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2012.05.21 19:54 lolitsaj Chemical Reaction GIFs

A subreddit showcasing the complexity of those lovely little atoms, as well as other interesting science topics in gif form.

2009.08.19 01:37 miserlou /r/onions: Things That Make You Cry Tor Onion Routing Hidden Services

The Best Parts of the Anonymous Internet Tor Onion Routing Hidden Services .onions

2010.09.24 19:01 The Real Driving Simulator

A subreddit dedicated to the Gran Turismo series. Come here for news, discussion, speculation, and help. Post your garage collection, strategies and techniques, photos and everything in between!

2024.05.14 08:00 AutoModerator Weekly Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

Weekly Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

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2024.05.14 06:37 sinomaltanews "Ryan Gosling u Emily Blunt dwar sarkasm, stunts u kant fl-Oscars

"Ryan Gosling u Emily Blunt dwar sarkasm, stunts u kant fl-Oscars
Fir-rigward tal-qawwa tal-istilla ta’ Hollywood, din ma ssirx ikbar minn Ryan Gosling u Emily Blunt.
It-tnejn kienu nominati f’The Academy Awards din is-sena; Blunt għal Oppenheimer u Gosling għal Barbie u r-ritratt tiegħu tal-himbo aħħari, Ken.
Iżda bir-rivalità ta 'Barbenheimer warajhom, il-par ingħaqdu għal blockbuster ġdid, The Fall Guy.
Huwa dwar stuntman (Gosling), li qed jipprova jsib stilla tal-films AWOL u jirbaħ lura lill-eks ħabiba tiegħu (Blunt).
TWISSIJA: dettalji minuri tal-plott hawn taħt
The Fall Guy, li huwa bbażat fuq l-ispettaklu televiżiv tal-Istati Uniti tas-snin 80 bl-istess isem, huwa ittra ta’ mħabba lil stunt artists.
Imma li tilgħab stuntman forsi ma kinitx l-għażla ovvja għal Gosling, li jammetti: ""Ma nħobbx l-għoli.""
Fil-bidu tal-film, huwa niżel minn bini ta '12-il sular: ""Ma ħadet l-ebda ħila fuq naħa tiegħi, jien biss twaqqa'. Imma dak kien tip ta 'biża', kien ostaklu mentali.""
Stampi Universali Ryan GoslingStampi Universali
Ryan Gosling jilgħab stuntman li jipprova jsalva l-ġurnata u jirbaħ lura lit-tfajla tiegħu
Blunt ma tistax tinżel minn għoli kbir iżda hi wkoll tinvolvi ruħha fl-stunts; jiġġieled kontra villains u barrani (tajjeb, għall-inqas attur liebsa ta’ barrani).
""O Alla tiegħi, hi tista 'tbiddel xi ħaġa f'arma fatali, ninsab kuntenta li neħħejt il-props. Ma jsejħulha Stuntie Bluntie għall-ebda raġuni,"" ċajt Gosling.
Blunt iżid: ""Stuntie Bluntie hija tip tal-kelma fit-toroq issa, speċjalment fid-dinja aljena.""
Il-par huma maqsuma fuq min hu l-aktar iebsa: Gosling immedjatament tgħid li hija l-ko-star tiegħu, tiċċajta li hija kienet ""tavla"" f'sessjoni tal-Pilates il-ġurnata ta 'qabel waqt li kulħadd kien qed jieħu naqra.
Iżda Blunt jgħid li huma mqabbla bl-istess mod, u qal lil Gosling: ""Ma kontx nagħmel dik it-tnaqqis li għamilt fil-bidu"".
Huwa ovvju li jmorru tajjeb, kemm fuq l-iskrin kif ukoll personalment.
Umoriżmu Brittaniku
U jirriżulta li dan jista’ jkun minħabba l-imħabba ta’ Gosling lejn is-sens ta’ umoriżmu Brittaniku.
""Nsib lil Ryan bla tarf umoristiku,"" jgħid Blunt, ""X'aktarx ma nsibhiex daqshekk umoristiku kieku ma kienx daqshekk fl-umoriżmu Brittaniku. Huwa fan kbir ta 'The Office (il-verżjoni Ingliża), iqima fil-knisja ta' ( Ricky) Gervais.""
Blunt u jien infaħħru l-umoriżmu tiegħu iżda Gosling jissuġġerixxi li qed nidħqu bih, li ninsistu li m’aħniex (mhux).
“Qed niċċajta,” jispara lura. ""Jien ltqajna l-sarkasm.""
Gosling seta’ kien qed jiċċajta, imma l-istress li ħassejt meta ħsibt li kelli ndejjaq lil Ken kien mis-saqaf.
Stampi Universali Emily BluntStampi Universali
Ryan Gosling jiċċajta li Emily Blunt tista’ tibdel xi ħaġa f’arma
Meta nitkellmu dwar Ken, ma stajtx nirreżisti li nqajjem *li* prestazzjoni jien Just Ken fl-Oscars.
Ngħid lil Gosling li nsib li nagħmel rutina ta’ kanzunetta u żfin fuq it-televiżjoni diretta aktar tal-biża’ mill-istunts fil-Fall Guy.
Jidħaq: “Speċjalment meta tkun qed tilqa’ għal Emily Blunt li qed tħares lejk u sempliċement tmur ‘lef, thumbs down’.
""Dan huwa dak kollu li ra meta ħares 'il barra, kulħadd kien f'rasi u jien kont qisni 'ugh',"" iwieġeb Blunt, qabel ma malajr iżid: ""Le, ħsibt li kien assolutament fenomenali.""
""Kien tal-biża,"" jammetti Gosling, ""Imma uliedi u Eva (Mendes, is-sieħba tiegħu) ġew għall-prova tal-ilbies il-ġurnata ta' qabel, dik kienet il-prestazzjoni reali għalija. Dik kienet l-aktar waħda nervuża dwarha, għalhekk kien fil-fatt faċli wara dan.""
""Huma taw xi indikaturi,"" ċajt Blunt.
Blunt għandha l-prestazzjoni mużikali tagħha stess f'The Fall Guy, li tkanta Against All Odds ta' Phil Collins. Huwa ferm 'il bogħod min-numri numerużi tagħha f'Mary Poppins Returns.
Nistaqsi jekk tħobbx tagħmel wirja fl-Academy Awards tas-sena d-dieħla u hi malajr twieġeb: “O Alla, le!
""Dak huwa dak li għedt. Tkellimx malajr wisq,"" iwissi Gosling.
Getty Images Ryan Gosling u Slash fl-OscarsGetty Images
Huwa Just Ken
Gosling jgħid li huwa ħerqan li jitfa’ l-attenzjoni fuq l-istantisti bħala l-eroj mhux mittenti tal-industrija tal-films fl-aħħar film tiegħu.
""Jilbsu bħalna, jagħmlu l-affarijiet perikolużi għalina. Jieħdu l-hits għalina, ipoġġu lilhom infushom fil-ħsara għalina."" Gosling jgħid, ""Jinterpretaw il-karattri tagħna wkoll, huma atturi wkoll, fl-istess għaqda. Iżda jaħbu wiċċhom u jisparixxu fid-dellijiet u kulħadd jippretendi li ma kienx hemm.
""Iktar ma jkunu aħjar fix-xogħol tagħhom, aktar jisparixxu b'xi mod. Tispiċċa issa. Qed naqilbu l-iskript.""
Iż-żewġ stilel jemmnu li l-Oscars għandhom jirrikonoxxu stuntmen u nisa. ""Immedjatament issa! Għaliex mhux qabel?"" Blant exclaims.
Hija żżid: ""Huma tħarrġu għal dan, għandhom kuraġġ lil hinn mill-kliem u naħseb minħabba li hemm umiltà intrinsika ma 'stunt performers, ma jħossux il-ħtieġa li jxandru dak li jagħmlu. Imma naħseb li wasal iż-żmien li nagħmlu. .""
""Huma jirriskjaw aktar minn ħadd. Ix-xogħol tagħhom huwa forma ta' arti, huwa ddisinjat daqs il-make-up u l-kostumi jew kull ħaġa oħra."" Gosling jgħid.
'Spettaklu mxarrab bl-għaraq'
Il-film huwa wieħed mill-blockbusters kbar li se jinħareġ din is-sena u s'issa kellu reviżjonijiet pożittivi.
L-Independent isejħilha ""Spettaklu mimli għaraq li jiċċelebra l-għaqda armonjuża bejn ix-xogħol ta' stunt li jwaqqaf il-qalb u l-istilel tal-films kariżmatiċi.""
Hija żżid li Gosling ""iġġib ftit enerġija screwball għar-rwol ta 'stuntman imħawwar Colt Seavers"".
“Dan kollu huwa delight fizzy, umoristiku, romantic b’mod konvinċenti, ġieħ għas-sengħa li tagħmel films kbar bi stunts kbar,” tgħid The Guardian.
New York Magazine jgħid li l-film: ""Huwa att ta 'imħabba film pura, taħlit u tqabbil ġeneri"".
Imma x’jaħsbu t-tfal ta’ Blunt u Gosling stess dwar il-films tagħhom?
Jirriżulta li huma pjuttost kritiċi tal-ġenituri famużi tagħhom.
It-tnejn jidħku li t-tfal tagħhom stess huma ""diżinteressati"" fix-xogħol tagħhom.
""Iridu biss li nkunu l-ġenituri tagħhom,"" jgħid Blunt. ""It-tfal tiegħi raw lil Mary Poppins darba, raw Jungle Cruise darba u dik hija ħaġa waħda u magħmula għalihom.""
""It-tfal tiegħi raw lil Mary Poppins ħafna drabi,"" iwieġeb Gosling, qabel ma Blunt żżid li wliedha huma ""Ken mad"".
""Huwa kif għandu jkun,"" tidħaq, ""It-tfal tiegħek iriduk biss bil-qliezet tal-għaraq tiegħek id-dar, miżmuma flimkien b'duct tape, jippruvaw joħorġuhom mill-bieb.""
The Fall Guy joħroġ fiċ-ċinema fir-Renju Unit fit-2 ta’ Mejju.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
《替罪羔羊》改編自 20 世紀 80 年代美國同名電視節目,是一封寫給特技演員的情書。
影片開始時,他從 12 層樓上掉下來:“我根本不需要任何技巧,我就掉下來了。但這有點可怕,這是一個心理障礙。”
「天哪,她可以把任何東西變成致命武器,我很高興你把道具拿走了。他們不會無緣無故地叫她 Stuntie Bluntie,」高斯林開玩笑說。
Blunt 補充說:“Stuntie Bluntie 現在已經成為街頭流行語,尤其是在外星世界。”
「我開玩笑的,」他反駁。 “我有諷刺。”
布朗特在《替罪羔羊》中也有自己的音樂表演,演唱菲爾·柯林斯的《Against All Odds》。這與她在《歡樂滿人間2》中的眾多數字相去甚遠。
瑞恩高斯林 (Ryan Gosling) 和 Slash 在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上 Getty Images
兩位明星都認為奧斯卡獎應該表彰特技演員和女演員。 “現在就!為什麼不之前呢?”布朗特驚呼。
「他們只是希望我們成為他們的父母,」布朗特說。 “我的孩子們看過《歡樂滿人間》一次,也看過一次《叢林巡遊》,這對他們來說是一勞永逸的事情。”
《替罪羔羊》於 5 月 2 日在英國電影院上映。

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
《替罪羊》改编自 20 世纪 80 年代美国同名电视节目,是一封写给特技演员的情书。
影片开始时,他从 12 层楼上掉下来:“我根本不需要任何技巧,我就掉下来了。但这有点可怕,这是一个心理障碍。”
“天哪,她可以把任何东西变成致命武器,我很高兴你把道具拿走了。他们不会无缘无故地叫她 Stuntie Bluntie,”高斯林开玩笑说。
Blunt 补充道:“Stuntie Bluntie 现在已经成为街头流行语,尤其是在外星世界。”
“我开玩笑的,”他反驳道。 “我有讽刺。”
布朗特在《替罪羊》中也有自己的音乐表演,演唱菲尔·柯林斯的《Against All Odds》。这与她在《欢乐满人间2》中的众多数字相去甚远。
瑞恩·高斯林 (Ryan Gosling) 和 Slash 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上 Getty Images
两位明星都认为奥斯卡奖应该表彰特技演员和女演员。 “现在就!为什么不之前呢?”布朗特惊呼道。
“他们只是希望我们成为他们的父母,”布朗特说。 “我的孩子们看过《欢乐满人间》一次,也看过一次《丛林巡游》,这对他们来说是一劳永逸的事情。”
《替罪羊》于 5 月 2 日在英国电影院上映。

成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 2012Incorporated El compositor CHRIS BOLLINGER estrena partitura original de terror "THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR"

El compositor CHRIS BOLLINGER estrena partitura original de terror
"The Other Side of the Mirror" es un cortometraje de terror escrito y dirigido por Hugo MF Lee. Trata de una chica que recibe un misterioso regalo sin nombre en la puerta de su casa. Una vez dentro de su casa, extraños sucesos comienzan a desencadenarse... ¿se trata de una maldición o de algo mucho más siniestro?
Lee más en
submitted by 2012Incorporated to UnderAlternativo [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:22 sinomaltanews "Malta ssir l-ewwel pajjiż tal-UE li llegalizza l-użu personali tal-kannabis

"Malta ssir l-ewwel pajjiż tal-UE li llegalizza l-użu personali tal-kannabis
Josh Salisbury
15 ta’ Diċembru, 2021·1 min qari
Il-bandiera Maltija (Arkivju PA)
Il-bandiera Maltija (Arkivju PA)
Malta saret l-ewwel pajjiż tal-UE li llegalizza l-kultivazzjoni u l-użu personali tal-kannabis.
Il-liġi, approvata fil-parlament nhar it-Tlieta b’36 vot kontra 27, tippermetti lill-adulti f’Malta li jkollhom sa seba’ grammi ta’ kannabis u jikbru sa erba’ pjanti.
Madankollu, it-tipjip fil-pubbliku jew quddiem it-tfal xorta se jkun illegali. Il-pakkett leġiżlattiv se jistabbilixxi wkoll awtorità biex tissorvelja l-bejgħ lill-adulti minn organizzazzjonijiet li ma jagħmlux qligħ.
Il-liġi kienet promossa mill-Ministru għall-Ugwaljanza Owen Bonnici li qal li kienet tammonta għal pjan ta’ “tnaqqis tal-ħsara” u se tieqaf “tittratta nies li mhumiex kriminali bħal kriminali”.
Huwa ċaħad l-akkużi tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-oppożizzjoni li l-abbozz se jinnormalizza u jinkoraġġixxi l-abbuż tad-droga fil-gżira.
Il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech – li inizjalment appoġġja l-liġi l-ġdida – qabel qal li din se twassal biss għat-tisħiħ tas-suq illegali, bil-kriminalità organizzata tieħu vantaġġ”.
Iżda s-Sur Bonnici kiteb fis-Sunday Times of Malta: “Il-gvern bl-ebda mod mhu qed iħeġġeġ lill-adulti jirrikorru għall-użu tal-kannabis jew jippromwovi kultura tal-kannabis. Il-gvern dejjem iħeġġeġ lin-nies jagħmlu għażliet aktar b’saħħithom”.
L-avversarji tal-miżuri ħeġġew lill-president tal-pajjiż, George Vella, biex ma jiffirmax il-leġiżlazzjoni f’liġi, stadju finali ċerimonjali tal-proċess tat-tfassil tal-liġijiet.
Il-Lussemburgu, il-Ġermanja u l-Isvizzera kollha ħabbru pjanijiet biex jistabbilixxu suq tal-kannabis regolat legalment.
L-Urugwaj illegalizza l-kannabis għall-użu personali fl-2013, l-ewwel fid-dinja li għamel dan, segwit mill-Kanada fl-2018.
Aqra iktar
Ursula von der Leyen: ‘Żmien li nikkunsidraw vaċċini obbligatorji madwar l-UE’
Il-vaċċini ‘jistgħu jkunu inqas effettivi’ kontra Omicron, tgħid l-analiżi tal-WHO
L-aqwa stampi tal-ġurnata minn madwar id-dinja q3H5pvS8ZDqRSXYx64N9d-lw-YgPMWaH369fOBYgJkoVuLHvzWfOZcrIql-yptCWGR58Kq5Wq8h8-Axduesg9zWDAOHCvXMBlxKo04_W26Yyq8200004_W26Yyy82020000000000000000

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
2021 年 12 月 15 日閱讀 1 分鐘
馬耳他國旗(PA 檔案)
馬耳他國旗(PA 檔案)
該法律於週二在議會以 36 票對 27 票通過,允許馬耳他成年人擁有最多 7 克大麻並種植多達四種大麻。
烏拉圭在 2013 年將個人使用大麻合法化,是世界上第一個這樣做的國家,加拿大也於 2018 年緊隨其後。
世衛組織分析稱,疫苗針對 Omicron“效果可能較差”
https://ca.movi​​ Kq3H5 PVS8ZDqRSXYx64N9d-lw-YgPMWaH369fOBYgJkoVuLHvzWfOZcrIql-yptCWGR58Kq5Wq8h8-Axduesg9zWDAOHCvXMBlxKoEIpsP26Y HaWdV

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
2021 年 12 月 15 日·阅读 1 分钟
马耳他国旗(PA 档案)
马耳他国旗(PA 档案)
该法律于周二在议会以 36 票对 27 票通过,允许马耳他成年人拥有最多 7 克大麻并种植最多四种大麻。
乌拉圭于 2013 年将个人使用大麻合法化,是世界上第一个这样做的国家,加拿大也于 2018 年紧随其后。
世卫组织分析称,疫苗针对 Omicron“效果可能较差”
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成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:13 sinomaltanews "Intervención tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

"Intervención tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Intervent tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
"Intervent tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:10 sinomaltanews "Grech pide a Abela que elija por una vez la nación

"Grech pide a Abela que elija por una vez la nación
El líder del Partido Nacionalista, Bernard Grech, ha pedido al primer ministro Robert Abela que elija la nación por una vez.
En una actividad del partido en Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Grech advirtió al líder laborista que desistiera de proteger a su deshonrado predecesor y atacara al poder judicial de Malta, a las organizaciones estudiantiles y a los periodistas.
“No quedes atrapado en el trato con el diablo en el que has entrado. Elige el interés nacional, elige el interés de la nación, elige el interés del país, por una vez”, instó Grech a Abela.
Subrayó que el pueblo tiene derecho a saber toda la verdad y prometió que “el Partido Nacionalista se asegurará de que la verdad salga a la luz para que la nación vea por sí misma quién les robó millones”.
El país está pasando por una fase delicada y también peligrosa, dijo Grech a los partidarios reunidos en Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
“Si hay alguien, si hay al menos una persona que piensa que estamos contentos con lo que está pasando en nuestro país, no ha entendido lo que estamos pasando y que esto nunca debería haber sucedido en primer lugar”. Grech dijo en relación con el acuerdo fraudulento con los hospitales.
“Esto es lo que pasa cuando se hace un trato con el diablo”, afirmó el líder de la oposición, y acusó a Abela de estar atrapado entre la espada y la pared.
“Corres el riesgo de hundir a todo el país contigo”, acusó Grech.
El líder del PN se refirió a lo que ocurrió en el Parlamento el lunes, cuando los diputados de la oposición abandonaron el Parlamento el lunes por la tarde después de que el presidente Anġlu Farrugia rechazara su solicitud de un debate parlamentario urgente sobre la publicación – o la falta de él – de las conclusiones condenatorias del informe. investigación sobre hospitales dirigida por la magistrada Gabriella Vella que está llevando a la acusación contra el ex primer ministro Joseph Muscat.
“Abela se negó a discutir si la investigación magistral debía hacerse pública. Sin embargo, hemos dejado clara nuestra postura. La verdad inevitablemente saldrá a la luz, y cuanto más demores su publicación, más daño le infligirás al país”, advirtió Grech a Abela, y agregó, “la gente no permitirá que arrastres a todo el país contigo”.
“Abela es esclavo del trato con criminales, corruptos y estafadores”, dijo Grech.
El exdirigente del PN Adrián Delia dijo a los simpatizantes del partido que Abela miente. En un encendido discurso el martes, Delia dijo: “estos son tiempos sin precedentes y debemos actuar”.
El ministro de Salud en la sombra hizo referencia a las declaraciones de Abela el martes cuando dijo a los periodistas que ""preguntaran a Delia"" quién es el ""sistema"".
Rechazó la sugerencia de Abela diciendo: “Les diré quién fue el establishment en los últimos 10 años: Muscat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela y el gabinete de Muscat fueron el establishment”.
Delia fue líder del PN durante tres años turbulentos durante los cuales el partido estuvo atormentado por luchas internas.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Grech fordert Abela auf, sich einmal für die Nation zu entscheiden
Der Vorsitzende der Nationalistischen Partei, Bernard Grech, hat Premierminister Robert Abela aufgefordert, sich einmal für die Nation zu entscheiden.
Bei einer Parteiveranstaltung in Ħaż-Żebbuġ warnte Grech den Labour-Chef, seinen in Ungnade gefallenen Vorgänger nicht mehr zu schützen und Maltas Justiz, Studentenorganisationen und Journalisten anzugreifen.
„Lassen Sie sich nicht auf den Deal mit dem Teufel ein, den Sie eingegangen sind. Wählen Sie das nationale Interesse, wählen Sie das Interesse der Nation, wählen Sie einmal das Interesse des Landes“, forderte Grech Abela auf.
Er betonte, dass die Menschen ein Recht darauf haben, die ganze Wahrheit zu erfahren, und versprach, dass die „Nationalistische Partei dafür sorgen wird, dass die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt, damit die Nation selbst sehen kann, wer ihnen Millionen gestohlen hat.“
Das Land befinde sich in einer heiklen Phase, es sei auch eine gefährliche Phase, sagte Grech den in Ħaż-Żebbuġ versammelten Parteianhängern.
„Wenn es jemanden gibt, wenn es mindestens eine Person gibt, die denkt, dass wir mit dem, was in unserem Land passiert, zufrieden sind, dann hat er nicht verstanden, was wir durchmachen, und dass das überhaupt nicht hätte passieren dürfen.“ sagte Grech im Zusammenhang mit dem betrügerischen Krankenhausdeal.
„Das passiert, wenn man einen Deal mit dem Teufel macht“, sagte der Oppositionsführer und warf Abela vor, in einer Zwickmühle zu stecken.
„Sie riskieren, das ganze Land mit in den Abgrund zu reißen“, warf Grech vor.
Der PN-Führer verwies auf das, was am Montag im Parlament passierte, als die Oppositionsabgeordneten am Montagabend das Parlament verließen, nachdem Sprecher Anġlu Farrugia seinen Antrag auf eine dringende parlamentarische Debatte über die Veröffentlichung – oder das Fehlen einer solchen – der vernichtenden Schlussfolgerungen des Parlaments abgelehnt hatte Untersuchung von Krankenhäusern unter Leitung der Richterin Gabriella Vella, die zur Anklage gegen den ehemaligen Premierminister Joseph Muscat führt.
„Abela lehnte es ab, darüber zu diskutieren, ob die gerichtliche Untersuchung veröffentlicht werden sollte. Wir haben jedoch unsere Haltung klar zum Ausdruck gebracht. Die Wahrheit wird unweigerlich ans Licht kommen, und je länger Sie ihre Veröffentlichung hinauszögern, desto mehr Schaden werden Sie dem Land zufügen“, warnte Grech Abela und fügte hinzu: „Die Menschen werden nicht zulassen, dass Sie das ganze Land mit sich schleppen.“
„Abela ist ein Sklave des Deals mit Kriminellen, Korrupten und Betrügern“, sagte Grech.
Der frühere PN-Chef Adrian Delia sagte den Parteianhängern, dass Abela lüge. In einer flammenden Rede am Dienstag sagte Delia: „Dies sind beispiellose Zeiten und wir müssen handeln.“
Der Schattenminister für Gesundheit verwies auf Abelas Äußerungen vom Dienstag zuvor, als er Journalisten aufforderte, „Delia zu fragen“, wer das „Establishment“ sei.
Er lehnte Abelas Vorschlag ab und sagte: „Ich sage Ihnen, wer das Establishment in den letzten zehn Jahren war: Maskat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela und das Kabinett Maskat waren das Establishment.“
Delia war drei turbulente Jahre lang PN-Vorsitzende, in denen die Partei von internen Machtkämpfen erschüttert wurde.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
"Grech pede a Abela que escolha a nação pela primeira vez
O líder do Partido Nacionalista, Bernard Grech, apelou ao primeiro-ministro Robert Abela para escolher a nação pela primeira vez.
Falando numa actividade partidária em Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Grech alertou o líder trabalhista para desistir de proteger o seu antecessor desgraçado e atacar o poder judiciário de Malta, as organizações estudantis e os jornalistas.
“Não permaneça preso ao acordo com o diabo que você fez. Escolha o interesse nacional, escolha o interesse da nação, escolha o interesse do país, pelo menos uma vez”, instou Grech a Abela.
Ele sublinhou que o povo tem o direito de saber toda a verdade e prometeu que o “Partido Nacionalista garantirá que a verdade será revelada para que a nação veja por si mesma quem roubou milhões deles”.
O país atravessa uma fase delicada, mas também uma fase perigosa, disse Grech aos apoiantes do partido reunidos em Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
“Se há alguém, se há pelo menos uma pessoa que pensa que estamos felizes com o que está acontecendo em nosso país, não entendeu o que estamos passando e que isso nunca deveria ter acontecido”, disse. Grech disse em conexão com o acordo fraudulento com hospitais.
“Isso é o que acontece quando você faz um acordo com o diabo”, disse o líder da oposição, e acusou Abela de estar preso entre uma rocha e uma posição difícil.
“Você está arriscando derrubar o país inteiro com você”, acusou Grech.
O líder do PN referiu-se ao que aconteceu no Parlamento na segunda-feira, quando os deputados da oposição abandonaram o Parlamento na noite de segunda-feira, depois de o presidente Anġlu Farrugia ter recusado o seu pedido de um debate parlamentar urgente sobre a publicação - ou a falta dele - das conclusões contundentes do inquérito hospitalar liderado pela magistrada Gabriella Vella, que está levando à acusação do ex-primeiro-ministro Joseph Muscat.
“Abela recusou-se a discutir se o inquérito magisterial deveria ser tornado público. No entanto, deixamos nossa posição clara. A verdade inevitavelmente virá à tona, e quanto mais você atrasar a sua publicação, mais danos você infligirá ao país”, alertou Grech Abela, acrescentando: “o povo não permitirá que você arraste o país inteiro com você”.
“Abela é escrava do acordo com criminosos, corruptos e fraudadores”, disse Grech.
O ex-líder do PN Adrian Delia disse aos apoiantes do partido que Abela está a mentir. Num discurso inflamado na terça-feira, Delia disse: “estes são tempos sem precedentes e precisamos agir”.
O ministro paralelo da Saúde fez referência às declarações de Abela na terça-feira, quando disse aos jornalistas para “perguntarem a Delia” quem é o “sistema”.
Ele rejeitou a sugestão de Abela, dizendo: “Vou lhe dizer quem foi o establishment nos últimos 10 anos: Muscat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela e o gabinete de Muscat eram o establishment.”
Delia foi líder do PN durante três anos turbulentos, durante os quais o partido foi assolado por lutas internas.

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:07 sinomaltanews "La oposición abandona el Parlamento después de que el presidente negara la solicitud para discutir la investigación de Vitals

"La oposición abandona el Parlamento después de que el presidente negara la solicitud para discutir la investigación de Vitals
El presidente del Parlamento ha denegado la petición del presidente de la oposición, Bernard Grech, de que el Parlamento debata urgentemente la investigación Vitals. En respuesta, la oposición abandonó el Parlamento en protesta.
Al comienzo de la sesión, el líder de la oposición pidió que la Cámara de Representantes levantara la sesión para discutir la publicación de la investigación.
Dijo que el Primer Ministro tiene acceso a la investigación y en sus comentarios indicó que sabe lo que contiene, al tiempo que señaló que el Primer Ministro atacó a la magistrada Gabriella Vella que manejó la investigación y dijo que era el Primer Ministro quien elige quién debería haber acceso a él.
El Dr. Grech dijo que se trata de una cuestión de importancia nacional y urgente porque la gente tiene derecho a saber lo que contiene y el primer ministro no puede quebrar la confianza del público en el poder judicial.
El Primer Ministro Robert Abela respondió diciendo que si era necesario confirmar que esto no era más que un ejercicio político partidista, así lo demostraba la declaración del Dr. Grech.
Dijo que esta solicitud era una forma para que la oposición intentara ganar ventaja política y dijo que lleva mucho tiempo diciendo que el Fiscal General debería publicar la investigación lo antes posible.
El Primer Ministro negó estar en posesión de la investigación y mencionó que había un exdiputado de la oposición que siempre sabía de antemano cuándo se realizarían registros en relación con la investigación.
Añadió que con lo que dice la oposición la Cámara acabaría asumiendo poderes que hasta ahora sólo pertenecen al AG y afirmó que el Parlamento no puede participar en un ejercicio que va en contra de las propias leyes que él mismo ha promulgado.
El Dr. Grech respondió que el Primer Ministro no quiere que el Parlamento popular debata, pero quiere que las conclusiones queden en sus manos, refiriéndose al Primer Ministro como el establishment.
El Primer Ministro refutó refiriéndose al ex líder de la oposición y del PN, Adrian Delia, y le dijo que fue el establishment el que lo destituyó de su cargo y, en cambio, puso al Dr. Grech en su lugar.
El Dr. Delia reaccionó afirmando que el establishment es quien habla a favor de la salud de los malteses y luego realiza el mayor fraude contra el pueblo.
El presidente Anġlu Farrugia suspendió la sesión hasta que se decidiera sobre la petición del líder de la oposición.
El Portavoz concluyó que no había elementos ni requisitos urgentes para que la Cámara se levantara y celebrara el debate solicitado por la Oposición.
El líder de la oposición respondió que si bien no estaba de acuerdo con esta decisión, dejó claro que no deseaba discutir la investigación desde su aspecto penal y dijo que como oposición iban a retirarse porque el presidente y el gobierno querían callalos.ón-sale-del-parlamento-después-de-el-orador-niega-la-solicitud-para-discutir-la-consulta-de-vitals/

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Die Opposition verlässt das Parlament, nachdem der Sprecher den Antrag auf Erörterung der Vitals-Untersuchung abgelehnt hat
Der Parlamentspräsident hat einen Antrag des Oppositionssprechers Bernard Grech abgelehnt, das Parlament solle die Vitals-Untersuchung dringend erörtern. Als Reaktion darauf verließ die Opposition aus Protest das Parlament.
Zu Beginn der Sitzung beantragte der Oppositionsführer eine Vertagung des Repräsentantenhauses, um über die Veröffentlichung der Untersuchung zu diskutieren.
Er sagte, dass der Premierminister Zugang zu der Untersuchung habe, und gab in seinen Kommentaren an, dass er wisse, was darin enthalten sei. Gleichzeitig wies er darauf hin, dass der Premierminister Richterin Gabriella Vella angegriffen habe, die die Untersuchung bearbeitet habe, und gesagt habe, dass es der Premierminister sei, der darüber entscheide, wer dies tun solle Zugriff darauf.
Dr. Grech sagte, dass dies eine Angelegenheit von nationaler und dringender Bedeutung sei, da die Menschen ein Recht darauf hätten, zu erfahren, was darin enthalten sei, und der Premierminister das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in die Justiz nicht brechen könne.
Premierminister Robert Abela antwortete mit den Worten, dass die Aussage von Dr. Grech bewiesen habe, dass die Aussage von Dr.
Er sagte, dieser Antrag sei eine Möglichkeit für die Opposition, politisch Einfluss zu gewinnen, und sagte, er habe schon seit langem gesagt, dass der Generalstaatsanwalt die Untersuchung so schnell wie möglich veröffentlichen solle.
Der Premierminister bestritt, im Besitz der Untersuchung zu sein und erwähnte, dass es einen ehemaligen Oppositionsabgeordneten gebe, der immer im Voraus gewusst habe, wann im Zusammenhang mit der Untersuchung Durchsuchungen durchgeführt würden.
Er fügte hinzu, dass das Repräsentantenhaus mit dem, was die Opposition sagt, am Ende die Befugnisse übernehmen würde, die bisher nur der AG zustehen, und dass das Parlament sich nicht an einer Übung beteiligen kann, die gegen die Gesetze verstößt, die es selbst erlassen hat.
Dr. Grech antwortete, dass der Premierminister nicht möchte, dass das Volksparlament debattiert, sondern dass die Schlussfolgerungen in seinen Händen bleiben, wobei er den Premierminister als das Establishment bezeichnet.
Der Premierminister entgegnete, indem er sich auf den ehemaligen Oppositions- und PN-Führer Adrian Delia bezog und ihm sagte, es sei das Establishment gewesen, das ihn von seinem Posten entfernt und stattdessen Dr. Grech an seine Stelle gesetzt habe.
Dr. Delia reagierte mit der Aussage, dass das Establishment die Person ist, die sich für die Gesundheit der Malteser einsetzt und dann den größten Betrug am Volk begeht.
Sprecher Anġlu Farrugia unterbrach die Sitzung, bis er über den Antrag des Oppositionsführers entschieden hatte.
Der Sprecher kam zu dem Schluss, dass es keine dringenden Elemente oder Voraussetzungen für eine Vertagung des Repräsentantenhauses und die Durchführung der von der Opposition geforderten Debatte gebe.
Der Oppositionsführer antwortete, dass er zwar mit dieser Entscheidung nicht einverstanden sei, aber deutlich gemacht habe, dass er die Untersuchung nicht unter ihrem strafrechtlichen Aspekt diskutieren wolle, und sagte, dass sie als Opposition austreten würden, weil der Sprecher und die Regierung dies wollten lass sie ruhig sein.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
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"Oposição sai do Parlamento depois que o presidente nega pedido para discutir o inquérito Vitals
O Presidente do Parlamento negou um pedido do Presidente da Oposição, Bernard Grech, para que o Parlamento discutisse urgentemente o inquérito Vitals. Em resposta, a oposição saiu do Parlamento em protesto.
No início da sessão, o líder da oposição solicitou o encerramento da Câmara dos Representantes para discutir a publicação do inquérito.
Ele disse que o PM tem acesso ao inquérito e em seus comentários indicou que sabe o que ele contém ao mesmo tempo em que apontou que o PM atacou a magistrada Gabriella Vella que conduziu o inquérito e disse que foi o PM quem escolheu quem deveria ter acesso a ele.
O Dr. Grech disse que esta é uma questão de importância nacional e urgente porque as pessoas têm o direito de saber o que contém e o PM não pode quebrar a confiança do público no judiciário.
O PM Robert Abela respondeu dizendo que se houvesse alguma necessidade de confirmar que se tratava apenas de um exercício político partidário, isso foi comprovado pela declaração do Dr. Grech.
Disse que este pedido era uma forma de a Oposição tentar ganhar terreno político e disse que há muito que afirma que o Procurador-Geral deve publicar o inquérito o mais rapidamente possível.
O PM negou estar na posse do inquérito e referiu que havia um ex-deputado da oposição que sempre sabia de antemão quando haveria buscas no âmbito do inquérito.
Acrescentou que com o que a Oposição diz, a Câmara acabaria por assumir os poderes que até agora só pertencem à AG e disse que o Parlamento não pode participar num exercício que vai contra as próprias leis que ele próprio promulgou.
O Dr. Grech respondeu que o Primeiro-Ministro não quer que o Parlamento popular debata, mas quer que as conclusões permaneçam nas suas mãos, referindo-se ao Primeiro-Ministro como o establishment.
O primeiro-ministro refutou referindo-se ao antigo líder da oposição e do PN, Adrian Delia, e disse-lhe que foi o sistema que o removeu do seu cargo e, em vez disso, colocou o Dr. Grech no seu lugar.
A Dra. Delia reagiu dizendo que o establishment é quem fala a favor da saúde dos malteses e depois comete a maior fraude contra o povo.
O presidente da Câmara, Anġlu Farrugia, suspendeu a sessão até decidir sobre o pedido do líder da oposição.
O Presidente concluiu que não existiam elementos ou requisitos urgentes para que a Câmara fosse encerrada e realizasse o debate solicitado pela Oposição.
O líder da oposição respondeu que embora não concordasse com esta decisão, deixou claro que não pretendia discutir o inquérito sob a sua vertente criminal e disse que, como oposição, iriam abandonar porque o Presidente e o Governo queriam cale-os.

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:28 petersnewjobs We found 10 new Ottawa & area job fairs this week

A mixed bag. The Ottawa Festival Network is ramping up hiring for the Ottawa festival season. Note, they target people on EI, having used EI in the last 5 years or underemployed/unemployed. Rules are here . GeoIgnite (free) job fair as part of their geosciences in-person conference here in Ottawa. You need to register today. Finally, Metro/Food Basics virtual event. The rest of the week is rounded out with a variety of other events. Direct links to these events and more in May are on our Ottawa career event page or just google the titles. Happy job hunting (not sure if that's an oxymoron?).
w/o May 12 Dynamic Hardscape Smiths Falls
w/o May 12 Ottawa Festival Network (EI requirement) Ottawa
May 14, 2024 The GeoIgnite Career Fair in Ottawa Ottawa
May 14, 2024 Burger King - team member Napanee
May 15, 2024 VON Online Job Fair VON 2024 Virtual
May 15, 2024 Metro Job Fair Virtual
May 16, 2024 Join the Canadian Armed Forces - General Information Virtual
May 16, 2024 Burger King - Shift Manager Ottawa
May 16, 2024 Ottawa Police Service Recruiting and Information Event Ottawa
May 17, 2024 RCMP Vanier Community Service Centre Ottawa
submitted by petersnewjobs to ottawa [link] [comments]


  • First two metallurgical tests at Mann deliver strong recovery and concentrate quality:
    • Overall nickel recoveries of 58% and 59%.
    • Nickel and magnetite concentrate grades in line with expectations.
TORONTO , May 13, 2024 /CNW/ - Canada Nickel Company Inc. ("Canada Nickel" or the "Company") (TSXV:CNC) (OTCQX:CNIKF) is pleased to announce robust recovery and concentrate quality results from the first set of metallurgical tests on samples from the Mann Northwest property. The results were achieved using the standard flowsheet developed for the Crawford Nickel Sulphide Project ("Crawford").
Mark Selby , CEO of Canada Nickel, said "We are very pleased by the first tests at Mann Northwest which achieved overall nickel recoveries of 58% and 59% and achieved expected nickel and iron concentrate grades. These initial results at Mann Northwest, along with our earlier success achieved at Reid using the standard flowsheet developed for Crawford, demonstrate the potential to leverage our development work at Crawford across the portfolio of targets throughout the Timmins Nickel District."
Canada Nickel is in the process of completing the earn-in of an 80% interest in the Mann property, with the remaining 20% owned by Noble Mineral Exploration Inc., located 22 km east of Crawford, 20 km south of Cochrane , and 45 km northeast of Timmins , covering the Mann Township. Within the property, there are three large ultramafic bodies, each of which has a target geophysical footprint larger than the 1.6 km 2 footprint of Crawford. Mann Northwest has a target footprint of 6.0 km 2 ; Mann Central is 3.1 km 2 , and Mann Southeast is 4.1 km 2
Table 1 summarizes the recovery results of the first two open circuit tests from the Mann Northwest property on samples with head grades of 0.29% and 0.30% nickel. The samples were tested at a third-party lab to evaluate the metallurgical potential of the property. Both samples delivered strong recovery performance, with total nickel recoveries of 58% and 59% and iron recoveries of 44% and 48%. Cobalt recoveries were 15% and 28% and chromium recoveries were 10% in both tests. More than half of the recovered nickel was recovered to nickel concentrates with an average grade greater than 38% nickel. Iron concentrate grades averaged 58% and 62% iron in the two tests. The Company will follow a similar metallurgical program path as it did with Crawford and begin a variability open circuit testing program to confirm operating parameters and performance and then begin locked cycle testing to confirm metallurgical performance and concentrate grades and recovery to be used in future engineering studies.
Table 1. Open Circuit Test Results
The samples were selected as higher grade, well-serpentinized dunite samples and confirmed the potential to transfer the Crawford metallurgical process to the Mann ultramafic nickel mineralization. The standard test procedure from the Crawford Feasibility Variability Program was used including grind sizes, reagent dosing strategies and flowsheet layout.
Sample Location
Figure 1 shows the plan view of the Mann properties with the "X" markers indicating where the samples were taken from. Sample 1 was taken from drill hole MAN23-03 from 200 to 273 meters and Sample 2 was taken from MAN23-02 from 112 to 164 meters.
Figure 1 – Plan View of Mann – Drill Results and Sample Location Overlain on Total Magnetic Intensity
Qualified Person and Data Verification
Arthur G. Stokreef , P.Eng (ON), Manager of Process Engineering & Geometallurgy and a "qualified person" as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release on behalf of Canada Nickel Company Inc.
About Canada Nickel
Canada Nickel Company Inc. is advancing the next generation of nickel-sulphide projects to deliver nickel required to feed the high growth electric vehicle and stainless steel markets. Canada Nickel Company has applied in multiple jurisdictions to trademark the terms NetZero Nickel TM , NetZero Cobalt TM , NetZero Iron TM and is pursuing the development of processes to allow the production of net zero carbon nickel, cobalt, and iron products. Canada Nickel provides investors with leverage to nickel in low political risk jurisdictions. Canada Nickel is currently anchored by its 100% owned flagship Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project in the heart of the prolific Timmins-Cochrane mining camp. For more information, please visit
Cautionary Note and Statement Concerning Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains certain information that may constitute "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward looking information includes, but is not limited to, the metallurgical potential of the Mann properties including recoveries and concentrate qualities, the economic viability of the Mann property drill and exploration results relating to the target properties described herein (the "Properties"), the significance of drill results, the ability to continue drilling, the impact of drilling on the definition of any resource, the potential of the Crawford Nickel Sulphide Project and the Properties, timing and completion (if at all) of mineral resource estimates, the ability to sell marketable materials, strategic plans, including future exploration and development plans and results, and corporate and technical objectives. Forward-looking information is necessarily based upon several assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could affect the outcome include, among others: future prices and the supply of metals, the future demand for metals, the results of drilling, inability to raise the money necessary to incur the expenditures required to retain and advance the property, environmental liabilities (known and unknown), general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, results of exploration programs, risks of the mining industry, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, failure to obtain regulatory or shareholder approvals. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information contained in this press release is given as of the date hereof and is based upon the opinions and estimates of management and information available to management as at the date hereof. Canada Nickel disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE Canada Nickel Company Inc.

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:14 sinomaltanews "Pet Shop Boys: 'Għandna nsejħu l-mawra li jmiss tagħna Adieu'

"Pet Shop Boys: 'Għandna nsejħu l-mawra li jmiss tagħna Adieu'
“Ma nħobbx it-taraġ spirali,” jgħid Chris Lowe. ""U dik hija l-ewwel darba li toħroġ f'intervista.""
Sejħilha esklussiva. Smajtu hawn l-ewwel. Il-Pulitzer jinsab fil-kariga.
Ir-rivelazzjoni tiġi hekk kif niddiskutu l-oriġini tal-Pet Shop Boys, waħda mill-aktar bands importanti u influwenti tar-Renju Unit.
Din is-sena timmarka l-40 anniversarju mid-debutt single tagħhom, West End Girls - tkarkir klawstrofobiku fil-ħajja ta’ bil-lejl ta’ Londra li nediet vjaġġ ta’ erba’ deċennji lejn pop intelliġenti u irresistibbli.
Iżda qabel ma kienu Pet Shop Boys, id-duo kellhom ħajjiet oħra. U hemm fejn ningħaqdu magħhom, infakkru fil-jiem qabel ma ħabtu ma’ xulxin f’ħanut tal-elettronika ta’ Chelsea u twieldet sħubija mużikali.
Neil Tennant, frontman erudit u liricist in-chief, trabba fi Newcastle, attenda l-Iskola Kattolika St Cuthbert, stretta u subien, li aktar tard ispirat kanzunetti bħal It’s A Sin.
Ta’ 18-il sena, telaq jistudja l-istorja f’Londra qabel ħa impjieg f’uffiċċju tal-assigurazzjoni. Kien l-eqqel tal-era tal-glam rock, u ħaddan il-ħarsa androġina tal-eroj mużikali tiegħu, David Bowie.
“Kont nimxi fit-Triq Kings b’tank top abjad u żraben tan-nisa b’takkuna kbira ta’ pjattaforma,” jiftakar. “Irġiel omosesswali kienu jagħmlu kummenti hekk kif kont imxi fit-triq.”
""Hekk int libsu għax-xogħol fis-sensara tal-assigurazzjoni?"" jistaqsi lil sieħbu tal-banda, li jidher li sema’ l-istorja għall-ewwel darba.
""Ir-raġel li ħdimt għalih kien omosesswali ħafna,"" jispjega Tennant. “Hu kien għex fis-snin 60 u kien joħodni għall-ikel u jirrakkonta stejjer dwar The Rolling Stones.
""Naħseb li seta' kellu xi ħaġa għalija, imma dak iż-żmien ma rrealizzajtx.""
Lowe, sadanittant, kien f'Liverpool jitħarreġ bħala perit, inkuba d-dislike tiegħu ta 'taraġ imdawwar (il-ġeometrija hija dijavolment diffiċli, apparentement).
Stampi promozzjonali Pet Shop Boys
Il-band kellha 47 single hit fir-Renju Unit, inklużi erba’ numru wieħed
""Kull drabi, inti tidħol f'kamra ta 'lukanda u jkollha żewġ livelli magħquda minn taraġ spirali,"" josserva.
“Tajjeb, ma nistax nibqa’. Ikolli noħroġ.”
Wara l-laqgħa ċans tagħhom fl-1981, id-duo bdew jagħmlu demos fi studio 'l barra Camden Road, imħallsa mill-impjieg ta' Tennant fir-rivista Smash Hits.
""L-ambizzjoni tagħna kienet sempliċement li nagħmlu rekord ma '[il-produttur taż-żfin ta' New York] Bobby O, u li jkun disponibbli fuq l-importazzjoni fil-ħanut Record Shack fi Brewer Street,"" jgħid.
Huma laħqu l-għan tagħhom.
Tennant intbagħat New York biex jintervista lil Sting, u uża l-opportunità biex jintroduċi ruħu ma' Bobby O.
Huwa qabel li jirrilaxxa West End Girls fuq it-tikketta tiegħu stess, u sar hit klabb minuri fl-Istati Uniti u l-Ġermanja.
Sa tmiem l-1984 kien disponibbli fuq l-importazzjoni f’Londra, u meta l-band reġgħet irrekordjatha sentejn wara, marret sa l-ewwel numru.
""L-istazzjonijiet tar-radju qabżu fuqu għax kienu jafu l-oriġinal u kienu ħerqana li jdoqquh,"" jgħid Tennant.
""U ladarba tkun bdejt fuq dan il-vjaġġ trid tkompli bih.""
Getty The Pet Shop Boys jagħtu intervista bir-radju, fil-KROQ f'Los Angeles, 1986Getty
Intervista bikrija tar-radju, fil-KROQ f'Los Angeles, 1986
Ħamsin miljun bejgħ ta’ diski wara, il-banda waslet biex toħroġ il-15-il album ta’ l-istudjo tagħhom, Madankollu, li jimmarka ritorn għall-ħoss maximalist tal-aqwa żmien tagħhom, wara tliet diski ta’ dak li Tennant isejjaħ “puriżmu elettroniku”.
Strings grazzja kull track, mill-kanzunetta ta 'l-imħabba dejjem jogħlew Feel sal-groove majesty ta' Love Is The Law.
Sens ta’ tama u possibbiltà jdaħħal ir-rekord - paradossalment hekk, peress li nkiteb waqt il-lockdowns tal-Covid tal-2020 u l-2021.
“Kont għadni kif mort f’dar ġdida u ħassejtni pjuttost ewforiku dwarha, tassew.
""Niżfen fil-kċina, nimxi fil-kampanja... Il-pressjoni ta' ħajjitna kienet tneħħiet.""
Iżolati fid-dar, id-duo nnegozjaw demos fuq email. Tennant saħansitra niżżel GarageBand u tgħallem jirreġistra l-vokali tiegħu stess għall-ewwel darba.
Ittra 'Priceless' Pet Shop Boys misjuba f'ħanut tad-diski
Tmur wara l-kwinti mal-Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys: 'Aħna ma naħsbux dwar l-affarijiet il-qadim'
Biż-żmien għalxejn, reġa’ rreġistra wkoll xi wħud mill-kanzunetti folkloristiċi li kien kiteb meta kien adoloxxenti.
“Huwa tal-għaġeb li tista’ tiftakarhom,” jistagħġeb Lowe. “Qatt ma kont poġġihom fuq tape recorder?”
""Iva, imma m'għandix aktar il-cassettes,"" iwieġeb Tennant. ""Naħseb biss, jekk il-kanzunetti huma tajbin, tista' tiftakarhom.""
M'hemm ""l-ebda pjanijiet"" biex jiġu rilaxxati dawk l-melodiji li għadhom qed jitnisslu, iżid, filwaqt li jindika li jippreferi jżommhom bħala tifkiriet personali.
Minkejja dan, Neetheless fih diversi tiffjorixxi ta’ kitarra akustika – u kanzunetta waħda li tirreferi speċifikament għall-illokkjar (Why Am I Dancing?, li ssib lil Tennant jgħajjat ​​madwar il-kċina, waħdu iżda kuntent, hekk kif il-mużika tintefaħ madwaru).
X'imkien ieħor, jikteb dwar dak kollu li jieħu f'idejh. Hemm ballata dwar iż-żeffien tal-ballet Russu Rudolf Nuryev “jaqbeż il-barriera fl-Ajruport ta’ Orly” biex jitlob l-ażil; u kanzunetta miktuba mill-perspettiva tal-gwardja tal-ġisem ta’ Donald Trump li ma tħossha bi tqila.
""Jekk in-numru tiegħi jiżdied, nieħu bullet għal Narcissus.""
Studju reċenti jissuġġerixxi lirika pop saret aktar sempliċi u aktar ossessjonat ruħha mill-fażi imperjali tal-Pet Shop Boys tas-snin tmenin.
Tennant, li l-kanzunetti tiegħu ħafna drabi huma mdaħħla fil-kummentarju soċjali (L-Integral jittratta l-karti tal-identità, ix-Xiri jittratta l-insider trading u l-korruzzjoni tal-gvern), mhuwiex impressjonat.
""Wieħed mit-twemmin tagħna huwa li tista 'tikteb kanzunetta dwar kwalunkwe ħaġa, litteralment kull ħaġa, sakemm tkun interessanti,"" jgħid.
Inzerta qed nitkellmu fl-istess ġimgħa li d-djarist-in-chief tal-pop, Taylor Swift, toħroġ l-aħħar album tagħha.
Allura x'jagħmlu The Pet Shop Boys mill-opra tagħha?
Getty The Pet Shop Boys jilagħbu l-Logħob Olimpiku ta' Londra 2012Getty
Tieħu rwol ewlieni fiċ-ċerimonja tal-għeluq tal-Olimpjadi ta’ Londra 2012
“Inkun interessat ħafna, jekk għadni ħaj, biex nara kif Taylor Swift tiġi meqjusa fis-snin li ġejjin,” tgħid Tennant, “għax hi għandha dan is-suċċess kbir – iżda normalment ma’ nies b’suċċess kbir, hemm suċċess popolari. wirt ta’ kanzunetti li kulħadd jaf.
“Jekk int Michael Jackson, min ma jafx lil Billie Jean jew lil Beat It? Ma’ Taylor Swift qatt ma nħoss li huwa l-mument fejn in-nanna tiegħek tkun taf il-kanzunetta tagħha.”
Din hija sempliċement funzjoni tal-età tal-midja miksura tagħna, nistaqsi? Swift trid tikkompeti mal-istorbju tal-midja soċjali u servizzi tat-TV on-demand u streaming fejn jittellgħu 100,000 kanzunetta kuljum.
“Imma lkoll nafu lil Harry Styles’ Kif Kien,” jargumenta Lowe.
""Naf, u jien qodma biżżejjed biex inkun nanna,"" żżid Tennant.
“Meta titkellem bħala nanna, int taf b’Harry Styles,” jidħaq sieħbu tal-banda.
'Kulħadd hu gay?'
Din mhix kritika ta 'Swift, jenfasizzaw. Wara kollox, Tennant m'huwiex kontra l-lirika personali meta l-okkażjoni titlob.
Ħu, pereżempju, New London Boy. Waħda mill-aktar kanzunetti beguiling tal-album tagħhom, issib lill-kantant ifakkar dwar il-wasla tiegħu fil-kapitali, 51 sena ilu.
Is-syntijiet jixegħlu bħal sekwenza ta’ flashback hekk kif jiddeskrivi li jħallu l-“ħajja ivvintata” tiegħu fi Newcastle u “jiżblokka s-sigriet tiegħi” fit-toroq tal-belt.
“Huma bniet jew subien? Kulħadd huwa gay?” jistaqsi, għajnejh jinfetħu għal ħajja ġdida. ""Qed niċċajta lili nnifsi [li] se mmur it-triq kollha.""
""Going all the way', hija referenza sesswali,"" jispjega, ""iżda hija wkoll dwar l-ambizzjonijiet tiegħi li nkun kantanta"".
""U f'dawk il-jiem kelli ħabiba, għalhekk hija xi ftit dwar il-bisesswalità wkoll.""
Huwa ddeskriva l-kanzunetta bħala “dak li jiġri bejn il-versi tnejn u tlieta ta’ Being Boring”, is-single klassika tal-PSB dwar il-festa f’Londra mal-ħabib tiegħu ta’ tfulitu, Chris Dowell, li aktar tard miet b’mard relatat mal-Aids.
Kien hemm żball
Dan il-kontenut mhuwiex disponibbli fil-lokalità tiegħek.
Pet Shop Boys fil-BBC
L-atmosfera wistful u evokattiva ta’ New London Boy tinqata’ b’sezzjoni ta’ kliem mitkellem, fejn Tennant jiddeskrivi t-theddida ta’ vjolenza li ħarġet lill-komunità omosesswali f’żgħożitu.
""Newcastle kien terrifying fis-snin 70,"" jgħid.
“L-unika darba li qatt ġejt daqqa ta’ ponn kienet minn skinhead, meta kont qed nistenna karozza tal-linja. Ġibt dik il-paranojja miegħi f’Londra.”
Huwa ħa serħan mill-istorja ta’ drag queen li kienet attakkata barra l-pub Eldon ta’ Newcastle fis-snin sebgħin. Twissija għall-periklu, hija kienet tiġi ppreparata, u bagħtet l-iskinheads mifruxa billi wielding handbag li ħeba briks hefty.
“Jien inħobb l-idea li xi ħadd jiġġieled lura,” jgħid Tennant, “imma xorta qatt ma kelli ħendbeg tiegħi.”
Illum, il-laqgħat tiegħu mal-pubbliku huma ħafna aktar gentili. Il-Pet Shop Boys għandhom ""livell aċċettabbli"" ta 'fama, fejn jistgħu jaqbdu t-tubu jew jirċikjaw mit-tieni dar tagħhom f'Berlin mingħajr ma jiġu ffastidjati.
“Dejjem inkunu barra fit-toroq, allura jekk xi ħadd jgħid, ‘Oh, nista’ nagħmel selfie?’, Ġeneralment ninsab sorpriż ħafna,” tgħid Tennant.
“Nesa li jien jien!”
Dak mhux se jkun lussu li jista’ jgawdi għall-bqija tal-2024.
Flimkien mal-album il-ġdid, il-Pet Shop Boys estendew it-tour Greatest Hits li għaddejjin, kitbu musical ibbażat fuq The Emperor’s New Clothes, u se jtellgħu t-tielet residenza tagħhom fir-Royal Opera House ta’ Londra f’Ġunju.
Iħobbu jilagħbu hemmhekk - li jħobbu l-opportunità li jbiddlu ċ-ċittadella ta 'kultura għolja ta' Covent Garden fi nightclub throbbing, anke jekk ma jagħmilx sens finanzjarju.
""Nistgħu nagħmlu ħames darbiet aktar flus nilagħbu l-arena O2 għal lejl wieħed,"" josserva Tennant.
Getty The Pet Shop Boys fuq il-palk fir-Royal Opera House waqt l-aħħar residenza tagħhom fl-2018Getty
Fuq il-palk fir-Royal Opera House waqt l-aħħar residenza tagħhom fl-2018
Ftit wara r-residenza, il-kantant jilħaq it-tragward tiegħu għeluq is-70 sena. Qatt ikkunsidra li jirtira?
""Mhux fuq l-aġenda, per se,"" jgħid Tennant, ""imma min jaf?""
""It-touring gets ftit ħafna,"" Lowe jindika, b'mod archly jissuġġerixxi mawra tagħhom li jmiss se jissejjaħ ""Farewell, minħabba kemm żmien twil dan wieħed marret fuq"".
Iżda l-Pet Shop Boys ma juru l-ebda sinjali li jonqsu. Qed jinkitbu l-kanzunetti, il-kunċetti qed isiru r-ragħwa, u hemm xi ikla.
Jirriżulta dibattitu: Ikseb sandwiches issa, jew għand id-diski llum wara nofsinhar?
Il-kerrej huwa kuntent li jaqa 'f'Pret A Manger (għalkemm ipoġġi l-veto fuq it-tikkettar tal-BBC flimkien, wara li nissuġġerixxu t-titlu ""Pret Shop Boys"") iżda l-offerta tas-salamun fuq is-segala mill-eaterie Daniż Ole & Steen hija potenzjalment aktar jitħajjar.
Il-konversazzjoni tkompli barra mill-istudjo u fl-imsaren tal-BBC. Il-banda tevita l-lift, madankollu, u tħalli għażla waħda biss ta 'ħruġ: Taraġ spirali.
“Ugh, ddejjaqni dawn,” jgħid Lowe. ""Qatt izjed.""

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
「我不喜歡螺旋樓梯,」克里斯洛說。 “這是第一次在採訪中透露出來。”
今年是他們的首支單曲《West End Girls》發行 40 週年,這是一首穿越倫敦夜生活的幽閉恐懼症之旅,開啟了長達四年的智能、不可抗拒的流行音樂之旅。
尼爾·坦南特(Neil Tennant) 是一位博學的主唱和主詞作者,他在紐卡斯爾長大,就讀於嚴格的全男生聖卡斯伯特天主教學校,這所學校後來激發了《It's A Sin 》等歌曲的創作靈感。
18 歲時,他前往倫敦學習歷史,然後在一家保險公司找到了一份工作。那是華麗搖滾時代的鼎盛時期,他擁抱了他的音樂英雄大衛鮑伊的雌雄同體的外表。
「我過去常常穿著白色背心和大厚底女鞋沿著國王路行走,」他回憶道。 “當我走在路上時,男同性戀者常常發表評論。”
「我為之工作的那個人非常同性戀,」坦南特解釋道。 「他經歷了 60 年代,經常帶我出去吃午飯,給我講滾石樂隊的故事。
該樂團在英國擁有 47 首熱門單曲,其中四首冠軍單曲
1981 年偶然相遇後,兩人開始在卡姆登路附近的一間工作室製作小樣,費用由 Tennant 在 Smash Hits 雜誌的工作支付。
「我們的目標只是與 [紐約舞蹈製作人] Bobby O 一起製作一張唱片,並在布魯爾街的 Record Shack 商店進口。」他說。
他同意以自己的廠牌發行《West End Girls》,該專輯在美國和德國的俱樂部中引起了轟動。
1984 年底,它在倫敦進口,兩年後樂團重新錄製它時,它一路上升到了第一名。
1986 年,寵物店男孩在洛杉磯 KROQ 接受電台採訪
早期電台採訪,洛杉磯 KROQ,1986 年
唱片銷量達到5000 萬張後,樂隊即將發行他們的第15 張錄音室專輯《儘管如此》,這標誌著在發行了三張坦南特所謂的“電子純粹主義”唱片後,他們又回到了鼎盛時期的極簡主義聲音。
從高亢的情歌《Feel》到莊嚴的《Love Is The Law》,每首曲目都充滿了弦樂的魅力。
這張唱片充滿了希望和可能性的感覺——矛盾的是,考慮到它是在 2020 年和 2021 年新冠疫情封鎖期間寫成的。
兩人隔離在家裡,透過電子郵件交換示範。坦南特甚至下載了 GarageBand 並第一次學會了錄製自己的聲音。
「你能記住它們真是太神奇了,」洛驚嘆道。 “你沒有把它們錄到錄音機上嗎?”
儘管如此,《儘管如此》還是包含了幾首原聲吉他的華麗表演,以及一首特別提到封鎖的歌曲(《Why Am I Dancing?》,歌曲中,田南特在廚房裡拖著腳步,孤獨但快樂,音樂在他周圍響起)。
最近的一項研究表明,自 Pet Shop Boys 的 20 世紀 80 年代帝國階段以來,流行歌詞變得更加簡單、更加自我迷戀。
坦南特的歌曲經常充斥著社會評論(Integral 涉及身份證,Shopping 涉及內幕交易和政府腐敗),但他對此並不以為然。
蓋蒂 寵物店男孩隊參加 2012 年倫敦奧運 蓋蒂
「如果你是麥可傑克遜,誰不知道 Billie Jean 或 Beat It?對於泰勒·斯威夫特,我從來沒有感覺到這是你祖母知道她的歌的那一刻。
我問,這只是我們破碎媒體時代的功能嗎? Swift 必須與社群媒體、電視點播和串流媒體服務競爭,這些服務每天上傳 100,000 首歌曲。
「但我們都知道哈利·斯泰爾斯的《As It Was》,」洛說。
他們強調,這並不是對 Swift 的批評。畢竟,田納特並不反對在場合需要時使用個人歌詞。
以《新倫敦男孩》為例。這是他們專輯中最迷人的歌曲之一,歌手回憶起自己 51 年前抵達首都的情景。
「他們是女孩還是男孩?每個人都是同性戀嗎?他一邊想,一邊睜開眼睛,迎接新的生活。 “我只是在自欺欺人嗎,我會一路走下去。”
他將這首歌描述為“《Being Boring》第二節和第三節之間發生的事情”,這是PSB 的經典單曲,講述了他與兒時好友克里斯·道威爾(Chris Dowell ) 在倫敦聚會的故事,克里斯道威爾後來死於愛滋病相關疾病。
BBC 的《寵物店男孩》
「紐卡斯爾在 70 年代非常可怕,」他說。
1970 年代,一位變裝皇后在紐卡斯爾的埃爾登酒吧外遭到襲擊,這讓他得到了安慰。她意識到危險,做好了準備,揮舞著一個手提包,裡面藏著一塊厚重的磚頭,把光頭黨驅散了。
在 2024 年剩下的時間裡,這對他來說不會是一種奢侈。
除了新專輯之外,寵物店男孩還延長了他們正在進行的Greatest Hits 巡演,根據《皇帝的新衣》創作了一部音樂劇,並將於6 月在倫敦皇家歌劇院上演他們的第三次駐場演出。
「我們在 O2 競技場玩一晚可以賺五倍的錢,」坦南特觀察到。
2018 年,寵物店男孩在皇家歌劇院的最後一次駐場表演中登台表演
2018 年他們最後一次駐場演出在皇家歌劇院的舞台上
駐場演出結束後不久,這位歌手就迎來了他里程碑式的 70 歲生日。他有沒有考慮過退休?
租戶很樂意去 Pret A Manger(儘管在我們建議標題為“Pret Shop Boys”之後,他否決了 BBC 的跟隨),但丹麥餐館 Ole & Steen 提供的黑麥鮭魚可能更具誘惑力。
談話在演播室外繼續進行,進入了 BBC 內部。然而,樂隊避開了電梯,只留下了一個出口選擇:螺旋樓梯。
「呃,我討厭這些,」洛說。 “再也不會。”

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
“我不喜欢螺旋楼梯,”克里斯·洛说。 “这是第一次在采访中透露出来。”
今年是他们的首张单曲《West End Girls》发行 40 周年,这是一首穿越伦敦夜生活的幽闭恐惧症之旅,开启了长达四年的智能、不可抗拒的流行音乐之旅。
尼尔·坦南特 (Neil Tennant) 是一位博学的主唱和主词作者,他在纽卡斯尔长大,就读于严格的全男生圣卡斯伯特天主教学校,这所学校后来激发了《It's A Sin》等歌曲的创作灵感。
18 岁时,他前往伦敦学习历史,然后在一家保险公司找到了一份工作。那是华丽摇滚时代的鼎盛时期,他拥抱了他的音乐英雄大卫·鲍伊的雌雄同体的外表。
“我过去常常穿着白色背心和大厚底女鞋沿着国王路行走,”他回忆道。 “当我走在路上时,男同性恋者常常发表评论。”
“我为之工作的那个人非常同性恋,”坦南特解释道。 “他经历了 60 年代,经常带我出去吃午饭,给我讲滚石乐队的故事。
该乐队在英国拥有 47 首热门单曲,其中四首冠军单曲
1981 年偶然相遇后,二人开始在卡姆登路附近的一间工作室制作小样,费用由 Tennant 在 Smash Hits 杂志的工作支付。
“我们的目标只是与 [纽约舞蹈制作人] Bobby O 一起制作一张唱片,并在布鲁尔街的 Record Shack 商店进口。”他说。
他同意以自己的厂牌发行《West End Girls》,该专辑在美国和德国的俱乐部中引起了轰动。
1984 年底,它在伦敦进口,两年后乐队重新录制它时,它一路上升到了第一名。
1986 年,宠物店男孩在洛杉矶 KROQ 接受电台采访
早期电台采访,洛杉矶 KROQ,1986 年
唱片销量达到 5000 万张后,乐队即将发行他们的第 15 张录音室专辑《尽管如此》,这标志着在发行了三张坦南特所谓的“电子纯粹主义”唱片后,他们又回到了鼎盛时期的极简主义声音。
从高亢的情歌《Feel》到庄严的《Love Is The Law》,每首曲目都充满了弦乐的魅力。
这张唱片充满了希望和可能性的感觉——矛盾的是,考虑到它是在 2020 年和 2021 年新冠疫情封锁期间写成的。
两人隔离在家里,通过电子邮件交换演示。坦南特甚至下载了 GarageBand 并第一次学会了录制自己的声音。
“你能记住它们真是太神奇了,”洛惊叹道。 “你没有把它们录到录音机上吗?”
尽管如此,《尽管如此》还是包含了几首原声吉他的华丽表演,以及一首特别提到封锁的歌曲(《Why Am I Dancing?》,歌曲中,田南特在厨房里拖着脚步,孤独但快乐,音乐在他周围响起)。
最近的一项研究表明,自 Pet Shop Boys 的 20 世纪 80 年代帝国阶段以来,流行歌词变得更加简单、更加自我迷恋。
坦南特的歌曲经常充斥着社会评论(Integral 涉及身份证,Shopping 涉及内幕交易和政府腐败),但他对此并不以为然。
盖蒂 宠物店男孩队参加 2012 年伦敦奥运会 盖蒂
“如果你是迈克尔·杰克逊,谁不知道 Billie Jean 或 Beat It?对于泰勒·斯威夫特,我从来没有感觉到这是你祖母知道她的歌的那一刻。”
我问,这仅仅是我们破碎媒体时代的一个功能吗? Swift 必须与社交媒体、电视点播和流媒体服务竞争,这些服务每天上传 100,000 首歌曲。
“但我们都知道哈利·斯泰尔斯的《As It Was》,”洛说。
他们强调,这并不是对 Swift 的批评。毕竟,田纳特并不反对在场合需要时使用个人歌词。
以《新伦敦男孩》为例。这是他们专辑中最迷人的歌曲之一,歌手回忆起自己 51 年前抵达首都的情景。
“他们是女孩还是男孩?每个人都是同性恋吗?”他一边想,一边睁开眼睛,迎接新的生活。 “我只是在自欺欺人吗,我会一路走下去。”
他将这首歌描述为“《Being Boring》第二节和第三节之间发生的事情”,这是 PSB 的经典单曲,讲述了他与儿时好友克里斯·道威尔 (Chris Dowell) 在伦敦聚会的故事,克里斯·道威尔后来死于艾滋病相关疾病。
BBC 的《宠物店男孩》
“纽卡斯尔在 70 年代非常可怕,”他说。
20 世纪 70 年代,一位变装皇后在纽卡斯尔的埃尔登酒吧外遭到袭击,这让他得到了安慰。她意识到危险,做好了准备,挥舞着一个手提包,里面藏着一块厚重的砖头,把光头党驱散了。
在 2024 年剩下的时间里,这对他来说不会是一种奢侈。
除了新专辑之外,宠物店男孩还延长了他们正在进行的 Greatest Hits 巡演,根据《皇帝的新衣》创作了一部音乐剧,并将于 6 月在伦敦皇家歌剧院上演他们的第三次驻场演出。
“我们在 O2 竞技场玩一晚可以赚五倍的钱,”坦南特观察到。
2018 年,宠物店男孩在皇家歌剧院的最后一次驻场表演中登台表演
2018 年他们最后一次驻场演出在皇家歌剧院的舞台上
驻场演出结束后不久,这位歌手就迎来了他里程碑式的 70 岁生日。他有没有考虑过退役?
租户很乐意去 Pret A Manger(尽管在我们建议标题为“Pret Shop Boys”之后,他否决了 BBC 的跟随),但丹麦餐馆 Ole & Steen 提供的黑麦三文鱼可能更具诱惑力。
谈话在演播室外继续进行,进入了 BBC 内部。然而,乐队避开了电梯,只留下了一个出口选择:螺旋楼梯。
“呃,我讨厌这些,”洛说。 “再也不。”

成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]


  • First two metallurgical tests at Mann deliver strong recovery and concentrate quality:
    • Overall nickel recoveries of 58% and 59%.
    • Nickel and magnetite concentrate grades in line with expectations.
TORONTO , May 13, 2024 /CNW/ - Canada Nickel Company Inc. ("Canada Nickel" or the "Company") (TSXV:CNC) (OTCQX:CNIKF) is pleased to announce robust recovery and concentrate quality results from the first set of metallurgical tests on samples from the Mann Northwest property. The results were achieved using the standard flowsheet developed for the Crawford Nickel Sulphide Project ("Crawford").
Mark Selby , CEO of Canada Nickel, said "We are very pleased by the first tests at Mann Northwest which achieved overall nickel recoveries of 58% and 59% and achieved expected nickel and iron concentrate grades. These initial results at Mann Northwest, along with our earlier success achieved at Reid using the standard flowsheet developed for Crawford, demonstrate the potential to leverage our development work at Crawford across the portfolio of targets throughout the Timmins Nickel District."
Canada Nickel is in the process of completing the earn-in of an 80% interest in the Mann property, with the remaining 20% owned by Noble Mineral Exploration Inc., located 22 km east of Crawford, 20 km south of Cochrane , and 45 km northeast of Timmins , covering the Mann Township. Within the property, there are three large ultramafic bodies, each of which has a target geophysical footprint larger than the 1.6 km 2 footprint of Crawford. Mann Northwest has a target footprint of 6.0 km 2 ; Mann Central is 3.1 km 2 , and Mann Southeast is 4.1 km 2
Table 1 summarizes the recovery results of the first two open circuit tests from the Mann Northwest property on samples with head grades of 0.29% and 0.30% nickel. The samples were tested at a third-party lab to evaluate the metallurgical potential of the property. Both samples delivered strong recovery performance, with total nickel recoveries of 58% and 59% and iron recoveries of 44% and 48%. Cobalt recoveries were 15% and 28% and chromium recoveries were 10% in both tests. More than half of the recovered nickel was recovered to nickel concentrates with an average grade greater than 38% nickel. Iron concentrate grades averaged 58% and 62% iron in the two tests. The Company will follow a similar metallurgical program path as it did with Crawford and begin a variability open circuit testing program to confirm operating parameters and performance and then begin locked cycle testing to confirm metallurgical performance and concentrate grades and recovery to be used in future engineering studies.
Table 1. Open Circuit Test Results
The samples were selected as higher grade, well-serpentinized dunite samples and confirmed the potential to transfer the Crawford metallurgical process to the Mann ultramafic nickel mineralization. The standard test procedure from the Crawford Feasibility Variability Program was used including grind sizes, reagent dosing strategies and flowsheet layout.
Sample Location
Figure 1 shows the plan view of the Mann properties with the "X" markers indicating where the samples were taken from. Sample 1 was taken from drill hole MAN23-03 from 200 to 273 meters and Sample 2 was taken from MAN23-02 from 112 to 164 meters.
Figure 1 – Plan View of Mann – Drill Results and Sample Location Overlain on Total Magnetic Intensity
Qualified Person and Data Verification
Arthur G. Stokreef , P.Eng (ON), Manager of Process Engineering & Geometallurgy and a "qualified person" as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release on behalf of Canada Nickel Company Inc.
About Canada Nickel
Canada Nickel Company Inc. is advancing the next generation of nickel-sulphide projects to deliver nickel required to feed the high growth electric vehicle and stainless steel markets. Canada Nickel Company has applied in multiple jurisdictions to trademark the terms NetZero Nickel TM , NetZero Cobalt TM , NetZero Iron TM and is pursuing the development of processes to allow the production of net zero carbon nickel, cobalt, and iron products. Canada Nickel provides investors with leverage to nickel in low political risk jurisdictions. Canada Nickel is currently anchored by its 100% owned flagship Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project in the heart of the prolific Timmins-Cochrane mining camp. For more information, please visit
Cautionary Note and Statement Concerning Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains certain information that may constitute "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward looking information includes, but is not limited to, the metallurgical potential of the Mann properties including recoveries and concentrate qualities, the economic viability of the Mann property drill and exploration results relating to the target properties described herein (the "Properties"), the significance of drill results, the ability to continue drilling, the impact of drilling on the definition of any resource, the potential of the Crawford Nickel Sulphide Project and the Properties, timing and completion (if at all) of mineral resource estimates, the ability to sell marketable materials, strategic plans, including future exploration and development plans and results, and corporate and technical objectives. Forward-looking information is necessarily based upon several assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could affect the outcome include, among others: future prices and the supply of metals, the future demand for metals, the results of drilling, inability to raise the money necessary to incur the expenditures required to retain and advance the property, environmental liabilities (known and unknown), general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, results of exploration programs, risks of the mining industry, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, failure to obtain regulatory or shareholder approvals. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information contained in this press release is given as of the date hereof and is based upon the opinions and estimates of management and information available to management as at the date hereof. Canada Nickel disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE Canada Nickel Company Inc.

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2024.05.13 16:47 bernarbernuli [TOOL] All-in-One tool for Windows. Android TV Tools v3

[TOOL] All-in-One tool for Windows. Android TV Tools v3
It's a tool for use with any Android TV device (Google TV, Nvidia Shield TV, Google Chromecast...). I have improved it keeping in mind the suggestions for new features and the bugs reported in the previous version,
The post I have uploaded it days before in Chromecast because in this subreddit the post was automatically rejected (although I'm not encouraging piracy or anything like that) and recently they have given me a solution to upload it here, so excuse the duplicity of the post for those who are members of both subreddit.

What does it do?

It is an All-in-One tool for Windows that makes it easy to do certain things with the TV device, such as:
  • Send files to the TV device, such as MP3, images, PDF, or download to PC files hosted on the TV device.
  • Send texts from PC to TV device. [New]
  • Install applications (Sideload).
  • Install applications in bulk.
  • Uninstall applications from the TV device.
  • Enable/disable applications on the TV device.
  • Package name and version recognition
  • Remove bloatware with Universal Android Debloater.
  • Help generate shortcuts (icons) for installed apps that do not appear in the launcher with this website
  • Install Play Store shortcut to display in your launcher
  • Extract all apps you have installed on the TV device and restore them in bulk when needed (Backup/Restore).
  • List user apps that were installed only from Play Store (and also only outside play store). [New]
  • Manage device permissions
  • Grant write permissions on external USB
  • List packages that have a certain permission available
  • Repair NTP server to synchronize date and time correctly. [New]
  • Apply Custom Settings on the TV device:
    • Hide/Show developer options menu.
    • Enable/disable GPS location
    • Adjust screen timeout
    • Remove advertisements
    • Install alternative ad blocker (AdGuard for Android TV) [New]
    • Rotate TV screen
    • Enable/disable Ambient display
    • Set the timeout to activate the Ambient Screen
    • Set the timeout time to turn off the TV when idle
  • Replace official Google launcher with an alternative launcher (Projectivy Launcher, FLauncher...)
  • Install Google TV launcher for devices that don't have it
  • Replace official YouTube with alternative ad-free YouTube (Stable or Beta) (SmartTube)
  • Method to set any launcher as default
  • Replace default screen saver (Aerial Views screensaver)
  • Help customize remote control buttons (with Button Mapper)
  • Install IP TV apps (Tivimate, kodi, TDTChannels...) [New]
  • Add m3u lists with a URL or with a file in IP TV apps. [New]
  • Automatically start any app (with Launch on Boot). [New]
  • Install Google Play Store on devices that do not have it, e.g. devices of Chinese origin
  • Install alternative shops such as Aurora Store and Aptoide TV
  • Change screen density
  • Change font size.
  • Enter ADB commands via command line.
  • Advanced reboot (Enter Recovery mode and developer mode).
  • View and control the TV device from PC with ScrCpy.
  • Take screenshots and send them directly to the PC.
  • Record the TV device screen and send the video directly to the PC in MP4 format.
  • Optimize the TV device:
    • Increase the speed of animations.
    • Improve performance.
    • Enable the processing speed management system.
    • Delete cache memory.
    • Optimize performance.
    • Close background apps
    • Delete data and cache memory of apps
  • Send from PC predefined or custom voice commands
  • Shortcuts Settings screens
  • Launch installed user applications
  • Wake up the TV device
  • Put the TV device to sleep (stand-by)
  • Check for TV device updates
  • Launch notification curtain
  • View TV device information, such as serial number, build version, Android version, resolution, battery status...
  • History of connected TV devices.
  • Suggest the IP of the TV device if you don't know what it is


  • v3.0 (May 09, 2024) -
    • Added alternative ad blocker (AdGuard for Android TV)
    • Added option to install IP TV apps (Tivimate, kodi, TDTChannels...)
    • Added option to add m3u lists with a URL or with a file in IP TV apps.
    • Added option to repair NTP server (solution to sync date and time correctly)
    • Added option to automatically launch any app.
    • Added option to list uninstalled or hidden apps.
    • Added option to list user apps that were installed only from Play Store (and also only outside play store).
    • Added option to send texts from PC to TV device.
    • Improved option to backup and restore apps (now allows to make several backups and restore the one you want).
    • More improvements in the tool to backup and restore apps (now restores first the apps that were installed from play store)
    • Improved information when connecting (now accurately informs the reason for not connecting)
    • Improved and extended information in case of error installing or uninstalling apps on the device.
    • Improved the option to block advertising.
    • Improved SmartTube installation method.
    • Improved Help option (when typing "help" when connecting) to fix various types of errors.
    • Fixed error when recording screen.
    • Fixed bug when downloading AptoideTV.
    • Fixed "Findstr" bug in some users when connecting.
    • Lots of aesthetic improvements.


  • Windows O.S.
  • Have the ADB drivers installed. Here is the link to download them. During installation, make sure to enable the "Add to System Path Environment" option. Here you have more information about ADB drivers. If you don't have ADB drivers installed, they are automatically downloaded and installed as soon as you open Android TV Tools.
  • Connect the TV device to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • On the TV device, go to Settings > system > About and tap "Build Number" several times until you see a message that says "you are now a developer". Then go to Settings > system > developer options and enable "USB debugging".


  • The tool is available in English (EN) and Spanish (ES).
  • Tested on Google TV with Chromecast, please give feedback on other TV devices.
  • With Windows 10 and Windows 11 it is fully compatible and functional. Running the tool on Windows 7 or lower is partially functional, as there are some instructions that it does not interpret on older Windows.
  • To find out the IP address of the TV device, just go to Settings > Networks and Internet > "Your Wi-Fi network". Under that option, you will see the IP. It is also in Settings > System > Status.
  • You can use the tool in multitasking mode, i.e. you can for example backup TV device apps while you are applying custom configurations.

Use of Android TV Tools in offline environment

If you are going to run the tool without an internet connection, download Aux Files for Android TV Tools.rar and unzip the file in the same folder as Android TV Tools vXX.exe, as the tool makes use of several auxiliary files such as:
  • cmdmax.exe (for resizing the tool's windows).
  • ScrCpy (for viewing and controlling your TV device from your PC)
  • Universal Android Debloater (to remove bloatware)
In addition, ADB drivers are included, so there is no need to install them to use Antroid TV Tools.
Folder with Android TV Tools.exe + Aux Files

Does Android TV Tools contain Malware?

The tool is 100% clean and safe, of course it does not send any personal information to any remote server, however Antivirus software in recent times has become much more sensitive especially in the engines used in so some Anti-Virus engines detect Android TV Tools as some kind of Malware I guess because it matches a certain pattern, logically to users of the tool this creates concern especially if it is detected by 39 of 72 engines as happened when launching Android TV Tools v2. The only solution is to contact each of the anti-virus companies via questionnaire or email so that they can reanalyze the file and normally in less than 48 hours you receive a response from the companies informing you that it is indeed a false positive and that they will update the engine. In the case of those 39 engines detecting some type of malware, and after countless emails they were reduced to 4 engines, I must say that these 4 Anti-Virus companies neither answer (neither for good nor for bad) nor update their engines correcting the false positive, these are DeepInstinct, Rising, SkyHigh and TrapMine. It's like hitting a wall, it's very frustrating.
Please, if Android TV Tools is detected as malware/virus by your Anti-virus software or detected by engines inform me as soon as possible, I for my part commit myself to be aware of the analysis in to avoid alerts in Anti-virus engines. Here is a link to a contact directory of antivirus engines if anyone wants to collaborate and send emails to reanalyze the tool, I would appreciate it because this issue of false positives takes a lot of my time.
  • File : Android TV Tools V3_EN.exe
  • Algorithm : MD5
  • Hash : 1884D18FA16AB3DC46EB33599D76F2B7
  • Web

Where to download?

- Android TV Tools v3
- Aux Files for Android TV Tools (See "Use Android TV Tools in offline environment")


  1. Download and unzip in a folder the file from the "Where to download" section.
  2. Make sure you meet all the points in the "requirements" section.
  3. Locate the IP address of the TV device, as explained in the "considerations" section.
  4. Run Android TV Tools and enter the IP address.
  5. A notification will probably appear on the TV device asking "Allow USB debugging?", select "Always allow from this computer" and re-enter the IP address in the tool.
  6. In the tool, choose a function to run and follow the instructions on the screen.


  • Improve optimization tool with more optimization tasks (any suggestions from this thread for Samsung Galaxy devices or this thread for Pixel devices?).
  • Porting code to Linux and Mac via Java or Python.
Android TV Tools
Main menu
Voice commands and more
Replace launcher, youtube and more
I share this tool for free, to code the tool as it is now having taken me quite some time, I just ask for some feedback for the one who download it and try it.
If you are going to use it, please comment what you think or what bugs you see or what new features you suggest. Any opinion is interesting.
submitted by bernarbernuli to AndroidTV [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , May 10, 2024 /CNW/ - (TSX: LUN) (Nasdaq Stockholm: LUMI) Lundin Mining Corporation ("Lundin Mining" or the "Company") today announced the voting results from its 2024 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting"). A total of 610,859,421 common shares were voted at the Meeting, representing 78.81% of the votes attached to all outstanding common shares as of the record date March 22, 2024
Chair of the Board, Lead Director, and Board Committee Appointments
The Board of Directors (the "Board") is pleased to announce the reappointment of Mr. Adam Lundin as the Chair of the Board and Mr. Ashley Heppenstall as Lead Director.
The Board is also pleased to announce the composition of the Board Committees and each Committee Chair as noted in the table below:
About Lundin Mining
Lundin Mining is a diversified Canadian base metals mining company with operations and projects in Argentina , Brazil , Chile , Portugal , Sweden and the United States of America , primarily producing copper, zinc, gold and nickel.
The information in this release is subject to the disclosure requirements of Lundin Mining under the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below on May 10, 2024 at 18:00 Pacific Time
Detailed voting results for the Meeting are available on SEDAR+ at
Lundin Mining Announces Annual Meeting Voting Results (CNW Group/Lundin Mining Corporation)
SOURCE Lundin Mining Corporation

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:19 samacora Official - Monday Free Chat Thread

Good Morning Patriots
Free place to chat and a good place to discuss whatever you like with other sub users

2024 Opponents Set.


Patriots Coaching Staff Tracker.


New England Patriots News Catchup Links - Gonzalez, Douglas, Wallace, Maye’s footwork, and More!

submitted by samacora to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:53 2pk03 Windsurfing in Malta

Hey, I'm new here, since I just discovered the windsurfing community. Wrote a blog about surfing in Malta, Mellieha Bay. Malta had some serious influence back in the 80/90ies. Maybe it's useful for the one or another ....
submitted by 2pk03 to windsurfing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:25 sinomaltanews "Il-ġellieda tal-kriminalità voluntiera li jużaw sfafar u frosti

"Il-ġellieda tal-kriminalità voluntiera li jużaw sfafar u frosti
It-tħassib dwar il-kriminalità vjolenti se jkun f’moħħ l-Afrikani t’Isfel hekk kif imorru jivvutaw aktar tard dan ix-xahar, bil-politiċi jagħmlu kull xorta ta’ wegħdiet dwar kif jittrattawha. B'rati ta 'qtil fl-ogħla 20 sena, BBC Africa Eye kellu aċċess esklussiv għall-komunitajiet ta' quddiem li qed jiġġieldu lura.
Għajta ta’ sfafar timla l-arja hekk kif in-nies bi vests hi-vis isfar u oranġjo jibdew jiġru.
“O Alla,” jgħajjat ​​xi ħadd hekk kif pulizija jinsab imxejjen fl-art. Huwa ġie sparat.
Huwa l-Ġimgħa bil-lejl f'Diepsloot, township fil-periferija ta 'Johannesburg - iċ-ċentru kummerċjali tal-Afrika t'Isfel.
""Din hija okkorrenza regolari,"" jgħid Abel Rapelego. Ir-raġel ta’ 41 sena jmexxi tim ta’ voluntiera li jgħassu fit-toroq kull lejl wara d-dlam.
Is-sireni minn karozza tal-pulizija jxerrdu l-folol dejjem jiżdiedu.
“Għassar, ‘il barra mill-mod!” Is-Sur Rapelego jgħajjat ​​lit-tim tiegħu. ""Ejja nagħtu lill-forzi tal-liġi l-ħin tagħhom biex jagħmlu xogħolhom.""
L-uffiċjal tal-pulizija, Tom Mashele ta’ 38 sena, ittieħed l-isptar iżda miet ftit ġimgħat wara. Ħadd ma ġie arrestat minħabba l-qtil tiegħu, li seħħ meta kien barra mis-servizz.
Il-patrollers voluntiera fuq ix-xogħol
Il-voluntiera se jwaqqfu lin-nies u jistaqsu lil kull min jaħsbu li hu suspettuż
L-Afrika t’Isfel għandha waħda mill-ogħla rati ta’ qtil fid-dinja, skont l-aħħar ċifri tal-Uffiċċju tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar id-Droga u l-Kriminalità. Kien hemm aktar minn 27,000 qtil is-sena li għaddiet; li jammonta għal 45 persuna għal kull 100,000. Għal tqabbil, ir-rata tal-Istati Uniti hija sitta għal kull 100,000.
Quddiem dan, is-Sur Rapelego jgħid li l-uniku mod biex iżommu l-familji tagħhom sikuri huwa li l-voluntiera jgħassu l-komunitajiet infushom, anke jekk dan ifisser li jirriskjaw ħajjithom stess peress li ""Diepsloot huwa f'idejn il-kriminali"".
It-tim ta’ voluntiera jaħdem mill-qrib mal-pulizija muniċipali.
Huwa arranġament mhux uffiċjali, peress li xi wħud minn dak li jagħmlu mhuwiex sanzjonat legalment. Ħadd ma jitħallas u ma jġorrux xkubetti. Iżda għandhom sjambok, frosta tal-ġilda tradizzjonali.
""Qed nagħmlu nieqfu u nfittxu u jekk int kriminali u m'intix se tikkonforma magħna, is-sjambok japplika għalik ukoll,"" jgħid is-Sur Rapelego.
Il-voluntiera m'għandhomx l-awtorità legali li jagħmlu operazzjonijiet ta' stop-and-search, madankollu t-tim imur triq b'triq jistaqsi lil kull min ikun barra tard.
Hekk kif għaddejjin minn ħdejn ħanut, is-sid jgħid li għadu kif ġie mtajjar. Il-voluntiera jirnexxielhom jaqbdu raġel li deher jaħrab u jfittxuh għat-telefowns u l-flus neqsin.
Jfaħħruh bis-sjambok, li fih innifsu jitqies bħala reat. M'hemm l-ebda evidenza li għamel xi ħaġa ħażina, għalhekk ħallewh imur.
Meta jiġi kkontestat dwar liema dritt għandhom jagħmlu dan, is-Sur Rapelego jiddefendi l-użu tal-forza, u qal: ""Ftakar, Diepsloot huwa postna u jekk ma nirranġawx id-Diepsloot tagħna, ħadd ma jirranġa dan id-Diepsloot.""
L-istatistika tal-kriminalità tal-Afrika t'Isfel turi li l-vittmi tal-qtil huma l-aktar irġiel suwed żgħażagħ, u l-voluntiera wkoll iqiegħdu lilhom infushom f'riskju.
Sentejn ilu, Alpha Rikhotso ta’ 21 sena nqatel waqt li kien qed jagħmel għassa.
“Qed nipprova naċċetta s-sitwazzjoni imma xorta waħda uġigħ,” jgħid missieru, David Rikhotso.
“Hu kien qed jipprova jipproteġi ħajtu, ħajti u lil kulħadd. Kien qed jiġġieled kontra l-kriminalità.”
Xi ħadd li juri stampa fuq telefon
David Rikhotso juri stampa ta’ ibnu, Alpha, li sentejn ilu nqatel b’tiri
Ibnu kien l-ewwel wieħed fuq il-post meta l-voluntiera sfiefhom biex javżaw lill-grupp dwar attività kriminali. Irnexxielu jaqbad lir-raġel, iżda spara f’idejh.
Hu ma baqax ħaj mill-injury. L-istess bħall-pulizija, ħadd qatt ma kien arrestat għall-qtil.
“Kuljum in-nies qed jiġu misruqa. In-nies qed imutu kuljum. Nitlob lejl u nhar biex huma [l-għassa] ikunu sikuri. M'hemm l-ebda liġi f'dan il-post,” jgħid is-Sur Rikhotso lill-BBC Africa Eye.
Il-ħsara li l-livell ta’ kriminalità vjolenti jikkawża lill-ekonomija hija kbira.
Il-Bank Dinji jistma li l-ispiża tal-kriminalità vjolenti tal-Afrika t'Isfel hija kważi $ 40 biljun (£ 32 biljun) - mill-inqas 10% tal-PGD tagħha kull sena.
U l-problema taqsam linji razzjali, li jibqgħu definiti b'mod ċar minkejja t-tmiem tas-sistema ta 'razziżmu legalizzat, magħrufa bħala apartheid, tliet deċennji ilu.
Sittin kilometru (37 mil) fil-majjistral ta’ Diepsloot, grupp ieħor ta’ għassa voluntiera jitlaq fi Brits, belt fil-provinċja tal-Majjistral.
Din hija organizzata minn bdiewa minn grupp imsejjaħ Afriforum. Jgħidu li jirrappreżentaw l-interessi tal-Afrikaners l-aktar bojod u għandhom aktar minn 300,000 membru madwar il-pajjiż kollu.
Bi trakkijiet pick-up, quad bikes u drones huma jfittxu rziezet u bini abbandunat matul il-lejl. Jgħidu li qed ifittxu oġġetti misruqa, imqiegħda biex jinġabru aktar tard, jew xi ħadd barra tard li jidher suspettuż.
Ħafna minnhom, bħall-voluntier Dewald van Wyngaardt, huma armati.
“Ma tistax tmur għal ġlied tan-nar b’sikkina. Mhux se noqgħod nipproteġi lill-familja tiegħi. Dak hu. Jekk irrid nidħol ma’ raġel ieħor u jweġġagħni, mhux se noqgħod lura għalih,” jgħid.
Voluntiera jħarsu lejn kamera
Il-voluntiera tal-Afriforum qed ifittxu dak li jissuspettaw li jista’ jkun imġieba kriminali
Il-bdiewa jieħdu dawra biex jgħassu matul il-lejl, xi drabi erba’ jew ħames darbiet fil-ġimgħa. Johan de Klerk, il-lokal tal-Afriforum u l-mexxej tal-għassa tal-farms, ilu jagħmel dawn l-arloġġi ta’ bil-lejl għal dawn l-aħħar ħames snin.
“Irridu nsakkru n-nagħaġ tagħna kull lejl biex niżguraw li għada jkollok x’taħdem. Se jkun diffiċli li tkompli hekk, għax taħdem ġurnata sħiħa u billejl tagħmel rondi.”
L-attakki fuq il-bdiewa bojod irċevew attenzjoni globali.
Fl-2018 il-President Donald Trump poġġa tweet li jissuġġerixxi li l-gvern tal-Afrika t'Isfel kien qed jaħtaf art mingħand bdiewa bojod, li ma kienx minnu. Huwa semma wkoll il-""qtil fuq skala kbira tal-bdiewa"".
F'Lulju tas-sena l-oħra, il-kap ta' Tesla imwieled f'Pretoria, Elon Musk, żied man-narrattiva fi tweet ieħor dwar il-partit tal-oppożizzjoni Ġellieda għall-Ħelsien Ekonomiku, u qal: ""Qegħdin jimbuttaw b'mod miftuħ għal ġenoċidju ta' nies bojod fl-Afrika t'Isfel.""
M'hemm l-ebda evidenza li l-bdiewa huma f'riskju akbar minn ħaddieħor.
L-istatistika turi li l-Afrika t’Isfel bojod huma ftit aktar minn 7% tal-popolazzjoni iżda jiffurmaw inqas minn 2% tal-vittmi tal-qtil, madankollu l-biża’ fost il-komunità tal-biedja hija reali.
“Qed ngħixu f’gaġeġ u dan huwa anormali. M'għandux ikun bħal dan. Jekk ħaġa waħda tista’ tinbidel f’dan il-pajjiż kollu hija li l-kriminalità trid tisparixxi,” jgħid is-Sur De Klerk.
Il-pulizija taċċetta li ""l-kriminalità hija f'livelli inaċċettabbli f'xi partijiet tal-pajjiż"", iżda fi stqarrija lill-BBC kelliem għall-ministeru tal-pulizija qal li ""ddaħħlu interventi tal-pulizija varji u aggressivi ħafna biex itejbu s-sitwazzjoni tal-kriminalità"".
""Dawn jinkludu l-ispinta ta' reklutaġġ tal-massa ta' 30,000 uffiċjal tal-pulizija fuq tliet snin."" Il-baġits tal-pulizija wkoll kważi rduppjaw f’20 sena.
Iżda meta ġew għal xi azzjonijiet tal-gruppi ta’ voluntiera li tkellmet magħhom BBC Africa Eye, il-kelliem kien ċar li “atti barra l-liġi qatt ma jistgħu jiġu ikkundannati jew tollerati u kull membru tal-komunità li jirrikorri biex jieħu l-liġi fil-liġi tagħhom. idejhom stess se jkomplu jiffaċċjaw il-qawwa kollha tal-liġi”.
Madankollu, dan jista 'ma jwarrabhomx għaliex peress li r-rati tal-kriminalità jibqgħu għoljin, xi nies madwar l-Afrika t'Isfel huma lesti li jagħmlu dak kollu li jħossu li hemm bżonn biex jipproteġu l-komunitajiet tagħhom.
Aktar stejjer tal-BBC Africa Eye:
Vjolenza sesswali fis-Sierra Leone: X'differenza għamlet l-emerġenza nazzjonali?
Kif grupp WhatsApp tal-Malawi għen biex isalva n-nisa traffikati lejn l-Oman
TB Joshua: ‘Ħsibna li kienet is-sema imma mbagħad ġraw affarijiet terribbli’
Getty Images/BBC Mara tħares lejn il-mowbajl tagħha u l-grafika BBC News AfricaGetty Images/BBC
Mur fuq għal aktar aħbarijiet mill-kontinent Afrikan.
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BBC Afrika

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
當南非人本月稍後參加投票時,他們將擔心暴力犯罪,政客將做出各種應對暴力犯罪的承諾。由於謀殺率達到 20 年來的最高水平,BBC 非洲之眼獨家報導了奮起反抗的前線社區。
「這種情況經常發生,」阿貝爾·拉佩萊戈 (Abel Rapelego) 說。這名 41 歲的男子帶領一支志工隊伍,每晚天黑後在街上巡邏。
“巡邏人員,讓開!”拉佩萊戈先生向他的團隊喊道。 “讓我們給執法部門時間來完成他們的工作。”
這名警官是 38 歲的湯姆·馬舍勒 (Tom Mashele),他被送往醫院,但幾週後死亡。沒有人因他下班時被殺而被捕。
根據聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室的最新數據,南非是世界上謀殺率最高的國家之一。去年有超過 27,000 起謀殺案;相當於每 10 萬人中有 45 人。相較之下,美國的比率是每 10 萬人中有 6 人。
拉佩萊戈先生說:“我們正在進行攔截和搜查,如果你是罪犯並且不肯遵守我們的規定,那麼你也將受到 sjambok 的處罰。”
他們用 sjambok 鞭打他,這本身就被視為犯罪。沒有證據表明他做錯了什麼,所以他們放了他。
兩年前,21 歲的 Alpha Rikhotso 在外出巡邏時被槍殺。
「我試圖接受這種情況,但仍然很痛苦,」他的父親大衛·里科索 (David Rikhotso) 說。
「每天都有人被搶劫。每天都有人死去。我日以繼夜地祈禱他們(巡邏人員)能夠安全。這個地方沒有法律,」里科索先生告訴 BBC 非洲之眼。
世界銀行估計南非暴力犯罪造成的損失接近 400 億美元(320 億英鎊)——至少佔其每年 GDP 的 10%。
在迪普斯洛特西北 60 公里(37 英里)處,另一個志願巡邏隊從西北省的一個小鎮布里茨出發。
該活動是由非洲論壇組織的農民組織的。他們表示,他們主要代表南非白人白人的利益,在全國擁有超過 30 萬名會員。
Afriforum 志工正在尋找他們懷疑可能存在犯罪行為的行為
農民輪流在夜間巡邏,有時一週四五次。約翰‧德克勒克 (Johan de Klerk) 是非洲論壇 (Afriforum) 的鄰居和農場守望者負責人,過去五年來一直從事這些夜間守望工作。
2018 年,唐納德·川普總統發布一條推文,暗示南非政府正在從白人農民手中奪取土地,但這是不真實的。他也列舉了「大規模屠殺農民」的例子。
統計數據顯示,南非白人僅佔總人口的 7% 多一點,但在謀殺案受害者中所佔比例不到 2%,但農業社區的恐懼卻是真實存在的。
警方確實承認“該國某些地區的犯罪率達到了不可接受的水平”,但警察部發言人在給BBC 的一份聲明中表示,“已經採取了各種非常積極的治安幹預措施來改善犯罪狀況」。
“其中包括三年內大規模招募 3 萬名警察。” 20 年來,警察預算也幾乎翻了一番。
更多 BBC 非洲之眼故事:
馬拉威 WhatsApp 群組如何幫助拯救被拐賣到阿曼的婦女
蓋蒂圖片社/BBC 一位女士看著她的手機和 BBC 非洲新聞圖片 蓋蒂圖片社/BBC
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成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
当南非人本月晚些时候参加投票时,他们将担心暴力犯罪,政客们将做出各种应对暴力犯罪的承诺。由于谋杀率达到 20 年来的最高水平,BBC 非洲之眼独家报道了奋起反抗的前线社区。
“这种情况经常发生,”阿贝尔·拉佩莱戈 (Abel Rapelego) 说。这位 41 岁的男子带领一支志愿者队伍,每晚天黑后在街道上巡逻。
“巡逻人员,让开!”拉佩莱戈先生向他的团队喊道。 “让我们给执法部门时间来完成他们的工作。”
这名警官是 38 岁的汤姆·马舍勒 (Tom Mashele),他被送往医院,但几周后死亡。没有人因他下班时被杀而被捕。
根据联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的最新数据,南非是世界上谋杀率最高的国家之一。去年有超过 27,000 起谋杀案;相当于每 10 万人中有 45 人。相比之下,美国的比率是每 10 万人中有 6 人。
拉佩莱戈先生说:“我们正在进行拦截和搜查,如果你是罪犯并且不肯遵守我们的规定,那么你也将受到 sjambok 的处罚。”
他们用 sjambok 鞭打他,这本身就被视为犯罪。没有证据表明他做错了什么,所以他们放了他。
两年前,21 岁的 Alpha Rikhotso 在外出巡逻时被枪杀。
“我试图接受这种情况,但仍然很痛苦,”他的父亲大卫·里科索 (David Rikhotso) 说。
“每天都有人被抢劫。每天都有人死去。我夜以继日地祈祷他们(巡逻人员)能够安全。这个地方没有法律,”里科索先生告诉 BBC 非洲之眼。
世界银行估计南非暴力犯罪造成的损失接近 400 亿美元(320 亿英镑)——至少占其每年 GDP 的 10%。
在迪普斯洛特西北 60 公里(37 英里)处,另一个志愿巡逻队从西北省的一个小镇布里茨出发。
该活动是由非洲论坛组织的农民组织的。他们表示,他们主要代表南非白人白人的利益,在全国拥有超过 30 万会员。
Afriforum 志愿者正在寻找他们怀疑可能存在犯罪行为的行为
农民们轮流在夜间巡逻,有时一周四五次。约翰·德克勒克 (Johan de Klerk) 是非洲论坛 (Afriforum) 的邻居和农场守望者负责人,过去五年来一直从事这些夜间守望工作。
2018 年,唐纳德·特朗普总统发布一条推文,暗示南非政府正在从白人农民手中夺取土地,但这是不真实的。他还列举了“大规模屠杀农民”的例子。
统计数据显示,南非白人仅占总人口的 7% 多一点,但在谋杀案受害者中所占比例不到 2%,但农业社区的恐惧却是真实存在的。
警方确实承认“该国某些地区的犯罪率达到了不可接受的水平”,但警察部发言人在给 BBC 的一份声明中表示,“已经采取了各种非常积极的治安干预措施来改善犯罪状况”。
“其中包括三年内大规模招募 3 万名警察。” 20 年来,警察预算也几乎翻了一番。
更多 BBC 非洲之眼故事:
马拉维 WhatsApp 群组如何帮助拯救被拐卖到阿曼的妇女
盖蒂图片社/BBC 一位女士看着她的手机和 BBC 非洲新闻图片 盖蒂图片社/BBC
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成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:03 ItzAlphaWolf [Discussion] Furry Worries - Week 365

Hey furries, u/The-Woop hasn't made one of these in a little bit. I've always liked these posts so I thought that I'd help him out again by taking over until he gets back.
Users have sometimes stated that it is difficult to express their sorrows or misfortunes on this sub because they do not want to feel burdensome or unwelcome in what is normally a very happy-go-lucky environment. And so, this thread is to encourage furs to open up with their issues, not only on here but on the sub as a whole. If grief has been on your mind or something has been bothering you as of late, big or small, please leave a comment for myself and others to see if we can be of any help, or at least lend a sympathetic ear.
Alternatively, if you feel pretty nice about yourself today, don't be afraid to browse any existing comments and see if you can make somebody's day a little better. Maybe you have experience with what that person might be dealing with. Or perhaps you just want to let them know that they have a person to talk to. However, there are the principles that should be considered:
1:If you are responding to a comment do your best to be as thorough and insightful as possible. Do not just comment and forget about the other person afterward. While little pick-me-ups can help, do your best to be there for the other person. Encourage discussion and do not be afraid to have more in depth conversations. The comment section is always fine, but if either of you feel that you must talk in a more private setting, do not be afraid to use something such as PM, or a different instant messaging service.
2: I am aware that unfortunately, misfortune does not have a curfew. This thread is not in any way meant to contain negative emotion on the sub, but is meant to be a convenient place for others to open up and find somebody to talk to. If you experience strife at any other time during the week, do not feel like you must wait until Saturday to state it. Please feel free to make your own post.
3:This thread is not meant to replace professional help. If you feel that you could have depression or any other similar psychological condition, you are still invited to post, but it is highly recommended that you seek a form of professional help as well as look into the resources below.
4: Suffering is not a competition. Do not feel like your issues are too slight, or insignificant to post. You are invited to express your problems no matter their scale. Your sadness is just as valid as any others.
5:If you are not looking for advice and would just like to receive emotional support or simply get something off of your chest, you are more than welcome to state so. After all, a shoulder to lean can be a great remedy.
Last but certainly not least, here are a list of resources that anyone can contact. Please do not hesitate to use them if you feel the need. It is better to call and it not be worth it, than to not call and forgo the help you deserve.
International Suicide Prevention Hotlines
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (USA): 1800 273 8255
Distress Centre (Canada): 416 408 4357
UK The Samaritans or 08457 90 90 90
Samaritans (Ireland): 1850 60 90 90
Lifeline (Australia): 13 11 14
Lifeline (New Zealand): 0800 543 354
Greece KLIMAKA Center for Suicide Prevention or 101
Japan TELL Tokyo Lifeline in English/Japanese or 03-5774-099
Spain Teléfono de la Esperanza or 902500002 2
Chile Teléfono de la Esperanza or (00 56 42) 22 12 00
Germany Telefonseelsorge or 0800 111 0 111 (or 222)
Brazil CVV or 141 France S.O.S Amitié International Association for Suicide Prevention
More numbers - hotlines.html
Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline -
UK Support -
LGBT Resources
The Trevor Project 24 hour hotline - 866-488-7386
Website -
Twitter - u/
Addiction Resources
Alcoholic Anonymous -
Narcotics Anonymous - National
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders Association's toll-free hotline (Mon–Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST) - 1-800-931-2237
Crisis Chat
In the United States Chat anonymously with an Active Listener:
Self Harm
Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)
Rape and Sexual Abuse
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or 800-656-HOPE (4673)
Finding a Professional
Feel free to comment with a link to where others can donate something to help you out. Also, unfortunatly, there seems to be no globe wide way to find food banks, but from what I can tell, Google Maps should give a good starting point to find your local ones.
And as always, if anyone has any ideas on how this thread could be improved upon or if the concept is in any way flawed, please do not hesitate to send u/The-Woop a PM.
submitted by ItzAlphaWolf to furry [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:40 smartybrome List of FREE and Best Selling Discounted Courses

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submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:59 giuliano_macedo Site do governo de São José de Princesa - PB aparentemente hackeado para ter propaganda do "Jogo do tigrinho"

Update: O post do já foi derrubado, agora resulta num 404, para quem quiser acessar o que estava anteriormente, aqui está o link do google cache (provavelmente vai ser atualido em breve, não tem link do :/ ):
Ao acessar o endereço, com JS habilitado, o site vai te redirecionar para a página do fortune tiger.
Ao olhar o HTML da página dá para ver essa tag:
Que é exatamente o que o site está fazendo redirecionar para o site em questão.
Percebi isso ao pesquisar "fortune tiger apk" no google, parece que o ator mau intencionado está abusando do domínio para aumentar o trafego para o fortune tiger. Me parece que esse site foi comprometido, mas também pode ser atividade interna.
Comuniquei a ouvidoria de São José de Princesa pelo site deles mesmo, a polícia federal pelo []( e o CITR pelo [](, se vocês souberem outro orgão que deveria estar ciente disso peço que comunique a eles.
submitted by giuliano_macedo to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:39 Bocchi981 [Giải ảo] VNDCCH đã nhận viện trợ bao nhiều từ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và khối XHCN?

Ta đánh Mỹ là đánh cả cho Liên Xô, đánh cho Trung Quốc, cho các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa và cho cả nhân loại, đánh cho cả bọn xét lại đang đâm vào lưng ta.
 Dài quá đéo đọc: Lượng viện trợ quá khủng khiếp, không thua kém gì so với Mỹ đã viện trợ cho VNCH. Phần lớn lấy nguồn từ báo chí nhà nước đã đưa tin công khai. 
Bè lũ phản động tay sai ngu dốt của BTG như DLV, Bò đỏ vẫn đang ngày ngày chống phá, xuyên tạc sự thật lịch sử.
Chúng nó dùng nhiêu chiêu trò hèn hạ, bóp méo nhằm biến thứ lịch sử khách quan thành một chiều nhằm có lợi cho chúng.
Chúng nó là lũ nguy hiểm nhất, là lũ xét lại, lũ phản động điên cuồng đang bảo vệ lợi ích cho chủ nhân của chúng, chúng bán rẻ lương tâm, tự moi móc con mắt và con tim ra để mù lòa mà không nhìn sự thật.
Để chống lại bọn này, chúng ta cần lập luận bài bản để bẻ gãy luận điểm xuyên tạc của chúng.
Bài này tao chủ yếu tập trung vào việc Bắc Việt đã nhận viện trợ bao nhiêu - điều mà sách SGK luôn luôn né tránh. 

1. Báo chí chánh thống đã nói về mặt viện trợ của khối XHCN như sau
Qua 20 năm, Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa anh em đã viện trợ cho Việt Nam tổng khối lượng hàng hóa là 2.362.581 tấn; khối lượng hàng hóa quân sự trên quy đổi thành tiền, tương đương 7 tỉ rúp. Chi tiết phần viện trợ tôi sẽ để bên dưới.
Thời điểm năm 1975 là 1 rúp Liên Xô = 0.25 USD, và giá vàng tại thời điểm đó là 1 ounce vàng = 150 USD.
Vậy, 7 tỉ rúp Liên Xô sẽ có giá trị tương đương với:
7 tỉ rúp liên * 0.25 USD/rúp liên = 1.75 tỉ USD (Thời giá 1975)
1.75 tỉ USD * (1 ounce vàng / 150 USD) = 11.67 vạn ounce vàng = 116 700 ounce vàng .
Biểu đồ Đôla-Vàng , tao sẽ lấy Số liệu vào ngày 12/5/2024 khi tỷ giá 1 ounce vàng = 2360.5 USD
116 700* 2360.5 = 27,78 triệu USD.
Vì Liên Xô và khối XHCN là nền kinh tế đóng, không trao đổi với khối TBCN nên tỷ giá này có thể chưa chính xác nhưng hãy nhìn vào số lượng viện trợ dưới đây.
Ngay sau chuyến thăm, theo thỏa thuận giữa Chính phủ Bắc Việt với Chính phủ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và Mông Cổ, về kinh tế, chỉ trong năm họ đã giúp đỡ VNDCCH như sau
1. Liên Xô giúp các thiết bị máy móc, kỹ thuật trị giá 306 ngàn triệu đồng (ngân hàng Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa) để khôi phục và phát triển 25 xí nghiệp;
2. Trung Quốc giúp khôi phục hệ thống đường sắt, bến tàu, tu sửa cầu đường, xây dựng nhà máy dệt, nhà máy thuộc da, nhà máy giấy…, trị giá 1.224 ngàn triệu đồng trong 5 năm;
3. Mông Cổ giúp ta 500 tấn thịt và một số bò và cừu để lập một nông trường chăn nuôi.
Đến cuối năm 1962, Liên Xô đã giúp miền Bắc 1.400 triệu rúp, giúp xây dựng 34 nhà máy lớn, 19 nông trường và cải tạo 27 nông trường, một số trường đại học, một bệnh viện lớn…
Tranh tuyên truyền tình hữu nghị Việt-Trung-Xô
Khối lượng hàng quân sự Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa (bao gồm Tiếp Khắc, Ba Lan, Hung-ga-ri, Bun-ga-ri, Ru-ma-ni, CHDC Đức, CHDCND Triều Tiên và Cu-ba) viện trợ từ năm 1955 đến 1975, qua từng giai đoạn như sau:
- Giai đoạn 1955-1960: tổng số 49.585 tấn, gồm: 4.105 tấn hàng hậu cần, 45.480 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: viện trợ 29.996 tấn, +Trung Quốc viện trợ 19.589 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1961-1964: tổng số 70.295 tấn, gồm: 230 tấn hàng hậu cần, 70.065 tấn vũ khí, trang bị - kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: 47.223 tấn + Trung Quốc 22.982 tấn, + các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác: 442 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1965-1968: tổng số 517.393 tấn, gồm: 105.614 tấn hàng hậu cần, 411.779 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật trong đó: + Liên Xô: 226.969 tấn, + Trung Quốc: 170.798 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác 119.626 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1969-1972: tổng số 1.000.796 tấn, gồm: 316.130 tấn hàng hậu cần, 684.666 tấn vũ khí, trang bị-kỹ thuật; trong đó: + Liên Xô 143.793 tấn, + Trung Quốc 761.001 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác 96.002 tấn.
- Giai đoạn 1973-1975: Tổng số 724.512 tấn, gồm: 75.267 tấn hàng hậu cần, 49.246 tấn vũ khí, trang bị - kỹ thuật; trong đó: + Liên Xô: 65.601 tấn, + Trung Quốc: 620.354 tấn, + Các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa khác: 38.557 tấn.
Đối với hàng hóa phục vụ quân sự, từ năm 1955 đến 1975, Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và các nước xã hội chủ nghĩa chi viện cho VNDCCH gồm nhiều chủng loại vũ khí, đạn dược và phương tiện chiến đấu, cụ thể theo bảng số liệu sau:

2. Tài liệu quốc tế nói gì về Trung quốc viện trợ Việt Nam giai đoạn 1955-1975

Chủ tịch Trung Quốc Mao Trạch Đông và Chủ tịch nước Việt Nam Hồ Chí Minh năm 1955 tại Bắc Kinh. Ảnh: FlickChưa rõ nguồn.
Theo nghiên cứu của Li Ke và Hao Shengzhang có tên gọi [The People’s Liberation Army during the Cultural Revolution](,+Wenhua+dageming+zhong+de+renmin+jiefangjun+(The+People%27s+Liberation+Army+during+the+Cultural+Revolution)+(Beijing:+CCP+Historical+Materials+Press,+1989&source=bl&ots=Rd7O4MKoM9&sig=ACfU3U2\_gR5MyG8RCdJKr6lSfaluEVQxeA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj10MXMkN\_oAhWdyIsBHdnAAcQQ6AEwAHoECA0QKA#v=onepage&q=Li%20Ke%20and%20Hao%20Shengzhang%2C%20Wenhua%20dageming%20zhong%20de%20renmin%20jiefangjun%20(The%20People's%20Liberation%20Army%20during%20the%20Cultural%20Revolution)%20(Beijing%3A%20CCP%20Historical%20Materials%20Press%2C%201989&f=false)*”* (bản gốc tiếng Trung), một trong những nguồn khả tín nhất về lịch sử chiến tranh của quân đội Trung Quốc trên toàn thế giới, các chuyến hàng viện trợ quân sự chở đến Việt Nam bao gồm:
Trong giai đoạn 1963 đến 1975, người Trung Quốc trang bị cho miền Bắc gần 2 triệu khẩu súng, gần 50.000 khẩu pháo các loại và thậm chí là gần 500 xe tăng – thứ vũ khí xa xỉ và đắt đỏ thời chiến. Và đó mới chỉ là đến những loại quân trang thiết yếu cho chiến tranh, chưa tính những khoản viện trợ khác.
Theo ghi nhận của Washington Post, báo cáo của chính phủ Trung Quốc cho thấy có đến 310.000 quân Trung Quốc hiện diện tại Việt Nam trong thời kỳ đỉnh điểm của chiến tranh Việt Nam giai đoạn 1960 – 1970. Tổng chi phí mà họ đài thọ cho chính quyền Bắc Việt (hay Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng Hòa) cả về kinh tế lẫn công cụ, vũ khí quân dụng là hơn 20 tỷ USD. Một đóng góp khổng lồ trong giai đoạn 1955 – 1975.

Trong tổng hợp của Li Ke và Hao Shengzhang mà chúng ta nhắc đến ở phần trước, thống kê chính thức ghi nhận Trung Quốc ủng hộ:
Gộp lại tất cả, Trung Quốc cung ứng đến hơn 687 đầu mục sản phẩm cho quân đội Bắc Việt chỉ ở Lào, phản ánh tầm quan trọng sống còn của các nguồn viện trợ Trung Quốc cho các hoạt động của quân đội Bắc Việt ở mọi mặt trận.
3. Báo chí nhà nước Việt Nam nói gì về việc Viện trợ của Trung quốc?

Những năm 1954 - 1964,Trung Quốc giúp Việt Nam 900 triệu Nhân dân tệ không hoàn lại (trong đó, phần xây dựng kinh tế là 640 triệu).
Theo 02 Hiệp định đã ký kết ngày 18/2/1959 và 31/1/1961, Trung Quốc đã cho Việt Nam vay 900 triệu Nhân dân tệ (300 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 141,750 triệu Rúp) với lãi suất 1% để phát triển kinh tế và văn hóa.
Ngoài viện trợ kinh tế, Trung Quốc còn đào tạo 4.755 cán bộ, công nhân cho Việt Nam và gửi 5.837 chuyên gia sang giúp Việt Nam.
Ngoài sự giúp đỡ của Trung ương, 4 tỉnh biên giới của Trung Quốc (Quảng Đông, Quảng Tây, Vân Nam, Hồ Nam) đã ký kết thỏa thuận giúp đỡ 7 tỉnh biên giới của Việt Nam phát triển nông nghiệp, giao thông, công nghiệp...
Hồ Chí Minh và Mao Trạch Đông
Ngày 30/5/1965, hai nước ký Hiệp định về việc Trung Quốc giúp Việt Nam nâng cấp, mở rộng, làm mới 12 tuyến đường ô tô dài 1.782 km (trong đó làm mới 772 km, cải tạo 1.010 km) nhằm tăng khả năng vận chuyển phục vụ kinh tế - xã hội và tác chiến.
Theo đó**, Trung Quốc đưa sang Việt Nam 4 sư đoàn, tổ chức thành 22 trung đoàn** (công binh, đường sắt, tên lửa, cao xạ, hậu cần...) với danh nghĩa Đội công trình làm đường của Bộ Giao thông Trung Quốc để tổ chức thi công.
Chi phí làm đường, ngoài các khoản chi mua vật liệu tại chỗ, thuê nhân công phụ và giải phóng mặt bằng do Việt Nam chịu, số còn lại Trung Quốc viện trợ không hoàn lại. **Bộ đội Trung Quốc còn giúp miền Bắc xây dựng 15 tuyến cáp dưới biển vùng Đông Bắc (**ngày 30/8/1966 bàn giao).
Ngày 20/7/1965, hai sư đoàn pháo phòng không Trung Quốc sang giúp Việt Nam bảo vệ 2 trục đường sắt từ Đáp Cầu lên Hữu Nghị Quan và từ Tiên Kiên lên Lào Cai. Bộ đội Trung Quốc tham gia chiến đấu 1.659 trận, bắn rơi 126 máy bay Mỹ. Từ năm 1965 - 1968, có 346 chuyên gia và 310.011 bộ đội Trung Quốc sang giúp Việt Nam.
Ngày 4/12/1968, Quân ủy Trung ương, Bộ Quốc phòng chủ trương đưa bộ đội và chuyên gia nước ngoài đang công tác tại Việt Nam về nước; theo đó, tháng 1/1969 số chuyên gia và bộ đội Trung Quốc rút về nước.

Quan hệ Trung Quốc - Việt Nam giai đoạn 1950-1975
Từ năm 1965 - 1968, Trung Quốc viện trợ quân sự cho Việt Nam:
- 170.798 tấn thiết bị, vật tư để xây dựng 8 công trình quân sự sản xuất thiết bị toàn bộ, tổng giá trị (quy đổi) hàng triệu Rúp
- Nhà máy Z1 trị giá 3.319.340 Rúp, công suất sản xuất 50.000 khẩu súng tự động 7,62 K63/năm.
- Nhà máy Z2 mở rộng trị giá 3.319.340 Rúp sản xuất các loại đạn súng máy, súng trường, 12,7 mm; xưởng đúc vỏ đạn cối trị giá 273.280 Rúp; xưởng gia công nhồi đạn cối trị giá 1.789.300 Rúp; xưởng sản xuất đạn B40, lựu đạn chống tăng, trị giá 816.240 Rúp;
- Xưởng sản xuất ống nổ đạn cối trị giá 1.026.000 Rúp; xưởng sản xuất ngòi nổ đạn cối trị giá 1 triệu Rúp; xưởng sửa chữa súng trung, đại liên trị giá 2.280.000 Rúp.
Về vật chất, từ năm 1965 - 1968, Trung Quốc đã viện trợ không hoàn lại cho Việt Nam 36.448 tấn vũ khí, đạn, lương thực, thực phẩm, thuốc men… trị giá 922 triệu Nhân dân tệ.

Trong giai đoạn 1969 - 1972, Trung Quốc viện trợ cho Việt Nam
- 761.001 tấn hàng quân sự, trị giá 686.659 triệu Nhân dân tệ (năm 1969 là 250 triệu Nhân dân tệ; năm 1970 là 86,659 triệu Nhân dân tệ; năm 1971 là 350 triệu Nhân dân tệ).
- Còn giúp 60 triệu USD để mua sắm tại chiến trường (gồm cả tiền mua 420.000 tấn gạo và 100.000 tấn thực phẩm tại chỗ).
Tính chung từ năm 1955 - 2/1971, Trung Quốc đã viện trợ không hoàn lại cho Việt Nam là 6.447 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 10 triệu Rúp, cho vay dài hạn không lấy lãi là 300 triệu Nhân dân tệ và 227 triệu Rúp. Tổng số tất cả quy theo Rúp là 1.775 triệu Rúp.

Trong Chiến Tranh Việt Nam, viện trợ và vốn vay dài hạn của Trung Quốc chiếm 46% tổng số viện trợ và vốn vay dài hạn các nước dành cho Việt Nam; riêng viện trợ không hoàn lại của Trung Quốc chiếm 71%.
Phần lớn số viện trợ này tập trung vào giai đoạn 1966 - 1968.
Ngoài ra, từ năm 1955 - 1975, Trung Quốc đã đào tạo cho Việt Nam 16.275 cán bộ, công nhân kỹ thuật; từ năm 1955 - 2/1971, Trung Quốc đã cử 7.000 chuyên gia kỹ thuật sang giúp Việt Nam về thiết kế, thi công xây lắp, quản lý các ngành giao thông, bưu điện...

Bọn bò đỏ luôn luôn xuyên tạc, chế giễu VNCH là con chó của Mỹ, chỉ biết ăn bám viện trợ rồi thua chạy, đu càng nhưng chúng có bao giờ dám nhắc tới lượng viện trợ khủng khiếp này đến từ Liên Xô, Trung Quốc và khối XHCN hay không để tiếp tục công cuộc "Giải phóng miền Nam"?
Lịch sử không có chữ nếu, nhưng sự thật vẫn luôn là sự thật dù nó có bị che giấu, vùi dưới lớp cát thì vẫn luôn lấp lánh như giá trị của chính nó.
Cổng thông tin điện tử Ngành kinh tế quân đội (
Những nguồn chi viện lớn cho cách mạng Việt Nam (

submitted by Bocchi981 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:41 ZeroCentsMade Entropy Will Take Us All – Logopolis Review

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.
Historical information found on Shannon O'Sullivan's Doctor Who website (relevant page here and the TARDIS Wiki (relevant page here). Primary/secondary source material can be found in the source sections of O'Sullivan's website, and rarely as inline citations on the TARDIS Wiki.

Serial Information


Logopolis is the keystone. If you destroy Logopolis, you unravel the whole Causal Nexus. – The Monitor
Logopolis is, on paper at least, a very busy story. You've got a new companion to introduce, a new incarnation of the Master to establish, a plot about the universe ending, another new companion to establish after being introduced but not really made into a companion last story and, oh yeah, a regeneration. That's a lot.
So why does the story feel so stretched out?
Don't get me wrong, once it gets going, Logopolis is honestly a great story. The final episode and a half are genuinely engrossing television, some of the best material of the whole season (though admittedly there are even some caveats to that). But getting there…hoo boy.
What's funny is that I don't think cutting Logopolis down an episode or two solves the problem. The pacing issue here isn't length, it's something a bit more basic than that. See there's actually a lot happening in the first two and a half episodes, it just all takes the form of moving the characters into the positions that they need to be in for the climax. If not for the Master killing Tegan's Aunt Vanessa in episode 1 and the cloister bell ringing a bunch throughout the same episode, there would be no sense of danger in that episode, but you couldn't really cut much of it out. Because it's all important. It's just that there's no actual peril associated with it. It's moving around characters like pieces on a chessboard so that we can get to the good stuff.
The story opens with the Doctor deciding to go to Earth so that he can measure a police box. He wants to do this so that he can get exact measurements of the thing. And why does he want to do that? Well, simply put, if he does that, he can then go to Logopolis so that the Logopolitans can fix the chameleon circuit. Which is interesting, but doesn't really feel like the setup to a grand adventure. And yet there is a, quite effective, sense of foreboding that builds up behind all of this. This is the first time we hear the cloister bell, and, as a surprisingly late addition to Doctor Who's standard sound effects, it's pretty effective. It doesn't sound like your standard alarm noise, yet it perfectly encapsulates the idea of something dangerous happening – perfect for the idiosyncratic TARDIS. And of course there's the looming presence of the Watcher. A silent figure always just barely in frame, the Watcher is perfectly set up as the harbinger of something bad.
What he is though…is another matter entirely, but we're not there yet.
After a lot of time spent getting Tegan on the TARDIS, getting her Aunt Vanessa killed by the Master and various other shenanigans we finally arrive on the titular planet of Logopolis. That planet's society is so devoted to the study of mathematics that they can execute something called "block transfer computation" which allows for the creation of actual matter by reciting what is effectively a computer program. This is essentially a magic spell, though the story does a lot of work trying to present it as something more scientific. The way the Monitor – the Logopolitan leader – describes it, Logopolis essentially acts as a living computer. They could build actual computers, but the calculations they do are so subtle and complex that they would actually alter the computers themselves, rendering the programs useless.
And then writeScript Editor Christopher H. Bidmead does something clever. He makes Logopolis a culmination of the big arc that dominated much of the season.
It's often said that "entropy" is the main theme of Season 18. That's true…to an extent. The reality is that a lot of the time it's not entropy that's presented as the main theme, but rather it's more generic cousin decay. Much of E-Space was in various states of decay (including the vampire planet in…State of Decay) but this was more of an overarching aesthetic than actually hitting on the idea of entropy. But Logopolis finds a way of retroactively making the theme of all three E-Space stories entropy.
When the Master destabilizes Logopolis (he wants to take control of the planet, naturally) that's when the Monitor has to explain what Logopolis has been doing all this time. Their main work has been a desperate fight against entropy. See, without Logopolis, the universe would have succumbed to entropy long ago. Logopolis has kept entropy at bay by opening up Charged Vacuum Emboitments (CVEs) into other universes to siphon off energy from them. That CVE that the Doctor and Romana fell into back in Full Circle? That was one of them. It's a really clever way of tying the E-Space trilogy into the finale. And since Keeper of Traken was all about the Master's return and introducing Nyssa, that essentially makes Logopolis the culmination of the prior four stories of buildup.
As a concept, it's not without flaws though – well one in particular. The CVE that opened into E-Space was created by the Logopolitans to slow down entropy in our universe, but surely that means entropy would increase entropy in E-Space, causing that universe – that as a reminder is inhabited – to die more quickly (I am aware that there is a Big Finish trilogy that deals with exactly this). Isn't that pretty cruel of the Logopolitans? And how many of the other universes that the CVEs open into are populated? See when I noted the large amounts of decay occurring in E-Space, this story sort of retroactively implies that it's because of the Logopolitans. That's not even the only time the Logopolitans come across as morally dubious, although the other time at least feels intentional.
As mentioned before, we find out about the whole entropy thing because the Master starts messing with the Logopolitans, thus nearly causing the destruction of the entire universe via entropy. While technically appearing last story, this is the first time we really get a look at Anthony Ainley's version of the Master. I've never been a fan. Anthony Ainley will be appearing as The Master on and off for the remainder of the Classic Series' run and his performance does settle down somewhat by the end of the show, but I never really could get into his take on the character. It comes off as Roger Delgado with all the subtlety taken away. Delgado's Master was never the deepest character (well, maybe once or twice), but Delgado was always able to imbue him with a sense of restrained menace. Ainley just sort of attacks every line with pure malice in a way that just does not work for me.
Mind you, this is kind of what John Nathan-Turner wanted. The producer had intended for the new Master to be more like Delgado's Master than the decayed version seen in the last story and The Deadly Assassin but more malevolent and less humorous than Delgado's version. It's just that doing that really does take away from what made Delgado's Master work in the first place. The restraint, the "gentleman villain" persona was so captivating, and now we've absolutely lost that. It's not to say that there's no other way to make the Master work but this is just a poor man's Delgado.
And that's not the only odd choice made with the Master in this story. The Master's face is kept out of sight for most of the first two episodes of the story. This was done, apparently, to make it seem plausible that the Watcher was in fact the Master. Now the restraint shown in keeping the villain limited to a few offscreen laughs for the majority of the first two episodes does create some buildup. But…we saw the Master's new face at the end of the last story. And under different circumstances maybe you could argue that not everyone watching Logopolis necessarily saw Keeper, but if you were trying to build in a twist for those who hadn't watched the prior story, perhaps Logopolis shouldn't have been so much of a direct sequel to the Keeper.
Which isn't to say that Logopolis gets nothing to due with the Master right. In fact, the Master's actual plan is a well-conceived plot. Actually, this story largely takes the same the same basic plot structure as many of the 3rd Doctor era stories featuring the Master. The Master comes up with a plan for conquest, but his arrogance causes him to overlook how it would go wrong. Ultimately, the Master and the Doctor have to work together to stop the threat that the Master has accidentally unleashed. There are two things that make this different from the 3rd Doctor stories of this ilk (eg Terror of the Autons). First, in most of those 3rd Doctor stories, it was some alien menace that the Master had allied himself with before it all would go wrong for him. But in this story, he just happens to fail to realize that Logopolis is the glue that's keeping the universe together. It allows him to take a central role as villain, but we still get those great scenes where the Doctor and the Master are suddenly working together.
But that's the other big change to the formula here. In the past, typically the Master has collaborated in relative good faith with the Doctor when the two are forced to work together. The Master would always make sure he had an escape route before UNIT (or whoever) could arrest him. But aside from that by the end of the story the Master would just be trying to survive the mess he'd made. But here, the Master is continuing to further his plans for universal conquest. And he nearly pulls it off. We'll talk more about the Doctor later, but suffice to say the Master has never been quite so successful in manipulating his arch-rival than in the final moments of this story. It's actually well-done, where we see the that the Master is up to something whenever the Doctor isn't looking, and the Doctor is, of course, suspicious, but it's he doesn't quite have the information to put together what the Master is actually doing. It works quite well.
And speaking of characters first introduced in the last story, Nyssa's back. Apparently brought to Logopolis by the Watcher at first she just wants to find him. And then she does! Looking about twenty years younger and strangely malicious. I've seen people complain that Nyssa comes off looking stupid here. Personally I can buy that, desperate to find her father, she just accepts that he's been de-aged. At bare minimum her trust in the man who looks like a younger version of her father is more excusable than Kassia's trust in the Melkur last story – the fact that both turn out to be the Master notwithstanding. She also gets a really good moment in episode 4, where she realizes that the Master has, in order, killed her step-mother, her father and then destroyed her world, "blotted out forever". Good acting from Sarah Sutton and a genuinely moving scene. But Nyssa's involvement in this story feels a lot more perfunctory than her fairly strong debut. While normally I wouldn't necessarily mind. Logopolis has a lot on its plate after all, and after giving the character a strong debut we can theoretically afford Nyssa taking a more secondary role in this story. But, considering this is actually the story that establishes Nyssa as a companion, it would be nice if she had a little more to do.
Then again, a lot of Bidmead's time was clearly spent trying to establish Tegan. Here we're a lot more successful. Tegan instantly works in this story. The basic idea of the character was a loudmouth Australian (as to why it was decided that new companion should be Australian, see the "Stray Observations" section) whose shouty demeanor was used to cover up her insecurities. We see this playing out nicely through episode 1. Tegan is a flight attendant, or at least about to become one, apparently visiting England and her Aunt before taking her first job starting at Heathrow. We see her insist on taking care of her aunt's car when it breaks down herself – she doesn't trust mechanics and, as she puts it, "It's the 1980s Aunt Vanessa. No knight errants."
Eventually, Tegan accidentally wanders onto the TARDIS out of mixture of curiosity and confusion and gets lost in its corridors – and if Logopolis ever does feel like it's just marking time, it's in these scenes. Tegan does discover the Master's TARDIS within the Doctor's but nothing really comes of that. Once she gets involved in the action properly though, Tegan does something she'll be doing a lot over the course of the next season – complaining to the Doctor. It does work, and to her credit in other moments she shows a degree of interest and curiosity, in spite of being annoyed. And one scene in particular stands out. When she sees how the Logopolitans work she pretty much immediately takes issue with it, telling the Monitor to his face that it looks like a sweatshop. This sets up a pretty interesting discussion between the two, though it's sadly never really resolved. On the whole, while not the best companion introduction of the 4th Doctor era (it's really hard to beat either The Face of Evil or Ribos Operation) it's a strong one all the same.
I should quickly touch on Adric here, although he doesn't do much. In the first episode, when it's just him and the Doctor he does surprisingly little. Later on, he seems quite pleased to see Nyssa again, the first signs of him having a bit of a crush on the Trakenite princess. He takes the most intellectual interest of our characters in the Logopolitan mathematics, and in particular in block transfer computation, something that will pay off next story. Otherwise he's kind of in the background for much of this. This will be a recurring problem for much of the 5th Doctor era, where having 3 companions will force one into the background.
And then, there's the Doctor. I've often remarked that Tom Baker can, by this point, pull off a compelling performance as the Doctor in his sleep. So the question, I suppose, is, does he wake up for this, his final story? Eh…sometimes. Again, Baker's never bad in this story, because he's just not capable of that at this point, and he's definitely more lively than he was in some earlier stories (presumably no longer feeling ill helps out a lot in that department), but he's had way better performances earlier the 4th Doctor era. In spite of the fact that it was ultimately his decision, Tom Baker was not happy to be leaving Doctor Who, and apparently made life difficult for everyone on set as a result (which is not particularly out of character). According to himself, Baker was not taking direction, Janet Fielding recalls him being angry at everyone, and John Nathan-Turner remembers that after he filmed his final scene, Baker simply left without a word.
As for the Doctor's actual characterization in his final story, there are a few moments worth highlighting. When the Logopolitan formulas for fixing the chameleon circuit are inputted into the TARDIS, the Doctor insists on his companions remaining outside the TARDIS. Given that the Master corrupted the calculations, this turns out to be a good thing, but it does raise the question of why the Doctor thought something might go wrong. I think that, given the presence of the Watcher, we can assume the Doctor knew his regeneration was coming soon, and didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.
Also we see the return of some of the 4th Doctor's most notable characteristics. The first, and something I've talked about a lot, is his fallibility. When the Doctor realizes that the Master is still alive after the events on Traken, he naturally assumes that the Master is after him. But this turns out to be wrong, and a pretty grave error. As the Doctor puts it, "And I was vain enough to think it was me he was after." As for the other, it's the 4th Doctor's more mercurial nature. To some extent in the latter half of the 4th Doctor era, he's become a cuddlier version of himself. But as he makes a deal with the Master, his companion object, only for the Doctor to run them each down. Pointing out how none of them were invited to travel with him. This actually serves as the perfect set up for each of them to provide some crucial help the Doctor in the final scenes of the story.
And of course, there's the regeneration. And with it…we have to talk about the Watcher. In principle, this is fine. Sure it's different from any other regeneration we've seen to this point, but there's not a set way for these things to go. And it isn't entirely unprecedented. After all, the Abbot regenerated into Cho-Je who was just a mental projection of the Abbot back in Planet of the Spiders. This ends up working a little differently – Tom Baker doesn't finish his regeneration as a creepy man with entirely white skin – but the idea feels similar enough that, while probably accidental, the parallel still holds up. The Watcher being more ethereal than Cho-Je can be put down to the Doctor's lack of control over his regenerations when compared to Time Lords – as seen with Romana's regeneration back in Destiny of the Daleks. And, you know, it's all fiction at the end of the day. As long as it's possible for the audience to follow what's going on, you can get away with a lot.
My issue is that everything feels kind of underexplained. Hell, we don't even really explain what regeneration is, and sure anyone watching knows that there have been multiple Doctors, but it still feels like the sort of thing that someone, maybe Adric who has been traveling with the Doctor for a bit, could explain. And for that matter, the one line of explanation we do get is baffling for it's own reasons. "He [The Watcher] was the Doctor all along" says Nyssa, knowing this…somehow. Sure, she's right, but that it's Nyssa saying this, who knows basically nothing about the Doctor or Time Lords just doesn't track. Her only experience with Time Lords changing bodies is the Master taking over her father's body, something which she only found out about later. And that gets to my main problem with this regeneration – it all feels very ad hoc.
Which isn't to say there's nothing good about it. The Doctor seeing hallucinations, first of former villains as he's about to fall to his (temporary) death and then of all his old companions works really well. It's the first instance of this, and it's something that works well enough that we'll see it get repeated a couple of times. And I do think his last line, as aggravating as how the whole regeneration is handled, "It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for", is a good line. And that ending shot of Peter Davison as the Doctor smiling then sitting up works really well.
On a technical level, this story is a strong one. The Logopolitans initially look just like humans but have these enlarged backs of their skulls, presumably meant to emphasize their intelligence. Logopolis itself is a very impressive set. It's one of the few alien city sets to this point that genuinely feels like an actual location on not just a few corridors. The Watcher looks very appropriately mysterious and creepy. And the music is some of the absolute best work from this era. Paddy Kingsland, who probably should have become the show's permanent composer based on his work at this time, but sadly only ever got to work on a handful of stories from Seasons 18-21, does a remarkable job backing up the mood and style of the piece. Logopolis gets a a memorable theme that feels tinkly yet serious, the Watcher of course gets some creepy music, the Master gets a sinister sting for a lot of his actions, and so on. The story really is fun to just listen to for its music.
And that's a solid note to end on, because, while I do have some very major complaints, I do like Logopolis. There's a pacing issue early on, probably too many moving parts and that regeneration is mishandled, but once it gets going it's genuinely engrossing stuff. Logopolis is an inherently interesting setting, while I take some issues with how the Master is portrayed, I do like the effect he has on the plot, and the foreboding atmosphere is played perfectly. And hell, even in that first half, Tegan gets a solid enough intro. A pretty good sendoff to the 4th Doctor on the whole, though not without reservations.
Score: 7/10

Stray Observations

Next Time: This was the season that Tom Baker finally left the show. And it felt like the show was leaving him behind, even as he stuck around for one more season.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:37 ligademutantes Programa de Treino com Halteres


Tenho visto posts de pessoas procurando por fichas de treino e por alternativas de treinos em casa, então resolvi propor essa rotina de treinos completamente com halteres baseada em uma rotina Dumbbell PPL do fitness que por sua vez é baseada no Dumbbell Stopgap.


Esse é um treino para iniciantes que desejam utilizar (quase que) apenas halteres. Apesar de oferecer ganhos em força, o objetivo principal é a hipertrofia.



A - Peito, ombros e tríceps
Supino reto
Crucifixo inclinado
Desenvolvimento Arnold
Extensão de tríceps
B - Pernas
Agachamento cálice
Terra com uma perna
Elevação de panturrilhas
Elevação de pernas pendurado
C - Costas, ombro e bíceps
Barra fixa
Remada tripé
Crucifixo invertido
Rosca alternada
U - Superior
Elevação lateral
Remada alta
Rosca martelo
L - Inferior
Terra reto
Agachamento búlgaro
Elevação de panturrilha unilateral
Prensa dos sóleos


Faça 3 séries de cada exercício com no máximo 12 repetições por série. Em exercícios que trabalham cada lado individualmente (remada tripé, rosca alternada, etc.) considere uma série feita quando os exercícios dos dois lados forem realizados. Certifique-se de fazer o mesmo número de repetições em cada lado.
Se você conseguir realizar 3 séries de 12 repetições em um exercício, no próximo treino aumente o peso dos halteres. Se você não obtiver progresso de peso ou aumento de repetições em duas sessões de treino consecutivos em um exercício, reduza em duas vezes o menor peso que tiver para o próximo treino nesse exercício e volte a aumentar progressivamente a partir daí.
Para os fundos, barras e elevação de pernas pendurado comece apenas com o peso do corpo. Para adicionar peso segure um halter entre os pés. Se você ainda não consegue fazer uma barra, comece com negativas.
Nos outros exercícios comece com as anilhas mais leves que você tiver. Isso vai assegurar que você não se quebre no começo e vai permitir que você pratique a técnica nos exercícios.


Se você se alimenta e descansa bem, esse treino é fácil de ser repetido regularmente toda semana, por exemplo:
Segunda - A, Terça - B, Quarta - C, Quinta - Descanso, Sexta - U, Sábado - L, Domingo - Descanso.
É possível, também fazer ABCUL durante a semana e descansar no fim de semana.


Eu escolhi variantes para alguns exercícios, como o desenvolvimento Arnold que podem ser mudadas conforme sua preferência, principalmente os agachamentos, você pode começar com os agachamentos mais simples e ir evoluindo para os mais complexos, como o búlgaro, quando ficar limitado pelo peso de suas anilhas.


Essa é uma sugestão de programa para iniciantes treinarem em casa com exercícios compostos. Esse exercício pode durar um longo tempo até você esgotar o peso que você tem disponível e ganhar experiência para montar sua própria rotina de treinos.
Deixe qualquer dúvida ou sugestão nos comentários.
submitted by ligademutantes to Maromba [link] [comments]