2 middle finger text

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2024.04.29 02:26 Atoraxic Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study

Here is a passive study of us from posts we have made. I certainly didn't post this to frustrate anyone as we certainly have way more than our share of that. I posted it so that you can see a write up of a study of the rhetoric used by people talking about these crimes on the internet. It also gives a few outsiders, that have shown enough interest to complete this work about us, opinions about what is happening.
I posted this so we can see their thoughts and opinions, look at a little analysis of the language we use when posting about our experiences, see some of the false delusion outsiders have, consider the delusions they feel we may have and as piece that can be included when determining the current state of things and how we can progress to having this all finally end.
Thoughts on the paper?

Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study

Monitoring Editor: Rita KukafkaReviewed by Jun Wen TanAndrew Lustig, MD, MSc,📷#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD#41 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada2 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada3 ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom4 School of English Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United KingdomAndrew Lustig, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1051 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6J1H3, Canada, Phone: 1 416 535 8501 ext 32841, Email: [ac.hmac@gitsul.werdna](mailto:dev@null).Author information Article notes Copyright and License information DisclaimerGo to:



Gangstalking is a novel persecutory belief system whereby those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people, often numbering in the thousands. The harassment is experienced as an accretion of innumerable individually benign acts such as people clearing their throat, muttering under their breath, or giving dirty looks as they pass on the street. Individuals affected by this belief system congregate in online fora to seek support, share experiences, and interact with other like-minded individuals. Such people identify themselves as targeted individuals.


The objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system.


This mixed methods study employed corpus linguistics, which involves using computational techniques to examine recurring linguistic patterns in large, digitized bodies of authentic language data. Discourse analysis is an approach to text analysis which focuses on the ways in which linguistic choices made by text creators contribute to particular functions and representations. We assembled a 225,000-word corpus of postings on a gangstalking support forum. We analyzed these data using keyword analysis, collocation analysis, and manual examination of concordances to identify discursive and rhetorical practices among self-identified targeted individuals.


The gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2 opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as presupposition, nominalization, and the use of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances, they did label others in the forum as impacted/affected by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others.


The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.
Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealthGo to:


Gangstalking is a novel persecutory belief system whereby those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people, often numbering in the thousands [1,2]. In contrast to traditional forms of stalking that are usually organized by a single person [3], those affected by gangstalking are unable to identify a single person responsible for their persecution and experience it as a widely distributed and coordinated effort of co-conspirators. People who identify as affected by gangstalking self-identify as targeted individuals.
Although specific experiences of gangstalking vary between those affected, the various expressions of this polythetic belief system include a number of common elements. In particular, the campaign of harassment that affected individuals perceive is frequently experienced as an accretion of innumerable individually benign acts such as people clearing their throat, muttering under their breath, or giving dirty looks as they pass on the street. Perceived as deliberate, connected, and malicious, intense distress is experienced as a cumulative effect of these acts over a prolonged period. Individuals affected by gangstalking are frequently unable to pinpoint a clear motive for the harassment, which is a further source of perplexity and distress. They frequently describe that the apparent goal is to make them appear mentally ill, to cause them to be discredited and disbelieved, and sometimes to encourage or precipitate their eventual suicide.
Interest in gangstalking is increasing over time and the popular press reports the activities of those affected with growing frequency [4-7]. As shown in Figure 1, the popularity of the Google search term gangstalking has increased steadily over the past decade [8]. When targeted individuals present to clinical attention, they are frequently diagnosed with psychotic illnesses and the gangstalking is conceptualized as a persecutory delusional system by psychiatric professionals. The gangstalking belief system is similar to some other well-established persecutory delusional belief systems, such as the Truman Show delusion [9], where those affected believe that their lives are surreptitiously being continuously recorded and produced into a reality television show and that everyone or nearly everyone they come into contact with is complicit in the deceit. As with many stigmatized beliefs [10,11], individuals affected by gangstalking reject the psychiatric formulation of their condition and turn elsewhere for support.
Continued, as always this link is clean ttbomk
submitted by Atoraxic to Overt_Podcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 catwaterbowl The love of my life left me

My (24f) boyfriend (24m) texted me while I was at work today to tell me he is leaving me, and has already moved out of the house. We are 2 weeks out from our 5 year anniversary. We have a house together and 2 cats. I am at a complete loss for words, and I feel like I haven't processed any of this. I feel absolutely blind sided by this. While we have had fights and issues with insecurities, debates, differences of opinions, etc in the past - things have been so good these last few months. We have both been on self improvment journeys individually and as a couple. From regular exercises, healthy eating and living, better communication, no overthinking, and so on. We have both been reading, and journaling, pursuing our hobbies and goals. Things were on the up 100%. In the past I have struggled with anxiety and insecurities related to his use of pornography and OF content, which had definitely ended in fights. As I would find clothes covered in his business and have to wash them myself, etc. Nowadays, I try to follow under the 'if I don't know about it it's not happening' mindset. I believe he tried to keep the usage hidden as I had never found anything evident. While I still have insecurities, I tend to keep them to myself as of the last several months to a year. I mention this because he told me in his text message that the previous years of my insecurities are too much and he had considered himself single ever since he tried to break up with me when we were 20 years old. Do people really hold grudges this long? I don't know what other reasons he could have for doing this, as that's the only topic that's ever really been cause for arguments in our relationship. We have not argued in a looooong time, and I felt like we were both improving so drastically, things felt so nice and relieving. I felt like we were unstoppable. This is so sudden and out of no where, I want him to stay with me, I want him to grow with me and improve with me. While no one can truly answer this, what happened and why. I feel like all of my self work was for nothing, I feel so unmotivated and distraught. I'm sitting alone in our house bawling looking at the anniversary gifts I had hand made him, and all of our things we loved so much. Why throw all of our kids away over fights from years ago. I love him, I would give and do anything. What do I do, where do I go from here? How to handle losing the person you planned to marry? I viewed him so highly, I was so proud of him for his accomplishments. He is so sweet so wholesome. I feel like I took it for granted. No one has ever treated me so good. Can I keep him? How can I keep him? He didn't even offer us having a break from each other, he left while I was at work out of no where. What do I do someone tell me, I'm having a mental breakdown. I haven't texted him back. I don't want to lose him
submitted by catwaterbowl to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 ChillKiwiFruit Confused about preeclampsia - insight needed

I’m a little confused about preeclampsia. I would appreciate some insight!
I’m 27 years old FTM at 33 weeks and 3 days. Around 28 weeks, I started experiencing slightly swollen feet and hands but it wasn’t too bad. In week 30, I suddenly started feeling sudden extreme fatigue, nausea, and dizziness that never went away. My first and second trimesters were very mild in terms of these symptoms. I messaged my OB, and the nurse had me up my hydration and keep track of my blood pressure that stayed around the 115-130/70-80 range over the course of 2 days. Still didn’t feel great. Nurse said that my blood pressure seems to be stable and that I’m experiencing normal pregnancy symptoms.
Fast forward to yesterday, I went on a one-mile walk around the neighborhood. Towards the end of the walk, my hands started swelling up really bad to the point that I couldn’t bend my fingers/close my hand. My arms felt heavy and it was extremely uncomfortable. I got home and sat on the couch for a few minutes to see if it would go down, and then I called the after-hours nurse line.
While I was waiting for the call back I took my blood pressure, it was 114/90. It was about 5 minutes later when they called me back. I explained the situation and she said it can be normal, especially since the heat and humidity have picked up, but it could also be a sign of preeclampsia. She had me take my blood pressure again and it was 140/88. She said that was a little high. She had me lay on my left side and wanted me to take my blood pressure again with the cuff on my right arm. It was 140/93. She was concerned with that number and said that I might need to come in to get checked. She talked a bit about preeclampsia and what it meant. Then, she had me take my BP again about 2 minutes later on my side and it came out to be 122/63.
She asked if I had any other symptoms like blurry vision/vision changes or a headache. I told her that I had a very dull headache that has been going on for a few days but it wasn’t awful. And that I hadn’t taken anything for it yet. She said that I didn’t need to come in but to be on modified bed rest for the next few days, watch out for those symptoms, and continue to monitor my BP. She also told me to take baby aspirin once a day. She told me to call back if something changes, and to call my OB’s nurse line on Monday to see if they would like me to come in sooner (next appointment is on Friday).
Since then, my BP has been 122/79 before bed, 106/67 in the morning, and 132/86 in the afternoon. Headache has gotten a little worse today and I plan to take Tylenol here in a bit.
A few other things I should note: I’ve been experiencing shortness of breath when I get in that deep fatigue/nausea/dizziness. I have some pain in my right rib cage but nothing excruciating - feels worse when I lay on the right side.
I’ll be calling my nurse line in the morning, but would appreciate some insight. I’m slightly confused about preeclampsia.
Can blood pressure spikes/sudden swelling like this be a one-off thing? Can you have normal BP readings majority of the time with a few spikes but have preeclampsia? What is considered blurry vision? Sometimes my eyes feel out of focused/heavy/tired with a headache. What should I be bringing up with my nurse phone call tomorrow that might be helpful?
Any other insight would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by ChillKiwiFruit to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 Wonderful_Fill6603 Abuser was arrested yesterday… his family is now asking me what happened

My intention was not to have him arrested, just to have him removed from my apartment since he is not on the lease. He choked me 2 days ago, the officers took pictures of my neck and told me they made the decision to arrest him and handed me an abuse pamphlet.
I guess he was just able to call his family today because they are all texting me. Should I tell his family? He has always made it seem like we both are physical when that isn’t the case and I know he is going to smear me to them. He even tried to tell the police I hit him :/.
I want to run away from all of this. His dad was arrested last year for beating his mom… I know they will just enable my ex like they did his dad.
submitted by Wonderful_Fill6603 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 Wonderful_Fill6603 Abuser was arrested yesterday… his family is now asking me what happened

My intention was not to have him arrested, just to have him removed from my apartment since he is not on the lease. He choked me 2 days ago, the officers took pictures of my neck and told me they made the decision to arrest him and handed me an abuse pamphlet.
I guess he was just able to call his family today because they are all texting me. Should I tell his family? He has always made it seem like we both are physical when that isn’t the case and I know he is going to smear me to them. He even tried to tell the police I hit him :/.
I want to run away from all of this. His dad was arrested last year for beating his mom… I know they will just enable my ex like they did his dad.
submitted by Wonderful_Fill6603 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 Traditional-Being869 AITA :I AM A BAD GIRLFRIEND LOSING MY PARTNER

This relationship has been messed up because of me.
  1. Firstly, I was in a relationship when that relationship ended. I don't know why I chose that, but I stayed a night with my boy best friend to vent and use something of his. Yet, in the morning, I started to cry. He comforted me, then we kissed. Intercourse wasn't included, but fingers were. After, I went to the bathroom. I then came out saying sorry countless times because I ruined our friendship. He said it was okay, but I felt guilty. That will come back in the story. The guy met my current boyfriend, knew I was in a relationship up to when it ended. I was happy I met him. I felt like I gained a friend. At first, I didn't see him as a relationship type. He was cute and so kind. We talked for a month. Then he said the three most important words. I've said those before, knowing I didn't mean it to my exes. So I made up my mind and told him this: "I cannot tell you I love you back as we are just talking." He then invited me out on dates. The first boy who has ever asked me out. Of course, I said yes. We experienced things, but then I started to know how he thinks, his views, goals, similarities. March sum, we went to a hotel not to do anything but eat. I was shy and nervous because he just made me smile the whole time and only asked me stuff about me. I was shocked, but I knew I liked him. When we got home, he did ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I happily said yes.
  2. It was three months and some after the event happened with my BBF, so I thought he was still someone important in my life. I'll introduce my boyfriend to him. We weren't talking; I just popped up at his workplace. This is important for future information.
  3. Everything was going smoothly, then I started to overthink. I talked to my therapist about how much I'm scared of him hurting me. I was told what I can do not to fully expect anything from him and to do things that made me happy. I did not tell my therapist this, but I started to drink again.
  1. My friend then started to invite me to clubs. I went because it would be a change, finally have fun rather than overthink. But I knew I'm light-headed, so I drank a small amount. But anytime I'm offered, I drink. He knew I was going. I remember dancing, but nothing bad, other than lying down on the grass. The next party, it was a crowded one, so because my friend and I had boyfriends, sometimes I'd be behind her, and she'd do the same for me. At one point, we didn't do that. We were in our mood, dancing, walking while asking for excuses to go somewhere with fewer people. Apparently, one friend was walking behind me while I was moving, dancing a lot with me, and someone else recorded it and he got it. We were back and forth. I kept telling him I'm sorry. I really was. I wasn't studying; I was just doing my own thing and I disrespected him. Two weeks after, I had a sleepover. That same friend, her boy best friend, her boyfriend, and others invited her for a ride out in their car because we were going to sleep at a hotel the next day. She said yes, no problem. Now they were drinking wine, light wine, so I didn't mind because I knew it wouldn't do anything. Her boy best friend was the one who was giving me a mixed drink. At first, he was joking around, but I got tipsy fast. When I'm tipsy or drunk around her, I would kiss, nothing with tongue, but hold her face and kiss her, as she says. Now back to the story, we got home. I don't remember when. I did remember calling Jay and crying, saying how much I love him. I was going through a lot then with my sis and family, so I think that's why I was crying. But when I got up, I had a very harsh headache. While eating breakfast, my heart started beating fast because I remembered what happened. I asked how did I do. She said she kissed her and her sis, which was next to her. So, she thinks I told him for a girl. But I knew I had to tell her. Now, my phone was dead and I didn't carry a charger nor money. I had to wait until the ride came back. I was panicking all day. When I finally told him, he was upset, which I understand, plus I've hurt him again due to my silly decisions. He forgave me.
  2. The year flew by, no more problems. I realized I needed better influence in my life, so I stopped drinking fully, and he told me I can lean on him rather than drink. In the next year of 2023, February, I had a gig on Valentine's. He was okay with it. Now, we both were aware that it was a one-man shoot. Then a guy came. I was told his partner can't make it, so I may have to fill that spot. I was scared to say no as I wanted to be included. So, I only said I'm uncomfortable. The lady tried making me comfortable. She then asked if my boyfriend is okay with it. I lied and said yes. And I told him about the shoot. He was angry, so was his family and friends. He said I never speak up for myself and I always make people make decisions for me and I'll lose him. Then he opened up and vented. In the mood he was, that my best friend, I told him what happened between us. I was embarrassed. A lot happened, people called me names, threatened to do things to me, but at the end of the day, we talked. I was happy he didn't leave.

  1. Later down the year, his mama didn't like me fully, and we had so many underlying problems. His health was a concern, and I was worried that my past actions were starting to affect him and maybe causing issues. He was distant, always gone for weeks on end. So one night, he went out on his own. I was calling and texting because I was worried, but there was no response. I had to ask his mom around 10 pm. I was waiting for him to text me, but there was nothing. At 8:30 the following morning, I said I should leave his life. I can't keep hurting him and lying to myself. I only told him on the call, "Bae, I think we should break up." He said okay.
  2. We had broken up on November 8th. I took it hard. I realized how much he cared. He was the only guy I could tell about my past and why I started drinking. But I went back into drinking. My childhood friend started to carry me home overnight one night. We both laid in the living room. I was crying. He asked if I was okay. I said I needed to forget. I kissed him and said let's do it. I asked if I was sure, and we did it. I kept changing positions and told him to go faster, but he wasn't what I wanted. His face disgusted me. I realized I made a huge mistake. Next time he picked me up, I begged him to pretend it didn't happen. I admit that I love Jay. I wish we could get back, but I can't. He's happy without me, and there's nothing between us ever again. He said he understood. On December 20th or 19th, we officially got back. I realized he came to me every day. I pretended to smile while in guilt. Sometime in January, the first week of 2024, now, I told him it's been 4 months and I'm not sure what to do. I told him I had no feeling, but I see how hard it is to believe. I love him, and I don't want to lose him again. But it's hurting him every day. He brings it up and asks me if I liked it. He must have done it right. I'm fake. Things I can't say to him. Whenever I ask a question, he says, "Do you " It's late. I'm scared to lose it

This is what I've sent him once:
"I am scared of my past. I don't want to repeat it. I want to start anew and do things better. I don't think I should blame others. I did that. I never told Tyrese to brag; he already knew. Jay knew because I didn't remember, but one of our mutual friends told me how I was, and they are also friends, so to save embarrassment, I won't laugh about it as 'oh well, it happened, I was drunk, damn lol.' I am not over everything. I do regret telling you things because I'm not ready. I don't want to ever part, and you better not. You know too much. There's a lot I'm not okay with. We'll have to sit down and talk. I'm not ready, but I should at least give you a part of me so you can understand me more, and after the conversation, I don't want to be questioned about it in the future or to hear it being brought up. I really love you. I know how much I've hurt. Things can't be the same for now. I really regret my actions every day. I'll keep thinking about it to keep in mind I owe you a lot. You're right. I've seen you a kind of way. I had so many doubts, and I wanted to protect myself, but I need to be honest with myself. I didn't actually expect we'll be together. I was going with the flow, but I fell for you and had so many faults and stayed messy. No, I didn't choose to open up because I was trying to put myself first. I wanted to keep happy. I chose you. I did things without thinking of my actions. I can't express how sorry I am and how stupid. I just want to make things right and show you that I love you. I just felt down. I had to think. I knew I need to change, yet I was vulnerable, but I wasn't fully. My feelings came first and true. I didn't respect you. I was expecting you to do me bad, but you didn't. I want to show you I love you. The stuff on Monday isn't for that. It's because I wanted to give you something for the longest while. And I'm going to work Diamond Girl the whole week, except Thursday, so we can do something. I don't know what, but something. I need to talk to you more. I know it's unbelievable. I'm really trying harder. I'm selfish asking, but please allow me in your life and trust that I won't do that again, even though we met the same night. He started sending said reels. Now my therapist says time will heal, and I need to as well. But she also says I am not to take disrespect, but I put him through a lot; I have to take it. And about the past, he said I kept keeping things. How am I supposed to let go? Which I told him, cause I should put my feelings aside. I wasn't over anything, which is true: the story I mentioned, the other two, I try not to remember the details. However, one I was at fault with, one I was out drinking, and I moved from the people I was with. I don't remember much as to why I never brought it up. I could have complained or let Jessica at the time know, but I didn't. I was embarrassed, so I pretended to be normal. There are more, but that's to keep it simple.
submitted by Traditional-Being869 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 Throwraweddingseats Entitled sister is upset I strategically seated her at my wedding to avoid capturing her breastfeeding moments on camera

I (29F) just got married married to my husband a week ago. My sister (31F) has a 5 month old baby and both were at the wedding.
I don’t really like my sister’s personality and her partner broke up with her a few months ago who alleged she was an “exhibitionist” and our side of the family are starting to see why he left her. My sister would usually breastfeed openly in public and although I don’t have a problem with breastfeeding your child, I do think I’m not really tolerant of HOW she does it. Most women in my community will breastfeed in public too, but will ensure they move to a more private spot ( not the bathroom!) or bring nursing covers, and I don’t think it’s sexist and all, because I see that as a courteous thing. Being as kind as I can about my sister, I think she likes to make a statement and “challenge” the status quo ever since she was a child. She’s the type to flaunt about how she doesn’t give a fuck what others think about her and how she acts in public. So yea, she’s got some issues of her own because I cannot imagine someone being this angry at the world for no good reason.
Moving on to my wedding, I had a videographer panning the camera in the centre of the aisle as I’d walk down, which means guests would be in plain view. My sister doesn’t carry bottles with her and she would start nursing whenever baby needs to eat. I didn’t want this captured on camera and wanted to avoid any possibility of that happening (because aesthetics), so I situated her in one of the middle rows to ensure she’s concealed either way. The rest of the family including my cousins were seated in the front. I also requested the cameraman to avoid taking pictures of guests in case she’s openly breastfeeding during the reception as well.
My bridesmaids on the wedding day managed to handle my sister as later I got to know she threw a stink about feeling neglected and hardly any pictures captured with her baby. Apparently, she had been nursing (maybe also to calm the baby down) therefore the camera guy hired requested her to step out of the frame several times. Ngl, this made me want to tip him a little extra haha.
This has been a pattern of hers at several family events (she also has a 2 year old daughter who was present too that’s how we were able to discern this pattern from the past), and even some work events that she used to attend with her partner. All of us have made effort in the past to communicate with her, but she gets argumentative and I didn’t want to have to deal with her drama
Idc about being called prude. I didn’t want someone’s photo/videos with their chest out on my wedding regardless of context.
submitted by Throwraweddingseats to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:25 Aggravating_Swan_508 Anything can help…

Anything can help…
Hello, my name is Jonathan Kerr and I’m looking for help paying for a mistake in my life. Growing up I had always had two dreams: 1. Becoming a great husband and father 2. Becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. The most important of the two was that I wanted nothing more than to be a great husband and father, and make sure I did everything to provide for a happy and stable family after growing up a child of divorce myself.
I chose to become a cardiovascular surgeon because the heart has always fascinated me and I had the mental fortitude to succeed in classes as well as a desire to fix many of the issues that we have in healthcare today... I’m sure we’ve all encountered a doctor worn out by the long hours.. exhausted by the same cases day after day. Sometimes ignoring the things we’re trying to tell them.. And instead of treating us as human beings, we are treated as a task to check off. This has led to most patients becoming nonchalant about their health because when asked questions they need to settle worry, they are brushed off. I wanted nothing more than to become a part of changing that..
On my journey, I excelled in my undergrad but had only applied to 3 schools albeit on my part it wasn’t the smartest choice to apply to so few.. but money was always tight and I just couldn’t afford 100-200 dollars for every application. I tried to stay as close to home as possible, growing up in a split home.. made me want to keep my family as close as possible. Long distance wasn’t something that I thought I could handle.
After the first time I decided to talk to an admissions dean and they suggested nursing to get clinical experience and boost my applications experiences there, so I did. I worked in an OR on a lung transplant team. I loved my job, I had an amazing partner that I thought I’d live the rest of my life with ( I even bought an engagement ring for when she was ready— because I had money I started saving from our first date to get my dream ring I started designing at 8yo and could afford it), there wasn’t really anything missing but the feeling that I could offer more. I watched some surgeons slack off, some excellent at their job, some take time to talk to patients, some ignore them entirely. I decided this would be a great place for me to start doing more to get that second dream and be more of a solution.
So my partner supported me, she was magnificent at all of it. Helped me study, helped me pick schools, helped me practice interviews, everything I needed to succeed and I did. Issue was that even though I asked to only apply to schools she was comfortable with me being at distance wise, I ended up at the farthest one. I was nervous it could affect our relationship but she assured me we would be okay and it was only temporary. Within the first two weeks at the school I was written up for a professionalism violation because I, albeit with an upset tone but without any rude language or raising my voice, asked a professor what kind of doctor she was —implying (PhD or MD- we had both and it’s the first weeks so how was I supposed to know) because she had told everyone the answer to a question earlier in the week and it was on the quiz she marked that same answer incorrect and refused to acknowledge what she told/taught us, just told everyone to study better. I was trying to tell her that you can’t lie to patients in clinic. I had some experience from nursing and it isn’t fair to our patients not to own up to our own mistakes, even if you mark us wrong please admit it or you’re teaching these young students that behavior is okay.
Even though within 10 minutes we hugged and I apologized to the professor after talking to my partner and she explained that my phrasing may have been offensive, 2 weeks later I was told I could possibly be expelled and would need to do a 1 year professionalism program, drug screening, IQ test, mental disability test, and physical. I complied with the program, but felt very isolated at this school from the start due to a fear that any verbal mistake or lack of perfect phrasing could get me expelled. So it was hard to make friends. My parents being over 5 hours away visited a combined 3 times in 2 years. My partner was very attached to her family and I told her it was okay, saw me roughly 30-50 days out there in 3-5 day chunks that slowly got shorter and farther apart over the 18 months.
I started missing family events to study to pass exams or giving up sleep/studying to make a drive back for a birthday party. It slowly was breaking me, I cried everytime I came home that I was afraid that this career would give me 1 dream but destroy the other and I’d never be there for my family. My partner assured me that it was only a short time and continued supporting me back to strength no matter how many times I tried to fold. I listened to more surgeons talk about making the most of the time with their kids or waiting weeks to see their partners in other states. I witnessed more doctors on rotations that would just say “oh well” about miscommunications between specialists or it’s written down they’ll find it. I witnessed nurses over using sedatives on patients for “agitation” and the descriptions of agitation were just raising voices or doing weird stretches. I witnessed physicians tell me I took too long talking to patients when I tried to understand their underlying issues and one patient that this came up had been an alcoholic with liver disease and through our discussion he came to ASK ME to get him help with his drinking to better his health. In other cases I watched people who had their “capacity for decisions” taken away and when talking with them it seemed very questionable if this was just stated to force a treatment on them or hold them in the hospital. The things I was witnessing were weighing heavier on me: if I’d ever be able to be a solution passing orders down to nurses? Would they follow them or even over use them? would correct decisions be made if communication by all physicians isn’t the same level of effort? And much more ran through my brain.
With the way I commit to jobs and activities I push myself to keep going until the problem is fixed or finished to the best of my abilities, I started to see all the extra hours I’d start putting in to fix this and the hours with my future family disappear. During this time I called that partner, because her sister said she was worried about her, and she broke up with me over the phone. I won’t do specifics, because I still really don’t understand what happened, but I’ve found my peace through prayer and breakthrough, as well as witnessing what I’d call some miracles.
I attended school for a little longer after this, but the fire wasn’t there. I helped patients and felt great in my last few days pushing myself to do more when the others seemed to be done with a case, I even got complimented by an attending that I would be a great clinician and have a great skill set.
Sadly for that attending and his compliments, I decided I needed to take a leave of absence to figure things out. So I left school and I’ve been home a few months and seeing therapy to discuss everything. I came to the decision that this dream isn’t worth losing my most important dream, because a career will always be just a career and I can do so much at point of care as a nurse.
When my grandmother got cancer last year I thought I’d lose her and called her weekly but now I see her every day and it makes me monumentally happier. She’s recovering well and just got news a few weeks back we don’t need radiation or chemo! I’ve developed more self esteem and self love over this time as well. I’m not sure of anyone’s beliefs but I’ve found comfort in Gods answers for me and I’m sure life will lead me back to that second dream if I keep pushing forward. The reason I’m on here, starting other posts to different Reddit pages and developing a gofundme is that i have ~$300k in student loans.
I’ve written letters to prominent religious figures for prayers, letters to prominent wealthy figures in media for assistance, and I have interviewed and got a new job to start tomorrow April 29th as a cardiovascular nurse and they even offered to train me for first assist in surgery.
My dad is allowing me to stay with him to save on rent and put all my money towards my loans that I can and help take care of my grandma, like I said I want to and enjoy working hard Im not asking for all my loans just help with the new large sum added by the degree that was a mistake, at this rate even with assistance programs i wont be able to do anything but pay on them till my late 30’s. I don’t want to keep imposing on my father as kind as he is and I want to pursue my true dream, after proper healing of course, of being an amazing partner and father that can be there for his children without pushing for overtime constantly. I want to be the dad at all the sporting events, the uncle at every birthday, visit my grandma often, the husband who cooks for his wife after work because she shouldn’t have to every day.
If there’s anything even a dollar it would help me immensely every day, and I will continue to find every way possible to keep pushing for ways to succeed in getting that dream. If you’d like to make a contribution to the loan account directly feel free to reach out and ask for the information. I passed all the book courses for anyone curious and I’m free to answer any questions if you text me at 724-302-9272, please ask anything you need I will have to respect the privacy of people involved though. Don’t forget though, while their are many stories of ways that I saw the system fail physicians and them in turn start to give up on the patients or lack effort, there are plenty of physicians out there I’ve seen giving up everything to see patients health prosper and make a solution out of the most dire situations.
I just can’t commit to giving up my family to make that happen. God bless you all, and I hope everyone finds their dream no matter how big or small.
submitted by Aggravating_Swan_508 to VenmoDonations [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:24 Elegant-Loquat-53 Sibling for Anders

Hi all, Looking for some name suggestions. We have our second son due soon and we have been going back and forth on names. Our first son is Anders and we like the Scandinavian theme but are not wedded to it. Our surname is longish (three syllables) so looking for 1-2 syllables. Whilst I like the idea of a unique name, I want it to pass the "Barista test" (meaning he won't have to explain/spell his name to a barista taking his order) so some of my wife's more left-field names I'm not keen on. Some names we both like are Lance, Sterling and Arthur. I'm a fan of stronger, traditionally male names Some names one of us has vetoed are Casper, Cosmo and Thorsten. Middle name hasn't been chosen yet so will probably be something that suits his first name
submitted by Elegant-Loquat-53 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:24 artgal1727 My (28f) crush (27m) hasn’t reached out in a week, what could this mean?

Hi yall. So I’m (28f) recently single after many years so the dating world seems so foreign to me now.
Anywho, there’s a guy I used to talk to years ago that I rekindled with a few months ago. Randomly ran into him at a wedding and he’s expressed strong interest in me in person the last 3 times I’ve ran into him out (randomly within the past 2 months). I think he’s so attractive and chemistry is definitely strong. We have intense eye contact, great conversation, it just feels so right. The last time I saw him, I went over to his place with a friend and we ended up making out before I left home. It was passionate and everything. The next day we texted for a bit but very sporadically. In the middle of a convo he didn’t get back to my text for 4 days. Which it didn’t bother me too much but did cause me to overthink a bit. When the convo resumed, I alluded that we should see eachother in person again cause it feels nice being around him. The response I got from him kind of threw me off and made me feel rejected. He said “ I’m going out of town this week, maybe next week” so I just liked the message cause I didn’t know what else to say. Anyways, it’s been a week and haven’t gotten a follow up message from him. Even though he was the last to text I kind of wanted to fall back purposely to see if he would try to pursue but he hasn’t yet.
I’m genuinely confused but want to know if this sounds like typical “dating” behavior nowadays? Am i overthinking this potential rejection from his texting ettiequte? Even though in person he’s actually the opposite?
submitted by artgal1727 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:24 StrikeEffective7982 Hoping to move to Saudi Arabia for career progression

As the title mentions, few points:
Any assistance would be appreciated!
submitted by StrikeEffective7982 to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:23 Effective_Dog_7416 Assuming Yuji weren't currently supposed to be dead, what grade sorcerer would he actually be at this point?

Obviously we know Yuji has made outstanding progress in the month prior to him beating the living hell out of Sukuna, and having 2 cursed techniques is (if I'm not mistaken) pretty rare and sets him in a class few others have joined, but based off his achievements alone what grade would he be assigned? (going to put my opinion in here as well - please let me know what y'all think :) )
So Yuji has consistently been the king of throwing hands even prior to the culling games arc // fight against Sukuna with feats and abilities such as:
We see that all of this is enough to get him a recommendation for first grade sorcerer (before he got stronger in Shibuya as well) now on top of all of this he has incurred:
I feel like with all this, and potentially the ability to learn even more we can safely put him at Special grade/semi special grade(?) (I say semi because he hasn't used DE yet, but I'm lowkey sure it's coming). What are your guy's thoughts?
submitted by Effective_Dog_7416 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:23 InvestmentBig8568 Can I file something against my property manager?

So my property managers husband has been extremely hostile with my boyfriend and I and has also used community areas to store his stuff. First, he was fighting with his wife and we were outside and he slammed her hand in the door and he broke her finger nail off her hand because he slammed it in the back door after pushing her outside. My boyfriend went over to ask if everything was okay and the husband yelled at my boyfriend and said he would “Bear his ass” (mind you my boyfriend has a lot of combat training for his job so I don’t see that happening but still it was a threat.) The husband apologized a few days later and to keep the peace we let it go. Then a few weeks later after my boyfriend went to help this dude on his car, this guy came up to us late at night and started threatening us. He was screaming at us and was telling my boyfriend again about how he was going to “beat his ass.” I got in the car and my boyfriend told him to F off and the dude almost pulled our door handle off our car because he was trying to get into the car. This is all on camera btw. My boyfriend drove off and we stayed away for a while, until we knew he would be gone. Now her husband is keeping his 450cc dirt bike in our laundry room on the property (it’s a community laundry room for property residents only) and it is blocking one of the drier and one of the washers out of the 2 washedrier sets that we have. I just don’t know if I can file something against the property manager for allowing a hostile living situation with an aggressive neighbor or what I can do. Our lease isn’t up until 10/19/2024 and we honestly can’t afford to break lease. I don’t feel safe in my own home and my boyfriend practically refuses to leave me home alone as he’s scared of what this dude will do. He has access to the entry keys for all the apartments as he used to work for the property and the property manager hasn’t changed the code on their safe and they both live on property. What do I do?
submitted by InvestmentBig8568 to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:22 Mitchepiper Dynasty rookie draft trade

Currently in the middle of my rookie draft and I drafted McCarthy at the 1.10. I just got an offer of Pickens, Freiermuth, and the 2.10. Bo Nix, Pearsall, and Legette are available. I should take this trade right?
submitted by Mitchepiper to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:22 nerdyunicornsparkle Why would my ex do this?

My ex and I broke up about 5 months ago due to him cheating on me with strippers and escorts. He also had problems with drinking and hiding his drinking. We’ve stayed no contact for the past three months. I’m still able to get text messages on my MacBook for whatever reason even though I have him blocked. He tried texting me 2 weeks ago saying that he was thinking about me. I never replied. This week I found him on a dating app and literally his entire bio is a projection of why we broke up. He says that his “loyalty is hard to break” and that he doesn’t like to drink all the time because he “cherishes his brain too much for that.” Do you think he’s actually changed or just trying to manipulate other women with lies?
submitted by nerdyunicornsparkle to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:20 nojibe1 Caught my gf prostituting herself to an older man while dating me.

Yup, just as the title reads, I've been reading the endless infidelity stories on these subs for years. My turn finally came. Yet somehow, I still fell for all the classic cheater lies, and made all the wrong moves. Here's my story.
I 30 M met my now ex-GF 27 F on Hinge in early August of 2022. After our third date, we decided to date exclusively. She told me that if we crossed the intimacy line, that I could no longer see other people. While I didn't like the idea at first, I decided to go ahead with it because I really liked her and wanted to see where things could go. I had no interest in other people at the time. We became official after about 6 weeks of dating.
Truthfully, the beginning was rocky. She insisted on seeing me once a week. Eventually we could progress to twice a week according to her. This also resulted in sex once a week, which I found strange for a new relationship. But I kept an open mind. People are different. We also didn't text much. Hours and hours between our messages. Slowly though, with much resistance, the communication and time together did increase, and we began a normal relationship. Meeting friends, going on adventures, and dreaming of our future together.
D-Day came on November 6th, 2022. She had stepped out to a thrift store for about an hour for a clothing exchange. I waited for her to come back at her apartment. As I was texting her, her iPad kept ringing in her bedroom. I went to silence her iPad so I could work on my laptop in peace. As I picked up the iPad, I saw my messages, amongst other notifications. Then I saw a notification from Google Voice. It read: "It's been great. Just made it to Rio. I get home Thursday. Xo" The alarms went off immediately at the "XO." I thought it was very strange. The number wasn't saved. She had never mentioned Google Voice. At the time, I didn't know what Google voice even was. I began to dread that this message could be what I thought it was. As a long time lurker on these subs, I remembered not to ever reveal what you know to catch a cheater, until you have undeniable proof. So I googled the number. It belonged to a charity with 2 owners. One lived in California (other side of the country); a bank CEO. The other was a 62 year old professor at a university 10 minutes away.
I sat on this information and kept silent. Acted totally normal when she came home. The next day, we went to go pick up her new dining table she ordered. It was a 30 minute drive. I decided to confront her just as we left for home, so that she would be forced to face me. Me: "So since we've started dating, have any other guys been hitting on you?" Her: "Not really, why?"Me: "You're so attractive. I find that hard to believe." Her: "Guys don't really talk to me that often." Me: "So you're sure that you're not talking to anyone else right now? No conversations that you wouldn't want me to know about?" "Not at all." As I looked at her, she was so calm. So sure that I had no idea what was going on. It scared me. It was the first time I saw a glimpse of who she really was, and how cold she could really be. Me: "So who the fuck is Kirk then?" Immediately, she looked at me with panic. Her faced turned white. Her voice was shaking so hard that she couldn't get her words out properly. She began to apologize immediately. She knew she was caught. She gave me her phone and showed me all the messages. I was sick to my stomach as I read the messages. She was prostituting herself to this man for money.
As I scoured thorugh her messages, she dropped another bomb. There was a second guy. Her most recent doctor ex she had told me about. Turns out they were still in contact. She said she was helping him with errands but they had stopped sleeping together by the time she and I started dating. She didn't want to tell me that she was still in contact with him because she knew I would suspect something. She showed me those messages too. As I looked through the messages, I didn't have 100% proof of something going while we were together. While he was out of town, she was watering his plants, every week and taking care of his airbnb. They went to dinner once (but she came to see me right after). It seemed like he was using her for free labor. A little too many favors from someone who is just a friend. But my main red flag was that she was trying to get him to go on a trip with her in the next 3 months, while dating me. That was all the proof I needed.
I crossed-checked the dates. I had finally figured out where she had been while taking forever to text me back. While seeing me once a week. It was my biggest fear. Another man. In this case, more than one. I was hit by a Tsunami of emotions and endlesss questions. How could she do this to me? After all the love I gave her? After I told her about being cheated on by my other 2 ex girlfriends and how badly it hurt me? After I turned down a job in DC for her? After I told her my friends we're concerned and think she's a cheater, she'd still cheat? After I told her about this sub and how I believed in exposing cheaters to everyone? Did she not care about risking giving me STDs? Did she care about me at all? Is she just pure evil and playing me for a fool? Why throw our relationship away to sell your body to an old man? Am I not worth more than $500? More than dinner, shoes, makeup, and a vacuum? Did he know about me? Did you guys laugh at me and how stupid I was? Did you laugh with your ex too? Are you in love with your ex still? Are there others? Have you always been a prostitute? How did I get myself into this situation again? Why can't I make better decisions? Why can't I find a good partner? What's wrong with me?
Out of all those questions, all I could ask her was "Why do this? Her answer: "I don't know."
Anyone who has been in this situation knows how big of a slap in the face this is. It's a classic line for the backstabbing cheater. Of course she knew. She carefully crafted lies for months to get away with it. She was greedy. Wanted the best of both worlds. To eat her cake and have it. She didn't care how much she damaged me in the process. She didn't care how many lies and backstabbing it took to get what she wanted.
I broke up with her immediately. But I gave her a chance to prove that she was sorry. And she did. She was what exactly what you'd want someone to be if they were truly sorry. She did everything I asked from her. For the next 2 months, with nothing promised in return. She got to me. I decided to give it another go.
D-Day #2 was May 30th, 2022. I found an old phone of hers in some stuff hidden in her room while I was helping her clean. I waited till she went to bed. I powered up the phone, and snooped through her messages. Nothing too crazy, but her most recent ex was on there. I wanted to see what their relationship was really like, because I didn't trust her to tell me everything. I uncovered 2 more lies she'd been telling me. First, they didn't break things off in February, 6 months before meeting me. They last had sex (from what I could tell) about 1 week before our first date. Also means that she lied about being celibate for 6 months before meeting me. I was furious, and decided to really dig through her phone to see what else i could find.
I found another name in her phone that I had never heard of. I read their messages, and he was a clearly a former lover. But not just any lover. A 67 year old partner at a law firm. My heart sank. Another sugar daddy. This was clearly a pattern, and not something she's never done as she insisted for the past year.
Now this was before she had met me, but rolled into while we were initially dating. but she told him she had decided to stop seeing him because she had met a guy she really liked at the time. This was right around our 5th date, so it could have been me. She also started sleeping with the professor right around this time, so this could have been her switch to a new sugar daddy. I became furious. She had told me about a guy before, but I realized she was just changing small details about this guy. Instead of being 40, he was 67. He wasn't white, he was Arab. It's true that he was a lawyer though. It's true that she went to Miami with him too. It's not true that she had never dated an older guy before the professor like she told me. It was not true that she had never had a sugar daddy before. (Small side note, she had been denying that the other gentleman was her sugar daddy. She insisted that she just preferred older men and didn't want to tell me). We were in therapy at this point, so I didn't attack her. I decided to take a peaceful and non-judgmental route. I asked her if she had any other men that she was talking to while dating me that she didn't mention. She denied it. I told her his name. She kicked me out and dumped me. i didn't explode. I explained my side to her, and gave her the space to explain hers to me. We went to therapy and talked it out. She said she hid it out of shame. More lies and no remorse from this woman.
So what did I do? Give her another go after a month of therapy. 6 months later, she dumped me out of the blue for good.
This final part is my opinion of infidelity. I want my story to be an example for people to read and learn from. Don't take them back. If you even have the chance to. It's never worth it. The relationship will never be the same. The "trickle truth" is very real. I got nothing but trickling for the rest of our relationship. She was going to lie until she died, unless I caught her red-handed. I spent the rest of the relationship in a state of permanent distrust. My mind was consumed with so many unanswered questions, daily. I could not enjoy anything we did together because I would always question if she was playing an angle. I hated myself for not being strong enough to stand up to her and leave her. I was embarrassed to tell friends and family that I was still with her. I was embarrassed to tell my therapist that I was still with her, after finding out she lied to both of us during therapy. I lost a lot of money that I could have saved for myself, that I spent on countless dates. I felt defrauded, violated, heartbroken, and ashamed after our break up. Literal physical pains in my chest for days. I was in a deep depression for two weeks after we split. I'm better now, but still recovering. I'm trying not to be jaded, but it's hard not to become cynical after a year and a half of my life being spent like this. Don't do it!
submitted by nojibe1 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:19 Annual_Technician819 Should I ask him out

So I have been going out with this guy for over a month and a half. We’ve been on, I would say, 5 dates so far. We had stopped texting each other for over 2 weeks after our last date but then he texted me one day all of a sudden. We started talking again casually here and there, and then he asked me if I still wanted to go in dates with him and I said yes and asked I asked him if he still wanted to go on dates with me and he said yes. I texted him on Saturday asking him if he was free and he said he would find the time this week since he was on call for the week. I didn’t bother texting him back because I felt I putting too much effort into meeting him now. FYI he had taken the initiative for all the first 5 dates we met so that is why I’m not sure what he wants.
What do you guys think I should do in this scenario?
submitted by Annual_Technician819 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:19 GEND3rGoblin I want to talk about the history of the generation protesting at US Universities rn

I want to talk about what the generation of Americans at college campuses rn has gone through, and how it has shaped their worldview. I'm 25, (She/her) gen Z. Most of us were in elementary or middle school when sandy hook happened, middle or high school when the parkland shooting happened. We had an attempted school shooting at my high school when I was in 11th grade. Thankfully the student who brought the guns to school, left them in his locker, and was stuck in class when the lockdown was called because his parents found his social media posts about what he was going to do, and reported it. And no one got hurt. But we didn't know that for over 2 hours. We thought our lives were in immediate danger. 16-17 year old kids were teaching each other about how to control our breathing so we didn't make noise if someone wanted to see if a classroom was empty or not, about how to take apart scissors, target arteries, how the eye has a lot of nerves so if we were to jam a pencil into the eye of a shooter they would have a harder time killing us. Children who should have been worrying about their clubs, who they would ask to go to homecoming with them, or making it to basketball practice on time, were talking about how to use classroom supplies against someone with guns. . .
Children. Please let that sink in for a moment.
We are now adults who grew up knowing from the time we were in elementary or middle school, that our government prioritized donations from gun manufacturers and the NRA over our lives. We grew up knowing that we could die at any time from something completely preventable, because our government refused to protect us. Because no amount of our lives were ever more important to them than their wallets. That same sentiment is echoed in the police violence being used on University students demanding their educational institutions divest from Isreal until they stop the genocide and dismantle their apartheid system. They are being tazed, beaten, harrased, arrested, slandered and thoroughly traumatized in defense of the capital of those institutions. Once again, we are reminded that our lives have never been more important than the wealth of those with power.
For those of you who saw the video of the students making a barricade from desks and school supplies at California State Polytechnic University, in Humboldt California. They are using a skill-set that was taught to us in school shooter drills. To older generations who see videos like this, please do not buy into the idea that "The kids are alright!" We aren't alright. As immensely proud as I am of those students, the fact that they already know how to do that, that we as a generation know how to do that, makes me so sad. And even more than that, intensely rageful that these systems didn't fail us. But rather, are operating as they were intended to. About how our lives have never meant anything to these systems of power and wealth. Thank you for listening to my stream of consciousness? Rant? Either or ig. Have a wonderful day. And Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 ✊️✊️✊️🍉🍉🍉
submitted by GEND3rGoblin to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:19 TightEye371 I'm 23, depressed, and just kicked cancer. I'm completely lost.

Sorry for the long post. I started typing then it turned into a vent session. I (23f) was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year. It is extremely treatable and considered an "easy" cancer, but mine had a bunch of other complications that took forever to get sorted out. I've been unemployed and stuck to the couch for almost 2 years. Before my diagnosis, I was struggling to find direction in my life. Pre-covid, I had plans on traveling (I had lived a very sheltered life and didn't know what I wanted to do yet), but those plans fell through during lock down. I've done nothing but work shitty dead-end jobs and live at home since I graduated. I had no plans for my future and was struggling long before my diagnosis. In middle/high school, I was severely depressed and had such bad social anxiety that I wouldn't speak at all. I had a very small handful of casual acquaintances that I would speak to in class, but no friends or anyone I would hang out with outside of school. My life consisted of going to school and coming home to stare at a computer for hours on end. My parents had no clue how to handle me. My mom is an extremely emotionally volatile person and would often yell at me for being anxious/depressed and not doing anything. She struggles with depression herself and comes from a lot of trauma (abuse, poverty, etc.), so the attitude was that if she could function and that she had been through worse, that meant I was just weak. My dad is rarely home and preoccupied with work, but he usually just agrees with whatever my mom says. He has been very passive-aggressive about me in recent years and hates his job. He has called me ungrateful and makes snide comments about me all the time. I don't pay rent and feel horrible about it (they won't accept money from me), but my entire life revolves around them and i spend pretty much every day doing chores/helping my mom/looking after my brother. They have flat out refused to teach me any life skills and freak out whenever I try to be independent, but constantly complain about how I'm not a "functional" adult. I literally can't leave the house without my mom interrogating me. Whenever I try to do something on my own, my mom stands over my shoulder and critiques me as I'm doing it, then she just shoos me away and does it herself. I literally can't leave the house without giving a detailed explanation of where I'm going, what I'm doing, how long I'll be there, etc., and my mom calls/texts me constantly the entire time I'm gone. I'm finally feeling better and my doctor finally has my meds sorted out. I want to get my life together, but I have no clue what to do. I don't feel prepared to move out at all. I just started working again, but it doesn't pay well. I thought about going back to school, but I still have no idea what to even go for. I still have a decent amount of money saved, but no idea what to do with it. I have no goals, no friends, no identity. I'm afraid for my future and don't know where to go from here.
submitted by TightEye371 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:19 artgal1727 I (28f) haven’t received text from my crush (27m) in a week. What could this mean?

Hi yall. So I’m (28f) recently single after many years so the dating world seems so foreign to me now.
Anywho, there’s a guy I used to talk to years ago that I rekindled with a few months ago. Randomly ran into him at a wedding and he’s expressed strong interest in me in person the last 3 times I’ve ran into him out (randomly within the past 2 months). I think he’s so attractive and chemistry is definitely strong. We have intense eye contact, great conversation, it just feels so right. The last time I saw him, I went over to his place with a friend and we ended up making out before I left home. It was passionate and everything. The next day we texted for a bit but very sporadically. In the middle of a convo he didn’t get back to my text for 4 days. Which it didn’t bother me too much but did cause me to overthink a bit. When the convo resumed, I alluded that we should see eachother in person again cause it feels nice being around him. The response I got from him kind of threw me off and made me feel rejected. He said “ I’m going out of town this week, maybe next week” so I just liked the message cause I didn’t know what else to say. Anyways, it’s been a week and haven’t gotten a follow up message from him. Even though he was the last to text I kind of wanted to fall back purposely to see if he would try to pursue but he hasn’t yet.
I’m genuinely confused but want to know if this sounds like typical “dating” behavior nowadays? Am i overthinking this potential rejection from his texting ettiequte? Even though in person he’s actually the opposite?
submitted by artgal1727 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:17 throwaway_67487518 Seeking advice on a match

A bit strange situation, I've been talking to a match for 5 months now.
We initially spoke for 2 months and then met once (we live in different countries) and then been speaking on text ever since.
From compatibility point of view it's a 10/10, we get along extremely well on almost everything.
One problem tho is she's a bit overweight she said this once before that she's a bit thick but I said it's fine as I didn't wanna be rude to her face and in pictures it didn't seem bad at all.
But when I met her it did bother me a bit as she's a bit overweight, should I just be honest with her and tell her this bothers me and we can work on this together ?
I'm very conflicted because on one hand we are very compatible and I don't wanna let this go, on the other hand I don't wanna make her feel insecure or bad by telling her this so I'd rather let it go and let her live happily.
What should I do ?
submitted by throwaway_67487518 to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:16 Low_Town4480 New York Times: Celebrity agents are selling a dream, as real homes get more out of reach.

Real Estate Fantasies

April 28, 2024
Updated 8:38 a.m. ET
By Debra Kamin
There are few acts more optimistic than shopping for a home. You walk through its doors, run your fingertips along its appliances and see your face reflected in its windows and mirrors. You consider untapped versions of your life, imagining yourself waking up every day in that bedroom, cooking every day in that kitchen and letting the years unfold between those walls.
Real estate agents understand this allure. The good ones package it up, serving it to clients in the form of property tours that show off not only a house, but also the life that a house can offer. And the really good ones are so adept at spinning the fantasy that they’re building careers on television out of it.
For a new story for The Times’s real estate section, which published this morning, I spent time with agents from shows like “Million Dollar Listing” and “Buying Beverly Hills” to understand how they became stars in their own right, and what that tells us about the state of housing in the U.S.

Hollywood luxury

Late last year, I flew to Los Angeles to attend an awards show for some of Hollywood’s most famous real estate agents. Seated in the backyard of a sprawling estate once owned by Madonna, I watched as Mauricio Umansky, who stars on Netflix’s “Buying Beverly Hills,” cracked jokes and presented awards like “Stratospheric Sale of the Year.” (The winner was Kurt Rappaport, who represented Beyoncé and Jay-Z in their purchase of a $190 million Malibu pad last May.)
“This is the Oscars of real estate,” Alexander Ali, a public relations official, told me that night. He runs a company, the Society Group, devoted solely to promoting celebrity agents and the houses that they list.
Millions of us are hooked on his clients’ content. The most recent season of “Selling Sunset” brought in about 3.2 million streaming viewers per episode, according to Nielsen Media Research; “Buying Beverly Hills” drew 1.7 million per episode in its first season.
I also toured homes with some of the celebrity agents, and felt the seductive power of their extravagance firsthand.
One of my hosts was Aaron Kirman, who starred on CNBC’s “Listing Impossible.” We drove around Los Angeles while he pointed out houses owned by Chrissy Teigen and Leonardo DiCaprio. At a red light, he reached into his Range Rover’s center console, which is refrigerated and stocked with protein shakes, then helped me put my seat into massage mode, so a dozen nodules could melt away the knots in my back.
We pulled up to a $58 million home in Bel Air. The house, a temple of glass and curved steel, has nine bedrooms, 13 bathrooms and a central spiral staircase that alone cost $1.25 million. Usher borrowed the space to shoot his music video for “Ruin” just before this year’s Super Bowl.
I sat on the home’s plush sofas and stared at the soaring ceiling of its primary suite. Outside, its infinity pool glinted in the sun. And I wondered: In an alternate timeline, one marked by different life choices, could this have been my home?

Refuge in fantasy

In the real world, the dream of homeownership is more elusive than it has been in decades. Housing affordability in the U.S. is at a crushing low, with skyrocketing prices, elevated mortgage rates and a shortage of inventory for low- and middle-income households.
Instead of turning us away from escapist real estate television, though, these struggles seem to have increased the programs’ allure. The reason, one sociologist told me, is the “parasocial relationship” that viewers can form with celebrity agents: They feel like friends to us, and as a result, we live vicariously through them when we watch.
In one of the cruelest housing markets in history, Americans are turning to television to fulfill their real estate desires
submitted by Low_Town4480 to REBubble [link] [comments]
