List of basic capital letters

Unsent Letters

2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2009.04.20 04:01 IheartDaRegion Savage Garden: For carnivorous plant loving Redditors

Talk about and share information and photos of carnivorous plants!

2012.09.14 05:40 The Basic Income Community on Reddit

A basic income guarantee is a system that regularly provides each citizen with a sum of money. Except for citizenship, a basic income is entirely unconditional. A basic income guarantee would radically simplify the welfare state, and truly ensure that no one has to live in poverty. Its necessity will become increasingly obvious as more human labor is replaced by machines.

2024.05.14 18:19 interquast I am dying here, please help me tell my boss how to simplify this process (we use Shopify)

I genuinely am not sure if this is the right sub but I'm at my wits end with this and I am seeking help.
I have a job where I do the ecommerce for a small chain of clothing boutiques in Florida. This is not a field I know a ton about and the job kind of happened to me on accident. The owner hires sales associates, then if they are "tech savvy" she will train them to do onlines.
The owner has 5 locations including a warehouse. At one of the locations, which is typically slower and doesn't see as much foot traffic, she has the "online girls." These are the employees that process all her online orders. There are 3 of us.
I am the only full-time "online girl." The other two work 1-2 days a week typically. Sometimes 3 if I am lucky.
Her online process is... really crazy and I've not been doing this job long enough to be able to figure out where I can even begin to fix it.
Basically, this is her process:
  1. Order comes in
  2. I have to log on remotely to a PC in the warehouse to manually search for each item in our inventory and I have to write down in the Shopify order notes which locations have the items, and where we are going to ship the order from. I then have to adjust these items out of inventory. Roughly 50% of the time someone is using that PC and I have to wait. Sometimes its easier for me to do this at 1am when everyone is asleep.
  3. If there are items on the order that cannot ship from the same place, we split the shipment and buy multiple labels.
  4. I email the stores where I am pulling items from with a list of the items I need for this order.
  5. The stores search their flooback room for the items, and then they respond back with the SKU, price, and weight.
  6. If they do not have all the items because inventory was incorrect (it nearly always is), I have to pull the item from a different store, repeat the process.
  7. If all items are accounted for then I send them the label.
  8. If there are items that are showing up as out of stock companywide, we have to make a list of these items and send them to our company group chat and tell all the stores to search their flooback room for these items. We have to send this same list to the owner and email all the stores with it.
  9. If the stores cant find these items still, we have to see if our boss can order it directly from the vendor, and then email the customers to let them know there will be delays.
  10. If it will take too long to order the item, we can email the customer with a list of "replacement options." We have to email the customer every day for 3 days until they answer. If they don't answer, we have to call them and ask them what they want as a replacement for their out of stock item. We aren't allowed to refund them unless they tell us they don't want a replacement or they don't answer their phone.
I could go further but I won't. This is a multi million dollar business and she's had it for 18 years.
Where do I even begin with this? Orders are almost always delayed. Customers are constantly getting the wrong things in their shipments. People are always complaining. I have to work crazy amounts of overtime to make any of this work. The "online girls" are all on the verge of quitting.
I have tried documents. My boss says she "doesn't do documents." She does most things through text message.
I have been here 6 months. It's not sustainable. I need to convince her there's a much easier way to do this but I don't know how.
Anybody have any immediate thoughts?
submitted by interquast to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:18 limbodog The generations after us were robbed of a proper descriptive title

  1. "The Greatest Generation" 1901-1927 (Thanks Tom Brokaw) were so named for their resilience and patriotism in dealing with both the great depression and WWII.
  2. "The Silent Generation" 1928-1945 were named after their strong sense of conformity and watching McCarthyism happen and basically doing nothing, but also for a very strong work ethic and doing their jobs without complaint.
  3. "The Me Generation" 1946-1964 (Thanks Tom Wolfe) were so named for being very self-absorbed and narcissistic. They prefer to be called 'baby boomers' of course. And so-named because they were part of a large population explosion.
  4. "Generation X" 1965-1980 were called thusly because of a shifting variable (x) and a desire not to be defined, though we are also sometimes called 'the slacker generation', which, hey, spot on.
  5. "Millennials" 1981-1996 were originally called 'generation y' because it comes after x.
  6. "Gen Z" 1997-2010 were called that because z comes after y.
  7. "Gen Alpha" 2011-20?? are called that because they ran out of letters and started over at the beginning of the alphabet again.
Even though Millennials do have another name besides "generation" + [a letter], the name 'millennials' still really just refers to the years in which they came of age and says nothing about their personas or situations.
And gen z and gen alpha we seemed to have thrown in the towel and just said 'yeah, next!' and waved them on through.
Having those descriptive names is like Maverick, Iceman, and Goose having their navy pilot call signs! It's a badge of dubious honor! Well what the hell? Are we going to let them go on without stamping their foreheads with some moniker they will initially resent but eventually grow to accept with a weary sigh?
What do you think generations Y, Z, and A should be called and why do they deserve it?
submitted by limbodog to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:18 Givemeallyourtacos First-Time International Traveler Seeking Advice for Greece Trip: Luggage, Money, Customs, and Accessories

I’ll be traveling to Greece in a few months, and I’ll be honest, this is my first time traveling internationally, and I’m looking forward to my adventure. Thanks to everyone in this sub, I’ve been successful in getting my experiences booked and understanding locations and everything else.
I’m a bit nervous and have some basic questions to ask, so my apologies upfront if these questions are a bit basic, but given the advice I’ve received here, I’d love to learn from others.
Thank you.
submitted by Givemeallyourtacos to GreeceTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 PinkGummyBear74 I (33F) found out my boyfriend (36M) emotionally cheated on me when we first started dating. How can I get past this?

Long time lurker, first time posting because I’m in need of advice and it’s eating away at me. I can’t really speak about this to anyone in my circle.
I apologize for the long post in advance.
So, my (33F) boyfriend (36M) and I have been together a little over two years. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone this much.
Bit of relevant background information: My BF was married for 9, almost 10 years. He has two kids from said marriage. (2 boys). She cheated on him with at least 3 people (that he knows of) and only cared about how much money he could provide for the family and disregarded his feelings constantly. (Telling him to “man up”, “stop crying and be a man”, “it’s not a real job unless you’re making six figures”, “this guy at work has bigger muscles than you, he’s so hot to look at”), would drain their bank account on whatever she pleased, including supporting her best friend’s drug habit and run ins with the law. The list goes on. She was his first….everything. Kiss, sex, marriage, etc.
I found out recently that about a month or two after we started dating, he was flirting with/hyping up his ex wife through text messages, and was expressing doubts about me. I never felt the need to go through his phone till I just had that gut feeling. I'm an overthinker, and I remember seeing how much he used to be glued to his phone vs now years later. It was always conveniently his ex's name popping up as well. Seeing as to how we agreed to an open phone policy early on in the relationship due to trust issues from past relationships, I decided to act on it. I fucked around and found out.
Hyping her up was obviously an issue on its own; However, he also seemed to be putting me down in the process of trying to make her feel better about herself. She was complaining about her insecurities. He was saying stuff like “Stop it. You’re the most attractive person I’ve ever been with. You’re a goddamn smoke show”. Then proceeded to list all of her positive physical attributes, along with how he didn’t know if he really found me physically attractive.
Despite how she treated him, they had a very active sex life. He was simultaneously complaining to her that we (him and I) weren’t having sex enough at the time (fair, I was anxious about sex in general due to past trauma from multiple abusive relationships). It took me a couple months to feel “safe enough” to open up sexually and for us to have a regular sex life. whereas he was telling her how he missed sex with her, they just should’ve made more time dedicated to their sex life around the kids.
The thing is, I never felt any indication of this at the time. He seemed to be understanding of my past sexual trauma, my hesitancies to trust another man, ensuring me that he was willing to wait as long as it took for me to feel comfortable with him (including sexually), everything. Always telling me I was attractive in various ways. How excited he was to get to know me; Would constantly tell me no woman made him feel so valued, like he was worth their time. Now I can’t help but to wonder what else he seemingly lied about. Or how much did he even mean what he said in the beginning while still fawning over her at the same time unbeknownst to me.
After those few text messages though, this type of talk seemed to stop. It went to strictly business only. Only interacting when its about the kids. No multiple paragraph messages reminiscing on their love for each other. No telling her how hot she is compared to me, nothing. They just stopped around the time he started to tell me he loved me.
Long story less long, I confronted him about these messages when I found them last week. I sobbed, he sobbed. He apologized profusely, stating he was just so unsure of me in the beginning and resorted to someone that was a source of comfort in the past (which I don’t get because, well, she treated him awful for the last like…6 years of their marriage). He then said something about how she was the only person he went to for external problems in the past because he doesn’t have many friends and he would vent to her about work, his family, etc. So again, she was basically all he knew from a young age. He then stated I’ve shown him what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like. That he feels he had rose colored glasses even then. To where he felt like he could somehow re-kindle with her. But he knows now that if he ended up doing that, he would’ve been miserable anyway. He made it a point to tell me he loves ME, not her; And that he doesn’t want to be with anyone else but me, how much he loves me, etc.
He has basically been my constant source of happiness, safety, and comfort until now. Now all I see are the text messages. I have a hard time feeling like he’s truly even attracted to me. He DOES constantly tell me I’m beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, a “goddess”, etc. But he also did in the beginning of our relationship when those messages were sent to her. Or maybe he’s only slightly attracted to me but regardless, in my mind, I am always being compared to his ex wife and I just don’t…measure up physically. I know I have quite a bit of insecurities and self esteem issues when it comes to my body/face. I have struggled feeling pretty/hot/whatever enough since I was a child. (Long story but for very valid reasons). However, before these messages, I was able to ignore them and just be happy. Now? I’m just not as pretty as her. Her hair is longer than mine. Her makeup is better than mine. I’m curvy/thick, she’s skinny and in perfect shape. I can’t stop comparing myself to her and I’m…going insane. Or so it feels. I just can’t compete with her physical beauty. I can’t compete with her having all of his firsts. I feel like she was the love of his life simply because of their time together and the fact she gave him his pride and joy-his kids. I mean, who forgets their first love? I can't compete with that bond they share. I can’t stop crying about it.
I guess I'm just curious if anyone here went through something similar, and maybe has some tips for finding their self worth again? Feeling pretty again? Or if anyone thinks him and I can move past this without the constant sting of betrayal looming around.
TL;DR: Boyfriend emotionally cheated on me with his ex wife at the beginning of our relationship. I’m finding out now after 2 years together. He states it was due to being unsure of me in the beginning of our relationship, but he’s never been more sure of me now. He was unsure of marrying ever again until he met me How do I recover from the insecurities this has caused to be brought back out unexpectedly? Was anyone here able to move on after something similar?
submitted by PinkGummyBear74 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 Professional_Disk131 3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA

3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA
(The information on the three gold companies in this report is not definitive. Instead, this information will drive you to do more due diligence and make an investment decision.)
A different way to invest in gold is to look for great properties. If you bundle the three companies/properties in this piece, you could own three great properties collectively for under CDN2.00 a share.
GOLDEN RAPTURE MINING (GLDR: CSE) is a collection of premier Ontario mining properties in the Rainy River region that have done enough work to unveil potential, below but left a significant amount of gold with great g/t numbers. As of this morning, some numbers will indeed up its profile. Considering the stock has been listed for about two weeks, these results are excellent. Forgive the length of the table, but given the quality of the results, investors must get the whole picture.
First, the newest, being listed in the last month, is Golden Rapture Gold. The Company intends to reactivate past mines in the Rainy River area of Ontario. The property is so new that management has only walked about 5% of it, but the numbers are already impressive over its two projects. The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits. These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Mr. Richard Rivet, CEO of Golden Rapture, commented: “I am incredibly pleased that we have just made some essential and rapid steps toward identifying additional high-grade drill-ready targets. We were pleasantly surprised to discover many high-grade quartz veins on the surface, with the majority of them carrying gold. Unlike many exploration companies, we are not just chasing the typical geophysical anomaly but also many vast high-grade gold structures identified on the surface that can be drilled at any time.
The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits.
These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Ryan Yanch CIM, a director of GLDR, states***, ‘One extremely important fact is that GLDR’s drilling cost is an industry-leading CDN140 a meter. It is not unusual for other gold comp[anbies to spend CDN200-400 or more a meter. One major contributor to this is that one significant cost is the location of the drilling company. 17 km away from the properties significantly lowers the capital cost and allows a more robust drilling program”.***
Given the uniqueness and exceptional quality of GLDR’s properties, there could be excellent investor support. Gold is rallying, and the prospect of further rises may portend in the shadow of interest rate cuts.
Previous work on the properties quickly removes the ubiquitous ‘drill’ on the property or other tropes. These are serious businessmen and women with decades of mining and entrepreneurial experience.
In the world of junior mining IPOs, there is a feeling that the stars must align to profit. Au contraire***. The keys to investing success are the right properties, management, and, in this case, a rallying gold price.***
Numero Deux
Element79 Gold Corp (the “Company”) (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) is a fascinating gold company and the second in our gold triumvirate located primarily in Peru through its flagship Lucero, Peru, property.
(Full Disclosure: James Tworek, CEO of Element79, is an adviser to the GLDR Board. Your humble scribe owns a small position in each Company.)
The past-producing Lucero Mine (“Lucero”) is one of the highest-grade underground mines in Peru’s history, with grades averaging 19.0g/t Au Equivalent (“Au Eq”) (14.0 g/t gold and 373 g/t silver).
In its past 5 years of production, ending in 2005, it produced an average of 40,000oz+/yr.
Assays from March 2023 yielded 21-ore-grade and high-yield up to 11.7 ounces per ton of gold and 247 ounces per ton of silver from underground workings, further validating the potential for a significant high-grade future operation.
Consolidating its focus in this region and its impressive geology, ELEM acquired the Roxana Vein and surrounding 1200ha property, Lucero del Sur 28, via auction held on May 17, 2023. The property is located strategically just east of the high-grade Lucero gold-silver project.
Instead of going into much history, let’s look at the Press release ELEM put out on April 23. New assays were released, and CEO James Tworek stated, “The data obtained is not just promising; it’s the cornerstone upon which our future endeavours will be built,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element 79. “These recent results, coupled with historical data, represent the bedrock upon which we are advancing our Lucero project.”
Corporate Presentation.
From the PR: A total of 97 samples were sent for assays, 56 of which returned greater than 0.1 g/t gold (up to 8.55 g/t gold and 523 g/t silver. Several samples also were rich in base metals (up to 23.7% lead and 9.9% zinc), all of which underscores the richness of our project, further supporting the Company’s belief a robust resource base can be delineated. (Actual assay numbers are shown in the PR)
James C Tworek further states, “Element79 Gold has transformed from an asset amalgamator and seller to a near-term production story, responding to Peru’s government push for formalizing artisanal mining operations. We at Element79 Gold are thrilled to share our unwavering dedication to bringing our Lucero gold project in Peru into production. This past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine holds immense potential to revitalize our Company and foster economic growth and prosperity in the region. “
The other ELEM property brings us back to North America. Nevada, to be precise. Reason to pay attention?
Maverick Springs is adjacent to the Carlin Trend. For the uninitiated, the area contains several of the largest gold mines on Earth. The area includes a number of the largest gold mines on Earth. Maverick Springs is a blind deposit comprising a 30-120 metre thick, flat-lying zone centred on an anticlinal structure with oxidation pervasive to 120 metres and intermittent to 270 metres. (5)
West Whistler property is in the same area as Maverick, closer to the Battle Mountain Trend, alongside Carlin: Near several gold deposits, including the Cortez Mine, North America’s third largest gold mine with 2021 gold production of 828,000 ounces.
Finally, the Clover Property, 16 km west of the massive Hecla Mine in the Northern Nevada Rift. The property sits at the top and centre of the Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends.
Nevada Gold’s active Turquoise Ridge Mine, the third largest gold mine in the United States with 537,000 ounces of gold production reported in 2020, as well as the Twin Creeks open pit mines and the dormant Pinson and Getchell mines.
Element 79 has drilling programs announced for the 2023/24 years and a more vigorous program for 2024/25.
As ( an aside, the gold price—and silver—have softened after particularly gold had a decent run. The first two in our group have slid a bit but seem to be holding in nicely.
If one follows gold forecasts, the pundits call for USD 2500-3000 over the next few years. The strategy is simple: A move to USD 3,000 represents a 50% appreciation. However, that also comes with physical and liquidity issues should you want to sell.
And the Gold price?
On December 30, 2022, gold closed the year at $1,819.70 per ounce. Flash forward to one year later, and gold closed 2023 at $2,062.40. That’s a gain of 13.3% in a single year.
With gold pushing to new record highs, it’s a fascinating time for gold investors.
Predicting the future of gold prices is never easy, but to offer some insights into what 2024 might hold, we’ve (compiled an array of gold price forecasts, outlooks, and predictions from renowned banks, industry experts, and financial analysts.
Let’s take a look.
Numero Three
Off we go to South America. This time, Columbia with SOMA Gold. (TSXV: SOMA) (WKN: A2P4DU) (OTC: SMAGF) (the “Company” or “Soma“) recently announced that gold production for Q1 2024 was 7,335 AuEq ounces, an increase of 8% over the same period in 2023.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The Company owns two adjacent mining properties in Antioquia, Colombia, with a combined milling capacity of 675 tpd. (Permitted for 1,400 tpd). The El Bagre Mill is currently operating and producing. Internally generated funds are being used to finance a regional exploration program.
Soma is further ahead than our previous companies, which doesn’t make it better; it is just a different stage of development.
Corporate Presentation, 2023 results, Tech Report.
Cardero Mine
  • The 84 thousand tonnes (kt) production rate in 2022 will ramp up to a peak mining production rate of 248 kt (680 tpd) in 2024. Achieving the planned peak production rate of 248 kt per annum would allow the Company to restart its previously operating El Limon Mill, with feed from Cordero in late 2023.
  • El Bagre Gold Mining Complex is located approximately 167 km northeast of Medellín in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. Soma produced 23,115 ounces of gold at its El Bagre Mill in 2022, an increase of 30% from the previous year. Soma’s production forecast for 2023 is for a further 50% increase to 35,500 ounces of gold produced.
  • In addition to its operating El Bagre Mill, Soma owns the 225 tpd Limon Mill, which is located 47 km south of the El Bagre Mill. The Limon Mill has been on care and maintenance since 2020 but will be restarted when production from the Cordero Mine exceeds the capacity of the El Bagre Mill.
  • The Limon Mill operates similarly to the El Bagre Mill with two-stage crushing, ball milling, gravity concentration, flotation, cyanidation, Merrill Crowe precipitation, and smelting to produce doré. The mill was upgraded in 2017 to a capacity of 225 tpd and is permitted for up to 400 tpd.
As mentioned, these three companies are similar in that they have what appear to be skookum properties. They are also all great gold proxies, and they all trade for under CDN1.00. Cheekily, I may have said that investors can own all three companies for under CDN 2.00 a share.
While I like the companies, I would buy them for their land positions. All have land that isn’t some dust pit but has either historical or proven assays. And most are near large producers. Element79; Nevada.Carlin Trend? Seriously?
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to trakstocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:15 Stellar_Wings How To Handle Dropping Players Off In An "Endgame" Area While They're Still Low Level?

Let's say for fun I wanted to start a campaign in the capital of my world's magitech empire ruled by dragons and protected by armies of Mages & Iron Golems. With shops all around town selling countless Magic items, and the docks full of Spelljammers the party could potentially steal. (Basically Sigil with some homebrew lore.)
What would be some interesting and fair ways I could keep them from trying to attack people, steal everything, and just generally go crazy or get into too much trouble?
submitted by Stellar_Wings to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:14 Classic_Brain_1487 Petition to Amend Marriage Certificate- Notes on how it went from a DIY applicant in PA

Sharing in case this helps anyone because I could not find much when I searched. I filed for an amendment to my grandparents' marriage certificate/license because both of their surnames were significantly misspelled.
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: This is my experience only and any advice given is entirely subjective. The experience will, no doubt, vary wildly court-to-court and beyond that, judge-to-judge. My case was in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
  1. The forms the court provided were designed for the original applicants themselves and left no room for a third party (a great-granddaughter in my case). I had to decide whether to fill out the form as written and add a page with an addendum letter explaining or to essentially make myself applicant "a" in place of my great grandmother and note "on behalf of [insert grandmother's name]". I chose the latter and there was a moment of confusion when the judge pulled up the documents, but ultimately he said that was fine and the best way it could have been done.
  2. I included a lot of documentation and that wasn't as helpful as expected. I included birth/marriage certificates to establish lineage and since I don't have my great-grandparents' social security cards and drivers licenses and such, I even added census data, their children's death certificates and phone directory listings. In my case, the judge didn't even glance at it. The only negative there is that ALL of that is now forever bound to the decree amending the license, so now it's a big fat stack that appears more convoluted than a simple decree. I still think I did the right thing, but if I had clairvoyance, a simple decree would probably make more sense in the Italian courts. (PS I could have been ANYONE and completely changed the marriage certificate of some random people who had their names spelled correctly for all the judge looked at it, which was not at all.)
  3. Men in power are used to being men in power. The judge we saw, no doubt thinks he is the funniest and most charming, but he delighted in making me uncomfortable and watching me flounder for polite responses. Example: When I answered sincerely to "Why do you want to change this document?", he responded-deadpan- with, "So you want to sneak around like a thief in the night and change some paperwork and manipulate the process to go join another country then?" (Of course he knows you can't laugh in response and must remain respectful, so what's right answer to that one?) He continued along those lines, but ultimately, there was no actual resistance to getting the decree. If you have the money, get a lawyer. (The judge also sarcastically commented on me trying to represent myself and the court clerk was unhelpful and lost the original filing.)
  4. Bring someone with you. If you are not incredibly comfortable with legal proceedings, ridiculously organized, and dripping confidence, bring someone with you. It's not that big of a deal, but I genuinely think having my sweet teenage daughter there made the judge more cooperative even though I brought her to include her in the process for her own benefit. (She also handed me pens and held folders and such, which was more helpful than one would think.) If repairing your grandparents' records and obtaining dual citizenship is personally meaningful to you, it can be of value to have a loved one bear witness as well.
  5. Duh, but bring a copy of EVERYTHING including the filing that got you the summons and the summons itself, because apparently, you can be summoned based on that paperwork and they still may not have any idea where it went when you arrive.
  6. Expect confusion from clerks. While this is becoming more common, changing certificates of deceased individuals isn't done every day in every court. I had to have the filing ratified in the clerk's office after court and she was convinced I had swiped the original hard copy from the court and she tried to send me back. Another clerk intervened, but apparently, in most cases, the judge does not hand you the original file and tell you to carry it to the clerk's office. (In my case, a block away.)
I also tried to email and call the judge's personal clerk to ask if there were particular documents required as proof and she simply said, "I'm not your lawyer" and got off the phone. Fair enough, lol.
The clerks also had no idea how I should fill out the aforementioned forms which weren't designed with third party applicants in mind. (I brought three copies, each filled out differently, when I initially filed. The office clerks were incredibly sweet and helpful, but they just had no idea what to do and tried to reassure it was probably fine.)
submitted by Classic_Brain_1487 to juresanguinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:14 starbright_sprinkles How to notify diocese about a red flag issue?

Hi All - I've been agonizing over even posting this question for ages, but it continues to weigh on me, so I appreciate any guidance folks can give!
Without giving too many details, our parish recently went through a period with an interim rector that ended up being very rough. I understand that the interim period can be rocky, but this feels big and we continue to learn the depth of new issues months after the Interim has moved on. Basically the Interim appeared to be encouraging major financial and capital project decisions that have now put our congregation in a difficult place, and they weren't very forthcoming about it.
I have faith that our new rector and our congregation will get though this with some creativity and elbow grease- but it might be a painful year. But I have also heard that the Interim is moving into a new temporary position and I feel like someone should have a heads up! Do I trust that our new rector will do that? Or is there some process for me to reach out that doesn't rise to the level of a full Title IV misconduct complaint?
submitted by starbright_sprinkles to Episcopalian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 konarona29 Where are the Gen Z innovators?

Zuckerberg started Facebook at 19
Steve Jobs started Apple at 21
Richard Branson got his start at 23
Bill Gates started Microsoft at 19
And the list goes on. I am genuinely curious to what is stifling innovation from the next generation. In some ways I want to blame the pacifying effects of social media. In other ways Mental Health crisis is ravaging the younger Generations. Is access to economic capital harder to get? Or is it fear of future prospects such as climate change, recession, Global Wars that is having a chilling effect.
I am interested if anyone else has noticed this or am I missing something.
submitted by konarona29 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 boathouse_floats Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound

Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound
Here's the deal.
There's a lot of chatter about the return of meme stocks and I'm sure you've all seen GME and AMC charts from today. Fucking rockets... but lets talk about meme projects and why I think there is going to be a brand new set of meme millionaires born from the meme action we're seeing today. (I'll save you some time if you don't feel like reading... they'll all be in KENDU).
As you all know, back in the good ol' days of 2021 when we were all face humping masks and rotting in our houses, some real fun was had and a lot of "New Money" millionaires were born. Some of these were from meme stocks, but a lot of people made fat bags on meme projects which they carry with them to this day.
First in Jan/Feb $DOG E pumped. Following this, $SHIB ($KENDU's Chad in Arms) pumped. These projects lost a bit off the top, but have sustained multi-billion dollar market caps to this day. But could they have done it on their own? Was this all just coincidence? Were market conditions so different that these pumps were just a factor of people being stuck at home with nothing better to do than sit there, thumb in ass, trading memes? Science says NAY!!
Please bear in mind that I'm wearing a helmet, which might have restricted some of the blood flow to my brain. This is NFA and you should DYOR... but I'm all in.
To prove my point, I am referencing the paper "The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach" by Yousaf et al. from 2022. Please note that I only have access to the pre-print, so the peer-reviewed edition might be a little different, but I would muster a guess, not really.
These authors are using data from 2020-2022, which includes data outside of the range of what I would consider the "hard" meme squeeze (Jan. 2021 and the few months following). Given the analysis from this paper was done using data from August 2020 to April 2021, I posit that the conclusions the authors draw, can and will apply to meme events outside of the infamous 2021 meme run which some might say is the primary reason meme projects squoze. The HUGE meme project runs we saw in SHIB and DOG E might have been born of the "Funny Money" era, but lock-down degeneracy isn't the end all when predicting price movements.
The meat
"Why, Butt?" I hear you ask. "Why do you bring this paper up?". Surely it can't be because you wanted to "prove" that meme projects can run outside of the golden age of meme pumps? Well dear Redditor... yes and no. I bring it up also because of the interesting point it mentions about how predictive certain market events are for similar market events in other assets.
To do this, the authors use Quantile Connectedness (QC) to analyze Meme stocks, Meme projects, and some more traditional asset classes like USD, Treasuries and Gold. QC is a concept used in economics to measure the degree of interdependence (how connected things are) among different segments of financial markets. The method uses some fancy stats and math to do so, and the analysis done in this paper says some interesting things about the interplay between traditional assets, meme assets and meme pumps (summarized in the following screen grab).
Memes go brrrrrr... other things do too
Yousaf, 2022 - The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach.
So... market events in the upper extreme quantile (or in laymen terms, extreme upwards market movements) in meme assets tend to cause spillover events into both meme assets and traditional financial assets. That's interesting... You know what we saw today? An extreme upward market movement. Specifically GME and AMC, which are both up over 100% (in after hours) from previous close.
Second, and perhaps more of a bull case for me... the spillover events are even more well predicted by movement in meme stocks than they are by movement in BTC (please see the useful red circle in the screen-grab below). Higher number = better prediction of spillover event. So, SO often, I hear people predicting runs in the smaller meme projects based strictly on what BTC is expected to do. But it turns out, there's an even better predictor!!! Meme stocks!
Please also note: The authors state "All meme assets are highly positively skewed, which reflects their price surges during short squeezing periods." Pretty sure this means, green begets more green for these spillover events.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB
All this brings me to my last point. What does this all mean for meme projects and for $KENDU?
I hear you thinking "Why not just choose SHIB or DOG E, Butt?" and I get it... safe bets that will for sure "moon". Yes... "moon" :eye roll:
These projects are fine and good if you want to just grow the bags you've been holding and just keep, HODLing... but I know the real reason you all are playing meme projects, and it's that sweet, sweet alpha. You don't want to see the 2x, or 3x that these bigger memes might fetch during the next run. You're looking to eat zeros... and the only way to do that is to get in early with a project that is going to FUCKING RUN!
Enter KENDU INU... it's the project that "Can do"
Arguably, the most important fundamental for a meme project is the hype that it generates and how infectious its energy is. Well, you're not going to find a more hype community with a more infectious can do attitude than the KENDU community. The TG is wild, memes are on point, new art being made ALL THE TIME, and so much love and support for every single member in the Kendu clan.
Ignoring the fluffy feel good stuff though (NO DON'T DO THAT), what does this project really have going for it. I'm glad you asked.
  • We have strong support in the 40M range right now and are primed to run.
  • There are ABSOLUTELY (and we mean stay TF away if your looking to trade capital for services) no paid shills. Everyone is working hard to get this to project1BN+ and to get there organically! We know we can do it!
  • Shytoshi Kusama (the project lead for SHIB) has been following the project since 300 xitter followers. Shytoshi has also joined our Telegram community and said that he wants to feature KENDU in Shib Magazine (Look for the screen grabs in the comments).
  • The mega-chad developer, Kendu Miyazaki, has run multiple projects to 100M+ and is an incredibly active part of the community.
  • Kendu recently been listed on some BIG crypto tracking platforms like CMC.
  • 3 top 10 exchanges are lined up to launch KENDU when the time is right. One of these exchanges is a top 5 CEX !!!
  • The community! The community! The community!! (One more time for those who didn't hear: The Community!). This community is unhinged in the best way. So many people dedicated to the success of the and project to keeping positive vibes going ALL THE TIME in the Telegram.
  • What more sorta hype could you ask for!!
I will leave you with this. Dump those trash projects, put your M-Effin helmet on, and join the KENDU Clan!
Screw these JEET ass meme projects. KENDU is the only play
  1. Huge meme alpha was not strictly generated from pandemic lock-down funny money degeneracy.
  2. The GME and AMC pumps we saw today are a good predictor for what's to come with meme projects.
  3. You want alpha and to add to zeros to your portfolio. Bigger projects WILL NOT do that as well for you.
  4. Those other meme projects don't hold a candle to the dedication and spirit that all my fellow KENDU Chad's have!
TLDR the TLDR: Meme projects are going to run and $KENDU is going to own the day!
submitted by boathouse_floats to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 TexASS42069 Writeup on Application Components

I neglected to include this in my cycle recap, but hopefully some future applicants find this helpful. Obviously this is not a one-size-fits-all.
This will be controversial, but it ideally should be one-page. Harvard and Yale have made explicit their preference for such. I’d say if you’ve got less than 10 years of work experience, you almost certainly can and should fit it on one page. Be concise with your verbiage. Don’t piss the reader off with small fonts (definitely no less than size 11) or crammed wording. You don’t need to patronize the reader by describing in intricate detail what some common-sense things are.
Again, I believe less is generally more, continuing with my theme. If you can effectively cover ground with two letters when you can submit up to three or four. Choose 2. The only school I submitted 3 letters to was Yale, and that was because I was advised they wanted two academic letters and a military letter to speak to my five years in the Navy. Every other school I submitted one academic and one professional (military) letter.
Yale 250
I wrote about a humbling experience where essentially the main takeaway was that I didn’t need to have an opinion/express an opinion on everything. I hit on the same anecdote in every single one of my interviews, and I think it was well-received.
Harvard Statement of Purpose
-I opted for a different approach contrary to what many recommended. I did not use my traditional Personal Statement for this topic. Instead, I went with a much more direct 1-page statement addressing why I no longer wanted to pursue the JAG Corps in the military (since I’m a reapplicant from a few years ago), and how now I want to clerk, work in big law for a few years to gain experience, and then be a federal prosecutor. There was a lot of good interview fodder from this statement that Dean KJ took an interest in.
PS/HLS Statement of Perspective
My Personal Statement was very reflective in nature on my past failures and moments of growth, and how offering and accepting help is crucial to such growth. I felt this fit the prompt of Harvard’s Statement of Perspective much better for me, as stated above. For my personal statements for other schools, the only modification was I had a paragraph inserted about why I wanted to continue in public service as a federal prosecutor.
I made crystal clear how UVA was one of my top choices, and I think they appreciated that. I did not want to run the risk of appearing like I was coasting on stats, which often leads to people getting waitlisted or denied at UVA and similar schools. I talked about how Charlottesville mirrored my state school undergrad, and how I loved that being an island of blue in a sea of red on the political lap brings with it a perspective you can’t find easily most other places. I also discussed my goals of wanting to practice in the south after law school, which added to the authenticity in my view.
Character and Fitness
Just own it. Don’t shift the blame. Be as concise about what happened as possible and take ownership of it. I got fired as an RA for hosting a party with other RA’s in my dorm room. It was about 5 sentences in length.
Georgetown Top 10
As a huge Survivor fan, I made a detailed top 10 winners list.
Interview Advice
It’s okay to be nervous. I fucked up the intro to my Harvard interview by saying something like “I guess it’s nervous to be normal” and we laughed about it. My Yale interview started 8 minutes late because we had audio issues connecting. I was panicking on the inside from embarrassment, but tried not to let that show to my interviewer (who I could see on video still). The interview went great and we talked for twenty minutes past my allotted time. My other feedback is to give good thought as to Why X school and why law school in general. In my Harvard interview, I said something along the lines of "A lot of people grow up dreaming of coming to this school, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't one of them. Even more than that, though, the size of Harvard's class brings with it a diversity of backgrounds and thought that you can't find as easily anywhere else. I remember reading about conservative students in the past enjoying now-Senator Elizabeth Warren's classes when she taught here. That coupled with Harvard having the highest student veteran population of any school make it a natural fit." As for the Georgetown interview, I think a good rule of thumb is to be respectful of the other applicants’ time and answers. Try not to talk more than anyone else in the group interview, and try to pay attention to what people say to show you’re listening. Finally, (and maybe I’m old fashioned) I think it’s generally polite and professional to send a quick thank-you email to your interviewethe admissions inbox. Don’t expect a response, but I do think it’s a thoughtful touch.
submitted by TexASS42069 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:10 Ordinary_Seesaw_7484 Property owners, managers and guests on VRBO, how often do you experience technical problems with the website?

For me, I have issues at the minimum of once a week, but usually more frequently. Either the website or the phone app isn't working. I've noticed over the past year, it's getting worse. I've lost 2 potential customers in the past 2 months who just gave up trying to make a booking because they were so frustrated with trying to make a payment with the buggy technology. Then that lowers my guest acceptance rate, which I have no control over. I'm getting really fed up, and contacting customer support has been tedious when it comes to sorting out the problems. We pay a lot of money to put our listing on the site, plus VRBO charges customers high service fees on top of that. I've read that VRBO has finally admitted to investors that it is having tech issues, but it seems like nothing is being done for those of us who actually use the website. I am thinking about writing a letter to the CEO regarding this, and I'm curious about how many other people have had frequent issues?
submitted by Ordinary_Seesaw_7484 to vrbo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 afterIife101 Help Regarding how to file complaint in Labour commission?

So basically I was working for a company and suddenly their financial situation became worse and they had to shut down, CEO of company works somewhere and hasn't ran away just dodging calls and messages, there are like 4 or 5 of us who haven't been paid, Some have contract and some don't they are contactless with some like me and in contact with others and they are promising to give some people money and for me he isn't even replying. I only have Offer Letter in my email as some kind of document with that company, what can we do. What would be better thing to do? please help
submitted by afterIife101 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 Grand_Moose2024 My Sizzle Season 2024 Predictions

I'm sure you all are probably already aware, but Sizzle Season 2024 is coming really soon for Splatoon 3. And since we're really likely to get a trailer for it this week, I figured I'd go ahead and share my predictions for things like the new kits and stages that will be released in it. I'm not sure how accurate all of these are, but let's have a look at them anyways. To start, here's what I've got for the weapons:
Second Kits:
These kit predictions were made based on qualities like what they consisted of it previous titles, as well as what sub and special weapons other kits in their respective weapon classes have not yet received. As for the Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau, my prediction for its Nouveau branding is based on the fact that Nouveau is the creator of the vanilla Heavy Edit Splatling. My Splattercolor Screen special prediction is also based on that, as both it and vanilla Heavy Edit were made by Nouveau, and the Splattercolor Screen has yet to be included as part of a Nouveau weapon kit. A lot of people have been saying that the Recycled Brella 24 Mk I and the Douser Dualies FF will be getting second kits this coming season, but me, well, I'm not so sure about that. I can understand why they'd think that, considering the rumors that Sizzle Season 2024 will be the final major update for Splatoon 3, but the idea of two recently introduced weapons getting second kits the season right after the one they were released in just sounds kind of strange to me. But, of course, I could be wrong. We'll just have to wait and see once the season is revealed. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's move on to the possible new kits for the game.
One of the most common rumors for Sizzle Season 2024 is that a new Stringer and Splatana will be introduced in the season. Considering that they haven't received any new models since the start of the game, I guess I can see something like that. However, as far as included subs, specials, or even general themes or gimmicks go for these potential new weapons, I can't think of any possibilities, probably because I don't really use those types of weapons much in the game. Once again, we'll just have to wait and see once the trailer comes out. Anyways, I think that's enough talk about weapons. Let's move on to possible stages.
Returning Stages:
Please note that I'm only making a list of possible returning stages because I can't think of any good ideas for possible new stages and, well, if I'm being honest, I feel like Splatoon 3 has enough of those already. I'm sure a lot of you have a good idea for why Saltspray Rig is on the list. That's right, Splatoon 1's server shutdown. You'll also probably notice that Urchin Underpass, another classic Splatoon stage that's now unplayable because of the server shutdown, is not one of my stage predictions. The reason Saltspray Rig is on the list and not Urchin Underpass is because unlike the latter stage, which was included in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as a battle course, the former stage hasn't had any acknowledgement since the first game. So, between those two stages, I'd say that Saltspray Rig is the more likely to return in Splatoon 3. As for Shellendorf Institute and Skipper Pavilion, those two stage predictions were made based on how locker decorations based on items found in both those stages were introduced in Drizzle Season 2023, specifically the cephalo cipher stone, orca fossil, and Great Zapfish (as well as a Shellendorf Institute-themed skateboard) for Shellendorf Institute, and the closed-mouth mudskipper and open-mouth mudskipper for Skipper Pavilion. Considering that we got locker decorations that were inspired by those two stages, it would make sense for either one of them to return in Splatoon 3. Also, something else to note is that there's no telling what the new stage distribution will be like this season for the most part, Splatoon 3 followed a pretty basic pattern for stages introduced in new seasons: one new one and one from a previous game. However, that hasn't always been the case, as in Drizzle Season 2024, both stages introduced were new ones (Crableg Capital and Shipshape Cargo Co.), and in the current Fresh Season, we only got one stage: Marlin Airport. For all we know, both stages introduced in Sizzle Season 2024 could be returning ones, or we might only get one returning one. Heck, we could even possibly get more than two stages next season. But for now, we'll just have to wait and see what the trailer has in store for us. Anywho, I think I've said enough about stages. Let's move on to my final prediction for the next season: its Big Run.
For the Big Run in Sizzle Season 2024, I'd say that the most likely stage for it to take place on would have to be Sturgeon Shipyard. I mean, for one, the stage is set in a shipyard, which seems to me like a good location for the Salmonoids to try and invade. Another reason I think this stage is likely is because of its size and different locations, which could lead to all kinds of different battle scenarios against the Salmonoids. There are other stages that could potentially host the season's Big Run, like Mahi-Mahi Resort or Shipshape Cargo Co. but out of all those possible stages, I think Sturgeon Shipyard is the most likely site for it. And that's pretty much all I have to say for this category.
And there you go. Those are all my Sizzle Season 2024 predictions. Feel free to share your thoughts on them in the comments, and you can even share your own predictions too if you want. Hopefully some time this week, we'll find out just how accurate these are.
submitted by Grand_Moose2024 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:06 Comprehensive-Yam717 Howard wait list

They want you to submit a letter of continued interest with your completed form for the wait list Google doc but I’m confused on where to submit it.
submitted by Comprehensive-Yam717 to BlackLawAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:05 legendoflegends3 Supported Carriers Google Watch 6

Hello, I want to buy a Google watch 6 and saw this list of supported carriers. Since Google Fi basically uses the T mobile network, would it also be a supported carrier? Anybody have any experience with that? Thank you
submitted by legendoflegends3 to GoogleFi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Refugee Council of Australia: Our Letter to the Prime Minister regarding the Israel and Gaza Crisis (April 26, 2024):
Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza [Signed by: US; 18 Million Rising; 198 methods; Adalah Justice Project; Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association; AF3IRM; Afghans For A Better Tomorrow; Al-Haq; Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches USA; American Baptist Churches Palestine Israel Network; American Friends Service Committee; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC); American Muslim Bar Association; American Muslim Community Foundation; American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action); Arab American Civic Council; Arab American Institute; Asian American Advocacy Fund; Better to Speak; Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls; Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU); Blue Future; Borderlands for Equity; Borderlands Resource Initiative; Breach Collective; Brooklyn For Peace; CAIR Action; CAIR California; CAIR Minnesota; CAIR Oklahoma; CAIR-WA; California Coalition for Women Prisoners; Cameroon American Council; Carceral Tech Resistance Network; Ceasefire Democrats; Ceasefire Now NJ; Center for Constitutional Rights; Center for Popular Democracy Action; Center for Protest Law & Litigation @ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Chicago Area Peace Action; Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy; Christians for a Free Palestine; Civic Ark; Civil Liberties Defense Center; Clockshop;; Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP); Council on American-Islamic Relations; CWA-News Guild Local 38010; Defending Rights & Dissent; Delaware Democratic Socialists of America; Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights; Detention Watch Network; Disciples Palestine Israel Network; Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM); Doctors Against Genocide; Dream Defenders; Dutch Scholars for Palestine; Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine; Emgage Action; En Conjunto; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Faith for Black Lives; Faith in Texas; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fight for the Future; For All; Freedom Farm Community; Freedom Oklahoma; Freedom To Thrive; Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA); Future Coalition; Gen-Z for Change; Gender Justice Action and Gender Justice; Get Free; Global Campaign to Reclaim People's Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity; Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine; Green New Deal Network; Greenpeace USA; Hawai'i for Palestine; Health Justice Commons; Helena (Montana) Service for Peace and Justice; Highlander Research and Education Center; Hindus for Human Rights; Historians for Peace and Democracy; Human Dignity Project (THDP); IfNotNow Movement; IfNotNow New Jersey; Immigrant Defense Project; Immigrant Justice Network; Immigrants Act Now; Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC); Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project; Interfaith Ceasefire; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network; International Mayan League; InterReligious Task Force on Central America; Iowans For Palestine; Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); Islamophobia Studies Center; Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Jewish Voice for Peace; Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawai’i; Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ); Just Foreign Policy; Justice Democrats; Just Futures Law; Justice for All; Kairos USA; Libyan American Alliance; LittleSis / Public Accountability Initiative; Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community; Long Island Progressive Coalition; Make the Road Nevada; Malaya Georgia; Massachusetts Peace Action; Mennonite Action; Mennonite Action WA; Migrant Roots Media; Minnesota Peace Project; Mondoweiss; Movement for Black Lives; MPower Change Action Fund; MSA West; Muslim Advocates; Muslim Community Network; Muslim Counterpublics Lab; Muslim Power Building Project; Muslims for Just Futures; Muslims for Progressive Values; National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA); National Domestic Workers Alliance Staff Union, CWA Local 1180; National Iranian American Council; National Lawyers Guild; National Lawyers Guild - St. Louis Chapter; National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR); National Partnership for New Americans; New Hampshire Veterans for Peace; New York City Veterans For Peace; The New Justice Project Minnesota; NH Peace Action; North American Students of Cooperation; No Separate Justice; North Carolina Peace Action; The Oakland Institute; Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth; Our Revolution; Palestine American League; Palestine Legal; Palestinian American Community Center; Palestinian American Organizations Network (PAON); Palestinian Feminist Collective; Partners for Palestine; Pax Christi New Jersey; Pax Christi New York State; Pax Christi Pacific Northwest; Pax Christi USA; Peace Action; Peace Action New York State; Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!; Pediatricians for Palestine; People’s Action; PeoplesHub; Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; Progressive Democrats of America (PDA); Project ANAR; Project South; Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice; Reparation Education Project; Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment; Rise for Palestine; Rising Majority; Rising Tide North America; Rochester Committee on Latin America; RootsAction Education Fund; Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre; Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights; Sound Vision; Starr King School for the Ministry; Students and Faculty for Justice in Palestine at the University of Hawai’i (SFJP); Sunrise Movement; Sur Legal Collaborative; TakeAction Minnesota; Tech Justice Law Project; The Gathering for Justice; The Hague Peace Projects; The Social Justice Center; The Uncommitted National Movement; The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center; Transnational Institute; UndocuBlack Network; Unitarian Universalist Association; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship; Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice; Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina; Unitarian Universalist Mass Action; Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network; Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice (UUYACJ); Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); United Voices for America; Until Freedom; US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; Veterans For Peace; We Are All America; Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club; Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center; Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press; Working Families Party; World BEYOND War; Young Democrats of America Black Caucus; Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus; Youth Leadership Institute] (April 26-29, 2024): &
Tom Hurwitz: I was arrested protesting at Columbia in ’68. Today’s student encampments carry on a proud, brave tradition: Like the Vietnam War was nearly six decades ago, to many students, Israel’s assault on Gaza feels deeply personal (April 26, 2024):
‘We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza’ – First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O’Neill tells major London demo (April 27, 2024):
Nineteen American Sociological Association Presidents Endorse the Resolution for Justice in Palestine (April 28, 2024): &
Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton: Brief thoughts on the wave of campus protests across America (April 28, 2024):
We’re Jewish students at Columbia arrested for protesting Israel’s war (April 28, 2024):
American Association of University Professors: In Defense of the Right to Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses (April 29, 2024):
Anat Saragusti: Israeli media’s inevitable hysteria over U.S. campus protests: The media’s unbending self-censorship in covering Gaza has made Israelis incapable of seeing foreign criticism as anything other than antisemitism. (April 29, 2024):
Attorneys inside and outside the administration urge Biden to cut off arms to Israel: So far more than 90 lawyers have signed on to a legal letter alleging Israel’s conduct in Gaza violates U.S. and international law. (April 29, 2024):
Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention: Statement in Support of Students, Faulty at Columbia University (April 29, 2024):
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders: "I'm hearing disturbing reports that students face suspension if they don’t end their peaceful protests in #Columbiauniversity in the USA. This is a clear violation of their right to peaceful assembly" (April 29, 2024):
Cas Mudde: Why are US campuses facing an orgy of state repression in the ‘land of the free’? The right has painted nonviolent protests against the war on Gaza as hotbeds of ‘woke’ terrorism. It’s a pretext for repression (April 30, 2024):
Joint letter to President Biden on humanitarian risk of Rafah operation in Gaza [Signed by:; ActionAid USA; Alliance of Baptists; American Friends of Combatants for Peace; American Friends Service Committee; Americares; Amnesty International USA; CARE; Charity & Security Network; Children in Conflict; Christian Aid; Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP); Center for American Progress; Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for International Policy; Church World Service; DAWN; Demand Progress Education Fund; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Humanity & Inclusion; IM Swedish Development Partners; Indivisible; Islamic Relief USA; Islamic Relief Worldwide; KinderUSA; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; MedGlobal; Médecins du Monde / Doctors of the World International Network; Mennonite Central Committee; Middle East Democracy Center; Minnesota Peace Project; MoveOn; Nonviolent Peaceforce; Norwegian Refugee Council USA; Oxfam America; Pax Christi USA; Premiere Urgence Internationale; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Refugees International; Save the Children US; SEIU; The Episcopal Church; The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; Truman Center; Vento di Terra; Win Without War] (April 30, 2024):
Latino students are key part of pro-Palestine encampment protests (April 30, 2024):
Michael Gould-Wartofsky: Trump Is Wrong. Columbia Isn’t Anything Like Charlottesville: I survived the deadly violence in Charlottesville, and am now a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia University. To compare the two is unwarranted—and unconscionable. (April 30, 2024):
United Church of Christ Officers issue statement amid ongoing unrest on college campuses; offer continued solidarity with partners and people in the Middle East (April 30, 2024):
United States of America: UN Human Rights Chief troubled by law enforcement actions against protesters at universities (April 30, 2024):
A Statement From Jewish Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni Regarding Indiana University's Treatment of Student Protesters ["Actions are being taken in our name, without our consent or request. Such actions, especially those by the administration, often directly contradict the facts we see daily on the ground at campus. We condemn the actions taken by the administration, ISP, and IUPD against the students protesting on Dunn Meadow."] (May 1, 2024):
Charles H.F. Davis III, Jude Paul Dizon, Jessica Hatrick, and Vanessa Miller: Police Repression Is the Problem, Not the Solution (May 1, 2024):
Comment from United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain on Mass Arrests of Anti-War Protestors (May 1, 2024):
Fellowship of Reconciliation Stands in Solidarity with the Students (May 1, 2024):
Juan González, Veteran of '68 Columbia Strike, Condemns University Leaders' Silence on Gaza Slaughter (May 1, 2024):
Mike Littwin: As a veteran of the ’60s campus unrest, I know the value of free speech: Despite what you may hear, most of today’s campus demonstrations, including the one at Auraria, are typically nonviolent. (May 1, 2024):
On Gaza, NY Catholic Worker community echoes Pope Francis: 'Please! Stop the war.' (May 1, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders: The billionaires who fund AIPAC are not only concerned about protecting Israel's actions in Gaza — they also want to protect corporate interests. That's why they are targeting progressive lawmakers who stand up for the working class and take on powerful special interests. (May 1, 2024):
Syriac Maronite Archbishops denounce military escalation in southern Lebanon, condemn Israeli actions in Gaza and West Bank (May 1, 2024):
The Democratic National Committee's College Democrats of America Slams Biden On Gaza And Backs Campus Protesters (May 1, 2024):
Tope Folarin, director of the Institute for Policy Studies: We Stand with the Students Protesting the Slaughter in Gaza (May 1, 2024):
'You are our hope': Palestinian students find strength in U.S. campus protests: “I feel proud that there is a group of students who feel what we feel now — and are helping and supporting us,” said Reem Musa Suleiman Abu Shinar, speaking to an NBC News crew in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza. (May 1, 2024):
Bernie Sanders in CNN interview: 'This may be Biden’s Vietnam' (May 2, 2024):
Catholic Relief Services representative for Gaza fears possible Rafah invasion (May 2, 2024):
‘Disgrace to diplomacy’: Bosnia accuses Israeli diplomat of genocide denial: Envoy to Serbia draws intense criticism for telling Russian media that calling 1995 Srebrenica massacre a genocide ‘diminishes the importance of that term’ (May 2, 2024):
Gazans thank US university protesters as Israel calls for students to be expelled (May 2, 2024):
Helen Benedict, professor of journalism at Columbia University: ‘US student protests seeking peace in Gaza are the new anti-Vietnam War movement’ (May 2, 2024):
Hundreds of U.S. Catholic leaders and laity sign letter urging Permanent Gaza Ceasefire and End to Injustice in Israel and Palestine (May 2, 2024): &
PREPARED REMARKS: Senator Bernie Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza (May 2, 2024):
Recalling Civil Rights Era Abuses, Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP Roundly Condemns Rising Violations Against Peaceful Protesters and Calls for Immediate Federal Intervention ["Today, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) issued a statement roundly and unequivocally condemning the rising civil and human rights violations against peaceful protesters across the U.S. and issued a letter calling for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct an immediate investigation into the treatment of peaceful protesters" (May 2, 2024):
United Nations Development Programme: As war in Gaza enters seventh month, 1.74 million more Palestinians will be pushed into poverty across State of Palestine according to United Nations assessment: UNDP and ESCWA estimate more than two-decades reversal in human development— beyond earliest recorded levels of 2004. (May 2, 2024):
“Workers Have Power”: Thousands Rally in NYC for May Day, Call for Solidarity with Palestine (May 2, 2024):
A Message to the Protesters From Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.: A call to keep raising the tempests on campus over the Gazan horror. (May 3, 2024):
Association of Flight Attendants President Sara Nelson on Mass Arrest of Anti-War Protestors (May 3, 2024):
Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University: Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids (May 3, 2024):
“This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure”: Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over Gaza (May 3, 2024):
Where pro-Palestinian university protests are happening around the world (May 3, 2024):
100-year-old Jewish activist Jules Rabin is speaking up again — this time about Gaza [In a podcast on the nonprofit news site VT Digger, Rabin referred to the tragedy unfolding in Gaza as “a piecemeal Holocaust.”] (May 4, 2024):
Israel will not agree to end the war with Hamas as part of any deal [“Israel will under no circumstances agree to the end of the war as part of an agreement to release our abductees," an Israeli official told ABC News on Saturday morning. "As the political echelon decided, the IDF will enter Rafah and destroy the remaining Hamas battalions there - whether or not there will be a temporary ceasefire for the release of our hostages."] (May 4, 2024):
Roseann "Chic" Canfora survived the 1970 Kent State shooting. Here's her message to student activists (May 4, 2024):
‘They’re sending a message’: harsh police tactics questioned amid US campus protest crackdowns (May 4, 2024):
Anton Boonzaier: As a South African during apartheid, I admire pro-Palestine protesters’ tenacity (May 5, 2024):
Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Israeli vote to shut down Al Jazeera; warns of alarming precedent (May 5, 2024):
Union workers join students in rallies Saturday calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza [More than 200 people attended the Maine Labor for Palestine and Maine Students for Palestine rally.] (May 5, 2024):
Oxfam reaction to Rafah evacuation order (May 6, 2024):
Patrick Gaspard, president of the Center for American Progress: American politicians forget: disruption and disorder are the point of protests: I have trespassed in peaceful protest. I have shut down government offices in civil disobedience. I have made the powerful uncomfortable. That’s the point (May 6, 2024):
Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah (May 6, 2024):
The campus protesters for Gaza are making America great again: Readers on the demonstrations sweeping colleges and their hopes for the next generation. (May 6, 2024):
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF): There is ‘nowhere safe to go’ for the 600,000 children of Rafah, warns UNICEF: With hundreds of thousands of children in Rafah injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized or living with a disability, UNICEF calls for children to not be forcibly relocated, and the vital infrastructure on which children rely to be protected (May 6, 2024):
US campus protests of Israeli ‘genocide’ offer hope to students from Gaza (May 6, 2024):
Brant Rosen: We Tried to Bring Food Into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us: As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. (May 6, 2024):
Catholic Workers Movement: After Arrests, Students Renew Call for Notre Dame to Follow Catholic Teaching on War, Investments (May 6, 2024):
Hala Rharrit, former State Department official: Biden’s militaristic policy in Gaza is a failure — diplomacy is the solution (May 6, 2024):
750+ Jewish Students Affirm Support for Pro-Palestine Campus Protests [In Response to Biden’s Speech, 750+ Jewish Students on 140+ Campuses Stand Against Israel's Rafah Invasion, Urge Jewish Institutional Action to Halt Gaza Assault] (May 7, 2024): &
American Friends Service Committee: T­h­e C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f­r­o­m I­s­r­a­e­l­’­s 2­0­2­3­-­2­0­2­4 A­t­t­a­c­k­s o­n G­a­z­a (Updated on May 7, 2024):
‘I am leaving for the unknown.’ Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair (May 7, 2024):
Kenneth Roth: Biden Should Not Stand in the Way of the ICC (May 7, 2024):
Letter by Ch. Lt Col (Ret.) Stephen Tillett to the Editor: Veteran Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Three Orange County medics describe wartime health care in Gaza: A once-modern string of hospitals has been reduced to desperate physicians and others relying on wits and luck. Most of their patients are children. (May 7, 2024):
ACLU’s national director of policy and government affairs Mike Zamore and ACLU senior policy counsel Kia Hamadanchy: A disturbing national security bill could silence nonprofits and college protests (May 8, 2024):
Al Jazeera shutdown in Israel spells 'dark day for democracy,' say media groups (May 8, 2024):
Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree. (May 8, 2024):
Jeremy Brecher: Anti-Genocide Students Are Fulfilling Their Duty to Prevent War Crimes; Will You? (May 8, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Biden’s Hold on Bomb Delivery to Netanyahu’s Government (May 8, 2024):
The NYPD’s New Sizzle Reels Aren’t Just Dumb. They’re Dangerous. “This is copaganda, designed primarily to provide the mayor with political cover, but then also to show off the military might and alleged professionalism of the NYPD.” (May 8, 2024):
Haim Bresheeth-Žabner deplores the rot in Israeli society: 'Israel has turned into a Nazi society': The son of Holocaust survivors, Haim Bresheeth-Žabner believes the majority of Israel has been taught to normalise the occupation of Palestine (May 9, 2024):
‘It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah: When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Dr. Zouhair Lahna is pained by the memories of the sick, wounded and dying. (May 9, 2024):
Japanese American Citizens League Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 9, 2024):
Republicans Funded by Arms Industry Fume Over Biden Threat to Withhold Bombs From Israel (May 9, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Israel’s Threat to Attack Rafah (May 9, 2024):
Trapped in Rafah, I'm watching genocide unfold before my eyes: Gazan journalist Amjad Yaghi's eye-witness account in Rafah describes the horrors of Israel's ground invasion as Gazans desperately try to flee to safety. (May 9, 2024):
76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities (May 10, 2024):
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project: US Student Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Remain Overwhelmingly Peaceful (May 10, 2024):
Biden’s arms threat to Israel ‘better than nothing’ but too late, say U.S. officials who resigned over Gaza policy (May 10, 2024):
Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza must end’ – Sinn Féin Chairperson Declan Kearney tells Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine (May 10, 2024):
Rick Salutin: I protested at Columbia in 1968 and today’s campus protests give me hope (May 10, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Rafah (May 10, 2024):
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center (May 10, 2024):
U.S. medical volunteers in Rafah hospital say they've never seen a worse health crisis (May 10, 2024):
Pro-Israel website ramps up attacks on pro-Palestinian student protesters (May 11, 2024):
Sen. Lindsey Graham says Israel should do 'whatever' it has to while comparing the war in Gaza to Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The GOP senator compared Israel’s military operations to the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Japan in World War II, saying, “Israel, do whatever you have to do.” (May 12, 2024):
‘Total outrage’: White House condemns Israeli settlers’ attack on Gaza aid trucks: Protesters block convoy, throw food into road and set fire to vehicles at Tarqumiya checkpoint near Hebron (May 13, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 TheUselessOne87 order was never received but marked as delivered

so over a month ago i ordered some copper wire because i do a lot of breadboard/arduino projects. i however realized that i marked my address wrong in my profile and omitted the civic number. i had ordered other things along with the wire and they all arrived because i did list my phone number so the delivery company called me to ask for the complete address and delivered in time, however i never got a call or anything for the wire. it was marked as delivered and "signed for" in aliexpress but i never got it.
i first opened a dispute when the order was 5 days late. it was refused because it hadn't been 15 days since the delivery was late. i waited 15 days to open an other one and it was refused because it had been 15 days so the delivery guarantee didn't apply.
upon chatting with an agent i was told i can't be refunded because i do not have sufficient proof to back up my claim that i never received the package and that I'd need documents from canada post to prove they've lost or returned the package to sender. I've asked canada post and they cannot provide such documents because the tracking is some sort of third party service that doesn't provide any info once the package has crossed the canadian border.
as a last hope i contacted the seller to ask if i could get a refund since most likely the package has been returned to sender if not straight up lost. the sender has referred me back to canada post.
I'm a bit lost as to where to go next. it's my first experience with aliexpress and i knew not to have high hopes with customer service so I'm basically just wondering if it's worth investigating or anything. the order was 26$CAD so it's not that big of a deal to me but still annoying and it's stuff I'd like to know for future orders cuz I'm quite liking it for small electronic components.
thanks for your help
submitted by TheUselessOne87 to Aliexpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:59 Then_Marionberry_259 MAY 14, 2024 MAG.TO MAG SILVER REPORTS FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL RESULTS

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MAG Silver Corp. (TSX / NYSE American: MAG) (“MAG”, or the “Company”) announces the Company’s unaudited consolidated financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (“Q1 2024”). For details of the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements of the Company for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (“Q1 2024 Financial Statements”) and management’s discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (“Q1 2024 MD&A”), please see the Company’s filings on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval Plus (“SEDAR+”) at ( ) or on the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (“EDGAR”) at ( ).
All amounts herein are reported in $000s of United States dollars (“US$”) unless otherwise specified (C$ refers to Canadian dollars).
KEY HIGHLIGHTS (on a 100% basis unless otherwise noted)
  • MAG reported net income of $14,895 ($0.14 per share) driven by income from Juanicipio (equity accounted) of $19,244, and adjusted EBITDA 1 of $32,447 for the three months ended March 31, 2024.
  • A total of 325,683 tonnes of ore at a silver head grade of 476 grams per tonne (“g/t”) (equivalent silver head grade 2 713 g/t), was processed at Juanicipio during Q1 2024.
  • Juanicipio achieved silver production and equivalent silver production 2 of 4.5 and 6.4 million ounces, respectively, during Q1 2024.
  • Juanicipio delivered robust cost performance with cash cost 1 of $2.50 per silver ounce sold ($8.66 per equivalent silver ounce sold 3 ), and all-in sustaining cost 1 of $6.11 per silver ounce sold ($11.22 per equivalent silver ounce sold 3 ) in Q1 2024.
  • Juanicipio generated strong operating cash flow of $42,521 and free cash flow 1 of $27,820 in the first quarter of 2024 after tax payments of $25,772.
  • Juanicipio returned a total of $17,459 in interest and loan principal repayments to MAG during Q1 2024.
  • MAG published its updated technical report on Juanicipio on March 27, 2024 outlining robust economics with an after tax NPV of $1.2 billion over an initial 13-year life of mine, generating annual average free cashflow exceeding $130 million. Mineral Resources increased by 33% from the 2017 PEA, with substantial growth in Measured and Indicated categories. Inferred resources also expanded, highlighting significant near-term, high-grade upside potential. An inaugural 15.4 million tonnes Mineral Reserve Estimate at 628 g/t silver equivalent grade was declared enhancing economic confidence. Extensive exploration upside remains, with only 5% of the property explored, indicating high potential for further discoveries.
  • MAG announced 2024 production and cost guidance with Juanicipio expected to produce between 14.3 million and 15.8 million silver ounces yielding between 13.2 million and 14.6 million payable silver ounces at all-in sustaining costs of between $9.50 and $10.50 per silver ounce sold. Juanicipio remains on track to achieve 2024 guidance.
  • On March 22, 2024 the Company, through its Gatling Exploration Inc. subsidiary, acquired 100% ownership of the Goldstake property (contiguous to its current land holdings) from Goldstake Explorations Inc. and Transpacific Resources Inc., for consideration of C$5,000.
1 Adjusted EBITDA, total cash costs, cash cost per ounce, all-in sustaining costs, all-in sustaining cost per ounce and free cash flow are non-IFRS measures, please see below ‘ Non-IFRS Measures ’ section and section 12 of the Q1 2024 MD&A for a detailed reconciliation of these measures to the Q1 2024 Financial Statements.
2 Equivalent silver head grade and equivalent silver production have been calculated using the following price assumptions to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver head grade and “equivalent” silver production: $23/oz silver, $1,950/oz gold, $0.95/lb lead and $1.15/lb zinc.
3 Equivalent silver ounces sold have been calculated using realized price assumptions to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver ounces sold (metal quantity, multiplied by metal price, divided by silver price). Q1 2024 realized prices of $23.73/oz silver, $2,112.27/oz gold, $0.92/lb lead and $1.08/lb zinc.
  • The Company is well underway with the preparation of its 2023 sustainability report underscoring its continued commitment to transparency with its stakeholders while providing a comprehensive overview of the Company’s environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) commitments, practices and performance for 2023. A copy of MAG’s 2022 sustainability report and MAG Silver 2022 ESG Data Table are available on the Company’s website at 4
4 Information contained in or otherwise accessible through the Company’s website, including the 2022 sustainability report and MAG Silver 2022 ESG Data Table, do not form part of this News Release and are not incorporated into this News Release by reference.
  • Juanicipio:
    • Infill drilling at Juanicipio continued in Q1 2024 from underground aimed at upgrading mineralization in areas expected to be mined in the near to mid-term. During Q1 2024, 11,271 metres were drilled from underground.
    • Surface drilling focused on expanding and upgrading the deeper zones and broader regional exploration started in April 2024.
    • During 2024, Juanicipio plans to drill a total of 50,000 metres, with 33,000 metres from underground and 17,000 metres from surface.
  • Deer Trail Project, Utah:
    • On May 29, 2023 MAG started a Phase 3 drilling program focused on up to three porphyry “hub” target areas thought to be the source of the manto, skarn, epithermal mineralization and extensive alteration throughout the project area including that at the Deer Trail and Carissa zones. In late 2023 an early onset of winter snowfall impacted the commencement of the third porphyry “hub” target, which is now expected to be drilled in 2024. The two completed “hub” holes to date total 2,738 metres. Both holes intercepted alteration and mineralization in line with what is expected on the edges of porphyry systems. Follow-up drill targets are planned for summer 2024.
    • With the early onset of snowfall, Phase 4 drilling focussed on lower elevations commenced in the last quarter of 2023 and continued through Q1 2024, aimed at offsetting the Carissa discovery and testing other high-potential targets in the Deer Trail mine area. During Q1 2024, 1,208 metres were drilled at Carissa with results pending.
  • Larder Project, Ontario:
    • Drilling targeting Cheminis and Bear totalled 5,391 metres in Q1 2024. Targets tested include down plunge extension of the high-grade double knuckle at the Bear East zone and extending the Cheminis south mine sequence down plunge.
    • Cheminis Update: Follow-up drilling of the Cheminis South Cadillac-Larder Break (“CLD”) mine sequence down plunge is planned to test below the most recent intercepts. Hole GAT-24-026 intersected a new zone on the north side of the CLB within a fuchsite-silica-albite altered komatiite grading 3.9 g/t gold over 16 metres with 2 higher grade shoots associated with albite dykes (see Table 1 below).
    • Bear Update: Utilizing the updated model and incorporating the updated data from recent drilling, the Bear East zone was successfully extended down plunge by up to 1,100 metres depth. Hole GAT-24-024NB intersected gold mineralization on both sides of the CLB which confirms the presence of either another structural trap at depth or the continuation of the “double knuckle” zone at surface. Gold mineralization intersected on the north zone included 9.4 g/t gold over 2.2 metres within a strongly altered komatiite with syenite intrusions and 1.6 g/t gold over 4.2 metres on the south zone within the south iron-rich volcanics (see Table 1 below). Bear East remains open in all directions.
Table 1: 2024 Larder Drillholes Highlights
All results of Juanicipio in this section are on a 100% basis, unless otherwise noted.
Operating Performance
The following table and subsequent discussion provide a summary of the operating performance of Juanicipio for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, unless otherwise noted.
(1) Equivalent silver head grades have been calculated using the following price assumptions to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver head grade: $23/oz silver, $1,950/oz gold, $0.95/lb lead and $1.15/lb zinc (Q1 2023: $21.85/oz silver, $1,775/oz gold, $0.915/lb lead and $1.30/lb zinc).
(2) Equivalent silver payable ounces have been calculated using realized price assumptions to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver payable ounces (metal quantity, multiplied by metal price, divided by silver price). Q1 2024 realized prices of $23.73/oz silver, $2,112.27/oz gold, $0.92/lb lead and $1.08/lb zinc (Q1 2023 realized prices of $22.93/oz silver, $1,959.50/oz gold, $0.94/lb lead and $1.43/lb zinc).
During the three months ended March 31, 2024 a total of 325,081 tonnes of ore were mined. This represents an increase of 45% over Q1 2023. Increases in mined tonnages at Juanicipio have been driven by the operational ramp up of the mine towards steady state targets.
During the three months ended March 31, 2024 a total of 325,683 tonnes of ore were processed through the Juanicipio plant; no ore was processed at the nearby Fresnillo and Saucito processing plants (100% owned by Fresnillo). This represents an increase of 47% over Q1 2023. The increase in milled tonnage has been driven by the Juanicipio mill commissioning and operational ramp up to nameplate capacity over the course of 2023.
The silver head grade and equivalent silver head grade for the ore processed in the three months ended March 31, 2024 was 476 g/t and 713 g/t, respectively (three months ended March 31, 2023: 363 g/t and 530 g/t, respectively). Head grades in Q1 2023 were lower as low-grade commissioning stockpiles were processed through the Juanicipio plant. Silver metallurgical recovery during Q1 2024 was 89.1% (Q1 2023: 87.0%) reflecting ongoing optimizations in the processing plant.
The following table provides a summary of the total cash costs 5 and all-in sustaining costs 5 (“AISC”) of Juanicipio for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023.
5 Total cash costs, cash cost per ounce, cash cost per equivalent ounce, all-in sustaining costs, all-in sustaining cost per ounce, and all-in sustaining cost per equivalent ounce are non-IFRS measures, please see the “ Non-IFRS Measures ” section below and section 12 of the Q1 2024 MD&A for a detailed reconciliation of these measures to the Q1 2024 Financial Statements. Equivalent silver ounces sold have been calculated using realized price assumptions to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver ounces sold (metal quantity, multiplied by metal price, divided by silver price). Q1 2024 realized prices of $23.73/oz silver, $2,112.27/oz gold, $0.92/lb lead and $1.08/lb zinc (Q1 2023: $22.93/oz silver, $1,959.50/oz gold, $0.94/lb lead and $1.43/lb zinc).
Financial Results
The following table presents excerpts of the financial results of Juanicipio for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
Sales increased by $72,207 during the three months ended March 31, 2024, mainly due to 179% higher metal volumes and 2% higher realized metal prices.
Offsetting higher sales was higher production cost ($9,409) which was driven by higher sales and operational ramp-up in mining and processing, including $3,545 in inventory movements, and higher depreciation ($14,083) as the Juanicipio mill achieved commercial production and commenced depreciating the processing facility and associated equipment in June 2023. Operating margin increased by 21% to 52%, mainly due to operational leverage and the lower reliance on the nearby Fresnillo and Saucito processing facilities.
Other expenses increased by $2,159 mainly as a result of higher extraordinary mining and other duties ($872) in relation to higher precious metal revenues from the sale of concentrates and higher consulting and administrative expenses ($2,690) as an operator services agreement became effective upon initiation of commercial production (the “Operator Services Agreement”), offset by lower exchange losses and other costs ($1,566).
Taxes increased by $20,980 impacted by higher taxable profits generated during Q1 2024, and non-cash deferred tax credits related to the commencement of use of plant and equipment in Q1 2023.
Ore Processed at Juanicipio Plant (100% basis)
(1) The underground mine was considered readied for its intended use on January 1, 2022, whereas the Juanicipio processing facility started commissioning and ramp-up activities in January 2023, achieving commercial production status on June 1, 2023.
(2) Includes toll milling costs from processing mineralized material at the Saucito and Fresnillo plants for Q1 2023.
Sales and treatment charges are recorded on a provisional basis and are adjusted based on final assay and pricing adjustments in accordance with the offtake contracts.
As at March 31, 2024, MAG had working capital of $72,833 (December 31, 2023: $67,262) including cash of $74,683 (December 31, 2023: $68,707) and no long-term debt. As well, as at March 31, 2024, Juanicipio had working capital of $107,088 including cash of $30,991 (MAG’s attributable share is 44%).
The Company’s net income for the three months ended March 31, 2024 amounted to $14,895 (March 31, 2023: $4,713) or $0.14/share (March 31, 2023: $0.05/share). MAG recorded its 44% income from equity accounted investment in Juanicipio of $19,244 (March 31, 2023: $7,919) which included MAG’s 44% share of net income from operations as well as loan interest earned on loans advanced to Juanicipio (see above for MAG’s share of income from its equity accounted investment in Juanicipio).
The following table provides a reconciliation of cash cost per silver ounce of Juanicipio to production cost of Juanicipio on a 100% basis (the nearest IFRS measure) as presented in the notes to the Q1 2024 Financial Statements.
(1) As Q3 2023 represented the first full quarter of commercial production, information presented for total cash costs together with their associated per unit values are not directly comparable.
(2) By-product revenues relates to the sale of other metals namely gold, lead, and zinc.
(3) Equivalent silver payable ounces have been calculated using realized prices to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver payable ounces (metal quantity, multiplied by metal price, divided by silver price). Q1 2024 realized prices: $23.73/oz silver, $2,112.27/oz gold, $0.92/lb lead and $1.08/lb zinc (Q1 2023: $22.93/oz silver, $1,959.50/oz gold, $0.94/lb lead and $1.43/lb zinc).
The following table provides a reconciliation of AISC of Juanicipio to production cost and various operating expenses of Juanicipio on a 100% basis (the nearest IFRS measure), as presented in the notes to the Q1 2024 Financial Statements.
(1) As Q3 2023 represented the first full quarter of commercial production, information presented for all-in sustaining costs and all-in sustaining margin together with their associated per unit values are not directly comparable.
(2) Equivalent silver payable ounces have been calculated using realized prices to translate gold, lead and zinc to “equivalent” silver payable ounces (metal quantity, multiplied by metal price, divided by silver price). Q1 2024 realized prices: $23.73/oz silver, $2,112.27/oz gold, $0.92/lb lead and $1.08/lb zinc, (Q1 2023 realized prices: $22.93/oz silver, $1,959.50/oz gold, $0.94/lb lead and $1.43/lb zinc).
For the three months ended March 31, 2024 the Company incurred corporate G&A expenses of $3,964 (three months ended March 31, 2023: $3,262), which exclude depreciation expense.
The Company’s attributable silver ounces sold and equivalent silver ounces sold for the three months ended March 31, 2024 were 1,757,630 and 2,475,862 respectively (three months ended March 31, 2023: 880,429 and 1,230,412 respectively), resulting in additional all‐in sustaining cost for the Company of $2.26/oz and $1.60/oz respectively (three months ended March 31, 2023: $3.71/oz and $2.65/oz respectively), in addition to Juanicipio’s all-in-sustaining costs presented in the above table.
The following table provides a reconciliation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA attributable to the Company based on its economic interest in Juanicipio to net income (the nearest IFRS measure) of the Company per the Q1 2024 Financial Statements. All adjustments are shown net of estimated income tax.
(1) As Q3 2023 represents the first full quarter of commercial production, information presented for EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA is not directly comparable.
The following table provides a reconciliation of free cash flow of Juanicipio to its cash flow from operating activities on a 100% basis (the nearest IFRS measure), as presented in the notes to the Q1 2024 Financial Statements.
(1) As Q3 2023 represents the first full quarter of commercial production, comparative information presented for free cash flow of Juanicipio is not directly comparable.
Qualified Persons: All scientific or technical information in this press release including assay results referred to, and mineral resource estimates, if applicable, is based upon information prepared by or under the supervision of, or has been approved by Gary Methven, P.Eng., Vice President, Technical Services and Lyle Hansen, P.Geo, Geotechnical Director; both are “Qualified Persons” for purposes of National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects
About MAG Silver Corp.
MAG Silver Corp. is a growth-oriented Canadian exploration company focused on advancing high-grade, district scale precious metals projects in the Americas. MAG is emerging as a top-tier primary silver mining company through its (44%) joint venture interest in the 4,000 tonnes per day Juanicipio Mine, operated by Fresnillo plc (56%). The mine is located in the Fresnillo Silver Trend in Mexico, the world's premier silver mining camp, where in addition to underground mine production and processing of high-grade mineralised material, an expanded exploration program is in place targeting multiple highly prospective targets. MAG is also executing multi-phase exploration programs at the 100% earn-in Deer Trail Project in Utah and the 100% owned Larder Project, located in the historically prolific Abitibi region of Canada.
Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor the NYSE American has reviewed or accepted responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this press release, which has been prepared by management.
Certain information contained in this release, including any information relating to MAG’s future oriented financial information, are “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation (collectively herein referred as “forward-looking statements”), including the “safe harbour” provisions of provincial securities legislation, the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to:
  • statements that address maintaining the nameplate 4,000 tpd milling rate at Juanicipio;
  • statements that address our expectations regarding exploration and drilling;
  • statements regarding production expectations and nameplate;
  • statements regarding the additional information from future drill programs;
  • estimated future exploration and development operations and corresponding expenditures and other expenses for specific operations;
  • the expected capital, sustaining capital and working capital requirements at Juanicipio, including the potential for additional cash calls;
  • expected upside from additional exploration;
  • expected results from Deer Trail Project drilling;
  • expected results from the Larder Project at the Fernland, Cheminis, and Bear zones;
  • expected capital requirements and sources of funding; and
  • other future events or developments.
When used in this release, any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events of performance (often but not always using words or phrases such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “strategy”, “goals”, “objectives”, “project”, “potential” or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events, or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions), as they relate to the Company or management, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon estimates and assumptions, which are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the Company’s control and many of which, regarding future business decisions, are subject to change. Assumptions underlying the Company’s expectations regarding forward-looking statements contained in this release include, among others: MAG’s ability to carry on its various exploration and development activities including project development timelines, the timely receipt of required approvals and permits, the price of the minerals produced, the costs of operating, exploration and development expenditures, the impact on operations of the Mexican tax and legal regimes, MAG’s ability to obtain adequate financing, outbreaks or threat of an outbreak of a virus or other contagions or epidemic disease will be adequately responded to locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.
Although MAG believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements including amongst others: commodities prices; changes in expected mineral production performance; unexpected increases in capital costs or cost overruns; exploitation and exploration results; continued availability of capital and financing; general economic, market or business conditions; risks relating to the Company’s business operations; risks relating to the financing of the Company’s business operations; risks related to the Company’s ability to comply with restrictive covenants and maintain financial covenants pursuant to the terms of the Credit Facility; the expected use of the Credit Facility; risks relating to the development of Juanicipio and the minority interest investment in the same; risks relating to the Company’s property titles; risks related to receipt of required regulatory approvals; pandemic risks; supply chain constraints and general costs escalation in the current inflationary environment heightened by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the events relating to the Israel-Hamas war; risks relating to the Company’s financial and other instruments; operational risk; environmental risk; political risk; currency risk; market risk; capital cost inflation risk; risk relating to construction delays; the risk that data is incomplete or inaccurate; the risks relating to the limitations and assumptions within drilling, engineering and socio-economic studies relied upon in preparing economic assessments and estimates, including the 2017 PEA; as well as those risks more particularly described under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Information Form dated March 27, 2023 available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR+ at .
Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company’s forward-looking statements. The Company’s forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, expectations and opinions of management on the date the statements are made and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s beliefs, expectations or opinions should change. For the reasons set forth above, investors should not attribute undue certainty to or place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
Please Note: Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosures in MAG's annual and quarterly reports and other public filings, accessible through the Internet at and
LEI: 254900LGL904N7F3EL14

For further information on behalf of MAG Silver Corp. Contact Michael J. Curlook, Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications Phone: (604) 630-1399 Toll Free: (866) 630-1399
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:58 MattanaMinistry Mattana Ministry - Weekly Bible Study - 14 May 2024

Mattana Ministry Welcomes You To: Weekly Bible Study: 14 May 2024 Theme: Bible Basics Explained/Faith Scripture: Heb. 10:35-39 & Heb. 11:1-2 Message: God Exists
Faith may seem a small thing, but it can lead people to some extraordinary actions. Consider this story from Romania. The year was 1989, and the Communist government ruled. The Communism that ruled much of Eastern Europe in the 20th century was built on atheistic ideology and philosophy. Though the government allowed church, it kept a tight grip, and often jailed and tortured pastors and believers who defied their rule.
In the town of Timisoara, a local pastor named Tokes, who was teaching the Bible faithfully, was commanded to leave his home and church because he had criticized the government for human rights violations. On the day the police were to evict their pastor, local Christians surrounded the home to stop them. A crowd grew quickly, and the army was called in to stop them. Shots fired. Many wounded, many killed. But then something incredible occurred. The people didn’t fight back. Instead they knelt and prayed. Can we picture that? Prayer against bullets.
Yet the sight was too much for the soldiers. They refused to shoot any more. By this time, the whole town was there. Another pastor named Dugulescu climbed to the balcony of the local opera house and addressed the crowd. He recited something, only a few lines, and two simple words struck deep in the hearts of the people. They began chanting. Then shouting. Two words in defiance of oppression. Two words that cried out for freedom, equality, and dignity. Again and again, they shouted in unison: God exists.
We’ll come back to that story. For now, those same two words are at the very heart of this little thing called faith. So what is faith? Is it just another word for belief? I believe in God - so that’s faith. Right? Well, James reminds us that demons believe in God, and they tremble over that belief. So faith is more than that.
So what is it then? Is it an action of the heart or a conviction of the mind? Or maybe it’s just a feeling in our gut of what we know is true.
To find some answers, we’re turning to the book of Hebrews, and a chapter known as the Hall of Faith. Hebrews 11. The chapter reads like an Old Testament hall of heroes. It’s a highlight reel from every prophet and warrior who ever made it onto a Sunday School flannel board. If we grew up with Bible heroes, we’ll recognize these names. And even if we missed out on all that, there’s something about these heroes - something they all have in common. Many epic stories, countless grand adventures, one shared attribute. And it’s not just courage, or compassion, or integrity. All of those are beautiful and necessary. But this one, this one changes them all. Faith transforms all of our virtues because it gives them direction and purpose. It points everything about us back to God.
So what is faith? Hebrews 11 verse 1:
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is confidence. The Greek word here can also be translated substance. Faith gives substance to the things that we hope for. Hope is about the future anticipation of good things coming. But hope alone is ephemeral a dream with nothing tangible to grab hold of. It takes faith to give hope substance, and confidently grab ahold of it here in the present. And back in verse 1, faith is also assurance about what we do not see.
Now not seen is not the same as not real. The Greek words here carry a sense that means not yet seen. Just because we don’t see it yet doesn’t mean it isn’t real. That’s where hope comes in. Hebrews 6 calls hope an “anchor for our souls.” It keeps us grounded, stops us from drifting.
See hope without faith is just wishful thinking. Like a lottery ticket - I hope this one changes my life, but it probably won’t. But hope with faith is like a bus ticket. Sure, the road might be rough and my fellow passengers can occasionally get on my nerves, but my ticket says home, and I know that my bus driver will get me there.
And verse 2 tells us:
“This is what the ancients were commended for” (Hebrews 11:2). The ancients here refer to Old Testament heroes, and the rest of the chapter reminds us of their stories. Fantastic stories. But they’re not just here to tell a good story. This chapter was written to encourage us. Chapter 10 ended with a powerful call to stand strong to persevere in the face of trial. Back in 10:35,
“Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised”(Hebrews 10:35b-36). And chapter 10 ends with one essential Old Testament quote from Habakkuk:
“The righteous shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38). Remember, righteous means right with God. And in the Bible it’s the only way to Heaven. And Hebrews reminds us that when we’re right with God, faith is how we live. That short verse is quoted throughout the New Testament.
Please feel free to leave a review of this message.
submitted by MattanaMinistry to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:58 Professional_Disk131 3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA

3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA
(The information on the three gold companies in this report is not definitive. Instead, this information will drive you to do more due diligence and make an investment decision.)
A different way to invest in gold is to look for great properties. If you bundle the three companies/properties in this piece, you could own three great properties collectively for under CDN2.00 a share.
GOLDEN RAPTURE MINING (GLDR: CSE) is a collection of premier Ontario mining properties in the Rainy River region that have done enough work to unveil potential, below but left a significant amount of gold with great g/t numbers. As of this morning, some numbers will indeed up its profile. Considering the stock has been listed for about two weeks, these results are excellent. Forgive the length of the table, but given the quality of the results, investors must get the whole picture.
First, the newest, being listed in the last month, is Golden Rapture Gold. The Company intends to reactivate past mines in the Rainy River area of Ontario. The property is so new that management has only walked about 5% of it, but the numbers are already impressive over its two projects. The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits. These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Mr. Richard Rivet, CEO of Golden Rapture, commented: “I am incredibly pleased that we have just made some essential and rapid steps toward identifying additional high-grade drill-ready targets. We were pleasantly surprised to discover many high-grade quartz veins on the surface, with the majority of them carrying gold. Unlike many exploration companies, we are not just chasing the typical geophysical anomaly but also many vast high-grade gold structures identified on the surface that can be drilled at any time.
The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits.
These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Ryan Yanch CIM, a director of GLDR, states***, ‘One extremely important fact is that GLDR’s drilling cost is an industry-leading CDN140 a meter. It is not unusual for other gold comp[anbies to spend CDN200-400 or more a meter. One major contributor to this is that one significant cost is the location of the drilling company. 17 km away from the properties significantly lowers the capital cost and allows a more robust drilling program”.***
Given the uniqueness and exceptional quality of GLDR’s properties, there could be excellent investor support. Gold is rallying, and the prospect of further rises may portend in the shadow of interest rate cuts.
Previous work on the properties quickly removes the ubiquitous ‘drill’ on the property or other tropes. These are serious businessmen and women with decades of mining and entrepreneurial experience.
In the world of junior mining IPOs, there is a feeling that the stars must align to profit. Au contraire***. The keys to investing success are the right properties, management, and, in this case, a rallying gold price.***
Numero Deux
Element79 Gold Corp (the “Company”) (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) is a fascinating gold company and the second in our gold triumvirate located primarily in Peru through its flagship Lucero, Peru, property.
(Full Disclosure: James Tworek, CEO of Element79, is an adviser to the GLDR Board. Your humble scribe owns a small position in each Company.)
The past-producing Lucero Mine (“Lucero”) is one of the highest-grade underground mines in Peru’s history, with grades averaging 19.0g/t Au Equivalent (“Au Eq”) (14.0 g/t gold and 373 g/t silver).
In its past 5 years of production, ending in 2005, it produced an average of 40,000oz+/yr.
Assays from March 2023 yielded 21-ore-grade and high-yield up to 11.7 ounces per ton of gold and 247 ounces per ton of silver from underground workings, further validating the potential for a significant high-grade future operation.
Consolidating its focus in this region and its impressive geology, ELEM acquired the Roxana Vein and surrounding 1200ha property, Lucero del Sur 28, via auction held on May 17, 2023. The property is located strategically just east of the high-grade Lucero gold-silver project.
Instead of going into much history, let’s look at the Press release ELEM put out on April 23. New assays were released, and CEO James Tworek stated, “The data obtained is not just promising; it’s the cornerstone upon which our future endeavours will be built,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element 79. “These recent results, coupled with historical data, represent the bedrock upon which we are advancing our Lucero project.”
Corporate Presentation.
From the PR: A total of 97 samples were sent for assays, 56 of which returned greater than 0.1 g/t gold (up to 8.55 g/t gold and 523 g/t silver. Several samples also were rich in base metals (up to 23.7% lead and 9.9% zinc), all of which underscores the richness of our project, further supporting the Company’s belief a robust resource base can be delineated. (Actual assay numbers are shown in the PR)
James C Tworek further states, “Element79 Gold has transformed from an asset amalgamator and seller to a near-term production story, responding to Peru’s government push for formalizing artisanal mining operations. We at Element79 Gold are thrilled to share our unwavering dedication to bringing our Lucero gold project in Peru into production. This past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine holds immense potential to revitalize our Company and foster economic growth and prosperity in the region. “
The other ELEM property brings us back to North America. Nevada, to be precise. Reason to pay attention?
Maverick Springs is adjacent to the Carlin Trend. For the uninitiated, the area contains several of the largest gold mines on Earth. The area includes a number of the largest gold mines on Earth. Maverick Springs is a blind deposit comprising a 30-120 metre thick, flat-lying zone centred on an anticlinal structure with oxidation pervasive to 120 metres and intermittent to 270 metres. (5)
West Whistler property is in the same area as Maverick, closer to the Battle Mountain Trend, alongside Carlin: Near several gold deposits, including the Cortez Mine, North America’s third largest gold mine with 2021 gold production of 828,000 ounces.
Finally, the Clover Property, 16 km west of the massive Hecla Mine in the Northern Nevada Rift. The property sits at the top and centre of the Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends.
Nevada Gold’s active Turquoise Ridge Mine, the third largest gold mine in the United States with 537,000 ounces of gold production reported in 2020, as well as the Twin Creeks open pit mines and the dormant Pinson and Getchell mines.
Element 79 has drilling programs announced for the 2023/24 years and a more vigorous program for 2024/25.
As ( an aside, the gold price—and silver—have softened after particularly gold had a decent run. The first two in our group have slid a bit but seem to be holding in nicely.
If one follows gold forecasts, the pundits call for USD 2500-3000 over the next few years. The strategy is simple: A move to USD 3,000 represents a 50% appreciation. However, that also comes with physical and liquidity issues should you want to sell.
And the Gold price?
On December 30, 2022, gold closed the year at $1,819.70 per ounce. Flash forward to one year later, and gold closed 2023 at $2,062.40. That’s a gain of 13.3% in a single year.
With gold pushing to new record highs, it’s a fascinating time for gold investors.
Predicting the future of gold prices is never easy, but to offer some insights into what 2024 might hold, we’ve (compiled an array of gold price forecasts, outlooks, and predictions from renowned banks, industry experts, and financial analysts.
Let’s take a look.
Numero Three
Off we go to South America. This time, Columbia with SOMA Gold. (TSXV: SOMA) (WKN: A2P4DU) (OTC: SMAGF) (the “Company” or “Soma“) recently announced that gold production for Q1 2024 was 7,335 AuEq ounces, an increase of 8% over the same period in 2023.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The Company owns two adjacent mining properties in Antioquia, Colombia, with a combined milling capacity of 675 tpd. (Permitted for 1,400 tpd). The El Bagre Mill is currently operating and producing. Internally generated funds are being used to finance a regional exploration program.
Soma is further ahead than our previous companies, which doesn’t make it better; it is just a different stage of development.
Corporate Presentation, 2023 results, Tech Report.
Cardero Mine
  • The 84 thousand tonnes (kt) production rate in 2022 will ramp up to a peak mining production rate of 248 kt (680 tpd) in 2024. Achieving the planned peak production rate of 248 kt per annum would allow the Company to restart its previously operating El Limon Mill, with feed from Cordero in late 2023.
  • El Bagre Gold Mining Complex is located approximately 167 km northeast of Medellín in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. Soma produced 23,115 ounces of gold at its El Bagre Mill in 2022, an increase of 30% from the previous year. Soma’s production forecast for 2023 is for a further 50% increase to 35,500 ounces of gold produced.
  • In addition to its operating El Bagre Mill, Soma owns the 225 tpd Limon Mill, which is located 47 km south of the El Bagre Mill. The Limon Mill has been on care and maintenance since 2020 but will be restarted when production from the Cordero Mine exceeds the capacity of the El Bagre Mill.
  • The Limon Mill operates similarly to the El Bagre Mill with two-stage crushing, ball milling, gravity concentration, flotation, cyanidation, Merrill Crowe precipitation, and smelting to produce doré. The mill was upgraded in 2017 to a capacity of 225 tpd and is permitted for up to 400 tpd.
As mentioned, these three companies are similar in that they have what appear to be skookum properties. They are also all great gold proxies, and they all trade for under CDN1.00. Cheekily, I may have said that investors can own all three companies for under CDN 2.00 a share.
While I like the companies, I would buy them for their land positions. All have land that isn’t some dust pit but has either historical or proven assays. And most are near large producers. Element79; Nevada.Carlin Trend? Seriously?
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to PennyStocksCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 Amphibian_Basic Firs impressions feedback

I love the idea of Kosmik but the execution isnt quite there yet. I plan on trying it out further but theres a couple of things that get in the way. This is my first impressions review and what i intend as constructive feedback
Usability (testing on windows 10)
Smaller stuff easy to improve (but are creating attrition for me constantly)
At least on windows feels a bit undercooked. I dont know wether some of those are design choices or features still missing but i feel the design a bit at odds- in some parts it conveys 'use mouse only/first' in others it demands keyboard, and in the mean time some of the common design patterns both for mouse and keyboard arent used or use some non-tradional choice- making it harder to learn, creating some confusion or wrong expectations.
For example the bookmark icon is a vey tradional and ubiqutuous skeumorphic symbol for a very common feature that saves urls or files in a list, tradionally urls. Some apps get away using then for favorite files, photos or other things given their context so the user can imagine the equivalent in a given context... but here it shows alongside the in-app browser, next to an url... Maybe a different icon, like a card with a Plus sign and a tip 'add to canvas'?
I dont understand why tags are in the browser if apparently they only work with cards added on the canvas. If the intent was treating the open browser as a canvas element then said browser should be like a card (for example being able to open multiple browser windows in different universes) as if they were cards. Right now the browser is like a temporary tool...
If the intention (im trying to deduce here) was to apply tags before bookmarking so the bookmark already apply said tags then both operations would work better together- 1 button, the add-site to canvas, and that button opening up a prompt to add tags before confirming if desired.
Overall- Service, app, marketing
I was a bit misled regarding expectations because of a video/moto 'best browser for research' - so i installed it expecting more of a Browser with a canvas then a canvas with a very limited in-app browser. So i came expecting multiple tabs or adding extensions...
I dont mean to say the app should be like a browser BUT it is a interesting area to improve and turn into its differential, given some of the competition and how most people would be using it alongside a browser anyway
In a general sense my impressions:
From the 'best browser for research' perspective:
I wonder if the app allowed for pages inside cards (not previews, rendered pages) would be a good alternative for things like tabs
From a general canvas-notation perspective
I have used waaay too many notes and canvas apps in my search for the apps that filled that niche for me like id like, and heck for years a good app with canvas was my most wanted feature that almost no one was doing save for few clunky flowchart apps.
Im glad that now theres been a boom of options and ive been giving everyone a chance- but still not one have all the things id like (i could pinpoint a frankenstein of features from different apps id wish into one)... Kosmik is already ahead of half of the competition (imo) just by having both a native app and web view options, and by the apps having the files locally+sync instead of rendering from the cloud only all the time (much faster and snappiers wich is a big deal for me) - and the web/browsing+canvas angle is a very interesting proposition
But that is where i got disapointed- the web-browsing in app alongside canvas is still very limited to hit the potential of that proposition. As it is right now, for example, i feel more confortable having any browser in a smaller window and copy-pasting urls into Kosmik then relying fully on the internal browser, save for quick search queries
I focus so much on the browser aspect not only because it was how i first found about kosmik but also because without that angle it falls short on some alternatives. Not completely btw, drawing tools and pdf handling seem to be great and ahead of some alternatives (some are good at drawing but barely beyond that, others better as notes but with terrible or no drawing)...
But i still feel like the 'best app for research' (browser+canvas/notes+pdf), emphasis on the browsing is the best angle, best bet for Kosmik to grow above alternatives... but extra emphasis on potential- i dont feel like its hitting that note quite yet, at least not on windows.
I will try to stick with Kosmik for awhile despite the clunkiness and attriction i feel, but not as id like to use it and more like a buffer between traditional browsing/searching and taking my notes- im planing on inserting Kosmik in between as quick notes for links before later refering to then on notes elsewhere... but i confess im sort of forcing this workflow just to keep using kosmik and keep tabs on updates- im sticking around in the hopes of what may come and not for what it currently is.
I have high hopes for the app and in my case (i lean more towards power user then casual) even if i use other apps a good better version of Kosmik in this niche would fit for me even alongside other apps. Heck i currently use 2 similars in tandem (similar in notes/canvas) for their different strengths and niches- and neither have carved web browsing research as their niche
Anyway, those were my very long 2cents. I hope the feedback is taken positively
submitted by Amphibian_Basic to kosmik_app [link] [comments]