Puzzle piece printable


2020.01.05 01:15 linkdiesinside

A sub-reddit for moments in the legend of zelda series where 'Link' dies inside (E.G doing a Korok puzzle and dropping the a piece of the puzzle of a mountain.)

2021.06.01 08:20 maxcoiner ABSea

Anarchism, Bitcoin, Seasteading is a place to talk about the overlapping needs of Anarchist Seasteaders & Bitcoiners. - Is Bitcoin Mining the missing piece of the Seasteading puzzle?

2012.07.23 03:04 futilitarian For puzzle lovers

This subreddit is for users to exchange jigsaw puzzles with each other. Just post a picture of the puzzle you have to offer and wait for someone to trade it with you.

2024.05.14 02:16 DevTheDumbass Thousand Sons Cultist Conversions / Prints Advice

Thousand Sons Cultist Conversions / Prints Advice
I personally don't like the look of the normal chaos cultists and I'm not a big fan of using Tzaangors as it may be a bit confusing.
So I was looking around for inspiration via either 3d printing or kitbashing as right now both are an option.
I came across the Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Elite Mod. They were exactly what I'm looking for, hooded figures with a touch of Tzeentch. As cultists should be. So firstly a began looking for 3d prints but couldn't find any models that fit the vibe I was looking for.
I then began a short rabbit hole of model extraction from video games into printable files but I'm not the best modder or anything like that and the application to do so was hidden behind a paywall so I strayed away from that.
So next, I looked at official models to see what I could muster. I liked the hooded look of the Aledari Rangers but their hoods were a bit revealing and getting an Eldar head out of those hoods seemed annoying but I don't know if the hood is a separate piece so it's an option.
Then I found the Astra Militarum Tempestus Scions and they look like they may fit perfectly within' a Thousand Sons army so buying 2 of those boxes is another thing I'm looking at.
Turning my eyes to Age Of Sigmar. I found 2 Warcrys that may do the job. The Jade Obelisk and The Cypher Lords. The obvious issue being their lack of guns and the kitbashing it would take to have them carry the guns.
So, is there any advice my fellow Thousand Sons players can point me towards? What do you guys use for cultists if you have any in your army list. What would you use if you don't? Any advice or guidance towards 3d files that may be what I'm looking for?
submitted by DevTheDumbass to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 CrystalKU [Entry] Ravensburger - Myths & Legends

[Entry] Ravensburger - Myths & Legends
Ignore that I am missing two pieces from my brand new puzzle đŸ« 
submitted by CrystalKU to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 Canuck_in_a_Bunnyhug Lion Wooden Puzzle, No Manufacturer Listed, (99 counted-by-hand pieces, 18 of which are whimsies)

Lion Wooden Puzzle, No Manufacturer Listed, (99 counted-by-hand pieces, 18 of which are whimsies) submitted by Canuck_in_a_Bunnyhug to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:00 edgefigaro Team La-Mulana Curated Experience interest thread

La-Mulana is an iconic cult classic of a puzzle metroidvania. Exploring old ruins and solving puzzles as a whip wielding archeologist is a wonderful hook for a MV, and La-Mulana delivers on this vision in a grand scale.
La-Mulana is also infuriatingly impenetrable. La mulana is a hard game, but hard in a way that does not advantage skilled MV players that can take no damage and pull off move tech to get places. La-Mulana breaks the player's spirit with puzzles. Puzzles range from fair to unfair1 with many puzzle pieces being deliberately disorganized. Players hit wall after wall after wall. Players either move on and don't return or players look up answers to puzzles and the fun goes away.
I contend that playing La-Mulana co-op style will significantly alleviate the pain points that cause people to bounce off the game. Thus team.
I contend that most players need some context and guidance to maintain forward momentum without the feeling of being given the answers. Thus curated. Also, i like watching blind la-mulana playthroughs.
This summer, I'm interested in organizing la-mulana teams to play through La-Mulana 1[The remake]2. I'm looking for interested players. I'm incredibly interested if players want to sign up as a partnership or team.
I'm looking at a schedule like June 8th through August 3rd, 8 weeks, weekly check ins.
Drop a comment if you are interested or have questions. Thank you!
(1)Please don't quibble about this in the comments, discussion will get meta/spoilery.
(2)I'm also looking to run a La-Mulana randomizer boot camp. The randomizer is fabulous.
submitted by edgefigaro to metroidvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:00 ogreatgames Rugrats Search For Reptar: Find The Missing Puzzle Piece - PS1 Game

![video](o167y1zdjr191 " Help Tommy from the Rugrats find the missing puzzle pieces! Visit https://ogreatgames.com/products/rugrats-search-for-reptar to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#puzzle #playstation #ps1 --
Rugrats Search For Reptar For Sony PlayStation 1. Tommy Pickles and the Rugrats babies are in search of the missing eleven puzzle pieces. Accomplish goals in 14 different exciting levels. Multiplayer mode is also featured in this game. Do whatever it takes to find the missing pieces. Even if it takes going to outer space, help Tommy and the Rugrats babies complete the puzzle. --
Hey check out similar videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05uKspxQ89s&list=PLVduyMnVQjzNYPljUBqwgAXdMPQ9CEKWY
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:54 Sad_Description1715 Record things onto computer; have some equipment need help plz

Hello people, I have recently purchased my first synthesizer, the Korg Volca Bass. I would like to record the sounds, a friend gave me the M-Audio M-Track solo. All of these things are currently connected to each other, but GarageBand is not playing back what I’ve played into it. What am I doing wrong? I have read things about mono and stereo and the volca bass might be a mono thing, the m-track is stereo. I also have seen that a mixer might be necessary, which could be my only missing puzzle piece. My synth store is closed today otherwise I’d be bothering them about this.
I did learn that the Focusrite audio interface is supposed to be the best beginner thing, but if I can make it work with the m track that’d be sick. I dunno y’all, I just like documenting my sounds. I’m not trying to make an album. Any advice and help would be super rad, many many thanks in advance <3
submitted by Sad_Description1715 to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:52 sp00kytimez EP off the grid now after CA article

if buddy don’t pop back out soon that means them UMG black vans done found him
we sadly might have to find different pieces to finish this puzzle đŸ§©
submitted by sp00kytimez to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 GufoWasTaken [SPOILER] Seeking hints for a bunch of lategame stuff

I'm kinda stuck with a bunch of stuff and have no idea what to do. I don't know if I'm missing things for those particular puzzles or if I just can't see the answer like for themotherfucking grass scanpuzzle. I tried running through the entire map again with the UV light as soon as I found it but it still brought me to some parts I'm confused about.
I would appreciate it if you could give me hints or directions without being too specific if possible.
This is my inventory at the moment and these are all the eggs I found which I'm not missing many. Thanks in advance!
submitted by GufoWasTaken to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:52 livelaughburp E’s Name

Anyone else think Aspyn REALLY wants to share E’s name but there’s something obviously holding her back? I saw a comment yesterday on the main sub about how E’s name was leaked by the same person who leaked the cancer diagnosis about C, and Aspyn can’t confirm one without confirming the other, in reddit’s eyes at least.
Aspyn knows this, which is why she’s only very vaguely confirming the new baby’s name by saying “oh yeah, a lot of people have guessed her name correctly but I won’t confirm or deny which guess is right” and the barely-covered name in the puzzle. If she downright says her name is Elle, then that puts the last “piece of the puzzle together” for us snarkers who know/believe the leaker was correct, especially since they’ve gotten everything else correct thus far (ie the divorce, E’s birthdate/early birth, and now baby #3’s name).
submitted by livelaughburp to aspynovard [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:39 ThePervyGeek90 Spare puzzle peices

I have maxed out one of my managers and I will randomly get puzzle peices for him. What do they do? They will say spare puzzle pieces but nothing else.
submitted by ThePervyGeek90 to IdleMinerTycoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:25 DetroitLionsSBChamps Advice request: Dad of a 7-year-old autistic girl

My daughter was diagnosed with autism and ADHD at 5. The biggest issue for her is meltdowns that can get physically aggressive. Public school was a serious struggle all through kindergarten and then in first grade was no longer an option due to constant classroom disruption, attacking staff, and attacking other children. What's worse is that she is absolutely racked with self-loathing and guilt afterwards. She is very bright and understands exactly what is expected of her and that she is not meeting those expectations, and she has a really hard time with it.
We have tried a lot of options to help her so far. She went to speech therapy from 3-4, is on medication for her ADHD, she sees an emotional counselor, and she goes to a school for kids with special needs so at least the adults there actually get what she's going through and are able to be compassionate with her (unlike the public school.) And I have completely changed my parenting style from how I was raised (negative reinforcement, guilt, punishment, etc...) to one that establishes boundaries with compassion and validation. I try to emotionally connect to her and make sure she knows she is safe and loved and heard and validated as much as I can.
But she is still struggling so much, so often. So many days melting down on teachers and students. I want to help her thrive. On her terms, to the best of her ability, in the world. But I don't know what else I can do to help her.
I see so much online about what NOT to do. Types of reinforcement and types of therapy that are not a good fit to help people deal with autism. But I would love advice about what else I CAN do for her. Right now just going to school is such a massive struggle for her. It's hard, man.
I have done research and reading and talked to my state's autism alliance and I still just feel like I am missing some giant piece of the puzzle. Lately I'm starting to think that piece is just accepting that this is as good as we can do and loving her as hard as I can while we get through it. But I'm just afraid that what she's going through (meltdowns at school, the guilt that comes afterwards) is too much, too emotionally hard, and that I'm not doing enough to help her. And I'm also worried that she's going to grow up and look back at this time and think that we failed her, that there was more we could have done to stop so many days from being so hard.
I would love some good, specific advice or resources. So much of what I see online is "what not to do" or very vague advice like "teach emotional health." I saw a video saying a certain type of therapy was like “teaching someone to walk on a broken leg instead of healing the leg.” But then it suggested no alternatives. Like please, give me an example. How can I both honor the autistic mind AND help set her up for success in the world?
submitted by DetroitLionsSBChamps to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:15 RTC725 Four Point Puzzles, Fade 1000 pieces, Sara Andreasson

Four Point Puzzles, Fade 1000 pieces, Sara Andreasson submitted by RTC725 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:55 Dualist_Philosopher The Last Universal Common Ancestor was an Animal. Debate me!

(I am not a creationist, but I am a bored contrarian and I need to argue with somebody right now. Also, I'm trying to get a better grasp of the rules of phylogeny, so maybe y'all can teach me something.).
Reasons that I think the LUCA was an animal:
1: Unicellularity is hard. We have this idealized conception of a unicellular microbe, where you stick a single cell on a petri dish and then overnight it becomes a million cells, but the vast majority of life can't do anything like this--certainly the LUCA couldn't, right? I think there would be an advantage to early life being multicellular, in that early life could "borrow" RNA/DNA/proteins with neighboring cells. Also they wouldn't need a full complement of molecular machinery if their neighbor can help out, even if their neighbor is a different species. Just like I can borrow my neighbor's stove if I'm making a special meal, early life probably borrowed very basic molecular machinery from the neighboring cell. And if any of their genes broke, they could maybe get a replacement from their neighbor? I think that it's hard to live all by your lonesome self if you're a primitive life form, so being multicellular is easier since you can rely on neighbor cells for various things and don't have to do everything yourself. I also think there's a very blurry line between a single multicellular organism and an interdependent community of unicellular organisms where none of the organisms could survive without the others. Many scientists agree that early life was like this—an interdependent community—and much life still is like this. But why should this type of community be considered to be closer to unicellularity than multicellularity?
2: The nucleus seems like a leftover relic from the RNA world. The primary function seems to be to separate transcription and translation, but why would you want to do this in a DNA organism? Why are you separating transcription from translation if you already have this elegant system in prokaryotes of just having the ribosome and the RNA polymerase right next to each other doing their things almost simultaneously, much, much faster and more efficiently than eukaryotes. Why make everything ten times slower by evolving a nucleus when you could just not evolve a nucleus? Evolution doesn’t plan ahead, and I fail to see how the nucleus is a favorable adaptation in the short term. On the other hand, a nucleus makes a ton of sense for an organism with an RNA genome because you'd need a way to separate your genomic RNA from your RNA transcripts so they could be regulated separately -- You wouldn't want to splice up or run a ribosome over your RNA genome, that would be a disaster.
3: Having a nucleus would make it easier to evolve DNA. Whatever enzyme is deoxygenating the RNA backbone wouldn't run into the problem of accidentally deoxygenating the RNA transcripts. Since the transcripts are outside the nucleus.
4: The nucleus could be an early form of cell specialization for a multicellular life form. If we think of the nucleus as a separate cell from the cytoplasmic space, I think the picture of early RNA life becomes clearer. Some cells/compartments evolve to specialize in replication and transcription -- these become the nucleus -- wheras other cells/compartments become specialized for translation of proteins --these became the cytoplasmic space, which ultimately engulfed the nucleus. In this primitive RNA organism, there would have been little distinction between replication and transcription. The cells of various sizes would have shared proteins, allowing the smaller cells specialized for replication/transcription to still benefit from the gene products being produced in the larger cells specialized for translation. The smaller cells would do a more faithful job of replicating the genome and not have to risk damaging their genes in the messy process of gene expression.
5: Based on the multiple chromosomes in the nucleus, the first Eukaryote was a likely a synthesis of multiple organisms. Multiple organisms implies multicellular. If we look inside the nucleus, we see multiple, weird, x-shaped chromosomes, with a bunch of dumb hacks (centrosomes, telomerase, etc) to keep them from falling apart as they replicate. The bacterial system makes so much more sense for modern organisms -- just having a single circular chromosome: simple, elegant, effective. Again, the eukaryotic system seems like a molecular fossil from an earlier era where these features were actually necessary. I'd argue that the eukaryotic system supports multiple chromosomes because the original chromosomes were the RNA genomes of different interdependent organisms that lived in a multicellular community. Their RNA migrated into a single nucleus for better regulated and better synchronized replication of the community genes.
6: The homologies between Porifera and Amoebozoa make no sense if Animals came from Choanoflagellates. It is widely assumed that multicellular eukaryotes evolved from single-celled eukaryotes, and this seems to be the case in land plants, at least, since they're so similar to algae which obviously came before land plants--but are we sure that it isn't the other way around for animals? Conventional wisdom is that animals evolved from choanoflagellates, and we see very similar cells to choanoflagellates in Porifera called choanocytes. BUT: Porifera (sponges) also have amoebocytes, which look and function a lot like amoebas. Amoebas are believed to be relatively closely related to animals, although not as closely related as choanoflagellates. Yet animals cannot have evolved from both amoebas and choanoflagellates, and choanoflagellates look nothing like amoebas. Isn't it an odd coincidence that amoebocyte cells in sponges are so much like amoebas? If animals came from choanoflagellates, then the similarity of amoebas and amoebocytes would have to be a coincidence. An alternative direction of evolution makes a lot more sense to me: Animals came first, and amoebas and choanoflagellates are separate lineages of reduced animals that have evolved down to only being a single cell. Other eukaryotes (such as fungi, algae and plants) could be evolved from these single-celled descendants of animals.
7: Gene homologies between microsporidia and prokaryotes. Since microsporidia are very obviously reduced fungi, this makes no sense in the current prokaryote-first paradigm, so these gene homologies are handwaved away as being the result of horizontal gene transfer. But what if it isn't horizontal gene transfer? Microsporidia is a parasitic clade of fungi which has lost most of its genes, seemingly lost its mitochondria (are we absolutely sure they ever had mitochondria?) and shrunk to about the size of a bacterium. Its shrunk so much and lost so many genes that it actually is able to withstand mutations to very basic molecular machinery such as its ribosomes, which are very different from the ribosomes of other eukaryotes and seem more similar to the smaller ribosomes of prokaryotes. Perhaps prokaryotes are just even-further-reduced microsporidia that have lost their nucleus, circularized their DNA (which can also happen in cancer cells, google "eccDNA") and further streamlined their molecular machinery.
8: We can learn a lot about the order of the clades from the type of ecological niches they currently occupy. For example: there do exist extremophile bacteria, so there's nothing inherent in bacterial microbiology that prevents them from evolving into extremophiles. So why do we see mostly extremophile archaea, but bacteria occupy almost all of the generalist, high productivity microbial niches? I'd argue: Probably, archaea had a head start in evolving specialized adaptations for extremophile environments. Probably, archaea came first. Imagine an archaeon existing before there were any bacteria, and it evolved to occupy all microbe ecological niches. Then bacteria came along in a new adaptive radiation with superior molecular biology. They were able to supplant archaea from most generalist niches but haven't been able to challenge archaea for extremophile niches for which archaea have specialized genes and specialized adaptations. And neither bacteria nor archaea seriously challenge eukaryotes for the larger ecological niches which require even more specialized adaptations. This to me implies that Eukaryotes came first, archaea came second, and bacteria are the most recent domain.
9: Animals almost exclusively occupy the large, complex, predator niche. I'd argue that the large predator niche, of all ecological niches, is the one where the greatest advantage is given to the organism who evolves to fill the niche first. Because selection pressure changes a lot once the predator appears: Things that can't run away from the predator are forced to make themselves as unappetizing as possible. So they can't have complex proteins, since complex proteins = tastier. So how can any clade evolve into a predator if there already exists a predator clade that could eat it? The fossil record seems to think: It can’t. Throughout the entire fossil record for which we have good records (since the Cambrian), the predator is always an animal. Never does a slime mold or a fungus something evolve muscles and teeth and start competing with animals for the predator niche. But this isn’t 100% true -- you have Venus fly traps, I suppose? So that’s one exception, the only one I can think of. Animal predators today have billions of years of evolutionary head start evolving such things as muscles, a nervous system, circulatory system, etc. If anything else other than an animal starts evolving complex structures or energy storage, it's only going to make itself tastier to an animal. The predator is also the niche that cares the least about the efficiency of basic molecular processes -- it doesn't need to be efficient when the world is its buffet. For this reason, I'd argue that the predator clade must have established itself very early. Probably the kingdom that occupies the apex predator niche at any given time is the absolute oldest lineage of multicellular life. Because long, long after all the original autotrophs have gone extinct, replaced with things that don't waste so much energy and have more efficient and streamlined molecular biology, the apex predator clade would remain on its throne, since nothing, I'd argue, would be able to compete with its evolutionary head start evolving so many complex adaptations for multicellularity. Are we to believe there was ever a time when the apex predator niche was something other than an animal? It's difficult to imagine. If that apex predator was a prokaryote, what is it about animal molecular biology that allowed it to overcome such extreme odds and supplant that prokaryote as the apex predator?
10: The fossil record of animals before the Cambrian is probably very incomplete. The first complex animals in the fossil record (the cambrian explosion) seem very, very advanced already -- I think this is a representation that our fossil record is incomplete and animals are a much older clade than they seem. Since predators are rarer in an ecosystem, and may have been even rarer when energy was scarcer due to less oxygen in the atmosphere (early heterotrophic life likely breathed sulfur compounds), we may simply not have any good fossils of animals from before the cambrian.
11: It's also possible that early animals simply weren't made out of the right material to fossilize. Maybe Archean-eon animals had no bones or anything like that and so they didn't fossilize, so we don't have examples of them. We can't assume that just because you don't find fossilized animals from ~3 billion years ago doesn't mean they weren't around then. And even if we did find fossilized animals from that long ago, they were probably so radically different from modern animals that we might misidentify them. For example, we have many fossils of strange creatures from billions of years ago, nobody knows what they are. Maybe they are animals? Example: Google “Grypania”. Currently there is a debate on whether these are algae or bacteria. But they are quite large, and they look sortof wormlike, so, in my view, there’s no reason they couldn’t be primitive animals.
12: Animals are slow reproducing but have the most sophisticated adaptations for multicellularity. The slower something reproduces, the slower it evolves, since there’s less opportunities for mutations. So how did animals have time to acquire so many complex adaptations for multicellularity? They must be an especially ancient lineage, something that has been multicellular much longer than anything else – otherwise they wouldn’t have had time to acquire so many complex adaptations for multicellularity.
13: Phylogenetic trees based on bioinformatics suffer from "long branch attraction" artefacts -- where fast reproducing, simple, and numerous organisms group together at the base of the tree. This is a well-known problem for making phylogenetic trees. Since prokaryotes are so much more numerous and reproduce so much faster than eukaryotes, it’s natural that they would have the most genetic diversity, even if they evolved later. The appearance of prokaryotes at the base of the tree of life derived from bioinformatics algorithms may be a product of long branch attraction.
14: Counterpoints on mitochondrias. I’ll admit that mitochondrias do look a lot like bacterial symbiotes, but that doesn't necessarily mean the original eukaryotes had mitochondrias. Once alphaproteobacteria evolved, it might have infected many lineages of eukaryotes simultaneously, since nothing had resistance to its infections yet. Maybe it impersonated the mitosome and supplanted its function, and did such a good job as a mitosome that the only surviving eukaryotic lineages are ones with alphaproteobacterial infections. Also, if we assume that bacteria are reduced eukaryotes, then many of the gene homologies for mitochondria associated genes could have been present in the eukaryotic LUCA, and perhaps they were used for regulating the mitosome which preceded mitochondrias. I think that the mitochondria is an interesting piece of the puzzle, but it doesn't conclusively demonstrate that prokaryotes came first.

I make ASCII phylogenetic tree for fun:
 _______________________________________________Placazoa 1____LUCA_____________________________________________5_____Ctenophora _______Cnidaria ___Bilateria ______________________________________________Porifera _____________Choanoflagellatea _________Dinoflagellata _______Algae ____Viridiplantae __2___________________________________Amoebozoa _________________________________Fungi _3_______Microsporidia __4____Archaea ^ ______Bacteria (endosymbiosis into various eukaryotic clades) _____Mitochondria ^ (horizontal gene transfer from now-extinct RNA life forms to bacteria and archaea) ______________________primitive RNA life forms (extinct) 1: A community of highly interdependent organisms evolves into multicellular eukaryotic progenator with a DNA genome inside a nucleus. This hypothetical LUCA is a relatively large and complex heterotroph which fed on primitive RNA life forms. 2: First truely unicellular (non-colonial) organisms (independent living isn't easy!) 3: Extreme miniaturization 4: Loss of eukaryotic nucleus 5: Complex adaptations for apex predator niches (neurons, etc) 
submitted by Dualist_Philosopher to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 Just-Rent5346 Why won’t God answer my prayers

Everyone else in my life seems to have they’re prayers answered and great things happen to them where their puzzle pieces all just fall into place and they are fulfilled and become content and happy with their lives. I pray and it seems to fall on deaf ears, all I have asked if God is that he forgive my sins and that he ends my life and kills me. Why has God given others in my life these great complex things that make them happy so why does he not answer my simple prayer to kill me.
submitted by Just-Rent5346 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:42 Gayboychemistrynerd AITA for telling my “friend” that his “BPD” isn’t an excuse to keep on harrassing me and my real friends.

My online “friend”, let’s call him Alex(14M), he keeps doing things that ruins our “friendship” like, saying he’s gonna dox me, saying he is sending people to swat my house, saying that he’s gonna put my bloodline in “danger” and everytime i speak up he keeps saying “I’m sorry but I’m unmedicated” as an excuse and I have to suck it up because I don’t want to be the asshole that seems inconsiderate. He asked one of my real friend “If you tell me his address I will do anything to be in your favor
.” And my friend was like wtf. He’s not gonna send out my address like it’s candy on halloween night. My friend immediately messaged me with screenshots of what has been sent to him. I saw them and I was obviously scared. I confronted him and he kept using his “bpd” as an excuse which I don’t even know if he even has. (He lies alot) which I will talk about now. He likes to lie about the littlest things up to major things. From getting alot of money on a block game to his father having cancer, or kidney failure, or he having cancer. He harrased a victim with sa, said “hope your boyfriend gets you pregnant and you miscarry” and I have to sit there and cant say nothing because then I seem like the inconsiderate friend. I told him he cant keep using his bpd as an excuse and he said that he doesnt care. He said in the exact words “it was ‘nice’ knowing you even tho you dragged me down you piece of shit hating bastard” I obviously erupted. Im not going to let someone try to provoke me when I know that I have no wrongings in this. Well atleast not as much as him.
Edit: He keeps saying that without me he’s gonna commit suicide which im guessing is manipulation and he keeps saying “if u need anything im here for you if im still around. Which i find absurd, cus first all this hatred towards me then he says this.. Im genuinely puzzled.
submitted by Gayboychemistrynerd to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:39 choooosegoooose [ENTRY] The Empire Awaits (3391), Buffalo Games, 500 pieces

[ENTRY] The Empire Awaits (3391), Buffalo Games, 500 pieces
A bit late but got it done. Boba Fett is my boyfriend’s favorite character so it was my first choice upon hearing this month’s theme. First Buffalo Games puzzle for me, I felt the pieces fit nicely, a little shiny, but a good thickness. The poster is very big but it was easy to work off of the box. There was a lot of puzzle dust.
submitted by choooosegoooose to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 Not_a_sociopath7 I’ll put all my cards on the table so that you can give me good advice.

 I’m 20M never been in a relationship. Since I was 11 I’ve been watching porn daily. I’ve never been crazy after dating, and was always prioritizing high grades and learning new skills. I’m currently in med school and also a part time stock trader. I had a malignant narcissistic father. I had a bipolar mother who insulted me and screamed at me since I was a baby. I also have a step brother who hates me because he hates my father and mother. My step brother was hit by my dad at the age of 19 and has his eardrum ruptured since my dad was pissed at him for going out with his girlfriend (religious bullshit). My step mother hates my guts and tried to poison me when I was a few months old and took medication for my congenital heart condition. I don’t have any family around me. I have a very good friend who is basically like my brother and I can trust with anything. I’ve managed, after 4 years of cronic depression, to instal tinder, start going on a few dates, move out of my abusive parents home and I also made a few hundred thousand dollars with trading. I’ve quit porn and masturbation 9 days ago. I’m looking to become better. The only piece of the puzzle missing is the dating part. At university I don’t have much chance. Most girls are taken, and the first year of university I was barely speaking with anyone, always in a bad mood since I was so depressed and had an angry expression on my face since I was suffering so much. So of course no girl likes that and sees me as a weirdo. I have some trouble with talking by text since I get attached very easily after just the first day or two in the talking stage. I feel like any girl that talks to me a bit nice could be the one and get my hopes so high and nothing comes out of it. I want your advice on how I could managed to find someone who will love me like I love them. I don’t know how to proceed. How to talk, how much money to spend on my future girlfriend and all the aspects of dating. I personally never saw any love in my family, only hate, insults, screaming and violence. But I’m committed to starting a new chapter. Yet at the moment of writing this post I still feel sad because of the lack of a relationship. 
submitted by Not_a_sociopath7 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:26 Molly-Doll Jovian Rally

Jovian Rally
Orbital Grand Prix Rally
Free advance copy of the ruleset for play-testers
This orbital racing game within Traveller can be played on it's own or by characters in a campaign.
Jovian Rally is an abstract strategy game with formidable depth.
The rules are easy to learn. Play can be quite fast, or puzzled over for hours.
Solo play, group play, and npc opponents are supported.
Artwork and game pieces have not yet been finalized but you don't need them to play.
Request a preliminary copy for play-testing.
Give your feedback for the next iteration.
-- Molly J.
(This is an independent work and will be made available under a cc non-commercial license)
submitted by Molly-Doll to traveller [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 TaranMatharu The web of clues in From

When solving a mystery, one has to make some assumptions if one wishes to go beyond a surface level solve attempt of From's mystery. Which effectively means, one must pick an answer to a clue one is fairly certain of, and use that as one might use a jigsaw piece to solve the next clue that connects to it.
For any interested, I share my opinion on what the key strands of clue clusters and the twisted threads therein that I believe need to be woven together into a narrative to form an origin story for Fromland and solve the show.
1. The first strand is historical figures from North American history (and the end of the War of the Roses), falling roughly on the dates on Tabitha's dream sequence. Some historical figures are given far more clues than others, suggesting they might later become characters on the show. In particular Caroline Dye's hoodoo magic, and Alma Hayes the strongwoman.
There are six threads in there as not every timeline will be explored in the series - the main ones are 1930s, 1880s, 1860s, 1770s, 1670s, and 1498.
1498 is by far the most prevalent and perhaps the easiest to start with. Most are from England and to a lesser extent, Italy/Venice, Scotland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Burgundy, China, Iran, Iceland, Greenland/Newfoundland. It's also the best one to solve first, as the historical figures in the 1498 origin story are the archetypes that the historical figures in the other timelines mimic.
For example, I'm absolutely certain one is Richard Amerike - Sheriff of Bristol. There is a lawman/sheriff in every timeline - Boyd is the sheriff now.
Each new historical figure discovered in any timeline is a great puzzle piece. If you find out Emmett Kelly, the Hobo Clown is in the 1930s timeline, you can search for other "clowns" and discover Triboulet, the court jester in the 1498 origin story.
2. The second strand is the sequence of events in the origin story specifically. These clues are far more vague, and easier to explain what I mean by example.
Let's look at Kelly's head spiked to a tree with Boyd yanking it out instead of using the gun. The reasoning was: Kristi did not want Kelly to see or experience the gun, when Kelly is currently blind and the gun is a far better "experience" than the yanking. I contend this is quite a pointed clue that he's recreating a scene in the original timeline. In my opinion, a botched execution by a crossbow at a time where there were no guns to use.
There are threads within this strand. Two are practically strands of their own, with witch trial and torture methods and christmas / lent traditions from the countries of the various historical figures being the most prevalent. The traditions bit is a lot easier if you solve the origin story characters first, since you can then surmise which countries the traditions to look out for might come from.
3. The third strand is the mythology of the show. Ultimately, if one assumes North East Canada is where it all begins, you might make the leap it relates to the mythology related to that area. This has two main threads, the bogeyman, and the fairies. What I came to find were, there were clues pointing to practically every kind of bogeyman and fairy legend in that region. I was wondering if these were red herrings, or maybe it was all of them at once? It took me a long time to figure out what we're being asked to do here - but I figure there are 7 bogeymen and 4 fairy types the monsters and entity are mimicking, and a type of bogeyman and fairy that they really are.
4. Apotropaic magic - specific to the cunning folk of England. Witch's bottles and ladders, that sort of thing.
5. Medieval board and card games, as well as a few other adult medieval games, like stoolball. Main thread here is French tarot cards, but not their witchy meanings and connection to fortune telling, just the playing cards and what they look like. Other substantial threads involve Game of Goose and Pachisi.
submitted by TaranMatharu to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:18 AgentEves Mapping Actuals to Goals

Hi Everyone, I'm probably going to have a bunch of follow-up questions, so I appreciate everyone's help in advance, but for now, I'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible. I think I should be able to work out the other steps if I can just get past the first hurdle. Teach a fellow to fish, and all that.
Unfortunately, I can't upload sample data because the data is sensitive, so I'm going to use a made up example to help explain where necessary.
The End Goal: I am creating a metrics dashboard to display how well we are progressing towards our annual goals. I have one table with the metrics listed, along with the 2024 goal for each metric (numeric values). We'll call this the Metrics table. I also have two tables combined which contains all the data used to calculate the 'Actuals'. We'll call this the Data table. There are no fields that join the 'Metrics' table with the 'Data' table. I plan to create a dual-axis bar graph which shows Actuals vs Goals.
Since there are no matching fields between the Data table and the Metrics table, I plan to create a calculated field for each of the individual metrics, using data from the Data table. I will then create a calculated field named "Actuals" which will contain a series of IF statements based on the metric name. i.e., IF [Metrics].[Metric] = "Metric 1" THEN [Data].[Metric 1] ELSEIF [Metrics].[Metrics] = "Metric 2" THEN [Data].[Metric 2], and so on and so forth.
The issue I'm having is creating the calculated fields for each metric...
An Explanation of the Dataset: Let's say my data is about the delivery of fruit and vegetables. The two tables combined to make the 'Data' table are a 'Delivery Stats' table and a 'Metadata' table. The 'Delivery Stats' table lists the fruits and vegetables delivered, the date, the quantity delivered, the quantity that are rotten, and the % that are rotten. The 'Metadata' table lists every fruit and vegetable that we have ever ordered, and then lists the features of each fruit/vegetable. e.g., if it's a fruit or a vegetable, the colour, the country of origin, etc. Note: each fruit/vegetable is only listed once in the Metadata table, as the metadata is static.
The last piece of the puzzle is that I have a 'Metric Date' which is a calculated field. It shows the last available date from the previous month, based on the data available. So within my dataset, that date is March 29. The reason I am using a calculated field is so that the date can be dynamic based on the data available.
Where I'm Stuck: My first metric is 'Number of Red Fruit/Vegetables'. So I want to do a simple count of the number of rows where the Colour is listed as 'Red', but only on the Metric Date (i.e., March 29). And this is where I'm getting stumped.
I can create a table where I have Date and Colour in the rows, and then Total Fruit in the Marks, but what I need to do is create a calculated field that shows only the count of red fruits and only on the 'Metrics Date'.
What I've Done So Far: I created a binary calculated field called "Red" which uses IF logic to assign a 1 or a 0 to each row:
I then created the 'Number of Red Fruit/Vegetables' calculated field which uses IF logic to SUM the "Red" column when the Date = the Metric Date:
IF [Date] = [Metrics Date] THEN [Red] END
But it's throwing out a number that's way higher than it should be. (It should be 224, but I'm getting 1,120). I can't work out what it's doing to get the higher count.
I think a large part of my struggle is because I'm still stuck in the Excel mindset of using a "COUNTIFS" function to get the total. I just can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same in Tableau.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read all this and can offer some guidance.
TL;DR: How to I create a calculated field that spits out a single count of all the records where the data meets multiple criteria located across multiple fields?
submitted by AgentEves to tableau [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:06 SnooDingos6306 Carousel Girl - Yazz - 1000

Carousel Girl - Yazz - 1000
This is my first time doing a Yazz brand puzzle and I bought it only because of the beautiful image. (Artist name - Ann Mei)
I truly enjoyed it until I got to the background part and almost gave up. But being a little OCD, I was determined to finish it. Took me almost a week to complete that part alone. In reality there were no false fits but I felt that there were a few false fits in the background because of the color which was quite hard.
In summary - 1. There's no glare. 2. It desperately fails the pick up test. (I had to move it a few pieces at a time when I moved it from my felt board to a foam board). 3. And.......there was quite a bit of puzzle dust.
But overall, I will buy another Yazz puzzle and actually did (from Puzzles Canada during their Mother’s Day sale) 😊
submitted by SnooDingos6306 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:33 Tigra21 Hunter or Huntress Chapter 189: Reporting In

As the world faded away into nothing but a dark void, Tom felt the only mildly familiar sensation of magic flowing like a gentle stream. It wasn’t much of a draw, but it was certainly noticeable.
“Right, best make this quick then,” he tried thinking to himself, feeling the flow peak as he did.
“Who is this? Make what quick?” an ethereal sounding female voice replied. It did sound a bit like how he remembered Joelina sounding. Though she did not exactly sound calm.
 Hello? Anyone there?”
“Yes hello. Who is this? What must be done quick? Answer me at once!”
“It’s Tom
 Is that you, Joelina?”
“Yes of course it is! Stupid dragons taking ages, I have questions for you! So many questiiioooonssss...”
“Yeah I figured that
 Fire away I suppose.” Tom replied a little uncertainly as to just what he might be in for.
“Firstly! Did you read the letters?”
“I did yeah
“Disregard them, I have learned much since they were written! So much more yes, cursed blessed knowledge
“So you do know we have gone to space then?”
“What? No, I re-experienced the memory you had of the movie about the moon mission. It was evident on the second watching that it was trickery of the eye! Spaceflight is but a myth!”
“Then how have your kind visited space? And what of the gods above!? it was evident that the woman with the crystals was but a fraud!” Joelina explained with all the calm and restraint of a shoppingmall Karen
“Well the rockets to the moon, that did happen.” Tom attempted, doing his best to remain calm and diplomatic. “The movie you saw was probably a recreation
 Tell me, did things go wrong on that trip but they made it home anyway?”
“Yes, do you know of what I speak? Ahr what am I proclaiming! of course you do it is your own memories, how could I forget.”
, you watched a movie about Apollo 13 I think. Good movie, and that all happened too. Like for real happened”
“I see
” Joelina replied, sounding rather unstable. “And what of the gods?”
“We ain’t got any. Well not in space at least.”
“No, quite possible. Many still believe in gods though, but let’s not get into that too much. It’s a right old mess.”
“No, you must tell me what happened to the gods? Have they left you?”
“Well some think so, but no. I just think it all works a bit different for us. They might be a little more hands off.”
“But the churches
 and these religious warriors you did battle with,” the inquisitor all but muttered to herself, sounding like she was struggling to put pieces together. “Do Jesus and Islam fight for power then? no no, they would have long since lost the battles to the ancient gods of war the teachers spoke of
 though why they were always naked eludes me yeeees
“No, again we don’t really have gods just floating around... Could we please talk about something else? Or is that all you wanted to know?” Tom tried, hoping he really didn’t have to dive deeper into that particular subject.
“No no don’t you dare cut me off! I have seen what you talked of, nuclear fire and missiles, ships of the oceans and planes soaring in the skies. But is it not all fake? Surely it must be! It must be? It must be
“I don’t know what you saw
 but we have ships sailing around. If you’ve ever seen flying ships like you have here then that’s fake I can assure you of that. We do have airships, but they look more like really big long balloons.”
“But we could make such vessels, or someone could from times past. If you can visit the moon then surely you can make a ship for the skies!”
“No no, we ain’t got grav oil. Or dragon essence as I guess it’s called. That means no anti gravity, and that means weight is a very very big problem for anything you wanna make fly. Planes and helicopters are how we fly. Remember how I flew to Afghanistan on a big ass plane? Or when I learned to parachute later?”
“What is parachute? is it the ham from your times doing, vacationing? what has dried meat products got to do with flying machines of battle!”
“Wooo easy now easy. I guess you didn’t get that far yet. Uhm. It’s a cloth kite you dangle from and then glide to the ground. Very good fun.”
“A cloth kite used to fly?... such strange inventions. Wait was there not a movie of with something of that nature? yeeee
 there was a song. I liked that song
 something something brains upon his chute. Yeesss
 You’ll know it when you see it. I have one actually.” Tom clarified trying not to get too weirded out.
“You must demonstrate on a suitable occasion.”
 I do have a question too though,” Tom replied, letting silence reign for a short time. “...Your last letter was in Danish.”
“Oh, uhm yes. I- I was having some difficulty separating what was real and what was not
 I still am. Do not tell Glazz, she musten know the truth yet. She seeks to limit my excursions.”
“You’ve ended up like I did, have you?”
“No no no, the effects do indeed recede as expected, everything is in good order
 But I had to know more. So so much moooore.”
“Maybe you should cool it a bit. You never know when a brain snaps. Or how,” Tom tried, confident his advice would be ignored.
“There is not time!”
“And why is that? How is it going in our beloved Inquisition?”
“Mind your tongue, human! Things are progressing, but so are our enemies. Infiltrators have been caught, traitors within our ranks are making their moves. The reemergence of Rashan, attacks on mines, keeps and a daring heist attempt at a Royal Guard fortress! The game is afoot, we cannot delay.”
“You can’t overreach yourself either. Weren’t you supposed to be winning over the rest of the inquisition right about now? Can’t do that as a gibbering mess.”
There was silence for a while more after that. “Glazz sent you a letter? What did it say?! You may not keep secrets from me- wait not
 I should confiscate her arm
 she cannot write with her left. Yes far better plan, avoid upsetting him. And fill her pen with invisible ink. Yes very good.”
“No, it’s just obvious to any idiot. But what about winter, won’t things slow down?”
“They should, yet as autumn progresses it has only been picking up. I hope they too are running out of time
 But time for what? I must know what they are planning. They might be behind schedule. But what SCHEDULE! sorry
“Well you’re not gonna find the answer to that in my memories, now are you?”
“You were sent by someone. You are here for a purpose. I must know this purpose. It will help me understand. The puzzle is large and much of the box kept from me.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m here to help you guys get in gear. That’s a decades to centuries long sorta problem, not a couple of years. Sounds like this war will be in the couple of years category.”
“Then why now? Why did you arrive now?!”
“Shitty luck? Sounds like 10 years ago would have been a lot better
 Oh on that note, did you hear? We found something down below.”
“No, Paulin would have told me.”Joelina dismissed, he could almost feel her turning her snout up and away from him.
“Well we opened the vault like 3 days ago,” Tom replied, quite surprised Paulin hadn’t said anything. “Wait yeah she can send you messages, no? She sent the message about what we wanted to buy too, didn’t she?... How did she do that by the way? Why didn’t you just have her ask me questions?”
“That is not for you to know, and this is not for her.”
“Really? More secrets still? Come on, tell me or I’ll let you think flying whales exist.”
“I know those are not real. If they were, you would have harvested them long ago! likely for some deranged snack
 or facial decoration.”
“True, but you get the idea,” Tom persisted, feeling like this was something worth pushing for. Why would Paulin not have let her precious Joelina know?
“Very well. This does not leave your mind
 In the name of, what was it called
 camaraderie. Paulin is in possession of joined paper. Messages may be written down and read by anyone with similarly joined paper. Unsecured. Originally believed to be fore love letters
 dastardly studs and wenches using perfectly good magic for such trivialness
 simply tie the message to a rock and throw it though the window. Most peasants cannot even afford glass” Joelina trailed off, seemingly zoning out once more.
“You have magical paper that can relay written information
 and you don’t fucking use it!?” Tom explaimed, not quite believing what he was hearing.
“No, we do not know how to make freshly bonded paper
 only more linked to all other paper in existence
” Joelina agreed. He could almost feel her looking at the floor in shame. “But it is not as if you are infallible, why did you not bring one of these radios?”
“I uhm
“Why didn’t you?!”
“I forgot,” Tom admitted, thinking back to his packing days. Of all the things that could have proven useful, that one might have been his biggest blunder.
“For the love of all that is holy! You are our saviour?!” Joelina scolded, understandably so, but still.
“Hey I never claimed to be smart!”
“I have lived your dreams. That is a lie! You very much claim to be smart!”
“Fuck off, I know you are just a scared little insecure girl.”
“She died 30 years ago!”
“Well I haven’t gotten to that bit yet!”
“What in the devils do you mean?” Joelina questioned calming right down in a fraction of a second.
“I’ve only had like three proper dreams about you
 wait no, not like that,” Tom blurted out as it clicked just how wrong that sounded. Joelina didn’t seem to care in the slightest though.
“Three? That is it!?” going right back to outrage.
 Wait, how many have you had?” Tom questioned. He rather wanted to know just how much she might know about him in addition to the memories she had already picked through when inside his head.
“Several a day!” the inquisitor exclaimed in reply.
“Okay, I can see how that would drive someone a bit mad.”
“I am not going mad!”
“Did Glazz say the same thing?” Tom questioned, quite certain he was striking a nerve.
There was no reply for quite some time, Tom feeling the headache growing as things grew tranquil once more. He could feel his breath. It was rapid, and his heart was pounding. He probably shouldn’t do this for much longer. Thus he endeavored to break the silence.
“You probably should listen to her you know.”
“No! These matters are above her station!”
“Hasn’t she been in the Inquisition longer than you?”
“She has yes. But she is no inquisitor. She is a body guard.”
“Seems like she is a wee bit more than that,” Tom pushed on. He didn’t yet know how those two came to stick together, but it was clear they had been working together for decades by now. All the way since she was assigned to Harvik
“Mind your own matters, human.”
“Very well, don’t think I can keep this up anyway.”
“We have barely been chatting! Where do the dogs come from?!”
“Selective breeding for thousands of years. But I’m gonna go. Take a break, do what Glazz says
 even if Jacky hates her.”
Yet more silence followed that, though it was brief and Joelina was the first to speak again.
“Fine! In the interest of cooperation I shall let you rest. Wear the earring at all times, I shall be contacting you again soon.”
“I think I’m gonna be the judge of that. I’ll put it on when I feel like it.”
“You will do as I say!”
“You need a nap and a bit to calm down. I’ll give you three days. Around noon. See yah
 How do I get this thing off?”
“I’m not telling you,” Joelina grumped like a little girl. She really didn’t seem quite like herself at all today. She had been the spitting image of restraint and arrogance before. The arrogance was still there, but the restraint had certainly gone.
“Come on, do I just try to cut off the magic or is that a bad idea?”
“If you answer a question I might answer.”
“Right then
 Gimme gimme gimme aaaa-”
“JUST CUT IT! Farewell!” she called out loud enough Tom’s head pulsed and then there was blissful silence once more.
“Hehe. That did the trick, right concentrate on that funny feeling aaan-”
After dinner had been rounded up, Dakota had given a brief address as to some of the news received. There wasn’t much that hadn’t already made the rounds at the tables during the dinner itself. The war had been expanding, recruitment had started in full in the cities, and if not for the rather special situation at Bizmati they could have expected their banners to get called by spring.
Rumors had it that the kingdom was preparing itself for counterstrikes the following spring, which meant training through the winter for many volunteers.
“And a lot of not so volunteers,” Fengi muttered as Dakota carried on with the address.
“You can say that twice. At least the street rats might get something to eat and a place to sleep,” Tirox the trader escort added.
“I suppose that is true. Not a bad deal in winter time
 I might even have taken it.”
“But we must instead keep our minds on our home,” Dakota carried on, talking to the whole hall. “There can be no mistake, we will be a target. We will be ready. They are getting bolder by the day it seems. It is not impossible they may attempt to take our keep before the winter comes. Or perhaps they will be waiting for spring. It is equally clear their forces are spread thin. We will weather such assaults, I have no doubt. But we must keep training. We must keep vigil. We cannot afford to be surprised or outmatched. I know you will all do your best. And tonight, we have no less than 4 dragons here. So breathe easy, have your snacks and your drinks. If the weather holds soon we will be finished with the warehouse and then we may make final preparations for winter. It is sure to be an interesting one for once.”
The hall replied with a half-discordant cheer, not overly enthusiastic unlike what Dakota had likely envisioned. The talk of them possibly getting attacked even before the snow came wasn’t really that encouraging. But Dakota tended to speak her mind, and she was probably right. Bizmati keep would be a damn tough nut to crack. And to Dakota’s credit she did seem to recognize she hadn’t really managed to rile them up.
“Didn’t you hear me?” she tried again in a slightly more humorous tone. “Eat, drink, and have fun! And put those tables together, don’t want you brooding in your corners.”
That did get a bit more of a reaction, as well as some good humored chuckles. People started getting up and set about moving the tables closer together.
It was a little rude to split up their guests in the same way as they normally did. Saph carried one of the benches over to the new spot, glancing around for any sign of Maiko, but there was no sign of him anywhere.
Feeling a little miffed, she sat down with the others as Ray came back with one of the small kegs of cider looking very excited. “We should have a taste, right?”
“Oh yes please!” Pho called out, Essy giving her a slight slap on the wrist.
“This one is only for those who paid for it. You will have to do with whatever you bought. Or the ale I’m sure they intend to serve.”
“Aww man. Not even a sip?”
“Okay, maybe a sip,” Essy relented. “Oh, I should get Koko his gift.”
“You got him a gift?” Saph questioned with mirth in her voice.
“Of course, that is what people do for each other
 you did get Maiko something, right?”
Saph felt her expression slip a little as she prepared to disappoint their chief people person. “No, not really
“All that money and you didn’t get him shit? That’s cold girl,” Pho laughed, clearly finding it hilarious.
“Oh shut up, not as if I got something for Unkai either,” Fengi added, springing to Sapphire’s defence, though it seemed like the delivery had Fengi second guessing herself as well.
Esmeralda did look a little saddened by the news, but she was far too nice to say anything. Tirox however had no such filter.
“Oh don’t worry about it, just gotta go with a different sort of gift.” The diminutive guard laughed heartily at his joke. Udanti found it quite funny as well, and Pho certainly loved it. Bo just shook her head a little and went back to a small puzzle of some sort she had been working on, on and off, for most of the dinner by now.
“So uhm
 One mug each?” Ray questioned, having been left hanging at the keg.
“Oh yes sorry, just the one, this stuff is expensive,” Saph replied, holding out her mug, Ray pushing it back down.
“One moment.” And she produced a wooden mallet and one of the metal taps. It looked like one of Raulf’s, so it was probably old as faded dragonscales.
Ray gingerly placed it against the cork and raised the mallet as the table fell silent in anticipation.
With a whack the tap went in clean with hardly a drop spilled, and Ray breathed a visible sigh of relief. “Right there we go.”
There was a quick round of cheers from the table, and Ray started pouring servings.
“Oh got yours open, have you?” the voice of Balethon came as the guard came walking up to the table, mug in hand and lizard on shoulder. “You all know we are gonna have to work out who got the better stuff, right?”
“Oh does it always have to be a competition with you, Balethon?” Saph questioned. She had just wanted to enjoy the cider.
“Look who is talking
 And yeah of course we do! Just think of the bragging rights.”
Ray didn’t look too thrilled, nor did any of the girls who had actually paid for the keg. The rest of the table seemed to think it was a brilliant idea, even as Balethon’s voice carried and heads started to turn as people started to mingle between the now closely together tables.
“I’ll be the independent adjudicator!” Tirox declared, not receiving much attention as the full mugs started to get passed around. “Oh come on. I’ll be fair!”
“Shut it pipsqueak, you’ll end up taking 10 rounds of tastings before you make up your mind,” Udanti scolded, though in good humor.
“I might
” the guy relented, looking to Balethon. “Ey, by the way. Did you teach the brainlet any tricks?”
“Sure, Skitters can do a few things.”
“Aside from chasing the food?”
“You know what I think he might yeah,” Balethon replied sarcastically, gently tapping the static lizard twice on the head. The lizard didn’t do much save skitter about on his shoulder to face Balethon’s head, one eye pointing in whichever direction.
‘That thing just looks so dumb,’ Saph thought to herself as Ray handed her a mug. “Oh thank you.”
“Okay, Skitters. Up,” Balethon went, raising a claw into the air as if he wanted the lizard to jump. Or perhaps stand up. “Up
 come on.”
There was no reaction from the lizard aside from it jerking to the left a bit, possibly having spotted a fly or something.
“Weeeell obedience might need some work,” Udanti chuckled. “Have you tried with some food in your hand?”
“Sure, then he just tries to eat the hand. Come on, Skitters. Up!” Balethon tried again, doing the gesture once more. And this time the little lizard jumped into the air. The little legs stretched out, taking its pitiful excuse for wings with it, and it half-fell half-glided to the floor where it hit with all the grace of a 6 year old on his first lesson. The slightly fat lizard bounced once, then rolled over twice before coming to a stop, looking around confused.
“Aaayyy! That’s a good boi,” Balethon went, going to pick it up again before someone stepped on it or it ran off under the tables. “And now you get a treat.” True to his word Skitters was fed a small piece of something or other which it seemed quite happy to snap up.
Fengi leaned in to whisper to Saph. “Was that the trick or did it just get sick of staying there?”
“I have no idea,” Saph replied, holding up her mug. “Cheers though.”
“Cheers,” Fengi replied as they clinked mugs.
“Oh hang on now, wait for me,” Essy protested as Ray finished pouring her mug and started on her own, looking to the girls as she questioned “Oh, also what about Jacky? Should we wait for her?”
“Who knows how long that will take?” Fengi replied, holding her mug impatiently.
“I’m sure she won’t mind. She is with Tom. We’ll let him have a mug as well,” Essy added with a reassuring nod, looking up to the high table. “Oh but we are missing Lin!”
“Oh right yeah she paid too
 I can’t remember, did Edita chip in?”
“I don’t think so,” Sapphire replied, shaking her head as Essy got up to go fetch Linkosta. Balethon decided to take her place, a big grin on his face.
“So what else is going on over here?”
“Oh not much, hellooo little guy,” Pho went, trying to give skitters a scritching. In exchange he tried to eat her finger. “Oh
 I mean I guess it doesn’t hurt.”
“Oh yeah, he can’t hurt a fly
 well he can, but nothing more.”
“Shame he won’t get any bigger either,” Udanti added, nodding sagely. “Would have made a good rat hunter.”
 toe hunter though. Also where is the ale at?”
“Oh Raulf and Wiperna are getting ale and some of the bubble beer.”
“What is bubble beer?” Udanti questioned, tilting her head.
“Oh you’ll love it,” Saph interjected, waiting patiently as she saw Essy and Linkosta returning to the table out of the corner of her eye. “It’s an ale but it’s all fizzy.”
 I’ve heard of fizzy beers before.”
“Oh yes, but this one is so much more fizzy.”
“It’s light and almost springlike.”
“Light ale? You mean for kids?”
“No no no. Just trust us it’s good.”
“Right right, I trust you,” the archer replied, looking to Essy and Linkosta, who seemed to be looking for a place to sit. “Should we not just put two end to end rather than this scrunching up business?”
“Yeah we should
 Right get the craftsman table over here then. We don’t wanna have to smell the guards,” Saph called out, holding up her mug.
“Hey! That was uncalled for,” Balethon protested as Ray passed a mug to Linkosta. The girls all raised their mugs and had a sip, not willing to wait any longer. They all smacked their chops a little, looking down at the golden liquid. It was slightly fizzy too
 and it tasted like the brew of the gods themselves. Ray was looking at them all visibly tense with anticipation and perhaps a twinge of fear.
 You have not disappointed,” Saph declared, nodding her approval, a smile creeping onto her face once more.
“Oh this is the best drink I think I’ve ever had,” Fengi added, taking another gentle sip.
Ray looked visibly relieved, her expression changing to one of ecstasy as she too took a sip herself. “Oh it’s even better than I remember. I’m glad you liked it.”
“Like it?! I love it!” Fengi cheers, Essy giving an appreciative nod to Ray before looking to Lin.
“It’s very good
 Do you think we could try and cool it down a little? Imagine this cold.”
“It is often served cold, yes,” Ray confirmed, nodding her assent.
“I’ll go get the powder!” Saph called out, getting up. “I have got to try that.”
The strange ethereal world that had seemed so all-consuming started to quickly fade. Holes grew as light and reality started seeping in, sounds and noise starting to build around him. “Oom-Tom
 Tom, are you okay?” came the familiar voice of Jacky as his eyes shot open and he blinked a few times as he returned to reality proper.
“Yeah yeah, I’m here
 That is trippy, but hey, I think it worked.”
“How many fingers?” Jacky questioned, holding up her hand.
“4. Clear as day.”
“Pheeew. Okay look around, anything strange?”
Tom obeyed, sitting up a bit straighter and glancing about the room. “Nnnnn, nope all good. Just like last time I used one of these.”
“Right, good. Now what did she say?”
“Oh a bunch of stuff
 mostly we chatted a bit about how she’s going a touch mad. Even Glazz thinks she’s falling apart at the seams apparently. She was also not happy I wanted a break.”
“Oh don’t tell me you have to do this every day from now on?”
“I said she had 3 days to get ready to try again. Hopefully she’ll have her case worked out by then.”
“Here’s to hoping
 also how is your head? Does it hurt?”
“A bit, it’ll go away I’m sure.”
“Right,” Jacky replied, looking at him skeptically. “If it gets worse, tell me. But dinner was served a while ago I think. And I’m hungry.”
“Me too, let’s go.”
Well then, Joelina got her chat. She seems fine... I am sure she will continue to be a steadfast ally, within the walls of the inquisition for many weeks to co- I mean years, definetly years.
As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter, if not you know who to blame. I promise I won't cry to much if you tell me what was wrong... I promise.
Not really any news, other than fuck me I'm a busy boi, luckily I found the time to keep up with the writing yet, hopefully things will quet down soon so I can get back to begin a bit further ahead.
Untill next time, take care
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