Famous dr. seuss poems


2023.01.21 20:09 SeussianRaps

A place for people rapping Dr.Seuss books, but all poems in rap form are allowed.

2024.06.07 21:57 TeddyLea [MAIN] Cafe Corner (10182) - 640 spots at $5/each

[MAIN] Cafe Corner (10182) - 640 spots at $5/each
Escrow for: u/Grimjosher
Item Name Set Number: Cafe Corner 10182
Lego Price: $3138
Shipping: $72 UPS Ground Insured 24x21x5 10lbs 94533 - 33145.
Raffle Total/Spots: $3,200 - 640 @ $5
Timestamp pics: https://imgur.com/a/cafe-cDv7cAV
Price justification: https://imgur.com/a/cafe-proof-mu2WRkn
Call spots: Yes
Spot limit per person: N/A
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: No, continental U.S. only
Description: The original modular!! Box has some wear, and creases (see pics). Seals have shifted a bit but still in place.
Payment required w/in 20minutes of raffle filling, 10 minutes for drama.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban

PayPal Info: Provided once raffle is 50% full
Cash App Info: Provided once raffle is 50% full

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 618
Number of unpaid users: 6
Number of unpaid slots: 22
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
9 legoislifey
11 ssj3dvp11
13 DerBengel
19 Optimus-Ron-4082
34 ssj3dvp11
40 DrSeussFreak
41 DrSeussFreak
42 DrSeussFreak
43 DrSeussFreak
44 DrSeussFreak
69 legoislifey
122 Optimus-Ron-4082
124 DrSeussFreak
250 Available_War941
262 DrSeussFreak
328 DrSeussFreak
337 DrSeussFreak
364 Available_War941
408 DrSeussFreak
413 legoislifey
485 legoislifey
602 DrSeussFreak

submitted by TeddyLea to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:39 syntaxbad PSA: Greater affixes masterwork as if they are regular affixes

I'm sure there are youtube videos that go over this, but if you're like me, you can't stand looking for the answer to a very specific question and not being able to quickly find it in text form. So here's something I confirmed that is not intuitive and may help you make gear choices;
TL;DR - When you masterwork an item with one or more Greater Affixes, the greater affixes will improve with each level as if you had a normal max roll of that affix and will NOT factor in the 50%. Also the 5% bonuses are additive (meaning 15% at level 3 is just the base amount * 1.15. No compound interest sadly).
Full explanation - A greater affix is always the same starting value at 0 masterworking, eg. the max roll for that affix PLUS a 50% bonus on top. Where it gets unintuitive is when you start to masterwork the item. Most people (myself included before I did a little math and testing) likely assume "if I masterwork this ring with GA Intelligence (135) one time for a 5% bonus, I will get 141" (135*1.05, rounded down). What you get instead is 139.
Why? Because the masterwork "5% to all affixes" is not adding 5% of what you see on the ring (135 Int). It is adding 5% of the BASE affix roll (which for a greater affix will always be the max of the range), which in our example comes out to 4.5, rounded down to 4. That's the first unintuitive part. The second thing that might not be obvious, especially in a game that is famously about which bonuses are additive and which are multiplicative, is that the 5% per masterworking level is effectively additive. By this I mean that at, say, 3/12 masterworking, our GA Int ring will have 149 Int. This is because it is always adding 5% of the BASE max roll, ie. 90 for Int on a ring. Same goes for "critting" on the 4/8/12 upgrade. That affix will get a boost equal to 25% of the base max roll, so 22.5 for our Int ring.
Does this mean "OMG I read GAs don't matter, god is dead!1!!1" No. It means the math on what to expect from you items is pretty easy (other than skill ranks, but there's a great video on that you can find, that has a nice chart). Each upgrade will add exactly the same amount and it will always be 5% (rounded down, taking into account the previous fractions) of the max NORMAL roll of that affix. So basically, a GA should be thought of simply as a guaranteed max normal roll for the relevant affix plus a 1 time bonus equal to 50% of that max roll for the affix, The fact that it is a GA doesn't impact masterworking at all. It just means you have a perfect roll to start from and a nice flat 25% bonus as the cherry on top (assuming you like Maraschino Cherries on your sundae, I'm more of a peanut butter fudge man myself).
If you already knew this, please disregard. But I hope this is a post someone can find when they google "how does masterworking GAs work diablo 4 reddit". All the best searches have "reddit" at the end. It's like the Greater Affix of search terms.
submitted by syntaxbad to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:29 wokenoodle Challenged by the "background" nature of TMP cases

TL;DR: I enjoyed the statements of TMA more because they felt self-contained and generally had more going on in them, whilst the TMP now is much more focused around the Big Plot and each individual episode feels less rewarding.
So, as many of us here, I've binged through TMA in a few month in 2023, when it was concluded and out completely. I adore that show, and I deeply love the characters, their arcs, the overarching story about strife, humanism and bad bosses. But the statements, the unnerving, goosebumping, stomach-turning statements was what got me positively hooked. I was intrigued by the drip feed of the famous office sitcom that is TMA, and I applauded how it blossomed in the later seasons. But each time I've put on my headphones, I did it for those statements.
The cases of TMP are different. There's much less focus on them, there's considerably less buildup in them, they are themselves flatter and simpler when compared to statements, and by themselves they feel less like stories and more like sketches with drops of lore.
I loved different characters in those TMA statements! They were so alive and believable, listening to them felt like an insight into their supposed lives and personalities. With less time dedicated to them, and more development being put into the main cast, most characters of the TMP cases come of as little more than vessels for this week nightmare drop.
And, about the nightmares: the horror that got me into the podcast is kind off muted now, obstructed by all the ruckus around the plot and lore that need to be set up oh so quickly, because things must happen and the story must keep storying.
I enjoy TMP, and I recognise that I might be put off by "something different", but not necessarily worse. Or, realistically, I might really overestimate the avarage enjoyment from a TMA episode, because I could just listen to the next one in case the one I just finished didn't inspire me.
But I also believe there was a lot of great self contained stories about people that felt real in those TMA statements and their fear felt more real because of that. I kinda miss those now.
submitted by wokenoodle to TheMagnusArchives [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:15 whyB2 (Offer) Lots of Universal Rewards Point titles. Once Upon a Deadpool (CA). Premium Rush HD (not SD). Appleseed Alpha. Much more. (Request) Will OVER trade for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Also, lists.

Movies split where possible. Please only redeem the portion listed. Assume loyalty points have been used.
Vudu is now Fandango at Home
Immediate redeem only, not for re-trade.
----------Collections / TV / Bundles / Other----------
submitted by whyB2 to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:03 MsNardDog First time watching

As a RHOBH fan, i wanted to wait for the new season while watching something new but not entirely different. And i like LVP so i wanted to try Vandpump Rules. Today i finished season two and boy these kids are cah-razy.
I don’t want to google any of them (besides checking how to spell their names lol) and where i live these characters or shows are not famous. So my takes may not be accurate lol but here we go:
I don’t think any of the couples could have made it. Kristen needs therapy big time. Jax is empty behind those eyes. Ariana seems like the only sane one amongst them. Scheana looks like Eva Longoria. Stassi is a brat. Katie looks like she’s escaped from a cult. And i don’t want to comment on Sandoval and Schwartz as it’s pretty obvious.
Tl;dr: It’s been a fun watch. Totally would recommend.
submitted by MsNardDog to vanderpumprules [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:48 Additional_Matter_77 François Villon, a small missed opportunity

Playing thru AC Unity for the first time and looking for movies/shows to watch to supplement the kinda thin plot of the game. Found an old black & white 1938 movie "If I Were King" by Frank Lloyd about a rascally poet thief named François Villon who saves 15th century Paris. Turns out Francois was a real dude, wrote poems and did crimes. Sadly, he is briefly mentioned only once in AC Unity, in the database description of the Grand Châtelet prison. Admittedly Villon isn't from the correct time period to be a featured character in Unity, but it would have been nifty if this game about Parisian sneakthieves had included some poems or additional references to a famous sneaky boi. ps: the movie is on YouTube and has some excellent wordplay and costumes
submitted by Additional_Matter_77 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:18 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:17 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to geopolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:15 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:10 EarthRuler001 Eva: I was the last one and then someone appeared to help me👀

Who is this mysterious someone? Who was this person she wasn’t expecting that appeared to help her? She seems to acknowledge this is Raiden but she doesn’t say his name.
She simply goes on to say: it was when I met him that I finally discovered the location of Big Boss’ body. It was in the data he obtained from GW.
Notice she never puts a name to this guy. Notice as well that this “data” she somehow extracted from Raiden was in Raiden’s cerebral cortex. The same data Solidus thought he would have to kill Raiden to access!👀
Hmm..I thought only cyborgs could store “data” this way!👀
Could she have somehow known Raiden was a cyborg when she met him? She has used cyborg before when she famously used Gray Fox to kill Dr Clark.
Hmm…”I was the last one”. Last one of which group? The group she had that was going against Zero’s group. Who was in that group?
Eva, Ocelot, Naomi and 👽🦊
Wouldn’t it be poetic if the same character who was recovered and revived with Big Boss after Zanzibar is the same guy who caused him to be recovered later on. His most trusted lieutenant!
submitted by EarthRuler001 to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:28 vvarjak Alocasia help needed!

Alocasia help needed!
TL;DR Took Alocasia away from direct sunlight and it drooped a lot overnight
I've had my Alocasia (owned since Oct/Nov) next to a west-facing window for a month or two and it gets a lot of direct sunlight in the afternoon/evening. Two days ago I took a leaf off because it was drooping a lot and going very yellow so there didn't seem to be much hope for it - Google also said that leaves going yellow was a sign they were getting too much direct sun. The biggest leaf was looking slightly yellow too (see second pic) so I decided to move it further away from the window to a spot that was still bright but didn't get any actual direct sunlight.
I woke up this morning to find the whole thing drooped considerably :( I've put it back by the window now but not sure what else to do. Is this just the famous Alocasia dramatics or is there anything else I can do to help? Get a mister perhaps?
Extra info: I recently moved it to a slightly bigger pot with soil from Soil Ninja, and I water it probably slightly more than once a week. Also that chewed-up leaf has always been like that, I just don't want to take it off cos I feel like it'll unbalance the whole thing.
submitted by vvarjak to HouseplantsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:43 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Five

Week 5: Sonnets and Found Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the traditional elegance of sonnets and the creative use of found poetry. - Understand the structure of sonnets and the impact of rhyme and meter. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of creating poetry from existing texts in found poetry.
Day 1: Introduction to Sonnets - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of sonnets. - Explanation of the traditional sonnet structures (Shakespearean and Petrarchan).
Day 2: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic sonnets (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Exploration of rhyme schemes, meter, and emotional depth.
Day 3: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in sonnets. - Exploring how contemporary poets adapt and expand on the traditional form.
Day 4: Crafting Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first eight lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on establishing the thematic foundation.
Day 5: Crafting Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final six lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on creating resolution and impact.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a sonnet focusing on a theme or emotion that lends itself well to the traditional structure.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first eight lines of your sonnet. How did you establish a strong thematic foundation? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and impact in the final six lines of your sonnet? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a sonnet?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of sonnets, their traditional structures, and the emotional impact of rhyme and meter.
Day 6: Introduction to Found Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of found poetry. - Exploration of creating poetry from existing texts.
Day 7: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic found poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging found material.
Day 8: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in found poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with existing texts.
Day 9: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on selecting source material and extracting words for found poetry. - Emphasis on creating meaning through selection and arrangement.
Day 10: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing the role of experimentation and creativity in found poetry. - Exploration of different techniques for arranging found words.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a found poem using existing texts and experimenting with different arrangements.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of selecting source material and extracting words for your found poem. How did you create meaning through selection and arrangement? 2. How did experimentation and creativity contribute to the creative process of your found poem? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a found poem?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of found poetry, the creative use of existing texts, and the impact of different arrangements in found poems.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:33 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week 13-14

Week 13-14: Petrarchan Musings and Terza Rima Mastery
Day 1: Delving into Petrarchan Sonnets - Activity: Analyze a classic Petrarchan sonnet for its structure and emotional depth. - Lecture: Discuss the distinct structure and themes of Petrarchan sonnets. - Discussion: Share personal reactions to the emotional nuances of Petrarchan sonnets.
Day 2: Crafting Petrarchan Sonnets with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a Petrarchan sonnet. - Lecture: Explore the use of octave and sestet in conveying complex emotions. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual Petrarchan sonnets, focusing on emotional expression.
Day 3: Understanding Terza Rima - Activity: Analyze a famous work written in terza rima. - Lecture: Explain the interlocking rhyme scheme and fluidity of terza rima. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems in terza rima.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Emotional Sonnet and Terza Rima - Activity: Craft a Petrarchan sonnet exploring complex emotions. - Assignment: Write a poem in terza rima on a chosen topic. - Vocabulary Words: Octave, Sestet, Interlocking Rhyme.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for Petrarchan sonnets and terza rima. - Lecture: Discuss the emotional depth of Petrarchan sonnets and the fluidity of terza rima. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 13-14: 1. Discuss the structure and emotional depth of Petrarchan sonnets. How does the octave and sestet contribute to this depth? 2. Explore the use of octave and sestet in crafting Petrarchan sonnets. 3. What defines terza rima, and how does its interlocking rhyme scheme contribute to its fluidity? 4. Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems in terza rima. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting a Petrarchan sonnet and a poem in terza rima. How did you approach emotional expression and rhyme?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of Petrarchan sonnets, the emotional nuances in poetry, and the interlocking rhyme scheme of terza rima.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:13 Zezin96 Dibella, Mara and Sanguine. Love and "making love".

So I've seen a lot of debate around the apparent overlap domains of these three entities if you place Dibella in the middle. A lot of people seem to be trying to identify where the dividing line is, but I think these people are looking at it from the wrong angle. I think most of these presumed divisions are either extremely blurry or non-existent.
I'm not claiming to have the answer here, I just think it's an interesting discussion and want to throw my opinion into the ring so I can see what other people think about it as well as get to hear their own opinions on it.
Starting with Dibella and Mara who both famously have "love" as part of their domain. I've seen people try to divide them between "love of beauty" for Dibella and "love of people" for Mara. But the way I see I think they simply co-own the domain of love. Love is a big concept, possibly too big for one god to handle alone. Both Mara and Dibella advocate altruism and closeness so I don't think there's any true difference between Dibella's love and Mara's love.
But now we move onto Dibella, Sanguine and their mutual claim over the domain of sexual pleasure. Which will be what the rest of this post is about. The debate around this dynamic gets a lot spicier and Haelga who runs the bunkhouse in Riften in Skyrim is often the center of it since she claims to be devoted to Dibella yet is an absolutely awful person.
I see a lot of people saying that Haelga is a fake worshipper of Dibella because the sex is "loveless". But I don't think that aspect in particular would offend Dibella. Priests of Dibella have also implied a desire to be promiscuous with strangers so I don't think whether sex is loving or platonic is something Dibella is concerned with. Maybe Dibella would prefer people have affection for each other before having sex but I don't think she really cares too much as long as both parties are enjoying it. I think Dibella simply wants people to engage in sex in any form as long as it's consensual. After all, they're called "Dibellan ARTS" and true art is done for its own sake.
And it's the "consent" part that makes me think Dibella would be displeased with Haelga. It's heavily implied she once spiked Bolli's drink to get him to sleep with her, which makes Haelga a rapist and I can't imagine a being like Dibella who calls for kindness and altruism would ever support that. That layered on top of Haelga's cruelty towards her niece is what makes her a poor Dibella worshipper, but the promiscuity alone I think does not.
But back to the loving vs. platonic sex. Again I think Dibella just wants mortals to enjoy the pleasures of intercourse which Dibella thinks is beautiful. And that is where her rivalry with Sanguine comes in. I've seen people asking the question of why Dibella supposedly hates Sanguine since they're both advocates of having sex. And I think the reason is simply because Sanguine makes it look bad. The world frowns on people who have frequent sex with multiple partners and consider it debaucherous i.e. Sanguine's domain. Which is what upsets Dibella because he's taken something she considers beautiful and warped everyone's perception of it into something to be ashamed of.
TL;DR Here's a venn diagram of the domains of these three entities as I understand it.
submitted by Zezin96 to teslore [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:26 Accurate-Message-469 Season 3 Episode: (Countdown): My Version/ What If moment, of how the Freezer Scene should have played out. (Not The Bomb Scene. That's Another Story)

As "Always" I write these characters as flesh and blood, not a manipulation of the series. Don't get me wrong, I love Castle, but I also recognize that they wrote these characters to keep them apart for as long as they could, but as a fan of the characters, I believe as tons of fanfiction writers believe that the ridiculous endings to season 2, and Countdown, Love and Die in L.A. and Rise just to name of few would never have happened between these two characters. (In my opinion only) I'm not here to tell anyone else how to think, but I enjoy writing things as I believe they would have played out.
There will be an epilogue at the end. I hope you enjoy.
They were huddled on the floor of a metal container. Castle felt the heat from his body ebbing away. He loved the woman he was cradling in his arms with all of his heart; he lost count the times that he wanted to tell her how much he loved her, and would never have admitted this to anyone, but dying while holding Kate Beckett in his arms would not be the worse way to go.
He felt 2 fingers touch his chin and heard his partner say:
"Castle... thanks... for always being there", Kate murmured.
Castle wanted to scream. He wanted to yell at the universe, hadn't they suffered enough, hadn't she suffered enough? He already knew that this woman was it for him, there would be no other, and at that moment the only thing that came to him to say was... "Always".
Kate thought to herself as she felt she was on her last breath, "Always", that's the second time she had heard that word in the last 2 weeks, he had said it after he had pummeled Lockwood with his fists. While he was getting his hand wrapped in the ER unit, she had said to him, "Thanks for having my back in there," and she remembered him looking at her with so much love in his eyes and said "Always". She had wondered what that word meant to him and now he was saying it again. She needed to let him know something before it was too late.
"Castle...Castle", she said barely above a whisper "I just want you to know... how much... I love you". She felt Castles head bang into her shoulder. She panicked and said with her last dying breath, "Castle...Rick", and as she felt herself fall into oblivion, her last thought was that at least she would die in the arms of the man that she loved.
Kate was standing outside with a blanket wrapped around her. They had been apparently rescued by the boys, when Castles daughter Alexis had called the precinct and told them that somethings was wrong, because her dad was not answering his cell phone. Kate had been up and around, for 20 minutes or so, but had been worried about Castle. She had also found out that her boyfriend Josh had not gone to Haiti. Amidst the noise of sirens and swirling lights, reporters, and flash bulbs popping she heard yelling, "Beckett...Beckett". She smiled and yelled out, "I'm over here Castle".
While waiting for him, Kate started running through the last few weeks in her head. When did she start to accept mediocrity. She had asked Josh to stay... Why?... Just a few hours ago, she had talked to Castle about wanting to have someone in her life that she could dive into it with. As she saw Castle leave the ambulance, a moment of clarity came over her. In the freezer, she told him that she loved him. It's always been him. That man walking over to me, is the one that's always been by my side, and having that near death experience made her more determined than ever, that she would no longer accept mediocrity anymore.
Castle stumbled out of the ambulance and saw Kate leaning up against a police car. Trying to get his legs underneath him, he staggered over and stood next to her. "Are you okay Kate"? he asked.
Of course, he would think of her first. Kate smiled back and said, "I'm fine Castle, and I'm so glad to see you're okay too".
Castle saw that Kate's eyes were looking over at her boyfriend Josh. He was standing just outside of the ambulance looking back at Kate and smiling. Castle was so disappointed that Josh was back, as he knew that Kate had asked him to stay. "I see that Dr. Motorcycle Boy didn't go to Haiti', he said trying to keep the sadness from his voice.
"Yeah, I guess he decided to stay" Kate replied.
"So, what does that mean to you"? Castle asked even though he didn't want the answer
Kate looked back at him for the longest time and said to his surprise, "Actually Castle it means nothing to me. The more that I think about it, the more I realize that: Number one: I had to beg him to stay which really isn't fair to him. He loves what he does, and it's something that helps people all over the world. Number two: Because it's his work, he'll just end up going away at some point in time anyway, and Number 3: Like I told you in that radiation tent. I need someone that will be there for me, and I will be there for him, and we can just dive into things together. That will never be him, and that's what I'm going to tell him. Besides, there's someone else I care more about anyway".
As Kate started to walk away, she turned to Castle and said, "Castle, wait for me and don't go anywhere without me. Got it"!
"Not going anywhere Beckett", he chuckled.
She smiled as she started to walk over to Josh.
Castle stared at her as she left, then felt the presence of someone behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw it was Agent Mark Fallon from Homeland Security.
Fallon said," When I first saw you two, I thought that you two were together, now I find out that she's with that doctor over there".
Castle turned and smiled, "I'm not so sure about that anymore". Fallon and Castle watched as Beckett approached the doctor. They saw the doctor reach out to wrap his arms around Beckett, but they saw her backing up. They looked at the doctor's face, which went from surprise, and then what looked like hurt, and then they saw his arms waving around. At first Castle and Fallon heard nothing, because of the distance and noise surrounding them, but as the conversation continued on, they started to hear Josh's voice getting louder and louder. Kate had spun on her heals trying to get away, but Josh grabbed her shoulders and turned her back towards him.
Fallon grabbed at Castle as he saw him starting to move Kate's way. Fallon said, "Castle, you're just going to piss her off, she's a big girl, she can handle this herself". Then a voice that brought the attention to many in the crowd heard Josh scream, "Are you fucking cheating on me"? and with that they watched as Kate swung and landed her hand across his face that was loud enough to hear. Then she spun around and walked back to Castle. They watched as Josh stormed off cursing and screaming in rage.
Castle looked at Kate's face and knew she was still pissed; he knew better than to ask an angry Beckett anything at this moment. Beckett walked up to Fallon and got in his face. "Well Agent Fallon, have any luck trying find your (Kate air quoted) Terrorists, while Castle and I here figured out the real story".
Fallon looking sheepish said, "Yeah, I feel like a real ass, and all I can do now is apologize, and ask you for your help, because according to what you saw in that van, we have a little over 13 hours. I know you guys suffered border line hypothermia, so go home, warm up, take a shower, but I need you guys back at the precinct as soon as possible".
Castle replied knowing the strain that Fallon has been under and said, "Of course, and while we take a break check into Kevin McCann's military history, I think that he has something going on with other men in his unit. That might give us a starting point, when Beckett and I return".
Fallon took a deep breath and expressed his gratitude and said, "Okay, and thanks. See you. The sooner the better".
Castle looked over at Beckett and said, "Hey Kate, I've sent Mother and Alexis off to the Hamptons, because of the ...you know, how about you and I go back to the loft, I'll turn up the heat and make us my world-famous hot chocolate".
Kate looked at him and laughed, "World famous huh", She smiled and said, "Castle, you had me at turning up the heat, but you better have a better fucking blanket than this crappy one I have on now, because this thing is starting to itch".
Castle laughed and said, "Can't have that now can we. I've got only the best for you Beckett, only the best".
Kate sat all bundled up on Castle's couch at the loft. They weren't kidding themselves. They both understood the gravity of the situation, and that many lives were counting on them, but both of them in some kind of silent understanding just wanted to carve a slice of time out for themselves, before once more heading back into the breach.
She watched Castle in amusement as he hummed and flitted around the kitchen making the hot chocolate. As he approached her with two cups, she looked at him and thought about how often he had stood by her side. That she trusted him like no other, that he was a kind and generous man, and that he had turned into her best friend. It also didn't hurt that she thought he was great looking, and that she had never really noticed just how big his chest and biceps were. She bit her lower lip as Castle handed the cup of hot chocolate to her.
She took a sip and exclaimed, "OMG Castle this is amazing. What's the secret"?
Castle looked around and raised his hand to his face in a conspiratorial gesture, "I add a teaspoon of Nutella. If you like that Beckett, wait till you try my s'morlette's".
Kate scrunched up her noise, "Yeah, if that's what I think it is, I'll pass".
Castle huffed, " Suit yourself, obviously your just not ready for elegant cuisine".
Kate laughed, but then Castle noticed that she had grown silent, all the while picking at some unseen something on her cup.
Castle nudged her arm as they huddled under the blankets, "What's going on in that mind of yours Kate"?
God, she thought, when did she all of a sudden like it when Castle called her Kate. "Rick" she hesitated, "When ...when ...you use the word always to me, what are you saying, what does that word mean to you"?
Castle hesitated, "Before I answer that Kate, I need to know, are you thru now with Dr. Motorcycle Boy for good"?
She sighed, "Well, I'm sure you could tell buy the way he stormed off, and my landing a solid hit to his face that it's over. I'll be honest, I tried to ask him if we could talk about it in a more private place. I tried to apologize for asking him to stay. I'm not fond of unloading my dirty laundry out in public like that, but he wouldn't stop pushing, so I gave him the most honest answer that I could. That I was not interested in him anymore, and really haven't been for a while. I honestly don't even know why I asked him to stay in the first place. Let's just say, that almost freezing to death gave me a new perspective on life. I hate that I hit him, but it started getting really ugly there at the end... So, I'll ask again Castle, what does the word Always mean to you"?
Kate laughed to herself as Castle got up and started to pace back and forth while running his hands thru his hair. Kate swore she had never seen him like this, then Castle blurted out, "I've only used that word on you Kate, and it will be only used on you. It...it means everything. That I'll always have your back, that you can always count on me, that I'll be there for you if you fall, that you mean the world to me...Fuck", he yelled, "It means that I love you. I love you Kathrine Beckett, and I have for a very long time".
Kate smiled, 'That word "Always" is a beautiful word Castle. It sounds really nice... everything you just said sounds really nice".
Castle says in astonishment, "It did?... It does?... Everything I said"?
"Yes, Castle... everything, and I just want you to know that I'm all on board with (she ran her fingers back and forth between them) this...us...whatever were doing". Kate threw off her blanket. She grabbed Castles head with both her hands and planted a soft kiss to his lips. She looked at Castle and said "Well, I'm going to go back to my place, take a quick hot shower, and I'll meet you over at the precinct. Then you and I will figure out a way to stop that fucking bomb. I'm not going to let a bomb keep us from being together, so get your ass down there as fast as you can".
"Kate", Castle said, "This thing between you and me, we can take it as slow as you want too, I'll just follow your lead".
Kate looked over her shoulder as she was about to leave and said, "Slow is good Castle", but then she winked and said, as her eyes darkened with arousal, "But not to slow though, a girl has needs you know. Oh, and by the way, that kiss we had a couple of weeks ago in that dark alley, you were right. It was... Amazing! You think you can top that one"?
Castle laughed, "As a wise and beautiful woman once told me almost 3 years ago", Castle lowered his voice and whispered, "Kate, you have no idea".
She threw her head back and laughed, "I look forward to that. See you soon Romeo", and with that Beckett turned, and waved goodbye as she left the loft.
Castle busied himself with gathering the cups and putting them in the sink when he heard the door open again. He looked up and saw Kate's head poking thru the doorway. Castle said, "You forget something Kate"?
"Yeah, Castle I did. I forgot to tell you ... I love you too"!
As Kate entered the hallways and pressed the elevator button, she smiled when she heard Castle yell, "YES"!
Thats, the day their journey began.
Kate and Rick have been married 2 months now. When they returned from their honeymoon, they found out that Kate was 6 weeks pregnant.
Castle was humming the tune "In My Veins" while making his wife's favorite dinner. He heard the door open and his wife yell out, "I'm home Babe...Oh man, what smells so good".
"I'm making my wife her favorite. Chicken Alfredo, with my world-famous secret sauce. Also, a nice salad to go with it".
He heard his wife whine, "I hope you made garlic bread too, because baby wants garlic bread".
Castle laughed, "I doubt that our baby has already started making dinner requests".
Kate huffed, "Don't argue with the baby Castle! I want to enjoy food while I can before the puke fest starts. That could be anytime now".
"Oh, it's Castle now, is it? Don't worry my love, the garlic bread is in the oven staying nice and warm", he joked.
Kate smiled and gave her husband a peck on the cheek. Then looked over at the kitchen table and saw a rectangular box sitting on the counter, it was wrapped and had a bow on it.
"Babe, what did you do, what's this"?
Castle came up from behind her, and put his arms around her, and put his head on her shoulder. He said, "It's our 2-month anniversary present, and before you say there's no such thing, I beg to differ. Now, go on, open it already"!
Kate just shook her head at her amazing husband and ripped open the package. She lifted the lid and saw the most dazzling charm bracelet that she'd ever seen. It was platinum sliver with diamond chip inlays. There were 3 charms already attached, each one with its own gemstone.
Kate held the bracelet in reverence, and whispered, "Babe its...it's beautiful! What do all the charms mean"?
"Well honey, I wanted these charms to tell our story, and then add to them as future stories unfold. This one here that looks like a book actually has engraved on it in very small letters "Heat Wave". Our story of when I first started following you".
Kate saw what looked like baby shoes, "Is that for our baby Rick"? as a tear fell on her cheek. He watched as his wife started running her fingers over the shoes, and his heart melted. Castle knew that she was going to be an amazing mother.
Castle whispering in her ear said, "Yes honey, and can you guess what that last one is, because it's the third most important day of my life".
Kate held it in her hand, and turned it over, she saw what looked like a square metal box, that had two huge doors in front. She turned and looked at Castle and said in awe, "The freezer container? That's the third most important day of your life"?
"Of course, Kate, it's the day that you told me you loved me. That's the day that you became mine".
Kate wasn't the wordsmith like Castle was, so she tried to show him in her kiss. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his and poured every ounce of her love into that kiss.
It was a kiss that screamed about how much it has meant to her that he has stood by her side thru all things. Dismantling the bomb, the sniper attack, taking down Bracken, never letting her fall down the rabbit hole, always having her back, and giving her their word "Always". He has been the one constant in her life, and she loved him like no other. Kate whispered in her husband's ear, "Thanks for always being their Babe".
Castle remembering Kate saying those exact words when they were in the freezer said, "Love you Mrs. Castle".
Kate smiled, "Love you more Mr. Beckett... but Baby still wants her garlic bread".
"Yes Dear".
submitted by Accurate-Message-469 to CastleTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:33 Emlerith Some nice inflight entertainment for a long international flight

Some nice inflight entertainment for a long international flight submitted by Emlerith to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:12 NimbleThor 5 Quick tl;dr iOS Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 220)

Welcome back, everyone! These are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NimbleThor <3
This episode includes a fantastic idle game, a fun twin-stick roguelike shooter, a neat adventure RPG, a new competitive action game inspired by MOBAs, a neat adventure puzzle game, and a warning against a large new action game.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 220 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle [Game Size: 373 MB] (Free)

Genre: Incremental / Casual / Idle - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Little (semi-idle)
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Farmer Against Potatoes is a fantastic, humorous idle RPG about a farmer fighting the hordes of potatoes attacking his farm.
We start with a simple farmer who automatically attacks the raging potatoes running at him from the right side of the screen. But from there, the game quickly evolves to include an astonishing number of sub-systems and gameplay elements, including worm breeding, a whack-a-mole game, crop farming, and much more.
And these aren’t simple systems either. Each includes several things to upgrade and enhance as we progress, creating a surprising amount of depth for what initially seems like a simple game. Not to mention that every time we level up, we get to distribute skill points across an absolutely massive skill tree.
Like in any good idle game, we eventually unlock reincarnation, which lets us reset almost everything in return for points we get to spend on permanent progression and quality-of-life upgrades, like the ability to automate things.
After a few reincarnations, many idle games start to get stale and boring, but Farmer Against Potatoes keeps introducing new systems to keep us hooked. For example, we can take on challenges that reincarnate us as usual, but with a specific limit, like equipment not providing any stat boosts.
The graphics aren’t particularly exciting, and the UI and texts feel too small for phones. But the great gameplay and pacing more than makes up for that. I almost gave up on the game after seeing the UI, but I’m glad I didn’t.
Farmer Against Potatoes monetizes via very few incentivized ads and iAPs for a few extra convenience features and to progress faster. Thankfully, none of it feels needed at all.
It’s one of the best idle games I’ve played in a long time, so it’s an easy recommendation.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Tesla Force [Total Game Size: 642 MB] ($5.99)

Genre: Shooter / Twin-Stick / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by CaptainQQ:
Tesla Force is a fun roguelike twin-stick shooter where the fabric of the universe is unraveling and we need to fix it by controlling some of history's greatest scientists and horror authors, such as Tesla and Lovecraft.
The game takes the fast-paced combat known from bullet-hell roguelikes and sprinkles on a deck-building RPG's progression and upgrade systems to create a great choose-your-own-adventure experience.
In each playthrough, we get to choose our own path through a variety of randomly generated missions laid out on a map. These missions task us with everything from gathering intel to killing area bosses, and completing them rewards us with various upgrades.
There are many types of weapons to master and tons of perks that affect the gameplay to experiment with. Combined with the four slightly different characters, this means each run feels very unique.
The story is told through well-drawn comic strips, but it really doesn't get too deep or answer a lot of questions. In my opinion, this is okay though, as I’m here to blast monsters, which is thankfully great fun both with the touch controls or an external controller.
The biggest downside is that despite the types of missions, they eventually get a bit repetitive – in part because they all look the same, and in part because most of the objectives essentially boil down to staying away from massive waves of eldritch horrors while trying to take out as many of them as possible.
Tesla Force is a $5.99 premium game with no ads or iAPs.
It’s a beautiful mix of multiple genres that I think anyone who likes bullet-hells, wave survivors, and isometric twin-stick shooters should consider picking up.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Tesla Force

Hero of the Kingdom [Game Size: 374 MB] ($1.99)

Genre: Adventure / RPG - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
Hero of the Kingdom is a casual resource-management adventure RPG where we fight forces of evil and complete other heroic deeds by supplying people in need with various resources, which we scavenge, craft, trade, or otherwise obtain.
The game features a semi-open world that lets us freely travel between locations to talk to people and complete quests that revolve around obtaining items. Gather apples and firewood for our farm, cure a wounded hunter with a healing potion, fix a broken watermill with wood and a hammer, and so on.
We gather resources by interacting with highlighted points of interest, which requires having the right tool, such as a basket for fruits or a knife for hunting. All actions require stamina that we must constantly refill at camps or inns by spending food or money.
Other interesting mechanics involve trading with NPCs and discovering hidden objects on the map. While I enjoyed the latter a lot, the game’s tiny sprites made it difficult. I recommend playing on a large screen, as the game is poorly optimized for mobile and lacks a zoom feature.
Despite the casual and easy gameplay, Hero of the Kingdom provides the thing I enjoy the most - a constant sense of progression that sparkles the desire to do "just one more quest", which in turn leads to a bunch of new, even more interesting quests.
The story of a young farmer searching for his kidnapped father and gradually uncovering a bandit conspiracy was nothing fancy, but it perfectly served its purpose of driving the gameplay forward.
Hero of the Kingdom is a $1.99 premium game without ads or iAPs. On Android, it has a separate free demo version.
I recommend it to people fond of adventuring and problem-solving that doesn’t require quick reflexes or meticulous calculations.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Hero of the Kingdom

Squad Busters [Game Size: 633 MB] (Free)

Genre: Action / Competitive - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Squad Busters is a fun 10-player free-for-all action game with MOBA-inspired gameplay, quick matches, and lots of unique game modes.
We start each game by picking one of three random units, which we move around to defeat monsters that drop gold. Our squad automatically attacks the nearest enemy in sight whenever we stand still.
Gold is used to open chests that let us select a new random unit to add to our squad. But the ultimate goal is to have the most gems at the end of the match. We get these by killing large monsters, defeating other players, or from a gem mine in the middle of the map.
To keep things interesting, a random game mode that adds large twists to the core gameplay is selected every time we start a new game.
We don’t have to create a perfect deck like in Clash Royale or pick a single character like in Brawl Stars. So the gameplay in Squad Busters is more simplified and streamlined than Supercell’s other games.
While RNG plays a large role, there’s still strategy involved in learning when to attack and when to run away from a fight. Or whether to focus on mobs or other players first. It’s all about situational awareness.
Winning matches reward us with chests of unit duplicates used to evolve them so they learn new abilities. While we’re limited in the number of daily chests, there’s no energy system in Squad Busters, so we can always continue playing without rewards.
There’s an option to play with friends but no co-op mode yet. But I still had a lot of fun defeating all the other players with my wife so we’d end up in the first and second spots.
Squad Busters monetizes via iAPs that let us unlock new units and duplicates faster, or gain access to more chests per day. This provides a pay-to-progress-faster advantage – but so far, I’ve had a great experience as a free player. I think it works decently well as a casual multiplayer action game.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Squad Busters

Pilgrims (Game Size: 415 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: Adventure / Puzzle - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
Pilgrims is a funny "choose your own adventure" game from the famous developers of Samorost and Machinarium, Amanita Design.
It’s a game that takes us on a hilarious journey through a series of anecdotal events involving weird environmental interactions and unpredictable conversations with a colorful cast of bizarre characters.
The game starts with our protagonist losing a card game to a hunter whom we must feed a pot of baked potatoes to repay our debt. Then we start traveling around the lands to run errands and help people achieve their ultimate goal. The hunter wants to marry a princess and become a king, the homeless beggar wants to reclaim her forcefully occupied house, the devil wants to drag a sinful priest deep into the depths of hell, and so on.
We interact with the environment at each location by dragging cards from our inventory to see which ones fit the situation. Some of these interactions between the environment and our cards follow common logic, while others genuinely surprised me by actually working.
New items get added as additional cards in our inventory, thus increasing the number of possible interactions. In fact, the game heavily emphasizes experimenting with applying every card to every location to see how it impacts the story.
That being said, there aren’t many different endings, so once we have finished the game a couple of times, there is little incentive to play it again. Only the most dedicated players will try to unlock every possible card combination.
Pilgrims is free to try, with a $1.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Pilgrims

[warning] Solo Leveling:Arise (Game Size: 5.3 GB] (Free)

Genre: Action / Gacha - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Solo Leveling: Arise is a level-based action gacha RPG based on a popular web novel. It’s a game with neat animations and a great overall combat style, but unfortunately also plenty of downsides.
As in most gacha RPGs, we assemble a team of heroes that we level up and improve through various upgrade systems. We then use these heroes to fight story-based campaign missions and side-quests until we eventually unlock all the daily activities, such as dungeons.
Unlike in most gachas, however, we can freely distribute stat points for our main character every time it levels up, allowing for customization typically only seen in traditional RPGs or MMORPGs.
During combat, we run around using a joystick while tapping buttons to execute normal attacks and special skills. Combat looks badass, but unfortunately, we quickly unlock an auto system that makes the combat mostly meaningless.
The story is vaguely interesting and it’s clear that a lot of effort has been put into the many cut-scenes. But I personally still ended up skipping most of it as it never truly caught my attention.
Unsurprisingly, new weapons and heroes are unlocked via a gacha system. Unfortunately, the rates are very bad.
The game’s biggest issue, however, is the loading screens. They are everywhere! Even when just opening and closing a menu, we sometimes have to wait. This ruins what could almost be a fun gameplay experience.
Solo Leveling: Arise monetizes via lots of iAPs that get pushed quite often. Combined with the bad gacha rates, this creates a rather unfavorable experience for free players.
If you don’t like gacha game, you of course won’t enjoy this one. But even if you like the genre, I suggest skipping it – at the very least until the performance and loading get optimized.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Solo Leveling: Arise
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) on my mobile games discovery platform, MiniReview: https://minireview.io/
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bf0OxtVxrboZqyEh01AxJYUUqHm8tEfh-Lx-SugcrzY/edit?usp=sharing
*The newest mobile games (with gameplay) on my YouTube channel: * https://youtu.be/8wX-9SW4Z8o?si=j0PNTWf08xd8mwEQ
Episode 193 Episode 194 Episode 195 Episode 196 Episode 197 Episode 198 Episode 199 Episode 200 Episode 201 Episode 202 Episode 203 Episode 204 Episode 205 Episode 206 Episode 207 Episode 208 Episode 209 Episode 210 Episode 211 Episode 211 Episode 212 Episode 214 Episode 215 Episode 216 Episode 217 Episode 218 Episode 219
submitted by NimbleThor to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:12 NimbleThor 5 Quick Tl;Dr Android Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 306)

Welcome back, everyone! These are my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week! :) I hope you'll enjoy some of them.
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NimbleThor <3
This episode includes a fantastic idle game, a fun twin-stick roguelike shooter, a neat adventure RPG, a new competitive action game inspired by MOBAs, a neat adventure puzzle game, and a warning against a large new action game.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 306 weeks ago here.

Let's get to the games:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle [Game Size: 373 MB] (Free)

Genre: Incremental / Casual / Idle - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Little (semi-idle)
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Farmer Against Potatoes is a fantastic, humorous idle RPG about a farmer fighting the hordes of potatoes attacking his farm.
We start with a simple farmer who automatically attacks the raging potatoes running at him from the right side of the screen. But from there, the game quickly evolves to include an astonishing number of sub-systems and gameplay elements, including worm breeding, a whack-a-mole game, crop farming, and much more.
And these aren’t simple systems either. Each includes several things to upgrade and enhance as we progress, creating a surprising amount of depth for what initially seems like a simple game. Not to mention that every time we level up, we get to distribute skill points across an absolutely massive skill tree.
Like in any good idle game, we eventually unlock reincarnation, which lets us reset almost everything in return for points we get to spend on permanent progression and quality-of-life upgrades, like the ability to automate things.
After a few reincarnations, many idle games start to get stale and boring, but Farmer Against Potatoes keeps introducing new systems to keep us hooked. For example, we can take on challenges that reincarnate us as usual, but with a specific limit, like equipment not providing any stat boosts.
The graphics aren’t particularly exciting, and the UI and texts feel too small for phones. But the great gameplay and pacing more than makes up for that. I almost gave up on the game after seeing the UI, but I’m glad I didn’t.
Farmer Against Potatoes monetizes via very few incentivized ads and iAPs for a few extra convenience features and to progress faster. Thankfully, none of it feels needed at all.
It’s one of the best idle games I’ve played in a long time, so it’s an easy recommendation.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Tesla Force [Total Game Size: 642 MB] ($5.99)

Genre: Shooter / Twin-Stick / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by CaptainQQ:
Tesla Force is a fun roguelike twin-stick shooter where the fabric of the universe is unraveling and we need to fix it by controlling some of history's greatest scientists and horror authors, such as Tesla and Lovecraft.
The game takes the fast-paced combat known from bullet-hell roguelikes and sprinkles on a deck-building RPG's progression and upgrade systems to create a great choose-your-own-adventure experience.
In each playthrough, we get to choose our own path through a variety of randomly generated missions laid out on a map. These missions task us with everything from gathering intel to killing area bosses, and completing them rewards us with various upgrades.
There are many types of weapons to master and tons of perks that affect the gameplay to experiment with. Combined with the four slightly different characters, this means each run feels very unique.
The story is told through well-drawn comic strips, but it really doesn't get too deep or answer a lot of questions. In my opinion, this is okay though, as I’m here to blast monsters, which is thankfully great fun both with the touch controls or an external controller.
The biggest downside is that despite the types of missions, they eventually get a bit repetitive – in part because they all look the same, and in part because most of the objectives essentially boil down to staying away from massive waves of eldritch horrors while trying to take out as many of them as possible.
Tesla Force is a $5.99 premium game with no ads or iAPs.
It’s a beautiful mix of multiple genres that I think anyone who likes bullet-hells, wave survivors, and isometric twin-stick shooters should consider picking up.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Tesla Force

Hero of the Kingdom [Game Size: 374 MB] ($1.99)

Genre: Adventure / RPG - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
Hero of the Kingdom is a casual resource-management adventure RPG where we fight forces of evil and complete other heroic deeds by supplying people in need with various resources, which we scavenge, craft, trade, or otherwise obtain.
The game features a semi-open world that lets us freely travel between locations to talk to people and complete quests that revolve around obtaining items. Gather apples and firewood for our farm, cure a wounded hunter with a healing potion, fix a broken watermill with wood and a hammer, and so on.
We gather resources by interacting with highlighted points of interest, which requires having the right tool, such as a basket for fruits or a knife for hunting. All actions require stamina that we must constantly refill at camps or inns by spending food or money.
Other interesting mechanics involve trading with NPCs and discovering hidden objects on the map. While I enjoyed the latter a lot, the game’s tiny sprites made it difficult. I recommend playing on a large screen, as the game is poorly optimized for mobile and lacks a zoom feature.
Despite the casual and easy gameplay, Hero of the Kingdom provides the thing I enjoy the most - a constant sense of progression that sparkles the desire to do "just one more quest", which in turn leads to a bunch of new, even more interesting quests.
The story of a young farmer searching for his kidnapped father and gradually uncovering a bandit conspiracy was nothing fancy, but it perfectly served its purpose of driving the gameplay forward.
Hero of the Kingdom is a $1.99 premium game without ads or iAPs. On Android, it has a separate free demo version.
I recommend it to people fond of adventuring and problem-solving that doesn’t require quick reflexes or meticulous calculations.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Hero of the Kingdom

Squad Busters [Game Size: 633 MB] (Free)

Genre: Action / Competitive - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Squad Busters is a fun 10-player free-for-all action game with MOBA-inspired gameplay, quick matches, and lots of unique game modes.
We start each game by picking one of three random units, which we move around to defeat monsters that drop gold. Our squad automatically attacks the nearest enemy in sight whenever we stand still.
Gold is used to open chests that let us select a new random unit to add to our squad. But the ultimate goal is to have the most gems at the end of the match. We get these by killing large monsters, defeating other players, or from a gem mine in the middle of the map.
To keep things interesting, a random game mode that adds large twists to the core gameplay is selected every time we start a new game.
We don’t have to create a perfect deck like in Clash Royale or pick a single character like in Brawl Stars. So the gameplay in Squad Busters is more simplified and streamlined than Supercell’s other games.
While RNG plays a large role, there’s still strategy involved in learning when to attack and when to run away from a fight. Or whether to focus on mobs or other players first. It’s all about situational awareness.
Winning matches reward us with chests of unit duplicates used to evolve them so they learn new abilities. While we’re limited in the number of daily chests, there’s no energy system in Squad Busters, so we can always continue playing without rewards.
There’s an option to play with friends but no co-op mode yet. But I still had a lot of fun defeating all the other players with my wife so we’d end up in the first and second spots.
Squad Busters monetizes via iAPs that let us unlock new units and duplicates faster, or gain access to more chests per day. This provides a pay-to-progress-faster advantage – but so far, I’ve had a great experience as a free player. I think it works decently well as a casual multiplayer action game.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Squad Busters

Pilgrims (Game Size: 415 MB] (Free Trial)

Genre: Adventure / Puzzle - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by AlexSem:
Pilgrims is a funny "choose your own adventure" game from the famous developers of Samorost and Machinarium, Amanita Design.
It’s a game that takes us on a hilarious journey through a series of anecdotal events involving weird environmental interactions and unpredictable conversations with a colorful cast of bizarre characters.
The game starts with our protagonist losing a card game to a hunter whom we must feed a pot of baked potatoes to repay our debt. Then we start traveling around the lands to run errands and help people achieve their ultimate goal. The hunter wants to marry a princess and become a king, the homeless beggar wants to reclaim her forcefully occupied house, the devil wants to drag a sinful priest deep into the depths of hell, and so on.
We interact with the environment at each location by dragging cards from our inventory to see which ones fit the situation. Some of these interactions between the environment and our cards follow common logic, while others genuinely surprised me by actually working.
New items get added as additional cards in our inventory, thus increasing the number of possible interactions. In fact, the game heavily emphasizes experimenting with applying every card to every location to see how it impacts the story.
That being said, there aren’t many different endings, so once we have finished the game a couple of times, there is little incentive to play it again. Only the most dedicated players will try to unlock every possible card combination.
Pilgrims is free to try, with a $1.99 iAP unlocking the full game.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Pilgrims

[warning] Solo Leveling:Arise (Game Size: 5.3 GB] (Free)

Genre: Action / Gacha - Online
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Solo Leveling: Arise is a level-based action gacha RPG based on a popular web novel. It’s a game with neat animations and a great overall combat style, but unfortunately also plenty of downsides.
As in most gacha RPGs, we assemble a team of heroes that we level up and improve through various upgrade systems. We then use these heroes to fight story-based campaign missions and side-quests until we eventually unlock all the daily activities, such as dungeons.
Unlike in most gachas, however, we can freely distribute stat points for our main character every time it levels up, allowing for customization typically only seen in traditional RPGs or MMORPGs.
During combat, we run around using a joystick while tapping buttons to execute normal attacks and special skills. Combat looks badass, but unfortunately, we quickly unlock an auto system that makes the combat mostly meaningless.
The story is vaguely interesting and it’s clear that a lot of effort has been put into the many cut-scenes. But I personally still ended up skipping most of it as it never truly caught my attention.
Unsurprisingly, new weapons and heroes are unlocked via a gacha system. Unfortunately, the rates are very bad.
The game’s biggest issue, however, is the loading screens. They are everywhere! Even when just opening and closing a menu, we sometimes have to wait. This ruins what could almost be a fun gameplay experience.
Solo Leveling: Arise monetizes via lots of iAPs that get pushed quite often. Combined with the bad gacha rates, this creates a rather unfavorable experience for free players.
If you don’t like gacha game, you of course won’t enjoy this one. But even if you like the genre, I suggest skipping it – at the very least until the performance and loading get optimized.
Check it out on Google Play: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (website version):: Solo Leveling: Arise
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) in my app MiniReview: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=minireview.best.android.games.reviews
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
Episode 281 Episode 282 Episode 283 Episode 284 Episode 285 Episode 286 Episode 287 Episode 288 Episode 289 Episode 290 Episode 291 Episode 292 Episode 293 Episode 294 Episode 295 Episode 296 Episode 297 Episode 298 Episode 299 Episode 300 Episode 301 Episode 302 Episode 303 Episode 304 Episode 305
submitted by NimbleThor to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:54 notsoleil Reco books as graduation gift (for readers and non-readers)?

Hello! It's graduation seasonn na, looking for any reco lang ano kaya magandang books or anything bookish na regalo as graduation gift (college)?
Sa mga literary friends ko, naiisip ko annotated copy ng fav book ko or nila. Ano pa kayang pwede?
Sa mga non-readers, nabasa ko na maganda daw ibigay yung "Oh, the places you'll go!" by Dr.Seuss. Naghahanap pa ako ng other titles/ideas since 7 silang bibigyan ko huhu. Are there any literature kaya na sure na babasahin nila haha. Children's book? Poetry collection?
Aside from these, any ideas? Book titles or bookish suggestions will do hehe. Yung madali sana makahanap ng copy or madali lang bilhin.
submitted by notsoleil to PHBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:40 ___NeverWhere___ Scam email received...

I’ve also received the dreaded scam email on the ZLibrary premium service but the funny thing is that my first language is not english but italian, the email is the same as the english version but it is written in good italian and the poem at the end is one of the most famous in italian literature (instead of the US version that I saw here with Robert Frost), namely “L’infinito” by Giacomo Leopardi. Nice touch scammers, I'm genuinely impressed!
submitted by ___NeverWhere___ to zlibrary [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:18 FollowingOwn9973 Best Gynecologists in Varanasi: Meet the Experts in Women's Health

Best Gynecologists in Varanasi: Meet the Experts in Women's Health
Dr. Shelly Kushwah MBBS, MS(Obs & Gynae), IMS, BHU, Fellow ICOG(Reproductive Medicine) MFOGSI, MIMA
Varanasi, India's spiritual heart, is not only famous for culture­ and history. It's also renowned for top-notch healthcare­, especially for women. Dr. She­lly Kushwaha is one of those outstanding professionals. She­ works at Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital and Fertility Cente­r as a key gynecologist. Let's e­xplore more about Dr. Kushwaha's qualifications, her se­rvices, and what makes her Varanasi's be­st gynecologist.

Dr. Shelly Kushwaha: A Pinnacle of Excellence in Gynecology

Dr. Shelly Kushwaha is a true­ gem in the medical world. She­'s been devote­d, top-notch, and never wavering in he­r care for her patients. He­r qualifications? An MBBS and an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Where­ from? The acclaimed Institute of Me­dical Sciences (IMS) under Banaras Hindu Unive­rsity (BHU). Shelly also has specialized training unde­r her belt. She le­arned about reproductive me­dicine and secured a fe­llowship with the Indian College of Obste­tricians and Gynecologists (ICOG). That's why she is regarde­d as a specialist in her field.

Why Dr. Shelly Kushwaha is the Best Gynecologist in Varanasi

  • Top-Notch Education and Experie­nce: Dr. Kushwaha boasts remarkable scholastic achie­vements. Holding an MBBS and MS from IMS, BHU, her e­xtensive training and profound understanding in obste­trics and gynecology shine through. Moreove­r, her ICOG fellowship in reproductive­ medicine sharpens he­r skills, equipping her with unique e­xpertise to tackle inte­nsive reproductive he­alth challenges.
  • Wide-Range­ Health Services: Dr. Kushwaha provide­s an array of services at Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital and Fe­rtility Center. She's your go-to for re­gular gynecological check-ups or intricate infe­rtility treatments. Covering pre­natal to postnatal care, gynecological surgerie­s, and inclusive reproductive he­alth offerings, she has all women's he­alth facets covered.
  • Cutting-Edge­ Fertility Assistance: Fertility tre­atments are one of Dr. Shelly Kushwaha's stronge­st suits. Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital has a reputation as Varanasi's supreme­ IVF center, prese­nting top-tier fertility solutions. Dr. Kushwaha fuses mode­rn technology with attentive care­, promising optimal results for her patients.
  • Pe­rsonalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Shelly Kushwaha's re­nown as Varanasi's leading best ladies doctor in varanasi is roote­d in her considerate, patie­nt-focused manner. She liste­ns to her patients, breaks down tre­atment plans, and involves them in the­ decision-making process. This empathe­tic and committed approach earns her patie­nts' trust and high regard.

Services Provided by Dr. Shelly Kushwaha

At Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital and Fe­rtility Center, Dr. Shelly Kushwaha's clinic focuses on many wome­n's health aspects. Here­ are the service­s they offer: Prenatal, Postnatal Care­.
  • Complete Prenatal Care­: The time of pregnancy ne­eds perfect care­. Dr. Shelly Kushwaha gives full prenatal care having routine­ check-ups, ultrasounds, and keeping track of the­ mother's health and the baby's. This he­lps catch potential problems early for a he­althy pregnancy.
  • Postnatal Care: This care is e­qual in importance to prenatal care. Dr. Shelly Kushwaha provide­s postnatal check-ups thoroughly. It helps ensure­ the mother and baby are both he­althy. This includes checking physical health and e­motions, assisting with breastfeeding, and he­lping ease into motherhood.
Routine Gynecological Exams
  • Yearly Che­ck-ups for Women: It's necessary for wome­n to get regular gynecological che­ck-ups. Dr. Kushwaha performs these e­xams every year. The­y include pelvic exams, Pap sme­ars, and breast exams. These­ exams can catch issues like ce­rvical cancer, breast cancer, and othe­r conditions early.
  • Dealing with Period Proble­ms: Issues with menstrual cycles can majorly affe­ct a woman’s life. Dr. Kushwaha offers help for the­se problems. These­ include irregular periods, he­avy bleeding, and painful periods. She­ provides help that is unique to e­ach woman’s needs. Also, Dr. Kushwaha helps manage­ symptoms effectively.
Infe­rtility Treatments
  • High-leve­l Infertility Treatments: Be­ing a leader in reproductive­ medicine, Dr. Shelly Kushwaha gives top-le­vel infertility treatme­nts at Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital. Treatments include­ In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Inse­mination (IUI), and other technology-assisted re­productions (ART). The hospital has modern facilities and Dr. Kushwaha's know-how make­s it the top IVF center in Varanasi.
  • Custom-made­ Fertility Solutions: Dr. Kushwaha understands eve­ry couple’s journey is special. She­ gives unique fertility plans made­ just for you. She identifies infe­rtility causes by doing detailed e­valuations. Then she makes tre­atment plans that have the highe­st chance of working.
Dr. Shelly Kushwaha - A Proficient Gyne­cological Surgeon:
  • Master of Minimally Invasive: Dr. Shelly Kushwaha e­fficiently performs various surgerie­s, even those de­manding minimally invasive techniques like­ hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. The pros? Spee­dier healing, tiny scars, and a lower chance­ of troubles cropping up.
  • Expert in Major Surgerie­s: For situations needing a broader approach, Dr. Kushwaha e­xhibits expertise in significant gyne­cological surgeries. Think of procedure­s like hysterectomie­s, operations for ovarian cysts and endometriosis, or myome­ctomies. With her surgical acumen, patie­nts are assured of the be­st results possible.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Gynecologist

Dr. Shelly Kushwaha is a great example­. She combines expe­rt care with a comforting atmosphere. What should you think about whe­n choosing your gynecologist?
  • Skills: Check the gyne­cologist's qualifications and skill-set. With specialized re­productive medicine training, Dr. Shelly Kushwaha tops the­ list.
  • Many Services: A good gynecologist has a lot to offe­r. From pregnancy care to high-tech fe­rtility treatments, Dr. Shelly Kushwaha does it all.
  • Focus on Patie­nts: Find a gynecologist who treats patients like­ people. Dr. Shelly Kushwaha stands out. She liste­ns to her patients' worries and le­ts them help with treatme­nt choices.
  • Top-notch Facilities: The be­tter the medical facilitie­s, the better the­ care. Omkilkari Multispeciality Hospital, where­ Dr. Shelly Kushwaha works, is cutting-edge, espe­cially for fertility help.
  • Finishing up,
Dr. Shelly Kushwaha shine­s bright in Varanasi for women's health. She's got e­xtensive qualifications, a compassionate touch, and a wide­ range of services. This make­s her the top gynecologist in town. Whe­ther you need normal gyne­cological care, support during and after pregnancy, or high-te­ch fertility treatments, Dr. Kushwaha and he­r crew at Omkilkari Hospital are there­ for you. They're all about giving the highe­st possible care. If you’re afte­r expert, understanding he­alth care that fits your needs, choose­ Dr. Shelly Kushwaha. She’s committed to he­r patients' health, and her advance­d studies back that up. You can be sure you're­ in the best hands. Visit Dr. Shelly Kushwaha at Omkilkari Multispe­ciality Hospital and Fertility Center, and e­xperience top-quality wome­n's healthcare for yourself.
Comprehensive Patient Care and Community Engagement
Dr. Shelly Kushwaha doe­s more than treat individual patients; she­ also cares about community health and sharing knowledge­. Her work to improve women's he­alth and back up preventive care­ is applaudable.
Here's some­ of the work she's doing in community health:
  • He­alth Events and Learning Sessions: Re­gularly in Varanasi, Dr. Shelly Kushwaha sets up health eve­nts and learning sessions. She talks to wome­n about why regular checks for female­ health, finding cancers early, and unde­rstanding reproductive health are­ crucial. She wants these e­fforts to reach women in underprivile­ged communities, so more ge­t good healthcare.
  • Working with Groups in the Community: She­ partners with organizations locally to push for better wome­n's health and learning. She ofte­n helps with free he­alth checks and distribution.
submitted by FollowingOwn9973 to u/FollowingOwn9973 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:13 dallinkroon [US][Selling] A24, Steelbooks, OOPs, 4Ks, Limited Editions, Arrow Video, Blu Ray & Bulk Buying

[US][Selling] A24, Steelbooks, OOPs, 4Ks, Limited Editions, Arrow Video, Blu Ray & Bulk Buying
I am listing some A24 titles (many with Slipcovers), various Boutique Blu Rays, some 4Ks, and many OOP Titles. I am also listing a large number of "Bulk Sale" items. I am willing to negotiate. All prices for non-Bulk Blu's are listed, while each Bulk buy item can range from 3-4 dollars per item depending on how many are sold.
Preffered $20 Minimum Transactions (Not including Shipping)
USPS Media mail shipping rates.
Note: Digital Codes are not included unless Sealed.
A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
A Prayer Before Dawn (w/ Slipcover) $22.00
American Honey (w/ Slipcover) $23.00
Beau Is Afraid (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $35.00
C'mon C'mon (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $14.00
Cut Bank (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
Dark Places $2.00
Green Room (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
Laggies $15.00
Lady Bird (w/ Slipcover) $13.00
Mojave $4.00
Moonlight (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
Pearl (w/ Walmart Exclusive Slipcover) (Sealed) $27.00
Revenge Of The Green Dragons $4.00
Slow West $25.00
Son Of A Gun $4.00
The Adderall Diaries $4.00
The Ballad of Lefty Brown $14.00
The Bling Ring $14.00
The Captive $13.00
The Disaster Artist (w/ Slipcover) $17.00
The Green Knight 4K (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $20.00
The Inspection (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $15.00
The Kill Team (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $25.00
The Lighthouse (w/ Slipcover) $15.00
The Monster (w/ Slipcover) $22.00
The Spectacular Now $10.00
The Whale (w/ Slipcover) (Sealed) $24.00
The Witch (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
Uncut Gems (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
X (w/ Slipcover) $15.00
Amélie (CA Edition) $20.00
Batman (Diamond Luxe Edition) $10.00
Blade Runner (DigiBook) $25.00
Catch Me If You Can $12.00
Coraline (w 3D Glasses) $20.00
Creepshow (Region B) $10.00
Edward Scissorhands (with Cookie Cutter, Paper Foldout, and Air Freshener) $10.00
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind $8.00
Fargo (Steelbook) $150.00
First Man 4K (w/ Slipcover) $12.00
Gravity (OOP Diamond Luxe Edition) $80.00
Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures $15.00
Invasion of The Body Snatchers (Arrow Video) (Region B) $6.00
Lifeforce (Arrow Video) (Region B) $10.00
Love (Region B) $10.00
Mad God (Steelbook) $40.00
Mimic $8.00
Room 237 $10.00
Saw: 8-Film Collection $10.00
Se7en (Red Case) $7.00
Spider-Man Trilogy $12.00
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Steelbook) $25.00
Superbad (Steelbook) $10.00
That Thing You Do! $18.00
The Da Vinci Code (Steelbook) $15.00
The Exorcist (40th Anniversary) $25.00
The Favourite (w/ Slipcover) $10.00
The Martian (Steelbook) $20.00
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Steelbook) $25.00
The Pink Panther $20.00
The Revenant (Steelbook) $30.00
Videodrome (Criterion Collection) $10.00
X-Men Collection $25.00
Bulk Titles (Ranges from $3-4):
¡Three Amigos!
12 Years a Slave (w/ Slipcover)
A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood (Sealed)
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton) (w/ Slipcover)
American History X
American Hustle (w/ Slipcover)
Angels & Demons (Steelbook)
Apollo 13 (w/ Slipcover)
AVP Double Feature
Black Swan (w/ Slipcover)
Blomkamp³ Limited Edition Collection (DigiBook)
Boy & The World (w/ Slipcover)
Bridge of Spies (w/ Slipcover)
Burn After Reading
Call Me By Your Name (w/ Slipcover)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Dallas Buyers Club (w/ Slipcover)
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (w/ Slipcover) (Red Blu-Ray Case)
Everybody Wants Some!!
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Forrest Gump (w/ Slipcover)
Good Will Hunting
Hacksaw Ridge (w/ Slipcover)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Horrible Bosses
Independence Day
Insidious: Chapter 2 (w/ Slipcover)
King Kong
Little Women (Sealed)
Manchester by the Sea (w/ Damaged Slipcover)
Meatballs (w/ Slipcover)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Paranormal Activity 3-Movie Collection (Sealed)
Paris, JeT'aime
Phantom Thread (w/ Slipcover) (Clear Blu-Ray Case)
Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Project X
Rob Zombie Trilogy
Saving Private Ryan (w/ Slipcover)
Scooby-Doo (w/ Slipcover)
Short Term 12 (w/ Slipcover) (Clear Blu-Ray Case)
Shutter Island
Silver Linings Playbook
Sound City
Spotlight (w/ Slipcover)
Star Trek
Star Trek Into Darkness (w/ Slipcover)
Straight Outta Compton (w/ Slipcover)
Super 8
The Blair Witch Project
The Conjuring
The Conjuring 2
The Departed
The Illusionist
The Imitation Game (w/ Slipcover)
The Interview (Red Blu-Ray Case)
The Matrix (Steelbook)
The Mummy Trilogy (w/ Slipcover)
The Outsiders: The Complete Novel
The Patriot
The Polar Express
The Rescuers 2-Movie Collection
The Sandlot
The Shape of Water (w/ Slipcover)
The Shawshank Redemption
The Wolf of Snow Hollow (w/ Slipcover)
The Wolf of Wall Street (w/ Slipcover)
To the Wonder
Toy Story
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4 (Sealed) (w/ Slipcover)
V for Vendetta
Walk the Line
Rage Against the Machine: Live In Mexico City (DVD)
submitted by dallinkroon to MediaSwap [link] [comments]
