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2009.03.12 00:04 YusufReis Microsoft Excel Help & Support with your Formula, Macro, and VBA problems A Reddit Community

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2011.02.01 19:41 cranberry-smoothie /r/PopPunkers: discussion, news, songs, videos, reviews & everything else Pop Punk!

The front page for all Pop Punk related content!

2016.11.20 14:34 Our Right to Rule

#We're cleaning things up for the next week or so - we'll reinvite everyone again. Don't worry!

2024.05.14 18:13 Zealousideal-Pea2044 New Player and so lost

Hi, I just started playing the game, and I just completed the normal dungeons but am stuck on some content. I cannot beat the training arena and most of the other dungeons in the special dungeon besides the collabs and the infestations. Is there a progression guide that I could follow? I am also so lost on team building and what skills are worth leveling up. Is there even any good ways to farm materials to level up those skills as when I try to use tans to increase skill levels, it doesn't work. Also, what do I do with monsters that I get from the collabs within the special dungeons?
submitted by Zealousideal-Pea2044 to PuzzleAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 dpj2001 First insanity run and I could use some advice

I’ve played mass effect since middle school. It’s undoubtedly my favorite game franchise! However, I’ve always been in it for the story and lore and so usually only played on normal difficulty. A little over 2 weeks ago I decided to stop being a wimp and go for an insanity run. I decided to stick with my favorite class vanguard (although in my current position I wish I’d chosen engineer). Now I’m inexperienced, but not a fool. I knew going in things would be different and I couldn’t just biotic charge my way through every level. I’ve taken things slow, I’ve used my squad mates powers more and strategically positioned them, I’ve ducked and covered and taken pot shots. Ultimately I’ve had so much fun!
I breezed through ME1 no problem, ME2 was a little more difficult but still fun and I knocked it out in like a week, now I’m on ME3… holy shit. Right out the gate I noticed my health being cut down like butter, but like before I adapted around that and changed my style as needed. I got through the start and decided to get as much side stuff done as possible before starting the war summit and I think many of you may know where this is headed. Grissom Academy. Specifically the atrium…
Problem 1 is that squad mates won’t follow me into the atrium unless I manually order them to. Even then sometimes 1 of them won’t. The endless smoke bombs make it impossible to target, there’s so sooooo many engineers placing endless turrets, there’s the 1 shot grenades being constantly thrown, the ATLAS too far away to really do much about taking pot shots at you. Every time a turret stops shooting I try to peak out of cover and attack it, but then without fail a grenade is thrown and I have to run. Idk if it’s dumb luck or programmed that way. Every time I pick Cerberus troops off more and more keep coming and that damn door to the 2nd half never seems to open. I got to the 2nd half once but elected to restart the mission with different squad mates when I kept dying and they kept not following me. My best run in this 2nd attempt I killed all the engineers and then just died when the centurions decided to rush my position all at once. I’m literally trapped in this mission because I got to it in 1 go from starting the game and didn’t take a save file. So now my only load options are to restart the mission or load the last checkpoint. My only other option is to restart the game entirely it seems. I’ve been stuck for 2 days.
Idk what this says about my skill (or lack thereof), but I didn’t have this kind of trouble in ANY other part of the trilogy so far. Even the suicide mission I beat with little trouble. Does anyone have suggestions? Any strategies? At this point I’m ready to just start over from scratch and put this off until I’m actually ready later in the game, but I’d rather succeed if anything for my own pride.
submitted by dpj2001 to masseffect [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 fashionadviceseek If you have a remote/hybrid job, do you feel the need to tell your manager or lead if you plan to work outside of your actual home?

My friends want to do a trip in a different state. Some are taking time off, while others will work remotely during the trip when they have to. I’m wondering what I should do.
I work a job where we have to come in to the office M-W, and Thursday/Friday are remote. My friends are planning on making the trip so that we would fly in on the Wednesday night, and we’d stay there until Sunday morning. Since Thursday and Friday are remote for me anyway, I was thinking of just working remotely from our AirBnb so that I don’t have to use PTO.
I’m wondering if I should tell my lead or manager about this however? Or should I just keep quiet? I should be available as normal, just not from my own house. But I will still be within the US. What is the proper way to do things here?
submitted by fashionadviceseek to girlsgonewired [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 BardProtocol OSINT Find: Huge List of CEO/President/VP Business Emails - Would Appreciate Help / Advice!

Hey Reddit, I am a computer guy and enjoy OSINT (open source intelligence) using mainly Linux tools. I recently acquired over half a million, likely more, business emails for CEOs, presidents, and vice presidents of companies all over the world. Everything was done legally (I make very sure of that), these lists are not something I have found for sale anywhere yet (I don’t think), and they aren’t going to pop up in a google search, etc. From my perspective they are quite difficult to find, and the place I found them no longer seems to exist. Some of the largest companies I have ever seen before are on the list, all the way down to small businesses, worldwide. I would really appreciate any advice / input as to what to do next, and any context as to their potential value. I just don’t know enough about this. I checked and they all seem valid so far (can’t test them all). I've already started organizing them into a spreadsheet by company and associated email addresses. That's as far as I am as of this morning. Thank you for the time and help!
submitted by BardProtocol to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 boathouse_floats Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound

Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound
Here's the deal.
There's a lot of chatter about the return of meme stocks and I'm sure you've all seen GME and AMC charts from today. Fucking rockets... but lets talk about meme projects and why I think there is going to be a brand new set of meme millionaires born from the meme action we're seeing today. (I'll save you some time if you don't feel like reading... they'll all be in KENDU).
As you all know, back in the good ol' days of 2021 when we were all face humping masks and rotting in our houses, some real fun was had and a lot of "New Money" millionaires were born. Some of these were from meme stocks, but a lot of people made fat bags on meme projects which they carry with them to this day.
First in Jan/Feb $DOG E pumped. Following this, $SHIB ($KENDU's Chad in Arms) pumped. These projects lost a bit off the top, but have sustained multi-billion dollar market caps to this day. But could they have done it on their own? Was this all just coincidence? Were market conditions so different that these pumps were just a factor of people being stuck at home with nothing better to do than sit there, thumb in ass, trading memes? Science says NAY!!
Please bear in mind that I'm wearing a helmet, which might have restricted some of the blood flow to my brain. This is NFA and you should DYOR... but I'm all in.
To prove my point, I am referencing the paper "The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach" by Yousaf et al. from 2022. Please note that I only have access to the pre-print, so the peer-reviewed edition might be a little different, but I would muster a guess, not really.
These authors are using data from 2020-2022, which includes data outside of the range of what I would consider the "hard" meme squeeze (Jan. 2021 and the few months following). Given the analysis from this paper was done using data from August 2020 to April 2021, I posit that the conclusions the authors draw, can and will apply to meme events outside of the infamous 2021 meme run which some might say is the primary reason meme projects squoze. The HUGE meme project runs we saw in SHIB and DOG E might have been born of the "Funny Money" era, but lock-down degeneracy isn't the end all when predicting price movements.
The meat
"Why, Butt?" I hear you ask. "Why do you bring this paper up?". Surely it can't be because you wanted to "prove" that meme projects can run outside of the golden age of meme pumps? Well dear Redditor... yes and no. I bring it up also because of the interesting point it mentions about how predictive certain market events are for similar market events in other assets.
To do this, the authors use Quantile Connectedness (QC) to analyze Meme stocks, Meme projects, and some more traditional asset classes like USD, Treasuries and Gold. QC is a concept used in economics to measure the degree of interdependence (how connected things are) among different segments of financial markets. The method uses some fancy stats and math to do so, and the analysis done in this paper says some interesting things about the interplay between traditional assets, meme assets and meme pumps (summarized in the following screen grab).
Memes go brrrrrr... other things do too
Yousaf, 2022 - The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach.
So... market events in the upper extreme quantile (or in laymen terms, extreme upwards market movements) in meme assets tend to cause spillover events into both meme assets and traditional financial assets. That's interesting... You know what we saw today? An extreme upward market movement. Specifically GME and AMC, which are both up over 100% (in after hours) from previous close.
Second, and perhaps more of a bull case for me... the spillover events are even more well predicted by movement in meme stocks than they are by movement in BTC (please see the useful red circle in the screen-grab below). Higher number = better prediction of spillover event. So, SO often, I hear people predicting runs in the smaller meme projects based strictly on what BTC is expected to do. But it turns out, there's an even better predictor!!! Meme stocks!
Please also note: The authors state "All meme assets are highly positively skewed, which reflects their price surges during short squeezing periods." Pretty sure this means, green begets more green for these spillover events.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB
All this brings me to my last point. What does this all mean for meme projects and for $KENDU?
I hear you thinking "Why not just choose SHIB or DOG E, Butt?" and I get it... safe bets that will for sure "moon". Yes... "moon" :eye roll:
These projects are fine and good if you want to just grow the bags you've been holding and just keep, HODLing... but I know the real reason you all are playing meme projects, and it's that sweet, sweet alpha. You don't want to see the 2x, or 3x that these bigger memes might fetch during the next run. You're looking to eat zeros... and the only way to do that is to get in early with a project that is going to FUCKING RUN!
Enter KENDU INU... it's the project that "Can do"
Arguably, the most important fundamental for a meme project is the hype that it generates and how infectious its energy is. Well, you're not going to find a more hype community with a more infectious can do attitude than the KENDU community. The TG is wild, memes are on point, new art being made ALL THE TIME, and so much love and support for every single member in the Kendu clan.
Ignoring the fluffy feel good stuff though (NO DON'T DO THAT), what does this project really have going for it. I'm glad you asked.
  • We have strong support in the 40M range right now and are primed to run.
  • There are ABSOLUTELY (and we mean stay TF away if your looking to trade capital for services) no paid shills. Everyone is working hard to get this to project1BN+ and to get there organically! We know we can do it!
  • Shytoshi Kusama (the project lead for SHIB) has been following the project since 300 xitter followers. Shytoshi has also joined our Telegram community and said that he wants to feature KENDU in Shib Magazine (Look for the screen grabs in the comments).
  • The mega-chad developer, Kendu Miyazaki, has run multiple projects to 100M+ and is an incredibly active part of the community.
  • Kendu recently been listed on some BIG crypto tracking platforms like CMC.
  • 3 top 10 exchanges are lined up to launch KENDU when the time is right. One of these exchanges is a top 5 CEX !!!
  • The community! The community! The community!! (One more time for those who didn't hear: The Community!). This community is unhinged in the best way. So many people dedicated to the success of the and project to keeping positive vibes going ALL THE TIME in the Telegram.
  • What more sorta hype could you ask for!!
I will leave you with this. Dump those trash projects, put your M-Effin helmet on, and join the KENDU Clan!
Screw these JEET ass meme projects. KENDU is the only play
  1. Huge meme alpha was not strictly generated from pandemic lock-down funny money degeneracy.
  2. The GME and AMC pumps we saw today are a good predictor for what's to come with meme projects.
  3. You want alpha and to add to zeros to your portfolio. Bigger projects WILL NOT do that as well for you.
  4. Those other meme projects don't hold a candle to the dedication and spirit that all my fellow KENDU Chad's have!
TLDR the TLDR: Meme projects are going to run and $KENDU is going to own the day!
submitted by boathouse_floats to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 Flametang451 The Primordial Paradox, Religious Diversity, and Free Will

In the modern age, I think one of the biggest questions anybody has had to deal with in a increasingly interconnected world from a religious perspective is the nature of how religious diversity came to be- not just internally, but externally.
The quran seems to at times explain religious diversity as a natural consequence and even ordainment upon humanity (5:48 and 10:99 come to mind here- if both are linked with each other than such would mean that some nations are meant to be as they are- even if they are what we would categorize as non monothiestic.
Quranically, such a nation could be seen potentially in Surah Yusuf. Egypt in this time is clearly implied to be pagan with Yusuf's conversation with his cellmates (12:36-42), and again in how the king's laws were different from Yusuf's (12:76). Yet the people in this verse seem to almost solely call on Allah only (when the egyptians speak of divinity, the word lilahi is used in places such as 12:31 and 12:51). If we assume the Wife of Al Aziz (Zuleikha as she is spoken of in exegesis, but also Rael) is speaking in 12:53, she does the same. In contrast, Egypt in the time of Musa amongst those who followed the Pharaoh mention waālihataka in the context of divnity- translated to multiple gods by most*).*
This could be a henotheistic situation like with the Quraish, but Prophet Yusuf aside from the prison does not do much preaching. There is a mention in Surah Ghafir (40:34) that Yusuf was rejected by the folk of Egypt, but this opens up more questions than answers (Egypt was not destroyed in Yusuf's time nor punished, nor does the quran call it's folk of that time disbelivers or mushrikeen....despite clearly being pagan. Neither does god state at any point that Yusuf was ordained to preach in Egypt. Yusuf likely was in Egypt during the Second Intermediate or Middle Kingdom Periods based on the ruler being referred to as a king if we attempt a historical contextualization, which were both dominated by pagan orthodoxy in the country.
Any criticisms on religion come from people that god narrates speaking, but not god themselves. It seems a small, but significant difference in comparison to how other nations in the quran are spoken of. 40:35 seems to continue on from this- but this verse may be unrelated to the matter (it also seems to be essentially be an allusion to cult like practices- the verse itself reads in what appears to be an orwellian matter in that folk should not question revelation at no point ever- it seems to follow in the maxim of such- "blessed are the minds who do not doubt, and cursed are those who do". Thus, it likely can and has been used to justify corrupt religious orthodoxies and institutions by silencing concerns of the layfolk, by arguing people do not have authority to question scripture or what it means. Essentially, it isn't blind following in all cases that the quran dislikes, but blind following of the right path is fine (and what "right" is can thus be made subjective to satisfy end goals). At the very least, from this verse solely. This would also likely be a favorite verse of those looking to justify spiritual abuse under the guise of well intentions.)
but at other times sems to argue that humans at some point recognized god for what they are, and that they chose to accept some kind of trust which seems to be in relation to living as humans, almost subliminally arguing that all people are somehow secretly aware of allah. Yet the quran also mentions that many folk can also be unaware or not know of god, that cities were not punished because they did know of a matter- that is the whole point of sending messengers. This in itself is an established point in jurispedence.
The verses that seem to indicate this are 7:172 and in 33:72. 33:72 seems to indicate man was very hasty in taking on said trust, to an almost shortsighted degree. However, 7:172 essentially opens up a serious question about personhood.
The claim that all folk somehow were brought forth in a primordial state to testify to god is a quran only claim- it is not as if we can go and ask somebody this happened. More importantly, considering that the quran directly shows evidence of god's interference with human consciousness by sealing hearts and ordaining paths or belief systems upon nations, we would not be able to gain a verifiable answer anyway. Since ideologies and understandings of the world are what influence actions (not the other way around, as a choice taken is always made in due part due to the convictions of a person), then it stands to reason that god sets both the cause and effect.
This would also justify fatalism (I've seen some try to argue for qadr allowing free will, but most arguments seem to be that there is a script but you can influence it a tad....which means we are mostly still bound by outside forces. The quran is even more confusing on this matter- at times it argues god is the only reason people believe or not, yet when the quraishi pagans use this very argument, they are accused of being decietful. The quran seems to want to uphold god's omnipotence and free will, and yet since the two will clash, seems to bungle both. The fact that the quran implies god created men to be upon the earth also seem to imply that humanity's acceptance of this trust and the expulsion of adam and hawwa seems to imply either events may not have been entirely free will oriented, but rather parts in a script that were unalterable (the fact that shaytan somehow managed to slink his way into heavean even after being banished seems to suggest that). Puppets on a stage, if you will, with long enough string that it looks like they have free will.
As for the issue of the primordial, what makes this so confusing is that it seems something from before birth (the opening of the book of deeds), is being taken into account in judgment. Generally, life is assumed to have begun at birth, not before.
The only way I could see this working is one of 3 methods- 1) mass mind wipes, 2) dharmic-style reincarnation, 3) ship of Theseus.
If we assume mass wind wipes were done prior to birth, then one should wonder why a person with no memories is being beholden to somebody who had said memories. Would the latter have done the same as the former? If we look at today, most wouldn't take up something so high stakes (existing as a human). Anti-natalism is a philosophical current in the modern day for a reason.
If we assume dharmic style reincarnation (the prototype souls were all regressed from being sapient to being infants), then essentially a lesser form of death has been experienced (the former cannot be seen as fully equivilent to the latter, and it cannot be possible to state either state would do the same actions in taking up the trust).
If we assume a ship of Theseus situation- god replaced each component of the old proto-souls with something new then but kept the same form- are those the same person as before? Is the delineation point form over substance? It doesn't seem like they are.
The only way that I could see this working is that the recognition of god is merely a recognition of the absolute in some form. How that happens in the living world is wildly dependent on various factors as enshrined by god or human actions. What may appear to be non belief in god may be in a sense, belief in some of his attributes. This is a mostly akbarian approach from what I can tell (though islam as a whole would be the most ideal path to take, it does not negate or subsume the others), but it seems to help avoid issues of mass damnation of humanity, and overall uphold god's mercy and salvation for other peoples.
Though one can argue since the quran mentions hell will be filled up, with all the nature of people being chosen to be guided or not, it could very well be the quran is arguing to a Calvinist style elect which would be seriously grim). Sometimes I wonder if in reading the quran pessimistically, is that perhaps how we should read it? It would lend itself to a more misotheistic understanding of god (as being evil or useless, but since the abrahamic god is all powerful, the former is the only possible approach in such a thought cycle- all actions would need to be reanalyzed as being conducive to some malevolent end.).
Of course, such a being would need to be rejected- if such a being would truly exist, and god was truly that- the only worship they deserve is to have their worship thrown into a fire and burned to never rise again. Essentially, allowing for the trust to be accepted by humanity was but the beginning of a series of malevolent machinations. To what end would be unknowable, but nothing good in general. It would be the inverse of the muslim thought process which argues even if we do not know something's occurence, there may be good in it. I'm not sure if this would be pessimism or simply being realistic or optimism vs cynicism sometimes between the two approaches.
Some would likely call such a view bizarre, but others would likely call it liberation from oppression, the only logical way to see faith, and an end to the evils of faith. I do wonder the modern day, the very concept of god by some is seen as having been the source of all, or perhaps most, evils. Granted, governments that espoused atheism were hardly better, but one could easily argue they made a cult out of their leaders, and thus see that as some kind of faith and condemn that.
If a prophet were to be sent down today, they wouldn't be dealing with people who would see miracles and scoff at them being of demonic origin, they would argue that and that even if they were from god, there's no guarantee god is good, citing history as their defense, or analogies to god as being an abuser, or that faith in anything at all in a religious context is a harmful thing. I wonder sometimes how a prophet of the past would react to that sentiment. It's not as if people are worshipping themselves, and even if they did try that argument of being beholden to one's desires- people would probably argue back that such an argument usually is used to justify abuse of people by depriving them of freedoms and safety, citing examples to do so. Or perhaps arguing in that god's mercy always comes with a price, or maybe by arguing heaven and hell both are eldritch hellscapes that lead to loss of self and existential horrors, or that faith in itself demands orwellian adherence and mindless obedience in one way or another- thus, corruption in religious institutions and the stifling of free thought isn't a bug, but a feature of faith. Granted, I'm sure all of these could be argued against in one way or another.
submitted by Flametang451 to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 toniuyt How Premium Emojis work with bots

Ok so, as far as I understand in order for your bot to use premium emojis you need to buy/convert a custom username on Fragment and assign it to your bot. You can use a cheap username it does not have to be an expensive one. Then you can send the emojis by using:
MarkdownV2 style
HTML style
Taken from this stackoverflow:
However, most importantly, when you go to my assets page on Fragment you are greeted with this message
"To upgrade, assign the username to a bot and pay a one-time fee of 1,000TON per username."
As the current price of TON this is around 6500$. Am I the only one who thinks this is insanely expensive ? I think I am missing something? I've heard of super low traffic and unpopular bots that use custom emojis? I doubt that their creators have paid such a big fee? Is there another way to do it?
Also another minor thing - is there an easier way to check emoji ids other than inspecting in the browser which is very annoying?
submitted by toniuyt to TelegramBots [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 WorthResolution1880 Hot Take: Meterless Cameras Lead to Better Exposure

The number of posts in this sub around improperly exposed shots (usually classic cases of the meter being "fooled," such as backlit scenes or landscapes with a lot of sky) are the stuff of collective eye-rolling and certainly provide amusing fodder for analogcirclejerk . However, the thought came to me recently that many of these problems could be solved simply by using a camera without a meter. Unless you are shooting film with very narrow exposure latitude, Sunny 16 will probably provide just as good or better results when photographing outdoors in daylight than the average 1970s SLR with center-weighted metering (I'm looking at you, AE-1). I see a lot of posts here where new photographers ask for camera recommendations and insist on having a meter, but are either completely new to photography or coming from digital. I don't see a lot of warning that a camera (especially an older one without matrix metering) having a meter does not mean you should trust it implicitly. For shooting indoors or in other low-light situations, having a meter is truly helpful. But most of the messed-up photos people show here are of landscapes or other pictures taken outside where the photographer has blindly followed the meter instead of understanding the situation.
I personally grew up using a Canon AE-1 in the early/mid-2000s. I didnt really understand what I was doing all that well. I had plenty of issues with exposure because I didn't know how to meter. I was also like ten at the time, so I think that has something to do with it. When I got back into film photography in the last several years, I have exclusively shot black and white film, mostly outdoors. In doing so, I noticed that the results I got from my meterless cameras were as good or even better than those cameras with meters. A bit of practice with Sunny 16 and I was on my way. An external meter (even a phone meter) helps in very tricky situations I can't judge myself. I find that I get just as many properly exposed pictures per roll (if not more) using a meterless camera than one with a meter (and I do understand how meters work at this point). As I said, I shoot entirely black and white, though. I understand that you really do need a meter for slide film, maybe even color print film. However, I also suspect that most people shooting slide film are not beginners and really know how to use their camera's meter.
I've never heard much wailing and gnashing of teeth about how someone's Nikon F, Canon P, or Kodak Retina turned into a paperweight because the electronics failed. On the other hand, maybe we should continue to shill AE-1s and T2s to newcomers just so those other cameras continue to be undervalued in the market.
TL;DR if we're tired of all of these posts with improperly exposed pictures asking "did the lab mess up," maybe we should start recommending a camera with no meter (and tell people to use the meter in their head) instead of a 1980s SLR with program mode that will get used without proper understanding?
submitted by WorthResolution1880 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 Joelpat Trans-continental shop move?

My shop is in MD and I'm probably going to Seattle or Vancouver in 6-12 months. Has anyone moved their shop a long distance? Any advice or lessons learned?
Cost is not a primary driver, as the new job will subsidize relocation costs.
I could pack my shop into a 20' container, and the current shop is at loading dock height. I doubt my new shop will come together quickly, so it would need to be able to sit in it's container for a year or (hopefully not) more.
Alternatively, I could buy a used 20' cargo trailer and pack the shop in there, then tow it home myself with my F250. I think weight would be more of an issue using the trailer, but it would be easier to store and move around.
I don't know where I would put a containesemi trailer. The cargo trailer could be parked at a family member's barn. Either way I'd plug in a dehumidifier to try and keep things dry in there.
submitted by Joelpat to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 TrippyHufflePuP Witchcraft 101: Sigils

Witchcraft 101: Sigils
Sigils are symbols used for intent, not to be mixed up with runes. You can make sigils in multiple ways. As long as the intent is there and charged, you can make them anyway you want. Here are some ways to make them.
submitted by TrippyHufflePuP to WitchyStonerCorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 fosres Advantages of Functional Programming Languages to Program Cryptography?

How practical do you think it is to program cryptography using a functional programming language (e.g. Haskell, OCaml, or LISP)?
I ask because as a functional programming language it is easier to express math and may be a good way to program a prototype before making the production-quality code?
submitted by fosres to crypto [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 Dense_World_7517 My friend keeps isolating and i dont know how to help

Hello all, i never use reddit but i really dont know who to ask and i feel kinda stuck rn, i hope this is the right place to ask?
Since the start of the year my (now ex) partner started spiraling on a really bad depression episode and because of this, they slowly started isolating to the point of us breaking up and not talking for some time... We were in a long distance relationship but we also were and still are close friends; I care about our relationship a lot (even as just friends) and I want to keep being there for them, i want to be here when they will eventually feel better but i dont want to force anything.
It's been now five months, we got to see each other for a weekend and i hoped it was gonna change something but ... it didnt really. Now we chat from time to time but... I keep on trying to talk to them because im scared they will keep isolating even more and end up ghosting me or ... just stop talking to me, if we dont hear each other for too much time. But, at the same time, i dont want to overwhelm them and,, force them to talk to me
I told them i will be there for them, almost too many times, but i still worry... Am i being too impatient? Do i need to just give them space and wait? Can i count they will come out of it by themselves, and "come back" or do they need someone to help them go back on track? What should be the best way to handle this situation?
submitted by Dense_World_7517 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Aceofwands111 Dear Beautiful souls, is there something blocking you, do you need some positive light in your life, some insight? I do tarot though reiki! (YES WITH CARDS) n I have the intuitive power to help you, contact me for more info!

Dear Beautiful souls

Hope all is well in your wonderful lives! My beautiful souls <3
I have recently been working on some updated content and ways to give back to the community, please feel free to chip in and let me know how you've been enjoying our services!!
I am currently inspired to do one on one personal readings. I know I haven't been doing that for a little bit, but here I am back again!!
1 on 1 tarot coaching
Reiki imbued tarot readings
Moon readings
Astrology readings (including current transitions!!!)
Spells as cards! and much more...
Currently I am reading on topics such as:
Love - Reconciliation/ future love romances and self :)
Personal life
Looking into the energy
Magick / spell readings! (This uses a mixture of tarot and oracle cards)
I am also offering:
Herbal balance
Crystal readings
as well as Reiki insight.
I am a practicing Reiki practitioner, Tarot interpreter, and Botanist. My spell casting skills have flourished since I was very young and I believe it's the scoprio in me :P. I am very aware of the physics of nature and am in tune with the cycles of what is to be. I also have a nack for showing people how to harness their own magick :P Ask me about it?
If you have any questions please feel free to chat me, If you would like to learn more about me and my start please go to my reddit page, there you will find some pick a card readings that I have done *new ones coming soon* as well as reviews from many of my happy, returning clients!!
Dear Beautiful souls, is there something blocking you, do you need some positive light in your life, some insight? I do tarot though reiki! (YES WITH CARDS) n I have the intuitive power to help you, contact me for more info!
Paid Reading

Dear Beautiful souls

Hope all is well in your wonderful lives! My beautiful souls <3
I have recently been working on some updated content and ways to give back to the community, please feel free to chip in and let me know how you've been enjoying our services!!
I am currently inspired to do one on one personal readings. I know I haven't been doing that for a little bit, but here I am back again!!
1 on 1 tarot coaching
Reiki imbued tarot readings
Moon readings
Astrology readings (including current transitions!!!)
Spells as cards! and much more...
Currently I am reading on topics such as:
Love - Reconciliation/ future love romances and self :)
Personal life
Looking into the energy
Magick / spell readings! (This uses a mixture of tarot and oracle cards)
I am also offering:
Herbal balance
Crystal readings
as well as Reiki insight.
I am a practicing Reiki practitioner, Tarot interpreter, and Botanist. My spell casting skills have flourished since I was very young and I believe it's the scoprio in me :P. I am very aware of the physics of nature and am in tune with the cycles of what is to be. I also have a nack for showing people how to harness their own magick :P Ask me about it?
If you have any questions please feel free to chat me, If you would like to learn more about me and my start please go to my reddit page, there you will find some pick a card readings that I have done *new ones coming soon* as well as reviews from many of my happy, returning clients!!
submitted by Aceofwands111 to SafePaidTarot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 SoulGalaxyWolf Coffee Stains on whole Textblock

Coffee Stains on whole Textblock
Hi! I'm trying to sell/give some books I'm not going to read again. I doubt this would be accepted, so I want to try and fix it. My name is written in the page as well, from a teacher giving me the book. If there's a way to remove it without cutting the page, it would help. I know it's not very likely, though.
I tried using vinegar, but it didn't work well.
I'm also interested in restoring other books, so that's also why I'm asking for advice.
submitted by SoulGalaxyWolf to bookrepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 PaintedSequoia r/childfree Saved My Life! Twice!

First and foremost, this is a huge thank you to the existence of this sub and all the wonderful people in it! Second, yes, I really do mean this sub has saved my life twice!
I've lurked this sub reading all your stories, both good and bad, for a long time. I got to learn the "bingo" as well as signs a partner is not actually CF and even more worryingly the sneaky ways they can try to trap someone into a life they don't want. I've (F41) tried to get sterilized ever since I was 19 and finally managed it just before turning 39. There's more to that story below.
First time: Was dating a person that initially told me he was confirmed CF and that's why I even gave him a serious chance. He was perfect in every other way and love bombed me into oblivion. He mused about "maybe what if it just happened" more and more frequently. I kept saying absolutely not! We ultimately ended things for other reasons, however towards the end he'd always find some excuse to try to not use a condom (I was firm on no fun times if he didn't) and distract me from taking my BC. I know it sounds stupid I didn't put two and two together sooner. It's not like it was super obvious and when you're that close to the problem you don't always see it. I started to catch on to some key words and phrases I had seen warned about here. I immediately ended it. Short version of the resulting drama is that he lied about being CF and believed all women should have at least 1-3 children and then be a caregiver for life. Yeah, no. Going forward, I paid better attention as well as very firmly made my stance known and that nothing will change it. Now I have a wonderful partner!
Second time: Sept 2022, using the lists found here, I finally had a no-questions-asked women's health office, doctor, and surgeon willing to sterilize me (removal of fallopian tubes)! Y'all. I wept from sheer relief and kind of scared the doctor lol. We went over family history and he became alarmed I kept adding to the cancer list and that my dad died of pancreatic cancer several years ago. I was immediately set up for a genetic marker test and it came back positive in a "it's when, not if" kind of way. He then shifted gears to encouraging a total hysterectomy and was surprised when I was all for it. Not like I'm going to use the stuff for it's intended purpose, I'd like to be done with periods (pretty positive I had endometriosis, confirmed after surgery), and I'd handle whatever menopause symptoms came my way (so far just hot flashes/night sweats and weight gain). After the procedure, they sent all the bits for testing and THEY FOUND CANCER! The surgery itself was considered the cure because it was so small and just starting, but I opted for a few sessions of chemo anyway to be absolutely sure. I've been deemed cancer free since June 2023!
To wrap this up, a massive thank you to this sub's existence, the resources it provided, and the community to being awareness and support. You really did save my life twice!
submitted by PaintedSequoia to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 SoulGalaxyWolf Coffee Stains on whole Textblock

Coffee Stains on whole Textblock
Hi! I'm trying to sell/give some books I'm not going to read again. I doubt this would be accepted, so I want to try and fix it. My name is written in the page as well, from a teacher giving me the book. If there's a way to remove it without cutting the page, it would help. I know it's not very likely, though.
I tried using vinegar, but it didn't work well.
I'm also interested in restoring other books, so that's also why I'm asking for advice.
submitted by SoulGalaxyWolf to bookrepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Endeavour1988 Intune configuration for Visual Studio and installation process?

I have some devices with VS 22 installed that needs updating and rather than manually asking them to do it, I saw I could impose some settings in Intune using a Visual Studio ADMX file. I assume this will just applyu these settings to those in the specified group who have VS installed?
Is there they a good way to get intune to install VS 22 to new devices too automatically? Or better yet those who have this in a real running environment, any pointers? Apologies I'm a novice at this and figuring bits and pieces by experimenting so far.
submitted by Endeavour1988 to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Significant-Try9989 Escape forced communication w Narc?

 I know the title is confusing so I'll explain. I need advice. My husband and I are in our early twenties and unfortunately my mother and his are both narcs. We have no contact with my mother, so no issues there, the issues lie with his. I could go on all day about how evil she is, everything from beating the hell out of spouse when he was little, cheating on his father excessively throughout his childhood, creating lies about him, creating lies about me, etc. I am looking for advice regarding how to handle the family surrounding my mother in law,, more specifically HER mother. She is a very kind woman but constantly tells us that MIL can't help how she is and justifies everything she does by claiming she's "hurt" and also seems to believe her lies. She has even affirmed lies made by my mother in law about me, however I'm blessed with a no nonsense husband who knows better and we assume she was confused. The issue at hand: MILs mom gives us money a lot to help us out as we are in college. Recently, our fridge broke down and we are currently without one. MILs mom gives $200 to MIL for us to get to help out. They had discussed them both splitting the cost of the fridge. We were not a part of this conversation. We had not even told MIL about the fridge, MIL's mom must have. This is one example of many, it is a common theme for MILs mom to use MIL to give us things/communicate with us. Husband is going to go collect the $$$ that MILs mom had sent to help but nothing more. We have no interest in accepting help or anything from someone who has treated us the way she has, unless she were to change, and I still hope she does. But it doesn't seem likely. We visit her around once a month to "keep the peace" and recently things have been okay. However, we would like for this game of telephone to stop. We don't accept help from her and have no desire to, but it seems MILs mom uses this as an excuse to keep us in contact with her. How can we gracefully and peacefully stop this from happening? I suggested to husband we may just have to stop accepting help from anyone altogether until they learn to come directly to us. Every conversation with MILs mom regarding MIL consists of her defending her, claiming she can't help the way she acts and she "really does love us." This is something that I would like to nip in the bud before we have children. 
submitted by Significant-Try9989 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 roadwarrior721 Suggested router bit - circle jig.

I have some circles of various sizes I need to make. I have a circle jig and 2 routers, plunge and fixed base.
I’m new to routing and want to go this way instead of the table saw method I’ve seen.
What is the suggested bit to use for this?
submitted by roadwarrior721 to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 StardropScavenger [USA] [H] Japanese GameCube Consoles, New 3DS JP, Silver Slim PS2 w/ Box, Japanese PS Vita CIB, Fire Emblem Amiibos, PS1, PS2, Xbox One, GameCube, Switch, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS Games, Pokemon HeartGold Sealed [W] Cashapp or Paypal G&S, Paper Mario Merchandise

Hey, have some things for sale. More photos upon request. Prices are based on condition & include shipping within the US.
Open to doing bundle deals as well. :D
I'm also looking to purchase a clean complete in box Paper Mario, along with any other official Paper Mario Merch. Looking for the TTYD GameCube standee, among other things.
No Trades
Will NOT be separating anything that is bundled, sorry!
Fire Emblem Amiibos set: $150 [All are loose]
Chrom, Tiki, Alm, Celica, Robin, Byleth, Roy, Ike, Marth, Corrin P1, Corrin P2, Lucina
Smash Bros Soundtrack - $20
Cyberpunk 2077 Steelbook - $20
Pokemon Legends Arceus Steelbook (has dent) - $20
Silver Slim PS2 w/ Box (Box has wear) includes controller & cords - $125
Boxed Japanese PS Vita w/ charger - $160
Sega Genesis w/ 2 controllers - $60
New 3DS (JP; screen has yellowing, includes non-OEM boo face plates) - $175
2 Spice Orange GameCubes w/ Gameboy Player & Start-Up Disc - $220
Boxed Indigo GameCube (JP, box wear.) - $130
Boxed Platinum GameCube (JP, some box wear; includes controller.) - $140
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones BOX ONLY (no other inserts!) - $60
Super Smash Bros GameCube Controller (NIB) - $60
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Pro Controller (Includes Box; used.) - $70
Joy-Con Wheel (Includes Box; Used) - $20
Clear Skeleton GameCube Controller - $90
OEM White GameCube Controller - $50
Yo-Kai Watch Faceplates (has wear on the inner side.) - $70
PS1: CIB unless stated otherwise
Bloody Roar II (loose) - $25
Chocobo Racing - $85
Digimon World 3 (loose) - $30
Grand Theft Auto Collector's Edition - $70
Jade Cocoon (loose) - $25
Kagero II Deception (loose) - $20
Lunar Silver Star Story [4-Disc Set] + Lunar Eternal Blue 2 (missing pendant, cards, soundtrack CD.) - $230
Medevil II - $60
Suikoden (no manual) - $45
Tales of Destiny 2 (crack on case.) - $220
GameCube: CIB unless stated otherwise
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 (no manual) - $100
Dr. Muto - $45
Luigi's Mansion - $70
Mario Golf Player's Choice - $25
Mario Kart Double Dash (one page of manual fell apart, but is still included.)- $70
Metroid Prime (no manual) + Metroid Prime 2 Echoes (no manual) - $50
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc - $45
Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem (no manual), Scooby Doo Unmasked & Scooby-Doo Night of 100 Frights - $60
Simpson's Hit & Run (no manual) - $60
Starfox Adventures (no manual) - $30
Super Mario Strikers - $60
Zelda Collector's Edition - $60
Zelda Twilight Princess + Teen Titans + Super Mario Sunshine (loose) - $120
Zelda Wind Waker (no manual) - $55
Wii U:
Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition (box wear; missing USB.) - $80
Pokemon Crystal (crack on top of the shell; incudes custom case and manual. Manual has significant wear. Has new battery installed) - $140
Pokemon Trading Card Game (sticker residue on back) - $20
Final Fantasy IV Advance (sticker residue on back) - $20
Gameshark/Action Replay:
Action Replay Max Duo Datel (Cartridge only) - $125
Nintendo DS / 3DS Games (CIB unless stated otherwise.)
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon & New Mystery of the Emblem (JP) - $60
My World, My Way - $160
Pokemon SoulSilver (loose, has back damage) - $95
Pokemon HeartGold (Sealed) - $450
Pokemon Black 2 - $165
Diabolik Lovers Grand Edition & Chaos Legion (brand new; only japanese language.) - $100
Enclave HD - $50
Fire Emblem Engage - $35
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (JP; multi-language, brand new.) - $40
Quake II - $40
Sentimental Death Loop (Brand New) - $40
Saturnalia - $60
Star Wars Jedi Knight Collection - $15
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - $10
Xbox Series X:
Dragon's Dogma II - $60
Xbox One:
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - $35
Sega Genesis:
Saint Sword (no manual) - $50
submitted by StardropScavenger to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 cheese_wallet which direction to go in choosing wide angle

which direction to go in choosing wide angle
Hi all, after getting the chance to shoot the recent Aurora, I was left with the feeling that I need a wider lens. I used my 20mm 1.4 Sigma. I have a Rokinon 14 but it will mess up my FTZ adapter if I use's already happened before. So the questions I'm pondering are...1, wait for the Sigma 14 1.4 to come out in Z mount or get one now with an adapter, 2,pick up the now heavily discounted Nikon 14-24 f mount (about $650 used in excellent condition) or 3, splurge for the new 14-24 S, which some are saying betters the f mount version, others not so sure. Astro is always something I will do from time to time, so minimal star coma in corners is important. Also is 1.4 really necessary with a Z9? thanks for any advice. Pic this past weekend by me with the Z9 and Sigma 20mm 1.4
submitted by cheese_wallet to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 BikeBeerBird Day hike - point reyes or mount tam?

Hi! My fiance and I will traveling from SF to Sonoma for a wedding on Friday and we’re looking to get a hike in on the way. Probably about 3-4 hours max.
The mount tam area looked great, but we are big birders and point reyes seemed like an excellent area for that, tho the terrain seemed a little repetitive.
Anyone have any opinion on mount tam vs. point reyes? Recommended hikes for either?
Thanks for the help!
submitted by BikeBeerBird to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]