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DNS breaking on Win11 randomly

2024.05.14 08:52 Syzodia DNS breaking on Win11 randomly

So this is a problem I have experienced on a new laptop running windows 11, and did not experience on my Windows 10 PC until I have upgraded it to Windows 11. This problem does not occur on my smartphones.
The problem is that, seemingly randomly, my devices (so the PC and laptop) will cease to resolve DNS queries on wi-fi. An example of how it looks from nslookup is below:
Server: UnKnown Address: *** UnKnown can't find No response from server192.168.20.1 
I usually first observe this from the web browser's DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET error. Note that I can still ping ip addresses directly (e.g. I can still ping )
Possibly relevant software common to both devices:
The following measures I have tried and either did not solve the problem at all, or only solved the problem temporarily and were only effective once before system reboot:
The best solution I have at the moment is switching on to the Windscribe VPN, but this only works so long as I stay on the VPN. Turning the VPN off revisits the problem I have.
I cannot say if ethernet is a solution as I cannot figure out what triggers this problem, but also I need this problem squashed for wi-fi, especially when it comes to my laptop.
submitted by Syzodia to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:40 sritulasiacademy Best NEET long term coaching academy in Hyderabad Sri Tulasi Academy

Best NEET long term coaching academy in Hyderabad Sri Tulasi Academy
Preparing for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is a rigorous journey that demands dedication, comprehensive study, and the right guidance. For aspiring medical professionals, choosing the right coaching academy can make all the difference. Among the plethora of options available, Sri Tulasi Academy stands out as a beacon of excellence in Best NEET long term coaching academy in Hyderabad Here’s why Sri Tulasi Academy is the best choice for NEET aspirants aiming to secure a place in prestigious medical colleges.
1. Expert Faculty with Proven Track Record
At the heart of Sri Tulasi Academy success is its exceptional faculty. The academy boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are experts in their respective fields. Their in-depth knowledge and passion for teaching create an environment where students can thrive. The faculty members are adept at simplifying complex concepts, making learning engaging and effective. Their personalized attention ensures that every student’s doubts are addressed, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the subjects.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum and Study Material
Sri Tulasi Academy provides a meticulously designed curriculum that aligns perfectly with the NEET syllabus. The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest exam trends and patterns. In addition to classroom teaching, the academy offers comprehensive study materials that cover every topic in detail. These materials include theory notes, practice questions, and previous years’ papers, which are crucial for thorough preparation. The structured approach ensures that students build a strong foundation in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
3. Innovative Teaching Methods
Understanding that each student has a unique learning style, Sri Tulasi Academy incorporates innovative teaching methods to cater to diverse needs. Interactive classes, use of multimedia tools, and practical demonstrations make learning dynamic and interesting. The academy also conducts regular seminars and workshops with industry experts and successful NEET toppers, providing valuable insights and motivation to students.
4. Rigorous Testing and Performance Analysis
To ensure that students are exam-ready, Sri Tulasi Academy conducts regular tests that simulate the actual NEET exam environment. These include weekly tests, monthly assessments, and full-length mock exams. Each test is followed by detailed performance analysis, highlighting strengths and areas needing improvement. This rigorous testing regimen helps students manage their time effectively, reduce exam anxiety, and build confidence.
5. Personalized Mentorship and Doubt Clearing Sessions
One of the standout features of Sri Tulasi Academy is its personalized mentorship program. Each student is assigned a mentor who provides continuous support and guidance throughout the preparation journey. Regular one-on-one sessions help in setting realistic goals, tracking progress, and staying motivated. Additionally, the academy holds special doubt-clearing sessions where students can get individual attention to resolve their queries.
6. Conducive Learning Environment
Sri Tulasi Academy provides a conducive learning environment that fosters academic excellence. The classrooms are well-equipped with modern teaching aids, and the campus has dedicated spaces for self-study. The academy also promotes a healthy study-life balance with recreational facilities, stress-relief activities, and counseling services to ensure students’ overall well-being.
7. Impressive Track Record of Success
The success stories of Sri Tulasi Academy’s alumni speak volumes about its efficacy. Year after year, the academy has produced top rankers in NEET, many of whom have secured admissions to prestigious medical colleges across India. The consistent results are a testament to the academy’s commitment to excellence and its ability to nurture talent.
Choosing Sri Tulasi Academy for best NEET coaching in Hyderabad is a decision that can shape your future in the medical field. With its expert faculty, comprehensive curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and personalized mentorship, the academy equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in NEET. Join Sri Tulasi Academy and embark on a journey towards a successful medical career.
Contact Now:
Call : +91 7207776486
Email: [](
Address: 4th floor, Sri Tulasi Academy, above SBI bank , K P H B phase 1 ,Road no 1, kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 5000
submitted by sritulasiacademy to u/sritulasiacademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:39 TheSentinelScout I’m pretty sure I’m an INTP, but I want an objective view.

Just a disclaimer, I have ADHD, and I do follow CPT/cognitive personality theory.
— My parents (specifically my mom), is religious, but they’re never forced any of us (me and our siblings) to believe in the religion. Just participating in the festivals and certain rituals was/still is expected, though.
—If I were to spend the entire weekend by myself, I’d honestly feel kinda lethargic and dead inside—not because of lack of socialization, but because the vibes of the house is off when there’s no one. I can tell someone’s out of the house just by the pure vibes I’m getting. It feels weird even with one person gone (we’re a family of five; me, my younger brother and sister, and mom & dad).
—My relationship with movement and surroundings, is that I think I have great spatial awareness. I’m able to carry and do things in certain ways in order to avoid any pointless harm (such as avoiding to accidentally hitting the door on my leg as it closes). The type of activities I do tend to engage in outside is mainly just focusing on what I’m thinking about when walking outside, or just waiting to go back home.
—I’d say I’m pretty curious—I’ve always wondered why something makes me feel a certain way, for example, in lit & comp we recently learned about film composition, and after learning some of the stuff, I was able to spot it in the shows and videos I watched. After said lesson, I was always wondering about whether or not if the creators I watched (especially on YouTube) actually used said film composition, but it’s definitely interesting to look for.
—I wouldn’t necessarily enjoy taking a leadership position, but I’m willing to do so, especially if a project in class is summative/part of our grade. I’d be the leader if no one else had already taken up the position. It does make me feel quite nervous when I am in said position, though.
—I’d consider myself pretty coordinated. I know exactly how much milk to pour in a certain glass, and I know exactly where on the fingerboard of my violin each note is. I can also catch myself when I’m about to fall pretty well.
—The past in my opinion, is something that can give you knowledge for the future. Basically, it gives you the info for what not to do in the future, and how to avoid X circumstance, the best way forward, etc.
—The future on the other hand, I believe is kinda something you could plan for, or have a very vague idea of, but you can’t necessarily do anything about in the present. It’ll come when it comes.
—And for the present, I believe that it’s the most “calm before the storm” scenario. Its characteristics can only be defined by the current situation that’s happening; there’s nothing you could do to mitigate it, other than continuously plan for its eventual outcome.
—If they’re asking for something like asking for a charger or something (such as in school), I’ll generally decline unless they’re my friend, because it just takes so much unnecessary effort to pack up your charger. If it’s something I’m interested in helping with though, I’d gladly throw up word vomit at them, and then usually regret it later on. Basically, I’ll help someone if it’s no effort involved in my side and/or if I have a deep interest in the subject they need help on.
—Productivity isn’t as important to me as much as efficiency is, but productivity does tend to make me feel good. I often find myself wondering if my attention to the efficiency is actually a result of my obvious laziness. Like, I would literally pack my tiffin box in a certain way in my lunch bag so that when I take it out of my back pack, it isn’t all leaning to one side. I’ll also always wear my jacket everywhere because they have pockets, and I’m always like, “what if it rains by chance?” And I’ve actually been saved by my jacket multiple times that way.
—I’d say I’m decent at strategizing. I could use it effectively, but I just end up not putting the plan into use, because I either don’t have the motivation, or the deadline has been so long past that it isn’t worth it anymore.
—Freedom of thought, and expression. Also the freedom of being able to silently judge others. Mostly because I just want to be able to have/own my thoughts and opinions, if that makes sense?
—The “highs” in my life may look like when I’m able to turn in assignments on time, not feel complete demotivation, and able to live up to others expectation.
—The opposite of my highs. I suppose I’m in one of my “lows” right now.
—I pay attention to the world around me, but I feel like I’m never really in the present. It’s like there’s always something going on in my mind regardless of what’s happening in the foreground.
—I’d probably end up sleeping tbh. But I’d also probably start over-analyzing my understanding of a concept or subject. For example, CPT/cognitive personality theory, or MBTI. Basically, I’d be trying to find multiple ways of understanding a subject so that I could fully understand it.
—I usually don’t take much time to make an important decision usually because the thing is important. And no, I don’t generally tend to change my mind once I’ve done so.
—Yes, usually in order to avoid being out on the spot for anything. If they end up asking me their opinion, I usually try to say it in a polite manner, usually starting with, “I think X because Y,” etc. etc.
—I’d say I break rules pretty often, but they’re mainly arbitrary house-hold rules (the usuals, no phone after 10pm, no phone in the bathroom, no staying up late, etc.). I break them because in personally don’t find them logical.
—I do think authority shouldn’t be challenged as much as specific rules should be challenged. Mainly because yeah, they generally know better.
—I honestly have no idea at this point.
submitted by TheSentinelScout to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:23 redditAccout_ org mode dynamic note

I deciding to switch from Obsidian to Org-mode, but one key feature I cant find in org mode.
"Dynamic notes", what I mean by that, is for example I want to have a list with all notes containing a certain property, like todo or something.
In obsidian there is the dataview plugin with which I can embed said querie into my note and get a List of notes.
Is there any way to achive that in org-mode? The important part is the embeding.
Apologies for my english and thanks for every answer :D
submitted by redditAccout_ to orgmode [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:12 Artistic-Sin [MxM] Looking for medieval fantasy roleplay.

Hello! I'm twenty two and prefer nonbinary pronouns, thank you! I'm looking for a male on male relationship as it is what I am most comfortable with, so please keep this in mind. I am looking for someone who would be interested in a long term roleplay partner! Meaning that, even if we get bored of a current roleplay, we could start a new roleplay so we both stay interested.
I'm preferably looking for someone who is fairly descriptive! [At least two paragraphs. If possible be willing to show examples of your writing?] I hate script and I love writing long replies as it feels more rewarding & I love to push myself. Also, I love planning out certain ideas and love bouncing ideas back and forth with someone, so please come in with an open mind and be open to plan out some scenarios with me! In addition to this, please write in third person!
I do NOT have a storyline in place, so feel free to suggest something! If you don't have an idea then lets bounce ideas back and forth of what we like and we can come up with one of our own!
Topics of interest I like are fantasy, medieval, magic, drama, with lil bits of fluff sprinkled in.
I do not roleplay fandoms! I prefer originally created content. Taking inspiration is fine by me, but no heavily relying on something!
When it comes to your characters, all I ask is that they are at the very least 18 and have drawn or descriptive face claims please[picrews also work!] Do not use real people. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Side note : I'm a night owl and will be most active during the afternoon/later into the night. ;)
Please, be an adult before shooting me a message! It personally makes me more comfortable, as I'd rather not roleplay with a minor.

If anything I've said interests you then shoot me a pm! Send me what you wish to be called, your age, preferred pronouns, and something you enjoy about roleplaying! You can call me Sumi! If we seem compatible, I'll send you my discord where we can continue planning and eventually roleplaying. Happy roleplaying to everyone!
submitted by Artistic-Sin to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:06 Remarkable-Pipe-4815 Question

I just finished 'The Oneness Of God and Spiritual Gifts by David K Bernard and I've been observing the church and I noticed most the pastors and Congregations doesn’t even follow their own general superintendent, Yes, there is much information on being a Christian in the books and way more in the bible but most of them don't even follow it. For example, in 'Spiritual Gifts,' David talks about not revealing people's personal secrets or issues publicly in the pupil or congregation. I've experienced this in the UPCI church I attend (Still do) and was surprised why I was publicly Announce like that? But David Bernard said to do the opposite of publicly speaking of the congregation.
There many examples I can put about the things I’ve witnessed in the UPCI, I will continue being apart of the UPCI regardless because they are the closest doctrinal.
I wanna hear your thoughts, please no negativity.
Note: Sorry about my grammar lol
submitted by Remarkable-Pipe-4815 to Apostolic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:05 Dinosautistic The coins you should be looking out for

So I’ve been out of collecting for the last few years since scalpers ruined it, but I’ve been collecting since I was 5 years old, and have learned a lot about collecting.
If you’re a serious collector, I’d recommend joining the Facebook groups: - AUSTRALIAN COINS & NOTES - Buy Swap Sell by FNQ Groups - ACBC - Australian Coins Banknotes Collectables - Coins And Banknotes Australia (CBA) Buy Sell Swap
Those were the main 3 when I was buying/collecting a lot. The admins are all really great too. You’ll learn a lot in those groups.
If you’re collecting for value, there’s the obvious ones like the $1 ‘mule’ from 2000, $2 Red Poppy from 2012, 20c ‘wavy’ from 1966, round 50c from 1966, etc.
A good way to know if a coin is valuable is often based off its mintage.
In regards to $2 coins, you want anything really with a mintage less than 2 million. So 2012 Red Poppy (0.5 million), 2013 Purple Coronation (1 million), 2015 Red Lest We Forget (1.46 million), 2014 Green Remembrance Day (1.85 million) are the main ones, but there are others of course.
For $1, it’s somewhat similar, in regards to NOT error coins, but mintage wise, you’ll want to look for 1992 MOR (0.008 million - very rare), 2016 50th Anniversary of Decimal Currency (0.56 million), 2021 MOR (0.16 million), 2015 Anzac (1.4 million).
Surprisingly, the ‘A’, ‘U’, and ‘S’ stamped coins from 2019 with a mintage of 1.512 million never really was super desired, but it might become more valuable in future.
50c, 20c, & 10c don’t have much worthy of collecting for low mintage wise. 50c there are a couple of low mintage years for COA (1985 & 1993 - 1 million mintage, 2019 (IRB design) & 2020 (JC design) - 1.1 million mintage). The lowest mintage commemorative 50c coin is Eddie Mabo (2017 - 1.4 million).
20c lowest mintage year is 1988 (0.2 million) for platypus design.
10c only has one commemorative design in circulation, being the 2016 50th Anniversary of Decimal currency design on the obverse side of the coin (6.2 million mintage) but the lowest mintage for circulating 10c is from 2011 (1.7 million mintage).
5c I find interesting because before the release of 50th Anniversary of Decimal Currency 5c coin was released in 2016 (mintage 4.8 million - only circulated commemorative design for 5c), collectors often searched for the (previously) lowest mintage 5c coin, being the 1972 design (mintage 8.3 million). The lowest mintage for 5c now is the 2019 (JC design) with a mintage of 2 million.
When it comes to error coins If you’re noodling, check every coin for any errors, but it’s fairly widely agreed (to my knowledge) that $1 coins are most commonly found errors.
For $2 coins, the main error is: - Misstamped coloured coins (more common with the coloured $2 coins released in newer years, often the colour of the coin will be incorrectly on the ‘heads’ side of the coin, leaving the ‘tails’ side colourless)
For $1 coins, the main errors you’re looking for are: - 2000 mule (double rim on MOR coin) - ‘Spew Roo’ (error in design on MOR coin coming from the ‘mouth’ of the kangaroo up the top of the coin, not the main kangaroo) - ‘Rabbit Ears’ (error in design on MOR coin similar to ‘spew roo’ but on the kangaroos ears) - ‘Three Leg Roo’ (error on MOR coin where a background kangaroo is missing a leg) - Centenary Federation Rotation Error (2001 Centenary Federation coin is rotated different from the obverse side to the reverse side)
For 50c coins the main one is: - Millennium ‘Incuse Flag’ (on 2000 Millennium 50c coin where the star on the flag is affected)
For 20c, the main one is: - ‘Wavy’ 1966 coin (the ‘2’ on ‘20’ is notably different, giving it a ‘wavy’ affect)
For 5c, the main one is: - 2007 ‘Double headed’ (a 5c coin with 2 ‘heads’ sides, made in 2007) arguably up there as one of the most valuable coins
For all coins: - Rotation errors (more common with some coins than others, but a possibility nevertheless) - Misstampted coins (where the printing of the coins design is not inline with the actual coin) - Double head (very very rare, but a possibility nevertheless)
There are really so many possibilities when it comes to errors, checking each coin thoroughly for any misprints, rotation errors, etc. is a good idea when noodling
At the end of the day, your coin is worth as much as someone is willing to pay. Coin prices fluctuate. Holding onto coins to sell when major events happen, such as a death in the monarch or if Australia decided to become Independent and break from the Monarchy, would cause an INSTANT increase in coin prices, that is guaranteed to fluctuate. Sometimes coins will take YEARS to increase in price, take the 2017 Planetary Set as an example.. RRP $180 and at its peak it was selling for as much as $14,000 a few years ago, now it’s on eBay for $6,000. When checking the value of your coins, eBay listings are NOT accurate ways to value them. Always check the sold listings for a more accurate value.
Error coin (semi) list:
submitted by Dinosautistic to AustralianCoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 Grade-Long Invited to post this here Re: Social Media marketing (mainly IG)

Gday team. I have a note I add to when I learn things about SM. I got sick of seeing the same questions so I every time I answered I added to the note and just pasted a generic reply. I’ve been invited to post it here, so here you are!
Here’s my ever-growing, non-specific copy-paste reply, built from my own notes:
submitted by Grade-Long to creators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 AutoModerator Tuesday Daily Questions (Newbie Friendly) - May 14, 2024

This is the place to ask beginner and simple questions. Some examples include:
Please note these are examples and any questions for the sub should be posted here. Remember to visit the Wiki for more information too!
submitted by AutoModerator to Wetshaving [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 MajorAlert3278 Help with Elsie De Wolfe Furniture piece?

Help with Elsie De Wolfe Furniture piece?
details: This was the only information I could find online about a similar item.
An element of classic traditional decors conceived by interior decorators such as Elsie De Wolfe, Sister Parish, Jansen andMario Buatta, red lacquer case pieces--such as this glass-door vitrine set atop a commode with three drawers lined in decorative paper--came into fashion in the eighteenth century. This unique example, signed and dated, was painted in 1951 by James Reynolds (NÉ Harold Warner Reynolds, 1891-1957), an award-winning costume and set designer, book illustrator, author , and wallpaper and textile designer who was born in New York City and died in Bellagio, Italy. His works include murals for the Palladian Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., the Old Warson Country Club in St. Louis, Missouri, Italy's Villa Torrigiani, near Padua, and Manhattan's House of Hellas, the headquarters of the Friends Of Greece. He also painted a portrait of Happy Landings racehorse owned by beer heiress Mrs. August Busch, and designed costumes for the 1921, 1922, and 1923 editions of the Ziegfeld Follies as well as for Jerome Kerns musical "Sunny", Cole Porter's "fifty Million Frenchmen", and Charles Dillingham's production of "The Last of Mrs. Cheney", Reynolds's paintwork on the item offered here reflects a postwar evocation of the European craze for chinoiserie in the 1700s, its coral-red lacquer finish richly embellished monkeys, and Thai-costumed figures building a pair of caparisoned elephants, the howdahs sheltering a mandarin and his wife. The fantastical effect recalls the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The King and I", which had its Broadway premiere the year that Reynolds painted this extravagant furnishing. The presence of shells, both carved and painted, underscores the exotic impression. It is made in two pieces: the electrified vitrine sits atop the commode. Reynolds signed the piece, as well as a matching cocktail table with his initials, J.R., followed by a five-pointed star and the the date. The case piece install, styled after 18th- century Genoese furniture , likely was sourced from Lavezzo, Inc., the Manhattan furniture shop of Reynold's friend Daniel H. Lavezzo (his family long owned the old0guard pub P.J. Clarke's), which was noted for "Period Reproductions". per a 1945 guidebook, and for its Italian-style furnishings, per Reynolds's book "Baroque Splendour" (1950). Lavezzo's firm provided vintage furniture and lighting to Vizcaya, the great Miami mansion of James Deering, and designed a custom-made headboard for actress Marilyn Monroe: John D. Rockefeller was also a client.
submitted by MajorAlert3278 to Mid_Century [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:49 Significant_Emu_6910 My first breakup? 19F 26M

My first breakup maybe? 19F 26M
So me 19F and my boyfriend 26M have been together 7months. We are long distance currently but we were in person for our first 3 months. Lately idk it’s been off. We fight a lot about him saying my affection and stuff like that has changed. He says I don’t message like I did before. It a good thing to note he gets upset and gets dry or just distant if I have been out or busy all day. I have never given him a reason to doubt me or anything. He says he trust me so I’m not sure. We have Life360 so he always knows where I’m at. He says it not like it was in the first months of knowing eachother. There’s a few other things fueling these “talks” but this is a huge one. When we talk about our future and things we want I usually tell him however he likes things is fine and yesterday I explained why. I have always done this a lil bit but not to the extent as of recently. The reason is because then it’s my fault. For example “I painted the walls this color because you wanted it” Ok valid but I never said it had to be that color that’s your walls and you asked my opinion but now the walls are that color and it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️ I never asked him for anything nor demanded anything either so after saying stuff like that it doesn’t really help me to offer opinions right? So now today he’s barely talking to me at all like maybe ten messages max and well idk what this means. He’s really extreme with his emotions so it’s all or nothing. I’m not sure I have this feeling that we’re kinda over. I wish we would’ve been friends before starting anything. TL;DR : I’m not really sure what will happen tbh
submitted by Significant_Emu_6910 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:48 Imaginary_Storage712 Give me examples of your ADHD moments!

Give me examples of your ADHD moments!
I’m suspecting I have ADHD, and I want to hear stories about funny or frustrating moments, to see if we all can relate! By funny, I mean it’s so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh; like “omg I CANNOT believe I did that” (I don’t actually find ADHD funny or fun… hopefully you know what I mean!)
I know what the symptoms are, so I’m more interested in hearing specific stories with context, etc.
Here is one of mine, if I do have ADHD: For context, I would put off my assignments every class and every semester and then always miraculously come through the night before things were due; one time I procrastinated and had to finish two 15-20 page papers in one night, that were both due at the same time the next day. I also had a piano recital the day the papers were due, so I decided to last-minute email my professor and tell him I couldn’t play in the recital (because I hadn’t learned the song well enough… because I had barely practiced all semester). I also had 15 hours of observation (only available during the day, from like 8-3) to complete in that last week of the semester.
Side note, that piano professor actually told me he thought I should quit piano after 10 years of playing, because I wasn’t committed enough to practicing (which is true, but I was so ashamed/mortified when he said that).
submitted by Imaginary_Storage712 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:43 CharmingSkirt95 Were you taught German had geminates?

Were you taught German had geminates?
I went to primary school in Rhineland-Palatinate, where all the teachers were adamant doubled letters were pronounced geminate.
They explained whether a consonant was spelt with two letters dependent on whether one articulated two distinct consonants after one another. For example they insisited (paraphrased & translated) « retten has two ⟨t⟩ as it is pronounced with two /t/ "ret-ten" ». I guess in their mind retten is /rɛttɛn/.
On a side note, it won't let me post without a link for something, so there, have a cute snail.
submitted by CharmingSkirt95 to German [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:42 coquette_batman AITA for wanting to go on a weekend trip but potentially pushing parents too far??

I’m currently a high school student and have grown up with pretty traditional parents but they are very loving and caring. I genuinely owe them so much and I need to clarify they are great people. I’ve lived under these sorts of restrictions for a while and I’m used to it to be honest.
Here are some examples for context: I once wanted to study with my friend at a Starbucks prior to my exam and to only have my parents believe it was a cover for something else. There have been times when I’ve seen my parents spying on me by trying to sneak by and see who I’m with. This has even happened at where I work as well despite the fact that my job has no breaks. There is also no possible way for me to leave work. They will never admit that they were there too which is what makes me uncomfortable.
For context, I would consider myself a very responsible person. I work multiple jobs, pay for my own things, am one of the top students in my grade, and do not drink or smoke for example. I’m a pretty stereotypical goody two shoes. If that isn’t enough, I do debate and Model UN which says a lot already.
Recently my friend offered to take me with her family for a weekend trip which I have looked forward to following my exams. Their family was planning on going out of town and I have known her for over five years now. She is also extremely responsible and one of my best friends. When she asked me, I replied that my family would say yes. One of my parents is currently out of town however. Initially one of my parents said yes and suddenly changed their answer. The issue is that I had already said I could come to their family as they needed to book tickets for traveling.
We already have the places we want to go to planned out and she still thinks I can go with her. I need to convince my parents to go but I feel like an a-hole for trying to pressure them although they still are not budging. Are they in the wrong for essentially being helicopter parents despite the fact that I am a very responsible person? Their main reasoning was that it is too stressful for one parent to handle this which I do understand yet at the same time I feel as if this is unfair to me as petty as it sounds.
Side note: their family is not going far, just to another city that is closer by and bigger where we can go shopping. We will be supervised the entire time.
submitted by coquette_batman to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 Bochai127 $69 -30% JBL Tune 660NC: Wireless On-Ear Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation - Black, Medium

$69 -30% JBL Tune 660NC: Wireless On-Ear Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation - Black, Medium 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,887 ratings 2K+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the noise cancellation, battery life, value, and performance of the headphones. For example, they mention the sound quality is very good, the battery lasts forever, and the headphones are a great purchase for frequent flyers. That said, opinions are mixed on connectivity, fit, and comfort.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers sayCustomers like the noise cancellation, battery life, value, and performance of the headphones. For example, they mention the sound quality is very good, the battery lasts forever, and the headphones are a great purchase for frequent flyers. That said, opinions are mixed on connectivity, fit, and comfort.AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
The Tune 660NC wireless headphones feature renowned JBL Pure Bass sound, which can be found in the most famous venues all around the world.
  • Keep the noise out and enjoy your music with active noise cancellation
  • With Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Streaming, you can stream wirelessly from your device and even switch between two devices so that you don't miss a call.
  • Listen wirelessly for 44 hours with active noise cancelling for long-lasting fun. Or for up to 55 hours with BT only. Get 2 hours extra with just a 5-minute charge using the convenient USB Type-C cable. Enjoy endlessly in wired mode, using the detachable cable provided..Note:If you face issue in Bluetooth connectivity please turn off the Bluetooth function for a couple of minutes, then turn it back on
  • Easily control your sound and manage your calls from your headphones with the convenient buttons and the mic on the ear-cup. Or use the ear-cup button to quickly reach your device's voice assistant.
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:29 MedicalTop2032 Need advice on my workout routine and basically everything else + all my questions

I honestly like workouts where I get to choose, and have a choice in what I do. I usually plan them the day before according to what was sore the last session.
Basically, I choose 1-3 big compound lifts, and do 3-4 sets. Then, I build it from there by adding some isolation and stuff. Sometimes I plan the whole thing beforehand, sometimes I go with the flow and just do what my body feels good doing. For example, deadlifting felt weak as hell today, so I did lighter BB RDLs to hit the muscle in a different way that my body felt better doing.
Here's what ended up happening today for the workout, this one was relatively unplanned:
Workout (this includes actual notes from my workout journal) •Deadlift (135x8, 225x5, 315x3) 》Stopped after 315, although my 1rm should be 420, even 315 felt weak as hell today, so I stopped in the midst of the warmup. •BB RDL (135x10, 185x8, 185x8. Next time I plan to try 200 because this felt do-able) •BB Row (135x8, 155x5, 155x3)
Superset: •BB Press: 85lbsx9, 95lbsx4, 95lbsx3 (I'm weak on this lift because I don't often do it, I usually do more dips and pull-ups for my upper body) •Chinups: 8, 4, 2½, 3
Core: •2 sets of Attempted Planche Tucks. •Decline Crunches: 45lbsx20, (use heavier weight, like 65. 65x15, 65x15)
I didn't do any cardio.
Note: I do track my lifts and reps, and I also write down my workout logs. Took 1.5 minutes of rest.
The issue is, there needs to be more cardio. I guess going on a walk on the off days would be alright, or just everyday as I usually walk around to music, my cardio isn't horrendous. Though sometimes when I sleep badly and stuff I do feel winded. I think this is more due to fatigue than being cardiovascularly done.
I need to recover better tbh, I need to sleep.
Anyway, part of me wants to be able to run at least a mile and a half in like 12 minutes because I am considering seeing about the USAF (National Guard) after community College and I wanna make sure my running is locked in, I can already do the sit-ups and push-ups in the alloted time though I could stand to improve at those as well (wish I had someone to compete with for reps). I'd probably just start with a 10 minute light jog before the workout as a requirement, but I'm afraid that'd take away from my strength, but... well, they don't care about strength.
Also, I have trouble getting enough calories lately so I don't want to burn more with intense running and make it even more of a hassle for myself. It's ironic, I gained 15-20lbs in college, we'll call it the "accidental bulk" as I ate relatively healthfully but every 2 hours, lots of protein, but made mistakes when I gained the ability to drive (which seems to have actually kinda worked for adding some muscle to my frame) and then I cut it quickly. Now I'm eating maintenance. (I'm tracking my macros now to prevent anymore things like that, but I doubt it'll happen again at least for the time being because my appetite stabilized. Also, my maintenance is very high due to the physical activity I get so no need to worry about my health that much, probably.)
Anyway, I don't really know what my goals should be: •Just get stronger and try to nourish my body well, and be a fit young man. I mean, I could do this and totally just see what happens. Hell, maybe in like 10 years my physique will look amazing, or maybe I'll just look fit.) •Try to get shredded and get a six pack. (I kinda have one anyway but I have to flex my core muscles for it to be seen due to a tiny layer of fat over it, but I also kind of don't mind due to the previous goal. I could always do that in a few years when I'm more built up and less confused.) •Bulk and build more muscle. •Try to increase my endurance in calisthenics and running to see if I should actually be in the air force.
Man, I also have so many questions and confusion on goals and the first one just seems the most simple and attainable. Also, I'd be attempting to eat maintenance during that and adjusting it to my activity. (IE: I go back to Community College and move less, so I calculate my maintenance for less calories. That, or I could just keep eating the same and bulk on less activity while still training, I just have so many ideas!)
As you can see, my head is in like 20 different places and I have no idea what to do. Having someone to train me might not be a terrible idea because then I'd have some of this managed for me instead of trying to do it myself, but I don't know if I really need one.
I don't exactly know what to do. Someone recommended me to just keep training for strength and listening to my body because it seems to be the best. But part of me wants to look more asthetic, or something else.
I do actually enjoy at home bodyweight workouts but I use a weighted backpack, not just my pure bodyweight. I really have considered doing more bodyweight stuff for upper body training due to the simplicity of it. Like: weighted/unweighted pull-ups, banded push-ups, dips, chinups, archer pull-ups, core exercises, etc.
Maybe something super simplistic: Leg Day •BB Squats •Nordic Hamstring Curls •Core exercises (I know you're supposed to progressively overload these)
Optional: •Lunges or cossack squats for single leg work. (Cossacks would be good for hip mobility)
Upper Body •Dips and Pull-ups •Core exercises
I don't know, sorry about endlessly ranting. But, anyway, I do think the first goal is good because if I really try at it, I could probably transition to one of the other goals when I gain more of an idea of what I want to do. I'm too young to really know fully what I want, anyway. Also, what about the routine?
I feel like I actually have a lot of knowledge but need more direction, which... sounds like me.
submitted by MedicalTop2032 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:28 Significant_Emu_6910 My first breakup maybe? 19F 26M

So me 19F and my boyfriend 26M have been together 7months. We are long distance currently but we were in person for our first 3 months. Lately idk it’s been off. We fight a lot about him saying my affection and stuff like that has changed. He says I don’t message like I did before. It a good thing to note he gets upset and gets dry or just distant if I have been out or busy all day. I have never given him a reason to doubt me or anything. He says he trust me so I’m not sure. We have Life360 so he always knows where I’m at. He says it not like it was in the first months of knowing eachother. There’s a few other things fueling these “talks” but this is a huge one. When we talk about our future and things we want I usually tell him however he likes things is fine and yesterday I explained why. I have always done this a lil bit but not to the extent as of recently. The reason is because then it’s my fault. For example “I painted the walls this color because you wanted it” Ok valid but I never said it had to be that color that’s your walls and you asked my opinion but now the walls are that color and it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️ I never asked him for anything nor demanded anything either so after saying stuff like that it doesn’t really help me to offer opinions right? So now today he’s barely talking to me at all like maybe ten messages max and well idk what this means. He’s really extreme with his emotions so it’s all or nothing. I’m not sure I have this feeling that we’re kinda over. I wish we would’ve been friends before starting anything.
submitted by Significant_Emu_6910 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:25 shpdg48 Dissecting the New York Times' Plea for Vaccine Amnesty"; "Reviewing a remarkably disingenuous "apology" and what actually caused the vaccine disaster"
"Story at a Glance:
•Repeatedly forcing the public (e.g., through mandates) to use unsafe and ineffective therapies (that injured millions) has created a public relations disaster for the establishment.
• Various attempts have been made to do the impossible—restore the public’s trust in our medical institutions without any of them admitting fault.
Here, I review each of the previous attempts and how they were used to create the recent infamous article by the NYT—which while monumental for bringing attention to the COVID vaccine-injured, also repeats a variety of strategic and very harmful lies to protect the vaccine industry.
• One of the mysteries of the COVID-19 response is what could have possibly justified breaking the public’s trust in the medical institutions our society revolves around. Here I will review the most compelling explanations we’ve come across after three years of investigating this commonly asked question."
"Before we go any further, I'd like to focus on its title, which sadly synopsizes the entire NYT article:
Note: thousands is a very clever word to use here, since if 999,900 people were permanently disabled by the vaccine, it would still be “true” but it implies a far smaller number.
When the word “believe” is used, it can have a few different meanings. For example it could be used:
• When you think something is true but don’t have the ability to back it up (e.g., I frequently use “believe” here because I think it is important to note the claims I am making that I cannot provide strong evidence for).
• To characterize something someone thinks is true an irrational belief that only exists in their head (e.g., a common way medicine gaslights patients ds by arguing the symptoms they experienced from a pharmaceutical injury are actually just “in their head”).
• When you want to acknowledge someone’s feelings to make it seem like you are doing something but divorce the discussion from any factual or substantiative grounding (something which sadly is quite common in the modern left).
In turn, I would argue the NYT was not using “believe” in the way I believe is appropriate to do and instead doing the latter two. Thus, like all good propagandists, they are attempting to find a way to twist the situation so that they can have their cake and eat it. Similarly, if you consider the other underlined phrase, it’s clear someone spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write something that sounded like an acceptable admission and apology to those injured by the vaccines but simultaneously suggested that those injuries aren’t really a thing and there is nothing to be concerned about with the vaccine." .... "Note: as I show throughout this article, one of the most common scripts used to defend the vaccination program has been that the injuries are rare (e.g., one in a million). The best estimate I have seen of the vaccine injury rate is 18% of recipients experiencing mild to moderate injuries, 0.9% experience significant injuries (e.g., disabilities)—which of course does not include the many who have died (which many estimate at around 1 in 1000)."
submitted by shpdg48 to VaccineMandates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 Bochai127 $25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black

$25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,004 ratings 1K+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the quality, size and ease of use of the charging adapter. For example, they say it's well built, easy to use and accommodates multiple devices without a huge footprint. Customers are also impressed with the charging, saying it charges fast and efficiently. They like the appearance, saying the charging unit is a perfect addition to their bedside table.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • ⚡ 3 In 1 Mag-Safe Charger Stand - Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is a magsafe charger stand for efficient wireless charging of iPhones, Apple Watches and AirPods. With this innovative charging stand, you no longer have to search for multiple chargers or deal with a cluttered desktop. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to convenience!
  • ⚡ Adjustable Viewing Angle - Allows the iphone magsafe charger to swing up to 40° up and down and the iphone to be placed horizontally or vertically, giving you the flexibility to position your iphone for the best visual experience. Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is not only a Mag-Safe charger, but also a convenient iphone stand to keep your device within reach.
  • ⚡ Powerful Magnetic Alignment - Built-in charging magnet is well compatible with MagSafe, making iphone and apple watch alignment easier and ensuring a secure connection so you never have to worry about dropping your phone. NOTE: Magnetic alignment works with iphone 12-15 series (iphone 8-11 must have a magsafe-approved case) and apple watch. The thickness of case needs to be less than 0.02 inch/5 mm.
  • ⚡ Wireless Fast Charging - After testing on thousands of devices and user feedback, Aeinidi has upgraded the 3rd generation smart charging chip and QC3.0 18W/PD 20W adapter to increase the charging efficiency and the compatibility of the mag-safe charger stand by 100%, which can charge an iPhone up to 50% in less than 1 hr, and fully charge an iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch in less than 2-3 hrs! Say hello to efficient charging by ditching your 5W charger!
  • ⚡ Superior Compatibility - Designed for MagSafe, Aeinidi mag-safe charger works well with MagSafe-approved cases and supports the latest iPhone models that iPhone 15 14, 13, 12 series, as well as the Apple Watch Ultra/S1 to S9 and the AirPods 3/2 Pro (the airpods 2 must have a wireless charging case), making it a truly all-in-one charging solution to Apple essentials.
  • ⚡ Multiple Safety Protection - Passed rigorous testing and received FCC and CE certifications, Aeinidi Mag-Safe charger stand upgraded over-current, over-voltage and over-heat protection and foreign object detection ( the indicator light will blink in case of an abnormal state). Just charge your devices with confidence with this high quality and safe 3 in 1 charging station for apple!
  • 🎁 Exquisite Gift - Made of sturdy alloies, this stylish mag-safe charger stand with indicator lights is the perfect charging accessory for desktops and bedsides and a great gift for friends and family! You'll get a 3 in 1 charging station for apple, a 3.3ft/1m charging cable, an adapter, a user guide, a 12-month warranty, and a 10 years wireless charging research and development team as your after-sales support!
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:56 MyspaceMafia Frontiersman (Part 1)

Frontiersman No. 0012: Duke Collins
I snapped up in my seat with the notifications sounding on my ship's Heads-Up Display, telling me that I'd arrived in the next system. Hopefully this one would have at least something of interest. For 2 years now I had been doing this; going system to system, scanning areas of interest or systems that merit valuable expansion. That's the fate of someone like me. I'm a criminal. It turns out punching your superior officer in United Navy Advanced Flight School is grounds for an immediate court-marshal, and 12 years in a military prison. To be fair though, the guy was a bit of a dick, and I'm pretty sure he had it out for me ever since I beat him in the simulators when he was trying to make an example of us new recruits. That aside though, when it was announced that a new program was available for qualified individuals in lieu of serving time, it was a no brainer for me. They stuff you full of experimental hardware/cybernetics, throw you on a decent sized ship filled to bursting with experimental/cutting-edge upgrades and capable of being piloted by one person, and exile you from Humanity controlled space, with the sole mission of exploring. I'm required to make logs while I travel, and leave buoys behind to relay the logs back to the United Terran Systems. So that's me.. Duke Collins, Frontiersman number twelve.
"Aerie, Anything on the scans?", I asked my shipboard AI.
"The nearest planetary body is showing signs of life, Captain." Aerie responded in a cool voice. Her voice was a recent development, in the last 5 months or so. She was one of those experimental things added to the ship when I was tossed out here, and it seems like she's actually getting... smarter? United Terran Systems hasn't really developed AI yet, but I was the lucky sucker to have their first big attempt thrown into my ship. There's a room about 5x7 meters near the aft of the ship filled with all sorts of high-tech storage and processing tech, but about 4 months into our journey my "computer" began requesting stops at resource rich asteroids to harvest materials for our synthesizers, and suddenly I'm performing upgrades to the room that she had developed herself. She turned out to be a great proof of concept, but also my only companion and friend in this lonely journey.
"Don't fuck with me, Aerie, and stop calling me Captain." I replied. She responded with a giggle through the speakers. I knew it was just for my sake, but it made her feel more like a real person, and I appreciated that. I think she liked to emulate organic life as well, for some reason.
Aerie relented, "Nothing of note on the scanners, Duke." She emphasized my name. "Although we aren't in range of all of the planetary bodies yet, and there's a few sizeable gas giants on the opposite side of the star."
"Well, lets get over there, I'm eager to leave another boring system behind." I replied. This job was a way to avoid jail time, if you meet the qualifications, but it was a prison of it's own kind. Spending all of this time in a ship the size of an moderate apartment could get cramped, and being alone this long can start to affect the mind. I seemed to be doing alright, but I honestly think i'm just riding the high of finally having someone to really talk to.
With Aerie's help, we input the coordinates for the opposite side of the start and the FTL drive began to spool. Within a few seconds we were on the opposite side of the star, and lasers were passing over the bow of the ship.
"Aerie, what the hell is going on!?" I shouted, and slammed the throttle to 100%. Inertia Dampeners be damned, it still hurt like hell. In an instant, we were rocketing through space, away from what appeared to be an active engagement.
Aerie chimed in, "Powering up reactive shielding, uh, for the first time. It seems that, while the planets were identified before warping to system, we were unable to identify the ships behind the interference from the local star. Recommend leaving the area."
"Well hold on now, Aerie," I retorted, "scan those ships, lets see what's going on out here." I swung the ship around, from what I believed to be a safe distance, and looked at the active engagement taking place. "Aerie, are those ships... even Terran?". Looking at the vessels, I didn't recognize any of them. One of the ships was shaped like a sleek, white, cylindrical pod, with black glass at the front that was undoubtedly the pilot's viewport. It had a sweeping tail that formed a half-ring loop on the stern of the ship just above the rear thrusters. It rolled and twisted erratically as it attempted to escape it's pursuers.
The attacking ships, at least from the looks of it, were much less graceful. They were a dull, dark brown, almost black, and sported large flat surfaces on the front, in which rested the weapons that were being actively fired at the fleeing vessel. It seemed that whoever created these ships somehow managed to take a few blocky cigar shapes and stuff them together, clearly more function over form. The function seemed to be working as intended though, as shots connected with the fleeing vessel, and engines began to flicker out.
"Scanning...Scanning completed." reported Aerie. "The vessels appear to be of 2 separate make. The lead vessel appears to be a simple transport, and sports no weapons or shielding. The FTL drive function is unknown. In short time, the vessel will be destroyed. The pursuing vessels appear to have some form of laser based weaponry, schematics and build are unknown. There is technology aboard the vessels that I am unable to discern at this time, but I believe some to be a form of very basic shielding, of a completely different function than our own. Recommend vacating the area."
My adrenaline was pumping, the cybernetics in my brain processing the combat at enhanced speeds. I wanted so badly to get involved, to be the hero that saves the day, but I know better. Just because a ship is being chased, doesn't mean that they're the good guys. As if to answer my prayers though, one ship peeled off and began moving my way. I gripped the controls to my vessel and waited.
"Come on... do it. Make my day. I'm so, so bored. Do it. DO IT." I kept thinking to myself. I had no idea what I was up against, but anything was better than rolling through space for another 10 years, and maybe I'd finally be able to put some of that oh-so-expensive schooling that our sweet Terran overlords brag about to some use.
A flash of light. I yank on the control stick, sending my ship into a sideways tumble as laser fire rolls across the length of my ship, barely missing me. My inertia dampeners and cybernetic muscle and bone fibers helping absorb the massive g-forces.
A smile flashes across my face. "Aerie, I have a better idea." Aiming towards the fleeing vessel and it's lone pursuer, I roll the sticks forward, sending us rocketing in their direction, and away from the one that chose me as it's target. "We're going to be heroes."
submitted by MyspaceMafia to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:51 MajorAlert3278 Help with Pricing? Elsie De Wolfe Piece?

Help with Pricing? Elsie De Wolfe Piece?
Product details
An element of classic traditional decors conceived by interior decorators such as Elsie De Wolfe, Sister Parish, Jansen andMario Buatta, red lacquer case pieces--such as this glass-door vitrine set atop a commode with three drawers lined in decorative paper--came into fashion in the eighteenth century. This unique example, signed and dated, was painted in 1951 by James Reynolds (NÉ Harold Warner Reynolds, 1891-1957), an award-winning costume and set designer, book illustrator, author , and wallpaper and textile designer who was born in New York City and died in Bellagio, Italy. His works include murals for the Palladian Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., the Old Warson Country Club in St. Louis, Missouri, Italy's Villa Torrigiani, near Padua, and Manhattan's House of Hellas, the headquarters of the Friends Of Greece. He also painted a portrait of Happy Landings racehorse owned by beer heiress Mrs. August Busch, and designed costumes for the 1921, 1922, and 1923 editions of the Ziegfeld Follies as well as for Jerome Kerns musical "Sunny", Cole Porter's "fifty Million Frenchmen", and Charles Dillingham's production of "The Last of Mrs. Cheney", Reynolds's paintwork on the item offered here reflects a postwar evocation of the European craze for chinoiserie in the 1700s, its coral-red lacquer finish richly embellished monkeys, and Thai-costumed figures building a pair of caparisoned elephants, the howdahs sheltering a mandarin and his wife. The fantastical effect recalls the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The King and I", which had its Broadway premiere the year that Reynolds painted this extravagant furnishing. The presence of shells, both carved and painted, underscores the exotic impression. It is made in two pieces: the electrified vitrine sits atop the commode. Reynolds signed the piece, as well as a matching cocktail table with his initials, J.R., followed by a five-pointed star and the the date. The case piece install, styled after 18th- century Genoese furniture , likely was sourced from Lavezzo, Inc., the Manhattan furniture shop of Reynold's friend Daniel H. Lavezzo (his family long owned the old0guard pub P.J. Clarke's), which was noted for "Period Reproductions". per a 1945 guidebook, and for its Italian-style furnishings, per Reynolds's book "Baroque Splendour" (1950). Lavezzo's firm provided vintage furniture and lighting to Vizcaya, the great Miami mansion of James Deering, and designed a custom-made headboard for actress Marilyn Monroe: John D. Rockefeller was also a client.
submitted by MajorAlert3278 to Antiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:48 dylanheath1048 Linen Scent Recommendations

Linen Scent Recommendations
Fresh Linen Scent Needed
Hi all - I LOVE the smell of certain “fresh linen” or “washed cotton” scents. I’m currently on the hunt for a fragrance oil I can put in a diffuser. The problem is most of the oils I’ve bought smell almost like baby powder. Do you all have any recommendations? I’m the past I’ve bought “clean linen scent” spray by Maison Home Co and “Italian linen” spray by Commonweath Soap Co. I love both! They don’t have that “baby powder” smell to them. They are both very different, though. The Maison is my favorite of the two - having a “brighter” / “clean” scent - if that even makes sense? (Picture attached) Anyway, any recommendations for fragrance oils I can put in my diffusers (both water and waterless) would be MUCH appreciated! One more note - I just received my order of HIQILI Fresh Linen Fragrance Oil from Amazon with high hopes, but it also has that “baby powder” smell.
submitted by dylanheath1048 to scentedsouls [link] [comments]