Slogans for a dentist


2010.01.26 19:23 blisstonia 30 ROCK

Guess which subreddit thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people, is immortal, has TWO BAD KNEES, is beautiful but doesn't know it, and hasn't cried once today? THIS ONE. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show 30 Rock. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else 30 Rock related.

2012.02.08 18:31 slaperman Appreciation for the Femboy Aesthetic!

femboy Is A SFW subreddit for feminine boys, androgynous people, enbies, trans people, and anyone who identifies as a femboy!

2016.01.29 19:28 Voltairinede A Boring Dystopia

A subreddit for chronicling how Advanced Capitalist Society is not only dystopic, but also incredibly boring.

2024.04.22 02:38 youAhUah Let’s stop pretending that paying for sex is anything but abuse The Times

For the past decade, activism on the progressive left has consisted of parroting entirely nonsensical slogans. Silence is violence! TWAW! War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength! OK, those last ones are from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, but I expect to see them trending on X né Twitter any day. One of the best-known recent mantras is “Sex work is work”, which has been so successful that everyone from the BBC to your teenagers now uses the term “sex worker”, and the word “prostitute” is seen as degrading.
I’ve never understood this, for two reasons. The first is purely linguistic: the “description of what job involves + worker” construction does not strike me as an especially respectful way to describe a profession; if it were, dentists would be “tooth workers” and novelists would be “word workers”.
Second, and hear me out here, maybe the degrading thing about prostitution isn’t the name but the act of having sex with men — because it is almost entirely men who buy sex — who don’t see you as a human but as a hole, and one they can buy and do with as they please.
For the past few years it has been verboten to make this gum-bleedingly obvious statement about prostitution. Oh no, you’d be told, sex work is very empowering and liberating and all sorts of other empty, zeitgeisty words. Sex work is work!
Strangely, the sex-work-is-work crowd has been very quiet since The Spectator published a column last week by its massage parlour correspondent and occasional theatre critic, Lloyd Evans, which provides a very different perspective on prostitution. In this, his — by my count — second dispatch this year from a massage parlour, Evans, presumably typing with one hand, describes a recent trip to Cambridge to attend a lecture where he was so turned on by the “beautiful historian” giving the talk that he had no choice but to find a prostitute afterwards.
Perhaps you think I’m exaggerating. In fact, I’m playing it down. I haven’t mentioned, for instance, that Evans refuses to pay the prostitute the price she asks because it is “the same as the cost of my overnight hotel”, and clearly a woman’s body is worth less than a night in a Premier Inn. So he bargains her down by £20. After what he describes as their “brisk workout”, he says they are “like a long-married couple observing the conventions of mutual respect and co-operation”. Mmmm, yes. Albeit a mutually respectful couple in which the husband has to ask the woman to spell her name so he can transfer the money to her — “gallantly” he decides to pay her the full amount, which makes him feel “heroic and magnificent” — and one who knows the woman is speaking “insincerely” when she says she hopes to see him again. But “I meant it”, Evans writes.
I used to wonder what men thought when they bought sex. Did they convince themselves that the prostitute was enjoying it? Did they get off on the knowledge that she, or he, clearly wasn’t? But that question is naive: the men don’t think about the prostitute at all. Evans doesn’t care that she doesn’t want to see him again, or whether she might have been trafficked, any more than he cares that the prostitute has no desire for him to stick his penis inside her. But he does it anyway. This is true of all men who buy sex, and it’s why I think they are no better than rapists.
Am I being too blunt? Well, maybe more bluntness is needed instead of the euphemisms too many have used for too long in the deluded belief they accord dignity to prostitutes, when all they actually do is give cover to the men who abuse them. It’s because people aren’t honest about how degrading and — most of all — dangerous prostitution actually is that we get situations like what happened in 2021, when, in response to an “emerging trend” of students selling their bodies for sex, Durham University offered sex work training to “ensure students can be safe and make informed choices”.
And who could blame those students for seeing prostitution as a great little moneyspinner on the side? After all, in British theatres there are at present not one but two musicals that present prostitution as a great career path for women: Pretty Woman, the ultimate prostitution PR story, and Moulin Rouge!, in which the prostitute, Satine, dies (spoiler!) but at least she finds true love on the way.
When The Guardian reviewed Moulin Rouge! in 2022, the reviewer tutted at the show’s “sour portrayal of Satine’s life as a sex worker”, noting that she seemed full of “shame and self-disdain” for her work. “For an establishment that exudes sexual freedom, this seems strangely uptight,” the reviewer wrote. Yes, how uptight of that consumptive woman working as a sex slave in a cabaret brothel to not revel in her sexual freedom! At least Les Misérables down the road has the courage to tell the truth about prostitution through the character of Fantine, who sells her hair, then her teeth, then her body, and then dies. But come on, Fantine, enjoy your sexual freedom!People used to call me a “Swerf” for saying things like this, which stands for sex-worker-exclusionary radical feminist. But I feel only compassion for prostitutes. It’s the men who abuse them that, I absolutely believe, should be publicly shamed and imprisoned.
And to all the people out there still bleating that sex work is empowering, I presume you’ll be encouraging your daughters to pursue that career path — arguing with dirty old sociopaths over the price of a blow job. Sex work is work!
submitted by youAhUah to fourthwavewomen [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 20:08 Ficboy How the Nazi era would be perceived in TNO Germany (Redux)

(Note: This is the redone version of a previous post published 20+ days ago and is kept up for archival purposes given how popular it is but the lore is outdated hence this very post. Like the previous version, this scenario assumes that the Gang of Four successfully reformed Germany and Burgundy collapsed, the United States remains a democratic superpower, HMMLR liberated the UK and led the nation to join the OFN with American support, France alongside Norway and Belgium joined the OFN as well, the West Russian Revolutionary Front reunifies Russia but not the rest of the former USSR, Japan lost the Great Asian War to China and became a constitutional democracy once more, Italy remained Fascist under Italo Balbo through Dentist Speer-like reforms, Bohemia and Moravia is an independent German-Czech nation and no nuclear apocalypse ever arose by the 1970s using the recent and forthcoming lore of TNO)
The Greater Germanic Reich, otherwise known as Nazi Germany, the Third Reich, or simply the German Reich, is one of the central characters of The New Order: Last Days of Europe alongside the United States of America and the Empire of Japan as a major superpower spanning from the shores of the Netherlands to the war-ravaged and blood-stained lands of Eastern Europe and Africa through genocide. It survived well into the 1960s when the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler chose a successor to continue his work after dying from natural causes. That successor was his close friend Albert Speer, to the shock of other officials in the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), which led to a rather messy power struggle between Speer's Reformists, Martin Bormann's Conservatives, Herman Goering's Militarists, and Reinhard Heydrich's Himmerlites from 1962-1964. In the end, Speer won and served as the next Fuhrer but saw much of his power relinquished to the true reformers in the Gang of Four, a group of four influential men in the Dissident faction of the NSDAP led by Kurt Georg Kiesinger, who successfully led Germany away from Nazism officially speaking with the assistance of other reformist or revolutionary factions in the party ensuring that the country became an Authoritarian Democracy leading Europe into a new age of peace and cooperation with the United States of America under Helmut Schmidt which was started by Speer no less.
With all this in mind, there is the question of how the Nazi era would be perceived in TNO Germany in comparison to it's OTL counterpart. After all, this is a Germany that spent three decades under Nazi rule after they won World War II, despite leading to further troubles down the line. Much of the German population was loyal to the NSDAP and Hitler in general even amidst the economic and military turmoil so they were able to accept Gang of Four rule. Unlike say Thousand-Week Reich, The Anglo/American-Nazi War or OTL for that matter, the official reformation of Germany into a relatively democratic nation did not involve direct Allied military intervention and it happened internally. Moreover, there's no Denazification, "working off the past," or Historikreisit either since it's the new German Reich that is determining how it should see its history. That brings up the question of how Gang of Four and post-Gang of Four Germany would see the Nazi era in general. It's a very interesting topic for TNO and I just want to offer my take on it. Without furtherado, here goes nothing

Specific Figures and Organizations

The Legacy of Nazi Germany

Within Germany and the former Austria, the Nazi era will be seen in a very different light as mentioned prior. In TNO, the Third Reich existed for three and a half decades to solidify its status amongst the German populace as a quintessential part of its history. It's not one that is to be ashamed of but revered with no Allied military occupation and the creation of German collective guilt ITTL. Moreover, the Third Reich was also responsible for the expansion and growth of Germany in general which is a major plus for its legacy in the eyes of many Germans and former Austrians. The Gang of Four, while no fans of Nazi Germany and Nazism in general, understand how that nation allowed them to take power and bring democracy back to Germany so it's not like they're completely disavowing them either. That said, they do condemn the more ruthless actions committed by Nazi Germany and work to distance themselves from this kind of stuff. Simply put, this isn't the Federal Republic of Germany or the German Democratic Republic. Even if the Gang of Four wanted Allied-style Denazification, most of the German and former Austrian public simply wouldn't be on board with this idea, as explained above. For many Germans, the Third Reich has its fair share of positives alongside the negatives and it's the former that outweighs the latter when it comes to their overall view on the Nazi era. In other words, the perception of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi era in TNO Germany is similar to Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union in OTL Russia with elements of Brazil's dictatorship nostalgia, Ukraine's glorification of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and Japanese ultranationalist views on World War II.
Now as for the Holocaust, the majority of the Jewish population in Europe would be wiped out at this point after the 1950s besides specific Slavic groups (particularly Poles and Russians), Gypsies, LGBT individuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled, political prisoners and dissidents though to a much lesser degree than Jews. Keep in mind that the Allies aren't around to fully show this stuff to the German and former Austrian public. Thus, it falls onto the Gang of Four to reveal the true extent of the Holocaust, especially with events like the revolt in Eastern Europe by Willy Brandt's Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold. To the common German citizen, it would be a shock to learn that their nation committed genocide, even with the circumstances being different with no Allies around to enforce it. The Gang of Four, for obvious reasons, would condemn the Holocaust and release more information on this event to the public as opposed to say Turkey who continues to deny the Armenian Genocide and seek to prevent its recognition both in OTL and in TNO. However, the Fourth Reich would be the legal successor to the Greater Germanic Reich and they aren't completely disowning them for obvious reasons, even if they disagree with some of their actions. Any memorials to the Holocaust in Germany and the former Austria would come later during the Gang of Four era and beyond which means no Stolperstein or the modern memorials from OTL, along with the lack of reparations to German/Austrian Jews and Israel. It would be the Gang of Four and its successors that determine how the Holocaust is remembered: Not complete denial compared to Turkey on the Armenian Genocide but not expunging the Third Reich entirely either, no matter how controversial they are.
On the topic of certain Nazi symbols and slogans like the Hakenkreuz (Swastika) or "Sieg Heil", they're never going to be banned in post-Gang of Four Germany without Allied intervention since the current government is descended from the Third Reich and it's ranks are filled with people involved with the NSDAP. Moreover, this Germany doesn't have Strafgesetzbuch 86a and a ban on symbols of organizations deemed unconstitutional including the Nazis and the same goes for the former Austria regarding Verbotsgesetz 1947, given the extended lifespan of the Greater Germanic Reich which means these symbols and slogans as well as the ideology has been burned into the brains of so many Germans and former Austrians coupled with no Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or the Federal Constitutional Law of the Republic of Austria and Directorate General for Public Safety. The lack of such a ban would lead to some weird, bizarre nostalgia for the Third Reich between the 1930s-50s akin to OTL's Soviet nostalgia and East German Ostalgie with a Fascist bent right down to Nazi-themed merchandise. Moreover, there are entire groups and political parties of Germans and former Austrians promoting Nazism or wanting the Third Reich back like how some Russians, Belarusians, and other ex-Soviet citizens want the Soviet Union back. Maybe even entire towns recreating the so-called "good old days" of the Third Reich as one Russian town from OTL can attest. Also, you'd see Germans and former Austrians flying swastika flags or displaying other Nazi symbols freely without these restrictions alongside T-shirts of Adolf Hitler and parades commemorating Nazi victory in Europe similar to OTL Victory Day though some wouldn't be so happy about it like Jews and Poles for very obvious reasons.
Speaking of the SS or rather the main branch of the SS, their reputation would be rather divisive and controversial in post-Gang of Four Germany because of Heydrich's Spartanism (including his crimes) and especially the crackpot Burgundy. For those who oppose the SS, they'd emphasize the crimes of the paramilitary organization compared to say the Wehrmacht or Gestapo since the latter two are tied more to the Third Reich's government as opposed to being autonomous entities. For those not opposed to the SS, there would be nostalgia for Heydrich and especially the Waffen-SS for their service to Germany, but not so much with Himmler and Burgundy, who would be completely condemned for their crimes. This pattern also extends to successor parties to the NSDAP and Third Reich nostalgia organizations. For these reasons, SS symbols like the sig runes or Deathshead aren't banned in TNO Germany like the Nazi swastika and still openly used among Germans who like the organization.
As for Holocaust denial, the Gang of Four Germany was descended from the Third Reich and so I doubt they'd pass laws to outlaw denying the Holocaust per se even as they publicize the entire event. There will be entire German and former Austrian groups passing educational material denying or minimizing the Holocaust like the Turkish government for the Armenian Genocide, ultranationalists in Japan for the Nanking Massacre, Unit 731, and comfort women or Stalinists in Russia for Stalin's crimes and the Holodomor.
What about the entire world you may ask? Well, it depends on the country and region in question. For much of Southern and Western Europe, Nazi Germany would be seen as the country that changed the continent forever with a mix of supporters, opponents, and neutrals though mostly the latter two. For the Slavic nations of Eastern Europe like Poland and Russia, the native populations would absolutely despise him and Nazi Germany for enacting the Holocaust and Generalplan Ost apart from Germans, SS veterans, and local collaborators. This also extends to countries like the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and Norway who are aligned with the OFN. Speaking of the OFN, it's countries like the United States and Canada consider Nazi Germany to be its ideological rival and a tyrannical conqueror to boot on par with the OTL Soviet Union. Africa doesn't have a particularly positive view of Hitler and the Nazis thanks to their exploitative Reichkomissariats especially Hans Huttig's Ostafrika outside of German settlers and pro-Nazi Afrikaners. For places like the Middle East, Asia, and South America, it would be indifference other than he was the guy who aligned himself with them or just some conqueror from a distant land. And that brings us to the topic of neo-Nazis and Third Reich imitators. There's already a fair share of these wacky and crazy individuals in places like Russia and America bolstered by the Third Reich itself. Despite it's collapse, the legacy of Nazism would live on beyond just Deutschland and there would be entire groups trying to emulate the Reich laughable as they are.
But perhaps the most important element to consider when analyzing TNO Germany's relationship with the Nazi era is Nazism itself. Even with the current government being more democratic in comparison to the Third Reich, the influence of Nazism still lingers on throughout German politics and society in a manner that it's OTL counterpart never could in post-war Germany or Austria. There are political parties and organizations publicly pushing the ideology just in a less extreme and more sanitized form, with TTL's Germany having some authoritarian tendencies carried over from that period in its history akin to Russia from OTL.


This is how I think the Nazi era would be perceived in a post-Gang of Four Germany and other parts of the world. But what do you think? How would the Nazi era be seen in TNO Germany and you can let me know in the comments section.
submitted by Ficboy to TNOmod [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 21:10 Ficboy Japan before and after Kono Ichiro in TNO

(Note: Much like the previous two posts, this scenario assumes that Japan lost the Great Asian War to China and became a reformist democracy, the Gang of Four leading Germany with Helmut Schmidt as head of state after Albert Speer resigns, the United States remaining a democratic superpower, the West Russian Revolutionary Front led by Georgy Zhukov and Sergey Akhromeyev reunifying Russia including Moscow from Bronislav Kaminski, Italy remaining Fascist under Italo Balbo with Dentist Speer-like reforms, and no nuclear apocalypse by the 1970s using the current and forthcoming lore of TNO. And since the latter is taken into account, there will be some changes in this post or future posts when they're fully implemented)
The Empire of Japan, otherwise known as Dai Nippon Teikoku in it's native language or simply just Japan, is one of the central characters of the Hearts of Iron IV mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe alongside it's former ally, the Greater Germanic Reich, and the United States of America respectively. Much like their German counterparts, Japan has a large empire spanning an entire continent specifically much of Asia from it's colonies in Korea and Taiwan to as far as Burma and parts of the former British Raj of India known as the Azad Hind all under the banner of a political, economic, and cultural alliance known as the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere though such an endeavor was done through bullets and blood whether it's the Nanking Massacre, Unit 731, or sexual slavery through the so-called "comfort women." And like the Germans, the Japanese suffered from political, social, and economic problems not the least of which is the internal rivalry between the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy and most importantly, the Yasuda Crisis when a police investigation revealed embezzlement and corruption from not just the trading company Minezaka but other zaibatsu corporations most notably the eponymous Yasuda and even the government which led to a complete collapse and was a major contributing factor in the eventual dissolution of the totalitarian Imperial Rule Assistance Association or the Yokusankai for short. The downfall of the Yokusankai opened the floodgates for Kono Ichiro and the Association of Independent Legislators to come into power so they could introduce much needed reforms for Japan starting in 1963, which included regulations on the corrupt zaibatsu corporations, the loosening of censorship, and the emergence of new political parties apart from the old YSK. However, Ichiro's death two years later led to his Minister of Commerce and Industry Nobusuke Kishi to become Prime Minister and things took a turn for the worst as Kishi reversed the attempted reforms under Ichiro followed by a series of successful revolutions across Asia, the conflict with India and the Great Asian War with China which ended disastrously for Japan apart from Indonesia, Laos, Malaya, Brunei and Burma. With Kishi and the hardliners discredited by these losses, the reformers came to power again under Miki Takeo and Japan transitioned from a one-party oligarchic state to a constitutional monarchy in the vein of the Taisho era, which changed the course of Asian history and brought an end to the rule of the militarist establishment created by Hideki Tojo and the Imperial Japanese Army after the February 26 incident of 1936. A major difference from Germany is that Japan is still the Empire of Japan and thus there was no need to replace one Reich with another given how important the Emperor and his family are to the entire nation even before the POD. This democratic restoration fundamentally altered the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as the nations still part of this bloc were now free and Japanese influence no longer significant. By this point, Japan's decades-long reign over Asia has reshaped the continent and even with it waning as well as the return of democracy, the after-effects are felt heavily for years to come.
With everything discussed about Japan so far, there are certain subjects to consider when talking about the country's post-Ichiro future like with Germany and Europe after Nazism and Fascism. These issues specifically center around the principle of Hakko Ichiu, Pan-Asianism, the militarist establishment and their overall legacy on not just Japan but Asia and the rest of the world in TNO. As someone who has made himself familiar with TNO lore and consumed my fair share of Japanese media, I think it would be absolutely fascinating to explore a democratic TNO Japan and I'm here to offer my take on it. Let's delve into the political and cultural landscape of Japan after Ichiro and his reforms.

Hakko Ichiu and Pan-Asianism

The first things to consider when looking at a democratic Japan in TNO are the driving factors behind the conquest of Asia before and after World War II: Hakkio Ichiu and Pan-Asianism. For those unfamiliar with Hakko Ichiu, it's a political slogan popular in WW2 era Japan in which it was the destiny of the nation to unite the world under the banner of the Rising Sun and it's Japanese name when translated to English means "eight crown cords, one roof" or "all the world under one roof." The slogan was coined by Prime Minister and Fujiwara Clan member Fuminaro Konoe in a speech delivered on January 8, 1940. As a prominent figure in Japanese politics and society, Fuminaro's slogan unsurprisingly caught on with the increasingly totalitarian government in Tokyo who adopted it as part of their strategy to "liberate" Asia from European colonists as they put it even going so far as to erect an entire monument dedicated to the slogan in question to celebrate the 2,600th anniversary of Japan's legendary founding by Emperor Jimmu (basically the Japanese version of King Arthur). But the promotion of Hakko Ichiu cannot be truly understood without looking into an ideology that was very important to Japan: Pan-Asianism. You see, Japan was unique among non-Western nations as being able to rapidly modernize and expand it's boundaries into other parts of Asia such as Taiwan and Korea, becoming of the Eight-Nation Alliance with European empires and the United States of America, and humiliating Russia during the Russo-Japanese War during the Meiji period. In the case of Korea, Japan began to promote its culture and values to the majority Korean population which was intended to bring them closer than before despite the forced annexation. But even with all this modernization, Japan was obviously non-white and thus wasn't always respected by their European peers. As such, Japan wanted to be on equal and fair terms with the Western world so they proposed a clause in the Treaty of Versailles titled the Racial Equality Proposal. The Racial Equality Proposal was intended to place Japan and other non-white members of the recently-formed League of Nations on the same footing as their Western counterparts. While there was considerable support for this proposal, the United States and other nations rejected it. Japan was left empty-handed as they felt cheated by the Western powers and that extended to it's territorial claims which coupled with the influence of groups dedicated to ultranationalism planted the seeds of Pan-Asianism in the long run. In both OTL and TNO, Japan was fully dedicated to establishing a political and cultural alliance known as the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in which all of Asia would be free from European colonial empires who mistreated them in theory and unite the continent under one banner that of Japan itself. In practice, it was essentially a pet project for Japanese militarists to create a new colonial empire that would replace the Europeans and foster economic growth if not dominance over their neighbors even if they had to exploit them. With the support of Emperor Hirohito, Japan began spreading it's ideology of Pan-Asianism, starting with the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Nanking Massacre, followed by the outbreak of World War II in which they fought on the side of the Axis Powers with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
In TNO, Japan got exactly what it wanted and saw it's dream of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere come to fruition with almost every nation in Asia obedient to them with the exceptions of the Indian Subcontinent and the Central Asian remnants of the USSR as a result of the different course of World War II in this universe. What was promised to be a bloc of Pan-Asian unity against the West in the form of America and Germany was just a ploy to solidify and expand Japanese dominance over an entire continent resulting in various crimes against the native populations of the countries under the Sphere by the IJA or Kempeitai, forced labor, the continuation of comfort women sexual slavery, the persecution of political dissidents by the Tokko, the erasure of Korean culture, and massive corruption amongst zaibatsu corporations and the government. The excesses of these problems ensured that Japan would see it's financial system collapse and the path to reforms started under Kono Ichiro, resulting in the end of the militarist establishment. However, Hakko Ichiu and the Japanese brand of Pan-Asianism lasted much longer than they did IOTL and it's worth exploring their overall impact on Japan itself. For starters, millions of Japanese or Nihonjin living in the Home Islands, the colonies of Taiwan and Korea, or member countries of the Sphere would be indoctrinated into the ideology of Pan-Asianism for three and a half decades through government-sponsored propaganda coupled with the victory in World War II and the economic prosperity afterwards. Even with all the rebellions across the Sphere, many Japanese would still be faithful to Pan-Asianism and the principle of Hakko Ichiu in some shape or form because of the factors above. Plus, it's not like Takeo himself or his successors are completely abandoning the ideology either. That said, China winning the Great Asian War and breaking away from the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere alongside the successful rebellions before does put a damper on the full extent of Pan-Asianism and Hakko Ichiu (more on that later). Amongst the Japanese public, their country's defeat in the Great Asian War would cause a shock since China was seen as a quintessential member of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere coupled with a fairly extensive presence in the ethnically Chinese areas of the aforementioned Taiwan, Hong Kong and especially Guangdong. The resurgence of an independent Republic of China would harm the Sphere considerably since China is a very important Asian nation and one whose resources are valuable in Japan's eyes. It would also cause Japan to rethink its strategy for other Asian countries and seek a more conciliatory approach with fewer mass killings, sexual slavery, and corruption in the 1970s and beyond. It starts off with Japan pursuing a diplomatic detente given the changing political and social landscape of the TNO world for the 70s-80s followed by a pan-Asian economic and cultural union consisting of many countries from Southeast Asia. This means that Japan seeks to maintain good relations with other countries in Asia influenced by the wartime Pan-Asianism and Hakko Ichiu albeit through diplomacy rather than conquest for the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere along with the gradual warming of relations with the United States. More importantly, Japan would create a successor to the Sphere which is basically OTL's Association of Southeast Asian Nations in being a voluntary political and economic union of Asian nations as part of the reconciliation with it's neighbors.
Even with Japan becoming a democracy again, the influences of Pan-Asianism and Hakko Ichiu will live on in the Land of the Rising Sun affecting it's politics and society just as Nazism was to Germany and the former Austria or Mussolini era Fascism for Italy.

The Legacy of Hideki Tojo and the Yokusankai

Japan, unlike Germany, was an oligarchic monarchy led by the Emperor and the Yokusankai were more reactionary than say the Nazi Party since they were all about promoting the Imperial Family, traditional values, and most importantly State Shinto as opposed to the revolutionary nature of both parties. The Yokusankai were also a relatively recent creation as a result of World War II compared to it's European Axis counterparts with every party not in opposition to the Emperor having to join this new movement whether it was voluntary or forced. The founder of the Yokusankai was Prince Funimaro Konoe himself but it's most well-known leader was his successor Hideki Tojo, who served as the Prime Minister of Japan from 1941 to 1944 and was eventually convicted for numerous war crimes in the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals where he was sentenced to death. By this point, the Yokusankai was dissolved and Japan was a constitutional monarchy once more with it's official name just being "The State of Japan" as opposed to "The Empire of Japan."
Conversely, the Yokusankai went on for much longer in TNO with their victory in World War II. While the Yokusankai established a respected reputation after the war, Hideki Tojo did not as his management was criticized by his colleagues and was forced out of office by his own party no less with Tojo going to Manchuria where he spent his final years as Chief of the Kwantung Army Staff before passing away from natural causes. Even in Japan, Tojo isn't well-remembered by much of the Japanese populace and even the Yokusankai apart from certain countries or colonies in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. But Tojo does receive something of a resurgence in popularity in his native country after Japan's loss to China in the Great Asian War. Basically, there is considerable resentment towards the Chinese for "abandoning" them and thus there are Japanese who look up to Tojo favorably, especially among those sympathetic to ultranationalism during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II, respectively. Over time, Tojo earns a place in the Japanese pantheon as a national hero whilst ignoring or downplaying his wartime mistakes. Today, Tojo is seen by many Japanese in a positive light for "helping" his country defeat the United States and unify Asia under the Co-Prosperity Sphere. He's essentially "rehabilitated" after the Great Asian War.
Speaking of State Shinto, this version of the polytheistic nature religion Shinto was widely promoted by the Japanese government to instill a sense of loyalty and obedience to both the ethnic inhabitants of the Home Islands and the colonies of Taiwan and Korea, followed by members of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere before and after World War II. It was also heavily tied into Hakko Ichiu, pan-Asianism, Hideki Tojo and the Yokusankai as they promoted the view of the Emperor and his children being divine gods like Amaterasu along with the promotion of seisen (holy war) and the construction of Shinto shrines outside of Japan itself. State Shinto was banned and discredited after World War II IOTL but it continued to develop further in TNO to the point of being seen as a symbol of Japanese imperialism to anti-Sphere resistance groups who would want to expunge it entirely once they took control. Amongst non-Japanese practitioners of State Shinto like Chinese or Koreans, it would be mixed with local beliefs and especially pan-Asianism. I also imagine that State Shinto still lives on in Japan even after the country re-embraces democracy.
As for the Yokusankai, the party's extended reign over Japan ensured that their ideology of Pan-Asianism and Hakko Ichiu became very influential in all corners of society through media control and propaganda. Still, they suffered from internal divisions over how best to run the country post-war, which combined with the Yasuda Crisis, destroyed the party and led to democratic reformists like Kono Ichiro taking power. Even then, the Yokusankai have made their mark on Japanese history and their beliefs already live on as mentioned before. I also imagine that Yokusankai leaders like Funimaro Konoe or Heisuke Yanagawa would have their fair share of memorials like statues or streets across Japan, especially Funimaro himself, since he is of Imperial lineage and played a major part in Japan becoming an oligarchic one-party state in addition to the continued presence of State Shinto and the lack of post-war American occupation to stop this like what happened with Nazi memorials and symbols in Germany and the former Austria. And as mentioned before, the Empire of Japan still exists as a result of the Axis victory in World War II and that is the Yokusankai's biggest accomplishment even after they fell compared to the eventual dissolution of the Greater Germanic Reich by the Gang of Four.


This is how I believe Pan-Asianism, Hakko Ichiu, the tenure of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi and his successors would affect Japan and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as a whole. But what do you think? How would Japan be affected by them? Let me know in the comments.
submitted by Ficboy to TNOmod [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 21:36 kitchenwitch16 Perpetual Stew - Prose - Any feedback appreciated!

It is over before it has happened. They are past the black tar, the bloated concrete, the phantom limbs of seaside brutalism caving centre-bound into an amorphous metropolitan mass, pox-marked, copied not created, Celtic, Gothic, Modern, tumbling as one into an untidiness of fecal brown streets, bursting apart at their seams, chronic, the roadwork as the antidote to the surplus, evolving horizontally, rapidly, over cobblestones and public parks and the pelicans and the zebras, never pausing for the flashing green man, ever constant, moving only on higher power, forwards. Maintaining heavy speed. Adjacent now to four tumour shaped tower blocks, strategically placed, affordable, unavoidable, but cast in the shadow of the latest architectural stillborns; photos of which remain filed on the hard drive hastily labelled REGENERATION, red sharpie on high-vis post-it note, dots not yet joined, ink dry. Inside people clot. Blow out beach front views of a publicly planned pier never built, ill funded, washed away in the redraft, posthumous, turbines that tumble beyond horizon and second generation Fiats, caked three times over in overfed seabird shit; short legged, once matrimony white, now impotent grey. Adrift, the passing world weary satanists launching limp-dicked kicks, homeward, tails between legs, hard night; the involuntary protestors of the barefoot angels clad only in miniskirt, brandishing broken heels like firearms, olive spray stained over peach pallor, acrylic nails popped cherry pink, colour chosen, applied at speed, without care, to the detuned cries of hungry child for mother’s milk, braless, legs spread; seen. The stars were out if they looked up. Glow dimmed, power saved, all indistinguishable in economic silhouette, the quiet hum of a standardised colour temperature, set 120 miles away by a committee of unseen hands; mirroring hospitals, bank rooms and underground sex addict support centres. EXPERIENCE FREEDOM WITH OUR FIXED RATE INTEREST MORTGAGES. Focus grouped slogans, cardboard celebrity smiles and doors automatic, leading you in, the free lunch, the triangular bite mark, the cartilage caught between the incisors of the vagrant who spends his nights pissing in the archways of the same doors automatic, double bolted, glass. A stickiness of crimson and stomach acid green happens in three separate parts, congealing into roadside puddles of honeysuckle that slip anonymously into sewer drains, without notice. Those in the passing drizzle grow hot potato feet, bounce from aisle to aisle, keeping exposed January trainers mostly vomit free, matching emotional haircuts, humourless, toothless, grooveless, plasticine faces living from yawn to yawn, no mud left to leave a print, a trace. Fell, destroyed. Getting ahead of us. They are past the tar plains, reaching forth to bruise the surrounding greenery, their fallen trees mechanically stacked, resting on land marked in one file as IN DEVELOPMENT and under another as UNBUILT, not yet toe tagged, but yes, without hope. Ground remains fertile, earth yet unsalted; irrelevant. Running parallel, farms backed in barbed wire fence, fields that die only for the winter, cows mounting one and other as cows do, later to the entertainment of churning school buses, teenage faces descending on gummed up windows, laughing hard. For now, roads silent, hard shoulders boast but snoring delivery trucks, overweight, a strong odour of fuel, diesel, leaking from their underside into fossilised rainbow pools, colour spectrum on full display, still glistening and glittering, even in night. All else stretches out ashen grey. Moving on; the residential towns and villages, with neat houses of drooping roofs, haemorrhaging into exposed brickwork; ugly but unremarkable enough to evade unwanted attention as they swell into “well developed” areas for several years now. Yet to stir, sedatives wearing off only in an hour or so. Around the corner, slick simplistic crowdpleasers with four wheel drive, well parked, unlocked, crew cut lawns, cast in that familiar terminal glow you’ve come to know, inflated rainwater, gathering about pavements, not tobacco brown but Americano; Macchiato, Cappuccino, all available now. Newspapers undelivered, still benign. Air listed as “clean”. Doctors, dentists, opticians and chiropractors, collecting the easiest paycheques of their lives, well nourished by an ache of loving mothers, all thinking the same thoughts, stiff, those who still tackled the school run with pushchairs, shouldering fat child after fat child, each old enough to run. Birds are yet to call. For now, all is unresponsive and as it should be. Further still, Earth rests intact, dew clinging, harmless, uncut blades of ordinary grass, tall, cold to the touch. Free from light, all anaesthetising shadow. A landscape rendered pure; mottled greens, blueish purples, sterilised red. An image available exclusively to those who ate their carrots. The delayed morning arrival moves through, clumsy like an aneurism, and the first birdcall of the day sounds aboard the 70mph rush; compressed, high end absent, castrated into waiting song Muzak and spat forth from the low quality speaker of the high priced phone with the fruit on it’s posterior side. You know. Up above HARPER SEPTEMBER-PETERS waits, device pressed tight against ear, almost impersonating the cool damp on the window frame to his left, facing the direction of travel, as he prefers it, gazing down to the shapeless horizon, waiting for something to form, eyes straining harder, staring out to forever. He does this even though he knows the best things emerge only when no one is looking at all. He too, an unseen forced portrait, show pony, talk of the town, in this quiet carriage anyway, still unconvinced that he is a full person, head above the parapet, if only to catch a glimpse of her at the table three down with the busyness, the cold coffee and the bleached bob air. Out of season. She, unaware that he exists, thinking only of the approaching five-uh-oh, not as simple as an ill-worded decoration that could be disposed of as deemed tacky eight wasted years later, this was permanent, irreversible, her future was in her past, three children, two divorces, no current husband, the previously unexplored idea that she may be asexual, unattracted to fifty something men anyways, mortgage still there, habits still there, failures from thirty years ago still there, still there, still there, still there, parents gone, too many numbers going up instead of down, faithless, irrelevant, uninterested by other people and their uninteresting lives, consumed by envy, slipping under, gone. September-Peters fixes his hair, only moments after discovery, but now, in his mind, they motorhome in Deutschland, two darling poodles, perpetual al fresco, lacking only opening titles and each year she can show him how to play the theme on piano. He was lost of the number of things he did on a daily basis just for imaginary people, conversations in his head only, private histories, ghosts that never assume material form; guiding him from place to place, job to job, person to person; he their marionette. The list was long, endless. Yet, when he died the manner in which he did so; the minuet gestures, the internalised sting, the perspiring, the shakes, the painfully conscious effort to guide himself face first onto the table before him, the thoughts still deemed selfish, the dignity, the trap, really all for the eyes of one person and one person only; her. At the next stop, she left. He had been doing well lately. Head down now, brain liquifying, tiny pieces of matter floating in the wreckage of who he had recently finished being. El Finito. Before him the autopsy reports, prematurely completed with steady hand, easing the stress of an oddly busy work week, final examinations scheduled, chances of yielding unexpected results; nil. Several days from now, the very same pages finding their way back to his secretary’s desk, resting there for several more, held in her WIP middle drawer and when they were eventually seen, promptly shredded and recycled. No need for fuss without cause. Years later, emerging through the other end of the system, and arriving amongst wood chips, trees grown with fertiliser, by us, for us, sandwiched between plastic veneer in bedside table, on sale, the budget furniture behemoth. Landfill. Here, the final remains of the autopsy reports come to rest. There is no pattern, only perpetual stew.
submitted by kitchenwitch16 to LitWorkshop [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 21:35 kitchenwitch16 Perpetual Stew - WC: 1361 - Amateur writer looking for feedback

It is over before it has happened. They are past the black tar, the bloated concrete, the phantom limbs of seaside brutalism caving centre-bound into an amorphous metropolitan mass, pox-marked, copied not created; Celtic, Gothic, Modern, all tumbling as one into an untidiness of fecal brown streets. Bursting apart at their seams. Chronic; The roadwork as the antidote to the surplus, evolving horizontally, rapidly, over cobblestones and public parks and the pelicans and the zebras, never pausing for the flashing green man, ever constant, moving only on higher power; forwards.
Maintaining heavy speed. Adjacent now to four tumour shaped tower blocks, strategically placed, affordable, unavoidable, but cast in the shadow of the latest architectural stillborns; photos of which remain filed on the hard drive hastily labelled REGENERATION, red sharpie on high-vis post-it note, dots not yet joined, ink dry. Inside people clot. Blow out beach front views of a publicly planned pier never built, ill funded, washed away in the redraft, posthumous. Turbines that tumble beyond horizon and second generation Fiats, caked three times over in overfed seabird shit; short legged, once matrimony white, now impotent grey. Adrift, the passing world weary satanists launching limp-dicked kicks, tails between legs, hard night; the involuntary protestors of the barefoot angels clad only in miniskirt, brandishing broken heels like firearms, olive spray stained over peach pallor, acrylic nails popped cherry pink, colour chosen, applied at speed, without care, to the detuned cries of hungry child for mother’s milk, braless, legs spread; seen. The stars were out if they looked up.
Glow dimmed, power saved, all indistinguishable in economic silhouette. It’s the quiet hum of a standardised colour temperature, set 120 miles away by a committee of unseen hands; mirroring hospitals, bank rooms and underground sex addict support centres. EXPERIENCE FREEDOM WITH OUR FIXED RATE INTEREST MORTGAGES. Focus grouped slogans, cardboard celebrity smiles and doors automatic, leading you in, the free lunch, the triangular bite mark, cartilage caught between the incisors of the vagrant who spends his nights pissing in the archways of the same doors automatic, double bolted, glass. A stickiness of crimson and stomach acid green happens in three separate parts. Roadside; congealing into puddles of honeysuckle that slip anonymously into sewer drains, without notice. Those in the passing drizzle grow hot potato feet, bounce from aisle to aisle, keeping exposed January trainers mostly vomit free, matching emotional haircuts, humourless, toothless, grooveless, plasticine faces living from yawn to yawn, no mud left to leave a print, a trace. Fell, destroyed.
Getting ahead of us. They are past the tar plains, reaching forth to bruise the surrounding greenery, their fallen trees mechanically stacked, resting on land marked in one file as IN DEVELOPMENT and under another as UNBUILT, not yet toe tagged, but yes, without hope. Ground remains fertile, earth yet unsalted; irrelevant. Running parallel, farms backed in barbed wire fence, fields that die only for the winter, cows mounting one and other as cows do, later to the entertainment of churning school buses, teenage faces descending on gummed up windows, laughing hard. For now, roads silent. Hard shoulders boast but snoring delivery trucks, overweight, a strong odour of fuel, diesel, leaking from their underside into fossilised rainbow pools, colour spectrum on full display, still glistening and glittering, even in night. All else stretches out ashen grey.
Moving on; the residential towns and villages, with neat houses of drooping roofs, haemorrhaging into exposed brickwork; ugly but unremarkable enough to evade unwanted attention as they swell into “well developed” areas for several years now. Yet to stir, sedatives wearing off only in an hour or so. Around the corner, slick simplistic crowdpleasers with four wheel drive, well parked, unlocked, crew cut lawns, cast in that familiar terminal glow you’ve come to know, inflated rainwater, gathering about pavements, not tobacco brown but Americano; Macchiato, Cappuccino, all available now. Newspapers undelivered, still benign. Air listed as “clean”. Doctors, dentists, opticians and chiropractors, collecting the easiest paycheques of their lives, well nourished by an ache of loving mothers, all thinking the same thoughts, stiff, those who still tackled the school run with pushchairs, shouldering fat child after fat child, each old enough to run. Birds are yet to call. For now, all is unresponsive and as it should be.
Further still, Earth rests intact, dew clinging, harmless, uncut blades of ordinary grass, tall, cold to the touch. Free from light, all anaesthetising shadow. A landscape rendered pure; mottled greens, blueish purples, sterilised red. An image available exclusively to those who ate their carrots.
The delayed morning arrival moves through, clumsy like an aneurism, and the first birdcall of the day sounds aboard the 70mph rush; compressed, high end absent, castrated into waiting song Muzak and spat forth from the low quality speaker of the high priced phone with the fruit on it’s posterior side. You know.
Up above HARPER SEPTEMBER-PETERS waits, device pressed tight against ear, almost impersonating the cool damp on the window frame to his left, facing the direction of travel, as he prefers it, gazing down to the shapeless horizon, waiting for something to form, eyes straining harder, staring out to forever. He does this even though he knows the best things emerge only when no one is looking at all.
He too, an unseen forced portrait, show pony, talk of the town, in this quiet carriage anyway, still unconvinced that he is a full person, head above the parapet, if only to catch a glimpse of her at the table three down with the busyness, the cold coffee and the bleached bob air. Out of season.She, unaware that he exists, thinking only of the approaching five-uh-oh, not as simple as an ill-worded decoration that could be disposed of as deemed tacky eight wasted years later, this was permanent, irreversible, her future was in her past, three children, two divorces, no current husband, the previously unexplored idea that she may be asexual, unattracted to fifty something men anyways, mortgage still there, habits still there, failures from thirty years ago still there, still there, still there, still there, parents gone, too many numbers going up instead of down, faithless, irrelevant, uninterested by other people and their uninteresting lives, consumed by envy, slipping under, gone.
September-Peters fixes his hair, only moments after discovery, but now, in his mind, they motorhome in Deutschland, two darling poodles, perpetual al fresco, lacking only opening titles and each year she can show him how to play the theme on piano. He was lost of the number of things he did on a daily basis just for imaginary people, conversations in his head only, private histories, ghosts that never assume material form; guiding him from place to place, job to job, person to person; he their marionette. The list was long, endless. Yet, when he died the manner in which he did so; the minuet gestures, the internalised sting, the perspiring, the shakes, the painfully conscious effort to guide himself face first onto the table before him, the thoughts still deemed selfish, the dignity, the trap, really all for the eyes of one person and one person only; her.
At the next stop, she left.He had been doing well lately. Head down now, brain liquifying, tiny pieces of matter floating in the wreckage of who he had recently finished being. El Finito. Before him the autopsy reports, prematurely completed with steady hand, easing the stress of an oddly busy work week, final examinations scheduled, chances of yielding unexpected results; nil.
Several days from now, the very same pages finding their way back to his secretary’s desk, resting there for several more, held in her WIP middle drawer and when they were eventually seen, promptly shredded and recycled. No need for fuss without cause. Years later, emerging through the other end of the system, and arriving amongst wood chips, trees grown with fertiliser, by us, for us, sandwiched between plastic veneer in bedside table, on sale, the budget furniture behemoth. Landfill. Here, the final remains of the autopsy reports come to rest.There is no pattern, only perpetual stew.
submitted by kitchenwitch16 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 21:00 kitchenwitch16 Amateur writer attempting short story, any feedback / critique really appreciated! Thanks!!

It is over before it has happened. They are past the black tar, the bloated concrete, the phantom limbs of seaside brutalism caving centre-bound into an amorphous metropolitan mass, pox-marked, copied not created, Celtic, Gothic, Modern, tumbling as one into an untidiness of fecal brown streets, bursting apart at their seams, chronic, the roadwork as the antidote to the surplus, evolving horizontally, rapidly, over cobblestones and public parks and the pelicans and the zebras, never pausing for the flashing green man, ever constant, moving only on higher power, forwards.
Maintaining heavy speed. Adjacent now to four tumour shaped tower blocks, strategically placed, affordable, unavoidable, but cast in the shadow of the latest architectural stillborns; photos of which remain filed on the hard drive hastily labelled REGENERATION, red sharpie on high-vis post-it note, dots not yet joined, ink dry. Inside people clot. Blow out beach front views of a publicly planned pier never built, ill funded, washed away in the redraft, posthumous, turbines that tumble beyond horizon and second generation Fiats, caked three times over in overfed seabird shit; short legged, once matrimony white, now grey. Adrift, the passing world weary satanists launching limp-dicked kicks, homeward, tails between legs, hard night; the involuntary protestors of the barefoot angels clad only in miniskirt, brandishing broken heels like firearms, olive spray stained over peach pallor, acrylic nails popped cherry pink, colour chosen, applied at speed, without care, to the detuned cries of hungry child for mother’s milk, braless, legs spread; seen. The stars were out if they looked up.
Glow dimmed, power saved, all indistinguishable in economic silhouette, the quiet hum of a standardised colour temperature, set 120 miles away by a committee of unseen hands; mirroring hospitals, bank rooms and underground sex addict support centres. EXPERIENCE FREEDOM WITH OUR FIXED RATE INTEREST MORTGAGES. Focus grouped slogans, cardboard celebrity smiles and doors automatic, leading you in, the free lunch, the triangular bite mark, the cartilage caught between the incisors of the vagrant who spends his nights pissing in the archways of the same doors automatic, double bolted, glass. A stickiness of crimson and stomach acid green happens in three separate parts, congealing into roadside puddles of honeysuckle that slip anonymously into sewer drains, without notice. Those in the passing drizzle grow hot potato feet, bounce from aisle to aisle, keeping exposed January trainers mostly vomit free, matching emotional haircuts, humourless, toothless, grooveless, plasticine faces living from yawn to yawn, no mud left to leave a print, a trace. Fell, destroyed.
Getting ahead of us. They are past the tar plains, reaching forth to bruise the surrounding greenery, their fallen trees mechanically stacked, resting on land marked in one file as IN DEVELOPMENT and under another as UNBUILT, not yet toe tagged, but yes, without hope. Ground remains fertile, earth yet unsalted; irrelevant. Running parallel, farms backed in barbed wire fence, fields that die only for the winter, cows mounting one and other as cows do, later to the entertainment of churning school buses, teenage faces descending on gummed up windows, laughing hard. For now, roads silent, hard shoulders boast but snoring delivery trucks, overweight, a strong odour of fuel, diesel, leaking from their underside into fossilised rainbow pools, colour spectrum on full display, still glistening and glittering, even in night. All else stretches out ashen grey.
Moving on; the residential towns and villages, with neat houses of drooping roofs, haemorrhaging into exposed brickwork; ugly but unremarkable enough to evade unwanted attention as they swell into “well developed” areas for several years now. Yet to stir, sedatives wearing off only in an hour or so. Around the corner, slick simplistic crowdpleasers with four wheel drive, well parked, unlocked, crew cut lawns, cast in that familiar terminal glow you’ve come to know, inflated rainwater, gathering about pavements, not tobacco brown but Americano; Macchiato, Cappuccino, all available now. Newspapers undelivered, still benign. Air listed as “clean”. Doctors, dentists, opticians and chiropractors, collecting the easiest paycheques of their lives, well nourished by an ache of loving mothers, all thinking the same thoughts, stiff, those who still tackled the school run with pushchairs, shouldering fat child after fat child, each old enough to run. Birds are yet to call. For now, all is unresponsive and as it should be.
Further still, Earth rests intact, dew clinging, harmless, uncut blades of ordinary grass, tall, cold to the touch. Free from light, all anaesthetising shadow. A landscape rendered pure; mottled greens, blueish purples, sterilised red. An image available exclusively to those who ate their carrots.
The delayed morning arrival moves through, clumsy like an aneurism, and the first birdcall of the day sounds aboard the 70mph rush; compressed, high end absent, castrated into waiting song Muzak and spat forth from the low quality speaker of the high priced phone with the fruit on it’s posterior side. You know.
Up above HARPER SEPTEMBER-PETERS waits, device pressed tight against ear, almost impersonating the cool damp on the window frame to his left, facing the direction of travel, as he prefers it, gazing down to the shapeless horizon, waiting for something to form, eyes straining harder, staring out to forever. He does this even though he knows the best things emerge only when no one is looking at all.
He too, an unseen forced portrait, show pony, talk of the town, in this quiet carriage anyway, still unconvinced that he is a full person, head above the parapet, if only to catch a glimpse of her at the table three down with the busyness, the cold coffee and the bleached bob air. Out of season.
She, unaware that he exists, thinking only of the approaching five-uh-oh, not as simple as an ill-worded decoration that could be disposed of as deemed tacky eight wasted years later, this was permanent, irreversible, her future was in her past, three children, two divorces, no current husband, the previously unexplored idea that she may be asexual, unattracted to fifty something men anyways, mortgage still there, habits still there, failures from thirty years ago still there, still there, still there, still there, parents gone, too many numbers going up instead of down, faithless, irrelevant, uninterested by other people and their uninteresting lives, consumed by envy, slipping under, gone.
September-Peters fixes his hair, only moments after discovery, but now, in his mind, they motorhome in Deutschland, two darling poodles, perpetual al fresco, lacking only opening titles and each year she can show him how to play the theme on piano. He was lost of the number of things he did on a daily basis just for imaginary people, conversations in his head only, private histories, ghosts that never assume material form; guiding him from place to place, job to job, person to person; he their marionette. The list was long, endless. Yet, when he died the manner in which he did so; the minuet gestures, the internalised sting, the perspiring, the shakes, the painfully conscious effort to guide himself face first onto the table before him, the thoughts still deemed selfish, the dignity, the trap, really all for the eyes of one person and one person only; her.
At the next stop, she left.
He had been doing well lately. Head down now, brain liquifying, tiny pieces of matter floating in the wreckage of who he had recently finished being. El Finito. Before him the autopsy reports, prematurely completed with steady hand, easing the stress of an oddly busy work week, final examinations scheduled, chances of yielding unexpected results; nil.
Several days from now, the very same pages finding their way back to his secretary’s desk, resting there for several more, held in her WIP middle drawer and when they were eventually seen, promptly shredded and recycled. No need for fuss without cause. Years later, emerging through the other end of the system, and arriving amongst wood chips, trees grown with fertiliser, by us, for us, sandwiched between plastic veneer in bedside table, on sale, the budget furniture behemoth. Landfill. Here, the final remains of the autopsy reports come to rest.
There is no pattern, only perpetual stew.
submitted by kitchenwitch16 to writers [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 00:25 Ficboy How the Nazi era would be perceived in TNO Germany

UPDATE: New version of this post can be found here!
(Note: This scenario assumes that the Gang of Four successfully reformed Germany and Burgundy collapsed, the United States remains a democratic superpower, the West Russian Revolutionary Front reunifies Russia but not the rest of the former USSR, Japan lost the Great Asian War to China and became a constitutional democracy once more, Italy remained Fascist under Italo Balbo through Dentist Speer-like reforms and no nuclear apocalypse ever arose by the 1970s)
The Greater Germanic Reich, otherwise known as Nazi Germany, the Third Reich, or simply the German Reich, is one of the central characters of The New Order: Last Days of Europe alongside the United States of America and the Empire of Japan as a major superpower spanning from the shores of the Netherlands to the war-ravaged and blood-stained lands of Eastern Europe and Africa through genocide. It survived well into the 1960s when the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was in his final days and left behind a successor to choose from. That successor was his close friend Albert Speer to the shock of other officials in the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), which led to a rather messy power struggle between Speer's Reformists, Martin Bormann's Conservatives, Herman Goering's Militarists, and Reinhard Heydrich's Himmerlites between 1962-1964. In the end, Speer won and served as the next Fuhrer but saw much of his power relinquished to the true reformers in the Gang of Four, a group of four men in the NSDAP led by Kurt Georg Kiesinger, who successfully led Germany away from Nazism officially speaking ensuring that the country became an Authoritarian Democracy with the end of the Third Reich as we know it and leading Europe into a new age of peace and cooperation with the United States of America under Helmut Schmidt which was started under Speer no less.
With all this in mind, there is the question of how the Nazi era would be perceived in TNO Germany in comparison to it's OTL counterpart. After all, this is a Germany that spent three and a half decades under Nazi rule and won World War II despite leading to further troubles down the line. Much of the German population was loyal to the NSDAP and Hitler in general despite the economic and military turmoil so they were able to accept Gang of Four rule. Unlike say Thousand-Week Reich, The Anglo/American-Nazi War or OTL for that matter, the official reformation of Germany into a relatively democratic nation did not involve direct Allied military intervention. Moreover, there's no Denazification, "working off the past," or Historikreisit either since it's the new German Reich that is determining how it should see its history. That brings up the question of how Gang of Four and post-Gang of Four Germany would see the Nazi era in general. It's a very interesting topic for TNO and I just want to offer my take on it. Without furtherado, here goes nothing

Specific Figures and Organizations

The Legacy of Nazi Germany

Within Germany and the former Austria, the Nazi era will be seen in a very different light as mentioned prior. In TNO, the Third Reich existed for three and a half decades to solidify its status amongst the German populace as a quintessential part of its history. It's not one that is to be ashamed of but revered with no Allied military occupation and the creation of German collective guilt ITTL. Moreover, the Third Reich was also responsible for the expansion and growth of Germany in general which is a major plus for its legacy in the eyes of many Germans and former Austrians. The Gang of Four, while no fans of Nazi Germany and Nazism in general, understand how that nation allowed them to take power and bring democracy back to Germany so it's not like they're completely disavowing them either. That said, they do condemn the more ruthless actions committed by Nazi Germany and work to distance themselves from this kind of stuff. Simply put, this isn't the Federal Republic of Germany or the German Democratic Republic. Even if the Gang of Four wanted Allied-style Denazification, most of the German and former Austrian public simply wouldn't be on board with this idea, as explained above. For many Germans, the Third Reich has its fair share of positives alongside the negatives and it's the former that outweighs the latter when it comes to their overall view on the Nazi era.
Now as for the Holocaust, the majority of the Jewish population in Europe would be wiped out at this point besides specific Slavic groups (particularly Poles and Russians), Gypsies, LGBT individuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled, political prisoners and dissidents though to a much lesser degree than Jews. Keep in mind that the Allies aren't around to fully show this stuff to the German and former Austrian public. Thus, it falls onto the Gang of Four to reveal the true extent of the Holocaust, especially with events like the revolt in Eastern Europe by Willy Brandt's Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold. To the common German citizen, it would be a shock to learn that their nation committed genocide, even with the circumstances being different with no Allies around to enforce it. The Gang of Four, for obvious reasons, would condemn the Holocaust and release more information on this event to the public as opposed to say Turkey who continues to deny the Armenian Genocide and seek to prevent its recognition both in OTL and in TNO. However, the Fourth Reich would be the legal successor to the Greater Germanic Reich and they aren't completely disowning them for obvious reasons, even if they disagree with some of their actions. Any memorials to the Holocaust in Germany and the former Austria would come later during the Gang of Four era and beyond which means no Stolperstein or the modern memorials from OTL, along with the lack of reparations to German/Austrian Jews and Israel. It would be the Gang of Four and its successors that determine how the Holocaust is remembered: Not complete denial compared to Turkey but not expunging the Third Reich entirely either, no matter how controversial they are.
On the topic of certain Nazi symbols and slogans like the Hakenkreuz (Swastika) or "Sieg Heil", I don't think they would be banned in post-Gang of Four Germany without Allied intervention since the current government is descended from the Third Reich and it's ranks are filled with people involved with the NSDAP. Moreover, this Germany doesn't have Strafgesetzbuch 86a and a ban on symbols of organizations deemed unconstitutional including the Nazis and the same goes for the former Austria regarding Verbotsgesetz 1947, given the extended lifespan of the Greater Germanic Reich which means these symbols and slogans as well as the ideology has been burned into the brains of so many Germans and former Austrians coupled with no Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or the Federal Constitutional Law of the Republic of Austria and Directorate General for Public Safety. The lack of such a ban would lead to some weird, bizarre nostalgia for the Third Reich between the 1930s-50s akin to OTL's Soviet nostalgia and East German Ostalgie with a Fascist bent. There would be entire groups and political parties of Germans promoting Nazism or wanting the Third Reich back like how some Russians, Belarusians, and other ex-Soviet citizens want the Soviet Union back. Maybe even entire towns recreating the so-called "good old days" of the Third Reich as one Russian town from OTL can attest. Of course, these people would disavow the SS and their atrocities for obvious reasons and might not be as extreme as their predecessors even if they cling to many aspects of their ideology like promoting the Wehrmacht. Also, you'd see Germans and former Austrians flying swastika flags or displaying other Nazi symbols freely without these restrictions alongside T-shirts of Adolf Hitler and parades commemorating Nazi victory in Europe similar to OTL Victory Day though some wouldn't be so happy about it like Jews and Poles for very obvious reasons.
Speaking of the SS, they would be divisive and controversial in post-Gang of Four Germany because of Heydrich's Spartanism (including his crimes) and especially the crackpot Burgundy. For those who oppose the SS, they'd emphasize the crimes of the paramilitary organization compared to say the Wehrmacht or Gestapo since the latter two are tied more to the Third Reich's government as opposed to being autonomous entities. For those not opposed to the SS, there would be nostalgia for Heydrich and especially the Waffen-SS for their service to Germany and not so much with Himmler and Burgundy. This pattern also extends to successor parties to the NSDAP and organizations supporting them. For these reasons, symbols like the sig runes or Deathshead aren't banned in TNO Germany like the Nazi swastika.
As for Holocaust denial, the Gang of Four Germany was descended from the Third Reich and so I doubt they'd pass laws to outlaw denying the Holocaust per se even as they publicize the entire event. There will be entire German and former Austrian groups passing educational material denying or minimizing the Holocaust like the Turkish government for the Armenian Genocide, ultranationalists in Japan for the Nanking Massacre, Unit 731, and comfort women or Stalinists in Russia for Stalin's crimes and the Holodomor.
What about the entire world you may ask? Well, it depends on the country and region in question. For much of Southern and Western Europe, Nazi Germany would be seen as the country that changed the continent forever with a mix of supporters, opponents, and neutrals though mostly the latter two. For the Slavic nations of Eastern Europe like Poland and Russia, the vast majority would absolutely despise him and Nazi Germany for enacting the Holocaust and Generalplan Ost apart from SS veterans and collaborators. Within the OFN, many in countries like the United States and Canada consider Nazi Germany to be its ideological rival and a tyrannical conqueror to boot on par with the OTL Soviet Union. For places like the Middle East, Asia, and South America, it would be indifference other than he was the guy who aligned himself with them or just some conqueror from a distant land. And that brings us to the topic of neo-Nazis and Third Reich imitators. There's already a fair share of these wacky and crazy individuals in places like Russia and America bolstered by the Third Reich itself. Despite it's collapse, the legacy of Nazism would live on beyond just Deutschland and there would be entire groups trying to emulate the Reich laughable as they are.
But perhaps the most important element to consider when analyzing TNO Germany's relationship with the Nazi era is Nazism itself. Even with the current government being more democratic in comparison to the Third Reich, the influence of Nazism still lingers on throughout German politics and society since there are political parties and organizations publicly pushing the ideology just in a less extreme and more sanitized form, especially since the country has authoritarian tendencies carried over from that period in its history.


This is how I think the Nazi era would be perceived in a post-Gang of Four Germany and other parts of the world. But what do you think? How would the Nazi era be seen in TNO Germany and you can let me know in the comments section.
submitted by Ficboy to TNOmod [link] [comments]

2023.11.12 01:45 ggroover97 What is your favorite Preston Sturges movie?

Your choices:
submitted by ggroover97 to criterion [link] [comments]

2023.10.31 05:02 anny_t_ka The Spooky Evolution of English: How Halloween Shaped Our Language

The Spooky Evolution of English: How Halloween Shaped Our Language
While Halloween may seem like pure fun and frights, the beloved holiday has also left a lasting mark on our language. As English absorbed Halloween traditions from Celtic harvest festivals to Catholic vigils, it expanded with new words and expressions. From jack-o’-lanterns to trick-or-treating, Halloween introduced vocabulary we still utter today. Delving into the etymology shows how this spooky day of devils and spirits seeped into our lexicography to evolve English in curious ways.

Celtic Roots

Modern Halloween stems from the ancient Celtic festival Samhain, whose Gaelic name became the basis for numerous terms. Samhain marked the transition from summer to winter on November 1st when Celts believed boundaries weakened between the living and dead.
The ominous caldron where witches brewed potions got its name from the cauldron used at Samhain to sacrifice animals and summon spirits. Even the term witch derives from the Old English “wicca” linked to pagan sorcery. And the Scottish word “glamour” referring to magical charm springs from rituals practiced by “druids” on Samhain eve.

The Early Christian Influence

As Christianity spread, the church designated November 1st All Saints’ Day to honor martyrs and the deceased faithful. The night before became All Hallows’ Eve, a name still echoed in the holiday eve “Halloween.”
The Middle English term All Hallows’ referred to saints deemed holy within the Catholic faith. The evening vigil incorporated lighting candles on graves to guide spirits — a tradition resurrected in modern day jack-o’-lanterns.
These Christian reinterpretations transformed Samhain into a night associated with menacing evil spirits. Guarding against malevolent ghosts influenced Halloween customs like wearing frightening masks for disguise.

The Pumpkin Patch

Carving pumpkins as decorative lamps comes courtesy of Irish immigrants fleeing potato famine in the 1800s. Using abundant squash as lanterns resembled the Celtic practice of hollowing out turnips and beets for candlelight.
The name jack-o’-lantern also has Irish origins. Per folklore, Stingy Jack trapped between heaven and hell wandered with only a carved radish lit by hellfire to guide his way. Jack became shorthand for a spectral guide.


The Middle English “treten” meaning to behave toward also gave us the “trick or treat” custom of going door-to-door. Up to the 20th century, this often involved pranks and mischief toward homeowners not offering treats.
One theory suggests the gifts appeased fantasy creatures like elves, fairies and goblins who would otherwise play tricks. food was left out to bring prosperity.

Costumes from Scary to Silly

Halloween costumes once skewed toward animal skins and frightening personas to drive away spirits. But increased commercialization in the 1900s made attire more fun than fearsome.
Companies like Ben Cooper created pop culture costumes of everything from pirates and princesses to Superman and Spongebob. The word “cosplay” emerged to describe elaborate costume roleplaying. Dressing up became integral to Halloween’s appeal.

Party On!

Halloween’s party tradition dates back to Irish wakes to honor the dead. But modern day Halloween bashes are more about lively socializing than somber memorials.
The Scottish poet Robert Burns hosted riotous Halloween parties with storytelling, music and dancing. Today’s parties carry the lively spirit along with bobbing for apples, candy feasting and showing off costumes.

Spooky Superstitions

Folk rituals and superstitions surrounding Halloween became ingrained in the English language. We warn people to “keep away the goblins” to safeguard against danger. “Don’t let the ghosts haunt you” implies leaving behind bad memories. And if someone appears pale, we say they look “like death warmed over”.
Our lexicon adopted Halloween’s spiritual mysticism. The term “haunted” is now firmly rooted in English with ghostly associations thanks to All Hallows’ Eve.

Macabre and Morbid Fascination

Halloween’s focus on darkness and the taboo imbued English with words related to the creepy and morbid. The gothic literature genre gained terminology like “ominous,” “macabre,” and “malevolent.”
Graveyard poetry and chilling stories drew on unsettling Halloween themes. The famous poem “The Raven” is forever linked to Halloween eeriness. The holiday’s blend of darker concepts contributed atmospheric terms to the language.

Candy Cravings

As Halloween became more family-friendly in the 1900s, candy became the treat of choice for trick-or-treaters. Chocolate and sugar titans like Hershey’s and Brach’s fed the Halloween candy craze.
Brand name confections like Milk Duds, Candy Corn, and M&Ms became ingrained in family traditions. Phrases like “candy overload” arose from the mass sugar consumption each Halloween. Dentists even took out ads with slogans like “Halloween over? Candy Overload?” to highlight candy’s effects.

Skeletons in Popular Culture

Skeleton motifs trace back to sugar skull candies honoring the dead in Mexico’s Dia de Los Muertos rites. But skeleton imagery exploded in pop culture through characters like “Skeleton Jack” and “Bone Janggel.”
The “skeleton dance” became an early film genre with characters frolicking as skeletons. “Skeleton Key” became shorthand for solving a tricky problem. Skeletons remain icons of the holiday, even showing up in Halloween memes.
From pumpkins to pranks, to witches and skeletons, Halloween suffused global culture and the English language itself with spooky motifs and vocabulary. Next time you use terms like “trick-or-treat” or “haunted house” think of their Halloween origins! Your speech channels the ancient festival still thriving today.
Read in our blog about the Hidden Gems of Spanish
submitted by anny_t_ka to voccent [link] [comments]

2022.10.22 18:19 longlivethedodo Scenes We'd Like To See Archive — Scenes 1-100

#1 Unlikely small ads
#2 Things you shouldn't say on a first date
#3 Unlikely things to read on a restaurant menu
#4 Deleted lines from kids TV shows
#5 Things you don't want to hear at a vaccine clinic
#6 Rejected exam questions
#7 Bad defense strategies to use in court
#8 Unlikely vacation destinations
#9 Unlikely lyrics from pop songs
#10 Things Dara would never say
#11 Things you didn't hear at Eurovision 2021
#12 Bad sponsorship deals
#13 Bets you wish you hadn't wagered
#14 Things a professional photographer would never say
#15 Deleted lines from superhero movies
#16 Things you didn't hear during Brexit negotiations
#17 Bad eulogies
#18 Unlikely reasons for a bank holiday
#19 Rejected Mr. Men and Little Miss characters
#20 Things you wouldn't hear in "the Dip"
#21 Bad valedictorian speeches
#22 Fundraising campaigns that didn't get off the ground
#23 Things you shouldn't say when pulled over by the cops
#24 Unlikely things to hear at the bank
#25 Unusual PSAs
#26 Rejected fairytale characters
#27 Unlikely error messages
#28 Things you wouldn't read in a recipe
#29 Things you don't want to hear in a lift or elevator
#30 Unlikely things to hear on a panel show
#31 Things you don't want to hear when dialing 999
#32 Unlikely highlight reels
#33 Things you didn't hear at the G7
#34 The worst person to be married to
#35 Bad nursery rhymes
#36 Unlikely reasons why the chicken crossed the road
#37 Things you won't hear on Juneteenth
#38 Things you won't read in a Father's Day card
#39 Rejected tourism slogans
#40 Bad "Wheel of News" introductions
#41 Things you wouldn't hear at the bingo hall
#42 Deleted lines from national anthems
#43 Things you shouldn't say to an OAP
#44 Things you wouldn't read in a school year book
#45 Things the health secretary shouldn't say
#46 Deleted lines from the latest Fast and Furious movie
#47 Things you wouldn't read on a roadway sign
#48 Things you don't want to hear when going in to surgery
#49 Unusual tax deductions
#50 Scenes we wouldn't like to see
#51 Deleted lines from Star Trek
#52 Things "Big Pharma" doesn't want you to know
#53 Things you won't hear on the reboot of "The Weakest Link"
#54 Bad alibis when accused of a crime
#55 Unnerving things to hear in therapy
#56 Unusual information signs at a zoo
#57 Bad things to say as the world ends
#58 What a religious leader shouldn't say or do
#59 Bad things to say at Wimbledon or the Euros
#60 Bad things to hear backstage on Mock the Week (credit to u/ThatDamnAussie)
#61 Unlikely greetings cards
#62 Things you won't read on signs at a protest
#63 Things you wouldn't hear on a makeover show
#64 Things you don't want to hear when going to space
#65 Rejected superheroes
#66 Things you won't hear on a history show
#67 Things a judge shouldn't say
#68 Things you shouldn't say at the dentist's
#69 Bad things to say on a first date
#70 Things you wouldn't hear on Cooking while pissed
#71 Things you won't hear during the Olympics
#72 Things you don't want to hear when going on holiday
#73 Things you wouldn't read on Wikipedia
#74 Rejected Olympic sports
#75 Things a philosopher wouldn't say
#76 Bad things to include in a CV or job offer
#77 Deleted lines from video game cutscenes
#78 Things you shouldn't say on your death bed
#79 Deleted lines from a Stephen King novel
#80 Topics that won't show up on the wheel of News (bonus points if you include/link the related picture)
#81 Deleted lines from board game instructions
#82 Unlikely things to read in a tell-all book about the Trump White House
#83 Bad things to say at the gym
#84 Unlikely notification messages
#85 Bad vaccination campaign slogans
#86 Things you wouldn't hear on a property program
#87 Lines you'd never read in a contract
#88 Lines you won't hear on a dating program
#89 Commercials that didn't make it to air
#90 Things you wouldn't hear on Mock The Week Too Hot for TV
#91 Things you shouldn't say during an election campaign
#92 Bad things to say or hear at your in-laws'
#93 Unlikely crossover episodes
#94 Questions that wouldn't show up on a game show or pub quiz
#95 Things you won't find on a YouTube tutorial video
#96 Bad or unapproved remedies for non-Covid diseases
#97 Things you wouldn't read in an obituary
#98 Things a military leader would never say
#99 Things Shakespeare would never say
#100 Messages that will catch u/longlivethedodo off guard
submitted by longlivethedodo to u/longlivethedodo [link] [comments]

2022.10.20 17:38 kizi221 To the Residents of Bulls this is my list ( i hated writing this )

my full list of bulls puns ( im so fucking sorry )
screena-bull for a movie place
bet-bull for a gambling place or tab
ride-bull for a ride of some sort idk
call-bull for a phone shop
drink-bull for a water filtration area
dispose-bull for a land fill
cross-bull for a road crossing
nit-bull for a nitting / linen or clothing repair place
carn-bull for a carnival
tax-bull for a in land revenue building
Help-bull for a work and income building
build-bull for a building company
fly-bull for a airport or air field
save-bull for a pack n save or countdown
transport-bull for public transport
center-bull for a town center
track-bull for a secruity place
unbreak-bull for a insurance company
drive-bull for a vehicle rental place
store-bull for a storage place or shop
eat-bull for a eating place
odd-bull for a strange object shop
music-bull for a music shop
wipe-bull for a cleaning shop
type-bull for a computer shop
present-bull for a clothing shop
cool-bull for a fan / home heating shop
brush-bull for a dentist
cut-bull for a meat shop
environmentally friend-bull for a vegan or gardening place
alternative-bull for a place of alternative food or medicine can be used for roading .
pave-bull for a road or path way related construction site .
fish-bull for a fishing shop
play-bull for a playground
social-bull for a social club
breath-bull for a advertisement idk .
mold-bull for a place that makes clay or plastic things
clean-bull for a cleaning products shop or a recycling bin
long-bull for a french bread shop
drive-bull for a road sign at the beginning of the town
imposs-bull for a magic shop
act-bull for a theatre for live performances
splash-bull for a local pool or something
pay-bull for a loan place
comfort-bull for a furniture shop
power-bull for a electrical company or electrictian
filter-bull for a plumbing service
hack-bull for a cyber security place
fix-bull for a construction place or site
sink-bull for a bathroom store or a boat store
flush-bull for plumbing as well or a toilet shop idk
super-bull for a sport bar
imporant-bull for a mayor office or council office
famous-bull for a important land mark
poll-bull for a voting box
post-bull for a mailing shop
foot-bull - football club or soccer club
kick-bull for rugby club
hit-bull for a tennis club or anythng that uses rackets or bats
slap-bull for boxing club
fish-bull for a fish and chip shop
fancy-bull for a expensive clothes shop or diner
doubt-bull for a debate club or council meeting room
judge-bull for a court house
get-bull for a search and rescue center
prevent-bull for a awareness campaign
treat-bull for a doctors
enter-bull for a enterance
exit-bull for a exit
soup-bull for a soup shop
suit-bull for a dry cleaners
freedom-bull for a tourism slogan or freedom camping spot
free-bull for a lawyers office
unbeat-bull for a good food place or shopping sale
large,small,medium-bull for meal , drink sizes or sizes in general
unsee-bull for a blind school or guide dog training area
untoler-bull for family counselling
forgive-bull for a church
unforgive-bull for a prison
cosplay-bull for a costume shop
test-bull for a testing place
train-bull for a training place
const-bull for a police station
live-bull for a housing development or ad
tank-bull for a millitary
armor-bull for millitary or gun store
shoot-bull for a hunting store or gun store
slide-bull for a slide on a play ground or ski place
climb-bull for a playground or rock climbing place
write-bull for a news paper outlet
note-bull for news paper outlet as well
teacher-bull for a school
learn-bull for a education building
older-bull for a retirement home
gamer-bull for a gaming shop
stack-bull for a construction company
configure-bull for a hardware store or computer shop depends on context
drink-bull places for drinking or a water fountain
pest-bull for a pest removal company
best-bull for a competition
observation-bull for a lab or science place
listen-bull for a radio station
open-bull for a open shop
close-bull for a closed shop
rich-bull for a lottery store
hatch-bull for a chicken farm
process-bull for a work and income building or something that processes things
scrap-bull for a scrap yard
concieve-bull for a family planning place
work-bull for a place needed to find work or something
thats all of them i have more but im out of steam why am i writing this at 4 am ?
submitted by kizi221 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2022.10.01 22:54 pbjclimbing 10 Places in the US to spend all your Crypto

1) Philadelphia Brewing Company
You can get nice and drunk and then pay with crypto. You should be happy to know that they have been accepting Bitcoin since 2014. An OG in the terms of adoption.
2) OkCupid
You might feel lonely since you are checking your portfolio 619 times a day and need real interaction with a human. Keep in mind this is a dating website and not a hook-up site.
3) Lamborghini of Newport Beach
You can pay here with crypto, no need for fiat. Keep in mind that most people on this sub will only be able to afford the 1:36 Lamborghini Toy Car for $8.50
4) Mission Liquor Store in San Fransisco
After buying your Lambo in Newport Beach you catch the Greyhound bus to San Fransisco and buy some Colt 45 with crypto to celebrate.
5) Circle C Farm
You can get pasture raised eggs and meat with your crypto here. Cut out the middleman.
6) Alley Cat Cafe
So OkCupid might have not worked to find companionship. Don't worry, head over to Fort Collins and pay with crypto at Alley Cat Cafe to sip a latte, check CoinGecko, and cuddle some cute cats.
7) Pink Lace Wigs
You never know when you might need a wig and Pink Lace Wigs slogan is HIGH QUALITY LACE WIGS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES.
8) Namaaaste Goat Yoga
You can fine tune your meditation skills that you use to deal with reality when your crypto portfolio is down 87% at Namaaaste Goat Yoga. Nothing like goats climbing over you as you struggle not to pull your groin.
9) NYC “Dirty Water Dogs”
You never know when you will find yourself in New Hampshire craving a dirty water dog. Now you don't even need to pay fiat to satisfy that craving.
10) Rio Vista Family Dentistry
You can always head over to Rio Vista Family Dentistry and get that filling paid for with crypto. It is actually surprising the number of dentists that accept crypto.
submitted by pbjclimbing to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2022.09.25 04:48 Bubzoluck [20 min read] The Quest for Doubt: How the Data was Found and Fought - Part 2 of History of the Cigarettes

[20 min read] The Quest for Doubt: How the Data was Found and Fought - Part 2 of History of the Cigarettes
Hello and welcome back to SAR! This post is the second part to our series looking at cigarettes and the history of the tobacco industry. While reading part one isn’t required for understanding this post, it provides a lot more context about the war that would be waged in people’s mouths and lungs. Most of the information in this post comes from the brilliant Allan M. Brandt in his book The Cigarette Century, 2013. This book is a fantastic read and I highly recommend picking up a copy and learning about all of the things I wasn’t able to describe—Brandt does a great job and he deserves all the credit for his research. So where did we leave off? The world was entering the 1950s and trying to figure out what a world post-WWII would look like. Even though the war ended officially in May 1945, governments weren’t ready to let all the soldiers come home from the front and the process of demobilization would take time in the European and Pacific theaters. This led to a massive cultural shift as soldiers returned home, found wives, and moved out West into sprawling new developments. And the cigarette moved from the muddy fields of France and the close quarters of ship decks into the quaint homes of middle America.
  • Remember that at this time there were five major brands that made up the majority of the Cigarette industry: American Tobacco’s Lucky Strikes; Liggett & Myers’ Chesterfields; R.J. Reynolds’ Camels; Lorillard’s Old Gold; and Phillip Morris’ Philip Morrises (yes he named his cigarette after himself). These five brands made up over 80% of the total cigarette industry and hauled billions in revenue each year and dished out millions in advertising. In fact by the 1930s, the majority of a cigarette company’s expenses were marketing and this was the reason why smaller brands were crushed—they just couldn’t spend the money to compete. One of the big advertising claims at the time was the health benefits of cigarettes over other indulgences like candy. Lucky Strikes’ “Reach for a Lucky” campaign encouraged consumers to reach for a cigarette instead of a sweet when they had a craving and they would watch the pounds slip off. Old Gold launched a similar campaign stating that customers should “Eat a Chocolate, Light an Old Gold and Enjoy Both!” It would be Camel’s though that stepped up the claim game:
    • In 1946 R. J. Reynolds started a new promotion stating that “More Doctors Smoke Camels than Any Other Cigarette” which would become one of the most famous (and infamous) slogans in the company’s history. Next to the quote would be handsome doctors in pristine white coats in both newspapers and medical journals. In fact, at the 1947 American Medical Association (AMA), doctors formed lines hundreds long at cigarette booths to claim free samples of cigarettes perfectly crafted for the brightest minds. And who could blame them? By this time the cigarette industry had 50 years of practice targeting certain groups of people and influencing them—to be a real doctor is to enjoy a cigarette and eventually their patients expected them to be smokers as well. Additional claims that life saving discoveries were always by doctors that smoked Camels further supplanted Camels as the cigarette of the elite.
    • Despite the claims that doctors liked cigarettes, and the claims were true, people were suspicious of the ‘clean’ nature of cigarettes. Any smoker knows that there are changes to the body pretty quickly after starting to smoke and although the true dangers of cigarettes weren’t known, people suspected something. Ever since the 1890s people were making claims about the unhealthy nature of cigarettes and the Temperance Movement (1910-1933) was a big proponent of driving the research. Unfortunately it was eugenists, people who believed in the pseudoscience that certain people of ‘good attributes’ were better than others, that spouted the most information about cigarette harms.
  • While the physical effects of cigarettes were pretty universal, it was the moral aspects of smoking that, apparently, affected certain groups more than others. In a lot of ways smoking became the common thread among the less desirable groups in society: Lucy Page Gaston, the leader of the anti-cigarette movement, used doctors to purport that people of ill repute smoked cigarettes more than moral people. Questions arose about if cigarettes caused degeneracy or if smoking was a symptom of being a degenerate. Was the cigarette a sign of relaxed morals or does being young and dumb mean that you’re likely to smoke? Many doctors came out against cigarettes saying that the effect on the brain and spinal cord was more likely to put young people in jail and have “more potent causes of physical, mental, or moral degeneracy that is fast filling our jails with criminals, our almshouses with paupers, and our asylums with the imbecile and insane.” Yeesh.
  • One physician-eugenist Dr. L. Pierce Clark linked the use of tobacco to inheritable degeneracy and that the use of the “chronic poison” could be passed down to offspring and produce children that were bad for society. Nevermind that a huge number of actors, politicians, judges, merchants, bankers, scientists, and athletes smoked, since there was a big population of poor smokers, it proved his point. He even went on to say that “high stand men’ at Yale do not smoke” after a survey of nonsmoker Yale students found them to be 20% taller, 23% heavier, and have 66% more lung capacity (okay that last one might make sense). But surveys designed to show the harms against smoking were lax at best and fraudulent at worst: a survey at Columbia was quashed when it showed the highest performing athletes smoked and the majority of studies were conducted to show the results that anti-smokers wanted: Smoking is bad.
  • One of the biggest areas of concern with health and smoking was women. Famed New York physician Dr. Samuel Lambert said, “Intemperate smoking causes nervousness and may lead to something worse. . . . Women who use cigarettes cannot be temperate. At best it is a horrible weed and should be let alone. It fouls the breath and makes women unwomanly.” Before women’s suffrage, the cigarette was a symbol of un-femininity (although that would change due to tobacco companies targeting suffragettes, read part 1!). The cigarette became the symbol of a degenerate middle-class woman who smoked rather than being mothers. One physician remarked in a medical paper that “No more pitiful sight on earth could possibly be imagined than the spectacle of some mother who is a cigarette smoker bringing into the world a poor, pitiful physically and mentally defective child.” Meaning that he was glad that women who smoked could not reproduce.
    • By the 1930s the eugenic experiments were centered on fertility and lactation. A group of researchers said that nicotine inhibited lactation which resulted in many hospitals banning smoking after labor (you could still smoke up to and sometimes during delivery). Regardless, the studies did little to control for confounders, or other potential causes of the results they received. Anxious women produce less milk and many anxious women also smoke. Clearer heads did try to dispel the overwhelming focus on tobacco bashing and try to explain more scientific means of results but often they were suppressed.

With the success of Lucky Strike’s ‘20,679 doctors’ campaign, other industries followed suit. Here the California Prune and Apricot Growers Association’s Sunsweet Prunes is similarly advertised.

So Close to Understanding

  • Despite the anathema the anti-cigarette crowd displayed, their experiments and surveys just pushed cigarettes into the hands of consumers even more. When the popularity of cigarettes rose in the 1920s, people looked to the anti-cigarette crowd to prove their results—”show that there is harm.” Since cigarettes didn’t develop quick pathologies like contaminated booze during Prohibition or quack medicines that contained mercury, the lack of results convinced people that cigarettes must be safe. By 1935 the theory that cigarettes caused disease didn’t progress past being a theory—people could smoke their entire life and not have any diseases.
  • One big historical perspective to remember is that for the people of the 1900s-40s, you were much more likely to die of a major infection than some cancer that takes decades to develop from a delicious commodity. When children had a 14% chance of dying by one years old (if they make it through pregnancy and delivery), people were focused on different things. I mean, the first 50 years of the 20th century we have some of the most important drugs ever discovered: Aspirin for heart failure (1897), Steroids to prevent inflammation following surgery (1930s), Penicillin (1928), Insulin (1922), and many more. People were just living longer—the life expectancy in 1910 for men was 48 years while in 1970 it was 70 years (now it's 79). Let’s say you were 25 years old in 1910, then you’d only have another 20 years of life to see the effects of the cigarette. If you were born in 1910 and smoked from the age of 25 onwards, you have over 6 decades more to see the effect of cigarette-induced cancers.
    • One of the big developments of the study of disease in populations came about in the 1920s. Previously only patients with cancer would be selected to be studied but the notion of recruiting people prospectively (ahead of time) and pairing them with someone with similar demographics allowed them to track cancer cases vs cancer-free controls. It was the words of Herbert Lombard and Carl Doering in 1928 that proved that cancer is not contagious nor associated with poor housing or constipation (yeah not sure why that was the thinking of the time). They did find that heavy smokers had a 27% increase in overall cancer rates but they said that it is likely that cigarettes and cancers had a link but then they minimized their result due to limitations of their study.
    • One industry to jump on the back of cigarettes=cancer was the life insurance industry. As people lived longer it meant that they were able to pay more into the system and thus generate more revenue—it's the business of life insurance companies to not have people die or require care. In fact it was insurance companies that led the charge in statistically studying the link between cigarettes and cancer. One team of Louis Dublin (statistician at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company), Edgar Sydenstricker (US Public Health Service), and Frederick Hoffman (statistician at Prudential) devoted their careers to establishing a statistical link. They found that the rate of lung cancer grew steadily as cigarettes became more popular (1915 = 0.7%, 1930 = 1.9%). Some opponents pointed to the fact that diagnosis tools had improved significantly during those years and Hoffman wasn’t willing to preach staying away from cigarettes.
  • In 1933 Dr. Evarts Graham performed the first successful pneumonectomy, the total removal of a cancerous lung, and allowed treatment of lung cancer to jump leaps and bounds. The pneumonectomy became the treatment of choice for lung cancer which was known to be 100% fatal. Graham was known to smoke heavily and despite working with smokers and lung cancer, was a big opponent to the theories that smoking caused harm—after all, he smoked a ton and no harm came to him. His biggest skepticism was the fact that smoke entered both lungs but only one became cancerous, why? Despite his vehement beliefs, he agreed to study lung cancer in smokers with Ernst Wynder, a third year medical student from Washington University, in order to put these theories to bed.
    • Taking after Englishman John Snow who discovered the cause of Cholera, Wynder is described as a “shoe-leather epidemiologist” as he would travel extensively by foot to collect data from lung cancer patients. Unlike previous investigators, Wynder and Graham used new statistical techniques to throw out arbitrary categories like moderate or heavy smoker to 5 more concrete categories. They found that lung cancers from non-smokers were rare and Wynder wondered if carcinogens (chemicals that caused cancer) came from gasoline fumes or insecticides in those cases. Likewise they found that cigarettes were much more common, and used more heavily than pipes or cigars.
    • Their paper was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on May 27, 1950. Wynder and Graham reported that lung cancer could occur in smoker or non-smoker groups and that heavy smoking didn’t automatically mean lung cancer. They said that smoking was one of many causes of lung cancers but smoking a lot for a long time was a big risk factor in developing lung cancers. They offered four reasonings for this assumption: 1) it was unusual to find lung cancer in non-smokers; 2) with lung cancer patients, smoking tobacco was incredibly high; 3) the distribution of lung cancer males to females matched the smoking rate of the genders; 4) the massive sale of cigarettes matched the increased rate of lung cancer.
  • While Wynder was traveling across the United States shouting about his discoveries, Britain was conducting their own study that would confirm the results that Wynder and Graham found. Two statisticians, A. Bradford Hill and Richard Doll, began their experiment in 1947 to study the rising increase in lung cancer which had dramatically ticked up following WW1. With his economics background Hill used the new tools generated by British statistician and geneticist R. Fischer (for those of you in statistics, he’s the Fischer test) and Hill had conducted the first randomized, double blind clinical trial to study the effectiveness of streptomycin in the treatment of tuberculosis. Doll’s career also began with tuberculosis and it was his surveys that alerted Hill to another genius in the epidemiology field. Together they would tackle lung cancer.
    • Hill and Doll began their investigation dubious of the idea that cigarettes cause lung cancer (like Graham) and they believed cigarettes to be just one factor in a much larger issue. Doll believed that the now widespread use of cars following WW2 was a more likely factor than cigarettes. They found that of the 647 patients in their study, all of them smoked cigarettes and when the p value was calculated they found it was a one in a million chance the results were due to chance. Their paper explaining their results would be published in the British Medical Journal in September of 1950, just four months after Wynder and Graham in JAMA.
    • With Wynder and Graham’s article and Hill and Doll’s finding 1) significant, 2) similar, 3) independent results, the medical community soon became convinced of the merits of the discovery. By this time in 1950, many clinicians were seeing the effects of the decades of cigarette smoking in their patients and the data was convincing. Carl Weller, the chair of the pathology department at University of Michigan, analyzed and summarized all the major findings regarding smoking and cancer. Like the others, Weller was suspicious of the results and believed that cancer rates were a pretty constant factor and these results proved otherwise false.
      • One study he trampled upon was Percivall Pott’s study linking cancer to chimney sweeps in 1775. He found that the young boys (4-10 years old) who cleaned out chimneys had an abnormally high rate of scrotum cancer compared with non-sweepers. It was his work studying rates of disease and using animal models (painting tar coal on bull/pig testicles) that showed soot to be a major cause of cancer. Pott had proven that Benzo A Pyrene causes cancer, the world's first discovered carcinogen. It was his work that helped pass the Chimney Sweepers Act of 1788 which was a big factor in stopping child labor. Immediately Weller urged action after re-discovering Pott’s work—if soot had these chemicals, what’s to say that any kind of smoke wouldn’t? By 1955 the majority of the medical community was pushing back against cigarettes and was trying to warn the public about the dangers of smoking. A study among doctors showed that about 52% of doctors smoked in 1952 and at least 30% smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. By 1959, only 39% smoked with 18% smoking a pack or more per day.
  • Despite giving up smoking in 1950 when he published his research, Graham contracted bilateral lung cancer in 1957 and would die quickly. As Brandt says, “In the end, he became yet one more data point in the lethal history of smoking.”

Tobacco Companies Fight the Data

So what were tobacco companies doing while all of this science was trying to upend their industry and money making? Well, they were selling cigarettes and doing quite well…that is until 1950. Patients would go to their doctor concerned about the reports and ask what was safe to smoke (like drinking less for liver disease) and doctors couldn’t answer what amount of smoking was safe. Another nail in the coffin was the fact that cigarettes were linked to the big C. Cookies. I mean uhh.. Cancer. The scratchy throat and cough of less reputable brands became the harbinger of cooki—cancer to come. So how could the cigarette companies fight against reports that their product caused cancer? If you thought making everyone like the color green was fantastic, this ones a doozy.

Evening Star 1950 Newspaper Article about Wynder and Graham’s Article
  • Although millions of dollars were being made each year, the companies weren’t spending much (or any) money in evaluating the scientific claims coming out at the time. When the reports of the 1950s came out, tobacco companies scrambled to hire their own statisticians to pick apart the reports and find holes in the studies. Likewise they doubled and tripled down in public relations to quell the rising panic in people who had smoked for years (their best customers). Medical reports had never been popular among the general public but with the enormity of the claims and the fact that by 1950, on average a person smoked 2,500 cigarettes per year, the reports eked into daily newspapers. Roy Noor’s article, first being reported in the Christian Herald in October of 1952, was the most effective in spelling the doom into something anyone could understand. No one cared until it hit Reader’s Digest in December with the title “Cancer by the Carton.” After that other major publications made their own reports and by the time the Times picked it up in 1953, the coffin had its third nail.
    • Once these articles were reported, cigarettes weren’t the same. The tobacco industry lost its stranglehold on the public and the pressure was forcing the companies to come forward and speak to the data. To survive the tobacco companies came together to run advertisements and campaigns that exonerated their brands and the consumption of cigarettes. Their first approach was to just deny anything going on:
  • Chesterfields used entertainer Arthur Godfrey to assuage fears and even said on his weekly show that “I smoke two or three packs of these things every day. I feel pretty good. I don’t know, I never did believe they did any harm, and now, we’ve got the proof.” The proof he meant was from Chesterfield’s company, Liggett & Myers, who produced research saying: This doctor and specialist and some of his assistants, have been conducting experiments for 8 months, and they—people had been smoking Chesterfields for 10 years, some of ’em, and they smoked Chesterfields and nothing but Chesterfields for the last 8 months—it’s a little more than that now, and they have discovered that to date, he can’t find any adverse effects in the nose, the sinus, the ears or throat, or wherever else you smoke ’em.”
  • R. J. Reynolds had smokers perform a 30-day Camel’s test for mildness and ran ads in medical journals showing doctors and smokers “reporting” on the mildness of Camels. Their ad (seen above) showed that there was scientific evidence that Camels didn’t even produce throat irritation according to “noted throat specialists.” They used the 30-day test with non-doctors too and many people wrote in to say that Camels were mild and fun! Oh by the way, Arthur Godfrey died of emphysema in 1983 following the removal of his cancerous lower lung in 1959. (Oh his granddaughter Mary Schmidt Amon is on Real Housewives of Washington DC).

John Wiley Hill
  • The second front was started by American Tobacco’s President Paul Hahn who wanted to stop the “loose talk” reporting on these scientific studies. Famously he reported that no one had conclusively proven that cigarettes cause lung cancer, and he wasn’t wrong; with so many factors and toxins that people inhale over their life, there was no way to say, yes, tobacco did this. That being said there was no evidence to prove Hahn’s opinion either but Hahn had already formulated the plan: take the fight to the idea of proof. His master stroke was to not fight this problem as a single company but to get all the companies together to save themselves. On December 14th, 1953 in NYC Hahn and the CEOs of the other major cigarette companies met at the Plaza Hotel to hash out a new scheme to fight the scientific findings.
    • The CEOs brought in John W. Hill, PR guru from Hill & Knowlton, the most influential PR firm in the US. His firm had worked with the chemical and alcohol industries to get them out of hot water when medical reports had come out. Although Hill had quit smoking in the early 1940s he would vehemently defend his clients from the media and medical community. Hill knew that there were two things he had to do to boost public sentiment: advertising alone could not regain confidence and tobacco companies must dominate the science. In this regard Hill formed the idea that there were two sides to the issue—those who believed that cigarettes caused harm and those who didn't. He highlighted the hysteria and showed the calmness of the tobacco companies which spoke to consumers: who will you listen to? The crazy scientists spilling doom or the people who help you relax?
      • To accomplish this the PR reps for the companies compiled the White Paper: a list of statements by physicians and scientists who questioned the data. Next they would establish an industry-sponsored research entity who would conduct their own research to show different results than what was being reported (nevermind where the funding was coming from). As such, the Tobacco Industry Research Committee was formed and would start creating research that benefitted the cigarette industry. Despite explicit warnings that this would breach the Sherman-Antitrust Act, the companies went ahead and spent a lot of time trying to make it look as third party as possible.

[Right] Clarence Cook Little
  • The last action of 1953 was to issue a comprehensive statement to smokers. In the now infamous January 4th, 1954 “A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers” (read here) it established that the tobacco industry totally cared about the wellbeing of smokers. Of course our products don’t harm you and we will always cooperate to make sure nothing harms you. Love you, kisses. Unsurprisingly the Frank Statement worked wonders. Many skeptical smokers felt relieved despite more and more scientific publications claiming the harm of tobacco. The Frank Statement represented a paternalistic care of loving companies watching out for the consumer and made the industry authoritative in deciding what was true. And mind you this was only 3 weeks after the Plaza Hotel meeting happened—in less than a month Hill & Knowlton had turned the tides on anti-cigarette sentiment.
    • Some were hopeful about the TIRC’s claim to supporting tobacco research, including Wynder. Quickly it became obvious that the TIRC was a PR front rather than a serious scientific entity which was clear by the executive director, W. T. Hoyt, not having any scientific background. Before joining Hill & Knowlton, he sold newspapers… Hoyt would remain at the TIRC until he retired in 1984. Other clear signs were the fact that American Tobacco President Paul Hahn and Phlip Morris’ President Parker McComas acted as chairs for the board.
    • But who would serve as scientific director? After searching for notable scientists who were extreme skeptics, the search committee turned up nothing. Eventually seven scientists accepted positions on the Scientific Advisory Board and Clarence Cook Little was elected to serve as chair. Little was the perfect spokesman: he doubted the link between cigarettes and cancer, he was charming and gregarious, and an experienced public speaker. Little was… interesting. When he served as president of the American Birth Control League in 1936, he supported the efforts of “the gentlemen who rule Italy, Japan, and Germany for demonstrating that a program of stimulating population is a program of war. Our political and sociological premise in America is based on the false premise that all persons are born free and equal. This is an absolute absurdity, we must segregate men according to their standing.” Yikes.
  • As bad as it sounds, Little wasn’t the only one who had those opinions during the day and in fact it wasn’t that uncommon. He believed that cancer was inherently linked to one’s genes and if smoking caused cancer it was due to that person’s terrible genes. As much as I would like to say he was ignorant, Little was Harvard educated in genetics and became Harvard faculty soon after graduating. He later became the youngest president of a college when he picked up the role at University of Maine in 1922 at the age of 23! Three years later he became president of the University of Michigan. In 1929 he left to become the managing director of the American Society for the Control of Cancer and his work there would help establish a national cancer policy. US Surgeon General Thomas Parran named him to the National Advisory Cancer Council when Congress established the National Cancer Institute in 1937. In 1950 he received the American Cancer Society's annual award for “distinguished service in cancer control” and a colleague of Wynder and Graham, Dr. Alton Ochsner, presented him with the award. So, he should’ve known better.
    • When he was appointed, many praised the TIRC for picking such a notable scientist but quickly it became obvious the role he was serving. Little constantly recentered the public’s attention on the two-sides debate and that more research needed to be done before anyone could say cigarettes definitively caused cancer. Little’s earlier work centered on animal models and he became the leading voice in dismissing animal lung cancer models. Graham sent a letter to Hill in 1956 saying, “You may be surprised to know that Dr. C. C. Little was willing to become the chairman of that Committee. It seems astonishing to me that a man of his eminence in the field of cancer and genetics would condescend to take a position like that.” Ochsner came out and said that the TIRC was “a tapeworm research into the physical and chemical composition of tobacco.”

Kicking the Issue to the Next Decade
Now that the tobacco companies were united under the TIRC, they were able to prevent the death of the cigarette in the 50s. The idea that cigarettes caused harm became so muddled in the public eye that most people couldn’t make headway with it and so just continued their old habits: smoking. And skepticism abounded in the debate—hell, the most prominent scientists who believed in the harms of cigarettes started out as skeptics: Evarts Graham, A. Bradford Hill, Richard Doll, etc. But those with knowledge of science could be convinced, but those without it? Well that’s where PR came in.
  • Pressured by his scientific colleague at the Scientific Advisory Board, Cook Little left as chair of SAB due to being more PR focused than scientific. Hill & Knowlton called on the SAB and Little to continue to make statements in the media, and with pressure from tobacco executives to say that tobacco posed no harm, Hill pushed that stress onto the TIRC. The strategy relied on intimate contact between the TIRC and authors, editors, scientists, and “opinion makers” that could help shape the PR image Hill & Knowlton wanted to produce. They urged newspapers to have “balance and fairness” when reporting about tobacco news and make sure there was equal wordage of both sides. The July 1954 issue of True Magazine featured the article “Smoke Without Fear” that was reprinted to over 350,000 journalists. The use of celebrities to cast doubt on the role of cigarettes with cancer also helped supplant the doubt in the data. Magazine magnates like Henry Luce (founder of Life, Time, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated) and TV broadcaster Edward Murrow both supported the tobacco industry. Together with other media personalities, the ambiguous conclusion was made and would stay. Oh, by the way, Edward Murrow would die of lung cancer in 1965, just ten years after his two part documentary supporting cigarettes.
    • Finally recovering from the whacks the medical community gave it in the early 1950s, by 1958 the tobacco companies focused their attention on getting doctors back on their side. The TIRC distributed the magazine Tobacco and Health for free to doctors and dentists in which it asserted that cancer was a complex issue and difficult to understand. With over 500,000 readers, Tobacco and Health was instrumental in sowing doubt among doctors who watched their patients die of lung cancer. In an internal memo in 1962, it states:
“[I]t goes to all doctors and dentists in the country and, believe me, not all of them like to get it. However, we know that a good many of them pay attention to it or else we wouldn’t have so many complaining letters— as well as the more receptive kind. We have concluded that even if TOBACCO AND HEALTH aggravates a doctor, its very presence reminds him that there are other aspects to the lung cancer problem and the smoking and health question. . . . We don’t try to kid ourselves that all doctors are aware of the publication or that many of them even open it or see it. However, the checks that we have made, both by personal interview and post card surveys, indicate that it does get attention to a rather surprising degree.”
  • Tobacco and Health was also sent to politicians and journalists to purport that there was just not enough research! Gosh! By taking this position the tobacco companies were walking a fine line: they weren’t flat out denying the problem, in fact they wanted more research to be done! It made them the reasonable ones and the public latched onto that idea. After nearly a decade of work, the companies could quietly back off of the whole “doesn’t cause harm” mantra to avoid any civil responsibility.
  • All this work paid off: the amount of cigarettes sold per year rose from 369 billion in 1954 to 488 billion in 1961 and the per person number of cigarettes rose from 3,344 in 1954 to 4,025 in 1961. In the eyes of Hill & Knowlton, the tobacco industry had made it past their biggest threat and could not be slowed down. The controversy elevated the tobacco companies when other industries were simply flattened by public sentiment. And so we leave off the story here in the 1960s with the giant that is the tobacco industry still growing. Now combined in a single goal, the tobacco companies could operate more liberall in swaying the public in smoking, regardless of the brand.
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2022.09.05 15:30 ForSacredRussia1 Siberian Liberation Movement ⬜❄🟩: Continuing an educational series on partisan self-defense tools.

Siberian Liberation Movement ⬜❄🟩: Continuing an educational series on partisan self-defense tools.

Siberian Liberation Movement flag
We continue the topic of weapons for self-defense, and not only.
It is important to understand that after the war - a bunch of life-wounded, abandoned by everyone and useless crowds of former warriors, will not only flood the streets of cities, but will also commit crimes already in their "homeland", thinking that no one will punish them.
If you give such madmen an armed selection, then you can save other people's lives.
In addition, we remind you that harming the dog regime, no matter what, propagandist, jailer that is ready to put you in jail for many years for an opinion against the war is currently the most effective way to rebel.
Just do not forget about conspiracy and safety in the manufacture.
telegram. ph/EHffektivnye-sredstva-dlya-samooborony-09-14
Продолжаем тему оружия для самообороны, и не только.
Важно понимать что после войны — куча израненых жизнью, брошенных всеми и никому не нужных толп бывших вояк, не только наводнят улицы городов, но и будут вершить преступления уже у себя на "родине,, думая что их никто не накажет.
Если же дать таким безумцам вооружённый отбор, то вы сможете спасти чужие жизни.
Кроме того, напоминаем нанесение вреда псу режиму, не важно какому, пропагандисту, тюремщеку что готов вас посадить на долгие годы за мнение против войны является на данный момент самым эффективным способом бунта.
Только не забывайте о конспирации и безопасности при изготовлении.
telegra . ph/EHffektivnye-sredstva-dlya-samooborony-09-14

Effective means for self-defense.
author?September 14, 2017

Tools of resistance
The article will focus on what is now: you can buy, for what amount, where exactly, and how to use it. To the question: WHY? Everyone will answer on their own. The article is divided into two parts: In the first part, we will talk about what can be purchased, at what price and where exactly ?; The second part will tell you how to use it all? The article is written under the slogan "Simple, clear and intelligible" and is designed for an ordinary person with a low level of knowledge in the field of weapons and defense. And remember that it all depends on the skill of the person, not the weapon.
All characters and events, despite the obvious connection with reality, are completely fictional. The article is replete with rude expressions and, by virtue of its content, is generally not intended for viewing by anyone.
Part #1
The first thing I want to say is that the weapon from the owner requires maximum responsibility and SKILLS. Otherwise, it will be used against you or it will be useless. And rule number 1 that must always be observed is safety when handling weapons. Each type of weapon has its own, for example, you can't shoot at an enemy from a shotgun if your favorite woman is standing next to him, because he and she will be fucked up because of the large radius of destruction. And from a large caliber, for example 12 or 338, you will not shoot at the enemy if he holds hostage a person who is dear to you, as he will flash through them both. Lots of options. So before you pick up a weapon, get into your head the rules for its use.
The photo shows a complete set for effective "self-defense" in almost any conditions and in any situation. This set contains "tools" that fully meet the "Price - Quality" requirement in the territory of the Russian Federation.
PS. I was too lazy to peel off the badges, there will be ugly holes in the board. They have nothing to do with the topic.
And so let's go!
1) Vepr 12 (Hammer) - the photo shows model 205-00 with a barrel length of 430 mm and a total length of 977 mm with the butt unfolded. The most common and popular model among the entire model range of Vepr 12 gauge. This is due to the ideal barrel length. The fact is that in the models:
205 - 01 (L520) barrel length 520 mm (the model has a fixed DTK (Muzzle Brake Compensator), the ability to fire with a folded butt);
205 - 01 (L570) barrel length 570mm (possibility of firing with a folded butt);
205 - 02 barrel length 680 mm (the possibility of firing with a folded butt);
205 - 03 barrel length 305 mm (locking mechanism that does not allow firing with the stock folded);
205 - 04 barrel length 483 mm (the model has a wooden clumsy stock)
As you can see, all other models are too long, which negatively affects the mobility of this device. The Model 205-03 is the perfect, short, semi-automatic combat carbine, provided you use powerful ammo. If you use low-powered ammunition, then the carbine's automatics will not work, the cartridge case will not be ejected and the next cartridge will not be sent. As you might guess, this is very bad, since you need maximum reliability at the “X” moment. The boar is assembled on the basis of the RPK (Kalashnikov Light Machine Gun), which allows it to easily take on the reliability and durability of the "Saiga" made on the basis of the AK. I will not focus on the advantages of this device among its competitors for a long time, since it breaks everyone into pieces. Read reviews, watch videos, etc. The only "minus" is its weight from 4.3 kg. I can answer this what if you are a feeble squishy who is not able to hold a weapon of this weight, then maybe you don't need it at all? Think about it.
As for the price, it is 40,890 rubles on the official website of JSC VPMZ Molot. In big cities, the price tag is from 45-50k (they wind it up). Do not forget about the cost of cartridges, weapons in Russia are expensive. For such money, there is nothing better in the WORLD that would correspond to the similar characteristics of this weapon. And the fulfillment by him of a certain kind of goals, but about them in part no. 2. Tip - buy a Vepr in the secondary market with a small shot, it will cost you much cheaper and with extras. A lot of people think that they will buy weapons and be happy, but this is an illusion. And then this happiness lies idle for 5 years, hung to the fullest with all sorts of tuning.
ATTENTION! Weapons are purchased under license! There are many articles on the clearnet about how to acquire it.
2) Grand Power T-12. I have said a lot about this type of pistol, read the article “Increasing the power of traumatic weapons” and comments. I will only note the important points: 1) The pistol must be made in: Slovakia, AKBS, Fortuna, 2015. The remaining models are not suitable for use and do not stand up to criticism; 2) The cartridges must be powerful: pre-reform or UKN (read the article “Increasing the power of traumatic weapons”);
Production models: Slovakia, AKBS, Fortuna 2015 are no longer produced and are not sold in stores. You can buy them on the secondary market with hands. The fact is that the production of AKBS was discontinued in 2013, 5 years will soon pass and the owners of the T-12 AKBS will have to renew their licenses, which very few people do. Mostly they sell a pistol with a shot of 10-100 shots (this is negligible, there are owners with a shot of more than 5000+), or even without a shot at all, it has been in a safe for 5 years. I mean, there will be a lot of ads in the secondary market. The price for this pistol will be in the region of 40-80k rubles, depending on the condition and kit. When buying, I advise you to take a knowledgeable person with you to inspect the weapon, not a talker who has never had this barrel, but a person who understands the issue. If you are not well versed in
ATTENTION! Weapons are purchased under license!
3) Ontario Rat 1 - in the common people "Rat". I will say right away that idiots carry a knife for self-defense, well ... nothing personal. More details in part number 2. This knife is one of the most popular in the world, positioned in America as a folding survival knife. But this is complete bullshit, I would look at an American with this knife when he needs to make a dwelling or a raft. Immediately all the fasteners will loosen and he will scratch with the blade, cutting his hands like a baboon. This knife model is better to buy a Chinese replica, oddly enough, but the replica is better than the original, which costs 7-10 times more. This is a controversial opinion, but all experts agree that the replica is of very good quality. There are many videos and articles on the clearnet about this knife. The price is 1k rubles on Aliexpress. It is practically not sold in stores, as you can buy it on Aliexpress. If there is somewhere, then at a price 3-5 times more expensive. Mostly original.
4) Black 65ml - or the most evil GB (gas cylinder). In practice, I personally used many GB models (about 5-6 models in total 15-17 times), but more than once I was convinced of the effectiveness of Black. Incapacitates any enemy if used correctly. More details in part number 2. The price for it is only 290-400 rubles, depending on the place of purchase. It is sold in almost all weapons stores without documents and records. Only it is very quickly dismantled, and less effective models remain on the shelves.
5) Lanterna - this small, inexpensive, but powerful flashlight with 2000 lumens and a strong aluminum body will serve you well. It has 3 glow modes, and is able to narrow the beam from wide to narrow. With this baby, you can blind the enemy at a distance of 100-140 meters. It is sold on Aliexpress. Price - 200 rubles.
6) A clamp is an ideal custom substitute when used correctly. It is selected according to the size of your hand, size no. 3 is suitable for a person up to 70kg, no. 4 up to 90kg. If you have a paw like Denis Tsyplenkov, then I think that you don't need brass knuckles and that's fine. Sold in most hardware stores. The price is 50-200 rubles, depending on the model.
Part #2
1) Vepr 12 (Hammer). We all know about the consequences of self-defense in Russia, usually everything ends with sending a self-defender to kitsch, moreover, for 5-8 years. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to comply with TB. You can study TB on Runion, there are enough articles on this topic, I won't say anything new. I will only add that it would be good to use audio and video recording devices if you are clearly sure that you are legally correct. For example, they want to take out a hut / house, and you sleep inside. Or they came to fuck you, but did not expect that you were already prepared for the "guests". The point is to record everything that happens on audio or video, this will be excellent evidence in court. You can even deliberately provoke a person to aggression, so that he would start threatening you, etc., this will not be visible on the audio recording if you use non-verbal. Or use a camera without a microphone, there are many options, show your imagination. Aliexpress is littered with small devices that no one will notice.
Let's assume that you know TB and you have a brand new Vepr. The first thing NOT to do is to make a RIFLE out of a shotgun! The Internet is full of videos of how some kind of “shooter” hangs his Saiga or Vepr (they like to call weapons animals in Russia) with all sorts of x * eta. Putting on a shotgun, which is designed for a maximum distance of 40-50m, optical sights, bipods, etc. If you need a rifle, then wait 5 years and buy it, and don't take shit, you better learn how to shoot and study tactics! The boar shoots immediately and at the target from the box, you don't need to buy anything for it, it's a SHOTGUN! The only thing you can get is a more comfortable handguard, a red dot sight (open type), DTK for more accurate shooting. ALL! Nothing else is needed, and you can do without it. What you really need to buy is a good, comfortable, tactical belt. A boat with a loaded magazine weighs a lot, a well-chosen belt corrects this shortcoming. The ideal option is the “Dolg m3” belt with many wearing options. Valuable - 2000 rubles.
And so, you know TB, you have a good belt and there is no husk. Let's move on to training, yes, yes, you need to train and moreover regularly, I will not give you a “magic pill”. Rule number 1 to use exclusively large magnum buckshot weighing 48 grams. When training, you can use a light shot 32gr, as it is very cheap and well suited for training. But you should definitely do a couple of exercises with magnum buckshot in order to feel the recoil and get used to it. It is desirable to conduct training every week, but if there is no opportunity and finances (this is an expensive business), then once a month. In one training session, you should shoot about 20-50 rounds, if the training is the first in your life, then 100-150, subsequent ones can be less. You should do simple and effective exercises, you don't t tt tt need to tumble and jump like a monkey, in a real situation you will be fucked, if you do tricks like a circus baboon. The distance to the target should be: 5, 10, 15 meters. You can use one target 20 meters, but it will be superfluous. You can use the landfill either paid (if money allows) or free (forest). But remember that according to the law, shooting in the forest without a hunting permit is prohibited. Real firefights in the city take place at a distance of 5-20m maximum, at this distance the most effective weapon is a 12-gauge semi-automatic carbine on the Kalashnikov system. Since such a system allows fast reloading by changing the magazine, the rest of the shotguns take a very long time to reload, especially in a real shootout when the level of adrenaline is high. I want to repeat that you would only use magnum buckshot in a real firefight! You don't have to use bullets, you'll hit where the fuck is on a moving target and the store you have 8-10 rounds. If you are bitten in the head, then you can buy a drum for 25 rounds by ordering from America. Or even shell-shocked, make a groove in the cover of the receiver, put on a machine-gun belt for 12 gauge, put on a backpack with a hundred rounds of ammunition loaded there, and go out into the street to do the Apocalypse . The boat is made from a machine gun, only a barrel for 12 gauge was installed. You can shoot from it in automatic mode, just remove the blocker. And then it will no longer be a shotgun, but a skating rink. The law of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of automatic weapons by citizens. There is also a butt blocker on the carbine so that it would not be possible to shoot with it folded. This is done specifically by the law of the Russian Federation, so that the weapon does not fall under the category of sawn-off shotguns. But this blocker can be easily sharpened and fired with the stock folded. But you don't need it, it's a shotgun recoil can knock out his shoulder. Now imagine that you have folded the butt and aiming for a shot, you are guaranteed a trip to the dentist.
Weapons at home should not be stored in a trash safe, as they say, but in a place where you can quickly grab it and prepare it for firing. If you have a seed with children at home, then think with your head how best to do it. It is necessary to shoot from this type of weapon reflexively without aiming, this is achieved as a result of training. The main thing is to point the barrel towards the enemy, it is very difficult to miss, the radius of destruction is large. In cases where you do not want to kill a person, then prepare an additional magazine equipped with rock salt. From a distance of 15 meters, rock salt will enter the flesh and cause fucking suffering to a person, maybe even kill. Loading a 12-gauge cartridge with salt is very simple, just carefully open the cartridge, pour out the shot, pour in the rock salt, wrap it back and fill it with glue for tightness. You don't even have to use equipment for equipment, if there is, then good. And in general, you can equip these cartridges with anything you like, even with needles, the limitation is your imagination. You can also use Dragon's Breath incendiary ammo if you're a total pervert. But this is more for entertainment, in a shootout there is only buckshot.
Here is a photo of Kruzak from Novosibirsk, I don't know the details, but they definitely shot from 12 gauge buckshot + shot, possibly they used Vepr or Saiga.
2) Grand Power T-12. This is a weapon of daily wear, with an advantage over Boar, using a special case, of course, you can walk, but it is too bulky. This is a joke, don't do this even if you have 50 cm biceps. Save people's psyche. This type of weapon is beyond competition on the Russian market among other analogues, but only with powerful cartridges. Forget about the Lokhov MR 80 13t and Izh-79-9t, well, or cut off the front sight to make it easier for people and their suffering when the gun is pushed into the ass. If you buy a weapon, then it should fulfill its function, and not shoot at the banks in the country and show off in front of the suckers showing them your "Makarych".
The very first thing you should take care of after purchasing a pistol is to buy a good holster and powerful cartridges. About powerful cartridges, I already said in the article “Increasing the power of traumatic weapons”, later I will write a detailed article with a photo on how to properly equip cartridges. As for the holster, it is selected individually, but keep in mind that you will have to carry a pistol every time you go out. It should not lie in a bordachka, a bag, hidden in shorts, etc. It should take you a maximum of 3 seconds to draw a weapon. If you are f*cking through a dark alley in winter, and you have headphones in your ears, a buttoned jacket and a gun in an operational holster, then you will have so much fun and fall after a blow to the head. What' s stopping you from unbuttoning your jacket? pull the headphones out of your ears and walk through the dangerous area with confidence in safety? After that, you can again listen to your music “Mama Ama Crime” and masturbate with your hand in your pocket. I hope everyone understands that I'm joking. A holster can be purchased for concealed carry, and you can use it in the summer, you don't have to walk like a Chock and show everyone the trunk, showing off in front of suckers. The fact is that you will scare the sucker with the fact that you have a weapon. But lohu you will be of little interest. But a competent man who wants to fuck you will not stop before you have a trunk. He will only change tactics, as he will know that you are armed. The fact is that you will scare the sucker with the fact that you have a weapon. But lohu you will be of little interest. But a competent man who wants to fuck you will not stop before you have a trunk. He will only change tactics, as he will know that you are armed. The fact is that you will scare the sucker with the fact that you have a weapon. But lohu you will be of little interest. But a competent man who wants to fuck you will not stop before you have a trunk. He will only change tactics, as he will know that you are armed.
I will give a situation from life connected with a holster: When I bought my first barrel, I wanted to show it to everyone, to show it off, and so on. I was always looking for adventure on my ass and got involved in all fights and conflicts. Since at that time I felt like a “gangster”, I wore a barrel without a holster in my belt. And once in a fight with two guys on a city day, after I put a middle kick in the ribs of one guy, the barrel fell out of my belt and the second person almost managed to pick it up, but I picked it up from the ground first. I think it is not necessary to explain what would happen if I did not have time? Or the case in the hookah bar, when I hung out there with a girl and forgot the barrel under the table, and then, with a burning ass, I drove to pick it up in a car, since there was no holster and my head did not work due to hormones. In general, do not repeat my stupid mistakes, everything seems to be simple and everyone knows everything,
Training with a pistol should be done at the same frequency as with a shotgun. Targets must be located at a distance of: 3m; 5m; 8-10m; We do the most basic and effective exercises. I don't specifically tell you about them, so how best to watch a video or go to a training, information of this kind is better perceived visually. Shoot 10-20 rounds for training, it's pointless to shoot more, just a waste of money, this is not a military weapon for you. The most important thing that you have to work out is the technique of reaching and aiming the pistol upside down - this is the most important thing. Forget that you will be aiming in a real firefight, you will be killed. You must have a well-developed reflex skill of shooting at a vskidku.
It is desirable to have two stores equipped with 15 rounds, it is not necessary to carry the second one in your jeans pocket so that it sticks out and everyone thinks that it is your member. It is enough to put it in a bag or put it in the car if you are sure that everything is calm and there is no possibility of an attack on you. According to statistics, from 15 to 25 or more rounds are spent for a pistol shootout on one side alone. So think for yourself, but with a pistol it is very difficult to hit a target at a distance of more than 10 meters, even if it is combat, it does not matter.
I also advise you to get a steel heel for the store, I'm still waiting to fuck someone with her, but there was no chance, usually everything is decided physically. There was a case that he put the barrel in his mouth, tearing his opponent's gums, but this is nothing more than youthful stupidity, everyone needs to assert himself that he is the most f*cking and cool.
3) Ontario rat 1. As I said earlier, “self-defense knives are used by idiots” and this is true, I will explain why. The fact is that a knife is a very good tool for killing a person, if of course you know how to use it. For self-defense, it is not suitable at all. Tales about cuts on the face, arms, legs, let them tell the knife fighting trainer, chopping bablishko on the horses (I looked here who attends such events, a bunch of nerds who have never been in real fights). I will explain from my personal experience about the cuts of the limbs. My entire left hand is cut (fawn, but I'm a law-abiding citizen, I translate grandmothers across the road, I love Putin, I listen to Kobzon, I go to work, I don't need to be punched), and not at once. The skin with meat from two fingers was completely cut off, the cartilage was touched, the blood was f*cking in all directions, but I did not feel any pain because of the adrenaline and calmly continued the fight. The knife I carry is purely for its practical use. Plus, when folded, it can be used as a "Yawara" (bottom stick), which I have done repeatedly and always effectively. A good blow to the collarbone with a folded knife clenched in hand will siege any bull without consequences and noise, for example in a shopping center where you can not attract attention. Don't break the main thing, technique comes with experience. I'm not talking about the facial bones and the temporal region. This is really effective, but there is no point in cutting a person, he still won't feel it at the time of the fight (I don't take suckers as an example). But a shock blow with a solid object is much more effective. With a knife it makes sense to inflict only stabbing blows, but be prepared, that after a couple of blows a person will “move horses” from blood loss. Personally, I didn't inflict stabbing wounds, but my sidekick, the chocks, drove a knife 12.5 cm into the write-off, he only felt the blow and immediately turned off. I woke up in the hospital. Thank the Spaghetti God and Satan that he survived.
In general, if you are a schoolboy who has seen enough loshki on YouTube and drives a "company", or just an idiot, then it is better to use not a knife for self-defense, but a GB, which will be discussed below .
4) Black 65 ml. In my subjective opinion, and my opinion will be shared by many knowledgeable people, this is the BEST means of self-defense in Russia.
I had many applications of GB (15-17 times), I used it mainly for testing, I wanted to determine an effective manufacturer. Just don't think that I walked around the city and pinched the homeless with drunks by flooding them with a balloon, no, the opponents were more than worthy. I note that those idiots who think that "using a balloon is not a boy" will be wildly kicked out by those for whom these are empty words. And this rule applies to all types of weapons and means of influence. So save money for doctors or funerals if that's the kind of shit that's on your mind. To make it easier for the family to cope with the financial component of the consequences. I will not focus on the gas cylinder for a long time and load you with unnecessary information in their classification and performance characteristics. Let me just say that Black has an aerosol-jet spray type, which is the most effective. Good content - CS, police irritant in other countries (synthetic substance) Tcs: 0.38% of which: tears, snot, drool, nothing to breathe, loss of space. I - OC oleoresin capsicum 95% (natural hot pepper extract) Tc: 1.0% of which burns the skin and bakes. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. snot, drool, nothing to breathe, loss of space. I - OC oleoresin capsicum 95% (natural hot pepper extract) Tc: 1.0% of which burns the skin and bakes. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. snot, drool, nothing to breathe, loss of space. I - OC oleoresin capsicum 95% (natural hot pepper extract) Tc: 1.0% of which burns the skin and bakes. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin. I tested it on my own skin. I note that Black leaves burns on the skin that may not go away for more than a month. I tested it on my own skin.
Balloon technique. The should be in the pocket with the button down, so that when it is taken in the hand, it is immediately ready for use. Plus, it removes the accidental pressing of the button at the time of taking. Personally, I have had this many times, but mostly when I sit down, in jeans, it can accidentally work. And the pleasant smell of caustic glue with the bewitching aroma of tear gas will make you truly admire the huge burn on your leg and snot, tears, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. So think before, not after. This rule applies everywhere. The balloon should be black and it is advisable to paint the button black with a marker and tear off the wrapper. This is done so that the color does not catch the eye of the opponent and he does not see your balloon. The successful use of the balloon is associated with surprise. If there is a prepared guy with a good reaction, then when he sees the red button, he will be able to quickly dodge. But I hasten to please you, for Black this is not particularly important, they can be poured into the back of the head and into the chest, the main thing is that a person gets into the jet. If you hit in the face, then generally great. The distance should be 1 meter, you don't need to fill it too close, it will ricochet on you. I had this many times. You need to fill in by holding the button with your finger, and direct the jet at the opponent. It will immediately begin to close, fill in the arms, head, shoulders, but your target is the face. 1 long fill in 3 seconds is enough, then the cylinder will stop filling automatically after 3 seconds. You can hold down the button again, but I never did it, 1 time was always enough. After pouring, move away from the opponent for 5-10 seconds, let the composition work well. Black's advantage is that it acts immediately without delay. Then decide for yourself, you can break an easy victim, look at the situation. Also, the balloon can be used as a Yawara by hitting the bridge of the nose with the edge of the bottom, this is very effective.
As for effectiveness, I will say to myself that even with my experience behind me, training, weapons and skills, against the successful use of a balloon against me, there is little I can do, unless of course the enemy is worthy. You should not allow such a situation that someone flooded you, you must prevent this before, otherwise you will have very serious problems. A well-drenched adult, healthy man turns into a helpless child.
5) Lanterna is a good practical flashlight. I will say right away that I don't carry it with me, I take it only in certain situations when I know that it will come in handy for me. I won't talk about its practical properties in everyday life, you yourself know everything very well. Let's talk about tactical. They can perfectly blind the enemy, for example, driving at high speed in a car (you can provoke it on purpose). For self-defense purposes, it is well suited for coupling with a pistol, a flashlight in the left hand, and the right barrel. We narrow the beam of the flashlight, set it to a flashing mode and point it towards the enemy's face. Blinds perfect! This method is used in the FSB and other special services. The enemy will not be able to aim effectively. This is good to use if you need to "clear" the room, and the enemy is hiding somewhere and waiting for you. But these are very rare situations that may never happen.
6) Clamp - the same as brass knuckles. But only she: 1) Cheap; 2) legal; 3) You can immediately throw it off because it's cheap, but for the brass knuckles “I gave you as many as three thousand!” I'll take him home! ”, And then, you know what happens later ... I never used it, I always chopped with my fist - that was enough. But if there are several well-trained, athletic men, then she will perfectly be able to equalize the chances in a fight. The main rule is to paint it black, usually they are red, which immediately catches the eye and excludes an unexpected blow. And as you know, the first blow is the most effective. I have 90% of physical fights on the street, ended with the first clear, sharp blow to the beard. But this is me, I have been involved in sports all my life since childhood. So if you are not confident in your abilities, then even the odds with an effective weapon.
submitted by ForSacredRussia1 to FreedomofRussia [link] [comments]

2022.04.21 16:59 King_Rat_Fink My Story Of Unfortunate Events/Rant

Please delete if this isn't allowed. Also, I apologize in advance for this being a long post.
So I'm not entirely sure where to start with this rant, but I suppose I will start with a timeline.
While I was active duty Army I busted my hump day in and day out in my job, taking on more that one position at times. Spent 15 months in Iraq to turn around a year later to deploy to Afghanistan. Because I took on multiple positions, it set me up with additional knowledge and skills to use later in life that I never would have gotten if I just stayed working one role. I was never a "sick call soldier", I can count on one hand how many times I went to the TMC for an illness/injury. Because of that, shortly after my Afghanistan tour (where I re-enlisted BTW) I have enough time to take care of some of my nagging pains. Long story short, August 2012 I was medically retired out of the Army with a 60% rating from VA and a 50% rating from the Army.
The bright side to this was while was in Afghanistan I had met a gentleman who was a government contractor, made friends and stayed in contact with him. Once I told him that I was out of the Army, he told me he could help get me a position with the company he was working for. So in October 2012 I apply to this company and immediately I'm contacted for an interview, I was offered the position and accepted. A week later, one day before I'm supposed to start I get a call from the hiring manager and puts everything on hold without an explanation. Come to find out from my friend, the company isn't hiring anyone because they've been bought out by another large government entity and when they merge a lot of the current employees are out of a job. So that's strike ONE.

Since this incident I cannot find work, either it's low pay and I can't justify the distance or they're not interested. February 2013 rolls around and I have an interview with another government contractor, good money and good benefits. Take the job and everything is going smoothly. Three months into the job our site supervisor tells us "off record" to start looking for new employment because of the looming government sequester. Sure enough, the sequester killed that job. Strike TWO.

Luckily I had secured employment outside of the government world with a large transportation company as a maintenance coordinator before the sequester happened. I slid into this job like a peg in a hole. Because of all the additional knowledge and skills I learned from taking on additional positions, this job was a cake walk. My numbers were great, I always met my quota, made all of my audits and I never let a call/message go unanswered. I was the guy that if I couldn't get a a fleet manager on the phone for an issue, I was coming down the hall to your desk. When my 90 days was up my supervisor gave me a review and it was nothing but positive. A couple of weeks after this review my wife had some dental surgery and during the surgery the dentist had fractured he jaw. On a Friday she texted me and told me that she wanted to go to the ER because her face was swelling, I located my supervisor to inform him and his words were exactly, "go take care of your wife, let me know later what's going on." So I left to take her to the ER, let him know what was happening and that I would bring proof of the ER visit on Monday. I go into work on Monday and things just feel off, I sit at my computer to check on issues from the weekend/overnight and my supervisor calls me to come to the HR office. I walk in and there is the HR manager and my supervisor, they proceed to tell me that I'm being let go because, "we can't have employees leaving during their shift." Even though I had permission and proof of this ER visit, that didn't matter. Strike THREE.
Confusing addition to this one. I had an appointment with a VSO and they contacted this employer and was given a different reason for my departure, that reason was that I wasn't conducting my job properly. Well if I wasn't, why did I get a nothing but positive 90 review? Either way, to this day I really don't know why and it doesn't matter.

Now its September 2013 and because of these past two jobs and their short history, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find employment. Now I'm looked at poorly because the image is that I can't hold a job long enough regardless of what my response is for the short job history. I struggle to find anything worth a damn and I couldn't even get hired as a delivery driver for the chain auto parts, how pathetic. So I have a relative who was working under the table part time and told me this place needed help so I took that until something better came along. From October 2013 to March 2015 I'm applying, some interviews, some no calls/emails but no new job. April 2015 I land a job as an assistant supervisor. Now I'm thinking you stuck out once, pick up that bat and lets see how this pitch is. January 2015 corporate decides they're going to shut this facility down and the closest facility is too far away and I would have to step down because they already have someone it the same position. So I type a resignation letter and strike ONE again.
During my employment here I had requested an increase on my 60% VA. It was increased to 90%. Strike TWO and THREE happen shortly after this, but its honestly not worth mentioning. So my last official date of employment was 20 April 2016.
August 2016 VA places me on IU. Now from that April time frame until September of 2021 I was unemployed and on IU. I have now become 100% PT and I want to work, but I find myself in the same boat as before but worse. During my time of IU, I stayed healthy, worked as a stay at home dad and went back to school on my GI. So I didn't give up on myself, I maintained.

My rant part of this I will try and keep short as it's based on my past events/experience's. With my 100% VA, CRSC from the Army and my wife's income we live a secure happy life. BUT....I still feel like I'm not contributing. I don't find it fair that she works and I don't. Since becoming PT and no longer bound by the IU, I have been seeking employment. I'm not seeking a job that pays huge, it doesn't have to be full time. Just something to feel like I'm still an active member of society. I have had three interviews out of approximately 30 applications. So I know there is some interest in what skills I have, but it doesn't seem like enough to offer me a job. I believe that I conduct my interviews and correspondence in a very professional manner. I dress to impress, good hygiene, good mannerisms and one thing I learned a long time ago is know your employer before the interview. The guy or gal interviewing you likes it when you know the company you're applying for, so know a little history about the company. Interview the interviewer when asked if "do you have any questions for me?" I usually send a follow up email after the interview just to top off my professionalism. But here I am typing a long post on Reddit, still unemployed. I like to say being place as IU was a blessing and a curse. Blessing because I didn't have to worry about bills, curse because now I have this long unemployment gap that I have to explain. I have a family member that has done some things that has made him a felon. He gets job after job making more money that he knows what to do with simply because he has a "felon" status and is in a "rehab" status. He literally does something, gets arrested and he's out in no time and has a new job or his previous job. Now I'm not saying that employers or the state shouldn't help those with a felon status, but repeat offenders are a different situation IMHO. Maybe I have a twisted view of things, but I honestly feel like being a veteran has a bad stigma. I don't do drugs, I have never been in trouble with the law, I have noting on my background report, I'm just a veteran.
I know that there are a lot of companies that say they support veterans, or hire vets first, but do they really? Is it just a slogan? Where are these companies when us veterans with unmatched skills and experience are looking for employment? I really don't know what more I can do to make myself enticing to employers who are seeking to hire someone. I don't know if any of you can relate to this, but during some of my interviews instead of getting questions about my past jobs/experience/skills, they want to know if I had been overseas? What was it like? Would you ever go back? Questions that literally have nothing to do with the job I'm being interviewed for. It seems that some people in positions of "leadership" in the civilian world don't know the first thing about it. You have people placed into these positions without the first hand knowledge of practically anything. Having anything accomplished in the civilian world is almost impossible, people only seem to really do any type of work Tuesday-Thursday. Mondays are hard to get ahold of someone simply because its the first day of the week and Friday....well its Friday and they're already checking out for the weekend. It gets old getting the poopy end of the stick, but I will continue to push forward.

For those of you that have endured this long post, I sincerely thank you (although I've seen longer posts before). I'll leave on this note. I may have stuck out a few times due to some unfortunate events, but I'm not laying this bat down anytime soon and waking off the field.
submitted by King_Rat_Fink to Veterans [link] [comments]

2022.04.05 20:52 Dorkzilla_ftw For who are interested, an interview with someone that live in the CCP. Yeah, I did the interview.

Me: Yes I can understand that you don't want to publicly talking against the party
Him: yes sure, because I'm currently still in China now.
Anyway, in my experience, it's is hard to become a person with divergent opinions, at least the obvious one. But on the other hand, the vast majority of ordinary people do have different ideas, and most of the time they can understand those "dissidents"
I will explain this point. I have worked as a senior management in a company before, and I need to travel frequently to various places. So I often ride Didi (Chinese's Uber) in different cities and enjoy talking to these drivers. These examples are very interesting, especially in recent years China has had various frictions with other countries in the world, such as trade wars or territorial disputes, which led our topic to turn to international issues after some basic dialogues. Sometimes the topic is triggered by news on the radio, sometimes it is brought up by the driver, but in most cases, they will blame the foreign country first, such as cursing the United States or Australia with some classics. But when they learned that I had study abroad experience and that I was planning to immigrate away, they were curious to find out why.
Sometimes they bring up the question about benefits first, sometimes I bring it up first. Topics include working hours, wages, housing prices, benefits, pensions, education, all of which Chinese are very concerned about because of their actual interests.
At the end of the conversation, their attitudes tend to change, they thank me for helping them learn a lot that they didn't know, and some mention that they want their kids to get out too.
This kind of thing doesn’t just happen to Uber’s drivers, including my movers, my dentist, agents, but they tend to be people in the service industry, people with lower incomes and more stressful city life.
This is the B-side China I have seen, and on the other side, I also understand the pinks (nationalists) in China very well.
Also, because of my own position, I have access to some Chinese entrepreneurs, senior management, and even RedX (the descendants of China's most senior leadership). I also occasionally act as their white glove.
In my experience, Chinese nationalists are often those with vested interests in the current system, as well as those with vested interests in spirit.
Such examples often include civil servants (Chinese civil servants are Secure jobs, although the income is not necessarily high, but there are more benefits than ordinary people, less working hours, and the potential to create gray income)
Local citizens of big cities: such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, who benefited from China's economic development in the past few decades, their parents may have bought many properties when they were young, which makes them worry-free now.
These two types of people already occupy about one tenth of the population, and they have a lot of time to express their opinions or express themselves on the Internet. Many of them do not have much pressure in life, and under the propaganda of the Chinese media, they are very It is easy to become a nationalist by absorbing too much directional information.
There are other people, such as the children of businessmen after the reform and opening up, and the agents of white-glove enterprises.
In this environment, you can clearly see that the nationalists actually control the vast majority of social resources. Although there are no laws or significant institutional provisions, the entire social system is actually biased.
This results in most people being reluctant to speak out even if they disagree, because if you act too differently, you will lose your relationship with these people and your career future. Especially if you want to be a civil servant, you can't even talk about it. I have some friends who work in local discipline inspection commissions. They told me that some people were considered to be related to foreign forces and fired their jobs just because relatives worked in Taiwan and sent them some money.
But if you don't care about these things at all and are capable of being self-sufficient, then you can discuss these issues, but the problem you're facing next is an invisible red line.
The problem is more complicated and impossible to articulate because everyone is different. My grandpa used to browse overseas websites at home, around 2004. A window popped up on his computer telling him, "We know what you're browsing, and we advise you not to continue browsing these kinds of pages."
This is a warning, and if you don't keep doing this, generally nothing will happen.
Some people will be alerted on the phone where they will tell you what sites you've been on recently (including pornography) and then give you a kind suggestion.
Another experience is that I once encountered a social incident in China, I don't know if you have heard of it. About two years ago, many long-term rental apartment intermediaries in China suddenly had financial problems. They defrauded both the tenant and the landlord and disappeared, leaving the contradiction between the tenant and the landlord.
Not much to expand here, but the story is.
At that time, many victims discussed how to seek government help in WeChat groups. Some people suggested that we print leaflets and t-shirts, go to a famous park in the center of the city for a sit-in (just a sit-in, no drastic actions or slogans planned), and in the chat group we also expressed that we should not have drastic actions.
But only on the second day, those who had proposed this plan in the group before received a warning call from the Public Security Bureau. After that, they briefly explained the situation in the group and then disbanded the group.
I think these experiences can answer your question.
As a summary, being a disagreement will only marginalize you from society, and atomize
If you just disagree and whine on your own social media, it won't get you in too much trouble. Because there are too many such people, at most some nationalist netizens come to scold you.
But if you are a dissident and want to make a vision in the public space, the best way is not to express your thoughts, you can refer to the paperclip event in China.
To be honest, I was also a nationalist before, which made me well aware of the propaganda and attacks these people use.
me: Wow that is a very rigorous analysis. Sadly there is a lot of terms related to China society that I don't understand very well.
Him: You can name it, which term that you don't know well?
me: White-gloves entreprises, also the fact that you say there is no law or significant institutionnal privisions, also the part on tenant and renters... does everyone have a home in China? It is given by the governement?
Him: White-gloves Entreprises You can be seen as some kind of agent enterprise that work for gov
For example, someone's grandfather holds an important position in the Chinese government system, so he can use his grandfather's power and relationship with the government to get news of some policies earlier, or more easily Government funding.
These people, we have a new word called RedX, which means red generation X. The first generation is basically the founding hero of China, such as Mao or Deng. And X means their descendants.
Mao and Deng are just one example, in fact, their case is more extreme, because their grandson basically controls many state-owned enterprises or big funds in China.
In addition to these top-level bigwigs, some middle and senior management will also have their own white-glove enterprises. The structure is made by one government insider who owns the power, and uses power to give people they trust a green channel to help them get state funding.
These trusted people are often the friends that RedX knows, and they may come from all walks of life. Once they are appreciated and proven their loyalty, you can easily become the CEO, CTO, or other senior management of a company. Positions in tiers, based on what you are good at.The question of houses is another very interesting thing in China.
First of all the housing prices in China are very high, I have done research because I am planning to buy real estate in Canada.
As far as I know, the most expensive cities in Canada such as Vancouver and Toronto, the property prices there are still not as good as Hangzhou, the second tier city in China.
In most cities you may have heard of, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen. Those non-local residents, most of whom are migrant workers, cannot afford to buy any apartments with their income. These people often end up returning to their home cities after the age of 30 to 40.
Those senior programmers or financial practitioner may be able to gain a place in these cities。
This is why we often laugh at ourselves as meat batteries. Dedicating himself to the construction of a big city, he has nothing but a disease.
About 80 percent of people in China own their own homes, but these properties are located in their hometowns, where there are often not many job opportunities. So they have to go to a bigger city and find a place to rent. It is very common for 4 to 6 people to live together in an 800-square-foot apartment, and in extreme cases, more than 20 people may live in this space.
The government does build public rental housing and is building more to try to solve China's housing problem. These rooms are cheap but demanding, and any well-connected and powerful public servant can easily help their friends or relatives gain these qualifications. This is internal digestion, and it is difficult for people without government relationships to get these benefits.
Another thing is land finance, that is, more than 50% of our government's revenue comes from local governments selling land under their jurisdiction. This is similar to Canada's property tax, but is charged in one lump sum for 70 years.
As a result, local governments will continue to raise the price of land auctions in order to obtain more revenue. The proceeds from their auctions will be used to build more infrastructure, such as subway stations or commercial centers, schools. And this infrastructure will again increase the value of the surrounding land, making the entire real estate bubble bigger and bigger.
And the end result of these problems is that in many people's homes, there are empty houses that no one wants to buy because no one works in those places. And in big cities, there are many empty houses because no one can afford them. And those local residents, often because they bought many properties in the early days of low value, made them the landowners of this era.By the way, white glove companies are often empty shells with only senior managers and sufficient financial support (from the government) They will outsource the needs of the government to other private companies and profit from the difference (because they have the power to appoint and set the price of the project)
Me: That sound like some of the same problems we have here too, and in many other places too like UK, Europe and USA
him: I agree, I think it's called crony capitalism and it's a common phenomenon in the world today. But the difference is that we, China, claim to be socialist (with Chinese characteristics), and we talk about the evils of capitalism all the time in education and propaganda. This has led to the division of the minds of the upper and lower classes.As a result, very few people in Chinese society will talk about this kind of thing. People at the top understand this logic based on their own experience, so they will not publicly criticize this kind of nepotism. Others, in a variety of atmospheres, would consider this a "sensitive political issue" and thus avoid criticizing them publicly, but would be happy to criticize the phenomenon in other countries, as there would be no punishment.And if you tell them that this kind of crony capitalism exists in China, denial and labelling are their first reaction, and it's your first step to becoming a dissident.
Me: I understand completely. Thanks you for all the time you gave me it is highly appreciated
Him: np, I'm glad there are Canadians willing to know about this
submitted by Dorkzilla_ftw to fucktheccp [link] [comments]

2022.03.10 20:54 canhurtme "We were dreaming for a solitary confinement cell" A detained Belarusian woman account on 15 days she spent in Okrestina for anti-war protests in Minsk, Belarus

A woman, who recently has been released after 15 days in prison, told "Nasha Niva" about the terrible conditions in Okrestsina and Zhodzina detention center, where people who were detained for anti-war rallies are now being imprisoned.“
Conditions in the detention center are very harsh. And they are like that only for political prisoners, the rest of the offenders are in a completely different environment.They took away all outerwear, there were no mattresses. All that remains is what was under your jacket the day of the arrest. I managed to hide a hat but I was the only one with it.
At first, it was very cold: we walked and ran to keep ourselves warm. "The cells in the detention center were overcrowded, the woman said.“There were eleven of us in a 2 person cell. We slept on the floor.
They woke us up every two hours. 10 pm - lights out, as soon as you find a spot, get settled - at 12am they wake you up (you need to name yourself to a guard), then same procedure at 2 am and 4 am. And 6 am they wake you up. Such an abuse.Due to the overcrowdedness, it became very hot, the ventilation did not work. When asked to open the "feeder" (note - food flap door), the staff said they can not, but the best answer was: "We have an order to cut off your oxygen." They were deliberately creating inhumane conditions.Of course, the attitude is bullish, aggressive and humiliating.
There was also "a dungeon" (note - solitary confinement, single-person cell where your bed is attached on chains to a wall and guard lowers it for a night), as we understood this was something new as everyone had to go there. A person is taken out without explanation and then they return three days later: it turns out he was in solitary confinement. At first, we were afraid, but then we came to the realization that it is, in fact, way better than it is in our cell - you can breathe there. We just dreamed of going to solitary confinement."
Trials are held online either in Okrestina or in the police department (some detainees were left overnight in the precinct and tried there in the morning). We had no communication with outside, let alone letters.“
There was a paramedic in Okrestina, you could beg them for some pills. There is no medical staff in Zhodzina at all. We asked: what if a person gets really bad? In response: "Nothing." They say that the ambulance does not go to them either.
There were no toothbrushes, toilet paper and pads had to be begged for, it was humiliating. There was no toilet paper in Zhodzina at all. Some guards brought newspapers and even old books.I was transferred to Zhodzina on the evening of February 25, it was still relatively empty. But during the weekend you could hear the endless number of people being brought to the cells(note - more than 1000 were arrested for anti-war protest in Minsk alone). We were transferred to another floor, on Monday there were 18 of us in a six-person cell. It was clear from the sounds that men had it even worse.
We were taken to the referendum. On Sunday, we were told, "Get ready and wear no masks." We started joking: is it going to be a walk(note - they must give you a 1-hour walk every day, no political prisoner has ever received it)? There was a hypothesis that it was going to be for the referendum, but we did not believe in such a joke. You walk with your hands behind your back, then lean on the bars, wait - one by one they call your name and give you a ballot with a ceremonial face.In fact, no one seems to care how you vote(note - they don't, they rig elections when they send results). I guess my vote was used both in my poll station and in prison (note - when they used to count votes, they used the ballots of those who don't come to polling stations to fix the results).
We heard men being beaten very hard. It happened almost every day after 10 pm. They beat and forced one of the cells to shout in unison, "I will never break the law." The women, especially the adults, were shocked, tried to rush to the door, to help, but we stopped them because we did not know what the consequences would be for these guys and for us. It was the hardest thing to endure."Detained people were of all ages and all backgrounds, from 18-year-old girls to grandmothers. One was 70 - she put blue and yellow balloons on her window. There was a kindergarten teacher, a fitness trainer, an associate professor and a dentist.
We were also detained in different ways. Someone was invited for a "conversation", and then did not come back. That was until February 20. Then they started breaking into apartments in full SWAT gear. A search was carried out, all electronics were confiscated, then they were accused of resisting an arrest because they did not open their doors fast enough. When, for example, they came to arrest a husband, they took away both husband and wife. There were many families.
On the day of the referendum and the next day, people were taken from everywhere: from the polling stations and from the streets. When someone took out a phone, one was immediately detained so that there were no photos or videos. "No war!" slogan = jail.
Everyone is threatened by a possible criminal charge and a long time in prison. We got 15 days, but no one was sure what would come out afterward, that there would be nothing else on top. This was threatened all the time. And there were such cases: one girl was put in a car right behind the fence of Zhodzina prison and taken to jail (note - most likely 2-4 years in prison).
I really want people to understand that the level of terror inside Belarus is outrageous. Absolutely defenseless people are being taken, many of them are unknown as now it is even scary to turn to human rights activists.
Had to mark it as Russian Protest, had to do it but it's the closest flair I can think of
Note - there are 1311+ political prisoners in Belarus and some of them got up to 20 years in prison. Fuck Lukashenko! Fuck Putin! Zhyvie Belarus and Slava Ukraine!
submitted by canhurtme to ukraine [link] [comments]

2022.03.05 18:04 airgasps remove permanent retainer yourself

Straightening teeth without braces
How do you get straight teeth without braces? That’s the question I know many people have asked themselves when they look in the mirror and see crooked teeth. There are lots of different orthodontic options, from removable aligners to metal braces and ceramic braces to lingual braces, but all of these approaches require wires to hold your teeth in place during treatment. Fortunately, there’s another option that doesn’t involve wires: Invisalign clear aligners!
overbite underbite crossbite
Everybody has seen someone with a bad bite. This refers to any misalignment of two or more of your jaw bones (or teeth). It can be one tooth out of alignment or many. You don’t need a mirror to see overbites, under bites, and crossbites, but you do need an accurate view of your mouth and jaw. How do you get that? Your dentist will take photographs of your mouth and send them to an orthodontist—sometimes with just a few photos, sometimes after taking x-rays. The orthodontist compares these images to his or her own knowledge about how different types of bites cause problems in chewing, speaking, self-confidence and dental health.
how to remove permanent retainer at home
If you have a Hawley retainer, it is a removable device that is more cosmetically appealing than traditional metal or wire braces. Despite what your friends might say, you can take out your Hawley retainer at home! However, if your retainer has been in for less than six months and is still stiff from its original molding, we suggest asking your orthodontist to remove it before attempting to do so yourself. And remember to follow his or her instructions! To begin removing your Hawley retainer: Your orthodontist will probably instruct you not to wash or brush for 24 hours prior to having him or her remove it. This allows your gums time to heal around their new shape and may make removal easier.
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Everybody has seen someone with a bad bite. This refers to any misalignment of two or more of your jaw bones (or teeth). It can be one tooth out of alignment or many. You don’t need a mirror to see overbites, underbites, and crossbites, but you do need an accurate view of your mouth and jaw. How do you get that? Your dentist will take photographs of your mouth and send them to an orthodontist—sometimes with just a few photos, sometimes after taking x-rays. The orthodontist compares these images to his or her own knowledge about how different types of bites cause problems in chewing, speaking, self-confidence and dental health. He or she is then able to create a 3D model of your mouth, including all its angles and curves, based on their experience and their understanding of the ways you use it every day. That makes it possible for them to build an aligner with precision down to fractions of millimeters. But what if there was a better way...
Since when does I Want What I Want When I Want It work as a slogan? Never! So instead we are working hard behind our scenes at Invisalign® Headquarters – creating innovative technology that allows us to offer straightening solutions such as Invisalign® clear aligners for adults which allow individuals like yourself the ability to smile confidently again because now YOU have control. No braces necessary!
how to remove permanent retainer at home
If you have a Hawley retainer, it is a removable device that is more cosmetically appealing than traditional metal or wire braces. Despite what your friends might say, you can take out your Hawley retainer at home! However, if your retainer has been in for less than six months and is still stiff from its original molding, we suggest asking your orthodontist to remove it before attempting to do so yourself. And remember to follow his or her instructions! To begin removing your Hawley retainer: Your orthodontist will probably instruct you not to wash or brush for 24 hours prior to having him or her remove it. This allows your gums time to heal around their new shape and may make removal easier.
overbite crossbite
A person who is overbite or crossbite will have abnormal jaw alignment. You can determine if a person has an overbite or crossbite by examining his/her dentition (teeth). The lips and upper jaw are normally positioned directly over top of lower teeth. In cases of an overbite, however, there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. This may cause problems with eating and smiling. Likewise, a crossbite will present itself as some unevenness when you look at a person’s front tooth alignment. If you want to straighten your crooked teeth, but don’t want to get metal braces, ceramic braces or lingual braces for whatever reason (perhaps in case it causes your gums pain), consider aligners. Teeth straightening treatment with them is easy – simply put them on every morning like regular dental trays and they'll pull your teeth gently into place overnight! Yes!!! They're removable! That's right. No more painful adjustments to make throughout treatment as everything happens behind closed doors! Also, unlike other methods of fixing crowded or crooked teeth such as Invisalign from $4100~$7000 USD per tray; Ultrathin Aligner cost only $1000+ pesos per pair for Gold Metal Braces & Lab Treatment!
submitted by airgasps to u/airgasps [link] [comments]

2022.01.09 12:30 paulwhelanwriting Have we got a 'right' not to be vaccinated?

It is no surprise so many of us find the whole Covid thing totally bewildering. We never had to worry before whether we had a 'right' or not. We took any jab available to protect us, or didn't take it. Simple.
Now freedom-lovers everywhere are resisting governments, liberal and illiberal, when they talk about or introduce dreaded vaccination mandates. Yet others concerned for our rights point to the injustice of vaccine shortages. Everyone has the 'right' to be vaccinated. The implication is everyone should be.
Can there be a right to do something and a right not to do the same thing at the same time? Yes, is the answer. We are all individuals; we all have human rights. But in this, oddly, the rights bit is not the problem. The problem is the human bit.
Human beings are not individuals. Or at least not individuals alone. That is overlooked, if not forgotten, amid the hubbub of human rights rhetoric.
You can believe that dogs or birds are social animals but not individuals. But you can't believe the opposite about human beings. Human beings are individuals and also social animals. That's the stumbling block.
And the trouble with this stumbling block is there's no way round or over it. It's not as if we are all totally independent individuals except on Fridays and Saturdays when we become social. We are interdependent every day of the week, when we ask our partners where the car keys are, go to the dentist, borrow the neighbour's sugar, catch the early bus.
These are trivial instances of mutual dependence and cooperation, among countless trivial others, but the same spirit extends to the big things. Like rescuers turning out for days to save a single cave explorer or swimmer lost at sea; like the ideas we support, which political party we vote for. An individual right is involved everywhere always; so, equally, is a general obligation.
Perhaps all the talk of our unlimited 'rights' is nothing more than politicians' talk to get us onside? Libertarians who feel there is no such thing as 'the people', ideologues who believe there is no one and nothing but the masses. Has Covid changed any of this? Is that what it may help to do over time - change things?
Take the jab: it's a contemporary slogan. Why? Who's got the right to ask that?
submitted by paulwhelanwriting to southafrica [link] [comments]

2021.10.11 04:05 J-Bradley1 “We’re Not Bad, we’re just misunderstood” – Interview with Townsville’s Villains
The villains of Townsville gather to point out that the Powerpuff Girls are whacked and need to leave them alone starting right this instant
(An unbiased report)
(By Art Waites)
A few years ago, Fuzzy Lumpkins discovered a way to end world hunger. The reclusive grump created his Meatgun, which, miraculously transforms objects and people into pork chops, chicken legs, meatballs, and even tender veal medallions with a light lemon-grass glaze. “I thought my Meatgun could feed the world, or at least feed mah l’il ol’ hungry belly,” drawls Lumpkins. But instead of earning him the Nobel Prize, or even the Peabody, the discovery got Fuzzy a black eye and a one-way ticket to jail, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls. Now on parole, he is not able to afford running water, more overalls, or even his speech therapy sessions. “Ah was jes’ trying to get ahead, and them durn Girls come and spoilt evr’than.”
Claims have been made that the Powerpuff Girls are made of “sugar, spice, and everything nice,” But ask some of the hard-working citizens of Townsville, and you’ll hear a very different story: a tale of brutality, injustice, and outright discrimination. “We’ve had our teeth knocked out, been heat-rayed and tied up with our own tails. We’ve been laughed at and booted out of town, all at the hands of those Girls,” bemoans one yellow, one-eyed lizard monster who asked to remain unnamed. Who is this maligned minority? The Townsville villains.
That’s right. The Townsville villains. You might think they deserve to be kicked around—they’re the bad guys! But let’s take another look at these “bad guys.” Really, they aren’t so bad after all, and some, like Princess, aren’t even guys.
We caught up with a group of villains perched in the secret lair of supervillain and genius monkey Mojo Jojo, and talked with them about their lives, and about being misunderstood.
After the usual rounds of greetings and recipe exchanges, Mojo quickly gets to the point: “I get up in the morning. I take showers. I eat eggs for breakfast. I am just like any law-abiding, tax paying ordinary citizen, except I don’t obey laws or pay taxes. And I am not ordinary, I am a genius monkey, Mojo Jojo. Other than that, we are exactly alike. Exactly.”
“We’re doing our jobs just like everybody else,” echoes Him, who’s been lounging in the corner sipping tea. “A baker bakes. A tailor, uh, tails. A villain does villainy. It’s our living. But these Girls just won’t let us do our living.”
Ace of the Ganggreen Gang chimes in, surprising even himself with his ability to form a metaphor. “How would a dentist feel if every time he tried to fill a cavity the Powerpuff Girls went upside his head?”
“We villains are just trying to follow our dreams,” adds Him. “Isn’t that the American way?”
You can’t help but be impressed by the can-do attitude of this bunch. But unfortunately, the prospect for villainy in Townsville has soured. For while the Powerpuff Girls are supported by Professor Utonium, the average villain relies on robbing banks, art museums, and jewelry stores to make ends meet. And thanks to those pesky Powerpuff Girls, “crime does not pay” is no empty slogan.
“Every time I fight the Powerpuff Girls, they break my helmet and my brains fall out,” grumbles Mojo. “And my tooth is broken. Villainy does not provide dental coverage. It does not pay for visits to the dentist to fix teeth that have been broken. I have to pay with my own money! Those girls break my ray guns. How am I supposed to pay for all this?” asks Mojo dejectedly. “What am I supposed to do, print mt own money? Make my own money and use that to pay my bills? Just print money as if I made all the money in the world?” Mojo shakes his read ruefully, then, his eyes lighting up, jots down a few notes.
This hostile environment for Townsville’s villains could send them packing to other cities or even to villain retirement communities, which would have a devastating effect on Townsville. Take for example the Townsville economy. Recent estimates show that construction is up almost 370 percent thanks to supervillain activity. Says Lou Lunchpail, head of Townsville Construction, “I’m not gonna say villainy is good, ‘cause of course it ain’t. But I gotta admit – when I see a 700-foot reptile-octopus monster stomping through town, knocking buildings over like bowling pins – I can rest assured I can keep my young ones in braces and private school.”
Supervillains also have a huge impact on civic pride and tourism. Before they hit the scene, Townsville was a sleepy hamlet best known for its unnaturally large cabbages. Now it is world-famous for its superheroic battles, as seen on television.
“Villains spice things up,” admits Buffy Housecoat, Townsville housewife. “From the day r. Mine drained all my color and me made mute, to that time Mojo turned me into a barking Chihuahua, or that time Him reversed all my love into murderous rage – there’s just never a dull moment.”
And don’t the Powerpuff Girls themselves need villains?
“Without villains, they’re just three girls that can fly,” realizes one tiara-wearing, little-girl citizen who doesn’t want her name used. “They need us supervillains to be superheroes.” Perhaps Boogie Man says it best: “The Powerpuff Girls are like, a polka, ya dog? But we villains bring on the funk.”
But if the Powerpuff Girls continue down their crime0-fighting path, that funk may be gone.
We must not let this happen. It is time we stood up and said, ‘No more!’ to the Powerpuff Girl’ meddling. Get involved! And when the friendly villains come knocking politely on your door, please listen to their plight – and then show them where you keep the electronics and jewerly.
Who knows? Maybe with your help, villainy can remain a thriving element of Townsville society. Maybe we can convince the Powerpuff Girls to lay off a little. Maybe Mojo can become leader of Townsville and all its citizens. He is a genius monkey after all. The villains thank you.
And don’t forget the part about showing them where you keep the jewerly.
FROM: ‘Mojo Jojo’s Monkeyzine’ – 2001
submitted by J-Bradley1 to powerpuffgirls [link] [comments]

2021.10.06 09:08 AJDentalclinic11 Cheap Dental Implant Procedure

Cheap Dental Implant Procedure
AJ Dental Clinic in Madurai provides the optimal dental implant service with a guarantee. Are you looking for affordable or cheap dental implant service of the best quality? You will be astonished by the dental price difference between our cheap dental implant service and the others in your country. We ensure by far the best dental implant value you can find. Dental implants are the most natural replacement for missing teeth and dental implant surgery is a state of the art technology in dentistry. If you are going to have cheap dental implants, you have come to the right place as we offer a completely cheap dental implant service.

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What exactly does cheap, quality DENTAL IMPLANT treatment mean? Is it just a marketing slogan, or is there real content behind this fancy name? Must quality DENTAL IMPLANT treatment cost you a mint? All of these questions will be answered as you read on.
Do cheap, quality DENTAL IMPLANT treatments really exist? Our answer to that question is: "Yes!" The only thing you need to do in order to find it is to browse the web. I try hard enough you will find the website that will show you the DENTAL IMPLANT centers which offer quality treatments in modern clinics for an affordable price. These centers offer various treatments and although the prices are low, the service quality is first-class.
How can the price of top-quality DENTAL IMPLANT treatments be below, or at least reasonable? We can explain that as well! These DENTAL IMPLANT treatment providers have voluntarily lowered their prices. Why would they want to work for less profit? Now that is the heart of the matter.
If a DENTAL IMPLANT surgeon offers the treatment for a cheaper price, he has the chance of enlisting more potential patients. The patients will return if the quality of the service was satisfying; in this way, the DENTAL IMPLANT surgeon can build long-term relationships with patients. AJ Dental Clinic would like to have returning patients; that is the reason why we offer treatments for very reasonable prices. Please take a look at our dental implant price list by following this link.
Cheap Dental Implant Procedure
We would like to share your information about the procedure of dental implant surgery. We feel it is very important to provide you with a complete picture of the procedure. Having all the details it will be easier for you to plan your visit to your dental implant surgeon.
Procedure for Dental Implants
The procedure for dental implants has three main stages.
1) Checking and preparing the area of the planned dental implant. We need to know that the root canals at the surgical area are extracted, that there is enough bone in the jaw to fix the dental implant and the gum is not inflammated. If you have root canals they have to be extracted. If the volume of the bone is not sufficient you need bone grafting. If there is an inflammation you need to take antibiotics. The best way to clear all these important questions is by an X-ray or a 3D CT. After checking the images the dentist will have a full detailed dental implant plan for you.
2) Dental implant surgery. Dental implant surgery can be made only when the specific area is healthy and not inflammated. That's really important for minimizing risks and ensuring fast and proper healing after surgery. Dental implant surgery means that the base of the implant will be placed and fixed in the jaw by an implant surgeon. Implant surgery can be made right after the extraction when there is no inflammation. If you require bone grafting you have to wait with the implant surgery about 12-16 weeks until the jaw recover. Usually, we suggest to dental implant patients stay in Madurai for a week after the dental implant surgery, during this time the dental implant will check the condition of the patient regularly, and at the end of the week, the stitches will be taken out. Some patients can't stay for a week; their stitches will be removed by their dentist in their home country.
3) Placing the crowns on the dental implant. Crowns are the upper, visible parts of the implants. They are placed 12-16 weeks after the dental implant surgery. This time is needed for the jaw and gums to "take in" the placed base of the implant. After the jaw recovered satisfactorily the crown can be placed on the dental implant. This surgical intervention is simpler and faster than placing the base of the implant.
submitted by AJDentalclinic11 to u/AJDentalclinic11 [link] [comments]

2021.10.01 05:13 Slab_0_Gum 50 of my presidential ideas. Would you vote for me?

  1. Hire Nicholas Cage to steal the Declaration of Independence.
  2. Release video of the inside of Area 51. (Unless any info in there would be a threat to my power)
  3. Add Andrew Jackson, Bill Clinton, and Sonic the Hedgehog to Mount Rushmore.
  4. Turn Epstein island into a theme park.
  5. Rename Alabama to Incestua.
  6. Create 3 Nicholas Cage clones named Nic, Nick, and Nicky.
  7. Make pizza delivery an emergency service.
  8. Make it legal to shoot at stop signs.
  9. Pee in a jar, go into space, go to the moon, and pour the jar onto the moon’s surface.
  10. Add emergency Glocks to our schools.
  11. Fireworks are free throughout the month of July.
  12. Offer Putin a billion dollars to start a gaming channel.
  13. Legalize prostitution and make it an emergency service.
  14. Legalize sword duels.
  15. Attempts on my life are now the only crimes punishable by death.
  16. Executions for the crime above will be held in public during halftime of football games.
  17. Falsely accusing someone of rape will result in a sentence equal to that of a rapist.
  18. Convince Disney and Sony to make a Spectacular Spider-Man season 3.
  19. My campaign slogan for reelection will be, CONTINUE?
  20. Visit England and smoke weed with the Queen.
  21. Replace every KFC with a Popeyes, and make Colonel Sanders a hate symbol.
  22. Create a new military branch called the Hell Force to protect our country against demons.
  23. Legalize a random crime for 10 minutes every Wednesday.
  24. Increase funding for the development of artificial wombs.
  25. Begin construction of the Obama Monument, which is like the Washington Monument but taller and black.
  26. Shut PETA down.
  27. Introduce the 69 dollar bill with Danny Devito’s face on it.
  28. Lower the drinking age to 5 years old.
  29. Create a National Meme Museum.
  30. Citizens will be required to go to the dentist once a year. Failure to do so will result in being taken by the Dental Force to a Dentist’s Office and a $5,000 fine.
  31. PEDs will be legalized and encouraged in competitive sports.
  32. Speed limits will be banned.
  33. Launch an investigation into Obama’s first name.
  34. Create National Porn Day.
  35. Everyday there will be a national song of the day.
  36. All criminals playing the song of the day during their crimes shall be pardoned.
  37. Shrek will be recognized as a religious figure.
  38. Increase the salaries of teachers.
  39. Launch nuclear fireworks in space on July 4th.
  40. Legalize cocaine in Florida.
  41. Children will be required to view the original Star Wars trilogy by the time they turn 13.
  42. Paint the White House black during Black History Month.
  43. If I am ever impeached, I will wear a peach costume until I am acquitted or removed from office.
  44. Women in prison for violent crimes can enter a yearly gladiatorial tournament where the victor will be given their freedom.
  45. My bodyguard will also be the First Lady.
  46. Any American capable of solving a Rubik’s Cube in 3 seconds is exempt from paying taxes.
  47. Compose a song praising me and play it before the national anthem.
  48. Everyone who sings the song above standing up with their right fist on their heart gets a free corn dog.
  49. Not standing for my song will be considered an attempt on my life.
  50. Add 16 verses to the national anthem.
submitted by Slab_0_Gum to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]