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50 Question Sunday Quiz - Film Music, Hotels, Compound Words, and more.

2024.04.14 09:50 sundayquiz 50 Question Sunday Quiz - Film Music, Hotels, Compound Words, and more.

Happy Sunday all!
This weeks 50 question quiz has the following rounds; Music in Film, Hotels, Compound Words, and two sets of General Knowledge questions. I hope you enjoy it!
Questions - Hotels
  1. Which hotel featured in Stephen King's best selling 1977 novel, The Shining, as well as the 1980 film of the same name?
  2. Which group had a massive late 1976 hit with their release of Hotel California?
  3. What type of Bible first appeared in The Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana, in 1908?
  4. Founded in 1812 as Mivart's Hotel and located in Mayfair, London, which hotel is renowned for its afternoon teas?
  5. When the Ritz Paris opened in 1898, it was the first hotel with electricity, a bath, and what else in every room?
  6. In which film does Ralph Fiennes play Monsieur Gustave H., famed concierge of a mountainside resort in the fictional Eastern European country of Zubrowka?
  7. The Icehotel was first built in 1989 and each November it's rebuilt over the course of six weeks. Which country is it in?
  8. Which 2011 British comedy-drama film features an ensemble cast as a group of British pensioners moving to a retirement hotel in India?
  9. Elvis sang "Well, since my baby left me. Well, I found a new place to dwell. Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street. At..."?
  10. Opened in 1907 at Fifth Avenue and Central Park South, which New York hotel was used as a setting in Home Alone 2?
  1. The Overlook Hotel#########
  2. The Eagles###############
  3. Gideon#################
  4. Claridge's###############
  5. A phone################
  6. The Grand Budapest Hotel###
  7. Sweden################
  8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
  9. Heartbreak Hotel##########
  10. The Plaza################
More quizzes...
submitted by sundayquiz to trivia [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 09:50 sundayquiz 50 Question Sunday Quiz - Film Music, Hotels, Compound Words, and more.

Happy Sunday all!
This weeks 50 question quiz has the following rounds; Music in Film, Hotels, Compound Words, and two sets of General Knowledge questions. I hope you enjoy it!
Questions - Hotels
  1. Which hotel featured in Stephen King's best selling 1977 novel, The Shining, as well as the 1980 film of the same name?
  2. Which group had a massive late 1976 hit with their release of Hotel California?
  3. What type of Bible first appeared in The Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana, in 1908?
  4. Founded in 1812 as Mivart's Hotel and located in Mayfair, London, which hotel is renowned for its afternoon teas?
  5. When the Ritz Paris opened in 1898, it was the first hotel with electricity, a bath, and what else in every room?
  6. In which film does Ralph Fiennes play Monsieur Gustave H., famed concierge of a mountainside resort in the fictional Eastern European country of Zubrowka?
  7. The Icehotel was first built in 1989 and each November it's rebuilt over the course of six weeks. Which country is it in?
  8. Which 2011 British comedy-drama film features an ensemble cast as a group of British pensioners moving to a retirement hotel in India?
  9. Elvis sang "Well, since my baby left me. Well, I found a new place to dwell. Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street. At..."?
  10. Opened in 1907 at Fifth Avenue and Central Park South, which New York hotel was used as a setting in Home Alone 2?
  1. The Overlook Hotel#########
  2. The Eagles###############
  3. Gideon#################
  4. Claridge's###############
  5. A phone################
  6. The Grand Budapest Hotel###
  7. Sweden################
  8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
  9. Heartbreak Hotel##########
  10. The Plaza################
More quizzes...
submitted by sundayquiz to sundayquiz [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 16:52 sbudde Ferienwohnung - Vermieter stellt bei Ankunft Überbelegung fest, droht mit Anwalt

Hallo liebe Gemeinde,
folgende Situation trübt gerade die Urlaubsstimmung, Ausgangslage:
Als Familie mit 2 Erwachsenen und 2 Kindern haben wir eine Ferienwohnung für eine Woche an der deutschen Nordsee gebucht. Vermieter und Wohnung sind in Deutschland.
Die FeWo ist für "4 Personen" ausgelegt.
Ende Januar haben wir beim Vermieter telefonisch nachgefragt, ob wir meine Nichte (Anfang 20) ebenfalls mit aufnehmen können.
Dieses wurde telefonisch bejaht.
Mit Bezug auf das Telefonat haben wir meine Nicht schriftlich per Email beim Vermieter nachgemeldet und dabei auch ihr Geburtsdatum mitgeteilt.
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt Ende Januar war somit klar, dass die Wohnung mit drei Erwachsenen und zwei Kindern (Grundschulalter) belegt werden soll.
Bei der heutigen Anreise meint der Vermieter, eine Belegung mit 5 Personen sei nicht möglich.
Es wurde uns angeboten, eine zusätzliche 2-Personen-FeWo im gleichen Objekt für zusätzliche 500 EUR anzumieten, um diese mit meiner Nichte zu belegen.
Es wurde mitgeteilt, dass die tatsächliche Belegung morgen überprüft wird.
Es wurde zusätzlich "mit dem Anwalt" gedroht, sollten wir die 4P-Wohnung mit 5P belegen.
Rückschlüsse und Fragen:
- aus unserer Sicht war bereits Ende Januar dem Vermieter vollständig gemeldet, dass wir mit drei Erwachsenen und zwei Kindern reisen, somit 5 Personen. Dazu lag auch das telefonische Einverständnis vor.
- welche Konsequenz hätte die Überbelegung? Wäre eine fristlose Kündigung und "Rauswurf" aus der FeWo möglich?
- ist das nur ein Cashgrab, weil der Vermieter trotz Osterferien-Saison noch eine 2P-FeWo für eine Woche frei hat?
- besteht die Möglichkeit, die Kosten für die 2P-FeWo nachträglich zurückzuholen? Sorgfaltspflicht, Schadensersatz?
Wir sind uns unschlüssig, wie wir uns verhalten sollen. Meine Nichte reist morgen an, so dass "diese Nacht" noch alles in Butter ist.
Abgesehen von der herben Enttäuschung und dem Dämpfer fürs Urlaubsfeeling, steht hier so ein Widerspruch im Raum von "warum hat der Vermieter das nicht vorher erkannt", "wer ist schuld an der Situation" und "warum sollen wir jetzt 500 EUR extra für eine Person zahlen, weil der Vermieter die Belegungssituation verpennt hat"?
Was wären jetzt unsere nächsten Schritte?
- einfach die 500 EUR für die 2P-FeWo zahlen und als Lehrgeld verbuchen?
- die 2P-FeWo nicht buchen, 4P überbelegen, "und dann" ?
- 2P zubuchen und nach dem Urlaub dann den Zivilstreit suchen hinsichtlich Schadensersatz?
Ich freue mich auf eure Beiträge :)
submitted by sbudde to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 08:21 Yoursecretstepdad Formular E7

Hallo zusammen,
nach langem Warten haben wir nun endlich eine Steuernummer zugeteilt bekommen (Verf17) und bin nun dabei, das Formular E7 auszufüllen, da meine Oma Baujahr '44 damit leicht bis mittelschwer überfordert ist - geht mir ähnlich, ich nutze für DE eine Software, die mir hierbei behilflich ist, habe aber für Österreich leider nichts vergleichbares gefunden. Sie hat vor über 30 Jahren schon mit meinem Opa zusammen eine Ferienwohnung gekauft, die seit letztem Jahr September touristisch vermietet wird. Für 2023 fällt somit das erste Mal Steuer an.
Fragen meinerseits:
Ich hoffe jemand kann uns/mir hier behilflich sein!
submitted by Yoursecretstepdad to FinanzenAT [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 12:45 DexyBoo Couldn't sleep because my list was stressing me out...

Couldn't sleep because my list was stressing me out...
All of the above lists were mashed together on one big list, where I'd dumped them all in a rush at various times, and last night it got too much for my subconscious.
So this was how I found myself at 2am creating 6 new lists, to hopefully cover everything, and carefully moving each item over to the correct place.
Most of the above are recommendations from others, or random thoughts that I wanted to think about some more.
But damn, did I feel better once they were sorted!
I feel like I should be replying to one of those "tell me you're autistic without telling me you're autistic" posts 😂
But honestly, I just feel calmer looking at them 😊
submitted by DexyBoo to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 14:43 miarrial 21 février 1944 Le procès Manouchian et l'Affiche rouge

21 février 1944 Le procès Manouchian et l'Affiche rouge
Le 21 février 1944, les murs de Paris se couvrent de grandes affiches rouges. Placardées à 15 000 exemplaires, elles exposent à la vindicte des Français dix hommes auxquels il est reproché plusieurs dizaines d'attentats sous couvert de libération. Cette « armée du crime » compte sept juifs dont quatre nés en Pologne et trois en Hongrie, un natif d'Espagne, un autre d'Italie, le dernier enfin d'Arménie. Sept d'entre eux ont 18 ou 19 ans.
Missak Manouchian et quelques-uns de ses compagnons dans une cour de prison, peu avant leur exécution, pour les besoins de la propagande nazie
Le même jour, ces résistants ainsi que douze autres compagnons d'infortune ont été fusillés au mont Valérien. Leur chef militaire, Joseph Epstein, dit colonel Gilles, juif de Pologne, le sera un peu plus tard, le 11 avril 1944.
La seule femme du groupe, Olga Bancic (32 ans), juive de Bessarabie, sera guillotinée à Stuttgart le 10 mai 1944. Tous, Français ou étrangers, sont communistes et appartiennent aux Francs-tireurs et partisans de la Main-d’Œuvre immigrée (FTP-MOI).
L'affiche complète la publication d'une brochure intitulée « L'Armée du crime » dans le cadre d'une campagne de propagande antisémite et xénophobe orchestrée par les nazis. Elle nourrira après la guerre la mémoire communiste de la Résistance avec un poème de Louis Aragon publié dans L'Humanité du 5 mars 1955 sous le titre « Le groupe Manouchian », d'après le nom de l'Arménien de l'affiche.
Ce poème inspiré par la lettre bouleversante de Missak (Michel) Manouchian à son épouse Mélinée sera ensuite rebaptisé Strophes pour se souvenir et mis en musique et chanté en 1959 par Léo Ferré sous le titre L'Affiche rouge.
Cette mémoire a trouvé son aboutissement le 21 février 2024 avec l'entrée au Panthéon (Paris) de Mélinée et Missak Manouchian. Les noms des vingt-quatre martyrs figurent sur une plaque à proximité de leur caveau (note)...
L'Affiche rouge du groupe Manouchian
L'Affiche rouge expliquée aux collégiens
Isabelle Grégor propose aux collégiens et à leurs enseignants un document bref et synthétique pour décrypter l'Affiche rouge
L'affiche rouge expliquée aux collégiens

Entrée des communistes dans la Résistance

Jusqu'à l'invasion de l'URSS par la Wehrmacht, le 22 juin 1941, le Parti Communiste Français s'en est tenu sur injonction de Staline à une neutralité bienveillante à l'égard de l'Allemagne nazie. Cette politique fut refusée par certains militants tel Gabriel Péri qui, lâché par le Parti, le paya de sa vie.
À l'été 1941, la direction communiste se retourne enfin contre l'occupant. L'attentat du métro Barbès (21 août 1941) inaugure cette nouvelle stratégie mais son caractère désordonné, voire contre-productif, suscite l'ire du général de Gaulle, à Londres, lequel va envoyer Jean Moulin en France pour coordonner la résistance non communiste.
De son côté, à la fin 1941, le PCF fond ses organisations de jeunesse au sein des Francs-tireurs et partisans (FTP). En mars 1942, il place sous l'autorité des FTP les militants d'origine étrangère de la section Main-d’Œuvre étrangère ou immigrée (MOI). Elle a été fondée par le parti communiste en 1925 avec autant de sous-sections que de langues usuelles : italienne, polonaise, hongroise, espagnole et yiddish (juifs orientaux).
Les FTP-MOI sont organisés par Boris Holban (34 ans), de son vrai nom Bruhman. Issu d'une famille juive qui a fui la Russie pour la Bessarabie puis la France, il s'est engagé en 1939 dans un régiment de volontaires étrangers. Fait prisonnier, il a réussi à s'évader grâce au réseau d'une religieuse de Metz, Soeur Hélène (François Mitterrand bénéficiera du même réseau).
Boris Holban constitue au sein de la MOI trois détachements (roumains, italiens et yiddish), sans compter un détachement spécialisé dans les déraillements et des services de renseignement, de liaison et de soins médicaux avec 30 combattants et une quarantaine de militants.

Actions héroïques mais désordonnées

Les FTP-MOI vont multiplier les actions en région parisienne contre l'occupant et les collaborateurs (par exemple les fourreurs de la rue Saint-Denis qui font des affaires avec la Wehrmacht), sans se soucier d'en référer à la France Libre.
On leur prête cent à deux cents attentats de juin 1942 à leur démantèlement en novembre 1943 par la Brigade Spéciale N°2 des Renseignements généraux (BS2), un organe de la préfecture de police de Paris chargé de la traque des communistes.
La plus retentissante de leurs actions est l'assassinat, le 28 septembre 1943, du général SS Julius Ritter (51 ans), qui supervise le Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO), responsable de l'envoi en Allemagne de centaines de milliers de jeunes travailleurs français.
Ces actions désordonnées se révèlent aussi très coûteuses en hommes pour un résultat mitigé, de sorte que les FTP-MOI en viendront à recruter des résistants de plus en plus jeunes, à l'image de Thomas Elek, juif né à Budapest en 1924, élève au lycée Louis-le-Grand.
En mars 1943 sont arrêtés cinquante-sept jeunes juifs de la MOI, dont leur chef, Henoch (Henri) Krasucki (né près de Varsovie en 1924, il deviendra secrétaire général de la CGT de 1982 à 1992). En juillet 1943 a lieu une deuxième arrestation de masse. Parmi la centaine de résistants arrêtés par la police française, certains sont déférés devant des tribunaux militaires allemands et fusillés au Mont-Valérien, d'autres sont déportés à Auschwitz.
En août 1943, la direction nationale des FTP enlève la direction des FTP-MOI à Boris Holban car celui-ci ne veut plus sacrifier ses hommes dans des actions hasardeuses. Il juge non sans raison que le réseau est au bord de la rupture par manque d'hommes. Il est remplacé à la tête du groupe par Missak Manouchian.
Joseph Epstein (dit Colonel Gilles) avec son fils aux temps heureux (16 octobre 1911, Zamosc - Pologne ; Mont-Valérien, 11 avril 1944)
Le 12 novembre 1943, la dernière action des FTP-MOI, l'attaque d'un convoyeur de fonds allemand dans la rue Lafayette, se solde par un échec. Le jeune footballeur d'Argenteuil Rino delle Negra est blessé et arrêté ainsi que ses trois compagnons.
C'est le début de la fin.
Suite à une trahison, Missak Manouchian est à son tour arrêté avec son chef Joseph Epstein le 16 novembre 1943, à Évry Petit-Bourg, sur les berges de la Seine. Au total, la police procède à soixante-huit arrestations.
Torturés puis livrés à la police militaire allemande, Manouchian et 22 de ses camarades sont jugés le 19 février 1944 dans un procès à grand spectacle, à l'hôtel Intercontinental, devant la presse collaborationniste qui s'appesantit sur leurs origines. Ils sont fusillés deux jours plus tard(sauf Olga Bancic), après avoir fait l'objet d'une séance de photos dans la cour de leur prison pour les besoins de la propagande : brochure et affiche.
« Quel fut l'impact de l'affiche sur l'opinion publique française ? Force est de constater que nous n'en savons rien. À ce jour, aucune étude n'a été faite sur ce point », écrit l'historienne Annette Wieviorka (Anatomie de l'Affiche rouge, Seuil, février 2024).
Mais dès mars 1944, selon les mots de l'historienne Margaret Atack, l'affiche va faire l'objet d'un « processus narratif et idéologique » dans la presse clandestine communiste qui occultera toutefois son caractère antisémite !
Ainsi les 23 condamnés du 19 novembre 1944 deviendront-ils les porte-drapeaux symboliques de la Résistance communiste et étrangère en France. C'est à ce titre qu'ils ont aujourd'hui les honneurs du Panthéon.
![img](kub95ubxupmc1 "Quatre résistants du groupe Manoukian fusillés le 21 septembre 1944 au Mont Valérien : Celestino Alfonso, Wolf Josef Boczow, Marcel Rajman, Emeric Glasz (photo prise en secret par le sous-officier allemand Clemens Rüther) ")
Le groupe Manouchian-Boczor

Missak Manouchian : « Je n’ai aucune haine contre le peuple allemand »

Missak Manouchian (1er septembre 1906 - 21 février 1944)
Missak (Michel) Manouchian, chef déclaré de ce groupe de résistants, est né en Arménie 36 ans plus tôt et a perdu son père dans le génocide arménien.
Après la Grande Guerre, il est recueilli ainsi que son frère aîné dans un orphelinat libanais où il s'initie à la menuiserie et se découvre une passion pour la littérature et des dispositions pour la poésie. Réalisant enfin son souhait le plus cher, il gagne la France en 1924. Il y apprend le métier de menuisier et travaille à la Seyne-sur-Mer puis à Paris. C'est là qu'il a la douleur de perdre en 1927 son frère, dernier membre de sa famille, victime de la tuberculose.
Il fréquente les milieux arméniens et littéraires, suit des cours à la Sorbonne, écrit des poèmes et se consacre à la littérature et à l'étude, traduit enfin des poètes français tels que Baudelaire en arménien.
En 1934, il adhère au parti communiste français puis, l'année suivante, au groupe MOI (Main-d'Oeuvre Immigrée), une antenne du syndicat communiste, la CGTU, dans laquelle il rejoint la section arménienne et y fonde une revue en arménien. Il y fait la rencontre d'une jeune rescapée du génocide, orpheline comme lui, Mélinée. Il l'épousera après une cour assidue de plusieurs mois.
Pendant l'occupation allemande, Missak rejoint les FTP-MOI (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans-Main-d'Oeuvre Immigrée).
En 1933 comme en 1940, Missak Manouchian a déposé une demande de naturalisation en exprimant le souhait de faire son service militaire. Mais sa demande est à chaque fois refusée. Il est néanmoins engagé volontaire au printemps 1940.
Pendant l'Occupation, il entre dans le militantisme clandestin, rejoint les FTP-MOI et devient responsable de la section arménienne. Il vit avec son épouse 11 rue de Plaisance, dans le 14e arrondissement.
À ses juges, le 19 février 1944, Missak Manouchian aurait lancé selon la presse collaborationniste : « Vous avez hérité la nationalité française, nous l'avons méritée. »

La dernière lettre de Missak (Michel) Manouchian à sa femme
Comme tous les condamnés, Missak Manouchian est autorisé à écrire une lettre d'adieu à la personne de son choix. Notons qu'il signe cette lettre de son prénom francisé, Michel.
Ma Chère Mélinée, ma petite orpheline bien-aimée, Dans quelques heures, je ne serai plus de ce monde. Nous allons être fusillés cet après-midi à 15 heures. Cela m’arrive comme un accident dans ma vie, je n’y crois pas mais pourtant je sais que je ne te verrai plus jamais. Que puis-je t’écrire ? Tout est confus en moi et bien clair en même temps. Je m’étais engagé dans l’Armée de Libération en soldat volontaire et je meurs à deux doigts de la Victoire et du but. Bonheur à ceux qui vont nous survivre et goûter la douceur de la Liberté et de la Paix de demain. Je suis sûr que le peuple français et tous les combattants de la Liberté sauront honorer notre mémoire dignement. Au moment de mourir, je proclame que je n’ai aucune haine contre le peuple allemand et contre qui que ce soit, chacun aura ce qu’il méritera comme châtiment et comme récompense. Le peuple allemand et tous les autres peuples vivront en paix et en fraternité après la guerre qui ne durera plus longtemps. Bonheur à tous… J’ai un regret profond de ne t’avoir pas rendue heureuse, j’aurais bien voulu avoir un enfant de toi, comme tu le voulais toujours. Je te prie donc de te marier après la guerre, sans faute, et d’avoir un enfant pour mon bonheur, et pour accomplir ma dernière volonté, marie-toi avec quelqu’un qui puisse te rendre heureuse. Tous mes biens et toutes mes affaires je les lègue à toi à ta sœur et à mes neveux. Après la guerre tu pourras faire valoir ton droit de pension de guerre en tant que ma femme, car je meurs en soldat régulier de l’armée française de la libération. Avec l’aide des amis qui voudront bien m’honorer, tu feras éditer mes poèmes et mes écrits qui valent d’être lus. Tu apporteras mes souvenirs si possible à mes parents en Arménie. Je mourrai avec mes 23 camarades tout à l’heure avec le courage et la sérénité d’un homme qui a la conscience bien tranquille, car personnellement, je n’ai fait de mal à personne et si je l’ai fait, je l’ai fait sans haine. Aujourd’hui, il y a du soleil. C’est en regardant le soleil et la belle nature que j’ai tant aimée que je dirai adieu à la vie et à vous tous, ma bien chère femme et mes bien chers amis. Je pardonne à tous ceux qui m’ont fait du mal ou qui ont voulu me faire du mal sauf à celui qui nous a trahis pour racheter sa peau et ceux qui nous ont vendus. Je t’embrasse bien fort ainsi que ta sœur et tous les amis qui me connaissent de loin ou de près, je vous serre tous sur mon cœur. Adieu. Ton ami, ton camarade, ton mari.
Manouchian Michel


Rappelé par les FTP en décembre 1943, Holban retrouvera et exécutera le traître qui a livré le groupe. Après la Libération, il s'en retournera en Roumanie où il deviendra colonel puis général. Mais le dictateur Ceaucescu le déchoiera de son grade et l'enverra travailler dans une usine jusqu'à sa retraite. Revenu en France, il sera décoré de la Légion d'Honneur le 8 mai 1994 sous l'Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile par le président Francois Mitterrand.
Parmi les fondateurs des FTP-MOI figurent Artur London, juif né en Moravie, et Adam Rayski, juif de Pologne. L'un et l'autre rentreront dans leur pays natal après la guerre pour se mettre au service du gouvernement communiste. Artur London se fera connaître comme l'auteur de L'Aveu, une dénonciation des procès de Prague. Adam Rayski, qui a participé en 1943 à la fondation du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), reviendra en France en 1959.
Mélinée Manouchian, née Soukémian (13 novembre 1913, Constantinople ; 6 décembre 1989, Fleury-Mérogis)
Mélinée, épouse de Missak Manouchian, a réussi à échapper à la police. Elle s'est réfugiée chez ses logeurs, les Aznavourian, dont l'un des enfants deviendra chanteur sous le nom de Charles Aznavour.
À la Libération, elle regagnera l'Arménie soviétique avant de se faire rapatrier en France en 1954. Jusqu'à sa mort, le 6 décembre 1989, à 76 ans, elle cultivera la mémoire de son époux et de leurs compagnons de résistance (sans se remarier comme l'y invitait Missak).
Le dernier survivant du groupe Manouchian, Arsène Tchakarian, est mort le 6 août 2018, après avoir survécu au génocide arménien et à la répression nazie.

Strophes pour se souvenir
Vous n'avez réclamé la gloire ni les larmes Ni l'orgue ni la prière aux agonisants Onze ans déjà que cela passe vite onze ans Vous vous étiez servi simplement de vos armes La mort n'éblouit pas les yeux des Partisans.
Vous aviez vos portraits sur les murs de nos villes Noirs de barbe et de nuit hirsutes menaçants L'affiche qui semblait une tache de sang Parce qu'à prononcer vos noms sont difficiles Y cherchait un effet de peur sur les passants
Nul ne semblait vous voir Français de préférence Les gens allaient sans yeux pour vous le jour durant Mais à l'heure du couvre feu des doigts errants Avaient écrit sous vos photos MORTS POUR LA FRANCE Et les mornes matins en étaient différents.
Tout avait la couleur uniforme du givre A la fin février pour vos derniers moments Et c'est alors que l'un de vous dit calmement Bonheur à tous Bonheur à ceux qui vont survivre Je meurs sans haine en moi pour le peuple allemand.
Adieu la peine et le plaisir adieu les roses Adieu la vie adieu la lumière et le vent Marie toi sois heureuse et pense à moi souvent Toi qui vas demeurer dans la beauté des choses Quand tout sera fini plus tard en Erivan
Un grand soleil d'hiver éclaire la colline Que la nature est belle et que le coeur me fend La justice viendra sur nos pas triomphants Ma Mélinée ô mon amour mon orpheline Et je te dis de vivre et d'avoir un enfant
Ils étaient vingt et trois quand les fusils fleurirent Vingt et trois qui donnaient leur cœur avant le temps Vingt et trois étrangers et nos frères pourtant Vingt et trois amoureux de vivre à en mourir Vingt et trois qui criaient la France en s'abattant.
Louis Aragon, Le roman inachevé, 1956.

Léo Ferre - L'affiche rouge (Audio Officiel)

submitted by miarrial to Histoire [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 12:54 enigbert Net income (PPS) by NUTS2 regions (amount of money available for spending and saving after subtracting income taxes and social contributions)

Net income (PPS) by NUTS2 regions (amount of money available for spending and saving after subtracting income taxes and social contributions) submitted by enigbert to europe [link] [comments]

2024.02.03 10:24 Verghaust Starting my ETF investment

Hi All!
I am 42 years old. I have just paid off a city-center flat in Budapest which provides a steady 3000EUR monthly income which I'd like to invest. (I have my normal job to cover for my family's costs of living)
I have 2 investment goals: buy another flat in 5-10 years and pension in 20 years
I have recently opened an IBKR account to start investing into UCITS accumulating ETFs.
I have a lump sum of 30k EUR to start off with. What do you think of this portfolio for start:
I am considering to drop JPGL and rather go SXR8 or VUAA (both S&P 500) as VWCE is already somewhat diversified and this way i could boost my growth potential.
submitted by Verghaust to ETFs [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 09:33 Elviria-Mairena Spécialiste de la location sur Abritel Elviria La Mairena Costa del sol

Spécialiste de la location sur Abritel Elviria La Mairena Costa del sol
Spécialiste de la location sur Abritel Elviria La Mairena Costa del sol
Devenir spécialiste de la location sur Abritel Elviria La Mairena Costa del sol(également connu sous le nom de HomeAway, qui fait partie du groupe Expedia) demande une combinaison de compétences, de connaissances du marché et d'efforts marketing. Voici quelques étapes qui peuvent vous guider pour devenir un spécialiste de la location sur Abritel :

  1. Comprendre Abritel/HomeAway : Prenez le temps de comprendre le fonctionnement de la plateforme Abritel. Familiarisez-vous avec les fonctionnalités, les politiques de tarification, les outils de communication et les normes de qualité attendues.
  2. Créer un Compte et Annoncer votre Propriété : Commencez par créer un compte sur la plateforme Abritel. Ensuite, créez une annonce attrayante pour votre propriété. Assurez-vous d'inclure des descriptions détaillées, des photos de haute qualité et toutes les informations pertinentes pour attirer les voyageurs.
  3. Optimiser votre Annonce : Utilisez des mots-clés pertinents dans votre titre et votre description pour améliorer la visibilité de votre annonce. Mettez en avant les caractéristiques uniques de votre propriété et les attractions locales pour attirer l'attention des voyageurs.
  4. Fixer des Tarifs Compétitifs : Faites des recherches sur les tarifs de location dans votre région pour vous assurer que vos prix sont compétitifs. Abritel propose souvent des outils pour vous aider à ajuster vos tarifs en fonction de la demande du marché.
  5. Répondre Promptement aux Demandes : La réactivité est cruciale sur les plateformes de location. Répondez rapidement aux demandes de renseignements des voyageurs et soyez prêt à fournir des informations supplémentaires.
  6. Mettre en Valeur les Évaluations et Témoignages : Encouragez vos clients à laisser des évaluations et des témoignages positifs. Les voyageurs ont tendance à faire confiance aux propriétés avec des critiques positives, ce qui peut augmenter la demande pour votre location.
  7. Investir dans la Qualité des Photos : Les photos sont un élément clé de votre annonce. Des images de haute qualité montrent votre propriété sous son meilleur jour. Investissez dans des photographies professionnelles si possible.
  8. Gérer vos Disponibilités avec Soins : Mettez à jour régulièrement vos calendriers de disponibilités pour éviter toute confusion. Les voyageurs apprécient la transparence quant à la disponibilité de votre propriété.
  9. Promouvoir en dehors de la Plateforme : Utilisez vos propres canaux de marketing pour promouvoir votre location en dehors d'Abritel. Cela peut inclure les médias sociaux, la création d'un site web dédié ou la participation à des événements locaux.
  10. Suivre les Évolutions du Marché de la Costal del Sol : Restez informé sur les tendances du marché de la location de vacances. Abritel met souvent à disposition des ressources et des analyses pour aider les propriétaires à comprendre les comportements des voyageurs.
En suivant ces étapes et en mettant en œuvre des pratiques efficaces, vous pouvez devenir un spécialiste de la location sur Abritel Elviria La Mairena Costa del solet maximiser le potentiel de votre propriété.
Source :

submitted by Elviria-Mairena to u/Elviria-Mairena [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 06:19 NumerousRelease9887 Expat; Retiring to Hungary (Taxes?)

I am a single 63 year old American retiree. I have 2 pensions and will start getting social security next month. I also have a modest 403B tax deferred retirement account, although I haven't had to touch that. I have traveled extensively in Europe, including 4 trips to Budapest. My father's material grandparents (my great-grandparents) were Hungarian. I will be in Budapest from March until June as a tourist (will stay just under the 90 days allowed visa-free). My plan is to eventually relocate to Budapest. 100% of my income is passive, and I have absolutely no intention of working as I have sufficient income to maintain myself in Hungary or the US. I've been googling expat taxes and getting a lot of conflicting information. Eventually, I will have to get professional help through a lawyer or tax expert. I'm wondering if anyone else from the US has retired to Hungary and dealt with this. What kind of taxes will I have to pay on my foreign sourced passive income if I become a Hungarian resident? My total gross income from pensions and social security is US $ 67,000 annually.
submitted by NumerousRelease9887 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 12:16 e2021d Einliegerwohnung abschreiben/absetzen

Hallo zusammen,
ich plane aktuell den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses mit Einliegerwohnung. Aktuell ist geplant diese Wohnung zuerst einmal für ein paar Jahre entweder zu vermieten oder als Ferienwohnung zu betreiben. Die Kosten hierfür würde ich, wo möglich versuchen getrennt in Rechnung gestellt zu bekommen, damit ich die Herstellungskosten dann abschreiben/absetzen kann.
Grundlegend soll die Wohnung jedoch nur so lange vermietet / als FeWo betrieben werden, bis wir irgendwann den Platz selbst benötigen.
Die Frage, die ich mir stelle ist, wenn ich Kosten für die Einliegerwohnung schon absetze (z.B. während der Bauphase) es aber dann doch nicht zu einer Vermietung kommt. Wird das dann im Nachhinein vom Finanzamt wieder zurückverechnet, sodass ich die Erstattungen wieder zurück zahlen muss?
submitted by e2021d to Steuern [link] [comments]

2023.12.09 02:10 SourceMedium6031 News Report: 12/05/2023 - 12/08/2023

Date: 12/08/2023

Reading time: 3 minutes, 774 words

🪖 Military

The Kremlin avoids sanctions

After the invasion of the Russian troops in Ukraine, The West uses all efforts and methods to keep the Kremlin without technologies and raw materials of critical military importance. Companies operating in a number of states of the Global South and Central Asia do not participate in the sanctions imposed on Moscow, and in this way the Kremlin maintains access to much-needed technologies.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Two Georgian Citizens to be Prosecuted in Occupied Tskhinvali

The Russian State Security Service has initiated “criminal cases’ against two citizens. The two citizens are accused of “deliberate” and “illegal crossing of the state border’s borders. The fate of the other two citizens remains unknown till now.

Occupied Abkhazia Restricts USAID Funded Projects, Declares USAID Regional Director Persona Non-Grata

Abkhazia’s de-facto top diplomat, Inal Ardzinba, announced a new approach to dealing with international NGOs and UN agencies. He declared USAID Regional Director John Pennell persona non-grata on December 7. The decision was in particular prompted by ‘discrepancies found in project questionnaires’, notably the ones from the UN Development Programme's Partnership for Sustainability.

Nika Melia leaves National Movement, plans to found new party

Former chairman of the National Movement Nika Melia said he is moving forward to the future and leaving the past in the past. Melia: "A vicious circle has been created, and staying in this vicious circle means renouncing truth, dignity, morality and the future of Georgia – so I’m leaving?"

Hungary among “steadfast supporters” of Georgia’s EU integration - Vice Parliament Speaker

Vice Parliament Speaker Gia Volski hails Hungary as a 'steadfast supporter' of Tbilisi's EU bid. Georgian delegation headed by Irakli Kobakhidze, head of the ruling Georgian Dream party, to Budapest this week.

Georgian PM lauds “centuries-old brotherhood” with Israel on Hanukkah celebration

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili hails the “brotherhood, love, respect and friendship with the Jewish people” in comments for Hanukkah celebration at the Great Synagogue of Tbilisi. The head of the Georgian Government stressed Georgians and Jews had been “through trials and tribulations together, through pain, joy, victory, and goodness”

Azerbaijan and Armenia published a joint statement

Armenia and Azerbaijan issued a joint statement, outlining several important agreements. Zaza Shengelia, a researcher at the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) speaks on Euronius Georgia.

The influence of Viktor Orbán's policy on the granting of candidate status to Georgia

Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova are waiting for answers from the European Council in a few days. In the meantime, the Prime Minister of Hungary says that he will block the issue of starting negotiations with Ukraine at the December 14-15 summit.

First section of Kakheti Highway opens, project to be completed in 2024

The first four-kilometre section of the 35-km Kakheti Highway has become operational. The project stretches from the capital of Tbilisi to the central part of the east of the region. Infrastructure Minister Irakli Karseladze said construction of the remaining two sections was proceeding ‘according to plan”

Georgian Justice Minister, UN Under-Secretary-General discuss Sustainable Development Goals

Georgian Justice Minister Rati Bregadze and UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Li Junhua met on Thursday. The meeting stressed that “quick, equal and inclusive” access to public services was “essential” to building a democratic society, the Ministry said.
AgendaGe, Georgian Justice Minister, UN Under-Secretary-General review cooperation

Georgian PM, Economic Council members review positive economic trends

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili led the Government’s Economic Council on Friday. The council discussed ‘positive macroeconomic indications’ in the country’�s economy. The meeting highlighted the country's ‘high’ economic growth.

Georgian Security Service Head, British Ambassador review cooperation, security matters

The importance of strategic partnership between Georgia and the UK was reviewed in a meeting. The meeting focused on the possibilities of deepening cooperation between the two countries.

Georgian Public Defender discusses human rights cooperation in Kyiv visit

Levan Ioseliani, the Public Defender of Georgia, met with the Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament in Kyiv. He also participated in an international human rights conference titled Freedom or Fear. The conference was held in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Parliament Speaker thanks NATO Deputy Sec Gen for support through “common values”

Mircea Geoană, the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, thanked him for his support for the country's sovereignty. He added that the country would “continue to make progress on the path of North Atlantic integration”

Tourism Administration promoting Georgia on Expedia platform

Georgian National Tourism Administration launches marketing campaign with Expedia. Promotion will involve websites and social media. It will target millions of users of Expedia in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
AgendaGe, National Tourism Administration launches new marketing campaign on Expedia, National Tourism Administration launches new marketing campaign on Expedia

Activists are calling for tougher EU legislation against child sexual abuse

Activists are calling for tougher EU legislation against child sexual abuse. One out of three Internet users is a child. In 2022, 32 million reports of possible sexual harassment of children were identified through online platforms worldwide.

🎭 Culture

Georgian National Museum hosting Tbilisi display of Etruscan civilisation

Exhibition at Tbilisi’s Museum of Georgia showcases Etruscan artefacts. Exhibits are sourced from the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, the Chianciano Terme museum of Etrusscan history and the National Etrustuscan Museum in Chiusi.

Date: 12/07/2023

Reading time: 4 minutes, 966 words

🪖 Military

Killing of Georgian citizen by occupation forces raised at Geneva International Discussions

The 59th round of Geneva International Discussions largely focused on the killing of Georgian citizen Tamaz Ginturi by Russian-controlled occupation forces last month. Russia and the United States discussed ways to prevent a repeat of the incident.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Ruling party official thanks Hungary for supporting Georgia’s EU candidacy, urges Budapest not to hinder Ukraine’s EU bid

Hungarian leader urges Hungary not to hinder Ukraine's European integration path. Comments follow the demand by Hungary's Prime Minister to have Ukraine's EU membership taken off the agenda.
AgendaGe, Hungarian Parliament “strong supporter” of Georgia’s European integration - Parliament Committee Chair, Hungary “firmly supports” Georgia’s EU candidacy as decision “with no alternatives” - ruling party head

Ruling party head highlights “strategic” importance of Azerbaijan ties

Georgian Dream party leader Irakli Kobakhidze says friendly ties with Azerbaijan are of ‘strategic importance’ for the Georgian Government. Comments made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in response to comments by President of Azerbaijan.
AgendaGe, Aliyev says close Azerbaijan-Georgia ties benefit Europe, hints at further regional integration

Georgian PM, Gov’t members pay tribute to victims of Abkhazia war after transfer of remains

Remains belong to 21 combatants and two civilians who had been missing since the 1992-1993 conflict. The PM joined a service for the victims of the war at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the city. Remains of 604 persons missing following the 1990s conflict and the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia have been recovered in search efforts since 2013.
AgendaGe, Remains of 23 Abkhazia War Victims Transferred to Tbilisi

Op-ed Georgia Needs to Stop Treating Emigrants as ATMs that Give Cash and Ask no Questions

Georgia has a staggering emigration rate: out of its overall population of 3,7 million citizens more than 125 thousand citizens left the country last year alone. The Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy has launched an advocacy campaign to enable Georgian citizens living abroad to vote (online) in the next Parliamentary elections.

Putin: "Cooperation between Russia and Iran is gaining new dimensions"

Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Rais in Moscow. According to the Iranian leader, it is important to exchange views on the current crises in the world.

Ilham Aliyev calls extraordinary presidential elections

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, signed the decree on the calling of extraordinary presidential elections in Azerbaijan. The Central Election Commission was instructed to ensure the holding of presidential elections on February 7, 2024.

Economy Minister: Gov’t launching “complex” strategy for resort development

Georgian economy minister Levan Davitashvili says Government is launching a set of ‘complex steps’ to develop resorts across the country. He spoke in opening remarks for the first international conference Trends and Challenges of Sustainable Development of Resorts in Tbilisi.

Nika Melia leaves UNM party

Nika Melia, the former Chair of the opposition United National Movement party, said he was leaving the ranks of the largest opposition party in Georgia amid the ongoing intra-party feud. Melia noted he had done “everything” to preserve the principles of the party, but his efforts had been ignored.

UNICEF, French Embassy launch partnership initiative to strengthen children’s rights in Georgia

The United Nations Children's Fund in Georgia and the Embassy of France launched a partnership initiative to strengthen children’s rights across the country. The project will seek to enhance capabilities of the centres established with the support of the UNICEF at state and private universities as key institutions for knowledge creation, dissemination, training and child rights-related activities.

Georgian Orthodox Church Patriarch meets foreign diplomats to discuss EU integration

The Patriarchate of the Georgian Orthodox Church met foreign diplomats to discuss the granting of EU membership to the country. The meeting also involved diplomats from the Vatican, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Iran, the Netherlands, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and the United Arab Emirates.

Georgian Health Minister, US Ambassador review cooperation, reforms

Georgian Health Minister Zurab Azarashvili met with U.S. Ambassador to Georgia. Meeting focused on prevention of infectious diseases in the country.
AgendaGe, Georgia’s Agriculture Minister, US Agriculture Department Regional Director discuss cooperation

Deputy Economy Minister, tech body sign deal with German development bank to promote innovative startup ecosystem

KfW state development bank to support Georgia's innovative startup ecosystem with about ₾15 million ‘over the coming years” The support also included education in IT, introduction of a European development accelerator to the country.

President Aliyev: for Azerbaijan, the reliable transit route is through Georgia

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev spoke at a forum entitled “Karabakh: Back Home After 30 Years. Accomplishments and Challenges,” co-organized by ADA University (established under the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan) and the Azerbaijani think-tank Center of Analysis of International Relations.

CSOs Address Ministry of Education Amid Teachers’ Protest

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) addressed the Ministry of Education with recommendations on how to make the selection process for school principals fairer and more legitimate. The statement was released on the second day of a round-the-clock protest and hunger strike by teachers in front of the ministry.

💵 Economy

Finance Ministry Investigators arrest one for sale of counterfeit currency

Investigation Service of Georgia’s Ministry of Finance said its professionals had arrested one individual for selling counterfeit currency. The crime is punishable by imprisonment between four to seven years.

🧪 Science & Technology

Georgia in PISA 2022 Report

PISA is the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges. In Georgia, average 2022 results were about the same as in 2018 in mathematics, reading and science. However, students in Georgia scored less than the OECD average in mathematics and reading.

Date: 12/06/2023

Reading time: 6 minutes, 1242 words

🪖 Military

Families receive remains of 23 missing from 1992-1993 armed conflict in Georgia

Remains of 23 people who were missing in the 1992-1993 conflict handed over to their families. The families had the opportunity to receive information about the remains and identification of their relatives. 1,870 people, including combatants and civilians, are still missing.

Georgian Defence Minister, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State discuss strategic cooperation

Georgian Defence Minister Juansher Burchuladze met Joshua Huck, the United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, to discuss strategic cooperation in defence and security. The meeting also featured US Ambassador Robin Dunnigan and Colonel Joseph Bilbo.

🏛️ Politics & Government

National Bank bans advertising of pension-secured loans to protect pensioner rights

Advertising of loans secured by pensions is now banned in Georgia without individual consent of pensioners. Change will apply to pensioners whose sole income is pension or other state social allowance.

Georgian citizen illegally detained by Russian occupation forces released

Georgian citizen illegally detained by occupation forces in occupied territory in central Georgia has been released. Khvicha Korinteli was released after the de facto authorities in occupied Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) region illegally detained him.
AgendaGe, Georgian Citizen Released by Russian Occupation Forces

President Aliyev: Azerbaijan, Georgia make “united, strategically important team in Europe”

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said his country and Georgia could present themselves as a “united, strategically important team in Europe’s Europe” Azerbaijan and Georgia are close partners, he said. He congratulated Georgia on the European Commission’S recommendation to the European Council last month to grant the country the EU membership candidate status.
AgendaGe, Bulgarian, Romanian ambassadors vow support for Georgia’s EU candidacy

Ruling party head: Georgia’s EU integration has Hungarian Government’s “solid support”

Irakli Kobakhidze is on an official visit to Hungary, meeting the country's top officials. He said the Georgian delegation had held meetings with the leadership of the ruling party in Hungary, with the officials discussing bilateral cooperation between the countries. The Georgian delegation also includes Giorgi Volski, the Vice Parliament Speaker, Maka Botchorishvili, the Chair of the European Integration Committee in the Parliament.
AgendaGe, Bulgarian, Romanian ambassadors vow support for Georgia’s EU candidacy, German Ambassador vows Berlin’s support for Georgia’s EU candidacy, Political support “final piece” for Georgia’s NATO integration - Ambassador, Parliament Speaker says Georgia deserves NATO membership

Bulgarian, Romanian ambassadors in Georgia highlight importance of Middle Corridor

The Middle Corridor is a transportation route network connecting China with Europe through the South Caucasus region. Diplomats Vesselin Valkanov and Răzvan Rotundu made the comments at the annual EU-Georgia Business Council-organised conference of the Black Sea Platform.
AgendaGe, Bulgarian, Romanian ambassadors vow support for Georgia’s EU candidacy, Deputy Economy Minister highlights Georgia's role in Europe-Asia transport corridor programme, Georgia - the gateway to Europe

Georgian airlines allowed unlimited regular flights to all Turkish cities

Georgian airlines to fly unlimited regular flights to any city of Turkey. The agreement was signed during the International Civil Aviation Negotiations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

National Bank’s Acting Governor defends institution’s independence, alignment with int’l sanctions

Natia Turnava, the Acting Governor of the National Bank of Georgia, defended her institution's "effective policy" and asserted its independence and alignment with international sanctions. She said the institution would "never be used" to evade international sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
AgendaGe, National Bank Acting Governor: foreign exchange reserves at “historic high”, within limits

Georgia’s Municipal Development Fund first institution to be granted right to make procurements for ADB-backed projects

Georgia's Municipal Development Fund granted the right to make state procurements for projects supported by the Asian Development Bank. Infrastructure Minister Irakli Karseladze called the decision “unprecedented” and said it represented a “result of many years of cooperation” between the Ministry and the Fund.
AgendaGe, ADB Program to Help Modernize Irrigation System in Georgia

Tskhinvali Region Amends “Regulation” on Renaming Geographical Sites

On December 5, the de-facto legislature of the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia adopted a so-called law on the naming of geographical sites in the region. According to the law, the opinion of the local population must be taken into account when renaming a certain location. Since the war in 2008 and the adoption of the first version of the above-mentioned “law” in December 2010, authorities have intensified re-naming of the Georgian names of geographical locations.

Chiatura Miners Reach Agreement with Georgian Manganese

After a five-day strike, Chaitura miners have reached an agreement with Georgian Manganese. One miner shared during a Facebook Live on December 5 that the company had agreed to the miners’ request to transition Darkveti mine workers to a 12-hour workday. Another issue that required resolution was equalizing the hourly wage between 8-hour shift workers. Approximately 700 other workers joined in solidarity, ceasing their work in support.

Parliament Speaker, NATO Deputy Secretary General review cooperation, regional matters

Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili met with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană. Geoana reiterated ‘unwavering’ support for Georgia’s territorial integrity. Georgia would “continue to make progress on the path of North Atlantic integration”

Parliament Speaker to attend NATO-Georgia Commission for integration discussions

Speaker of Georgian Parliament to take part in NATO-Georgia Commission meeting in Brussels. Meeting will discuss prospects of integration into the alliance. Georgian delegation includes Nikoloz Samkharadze, the Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Georgian Parliament.

💵 Economy

Economy Minister: “no preconditions” for bread price increase

Economy Minister Levan Davitashvili said there were ‘no preconditions’ for an increase in commercial gas tariff causing a rise in bread prices across the country. Tbilisi Energy gas supply company announced increase in the cost of natural gas for commercial consumption from January by four tetri.

Date: 12/05/2023

Reading time: 5 minutes, 1043 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Parliament Committee Chair says Hungary “firmly” supports Georgia’s European integration

Maka Botchorishvili said Hungary was “firmly” supporting the country’s European integration. The visit of Irakli Kobakhidze, the head of the Georgian Dream party, and Georgian MPs to Hungary is “important”
AgendaGe, President Zurabishvili’s EU Campaign Shunned by State Universities

Tbilisi authorities to restrict Rustaveli Avenue traffic for New Year’s Eve illumination installation

Restrictions will apply between First Republic Square and Freedom Square. City services to install New Year's Eve illuminations on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi.

Ruling party head claims President could step down to “back” opposition in 2024 elections

Irakli Kobakhidze claims President Salome Zourabichvili could step down one to two months prior to parliamentary elections next year. He said the move would be a bid to “back” the “radical wing” of the domestic opposition in the race.

Deputy FM highlights “aggravated” security, humanitarian situation in occupied territories ahead of Geneva Discussions

Deputy Foreign Minister Lasha Darsalia says 59th round of Geneva International Discussions will focus on the security and humanitarian situation in the country's Russian-occupied territories. One of the main issues on the agenda would be the killing of Georgian citizen Tamaz Ginturi by Russian-controlled occupation forces in territory adjacent to the occupied Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) region.

Georgia introduces e-waste management system

Georgia will shortly introduce the e-waste management system, says the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Otar Shamugia. The project is the state’s priority domain as stipulated by the EU Association Agreement. The World Health Organization says e-Waste is the fastest-growing solid waste stream in the world.

New 6 km section of East-West highway opens in Georgia - Infrastructure Ministry

A new 6 km highway section has been added to the 5 km section of the Grigoleti-Kobuleti road in Georgia’s west, which was opened last year. The construction works include a 14.4 km four-lane asphaltic concrete road, 22 bridge crossings, four traffic junctions, water pipes and underground passages.

National Bank Acting Governor highlights access to investment resources, innovative financial products for private sector

Natia Turnava, the Acting Governor of the National Bank of Georgia, spoke at an event organised by the Financial Innovation Programme of the United States Agency for International Development. She stressed the country possessed “all the prerequisites to become a financial innovation hub” in the South Caucasus.

Competition Agency Chairman: competition enforcement, consumer rights protection “becoming stronger” in Georgia

Irakli Lekvinadze said enforcement of competition and consumer rights protection policies in Georgia was “becoming stronger” He added “most important” reforms had been implemented in the country since 2014 to improve competition policy. He said the Agency had issued 94 recommendations since 2014 in order to improve the competitive environment.

Georgian Parliament Speaker, Ambassadors of NATO member states discuss NATO-Georgia ties

Shalva Papuashvili, the Georgian Parliament Speaker, held a meeting with the Ambassadors of NATO member states. The meeting involved ambassadors of the US, France, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Romania, Poland, and other member states of NATO. The Parliament Speaker extended his gratitude to David Quarrey for hosting the meeting.
AgendaGe, Parliament Speaker’s visit to NATO confirms NATO-Georgia “comprehensive” relations - parliament official, Georgian Defence Minister, Norwegian Ambassador review cooperation, Parliament Speaker to hold high-level bilateral meetings in NATO, Parliament Speaker to hold high-level bilateral meetings in NATO

Parliament Speaker to hold “high-level” NATO meetings

Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili left for Brussels to hold high-level meetings at NATO. The Georgian delegation also includes Nikoloz Samkharadze, the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Irakli Beraia, the Chair of the Defence and Security Committee.

PM Garibashvili Meets US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Joshua Huck on December 5. The parties discussed the steps to strengthen and deepen the existing cooperation in various fields. The meeting focused on the security and humanitarian conditions in the occupied territories of Georgia.

Teachers on Hunger Strike Against Alleged Political Selection of Principals

Teachers claim that the process of selecting public school principals in Georgia is politically motivated. Many qualified candidates are being “blocked” because of their political affiliations. 26 candidates have challenged the decision in court, asking for the results to be annulled.

Viktor Orban's policy - how it is evaluated in Georgian political circles

Opposition criticizes cooperation with Orban and thinks that the Georgian government has no friends in Europe. In 10 days Georgia is waiting for the final decision regarding the candidate status from the European Union. Orban is trying to blackmail the EU and get 24 billion in funding, which the EU has frozen for him.

"Build Georgia" - a project of the International Republican Institute

"Build Georgia is a project developed by the International Republican Institute. It aims to involve successful and young leaders in the current processes in Georgia. IRI claims that in this way they will try to jointly develop ways to solve the problems in the country. At the same time will promote the civic and political involvement of young people.

💵 Economy

Enterprise Georgia CEO highlights 25 int’l projects, 6,000 new jobs, ₾1bln investments in 3-year report

25 international projects, 6,000 new jobs and $0.37bln investment created between 2020-2023 through efforts of Invest in Georgia department. CEO Mikheil Khidureli said the agency had overachieved in its three-year strategy.
AgendaGe, Economy Minister: “positive” investment dynamics in 2023 saw volume exceed $1bln

🧪 Science & Technology

Georgia set to join lunar mission in Touch Summit23 and Spacebit collaboration

Georgia to join mission to the moon through collaboration with UK robotics company Spacebit. Announcement comes as part of the Touch Summit23, the largest tech conference in the South Caucasus. Delegates will be able to send digital letters to the lunar surface via a dedicated website.
submitted by SourceMedium6031 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2023.12.06 14:20 Born-Blacksmith-8113 Hotel/Pension/FeWo mit Badewanne

ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Hotel/Pension/ FeWo mit Badewanne im Bad für eine Nacht
Muss nichtmal was Besonderes sein (aber wenn's ein hübsches Hotel wäre würde ich mich nicht beschweren), einfach nur ne Badewanne im Bedezimmer.
Das soll ein Geschenk für meine Freundin werden da wir in unserer Wohnung leider keine Badewanne haben und sie das schmerzlich vermisst.
Bereich Lkr. Rosenheim oder Münchener Osten/Süden wäre optimal.
MySpa in München geht leider nicht weil man da keine eigenen Pflegeprodukte verwenden darf.
Wäre cool wenn jemand was wüsste.
submitted by Born-Blacksmith-8113 to rosenheim [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 15:47 engin3ervet Why Federal Work and Cool International Jobs

Hi all I often get asked in my personal life why I work for the federal government vs local government agency or even private sector. One of the selling points I saw today is that you get a cool opportunity to work overseas while collecting a us pension and salary for 3-5 years and they will move you back to us to another fed job or the one you previously held.
Today I saw two civil engineer jobs one in Budapest, Hungary and Another in Australia, both these jobs pay a decent salary and pay for your housing and other benefits approx 22k a year without family and over 30k with family for housing as an example.
I’m in no way affiliated with these jobs more just wanted to share unique opportunities out there and some benefits of being a federal civil engineer. Budapest: Australia:
submitted by engin3ervet to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2023.11.09 19:20 flekica_13 Hungarians, how do you survive these prices?!

Hello everyone! I'm a young guy from Serbia, just traveling with my wife. Every year we go to Budapest for quick city vacation for about 3-5 days, depends of our work schedule...
Last time we went to Budapest was march 2022. and everything was like 50% cheaper than now. What's happening with inflation?! Yes, I know, there's very high inflation here in Serbia too, but not THIS high...
Last time we ate langos for about 1300-1500 forint each, now it's 3000... We know some places that's not in the city center, so there's no chance of scamming and so, but all the prices are fucking sky high. Bag of chips for 500-600 forints?!?! For real? Draft beer for 1500? I remeber paying it around 900-1000... I was hoping to get some chepaer gasoline for my car, but then I saw that the prices are same as in Serbia. I know that there's a lot of students in Budapest, and young people overall. How do you survive?! Is minimum wage appropriate to live a month with everything you need? Does the government corrects wages with inflation rate? What's the situation with retired people and their pensions? And what all those Chinese do for the living?
On the brighter side, I really like your country and capital city. Me and my wife makes around 20-25k steps a day exploring around the city, even with using metro. And yes, that's so cool to have metro like yours, everything is so easy, and you just can't be late! My personal opinion - I think that the ticket is quite fair prices with 450 forints, because you have a ride every few minutes, and you can cross a whole city very fast. In Serbia, average citybus ticket is 200-300 forints, and you have to buy it from the driver. Or - you have to buy a card, and then buy credits for the ride, which is dumb if you just need ONE ride (so you have to pay for card which is much more expensive than just one ride). And yes, we don't have a metro, yet they are "building" it, and metro company have like 100 employes who gets paid from taxpayers money...
Hope to come back next year again, for like fifth or sixth time in my life!!! See you friends!
submitted by flekica_13 to hungary [link] [comments]

2023.08.25 19:45 emwe Kaiserreich Beta 0.26.1 - ‘Blue Sky, White Sun’

Not alone are we delighted with the positive reception that the Left Kuomintang rework received, but also with how relatively smooth the release went. However, there are always a few smaller things that pop up, so here is our first hotfix for Beta 0.26, to fix a few bugs, add in a bit more Left Kuomintang content that didn’t make the initial release, and also to throw a few other bits and pieces we were working on for good measure. Enjoy!
- The KR4 team


Notable Additions

  • Chinese splinters can now peace out the Entente, if all Entente allies in Asia and Australasia have capitulated.
  • Reduced the political power cost and length of time it takes to complete the Chinese integration decisions.

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • China - unlocks two more potential leaders at the end of their syndicalist puppet China’s national focus tree, depending on which syndicalist faction was previously dominant in Left Kuomintang content.
  • Colombia - overhauled the foreign policy tree.
  • Denmark - updated aviation, naval and defensive military national foci.
  • Italian Republic - removed a fortification national focus.
  • Socialist Republic of Italy - tweaked the build-up to the Italian Civil War.
  • Sweden, Transamur - updated aviation and naval national foci.

New Events

  • Added events for Assyria to demand the Kirkuk oil fields, rather than the relevant national focus automatically granting a wargoal.
  • Added events for the Commune of France to support Ukraine’s RadSocs in the elections after the Republican victory in the civil war.
  • Added events for Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria to leave the Reichspakt and join the Entente, should Mittelafrika be at war with the Entente.
  • Added a news event for the war against the Ikhwan.
  • Added an annexation event for Peshawar.
  • Added a unique version of the “Capitalist Economies Collapse” event, triggered by Black Monday, for the Left Kuomintang.
  • Added three new late-game flavour events for the Left Kuomintang.

New Decisions

  • Added Panama to the list of targets that NatPop Mexico can take decisions to go to war with for claims.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Burmese Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Canadian Intervention in Alaska
  • Left Kuomintang (Alliances of Convenience)
  • Siamese Foreign Policy
  • The custom difficulty setting for Canada now also includes the United Kingdom


  • New portraits
    • Algeria: Ferhat Abbas, Moufdi Zakaria
    • Austrian Empire: Otto von Habsburg
    • Bohemia: Stanislav Neumann
    • Bolivia: Bernardino Bilbao Rioja
    • Brazil: João Amazonas, José Fernandes Leite de Castro, Otávio Mangabeira
    • Costa Rica: Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia
    • East Prussia: Wilhelm von Gayl, Ernst Siehr, Erich Wollenberg
    • Ethiopia: Haile Selassie
    • Fengtian: Wu Junsheng, Bao Wenyue
    • Finland: Kurt Martti Wallenius
    • Commune of France: Georges Valois
    • French Republic: Philippe Pétain (civilian)
    • Georgia: Noe Zhordania
    • Germany: Willi Munzenberg, Alfred von Vollard-Bockelberg
    • German East Asia: Rudolph Firle
    • Hawaii: Alexander Baldwin
    • Hunan: He Yaozu
    • Dominion of India: Atul Chandra Chatterjee
    • Indochina: Nguyen An Ninh
    • Left Kuomintang: Chen Shaoyu, Wang Jingwei (military), Yi Peiji
    • Liangguang: Chen Jiongming (civilian & x2 military uniform variants), Zhang Junmai, Cai Tingkai (x2 uniform variants)
    • Liberia: Momolu Massaquoi
    • Malaya: Abu Bakar al-Baqir, Mustapha Hussain, Yusof bin Ishak, Onn Jaafar, Lai Teck, Peng Zemin
    • Morocco: Mohammed V
    • Ottoman Empire: Asım Paşa, Cemil Cahit Paşa, Mustafa Fevzi Paşa (civilian & military)
    • Patagonia: Rodolfo Ghioldi
    • Princely Federation: Osman Ali Khan
    • Rhodesia: Harry Davies, Percy Fynn, Charles Mzingeli, Thomas Nangle
    • Russia: Vladimir Kappel
    • Sarawak: Ong Kee Hui
    • Sardinia: Umberto di Savoia
    • Serbia: Petar II, Moša Pijade
    • Shandong: Qu Yingguang
    • Siam: Phraya Srisitthisongkhram
    • Sichuan: Yan Huiqing
    • South Africa: Gideon Brand van Zyl
    • Spanish Socialist Republic: Francisco Largo Caballero
    • Switzerland: Jules Humbert-Droz, Robert Grimm, Ulrich Wille Jnr.
    • Kingdom of Spain: José Calvo Sotelo
    • Taiwan: Liao Wenkui
    • Qing: Cai Chengxun
    • Uganda: Mutesa II
    • United Baltic Duchy: Duke Adolf Friedrich
    • Yunnan: Tang Jiyu, Fan Shisheng (x2 uniform variants)
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Ottoman Empire: Fevzi Pasha (civilian & military)
    • Romania: Mihai (new uniform)
  • New advisor portraits
    • Finland: Kyösti Kallio
    • Denmark: Niels Bohr
    • Germany: Franz von Bayern, Walther von Brauchitsch, Heinrich Bruning, Wilhelm Canaris, Werner von Fritsch, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, Robert von Greim, Franz Gürtner, Karl Helfferich, Alfred Hugenberg, Paul Lejeune-Jung, Oswald Lutz, Erich von Manstein, Adolf Georg von Maltzan, Franz von Papen, Max Planck, Erich Raeder, Walther Rathenau, Manfred von Richthofen, Hjalmar Schacht, Kurt von Schleicher, Fritz Thyssen, Alfred von Vollard-Bockelberg, Wolfgang Wegener, Otto Wels, Theodor Wolff
    • League of Eight Provinces: Wang Kemin
    • Liangguang: Ren Honjun, Zhou Shidi, Ding Ying, Li Yuri
  • Added new generic American and British general portraits.
  • Added a new generic Asian female operative portrait.
  • Added a new flag for right-wing republican Spain.
  • Added new intro pictures for Armenia, Belgium, the Bharatiya Commune, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Illyria, the Dominion of India, the Italian Republic, Jabal Shammar, Lithuania, Mexico, Mittelafrika, Morocco, Najd and Hasa, Nicaragua, Panama, the Papal States, Persia, the Philippines, Sardinia, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Transamur, Two Sicilies, the United Baltic Duchy, the West Indies Federation, White Ruthenia and Yemen.
  • Added some more generic tank models.
  • Added upscaled versions of some vanilla planes textures.
  • Added a new loading screen from Kaiser Kat Cinema.
  • Updated some Liangguang event pictures.
  • Changed Japan’s interwar strategic bomber icon.
  • Fixed Upper Volta’s flag facing the wrong direction.

Music Mod

  • Added “Erzherzog Albrecht Marsch” (Archduke Albert March) for Austria and its subjects.
  • Added “Velik e Nashijat Vojnik” (Our Great Soldier) for Bulgaria.
  • Added “Sora no Shinpei” (Divine Soldiers of the Sky) for Japan.
  • Added “Vals Ismenia” (Ismenia Waltz) for Central American countries.
  • Added “I Elláda poté den pethaínei” (Greece Never Dies) for Greece.
  • Added “The King is Still in London” for the United Kingdom.
  • Qí Zhèng Piāopiāo (Fluttering Flag) now plays for the Left Kuomintang.
  • Added “Den vackraste visan om kärleken” (The Most Beautiful Visage of Love) for Sweden.
  • Added “Yshly selom partyzany” (Partisans Walked Through the Village) for Ukraine.
  • Updated “Dengang jeg drog afsted” (When I Left) for Denmark.
  • Updated “El cóndor pasa” (The Condor Passes) for Peru.
  • Renamed Austria’s “Mahler’s Symphony No. 2” to “Totenfeier”.
  • China’s “Bailan Zhi Lian” (The Love of White Jade Orchid) will now only play for Japanese-aligned Chinese splinters.
  • The Commune of France’s “Paris pour un Beefsteak” (Paris for a Beefsteak) will now not play before the Commune is at 60% capitulation progress.
  • Germany’s “Mein Kleiner Grüner Kaktus” is now less likely to play while at war.
  • Removed New Zealander songs playing for Australasia, should New Zealand become separate.
  • Removed “La France de Demain” (The France of Tomorrow) from non-Totalist Commune of France.
  • Removed “Linker Marsch” (Left March) for socialist Germany.
  • Removed Belgian songs playing for Qing.
  • Fixed Algeria’s “Ahlen Bikoum” playing for East African countries.
  • Fixed Bohemia’s “Vltava” track playing for any country that owns Prague.
  • Fixed Brazil’s “Brasil Brasileiro” not playing.
  • Fixed “Lanna Medley” not playing for Burma if it owns Upper Shan.
  • Fixed duplicate Dutch, Moroccan and Ukrainian tracks.
  • Fixed “Partant pour la Syrie” (Departing for Syria) being missing for the French Republic.
  • Fixed Poland’s “Prząśniczka” track playing “Hej Strzelcy Wraz” instead.
  • Fixed Welsh songs playing for Wallonia.

Modelling Mod

  • Added compatibility for the plane models from the “By Blood Alone” DLC.


  • Added Durres and Korçe as Albanian victory points.
  • Added a state to represent Austria’s Slovene territories.
  • Tweaked the borders in the Austria and Northern Balkans strategic regions.
  • Korea is now split into four states, from two.
  • Japan is now split into sixteen states, from ten.
  • Mongolia no longer uses its 1962 border.
  • Renamed Romania’s “Mogilev-Podolsky” to “Mogilev”, as the Soviet rename would not exist in the Kaiserreich timeline.
  • Added Maykop as a victory point for Russia.
  • Reverted the rename of the “Kuban” strategic region to “North Caucasus”.
  • Improved the supply situation in Dhofar and Hadhramaut.
  • Fixed Denmark’s straits not applying the amphibious penalty.
  • Fixed mountainous regions in Mexico not showing up as mountainous on the map.
  • Fixed Charleroi, Orléans and Venice being counted as having the wrong terrain type.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • The Post-1940 anti-stalemate desertions during the American Civil War will no longer affect players.
    • America will now always declare war if the Hawaii demand is refused.
    • Added 365-day cooldown to America demanding Hawaii.
    • The peace deal between Canada and America will now only occur if Canada is in the Entente.
    • Added a new starting division template to Canada.
    • Clarified the tooltip for Canada’s decisions to suppress the Québecois.
    • Canada can no longer claim Malta if the United Kingdom already exists.
    • Increased the combat width of some Canadian starting division templates.
    • Buffed the effect of Canada’s “Establish the Special Branch” national focus.
    • The Entente can now refuse Portugal’s entry into the faction.
    • Trimmed the descriptions of the Combined Syndicates of America’s Arthur Carpender, William Furlong and James Kelly Parson.
    • Added a description for the Combined Syndicates of America’s Campbell Johnson.
    • New England now uses American technology art.
    • The United States’ “Political Crisis” national spirit will now block the US from being able to send volunteers.
    • Removed a United States and Union State event about firebombing Americans.
    • The American Union State now can get its 4th research slot during the Second American Civil War, and now also gets the same research speed bonus as the other participants in the American Civil War.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Increased Costa Rica’s starting stability.
    • Decreased the stability hit taken by Costa Rica due to Black Monday.
    • Replaced several gradually decreasing stability debuffs for Cuba and the Dominican Republic with immediate ones.
    • The Dominican Republic can now reach four research slots in all paths.
    • Streamlined the infantry division templates for the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
    • Removed the political power debuff that Nicaragua can give Germany, should the Germans decide to not give them a military factory.
  • South America
    • Added “Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano” as a second air manufacturer for Bolivia.
    • Added Sinforiano Bilbao Rioja as a general for Bolivia, using the previously mislabeled portrait of his brother.
    • Renamed Brazil’s Manuel César de Góis Monteiro to his real name, Pedro Aurélio de Góis Monteiro.
    • Standardised the formation of Gran Colombia for Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
    • Adjust Patagonia’s “Revolution Successful” national focus to work while the country is a puppet.
    • South American leaders who lose a war will no longer be made the puppet leader of their country, after losing a war to a country with the same ideology.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Belgium’s national foci will now be removed if they are no longer available.
    • Removed mutual exclusivity between military factories and a research slot in the Belgian military national foci.
    • AI Belgium will no longer join the Entente unless set to do so in the game rules.
    • The Union of Britain’s Clement Atlee can no longer run for Exchequer Commissar while already Chairman.
    • The Union of Britain’s George Hardy will now take over as second-in-command if Tom Mann is in the role when he dies.
    • Changed the event picture on a Union of Britain event.
    • Clarified the requirements in the Flanders-Wallonia game rules.
    • Updated the Commune of France’s starting division templates.
    • Improved the Commune of France’s AI in choosing its next national focus.
    • Decreased the political power cost for the Commune of France to send both advisors and arms to the Left Kuomintang.
    • Amended the annexation event for Pas-de-Calais to account for more variance with the Flanders, the Netherlands and Wallonia.
    • The French Republic’s elections after returning to Europe now have greater visibility, and give less party popularity.
    • Removed the mention of Pierre Laval from the French Republic’s event about dealing with the syndicalist leaders once they return to Europe.
    • Removed several references to Northern Ireland placenames in the name lists for ships for Australasia, the Union of Britain and Canada.
    • Italian splinters will now refuse to return Malta to the United Kingdom, if the former asks for it.
    • Non-socialist Italian splinters and the Kingdom of Spain will now try to directly hold any sub-Saharan land it annexes in Africa, similar to other European colonial powers.
    • Italian Irredentist decisions can now take states from puppets.
    • Updated the requirements for Italian splinters to begin the Risorgimento.
    • Adjusted the Italian AI so that it tries to perform naval invasions across the Adriatic Sea if at war with Austria.
    • Tweaked the effect of some army national foci for the Italian Republic.
    • The end of the Socialist Republic of Italy’s cultural revolution now gives a national spirit with the debuffs removed.
    • The Socialist Republic of Italy’s “Military Build-Up” national focus now requires any of the three middle national foci paths, instead of specifically the infantry line.
    • Removed the Socialist Republic of Italy’s fort national foci, and updated the Risorgimento requirements to use World Tension instead.
    • Added starting technologies and designs of carrier variants of fighters and naval bombers for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Updated some national focus icons for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • The Netherlands can now receive Dunkirk in the annexation event.
    • The Papal States electing Elia Dalla Costa as Pope Stephen X no longer causes a stability debuff, and now gives more AutDem popularity.
    • Monarchist Portugal will now be released as an AutDem puppet by democratic countries.
    • Added a warning to Portugal informing them that they won’t be able to claim Rhodesia if in the same faction as South Africa or Rhodesia.
    • Sardinia can now keep the balance in Italy unbroken if they go to war with the Socialist Republic of Italy, so long as they don’t call in any other members of the Entente into the war.
    • Added options for Scotland and Wales to be given to Canada in the annexation event.
    • Added a new leader description for Carlist Spain’s Javier I.
    • Added a new leader description for the Kingdom of Spain’s Alfonso XIII.
    • Rebalanced several Spanish national foci and national spirit effects.
    • Tweaked the conditions for countries to send volunteers to the Spanish Civil War.
    • Buffed a Spanish tank designer so it is not the objectively inferior choice.
    • The Spanish chemical companies no longer have identical traits.
    • Tweaked the Spanish AI’s choices in national focus priority.
    • Added new leader descriptions for CNT-FAI’s Francisco Largo Caballero and Buenaventura Durruti Dumange.
    • Socialist Spain will now attempt to invade Portugal sooner, should Portugal have been declined access into the Entente.
    • Updated the icon for Venice’s “Naval Construction Investments” national spirit.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Austria will now intervene in the Weltkrieg on Germany’s behalf in certain circumstances, should the Combined Syndicates of America be also attacking Germany.
    • Non-faction leader Austria will now try to take Italy, the Balkans and the Middle East.
    • Added Theorist roles to three existing Austrian military advisors.
    • Changed the Theorist trait for Austria’s Ludwig von Eimannsberger.
    • Updated some Danish national focus icons.
    • Denmark can now get five research slots.
    • Updated the effect of Denmark’s “Support the Institute for Theoretical Physics” national focus.
    • Added Niels Bohr as an advisor for Denmark.
    • Expanded the Copenhagen Conference event chain to have alternate locations and text, in case Austria or Denmark can no longer be involved.
    • Finland’s “Guard Åland” national focus now gives more naval experience, a build slot, and has a clarifying tooltip.
    • Kyösti Kallio is now second-in-command to Finland’s “Red Earth” government.
    • Buffed the effect of Finland’s “Working with Landowners” national spirit.
    • Updated Finland’s starting divisions, including their names, equipment, experience and templates, as well as their starting military factory production.
    • Finnish land reform now removes the national spirits relating to Russian and Ukrainian grain imports.
    • Newly created German and German East Asian U-Boats now start at number U-294, as they are created sequentially and only restarted this sequence after losing the First World War.
    • Clarified the tooltip for Germany’s decision to influence the Polish elections.
    • Germany no longer gains money by refusing to sell weapons to the Saudis.
    • Tweaked the map colour for the North German Federation.
    • Added a tooltip to the event where the Nordic Federation is formed.
    • Electing the SocCon for the Nordic Federation will now add the MarLibs to the coalition.
    • Overhauled the effects of Norway’s Kompani Linge.
    • Decreased the starting amount of convoys for puppet North Germany and puppet Prussia.
    • Sikorski is now made the leader of Galicia & Lodomeria if Karl Albrecht goes to Poland.
    • Improved the tooltip for Poland being puppeted by Germany.
    • Added the option to give German Switzerland to Germany in the Swiss annexation event.
    • Added East Prussia as a releasable puppet.
    • AutDem Sweden with a returned King is now in coalition with the SocCons.
    • Added Jules Humbert-Droz and Robert Grimm as Syndicalist and RadSoc leaders for Switzerland, respectively, with a new description for Robert Grimm.
    • Added Ulrich Wille Jnr. as a general and Military High Command advisor for Switzerland
    • Switzerland now uses the German-language name for Eastern Switzerland and Zurich when on endonym mode.
    • Updated the text in several Swiss events and national foci to make them more accurate with regards to the hierarchy of the military.
    • Switzerland will no longer temporarily be MarLib while part of the Third Internationale.
    • Socialist Switzerland can no longer refuse to return Haute-Savoie to the Commune of France.
    • Socialist Switzerland can now complete all of the Greater Switzerland decisions.
    • Edited the Swiss division names, and added a starting cavalry division template.
    • Renamed some Swiss companies.
    • Swiss national foci which depend on World Tension will now continue if the World Tension drops while the focus is underway.
    • Tweaked the availbles for the Swiss navy tree.
    • Reduced the World Tension threshold for Switzerland to be able to resolve Black Monday.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Albania can now join the Pact of Organisation.
    • Increased Albania’s starting infrastructure.
    • Added the RadSoc leader role to Albania’s current SocDem leaders, so that the RadSoc leader is no longer a generic.
    • Bulgaria can now complete the “A Path to Peace” national focus if Serbia has joined another faction.
    • Player-controlled countries no longer need to be majors in order to be able to offer Macedonia to Bulgaria or Serbia in exchange for an alliance.
    • Bulgaria’s national focus to “Seize the Greek Fleet” is no longer available if the “By Blood Alone” DLC is active.
    • AI Bulgaria will now avoid giving Transylvania to puppet Romania or Croatia to puppet Serbia in the relevant annexation events.
    • Greece’s choice on what faction to join will now be influenced by their opinion towards its leader.
    • Buffed Lithuania’s equipment for its starting units.
    • The Nordic Federation now uses Estonian names for Estonian states and victory points that they own.
    • Updated Romania’s coring of Silistria to use compliance.
    • Russia’s attack decisions are now available mid-war, provided the relevant states are controlled.
    • Tweaked the AI for the Russian Socialists during the Second Russian Civil War.
    • Updated some Russian national focus icons.
    • Increased the penalty in Ukraine’s “Encouraging New Exports” national spirit.
    • Readjusted the balance of two of Ukraine’s SHD events.
    • For Ukraine, Ivan Poltavets-Ostrianytsia’s influence national spirit will now reduce stability at higher levels.
    • Pavlo Skoropadskyi’s “Father of the Nation” trait in Ukraine now grants war support.
    • Ukraine’s national foci “Line of Succession” and “Gears of Industry” will no longer cancel if requirements are not met during its completion.
    • Ukraine can no longer send volunteers during the Anti-Hetman Revolt.
    • Hetmanist Ukraine will now send volunteers to Bulgaria.
    • Ukraine’s AI will complete the “Solidify Homzyn’s Position” decision less often.
    • SocLib/SocDem Hetmanate Ukraine now uses a different map colour.
    • Ukraine will now take loans from either Germany or Austria, depending on whose faction they are in, rather than always Germany.
    • Updated the text for Ukraine’s “Hurevych Incident” event to account for Socialist Russia.
  • Africa
    • Algeria can now only be given to non-socialist Frances.
    • Added Moufdi Zakaria as a SocDem puppet leader for Algeria.
    • Improved Ethiopia and Somalia’s starting divisions and their templates.
    • Updated some national focus icons for Katanga.
    • Mittelafrika now claims its starting territory, at the expense of most of its starting cores. Several national focus rewards have been updated accordingly.
    • Mittelafrika can now claim Liberia in the annexation event.
    • Mittelafrika now claims Rio Muni upon seizing it from Spain.
    • Removed the starting civilian and military factories in Mittelafrika’s Rowuma.
    • Reconfigured the name and template size of Mittelafrika’s starting divisions.
    • Added a war support bonus to the effect of Mittelafrika’s “A War Economy” national focus.
    • Added Military High Command roles to Mittelafrika’s Ludwig Bockholt, Hermann von Göring and Richard Wenig.
    • Tweaked the map colours for Morocco, Ubangi-Shari and Upper Volta.
    • Socialist South Africa no longer loses its “Council of Theorists” advisor.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Expanded the Arab ship namelists.
    • Changed Hashemite Arabia’s map colour so it’s not the same as the Arabian Federation.
    • Broadened the requirements for Egypt’s national foci regarding the war with the Ottomans, and tweaked some of their rewards.
    • Annexing Khasab as the Ottomans now enables the centralisation mechanic.
    • The Ottomans no longer start the game with empty garrisons.
    • Lebanon now has its own version of the “Splendid Isolation” national spirit.
    • Persia is now able to enter a faction with the Bharatiya Commune, even if the Dominion of India has been defeated.
    • Persia will no longer separately declare war on a player-controlled Ottoman Empire before the War in the Desert.
    • Added Turkish endonyms for Yemen, Oman, Crimea, and a few other states.
  • East Asia
    • Added a description for the “Chinese Unification” decision category.
    • Expanded the text for the “New Capital” event for Chinese unifiers, which is now also used by the United Provinces of China via decision.
    • Rebalanced China’s “Warlord Era Inadequacies” national spirits.
    • Chinese integration of Taiwan now requires 80% compliance.
    • The end of the Second Sino-Japanese War in a Chinese victory will now play “Kai Xuan Ge” (Song of Victory) for the victor, should the music mod be installed.
    • Added new text for when a unified China joins the Reichspakt.
    • The leadership of the Chinese United Front now goes to the strongest Chinese splinter, heavily favouring the player.
    • Fengtian’s “Mantetsu Lifts Railway Restrictions” event now reduces Concordia Association support.
    • Fengtian will now always become a puppet of Japan when Yuting takes over.
    • Japan and non-Fengtian Chinese splinters now see each other as enemies during peacetime.
    • Added more building slots to Japan’s land reform decisions and events.
    • Japan’s garrison templates are now set as low reinforcement priority.
    • Added the option to split Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands between Japan and Russia in the annexation event.
    • Added Ma Hushan as a second-in-command for the Kumul Khanate’s Ma Zhongying.
    • Moved the League of Eight Province’s Chen Cheng over to Yunnan.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s Wang Jingwei now changes leader portrait during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
    • Nerfed the second-in-command and advisor traits for the Left Kuomintang’s Sun Fo.
    • Tweaked the colours of some Left Kuomintang tooltips.
    • Added a warning to the Left Kuomintang decision to join the Internationale that it will make it more difficult to complete their final foreign policy national focus.
    • Added more tooltips related to the Left Kuomintang’s advisors.
    • Clarified the requirements needed for Wang Jingwei-lead Left Kuomintang to complete the “Imperialism Crushed Forevermore” national focus.
    • Reduced the cost of the Left Kuomintnag’s Liberation War decisions.
    • Gu Mengyu can be the leader of the SocDem slot in Song Qingling’s ending for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Nerfed the first option in the Left Kuomintang’s “Harvest of 1936” event.
    • The Four Elders dynamic trait “Realising Datong” for the Left Kuomintang has been adjusted to allow it to be truly dynamic. SocCon-boosting effects have been adjusted accordingly.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s “Fate of the Reconstruction Faction” national focus is no longer available while at war with the Philippines.
    • Decreased the RadSoc popularity debuff given to Song Qingling’s first three national foci for the Left Kuomintang.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s “Promote Local Self Government” national focus is now available to the “Red Napoleon” path, if they rein in the military.
    • Rebalanced some later versions of the Left Kuomintang’s western-inspired army national spirit.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s “Expand the Military Pension System” national focus now adds NatPop party popularity, rather than Totalist.
    • The Left Kuomintang can now target Ceylon in the “Beyond the MacMahon” line decisions.
    • Added a fallback puppet leader for the Left Kuomintang if Hu Zongnan died earlier in the campaign.
    • The Left Kuomintang now recruits the admiral Chen Ce when they complete their “Scavenge the Beiyang Fleet” national focus.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s “Preparing For The Long War” national focus now upgrades the Economy law to Total Mobilisation, when already at War Economy.
    • Added a paratroopers bonus to the Left Kuomintang’s “Create the 9th Column” national focus.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s decision to attack Shandong is now replaced by an event, which does not fire if Shandong is AutDem.
    • Clarified, renamed and added new descriptions for the “Demobilising NRA” national spirits for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Updated some national focus icons for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Expanded the Legation Cities release event to cover all possible ports.
    • Added Ren Hongjun, Ding Ying and Li Yuri as political advisors for Liangguang.
    • Added Zhou Shidi as a Military High Command advisor for Liangguang.
    • Chinese Federalists can now recruit Beiyang admirals.
    • Right Kuomintang-lead Liangguang is now the default leader of the Right Kuomintang, unless Right Kuomintang-lead Yunnan is controlled by a player.
    • Buffed the Ma Clique’s “Dispersed Society” and “Elite Cavalry” national spirits.
    • Removed the Ma Clique’s decisions to spawn aircraft, infantry equipment, artillery, support equipment, civilian factories and military factories..
    • Decreased the amounts of military factories received by the Ma Clique in their national foci.
    • Updated the alignments of some of the Ma Clique’s leaders, and updated their descriptions in the game rules accordingly.
    • Tweaked the effect of Mongolia’s “Russian Economic Assistance” national spirit.
    • Decreased Mongolia’s starting number of military factories..
    • Transamur’s tank division template now includes cavalry rather than infantry battalions.
    • Tidied up the description of Qing’s “Peking-Kommission Influence Level” dynamic modifier.
    • Added a rename and new description to Yan Xishan’s political party, should he successfully reunify China, tweaking his final event accordingly.
    • Xinjiang’s Urumqi is now known as Dihua in all Chinese contexts.
    • Removed the Command Power costs from Xinjiang’s decisions, and removed a trap decision.
    • Added Tang Jiyu as a general for Yunnan, and added descriptions for him.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Added a description for Australasia’s “Anderson Doctrine”, should Australasia no longer be in the Entente.
    • Added a new starting division template to Australasia.
    • Added starting tank variants to Australasia.
    • Buffed the Bharatiya Commune’s starting divisions.
    • Burma can now potentially join the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Nerfed starting army templates and experience for the Dominion of India.
    • Rebalanced the starting stability and war support of the Indian splinters.
    • India seizing Goa or Pondicherry now gives an optional wargoal on India, for the former owners, instead of a claim.
    • Rebalanced Indochina’s revolt war.
    • Removed Insulindia’s option to form its own “Malphilinsul” faction.
    • Madras is no longer given control of all their possible territory if they are split out as a particular sub-type of Madras.
    • Updated the Malaysian party names.
    • Added Lai Teck and Peng Zemin as puppet leaders for Malaysia when puppeted by Chinese socialists.
    • Added Abu Bakar al-Baqir, Onn Jaafar and Mustapha Hussain as AutDem, SocLib SocDem leaders of Malaya, respectively.
    • Pakistan is no longer automatically released with Kashmir. This way the player gets the choice to release an independent Kashmir or add it to Pakistan.
    • Added Ong Kee Hui as a leader for Sarawak when puppeted by Chinese socialists.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Slightly nerfed the AI’s fighter plane designs.
    • The “Extensive Conscription” conscription law is now available when losing a war.
    • Added five new German loading screen quotes, and removed one old one.
    • The Kaiserreich Options menu no longer closes itself.
    • Added a new tooltip to indicate when a character is killed.
    • Tweaked the AI’s progression of forming infantry division templates.
    • Re-implemented the vanilla value of the party popularity stability modifier.
    • The “Mass Assault” Doctrine now grants a combat width reduction to irregulars and militias.
    • Added a warning for players who use Ironman Mode with Kaiserreich.
    • In peace conferences, it is no longer possible to use the “Liberate” or “Force Government” options, outside of Africa.
    • Added path guides for Colombia, Sardinia Siam, Switzerland, Transamur and Yemen.
    • Updated the path guides for Hunan and Spain.
    • Clarified the requirements in several game rules.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed Austria being locked to only going the Pluralism path, unless set by game rules.
  • Fixed a crash to desktop caused by Transamur being annexed in the middle of a peace conference.

Other Fixes, Part I

  • North America
    • Fixed the peace deal between Canada and America giving away states controlled by third parties.
    • Fixed the wrong Vice President being referenced in an event for the United States.
    • Fixed a Canadian event referring to Canada supporting the Federal Government, regardless of who they chose to support.
    • Fixed a broken tooltip for Canada’s referendum national focus.
    • Fixed the Combined Syndicates of America’s decision to join the Internationale not checking that the faction has a faction leader.
    • Fixed the Combined Syndicates of America being too cautious in declaring war on Canada.
    • Fixed New England’s “Brooklyn Yard Lease” giving the double number of dockyards.
    • Fixed the Union State’s description for Patton describing him as a Field Marshal when he is not.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Central America having generic advisors.
    • Fixed Cuba’s RadSocs electing SocDems or SocLibs while part of the Third Internationale, causing the Combined Syndicates of America to declare war of them due to “Spreading the Revolution”, starting a war between the Third Internationale and Combined Syndicates.
    • Fixed the effects of the Dominican Republic’s “Land Reform” and “Responsible Bureaucracy” national spirits.
    • Fixed Guatemala’s PatAut game rule not working reliably.
    • Fixed Panamanian investment events being fired by puppet Panama.
    • Fixed countries being unable to annex Puerto Rico.
    • Fixed the West Indies Federation’s socialist game rules.
  • South America
    • Fixed a tooltip for Vargas’ Brazil, stating that he could weaken the SocCons.
    • Fixed the “Fate of Northern Chile” annexation mission not completing properly.
    • Fixed Ecuador’s 1941 and 1946 elections firing simultaneously.
    • Fixed Patagonia losing its socialist characters if released as a puppet.
    • Fixed a missing tooltip in a Patagonian event to indicate Ioseb Jughashvili’s death.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed capitulated Union of Britain being given by Germany to socialist Canada.
    • Fixed the Union of Britain’s elections referring to characters that no longer exist.
    • Fixed the Union of Britain’s Horner not making Cole his second-in-command, despite saying he does.
    • Fixed the Union of Britain trying to make a dead Tom Mann the second-in-command of Arthur Horner. GDH Cole is now made second-in-command instead.
    • Fixed the event for the surrender of the Union of Britain not accounting for when the Entente is led by a country other than Canada.
    • Fixed the Commune of France’s totalists getting -80% stability.
    • Fixed the Commune of France’s AI overly focusing on the Germans and ignoring enemies on other fronts.
    • Fixed the Phalanstère decisions being taken by non-France leaders of the Internationale.
    • Fixed Ireland missing the truck technology when it had starting division templates that used it.
    • Fixed an event not firing informing faction members of the breaking of balance in Italy.
    • Fixed Italian splinters and the United Kingdom taking turns returning Malta to each other.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic’s decision to attack the Socialist Republic of Italy not appearing.
    • Fixed the Italian Federation releasing Venice as a puppet.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy declaring war on an Austrian-guaranteed Venice before the Second Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed Portugal claiming its own core.
    • Fixed Portugal causing a Entente-Reichspakt war by puppeting the Congo while it is at war with Mittelafrika.
    • Fixed Republican Portugal having a monarch.
    • Fixed Sardinia’s AutDem game rule.
    • Fixed some CNT-FAI advisors not having portraits when appearing later.
    • Fixed CNT-FAI losing its militia technology after reloading a saved game.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom demanding Northern Ireland to join them, when the former is currently in revolt.
    • Fixed characters not being correctly transferred when Totalist Wallonia forms.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed not being able to give Syrmia or Kotor to Austria in the annexation event.
    • Fixed Austria and Germany’s decision to divert Polish exports being available if Poland has already refused them.
    • Fixed Hybrid Regime Denmark being kicked from the Phalanstère.
    • Fixed Denmark’s King Christian X having no heir when he dies.
    • Fixed Finland receiving events related to pre-rework Ukraine.
    • Fixed Finland’s cruisers from the “Purchase German Light Cruisers” national focus having default names.
    • Fixed Germany having duplicate Close Air Support production lines.
    • Fixed Germany being unable to core some previously Austrian states.
    • Fixed the Treaty of Budapest’s event to return Hungary firing for the incorrect country.
    • Fixed Germany being able to support the Polish monarchy for republican Poland.
    • Fixed Germany being able to declare war on Entente- and Internationale-aligned Belgium too early.
    • Fixed German splinters not using German generic portraits.
    • Fixed an incorrect requirement in the text for Norway’s Foreign Policy game rule.
    • Fixed missing text in an Illyrian Ausgleich event.
    • Fixed a national focus lockout if Illyria agreed to pay the Hungarians in the Ausgleich.
    • Fixed the Illyrian Condominium getting Slovenia or the Littorale.
    • Fixed a broken initial Nordic Federation naval template.
    • Fixed Nordic Federation endonyms.
    • Fixed the Nordic Federation having generic advisors.
    • Fixed the Nordic Federation’s trade relations being stuck at zero after formation, due to a lack of opinion modifiers.
    • Fixed socialist Poland declaring war on socialist Ukraine.
    • Fixed Austrian-puppet Poland replacing Karl Albrecht after the first election.
    • Fixed several Swedish party popularity changes in events being hidden.
    • Fixed NatPop Switzerland not using German endonyms when they have instituted German as the sole language.
    • Fixed Switzerland not declaring on the Commune of France during the Savoyard Crisis when set to do so in the game rules.

We’ve gone over the maximum post length on Reddit, so this will continue in the comments!

We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Blackleaf, Carmain, Cazadorian, Chazem, Chiang Kai-shrek, Chiron29, Cody, Conchobhar, DuoDex, El Daddy, falling_robin, Fedex, Flamefang, Gaboemi, Hamfast, hildagrim, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonny BL, Juliet Wehrwolf, Kano, katieluka, Kennedy, kergely, KFateweaver, Klyntar King, Krčo, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, MrMano, ~mw~ // miwaco, NukeGaming, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rnk, Shiroe, Sonny O’Cad, SuperGreenBeans, suzuha, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaország, and Zimbabwe Salt Co.
submitted by emwe to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

2023.07.27 22:37 AbbreviationsEven272 Long live Yugoslavia! 🇧🇬🇷🇸

Long live Yugoslavia! 🇧🇬🇷🇸 submitted by AbbreviationsEven272 to kaiserredux [link] [comments]

2023.06.01 21:51 Kindly-Departure-181 Erstes Auto: Neuwagen, Jungwagen oder Gebrauchtwagen? Leasing, Kredit oder Bar?

Vorgeschichte / Blablabla: Ich wohne in Wien und nun möchte ich mein erstes Auto kaufen. Unter der Woche brauche ich kein Auto, aber einkaufen, Familie, Freunde, Freundin besuchen und wandern gehen in die Berge wäre das Auto viel sinnvoller. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt arbeite in der IT, meine Freundin studiert und arbeitet in Budapest. (Ja, Fernbeziehnug)
Finanzieller Stand: Ich habe etwa 10k gespart und verdiene 2000€ Netto. Die Miete ist recht günstig, die Wohnung ist momentan genug groß, ich brauche ~ 1100 netto, um mein Leben bequem finanzieren zu können. Ich inverstiere ca 100€, spare gleich so viel für Pension, gebe 100€ für die Fahrkarte aus (1x/Monat Wien-Budapest)und etwa 400€ auf die Seite nur so. Also ich hätte 200€ für das Auto.
Was ich Suche: Ich habe meine Bedürfnisse zusammengeschrieben und die Möglichkeiten angeschaut: ich möchte ein kleines Auto, mit: - Tempomat, - Park Assist hinten, - Bluetooth/Aux/App Connect.
Option 1: Ein VW Polo, wäre optimal, mit 5000€ Eigenleistung könnte ich für 140-170€/ Monat das Auto haben, aber mit 30€ Service/Wartung und 160€ Versicherung (HP + Casco) wäre schon über 200… ganz genau 300 und etwas mehr. 😔
Option 2: Oder für 5000€ einen Gebrauchtwagen kaufen und wenn irgendwas kaputt ist, einfach reparieren lassen? Ich bin ziemlich unsicher, ob es finanziell eine kluge Idee wäre. 😬
Option3: Eine dritte Option wäre ein Auto im Wert 10-12Tsd € zu kaufen, 5000 als Eigenleistung bezahlen und 6000€ als Kredit in 48 Monaten zurückzahlen. Skoda, VW, Seat, Opel, Peugeot wäre mir optimal. Mercedes, Audi oder BMW könnte ich mir leider nicht leisten.
Info: Ich will auf das Essen, Bier, oder Netflix und Co, nur wegen einem Auto nicht sparen. Aber maximal die Hälfte des gesparten Geldes würde ich nicht als Eigenleistung ausgeben. 🙄 Ich kann fahren, aber eigenes Auto habe ich noch nie gehabt.
Frage: Wie habt ihr eueres Auto gekauft? Habt ihr einen Neuwagen, Jungwagen oder Gebrauchtwagen geholt? Und wie? Habt ihr geleast oder Kredit genommen?
Herzlichen Dank für die sinnvolle Antworten.
PS: Sorry für mein Deutsch (Grammatik Polizei bitte die Augen zumachen.), ich lebe erst seit 5 Jahren in Österreich und arbeite noch auf meine Deutschkenntnisse.
submitted by Kindly-Departure-181 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2023.05.05 07:18 funka_ Markise beschädigt in der Wohnung von der Patnerin

Hallo zusammen,
vorab eine kurze Info über unseren Wohnungsstand. Meine Partnerin und ich haben vor drei Jahren unsere erste Wohnung gekauft, sie ist aber alleine im Grundbuch eingetragen, heisst diese Wohnung gehört ihr, letztes Jahr haben wir eine zweite gekauft und wir sind beide als Eigentümer eingetragen und in diese eingezogen. Die erste bietet meine Partnerin seitdem als Ferienwohnung an.
Ab zu verbringe ich in der FeWo meiner Partnerin dort eine Nacht mit Kumpels zum zocken oder Fussball schauen. Bei meinem letzten Aufenthalt dort habe ich die Markise vergessen einzufahren über Nacht und diese ist nun verzogen - lässt sich nicht mehr komplett einfahren.
Meine Partnerin und ich haben eine gemeinsame Haftpflichtversicherung, kann ich diesen Schaden trotzdem über unsere Versicherung laufen lassen?
submitted by funka_ to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2023.04.19 10:59 falafel_lover FeWo-Belegung in Umgebung als Referenz für mögliche Auslastung/Einnamen eigener FeWo nehmen. Milchmädchenrechnung? Alternative Methoden?

In wie weit kann man die Belegung von anderen FeWos in der Umgebung als Referenzwert benutzen, um eine mögliche Auslastung/Einnahmen der eigenen geplanten FeWo zu kalkulieren? Gibt es Alternative Methoden? Profit zu schlagen ist nicht das Ziel, eine etwaige Verringerung der jährlichen Belastung des Kredits für den Bau schon eher.
Wir besitzen ein Grundstück, auf dem wir eine Ferienwohnung errichten könnten. Quartalsmäßige Eigennutzung für jeweils ein paar Tage/Woche ist geplant, ansonsten würden wir die FeWo gerne vermieten. So erstmal die Idee.
Zur Zeit schaue ich mir die umliegenden FeWos an, die etwa in Größe und Ausstattung unserer geplanten FeWo ähneln würden. Auf gewissen Seiten kann man auch die Auslastung (oder Belegung) der FeWos einsehen.
Mein Milchmädchenrechnungs-Konzept:
  1. Suche FeWos in der Umgebung mit ähnlicher Größe/Ausstattung.
  2. Beobachte Belegung verschiedener FeWo für einige Woche (für jeweils die kommende 1/2 Woche, um auch kurzfristigere Buchungen zu erkennen). Am besten natürlich für verschiedene Jahreszeiten.
  3. Ungefähre Belegung und Preis kommen in eine Excel
  4. Kalkulation durchschnittliche Einnahmen pro Monat/Jahr
  5. Abzug Steuern/Hauswart/Putzkraft/FeWo-Portal Gebühren/%-Eigenauslastung des Besitzers etc.
  6. Resultat: Einnahmen???
submitted by falafel_lover to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2023.04.09 21:26 undergr4dquestions [QCrit] Adult Speculative Fiction 60k words "The Functionary's Creed" (1st Attempt)

Hello all,
I have always been fascinated with the Eastern Bloc, as someone with a family background to the region. The 1990s is a black decade, even if yes things are much better now for most of us. I wanted to set a story in a world where the Eastern Bloc and a weakened USSR survived until the modern day (there is a Polish series about this). to see how the characters would play out in such a world.
The Query:
Dear (Agent Name),
From a yonng age Matyas Bem had been expected to excel. His father, a retired Party Minister, pressured him to go tto Moscow or Beijing for his education. Such education would set him up for life. After 14 years of the best public education and 10 ordinay worker’s pensions spent on private tutors, Matyas barely passed the entrance exams to Rakosi Political Economics Universiy in Budapest. The next four years would see Mattyas never attain above 80 percent marks.
His childhhood friend Karl Stein, only 2 years older, was promoted to lead the People’s Republic African Affairs Office, which oversaw billions in assets across Socialist aligned Africa from orchards and coffee plantations to universities, training cadre from both hemispheres. On the day of matriculation into the cadre class of 2028, Matyas was the only member with no position listed on the public roll, which meant a job would be chosen for him in a month. Standing under the porrait of Lenin, surrounded by a crowd of joyful people, a Party badge was punched into his suit lapel, signifying blood spilt for the cause of Socialism. That night, he went home and wept, fearing a placement in a rural backwater for the next decade while his classmates were given coveted roles based on their higher marks and family connections.
That same night, Karl Stein informed him of an opportunity with the Party Internal Investigations Office as an Anti-Corruption officer. Dreading his father’s reaction to not getting an “impressive” job, Matyas was sold on the idea. Karl emphasized his work would be “cleansing the Partty of reactionaries” and take him to Korea, Africa, the GDR, wherever the Party had assets. Although at times boring work, it was better than spending a decade in a village.
A year into his work, a case file was brought "out from the cold", following the discovery of data linked to Party operations in North Africa. Matyas is confronted with something more complicated than a rural Party boss buying himself a new German car. To uncover and arrest those responsible, he will need the help of an Algerian civil servant, a former arms dealer for the Americans, and an unassuming computer programmer from the Georgian SSR. He will also need the patience of a saint, and the courage to risk Karl’s position, even the existence of the African Affairs Office itself.
THE FUNCTIONARY’S CREED is completed at 60k words and is a standalone with series potential. Fans of alternative history, detecttve novels, and those with an interest in Socialism or Eastern Europe would like this work.
submitted by undergr4dquestions to PubTips [link] [comments]

2023.04.01 16:43 Pianoman1954 Hi friends! 🎻 My "Sailing Ships" is being performed by the wonderful Budapest Symphony Orchestra this weekend, with the "Fidelio Overture" by Beethoven, "En Saga Op. 9" by Sibelius, and "Slavonik Dance No. 4" by Dvorak. I'll share the live "Sailing Ships" video soon!... Peace! 🎼❤☮

Hi friends! 🎻 My submitted by Pianoman1954 to musicians [link] [comments]