Does labcorp use the egt test

Cool Guides

2014.03.20 17:46 dadschool Cool Guides

Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Remember: Infographics are learning tools, guides are reference tools. Sometimes it's grey.

2011.03.01 01:47 flipmosquad r/23andMe

Talk about your genes and their possible implications! Discord:

2014.01.23 22:18 potiphar1887 When you see the same reddit threads as yesterday, who you gonna call?

A compendium of the single comprehensive comments that stop a thread in its tracks

2024.05.14 13:28 InternationalWait538 Does using Tailwind reduce your bundle size?

Hello everyone 👋🏼 I have recently come across this video on YouTube ( Video link: ). Around the 17 minute mark, the developer claims that using something like Tailwind ( with a lot of repeated classes that does exactly one thing ) significantly reduces your bundle size. I couldn't find any data online that supports his claim, and I lack the knowledge/experience to reproduce the test on my own. Can someone chime in and explain it to me, please. Thank you in advance!
submitted by InternationalWait538 to css [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:28 Epona66 Please help 0.8 to 1mm thick smooth backing leather - non stretch

Hi all, I was hoping someone on here could possibly help me in finding a thin leather for lining dog collars and other item? I'm currently buying it ready cut but have no idea what type it actually is and looking to save money by cutting it myself with my Cricut (tested on scaps).
It is 0.8mm to 1mm thick, smooth feel and doesn't stretch, the back feels as though there is fibres bonded to it for strength. It doesn't fray at all when cut. I did wonder if it is actually leather but it does work very well for the job.
I've bought so many different samples and they are all either too thick (add too much bulk) or stretch (worry about wearing out fast) or they fray a lot after cutting on my machine and it's too thin or I'm too unskilled to use a burnisher on the edges.
I'm in the UK and would only be looking to buy about a square metre or so as a test to begin with.
Thank you in advance for any help or pointers.
submitted by Epona66 to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:28 Soninetz ThirstySprout Careers Exclusive Tech Talent Network Reviews

ThirstySprout Careers Exclusive Tech Talent Network Reviews
Exploring career opportunities at ThirstySprout is like finding a hidden gem in a sea of ordinary job listings. Here, innovation meets tradition, and ambition thrives alongside support. At ThirstySprout Careers, you won't just be another employee; you'll be part of a dynamic team where your ideas are valued, and your growth is nurtured by engaging with people in the company. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, ThirstySprout offers a refreshing contrast to the mundane corporate world.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Joining ThirstySprout Careers: Explore exciting opportunities and benefits by joining ThirstySprout careers for a fulfilling professional journey.
  • Unique Hiring Features: Take advantage of ThirstySprout's unique hiring features that set them apart from other companies, ensuring a seamless recruitment process.
  • Top 1% Talent Network: Access a top-tier talent network at ThirstySprout, connecting you with exceptional professionals and fostering growth and collaboration.
  • Career Advancement Opportunities: Seize the diverse career advancement opportunities available at ThirstySprout to progress in your field and achieve your professional goals.

Joining ThirstySprout Careers

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ThirstySprout Careers offers exciting career opportunities within a dynamic, AI-driven hiring platform. The platform provides a gateway to engaging projects and professional growth.

Diverse Talent Network

Discover a diverse technical talent network at ThirstySprout. The platform fosters collaboration among individuals with industry-specific expertise, creating a vibrant community.
Unlock the potential of your engineering team with ThirstySprout's AI technology. Get started with our free trial today! 🔍

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ThirstySprout excels in connecting top talent with leading companies for impactful projects. Through its innovative approach, it ensures that talents find the perfect match for their skills.

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ThirstySprout Careers leverages AI-powered algorithms to streamline hiring processes efficiently. These algorithms analyze candidate profiles swiftly, ensuring a seamless recruitment experience.

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Benefit from comprehensive hiring solutions offered by ThirstySprout Careers. Tailored to meet various staffing needs, these solutions cater to companies of all sizes and industries.

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Top 1% Talent Network

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ThirstySprout's rigorous selection process guarantees that you tap into a world-class talent reservoir. By joining this network, you gain exposure to exceptional professionals with proven track records in their respective fields.

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ThirstySprout excels in matching technical team members not just based on skills but also on cultural compatibility. This approach ensures that teams are not only proficient but also harmonious, fostering a conducive work environment.
The platform leverages advanced algorithms to identify the perfect balance between technical expertise and cultural alignment. This meticulous matching process results in cohesive teams that drive innovation and success.

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Explore ThirstySprout's extensive technical talent network encompassing over 100 competencies and a million candidate profiles. This vast pool of talent offers a diverse range of skills and experiences, catering to various industry needs.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial

Career Advancement Opportunities

Upskilling Pathways

ThirstySprout offers several projects that provide software engineers and tech professionals with hands-on experience. Engaging in these projects boosts engagement and fosters professional growth.
The platform's emphasis on practical learning ensures that individuals can apply their skills directly to real-world scenarios, enhancing their chances of success. By working on diverse projects, professionals can broaden their expertise and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

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Professionals at ThirstySprout have shared inspiring stories of how taking on projects led them to significant career advancements. From collaborating directly with the CEO to working alongside talented people, these experiences have propelled their careers to new heights.

Final Remarks

You've now glimpsed the world of ThirstySprout Careers, where unique hiring features meet a top 1% talent network. The opportunities for career advancement are vast, waiting for you to seize them. Join us in this journey towards professional growth and success.
Take the first step today by exploring the possibilities at ThirstySprout Careers. Elevate your career, connect with exceptional talent, and unlock unparalleled opportunities. Your future self will thank you for making this choice.
Elevate your hiring game with ThirstySprout's cutting-edge AI solutions. Take advantage of our free trial offer now! 🌟

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of joining ThirstySprout Careers?

ThirstySprout offers unique hiring features, access to a top 1% talent network, and ample career advancement opportunities for individuals looking to grow professionally.

How does ThirstySprout ensure the quality of its talent network?

ThirstySprout meticulously curates its talent network to include only the top 1% of professionals in their respective fields, ensuring high-quality connections and collaborations.

Are there opportunities for career advancement at ThirstySprout?

ThirstySprout provides clear paths for career growth and development, offering employees various opportunities to advance within the organization based on performance and skills.

What sets ThirstySprout's hiring process apart from others?

ThirstySprout's hiring process includes unique features designed to identify top talent efficiently, making it stand out as a preferred choice for both candidates and employers.

How can joining ThirstySprout Careers benefit my professional growth?

Joining ThirstySprout Careers opens doors to a prestigious talent network, exceptional career advancement prospects, and a supportive environment conducive to personal and professional development.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:26 hooraysimpsons Question: ~16 to 12.5psi drop on pressure test overnight

Hello. A little bit of a repeat question. Had some gas plumbing work done for a new appliance. They're using a 15psi gauge for pressure testing (two separate for before and after regulator). One was pumped to 15psi and has dropped to 14.5 overnight. This can likely be accounted for by temperature changes.
The other they pumped up to over the max on the gauge but if you extrapolated would be ~16 and is now sitting at 12.5.
I don't trust this company but they were subcontracted for my project which is done once the gas passes inspection. I feel like the pressure drop means there is a leak. I've also read that the code is much more forgiving. Questions: (I'm in US)
  1. Why does it seem like code only checks for pressure drop over a shorter time frame?
  2. Whats the best way to approach this with contractor if they end up passing inspection when tested over a shorter time frame?
Thanks everyone
submitted by hooraysimpsons to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:20 Soninetz SimpleTexting App Download: Ultimate iOS & Android Guide

SimpleTexting App Download: Ultimate iOS & Android Guide
Did you know that over 80% of smartphone users have at least one messaging app, such as text messages or apple messages, installed on their devices? If you're in search of a convenient and efficient way to stay connected with your audience through sms marketing and messaging features, the simpletexting app download is your solution. With seamless features and a user-friendly interface, this app simplifies your communication needs, whether it's through text messages or an apple messaging service. Whether it's for personal use or business outreach, the simpletexting app provides a hassle-free experience, allowing you to send messages with ease. Elevate your messaging game on your phone by downloading the simpletexting app today and witness a whole new level of connectivity.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Explore Text Marketing Apps: Discover and explore different text marketing apps available for download to enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Utilize On-the-Go Features: Take advantage of features specifically designed for on-the-go marketing, such as mobile app and text messages, allowing you to reach your audience anytime, anywhere using way messaging.
  • Boost Engagement with Push Notifications: Enhance customer engagement through push notifications on your mobile app to keep your audience informed and connected via text messages.
  • Efficient Subscriber Management: Streamline the process of managing subscribers through the app, making it easier to track and engage with your audience effectively.
  • Optimize Campaigns: Use the app's analytics tools to analyze campaign performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies.
  • Take Action: Download a texting app today to leverage these features and improve your marketing efforts.

Discover Text Marketing Apps

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Text marketing apps are designed to be compatible with both Android and iOS devices, ensuring a wide user base. This compatibility allows businesses to reach a broader audience seamlessly.
Simplify your workflow with SimpleTexting! Get started with our free trial and see how our built-in automation features can save you time and effort. ⏱️

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The simplicity of text marketing apps makes them easy to navigate for users of all technical levels. With intuitive interfaces, businesses can create and send marketing messages efficiently.

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Text marketing apps offer real-time analytics, providing businesses with instant insights into campaign performance. This feature enables quick adjustments to optimize marketing strategies.

Cost-Effective Communication

Features for On-the-Go Marketing

Mobile Accessibility

Access the app on your smartphone anywhere, anytime. This feature ensures you can manage your marketing campaigns even while away from your desk.
Send Campaigns Instantly Quickly send out marketing messages with just a few taps. This instant feature enables you to reach your audience promptly.

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Set up automated campaigns to reach your customers at the right time. With this feature, you can schedule messages in advance for maximum impact.
Real-Time Analytics Track the performance of your marketing campaigns in real-time. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies on the go.

Customization Options

  • Tailor your messages to suit different target groups.
  • Personalize each campaign for higher engagement rates.

Enhance Engagement with Push Notifications

Increased User Interaction

Push notifications play a crucial role in keeping users engaged with the SimpleTexting app. By sending timely alerts and updates, users are more likely to interact with the app frequently.
Users appreciate receiving push notifications that are relevant and personalized to their preferences. This tailored approach boosts user engagement and encourages continued app usage.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Timely Promotions

Sending out promotions and discounts via push notifications can significantly impact user behavior. Users tend to respond positively to exclusive offers delivered directly to their devices.
  • Pros:
    • Instant communication with users
    • Higher chances of immediate response from recipients
  • Cons:
    • Risk of overloading users with notifications
    • Possibility of users disabling notifications if they are not valuable

Personalized Content Delivery

By leveraging push notifications, the SimpleTexting app can deliver personalized content based on user behavior and preferences. This targeted approach enhances user experience and fosters long-term engagement.
Creating a balance between informative updates and promotional messages is key to maintaining user interest without overwhelming them with excessive notifications.

Streamline Subscriber Management

Efficient Organization

Streamlining subscriber management allows for efficient organization of your contacts. You can easily segment subscribers based on various criteria.
Managing subscribers becomes simpler with the ability to categorize them into different groups. This feature facilitates targeted communication strategies.

Automated Workflows

Integration of automation tools in subscriber management helps simplify routine tasks. Create automated workflows for subscription updates and personalized messages.
Automated workflows ensure timely responses to subscriber actions, enhancing overall user experience. This streamlines processes and boosts efficiency.

Analyze and Optimize Campaigns

Data Analysis

Utilize analytics tools to track campaign performance, identifying successful strategies for targeted messaging.
Enhance campaigns by analyzing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

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Conduct A/B tests to compare different elements of your campaigns, like subject lines or call-to-action buttons.
By testing variations, you can determine the most effective components that drive engagement.

Personalization Strategy

Implement a personalization strategy based on subscriber behavior and preferences.
Tailoring messages to individual interests can significantly boost customer engagement and response rates.


You've learned about text marketing apps, their features for on-the-go marketing, push notifications to boost engagement, streamlined subscriber management, and campaign analysis for optimization. By leveraging these tools, you can enhance your marketing strategies, reach your audience effectively, and drive better results. Take action now to explore these features in text marketing apps and revolutionize your marketing efforts.
Ready to level up your customer engagement? Try SimpleTexting for free and automate your welcome messages today! 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions

How can text marketing apps benefit my business?

Text marketing apps help businesses reach customers directly, increase engagement, send personalized messages, and track campaign performance efficiently.

What are the key features of on-the-go marketing with SimpleTexting app?

The SimpleTexting app allows you to create and send messages quickly, schedule campaigns in advance, access real-time analytics, segment your audience easily, and engage customers wherever you are.

How do push notifications enhance customer engagement through SimpleTexting?

Push notifications from SimpleTexting enable instant communication with customers, increase brand visibility, drive traffic to your website or app, promote time-sensitive offers, and improve overall customer retention.

How does SimpleTexting streamline subscriber management for businesses?

SimpleTexting provides tools to organize subscriber lists effectively, automate opt-ins and opt-outs, personalize messages based on subscriber data, integrate with CRM systems seamlessly, and ensure compliance with regulations like TCPA.

Can SimpleTexting help in analyzing and optimizing marketing campaigns?

Yes. SimpleTexting offers robust analytics to track campaign performance metrics such as open rates and click-through rates. With these insights, businesses can optimize their SMS marketing strategies for better results.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:17 Amazingnewthings Best guesses on black triangle UFO’s

I posted this on one of the UFO subs and immediately got downvoted so will try here.
Many accounts claim large black triangles have been seen floating/drifting slowly above rooftops.
Chris Mellon once claimed his best guess as to why triangles are seen so low to the ground is because he thinks they are “mapping” the landscape.
This supposed guess from Mellon is clearly nonsense. So I don't know if he was feeding disinformation or being serious?
Because there is no reason an areal platform, even a human one, would need to come within feet of a rooftop to “map” the environment AND there is no good reason that supposed mapping would need to be done in such a slow fashion.
Meaning there is some other reason flying triangles and maybe other UFOs (I have heard at least one other claim of a saucer doing this) are floating close VERY close to rooftops at night.
This behaviour IMV absolutely has to do with whats inside houses at night and whats asleep at night being HUMANS.
Obviously an intelligently operated areal platform can’t conduct surveillance in the day time at such low altitudes AND during the day time people are AWAKE.
There is a connection between being asleep and the close proximity of UFOs, particularly triangles.
It has also occurred where one family member will be aware of this low frequency humming, sometimes woken up by it, where as other family members in the same house are oblivious to it and continue sleeping.
This suggests its targeted and whatever the purpose for this is, its directed at specific people.
Meaning IMO the reason some of these UFOs get so close to houses is because there is something being accessed or delivered to individual human-beings, that can only be accessed or delivery when unaware and asleep.
This could include a heavy dose of targeted radiation for all anyone knows because we don't know why they need to get that close when someone is asleep.
It could also potentially be some people are attracting these objects during sleep. There is no way of knowing at the moment.
The bottom line is that, im not buying “mapping the landscape”.
Again, Mellon suggested the lights located at each of the 3 points on the triangle's are designed for mapping. I guess “triangulation”.
Again, this does not explain the excessive brightness of those lights or the close proximity to rooftops.
So there seems to be a paradox here as to why these UFOs have very bright lights yet behave covertly. Except not so much of a paradox really.
Because a car has full beam headlights but doesn't have them on at all times. Meaning just because triangles have been seen lit up, they have also been seen with no lighting. So their behaviour is clearly dependent of their activities and motives.
Well, they behave in ways that could mean they are.
Would highly advanced NHI need to get within feet of individuals its interested in? At night? When people are sleeping?
Would NHI want to advertise itself with huge lights yet never reveal itself?
Do low, slow flying triangles operate everywhere on the planet or do they only operate in countries that are allied to the USA? Because it if turns out all accounts of low, slow triangles are only seen in the US and its allies it would HIGHLY suggest these platforms cannot be risked being used in the same fashion in any hostile nation that might shoot them down.
Why Belgium? The claim I heard on a UFO TV Show, was because its very well lit up and can be seen from space.. lol.
The actual most probable reason is that Brussels is headquarters of NATO.
The Belgium wave therefore was almost certainly a test of NATO response times, when faced with US top secret technology.
It also means that if NATO even had orders to shoot down one of these triangles (I bet they didn't have) that any possible crash would be scooped up by the USA anyhow. So a test on NATO with US black technology is a no risk test as far as the US is concerned.
Shits and giggles is one potential reason. They can do it so they are doing it. Another reason is to bolster the alien mythology to distract from what it actually is.
Of corse a more concerning reason is the targeting of individuals for unknown reasons.
Friends do not hover about your rooftop at 3am without giving a plausible reason for doing it.
The behaviour 100% sounds like something the US would be responsible for IMHO
submitted by Amazingnewthings to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:17 logeshwywan Android™ 15 Beta for OnePlus 12 and OnePlus Open

New Release
Hello everyone,
The OxygenOS team is committed to offering our users the earliest access to the latest version of Android. Now, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the first Android 15 Beta 1 for OnePlus 12 and OnePlus Open users.
This release of Android 15 Beta 1 is tailored for developers and advanced users. Offering early access to Android 15 enables app developers and early adopters in our community to begin crafting enhanced software experiences. However, we advise against flashing this ROM if you have limited software development experience, intend to use the device as your primary driver, or lack experience with custom ROM installations.
Known Issues
OnePlus 12
There are some compatibility issues with the Bluetooth connection. In certain scenarios, Wi-Fi may not be able to connect to the printer The Smart Lock function cannot be used. Some camera functions display abnormally in certain scenarios. In some scenarios, the Multi-Screen Connect function is abnormal when connecting with PC or PAD. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues such as crashes Stability issues in specific scenarios. Personal hotspot may not work after modifying the security settings. The Auto Pixlate function fails during screenshot preview. After taking a photo, the photo does not show the ProXDR button.
OnePlus Open
There are some compatibility issues with the Bluetooth connection. Some camera functions display abnormally under certain scenes. In some scenarios, the Multi-Screen Connect function is abnormal when connecting with PC or PAD. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues such as crashes There are stability issues in specific scenarios. The split screen function of the main screen is abnormal in some scenarios. After taking a photo, the photo does not show the ProXDR button. Personal hotspot may not work after modifying the security settings. The Auto Pixlate function fails during screenshot preview. Long pressing the main body of a picture in Photos cannot trigger the smart select and cutout function. Creating the System Cloner and open, when input the main system password, it will crash to the desktop and the multitask button and home button of are unavailable. The size of the drop-down status bar quick switch is abnormal after the screen resolution is switched between Standard and High.You can switch to the original resolution to restore it. (Method:Settings > Display & brightness > Screen Resolution > Standard or High)
You should understand there is a risk of BRICKING your phone, read the instructions carefully, and be 100% sure of what you are doing. Please always backup your important data before flashing.
Please note:
These instructions are only for the OnePlus 12. Please make sure the battery level is above 30% and a minimum of 4GB of storage space is available. Carrier version devices (TMO/VZW) are NOT compatible with the Android 15 Beta 1. The Versions of OnePlus 12 need to be and below when upgrading to Android 15 Beta. Versions above cannot be upgraded to Android 15 Beta. The Version of OnePlus Open needs to be and below when upgrading to Android 15 Beta. Versions above cannot be upgraded to Android 15 Beta.
This is an early Android 15 build to give developers an early chance to test their apps with an upcoming Android version. As such, its main purpose is not to collect bugs.
Still, your feedback is appreciated. Please provide your feedback directly in this thread.
Never Settle.
submitted by logeshwywan to OnePlus12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:16 Different_Captain717 Our company emails are getting flagged by Gmail spam filters

We're an AUSTRAC regulated company headquartered in Sydney. Our emails are being flagged by Gmail spam filters. We're not cold marketing, we have a list of 5,000 people (most of whom we met in person at industry conferences) and we're unable to reach them with our mails. Our site is a new domain, this is perhaps part of the issue. According to spam filter test results on
SpamAssassin score = 10/10
SPF = 10/10, the sending domain has a valid SPF entry
DKM = 10/10, valid DKM entry
Gmail spam filter: Gmail has classified the email as spam
We've tried testing this paying close attention to avoiding any words that might trigger the spam filter and the results are the same with different Gmail recipient addresses and test emails. We're using OneSignal to send emails.
We're a bit stumped as to how to proceed, as we're now unable to keep them updated with our upcoming product launch. Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed? If enough people whitelist the emails, will Gmail filters recategorize our domain, or does whitelisting simply help that individual person receive the emails?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.
submitted by Different_Captain717 to Emailmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:14 logeshwywan Android™ 15 Beta for OnePlus 12 and OnePlus Open

New Release
Hello everyone,
The OxygenOS team is committed to offering our users the earliest access to the latest version of Android. Now, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the first Android 15 Beta 1 for OnePlus 12 and OnePlus Open users.
This release of Android 15 Beta 1 is tailored for developers and advanced users. Offering early access to Android 15 enables app developers and early adopters in our community to begin crafting enhanced software experiences. However, we advise against flashing this ROM if you have limited software development experience, intend to use the device as your primary driver, or lack experience with custom ROM installations.
Known Issues
OnePlus 12
There are some compatibility issues with the Bluetooth connection. In certain scenarios, Wi-Fi may not be able to connect to the printer The Smart Lock function cannot be used. Some camera functions display abnormally in certain scenarios. In some scenarios, the Multi-Screen Connect function is abnormal when connecting with PC or PAD. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues such as crashes Stability issues in specific scenarios. Personal hotspot may not work after modifying the security settings. The Auto Pixlate function fails during screenshot preview. After taking a photo, the photo does not show the ProXDR button.
OnePlus Open
There are some compatibility issues with the Bluetooth connection. Some camera functions display abnormally under certain scenes. In some scenarios, the Multi-Screen Connect function is abnormal when connecting with PC or PAD. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues such as crashes There are stability issues in specific scenarios. The split screen function of the main screen is abnormal in some scenarios. After taking a photo, the photo does not show the ProXDR button. Personal hotspot may not work after modifying the security settings. The Auto Pixlate function fails during screenshot preview. Long pressing the main body of a picture in Photos cannot trigger the smart select and cutout function. Creating the System Cloner and open, when input the main system password, it will crash to the desktop and the multitask button and home button of are unavailable. The size of the drop-down status bar quick switch is abnormal after the screen resolution is switched between Standard and High.You can switch to the original resolution to restore it. (Method:Settings > Display & brightness > Screen Resolution > Standard or High)
You should understand there is a risk of BRICKING your phone, read the instructions carefully, and be 100% sure of what you are doing. Please always backup your important data before flashing.
Please note:
These instructions are only for the OnePlus 12. Please make sure the battery level is above 30% and a minimum of 4GB of storage space is available. Carrier version devices (TMO/VZW) are NOT compatible with the Android 15 Beta 1. The Versions of OnePlus 12 need to be and below when upgrading to Android 15 Beta. Versions above cannot be upgraded to Android 15 Beta. The Version of OnePlus Open needs to be and below when upgrading to Android 15 Beta. Versions above cannot be upgraded to Android 15 Beta.
This is an early Android 15 build to give developers an early chance to test their apps with an upcoming Android version. As such, its main purpose is not to collect bugs.
Still, your feedback is appreciated. Please provide your feedback directly in this thread.
Never Settle.
submitted by logeshwywan to oneplus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:14 Soninetz VIVAHR Pricing: Cost Comparison and Value Analysis

VIVAHR Pricing: Cost Comparison and Value Analysis
Looking for a seamless solution to streamline your recruitment process without breaking the bank? Curious about how Vivahr's pricing can revolutionize your hiring strategy? Imagine maximizing efficiency while minimizing costs. With Vivahr's competitive pricing plans, you can access top-notch recruitment tools without compromising quality or budget. Ready to elevate your hiring game and attract top talent effortlessly? Dive into Vivahr's pricing options and unlock the gateway to unparalleled recruitment success.
Useful Links:
  1. VIVAHR LifeTime Deal
  2. VIVAHR Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Explore Pricing Options: Understand the different pricing plans offered by Vivahr to choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.
  • Start with a Free Trial: Take advantage of Vivahr's free trial to experience the platform's features firsthand before committing to a paid plan.
  • Benefit from Vivahr's Advantages: Leverage Vivahr's features like applicant tracking, interview scheduling, and candidate evaluation to streamline your hiring process effectively.
  • Make an Informed Decision: Consider the unique advantages of Vivahr, such as its user-friendly interface and customizable workflows, when deciding on a recruitment software solution.
  • Optimize Your Hiring Process: Implement Vivahr's tools and features to enhance your recruitment efforts, save time, and make more informed hiring decisions.
  • Choose the Right Plan: Select the Vivahr pricing plan that aligns with your hiring needs and budget to maximize the benefits of the platform for your organization.

Understanding VIVAHR's Pricing Structure

VIVAHR offers four main pricing plans: Starter, Essential, Grow, and Pro. Each plan comes with a range of features designed to streamline your recruitment process and attract top talent to your organization. Let's delve into each plan to understand its offerings better.

1. Starter Plan: $89/mo.

The Starter plan is ideal for small businesses and startups looking to kickstart their recruitment efforts. Priced at $89 per month, this plan offers the following features:
  • 1 Location Included: Manage your recruitment activities for a single location.
  • 1 Job Posting per Month: Post one job opening per month to attract potential candidates.
  • 1 User: Access the platform with one user account.
  • Unlimited Candidates: Engage with an unlimited number of candidates.
  • Unlimited Positions: Create and manage multiple job positions effortlessly.
  • 50+ Job Boards: Expand your reach by posting job listings on over 50 job boards.
  • Candidate Automations: Automate repetitive tasks to save time and improve efficiency.
  • Customizable Pipeline: Tailor your recruitment pipeline to match your unique hiring process.

2. Essential Plan: $119/mo.

The Essential plan offers more flexibility and features for growing businesses. Priced at $119 per month, this plan includes:
  • 1 Location Included: Manage recruitment activities for a single location.
  • 5 Active Job Postings: Post up to five job openings simultaneously to attract a diverse pool of candidates.
  • Unlimited Users: Collaborate with your team members without any user restrictions.
  • Unlimited Candidates: Engage with as many candidates as you need to find the perfect fit.
  • Unlimited Positions: Create and manage an unlimited number of job positions to meet your hiring needs.
  • 50+ Job Boards: Leverage a wide range of job boards to reach a broader audience.
  • Candidate Automations: Automate repetitive tasks to streamline your recruitment process.
  • Customizable Pipeline: Tailor your recruitment pipeline to align with your organizational requirements.
Most Popular

3. Grow Plan: $179/mo.

The Grow plan is perfect for businesses looking to expand their recruitment efforts across multiple locations. Priced at $179 per month, this plan offers:
  • 5 Locations Included: Manage recruitment activities for up to five locations to support your business growth.
  • Unlimited Job Postings: Post an unlimited number of job openings to attract top talent from various locations.
  • Unlimited Users: Collaborate with your entire team without any user limitations.
  • Unlimited Candidates: Engage with an unlimited number of candidates to find the best fit for your organization.
  • 50+ Job Boards: Maximize your reach by posting job listings on over 50 job boards.
  • Candidate Automations: Streamline your recruitment process with automated workflows and communications.
  • Customizable Pipeline: Design a recruitment pipeline that aligns with your organization's unique hiring process.
  • Unlimited Culture Profiles: Showcase your company culture and values to attract candidates who align with your ethos.

4. Pro Plan: $279/mo.

The Pro plan is VIVAHR's most comprehensive offering, designed for businesses with advanced recruitment needs. Priced at $279 per month, this plan includes all the features of the Grow plan, plus additional functionalities such as:
  • All Grow Features +: Access all the features included in the Grow plan, ensuring a seamless recruitment experience.
  • eSignatures: Streamline your offer acceptance process with electronic signatures for contracts and documents.
  • Custom Roles & Permissions: Define custom roles and permissions to control access and permissions within the platform.
  • Text Messaging: Communicate with candidates via text messages to keep them engaged throughout the recruitment process.
  • Dedicated Customer Service: Receive dedicated support from VIVAHR's customer service team to address any queries or concerns promptly.

Choosing the Right Plan for Your Business

Now that you're familiar with VIVAHR's pricing plans and their respective features, how do you choose the right plan for your business? Here are some factors to consider:
  • Size of Your Business: Assess the size and scale of your business to determine which plan aligns with your current and future recruitment needs.
  • Budget: Evaluate your budget and choose a plan that offers the best value for money based on the features and functionalities you require.
  • Recruitment Goals: Consider your recruitment goals and objectives to select a plan that supports your hiring strategy and growth aspirations.
  • Team Collaboration: Determine the level of team collaboration required and choose a plan that allows multiple users to work together seamlessly.
  • Technical Requirements: Review your technical requirements and ensure that the chosen plan meets your organization's IT infrastructure and compatibility needs.
By carefully evaluating these factors and comparing VIVAHR's pricing plans, you can select the plan that best meets your recruitment needs and budget constraints.

Starting with a Free Trial


Users can kickstart their Vivahr experience by signing up for the free plan, which offers a risk-free way to test all the platform's features. This opportunity enables companies to explore how Vivahr can streamline their recruitment process without any financial commitment.


The free trial period lasts for 30 days, providing ample time for organizations to delve into Vivahr's functionalities and assess its compatibility with their hiring needs. During this period, users can navigate through the platform, create job postings, manage applications, and explore the careers page feature.
Useful Links:
  1. VIVAHR LifeTime Deal
  2. VIVAHR Free Trial

Ease of Access

Signing up for the free trial is simple and straightforward. Users can easily register on the Vivahr website and gain instant access to the platform's tools and resources. This seamless onboarding process ensures that companies can swiftly integrate Vivahr into their recruitment workflow.


One of the key advantages of the free trial is the flexibility it offers. Companies have the freedom to experiment with different features, customize settings, and evaluate how Vivahr aligns with their specific hiring requirements. This hands-on experience empowers organizations to make informed decisions about upgrading to a paid plan in the future.

Advantages of Choosing Vivahr

Full Customer Support

Vivahr stands out for its commitment to full customer support, ensuring that users receive assistance every step of the way. Whether it's navigating the platform or troubleshooting issues, help is readily available.
The automatic job syndication feature offered by Vivahr simplifies the process of reaching a wider pool of candidates. By automatically sharing job postings across various platforms, companies can attract more qualified applicants effortlessly.

Unlimited Culture Profiles

One significant benefit of using Vivahr is access to unlimited culture profiles. This feature enables businesses to create detailed profiles that reflect their company culture accurately. These profiles play a crucial role in making informed hiring decisions and finding candidates who align with the organization's values.
  • Streamlined recruitment process
  • Enhanced candidate experience

Final Remarks

You've gained a comprehensive understanding of Vivahr and its pricing options. Starting with a free trial allows you to experience the advantages firsthand, leading you to make an informed decision. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, Vivahr offers tailored solutions that can elevate your recruitment process. Embrace the efficiency and effectiveness of Vivahr to streamline your hiring efforts and find the best talent for your team.
Take action now and sign up for Vivahr's free trial to revolutionize your recruitment strategy. Elevate your hiring process, save time, and make confident decisions in selecting the right candidates. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform the way you hire!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vivahr and how can it benefit my business?

Vivahr is a comprehensive hiring software that streamlines recruitment processes. It offers features like candidate tracking, interview scheduling, and job posting to save time and improve hiring efficiency for your business.

What are the pricing options available for Vivahr?

Vivahr provides flexible pricing plans tailored to businesses of all sizes. From affordable monthly subscriptions to customizable enterprise solutions, there are options to suit your budget and specific hiring needs.

Is there a free trial available for Vivahr?

Yes, Vivahr offers a free trial period for you to explore its features and see how it can enhance your recruitment process. Sign up for the trial to experience firsthand the benefits of using Vivahr for your hiring needs.

What advantages does choosing Vivahr offer over other hiring software?

By selecting Vivahr, you gain access to a user-friendly platform with advanced tools that simplify candidate evaluation and streamline communication. The intuitive interface, robust features, and excellent customer support set Vivahr apart from other options in the market.

How can I make an informed decision about using Vivahr for my recruitment needs?

To make the best decision regarding Vivahr, consider factors such as your budget, company size, and specific hiring requirements. Take advantage of the free trial, explore pricing options, and assess how Vivahr aligns with your goals before committing to the software.
Useful Links:
  1. VIVAHR LifeTime Deal
  2. VIVAHR Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:05 Soninetz Surveysparrow Pricing: Subscription Plans & Cost

Surveysparrow Pricing: Subscription Plans & Cost
Did you know that 72% of businesses overspend on survey software due to hidden costs? When it comes to pricing transparency, Surveysparrow stands out. Offering a straightforward and affordable pricing structure, Surveysparrow ensures no unexpected fees or surprises. With customizable plans tailored to suit different business needs, users can enjoy features like unlimited surveys, responses, and seamless integrations without breaking the bank. Say goodbye to budgeting woes and hello to cost-effective survey solutions with Surveysparrow's transparent pricing model.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the Right Plan
    • Evaluate your needs and budget to select a plan that aligns with your survey requirements.
    • Consider factors like the number of surveys, responses, and advanced features you need.
  • Features Across Plans
    • Understand the features offered in each plan to maximize the value of your subscription.
    • Utilize advanced functionalities like question piping, logic branching, and white-labeling for tailored surveys.
  • Plan Comparison
    • Compare the different plans to identify the one that offers the best balance of features and pricing for your specific use case.
    • Analyze the scalability options provided by each plan to accommodate future growth.
  • Add-ons and Extras
    • Explore additional add-ons and extras to enhance your survey capabilities.
    • Opt for add-ons like custom branding, NPS surveys, or respondent notifications for a more comprehensive survey experience.
  • FAQs Addressed
    • Review frequently asked questions to clarify any doubts regarding pricing, features, or plan specifics.
    • Seek clarification on topics such as billing cycles, user limits, and support options to make an informed decision.

Choosing the Right Plan

Features Comparison

When deciding on a Surveysparrow pricing plan, it's crucial to compare the features offered in each tier. Look at aspects like survey customization options, response quotas, and reporting capabilities. Consider your specific needs to ensure you select a plan that aligns with your requirements.
Level up your customer experience game! Get started with SurveySparrow's free trial today and watch your business flourish! 🌟

Scalability Options

Evaluate the scalability options provided by different Surveysparrow pricing plans. Determine whether the plans allow for easy upgrades or downgrades based on your evolving survey needs. Flexibility in scaling up or down can be essential as your survey projects grow or change over time.

Budget Consideration

Take into account your budget constraints when selecting a Surveysparrow pricing plan. Compare the costs of various plans against the features they offer to find the best value for your money. Ensure that you are not paying for features that you won't use while still having access to all the functionalities you require.

Features Across Plans

Plan Varieties

Surveysparrow offers multiple plans tailored to different needs, including Basic, Premium, and Enterprise options. Each plan comes with distinct features and pricing structures.
The Basic plan is perfect for individuals or small teams starting with online surveys. It offers essential features like unlimited surveys and questions, customizable themes, and basic reporting tools.
Moving up to the Premium plan unlocks advanced functionalities such as logic branching, white-labeling options, integrations with popular apps like Zapier and Salesforce, and in-depth analytics.
For larger organizations with complex survey requirements, the Enterprise plan provides top-tier features like priority support, dedicated account managers, advanced security protocols, and custom solutions tailored to specific business needs.


In addition to the core features of each plan, Surveysparrow also offers various add-ons for further customization. These include additional user seats for team collaboration, extra storage space for data-intensive projects, and premium support packages.
Users can enhance their survey experience by incorporating add-ons that align with their unique requirements. Whether it's scaling up team collaboration or ensuring top-notch customer support, Surveysparrow's add-ons cater to diverse needs.

Plan Comparison

Features Overview

Surveysparrow offers various pricing plans tailored to different needs. Basic plan is ideal for small businesses with limited features but affordable pricing. Premium plan includes advanced features like customization and branding options. Enterprise plan caters to large organizations with extensive survey requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Pricing Details

The Basic plan starts at $19 per month, offering essential features such as unlimited surveys and responses. The Premium plan is priced at $49 monthly, providing additional customization options and white-labeling capabilities. For the Enterprise plan, pricing is available upon request and includes advanced features like priority support and dedicated account management.

Key Differences

The main variations among the plans lie in the number of surveys allowed, customization options, and support levels. While the Basic plan is suitable for simple surveys, the Premium and Enterprise plans offer more flexibility and branding opportunities.

Choosing the Right Plan

When selecting a plan, consider factors like your budget, survey complexity, and branding needs. Evaluate how many surveys you anticipate conducting monthly and whether you require advanced customization features.

Add-ons and Extras

Customization Options

Surveysparrow offers various customization options to enhance the user experience. Users can personalize surveys with branding elements, such as logos and colors. This feature helps in creating professional-looking surveys that resonate with the brand identity.
Users can also take advantage of advanced question types like image choices, rating scales, and NPS questions. These options enable users to gather more detailed feedback from respondents. conditional logic allows for a more tailored survey experience based on respondents' answers.


One of Surveysparrow's strengths lies in its wide range of integrations with popular tools and platforms. Users can seamlessly connect Surveysparrow with applications like Slack, Google Sheets, and Zapier. This integration capability streamlines workflows by automatically syncing survey data with other systems.

Security Features

For users concerned about data security, Surveysparrow provides robust measures to ensure secure data handling. The platform adheres to GDPR compliance, safeguarding sensitive information provided by respondents. Features like SSL encryption protect data during transmission, maintaining confidentiality.

FAQs Addressed

Customization Options

Surveysparrow pricing offers various customization options, allowing users to tailor their plans to suit specific needs. Customers can choose from a range of features such as white-labeling, custom domains, and personalized branding, enhancing the overall user experience.

Billing Cycle Flexibility

Users have the flexibility to select their preferred billing cycle with Surveysparrow pricing, whether it's monthly or annually. This feature enables customers to manage their expenses effectively and choose a payment schedule that aligns with their budget requirements.

Scalability and Upgrades

Surveysparrow pricing provides scalability options for businesses of all sizes. Users can easily upgrade or downgrade their plans based on changing needs, ensuring they have access to the right features at all times. This scalability feature allows companies to adapt to growth without any hassle.

Support and Training

Customers using Surveysparrow pricing benefit from dedicated support and training resources. The platform offers comprehensive guides, tutorials, and customer service assistance, ensuring that users can maximize the value of their investment in the software.


You've now gained a comprehensive understanding of SurveySparrow's pricing structure, plan features, comparisons, add-ons, and frequently asked questions. This knowledge equips you to make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs. Remember to leverage the detailed insights provided in each section to select the most suitable plan that aligns with your requirements and budget.
Make sure to revisit this guide whenever you need clarity on SurveySparrow's pricing options or additional features. By utilizing this information effectively, you can optimize your survey creation process and maximize the value you derive from SurveySparrow's offerings. Stay informed, choose wisely, and make the most out of SurveySparrow's versatile solutions.
Turn your customers into loyal fans! Try SurveySparrow for free and see the magic happen! 🎩✨

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I choose the right plan for my needs?

To choose the right plan on Surveysparrow, assess your requirements like the number of surveys, respondents, and advanced features needed. Start with a free trial to test functionality before committing.

What are the key features available across different plans?

Surveysparrow offers essential features like customizable templates, real-time analytics, and multiple question types across all plans. Advanced features such as white-labeling, API access, and integrations are available in higher-tier plans.

How does Surveysparrow pricing compare across different plans?

Surveysparrow's pricing varies based on the features and customization options each plan offers. Higher-tier plans provide more advanced functionalities and greater customization options compared to basic plans.

Are there any add-ons or extras available for Surveysparrow users?

Surveysparrow offers add-ons like additional responses or custom branding beyond the standard plan features. These add-ons allow users to tailor their survey experience further to meet specific requirements.

How are common FAQs addressed by Surveysparrow support?

Surveysparrow provides comprehensive support through FAQs, tutorials, and a dedicated customer support team. Users can find solutions to common queries related to account setup, survey creation, data analysis, and more through these resources.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:02 tempmailgenerator Implementing Email Functionality in Firebase with Nodemailer

Exploring Firebase's Email Integration Capabilities

Integrating email functionalities into applications has become a staple for enhancing user engagement and facilitating vital communications. The fusion of Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer presents a robust solution for developers aiming to send emails programmatically. This combination leverages Firebase's scalable backend services with Nodemailer's email sending capabilities, offering a seamless way to implement notification systems, user verification emails, or custom messaging solutions. The flexibility and efficiency provided by Firebase Cloud Functions allow developers to execute backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests, without the need for managing a server.
Utilizing Nodemailer within Firebase Cloud Functions involves setting up a Node.js environment where you can deploy functions that send emails using SMTP or other transport methods supported by Nodemailer. This setup not only simplifies the process of sending emails but also introduces a level of customization and control over email content, recipients, and timing that is invaluable for creating personalized user experiences. As we delve deeper into the specifics of implementing this solution, it's essential to understand the prerequisites, such as having a Firebase project and configuring the necessary authentication for email services, ensuring a smooth and secure email communication channel within your application.

Exploring Cloud-Based Email Solutions

With the advent of cloud computing, developers have been able to leverage powerful backend services without the need for extensive infrastructure management. Firebase Cloud Functions represent a cornerstone of this evolution, offering a scalable and serverless environment where functions can be executed in response to various events within Firebase's ecosystem. This capability has profoundly impacted how applications are developed, particularly in the realm of automated email communications. By integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer, a popular Node.js module for email sending, developers can automate email workflows efficiently, enhancing user engagement and application reliability.
The combination of Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer opens up a plethora of possibilities for application developers. From sending personalized user engagement emails to automating transactional email notifications, the integration caters to a wide array of email-related needs. This approach not only simplifies the development process but also ensures that applications can scale seamlessly with demand. Moreover, it underscores the importance of utilizing cloud functions for backend tasks, allowing developers to focus more on the user experience and less on the complexities of server management and email server configuration.
Command Description
firebase init functions Initializes Firebase Cloud Functions in your project.
npm install nodemailer Installs Nodemailer, a module to send emails with Node.js.
require('nodemailer') Includes Nodemailer in your Cloud Function to send emails.
functions.https.onRequest() Defines a Cloud Function triggered by HTTP requests to send emails.
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions) Sends an email using Nodemailer with specified mail options.

Advancing Email Automation with Firebase and Nodemailer

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer for email automation presents a paradigm shift in how developers approach communication strategies within their applications. This integration facilitates a seamless, serverless architecture that allows for the dynamic sending of emails based on specific triggers or events within the application. For example, developers can set up functions to automatically send welcome emails to new users upon registration, send password reset emails, or even dispatch customized marketing messages. This level of automation is crucial for maintaining an ongoing engagement with users, ensuring that the application remains a constant presence in their digital life.
The technical synergy between Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer leverages the robustness of Firebase's backend services with the simplicity and flexibility of sending emails through Node.js. This combination not only streamlines the development process but also opens up new avenues for creating more interactive and responsive applications. By handling email operations in the cloud, developers can significantly reduce the complexity associated with managing email servers and scalability issues. Furthermore, this approach provides developers with more time to focus on the frontend and user experience aspects of their applications, knowing that the backend processes are efficiently managed by Firebase's scalable infrastructure.

Setting Up Firebase and Nodemailer

Node.js Environment
const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: '', pass: 'yourpassword' } }); exports.sendEmail = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => { const mailOptions = { from: '', to: '', subject: 'Email from Firebase', text: 'This is a test email sent from Firebase Cloud Functions using Nodemailer.' }; transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { console.log(error); res.send('Error sending email'); } else { console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response); res.send('Email sent successfully'); } }); }); 

Enhancing Communication through Firebase and Nodemailer

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer for email functionality is not just about automation; it's a strategic move to enhance application communication channels. This integration facilitates real-time interaction with users, allowing for instantaneous feedback and notifications. Whether it's a welcome email upon user registration, password resets, or custom transactional emails, the combination ensures that messages are timely and relevant. This immediacy boosts user engagement and trust in the application, as users appreciate quick and relevant communication. Moreover, leveraging Firebase's scalable infrastructure means that as your user base grows, your application's emailing capability can scale accordingly without additional overhead or complexity.
Beyond user engagement, this setup also opens avenues for analytics and personalized marketing strategies. By analyzing user interactions and behaviors, developers can send targeted emails that resonate with the user's preferences and actions within the app. This level of personalization is crucial in today's competitive digital landscape, where users expect not just functionality but also a tailored experience. Furthermore, since Firebase Cloud Functions are inherently serverless, developers can focus on crafting these personalized experiences without worrying about server maintenance, uptime, or scalability issues, thereby dedicating more resources to feature development and user experience enhancements.

Frequently Asked Questions on Firebase and Nodemailer Integration

  1. Question: Can Firebase Cloud Functions send emails directly?
  2. Answer: Firebase Cloud Functions themselves cannot send emails directly. They need to integrate with an email service like Nodemailer to send emails.
  3. Question: Is it secure to use Nodemailer with Firebase Cloud Functions?
  4. Answer: Yes, it is secure as long as you properly manage and secure your authentication credentials and use secure connections to send emails.
  5. Question: Can I use Nodemailer to send emails to multiple recipients?
  6. Answer: Yes, Nodemailer supports sending emails to multiple recipients. You need to specify the recipient addresses in the 'to', 'cc', or 'bcc' fields.
  7. Question: Do I need a dedicated email server to use Nodemailer with Firebase Cloud Functions?
  8. Answer: No, you don't need a dedicated email server. Nodemailer can use SMTP servers of popular email services like Gmail, Outlook, etc.
  9. Question: How can I handle attachments in emails sent through Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  10. Answer: Nodemailer allows you to attach files to your emails by specifying the path or URL of the file in the attachments array in your mail options.
  11. Question: Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send using Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  12. Answer: The limit depends on the SMTP server you are using. For example, Gmail has a limit on the number of emails you can send per day.
  13. Question: How do I monitor the success rate of emails sent through my application?
  14. Answer: You can use Nodemailer's callback functions to track the success or failure of each email sent and log this information for monitoring purposes.
  15. Question: Can I customize email templates using Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  16. Answer: Yes, you can create custom HTML templates and use them in your Nodemailer email options to send styled and personalized emails.
  17. Question: How do I ensure that emails sent through Nodemailer don't end up in the spam folder?
  18. Answer: Ensure that you're using a reputable email service, set up SPF and DKIM records correctly, and avoid using spam trigger words in your email content.

Wrapping Up Firebase and Nodemailer Integration

The integration of Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer stands as a testament to the power of serverless architecture and its impact on modern application development. This combination not only streamlines the process of sending automated emails but also opens up a myriad of possibilities for engaging with users in a personalized and efficient manner. The scalability of Firebase ensures that as your application grows, your ability to communicate with your users does not become a bottleneck. Furthermore, the use of Nodemailer for email functionalities introduces flexibility in terms of email customization, delivery, and analytics. As developers continue to embrace these technologies, the potential for creating more intuitive and responsive applications becomes increasingly apparent. Ultimately, this integration exemplifies how leveraging cloud functions and email services can significantly enhance the user experience, providing a reliable and scalable solution for application communication needs.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 Soninetz SimpleTexting Pricing: Explore Plans & Options

SimpleTexting Pricing: Explore Plans & Options
When it comes to finding the right pricing plan for your business, navigating through cost options and choices can be overwhelming. SimpleTexting offers straightforward pricing that balances affordability with robust features. Say goodbye to hidden fees and complex structures—SimpleTexting keeps it transparent and user-friendly. Whether you're a small startup or a growing enterprise, their pricing plans cater to all needs without compromising on quality. Get ready to streamline your message marketing efforts without breaking the bank with SimpleTexting's pricing options.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choose Wisely: Explore SimpleTexting plans carefully to select the one that aligns with your business needs, budget, and sms marketing communication.
  • Tailor Your Approach: Customize your text messaging strategy to engage customers effectively and achieve your marketing goals.
  • Watch for Hidden Fees: Understand additional costs associated with SimpleTexting to avoid unexpected charges and plan your budget accordingly.
  • Unlock Potential: Maximize value by leveraging advanced features offered by SimpleTexting for sms marketing to enhance customer engagement and drive results.
  • Stay Informed: Refer to the FAQs on SimpleTexting usage to clarify any doubts and optimize your SMS marketing campaigns effectively.

Exploring SimpleTexting Plans

Estimated Monthly Cost

1. Basic Plan: $39.00

The Basic Plan is ideal for small businesses or those just starting with text message marketing. It offers a range of features at an affordable price point.

2. Additional Fees

  • One-time carrier registration fee: $4.00 ⓘ
  • Additional carrier fees: $10.00 ⓘ

Cost Breakdown

1. Credits

  • 500 credits included ⓘ
  • Extra credits billed at 5.5 ¢ each

2. Local Number

  • Same-day activation ⓘ
  • $29.00 ⓘ


1. No Credit Card Required

SimpleTexting offers a risk-free trial with no credit card required. This allows businesses to test out the platform before making a commitment.

2. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If businesses are not satisfied with the platform, they can request a refund within 30 days of signing up. SimpleTexting stands behind its service and aims to ensure customer satisfaction.
Simplify your workflow with SimpleTexting! Get started with our free trial and see how our built-in automation features can save you time and effort. ⏱️
Understanding SimpleTexting pricing is essential for businesses considering text message marketing as part of their overall strategy. By knowing the estimated monthly cost, cost breakdown, and key features included in each plan, businesses can make informed decisions about whether SimpleTexting aligns with their goals and budget. Whether it's the Basic Plan or additional features like local numbers, SimpleTexting aims to provide value and flexibility to businesses of all sizes.

Features Included

Each plan comes with unique features tailored to optimize your text marketing efforts. From customizable keywords and autoresponders to contact management tools, SimpleTexting ensures that you have everything you need to engage with your audience effectively.

Pricing Flexibility

One of the key advantages of SimpleTexting's pricing structure is its flexibility. Businesses can choose between monthly or annual billing options based on their budget and preferences. This flexibility allows companies to scale their SMS campaigns according to their growth trajectory.

Customizing Your SMS Strategy

Targeted Campaigns

Targeted campaigns allow you to reach specific groups within your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates. By tailoring messages to different demographics or behaviors, you can personalize the experience for each recipient.
Crafting messages that resonate with your audience's interests and needs is crucial for a successful SMS strategy. Utilize customer segmentation to divide your contact list based on factors like location, purchase history, or engagement levels. This approach ensures that each message is relevant and valuable to the recipient.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Automation Tools

Implementing automation tools streamlines your SMS marketing efforts by scheduling messages in advance, triggering responses based on user actions, and analyzing campaign performance. These tools save time and resources while maintaining consistent communication with your audience through text message marketing.
  • Pros:
    • Saves time and effort
    • Improves efficiency in campaign management
  • Cons:
    • Initial setup may require time investment

Compliance Regulations

Understanding compliance regulations is essential to avoid legal issues when sending marketing messages via SMS. Familiarize yourself with laws such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that your campaigns adhere to privacy guidelines.

Understanding Additional Costs

Hidden Fees

Some texting services may have hidden fees, such as charges for extra features or exceeding message limits.
These additional costs can surprise users, impacting the overall affordability of the service.

International Messaging

For businesses operating globally, international messaging can significantly increase expenses.
Providers often charge higher rates for messages sent outside the local region, affecting budget planning.

Compliance Regulations

Meeting compliance regulations, such as TCPA guidelines, may require investing in legal consultation or monitoring tools.
Failure to comply can lead to penalties and legal issues, adding unforeseen costs to the texting strategy.

Maximizing Value with Advanced Features

Enhanced Functionality

SimpleTexting's pricing structure offers a range of advanced features that can significantly enhance your messaging campaigns. These features include automated responses, contact management tools, and detailed analytics to track campaign performance. With these tools, you can streamline your communication strategies and target your audience more effectively.

Integration Capabilities

One key advantage of SimpleTexting's pricing plans is the integration capabilities it offers. You can seamlessly connect the platform with other tools and systems you use, such as CRM software or email marketing platforms. This integration ensures a smooth workflow and allows you to leverage the full potential of your existing tech stack.

Customization Options

Another benefit of SimpleTexting's pricing model is the customization options available. You can tailor your plan to suit your specific needs, whether you're a small business looking to engage with customers or a large corporation running extensive marketing campaigns. This flexibility enables you to maximize the value you get from the platform while staying within your budget.

FAQs on SimpleTexting Usage

Pricing Overview

SimpleTexting offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs. The Basic plan starts at $25 per month, providing 500 credits. For businesses requiring more, the Plus plan offers 1,000 credits at $45 monthly. Need even more? Opt for the Pro plan at $85 per month for 2,000 credits.

Additional Costs

While the pricing is transparent, it's essential to note that additional costs may apply based on your usage. These can include charges for extra keywords, dedicated shortcodes, or premium support services.

Billing Cycle

Understanding the billing cycle is crucial to managing costs effectively. SimpleTexting bills customers on a monthly basis, with payments due at the beginning of each billing cycle. This ensures uninterrupted service and access to all features included in your chosen plan.

Closing Thoughts

You've delved into the realm of SimpleTexting pricing, understanding the plans, additional costs, and advanced features available. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your SMS strategy to maximize value and efficiency for your specific needs. Remember to utilize the FAQs section for any lingering queries you might have.
Explore the options with confidence, knowing that a well-informed decision awaits. Take charge of your SMS marketing journey with SimpleTexting's array of tools and features designed to elevate your communication game. Your tailored strategy is just a click away from making a significant impact on your audience.
Take control of your messaging strategy with SimpleTexting! Sign up now for a free trial and add emojis to your texts without hassle. 😊

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different SimpleTexting plans available?

SimpleTexting offers three main plans: Basic, Standard, and Professional. Each plan varies in features such as the number of monthly messages, keywords, and users allowed. Choose a plan that suits your business needs and budget.

How can I customize my SMS strategy using SimpleTexting?

With SimpleTexting, you can personalize your SMS campaigns by scheduling messages, segmenting your audience based on behavior or demographics, and using custom fields to include recipient names for a more personalized touch.

Are there any additional costs associated with using SimpleTexting?

Apart from the subscription fees for the chosen plan, additional costs may include purchasing dedicated shortcodes for branding purposes or international messaging fees if you're sending texts outside your country.

What advanced features does SimpleTexting offer to maximize value?

SimpleTexting provides advanced features like autoresponders, integrations with popular platforms like Shopify and Mailchimp, A/B testing capabilities, and detailed analytics to help you optimize your SMS marketing campaigns for better results.

How can I make the most out of using SimpleTexting?

To maximize the benefits of SimpleTexting, focus on engaging content that adds value to your audience, use automation tools to streamline processes, regularly analyze campaign performance data to make informed decisions, and stay updated on new features and trends in SMS marketing.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:59 Bobo_Fen Oral prednisone for SSNHL - How late is too late?

Hi, I suffer from Meniere's Disease and had a bad vertigo flare up over early April followed by sudden hearing loss in the bad ear. I assumed this was a bad case of the fluctuating hearing loss I get with this disease, but visited a doctor anyway who thought it might be an infection and prescribed antibiotics (they did nothing). So fast-forward to last Friday, I had a hearing test which showed mild-moderate loss in the left ear. 30dB at 500 sloping down to 45dB at 8000. Meniere's hearing loss is usually worse in the low frequencies so this is a bit weird. They gave me a hearing aid which really helps a lot.
Anyway, I saw a Dr today and strong-armed him into prescribing steroids just in case any of my hearing loss is reversible, even though it's been 6 weeks since it suddenly dropped (if only the first doctor prescribed them instead of antibiotics.. trying not to dwell on this). I guess I'm just looking for some hope that some of it might return. Does anyone have any success stories of using prednisone after a month of SSNHL?
submitted by Bobo_Fen to MonoHearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:59 Amazingnewthings Best guesses on the behaviour or black triangles

Many accounts claim large black triangles have been seen floating/drifting slowly above rooftops.
Chris Mellon once claimed his best guess as to why triangles are seen so low to the ground is because he thinks they are “mapping” the landscape.
This supposed guess from Mellon is clearly nonsense. So I don't know if he was feeding disinformation or being serious?
Because there is no reason an areal platform, even a human one, would need to come within feet of a rooftop to “map” the environment AND there is no good reason that supposed mapping would need to be done in such a slow fashion.
Meaning there is some other reason flying triangles and maybe other UFOs (I have heard at least one other claim of a saucer doing this) are floating close VERY close to rooftops at night.
This behaviour IMV absolutely has to do with whats inside houses at night and whats asleep at night being HUMANS.
Obviously an intelligently operated areal platform can’t conduct surveillance in the day time at such low altitudes AND during the day time people are AWAKE.
There is a connection between being asleep and the close proximity of UFOs, particularly triangles.
It has also occurred where one family member will be aware of this low frequency humming, sometimes woken up by it, where as other family members in the same house are oblivious to it and continue sleeping.
This suggests its targeted and whatever the purpose for this is, its directed at specific people.
Meaning IMO the reason some of these UFOs get so close to houses is because there is something being accessed or delivered to individual human-beings, that can only be accessed or delivery when unaware and asleep.
This could include a heavy dose of targeted radiation for all anyone knows because we don't know why they need to get that close when someone is asleep.
It could also potentially be some people are attracting these objects during sleep. There is no way of knowing at the moment.
The bottom line is that, im not buying “mapping the landscape”.
Again, Mellon suggested the lights located at each of the 3 points on the triangle's are designed for mapping. I guess “triangulation”.
Again, this does not explain the excessive brightness of those lights or the close proximity to rooftops.
So there seems to be a paradox here as to why these UFOs have very bright lights yet behave covertly. Except not so much of a paradox really.
Because a car has full beam headlights but doesn't have them on at all times. Meaning just because triangles have been seen lit up, they have also been seen with no lighting. So their behaviour is clearly dependent of their activities and motives.
Well, they behave in ways that could mean they are.
Would highly advanced NHI need to get within feet of individuals its interested in? At night? When people are sleeping?
Would NHI want to advertise itself with huge lights yet never reveal itself?
Do low, slow flying triangles operate everywhere on the planet or do they only operate in countries that are allied to the USA? Because it if turns out all accounts of low, slow triangles are only seen in the US and its allies it would HIGHLY suggest these platforms cannot be risked being used in the same fashion in any hostile nation that might shoot them down.
Why Belgium? The claim I heard on a UFO TV Show, was because its very well lit up and can be seen from space.. lol.
The actual most probable reason is that Brussels is headquarters of NATO.
The Belgium wave therefore was almost certainly a test of NATO response times, when faced with US top secret technology.
It also means that if NATO even had orders to shoot down one of these triangles (I bet they didn't have) that any possible crash would be scooped up by the USA anyhow. So a test on NATO with US black technology is a no risk test as far as the US is concerned.
Shits and giggles is one potential reason. They can do it so they are doing it. Another reason is to bolster the alien mythology to distract from what it actually is.
Of corse a more concerning reason is the targeting of individuals for unknown reasons.
Friends do not hover about your rooftop at 3am without giving a plausible reason for doing it.
The behaviour 100% sounds like something the US would be responsible for IMHO
submitted by Amazingnewthings to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:53 x_6KarneX9_x My controller sees B input as B+LT input??

Pretty much what the title says. I've been playing many different games using a counterfeit ps4 controller since I'm pretty poor but many games don't recognize it so I resorted to using xbox 360 gamepad emulator which fixed the problem. Now, the thing is, I played some games without using a gamepad for a couple months and when I decided to go back to playing ones with it the problem occurred. The game does not see the B input at all or for some reason replaces it with B+LT input while prioritizing LT one which is not what I need, obviously. However, the most weird thing is that my emulator says that it perfectly recognizes both LT and B inputs - when I press B it shows me that I only press B, the same with LT. Now I'm fairly certain it's a software issue and not a hardware one since I used a different gamepad for testing and I had literally the same problem... I could probably reinstall windows, I was planning to do so anyway but I would prefer not to do so. Can anyone suggest anything or ask additional questions to understand the problem better?
submitted by x_6KarneX9_x to PCsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:51 loziomario How to put a qemu vm in background,early in the bootloader and hidden between the FreeBSD processes.

How to put a qemu vm in background,early in the bootloader and hidden between the FreeBSD processes.
I would like to put the qemu / debian vm that I've created in the background early in the FreeBSD bootloader process and forget it,but I'm having some troubles. The Debian 12 vm that I need should only run a little script. It doesn't even need to run xorg and one desktop environment. This is the script that it should run as soon as the user "marietto" reached the prompt and it has automatically authenticated :
function jumpto { label=$1
cmd=$(sed -n "/$label:/{:a;n;p;ba};" $0 grep -v ':$')
eval "$cmd"
exit }
jumpto $start
warp-cli disconnect
OLD_IP="$(curl -s"
sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -j
warp-cli connect
NEW_IP="$(curl -s"
echo Connected to Cloudflare Warp...echo OLD IP is $OLD_IP ,
mid :
if [ "$OLD_IP = $NEW_IP ]
echo OLD IP is $OLD_IP , NEW IP is $NEW_IP : it does not work
sleep 10
jump foo
echo OLD IP is $OLD_IP , NEW IP is $NEW_IP : it still works.
sleep 10
jumpto mid
warp-cli disconnect
OLD_IP="$(curl -s"
warp-cli connect
NEW_IP="$(curl -s"echo OLD IP is $OLD_IP ,
NEW IP is $NEW_IP : it works again.
jumpto mid
I tried in several ways to put the vm in background or hide it between the processes,but every method used failed. So,please,advice.
This is what I tried :
nohup /uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G \
-vga std -drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw \
-rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
QEMU_UEFI_VARS-x86_64.fd/dev/null 2>&1 &
if test -f nohup.out; then rm -r nohup.out
/uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G -nographic \
-drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw \
-rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
/uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G
-display curses \
-drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw \
-rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
nohup /uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G -nographic \
-drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw \
-rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
QEMU_UEFI_VARS-x86_64.fd/dev/null 2>&1 &
if test -f nohup.out; then rm -r nohup.out
nohup /uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G
-display curses \
-drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw \
-rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
QEMU_UEFI_VARS-x86_64.fd/dev/null 2>&1 &
if test -f nohup.out; then rm -r nohup.out
The final result is always the same : when I ping the IP address assigned to the vm,it doesn't. But it works when I boot the vm in this way :
/uslocal/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 \
-cpu kvm64,hv_relaxed,hv_time,hv_synic -m 1G -vga std \
-drive file=Debian-warp.img,format=raw -rtc base=localtime \
-device usb-ehci,id=usb,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3 \
-device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -smbios type=2 \
-nodefaults \
-netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=tap20,script=no,downscript=no \
-device e1000,netdev=mynet0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-device ich9-ahci,id=sata \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/uslocal/share/
edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/uslocal/share/edk2-qemu/
Do you know what's the correct syntax to achieve what I want ? thanks again.
submitted by loziomario to freebsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:43 No-Papaya-9289 iMac sleep power usage high

I'm writing an article about power usage on computers. I have a 2021 M1 iMac, and I was testing how much power it uses with a smart plug. From what I've seen online, it should be about 1 to 2 W. What I'm seeing is about 32 W.
This doesn't make sense, unless there's some setting that is causing such high usage. Here's the output from pmset:
pmset -g System-wide power settings: Currently in use: disksleep 10 powernap 1 womp 1 networkoversleep 0 sleep 0 (sleep prevented by powerd, powerd, sharingd, bluetoothd) Sleep On Power Button 1 ttyskeepawake 1 tcpkeepalive 1 autorestart 1 standby 0 displaysleep 5 
Does anyone know if there's anything going on here that could be causing that high-power usage?
EDIT: I've just called AppleCare. It turns out that even when the Mac is off, and unplugged, it's using 29W. They're going to exchange the power brick. I'll leave the post in case anyone else has this issue.
submitted by No-Papaya-9289 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:42 Soninetz Supportbench Reviews: Ratings Breakdown, Pros & Cons

Supportbench Reviews: Ratings Breakdown, Pros & Cons
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The ratings and feedback for Supportbench are reliable as they come from real users who have experienced the platform's capabilities firsthand. The analysis of these ratings provides valuable insights into the strengths and areas for improvement of Supportbench.

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Pros of using Supportbench include its user-friendly interface, efficient ticket management, and customizable features. On the other hand, some users may find limitations in terms of advanced reporting functionalities or integration options.

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Real user experiences with Supportbench showcase how businesses have transformed their customer support operations. From streamlining workflows to improving response times, users highlight the positive impact of using Supportbench on their support teams.

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Supportbench enables businesses to enhance their customer service experiences by centralizing support operations, improving response times, and fostering better communication between support agents and customers. The platform empowers teams to deliver efficient and personalized support services.
Useful Links:
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submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:40 Specialist_Bake6514 Vapiano P3: Italian Food Made in Germany

Vapiano P3: Italian Food Made in Germany
The kitchen is on fire. Welcome to the final part of the Vapiano story where the tables are turning. In the first two episodes we followed Mark Korzilius' journey from setbacks to founding Vapiano, a groundbreaking restaurant concept, highlighting its fresh ingredients, dynamic atmosphere, and data-driven operations that drove rapid success. While achieving initial profitability and garnering attention from industry giants like McDonald's, Vapiano's global expansion has led to stellar revenue growth. However, it has also resulted in the emergence of numerous side projects (or distractions), operational challenges, increased costs, significant investments, and a notable accumulation of debt. This underscores the prioritization of top-line growth over profitable growth. We will continue on this thread and see how the story ends, but I would encourage you to read part one and two for better context. Vapiano P1: Italian Food Made in Germany ( Let's dig in.
Before Going Public
We are now in 2015 and the year is a disaster for Vapiano's PR department. Employee time stamps are being manipulated, endless overtime for employees and high turnover in managerial roles are reported; mice in the kitchen and even rotten food allegedly found.
The company is confronted with allegations of exceeding working hours among trainees in an article published by Welt am Sonntag, while the same outlet accuses Vapiano of manipulating punch times. The auditing firm PwC is commissioned to investigate the allegations and finds that there is no systematic approach but rather misconduct by individual employees, a mistake that’s being corrected. Internal however, investigations into stamp times are carried out regularly now and beyond its obvious reputational impact, this sucks up valuable management time and attention.
In the summer of 2015 CEO, co-founder and investor Gregor Gerlach, who has been running the group since 2011 is stepping down and Jochen Halfmann is taking over. A new Vapiano People Program with an App is being developed with the aim to better interact with customers that will incorporate innovate features such as mobile pay. The German website sees a launch of new magazine to further promote the brand and there is now a full inhouse blogger and Instagram team being installed. In October the company buys seven restaurants from original co-founder, former co-investor and ex-president previously responsible for internation expansion Kent Hahne (2x Bonn, 3x Cologne, 1x Koblenz and one in Cologne that’s under construction). This package of Vapiano restaurants is very successful and generates net sales of more than 20 million euros in 2014. Hahne opened his first Vapiano restaurant in Cologne in August 2006 and in 2015 with his company apeiron AG, Hahne operates six L'Osteria franchise restaurants, a direct Vapiano competitor, and two self-owned restaurants GinYuu.
Then in November of 2015, the next public relations bomb goes off with allegations regarding the company's quality standards. The company immediately investigates the issue through internal and external specialists but finds no evidence of any quality issues. Nevertheless, knowing that the group is now being closely watched, the company’s already in place hygiene standards are being reinforced. Additional audits and inspections are performed nationally. Further, all Vapianos worldwide are being audited twice by the partners SGS Institut Fresenius and SAI Global. Auditing software is purchased to simplify the implementation of the audits and the resulting measures. Apart from the external examinations, there is a food sampling plan in place being performed continuously. Again, all of this sucks up costs, management time and attention. With all these tumultuous developments the company’s growth engine is undeterred. Revenue grows by a whopping 50 million euros to 202 million euros, an increase of 33%. Impressive. While average spent per customer increases in all countries, the number of customers per day in Germany decreases by 3.3% partially due to the negative press towards the end of the year. Five own, four JV and 19 new franchise restaurants are added that year to the group, the total number of own managed restaurants grows to 51, there are 31 JVs and 84 franchises which bringing the total to 166 Vapiano restaurants. Global restaurant sales are now above 400 million euros.
But while revenue grows by an astronomical 50 million euros, operating profits, alarmingly, shrink again. Gross margins are staying perfectly healthy above 75% but operating costs keep growing disproportionately fast. The Company’s outstanding debt jumps by almost 30 million, close to 85 million euros by the end of the year. With operating profits at 9.5 million euros, alarm bells should be going off right now.
In Q4 of 2015, new CEO Jochen Halfmann introduces Strategy 2020. The new strategy includes five essential points. One, profitable growth in the newly defined core markets of Germany and Austria as well as in the UK, Netherlands, France and USA. Two, operational excellence through strict “best practice” management. Three, further development and digitalization of the concept considering guest feedback. Four, greater focus on long-term employee retention and five, building a modern and sustainable IT landscape. Sound’s good on paper but let’s see how things pan out.
Vapiano's investments (capital expenditures) that year are primarily directed towards new restaurant openings, renovations of existing establishments, and share acquisitions in other Vapiano restaurants from franchisees or JV partners. A significant portion of funds is allocated to the digitalization of the guest experience, including the development of a new app scheduled for market release in 2016 and the implementation of a time recording system across all group restaurants. The world's first standalone Vapiano restaurant with a delivery service that year is built in Fürth, Germany. The company keeps expanding its presence in both inner-city locations and international markets, such as Shanghai, China.
To finance all of this, the group has its own operating cash flow which comes in at 18 million while capital expenditures are 26 million euros plus 14 million for acquisitions. The funding gab is filled with 26 million euros of new debt and a seven-million-euro equity raise. At that end of the year and after the equity raise Gregor Gerlach (through his AP Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG entity) holds 30.1%, Hans-Joachim and Gisa Sander through their Exchange Bio GmbH hold 25.5% and the Tchibo heirs, Herz through their Mayfair Beteiligungsfonds II GmbH & Co. KG hold 44,4%.
But for the first time the restaurant’s concept that was so successful to date is being questioned. Some customers are starting to mislike the operational flow of the concept itself. If you want pasta, you must queue for pasta. If you want pizza you stand in a different queue. A small side salad, yet another queue. "You spend more time carrying trays than an actress in Berlin-Mitte. The audience in the pasta limbo can only consist of people who have worked for an insurance company for a long time and, like Stockholm syndrome, they can no longer get away from the industrial canteen feeling," writes TV host Beisenherz provocatively. While overly harsh in his assessment he's not entirely wrong judging by customers venting their frustrations in forums and social media channels. It isn’t uncommon for those who ordered pizza to have already finished eating while there is little movement in the pasta queue. Long term that doesn't go down well, QSRs competitors like L’Osteria are handling this process differently, with much success.

Tipping Point

Where are now in the year 2016 and things start to deteriorate visibility. Perhaps not for the leman’s eye but any business minded observer can see that there are problems under the hood. Yes, revenue grows yet another whopping 50 million to almost 250 million euros but half of that growth, comes from acquisitions of restaurants that the group didn’t already own 100%, which is now being fully consolidated within the group’s accounts. Here is a concrete example. In the past, Vapiano SE, the group’s top holding company held an indirect 50% stake in a French subgroup via the subsidiary VAP Restaurants SA, based in Luxembourg, and included this as an associated company in the Vapiano SE consolidated financial statements using the equity method. Due to the acquisition of additional shares in September of 2016, Vapiano SE's indirect share in the French subgroup increased to 75%. This means that Vapiano SE takes control of the French subgroup, which is therefore included in the group’s financial statements as part of the full consolidation. The revenue from the acquired subsidiary now recorded in the consolidated income statement amounts to 12.8 million euros. While that’s great for the top line, the loss of the fully consolidated entity equates to 0.2 million euros. Yes, you are buying revenue, but there are losses attached to them, not profits. A similar case is the Swedish entity that runs eight restaurants with revenue of 11.5 million euros but has losses of 235 thousand euros. So much for Strategy 2020 and “profitable” growth.
That year the group’s operating profits are absolutely tanking, halving to 3.5 million euros. Operating profits are now a mere 1,4% of revenue. Remember original founder Mark Korzilius who talked about operating margins of 25% to 28% at the restaurant level? Yes, there are overhead costs for the organization that sits above the chain of restaurants, but operating margins that low indicates a course correction is needed. What’s telling is that in the annual report, in the management discussion section, the company starts talking about EBITDA as a proxy measure of profitability, rather than operating profit or net income. This wasn’t the case in the years before. Is this window dressing for an upcoming IPO? EBITDA is short for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. How can you measure profitability of a restaurant chain that absolutely and unequivocally needs capital investment to maintain its restaurant operations, the very source of cash generation, by simply excluding this maintenance charge (depreciation in the income statement)? Vapiano’s own annual report talks about the fact that existing restaurants must be rejuvenated from time to time and that new interior designs have to be implemented every few years. These things wear and tear, they go out of style, kitchen equipment breaks and needs replacement. This business absolutely needs maintenance capital expenditure, why anyone talks of profits before these maintenance costs is beyond me. Fun fact: in the previous annual report EBITDA is mentioned seven times, mostly around restaurant acquisitions and financing, not however as a profit indication for the group. In the new annual report, EBITDA is mentioned 28 times. Maybe it’s just me but belated Charlie Munger liked to call EBITDA: bullsh*t earnings. When in doubt I stick with Charlie. Interestingly, EBITDA for Vapiano keeps growing while operating and net profits keep falling.
Operating cashflow for the group that year is about 21 million euros, but capital expenditure is 30 million and acquisitions for subsidiaries another 20 million. To finance these expenditures another 28 million euros of debt and 16 million of equity is raised. Net debt rises above 130 million euro. The operating cashflow of the group before any capital expenditures is 21 million euros. I am not sure free cash flow would be significantly positive after maintenance capex is paid out; it’s not broken out so we can’t be sure. Granted, I am not on the ground during this time, and I am not in the board room, I am simply reading what’s in front of me, but to me this is starting to look like a distressed situation. Regardless, the following year the company goes public.


Where are now in the year 2017 and its Vapiano’s first year as public company. The company’s annual report reads the following “Sales revenue, like-for-like growth (LfL) and the earnings figures EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are used as the most important financial performance indicators for controlling operational business activities.” The very same report however also says: “The majority of the group's investments regularly go towards opening new restaurant locations and modernizing existing restaurants. The latter are differentiated into regular replacement investments that occur during ongoing operations (Maintenance CAPEX) and fundamental investments in the renovation of a restaurant (Remodeling CAPEX). On average, a restaurant remodeling takes place nine years after opening.” It says it right there in their own report; every nine years a remodeling is taking place. Remodeling and updating is not cost free, so why exclude depreciation charges which reflect capital expenditures? I understand that perhaps you would want to strip out one-off opening costs, that’s fine and fair, but don’t go overboard.
The number of restaurants increases by 26 (previous year: 13) to a total of 205. The increase consists of 27 new openings and one closure. Group revenue grows to an astonishing 325 million euros but here comes the shocker, operating profits turn negative to 25 million. Fine, strip out foreign exchange losses of 3 million, IPO costs of 5.8 million and new opening costs of 6.1 million and you still have 10 million euros of operational losses. All the while the debt load of almost 130 million hasn’t materially changed, so those operating losses are before a six-million-euro interest payment. 184 million euros are raised through the IPO of which 85 million go to the company. This money is earmarked for further expansion as the group has ambitions to almost double the footprint to 330 restaurants by the end of 2020. The company is currently not profitable on an operating basis, and still wants to expand aggressively? I don’t get it. The remaining 100 million euros of the IPO money raised is distributed to co-founder Gregor Gerlach and Wella heirs Hans-Joachim and Gisa Sander. The family office of the former Tchibo owners Günter and Daniela Herz with a 44% stake, don’t sell a single share. After the IPO, 32% of all the company’s shares are now in free float.
One year later, in 2018, things get even worse. Revenue grows to 371 million, but operating losses mount to 85 million euros, that’s before interest expenses of 9 million. Even the beloved EBITDA figure turns negative, meaning the operating business before any expansionary or even maintenance capital expenditures is loss making. All regions are experiencing significant deterioration in their earnings profiles. Like for like sales are down 1% across the board. That’s revenue, not profitability. The question naturally arises: is the Group approaching its natural saturation point here or this operational by nature? The operating cash flow is now 9 million while financing cost are close to 7 million. That leaves 2 million for maintenance capital for 74 own restaurants and 76 joint ventures ones. Describing this as financially tight, would be an understatement.
Things are not looking good at this point. Yet the company still grows restaurants by 26 new sites. 64 million euros are spent on acquisitions, new openings, and maintenance costs, financed through a 20 million-euro equity raise and 72 million of new debt. The Company now has net debt outstanding of over 160 million euros. After the equity raise and by the end of the year 2018, Mayfair owns 47.4%, VAP Leipzig, Gregor Gerlach’s entity owns 18.9% and the Sander couple own 15.5% of the company. Yes, the Sanders and Gerlach may have taken 100 million euros off the table, but they still have substantial skin in the game. Plus, Mayfair hasn’t sold a single share and instead injects more money into the company through the equity round. The stock has now fallen from its IPO price of 23 euros per share to under 6 euros by the end of 2018. Something must be done here. And indeed, there is pivot in strategy and a hard push for change. At last, the management team abandons its aggressive growth plan and curtails new openings significantly. Additionally, the team wants to run a thorough analysis of weak locations to then either discontinue or sell sites. In Europe, the operating focus will be put on corporate restaurants and joint ventures in major cities to ensure the ideal size and location to match the respective demographic target group. Outside of Europe, the franchising business is being expanded and at the same time a consolidation of the existing corporate and joint venture markets is being sought. All future investments will be reviewed to achieve higher rates of returns on new openings. Investments are also being made in the renovation of older restaurants. The goal in the future is to also open smaller formats, like Mini-Vapianos (less than 400 square meters) or Freestander at prominent transportation hubs outside city centers (currently in Fürth and Toulouse) to cater to individual location requirements, and to enter new partnerships. I am not sure why management hasn’t stopped all expansion altogether, bringing the ship in order first, getting profitable, clean up, all hands-on deck before considering any further expansions whatsoever. But again, it’s easy to comment from the sidelines; maybe they saw white spaces that would be covered by competing concepts if they weren’t moving fast and aggressively enough. Although pushing internationally means competing with local players such as Jamie's Italian, Prezzo, Pizza Express, Wagamama, Nando's and many more which brings in its own dynamic.
Management also aims to enhance guest satisfaction. This involves refining operational processes, reorganizing the support center, and refocusing on the core offering: providing fresh and high-quality Italian food at affordable prices for a broad audience. The group also aims to reduce waiting times, especially during lunch, while also improving the evening atmosphere. There is even what I would call an evolution, away from Vapiano’s original concept, reorientating the customer journey. The ordering flow is being changed, offering guests synchronized preparations of all dishes while eliminating wait times at the cooking stations. The open show kitchen remains, staying true to original mantra of freshness and transparency but now guests can choose their preferred method of ordering through a mobile app, using a digital order point (kiosk), or by personally placing an order with a waiter. Guests can still freely choose their table and are then informed about the complete preparation of their order through a pager or their smartphone. This is a substantial deviation from the original concept, but a needed one. The group is also exploring and implementing the expansion of take-away and home delivery services but only at suitable locations, not universally across new openings. I am not sure why home delivery is even a priority here; it adds operational complexity. It’s better to clean up shop first and get back to the basics before adding new complexities. To be fair management does try to simplify. There are 49 different permanent dishes on the menu and additional 10 seasonal ones. Customers can choose from eleven different types of pasta. There is simply too much choice, and it makes orders complicated. The company announced to slim the menu down to its most popular and typical Vapiano dishes. There’s no need for an Asian salad at an Italian restaurant. "We have to go back to the roots, i.e. classic, honest Italian cuisine" says COO Everke. Regardless, in November of 2018, the supervisory board pulls the plug on CEO Jochen Halfmann and replaces him with Cornelius Everke. Everke himself has just become COO five months ago. Since 2017 he was responsible for international expansion. From 2011 to 2017 that role was filled by Mario Bauer – put a pin in that name, he’ll play a key role in the groups fate later. Then nine months later, in the middle of 2019, Cornelius Everke quits. He essentially concludes that his skillset and experience in the areas of internation expansion is no longer needed in the foreseeable future. To put it differently: Vapiano has moved from a growth story and has become a restructuring case, and other skills are required for that job. In June of 2019 Everke says the following “(we’ve) made a bit of a mistake when it came to foreign expansion”. No sh#t. Vapiano postpones the presentation of the 2018 annual financial statements three times in the spring of 2019, citing negotiations over an urgently needed loan of 30 million euros. It’s not until the end of May that a binding loan commitment comes through from the financing banks and major shareholders.
We are now in August of 2019 and the corona pandemic is just around the corner. Supervisory board chief Vanessa Hall takes over as interim-CEO and things are unravelling. Visitor numbers are declining; originally, it was planned to sell the US business but halfway through the year the buyer cannot come up with the money. But not all restaurants are performing poorly. The group's poor figures contrast starkly as an example with the experiences of the Swiss-German franchisee, who runs six restaurants. The Sodano family in Switzerland pays Vapiano a royalty of 6% of sales for the use of the brand. Enrico Sodano explains in an interview that they operate largely autonomously from the licensor. If an “accident” were to occur, he could immediately replace the Vapiano sign with Sodano, he says. The family concluded the rents and contracts with employees and suppliers independently. The Sodano family have six locations in Bern, Basel and Zurich, around one million guests every year and 350 employees. Things are going well on the ground. The delivery service they’ve built is offering them a second income stream. Expansion into Winterthur, St. Gallen and Lucerne are being planned; small locations with 150 to 250 square meters and an attached delivery service. Originally, Vapiano restaurants used to be huge but for such a large restaurant to be profitable, 800 to 1,000 guests per day are needed. That’s possible in medium-sized cities, but not in smaller towns which is why the Vapiano group now also supports smaller formats. Back to our corporate drama. The 2019 annual report would be the last report the group files. By the end 2019 the outstanding debt of the company is at an astronomical 450 million euros. Revenue has grown by another 7%, produced by four net new openings through two JVs and two franchise restaurants but operating losses come in at 317 million euros. That sound like an absolute shocker at first but depreciation and amortization charges are 345 million, so that operating cash flow is actually positive but unfortunately capital expenditures and interest payments are so large that they are eating up all of the company’s operating cash flow. Then in the beginning of 2020 Corona hits with full force and the world shuts down. As a result of the measures to prevent further spreading of the virus, the group is forced to cease all global business operations (except in Sweden). While all these shutdowns are happening, the group is the middle of negotiating with its lending banks and main shareholders. There are additional financing needs for restructuring measures, even without a pandemic happening in the background. The situation is so dire that the company starts pleading to the German government to roll out the package of financial help more quickly. Unfortunately, it’s to no end. The rapid closure of restaurants and the resulting lack of operating cash inflows in conjunction with the additional financing requirements, lead to the company’s final knockout punch. In April of 2020, the Vapiano group officially files for insolvency proceedings. The end of an era.

New Beginnings

Because of the pandemic, the majority of the group's subsidiaries in Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United States, Sweden, and China also file for insolvency or seek liquidation. The US business never gets sold in the end and is wound down. In the summer of 2020, significant group divestments occur, including the sale of 75% shares in the group's French subsidiaries, shares in franchisor companies, Australian subsidiaries, German subsidiaries, associated companies, self-managed restaurants in Germany, and insolvency-related sales in the Netherlands, Great Britain, and Sweden. The buyer of the Vapiano brand and one of these bundles of Vapiano restaurants is company named Love & Food Restaurant Holding, a consortium led by Mario C. Bauer – a name I told you to remember. Bauer was a former Vapiano board member and led the national and international expansion, opening 200 sites in 33 countries from 2011 to 2017 until he was succeeded by Cornelius Everke. Bauer didn’t feel comfortable with the IPO at the time but clearly has a lot of managerial and entrepreneurial talent.
The buyer consortium is an absolute A-Team comprised of European QSR top league hitters, including the founder of the Pret A Manger chain Sinclair Beecham; Henry McGovern, the founder and Ex-CEO of the giant international restaurant and foodservice operator AmRest; the Van der Valk Family that runs hotels and Vapiano restaurants in the Netherlands, and co-founder and ex-CEO Gregor Gerlach. The acquisition value is 15 million euros and entails 30 Vapiano restaurants in Germany, albeit that’s just the purchase price which comes on top of any capital investment needed to refresh and return the sites to its former glory. Nevertheless, just as a thought experiment, if you can get each site to 2 million euros of revenue and 400,000 euros in operating profit on average, which wouldn’t be an overly aggressively assumption given the company’s history, you’ve got yourself a package that can deliver restaurant-level operating profits of 12 million euros or more. It’s not disclosed how much capex was needed to refresh the operations, just that fact that the overall investment plus purchase price was a middle double-digit million-euro figure. Stil, it probably was a decent purchase. The same consortium buys Vapiano’s French business for 25 million euros just two weeks prior. After the transaction concludes, the master franchise is given to Delf Neumann and his Gastro & Soul GmbH. Neumann is an experienced operator, and he is ambitious to revitalise the brand with new services and products. For example, instead of pizza, the restaurants will be serving pinsa - a flatbread made from sourdough, wheat and rice flour, topped similarly to a pizza. It targets a more health-oriented customer base looking for a less calory heavy option. The menu overall is expanded by including a variety of vegan and vegetarian dishes.
Today Neumann’s Gastro & Soul GmbH operates 18 Vapianos on its own account and has 29 franchise sites, amongst other brands. By the year 2021, Vapiano operates 191 restaurants in 34 countries. This is around 50 fewer sites than before the bankruptcy. The number of branches is particularly thinned out in Germany – from 80 to 55. Nevertheless, Vapiano's home country remains by far the largest market, followed by France with 35 restaurants and Austria with 15 locations. “We have shrunk ourselves to health,” says Bauer in the aftermath and there is no further shrinking planned. Quite the opposite, the smell of expansion is in the air again – pun intended. Not as aggressively as before and with a new menu and ordering process.
Overall, the team around Bauer is filled with industry experts with knowledge and networks gained over decades who have a great track record, a long-term view, and the staying power to let Vapiano breath and finds its way back to success. The pressure of being a public company with all the associated quarterly, half-year and yearly disincentives have been removed. The menu is changed and extended with new types of pasta and sauces with significantly more vegetarian and vegan dishes available. Guests can order with restaurant staff, at terminals or on their phones and there are barcodes attached to the tables identify the respective seat. The food is brought to your table, all at the same time if you are in a group, no more annoyances with waiting in line. There is a plan for smaller, 350 square meter locations, with half the number of guests and significantly fewer staff and less set-up costs required to make the economics work. Locations that capitalize on remote work and increased demand for local lunch options, higher population density with shorter delivery routes and therefore cost-effective in house delivery services are targeted. And Bauer is testing the concept of ghost kitchens, which operate without a dining room or service staff, focusing solely on preparing food for delivery services, which for obvious reasons have a very different operational set up and footprint. Original founder Mark Korzilius however is not entirely convinced. He is not a fan of the pinsa for instance and he considers Vapiano's pizza as its cash cow, flagship product and believes that the core Vapiano proposition of Pizza, Pasta, Bar that has given the company its original success is being diluted. He instead admires the competitor L'Osteria, saying they’ve done a better job by focusing on Italian classics, especially the impressively large pizzas that sticks out beyond the plate is leaving every customer in awe. The guys who run L’Osteria are the same guys who have built Vapiano with him in the first place. Bauer on the other hand, like a true business leader, remains undeterred, stating that he is frequently asked whether Vapiano's restart was bold or foolish. He believes in entrepreneurship, franchising, in his experienced fellow partners and importantly the Vapiano concept. By the year 2024 you can find over 140 Vapiano branded restaurant in 27 countries across the globe, including locations far away from its birthplace like Australia, USA, Columbia, Chile, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. And why not? Italian food is, and will remain to be, incredibly popular. Vapiano offers fresh and tasty food at affordable prices in a good atmosphere. This combination of attributes should attract a lot of customers. It certainly has in the past.
For more stories: WIP Thomas Weitzendoerfer Substack
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2024.05.14 12:39 Soninetz SimpleTexting Reviews: Features & Benefits for Businesses

SimpleTexting Reviews: Features & Benefits for Businesses
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of SimpleTexting?

SimpleTexting offers features like mass texting, autoresponders, contact management, and text-to-win campaigns. It provides tools for scheduling messages, segmenting contacts, and analyzing campaign performance.

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Businesses can benefit from SimpleTexting by improving customer communication, increasing engagement through SMS marketing, boosting sales with targeted promotions, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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SimpleTexting offers competitive pricing based on the number of contacts and messages sent. Compared to other platforms, it provides a balance of affordability and comprehensive features suitable for businesses of all sizes.

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Users praise SimpleTexting for its user-friendly interface, reliable customer support, seamless integration capabilities, and effective campaign results. Many users appreciate the platform's ease of use and robust features for SMS marketing campaigns.

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Yes, SimpleTexting offers a free trial period for new users to explore its features and capabilities before committing to a subscription. The free trial allows businesses to test the platform's functionalities and determine if it meets their specific needs.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
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2024.05.14 12:39 Cherilyn_Leep How to get a passive income? $4000 a month

Hi, I want to share a leak I learned about in the closed community.
This method is quite simple but extremely effective. It involves the MEXC exchange and the EOS coin (you can learn more about it on CoinMarketCap).
The method revolves around using an old EOS listing address that compensated users with a percentage of the commission (initially, the exchange set too high a commission for each transaction on the EOS network, and in order not to lose potential investors, EOS reduced the percentage using their own funds). The listing passed, and EOS changed the cold address to a hot one, which does not provide such an opportunity. But the joke is that if we use the cold address, it will bring us a profit of 0.5%. It's a small percentage, but with compound interest, you can earn a decent amount of money.
How to do it?
1) Buy a EOS coin
2) Then go to Wallet, Spot and select the purchased EOS
3) Select Deposit and copy MEMO (Digits)
4) Go back and select Withdraw
5) Choose a small amount of coins for the test
6) And after ±10 minutes we get the amount sent, but only +0.5% (in coins)
MEMO - It's your wallet ID, so it needs to be entered every time!
submitted by Cherilyn_Leep to CryptoMars [link] [comments]