly am just so delusional that i made all of this up because i want to be a victim, if i was the one who abused her first, if its my fault because i stayed and let it happen. and if none of those things are true then what do i do from here? I'm moved on and so insanely happy to be single and never have to interact with her again but i'm realizing more and more how much it has affected me.
tldr: my ex gf fits a ton of the criteria for an abuser but i still question whether i am making it up and/or if im the actual abuser just manipulating the situation for my own gain. if i'm not the abuser then how do i accept it and not be affected by it anymore?
submitted by rancidseahag to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:41 TellyBot Politically charged baby gift

My husband and I recently had our first baby. My husband has a good friend ("John") who leans far right politically. John knows my politics lean left. John lives in a different city and he recently came to meet our newborn baby. He didn't come with a gift but said he wanted to send one. The gift arrived in the mail today and it is a Pepe the frog stuffed toy. Pepe the frog is a character that gets used in political memes, it has been described as 'a symbol of the alt right' and has been used as a mascot for white supremacy. My husband is white and I am mixed race (one white parent, one black parent), so our baby is also mixed race. I personally am pretty shocked that someone would think it's appropriate to send this as a gift for a baby. Do you think I should say something to John? On the one hand I feel I should speak up about how inappropriate this is, and on the other hand I feel like he's purposefully attempting to cause problems and I don't want to give him the satisfaction of reacting to this gesture. How would you manage this scenario?
submitted by TellyBot to HowDoIRespondToThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 Vanleigh-79 Finished — simplicity 8762 tea aprons with cotton fabric

Finished — simplicity 8762 tea aprons with cotton fabric
Let’s try this again. My post was removed because I forgot to include fabric information. I used a plain cotton fabric that I’ve had in my stash for at least 10 yrs. I used a plain cotton light pink fabric for the lining as well. The pattern is simplicity 8762. Tbh this pattern is a bit beyond my skill level atm. No it is not perfect but I gave it my best and I will keep and wear it with pride as I did make it after all. I will probably make another one perhaps after I get some more sewing experience under my belt 😂. Also I’ve not sewn anything in 4yrs so I am probably a bit out of practice as well. Probably should have started with something a little easier lol. At least it’s finished though.
submitted by Vanleigh-79 to sewing [link] [comments]



Since we all know exactly who and what Spongebob is, I am going to do a Numerology decode.
When it comes to Numerology, there are many different things you can look into. I am going to look into the letters, patterns, and Numerology personality numbers.
SPONGEBOB has a personality #6. 6 is the number of compassion, work ethic, criticism, cleanliness, and productivity. In the funny show, we see that Spongebob is a workaholic. He has a 5 destiny number which shapes who you are overall. 5 is connected to youthfulness which explains the silliness of the Spongebob character. He is always laughing and doing things funny. The 5 energy indicates this. 5 also points to people, places, and things that are unique. He has an 8 soul urge which explains his undying ambition and creativity.
We can see that SPONGEBOB has 2 O's which has the numeric energy of 15 and numeric value of 6. 15 is the creative use of energy for productivity. Again, 6 is the number of routine, work ethic and productivity goes with this. This energy is not only his personality number, but also it is within his name. It's really in him.
SPONGEBOB HAS DOUBLE NUMERIC VALUES IN HIS NAME WHICH ARE, 7,6,5, AND 2. This explains why he is able to show his emotions and have moments of sensitivity(2). Very compassionate(2) but also childish and silly(5) and able to come up with plans that work(7). Since these #s has double influence, we must considered what they equal. 7 twice equals 14/5 which shows how he is responsible and can make work fun even though it is a duty(6). 6 twice equals 12/3 which shows his social skills, life, and creativity. Another youthful energy as well. 5 twice equals 10/1 which points to his bravery and capability to take action. 2 twice equals 4 which is home,family,responsibility, and structure on the home front and he would make everyone feel comfortable for the most part.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:24 kbm1701d Updated 2 in 1 isopod crochet pattern! Now with a design for the 4-segmented mini pod and 7-segmented realistic pod!

Updated 2 in 1 isopod crochet pattern! Now with a design for the 4-segmented mini pod and 7-segmented realistic pod!
By popular request, I’ve created a more anatomically correct version of the roly-poly isopod pattern! This now 2-in-1 pattern includes instructions for:
==“Short Stuff”: a smaller design with only 4 body segments. Great for something a bit quicker and retains that smol cuteness to it.
==“Long Boi”: still cute and adorable, but resembles the true anatomy of isopods a bit better by having 7 body segments and 14 legs!
Link to 2-in-1 Roly-Poly Isopod pattern:
I’ve also recently released a no-sew globular springtail pattern:
submitted by kbm1701d to Brochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 crystellic Need help with patterns.

I picked up sewing about a year ago in a serious way. I do have some problems though that not even people I paid to help could explain to me in a way that I can understand. I do have problems understanding things without step to step on how to or just more in detail and I cannot for the life of me find a more explaining in more detail way. Both really help.
Making Patterns
I have such a hard time with patterns. I want to make my own. I know I have to make a bodice and everything like that. I know I have to get my measurements or the other person measurements, but... how would I apply those measurements onto the bodice pattern I need to make? Also, how would I turn the bodice into something like a corset or shirt or another pattern rather than just the regular bodice pattern for a shirt. I also have done patterns myself but with the help from someone else which I really want to do this myself. In the future, I want to make corsets, skirts, dresses, and other things like that. That is why I want to figure out the whole making patterns thing because I want to create my own designs instead of buying a pattern. Also, because I have my own measurements and maybe want to create for others. Especially because I want to create outfits for the renaissance fair for both me and my sister. Yeah, I guess the biggest factor is putting my measurements into making a pattern and making the pattern into something like a corset or dress and I'm not sure how to do that.
If there is any advice, tips, or videos of any sort that could help me figure this out I'd really really would appreciate it because that is the reason I stopped sewing because I want to sew something I really really like instead of a pattern and so I can make my own designs.
Much love, thank you. <33
submitted by crystellic to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 gentlesnarl Flexed my plush making skills today

Flexed my plush making skills today
My sister had knee surgery and I thought he’d be a good companion to have for healing. I drafted the patterns then cut and sewed him up! Honestly quite pleased if I do say so myself.
submitted by gentlesnarl to BroadCity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:51 northernhang Weeks of planning, prototyping, and building, I’ve finished my new EDC pack!

Weeks of planning, prototyping, and building, I’ve finished my new EDC pack!
I’ve returned to clarify some confusion I caused in my last post! Also to share a backpack build I’m incredibly proud of. Third times the charm lol
I’ve been stuck in the house for a little while, and just recently started doing things other than doctors appointments and grocery trips. I’ve been spending a lot of time sewing, making patterns, and daydreaming/brainstorming ideas. I’m trying to get out more now that it’s nice out, and thought that a new bag would be motivating enough for me to at least take my work to the park on really nice days. You know, encourage more time in nature.
Made with love on my good ol Kenmore 20 AKA “KennyTwenny”. I had to have my fiancee help the entire time I was attaching the back panel. An extra pair of hands is almost necessary when using my machine to do final steps of backpack builds. The throat is really small so it’s difficult to maneuver a 3d object, especially when they’re the same size as my entire machine, and includes foam. It struggles with the layers so you have to handcrank almost 80% of the time when binding.
Made from Challenge Sailcloth fabrics (and canvas for some reinforcement areas), sustainable water resistant Natulon zipper tapes, premium aluminum WeTool hardware where possible, and with a bunch of mods, I present to you my new EDC bag! If there’s interest, I plan on writing up instructions for my modifications with a mock backpack pattern to make the instructions more generic and applicable to more people.

Here are the total additional features:

Front Panel: Made with EcoPak EPLX400 in Snow White, and Black Knight. * Added 2 strips of 1.5” wide Velcro, seam sealed on the back with UltraTNT tape. Front darts are also taped. * Added 2 pockets with Black/White split colour #5 YKK Natulon water resistant shiny variant zipper tapes, accompanied with matching zipper tabs, and zipper garages. * The main pocket in the front panel has mirrored darts to the front of the backpack, allowing enough room to fit a baseball (I’d previously claimed a softball, but it’s a little smaller assembled with foam). * The smaller, top pocket in the front panel is about 6” deep, 13” wide and has a hook for keys.
Gusset/Sides: Top and Bottom Sides: Made with EcoPak EPLX400 in Black Knight.
Bottom Side: * Added 1” Tent Straps with Viking Dual Hooks.
Left and Right Sides: Made with EcoPak EPX400. * Added compression Straps using 1/2” webbing and buckles.
Left Side: * Added a Cable Pass-Through Port. This is where I caused some confusion. A water resistant zipper only accessible from the inside allows you to securely charge your phone with a battery bank stored inside the backpack. Also has a 1.5” water shield to keep everything extra waterproof. * Added an internal battery bank pouch/sleeve to keep your battery bank safe and upright while wearing the pack. Helps prevent cord damage. * Added a strip of 3/4” webbing with 1”spaces to use as attachment points. * Added an internal translucent pocket made of Challenge DTRS75. Added so I always have a phone cable in my bag. The pocket drops down and uses the water shield as usable storage.
Right Side: * Modified the water bottle pocket to hold bigger bottles. Used UltraGrid in Black Beauty.
Internals: I used a piece of canvas to reinforce the back panel since I know RBC200 alone isn’t going to hold up to the weight of a laptop. * Removed the laptop pocket. * Added 3x 10” strips of 1.5” wide Velcro to use as attachment points for a removable laptop case/sleeve. Also added 2x 2” long webbing loops for extra security.
Straps: Made with EcoPak EPLX400 in Black Knight and Snow White on the front so I could tape the seams instead of topstitching. Personal looks preference. EPX400 on the back side.
iPad Sleeve: Made with EcoPack EPX200 in Golden Dazy, and RBC200 in Lemon Lime. Used Mara 100 Colour 106. * Has 2x 10” strips of 1.5” Hook tape on the back to attach to the backpack. * Has a layer of 2mm Foam sandwiched between RBC200 and EPX200 for extra support and cushion. I already have a heavy duty iPad case. * A zippered pouch for chargers, AirPods, tech stuff… * An open top, Velcro close “mouse pocket”. To store a wallet or an external hard drive. Made it without a specific use in mind. * A strip of elastic for pens and flash drive holder. * Another strip of elastic to hold a Swiss Army Knife. Last minute idea, probably won’t end up working.
Project Materials and Sources: * Base Pattern is Porter Pony by LearnMYOG. * MARA 70 thread in colour 000 (Black) and 800 (White) from Wawak.
Main Pack: * RBC200 in Bright Orange from Refasten. * EcoPak EPLX400 in Black Knight and Snow White from Ripstop by the Roll. * EcoPak EPX400 in Black Knight from Refasten. * YKK #8 Zipper Tape from JTs Outdoor Fabrics. Black Reverse Zipper Sliders from Refasten * 1” Twill Tape for seam binding from JTs Outdoor Fabrics * 1” Nylon Webbing from JTs Outdoor Fabrics.
Main Pack Mods: * YKK #5 Natulon AquaGuard Zipper Tape in White and Black, Light Grey, and White Reverse Zipper Sliders from Mozet Supplies (u/GridstopCrafts generously provided the Black Zipper Tape, Thanks Again!). * YKK #3 Natulon AquaGuard Zipper Tape in White and Blaze Orange from Ripstop by the Roll. Black Reverse Zipper Slider from Refasten. White Locking Zipper Slider from a $2 premade zipper from Fabricland. * DTRS75 from Ripstop by the Roll. * 10mm Webbing from Amazon. 10mm Swivel Round Keyhook Gatekeeper in Black from Mozet Supplies. * 1/2” Nylon Webbing and 15mm (1/2”) Single Adjust Buckles from Refasten. * 3/4” Nylon Webbing from JTs Outdoor Fabrics. * 1.5” wide Generic Brand Hook and Loop Tape (AKA Velcro) in Black from Amazon. * 3/4” Woven Elastic for Bottle Pocket Mod from Walmart. * 1” Viking Dual Hooks from Mozet Supplies. * UltraTNT 1.25” wide Seam Sealing Tape was Special Ordered through Refasten. (Thanks Colin!)
Straps: * EcoPak EPLX400 in Black Knight And Snow White. * UltraTNT Tape 1.25” * EcoPak EPX400 in Black Knight * 25mm (1”) Double Gatekeeper - Recycled from Mozet Supplies. * 25mm (1”) Voyager Tension Lock from Mozet Supplies.
iPad pouch: * Mara 100 Colour 106 from Wawak * EcoPak EPX200 in Golden Dazy from Refasten. * Challenge RBC200 in Lemon Lime from Refasten. * #5 YKK Zipper Tape from JTs Outdoor Fabrics. * #5 YKK Reverse Zipper Slider from Refasten. * 15mm Viking Dual Hook for closure straps, from Mozet Supplies. * 1/2” Nylon Webbing, 3/4” Hook and Loop, and 5/8” Nylon Grosgrain for open top pocket strap, from Refasten. * 3/4” Nylon Webbing and Twill Tape from JTs Outdoor Fabrics. * 1.5” Hook Tape from Amazon. * 2” Elastic from a $2 Mystery Bag from Fabricland. * 2mm Foam Sheet from Michaels.
submitted by northernhang to myog [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:35 LisKoz1989 Anyone else rely on plushies as comfort items?

I'm 34 years old and I'm autistic but recently got out of the hospital a week amd a half ago. Something that I've relied on to fill the void of loneliness, grief & loss as well as help heal PTSD is my stuffed animals. The doctor told my mom that I'm regressing, but in reality many people rely on stuffed animals. Anyone else here rely on stuffed animals & stim toys?
submitted by LisKoz1989 to autism [link] [comments]